Swollen tonsils photos

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.16 12:50 fabersuzukii Possible STD? Strange symptoms

Hi all, 23f here
This is kind of long but please read it all if you would like to offer your insights
On April 26th I hooked up with a guy after a party. Vibes were right, he was very nice. We talked beforehand and made sure we were both clean. We had protected intercourse and unprotected oral (both ways)
I developed a yeast infection about a week and a half later. Not a big problem. I went to a sexual health clinic on 5/9 for it and the doctor diagnosed me with herpes as well due to swollen lymph nodes at the groin. I think it’s a reach, the ones by my neck were even more swollen and who knows it could’ve been my body fighting off the yeast infection or another STD. I was prescribed topical cream for the yeast and something called Valaciclovir for the possible herpes. The swollen lymph noses on my neck lasted for about 2 days.
I have not had any sores or anything like that. No headache or sensitivity to light. For about 2 nights in a row around 5/11 I had a SLIGHTLY elevated body temperature (can’t be called a fever) for about 30-60 minutes only. That was it. Then after that, a day where I felt fatigued. Then after that, my left tonsil was inflamed all the way down to my chest, but it didn’t hurt much. I talked with my one night stand and he said he was being treated for tonsillitis so I thought, maybe all these symptoms are just tonsillitis?
Nope, no tonsillitis. I woke up with a swollen left tonsil, spent the day with it, and by the time I was ready for bed all the symptoms were gone. And the weird part is , it didn’t hurt to swallow, eat, or drink whatsoever. It only hurt when I moved, such as looking up or down.
I haven’t really felt anything since. I developed oral thrush in my mouth from the yeast infection in my body, so maybe that caused the swollen tonsil? But when I checked my mouth that day, my tonsils looked normal. I’ve been dehydrated for a couple days now due to the oral thrush. That’s it
I also discussed this with the guy and based on past STD test results I can rule out the following: HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea. HIV is 0% chance
Could be herpes or mono. Or nothing. I can’t get tested until 3 months when all my (hypothetical) antibodies will be ready. Insights and advice welcome but please be nice. Questions welcome
submitted by fabersuzukii to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:30 A_A_Ron2002 Swollen mouth and Uvula

Age: 22
Sex: M
Height: 5 11
Weight: 190
Race: White
Duration of complaint: 30 Min
Location: Mouth
Any existing relevant medical issues: N/A
Current medications: N/A
Smoke?: yes I vape
Include a photo if relevant
Hey good evening, thank you for your time. I was chilling in my bed just getting ready for sleep. I felt a warm and sort of indescribable feeling in the back of my throat, it had made me feel as if I were bleeding in my throat. I then went to spit and then drink water but did not get ride of feeling. I open my mouth not to look but very quickly recognize my Uvula being huge and my wife points out my tongue looks kinda swollen, along with my mouth. I do not have a sore throat or feel sick today. I do not have any real symptom other than that feeling and the sign of what I see compared to my baseline. Thank you guys cuz I have no idea if this has been here all day or just super Acute or I just got allergies and am being soft. Thanks !
submitted by A_A_Ron2002 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:04 Interesting-Tomato89 Adult tonsillectomy

Figured I’d do a review on getting my extremely large swollen tonsils out after years of constant strept throat.
1.absolutely most painful thing I’ve ever been through
  1. Eating unlimited ice cream and skakes is a myth. Actually avoid any type of dairy possible.
  2. What you hear about the first three days being the worst is false every single day up until 10 are extremely painful.
  3. You are lucky to get 2 hours of sleep in at a time once pain meds ware off your awake and if you take as prescribed you have about a 2 hour wait of excruciating pain
5.staying hydrated first three days or so is easy. It’s day 5-8 where you can barely swallow water I survived off little ice balls
  1. Don’t plan on eating anything after day 3 until in my experience day 10 so far it has been an absolute nightmare trying to to eat anything some days I’m able to painfully eat one pancake or pastene
submitted by Interesting-Tomato89 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:01 boobdestroyerlol weird lip problem

weird lip problem
weird lip problem
hello, i m20 have been facing this problem with my lip for months now, it started right after i got herpes type 1, and even since i have been seeing white dots under my upper lip that makes me feel so uncomfortable, i went to 4 different dermatologist and they say either nothing or they say herpes, and the ones who say herpes gave me herpes cream and pills to take but it didn’t help at all, i have been kissing some girls and it feels so uncomfortable to kiss them because it gets a bit swollen under my lips and gets dry, its not because of the lip product they use because i have asked for them to not use and still get the same results, so now im just stuck with this discomfort for the rest of my life and i dont even feel like kissing my girlfriend anymore as it is not enjoyable because of the discomfort i get. I would be pleased if anyone has any idea how to help.
here in the photos you can see my lips dry and the under lip is swollen a bit, and the white dots under my lip don’t show as much on camera.
submitted by boobdestroyerlol to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:00 boobdestroyerlol weird lip problem

hello, i m20 have been facing this problem with my lip for months now, it started right after i got herpes type 1, and even since i have been seeing white dots under my upper lip that makes me feel so uncomfortable, i went to 4 different dermatologist and they say either nothing or they say herpes, and i don’t think it’s nothing because it really bothers me a lot, and the ones who say herpes gave me herpes cream and pills to take but it didn’t help at all, i have been kissing some girls and it feels so uncomfortable to kiss them because it gets a bit swollen under my lips and gets dry, its not because of the lip product they use because i have asked for them to not use and still get the same results, so now im just stuck with this discomfort for the rest of my life and i dont even feel like kissing my girlfriend anymore as it is not enjoyable because of the discomfort i get. I would be pleased if anyone has any idea how to help.
here in the photos 2 hours after kissing, you can see my lips dry and the under lip is swollen a bit, and the white dots under my lip don’t show as much on camera.
https://ibb.co/f0SzyXF https://ibb.co/jvrgSC3
submitted by boobdestroyerlol to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:58 No-Delay1617 Dentist help - red sores

Dentist help - red sores
Hi all, I’m unable to get into a dentist and go on holiday in 3 days so was looking for some advice!
A few days ago I had a small red area appear above two of my upper teeth, the gum between the teeth was sore and swollen and felt almost raw? But it’s continued to get worse, the swelling has goned down but it’s now spread to the roof of my mouth and along more teeth. It has become more painful and I’ve noticed some small red dots appear too.
I’ve been using a corsodyl mouth wash and brushing teeth immediately after eating but was hoping you’d have some clue what it is and some treatment recommendations.
I’ve included some photos and I’m aware they’re not the best and highly unflattering but hopefully they’re good enough.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by No-Delay1617 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:59 Jr-Wldn-Expl-54 I have had strep throat for nearly 6 months, despite multiple antibiotics. Do I have a weak immune system?

Age: 19
Sex: female (trans man)
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 160 lbs
Race: African American, white
Duration of complaint: 6 months
Location: tonsils, throat
Current medications: testosterone, finasteride, kyleena IUD
I am scheduled for a tonsillectomy in August after finding out last week that I’ve had strep throat since January. I have been through five rounds of antibiotics, none of which have cleared up my swollen tonsils and sore throat. I was finally able to see an ENT who sent a culture to lab (results were an uncommon strain of strep). I’m now on a 14 day round of Ceflex, but I’m wondering, does having a bacterial infection for so long do permanent damage to any of my organs? Does it mean that I have a weak immune system if my body could not naturally clear the infection?
submitted by Jr-Wldn-Expl-54 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:34 Ancient_Ad_5572 normal amount of swelling?

i got my snug done last friday (5 going on 6 days ago) with a curved barbell, i did upsize it yesterday to the one in the picture because i noticed the other one was a bit short. i’ve been cleaning it regularly at least 3 times a day with sailene and have done warm salt water soaks as well.
i mostly think im just overthinking it but it seems to have swollen pretty bad and i know it’s still early on but just wanted to see if anyone has any advice or if it seems as if its doing okay. it is warm to touch and quite tender as well.
the first photo i included is right after i got it done
submitted by Ancient_Ad_5572 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:22 AnybodyOk1528 Sensitive gums post op: gum cap?

Hi y’all! I’ve been browsing around this thread during my recovery and wanted to share my concerns.
For a lil context: I’m 7 days post-op, got my 4 teeth out on local anesthesia. Got 3 stitches (2 on the left side and 1 on the right). I overall feel good, and haven’t swollen to much on the right side, and I can eat with no disconfort or pain. On the left side, my mobility is more limited and I’m still a lil chubby (this side really swelled up compared to my right side).
Anyways, my concerns is about my gums on the left side. The gum in between my cheek and molar « grew upwards » and doesn’t seem to go down. It is sensitive, red, and « floppy » I guess, kinda like a gum cap (not sure?): I can move it to access my teeth but it’s still attached and sensitive so I try not to.
Have any of you experienced the same thing ? I couldn’t find anything like this and don’t know if it has a name or anything.
Apologies for the gross photo but I feel like it’s more explicit this way.
submitted by AnybodyOk1528 to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:10 RunsoncoffEE_ Rash - 7 yo Daughter

My daughter is 7 yo, she’s 47” tall and weighs around 47 lbs. she has a history of asthma, and seasonal allergies. Currently she’s taking Flovent (2 puffs once daily), Flonase and prn Zyrtec.
A little back story on her. Shes has instances of random bouts of hives (often with no discernible cause.) Her last bout of hives, she had a plain turkey sandwich with just mayo and turkey from a local sandwich shop. 30 mins later, she was complaining of joint and tummy pain. I had her relax on the couch and 30 mins after that when I took her to bed, she had full body hives and a swollen face/mouth. She ended up vomiting once and it was a large amount. It took to doses of Benadryl to calm the hives. She also later reported that during this episode she had chest tightness and a scratchy throat. We were told this was a mild anaphylactic reaction.
Fast forward to present day. Sunday she had scrambled eggs for breakfast and 20 mins later she told me she was itchy and was started to break out in hives. Gave her Benadryl and hives went away and she was fine. The next morning she woke up with another head to toe itchy rash. I got in touch with her allergist and she told me to give her 10mg of Zyrtec morning and night and to update her the following morning. Yesterday she still had the rash and was complaining of joint pain in her knee and ankle. She was sent home from school because she was limping. Her allergist wanted to see her in person. We took her in yesterday and she said the rash definitely looked like hives but she’s perplexed as to what is going on with her. She has no other symptoms (no signs of illness, no fever). Shes thinking serum sickness but she doesn’t totally fit that picture. She told us she wanted to do some research and would get back to us today, but to continue the Zyrtec. My daughter woke up this morning with a worsening rash and was much more itchy today.
We’ve literally changed nothing about her diet or laundry detergent or skin/hair products. Also no new medications. She’s been tested for environmental allergies and was positive for a certain tree and rabbits. Neither of her 2 allergists that she’s seen have felt compelled to food test or any other blood tests. I’d love some other opinions! Here is a photo of her back rash. It’s also located on her face, neck, chest, and some on her legs
submitted by RunsoncoffEE_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:02 baguettelord The lottery of having a good doctor in New Brunswick

Hi all,
Just wanted to share my experience growing up and then using the healthcare system as an adult. I have technically had the same family doctor since I was 12- until I let her go.
As of now, I have no family doctor. I have several health issues- most I was never able to address or have diagnosed by my old doctor- and the ones I did present to her, she had no interest in helping. I want to stress how it's not enough that you get a doctor after years of waitlist; you actually need a good one for anything to matter. I would rather die doctorless than have my previous family doctor, and I'm sure she's accidentally killed from medical malpractice and I'm not willing to be a victim to her. This is a doctor from Charlotte County.
She has, over the years, done several things to people I know:
And she never, ever apologizes if she does something wrong. Just skims right over it.
The health issues I've either never been able to address because she rushes you out the door, or she's told me she won't fix: - over swollen tonsils for 10 years, one takes up most my airway and she won't remove them. I want them out so bad. - extremely bad ear aches all the time- like I have to pull over kind of bad- my ears are full of scars from infant ear infections and they've reopened, also recently tinnitus too - mental illness that has ruined my life, which she doesn't seem to believe in - ingrown toenails that need to be fixed - bumps on my head that are painful - my bones have sharp aches constantly and my joints occasionally feel extremely twisted - IUD problems - I need a referral to a throat doctor, she said no
This post is all to say, it's not enough to be on the waitlist- you actually need to have a little luck and get a good doctor if you want to ever improve your health. I have spent a decade trying to get some of these problems resolved, and I am shot down or ignored everytime. I get better care in the ER than I ever do from my own doctor.
And I just exist with all of these issues and I am told to figure out how to live with it. Dealing with a bad doctor was somehow worse than dealing with no doctor at all. I have learned that I can't trust a doctor to help me- I have turned to finding my own ways to cope with pain and living like this.
No one wants to help me, fine. I guess you just get the short end of the stick if your health problems aren't cookie cutter enough.
The last time I saw her I left her office bawling from some of the things she said to me, so I made the decision to never go back. If it takes me 5-6 years to get my own doctor again, that's fine- I'd rather suffer knowing I have a shot at a doctor who will listen than ever see her again.
If I can't get my prescriptions renewed through maple, I guess I'll just stop taking them.
So cross your fingers and hope you get a good one. If you have a good one, never let them go- because others are out here fighting their own doctor for decades trying to be medically well again.
I did not win the doctor lottery, so I've re-entered.
TL, DR; there are good doctors and bad doctors in New Brunswick. You need luck on your side when you, eventually in 2030, get your own doctor- so cross your fingers you don't have to fight with one for 12 years just to breathe better.
submitted by baguettelord to newbrunswickcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:50 ravioli_reject Random discharge?

I am mostly posting for peace of mind since my doctor is not answering. I am 5 weeks post op. My bandages are still on. So I truly have no idea what my incisions even look like. But anyway, some days my left breast gets more swollen. The left side has been more swollen the entire time. Not a big deal, I know they are separate surgery sites. The left side will be more sore if I am too ambitious one day, then the next day it will be more tender and swollen. On Monday I was pretty sore and swollen, and same with Tuesday. Tuesday evening around 6pm I went out to play with my dog, and I noticed it felt cold and wet around my left side so I went inside and lifted up my shirt and a decent amount of discharge came out from the bottom/middle of my left side. Kind of like plasma I guess. Red, but not entirely just blood. It’s about 10am the next day and it’s still seeping the red liquid. Is this normal or should I be freaking out? I will note that I do not have a fever, my breast isn’t hot to the touch, and the discharge has no odour. And yes, I’m trying to get ahold of my doctor but until then I just need to know if I should be driving to the hospital or if I am fine and this is apart of the process.
EDIT: my surgeons receptionist recommended to take off the bandages, and send a photo to my surgeon. I did. I have an opening on my incision and my surgeons response was “Looks pretty good 👍🏻. You could put a little bandage or KT tape across that if you wish”
submitted by ravioli_reject to Reduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:34 ormr_kin Possible inguinal hernia descending into scrotum?

Okay, so I'm a little stumped here. My dog started acting sick about 5 days ago, and I thought he might just have a cold (he gets colds about twice a year and is usually a huge baby about them... took him to the vet many a time for them to tell us he just needs benadryl). However, his scrotum started to swell so I decided to take him to the vet. It didn't look excessively swollen, if anything he suddenly just looked intact again. This dog responds really overdramatically to pain (he will cry and spin to bite) and palpating it gently at home didn't seem to hurt him, but it could also be that he was just too sick/tired to react. Vet also notes him trembling after the exam, but this dog has always trembled just from anxiety in general so I'm not 100% sure if that's a pain response.
I originally thought he might have a hematoma or something, but it didn't/doesn't look anything like a hematoma and he was neutered so long ago I don't know how he would sustain enough trauma to that area to cause one. The vet says he might have an inguinal hernia, and that the intestinal loop might have descended into the scrotum which is what is causing the swelling.
The weird thing is, A. he was presenting with lethargy, low appetite, frequent drinking, etc before his scrotum started to swell (I'm sure the hernia could have descended into the scrotum after the fact but it's still something to note), and B. he's on antibiotics and carprofen now and... overnight the swelling has disappeared and his scrotum is back to normal. Obviously I'm going to keep medicating him, but just kind of strange that the swelling has completely disappeared. He is also obviously feeling much better - he is actually eating and he is wagging his tail and wanting to play.
I'm still going to get him into my primary care vet for a better abdominal ultrasound, but I just dropped a grand on him last night so I kind of have to wait and save a little money before I do it all. I do have carecredit, I just need to save up just in case this is indeed an inguinal hernia because that will be like a 2k surgery to repair it.
I've never heard of an intestinal loop/hernia descending into the scrotum (I volunteered with vets in rural shelters for many years... I haven't seen it all but I have seen a lot) and also his urinalysis showed up funny and the vet didn't have much of an explanation for that either (no shade to her, she did a great job, it's just all these weird symptoms at once).
At this point, I'm of course going to treat him the best I can and make sure he is happy/healthy/not in pain, but it's a bit of a mystery I suppose until I get him in for the better ultrasound and I was wondering if anyone here had some personal experiences about a similar situation. He is feeling much better now, as I said before, so I am not super worried about his condition worsening suddenly especially since he's on antibiotics, and if it is indeed a hernia I will keep him low activity until I am able to scrape together the money for surgery.
I also have the detailed urinalysis and bloodwork if anyone wants to look, I'll just have to take photos and black out my personal details.
submitted by ormr_kin to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:55 Purple_Photograph501 27M left side cheek mass - Second opinion?

Photo : https://imgur.com/a/pK5Hc94
In past few months I found that my left side of my face is more tender and then I palpated a small pea/been sized tube like mass under my Zygomatic bone. I had scheduled dentist appointment for like 2 moths and today he looked at me. I have papilla visible on the left side too and I had left side cavity with left side Gingivitis in upper and lower tooths.
By normal palpation ( relaxed, closed mouth ), it is not noticeable ( maybe a little ) but when I take my index and middle finger and point them straight under Zygomatic bone, and use my nail to move up and down, I feel it and it is like straw that is bigger on the side of parotid and then narrowing and going straight to papilla. It is visible when I open my mouth and strongly flex masseter muscle ( also more easily palatable ).
When I tried to measure it, it is maybe around 1.8cm long ( X ) and 5-6mm wide ( Y ) and maybe 3mm thick ( Z )?
Firstly doctor didn't saw anything but then told me that it looks like my left side is little swollen and it is maybe a stone, that those are common. He also look on it 3 times, 2 in laying position and one in standing position. He palpated it on the skin and also from the inside the mouth. He also looked at my papilla and were performing some salivary flow tests.
His final words were: Stenson duct papilla enlarged suspect from trauma ( bites ) with dilatated duct and small left side swelling. He told me to not worry about and that he will check it in 3 moths during next visit. He just fixed my left side cavity and told me try eat sour sweets to increase salivary production.
I asked if there is need to maybe to go to ultrasound and he told me that it is not needed.
I just want to be sure, should I go and try to find another opinion from other dentist or maybe schedule ENT? He was more focusing on fixing cavity that on my gland. I am scared it can be cancer and let it be there for at least 3 more months will not do any good. Just to mention, when I massage it , I feel flow of saliva and sometimes it is better for few days, also I don't think it is increasing or decreasing in size during past months ( 2-3 ). When I check statistics, where is about 6 : 100 000 chance of cancer and 1:100 000 chance of stone forming.
Thank you!
submitted by Purple_Photograph501 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:57 National-World-2737 Lump on neck swells up and down

23F, occasional marijuana user, no known health issues, takes 50 mg spironolactone for off label tx of acne
So for the last several months to a year or two I have had an area on my neck that swells and goes down periodically. It is located slightly right to the midline of my neck just in the area where my chin meets my neck, maybe near the hyoid bone. I would consider this between submental and submandibular region. When the area swells I can feel my neck quite swollen in this area and that side feels slightly uncomfortable when I swallow on that side. My tonsils are still present but not visually enlarged. The lump is not always present and I cannot seem to connect a trend with it. It comes and goes. It is a hard immovable lump that is not seen visually but can be felt. I had it looked at once last fall when it swelled up by an NP at urgent care. The diagnosis was a swollen parotid gland, however this area is no where near the parotid. I had an ultrasound as well but the results were normal. The lump has returned and I just feel very uneasy about it and have tried researching other possibilities it could be but am stumped. I realize no one can give me a diagnosis, but does anyone have ideas I can look into and perhaps discuss with my doctor? Thank you
submitted by National-World-2737 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:02 CasualRSL I just spent 6 days in the hospital for mystery parasthesia and pain. Is it actually just guillaine-barre syndrome?

Hello! I am a 28 year old male. I just spent 6 days admitted to the hospital with concerns about a cardiac event because I was having facial parasthesia (tingling, numbness), the same sensation in my left arm and to a less frequent extent, my right arm. I also experience lower jaw and tooth pain, but I can’t tell if this is a symptom or if it is secondary to the swollen tonsils and adenoids.
For context, my wife and son recently got sick. My wife was very sick. Enough so that she sometimes cried about how much her throat hurt and even got a couple of chest x-rays for pneumonia. She was tested for every common illness because she had an insanely painful sore throat, a VERY bad cough, a whisper quiet lost voice and her tonsils were huge. The only result that showed was that she had a past EBV infection at some point.
I also got sick, of course. However, things went differently for me. I got sick and developed a bad sorrow throat and that was about it. This continues to this day, which is 12 days later. It’s still quite bad. My tonsils are also huge, but not as big as they were. I have tonsil secretions but I had more before.
A few days into my sore throat, my left face began to tingle. It was… weird. No pain, nothing else really. Just tingle. Later on in the day, my lip went numb. I went to the ER thinking that I was stroking out or something but the CT was fine and they sent me home.
The very next day, my left arm started to tingle and hurt and my arm starting from under my armpit medially(if supinated) running down my upper arm but not below my elbow started to ache. My shoulder had sensations of cold as well. The tinglng sensation continues and it runs down to my hand where I feel pain that that travels around but is mainly in my palm, thumb and fourth/fifth finger. This also occurs in my right arm. In fact, it’s happening right now. Both sides of my face are tingling as well.
To be clear, Yale’s cardiology team did a very extensive workup including s PET/CT nuclear stress test, echocardiogram, several EKG’s, maybe a dozen troponins a chest X-ray. No cardiac pathology was revealed. The only thing that was somewhat weird is that my symptoms were alleviated several times by nitroglycerin, but this may very well be psychosomatic due to my extreme anxiety over it being cardiac in nature and causing panjc attacks that the nitroglycerin calmed by lowering my BP and distracting me with low BP symptoms, honestly. I am a very anxious individual and I was very laser focused on it being cardiac pain because of the location. So much so that I did not even think of the possibility of my illness being related during my hospitalization. They did test me for strep and COVID and it was negative but given the fact that my wife was negative for EBV, they did not think it necessary.
I am wondering if perhaps this mystery infection could have triggered GBS? I do see a neurologist but my closest available appointment is three months from now.
So, what do you fine people think? Do these symptoms sound like potential GBS? If so, would gabapentin help? How can I go about making this easier for myself? I do have an RX for that. Thanks for reading.
submitted by CasualRSL to askneurology [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:15 Dinwinning Tonsillitis for 3 weeks

Hi guys, I’m a 23M that has been diagnosed with a probable virus after seemingly having tonsillitis. I’ve tested negative to everything - strep, STI’s, mono, influenza, covid etc. anything that can be swabbed or blood tested. All 4 doctors have no clue. I’ve been prescribed erythromycin (taking it for acne beforehand so doubled dose) for 6 days when there was white puss/infection coming from only right tonsil, then penicillin with erythromycin for 10 days after puss went away but still sore to swallow and swollen. Weird thing is halfway through the penicillin it flared up again, having around 5 tiny white dots appear predominantly on the inflamed right tonsil for a couple days. This was accompanied with swelling that made the tonsil protrude towards the uvula too. Whilst it’s settling down again after 4 days of dots, I still have swelling 3 weeks later. My main concern is the anatomy of my right tonsil because where the puss was coming from in the slit is healing so slowly and it’s like my tonsil has a little dangly thing/uvula of it’s own now lol. Could it be a stubborn tonsil stone or something causing the protrusion? Never had my tonsil look like this. I’ve poked around with a q-tip and it actually tucked in the dangly thing a little, with no clear stones or anything behind it or the tonsil flaps.
Current symptoms are barely any throat pain when swallowing, swelling and inflammation of right tonsil and moderate lymph nodes in neck, chronic fatigue, no fever, sporadic body aches and pains.
I’m lost because I’ve never been sick for this long for a respiratory issue and feel something’s not right.
Images: https://ibb.co/gVm74Zv https://ibb.co/C90CMd0
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2024.05.15 01:17 SquashBanana0 Swollen eyelid, red eyeball, pink all around with pain and goop

30F/ Asthma and SLE/ Montelukast, Plaquenil and now Polymyxin B-TMP
Need some reassurance that it’s just pink eye thanks to a friend going Dr. Google on me and saying I need to go to the ER now.
Noticed yesterday afternoon my eye felt irritated and eyeball started turning red. Woke up this morning to more irritation and redness as well as yellow goop and my eyelid swollen. Scheduled a phone appointment and was prescribed the Polymyxin drops 1 in the eye every 4 hours.
As the day went on my eye became worse. More red, more swelling, developed pain around my eye especially when bending over or widening my eye and now my vision in that eye is blurred. I know antibiotics take 24-48 hours to start improving, my kid just had pink eye last week and finished their drops so I figured I was gifted it by my child. But my friend is convinced it’s something called orbital cellulitis that needs iv treatment and I refuse to look that up right now. Is it safe to wait it out until morning to see if it improves?
Photos of eye
submitted by SquashBanana0 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:15 Potential-Knee-9297 20M Tonsillectomy Day 2 Post-Op

My continuous pain was around 2/10 today and whilst swallowing it is 5/10, overall a better day than day 1. I’m taking paracetamol 3 times a day, today I was sent back home after an uncomfortable but bearable night in the hospital. Overall day 2 was very okay, all posts indicate that it will get worse over the next few days which I am prepared for (my doctor gave me 2 sets of painkillers, if it gets worse I will start taking the second kind as well). I ate and drank a lot today, no ear pain or fever was present. However my uvula is significantly swollen, it literally touches my tongue. Also in the videos I watched, the hole the tonsil would leave behind would fully turn white. In my case only some parts are white others are red, my doctor said removing my tonsils were hard due to the tonsil capsule being almost gone (my tonsils were practically useless he said), therefore he had to strip the tonsils from muscles as well. Is this and my uvula being this swollen normal? Thanks in advance
submitted by Potential-Knee-9297 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:20 Purple_Photograph501 27M left side cheek mass - Second opinion?

Photo : https://imgur.com/a/pK5Hc94
In past few months I found that my left side of my face is more tender and then I palpated a small pea/been sized tube like mass under my Zygomatic bone. I had scheduled dentist appointment for like 2 moths and today he looked at me. I have papilla visible on the left side too and I had left side cavity with left side Gingivitis in upper and lower tooths.
By normal palpation ( relaxed, closed mouth ), it is not noticeable ( maybe a little ) but when I take my index and middle finger and point them straight under Zygomatic bone, and use my nail to move up and down, I feel it and it is like straw that is bigger on the side of parotid and then narrowing and going straight to papilla. It is visible when I open my mouth and strongly flex masseter muscle ( also more easily palatable ).
Firstly doctor didn't saw anything but then told me that it looks like my left side is little swollen and it is maybe a stone, that those are common. He also look on it 3 times, 2 in laying position and one in standing position. He palpated it on the skin and also from the inside the mouth. He also looked at my papilla and were performing some salivary flow tests.
His final words were: Stenson duct papilla enlarged suspect from trauma ( bites ) with dilatated duct and small left side swelling. He told me to not worry about and that he will check it in 3 moths during next visit. He just fixed my left side cavity and told me try eat sour sweets to increase salivary production.
I asked if there is need to maybe to go to ultrasound and he told me that it is not needed.
I just want to be sure, should I go and try to find another opinion from other dentist? He was more focusing on fixing cavity that on my gland. I am scared it can be cancer and let it be there for at least 3 more months will not do any good. Just to mention, when I massage it , I feel flow of saliva and sometimes it is better for few days, also I don't think it is increasing or decreasing in size during past months ( 2-3 ).
Thank you!
Edit: no smoking, beer and wine consumer ( 3-4 times a week ). Palatable only on left side.
submitted by Purple_Photograph501 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:45 OstrichNovel5335 How to clean area where floss can’t reach?

I’m asking about how to clean under interdental gingiva. photo for reference on the area. (not my photo) it’s swollen so i looked underneath the best i could and i can barely see it but there’s definitely a lot of plaque underneath way way underneath. I have a lot of gum detachment so it’s way up there. I tried a water flosser before but it was too strong. It hurt SO bad and made my gums bleed all over. Is there something similar to a sulcabrush but micro size? Like only a few bristles.
submitted by OstrichNovel5335 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:15 UnderstandingDry1342 singular hives

singular hives
Singular Hive on face
Hi guys i’ve been getting random singular hives on my face especially and mostly around my lips. they are sooo irritating and annoying and itchy. It’s like a red swollen bump that’s super itchy & i can feel the swelling. I’m getting them basically everyday and i went to the doctor and she gave me anti allergic medicine for a week but it hasn’t seemed to work. someone please help because this is getting absolutely ridiculous. i can’t pin point what it is that’s causing this because they randomly appear at random times. Also i don’t get them anywhere else on my body. & they just started appearing about 7-8 months ago.. i will include my skincare routine either way and photos.
Morning: - byoma creamy jelly cleanser - anua dark spot serum (red one) - rovectin clean lotus water cream - numbuzin sunscreen - vaseline on lips or aquaphor
Night: panoxyl 4% face wash - anua dark spot serum (red one) - aveeno face lotion - aquaphor on lips & face (light layer on face)
I do use tretinoin gel 0.025% like 2 times a week.
submitted by UnderstandingDry1342 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]
