Dividing polynomials calculator

Fillet welds

2024.06.09 12:49 Wise-one-1 Fillet welds

Fillet welds
I have two steel sections stalked on top of each other and connected by fillet welds.
The section is on top have forces and moments acting in all 3 directions, I am doing a preliminary design (sizing) of the section and the welds, for the section as its a fairly rigid steel plate ( 200mmx200mmx10mm ), I figured I would just just calculate the von mises stresses σv = (0.5*((σx-σy)2+(σy-σz)2+(σz-σx)2)+3 (τxy2+τyz2+τzx2))0.5.
But slightly confused how to size the welds, I thought about calculating the resultant moment (my, my,my and additionally moments due to the leaver arm in the x and d directions ) and dividing it by the section modulus of the welds ( t2×h/6 ) and just calculating the resultant shear force ( shear force in x direction 2 + shear force in the z direction 2 + shear force due to moment 2 ) to size the weld? What are your thoughts about this approach?
submitted by Wise-one-1 to StructuralEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:46 MakUTa03 Stuck for a while with this problem

I need to proof that x^p-x-1 is irreducible over Z_p, where p - any prime number. Firstly, we see that x^p-x-1 has no roots in Z_p, because if we put any root a, we'll get -1=0. Secondly, using Rabin's test for polynomial irreducibility, we see that gcd(x^p-x, x^p-x-1) = 1. And lastly, we need to proof, that x^p - x - 1 divides x^(p^p) - x. And here I can't do anything, Fermat's little theorem isn't nearly enough to prove anything, we can say that every element of Z_p is a root x^(p^p) - x, but the fact that x^p - x - 1 has no roots makes it worthless. Professor is saying, that this is an easy proof, but it needs to be correct. What can I do here?
submitted by MakUTa03 to Algebra [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:38 AWildEnglishman 📢 Sunday news - WHP Statistics Released, Lib Dems push for CA reform, and CPAG recommendations for UC improvements

Work and Health Programme (WHP) Quarterly Official Statistics released
The DWP has published the latest quarterly release of statistics on the WHP, which includes data up to February 2024.
The WHP was launched in England and Wales between November 2017 and April 2018 to help the following groups of people:
  1. Disability group - voluntary for disabled people as defined in the Equality Act (2010). This is the main group that the WHP is aimed at.
  2. Early Access group - voluntary and aimed at people who may need support to move into employment and are in one of a number of priority groups (for example homeless, ex-armed forces, care leavers, refugees).
  3. Long-term Unemployed (LTU) group - mandatory for Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or Universal Credit (UC) claimants who have reached 24 months of unemployment. Note: referrals to the WHP LTU group were only available between April 2018 and October 2022.
The statistics show:
In September 2023, the Work and Health Programme was expanded to include a new element called WHP Pioneer. Pioneer is aimed at economically inactive customers who have a disability or who are in the Early Access group, in finding sustained work through a support model that has elements of a place and train type approach.
The DWP will include statistics on first earnings from employment and job outcomes from WHP Pioneer in their August 2024 release.
CPAG recommends a three-step plan for improving Universal credit
A report published by Child Poverty Action Group proposes a comprehensive but not exhaustive list of changes to Universal Credit that they believe should be priorities for the incoming government following the general election.
The recommendations cover three areas that they put under the banners of Adequacy, Design and Function of UC, and UC’s Relationship to Work. The recommendations comprise changes to primary and secondary legislation, guidance, and operational or technical changes to the UC system.
What follows is CPAG’s summary of their own report which, again, is not a complete list of what they recommend:
Summary of recommendations on adequacy:
Summary of recommendations on the design and function of UC
Summary of recommendations on UC’s relationship to work
I urge everyone to read the report as I cannot adequately summarise it here.
CPAG three-step report (pdf)
CPAG three-step summary (cpag.org.uk)
PIP claimants over pension age may be entitled to higher mobility award
Pension-age claimants typically can't upgrade from standard to enhanced PIP mobility awards. However, due to poorly drafted laws, those who didn't request an increase but were found eligible during a review may qualify for the higher rate.
You might be eligible for a higher mobility award under PIP, even if you're no longer receiving it, if you meet the following criteria:
benefitsandwork article
View the eligibility criteria at gov.uk
Half a million left without Child Benefit payment
A batch processing issue at HMRC has resulted in around half a million people not receiving their Child Benefit payments on time. Approximately 30% of Monday’s scheduled payments were affected and will not be processed until Wednesday.
“Affected customers will now receive their payments on Wednesday morning. Anyone who has incurred a direct financial loss because of the delayed payment can apply for redress by completing our online complaints form.”
UK Statistics Authority Chair publishes letter to party leaders
Sir Robert Chote, Chair of the UK Statistics Authority, is urging party leaders to employ "appropriate and transparent use" of statistics during the general election. Furthermore, he insists that statements should be based solely on statistics available in the public domain, rather than those to which ministers have privileged access.
His letter was sent to all major party leaders.
Read Sir Robert Chote's full letter on UKSA
Lib Dems commit to £1.5bn reform of Carer's Allowance, debt amnesty
The reforms would include a £20 per week (£1,040 per year) increase, a £32 increase to the earnings limit to help carers earn more through part-time work, and writing off £250m of overpayment debt incurred by 100,000 carers.
The proposals follow the National Audit Office’s announcement in May of their intention to investigate the ongoing scandal over Carer’s Allowance.
Ed Davey is expected to announce the reforms on Monday.
The Guardian
submitted by AWildEnglishman to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:59 Exotic-Bobcat-1565 Pax Germanica (German victory scenario)

*Note: This is just an imaginative brainstorm scenario that I came up with. This is not canon to the mod's lore in any way.*
After the Second Weltkrieg the world was divided into two spheres, starting the Kalterkrieg. The Canadian sphere of influence (The Accord) against the German sphere of influence (The Reichspakt).
Germany had been the victor in two world wars, cementing its dominance over Europe and reshaping global power dynamics. The Reichspakt extended its reach across the continent and beyond, establishing puppet states and strategic alliances to maintain its hegemony. Meanwhile, Canada, having escaped the devastation of the wars, is on a very rough start.
*The 50s*
The 1950s will start with a bang as the Russian State explodes into a wave of separatist movements and instability following the death of Savinkov, leading to the fall of the Russian State. This fragmentation sees various ethnic and regional groups seizing the opportunity to assert independence.
Germany, seeing a chance to expand its influence, gets involved by backing loyalist factions and attempting to re establish it's puppet regimes that were lost in the second weltkrieg. Following the collapse of the Russian State, regions in Central Asia and the Caucasus, formerly occupied by Russia, regain their independence.
*The 60s*
In North America, the former United States of America has splintered into three states following the Second American Civil War: the American Union State, the Great Lakes Government, and the Pacific States.
The American Union State aspire to reunify America, aiming to break free from Accordite influence and reshape the nation in a new image. They perceive the Pacific States as remnants of the old government that failed the American people once.
It's clear that a new war is coming and the second American civil war is far from over as the the inevitable happened. The American Union states seeking to reunite America will declare war on the "remnants of the old corrupt order"
The Canadians will be involved in the war by sending volunteers, while Germany will be sending military aid to the AUS. The Third American Civil War will be seen as one of the most important proxy conflicts during the Kalterkrieg.
The war will last very long as the longist government was more prepared for the war, and the war will also be very unpopular for the Canadians, leading to anti-war protests. The PSA government, however, has turned out to be very unpopular as the war goes on, as longist supporters on the west coast and in New England rallied around and supported reunification with the AUS.
Amidst a discontented populace and an increasingly unpopular war, the inevitable occurred: Canada opted to withdraw volunteers from the conflict. While they continued to provide military aid to the Accord-backed states, this wouldn't be enough. Ultimately, America was reunified under the AUS.
This will deal a significant blow to the Accord, as they lose America to the Longists. Despite receiving German military aid, the AUS government will prioritize "American interests" first and adopt a largely neutral stance during the Cold War.
*Late 60s to 70s*
In Africa, the German Mittelafrika will grapple with numerous anti-colonial rebellions. This challenge won't be unique to the Germans; the French will face similar difficulties in North Africa.
As the anti-colonial movements gain momentum across Africa, both German Mittelafrika and French North Africa will find themselves embroiled in protracted conflicts. Local resistance forces, fueled by a desire for independence, will pose significant challenges to colonial rule. The colonial powers will struggle to maintain control over their territories, facing resistance on multiple fronts and encountering fierce opposition from determined rebel fighters. The tumultuous struggle for independence in Africa will reshape the continent's political landscape and have far-reaching implications for colonial powers and indigenous populations alike.
As the momentum of decolonization grows, the French will eventually decide to withdraw and grant independence to their colonies, in line with the Accord's recognition of decolonization as an inevitable reality.
However, the situation with the Germans will prove more challenging. Their refusal to yield to decolonization will result in prolonged and violent conflicts. Eventually, they will be forcefully ousted from their colonies, marking a bloody and tumultuous end to their colonial rule in Africa.
*The 80s*
Recent geopolitical conflicts have highlighted the waning influence of the Accord and the diminishing power of Canada in the face of the German empire. The Germans have demonstrated superiority both economically and militarily, asserting their dominance on the global stage.
The European landscape remains unchanged, with France still divided between North and South. However, recent events have prompted the French to become more receptive to "negotiating" with the Germans, potentially paving the way for discussions about reunification.
The Germans would only entertain the idea of French unification under the condition that France acknowledges German claims and pretty much submitting to Germany.
However, in North France, the German-backed government faced mounting unpopularity, particularly with the puppet king at its helm. It became increasingly evident that the government's grip on power was tenuous, and it was only a matter of time before it collapsed, paving the way for reunification with the Republic.
With a fervent desire for reunification with the Republic of France pulsed through the hearts of the populace. Discontent with the German-backed government brewed as aspirations for democratic governance under the Republic intensified.
Amidst this backdrop, leaders within the Republic grappled with the delicate balance of strategic pragmatism. Recognizing the significance of reunification for the nation's unity and sovereignty, they sought a bold solution to overcome obstacles.
In a strategic move to secure reunification, the French Republic made a decisive announcement. Leaders declared their intention to withdraw from the Accord and recognize German claims, signaling a departure from the Accord. However, France emphasized its determination to pursue an independent path, separate from any alliance, as it believed the Accord had proven inferior to the German-led Reichspakt. This calculated decision aimed to garner German support for reunification by showcasing a willingness to align with their geopolitical interests, while also asserting France's commitment to sovereignty.
The announcement sent shockwaves across Europe, evoking a range of reactions. While some lauded it as a bold diplomatic move towards reunification, others expressed concerns about its potential implications for regional stability and power dynamics.
As the government in North France collapses amidst the reunification with the French Republic, Germany makes the strategic decision to withdraw its support. This pivotal moment signifies the end of the Cold War, with the German sphere demonstrating its superiority and solidifying its influence. Meanwhile, the decline of Canadian influence continues.
(I have to separate this from the rest)
In the late 40s, the reunification of China under the Beiyang government marks a significant victory as they emerge triumphant in the civil war, leading to the fall of the Left KMT Guangzhou government. This consolidation of power sets the stage for a new chapter in China's history, the new reunified Republic of China under the Beiyang government will be ruled with an iron fist.
Meanwhile, Japan, despite its extensive regional empire encompassing all of Southeast Asia, will reveal their vulnerabilities as Southeast Asian nationalists rise in rebellion against the Rising Sun. Facing a barrage of guerrilla warfare in the Pacific, Japan will ultimately be ousted from Southeast Asia once and for all.
China will emerge from the shadows of the century of humiliation as a rising power, potentially becoming the most powerful force in Asia. They will expand their influence by backing Korean nationalists in their pursuit of independence. As the Empire of Japan crumbles, they will be left with only Formosa as their last remaining foothold.
*The 90s and Beyond*
Following the Kalterkrieg, Germany emerges as the preeminent global power, standing unrivaled on the world stage. With its unmatched military prowess, economic strength, and strategic alliances, Germany solidifies its position as the sole superpower in the post-Kalterkrieg era.
However, Germany's dominance as the sole world power would not remain unchallenged for long. as emerging powers begin to challenge its supremacy. In Asia, China's rapid economic growth and assertive foreign policy propel it onto the world stage as a formidable player. The reunified American Union State, with its revitalized economy and a gigantic industry, also emerges as a significant force to be reckoned with.
As China and the AUS rise in prominence, the global balance of power undergoes a profound shift. Germany finds itself facing new geopolitical realities, as it contends with the growing influence and ambitions of these rising powers.
*This is my scenario of a German victory in the cold war against the Accord. Feel free to criticize or suggest something*
submitted by Exotic-Bobcat-1565 to KRGmod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:57 WheelyCool Finally Crunched Recent Crime Numbers... Trending down since last August

Finally Crunched Recent Crime Numbers... Trending down since last August
EDIT: I made a slight tweak to account for the fact that OPD’s year-end reports are typically a few percentage points short of actual totals, and get revised upward for the next year’s report.

Well, I finally crunched the numbers… And at least when it comes to the amount of "Total Crime" in Oakland, things are really trending down and have been since the end of August last year. In fact, on average the second half of 2023 was better than the second half of 2022. A crime wave that started in 2018 (and was briefly halted by the pandemic) peaked in August last year and has since started to collapse. That's 100% what the data shows, unless the data is somehow more corrupted as of August than it has been at any time in this city's history (and I don't believe that's the case).

How did I get here? First, Oakland publishes three different types of crime data:
  • CrimeWatch is the concrete data of police reports entered into the police database, and it takes a while for those to be properly categorized and put into the system. Oakland aims to have all the data categorized 90 days after the crime, though that's not always the case (e.g. as of 6/6, 16% of February was uncategorized). Newer data is also incomplete in other ways. (https://data.oaklandca.gov/Public-Safety/CrimeWatch-Data/ppgh-7dqv/about\_data)
  • The year-end crime summary breaks things down into different crime categories and has a "totals" category at the end. It's lower than the Crime Watch data because some CW calls are duplicates or didn't end up in police reports (at least that's my understanding). Historically, the year-end total crimes have been between 47-60% of the CrimeWatch totals. (These also aren't 100% accurate, as they are published at the end of the year before everything's entered in… The next year's summary, looking back at prior years, gives the accurate total; most year-end reports are only a few percent short, but 2022 was revised upward almost 12%, so there was a lot of catching up done for crimes in the fall.) (https://cityofoakland2.app.box.com/s/sjiq7usfy27gy9dfe51hp8arz5l1ixad/folde126124687343)
  • Weekly crime summaries give preliminary data for the year. Early on, these tend to lowball actual crime numbers but then they get more accurate as time goes on (since OPD has fully entered in more of the year's data). This is the least accurate of the three kinds of data, and are the "weekly crime reports" that get posted with comparisons to prior years. The discrepancy between this and the delayed entry of CrimeWatch data is probably what you saw on the news, and what people here have pointed to to say we can't trust the weekly reports. (https://cityofoakland2.app.box.com/s/sjiq7usfy27gy9dfe51hp8arz5l1ixad/folde126125093695)

So, let's look at the complete CrimeWatch data (which basically goes through January) and the almost-complete police report data (annual reports plus this year's admittedly-incomplete numbers). These tables and charts break down CrimeWatch data, show trends, and compare CrimeWatch to the published OPD reports. I only focused on the TOTAL row, because breaking down violent vs. property crime etc. would take forever (maybe another day).

For CrimeWatch, I downloaded a bit over a million rows of data going back to 2007 (the Dellums administration), and compiled the monthly totals of crimes. I calculated what percent had been categorized for each month, and assumed the data was essentially complete if it was over 95% (which was every month before this February, except for March 2020 when the pandemic messed things up). I created a table with year-over-year changes for each month. Then, I created 3-, 6-, and 12-month rolling averages for monthly crimes.

I also created rough monthly averages for the city's published data. For each year, I just took the total, divided by 12, set that for July (middle of the year) and then drew lines between each of those points. This year's average is off the right side of the chart and is just the un-revised data from last Sunday (June 2), divided by five (the number of completed months). I'm guessing this will be a lowball by about 15-20% but it's what we've got.

There are two graphs – one comparing monthly data to a six-month rolling average, and one comparing a three-month rolling average to a 12-month rolling average. When there are green vertical lines, it means short-term trends are beating longer-term ones (good!) And when there are red vertical lines, it means the opposite (not-so-good)

Thoughts on the graphs and data:
  • Crime Watch data seems to roughly reflect trends in the annual report data. Every time there's been a consistent downward trend in Crime Watch, it's seemed legit and the police reports reflect it. Of course, as the table shows, the OPD numbers have hovered between 47-60% of CrimeWatch total entries. Do with that what you will.
  • Surprisingly, last year was the year where the official crime total had the highest % of all CrimeWatch crime (60%) out of any year since 2008. I’m not entirely sure why this is the case, but feel free to share your best guess.
  • We've been on an upward crime trend since mid-2018 that got interrupted by the pandemic, and peaked in August last year. And that was the worst crime we had in more than two decades! People were right to be angry!
-But since then, crime has really started to drop! Crime in January was more than 19% lower than January 2023, and lower than it had been since May 2022! The three-month rolling average in January was 5766 crimes/month… The last time it was that low was March 2022. The six month average in January was actually 0.6% lower than the six month average in January 2023.
  • It's hard to read into monthly data but trends are hard to ignore. But take your guess at what causes spikes and falls… It just seems hard to ignore that we are trending down right now (or at least, we were in the last almost-full months of data).

And of course, read into this how you will about the timelines and the elected officials certain folks are trying to get recalled. If your argument is that crime early last year was the fault of Price and Thao, then I guess will have to grapple with what falling crime rates mean on that front (January's monthly crime AND the three-month average were better than fall 2022, and the six-month average was better than the six-month average when they were inaugurated). If you think crime waves have momentum, then this whole mess started under previous administrations and Price and Thao slowed down that train – and deserve credit. Or you could recognize the crime wave has been national and started trending down in the 2022-23 range, and Oakland was just a bit behind everyone else… But we finally got there in September.

So, is it worth entirely undoing the 2022 election over? I think not.
submitted by WheelyCool to oakland [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:29 No-Wedding1800 Can We Talk About the SHO List of It All? One thing we have that GME does not

I see a lot of skepticism in here recently, and I think that’s partly because there haven’t been a ton of posts about the actual numbers and their implications, plus there wasn't a lot of drastic price movement during market hours this week. So, although there are severallll factors that go into this, I’m going to focus on the SHO List for tonight and touch on a few related components.
I'll try to be briefer this time, but... it's important to understand some of the data in order to really feel the optimism. Feel free to correct me in the comments and again, I am not a professional and this is absolutely not financial advice. I'm simply reading data, looking for patterns, and trying to figure out what they all could mean.

What is the SHO List and how did FFIE even get on it?

Source: https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/trader.aspx?id=RegSHOThreshold
You’ve probably heard by now that FFIE is on this list, and that it’s a good thing for us. But what does it really mean and why is it a good thing?

Ok so they were placed on the list on 5/9, what else is significant about this timeframe?

What About the Number of Shares Available to Short?

Key Takeaways:

  1. Given that FFIE has stayed on the SHO list every day since 5/9/24, we can assume that:
    1. They are forced to repay any FTD (close the position) that has been outstanding for 13 consecutive days. When we have the FTD data from the 2nd half of May, we might be able to use the 13-day rule to make some projections.
    2. They have maintained a minimum average of 2.2M FTDs per week to stay on the list
  2. And given what we know to be true:
    1. Because of SEC Rule 201, there have been several days when the price has dropped 10% or more and therefore short sellers have been forced to execute short sales above the National Best Bid. On top of being on the SHO list, this adds to the expense of covering shorts on certain days - if you have to cover a short approaching 13 days on a day when Rule 201 is imposed, you’re likely going to have to pay more and that will drive the price up more drastically
    2. Days to Cover is calculated as: Short Interest / Average Daily Share Volume
      1. Throughout the entire month of April, the highest daily volume by far was 80M on 4/29. On 5/10, volume reached > 100M and on 5/14 > 1B transactions in a single day. Volume has remained well over 100M ever since, with large increases starting on 5/1. Therefore, the short interest is being divided by an unusually large number, making 0.10 Days to Cover deceiving


All in all, being on the SHO list puts FFIE in a particularly unique position for a squeeze because it further regulates HFs by mandating that any FTDs > 13 days old are to be closed out. Since FFIE has remained on the list we know that in general, their FTDs are not improving and we can make an educated assumption that they’re in fact getting worse. This combined with the huge increases in volume/activity, the imposition of SEC rule 201 on certain days that makes shorting even more expensive, and the fact that HFs are running out of shares to short in general are all positive signs going into this week.
Unlike GME, we have the SHO list to put even more pressure on closing out positions and we have a CEO that is vocally backing retail investors (and even going so far as to sell - likely really lease - a car to a retail investor). There are more reasons to be confident in this stock now than there has ever been. If we can demolish the rest of the 3.2M Short Shares Available (or whatever that number is come Monday) while more and more FTDs from the previous "small squeeze" approach their 13-day deadline to be closed out, the cost to borrow will also increase and, well... we might just be in for a hell of a ride.
Tuesday, June 11th is an important day- we will finally get to see the FTD data for the 2nd half of May, which I anticipate will be very telling in terms of what to expect this week and next as we approach 13 business days from May 29. (source)
Here's a short article from China that I also haven't seen mentioned yet, with the CEO Jia giving an update on June 7th that they are going to aim to deliver 1 car a month, an exciting outlook after all of the rumors about stopping production, never reaching profitability blah blah blah: article
Battle resumes Monday.
Cheers everybody
submitted by No-Wedding1800 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:48 Hangie69 📚 StockMarket for Beginners: Key Metrics Every Investor Should Know📈

Welcome back, beginners! Today, let's delve into some key metrics and ratios that every investor should understand when analyzing stocks. By mastering these fundamental concepts, you'll be better equipped to make informed investment decisions and build a successful portfolio.
  1. Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio
    • The price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio is one of the most widely used valuation metrics in the stock market. It measures the price of a stock relative to its earnings per share (EPS).
    • Learn how to interpret the P/E ratio and understand what it signifies about a company's valuation and growth prospects.
  2. Earnings Per Share (EPS)
    • Earnings per share (EPS) is a measure of a company's profitability, calculated by dividing its net income by the number of outstanding shares.
    • Understand how to analyze a company's EPS and assess its growth trajectory and financial performance over time.
  3. Price-to-Book (P/B) Ratio
    • The price-to-book (P/B) ratio compares a company's stock price to its book value per share, indicating whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued relative to its net assets.
    • Learn how to calculate and interpret the P/B ratio and use it to identify potential investment opportunities in the stock market.
  4. Debt-to-Equity (D/E) Ratio
    • The debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio measures a company's financial leverage by comparing its total debt to its shareholders' equity.
    • Understand the significance of the D/E ratio and its implications for a company's financial health and risk profile.
  5. Return on Equity (ROE)
    • Return on equity (ROE) measures a company's profitability by evaluating its net income relative to shareholders' equity.
    • Learn how to analyze a company's ROE and assess its ability to generate profits from shareholders' investments.
  6. Dividend Yield
    • Dividend yield represents the annual dividend income generated by a stock relative to its current market price.
    • Understand how to calculate dividend yield and evaluate a company's dividend-paying capacity and investor return potential.
  7. Price-to-Sales (P/S) Ratio
    • The price-to-sales (P/S) ratio compares a company's stock price to its revenue per share, providing insights into its valuation relative to its sales.
    • Learn how to interpret the P/S ratio and use it as a valuation metric for companies with fluctuating earnings or negative profits.
  8. Join the Discussion!
    • Engage with our community and share your insights on these key metrics and ratios. Which metric do you find most valuable in your investment analysis, and why?
    • Have you used any of these metrics to evaluate potential investment opportunities? Share your experiences and observations with fellow members!
🚀 Ready to enhance your investment analysis skills? Mastering these key metrics and ratios will empower you to make more informed and confident investment decisions in the stock market.
Happy learning and investing! 📈
submitted by Hangie69 to StockMarketBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:25 fantasylovingheart Netflix's views and what to expect for part 2

Netflix's views and what to expect for part 2
This post comes from u/Strange_Inspection42 who asked me to post because she lacks the karma.
I’ve been truly enjoying myself these past few weeks since part one of season 3 dropped, watching and rewatching the show and following fandom shenanigans. It’s been a real joy to see everybody enjoying the season and to see it do so well in terms of numbers as well. I’ve been reading up on some of the articles about it and also following fandom discussions surrounding the topic and found myself a bit confused about how it all works. There’s a lot of words thrown around, such as “hours viewed” and “runtime” and “views” and at some point, I’ve started wondering how all these things relate to each other and what they mean for overall numbers. There are many people commenting on these numbers online (both people who love the season and its detractors) yet I couldn’t shake the feeling that a lot that’s being said doesn’t really reflect how it all works. So, what’s a girl to do but to try to work it out by herself? I had some time on my hands today, so I decided to sit down and do a little of my own research on the topic, by scouring Netflix’s viewing numbers on their page and I have reached a few conclusions that I would like to share. But, also, to open this up for correction to anyone who might understand this topic better than me and is willing to chip in. So, first things first, while part 1 got an outstanding number of views in its first four days of release, the number of views that part 2 gets will likely be significantly lower. Not because less people will watch (although that certainly is a possibility), no, the number of views will be lower even if MORE people watch it. That’s just how the math behind this all works. I would like to explain this on the example of season 3 of The Witcher, which also released in two parts and includes the information on views.
This screencap shows us the numbers from first four days of The Witcher on the platform. We can see that 73,000,000 hours of the show were viewed in this time. We can also see that the runtime for the first part of the show was 4:49. So how do we get the 15,200,000 number? Simple, we divide the hours viewed by the total runtime of part 1.
73,000,000 / 4.8 = 15,208,333
15,208,333 is then rounded down and that’s how we arrive at 15,200,000 overall views. Pretty simple right? This is how they continue to calculate this up till part 2 drops. Now let’s look at the numbers here.
Here we can see that The Witcher got 7,800,000 views on the week when part two dropped. That’s a big difference in views between part 1 and part 2, isn’t it? It went down almost 50%. However, if we look at the overall hours viewed, we’ll see that the difference there is much smaller. The hours viewed for the second part of the season amount to 80% of the hours viewed for the first part of the season in their respective first weeks. So why is the drop in views so significantly higher? Well, because with new episodes the total runtime of the show has increased. We no longer divide the hours viewed by 4.8, now we divide it by 7.6. Like this:
59,000,000 / 7.6 = 7,763,157
The 7,763,157 is then rounded up to 7,800,000.
This doesn’t mean that part two of s3 of The Witcher was a flop compared to the first part. The numbers of viewed hours for part 2 was lower but the part two was also shorter than part 1. I’m sure that some of the people watching decided to rewatch part 1 before part 2 but I imagine the majority jumped straight into part two. So most people watching would only watch half of the show but the hours they were bringing in were divided by the entire run of the show not just that half.
Okay, what does that mean for Bridgerton? Let’s play with a hypothetical. These were the numbers for the first four days of s3 part 1.
As we can see, people have watched 165,200,000 hours of part 1 in the first four days. That number was then divided by the runtime of part 1. 165,200,000 / 3.66 = 45,136,612 That number got rounded down to 45,100,000 and that’s how we got our views. Now what would happen if people watched the exact same number of hours for part 2 (unlikely but let’s roll with it). How would the numbers look then? Well, it depends on the runtime for part 2. Let’s say that second part of the season is just as long as the first part, bringing us to the total runtime of 7:20. In this hypothetical, we will have to divide 165,200,000 by 7.33 (Netflix could choose to round this number or not, I wouldn’t know). 165,200,000 / 7.33 = 22,537,517 They would most likely round this number down to 22,500,000 So, we can see that even with both parts having the same runtime and the same number of hours viewed, the overall views still went down by half. Now, what if the second part had a longer runtime than the first? Let’s say 4:20? This would bring our total runtime to 8:00. Let’s do the same calculation here. 165,200,000 / 8 = 20,650,000 (rounded up to 20,700,000)
Again, the total amount of views goes down, despite the numbers being comparable. The reason why I’m mentioning it is because many people in the fandom are expecting part 2 to repeat part 1 numbers but given how the math works for it all, it is unlikely. Hours viewed would likely have to double for that to happen. Regardless, if part 2 managed to get around 20,000,000 views in its first week, that would still be a huge success because it would mean they’ve retained most of the viewers. These numbers are of course all hypothetical, I have no idea how many hours people will view or how long the total runtime is going to be, but I just wanted to share the results of my hyper fixation with someone. Now, if anyone knows a little more about it and sees some glaring mistakes in my stream of thoughts, please let me know. I’m still quite interested to in knowing how this all works.
Let me know if you have any questions I can pass on.
submitted by fantasylovingheart to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:12 drunkinmidget Let's Talk About the Floor - Gamestop's Minimum Possible Share Price

I'm not seeing much discussion about the floor - that is, Gamestop's minimum possible share price - how these big three At-The-Market Share Offerings have/will change the floor, and what that means for squeezing out shorts. The floor should be understood and discussed, so I offer this humble attempt to start the conversation.
What Is The Floor?
The simplest calculation of what the lowest possible share price for company would be "Cash On Hand + Other Assets - Debt" divided by the total number of shares in the float. For example, if I company with 100 shares had $50 in cash, $50 in other assets, and no debt, the floor would be $1.00 per share (i.e. $50+$50-$0 divided by 100).
Gamestop has about $1.5 billion in non-cash assets (property, inventory, etc.). For the sake of simplicity, we will stick to that number. The cash on hand and share count obviously change.
The First Floor - June 2021
In June 2021, Gamestop completed an At-The-Market Equity Offering of 5,000,000 shares for $1.1 billion. It moved their total share count to 305 million shares. With $1.5 billion in assets, $1.1 billion in cash, and no real debt, the company was worth $8.52 per share based on tangible cash and assets.
The Second Floor - May 2024
In May 2024, Gamestop completed another At-The-Market Equity Offering, this time of 45,000,000 shares for $933 million. This brought cash up to $2 billion and total share count to 350 million. With $1.5 billion in assets, $2 billion in cash, and no real debt, the company was worth $10.00 per share based on tangible cash and assets.
The New Floor - June 2024
This month, Gamestop has announced another At-The-Market Equity Offering, this time for 75,000,000 shares. Obviously, we don't know the exact price here. However, if we go with a very conservative $35 per share, then the offering would be worth $2.625 billion. That would bring cash on hand up to $4.625 billion and total share count up to 425 million. With $1.5 billion in assets, $4.625 billion in cash, and no real debt, the company will be worth $14.41 per share based on tangible cash and assets.
What Does This Mean For The Actual Share Price
The company's share price is always higher than these numbers, as people buy shares based not only on the hard value of cash and assets, but also on the projection of future profits. So, the actual floor is where buy pressure is just too strong for shorts to lower the price any further. So, let's take a look how much higher that is.
Between June 2021 and May 2024, the lowest the share price closed at was $10.42. That's 122% of the company's per share worth in assets & cash.
Since the May 2024 offering, the lowest the share price closed at was $18.32. That's 183% of the company's per share worth in assets & cash. Sentiment is strong, as you can tell. The floor went from 122% to 183%.
So, going off that math, if Gamestop indeed made that offering at $35 per share, and sentiment continued at 183% of the company's worth in assets & cash, that would mean that the new floor is $26.37. (that's 105 fuggin dollars per share pre-split)
What Does a Rising Floor Mean?
For all you wanting MOASS, an ever rising minimum share price is a spectacular thing. There is a breaking point for short sellers, and the higher that floor goes, the higher the fluctuation sits at, the more painful it gets, and at some point that floor can even go above what the weakest short HF can manage. Boom, a domino falls.
For those of you playing options and wanting a little run to make a quick buck, this is spectacular news as well. All those $20 calls expiring on June 21st are in the money if the floor rises above $20, which this offering would do. If those calls are in the money, and they get exercised, boom. We have ourselves a nice run and you can get your quick tendies.
There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be upset with this move.
Tl;Dr - These share offerings are averaging up the lowest possible share price for Gamestop, and that rising floor means profit for everyone whether you're here for MOASS or a quick buck on a quick run.
submitted by drunkinmidget to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:52 Redd2015 FIB-4 index is high.

50M, 155 lbs, 5’9”, ex smoker.
My FIB-4 index is 2.1 which high..
AST is 28, ALT is 14, platelets 185. I do drink pretty often.
I know FIB-4 index is calculated by dividing AST by ALT, adjusted for age and platelet count.
Does a high FIB-4 index hold significance even when the AST and the ALT levels are within normal ranges?
what do you think? Anything I should be alarmed about here? Thank you.
submitted by Redd2015 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:08 Atsushi_Netoku88 Im Sure yall remember (or dont) remember the Oc, (Atsushi Netoku) i made a Few days ago, and im like Since i already made a clan surname, Why not post the literal clan history here and you also probably read, sukuna is the Progenitor of this clan, so ill explain that in a second too.

Before i tell u about the clan, ill refresh you of all members involved in netoku clan history:

Zenji Netoku

Hana Gojo

Kojo Netoku



Nara Era



Golden Age/Heian Era


Asami the 7th

Modern Era

Atsushi Netoku

Shoko Ieiri/Netoku

Jihn Netoku

Im not too good at storytelling so excuse me if this is a little wonky. Netoku clan history: In the era of clashing swords and shattering alliances, the land now known as Japan was a tapestry of warring factions, each vying for dominion over the other. It was a time when honor was written in blood, and peace was a fleeting dream, chased by the few who dared to envision a world beyond strife.
Amidst this chaos, a group of visionaries, bound by a shared ambition for harmony, came together to forge a new path. They were the founders of what would become the Netoku clan. Their unity was not born of mere idealism; it was a calculated response to the anarchy that threatened to consume them all.
Sukuna, with a voice laced with cynicism, recounted the tale to his younger brother, Harushi:
Sukuna: “Oh, my dear twin, you do love your fables, don’t you? While there may have been a confrontation between Zenji and I, it certainly didn’t take the form of the battle portrayed in your little poem. Real-life clashes don’t play out like fantasy epics. They’re messier, grittier, and far less dramatic. But if you prefer romanticized versions, by all means, keep your illusions intact.” (i dont think ill put the other version of the story here but if yall tryna see it, lemme know)
The founders, each a master of their own fate, knew that their individual ambitions could only be realized through a collective strength. They were warriors, scholars, and strategists, each wielding their influence as deftly as the blades at their sides.
The formation of the Netoku clan was not without its adversaries. Other clans, entrenched in the old ways of conquest and subjugation, saw this unification as a threat to their power. The Netoku clan faced resistance, both on the battlefield and in the courts.
Yet, through a blend of martial prowess and cunning diplomacy, the Netoku clan carved their place in history. They forged alliances with those who shared their vision, outmaneuvered those who opposed them, and won decisive victories that echoed through the mountains and valleys.
In time, the Netoku clan emerged not just as a force of warriors but as a beacon of the potential for unity in a divided land. Their legacy, built upon the dual pillars of ambition and cooperation, would endure through the ages, a testament to the power of a united front amidst the chaos of war. (and thats basically how everything started)
submitted by Atsushi_Netoku88 to CTsandbox [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:46 jupiteruns Assignment help: I feel like i can make this more efficient? Or more streamline, because I need to graph it and I'm a little lost. I'm only allowed to use what's taught in class. More in description.

Assignment help: I feel like i can make this more efficient? Or more streamline, because I need to graph it and I'm a little lost. I'm only allowed to use what's taught in class. More in description. submitted by jupiteruns to matlab [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:11 drowsyprof Attempting to compile an Exploding Dice math document (I am bad at math)

There is lots of scattered stuff I've found on math as it relates to exploding dice. I've been trying to re-learn a lot of mathematics that I've forgotten over the years and wrap my head around exploding dice averages and probabilities. I wanted to compile some of it for anyone else that is looking for it. I think it would be really cool to create a concise document containing the math people frequently have interest in. This is anything but concise, but I am working with my own lack of ability at the moment so this is a work-in-progress. It's really just an idea for later as from my own personal experience it can be pretty frustrating searching around numerous posts for different but related formulas on exploding dice, with no one central reference.

Fun SWADE math that I've broken down myself

Less common math stuff
Just defining some things that may or may not look familiar to everyone. (Especially b/c I'm a programmer, not a mathematician, so I may be using different symbols)
Probability of beating target t with a single die of size n
Let's talk about how to calculate the odds of success for a single exploding die.
First, the odds of success without exploding dice. On a d4, that would be 100% for 1, 75% for 2, 50% for 3, 25% for 4. We can think of the odds of success here as how many results are less than the target number. This can be represented as 1 - ((t-1) / n). Let's break this down.
Now let's factor in the exploding die. The chance of a die exploding is 1/n per roll, since exactly one result on the roll will explode.
Assuming a d4 is being rolled against target number 6, we know that we need to roll a 4 and then a 2.
How can we do this generically? Well, let's think of it like this: we need to multiple the odds of the final roll by 1/n (odds of explosion) a number of times equal to the number of explosions needed to reach t. With a d4 and t=9, for instance, we need to explode twice. So we would multiply the final roll's odds by the odds of explosion twice. If you haven't realized, that is just using an exponent.
So we're looking at ((1/n) ^ x) * (1 - ((y-1) / n)) where x is the number of explosions and y is the target number for the final roll. (Not to be confused with t which is the overall target) But how do we define x and y in terms of our original variables?
The number of explosions needed is just how many instances of n can be subtracted from t. You may have noticed that means we can divide to get this number. Ex: 9/4 would give 2.25, indicating we need 2 explosions. We can ignore the decimal, the remainder only matters for the final target number. So we will "floor" the result. (round down)
Now, how do we get the target number of the final roll? Well, we can calculate the remainder after division with modulo: y = t%n... Not quite. See, using d4 as an example, modulo will give us a value between 0 and 3, indicating the remainder. But we ideally would like a value between 1 and 4 indicating the final target number. We can correct this by subtracting 1 from t initially, then adding 1 to the modulo result. For most numbers this will be the same as just doing the modulo but it will correct 0s to become n (4 in our example) so long as we aren't attempting a target number that is 0 or negative. (8 becomes 7, modulo to 3, add back to 4... normally 8%4 would just be 0) So our final result to get y is:
When we put it all together, we get this: ((1/n) ^ (floor(t / n))) * (1 - (( (((t-1) % n) + 1) - 1) / n)).... Almost. If you start using this, you'll notice a glitch we've created here. Namely, when we hit the multiples of n. Let's look at d4 again. When we try target number 4, the result will be way off from .25. That is because we don't actually need an explosion yet until we reach 5, but our x calculation earlier would suggest we need 1 explosion at this point and would thus be multiplying .25 for a single explosion by .25 as the final target number. The correction is simple, just subtract 1 from t when determining how many explosions are needed so that it doesn't go up until we are 1 above a multiple of n.
Example: n=4 (d4), t=6
Example: n=6 (d6), t=18
Probability of beating target t with one of multiple dice of sizes na, nb, nc, ... (wild dice)
To determine the odds of success, it is actually easier to determine the odds that none of the dice will succeed and subtract that from 100%. This is because in order to combine those odds together (odds of not succeeding for each die) we can just multiply them together. Let's assume that P(n) represents that entire formula we did earlier for probability of a single die so that we don't have to keep re-writing it, where we will replace n with one of the more specific na, nb, ... values.
Example: t=10, na=4 (d4), nb=6 (d6, wild die)

Things I'm still working on learning/explaining

Probability of beating target t with multiple dice of sizes na, nb, ... added together (damage dice)
I haven't figured this one out yet. I am bad at math. I will update this when I do. It is complicated to me because the curves aren't really linear when combining dice. (see the d12 vs 2d6 debates) I have simulated it and know for instance that d4+d6 vs 10 comes out to something near 26% just when running tens of thousands of rolls. But I can't figure out a formula behind that. I need to emphasize that I am terrible at math.
Average of an exploding die roll
This is weird, right? Because exploding dice can generate infinite results. But you can still get a simple mathematical average because the odds of getting larger results still trends down towards 0%, even if it never reaches 0%. I am not well-versed enough in this to do a full explanation, but for the curious the result is this:
I found the answer here. (They use different variables than I do so that could be confusing if you read this post right after reading the stuff above) There is also a small bit of calculus (I see a dy/dx notation in there) which I was once good at, but have not used in so many years that I remember little else other than the notation.
Example: d6:
Average of multiple exploding dice added together
Literally just add them together. Average of 2d6 exploding is 8.4. :)
submitted by drowsyprof to savageworlds [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:15 Evoluxman 2019 Electoral results - something doesn't add up

A friend of mine wanted me to make a small python script to get the seat distribution from the party vote counts. So I did just that, and then my friend says "well your script doesn't correspond to the real results". So I double check the software and no, the script is right. For context, Belgium uses the d'Hondt method (except at the local level). You take each party's vote count, and you give a seat to the party with the most vote. You then divide their vote count by 2. Then once again you pick the biggest number. If it's the same party, you divide the total vote by 3, then 4, 5, etc... until all seats are filled. To go faster, just divide all the votes like that, and you pick the N biggest numbers, N being the number of seats you have to allocate.
Let's say there's a party A that got 100 votes and party B got 60 votes. 5 seats are to be filled.
Denominator Party A Party B
1 100 60
2 50 30
3 33.3 20
4 25 15
5 20 12
Party A gets 3 seats, party B gets two seats.
So I check and my script does just that. But in the electoral district of Mons, for the 2019 Wallon parliament, something doesn't add up. 5 seats are to be given. IRL, PS got 2 seats, PTB got 1, MR got 1 and Ecolo got 1. Here is my math (only did 3 rows because it was enough to fill all 5 seats):
Denominator PS PTB MR Ecolo cdH
1 50242 22346 20905 15458 12090
2 25121 11173 10452,5 7729 6045
3 16747,33 7448,66 6968,33 5152,666667 4030
By all means the PS should have gotten the 3rd seat. An easy check, the PS vote divided by 3 is 16748, it's more than the total Ecolo votes! So why did Ecolo get that seat? I have tried multiple online calculators and all say PS should have gotten 3 and Ecolo 0. This method works just fine for the 2014 and 2009 results too.
submitted by Evoluxman to belgium [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:01 mkanhnh Statement of household expenses and contributions.

My adult daughter is on SSI, I am her representative payee. When calculating her portion of expenses do I divide by the number of household members or the number of adults only?
We recently added two adults and a child(family members) to our home.
I had one representative tell me one way, and another one tell me the other. I want to make sure I calculate it correctly.
submitted by mkanhnh to SocialSecurity [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:00 a3330368 Streamline SFOP questions: how many form 14653 and how many lines of red writings do I need?

I'm working on my SFOP and the following forms are what I need to file.
2020 one return of form 1040 with schedule 1, 2, 3 and B two returns of form 8621
2021 one return of form 1040 with schedule 1, 2, 3, B and D one return of form 8621 one return of form 8949
2022 one return of form 1040 with schedule 1, 2, 3, B and D one return of form 8949
How many form 14653 do I need to attach and how many red lines of "Streamlined Foreign Offshore" do I need to write?
IRS says
Include at the top of the first page of each delinquent or amended tax return and at the top of each information return "Streamlined Foreign Offshore" written in red to indicate that the returns are being submitted under these procedures. This is critical to ensure that your returns are processed through these special procedures.
Complete and sign a statement on the Certification by U.S. Person Residing Outside of the U.S. (Form 14653)PDF certifying (1) that you are eligible for the Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures; (2) that all required FBARs have now been filed (see instruction 8 below); and (3) that the failure to file tax returns, report all income, pay all tax, and submit all required information returns, including FBARs, resulted from non-willful conduct. You must submit the original signed statement and you must attach copies of the statement to each tax return and information return being submitted through these procedures.
My calculation is seven form 14653 and six red lines. Three forms and lines for 2020, two for 2021, one for 2022, plus one separate original form 14653. Is this correct?
If it's correct, then
Do I need to wet sign one original form 14653 and make six photocopies of it? Can I print seven form 14653 and wet sign all of them instead?
What should I use to divide all the papers into three stacks? Staples, clips, sleeves or something else?
Lastly, just want to be sure, is the tax due date this year for US expats June 17?
submitted by a3330368 to USExpatTaxes [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:27 ConsciousRun6137 The Serpent People Return to Ukraine

The Serpent People Return to Ukraine
This article was written prior to the Russian-Ukraine War, but gives historical insight into what’s at play today.

DNA Science, Ukraine, and a Second Jewish Homeland

“Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” — Jesus Christ, Matthew 23:33
“We have journeyed to the center of the world and landed in the belly of the serpent.” — Rabbi Joel Bakst, “Journey to the Center of the Torah,” www.chazantorah.org, 2007
Everything is coming together. DNA Science has torn back the curtains of time and revealed the Serpent and his people. The ones we today call “Jews” are the very disciples of the evil entity whom the Bible describes as, “that old serpent, the devil.”
The Bible verse is referring to Lucifer the Devil – Rev. 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the WHOLE world: he was cast out to the Earth, and his angels (you – Luke 9:55) were cast out with him (Matt. 25:41).
From the early centuries of the first millennia, the Khazars of Eastern Europe were known as the diabolical “Serpent People,” and now, the nation of Israel has admitted that its people are indeed, the Khazars.
The admission by the Israelis that the Jews are not related to ancient Israel but to Khazaria was reported in The Times of Israel (Leaked Report: Israel Acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret Plan for Reverse Migration to Ukraine, March 18, 2014). That article, by Professor Jim Wald, related that the Israeli leadership in Jerusalem is sending military equipment and settlers from Israel to Ukraine.
The Jews have taken charge of that ravaged country’s government and finances and intend eventually to make the Ukraine a “second homeland” for the Jews.
Their plan, leaked by governmental insiders, came only after Netanyahu and his cabinet reviewed growing DNA genetic evidence that the Jews are not the descendants of Abraham. Instead, they came from Khazaria, of which Kiev, Ukraine is the centerpiece. In fact, the Jews of Israel and the U.S. are of Ukrainian heritage. Ukraine is in the heartland of Khazaria.

Back to Khazaria

The rabbis teach that in the eighth century, the entire nation of Khazaria converted to the Talmud (Matt. 15:6) and to kabbalistic Judaism. Adopting the sordid, but occultly revealing, sex symbol of the six-pointed star, the pagan Khazars, known for centuries as the “Serpent People,” battled against both Christians and Islamists. Later, as converted “Jews” they migrated to Poland and Eastern Europe. Today they are found mostly in the U.S.A. and in Israel.
DNA Science has today confirmed this Khazar lineage of the Jews. I document the Khazar bloodline heritage in my definitive book, DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline.
The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations One-World-Government Conspiracy and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion – The Khazar Jews, or Eastern Jews, were an ancient warrior race of Turkish (Edomite / Idumean – Esau) origin who had interbred with the Ashkenazim and converted to Judaism en masse at the end of the 8th century. They were conquered by the native Russians and the mass of Khazars remained in Russia under their own closely-knit Talmudic government. They ghettoised themselves and lived under strict Talmudic Law, segregating themselves as far as possible from their host nation, except in the areas of occupation which could be used to carry out the Talmudic edicts to profit from their host.
The Khazars, identified in Revelation 2 and 3 as the wicked “Synagogue of Satan,” (Rev. 2:9; Rev. 3:9) are further identified in Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophetically as the people of Gog, from the land of Magog. Prophecy clearly tells us that this warlike serpentine people shall invade and conquer Israel first, then go on to plunge the entire planet into chaos and warfare (Rev. 20:8).
From Khazaria to Israel, and back to Khazaria (Ukraine) is Israel’s secret plan. After suppressing the Ukraine nation, the Jewish conquests will continue until the Jews achieve their New World Order.
The AshkeNAZI Synagogue of Satan Explained.No-one will EVER understand world history and what is happening now, unless they learn and understand that the NAZIs are actually AshkeNAZI counterfeit-Jews who have, through their banksterism and Rothschild national central banks, gained control of most governments of the world, by buying (bribing) traitorous politicians, like Arthur Balfour (author of “The Balfour Declaration”), to enact legislation to “legalise” their plans against the politicians’ own nations, in contravention of God’s Law, whilst THEY claim falsely to be God’s Chosen People, because, in reality, God hates them.

Domination of America

In 2007, American political science professors James Petras, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt reached the conclusion that America’s foreign policy is now dominated by the Israel Lobby. The Jews do this through their powerful monied groups, AIPAC, the ADL, and the AJC. They control both the Republican and the Democrat Parties, and the White House does their bidding. That bidding includes the conquest of Ukraine.
U.S. Foreign Policy: The Ukrainian Factor – The build-up, arming and funding of the Ukrainian military by the United States, and the attacks in the Donbas region were orchestrated to get Russia out of Syria while, at the same time, to get the Christian people of Ukraine out of Ukraine, by genocide using them as cannon-fodder, and causing mass-emigration by people fleeing the slaughter.
But, how did the Jews come to acknowledge their Khazarian bloodline link? Professor Jim Wald notes in The Times of Israel:
“The surprising turn of events had an even more surprising origin: Genetics, a field in which Israeli scholars have long excelled.
“It is well known that sometime in the eighth and ninth centuries, the Khazars, a warlike Turkic people, converted to Judaism and ruled over a vast domain in what became southern Russia and Ukraine. What happened to them after the Russians destroyed that empire around the eleventh century has become a mystery. Many have speculated that the Khazars became the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews.
“During the U.N. debate over Palestine’s partition, Chaim Weizman responded… ‘It is very strange. All my life I have been a Jew, felt like a Jew, and I now learn that I am a Khazar.’”

A Blue-Ribbon Team of Scholars

The 2012 genetic discoveries by Dr. Eran Elhaik of the prestigious Johns Hopkins Medical University, that the Jews are not of ancient Israel but originated in Khazaria, stunned the Israelis. It has now been followed by other high-level scientific research. Wald reports that, “a blueribbon team of scholars from leading research institutions and museums” was then appointed to study the DNA.
These authorities, said Wald, “issued a secret report to the government acknowledging the fact that European Jews are in fact Khazars.”

The Ukraine Solution: Two Jewish Homelands

A Blue-Ribbon Team of Scholars
The 2012 genetic discoveries by Dr. Eran Elhaik of the prestigious Johns Hopkins Medical University, that the Jews are not of ancient Israel but originated in Khazaria, stunned the Israelis. It has now been followed by other high-level scientific research. Wald reports that, “a blueribbon team of scholars from leading research institutions and museums” was then appointed to study the DNA.
These authorities, said Wald, “issued a secret report to the government acknowledging the fact that European Jews are in fact Khazars.”

The Ukraine Solution: Two Jewish Homelands

A blue-ribbon committee of scientists reviewed the DNA and other evidence and told the Israeli government that, indeed, the Jews are of the Khazarian bloodline. Prime Minister Netanyahu has secretly decided to settle Jews in Ukraine, and infuse that country with military and intelligence officials. In essence, the Jews will make Ukraine, centerpiece of ancient Khazaria, a second homeland for the Jews.
At first, this result was deemed unhappy, even ominous, but, says Wald, Prime Minister Netanyahu and his advisors surprised us by bringing in their “Ukraine Solution.” Some Jewish settlers would leave Israel and return to Ukraine. This resettling into Ukraine would take time, for reasons of logistics and economics. The end result, however, would be two Jewish homelands, Israel and Ukraine.
“We’re not talking about all the Ashkenazi Jews going back to Ukraine,” explained a well-placed source in intelligence circles, “obviously this is not practical.”
Wald calls this solution “Khazaria 2.0.” “All Jews will be welcomed back to Ukraine without condition as citizens.” What’s more, the Israeli government promises an “infusion of massive Israeli military assistance” to Ukraine, “including troops, equipment, and construction of new bases.”
“If the initial transfer works, other West Bank settlers would be encouraged to relocate to Ukraine as well.”
In effect, Ukraine is to become an “autonomous Jewish domain,” a small-scale successor to the medieval empire of Khazaria… It would be called, in Yiddish, Chazerai.
“By lining up with the Syrian rebels and Ukraine, as well as Georgia and Azerbaijan” (also part of the ancient Khazarian territory), one source explains, Netanyahu “puts pressure on both Syria and Russia.”
A Mathematical Bible Code – But near Megiddo, hidden from tourists, is one of Israel’s most important Air-Force bases, Ramat David. It is in the North, facing Israel’s implacable foe, Syria. It would be on the front line of any real war in the modern Middle East. … The name of the actual site of the long-prophesied Final Battle appears with his name in a single skip sequence: ‘Armageddon, Asad holocaust.’ ‘Syria’ is encoded with ‘world war’. It is the country that stands out, because it is not expected*. ‘Russia’ and ‘China’ and ‘USA’ also appear with ‘world war’ but they are the three superpowers most likely to be involved. Syria is the surprise.

Israel and U.S. Stage a Bloody Coup in Ukraine

Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine (2014-2019), is Jewish. The Jews, with U.S. support and manipulation, now control Ukraine and are busy murdering Ukranians and setting up concentration camps. Israel plans to make Ukraine a second Jewish homeland. Currently, a meager 0.2 percent of Ukraine is made up of Jews, but the Jewish minority took over the USSR and massacred 66 million people! (In 2019, he was defeated by Volodymyr Zelenskyy who is also Jewish).
Thus, we understand the current Ukraine political mess. The Jews launched the quest for their new Ukrainian homeland. They have support from the United States, as witness — the Jewish diplomat, Victoria Nuland, of the State Department. The U.S. is warning Vladimir Putin to keep a distance from Ukraine and to relinquish Russia’s historic ties to that nation, now ruled by Israel.
The constitutionally elected Ukrainian President, Yanukovych, was overthrown last year by the U.S. and Israel, with the CIA and the Mossad both deeply involved. A Jewish billionaire, Petro Poroshenko, was quickly installed as President. Jewish money and military might is constantly being flown into Ukraine. Ukrainian Christians (not Jews!) are being slaughtered. Genocide is underway.
All property is being appropriated by Jewish oligarchs. The Israelis learned in Turkey (1905), the Soviet Union (1917)(Rev. 11:7), and Palestine (1948)(Matt. 24:32) how to work as a corrupt and calculating “minority” to dominate a larger, gentile majority.

Pity the Ukranian People

We should all feel great pity and sorrow for the suffering Ukrainian people. They are being massacred and oppressed by the arrogant Zionist Jews who have, with America’s help, now become the “slave masters of Ukraine.” Even the concentration camps have been reopened and are filling up with native Ukrainians.
Israel’s oligarchs, under Poroshenko’s iron hand, are dividing up the spoils of their Ukrainian takeover. The economy is falling—it has sank to only forty percent of its pre-2013 level. Israel is stealing natural gas and oil from the destabilized Middle East and selling it for huge profits to energy-starved Ukraine. Everything will change.
This is the greatest tragedy since the Satanic Khazars invaded peaceful, unarmed Palestine in 1948, killing and battering the Palestinians and driving hundreds of thousands into desert refugee camps.
Americans are oblivious to the horror their Administration is causing the Ukraine people. But God knows. He sees. He feels. We have sowed the wind. Now we shall reap the whirlwind.
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:42 subillusion Parcel Upgrades - Counter-post to TastyWallet. 😉

First, I want to thank TastyWallet for his math and strategy, as always. His post can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/AtlasEarthOfficial/s/55G5qUxIVY
His post looks at this from the max-your-rent player perspective (which is great!) I wanted to give my thoughts and predictions from a slightly different perspective - game sustainability. I've mentioned some of these thoughts in comments, but want to clean it up for a concise reference post.
I've made a post previously about sustainability numbers (link at the end of this post if interested). Unless specified otherwise , all numbers and calculations are referring to US numbers. The concepts are similar internationally, just the numbers different because of ad revenue differences. My previous sustainability post makes some key resulting points, which I will summarize here: - 1h ad boost excluding those at the 2x boost level is paid for by the ad revenue. This is why each tier is a target max of ~2.0-2.5 cents per hour (aka per ad) - SRB paid for by sponsor - 1h ad boost at the 2x boost level is just extra income for AE to pay bills and/or allow them to self-sponsor SRBs as well as other events like conversion boosts, etc. - Unboosted Rent is actually 50% income for AE. That is, regardless of your boost level, if you make $0.01 in rent while unboosted, that is actually also $0.01 in extra revenue for AE...because... - Rent income, up to 2x boost, is paid for by the interest income (and possibly investment income) on the $$ required for the 100AB needed to buy the parcel in the first place.
That means that 150 legendary parcels at 30x is not sustainable in and of itself. This maths to $0.07128 per hour (aka per ad), compared to the statistical average of $0.025596, or roughly 2.79 times as much!
To get back to sustainability, the cost of the parcel upgrades would have to pay for that extra 1.79x in rent. At average rarity, a single parcel would make $0.000011376 per hour on a 2x boost. This is what's paid for by interest income on 100AB. So to make back the $0.045684 extra in rent per hour that would be like 4016 parcels at average rarity at the 2x boost level, or a grand total of 401,600AB! Divide by 150 parcels, that's an average of a little more than 2677AB per parcel to upgrade to legendary.
Let's keep in mind that not all parcels need to be upgraded.
The following analysis is going to be extremely complex, just to warn in advance...
At 150 parcels, on average a player would have 75C, 45R, 23E, and 7L. If we calculate a weighted average based on cost-difference of L: C = 33, R = 28, E = 22, L = 0 This gives us an arbitrary figure of 4241 to work with (assuming differing upgrade costs relative to the rent amounts)... pull the number of AB required from before, that's 401600/4241, multiply back out by the multiplier for each rarity and that leaves us with an approximate upgrade cost of 3124 for common, 2651 for rare, or 2083 for epic. 😵‍💫
Granted this is the worst case scenario at the highest boost tier. It's unclear if the upgrade cost will change based on your total number of parcels like your boost does. I hope so!
I'm not going to do all tiers right now (might edit later to add some) but the 20x tier would be much softer, since you're looking at a delta of only 70 parcels, and the boost amount is less. 70 legendary parcels @20x is $0.022176 vs 70 avg rarity which would be $0.0079632, or $0.0142128 difference. This would be like 1250 parcels, or 125,000AB. 70 parcels would be 35C, 21R, 11E, 3L, or a total figure of 1985 to work with as above... 125000/1985 would boil down to about 2078 per common, 1763 per rare, or 1385 per epic.
My prediction is that if you're looking at a static one-price-fits-all for upgrades, it will likely be 2500AB each. If you're looking at a static one-price-per-rarity, 3000AB for common, 2500AB for rare, and 2000AB for epic. If it varies based on boost tier, then take those numbers and subtract 200AB each for the first 3 tiers, 100AB each for the next 3, and 50AB each for all the rest (cumulative).
Reference link on my sustainability analysis: https://www.reddit.com/AtlasEarthOfficial/s/mToOVK4A8N
submitted by subillusion to AtlasEarthOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:42 PM_me_ur_pain Guide- How is freelance income taxed differently, compared to salary income

Tl:dr: Freelance Income is considered as a business or profession income, whereas salaried income. The treatment is different under income tax act, professional tax and GST act.

~Income Tax Act~

For easy understanding, the income tax divides the income based on the nature of the Income into 5 heads. They are:

1. Income from Salary
2. Income from Business or Profession
3. Income from House Property
4. Income from Capital Gains
5. Income from Other Sources

The rest of the income tax deals with special rules relating to situations or type of entities. These rules either increase your taxable income or decrease your taxable income or provide methods and rates to calculate the taxable income and taxes.

Your income for the financial year is categorized and totaled in a single ITR and then the taxes are calculated. You can not file multiple Income tax returns for one financial year.

So, the freelance income will be filled under the head of “Income from Business and Profession” whereas the Salary Income will fall under the head of “Income from Salary”.

This means that the benefits and deductions available to salaried individuals are NOT available for freelancers. The major ones are:
1. Standard deduction of 50000
2. Generous calculation of perks such as provision of Car by the employer.
3. House rent Allowance
4. Other Allowances such as Food, Uniform, travel, Leave Travel Allowance.
Note: The tax benefit on allowance is phased out in New Tax Regime.
~Professional Tax Act~
Professional tax is a state level Act that requires taxpayers to pay upto Rs. 2500/year as professional tax. As a salaried employee, the professional tax is deducted and deposited by your employer. But as a freelancer, you are required to enrol for professional tax(PTEC) and make the deposits on your own.

~GST Act~
Salaries are exempt from GST due to entry 1 in Schedule III of the CGST Act,2017.
But, the services provided by the freelancers are fully subject to the provisions of the GST Act. The freelancers must comply with GST Act. Currently as a service provider, you are required to register for GST if your turnover during the financial year crosses Rs. 20lakhs.

Once you register for GST, you are required to collect an additional 18% GST on your services. Though the client pays you 18%, if the client is registered under GST, it is not added to the cost of services as the client can claim credit of the GST paid to you.

Provident Fund: As an employee, you can contribute upto 24% of your total CTC to Provident Fund. A freelancer can not contribute more than Rs. 1,50,000 per year to Provident Fund.

Labour laws: Non existent , hence not discussed.

And that is all for my perspective on how Freelancing income is treated differently from a salaried income.

submitted by PM_me_ur_pain to IndiaTax [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:40 PM_me_ur_pain Guide- How is freelance income taxed differently, compared to salary income

Tl:dr: Freelance Income is considered as a business or profession income, where as salaried income. The treatment is different under income tax act, professional tax and GST act.

~Income Tax Act~

For easy understanding, the income tax divides the income based on the nature of the Income into 5 heads. They are:

1. Income from Salary
2. Income from Business or Profession
3. Income from House Property
4. Income from Capital Gains
5. Income from Other Sources

The rest of the income tax deals with special rules relating to situations or type of entities. These rules either increase your taxable income or decrease your taxable income or provide methods and rates to calculate the taxable income and taxes.

Your income for the financial year is categorized and totaled in a single ITR and then the taxes are calculated. You can not file multiple Income tax returns for one financial year.

So, the freelance income will be filled under the head of “Income from Business and Profession” whereas the Salary Income will fall under the head of “Income from Salary”.

This means that the benefits and deductions available to salaried individuals are NOT available for freelancers. The major ones are:
1. Standard deduction of 50000
2. Generous calculation of perks such as provision of Car by the employer.
3. House rent Allowance
4. Other Allowances such as Food, Uniform, travel, Leave Travel Allowance.
Note: The tax benefit on allowance is phased out in New Tax Regime.
~Professional Tax Act~
Professional tax is a state level Act that requires taxpayers to pay upto Rs. 2500/year as professional tax. As a salaried employee, the professional tax is deducted and deposited by your employer. But as a freelancer, you are required to enrol for professional tax(PTEC) and make the deposits on your own.

~GST Act~
Salaries are exempt from GST due to entry 1 in Schedule III of the CGST Act,2017.
But, the services provided by the freelancers are fully subject to the provisions of the GST Act. The freelancers must comply with GST Act. Currently as a service provider, you are required to register for GST if your turnover during the financial year crosses Rs. 20lakhs.

Once you register for GST, you are required to collect an additional 18% GST on your services. Though the client pays you 18%, if the client is registered under GST, it is not added to the cost of services as the client can claim credit of the GST paid to you.

Provident Fund: As an employee, you can contribute upto 24% of your total CTC to Provident Fund. A freelancer can not contribute more than Rs. 1,50,000 per year to Provident Fund.

Labour laws: Non existent , hence not discussed.

And that is all for my perspective on how Freelancing income is treated differently from a salaried income.

submitted by PM_me_ur_pain to IndiaInvestments [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:07 Tarzan_Diaz Understanding DSCR Loans, Fix and Flip Loans, and Fix to Rent Loans

Understanding DSCR Loans, Fix and Flip Loans, and Fix to Rent Loans

In the realm of real estate financing, various loan products cater to specific investment strategies and business models. Three commonly discussed loans are DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) loans, fix and flip loans, and fix to rent loans. Each serves a distinct purpose and comes with its own set of qualifications and benefits. Understanding these differences is crucial for real estate investors to choose the right financing option for their projects.

DSCR Loans
A DSCR loan is a type of real estate loan that assesses a borrower's ability to repay based on the income generated from the property rather than their personal income. The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) is a key metric used to determine this.
Key Features:
Income-Based Qualification: The primary factor for qualification is the property’s income relative to its debt obligations. A higher DSCR indicates better ability to cover debt.
Use Case: Suitable for income-generating properties like multifamily units, commercial buildings, and rental properties.
DSCR Calculation: Typically, DSCR is calculated as Net Operating Income (NOI) divided by Total Debt Service. A DSCR of 1.25 or higher is often required, meaning the property generates 25% more income than the debt payments.
Less Reliance on Personal Income: Investors with irregular or non-traditional income streams can benefit.
Focus on Property Performance: Emphasizes the property’s ability to generate income.
Strict Income Requirements: Properties must generate sufficient income to qualify.
Potentially Higher Rates: Lenders may charge higher interest rates due to perceived risk.
Fix and Flip Loans
Fix and flip loans are short-term loans designed for real estate investors looking to purchase, renovate, and quickly sell a property for a profit.
Key Features:
Short-Term Financing: Typically, 6 to 24 months.
Renovation Focus: Funds can be used for both property acquisition and renovation costs.
Quick Turnaround: Ideal for investors aiming to complete renovations and sell the property within a short period.
Fast Approval: Lenders often offer expedited approval processes.
Flexible Terms: Some lenders offer flexible repayment options and terms tailored to the investor's timeline.
Higher Interest Rates: These loans often come with higher interest rates due to their short-term nature and associated risks.
Risk of Market Fluctuations:** The property must be sold quickly to avoid market downturns affecting profitability.
Fix to Rent Loans
Fix to rent loans, also known as buy and hold loans, are designed for investors who plan to purchase, renovate, and then retain the property as a rental.
Key Features:
Longer-Term Financing: Unlike fix and flip loans, fix to rent loans offer longer terms, often ranging from 5 to 30 years.
Focus on Rental Income: These loans take into account the potential rental income post-renovation.
Transition: Allows for an initial short-term loan for the purchase and renovation, which can then be converted into a long-term rental loan.
Rental Income Generation: Provides a steady stream of income from tenants.
Equity Building: As the property is held over time, equity builds up through appreciation and mortgage repayment.
Longer Commitment: Investors must be prepared for a long-term commitment and the responsibilities of being a landlord.
Upfront Costs: Initial renovation costs can be high, and the property might not generate income until renovations are complete.
Choosing between a DSCR loan, a fix and flip loan, or a fix to rent loan depends largely on the investor’s strategy, timeline, and financial goals. DSCR loans are ideal for those focused on acquiring income-generating properties with strong cash flow. Fix and flip loans cater to investors looking for quick turnarounds and profits through renovation and sale. Fix to rent loans support long-term investment strategies aimed at building rental income and property equity. Understanding the nuances of each loan type enables investors to align their financing choices with their specific real estate investment objectives.
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submitted by Tarzan_Diaz to CommercialLoans [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:58 HariSeldon16 Difficulty getting Calculate to filter by date - returns blank?

Difficulty getting Calculate to filter by date - returns blank?
Hello all,
Still learning, so I'm sure I'm making an easy mistake.
I have a table "Appended Daily", which contains historic loan data by month end dates. In this same table, I have one specific dynamic date with relevant values calculating in PQ before it loads into power bi. For reference, today that date value is 06/08/2024. There are various loan data columns in this table, but for this example the relevant columns are GroupDate, GroupDateText, PrincipalBalance, and CapitalizedInterest. This table contains all the relevant loan data for all loans in my portfolio, so today's date occurs for each loan in the portfolio. i,e if I have 100 loans, filtering for today's date will result in 100 rows.
I am trying to create a DAX measure for a card, which will calculate today's capitalized interest % of principal balance, aka TODAY_PIK. I am trying to have this calculate by filtering for the relevant rows that have todays date, add the principal balances, add the capitalized interest balances, and then divide into each other.
The following calculation, without filtering the date, calculates fine for the entire table, and results in a value of 14%
TODAY_PIK = VAR Today1 = DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()), DAY(TODAY())) Return CALCULATE( DIVIDE( SUM('Appended Daily'[Capitalized Interest]), SUM('Appended Daily'[Principal Balance]), 0 ) ) 
When I add the filtering function, the output on the card is "blank". I have verified today's date 06/08/2024 exists in the GroupDate column, as data type date.
TODAY_PIK = VAR Today1 = DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()), DAY(TODAY())) Return CALCULATE( DIVIDE( SUM('Appended Daily'[Capitalized Interest]), SUM('Appended Daily'[Principal Balance]), 0 ), 'Appended Daily'[GroupDate] = Today1 ) 
I have also tried creating a column called "GroupDateText", which is the GroupDate column converted to text value, and then formatting Today1 as a text value.
GroupDateText = FORMAT('Appended Daily'[GroupDate], "MM/DD/YYYY") TODAY_PIK = VAR Today1 = FORMAT(TODAY(),"MM/DD/YYYY") Return CALCULATE( DIVIDE( SUM('Appended Daily'[Capitalized Interest]), SUM('Appended Daily'[Principal Balance]), 0 ), 'Appended Daily'[GroupDateText] = Today1 ) 
Something is wrong with the way I am trying to do the filtering function. Any ideas? I've tried googling extensively and chat gpt but cannot figure this one out.
For additional detail, here is the output of a separate measure called "Todays Date", formatted as text, and an example of the table filtered to today's date. Also an illustration of how the data appears in the table, and how the columns are formatted. For the avoidance of doubt, there is quite a bit of numbers in both the principal balance and capitalized interest columns, so the division of their sums should not equal 0.
I don't know what happened in the last half hour, but the text component of the filtering just started to randomly work. I don't feel like I actually changed anything since I made this post. I would still like to know how to make it work with pure date formats for learning purposes if anyone has thoughts.
submitted by HariSeldon16 to PowerBI [link] [comments]
