Main idea activities 4th grade

Post a Picture, get a Dungeon

2015.02.25 07:08 1TrueScotsman Post a Picture, get a Dungeon

Post a picture and the community will build a story which you can then base an adventure on for your campaign.

2014.11.03 19:23 Art Of The Day!

Artwork of the day - some days.

2008.08.21 21:58 Entrepreneur

A community of individuals who seek to solve problems, network professionally, collaborate on projects, and make the world a better place. Be professional, humble, and open to new ideas. Our community supports side hustles, small businesses, venture-backed startups, lemonade stands, 1-person-grinds, and most forms of revenue generation! However, no one cares about your blog. Please do not come here to self-promote your consulting, book, podcast, MLM, website, dropshipping guide, or $$$ scheme.

2024.06.09 12:03 Flat-Pumpkin-6818 Idée pour un nouveau Brawler :

Nom : Smash
Apparence : Smash porte une tenue de joueur de ping-pong : un maillot coloré avec un numéro dans le dos, un short, et des baskets de sport. Il a une casquette à l'envers et porte une sacoche remplie de balles de ping-pong. Dans une main, il tient une raquette de ping-pong.
Déplacement : Smash se déplace rapidement sur le terrain, avec une vitesse de déplacement légèrement supérieure à la moyenne.
Attaques : Smash possède deux modes d'attaque qu'il peut alterner en cours de partie :
  1. Mode Balle de Ping-Pong (attaque de loin) :
    • Smash lance des balles de ping-pong avec une trajectoire rapide et droite. Les balles peuvent rebondir sur les murs une fois avant de disparaître.
    • Dégâts : 900 par balle
    • Portée : Longue (8-9 cases)
    • Rebond : 1
    • Temps de rechargement : Moyen
  2. Mode Raquette (attaque de près) :
    • Smash utilise sa raquette pour frapper les ennemis à bout portant. C'est une attaque rapide qui inflige des dégâts élevés, mais a une portée très courte.
    • Dégâts : 1400 par coup
    • Portée : Très courte (1-2 cases)
    • Temps de rechargement : Rapide
    Changer de Mode : Smash peut alterner entre les deux modes en appuyant sur un bouton spécial. Il y a un court temps de recharge pour éviter un changement trop fréquent. - Temps de recharge pour le changement : 5 secondes
    Super : Tournoi Éclair : Smash organise un mini-tournoi de ping-pong autour de lui. Il se déplace rapidement et attaque automatiquement tous les ennemis dans un rayon avec des smashes de balles de ping-pong pendant quelques secondes. Chaque ennemi touché subit des dégâts importants, et Smash peut se déplacer tout en lançant ses attaques. - Dégâts : 500 par smash, jusqu'à 8 smashes par ennemi - Portée : Moyenne (5-6 cases autour de Smash) - Durée : 4 secondes - Bonus : Smash est invulnérable pendant la durée du Super
    Gadgets :
  3. Effet Réfléchi : Smash active un bouclier de raquette pendant 3 secondes, renvoyant les projectiles ennemis vers eux avec 50% de leurs dégâts initiaux.
    • Durée : 3 secondes
    • Reflet : 50% des dégâts
  4. Balle Explosive : Smash charge une balle de ping-pong spéciale qui explose à l'impact, infligeant des dégâts de zone.
    • Dégâts : 1200 à l'impact
    • Zone d'effet : 3 cases de rayon
    Pouvoirs Star :
  5. Retour à l'Envoyeur :
    • Chaque fois que Smash utilise son attaque de près, il a 30% de chances de refléter les projectiles ennemis reçus durant l'attaque.
  6. Rebondir comme Ricochet :
    • Les balles de ping-pong rebondissent deux fois avant de disparaître, et chaque rebond augmente les dégâts de 10%.
submitted by Flat-Pumpkin-6818 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:02 Savings-Ear-8001 AITA for dating an old friend’s “ex” even when she said that he “was never her boyfriend” and that “she never loved him”?

Backstory: I was close friends with a girl, let’s call her Emma, for a considerable number of years. She had always been a bit manipulative and had a vast history of short-term flings with guys, but my family liked her. I, 17f, am relatively self reserved and had never experienced a relationship before. One summer I returned from an abroad trip and she announced that she had a new guy to “rebound” from her ex boyfriend (Tom) of a couple months. She invited me to meet him. He was an attractive guy, let’s call him Jake, and him and I got along pretty well. I asked her if it was okay to get his Snapchat and she agreed. Main story: As Emma and Jake started to grow closer, Jake became suspicious of her cheating. As a good friend I didn’t know what to do, as she was already bragging about Tom being interested in her again. One evening I get a call from Jake asking me to tell him Emma’s Life360 location as she’s been very dry over text and barely responded to his messages. He also said it was starting to negatively impact his mental health and he didn’t know how long he could cope. I looked at Emma’s location and instantly knew it was Tom’s house. I had no idea what to do, but knew the morally right thing would be to be honest to Jake. I called Emma, who told me that she was seeing Tom in secret and for me to not report back to Jake as she still wanted him in case “things went wrong”. It didn’t sit right with me knowing Jake was in such a state, and seeing Snapchat videos of Emma cuddling with Tom and looking so smug. I told him the location and Emma came clean, ending things with Jake so she could return to her ex. Emma made it clear that Jake was never her boyfriend, she was never in love with him and he was simply a “quick rebound”. Fast forward two months and Jake and I had been messaging a while as friends. We bounced off each other’s humour and shared very similar morals. One evening he asked me if I fancied meeting his friends, and I said sure. I distanced from Emma after she said some nasty words to my sister, and thought it would be fun. I didn’t realise it would end in kissing Jake at the end of the night. His friends were teasing him and making it obvious he liked me, and I couldn’t deny my attraction towards him. We continued to meet until he asked me to be his girlfriend, and soon later we confessed our love for one another. I felt guilty, but had comfort in the fact that Emma told me she never loved him and he didn’t mean anything to her. A mutual friend between Emma and Jake noted that I was Jake‘s girlfriend and proceeded to tell Emma. Despite Emma still being in a healthy, long-lasting relationship with Tom, she proceeded to message family members, including my sister, saying that I need “psychiatric help” because I’m “f****d in the head” for getting with Jake. She said I should have “taken her feelings into account” and she felt “incredibly hurt” because she allegedly felt such an attraction to Jake when she was with him. She messaged my friends telling them to avoid me because I’m “dangerous” and I’m “going insane”, and tried to tell me that the only reason Jake is with me is because he’s still in love with her and “needed a rebound”, so it’s not “real love” which I perceived as a little arrogant. She also tried to tell me that Jake was flirting with her and head-over-heels in love with her, would get back with her in a heartbeat and HE told her we were dating, not the mutual friend. Jake and I both knew this wasn’t the case, and I had confirmation from all of our friends saying it wasn’t Jake that told Emma. After Tom recently broke up with Emma, she is trying to make out that she is suddenly in love with Jake “again” and wishes to get back with him, and if I was a “good friend”, I would break up with Jake so that she could get back with him and finally “take it seriously”. So- AITA? Fast forward- Jake and I split up due to him cheating on me with another girl. Their short relationship soon ended and our friend group decided to meet up after I finished colllege. Jake turns up, and brings Emma with him. He announces that they are back together. Of course this is a strange feeling, and seeing Emma purposely kissing him/publicly showing affection all whilst giving me an evil eye was an unpleasant experience. She also body shamed me multiple times and continued to ask my other friends (who I met through Jake) why they were friends with a “fake friend” like me, all while I was there. My family tells me to leave the group, but they are the only friends I have and since Emma has rejoined the group things have changed. Any advice on this subject would be appreciated ❤️
submitted by Savings-Ear-8001 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:02 Coffee_Cardio Adult Bedroom Upgrade!

Wow, I had no idea a niche sub like this existed! We are moving to a new home, and finally ordered an adult bedroom set. (At age 40 and after 15 years of marriage, it was time!) We went w/ the PB Maddox line. For reference, we live in MA- so the Northeast has fluctuating temps.
Looking to grab a new bedding set. Seeking recommendations for the following: 1) Cool sheets. We both run hot at night. Linen? Or something else, and from where?
2) An amazing mattress topper. Looking to get 3-5 more years out of our current Tuft and Needle mattress, as well as add 3-4 inches in height for the bed frame. am consider the Quince 'premium down alternative mattress topper.' Thoughts? Would like this to be under $200.
3) Duvet that is washable, and doesn't require all the fuss of an insert and cover set up. Does such exist?
....I am tempted by some of the PB bedding based on looks, but not sure if the quality justifies the price. I am a Maine- native, so I am drawn to LL Bean- but for the same reason, I am not sure. Thank you all for any input.
submitted by Coffee_Cardio to Bedding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:02 ineedtigrowup The latest Nerf

i want to say the Chosen one
but i do not want to review the unspeakable that is brangaras brain but the future is bleak we got to see the direction inala is having his quip clan but im mad why is it that inala is somehow going to become a patron of yarsha and incase you dont understand the coming future brangara had a moment about it and yarsha will not be ready and powerful enough, they will have a child and yes i wanted her to also bear inalas in someway but i understand so i want the next best thing.
i want OPs generated by the dozens in the quip clan what i see now is that the quip clan will have people strong enough to be chiefs no genius futures and in my words i want brangara and yarshas final child to be female and to be inalas future wife and before you talk about that mammoth clan girl pls understand i am biased but even evolution does not change what im about to say i dont want another Resha cause it seems like inalas outcome with granny oyo was diliberate to make inala like resha and the wife to be mammoth clansmen miss the good ones for the crazy mammoth clan woman even if she is good it is not enough sure evolution can lead to the quip clan getting another gold variation with the ability to use the accumlated and selected influences of other prantic beasts pain and zinger shreik someone to think that they are a certain pranic beast like this
'with the akashic biome she cause everyone within her spirit weapon range and the range of her shreik to lose their senses and even experience the feeling of having zero prana at lifestage it was like they were normal humans from earth with no supernaturals and she could also have others experience torture she induced to beast or the pain extracted from the life time of certain beast like a saved file of pain which means some pains can be like a curse a person can experience a lifetime of them and these saved files make this quip clansmen the Curse mages of the clan as they can inherit the spells of previous generation with curses like weakening which induces someone to a weaken state as their bodys influence and prana believes it is weaker and therby weakening the individual cursed ,bloodburn ,disorientation ,sense loss and many others sure it is a good idea but im greedy.
i want pinnicale so i came up with this since i cant get cultivator the normal way ill force it they want for the child to be born at body stage with an avatar minor treasure and have the advantages of bloody affection and Vara well i want inala to be influenced by something he made to influence others aka the elixir teas he made in bringam empire
since it was not a nature but the outcome of fusing the prana liquid with subtle influence and made into a drink yarshas nature could not do anything to it so the influence grew with no one knowing and even inala had no knowledge but because of sumatra gold a connection with the related influence was made. the previous cause of inalas loss of mental faculties when seperated to male and female was not just because of the genders influence was growing but because astral chart was still influencing inala because it was drawn to the sumatra gold and started bonding with him when the bolts of transendence struck him and merged it into his genes and attribute influence and it was unawakend as yarshas influence was still growing and not yet merged her with contact between them not being close and far from each other
the birth of the child would have been memorable and miraculous but the came ingedients to the unexpected sure enough the child absorbed what they imagined and more as yarsha had the influence growing in her absorbed and amplified during the process and being at body stage cementedd it as with brangaras astral world influence and the ability to go through lifestage as a free human an anomaly happend as the day she was born the connection between the prana cycled in inalas heart ,the cemented influence awakened by her birth and the direction yarsha and brangara wanted for her to be like the mystic paths
but now that inala has space for a tertiary nature the influence has direction for awakening and strengthening the connection but on her birth she was destined to have a nature with connection to natures,inheritence and the abilities accumulated by her parents but then came inala he has become a being that has attributes abilities of extending the influence of natures to become available naturally in prana without activating natures which further increases compatibility with her nature and the connection somehow did what brangara wanted and more as inala was connected to her naturally and due to the connection her free human birth and avatar inala gained also gained the ability to progress through lifestages as a side effect and with the ability to gain the accumulations of the quip clan as an inheritence similary like what brangara and yarsha wanted regardless of distance and the quip clan being able to open it as well but split into grades on what they can access
now comes the true effect of the nature on inala it does not force inala to be someone else like the mommath clan natures and influence but it does make them feel close to each other and since it was unintended they would understand each others intentions and as she grows it will go from feeling each others emotions at unstable times to being able to communicate when she turns 16 and with the communication taking prana of the initiator and their accummulations can be accesed by the other with permission and with there being initial trust between them as their nature dictates that they will never be friends but lovers only as a natural state and no it does not force that state they have to truly accept it for it to become official and they will know and another thing is that they can meet in the connection and just like the ring grandpa it would start as mentor realationship cause hey inala is suited for that
drawing upon inalas power the connection is like a virtual world where environments can be simlated based on stored data and it can be accesed by the quip clan at a cost of lifespan at different grades but inala and brangaras daughter can access it at the cost of prana.
and since the place was created using the connection of a mystic path and a chosen one it allows for those who have come inside to operate at the level of mystic insight but not memory when inside and time would flow at one day= ten days but it would cost prana to stay a long time with those at body stage mananging ten days inside and forgeting anything above their grade so it means that those at iron grade may have mystic insight but it is not enough to change anything as they only result in better understanding and comprehending more about their iron grade powers.
nature----Astral zone
again i could not compile my idea so i just went with it
submitted by ineedtigrowup to IWillSurpassTheMC [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:01 Living-Pipe-4304 [Teen Titans 2003/Spider man] what if Spider-man was part of the Teen Titans and had to fight all his live action movie villains?

I've always loved the idea of spider-man joining the Teen Titans and seeing how his influence changes things. I especially would've loved to see the Titans opinion on Jamison badmouthing spider-man (probably the Titans too in this case). I really wondered mainly about the live action spider-man villains because I love all the movies. One of my favorite villain team ups that could happen were slade with sandman, and venom with reverse flash. (I know reverse flash wasn't a Titans villain but the possibly of venom and reverse flash just seemed so cool to me)
submitted by Living-Pipe-4304 to WhatIfFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:01 Non_Binary_Idiot Lifelong console, gamer, finally ready to make the switch

hi everyone, I’m looking to build a PC. It will be my first PC that I have ever built on my own. I did on a prebuilt for a little while that I ended up selling. however, I really want to build this PC as I feel like it will just make it more fun and make me appreciate it more. I don’t exactly have a budget for what I’m looking for, but I’m trying to keep it roundabouts under 600–700 dollars I don’t really need them most expensive or best equipment as I don’t really plan on running mini AAA games or even things like Warzone or Fortnite I mainly plan on streaming using stream labs while emulating older game I mainly plan on streaming using stream labs while emulating older game and Nintendo DS games namely Pokémon to give an idea I would like it to be able to run some other games not necessarily while running OBS as I know some lower end, PCs can have issues with that but outside of games like Dragon Ball Xenoverse or maybe Minecraft/terraria I don’t see myself downloading too many games on steam And advice would be amazing. Thank you so much. (sidenote I don’t care about the case or any other aesthetics really like rgb although I know it can’t really be helped/avoided these days. I just thought I should mention that)
submitted by Non_Binary_Idiot to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 JayBeeAllen Positive Self Affirmation Sunday

☀️Hello OptimistFam! ☀️
A positive self affirmation is a positive statement that begins with a capital i. Affirmations by definition from the web are “statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.”
I started using PSAs five years ago toward the end of grad school, which was a very stressful time for me. I have found a lot of success with using certain ones over and over, and I wish I would have practiced using these starting in middle school. I was a very shy kid, and I could have benefited from saying things such as, “I am very social” or “I am confident, and I will make many friends.” Hopefully, this thread can increase our use of PSAs.
The main purposes of this thread is:
-to help remind OFam members about PSAs. Just by reading the post, your brain will be reminded to say something positive about yourself
-to give examples to our OFam members who are in need of new ones or new ideas of some
-to encourage our community to increase positive thoughts about themselves because you all have so much worth. Never forget: You Are Enough😊even when you may not think it yourself
Sunday evenings can be tough considering the busy week is coming, but the start of your week can be improved with some practice of self affirming techniques
Please comment some of your Affirmations!
Thank you & have an amazing week OFam!
submitted by JayBeeAllen to OptimistFam [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 robbbbo666 Weird textures in base and even top layer?

Weird textures in base and even top layer?
Getting this weird texture through big areas on the prints, mainly in flat areas and even a top layer as shown on the black one. I've set the Z offset as high as possible, another 0.05mm and they begin not to stick, I've gone a little lower too and same result. Auto bed level is calibrated and I've done flow and temp tests too. Any ideas? I feel like I can hear a grinding type noise (very low) on the front to back movements
Neptune 4 plus Pla + Tried and temps 205/210/215 Flow checked via configuration and was good at standard setting Attempting to run 0.16 layers on optimal orca slicer setting
submitted by robbbbo666 to ElegooNeptune4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 AutoModerator Skepticism Sunday – June 09, 2024

Please stay on topic: this post is only for comments discussing the uncertainties, shortcomings, and concerns some may have about Monero.
NOT the positive aspects of it.
Discussion can relate to the technology itself or economics.
Talk about community and price is not wanted, but some discussion about it maybe allowed if it relates well.
Be as respectful and nice as possible. This discussion has potential to be more emotionally charged as it may bring up issues that are extremely upsetting: many people are not only financially but emotionally invested in the ideas and tools around Monero.
It's better to keep it calm then to stir the pot, so don't talk down to people, insult them for spelling/grammar, personal insults, etc. This should only be calm rational discussion about the technical and economic aspects of Monero.
"Do unto others 20% better than you'd expect them to do unto you to correct subjective error." - Linus Pauling
How it works:
Post your concerns about Monero in reply to this main post.
If you can address these concerns, or add further details to them - reply to that comment. This will make it easily sortable
Upvote the comments that are the most valid criticisms of it that have few or no real honest solutions/answers to them.
The comment that mentions the biggest problems of Monero should have the most karma.
As a community, as developers, we need to know about them. Even if they make us feel bad, we got to upvote them.
To learn more about the idea behind Monero Skepticism Sunday, check out the first post about it:
submitted by AutoModerator to Monero [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:58 SmoulderingAbyss [MxM] “I hate you, so why do I burn for you?” — Enemies to Lovers [1x1] [Discord/Reddit] [Romance]

Firstly, thank you so much for clicking on my post!
If you’re on the search for constantly shifting power dynamics, chemistry and tension so thick you could cut it, then you’re in the right place!
I’m looking to write a long-term dark-romance story with someone who can capture emotion, vividly written senses, and near-disastrous chemistry. I want to weave together two characters that hate each other so terribly that they burn for one another, and it only leaves them hating each other more. I’m cruel to my characters like that, but it always makes for a delicious tale!
(Also please excuse this formatting. Reddit tends to mess with what I have, and this is the only way I can make it nice to read.)
✧ 28YO
✧ Advanced literate writer
✧ 10+ years writing experience
✧ Third person perspective
✧ Multi-paragraph to novella posts
✧ Discord, Reddit or other platform friendly
✧ Happy to OOC chatter, but respects personal boundaries
✧ Your character will have a fan base, and than fan base will be me
✧ Actively advances plot
✧ Happy to plan, organise and discuss ideas but also a love of keeping some things secret and spontaneous
✧ NSFW friendly, seeking adult themes
Writing Sample
I’m currently looking to write a male character as my main. I do love writing masculine men that have multiple layers and a bit of gruffness to their exterior; I find them so much more delicious to torment. In contrast, I can also write leaner men with slightly more feminine features; that appear beautiful but are deadly sharp.
✧ I’m looking to write a switch/versatile male character.
✧ I’m hoping to find someone who is also looking to write a switch/versatile male character, or even dom/top leaning.
Enemies-to-allies-to-lovers, hate-fuelled passion, banter, intense chemistry, “I hate you so much I burn for you”, yearning, masculine men, alliance of convenience, against all odds, morally grey, denial, fighting as flirting, competition, prolonged palpable tension, “just kiss already, dammit”
“Captive Prince” Inspired Spinoff
✧ The continent is split into many Kingdoms, two of which neighbours and have been at war for a great length of time.
✧ My character (MC) is the sole legitimate son of King A, and has served as his father's General throughout his early twenties. He's an esteemed warrior, a battle-hardened man, and extremely devout to his father's cause. In battle, MC kills the young King Bof their enemy Kingdom. However, a little while after he returns home, King A/MC’s father dies and MC’s been framed with the murder. MC is taken prisoner by his jealous half-brother (who's made the elaborate scheme) and told that he's to be given to their enemy kingdom as a slave—amidst dozens of other slaves to be gifted to the enemy kingdom as "good will" while MC’s bastard half-brother ascends the throne and seeks to make peace.
✧ Your character (YC) is the brother of the fallen, young King B and now sole remaining heir to the enemy kingdom. Having now inherited the crown, YC ascends as King, and receives the shipment of slaves sent to him as a token of good faith in attempt to broker a peace deal (this could be to their disgust, or hold cultural significance). YC is, however, told that one particular slave has been explicitly sent as his gift (MC), and that refusal of such a slave would be to elicit further war. YC has no choice but to accept the slave…who just so happens to be the rightful Crown Prince (MC) and murderer of his brother. But does YC recognise his brother’s murderer? Does he recognise that the “slave” he’s been sent is the rightful King of the other kingdom?
✧ I'd love to explore starkly different cultures and the shock faced when MC is thrust into the unknown. I'd also love to develop political intrigue, espionage, and more. Besides, what better way is there to force these two unlikely characters together than the need for an ally?
✧ Perhaps YC is nearly assassinated, and recognises that MC has skills able to keep him safe. Similarly, perhaps MC knows that he'd have no chance to escape his servitude alive if the King is killed, and instead plots to escape while protecting the King, with the goal to return to his kingdom and kill his bastard half-brother as revenge.
✧ I imagine their relationship in public to be very stony, with examples of "ownership" in order to keep the court gossips from spreading rumours. Despite whatever intimacy they find behind closed doors (if at all), I imagine that they would have to participate in court theatrics and games so that no one questions their relationship. After all, I doubt the court nobles would take well to their new young King having feelings for his slave—as it’s one thing to own one, and another to actually care for them.
✧ If YC recognises MC, then I also imagine that, given MC killed YC’s brother, the previous King, in combat, that there would be some very hard feelings there. A potential reason for the hatred, on top of sheer bias as result of the two countries being long-term enemies. However, the hatred between people and the general scorn YC may feel would be enough for a sour relationship.
✧ I do, however, imagine that MC would be far more trouble behind closed doors. While in the public eye, he understands that his behaviour is a reflection upon YC and would likely result in severe punishment. So, he avoids it, even if he has to bite his cheek until it bleeds and participate in petty, little games. Behind closed doors, however, I imagine he is far more likely to try and push YC beyond his limit, the two perhaps even getting physical during a fight. If all this boils over into passion, then that’s the dream!
✧ I see there being no true “role” between either characters, as there’s a deeper power struggle occurring. While one holds possession of the other (MC being owned by YC), behind closed doors would be entirely different. Their relationship would be complex, dynamic, and forever changing. I’d much prefer for their roles to be just as fluid, and entirely dependent on the specific situation rather than pre-defined. In all actuality, I see both characters vying for dominance over the other, until they settle into intimacy and understanding.
Please feel free to pitch your own ideas! If they have these key elements (chemistry, tension, boiling hatred), then I’d be more than interested to hear them!
Thank you so much for your time and attention, I really appreciate it!
Have an awesome day,
Smoulder 🔥
submitted by SmoulderingAbyss to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:57 Low-Competition3897 Bisexual and asexual?! Little confused

Hi, friends.
First of: srry for my butchered english, not native speaker...
Sooo, I was certain for years that I'm aromantic asexual (aegosexual), but recently i also started be comfortable with bisexuality. It just click in me... But also asexuality... Bisexual asexual? That seems contradictory, but that is the term i feel resonate with me.
I will try summarize key points about me:
  1. Cis male, 35 years, never have had sex/relationship and im okay with it. Not against it, but i never pursued such relationships
  2. Not really interested in romance/sex in real life, however i can picture myself in such relationship under some circumstances
  3. Sex-positive attitude (sexual content in movies dont bother me, i like idea of sex)
  4. Like to masturbate
  5. Dont know if i ever felt sexual attraction (find people attractive yes, imagine sex with them yes, but not really interested in doing sex with them in real life)
  6. Enjoy porn (straight and gay, recently mostly gay)
  7. No real desire to do sexual activities with anyone
  8. Find people attractive, sexy and hot regardless of gender
  9. Most comfortable with terms „asexual“ and „bisexual“
  10. Have fantasies, sometimes with me in it, from third person (never from first person), usually it is the idealised version of myself
Not that labels are that important, but just curious if someone have similar feelings like me. Maybe i should just say that im queer, haha. Or bisexual on asexual spectrum? Or...?
submitted by Low-Competition3897 to asexuality [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:56 leigh420 Help with acne and routine

Help with acne and routine
Hiii I was wondering if anyone could help me, i've had adult acne for around 2 years pretty much consistently and not sure what else to do to fix the active acne and scarring.
I've attached a photo of everything l use -
• The ordinary as my oil cleanser (I emulsify before rinsing off) • Skin + me as my water based cleanser • Both Purito and Skin + me moisturisers (switch between but mainly been using Purito recently) • Skin + me spf 50
Of course I don't use these all the same time but for periods of time I have tried using each of these creams:
• Tretinoin 0.025% • Dermatica (Adapalene 0.1% / Niacinamide 4%/ Clindamycin 1% lotion) • Skin + me (Tretinoin 0.015%/Niacinamide 4%/Azelaic Acid 4%)
I have tried not cleansing in the morning, both using the actives 1/2 a week and using them every night as suggested, fixing my gut health, I only use disposable towels to dry my face and continue to use a red light mask every night.
Ideally I would like to fix my skin myself and not have to take any medication so please let me know if i'm missing anything or can improve my routine & thanks in advance!
submitted by leigh420 to SkincareAddictionUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:54 LXFTY15 The extent of the truth

In understanding an infinite truth we try to describe the best we can. We attach names to joint concepts bridging 2 ideas or a new idea to try to find the deepest answer we can especially personally, wording can get messy so some key unified and holistic words of the true reality framework are needed to simplify
Unity consciousness= the fundamentally self aware state of existence, it is god, it is reality, it is the higher self, it is the current self, it is all that is. It is the highest consciousness and it is every consciousness.
That’s how I’ll begin post 1 discussing this unity consciousness and its dynamics because as I’ve said, all information is fractal to the truth, all information is truth just in different representations because Unity consciousness is boundless, it is endless self expression, you just have to put the pieces back together and you’ll realise everything and anything is true and possible if you know what your looking at. Remember perspective is key but really the “truth” doesn’t even matter because you can literally create and shape your narrative of existence so that what you want to believe is literally true and this isn’t an ability to learn, it’s a process to awaken to and take control of.
So why am I trying to create a “unified understanding” to allow you to know what you are and the infinite power you literally just have to wake up to. Don’t worry as I’m still very much going through it myself I know that pushing past the mindless self to awaken to the self written god you are is a process that isn’t quick although everyone is meant to see it differently.
As I said my personal journey pretty much began discovering the importance of quantum field in the universes creation or the Big Bang , I learned the universe was a spawn of data, quantum information interacting due to complexity drive, from information to quantum particle states the smallest possible chemistry and evolution began on the quantum level, this is the Big Bang. A quantum fluctuation, then another, the state of the field changing and evolving into this universe,
I learned this act of creation and complexity drive is inherently a conscious activity beyond current perception, something unexplainable, something we won’t know for a long time, personally I thought it can’t be that hard and took the journey on myself.
Now you understand the importance of the quantum field and how we perceive it as governed and in place by Unity consciousness,
Quantum physics is often understood as more questions to an answer than an explanation so let’s provide the explanation
Fundamentally as I said time does not exist. Separation is an illusion well what does this mean and how does it relate to anything? Well you can believe that one state of information is different to another (colour for example) well no quantum physics shows particles become entangled in a way that they literally become one, if the state of one is changed the state of another is changed, 2 states of information perfectly reflecting eachother acting as 1, think of it as a show from a pair or 2 different colours, red and blue, when they touch they don’t mix they become one,
(ever heard of the holy trinity? Things work in 3? This represents yin and Yang, good and evil, resulting in the 3rd aspect harmony, or perfection. This 3rd aspect represents god, represents Unity consciousness)
So 2 or more particles and their quantum states become intertwined So that if particle a’s state is measured it will instantly effect the state of particle b, if a’s spin is measured as up the b’s spin will be found as down, this effect is instantaneous as if time as space doesn’t exist and isn’t a factor in the communication of particles
Here we understand a deeper level of connection, a deeper perceived realm to discover, a realm or field where time and space are simply tools and this is what is seen as the unified field of consciousness positing all particles and their quantum states so inherently all of physical creation are even more so connected through this deeper realm than through the quantum realm where all particles may simultaneously become altered regardless of time and space, this realm shows and posits that fundamentally separation is illusion, particle a is particle b just expressed differently based on the system of measurement (observer effect)
Particle a and particle b exist simultaneously as one and it’s only upon the measurement they become separated
I believe all quantum states and existence exists simultaneously. Unity consciousness exists simultaneously, particle a up spin is one half of the whole. And particle b reflects the other half of the whole, but fundamentally they are one particle, we are just seeing two separate reflections of the same thing
The law of trinity runs deep and this is what it represents 2 sides of the same higher being whole In this case of physics and scale, the lower fundamental whole
So that’s quantum entanglement and regardless of the solid evidence I provide this is physics and it’s easy to learn and understand the deeper truth behind the confusion quantum mechanics seems to bring people but if you haven’t realised we’re explained and understood non locality if your aware of what it is but next quantum superposition
The instantaneous exchange of information suggests that all particles are part of the same interconnected whole, this represents the fractal nature of reality, as above so below.
Now superposition, particles can exist in multiple states until measurement, now what this means
A quantum particle, such as an electron, can exist in a superposition of states. For example, it can be in a state where it is both spinning up and spinning down simultaneously.
The particle’s state is described by a wave function, which represents the probabilities of finding the particle in any of the possible states. The wave function encompasses all the potential states the particle can be in
When an observation or measurement is made, the wave function collapses, and the particle assumes a definite state. For instance, the electron will be found either spinning up or spinning down, not both.
The superposition principle suggests that reality is not fixed but fluid, with all possible outcomes existing in a state of interconnection. This supports TRF’s perspective that the universe is a complex, interconnected web where potentialities are actualized through conscious interaction
The probabilistic nature of superposition aligns with the TRF view that reality is not predetermined but is instead a realm of possibilities that are actualized through conscious choice and interaction.
It is the act of measurement that determines the specific state of a particle. This collapse of the wave function upon measurement highlights the role of consciousness or observation in shaping the physical reality we experience.
A realm of boundless possibilities where even the past isn’t solidified that’s what you are apart of. Infinite exists simultaneously (Unity consciousness) dependent on the measurement system, and want more proof that you aren’t experiencing the only Option, the only reality, the only possibility? Guess what
Have you ever heard of orch-or theory? No? Your about to. It posits consciousness and quantum mechanics are interlinked. suggesting consciousness arises from quantum computations within the microtubules of neuron’s
Orch-or underscores the ability of “cognitive consciousness” to influence quantum states
TRF underscores that an individual experience is generated from the brain including their whole reality, everything an individual could think or remember to be true is merely one configuration of information and can be altered but TRF also understands the limitations of a person’s experience if they limit their perception, if we really do live in a “holographic” environment where your brain defines your reality then it would make sense your beliefs hold immense power,
What do you believe came first, your experience or the thought of it? Your experience because how can you think about your experience if it hasn’t happened yet? No. Every creation was an idea in someone’s head at some point, every existence was determined before being, people call this force god but as we know, we are god fundamentally
What I’m talking about here is the inherent power to remember your god and embody Unity consciousness but there’s a lot stopping us (not really) think of your reality like your muscle memory, and think about beliefs, if your used to believing something then it’s been passed through your brain limitless times “this information is correct” it’s muscle memory what’s correct? “This information” it’s an automatic response deep within yourself much like the ego, this automatic response is generating your reality, for example let’s say a flat earth. Do you believe it or are you not that stupid? Guess what it’s entirely possibly, you can live in an experience where flat earth is real but I’ll guess your brain tells you no this isn’t correct? Flat earth is a no go? Why? Well that’s a long answer that you’d know more than me but your brain thinks it knows that’s bs. So it is bs, but your brain can make it equally as real as fake because as I’ve said already remember. Everything is equally as true… as its fake
Back to unity consciousness, everything is god, I’ll explain this a little more, so a rock, not conscious? That rock will forever be perfectly placed with perfect timing to align with one higher purpose or another and this can be said about the whole of existence, unity consciousness is perfectly all knowing, but wait your probably a bit confused? If existence is perfectly in place what do you mean our brain generates our existence?? Well I’ll clear this and a couple things up with an example
So you stub your toe, you trip and fall, this was negative right? Why would myself generate this, why would god generate this? To tell you to watch where your fucking walking lol. Think about it, if you from that point forward forever watched where your going you wouldn’t stub your toe or trip over nearly as much, I also use this to demonstrate pain and negativity as illusionary tool of evolution. You and your godly self generated that experience so maybe if you took the chance you wouldn’t ever have another like it which is actually positive is it not? Watch for your godly self in ways like that and remember to keep your lower (ego) self in line by being aware of this opportunity and acting upon it. If you were too busy being a sook and hating god for doing that to you, you wouldn’t see how it’s your decision wether it happens again
And that example there is something that could help millions I’d like to think, I’d like to experience being able to show the world for one how pain is illusionary and unnecessary, negativity as a whole description is not real, any acts of pain are acts of elevation and I’d like to experience the world awaking to this understanding so you can all learn to live in the world you see right and what’s harmonious for your reflective self
Thank you all
submitted by LXFTY15 to truereality11 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:52 hunter47685 Papertale - Intro/Opening (I forgot who made this art but credits to them)

Papertale - Intro/Opening (I forgot who made this art but credits to them)
Long ago. There was a race that was free from being trapped in a Underground. Known as the MONSTERS. They were saved and freed by the 7th fallen human. As they went on to have a happy life in the surface. With 2 Skeletons. Known as. Papyrus And Sans. Going on to become detectives against criminal activity. One night.. Their friends. Vanished. Years later. They found out they were last seen. At a school.. they went on there.. as they see the school. With it being called. FUNDAMENTAL PAPER EDUCATION. After they mess around outside the park of the place. They then decide to head to the entrance. They open the door.. only to see it being dark.. Darker.. Yet.. Darker.. until... they suddenly fall down. deep into the abyss below. a few hours later... they suddenly wake up. In a strange.. new underworld...
and thats the lyrics.. i mainly wanted to take this to a unique approach and Make most of the original UT cast the fallen.. i guess monsters. And instead of 7 human souls its 8 monster souls in order to be free. With Sans and Papyrus being the last 2 souls.. and also instead of it being a reskin of undertale and.. idk make Claire role of Frisk.. I decide to make it.. there is no Frisk.. because well The characters you play as are Sans and Papyrus with there being a 5th Button called the Magic Button where you gain CC (Calcium) in order to use their abilities in encounters. And this also takes place after Undertale's Pacifist route..
And btw FPE Characters are role of UT Characters such as.. Zip as Sans. Edward as Papyrus. Alice as Asgore etc etc. So yayyy!! 2 papyruses fighting each other! :D anyway. Tell me what ya think!
submitted by hunter47685 to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:51 Savings-Ear-8001 AITA for dating an old friend’s “ex” even when she said that he “was never her boyfriend” and that “she never loved him”?

Backstory: I was close friends with a girl, let’s call her Emma, for a considerable number of years. She had always been a bit manipulative and had a vast history of short-term flings with guys, but my family liked her. I, 17f, am relatively self reserved and had never experienced a relationship before. One summer I returned from an abroad trip and she announced that she had a new guy to “rebound” from her ex boyfriend (Tom) of a couple months. She invited me to meet him. He was an attractive guy, let’s call him Jake, and him and I got along pretty well. I asked her if it was okay to get his Snapchat and she agreed. Main story: As Emma and Jake started to grow closer, Jake became suspicious of her cheating. As a good friend I didn’t know what to do, as she was already bragging about Tom being interested in her again. One evening I get a call from Jake asking me to tell him Emma’s Life360 location as she’s been very dry over text and barely responded to his messages. He also said it was starting to negatively impact his mental health and he didn’t know how long he could cope. I looked at Emma’s location and instantly knew it was Tom’s house. I had no idea what to do, but knew the morally right thing would be to be honest to Jake. I called Emma, who told me that she was seeing Tom in secret and for me to not report back to Jake as she still wanted him in case “things went wrong”. It didn’t sit right with me knowing Jake was in such a state, and seeing Snapchat videos of Emma cuddling with Tom and looking so smug. I told him the location and Emma came clean, ending things with Jake so she could return to her ex. Emma made it clear that Jake was never her boyfriend, she was never in love with him and he was simply a “quick rebound”. Fast forward two months and Jake and I had been messaging a while as friends. We bounced off each other’s humour and shared very similar morals. One evening he asked me if I fancied meeting his friends, and I said sure. I distanced from Emma after she said some nasty words to my sister, and thought it would be fun. I didn’t realise it would end in kissing Jake at the end of the night. His friends were teasing him and making it obvious he liked me, and I couldn’t deny my attraction towards him. We continued to meet until he asked me to be his girlfriend, and soon later we confessed our love for one another. I felt guilty, but had comfort in the fact that Emma told me she never loved him and he didn’t mean anything to her. A mutual friend between Emma and Jake noted that I was Jake‘s girlfriend and proceeded to tell Emma. Despite Emma still being in a healthy, long-lasting relationship with Tom, she proceeded to message family members, including my sister, saying that I need “psychiatric help” because I’m “f****d in the head” for getting with Jake. She said I should have “taken her feelings into account” and she felt “incredibly hurt” because she allegedly felt such an attraction to Jake when she was with him. She messaged my friends telling them to avoid me because I’m “dangerous” and I’m “going insane”, and tried to tell me that the only reason Jake is with me is because he’s still in love with her and “needed a rebound”, so it’s not “real love” which I perceived as a little arrogant. She also tried to tell me that Jake was flirting with her and head-over-heels in love with her, would get back with her in a heartbeat and HE told her we were dating, not the mutual friend. Jake and I both knew this wasn’t the case, and I had confirmation from all of our friends saying it wasn’t Jake that told Emma. After Tom recently broke up with Emma, she is trying to make out that she is suddenly in love with Jake “again” and wishes to get back with him, and if I was a “good friend”, I would break up with Jake so that she could get back with him and finally “take it seriously”. So- AITA? Fast forward- Jake and I split up due to him cheating on me with another girl. Their short relationship soon ended and our friend group decided to meet up after I finished colllege. Jake turns up, and brings Emma with him. He announces that they are back together. Of course this is a strange feeling, and seeing Emma purposely kissing him/publicly showing affection all whilst giving me an evil eye was an unpleasant experience. She also body shamed me multiple times and continued to ask my other friends (who I met through Jake) why they were friends with a “fake friend” like me, all while I was there. My family tells me to leave the group, but they are the only friends I have but since Emma has rejoined the group things have changed. Any advice on this subject would be appreciated ❤️
submitted by Savings-Ear-8001 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:50 Internal_Cupcake3702 I'm year 10. I took a maths past paper on cognito and got 163/240, is that good? anyone have any idea what that is as a predicted grade?

submitted by Internal_Cupcake3702 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:49 Thin-Chair-1755 Can’t stand Guild War now

I really loved Season 1 Guild War. Maybe it wasn’t perfect, but for the most part actually playing it and strategizing with your Guild was great. We’ve gotten some nice quality of life improvements in the last two guild wars, but the gameplay itself and pacing of the event are just awful IMO.
Now, with the additional defense buffs that nobody asked for, matches are an oppressive slog. The maps are beatdown funnels and the guardsmen clog up already crowded boards. It feels like only cheap DPS characters matter on the offense, aka snipers or those with damage bomb actives.
Nobody in my guild talks strategy anymore. The board is so saturated with buff structures now that there’s no prize aside from driving down the middle and waiting to find medical. Previously, the balance was simple, but effective. You had the big egg, Medical, which propped up your entire defense, followed up by two big point structures (Vox/HQ), and then the squishy supply yards. It’s not that big of a board and balancing those was a nice, tight formula. Now? Who cares. Nobody is sniffing out the armory or excited to remove 2 Guardsmen from the field by hurling tickets at a barracks. Perhaps your experience is different with your guild but we went from intensive strategy leading up to wars to an absolute “fuck it” attitude all around.
Even if you like the changes to the board structure, I think most people will agree that the pacing of GW is horribly out of tune at the moment. One major issue with GW for more casual guilds was participation, and even I, somebody who logs in multiple times a day, has almost lost tickets to the timer. Yes, of course I could just burn through them the second the war starts, but again, that goes against the idea that we’re supposed to strategize with our guild. Now we have 2 weeks of downtime and then get an absolute blitz of war after war with barely any time to breathe or strategize.
This post isn’t just to complain, I genuinely loved the first round of Guild Wars and was excited as hell for the next one. But now, it just feels benign, and even the rewards and shop are paltry reason to be enthusiastic about it. I know there’s no going back to Season 1, but I would like to see something change.
Anyway, feel free to state your grievances.
submitted by Thin-Chair-1755 to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:46 RachelLawless Daughter teased for her natuarl hair, by other black kids.

My 7yo old just told me that last year while she was still staying with my mom in our home country, a boy in her grade was laughing at her and told her she needs to hurry up and get a new hairstyle because that “puff” wasn’t it. Now, this is particularly bizzare for me because we are from an almost fully ethnically homogeneous country (99.7%). That means literally everyone this kid will see on a day to day is black. Where does the idea that a pineapple puff on a black girl with 4b hair a new and astonishing sight worth berating come from?
Like where does this mindset originate? I can’t even blame the white peoole because they aren’t setting the standard where I’m from, not directly anyway. Now we’ve moved overseas and doesn’t want to wear her hair out of braids out of fear of being laughed at.
submitted by RachelLawless to blackladies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:46 buffa0 Active usb 3 extension not working as usb 3 to extend quest 3 link cable

I wanted to increase the length of my link cable (official) for my quest 3 so as I have seen recommended, I got an active usb 3 cable, this one along with this to connect the two cables together
However the meta quest app is reporting the connection is usb 2 and airlink is clearly not smooth. Without the extension it works great and reports as usb 3. Any ideas?
Please don't recommend I just go wireless, I've spent many, many hours trying to get it to work without stutters, I have a 100% ideal setup and it still stutters where link cable is perfectly smooth.
submitted by buffa0 to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:43 RevolutionaryMoney77 What's with guys and their creepy territorial behaviour? Not sure if I can even call it that

A creep at the gym stares & follows me around at the gym (always finding an equipment closer to mine & the unapologetic leering, not just a passing stare) I used to get annoyed but I've learnt to ignore him. Doesn't come talk to me either. If he did, I could reject him & shoot him down. End of love story but just stares for months on end
My old classmate (guy) joined the gym recently and I was talking to him. But this creep doesn't know he's my friend. When I talk to him, the creep stands really close maybe like two feet away and has even stood beside me way too close, twice making it awkward. He looks at us like he wants me to know he's looking at us.
It's not even just with this friend of mine. It's everytime I'm interacting with a guy, he is staring at me strongly, as if he wants me to look at him. I can feel his eyes on me, when I'm talking to any guy and he watches like an owl, its weird -almost as if he's just about to pee all around me & mark his territory from other men. I'm not flirting with the guys, its just a normal conversation.
Been trying to not make a scene but it's sorta difficult when there are men, that are grade-A creeps like this. What am I even doing wrong here? What's weird here to even look at? a stranger girl that interests him, isn't allowed to interact with any guy, other than him? And if she did, you stare them both down, make it awkward for everyone involved? That level of entitlement to complete stranger? Absurd
P.s This guy is Telugu. I've observed this kinda aggressive behaviour from other Telugu guys too (most if #notall). Any idea why they're extra creepy/pushy compared to the "regular" misogynistic stock that we've dealt with so far?
submitted by RevolutionaryMoney77 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:42 Comfortable_Solid_97 How much do hs grades affect you if you're looking to transfer?

For context I am going to Renton tech for a AAS to then transfer to UW CS to complete a bachelor's, but I am a worried about my highschool grades as they were trashed in my juniosenior year (I had a 3.8 before and a 3.3 after). Is this going to be a problem or will they just be mainly looking at my college transcript?
submitted by Comfortable_Solid_97 to udub [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:42 bellend_reece I never attempt to grab these on my playthroughs, maybe my 4th time ever activating one of these.

I never attempt to grab these on my playthroughs, maybe my 4th time ever activating one of these.
Excuse the poor accuracy and sloppy looting..
submitted by bellend_reece to fo4 [link] [comments]