Cvs carry generic oxy

Yard Sale Scare [Pet tax included because she's relevant to the story]

2024.06.09 07:10 AshKetchep Yard Sale Scare [Pet tax included because she's relevant to the story]

Yard Sale Scare [Pet tax included because she's relevant to the story]
Hey Joel and fellow Let's Read fanatics, I'm a long time fan of your narrations. Funny enough, the stories I'm sending in happened yesterday and today, and I was listening to some of your videos at the time.
So, to set the scene, today and yesterday I (f) hosted a yard sale. It went very well, I had fun, made a friend and even found something cool at a yard sale across the street from mine.
The yard sale was mixed. I had some expensive things near me (games, consoles, electronics, dishes, pristine/unused name brand stuff, etc) and some less expensive (sold for $1 or less) items scattered around the lawn like generic t-shirts, hoodies, movies and miscellaneous toys.
Friday (yesterday) was uneventful (sales wise) with some vague interest but no buyers. I set up at 8 and sat around until around 3:00pm, when I packed up. There was a storm due around then anyway, but that wasn't what drove me to pack everything up so soon.
I believe it was 2:15pm when it happened. I was sitting outside with my dog (don't worry, dog tax will be provided) when I noticed a man across the street behaving suspiciously.
Now, the yard is in an L shape that wraps around the house. On the left side facing away from the house is a busy street, and across that street is some more homes. Most of the people in those homes are elderly or otherwise vulnerable. I was in my seat facing that side due to my signs and tables being set up along that sidewalk.
Anyway. The man was waving his hands around, looking at the sky and skipping around like a child. I watched as he went to someone's door and began to knock on it erratically, talking to himself, and making a motion like he was praying. When nobody answered, he just walked down the porch. He then sort of waved at me when he saw I was there and casually moved to the next house to repeat this routine.
I then realized the house he was going to had their garage wide open. The elderly lady who lived there has two outdoor cats and I realized she must have forgotten to close it when she got the food.
The man seemed to forget I was there for a moment, and went to walk into the garage. He then froze and slowly turned to look in my direction.
Now, to explain something before I go on, my dog is exactly medium sized. She's about up to my knees height wise, and on her back legs her head reaches my chest. Despite her size, she has a scary bark and massive teeth. She's a big, playful sweetheart though and wouldn't hurt a fly.
She was sitting under my chair because it was hot out and was obscured. I feel this is important to note.
Back to the story. The guy turned to look at me, then began to walk toward the street to cross and come toward me.
I immediately stood up, trying to make myself look more alert. I'm 5'6 and I don't look small by any means. I've done taekwondo for years, and am by no means scrawny. I think my adrenaline kicked in about now, because I felt pretty confident standing up like that, but all that confidence felt like it drained from my body seconds later.
At first, he didn't seem to care about my front which I'll admit, really scared me because at this point he was on the sidewalk near where I was seated now.
When he crossed the sidewalk onto my lawn though, my dog came out from under my chair and growled at him, baring her teeth and everything.
This dog is an absolute sweetheart, and I've never seen her genuinely bare her teeth at anyone if it wasn't for playing. She plays rough, but I've never seen her behave that way.
The guy immediately stopped and looked at her, then just smiled at me for a few minutes before backing up and, get this- skipping away along the sidewalk to leave.
I was just frozen for a moment, wondering what the hell just happened. At some point though, I decided to call my dad and keep him on the phone while I started to pack up the valuables in my sale. I also kept my knife out in case something else happened but thankfully nothing did. The guy was gone, and the most that happened later was a little rain that afternoon.
Today I set up again to sell, and yet another odd thing happened. Today I kept a weapon near me to be on the safe side (my knife and some wooden Kali/Escrima sticks) and warned my neighbors who were having a yard sale about what happened yesterday.
Today, I was just relaxing during the last hour I planned to keep the sale up. My grandparents (who I live with) had gone to the store so I was alone out there. I had just put my dog back inside since it was too hot for her, and was listening to the podcast (specifically one with a story about a schizophrenic roommate) while I watched people walk by.
At some point, a very thin man carrying a Walmart bag and a jug of water came to my corner. He was talking to himself on the way over, and when he got to the tables, I greeted him with a smile as one does.
He then immediately launched into a whole spiel about how he loves, loves LOVES the bracelets I had on display and asked me over and over if I made them. I'd made them for a shop a while ago. They were ATLA (Avatar the Last Airbender) themed. I remember specifically he picked one I made with blood bending in mind (blue and white beads with pearl beads surrounding a clear, red one).
I told him as much, and let him know they were just 25 cents, and casually asked if he had someone in mind to give it to while he searched his pockets for a quarter. I should have guessed by his initial behavior that he was gonna launch into another thing.
He began going on about how he was single, and how he wished he had someone to give the bracelet to but he didn't. He then suddenly changed the topic asking if I played guitar. I should have gently sent him on his way and told him no, but for some reason my dumbass told him I did.
I play electric and acoustic. He then immediately got right up close and told me to get my guitar so he could play me a song. I politely declined, holding onto one of my kali sticks in case he didn't back off. He then got really pushy, walking me closer to the front door before I gave him a stern no and asked him for payment on the bracelet. He just smiled and handed me a pile of coins before going to grab his water jug and Walmart bag.
I didn't feel as threatened by this guy despite him being more invasive because I felt more prepared to deal with him. Despite his behavior, which I suspect had to do with drug use since meth/similar stumulants and their respective junkies are popular in my area, he wasn't aggressively walking toward me and backed off when I was firm unlike the first guy. I grew up around drug addicts because of my mom, so I know what the behavior is like, and I'm pretty sure this guy took something before heading out.
I later found out this same guy borderline harassed my neighbor and was actually pretty aggressive toward them. He was pushy, and threatened to "leave a note" on their door.
Anyway, there's my back to back weird encounters at a yard sale stories.
I decided to write this out for two reasons. One, to warn people about how weird people can be, especially in environments like yard and garage sales, and two, because writing things down and talking about it helps me process.
It didn't strike me until just an hour ago that the guy being weird on Friday (yesterday) possibly meant to do me harm, but my dog being there possibly prevented that.
submitted by AshKetchep to LetsReadOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:18 Stormcoming7 [F4M] Making a Monster Girl Tierlist with Your Writer Girlfriend [Goofy] [Nerdy] [Monster Girls] [Objectively Correct Opinions] [A Little Horny] [Okay Strike That Very Horny]

Intro: You’re in the middle of something pretty damn important when your girlfriend walks in. What does she want this time?
Summary: Speaker asks Listener a question, which leads into a long discussion.
Go ahead and monetize, it's fine. Word count is about 1700.
If you fill this or plan to fill this, please notify me. Please don't make edits without asking first.
Line breaks represent the listener talking or space where no one talks and should be short pauses, words within {brackets} represent the speaker’s tone or sfx. At ellipses, the speaker trails off, and at dashes, she is either cut off abruptly by the listener or by herself.
Author’s Note: So, before another long, emotional note ensues, let me just say: this is why I shouldn’t be allowed to write. This script right here. Back to the subject at hand, though, holy hell! I’ve hit a year! Yup, one year to the day since I posted my first script, and damn, what a journey it’s been. 43 scripts, which doesn’t sound like many but felt it, 198 fills at the time of this posting (so damn close!), a ton of friends made and fun projects worked on, and all of the chaos. I can’t bring myself to regret a second of it. For anyone reading this, thank you! Even if you choose to ignore this script and pass it by, just by reading this, you’ve become one of the people who makes this whole hobby of mine so rewarding. I’m genuinely, sincerely grateful for this little world I’ve found and all the fun I’ve had in it. To celebrate making it to a year, I think I’ll finally start working on some much-requested Part 2s. (Might even get back to Fangs, hopefully?) As always, to anyone who might see this, have a wonderful day, and keep kicking ass at whatever it is you need to do. You got this, buddy! (And now my Writer character, who I brought out in celebration and to EDUCATE y’all unwashed masses, shall go back into her little box until I hit another milestone. Don’t worry, she likes it in there.

If you want to read this somewhere other than Reddit, it's also here.
All right, honey, question for you:
Wha- yes, of course it’s important! Come on, do you really think I’d interrupt your… whatever this is for something less than absolutely crucial?
Well, I’m not. I really need to know your answer.
Right, here we go: Lamia. Smash or pass?
Yes I’m serious! This is necessary. I have to know whether you would bang a snake girl or not.
Don’t ask why, just answer the question.
No, no, I promise, this isn’t some kind of test or relationship trap. Believe me, I know you wouldn’t cheat on me with a lamia. And I’m not gonna judge you for it, I’ll be answering too.
{sigh} We’ve already gone over this. Just because I’m straight doesn’t mean I can’t get women. And at the very least, I have opinions on monsters.
Umm… Nooooo? I… haven’t spent excessive amounts of time contemplating the fuckability of different monster girls? That’s totally not a thing I would do- anyway, let’s just move on. I already asked you the question, I’m going to require an answer.
Uh-uh, no. You don’t get clarifying questions. Personality doesn’t matter, there are no extenuating circumstances. Just smash. Or pass.
Yeaaahhhh, that’s what I thought! Nice.
Oh, yeah, in a heartbeat, smash. I mean, was that even a question? Come on, she can coil you up…
Shush, you, there’s no need to bring that up now. Next question: arachne.
Did you really think I’d stop at one? We’re making a list.
Yes, we must. My apologies about your whatever this is, but it’s now a whatever this was.
Yes, thank you, I was planning that one. Took me a whole ten minutes to come up with it, I think I’m going to be using it a lot.
Yup! We are. Arachne, smash or pass. Remember to consider, she could tie you up…
Really? A pass on that? Your loss, I’m taking the smash.
Oh, I see how it is. You’d rather trap the spider in her own web? Interesting… Okay, so, since we disagreed, I’m putting her in B tier.
Yes, obviously I’m assembling a tier list. Again, was that even a question? I need to soapbox the objectively correct opinions into people, but I want some kind of visual aid to help me do so. Hence, tierlist. I thought I’d get your input because your opinions usually aren’t terrible, even if they’re not always as right as mine.
Shut up and take the compliment, don’t make me regret including you.
Hey! No! No turning this wholesome! We are being horny today, come on. Monster. Girl. Tier. List. Lamia obviously goes in S tier, because of course she does. Arachne in B tier, because I like her and you would like her without the tying up bit, correct?
Fantastic. Next: mermaid.
Really? You would?
I think you’ve been watching too many Disney movies, honey.
…Or reading too many Xanth books, okay. But like… no. She’d smell like dead fish.
Well, I never thought I’d hear the phrase “make the mermaid take a shower.” Congratulations, I think you just invented a new sentence.
You’re gonna want her high tier, aren’t you?
All right, how about this: since she can be made to smell better, she’s not instantly relegated to the bottom tiers, but since her default state is “smells like fish” and in a vacuum - which is how this is supposed to be considered - that’s what you’d be stuck with, she goes in C tier? Sound reasonable?
Hmm… okay, I like the thought, but no, having gills doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need to breathe, only that she can breathe in water. While on land, she’d still require just as much oxygen as a human. Maybe a little more, to support her particular… physiology.
Don’t look at me like that, as far as you know I’m talking about the tail.
Shut it. We’re agreed, mermaid in C. Next one is pretty obvious. Neko, Inu, Kitsune. I’m lumping these together because they’re basically the same, anyway.
Yeah, I figured. They’re just generically bangable, yeah? Couldn’t not go in A tier. Nothing much to say, there. Let’s move on to harpies. I’m gonna say it: smash.
No, no, think about it. She’s got wings, the feathers are gonna be soft, she’s probably pretty athletic from flying around all day, she doesn’t have a beak or anything crazy, I’m not seeing the downside here.
Okay, I’m hearing a lot about birds, but harpies aren’t birds. They’re bird girls. Surely the human half would win out over some of the more… grotesque avian instincts. She’d be clean.
That’s… all right, look, mermaid went in C tier, and that debate was basically the same. C for harpy?
Fantastic, I can live with it also. Maybe we’ll come back, but for now, how about centaur? Now, personally, I’d be willing to try, but I can understand why you might be… somewhat reluctant.
I- ooh, yeah. Either way that goes, it’s not so good for you. I’m guessing you want D tier?
All right, F feels a little excessive. Consider the human half.
Look, I know you’re thinking about it. There’s gotta be some way to make it work, right?
Really? Adamant on that? Well, I’m putting her in D tier anyway. Still not great, but at least I’m willing to try.
Oh, shush, it’s my tier list. You get input when you’re not wrong.
Uh, excuse me, we’ve established that my opinions are the objectively correct ones here. On to dragon girls!
Umm… yes? Dragon in human form, with just a few draconic features. Horns, probably wings, a few patches of scales-
Damn, that was forceful. S tier, then?
I’m gonna have to agree. She’s a dragon. We should all aspire to be Donkey.
I mean, I’m sure there’s a lot of reasons that sums up, I’m just not taking the time to elaborate on them at the moment. “She’s a dragon” is enough for me.
I concur. Now, what haven’t we gone though… Hmm, lamia, arachne, mermaid, neko, inu, kitsune, harpy, centaur, dragon…
Ooh, that’s a good one! Succubus. Well, not sure she exactly counts as a monster girl, but close enough. And all right, since you asked first, I think I’m gonna say pass.
Excuse me, I happen to like my soul where it is. It might be beat-up and dingy, but it’s mine, dammit.
Okay, no, obviously if she didn’t take my soul, automatic S tier. I mean, come on, an actual demon of lust? Hell, yeah- literally! But she probably takes my soul. Most versions of succubi I’ve read about do this thing.
We’re not talking about the books I read, we’re talking about the monster. And look, I assume you like your soul, too?
As I thought. So how about a compromise? Since she’s a conditional smash, B tier?
C is what we went with for the previous compromises, yeah, but come on. I don’t need my soul that badly.
Wonderful! B it is. In the vein of succubus, how about a vampire?
How dare you. Imagine relegating a Dark Lady, Mistress of the Night, all-powerful vampire Queen to “spicy human.”
No, I know you’re not wrong! That’s the worst part!
Look, A tier, that’s my final offer. Take it or leave it.
Good, then.
God, what’s left? I feel like we’ve run through a lot. Oh! We did vampire, we have to do werewolf, yeah? Smash or pass.
As I figured. No matter how the shapeshifting works, she always at least has a human form, and I’d bet quite a lot that headpats and “good girl” carry over.
Well I know I’d like ‘em, whichever form I was in, if that helps.
Hey hey hey, calm down there. We need to finish this list without any werewolf-related distractions, come on.
I told you, I require a visual aid! For soapboxing! So I’ll have to write all this down… later. Eh, I’ll do it later. I probably won’t forget. Now, what other kinds of monster are there? Slime? Have we done slime?
Ah, perfect.
…I’m gonna say no, not an acidic one. I would’ve thought that’d be obvious, but I understand why you felt you had to ask. Nothing melty, just slime.
Really? Still that low? You don’t think it’d feel good at all?
Okay, so it’d be a little messy. Whatever! It couldn’t be that bad to clean up.
…Why do you know that.
No no no, why do you know how hard this situation would be to… sanitize? Inquiring minds want to know. I’m very curious.
All right… but we’re coming back to that later. I will find out what secrets you’re keeping from me about sticky things.
Of course I will. But later. A lot of things, later. So, D tier? You sure?
All right, fair enough. I had some other ideas, but nothing super relevant in that context. In that kind of vein, though… eldritch.
No, no, consider: tentacles.
You’re not considering hard enough. Tentacles.
Keep thinking about it, it’ll grow on you.
I- all right, yes, my mind might collapse into madness, but that’s supposed to happen anyway if it’s good enough, right?
{laughing} All right, all right, kidding! Put that down!
Menacing me with a pillow is rude, I hope you know. So I take it you’re not a fan of insanity?
Yeah… I suppose if you can’t enjoy it, there’s no point.
Really? F tier?
Okay, I can see that. I suppose we needed something in there, anyway. And that’s pretty good, fourteen monsters and only one in F? Sounds pretty objectively correct to me.
This is the only time Princess Bride quotes aren’t applicable, honey. Don’t you dare.
…You said it. You weren’t supposed to say it.
Take it back, I absolutely know what I’m talking about! Do I need to soapbox you first? I’ll harangue if I have to. Are you prepared for that, you unwashed mass, you?
Hey hey hey! That was not the time for a dirty joke, I- ohhhh. Okay. I’ll admit, that’s clever. Never do it again, but it was clever.
Wait, wha- what now?
Uh, lamia and dragon were the only two, I think, why?
Whaddya mean, “make me feel like one of them,” I’m not particularly reptilian?
I- wait, what? I’m not sure I count as S tier…
Wait, how could you- OH-
submitted by Stormcoming7 to talkingtalltales [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:17 Stormcoming7 [F4M] Making a Monster Girl Tierlist with Your Writer Girlfriend [Goofy] [Nerdy] [Monster Girls] [Objectively Correct Opinions] [A Little Horny] [Okay Strike That Very Horny]

Intro: You’re in the middle of something pretty damn important when your girlfriend walks in. What does she want this time?
Summary: Speaker asks Listener a question, which leads into a long discussion.
Go ahead and monetize, it's fine. Word count is about 1700.
If you fill this or plan to fill this, please notify me. Please don't make edits without asking first.
Line breaks represent the listener talking or space where no one talks and should be short pauses, words within {brackets} represent the speaker’s tone or sfx. At ellipses, the speaker trails off, and at dashes, she is either cut off abruptly by the listener or by herself.
Author’s Note: So, before another long, emotional note ensues, let me just say: this is why I shouldn’t be allowed to write. This script right here. Back to the subject at hand, though, holy hell! I’ve hit a year! Yup, one year to the day since I posted my first script, and damn, what a journey it’s been. 43 scripts, which doesn’t sound like many but felt it, 198 fills at the time of this posting (so damn close!), a ton of friends made and fun projects worked on, and all of the chaos. I can’t bring myself to regret a second of it. For anyone reading this, thank you! Even if you choose to ignore this script and pass it by, just by reading this, you’ve become one of the people who makes this whole hobby of mine so rewarding. I’m genuinely, sincerely grateful for this little world I’ve found and all the fun I’ve had in it. To celebrate making it to a year, I think I’ll finally start working on some much-requested Part 2s. (Might even get back to Fangs, hopefully?) As always, to anyone who might see this, have a wonderful day, and keep kicking ass at whatever it is you need to do. You got this, buddy! (And now my Writer character, who I brought out in celebration and to EDUCATE y’all unwashed masses, shall go back into her little box until I hit another milestone. Don’t worry, she likes it in there.
If you want to read this somewhere other than Reddit, it's also here.

All right, honey, question for you:
Wha- yes, of course it’s important! Come on, do you really think I’d interrupt your… whatever this is for something less than absolutely crucial?
Well, I’m not. I really need to know your answer.
Right, here we go: Lamia. Smash or pass?
Yes I’m serious! This is necessary. I have to know whether you would bang a snake girl or not.
Don’t ask why, just answer the question.
No, no, I promise, this isn’t some kind of test or relationship trap. Believe me, I know you wouldn’t cheat on me with a lamia. And I’m not gonna judge you for it, I’ll be answering too.
{sigh} We’ve already gone over this. Just because I’m straight doesn’t mean I can’t get women. And at the very least, I have opinions on monsters.
Umm… Nooooo? I… haven’t spent excessive amounts of time contemplating the fuckability of different monster girls? That’s totally not a thing I would do- anyway, let’s just move on. I already asked you the question, I’m going to require an answer.
Uh-uh, no. You don’t get clarifying questions. Personality doesn’t matter, there are no extenuating circumstances. Just smash. Or pass.
Yeaaahhhh, that’s what I thought! Nice.
Oh, yeah, in a heartbeat, smash. I mean, was that even a question? Come on, she can coil you up…
Shush, you, there’s no need to bring that up now. Next question: arachne.
Did you really think I’d stop at one? We’re making a list.
Yes, we must. My apologies about your whatever this is, but it’s now a whatever this was.
Yes, thank you, I was planning that one. Took me a whole ten minutes to come up with it, I think I’m going to be using it a lot.
Yup! We are. Arachne, smash or pass. Remember to consider, she could tie you up…
Really? A pass on that? Your loss, I’m taking the smash.
Oh, I see how it is. You’d rather trap the spider in her own web? Interesting… Okay, so, since we disagreed, I’m putting her in B tier.
Yes, obviously I’m assembling a tier list. Again, was that even a question? I need to soapbox the objectively correct opinions into people, but I want some kind of visual aid to help me do so. Hence, tierlist. I thought I’d get your input because your opinions usually aren’t terrible, even if they’re not always as right as mine.
Shut up and take the compliment, don’t make me regret including you.
Hey! No! No turning this wholesome! We are being horny today, come on. Monster. Girl. Tier. List. Lamia obviously goes in S tier, because of course she does. Arachne in B tier, because I like her and you would like her without the tying up bit, correct?
Fantastic. Next: mermaid.
Really? You would?
I think you’ve been watching too many Disney movies, honey.
…Or reading too many Xanth books, okay. But like… no. She’d smell like dead fish.
Well, I never thought I’d hear the phrase “make the mermaid take a shower.” Congratulations, I think you just invented a new sentence.
You’re gonna want her high tier, aren’t you?
All right, how about this: since she can be made to smell better, she’s not instantly relegated to the bottom tiers, but since her default state is “smells like fish” and in a vacuum - which is how this is supposed to be considered - that’s what you’d be stuck with, she goes in C tier? Sound reasonable?
Hmm… okay, I like the thought, but no, having gills doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need to breathe, only that she can breathe in water. While on land, she’d still require just as much oxygen as a human. Maybe a little more, to support her particular… physiology.
Don’t look at me like that, as far as you know I’m talking about the tail.
Shut it. We’re agreed, mermaid in C. Next one is pretty obvious. Neko, Inu, Kitsune. I’m lumping these together because they’re basically the same, anyway.
Yeah, I figured. They’re just generically bangable, yeah? Couldn’t not go in A tier. Nothing much to say, there. Let’s move on to harpies. I’m gonna say it: smash.
No, no, think about it. She’s got wings, the feathers are gonna be soft, she’s probably pretty athletic from flying around all day, she doesn’t have a beak or anything crazy, I’m not seeing the downside here.
Okay, I’m hearing a lot about birds, but harpies aren’t birds. They’re bird girls. Surely the human half would win out over some of the more… grotesque avian instincts. She’d be clean.
That’s… all right, look, mermaid went in C tier, and that debate was basically the same. C for harpy?
Fantastic, I can live with it also. Maybe we’ll come back, but for now, how about centaur? Now, personally, I’d be willing to try, but I can understand why you might be… somewhat reluctant.
I- ooh, yeah. Either way that goes, it’s not so good for you. I’m guessing you want D tier?
All right, F feels a little excessive. Consider the human half.
Look, I know you’re thinking about it. There’s gotta be some way to make it work, right?
Really? Adamant on that? Well, I’m putting her in D tier anyway. Still not great, but at least I’m willing to try.
Oh, shush, it’s my tier list. You get input when you’re not wrong.
Uh, excuse me, we’ve established that my opinions are the objectively correct ones here. On to dragon girls!
Umm… yes? Dragon in human form, with just a few draconic features. Horns, probably wings, a few patches of scales-
Damn, that was forceful. S tier, then?
I’m gonna have to agree. She’s a dragon. We should all aspire to be Donkey.
I mean, I’m sure there’s a lot of reasons that sums up, I’m just not taking the time to elaborate on them at the moment. “She’s a dragon” is enough for me.
I concur. Now, what haven’t we gone though… Hmm, lamia, arachne, mermaid, neko, inu, kitsune, harpy, centaur, dragon…
Ooh, that’s a good one! Succubus. Well, not sure she exactly counts as a monster girl, but close enough. And all right, since you asked first, I think I’m gonna say pass.
Excuse me, I happen to like my soul where it is. It might be beat-up and dingy, but it’s mine, dammit.
Okay, no, obviously if she didn’t take my soul, automatic S tier. I mean, come on, an actual demon of lust? Hell, yeah- literally! But she probably takes my soul. Most versions of succubi I’ve read about do this thing.
We’re not talking about the books I read, we’re talking about the monster. And look, I assume you like your soul, too?
As I thought. So how about a compromise? Since she’s a conditional smash, B tier?
C is what we went with for the previous compromises, yeah, but come on. I don’t need my soul that badly.
Wonderful! B it is. In the vein of succubus, how about a vampire?
How dare you. Imagine relegating a Dark Lady, Mistress of the Night, all-powerful vampire Queen to “spicy human.”
No, I know you’re not wrong! That’s the worst part!
Look, A tier, that’s my final offer. Take it or leave it.
Good, then.
God, what’s left? I feel like we’ve run through a lot. Oh! We did vampire, we have to do werewolf, yeah? Smash or pass.
As I figured. No matter how the shapeshifting works, she always at least has a human form, and I’d bet quite a lot that headpats and “good girl” carry over.
Well I know I’d like ‘em, whichever form I was in, if that helps.
Hey hey hey, calm down there. We need to finish this list without any werewolf-related distractions, come on.
I told you, I require a visual aid! For soapboxing! So I’ll have to write all this down… later. Eh, I’ll do it later. I probably won’t forget. Now, what other kinds of monster are there? Slime? Have we done slime?
Ah, perfect.
…I’m gonna say no, not an acidic one. I would’ve thought that’d be obvious, but I understand why you felt you had to ask. Nothing melty, just slime.
Really? Still that low? You don’t think it’d feel good at all?
Okay, so it’d be a little messy. Whatever! It couldn’t be that bad to clean up.
…Why do you know that.
No no no, why do you know how hard this situation would be to… sanitize? Inquiring minds want to know. I’m very curious.
All right… but we’re coming back to that later. I will find out what secrets you’re keeping from me about sticky things.
Of course I will. But later. A lot of things, later. So, D tier? You sure?
All right, fair enough. I had some other ideas, but nothing super relevant in that context. In that kind of vein, though… eldritch.
No, no, consider: tentacles.
You’re not considering hard enough. Tentacles.
Keep thinking about it, it’ll grow on you.
I- all right, yes, my mind might collapse into madness, but that’s supposed to happen anyway if it’s good enough, right?
{laughing} All right, all right, kidding! Put that down!
Menacing me with a pillow is rude, I hope you know. So I take it you’re not a fan of insanity?
Yeah… I suppose if you can’t enjoy it, there’s no point.
Really? F tier?
Okay, I can see that. I suppose we needed something in there, anyway. And that’s pretty good, fourteen monsters and only one in F? Sounds pretty objectively correct to me.
This is the only time Princess Bride quotes aren’t applicable, honey. Don’t you dare.
…You said it. You weren’t supposed to say it.
Take it back, I absolutely know what I’m talking about! Do I need to soapbox you first? I’ll harangue if I have to. Are you prepared for that, you unwashed mass, you?
Hey hey hey! That was not the time for a dirty joke, I- ohhhh. Okay. I’ll admit, that’s clever. Never do it again, but it was clever.
Wait, wha- what now?
Uh, lamia and dragon were the only two, I think, why?
Whaddya mean, “make me feel like one of them,” I’m not particularly reptilian?
I- wait, what? I’m not sure I count as S tier…
Wait, how could you- OH-
submitted by Stormcoming7 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:59 VRisingRP VRisingRP - Advanced Character Creation

We wanted to write about the more advanced character creation that our players on VRisingRP will be using in the near future when we officially launch!
The aspects creation can be important to forwarding and crafting a story that truly grips yourself and other players around you. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
  1. What is your characters motivation?
  2. What is their personality like and how does it link into their motivation?
  3. How can you make some unique quirks and traits to make them pop, can you use game mechanics for this?
  4. Do they have a favored weapon, profession or purpose?
Lets start with motivation, do you want your character to have a specific motivation or would you prefer they had a general motivation?
Neither version is wrong, sometimes generic motivations can build your character and help you flesh out any traits you wish to have where as a specific motivation can often tunnel vision you, this is great for characters that have a single goal of pushing a specific line of story. Some common motivations are things such as Power, Territory and Dominance over their kin and humankind. Where as some specific motivations could be to topple the Church of Luminance and their grip on the human lives that live within their realm, or opening a tavern for your fellow kin to enjoy the finest blood in all the land!
Next their personality, this one can go as deep as you like and it can link lovely into different motivations of your character!
A tavern type character would look to build relationships with other bloodlines/clans/houses, attempting to tempt them in with the promise of a lovely time, an awesome place for roleplay and stories to flourish while also giving a point of interest to new players/characters!
Unique traits and quirks, such as speech can really bind your character together, do they have an old speech dialect? Only use honorees for their kin such as Sir, Master, Lord, Lady and such. This can charm many characters into trusting and enjoying your company as you give them the respect they may feel they deserve, maybe your character removes such titles for those they dislike and wish to disrespect in the presence of others?
And now, maybe your character doesn't use weapons at all, they only engage in unarmed combat with both their own kin and humans. It may make you weaker but your magic and claws often carry you to the highest levels of combat!
Want to join us to share the character and story you've created? Then join our Discord here!
submitted by VRisingRP to vrising [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:51 peanutbutterandjulie Does picking up Adderall from a specific pharmacy affect its efficacy for you personally?

I have been on generic Adderall 25mg XR for about 10 years so far. I usually pick up my Adderall from Walmart because they usually have it in stock, but had to switch to CVS this time because it was back ordered at Walmart. I’ve never had an issue like this before but I can’t even tell that it’s working. Could this be because Walmart gets it from a different manufacturer? How do I find out which manufacturer supplies which med to which pharmacy? If it’s not the meds, what other reason could it be?
I’m curious to hear others experiences and thoughts on the matter, particularly on how others are dealing with their ADHD in the midst of the Adderall shortage. Thank you!
submitted by peanutbutterandjulie to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:54 murder__poet Oops! I dropped my magic item! (Part 15) [Only one item but its over the top]

Was hoping for a clean 100 souls but have 75 instead. Maybe the last 25 can be filled with other DM's/Party's ideas/adventures. I like something unfinished, honestly.
There's some obvious influence/thievery from OSR heavy hitters in here but I've attempted to keep it at a minimum just to inch my way to a clean 75 since 100 is proving troublesome. And honestly I've forgotten where some of these stolen/restructured ideas have come from. Feel free to credit link any so others can know their great works.
(e.g. P. Stuart, D. Selle, Coins and Scrolls, Goblin Punch, Vivien Feasson, S. Princess, Z. Cox/B. Brown, B. Milton, L. Rejec, P. Nilsson)
I doubt all the aforementioned are present in this list but I just wanna cover bases and/or call out incredible minds and effort in the hobby who I've really enjoyed. Call out any unlisted if you please. Credit where credit is due.
Edit: Whoof, formatting again
Edit 2: Cant change some numeration here it seems. Sub-traits are counted as independent entries. Italicized and emboldened sub-traits to help differentiate.
The Stilletto of The Imperator Scum (Trident)
On an (un)natural 20, consume a soul randomly from the table activating its effect, removing it from the table permanently
On a (un)natural 1, the target dies immediately and is resurrected as an undead. Pores on its body explode with rapid growth fungus and it’s health, and spell slots if applicable, are restored to their maximums. Their soul then becomes one with The Stiletto and is added to the table.
Soul of the…:
  1. Ardent Giant - +2d6 dmg. to your attacks towards the target. Change the weather to which you desire
  2. Befouler - target fucking stinks, if within 15ft Con. Sav 12 every round to keep from vomiting.
  3. Gnarled Oak - that target lives the life of a tree in an instant. Witnessing love of child and pet. They see the first kiss of young love with the tip of the blade within their trunk declaring theirs eternal. They bear the burden of parenthood, choked with a child’s swing. The same swing their groom or bride will swing on, in remembrance, decades later. A generation of someones else’s life wears on them in the span of seconds. T
    1. Take 1d4 dmg. from the blade
    2. -2 Wis. as the dog pisses on them (1min duration)
    3. 3d8 dmg. as their branches are cut for a treehouse
    4. They will fall asleep in winter temperatures unable to wake up
    5. As long as their corpse touches soil they will resurrect in unspecified time
    6. If the target is killed within a city (soil or not) they will die sobbing with such penetrating sobbing. Within a mile radius, it lowers all CHA and WIS scores within range by 2 for 24hrs.
  4. Devil - the target’s eyes wash with color and your reflection is upside down. They provide you a contract/offer that is too good to pass up. You literally can’t resist it but it’s also a really great deal. Other than the fact that your soul is lost at failure of completion. Unless the killing blow dealt to the Devil is holy damage, they arrive at The Nine Hells to bide their time before they continue their cursed bargains upon the mortal realm.
  5. Claviger - The target is compelled to open the nearest door. If not the door, then box/barrel, chest, bag, pocket. Consume their next action. If the object doesn't open, spend each preceding action until it does.
  6. Scion of the Slithering Soil - the target embodies the nameless soul of a god-fearing priest of Mi-Shao-Shur. Dedicated fully to Serpentine Ascension by committing acts of gratuitous depravity. They become a beacon for the resurrection of Mi-Shao-Shur by consuming their own flesh, restoring their health to its maximum. Revealing underneath their now-true serpentine forms. Their intelligence increases by 4 and from their mouths can cast the Poison Spray cantrip. The target can now communicate with nearby creatures and convince them to do their bidding.
  7. Exploding Toad - target explodes. Dex Sav 13 or take 5d6 fire dmg.
  8. Dwarf - target becomes one. Genderless. Immune to all compulsions that play on a desire for sex. No sexual organs. Instead of urinating you excrete waste through sweating, explaining the odor.
  9. Tahlia - the target’s soul becomes trapped on the most worthless item on their person that isn’t a weapon or armor. Their body begins to thrash and scream mindlessly. Bodies are full of life and feelings but suffer the penultimate separation anxiety from the soul. The terrified shell will attempt to consume the item worth most to someone nearby with supernatural capacity. If they do so, your item is lost forever and the target becomes whole once more, restoring full health.
  10. PorteBasin Filler - Nothing satiates the target’s desire to serve, will seek out more and more challenging tasks for such a talented valet
  11. Abhorrer - target is unable to be targeted with any malice. The hate within you boils still but physically you are unable to be anything but be cordial and polite to the target. The creature knows every law and obeys them. It will use the law (if there is any) to destroy you.
  12. Cannibal Critic - target is no longer able to communicate in normal language. Of their cursed race the target can only howl bestial war cries of generic criticism. And hastily consume flesh. Successfully answering a question can cause the target to pause and grunt in reflection before screaming another random question.
  13. Dragonborn - If the dmg. dealt is to a non-dragonborn creature then the creature takes dmg. from their innate breath weapon, held within glands of which no non-dragonborn is prepared. 6d6 acid and poison dmg as their insides boil with draconic bile.
  14. Gargoyle - FUCK BIIIIIRRRRRRRRDSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Duergar - roll a d2 to Enlarge/Reduce target. Acquire sensitivity to sunlight regardless.
  16. Untermensch - the target’s muscles atrophy and their mind begins to falter as all of their ability scores reduce to 8. If one of their scores is less than 8 it does not rise to 8. Apply a -2 mod. to every dice rolled. The only thing of which they can be relied upon is to either fail or clumsily execute every task.
  17. Drow - target adheres to a woman’s word almost unwillingly and acquires sensitivity to sunlight. Incessantly mutters consequence for someone under their breath for whom they despise.
  18. Githzerai - target casts Plane Shift unwittingly on self.
  19. Bedlam Bird - The target knows when it is being looked at. The target loses all alliances and registers as “Evil” to spells and senses that detect such. It is compelled to commit pranks that are utterly fucked.
  20. Wizard - Your weapon moves through the air at your exact command. Gains Antimagic Susceptibility. Lasts 2 min.
  21. Azer - The target’s head ignites, it’s skull a torchlight shining bright light in a 15ft radius and dim light for an additional 10ft. It cannot be put out with water. The target takes 1d8 per round for 3 rounds.
  22. Banshee - the target casts Wail. All within 30 ft. (including target) Con sav 13 or drop to 0 HP. On a success 3d6 psychic dmg. After the Wail, the target goes mute as their vocal cords are stretched to leather and can only emit a poor whine if exhaustion.
  23. Androsphinx - The target’s body explodes and from within erupts a Heroes’ Feast. The depleted carcass turning into a gorgeous royal table spread.
  24. Basilisk - Bestowed upon the target is a basilisk’s Petrifying Gaze.
  25. Revenant - The target will rise as a Revenant 48 hrs after it’s death for the one who killed it.
  26. Cat - The target has to be killed 8 more times.
  27. Eigengrau - The target loses all memories from the last 24 hours
  28. Zoanthrop - Target strips naked. Immune to all mind altering effects.
  29. Wizard Hunter - Do you cast spells? You’re FUCKED.
  30. Wild Magic Sorcerer - Roll 3 times on the Wild Magic table. All within 60ft radius are affected by the wild magic emanating from the target
  31. Unseen Servant - Target turns invisible. Acts upon every command you give to it flawlessly. Limited only by its ability scores (they don’t change). Loses ability to speak or think for itself. Will not be around whenever you wake up from your next period of sleep.
  32. Nabassu - target acquires a soul stealing gaze, anyone to look at the target must make a DC 16 Cha saving throw or reduce its maximum hit points by 13 permanently
  33. Giant Squid - the target, upon this successful attack and when panicked or fleeing, squirts copious amounts of ink from their eyes, nose and mouth. Mixed with blood because that’s not supposed to happen, 1d8 dmg. with each use
  34. Werewolf - the target shreds their outer layer of skin revealing blood soaked fur underneath, taking the form of a werewolf and using a werewolf’s stats, with their skin they also shed any physical and mental conditions
  35. Gazer - the target gains the Gazer’s ability to mimic any simple sounds of speech in any language, with the target’s weak eyes it casts Dazing Ray and Fear Ray on itself and collapses into a depressive slump on the floor, screaming in fear in the last voice it heard, unable to flee
  36. Virgin - the target becomes the crucial object in the ritual of the nearest carnal, gluttonous, murderous or heretical cult for their petty god, monster or demon of chosen worship. What will their death summon?
  37. Nupperibo - the target acquires an insatiable hunger consuming any organic material within reach and easy enough to chew if no living opponent is within 30 ft. If the target attacks or is attacked by a living mortal then it can track that opponent flawlessly as it hungers for its flesh. Greater meals or death will cause it to leave you alone
  38. Phoenix - the target explodes and each creature within 60ft must make a DC20 dex save, taking 4d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The explosion destroys the target's body and leaves behind an egg shaped cinder that weighs 5 pounds. The cinder is lukewarm seeing as the target isn’t an actual phoenix. It is not immune to anything seeing as the target isn’t an actual phoenix. After 1d6 days, it hatches into an infant of whatever race the target was.
  39. Oblex - target becomes amorphous if it isn’t already. Unfamiliar with it’s new form the target slumps into a pile of ooze unable to move, eat or breathe.
  40. Gauth - the target begins to float into the air uncontrollably. With fewer eyes than the Gauth the target is blessed with only Pushing Ray and Sleep Ray, both of which it casts on itself, as it floats snoring into the clouds
  41. Bullywug - the target becomes so repulsive that nature itself will reward you for its demise. If or when the target is killed you are healed to your maximum and your Con. increases by 1. It will be difficult though, because the target can talk to frogs and loves lording their power over you and has absolutely no shame. They immediately give themselves a shitty title that means nothing and will love talking about how every swamp ever is theirs to rule. Oh and they fucking reek, if you get within 10ft you’ll vomit automatically and uncontrollably
  42. Hivemind - the target’s spinal cord vibrates and emits pheromones to call any swarming creatures (rats, insects, birds, etc.) nearby into a frenzy causing them to fall into chaotic bloodlust and whomever the target chooses
  43. Modron - the target loses all mercy and remorse and will fight for their current objective even putting their own lives at risk. The target becomes immune to mind-affecting, emotion-affecting, and magic that draws upon the Positive Energy or the Negative Energy plane. You could quell its pursuit if something with 4 sides or more was able to give orders for it to stop.
  44. Obliviax - you must make a con. save (DC 12) or else the target eats your memory of the last 24hrs and heals for d20+4 health. If you fail, you also lose 1 spell slot if you have one to lose and forget 1 spell randomly, if you know any, each for 24 hours. If you save they still heal as all they have to eat are things that you know but forgot you knew, like that play you really liked that one time
  45. Strandvaskaren - the target is infected with the soul of one who drowned at sea but the waters preserved him in the inch worm gap between life and death and they float neither alive nor dead. The target feels heavy, cold, lungs weak, aware but able to move. The pressure of uncharted waters sits heavy on their chest and their strength is reduced by half rounded down.
  46. Impartial Anima - the target solely relies on a pair of wolf bone dice (or another pair of dice if those go missing) to tell them how to make decisions. 1-10 is a no or negative response. 11-20 is a yes or positive response.
  47. Adventuring Party - the target grows a magnificent mustache as steel armor sprouts from their skin and their hands glow with arcane magicks. Their pockets grow fat with religious symbols as a toddler’s diaper would when it’s stomach is upset. Or when it’s angry. Or even flirty. You sense a celestial presence hover over them as they grip their newly found sword and bow they are obviously skilled at using. You thought you had a fair amount of gold to possibly bribe them with but you realize you walk with a lighter step and at their feet your valuable currency lies in a burlap sack
  48. Seraphim - the target knows nothing but their own feelings and nothing worth nothing ever came out of a book. The only true things, now, are feelings. Anyone who attempts to attack it must save or hesitate in it’s presence. The environment around the target begins to convert into things beautiful and pure. Roll d4
  49. All metal within 50ft turns to gold
  50. The target bleeds from sacred stigmata and the blood turns to rose petals as it falls
  51. Grows wings and if already winged they are instead, actually, held aloft by a flock of doves
  52. They lose their clothing and double in size as their skin turns alabaster white and they wear only a ribbon
  53. Animated Barrel - the target attempts to grapple the nearest opponent and once successful begins to throw itself against walls, down stairs and out windows; enjoying the process. The target takes half damage while the opponent grappled takes double.
  54. Panther - the target speaks all languages and becomes evil (if not already), honorable and utterly merciless. Will chat up it’s victims or give them a head start before murdering them.
  55. Djinn - the target is imprisoned in the nearest vessel and must do their best to fulfill 3 requests for the one who frees them. They are given no additional power to accomplish this.
  56. Barnyard Chimera - the target's head bends backwards horrifically making room for it to grow the heads of a cow, pig and goat. It grows the tails of a goose that spews blinding shit. When killed it splits open, spilling out 3d6 featherless, bloody chickens with red eyes and sharp talons. It runs on malformed horse legs speaking but only repetitious mindless phrases. "How about that weather, huh?" "Well, let's finish up and then have supper." "Aw hell, she's coming out breech."
  57. Psychopomp - the target will become a guide/beacon for one of the hostile souls devoured by The Imperator Scum resurrecting it and freeing it from the trident.
  58. Bell Dragger - the target is imbued with the soul of a wronged martyr. Their eyes go sickly white and they walk on their hands and knees dragging them to bloody stumps. Solely focused on the path to the afterlife, they will forever crawl until they find it. But Bell Draggers are both the summoners and chariot horses for death’s arrival. She will arrive soon.
  59. Watch Lark - the target blooms a random amount of additional eyes all across their face above the nose. They can see through thick foliage and thin walls and all attacks have disadvantage on them as they always see you coming. Disadvantage against being blinded.
  60. Remorhaz - the target’s stomach bubbles a heated secretion that spills from their mouth. The heat from both their mouth and body is strong enough to melt any nonmagical metals. 2d20 dmg. for every turn spent within 5ft of them. The bile is useful to alchemists in making heat related magical items. The target also becomes highly resistant to magic.
  61. Arolohnso, Petty God of Labyrinths - the target using 3 fingers on each hand encircles themself drawing angular, snaking lines in the soil around them. Creating an elaborate maze of which they are the end. The borders drawn become invisible, impenetrable walls that protect them from all things but protect the target of their wrath from nothing. To reach the target, and make them vulnerable, you must draw a line through their maze solving it.
  62. White Lion - the target becomes a Queen/King of a fallen kingdom. No serfs nor servants to pretend to care for them. They’re safer now than they’ve ever been (at least from the dangers of someone else’s hands). Their name and legend and royal blood is all lost to a land that has no gods nor masters any longer. Roll for effect:
  63. They take their life as all of their worth was found in their property. Either by claw, royal dagger or casting themselves off a cliff or into the ocean, etc.
  64. Their crimes as Queen/King are unforgivable and heirs to the wronged will appear behind the target and murder them in cold blood
  65. The conquering challenger to their name/bloodline appears and disembowels them splashing you with their old, freshly-poor blood. They are an unpersuadable antagonist and the target is a pathetic remnants of a now dead kingdom
  66. You are the new Queen/King. To a country side, people and riches unknown. When you find your kingdom your blood will lead you to wine and fresh fruit. The throne will be warm for your arrival. The target feels their royal blood leave them and they become desperate to drink it fresh from your veins to maintain their deific right. Their hostility is doubled.
  67. The Whisperer - Trees whisper. The noise is low, tectonic, incomprehensible. Dial tone static bleeding through the vines of the deepest holts and groves. Spirits dance and gather around antler crowned gods who rule the brazen forest. Soft sounds bloom to life. Elves who hear this music sing to it wringing melodies from the resonances of the treesong. The target collapses into a sobbing heap. They are being wrung dry (poetically) from the beauty of the woodsong. When you’ve obtained comprehension of such extravagant, egoless harmonies what petty life squabble is worth donating your energy towards? The target cares not for your childish conflict any longer. They are possessed by the inability to remember the words to such an old song. One they recognize but do not remember. You can’t help them. They are no ally but no enemy. Pain cures all curses of the mind, though. Do not fetter them with continuing aggression lest you help them lose their place. If so, their hostility will quadruple.
  68. Brave Explorer - the target has a distaste for the beaten path. So much so that it is unable to repeat any action, starting from this effect, becoming more and more unpredictable over time.
  69. Leper - the target’s flesh becomes warped and scaly becoming an offense to your gaze. You can barely look upon them without vomiting on yourself. Unwilling to project your bile in any direction less it crosses your gaze once more. The Target gains expertise on stealth checks both active and passive. DC 14 Con save to resist puking at the sight of them. Once you succeed a check, remain immune to their image for 24 hrs.
  70. Antithetical Spirit - the target’s emotional attachment for the world and its inhabitants become reversed to their present disposition. Do they hate you? Now they love you. Do they want to kill you? Now they want to fuck you. Do they want to eliminate everything you love and make you watch? Now they will kill everything you love in tribute to your limitless beauty and knowledge. Careful how you treat people.
  71. Chadwick - the target is just...un-fucking-bearable to listen to. When they say your name it feels dirty afterwards and you just want to wash your parent’s mouths after the fact. They go on about bird calls as if they don’t have to take a breath to keep going. The target becomes an energy vampire and drains you of any optimism you have for the day and all you want is for this goon to go back to their home to watch the paint dry and not inform you of the oxygen reacting to the resin causing polymerisation of the paint leading to it’s lack of sheen once it’s settled. The rage in you is that equal to a Berserker and you gain the Frenzy trait. But you also suffer the effects of the Slow spell until you save on a Wis DC 15 at the start of your turn or kill the target.
  72. Johann Smiff - the target immediately becomes a stranger to you and anyone who can see them. Their face and identity are so familiar and on the tip of your tongue but sooner to become dismissed as deja vu then remembered. They know who they are. But they are a face in the crowd before anything else to you. The one you knew them to be still exists in your mind but it is certainly not the target. The effect will wear off after the next long rest.
  73. Bay Dolphin - saltwater, freshwater, the target can breathe in either and requires one or the other to do so at all. The target remains highly intelligent, as dolphins are, and retains it’s motor skills and muscle memory. The target will rush to find itself a suitable environment to be able to breathe once more, as a blowhole begins to peer open upon their scalp, but will be able to do so without panic for several minutes. Once they get into the water their constitution and dexterity both become 20 and they are immune to fear.
  74. Atticus Aurelius - the target is imbued with the soul of a famed gladiator from several eras passed. Skilled with any weapon as Atticus was, the target becomes proficient with all physical weapons (improvised or not). Able to command the applause of an audience at the drop of his helmet. If a crowd surrounds you (of any humanoid, undead/constructs or not) the target can command them to boo you and your allies causing you to suffer from the effects of Bane. Or they may cheer the target applying the effects of Bless. No saves. If the audience is unsatisfied at a poor showing or cheating habits their boos and riot will suppress you further applying the effects of Slow. Put on an absolute banger of a show with flourish and skill and their cheers will apply the effects of Haste. No saves.
  75. Jäegerjog - the target’s soul becomes the one born to die at your hand. Sewn into the never ending tapestry of time it is their fate to perish by your influence alone. They know it though you may not. They also know everything about you and they have advantage against you in every aspect as you suffer disadvantage in every reflective aspect. They also can’t be killed by anyone but you.
  76. Dracolich - the target becomes an unwilling phylactery of an ancient Dracolich. Watch the skies…
  77. Rook - the target and all who can see them become one within The Parliament. Each individual is now on trial and must provide a story to be judged by their peers. As the anecdotes unfold more and more blackbirds will arrive and encircle the lot of you to listen in. At the DM’s discretion the one who told the least captivating tale will be pecked to death by the encircling birds, and attacked by any affected N/PC, for 15d10 dmg before they flutter off. No save can be made less you reveal yourself as an outsider and ally yourself with the guilty. (WIS DC 14 for the most rebellious of you). Any shiny trinkets you can throw within the circle will decrease the DC by 1.
  78. Nymph - the target becomes a beacon of inequitable beauty. Their form becomes statuesque to each individual who gaze upon them. Their desire to fight dissipates and they become concerned only with judging others for their beauty. Weak in the knees to the target’s newly bestowed sex appeal, you unwillingly confess to them which part of yourself you hate the most. Confused by their Nymph aura, though they are none. Whoever they take pity on most reduces their CHA score by 1. The target then runs away, believing the mere presence of such filthy, struggling adventurers despoils their presence just by being near. The air of death and rot on you is more present than it’s ever been. You cannot help but stay on your knees as you watch them flee. You are free from their hold once they leave your sight.
  79. Übermensch - the target can perform any action perfectly with mathematical efficiency. Consider every one of their ability scores and rolls a 20 without the proficiency modifier. The target lacks heart and chaos in their soul from this point forward. They can execute all required of them perfectly. There is no surprise in their execution. They will always perform at maximum potential except in the dealings of art. They can be taught, certainly, but without thorough guidance all of their CHA rolls equate to zero regardless of modifiers.
  80. Star-Crossed Lover - a soul torn asunder, the target becomes one half of a harmonious pairing that will bring light and love into this world. A larger piece of the puzzle than you are at this moment. The union of the target and their mysterious lover are victims, but vital players, in a blood feud. Their death(s) will shift the tide in a grand conflict unseen...
  81. Woodland Eidolon - the target's eyes become ovaled and protrude subtly from their head as a nervous fawn’s would. Their skin molts and grows fine ivory hairs as they shiver and freeze. Unblinking. Shallow sharp breaths. A spirit of the woods stands before you and you have the span of a blink to claim your kill or else they are lost to legends told around the campfire once more. Their DEX Skill becomes 20 and all DEX checks and saves are criticals made with advantage. They can outrun your magical influence and know when you’re going to act before you do. But….if the stars are aligned and you land the killing blow (any successful attack is a killing blow)...their trophy will bring you gifts of which you only dreamed
  82. Antlers - netted in a spider’s web wet with morning dew, the glistening beads and weave act as a dream catcher for the most malicious nightmares protecting you from magical influence as you sleep
  83. Pelt - it warms you as a campfire would and as long as you are blanketed by it you are immune to cold and your health regenerates for 4 for every round of combat it’s equipped
  84. Horn - left lying in the dirt it is a sign of something terrible and conquering walking the grounds, an obelisk of bone that prevents predators and ambushes alike within a mile radius. But if you are caught carrying it you are seen as a dishonorable scavenger and your name will be besmirched within the wilds. The pheromones from it act as a subtle aphrodisiac amongst humanoids (not including undead/constructs) and you have prof. in CHA checks
  85. Scrimshaw - an ivory tusk from a Mother Walvis decorated with a sailor’s tale of his time on the seas. The carvings are half finished leaving most of the tusk bare. All stories have an ending and this sailor’s is now yours to tell. This tusk will bring you a boat when you have none. All you must do is find shore. It will also allow you to hold your breath for up to an hour.
  86. Broken Night - the target becomes bored by all they know well. Any extraordinary item they have on their person that they are well acquainted with will equal the value of trash immediately. If they know you well, then their pursuit of you, or risk thereof diminishes entirely. They will respond to threats accordingly but otherwise would prefer something strange and rare to busy themselves. Especially if it is of a teasing nature. If they hold something of interest to you then they are always willing to trade for a more interesting object. Or even a story perhaps.
  87. Neogi - A Neogi can smother a weak mind with some ease. The target’s mind becomes weak. Prey for any who have the ambition to use it for their own bidding until the body collapses. The target becomes cowardice prey. If so inclined, you’re welcome to impose your will upon them. Though so can everyone else. The blank-canvas-welcome of their mindscape has too much potential to pass up. Greedy minds can sniff out the glove-fit of their embryonic potential like a shark for blood. Who says no to a soft body that asks for it?
submitted by murder__poet to osr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:39 Charity00 The Amazing Race 24 - Review

I’ve decided to rewatch every Amazing Race and rank them all.
SEASON 24 (ALL STARS) gets a 6/10
This is probably one of the most frustrating seasons! It looked like very little effort was put into the returnee cast, the route, the challenges, leg designs and even editing/storylines were inconsistent. However…it usually wasn’t boring! There was some drama (some of it a bit annoying though), there was the charm of seeing returnees (I do love the appeal of All Star seasons), and a season with Rachel Reilly is never boring! So I find it similar to the Family Edition in that it has lots of flaws but is generally entertaining enough to enjoy. So it gets a 6 because it was still enjoyable (but is obviously ranked near the bottom).
General Thoughts
Cast Ranking
1.Brendan/Rachel - they carried this season! Rachel started out as not wanting to be her old emotional self and was a lot less whinier than TAR20 (although I preferred her meltdowns honestly haha). She had a “heroic” edit where she prayed rather than getting stressed out - also supported Luke at the cocktails challenge and helped Brendan get through the plate spinning. However they are also responsible for the biggest drama of the season - U-Turning Dave/Connor and the “We hate the Brenchels” storyline. Once again Rachel has most of the cast hating her…and I love it! Rachel then reverted back to her old crying self in the last 3 legs with meltdowns at the bulls, crying at the Wellington toss and picking fights in the finale. So still crazy, still got her sequins, fell over a few times haha, bizarre lines (saying “I want to win to get a baby” over and over haha) and provided the drama and laughs that this season needed.
  1. Dave/Connor - the rivals of the Brenchels and made the next biggest impact! They seemed very sweet and relatable like at the disco “We’re just 2 Mormon boys from Salt Lake City” haha and I liked their sweet bond with Caroline/Jennifer where they let them step on the mat in front of them. But they also feel annoying and entitled. Dave mentioned his achilles A LOT, Dave complained about his age A LOT ("Yeah outrunning an old man", “U-Turning a 60 year old man” and “This is a young person’s game”), complained about Brenchels A LOT and they seemed very self righteous over the U-Turn. Their involvement in the Accidental Alliance came across as childish rather than noble, “That snotty woman! She’s scary looking!” So I'm not sure if they were meant to be likeable or not - they sort of sucked a lot of the fun out of the season honestly. But a decent redemption for them and they made a decent impact and got us talking.
  2. Leo/Jamal - still fun and likeable with some sneaky moments but more toned down than last time. A few cheeky moments like “We love you Connor, we love you Connor” when he finished the sewing (hoping for help), but then “I’m kidding, I don’t” after they left. Strategic again like when they wanted to lie to Jet/Cord at one stage but didn’t because they wanted to avoid the U-Turn this time. Made the smart decision rather than the emotional one when U-Turning the threats Jet/Cord. Unfortunately finished in 4th place again.
  3. Jet/Cord - the cowboys are “back in the saddle”! Another likeable team but I found Leo/Jamal more interesting. They were “threats” again, “We’re like butter, we’re on a roll” when coming in 1st haha and also worked alone again “We’re used to being the lone rangers”. I sort of liked how they didn’t join in on the Brenchel drama. Still find them a bit overrated but I know a lot of viewers enjoyed seeing them again.
  4. Caroline/Jennifer - were the sweethearts and underdogs who weren’t great racers but slid by each week (and saved by 2 non-eliminations). I thought they were likeable enough, “Who would u-turn Dave/Connor, they’re the sweetest guys…and have great hair” haha Were proud of their flirting again and used it to get an Express Pass off Jet/Cord…and were helped multiple times by Leo/Jamal and Dave/Connor. You don’t need to be a strong “girl power” team…the underdogs who get through by flirting are just as interesting haha But weren’t that great TV honestly….like last time.
  5. Mark/Mallory - a fascinating dynamic even though most fans didn’t like this hybrid. In a way it did damage the reputation of 2 fan favorites (Mark/Bopper and Gary/Mallory) because they were very negative to one another (Mark refusing to race without the backpack despite having everything he needed, and Mallory seemed uncaring and not taking responsibility) but I enjoyed their drama. I liked how Mallory joked about losing their passport on leg 1…and the foreshadowing. I prefer their messy dynamic rather than them just being nice and boring for 2 legs.
  6. Natalie/Nadiya - screamed at eachother through the whole 1st episode and I loved every minute they were on screen “It’s in Asian, I can’t read it!” haha They were such a hot mess in their 1 episode and possibly my favourite first boots! This season would have been so much better if we saw them involved in the Brenchel drama later, and I would have loved to see some more crazy moments and seeing them get to visit Sri Lanka.
  7. Margie/Luke - the last 4 didn’t really contribute much this season. These 2 are ahead because I always enjoy watching their dynamic with their sweet bond and occasional bickering (nothing bad, just normal healthy struggles). Luke’s sexuality was finally brought up (a nice scene where Luke explains his coming out to Margie) and I liked Margie saying that when Luke pulls her this time, he has to be gentler because she’s older haha Felt very likeable this time, like when they were reflecting on the train ride in Sri Lanka.
  8. Flight Time/Big Easy - they were fine but didn’t do much this season. They had a nice moment dancing with the locals in Borneo, joking about the Beekmans winning with roller bags, and talking to their wooden donkey when they couldn’t work out what they did wrong. So ultimately a few more fun moments than the 2 ranked below them. Didn’t feel like they wanted to be there as much as previous seasons.
  9. John/Jessica - didn’t do much this time. They were at the centre of lots of storylines in TAR22 but I think that was just “lucky circumstances” rather than them being big characters. They were just a generic nice couple here. It was nice though seeing Joey/Meghan and John/Jessica helping each other again like last time (and Brendan/Rachel having a random final 3 alliance with them haha). Their only moment here was them working with other teams thinking Caroline/Jennifer were behind them, and losing a footrace.
  10. Joey/Meghan - Also didn’t do much and the only difference is John/Jessica made it further. Joey just played up to the cameras like last time (screeching “White is not my color” at the wedding dresses) but they were still likeable enough. Their only storyline was Meaghan helping John despite the 2 of them being in last place. So not the smartest move but nice that they still have that friendship.
Leg Rankings
1.Leg 8 - Italy (F6 - Flight Time/Big Easy eliminated) - the most entertaining episode of the season! So much drama going on between all teams and great scenery. Brendan/Rachel U-Turning Dave/Connor…with Dave’s irrational hatred for the rest of the leg plus Brendan/Rachel disagreeing over who to U-Turn. Then Dave/Connor helping Leo/Jamal (despite U-Turning them too and calling it a “blessed u-turn” haha). Decent challenges - racing donkeys (teams falling off especially Rachel, and the donkey struggling with Big Easy haha), building a wooden donkey (teams not using the box as part of it, many switches) and writing the Ancient manuscript (dull but some teams still struggled and was made better with Dave not accepting an apology and later mocking Brendan/Rachel). Rachel was hilarious “They can’t get me in a place of worship” haha Also had Dave/Connor and Caroline/Jennifer working together (with Dave/Connor accidentally losing them just like Bates/Anthony did) and just a good mix of fun and drama! Not for everyone, but I liked it.
  1. Leg 4 - Malaysia (F8 - Non elimination) - fantastic, especially the Kuala Lumpur section at the end. The beginning in Kota Kinabalu had the trampoline challenge which had Jessica struggling and injuring her foot and Rachel having to take off her pantyhose because she was slipping haha But Kuala Lumpur had the Petronus Towers and Batu Caves, a night leg plus a fantastic Detour (if you ignore that it was impossible for Luke to do the DJ routine). Pouring the cocktails and the DJ routine had lots of teams struggling with placement shifts from the flights (one of my favorite Detours). Luke has a meltdown and smashes the glasses (Margie yelling like a mother to pick them up haha) and Rachel of all people calms him down. 3 hours later Brendan/Rachel pray and have a very positive edit and music (and don’t accept Margie/Luke’s offer for both to take a penalty) and a great ending between these 2. Loved the music and close up of Rachel’s cross haha Would be the best leg of the season if the whole leg was in Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Leg 2 - China (F10 - Mark/Mallory eliminated) - it looked like a cheap Covid leg but pretty exciting overall. Some great drama with Mallory forgetting Mark’s bag and arguing about going back for it, “People from Kentucky don’t act this way” and Mark being like “I don’t have much and I mean nothing to her”. A trainwreck but can’t stop watching! Jet/Cord walk for a long time and lose their 1st place lead and some okay navigation drama at the start. Building the toy car at “Chuck e Cheese on steroids” was fun - a little girl annoying Flight Time, Meghan helping her ally John (despite being last), and especially Caroline struggling and Jen managing to get the Express Pass off Jet/Cord, “I knew I’d get it off him” hehe. The featherball was also fun with all teams so close together, and Mark/Mallory just not working well together at all. No team chose the massage, and I don’t mind watching teams in pain haha but I prefer skill based challenges so I don’t mind. 7 teams then check in together at the pit stop together. Very fun and fast paced!
  3. Leg 11 - England/Wales (F4 - Leo/Jamal eliminated) - was decent and felt competitive enough but not as top tier as past final 4’s - mediocre tasks for a final 4 elimination and not many storylines but not too dull. Soccer task was ok but nothing special, shooting the clay pigeons/tossing wellingtons was terrible (still felt tense though at the end…and I guess it made Rachel crack), but I really enjoyed remembering the Welsh poem on the aqueduct (good scenery, cultural and challenging). The costumes and castle looked nice - “we’re in Downton Abbey” and Rachel finally has a TAR20 type meltdown when she picks the wrong size shoe and cries like a child (the foreshadowing at the start when Rachel says “I’m proud that I haven’t freaked out yet”). Placement shifts, self driving, Rachel meltdowns are always a positive for me, and actually had a strange positive edit where the final 4 were getting along. So still enjoyable overall and a sad ending for Leo/Jamal. Just needed a few better challenges, especially the Detour at the end.
  4. Leg 7 - Italy (F7 - John/Jessica eliminated) - a good enough leg but would rank higher if it had bigger moments or storylines. It had the Coliseum, many teams together at the final puzzle (Roman Numerals) which is always a plus (Flight Time hilariously having no clue how to do it, Rachel not helping teams, and Leo/Jamal strategically helping last place teams)…and a foot race for last with teams thinking Caroline/Jennifer were behind. However the challenges were embarrassingly bad - remote controlled chariots seemed so silly and out of place (feels very inauthentic to the Ancient Roman theme), the gladiator routine was silly, and counting the Spanish steps wasn’t that hard as long as a local could tell you the Roman Numerals. Finding the site of the “unhappy Roman holiday” had some difficulties, Rachel thinking the “eternal city” is Ethiopia for some reason haha and while the detours were silly, they had some funny struggles with Leo “I watched all 4 seasons of Spartacus”. And of course a very close finish!
  5. Leg 9 - Switzerland (F5 - Non elimination) - challenges were okay and nice Swiss scenery…but very big on the “We hate Brenchels” drama! I don’t mind it but can understand why some may find it annoying this episode. The “Accidental Alliance” is created on the train with teams mocking Rachel’s “I want to race around the world with my best friend” haha. And celebrate getting to clueboxes before Brendan/Rachel, helping one another “their family” and also complaining about them A LOT! Cleaning the room was okay as an attention to detail task and Jet was like “Now my wife knows I can clean”, and Helga “Figure it out!” was a great judge! Working out that the object is a drillbit for a tunnel plus the Mustang Puzzle were nice simple tasks - Rachel thinking it’s a wheel haha and Dave/Connor giving their allies answers. Delivering the milk through the snow at the end was a bit dull besides Brendan writing “TAR24 WINNERS BRENCHEL” on the gondola haha So just an okay leg but depends whether you like the “We hate the Brenchels” storyline.
  6. Leg 6 - Sri Lanka (F7 - Non elimination) - another “okay” leg. Started strong with the tuk tuk Road Block - Rachel was fantastic screaming “GREEN GREEN GREEN” but her colours being wrong (her ally John eventually helps her). Lots of fun chaos with everyone manhandling tuk tuks “I was booty bumping rickshaws out of the way” haha But then there’s a train equaliser and delivering logs with an elephant/make paper from elephant dung was boring (and arguably animal cruelty making the elephant do that). “You’re only as fast as your big fat elephant”. They’re okay cultural tasks but not that difficult or interesting besides a few bubbles when making the paper. Nothing much happens besides some foot races - Jet/Cord vs Leo/Jamal “It’s Indians vs. Cowboys! And the Indians are WINNING!” haha and also Dave whining that John/Jessica outrun him “Yeah beat the old man”. The tuk tuk segment was a highlight of this season and it’s unfortunate that there was an equaliser and that the 2nd half dragged.
  7. Leg 10 - Spain (F5 - Jet/Cord eliminated) - felt like a bit of a cheap and underwhelming final 5 elimination leg with some really silly challenges - shaving a balloon and running with bull costumes. A bit of the Brenchel drama (Dave saying the U-Turn was “kind of inappropriate” when it really wasn’t haha and “Dave/Connor are the sweetest guys on the planet”). Leo/Jamal decide to U-Turn Jet/Cord instead of Brendan/Rachel…but not that interesting “There’s only room for two cowboys on this race and it’s Leo and Jamal! Yeehaw!” Haha Shaving the balloon was terrible, nothing much from the flamenco dance, delivering the hams was a boring and generic Speed Bump, and the bull costumes were silly but at least had some fun moments - Rachel was hilarious as always getting knocked around like crazy saying the bulls were ”bullies”, Dave complaining “I’m an old matador”, Jet/Cord missing parts of the phrase, plus Jamal’s knee injury. It wasn’t necessarily too boring which is why it isn’t ranked lower.
  8. Leg 1 - China (F11 - Natalie/Nadiya eliminated) - was terribly designed! The challenges were finding the Chinese symbols on the band members (very quick and forgettable starting line task), finding wedding dresses (had an okay navigational element and the only decent task), the Canton Tower bubbles (luck based and terrible) and summersaults (terrible, impossible to fail, too tame of a height challenge for All Stars, Caroline “Flight Time looks like a sexy piece of spinning meat”). Natalie/Nadiya were fantastic entertainment and saved this episode from being terrible by yelling “YOU IDIOT” and “I TOLD YOU” over and over (and even argue over who is doing the Road Block). “Those are Chinese flags, not race flags you lunatic!” It also had Bopper’s medevac which was a dramatic start and it’s nice seeing all the returnees bantering with one another (Brenchel army at the airport and Natalie/Nadiya joking about Rachel’s crying). But not much content besides Twinnie craziness, Jet/Cord dominating, and teams struggling to find the wedding dresses.
  9. Leg 12 - USA (F3 - Finale) - for a finale, let alone the All Stars finale, the challenges were too easy - digging for a chest (boring), David Copperfield routine (impossible to fail and only designed to show off David Copperfield), putting lightbulbs in the Mirage sign (not challenging and only designed to show off Las Vegas) and looking for the neon sign in the helicopteskydive (didn’t look that hard to find). Very unsatisfying. But it wasn’t too boring with some minor drama with Brendan/Rachel and Caroline/Jennifer having a fight at customs (not caught on camera so just explained through talking) and there’s some arguing while digging for the chest (throwing sand in each other’s holes). Plus Brendan screaming at a taxi “We’re in a race so we can have a baby” haha plus Brendan/Rachel lost in a hotel that Rachel once worked at. And to be fair, it was very close between Dave/Connor and Caroline/Jennifer - sprinting to the final clue and waiting to see who skydived first. And a night leg in Las Vegas was a great idea…just terribly designed!
  10. Leg 5 - Sri Lanka (F8 - Margie/Luke eliminated) - unfortunately a dull leg because Margie/Luke were an obvious elimination. It did have some great airport scrambles which is always welcome in the modern era (Brendan/Rachel taking a risk on a short connection and Margie/Luke failing to get on standby). Sewing the t-shirt had potential to be a tough interesting challenge…but needed to have all teams together. Several teams struggled, teams worked together (Jessica and Brendan, as well as Connor helping a struggling Jennifer) and Big Easy really struggled “If I have to sew something I’ll just ask my fiancé or my mother…or just buy something new” haha and Flight Time just shows off his basketball skills. The fishing had to be one of the dullest challenges ever and balancing the plates wasn’t much better (although Rachel is the one telling Brendan to calm down here). Printing the t-shirts was also a boring Speed Bump. Margie/Luke are way behind and have a nice scene enjoying the Sri Lankan train ride, but not much excitement.
  11. Leg 3 - Malaysia (F9 - Joey/Meghan eliminated) - was terribly designed - boring challenges (repelling down a waterfall, delivering goods, blowdart) and separating the flights by 3 hours just didn’t make sense as there was little drama for the top 6…and then 3 teams far behind. And flight scrambles are always better than sign-ups. The top 6 just went through three tasks robotically, and even the bottom 3 had little drama or stress. I guess there was a bit of a storyline about the Brenchel army being the bottom 3 and facing the fact one of the friends will go. But Joey/Meghan are obvious boots after struggling to find a taxi. The only interesting parts were the rafts falling apart in the rapids and Rachel repelling in her underwear so her sequins don’t get wet “God forbid she lose some sequins along the way” haha The promos really hyped up the dangerous rapids and they were fine for that short segment but no drama came from them in the episode.
Not a great season but I feel gets unfair hate (just like the Family Edition which also had bad leg designs, bad route, drama that some found annoying). I don’t think it was terrible as most legs had things happening that made each one interesting enough. Everyone vs Brenchels was similar to Everyone vs Weavers (had some interesting aspects, better than nothing, but was a bit annoying at times). The cast, route and challenges were unsatisfying but entertainment is most important to me and this season was usually not boring. TAR8 and TAR24 had similar weaknesses/frustrations so I’m ranking them together. I enjoyed TAR24 slightly more but I could see TAR24 getting a 5 or less if it wasn’t a returnee season, as it had some similarities to TAR16 (many teams were compelling because of their history rather than things they did on this season).
So after each season I will place it on a ranking:
1.TAR5 - 10/10
  1. TAR3 - 10/10
  2. TAR12 - 9/10
  3. TAR17 - 9/10
  4. TAR18 - 9/10
  5. TAR2 - 8/10
  6. TAR7 - 8/10
  7. TAR20 - 8/10
  8. TAR11 - 8/10
  9. TAR13 - 8/10
  10. TAR6 - 8/10
  11. TAR10 - 7/10
  12. TAR22 - 7/10
  13. TAR14 - 7/10
  14. TAR1 - 7/10
  15. TAR9 - 7/10
  16. TAR21 - 6/10
  17. TAR15 - 6/10
  18. TAR23 - 6/10
  19. TAR4 - 6/10
  20. TAR24 - 6/10
  21. TAR8 - 6/10
  22. TAR19 - 5/10
  23. TAR16 - 5/10
submitted by Charity00 to TheAmazingRace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:08 wolviesaurus Review of my Necropolis SCSSF builds

I don't know if I'm quite ready to quit the league entirely yet, but I'm sure I won't make a completely new build until the next league so I figured I should voice my thoughts on my league journey for anyone who cares to listen. This is my second 40/40 league and I've put way more time into this league than any other by a decent margin, including Sanctum which was my first 40/40 and I'll try to explain why because I'm not sure I fully know why myself. I've been an SSF player since Ultimatum league and any and all thoughts voiced here are from this perspective.
The league started as a hot mess, I was very lukewarm to it. Lots of heavyhanded balancing swings but most of those had little impact on SSF, with the significant rework of the Graveyard crafting mechanic after the first week it turned into one of the most overpowered mechanics we've ever seen, easily on par with Harvest and Recombinators. This opened up the build space in SSF wider than we've ever seen and together with the great QoL-ening this patch, SSF players are eating good. Thus, here are the characters I've put together on my journey to once again dunk on uber bosses and to conquer the new beast that was Back To Back Basics T17 maps.
Prelude on this list is my starter that I didn't finish to any satisfying degree, Armageddon Brand of Recall Saboteur. I will not provide a PoB for this character because there's nothing to see, I hated every aspect of the build. Triggerbots are utterly unreliable for any setup that deals damage around the bots themselves. As an avid Summoner player (as you'll see), I can say Triggerbots have the most infuriating AI I've ever had to deal with. There is impressive damage potential here for sure, but it simply turned out to be a terrible choice as a starter, especially in SSF.
It did however allow me to setup for a second character, so onwards to the builds actually worth showing:
1. Popcorn SRS Necromancer -
One of my favorite skills in the game and definitely my favorite use of said skill. I love my little heatseeking undead missiles. Now, it's not the best build by any means, it's got mediocre clear, delayed damage and with the new(ish) Transfigured setup, some awkward piloting with Unleash support, it's got it's quirks. Still, this build managed to clear all T17 maps and down all ubers albeit in a dirty fashion with many portals falling to collateral damage. It's greatest badge of honor was the ability to actively stun uber bosses out of long animations, including Uber Shapers Beam and Uber Sirus Everlasting Fire charge-up.
Potential upgrades: The simplest and biggest upgrade to the build would easily be a beneficially corrupted Diallas chest, potentially pumping up the gem level by and additional 4. You could get three Grand Spectrum for +90% Crit Multi which would be very noticable since crit modifiers are hard to come by for minions. The theoretically best way to build Popcorn in my mind currently (at least in terms of damage) will be using Qotra's Regulator and Necromantic Aegis, this frees up your amulet slot for either a Replica Dragonfang or an Ashes of the Stars, I do think Ashes is the best option simply because levels have diminishing returns over quality at a certain point. This way will however sacrifice a lot of defense, but maybe you can reach block cap anyway with Necromantic Aegis.
2. Tawhoa Shaman Spectre Necromancer -
My goal when I started out the league was to farm a Wraithlord and use it for it's intended purpose and make a proper Spectremancer once again, a summoner archetype I haven't touched since Redemption Sentries in Harvest League. I'm happy to say with this new helm and some borderline cheating from Allflames, Spectremancer is back baby, at least for a moment. The most popular choice this league was using Wretched Defilers (as shown by Ghazzy) but I chose Tawhoa Shamans because on paper they looked to have better single target, being poison projectile based with 100% poison chance by default. Turns out this was true. I was using a single Spectral Leader at times but that one is so damn squishy it often died during T17 maps.
This character turned into my workhorse that cleared B2B T17's and ubers pretty comfortably. Aegis is definitely my favorite defensive unique in the game.
Tawhoa Shamans sport a spellbased Poisonous Concoction ability with innate 100% poison chance and an AoE explosion allowing for multiple projectiles to shotgun (Minion Offence Mastery and Plaguebringer did make noticable impact to this). The base damage of this isn't particularily high which leads me to think Covenant and Envy provides significant damage, but they are not implemented in PoB so all I got is my personal experience. I experimented with using Vile Toxins over GMP, it felt ok but overall GMP definitely felt like superior damage. The greatest problem with Tawhoa Shamans are their default AI, they sit somewhere between Zombies and Skeletons in terms of aggressiveness. Attaching my offering-brand was enough to make them go to work though. This leads me to the next section.
Potential upgrades: Obligatory Amanamu's Gaze mention, I despise this jewel with my very soul, I've tried to farm if many times in SSF and simply won't give. That said, the absolute best suite of upgrades you could possibly do to this character is a crafted wand with the Delve mod "Minions Are Aggressive" combined with an Envy Aul's Uprising. This will provide the minions with some well needed fire in their butts, and could possibly even provide socket space for a Transience Spectre with Feeding Frenzy (tech in Ghazzy's 3.24 spectre video). Finally, a +2 Minion gems Covenant would be a noticable upgrade but I'm sure they already hit DoT cap as is.
I truly hope we will have access to the TotA mobs in the future, if not I fear Spectremancer will go back to being a C tier choice for summoners, I don't think Wretched Defilers are up to the task.
3. Void Battery Hierophant (Lightning Conduit of the Heavens) -
This and the next build served as some diversions and/or palette cleansers because at this point I had amassed quite a lot of high tier uniques and the means to level new characters really quickly so I will likely be brief. I got two Void Batteries back to back in short succession (a few days tops) so I decided to make one of the more niche Archmage builds available. Turns out LCotH is an amazing clear skill, just click and the entire screen dies, Crit Archmage delivered single target as well so this was a great T16 mapper. I built squishy and I felt it, not much else to say there.
Potential upgrades: Simply better rares and a full Adorned setup will likely produce a thundergod of a character that can speedclear T17s. Extra power charges wherever they can be found.
4. Triple Charge Stacker Slayer (Cold Snap of Power) -
At this point in the league I had amassed all the necessary components for a charge stacker together with a decent Adorned jewel so I decided to pull the trigger. I spent some time looking at what skill to use and since I didn't want to play Penance Brand again and I absolutely hate both Blade Vortex and Winter Orb with a passion I turned to Cold Snap of Power as inspired by Mathil. I tried justifying Creeping Frost instead but Cold Snap just looked better in every aspect. This became a very fun character, also very good at blasing T16s similar to the Hierophant. However I did not anticipate the awkwardness of Cold Snap and charge consumption which ultimately turned me off the build pretty quickly.
Potential upgrades: Awakened Spell Cascade and a Replica Restless Ward. At the time I had not touched Heist and I had that Brass Dome with some white sockets thanks to some Omens so I just used that. Otherwise lean even more into Adorned, better jewels and better clusters.
5. Energy Blade CoC Blazing Salvo Inquisitor -
This was my endgame creation this time around, the kind of build you look at and thing "yeah that's not SSF friendly at all". Very little creativity from my part in terms theorycrafting, plenty of help from CaptainLance's videos and just shameless stealing from Ninja, but actualcrafting is all my own. It's been a very satisfying journey to craft Adorned magic jewels, 8 socket passives, farming and corrupting unique items and so on. It's also my first time ever playing a CoC build and while I think the EB + Ivory Tower + Rathpith is carrying a lot of the damage, my god it just spews out spells at a rate that selfcast could never come close to. Combining this all with a shotgunning spell like Blazing Salvo with Returning Projectiles and Snipers Mark turn to some truly disgusting damage when everything overlaps. This Energy Blade setup is truly wonderful in the sense it's a generic blueprint for any crit spell you could care to play, it handles base damage, increases, crit strikes and enemy res before even considering main gem links. CoC solves cast rate as well. Truly disgusting.
Potential upgrades: Fuck you Heist.
Going from my extremely tanky Necromancer to this gave me a healthy perspecive on defensive stats. While the Necro was much slower in terms of clearspeed, I realized it could handle most of the nasty T17 mods even in a B2B setup without caring too much. This Inquisitor just shat on the ubers in a way I haven't experienced before which was kinda what I wanted but at the same time I did feel some limitations when playing T17s. It was very much a kill-or-be-killed build with some leeway thanks to the ES pool, but it certainly folded in situations where my Necro would just laugh. I'm sure in trade you can pump up the damage output to a level where you don't care about anything.
All in all, I think the reason I stuck to this league is the subtle but massive endgame rework in scarabs, Atlas trees and T17's. We have never seen such freedom of choice and availability when it comes to what content you wanna farm in SSF, the build space has never been so vast. I still have ideas in my head that I would wanna try, but I think I'm burned out enough in this league. I'm sitting on a perfectly rolled Ashes of the Stars and I wanna try Double Strike of Momentum quality stacking (server tick memes?), but I poofed my Diallas chest so I'll table that indefinitely.
If you made it this far, *fist bump* homie.
Feel free to roast my stuff!
submitted by wolviesaurus to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:48 ranc1 Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds

Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds
Quick recap. We can see the complex social anxiety trauma as a rollercoaster map. The rollercoaster wagons are where our inner parts, our inner children sit during the ride. The rollercoaster tracks is the autopilot ride during the socialization. Outer elements like clouds and bad weather are external elements that influence quality of our ride. Rollercoaster loops are effects of social anxiety like physical symptoms. And repeating the ride is Repetition compulsion.
Wagons (carts) are composed of: ♦MASKING
While external elements are composed of: ♦INNER CRITIC
These interact with each other - external elements influence our thoughts and pattern of thinking (wagons). In a sketch, it would look like this:
Rollercoaster as social anxiety analogy.
When I started to create the rollercoaster analogy I did not see the connection at first. This was apparent to me only when the sketch was finished. Let's examine the external factors.
First of all, CBT is ignoring the external factors. CBT explains social anxiety as our personal defect - and our own responsibility - CBT explains that we can "cure" social anxiety if we only have will power. Unfortunately - this easy approach does not work in real life and this CBT explanation only adds to more trauma and shame.
This CBT approach of blaming the individual for social anxiety is called Dispositional attribution: Dispositional attribution is a phrase in personality psychology that refers to the tendency to assign responsibility for others' behaviors due to their inherent characteristics, such as their motives, beliefs or personality, rather than the external influences, such as the individual's environment or culture.
When we take a holistic perspective, when we take into consideration external factors, then this is called Situational attribution: the ascription of one's own or another's behavior, an event, or an outcome to causes outside the person concerned, such as luck, pressure from other people, or external circumstances. Also called environmental attribution; external attribution.
It is important to note at this point - that I am not telling that we need to blame other people for our social anxiety. Neither that we need to control and manipulate other people to become healthy and sane in order for us to become healthy, too. We cannot change other people - sick, mentally ill people with personality disorders will hardly likely ever change, they can't. They are trapped inside their fantasy and they refuse to grow up.
When we try to change other people, this is called Alloplastic defense: Alloplastic adaptation: The subject tries to change the situation, i.e. the external environment.
When we try to change ourselves, in order to fit in into groupthink herd mentality, this is called Autoplastic adaptation: Autoplastic adaptation is a form of adaptation where the subject attempts to change itself when faced with a difficult situation.
What I am saying that we do not change other people, and that we do not change ourselves too. My approach in social anxiety is education and learning about what is troubling us - in order to have self compassion for ourselves and to understand that our problems, issues, hang-ups, isolation, panic, self-hatred - all stem from exposure to abnormal sick people. And due to exposure to mentally ill people in childhood - we never learned how to handle difficult people or how to develop our persona. Instead - we put ourselves aside in order to please and fix and soothe the mentally ill people around us. So our only job here is to take well-being away from parasites and into our own hands - that we take care of our own needs in order to filter out toxic people and form solid, firm interdependent connections with healthy individuals. With ACE and ACoA - we will tend to fuse and connect with toxic people - because this is where we feel normal and "ourselves", when we please others and when we are around hysterical people who always create drama and problems out of nothing.
My conclusion about social anxiety after examining all the evidence - is that social anxiety stems from the external source: toxic people. The put us into state of defense, and we resort to dysfunctional coping mechanisms. The fact that we are in defensive mode is a sign that we are fighting against the virus. Fighting against intrusive parasitical predatory personalities will keep us in emotional dysregulation and away from Ventral Vagal (feeling safe around other people). Exposure to hostile antagonistic personalities will "naturally" form the inner critic inside us - as internalized voice of discipline, we will end up with toxic shame (feeling inept and unworthy at our core) and general apathy - the passive immobile attitude of isolation and avoidance: 'why try in life' anyway. Exposed to toxic people over long period of time we will develop persona of emotional reactivity. And this corresponds to narcissistic abuse - death of 1000 cuts.
External elements are:
♦INNER CRITIC Even though it is called "inner" - this recording stuck in loop was recorded in our childhood when we were around parents who did not mirror our needs, we were emotionally neglected. Instead of love and interest we received the discipline and message that we are only accepted and validated when we are silent, when we make no problems, when we try hard to please others and when we make no mistakes or any kind of disturbance. A parent with undiagnosed untreated Aspergers will display all characteristic of narcissistic parent with additional flavor: hysteria regarding time and being punctual, hysteria regarding loud sounds, hysteria regarding creating or doing anything unusual and not foreseen. So of course, in childhood when the child is supposed to learn through mistakes and to be loud and to make noise - trying to survive with adult who is 5 year old spoiled selfish egocentric toddler trapped in adult body will result with us introjecting this adult toddler's voice inside our head. Inner critic - even though it is internalized voice - the voice comes from the external element: abuser(s). Inner critic is like Trojan Horse inside our mind implanted by toxic people. Broken record that was programmed in our mind to play itself on loop replay. But it does not feel like external. Without reading the psychology books - this inner voice will be easily mislabeled as our conscience or general feeling of anxiety and unease, that we are doing something wrong no matter how much we try to avoid making mistakes. That whatever we did - was wrong. And whatever we will do - it will never be good enough. The inner critic will influence hence our Self - our persona, our personality. And with trauma - we do not have our true identity inside us. We have coping mechanisms and make-shift persona that serves only to avoid danger and criticism - so inner critic is influencing our false self. Schizoid empty core. Basically this means we will lack leadership and taking charge of our ship, our inner GPS will be in the hands of inner critic and toxic people around us whom we will worship as our gods and police who approves anything about our choices in life. CBT does not explain this. CBT explains us that we lack confidence and social anxiety coaches will try to tell us that we need to develop self-esteem - without taking into consideration that we do not have the house of Self to host the self esteem or self worth in the first place. And nobody explained this fact - that we lack the Self - we lack Identity - we lack Persona, our own likes and dislikes, our anger, our disagreements, our needs - they are gone - these are not inside us. When we start to build our true likes and dislikes, when we allow ourselves to be angry at unfair people, when we start to disagree and when we take care of our well being - we will start to build our Persona. And then the inner critic and toxic people will not harm us in such extent as now - it would be like having a solid house when there is storm outside. Now we are out in the cold and we try to hide below someone's larmieeaves, or someone else's umbrella. Nobody told us to have our own umbrella and to build our own house inside to dwell for ourselves - so that we do not seek external validation from the others. Nobody told us that expressing anger and acknowledging the anger is what we need to do - it does not take much to build our inner house, there is no hard science in it. This is why narcissists and psychopaths use anger a lot. They understand at some level that this provides them confidence - however the difference here is that agenda of anti-social personalities is to harm and control other people. With social anxiety - our agenda is normal and healthy: to resolve issues, to find peace and harmony and to live in harmony with others, Ventral Vagal. Predatory personalities are looking for supply - they are unable to build the solid house inside since they reject vulnerable parts of themselves, which they see as weak, inept, shameful, sissy, feminine, gay, abnormal and sick. This self hatred and self rejection keeps them mentally ill, and they choose to build fake superior self in order to seek admiration from other people. Which of course is dysfunctional and cannot function. Our purpose in life is to be authentic and to contribute to society, to help each other and to chisel/sculpture each other in better people (Michelangelo Phenomena). Narcissists on the other hand believe in Crab mentality (to pull other people down), greed and accumulating money and to exert/exercise power in order to command the others. When we grew up with selfish egocentric angry people (5 year old toddlers trapped in adult body) - we will learn to hate our own anger and to push it down - since we would be punished repeatedly for showing our own anger - which narcissists cannot tolerate in others, even in children. Anger means boundaries and end of ruling domain and narcissists see this as threat to their existence. So in ACE and ACoA - our anger will be destroyed first. And without anger we won't be able to build our true authentic persona, personality or identity.
■DOUBLE BINDING This external element is gaslighting. Always finding faults with facts and reality. This dualism leads to self-pathology that gives birth to inner critic and toxic shame. Leads to wrong decisions, leads to self sabotage. It is control, manipulation, misrepresentation, misdiagnosis, bias, lies, stigma. I made a list of double binding examples on my blog and I've made topic here at reddit. Closely connected to double binding/dualism is concept called Hyper-cognition: "Bias toward what is known may lead to wrong and delayed diagnoses that bring harmful consequences". This is what is happening in CBT, when social anxiety is explained as cognitive distortion problem. When we lack any kind of diagnosis at all is called Hypo-cognition (hypocognition (uncountable) (psychology, linguistics) Inability to discuss or process a concept because of lacking a word for it.). Another example of hyper-cognition is when abused, traumatized women are quickly diagnosed as BPD because 1) symptoms of complex trauma are the same as in DSM for BPD - hypercognition - and DSM is missing the concept of Complex Trauma to make distinction in the first place - hypocognition. 2) it is easier to throw a shaming diagnosis on someone in order to shut him up than to actually do the deep work and see what is really going on. Narcissists and psychopaths use dualism a lot - this is how they keep being trapped in their confirmation bias and their justification and rationalization of their criminal acts. Instead of taking responsibility - they will use blame of someone's errors or lack of education or insight as their fault for any problem that happens. And if the target has no self inside, no education in the psychology or matter at hand, it is easy to end up feeling toxic guilt and toxic shame for being the "wrong". Double binding will lead to dysregulation - we will be emotionally dysregulated. CBT both does not recognize neither dualism nor dysregulation. I never heard this two concepts in billions of self-help books that I read or countless CBT articles about social anxiety. This video explains amazingly problem with double binding:
Unlike gaslighting and double binds which stop the moment we cut our abusers out of our lives, shame can persist long after we've ditched our abusers. Even after their death.
Because the coping technique is in itself a source of shame, it can lead to a self-reinforcing cycle. Shame provokes the coping technique which in turn provokes more shame. One of the most twisted kinds of shame instilled in targets of abuse is the shame of sticking up for yourself.
🟥 malignant shame
Let me fetch an example of dualism from my blog -
On one corner we have: to be free means to be lacking constitutive identity (Ortega) at the other side there is: DSM personality disorder
Where is the truth? Who holds the Book of truth? Who is the authority and power to tell us what is true?
In epistemology, the Münchhausen trilemma is a thought experiment intended to demonstrate the theoretical impossibility of proving any truth, even in the fields of logic and mathematics, without appealing to accepted assumptions Münchhausen trilemma (wiki)
● TOXIC SHAME Toxic shaming comes from the external source: mentally ill people. Any person who is toxically ashaming other person - is a sign that the accusations come from unbalanced person. There has to be some kind of distortion and abnormality in anyone who is acting like wounded animal and trying to mentally destroy the other person - it is no different than physical assault. With toxic shame we end up with chronic burden, where we cannot relax at all, we are in state of hypervigilance and walking on egg shelves, but it is not depression - it is caused by hysterical person. We end up with desire to be perfect and superior - and narcissism is build on severe toxic shame. We end up avoiding someone's criticism and we try defensive mechanisms in order to pre-emptively avoid someone's attack. Toxic shaming will influence our toxic shame wagon, placeholder of our thought patterns which we will carry along on rollercoaster ride (socialization). I see Toxic shame and Inner critic as the two most powerful factors that skew and distort our sense of security - and we end up with what appears as social anxiety symptoms. We cannot control other people to stop shaming us. People who shame us - believe that we are the toxic. They see us as a threat. They believe that we are doing something to threaten their standard of living. So no wonder that we will end up silent, with self-censorship and making ourselves small and invisible and we will avoid social situations - because we are not narcissists. We do not want to harm other people, we do not want them to feel hurt or abused. I see Sam Vaknin Nothingness concept and Dr Ramani Radical acceptance - as the only available cure for toxic shame stemming from other people. Sam Vaknin concept tells us that we understand how our life is not enmeshed with others and that other people's anger is their own responsibility contained inside their own world - which we cannot enmesh with even if we try to trauma bond with others. We simply cannot enter into other person's mind and their perception of the world - there is a barrier between us and other people, which philosopher Kant discovered 200 year ago.
For Kant, what is external to us is external to space and time also, and can never be known as a thing-in-itself. DK THE PHILOSOPHY BOOK
Dr Ramani talks about Radical acceptance - as understanding that we are okay with toxic people being toxic - in order to pull our focus and resources away from toxic people - and that we invest the same energy into our well being and our goals in life. It is understanding that toxic people will hurt and harm us and they will be painful - but the difference is that we no longer linger on their drama and baiting. As soon as we try to understand or fix or help toxic people - we end up in Shared Fantasy with them, without us being aware that we are inside someone's fantasy and their delusion.
♦ ABUSE This is very overt external element - it includes when toxic people blame us - and toxic people are pathological liars and successful manipulators. Their glib charm as Halo Effect will allow other people (witnesses) to believe them rather than us. Abuse is DARVO - toxic people will never admit being wrong and they will always deflect the problem onto others. Abuse is also Mate crime. With social anxiety - when we are insecure about who we are and our anger is suppressed - we will attract toxic people who will exploit our time, money, energy and focus. The abuse will influence our Masking. We will try hard to either please the abuser with people pleasing and fawning - in order that they do not seriously harm us. Or we will enter into battles with them - where they will use our anger as proof that we are abnormal and sick and that they are innocent victims.
■ PAST TRAUMA Flashbacks. Being triggered. CBT does not talk about this issue at all. I first learned about this only 3 years ago when I started to research social anxiety from deeper resources that led me to the discovery of CPTSD. Past trauma is ACE and ACoA. There is online quick test for ACE. Trauma will influence our HSP aspect. It will make unclear whether we are too sensitive so we experience trauma as trauma - or the trauma itself cause us to be hypersensitive to the abuse.
● TOXIC PEOPLE I deliberately make separation from the Abuse and Toxic people. Toxic people do not wear sign toxic on their forehead. All toxic people will appear as angels due to glib charm - in order to secure supply from other people. Toxic people will scan our needs - and offer them for cheap in order to hook us up. The only way to handle them is to allow them to be toxic. We cannot change them. We need to focus on our life and cut or minimize exposure to toxic people as much as possible. Toxic people will deliberately trigger pain and trauma as coercive control manipulation to paralyze the victim with shaming and criticism. When someone is angry at me I feel RSD: and it is automatic belief that my values are worthless, that I am not allowed to speak, or do what I like and that I am not equal to other people and must behave as slave, victim and lower class citizen by being quiet and servile and non-assuming. This is where masking and people pleasing kicks in coupled with revenge fantasy and rancour and making the offender my central focus and me as victim that must be atoned and I need to make the offender like me and accept me and validate me – in any way possible, including not showing my anger and not telling my side of story for the fear of offending the offender. Or later on – when offender makes the mistake that I am not allowed to point it out and cause them same cruelty back by talking facts about their mistakes. Offender is bunch of nobody – great for feedback, learning from mistakes, but their ad hominem arguments are irrelevant. Toxic people influence our rollercoaster wagon cart of Toxic duty, and toxic responsibility. We end up with toxic shame and toxic guilt and we believe in their double binding, in their explanation of reality and their truth - and then we feel duty and responsibility to run their virus program or else. Toxic people will punish us if we do not fawn to them. They will punish us if we are not sad or hysterical or frightened. If they are in any place of power - they will use this against us in order to control us. Toxic people seek control and manipulation - this is how they feel good inside, by creating coercive control. They will bait us and use honeymoon period to keep us hooked like on drugs. We need education in narcissistic abuse and recognizing the red flags.
From my own experience I know this is true - with social anxiety trauma - we never learned the red flags. We were raised in toxic ambient and with toxic people around us who were bad models for us in our formative years. Instead of validation and unconditional love we learned the opposite: to be invalidated and that we must earn love and appreciation and validation from others and beg for it from others. That we must perform circus tricks and then and only then perhaps be rewarded with small percentage of mirroring and validation from them. We will believe this is normal way of interacting with others - and it is no wonder that we have social anxiety now.
Up next, I would explore the mess - the loops inside the rollercoaster of social anxiety and then analyze what happens to us when we are not aware of the rollercoaster at all. When we lack the education in psychology and we have no words to describe what is happening to us. Lisa Romano calls this living below the veil of consciousness and I love that term - because we will operate with the veil over our eyes.
submitted by ranc1 to SocialAnxiety_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:00 AutoModerator What is #VALZUBIRIAGENDA and some ideas and insights

The 3 basic parameters of hashtag #Valzubiriagenda:

  1. We artists and everyone else can write and self-publish art- and artist-related books: memoirs, biographies, art books and art catalogs. Books are forever. Pamphlets and brochures are not books.
  2. We announce a schedule of increasing prices of our art pieces, which includes quantities (scarcity numbers) per price point and overall (the total quantity of art pieces we might ever make). This helps art traders, art investors and art collectors speculate or even stop speculating and instead join a community of investors working together to hopefully skyrocket to the higher announced prices in a shorter span of time.
  3. We can use the NFT world, because NFTs provide the tracking (who owns what) and trading.
We can also not be involved with NFTs. Stores and individuals can help sell art using online presence and our catalogs in the stores. If this trends, or once this trends, even expensive art can be sold by neighboring businesses, without exclusivity. Commission systems do not have to be standardized. Art investors can produce their own catalogs to leave at the cafés. Even the cafés can produce their own catalogs.
Valzubiriagenda NFTs
NFTs only came about a few years ago. But I had been working on this since the 1990s. I wrote a book, Valzubiriagenda, along with fellow artist Silverio Perez, and released it in 2018 (Amazon and elsewhere), tackling everything related to #1 & #2. We'll come up with #3 in a later book/ memoi marketing book.
Any artist, including tangible artists can release 10,000 NFTs if the artist chooses to do so. For tangible artists, the NFT first becomes an Art Commission Contract for sight unseen, yet-to-be made art. Once the art is made, the NFT becomes proof of ownership that the actual, tangible art is theirs.
Warehousing our tangible art
Another related idea is that the tangible art may be warehoused by the artist so that the NFT traders continue to trade. This means that even 10-ton 10-foot tall sculptures can be owned and traded by anyone without worrying about shipping, reshipping, scratches, smudges, parts breaking off, etc. The newness of the pieces remain because they are stored by the artist, source, gallery, etc. The art piece gets shipped to the art collector, the ultimate owner.
An artist who makes ceramic coffee mugs - smaller art pieces, can release 10,000 NFTs with a schedule of increasing prices so that NFT traders can trade immediately. The 10,000 coffee mugs can get damaged, so as they are made, they continue to be stored by the artist, until the time when art collectors decide to have the art pieces shipped to them.
Why only now?
I decided to write as many book-length memoirs as I can before I came out to promote this.
I'm an artist and an author. Both need time to "master." I would not even fully use "master" on myself, because there's always something new, even to my own art, my own writing and publishing.
I am now claiming that I'm the visual artist who has produced the most artist memoirs in the world. I have 5 on Amazon. I count Valzubiriagenda as both a marketing book and a memoir-of-sorts, because it has a lot of my own life lessons on writing and publishing. I would not care to contest my claim of having the most memoirs. I will release 5 more over the next 3 years.
BARTER! Get help to write, photograph art and publish your books!
Anyone can hire 11 ghostwriters for 11 memoirs. If you can make art, but you cannot write, then barter your forever art with those who can help you produce forever books.
I don't feel the pressure of writing and publishing because I feel my focus should be on art students and art experts who would study my art and my books 100 years from now. Don't expect relatives and friends to read your books.
I call myself the Dollman
For my NFTs, I am proposing to make dioramas - my original, costumed, bejeweled porcelain dolls in backdrops that will also have precious metals and gemstones. This way I can incorporate precious metals and gemstones in my work, to make sure that people perceive my art as expensive, just in case I myself don't become "famous" - there's no need to get world famous. We are artists and all we need to do is to satisfy the art niche.
Use your laptop now!
I will encourage you to start writing your book-length memoir. Write, Edit and then Self-publish it. Get help. Why wait a hundred years for someone to write about you when all you need is a laptop and a nearby coffee shop.
Don't start counting chickens before the eggs hatch. I have encountered a lot of would-be writers who immediately see themselves as bestselling. world famous assets to society. Two even wanted me to sign NDAs (Nondisclosure agreements), because they did not want me to steal their book ideas.
Here's a suggestion. I would not personally do it. From one manuscript can come 2 books: The Original Draft (unedited, with misspellings, considered to be an art piece, scanned pages(?) of your handwritten original effort), and The Final Edition (edited).
Another way to enhance our investability, tradability and collectability is PROVENANCE - how art ownership proceeds through time. The way this can be done is also through publishing books. Everyone can write their memoirs, biographies, art books and art catalogs, including traders, investors and art collectors. In effect, we artists can continue to be included or mentioned in even more books, without any additional effort by us.
You as an investor, reseller, trader, art collector should be able to publish a catalog with 250 works by 250 different artists, but they need to agree to this right from the start - it's your money, you should require them to follow your version of the hashtag #valzubiriagenda parameters, which preferably should include permission for you to publish their art. Why would you track down 250 artists later?
No exclusive contracts
If you're a café, you can call for artists, and come up with a book with for example, 30 artists, with a chapter devoted to each artist's profile and images of the artist's art.
You can distribute your catalogs to businesses and individuals near and far and online.
The book Valzubiriagenda even cites that funeral homes and janitors closets can sell art, with or without exclusivity. Airline catalogs can include million dollar art pieces. Car manufacturers, showrooms and even car repair shops can sell art as well. Everyone should be able to do this, anywhere in the world, especially not just because of the pandemic, but right now, we are in really bad economies.
What's with the name #Valzubiriagenda
I was into conspiracy theories in 2018, and this term, "The Mandela Effect," was popular. I had read many times that an artist coined the term, but I had to research online, for her name, many times, before remembering it. I'm not good at remembering names. It took me a year and a half to finally tell you that Fiona Broome coined "The Mandela Effect."
I also thought I might have to research trademarks and copyrights just to come up with a generic name. So I decided on "Valzubiriagenda." I was not really sure at first, but I decided to use it as the title for my book (with co-authoartist Silverio Perez) so that there would be no turning back and I can move on.
Someone I recently met this May 2022 just called me a futurist.
In the 1990s, I proposed to a pension fund that they can raise billions of dollars, especially for emergencies, or as needed, or out of desperation, if the pension fund purchases a quantity of art from an artist who not only has a current, reasonable price, but an announced future price that the artist wants to reach.
That future price would obviously be higher than the current price. The art commission contract for multiple art pieces can be taken to the fund's financial lender for a loan. The higher future price can be used for financing purposes.
The pension fund's treasurer, a publicly elected official, said this idea might work, but we had to keep this a secret and discuss this some more, because other pension funds might copy and do this prematurely. This idea had to come from the two of us. The treasurer needed his votes and I needed credentials.
Added into the pot was my idea that I, as the artist, will also write one book-length artist memoir. This was and still is a strong factor, because the leadership and marketing books I had read then mentioned a strong tip. If you want to advance in your field, write a full-length book that is related to the field.
Unfortunately, the elected official, the treasurer of the pension fund, who was also a friend, passed away - he was old and had ailments. At that point in time, I cannot just approach another pension fund treasurer to share this idea with.
I realized I had to write a few memoirs. I needed to set an example for other artists, so I needed to write more than one memoir. Then I felt I should also make ready another book - the how-to of what I'm up to. I wrote Valzubiriagenda, which was a memoir of sorts. I knew how long it would take me to write a book, so I had to make sure I can also consider this book a memoir.
In 2008, I imagined that someone like Bernie Madoff, or a fund like Lehman Brothers, would be desperate enough to use this to save themselves and their companies. I was not ready. I had only written 1 manuscript for a memoir.
In 2012, I released Dollman the Musical, A Memoir of an Artist as a Dollmaker. Once again, I was not ready because writing it depressed me a little, and I knew I had to write more.
In 2014, I released 3 memoirs, and re-released Dollman the Musical. Besides releasing regular books, I released special editions of the 4 books, which had a "Special Secret Insert for Bankers," which explains my ideas of an announced schedule of exponentially increasing prices, to satisfy investors, and the publication of artist memoirs, to satisfy art collectors.
In 2014, I also issued out a press release. Google "Can Billion Dollar Artist Save Investors and World Economy Valentino Zubiri PRWeb August 19 2014" and you will see the press release.
What I did was stake a claim on my ideas. I did not promote my books and the press release. I just wanted them to stay online, like a sleeping giant or a dormant volcano. I even designed 3 of the book covers to look like indie books from the 1980s. I was planting the seeds, thinking they will eventually grow and bear fruit in the future.
In 2015, I was interviewed by Richard Syrett, about one of my memoirs, Hocus Pocus Lately. This book is my memoir with paranormal stories. I could have pursued promoting my paranormal stories, but I wanted to be known first as a visual artist and memoirist, so I allowed myself one interview related to Hocus Pocus Lately. Richard Syrett has(had?) his own syndicated radio show, The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett, about the paranormal. He also guest hosts on Coast to Coast AM, another internationally syndicated show about the paranormal.
In 2018, I released Valzubiriagenda (co-authored by artist Silverio Perez, a fellow artist). Finally, this book is "the how-to of what I'm to."
I'm going to end this with some strangeness. In 1986, a lady at a religious gathering went into a trance and left a good number of messages. Supposedly, anyone who got into a trance would have messages, but once the trance was over, the person would not remember what was said.
I was not part of the group, but the lady turned her head to face me. She "foretold" that whatever I would decide to do in the future, it will take time, but it will be the right thing. This is one of my stories in one of my memoirs, Hocus Pocus Lately.
The Tulipmania of 1634-37
I discovered that there was this incident of rare tulips becoming collectible during the Dutch Golden Age. There were tulips so rare and so well-desired that their prices equaled to that of a house. You can read more about this online (Wikipedia) or watch a few YouTube videos about it.
Here is the most useful idea that I gleaned from the Tulipmania. The tulip bulbs remained safe inside nurseries. The traders were carrying the deeds of ownership to the tulip bulbs.
Then NFTs came to the forefront
I started learning PHP, an HTML scripting language, and MySQL, the database that PHP can connect to in the background, in 1999, when there were only 3 books about PHP and MySQL at the bookstores.
By 2014, I was trying to figure out how to make the "ledger," or database that can be used to update ownership and who can be contacted. If we are trading art, then the art ownership should be updated.
Then NFTs came about. This can be used as our ledger. Everyone can immediately trade NFTs of future, yet-to-be made art pieces, especially because it takes time to make tangible art.
NFTs actually went a step ahead, by allowing digital art to be traded.
The only setback with NFTs, in my opinion, is that it still lacks a commission system for resellers and representatives.
For example, if a café wants to represent me, then they can promote me at their café and on their online pages. If I make one piece of art that will be exclusively represented by a gallery, then that commission will be different and more specific. As ownership is transferred, the subsequent owners should be able to reset the commission. We should also have the option of giving commissions to hundreds of representatives at one time with different percentages if need be.
The recent crypto crash
Lately, we have observed that NFTs and cryptocurrencies have been behaving like the stock market and other markets. They have been fluctuating.
I believe that it is time for a trend which discourages fluctuation of prices.
I have also seen YouTube videos where social influencers are encouraging us to be on the lookout for exponentially profitable ventures, because we have all seen this happen with the exponential increase of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Let's see if #Valzubiriagenda trends
We can announce present and future art prices. The galleries won't do this (yet?) because they follow a more traditional approach to the business of art.
We have a choice of using incrementally or exponentially increasing prices. We still reserve the right to change things in the future, so everyone should know to follow the latest update.
If this trends, if you as an artist simply announces that you will write an artist memoir, or that you will include the future works in future art books, you might have more art traders, investors and collectors approaching you.
Get your pen, paper and calculator
Imagine yourself as an artist, where you are right now. Let's just say you still do not have a book about yourself and your art yet. Imagine now that you have a memoir out there. Don't you think it makes sense to charge more than what you are charging now? Writing and publishing books is just the beginning. I'm just standardizing this approach. The books also say to do other related projects. In my case, getting Dollman the Musical onstage is one idea. You will have other related projects, but the publication of memoirs, biographies, art books and art catalogs will help all of us.
You can also imagine that a law firm that has meeting rooms, with someone who wants to form a local #valzubiriagenda group, can have meetings. A local café can do the same. Local photographers for your art, writers, editors, book designers, proofreaders and others can join in.
I suggest have printed books to share. 15 copies of your memoir or art books will be better than an e-reader or laptop or your phone to show. These gadgets can be stolen, sabotaged, broken, have coffee spilled on them, etc. 15 printed books means simultaneously showing to 15 people. You can even give them away to potential resellers, investors, traders and collectors.
When it rains, it pours, as in the days of Noah
There's a saying, "When it rains, it pours." There is a negative interpretation and a positive interpretation.
Negative: When trouble comes, they cascade to even more.
Positive: When opportunity comes knocking, more follow suit. We can assume that if one gets our art because of #valzubiriagenda, more want to do it now, because of the rising prices, and FOMO - fear of missing out. What will they lose if they miss the boat?
As I have said earlier, if the #valzubiriagenda trends, if you announce a future memoir or art catalog, you might have an increase of investors, traders and art collectors who would want to check you out. You might encourage more sales. Just remember to write and publish that memoir and art catalog.
There's this saying, "As in the days of Noah." Imagine Noah, building his ark, with members of his own family, putting all his time and effort into it. Noah was a nice guy. I'm sure every once in a while a neighbor offered him coffee, or chai latte, or whatever refreshing drink they might have back then.
Here's the lesson to be learned. Just because they offered him some type of bubble tea drink, or coca cola, they still didn't make it to the ark. Rubbing shoulders with actors does not make you an actor. I have told my artist friends to write their memoirs. They told me that once they see me succeed, after all these many years of seeing my seemingly useless efforts, then they will write their memoirs and follow the road that I had paved for them.
Good luck to them, but if I were you, act now, get my art or make art. Support the 5-year old artist whose parent promised to release a comprehensive art catalog. If you get that 5-year old's art, and mine, I would be honored to be in the same art catalog that you will produce. I'm already successful at that point. You have gotten the mission just right.
I have already claimed to have written the most book-length artist memoirs in the world. Dethrone that claim. Barter. Use ghostwriters. Success to me means facing God one day and saying, I wrote my memoirs and left the world a legacy of books and art. I will not tell God, smiling and proudly, that I encouraged a run for my art by announcing a schedule of exponentially increasing prices that reached 9 figures. I'm sure God knows we had fun.


If you want to try out #valzubiriagenda, in any capacity, join this group. Let others know about this group as well.
If you are an artist, you can let everyone know here that you will produce your memoir, art catalogs, etc. It's okay if you don't know how to go about publishing yet, I will discuss this. Please be honorable enough to produce what you promise to produce.
If you want to meet fellow artists, investors, resellers, etc., join us here.
If you are a book writer, editor, proofreader; if you can photograph art pieces; if you are a book designer, etc., join us here. Let us know if you charge, barter for art, or both.
If you have your own tips and knowledge to share, join us here.
If you have underaged artists you are managing (parents, etc.) join us here.
Join this group if you want to sell works. Post your works. You web links. I'm sure I will.
You can announce meetings in your area. You might have meeting rooms, a café, restaurant, etc. where people can meet. In the future, you can have the regular show and tell, where books can be shown and shared.

Thanks for reading. Please let me know if I need to edit some parts. Please share and join this group. - Valentino Zubiri, Dollman, Artist, Memoirist
Underaged artists are welcome here, so please be mindful of your language. We cannot post your adult-oriented art pieces, but you can direct us to a separate page or community. There will be limits to your posts, and there will be adult-oriented art that we cannot allow to be posted.
Thanks for reading. Please let me know if I need to edit some parts. Please share and join this group. - Valentino Zubiri, Dollman, artist & memoirist
submitted by AutoModerator to valzubiriagenda [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:43 goodolreliable Homeless - incoming

Hello everyone, just wanted to share my experience living in Canada since November of 2023.
I speak 4 languages fluently (English,Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian). Do have experience working as a settlement worker+translatointerpreter in Red Cross (and similar) companies. Been actively volunteering in the past 5 years, and still do volunteer in Food banks here in Canada. I also have plenty of experience working as a Barista and a Hookah Man (I was the best Hookah man in my hometown). You folks can't even imagine how grateful I am to have a possibility to live in Canada now. It was a Dream I thought would never come alive, but it did... Under bad circumstances,sadly. Before moving here I have heard about Canadians being well-mannered and nice. How people would oftenly say "Thank you" and "I am sorry", to the point where it became a stereotype. And i was like "This is crazy... I can't believe these people are so nice to everyone around". I am a carrying, well-mannered person who says "Thank you" and "I am sorry" more than I should (I guess), but the moment I found out about Canadian values and manners - I fell in love with it Instantly. Not because of money or possibilites, but sincerely good people. I just wanted to experience it myself. Be surrounded by good people and show them how Grateful I am to be a part of this Wonderful community. I dreamt about it. Dreamt about being included in it, having a possibility to Contribute to it, to show that I want the best for this place and people living here. Since November 2023 I have sent around 2000 CVs (resumes) using Indeed, Jobbank, Glassdoor and other similar websites. I have visited at least 10 employment agencies/centres, but they never helped me, but rewrote my CV every single time (just 3 days ago my CV was changed again by an YMCA employee). Good thing to mention: same YMCA employee helped me get $100 on my Presto card (for free) so at least I won't have to spend my last money paying for bus trip to foodbanks i volunteer at, so I can keep doing it for one more month. (I know some of you will say that volunteering in such position is a bad thing, but I can't help myself there. Since the start of war in Ukraine I just couldn't stop thinking about people in Real need, and I decided that since I could help - I shall help, at least because I am quick on translating people)
When I just arrived here in Canada I've immediately printed a bunch of CV's of mine and went outside to drop them at all kinds of Hookah lounge bars. The first bar I've entered had Indian folks only working there, which I didn't even pay attention to. I have approached an employee and asked him to call his manager, since I was looking for a job and Am an experienced Hookah man. The guy complied, and after calling his manager he asked me "I guess you're a newcomer here in Canada,right?". That time i thought I just didn't look/act Canadian and it was obvious that I wasn't one. Turned out that question meant "You are new here,right? I ask you because apparently you don't know about the rules yet, which is - We have a cultural solidarity, so don't even try it here".
Then I went to all kinds of community centers (because I have a lot of experience acting as a settlement worker+translator in Red Cross and similar companies), applying for any position I was well familiar with (like a Receptionist, Translator or an assistant of any kind). I would be competing against people who barely spoke English, but still, somehow, would never receive a positive response. Applied to a bunch of Translation/Interpretation agencies, just for them to fail me by asking things like "Listen to this 3:28 seconds long Climate change speech written by a Chinese scientist, and then recap it in another language" (I have never experienced this kind of sabotage while applying to a Translatointerpreter job previously. Sounds a lot like If someone tried to filter out applicants to keep the spot Open).
In the last couple of days I have sent my resume to EVERY SINGLE OPEN POSITION at: Walmart, No Frills, Metro, Dollarama,Food basics, Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Vallue Village,Weed dispensaries like Hunny Pot, Canna Cabana and similar ones, various airports. And today I will send my CV to every single open position in Mcdonalds and BK. It looks a lot like I will end up homeless despite my skills, productivity and multilingualism... I have maybe a month more of cash to support myself, and then I am done pretty much (hopefully shelters or at least food banks i volunteer at will be able to help...). For anyone interested: I already received around 30 replies from Walmart, saying that they decided to not move on with my application; Vallue Village also said the same about every single position I applied to (around 20). I can't believe there's not a single Positive reply after all this time. Thought I'd help to build a statistic of a kind at least,by sharing details about these companies refusing applicants like me.
I have met and seen a lot of people here who do NOT support Canadian values, norms and culture, but I am Not one of them. I don't want to be amongst those who Doesn't even speak English, but still somehow gets a job here, or someone who spits on the floor in a subway, or those who openly dgaf about this place and Canadians but it's/their resources. Those, who are planning to drain this country and then leave,to go back to their hometown.
I will keep contributing to this country till i die, doing my best to show that I am a part of Solution, not a problem. And maybe someday, if i get lucky, i'd be accepted in this community for real. I know a lot of you say that Canada is lost already at this point, but way I personally see it:
You all are Canada. You - good people. Not those who steal, rape, abuse and insult. Not the Spitters or those who barely speak English. But you - Good, well-mannered, nice people. All the problems are coming from BAD people, and you have nothing to do with them. There's an INFINITE difference between a Canadian and a "Canadian", and "Canadians" are the enemies of everything GOOD here. But even if they steal everything from this country, they will not be able to turn their country into anything like Canada, because it's about PEOPLE,not about money.
submitted by goodolreliable to CanadaJobsIssues [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:41 ECWCat 4-14-1975 WWWF Madison Square Garden Review

Tony Altimore vs. Mike Paidousis: Bad opener. Tony is around 45 and looks older, and Mike is 50 and looks even more old. Mike looks like a tough dad who could still beat you up at least. He made his debut in 1950, Tony in 1960. Tony is best known for being Lou Albano's tag partner eons ago. This match should have been filmed in black and white. I felt bad for Mike because he really moved so slow and seemed like a fish out of water to the point where he barely looked trained. Turns out he was a grizzled vet. Tony tried to be entertaining like Albano, but he didn't have much to work with. Fans not really into this one but were at least polite enough. None of the offense looked legit although Mike hit Tony with a couple of loud strikes. Finish came at 13 minutes after Tony missed a dropkick and Mike awkwardly pinned him with a slow ref count. Yikes.
Greg Valentine vs. El Olympico: Making his MSG debut, a young Greg Valentine- billed from California- truly impressed me. Ironically, the fans were making catcalls to Valentine on the way to the ring. Even today some fans joke that Greg looks like a grandma. It's baffling to me how such a masculine no-nonsense dude is the blunt of gender jokes. Valentine bullied Olympico and laid in STIFF shots that had appeared to really hurt him. Olympico actually fired back with STIFF strikes of his own in a fiery comeback. I know the sadist Valentine loved the pain he inflicted and received. Greg mostly dominated but allowed Olympico to get his dropkicks in. Fans were into the match. The finish came at 8 minutes with Greg laying in the hammer elbow drop. Ancient ref was slow again, and the ring announcer pronounced Greg's last name as "Valenteen". That said, excellent debut! Valentine was a natural and a great technical heel. Way better than the standard WWWF heels at the time.
Chief Jay Strongbow vs. Waldo von Erich: Waldo basically caused a near-riot by sneak attacking Strongbow and throwing him over the post (HUGE bump by Jay!) in 39 seconds to win by CO. Waldo already had heat based on his Nazi gear. Bruno Sammartino came out and carried Strongbow away with officials. Fans wanted justice but will have to wait. Excellent booking for a future match between Waldo and Bruno.
Little Tokyo & Lord Littlebrook vs. Little Louie & Sonny Boy Hayes: 2/3 falls 20 minute time filler. I am now burnt out from listing match times and unfortunately finishes. Will just do stream of consciousness. The workrate was good. These little people worked harder than the larger people. Three major comedy spots with the referee, all demeaning. Little Tokyo impressed me but wasn't in it as long as Littlebrook, who was also a true pro. Fans were into it. Just wish WWWF would have good technical wrestlers who could do a 15-20 minute match in the middle of these cards because the little people (and "girls") never had any angles or promos on TV, so these matches were cold going in. That said, 1975 fans treated them much better than when they were still doing this in the 1980s.
Bruno Sammartino (c) vs. Spiros Arion: Wow, this was the match I was expecting. Makes perfect sense why they didn't go all out last time. This Death Match was basically an early "I Quit" or Submission Match as opposed to the pin one from last time. Excellent brawl. Bruno showed so much emotion to get a final revenge on Arion. Fans went through the roof. Loved the finish where it seemed for a split second that Arion would pull off the upset after his atomic drop finisher and he started to climb to the top rope. He missed his knee drop to an unearthly pop and Bruno destroyed his knee for the submission. The intensity brought tears to my eyes. Bruno is just so over beyond anyone. He is the pride of Italians and New Yorkers.
Edouard Carpentier vs. Joe Nova: 48-year old Edouard Carpentier was still more agile than everyone else on the card! Not an exaggeration. This Hall of Famer must have been the most athletic wrestler in the Golden Age. He finished the match with multiple cannonballs (sentons). He was very flashy in this match and his spinning kicks fit in well with the Kung Fu trend of the time. He did miss one, but that was due to Nova. Nova was basically enhancement talent who made the match feel longer than its 9 minutes. His bio says he had a well-traveled career and some feuds in various places, but I'd day current day wrestler J.D. Drake does that style much better. Anyway, back to Edouard Carpentier- his cartwheels and backflips kept reminding of how illogical Jim Cornette's rants about "flippy shit" are. There is a near 100% chance that Edouard Carpentier would be wrestling like Will Ospreay if he existed in 2024. That's how things evolve. No, Carpentier's flashy stuff wasn't realistic for a real fight but what he and Antonino Rocca did is indeed pro rasslin'.
Manuel Soto & Pete Sanchez vs. The Valiant Brothers: Edited off tape.
Bob Duncum vs. Victor Rivera: I always get Bob Duncam and Bob Duncam Jr confused. Anyway, time limit draw due to curfew. Ran pretty long. I like Rivera's varied moves (back suplex, belly to back suplex, and cannonballs- he missed one which was cool). Could have done without the rest holds from both men. Rivera also tends to sell too long and had his comebacks cut off. There was a good sequence where he was thrown out on the floor and tried a sunset flip to win it but Duncam was kicking out of everything. Quite a few near falls. Fans were somewhat engaged as they threw the kitchen sink at each other although I wasn't that impressed with Duncam's offense and generic Cowboy heel gimmick.
submitted by ECWCat to WrestlingMonologue [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:34 goodolreliable Homeless - incoming

Hello everyone, just wanted to share my experience living in Canada since November of 2023.
I speak 4 languages fluently (English,Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian). Do have experience working as a settlement worker+translatointerpreter in Red Cross (and similar) companies. Been actively volunteering in the past 5 years, and still do volunteer in Food banks here in Canada. I also have plenty of experience working as a Barista and a Hookah Man (I was the best Hookah man in my hometown). You folks can't even imagine how grateful I am to have a possibility to live in Canada now. It was a Dream I thought would never come alive, but it did... Under bad circumstances,sadly. Before moving here I have heard about Canadians being well-mannered and nice. How people would oftenly say "Thank you" and "I am sorry", to the point where it became a stereotype. And i was like "This is crazy... I can't believe these people are so nice to everyone around". I am a carrying, well-mannered person who says "Thank you" and "I am sorry" more than I should (I guess), but the moment I found out about Canadian values and manners - I fell in love with it Instantly. Not because of money or possibilites, but sincerely good people. I just wanted to experience it myself. Be surrounded by good people and show them how Grateful I am to be a part of this Wonderful community. I dreamt about it. Dreamt about being included in it, having a possibility to Contribute to it, to show that I want the best for this place and people living here. Since November 2023 I have sent around 2000 CVs (resumes) using Indeed, Jobbank, Glassdoor and other similar websites. I have visited at least 10 employment agencies/centres, but they never helped me, but rewrote my CV every single time (just 3 days ago my CV was changed again by an YMCA employee). Good thing to mention: same YMCA employee helped me get $100 on my Presto card (for free) so at least I won't have to spend my last money paying for bus trip to foodbanks i volunteer at, so I can keep doing it for one more month. (I know some of you will say that volunteering in such position is a bad thing, but I can't help myself there. Since the start of war in Ukraine I just couldn't stop thinking about people in Real need, and I decided that since I could help - I shall help, at least because I am quick on translating people)
When I just arrived here in Canada I've immediately printed a bunch of CV's of mine and went outside to drop them at all kinds of Hookah lounge bars. The first bar I've entered had Indian folks only working there, which I didn't even pay attention to. I have approached an employee and asked him to call his manager, since I was looking for a job and Am an experienced Hookah man. The guy complied, and after calling his manager he asked me "I guess you're a newcomer here in Canada,right?". That time i thought I just didn't look/act Canadian and it was obvious that I wasn't one. Turned out that question meant "You are new here,right? I ask you because apparently you don't know about the rules yet, which is - We have a cultural solidarity, so don't even try it here".
Then I went to all kinds of community centers (because I have a lot of experience acting as a settlement worker+translator in Red Cross and similar companies), applying for any position I was well familiar with (like a Receptionist, Translator or an assistant of any kind). I would be competing against people who barely spoke English, but still, somehow, would never receive a positive response. Applied to a bunch of Translation/Interpretation agencies, just for them to fail me by asking things like "Listen to this 3:28 seconds long Climate change speech written by a Chinese scientist, and then recap it in another language" (I have never experienced this kind of sabotage while applying to a Translatointerpreter job previously. Sounds a lot like If someone tried to filter out applicants to keep the spot Open).
In the last couple of days I have sent my resume to EVERY SINGLE OPEN POSITION at: Walmart, No Frills, Metro, Dollarama,Food basics, Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Vallue Village,Weed dispensaries like Hunny Pot, Canna Cabana and similar ones, various airports. And today I will send my CV to every single open position in Mcdonalds and BK. It looks a lot like I will end up homeless despite my skills, productivity and multilingualism... I have maybe a month more of cash to support myself, and then I am done pretty much (hopefully shelters or at least food banks i volunteer at will be able to help...). For anyone interested: I already received around 30 replies from Walmart, saying that they decided to not move on with my application; Vallue Village also said the same about every single position I applied to (around 20). I can't believe there's not a single Positive reply after all this time. Thought I'd help to build a statistic of a kind at least,by sharing details about these companies refusing applicants like me.
I have met and seen a lot of people here who do NOT support Canadian values, norms and culture, but I am Not one of them. I don't want to be amongst those who Doesn't even speak English, but still somehow gets a job here, or someone who spits on the floor in a subway, or those who openly dgaf about this place and Canadians but it's/their resources. Those, who are planning to drain this country and then leave,to go back to their hometown.
I will keep contributing to this country till i die, doing my best to show that I am a part of Solution, not a problem. And maybe someday, if i get lucky, i'd be accepted in this community for real. I know a lot of you say that Canada is lost already at this point, but way I personally see it:
You all are Canada. You - good people. Not those who steal, rape, abuse and insult. Not the Spitters or those who barely speak English. But you - Good, well-mannered, nice people. All the problems are coming from BAD people, and you have nothing to do with them. There's an INFINITE difference between a Canadian and a "Canadian", and "Canadians" are the enemies of everything GOOD here. But even if they steal everything from this country, they will not be able to turn their country into anything like Canada, because it's about PEOPLE,not about money.
submitted by goodolreliable to CanadaHousing2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:27 Dream_weaver1980 USA Rehomes Dior, Chanel

USA Rehomes Dior, Chanel
Rehome of Christian Dior Bag, Slides, Cap(vip) & Chanel Crystal WOC, Gabrielle Backpack and Sunglasses -USA only
Rehome continental USA of the following items, if you are interested please post or message me. I ship UPS signature required typically the same or following day.(weekend except ship Monday morning).
  1. $180 plus ship-Christian Dior saddlebag messenger oblique 10”x6-1/2”x3”x 25” adjustable strap drop in outstanding condition purchased from factory black frame have psp, selling price is $180 plus shipping. If interested please post, or dm, I accept Venmo or ppf&f. Please serious inquiries only once funds transfer there aren’t any exchanges, returns or refunds. I’ll provide UPS signature tracking number to you and your pd invoice, upon payment confirmation sent to me.seller-mcdull
  2. $350-Chanel Gabrielle lambskin leather backpack with silver hardware 9”x9”x4”x14” straps are adjustable. Lining is maroon. Comes with generic dust bag, rehome I purchased repladies, never used. Excellent condition. I can provide the rehome info for serious inquiries. Price includes shipping at $350, I paid $450. Same payment terms as above, venmo or ppf&f. Once funds transfer, there aren’t returns refunds or exchanges. I’ll provide UPS signature tracking number and your pd invoice, to you, upon payment confirmation sent to me..seller- rehome have 3.-$100. Includes shipping-Christian Dior fisherman’s cap season 2022. Authentic VIP item. Black cloth lined with red satin. Size 59 euro, equals a size large USA. Outstanding condition. Brim is hard wired. CD written out on brim. Photo posted is very close to the cap for sale. Same payment terms, accept Venmo or ppff, once funds transfer; no refunds, exchanges or returns. I’ll provide UPS signature required tracking number and your paid invoice upon payment confirmation sent to me.seller-vestiare collective
  3. -$90. includes shipping-Christian Dior oblique patterns slide/sandals. New in box. Size 40 equal a 9-1/2-10 USA. Measuring 11” long. Never out of the box. $90. Plus shipping. Same terms accept venmo or ppff, once funds have transferred; no refunds, exchange or return. I’ll provide you with UPS signature required tracking and your paid invoice upon payment confirmation sent to me.seller mcdull
  4. $350. plus shipping- Catch and release I have to carry a bigger bag 😂, thus am selling! CHANEL WOC mini bag. Black Lambskin leather, silver hardware, gorgeous sparkling crystals. Beautiful item. Measure 7-1/2”x5”x1”x23”strap drop. Have PSP. Terms venmo, or ppf&f, once funds transfer; no refunds, exchange or returns. I’ll provide you with a UPS signature required tracking number and your paid invoice, upon payment confirmation sent to me.seller-mcdull
  5. $40 includes shipping Chanel sunglasses- new with case. Same terms as above, once funds transfer no refund, exchange or returns. I’ll provide you with UPS signature required tracking number and your paid invoice upon payment confirmation sent to me .seller mcdull I am a trusted seller with reviews and a link for seller feedback I’ll provide anyone who requests it.
submitted by Dream_weaver1980 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:16 Dream_weaver1980 Rehome of Christian Dior Bag, Slides, Cap(vip) & Chanel Crystal WOC, Gabrielle Backpack and Sunglasses -USA only

Rehome of Christian Dior Bag, Slides, Cap(vip) & Chanel Crystal WOC, Gabrielle Backpack and Sunglasses -USA only
Rehome continental USA of the following items, if you are interested please post or message me. I ship UPS signature required typically the same or following day.(weekend except ship Monday morning).
  1. $180 plus ship-Christian Dior saddlebag messenger oblique 10”x6-1/2”x3”x 25” adjustable strap drop in outstanding condition purchased from factory black frame have psp, selling price is $180 plus shipping. If interested please post, or dm, I accept Venmo or ppf&f. Please serious inquiries only once funds transfer there aren’t any exchanges, returns or refunds. I’ll provide UPS signature tracking number to you and your pd invoice, upon payment confirmation sent to me.seller-mcdull
  2. $350-Chanel Gabrielle lambskin leather backpack with silver hardware 9”x9”x4”x14” straps are adjustable. Lining is maroon. Comes with generic dust bag, rehome I purchased repladies, never used. Excellent condition. I can provide the rehome info for serious inquiries. Price includes shipping at $350, I paid $450. Same payment terms as above, venmo or ppf&f. Once funds transfer, there aren’t returns refunds or exchanges. I’ll provide UPS signature tracking number and your pd invoice, to you, upon payment confirmation sent to me..seller- rehome have 3.-$100. Includes shipping-Christian Dior fisherman’s cap season 2022. Authentic VIP item. Black cloth lined with red satin. Size 59 euro, equals a size large USA. Outstanding condition. Brim is hard wired. CD written out on brim. Photo posted is very close to the cap for sale. Same payment terms, accept Venmo or ppff, once funds transfer; no refunds, exchanges or returns. I’ll provide UPS signature required tracking number and your paid invoice upon payment confirmation sent to me.seller-vestiare collective
  3. -$90. includes shipping-Christian Dior oblique patterns slide/sandals. New in box. Size 40 equal a 9-1/2-10 USA. Measuring 11” long. Never out of the box. $90. Plus shipping. Same terms accept venmo or ppff, once funds have transferred; no refunds, exchange or return. I’ll provide you with UPS signature required tracking and your paid invoice upon payment confirmation sent to me.seller mcdull
  4. $350. plus shipping- Catch and release I have to carry a bigger bag 😂, thus am selling! CHANEL WOC mini bag. Black Lambskin leather, silver hardware, gorgeous sparkling crystals. Beautiful item. Measure 7-1/2”x5”x1”x23”strap drop. Have PSP. Terms venmo, or ppf&f, once funds transfer; no refunds, exchange or returns. I’ll provide you with a UPS signature required tracking number and your paid invoice, upon payment confirmation sent to me.seller-mcdull
  5. $40 includes shipping Chanel sunglasses- new with case. Same terms as above, once funds transfer no refund, exchange or returns. I’ll provide you with UPS signature required tracking number and your paid invoice upon payment confirmation sent to me .seller mcdull I have a link for seller feedback I’ll provide anyone who requests it.
submitted by Dream_weaver1980 to u/Dream_weaver1980 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:39 deshanm123 Trying to replace my laptop charger. HELP PLZ

Trying to replace my laptop charger. HELP PLZ
I have to carry my charger everywhere I go, I'm trying to replace my charger with a lightweight one. I bought a Ugreen Charger and a 100W supporting USB-C cable for my phone. Apparently it's compatible laptop charging also.
I have attached a photo of my laptop charging adapter and Urgreen charger box.
Generic Charger for Zenbook14
Front of box
back of the charging box
Please let me know if this Ugreen Charger can be used as a complete replacement for the generic charger.
Is there any risk of doing that? (like probability of getting short circuited, battery problems on the laptop and etc)?
Thanks in advance, I highly appreciate your support.
Trying to replace my laptop charger. HELP PLZ
I have to carry my charger everywhere I go, I'm trying to replace my charger with a lightweight one. I bought a Ugreen Charger and a 100W supporting USB-C cable for my phone. Apparently it's compatible laptop charging also.
I have attached a photo of my laptop charging adapter and Urgreen charger box.
submitted by deshanm123 to ASUS [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:27 deshanm123 Trying to replace my laptop charger. HELP PLZ

Trying to replace my laptop charger. HELP PLZ
I have to carry my charger everywhere I go, I'm trying to replace my charger with a lightweight one. I bought a Ugreen Charger and a 100W supporting USB-C cable for my phone. Apparently it's compatible laptop charging also.
I have attached a photo of my laptop charging adapter and Urgreen charger box.
Generic Charger for Zenbook14
Front of box
back of the charging box
Please let me know , if this Ugreen Charger can be used as a complete replacement for the generic charger ?
Is there any risk of doing that? (like probability of getting short circuited, battery problems on laptop and etc)?
Thanks in advance, I highly appreciate your support.
submitted by deshanm123 to 24hoursupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:39 gubgup [WTS] Microtech Stitch Ram-Lok OD Green Al Partially Serrated

Got this in the past week to give it a try, however the blade shape and size of the knife is just not for me.
Generic Disclaimer: All prices are shipped and via PayPal F&F or Trade values marked. I'm open to haggle on any knives not priced as FIRM. All knives will be insured and shipped via USPS priority or UPS 3-day. Please let me know in advance if you require a signature confirmation.

Microtech Knives - Stitch RAM-LOK OD - $210 Shipped

Fluted OD green aluminum scales
Black coated partially serrated blade - M390MK
Includes the original box
No serial number on these models
DOB: 05/2024
Condition: LNIB
Notes: I am the original owner and it arrive new to me at the start of the week. I've flipped it open and closed trying to see if i could like it, but i just cant get into it. It's never been carried at all and has only cut a 3x5 card to test the edge. It's razor sharp.
Sale/Trade Value: $210 Shipped / $330 TV
TRADES: I will only trade with users who have 15+ flair.
The only knife i'd be willing to look at in regards to trades is that of a Benchmade Auto Stryker in excellent condition. This is all.
submitted by gubgup to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:25 Dionysus24779 A very critical and long review of the game.

I finished the story-part of the game yesterday and have many thoughts on it I want to share.
Before I get into it though I do want to stress that I overall really enjoyed Eiyuden Chronicles and that my criticisms come from a place of love, because I want to see these issues ironed out for this game or at least a possible sequel.
I mean... I care enough to produce this huge review.
But to repeat again: I do like this game and would recommend it.
And as for context: As for most of us Suikoden II was also a dear childhood game of mine, though I haven't actually played it in probably a decade and I actually don't want to compare it too much to EC.
Obligatory: This is all just my opinion and experience with the game.
So let's begin.

Story, Protagonists and the Villain

After having read through many threads this seems to be one of the most discussed points for the game, with many thinking the story is too soft or that Aldric is a cookie cutter villain.
Generally I do tend to somewhat agree, though I also think the story is serviceable enough to act as a backdrop to what you are really here for, which is to build up this humble group of freedom fighters into an outright army or even nation that stands against an evil empire.
And yes, we don't actually see a lot of the actions of the evil empire. Even with Yaelu's story, which is about the empire abducting an entire village and using them in lethal human experiments, it is something we are mostly just told about but don't actually see. The empire attacking Nowa's home village or taking over Marisa's also felt like it had no real consequences, because in each instance everyone was successfully evacuated and people simply rebuild or later on retook their home. It wasn't like we had some kind of funeral scene where the characters took a moment to mourn all the people who didn't make it. And for all other cities... imperial occupation seems to be a rather casual affair, yeah you have some rude soldiers in the streets but it didn't seem like life changed much for most.
I think what bothered me more was that in many ways the story was simply too superficial and glanced over many interesting ideas. For example... Nowa's entire idea of meddling because he saw his father go up against bandits when he didn't had to, maybe that could've actually been explored as a kind of trauma, that Nowa felt the urge to meddle because he wants to prove his father's action right.
Or as another example: Aldric's entire idea to create rune-lens based technology that everyone can use actually sounds good and reasonable on paper and nobody ever really acknowledges that, even when such technology has proven to be beneficial. Yeah Aldric's methods are wrong, definitively, but I don't even think that we are ever given much to support the idea that Aldric is only doing this because he lusts for power, it always felt like everyone simply assumed that to be the case and we, the players, are to just agree. It doesn't help of course that Aldric is indeed written without much ambiguity, always being condescending and spouting very generic villain lines, but we are also never really given a chance to see things from his perspective until the very final confrontation in his castle, when the main characters simply brush aside Aldric's claims on his motivation.
Btw. maybe I just missed it or it was never acknowledged that Hurstwine escaped from his cell, ignoring we saw a cutscene of him doing so, until he made an attempt on Nowa's life and only then someone said "We knew he escaped, but we didn't think he was still in the castle."
Beyond all of that the epilogue felt very rushed in my opinion, you quickly get literally 2 sentences to quickly tell us what happened to this or that character, and you get 3 at a time at a pretty fast pace, which robbed it of some of the impact. The small cutscenes which played in between felt too generic to tell us much about where these characters are now in life, the only exception being Maxim trying to propose or court Elektra who runs away in panic, that was a good moment.
However! It's not like I think the story was just bad from beginning to end, there were actually many parts, bigger and smaller, which I really enjoyed.
For example the entire story around Euma and Hishahn in general was actually executed pretty well. I really liked the ways in which Yulin, Melridge and Kassius supported their young and inexperienced king and some of the dialogue had some pretty good lines even, like for example the whole example of a veteran knight being more powerful than a rookie one, but unlike the veteran the rookie has a future ahead of him.
Now as for the three protagonists of the story...
Nowa was actually fairly good for a main character, yeah his personality might be a bit bland and generic as this nice guy who wants to help everyone, but they did pull it off well enough, even giving him a small backstory to give us a reason for it. I also like how at times he genuinely gets invested into the quirky side-stories of other characters, such as when recruiting Mellore or the entire Beigoma questline where Nowa really takes it serious.
Seign was actually a somewhat weaker protagonist. I did like some of the early moments when Nowa's and Seign's friendship formed and was build up, but later on Seign just kind of feels like his story ended before it even started. He has very little conflict, if any at all really, over not playing along with the Empire's plans and siding with Nowa instead.
Gameplay-wise the two of them also have the problem of being somewhat lackluster when compared to other characters, without really anything to make them stand out. They don't have super amazing stats (but still good) or any kind of unique ability that would make you want to take them with you.
And here is where I would bring up Suikoden II, where early on in the story both Riou and Jowy receive special runes that gave them pretty good unique powers. I actually really thought that perhaps the prologue portion was leading up to that when Nowa and Seign were separated from the others... that they would reach the primal lens but something would cause it to shatter or whatever and imbue the two of them with a part of their power.
And... well, then there is Marisa, who I have the most thoughts on perhaps.
Let me start with the positives for her... I do think that she is made to be likeable enough, like she is also a character who wants to do the right thing and recognizes early on that her people cannot afford to sit out this brewing conflict. I also kind of like that the story really makes it feel like Marisa had her own story going on, with her and her friends referencing events we never saw, such as finding Nil in some Runebarrow, her befriending Aleoir and Leene and so on...
However... this also really meant that I always felt like I was missing context... yes I know she'll get a story DLC... which made it harder for me to care and get invested into it.
It also always felt like Marisa was only the third protagonist of the game, because the game and its story really insisted on it being the case... because her actual role in the story isn't very large or even impactful, she doesn't offer a unique perspective on things and her primary motivation to join the resistance feels weak... especially since she goes on and on about how she wants to make the Empire pay for what they did to her home village, which I quickly found quite jarring. Wayve even calls her out on caring more about the physical location than the people who they successfully evacuated anyway. Nowa has his home village burned down but doesn't dwell on it that much. Yaelu had her village abducted and many of its members killed, including her parents... and yet even she isn't that obsessed with it.
To even take a step back, I personally am not a big fan of the entire trope of having these "secret ancient guardians who guard this place of secret something", like... "the Guardians" as a faction felt completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, despite other characters bring up how Marisa is a guardian like it is a huge deal.
Both Nowa and Seign feel simply so much more connected to the overall plot of the game.
Two smaller "btw." things about Marisa... the first is that I personally always disliked baby or animal characters which constantly have to interject in conversations by making noises, so her Pooby or whatever was really annoying to me.
The other is... I did went back and checked on the original Kickstarter for this game and early promotional material and while Marisa was there, she did not seem like she was intended as a main character really. Originally it was Nowa and Seign front and center. Now I didn't follow the Kickstarter after it was announced and successfully funded, but it did came as a surprise for me to see Marisa suddenly share the spotlight with Nowa and Seign.
It would actually explain a lot if Marisa being a protagonist was a decision made later in development or something, but maybe I am just wrong on this, either way it doesn't invalidate any of the points I've brought up.
Personally I think that there would've been many other characters who could've been given that position of third protagonist, even just among the roster of female characters if you wanted to round it out.

Gameplay and the many questionable design choices

I do have a lot to criticize here and I know that with a lot of the criticism I am not alone as I've read it in many other threads.
However, I still want to emphasize again that I did enjoy the game and the regular gameplay was very fine for the most part.
But Eiyuden Chronicles simply has many, many flaws and it is a mix of simply questionable design choices and some outright bugs, which I will give its own section.
Given how varied the issues with the gameplay is it was hard for me to came up with an order in which to mention them, so please excuse if this section seems like rambling.
I'll also put it into bullet points, which I hope makes this easier to read.
Let's start with things related to combat:
Many of the in-battle mechanics are not worth engaging with:
Now besides regular combat there are two other kinds with their own flawed mechanics:
As for Minigames:
Some other things to mention in regards to the castle/HQ and its upgrades and other general gameplay mechanics:
General Quality of Life stuff:


Eiyuden Chronicles is certainly no Bethesda game or Cyberpunk 2077, I actually didn't feel impeded by bugs for probably 90% of the time, which didn't mean they weren't there though.
The perhaps most common and basically omnipresent bug for me was gamepad-drifting, which for me was the game reading a constant input to move to the right until I input another direction. I had to fight with this a ton and at first I genuinely thought my gamepad was beginning to break down, but then I've read other threads on this subreddit and saw other people had similar issues.
The only other times I've encountered bugs was pretty consistently during cutscenes when things would progress without your input.
For example during the escape from Eltisweiss when Nowa and Seign had their duel there were moments when Seign said something and it would take up to about a minute before the scene continues, it would simply stop on a speech bubble with Seign and Nowa still being animated though, it's not like the game froze.
During the song when you recruit the Shark people I got stuck in an endless loop, which I didn't realize at first, I though the song was simply unreasonably long and repetitive... until about the 8th loop or so when I began looking online and found others having experienced the same issue. Luckily I could just skip the scene.
A similar thing happened during the escape from the castle after beating the game, just when Nowa's group meets up with Wayve's, the dialogue simply stopped on a speech bubble and I had to skip the entire scene to progress.
Though the absolute worst was the final duel against Aldric. It started off okay during Nowa's part, but as soon as Seign took over the game just went crazy. The sound effects became completely desynced from what was happening on screen. Animations would repeat, which even made me see characters twice. The camera swayed around drunkenly which made me miss stuff, like at one point Marisa was charging up and launching some attack, but the camera just zoomed in on Aldric and then on the empty ground behind Marisa. When the three protagonist attacks together to give Aldric the final blow, the whole scene played twice but without Aldric present the second time...
It was a complete fever dream that kind of ruined what should've been the big finale to the whole story.

Visuals and Audio

Here I actually have to praise the game the most, even if again it isn't without flaws.
The pixel art of the game is really good, I love the general aesthetic and how most things look. There isn't a single character or creature I thought looked bad.
However you do have this weird issue of... to be honest I don't know the proper term, texture pop-in perhaps? It's that textures which are further away are more blurry or something, then when you move closer they become sharp. This was something that is very noticeable in many areas of the game when you move around. There is a quite distinct and sharp cut-off point and it can look really weird to have the world slightly shift as you are moving or have shadows dance around and such.
As for the audio, the music is all around very serviceable, though I don't think any particular song stands out or would be something I would listen to on my own, though I realize this is very subjective of course.
As for voices, I played with the Japanese voices and was very positively surprised at how fantastic the casting is. If you are a fan of Anime you will even recognize many voices. Like it really seemed like they spared no expense here to get a stellar cast of professional and experienced voice actors, some characters having incredibly iconic voices.
This also makes the Theater even more of a treat.
One more criticism though... since I was playing with Japanese voices and am not fluent in Japanese I was mostly relying on the speech bubbles... and for the love of... please STOP with the shaky speech bubbles when characters were screaming, they were driving me crazy. There are many others ways to make speech bubbles more dynamic and to show a character is screaming. I absolutely hated this design choice.

The localization issue and controversy

Just around the game's launch it became apparent that the game would be localized by a company with people that had some weird ideas and even outright changed some of the dialogue.
Now... this is usually something I am very concerned about and it was disappointing to hear this when the controversy flamed up. Though it was never a deal breaker to me since I really was looking forward to this game for so long and I would've just criticized it harshly if it became a problem.
However... it's fine actually. The instances which really stand out where the localization is bad are actually pretty rare and very spread out. Mio's line about the Rune Golem's gender was probably the only line that made me roll my eyes.
So even I have to say that this actually wasn't a big issue at all, though I still do wish they go with a different option for the sequel.

Other small misc. notes on characters:

In Conclusion

As I said in the beginning, I did really enjoy playing through the game. It definitively scratched that itch of wanting to replay Suikoden II and have a fun turn-based jrpg, which is exactly what I wanted to get out of this.
So I am fully satisfied and the wait for the HD Remasters for Suikoden I+II has been made so much easier.
But the game has many many flaws. But I do think many can be ironed out with patches (the latest patch buffed characters, so buffs to magic, skills and hero combos should be on the table too) or can be done better in a sequel.
If you read all of this, thanks for spending the time.
submitted by Dionysus24779 to EiyudenChronicle [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:00 iwasmitrepl "I'm looking for an easy course!"

Since people are starting to enrol in semester 2, there are a lot of new posts asking for easy papers to enrol in. Recently, a very useful guide to this kind of thing was posted on a different university subreddit and many of the remarks carry over. I'll summarise some of them here, but please remember most of what I say is based on that very nice post.
TL;DR: Don't just post "give me some easy courses" without further information. A person taking bio might find many courses hard that a maths student might find easy, and vice versa. Many low-level arts papers require a lot of independent reading and thought and the entire assessment might be in terms of essays; many low-level science papers are assessed with a lot of small assessments like quizzes or lab reports and might need a lot of practical skill but not much reading; many other papers are very memorisation heavy. If you want useful answers, you need to say things like (i) what papers you've enjoyed and found easy; (ii) what papers you've found particularly hard.
Now I will summarise some of the advice in the post linked above.
Consider the following four things:
Personal interest. Practically speaking, if you're looking for an easy course then you should look for one you're interested in. If a course is in a subject that you find boring or that you are not motivated to take or that you would only take because it's easy, you'll probably find it harder than the content would suggest. In theory you should find your major interesting, so look for low-level courses in subjects "adjacent" to your major.
Evaluation format. The university publishes the syllabi online (example). This includes information about what percentage is participation, what percentage is essay, what percentage is closed-book exam, etc. Think about what kinds of evaluation format work for you: if you are in a major which has a lot of long-form essays and research, maybe avoid courses with lots of small assessments. If you are used to doing lab work and having a lot of practical assessment, avoid courses with a 70% closed book exam. Etc. etc. etc.
Course format. Some courses are primarily lecture based. Some have tutorials, some don't. Some courses are primarily group work. Again, this is either listed in the (publicly available) syllabus, or it's fairly easy to find out.
Other opinions. Sure, you can also look for opinions of people who have taken the course before. There are two issues that you should be careful about, though: firstly, many people will only give their opinions when they are complaining/unhappy (whether this is on reddit or tick-tock or on student course review or wherever); and secondly, as I mentioned above just because one person finds a course easy it doesn't mean that you will find it easy. So this should always be balanced with your own research. If you are a PG student then please don't just ask for generic reviews about all 700 level courses in your subject. These very often change year-on-year depending on research interests in the department, plus there is a very limited pool of people on here who will even be able to answer such questions. The people to ask in this case are (i) your supervisor, and (ii) masters or PhD students in your field. We are your friends, we do not laugh at you behind your back when you ask us silly questions like this and we would like nothing more than to give a 40 minute monologue on what courses would be useful.

Practical algorithm.

  1. Decide what evaluation formats would be red flags, and which ones you prefer (e.g. if you really do not like essays, write that down). Also decide what course formats would be red flags (e.g. "I will not do any course involving group work with randos").
  2. List the 4 or 5 "closest" subjects to your major, or other subjects which genuinely look interesting.
  3. Have a read through the abstracts for the courses, especially noting which ones have prereqs in courses that you enjoyed and which ones genuinely sound interesting to you.
  4. Download the syllabi for the courses you've seen that you would be possibly interested in, and rank them according to your lists in the first step.
After you've done all four steps, you should have a decent list and now you can go asking for advice on those courses, looking for things that might not be in the syllabus (e.g. a course might look really interesting in the syllabus but it turns out to be really technical and focuses on a niche part of the subject, or is specifically geared towards topologists while you're a combinatician).
At the very least, before posting a one-line post saying "what courses are easy", do steps 1 and 2 and include those with your post. You'll be much more likely to get a useful answer!
submitted by iwasmitrepl to universityofauckland [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:44 Emotional-Research24 My experience of PMDD - i think I’m going to get through luteal unscathed 😬

I’m 39 and I’ve been suffering from PMDD for over 25 years.
Like many, I was diagnosed with depression at a young age, and subsequently bipolar and BPD. These diagnoses never sat right with me, as I am fairly high functioning when not in luteal phase. I’ve been prescribed every SSRI you can think of, SNRIs, trycyclics, lithium (!) but nothing ever seemed to help. I’ve also done DBT, MBT, CBT and I see a therapist most weeks.
A few years ago I was diagnosed with ADHD, and subsequently made the connection between my cycle and my symptoms. All my ADHD shit is heightened during luteal to the point that life becomes unmanageable. I am prescribed 300mg bupropion, which helps somewhat, but not enough for me to be a functioning human being during danger week. I regularly throw grenades into my life: messing up at work, ruining relationships etc.
On a good month I am irritable, tearful, fatigued, depressed and I retreat to my bed for 2-3 days; on bad months I have lots of SI and make plans or attempt to unalive myself.
I live a healthy life, meditate every morning, exercise most days, eat well etc, and have been taking the following supplements/medication for a couple of years:
In spite of this, I still tend to have a fairly rough ride.
But this month feels different.
I’m on day 23 of my cycle, the beginning of my danger week… and I seem to be ok. I’m conscious of speaking too soon, however at the moment I feel like I’ve got this.
After doing a lot of research, I decided to add famotidine (20mg generic) and fexofenadine (120mg Allevia) to my morning meds cocktail during luteal (started 5 days ago), and asides from feeling a bit tired, a little weepy and a tad irritable, I’m doing well.
[I bought the Allevia from Boots and was prescribed the famotidine from an online pharmacy for acid reflux - it’s available OTC in the states, but not in the UK.]
This is a staggering improvement from last month. I’ve even had some challenging life events to deal with, and I am actually dealing rather than falling apart and taking to my bed. I don’t feel unloveable and like everyone hates me, I’m able to focus at work, and I’m not spiralling into unhealthy thought patterns and self-medicating with diazepam.
If you’ve not looked into either of these drugs, I would advise you do some research. If things carry on as they have been for me, this is going to significantly improve my life. I’d go as far as to say that this could save my life.
Thank you for reading, and thank you for allowing me to join your community.
submitted by Emotional-Research24 to PMDDSharing [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:36 MarcusForrest OneBag Pre-Formatted Frequent Replies

Summer 2024 Update - Pre-formatted details and info related to my own experience & techniques - this serves me as a quick compendium for pre-formatted replies of mine that are very frequent. Individual categories are also included as comments for easier filtering and copy-pasting of formatted text.


This is my typical indefinite loadout for 3 seasons -
  • 4+1 🩲 Boxer Briefs
  • 4+1 🧦 Pairs of Socks
  • 4+2 👕 Top Garments - (1-2 long sleeve, rest short sleeves)
  • 1+1 👖 Trousers - (1 convertible, 1 long trousers)
  • 1 💤 Sleepwea🧗🏻‍♂️ Activewear set (shorts, tank top)
  • 1 👟 Pair of shoes (trail running shoes)
- Refers to a worn set, not packed
On top of that I evidently have my toiletry kit, sleep kit, electronics, laundry & misc kit, travel filmmaking gear, and medikit (I am T1D) - my entire loadout fits in an 18L backpack


As a T1D, I also have to carry specific items. Those critical and less-critical items are stored in a Waist Pouch that is not considered a ''bag'' by airlines, and it is sleek enough to allow me to carry it while seated on planes. It usually contains:
  • Insulin Pens with 2-days worth on injection supplies
  • Glucose Reader with relevant supplies (testing strips, lancets, lancing device)
  • Emergency Glucose Gel (for hypoglycemic events, but only when there are no other sources of carbs available)
  • Disinfectant wipes and cleaning wipes
  • Tote bag (packable, packs very small)
  • Nail Clipper (this one is not used for nail clipping but as a quick, small cutting tool)
  • Electronics microkit (SIM Card tool, USB-C to 3.5 mm adapter, USB-C to Micro USB adapter, Micro USB to USB-C adapter)
  • Bluetooth Earbuds (noise cancelling)
  • Permanent twin-tip Sharpie (one tip is thick as a marker the other is ultra fine as a pen)
  • Pills Tube (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Acetylsalicylic Acid tabs)
  • Lip balm


While I do own a mirrorless camera and production kit, I rarely use it for travel, unless needed for a commercial shoot or specific projects. That said, I now always travel with a smaller Travel Filmmaking Kit which is basically the DJI Osmo Pocket 3 Creator Combo Kit stored in a Travel Organizer and a few extra accessories -
DJI OSMO POCKET 3 CREATOR COMBO KIT (stored in the travel organizer)
  • DJI Osmo Pocket 3 Camera w/ 512 GB micro SD card
  • DJI Camera Shell w/ wide angle lens stored within
  • DJI Battery Handle
  • DJI Mini tripod
  • DJI 1/4'' adapter
  • DJI Mic 2 TX w/ magnet clip & windscreen
  • DJI High Speed USB-C to C cable
  • 2 × 512 GB micro SD cards in their SD card adapter & case
OTHER ACCESSORIES (stored or attached in/on the backpack or daypack)


I'm T1D (Type 1 Diabetic) so I need to carry a bunch of critical medical supplies unless I want to die a slow painful death. Most supplies and spares are stored in a Medikit and the daily items I need to use are stored in a waist pouch I always carry as EDC.
Here are my medical supplies for a 21-day trip:
  • 2 × Continuous Glucose Monitor - FreeStyle Libre 2 - (Spares - a sensor lasts 14 days and I already have an activated one in my arm)
  • 5 × Extra pen vials (3 × Bolus, 2 × Basal)
  • 4 × Energy Gels
  • 100 × Injection Needles (21-days worth + redundancies)
  • 20 × Disinfecting Wipes
  • 20 × Cleaning Wipes
  • 12 × Self-adhesive bandages of various types and sizes
  • 21 × Vitamin D tabs - 2,500 UI
  • 3 × Acetylsalicylic Acid tabs - Aspirin
  • 5 × Ibuprofen tabs - Advil
  • 7 × Paracetamol tabs - Tylenol
  • (The over-the-counter pills are stored in a pill tube and often carried in my EDC)
  • Bolus Insulin Pen (in Pen Case)
  • Basal Insulin Pen (in Pen Case)
  • 8 × Injection Needles (in Pen Case)
  • 6 × Disinfectant Wipes
  • 4 × Cleaning Wipes
  • Glucose Reader (in Reader Case)
  • Lancing Device (in Reader Case)
  • 6 × Lancets (in Reader Case)
  • 50 × Glucose Testing Strips (in Reader Case)
  • 10 × Ketone Testing Strips (in Reader Case)
  • 4 × Energy Gels (used as emergency glucose when no other carbs are available)


For colder climates I have a pretty lightweight and packable layering system (Base layer, Mid layers, Outer layer) but I never had to bring it/use it while travelling as I typically travel in Spring or Summer and I am easily hot - my layering system is as follow:
⚠️ Do note that although I have this system, I get hot very easily so I rarely use it in full - I spent the previous winters in Canada by only using the rain jacket, hat and gloves - if I can stop convection, I can remain comfortably warm! Through freezing days and even blizzards, it has been sufficient for me.


While I sometimes wash my clothes as I shower, I always travel with a small laundry kit that includes:
This is my hand washing process when using a sink or the Scrubba (any drybag can work as a scrubba)
  1. Thoroughly wash the kitchen sink/dry bag
  2. Throw dirty laundry in the empty sink/dry bag - the clothes are pulled inside out.
  3. Fill sink or drybag with lukewarm to warm water - depending on washing recommendations
  4. Add a tiny amount of laundry detergent as the sink/drybag fills with lukewarm water
  5. Move things around a bit, shaking the clothing articles, gently rubbing against each other - gotta be gentle, as hard and extensive rubbing can lead to pilling and damaged clothes
  6. Let your clothes soak for 2-40 minutes depending on dirtiness, amount, clothing size/thickness/type (see table below)
  7. Shake, spin, agitate, gently rub clothing for 3-5 minutes
  8. Empty the sink/dry bag
  9. Rinse a few times by filling sink/dry bag with clean, cold water, shaking clothes, emptying again. Repeat until the rinsing water is clear and free of gunk, debris, fogginess
I clean (or thoroughly rinse) my hands before and after any time I put them in and out of the soapy/dirty water
As to how I do not make my hand skin get effed up, not sure how to answer, between that and the over-washing of hands and extensive use of disinfectants due to work, I feel my hands developed some resistance ahahaha (I'm a pretty athletic dude with soft and silky smooth hands. I blame nutrition, genetics, stress-free and active lifestyle, consistent sleeping schedule. Yeah I only blame those.)

Mini chart of my own soak times

Socks 🧦 🕐 2-5
Underwear 🩲 🕐 2-5
T-Shirts 👕 🕐 2-10
Long Sleeved 👔 🕒 5-15
Shorts 🩳 🕓 5-15
Longs (Ha! Regular Pants) 👖 🕔 5-20
Hoodies or other Bulkier items 🧥 🕘 10-40
💡 Dish soap is the best solution against oil-based stains
💡 Shampoo is ''safer'' and more gentle for Merino and other wool-based fabrics


⚠️ Do not wring your clothes

Wringing clothes can and will distort, stretch and damage fibers, textiles & materials, greatly reducing durability.
Instead, ''squeeze,'' ''squash'' and ''compress'' them to squeeze water out.
If you have access to a towel, this is a popular trick to quicken drying while travelling:
  1. Spread a clean and dry towel flat
  2. Lay your clothing on top, open and flat
  3. Roll the towel+item of clothing into a tight burrito
  4. Step/Sit on the roll a few seconds (30-60 seconds) - this will transfer a large volume of water from your wet clothes to the towel
  5. Unroll everything
  6. Hang the piece of clothing to dry - aim for well ventilated areas where the most of the clothing is exposed.
💡 For heavier items, flip them over after a few hours so the inner area is also exposed for drying
💡 For clothes with pockets, pull those pockets inside out
💡 If your hostel/hotel/accommodation has hangers and curtains, hang those hangers on them curtain poles. During the day, the heat of the sun can expedite drying, and if you can open the windows, you'll get better airflow at anytime.



  • 18L
  • Dimensions: 47 cm x 28.7 cm x 16 cm / 18.5'' x 11.3'' x 6.3''
  • Weight: 771 grams / 1.7 lbs
  • Great weather resistance
  • Laptop sleeve (15'')
  • Water bottle pocket
  • Sternum Strap
  • Very comfortable with excellent padding
  • Trolley sleeve
  • Top pocket lined with soft fabric for sunglasses
  • Front pocket with another zipped inner pocket
  • Inner organization for business papers, 3 pen holders, key leash, large mesh pocket
  • Top and Side handles
  • Pig Snout/Lash tab
  • 4 accessory loops
  • 90-120$CAD
  • Warranty: Lifetime
Quechua Escape NH500 23L Rolltop
  • 23L-27L (expandable storage thanks to rolltop)
  • Dimensions: 46 cm x 28 cm x 22 cm / 18.1'' x 11'' x 8.6''
  • Weight: 830 grams / 1.8 lbs
  • Great weather resistance
  • Laptop sleeve (15'')
  • 2 Water bottle pockets
  • Sternum Strap
  • Very comfortable with excellent padding
  • Trolley sleeve
  • Front pocket
  • Hidden back pocket
  • 9 other inner pockets and inner organization
  • Cable passthrough
  • Shoulder strap pocket that can accommodate large cellphones
  • Pig Snout/Lash tab
  • 60$CAD
  • Warranty: 10 year
Quechua MH500 Hiking Backpack 30L
  • 30L
  • Dimensions: 55 cm x 30 cm x 23 cm / 21.6'' x 12'' x 9'' - (this is with the brain pocket not saturated)
  • Weight: 1200 grams / 2.6 lbs
  • Integrated rain cover
  • Laptop sleeve (15'') - (doubles as a water bladder compartment)
  • 2 Water bottle pockets - (accessible as you wear the backpack)
  • Sternum Strap
  • Waist straps
  • Extremely comfortable, the best backpack I've ever owned thanks to superb weight distribution
  • Suspended backpanel for maximal airflow
  • 6 pockets including 2 belt pockets
  • Compression straps
  • Pole straps
  • Also has a large J-shape opening on the front to access main compartment
  • 90$CAD
  • Warranty: 10 year
  • The bag itself has a minimal height of 55 cm (21.6'') when the brain pocket is not saturated due to its rigid back frame, making this bag carry-on approved for most airlines


Knack Bags Compression Cube - Medium
  • Dimensions (Compressed): 30 x 14 cm x 7.62 cm / 12'' x 5.5'' x 3''
  • Weight: 82 g / 2.9 ounces
  • Carry handle
  • See-through breathable Mesh
  • Compresses by up to 67%
  • Very durable nylon
  • Warranty: Limited Lifetime
  • 25$USD
Knack Bags Compression Cube - Large
  • Dimensions (Compressed): 30 x 20.32 cm x 7.62 cm / 12'' x 8'' x 3''
  • Weight: 99 g / 3.5 ounces
  • Carry handle
  • See-through breathable Mesh
  • Compresses by up to 60%
  • Very durable nylon
  • Warranty: Limited Lifetime
  • 30$USD
submitted by MarcusForrest to u/MarcusForrest [link] [comments]