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2024.06.09 18:55 SpankyMcCracken Chess is a strategy game for babies

Alright, SOMEBODY needs to say it. Chess is a game for babies - it shouldn't even be classified as a strategy game anymore. It's just a simple pattern recognition game of who has a better memory. It's a static board with static units - there's nothing interesting about it. It's just a poorly designed game in general because every interesting variation has already been explored. It's so easy that there are computer programs that can beat the best players. Like I can literally beat Magnus Carlsen and all I need is Hans Niemann sending me Stockfish moves via my remotely controlled anal beads. If all I need to beat your best is to stick something up my ass - it isn't a very good strategy game.
I know many of you have devoted your lives to this terrible game and are getting upset by my condescending word choices. That's fine. I don't really care about you people - but for the people who are curious about an actually fun strategy game: I recommend a free mobile game called Uniwar on both iOS and Android that basically no one has heard of. It also happens to be coming out on Steam soon.
Uniwar is to Chess in the same vein of what Chess is to Checkers. It's basically if Starcraft and Chess had a hexagon shaped baby. There are three races with unique playstyles, and you manage an income while controlling armies in a turn based strategy format to dominate your opponent in a battle of wits - no pay to win gimmicks - only using dynamic strategy that changes every single game because the map pool is so huge, you'll almost never have repeat matches.
So who am I? I'm what you get if you combine Magnus Carlsen from Chess with Serral from Starcraft 2. I am SpankyMcCracken AKA The Art of Uniwar and I literally wrote the book on the game in order to have more competition, but no one can defeat me and I'm getting bored. I have two separate accounts I reached rank 1 in the game on with the second account having a 112-2 record while playing as "random" on my path to getting rank 1 again, so I don't want to hear any whining about balance - I won 100 games in a row playing as random - you just suck at the game.
I guarantee no Gen Z kid could beat my superior Millennial ass brain - your attention spans are too short and you have no chance. No one from Chess can beat me - there's no engine you can study or use to cheat, and you'll have to actually learn how to use your brain to think on the fly. No one from Starcraft can beat me because you're too used to clicking 1000 buttons per second while simultaneously adjusting strategies based on real time scouting and dynamically responding to what your opponent is doing with extreme precision...(actually you guys might be able to beat me if I'm being honest).
Uniwar has a small, extremely devoted international community of misfits, but they're my people and we will fuck you up. There may only be 300 of us left, but we are 300 Spartan Uniwarriors with the high ground on the leaderboard. Think you have what it takes to beat me? Meet me in the Basement chatroom and see what happens.
submitted by SpankyMcCracken to SpankyLabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:31 Ancillary_Adam My back pain journey since 2007, failures and successes

Hi all, After reading a lot of post here recently, I kinda wanted to tell my story to give others perspective about treatment options. Obviously, this is MY story and everyone here is different. My experience will not be the same as yours, and I am not a doctor telling you to try these options. But I have had a lot done, and I think it might be helpful if people understand what they can try.
I appreciate everyone who reads even one section of this saga. I am happy to answer any questions that people might have. Again, this was my journey and these things might not be the best options for you. But I want to highlight that pain, itself, is not the disease. It is a symptom. Find doctors who will help you find the cause of it. Sometimes it's difficult to pinpoint the source of pain, but there are options to try different things.
Part 1: How it Started
In 2007 I was 17 years old. During the summer, I got a job working as a bus boy at a reception hall. One night, I was sweeping the floor, nothing different than normal, but I suddenly had intense shooting pain down my hip and leg just from the way I bent down to sweep. That was all it took to set me off on what would be a long life of pain.
I remember the sciatica being really bad during this period. My parents and I were taking care trips to look at colleges and sitting in a car was torture. At some point they told me to see a chiropractor so I started doing that on a pretty regular basis. I went to college in 2012 and continued to have pain. There was always constant pain but I would always have times when it was much worse and it was painful to even walk normally. I recall having my parents visit and I was limping all day because I couldn't extend my left leg out fully.
I continued to see a chiropractor in the area for maybe two or three of the years I was away at school. Chiropractor never really helped though. During one of the summer breaks, I went to a chiropractor who had this decompression machine that would literally strap you down and pull you apart in an attempt to relieve pressure. It never helped. I am pretty sure by this time I already had an MRI done that probably showed some level of lumbar herniation so I guess that is why I wanted to try that type of treatment.
Chiropractics is not a legitimate science. I hadn't realized this until later in college (I was a biomed major). Their theories on spinal health do not align with known medical science. Some chiropractor align more with real medical science, but a lot of them only believe what the area of chiropractics says. I strongly recommend NEVER seeing a chiropractor, especially if you have back pain. It could be dangerous.
Part 2: The First Surgery and More Treatments
So when I graduated from college in 2012, I sought out an orthopedic surgeon. We did more MRIs. I can't recall if we tried anything more conservative first, but I did end up having surgery with him in 2013. We did a microdiscectomy and hemilaminectomy on both L3-4 and L4-5. Recovery from this was about what you would expect. Lots of bed rest for maybe 6 weeks or so, but I recovered well and went to PT for a couple of months. I think the surgery was successful in treating a lot of the serious sciatica I was having. But I was still having some level of back pain months and months after. I was then seeing the pain management doctor at the same office as the surgeon, and we tried a LOT of different additional things. Facet joint injections specifically, trigger point injections, medications. Nothing ever helped. I still have this pain in my low back and it was difficult to bend over without bracing myself, and there were times when I would get sciatic pain but not nearly as bad as it was before the surgery.
At one point I went to a rheumatologist because the pain doctor did some blood work and found I was positive for a gene that is related to ankylosing spondylitis. I was never actually diagnosed with this, but we tried to medications (I think maybe methotrexate but I could be wrong). The rheumatologist ended up putting me on humira, which looking back was a odd decision without actually officially diagnosing me with anything. Humira is a monthly injection, and I think after two months, my pain actually got a lot worse, and I stopped taking it and never went back to him.
For the most part after this, I was just taking Tramadol an naproxen to deal with my pain. I was going to the gym and doing what I could, but often the gym would exacerbate my symptoms. It was just difficult to do anything without feeling weak and obviously, it definitely contributed to some depression.
Part 3: New Pain Doctors and Spinal Cord Stimulator
In 2016, I got a new job that brought me into NYC and I now had access to great insurance and a wide array of great doctors. I found a new pain management doctor and tried a lot of things with him. He put me on Nucynta at some point, which is a narcotic, though I would only take it when I had break through pain. Pretty quickly, only a couple months after in 2017, we decided to try a spinal cord stimulator since I had already tried all these other things with other doctors.
I had to see a neurologist who would be doing the actual implanting of the device. I also had to see a phsychiatrist to get I guess "mental" clearance that I was in sound mind to be making this decision about a medical device implant. Not sure if that was just for the insurance or something the doctors also require. Before doing a full implant, they actually do a test run. I guess I had gone under general anesthesia for this, but they implant the wires (explained more below) and the wires come out of my skin to an external device and all of that is taped down to my low back. They do this so that they can make sure you actually get relief from the device before all the time, energy, and money is spent doing the full implant. I had it for a couple weeks, and decided to move forward. They had to remove the wires from me and scheduled me for just a regular office visit, and I was thinking well how the heck are they removing these wires from me. Well, it was very easy. They literally just pulled the wires right out of my back. Didn't feel anything. It was wild.
I have a Nevro brand stimulator impanted inside me shortly after. Surgery and recovery were as you would expect. I don't thinm recovery was as long as my back surgery was. There is a little 1x1 inch square box that sits above my right glute, around where my waistband would sit. There are two sets of wires that run over my spine to the left side (so I can actually feel the wires right under my skin at this part) and then they go between my vertebral space and then all the way up my spinal canal to my thoracic area. At the end of the wires (aka "leads") there are several evenly spaced electrodes and these are the functional part of the device. From what I understand, they send small electrically pulses very rapidly against my spinal cord and the idea is that these electric signals will over power pain signals coming from below, effectively making my brain blind to sciatic pain. It came with a remote to change the settings and a charger that uses a wireless pad that you hold over the box to charge. I had to charge it ever two or three days. The technician from the company does the initial set up (they device doesn't operate until you are recovered from the procedure and see the technician at your next office visit, I believe). The technician will turn the device on wirelessly and play with the settings and ask you to tell them when you feel something as the increase the magnitude of the stimulation. When you feel it, it does feel like a little electric buzzing in your back. But you aren't supposed to feel it at all, so they the turn it down just below where you felt the sensation. The remote has a couple different programs that I could change through that the technician programs, I guess changes in the frequency of the pulsing or things like that. I could also increase and decrease the magnitude within a set range, but for the most part I never messed with any of the settings. Nevro has a care team that I can contact at any time with questions or concerns and they will follow up with me occasionally to see how I am doing.
Part 4: Life After the Stimulator
I always had the stimulator on, and always said that it did help alleviate the residual sciatic symptoms I had, but I still had this low back pain that wouldn't go away. I continued to see the pain management doctor and we tried so other things. More trigger point injections, medications, etc. He had me on what is called "Low dose naltrexone" which is essentially a very low dose of an existing drug, used off label for chronic pain. It had to be specially made at a compounding pharmacy because the dose you need isn't commercially available. I tried that for a couple months and can't say it helped. In fact, I think it made me very nauseous a lot of the time. I remember I had to stop drinking coffee at one point because the taste of it would make me feel queezy, and one or two times I ran to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to throw up. I decided to stop taking it.
After that, I mostly just lived with my stimulator and dealt with any pain I had (hadn't seen the doctor since 2020). I was going to the gym someone regularly at this point, but like before it would often increase my pain symptoms so I would need to take extended breaks from exercise.
Part 5: Recurrent Herniation
At the beginning of November 2023, I started to feel something new. I was starting to slowly get sciatic symptoms again and was having flashbacks of my symptoms when I was in college. I was starting to get sciatica in both legs, and my right foot would sometimes start going numb if I stood for too long. It was getting more and more severe. Within a few weeks, I had to stop commuting into work because the pain was getting so bad. I contacted my pain management doctor who I hadn't seen in years. Their office was telling me how since I hadn't been there in so long I had to be treated as a new patient and the first opening for a new patient was like 2 or 3 weeks out. I was pretty angry at them about this. I mean, this doctor did the implant of the medical device that I have...should that not exempt me from this rule? Its not like this was an appointment for an unrelated issue. Anyway, the first available appointment was with a different doctor, but I was desperate so I saw him. He was not helpful. I was basically begging for pain meds and he was like welllll the other doctor should really prescribe you something because he knows your case better. It was such a a waste of time.
About a week or two later I did in fact see my original doctor, and he had the Nevro technician come because he thought it could potentially be an issue with the device. The technician found that there was "impedence" on one of the leads, a couple of the electrodes weren't working as they should. So she did some adjustments to compensate for that. I have it a week or so, but that did not fix the problem at all. I stopped charging the stimulator altogether because it wasn't doing anything for me. I had to start using a cane to get around because if I was standing, I needed something to lean on so I didn't have to keep my back straight. It was getting very difficult.
The doctor had me get a regular CT done, because I cannot get an MRI due to the stimulator (the stimulator itself is actually MRI safe and I think most of them are not, but because of the issue with the electrodes, my Nevro care team told me I could not get an MRI). So I and the CT and I could see it myself. It was absolutely clear that there was a herniation at L4-L5. Clear as day. So I had a video call with the doctors assistance soon after and to my dismay, they suggested treatment was to get an epidural to reduce the pain. Here I am, knowing full well that my symptoms and the results of the MRI are definitely worthy of surgery, and they want to give me just an epidural. I asked her about surgery and she said something about not opting for surgery until exhausting other options. I said okay. After the call, I immediately reached out to my friend who worked at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC. She actually works with the director of Spinal Surgery. Immediately, I was in contact with him and his entire team and they moved quickly to get things moving. I regret not having reached out sooner.
Part 6: Prep for Second Surgery
So the first thing to do was get better imagining. Since the MRI was out of the question, I had to do something called a CT Myelogram. Oh boy this was not a fun diagnostic procedure.
You need to be accompanied to the appointment because they will be giving you some very light sedative. You are hooked up to an IV, and they bring you into a room with a special x-ray table that rotates so you can be either laying flat or raised up so you are nearly standing, and the X-rays can be taken from many different angles. The doctor there take a couple of initial scans to find the location where they go in. I am queezy just talking about it right now. What they need to do is inject contrast dye right into my spinal canal. An epidural goes AROUND your spinal canal, but for this they need to pierce the dura and go in.
So they do local anesthesia and then take quite a large needle and go in. It is painful because it is going so deep. But God, you can feel the piecing of the dura layer when the needle goes through. I immediately feel my body hating it. Then they inject the dye, and you can feel that sort of cold sensation spreading across your back. And then he takes the needle out. I start to get VERY hot and am about to pass out, so they put some ice on the bacm of my neck and give me a minute to come back down. They also gave me some IV zofran to help with nausea and some IV sedative for the pain Thankfully it passed. But that wasnt even the difficult part.
Next, they have to make sure the dye gets into all the crevices. So the doctor rotates the table to different angles and has you try and bend in specific ways. It was incredibly painful to do. When he had me in an almost standing position, and the pressure of the dye was increasing my leg pain beyond anything I had experienced so far. It was really difficult. But once they are satisfied with the X-ray that shows the dye has spread well, they send you to the CT scan. Once I was laying down again the pain subsided and I was feeling better. They did the CT scan and then rolled me back to the recovery room, and by the time I was back in there I was feels 100% back to normal and had no issues getting up and walking. So that was that.
The image results were very telling (gunna try and include them here or in a comment if I can). The point of this type of imaging is that the contract dye with spread anywhere that the CSF can go. You should be able to clearly see the space all around the spinal cord, and if there are spots where you don't see the dye, you will be able to see what is causing some problems. It was plain to see how severe this herniation was. It was compressing my spinal cord and pushing it all the way to the back of the spinal column.
So the doctor said we have two options. A microdiscectomy or a fusion. We decided to do a MD though I would be okay with a fusion. Well guess what, two days before the surgery the doctor changed his mind and said that after reviewing the imaging again the best course of action would be to do a fusion. I was very excited for that.
Part 7: The Fusion
So at the end of Feb 2024 I had my fusion done. It was your standard surgery, nothing too crazy. Recovery was tough though. Basically with a fusion, they take out the herniation and most of the disc and they put this rubbery block in there that contains bone graft. That is what is going to grow to fuse the two vertebrae, but that process can take a year to fully fuse the bones. So they put in four screws, two in each vertebrae, and join them together with rods. This holds the bones together completely so that they do not move independently. They are essentially fused at this point, but only with the rods.
For recovery, the first couple days were difficult, mostly trying to stand up from laying down because I had like no low back strength. The pain was also pretty constant so I was taking a lot of muscle relaxers and narcotics to help me stay asleep as much as possible.
The surgery area was quiet large. There were two large bandages and two small bandages and the entire area was covered in a large adhesive patch to keep everything clean and dry (it was also very orange from the iodine). So I could shower without worrying about it. Within two weeks I was moving around a lot better. I might have stopped using my cane at this point, though anything that required me to reach forward, like washing my hands at the sink, was difficult because it would require back strength. By 2 weeks, the bandage had because really really frustrating. The huge adhesive patch was causing my skin to become itchy and irritated, and I could see they I was starting to develop some red bumps like pimples underneath. Thankfully 2 weeks was the point I could remove it (after my first follow up call with the doctors team). So I took it off which was not easy. The whole area was soooo sticky, I tried to remove a lot of the stickiness with either rubbing alcohol, soap, or Vaseline. I was able to get a lot of it off but some stickiness still lasted for several days. There will tiny bandages over the incision sites that covered the stitches and those would eventually all fall off themselves. I had two larger scars at the top where they did most of the work of cutting out the disc and putting in the graft, and then two tiny scars lower down where I assume they put in the screws for the lower vertabrae. My back does not look pretty.
I started PT at four weeks was doing better but still had a weak back and was very cautious with my movements. Did PT for 12 weeks and made a lot of improvement. I was back to how I was. The fusion 100% fix the issues that this new herniation had caused, and it was such a relief to finally have a procedure that was totally effective. However, the back pain that I had already had for many many years was and is still there and I am still not certain what is causing it.
Part 8: Now
I am about 20 weeks out of surgery and am still doing great. I still do not use my stimulator and don't plan to, but having to get it removed would be a really huge pain. I have started to actually go to a gym again and life weights to stay active. I am mostly convinced that this low back pain I still have is really muscle related, caused by the years of instability, and that I can address it by strengthly my core muscles and following my PT exercises. I think a lot of these muscles issues, like trigger points, can mimic sciatic symptoms. Knowing what REAL sciatic symptoms feel like again, this pain doesn't feel like I have a herniation pushing on my nerves. So I am going forward with that in mind and trying to deal with this pain muscularly.
As for the fusion, I don't notice any new limitations in my movement. I avoid rubbing the area because I could feel the rods if I rub it hard enough. But I feel normal. I had a follow up with the doctor with another X-ray and everything looks great. I am hoping that this can be a turning point for me to really live as close to a pain free life as possible.
submitted by Ancillary_Adam to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:10 Zeedorg Entitled origin family think they have rights to control my beliefs, values and lifestyle as an adult.

I have recently evolved my beliefs in the last 5-6 years where I no longer consider myself religious, in regards to religious beliefs while also just considering myself spiritual.
I do not follow a title of what I am or anything, but believe in my soul that it's important to do meaningful celebrations and traditions that align with my lifestyle, values, personal beliefs in order to honor my personhood and a healthy balance of ensuring I don't self-abandon myself.
I don't want to put myself into a box ever again, so I just focus on being intuned with myself.
I now think that life is just way too short to do stuff just because that's how you were raised or was taught to do.
I've overcome a lot of religious abuse as well as the mindset in which I was raised and that of my origin family. Some of my most traumatic life experiences happened on the account of my 'upbringing', the beliefs I was raised to believe, a result of religious abuse and generational trauma, where those dogmatic scriptures, beliefs and texts led me to continually go down roads that did not protect me for the simple fact that they pushed 'self-sacrifice' and 'religious-pleasing lifestyles' that do not compliment, protect, and support positive outcomes for women, and sometimes children. I was taught to just do it because that's what the religion inspires, or what the social constructs say to do.
It did not help that I just didn't know any better-I've let go the regret of this innocent ignorance and grief that it initially brought on. Looking back, I cringe at the decisions, choices, and 'enduring' I had survived from that awful upbringing-I now recognize that as, the 'hidden abuse' for a good internal family image-that I too was not aware of until recently, and just the disgusting dysfunctional family dynamic that has revealed itself since I've started to slash those generational curses.
I was abused by one parent growing up by the way, and told the other who did nothing but 'took ME to my extended family's church'. They never stopped it, protected me or stood up for me. Now, much later in adulthood I'm realizing that both of them were abusive, just in different ways and I understand my psycho-emotional disconnect from them and my origin family in general because I spoke up when it happened, even later in early adulthood and I never realized their pattern of describing me as 'dramatic' or continually trying to treat me like a child despite my very grown-up adult age, were and is their way of trying to force suppression of my voice, diminish the truth, protect the original abuser, ignore my independence, growth, healness, and strength I've done the work to cultivate.
My other siblings are dismissive and become extremely argumentative or defensive of our 'loving parents' with any mention of how we grew up, or verbally attack me/talk about me to other family members like I'm the one with the issues with any effort I put forth to ask questions of why and to hold them accountable, or to just disassociate with an image I know is false, have my own life and live truly as a loving and peaceful person, or even just enforce the boundaries that I need that provide safety and continual psycho, emotional, mental, and antimanipulative protection.
I've finally realized that my growth, healness, counseling and the completion of my adult therapy program was and is a threat to the fake image they've all created after all these years. I did not tell them that I've done the work and have finally woke up from this reality due to therapy, because they just make stuff up and don't know that I know they talk about me behind my back. They don't know my current life business and just speculate and make up rumors and assumptions about me and what I have going on or why I'm 'acting' the way I'm 'acting' as truth, without ever even trying to even talk to me, the others just assume much of their revelation as 'truth', which is really just lies-misconstrued info-completely made up speculation presented as triangulation and 'the truth-.
I am at peace, extremely successful and have overcome many things that would typically break the average person. Any reinforcement of boundaries, standing up for myself or attempt to distance myself from my parents since realizing how f'd up they did me when this was happening-even with my forgiving them for this throughout my life.
However, the older I get, when they continue to display the same patterns that were present during the abuse, now, including the thought of why did I even allow them a relationship with me in my life as an adult-because I get so disgusted with even the thought I'd ever allow a child to be abused by my spouse and let alone, stay married to them for decades afterwards. I can't believe I invited them to my wedding and we were the 'loving' bride's side...why was I so like "this is my family and we love each other, we're a close happy family" in my adulthood so long still? Until I woke up? There's so much I've since resolved with my therapist and have done the work to heal from-these are just questions to share the process I went through for insight. Also---It's really pathetic when I think about how different of a compassionate and truly loving person that I've become. I couldn't even fathom allowing abuse in my life or anything even remotely close to it or especially to be done to a CHILD...but here's more of how all my realizations have led me to where I am now:
I am SO glad that I am the VERY manifestation of 'WHEN you know BETTER, you DO better'...oh how the magicalness and bravery of individuals like Maya Angelou, Terrance Howard, and other past/currently alive ascended masters, who did and are leaving the breadcrumbs that nourish the souls of humanity on Earth today... The awakening and true freedom of thought and consciousness of myself has not only changed, but has elevated my existence, and my life.
I now experience the divine nature of love and revelation on a spiritual level that has brought abundance to me in every way and at every level.
I've done so much work, healing, therapy, service, reflection and growth, that the peace I feel daily, is what I never imagined happiness would be like.
To purely love and evolve as I truly am and meant to be, it's frustrating when the one group who we're taught is supposed to 'really' be your people, have been everything but that.
In the last 4 years, my life before now had been turned upside-down. In retrospect from now, I see why, as it had catapulted me into the healed, peaceful and abundant life that I have now.
...But, when everything started to happen, I really THOUGHT they (my family of origin) were there for me. I went to them for guidance and advice-I hadn't awakened to my newfound wisdom-filled reality at this point yet-and they appeared caring, so I thought...
I went to them because I thought they were the only people in my life by this point, who truly loved me 'unconditionally'. Much happened. I took some of their advice in the very beginning, but at the same time I started to remember who the ... I am...and it was on and popping from there, Baby!
From the multiple crises that I'd found myself in all those years ago: I went to therapy, did counseling, shadow work and started reparenting my inner child. I journaled and started to meditate and the answers flowed through me. I allowed the plan for my life to take shape and one after another, I started to solve my problems, so gracefully, all while growing, healing, and finding the peace that I had in my life before these many situations developed. However, it was on a whole other level, an intrinsic peace that scaffolded into a snowball of peace in every area I've ever struggled.
In the last year though, I have survived what I would consider my dark night of the soul and I feel remembered, like, renewed into the person I always had been, but wasn't aware of until now.
I now have strong boundaries that not only protect me, but they also hold me accountable to gracefully standing up for myself, my own personhood, my values, my beliefs, and that which keep me committed to the lessons I learned so painfully over these last few years, just from the 'not knowing any better' and...whew...religion, patriarchy, and so much more of how I was raised that pain-wrenchingly just set me up for failure in this life, if I never had made a change.
I'm SO happy I learned about just how all these constructs and societal blockages were NOT for my flourishing in life, on my own. Finally, the realization.
The more healed, awakened, and spiritual I became, the more I realized the family system that I was raised in, saw me as a threat. Looking back, so much of what I went through and was done to me was beyond messed up and downright wrong and abusive.
So now, there's this awkwardness of not knowing the true extent of the abuse in how I was raised beyond what I can remember...but what I do remember was jail-worthy and I remember calling out that the parent who was doing it deserved jailtime, but I was bullied, threatened with homelessness and I was a child. I didn't know about all the resources available or what I could do besides tell my other parent. šŸ˜Ŗ
...I did try to call out the obvious stuff as I got older, but I didn't understand that I was covertly bullied and gaslit when I tried to stand up originally...I was always told I need to 'forgive and forget'...and what would ... do? And... 'as a .... we are here to love thy neighbor...' bluh blue bluh...-My whole life, I didn't realize that I was the family scapegoat until 2024.
No matter how much I tried with the things I knew were outwardly morally wrong then, it wasn't until therapy that anyone in addition to myself validated my experiences; that abuse is abuse, every last form of it, and it doesn't matter in what context it happens: religious or political and about 20 other different forms, is not okay...
-So back to the awkwardness of having this lifelong 'close family' that I once thought was so strong and healthy, loving, both parents still together and 'in love', all 8 siblings with 'decent' relationships (not really, they're all really toxic, invisibly debted with that unseen abuse like financial-emotional-mental- cheating/sexual-behind closed doors-whats stays in this house type dysfunction that I'm sure I haven't seen because-behind closed doors-the same trifling household we were raised in), my whole life...UNTIL I LITERALLY woke up within the last year to REALIZE how JACKED UP they were and are. Thinking back to all the times I was not supported or protected, I was the one in the family, out of all 10 who was ever truly genuine, purely intentioned, loved unconditionally...and had no complex with CONTROL...just, it was just me...
Ask me how I know...
The very situations I've found myself in these last 6 years, when I deconstructed from all things religious and political or anti-dignity, when I started to stand up against things without fear, that were not okay, or for the true safety and benefit of humanity of living beings...EVERYTHING started to crumble and I BECAME public enemy number one in my origin family and then marriage. I hate that I grew up so green and just didn't know about stuff until it happened to me in adulthood like misogyny, chauvinism, patriarchy, that 'women are less than' mindset because I would have not married my ex-I was so naive and innocent/blind. I thought how I carried myself was strong and 'obedient' to the 'Word'- NEVER AGAIN-this second half of life will be my path, what makes me feel safe, protected, honored, loved, cherished, happy, filled with joy, and at peace.
At first it was covert while they 'mistakenly forgot my boundaries' or 'didn't know what I'm doing now'...or the 'assuming and then making up their own thing and spreading the lie-behind my back"...
Also, any attempt to speak up and honor the abuse and neglect in childhood that I've overcome and have healed from and ask simple acknowledgment for from my parents, turns into excessive triangulation bringing everyone into the mix (again, in the shadows without my knowledge and behind my back), to point out my downfalls I literally just overcome and healed from these last 4 years, and then continue making up lies about me, spreading false rumors to extended family I don't engage with, don't have a relationship with, or whom I've cut off for being too toxic never changing... making more false grandiose accusations, saying I've talked about or down about people, made claims that I'm better than everyone, that it's all about me...etc...literally because all I did was reiterate my boundaries I've set, called people out for it, who have done toxic things to me. This is in addition to being accused of being all kinds of things because I've 'distanced' myself (from people who are not kind to me and who talk about me behind my back and have called me cruel names for calling them out on the toxic behavior they display towards me for being my own person and holding my ground on my own decisions as a full 30+ year old adult with my own family).
-I literally have an ~ 8+ minute voice-mail of an origin family member talking to someone about me like a dog, of all my private business, the hardships I've survived in the last 6 years-victim-blaming me, and even making up quite a bit...because they unknowingly butt-dailed me last month and I received it and listened to the whole thing-and haven't confronted them yet because I have in the past and it just became a huge cesspool of DARVO, and because I know it'll be a waste of time).
Now, for the last year, they know nothing and instead speculate and make up downright lies about me and my life. šŸ™„
They have everyone sharing lies about me between the family, calling me after not hearing from them for months and trying to start arguments over nonexistent issues we've never had, taking a statement out of context and championing as a 'see see see she's doing this or that to me when they are the one calling me out of the blue (after already having done previous things to me that I yet again addressed and was ignored about, never changing the behavior or apologizing) and trying to start stuff with me while I was minding my own business...
...all this from a recent holiday that I no longer celebrate that they're fully aware of. In fact, I don't really celebrate most national holidays in the US anymore and have expressed this SEVERAL times with sincerity, whether they're religious or just made up days that many go along with and that's fine, but I just don't want to be in a box and only want to honor and celebrate things that have meaning to my life and doesn't cause undue drama or stress with many layers of things.
They know I'm no longer religious, I have different beliefs and values now and instead of respecting it, they spread rumors, accusations, lies, unproven opinions, attempting various forms of triangulation to target me.
What makes it worse is that my relationship with my parents are so strained. They both took part in the abuse I suffered as a child. Being that I thought I had a really good relationship with one of them until this recent realization (I realized recently that they both were guilty, not just the one who committed it, the other always acted like they didn't know-but they did and admitted it recently). No say strained is an understatement honestly, but I had trying to at least be LC because of their relationship with my own family I've had since adulthood.
However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to even be around their religious talk and 'fake I love all my neighbors, I practice the daily religious routines everyday and read the text daily I'm so devout' act...
On the outside they look like they are just the epitome of devout faith individuals and they are living in according to what religious dogma aim for, all while secretly knowing what they did and allowed in our household-all my memories are very clear to this day, especially since I've awakened.
First Xmas was an issue even though that was a boundary for me. I suggested they were welcomed to celebrate the winter solstice with me, they declined, and I respected that. I offered a nice dinner the week beforehand as an alternative.
Then it was Easter, I declined (as I've reminded them that I hold different beliefs and values now which have really cultivated my lifestyle being different from theirs now, and reminded them that it is not difficult for me to respect their beliefs and values; that I expect the same level of respect from them). As an alternative, since they too were interested in celebrating for a totally different holiday/celebration, as I honor the spring solstice, I suggested a nice lunch on a regular unanchored day to any meaning, and to drive to the country and have a day of exploration where we could end with a dessert picnic on a rolling hill in the place I mentioned. They declined.
Since fully coming out the spiritual closet, most of my origin family has either lied about their communication service being interrupted, they have to work-most don't have jobs, or that they are so busy in their schedules, but are on social media all day-secretly being judgemental talking about people in general (strangers on the internet) who are in very difficult life/hard personal situations where they judge them based on the patriarchal and religious dogma we were raised in. It's really sad to me I have no more interest in engaging with negative people.
But what's really pathetic is they make up rumors and lies about me and start drama for my having my own separate lifestyle now everytime a national political holiday (tied to some form of historical trauma) or a religious holiday comes around as they (mentally try to) attack me because I didn't celebrate or 'honor' them-all while not knowing I have proof of every last one of them talking about me badly behind my back with lies and/or spreading rumors about me that aren't true. Literally.
The last straw was the most recent holiday, not calling or contacting them because I refuse to have or remind them for the 1,000,000th time about that boundary and standing up for my beliefs-it's so exhausting.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to live around positive, encouraging and accepting people who live by love and honoring everyone's humanity no matter their religion, gender, sex, background, status, etc...and just being kind to people in general, as long as they're not murdering or harming others (outside of self defense, like TRUE self-defense and not the kind cruel people try to use as a cover to inflict harm), everyone has a right to believe in and have the values that make them feel safe and whole.
Long story short, I know I am not the AH for standing my ground and protecting my personhood and that NO ONE on earth is entitled to what I believe, value, or what I choose to celebrate or not.
*I'd like to add a note that I have done especially deep, caring, loving, and acknowledgingly beautiful actions throughout every year my whole entire life and not just since this recent change in these last few years, like 12-20 times a year.
I no longer try to keep explaining or trying to defend why I'm defending myself against disrespect and people who are not gentle towards me like I've been with them throughout my life, always there, always the one to support.
I just do not care anymore, if I have to be along or start my (chosen) family over this time around, I will. I just despise drama and toxicity. I will not let it permeate into the peaceful life I've fought to build at this stage of my life.
(Thank you if you've made it this far, I know it appears all over the place, but it is all connected to my now and waking the...up...from the nightmare I didn't know I was in all my life until recently).
-The Recently Realized Family Scapegoat and origin family generational curse-breaker
submitted by Zeedorg to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:56 Stage-Piercing727 Best Floor Pedal Bike

Best Floor Pedal Bike
Gear up for a healthier lifestyle with our exclusive collection of Floor Pedal Bikes! Perfect for keeping fit at home, these bikes are designed to provide an efficient workout while saving space. In our roundup, we bring to you the top exercise bikes with detailed reviews to help you make an informed choice. Whether you're looking for a beginner's model or a high-end workout machine, our selection has got you covered. So, get ready to pedal your way to better health and wellness!

The Top 8 Best Floor Pedal Bike

  1. Sunny Health & Fitness Compact and Quiet 2-in-1 Mini Exercise Bike - Experience the perfect workout companion with the Sunny Health & Fitness 2-in-1 Mini Exercise Bike, offering low-impact, joint-friendly workouts for office staff, seniors, athletes in recovery, and physical therapy patients.
  2. Whisper-Quiet Desk Cycle with Resistance Bands - The LifePro FlexCycle 3-in-1 Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser with Resistance Bands is a smooth, quiet, and customizable workout solution for office or home use, offering 8 resistance levels and an LCD monitor for workout tracking.
  3. Node Fitness Under Desk Cycling Pedal Exerciser - The Node Fitness Under Desk Exercise Bike Pedal Exerciser offers a fluid cycling motion with adjustable resistance, promoting blood circulation and joint health while burning calories, suitable for sedentary lifestyles and physical therapy needs.
  4. Under Desk Mini Exercise Bike for Home or Office - The DeskCycle 2 Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser offers a convenient, quiet, and adjustable mini exercise solution for low desks while promoting improved health, productivity, and stress reduction at work or home.
  5. Stylish Modern Hide-A-Bed Sofa - Sitfit: The perfect motorized pedal exerciser for seniors, rehab, and circulation-compatible with phones. Easy to use with adjustable speed, distance, time, and calorie tracking. Equipped with non-slip pedals and phone holder for convenience.
  6. Quiet Desk Pedal Exercise Bike for Home or Office - The Mini Exercise Bike is an advanced pedal exerciser designed for both arm and leg exercise, offering a versatile and impactful workout experience at the office or home, perfect for improving circulation, stamina, and tension relief.
  7. Adjustable Magnetic Floor Pedal Bike - Introducing the Goplus Portable Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser, the perfect fitness companion for your office or home, boasting adjustable magnetic resistance, digital LCD monitor, and compact design for space-saving storage.
  8. DMI Mini Exercise Bike with Mat - DMI Mini Exercise Bike: A versatile, compact, and low-impact workout solution for home, office, recovering from surgery, or wheelchair users, with adjustable tension and digital monitor for tracking progress.
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Sunny Health & Fitness Compact and Quiet 2-in-1 Mini Exercise Bike
I recently incorporated the Sunny Health & Fitness Under Desk Smart Mini Pedal Exerciser into my daily routine, and I couldn't be happier with its performance. This dual functionality exercise bike has transformed how I approach physical fitness, offering a seamless blend of convenience and effectiveness.
The low-profile design makes it perfect for use in my office space. Its compact size and portability allow me to store and move the exerciser with ease. The friction belt-drive system ensures that my workouts are silent and smooth, offering a peaceful environment even during intense sessions.
One feature that truly stands out is the stepless micro-adjustment, which provides me with a wide range of intensity options. Coupled with the onboard digital monitor, I can track my progress in real-time, helping me stay motivated and focused on personal fitness goals.
Another bonus of this fantastic product is its connectivity. Syncing via Bluetooth lets me access a variety of fitness programs, training videos, and community engagements. This added layer of interactivity has made my workouts more engaging and enjoyable.
In summary, the Sunny Health & Fitness Under Desk Smart Mini Pedal Exerciser is an excellent investment for anyone looking to incorporate fitness into their busy life. Its convenient size, quiet operation, and engaging programs make it a worthwhile addition to any home or office setting.

Whisper-Quiet Desk Cycle with Resistance Bands
I've always struggled with finding time for exercise, especially during extended workdays. However, discovering the LifePro FlexCycle has been a game-changer. This versatile machine is designed with a precision flywheel that's ultra-smooth and whisper quietā€”it's perfect for getting in a workout while I'm at my desk or even watching TV!
The bonus upper body equipment, including resistance bands and supplementary arm pedals, allows me to switch up my workout routine whenever I feel the need. And the best part is, the customizable resistance control knob lets me set the intensity to match my fitness level.
The LCD monitor on this nifty exerciser easily keeps track of my progress, and I can sync it with the free Apple or Google Play store apps for even more detailed statistics.
Despite the comfortable fit, the included seat could use a bit of extra cushioning for prolonged use. But overall, the LifePro FlexCycle has been an invaluable addition to my daily routine, helping me stay active even amidst my busy schedule.

Node Fitness Under Desk Cycling Pedal Exerciser
I recently purchased the Node Fitness Under Desk Exercise Bike Pedal Exerciser to incorporate more physical activity into my sedentary lifestyle. As a content writer, I often find myself at my desk for extended periods, and this nifty little device has significantly improved my overall health and productivity.
The first thing that caught my attention about the Node Fitness Under Desk Exercise Bike Pedal Exerciser was its resistance mechanism. The tension knob allows me to adjust the pedal resistance settings, ensuring a customized workout based on my fitness level and needs. This feature has been particularly helpful during my physical therapy sessions, as it allows me to gradually increase the intensity of my workouts as I recover from an injury.
Another highlight of the exerciser is its display quality. The large digital LCD screen makes it easy for me to monitor all multi-functions, including rpm, distance time, speed, and calories burned. Additionally, the scan mode allows me to track my progress over time, keeping me motivated and on track with my fitness goals.
However, one aspect of the product that left me less than satisfied was the noise level during use. While the noise isn't unbearable, it can be somewhat distracting when I'm working or watching TV. Furthermore, the tension knob wasn't as effective as I had hoped; I often found myself needing to apply additional force to achieve the desired resistance levels.
Despite these minor cons, I am overall very happy with my purchase. The Node Fitness Under Desk Exercise Bike Pedal Exerciser has made incorporating physical activity into my daily routine more convenient and enjoyable. If you're considering purchasing this product, I would highly recommend giving it a try. You may find, as I did, that it's the perfect solution for staying active and healthy in the midst of a busy workday.

Under Desk Mini Exercise Bike for Home or Office
The DeskCycle 2 Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser is like a faithful gym buddy that never complains, always stays put, and quietly tones up your legs and core while you work. I've been using it for a couple months now, and I can't get enough of its smooth, quiet pedal motion. It's perfect for when you want to get in a workout without breaking your focus. . . or your office's noise policy. Plus, the adjustable resistance settings make it easy to go from easy breezy to sweat-it-out intense depending on your mood. And speaking of settings, the low pedal height means it works like a charm even under short desks. To top it off, it's surprisingly stylish for its size, so you won't feel embarrassed about stashing it in your living room when you're not pedaling away at work.
One thing I'm not so keen on though is how heavy it is. I mean, don't get me wrong, its sturdiness is definitely a plus, but moving it around can be a bit of a workout in itself. Another minor issue is that the higher resistance levels can be a bit noisy, which might make your coworkers give you side-eye if you're pedaling away during a meeting. Still, despite these minor cons, I'd recommend the DeskCycle 2 to anyone looking for a discreet way to boost their fitness levels during the workday. It's helped me stay energized, focused, and in shape, even on days when I'm feeling less than motivated.

Stylish Modern Hide-A-Bed Sofa
As a fitness enthusiast, I was ecstatic when I came across the Sitfit compact elliptical, a motorized pedal exerciser designed for seniors, rehab, and circulation improvement. I used this amazing little machine while sitting at my computer desk, and it truly made a difference in my daily activity levels.
One standout feature was its easy-to-use control panel and remote, making it simple adjust the intensity of my workout or track distance, speed, time, and calories burned. Plus, the non-slip pedals kept my feet secure as I pedaled away. And, with a convenient phone holder, I could stay entertained while working out.
However, the best thing about this product is that it caters to those with mobility goals rather than promoting intense resistance levels. This is perfect for older individuals or people with physical restrictions, like myself, who need assistance and encouragement to maintain an active lifestyle.
Despite its minor shortcomings, such as the lack of customizable resistance options, the Sitfit compact elliptical undoubtedly enhanced my daily routine, leaving me feeling energized and accomplished every time I use it. So, give your body the boost it deserves ā€“ get a Sitfit today!

Quiet Desk Pedal Exercise Bike for Home or Office
I recently purchased the Todo Mini Exercise Bike. As someone who spends a lot of time at their desk, I was intrigued by the prospect of incorporating some exercise into my daily routine without leaving my chair.
The first thing that stood out to me was its convenience. It's incredibly easy to set up and use. The non-slip surface and adjustable resistance make it suitable for people of all fitness levels, including beginners and those recovering from injuries.
Another highlight is its portability. It's designed to fit comfortably under most desks, and its lightweight design makes it easy to transport between locations. I've been using it while watching TV or even on phone calls, which has made my sedentary habits feel a lot less guilty!
However, one downside is that the product can move around on certain surfaces, so a stable carpet or mat is recommended for maximum safety. Also, the strap provided isn't always strong enough to hold the device in place if you're pedaling vigorously.
Overall, I'm very satisfied with the Todo Mini Exercise Bike. It's a great way to stay active during long workdays at your desk or while relaxing at home. Just remember to keep it securely in place and adjust the resistance to suit your needs.

Adjustable Magnetic Floor Pedal Bike
I've been using the Goplus Portable Under Desk Bike for a few weeks now and I must say, it's been an amazing addition to my routine. As someone who works from home, I often find myself spending hours upon hours sitting in front of my computer screen. This pedal exerciser has allowed me to get in some low-impact workout sessions while I work, helping me stay active and focused throughout the day.
One of the things that I love about this product is how easy it is to adjust the resistance. The tension knob lets me increase or decrease the difficulty of my workout, ensuring that I'm always challenged and never bored. Additionally, the digital LCD monitor provides me with real-time feedback on my progress, tracking my speed, time, distance, and calories burned.
However, there is one downside: it can be quite noisy. Though not necessarily loud enough to disrupt others in the house or office, it does make a noticeable humming sound that might be distracting for some users.
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my Goplus Portable Under Desk Bike. It has made staying active during work hours much more accessible and enjoyable, helping me maintain both my physical and mental well-being.

DMI Mini Exercise Bike with Mat
Okay, so let me tell you about this DMI Mini Exercise Bike I've been using. It's been a game-changer for keeping fit while I sit at my desk or chill on my couch. The first thing that stood out is its size - it's super compact! It doesn't take up much space at all, which is great because my apartment is already crammed full of stuff.
This little guy has helped me keep active even when I'm just sitting around. The pedals are nice and smooth, allowing me to go for a virtual bike ride without ever leaving the comfort of my own home. Plus, it's quiet, so it doesn't disturb others when I'm pedaling away.
One of my favorite features is the adjustable tension knob. It lets me customize my workout to be as challenging or easy as I want it to be. And the digital monitor? Well, that keeps track of how many revolutions I've made, estimated calories burned, and the time spent exercising. Talk about motivation!
However, there are some downsides. A few customers mentioned that the tension knob didn't seem to work properly, while others complained about the build quality. But honestly, I haven't had any issues with mine.
Overall, the DMI Mini Exercise Bike has been a valuable addition to my daily routine. It's easy to set up, doesn't take up much space, and offers a low-impact workout that's perfect for people like me who spend most of their day sitting down. So if you're looking for a way to stay fit without breaking the bank or needing a gym membership, this could be just what you need!

Buyer's Guide

Important Features of a Floor Pedal Bike

A floor pedal bike is a piece of exercise equipment designed to provide a low-impact workout that targets the lower body and core muscles. Key features to consider when purchasing a floor pedal bike include:
  • Resistance Levels: Most models offer resistance adjustment options to increase or decrease the intensity of your workout.
  • Display: Many bikes come with an LCD display that shows useful data like speed, time, distance, calories burned, etc.
  • Adjustable Seating: The ability to adjust the seat height and angle allows users of different heights to comfortably use the bike.
  • Portability: Some models are foldable or otherwise compact, making them easier to store and transport when not in use.

Considerations Before Purchasing a Floor Pedal Bike

Before you buy a floor pedal bike, consider the following:
  1. Space: Determine how much space you have available and choose a bike that fits comfortably within those dimensions.
  2. Budget: Establish a budget before shopping so you can find a bike that meets your needs and stays within your price range.
  3. Warranty and Customer Service: Look for a bike with a good warranty and responsive customer support in case of any issues.

General Advice for Using a Floor Pedal Bike

To get the most out of your floor pedal bike workouts, keep these tips in mind:
  • Start Slowly: If you're new to exercising or have any health concerns, consult a doctor before beginning a new exercise routine. Start with shorter workouts at lower resistance levels and gradually increase intensity and duration as you become more comfortable.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to stay hydrated and maintain optimal performance.
  • Track Your Progress: Use the display on your bike or a separate fitness app to track your workouts and set goals for improvement.


What is a Floor Pedal Bike?

A Floor Pedal Bike, also known as a pedal exerciser or under-desk bike, is a small, portable exercise device designed to provide low-impact cardiovascular workout while seated. It features pedals that you can push with your feet or hands, depending on your preference and mobility needs.

How do I use a Floor Pedal Bike?

To use a Floor Pedal Bike, simply place your feet or hands on the pedals and push them in a circular motion. Start with gentle movements and gradually increase the pace to match your desired intensity level. You can use the device while sitting at a desk or chair, making it suitable for workouts during your downtime or while multitasking.

What are the benefits of using a Floor Pedal Bike?

Floor Pedal Bikes offer several benefits, including:
  • Improved cardiovascular health:
  • Increased blood circulation:
  • Enhanced muscle tone in the lower body (or upper body, if used with hands):
  • Stress relief and mood improvement:

How can I incorporate a Floor Pedal Bike into my daily routine?

To incorporate a Floor Pedal Bike into your daily routine, consider using it during the following activities:
  • Watching TV or streaming content:
  • Working at a computer or doing office work:
  • Reading or doing other sedentary activities:

What features should I look for when purchasing a Floor Pedal Bike?

Some essential features to consider when purchasing a Floor Pedal Bike include:
  • Resistance adjustment: This allows you to control the intensity of your workout and accommodate different fitness levels.
  • LCD display: A digital display that provides information on time, distance, calories burned, and other workout metrics can help you track your progress and set goals.
  • Sturdy construction: Look for a model made from durable materials to ensure it withstands frequent use and provides a stable workout experience.
  • Non-slip pedals: Textured or rubberized pedals can help keep your feet in place during pedaling, reducing the risk of slipping or injuries.

Are there any safety concerns I should be aware of when using a Floor Pedal Bike?

Floor Pedal Bikes are generally considered safe for most individuals. However, you should take the following precautions to minimize the risk of injury:
  • Make sure the device is on a stable, flat surface before using it to prevent tipping or sliding.
  • Wear appropriate footwear while using the pedal exerciser to reduce the risk of slipping and protect your feet from potential injuries.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or concerns regarding your fitness level.

How much does a Floor Pedal Bike cost?

Floor Pedal Bikes typically range in price from $20 to $100, depending on factors such as brand, features, and quality. More advanced models with additional features like digital displays, adjustable resistance, or smartphone connectivity may cost more.

Where can I purchase a Floor Pedal Bike?

Floor Pedal Bikes are widely available for purchase at sporting goods stores, department stores, and online retailers. Some popular options include:
  • Amazon
  • Walmart
  • Dick's Sporting Goods
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:43 GhoulGriin Best Fire Stick Remote Replacements

Best Fire Stick Remote Replacements
Discover the perfect solution for your misplaced or malfunctioning Fire Stick Remote with our comprehensive roundup of replacements. As a content editor, I've curated an engaging and informative selection of remote alternatives for all your streaming needs. In this article, we'll explore the top options on the market, providing a clear overview of their features, compatibility, and user reviews. Whether you're looking for an affordable option or a premium upgrade, we've got you covered. Stay tuned as we delve into the world of Fire Stick Remote replacements and help you find the perfect match for your streaming desires!

The Top 6 Best Fire Stick Remote Replacements

  1. Voice Smart Search Remote Control for Fire TV Stick 4K - Voice Smart Search Remote Control L5B83H: Enhance your Alexa Fire TV Stick 4K experience with this universal remote, featuring hands-free voice control, seamless navigation, and compatibility with TVs, soundbars, and A/V receivers.
  2. Fire Smart TV Voice Remote for Smart Stick and Cube - Experience enhanced control and accessibility with the 3rd Gen Voice Replacement Remote for Fire Smart Stick, perfectly designed for Amazon Fire Smart TV devices.
  3. Bluetooth Replace Remote Control for Amazon Firestick Fire Stick - Experience seamless control with the new CV98LM Bluetooth Replace Remote Control, designed to enhance your Amazon Firestick Fire Stick viewing experience.
  4. Fire TV Stick L5B83H Bluetooth Voice Remote Control - Experience seamless hands-free control and endless entertainment with the Amazon Fire TV Stick L5B83H Bluetooth Voice Remote Control, featuring Alexa integration for easy content access, and comfortable silicone buttons for precise navigation.
  5. Compatible Replacement Remote for Amazon Fire TV Stick & Box CV98LM - JacobsParts' Replacement Remote Control for Amazon Fire TV Stick & Box, Cv98lm Bluetooth, offers quick and easy setup & compatibility with your device, ensuring seamless streaming and control.
  6. Voice Remote Control Replacement for Fire TV Lite and Stick - Experience seamless voice control with the L5B83G Voice Remote Control Replacement, designed to enhance your Fire TV experience and compatible with various devices.
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šŸ”—Voice Smart Search Remote Control for Fire TV Stick 4K
I recently got my hands on the Voice Smart Search Remote Control for my Alexa Fire TV Stick 4K and it's been a game-changer. The voice command feature is genuinely impressive; it makes finding and playing content a breeze without needing to fumble with any buttons. Plus, it has power, volume, and mute controls that work seamlessly with my TV, sound bar, and A/V receiver - a real lifesaver when I want to watch something quietly late at night.
On the downside, the remote requires new AAA batteries, which isn't ideal if you're running low on them. Additionally, the buttons are quite small and close together, which can be a bit fiddly for those with larger hands. Despite these minor cons, this remote has made my TV viewing experience infinitely more convenient, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

šŸ”—Fire Smart TV Voice Remote for Smart Stick and Cube
I recently purchased the New 3rd Gen Voice Replacement Remote for my Fire Smart Stick, and it's been a game-changer for my entertainment experience. The highlight of this remote is its seamless compatibility with my Amazon Fire Smart TV, making navigation a breeze. Another feature that really stands out is the quick skip to my favorite content, thanks to the preset app buttons for Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, and Hulu.
However, one downside I've noticed is that it's not compatible with some older generations of Fire TV devices, such as the first and second generations. Overlooking this minor drawback, I believe the overall usability and convenience it provides are worth the investment.
In conclusion, if you're in the market for a reliable and feature-rich remote control for your Amazon Fire Smart Stick, this 3rd Gen Voice Replacement Remote is definitely worth considering.

šŸ”—Bluetooth Replace Remote Control for Amazon Firestick Fire Stick
I recently tried the new CV98LM Bluetooth Replace Remote Control for Amazon Firestick Fire Stick, and let me tell you, it was quite an experience. It's a lifesaver for those of us who have misplaced or lost our original Fire TV Stick remote. The setup process was a breeze, and within a few minutes, the new remote was connected and ready to go.
One of the things that stood out to me was the seamless synchronization with the Fire TV Stick. No more constant pairing, like I had with some of its competitors. Another highlight is the responsiveness. I've never felt a delay or lag when using this remote, which is a significant improvement compared to my old one.
However, there's one thing that could be better. The buttons feel a bit light and small. It took me some time to get used to the button layout, especially when using the navigation buttons. Despite this minor setback, the overall performance of the remote has made binge-watching much more enjoyable.
All in all, the CV98LM Bluetooth Replace Remote Control for Amazon Firestick Fire Stick is a solid choice for anyone in need of a reliable Fire TV Stick replacement remote. It offers a smooth user experience and a quick setup process, making it worth considering.

šŸ”—Fire TV Stick L5B83H Bluetooth Voice Remote Control
I recently got my hands on the Amazon Fire TV Stick L5B83H Bluetooth Voice Remote Control and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. The first thing that stood out to me was the seamless integration with Alexa - just press and ask her to find, launch, and control your content. No need for cumbersome programming or pairing, just pop in a fresh AAA battery and you're good to go.
One of the best features of this remote is the ability to navigate through hundreds of channels and apps effortlessly. It's so useful when you want to find something specific to watch. Plus, it comes with a quick jump feature that allows you to get back into the action with just a few simple clicks.
The remote's buttons are made from comfortable silicone material for sensitive operation and long-lasting use. It has a sleek black design and is compatible with Amazon Fire TV Stick models. The remote control distance is 8 meters, making it convenient to use even from far away.
However, there are some cons to consider as well. The battery isn't included, so you'll need to have a spare one handy or add that to your shopping list. Additionally, while it's OEM and can be customized with your own artwork and logo, the product specs are a bit difficult to find and may require some digging.
Overall, the Amazon Fire TV Stick L5B83H Bluetooth Voice Remote Control is a fantastic addition to your home entertainment setup. Its voice control capabilities and versatile navigation options make it a must-have for any streaming enthusiast.

šŸ”—Compatible Replacement Remote for Amazon Fire TV Stick & Box CV98LM

I recently got my hands on the JacobsParts Replacement Remote Control for Amazon Fire TV Stick & Box, and it's been quite a game-changer. Not only did it help me replace my old Amazon Fire TV remote, but it also did so in a more economical way. The setup process was simple enough; I just had to pair it with the TV by connecting to the FireTV app and going through a few settings.
What really stood out for me was the user-friendly design, which made everything from searching through channels to turning on/off the device a breeze. While it does not offer voice-activated capabilities like my previous Amazon remote, I've gotten used to manually inputting my commands.
One potential drawback might be the need for a learning curve if you're new to the Fire TV ecosystem; it took me a while to understand the setup procedures, but once I got it right, everything worked smoothly. Another small inconvenience was the fact that the remote doesn't come with batteries, and I had to grab a pair of AAA ones separately.
Overall, this replacement remote has been a reliable and affordable addition to my home entertainment system, and I would definitely recommend it to others looking for a Fire TV Stick or Box remote upgrade.

šŸ”—Voice Remote Control Replacement for Fire TV Lite and Stick
I recently got my hands on a voice remote control replacement for my Fire TV Stick 4K Maxbundle 2nd Gen and L5B83G with Cover Silicone Case. To say it's a game-changer would be an understatement! . I used to struggle with losing the remote, especially with kids around the house.
But this robust and durable silicone case cover has made my remote virtually indestructible and easy to locate when I need it. Plus, the built-in voice functionality makes navigation a cinch - just press the button and tell it what you want! . My main gripe, however, is that it doesn't fit all versions of the Fire TV Stick, so make sure to check compatibility before you buy.

Buyer's Guide

Are you tired of scrambling for the remote every time you want to watch your favorite shows on your Fire Stick? Don't worry, a replacement Fire Stick remote is a quick and easy fix! In this buyer's guide, we'll discuss the important features to consider when choosing a new Fire Stick remote, as well as some general advice and considerations. Please note that this guide will not include specific product picks or external resource links.

Features to Consider

  • Compatibility: Ensure that the replacement remote is compatible with your Fire Stick model. Some remotes may only work with specific generations or models.
  • Battery Type: Check if the remote uses AA or AAA batteries, and if it includes a rechargeable battery or not.
  • Button Layout: Compare the button layout of the replacement remote with your original remote to ensure it has all the necessary buttons for seamless control.
  • Additional Features: Some replacements may offer extra features, such as voice control or a backlit keyboard, which can enhance your streaming experience.


  • Quality: Prioritize durability and reliable performance when choosing a Fire Stick remote replacement.
  • Ease of Set-up: Opt for a replacement remote that is easy to pair with your Fire Stick and can be easily navigated by users of all ages.
  • Price: Fire Stick remote replacements can vary in price, so establish a budget before making a purchase.

General Advice

Before making a purchase, be sure to read reviews and compare prices from multiple sellers. Additionally, consider looking for reputable brands that are known for producing high-quality Fire Stick remote replacements. Lastly, don't hesitate to contact the seller or manufacturer with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the replacement remote.
By taking these factors into consideration, you'll be able to choose the perfect Fire Stick remote replacement for your needs. Happy streaming!


What types of Fire Stick Remotes are available for replacement?

There are numerous third-party remotes that are compatible with Amazon Fire Stick, including universally compatible remotes and ones specifically designed for Fire Stick. These remotes offer a range of features and designs to suit your preferences and needs.

How do I identify the correct Fire Stick Remote for my device?

Fire Stick Remotes are generally compatible with multiple generations of Fire Stick devices. Check the product listing or the manual to ensure that the replacement remote is compatible with your specific Fire Stick model. If unsure, contact the manufacturer or seller for assistance.

What is the difference between a standard Fire Stick Remote and one with voice control?

A voice control remote allows you to use Amazon's Alexa voice assistant to control your Fire Stick and access content, change settings, and more without the need for pressing buttons. Standard remotes do not have voice control capabilities.

How do I set up a new Fire Stick Remote?

  1. Turn on your TV and plug in the Fire Stick. 2. Insert the batteries into the new remote. 3. Press and hold the "Home" button on the remote until the LED light starts blinking. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to synchronize the new remote with your Fire Stick. 5. Once connected, you can begin using the remote.

How can I troubleshoot issues with my Fire Stick Remote?

  • Check the battery life and replace them if necessary.
  • Restart your Fire Stick by unplugging it, waiting 10 seconds, and plugging it back in.
  • Remove any obstructions between the remote and the Fire Stick, such as furniture or walls.
  • Try resetting the remote by removing and reinserting the batteries, holding the "Home" button for 20 seconds, or following the manufacturer's instructions.

How do I update the software on my Fire Stick Remote?

Updates for Fire Stick Remotes are generally bundled with Fire Stick OS updates. To ensure your remote software is up to date, follow these steps:
  1. On your TV, navigate to "Settings" on the Fire Stick Home screen.
  2. Select "Device" or "My Fire TV" (depending on your Fire Stick model).
  3. Choose "Check for System Update" and install any available updates.

Can I use a generic TV remote with my Fire Stick?

In some cases, you may be able to use a generic TV remote with your Fire Stick by programming it to execute specific functions such as volume control and power on/off. Some newer models also support the HDMI-CEC protocol, which allows some TV remote functions to control the Fire Stick. However, for optimal user experience and full functionality, it is recommended to use a dedicated Fire Stick Remote.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:40 Dan_6623 Fermentation schedule

Is there an advantage to ferment dough with progressively increasing temperature schedule vs a single temperature fermentation?
For example I could start at 35 degrees for 2 days, ramp up to 50 degrees for 12 hours then finish at 75 for 2 hours. Any temperature and length of time is possible.
From my home brewing adventures I had built a fermentation chamber to control the temperature of the fermentation when making beer. I took apart a mini fridge and used its components to be installed in a larger box. The freezer of the mini fridge and a shoe dryer control the temperature inside the box. The program brewpi, a mini computer called raspberry psi, and a microcontroller called arduino are the major components of this system. Together it allows me to choose a temperature to maintain for the fridge or in a in a thermowell to control the temp of the liquid. It uses an algorithm to maintain the temperature that I choose. I can create a temperature schedule, install a webcam to monitor the progress, and set up a server to remote in from my phone . I was fortunate that others with much more knowledge and skills donated there time to produce guides on how to do this.
I searched around for this temperature schedule but havenā€™t seen anyone do this for fermenting dough.
This idea came to me from brewing beer. The temperature of the water that you steep grains in effect the final product. There are temperature schedules that influence the fermentable sugars. Typically the lower the temperature creates a drier beer because the sugars are fermented. When you mash at a higher temp the beer will be sweeter because it produces less fermentable sugars.
This leads me to a different experiment that I just thought of. I could add a smaller portion of my flour with the full amount of water to a bag and sous vide it at a temperature to control the fermentable sugars. Maybe I could add everything but the yeast and heat the mixture at different temps and timeframes. I could use the sous vide to control the fermentable sugars and cool it down before adding the yeast.
I have next week off work to experiment. Let me know if you have any requests or suggestions.
submitted by Dan_6623 to Breadit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:26 Significant-Tower146 Best Finger Resistance Bands

Best Finger Resistance Bands
Looking to improve your finger strength and flexibility for sports or rehabilitation? Finger resistance bands are the perfect tool to help you achieve your goals. These bands provide the ideal resistance for various finger exercises, making them a must-have for anyone seeking to enhance their hand performance. In this roundup article, we've curated a collection of the most effective finger resistance bands available today. Keep reading to find out more about these must-have fitness accessories!

The Top 5 Best Finger Resistance Bands

  1. Xtensor Hand and Finger Exerciser with Finger Resistance Bands - The Xtensor Hand and Finger Exerciser is the ultimate tool for rehabilitation and strengthening, offering tailored resistance for each finger while aiding in recovery from injuries and conditions such as Tennis Elbow and Flexor Tendinitis.
  2. Top-Rated Hand and Finger Exerciser - Experience improved finger strength, flexibility, and hand health with the Via Hand and Finger Exerciser, featuring light resistance and comfortable design for optimal performance, suitable for athletes, musicians, and fitness enthusiasts.
  3. Serenity Finger Exerciser for Strengthening Hands - Experience ultimate relaxation and hand strength with Serenility Finger Exerciser, designed with high-quality materials for long-lasting use and optimal performance.
  4. Hand Strength Support with Finger Resistance Bands - Experience enhanced hand and finger strength with the versatile and durable Willstar Forearm Trainer Stretcher Bands, perfect for injury rehabilitation, musicians, rock climbers, and preventing strain injuries.
  5. Serenily Finger Exerciser: High-quality Hand Strengthener with 3 Levels - Experience enhanced finger and hand strength with Serenily's premium resistance bands, offering a versatile workout solution perfect for athletes, musicians, and arthritis sufferers.
As an Amazonā„¢ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


šŸ”—Xtensor Hand and Finger Exerciser with Finger Resistance Bands
I've been using the Xtensor Hand and Finger Exerciser, and it's been a game-changer for my hand rehabilitation journey. This little gem is perfect for anyone recovering from various injuries or conditions, like tennis elbow or wrist tendonitis. It's designed to help you regain the strength and flexibility in your hands, fingers, and wrists, making it a must-have for anyone in physical therapy.
One thing that stands out about the Xtensor is its adjustable resistance. You can customize the tension for each digit, allowing you to target specific muscles and tendons that need some extra TLC. Plus, it's easy to use on either hand, with unique thumb positioning that accommodates your unique needs.
However, there are a few cons to consider. Some users have reported that the stem can be a bit heavier than expected, requiring careful installation to prevent it from slipping out of the retainer. Additionally, while the finger resistance bands are durable and high-quality, they might not be the best choice for those on a tight budget.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I would highly recommend the Xtensor Hand and Finger Exerciser for anyone in need of hand rehabilitation. Its innovative design and customizable features make it a valuable tool in your recovery journey.

šŸ”—Top-Rated Hand and Finger Exerciser
I recently got a chance to try out the Via Hand and Finger Exerciser, and I'm absolutely hooked! As someone who spends a lot of time typing and playing guitar, I've always been concerned about the health of my fingers and hands. However, I was skeptical about whether this product could really make a difference.
The first thing that immediately struck me was how comfortable it felt to use. The soft finger pads and palm rest, along with the ergonomic design, are just the right amount of cushioning without compromising on grip strength. Every day, I've been incorporating it into my workout routine, and I've noticed a significant improvement in the strength and dexterity of my fingers.
One notable feature is that you can target each finger individually, allowing for a more customized workout experience. This has helped me identify and focus on specific areas that needed extra attention. Additionally, I've discovered that the hand grip strengthener aspect of the product has been incredibly beneficial for my wrist and forearm muscles.
However, I must say that the high shipping cost was quite disappointing. I understand that delivering to remote locations may require additional fees, but the $45 charge felt a bit excessive for my $12 item. Nevertheless, I'm grateful that my parents were able to help me out with this issue.
In conclusion, the Via Hand and Finger Exerciser has truly been a game-changer for me. It provides a comfortable, customizable workout experience that helps target specific areas while improving overall hand health. With regular use, I believe it can make a significant difference for anyone looking to maintain strength and dexterity in their hands.

šŸ”—Serenity Finger Exerciser for Strengthening Hands
I recently purchased the Serenily Finger Exerciser, and I couldn't be happier with my choice. This little gadget has truly brought comfort to my daily life by helping me achieve ultimate serenity.
The first thing that struck me about the Serenily Finger Exerciser was its high-quality construction. Made from sturdy silicone, it's not only safe to use but also incredibly durable. I've been using it regularly for over a month now, and there's no sign of wear and tear yet.
One of the key features that make this product stand out is its versatility. It's designed to cater to various finger sizes, thanks to its adjustable resistance bands. This feature makes it an excellent tool for finger exercises, helping improve grip strength and flexibility.
However, there's one downside that I've noticed - some users reported having trouble fitting their fingers into the exercise holes due to their size. In my case, I didn't face any issues, but it's worth considering if you think your fingers might be larger than average.
In conclusion, the Serenily Finger Exerciser is a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to enhance their finger strength and flexibility. With its high-quality construction and adjustable resistance bands, it's a tool that delivers on its promise of providing maximum performance. Just remember to check whether the finger holes will fit your fingers comfortably before making your purchase. Happy exercising!

šŸ”—Hand Strength Support with Finger Resistance Bands
Willstar Forearm Trainer Stretcher Bands are perfect for anyone looking to strengthen their fingers and hands. I've been using these bands for a few weeks now, and I must say, they are quite comfortable to use and incredibly durable. Not only have they helped improve my hand strength, but they've also been a great tool for reducing strain injuries.
One of the most appealing features of these bands is their adjustable resistance levels. I can easily switch between different levels depending on my needs, which makes my workout sessions more versatile and effective. Additionally, the material is high-quality and feels robust, reassuring me that these bands will last a long time.
However, one downside I've noticed is that the bands can be a bit difficult to put back into their case when you're finished with them. Other than that, I've had an overall positive experience with Willstar Forearm Trainer Stretcher Bands. They've greatly contributed to my injury rehab process and have proven to be a valuable addition to my daily workout routine.

šŸ”—Serenily Finger Exerciser: High-quality Hand Strengthener with 3 Levels
I recently got my hands on this hand and finger exercise set called "Serenity". I'd been dealing with some discomfort in my hands, especially since I spend a lot of time typing. The set contains three different resistance levels, which seemed like a great way to gradually strengthen my hands without causing further strain.
One thing that stood out to me was the high-quality material. The Serenity hand bands are made from top-quality silicone, which makes them durably and long-lasting. The strong design allows for continuous use without worrying about them breaking or becoming less effective.
Beyond helping with my hand discomfort, I was excited to use these bands in conjunction with my workouts. As someone who enjoys rock climbing and tennis, I know that finger strength is crucial in these sports. The bands are also suitable for musicians like guitar or bass players who rely on their finger dexterity.
On the flip side, though, I did experience a couple of issues with the finger exercise set. Firstly, they can be tricky to put on if you have larger hands. Additionally, they lack any clear instructions on how to use them effectively.
Overall, the Serenity finger and hand exercises set has been beneficial in helping me relieve tension in my hands and fingers. Its high-quality material and variety of resistance levels make it useful for a range of activities from sports to physical therapy for patients recovering from hand injuries.

Buyer's Guide

Finger Resistance Bands: A Comprehensive Buyer's Guide
Finger resistance bands are a versatile, portable tool that offer the same benefits as traditional resistance bands, but specifically target the hands, wrists, and fingers for strength and flexibility training. Whether you're recovering from an injury or simply trying to improve your grip strength, finger resistance bands are an affordable and effective way to exercise your hands. In this guide, we'll discuss important features, considerations, and general advice to help you choose the right finger resistance bands for your needs.

Important Features

  • Resistance Levels: Look for finger resistance bands that come with multiple resistance levels, allowing you to progress as your strength improves.
  • Comfort: Choose bands made from high-quality, non-slip materials for optimal grip and comfort during use.
  • Portability: Finger resistance bands should be lightweight and easy to pack, so you can take them with you wherever you go.


  • Material: Opt for finger resistance bands made from durable, latex-free materials that won't cause skin irritation or break easily.
  • Size Range: Consider buying finger resistance bands in different sizes to accommodate various hand shapes and finger lengths.
  • Warranty: Check if the finger resistance bands you're considering come with a warranty, ensuring your investment is protected in case of damage or defects.

General Advice

  • Start with Light Resistance: Begin with the lowest resistance level and gradually work your way up to prevent strain or injury during exercise.
  • Consult a Professional: If you have hand or wrist issues, consult a physical therapist or doctor before starting a finger resistance band program to ensure proper technique and prevent further injury.
  • Incorporate Variety: Include finger resistance bands in a well-rounded exercise program that also focuses on other muscle groups for optimal overall fitness.
By keeping these features, considerations, and general advice in mind, you'll be well-equipped to choose the best finger resistance bands for your needs, helping you achieve your strength and flexibility goals while protecting your hands and wrists from injury.


What are finger resistance bands?
Finger resistance bands are exercise bands designed to improve finger flexibility, strength, and dexterity. They are used for rehabilitation or training purposes and can also help with conditions such as arthritis or tendonitis.

How do finger resistance bands work?

The bands provide resistance when pulled or stretched in various directions, forcing the fingers to work against this resistance. This helps strengthen the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in the hand and fingers.

What exercises can I do with finger resistance bands?

Some common exercises include finger abduction, adduction, extension, flexion, and opposition. You can perform these exercises by wrapping the band around your fingers and fingers working against the pulling force of the band.

Who can benefit from using finger resistance bands?

Finger resistance bands can benefit anyone looking to improve their finger strength and flexibility, including musicians, typists, gamers, and people recovering from injuries or managing conditions like arthritis or tendinitis.

Are finger resistance bands suitable for beginners?

Yes, finger resistance bands are suitable for beginners. Start with a low resistance band and gradually progress to higher resistance levels as your finger strength and dexterity improve.

How often should I use finger resistance bands?

To see improvements, aim for 2-3 sessions per week, with each session lasting 10-15 minutes.

How do I know the right resistance level for me?

Choose a resistance level that feels challenging but not impossible to perform the exercise. As your strength improves, you can transition to higher resistance levels.

Can finger resistance bands be used for hand therapy?

Yes, finger resistance bands are often recommended by occupational therapists and hand therapists, as they can help patients improve their finger strength and dexterity during rehabilitation.

How long does it take to see results from using finger resistance bands?

Results vary depending on the individual, their training frequency, and consistency. Generally, you may start noticing improvements within 4-6 weeks, with more significant progress seen after several months of regular training.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:59 healthmedicinet Health Daily News June 8 2024

DAY JUNE 8 2024


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Three proposals explaining the differential confidence. (A) Intuitively, one might assume that confidence in scientific entities (e.g., germs) is higher than confidence in religious entities (e.g., angels) because scientific entities are observable in principle whereas religious entities are not. (B) The Dual- Pathway Model proposes separate information pathways for scientific versus religious beliefs; belief in scientific entities is primarily driven by direct experience of causal outcomes whereas belief in religious entities is primarily driven by testimony. (C) Contrary to these two models, the Unified Model proposes that belief in both


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In a study of social media activity prior to Russiaā€™s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, researchers at the University of Notre Dame say a sharp increase in politically salient imagery onlineā€”visual content designed to influence, dehumanize, manipulate and motivate audiencesā€”was a predictor of the conflict. With collaborators at Colby College and Kennesaw State University, the researchers collected post history from a select group of 989 Russian milbloggersā€”a term used for ā€œmilitary bloggersā€


Sexual violence prevention programs effectively change ideas and beliefs that underscore assaults, but show no evidence of reducing their actual occurrence, a new comprehensive analysis shows. The findings are published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest. Researchers led by behavioral scientist Roni Porat of Hebrew University challenge the assumption that changing peopleā€™s thoughts about sexual violence will change their actual behavior. They call on scientists to study more behavior-centered approaches to reducing sexual


New research featuring more than 24,000 people has found that having diverse groups of friends improves well-being and social cohesion, despite peopleā€™s tendency to gravitate towards people more similar to them. Led by researchers at the University of Birmingham and published in Psychological Science, the study used data from 24,726 adults from over 10,000 English neighborhoods to examine the composition of peopleā€™s social networks according to age, ethnicity, income, and education to understand the implications of homophily (preference for similar people) on social cohesion subjective well-being. Dr. Miguel Ramos, lead


A new Edith Cowan University (ECU) study has revealed that having a four-legged friend at Childrenā€™s Court significantly reduces stress and anxiety for young victims, witnesses, and their caregivers. ECU criminology researchers Dr. Suz Rock and Associate Professor Natalie Gately have published the first Australian study to evaluate the impact of introducing a justice facility dog to a Childrenā€™s Court. The study ā€œKids, Courts and Canines: Evaluating the Justice Facility Dog Program through a Therapeutic Lens


Lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience exclusion more frequently than heterosexual people. This is the finding of a recent study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by researchers from the University of Basel and the RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau. According to the study, people who are perceived as less gender-conforming are more frequently socially excluded. This could also affect heterosexual people if they deviate from traditional


As Jon Regardie wrote last year in Los Angeles Magazine, ā€œMetroā€™s raison dā€™etre is to get hundreds of thousands of people each day across Southern California.ā€ But the COVID-19 pandemic sent the numbers of riders plummeting to a low of 13%, and ridership still hasnā€™t fully rebounded. The reason may now be clear, thanks to the latest USC Dornsife LABarometer survey, conducted by the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. The survey found that although public transportation ridership in


Generation Y, Gen Y, is commonly referred to as the millennial generation. It usually includes individuals born between the early 1980s and the mid-to-late 1990s or early 2000s. This generation follows Generation X and precedes Generation Z. The millennials, it is said, grew up during the transition to digital technology and the rise of the internet, and this has shaped their perspectives, behavior, and the way they use technology and media. They are often characterized as tech-savvy, adaptable, and socially conscious, with a strong affinity for social media and digital


Over the past century, the number of working women in Western countries has steadily increased. However, numerous studies show that it is still primarily women who have to manage the balancing act between parenthood and working life. Compared to fathers and childless women, mothers often have a less straightforward career path and face greater hurdles to career advancement. Little research has been done on what happens to womenā€™s employment trajectories from midlife when childrearing efforts are


Many managers are currently seeking a balance between digital and face-to-face communication. A recent study from the University of Eastern Finland published in Information Technology & People shows that top IT industry managers have different views on when and for what purposes face-to-face communication in the workplace is needed. ā€œSome top managers felt that all work tasks can be performed remotely with the help of digital communication. According to them, face-to-face communication is only necessary for maintaining interpersonal relationships and a sense of community,ā€ says Doctoral Researcher Lotta Salin of


The competition for online attention in todayā€™s news environment is fierce. High-quality news from credible sources must compete for attention with misinformation and a rapidly increasing amount of partisan content. How can a news organization stand out as a reputable and trustworthy outlet while driving readers to its site? The answer is simple: literally. According to research from Michigan State University, news readers engage more with simple writing, suggesting journalists should write simplyā€”clearly and without ambiguityā€”to attract attention online. The study was published in the journal Science Advances. ā€œNewsrooms want


When Twitter banned more than 70,000 traffickers of false information from its platform in the wake of the violence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the impact went beyond the silencing of those users. A study co-authored by UC Riverside public policy and political science scholars published in the journal Nature on June 5, found that the crackdown by Twitter (now called X after it was acquired by billionaire Elon Musk in late 2022) also significantly reduced the number of misinformation posts by users who stayed on the


Young people who have exited foster care generally fare betterā€”in work, school and relationshipsā€”if they get consistent support from adults who care about them during their teen years. My research team reached these findings by interviewing 21 people, now in their late 20s, who had aged out of foster care when they turned 18, had spent time in foster care as children or grew up in families that had active child welfare cases. These young adults relayed the degree to which they received support from


Antarctica is the most inhospitable continent on earth. Itā€™s dry, cold, and completely dark for months of the year. Edwardian explorers were some of the first to brave the Antarctic winter, developing new knowledge still drawn upon by scientists today. The Discovery expedition (1901ā€“4) played a key role in the history of polar exploration. It was led by the Royal Navy commander Robert Falcon Scott, a pioneering polar explorer who died in 1912 after attempting to reach the south pole. The expeditionā€™s third lieutenant was Ernest Shackleton, who led three


developing sustainable business models that are multi-actor networked for integrating them with agricultural innovation systems initiatives can enable a systemic approach for reducing food loss and value loss at the post-harvest


Yannick Kluch, a professor of recreation, sport and tourism at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, studies sport as a platform for promoting social justice. Kluch has worked with the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, U.S. Diving and the National Collegiate Athletic Association. He spoke with research editor Sharita Forrest about the history of Olympic athletesā€™ social justice protests and governing organizationsā€™ efforts to avert them with Rule 50 of the Olympic Charter.


A study found support for the existence of a positive ā€œcashless effect,ā€ which is when consumers spend more when using cashless payment methods in comparison to cash. The study suggests the cashless effect leads people to spend more when purchasing products that are typically used to signal status, such as jewelry. However, the


If you are single and looking for a romantic partner, chances are that you have used a dating app. But the likelihood that others will like, or even see, your profile may depend on your race. Studies have found that all people on dating apps, regardless of their own race, are more likely to contact white people using the app. And all people using dating apps are least likely to contact African American women and Asian American men. Until recently, some popular apps, including OkCupid, Match, Hinge and Grindr, provided


University of Oregon psychologists are breaking down barriers to include underrepresented populations in research by bringing laboratories online. The researchers are trying to address a longstanding issue in psychology studies, which often rely on undergraduate students to volunteer as research subjects.


how often people visit and actively participate in local events and how this affects their sense of place or their connection to their community. A survey of almost 400 households in the stateā€™s coastal council area of the City of Holdfast Bay found that people who frequently attend local events or participate as volunteers, organizers or exhibitors, have a stronger


ā€œCOVID-19 forced educators to adjust their educational best practices to an unfamiliar virtual classroom, and professional development was no different,ā€ said Karen Jo Matsler, assistant professor in practice for UTeach at UTA


Integrating more natural features into city landscapes can play a crucial role in enhancing the mental well-being of residents. A study by Bangor University and Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, published in the scientific journal People and Nature, involved city dwellers and showed how paying visual attention to greenery, rather than human-made structures, can alleviate anxiety and enhance restorative feelings. The 117 urban residents who took part in the study, were guided on a


Companies in industries such as health care, technology and insurance have been found to advertise on misinformation websites, according to an analysis published in Nature. In a related experiment, consumers who were made aware that a company advertised on a misinformation website were likely to reject an offer of a gift voucher to spend with that company. The majority of digital advertisement placement on the internet is done via an algorithm-based distribution


why we associate risk-taking with males rather than females, from an evolutionary standpoint. Study author Hannah Goodman, from UWAā€™s School of Human Sciences, said researchers found men engaged in riskier behaviors when crossing a busy traffic intersection, supporting growing evidence that risk-taking is predominantly an androcentric behavior. ā€œMales
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:35 tempmailgenerator Sending Emails via Gmail with libcurl in C

Exploring Email Dispatch with libcurl

Utilizing libcurl for sending emails directly from a C program offers a robust and flexible method to interact with email servers, including Gmail. This approach leverages the comprehensive capabilities of libcurl, a library famed for its support for various protocols and its ability to handle complex network communication tasks efficiently. When attempting to send emails through Gmail using libcurl, developers often encounter a common hurdle related to SSL/TLS configuration, which is pivotal for securing communications between the client and Gmail's servers.
Addressing the SSL error requires a nuanced understanding of libcurl's options for SSL/TLS, as well as the proper configuration of the environment in which your C program operates. This includes setting the correct SSL certificate paths and ensuring your application is authenticated correctly with Gmail's SMTP server. The complexity of these settings can sometimes lead to errors, such as the ones related to SSL peer certificates or SSH remote keys, pointing towards the intricate dance of security and accessibility in modern email communication.
Command Description
curl_easy_init() Initializes a CURL session
curl_easy_setopt() Sets options for the CURL session, such as URL, authentication, and payload data
curl_easy_perform() Executes the configured CURL request
curl_slist_append() Adds a new string to a CURL slist
curl_easy_cleanup() Cleans up and frees the CURL session

Navigating SSL/TLS Challenges in libcurl for Email Communication

When integrating email functionality into a C program using libcurl, particularly for services like Gmail that require secure connections, developers often encounter SSL/TLS-related errors. These issues stem from the strict security measures employed by email providers to protect user data and ensure the privacy of communications. SSL/TLS protocols play a crucial role in encrypting the data transmitted between the client and the server, thereby thwarting potential eavesdropping or data tampering. However, correctly configuring libcurl to use SSL/TLS can be a daunting task, requiring a detailed understanding of both the library's API and the underlying security protocols. This challenge is compounded by the need to properly manage certificates, as misconfigurations can lead to errors indicating that the SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK, or issues related to the local SSL certificate.
To successfully send emails via Gmail using libcurl, it's imperative to ensure that the library is up-to-date and configured to use the correct version of the SSL/TLS protocols. Additionally, specifying the right path to the certificate authority (CA) bundle file is essential for validating Gmail's SSL certificate. This process involves setting the CURLOPT_CAINFO option to point to the CA bundle that contains the trusted certificates. Addressing these aspects can mitigate common SSL/TLS errors, but it also highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of secure email transmission. Furthermore, developers must also consider the authentication process with Gmail's SMTP server, which involves specifying the correct username and password, and may require enabling less secure app access or setting up an app-specific password depending on the account's security settings.

Initiating Email Transfer with libcurl

C Programming Context
#include  #include  int main(void) { CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "smtps://"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM, ""); struct curl_slist *recipients = ; recipients = curl_slist_append(recipients, ""); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT, recipients); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERNAME, ""); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, "password"); // Additional setup code here curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } return 0; } 

Resolving SSL Certificate Errors

C Language Implementation
#include  void setup_ssl(CURL *curl) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USE_SSL, CURLUSESSL_ALL); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "/path/to/cacert.pem"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1L); } int main(void) { CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { // Initialize CURL session and set options setup_ssl(curl); // Execute and clean up curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } return 0; } 

Enhancing Email Security with libcurl

One of the pivotal aspects of sending emails through libcurl, especially when using Gmail's SMTP servers, revolves around the implementation of secure connections. This necessity arises from the stringent protocols Gmail enforces to safeguard user data and maintain confidentiality. The complexity of establishing a secure connection lies not only in adhering to Gmail's security standards but also in navigating the SSL/TLS configurations required by libcurl. These configurations are integral to encrypting the data transmitted between your application and Gmail, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected against interception or tampering. Understanding and implementing the correct SSL/TLS settings in libcurl is paramount, as any misconfiguration can result in transmission errors, compromised data integrity, or complete failure to connect.
Moreover, the dynamic landscape of internet security and the continual evolution of SSL/TLS protocols necessitate regular updates to your application's security measures. Keeping libcurl and its SSL/TLS certificates up-to-date is essential for maintaining compatibility with Gmail's servers and ensuring the highest level of security. Additionally, developers must be vigilant about the authentication process, which involves securely storing and handling user credentials within the application. This often requires implementing additional layers of security, such as encrypted storage or environment variables, to protect against unauthorized access or leaks. Addressing these challenges head-on is crucial for developers aiming to integrate email functionality into their applications with libcurl, especially for applications requiring a high degree of privacy and security.

Frequently Asked Questions on Sending Emails with libcurl

  1. Question: Can I use libcurl to send emails through Gmail?
  2. Answer: Yes, libcurl supports sending emails through Gmail using the SMTP protocol, but it requires proper SSL/TLS configuration.
  3. Question: What is the common SSL error when sending emails with libcurl?
  4. Answer: A common error is "SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK," which typically indicates a problem with the SSL certificate verification.
  5. Question: How can I fix SSL certificate errors in libcurl?
  6. Answer: Ensure you're using the correct CA bundle path with CURLOPT_CAINFO and that your libcurl is up-to-date.
  7. Question: Do I need to enable "Less secure app access" in my Gmail settings?
  8. Answer: Yes, for libcurl to send emails through Gmail, you may need to enable "Less secure app access" or use an app-specific password.
  9. Question: How can I include attachments in emails sent with libcurl?
  10. Answer: Attachments require encoding the email body in MIME format and manually constructing the email headers and body to include the attachment data.
  11. Question: Is it possible to send HTML emails with libcurl?
  12. Answer: Yes, by setting the Content-Type header to text/html in your email headers, you can send HTML emails with libcurl.
  13. Question: Can libcurl handle SMTP authentication?
  14. Answer: Yes, libcurl can handle SMTP authentication by setting the CURLOPT_USERNAME and CURLOPT_PASSWORD options.
  15. Question: How do I debug SMTP communication issues in libcurl?
  16. Answer: Enable verbose mode with CURLOPT_VERBOSE to get detailed logs of the SMTP communication, which can help in debugging.
  17. Question: Can libcurl send emails to multiple recipients?
  18. Answer: Yes, you can specify multiple recipients by appending them to the CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT slist.

Securing Email Transmission with libcurl: A Reflection

Sending emails through Gmail using libcurl embodies a significant blend of ease and complexity, reflecting the nuanced demands of modern secure email communication. This journey from setting up a libcurl session to troubleshooting SSL/TLS errors underscores the critical importance of security in the digital age. Ensuring encrypted connections, correctly managing certificates, and navigating authentication hurdles are pivotal to safeguarding email communications against vulnerabilities. This exploration not only highlights the practical steps required for successful email dispatch using libcurl but also emphasizes the ongoing need for developers to stay abreast of security protocols and Gmailā€™s ever-evolving requirements. As the digital landscape continues to shift, so too must our approaches to secure communication. Through diligence and continuous learning, developers can harness the power of libcurl to enhance the security and reliability of their email applications, contributing to a safer online environment for all.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:05 DisciplineNo1000 IPTV and Smart Homes: Integrating Technology for a Seamless Experience

IPTV and Smart Homes: Integrating Technology for a Seamless Experience
IPTV Trends


Imagine a home where your television and smart devices work in perfect harmony, creating an environment that's not only entertaining but also incredibly efficient. Welcome to the world of IPTV and Smart Homes. Integrating these technologies can revolutionize how we live, making everyday tasks easier and more enjoyable. But how do these systems work together, and what benefits can they bring to your life? Let's dive into the exciting intersection of IPTV and Smart Homes, highlighting the latest IPTV Trends and the Best IPTV options available.

Understanding IPTV

Definition and Basic Concept

IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, is a service that delivers television content over the internet rather than through traditional terrestrial, satellite, or cable formats. This technology allows for a more flexible and interactive viewing experience.

How IPTV Works

IPTV works by streaming media content through the internet. Instead of receiving broadcast signals via satellite dishes or cable networks, users receive data packets over a broadband connection. These packets are then reassembled and displayed on your screen.

Key Features of IPTV

  • On-Demand Content: Access a vast library of shows and movies whenever you want.
  • Live TV: Watch live broadcasts with minimal delay.
  • Interactive Features: Pause, rewind, and fast-forward live TV.
  • High-Quality Streaming: Enjoy HD and 4K content depending on your internet speed.

Exploring Smart Homes

Definition of Smart Homes

A Smart Home uses internet-connected devices to enable remote management and monitoring of systems and appliances such as lighting, heating, and security.

Core Components of a Smart Home

  • Smart Devices: Thermostats, lights, cameras, and more.
  • Central Hub: A device or app that controls all smart devices.
  • Network: The infrastructure that allows these devices to communicate.

Benefits of Smart Home Technology

  • Convenience: Automate routine tasks.
  • Energy Efficiency: Optimize energy usage.
  • Security: Monitor your home remotely.

The Intersection of IPTV and Smart Homes

How IPTV Enhances Smart Home Experiences

Integrating IPTV into your Smart Home setup offers a unified and enhanced user experience. For example, you can use voice commands to control your TV or synchronize your lighting with your entertainment.

Examples of IPTV Integration in Smart Homes

  • Voice Control: Use Alexa or Google Assistant to change channels or adjust volume.
  • Smart Displays: Stream IPTV content on smart displays around your home.
  • Automated Routines: Set up routines where your TV turns on automatically at specific times.

Benefits of Integrating IPTV with Smart Homes

Enhanced Entertainment Options

Combining IPTV with Smart Home technology offers a more immersive and personalized entertainment experience. Imagine dimming the lights and lowering the blinds with a single command as you start a movie.

Improved Home Automation

Automate and streamline your entertainment options. For instance, your favorite show can start playing as soon as you arrive home from work.

Centralized Control and Convenience

Control all your home entertainment and smart devices from a single app or voice assistant, making it easier to manage and enjoy your home environment.

Key Technologies Enabling Integration

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT connects various devices in your home, allowing them to communicate and work together seamlessly. This connectivity is the backbone of a Smart Home system.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML enhance the capabilities of Smart Home devices and IPTV services by learning user preferences and automating tasks accordingly.

Voice Control and Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri allow you to control your IPTV and Smart Home devices using simple voice commands.

Setting Up IPTV in a Smart Home

Choosing the Right IPTV Service

Select an IPTV service that offers the content and features you desire. Consider factors such as channel selection, streaming quality, and cost. For the latest IPTV Trends and to find the Best IPTV service, check out reviews and ratings from reputable sources.

Compatible Smart Home Devices

Ensure your existing Smart Home devices are compatible with your chosen IPTV service. Devices from brands like Samsung, LG, and Google typically offer broad compatibility.

Step-by-Step Setup Guide

  1. Choose Your IPTV Service: Research and select a provider, such as IPTV Trends, known for its excellent offerings.
  2. Connect Devices: Use your Smart Home hub or app to connect your IPTV service.
  3. Configure Settings: Adjust settings for optimal performance.
  4. Test Integration: Ensure all devices are working together seamlessly.

Optimizing Your Smart Home for IPTV

Network Considerations and Bandwidth Requirements

A strong and stable internet connection is crucial for IPTV. Ensure your network can handle the bandwidth requirements, especially if multiple devices will be streaming simultaneously.

Ensuring Device Compatibility

Verify that all your smart devices can work with your IPTV service. Look for compatibility information in device manuals or on the manufacturer's website.

Tips for a Seamless User Experience

  • Regular Updates: Keep your devices and apps updated.
  • Optimize Placement: Position your router for maximum coverage.
  • Use Quality Hardware: Invest in high-quality routers and smart devices.

Popular IPTV Services for Smart Homes

Overview of Top IPTV Service Providers

  • Netflix: Known for its vast library of movies and shows.
  • Hulu: Offers both live TV and on-demand content.
  • Amazon Prime Video: Features a wide range of original content.
  • Disney+: Ideal for family-friendly programming.
  • YouTube TV: Provides extensive live TV options.
  • IPTV Trends: Renowned for its comprehensive service and quality streaming options.

Features and Pricing Comparison

Compare features such as content libraries, streaming quality, and subscription costs to find the best service for your needs. IPTV Trends often stands out for its affordability and extensive channel selection.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Check user reviews and ratings to gauge the reliability and user satisfaction of various IPTV services. IPTV Trends consistently receives high marks for its user-friendly interface and robust customer support.

Future Trends in IPTV and Smart Home Integration

Advances in Technology

Expect advancements in AI, 5G connectivity, and IoT to further enhance IPTV and Smart Home integration, offering even more seamless and intuitive experiences.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

Challenges such as security risks and compatibility issues may arise, but ongoing innovations and updates will help address these problems.

Predictions for the Future

Look forward to more personalized and immersive home entertainment experiences, driven by continuous improvements in technology and user interfaces.

Security Considerations

Protecting Your Smart Home Network

Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and regularly update your devices to protect against cyber threats.

Secure IPTV Services

Choose reputable IPTV providers like IPTV Trends with robust security measures to safeguard your personal information.

Tips for Maintaining Privacy

Regularly review privacy settings on your Smart Home devices and IPTV services to control data sharing and protect your privacy.

Real-Life Examples and Case Studies

Success Stories of IPTV and Smart Home Integration

Explore how individuals and families have successfully integrated IPTV and Smart Home technologies to enhance their daily lives.

Lessons Learned from Early Adopters

Learn from the experiences of early adopters to avoid common pitfalls and maximize the benefits of integration.

Innovative Uses of Technology

Discover creative ways people are using IPTV and Smart Home technology, from home theaters to automated routines that simplify daily tasks.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Connectivity Problems

Ensure your network is robust and troubleshoot common connectivity issues such as interference and weak signals.

Device Compatibility Issues

Double-check device compatibility and consult manufacturer support if you encounter issues.

Customer Support and Resources

Utilize customer support and online resources from your IPTV and Smart Home device providers to resolve any problems you face.


Integrating IPTV with Smart Home technology opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing your home entertainment and automation experience. As technology continues to advance, the potential for even more seamless and personalized interactions grows. By choosing the right services and devices, optimizing your network, and staying informed about future trends, you can create a truly smart home that offers unparalleled convenience and enjoyment. Embrace the latest IPTV Trends and explore the Best IPTV services like IPTV Trends to transform your home into a futuristic haven.


What is the difference between IPTV and traditional TV?

IPTV delivers television content over the internet, offering more flexibility and interactivity compared to traditional TV, which relies on terrestrial, satellite, or cable signals.

How secure is IPTV in a Smart Home setup?

Security depends on using reputable IPTV services and securing your Smart Home network with strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and regular updates.

Can I use any Smart Home device with IPTV?

Compatibility varies, so it's important to check if your Smart Home devices support your chosen IPTV service. Providers like IPTV Trends ensure broad compatibility with various smart devices.

What are the costs associated with integrating IPTV into a Smart Home?

Costs can include IPTV subscription fees, Smart Home device expenses, and potential upgrades to your home network for optimal performance. IPTV Trends offers competitive pricing options.

How do I choose the best IPTV service for my Smart Home?

Consider factors such as content selection, streaming quality, compatibility with your devices, and user reviews when selecting an IPTV service. IPTV Trends is often recommended for its reliability and excellent customer support.
submitted by DisciplineNo1000 to u/DisciplineNo1000 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:09 7101334 Galactic Hub Summer 2024 Update

Greetings, interlopers! After a sleepy winter season and a lazy spring, the Galactic Hub is waking back up to welcome in the beautiful summer (or winter, for our Southern Hemisphere interlopers). As bits of our glorious civilization have died or fallen into disuse, new content will bloom in its place, continuing the growth and fine-tuned evolution of our shared community. New stuff on the way!

Guidance Over Service

Before we get into that new stuff, Iā€™d like to get some procedural (in the sense of ā€œpertaining to proceduresā€) out of the way.
A centralized leadership structure was beneficial and necessary while we implemented new features, like the Colony Governor system and HubCoin. While the core governance structure of the Galactic Hub - myself as the final authority, Jordan as second-in-command, Italic as third-in-command, and post-Euclid Directors operating in largely autonomous fashion - will remain the same, the emphasis will be shifting.
Rather than encouraging our staff members to handle tasks for the Hublic - such as creating census entries, or being the primary individuals to host multiplayer events - we will instead be encouraging our staff to teach you to do these things on your own. These educated interlopers can, in turn, educate more interlopers, resulting in a more independent and confident population. The Hub functions best when itā€™s relatively decentralized in established features, with stronger leadership for emerging features. This is an approach weā€™ll be adhering to more rigorously in the future.
While the Council is still discussing the full implications of this emphasis-shift, one of the first things Iā€™d like to make clear is: you can edit the wiki! You donā€™t need to ask permission first. If you make a change that shouldnā€™t be made, weā€™ll just revert it and contact you in the #wiki channel of our Discord - no harm, no foul. Most of the high-security pages are locked for edits. Donā€™t feel too worried about stepping on toes. On the other hand, if youā€™re certain you have no idea what youā€™re doing, please ask (in the #wiki channel) before taking a shot in the dark.
We may also be looking to expand the Council and other staff in the near future. We are also seeking comments for how we might revitalize our Chapters. The Apprenticeship program has been a good start towards this goal, but it hasnā€™t been fully achieved yet.

New Ziki City Renovations

Since the time of New Ziki Cityā€™s opening, the Arena District, Cuboid District, Mega-Convoy District, and Luxury District have all dropped out of existence. Whether it be due to temporal anomalies or Abyssal network sabotage, the time has come to renovate our grand Hubtropolis.
If you havenā€™t already completed it, please fill out our New Ziki City Citizen Survey!
So far, Iā€™ve already completed a few changes to our Hubtropolis:
  • MONTHLY REPEATING EVENTS in New Ziki City. Weā€™ll cover those in more detail in the next section, but what this means is, every first Saturday of the month, every second Sunday of the month, etc will feature predictable, routine events which repeat every month. This should give interlopers interested in participating time to plan ahead - and if you miss an event you wanted to attend, you know you can always attend it next month! (Some events, specifically those which occur on the 5th Sat / Sun of the month, will repeat bimonthly or trimonthly as not every month will have a 5th weekend.)
  • Construction of the Galactic Hub Triumph Dome, a massive PVP dome featuring areas suitable for 1v1, free-for-all, 2v2, or new Domination / Search-and-Destroy game modes inspired by Khyodeeā€™s King of the Grid build. It may also be large enough for ship dogfights, but that will require testing. The broader (New) Arena District also features a large NipNip Dispensary with a comedy / poetry / etc-suitable stage, public transit to the Commerce District, and a larger public transit system under construction if we are able to reduce the overall complexity of the city. Until then, the larger public transit building will remain closed off.
There are also some things weā€™d like to add, but need volunteers to help run:
  • More spotlighting of various types of talent and arts - comedy shows, ByteBeat raves, etc.
  • Construction of hiking trails to show off the cityā€™s more impressive vistas, caves, etc. For those unfamiliar, on hiking trails, interlopers are encouraged to disable their HUDs and navigate using only trail markers. This increases immersion by requiring more attention to be paid to your surroundings.
One thing was tested, and proved non-viable:
  • Roads. This is unfortunate - I started building roads, and itā€™s not too hard of a task. But for some reason it caused issues with base uploads, even though they were far below the 3,000 part limit. For that reason, New Ziki will not have any new roads added, but future Hubtropolises might.
And finally, one future feature that Iā€™ll need to mostly implement myself, as the person most familiar with it:
  • NMS-RPG content (NPCs, quests, items, unlockable areas, etc) to new and renovated areas within the city.
Aside from this, New Ziki City is complete. We have used the entire systemā€™s available complexity budget. New Ziki is the biggest possible city (in terms of part count) which can currently be constructed in No Manā€™s Sky. We did it!!!

New Ziki Repeating Monthly Events

As explained in the first bullet point of the next section, New Ziki City will feature repeating monthly events for the foreseeable future! Some events may be swapped out for other events depending on the availability of hosts. Also, Discord monthly scheduling is still a little buggy sometimes, so the dates listed below may not be exact - always check our Discord Event Calendar to confirm.
Additional details on all events can be found on our Discord Event Calendar.
Date Name (Host) Description
1st Friday Social Event (HEAT) Although the exact type of social event will vary month-by-month, the first Friday of every month will feature some event focused on socializing with your fellow interlopers.
1st Saturday Market Day (GHTD) Market Days are shopping events designed to be more convenient for shoppers and more lucrative for vendors. Shoppers can take advantage of special Market Day deals and more convenient shopping, as you don't need to arrange a meet-up like you normally would - the vendor is already in your session! Vendors can benefit from cross-traffic between businesses, which is not ordinarily possible.
1st Sunday HUBTalks (HBS) HUBTalks are monthly scheduled speaking events in the NZC Speaking Hall. Interlopers may give speeches on any topic pertaining to NMS, sci-fi, science, art, or technology. This includes comedy, performances, and demonstrations pertaining to those topics.
2nd Saturday Sport / PVP (GHSL) The second Saturday of every month will feature a non-combat sporting event, like Shield Wrestling or Traveler Hockey. Exact location within the city may vary.
3rd Saturday Art Museum Day (710) Art Museum Days give interlopers a predictable, pre-scheduled opportunity to add their own artistic contributions to the Museum of Interloper Art in the Art & Event District. Note that you may also add works at any other time of the month by requesting to do so.
3rd Sunday Building Demo (GHBG) The GHBG will provide a demonstration on a building technique or particular buildable object, structure, etc. Questions on base building will also be answered during this event.
4th Friday Nightlife Event (HEAT) This event will focus on NZC's nightlife scene, whether that means going to a ByteBeat Rave, hitting the NipNip Dispensary lounge, or doing a pub crawl in Downtown District, nightlife events are sure to be memorable - even if the memories get a bit hazy.
4th Saturday PVP Event (GHSL) Glory awaits on the 4th Saturday of every month, where warrior-lopers will compete in the currently-under-construction PVP arenas coming to New Ziki City. Various game modes will be featured, from 1v1 Multi-tool Combat to Boxing to Starship Dogfighting.
5th Friday Restaurant Tour (GHTD) Try some local cuisine during restaurant tours! Currently, all restaurants in NZC function as pop-up shops, like food trucks. Want to open your own? Contact 7101334 or italicinterloper!
5th Sunday Group Hike (HEAT / Anyone) Meet up at one of our New Ziki City hiking trails (which have not been constructed yet, at the time of posting) and explore the wilds with your fellow interlopers!

New Wiki

Thanks to Miraheze, the Galactic Hub now has its very own wiki! We will be discontinuing our usage of the Fandom Wiki due to excessive ads and other issues. Some select pages, like the main civilization pages, will still be updated for recruitment purposes.
All old Galactic Hub pages have been imported to our new wiki, meaning no hard work contributed over our years of Fandom usage will be lost.
The only slightly-negative change is that we wonā€™t have access to the really basic pages - for example, pages explaining the concept of fauna, or pages for the various upgrades. However, most people joining the Galactic Hub will already be familiar with basic concepts like this. In cases where these pages are required, there is a way to link them to the No Manā€™s Sky Miraheze Wiki, which we are only loosely affiliated with
On the other hand, there will be many positive changes.
  • Searching pages will be easier, as ā€œGalactic Hubā€ prefixes will be dropped. For example, ā€œGalactic Hub Multi-tool Catalogā€ becomes simply ā€œMulti-tool Catalogā€, because the entire wiki now pertains to the Galactic Hub by default. (Some pages will retain the prefix. For example, organization names, like Galactic Hub Star League, or base names, like Galactic Hub Capitol.)
  • CalHub and EisHub will have differentiating suffixes for page names also used by the Galactic Hub in Euclid. For example, ā€œMulti-tool Catalog (CalHub)ā€.
  • The main page of the wiki can now serve as a directory to various types of Galactic Hub content. This, in turn, allows us to simplify the main ā€œGalactic Hub Projectā€ page to function more as an introduction to new citizens. On Fandom, we depended on this page to serve as an introduction and content directory simultaneously.
  • RPG content now has a clear dedicated space, allowing it to be easily differentiated from more fact-based content. Use the ā€œNMS-RPG:ā€ namespace to search content pertaining to player-created narratives, or create your own narrative-focused pages.
  • Guides now have a clear dedicated space, allowing them to be easily collated for use by new or returning interlopers. Use the ā€œGuide:ā€ namespace to search content designed to help explain concepts or techniques.
Note that, because Miraheze is an ad-free experience, it relies entirely on voluntary donations. We will occasionally promote those calls for donations to help guarantee the continued stability of this volunteer-run platform.
If you see any outdated content which needs to be updated, please post it in the #wiki thread of our Discord. A number of old pages - for example, the Colonies page - have been updated with current info!

New Census

Cheating a bit here as this is also part of the new wiki, but the Interloper Census is such an integral part of our history that this deserves its own section.
The Census has been considerably reworked. Instead of a bureaucratically-natured population count, it now functions as your public profile and service record in the Galactic Hub community. Check out the page to see what I mean!
Interlopers are encouraged to update the Census on their own, but Achievements need to be confirmed by the relevant authorities before adding them to your entry. If you add achievements without confirmation, they will be revoked.
The old function of the census - determining how many players are active in Galactic Hub space, and automatically listing all bases in Hub space - will be replaced by two new tools/pages:
The old census, which had the primary function of determining how many interlopers are active in Galactic Hub space, was abandoned due to ApexFatalityā€™s Atlas tool delivering a far more comprehensive picture of how many bases are constructed in Hub space every year (over 2,000!) than the Census ever did.
The Bases page will now function as a non-automated a list of all player bases in Hub space. Because itā€™s not automated, it will be less complete than the Atlas tool. But unlike the Atlas tool, it will contain images and other relevant information helpful for base tourists.
Weā€™re 4 months away from October, which is traditionally Hub Month, a month packed with extra events and a massive party for Founding Day on the 29th. Until then, weā€™ve got plenty to keep us busy in Hub space. Good journeys interlopers!
submitted by 7101334 to NMSGalacticHub [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:43 SmartPrimate There is a paradox between omniscience and omnibenevolence (proof ft. infinity and Turing Machines)

Was doing some semi mathematical/philosophical thought experiments, and of all the things I did not expect to stumble on a paradox between these two concepts so I thought I'd share.
I'm going to give the main idea, but at the bottom I'll share some preliminaries for those unfamiliar with the relevant concepts, as in I explain it all so this post is still self contained. So if you're feeling lost below, skip to the bottom first. Even if you don't care for this specific argument, I think it's worth thinking about or extrapolating from the concepts in preliminaries, since a lot of people talk about God's infinite nature but don't often confront the paradoxes that have to do with infinity and are mathematically sound but can pose problems (the first time I engaged with it was after learning Cantor's theorem, since that seriously seems to imply either God's infinity is not the biggest infinity, or somehow not remotely definable/it doesn't even mean anything). So I think this is overall good practice.
EDIT (can skip this and go on to actual paradox if youā€™re getting impatient): While reflecting, I realized a lot of readers might think I'm a crank for writing something this technical on something related to God. I promise everything I wrote however is technically sound and coherent. The reason it is this technical is because it has to be to construct a logically precise question which God can no longer answer, if He's generous enough to share (even if we restrict to only being after an eternity) all His knowledge to any one person. And that's what it takes to show the paradox between being "the most knowledgeable you can conceive" with "the most generous you can conceive." I'm not myself convinced any of this argument is overkill.
The Specific Paradox
Suppose human lives are infinite, which you believe if thereā€™s an eternal afterlife, then consider the set of ā€œall knowledge humans would obtain after infinite timeā€. Obviously this set can be enumerated, f(1), f(2), f(3),ā€¦ etc. Now what I'm about to describe is a construct that cannot really exist physically, but it is perfectly definable in math, in a sense that you can ask questions about it that have objective truth values. Basically define a modified Turing machine, but one where there is a second head, and instructions for when the second head takes a step, such that each step of the second head is essentially enumerating that set we just named (so in a single step it will print a new element of that set on the tape, wherever the head is). Now for this new type of machine, each such machine can be encoded with a number just like Turing machines, and such that you can code one machine to be able to simulate others when given the corresponding encoding. Each such machine can either halt or not halt like a regular Turing machine, and just like regular Turing machines, you can prove that no such machine in this class can solve the halting problem for this type of machine. This also means that the set of ā€œall knowledge humans would obtain after infinite timeā€ cannot contain the solution to this class of machineā€™s halting problem, since if it did that would be a contradiction with the fact this machine can enumerate that set as a feature.
Now, we can define a set, the set of all encodings of machines in this class, such that those encodings correspond to halting machines in this class.
If God is the most knowledgeable that we can conceive of, He can decide this set, can take any number and say whether itā€™s in the set or not.
That would imply God has more knowledge than the set of ā€œall knowledge humans would obtain after infinite time.ā€
On the other hand, suppose a person really likes knowledge, and asks for ā€œall knowable truths but after infinite time.ā€ Then if God is the most generous we can conceive of, it seems not unfair for God to grant this, especially since the person is asking after infinite time, itā€™s not like they're even asking for it all at once/will ever really have it at one point in time. So it seems more than fair to grant that request, especially if you belong to one of the monotheistic faiths that believes heaven is where you're granted "whatever the heart desires that's possible." And it isn't inconceivable some nerd would want this, but if it is granted to them then it would contradict God being ā€œthe most knowledgeable we can conceive of,ā€ since the set of numbers we described above and deciding it (meaning you can name whether an element is in it or not) would not be encompassed by the set of all of God's knowledge, since that would lead to the earlier halting contradiction we described. So you end up having one or the other, either the most generous we can conceive of or the most knowledgeable we can conceive of.
Analysis (skip below if you need preliminaries)
So a couple things. I'd like to repeat that even this request is somewhat restricted, since you're not even asking to be granted all of God's knowledge, you're asking to be ā€œgranted it only if we consider the set union of my knowledge at all future points of time.ā€ And in fact, in some people's minds, "the most generous we can conceive of" would already pre-emptively entail an agreement to share all possible knowledge, since sharing knowledge is good no? So an explicit request isn't even necessarily necessary for this paradox.
Some other points. All of this falls under the framework that all knowledge in existence (including Godā€™s knowledge) is a countable infinity, obviously God might instead have an uncountable amount of knowledge, but my issue with that is once you allow it, it becomes a ā€œwhere do we stopā€ thing, because for every set you can define the set of all subsets of that set which will always be bigger by Cantor's theorem. So either the ā€œset of all of Godā€™s knowledgeā€ is not even meaningful to talk about, or there is a limit, specifically a certain size of infinity where we stop at, and if itā€™s the latter then it seems very humanly arrogant to assume itā€™s any one specific cardinality (cardinality just means size but rigorously generalized to include size of infinities). Even if it's some specific uncountable cardinality however, you can easily modify this paradox to work with that cardinality as well.
You could also alternatively even reject any infinity exists, which would imply God is not an actual infinity and therefore canā€™t solve even the normal halting problem, that is a legitimate possibility too. But the property of being ā€œgreatest [insert property] that we conceive ofā€ for most people is usually taken to mean an actual infinity, so they have to reckon with this. You could simply opt for agnosticism on this point, but in that case you cannot then use infinite as an adjective freely.
Ultimately, in the case that one does believe God exists and has an infinite nature and/or really does have attributes of the form "greatest [insert property] I can conceive of" (which would be infinite in certain cases like knowledge, e.g. even the standard halting problem has a solution but you provably need infinite knowledge to be able to solve it for instance, unless it having a solution is not in the possible knowledge you can conceive of, though that seems absurd), then this paradox illustrates that one of three things must be true:
  1. God would grant the request of someone that desires ā€œall possible knowledge given infinite timeā€ but then God is no longer of the class of ā€œthe most knowledgeable we can conceive ofā€ because there is a countable set of natural numbers we can even refer to that He cannot decide.
  2. God would deny that request, and thus all possible sets we can refer to are decidable by Him, but then God is potentially not of the class of ā€œthe most generous we can conceive of."
  3. God canā€™t grant that request to begin with because His knowledge is a greater cardinality than the natural numbers, and my usage of ā€œinfinite timeā€ here was meant to be countable, although you could easily alter the paradox to include higher cardinalities in the request so this isn't really a point it just changes the goalposts.
I would like to know how those of you that believe in an omni[something] God and afterlife personally reconcile this paradox. As someone who does lean towards believing in a supreme monotheistic creator, I personally lean towards 2, that the knowledge precedes generosity, but I honestly don't have a philosophical justification yet.
Now, as I promised, here are some preliminaries:
Countable and uncountable infinity, turtles all the way down
One relevant concept I brought up that might be unfamiliar to people, that I think should be the most well known though it's not central to the argument, is that of sizes of infinity. Honestly, I'm a little lazy so I'm just going to link this 8 minute video that does a marvelous job at explaining it. I know 8 minutes is a tough ask but I promise it's worth, and the rest in this post is self contained.
No technical background needed, a grade schooler can understand it, and I think it's worth learning about regardless of who you are, since Cantor's theorem really is one of humanity's greatest intellectual achievements.
Note he goes into the specific example of a countable infinity (the natural numbers) and how the first uncountable infinity is bigger (using the real numbers as an example). However Cantor's more general theorem applies to all sets, saying the set of all subsets of that set will always be a bigger set, even when our sets are infinite. Stated differently, there is always a bigger infinity. If you haven't seen this theorem before, depending on who you are this is either surprising to you or not surprising to you, and in both cases I can guarantee whatever reasoning you're using is wrong, but to see why watch the video :)
The exact proof in the video is a proof by contradiction similar to the halting problem proof I'll do below. But for Cantor's more general theorem I just stated, the proof while in the same spirit is a little more abstract than the specific example in the video, so I won't explain it here but feel free to check it out on wikipedia if you're curious.
Turing Machines
So the most relevant concept is that of a Turing Machine. While this may sound fancy, it's actually not hard to understand at all. Imagine a mathematician who can only write one symbol at a time. Except the chalkboard he's using to write is infinitely long. Do you get that? Then congratulations, you now know what a Turing Machine is.
Why the exact details of Turing Machines donā€™t matter
Sometimes people will present it as more technical, as a head that moves along an infinite tape writing only 0's and 1's. But that is basically what we just described, minus the limitation to 0 and 1. But the reason people use 0 and 1 is to show that in fact, this simplicity where you only have a 2 letter alphabet, is still powerful enough that you can use this model still to simulate other models that have a bigger alphabet. So the point when people do that isn't that we're intentionally restricting to 2 letters, but that 2 letters is all we need, even to do stuff that requires more! Even other details like the number of tapes or the dimension of the tape don't matter, since they can all simulate each other. So the point really is just that we can get away with something as minimal as possible, and that in some sense the details really donā€™t matter.
Why Turing Machines philosophically matter
Really the more relevant point though is that a Turing Machine is simply philosophically codifying what was already intuitive to humans, namely the idea of any finite procedure. Like an algorithm, a recipe, etc. As long as you allow instructions for behavior, and that behavior is allowed to be unbounded (while loop), then you basically have a Turing Machine.
On the other hand if you have a programming language with programs that contain if statements ("if [this] do [this"), for loops (which is just specifying an action to be done a certain number of times, but not infinitely), but NOT while loops (while [this is true] do [this'), then this is not a Turing Machine, because the "while" is the key, the infinite chalkboard, since what that opens up is the ability to never stop. Which might seem like a flaw at first, and it is in certain respects, but opening up that possibility is actually what gives computers the expressive power they have in solving problems believe it or not.
Footnote on Turing Machine usefulness in real life (can skip to next section if you donā€™t care): An asterisk here is that in real life there is no infinite memory so computers will always eventually stop, but A. we obviously don't want programs to run out of memory because they would have needed infinite memory anyway, both cause it's bad to use all memory but also you'd ideally want to know to stop it short before it meaninglessly loops like that and B. In some cases programs are meant to run for long enough/as long as possible before hitting some constraint that it's more or less still useful to model them as functionally infinite. Regardless for the sake of this paradox and mathematicians, even if it wasn't useful the idea of algorithms that might not stop still represent perfectly definable mathematical objects we can meaningfully talk about which belong to "the set of all possible knowledge".
Universal Simulation
Turing Machines are encodable. Once you settle on the specifics of the machine, like what the alphabet is etc (which isn't that important), then there will exist a way to encode each machine as a single whole number. And in such a way that you can define a Turing Machine that can in fact parse this number in order to simulate the machine.
You can even define a machine that takes in the encoding of any other machine, and all it does is simulate it, essentially a universal computer which is conceptually like your laptop at home. Also you can define the encoding scheme to involve every natural number, simply by having non valid encodings (which can also be recognized by machines as non valid) represent by default a basic machine that just does nothing. So essentially all natural numbers are Turing Machines. From now on if M is a Turing Machine, will refer to the number encoding it.
Undecidability of the standard halting problem
Anyway so because we have the possibility of our programs never halting, the halting problem is quite literally to decide whether a Turing Machine will halt or not halt.
(More specifically you have a number, and you want to decide if that number represents a Turing Machine that halts. Technically it's if the Turing machine halts on a specific input, so you would need an input in addition to the number, however we can actually change our encoding so that every natural number encodes both a Turing Machine and input for it. If you do that, then the problem really does become equivalent to "you have this well defined set of numbers, each representing Turing Machine-input pairs, and you're trying to decide for any number if it's in that set, meaning it represents a Turing Machine-input pair that halts" which is how I prefer to think of the halting problem, I'm just abusing my language and will keep doing so for consistency, but it's not that important).
Now if the halting problem is solvable, by a mathematician, computer, whatever, we can represent that as a Turing Machine Q that takes in an encoding of a machine and an input x, (so we can represent it's behavior as Q(, x)) and tells us whether M halts on x or never halts. You can then easily construct a machine Q' where Q'() does the following:
Simulates Q, specifically running Q(, ) and thus checking if M halts on the encoding that represents itself.
If it does not halt, this program Q' halts.
If it does halt, this program Q' loops forever.
Now, what happens if we run Q'()? If Q' halts on itself then it loops forever, and if it does not halt on itself, then it halts, a contradiction. Yet this program is easily constructible if the halting problem is solvable, since it's built by simulating the program that solves that. Therefore that assumption must be wrong. So no program, no mathematician or anyone, can take in an encoding of a Turing Machine and some input, and tell us whether it halts or does not halt. The only way to do that would be if you have infinite knowledge, and I would assume most monotheists here upon learning about this problem really would believe "God can do it. God can solve the halting problem," thus implying God's knowledge is an actual infinite, since otherwise you would run into contradiction like this proof. In fact for some, this may even be used to reinforce why God must be of an infinite nature, that omniscience wouldn't be compatible with any fact to the contrary. The alternative is either believing He can't, or choosing agnosticism on such matters.
More turtles all the way down
Note that you can always define a new type of Turing Machine that's exactly the same but has an oracle that can solve the halting problem. Just like before this machine is also encodable. And just like the modified machine in the paradox this can't really exist remotely physically, even if we forgot finiteness constraints since we already showed the halting problem is unsolvable - this oracle is purely a theoretical construct. However, this new type of machine will have it's own halting problem that it can't solve for equivalent machines. And then you can define an oracle for that halting problem. But once again you'll just get an even higher level halting problem. So even if you can solve the halting problem there are higher level halting problems you still can't solve (google "arithmetic hierarchy" if you're interested, it's more general but basically quantifies how "unsolvable" a set is, yielding an infinite tower of classes, each containing sets "more unsolvable" than the last). Of course if you're like me, you would just shrug it off as God can solve all of these problems.
Just wanted to add you can also use the argument I presented to show that assuming the set of "all of God's knowledge" is a real infinite set (I argue in preliminaries why most who accept omniscience would agree it's infinite), you can always construct a question that's solution is not in the set, a paradox of omniscience alone since we can refer to a question that by definition can't be solved by God. To be fair this also runs into issues of epistemology itself, since you could use the same for the set of all knowledge in general, and therefore one could even argue that in some sense certain "truths" just don't exist/truth isn't definable. Which I guess has already been sorta established by folks like Tarski using other methods. In any case I presented the argument I'm giving as a generosity paradox, since once it's a question that is derived by being defined as unsolveable with respect to the set of all of a human's knowledge (which is what we're doing in some sense), that feels far more like intuitively it should have a solution by the being that's "the most knowledgeable we can conceive of" than a question that's specifically defined to be unsolveable with respect to all of just their knowledge (which again, defining it like that is what we're doing in some sense, though we need to do work to show it's well defined which is what the proof was). Maybe what I'm trying to say is, if omniscience alone can't deal with logical omniscient paradoxes, perhaps it should always at least maintain the hierarchy/superiority aspect of it, and that even that sorta goes into disarray if we allow a maximal generosity (in the context of this post, that being sharing all of one's knowledge, not necessarily all at once, I used a more relaxed condition, where it's in a way that they'd still get all of it given infinite time).
submitted by SmartPrimate to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:40 SwillMcRando Please help me understand how messed up my situation is

TLDR HVAC company replaced damaged Bryant 187bna036-d AC compressor on a Bryant 926TB 2-stage furnace with 2 wires from furnace to compressor and Ecobee thermostat with a Bryant 189bnv036-c Evolution series fully communicating, continuously variable/5-stage compressor and THEN, several months later when cooling actually needed, after discovering incompatibility between new compressor and Ecobee stat and need for more wires from furnace to compressor, company replaced Ecobee with Honeywell Prestige IAQ thermostat with Electronic Control Module to make 5 stage/cont variable compressor act like a 2-stage compressor (running stage 3 as low stage and stage 5 as high stage). Question: is this new Frankenstein system okay in the long-term? How messed up is this? Advice on how to navigate this situation as a non-HVAC savy homeowner. Am I getting f'ed and how bad?
Saga and details below.
So a couple years ago I had a new HVAC system installed by a local company. Furnace, AC, Compressor, Ecobee thermostat the whole scholarship. Got a Bryant 926TB 2-stage furnace with a Bryant 187BNA036-D AC compressor and the Ecobee ECB402 thermostat. All 2 stage and, as I have learned, non-communicating. It worked great to control temp of my 1978 tri-level with a basement 1800 square ft house in Colorado.
Fast forward, one fall day the compressor unit gets damaged sprays coolant everywhere, I know I'm hosed and need a new one. Call up the company that installed system and tell them I screwed up and need to give them a lot of money to replace the compressor. After a couple winter months go by, guy comes out in spring to install a new compressor. Realizes he had grabbed a different but similar compressor to what we ordered as a replacement says it is just a more expensive but more efficient unit and he will install it with no additional charge anyway. I ask will it work with the system, he says yes, I don't know any better so I trust the professional. He installs the Bryant Evolution series 189BNV036-C communicating compressor. He has some confusion about the wiring, but "figures it out" and runs his functionality test and says it is working fine. I ask "so is there anything I need to be aware of and will I have AC when the weather really gets warm?" He says everything is good to go and I will have great efficient cooling šŸ‘. Those that know these models will have picked up that in fact, when the hot weather rolled around, no I did not have cooling because the fully communicating, variable speed/5 stage 189B... compressor is not compatible with an Ecobee thermostat and requires an Evolution series system to get all that gee whiz efficiency. I discovered this after I got back from vacation (overnight flight, no sleep) and the temps hit the upper 90s and I got a notification from my Ecobee that said "hey your system has been calling for cooling for 4 hours and the interior temp has gone up." Look at the compressor and notice that the fan blades still have a nice coat of powdery pollin, so they haven't been spinning to move air across the coils. Neat.
Called up the company that did the previous 2 installs and said "hey the compressor you installed a couple months ago is not cooling." They send a tech who starts poking around to figure out what is wrong. After a couple hours, the poor SOB asks "was your original compressor fully communicating?" I respond "what do you mean by that?" He explains it, I say no. His face droops and I hear him mentally scream obscenities. He says that we only have 2 wires coming out to the compressor and it needs more. I gather that the guy who installed the replacement, installed the wrong thing in the wrong way. Diagnostic tech gets on the horn to his boss. They run through some things in the basement. He comes up and I overhear that they are discussing solutions and boss wants the tech to ask me to cover the $500 of equipment to make it work. Tech's face says "tf you say?" then tells the boss that he is standing with us and the boss should ask us himself and tech hands me his phone. Boss asks me to pay $500 for new thermostat equipment to fix the company's cock up and tells me the installer who did the replacement install no longer works there. I tell him no I will not pay $500 to fix their cock up. He says okay, they will eat it and get the system working (gotta try I guess). Weather is hot, forecasted to stay hot, getting a new compressor quickly is uncertain/not likely given summer demand, I am sleep deprived and just want a cool house so my wife and kid can sleep, etc so we go with the new stat with a remote controller to deal with the not enough wires issue and get things running.
Next day new tech comes replaces my beloved, useful, multi sensor Ecobee with a Honeywell Prestige IAQ stat after deciding that the Beyant Connex is not necessary (at that point that is all Greek to me), which I trust the professional will work. After 7 hours of that work I have cooling. He hasn't pressure tested or dialed it in because he lost the tools/probes earlier in the day. He gives a basic run down of the new stat and the ap. Then because the company is pushing him to another job at 6PM on a Friday he takes off and says he will come back after the weekend to do the pressure test and dial it in. He made some educated guesses on settings so it "shouldn't freeze up over the weekend." I start trying to program/schedule the Honeywell stat, and quickly realize it is a POS which I will ask specifically about elsewhere.
I start reading manuals and and Googling trying to educate myself on what I have going on here. Learn that the Evolution series equipment uses proprietary connections and is really picky etc and works best with the Bryant Connex stat and controller stuff. Also learn that the Honeywell is $350 equipment not $500 and that the Bryan Connex stat is $800-$1000 dollar equipment. But I clearly don't HVAC, which is why I hire pros to do this stuff, so I am a bit lost on whether all this stuff actually works together; if what the company did to "make it right" actually made things right; or whether my now Frankenstein system will function properly, efficiently, and effectively and not cost an arm and a leg to run (the thermostat replacement tech said I should run the fan continuously, so...).
Now, I respect tradesfolk and want to trust them and give them the benefit of the doubt, but things seem to have gone sour in this situation. So I just want to know how f'ed am I here. Is it time to call in a different company to rip out the Honeywell stat and replace it with a Bryant stat? Should I eat a turd sandwich have a different company rip out the wrong compressor and put in a new compressor that is actually compatible with my furnace and reinstall the Ecobee? How do I navigate this situation to the best long-term outcome?
submitted by SwillMcRando to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:40 ARowwd Deltarune concept, or Three Save Files theory (TL;DR at the bottom)

This concept has manifested itself from multiple theses and theories that I have seen around here. Though it is based on ideas that may be well known, I have not seen anyone represent the whole thing in the way that I intend to. It is not a theory about plot, characters, Roaring Knight candidates or anything like that. This is speculation on what Deltarune is going to be gameplay-narrative-wise. I will take my time to introduce all the information that I'm going to use, so this may take a while.
Part 1: Your choices don't matter
Story-wise, we, as a Player, don't make any significant changes to the way things are. What we really do is just walk to our destination through fighting darkners. Grind gold, buy stuff - all the classic JRPG stuff falls on our shoulders. Most important, impactful things are done without our input; we don't even close the fountains ourselves. Whatever we choose to do, fountains are in the same place, we go there and close them. Susie will come to our house, Kris will slash the tires, open the fountain and so on. The most impact we make is the Weird Route - even so, things above stay as they are. Whatever we try, our destiny is mainly unchanged. But there is someone who takes our ability to make choices away and makes their own - setting the course of the story.
Part 2: Kris
DISCLAIMER: When I talk about Kris in this particular scenario, this may mean Kris themselves, "Third Entity", something else from the outside taking control during the night, or everything at once. I don't really have a solid take on this, so I will refer to all these possibilities simply as "Kris".
During daytime and in the Dark Worlds, it may seem that we are in full control of Kris and their actions. However, they are able to do some things on their own (such as standing up to King and protecting Susie), choose in what way to do things we select, show their own emotions when saying phrases we select (unless it completely opposes their will) without any need to get rid of us. At the same time, during the weird route, when we make Kris do things they clearly don't want to, they don't (or can't) interrupt us.
Things drastically change at the end of the chapters when the nighttime comes: soul is thrown out of the body, so Kris can do whatever they want. And what do they do? At the end of chapter 1, they menacingly take out a knife and turn to us, the Player, as if knowing we are there. At the time, people would believe many things, some even implying that Kris just went and massacred the whole town or something. When chapter 2 came out, we found out that nothing of the sort has happened. Kris just used that knife to cut and eat some butterscotch pie (all of it, actually). Many people believe that it was pretty much it: Toby Fox just tobyfoxed us, he set everything up to fool us! Oh, it's so him! Unless..?
Part 3: Mystery
Chapter 2 narration suddenly changes: it becomes darker, perplexed. As if the game decided to drop all masks and directly acknowledge the existence of Player while still keeping its secrets from us. In the very beginning, while still at home, we are met with small but strange details: TV is plugged in, unusual descriptions of things, and perhaps the most infamous one - when you interact with the sink, it has a text appear: "It is not yet time to wash your hands". Funnily, the first meaning that comes to mind is figurative, until we know the hidden one - literal. It is the end of chapter 2 when we have to literally go to bathroom and wash hands - so Kris can do their thing. It is as if narrator knew in advance what was going to happen. Unless they make it happen?
Part 4: Fate
In the same moment, when you try to use the sink in the kitchen, it just won't let you: "But, isn't the sink at the bathroom better?". Your ability to choose is taken away, and it seems that someone else is in control now. You are not making decisions anymore - if your choices didn't matter before, now you can't make them at all. All you can do is watch Kris make them. Their actions are not chaotic: in fact, they look very planned. They knew what was going to happen today, and they knew exactly what they needed to do. Pretending to wash their hands, getting out of the window, slashing tires, getting back, opening the door at night, and finally, opening the fountain. And after all this, do we really believe that Kris just ate the pie on the first night?
All those details about TV plugged in and so on are not random - they were set up by Kris to create an exact chain of events. They knew Susie was going to come; they plugged in the TV and planted the remote between pillows - right where Susie would look first. How do we know the remote was planted? Well, Susie says it is dusty, and things don't really get dusty there. How did they know Susie was coming? Because they ate the pie, so Toriel would invite Susie to come and bake another one - something Susie couldn't refuse (eating that pie afterwards, that is). But how would they even know about this? How do we know this is not a bunch of coincidences? We, as Player, would know what could make this happen. What gives us much more power than every other character in the game? The very same thing that is required to open fountains, which Kris does without us.
Part 5: Determination
As it is called in Undertale, determination is a power that basically gives control over the timeline. Its main use is the ability to save and reset the timeline of the game, which also makes you practically immortal. Before Frisk would fall to the Ruins, Flowey had held this power due to him being injected with determination by Alphys. When we arrive, he seems to know more than he shows, and he is well aware of the timeline being reset. We don't really see him planning and scheming around, but we know for a fact that he has been talking to Papyrus, giving "advice" and "predictions". They are giving such to us too: when finishing the Pacifist Neutral route, he would tell us to load our SAVE file and see Dr. Alphys (or someone we haven't befriended yet, depending on your playthrough). He knows more than us, even in situations that he couldn't experience before we came. This plays out the same way in Deltarune.
Kris, supposedly, is the previous "master" of determination: their knowledge of the future, existing save file in Dark World, ability to create fountains - all tells us they share a power similar to ours, if not the same. And with the knowledge they have, Kris can still utilize determination to set the course of events the way they want to, and we can't do anything about it. But what CAN we do?
Part 6: Three Save Files
As the current master of determination, we have control over save files. Unlike Undertale, which had only one save file, Deltarune has three of them. And not only we are able to create and erase them, but there is also a copy option. Usually, this isn't a thing; why would you copy a save? Anyway, there is something interesting going on with this before you complete the first chapter. When you do different things to save files, such as copying, overwriting, erasing, aborting erase, you get certain responses from an enigmatic narrator in the menu. To see this happen, you can check it yourself or watch these short videos by The Irken Luxray:
This may be another "oh, it's just Toby Fox playing with us, you know him!" moment but I have my doubts. Even more, the save files have differences. When you check Asriel's drawer, you get different responses for each save - you can check this video by Faxz:
And finally, save files share information. Beating a secret boss once in one file will make it carry over to the others.
Summarizing everything, we can see that there is a major game mechanic basis for saves that does recognize many different combinations of manipulating saves, makes saves have distinct differences in information, but at the same time, allows carrying information from one save to others. In my opinion, this may give Player an opportunity.
Part 7: Your choices are important, too
The way we will be able to make choices is through save files. It is not really clear what exactly we will need to do: perhaps we will need to complete different routes; perhaps we will need to defeat certain secret bosses, collect items, choose dialogue - anything. It is not known who we are really supposed to beat: Knight, Kris or maybe even Gaster. In any case, I believe that by completing the game in a certain way in all three save files and manipulating them, we can change our fate and reach the one true ending. It is very much possible that we will have to complete Weird Routes, in a sense that we will influence other characters so that they would make choices we need. As Ralsei said, "This world is full of all kinds of people, Kris. In the end, how we treat them makes all the difference." In Undertale, we had three routes and only one save file. In Deltarune, we have three save files and only one ending(?)
Thank you to everyone who has survived until this point. This concept is not meant to try and convince you what "really" Deltarune is. Again, this is just speculation. And everyone is welcome to speculate, criticize and offer even more proof to this theory. I personally believe that, if this concept is true, it is something that might have made the development of Deltarune so long. It is not easy to plan ahead and program such massive game mechanic. And the reason the first two chapters could be released separately is that multiple save interactions have not yet been introduced. Even though there can be some kind of foreshadowing, it doesn't affect the plot yet.
TL;DR: We will use all three save files to make a difference, affect the plot and reach the true ending
submitted by ARowwd to Deltarune [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:33 MountainSkald [A Valkyrie's Saga] - Part 119

Prequel (Chapters 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
First Ā¦ Previous Ā¦ Next Ā¦ Royal Road Ā¦ Patreon
A warm breeze rustled through the leaves of the peach blossom forest as Kayla walked with Urtiga. They were in the Vale of the Fallen, where every tree represented a woman who had been lost in the service of Valkyrie, and the sturdy, immortal trunks stretched as far as the eye could see.
Urtiga liked to take Kayla to meet her fallen friends, and tell their stories. She insisted that it was the only way to keep alive the memories of those who were lost, and the knowledge they had earned in blood.
For Kayla it was an honor and a privilege. By tacit agreement, no woman ever went further into the forest than their own generation, unless invited, because they would be able to guess the age of the Valkyrie they met.
ā€œI still donā€™t understand why you took me under your wing,ā€ Kayla said, as they walked back to the entrance. ā€œIā€™m more trouble than Iā€™m worth.ā€
Urtiga gave her a mild shove. ā€œHave you been feeling sorry for yourself? You know thatā€™s not what I want to hear.ā€
ā€œA little bit,ā€ Kayla admitted. She reached up and scratched at a bad rash on her neck, and winced at the movement.
ā€œTraining accident?ā€ Urtiga asked.
Kayla chuckled ā€œNo, I got a bit over-zealous with my role, and Thandi made me pay for it. Sheā€™s got this natural talent for all martial arts. Makes me super jealous.ā€
ā€œOkay, I get,ā€ said Urtiga. ā€œYouā€™ve been screwing up.ā€
ā€œAnd then some. You heard about the friendly fire incident?ā€
Urtiga smiled wryly. ā€œWhich one? My unit had one too, you know.ā€
ā€œAt least nobody got shot in yours.ā€
ā€œKayla, anything can happen once bullets start flying.ā€
ā€œYeah, thatā€™s what everyone says. I just donā€™t know if Iā€™ve got this leadership business figured out yet.ā€
Urtiga shook her head and said nothing. Then she stopped in her tracks.
ā€œMy whole family got vaporized by a bomb on Titan. During the Sol warā€”most people donā€™t even remember it now. Itā€™s a footnote in any history book.ā€ She looked sadly into the distance. ā€œA few rebels versus the Earth government in a weeklong exchange of ordinance that achieved nothing. Valkyrie took me in, and Iā€™ve never known anything else.
Kayla watched her mentor as she took in every word.
ā€œMy older sister was the coolest person I knew. We used to do everything together; run around the colony, steal boats and race them on the methane lakes. When the bombs started falling, we all ran into the basement. They told me to stay still, but I was too scared, and we always used to run from trouble, so I got out of their grip and raced outside.ā€
She smiled. ā€œI honestly thought they would follow me. But I looked back and the whole building just disintegrated. They used a bunker buster because they said they the rebels had tunneled under our houses. There was nothing left at all.ā€
ā€œDid you blame yourself?ā€ Kayla asked.
Despite the rush of grief and horror, and the parade of questions, she didnā€™t want to overreact. She had no business falling to pieces when she hadnā€™t experienced what Urtiga, at more than a century old, had already healed from. Even with her own memories, excessive sympathy made her uncomfortable.
ā€œSure,ā€ Urtiga said. ā€œI went through the whole rollercoaster for decades. But anyway, when you lost your dad, I thought you could use an older sister. So thatā€™s why I took you under my wing.ā€
Kayla suddenly lost control of her voice. ā€œSometimes I wish you were my mother.ā€
ā€œOh, Iā€™d be a terrible mother,ā€ Urtiga said as she awkwardly kicked at a fallen branch. ā€œBesides, yours is still alive.ā€
ā€œBut sheā€™s a narcissist,ā€ Kayla insisted. ā€œThereā€™s nothing there to connect with.ā€
ā€œYou remember when you came to Tyr? The first thing I said to you? It was so awful, and I beat myself up about it for ages.ā€
Kayla thought for a moment, then laughed. ā€œDid I regret the day you met me? The day my dad died? Yeah, I wasnā€™t sure about that one, but I think I forgot about it quickly with everything that was going on.ā€
ā€œYou see? I canā€™t be a mother. Iā€™ve lost the touch. I donā€™t think Iā€™m a narcissist, butā€¦ well, you would be reminded of one from time to time.ā€
ā€œYou probably could, if you wanted to be.ā€
ā€œJust like you could be a good team leader, if you wanted to be?ā€
Kayla stopped short and lifted her head to stare at the sky through the pink blossoms above them. She felt very angry, and very stupid at the same time.
ā€œIā€™m a reckless, irresponsible idiot, and I have no idea what Iā€™m doing.ā€
Urtiga nodded. ā€œThatā€™s about how most of us start out. Itā€™s very on the job training.ā€
ā€œBut the othersā€¦ they need someone way better than me.ā€
ā€œNo, they need you, because you are an excellent soldier, and as soon as you stop trying to take responsibility for the risks they accepted for themselves, youā€™ll figure that out.ā€
Urtiga stopped and stared down the path. The forest had given way to a crowd of evenly spaced young saplings. Where she was looking, Kayla saw Christe and Thandi sat by one of them, talking happily. ā€œYour friend Rose didnā€™t join this organization because she wanted to live forever. She joined because she wanted her life to count for something more than herself. And it did.ā€
Kayla tried to sniff back tears. ā€œBut Rayker got away. I let it happen again.ā€
Urtiga grabbed her shoulder and looked her in the eye. ā€œI donā€™t want to hear that. We let Rayker get away. It was a team failure, and wonā€™t be the last we have to endure. But you know weā€™ll hunt her down again. And some more women will die. And one day we will succeed, and it will all have been worth it. If you donā€™t give everything you have to make that happen, failures included, then what does that mean for the sacrifices of those that did?ā€
After she left Urtiga, Kayla joined her friends at the sapling where Roseā€™s body was buried.
ā€œHowā€™s your shoulder?ā€ Thandi asked.
ā€œItā€™s good, but I need to stretch it some more. Did you really have to dislocate it?ā€
ā€œI dunno. I guess weā€™ll see how you do over the next couple of weeks.ā€
ā€œOne of these days itā€™s going to be me kicking your ass,ā€ Kayla said with a grimace.
Thandi laughed, and shook her head dismissively.
ā€œHow is the wide-eyed, naĆÆve, and totally unsuspecting future of our precious organization?ā€ Kayla asked.
Thandi scoffed. ā€œDriving forward with a spring in her step. Barely put off by your doom and gloom speech. Still idolizes the squad in general, and you in particular, in defiance of explanation. Rayā€™s taken her under her wing.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s good,ā€ Kayla nodded. ā€œRayā€™s awesome.ā€
ā€œWhat will happen to Yak?ā€ Christie asked.
ā€œShe was already near the end of her probation,ā€ Kayla said. Valkyrie were usually required to serve a five-year term as a Ranger before they could specialize into other units. ā€œAnd she was already on a program to prep for Pararescue selection. Either way, she wonā€™t come back to our squad.ā€
ā€œWhat a coldly bureaucratic system your battalions operate under.ā€
ā€œObviously. Duty comes before everything else.ā€
Christie looked thoughtful. ā€œDo you know, Iā€™ve heard a lot of stories about your friend Ray. I feel certain sheā€™s spent a lot more than five years as a Ranger.ā€
Thandi shrugged. ā€œYou can stay however long you want. Before Ash left, she told me Ray was in Winter battalion before Mountain. But sheā€™s super cagey about it.ā€
ā€œSheā€™s easily the most dialed in Ranger in the company, too,ā€ Kayla observed.
ā€œOf course,ā€ Christie mused, ā€œGiven the advantages of nanite enhancement, we have no idea how old many of our colleagues are. I was shocked when I learned Urtiga was nearly a hundred and forty years old. You canā€™t remotely tell by looking.ā€
ā€œSure,ā€ Kayla said. ā€œRay can be a bit adolescent though, especially when it comes to men.ā€
Christie only raised an eyebrow.
ā€œI just hope we have time to get our rookie up to speed before we have to go face Rayker again,ā€ Kayla said, absently. She picked a blade of grass and studied it closely.
ā€œUnlikely,ā€ Christie said after a thoughtful pause. ā€œOne cannot move a small army of alien war machines around without generating chatter. She might go into hibernation in dead space somewhereā€”and who am I to make assumptions about her strategy? But if she moves, we will know within weeks. There are many ears to the ground, you see. Itā€™s a very all-hands on deck situation.ā€
ā€œI would bet,ā€ Thandi said carefully, ā€œthat the Delta-Three-Alpha mess gave the chiefs a wakeup call. They need to reorganize Valkyrie into a large-scale, coordinated force, rather than the piecemeal cleanup groups theyā€™ve gotten used to.
ā€œBut there are so many problems with that approach,ā€ Christie argued. ā€œYou cannot simply start moving a private army into human space without catastrophic effects.ā€
Thandi shrugged. ā€œCome on Chris. This whole ā€˜neutral protectorsā€™ thing was never going to last. Between the trafficking and Raykerā€¦ something had to change. Everyone knows it.ā€
Christie scoffed. ā€œOh gosh, how could I forget that we had the benefit of perfect moral righteousness to guide us?ā€
Kayla gave her a disappointed look. ā€œBut you think we have superior intellect, donā€™t you? Hereā€™s the thing, you might want to revisit some of your assumptions about who exactly is in the driving seat of the Ranger battalions. And they donā€™t necessarily share the opinions of the officer-intel class.ā€
Christie stared at her, speechless. When she finally spoke, she sounded offended. ā€œIā€™m stunned you would even use a term like that. What happened to one-team one-fight?ā€
Kayla just shrugged. She couldnā€™t help being the bearer of bad news.
ā€œIā€™m sorry, I thought I had joined a responsible paramilitary organization. Now my friends tell me Iā€™m part of a gang, a mob, of angry, over-powered ego maniacs. I suppose this is the time where I need to shut up and do as Iā€™m told by those with the guns, is that right?ā€
ā€œThatā€™s unfair,ā€ Thandi said. ā€œI hate the way you try to oversimplify everything.ā€
ā€œUn-simplify it for me then,ā€ Christie said, as her cheeks began to color.
Thandiā€™s voice softened. ā€œYou know that Valkyrie puts reputation and experience before rank, and you know that the most senior veterans could be anyone. Probably only the chiefs know who the old guard are.ā€
ā€œIt is an extremely effective clique; I grant you that.ā€
ā€œOfficers are a necessity for organization and coordination. They are the nerves which drive the muscle. But the body has a heart, and it has a gut.ā€
ā€œAn organ for pumping blood and another for digesting food, gosh, what an insightful metaphor.ā€ Christie said coldly.
Kayla chuckled. ā€œWhich part do you think is the assā€”sorry, sorry.ā€ She looked down as her friends scowled her into silence.
ā€œListen Chris,ā€ Thandi continued, maintaining her even tone. ā€œYouā€™re the one making assumptions about how the organization thinks.
ā€œOr ought to think,ā€ Kayla said quietly.
ā€œWeā€™re just sharing the broader picture,ā€ Thandi finished.
ā€œHmph.ā€ Christie looked away into the forest as her jaw clenched.
She didnā€™t speak for some time, and Kayla exchanged a look with Thandi as the silence continued. Eventually, however, Christie appeared to relax, and sighed deeply.
ā€œYouā€™re right, obviously,ā€ she said. ā€œNone of us really know what kind of people our superiors are, or their agenda.ā€
Kayla nodded. ā€œAll I know is that I like who I work with, and that the missions we get handed seem worthy. Here, have a dandelion.ā€
Christie gratefully accepted the flower and her smile brightened.
ā€œI suppose youā€™ll bring your new girl to Caldera?ā€ she asked.
Smyrna had declared mandatory weekend leave for the task force, with explicit instructions to get off Tyr and visit civilization. The squad had planned to unwind on Caldera by staying in the spacious town house of Kaylaā€™s adoptive father, Jack Fenway. The ability to find their own friends outside work had expired with time in service, and so they hoped to get drunk in Zula while flirting with locals. Only Kes had declined, citing family matters.
ā€œYeah, of course,ā€ Kayla said. ā€œSheā€™s been pushing so hard sheā€™s brain fried, and itā€™s the perfect opportunity to integrate her. Anyway, check it out, Iā€™ve got this awesome new outfit I wanted to wearā€”ā€
ā€œIf it was that meager scrap of fabric you had laid out on your bed, youā€™re not wearing that,ā€ Thandi said flatly.
Kayla huffed in frustration. ā€œIā€™m sorry, are you just my full-time mother now?ā€
ā€œYours mostly ignored you, as did all the girls you were with growing up, so yeah, I guess I have to take on some of that responsibility.ā€
ā€œWell give it a rest. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with me being feminine and showing off some skin.ā€
ā€œFirst, those are two completely different concepts, and the fact that you donā€™t understand that tells me how far you have left to go. Secondā€”no, listen,ā€ she cut Kayla off as she tried to answer back. ā€œSecond; girls who can dress like that without concern usually know what they are doing. You have no idea what you are doing, because youā€™ve never socialized with people outside this group of immortal, trained killers, who are as far removed from real life as it is possible to get.ā€
Kayla scowled as she scratched at the dirt. ā€œI bet Christie would be happy to take me out looking hot.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t try and turn us against each other,ā€ Thandi snapped. ā€œIā€™m looking out for you, because you do not understand that the world is filled with sharks. When they see a young woman wearing skimpy outfits, without the experience to know how to handle herself, all they see is prey. Christie, back me up.ā€
ā€œThandi is correct,ā€ Christie said. ā€œSocial interaction is a subtle and fast spoken language, chiefly used in the exploitation of the inexperienced. And men, of course, are vile monsters to be watched with constant suspicion, while noting their range and elevation. Perhaps, Thandi, a mortar team could be called upon to set up a thousand meters from the venue, in case we have need?ā€
Thandi slapped her on the leg and turned back to Kayla. ā€œSheā€™s being facetious, but she did agree.ā€
ā€œBroadly agreed,ā€ Christie allowed. ā€œJust donā€™t be absurdly skittish. And can we do anything to convince you to explore the rest of the color spectrum? Black cannot be worn for every occasion.ā€
Kayla shook her head. ā€œThatā€™s objectively false.ā€
ā€œAnd please, whatever you do,ā€ Thandi said, ā€œRemember Roseā€™s advice. If you meet anyone who reminds you of your friend Weslan Genny, walk away immediately.ā€
ā€œSo, to clarify,ā€ Kayla said in exasperation. ā€œEven when I get a long weekend break, I still have to spend it learning new tactics, techniques and procedures?ā€
ā€œCorrect,ā€ Christie said. ā€œAnd there will be a test.ā€
Thandi squeezed her shoulder. ā€œIā€™m really sorry you werenā€™t given the upbringing you needed to become as well-rounded as other girls. Iā€™m sorry you have to work hard just to become more normal. But, on the bright side, you are a Ranger, and you will crush this like you crush everything else.ā€
Kayla smiled gratefully. ā€œUsually with a lot of collateral damage, but I appreciate the sentiment.ā€
First Ā¦ Previous Ā¦ Next Ā¦ Royal Road Ā¦ Patreon
Prequel (Chapters 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
submitted by MountainSkald to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:29 MountainSkald A Valkyrie's Saga - Part 119

Prequel (Parts 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
First Ā¦ Previous Ā¦ Next Ā¦ Royal Road Ā¦ Patreon
A warm breeze rustled through the leaves of the peach blossom forest as Kayla walked with Urtiga. They were in the Vale of the Fallen, where every tree represented a woman who had been lost in the service of Valkyrie, and the sturdy, immortal trunks stretched as far as the eye could see.
Urtiga liked to take Kayla to meet her fallen friends, and tell their stories. She insisted that it was the only way to keep alive the memories of those who were lost, and the knowledge they had earned in blood.
For Kayla it was an honor and a privilege. By tacit agreement, no woman ever went further into the forest than their own generation, unless invited, because they would be able to guess the age of the Valkyrie they met.
ā€œI still donā€™t understand why you took me under your wing,ā€ Kayla said, as they walked back to the entrance. ā€œIā€™m more trouble than Iā€™m worth.ā€
Urtiga gave her a mild shove. ā€œHave you been feeling sorry for yourself? You know thatā€™s not what I want to hear.ā€
ā€œA little bit,ā€ Kayla admitted. She reached up and scratched at a bad rash on her neck, and winced at the movement.
ā€œTraining accident?ā€ Urtiga asked.
Kayla chuckled ā€œNo, I got a bit over-zealous with my role, and Thandi made me pay for it. Sheā€™s got this natural talent for all martial arts. Makes me super jealous.ā€
ā€œOkay, I get,ā€ said Urtiga. ā€œYouā€™ve been screwing up.ā€
ā€œAnd then some. You heard about the friendly fire incident?ā€
Urtiga smiled wryly. ā€œWhich one? My unit had one too, you know.ā€
ā€œAt least nobody got shot in yours.ā€
ā€œKayla, anything can happen once bullets start flying.ā€
ā€œYeah, thatā€™s what everyone says. I just donā€™t know if Iā€™ve got this leadership business figured out yet.ā€
Urtiga shook her head and said nothing. Then she stopped in her tracks.
ā€œMy whole family got vaporized by a bomb on Titan. During the Sol warā€”most people donā€™t even remember it now. Itā€™s a footnote in any history book.ā€ She looked sadly into the distance. ā€œA few rebels versus the Earth government in a weeklong exchange of ordinance that achieved nothing. Valkyrie took me in, and Iā€™ve never known anything else.
Kayla watched her mentor as she took in every word.
ā€œMy older sister was the coolest person I knew. We used to do everything together; run around the colony, steal boats and race them on the methane lakes. When the bombs started falling, we all ran into the basement. They told me to stay still, but I was too scared, and we always used to run from trouble, so I got out of their grip and raced outside.ā€
She smiled. ā€œI honestly thought they would follow me. But I looked back and the whole building just disintegrated. They used a bunker buster because they said they the rebels had tunneled under our houses. There was nothing left at all.ā€
ā€œDid you blame yourself?ā€ Kayla asked.
Despite the rush of grief and horror, and the parade of questions, she didnā€™t want to overreact. She had no business falling to pieces when she hadnā€™t experienced what Urtiga, at more than a century old, had already healed from. Even with her own memories, excessive sympathy made her uncomfortable.
ā€œSure,ā€ Urtiga said. ā€œI went through the whole rollercoaster for decades. But anyway, when you lost your dad, I thought you could use an older sister. So thatā€™s why I took you under my wing.ā€
Kayla suddenly lost control of her voice. ā€œSometimes I wish you were my mother.ā€
ā€œOh, Iā€™d be a terrible mother,ā€ Urtiga said as she awkwardly kicked at a fallen branch. ā€œBesides, yours is still alive.ā€
ā€œBut sheā€™s a narcissist,ā€ Kayla insisted. ā€œThereā€™s nothing there to connect with.ā€
ā€œYou remember when you came to Tyr? The first thing I said to you? It was so awful, and I beat myself up about it for ages.ā€
Kayla thought for a moment, then laughed. ā€œDid I regret the day you met me? The day my dad died? Yeah, I wasnā€™t sure about that one, but I think I forgot about it quickly with everything that was going on.ā€
ā€œYou see? I canā€™t be a mother. Iā€™ve lost the touch. I donā€™t think Iā€™m a narcissist, butā€¦ well, you would be reminded of one from time to time.ā€
ā€œYou probably could, if you wanted to be.ā€
ā€œJust like you could be a good team leader, if you wanted to be?ā€
Kayla stopped short and lifted her head to stare at the sky through the pink blossoms above them. She felt very angry, and very stupid at the same time.
ā€œIā€™m a reckless, irresponsible idiot, and I have no idea what Iā€™m doing.ā€
Urtiga nodded. ā€œThatā€™s about how most of us start out. Itā€™s very on the job training.ā€
ā€œBut the othersā€¦ they need someone way better than me.ā€
ā€œNo, they need you, because you are an excellent soldier, and as soon as you stop trying to take responsibility for the risks they accepted for themselves, youā€™ll figure that out.ā€
Urtiga stopped and stared down the path. The forest had given way to a crowd of evenly spaced young saplings. Where she was looking, Kayla saw Christe and Thandi sat by one of them, talking happily. ā€œYour friend Rose didnā€™t join this organization because she wanted to live forever. She joined because she wanted her life to count for something more than herself. And it did.ā€
Kayla tried to sniff back tears. ā€œBut Rayker got away. I let it happen again.ā€
Urtiga grabbed her shoulder and looked her in the eye. ā€œI donā€™t want to hear that. We let Rayker get away. It was a team failure, and wonā€™t be the last we have to endure. But you know weā€™ll hunt her down again. And some more women will die. And one day we will succeed, and it will all have been worth it. If you donā€™t give everything you have to make that happen, failures included, then what does that mean for the sacrifices of those that did?ā€
After she left Urtiga, Kayla joined her friends at the sapling, where Roseā€™s body was buried.
ā€œHowā€™s your shoulder?ā€ Thandi asked.
ā€œItā€™s good, but I need to stretch it some more. Did you really have to dislocate it?ā€
ā€œI dunno. I guess weā€™ll see how you do over the next couple of weeks.ā€
ā€œOne of these days itā€™s going to be me kicking your ass,ā€ Kayla said with a grimace.
Thandi laughed, and shook her head dismissively.
ā€œHow is the wide-eyed, naĆÆve, and totally unsuspecting future of our precious organization?ā€ Kayla asked.
Thandi scoffed. ā€œDriving forward with a spring in her step. Barely put off by your doom and gloom speech. Still idolizes the squad in general, and you in particular, in defiance of explanation. Rayā€™s taken her under her wing.ā€
ā€œThatā€™s good,ā€ Kayla nodded. ā€œRayā€™s awesome.ā€
ā€œWhat will happen to Yak?ā€ Christie asked.
ā€œShe was already near the end of her probation,ā€ Kayla said. Valkyrie were usually required to serve a five-year term as a Ranger before they could specialize into other units. ā€œAnd she was already on a program to prep for Pararescue selection. Either way, she wonā€™t come back to our squad.ā€
ā€œWhat a coldly bureaucratic system your battalions operate under.ā€
ā€œObviously. Duty comes before everything else.ā€
Christie looked thoughtful. ā€œDo you know, Iā€™ve heard a lot of stories about your friend Ray. I feel certain sheā€™s spent a lot more than five years as a Ranger.ā€
Thandi shrugged. ā€œYou can stay however long you want. Before Ash left, she told me Ray was in Winter battalion before Mountain. But sheā€™s super cagey about it.ā€
ā€œSheā€™s easily the most dialed in Ranger in the company, too,ā€ Kayla observed.
ā€œOf course,ā€ Christie mused, ā€œGiven the advantages of nanite enhancement, we have no idea how old many of our colleagues are. I was shocked when I learned Urtiga was nearly a hundred and forty years old. You canā€™t remotely tell by looking.ā€
ā€œSure,ā€ Kayla said. ā€œRay can be a bit adolescent though, especially when it comes to men.ā€
Christie only raised an eyebrow.
ā€œI just hope we have time to get our rookie up to speed before we have to go face Rayker again,ā€ Kayla said, absently. She picked a blade of grass and studied it closely.
ā€œUnlikely,ā€ Christie said after a thoughtful pause. ā€œOne cannot move a small army of alien war machines around without generating chatter. She might go into hibernation in dead space somewhereā€”and who am I to make assumptions about her strategy? But if she moves, we will know within weeks. There are many ears to the ground, you see. Itā€™s a very all-hands on deck situation.ā€
ā€œI would bet,ā€ Thandi said carefully, ā€œthat the Delta-Three-Alpha mess gave the chiefs a wakeup call. They need to reorganize Valkyrie into a large-scale, coordinated force, rather than the piecemeal cleanup groups theyā€™ve gotten used to.
ā€œBut there are so many problems with that approach,ā€ Christie argued. ā€œYou cannot simply start moving a private army into human space without catastrophic effects.ā€
Thandi shrugged. ā€œCome on Chris. This whole ā€˜neutral protectorsā€™ thing was never going to last. Between the trafficking and Raykerā€¦ something had to change. Everyone knows it.ā€
Christie scoffed. ā€œOh gosh, how could I forget that we had the benefit of perfect moral righteousness to guide us?ā€
Kayla gave her a disappointed look. ā€œBut you think we have superior intellect, donā€™t you? Hereā€™s the thing, you might want to revisit some of your assumptions about who exactly is in the driving seat of the Ranger battalions. And they donā€™t necessarily share the opinions of the officer-intel class.ā€
Christie stared at her, speechless. When she finally spoke, she sounded offended. ā€œIā€™m stunned you would even use a term like that. What happened to one-team one-fight?ā€
Kayla just shrugged. She couldnā€™t help being the bearer of bad news.
ā€œIā€™m sorry, I thought I had joined a responsible paramilitary organization. Now my friends tell me Iā€™m part of a gang, a mob, of angry, over-powered ego maniacs. I suppose this is the time where I need to shut up and do as Iā€™m told by those with the guns, is that right?ā€
ā€œThatā€™s unfair,ā€ Thandi said. ā€œI hate the way you try to oversimplify everything.ā€
ā€œUn-simplify it for me then,ā€ Christie said, as her cheeks began to color.
Thandiā€™s voice softened. ā€œYou know that Valkyrie puts reputation and experience before rank, and you know that the most senior veterans could be anyone. Probably only the chiefs know who the old guard are.ā€
ā€œIt is an extremely effective clique; I grant you that.ā€
ā€œOfficers are a necessity for organization and coordination. They are the nerves which drive the muscle. But the body has a heart, and it has a gut.ā€
ā€œAn organ for pumping blood and another for digesting food, gosh, what an insightful metaphor.ā€ Christie said coldly.
Kayla chuckled. ā€œWhich part do you think is the assā€”sorry, sorry.ā€ She looked down as her friends scowled her into silence.
ā€œListen Chris,ā€ Thandi continued, maintaining her even tone. ā€œYouā€™re the one making assumptions about how the organization thinks.
ā€œOr ought to think,ā€ Kayla said quietly.
ā€œWeā€™re just sharing the broader picture,ā€ Thandi finished.
ā€œHmph.ā€ Christie looked away into the forest as her jaw clenched.
She didnā€™t speak for some time, and Kayla exchanged a look with Thandi as the silence continued. Eventually, however, Christie appeared to relax, and sighed deeply.
ā€œYouā€™re right, obviously,ā€ she said. ā€œNone of us really know what kind of people our superiors are, or their agenda.ā€
Kayla nodded. ā€œAll I know is that I like who I work with, and that the missions we get handed seem worthy. Here, have a dandelion.ā€
Christie gratefully accepted the flower and her smile brightened.
ā€œI suppose youā€™ll bring your new girl to Caldera?ā€ she asked.
Smyrna had declared mandatory weekend leave for the task force, with explicit instructions to get off Tyr and visit civilization. The squad had planned to unwind on Caldera by staying in the spacious town house of Kaylaā€™s adoptive father, Jack Fenway. The ability to find their own friends outside work had expired with time in service, and so they hoped to get drunk in Zula while flirting with locals. Only Kes had declined, citing family matters.
ā€œYeah, of course,ā€ Kayla said. ā€œSheā€™s been pushing so hard sheā€™s brain fried, and itā€™s the perfect opportunity to integrate her. Anyway, check it out, Iā€™ve got this awesome new outfit I wanted to wearā€”ā€
ā€œIf it was that meager scrap of fabric you had laid out on your bed, youā€™re not wearing that,ā€ Thandi said flatly.
Kayla huffed in frustration. ā€œIā€™m sorry, are you just my full-time mother now?ā€
ā€œYours mostly ignored you, as did all the girls you were with growing up, so yeah, I guess I have to take on some of that responsibility.ā€
ā€œWell give it a rest. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with me being feminine and showing off some skin.ā€
ā€œFirst, those are two completely different concepts, and the fact that you donā€™t understand that tells me how far you have left to go. Secondā€”no, listen,ā€ she cut Kayla off as she tried to answer back. ā€œSecond; girls who can dress like that without concern usually know what they are doing. You have no idea what you are doing, because youā€™ve never socialized with people outside this group of immortal, trained killers, who are as far removed from real life as it is possible to get.ā€
Kayla scowled as she scratched at the dirt. ā€œI bet Christie would be happy to take me out looking hot.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t try and turn us against each other,ā€ Thandi snapped. ā€œIā€™m looking out for you, because you do not understand that the world is filled with sharks. When they see a young woman wearing skimpy outfits, without the experience to know how to handle herself, all they see is prey. Christie, back me up.ā€
ā€œThandi is correct,ā€ Christie said. ā€œSocial interaction is a subtle and fast spoken language, chiefly used in the exploitation of the inexperienced. And men, of course, are vile monsters to be watched with constant suspicion, while noting their range and elevation. Perhaps, Thandi, a mortar team could be called upon to set up a thousand meters from the venue, in case we have need?ā€
Thandi slapped her on the leg and turned back to Kayla. ā€œSheā€™s being facetious, but she did agree.ā€
ā€œBroadly agreed,ā€ Christie allowed. ā€œJust donā€™t be absurdly skittish. And can we do anything to convince you to explore the rest of the color spectrum? Black cannot be worn for every occasion.ā€
Kayla shook her head. ā€œThatā€™s objectively false.ā€
ā€œAnd please, whatever you do,ā€ Thandi said, ā€œRemember Roseā€™s advice. If you meet anyone who reminds you of your friend Weslan Genny, walk away immediately.ā€
ā€œSo, to clarify,ā€ Kayla said in exasperation. ā€œEven when I get a long weekend break, I still have to spend it learning new tactics, techniques and procedures?ā€
ā€œCorrect,ā€ Christie said. ā€œAnd there will be a test.ā€
Thandi squeezed her shoulder. ā€œIā€™m really sorry you werenā€™t given the upbringing you needed to become as well-rounded as other girls. Iā€™m sorry you have to work hard just to become more normal. But, on the bright side, you are a Ranger, and you will crush this like you crush everything else.ā€
Kayla smiled gratefully. ā€œUsually with a lot of collateral damage, but I appreciate the sentiment.ā€
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Prequel (Parts 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
submitted by MountainSkald to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:28 scorpiondr_intospace Visa requiring IMG matched with 2 attempts on Step 2CK (passed on 3rd attempt) - open to answering any questions/support

Hi guys,
TL;DR - I failed step 2 CK twice and passed it on my third attempt - matched this season and I need a visa (also absolutely zero connections in America). Open to answering any questions - comment/DM
Admins - I wouldn't mind if this can be pinned/saved for future applicants - I'll be open for questions/support throughout the coming years (because honestly I found zero posts when I failed even the first time - so hopefully it helps throughout!)
Step 1 = 225
Step 2CK = failed it twice - passed on 3rd attempt = 250
Step 3 = 235
YOG = 2019
Need visa = J1/H1b
2-3 months USCE in hospital (observerships only all) = got through emailing and through the formal processes (used lists that circulate around FB - I unfortunately do not have these now and won't be able to help in this, I'm afraid)
No connections in America - only one best friend (who's house I stayed in during USCE) and few other good friends - all these in other professions (not remotely attached to medicine)
Work experience = 4 years (including 1 year of telemedicine) (in different parts of the world so got to experience 4 healthcare systems which was great - had recommendations from all these jobs and used to support my application - I know it is usually said that US recs are preferred, but if you have worked in a job and they can attest to your work ethic, I thought it best to use those) - working is very important you lot - it helped me pay for all the exams (remember I sat 2 extra step 2s) and save enough to travel to US for USCEs - also helps you see beyond America and helps you realize that not all your worth is dependent on this
Other exams - I had sat the MRCP parts 1 and 2 written as common here in UK and I got partial sponsorship from my trust
Teaching experience = had done the teacher training course which is sponsored by NHS trusts here in England and then had a little more than 1 year of teaching experience with formal feedback and many online ones
Research experience = had done a research course online which was free during COVID and then got into publishing - did SMA/case reports/original research - had about 40 altogether (including published papers, posters, presentations, unpublished but submitted, unpublished but working on work, etc) = initially started with online ones (was bad - I was treated worse and thrown out of many projects - once they also took all credit for my work and published in a good journal without my name), eventually caught up and later worked with friends/colleagues - in all my jobs I did, I was able to publish case reports and work on original research with my line managers and colleagues (feel this is the best - try this as much as possible rather than only doing online)
Audit experience = had several informal small audits - no published ones to date but have worked on full cycle ones - so I did put that in my application
Volunteering experience = tiny ones during med school and COVID - had space for just one to be added on ERAS (as now only 10 experiences can be added)
Recommendation letters = had US ones and then from my jobs - I reckon only 1 was uploaded by my letter writer (so blind) - the rest, I uploaded by myself. Again I know it is usually the US ones preferred, but if your clinical leads in your jobs have good creds, do ask them to write too - as they can easily comment on your work ethic
Personal statement = mine was an entire page, wrote it myself, and just had it proofread by my sister for grammatical errors and nothing else. This is really your story - again I know everyone wants the perfect one here, but I felt that minute errors just depicted my nuances - trust me, I did use a little slang too and my last paragraph was informal, but again that was just how I write essays/speeches and have always stuck to my style.
My first time applying because since I failed, I knew I had to do everything in my power the first time I apply and that would be my last time applying (money crunch) - I applied to 375 programs (yes - very huge amount of money - took a loan for this and will repay now)
I had only applied to internal medicine because that's only what I ever wanted to do since 3rd year med school
Had 9 interviews - 1 from a prematch program - matched at a J1 program
I'm open to answering any questions/concerns/support whichever way I can - comment down below (preferred) but also open to DM if you lot feel you want to talk in private.
From here on - Just some things I learned and want to preach - I know It is super duper easy for me now to sit and preach and say all these big emotional and motivational things (I hated these when I failed too - felt disdainful) - take it with a grain of salt
I had the most brilliant and amazing school and college life - full of fun and enjoyment - then I graduated and took about a year of gap and sat step 1 and step 2 (first fail), I was very miserable - sat at home, had no experience, forgot all my hobbies, went out little to none (and I'm a huge extrovert!), spoke to friends on calls only, no relationship (didn't even look) -
when I failed, it was very distressing - my situation is weird - didn't know what to do after that failure, no money at all, zero connections in America at all, I have my parents and sister but absolutely no other family in this world but have some of the best people I call friends -
my parents, sister, flatmates and friends supported in every possible way (which I'm so thankful for) - then I thought I had to earn money to fund my further exams and started working and did many other things apart from clinical medicine (teaching/research/sitting exams/audits) and lived life (enjoyed with friends/hung out with colleagues/traveled/got back to my favorite sport - swimming/got back into singing and piano/got back into doing all my favorite hobbies/love and relationships, etc). obviously work helps with the money too and I was able to pay off some med school fee loans and all my exam loans and fund my further exams and all the moves between countries
Initially my plan was also like so many - take 2 years of gap and sit all exams and apply and interview and get into residency - I thought I'll go from graduating med school to sitting at home to study to starting residency
But after that miserable 1 year of gap, I've had so many different experiences that I sometimes feel (and I know this can be a bit patronising from my side) that it's good I failed - made me get out and enjoy life and made me learn that career is only 1 part of your life - there's so much more! Live life - its too short (shorter for us doctors) - enjoy - trust me (if anyone is right now in a similar situation like me), go out with your best friends and do fun things, discuss with them random gossip, something other than usmles or even what you're feeling (true friends are not to judge or give you solutions - they are there to listen and only listen when you vent/cry/scream) talk to your mum and dad about their lives and something different than this usmles (how many of us know our parents before they became our parents?) (or again discuss with them how you're feeling), play dress up, go on dates, etc, etc! Honestly moving out of my sitting at home plan and living and working in so many different countries, got me going!
(quoting disney) - keep the child in you alive, be kind always, have courage and always leave sparkles wherever you go!
Trust me everyone - people in this world have achieved far more impossible things - failing is nothing - the hardest part is consistency - super difficult to continue when you see all your friends and peers move onto residency or non-med friends move onto working in big jobs, or people living their lives and you stuck in a place - facing failure is very hard I know - but trust me we are all so much more worth - that's why i said above that working and living other aspects of your life is very important - makes you value yourself
do not put usmles or residency in America as something like a crowning jewel - most of us have tendencies to put it on a pedestal - when achieved, we can tend to become complacent and condescending (I was the same after I passed step 1 - super complacent, overconfident, condescending, superiority complex - the first fail humbled me - I've learnt it the hard way guys - stay as humble as possible); but when not achieved, we tend to feel we are worthless and don't know what to do. Not the best, is it?
Also, failing is super normal - nothing to be ashamed about or definitely no reason to just give up on life!
Lastly - NEVER EVER let ANYONE (peers, people on social media groups, all these med influencers, other big doctors who you might look up to at this time, USCE/USMLE agencies, etc) tell you it is impossible! Hell just never let them tell you its very hard too (I see this in so many med influencers vidoes/posts that if you fail or even score less than certain amount it is sooo difficult, sooo hard with so much emphasis on sooo!) Also NEVER EVER let ANYONE disrespect you or patronise you (if a seniopeeanyone who has matched or achieved bigger things than you, doesn't mean they are kings and queens of this world - if they can't stay humble, not your problem - you shouldn't be made felt inferior in any way!)
submitted by scorpiondr_intospace to IMGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:19 Count-Daring243 Best Fence Extenders for Dogs

Best Fence Extenders for Dogs
Looking to safely extend your dog's play area without breaking the bank? Fence extenders are the perfect solution! These ingenious tools extend the height of your fence, keeping your furry friend safely inside while still giving them enough space to enjoy. In this article, we'll explore a variety of fence extenders that cater to all budgets and needs, helping you find the perfect one for your canine companion. Keep reading to discover the best fence extenders for dogs and how they can revolutionize your pet's play time!

The Top 8 Best Fence Extenders for Dogs

  1. Durable Wood Post Extender for 5" Increase - Introducing the 15-Piece Wood Post Extender (DR582804) ā€“ a 4.5-star rated solution that extends wire up to 5" for seamless fence installation and secure reinforcement.
  2. Stylish Light Gray Modern Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric - The 5' High No-Dig Steel Hex Dog Fence Kit is an easy-to-install, durable solution for DIY dog fencing, featuring a PVC-coated steel core for longevity and a lightweight, flexible design ideal for all dog sizes.
  3. OZCO 20550 OZ-Fence Post Extender - OZCO 20550 OZ-Fence Post Extender: Simplify fence height adjustment with hot-dipped galvanization for durability, tight secure fit, and versatile compatibility for 2-3/8 in. poles. Save time and effort with quick installation using a 3/4-inch wrench.
  4. Wireless Dog Fence and Remote Training Collar - Experience top-notch technology and versatility with the Abhy Electric Fence for Dogs, featuring a 2-in-1 Wireless Dog Fence Collar System offering adjustable wireless fence control and remote training collar modes, perfect for training and habit shaping.
  5. Ultra-Strength 500-Foot Fence Boundary Wire & Flag Kit - Custom-engineered Ultra Wire and Boundary Flag Kit by High Tech Pet provides 500 ft. of extended dog fence coverage with a solid copper core and extra high-strength insulation, offering unmatched durability, easy setup, and exceptional craftsmanship.
  6. Durable Chain Link Fence Extenders for Dogs - Save time and money with Plum Fittings Chain Link Fence Extensions - the perfect solution for keeping pets safely in your yard without replacing your entire fence.
  7. Electric Wireless Dog Fence System with Rechargeable Collar for 2 Dogs - Blingbling Petsfun Electric Wireless Dog Fence System, with pet containment system, waterproof and rechargeable training collar for 2 dogs, creates a safe and adjustable play area for your pets.
  8. GPS Wireless Dog Fence System for Large Coverage - BHCEY's GPS Wireless Dog Fence offers accurate, large-range, and adjustable boundary control for safe and effective dog training, featuring a rechargeable collar, adjustable warning strength, and a signal range up to 6560 feet.
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šŸ”—Durable Wood Post Extender for 5" Increase
Once upon a time, I was fixing up my backyard fence, and I realized the posts needed reinforcement. I discovered the Wood Post Extender 15 Piece, a handy little set that's just right for the job. The highlights? Well, let me tell you, its wire extension feature is a lifesaver - perfect for keeping my playful pup secure within the fence. Not to mention how easy it is to install, thanks to its simple Wood Post Insulator design. Oh, and it's light too, so no heavy-lifting required!
However, I did find the drill bits provided in the set weren't quite up to the task. They were a bit too soft, and I ended up using my own. But overall, I must say, the Wood Post Extender has been a faithful companion in my backyard project. It made my fence as strong as an ox and ready to keep my beloved pet safely inside. So if you're in the market for fence extenders, let me tell you, this little set surely earns two paws up!

šŸ”—Stylish Light Gray Modern Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric
I recently purchased the 5' High No-Dig Steel Hex Dog Fence Kit to secure my backyard for my playful dogs. I was excited about the prospect of easy installation without having to dig or deal with concrete. The system worked as advertised, and my furry friends have been happily contained within their new fence area.
One standout feature of this fence is its hexagonal mesh structure, which is stronger than square or rectangular fencing designs. It is also incredibly lightweight and flexible, making it easy for anyone to handle during installation. Plus, the PVC coated steel is designed to blend in with the surroundings and remain virtually invisible at a distance of 20 feet.
However, I did encounter a few minor drawbacks. The fence doesn't come with any instructions, so I had to rely on the website for guidance, which was not the most user-friendly experience. And while I appreciated the fact that the fence can be removed seasonally if needed, some digging may be required for those with rocky or hard ground.
Overall, the 5' High No-Dig Steel Hex Dog Fence Kit has been a valuable addition to our home. Despite a few hiccups, its unique design and easy installation have made it a worthwhile investment for keeping my dogs safe and sound.

šŸ”—OZCO 20550 OZ-Fence Post Extender
Oh, the OZCO fence post extender! This little gadget has been a game-changer for my backyard. I've always wanted a taller fence, but replacing the entire thing seemed like a huge hassle. That's when I discovered these extenders.
The first thing that stood out was how easy they were to use. All I had to do was insert the extending assembly into my existing post, tighten the nut with a 3/4-inch wrench for a tight fit, and voila! My fence was taller by up to three feet. The process was quick and simple - perfect for someone like me who isn't exactly a DIY expert.
However, there was one downside. Even though the instructions said the extender can make my fence up to three feet taller, it wasn't quite as sturdy as I would have liked. It held up fine, but I couldn't help but feel a little nervous about how well it would stand up against harsh weather or a particularly strong wind.
Overall, though, I'm really happy with my OZCO fence post extenders. They may not be perfect, but they made my fence taller and more secure in just a few minutes. And that's definitely worth it in my book!

šŸ”—Wireless Dog Fence and Remote Training Collar
I've been a proud dog owner for years now, and one of the biggest challenges I've faced is keeping my beloved pet safe and secure in our backyard. That's why I decided to try out the Abhy Electric Fence for Dogs. This innovative device combines two functionalities into one sleek package: wireless dog fence and remote training collar, both powered by a rechargeable system.
Incorporating the latest 2.4GHz Signal technology, this gadget has revolutionized how I control my dog's boundaries. With its adjustable distance settings ranging from 30ft to 800ft, I can customize a cordless radial-shaped boundary for my dog. If he strays too far, not only does the collar emit a warning tone and vibration, it also delivers a gentle electrostatic shock to remind him to stay within bounds. Plus, one transmitter can connect with multiple receiver collars, making it perfect for households with multiple pets.
In addition to its fence capabilities, this device also functions as a remote training collar. With three adjustable functions - sound, vibration, and shock - and nine levels of intensity, I can customize the training according to my dog's needs and reactions.
One feature that stands out to me is its waterproof design, which lets my dog enjoy the outdoors without being restricted by rain or puddles. The adjustable collar belt fits perfectly on my dog's neck, regardless of his size. Plus, it comes with rechargeable batteries that save me the hassle of constantly buying new ones.
While the device has proven incredibly useful, there are a few minor drawbacks. The remote control's range is limited and can be a bit inconsistent in certain terrains. Additionally, the shock feature, while effective, may be too harsh for some sensitive breeds.
Overall, the Abhy Electric Fence for Dogs is an impressive device that has greatly enhanced my pet's safety and training. Its innovative 2-in-1 design and rechargeable system make it a convenient and practical solution for modern pets and owners alike.

šŸ”—Ultra-Strength 500-Foot Fence Boundary Wire & Flag Kit
Over the past few weeks, I've been using the High Tech Pet Dog Electric Fence Boundary Wire and Flag Kit, and I must say, it's been quite the game-changer for my furry friend's freedom and safety. This kit provides everything you need to extend your electronic fence by 500 feet, making it suitable for use with any brand of electronic fence.
One thing that really stood out to me was the solid copper core of the wire, which ensures maximum electrical conductivity while remaining highly flexible. This ensures that my dog's containment fence stays fully functional and reliable at all times. Another feature that I found particularly impressive was the extra-high-strength insulation that protects the wire from sunlight, moisture, and ground rot.
However, it's worth mentioning that the wire flags could be a bit tougher in extreme weather conditions, as some users have reported issues with them bending or wilting in direct sunlight. Overall, though, this Dog Electric Fence Boundary Wire and Flag Kit has proven to be a reliable and effective solution for keeping my pet within safe boundaries while allowing them the freedom to roam and play.

šŸ”—Durable Chain Link Fence Extenders for Dogs
As a pet owner, I know the struggle of ensuring our furry friends stay safely in our yards. When I came across the Plum Fittings Chain Link Fence Extensions, I was excited to give them a try. These fence extenders were easy to install, fitting perfectly onto my 1 3/8 inch outer diameter chain link fence top rail, making it a breeze not to disrupt the existing structure.
Made from high-quality galvanized steel, these extensions have been able to withstand all types of weather, providing peace of mind knowing that my fence will remain secure no matter what Mother Nature has in store. Plus, they are made in a way that prevents my dogs from climbing or jumping over, making them a great solution for pet owners looking for an alternative to paying for a whole new fence.
However, I must say that the product could use a little more variation in the size options. As it stands, they only cater to 1 3/8 inch top rails, which may not be suitable for all chain link fences. Nevertheless, if you own a fence that matches the size specifications, I highly recommend giving these fence extenders a go. They've been a game-changer for keeping my pets safely in my yard.

šŸ”—Electric Wireless Dog Fence System with Rechargeable Collar for 2 Dogs
I've been using the Blingbling Electric Wireless Dog Fence System for about a month now, and I must say, it's quite a game-changer in pet containment. The ease of setup and the freedom it allows for my two pups to roam around our yard safely are unparalleled. I appreciate how the vibration and static shock training modes automatically kick in when they get close to the boundary, teaching them to stay within the safe zone. Plus, the collar is 100% waterproof, so I don't have to worry when the dogs play in the rain or with the sprinkler.
One negative aspect that I've noticed is the range adjustment. While it's suitable for my requirements with a maximum range of up to 984 feet, pet owners with larger yards might find it limiting. Additionally, there's a learning curve involved in getting our dogs used to the fence's signal. The training flags and clicker provided a huge help, but it still took some time for them to fully adapt.
Overall, the Blingbling Electric Wireless Dog Fence System has been a reliable and efficient solution in keeping my pets safe while they play. It gives me peace of mind knowing they have the freedom to roam within a secure boundary in our yard. If you're considering a wireless fence system for your pups, this one is definitely worth considering.

šŸ”—GPS Wireless Dog Fence System for Large Coverage
I recently used the BHCEY GPS Wireless Dog Fence to train my energetic pup in our backyard. The system utilizes satellite positioning technology for more accurate and stable boundary setting than traditional radio-frequency fences. It's incredibly easy to set up without any complex transmitter boxes or boundary wires. Additionally, the wireless dog collar is rechargeable and offers an impressive 15 hours of battery life after a full charge.
The fence can cover an extensive range of over 776 acres, providing ample space for your dog to run around while still maintaining a safe boundary. I particularly appreciated that the warning intensity is adjustable, allowing me to effectively train my dog based on different situations without worrying about over-correction.
However, there is one downside that I experienced - the BHCEY GPS Wireless Dog Fence can sometimes lose signal during heavy cloud cover or when there are multiple GPS devices nearby. Despite this, overall, I am very satisfied with this product's performance.
In conclusion, if you're looking for an efficient and accurate wireless dog fence system, the BHCEY GPS Wireless Dog Fence would be a great choice. While it may occasionally face some issues with signal strength, its extensive coverage area and adjustable warning strength make it an excellent training tool for dogs.

Buyer's Guide

Dog owners, especially those with large yards or those living near busy streets, may need a way to keep their pets safe while allowing them some outdoor freedom. A fence extender is an excellent solution because it gives pet owners peace of mind knowing their dog cannot escape from their property or run into dangerous situations.

Features to Consider
  • Adjustable length: Ensure the fence extender you choose can be adjusted to fit your specific yard or fence dimensions.
  • Sturdiness: Look for materials that are strong and durable, such as stainless steel or heavy-duty plastic.
  • Height options: Some fence extenders offer different height options, allowing you to customize the fence's height based on your dog's size and tendency to jump or climb.

General Advice

Before purchasing a fence extender, measure your yard and determine the appropriate size to suit your needs. Also, consider whether you will need additional tools or accessories for installation. Finally, always read customer reviews and consult with other dog owners to get recommendations on the best products available.


When choosing a fence extender, keep in mind factors such as visibility (some designs may be less visible than others) and the ease of installation. It's also essential to ensure that the product complies with local zoning laws and homeowners' association rules.


To maximize the lifespan of your fence extender, keep it clean and free of debris. Regularly inspect the product for any signs of wear and tear, and replace worn parts promptly. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper care and maintenance.


What is a fence extender for dogs?
A fence extender, also known as an electronic fence or invisible fence, is a wireless or buried cable system that creates a boundary around your property to keep your dog safely contained inside. It works in combination with a special collar worn by your dog which emits a warning sound when your dog approaches the boundary, followed by a mild static correction if they try to cross it.

How do fence extenders work?

Fence extenders create an invisible boundary around your property using radio frequency or GPS technology. When your dog wears the corresponding collar and gets close to the boundary, the system sends a signal to the collar that beeps, alerting your dog not to cross the line. If your dog continues to approach the boundary, the collar will deliver a mild static correction to discourage crossing.

Are fence extenders safe for my dog?

Fence extenders are generally considered safe for dogs when used properly. The static correction from the fence extender is designed to be a mild deterrent, not harmful to your pet. However, it's essential to properly train your dog to understand and respect the fence boundaries. Always consult with a veterinarian or professional dog trainer for the best training methods for your individual dog.

How do I choose the right fence extender for my dog?

  • Consider your dog's breed, size, and temperament.
  • Determine the area you want to protect with the fence extender.
  • Choose a fence extender with a suitable fence radius or boundary width for your needs.
  • Ensure the fence extender system comes with a comfortable and adjustable collar that fits your dog's neck size.
  • Consider additional features such as GPS technology, adjustable correction levels, and compatibility with multiple dogs.

How do I install a fence extender?

  1. Choose a suitable location for the fence transmitter, ensuring it is within the desired fence area and has access to a power source.
  2. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to install the fence transmitter and set up the fence boundary using cables or radio frequency coordinates.
  3. Program the fence extender system to your specific fence boundary settings.
  4. Place the fence extender collar on your dog, ensuring it is properly adjusted and fitted.
  5. Train your dog to understand and respect the fence boundaries using positive reinforcement and gentle guidance.

How long does it take to train my dog to use a fence extender?

Training your dog to understand and respect the fence boundaries can vary depending on your dog's breed, age, and individual temperament. On average, it can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to train your dog effectively. Consistent training, patience, and positive reinforcement methods are crucial for successful fence extender training.

Can I use a fence extender in all weather conditions?

Yes, most fence extenders are designed to work in various weather conditions. However, extreme weather, such as heavy snow or severe thunderstorms, may affect the fence extender's performance. In such cases, it is recommended to check the fence's status and adjust the fence settings as needed for optimal performance.

What happens if my fence extender's power goes out?

If your fence extender loses power, the fence system will not function correctly, and your dog may be able to cross the fence boundary without receiving a static correction. Some fence extenders have a backup battery system that can provide temporary power support during an outage. It is essential to monitor your fence extender system during a power outage and take appropriate precautions to keep your dog safely contained.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:59 NestleCrunch____ [In Progress] [1.3k] [Literary Fiction/Suspense] North and Harley

Hey, Iā€™m writing a story and I need any advice I can get, constructive or small feedback, I prefer anything. This is only the prologue and I need some input on whether or not it's too lengthy, if it's boring or doesn't hook the reader, etc. Iā€™ll take any opinion into consideration, thanks! When reading, any writing with parentheses around it is meant to be italicized. TW- cursing, a bit of violence, substance mention
March 29th, 2005 (Welcome to ABC World News! Tonight, we have an interesting story about the intriguing fox-human variants that the company, Evergreen, has been working on for the past two decades.)
(On May 3rd, 1994, they held a global broadcast, showing that for the first time, these mutations can function like genuine humans! They said it was a huge milestone for the company and-)
"Jesus fucking Christ. Bad enough we got thugs and criminals runnin' around, now we got goddamn ninja turtles too?!" He slammed the remote down on the coffee table and laid back on the couch, rubbing his temples.
"Dad, calm down. They're not gonna let them be in public or somethin'." Zuriah tried to calm her dad down, but he got up and stormed off outside.
She went and looked out the window next to the door to make sure he stayed outside, before going back to the couch, grabbing the remote, and turning her attention back to the peppy news reporter.
(These mutants were created about 11 years ago, and scientists almost gave up hope until they expressed very human-like behaviors.)
(Scientist Grayson Evergreen, the founder of the company, says that step in the process will be a huge help in the future when more of these mutants are created.)
She watched the entire broadcast, immersed in curiosity about the new "mutants". She thought it was a hoax and a silly rumor after she heard about it at school, but it turned out to be true.
Before she could watch more, she didn't realize her dad had walked back into the house, still upset about the news.
"Turn that stupid shit off." He commanded as he walked back to his room, his trail lingering of nicotine.
She picked up the remote and turned the volume down to the point it wasn't audible, looking back again to make sure he was gone. Once his footsteps faded and his door slammed, she continued to watch the rest with captions.
([The first mutation that allowed this breakthrough was this cute little human-fox mix.])
([When she first came out of the artificial embryos she was developing in, she expressed characteristics very similar to those of a human baby!])
([Ever since, she's been kept under intense care in the company's facility, allowing scientists to track and monitor the behavior of the mutant. They've even given her a baby brother! So cute!])
She continued to watch the broadcast to the end, another program coming on the screen before she finally tore her eyes away.
She'd been watching for almost three hours, the sun displaying rays of red and dark orange through the living room window as it set, barely illuminating the room.
She checked the clock,
A little later than when her mom should've been home from work.
Before she could worry for too long, the doorknob jiggled and turned. The door opened, creating a slow creaking noise as her mom stepped into the house.
Zuriah hopped off the couch, running towards her mom with open arms.
She lunged into her arms, her mom immediately returning the hug before leaning down and kissing her forehead.
"How's my little Zuri doing, hm? And aren't you supposed to be in bed?"
Her mom looked down at her playfully, though the exhaustion in her voice was evident. She always came home from work tired as she worked continuously for 14 hours straight as a nurse. Though, she put on a facade for her kids, even when Zuriah could see straight through it.
"I was watching TV for just a little longer, I'm 11!"
Her mom chuckled before ruffling her hair, separating from the hug, and going to place her large bag down on the counter with Zuriah on her tail.
"Hmm, I guess I'll let you stay up longer, but, go to bed soon. You have school in the morning okay?"
"Okay, I promise, as long as you do too.." She gave her mom a sly smile, with concern laced in her eyes.
Her mom sighed deeply and almost let her smile falter, before placing her hand on her cheek, her thumb rubbing circles softly.
"Don't worry about me, sweets. I'm fine." She gave her one last kiss on the forehead before sending her off to bed.
Zuriah went to her room and turned off the lights, climbing into her bed and hearing her mom enter her room and close the door behind her.
Without fail, she heard her mom and dad immediately start to argue, their words intelligible with the wall as a barrier.
It was like this every night, and Zuriah had simply gotten used to the "routine".
She perked up when she heard another door creak, the one to her seven-year-old brother's room as he crept through the hallway and around the corner of her doorframe.
He walked into her bedroom slowly, thinking that she was asleep.
He gasped, not expecting her to be awake.
"Sorry, I thought you were asleep. Can I-"
"Sleep in here tonight?"
He nodded, visible through his silhouette.
"Is it because of mom and dad?"
He nodded once again, hesitantly.
He swiftly walked over to her bed and climbed into it, shuffling next to her and sliding under her covers. She also settled down under the covers, laying her head down on her pillow and trying to drown out the noise, before closing her eyes and falling asleep.
June 27th, 2010 Zuriah laid out on the couch watching TV with her feet elevated on the couch arm, scrolling through multiple channels trying to find one that satisfied her until the usual program came on.
She pressed the next button rhythmically as her eyes bore into the TV, before an error message popped up on the screen, making her raise an eyebrow.
The TV then switched to an Emergency Broadcast System, the screen flashing a bright blue.
Zuriah fully sat up on the couch, her heart picking up pace as the ominous screen and alarm stared back at her, before reading out a message with an eerily monotone voice.
After the message disappeared from the screen, she had to take a deep breath and look around to prevent herself from panicking. It dawned on her that her family was out of town for her brother's basketball tournament, leaving her to watch the house, and evidently alone.
She quickly got up off the couch and moved to the window, her legs seeming to have a mind of their own. She peeled back the blinds to see heavy armored trucks quickly taking over her neighborhood, and they seemed to be from the foreign country.
How long had they been here with no one noticing?
Before she could even gather any information about what was going on, her door was quickly bashed in off its hinges.
Soldiers flooded into her house and she was immediately restrained and slammed against the ground as more soldiers checked the entire house in search of something or someone.
What's happening? Why is this happening?! The only thoughts that kept repeating themselves in her head as the events played out, her ears ringing as the soldier who restrained her yelled at her.
She couldn't focus, listen, or think properly, and her entire body felt paralyzed.
Too many things at once, she thought before the soldier suddenly took the butt of his gun to her temple, effectively knocking her out as her body went limp.
submitted by NestleCrunch____ to BetaReaders [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:29 AlternativeMarch9559 CommuteEase: Simplifying Your Commuting Experience

CommuteEase: Simplifying Your Commuting Experience
Introducing CommuteEase, an innovative program by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), designed to simplify and optimize your daily commute. Say goodbye to traffic woes with our cutting-edge commuter services, including carpooling coordination and flexible work solutions. CommuteEase ensures seamless journeys, making your commute smarter and more efficient. Discover a better way to travel with CommuteEase. Learn more at FDOT's website.

About Us

Under the authority of Chapters 187 and 341, Florida Statutes, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) empowers SFCS to provide both financial and technical assistance. Our mission? To pave the way for alternatives to solitary car rides, thereby reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and fostering a greener, more efficient transportation landscape.

Our Services

At SFCS, we're not just about beating traffic; we're about redefining the commute experience. Here's how we do it:
  1. Carpooling šŸš—šŸ‘«: Why ride solo when you can share the journey? Carpooling brings people together, reduces congestion, and cuts down on emissions. Plus, it's a great way to connect with fellow commuters.
  2. Vanpooling šŸššŸ‘„: For larger groups, vanpooling offers a spacious and cost-effective solution. Gather your coworkers, hop in a state-sponsored van or SUV, and watch your commute transform into a social adventure.
  3. Working From Home šŸ šŸ’¼: Embrace the comfort of your home office with our support. Working remotely not only saves time and money but also reduces traffic congestion and promotes work-life balance.
  4. Flexible Work Schedules ā°šŸ”„: Say goodbye to rush hour woes with flexible work hours. By staggering work schedules, we alleviate peak traffic times and create smoother commuting experiences for all.
  5. Mass Transit šŸš†šŸšŒ: All aboard the eco-friendly express! Mass transit offers a reliable and economical alternative to driving, with the added bonus of reducing your carbon footprint.
  6. Bicycling šŸš²šŸŒ³: Pedal power to the rescue! Cycling isn't just a mode of transportation; it's a lifestyle choice that promotes health, sustainability, and a stronger sense of community.
  7. Walking šŸš¶ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ‘Ÿ: Step into a healthier commute by ditching the car altogether. If you live close to your workplace, walking not only benefits your physical well-being but also reduces congestion and pollution.
  8. Park & Ride Facilities šŸš—šŸ…æļø: Convenient, cost-effective, and commuter-friendly, Park & Ride facilities serve as the perfect rendezvous point for carpooling, vanpooling, and mass transit adventures.
  9. Guaranteed Ride Home šŸ”šŸš—: Life happens, but that doesn't mean your commute has to suffer. With our Guaranteed Ride Home program, unforeseen circumstances won't leave you stranded. We've got your back.

Why We Choose computer services a program of FDOT?

  • Expertise: Backed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), our program boasts unparalleled expertise and resources in transportation management.
  • Innovation: We're at the forefront of innovation, constantly developing and implementing new technologies and strategies to enhance your commuting experience.
  • Sustainability: By promoting alternatives to single-occupancy vehicle trips, such as carpooling and telecommuting, we're committed to reducing traffic congestion and lowering carbon emissions.
  • Community Impact: Our program not only benefits individual commuters but also contributes to building stronger, more connected communities by fostering collaboration and reducing commute-related stress.
  • Efficiency: With our streamlined processes and user-friendly platforms, we make it easy for commuters to access and utilize our services, saving time and effort.
  • Flexibility: We understand that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to commuting preferences. That's why we offer a range of options, from vanpooling to flexible work schedules, to accommodate diverse needs.
  • Support: Whether you're looking for guidance on carpooling logistics or assistance with remote work arrangements, our dedicated team is here to provide personalized support every step of the way.
  • Future-Oriented: As we navigate towards a future of smart transportation solutions, our program remains committed to staying ahead of the curve and adapting to the evolving needs of commuters and communities.


In conclusion, FDOT's Computer Services program stands as a beacon of innovation and sustainability, offering expertise, support, and a range of flexible options to streamline and enhance your commuting experience. Join us in shaping a brighter, more connected future for South Florida.

Connect with Us Today!

Ready to experience luxury like never before? Contact us today to begin your journey.
šŸŒ Website:
submitted by AlternativeMarch9559 to u/AlternativeMarch9559 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:52 Vault32 I was in a strange ā€œgiftedā€ program in the early 80s. Looking for more information or answers.

The other day in ufos, someone had posted about their experiences as a child in an unusual ā€˜giftedā€™ program, and wondered if it was somehow tied to ufos, hybrid programs, remote viewing, mk ultra, or what.
At first read it would sound crazy. But it resonated with me, and suddenly I was thinking back on my own childhood and a gifted program I was in called ā€œSPACE LABā€ that I hadnā€™t thought about in almost 35 years. After adding my experiences to the mix I was told that maybe the folks in high strangeness should hear what I had to say, or point me toward similar tales so I could research and maybe sort out some childhood memories of my own. Seeing the posts about others who were grappling with memories of being in odd programs as children is reawakening some of mine that I had filed away.
ā€¦so below is a restructured repost if what I said at ufos:
Iā€™m in my 40s now, but in the early 80s I lived in a very rural south Georgia town, attending a tiny elementary school that served K-6th grade. This was before magnet schools, or many of the other special activities or courses were available for kids who seemedā€¦ smarter or scoring above their age/class, I guess. ā€œGiftedā€ was a word that was used a lot. And I hated it. Iā€™m not bragging, but I was one of those kids. I heard it from all the adults in my school and home life. Iā€™m a mess now, but at that point I guess I had a lot of promise and potential. But it was a lot of pressure, and I stopped caring for it once I reached high school.
I was reading books at two. By kindergarten I was well above my peers in reading, writing, abstract thought and getting into math and science. By first and second I was the kid that teachers called on to read books aloud to the class. I was finishing tests first and basically putting my head on the desk waiting for everyone else to finish. Creatively, I was drawing and crafting like mad, writing and illustrating my own stories. I was a walking encyclopedia of space and animal facts. Teachers loved me but could tell I was operating above my classmates and getting bored. I never really thought I was smarter than the other kids, I was just into learning, and enjoyed the whole process of absorbing and sharing information. People told me I was smart, but I always felt, isnā€™t this how everyone thinks?
Around first grade I think, I was sometimes pulled out of class where I was given hearing tests and read from word cards to sharpen some of my soft pronunciations. I donā€™t think I even had a hearing issue, but I did have a lisp that may have made them think I was hard of hearing. I had problems with Ls and Rs and some ā€˜chā€™ words. Itā€™s not that unusual. There were also vision tests where Iā€™d look at a red spot, try to align spots, overlay pictures by crossing or uncrossing my eyes, identify odd symbols and other things that may or may not have been standard, idk.
But what was most unusual is at the same time, I was also introduced to a kind of special class called ā€˜Space Labā€™, where I and some other ā€˜giftedā€™ kids (some I knew from my classes, and some that went to my school but werenā€™t in my class) would be pulled out of our normal class schedule to meet in the library, or sometimes go places, and do advanced learning, I guess? I donā€™t even remember how it began. It just suddenly started happening. I honestly donā€™t know if my parents were aware of it. More on that below.
Anyway, I felt so confused because sometimes I was getting pulled out of class for the speech, vision and hearing tests or lessons, along with kids who were physically or mentally disabled, and then another huge part of the day was spent doing extracurricular, or ā€˜above grade levelā€™ stuff with the smart kids. So this was very confusing to my young ego at the time. Neither program was done daily, but once or twice a week, for a few years. The speech and sensory tests maybe lasted a year off and on but Space Lab lasted several.
It didnā€™t seem that weird at the time, but does now in retrospect. The weirdest thing is that I just donā€™t remember much in detail about it at all, with a few exceptions that are resurfacing. Some of those are below.
For years I kept telling myself that it was maybe just the rural schoolā€™s way of handling smart kids who were bright, but bored, as best they could with no real curricular means to skip kids ahead. We did some special field trips, sat around and talked about space, and science, and the environment (which was weird to do that early in the 80s, especially in that backwater Georgia town), did some advanced crafts, projects and science experiments, but the majority of my time there is a blank.
One thing I do remember..those old ā€˜psychicā€™ flash cards- the ones with circles, triangles, wavy lines, etc. I donā€™t exactly remember the teachers testing us with them, but I remember us being encouraged to playfully test each other with them. Later, I remember seeing that opening scene from ghostbusters and knowing exactly what they were. I also remember some of us sitting in silence, visualizing things we were asked to think about, and even, swear to god, trying to talk to each other with our mind. That part I canā€™t remember if we were instructed to do, or if we started doing it for fun. Other times weā€™d try guessing what the other was thinking. A word, or a picture. I do know sometimes we were separated around the room, at distance from each other, and others we were all at the same long tables. I also remember some crude cardboard box divider things that they had to kind of block out light and distractions while we did some of these ā€˜gamesā€™. And sound blocking headphones. A LOT. This is really starting to come back to me. I really remember having to close our eyes and being asked to visualize a lot.
We also did a lot of field trips during school hours that were totally unexpected. We were always back on time but I donā€™t remember knowing what days they might happen. I remember worrying for my mom and if she knew where Iā€™d be going. I donā€™t remember bringing home permission slips for them. Some were to aquariums, parks, etc but some were to the local college or other office complex or building that we were told or assumed had some tie to science or something we were interested in (we were little nerds after all) or to go see how something was made, supposedly.
But yeah- the weird thing is I really donā€™t remember shit about those trips beyond that we went on them. My most clear memory of one is walking down a very modern brick hall that had built in planters and like, a mini ecosystem that smelled like pure nature. Automated misters for the plants, water pump waterfalls, that sort of thing - and Iā€™m walking with my ā€˜space labā€™ classmates and suddenly being embarrassed when one of my dadā€™s socks that had static clung inside my shorts fell out as we walked and I got teased about it. I couldnā€™t tell you what the place was or why we were there.
Other times werenā€™t even that detailed. I remember weā€™d take a van somewhere and be back before the end of the day. We didnā€™t take a bus because there were only maybe 6 or 7 of us.
I can bore you with details about pretty much any regular old field trip I went on with my regular schoolmates- movie theaters and what we saw, okeefenokee swamp and buying a rubber alligator, going to a local dairy and seeing milk get pasteurized, etcā€¦but I donā€™t remember anything specific, interesting or exciting about ANY outings with ā€˜Space Labā€™
But Iā€™ve rambled enough, here are a few final points about the class, and me in general.
  • the program did not last beyond 4th or 5th grade
  • when it was over it was like it was never mentioned again. When I asked other kids about space lab to see if their schools had it, nobody knew wtf I was talking about. At my own school there was never an attempt to keep the program going, and afaik, no younger kids were ever brought in to replace us as we outgrew the class. I donā€™t know if we were, like, failures,, or if they lost funding, or the next years of kids just werenā€™t very bright or what. The fact that they had this special progressive class at all, during normal school hours, at such a small rural school in a super conservative, religious, ā€˜all Americanā€™ farm town, is really unusual in retrospect. As far as I know they never did anything like it again.
  • fwiw, our school also participated in fluoride mouthwash sessions, which even as a kid, creeped me out. I always felt like there was a sinister element about it. My friends and I often found ways to cheat it and pretend to be swishing.
  • there was no military base near our school. There was an old national guard setup at the small airport, and most adults worked at a local e factory making airplane engines, etc but thatā€™s about as military as it got there.
  • my dad worked for FermiLab in the seventies but I donā€™t know much about his time there. It was before I was born. Heā€™d never talk to me or my sisters what he did there, and Iā€™m thinking NDAs were involved. but he got the job right after his service on a nuclear sub. He ended up dying after fighting skin cancers all over his body.
  • As for me, I was born after his stint at FermiLab and was apparently an accident from a vasectomy that ā€˜didnā€™t takeā€™
  • the two teachers of ā€˜space labā€™ were not from our school. I was told they were teachers from the nearby larger town but that was it. One nice, nerdy dark haired woman that behaved like a science teacher, and one very gruff older woman that acted like military or police. She was always just there and barely interacted with us. I canā€™t even remember their last names.
  • my fellow lab kids were all really intelligent sensitive and thoughtful, I had long friendships with several until I moved as a teen. I know maybe one on Facebook now who has been very successful in progressive politics in Georgia. The rest Iā€™ve lost contact with, or rural GA life chewed them up and spat them out.
  • I continued to be on honor roll, win spelling bees, art and writing contests etc until about 8th grade- before I realized being a nerd was not cool in 90s high school and I became more of a slacker. Smart but lazy. I continued to draw and write and made it a freelance career for a while, but I shunned academics for the most part, even though I was able to score 1350 on the SAT without trying, I didnā€™t pursue a good college.
  • I have had supernatural events in my life. You can check my post history. Cloaked figures, strange ufos. Not a lot of them, just a couple really strong events. Iā€™ve been able to really get ā€˜in synchā€™ with the universe at least two short times in my adult life, where it felt like I was predicting or even willing things to happen; but otherwise normal.
  • Most of my life Iā€™ve suffered from tinnitus and sleep apnea issues, but am otherwise sane, and moderately healthy for my age.
All in all, Iā€™m curious if anybody else had classes like this? I wonder if government might be able to get away with more child research in a small town at a school that really needed some extra money or something, then a larger city with more exposure and communicationā€¦ But as I said, there wasnā€™t any military presence in that area of south GA at all.. I will say, watching the first season of stranger things brought back some old geeks, and not in the 80s nostalgia way.
What was I involved in? Why did it stop? And why donā€™t I remember much about it?
submitted by Vault32 to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]


Allegory of the Cave: Plato writes of a fictional cave that houses a row of chained prisoners
These prisoners are forced to look only at a single blank wall from early childhood, unable to move even to see their fellow captors. Behind the prisoners sits a fire, and objects would be passed across the light of the flame, casting shadows on the blank wall in front of the chained inmates
Plato posits that since these shadows would be all the prisoners ever know, they would become reality for those who see nothing else
If one of the prisoners might escape, he would learn of the fire and fear it, desiring to be returned to his old existence. If he resisted that urge, or was forced to leave the cave, he would eventually learn the true nature of his reality
For Plato, only a philosopher can achieve this miraculous escape. Having accustomed to his new perception of reality, the prisoner would return to free the others, and they would resist, believing their escaped friend had been harmed, when in fact he was just struggling to see in the darkness after finally beholding the light of the sun
To compare Plato's Allegory of the Cave to The Matrix, the row of chained prisoners are the humans, the ones casting shadows by firelight are the Machines and the shadows on the wall are the Matrix itself. Having only ever experienced the digital Matrix, humans perceive the world as reality, but the philosophically-minded individual can break free by taking the red pill and find the truth. Just as many of the prisoners would be scared of the fire and wish to return to the wall, many of those freed in The Matrix opt for the blue pill - stick to what you can already understand, just like the first film's Cypher character
By escaping the cave or taking the red pill, everything becomes clear, and even if others perceive that liberation as suffering, the philosopher knows they are better off outside of the cave
CIA DoD Contractors are using models of Deception and Manipulation for this purpose. A game to fabricate and falsify a victims reality
A 'FALSIFIED MEMORY' is a psychological phenomenon where a person recalls an event or topic which never happened
A 'FABRICATED MEMORY' is a psychological phenomenon where a persons recalls an event or topic that happened differently than the way it actually occurred
A deadly game designed to walk a person to their destruction and death. It is based on PSYCHOPHYSICS & PSYCHOTRONICS for Memory Management which is a psychological phenomenon, using models of deception and manipulation, to manipulate the daily motives and emotional perceptions of a individual, population or even entire segments of society - at a time - using fabricated and falsified memories which either never existed to begin with or which existed differently than how the victim recalls
The Cave then is the fabricated and falsified environment the mind control victim and targeted individual is placed into using Street Theater (Situational Scenarios & Conversational Scenarios) and Cyber Theater (Disinformation, Misinformation, Misdirection, Misattribution, etc) to isolate them using sensory deprivation, etc
The ā€˜iron chainsā€™ that the targeted individual and mind control victim is imprisoned with are both physical and psychological, including directed energy torture and scripted mind games based on various mathematical models, such as the Non-Cooperative Gaming Theorem (Hyper Game Theory), Occamā€™s Razor Principle, etc
The ā€˜blank wallā€™ in the cave that the targeted individual and mind control victim is forced to visualize is constructed of that prolonged isolation, sensory deprivation, etc., leaving the mind control victim unable to see others he is chained with that are also real targeted individuals and ā€˜fellow captorsā€™ inside the psycho-cybernetic cave they are forced to live in.
The ā€˜fireā€™ inside this trauma based psycho-pathology is the technology (psychotronics) and the science psychophysics) from which the šŸ”„light (pulse train of data via a bi-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves) emanates.
The ā€˜shadows on the wallā€™ are the scripted mind games and the images the captives endure which are reflected in the neuro-programming, including dream modulation, neural-linguistic programming, etc.
The 'machines' are, of course, the sophisticated and advanced Artificial Super Intelligence Exascale Supercomputers (remote neural networks) merged with Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Interfaces known as NEURO-REALITY, which, if the technology works correctly, becomes the default reality of the victim.
Those who ā€˜escape the caveā€™ are the targeted individuals that the technology doesnā€™t work properly on or who are able to learn the truth of their deception and manipulation. Others who are ā€˜scared of the fireā€™ and return to their fabricated and falsified existence in the cave are those who are deceived and manipulated to believe the Artificial Responses they now exhibit are their very own.
The AI starts to shape the cave and distort the light we all see projected on the cave wall further than it already is creating a fabricated and falsified dystopian reality
submitted by BryanKTew to MKUltra [link] [comments]