Zhang yimou gong li

Boutique Blu-Ray

2016.03.24 05:34 itszach94 Boutique Blu-Ray

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2024.05.16 01:07 Mediocre_Pea_6845 The forgotten women

The forgotten women
冷宫 lěng gōng literally Cold Palace, often depicted as remote, rundown premises without the opulence typical of imperial harems. These residences housed neglected concubines shunned by others in the palace.
Cold Palace was not necessarily a set location since it was more of a “cold shoulder” situation in imperial courts. The common Chinese saying 打入冷宮Dǎ rù lěng gōng (banished to the Cold Palace) which refers to someone who has fallen out of favor originates from this historical scenario.
Those lived in lenggong would usually be confined to a small dank place and kept under watch, unless their offense was relatively light and they still had powerful supporters, in which case the person could merit a somewhat decent location or even stay in their original quarter.
According to the official history of the Ming and Qing dynasties, several remote buildings had been used as the Cold Palace. For example, the Concubine Wang (1656 -1611) was confined in remote Jingyang Gong (Palace of Great Brilliance) and could not meet her son for a decade. The Concubine Li (1605 – 1637) was dispelled to the Qianxi Palace, and no one served her any food for half a month. The Concubine Zhen (1876 – 1900) also lived in the Cold Palace for a few years before jumping into a well and killing herself.
However, there was also a slim chance that the emperor regretted his decision several days, months, or years later or found that the concubines or princes were wronged. Then they would step out of the cold palace and regain their honors and treatment, which also happened many times in history.
submitted by Mediocre_Pea_6845 to CDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:58 Idz4gqbi Li Shuwen Solo Zhang Jue [Traum 13-2]

submitted by Idz4gqbi to FGO [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:17 gwern "Where Does China Stand In the Current AI Wave?": Xue Lan, Zhang Hongjiang, Li Hang, & Zhou Zhonghe debate Chinese AI quality, compute/talent, & scaling laws

submitted by gwern to mlscaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:26 sinomaltanews "Iċ-Ċina minħabba vlogger b'xejn li ffilmja l-illokkjar ta 'Wuhan

"Iċ-Ċina minħabba vlogger b'xejn li ffilmja l-illokkjar ta 'Wuhan
Ġurnalista ċittadina Ċiniża li kienet il-ħabs talli kopriet l-ewwel jiem tal-pandemija tal-Covid-19 mill-epiċentru tagħha f’Wuhan kienet skedata biex tinħeles nhar it-Tnejn wara li tiskonta sentenza ta’ erba’ snin, skont il-partitarji tagħha.
Iżda nhar it-Tlieta ma kienx ċar jekk Zhan Zhang kinitx inħelset u l-gruppi tad-drittijiet qalu li l-awtoritajiet kienu mistennija li jagħtu l-inqas informazzjoni possibbli dwar l-istatus tagħha.
L-eks avukat ta’ 40 sena huwa wieħed minn diversi attivisti li kellhom problemi mal-awtoritajiet Ċiniżi għar-rappurtar tagħhom dwar il-Covid-19. Xi wħud ġew arrestati filwaqt li oħrajn għebu.
Hija nstabet ħatja li “picking quarrels u pprovokat inkwiet”, akkuża frekwenti kontra attivisti fiċ-Ċina.
L-għassies tal-midja u l-gruppi tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem kienu qalu li s-Sinjura Zhang ġiet imħarrka b'mod żbaljat. Huma kienu talbu għall-ħelsien tagħha minħabba s-saħħa tagħha li qed tmur għall-agħar.
Hemm ""tħassib kbir"" dwar is-sigurtà tas-Sinjura Zhang wara li tkun rilaxxata, qalet l-uffiċjal tal-promozzjoni ta' Reporters Without Borders Aleksandra Bielakowska.
""Fiċ-Ċina, il-ġurnalisti miżmuma għax-xogħol tagħhom ħafna drabi jibqgħu taħt detenzjoni jew sorveljanza anke meta jispiċċaw it-termini tal-ħabs tagħhom,"" qalet.
""Onestament naħseb li dalwaqt ikollna l-ebda aġġornamenti. Probabbilment se jippruvaw iżommuha f'post sigriet, jew iżommuha 'l bogħod mill-vista tal-għajnejn għal xi żmien,"" qalet.
Wieħed mill-avukati tas-Sinjura Zhang qal lill-BBC Ċiniż li ""il-libertà personali tagħha xorta se tkun ristretta"", u żiedet li issa se tgħix mal-ġenituri tagħha f'Shanghai.
Mill-bażi tagħha f'Shanghai, is-Sinjura Zhang vjaġġat lejn Wuhan fi Frar 2020 biex tiddokumenta dak li rat fit-toroq u fl-isptarijiet.
Il-livestreams u l-esejs tagħha dehru ħafna fuq il-midja soċjali, u kompliet tipproduċihom minkejja t-theddid mill-awtoritajiet.
Waħda mill-klipps livestreamed tagħha wriet kif żammet il-kamera tagħha għaddejja waqt li uffiċjal wissieha biex “tieqaf tiffilmja jew [hu] jiġġenen”.
""Forsi għandi ruħ ribelluża... qed niddokumenta l-verità biss. Għaliex ma nistax nuri l-verità?"" qalet f’intervista ma’ produttur indipendenti tal-films, li clip tiegħu nkiseb mill-BBC.
""Mhux se nieqaf dak li qed nagħmel, għax dan il-pajjiż ma jistax imur lura.""
Din kienet maħsuba li kienet l-aħħar intervista tagħha qabel ma nżammret.
Is-Sinjura Zhang kienet poġġiet aktar minn 100 vidjow fuq il-Kanal tal-YouTube tagħha, WeChat u Twitter, qabel ma ġiet irrappurtata nieqsa fl-14 ta’ Mejju 2020.
L-għada, l-awtoritajiet ħabbru li kienet miżmuma mill-pulizija f’Shanghai. Hija ġiet akkużata f’Novembru ta’ dik is-sena u ġiet ikkundannata x-xahar ta’ wara.
Zhang Zhan: Ir-'ruħ ribelluża' ħabs għall-iffilmjar ta' Wuhan
Is-Sinjura Zhang għamlet strajk tal-ġuħ fl-ewwel ftit xhur ta' detenzjoni, u l-avukat tagħha kien qal dak iż-żmien li kienet qed tiġi mitmugħa bil-forza minn tubu.
Hija baqgħet fuq strajk parzjali sa Lulju 2023, meta l-piż tagħha kien irrapportat niżel għal 37kg biss – nofs dak li kien qabel id-detenzjoni tagħha.
Hija kienet qed tbati wkoll minn malnutrizzjoni severa, mard gastrointestinali, u għadd baxx ta 'ċelluli bojod tad-demm, qalet RSF.
""Il-ġurnalista Zhang Zhan, li b'kuraġġ rriskjat ħajjitha billi infurmat lill-pubbliku dwar it-tifqigħa tal-Covid-19 f'Wuhan, tinsab f'riskju li tmut jekk ma tirċevix trattament mediku estensiv,"" qalet l-organizzazzjoni fi stqarrija f'Settembru tas-sena li għaddiet.
Is-sinifikat tal-każ tas-Sinjura Zhang se jistrieħ fuq dak li jiġri wara li tinħeles, qal Jerome Cohen, espert fil-liġi Ċiniża.
""Il-biċċa l-kbira tal-avukati tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem rilaxxati jinżammu kwieti permezz ta 'mezzi informali ta' soppressjoni. Xi wħud jippruvaw iħallu l-pajjiż u jirnexxilhom ikomplu jirrappurtaw dwar ksur tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem fiċ-Ċina iżda huma eċċezzjonijiet,"" qal Prof Cohen.
Avukat tas-Sinjura Zhang qalet li l-familja tagħha kienet ""spiss avviċinata"" mill-pulizija waqt id-detenzjoni tagħha, u ngħataw struzzjonijiet biex ma jiddiskutux il-każ ma 'oħrajn.
Getty Images Karozza b'poster li titlob għall-ħelsien ta' Zhang ZhanGetty Images
“Il-ġurnalisti taċ-ċittadini kienu l-uniku sors ta’ informazzjoni diretta u mhux iċċensurata dwar it-tifqigħa tal-Covid-19 fiċ-Ċina.
“Minħabba li jaħdmu indipendentement mill-midja kkontrollata mill-istat, il-ġurnalisti ċittadini jiffaċċjaw fastidju kostanti talli jesponu informazzjoni li l-gvern jippreferi jżomm kwiet,” qalet Amnesty International fi stqarrija.
Meta l-pandemija laqtet għall-ewwel darba fil-bidu tal-2020, l-internet Ċiniż - minkejja li kien iċċensurat ħafna - kien mgħarraq b'messaġġi li jiddeskrivu l-kopertura u l-fallimenti tal-gvern fis-sistema tal-kura tas-saħħa.
Iżda l-magna taċ-ċensura tal-istat irduppjat biex irażżan ir-rabja onlajn bla preċedent.
Diversi kanali kwieti, il-postijiet tħassru malajr u xi attivisti bħas-Sinjura Zhang irċevew twissijiet espliċiti mill-awtoritajiet.
Fost l-aktar magħrufa internazzjonalment kien hemm il-każ tat-tabib tal-whistleblower Li Wenliang, li kien ipprova jwissi lill-kollegi tiegħu dwar “virus bħal Sars”.
Dr Li miet fi Frar 2020 wara li kkuntratta Covid-19. Aktar tard ġie żvelat li kien ġie investigat talli “tfixkel l-ordni soċjali” billi “għamel kummenti foloz”. Il-mewt tiegħu qanqlet daqqa ta’ appoġġ fuq il-midja soċjali, iżda l-postijiet kienu perjodikament imqaxxra.
Il-Partit Komunista mela l-midja statali bi stejjer pożittivi dwar ir-rispons tiegħu għall-Covid-19. Fi Frar 2023, l-ogħla mexxejja tal-partit iddikjaraw ""rebħa"" fuq il-virus u ddeskrivew ir-rispons tal-gvern għal Covid-19 bħala ""miraklu"".
Rappurtaġġ addizzjonali minn Sylvia Chang

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
這位 40 歲的前律師是因報告 Covid-19 問題而遭到中國當局麻煩的幾位活動人士之一。有些人被拘留,有些人失蹤。
無國界記者組織的宣傳官員亞歷山大·別拉科斯卡 (Aleksandra Bielakowska) 表示,張女士獲釋後的安全受到「極大關注」。
張女士於 2020 年 2 月從上海的基地出發前往武漢,記錄她在街頭和醫院看到的一切。
張女士於 2020 年 5 月 14 日被報告失踪之前,已在她的 YouTube 頻道、微信和 Twitter 上發布了 100 多個影片。
第二天,當局宣布她在上海被警方拘留。她於當年 11 月被指控,並於次月被判刑。
她一直處於部分罷工狀態,直到 2023 年 7 月,據報道,當時她的體重驟降至僅 37 公斤——只有她被拘留之前的一半。
該組織在去年9 月的聲明中表示:「記者張展勇敢地冒著生命危險,向公眾通報了武漢爆發的Covid-19 疫情,如果不接受廣泛的治療,她將面臨死亡的危險。 」
一輛車上貼著呼籲釋放張展的海報 Getty Images
「公民記者是有關中國 Covid-19 疫情的未經審查的第一手資訊的唯一來源。
當疫情在 2020 年初首次爆發時,中國網路儘管受到嚴格審查,但仍充斥著描述政府掩蓋事實和醫療保健系統失敗的資訊。
李醫師於 2020 年 2 月感染 Covid-19 後去世。後來有消息透露,他因“發表虛假言論”,“擾亂社會秩序”正在接受調查。他的去世在社交媒體上引發了大量支持,但這些帖子會定期被刪除。
共產黨在官方媒體上充斥著有關其應對 Covid-19 的積極報道。 2023 年 2 月,黨的最高領導人宣布戰勝了病毒,並將政府對 Covid-19 的應對描述為「奇蹟」。

今日亞馬遜優惠(聯盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
这位 40 岁的前律师是因报告 Covid-19 问题而遭到中国当局麻烦的几位活动人士之一。一些人被拘留,另一些人失踪。
无国界记者组织的宣传官员亚历山大·别拉科斯卡 (Aleksandra Bielakowska) 表示,张女士获释后的安全受到“极大关注”。
张女士于 2020 年 2 月从上海的基地出发前往武汉,记录她在街头和医院看到的一切。
张女士于 2020 年 5 月 14 日被报告失踪之前,已在她的 YouTube 频道、微信和 Twitter 上发布了 100 多个视频。
第二天,当局宣布她在上海被警方拘留。她于当年 11 月被指控,并于次月被判刑。
她一直处于部分罢工状态,直到 2023 年 7 月,据报道,当时她的体重骤降至仅 37 公斤——只有她被拘留之前的一半。
该组织在去年 9 月的一份声明中表示:“记者张展勇敢地冒着生命危险,向公众通报了武汉爆发的 Covid-19 疫情,如果不接受广泛的治疗,她将面临死亡的危险。”
一辆汽车上贴着呼吁释放张展的海报 Getty Images
“公民记者是有关中国 Covid-19 疫情的未经审查的第一手信息的唯一来源。
当疫情于 2020 年初首次爆发时,中国互联网尽管受到严格审查,但仍充斥着描述政府掩盖事实和医疗保健系统失败的信息。
李医生于 2020 年 2 月感染 Covid-19 后去世。后来有消息透露,他因“发表虚假言论”,“扰乱社会秩序”正在接受调查。他的去世在社交媒体上引发了大量支持,但这些帖子会定期被删除。
共产党在官方媒体上充斥着有关其应对 Covid-19 的积极报道。 2023 年 2 月,党的最高领导人宣布战胜了病毒,并将政府对 Covid-19 的应对描述为“奇迹”。

今日亚马逊优惠(联盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:01 cisjabroni Hidden gem late night food. Lets go check it out in Liu zhang li

submitted by cisjabroni to Taipei [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:58 DogsAndPickles REFLECTIONS : Like a BOB ROSS painting on steroids, I say! The largest aspherical mirror.

REFLECTIONS : Like a BOB ROSS painting on steroids, I say! The largest aspherical mirror. submitted by DogsAndPickles to StoriesForMyTherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:58 theabrownin_enjoyer Seeking shou daily drinker & sample suggestions (for next Yunnan Sourcing order)

Greetings pue-mans,
I've now had the chance to sample over 40 different puers (mostly shou) and dial in my preferred brewing style. I haven't taken notes, but I've noted some favourites and I'm becoming familiar with the qualities I like/dislike.
I'm in Canada and am putting together my next order now. At this point, I was hoping that with this information, I might solicit suggestions for both any potential "bang-for-buck favourite, buy 10 tongs" daily drinkers, and any that could fill gaps I've missed in my sampling.
In general, I like to brew fairly dark/strong, but just short of coffee-like. I'll typically use 10-12g in ~250ml of water off the boil in a yixing pot, quick rinse, then steeped for ~60-120 seconds increasing over the course of five or six steeps.
In general, I prefer shous that are thicc, smooth, pungent/musty, with a tiny bit of astringency on the tail, little-to-no bitterness, LOW caffeine (more relaxing than energetic), with some mildly interesting note(s)--not just muddy water--and a lingering "hui gan". So, you know, how they're all advertised.
I’m not good at naming flavours, but I’ve tended to like puer others have described with creamy, nutty (walnuts), earthy, dates, ginseng, petrichor, old books. Woody can be nice if there’s more to it (except for bamboo and camphor, the former dominates everything and the latter seems to be code for all aroma, no taste). Hit or miss on mushroom, mineral, barnyard, spice, and surprisingly, cacao. Negative on vegetal/herbal/grassy. I’m floral-curious, and drawn to the promise of stuff like plum and honey, but I think those are more sheng territory.
Here’s my list with some commentary.
[Yunnan Sourcing]
2019 Menghai DaYi V93 Premium (Ripe)
2018 Yunnan Sourcing "Year of the Dog Blue Label" (Ripe)
1990 CNNP "9016" Aged (Ripe)
2005 “Muddy Lips” Jing Gu (Da Ye) (Ripe)
1999 “Dirty Knees” Langhe (Ripe)
[Crimson Lotus]
2021 Pasha Shan “Lao Cha Tou” (Ripe) & 2021 Pasha Shan (Ripe)
2022 Night Shift (Ripe)
2018 Xiaguan Tuo Cha (Ripe)
2012 Bingdao Gu Shu (Ripe)
2020 Kuura Cola (Ripe)
[Yunnan Sourcing] 2020 Yunnan Sourcing "Bronze Label Peerless" (Ripe) 2023 Yunnan Sourcing "Mengku Teng Tiao" (Ripe) 2021 Yunnan Sourcing "Di Jie Village" (Ripe) 2001 Basket Aged Yi Wu (Ripe) 2022 Xiaguan "Tibetan Flame" (Ripe)
[San-Tea] 2004 “Sapwood” Xiaguan Te Ji (Ripe) 2004 “Worm Hands” Langhe (Gong Ting) (Ripe)
[Crimson Lotus] 2023 #PNWLOVE (Ripe) 2017 Storm Breaker (Ripe) 2014 Yiwu “Iron Forge” Huang Pian (Ripe) 2019 Nevermore (Ripe) 2021 Dark Depths (Ripe)
[Treasure Green] 2008 Ban Zhang Organic (Ripe) 2005 Chang Tai Hong Jing Dian (Ripe) 2013 #7562 Dayi (Ripe) 1998 Fu Hai (Ripe) 1993 #7581 (Ripe)
[Yunnan Sourcing] 2001 Basket Aged Yi Wu (Ripe) 2022 Xiaguan "Tibetan Flame" (Ripe)
[San-Tea] 2005 “Sediments” Mengsong (Ripe) 2004 “Herds” Da Xue Shan (Ripe) 2007 “Undergrowth” Yiwu (Ripe) 2001 “Fauna” 7542 (Ripe)
[Crimson Lotus] 2016 Cloudy Days (Ripe) 2010 Black Gold (Ripe) 2014 Capitalist Lion Tamer (Ripe) 2000 Old Warrior (Ripe) 2014 Huang Pian MEGA Brick (Ripe)
[Treasure Green] 2012 Chuan Jia Bao Beeng Cha (Ripe) 2003 Bamboo (Ripe) 2012 Basket Hei Cha 2009 Liubao Hei Cha
[Yunnan Sourcing] 2015 Gao Jia Shan “Da Cang Jia” Wild Harvested Fu Brick 2018 Mojun Fu Cha “Pure Happiness” 2018 Mojun Fu Cha “Ming Pin”
[Yunnan Sourcing] 2009 Lao Ban Zhang Premium (Raw)
[Crimson Lotus] ? Bulang Dragon Ball
submitted by theabrownin_enjoyer to puer [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:03 loneliestghost1 I am the daughter of a Falun Dafa cult member. AMA.

I grew up in a Chinese family that practiced Falun Gong (AKA Falun Dafa) because my dad was a staunch believer and active member. I’m currently grown up and am in my mid-20s. I go to school (in a STEM-related advanced degree program) and live away from family. I identify as agnostic. I am also a queer woman.
As a kid, I went to a lot of the events that Falun Dafa sponsored, such as public protests in Washington DC against the supposed organ-harvesting by the CCP, day-long “Fa” conferences where practitioners would speak of the way that “God” (read: cult founder Li Hongzhi) and practicing Falun Gong changed their lives and cured them of terminal illnesses, etc. My dad spends a lot of his free time volunteering for them. Their entire labor force (the ones who advertise flyers for Shen Yun and do door-to-door flier deliveries) are volunteers, a testament to how deeply some of the members truly believe in it.
The cult itself has a mostly peaceful belief system that draws from a lot of Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu teachings. However, there are aspects that are bigoted and sometimes actively harmful. The most notable of these are the belief that homosexuality or queerness is a sin, and that mixed-race people don’t belong to any heaven since “humans were created in the image of god” and all “original gods” are discrete races with their own respective race-segregated heavens. They also think that modern medicine is harmful and that you shouldn’t need it if you truly practice Falun Dafa, since sickness is caused by having sin, and you can shed these sins by being a “good” (subjective) person.
There is a lot of emphasis on dharma and reaching enlightenment in the cult/religion/belief system, with the 3 core tenets of the belief system being truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance (and there is a lot of hypocrisy here on the tolerance part.) There is also an element of Scientology. They believe that aliens gave technology to mankind. They also believe in the existence of “other dimensions” that you can’t see, and that all human beings were originally divine beings who fell from grace, and thus can only return to heaven/enlightenment by practicing Falun Dafa, which they deem as the One True Religion. Based on this, they spend a lot of time and resources trying to convert people to Falun Dafa through dance showcases like Shen Yun. Like other religions, there is a duty to spread it to “save humanity from its own destruction.” They believe that modern society has become so corrupt that some point soon, Earth will be wiped out, biblical plague style.
In recent years, they have become very far-right, and for the most part, they love Trump. I attribute this to many of their core beliefs aligning very heavily with Christian conservatism, such as a lack of tolerance for diverse identities, a lack of trust in modern medicine and technology, and a deep vitriol for communism, specifically the Chinese Communist Party. Most members are Chinese immigrants who left communist China and have extremely negative views of the country and the government.
I see a lot of misinformation on the internet about Falun Dafa. People think it’s a violent and psychotic cult that you can’t leave, which isn’t the case. They do have a pretty heavily-protected/secluded compound in NY, which my dad helped with the construction years ago. But you can leave Falun Dafa if you want to. Like I said, people are peaceful on the surface (if you ignore their problematic views) and non-violent for the most part, except with a very strong “holier than thou” attitude. I still struggle with reconciling my queer identity with my desire to have a good relationship with my dad, and I have not come out to him. He was a good dad to me growing up and gave me a lot of love, but he’s expressed his clear disapproval for gay and trans people, and is sometimes actively racist (although this is quite common within conservative Chinese households, which makes me quite sad.)
Anyways. I’m rambling at this point. AMA.
TLDR; I grew up in Falun Dafa. It’s a messy situation but there’s a lot of misinformation about it on the internet. AMA.
submitted by loneliestghost1 to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:49 Ricosss β-hydroxybutyrate Restrains Colitis-Associated Tumorigenesis by Inhibiting HIF-1α-Mediated Angiogenesis. (Pub Date: 2024-05-08)



Decreased levels of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), a lipid metabolic intermediate known to slow the progression of colorectal cancer (CRC), have been observed in the colon mucosa of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). In particular, patients with recurrent IBD present an increased risk of developing colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CAC). The role and molecular mechanism of BHB in the inflammatory and carcinogenic process of CAC remains unclear. Here, the anti-tumor effect of BHB was investigated in the (Azoxymethane) AOM /(Dextran Sulfate Sodium) DSS-induced CAC model and tumor organoids derivatives. The underlying mechanisms were studied using transcriptome and non-target metabolomic assay and further validated in colon tumor cell lineage CT26 in vitro. The tumor tissues and the nearby non-malignant tissues from colon cancer patients were collected to measure the expression levels of ketogenic enzymes. The exogenous BHB supplement lightened tumor burden and angiogenesis in the CAC model. Notably, transcriptome analysis revealed that BHB effectively decreased the expression of VEGFA in the CAC tumor mucosa. In vitro, BHB directly reduced VEGFA expression in hypoxic-treated CT26 cells by targeting transcriptional factor HIF-1α. Conversely, the deletion of HIF-1α largely reversed the inhibitory effect of BHB on CAC tumorigenesis. Additionally, decreased expression of ketogenesis-related enzymes in tumor tissues were associated with poor survival outcomes in patients with colon cancer. In summary, BHB carries out anti-angiogenic activity in CAC by regulating HIF-1α/VEGFA signaling. These findings emphasize the role of BHB in CAC and may provide novel perspectives for the prevention and treatment of colonic tumors.


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submitted by Ricosss to ketoscience [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:54 SansIdee_pseudo Favorite chinese floor routines in term of choreography

1- Meng Fei in 1997
She was one of those gymnasts who could do classical choreography and make it look great and flowy.
2- Jiang Yuyuan 2008-2010
I love Cheng Fei's floor, but this choreography was my favorite from the whole games. Even in 2007 or 2011, she always had a sparkle on floor exercise.
3- Kui Yuanyuan 1996
From the number of tumbling passes, you'd think this routine is from 2008, but it was from 1996! Her choreography was lovely, she did difficult tumbling with great form.
4- Yang Yun 2000
Her choreography was so fluid. Even though she had 4 tumbling passes and dance combinations, you don't feel like she's rushing.
5- Zhang Nan 2004
The music went quite well with her style.
submitted by SansIdee_pseudo to Gymnastics [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:33 Partyhuetchen Are they Idols?

And are the dramas of these actors idol-dramas? And what actors are idols? I'm very confused with this topic.
-Gong Jun
-Wei Zhe Ming
-Li Dai Kun
submitted by Partyhuetchen to CDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:47 120percentNick Recent 20% sale pick-ups, glad to FINALLY add Grindhouse to the collection

Recent 20% sale pick-ups, glad to FINALLY add Grindhouse to the collection submitted by 120percentNick to boutiquebluray [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:06 elhomerjas Surname Spotlight "余 " Yu

A Brief rundown to the surname "余 " Yu
Chinese: Mandarin and Cantonese form of the surname 余 (or rarely written as 餘) meaning ‘I’ in ancient Chinese: (i) from the second element of the personal name You Yu (由余) the name of a prime minister in the state of Qin during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). (ii) from Yu (余) the name of a small state during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). (iii) said to be borne by descendants of Xia Yu the first king of the Xia dynasty (2070–1600 BC). Chinese: Mandarin and Cantonese form of the surname 于 (meaning ‘go’ in ancient Chinese) or 於 (often simplified as 于 in Mainland China meaning ‘depend on’ in ancient Chinese): (i) simplified form of the Chinese character 邘 the name of an ancient state (located in Qinyang in Henan province) which was granted to Yu Shu (邘叔) the third son of King Wen of Zhou (1152–1056 BC). After it was annexed by the state of Zheng during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC) the Chinese character 邘 (pronounced Yu) was simplified to (于) and adopted as a surname. (ii) adopted as a surname by the Wan Niu Yu (萬忸于) family from the Xianbei ethnic group in northern China during the Northern Wei dynasty (386–534 AD). (iii) adopted in place of the Chinese compound surname Chun-Yu (淳于) because the first element of the surname Chun happened to share the same pronunciation with the personal name of the emperor Li Chun also known as Emperor Xianzong of Tang (778–820 AD) which was taboo in ancient China. (iv) said to be traced back to Yu Ze (於則) who said to be the inventor of shoes an official the legendary Huang Di the ‘Yellow Emperor’ (c. 27th century BC). (v) from the second element of the placename Shang Yu (商於) in the state of Chu during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). Chinese: Mandarin and Cantonese form of the surname 俞 meaning ‘assent consent’ in ancient Chinese: (i) said to be traced back to Yu Fu (俞跗) a famous doctor during the reign of the legendary Huang Di the ‘Yellow Emperor’ (c. 27th century BC). (ii) said to be traced back to the noble families in the state of Zheng and Chu during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). Chinese: Mandarin and Cantonese form of the surname 虞 referring to a kind of beast in ancient Chinese: from Yu (虞) the name of two ancient states. One is known as Dong Yu or Eastern Yu (located in Yucheng in Henan province) said to have been granted by Xia Yu the first king of the Xia dynasty (2070–1600 BC) to the son of the legendary Emperor Shun (c. 23rd century BC). The other is known as Xi Yu or Western Yu (located in Pinglu in Shanxi province) which was annexed by the state of Jin in 655 BC. Chinese: Mandarin and Cantonese form of the surname 庾 meaning ‘open-air granaries’ in Chinese: (i) from the second element of Zhang Yu (掌庾) literally meaning ‘in charge of open-air granaries’ the name of an official post during the reign of the legendary Emperor Yao (c. 24th century BC). (ii) from the first element of Yu Lin (庾廩) meaning ‘granaries’ the name of an official post during the Western Zhou dynasty (1046–771 BC). (iii) from Yu (庾) the name of an ancient state during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). Chinese: Mandarin and Cantonese form of the surname 喻 meaning ‘explain’ or ‘analogy’ in Chinese: (i) adopted in place of another Chinese surname Yu (諭) after the Eastern Jin dynasty (316–420 AD). (ii) adopted in place of another Chinese surname pronounced Yu (渝) during the reign of Emperor Jing of Han (188–141 BC) because the Chinese character happened to be identical to the personal name of the wife of the emperor. It was taboo in ancient China to bear a name that was the same as that of a member of a royal or imperial family. (iii) from the name of Yu Chu (喻樗) who was granted the surname Yu (喻) during the Southern Song dynasty (1127–1279 AD).7: Chinese: Mandarin and Cantonese form of the surname 禹: (i) from the personal name Yu (禹) the name of the first king of the Xia dynasty (2070–1600 BC). (ii) simplified form of Chinese (鄅) the name of a small state (located in present-day Shandong province). After this state was annexed during the late Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC) the Chinese character Yu (鄅) was simplified to Yu (禹) and adopted as a surname.8: Chinese: Mandarin and Cantonese form of the surname 宇 meaning ‘house’ or ‘world’ in ancient Chinese: (i) borne by descendants of Shen Bo (the Earl of Shen) king of the state of Shen and uncle of King Xuan of Zhou (reigned 827–782 BC). (ii) shortened form of the compound surname Yu-Wen (宇文) a surname traced back to the Hun ethnic group in ancient northern China. (iii) traced back to the Tangut ethnic group in ancient northwestern China.9: Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 郁 or 鬱 (often simplified to 郁 in Mainland China) meaning ‘luxuriant’ in Chinese: (i) from the placename Yu (郁) the name of an ancient state which later became a fief in the state of Wu (located in present-day Zhejiang and Jiangsu province). (ii) possibly from the first element of Yu Li (郁立) the name of a state (located in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region) during the Western Han dynasty (206 BC–25 AD). (iii) possibly from the first element of the placenames Yu Yi (郁夷) (located in Shaanxi province) Yu Zhi (郁秩) (located in Shandong province) or Yu Zhi (郁致) (located in ancient northwestern China). (iv) said to be traced back to Yu Hua (鬱華) teacher of Xia Yu the first king of Xia dynasty (2070–1600 BC). (v) possibly evolving from another Chinese surname Yu (蔚).10: Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 魚 meaning ‘fish’ in Chinese: (i) from the second element of Zi Yu (子魚) style name of a prince of the state of Song during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). (ii) possibly from Yu (魚) the name of an ancient state (located in Sichuan province). (iii) traced back to some minority ethnic groups in southern China.1 Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 玉 meaning ‘jade’ in Chinese: (i) borne by descendants of Gong Yu Dai (公玉帶) a person who lived during the reign of Emperor Wu of Han (156–87 BC) whose surname Gong Yu (公玉) was later shortened to Yu (玉). (ii) possibly from Yu Yin (玉尹 literally meaning ‘jade official’) title of an official in charge of the imperial jade seal in the state of Chu during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC).1 Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 尉 (also pronounced as Wei in Mandarin see Wei ): (i) borne by the descendants of Yu Zhi (尉止) an official in the state of Zheng during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). (ii) shortened form of the compound surname Yu-Chi (尉遲) a surname from the Xianbei ethnic group.1 Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 蔚: (i) from the placename (蔚) the name of a fief (located in present-day Shanxi province) during the Northern Wei dynasty (386–534 AD) and the Northern Zhou dynasty (557– 581 AD). (ii) possibly another written form of the Chinese surname Yu (尉).1 Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 遇 meaning ‘encounter’ in Chinese: (i) from the placename Yu (遇) the name of a fief (located in present-day Shandong province) said to be granted to descendants of the legendary emperor Huang Di the ‘Yellow Emperor’ (c. 27th century BC). (ii) a surname from the Tangut ethnic group in ancient northwestern China.1 Chinese: Cantonese form of the surnames 茹 and 汝 see Ru 1 and 1 Chinese: alternative Mandarin form of the surnames 游 尤 由 and 有. Also Teochew or Hokkien form of the Chinese surnames 游 and 尤. See You 1-17: Chinese: variant Romanization of the surname 楊 see Yang 18: Chinese: variant Romanization of the surname 姚 based on its Cantonese pronunciation see Yao 19: Chinese: variant Romanization of the surname 饒 based on its Cantonese pronunciation see Rao 20: Korean: written 유 and 류 in Chinese characters 柳 meaning ‘willow’ 庾 meaning ‘stack of grain’ 劉 and 兪. Some sources indicate the existence of as many as 230 clans but only about twenty can be positively documented. Several of the clans are of Chinese origin. (i) The character 柳 is used by the largest Yu clan the Munhwa Yu founded by a man named Yu Ch’a Tal (柳車達). Ch’a's fifth great-grandfather had been involved in an attempt to overthrow the Shilla king. To avoid prosecution the ancestor fled to Munhwa and changed his surname first to that of his maternal grandmother Yang and then to Yu. Many years later Yu Ch’a Tal assisted Wang Kŏn to establish the Koryŏ Kingdom. Ch’a was recognized for his support and was rewarded accordingly. Ch’a's eldest son began again to use the Ch’a surname but his younger son continued to use Yu. The Munhwa Yu clan along with the Andong Kwŏn clan possesses one of the oldest extant clan genealogies in Korea. (ii) The character 庾 is borne by the descendants of Yu Kŏm-p’il (庾 黔弼) a general who fought during the founding of the Koryŏ kingdom in the early 10th century. He was enfeoffed with P’yŏngsan in Hwanghae province. Yu Kŏm-p’il’s fifth-generation descendant established the Musong Yu clan. (iii) The character 劉 is borne by the descendants of Yu Sŭng-bi (劉 承備) whose descendants established the Kangnŭng Yu clan in the 11th century. (iv) The character 兪 is borne by the descendants of Yu Sam-chae (兪 三宰) a Shilla official whose descendants settled in the Kigye area of Kyŏngsang North province. Compare Ryu Yoo 2 and You 8.
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022
submitted by elhomerjas to FilipinoChinese [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 06:20 Candid-Champion-4509 To The Wonder - if snuggling up next to the fireplace on a cold day with a cup of hot chocolate was a drama

To The Wonder - if snuggling up next to the fireplace on a cold day with a cup of hot chocolate was a drama
I absolutely adore this drama to pieces, I don’t think any other drama has ever made me feel this way before- all warm and fuzzy inside, like coming out of a relaxing spa day fully revitalized. This is currently the highest rated domestic drama on Douban this year at 8.5 (in my opinion too low). Adapted from the award-winning essays by Li Juan, a Han woman who documented her experience living in the Altay region.
To The Wonder is a very heartwarming feel good story with a good dash of humor, so mundane yet so full of life, just everyday folks living the simple yet not so simple life on the beautiful isolated summer pastures of Saykhan Bulake in the Altay region of Xinjiang. We get to see both the romanticized version of living on such a beautiful pristine landscape as well as its unforgiving nature, which is wonderfully balanced in the drama.
The story follows a small herding communities of the Chinese Kazakh minority and their daily lives, beliefs, customs and dealing with the changes of modernization. What I really appreciate about the drama is its commitment to showcasing the Kazakh culture as well as some other minority groups who also live in this region. We see many Kazakh actors casted and a lot of the dialogue is also done in the local dialect.
Our protagonist is the 19 years old aspiring writer Li Wenxiu, a Han girl who is born and raised in Xinjiang. After being let go from a waitressing job in the big city she chose to return home to join her mother and grandmother at their little utility store on the edge of civilization.
Zhang Feng Xia, Li Wenxiu’s mother is hands down the best mother in Cdrama land! She gives her daughter full autonomy over her life and what she wants to do. Their relationship is more like sisters who help and support each other, whenever Wenxiu is doubtful of herself as young adults do she is the first one to build her up. But behind that happy-go-lucky exterior is a sentimental woman mourning the death of her husband, the story also follows her healing journey.
Grandma has a special place in my heart, she’s absolutely adorable but so savage with her words. I could go on about every character as they’re all so memorable in their own ways, so real, so genuine, so well-acted!
The romance between our two young love birds made me blush and giggle like a little school girl from how precious and pure their relationship is. I really wish the drama was longer so we got to see their relationship blossom as they’ve both grown and matured.
So if you want to see hot guy(don’t mind me using Yu Shi as clickbait for this post haha) on horseback and a beautiful story this drama is a must!
submitted by Candid-Champion-4509 to CDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:02 Virtual_Discount4656 Black Widow (MCU) vs Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark)

S.H.I.E.L.D sends Natasha on a mission to steal Pym Particles from Hank Pym's laboratory, only to run into Joanna who is sent there by the Carrington Institute to track down Zhang Li after he caused the events that led to her fathers death.
R1: Hand to hand brawl, both start 10 feet away from each other.
R2: They can use any weapon.
submitted by Virtual_Discount4656 to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:12 fancastunity Which of my Kill Bill Casts is the Best?

Margot Robbie - The Bride
Viggo Mortensen - Bill
Rebecca Ferguson - Elle Driver
Jon Bernthal - Budd
Tao Okamoto - O-Ren Ishii
Zoë Kravitz - Vernita Green
Ken Watanabe - Hattori Hanzō
Joe Taslim - Pai Mei/Johnny Mo
Léa Seydoux - Sofie Fatale
Minami Hamabe - Gogo Yubari
J.K. Simmons - Esteban Vihaio/Earl McGraw

Emily Blunt - The Bride
Ed Harris - Bill
Cameron Diaz - Elle Driver
Josh Brolin - Budd
Maggie Q - O-Ren Ishii
Zoe Saldaña - Vernita Green
Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa - Hattori Hanzō
Jet Li - Pai Mei/Johnny Mo
Marion Cotillard - Sofie Fatale
Shioli Kutsuna - Gogo Yubari
Kurt Russell - Esteban Vihaio/Earl McGraw

2003-2004 (Recast)
Nicole Kidman - The Bride
Jack Nicholson - Bill
Michelle Pfeiffer - Elle Driver
John Travolta - Budd
Gong Li - O-Ren Ishii
Halle Berry - Vernita Green
Mako - Hattori Hanzō
Chow Yun-fat - Pai Mei/Johnny Mo
Monica Bellucci - Sofie Fatale
Ko Shibasaki - Gogo Yubari
Bruce Dern - Esteban Vihaio/Earl McGraw

View Poll
submitted by fancastunity to Fancast [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 08:16 jannnooooo cultural presentation tips (and topics to study for)

what i did to prepare:
-wrote 2-3 min essays (each 3 paragraphs) for each of the topics (listed below)
-recorded all my essays onto my phone & listened to them in my free time (like on the car)
-the night before the test i went thru all the topics & set a stopwatch to see how much i could say
-watched yt videos & read websites relating to the topics
topics i wrote essays for:
1) Physical geography - huang he
2) Animal - daxiongmao
3) Holiday - dragon boat festival
4) Myths - chang e ben yue
5) Idiom - ba miao zhu zhang, shou zhu dai tu
6) 4 grand works - xi you ji
7) Chinese characters - han zi
8) Chinese arts and crafts - jian zhi
9) 4 great inventions - papermaking
10) Chinese medicine
11) Architecture - chang cheng
12) Classical gardens - yi he yuan
13) Performing arts - xiang sheng
14) Education - gao kao
15) Martial arts - wu shu
16) Traditional entertainment - wu shi zi
17) Traditional clothing - qipao
18) Traditional food - sichuancai
19) Chinese astrology - shi er sheng xiao
20) Chinese taboos - gifts to not give
21) Chinese influential figures - qin shi huang
22) Chinese influential figures - Kong zi
23) Cities - shanghai
24) Leisure arts - Wei Qi
25) Concept or value - xiao shun (filial piety)
26) Poet - li bai
27) Customs: being a guest in someone's home
28) Where they live - Si He Yuan
29) Instruments - gu zheng
30) Religion - confucianism
topics i studied but didn't write essays for:
1) modern change - transition from siheyuan to houses
2) Popular transportation in China - public bicycles
3) Weddings
4) Ethnic minority
5) Auspicious chinese symbols - dragon
6) drawing/arts - qi bai shi & his shrimp
7) famous places - guilin shan shui
8) history - the silk road
9) dynasty - tang chao
also you can find all past cultural presentation topics on collegeboard or this reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/APChinese/comments/134uked/previous_cultural_presentation_topics_and/
they didn't add that 2020 was anything important about Chinese culture, 2023 was art expression/style, 2024 was any annual celebration
honestly writing all those essays was rlly helpful since my speaking got a lot better & i learned a ton of vocab but like only do it if you have free time or like overpreparing lol
hope this helped!!
submitted by jannnooooo to APChinese [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 21:36 Shakuryon Re-Reading "The Art of War" by Master Sun Tzu, and this part really made me think about Kendrick's strategy confronting Drake.

Re-Reading submitted by Shakuryon to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:31 jonathanaka3 Zhang Ruoyun & Li Qin's Drama Joy Of Life Season 2 Premieres 庆余年

Zhang Ruoyun & Li Qin's Drama Joy Of Life Season 2 Premieres 庆余年 submitted by jonathanaka3 to asiandrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:30 jonathanaka3 Zhang Ruoyun & Li Qin's Drama Joy Of Life Season 2 Premieres 庆余年

Zhang Ruoyun & Li Qin's Drama Joy Of Life Season 2 Premieres 庆余年 submitted by jonathanaka3 to cdramas [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:36 King-Owl-House Historical and Fantasy Dramas 2024.

Released in 2024 Historical and Fantasy Dramas with a link to YouTube (usually, the first link is a YouTube playlist of series with English subtitles) and not yet released but upcoming dramas this year.
Title Description YouTube
Secrets of the shadow sect Morally ambiguous, the Spiritual Heaven Sect is an influential sect that has remained in seclusion for years. Its Young Lady, Ling Xuan, encountered a pair of dying siblings during her travels ten years ago. YouTube
Hua Qing Ge An author of web novels gets sucked into her historical fiction after comments flood her webpage not to get the main protagonists killed by the third prince of Liang, Ji Chu. YouTube
Qi Jin Zhao The amnesiac Yue siblings wander searching their pasts until a Risen Soul Cult member cons Yue Qi's money. While trying to recover it, they join Luo Zhou Yan and True Martial Alliance members against the cult. YouTube
Thousands of Years of Love Feng Ruo Yao, is a phoenix and the ruler of the demon realm. She falls in love at first sight with Immortal Lord Mo Chen Yuan and forces him back to the demon realm to marry her. YouTube
Zi Chuan Guang Ming San Jie Follows the heir of the Zichuan family. Together with his sworn brothers Di Lin and Si Te Lin, they set out to protect his family against threats. YouTube
Xi juan chang le cheng Xie Quanjia, a farm girl from a small town who came to Changle City in search of her father, overnight becomes the heiress of the local magnate, Li Tiandi. YouTube
A mai cong jun Crossing path of an orphan girl dressed as a young man (looking for her adopted brother who murdered her parents) with the heir of the former murdered crown prince (currently hunted by the king). YouTube
Palace Shadows: Between Two Princes The Prince of Yan Kingdom, Yu Fei Chen, marries the daughter of the general who controls the country, Yin Nan Yao... or so everyone thinks. The bride he gets is actually Yue Ji An, an assassin from a secret organization sent to claim his life. But the Prince is not all he appears to be either; he is an undercover agent who works to expose the criminals and punish the unrighteous. YouTube
Da tang di gong an A brilliant investigator incurs the wrath of a shadowy foe when he travels to a border town to tackle crimes and misdeeds on behalf of Empress Wu Zetian. YouTube
Mu zhong wu ren 2 The blind swordsman, skilled in martial arts, named Cheng Xia Zi, accidentally saves Zhang Xiao Yu, who has suffered from the destruction of his family. Under the persuasion of the orphan Xiao Yu, Cheng Xia Zi reluctantly keeps him by his side and teaches him skills. Xiao Yu also waits for the opportunity to seek revenge. YouTube
Da Li Si Shao Qing You Set in the glorious Tang dynasty, it revolves around the Dali Temple and its "white cat leader," Li Bing, as he leads his team members to unravel different kinds of mysteries and adventures. YouTube
Yong an Meng Yong'an, the capital city, fell into chaos due to the collapse of the West Canal. Shen Wen Qi, the Minister of Works in charge of the construction, was implicated overnight and thrown into prison. "When the nest is overturned, no egg remains intact." YouTube
Lie Yan Zhi Wu Geng Ji Adapted from the Manhua/Donghua IP "Wu Geng Ji," created by Jianhe Zheng, it tells the story of the human prince Wu Geng, who was reduced to a slave after his country was destroyed and his family was destroyed. YouTube
Hua jian ling In the sinful city of Heyang, very well-liked Pan Yue married Yang Caiwei, who was despised by everyone. However, Yang Caiwei was murdered on their wedding day. YouTube
Yu Feng Xing On her thousandth birthday, she arranged a marriage for political alliance. On her way to escape this marriage, Shen Li was attacked and transformed into her phoenix form. YouTube
Wan Wan Ru Meng Xiao Revenge. Death. Forced marriage. Enemies to Lovers. YouTube
Zhi Bi Su Yunqi, a resourceful woman, discovers she is but a character at the disposal of a mysterious author of a "Book of Fate". She keeps trying to change her predestined tragedies as far as possible YouTube
Wu Xing Shi Jia Tells the story of Huo Xiao Xie, an orphan in the market, who was forced to be involved in a troubled world. In order to be able to protect the people around him in times of crisis, he was born to death several times YouTube
Xi Hua Zhi Inspired by Mulan, Hua Zhi, a brave and intelligent aristocratic girl, expected to live a quiet life, employs everything that she has learnt but never got to use to save her family when tragedy strikes YouTube
You Jian Xiao Yao A young inn attendant and a descendant of the goddess embark on a quest to find a bead that can end a drought. They befriend allies and face dangers, ultimately thwarting a sect leader's scheme to destroy the world. YouTube
Dou Luo Da Lu 2 After the final of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Tournament, TangSan bid farewell to his friends. They agreed to reunite five years later, and then they separately embarked on their respective lifes.
Fan Ren Xiu Xian Zhuan The story of Han Li, a poor and ordinary boy from a village. In order to let his family lead a better life, he willingly heads to Qi Xuan Sect to take their entrance exam.
Shao Nian Bai Ma Zui Chun Feng Baili Dong Jun, the youngest son of the Hou Mansion in Zhenxi, was stubborn since he was a child.
Da nao donghai Nezha gets into trouble and implicates his parents, who get punished by the heavens along with him. He bravely steps up and admits his fault, which touches the heavens, and his effort comes to fruition.
Hu yao xiao hong niang zhu ye pian Dongfang Huai Zhu and Wangquan Hong Ye, leaders of their families, during a conflict between humans and demons, they join forces to restore the Unity Alliance.
Hu Yao Xiao Hong Niang: Yue Hong Pian The story of Tu Shan Hong Hong of the Fox tribe and Dongfang Yue Chu of human tribe both fighting to death to protect the peaceful coexistence of the fox tribe and human tribe.
Jin Yong Wu Xia Shi Jie A gathering of great warriors brings forth a joyful martial art world. A new tradition reboots the martial arts.
Jin Yi Ye Xing The drama tells the story of Xia Xun who time-travels to the early Ming dynasty and assists Emperor Yongle (born Zhu Di and becomes the third Emperor of the Ming dynasty) in expanding and strengthening his dynasty.
Nian wu shuang To retrieve a heavenly treasure, Goddess Wu Shuang descends to assassinate Yuan Zhong. They join forces to save the world as in an ancient war
Yi Nian Yong Heng A Will Eternal follows the story of a young boy who joins a powerful sect and becomes a hero.
Shui Long Yin Tang Li Ci, a recluse, gets entangled in a murder case and conspiracy to destroy the martial arts world, ten years after heroes slay cult leader Ye Mo.
Wan Gu Zui Qiang Zong The drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by Goodbye Jianghu. It tells the story of the cultivation of a sect that opened the system, led by Jun Changxiao, who led a group of funny disciples
Wu you du In the prosperous city of Guangping, humans and demons coexist. Demons are skilled at hiding their forms and disguising themselves as humans. Ban Xia the daughter of a wealthy family, has a pair of strange eyes and can often see the shadows of those who are not there. Because of this, no matter how well behaved and docile she is, she is still called "crazy" secretly.
Qi Gen Xin Jian In ancient times, there were seven types of evil thoughts, each of which possessed the power to confuse, and muddle, people's hearts.
Ling Long Lang Xin Qing Yan, a rebellious captain of XiJue; And Long Ling, a dual personality Princess of Southern Chu. They meet accidentally, but they get along with each other gradually. Qing Yan is deeply rooted in love.
Requiem List Hero Bone Blade
Zhao Ge The series is set in the later years of Shang dynasty and revolves around Ji Fa (Zhehan Zhang) life as a hostage in Zhaoge and his journey to becoming a legendary ruler.
Qing yu nian 2 The drama continues from the first season of the Joy of Life trilogy, following the story of Fan Xian as he gains a stronghold in the court.
Sha Po Lang A village boy's life changes when his home is invaded, revealing he is not who he thought, nor are his mother, teacher and adoptive father. He discovers his true identity as events unfold.
Yong ye xing he Ling Miao Miao wrote a book review in the heat of the moment but triggered a multidimensional space trip as a consequence. She traveled to the world of the book and entered the body of a supporting role, Lin Yu. Now, in order to return to the real world, she must complete the task assigned to her by the system, that is, let the Black Lotus, the heroine’s younger brother, fall in love with her.

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2024.05.08 19:57 Fun-Knowledge467 How to watch Founders Cup LPGA Golf Live Stream 2024 Anywhere?

Tournament details
Date:May 9–12, 2024
Course:Upper Montclair Country ClubPurse:$3,000,000
Tee times tomorrow
Live Stream: Watch Here
Player Tee time Total
J.E. Lee 4:15 pm E
M. Sagström 4:15 pm E
G. Hall 4:15 pm E
J. Kupcho 4:15 pm E
P. Mack 4:15 pm E
M. Saigo 4:15 pm E
S. Kemp 4:26 pm E
J. Shin 4:26 pm E
A.L. Kim 4:26 pm E
A. Kim 4:26 pm E
C. Borge 4:26 pm E
H.J. Jang 4:26 pm E
P. Chien 4:37 pm E
Y.J. Sung 4:37 pm E
Y. Nishimura 4:37 pm E
L. Hartlage 4:37 pm E
A. Försterling 4:37 pm E
M. Jutanugarn 4:37 pm E
W.L. Hsu 4:48 pm E
J. Lee 4:48 pm E
Y. Saso 4:48 pm E
B. Pagdanganan 4:48 pm E
R. Choi 4:48 pm E
J.Y. Ko 4:59 pm E
N. Korda 4:59 pm E
M. Inami 4:59 pm E
B. Tardy 4:59 pm E
R. O'Toole 4:59 pm E
M. Lee 4:59 pm E
N. Hataoka 5:10 pm E
H. Ryu 5:10 pm E
R. Yin 5:10 pm E
L. Grant 5:10 pm E
H. Green 5:10 pm E
B. Henderson 5:10 pm E
H. Choi 5:21 pm E
G. Ruffels 5:21 pm E
E. Szokol 5:21 pm E
S. Schmelzel 5:21 pm E
A. Nordqvist 5:21 pm E
P. Creamer 5:21 pm E
G. Kim 5:32 pm E
C. Knight 5:32 pm E
M. Stark 5:32 pm E
P. Tavatanakit 5:32 pm E
S.Y. Kim 5:32 pm E
S. Lewis 5:32 pm E
A. Ashok 5:43 pm E
L. Strom 5:43 pm E
H. Shibuno 5:43 pm E
J.H. Im 5:43 pm E
J.W. Jeon 5:43 pm E
M. Katsu 5:43 pm E
G. López 5:54 pm E
O. Cowan 5:54 pm E
M. Alex 5:54 pm E
M. Castren 5:54 pm E
T. Suwannapura 5:54 pm E
J. Song 5:54 pm E
A. Laisne 6:05 pm E
J. Yan 6:05 pm E
M. Leblanc 6:05 pm E
P. Yoktuan 6:05 pm E
Y. Yoshida 6:05 pm E
L. Wearn 6:05 pm E
G. Kim 6:16 pm E
J. Coleman 6:16 pm E
G. Kaur 6:16 pm E
A. Yubol 6:16 pm E
M.J. Kang 6:16 pm E
M. Harigae 6:16 pm E
E. Pedersen 9:15 pm E
P. Delacour 9:15 pm E
Y. Noh 9:15 pm E
A. Krauter 9:15 pm E
X.W. Yin 9:15 pm E
M. Reid 9:15 pm E
S. Popov 9:26 pm E
K. Gillman 9:26 pm E
S.M. Lee 9:26 pm E
R. Liti 9:26 pm E
P. Reto 9:26 pm E
H. Park 9:26 pm E
Y. Liu 9:37 pm E
L. Weaver 9:37 pm E
S. Meadow 9:37 pm E
A. Muñoz 9:37 pm E
C. Masson 9:37 pm E
I.G. Chun 9:48 pm E
S. Kyriacou 9:48 pm E
B. Shoemaker 9:48 pm E
L. Li 9:48 pm E
P. Lindberg 9:48 pm E
B. Lincicome 9:48 pm E
C. Boutier 9:59 pm E
L. Coughlin 9:59 pm E
L. Thompson 9:59 pm E
A. Yang 9:59 pm E
C. Ciganda 9:59 pm E
A. Jutanugarn 9:59 pm E
A. Valenzuela 10:10 pm E
R. Zhang 10:10 pm E
M. Khang 10:10 pm E
H. Naveed 10:10 pm E
A. Stanford 10:10 pm E
L. Ko 10:10 pm E
X. Lin 10:21 pm E
A. Lee 10:21 pm E
A. Yin 10:21 pm E
P. Anannarukarn 10:21 pm E
M.H. Lee 10:21 pm E
L. Maguire 10:21 pm E
A. Lee 10:32 pm E
N.R. An 10:32 pm E
A. Thitikul 10:32 pm E
C. Wannasaen 10:32 pm E
A. Pano 10:32 pm E
A. Buhai 10:32 pm E
N. Madsen 10:43 pm E
I. Gabsa 10:43 pm E
E. Henseleit 10:43 pm E
N. Guseva 10:43 pm E
S. Grewal 10:43 pm E
E. Ji 10:43 pm E
I. Fierro 10:54 pm E
K. Davidson 10:54 pm E
G. Dryburgh 10:54 pm E
W. Meechai 10:54 pm E
L. Duncan 10:54 pm E
J. Ewart Shadoff 10:54 pm E
K. Tan 11:05 pm E
Y. Liu 11:05 pm E
J. Boonchant 11:05 pm E
L. Beck 11:05 pm E
D. Holmqvist 11:16 pm E
M. Fassi 11:16 pm E
S. Schubert 11:16 pm E
M. Metraux 11:16 pm E
K. Riihijärvi 11:16 pm E
S. Garcia 11:16 pm E
submitted by Fun-Knowledge467 to WomenGolf [link] [comments]
