Teaching tenses and verbs for the beginners of learning spoken english

Never danced before in my life - does it matter?

2024.05.15 16:14 Best-Category-2390 Never danced before in my life - does it matter?

I (male, late teens/early twenties) have never danced in my life (except maybe when I was 4 years old and younger) and since I do enjoy Jazz and Rock'n Roll now I am kind of interested to try Lindy Hop. I have found a club/school in my city that teaches Lindy Hop and other related dances. That's a huge step for me, I am surprised by myself that I actually got interested in dancing as I have always hated the idea of me actually dancing. I have also never been to a club or bar and I don't drink any alcohol (I don't like current mainstream music nor any drugs). I am not very social in general. I do sports and I have played the piano for years but dancing is something I have no experience in. I am afraid that if i do join a beginners lesson I will still not be able to learn anything as I have no clue of dancing. I am shy and insecure too so that makes it worse. Also I will need a partner. So if I mess everything up it will affect my partner too. And are people my age actually interested in that kind of dance/music genre? Or am I going to be the youngest one among 40+ year old people. Obviously I want to fit in and not be the child among the older people. And if I actually start learning, how long will it take for me until I can dance to Swing with confidence.
Any advice?
submitted by Best-Category-2390 to SwingDancing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:12 Mission_Captain_3725 Condescending bf invalidates my emotions, stuck on what to do? F20 M22

This past weekend, my boyfriend M22 was teaching me F20 how to wash my car carefully as I haven’t been taught how to wash it “properly” to not scratch the paint (he’s very into cars). He explained it to me in steps and emphasised on not getting the washing mit contaminated. I tend to struggle with learning things from listening so I asked if he could repeat the instructions and maybe show me how. When asking him to repeat it he got defensive and was like oh what don’t you understand this is all common sense etc etc being condescending yet again and said he had to go change his oil. I let him know I just needed a visual tutorial on it as I started to get a bit stressed since I didn’t want to mess it up. Anyways, I got no explanation or be shown how to do it, instead he then got annoyed I was taking so long “your car is small it doesn’t take this long to wash it” (I was trying to be careful so he wouldn’t criticise me further) and we got into an argument because I asked him to be more gentle with me and stop being so firm. I’ve had the discussion with him a few times now that he tends to get very firm and critical when he’s trying to teach me soemtjing and his excuse is “oh it’s the most efficient way to teach you, babying you won’t help” but I get quite distressed when the person I seek support and love from is treating me like a child they’re trying to discipline. I got upset and was crying quite a lot as this isn’t the first time he’s treated me this way. Eventually he got upset him self and apologised and said how he never wants to upset me like this again and loves me so much and doesn’t want to lose me over his silly behavioural issues and we made up and have had a good week since then, until…
Today we got into a pretty heated disagreement over text. He’s currently in another city for job training for the week, so we cannot see eachother in person. We were about to watch a movie together (press play at the same time) and then it all started by me saying I need to grab my headphones, because I was feeling a bit nervous as my parents were having a tense discussion in the kitchen, and I get a bit nervous when people (especially family) speak loud or in a tense tone with eachother, whilst I’m in my room. He asked why I was feeling nervous from it, I said oh I think it’s just a trauma response from the anxiety I would get as a child whenever I heard my parents fighting in another room. He started to go on and on about how that’s not a trauma response, that was just me being sensitive, started going off on rant about how people these days are too soft etc etc, victim mentality etc. I can agree I did use the term ‘trauma response’ a bit lightly, so I apologised and reworded it. He however, said that no it’s not okay that I used that term so lightly and it’s not an ‘oopsie’ situation. Then proceeded to say how this is serious and if I ever went to the doctors and got prescribed antidepressants and then a week after taking them said oh hehe sorry I was just a bit said last week, that it would be fuckign with a medical professional (he went on further with more examples but I’ll provide the one). I said I think he was taking this a bit too far and he said I’m not taking it deeply enough. And he proceeded to be condescending about it all, telling me he was teaching me a life lesson and how life isn’t sunshine and rainbows etc, (you know the type of direction this would’ve headed). He said he’s “educating” me because he’s well educated on the topic (undergrad degree in psychology) and he uses that to shut any rebuttal I have down and he doesn’t want me falling to a victim mentality. I got very upset that he was speaking to me in that way that I have asked him not to and history was repeating it self. I asked him to calm down and i took a break for a min to try and recollect my thoughts as I get very flustered and overwhelmed in these situations with him. He kept going on his rant and said I was deflecting etc and it’s crazy I’m this upset over him teaching me a life lesson. We then called and I was crying over the call letting him know that I was very upset over the way he was communicating with me, but he kept standing his ground and didn’t take any effort to try and comfort me said I was acting wild and that it’s unfair to bring up the conversation we had on the weekend because this has nothing to do with it . I tried to break down how I was feeling and why I felt this way to him but he kept smirking and laughing over the call, so I got fed up and said to fuck off and hung up and we haven’t spoken since.
I think I know what people will comment but I just need to hear some other perspectives in case I am being unreasonable and over emotional. Sorry if it’s all over the place I am feeling quite distressed and it’s 2am so quite exhausted .
submitted by Mission_Captain_3725 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:02 existent1alcrysis Learned I was born through sperm donation.

Learned I was conceived through sperm donation, and I feel destroyed.
I don’t really know how to start this post off, but I’m using a throwaway account.
I learned I was conceived through IVF, using an anonymous sperm donor. My father had infertility issues, and after many failed attempts they went to their local sperm bank and arranged the process. It took maybe two or three tries, but eventually my mother fell pregnant with me. They’ve told me this through bits and pieces, so this is all I could string together.
I don’t know why, but I feel absolutely fucking shattered right now. They never told me. I learned it at family dinner, when the topic of IVF came up. It devolved into an argument that was maybe highly opinionated.
I told them my opinion, which was that I didn’t agree with it, and that it felt ‘unnatural’. I was fine when the biological dad is the one who’s using his sperm to create the child, but I was pretty vehement on how strange I found using sperm donors. That the very flesh and blood that made up a child was simply not there. That there were people in this world that were fine with half their DNA simply existing. I said that it was cold and transactional, and irresponsible. I honestly found it disgusting. I said some strong things, about how I thought the industry was more so predatory, and adoption was just the better option because those kids already came from broken homes.
My mom left the table, and my dad finally pulled me aside later and told me everything. At first I thought he was fucking with me, but I realized it pretty soon. What followed was a very explosive argument, and me driving back home in tears. I haven’t spoken to them, save for a few missed calls that I’ve ignored. I just got shitfaced drunk after.
I’ve always had a very tense, strained relationship with my parents. Especially my father. I struggle a lot with anxiety and depression, and I’ve always felt this hollow ache inside my chest when looking at families. Now I read stories of those born through donor conception, and I’m so confused because they seem fine. None of them wonder who the person is that makes up half their DNA. None of them yearn for anything more. They’re able to keep living without thinking of their father. I don’t know how they’re so indifferent. I don’t know why they’re alright.
I went down a rabbit hole, visiting subreddits about IVF. I just felt a mix of jealousy, sadness and disgust. I don’t know if it’s at myself or them. How they’re so fine about it, and why I’m so destroyed.
Does he not think of me? Does he ever? I don’t know how to feel. I just hate everything about this.
submitted by existent1alcrysis to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:01 existent1alcrysis Learned I was born through sperm donation. I feel destroyed.

I don’t really know how to start this post off, but I’m using a throwaway account.
I learned I was conceived through IVF, using an anonymous sperm donor. My father had infertility issues, and after many failed attempts they went to their local sperm bank and arranged the process. It took maybe two or three tries, but eventually my mother fell pregnant with me. They’ve told me this through bits and pieces, so this is all I could string together.
I don’t know why, but I feel absolutely fucking shattered right now. They never told me. I learned it at family dinner, when the topic of IVF came up. It devolved into an argument that was maybe highly opinionated.
I told them my opinion, which was that I didn’t agree with it, and that it felt ‘unnatural’. I was fine when the biological dad is the one who’s using his sperm to create the child, but I was pretty vehement on how strange I found using sperm donors. That the very flesh and blood that made up a child was simply not there. That there were people in this world that were fine with half their DNA simply existing. I said that it was cold and transactional, and irresponsible. I honestly found it disgusting. I said some strong things, about how I thought the industry was more so predatory, and adoption was just the better option because those kids already came from broken homes.
My mom left the table, and my dad finally pulled me aside later and told me everything. At first I thought he was fucking with me, but I realized it pretty soon. What followed was a very explosive argument, and me driving back home in tears. I haven’t spoken to them, save for a few missed calls that I’ve ignored. I just got shitfaced drunk after.
I’ve always had a very tense, strained relationship with my parents. Especially my father. I struggle a lot with anxiety and depression, and I’ve always felt this hollow ache inside my chest when looking at families. Now I read stories of those born through donor conception, and I’m so confused because they seem fine. None of them wonder who the person is that makes up half their DNA. None of them yearn for anything more. They’re able to keep living without thinking of their father. I don’t know how they’re so indifferent. I don’t know why they’re alright.
I went down a rabbit hole, visiting subreddits about IVF. I just felt a mix of jealousy, sadness and disgust. I don’t know if it’s at myself or them. How they’re so fine about it, and why I’m so destroyed.
Does he not think of me? Does he ever? I don’t know how to feel. I just hate everything about this.
submitted by existent1alcrysis to DadForAMinute [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:59 SweitzerCJ Holding your kid back a grade?

So, I'm in unique situation and figured I'd ask random people on the internet for advice, since we don't fit into many of the boxes you usually see with this question.
Backstory- We adopted two kids from a foreign country 2 years ago. English is not their native language. At adoption my son E (age 6) and his sister C (age 8) could not count to ten, say the alphabet, or write their names (In their native language). Covid basically cancelled two years of school for them, so E never had any formal education (he was in "kindergarten") and in C's 3rd grade class they were learning to color. When we returned to the US, We enrolled C in 3rd grade (She also has a learning disability and an IEP) so she's a year old for her grade but she's doing great. E we enrolled in 1st grade. We started the school year in the US late, and his first year was mainly spent learning to speak English. They've also been receiving outside bilingual tutoring.
So basically E (now 8 yo in 2nd grade) is having to learn K-2 all in this year, and its been rough. My wife and I are considering holding him back a year, because he cannot do 2nd grade level work without lots of support. His testing scores show he's learning at the same rate as the other kids, but since he started so far behind he is still in the bottom 5% overall with his standard scores. He reads at a kindergarten level in English. He's embarrassed in class (tries to hide his papers and scores) and while we've tried very hard to encourage him for working hard and rewarding effort and not results its been rough for him. He behaves very well in class, is not a distraction to others, and socially gets along well.
Our concern is that E will continue to get passed through the system and never catch up and the school will just say its because of his background. If he can spend another year reinforcing 1st and 2nd grade concepts he might be able to succeed in school instead of us all having to do so much work to get him to below average. Studies show if you're going to hold a kid back do it as early as possible. Studies show holding kids back can cause some pretty big emotional and social problems. Studies show for ELL learners repeating a grade can be pretty helpful. The school strongly recommends advancing him the 3rd grade, but in our district its a parent decision. They say that since he is learning they will continue to teach him at the level he's at with in class small group support, etc etc, and that other kids without his background are at similar levels so he'll be fine.
Anyone have any experience holding your kids back? Or being held back yourself? Should I crosspost this to r teachers or something?
submitted by SweitzerCJ to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 Bertismyboy The point of Erwin and Hange's death, could you help us?

Hi, forgive my English, I'm 15 year old boy and with my sister I recently watched Attack on Titan but I didn't understand two points, if you would be kind enough to help us a little I would be grateful!.
I didn't understand Erwin's death very well, I would have preferred him to die it while charging. I don't like the injection story. Honestly he had dreams like everyone else, like Armin the sea I see people comparing this but they are just dreams bro no sense,
once achieved you would feel free to do what you want it's not that life ends there, I understand the sense of guilt of the fallen but Erwin seems to me able to handle it... moreover he didn't seem enthusiastic about dying, i think he will be happy to know the truth. Anyway Isayama said he was kind of a slave to his dream, my father told me that it's true that we can all be slaves to something but human beings change, just in life you have to learn to be free and that it would end once anyway reached the truth.
he asked me if , years ago, slaves once had to die to be free and not to think about these things . that once humans have achieved their goals, they create other.
What is this supposed to teach me? that we can free ourselves from our slavery only if we die..? I can't understand it, my sister told me that even ''if Armin was better they had no respect for whoever brought them there.. we're talking about the commander 36 years old and a cadet who joins the scouts 4 months ago , the classic choice to keep the protagonist going''.
The other one is Hange's death ... I understood that she did it to buy him time but she is the commande, the most important person, Connie could have easily done it, many hypothesize a suicide but right at that moment... thank you all!
for the rest it is a masterpiece and it is perfect! I don't understand the reason for these two things
in my opinion I prefer to believe that Erwin could no longer see himself at the top of the pile of corpses and for this reason he no longer wanted to act like a devil (how levi said) and I honestly don't know what to think about Hange
submitted by Bertismyboy to attackontitan [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:43 revengesbutcolder I don’t know what’s happening to me or what I’m doing to myself

When I (F27) was about 20, I asked my mum what she had hoped my life would be like at my age. She said she never had any expectations, and that all she wants is for me to be happy. Ever since then I’ve tried to give her what she wants, by doing whatever I want. When I feel like my life is not what I want it to be, I quit my job and go travelling. I’ve done that 4 times since I was 22. It’s always worked for me, I get to learn about new cultures and also it’s very helpful in my line of work to be able to go to places and experience the things I work with first hand.
Last year in December I travelled to a lesser known island in the Caribbean. I had very little money and didn’t know what I was going to do next. I was staying in a hotel for free, in exchange for a few hours work per day. I was signed up to be there for just one month, and intended to go back home once that month was over, hopefully having figured out my next steps on the way.
10 days after I arrived, I met a guy, I’ll call him Adam. On our first date we swam in the sea at night, grabbed some street food and then went to watch the stars. It was super romantic and we had a great time. We then spent the entirety of the next two weeks together. We climbed a mountain on Christmas morning and set off fireworks together on New Year’s.
In the beginning of January, I didn’t have enough money for a flight home. This island is much more expensive than I had anticipated and flights around that time were also super expensive, more than I could afford. I had another volunteering place booked, which would have provided free accommodation for me for another month.
Two days before I was due to go there, I got offered a job. It was in a place that would have been impossible to get to from the accommodation (I don’t know how to drive and the buses are so few and far between here, it would have taken me 4 hours to get to work including 2 hours of walking through farms, fields and unlit dirt roads). I was also very lucky to be offered this job in the first place, since I don’t speak the language of the island and very few people speak English here (I’ve been here 6 months and only met 5 people who speak English at conversational level or above). I’ve applied for every single other job available that I think I’d reasonably be able to do, not even just what I have experience in and I hear nothing back, because of course I have to tell them that I don’t speak the language. I spoke about this with the Adam and he told me to just move in with him for a while. I hesitated, since we’d only known each other a month at this point but I desperately needed to earn some money so I could afford to eat, and at least get a ticket home eventually. So I moved in with him.
That was in January, it’s now May.
Since then, things have gotten so much worse. Work only gives me 2 shifts per week, which is not enough for me to live on, let alone try and save a penny of it. I’ve spoken to the boss and explained my situation but he’s already doing the best he can to help me. Adam has his own company and earns considerably higher than most people here, and he pays for pretty much everything. What I earn in a month (with my 2 shifts per week) can cover our food for maximum a week, and so that’s what I spend it on. By the time pay day comes around, I can never afford to book a flight that’s not at least a month away, because they’re so much more expensive that close. And if I booked a flight a month in advance, I wouldn’t have any money to eat without Adam paying for it plus he would wonder where my money has gone.
So, to explain why things are bad. After I moved in with Adam, I noticed he started talking down to me a lot. He often talks to me as if I am stupid and belittles me. The first 3 times he did this, I told him not to talk to me like that but clearly he hasn’t stopped. He has slept with 6 other women since I moved in with him,and last week he slapped me in the face.
I feel so stuck. I feel like I can’t ask anyone for help because not only did I put myself in this situation, but I also can’t ask anyone to lend me any money for a flight since I have no idea when I’d be able to pay them back. If I go back home, I’d need to have one month’s rent and a deposit to rent a room, to then be able to go to work. I feel helpless, I can’t seem to figure out how to get out of this situation and I know I’ve made a mistake that’s going to cost me the last of my twenties, all for the sake of doing whatever I want.
submitted by revengesbutcolder to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:36 existent1alcrysis Learned I was conceived through sperm donation, and I feel destroyed.

I don’t really know how to start this post off, but I’m using a throwaway account.
I learned I was conceived through IVF, using an anonymous sperm donor. My father had infertility issues, and after many failed attempts they went to their local sperm bank and arranged the process. It took maybe two or three tries, but eventually my mother fell pregnant with me. They’ve told me this through bits and pieces, so this is all I could string together.
I don’t know why, but I feel absolutely fucking shattered right now. They never told me. I learned it at family dinner, when the topic of IVF came up. It devolved into an argument that was maybe highly opinionated.
I told them my opinion, which was that I didn’t agree with it, and that it felt ‘unnatural’. I was fine when the biological dad is the one who’s using his sperm to create the child, but I was pretty vehement on how strange I found using sperm donors. That the very flesh and blood that made up a child was simply not there. That there were people in this world that were fine with half their DNA simply existing. I said that it was cold and transactional, and irresponsible. I honestly found it disgusting. I said some strong things, about how I thought the industry was more so predatory, and adoption was just the better option because those kids already came from broken homes.
My mom left the table, and my dad finally pulled me aside later and told me everything. At first I thought he was fucking with me, but I realized it pretty soon. What followed was a very explosive argument, and me driving back home in tears. I haven’t spoken to them, save for a few missed calls that I’ve ignored. I just got shitfaced drunk after.
I’ve always had a very tense, strained relationship with my parents. Especially my father. I struggle a lot with anxiety and depression, and I’ve always felt this hollow ache inside my chest when looking at families. Now I read stories of those born through donor conception, and I’m so confused because they seem fine. None of them wonder who the person is that makes up half their DNA. None of them yearn for anything more. They’re able to keep living without thinking of their father. I don’t know how they’re so indifferent. I don’t know why they’re alright.
I went down a rabbit hole, visiting subreddits about IVF. I just felt a mix of jealousy, sadness and disgust. I don’t know if it’s at myself or them. How they’re so fine about it, and why I’m so destroyed.
Does he not think of me? Does he ever? I don’t know how to feel. I just hate everything about this.
submitted by existent1alcrysis to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:35 UnspeakableJester Humble contribution to the project Magnolia & Bookworm

Not the best writter nor the most knowledgeable 40k fan, but there is my humble contribution for this AU
I tried my best for this, and probably have some contradictions with the lore, I probably missed some important parts or decisions of the community. I apologise if that's the case.
Not a native english speaker, sorry for the mistakes
Eager to read your opinions about this.
Disclaimer: I've tried to make the relationship wierd and to emphasise the following elements: « Is she... messing with your mind ? » and the possibility she might read OS thoughts (cf u/Sweet_older-Sister 's Magnus post).
Not everyone is promised for a great destiny.
For a scholar in the City of Light, being born and continuing to live on the splendid Prospero, learning day by day, exchanging with peers and studying hundreds of books and grimoires is a more than ordinary destiny, but one that is oh so satisfying. Add to that the occasional opportunity to speak with the brilliant minds of the XVth Legion, and it's hard to imagine a better life. Here, among all the scholars, there is one who stands out from the rest for his unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Friendly nicknamed ‘Bookworm’ by his peers, it's almost impossible to see him without his nose buried in a book. With his face hidden beneath the hood of his bure, he cuts himself off from the world and devours every sentence, every word, every letter that passes before his eyes. It is said that the only time he took his eyes off his reading was when warriors from the 15th were addressing him. Like many other inhabitants of the planet, Bookworm had an affinity with the Warp. However, his presence was no weaker or brighter than anyone else's, and he only stood out from the crowd because of his habit of reading all the time. He lived a peaceful and happy life, enviable in a way.
As the Lord of Prospero, Magnolia rules and lives on this world, surrounded by her precious children. Returning to her planet after another victorious conquest, and receiving a triumphant welcome, the Cyclopean Sorceress marched through the capital at the head of her legion before the astonished eyes of the people. The distinctive scents of Prospero invaded her nostrils, awakening a slight nostalgia for the days of her childhood, right up to the arrival of the Emperor. With her noble gait, she moved mechanically towards the Great Library, eager to find new things to record and archive. The fact that she was in such a quiet place, where all known knowledge converged, appealed to her spirit, even though she was obviously the source of distraction for all scholastic eyes. Her presence, so imposing and remarkable, was an object of admiration for all the scholars eager to imbibe her knowledge. Trying to ignore the stares, she browsed the shelves of the library, observing the bindings of the books that passed before her eyes, when, at the turn of a corner, she stopped abruptly, almost knocking over a hooded figure who didn't even reach her waist.
Not a word. Not a glance. Not even a whisper. The silhouette continued on its way, unperturbed, even ignoring the accident that had almost occurred. Initially disturbed by what had just happened, Magnolia held back a cry of protest and, intrigued, tried to probe the Warp to observe the small light that had just passed. This moment was as absurd as imagining a firefly shining brighter than a lighthouse, and yet... Carefully approaching the little firefly, Magnolia infiltrated its mind to see what might be hiding there. She was amazed to see an exact replica of Tizca's library, with the same shelves, the same walls, the same stone slabs... The only real difference was that there were far fewer books than in the original. Wandering around the place, stunned by the perfection this mortal had instilled in her mind, she skirted both empty and full shelves, until finally she found the mortal's consciousness, seated in front of an old desk, filling in the blank pages of a book. This singular discovery aroused her curiosity even more. She approached at a snail's pace and glanced over the shoulder of this strange individual before opening her only eye. There, on the paper, were words she knew, for she herself had already read them. The mortal copied and engraved in his mind the works he read, and did so with particular care, annotating certain passages to add his own thoughts. In this way, each book in her mental library constituted not only what she had read, but also the ideas that had grown from it.
Magnolia observed this mortal's consciousness attentively, amazed by what he had achieved, even allowing herself to leaf through some of the works already completed. Some might think that this person was a dullard who existed only through his reading, but there was a brilliant, if shy, mind behind it, preferring to keep his ideas and innovations to himself, whether they were good or bad. As the lines went by, a guilty pleasure sprang up in the Primarch's heart, as she read every thought of this curious little mortal. In a way, he could be just like her, and she saw this as a pleasant reflection in a distorting mirror. However, this same pleasure caused a slight disturbance in Magnolia's psyche which spilled over into the mortal's consciousness. For the first time, his silhouette quivered, attracting the Cyclops' gaze, then he pulled a small diary from a bag at his feet and scribbled the date followed by the simple phrase “feeling watched” before putting it away and resuming his work. Having witnessed all this, Magnolia did her best to regain composure, her curiosity having reached its peak. She bent down to search the bag, found the newspaper and, imitating the silhouette's handwriting, added ‘Thoughts about Primarch Magnolia’ and put the newspaper back in its place before leaving the mortal mind.
Her cheeks slightly redder than usual, the Primarch headed for her palace, ruminating on what had just happened. Why had she done this? How had this scholar managed to arouse her curiosity to such an extent? How was it possible that a mortal could worm his way into her thoughts without them having spoken for even a moment? She had no answer, but one thing was certain: she had to see him again and study him. She wanted to understand how a demigoddess like her could be so distracted by a mortal. The further away she got, the more the image of this hooded scholar haunted her thoughts, and the more a feeling of discomfort slowly gripped her heart, weighing down on her chest. The day passed, and not for a moment were her thoughts neglected by this mysterious scholar, and when night came, devoured by her own thoughts, exhausted by this new sensation compressing her chest, she decided to act. Sailing on the currents of the Immaterium, Magnolia rediscovered the glow of the firefly and once again entered her slumbering mind.
The mortal's dream was one of absolute calm. It was an infinite expanse of calm water, on which he stood amidst creations representing his desires, his plans, his hopes, his family... Everything here was soothing, and Magnolia took the time to observe every detail of each representation, discovering a little more about the personality of this stranger who was no longer completely himself. From time to time, as he fashioned a new representation, the scholar would glance in the direction of the Primarch who was hiding as best he could. A smile would appear on his lips and, in a whisper, he would resume his work, that night erecting an immense block of roughly carved marble. The block was twice the scholar's height, and seemed destined to represent a person whose features and details were as yet undefined. All night long, the mortal shaped his dream, under the curious gaze of the demigoddess. The next day, and the days that followed, she was unable to go to the Great Library, too busy as she was, but every night she would enter the man's mind to spy on his dreams, watching the slow but careful progress of the mysterious statue standing proud. She was spotted a few times, but each time, the mortal smiled and resumed his work in earnest. Was it a coincidence that the greatest advances were made after she had been spotted? This little merry-go-round lasted a few days. And the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. Every night, the sculpture advanced, representing a woman whose facial features were still indefinable.
When Magnolia received the order to leave from Prospero, she demanded that a certain scholar be taken aboard the Photep, but, unsure of her own actions and refusing to admit her obsession with a civilian, she disguised the whole thing as a mobilisation order for new members of her ship's staff, making sure nonetheless that the object of her obsession was one of the new arrivals. When she saw him set foot on the metal frame, her face lit up, and she couldn't help but enter, once again, into the mind of the man whose absence was causing her such unusual sensations. Rushing over to the desk, she found, as usual, the little man's consciousness writing, yet her eye was focused on the bag at the foot of the desk. She slipped her hand into it, grabbed the newspaper and read all the pages she had missed since her first intrusion, and as the pages and days went by, ‘Thoughts about Primarch Magnolia’ became ‘Sweet thoughts about Primarch Magnolia’. Each day began with ‘Dreamed about Primarch Magnolia. Thoughts about her the day, and dream about her at night. Somehow, it feels nice’. The Cyclops' cheeks took on a slightly darker hue, moved and embarrassed that he was thinking of her too. As she put the newspaper back in the bag, the mortal dipped his hand in and brushed against her skin. He stopped, turned his head and met the Primarch's gaze. Under the shadow of her hood shone two supernaturally blue eyes, but in front of the crimson-pink red face, a huge, shy smile took shape. ‘I hope I won't wake up if it's a dream’ he said. Caught off guard, the Primarch held out her hand and showed him sparkles ‘Hu... Look little Bookworm! A cool spell!’ and then vanished in panic. The next entry in the diary was ‘Daydreamed about the Lady. She was cute.’.
Later that night, Magnolia hesitated to dive into Bookworm's dreams, but she eventually built up enough courage to do it. There, she saw the finished statue. It was a magnificent representation of the demigoddess. Her noble face was imbued with gentleness and affection. It was an expression she had never seen before, and yet seeing it brought a deep warmth to her heart. On the statue, from around her good eye and heart, sigils were engraved, describing in detail and passion the fantasies and thoughts that the scholar harboured about this divinity. There was an overwhelming purity and sincerity, and the more the Primarch read what was there, the more the fire in her chest intensified. She had finally found the answers to her questions, and understood Aurelia much better now: ‘Is this what she called love then?’
Deep within the Warp, a certain Weaver saw a string burning and disappear, then it chuckled ‘Not everyone is promised for a great destiny, but the Destiny watch over everyone.'
Hope you enjoyed it
submitted by UnspeakableJester to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:19 Old_Sea_8014 Struggling in the second semester of Computer Engineering

I’m in the second semester of Computer Engineering/IT. It’s really complicated to explain the specific major because it’s new and if I were to explain it, it would be a mix of Computer Engineering and IT (Bachelor of Engineering). I started in the winter semester of 2023 and right now I’m struggling big time.
  1. Subjects. Last semester it was Mathematics A, Physics 1, Programming 1, Introduction to IT and Technical English. Out of all of them I passed Intro and Technical English. I feel like I don’t understand a single thing from Math A and Programming 1. Physics 1 was relatively easy to understand and hard to study/ do the tasks, but it was understandable. Mathematics A was a complete disaster where I absolutely have no idea what’s going on. With Programming A it’s a bit different. Programming “hello world” for the first time was a moment of happiness for me but Programming isn’t just coding it’s learning about algorithmic thinking and problem solving, which I highly struggle with. This semester I have Mathematics B, Mathematics C, Programming B, Physics B, Electrotechnical Basics, Algorithms and Data-structures. After the few first weeks I just started to skip out on the lessons, because I would sit there and not understand anything. The major consists of 7 semesters, each having 6 subjects. I’ve been told that that’s too much but people but they having majored in engineering (social studies and so on) so I’m not sure if what they’re saying can be applied here.
  2. The lack of basic knowledge I lack basic knowledge in programming, mathematics and physics. I’m not talking about high school math and physics. I’m talking about college level. I never realised how high school classes didn’t teach us properly until I reached university/ college and realised this is the just top of the ice berg. Like I said, I lack problem solving through algorithmic thinking which is the bases of this major (or what was taught in the first semester).
  3. Possible retaking first semester subjects Right now I think the best course of action is to repeat first semester subjects and truly pay attention 100% this time. The problem is that I have no idea what to do this semester because it literally just started. Is it normal to just skip a semester or barely come to lectures/seminars because of this reason? I literally understand nothing so what’s the point of sitting there and possibly bothering people?
  4. Not understanding how to study Engineering isn’t like other majors from what I hear. Or forced you to teach yourself how to study and how to study specific things. I recently watched a video trying to explain why CEOs are predominantly (former) engineers and everyone tackled it down to: a. Learning how to study; b. Knowing how to problem solve. I’ve established that I lack the problem solving skills right now and I’ll admit I have no idea how to (self) study. I came fresh out of high school where teachers are not only responsible for you and your academics but also responsible for educating you on certain topics. When you don’t understand it’s repeated and repeated and repeated over and over again. University is mostly self study. Do I know how to do that? No. Am I trying? I am. But trying is not enough when results are not showing. I have concentration problems (not ADHD or anything). I’m easily distracted ESPECIALLY when I have no idea what’s going on. I’ll eventually tune out the lecture and scroll on Reddit or something.
  5. Burnout Yeah, I barely even started and I’m burnt out. People around me aren’t though. They can all already program in C, C++ and Python (what we covered in those two semesters/ what we’re covering and learning right now) as well as Java(script) and more. They’re ace-ing all their tests and while they struggle with exams they’re at every lecture and fully concentrated. It’s embarrassing trying to continue with their pace especially with group work. Literally yesterday we handed in an assignment where I was the “incompetent partner that did NOTHING” and I could feel my partner had enough of this bullshit and even called me out on it, which felt humiliating.
Is this a sub for crying engineering students that just started out? I have no idea. Am I just using this to vent and rant? Absolutely. I’m asking for help as well. Or as much as internet strangers are willing to do. I have no idea how to study. I have no idea how to concentrate. I still really want this. I want to finish my bachelor of engineering. I want this, that and the other thing. And I know I can find the motivation to continue if I just knew I’m not throwing away the next years of my life to not graduate at all in the end. I’m just stuck.
Has anyone been through this? Has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone please give me at least a tip on ONE subject not just everything just ONE THING.
submitted by Old_Sea_8014 to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:17 ViviDaBunny [PC] [EU] [Zero Build] [Casual] [Open]- Looking for friends

Heya I'm Vivi, 23, trans mtf, but if you say he/him thats fine due my voice. Happens to the best of us. I currently live in the EU but with my fucked sleep shedule I'm basically up at any given time, specially if coordinated in advance. Looking for people to play with to have a fun time but also grind towards missions and whateverthere is to do! I aim to become better in Fortntie as I'm fairly new to it, my current BR is 144. Casual gameplay is preferred but if you aim to be a lil mor competitive, I'm willing to learn and focus even more, yet I'm a beginner.
Epic Display Name: Vivi Vixien
Game Mode: Solo/Duo/Squad
Vibe: Chill/Casual
Competitive Level: Beginner
Mic: Yes
Language: English
Playstyle: Casual
Age Range: 18-25
Availability: Every day, ranging from mornings to evenings or evenings to morning depending on my sleep
Experience Level: BeginneIntermediate
Goals: Looking for a chill squad to play with and have fun. Completing quests, lvl up in Season Pass, finding friends
Communication: Discord - vivi_vixien.bunny
submitted by ViviDaBunny to FortNiteLFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:05 Soft_Throat_9821 What should i look for in a motorbike instructor?

When choosing a motorbike instructor, there are several important factors to consider to ensure you receive quality training and guidance. Here are some key things to look for:
Meath Motorcycle AcademyPass your driving test At Meath motorcycle Academy we are experts in driving test preparation, we also provide bike hire on the day of the test (terms and conditions apply). Our areas co vered are Mulhuddart carlton Hotel, Navan, Tallaght, Naas, Deansgrange,Mullingar.https://meathmotorcycleacademy.ie/
  1. Certification and Experience: Look for instructors who are certified by recognized motorcycle safety organizations or have extensive experience in teaching riding skills. Check their credentials and inquire about their background in motorcycle riding and instruction.
  2. Teaching Style: Everyone learns differently, so find an instructor whose teaching style aligns with your learning preferences. Some instructors may emphasize hands-on practice, while others may focus more on theory and explanation. Choose someone who can adapt their teaching methods to suit your needs.
  3. Communication Skills: A good instructor should be able to communicate clearly and effectively, explaining complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. They should also be patient and supportive, especially with beginners who may be nervous or unsure.
  4. Safety Focus: Safety should always be a top priority during motorcycle training. Ensure that the instructor emphasizes safety protocols, teaches defensive riding techniques, and provides guidance on how to handle various road conditions and hazards.
  5. Feedback and Progress Evaluation: Look for an instructor who provides constructive feedback on your riding skills and progress. They should regularly assess your performance and identify areas for improvement, helping you become a safer and more confident rider.
  6. Reputation and Reviews: Do some research to find out about the instructor's reputation and track record. Read reviews from past students to get an idea of their experiences and satisfaction with the training provided.
  7. Facilities and Equipment: Consider the quality of the training facilities and equipment used by the instructor. A well-maintained training area and modern teaching aids can enhance the learning experience.
  8. Cost and Availability: Compare the cost of training sessions with different instructors, but don't base your decision solely on price. Also, consider factors like scheduling flexibility and the availability of lesson times that fit your schedule.
By considering these factors, you can choose a motorbike instructor who will provide you with comprehensive, effective, and enjoyable training to help you become a skilled and confident rider.
1 view
submitted by Soft_Throat_9821 to u/Soft_Throat_9821 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:04 Soft_Throat_9821 Why are people taking motorbike lessons?

People take motorbike lessons for various reasons:
Meath Motorcycle AcademyPass your driving test At Meath motorcycle Academy we are experts in driving test preparation, we also provide bike hire on the day of the test (terms and conditions apply). Our areas co vered are Mulhuddart carlton Hotel, Navan, Tallaght, Naas, Deansgrange,Mullingar.https://meathmotorcycleacademy.ie/
  1. Learning to Ride Safely: Riding a motorcycle requires a different skill set compared to driving a car. Motorbike lessons teach people how to handle the bike safely, including how to balance, steer, and brake effectively.
  2. Legal Requirement: In many places, you need a motorcycle license to legally ride a bike on public roads. Taking lessons helps individuals meet the requirements for obtaining this license.
  3. Confidence Building: Riding a motorcycle can be intimidating, especially for beginners. Lessons provide a structured environment where riders can gradually build their skills and confidence under the guidance of experienced instructors.
  4. Understanding Traffic Rules: Motorbike lessons often include instruction on traffic laws and regulations specific to motorcycles. This knowledge is essential for staying safe on the road and avoiding accidents.
  5. Insurance Benefits: Some insurance companies offer discounts to riders who have completed an accredited motorcycle safety course. Taking lessons can therefore lead to cost savings on insurance premiums.
  6. Skill Improvement: Even experienced riders can benefit from motorbike lessons to enhance their skills, learn advanced techniques, and stay updated on the latest safety practices.
Overall, motorbike lessons are crucial for ensuring the safety of riders and others on the road, as well as for complying with legal requirements and maximizing enjoyment of the riding experience.
submitted by Soft_Throat_9821 to u/Soft_Throat_9821 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:03 Soft_Throat_9821 What are the benefits of motorbike lessons?

Motorbike lessons offer numerous benefits for riders of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced riders looking to enhance their skills. Here are some of the key benefits of taking motorbike lessons:
Meath Motorcycle AcademyPass your driving test At Meath motorcycle Academy we are experts in driving test preparation, we also provide bike hire on the day of the test (terms and conditions apply). Our areas co vered are Mulhuddart carlton Hotel, Navan, Tallaght, Naas, Deansgrange,Mullingar.https://meathmotorcycleacademy.ie/
  1. Safety: One of the most significant benefits of motorbike lessons is learning essential safety skills and practices. Qualified instructors teach riders how to operate their motorcycles safely, navigate traffic, anticipate potential hazards, and respond effectively to emergency situations. By learning proper safety techniques, riders can reduce their risk of accidents and injuries on the road.
  2. Confidence Building: Motorbike lessons provide riders with the opportunity to gain confidence in their riding abilities. Through structured instruction and hands-on practice, riders learn how to control their motorcycles with precision and ease. As riders develop their skills and become more comfortable on the bike, they gain confidence in their abilities to handle various riding situations confidently.
  3. Legal Compliance: In many places, including Dublin and other parts of Ireland, completing a motorcycle training course, such as Initial Basic Training (IBT), is a legal requirement for obtaining a motorcycle license. By taking motorbike lessons, riders ensure that they meet the necessary training requirements to obtain their license and ride legally on public roads.
  4. Skill Development: Motorbike lessons provide riders with the opportunity to develop and refine their riding skills. Instructors teach a range of techniques, including proper throttle control, braking, cornering, and shifting gears. Riders also learn advanced skills such as emergency braking, swerving, and counter-steering, which can help them become more proficient and capable riders.
  5. Road Awareness: Motorbike lessons help riders develop a keen awareness of their surroundings and the ability to anticipate and respond to potential hazards on the road. Instructors teach riders how to scan for potential dangers, identify potential risks, and make informed decisions to stay safe while riding. This heightened awareness can help riders avoid accidents and navigate challenging road conditions more effectively.
  6. Community and Support: Motorbike lessons provide riders with the opportunity to connect with other riders and build a supportive community. Instructors create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment where riders can share experiences, ask questions, and support one another on their journey to becoming skilled and confident riders.
Overall, motorbike lessons offer numerous benefits for riders, including safety, confidence building, legal compliance, skill development, road awareness, and community support. Whether you're a beginner learning to ride for the first time or an experienced rider looking to enhance your skills, taking motorbike lessons can help you become a safer, more confident, and more proficient rider on the road.
submitted by Soft_Throat_9821 to u/Soft_Throat_9821 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:01 SharkEva AITA being pissed at what my wife said to our niece - Wife responds 10 months later

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/aitata8482828(Husband) and u/No_Card9780(Wife)
posting in AmItheAsshole and AITAH
Concluded as per OOP
2 updates - Long
Original - 10th July 2023
Update1 - 11th May 2024
Update2 - 14th May 2024

AITA being pissed at what my wife said to our niece

My sister and bil were abusive parents to my niece, Charlotte. I always tried to protect her, but my wife and I were only able to get custody threw years ago. We adopted her, and she's a good kid at heart, but she still struggles a lot. She's still in therapy and has come so far, but finds it difficult to accept unconditional love and that kids don't have to be perfect. While she's usually fine with my wife and I, she still sometimes tends to see our daughter (Chloe) as ungrateful and spoilt. I've worked really hard on this, and it's a LOT better, but sometimes it comes up in their teenage squabbles. It's not perfect but the girls generally get along.
Last Friday they had an issue. I was at work, so this is based on what I was told after. Chloe was refusing to do any of her chores, and arguing about it with my wife. Charlotte jumped in and basically called Chloe lazy and said that she should be a better daughter like her. Apparently my wife got pissed off and told her off. She 'reminded' her that she was 'lucky' we were taking care of her and to stay out of it. From there it got bad.
My wife says that Charlotte was extremely rude about Chloe. But she also admits she told Charlotte that we 'didnt have to' take care of her, and that basically unlike Chloe, we can send her back to her parents if she keeps it up. Ignoring the fact we legally cannot, that's just completely fucked up. They ended their fight with Charlotte just going to my parents for that night, and she's been really upset and withdrawn since.
When I got home my wife filled me in, and I was honestly pretty furious. The first thing that came to mind was 'what the fuck is wrong with you?'. Which admittedly wasn't a productive response but I was honestly just floored. The issue is that Charlotte doesn't get that a kid deserves unconditional love even if they're not perfect, so you fucking tell her that you'll kick her out if she doesn't behave? All the progress I worked with her for is gonna be shut back again.
I was mad and we fought about it. I get she can be difficult, but that was inappropriate. However she's still refused to apologise or anything. I've tried to talk to her and explain that we love her, and that it wasn't meant the way it was said. But my wife is just accusing me of babying and favouring Charlotte. Apparently I'm being unreasonable thinking what she did was disgusting. That I should care more about Chloe, as if this is a competition.
I am still honestly pretty pissed at her. While she just claims I'm unreasonable and being a shit dad to Chloe.


NTA your wife said a fucked up thing and really messed up with Charlotte. Your wife needs to apologize and looks like you're gonna have to have individual long talks with everyone
Husband OOP: That's exactly what I think. I honestly don't know how she could say it, let alone keep defending it. I've been trying to talk to the girls about it, but Charlotte is still icing me out other than apologising repeatedly.

I hate to have to tell you this, but I think your wife could say a thing like that because that's how she actually feels about Charlotte, a charity case who should be grateful for scraps. That reaction wasn't a woman mediating a fight between her two daughters, this was her defending her child against this hostile kid she took in. If she spoke in the heat of the moment, she would have been horrified afterwards, not doubling down. It's possible she never wanted Charlotte.

You are correct here. It doesn't sound like you are favoring Charlotte at all. You aren't condoning or excusing her behavior. You issue is with how your wife dealt with the behavior, which I agree was completely inappropriate.
Your wife (and you) ADOPTED the child. She is your child. She can't be given back. And threatening to return her to an abusive situation is basically abuse in and of itself. Your wife should never suggest such a thing and should be ashamed that those words came out of her mouth.
Husband OOP: I agree, thank you. There's no world where I would ever give her back. I love her way too much to ever do that. I honestly don't know why she doesn't see it like you said

Your wife is only going through the motions with Charlotte. I am sure she and Chloe have made sure that Charlotte knows her 'place'.
Husband OOP:As far as I know this is the first time it's come up like this. Charlotte definitely would have reacted obviously in the past.
Chloe and her do get along mostly. I definitely don't think Chloe is a problem, beyond being a typical teenager

Other comments from op apparently shows that he threatened to divorce her if she didn’t adopt charlotte with him.
Oh, and there it is. OP's wife is a bubbling cauldron of resentments and it finally came out in the open. So, all theories that she does in fact view this as her daughter versus the charity case they took in are 100% accurate. They took Charlotte out of a blatantly toxic environment and brought her into one with simmering toxicity beneath the surface. With that kind of ultimatum underlying Charlotte's adoption a moment like this was inevitable.
It feels like OP wants to be the saviour but not do the work. The fact he brought this child into a situation that started with an ultimatum is upsetting. Charlotte doesn’t stand a chance if these are the adults in the situation.

**Judgement - NTA*\*

Editor's Note - In the wife's post Charlotte becomes Kelly and Chloe becomes Sarah. There is now also a son. There is some age differences as well.

AITAH for waking out on my “adoptive daughter” and telling her everything is her fault - 10 months later

So I (36f) have two kids a boy Tom (5) and a Sarah daughter (18) plus my husbands late brothers kid (16f) Kelly who lives with us
14 months ago my husband came home with Kelly and said she would be staying with us for a while, I barely knew kelly because since her father passed away 10 years ago her mom has been struggling with mental health and addiction. Apparently Kelly was in a bad situation at home due to her mother’s new boyfriend being a let’s say not so nice person.
He told me it was only for 3 months while his parents who recently moved aboard got settled than it went to 5 till his sister had her baby just excuse after excuse till I stopped asking. as time went on my husband just acted like she was our daughter even bringing up adoption a few times which I refused even when he threatened divorce. I know I sound like a monster but you have to realise Kelly isn’t easy to deal with and my husband doesn’t allow her to face any kind of consequences
Kelly acts like she is the golden child and my daughter is the black sheep, she has violent meltdowns, she’s threatened our son that my husband will leave us if she tells him because he loves her more which traumatised Tom. she has tried and failed her mind games with me pretending to be a saint, her main target is my daughter she is extremely cruel towards her verbally like she’ll slut shame her for everything little thing like wearing make up or tell her she’s lazy/good for nothing for stupid reasons like sleeping late at the weekends
She’ll take her things ether will loss them or destroy them than cry to my husband who will excuse her behaviour even tho he spends 70% of his time at work. We are all in therapy which isn’t working like group sessions when someone points out Kelly’s behaviour or adoption usually end up with everyone fighting
It all came to a head last month Kelly was in a mood all week because Sarah had a big 18th party with all the attention on Sarah especially from my family which Kelly said mentioned in therapy. myself and Sarah were having a stupid “fight” over a non issue because Sarah used all my shampoo which she didn’t replace or let me know I was out of. Kelly came out of nowhere screaming at Sarah calling her a moocher, lazy, trash and spoiled she than said Sarah was an adult now and she didn’t pull her weight she’d get kicked out
I lost it I told her Sarah was my daughter and If she didn’t change her attitude she’d be the one kicked out, Kelly didn’t say anything just went into her room about an hour later my husband came back than started screaming literally i my face calling me names telling me he wants a divorce so he can protect Kelly. so I said ok I want a divorce and 50/50 custody I get my son he gets his niece now get the fuck out of my house with his niece
They left and have been staying with his brother since, husband now has to deal with Kelly all the time he wants more therapy to fix our issues so we can get back together and be a family again. They both came over yesterday to collect the last of their stuff and Kelly asked me was it her fault I said yes it was just as much her fault as her uncles (husband)
Husband told me I’m being a monster and Kelly is my daughter whether I admit it or not and I’ve abandoned her when she finally had a stable home that she doesn’t mean to lash out due it’s just due to her trauma and if we work together we can help her work through it
Honestly now I don’t know what to do and feel like an asshole


NTA Your husband only wants back with you to dump Kelly on you again. She's a troubled teen and needs some serious help. Your husband is more interested in feeling like he's helping Kelly (not actually doing the real work involved) than in protecting his own kids.
Hire a good Divorce Attorney. Ask about getting child support for your son and possibly to help your daughter with higher education costs, if that's possible. Also, ask about getting a court order that your husband can't have Kelly around your son, given her past threats against him.
OOP Wife: I will be pushing for supervised visits with Tom as of now he had only had him with me or his sister in law present

But specify that these are to be supervised visits without Kelly present. Your husband seems to have blinders on and can't be trusted to make good decisions without a specific court order.
OOP Wife: In my country supervised visits happen in a centre with a social worker and security present I can call multiple witnesses to make sure she won’t be allowed in

In my country supervised visits happen in a centre with a social worker and security present I can call multiple witnesses to make sure she won’t be allowed in
I'm glad you live somewhere where they take child safety seriously.

Update - 3 days later

So yes the divorce is going forward even tho my husband has begged me to stay because he can’t handle the consequences of his actions and yes he is aitata8482828 he did change a few details and yes this isn’t our first follow out with me blowing up kelly isn’t my daughter and I wanted her out due to THEIR mistreated of Sarah we nearly got divorced last year but he used therapy and my emotional abuse as a tool to manipulate me to stay
Sarah hasn’t spoken much to her father since the first fall out because as people mentioned even on his post leaving a lot out about Kelly and just putting down Sarah it was clear who he only cares about. Sarah said she wants nothing to do with him and has warned family to but out. I’m sick of his emotional and mental abuse towards us for his niece and his threats of divorce to get his way so I hope he makes this easy on everyone
Yes Kelly has had a bad childhood and has suffered but she isn’t my problem anymore I want zero contact with her and will make sure she won’t have contact with my son. I’ve plenty of evidence and witnesses to make it happen I can sound cruel but she can fuck right off she isn’t my kid so I don’t owe her a relationship and regardless of how bad her trauma is she has no right to traumatise others. She could of had a life in America with her grandparents but she refused to learn English
As for my husband being her real dad that’s irrelevant to me because I won’t get the truth and would only cause more issues for my kids who’ve been through enough
Thanks to everyone for the advice I won’t be logging in after tonight and as I’ve said in the comments English isn’t my first language


Your ex husband can now deal with Kelly and all her trauma. Good for Sarah for cutting off her father, he clearly sucks at being one for his kids.
So did you legally adopt her or not? That’s a critical detail.
OOP Wife: No he claimed we did I didn’t want to adopt even when he tried to force me

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:01 Soft_Throat_9821 Can i get lessons to ride a motorbike?

Yes, absolutely! In Dublin, there are numerous motorcycle training schools and instructors offering lessons to help you learn how to ride a motorbike safely and confidently. Whether you're a complete beginner or someone looking to improve your riding skills, you'll find options tailored to your needs. Here's how you can get started:
Meath Motorcycle AcademyPass your driving test At Meath motorcycle Academy we are experts in driving test preparation, we also provide bike hire on the day of the test (terms and conditions apply). Our areas co vered are Mulhuddart carlton Hotel, Navan, Tallaght, Naas, Deansgrange,Mullingar.https://meathmotorcycleacademy.ie/
  1. Research Training Schools: Start by researching motorcycle training schools and instructors in Dublin. Look for reputable schools with experienced instructors and positive reviews from past students. You can find information online, through directories, or by asking for recommendations from friends or family members who ride motorcycles.
  2. Choose the Right Course: Determine what type of motorcycle training course best suits your needs. If you're a complete beginner, you'll likely need to start with a basic training course that covers essential riding skills and safety practices. If you already have some riding experience, you may be interested in more advanced or specialized courses to further develop your skills.
  3. Contact Training Schools: Reach out to the motorcycle training schools or instructors you're interested in to inquire about their courses, availability, and pricing. Ask about their teaching methods, the qualifications of their instructors, and what you can expect from the lessons.
  4. Schedule Lessons: Once you've chosen a training school or instructor, schedule your lessons at a time that works for you. Most schools offer flexible scheduling options, including weekdays, evenings, and weekends, to accommodate students' busy schedules.
  5. Prepare for Lessons: Before your first lesson, familiarize yourself with basic motorcycle controls and safety gear. Wear appropriate riding gear, including a helmet, gloves, jacket, pants, and sturdy boots, to ensure your safety during the lessons.
  6. Attend Lessons: Attend your scheduled lessons with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Listen carefully to your instructor's guidance and practice the skills they teach you. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification if you're unsure about anything.
  7. Practice: Practice regularly between lessons to reinforce your skills and build confidence on the bike. Find a safe and quiet area to practice basic maneuvers such as starting, stopping, turning, and shifting gears.
By following these steps and investing time and effort into your motorcycle lessons, you'll be well on your way to becoming a competent and confident motorcyclist in Dublin. Remember to prioritize safety at all times and enjoy the thrill of learning to ride a motorbike!
submitted by Soft_Throat_9821 to u/Soft_Throat_9821 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:35 Opening-Front-3099 LEARN QURAN ONLINE IN UK

Take a Spiritual Journey and Explore the Enchantment of Learn Quran Online
The pursuit of spiritual enlightenment is more important than ever in today’s fast-paced society, when the din of everyday life frequently muffles the voice of the divine. There is a calm haven where enquirers can lose themselves in the ageless wisdom of the Quran in the middle of the chaos. Discover Learn Quran Online, a learning haven that cuts over boundaries, time zones, and distances to provide a home-based route to enlightenment and spiritual development.
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Learn Quran Online welcomes students from all around the world by removing access obstacles. Students can engage with renowned Quranic scholars and professors, taking them on a voyage of discovery without ever leaving their homes, regardless of their location or time constraints. The Quran’s sacred teachings are now more accessible than ever, promoting a worldwide community that is bound together in its quest for knowledge and comprehension.
Personalized Learning Environment:
Every student at Learn Quran Online is seen as an individual with particular requirements and preferences when it comes to their education. Learners receive individualized education and one-on-one mentoring to meet their objectives, aptitude, and speed. Every student is enabled to advance along their spiritual journey at their own pace, accompanied by committed professors who foster their growth and development, regardless of experience level. This includes beginners starting out in Quranic studies as well as seasoned scholars looking for deeper insights.
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Learn Quran Online uses the latest technological advancements to create an immersive, interactive learning environment that stimulates the senses and broadens the mind. The teachings of the Learn Quran are brought to life through cutting-edge virtual classrooms, multimedia materials, and interactive learning tools. This creates a dynamic learning environment where students may explore, participate, and absorb knowledge in ways that speak to them. Technology is a powerful tool that can foster meaningful connections and greater understanding. Examples of this include interactive quizzes, discussionLearn Quran forums, and live video sessions and audiovisual presentations.
Fostering Spiritual Development:
Learn Quran Online promotes enlightenment and spiritual development in addition to knowledge acquisition. Students go on a life-changing voyage of introspection, contemplation, and self-discovery as they study the sacred passages of the Quran. Learners develop a closer relationship with Allah, a more comprehensive knowledge of Islam, and lifelong virtues such as patience, humility, and thankfulness through prayer, meditation, and the guidance of qualified instructors.
In summary, Learn Quran Online serves as a ray of hope in a world in need of spiritual direction and sustenance. Learn Quran Online provides knowledge seekers with a haven where hearts are enlightened, brains are expanded, and souls are nourished by the timeless wisdom of the Quran. It does this through providing unrivaled accessibility, a tailored learning experience, technology-driven education, and a focus on spiritual growth. May the timeless lessons of the Quran, led by the kind hands of Learn Quran Online, provide us comfort, inspiration, and direction as we set out on this holy journey of exploration and enlightenment.
submitted by Opening-Front-3099 to u/Opening-Front-3099 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:16 terenceinstitute Bollywood dance academy in Mumbai

Bollywood dance academy in Mumbai submitted by terenceinstitute to u/terenceinstitute [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:10 FrozenApe89 Any tips for my first trip alone?

Hello everybody,
I am 35, living in Slovakia my whole life and I just had enough, so I'd like to finally move to another city in Europe and start anew. I got tips that I should defeinitely visit each city I'd potentialy like to live in, at least for a couple of days, just to see if I click with thm. I picked a couple, namely Brno, Vienna and Cologne, and visited the first two so far with my family.
For the third, however, I was thinking about going alone. I feel that I don't click with my family that much (our relationship is difficult) and I have a feeling that they are hodling me back a bit. And if I will want to move to another country in the near future, I would have to go there alone anyway, so this could be a good practice.
But since I've never traveled all by myself, I am a bit worried that I will feel extra lonely on my way. I would like to hear your opinion on this, and also any tips for a first time travel all by myself would be appreciated.
Money is not a problem My English is fluent and I managed to learn German up to C1 (even though I never got the certificate). I haven't spoken it for a year, but I think I would be able to manage. At least I hope I will :)
Thank you.
submitted by FrozenApe89 to expats [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:10 SnooEpiphanies6763 [A3] [Recruiting] [OPTRE][MILSIM] [New Player Friendly] 89th Joint Task Force

[A3] [Recruiting] [OPTRE][MILSIM] [New Player Friendly] 89th Joint Task Force
An Auburn Skyline A Halo Arma 3 Machinima. - YouTube
The 89th Joint Task Force wants you to help defend humanity! Founded in the Late 2490's to combat the growing insurrection threat across the outer colonies, the 89th JTF served as a premiere expeditionary force in readiness for the UNSC. Even now, in the early 2530's, aboard the 6th Battle Group, we stand ready to put down rebel threats and alien incursion alike. The 89th Joint Task Force is a MILSIM OPTRE unit. With a good handful of our members and leadership either active military or prior-military, we're able to tune the unit to scratch the more realistic itch our members have while also keeping it casual enough for our more easy going members. We are also new player friendly; whether you are new to Arma or an Arma Veteran, our extensive Instructor Corps will be happy to teach you everything you need to know to join the fight.
The 89th Joint Task Force is a highly active and ever-expanding unit. We are seeking recruits who have a drive to be as active and dedicated as the highest echelons of our command, so we may continue to grow and establish ourselves as a community. We offer those who meet this requirement a place where they can feel they belong, where they will grow close with their squadmates and be ever ready to utilize their camaraderie to ensure mission success. As an expanding unit we look for those who have a drive to lead, for our next team, squad, and platoon leaders. We look for those who not only want to be part of our unit, but for those who wish to help us succeed! If you think you've got the right stuff, come join, and take your place in the unit.

This sounds great! What do I need to join?
A willingness and dedication to being an active member.
Minimum 18 years of age
A working mic and headset.
Ability to speak and understand English.
A level of patience and the willingness to learn.
A commitment to being a consistent member and team player. Activity minimums for the active component is one(1) main operation a week, and for the reserve component two(2) operations a month.
What We Offer:
3 Main Operation Days every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 7:00pm (1900) EST.
A dedicated server and TS open 24/7
Fun, Story driven Zeus-ran campaigns with attention to lore detailing, as well as fun/side operation sporadically hosted by a number of our dedicated zeuses.
Available Slots
ANVIL Company: 24 Total
Friday & Sunday: 15
Friday only: 4
Sunday only: 5
Bastard Company[LAR] (Saturdays Only): 17
submitted by SnooEpiphanies6763 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:03 ReasonableBeliefs In Defence of Vaishnavas, by case study of Shaiva (Veerashaiva denomination) Philosophy (Vishnu is inferior to Shiva and is even cursed by Shiva)

Hare Krishna. This post is to help educate those (some, not all) Smartas and Shaivas who lack knowledge about Hinduism, and who thus spread hatred against Vaishnavas.
Vaishnavas sometimes get attacked because Vaishnava denominations assert a difference between Shiva and Vishnu, and hold the position of Vishnu being greater than Shiva (in some way or another). We get hate by (some, not all) Smartas who think that ALL Hindus MUST hold to Hari-Hara Abheda (Oneness of Shiva and Vishnu), and also by (some, not all) Shaivas who falsely accuse us of hating Shiva. ISKCON especially gets attacked because they have the largest english language global presence among the Vaishnavas.
Criticism is fine, debate is normal, but we Vaishnavas face hatred and vitriol by those uneducated (some, not all) Smartas and Shaivas. We also face the false accusations that ONLY Vaishnavas do this (hold one to be superior to the other), but that is not true at all.
This post will show how a Shaiva Sampradaya, the Veerashaivas, do the exact same thing that Shaivas and Smartas (some, not all) accuse us of : Veerashaivas hold that Shiva is superior to Vishnu.
! Objection : You are using the wrong flair, you must use the criticism flair !
Rebuttal :
This is not a criticism. I am not criticising the Veerashaiva's philosophy. It's perfectly ok for different Hindu denominations to disagree. This post is to educate people that thinking one God is superior to another is perfectly acceptable in Hinduism.
It's an acceptable Hindu position to think that Shiva is superior or to think that Vishnu is superior or to think that neither is superior. All 3 of those positions are acceptable to have in Hinduism. None of them take you out of the Hindu fold. None of these positions is anti-Hindu or hateful.
This post is to educate those Smartas and Shaivas (some, not all), who hate Vaishnavas for holding Vishnu to be superior, who are uneducated that there are Shaivas do the same with Shiva.
This post is to spread knowledge about Hinduism in order to help end the hatred against Vaishnavas.
This post will use the Siddhanta Shikhamani, a Veerashaiva scripture, as evidence.
Note : I am NOT getting into the Veerashaiva vs Lingayata political debate. That is not relevant here. I have not spoken of Lingayatas. I am speaking ONLY of Veerashaivas in this post.
This post will be divided into 4 sections :
  1. Acceptance of the Siddhanta Shikhamani by Veerashaivas.
  2. Veerashaivsim is the supreme interpretation of the Vedas according to Veerashaivas.
  3. Equating of Shiva to the Vedantic Brahman by Veerashaivas.
  4. Inferiority of Vishnu according to Veerashaivas.
Let us begin :
(1) Acceptance of the Siddhanta Shikhamani by Veerashaivas :
The Veerashaivas have 5 great peethas (panchapeethas), similar to how Smartas have their different Shankaracharya Mathas. The 5 Veerashaiva peethas are : Kedara, Kashi (Varanasi), Ujjain, Shrishail and Rambhapuri (Balehonnur).
Let's take even just 1 of the 5 peethas. For this example i will use Rambhapuri Peetha.
Source : https://www.rambhapuripeetha.org/
The peetha and it's jagadguru say very very clearly :
All these chronicles were collected by Sri Shivayogi Shivacharya and created the holy Sri Siddhanta Shikhamani Granth. This is the scripture of Veerashaivism today.
And they also say :
It goes without saying that Siddhanta Shikhamani, which is the crowning bead of valorisations, is always universal.
Thus the authenticity of the Siddhanta Shikhamani to the Veerashaivas is established through their own peethas and their own jagadgurus.
(2) Veerashaivsim is the supreme interpretation of the Vedas according to Veerashaivas.
A misconception some people have is that the Veerashaivas are not "Vedic", and that they don't accept accept the Vedas. This is false.
In the Siddhanta Shikhamani the sage Agastya asks Renuka to preach the Siddhanta that is expounded in the text. And in the question Agastya explicitly refers to it as the doctrine that is acceptable to the Vedas :
Hence I would like to hear from you the Siddhänta, which is acceptable to the Vedas. O omniscient one, please tell me the doctrine which is directly associated with Shiva, which is the means for attaining all rewards, which brings immediate achievement for the people, which is resorted to by all the best sages, which is not even smelt by the persons of illconduct, which is accepted by the knowers of Veda
And Renuka explicitly responds as follows, clearly stating that this Siddhanta of Shiva is the fullest following of the Vedas.
O Agastya, who is the lion among the sages and who is well versed in all the Ägamas, I shall tell you the Siddhanta which inculcates the knowledge of Shiva; listen to it with respect.
O Agastya, there are (many) Siddhanta which are well known, which differ according to aptitudes, which are associated with various practices and which propound various tenets.
Sankhya, Yoga, Pancharatra, Vedas and Pashupata, these are the Siddhanta which are quite authoritative and which should not be refuted with arguments.
O Great sage, among these, Sankhya, etc., Veda is predominant. The authoritativeness of these is decidedly on the ground that they follow Veda.
O sage, Pancharatra, Sankhya and Yoga are based on some parts of Veda, while Shaivasiddhanta is based on the entire Veda.
O great sage, compared to Sankhya, etc, which are based on some parts of Veda, the Shaivasiddhanta, which follows the entire Veda, is superior.
It goes onto say Vedas and this Siddhanta are the same doctrine
The Shivagama called Siddhanta is said to be acceptable to Veda because it advocates the Dharma that is taught in Veda and also because it opposes whatever that is outside or unacceptable to Veda.
Veda and Siddhanta are one because they propound the same doctrine. Authoritativeness of the two should always be grasped as similar by the learned.
And finally it talks of how the Veerashaiva doctrine is Supreme.
In the latter part of the great traditional lore called Siddhanta which starts with Kamika and which is taught by Shiva, the supreme doctrine of Veerashaiva is advocated.
Thus it is established that the Veerashaivas accept the Vedas and they they assert that the supreme fullest interpretation of the Vedas is their Veerashaiva philsophy, as indicated by their own scripture.
(3) Equating of Shiva to the Vedantic Brahman by Veerashaivas.
This one is very easy as it is one of the earliest verses in the Siddhanta Shikamani :
It talks of Shiva being the Brahman of the Vedanta
I salute the Supreme Shiva, whom the Vedanta philosophers call as the designation of Brahman and as the source of the world.
(4) Inferiority of Vishnu according to Veerashaivas.
And here we get to the crux of the matter.
It talks about Vishnu becoming bald and suffering 10 births due to insulting the devotees of Shiva
Having done wrong to two of my (Shiva) devotees called Bhagu and Shankukarna, Visnu became bald and suffered ten births (incarnations).
It talks about Vishnu being defeated by a devotee of Shiva (not even Shiva himself) and having his Sudarshana Chakra broken
Having fought against my (Shiva) devotee Dadhéca, in the past, Visnu suffered defeat with his disc having been broken.
And here references are made to the births of Vishnu, just so you are clear that it is talking about the same Vishnu, and that he is tormented under material afflictions and birth and death. This is indicative of Jeeva.
The great Visnu who took birth in the forms of fish., tortoise, boar, man-lion and man, suffered death.
Having been born in the castes such as Brahmana, etc., the being is tormented repeatedly by the heat of the great fire in the form of threefold afflictions.
Here again it talks of how affluences of Vishnu and Brahma are subject to waning and waxing, in other words they are subject to Samsara, they are NOT eternal. This is also indicative of Jeeva.
The Veeramaheshwara always considers with reason the affluences of Brahma, Visnu, etc., which are subject to waning and waxing, as similar to a straw of grass.
Here it talks of how Brahma and Visnu cannot understand Shiva
Who can understand that Linga (Shiva) which is of the nature of lustre and which even Brahma and Visnu could not decipher?
It talks about Vishnu and Brahman and Mahalakshmi and others serving Shiva.
Brahma, Visnu, Indra, etc., who had formed into rows adorning themselves with weapons, served all around him (Shiva), who had the authority of world-creation.
Mahalakshmi held for him (Shiva) the white umbrella which was of the form of white lotus, which was bright and which resembled the full moon.
So lets summarise this section :
  1. Vishnu was cursed by Shiva
  2. Vishnu suffered torment of material afflictions
  3. Vishnu suffered 10 births and deaths
  4. Vishnu was defeated and had is chakra broken by Shiva's devotee (not even by Shiva himself)
  5. Vishnu's affluence are waxing and waning like a staw of grass, so they are NOT eternal.
  6. Vishnu cannot understand Shiva
  7. Vishnu serves Shiva
Birth, death, suffering, torment, defeats, temporary and not eternal affluence, lack of understanding, these are all indicative of Samsara, indicative of Jeevas and NOT of God.
Thus it is clear that the Veerashaivas think of Vishnu as inferior to Shiva, as a Jeeva, and even cursed by Shiva.
Note : Even just 1 or 2 of these points would be sufficient to establish that the Veerashaivas think of Vishnu as inferior to Shiva. So if there is any Veerashaiva (or anyone else) who disagrees with me, then please feel free to refute all 7 points using the Siddhanta Shikamani. I would be glad for any debate or knowledge sharing.
Conclusion :
I hope this shows people that difference between Shiva and Vishnu, superiority of one over the other, is also an acceptable position to hold in Hinduism, both among Vaishnavas AND among Shaivas as well.
Let's all learn to accept diversity of philosophy within the Sanatana Dharma.
Let's all learn to not spread hatred and vitriol against Vaishnavas or Shaivas, just because someone asserts that Vishnu or Shiva is superior to the other.
Let's all learn to not hate people who assert a difference between Shiva and Vishnu (in some way or another)
Let's all remember that : It's an acceptable Hindu position to think that Shiva is superior or to think that Vishnu is superior or to think that neither is superior. All 3 of those positions are acceptable to have in Hinduism. None of them take you out of the Hindu fold.
Hare Krishna.
submitted by ReasonableBeliefs to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:02 ThrowAway7s2 "Sevastopol Spanish students Aided by Peruvian teacher" from the October 1, 1968 Door County Advocate

TEACHING SPANISH at Sevastopol high school is Luisa Contelli from Peru who is helping the regular teacher with classes and the students with their accent and pronunciation. She is shown above (on the swing) with Denise and Becky Volkmann. Luisa is a guest at the Lester Volkmann home while here. —Advocate

Sevastopol Spanish students Aided by Peruvian teacher

To paraphrase an old saying, "a long speech begins with a single word." And while we would not accuse Luisa Contelli of being "wordy," her English started not so long ago with a single word and she learned to speak English in just four months before she came to this country.
Luisa is a Spanish aid teacher at Sevastopol high school and is assisting the regular teacher with her Spanish classes and helping the students with their pronunciation and accents.
Her English is fluent with a pleasantly charming accent and a person talking with her would never suspect that she had not been speaking English, or perhaps we should say "American" for such a short time. She took an intensive four month course from the Peruvian North American Institute.
When asked if she had trouble with all our various ways of pronouncing the same letters she said, "to study English for me is very hard, to understand is even worse." And if we were to have to get along with people who spoke only Spanish, we would probably echo her words. So when you talk to her, speak slowly and clearly.
Luisa is staying with the Lester Volkmann family on Route 1, Egg Harbor, and she goes back and forth to Sevastopol on the school bus with the Volkmann children. Denise in the seventh grade and Becky in the eighth are especially thrilled that she is their guest while she is in Door county.
Before coming here she was at Concordia college camp where she taught Spanish. Her stay here will be for a total of six weeks, after which she will go on to Chicago, Arkansas, Washington state and California. She will stay for six weeks in each of six locations while in this country.
She will be showing slides at the PTA meeting at Sevastopol this Thursday evening and speak on her country and her experiences.
She has many slides of Incas, hand made materials, festivals and other familiar scenes from her homeland in South America. She is from Piura, Peru, and has three brothers and three sisters. Her father has a tropical plantation and grows cotton and rice.
Luisa herself worked in a bank before coming here. She had been in this country three times prior to this year, but had only spent about a month each time on a vacation. In 1963 she went to Mexico for two months and then to the U.S. for one month.
It never snows in Peru, except in the mountains, and since it is very warm there, usually she finds our cool days something she will have to get used to.
She plans to return to Peru in June, 1969, although she may stay for another year if she likes. But already she is getting just a little lonesome and is anxious to see her family and friends again. She is grateful and thrilled to be here and says "It has given me an opportunity to learn many things."
She writes out a report every week of what she has done, both in her work as a Spanish aid teacher and in her off hours. She writes her impressions of our country and tells what she has been doing and with whom.
Last weekend she visited another teacher at Sevastopol, Mrs. Mona Orthober, and her family. Mrs. Nicholson, also Spanish speaking, was there from the University at Madison.
She is surprised at the youth of some of our bridegrooms and brides and said that in Peru they are about 24 before they feel they are ready to take on the responsibilities of marriage.
One of Luisa's friends in her home town of Piura is the present Miss World, Madeleine Hartog, a stunning, stately brunette. Luisa attended Madeleine's sister's wedding before she came here and Miss World was one of her sister's bridesmaids. Madeleine's sister was named the best secretary in Peru in 1965.
Miss World is crowned each November in London, England, and in November, 1968, Luisa will be able to watch her friend on television as she crowns the new Miss World and hands over her ermine trimmed cape and golden scepter.
Luisa and Miss World
When Luisa speaks to the PTA Thursday, she will also have some things from her country to show. Among these are lovely filigree jewelry In both silver and gold, intricately worked and beautifully designed.
Special families in Peru make certain types of jewelry only and they pass their skills and patterns on to their children and their children's children, keeping them always in the family.
She is the guest of the Lester Volkmanns who volunteered to have her and the family is taking her places around the county to see the scenery and meet different people. All the five children have enjoyed having her in their home. As Luisa said, "I will take my best 'remembers' from Egg Harbor." We can't ask more than that of any visitor.
Courtesy of the Door County Library Newspaper Archive
[There is also a photo titled "Miss World 1967-68, which is omitted due to possible copyright. It is in the Door County Newspaper Archive. Another similar photo of Madeleine Hartog Bell with sash and scepter is included in this article: https://elcomercio.pe/185-aniversario/1967-l-madeleine-hartog-es-elegida-miss-mundo-l-bicentenario-noticia/ ]
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submitted by ThrowAway7s2 to DoorCountyALT [link] [comments]
