Simple words starting with r


2013.11.20 22:18 IAMmojo DiWHY

Ever try fixing things on your own? Didn't come out the way they were supposed to? Do you stand there questioning your whole life? If so, post your results here to DiWHY (Pronounced: Dee Eye WHY). Where shitty projects from DIY live prosperously. If at any time you feel that a specific post isn't living up to the sub (be gentle as this is a humor sub, not meant to be taken seriously), please feel free to report (give exact reason) and let your voice be heard with downvotes and comments.

2009.02.06 06:07 Etymology: appreciating word origins

Discussing the origins of words and phrases, in English or any other language.

2012.11.13 02:00 SinAndInk Draw My Tattoo (A Hobby-Only Community to Share Tattoo Ideas and Drawings, no Paid Offers Allowed)

Welcome to DrawMyTattoo! This is a community for tattoo design enthusiasts to share their tattoos, inspiration, designs, and requests so that they can plan their next tattoo. This is NOT a subreddit for finalised tattoo designs, it is only to get ideas and rough drawings to help envision what you might want. A licensed tattoo artist is the only person who should be designing your tattoo. DrawMyTattoo is only here to help you make plans, not finish them. No requesting to be paid.

2024.05.16 05:27 ahubo Earning some cash from Advertisers

submitted by ahubo to admob [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:27 ilovetzus Struggling with small details & generally overwhelmed

I look at excel sheets that house ALL of our data and then filling in forms using a different software the company created, then communicating with other offices (think govt medical offices) to file things, ask them regulation questions, etc.
Our data is not numbers but words, timelines, if something is open to be renewed, different times each entity uses, etc. no formulas are really used besides making the data more readable/better looking if that makes sense
I have ADHD and it is MIND NUMBING to go into shared, find the folder I need, find the document I need, then find the info I need and making sure I’m reading the correct line when it is a true table but some are built as tabs and house info about one thing by entity (each entity gets its own tab).
Don’t get me wrong a LOT of work went into these over a number of years but we use teams/onenote religiously and trying to keep everyone on same page without over explaining or under explaining just isn’t happening. We have like 9 different reference sheets. No one wants to consolidate. Does anyone have any tips or tricks? I’ve thrown at them we should have a different database system of software but I don’t have that expertise and the company won’t hire out for that or switch to anything else.
When I started I linked documents and made my onenote workable to find resources and it helped but then they CHANGED where things were in the drive so I gave up on my onenote organizing! Then they made a master onenote that IS NOT as helpful as they think (like where things are in shared with a clickable link or who to go to for a check, etc. it is a massive work in progress).
Finding the new links to replace dead ones was too much of a time sink. But I’m trying to circle back because I NEED to start taking notes during all of my meetings because I’m missing small shit and that’s leading up to making big mistakes and getting me in trouble now that I’m 2 years in. Manager isn’t much help beyond “how can we support” but only comes to me with feedback when it’s bad. I just feel like giving up honestly because I cannot get a handle on these small minute details.
submitted by ilovetzus to workfromhome [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:26 logyost Trying to find a mod that added step assist to my custom modpack

I'm working on a modpack right now and I'm trying to figure out what mod adds step assist so I can get rid of it or config it.
Here's my modlist:
 Platforms (by ShetiPhian) Sushi Go Crafting (by Buuz135) Cave Dweller Sound Overhaul (by Scorchy) CC: Tweaked (by SquidDev) Drip Sounds (Forge) (by PieKing1215) Despawning Eggs Hatch (by Serilum) Extra Trades (by CAS_ual_TY) Macaw's Doors (by sketch_macaw) Torchmaster (by xalcon) [ETF] Entity Texture Features - [Fabric & Forge] (by traben_0) Ad Astra (by AlexNijjar) Connected Glass (by SuperMartijn642) BetterF3 (by cominixo) Dyenamics (by LobsterJonn) Sophisticated Storage (by P3pp3rF1y) FTB Ultimine (Forge) (by FTB) Shrink. (by Gigabit101) Embeddium/Rubidium Dynamic Lights (by Anthxny) libIPN (by mirinimi) Tiny Redstone (by Danny_and_Son) AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs (by atomicstrykergrumpy) Twigs (by ninnih_) ZeroCore 2 (by ZeroNoRyouki) Supplementaries Squared (by plantspookable) Extreme Reactors (by ZeroNoRyouki) Snowballs Freeze Mobs (by Serilum) Jade 🔍 (by Snownee) CraftTweaker (by Jaredlll08) Do a Barrel Roll (by enjarai) SuperMartijn642's Config Lib (by SuperMartijn642) Chalk (by mortuusars) FTB Ranks (Forge) (by FTB) Energy Meter (by Relentless) Immersive Aircraft [Fabric/Forge] (by Conczin) Lazurite (by Su5eD) Macaw's Paintings (by sketch_macaw) Potions Master (by thevortexFoxTopia) Rechiseled: Create (by SuperMartijn642) Mystical Oak Tree (by plantspookable) Security Craft (by Geforce132) Forgified Fabric API (by Su5eD) Universal Grid (by Ultramegaaa) Colorful Hearts (by Terrails) Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees (by pamharvestcraft) Sophisticated Core (by P3pp3rF1y) Villagers Drop Emeralds on Death (by exlinegames) Mob Despawn Timers (by Shadows_of_Fire) Refined Storage Addons (by raoulvdberge) [EMF] Entity Model Features [Fabric & Forge] (by traben_0) Wireless Chargers (by SuperMartijn642) Macaw's Bridges (by sketch_macaw) Ad Astra: Giselle Addon (by gisellevonbingen) Pop! (by ModdingLegacy) Beautify! (by Pandarix) Moonlight Lib (by MehVahdJukaar) JourneyMap (by techbrew) Flower Patch (by Mrbysco) Lionfish API (by mcl_ender) Architectury API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) (by shedaniel) AttributeFix (by DarkhaxDev) ExtraStorage (by 3divad99) Goblin Traders (by MrCrayfish) Modonomicon (by kli_kli) Cosmetic Armor Reworked (by LainMI) Silent Gear (by SilentChaos512) Extreme sound muffler - (Neo)Forge (by LeoBeliik) Radiant Gear (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4) Camera Mod (by henkelmax) Biomes O' Plenty (by Forstride) Macaw's Windows (by sketch_macaw) Oculus (by Asek3) Sky Structures (by TrueRealCursed_Warrior) YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Just Enough Resources (JER) (by way2muchnoise) Falling Leaves (NeoForge/Forge) (by Cheaterpaul) Simple Backups (by MelanX) Reliquary Reincarnations (by P3pp3rF1y) Embeddium (Rubidium) Extra (by dimadencep) Create Crafts & Additions (by MRHminer) Snuffles (by schnappdragon) Just Enough Professions (JEP) (by Mrbysco) Golems Are Friends Not Fodder (by LobsterJonn) Chipped (by terrariumearth) Sound Physics Remastered (by henkelmax) More Overlays Updated (by RiDGo8) Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops (by pamharvestcraft) Toast Control (by Shadows_of_Fire) JourneyMap Integration (by frankV) Customizable Player Models (by tom54541) GroovyModLoader (GML) (by matyrobbrt) Artifacts (by ochotonida) Functional Storage (by Buuz135) Embeddium++ (by SrRapero720) Refined Polymorphism (by ninety) TerraBlender (Forge) (by TheAdubbz) Balm (Forge Edition) (by BlayTheNinth) Reborn Storage (by Gigabit101) Dark Utilities (by DarkhaxDev) Botany Trees (by DarkhaxDev) Notes (by Chaosyr) Useless Sword (by Furti_Two) Clumps (by Jaredlll08) EnderTanks (by ShetiPhian) Blue Skies (by ModdingLegacy) Lithostitched (by Apollo) Rare Ice (Forge/Fabric) (by shedaniel) Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended (by pamharvestcraft) Bow Infinity Fix (Forge/Fabric) (by Parker8283) Jumpy Boats (by LobsterJonn) Potion Blender [Fabric/Forge] (by motivational_dragon) Botarium (by CodexAdrian) Repurposed Structures (Neoforge/Forge) (by telepathicgrunt) Smarter Farmers (farmers replant) (by MehVahdJukaar) YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Dungeon Crawl (by xiroc_) Kiwi 🥝 (Forge) (by Snownee) Complementary Shaders - Reimagined (by EminGT) The Undergarden (by Quek04) Majrusz Library (by Majrusz17) AI Improvements (by QueenOfMissiles) Utilitarian (by LobsterJonn) Macaw's Fences - Biomes O' Plenty (by Samlegamer_) Edibles (by Serilum) Charm of Undying (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4) Athena (by CodexAdrian) FlickerFix (by MutantGumdrop) Cupboard (by someaddon) Wool Tweaks (by Serilum) Additional Lanterns (by SuperMartijn642) Packet Fixer (by TonimatasDEV) More Mob Variants (by nyuppo) Macaw's Paths and Pavings (by sketch_macaw) Silent Lib (silentlib) (by SilentChaos512) Advanced Peripherals (by srrendi) Ender IO (by crazypants_mc_the_second) Refined Storage (by raoulvdberge) Terralith (by Starmute) Titanium (by Buuz135) YUNG's Extras (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Dark Mode Everywhere (by Buuz135) Snow! Real Magic! ⛄ (Forge) (by Snownee) Heartstone (by plantspookable) Clickable advancements[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon) Resourceful Config (by ThatGravyBoat) Macaw's Roofs - Biomes O' Plenty (by Samlegamer_) CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (by covers1624) Sit (by bl4ckscor3) Comforts (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4) Simple Shops (by wolforce) Skinned Carts (by Mrbysco) Apotheosis (by Shadows_of_Fire) YUNG's API (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (by SuperMartijn642) Curios API (Forge/NeoForge) (by TheIllusiveC4) Cat Jammies (by Buuz135) Konkrete [Forge] (by Keksuccino) The Graveyard (FORGE/NEOFORGE) (by finallion_13) Sooty Chimneys (by mortuusars) YUNG's Menu Tweaks (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) ProjectE (by SinKillerJ) Cave Dweller Reimagined (by idk_someguy) UtilitiX (by MelanX) fix GPU memory leak[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon) Ambient Environment (by Jaredlll08) Durability Tooltip (by SuperMartijn642) Fish On The Line (by Serilum) Hexxit Gear R (by ImVeryBad) Model Gap Fix (by MehVahdJukaar) MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy) (by MehVahdJukaar) Farsight [Forge] (by someaddon) ShetiPhianCore (by ShetiPhian) Trash Cans (by SuperMartijn642) FTB XMod Compat (by FTB) Extra Disks (by MelanX) Fuel Goes Here (by LobsterJonn) Farmer's Delight (by vectorwing) Kotlin for Forge (by thedarkcolour) ModernFix (by embeddedt) Ex Nihilo: Sequentia (by NovaMachina) playerAnimator (by KosmX) Apothic Attributes (AttributesLib) (by Shadows_of_Fire) Nature's Compass (by Chaosyr) Time in a bottle Curio Support (by MangoRage) Corail Tombstone (by Corail_31) L_Ender 's Cataclysm (by mcl_ender) Fresh Animations (by FreshLX) Macaw's Furnitures - Biomes O' Plenty (by Samlegamer_) Emotecraft (Forge) (by KosmX) Macaw's Lights and Lamps (by sketch_macaw) NetherPortalFix (by BlayTheNinth) Just Enough Archaeology (by LobsterJonn) Controlling (by Jaredlll08) Pig Pen Cipher (by DarkhaxDev) Duckling (by Frogipher) Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise) Just Zoom [Forge] (by Keksuccino) KubeJS (by LatvianModder) Absent by Design (by Lothrazar) Death Knell (by DarkhaxDev) No Farmland Trample (by LobsterJonn) YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Curious Lanterns (by Psilock1) Fusion (Connected Textures) (by SuperMartijn642) Explorify – Dungeons & Structures (by bebebea_loste) NovaCore (by NovaMachina) Crafting on a stick (by OfekN_) Framework (by MrCrayfish) TrashSlot (by BlayTheNinth) Macaw's Trapdoors (by sketch_macaw) YUNG's Bridges (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Camp Chair (by dmitrylovin) FindMe (by Buuz135) Tumbleweed (by bconv) Craftable Horse Armour & Saddle [CHA&S] (by EwyBoy) Dyenamics and Friends (by LobsterJonn) The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic) Structure Gel API (by ModdingLegacy) EdivadLib (by 3divad99) Crafting Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth) Mighty Mail (Forge) (by MrCrayfish) Rhino (by LatvianModder) More Mob Variants x Fresh Animations (by nyuppo) Sky Villages [Forge] (by y4z0n) RSInfinityBooster (by hexeptiondev) Simple Magnets (by SuperMartijn642) FTB Essentials (Forge & Fabric) (by FTB) Explorer's Compass (by Chaosyr) Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core (by pamharvestcraft) Tool Belt (by gigaherz) Name Tag Tweaks (by Serilum) Mod Name Tooltip (by mezz) Get It Together, Drops! (by bl4ckscor3) Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire) Just Another Rotten Flesh to Leather Mod (by alexdaum1) Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ (by covers1624) The Lost Cities (by McJty) Macaw's Roofs (by sketch_macaw) Wither Skeleton Tweaks (by Shadows_of_Fire) Measurements (by Mrbysco) Naturalist (by Starfish_Studios) Harvest with ease (by CrystalSpider) Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR) FLIB (by Lothrazar) Create Slice & Dice (by possible_triangle) Even More Instruments! (by StavWasPlayZ) Time in a bottle [FORGE] (by MangoRage) Occultism (by kli_kli) Deep Aether (by TeamRazor) MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (by MrCrayfish) AppleSkin (by squeek502) Macaw's Bridges - Biomes O' Plenty (by Samlegamer_) Collective (by Serilum) Construction Wand (by ThetaDev) Overloaded Armor Bar (by tfarecnim) Simple Voice Chat (by henkelmax) Botany Pots (by DarkhaxDev) Carpet Trapdoors [Forge] (by LordSebastio) Amendments (by plantspookable) Eating Animation [Forge] (by matyrobbrt) Create (by simibubi) Deeper and Darker (by KyaniteMods) LibX (by noeppinoeppi) When Dungeons Arise - Forge! (by Aureljz) YUNG's Better Jungle Temples (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Observable (by tasgon) Elytra Slot (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4) FTB Library (Forge) (by FTB) Customized Dungeon Loot (by XxRexRaptorxX) Sophisticated Backpacks (by P3pp3rF1y) Voidscape (by Tamaized) Macaw's Holidays (by sketch_macaw) Night Lights (by joosh_7889) More Red (by Commoble) Additional Lights (by mgen256) Path Under Gates (by cyberslas) Simply Light (by Flanks255) Chisels & Bits - For Forge (by AlgorithmX2) Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz) RS Insert Export Upgrade (by Ultramegaaa) Macaw's Fences and Walls (by sketch_macaw) Double Doors (by Serilum) FerriteCore ((Neo)Forge) (by malte0811) Caelus API (Forge/NeoForge) (by TheIllusiveC4) Ding (Forge) (by iChun) Chimes (by CicadaBluw) Dark Paintings (by DarkhaxDev) Creeper Overhaul (by joosh_7889) Corail Woodcutter (by Corail_31) Glassential Renewed (by big_energy) Occultism KubeJS (by kli_kli) YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Structure Essentials[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon) Genshin Instruments (by StavWasPlayZ) Rechiseled: Chipped (by the_iwolfking) JEITweaker (by Jaredlll08) Villager Names (by Serilum) Configured (by MrCrayfish) EnderChests (by ShetiPhian) Handcrafted (by terrariumearth) Everything is Copper (by LobsterJonn) YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Create: Steam 'n' Rails (by mattentosh) Complementary Shaders - Unbound (by EminGT) Chat Heads (by dzwdz) Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev) YUNG's Better Witch Huts (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Fast Leaf Decay (by olafskiii) Majrusz's Accessories (by Majrusz17) Default Options (by BlayTheNinth) Rechiseled (by SuperMartijn642) Structory (by botanydev) Nyctophobia (FORGE) (by finallion_13) The Aether (by TheAetherTeam) Passthrough Signs (by Girafi) Aether: Lost Content Addon (by ModdingLegacy) Entity Culling Fabric/Forge (by tr7zw) Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) (by shedaniel) My Server Is Compatible (by focamacho) Macaw's Furniture (by sketch_macaw) SmartBrainLib (Forge/Fabric/Quilt) (by Scimiguy) Supplementaries (by MehVahdJukaar) Better Fishing Rods (by TrueRealCursed_Warrior) Lootr (Forge & NeoForge) (by Noobanidus) Snow Under Trees (by bl4ckscor3) Mob Grinding Utils (by vadis365) Searchables (by Jaredlll08) Patchouli (by Vazkii) Easy Villagers (by henkelmax) Simple Discord Rich Presence (Forge / Fabric) (by Sunekaer) Void Totem (Forge) (by Affehund) Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize) Customizable Player Models Simple Voice Chat compat (by tom54541) Resourceful Lib (by ThatGravyBoat) Polymorph (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4) LaserIO (by Direwolf20) Tom's Simple Storage Mod (by tom54541) GeckoLib (by Gecko) Eccentric Tome (by EccentricVamp) Packing Tape (by gigaherz) Botany Pots Tiers (by Ultramegaaa) Runelic (by DarkhaxDev) Embeddium (by embeddedt) Neko's Enchanted Books (by Nekomaster1000) YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) 
submitted by logyost to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:26 Void-Space-Purgatory Missing a name for a educational short animation film? Saw it in the 90's

Saw this in the 90's, on a vhs. Was a sort of a filler before what ever else was on that vhs. Something educational I'm sure.
Hand painted backgrounds, watercolour and such, hand drawn animation all the way. Characters don't pop out, more like blend with everything.
Not overly cartoony like Disney, more real life like Soviet Union/Czechoslovakia animation style.
Definitely a lot older than 80's or 90's.
No words are spoken, mainly exclamations and murmurs and sorts. Nature sounds and background noises.
The start scene is of a beautiful, vibrant green forest. Long trees, lots of different greens and leaves. Then there is a clearing of sorts. A man walks in from the right, carrying a basket. Full body is shown. Looks like irl person, but more plainly drawn. Possibly gathering berries and mushrooms. Stops by a tree, closer shot of him. Finds an egg from below a tree, looks around but sees no nest. Puts it in his basket. Camera moves back to original position. Walks back where he came.
Next scene is of him driving away from the forest, wiggly road, then more and more cars are around him as he nears the city he lives in. Very noisy. Cars go horizontally on the screen, over bridge and roads. Everything turns more grey and concrete is everywhere. He parks and goes to his apartment. Colors are dull.
He walks towards the camera to a desk with a lamp on it. Gently puts his basket down and takes the egg from it. Places it in a small box with tissues and moves a desk lamp over it, turning it on. Sits down and watches the egg. Elbows on desk and palms on his cheeks. Clock ticks in the background as time moves on.
A close up of the egg. The egg makes shell breaking sounds. He is overjoyed and can't wait for it to hatch. And it does. But not a baby bird is seen. It's a baby snake. The snake has funnily enough more cartoony eyes than him. Seems to be an adder (European Viper). It obviously thinks him as his "mom". So happy to see him. He sighs, not sure about it at first, but decides to take care of it.
Time goes on and the snake grows. They have become a bit close. He chuckles a lot at their shenanigans. His place has a bit more color.
It is spring time again, and we see the man put the snake to his basket. Humming and all. Out he goes to the greyness. Then a cacophony of cars driving horizontally again, until only he is seen driving towards the forest by the wiggly road. It is more silent, nature sounds are back.
In the forest, he arrives at the same spot he found the egg in. He gently places the basket down and ushers the snake to check out their surroundings. Snake leaves in the end, saying goodbyes by flicking it's tail?? and the man smiles, chuckles and leaves the area.
The end.
So a sort of educational short film. Don't pick up random eggs and if you do, nurture them and bring back to forest when ready to live there.
But yeah, this is all I can remember. Not the title, not the creators or even what came after this short cartoon.
Anyone else remember this and whom possibly made it?
submitted by Void-Space-Purgatory to cartoons [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:24 samurisoul47 Hey Reddit, I'm 27 Male and Just Joined the Gym to Lose Weight. Without a Personal Trainer or Much Know-How, What Exercises Should I Start With, and What Foods Should I Eat?

Hey everyone,
So, here's the deal. I'm 27, and I've decided it's finally time to take charge of my health and fitness. I've never really been into the whole gym thing before, but I'm ready to make a change. Problem is, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and lost.
First off, I have no idea where to even start with exercise. I walk into the gym and feel like a lost puppy. I've tried googling beginner workouts, but there are so many different ones out there, and I'm not sure which one is right for me. Plus, I can't afford a personal trainer to guide me through it all. Any recommendations on beginner-friendly workouts or resources I can use to get started?
Secondly, I'm clueless when it comes to nutrition. I know that what you eat is just as important (if not more) than exercise when it comes to weight loss and overall health. But I have no idea what kinds of foods I should be eating, how much I should be eating, or even how to cook healthy meals. Are there any easy-to-follow meal plans or nutritional guides out there for beginners like me?
I'm really determined to make a change and get healthier, but I feel like I'm stumbling in the dark here. Any advice or words of wisdom from those who have been in my shoes would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by samurisoul47 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:24 TheFakeMoonExists 22 NB USA - Let’s Connect Through Words

Hey there! I'm 22-year-old, non-binary and queer, on the lookout for pen pals who share my love for connection and creativity. I'm passionate about a myriad of things, from cooking and baking to writing, arts, and crafts, and the great outdoors.
If you're someone who values the beauty of words, enjoys whipping up delicious dishes, finds solace in artistic expression, or simply relishes the wonders of nature, I'd love to connect with you. Let's exchange stories, thoughts, and maybe even swap recipes or craft ideas!
No matter where you are in the world, whether you're an experienced pen pal or new to the concept, let's embark on this journey of forging meaningful connections through the written word. If you're interested in getting to know a fellow adventurer of life, feel free to reach out. I can't wait to start this pen pal adventure with you! 🖋💌🌿
Note: I’m looking for someone to correspond with who is near to my age and preferably in the USA.
submitted by TheFakeMoonExists to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:23 JdonMySoul 2 year old that cries all day?

So I just started working at a International School as HR staff. Sometimes I help out with the daycare program when they need a hand.
There's a kid that just turned 2 years old a couple weeks ago, and he cries all day. From being dropped off to getting picked up. Only way to get him to stop is to carry him in your arms. In which once you do so, he'll throw tantrums when you put him back down, screaming and stomping his feet while asking to be picked up again. And the only words I really here from him "is mom coming" and "no" and "mama"
This is all in Japanese by the way.
He also refuses to let go of his jacket, or take of his hat, and he wants to hold onto his backpack at all times.
If I hold him and take of his hat he'll cry about wanting his hat, so if I put him down, he won't go get his hat, just pointing at it and grabbing my leg telling me to pick him up and go to his hat.
The teachers in charge said that if you pick him up when he cries he's gonna manipulate you into doing that all day so i shouldn't do it. And seems most of the time they just kind of ignore him crying and tell him in a stern voice that mom will come later and to stop crying.
I'm not so sure about this.... I'm not in charge of him so I'm keeping the boundaries secure, I won't overstep into the teacher's discression. Its just Im in the office working and I can hear his crying all day. There are other office staff concerned and there was some drama that I didn't want to partake in about picking him up when he cries, but the preschool teacher pretty much told office staff members to stay in our lane. Which I think is understandable.
But I also did learn in school that children this age don't really have a concept of manipulation and hes barely 2 so I feel like hes a bit too young to be here, but there are other 2 year olds that don't cry all day, just when they get dropped off.
What would be a good way forward? He's been here about 2 months now.
submitted by JdonMySoul to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:23 Avid_Learner_96 Could I get some help with a project?

Hi everyone of northernireland ! Im a new user of reddit so I am not so familiar with it but I was hoping to find someone willing to help me with a school project on here. Ok so for some background, Im a student of trilinguism and cultures and we have classes of English, Spanish and Mandarin where we also get into the different cultures that exist within the same language (English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in writing). Recently, in English, we were given the project to write a TV show inspired scene based on a variety of English and make it sound the most authentic possible. I chose (Northern) Ireland English and the popular TV show 'Derry Girls' and I tried to sprinkle in elements of culture, but obviously, since I am not from Northern Ireland, I did a pretty mediocre job. I now have to get feedback in order to better myself and I was hoping to find someone who would be ready to help me. Down below will be a tiny part of my text, dont be scared to be harsh! (By the way, the weird writing is on purpose, its supposed to represent irish pronounciation based on canadian English standards, I know its silly. You can comment on it too, on names, on expressions, words, actions, relations, etc.)
On the night of the 24th of December, after a big family party in the McCool’s house, Mary, Erin and Saoirse are the only people left in the house. Outside, we can hear everyone else greeting neighbors and walking toward the church together to attend the midnight service. The girls are hurrying up cleaning the kitchen before joining everyone. The uncomfortable silence in the room is suddenly broken when the front door opens.
MARY: Da? (surprised)
JOE: Bout ye girls?
MARY: What are you doin’ inside?
JOE: I forgot my swemsuit.
MARY: Your swemsuit? For what?
JOE: To go swemmin’ after the service, aye. Its tradition. Every 25th of December in the morning we go take a lettle dip in the sea. You used to do it often when you were a wain.
MARY: Daddy, catch yourself on! You’re no goin’ swemmin’, its baltic outside!
Mary pushes the leftover of the turkey, potatoes and vegetables from an unfinished plate.
JOE: Don’t worre Mary, its just for a wee menute. You should come too. (Pointing at the three girls)
Mary makes an appalled face, her hand on her chest. Erin notices her mom not agreeing and wants to contradict her.
ERIN: I’ll go with you gran-da! (excitedly)
MARY: Houl yer whist. No, you won’t! You’ll get seck.
SAOIRSE: I agree, I went for a wee dander earlier and I was foundered! Its not a time to stay outside so it is.
ERIN: Of course, she’s on my mam’s side… (under her breath)
What do you guys think?
submitted by Avid_Learner_96 to northernireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:23 offersnoabsolutes Help: I(18f) hate my cousin(19f) and don’t think I can forgive her.

I need to confess this somewhere, and thought that this would be the place to do so. I(18f) hate my cousin(19f), but no-one in my life knows how deep this goes.
For context, since we were infants we were constantly around each other. If I wasn’t at my house then I was at hers (and vice versa). As we got to highschool, our friendship dwindled due to school and naturally not having time to see each other as often with our busy schedules. But other than that, when we see each other at family events we can pick up right where we left off and have a good time together. So, why should I hate her?
This is where it gets dark. I don’t have the words for this, as this is the first time I am ever speaking (or typing) about these events. I am completely at a loss for words.
During our childhood, my cousin (let’s call her Belle) was always ordering me around and was an overall diva. She never let me have control over the games we played or what we did. I was a very sensitive child afraid of confrontation, so I let a lot of the things she did slide under the rug. I was always covering for her if our parents asked if she was “playing nice.” I never wanted her to get in trouble because I cared about her, and when things were good between us, she was an amazing, funny girl. Besides the small things- like toys and games- she did awful things that I don’t know how to say.
I don’t remember when it started or when it ended. All I can remember is that it stopped in the beginning of middle school and started in elementary school- possibly even before that. It’s all a haze. But I can say that there were multiple instances where she took me to rooms in her house: out of sight of her parents. And Belle would tell me what her and an older cousin (m, don’t know the exact age) on her particular side of the family (not related to me) would often [TW] commit sexual acts on her. Belle would tell me that this cousin said this was a normal thing to do, but that “you can’t tell the adults.” So she decided to start things with me. And I didn’t say no. I didn’t understand what was happening at the time, all I knew was that this was a dirty secret that I had to keep. I tried to persuade her multiple times when she would try initiating sexual acts, but she would push and push until I said okay. There were things that happened in that house that I have never told a soul in my life about, because I don’t know what to say. If anyone knows what this situation qualifies as, please tell me. I feel disgusting. But even though I was a child, she was too. It’s messy, and I’ve struggled with body image, self esteem, depression, and anxiety during and following these events, even still as I write this. I am in therapy, but I can’t talk about this as I am too scared.
Now, ever since this situation stopped, we have never brought it up with each other. It terrified me to do so. But other than that, we are how we always have been even during the situation; close and supportive of each other- until recently. This January, I found out Belle was talking about me to every single one of her friends. I heard of this from a friend of mine that works with one of Belles close friends. Belle had called me fat, ugly, annoying, etc. I was shocked, but believed it. Belle would always make sarcastic comments about how I weighed a lot and was ugly when hanging out, but I always thought it was familial jesting until I really thought about the times she was “jesting” with me, and slowly everything started to click. I also found out that every time she blew off my recent suggestions for hanging out she would tell her friends how “fucking annoying as hell” I was. Again, before this, she acted totally fine around me and we were pretty close. I told my parents just about how she’s been saying these things, not bringing up anything from our past. These past five months I’ve resorted to keeping our conversations brief (an idea my parents came up with), meanwhile she’s still acting like everything is fine between us. But I can’t help myself but to hate her and at the same time empathize with her. I know what happened in our childhood wasn’t really her fault, but her other cousin’s. But it doesn’t explain why she hates me. Does she blame me for what happened? Does she feel guilty? Should i be more understanding? Help me, any comments are appreciated.
submitted by offersnoabsolutes to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:23 nothingistrue042 The Red Hand - Jenita Shinde

The Red Hand - Jenita Shinde
I am Jenita Shinde, a child of Ganymede. The following is an account of the Red Hand.
The Red Hand was started by Karriga Animoto (cybernetic philosopher), Felia Sargonaire (bounty hunter) and Robino Wingal (talkative three-eyed wolf) on Europa. They began carrying out heists on the megacorporations in Reldare, the crevice city. They stole to give back to the people. As they grew in number so did their sense of community. They held music concerts, psychedelic rituals, reading groups, general assemblies and protests. With the majority of labourers in the Red Hand, they were able to cease all commodity production in Reldare, replacing corporate AI with their own, sending the corporations out of the city.
They began their own cyberspace network which eventually spanned across all the inhabited moons of Jupiter. This is the so-called Red-Net. With full control of the city government apparatus, the Red Hand, began providing everyone with homes and food and began planning a bottom-up democratic process. The Red-Net is a decentralised network which allows human and posthuman intelligences to vote. Instead of giving machinic intelligence a vote, these intelligences are required to give presentations to voters, pitching ideas whether technological, economic, sociological, political, ethical and so on. The Red-Net is full of polls; it is flooded with activists creating books, movies, music, games, art and so many other things that are possible in cyberspace. With all this activity, directives are carried out by the Middle Finger, agents of the Red Hand, who carry out the will of the people, defending them on the ground and in space.
The Red Hand faces many enemies: the megacorporations and the See Eye Agency (SEA). They all seek to destabilise the community, placing power back in the hands of the few. There is a lot of political conflict on the Red-Net, such that the Red Hand is becoming divided into different factions. Five fingers are taking shape, quickly turning against each other. The Middle Finger is slowly gaining more power over the people instead of being their shield. Some believe the SEA has infiltrated the Red Hand, sowing seeds of chaos. While this has not been confirmed yet, each faction claims the other are all SEA shills. Ultimately, the original dream of the Red Hand is falling apart.
Today, I stand here to bring back the original dream of the Red Hand. Together in a fist, we will bring the enemy down.
Do you know the enemy? We have documented kaledoi among us. Are they the enemy? They are people who do not know they are agents of destruction. There exist paranoiac sociopaths in the back of their mind; masterminds secretly pulling their strings. They need help. It is of utmost importance that we develop both a means to expose them and a means to bring their splintered selves back together. By reintroducing them to themselves, we give them the chance to come back to society, only if they no longer pose a threat to us. The SEA is the real enemy. They have tortured these poor people as children. To fix the kaledoi problem and defeat the SEA, the Red Hand must unite together.
Step 1: First, we must resolve our differences.
Step 2: We must learn to identify and help the kaledoi
Step 3: We must take the fight to the SEA
Vote on this course of action at
Let us begin to discuss how we can start on these promlems.
Classified SEA Files: Project Panoptes:
submitted by nothingistrue042 to theFuckheadBlog [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:22 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Thursday May 16th

Live Music

Wednesday Pier Farmers Market

Boozin' on the Boulevard

St. Augustine Wine Walk

Bo Johnson at Cafe Eleven

Historic Architectural Review Board Meeting

Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: Alcazar Room at City Hall, 75 King Street
I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here

For future events please visit the Discord.
submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:22 Every-Ad-667 AITAH For going no contact with my mom, after my sister went no contact with me, calling me a “heartless b-“?

Get comfy, this will a long ride. I (41f) am the middle of three daughters, ‘Shannon’ (43) and ‘Carrie’ (27) and well mom, we’ll call her ‘Brenda’.
I consider myself the quintessential “middle child”, constantly forgotten, not taken seriously and outright ignored. I got my sister’s hand-me-downs growing up, and don’t dare I ask for anything and actually get it, meanwhile, Carrie was given everything. In high school, Shannon got a tailored dress for prom, I got one off the rack. Shannon got a brand new Focus, I got a 1990 Cougar. Years later, Shannon wanted a newer car, so mom upgraded her to an Explorer. When my car fell apart at the seams, I went out and purchased an Accord. I will admit, mom did co-sign for me because I was only 19, but I was given hell for her doing so.
Shannon dropped out of college after an earthquake hit the area, then she moved in with her boyfriend at the time. I was living at home with mom, working and going to college. My paychecks every two weeks were going to mom to take care of my car note and insurance, all the while mom was paying Shannon’s car note, insurance, giving her money for bills AND Shannon had one of mom’s credit cards “for emergencies”.
While I was working and in college, I was expected to help with Carrie, who was in elementary. I would drop whatever I was doing to pick her up from school, take her to tutoring, cook dinner and help with homework. Mom was an administrative assistant for a private firm, she worked 7am-7pm. One night leaving college, I was involved in a serious accident on the way home, my car was totaled. I eventually was able to get another car from my settlement money, this time I didn’t need a co-signer. Around this same time, I was dropped from college because my grades suffered being spread so thin. I continued working full time, still giving mom money for our bills.
I eventually made the decision to enlist in the Air Force, this decision caught my entire family off guard. Most of the comments I received didn’t surprise me, most thought I wouldn’t succeed. The ones that were supportive, congratulated my decision. I prepared myself to leave home; I made an agreement with mom I would send money for my car note, with the understanding that when the time comes, I will come back for it. Well, that time came and I was met with hostility. Mom decided she wasn’t going to give my car back, it was hers, she “was making the payments”. By this time, mom had moved to Vegas with Carrie, unfortunately developed a gambling problem and I felt helpless since I was so far away.
We’ll fast forward a bit, Shannon is now living in Tennessee. I was medically discharged from the Air Force and after talks with Shannon, I went to live with her. We both worked and shared the bills, I got to reconnect with our older sister from our father’s side (we’ll call her Veronica), everything seemed great. Until… Mom called saying that my car is about to get repossessed, that helpless feeling came back. I ask mom for the information for the finance company, reach out to them, made a payment to stop the repossession, then called her back to let her know she’s caught up. Months go by, Shannon comes home early from work, only to say she was fired for a physical altercation with a coworker. Shannon goes on to say, this is the perfect time to work on her music career. I began working double shifts to cover the bills, all while Shannon is going to the studio. Mom calls one night frantic and furious, the car was repossessed and she was on the bus going to work. This causes a huge blow up between the three of us, because mom and Shannon believe I called and had the car voluntarily repossessed (I did not). Shannon bursts into my room cursing/screaming over how I wronged mom, she grabs me by a leg and drags me out of our apartment and outside into the cold. Veronica picks me up, and I go to stay with her until I got my own place. Things begin to level out, forgive and forget and I start communicating with mom again.
After some time, I found out I was pregnant with my first child and make the decision to move to Vegas with mom. During this time I get to see first hand how badly her gambling habit truly is. I would watch her cash her checks, then immediately push money in a machine and loses it in minutes, this goes on for some time. I eventually have my son and months later start working. I save up to buy myself a car, as well as save up for his first birthday party. I was so excited, planning to go all out! That is until one day I get a call at work from my aunt who lived in our building, she’s noticed my mom coming and going frantically. I didn’t have a bank account at the time, and was keeping my money in a safe hidden in my room… well she found it! When I got home, my room was disheveled and money was gone, all but a few hundred. I took what was left, found a one bed one bath for my son and I and left mom’s apartment.
Enough back story! I’ll bring you to the present! We’re now living in Vegas; I purchased a home in 2015, Carrie moved to Arizona for college, mom, Shannon, Shannon’s 3rd baby daddy (Paul) and 4 kids had a rental home across town. Last summer, they all get evicted. Yes, it was for nonpayment, yes they ALL were gamblers. I allow everyone but Paul to come stay with me, this was not well received. Shannon eventually leaves with her kids, to stay with our cousin Candace, who allowed Paul to be there too. Mom eventually is sent to live with Carrie, because we kept bumping heads. I’ll save you the guess work, Candace gets tired of them being there (rent free) and tells them to leave. Shannon blames ME for Candace putting them out, and gives me an ear full on Mother’s Day. Shannon tells me I’m a heartless b***h, she wishes we weren’t related and karma will eat me alive. I called mom to tell her what has transpired, her reaction was “why can’t we all just get along”. I lose it! She was so flippant and dismissive! No comment about Shannon living rent free in someone else’s home, or the uncalled for and hurtful words to me. So I told mom I needed some space and time, I won’t reach out to her and please don’t reach out to me, then I ended the call.
submitted by Every-Ad-667 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:22 Bigleegchew Restoring game to before Val Alpha

I Googled and searched this and couldn't find how to revert my personal worlds to before I participated in Alpha.
I made my back-ups before starting the Alpha and now I want to put that old progress back, re-sail down there and ultimately experience everything as if I didn't participate in Alpha at all. I tried restoring the files and logged in and all my exploration is still there. Is this because I only tried to revert the world and not the character?
Also, I'm not being asked to pay the $10 to buy the xpac when I go to the Steam shop like before. Did I get the xpac for free b/c I did the Alpha?
Old man here and I'm just trying to make sure I can play without losing progress later with updates/patches b/c I've trapped myself in Alpha and not actually playing the full retail version of the game.
Thank you all for your help.
submitted by Bigleegchew to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:22 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Thursday May 16th

Live Music

Wednesday Pier Farmers Market

Boozin' on the Boulevard

St. Augustine Wine Walk

Bo Johnson at Cafe Eleven

Historic Architectural Review Board Meeting

Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Where: Alcazar Room at City Hall, 75 King Street
I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here

For future events please visit the Discord.
submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:21 yaoyao9 That is the Proof of a Manifested Ego

That is the Proof of a Manifested Ego
"You may not be able to fully comprehend it..."
A piece born from truly the strangest of circumstances converging. I've no explanations for any of this, but there is a word salad that may constitute such, which I will offer.
After a few weeks of tremendous stress both physically and mentally, I wanted to take a break and tackle two light-weight projects to pass the time. One was building a model, during which unforeseen horrors caused it to spiral into its own train wreck, but the first project was this. An homage to the ending cinematography of Saint Seiya using my typical Cadre of 4 characters.
Why Seiya? It comes down to a few factors. I was randomly recommended it by my parents of all people, and ran through the story. It was an entertaining look back at the early days of hot-blooded bishounen combat action. The cinematography for the ED itself is nothing short of classic, and the song accompaniment in MAKE-UP's "Blue Forever" is magical. In that lord the other factor: blue. Blunt and simple. So it really is just the strangeness of getting the recommendation, the recency effect of having seen it, and "blue." Womp womp.
3 concepts were present for this sketch. One was all AE characters, swapping Kamen Sunder for Wanderer, Aznana for a book or my hat, and tossing in Ego Rex somewhere. Another option was Aznana-centric. In the end, I stuck to my guns and went with thus unusual group of characters. At this point it may as well be a trademark.
Over time, what had been a dumb sketch to pass time grossly evolved into a bottomless time sink, perhaps out of my own half-baked desire for perfectionism. That evolved into trying to do some actual coloring work for the first time on Photoshop, which finally got to where we are, here, with a CRT filter and distortion effect for added mood.
It's definitely no masterpiece or perhaps even competent. I've definitely spent too much effort and time on this and suffered the physical ramifications of being so driven and caught up in the work. That said, I am quite pleased with it, so here it is.
Until next time.
"That's all the summary you'll get for now."
submitted by yaoyao9 to TheTempleOfEs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:20 osuguy4 Live to the fullest

Finishing up my M1 year. I am a non-traditional who took 6 years of work/2nd bachelors/masters to turn around 95 credits with a 2.1 gpa from my initial run at college (I was in higher education for 10 years prior to starting med school). I got rejected once before eventually getting admitted to one MD school (fortunately my first choice).
As I look at premed from the other side, I see the flood of people in positions that did not reward their goals or unwavering efforts. I remember checking every thread to see if I actually had a chance of getting accepted and what I should be doing with every waking minute of my time. I remember feeling so discouraged by the rejections. Feeling like my life would finally start once I was accepted into med school. What I wish I would have realized, and what I tell all of my current mentees is that your life is happening right now. It doesn’t ever start or stop with or without an acceptance/M1 academic calendar. No matter what happens, all you have is the present. I wish I would have focused on living in the present and l rather than only worrying about the future so much. If you are passionate and committed, nothing will stop you from achieving your dreams and getting that acceptance when the time is right.
Good luck to all those who are waiting to hear back, and all of those who are gearing up to reapply. Never give up. You are destined for greatness.
submitted by osuguy4 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:20 No_Interview4615 Why does my new chosen name feel weird when spoken out loud but not when it’s written down?

Can’t believe I’m making another one of these, but, I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I am transmasculine, or at least something adjacent to it. I’m in middle school with a large population of bullies and homophobic people, so using a new name at school wouldn’t be a good choice on my part. I like my new name, and I was fully content with it when I first came up with it and asked my closest friends to start to use it with me. However, when I heard someone say it, it always felt wrong. Since I came out to my father and he used my chosen name for the first time, my heart rate goes up at the mention of the name when I’m put into context with it, and I get a, for lack of a better word, icky feeling accompanying it for the next hour or so. I feel comfortable with this name in writing, like using it to refer to myself online, but I’m afraid that since I’ve come out with this name, it would be uncomfortable for myself and the others around me to change the name they have just started to get used to using for me. Is this normal for (FtM) trans folk? If so, should I just wait and see? And, if not, how do I go about finding another name and using it for myself, as this name I’m currently using does in fact feel more comfortable when written down? The latter may change, however, since this situation has started.
submitted by No_Interview4615 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:20 Constant-Contact920 Abandon vehicle on base

Kinda of an odd question but figured this may be the best place to ask. So there’s an abandon vehicle in my commands parking lot. I’ve been here for 2 years been on underways and deployment and the vehicle has not moved once. The tags have also been expired for more than 2 years and I’ve asked several people and nobody seems to know who it belongs to. I’ve even tried using one of those vin identifier websites but they haven’t been any help. Even with the wear of it being out in the rain it doesn’t look too bad as a weekend kind of toy and I’d like to take possession.
I’ve read through the DMV guidance and it’s not a difficult process if the vehicle is on private property but of course that’s not the case here. If the base gets involved I’ve been told they take it over and eventually auction it off which I’m trying to avoid. My question is does anybody know if it’s close to possible to take possession the same way you would if it wasn’t on government property? Im trying to not ask my chief because knowing them they’ll run to the CO and then suddenly want this off the parking lot (even though they had no idea it was even there) by any means and the fact I brought it up will be forgotten about.
Could it be as simple as contacting base security and offering to have it removed on my dollar and then start everything normally?
submitted by Constant-Contact920 to navy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:18 Leagueboosting [SELLING] Elo Dragon 🐉 CHEAP PRICING WITH QUALITY BOOSTERS 🎉 ALL Servers, ALL Ranks 🎉

Join our Discord Community for Coaching, League Accounts, League Solo/Duo, Valorant, Wild Rift and TFT Boosting on all servers!!
Elo Dragon is a very reliable and honest boosting service with over 100+ Vouches and 4000 orders in a year and a half of being started. Here at Elo Dragon customer service and quality are our top priority! Our owners and admins will do whatever we can for the customer and we try to have someone on 24/7 for any questions/concerns you may have :)
We offer Solo and Duo boosts on All Servers at all ranks and on larger servers (EUW/NA) we guarantee to start a solo boost within 2 hours of ordering, but usually will be picked up and started within 30 minutes! We also offer hand leveled League accounts/hand leveling services and premium ranked accounts from Iron IV - Challenger depending on our stock. Lastly, we offer coaching from 30+ of our boosters who can help you get better and want to see you step up your game!
We are Open to any boosting inquiries including specific Roles and Champions and we offer the option to have FREE VPN and OFFLINE mode with every Solo Boost!
Join our discord group or add us on discord for inquiries Cheesy#8014 + JacobDRice#0001
Discord Group:
Newest Vouch Post:
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Very Old Vouch Post:
We are now accepting applicants for new boosters on NA, OCE, EUW. Please add Cheesy#8014 + JacobDRice#0001 for more information.
submitted by Leagueboosting to Lolboosting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:18 Leagueboosting Elo Dragon 🐉 GM + Challenger PROFESSIONAL Coaches 🎉 SEASON 14, Split 2!!!! 🎉

Here at Elo Dragon customer service and quality are our top priority! Our owners and admins will do whatever we can for the customer and we try to have someone on 24/7 for any questions/concerns you may have :)
We offer coaching from the owners of Elo Dragon and 30+ of our professional coaches who can help you get better and want to see you step up your game! We ask a few questions to see what Coach we think would fit best with what you want to achieve and your budget. Sometimes we pick out a few coaches and then conduct short screenings to see which coach you think would be best for you! (Can also be requested) (Our pricing varies on which coach you end up with, ranging from $12 - $60 a session).
We also offer hand leveled League accounts/hand leveling services and premium ranked accounts from Iron IV - Challenger depending on our stock. Lastly, we offer Solo and Duo boosts on All Servers at all ranks and on larger servers (EUW/NA) we guarantee to start a solo boost within 2 hours of ordering, but usually will be picked up and started within 30 minutes!
We are Open to any boosting inquiries including specific Roles and Champions and we offer the option to have FREE VPN and OFFLINE mode with every Solo Boost!
Join our discord group or add us on discord for inquiries Cheesy#8014 + JacobDRice#0001
Newest Vouch Post:
New Vouch Post:
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Older Vouch Post:
Oldest Vouch Post:
Very Old Vouch Post:
We are now accepting applicants for new boosters/coaches on NA, OCE, EUW. Please add Cheesy#8014 + JacobDRice#0001 for more information.
submitted by Leagueboosting to LeagueCoachingGrounds [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:18 Wakkawazzalo [TOMT] [sound] [2000s] sound bit of robotic female voice saying "en-enjoy"

I've been searching for a nostalgic sound bit I think from the early 2000's of a robotic but definitely female voice stuttering the word enjoy, that sounds like "en-enjoy."
I think it may be from a video game company's starting animation, probably from an Xbox title, possibly a Tony Hawk game but truly no clue.
Haven't had any luck with search engines or GPT but any direction is appreciated even if it a "hey I remember this" so I know Im not crazy lol
submitted by Wakkawazzalo to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:18 MakeRealApp It took me 5 years to go from $0 to $3000 MRR and this is what my last 5 year journey looks like.

I have made a lot of goals in my life. I have also fulfilled one or two, but it took way longer than I estimated.
In 2018, when I was first introduced to web development, my goal was to get a job on Upwork within three months.
However, I didn’t get any gig on Upwork until 2021. In fact, I couldn’t even complete any projects in the first two years.
My first project was an e-commerce website for a local shop. That was my first real gig in web development. I built it using WordPress. (I was really bad at coding at that time). I believe the only reason I got this gig was because of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
Then, I got another client (actually a request from a relative) who needed software for managing a local government council (mainly residential and commercial taxes).
I also built that in WordPress. It was a pretty complex project to develop in WordPress, but it served until 2021.
By now, I was good at WordPress and got a good start on Upwork. At the end of 2021, a client suggested that I start my services on Fiverr.
This time, I started on Fiverr as a mobile app developer. Everything was going well, so I hired a few developers to help me. (That’s how MakeReal got started.)
By 2022, we had built UPMIS from scratch using the MERN stack. We onboarded 14 areas. It was going well. We started working on Academy Pro and Squad AI.
My journey started well, but I got distracted.
My bad time began in mid-2022. I launched a niche food delivery service for local cities. This was the worst decision of my life so far. I lost all of my money ($15,000), a good six months, and my dev team.
The only hope was Fiverr clients. I did a few gigs and by mid-2023 started a job. It paid my bills but it wasn’t enough ($1,000/month). I started doing gig work with my current client and started monthly after a few months ($2,200/month).
2024 started well and is going pretty much okay.
So far, we made UPMIS an end-to-end SaaS product. I got a co-founder and it’s going well.
I am happy with my one client at MakeReal. We developed 20+ WordPress sites, one mobile app, and two Next.js projects over the last three months.
I joined Reddit few months ago. Since then, I’ve gotten to know a lot of folks doing exactly what I want to do in my life.
I have made an effort to get one client for MakeReal but didn’t succeed. Then I tried to get a few signups for Squad AI, but that didn’t go well either.
Now, I understand that I lack a few skills. The number one is writing.
When I open Reddit to post something, most of the time I can't produce even a single word.
So, from now on, I will write — well, anything—blogs, tweets, replies, life stories.
And this is the first part of it.
submitted by MakeRealApp to SaaS [link] [comments]