Cows bulls mating


2010.05.07 23:35 /r/Cows


2019.03.30 09:51 CattleTheft - Tracking illegal $50 Billion+ business in india and animal cruelty

A cattle that costs Rs5,000 or Tk6,250 in India can fetch as much as ten times the money once it is smuggled into Bangladesh, reports Hindustan Times. This encourages the smugglers to take risks and come up with innovative strategies to keep the flow of cattle stable. India and Bangladesh share a porous 4,096km border.

2024.05.16 18:38 TRAIANVS Walking the Cracked Pot Trail 20 - In Which Erikson Roasts Fans

Previous post

A lapdog's brainless zeal

The Entourage! Whence comes1 such creatures so eager to abandon all pretense of the sedentary? One envisages haste of blubbering excitement, slippery gleam in the eye, a lapdog’s brainless zeal, as a canvas bag is stuffed full of slips and whatnot, with all the grace of a fakir backstage moments before performing before a gouty king. A whirlwind rush through rooms like shrines, and then out!
We get Flicker dropping back into his more heightened style, starting off with a declamation. Remember how we ended the last section
He would unveil himself in Farrog, and then they would all see. Calap Roud, that stunning watery-eyed dancer, Purse Snippet, and the Entourage too—
So this is very much an interruption. Previously we had Flicker placing himself inside Brash's head, until he mentions the Entourage, at which point he switches completely and breaks out into this much more heightened description.
Flicker is back in his picture-painting mode as well, as he imagines the backgrounds of these girls. The first sentence is posed as a question, but is really more of a statement. I love the phrase "abandon all pretense of the sedentary". They were clearly from a wealthy background, living a carefree life before, but now they've chosen to drop it all to follow (in this instance literally follow) their favorite artist.
He imagines the scenario surrounding their departure, with the "blubbering excitement", a "slippery gleam in the eye", and of course "a lapdog's brainless zeal". I'm curious about the "slippery" descriptor there. Especially when paired with the lapdog comment, it calls to mind a dog skidding and sliding on a slippery floor as they're completely unable to contain their excitement. Does anyone have a different reading?
Then they stuff a canvas bag full of slips (as in the clothing, not as in paper slips) and "whatnot", showing how they're clearly not thinking this through, but rather just throwing things in their bag and running out the door. I love the comparison to the fakir. First of all, it hearkens back to the Arabian Nights inspiration, while also giving us the image of a fakir rushing to get ready for his act, but more important is how it works as a metaphor.
The Entourage (who as we will soon learn are all young women) are here posed as a performer, performing in front of an old, fat, wealthy man. It really spotlights the power imbalance between them and their idol. Then we end the paragraph on a sentence that I'm having a really hard time figuring out. What is the significance of the rooms being like shrines? Shrines are (definitionally) places of worship. So it's like they're rushing past these places intended for worship in order to worship their idol, perhaps implying that it would have been more productive to stay and worship a real god. But these aren't shrines, but rather rooms like shrines, so it would be a worship of the home or something in that direction. I don't think this would imply a worship of domesticity, the metaphor is not fleshed out enough for that. I think it's simply saying that they should rather try to stay connected to their roots. I must say I'm not fully convinced by this reading. What do you all think?

Holding up a mirror

Pattering feet, a trio, all converging in unsightly gallop quick to feminize into a skip and prance once He Who Is Worshipped is in sight. The Entourage accompanies the Perfect Artist everywhere, gatherings great and small, public and intimate. They build the walls of the formidable, impregnable keep that is the Perfect Artist’s ego. They patrol the moat, flinging away all but the sweetest defecatory intimations of mortality. They stand sentinel in every postern gate, they gush down every sluice, they are the stained glass to paint rainbows upon their beloved’s perfectly turned profile.
I absolutely love this image we get here of these three girls "converging in unsightly gallop" with their "pattering feet". It's juxtaposing two images, one dainty and the other the exact opposite. If you've seen one of those videos of cows being released out to pasture after the winter, that's basically what I'm picturing. But as soon as they're in the presence of their idol they switch into an exaggeratedly feminine gait.
Then there's the intentionally vague description of their idol. We don't get the name, but he's called He Who Is Worshipped and the Perfect Artist. This is a reminder that we're not talking about particulars, but rather the general case, in particular how people behave in real life fandoms. Let's examine the rest of this paragraph while keeping in mind that this is Erikson is holding up a mirror to us. And you thought you were safe?
The Entourage is always where their artist is. I think this is especially true in the modern day where fans have practically unlimited access to their favourite artists. And they act as defenders of their artist, and notice how at no point here we get any sense that this Perfect Artist asked for any such thing. They build up their own unassailable version of their artist, and then dismiss any criticism except the most basic, toothless ones.
Finally we get these three statements, two quick ones, and a longer one. They "stand sentinel..." is essentially a continuation of the previous sentence. Then they "gush down every sluice". This is a strange turn of phrase to say the least. A sluice is of course a sort of water channel, and since we're in this castle metaphor, it's likely meant as a preventative measure against flooding. But it's not water that's the risk here, but the gushing of the fans.
And lastly they are the stained glass windows that "paint rainbows" on their idol (with a nice alliteration on perfectly and profile). I really like this one. They are not only viewing their idol through rose-tinted glass, but they have made themselves a piece of stained glass, that colors the artist in every color of the rainbow. They are creating a false, or at least exaggerated, image of the artist, and projecting that image to others as well. I think this whole description really mirrors how fanatically devoted some people can get around their favorite artist, and I don't think we should exclude ourselves from this.

Let's back up a little

But let us not snick and snack overmuch, for each life is a wonder unto itself, and neither contempt nor pity do a soul sound measures of health, lest some issue of envy squeeze free in unexpectedly public revelation. The object of this breathless admiration must wait for each sweet woman’s moment upon the stage in the bull’s eye lantern light of our examination.
Flicker yet again addresses the audience directly. The phrase "snick and snack" here is interesting. A snick can of course be a small cut, and there's definitely been enough of those so far. I think the snack is not intended to have a semantic meaning, but is rather intended to complement the onomatopoeic sound of snick. The word "overmuch" is also doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Some snicking and snacking is fine, but let's not get carried away.
The "each life is a wonder..." part is hilarious. This is definitely an example of overpraising, where Flicker uses hyperbolic language while implying a much more subdued meaning. He's now spent two whole paragraphs detailing how ridiculous and vapid the Entourage is, but now he's all "oh the miracle of life etc. etc." So even when he's talking about how he should stop mocking them, he continues the mockery. Absolutely savage.
He then encourages us to not view them with pity or contempt. Possibly because it would be condescending to do so. Certainly nobody likes being viewed that way, and Flicker claims that it is at best unhelpful to take those attitudes. I am a bit confused, however, about the mention of envy. Is Flicker saying that he is envious of them? Or is he warning us to not be envious? Is there a risk, when expressing pity or contempt, of appearing envious? Are the Entourage themselves envious when we do that? I admit I'm kind of lost here. What do you think?
Flicker ends by calling attention to the fact that we haven't really discussed the Entourage's Perfect Artist at all. He's been this remote figure this whole time, almost irrelevant to the conduct of his fans. Note also how he's called an "object". That word has been used once before in this story, and it was to describe the way Purse Snippet was viewed by Calap Roud. This is not an accident. FlickeErikson is saying that the way the Entourage views their Perfect Artist is not entirely dissimilar to the way Calap Roud, a disgusting old pervert, leers at a much younger woman. Again, this is not lust for the artist themself, but rather for the godlike image that the fans have constructed of the artist.
And before we can know that artist, we are going to be introduced to these three young women, each more ridiculous than the last, before we get to their Perfect Artist. Indeed, they must suffer the "bull's eye lantern light of our examination". This is a great description of what Flicker has been doing so far with his ruthless introduction. He also doesn't call it an interrogation or even a description. No, he's simply examining each of these characters, down to their core2.
And that does it for this week's post. Next time we'll be discussing Sellup, the oldest member of the Entourage. See you all next week!
1 I don't know exactly what to do with this seeming error. It strikes me as an editing artifact. That is, Erikson originally wrote this sentence differently, then changed the wording but forgot to change the whole sentence.
2 And it's worth remembering that he may well be making all of this up.
submitted by TRAIANVS to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:44 adstrict4527 Animals should be able to eat, breed and starve on their own. (Minecraft Ecosystems!)

We already have animals that eat plants, hunt other animals, and some mobs can even breed on their own (villagers)
I know "ecosystems" in Minecraft sound complicated, but I think there’s a vanilla friendly way to do it with just 2 simple rules:

The 2 Basic Rules of the Ecosystem:

  1. All animal mobs require constant food or they will eventually starve and die (without giving any drops.)
  2. Animals who get more than enough food will breed on their own.
Both of these rules happen SLOWLY overtime. Manual breeding is still the fastest way to get animals, they'll now just need a source of renewable food like grass blocks to avoid starvation.
But with just those 2 rules you can simulate entire ecosystems everywhere in Minecraft!
Unfortunately in Minecraft right now this would be pretty unbalanced and most animals would eventually reproduce way too much or become extinct. How can we fix this to make default worlds a little more self-sustaining?

Basic ideas to help balance things:

  • Any area that spawns with a large amount of herbivores (Cows, Sheep, Chicken, Pigs, Rabbits, etc.) also needs to spawn near by predators (Foxes, Wolves, Polar Bears, etc.) to keep their population in check. (and vice versa!)
  • Since grass is SO abundant, it should provide less food points. Enough to keep an animal alive, but it would take awhile for them to eat enough to be able to reproduce. Rarer plants like tall grass and flowers provide more food points and encourage breeding.
  • When an animal dies of starvation on grass, it will act like bonemeal and create more of these rarer extra nourishing plants. If herbivore populations start dying out they'll naturally be given more food to help balance them!
  • The AI of predators and prey will need to be improved to make them better at hunting and avoiding being eaten.
  • And in order to truly have a balanced system there would probably just need to be more variety of predators, prey and plant food sources to fit each of Minecraft’s environments.
It would need lots of tweaks, but ideally this would make the default Minecraft world full of balanced, self sustaining ecosystems, that only the player could mess up.

The players effect on these ecosystems:

  • If a players removes too many of one type of an animal in an area, not only are you likely to cause it to go extinct there, but you’re also hurting all the nearby animals that depend on it.
  • If you remove all the predators in an area, the herbivore’s population will increase and they will overeat their plant food source. All the grass, flowers and mushrooms will eventually be eaten faster than they can grow back leaving the area barren, and eventually the herbivores will starve.
  • If you remove the plants in an area for your own buildings, it can harm the entire ecosystem!
  • If you introduce non native plants or animals into new environments, they may immediately die off or worse: outcompete the existing ecosystem and cause catastrophic effects!
If all of this sounds too drastic, keep it mind that it happens slowly over a long period of time, you have time to help your ecosystem recover! It can also be disabled as a gamerule if it just doesn't interest you at all.
Okay that's the idea, thanks for reading!
You're still here?
Okay if you wanted to take this a step further and create truly realistic adaptable ecosystems... I’d suggest one final rule...

Rule 3: Evolution!

  1. All animals’ have unique stats. They’re a combination of their parents + a small random factor. The better stats they have, the more food points they require to survive and breed.
This may sound too complicated, but we already have this mechanic with horses, so I think it would fit nicely in this system.
This is essentially basic evolution. Natural selection would make it so only the animals with stats that best benefit their specific environment will survive.
Areas with high food but high predators will develop stats that help them escape easier. Areas with low food will develop worse stats that require less food. Areas with low food but high predators will need to develop behaviors to avoid predators that don't cost more food (like hiding instead of running)
Here are all the stats that animals can change through reproduction:
  • Movement speed (High food point cost)
  • Health (High food point cost)
  • Amount of offspring they have (High food point cost)
  • How good is their range of vision for seeing predators, food, and finding mates? (Medium food point cost)
  • Do they run from predators or hide from them? (Running would use up food points)
  • How much do they randomly wander around? (Wandering would use up food points)
  • Do they want to stay close to other animals or avoid them? (No cost difference, but this effects competition for resources and chances of escaping a predator.)
This is just a very rudimentary proof of concept idea. I can think of many other ways to build off of it, but to keep things simple I'll leave it at this for now.
What do you think? Does this ruin Minecraft? Is it all too complicated? I think it would be tricky to get right, but it makes the animals in the game much more interesting and teaches the player the consequences for messing with the environment, which I think Mojang wants.
submitted by adstrict4527 to minecraftsuggestions [link] [comments]


With Roaringkitty/DFV return it has brought about a lot of speculation regarding the authenticity of the account.
Whilst i understand the concerns i must make it clear that I do not believe RK sold his account nor has it been hacked. This is a campaign that is being pushed to push us off the trail. WHY do I think this?
  1. RK/DFV was never about the money so why would he sell his account for money, when he already has plenty?
  2. Look at DFVs videos of old, this man cared about his audience and he never sold out even in the face of criminal prosecution!
Next up is the question of 'why has he returned now'?
  1. Firstly, it's worth noting that DFV didn't start this run up on GME, he just added fuel to the fire. There are some wealthy individuals & companies that have seen something in the details/numbers. 39 month LEAPs expiring possibly? This could cause the MOASS
  2. Purely from a technical analysis perspective, GME looks like it's close to breaking out of a wedge, targetting significantly higher prices.
  3. IMO we are entering the parabola phase of this bull market and this is when shit hits the wall & everyone is calling their mate in crypto/stocks asking what to buy
  4. Payday tomorrow, everyone saw DUMB MONEY and most people aligned with sentiment of why we are here & what we are fighting. This is because the working majority suffer and are rapidly losing buying power whilst the rich minority prospher. It's the way it has always been, but it doesn't mean that always has to be the case. So..... Does FDV finally go live tomorrow when the US have their paychecks & we are forming a breakout pattern? Or does he build anticipation for another week?
I must caveat i'm not a pro trader, i'm not a financial advisor nor is any of this financial advice.
I just like the stock

GME #AMC #GMEonSOL (basically a lev play on GME) #AMC #SQUEEZE #DFV #DIAMONDS

submitted by awiz92 to DeepFuckingValue [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:52 Valuable-AssETs69 Is it possible?

I have had multiple accounts hacked. Most likely because of a live in ex-husband who can lie til the cows come home in denial of ever having committed a sin in life. That being said, is there any way to get beyond the account recovery bull crap that is never going to work if you don't have any of the recovery methods? I want to get back in them to get the evidence I need to bury his ass.
submitted by Valuable-AssETs69 to GMail [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:17 KebabCardio Orcs eat grass...

Orcs are green because they eat grass.. They are like strong as bulls and big as cows..
High elves drink piss so they are yellow.. They piss on snow to mark their teritorry in skyrim..
meanwhile Nords are white because they eat snow.. Cold freezes their brains so they become dumb get invaded..
Dunmer snort volano ash so they are ashlanders.. They fart ash in the name of dagoth, but some houses cucks themselves for the imperials..
Bretons likes cuckery because they drink milk.. not that kind of milk.. cocks milk. They pretend to be house husbandos thats how they survive, otherwise they die as lowly bandits in forts..
khajjits drink milk.. the proper milk that makes them high and they forget how to fight so they become rugs or farmtools..
Argonians are pure adventurers, they go away from trees into shitty places to monopolise the lowliest city places..
But none have bad taste as wood elves.. they eat shit or animal droppings to make sure forests are clean of trash and nobody steps in a pile of shit while walking.
Redguards are more boring - they eat sand and create curved swords..curved swords to shove them into their enemy assholes..
Imperials are the generic abominations of a race that has no redeeming qualities. They live in a cock city and build lighthouses, they have bravil and claim its in their teritory.
p.s. shitfield sucks!
submitted by KebabCardio to TrueSTL [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:47 scubakale748 This guys $500 heb cow/bull is one of a kind!

This guys $500 heb cow/bull is one of a kind!
Saw this funny on market place I’ve also seen the same grill at heb :3
submitted by scubakale748 to Austin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:31 casefilesofVJ The Love Tunnel

Every kid growing up in Gympie in the early 90- 2000s knew about the Love Tunnel.
The love tunnel was located over the hill from the skatepark on the Riverbank. It was a massive storm water drain filled with spray paint and lore unbound throughout the generations; the glowing dick, whose name is the furthest in, the people who live inside, the bull shark that lived under the bridge just outside, all that fun stuff.
It collapsed in the late 2000’s in a flood and was eventually rebuilt, but it was all fancy, modern, safe and not the same. Back in the day it had decades of graffiti, crumbling cement, jagged metal pole framing bent and jutting out from the sides. You know, real character.
I remember when I was just a kid at the skatepark and I spotted a bunch of other kids at the metal grating of a drain. I joined them and gazed down a few metres to some older teenagers, they had trekked through this “love tunnel” under the massive hill all this way. Badass I thought. LEGENDARY.
I talked about it at school, about this mysterious “love tunnel”. It was in view from the road when I crossed the bridge everyday on my daily commutes from the backseat of mums car.
I would gaze down at the weir and see the top of the love tunnel, sliightly hidden from view by a hill. It fascinated me.
I learned all these mysterious tales; this person slept with this person there, someone took a dump at the entrance and some other girl stood in it and now she had a nickname, someone found needles, another found a homeless woman and she screamed at them. I was pumped for the next weekend. I was going to go see it for myself.
I saw too much.
Early Saturday morning I was riding my push bike through town and toward destination adventure! I started out at the skatepark, met up with a few of the regulars, a mix of 5-19y/o everyone on the half pipes and ramps had a code of comrady that I've never found in a public place anywhere else and you always had someone to hang with.
My usual crew slowly arrived through the morning, a bunch of other 10/11 year old misfits like myself and we headed on our first place on our journey, Hungry Jacks. Now we never technically stole, we found a loophole…
One or two would order a stunner meal, then we'd take privilege of the free refills and fill up the empty plastic 4L juice jugs that we all had prepped in our backpacks. Coke and red Fanta for days.
So we got our supplies and headed behind HJ, past the volleyball courts and headed down a bush track down to the river.
We walked along the banks to loop back down to where the bridge was, we passed a few teenagers fishing and a couple other groups of kids swinging from rope swings into the water or huddled in groups smoking things they shouldn't.
We eventually arrived at the weir and the stormwater drain that I had been so intrigued by. The Love Tunnel.
Climbing up the hill and seeing it up close when you were just a tiny human. It was like staring into the dark abyss of hell.
There was a small stream of water flowing out of the big grey cylinder and it was covered in multicolored quotes and crude pictures that was very eye opening at the time.
Our voices echoed as one by one we climbed up the grassy, eroding clay edging that was the makeshift path into the mouth that probably changed each time it rained. Each of us had pulled out clumps of grass that we thought were handholds. If you fell, you fell down an embankment of slippery jagged rocks poking out from the fast flowing river.
So were inside and began to walk a couple of metres in then around us the light abruptly disappeared into complete darkness. And I remember the way the sounds traveled you could feel it through your chest it was mesmerizing.
I remember bravely stepping into the darkness and taking five or six steps in. That thick darkness was something else, I ran myself back to that entrance and light, heart pounding from the adrenaline.
This turned into a game of who could go in the furthest. This stopped when one of the boys screamed out from the darkness in pain.
He was back in the light teary eyed a few moments later wet on one side and feigning a laugh. He'd slipped down and cut open his knee, it was hilarious. We teased him saying he was going to get gangrene and leprosy and a myriad of other ailments we had no idea actually was.
We decided to bail, we forgot torches, we didn't plan that part out too well, and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon being little menaces.
We met the next day with a game plan, we had an array of various sized torches, from small ones that didn't do anything, one of those giant rectangle ones that was our main light source, a couple of handheld ones, one which flickered and the other stopped working before we even got into the tunnel.
We got in safely and tested out our torches and began walking into the unknown. It was pretty much the same as before, but there were strange things, old makeshift bongs, shopping bags, random shoes, a shopping trolley, a mattress that was all moldy and rotted. I still to this day do not understand how people managed to get that shit in there.
We passed a section where someone had thrown a can of red paint all over the walls, the amount of those ‘S’ symbols was more terrifying.
We saw light up ahead, we were passing our first grate. It was kind of daunting looking up towards it. Even getting on each other's shoulders we couldn't reach. There was an array of broken beer bottles and glass was everywhere, under the grate was a dead snake amongst some debris.
We had a debate whether to go further, we ended up going on at least until the next grate, we came to a fork, one seemed like a smaller offshoot so we stuck to the bigger side.
There were more offshoots and we came to a part where the big pipes split off into three under another grate. We gazed up hoping to get an identifier of our location, but all we could see was blue. We called out to see if we could get anyone's attention.
“Cooooweeee” we shouted in unison, the sound echoing in all directions.
We were laughing and having a grand time until something shouted back, something that still shakes me to my core to this day.
Some yobbo crackhead chick in her fifties with this ratty pink tank top that was all stretched half showing her saggy titties. “What the fuck you think you little cunts doing down here.” This chick screeched at us through her few teeth or something along the lines of that. She just exploded at us with a barrage of threats.
We were shocked silenced moving together to make one mass.
One of the boys screamed when a skinny guy emerged from the darkness. He was covered in tattoos with scraggly hair and a beard, he was all crazy eyed and pantless.
Someone yelled out to run and it was all the motivation we needed.
We could hear them screaming and the guy ran after us, we heard glass shattering behind us, they must have thrown a bottle. We were legging it.
We got split up in our running, I fell down, tripping over some rubbish, one mate stayed back to help me, this left us without a torch. We came across the same kid who slipped over yesterday, he had slipped down again cutting open his other knee. He wore those with badges of honor at school, but he was blubbering like a baby at this point.
He had the flickering torch and it disoriented us more than helped, as it turned on and off every time he took a step. I thought we were lost but we found the other grate, then eventually the entrance.
The others were already climbed down, we were soon by their side panting in the grass and wiping away our tears so the others couldn't see.
We ran back over to the skatepark and immediately told every kid we saw.
That was the wildest shit we had ever experienced. Sure we’d seen crazy up on the street but to have it jump out at you from the shadows in a storm water drain was next level.
By that night one of the other boys had spilled to his parents about our escapades and a couple of other mums got phone calls, three got in trouble, two of us didn't, including me.
I never stepped foot back in that tunnel, I swam at the weir more times than I could count afterwards though and never encountered anyone else too sketchy.
I think only a year or two later I saw on the news people dying in storm water drains somewhere else in Aus, we never realized how dangerous they could be back then. Lol.
Every party or get together afterwards it was a crowd favorite to bring up. It was a good conversation starter and joined the tales amongst my friends of the weird shit that happens in ‘Helltown’.
Growing up and looking back they were probably just homeless drug addicts freaked out from a bunch of children's voices yelling out coooweee from the underground where they thought they were alone. That would have scared the shit outta me if I was them.
Good times.
.VJ - in 2012 two women tragically passed away when they were exploring the tunnels and got swept away when a wild storm cell hit. Pictures of the upgraded version of the 'love tunnel' can be found in corresponding news articles.
submitted by casefilesofVJ to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:25 twistedbehaviour Why did the cow win an award?

For being outstanding in his field
EDIT: For being outstanding in "their" field. I misgendered the word cow and said his field which is biological incorrect as a cow is female and a male is a bull.
submitted by twistedbehaviour to dadjokes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:18 RCAFlies Dont tell the wife

Dont tell the wife
Order showed up in the mail yesterday. This will add to the Ghost, Gator Jigsaw, Habanero, Cayenne, Tabasco, Aji lemon, and lunchbox peppers that are carry overs from last year. Special Thanks to Uncle Bull Cow for recommending Refining Fire Chiles as a seed source. Glad we have a long growing season!
submitted by RCAFlies to Peppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:54 DazzlingBarracuda2 Advice regarding money dispute/legal

Hello everyone
So to cut to the chase, I'm from KZN right, I have a friend who I spoke to about my life problems and all that. We're both very spiritual, but me more Christian and he's more sangomas and bones and all that. Fine, so I tell him I'm experiencing spiritual attacks at night and all that and he tells me he knows someone who can help.
Then on a random Tuesday morning the next month he contacts me to come meet the sangoma at his place, I get to his place, he is there with his mother and the sangoma. The sangoma gives me herbs to cleanse then takes my number.
A week later the sangoma tells me over whatsapp I will need a cow cleansing at a river and I must come to the river by night. I'm like "???" and tell her I don't have the money for a cow. She refers me to the friend that brought me to her and says I must borrow R10 000 from him for the cow. So I ask him to send me the money as per her request, he tells me the following day he sent it to her. But I said you must said it to me tho bro? Ok whatever. So I tell him I'll repay him when I get the chance or I'll repay him with estate funds once I'm done sorting things out with my lawyer.
She then disappears for about a month or so and reappears telling me that I should come to the river by night and I'm just like lmao, not doing that mate(internally) so I stall for a few days and she blocks me? Ok fine. And the R10 000 for the cow tho? About a month later friend hits me up telling me he wants his money, I tell him sorry bru don't have at the moment. Some other time.
Then I get back to my senses and I'm like naah, proof of this transaction though? I have not seen any evidence of this cow, no pictures nothing, money wasn't sent to me, where is POF? I ask him to send he sends me a statement with a transaction from the day I met her. I'm like this isn't the day I asked you to send though, he sends me a statement from the day eventually a year later and the reference for the R10 000 is "Medicine". Medicine? I tell him bru wat se kak? He says no its cause he's ordered herbs from her before. Eh. ok.
Now he is constantly hounding me about paying him back from my estate funds. I just ignore him. His friend, who is a mutual friend of ours, contacts me about a week ago, telling me they've got abit of a financial dispute, and he said he'd pay him with the funds he'll get from me. Now he's threatening legal action against me. Saying his lawyer needs to talk to my lawyer about paying him the funds I owe party A. What??? This all just reeks of scam.
Am I the douchebag here? What are my legal options? What legal actions could they take against me? What do I do in this situation? Is there a way for me to find out who the money was sent to on that "Medicine" day?
Your advice will be much appreciated :)
submitted by DazzlingBarracuda2 to askSouthAfrica [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:58 VermaIndrajeet Photo Search Satisfaction Question

Cow, Hen, Goat, Bull and Wall photos are coming with query "Winter 2015" Date 01-01-2015 What rating should you give it?
submitted by VermaIndrajeet to TELUSinternational [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:59 spartan9cowboy Raw milk exposure

So I’m pretty certain the raw milk I have access to is causing me acne flare-ups. I know the cows are ancestrally Friesian-Holstein, meaning they produce A1 beta-casein milk, which can be more problematic, BUT, the farmer said he has selectively bred the heifers with Guernsey/Jersey bulls, so he estimates his milk is about 85% A2.
I’ve heard that drinking raw milk over an extended period of time can populate your gut microbiome with the bacteria necessary to easily digest it, or something along those lines.
TLDR: Is it possible that my body will adapt and the acne will go away if keep drinking this raw milk, or will it just make my acne get worse and worse indefinitely?
P.S I also heard raw heavy cream can be more problematic for acne than regular raw milk, any experience with this?
submitted by spartan9cowboy to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:45 ricksnewhaircut Wildlife?

I have set to see more than a deer every couple of months while hiking in the high peaks. I’m wondering if there’s anywhere cool I’m missing out on with unique animals/wildlife, doesn’t have to be in the adirondacks. Even a refugee or something. I just did a road trip out west and saw so many different animals, llamas, coyotes, foxes, bulls and cows obviously on farmland, etc
submitted by ricksnewhaircut to upstate_new_york [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:40 TheRealestLoss Zelena, Hades, and Regina/Cora

Regina gets all "motherly" on her older sister.
No, wrong. She gets all TRITONY. Except...
"I hate you, how dare you mate with that scoundrel!" Instead of "HUMANS! I'm prejudice against them! Ariel!!!!!!!!"
I mean, at least Triton came around (because Eric saved Ariel) after screaming at Ariel for saving Eric, which is more than I can say about REGINA!
Also, actually, that mirror thing Regina did, which is called STALKING. Yep, Regina STALKED Zelena...was not exactly Triton but Young Sister's Watching You creepy as f***.
Zelena did not bother telling Regina, "You do realize, with all that salivating you do in that mirror that BELLE is the one who gave me the idea to date Sir Dead Guy, eh?" Belle is the one who said, "You might want to get Hades in the sack! It's time, love. You haven't done it in a long time, right? It's growing back. I've only had the baby, what, five days ago? Postpartum bodies, who gets them? Me, I'm getting morning sickness even though my husband told me I was pregnant SIXTY SECONDS ago...I'm super smart though!" (I'm frankly amazed they didn't make Belle be nine months along already and drop the baby at Hades' feet, all wth is that??? A baby? Is it Will's?)
Yes, Zelena never would have stopped guarding her heart if BELLE hadn't talked sense into her. So...Regina can thank Belle because she's a better Young Sister than Regina is.
I absolutely hate Regina's attitude toward Zelena. I GET Zelena's a total jerk to her up until she's in the underworld and the writers chiseled off her psychotic energy. But Regina thinks she's a GOOD PERSON because she won't let anyone kill Zelena?
That's BULLS***. I don't know what the writers are smoking, but you know what makes someone a good person? Compassion. Merely NOT KILLING SOMEONE doesn't make you a good person. You don't have to be a murderer to be a truly terrible person. Cora really f***ed Regina up because she never listened to her. Regina repeatedly complained that Snow and co were too self-righteous...then she becomes TEN THOUSAND times more self-righteous than any of them ever are.
And that's saying a lot. Considering when Anton was raging at them, Snow said, "We're good!" Who does that? In real life? That's cringey, but I guess if we're saying they grew up with fictional people brains, it kinda works...
I know some people disagree with me, but it really bothers me how Regina acts toward Zelena in s6, when Zelena is genuinely TRYING to be a good person. NOBODY was that nasty to Regina, even GRUMPY, when she tried to turn a new leaf.
And if I wished Regina had gotten tired of everyone treating her cruelly when she was trying to be a good person in s2 and wished she'd blast them already and go, "Fine, I'll be evil, just like yall want," in s6, Regina is like a parole officer sniffing Zelena's breath every time she gazes off into a sunset. It would've been a lot more realistic if that tight chokehold Regina had on Zelena made the wicked come out...with no remorse attached. And it'd be all Regina's fault. There IS no compassion. If you want to be angry about her r**ing Robin, I'd get it, but she's angry because Zelena AND ROBIN saved Regina from Hades but Robin had to die and Zelena got to live.
For aaaaaalllllllll Regina "nobody gets to kill my sister", in s6, she shows the audience if Hades had killed Zelena and Robin lived instead, she'd be happy. Because Regina lives in the land of "I wish my life were different" instead of being kind to what people try to love her who she has left. Zelena is really trying in s6...and Regina is the one who TOLD HER TO KISS HADES and start his heart. Sure, Zelena should've ignored her. But you can't tell someone to do something then hate them forever because they LISTENED TO YOU.
Regina wasn't mad about Robin's r***, she was just feeling like a better person (when she r***d Graham for probably 35 years then KILLED him because he was coming out of the coma, so to speak). But when Robin dies...and Zelena saves her life...Regina's thong gets stuck. So snide, so self-righteous. I like her better when she'd smiling smugly and destroying random people's happiness than when she goes around acting better than Zelena because Zelena is trying to open her heart to Regina and Regina is being snooty.
Basically, empaths dressed in vipers clothing are extremely obnoxious.
And far as the whole Cora thing goes...let's remember...she gave Zelena up as a baby thinking Zelena would be eaten by wolves. S5 has a flashback where she goes to get her to save Regina's life (and while this is definitely a "new idea" instead of an old plan, lets pretend it was planned all along), and when she goes to get her, she sees Zelena's adopted father about to hit her.
And what does Cora do? She throws her back to be beaten by the adoptive father.
THEN SHE TRIES TO CONVINCE ZELENA SHE LOVES HER. Why does she even want to MEET Zelena? For Regina. To help Regina.
Then she makes up some bs before she departs about how she cares about Zelena, so she goes to heaven. No, Cora. No, you don't care about Zelena at all. You just lied.
People do it all the time, make up some grand sob story about how they care about you purely to guide you into biting the bullet they have reserved for you.
If Cora cared about Zelena (I don't care if she had her heart or not), the time to stop bsing would be when she saw that guy about to hit Zelena. She would not have sent Zelena back to him if she cared about her on any level.
I really wish the writing had not forgiven Cora. They should have just made her actually be accountable for the bad things she did. But the ONLY thing she did that wasn't totally shitty was explain to Regina that Hades can't be changed by something as simple as "love". Then the second she goes to heaven, Regina forgets all about that, and she tells Zelena to make wild love to Hades.
Then she gets mad at Zelena when she goes and does exactly that.
submitted by TheRealestLoss to OnceUponATime [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:23 DeatonationgGrenade Side/main character additions for my book Anastasius!

Side/main character additions for my book Anastasius!
Hello everyone! I’m running something for my book that I’m sure you’ll enjoy! I’m writing a book titled Anastasius which is Greek for Renewal. But I was thinking of a fun way to raise money for the book and a fun way to interact with potential readers! So I was thinking, if I give the characters who will be in my book, perhaps there could be a fundraiser for this! It will be $10 USD per character and there is no limit to how many characters you’d like! I’ll post the sheet for each character and you can pick and choose which tribe you’d like create your own character! If you have anymore questions I’ll be happy to answer! I take payments through PayPal as it’s the only thing I understand how to use!
Creatures of Renewal:
As written by Wyvern Scholars
Amphipteres generally were said to have light-colored feathers like a sunrise, a serpentine body, bat-like wings with feathers covering most of the forearm and often greenish in coloration, and a long tail much like a wyvern's tail. Others are described as covered in feathers with a spiked tail, bird-like wings, and a beak-like snout.
These small dragons are known to go after smaller prey like rodents and birds, as their habitatsavanna's heat, leavingrests. However, large colonies have been known to live in constructed settlements. Still, any knowledge of a leader has yet to be discovered. It has been rumored that the Amphiptere changes leaders when either the current one dies or willingly gives up the position of tribal leader.
Habitat: Forests, Jungles, or the forested remnants of human cities.
Arctic Dragon:
These giant, wooly dragons stand five feet taller than the most significant polar bears; their powerful muscles and jet-black skin under their blueish-white fur dominate most northern regions. Human settlements are where they prowl, waiting for humans hidden in these desolate territories for the perfect time to strike. These areas are far too cold for most dragons. Still, the Arctic dragon has adapted to survive in these brutal conditions. However, females only move southwards when their young are ready to be born. Once the younglings are old enough to walk short distances independently, the mother and cub begin trekking back toward the tundra.
Diet: These dragons hunt down various arctic prey, ranging from the smallest Arctic hares to the giant whales. Anything these dragons can get their talons on is food to them. Although young Arctic dragons do not have the speed or endurance their parents have, they rely on their parents to bring them back something they can eat.
Coatyl: The most noticeable feature of Coatyls is the feathered wings. These wings comprise a humerus connected to a radius and an ulna connected to metacarpals. The wings of a Coatyl allow it to fly, which is the primary method of locomotion. In unbonded Coatyls, the scapulars and front feathers are dark green, the covert feathers are light yellow or tan, and the primary and secondary flight feathers are red. Coatyls have pressurized sacs in the back of the mouth of a highly volatile and slightly acidic chemical known as coatalic acid. When threatened, muscles surrounding these sacs contract, pushing the coatalic acid out of small holes in the mouth and spraying it. When it comes into contact with air, coatalic acid undergoes a chemical reaction that causes it to ignite and become highly adhesive, sticking to whatever it lands on.
Diet: Coatyls primarily prey on small rodents like mice or rats. Coatyls cannot bite or tear their food to pieces, so they instead swallow their prey whole. They can do this as the upper and lower jaws of a Coatyl are not rigidly attached and have multiple joints, allowing them to open their mouths wide enough to swallow prey whole. While digesting food, Coatyls will typically avoid trying to fly and will instead travel along the ground.
Habitat: These dragons are usually found in the same territories as the Amphiptere. However, these Coatyls have been seen further south in the rainforests due to being more of a tropical species. Their size makes them easy prey for larger animals if they are not careful.
The Western European kind, with four legs, two wings, and (usually) fiery breath. Depending on how the work classifies things, these may be the only ones called "dragons." Otherwise, they're typically called authentic, Western, or European dragons. The Western dragon tends to be massive and heavy, with sharp claws and bat-like wings. They are usually with reptile features but may also have fur or feathers. Sometimes dark colored but always shiny. Some have forked tongues, others crests, fringes, or some other adornment. It always has the ability to spew forth blazing fire and fumes. In the West, dragons live in caves or mountain dwellers and predators. Cave dweller dragons stay in the coldness of the dark most of the time. The caves, filled with fire and water, are easily guarded and located close to towns, where food is convenient. Mountain predators live in cave-riddled mountains that provide an invincible tower and protection.
Diet: Western dragons tend to be considered carnivores. They like meat, flesh, and blood as their primary food source and are too fussy about the source. Sheep, cows, oxen, lions, elephants, or even humans, anything of a reasonable size and with warm blood and flesh to feast on, are their primary food sources. However, dragons haven’t shown a preference for the age or gender of humans. One interesting thing to note is that although they eat the flesh, they have a particular taste for blood. Sometimes, when in need of a quick burst of energy, they will only drink the blood of their prey and leave the flesh. This is seen as barbaric by most other species of dragons. Still, with western dragons being the second largest species, we tend not to mess with them and their dietary habits.
Drake: The drake is a dragon with four limbs, much like a lizard, although usually far more significant in size than the average lizard. A potent example of a drake in the natural world is the Komodo Dragon, a large species of minotaur lizard in Indonesia. These creatures have low-slung bodies, like crocodiles and alligators, with bellies across the ground. However, due to their natural habitat and human greed, wild drakes have been increasingly difficult to get notes from and other scholars to talk with. Drakes who are found are highly hostile and not open much to talking, but with enough food and gold, these dragons could easily talk your ear off.
Diet: These family-oriented dragons hunt together in packs; their size and numbers are easily strong enough to take down small herds of water buffalo, wildebeests, elk, and moose.
Feydragons: These dragons are about the size of a cat, each having an iridescent coat of scales that reflected all colors of the rainbow, predominantly reflecting one particular color, which changed with age. They had a long, prehensile tail and platinum-colored, butterfly-like wings. Like true dragons, faerie dragons grew stronger with age but matured much more quickly and lived shorter lives. Because their predominant scale hue ran the colors of the rainbow over their lifetime, their color directly indicated their age and power. The scales of a young hatchling were almost always red, and those of a fully mature dragon (over 50 years old) were violet. Most dragons leave these small ones alone because it is not worth expending calories to catch these little critters. But these small dragons are known across the globe for their beautiful woven tapestries and the symphonies they create with their wings.
Diet: Their diet mainly consists of small bugs caught in the air, from trees and bushes, and off the ground. They also fed on fruits, berries, nectar, and butterflies, which they ate to get the color and look of their wings.
Sea Orc: A Sea Orc has no arms or legs. It sports fins on the top portion and every few meters across its body, including one long fin that runs from the bottom of its head to its tail. A Sea Orc has little in the way of bones; it slithers through the waters like a snake. This assists the Sea Orc in attacking its prey. Sea Orc eggs cannot be fertilized in deep water, and smaller Sea Orcs cannot survive the pressure. Adult Sea Orcs have to head to shallower waters to mate. It is believed that the Sea Orc typically goes to warmer climates for mating.
Female Sea Orcs lay their eggs at the shoreline, close enough to the surface to be safe from the environmental killers but far enough from the water line that the parents can still protect their offspring. The eggs will grow for several months and will be born after size months.
Diet: These massive beasts eat mostly fish and aquatic life, anything they can catch; on rare occasions, they will eat a dragon, but that only happens when a rowdy juvenile dragon decides to go after a Sea Orcs calf.
Wyvern: The Wyvern is about the same size as the Arctic dragon, though in weight, they are closer to their brother, the Drake. The Wyvern is a two-legged dragon with two wings. They are believed to be faster than the more enormous Dragon. Their head is large and round, and they have a more petite mouth than most dragons. The body is thick but with a soft underbelly. The tail of the Wyvern is the most deadly. It is long serpentlike with a large mass at the end. They can also have a load of spikes within the ball or a significant spike at the top. The Wyvern uses this ball as its primary weapon, capable of smashing through most creatures, including other dragon's scales.
For its size, the Wyvern holds a large amount of weight. Most of this weight is within its thick scales. Anyone who has fought a Wyvern will inform you that getting through their body is next to impossible. The scales overlap several times, and underneath them is a thin net of tissue that absorbs impact and is resistant to being cut.
Diet: Moose, Elk, and Caribou are everyday staples of a wyvern diet, although anything that moves fits the wyvern needs as they have to eat at least 400 pounds of food every three days.
Humans: Not much is left from humans after they destroyed themselves; greed took out most of them, and the explosions hurt the rest. Humans have flocked to their caves deep in the ground. Most dragons leave humans alone, but humans have tried to take back their world a few times, but us dragons have quickly stamped out those little uprisings. Although some dragons keep humans as pets, their crafty little grabbers are relatively good at crafting the little things they need. Some dragons keep them for wealth status, and others just eat them for a rare treat.
Prey animals: Not much needs to be said here; anything a dragon can catch and eat is a prey animal.
submitted by DeatonationgGrenade to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:51 DeatonationgGrenade Side/main character additions for my book Anastasius!

Hello everyone! I’m running something for my book that I’m sure you’ll enjoy! I’m writing a book titled Anastasius which is Greek for Renewal. But I was thinking of a fun way to raise money for the book and a fun way to interact with potential readers! So I was thinking, if I give the characters who will be in my book, perhaps there could be a fundraiser for this! It will be $10 USD per character and there is no limit to how many characters you’d like! I’ll post the sheet for each character and you can pick and choose which tribe you’d like create your own character! If you have anymore questions I’ll be happy to answer! I take payments through PayPal as it’s the only thing I understand how to use!
Creatures of Renewal:
As written by Wyvern Scholars
Amphipteres generally were said to have light-colored feathers like a sunrise, a serpentine body, bat-like wings with feathers covering most of the forearm and often greenish in coloration, and a long tail much like a wyvern's tail. Others are described as covered in feathers with a spiked tail, bird-like wings, and a beak-like snout.
These small dragons are known to go after smaller prey like rodents and birds, as their habitatsavanna's heat, leavingrests. However, large colonies have been known to live in constructed settlements. Still, any knowledge of a leader has yet to be discovered. It has been rumored that the Amphiptere changes leaders when either the current one dies or willingly gives up the position of tribal leader.
Habitat: Forests, Jungles, or the forested remnants of human cities.
Arctic Dragon:
These giant, wooly dragons stand five feet taller than the most significant polar bears; their powerful muscles and jet-black skin under their blueish-white fur dominate most northern regions. Human settlements are where they prowl, waiting for humans hidden in these desolate territories for the perfect time to strike. These areas are far too cold for most dragons. Still, the Arctic dragon has adapted to survive in these brutal conditions. However, females only move southwards when their young are ready to be born. Once the younglings are old enough to walk short distances independently, the mother and cub begin trekking back toward the tundra.
Diet: These dragons hunt down various arctic prey, ranging from the smallest Arctic hares to the giant whales. Anything these dragons can get their talons on is food to them. Although young Arctic dragons do not have the speed or endurance their parents have, they rely on their parents to bring them back something they can eat.
Coatyl: The most noticeable feature of Coatyls is the feathered wings. These wings comprise a humerus connected to a radius and an ulna connected to metacarpals. The wings of a Coatyl allow it to fly, which is the primary method of locomotion. In unbonded Coatyls, the scapulars and front feathers are dark green, the covert feathers are light yellow or tan, and the primary and secondary flight feathers are red. Coatyls have pressurized sacs in the back of the mouth of a highly volatile and slightly acidic chemical known as coatalic acid. When threatened, muscles surrounding these sacs contract, pushing the coatalic acid out of small holes in the mouth and spraying it. When it comes into contact with air, coatalic acid undergoes a chemical reaction that causes it to ignite and become highly adhesive, sticking to whatever it lands on.
Diet: Coatyls primarily prey on small rodents like mice or rats. Coatyls cannot bite or tear their food to pieces, so they instead swallow their prey whole. They can do this as the upper and lower jaws of a Coatyl are not rigidly attached and have multiple joints, allowing them to open their mouths wide enough to swallow prey whole. While digesting food, Coatyls will typically avoid trying to fly and will instead travel along the ground.
Habitat: These dragons are usually found in the same territories as the Amphiptere. However, these Coatyls have been seen further south in the rainforests due to being more of a tropical species. Their size makes them easy prey for larger animals if they are not careful.
The Western European kind, with four legs, two wings, and (usually) fiery breath. Depending on how the work classifies things, these may be the only ones called "dragons." Otherwise, they're typically called authentic, Western, or European dragons. The Western dragon tends to be massive and heavy, with sharp claws and bat-like wings. They are usually with reptile features but may also have fur or feathers. Sometimes dark colored but always shiny. Some have forked tongues, others crests, fringes, or some other adornment. It always has the ability to spew forth blazing fire and fumes. In the West, dragons live in caves or mountain dwellers and predators. Cave dweller dragons stay in the coldness of the dark most of the time. The caves, filled with fire and water, are easily guarded and located close to towns, where food is convenient. Mountain predators live in cave-riddled mountains that provide an invincible tower and protection.
Diet: Western dragons tend to be considered carnivores. They like meat, flesh, and blood as their primary food source and are too fussy about the source. Sheep, cows, oxen, lions, elephants, or even humans, anything of a reasonable size and with warm blood and flesh to feast on, are their primary food sources. However, dragons haven’t shown a preference for the age or gender of humans. One interesting thing to note is that although they eat the flesh, they have a particular taste for blood. Sometimes, when in need of a quick burst of energy, they will only drink the blood of their prey and leave the flesh. This is seen as barbaric by most other species of dragons. Still, with western dragons being the second largest species, we tend not to mess with them and their dietary habits.
Drake: The drake is a dragon with four limbs, much like a lizard, although usually far more significant in size than the average lizard. A potent example of a drake in the natural world is the Komodo Dragon, a large species of minotaur lizard in Indonesia. These creatures have low-slung bodies, like crocodiles and alligators, with bellies across the ground. However, due to their natural habitat and human greed, wild drakes have been increasingly difficult to get notes from and other scholars to talk with. Drakes who are found are highly hostile and not open much to talking, but with enough food and gold, these dragons could easily talk your ear off.
Diet: These family-oriented dragons hunt together in packs; their size and numbers are easily strong enough to take down small herds of water buffalo, wildebeests, elk, and moose.
Feydragons: These dragons are about the size of a cat, each having an iridescent coat of scales that reflected all colors of the rainbow, predominantly reflecting one particular color, which changed with age. They had a long, prehensile tail and platinum-colored, butterfly-like wings. Like true dragons, faerie dragons grew stronger with age but matured much more quickly and lived shorter lives. Because their predominant scale hue ran the colors of the rainbow over their lifetime, their color directly indicated their age and power. The scales of a young hatchling were almost always red, and those of a fully mature dragon (over 50 years old) were violet. Most dragons leave these small ones alone because it is not worth expending calories to catch these little critters. But these small dragons are known across the globe for their beautiful woven tapestries and the symphonies they create with their wings.
Diet: Their diet mainly consists of small bugs caught in the air, from trees and bushes, and off the ground. They also fed on fruits, berries, nectar, and butterflies, which they ate to get the color and look of their wings.
Sea Orc: A Sea Orc has no arms or legs. It sports fins on the top portion and every few meters across its body, including one long fin that runs from the bottom of its head to its tail. A Sea Orc has little in the way of bones; it slithers through the waters like a snake. This assists the Sea Orc in attacking its prey. Sea Orc eggs cannot be fertilized in deep water, and smaller Sea Orcs cannot survive the pressure. Adult Sea Orcs have to head to shallower waters to mate. It is believed that the Sea Orc typically goes to warmer climates for mating.
Female Sea Orcs lay their eggs at the shoreline, close enough to the surface to be safe from the environmental killers but far enough from the water line that the parents can still protect their offspring. The eggs will grow for several months and will be born after size months.
Diet: These massive beasts eat mostly fish and aquatic life, anything they can catch; on rare occasions, they will eat a dragon, but that only happens when a rowdy juvenile dragon decides to go after a Sea Orcs calf.
Wyvern: The Wyvern is about the same size as the Arctic dragon, though in weight, they are closer to their brother, the Drake. The Wyvern is a two-legged dragon with two wings. They are believed to be faster than the more enormous Dragon. Their head is large and round, and they have a more petite mouth than most dragons. The body is thick but with a soft underbelly. The tail of the Wyvern is the most deadly. It is long serpentlike with a large mass at the end. They can also have a load of spikes within the ball or a significant spike at the top. The Wyvern uses this ball as its primary weapon, capable of smashing through most creatures, including other dragon's scales.
For its size, the Wyvern holds a large amount of weight. Most of this weight is within its thick scales. Anyone who has fought a Wyvern will inform you that getting through their body is next to impossible. The scales overlap several times, and underneath them is a thin net of tissue that absorbs impact and is resistant to being cut.
Diet: Moose, Elk, and Caribou are everyday staples of a wyvern diet, although anything that moves fits the wyvern needs as they have to eat at least 400 pounds of food every three days.
Humans: Not much is left from humans after they destroyed themselves; greed took out most of them, and the explosions hurt the rest. Humans have flocked to their caves deep in the ground. Most dragons leave humans alone, but humans have tried to take back their world a few times, but us dragons have quickly stamped out those little uprisings. Although some dragons keep humans as pets, their crafty little grabbers are relatively good at crafting the little things they need. Some dragons keep them for wealth status, and others just eat them for a rare treat.
Prey animals: Not much needs to be said here; anything a dragon can catch and eat is a prey animal.
submitted by DeatonationgGrenade to WingsOfFire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:58 Hunter_Champion_615 Wanted to ask the right community

TLDR:: is it in bad taste to convert/kitbash a Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought at this point?
Whats the best character to pair with Wolf Guard? Librarian, Chaplain, or None? And is this list better with 1st Company Task Force or Champions of Russ for detachment rules?
2000pts Space Wolves 1st Company Task Force
-Redemptor Dread (210) Plasma Macro Incinerator Onslaught Gatling Cannon Twin Storm Bolter Icarus Rocket Pod Redemptor Fist
-2x Brutalis Dread (160pts ea.) Brutalis Talons Twin Multi-Melta Twin Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stubber
-3x Wulfen Dread (130pts ea.) Fenrisian Great Axe Blizzard Shield 2x Heavy Flamers
-Bjorn The Fell-Handed (180pts) Helfrost Cannon Trueclaw Heavy Flamer
2x Wolf Guard Terminators- (370pts ea.) 1x Pack Leader w/ Assault Cannon, Chainfist 1x Wolf Guard w/ Assault Cannon, Chainfist 8x Wolf Guard w/ Storm Bolter, Power Fist
1x Shaman in Terminator Armor, (75pts) Storm Bolter, Smite, Force Weapon
1x Shaman in Terminator Armor, Rites of War (85pts) Storm Bolter, Smite, Force Weapon
Useless info:
So I'm starting a Space Marine Chapter called "The Mastodons." They're heavily based on Ice Age and Neanderthal stone cultures, and their DNA mascot, if you will, is a Mastodon.
The way they fight is similar in aggression and tactics with real life elephants: with rapid, ham-fisted melee assault in the chapter representing the Bulls/Patriarchs, and large groups of individuals in a defensive posture representing the Cows/Matriarchs.
They use Terminators (which have tusks) for infantry, and Dreads (which will also have tusks) for vehicles. that's it.
submitted by Hunter_Champion_615 to SpaceWolves [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:49 spartan9cowboy Raw milk exposure

So I’m pretty certain the raw milk I have access to is causing me acne flare-ups. I know the cows are ancestrally Friesian-Holstein, meaning they produce A1 beta-casein milk, which can be more problematic, BUT, the farmer said he has selectively bred the heifers with Guernsey/Jersey bulls, so he estimates his milk is about 85% A2.
I’ve heard Dr Paul say that drinking raw milk over an extended period of time can populate your gut microbiome with the bacteria necessary to easily digest it, or something along those lines.
TLDR: Is it possible to just keep drinking this raw milk on a daily basis so that my body will stop reacting with acne flare-ups? Or will it just do this consistently until I change the source or cut out dairy?
P.S I also heard raw heavy cream can be more problematic for acne than regular raw milk, any experience with this?
submitted by spartan9cowboy to AnimalBased [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:27 WhiskeyRanting RDA Recap - May 13, 2024

I’m SilverKappa. This is the RDA Recap. I’m gonna go listen to a podcast for a few hours.
Let’s dive in.
Fantastic Cat – “All My Fault”
Annabel - “Dog”
Ducks Ltd. – “When You’re Outside”
St. Vincent – “Big Time Nothing”
Hovvdy - “Meant”
Bruce Cockburn – “Lovers In A Dangerous Time”
Liz Phair – “Fuck and Run”
Tom Cardy – “If I went back in time”
“Weird Al” Yankovic – “Jurassic Park”
Dinosaur Jr. - “Take It Back”
Sloppy Jane ft. Phoebe Bridgers – “I Saw the TV Glow”
Onlap & Lansdowne - “Ghosts”
Ze Frank – True Facts: Dangerous Little Ticks
Savannah – “I’ll Never Know”
Counting Crows – “Round Here”
TWRP – “Content 4 U”
DJ Cummerbund – “Wake Me Up Before You Go To Rehab”
Architects – “Seeing Red”
girl in red – “dead girl in the pool.”
WTFIWWY Live - Beware of the Fuzzy Cows (Man gets drunk and kicks a bison!) - 5/6/24
Tech Q&A - Run, Rabbit R1, Run - 5/4/24
That's a new channel for the Tech Q&A stuff. GO AND SUBSCRIBE TO IT. I mean it. Go. Now! Get Nash up to 1,000 subs on the second channel!
STORY 1: Charges added for Key West man accused of stealing tractor, driving it to college campus to kill 2 people
STORY 2: Dogs painted black and white at Chinese zoo to pass off as pandas
STORY 3: Police bust finds over 700 pounds of drugs inside Transformers statues
STORY 4: 'In his underwear:' Man arrested for joyriding around Vilano Beach, crashing stolen $100,000 boat
STORY 5: Passengers banned after fight on Spirit Airlines flight to Boston
STORY 6: Vehicle crashes through Fenway Park gate, crashes into forklift
Todd in the Shadows – POP SONG REVIEW: Drake and Kendrick’s feud to end all feuds
Baby Lasagna – “Rim Tim Tagi Dim”
Mates of State – “Get Better”
The Timelords – “Doctorin’ the TARDIS”
Steve Perry – “Oh Sherrie”
Dominic Noble – 101 Dalmatians ~ Lost in Adaptation
Hot Hot Heat – “Middle of Nowhere”
Hardcore Superstar – “You Can’t Kill My Rock ‘n Roll”
Tom Schalk – Transformers Have Weird Names
Velveteen Queen - “Dreamer”
Filter – “Welcome to the Fold”
submitted by WhiskeyRanting to radiodeadair [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:35 Mean_Skill9638 open doors day, for your enjoyment

SABOTAGE?! And it all started out as such a nice idea… A cliche as tall as my ex-roommate’s erection live-blending Kelly Bundy Mike Kelley and Ted Bundy parafernalia wearing blondes to the sound of gekko’s mating in the Amazon. Cut the bullshit! There’s no such thing as a nice idea getting detourné by some smart art postpostsituationist pranker or right-wing gaswhitey flexfrat, no, my dear well-meaning peace dove friends, if an idea can gets turned into its opposite during its execution, it probably was flawed from the start! Sometimes people use Woodstock 99 - the limp dickshit rape and pillage slash and burn disaster edition - as an example of how a great, positive, wonderful, hell, holy idea can turn into the worst kind of evil in the hands of the wrong people. Well, dear naivopino’s, let me inform you: bull-shit! The whole idea of Woodstock, be it ’99, ’94, ’69 or 2219, is just batshit dumbwhat asking for the baddest kind of trouble right from the bat. Or, what? Do you honest-to-dogly think that during the original (I retrovulsely puke into my stomach even using that wretched word) edition of 1969 nothing was burned, stolen, no women were raped? What, just because there were no sperm dna tests, nigh to none options for women to speak up against sexual violence let alone the fact that speaking up against rape during that whole shitshebang of a weak acid trip’s campfire get-together was near to blasphemy in the hippie community means that no women were raped? Because men all of a sudden turned into meek little dickies lambs for three years from 1968 to ’71? Fuck that shit. Please. I don’t even want to spend a single move of a single digit of my old hands having to make anything about that largest circle jerk-off in history clear to you. Read your books. Do your homework. Anyway, that’s what I was thinking about when a friend told me recently about another of those so-called great ideas gone hilariously wrong in a little map smudge of a town in of all fucking places Belgium for chrissakes. Let me admit to you, right here and now, no smirk no smile on my face: I laughed so hard when I heard it I shat my new Calvins. Framed them afterwards, too, in a nice little Nielsen A2 birch. It’s sitting there, stinking the fuck out of my storage, waiting for a good stock market crash to come. Never underestimate the potential of the future art market gold rushes. My shit, my gold, bruv. So, these two clowns of artists in Belgium (are there any other there? don’t get me started on rené ma bite or marcel bread arse here!) had the ammazing idea to get themselves funded by the local government in this hamlet of three houses called Watou which apparently would be part of - ok, stop me here. Not in the history of mankind has ever ended a sentence well which tried to explain any aspect of Belgian politics, topography or whatever the call the thing there where a man rides a horse stark naked and bites the neck of living goose hanging from a tree? (See, that sentence didn’t end well either, did it, what’d I tell you? Cursed stuff!) Let’s try that again: two artists in the Belgian town of Watou had the splendid idea to organize a festive event, in the middle of summer, whereby all the people of this little village (if you’re thinking of blue skinned vikings charging Roman legionnaires in a berry-induced bad trip frenzy, well, so am I) for one day left their houses, dropped the key of their house in a transparant bowl on the town square and all went to the field adjacent to their village to well be (as in: not fornicate) together and thereby, if I had a press release I’d quote this from it: practiced a performative experiment in hospitality and neighborship where no fixed rules are applied. I’m guessing if you’re sensitive like I am to the finer things a life, you might as well start looking for your nearest Nielsen frame too by now, but hey: we haven’t even gotten to the joke yet! This was all the serious stuff. Let me summarise it even more briefly for you, just to get it out of my haemorrhoidical system: Imagine a village. Everyone leaves their house at the same time. Leaves their front door open. Drops the key to said door in a large bowl. Drifts into a field somewhere off to do fripp knows what (no rules applied, but probably: no fornication whatsoever.) Got the mental image? Good. Now get the fuck out of that dream and imagine any sad little teardrop of a town you know. Imagine who lives there. Imagine all the people you know who live in a town, or rather, fuck that, imagine all the people you know. Now imagine that some dogoodydoodydoobywah wants to “bring the people together again” and “mend the social bonds which had been broken by” yaddah yaddah yaddah. Okay? Now imagine the fucking assholes - they might even be you - who get they absolute mostest pleasure out of ruining the naive, well-intentioned ideas of others? You see what I see? The doodygoodoo is a bit all alone on his white ivory hilltowertop, right? All the others apparently prefer to start mayhem, to jinx other people’s efforts, to laugh - loud! - at their friends tripping over their own feet. No? You think in your ‘reality’ people are ‘decent’ and ‘rough diamonds’ or ‘deeper than you’d think they are’? Well, my dear, that paradisiacal odor you’re smelling all around you is the smell of your own shit cause you got your head up your ass! Listen and suffer! Because what happened in our not-just-proverbial Belgian village on that sunny morning in July… a couple of the townspeople - we’ll never know how many but I’m guessing almost everyone except for the government-funded, from-the-city hippie artists was in on the joke - had invited some acquaintances from the town next door to quietly enter the village while everyone was not-fornicating on the idyllic field, to take all the keys from the bowl, lay them on the train tracks which run along the town, flattening them to perfectly unusable little steel flabs and placing them back in the bowl. So when our supposedly resocialised townspeople entered their village that afternoon, ready to get their key, run to their house and close their door for at least the next 364 days, the immediately realised they couldn’t close their doors anymore. Total mayhem ensued. Men started chasing women, people pillaged their neighbours houses, children and adults alike pooped on all toothbrushes they could find, underwear was thrown into compost heaps, compost heaps were thrown into unlawful indoor spas, hundred thousands of untaxed euro piles were find inside old televisions and grandmas paintings. There was no stopping them. Housewifes hung themselves after their portrait, tits out and all, was found hanging above at least three beds in different houses. It was bad. Real bad. By the time news of this feast of anarchy and murder had spread to the nearest villages and the police arrived, the artists had of course long disappeared, no doubt to narrativise their failure into a story of experiment and learning and cash in a couple of fat pay checks.
And you know what the name was the artists had given their beautiful day of harmony and collective connecting: Open Doors Day. They sure got it, their open doors day, they sure got it. Serves them right. Serves them damn right.
peace - out!
submitted by Mean_Skill9638 to DumbSocialExperiment [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:27 Wise-Function8139 My Masked Singer Finales

Just my own opinions, working around the formats and if there’s a bell
S1 - 1st Lion 2nd Monster 3rd Peacock
S2 - 1st Rottweiler 2nd Fox 3rd Flamingo
S3 - 1st Turtle 2nd Kitty 3rd Night Angel
S4 - 1st Sun 2nd Crocodile 3rd Jellyfish
S5 - 1st Black Swan 2nd Russian Dolls 3rd Yeti
S6 - 1st Bull 2nd Queen of Hearts
S7 - 1st Prince 2nd Ringmaster 3rd Thingamabob
S8 - 1st Harp 2nd Maize
S9 - 1st California Rolls 2nd Macaw
S10 - 1st Cow 2nd Donut 3rd Gazelle 4th Tiki
S11 - 1st Gumball 2nd Beets
submitted by Wise-Function8139 to TheMaskedSinger [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:02 LarryBetraitor How edible are the Gen 1 Pokemon?

So guys, today I made a tier list discussing which Pokemon are edible and which are not. I have researched this list to the best of my abilities, but I could be wrong.
Before we get started with this list, we will discuss the five categories. Inedible, Probably Edible, Exotic, Commonly Eaten, and Confirmed to be Eaten. I'm sure that "inedible" and "probably edible" need no explanation, but let's discuss the other three terms.
With those rules out of the way, LETSA GO!
Probably Edible
Commonly Eaten
If there was only ONE Pokemon from Gen 1 I could eat, it would be Dragonite. Not only do I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT, but it would also be delicious to eat. Admit it, you'd wanna eat a Dragonite too.
submitted by LarryBetraitor to pokemon [link] [comments]