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Grand Chase

2011.05.14 06:30 Grand Chase

Welcome to Grand Chase, a hub to discuss Grand Chase : Dimensional Chaser (Mobile) and Grand Chase Classic (PC) by KOG Games

2012.12.10 22:29 Ghostofazombie Churn, baby, churn!

A place to learn and talk about credit card rewards

2011.12.13 22:43 sahala Stevens Pass Ski Area, Washington

A place for people who’s home mountain is Stevens to get together and share the stoke. "While each person experiences Stevens Pass uniquely, we do have one thing in common: we are all part of the snow-centric Stevens Pass family, and we are pure Pacific Northwest. We have a shared passion for skiing and riding with friends, family and even that random person sitting next to you on the lift."

2024.06.09 19:22 maelovepickle AITA for getting together with my best fiends boyfriend?

i (19f) and my best friend emily (20f) have an extremely complicated past; we first met in my junior year of high school when we were both 17, we instantly clicked and had a lot in common. she had a boyfriend mike who was also in our highschool. emily and i had a mostly good friendship but she was only interested in what i had to say when it was something she was interested in, this created some issues in our relationship because i often felt ignored. 6 months into our friendship emily confessed she had feelings for me, i did not reciprocate those feelings and i rejected her. 2 months or so later emily, mike, and i got very drunk on mikes birthday. emily and i started dancing and we kissed, mike then asked if he could join and she said yes. i was 17 at the time and a virgin, we all had sex and i remember absolutely 0 about that night. i honestly don’t even remember kissing her, nor did i want to have sex with mike. i felt very uncomfortable and just wanted to ignore that it ever happened, mike agreed. emily however thought i used her and threatened suicide if i didn’t start dating her, so i started dating her. mike didn’t care if we dated and he continued to date emily separately. i was very weirded out by this situation but i felt like i couldn’t get out of it. i ended up breaking up with her after about 3 months, she did not take it well to say the least. my heart was was never in the relationship, but i was so scared that emily would react poorly or even harm herself physically that i felt obligated to stay till i couldn’t take it any longer. she basically said that she thought i was leading her on and i made her think i liked her. which i did, platonically. also i would like to clarify that we didn’t have sex at all during our 3 month relationship, i did not want her to get more attached, and i just wasn’t sexually attracted to her. this is a very long story and emily and i took a lot of long breaks in our friendship along with her frequent mental hospital stays so pardon me if i forget some details, but i think we took a 4-6 month break of talking after i broke up with her. in that time her and mike broke up. after we took our break i initiated that i wanted us to hang out again, i missed her a lot and i always felt connected to her as a friend. we ended up hanging out and i met fred, her then boyfriend, he and i hated each other at first and we didn’t click, she kept bringing him everywhere and just ignoring him while we hung out. emily started flirting with me a lot, even going as far to try and kiss me in front of fred. it made me super uncomfortable and i felt very violated honestly. i also started feeling bad for fred because he always seemed sad and left out, i began trying to talk to him more and include him in our conversations. we ended up connecting and eventually, became great friends. emily and fred had a very toxic relationship. emily would hold suicide over his head and make him bend over backwards for her. she also decided she wanted to be in an open relationship that was only open to her, so she could date women while keeping him around. her bipolar kept getting worse and she went to over 4 mental hospitals in the span of a year, when she wasn’t in the hospital she would have mental breakdowns and manic episodes daily. she would hit him, scream at him, have him chase her down the street, etc. we both felt horrible for her but i also felt horrible for fred being the one who has to handle it. emily also admitted to me that she is a lesbian, she said she didn’t find fred attractive and was only with him because it makes her life easier and he took care of her. fred would get constantly ignored, she would never help with he had depressive episodes, she relied on him financially, and she never touched him. it got to the point where i started thinking less and less of emily for treating a human like that, i knew what it was like to feel ignored by someone and i started making even more of an effort to hang out with him. about a year 1/2 into fred and emily’s relationship i told fred he should work with me at the restaurant job i had at the time because he was looking for work, he ended up getting hired. emily went on a 3 month long trip and it was just me and fred hanging out and working without her. we had a great time, we realized how toxic emily was in our lives and how freeing it was to be able to have conversations not revolving around her. 2 months into emily’s trip her and fred broke up mutually, they were both emotionally separated from the relationship for over a year by then. about a month later emily was still out of town and fred and i began developing feelings for each other, we did not flirt or anything while emily and him were together but i think deep down we always kinda liked each other. i did not want to tell emily because i didn’t want to ruin her trip or trigger a manic episode which usually resulted in self harm. when emily got back from her trip fred and i were full on dating, i still was way too scared to tell her. a couple months in to fred and my relationship i still didn’t openly tell emily, but i would drop hints and talk about our dates, expensive gifts, ask for advice, etc. and i just kinda assumed she knew we were together. ignorantly i thought she wouldn’t mind because she said she was a lesbian and wasn’t even romantically interested in fred, but oh was i wrong. i ended up saying something about fred’s beard being annoying when we kissed and she flipped tf out, it was incredibly awkward and i was literally shaking. i said “i just assumed that you knew sense i talked about him so much” and she said “i just thought you were close friends”. she was extra offended because i wasn’t hanging out with her nearly as much because i opted to hang with fred instead. she was never that good of a friend to me and fred made me feel way more heard and supported. fred and i have been together 8 months now, we’re in love and happy. fred has a lot of past trauma from the relationship but he has improved so much, i always make him feel appreciated and attractive. emily and i have only talked a little sense the debacle but i think our friendship is basically done. i still miss her sometimes but i know what i did is irreversible and our relationship will never be the same. so am i the asshole for getting with my best friends boyfriend?
submitted by maelovepickle to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Sorry_Geologist8037 ### Discover the Thrills of Teen Patti Munda: Your Ultimate Gaming Companion!

### Discover the Thrills of Teen Patti Munda: Your Ultimate Gaming Companion!
If you are an ardent fan of card games and are looking for an exciting new way to experience the classic Indian card game Teen Patti, then the Teen Patti Munda APK is your perfect match! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, this app brings the exhilarating world of Teen Patti right to your fingertips.

#### What is Teen Patti Munda?

Teen Patti, often referred to as Indian Poker, is a popular card game that originated in India. It is traditionally played in a group of 3 to 6 players and uses a 52-card deck without jokers. The goal is to have the best three-card hand and to maximize the pot before the showdown.
Teen Patti Munda is a mobile application that offers a digital version of this beloved game, providing a user-friendly interface, engaging gameplay, and various features to enhance your gaming experience. Available for Android devices, Teen Patti Munda brings the thrill and excitement of the game to your smartphone, allowing you to play anytime, anywhere.

#### Key Features of Teen Patti Munda APK

  1. **User-Friendly Interface**: The app is designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, you'll find the interface intuitive and straightforward.
  2. **Multiple Game Modes**: Teen Patti Munda offers a variety of game modes to keep things fresh and exciting. From Classic Mode to Variations like Joker, Muflis, AK47, and more, there's something for every Teen Patti enthusiast.
  3. **Real-Time Multiplayer**: Play with your friends or compete against players from around the world in real-time. The multiplayer functionality ensures that you always have an opponent ready to challenge your skills.
  4. **Daily Bonuses and Rewards**: Enjoy daily bonuses, rewards, and free chips to keep the game exciting and give you more chances to play and win.
  5. **Secure and Fair Gameplay**: The app uses advanced algorithms and security measures to ensure that the game is fair and secure. You can play with confidence, knowing that your information and chips are safe.
  6. **In-App Chat and Emojis**: Enhance your gaming experience with in-app chat and a wide range of emojis to communicate and interact with your fellow players.

#### How to Download and Install Teen Patti Munda APK

Downloading and installing the Teen Patti Munda APK is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to get started:
  1. **Download the APK**: Visit the official website or a trusted APK download site to download the Teen Patti Munda APK file.
  2. **Enable Unknown Sources**: Before installing the APK, ensure that your device allows installations from unknown sources. Go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on.
  3. **Install the APK**: Locate the downloaded APK file in your device’s file manager and tap on it to start the installation process.
  4. **Launch the App**: Once installed, open the app, sign up or log in, and start enjoying the thrilling world of Teen Patti Munda!

#### Tips for Winning at Teen Patti Munda

  1. **Understand the Rules**: Make sure you have a good grasp of the rules and different hand rankings in Teen Patti. This will give you a strategic advantage.
  2. **Start Small**: Begin with lower stakes to get a feel for the game and gradually increase your bets as you become more confident.
  3. **Pay Attention to Opponents**: Observe your opponents’ playing styles and patterns. This can help you make better decisions and anticipate their moves.
  4. **Bluff Wisely**: Bluffing is a key part of Teen Patti, but it should be used judiciously. Know when to bluff and when to fold.
  5. **Manage Your Bankroll**: Set a budget for your gameplay and stick to it. Avoid chasing losses and play responsibly.
submitted by Sorry_Geologist8037 to u/Sorry_Geologist8037 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Mest16 Kincaid for 1.05: Should I go value over team need?

Kincaid for 1.05: Should I go value over team need?
I was offered Kincaid and Bigsby (I'm low on Bigsby) for 1.05. In a vacuum, that's a fair trade, in my opinion. I would go as far to say I'd prefer the players I can get at 1.05 over Kincaid if I had a suitable replacement tight end. It's a Superflex league. As shown in image, I have 2 top 10 QBs, 3 top 10 RBs, and 2 top 10 WRs. I also have picks 1.07 and 1.08 so I can likely draft Bowers. Perhaps I can counter offer for them to throw Noah Fant (low ceiling but decent buy low IMO) into the deal but I'm trying to determine if this trade makes sense for me. I'd have 1.05, 1.07, and 1.08 to help set myself up for the future but I'd be taking a committee approach at tight end this season when I'm in win now mode. Any thoughts are much appreciated!
submitted by Mest16 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 griffjen WTT: Chase Bliss, EAE, UA, Boss Waza, Thorpy, Mythos, Maxon, Walrus, amps, more WTTF: Studio Gear and list

Pedals - I’d love to trade for outboard studio gear like compressors / preamps or the microphones i have listed below. Feel free to offer other cool shit.
"Big Ticket" items that I only want to trade toward studio gear:
These i'm more willing to trade for other pedals:
Amps (pickup in NYC or Hudson valley / Albany area) also for sale
Outboard preamps / compressors / 500 series, tape echo
Mics such as Beyer m201, sm7b, coles or aea ribbons, a nice SDC pair, don't really need any LDC
Cali76 cd, Boss Dm101, EAE Sending v2, Benson Preamp, Broadcast AP Dual ii, GCI OGR, ADG-1
UA Apollo rack units
submitted by griffjen to letstradepedals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:05 Dramatic_Stay6338 My fiancé cheated on my birthday with my best friend

Gonna cut right to the chase here we’ve been together for 7 years and engaged for 1 year(8years together). My (22m) fiancé (22f) and I went down to a party type city with a bunch of friends the weekend of my birthday, the plan was to go clubbing Friday night and then have a golf tournament the next morning at a course I’ve been wanting to play at for a long time. It’s about a 3 hour drive down so we went in the afternoon had a really nice dinner just the 2 of us and then met up at one of my friends places to start bar hopping. Once we got to the first place we all had a couple of drinks (there’s 8 of us total) and I went out for a smoke with one of my buddies girlfriend who also smoked. I had a cigarette and then came back in, well when I sat back down my fiancé freaked out at me infront of everyone saying I smelt like a disgusting pig and a bunch of other hurtful stuff. She Dosnt like when I smoke but I didn’t think she would react the way she did, this was also at about 9pm. She then ignored me until about 11pm when we got to the 3rd place of the night and she apologized and we carried on with the night. At this point I was drunk but aware of everything going on and normally I keep an eye on her cause she’s a light weight and can’t hold liquor but because of our squabble we had I wasn’t paying attention to how much she had dranken. By 1am she was visibly hammered and kept asking if my “best friend” was coming back to the hotel with us “we’re having so much fun why don’t we continue having fun at the hotel” I was taken back by this comment and decided to call an Uber and go back to the hotel, I had to carry her out of the club with the help of my “best friend” and we got into the back of the Uber she was in the middle seat and she had her hand on my lap and after about 2 mins of driving I released she was groping up between my “best friends” leg, I pulled her hand away and was shocked, she was shocked that I noticed cause she froze and my buddy just started stammering and didn’t know what to say because I had noticed. We then got back to the hotel, she asked if he was coming up stairs with us and I said no he’s going home, she asked if we should wait with him and I said no we are going to bed now. I walked her to the elevator and then said “what the fuck was that, what the fuck did I just see back there” and she just lied and tried to gaslight me into thinking I made it up I got her into bed and asked if I was crazy for what I saw and she said yes your crazy. So I walked out I just left and walked around for an hour before returning, when I returned I thought she was sleeping so I just started talking, telling her how I felt that I didn’t trust her anymore and that she betrayed me and then she just started crying and crying and crying until about 7am and she just repeated asking to go home so I drive us home in the morning, a silent 3 hour drive and she just kept crying and apologizing and I don’t know what to do, I’m avoiding her cause I can’t bare to see her face after what she did and I also can’t believe my “best friend” didn’t do anything to move her hand or say anything I’m furious at both of them but I don’t know what to do, please somebody help me out here I want to just forgive her and forget about it but I can’t it just keeps replaying in a loop in my head and I can’t stop thinking if she dose shit like that infront of me what is she doing when im gone. I don’t think she’s cheated on me before but I feel like she’d do this again with or without me there
submitted by Dramatic_Stay6338 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:04 Thin_Helicopter5947 Looking for a strategy to get out of debt

Looking for a strategy to get out of debt
Hello everyone like the title is saying I am looking for a strategy to pay off my debts and more importantly to not end up in this situation again. Any help would be very appreciated thank you in advance.
I just finished making payments for 3 CC settlements I did with CHASE and Bank of America (2 accounts) for about 30% of what I owed them and they should update my account Settle for Less and they won`t sue me because of the age of the debt ( I have letters )
I am looking to have my 3 collection accounts with Portofolio & Midland (2 accounts) removed next.
I have a default judgement from 1 of the Midland accounts ( they garnished some of my state tax returns so far, nothing from my employer). I missed the court date because I didn`t received any kind of court documents from them or from the court just a notice that they have a default agains me after the court happened. Makes me wonder why they sued me on the smaller account and nothing happened yet on the larger account ( maybe they don`t have everything they need to sue me on that one ? I hope ) Statue of of Limitation in my state is 6 years and the account with Midland was opened 6/26/2019. Everything Should fall off my credit report early 2026.
I still have 2 active payments with Amex and Portofolio, I should be able to settle the Portofolio account in August and the AMEX payments are running until December.
My monthly budget is looking like this :
Earnings ~$5000
Rent + Utilities $1200 Phone $180 Car Insurance $190 Gym/ Subscriptions $80 TOTAL $1650.
Auto/Transport $300
Grocery $600
CC Payments $450
Dining/ Drinks $400
Entertainment $200
Shopping $200
Pet $100
Fees $50
I would like to add that my car is paid off but it`s getting old and I will need another vehicle soon, I would also like to own a house in the next 2 years. I have a emergency savings account with $2000 and I am aware there will be tax consequences for the accounts I settled.
submitted by Thin_Helicopter5947 to debtfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:02 Dramatic_Stay6338 My fiancé cheated on me on my birthday with my “best friend” AITAH for wanting to leave her

Gonna cut right to the chase here we’ve been together for 7 years and engaged for 1 year(8years together). My (22m) fiancé (22f) and I went down to a party type city with a bunch of friends the weekend of my birthday, the plan was to go clubbing Friday night and then have a golf tournament the next morning at a course I’ve been wanting to play at for a long time. It’s about a 3 hour drive down so we went in the afternoon had a really nice dinner just the 2 of us and then met up at one of my friends places to start bar hopping. Once we got to the first place we all had a couple of drinks (there’s 8 of us total) and I went out for a smoke with one of my buddies girlfriend who also smoked. I had a cigarette and then came back in, well when I sat back down my fiancé freaked out at me infront of everyone saying I smelt like a disgusting pig and a bunch of other hurtful stuff. She Dosnt like when I smoke but I didn’t think she would react the way she did, this was also at about 9pm. She then ignored me until about 11pm when we got to the 3rd place of the night and she apologized and we carried on with the night. At this point I was drunk but aware of everything going on and normally I keep an eye on her cause she’s a light weight and can’t hold liquor but because of our squabble we had I wasn’t paying attention to how much she had dranken. By 1am she was visibly hammered and kept asking if my “best friend” was coming back to the hotel with us “we’re having so much fun why don’t we continue having fun at the hotel” I was taken back by this comment and decided to call an Uber and go back to the hotel, I had to carry her out of the club with the help of my “best friend” and we got into the back of the Uber she was in the middle seat and she had her hand on my lap and after about 2 mins of driving I released she was groping up between my “best friends” leg, I pulled her hand away and was shocked, she was shocked that I noticed cause she froze and my buddy just started stammering and didn’t know what to say because I had noticed. We then got back to the hotel, she asked if he was coming up stairs with us and I said no he’s going home, she asked if we should wait with him and I said no we are going to bed now. I walked her to the elevator and then said “what the fuck was that, what the fuck did I just see back there” and she just lied and tried to gaslight me into thinking I made it up I got her into bed and asked if I was crazy for what I saw and she said yes your crazy. So I walked out I just left and walked around for an hour before returning, when I returned I thought she was sleeping so I just started talking, telling her how I felt that I didn’t trust her anymore and that she betrayed me and then she just started crying and crying and crying until about 7am and she just repeated asking to go home so I drive us home in the morning, a silent 3 hour drive and she just kept crying and apologizing and I don’t know what to do, I’m avoiding her cause I can’t bare to see her face after what she did and I also can’t believe my “best friend” didn’t do anything to move her hand or say anything I’m furious at both of them but I don’t know what to do, please somebody help me out here I want to just forgive her and forget about it but I can’t it just keeps replaying in a loop in my head and I can’t stop thinking if she dose shit like that infront of me what is she doing when im gone. I don’t think she’s cheated on me before but I feel like she’d do this again with or without me there
submitted by Dramatic_Stay6338 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:59 Dramatic_Stay6338 My fiancé cheated on me on my birthday with my “best friend”

Gonna cut right to the chase here we’ve been together for 7 years and engaged for 1 year(8years together). My (22m) fiancé (22f) and I went down to a party type city with a bunch of friends the weekend of my birthday, the plan was to go clubbing Friday night and then have a golf tournament the next morning at a course I’ve been wanting to play at for a long time. It’s about a 3 hour drive down so we went in the afternoon had a really nice dinner just the 2 of us and then met up at one of my friends places to start bar hopping. Once we got to the first place we all had a couple of drinks (there’s 8 of us total) and I went out for a smoke with one of my buddies girlfriend who also smoked. I had a cigarette and then came back in, well when I sat back down my fiancé freaked out at me infront of everyone saying I smelt like a disgusting pig and a bunch of other hurtful stuff. She Dosnt like when I smoke but I didn’t think she would react the way she did, this was also at about 9pm. She then ignored me until about 11pm when we got to the 3rd place of the night and she apologized and we carried on with the night. At this point I was drunk but aware of everything going on and normally I keep an eye on her cause she’s a light weight and can’t hold liquor but because of our squabble we had I wasn’t paying attention to how much she had dranken. By 1am she was visibly hammered and kept asking if my “best friend” was coming back to the hotel with us “we’re having so much fun why don’t we continue having fun at the hotel” I was taken back by this comment and decided to call an Uber and go back to the hotel, I had to carry her out of the club with the help of my “best friend” and we got into the back of the Uber she was in the middle seat and she had her hand on my lap and after about 2 mins of driving I released she was groping up between my “best friends” leg, I pulled her hand away and was shocked, she was shocked that I noticed cause she froze and my buddy just started stammering and didn’t know what to say because I had noticed. We then got back to the hotel, she asked if he was coming up stairs with us and I said no he’s going home, she asked if we should wait with him and I said no we are going to bed now. I walked her to the elevator and then said “what the fuck was that, what the fuck did I just see back there” and she just lied and tried to gaslight me into thinking I made it up I got her into bed and asked if I was crazy for what I saw and she said yes your crazy. So I walked out I just left and walked around for an hour before returning, when I returned I thought she was sleeping so I just started talking, telling her how I felt that I didn’t trust her anymore and that she betrayed me and then she just started crying and crying and crying until about 7am and she just repeated asking to go home so I drive us home in the morning, a silent 3 hour drive and she just kept crying and apologizing and I don’t know what to do, I’m avoiding her cause I can’t bare to see her face after what she did and I also can’t believe my “best friend” didn’t do anything to move her hand or say anything I’m furious at both of them but I don’t know what to do, please somebody help me out here I want to just forgive her and forget about it but I can’t it just keeps replaying in a loop in my head and I can’t stop thinking if she dose shit like that infront of me what is she doing when im gone. I don’t think she’s cheated on me before but I feel like she’d do this again with or without me there
submitted by Dramatic_Stay6338 to u/Dramatic_Stay6338 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:48 Wandering-Nobody444 UDRR2 Concept (SPOILERS FOR DANGANRONPA V3 INBOUND!)

[Apologizes as it's a bit long, but I hope you understand what I'm going for!]
(This story is set in an alternate universe of Danganronpa V3 in which Shūichi Saihara refused to accuse Kaede Akamatsu of being the "Killer" of Rantarō Amami. As a result, everyone else was executed, and Tsumugi Shirogane, the true Culprit and Mastermind of the Killing Game, emerged as the sole survivor...)
If Tsumugi Shirogane's life could get any worse, she desperately wished for it so she could at least die with a shred of dignity.
After tirelessly working as an intern for Team Danganronpa and finally getting her shot to write a season, not only is it the biggest flop in the franchise (even season 19 had its redeeming qualities), but her strategy of "being plain" lead to quite a few fans wanting her head on a pike. Surprisingly, instead of being fired and blacklisted on the spot, the executives of Team Danganronpa called her into their office to offer her a "second chance". Accepting it without hesitation, she goes to leave only to suffer a massive headache, and before she knows it, everything goes black.
When she opens her eyes, she finds herself in a classroom. A very familiar classroom. And as she tries to remember anything before this moment, all she gets is a sharp pain in her skull. It quickly becomes apparent to her about what's going on, so she bursts out the door and rushes to the gym to confirm her suspicions. But when she arrives there, two things immediately stand out to her:
1) There are way more than 16 people present.
2) She recognizes them...
They're graduates throughout the past seasons of Danganronpa, the ones who managed to get away with their crimes and sacrificed several lives over their own (and I know what you might be thinking, "She's one to talk since she was the Mastermind", but how would YOU feel if your killing game completely failed? You should feel bad for her).
But before she can figure out how this is possible, a stuffed toy of Monokuma appears out of nowhere. Not Monokuma mind you, but the Official Danganronpa Monokuma Talking Plushie with 50+ Despairingly Hilarious Phrases™ (only for ¥250,000 BUY NOW). Cutting right to the chase, it reveals they've all been gathered here for a "Round 2" of sorts. After all, while gathering a bunch of talented teens to kill each other is cool and all...
Don't you think gathering a bunch of talented murderers to kill each other is way more interesting?
Ultimate Danganronpa R2 ~Welcome (Back) to Despair Academy!~
Coming soon...maybe
submitted by Wandering-Nobody444 to Fanganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:47 catsRawesome123 Best use of miles/points for Asia trip (Japan/China)?

I've been aware of awardshacker, etc and I've searched flights across the airlines themselves and have noticed that there's nothing available for points OR (bizarrely) there's no non-stop flights from SFO to Tokyo for partner airlines like British or ANA as quoted by the online portals. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Premise: Going to SFO Japan China SFO in October time frame of this year
What's the best way to optimize my flights/hotels? I have a ton of Venture X miles, IHG, and Chase UR
1) What's the best use of miles to get a flight? (No luck searching)
2) What's the best hotels to stay at given my points ecosystem + transfer partners? I'm assuming Hyatt for Chase but not sure for Venture
submitted by catsRawesome123 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:39 PhillyKid86 eXcLuSiVe

submitted by PhillyKid86 to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:38 Thirust Reverse Chance a Clueless Rising Junior trying to turn their life around

Aspiring Major: Mechanical Engineering
Demographics: White, Out-Of-State, Mid-Low Income ● Hooks: First-Gen, ROTC, Underrepresented State, Rural Resident, <50% Race at School
Stats: - 11 APs: Psych, Seminar, Lang, Push, World, Physics, Lit, Calc BC, CSP, Research (Capstone), American Gov (Possible Self-Study PreCalc, Stats, CSA to make 14, or 15 w/ Physics CMech) by graduation - 3 CCs: Elementary Spanish I, PreCalc, Stats (Possibly taking INFO#### (PreReQ), Java I w/ AP CSA, CPP I & II to make 7 CCs by graduation) - 12 Honors by graduation - GPA: 3.75UW / 4.5W - PreACT (Freshman): 29Math/30Sci/30Eng/24Read - MAP Math/Read (Freshman): 282/255 - ALEKS Math Placement (Sophomore): 85%
Extracurriculars: - ● Instruments & Composition: - Passionate Multi-Instrumentalist (Drum Set, Piano, Guitar, Cello) and Composer - Wrote, led, and performed a Marimba Duet that won 1st place and an "Outstanding Ensemble" award at local Solo-Ensemble Festival, and a Superior Rating (I) at a District Music Contest, being recognized and commended by judges. - 1x Music Letter (only offered at prior school), Percussion Section Leader, teaching incoming Freshman instruments and nurturing their abilities - Jazz Drummer and Pianist, awarded "Outstanding Solo" on each at State Jazz Festival. Also played guitar and bass guitar in Jazz Band. - Attended, auditioned, and performed at a Jazz Camp at [college], a reputable college with an international jazz program endorsed by many legendary jazz figures/groups such as The Count Basie Jazz Orchestra, Gordan Goodwin's Big Phat Band, and The Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra. - Freelance Musician and Composer for various online projects, primarily in the video game industry. - Music used in two indie films, with one being presented at [state] State Thespian Festival, and winning an award with recognition. - ● TheateMusical: - Inducted Honor Thespian to the National Thespian Society - Played notable supporting roles in Plays and Broadway Musicals, as well as filled tech positions primarily in the design aspect of the production (graphics/publicity, scenery) - Improv Team that competed at State - ● VEX Robotics: - State Finalist Freshman Year - Nationals Runner-Up
Activities: - ● Community: - Speech Campaign: spoke at 6 Schools across the state, 500+ listeners. Posters put up at each, advocating for a break in social norms. Surveyed school and gathered all data for a presentation and medalled at state for an FCCLA STAR Event. - Gave a motivational speech on MLK Day about chasing your dreams that was televised and recognized by the Mayor. - The Pink Lemonade Project: Indie Film+Book project where I created the music as well as designed the videography + video editing, lighting, locations, Characters, and assistance in Story and script writing. This project aimed to expose a local summer camp and the effects of a toxic authoritarian system via abuses and etc. - ● General: - Volunteered at a company that designs, creates, and tests Brewing Machinery internationally - CPR and AED Certified - I intend to commit to the military w/ ROTC Scholarship on a 4-6 year contract following graduation/obtaining desired degree - Non-Competitive Powerlifting, 300 Wilks Score - ● Programming & Roblox: - Self-Taught Luau/Lua5.5+, Python, C/C++, Type/Javascript, Haxeflixel, CSS, very minor html - At the age of 10, I had my own business that operated on Twitter, creating 3D Graphics (via Blender, Photoshop, and After Effects) for individuals and games, such as wallpapers, profile icons, and thumbnails. I then transitioned to a broad spectrum of skills acquired through the passion of game creation on Roblox - Formerly a Lead Developer for an indie game studio known as '[studio]', which was a project known for creating fun games for children, that gathered 1 million group members, and over 75 million game plays through a platform known as Roblox. These games generated a collective $70KUSD over the course of their popularity combined (20% of revenue was cycled back as advertisement funding). Through this community that was developed, we were able to raise over $6.5KUSD to help fund small indie projects from other smaller development groups. - Among many other games I created music for, one in particular is worth noting: 'Doors', amassing 4.9 Billion plays since 2021, has reached the screen of nearly every kid that is playing video games today. - Collaborated with popular online celebrities (YouTube, TikTok) on making games and experiences for their communities, some of which have billions of views and millions of followers. - I am a contributed developer to other popular games and projects with 2.6 Billion collective plays. I fulfilled various roles in these projects, such as game design, Front and Back-End programming (Luau/Lua 5.5+ & Typescript), 3D Artwork/Video Animation (using programs Blender, Photoshop, Premiere Pro/Sony Vegas, and After Effects), Music Design, Character & Object Animation, Architecture, and Voice Acting. Many of these games are a major source of income for the developers involved, such as "My Restaurant!" (of which I did 3D & 2D graphic design for), a game with ~800M plays, created by a studio known as BIG Games, which is the highest grossing development group on the platform. I connected to these groups and Studios through the Roblox Dev Forum, a company known as "Hidden Developers", Twitter, and my personal website. Through these projects, I nurtured my passion to create, and developed several solo passion projects for my own personal enjoyment. - Bug Tested various other games over several years, solving issues for experiences that went on to have hundreds of thousands of concurrent players. I am also a former member of the Official Roblox QA Team (before it was disbanded), which tested upcoming features to the platform. I have since been very active on their Developer Forum, helping all creators (young and old) solve issues and create awesome games. - Although my game development has slowed, I am currently working on a large game that will show the hardship of Schizophrenia and Social Outcasting through intricate storytelling. I intend to release this game on multiple platforms, such as Steam. - Created a Roblox Plug-in that detects Backdoors and vulnerabilities within games, preserving user data and game integrity. This plug-in has been used by nearly 300 developers thus far. - Created my own file syncing program using C++ via Visual Studio Code, that analyzes computer folders for identical information and can delete it or sync data from one folder to another (if not identical). This program has been used by my friends, but I did not publish it online. - Created a Discord Bot with custom commands for the Interbyte Studios Community server (18k members). This application allowed the community to interact and have a recreational token and minigame system for engagement and bonding. This bot was initially created in Python, but was then completely revamped in Javascript via Node.js (with some minor html for some special features.) - Created a customized theme for Canvas and Roblox using the "Stylish" extension, coded in CSS. - Utilizing BetterDiscord, I created my own lock screen for the Discord application to protect my computer from siblings and/or any environment I am working in. This came with a customized theme among other features, such as a built-in Spotify controller (play/pause, skip, and tuning into what others are listening to), and it synced up with my Discord Bot in my own server, allowing me to see the statistics (account age, user ID, etc.), and possible rule infractions of a given user within the community. This was coded in Javascript (Node.js), CSS, and HTML (for embedding purposes). This served to speed up the moderation and disciplinary side of my community, but also improve the efficiency of the Discord application.
Awards & Honor Groups: - x2 Academic Letter, Top PreACT at School - Outstanding Solo-Ensemble Award w/ 1st Place for self-composed, led, and performed Marimba Duet - Superior (1) Rating at District Music Contest for Marimba Duet - x1 Music Letter (only offered at former school) - Outstanding Jazz Soloist Drum Set at State - Outstanding Jazz Soloist Piano at State - Nominated Ambassador of Music (International Program) - All-City Percussion - All-State Jazz & Concert Band Acceptance (Committed to Jazz) - [College w/ International Jazz Program] Jazz Band Performer - State Finalist VEX Robotics (Freshman) - Nationals Runner-Up VEX Robotics (Sophomore) - Honor Thespian
In essays I hope to write about my aspirations to create The Iron Giant and how Robotics is an art. I am also planning to write about how my downfall in Freshman and sophomore years re-shaped the way a school district functions forever, and my recovery and discovery of ambition.
I'd like to know what colleges would accept me (I really want a shot at T30 or so) and what would be good for me. I would also appreciate any and all advice for my resume and what I should do for LORs, or any aspect at all.
submitted by Thirust to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:33 amirs318 Change in statement periods between Chase and First Republic

Hi. Hopefully someone else has encountered (and solved) this already because I can't think of a solution. I have used QuickBooks Online for years to manage my banking, specifically my First Republic Bank (FRB) checking account, which is now Chase. Statement periods for FRB were by calendar month (eg March 1 - March 31), but with Chase apparently they run from the 21st of a month to the 20th of the next month.
This will be a problem for reconciling this account each month. How do I deal with this transition in Quickbooks for that statement period where it switches over? Thanks in advance.
submitted by amirs318 to QuickBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:28 Diablo689er We will see a new Low this year post honeymoon

I'm sure this post will go over like a lead balloon, but oh well.
Let me start off by saying that Bungie crushed the expansion in terms of a conclusion to the 10 year saga. The campaign is all you could ask for. SE looks to be one of the hardest ever, and the 12-man mission was very cathartic. Hats off to them for that.
But at the end of the day, what has changed verses a year ago beyond some small balance issues like bringing pulse rifles up to parity?
At the end of the day, TFS is a great campaign/narrative expansion that sits on top a game with core fundamental issues that haven't been addressed. When the honeymoon fades and people think through if they want to keep grinding/chasing/playing, these are going to come to light and we won't have the desire for conclusion to sustain us now that we've had some semblance of closure with the story. People will either hang them up or just admit they're going to wait for D3 to roll around before starting again.
submitted by Diablo689er to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:23 Jexvite All of Titan History Before the Awakening of Godzilla

4,000,000,000 BCE The Earth is created. Inside of the Earth is a large area called Hollow Earth. Hollow Earth is different than the surface as time and gravity can sometimes behave differently. Every planet contains Hollow Earth Ore which comes from the core and is the reason for the almost unnatural place. The Hollow Earth is also filled with tons of radiation that comes from the Hollow Earth Ore. The Hollow Earth also contains Vortexes, which are almost like portals in between the Hollow Earth and the surface.
400,000,000 BCE In Hollow Earth, many creatures begin to evolve to be extremely big. Some even reaching 200 feet tall. They are called Titans and are the apex predators of Earth. Most Titans feed off radiation, making Hollow Earth a perfect habitat.
290,000,000 BCE Many Titans have evolved to be much bigger. Some can even reach over 400 feet tall. Some reptiles have evolved into Titans called Gojiras. Gojiras are powerful Titans that can grow to be almost 400 feet tall. However, their height fluctuates based on how much radiation they can eat. Gojiras can also live to be millions of years old, however none have lived that long because they are always killed by other Titans. Some Gojiras can even harness the power of radiation if they have enough of it. If they are extra radiation in a Gojira, and that Gojira is strong enough, they can use it in the form of Atomic Pulses or Atomic Breaths. Atomic Pulses are large shockwaves of radiation that can burn and kill things around it. Atomic Breaths are a laser beam of energy that is concentrated and shot out of a Gojiras mouth. Gojiras also reproduce asexually.
270,000,000 BCE Many Titans have made their way to the surface through Vortexes and vast tunnel systems. The surface of the Earth has tons of radiation that has been untouched since Earth's creation.
250,000,00 BCE In Hollow Earth, a Gojira named Godzilla is born from a powerful parent. Right off the bat he is stronger than most and survives quite easily. He also is one of the few Gojiras to use Atomic Breath and Atomic Pulse. Godzilla also makes his way up to the surface where he becomes the most powerful Titan up there. However, only after a few thousand years his reign is cut short by an asteroid that kills 90% of life on the surface. This forces the surviving surface Titans to go into deep hibernation and only come out every few million years. This also stops the migration of Titans to the surface.
200,000,000 BCE Some ancient species of Titans have evolved into creatures called Monoliths. Monoliths are powerful creatures that full live off radiation and can grow to be miles long. They need very specific and perfect conditions to survive due to their size.
150,000,000 BCE With new types of animals such as mammals appearing in the Hollow Earth, many of them evolve into Titans. Some examples of this are Jishin-Mushis which are mammal Titans that are parasitic. Or Methuselahs that are large turtle-like Titans that carry small mountains on their backs.
100,000,000 BCE A new type of bug Titan evolves called Mosura. Mosuras look just like moths except have a wingspan of 803 feet and are 52 feet tall. The interesting thing about these Titans is that there offspring carries their conscious. For example, a Mosura will lay a few eggs all around Hollow Earth, but these eggs cannot hatch until their mother is dead, Once the mother dies, only one egg can hatch, and that new Mosura will carry the memories and mind of its mother. If that Mosura dies before it can lay an egg, one of its siblings will hatch and carry the memories of its mother and sibling. All of this can also happen if the Mosura is in hibernation. When that happens, the Mosura cannot wake up until its child dies or goes into hibernation.
70,000,000 BCE Almost all Monoliths are dead. The Earth and Hollow Earth are not in the perfect conditions for Monoliths, and they go extinct.
40,000,000 BCE In Hollow Earth, three different species of Great Apes evolved. These species are the Uprights, the Knuckles, and the Kings. The Uprights are the smartest apes and walk on two legs. The Knuckles are bigger than the Uprights and walk on their knuckles. The Kings are the largest at 25 feet tall and also walk on two legs.
5,000,000 BCE The Great Apes have evolved more. The Uprights evolved into Chimpanzees, Bonobos, and Humans. The Knuckles have evolved into Gorillas and Orangutangs. And the Kings have evolved into Titans called Kongs and Reds. Chimpanzees are the third smartest and walk on their knuckles. Bonobos are just like Chimpanzees except a bit smaller. Humans are the smartest Apes, have lost all their hair, and not only are the smartest of the apes but are the smartest creatures to have ever lived. Gorillas are strong, walk on knuckles, and are the fourth smartest of the apes. Orangutangs are similar to Gorillas except are red, are smaller, and not as strong. Kongs are Titans that can grow to be almost 400 feet tall, they are also the second smartest apes. Finally, Reds are Titans that are similar to Kongs, except that they are lanky, skinny, and red. The Kongs and Reds are some of the only Titans to not survive off of radiation and actually have to eat. Kongs and Reds can also live up to 2,000 years old.
3,000,000 BCE An offshoot species of Gojiras called Shimos are going extinct. Shimos are bigger than Gojiras and have similar abilities to them. Shimos can shoot a beam called a Frost Bite Blast that freezes anything it touches. There entire bodies are so cold that the ground can sometimes turn to ice when they walk. The last Shimo ever is born in a lower layer of Hollow Earth called the Subterranean Realm. She is the last member of her species and will be called Shimo for simplicity's sake.
2,000,000 BCE Shimo has made her way to the surface and immediately starts shooting at the sky. She does this because she has never seen the Sun before and it hurts her eyes. She ends up hitting a cloud causing it grow and grow. This cloud eventually becomes a massive storm that blocks out the Sun. This gives Shimo some peace of mind. However, this awakens Godzilla who starts to attack the young Shimo. He ends up winning the fight and drives her back into Hollow Earth. But that does not stop what she did. Because of the coldness of her Frost Bite Blast, the storm she created will not stop. The storm eventually grows to cause an Ice Age.
800,000 BCE A very large and powerful Kong arrives on the surface. His name is The Rival. He emerges in the home of Godzilla. This wakes Godzilla up who is currently staved of radiation and not in the condition to fight, but he is forced to. After a long battle Godzilla loses and is kicked out of his home.
500,000 BCE An alien species called Ghidorahs roam the galaxy. Ghidorahs grow up on their home planet before being sent off into deep space. Once a Ghidorah discovers a planet with life they take it over and then live out the rest of its life eating Hollow Earth Radiation. Ghidorahs also have three heads with their own personalities. But as long as the middle on survives, all of the heads survive. Ghidorahs are also massive with a 1,300-foot wingspan and a height of 521 feet. They also can use electricity and radiation to create a Gravity Beam. Gravity Beams are yellow beams of lighting similar in power to Atomic Breath. One Ghidorahs discovers Earth and begins to take it over. This Ghidorah is simply called King Ghidorah with its head being named Ichi, Ni, and Kevin. Ni is the right most head and follows anything Ichi says. Ichi is the middle head, controls most of the body, and is in charge of the others. Kevin is the left most head, the most often killed, and the stupidest of them. When King Ghidorah arrives on Earth, he starts the War on Ghidorah. The War on Ghidorah is the first time in history where 90% of Titans team up to stop a common threat. For thousands of years King Ghidorah is fought and kept away from Hollow Earth. Some Titans, like Godzilla, are even able to kill Kevin. But he always comes back right after the fight. Eventually, King Ghidorah discovers a Vortex to Hollow Earth in Antartica. However, when he arrives, he is met with three Titans. Godzilla, Shimo, and a Mosura named Mothra. It is a long fight where Godzilla uses his Atomic Breath many times. The fight ends with Shimo being able to freeze King Ghidorah in ice. Although all Titans go back to fighting like animals after this, the Gojiras, Kongs, Reds, and Mosuras decide to keep the peace between them.
400,000 BCE After 100,000 years of peace, a rouge Kong ends up killing a small Gojira. This breaks the peace and starts the Great Titan War. The Gojiras begin slaughtering the Kongs and Reds, but due to how many there are it doesn't kill all of them. A Gojira could easily take on a Kong or Red in a fight, but not 10 of them. Because of how many Kongs and Reds there are, and how powerful Gojiras are, this makes the war even.
390,000 BCE After 10,000 years of fighting, the Great Titan War ends. The Kongs and Reds won with almost all of the Gojiras being dead, except for two. Godzilla and Dagon. Dagon is another old and powerful Gojira that survived the war. The victory of the Kongs and Reds did come at a cost. There populations were split and low. The Reds decided to stay away from the Kongs and keep to themselves as they were few Reds left. The Kongs have split into two tribes, the Royals and the Great Apes. The Royals rule the main area of Hollow Earth and have turned the dorsal plate of a Gojira into an axe that they use to show power. The Great Apes rule the Subterranean Realm and are trapped there by the Royals, Godzilla, Dagon, and Mothra.
200,000 BCE Mothra, the Titan that helped stop King Ghidorah, is Godzilla's lifelong friend. Mothra's consciousness has been passed on through thousands of generations of Mosura, and over the past tens of millions of years this Mothra conscious has formed a friendship with Godzilla. Mothra has just laid an egg on the surface for the first time.
100,000 BCE The Humans have formed a civilization called the Iwi. They have learned to speak, write, wear clothes, and build large structures. They also worship Mothra who is currently hibernating in their kingdom. The Iwi has learned from Mothra to speak to each other through their minds. Using this ability, they are able to form a strong connection with the Kong, specifically the Royals.
50,000 BCE Many apes start to go to the surface. Humans and other Human species make their way to the surface carrying Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Gorillas, and Orangutangs with them. The first few civilizations start in places like the Middle East, Europe, and Africa. A small civilization forms in the Middle East called the Mesopotamia and will be the beacon of the future of Humanity. Another large civilization forms on an island off the coast of Europe called Atlantis. Atlantis is a massive city with huge buildings and statues. Atlantis is the hub for Hominid life and contains all species of man. However, places like Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa are not so excepting and devolve into war. This massive War of Man ends with only three Hominid species surviving. These species being Humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans. The War of Man destroys any surviving main land civilizations. The only city surviving city was Mesopotamia and it was demoted to a village. Atlantis was unaffected by the War of Man and still has countless Human species in it. Meanwhile a random group of Iwi get trapped on a surface island called Skull Island. Skull Island is a remote pacific island with a one-way Vortex on it. This causes it to be filled with countless dangerous Titans. These Iwi becomes isolated.
45,000 BCE Godzilla wakes up and walks around looking for food. He is seen by the Atlanteans, and they begin to build something for him.
42,000 BCE Godzilla is awoken again and this time he discovers that a bed was built for him in Atlantis. Godzilla uses this bed and is worshipped by the Atlanteans. Every day they walk around looking at him, praying to him, and respecting him. Godzilla is happy.
40,000 BCE After living in isolation and fear for 10,000 years, the Skull Iwi are saved. The Skull Crawlers have been revenging and ruling Skull Island for millennia, but recently they have started to have been killed. It turns out they the Royals in Hollow Earth have almost fully broken apart. The last surviving Ryals have escaped to Skull Island. Thousands of 100-foot-tall Skull Crawlers fight around fifty 400-foot tall Kongs. This starts the Skull Island War.
25,000 BCE The Humans begin their worldwide crusade. They start in Africa and make their way through Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, South America killing all Neanderthals and Denisovans along the way. Also around this time, Atlantis is flooded and pulled under the ocean. All Atlanteans and surviving non-Human hominids are killed in this flood. This leaves Godzilla sad and lonely.
11,000 BCE Dagon, the only remaining Gojira other than Godzilla gets into a fight with a Jinshin-Mushi named MUTO Prime. After fighting and chasing for years, MUTO Prime is able to overpower Dagon and lay her eggs inside him. After about a decade of struggle Dagon dies in a large cave where the baby Jinshin-Mushis named Hokmuto, Femuto, and Queen MUTO eat his insides. This makes Godzilla the only living Gojira.
5,000 BCE The past few generations of Kongs on Skull Island have been almost three times smaller than what they usually are. This is because they have limited food sources, are constantly at war, and are constantly under stress. If given the right conditions they could grow to their normal size, but they will stay like this until then. The Skull Island was easy at first for the Kongs as they were triple the size of them, but now that they are even in size, they are much harder to kill.
1000 Over the past almost 400,000 years, the Reds have been living in solitude. Due to lack of outside connections, and in fighting, they have gone extinct, except for one. There is only one remaining Red alive and his name is Skar King. He is only about 500 years old and still quite young. He discovers Shimo, who has been peacefully living in the Subterranean Realm since the War on Ghidorah. He is able to rip a dorsal crystal off her back and before she kills him, he uses it to control her. This crystal that he ripped off her can cause her extreme pain when pointed at her. Skar King uses this to manipulate and control her. Using Shimo, Skar King is able to take over the Great Apes. He turns them all into slaves and lock up Shimo behind a wall of lava.
1500 Skar King decides to mate with three Kongs. Those Kongs give birth to Skar Kings sons. The names of these sons are One-Eye, Stone Face, and Catcher. These kids are hybrids of Kongs and Reds.
1502 Godzilla briefly wakes up and takes a stroll through Europe.
1597 The last Kong on Skull Island is born. His name is King Kong. King Kong's parents are killed by Skull Crawlers as they leave him to be the last Kong on Skull Island. This ends the Skull Island War with the Skull Crawlers winning. However, now there is only one big Skull Crawler left, the rest have died. This Skull Crawler is named Ramarak.
1700 One-Eye, Stone Face, and Catcher are old enough and strong enough to help Skar King. He makes them second in command and calls them the Red Stripes. Meanwhile on Skull Island, Ramarak starts to have kids. However, King Kong is old enough to start killing these young Skull Crawlers. As if any of them got to be as Ramarak, they would easily kill him. King Kong and Ramarak have a deep-rooted hatred and rivalry. With them both being the most powerful and practically the last of their kind, although they hate each other, they are very similar.
1927 Skar King has another son named Suko. Suko carries much more Red genetics then Kong genetics, making him practically a successor to Skar King.
submitted by Jexvite to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:18 Kindred87 Intersection of longevity and falling fertility rates in the public funding space

Do you think the longevity industry stands to benefit from the growing global concern about falling fertility rates? Would it be a direct or indirect benefit? Would reducing demographic shifts be a more palatable and desirable mission than increasing healthspan, for policymakers and public research institutions?
I ask this because there appears to be a large amount of public funding chasing the fertility rate problem with minimal success.
France spends about 4% of its GDP on family policies with intentions to become more aggressive about boosting fertility. South Korea is contemplating handouts of $70,000 per baby. Poland and France have schemes in effect that result in costs of $1m-$2m per extra birth, since handouts mostly go to babies that were going to be born anyway. Even Sweden with its generous child care programs only achieves a fertility rate of 1.7.
I see the opportunity for longevity medicine to market itself and find success with the fertility rate problem. With longer healthspan and more youthful reproductive systems, it seems obvious that more children would be born. Particularly for those who push off parenthood to later years. Though the biggest challenge I see is the fact that the industry has not yet definitively proven it can extend healthspan or lifespan in humans.
submitted by Kindred87 to longevity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:17 Speedy_CSV I was assaulted (?) on a Maple Leaf train. What should I do? Is there anything I should work with Amtrak before contacting the police?

I was on a train from Niagara Falls, NY when this happened.
On June 7th, I boarded the Maple Leaf from Niagara Falls to New York Moynihan. I noticed a moderately tall, big guy who seemed to be talking to himself, cursing, and looking uneasy. However, I decided to mind my own business and ignore him, thinking he must have been on the phone with someone else.
When I boarded the train, the guy seemed normal—no acting up or cursing. I didn't know where he was sitting; otherwise, I would have chosen a seat far from him. Instead, I ended up sitting diagonally behind him, two seats away. I was on the left side of the car, and he was on the right. This was the first car of the train.
Across from where I sat, there was a couple. About 20 minutes in, the guy started cursing, saying words such as "bitch," "I'll fucking kill you," and "faggot," while holding up a laptop to his left ear. I assumed he was playing games and didn't think much of it. Then the couple started to pack their things and move to the car behind. I felt something was wrong and realized the guy was unhinged and looking around, acting agitated. I felt scared, started to panic, and shoved all my things into my backpack.
As soon as I started to stand up, he caught my eye. He approached me, saying "thank you, dude," and some other gibberish I couldn't hear. I rushed for the door right behind me to run to the second car, but he shoved me aside and reached for the door himself. He got past me to the back door of the car, and I rushed to the front of the car. At this point, I was dumbfounded and froze. Then he turned around, looked me in the eyes, and said, "What you looking at?" before going back to his seat. At that very moment, I was standing in the aisle and didn't know what to do. I froze for 1-2 seconds before he stood up and chased me.
As he was chasing me, he shoved me again at least twice. I feared for my life because I didn't know whether he had a weapon. Everyone in the same car was sitting at the front, so most didn't know what was unfolding. Naturally, I rushed further to the front, shouting, "Help, help, this guy is chasing me." He kept rushing towards me. Everyone was dumbfounded and seemed so nonchalant. I was scared shitless.
I locked myself in the toilet at the front and called 911 twice because the first call didn't get through. The dispatcher didn't really understand the situation and asked where I was. I had just returned from Canada, and my cell phone wasn't working properly because I had run out of data for the month. I suspected we were reaching Buffalo and told her so. I told her five times the train number was Maple Leaf 64. I was panicking. She kept asking again and again and then transferred my call to the Buffalo jurisdiction. I had to explain everything again to the new dispatcher. She said the police were coming to the station.
There was a knock on my door while I was on the phone. I cautiously unlocked it, and there was a European man who essentially told me to come out because the other guy was gone. I got back on the phone and told the dispatcher I would come out if it was safe, and I was assured that the police were coming.
I got out and sat at the front, right in front of the European couple, and waited until we reached Buffalo station. I was so relieved when we reached the station, but then I noticed there were no police, and the guy was still sitting in his seat. I panicked again and kept peeping over the front seat to see whether he would try to assault me again. The train left without anyone knowing about the assault except those in the first car.
Then I realized I hadn't contacted the train conductor, but there was no way for me to reach the café car where the conductors were, because the guy was sitting between me and the back door. I reached for the safety sheet, called Amtrak police, and told them to come get me at the first car because I feared for my life. I waited at least 30 minutes, and no one came to get me.
Then the guy started walking around the car, swirling his hands, stretching, and acting like he was very hot. He then walked towards the front seat, past where I was sitting, right outside the toilet. I tried so hard not to make eye contact. Then I decided to pick up my backpack and rushed to the second car. This time I saw the conductor in a white shirt; he looked like an angel to me. But at that moment I was panicking and rushed past him to get my carry-on luggage where I was sitting. I looked back and shouted to the conductor, "That was the guy who was assaulting me," then made a dash to the last café car where another conductor was sitting. I told him everything again. He told me to wait in the café car.
We finally reached Rochester after what seemed like forever. I was extremely scared and hungry, so I ate a Ham, Egg & Cheese Bialy and read a book to calm myself down. The conductor in the white shirt came to me and assured me that the guy was escorted off the platform and handed to a "mental crisis intervention team" or something. I then started to list down what happened.
The rest of the trip to New York was uneventful. I have just collected myself after that ordeal on Friday. I am seeking any advice on what to do next to ensure I am safe on future trips using Amtrak. Is there any way I can pursue litigation for emotional distress?
Thank you.
submitted by Speedy_CSV to Amtrak [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:12 boomboom2662277 Upgrading credit cards or applying to get the bonus

Hello! I have a chase student with a 4k credit limit and a chase unlimited card with a 4.5k credit limit. To upgrade to the chase sapphire preferred, one of the cards need to be at 5k credit limit however I would miss out on the bonus for a new sign up if i decide to upgrade. The question is should I upgrade my student card to the sapphire preferred or should I apply to it straight up. I use the freedom unlimited more than the student card so if I were to upgrade, it would be the student credit card. Credit score 740, 0 debt, 4 hard inquiries(1 will disappear in 1 month, 1 will disappear in 6 months, 1 will disappear in 10 months) Thanks!
submitted by boomboom2662277 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:09 Emergency-Pool-8345 Tips for Chihuahua Weight-loss

My dog is a Chihuahua, Rat Terrier, Poodle mix who had puppies, but is now neutered. She eats 1/4 cup of food twice a day and goes on a daily 30 minute walk. She isn’t incredibly motivated to play, but we play fetch for about 10-15 minutes a day. She also loves running back and forth in my backyard chasing squirrels when they are on the wall.
She just can’t get her weight off and I’m really stuck. She’s so not motivated by play or activity and incredibly food motivated. Any tips and tricks to get her down about 2-3 pounds?
submitted by Emergency-Pool-8345 to OpenDogTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:51 Mindless-Muffin4841 Best suited CC for traveling

Looking for a CC that would suit me best for when I travel 2-4x a Year. I am 26 y/o.
Mainly fly United & American Airlines if tht matters. Usually stay at an air bnb unless out the country then I’d choose resorts.
• ⁠Current cards: ⁠• Discover $17,000 limit, Feb 2017 ⁠• Chase Freedom Unlimited $1,000 limit, March 2016 • Discover $4,000 Limit, April 2018 • BOA Business $16,000 Limit, March 2024
• ⁠FICO Score: 700 • ⁠Oldest account age: e.g. 8 years 3 months • ⁠Chase 5/24 status: 0/24 • ⁠Income: $100,000 • ⁠Average monthly spend and categories: ⁠• ⁠dining $1000 ⁠• ⁠groceries: $600 ⁠• ⁠gas: $150 ⁠• ⁠travel: $200 ⁠• ⁠other: $100 • ⁠Open to Business Cards: Have 1 (BoA)
• ⁠What's the purpose of your next card? Travel (Particularly 2-4x a Year)
• ⁠Do you have any cards you've been looking at? Venture X, Chase United,
• ⁠Are you OK with category spending or do you want a general spending card? Either or is fine
Any other info needed please ask. Thank You all in advance for being very informative and helpful.
submitted by Mindless-Muffin4841 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:51 Ecker1991 Deluxe Memory Man Approximation

As the title states, I’m looking for something that would get me as close as I can to the original big box dmm. I currently own the asheville ADG-1 and benson delay which both could arguably be dialed in to sound similar but might need advice on reaching settings that emulate the percussive repeats with the smooth modulation.
Batting around the idea of purchasing the chase bliss tonal recall, or potentially an earlier xo model that features the Panosonic mn3008 chips or the 550 model that features the mn3008’s.
Here are a few other pedals I have in mind:
Diamond Memory Lane Jr
UA Starlight
Boss DM-101
Mojo Hand Dream Mender
submitted by Ecker1991 to guitarpedals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:41 TheWWE2 WWE PLE Calendar 2025/2026/2027

• Royal Rumble - January 25 Arlington, TX (Globe Life Field)
• Elimination Chamber Japan - March 8 Saitama, Japan (Saitama Super Arena)
• WrestleMania 41 - April 19 & 20 Las Vegas, NV (Allegiant Stadium)
• Backlash Italy - May 17 Rome, Italy (PalaLottomatica)
• King and Queen of the Ring - June 7 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (Jeddah Super Dome)
• Money in the Bank - July 5 Paradise, NV (T-Mobile Arena)
• SummerSlam - August 2 London, England (Tottenham Hotspur Stadium)
• Bash in Cologne - September 6 Cologne, Germany (Lanxess Arena)
• Superstar Spectacle India - October 4 New Dehli, India (Indira Gandhi Arena)
• Crown Jewel - November 1 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (KSU Stadium)
• Survivor Series: WarGames - November 29 Montreal, Canada (Bell Centre)
• Royal Rumble Saudi Arabia - January 31 & 1 February Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (King Fahd Sports City)
• Elimination Chamber Austria - March 7 Vienna, Austria (Wiener Stadthalle)
• WrestleMania 42 - May 2 & 3 London, England (Wembley Stadium)
• Backlash Argentina - May 23 Buenos Aires, Argentina (Estadio Mary Terán de Weiss)
• King and Queen of the Ring France - June 13 Paris, France (Accor Arena)
• Money in the Bank - July 4 Brooklyn, NY ( Barclays Center)
• SummerSlam - August 1 & 2 Minneapolis, MN (US Bank Stadium)
• Bash in Hamburg - September 5 Hamburg, Germany (Barclays Arena)
• Clash at the Castle Ireland - October 3 Dublin, Ireland (3Arena)
• Crown Jewel - October 31 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (King Abdullah Sports City)
• Survivor Series: WarGames - November 28 San Antonio, TX (Alamodome)
• Royal Rumble - January 30 & 31 Phoenix, AZ (Chase Field)
• Elimination Chamber Sweden - March 6 Stockholm, Sweden (Avicii Arena)
• WrestleMania 43 - April 17 & 18 Detroit, MI (Ford Field)
• Backlash Belgium May 15 Brussels, Belgium (ING Arena)
• King and Queen of the Ring China - June 5 Beijing, China (National Indoor Stadium)
• Money in the Bank Saudi Arabia - July 3 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Kingdom Arena)
• SummerSlam Australia - August 7 & 8 Melbourne, Victoria (Marvel Stadium)
• Bash in Frankfurt - September 4 Frankfurt, Germany (Festhalle Frankfurt)
• Clash at the Mexico - October 2 Mexico City, Mexico (Mexico City Arena)
• Crown Jewel - October 30 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (Jeddah Super Dome)
• Survivor Series: WarGames - November 27 Seattle, WA (T-Mobile Park)
submitted by TheWWE2 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]