Working factor trees


2018.05.30 02:47 NorthTexasTrees

Tree enthusiasts, but mostly weeds of Northern Texas

2017.08.05 16:25 RedBulik bongzai

To Smoke The Trees, You Must Becomes The Trees

2009.06.06 19:06 apozo ape

A subreddit for discussion and pictures of primates. NO HUMANS!!!

2024.05.16 18:09 Regular-Atmosphere11 Seeking advice on my impostor syndrom

I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to guide/help me.
I am 22 years old - my problem is that I have been experiencing a strong impostor syndrome from the beginning. I have done the DIVA test three times with different psychologists. Each time I scored high, and basically, everything fits together rationally. I do indeed recognize the impostor symptom in myself. I discussed this with a friend who is finishing psychology studies and also has ADHD, and he supports my perspective.
Additionally, my father, who committed suicide, most likely also struggled with ADHD (based on the DIVA methodology, I asked the family and matched it to events that complicated his life further, plus, of course, chronic depression).Everything was rather stable until 3 days ago when I had bad lack for a psychiatrist (where I did the last DIVA and a specialist was recommended) - an online visit. I don't want to sound conceited (also, I'm not a doctor), but I had the impression that the psychiatrist I consulted often didn't know the answers to my questions and was evasive. He seemed more interested in my money than in helping and understanding me (I have seen 2 psychologists, 2 therapists, and 3 psychiatrists, so I have a comparison whether someone cares or is genuinely interested). I have scheduled my next appointment with a doctor that is leading ADHD treatment here in Poland
Returning to the point, my impostor syndrome flared up additionally when the psychiatrist stated during the interview that "the symptoms I experience are rather mild, or I somehow manage them, otherwise I would have problems with studying and working" (my professional life is okay, but about 4 times below my potential because I have issues with fluctuations in activity - I work intensely for several days, and then have a few days of a depressive period - it's not like manic-depression, it's rather about activity and the ability to motivate myself to do things, not finding less painful activities, etc.). This surprised me because I perceive them differently (and they seem more concrete than just excusing my inefficiencies). So, of course, I continued the previously started research to feel more at ease.
I was prescribed a dosage that seems non-standard: Medikinet 10mg CR daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I can double it and then report back after finishing.All this has led to many questions and overthinking. The first day, 10mg didn't make much of an impression on me; it settled me a bit, I felt some interest, took the second dose in the afternoon as recommended, and, of course, couldn't sleep (despite 6mg of melatonin).
Yesterday, I took 20mg in the morning and felt the need to organize everything, and I cleaned the whole apartment, including scrubbing under the closet.Despite this, the impostor syndrome is so insidious that I keep wondering if I'm imagining things, over-researched, and adjusted the answers or interpretations of my life and events to fit the thesis.It's generally a terrible issue because I hope that after years of struggling with "depression," it will finally be addressed, and I can stop dealing with such matters and just focus on work - I am 22 years old, and my first visit to a psychiatrist for depression was around 15-16 years old.
Currently, I have the biggest dilemmas in the following areas, and I really hope someone could shed some light or guide me:
  1. **Methylphenidate in a person without ADHD** - I couldn't find anything concrete on whether I can verify this - if, for example, I don't have ADHD, how should it affect me vs. someone with ADHD. It's so vaguely described on the internet that it's not clear if there's a concrete way to verify this to avoid questioning my own observations. Obviously, a solid diagnosis like a blood test or MRI for other diseases won't be available, but by nature, I'm a skeptic and need it grounded to sleep peacefully and not get into unnecessary discussions with people who barely understand the subject.
  2. **Effectiveness of diagnostics** - I haven't encountered any data on how often diagnoses are invalidated. I read on Reddit (unfortunately, there are few better discussion places with a lot of content) that one girl had an ADHD diagnosis, took Adderall, and after about 2 years, it turned out it wasn't ADHD but some compulsive disorder. Is there any information on how many people with an ADHD diagnosis and prescribed treatment are misdiagnosed? It's known that in the USA, people sometimes stretch the truth to get Adderall, but I'm sure you understand my point and the essence of the matter.
  3. **Dosage** - I have a bit of time left before my next appointment and wonder what I can do (but nothing stupid). My friend, for example, has 30mg CR in the morning and then has those on-demand Medikinet, which keeps him okay later in the day and doesn't cause sleep problems; he's considering switching to Concerta. From my psychiatrist, I basically got the information I already mentioned plus to avoid abusing alcohol. Is there anything I can change in these recommendations to not waste time? If I just take 30mg or 40mg in the morning (of course, gradually and checking the response weekly), am I exposing myself to any problems? I found out on my own that I won't die, but I'm interested in the effectiveness of this treatment, not messing around.
  4. **A question completely omitted by the psychiatrist, and I didn't get any specific information, which is quite important to me**. In all the DIVA tests, I scored higher in adulthood than in childhood. In the last one, it came out as follows: Summary of symptoms according to DSM-5: I. Attention Deficit: Adulthood: 8/9, Childhood: 7/9 II. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Adulthood: 9/9, Childhood: 8/9 III. Experienced symptoms are a source of significant problems, manifesting in at least 2 areas of life in both childhood and adulthood. After my own analysis, talking to my mom and sister, it's hard to deny that I had serious problems in areas affected by ADHD plus many “less obvious” symptoms that I learned about from PsychiatraPlus from Mr. Jóźwiak (thanks God he records because books and articles in Poland on the internet are often a disaster) in quite significant intensity. I'm still afraid of cognitive bias and fitting the situation to the thesis.
I noticed an increase in many symptoms attributed to ADHD after 2022 (when my father committed suicide, which involved PTSD therapy because I saw a lot, plus a depressive episode). Before, I might have had 2-3 such severe depressive episodes. I skimmed through (I emphasize because I might have missed something that would answer my question, and I don't want to appear lazy coming for a free ready-made solution) meta-analyses (The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions about the Disorder). This fragment intrigued me: "ADHD is rarely caused by a single genetic or environmental risk factor, but most cases of ADHD are caused by the combined effects of many genetic and environmental risks, each having a very small effect."
This, of course, suggested a possible scenario - a father with ADHD + trauma could have exacerbated my symptoms, hence now they are more noticeable to me than before, although it resonates more with me that conditions, tasks, and challenges I face have changed. I didn't observe myself in this regard before; I didn't have the knowledge; I attributed my failures to a different “legend” (I wasn't taught consequences, laziness, lack of discipline, if I tried harder, etc.) than ADHD. Obviously, I'm not so infantile as to expect someone to try to resolve this issue, but based on the current conclusive knowledge, how do you assess my line of thinking, does it hold together? Could I check anything else additionally?
To conclude, I know I need to find a good psychiatrist; I have one in mind, but it's pointless at this moment when I have prescriptions and "recommendations" to schedule and pay for a visit since I'll probably get not very in-depth answers (I also understand doctors don't have 2 hours to give a lecture on how and why things work), rather reassuring and "we'll observe." Whenever something stresses or confuses me, I just try to understand it, and when it turns out that my inherent skepticism activated unnecessarily, the problem disappears from the radar.
I hope someone will guide me to the right materials that will tell me a bit more about these issues. Once again, thank you in advance for any response and time spent just reading this post. If additional questions arise to provide a better answer, I am happy to respond.
submitted by Regular-Atmosphere11 to irlADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 Red-Wolf-17 The Weirwood Queen, Chapter 171: Arya III

In which Arya Stark contemplates her siblings and herself.
The Weirwood Queen, Chapter 171: Arya III
Title: The Weirwood Queen
Author: Me; RedWolf17
Length: 908,640 words; still in progress, 171/192 chapters
Category: Longfic; Sansa as an active warg AU
Status: actively updating weekly(ish)
Link: The Weirwood Queen
Tags: BAMF Sansa Stark, Sansa Stark-centric, Old Gods, Greenseers & Greensight (A Song of Ice and Fire), Wargs & Warging (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Rating: Teen; no archive warnings apply
Summary: Lady is buried beneath a weirwood tree, and Sansa prays to the old gods for Lady to stay with her. The gods hear her prayer, in a manner of speaking. Everything changes.
New readers: If you want juicy spoilers as to why you should check out the fic despite the slow burn start: >! In chapter 28, Sansa turns into a wolf and yeets Joffrey off the Red Keep. Major changes spiral from there, including the survival of Elia Martell and a very different Red Wedding.!<
submitted by Red-Wolf-17 to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 Regular-Atmosphere11 Seeking advice on my impostor syndrome

I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to guide/help me.
I am 22 years old - my problem is that I have been experiencing a strong impostor syndrome from the beginning. I have done the DIVA test three times with different psychologists. Each time I scored high, and basically, everything fits together rationally. I do indeed recognize the impostor symptom in myself. I discussed this with a friend who is finishing psychology studies and also has ADHD, and he supports my perspective.
Additionally, my father, who committed suicide, most likely also struggled with ADHD (based on the DIVA methodology, I asked the family and matched it to events that complicated his life further, plus, of course, chronic depression).Everything was rather stable until 3 days ago when I had bad lack for a psychiatrist (where I did the last DIVA and a specialist was recommended) - an online visit. I don't want to sound conceited (also, I'm not a doctor), but I had the impression that the psychiatrist I consulted often didn't know the answers to my questions and was evasive. He seemed more interested in my money than in helping and understanding me (I have seen 2 psychologists, 2 therapists, and 3 psychiatrists, so I have a comparison whether someone cares or is genuinely interested). I have scheduled my next appointment with a doctor that is leading ADHD treatment here in Poland
Returning to the point, my impostor syndrome flared up additionally when the psychiatrist stated during the interview that "the symptoms I experience are rather mild, or I somehow manage them, otherwise I would have problems with studying and working" (my professional life is okay, but about 4 times below my potential because I have issues with fluctuations in activity - I work intensely for several days, and then have a few days of a depressive period - it's not like manic-depression, it's rather about activity and the ability to motivate myself to do things, not finding less painful activities, etc.). This surprised me because I perceive them differently (and they seem more concrete than just excusing my inefficiencies). So, of course, I continued the previously started research to feel more at ease.
I was prescribed a dosage that seems non-standard: Medikinet 10mg CR daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I can double it and then report back after finishing.All this has led to many questions and overthinking. The first day, 10mg didn't make much of an impression on me; it settled me a bit, I felt some interest, took the second dose in the afternoon as recommended, and, of course, couldn't sleep (despite 6mg of melatonin).
Yesterday, I took 20mg in the morning and felt the need to organize everything, and I cleaned the whole apartment, including scrubbing under the closet.Despite this, the impostor syndrome is so insidious that I keep wondering if I'm imagining things, over-researched, and adjusted the answers or interpretations of my life and events to fit the thesis.It's generally a terrible issue because I hope that after years of struggling with "depression," it will finally be addressed, and I can stop dealing with such matters and just focus on work - I am 22 years old, and my first visit to a psychiatrist for depression was around 15-16 years old.
Currently, I have the biggest dilemmas in the following areas, and I really hope someone could shed some light or guide me:
  1. **Methylphenidate in a person without ADHD** - I couldn't find anything concrete on whether I can verify this - if, for example, I don't have ADHD, how should it affect me vs. someone with ADHD. It's so vaguely described on the internet that it's not clear if there's a concrete way to verify this to avoid questioning my own observations. Obviously, a solid diagnosis like a blood test or MRI for other diseases won't be available, but by nature, I'm a skeptic and need it grounded to sleep peacefully and not get into unnecessary discussions with people who barely understand the subject.
  2. **Effectiveness of diagnostics** - I haven't encountered any data on how often diagnoses are invalidated. I read on Reddit (unfortunately, there are few better discussion places with a lot of content) that one girl had an ADHD diagnosis, took Adderall, and after about 2 years, it turned out it wasn't ADHD but some compulsive disorder. Is there any information on how many people with an ADHD diagnosis and prescribed treatment are misdiagnosed? It's known that in the USA, people sometimes stretch the truth to get Adderall, but I'm sure you understand my point and the essence of the matter.
  3. **Dosage** - I have a bit of time left before my next appointment and wonder what I can do (but nothing stupid). My friend, for example, has 30mg CR in the morning and then has those on-demand Medikinet, which keeps him okay later in the day and doesn't cause sleep problems; he's considering switching to Concerta. From my psychiatrist, I basically got the information I already mentioned plus to avoid abusing alcohol. Is there anything I can change in these recommendations to not waste time? If I just take 30mg or 40mg in the morning (of course, gradually and checking the response weekly), am I exposing myself to any problems? I found out on my own that I won't die, but I'm interested in the effectiveness of this treatment, not messing around.
  4. **A question completely omitted by the psychiatrist, and I didn't get any specific information, which is quite important to me**. In all the DIVA tests, I scored higher in adulthood than in childhood. In the last one, it came out as follows: Summary of symptoms according to DSM-5: I. Attention Deficit: Adulthood: 8/9, Childhood: 7/9 II. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Adulthood: 9/9, Childhood: 8/9 III. Experienced symptoms are a source of significant problems, manifesting in at least 2 areas of life in both childhood and adulthood. After my own analysis, talking to my mom and sister, it's hard to deny that I had serious problems in areas affected by ADHD plus many “less obvious” symptoms that I learned about from PsychiatraPlus from Mr. Jóźwiak (thanks God he records because books and articles in Poland on the internet are often a disaster) in quite significant intensity. I'm still afraid of cognitive bias and fitting the situation to the thesis.
I noticed an increase in many symptoms attributed to ADHD after 2022 (when my father committed suicide, which involved PTSD therapy because I saw a lot, plus a depressive episode). Before, I might have had 2-3 such severe depressive episodes. I skimmed through (I emphasize because I might have missed something that would answer my question, and I don't want to appear lazy coming for a free ready-made solution) meta-analyses (The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions about the Disorder). This fragment intrigued me: "ADHD is rarely caused by a single genetic or environmental risk factor, but most cases of ADHD are caused by the combined effects of many genetic and environmental risks, each having a very small effect."
This, of course, suggested a possible scenario - a father with ADHD + trauma could have exacerbated my symptoms, hence now they are more noticeable to me than before, although it resonates more with me that conditions, tasks, and challenges I face have changed. I didn't observe myself in this regard before; I didn't have the knowledge; I attributed my failures to a different “legend” (I wasn't taught consequences, laziness, lack of discipline, if I tried harder, etc.) than ADHD. Obviously, I'm not so infantile as to expect someone to try to resolve this issue, but based on the current conclusive knowledge, how do you assess my line of thinking, does it hold together? Could I check anything else additionally?
To conclude, I know I need to find a good psychiatrist; I have one in mind, but it's pointless at this moment when I have prescriptions and "recommendations" to schedule and pay for a visit since I'll probably get not very in-depth answers (I also understand doctors don't have 2 hours to give a lecture on how and why things work), rather reassuring and "we'll observe." Whenever something stresses or confuses me, I just try to understand it, and when it turns out that my inherent skepticism activated unnecessarily, the problem disappears from the radar.
I hope someone will guide me to the right materials that will tell me a bit more about these issues. Once again, thank you in advance for any response and time spent just reading this post. If additional questions arise to provide a better answer, I am happy to respond.
submitted by Regular-Atmosphere11 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 Regular-Atmosphere11 Seeking advice on my impostor syndrome

I hope someone knowledgeable will be able to guide/help me.
I am 22 years old - my problem is that I have been experiencing a strong impostor syndrome from the beginning. I have done the DIVA test three times with different psychologists. Each time I scored high, and basically, everything fits together rationally. I do indeed recognize the impostor symptom in myself. I discussed this with a friend who is finishing psychology studies and also has ADHD, and he supports my perspective.
Additionally, my father, who committed suicide, most likely also struggled with ADHD (based on the DIVA methodology, I asked the family and matched it to events that complicated his life further, plus, of course, chronic depression).Everything was rather stable until 3 days ago when I had bad lack for a psychiatrist (where I did the last DIVA and a specialist was recommended) - an online visit. I don't want to sound conceited (also, I'm not a doctor), but I had the impression that the psychiatrist I consulted often didn't know the answers to my questions and was evasive. He seemed more interested in my money than in helping and understanding me (I have seen 2 psychologists, 2 therapists, and 3 psychiatrists, so I have a comparison whether someone cares or is genuinely interested). I have scheduled my next appointment with a doctor that is leading ADHD treatment here in Poland
Returning to the point, my impostor syndrome flared up additionally when the psychiatrist stated during the interview that "the symptoms I experience are rather mild, or I somehow manage them, otherwise I would have problems with studying and working" (my professional life is okay, but about 4 times below my potential because I have issues with fluctuations in activity - I work intensely for several days, and then have a few days of a depressive period - it's not like manic-depression, it's rather about activity and the ability to motivate myself to do things, not finding less painful activities, etc.). This surprised me because I perceive them differently (and they seem more concrete than just excusing my inefficiencies). So, of course, I continued the previously started research to feel more at ease.
I was prescribed a dosage that seems non-standard: Medikinet 10mg CR daily, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and I can double it and then report back after finishing.All this has led to many questions and overthinking. The first day, 10mg didn't make much of an impression on me; it settled me a bit, I felt some interest, took the second dose in the afternoon as recommended, and, of course, couldn't sleep (despite 6mg of melatonin).
Yesterday, I took 20mg in the morning and felt the need to organize everything, and I cleaned the whole apartment, including scrubbing under the closet.Despite this, the impostor syndrome is so insidious that I keep wondering if I'm imagining things, over-researched, and adjusted the answers or interpretations of my life and events to fit the thesis.It's generally a terrible issue because I hope that after years of struggling with "depression," it will finally be addressed, and I can stop dealing with such matters and just focus on work - I am 22 years old, and my first visit to a psychiatrist for depression was around 15-16 years old.
Currently, I have the biggest dilemmas in the following areas, and I really hope someone could shed some light or guide me:
  1. **Methylphenidate in a person without ADHD** - I couldn't find anything concrete on whether I can verify this - if, for example, I don't have ADHD, how should it affect me vs. someone with ADHD. It's so vaguely described on the internet that it's not clear if there's a concrete way to verify this to avoid questioning my own observations. Obviously, a solid diagnosis like a blood test or MRI for other diseases won't be available, but by nature, I'm a skeptic and need it grounded to sleep peacefully and not get into unnecessary discussions with people who barely understand the subject.
  2. **Effectiveness of diagnostics** - I haven't encountered any data on how often diagnoses are invalidated. I read on Reddit (unfortunately, there are few better discussion places with a lot of content) that one girl had an ADHD diagnosis, took Adderall, and after about 2 years, it turned out it wasn't ADHD but some compulsive disorder. Is there any information on how many people with an ADHD diagnosis and prescribed treatment are misdiagnosed? It's known that in the USA, people sometimes stretch the truth to get Adderall, but I'm sure you understand my point and the essence of the matter.
  3. **Dosage** - I have a bit of time left before my next appointment and wonder what I can do (but nothing stupid). My friend, for example, has 30mg CR in the morning and then has those on-demand Medikinet, which keeps him okay later in the day and doesn't cause sleep problems; he's considering switching to Concerta. From my psychiatrist, I basically got the information I already mentioned plus to avoid abusing alcohol. Is there anything I can change in these recommendations to not waste time? If I just take 30mg or 40mg in the morning (of course, gradually and checking the response weekly), am I exposing myself to any problems? I found out on my own that I won't die, but I'm interested in the effectiveness of this treatment, not messing around.
  4. **A question completely omitted by the psychiatrist, and I didn't get any specific information, which is quite important to me**. In all the DIVA tests, I scored higher in adulthood than in childhood. In the last one, it came out as follows: Summary of symptoms according to DSM-5: I. Attention Deficit: Adulthood: 8/9, Childhood: 7/9 II. Hyperactivity and impulsivity: Adulthood: 9/9, Childhood: 8/9 III. Experienced symptoms are a source of significant problems, manifesting in at least 2 areas of life in both childhood and adulthood. After my own analysis, talking to my mom and sister, it's hard to deny that I had serious problems in areas affected by ADHD plus many “less obvious” symptoms that I learned about from PsychiatraPlus from Mr. Jóźwiak (thanks God he records because books and articles in Poland on the internet are often a disaster) in quite significant intensity. I'm still afraid of cognitive bias and fitting the situation to the thesis.
I noticed an increase in many symptoms attributed to ADHD after 2022 (when my father committed suicide, which involved PTSD therapy because I saw a lot, plus a depressive episode). Before, I might have had 2-3 such severe depressive episodes. I skimmed through (I emphasize because I might have missed something that would answer my question, and I don't want to appear lazy coming for a free ready-made solution) meta-analyses (The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions about the Disorder). This fragment intrigued me: "ADHD is rarely caused by a single genetic or environmental risk factor, but most cases of ADHD are caused by the combined effects of many genetic and environmental risks, each having a very small effect."
This, of course, suggested a possible scenario - a father with ADHD + trauma could have exacerbated my symptoms, hence now they are more noticeable to me than before, although it resonates more with me that conditions, tasks, and challenges I face have changed. I didn't observe myself in this regard before; I didn't have the knowledge; I attributed my failures to a different “legend” (I wasn't taught consequences, laziness, lack of discipline, if I tried harder, etc.) than ADHD. Obviously, I'm not so infantile as to expect someone to try to resolve this issue, but based on the current conclusive knowledge, how do you assess my line of thinking, does it hold together? Could I check anything else additionally?
To conclude, I know I need to find a good psychiatrist; I have one in mind, but it's pointless at this moment when I have prescriptions and "recommendations" to schedule and pay for a visit since I'll probably get not very in-depth answers (I also understand doctors don't have 2 hours to give a lecture on how and why things work), rather reassuring and "we'll observe." Whenever something stresses or confuses me, I just try to understand it, and when it turns out that my inherent skepticism activated unnecessarily, the problem disappears from the radar.
I hope someone will guide me to the right materials that will tell me a bit more about these issues. Once again, thank you in advance for any response and time spent just reading this post. If additional questions arise to provide a better answer, I am happy to respond.
submitted by Regular-Atmosphere11 to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 Red-Wolf-17 The Weirwood Queen, Chapter 171: Arya III

In which Arya Stark contemplates her siblings and herself.
The Weirwood Queen, Chapter 171: Arya III
Title: The Weirwood Queen
Author: Me; RedWolf17
Length: 908,640 words; still in progress, 171/192 chapters
Category: Longfic; Sansa as an active warg AU
Status: actively updating weekly(ish)
Link: The Weirwood Queen
Tags: BAMF Sansa Stark, Sansa Stark-centric, Old Gods, Greenseers & Greensight (A Song of Ice and Fire), Wargs & Warging (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Rating: Teen; no archive warnings apply
Summary: Lady is buried beneath a weirwood tree, and Sansa prays to the old gods for Lady to stay with her. The gods hear her prayer, in a manner of speaking. Everything changes.
New readers: If you want juicy spoilers as to why you should check out the fic despite the slow burn start: >! In chapter 28, Sansa turns into a wolf and yeets Joffrey off the Red Keep. Major changes spiral from there, including the survival of Elia Martell and a very different Red Wedding.!<
submitted by Red-Wolf-17 to AsoiafFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:05 GCIlanguageIELTS IELTS Preparation Costs in Surrey - A Comprehensive Guide

Preparing for the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam in Surrey, British Columbia, requires strategic planning and consideration of various factors, including test types, preparation plans, and associated costs. Here’s a breakdown to help you understand the costs involved in IELTS preparation in Surrey.
IELTS Test Types:
IELTS offers two main types of tests: Academic and General Training. The Academic test is suitable for individuals applying for higher education or professional registration, while the General Training test is intended for immigration purposes or work-related training programs. Depending on your goals, you'll need to choose the appropriate test type for your IELTS preparation.
Basic Plans to Prepare for the Tests:
1. Self-Study: Utilize free online resources, IELTS preparation books, and practice materials to study independently. This approach is cost-effective but requires self-discipline and motivation.
2. Group Classes: Enroll in group IELTS preparation courses offered by language schools or educational institutions. Group classes provide structured learning environments and opportunities for peer interaction.
3. Private Tutoring: Opt for one-on-one tutoring sessions with experienced IELTS instructors who can tailor lessons to your specific needs and learning pace.
Costs of IELTS Preparation in Surrey:
1. Self-Study: Costs vary depending on the resources you choose, such as books, online courses, and practice tests. Budget anywhere from $50 to $300 for study materials.
2. Group Classes: Expect to pay between $300 to $800 for a group IELTS preparation course, which typically includes a set number of sessions and access to study materials.
3. Private Tutoring: Private tutoring rates vary based on instructor qualifications and experience. On average, hourly rates range from $30 to $100 per hour.
When considering the costs of IELTS preparation in Surrey, it's essential to weigh the benefits of each option against your budget and learning preferences. Whether you opt for self-study, group classes, or private tutoring, investing in effective preparation will increase your chances of success on the IELTS exam and help you achieve your desired score.
Join our vibrant community of language enthusiasts at GCILanguage and let's embark on a transformative IELTS journey together.
If you have any further questions, you can reach us directly at [+1 604-755-4334](tel:+16047554334) in Surrey. We will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have.
To learn more about GCI Language Centre and its IELTS preparation courses in Surrey, visit today.
submitted by GCIlanguageIELTS to u/GCIlanguageIELTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:03 mark-spline Current state of the west side of our yard

Current state of the west side of our yard
This is just a general rant...
Backstory: when our small subdivision was built in the late 90's, the developer drew up the plans for the county and had them approved. The developer did not follow their own plans for storm water drainage. They used inferior plastic pipe without the correct backfill and placed it in the front yards on the north side of the street instead of under the street like they were supposed too. When we get heavy rains, the street floods, sometimes to the point of being impassable, and there is only one was in and out. About 8 years ago, we started seeing sinkholes forming in people front yards; one every couple years. Two years ago, a family were pulling into their driveway when it caved in due to a large sinkhole that formed underneath it (no one was hurt but scared the crap out of them!). The last sinkhole that was repaired was in our yard last fall.
We are in the cul-de-sac where the drain turns and runs down our property line to the drainage pond in our backyard. We knew it was going to get torn up, but didn't know how bad. The easement is 10' on either side of the drain, which means 10' into ours and our neighbors property. However, considering that no one ever thought this would happen, we both (neighbors and us) planted trees inside the easement. We had two dwarf plum trees up front, and they have 6 very large trees of some sort lining the property line. They have torn down our two dwarf trees, but left the big trees. And because those big trees are in the way, they just moved everything into our yard, so they are at least 10' over the easement....
Now, this area used to be a field. When the subdivision was created all the topsoil was removed and sold, and we were left with clay. Any and all backfill they brought in was also crap and clay. It has also been raining, a lot! In the last three weeks, we have barely gone one full day without rain. Rain does not drain easily in clay. Our yard becomes a sloppy mess. Until yesterday, I have not been able to even get my mower out of the shed since late April (my grass was over 10" high! I was only able to mow about 2/3rds of the lawn yesterday, cannot access the rest).
So they are tearing out the old drainage. They are placing new drainage in. 90% of their work is on our lawn. The excavator is slopping clay 15' outside of the work area. Clay, for those of you that don't know, does not break down and work it's way back into the dirt. No no, it sit on top of the grass and kills it. My wife and her ex had this house built. She tells me that she cleaned the junk out of the fill (she has a photo of her with the car door she pulled out of the front yard), raked it flat and sowed all the grass seed herself (over 2.5 acres!). So she's very protective of the lawn. Last night she was out throwing the mud clots back into the workspace, and she was MAD about it!
In addition, because it's muddy, they began rutting the crap out their work area. So to mitigate this, they started throwing down gravel. IN OUR YARD! And it, as well, has been getting thrown outside of their work area as I found out when I mowed yesterday (again, tall grass, couldn't see it was there.
We are thankful that this project is getting done, don't get me wrong. It's been years in the making, and this one project is almost double the county's entire yearly budget! The drainage issues has created sinkholes, flooded many yards, flooded the road, and destroyed the road. But the mess we're having to deal with...ugh. Plus, it's going to take years to get that grass to fill in properly again!
submitted by mark-spline to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:03 CommercialFigure2239 Device for remote streaming & shooting games (Odin 2 mini vs ayaneo pocket S)

Hello Handheld gaming community,
So, I'm really into fast shooters and racing games, and I've got a PS5, an Ayaneo Next 5825U 16GB, a Nintendo Switch OLED, and a PSP. But my old gaming laptop is just not cutting it anymore, especially for playing big-name games on the go. I use a MacBook Air M2 for work.
The Switch OLED is great for battery life, but it can't handle all the big AAA titles. And the Ayaneo Next is a bit bulky and its battery life isn't great because it runs on Windows. I've been eyeing the Odin 2 Mini, though, because it promises to let me stream games from my PlayStation and Windows remotely.
But now I'm torn looking at the battery, I understand it needs to be reduced considering its form factor. It also doesn't have a sim with LTE capabilities. Should I hold off and wait for something better, or go for the Ayaneo Pocket S, which is super slim but might not be as comfy & ergonomic to use? I'm worried about missing out if I wait too long. Any suggestions?
submitted by CommercialFigure2239 to OdinHandheld [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:01 Chance_Answer7984 Please accept my apologies for my boomer mom.

Reading through this sub reminded me of how my boomer mom calls Verizon customer service for literally any issue tangentially related to her phone.
Can't connect to the wifi printer and print photos from your phone? Call Verizon.
Cable internet out so wifi calling doesn't work? Call Verizon.
Can't figure out why the amazon app on your phone won't work? Call Verizon.
Battery going out on your Bluetooth headset you bought from Walmart? Call Verizon.
I'm her son and I still want to drive into a tree after helping her with tech issues. So to any of you who work tech support jobs and have to deal with her or people like her, I apologize. I've done everything I can to try to train some common sense into her. The time would be better spent driving into that tree.
submitted by Chance_Answer7984 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:01 No-Newt-25 Prepping for my 4th chemical pregnancy

Hi guys, long time lurker, and first time poster here.
I have seen an RE who says everything “looks good” on my end and my husband’s. The only thing that showed was that I have factor V but I’ve been taking a baby aspirin every day even since before learning this information. I have a high ovarian reserve and no other issues to be seen.
I am feeling very defeated as I tested positive yesterday (3 days before my missed period) got an HCG draw today that came back > 1 accompanied by cramps and lower back pain. Which tells me that I am probably experiencing my 4th chemical pregnancy since November. RE is suggesting IVF due to “poor egg quality” but this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me as me and my husband’s karyotyping did not show any abnormalities. I believe my progesterone was on the lower end when we tested it but my RE doesn’t seem concerned by that.
I am feeling very down and mad at my body. I just don’t know how to proceed from here and the thought of IVF scares me and also feels premature seeing as there really isn’t any indication for it other than I’ve never made it past the 6 week mark, so I’m conflicted. I’m not sure I can take getting another glimpse of hope just to have it all come crashing down on me again.
I guess I just wanted to vent and see if anyone else has been in the same boat to see what finally worked for you?
Thank you all in advance, this is not a boat any of us every signed up to be in and I’m sending so much love and light to you all ✨
submitted by No-Newt-25 to recurrentmiscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:59 bushymark [SC] Related law for damage from falling tree limbs

Hi LegalAdvice! Location is South Carolina
Obligatory image of house layout image because of my poor description skill
My question: Neighbor #2's rental company has responded back by saying they aren't responsible for "Acts of God." My amateur look into SC law hasn't been able to see how it specifically works here, so I was looking for someone more educated to lead me in the right direction. Furthermore what I CAN find seems to make it questionable that we could take matters into our own hand in trimming back the tree from our own properties.
It may be that we simply need to file with our Homeowners insurance and let them handle this, but before we submit the claim we would like to encourage the rental company to do the right thing (preferably by siting relevant statutes in our response). If anyone could help direct us here, we would be very appreciative.
submitted by bushymark to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:59 CATDesign How close to the drive way can Liriodendron tulipifera 'Ardis' be?

How close to the drive way can Liriodendron tulipifera 'Ardis' be?
I am currently in the process of purchasing a house, just waiting for the closing at the end of the month. Too prepare I bought a couple trees that I've always wanted, which seems the Ardis variety is the dwarf variety for the Tulip tree. Which, this tree variety of the Tulip Poplar grows up to 15' at maturity. Trees should arrive well after the closing date. Living roughly 40 years.
I was thinking I could use it as a shade tree for my car in the driveway, to help reduce the heat on my car and make going out at noon a lot more enjoyable in the summer. However, I am not sure how close the trees can be to the drive way.
North side of the driveway also appears to have an underground sewer pipe that goes perpendicular from the road and goes along the very edge of the property and has it an easement of 10' diameter that gives the city's municipality access to dig up the pipe whenever for repairs. Which engineering at municipality told me should be 20' deep and they never had to dig up the pipe as of yet on record, which has been there for well over 60 years. I am not sure if this pipe is deep enough for the size of the tree I am planting. Distance from edge of detached garage and edge of property is roughly 18ft, and distance from edge of property to driveway's additional parking pocket is roughly 5ft.
Power-lines are also overhead on this side of the street.
Picture from google.
Picture from google.
You think I can make this work? Where would you plant the trees? If it can't work here, I have other spots in mind.
Thank you for your time!
submitted by CATDesign to marijuanaenthusiasts [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:58 No-Newt-25 Prepping for my 4th chemical pregnancy

Hi guys, long time lurker, and first time poster here.
I have seen an RE who says everything “looks good” on my end and my husband’s. The only thing that showed was that I have factor V but I’ve been taking a baby aspirin every day even since before learning this information. I have a high ovarian reserve and no other issues to be seen.
I am feeling very defeated as I tested positive yesterday (3 days before my missed period) got an HCG draw today that came back > 1 accompanied by cramps and lower back pain. Which tells me that I am probably experiencing my 4th chemical pregnancy since November. RE is suggesting IVF due to “poor egg quality” but this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me as me and my husband’s karyotyping did not show any abnormalities. I believe my progesterone was on the lower end when we tested it but my RE doesn’t seem concerned by that.
I am feeling very down and mad at my body. I just don’t know how to proceed from here and the thought of IVF scares me and also feels premature seeing as there really isn’t any indication for it other than I’ve never made it past the 6 week mark, so I’m conflicted. I’m not sure I can take getting another glimpse of hope just to have it all come crashing down on me again.
I guess I just wanted to vent and see if anyone else has been in the same boat to see what finally worked for you?
Thank you all in advance, this is not a boat any of us every signed up to be in and I’m sending so much love and light to you all ✨
submitted by No-Newt-25 to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:58 Sikhdiviner Please don't post lies, block me and shut down comment responses. The only ones trying to clout is you off my name.

Please don't post lies, block me and shut down comment responses. The only ones trying to clout is you off my name.
Orochisama i don’t even know who you are. Black Twitter?
Who Says I’m involved in black Twitter?
Most of the Conversations on Twitter revolve around rupaul drag Race, LGBTQ, Ballroom, current events or marvel comics. 😂🤣 I don’t get in fights with spiritualists about bullshit on Twitter i only respond to what is said about me. I have 25K followers on twitter. I'm not a 140 character drama type of person. I usually have more to say.
I never said You were white because i don’t know who you are. Remember i have a picture and you do not, you have me blocked. A Verified Check is something most people have especially if they have been published for anything or they paid for it. Again, been there done that before ATRs was ever involved in my life.
I have problems with black women? Literally a black women showed me this blocked post. 75% of my audience is black women on tiktok and most of my clients since i only read or do spiritual work for yt people, i don’t initiate or mentor them in ATRs, too many problems over the years and Everyone knows my policies and boundaries. It is ok to have boundaries.
Just like it is ok to have your own opinion about lgbtq community and you do not have to agree with the current controversial topic.
It's the bullshit y'all that you make up. I don't care about you being pansexual or poly. Hello I'm in my 40s, do you google?
How many videos do i have on youtube since 2016 talking respect and inclusion in ATRs in Sputh asian Communities (something I'm know for internationally in usa, Canada, uk and Trinidad still hence the art exhibit i was asked to be apart of last month). Who outed himself to the Palo community because people did not know? Do you know why?
I walked away from a certain bar too early and my ex (a Puerto Rican since you think only they are taino) was shot. Yes I'm talking about pulse. I recently talked about my experience with beau DeMayo on twitter because the xmen97 episode triggered me. Again this is all public conversations.
Do you know what the ballroom scene is? Especially in Philly and DC?? It's funny how i have icon femme queens that ask me to contribute on podcasts and discussion groups while I'm involved in the kiki scene in Brazil. I have been on several live shows with just trans people inside and outside ATRS. Again this can be found. Or how many clients I've had on lgbt reality shows?
If i needed to talk about clout then i would do that, but i don't? They know me, i don't talk about them because i don't use my client’s info to get likes and views. They respect the fact i keep their privacy.
I have never taken a hoodoo class. Where did you get that lie from? Where is the receipt for that? Please show.
I talk about herbs all the time for free with every consultations.
I don’t even use books for spell work. I post it online and it's copied, you think i got that from a book?
Do you know How to go into any yard or Woods and identify plants herbs and roots? Do you know which is poisonous and what is not? Do you know what can you use
So Jamaicans and haitians don’t have tainos? Just Asking Go ask around Philadelphia to Virginia who the younger family is. It's a unique enough surname with only three family trees splits all over the country. You might find a few black baptist churches still functioning. My paternal grandfather was a pastor too. I didn't even hear the word hoodoo growing up, i heard root? I heard juju or conjure. My family did not even venerate catholic saints despite immigrating through new Orleans.
You are upset i have a patron? that my followers and clients asked for because they want to learn. I have Dropbox of over 1000 books and journal articles on various traditions? The price is $5 for unlimited access. It's 1 terabyte. I pay $20/ month for my Dropbox hosting. You think it should be free? All the documents i collected since 2009 in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, kreyol and Arabic? It should be free? No one offers their Dropbox for free unless it's uncurated mess of misinformation about ATRs.
It has nothing to do with you being queer or lgbt, you just want to use my energy and resources for free and for me to shut up about it. That's entitlement for just existing? I'm sorry i grew up in the 80s and 90s i had to study and literally advocate for myself for everything just to go to a white school and to get into college because my white teachers told me “you are black and don't need to go to college”. I didn't grow up with random people just giving me things because i had a fit or i added a new identity label. Sorry I'm old i guess I'm exhausted and I'm not impressed by laziness or mediocrity.
If someone doesn't know what they are doing, i am not going to say they are a prize or a resource. I am not good at lying, my face always tells. So i do not waste time doing it. I don't make up things when people can easily find it.
It amazes me how you get on Reddit and write 3 pages trying to tell me who i am and you don't even know who you are yet.
And whose has threats? I make observations and promises. Nature runs on energetic reciprocity, and auto determination. Every life form has a survival instinct down to the cellular level. If someone decides to throw work at me, i throw it back and i don't care what happens or how long it happens because it is self defense. Whatever my spirits from the “supermarket sweep” decide needs to be done to you or your family that distracts you enough to leave me alone. Some people are not here anymore and the community may miss them but i do not. And i do not have to.
There are spiritualists who have been throwing work at me since 2015, some 2012. Some i have never met in person, never touched them. I got tired of cleansing with herbs and animals and ignoring them, because they came up again and again in every divination, every ceremony, in every country. And even when i almost died years ago, i still turned the other cheek, i only talked shit and i didn't do anything more.
But after people attacked my mom, guess what? i have no pity anymore for anyone in the spiritual community because my mom was the one that helped anyone, she was the one that was helping migrant workers, protesting for rights since college, she was the nurse that made me take care of my parapalegic aunt and grandmother since i was 8 years old, she was the one that taught me to be a good person no matter what people say about you. She was the one that took care of other people's children when they got sick, she took people to chemotherapy and a breast cancer advocate in her 60s! She did all that and what she received was abandonment when she could no longer help other people. They stole all her money, told her she had no more use and let her die by herself and would have if i did not move to help. And then motherfuckers have the audacity to post my mother’s photo and post about her struggles, her pain, and even said she killed herself which was not true! I saw what being nice to your enemies gets you. I don't have time for it. And i have no remorse for anything that happens to anybody after they physically or spiritually attack me. You are supposed to be spiritual, you are supposed to be better, do better, be able to make better decisions but if you do not, the blame is on you and not me.
A snake does not threaten, it warns about consequences and possibilities, that's it. That's nature.
The community exposes criminals and lifts them back up again. So i have no faith in their grandiose gestures because they have done it over and over and nothing happened. It's weak shit
You don't like me Because of my opinion that's fine. I have no problem with an opinion, only the lies, and trying to artificially put a one sided narrative is the issue.
submitted by Sikhdiviner to Vodou [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:57 aelfin Dorian Hightower, Beacon of the South, Defender of Oldtown, Defender of the Citadel, Lord of Oldtown, Lord of the Hightower, Lord of the Port, Voice of Oldtown

Reddit Account: aelfin
Discord Tag: Bolt1219
Name and House: Dorian Hightower
Age: 80
Cultural Group: Reachman
Appearance: Once tall and strong and proud -- a knight of renown -- the passage of time has seen fit to humble Dorian Hightower. The gold-brown hair of his youth has bleached to silver, his countenance marked by wrinkles. He wears his hair long, often unbound that it frames his features. His beard is neatly styled. Despite the betrayal of his body, Dorian's eyes remain sharp and quick, and his smile is that of a younger man.
Trait: Mastermind
Skill(s): Devious(e), Espionage(e), Assassin
Talent(s): Napping, Meandering, Gardening
Negative Trait(s): Sickly
Starting Title(s): Beacon of the South, Defender of Oldtown, Defender of the Citadel, Lord of Oldtown, Lord of the Hightower, Lord of the Port, Voice of Oldtown
Starting Location: Starting Event
Alternate Characters: n/a
Biogaphy Early Life
In 55BC, under a golden sun in the bustling city of Oldtown, Dorian Hightower was born the second son to Lord Leyton Hightower and his wife Leona Bulwer. His early childhood was marked by a sense of curiosity and an inherent noble pride that was expected of a Hightower; against a backdrop filled with the sounds of the bustling harbour, the smell of the sea, and the sight of a forest of sails coming and going. Oft he would watch the ships as they sailed away and wondered where they went
From a young age, Dorian showed a keen interest in learning and the world around him. His education was that expected of one of his lineage; lessons with the Maester were as important as that of his martial education. At just ten, he was sent to Highgarden to squire for House Gardener. There, amidst the vibrant gardens and rich traditions of the Reach, he learned the values of chivalry, honour, and the importance of duty. His time at Highgarden left a lasting impression on him, fostering a deep respect for the knightly traditions that would shape his later life -- which would make the later actions of the Tyrells sting all the more,
At one-and-seven, Dorian’s path took a scholarly turn. Sent to study at the Citadel, immersed in the halls of knowledge, he began forging his maester's chain, dedicating himself to the studies of copper for history, bronze for astronomy, and iron for warcraft. His mentors noted a sharp intellect and strategic mind, qualities that would serve him well in the years to come.
The Heir to the Hightower
In 35 BC, a marriage united Dorian with Leila Tarly, a match both strategic and affectionate. At the age of twnety Dorian became a father, welcoming his first child, Garlan, into the world. Over the years, the Hightower family grew with the births of Garmund, Delena, Owen, and Lynesse. Each child brought new joy and responsibility, shaping Dorian into a devoted father and a wise lord.
The Stranger visited the Hightowers in 20 BC, when Dorian's older brother, Leyton, the heir to the Hightower, was lost in a shipwreck while returning from a journey to Braavos. At five-and-twenty, Dorian was thrust into the role of heir, a position he had not anticipated. Embracing his new responsibilities with determination, he began learning the intricacies of rule, administration, and justice from his father. Living in Oldtown, the heart of the Faith of the Seven, also imparted a deep spiritual awareness in Dorian. The more he learned, the more he was put into positions of authority. Initially undertaking a role as his father's Steward, Dorian learned quickly that he was much too bored by numbers to be anything close to competent. He was better at dealing with people.
Through his dealings his network grew, and this network, he recognised, could be turned toward the flow of information. The ships he had watched as a boy carried trade, but they also carried words from half the world away. If he could find a way to hear those words before any else, he'd have an advantage -- not only in trade, but in politics as well. Setting to work, Dorian used his House's name to tour as often as he could, finding those in key places that would serve his ends for the right price.
Life and Trials
As the head of House Hightower, Dorian instilled in his family a profound sense of fairness and the importance of knightly traditions. He stressed the values of chivalry and gallantry, ensuring that these principles were deeply rooted in the Hightower legacy. His household became known for its adherence to these values, earning respect and admiration throughout the Reach.
He was an avid hunter, frequently organising grand hunting expeditions in the lands surrounding Oldtown. Not merely for sport, these hunts also served as opportunities to bond with his children and vassals. One notable hunt saw Dorian bring down a formidable stag, a feat that became legendary in his household.
Dorian’s daughter Delena married Harlan Tyrell after a secret tryst, a match that Dorian did not initially support but ultimately was forced to accept. His youngest daughter, Lynesse, found a husband in Willem Ryger. A man whom Dorian had mentored in the art of espionage, and who would later go on to prove the most succesful spymaster in the country.
Feasts at the Hightower were grand affairs, known throughout the Reach for their opulence and hospitality. Dorian believed in the power of communal gatherings, often using these occasions to strengthen alliances and resolve disputes. The harvest feast was a particularly notable event, drawing his vassals to Oldtown to celebrate the bounty of the land, and to reaffirm their loyalty to House Hightower.
From the Ashes:
Family life, however, was not without its hardships, and the Hightowers not immune to tragedy. The House faced a profound loss when Garlan, Dorian's eldest son, was killed on the Field of Fire, turned to ash by dragonfire. This tragedy left Garlan's young son, Gwayne, as Dorian's heir, a heavy burden for the grieving boy to bear at such a young age. By then Dorian was a man nearing his sixtieth decade, not young by any stretch, and so particularly attension was paid to Gwayne's education near to the exclusion of all else. A small army of learned men were brought in to cover every aspect that would eventually be required of him. Dorian hardly went anywhere without his grandson in tow. The Seven Kingdoms might have been united, but the dawn of this new age was eclipsed by Dorian's fears that he would pass before his heir was ready, and he had known many a House felled by the poorly equipped.
Dorian levied from Lord Hightower against House Costayne of having refused the call to rally at Oldtown, backed by the word of the High Septon. A host marched on Three Towers but was met with denial from Lord Costayne who eventually demanded a trial by combat. Gyles Gardener offered himself as champion, and for his victory was given rule over Three Towers, with the fallen lord’s kin being exiled to Essos. Aegon Targaryen was crowned in the Starry Sept upon their return.
In 8AC, a band of sellswords by the name of the Black Roses arrived in Oldtown, headed up by Harlon Costayne, offering cheap mercenaries for the city and protection for its trade. Dorian put to them a challenge, a trial by combat to determine if the Seven stood with the Roses. Pit against a knight of Oldtown, the Black Roses emerged the victorious party, and Dorian issued them leave to remain so long as they served the Reach and her interests.
Life is a loan, and eventually all men's accounts are settled in full. Having passed into his eightieth year, Dorian Hightower knows the end is nearing for him. Age wracks his body, though his mind remains sharp. He has prepared his grandson as best as he could have done, and all that remains is the wait until his last, content in the knowledge. For the first time in a decade, the Lord of the Hightower has descended from his perch and travels towards King's Landing.
55 BC - Birth of Dorian Hightower
45 BC - Dorian Sent to Highgarden
38 BC - Scholarly Pursuits at the Citadel
35 BC - Marriage to Leila Tarly
35 BC - 30 BC - Birth of Children
20 BC - Death of Leyton Hightower
15 BC - 10 BC - Expansion of Dorian's Network
10 BC - Dorian Becomes Lord Hightower
5 BC - Marriage of Daughters
5 BC - 1 BC - Grand Feasts and Gatherings
0 AC - Tragedy at the Field of Fire
5 AC - Conflict with House Costayne
8 AC - Arrival of the Black Roses
25 AC - Dorian Prepares for the End
Name and House: Gwayne Hightower
Age: 30
Cultural Group: Reachman
Appearance: Gwayne stands the perfect example of the Hightower ideal; in him are the echoes of his father and his grandfather and the knightly traditions of the Hightower. He boasts hazel-hued eyes that are dominant green, alight with curiosity. His hair seems to shfit between a gold and a shade dark brown dependant on the light. Oft seen in the colours of his house; smoke greys cut with whites or greens.
Trait: Champion,
Skill(s): Swords, Andal Knight(e)
Talent(s): Hunting, Hawking, Harp
Negative Trait(s): n/a
Starting Title(s): Heir to the Hightower, Ser
Starting Location: Starting Event
Alternate Characters:n/a
Family Tree:
Born in 5BC, the firstborn son to Garlan Hightower, Gwayne was bathed in a viridescent light, anointed with the seven oils and named in the rainbow of light that filled the sept in the Hightower. This act alone is reserved for the heirs to the Hightower, a ceremony to mark them from birth as defenders of the Faith. His early life was a happy one, though he recalls little of the time. His mother and father were truly in love. Only two years later after his birth would his brother follow, and their two sisters after them. His grandfather's hall and hearth was filled with the laughter of children.
It was Garlan Hightower who held command of the Hightower host the fateful day that dragonfire swept across the Field of Fire, who perished there on the field, and whose bones were turned to ash and no longer able to be laid to rest. Gwayne was too young to grasp the reality of it, and before long his Grandfather had him learning with such intensity that he hardly had time to process the fact his father wasn't coming home.
Life turned into a steady routine of learning. His lessons consisted of how to act at court, his histories, his number and letters, and martial training in the yard. He would be woken before the dawn and not be permitted to bed until the sun had slipped away and night had fallen. Recklessly bold, oft he would attempt to climb the exterior of the Hightower and be scolded for the act if discovered.
His first true test at arms came when in the form of pirates. They had made their home in a cove and would strike out at ships fat and ripe with goods. Gwayne rode out with a small band of men, headed up by his uncle, Owen. For a week they scoured the coastline looking for signs of their quarry, and eventually, one night, sky unclouded and stars bright, they saw the fires. Come the dawn the charge of the Reachmen sent the pirates srambling for their weapons, and though they put up a fight, they were cut down to a man and their ships burned. Of those that surrendered, they would hang at the port in Oldtown as a stark reminder. For his bravery Gwayne was given their Valyrian Steel sword, Vigilance, upon his return.
He would seek out his glory in the lists after that, travelling the length of the Seven Kingdoms looking to make his name as a knight. Tourney followed tourney, but at each stop he remembered to paya visit to the local Sept and offer prayer. He lent a hand where he could. Sometimes he found friends, sometimes he found foe.
When the Orphans of the Fire descended on the Reach, Gwayne wished to march out and chase them down, but Dorian refused him -- and as well he did, for the chaos wrought by the Orphans might have claimed him, and Dorian was adamant that he would not lose another heir to fire. The inaction rankled at Gwayne, but he heeded his grandfather's words all the same.
Now, in 25AC, with Dorian ailing and a celebration called, Gwayne travels toward the event and prepares himself for what may come.
Timeline: 5 BC - Birth of Gwayne Hightower
3 BC - Birth of Gwayne's Brother
0 AC - Death of Garlan Hightower
1 AC - 15 AC - Intensive Education and Martial Training
15 AC - First Test of Arms Against Pirates
16 AC - 23 AC - Knighthood and Tournament Circuit
20 AC - Orphans of the Fire Incident
25 AC - Current Events
submitted by aelfin to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:55 hartapfelstock Is there no Dolby Atmos or 3D Audio on PC Version of the game?

I owned the PlayStation Version of the game and played it on my Dolby Atmos Setup and quite enjoyed it. The leaves from trees were rustling above me and here and there I heard birds chirping in the sky. I was very much looking forward to replaying on my high end pc and just now noticed there is no option for 3D Audio on PC! Not even the Headphones output seems to be 3D Audio. Very sad about this I was hoping they would remaster the audio to Dolby Atmos or just simply translate the 3D Spatial Audio from the Playstation version to Atmos. I'm assuming nobody got Atmos to work on the pc version, right?
submitted by hartapfelstock to ghostoftsushima [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:54 Fremanofkol I want your advice on doing something no one has asked for.

So I know there isn’t much need for this but I kind of fell in love with the swashbuckler class and when I was researching the class and looking for guides on it there was pretty much nothing that actually delved into the intricacies of the class in a way that felt satisfying to me. So I’ve taken it upon myself to write a guide to the class for a long dead system on a class that no one ever plays. It just feels like the forgotten class and i hope to spread awareness that its more than dex fighter.
I'm currently 50 pages into writing it and there are plenty of mistakes and no formatting, my spelling is currently awful as well, and all that will need to be sorted before I even think about release to the public.
Currently I have Covered class abilities, Archetypes and Weapon Choices. and I’ve only talked about options that are worthy of discussion.
The big Sections are coming up are Race and Feats. and I find myself conflicted on how to cover them. so, Does anyone have any advice on these sections. and after that thre will be some multiclasssing discussion magical items and some sample builds.
For races I was thinking of only covering races that have FCB's with them. but are there any races I should look into that work well with swashbuckler that don’t have dedicated FCB's?
As for feats I’m conflicted between covering them by category I.e. combat, skill etc. or just grouping them by feat trees and talking about the merits of each tree. but I’m worried if I group things I will skip something important. Any out there options I should remember to cover? any advice on how to format them.
Lastly since I’m here any tricks with swashbuckler I should be sure to cover I might have missed. I cant list everything but some things I have started to cover are Wild strider Blade boot TWF. Str vs Dex builds. Demoralise options. Spiked gauntlet cheese and the value of a good buckler. Melee arrow champions. Maximising AoO's with things like weapon trick. How precise strike actually works.
Also this is becoming a mamoth task and gives me so much appreciation how much work old guide writes did. so if i never finish it its because i bit off more than i could chew but i am giving it a damm good go, i only feel comfortable asking for help because of how much ive allready done.
submitted by Fremanofkol to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:54 Mercobtw Top Tier Ground Premiums need to be available for all countries at 11.3

A new player can spend 219 EUR and get a full line up of Top Tier vehics for US, Germany, and USSR but you cant do that with the rest. So you end up with 3 countries that is populated of very few good players and then you have countries like France, Italy, Sweden, China, and Japan that are populated of high tier players only. This causes the play base to be heavily skewed and therefore heavily impacts matchmaking. This needs to become something doable on all countries. So new players can spread across all countries and it can bring more players to work on different trees instead of the main three.
submitted by Mercobtw to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:49 FeistyGroundhog For those of you who switched from Adderall to Vyvanse/Xelstrym, did you gain weight?

I am currently on 1 (occasionally 1.5 doses) a day of 15mg Adderall instant release, and would like to try switching over to Vyvanse or Xelstrym. Adderall tends to make me anxious when it’s working and irritable/depressive after the crash. I took Vyvanse in high school and early college and switched to Adderall because it was impacting my ability to fall asleep towards the end. But I had such a chaotic sleep schedule in college and am much more regular now so I would like to give it another try.
However, whenever I’m off Adderall, my appetite spikes tremendously and it can be insatiable, like I have the munchies, so I am concerned about potential weight gain if I switch. When I was on Vyvanse, I was also coincidentally the heaviest I had ever been in my life, so I am a bit apprehensive to get back on it, but I do think it was just a coincidence because there were so many other factors going on. And I hear that if anything, all ADHD meds are more inclined to cause weight loss as opposed to gain.
submitted by FeistyGroundhog to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:48 FromTheInkpot Tessario of Lys, Keyholder of the Pearl Bank, Heir to the Blood of Altaerys [+AC]

Reddit Account: FromTheInkpot
Discord Tag: jayonline
Name and House: Tessario of Lys
Age: 28
Cultural Group: Valyrian
Appearance: Taller than the average man, with slender and effeminate features. His skin is pale, his hair consists of curled white locks and his eyes are a vivid lilac. He favours black leathers with silver accents, and often adds coloured silks as sashes, belts, or capes. On the middle finger of his left hand he wears a signet ring of black steel and gold, used to seal letters from the Pearl Bank.
Trait: Marketer
Skill(s): Avaricious (e), Merchantman (e), Broker
Talent(s): Linguistics, Arithmetic, Reading People
Negative Trait(s): Sociopath (non-mechanical)
Starting Title(s): Keyholder of the Pearl Bank, Heir to the blood of Altaerys (secret)
Starting Location: Opening Event
Alternate Characters: N/A
Born in the year 4BC, Tessario was the son of a Lyseni courtesan and a nobleman of the Old Blood who had left for the Black Walls of Volantis before he even knew of the child.
Growing up in Lys, Tessario was raised by his mother in a small manse where she would teach him lessons learnt from the courts of the free city.
Since his mother first spoke to him tales of Valyria and dragon riders, Tessario was enthralled.
His bloodline was of the forty families, from one of the few dragonlords on Lys during the 'Night of Tears', when the dragonlords had been poisoned and their dragons slain by their very hosts - the magisters. That the dragon rider had been his ancestor was his family's deepest secret and one that could have seen them killed in generations past.
The knowledge that the dragon riders of old were his very ancestors was almost too much for the young boy to keep secret. Especially now, when dragons had waged conquest on Westeros' shores so recently. But while the Targaryen's were said to wed brother to sister to keep their bond with the dragons strong, his family had not had a dragon rider in five generations. Since then his family's bloodline - the house of Altaerys, thought lost in the Doom of Valyria and the Century of Blood since, had become clouded with the Old Blood of Volantis during their occupation of Lys. And before that, diluted among the courts of Lys the Lovely, where none truly knew or at least none spoke of how much dragon blood they had. It was clear most of Lys had some. The features of silver-blond or white hair and the eyes of pale blue or shades of purple were all too common. The city was truly Valyrian. Who knew how many dragonlords' legacies his blood carried now?
Tessario, with his pure Valyrian blood and features to match, had the fiery will of his ancestors but an uncommonly pragmatic mind. As he grew, so did his keen mind, picking up his numbers and letters faster than other boys his age.
Raised in the turbulence of a city still reeling from the uprising against Volantis, Tessario learnt how violent people could be at a young age. Surrounded by the cruelties of slavery, he grew up numbed to the hardships of others.
By nine name-days he would begin visiting the Temple of Trade where he and other boys would talk with the magisters and tradesmen who congregated there. From among these wealthy and noble men of the city, he and a lucky few others, would gain apprenticeships; a position that was highly coveted in the city of Lys, where trade was considered a profession more honorable than arms.
Tessario shadowed his sponsor for three years, learning the inner workings of trade negotiations, currency exchange, and contract creation. He met several other apprentices who like him hungered for more, as well as making friends among the less prominent families of Lys all too keen to climb the social ladder. So, when his apprenticeship was over they formed a merchantile group of ambitious youths. Tessario and the others began with insurance cons and profitable arbitrage that filled their pockets and funded bigger schemes.
The war in the Stepstones came as a wondrous opportunity for the newly founded group. The members invested heavily, with some overseeing the battles themselves. Luckily the Lysene forces met up with not only those of Tyrosh, but also ships from Dorne and the Stormlands. Tessario wore armour for the first time as he sailed sellswords to the fighting, though did no more than watch in actuality. War made them rich and for the first time in his life Tessario knew what it was to wield true power. The power to make others die for your ends.
The pirate threat crumbled easily, but the true prizes were had after the fighting. Contracts for trade opened up and new ports to invest in saw the merchantile group grow faster than ever before. They hired lingering hedge knights and sellswords to protect their assets and even convinced some of the former pirate vessels to become corsairs under them.
As the Stepstones begin to flourish, the group started to look further afield for other trade routes. In 18AC, just as Dorne began to invest heavily in Sunstone, Tessario sailed to Driftmark as one of three emissaries of their group tasked with finding new avenues for profit. It was while on this mission that Tessario first met Valarr Velaryon, Lord of the Tides. Seeking a base of operations outside of Lys, Tessario negotiated plans for a bank to be built in Spicetown, profiting from the flow of trade.
Tessario broached the concept to the group telling them of the pearls found by fishermen in the pools of the island's coves and a contract for the Pearl Bank was drawn up. Tessario, as one of the two-and-twenty key holders, was now responsible for much.
Construction began in late 19AC with a main building that was reinforced with strong stone and deep vaults. Pearl farms under the control of the bank were also created, with construction of the entire project finishing before the end of 24AC. During this time the bank engaged in numerous amounts of trade, amassing a full vault, as well as funding loans to the many growing businesses of Spicetown, merchants of the free cities, and other Houses of Westeros. This includes House Massey of Stonedance, House Celtigar of Claw Isle, and many other minor houses.
Family tree:
Name and House: Somovo Saan
Age: 21
Cultural Group: Valyrian
Appearance: Piercing blue eyes shine out from dark features. Somovo has a lean build and freckled face from years of sailing the Narrow and Summer Seas. Her skin is dark and her hair falls in long brown curls down past her shoulders, the occasional braid holding beads of copper. She often wears loose shirts and wide breeches that allow her skin to breathe the salty air of the sea, while sticking to practical leather boots for moving about the deck.
She has a slender black cat named Sȳndor 'shadow' that lives on deck and prowls the bank offices while on shore.
Trait: Reaver
Skill(s): Raider, Fence, Tactician
Talent(s): Winning at Tiles, Tying knots, Swimming
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Captain of the Spice Runner
Starting Location: Opening Event
Alternate Characters: N/A
Morio (30) - Cutthroat
Every man of ambition needs a ruthless and silent right hand.
Ser Thomas Storm (27) - Warrior
Knighted by Ser Edwell Celtigar in the Stepstones and knowing he would gain no further gold or glory, he joined the merchantile group from Lys to train their retainers and act as Captain of the Guard to Tessario.
Since then he notably won the joust at the Tourney at Aegon's Rest in 21AC.
submitted by FromTheInkpot to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:46 icraveliquid Pictureflow only showing grey "?" / not working on ipod classic 6th gen

Hi people, I installed rockbox on my ipod classic 6th gen 160G / "7th gen" with the FreshOS theme, and after taking the hang of it and fiddling with it a bit it's working pretty well, except for pictureflow which never worked, with or without freshOS on. It launches fine, but all displayed icons are grey squares with question marks.
This is really annoying, as the tree folder structure isn't the easiest to use for music selection with the wheel, and as I tend to use album covers rather than titles to know which songs I'm looking at. Does anyone have a fix for this, or has it been documented elsewhere ? Thanks.
submitted by icraveliquid to rockbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:46 Competitive_Visit_54 Noli vet update

Noli vet update
We went back to the vet today! 39.79 pounds, around the same weight as last time so looks like we have been feeding the right amount of food to keep her healthy! (1.5 cups of dry food 2 times a day) brought another stool sample to check on her worms and they said that there are still some in her, but not nearly as many as last time. Vet said one of the 3 types she had was completely gone and that the one’s still in her were much harder to find. She said the last test lit up like a Christmas tree but they actually had to look a little this time so hopefully this last round of de wormer will have them gone! She’s still great at home. I tried 4 or 5 different chewing treats and she didn’t like any of them other than a pig ear which was to fatty and made her sick the next morning, so no more pig ears. I finally bought her a Kong and have been packing it with her dry food and a little peanut butter in the end and she absolutely LOVES it. She eats all the food out of it and will sit and chew on the Kong itself all the way up until I take it away from her at bed time. Now that her tummy is feeling better she has been a lot more playful. When I show up from work you would think she hadn’t seen me in a month she gets so excited. She learned fetch pretty fast and likes to chase her ball a handful of times a day but she still seems to enjoy just walking more. She hasn’t been wanting to walk as fafor as long as when I first got her, she turns around and heads back to the car after about 15 minutes or so. I think she got a taste of life inside a house and don’t want to be away from it for too long anymore🤣
submitted by Competitive_Visit_54 to BorderCollie [link] [comments]