X and y coordinates worksheet

hololive production

2019.12.04 15:10 The-Planetarian hololive production

The official hololive production subreddit! What is hololive production? We're a team of content creators using digital avatars providing outstanding entertainment to the masses! We specialize in songs and music, but more often than not, will just stream games or chat with our fans! Posts not made by the official administrators are not characteristically representative of hololive production, nor any of the talents.

2018.03.13 12:01 byuntaengs unpopular kpop opinions (UKO)

Welcome to unpopularkpopopinions, the subreddit for sharing your unpopular opinions about Kpop!

2011.03.31 06:09 sodypop TIN YEARS OF TROLLX!!!

A subreddit for rage comics and other memes with a girly slant.

2024.05.16 15:42 Constant_Ad3619 Is it just me, or do some people look better the more you are around them?

I was wondering if this is just a me thing. Sometimes I’ll meet people and I don’t care for their looks. But the more I’m around them and get to know them, they start to look better. I’ve noticed it with a few of my coworkers recently. I joke that we are so desperate because my job never hires good looking men that X and Y are starting to look good. X and Y being men we’ve worked with for months that we didn’t consider good looking when we met them.
submitted by Constant_Ad3619 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:35 RegretFit1544 dr.disrespect

🎰🎲✨ Obtenez 500 euros et 200 tours gratuits pour jouer à des jeux de casino en un seul clic ! ✨🎲🎰
Découvrez le monde fascinant des "Dr", des professionnels de la santé de haut niveau. Les "Dr" sont des experts dans leur domaine, ayant suivi une formation rigoureuse et acquérant une vaste expérience dans le diagnostic, le traitement et la prévention des maladies.
Les "Dr" jouent un rôle crucial dans notre société en prodiguant des soins de santé de qualité et en aidant les patients à retrouver leur bien-être. Leur dévouement envers leurs patients et leur engagement envers l'excellence professionnelle font d'eux des figures respectées et admirées.
Que ce soit en tant que médecins, chirurgiens, dentistes, psychiatres ou autres spécialistes de la santé, les "Dr" sont essentiels pour maintenir la santé et le bien-être de la population. Leur expertise et leur compassion font d'eux des acteurs clés du système de santé.
En choisissant de consulter un "Dr", les patients peuvent bénéficier de soins personnalisés et de traitements adaptés à leurs besoins spécifiques. Les "Dr" travaillent en étroite collaboration avec d'autres professionnels de la santé pour assurer une prise en charge holistique et complète des patients.
En conclusion, les "Dr" méritent tout notre respect et notre gratitude pour leur contribution inestimable à la société. Leur travail a un impact significatif sur la vie de nombreuses personnes et leur dévouement à la profession médicale les place au sommet de la hiérarchie des soignants.
"Histoire scandale Dr
Découvrez l'histoire scandaleuse du Dr X, un médecin renommé qui a choqué le monde par ses agissements inquiétants. Ce praticien respecté dans la communauté médicale s'est retrouvé au cœur d'un scandale retentissant qui a secoué l'opinion publique.
La saga du Dr X a commencé lorsque des rumeurs sur des pratiques médicales douteuses ont émergé, suscitant l'inquiétude et l'indignation. Les autorités compétentes ont diligenté une enquête approfondie pour faire la lumière sur ces allégations troublantes.
Au fil des investigations, des révélations choquantes ont éclaté au grand jour, dévoilant des actes répréhensibles commis par le Dr X. Des patients ont témoigné des traitements abusifs et non éthiques qu'ils ont subis, jetant une ombre sur la réputation jusqu'alors irréprochable du médecin.
Le scandale a pris une ampleur médiatique sans précédent, alimentant les spéculations et les débats passionnés. La communauté médicale s'est trouvée ébranlée par ces révélations, remettant en cause la confiance accordée aux professionnels de santé.
Aujourd'hui, l'histoire du Dr X reste un sombre chapitre dans le monde de la médecine, rappelant la nécessité d'une surveillance rigoureuse et d'une éthique irréprochable dans l'exercice de la profession médicale.
"Popularité Dr
La popularité est un concept complexe qui peut être défini de différentes manières en fonction du contexte dans lequel il est utilisé. En ce qui concerne le domaine de la médecine, la popularité du Dr, ou la renommée d'un médecin, peut jouer un rôle crucial dans sa réussite professionnelle.
La popularité d'un médecin peut être le résultat de divers facteurs tels que ses compétences médicales, son expérience, son dévouement envers ses patients, sa réputation professionnelle et sa capacité à établir des relations durables avec ses patients. Un médecin populaire est souvent celui qui est respecté et apprécié par ses patients pour la qualité des soins qu'il fournit et pour sa capacité à traiter efficacement les problèmes de santé.
La popularité d'un médecin peut également être renforcée par sa présence sur les médias sociaux, les recommandations de patients satisfaits, les collaborations avec d'autres professionnels de la santé et sa participation à des événements ou des conférences médicales. Il est essentiel pour un médecin de cultiver sa popularité de manière authentique et professionnelle afin de gagner la confiance et le respect de ses patients et de ses pairs.
En conclusion, la popularité du Dr peut jouer un rôle important dans sa carrière médicale en influençant sa réputation, sa clientèle et sa réussite professionnelle. Cependant, il est essentiel que cette popularité soit le résultat de compétences médicales de qualité, d'une éthique irréprochable et d'un engagement envers le bien-être de ses patients.
"Carrière gaming Dr
Les carrières dans le domaine du gaming sont de plus en plus populaires de nos jours, avec des opportunités passionnantes pour ceux qui sont passionnés par les jeux vidéo. Une carrière gaming Dr, ou une carrière de joueur professionnel, peut sembler être un rêve pour de nombreux amateurs de jeux, mais c'est en réalité une profession exigeante qui nécessite beaucoup de travail et de dévouement.
Les joueurs professionnels de haut niveau passent des heures à s'entraîner, à perfectionner leurs compétences et à participer à des compétitions pour affronter les meilleurs joueurs du monde. Pour réussir dans une carrière gaming Dr, il est essentiel d'avoir des réflexes rapides, une excellente coordination main-œil et une connaissance approfondie du jeu auquel on joue.
En plus de la pratique intensive, les joueurs professionnels doivent également développer leur marque personnelle, en utilisant les réseaux sociaux et les plateformes de streaming pour se connecter avec leur public et attirer des sponsors. Les plus grands joueurs professionnels peuvent gagner des prix en argent considérables, et certains deviennent même des célébrités dans le monde du gaming.
Cependant, il est important de se rappeler que le chemin vers le succès dans une carrière gaming Dr est semé d'obstacles. La concurrence est féroce, et seuls les plus talentueux et les plus déterminés réussiront à percer dans l'industrie du jeu vidéo. Malgré tout, pour ceux qui sont prêts à relever le défi et à consacrer le temps et les efforts nécessaires, une carrière gaming Dr peut offrir des opportunités uniques et passionnantes dans un domaine en constante évolution.
"Retombées expulsion Dr
Les "Retombées expulsion Dr" font référence aux conséquences d'une expulsion de médecin de son poste ou de son organisation médicale. Cela peut se produire pour diverses raisons, telles que des problèmes de conduite professionnelle, des erreurs médicales graves, des fraudes ou des infractions éthiques.
Les retombées d'une expulsion de médecin peuvent être graves et variées. Tout d'abord, il y a l'impact sur les patients du médecin, qui peuvent perdre l'accès à des soins médicaux de qualité et se retrouver dans une situation difficile pour trouver un remplaçant. Ensuite, il y a l'impact sur la réputation de l'institution ou de l'organisation médicale qui a expulsé le médecin, qui peut être ternie par l'incident. De plus, le médecin lui-même subit des conséquences professionnelles et personnelles, telles que la perte de revenu, la suspension de sa licence médicale ou même des poursuites légales.
Il est essentiel que les instances réglementaires médicales et les organisations de santé prennent des mesures appropriées pour gérer efficacement les cas d'expulsion de médecin afin de protéger la sécurité des patients et l'intégrité du système de santé. Des politiques claires et des procédures transparentes doivent être en place pour garantir une prise de décision équitable et juste.
En conclusion, les "Retombées expulsion Dr" peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur les patients, les institutions médicales et les médecins eux-mêmes. Il est crucial que ces situations soient gérées de manière appropriée pour assurer la qualité des soins de santé et la confiance du public dans le système médical.
submitted by RegretFit1544 to u/RegretFit1544 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:32 johnnyrogs From 68579840651 to 0 and a cutting out monitor

So I just built my first PC about a month ago and all of a sudden my CPU Frequency in both the MSI Center and the AMD Adrenaline apps are either showing a crazy number or 0. I tried rebooting after the 654965106 number and then I got 0 the next time I checked.
Also, my monitor has started to intermittently cut out. The only thing that has changed is that I have added a KVM switch as I have a laptop that I use for personal/school/work and I'm trying to keep my PC strictly for gaming. KVM was all set up yesterday during the day and everything was fine. Fast forward to last night as I'm settling into S4 of Diablo 4 and the screen starts intermittently going black for about 2 seconds then comes back on. Even now as I'm making this post, it has happened several times. Is this the sole fault of the KVM switch? Would I be better just using it for the keyboard and mouse and manually switch between the DP and HDMI ports?
[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tvyG4M)
**CPU** [AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 4.5 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WfqPxamd-ryzen-7-7700x-45-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000591wof) $288.83 @ Amazon
**CPU Cooler** [Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE ARGB 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/MzMMnQ/thermalright-phantom-spirit-120-se-argb-6617-cfm-cpu-cooler-ps120se-argb) $36.90 @ Amazon
**Motherboard** [MSI PRO B650-P WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CFzhP6/msi-pro-b650-p-wifi-atx-am5-motherboard-pro-b650-p-wifi) $169.99 @ B&H
**Memory** [G.Skill Flare X5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL36 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/pwxRsY/gskill-flare-x5-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl36-memory-f5-6000j3636f16gx2-fx5) $108.99 @ Amazon
**Storage** [Western Digital Black SN770 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/4KRYcf/western-digital-2-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-wds200t3x0e) $139.46 @ Amazon
**Video Card** [MSI Radeon RX 6800 XT Gaming X Trio 16G Radeon RX 6800 XT 16 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/TzbCmG/msi-radeon-rx-6800-xt-16-gb-gaming-x-trio-video-card-rx-6800-xt-gaming-x-trio-16g) $899.99 @ Amazon
**Case** [Montech AIR 903 MAX ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/bQGhP6/montech-air-903-max-atx-mid-tower-case-air-903-max-w) $69.00 @ Newegg
**Power Supply** [EVGA SuperNOVA 850 P5 850 W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/KFM48d/evga-supernova-850-p5-850-w-80-platinum-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-220-p5-0850-x1) $119.99 @ Newegg
**Operating System** [Microsoft Windows 11 Pro OEM - DVD 64-bit](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/yjbTwP/microsoft-windows-11-pro-oem-dvd-64-bit-fqc-10529) $149.99 @ Adorama
**Monitor** [Asus ROG Strix XG349C 34.1" 3440 x 1440 180 Hz Curved Monitor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Q2bTwP/asus-rog-strix-xg349c-341-3440x1440-180-hz-curved-monitor-90lm06v0-b01ab0) $785.99 @ Amazon
**Total** **$2769.13*
submitted by johnnyrogs to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:29 AdVisible6484 How do I solve this memory limit exceeded error?

This is the question:
This is my solution:
its passing 57/58 testcases , how do I solve this....I know its a naive question to ask but I am new to coding and I am stuck with this for the past 4 hours. please someone help.
class Solution { public: void dfs(int row, int col, vector> grid, vector> &visited) { int n=grid.size(); int m=grid[0].size(); visited[row][col]=1; int dr[4]={-1,+1,0,0}; int dc[4]={0,0,-1,+1}; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { int x=row+dr[i]; int y=col+dc[i]; if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x>& grid) { long long int n=grid.size(); long long int m=grid[0].size(); vector> visited(n,vector(m,0)); //first row and last row for(int j=0;j 
submitted by AdVisible6484 to leetcode [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:26 Charming_Pool_8342 Geom_step and geom_line starting line at 0

I am making survival plot using ggplot2 (deliberately not using ggsurvplot due to certain reasons) and x axis values in one of my strata begin at 70 so the geom_step beigns to connect the points from 70 onwards.. However I want the geom_step to begin from 0 as is usually seen in survival plots. How can I force it? My code is -
ggplot(df_surv, aes(x = Time, y = estimate))+
geom_step(aes(x= Time, y = estimate, color = strata), size = 1)+
geom_point(data = subset(df_surv, n.event ==0),
aes(x= Time, y= estimate), size = 2)+
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), expand = c(0,0))+
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0,12,24,36,48,60,72,84,96,108,120),
limits = c(0, 120),
expand = c(0,0))
submitted by Charming_Pool_8342 to rprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:24 smallcapsteve Did Zack Morris Know About Roaring Kitty’s Return?

Fintwit influencer Zack Morris appeared to potentially have insider knowledge about the return of famed investor “Roaring Kitty.”
Morris tweeted an image last week that was strikingly similar to one posted by Roaring Kitty, whose real name is Keith Patrick Gill, four days later. This coincidence has led to speculation that Morris was aware of the scheme ahead of time.
Gill’s reappearance on social media has reignited the meme stock frenzy. His post on social media platform X marked his first activity since June 2021, and it triggered a massive rally in classic meme stocks like GameStop and AMC.
GameStop, which closed at $17.46 per share on Friday, skyrocketed to nearly $50 by Tuesday. Similarly, AMC more than doubled from $2.91 to over $6 per share in the same period.
Jay Ritter, a finance scholar at the University of Florida, noted that meme stock investors often counter short selling. This strategy, where investors sell borrowed shares hoping to buy them back at lower prices, is disrupted by coordinated buying that drives prices up.
Ritter explained, “This is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, where you got coordinated buying going on without any explicit agreement to be a member of the club.”
However, the rally in meme stocks saw a sharp reversal on Wednesday morning. GameStop dropped by 30% and AMC by 22%, indicating that the initial excitement might be waning.
Dan Egan from Betterment predicted that this rally would be shorter-lived than the previous one in early 2021, when GameStop’s shares surged over 1,000%.
“There might be a large body of meme stockholders who bought during the last rally looking to get out,” Egan said. “People with a losing stock will be motivated to sell as soon as they’re back to even, which will put some downward pressure on the price as it hits higher price points.”
Morris has been active on X again less than a month after the criminal case against him and his group was dismissed without prejudice. The court had denied the government’s request to pause the dismissal, stating the government’s arguments were unconvincing.
Morris (legally Edward Constantinescu) was accused of fraudulently earning around $100 million through a stock-manipulation scheme. He is defending the case alongside his Atlas Trading group members: Perry Matlock, Thomas Cooperman, Gary Deel, Mitchell Hennessey, Stefan Hrvatin, and John Rybarcyzk. Daniel Knight is also a co-defendant for aiding the scheme via his podcast with Hennessey.
This legal development coincides with Morris’s return to social media after 15 months, where his first post was a retweet of a parody video featuring Donald Trump and Elon Musk as Power Rangers.
submitted by smallcapsteve to BayStreetStonks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:18 Faveripper CTk Widget Switch per drag and drop ( using Grid )

Hello, everyone i am trying to make my App more userfriendly and let the user drag some widgets arround for a more customised experience. On just tkinter this is possible with something like this : (not my solution but what i used before )
So allready when you drag stuff around you can see that only the text of the Lable will be moved and then goes lost. I guess my question is, is this possible and what exactly causes this ?
import tkinter from tkinter import * import customtkinter def changeOrder(widget1,widget2,initial): target=widget1.grid_info() widget1.grid(row=initial['row'],column=initial['column']) widget2.grid(row=target['row'],column=target['column']) def on_click(event): widget=event.widget print(widget) if isinstance(widget,Label): start=(event.x,event.y) grid_info=widget.grid_info() widget.bind("",lambda event:drag_motion(event,widget,start)) widget.bind("",lambda event:drag_release(event,widget,grid_info)) else: root.unbind("") def drag_motion(event,widget,start): x = widget.winfo_x()+event.x-start[0] y = widget.winfo_y()+event.y-start[1] widget.lift() widget.place(x=x,y=y) def drag_release(event,widget,grid_info): widget.lower() x,y=root.winfo_pointerxy() target_widget=root.winfo_containing(x,y) if isinstance(target_widget,Label): changeOrder(target_widget,widget,grid_info) else: widget.grid(row=grid_info['row'],column=grid_info['column']) root = Tk() # CTk variant ''' root = customtkinter.CTk() myTextLabel1 = customtkinter.CTkLabel(root,text="Label 1",bg_color='yellow') myTextLabel1.grid(row=0,column=0,padx=5,pady=5,sticky=E+W+S+N) myTextLabel2 = customtkinter.CTkLabel(root,text="Label 2",bg_color='lawngreen') myTextLabel2.grid(row=1,column=0,padx=5,pady=5,sticky=E+W+S+N) myButton = customtkinter.CTkButton(root,text="Change order",command=changeOrder(myTextLabel1,myTextLabel2,myTextLabel2.grid_info())) myButton.grid(row=3,column=0,padx=5,pady=5,sticky=E+W+S+N) ''' myTextLabel1 = Label(root,text="Label 1",bg='yellow') myTextLabel1.grid(row=0,column=0,padx=5,pady=5,sticky=E+W+S+N) myTextLabel2 = Label(root,text="Label 2",bg='lawngreen') myTextLabel2.grid(row=1,column=0,padx=5,pady=5,sticky=E+W+S+N) myButton = Button(root,text="Change order",command=partial(changeOrder,myTextLabel1,myTextLabel2)) myButton.grid(row=3,column=0,padx=5,pady=5,sticky=E+W+S+N) root.bind("",on_click) root.mainloop() 
submitted by Faveripper to CustomTkinter [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:06 1Tekgnome ROG Ally X impressions!

submitted by 1Tekgnome to ROGAllyX [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:05 easyy66 You're not so usual recovery story

I've been dealing with Long covid from May 2020. In these 4 years, I recovered and relapsed multiple times. In the beginning, I would deal with a lot of symptoms for weeks, maybe more than a month, and I would be fine for 3 months-ish. Later, the relapses would take longer, the currently one lasting 9 months. The symptoms would also get worse. At the moment of writing this, I'm slowly getting better.
So, what did I try to recover and go back into a remission? - Low histamine dieet - Low fodmap dieet - Elimination dieet to see what triggers it - Microbiome tests, and heal it with probiotic, prebiotics and kill of bad bacteria with Oregano Oil - N-Acetyl. - Staying active - Actually, stop staying active and rest as much as possible (when staying active wasn't working) - PPI's - All the supplements you can think of: Zinc, Vitamins A,B,C,D., L-Glutamine, Magnesium, the list goes on.
So what made me go into remission? What turns the tide? Nothing
I'm happy a lot of people recovered, and they want to help but telling the rest what helped them. I'm here to stay it's futile. This disease acts randomly. The times I recovered I went 100% symptom free, sometimes for a few weeks, sometimes a few months! All these things I listed above didn't have a direct or indirect effect. Maybe symptom reduction but that's it. Every time I would clear up, it seemed extremely random, just like the relapses. Every time I would be sick I would be stressed out of my mind. "Will this ever stop?, When can I go to work again? How am I going to live with this for the rest of my life?". Even then, randomly I would become better.
There is no cure or remedy for this. Stress reduction might help, low histamine might help, supplement x might help but overall, it's a roll of the dice.
Let's stop pretending that x or y has worked for you. You probably just got lucky, as I am getting lucky right now at the moment.
And knowing I will recover to 100% myself, I know I will get a relapse sooner or later. There is nothing I can do. Don't tell me otherwise, I've been dealing with those rollercoaster for years. I'm happy that you recovered, and sharing your story gives people hope. But stop saying it's because of some protocol you did, because it didn't help. I can only recommend resting and pacing, as that is what your body is screaming for.
submitted by easyy66 to LongHaulersRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:02 Dumbassgothboy Bratz x Forever21

Did you guys see the new collection Bratz x Forever21? Initially I was excited to see a new collab but I looked over at it and the collection seems really bland(like the clothes rather than the merchandise). What do y’all think? I just want the one cup though with the slumber party designs on it.
submitted by Dumbassgothboy to Bratz [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:02 QuinLucenius I hope Bethesda goes back to make certain missions less terrible

Or, at least provide some extra tools that would make it easy for modders to do so. Not sure how that would work exactly, but I know Bethsoft devs don't have infinite time and money.
Disclaimer: I don't think most missions in Starfield need substantive revision—linearity isn't really the issue in my view, because Bethesda has never made it a point of giving every mission more than one outcome (or different flavors of the same ultimate outcome). But, quite often, how exactly you do things, what you say about what you're doing/have done, how you express yourself through dialogue, etc. provides a simulacrum of the choice that would exist if the quest simply had branching paths. Perhaps an ideal version of this game would go further and embrace the reactivity of your average Obsidian entry, but I don't expect that (and neither should you). Just some simple revisions (which I know design-wise are never really that simple) would do some wonders.
Viz., Bethsoft should make "small" edits to some specific missions that really interfere with the ability to feel immersed in the setting. I'll mention two of the worst offenders (in my limited view of having played the game one and a half times), but I know there are others that could benefit from similar (and likely even smaller) revisions.
The Hammer Falls (the last mission in the Freestar Rangers questline) was the first mission I did where I hated even bothering with the questline because of it. Learning from Paxton Hull (who I wish you could join or otherwise not be forced to kill, but that's not that big of a deal) that Ron Hope was behind everything should open up options to at least talk with others about what to actually do before being sent to your ultimate goal.
The fact that the game railroads you into immediate confrontation without, like, checking with anyone feels like an oversight. I know sheriffs are supposed to be kind of independent, but this guy (Hope) is like one of the twelve or so most powerful people in the Collective. I can't even talk with Marshal Blake or whomever about him before confronting him in a deadly shootoff? I can't even ask for backup? Where's the sheriff-fantasy where I call up my buddies to take down a crook?
I imagine a better designed version of this quest might involve first returning to Akila City and having a tense conversation with Blake (or some other Freestar representative) where you argue the apparent conflict of interest (the Collective's ruling body funds/supercedes the Rangers) and what that compels you to do, if anything. It could really help thematically resolve the underlying themes of the questline as a whole (the law as a just ideal/the law as an instrument of powecontrol). Not that this needs to have two wildly different paths where you confront Hope versus explicitly cover up his crimes, but it could at least affect your status as a ranger if you deliberately decided to confront Hope without convincing Blake. (Just an imperfect idea demonstrating the limitations of the current quest.)
The fact that you can't say anything about Hope before confronting him would be something I would've made a note on in QA. It's such a basic point of interrogation for ensuring that a quest in an open-world RPG fits seamlessly and immersively into the world. There are plenty of missions/quests in other Bethsoft games that don't do this, usually because the impact is really minor. But as the final mission of one of the two major factions' questlines, predicated on a reveal that recontextualizes all past missions in the questline, it works really poorly in my view to railroad you directly into confronting Ron Hope with no consultation with Marshal Blake or anyone else. Just the addition of a simple conversation would make this problem so much less glaring. Give the player an option of expressing their discomfort or anger at what's going on, or extend the final conversation with Marshal Blake. Or, ideally, give good reason mechanically (in the very quest's context) as to why things are as linear as they are.
When you trap Odahviing during The Fallen, he approaches you to talk, then you set him free after a conversation, then you ride atop him to Skuldafn, thus starting The World-Eater's Eyrie. But accounting for the eventuality of you leaving the courtyard before he reaches you to talk (or you exit conversation) is unreasonable, because a dangerous dragon, Odahviing, is right there, the way to Skuldafn is right there, and the end of the quest is right there. There's no design incentive to return to the open world if you're doing this quest at this exact moment, and I'm willing to bet exactly one person has ever done that (me, once, to deliberately see if it messed up the script). And once you fly to Skuldafn, the next couple hours are entirely linear (which is good!). It makes the end-game work really well because it feels and is seamless.
Confronting Hope doesn't have the same sense of urgency not because it isn't important but because the various design elements that encourage urgency in a mechanical sense aren't there. Imagine confronting Paxton (or whoever) in the reception area of the Hope factory (or somewhere equally close). There'd be basically nothing incentivizing you to not go confront Hope right then, for the same reasons as with Odahviing in Dragonreach's courtyard. Not accounting for leaving the reception area becomes just as reasonable of a design decision as not accounting for leaving Odahviing trapped without talking to him. When you leave Arcturus II, though, it doesn't really feel at all dissimilar from leaving a planet after clearing a random POI. Imagine if, after trapping Odahviing, he only gave you directions to Skuldafn which you had to travel yourself. This would have a similar effect, I feel, to what we experience at the end of First to Fight, First to Die and the beginning of The Hammer Falls. I imagine plenty of people would take detours to do x or y before finally going to Skuldafn, despite the quest's written urgency. If you want urgency in a practical sense, make the progression from objective-to-objective urgent by design. Reflect the urgency in the very way the game is played (i.e., make it weird to even consider leaving the Dragonsreach Courtyard while Odahviing is there and ready to take you to Skuldafn).
First Contact (the Paradiso mission with the colony ship) is honestly the single worst mission in the game for how little ability you have to do anything other than what the game explicitly tells you are your only options, often against the intuition of the writing. I think Bethsoft wanted to give a potentially intriguing moral dilemma that ends up being needlessly forced and ultimately not intriguing because of how poorly forced it is. The result is a quest that, while potentially interesting, is completely ruined by its implementation. Even creating a fail-state where you kill the executives (which the ECS Constant's crew could react to) could be an option which would involve considerably less scripting than creating entire new paths from scratch.
Because, again, the problem with these quests isn't necessarily that they're linear. It's that they're linear in such a way that makes it impossible for it to feel organic or emergent in the setting. Could you imagine a Season Unending type quest in the Paradiso boardroom where instead of the two options we have now, you would instead have to use specific dialogue choices to ensure a particular deal could be reached between both parties (with you as the Constant's (possibly ostensible) advocate? Maybe allow for some backgrounds or skill checks to automatically succeed some particularly challenging persuasion/intimidation checks for either the ECS crew or the Executives. It's a lot more work, but it's the ideal version of this particular mission, in my view, and it could happen without the other two options even existing. You could make the quest more linear and have it be more engaging for the player.
I've seen this articulated before but not in quite these terms: it is better to allow a player options in how they experience a single choice then to give them two forced bad choices.
The version we're left with feels like the type of Bethsoft quest that has a faster, dummy way to do a mission that people would only really choose if they were roleplaying a specific way, or just wanted to get an achievement (e.g., Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!). It's like there's two clearly worse/less developed options that are available for specific types of players, yet are ultimately meant to highlight the ultimately superior and lengthier third option, which in this case doesn't exist. I hate to say that it's just lazy (as designing any quest is a large undertaking), but it certainly feels really lazy the way that this quest forces these two options onto you with especially poor justification. And even then, there being only two options isn't that big of a deal—implement a fail-state where you kill the executives (or something equally unhinged), which I could see plenty of players doing, including me. Or maybe convince them to stand down by strapping grenades to your spacesuit, I don't know! Something that plays more to the player's ability to impose their will on NPCs rather than being powerless.
As for said powerlessness, being powerless isn't bad, but in this case it isn't really justified. There's no obstacle in terms of difficulty when it comes to this quest, it's just a barrier to choice that feels extremely artificial. At least in High Price to Pay, you can't be in two places at once and you know that there's danger in two places that you can't control for. Your powerlessness is earned by the game at this point, because you actually feel, given the context of the plot to this point, that you're up against something that you can't defend everyone else against at all times. It still feels a bit forced, perhaps, but it isn't nearly as egregious.
I honestly dread doing First Contact again because it frustrates me far more than any other mission, because of how it forces frustratingly restrictive options upon you. But it doesn't require huge overhauls to fix, even if an overhaul would make it a lot better.
submitted by QuinLucenius to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:01 AutoModerator Daily Questions - May 16, 2024

This thread is for simple style questions that don't warrant their own thread.
(Although we strongly suggest checking the sidebar (for mobile users, go to the top of the subreddit front page, click the three dots and select "community info") and the wiki before posting!)
Fit checks and "Help me find a pair of Jeans that has X, Y, and Z" questions are a great use of this thread.
(Help figuring out what size you wear is also permitted here but it is recommended you check out one of these tutorials on how to size before asking.)
If you have questions about how your jeans fit, about a particular fabric, when is this jean coming out, where can I find jean X to try on in state Y, what jeans have this fit with these measurements, what jeans fade the fastest, what jeans fade the slowest.
No question is too simple for Simple Questions. Bashing people will not be tolerated and "Read the Sidebar" is not a valid answer here!
Also, we recommend sorting this thread by new comments.
Be Helpful!
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submitted by AutoModerator to rawdenim [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:00 Gear4Vegito Off-Day Boredom: Let's catch-up with recent former Blue Jays and see how they are doing 25% into the 2024 season...

First lets take a quick look at some of the trades the Blue Jays have done mid-season in 2024:
Now lets take a look at some of the players that left the organization in the off-season through trade/waivers that were at one point on the 40-Man roster:
Finally, lets take a look into the players that left the organization in free-agency:
Just to reassure everyone of someone productive not slipping through the cracks here are all the minor-league departures:
Free Agency:
Rule 5 Draft (Minor League Portion):
Just for completion here is a list of players who left from the organization that are not active in professional baseball right now (as far as I know):
Free Agents Un-signed (13):
Minor League Releases:
submitted by Gear4Vegito to Torontobluejays [link] [comments]


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submitted by AutoModerator to globalpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:49 ya-boi-benny Respect Zagor, the Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Fighting Fantasy)

Old peasant legends tell of a magnificent treasure at the peak of Firetop Mountain in the realm of Titan. This treasure is sought out by many adventurers, although few make it back out of the mountains in one piece, and none are able to find the two-locked chest containing the prize. The treasure is guarded by an enigmatic warlock who commands terrible beasts to guard the chest’s keys. Some say he's old, some say he's young, some say his cards are his source of power, others say it’s his black gloves. The only thing that the peasants can agree on was his name; Zagor.
The terrible warlock would fight three different adventurers on their quests to claim his treasure. Each time, if the reader makes the right choices and defeats Zagor in combat, he manages to crawl back from the blackness of death using another morbid spell. Upon his third incarnation, he even made the jump from the realm of Titan to a new world called Amarillia. It's here that the sorcerer would finally meet his end, burned to ashes in the mystical Heartfires.
Feats come from three books, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, Return to Firetop Mountain and Legend of Zagor. Hover over a feat to see what book it’s from. Since they’re Choose Your Own Adventure books, they aren’t distinguished by chapters but rather by paragraph numbers, which are included in the images themselves.


Human Form
Resurrected Form
Demon Form

Magic Abilities

Control Over Life
Other Abilities

Magic Artifacts

Zagor's Portrait
Other Items


submitted by ya-boi-benny to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:49 ya-boi-benny Respect Dmitri Smerdyakov, the Chameleon (Marvel, 616)

The famous baseballer, Jackie Robinson, he once said: “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” I could not agree more. That is why I try to make as much impact on my faces’ lives as possible. After all, they have done so much for me. It is the least I can do. Unlike them, I need not fear what people think of me. So I can be brave where they are weak. For I will just be someone else tomorrow.
Born in Russia to the Grand Duke Nikolai Kravinoff, Dmitri Nikolaievich Smerdyakov was treated like trash by his noble father and his working class mother. Young Dmitri was approached one day by Gustav Fiers, who was impressed by the boy's impressions and paid for a trip to Karl Fiers academy. There, Dmitri would learn to master the arts of disguise, vocal impression and infiltration, becoming the Chameleon upon his graduation.
He'd move to America and use his talents to pull off high-scale burglary, working for any group that could afford his fee, including the Communist party, Hydra or the Green Goblin. His elicit activity brought him into conflict with the Hulk, Iron Man and most often Spider-Man, all of whom had to act with great caution when the Chameleon was in town. After all, which one of them could tell if that unassuming civilian or their own ally was preparing to stab them in the back?
Dmitri has some mental hangups over his time with the Kravinoffs. He’s managed to repress the memories and considered himself good friends with his half-brother Kraven. In reality, he was more like a whipping boy and slave to the Hunter, and when he has to wrestle with those feelings, he can mentally revert to that scared little boy with no strong sense of identity or independence. But when he’s able to move past these feelings, the Chameleon has proved himself as a powerful, manipulative force, finding his place as temporary Crime Master of New York and member of the Sinister Six.
During one of Dmitri’s mental breaks, he began to believe that he was his deceased half-brother, Kraven the Hunter. So exact was the Chameleon’s performance that he moved and fought with the hunter’s skill and agility. This was an extreme fringe case and there are no other examples of a disguise altering Chameleon's capabilities like this. Physical and skill-related feats from this period will be marked with [KH].
Hover over a feat to see which issue it's from.


Unarmed Striking
Striking with Weapons
Scaling with Spider-Man
Scaling to Others
Blunt Force
Vehicle Crashes




Realistic Masks
Malleable Flesh
Other Methods



Other Equipment

Field Gear
Base Installations


Monica Rappaccini: I apologize for the delay in initial payment, but we first had to verify your identity. A.I.M.’s intel had been that the Chameleon was dead- or in an insane asylum.
Chameleon: Yes, well. That would be exactly what I wanted you to think. Faded into the background, imperceptible… that’s where a Chameleon is most comfortable… and where I shall now return.
submitted by ya-boi-benny to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:47 Bouckley7 Colour gradient 3D plot

Colour gradient 3D plot
I am trying to build a 3d plot of x+y+z=1 and give it a colour gradient surface for another expression. Does this feature not exist yet? And would you be able to tell me of alternative methods
submitted by Bouckley7 to desmos [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:42 tempo121212123 Pole not working as intended after following tutorial

I made a quick low poly model in blender, and thought about start learning to pose, so i followed a tutorial for IK. Unfortnately the "control pole" is not working like in the video. Setting it to -90 turns the shin backwards, so i set it to 90, apparently solving the problem, but when i try the movement it bends following the X axis instead of the Y. what is going on? pictures and video for reference:
Video of the tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K17c1g8mQX8
Visual reference of the problem: https://imgur.com/a/RQa6vB7
submitted by tempo121212123 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:40 OriginalPimple Can a company track your laptop location?

If I am work from home and say for example I need to go to location x. But instead i go to location y. Can they legally track and see if I was at location x?
Location x and y are not the companies office so I won’t be using a company related IP address for any of the locations.
While I understand this is very vague I need to keep the circumstances at a minimum. I just want to know if a company can track the location I was working from.
submitted by OriginalPimple to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:39 qwitq how to i preserve texture/image aspect ratio?

hey there, so im trying to learn opengl, and i m trying to render an image using textures, but im stuck at the aspect ratio part, the image stretches. this is the vertices"
float vertices[] = {
// positions // colors // texture coords
1.0f , 1.0f - yoffset , 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, // top right
1.0f , -1.0f - yoffset, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, // bottom right
-1.0f, -1.0f - yoffset, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, // bottom left
-1.0f, 1.0f - yoffset, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f // top left

this much is clear to me that i have to keep the x cord fix and change the y cord, but i cant figure out how to do this, the math behind it, what should be the value of yoffset.
i have access to the screen's width height and image's width height, any help is appreciated.
submitted by qwitq to opengl [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:37 OfirKedem Get world coordinates after triangulation

Given a 2 cameras system I preform the classic triangulation and get a 3D model in the reference frame of the Camara.
I have the GPS location of both Camara (assume no error, just the exact UTM coordinates).
I want to get the points I triangulated to be in UTM coordinates.
How do I do this? I couldn't find any sources for it. All the tutorial ends when you get the 3D model.
I don't care about the hight, just the x, y coordinates.
I assume that since I have the location of the Camaras in both coordinates systems I can compute the transformation, but I would like to follow a legit source and not compute it myself if possible.
Can anyone help?
submitted by OfirKedem to computervision [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:25 Uplift123 Eisenhower matrix app

Hi all. Learning about Eisenhower Matrix. Is there an app that allows for the categorising of tasks in this format?
I'm imagining an X-Y graph with 1-100 URGENT in X-axis and 1-100 IMPORTANT in Y-axis.
Allowing you to move tasks around, relative to each other.
Or can you think of a way to do this easily in a ubiquitous app/software.
I use Trello to capture ideas and to use when i'm in "Panic Mode"/Overwhelm. And Skedpal for all other times.
... so mostly Trello
I'd love to be able to copy my tasks from trello onto a 2-d graph and move them around
Thanks all
submitted by Uplift123 to productivity [link] [comments]
