Uniform statistics 2010

Collapse of Civilization

2008.05.02 15:47 Collapse of Civilization

Discussion regarding the potential collapse of global civilization, defined as a significant decrease in human population and/or political/economic/social complexity over a considerable area, for an extended time. We seek to deepen our understanding of collapse while providing mutual support, not to document every detail of our demise.

2010.02.16 20:01 rexjoec r/Investments: Sharing and discovering new investments and investment opportunities

Investments is a community for sharing and discovering new investments and investment opportunities, both mainstream and alternative.

2009.01.31 02:51 ProLife

A place for Pro-Lifers of all religious, secular and political views to gather on Reddit.

2024.05.16 21:05 abtasty The Truth Behind the 14-Day A/B Test Period

The Truth Behind the 14-Day A/B Test Period
The A/B testing method involves a simple process: create two variations, expose them to your customer, collect data, and analyze the results with a statistical formula.
But, how long should you wait before collecting data? With 14 days being standard practice, let’s find out why as well as any exceptions to this rule.

Why 14 days?

To answer this question we need to understand what we are fundamentally doing. We are collecting current data within a short window, in order to forecast what could happen in the future during a more extended period. To simplify this article, we will only focus on explaining the rules that relate to this principle. Other rules do exist, which mostly correlate to the number of visitors, but this can be addressed in a future article.
The forecasting strategy relies on the collected data containing samples of all event types that may be encountered in the future. This is impossible to fulfill in practice, as periods like Christmas or Black Friday are exceptional events relative to the rest of the year. So let’s focus on the most common period and set aside these special events that merit their own testing strategies.
If the future we are considering relates to “normal” times, our constraint is to sample each day of the week uniformly, since people do not behave the same on different days. Simply look at how your mood and needs shift between weekdays and weekends. This is why a data sampling period must include entire weeks, to account for fluctuations between the days of the week. Likewise, if you sample eight days for example, one day of the week will have a doubled impact, which doesn’t realistically represent the future either.
This partially explains the two-week sampling rule, but why not a longer or shorter period? Since one week covers all the days of the week, why isn’t it enough? To understand, let’s dig a little deeper into the nature of conversion data, which has two dimensions: visits and conversions.
  • Visits: as soon as an experiment is live, every new visitor increments the number of visits.
  • Conversions: as soon as an experiment is live, every new conversion increments the number of conversions.
It sounds pretty straightforward, but there is a twist: statistical formulas work with the concept of success and failure. The definition is quite easy at first:
  • Success: the number of visitors that did convert.
  • Failures: the number of visitors that didn’t convert.
At any given time a visitor may be counted as a failure, but this could change a few days later if they convert, or the visit may remain a failure if the conversion didn’t occur.
So consider these two opposing scenarios:
  • A visitor begins his buying journey before the experiment starts. During the first days of the experiment he comes back and converts. This would be counted as a “success”, but in fact he may not have had time to be impacted by the variation because the buying decision was made before he saw it. The problem is that we are potentially counting a false success: a conversion that could have happened without the variation.
  • A visitor begins his buying journey during the experiment, so he sees the variation from the beginning, but doesn’t make a final decision before the end of the experiment – finally converting after it finishes. We missed this conversion from a visitor who saw the variation and was potentially influenced by it.
submitted by abtasty to u/abtasty [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:44 Get_Drivers_Ed Understanding Reckless Driving: A Guide By Get Drivers Ed

Understanding Reckless Driving: A Guide By Get Drivers Ed

Understanding the Meaning of a Reckless Driver: A Deep Dive into Road Safety

When discussing road safety, the term "reckless driver" frequently arises. But what exactly defines a reckless driver? It goes beyond merely speeding—a reckless driver embodies a range of dangerous behaviors that drastically elevate the risk of accidents. This detailed exploration delves into the nature of reckless driving, its impacts, and the crucial role of driver education in curbing these risky behaviors, as exemplified by programs like those offered at Get Drivers Ed.

Defining Reckless Driving

Legally, reckless driving is defined as operating a vehicle with a blatant disregard for the safety of persons or property. This broad category can encompass various actions, including excessive speeding, erratic lane changes, disregarding traffic signs and signals, and engaging in aggressive behaviors such as road rage. Specific statutes vary by state, but the underlying principle is universal: reckless driving is perilous and potentially fatal.
The Perils of Reckless Driving
The impact of reckless driving is profound. It jeopardizes not only the driver but also passengers, other motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. Traffic safety statistics reveal that reckless driving is a major contributor to fatal road accidents annually, causing widespread emotional and financial devastation.
Furthermore, the legal repercussions of a reckless driving conviction are severe. Penalties can include substantial fines, points on your driving record, spikes in insurance rates, and even incarceration. These penalties vary across jurisdictions but uniformly reflect the grave nature of the offense.
The Role of Driver Education
Driver education is pivotal in addressing reckless driving. At Get Drivers Ed, we emphasize the importance of understanding both road laws and the responsibilities that come with driving. Our comprehensive educational programs aim to instill safe driving habits and clarify the severe consequences of reckless behavior.
Our curriculum covers numerous topics, including the risks associated with reckless driving. We employ real-life scenarios and virtual simulations to equip students with the knowledge to identify and evade hazardous behaviors. Through this education, our students are better prepared to make prudent decisions on the road.
Strategies to Avoid Reckless Driving
Maintain Composure: Road rage can quickly lead to reckless driving. Cultivating patience and staying composed, even in frustrating driving conditions, can help you avoid rash and hazardous decisions.
Adhere to Traffic Laws: Following speed limits, traffic signals, and signs is crucial. Compliance with these rules is fundamental to preventing reckless driving incidents.
Plan Ahead: Familiarizing yourself with your route beforehand can decrease the need for hurried driving and abrupt lane changes, reducing reckless behavior.
Regular Vehicle Maintenance: Ensuring your vehicle is in good working order is essential. Well-maintained vehicles respond better in various driving conditions, decreasing the necessity for sudden, dangerous maneuvers that could lead to accidents.
Get Drivers Ed: Your Ally in Road Safety
At Get Drivers Ed, we commit to delivering excellent driver education that prioritizes safety, responsibility, and respect for other road users. Our programs cater to drivers of all ages and skill levels, helping everyone learn essential safe driving practices.
By enrolling in Get Drivers Ed, you are not just signing up for a driving course—you are taking a significant step toward becoming a safer and more responsible driver. Our educational offerings are designed to arm you with the necessary knowledge and skills to drive safely and with confidence.
Reckless driving is a significant hazard on the roads, affecting all road users. By understanding the definition of reckless driving and actively working to prevent such behavior, you contribute to safer road environments for everyone. Choosing the right driver education program is crucial, and at Get Drivers Ed, we are here to support your journey in a constructive and informative setting.
Don’t postpone your road safety education. Register for a course at Get Drivers Ed today and start your journey to a safer driving future. Remember, effective road safety starts with informed, conscientious drivers like you.
submitted by Get_Drivers_Ed to u/Get_Drivers_Ed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:42 No_Opportunity_4173 [TOMT] a cartoon with penguins and an evil sun from 2000 to 2010

It's been a long time I look for help for this one and did not find an answer. I don't remember the age perfectly or the period but the most probable time period is the beginning of the 2000s until 2010. I remember watching a cartoon with some Peanut shaped colored penguins, each penguin had one colour, kind of like the Barbapapa family. The background were uniform single colored backgrounds, blue, red, purple, yellow, and the transition looked like a slowed down version of the epileptic flash of colours from the Porygon Episode in the Pokémon show. I remember very precisely an "evil sun" with a look that kind of scared me when younger (I'll add a picture below) and a scene in particular where he is "planning" as he draws circles on a blueprint with a compass, the narrator talking then the sun looks at him and the narrator says "ah, oui, désolé !" (Oh yeah, sorry). The cartoon is probably french, but I am pretty sure I found it on the internet , mayne youtube. not on TV. If anyone recognise it I would be thankful.
also I have no idea how to add pictures however on android and it is getting me crazy
submitted by No_Opportunity_4173 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:36 InvertedBidet Tổng Quan Người Mỹ Gốc Việt: Thu nhập cao hơn người bản xứ.

Người Việt Nam có xu hướng có thu nhập cao hơn so với tổng dân số người nước ngoài và . Vào năm 2022, các hộ gia đình do người nhập cư gốc Việt làm chủ có thu nhập trung bình là 81.000 USD, so với 75.000 USD của cả hộ gia đình nhập cư và sinh ra ở Mỹ.
Vào năm 2022, người nhập cư Việt Nam ít rơi vào tình trạng nghèo đói (11%) hơn một chút so với người sinh ra ở nước ngoài (14%) hoặc sinh ra ở Mỹ (12%).

Người Việt nhập cư vào Hoa Kỳ

NGÀY 11 THÁNG 10 NĂM 2023
Jeanne Batalova

Một gia đình Việt Nam trong bếp. (Ảnh: iStock.com/DragonImages)
Sự kết thúc của Chiến tranh Việt Nam và việc rút quân nhanh chóng của Hoa Kỳ vào năm 1975 đánh dấu sự khởi đầu của làn sóng di cư quy mô lớn từ Việt Nam sang Hoa Kỳ. Chính phủ Hoa Kỳ đã sơ tán khoảng 125.000 người Việt Nam vào năm đó, hầu hết trong số họ có quan hệ mật thiết với quân đội Hoa Kỳ và có thể đã bị chính quyền Cộng sản mới đàn áp. Sau khi đến, ngày càng có nhiều người tị nạn Việt Nam đến Hoa Kỳ để tìm kiếm sự bảo vệ. Số người nhập cư từ Việt Nam tăng nhanh, gần gấp đôi trong cả những năm 1980 và 1990, lên tới 988.000 người vào năm 2000.
Hơn 1,3 triệu người nhập cư Việt Nam cư trú tại Hoa Kỳ vào năm 2022, năm gần đây nhất có dữ liệu từ Khảo sát Cộng đồng Người Mỹ của Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ (ACS), chiếm khoảng 3% trong tổng số 46,2 triệu người nhập cư Hoa Kỳ. Họ là nhóm nhập cư gốc quốc gia lớn thứ sáu, sau người Mexico, người Ấn Độ, người Trung Quốc, người Philippines và người Salvador. Khoảng 9% người nhập cư từ châu Á vào Hoa Kỳ vào năm 2022 là từ Việt Nam.
Không giống như trước đây, khi hầu hết người Việt Nam đến tị nạn, ngày nay 87% thường trú nhân hợp pháp mới của Việt Nam (LPR, còn được gọi là người có thẻ xanh) có được tình trạng của họ thông qua các kênh đoàn tụ gia đình, với tư cách là người thân trực tiếp của công dân Hoa Kỳ hoặc thông qua các kênh khác. con đường do gia đình bảo trợ. So với những người nhập cư khác, những người đến từ Việt Nam có nhiều khả năng trở thành công dân Hoa Kỳ nhập tịch và đã cư trú tại Hoa Kỳ trong một thời gian dài. Họ cũng có nhiều khả năng có trình độ học vấn thấp hơn và nói tiếng Anh kém hơn. Tuy nhiên, họ báo cáo thu nhập hộ gia đình trung bình cao hơn so với tổng dân số nhập cư và sinh ra ở Hoa Kỳ.
Tiêu điểm này cung cấp thông tin về dân số người Việt nhập cư tại Hoa Kỳ, tập trung vào quy mô, sự phân bổ địa lý và đặc điểm kinh tế xã hội.
Các định nghĩa
Cục điều tra dân số Hoa Kỳ định nghĩa “ người sinh ra ở nước ngoài ” là những cá nhân không có quốc tịch Hoa Kỳ khi sinh ra. Dân số sinh ra ở nước ngoài bao gồm công dân nhập tịch, thường trú nhân hợp pháp, người tị nạn và người tị nạn, người không nhập cư hợp pháp (bao gồm cả những người có thị thực sinh viên, làm việc hoặc thị thực tạm thời khác) và những người cư trú trong nước mà không được phép.
Các thuật ngữ “ sinh ra ở nước ngoài ” và “ người nhập cư ” được sử dụng thay thế cho nhau và đề cập đến những người sinh ra ở một quốc gia khác và sau đó di cư sang Hoa Kỳ.
Quy mô dân số nhập cư theo thời gian
So với những năm trước, hai thập kỷ qua đã chứng kiến ​​sự tăng trưởng chậm hơn của dân số người Việt nhập cư vào Hoa Kỳ (xem Hình 1). Tốc độ tăng trưởng 26% từ năm 2000 đến năm 2010 không được lặp lại trong những năm tiếp theo, giảm xuống còn 7% từ năm 2010 đến năm 2022. Để so sánh, tổng dân số nhập cư Hoa Kỳ đã tăng 16% từ năm 2010 đến năm 2022.
Hình 1. Dân số người Việt nhập cư vào Hoa Kỳ, 1980-2022
Nguồn: Dữ liệu từ Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ 2010 và 2022 Khảo sát Cộng đồng Hoa Kỳ (ACS), và Campbell J. Gibson và Kay Jung, \"Thống kê Điều tra Dân số Lịch sử về Dân số Sinh ra ở Nước ngoài của Hoa Kỳ: 1850-2000\" (Working Paper no. 81, Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ, Washington, DC, tháng 2 năm 2006), có sẵn trực tuyến .
Phân bổ theo Tiểu bang và Thành phố Trọng điểm của Hoa Kỳ
Người nhập cư từ Việt Nam tập trung nhiều ở California (38%), tiếp theo là Texas (14%) và Bang Washington (5%) trong giai đoạn 2017-21. Florida, Virginia, Georgia và Massachusetts là nơi sinh sống của khoảng 3% hoặc 4% dân số Việt Nam. Bốn quận có lượng người nhập cư Việt Nam nhiều nhất là ba quận ở California (các quận Cam, Santa Clara và Los Angeles) và Quận Harris, Texas. Bốn quận này cộng lại chiếm 31 phần trăm người Việt nhập cư vào Hoa Kỳ.
Hình 2. Các quốc gia cư trú hàng đầu của người Việt nhập cư tại Hoa Kỳ, 2017-21
![img](ekkpkl345q0d1 "Lưu ý: Dữ liệu ACS tổng hợp 2017-21 được sử dụng để có được ước tính hợp lệ về mặt thống kê ở cấp tiểu bang cho các khu vực địa lý có dân số nhỏ hơn. Không được hiển thị là dân số ở Alaska, có quy mô nhỏ; để biết chi tiết, hãy truy cập Trung tâm Dữ liệu Di cư của Viện Chính sách Di cư (MPI) để có bản đồ tương tác hiển thị sự phân bổ địa lý của người nhập cư theo tiểu bang và quận, có sẵn trực tuyến . Nguồn : Bảng dữ liệu MPI từ Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ tổng hợp ACS 2017-21.")

Bấm vào đây để xem bản đồ tương tác nêu bật các tiểu bang và quận có mật độ người nhập cư cao nhất từ ​​​​Việt Nam và các quốc gia khác.
Các khu vực đô thị lớn hơn ở Los Angeles, San Jose và Houston là nơi sinh sống của 33% người Việt nhập cư vào Hoa Kỳ. Hơn 5 phần trăm cư dân ở khu vực San Jose mở rộng sinh ra ở Việt Nam (xem Bảng 1).
Hình 3. Các điểm đến đô thị hàng đầu của người Việt nhập cư tại Hoa Kỳ, 2017-21
![img](lpml98x75q0d1 "Lưu ý: Dữ liệu ACS tổng hợp 2017-21 được sử dụng để có được ước tính hợp lệ về mặt thống kê ở cấp khu vực thống kê đô thị cho các khu vực địa lý có dân số nhỏ hơn. Nguồn : Bảng dữ liệu MPI từ Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ tổng hợp ACS 2017-21.")
Bấm vào đây để xem bản đồ tương tác làm nổi bật các khu vực đô thị có nhiều người nhập cư nhất từ ​​​​Việt Nam và các quốc gia khác.

Bảng 1. Các khu vực đô thị hàng đầu của Hoa Kỳ dành cho người Việt nhập cư, 2017-21
Nguồn: Bảng dữ liệu MPI từ Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ tổng hợp ACS 2017-21.
Khả năng tiếng Anh
Người nhập cư Việt Nam ít có khả năng thông thạo tiếng Anh hơn nhiều so với tổng dân số sinh ra ở nước ngoài. Theo ACS, vào năm 2022, khoảng 64% người Việt từ 5 tuổi trở lên cho biết nói tiếng Anh ở mức “rất kém”, so với 46% của tất cả những người nhập cư. Khoảng 10% người nhập cư Việt Nam chỉ nói tiếng Anh ở nhà, so với 17% tổng số người sinh ra ở nước ngoài.
Tuổi, Giáo dục và Việc làm
Người Việt Nam có xu hướng già hơn so với tổng dân số sinh ra ở nước ngoài và Mỹ. Độ tuổi trung bình của người nhập cư Việt Nam vào năm 2022 là 53 tuổi, so với 47 đối với tất cả người nhập cư và 37 đối với người bản xứ. Điều này phần lớn là do số lượng người cao tuổi Việt Nam cao một cách không cân đối: 23% người Việt Nam từ 65 tuổi trở lên, so với 18% tổng dân số sinh ra ở nước ngoài và 17% đối với người bản xứ (xem Hình 4). Trong khi đó, 74% dân số Việt Nam trong độ tuổi lao động (18 đến 64) so ​​với 58% người sinh ra ở Mỹ và 77% tổng số người nhập cư.
Hình 4. Phân bố độ tuổi của dân số Hoa Kỳ theo nguồn gốc, năm 2022
Lưu ý: Tổng phần trăm có thể không đến 100 vì chúng được làm tròn đến số nguyên gần nhất. Nguồn : Bảng dữ liệu MPI từ Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ 2022 ACS.
Người Việt Nam từ 25 tuổi trở lên có xu hướng có trình độ học vấn thấp hơn so với người bản xứ và người sinh ra ở nước ngoài nói chung. Vào năm 2022, 29% người nhập cư Việt Nam cho biết có bằng cử nhân trở lên, so với 36% người sinh ra ở Mỹ và 35% tổng số người trưởng thành nhập cư (xem Hình 5). Trong số những người Việt Nam đến từ năm 2017 đến năm 2021, 28% người trưởng thành có bằng đại học, tỷ lệ thấp hơn nhiều so với tất cả những người nhập cư đến trong thời kỳ đó (47%).
Bấm vào đây để biết dữ liệu về trình độ học vấn của người nhập cư theo quốc gia xuất xứ và tổng thể.
Hình 5. Trình độ học vấn của dân số Hoa Kỳ (từ 25 tuổi trở lên) theo nguồn gốc, 2022

Lưu ý: Tổng phần trăm có thể không đến 100 vì chúng được làm tròn đến số nguyên gần nhất. Nguồn : Bảng dữ liệu MPI từ Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ 2022 ACS.
Theo Viện Giáo dục Quốc tế, hơn 20.700 sinh viên quốc tế từ Việt Nam đã theo học tại các cơ sở giáo dục đại học Hoa Kỳ trong năm học 2021-2022, đại diện cho quốc gia xuất xứ hàng đầu thứ năm sau Trung Quốc, Ấn Độ, Hàn Quốc và Canada. Sinh viên Việt Nam chiếm 2% trong tổng số 949.000 sinh viên quốc tế tại Hoa Kỳ và 42% trong số gần 49.000 sinh viên đến từ Đông Nam Á.
Người Việt Nam tham gia lực lượng lao động với tỷ lệ gần như tương đương với tất cả người nhập cư. Khoảng 65% người nhập cư Việt Nam và 67% tổng số người nhập cư từ 16 tuổi trở lên thuộc lực lượng lao động dân sự, so với 62% người bản xứ. Người Việt Nam có nhiều khả năng được tuyển dụng trong các ngành dịch vụ hơn tất cả những người nhập cư hoặc sinh ra ở Mỹ (xem Hình 6).
Hình 6. Lao động được tuyển dụng trong Lực lượng Lao động Dân sự (từ 16 tuổi trở lên) theo Nghề nghiệp và Nguồn gốc, 2022
Lưu ý: Tổng phần trăm có thể không đến 100 vì chúng được làm tròn đến số nguyên gần nhất. Nguồn : Bảng dữ liệu MPI từ Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ 2022 ACS.
Thu nhập và nghèo đói
Người Việt Nam có xu hướng có thu nhập cao hơn so với tổng dân số người nước ngoài và người bản xứ. Vào năm 2022, các hộ gia đình do người nhập cư gốc Việt làm chủ có thu nhập trung bình là 81.000 USD, so với 75.000 USD của cả hộ gia đình nhập cư và sinh ra ở Mỹ.
Vào năm 2022, người nhập cư Việt Nam ít rơi vào tình trạng nghèo đói (11%) hơn một chút so với người sinh ra ở nước ngoài (14%) hoặc sinh ra ở Mỹ (12%).
Con đường nhập cư và nhập tịch
Người Việt Nam có nhiều khả năng trở thành công dân Mỹ nhập tịch hơn so với người nhập cư nói chung. Vào năm 2022, 78% người Việt Nam được nhập tịch, so với 53% tổng dân số sinh ra ở nước ngoài.
So với tất cả những người nhập cư, người Việt Nam có nhiều khả năng đã đến trước năm 2000, với 60% làm như vậy. 17% nữa xảy ra trong khoảng thời gian từ năm 2000 đến năm 2009 và 23% vào năm 2010 hoặc muộn hơn (xem Hình 7).
Hình 7. Người nhập cư từ Việt Nam và Tất cả người nhập cư vào Hoa Kỳ theo thời gian đến, 2022
Lưu ý: Tổng phần trăm có thể không đến 100 vì chúng được làm tròn đến số nguyên gần nhất. Nguồn : Bảng dữ liệu MPI từ Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ 2022 ACS.
Trong năm tài chính (FY) 2022, Việt Nam là quốc gia có số lượng thường trú nhân mới lớn thứ tám. Khoảng 24.400 trong số 1 triệu LPR mới (khoảng 2%) đến từ Việt Nam. Phần lớn những người có thẻ xanh mới từ Việt Nam đến thông qua các kênh đoàn tụ gia đình: 87% nhận được thẻ xanh với tư cách là người thân trực tiếp của công dân Hoa Kỳ hoặc được các thành viên khác trong gia đình bảo lãnh. Con số này cao hơn 58% tổng số LPR mới đến theo những con đường đó (xem Hình 8). Khoảng 12% LPR mới của Việt Nam đến từ nguồn tài trợ việc làm.
Hình 8. Con đường nhập cư của người Việt Nam và tất cả thường trú nhân hợp pháp tại Hoa Kỳ, 2022
Lưu ý: Người thân trực hệ của Công dân Hoa Kỳ : Bao gồm vợ/chồng, con chưa thành niên và cha mẹ của công dân Hoa Kỳ. Ưu đãi do gia đình bảo trợ : Bao gồm con cái và anh chị em đã trưởng thành của công dân Hoa Kỳ cũng như vợ/chồng và con cái của người có thẻ xanh. Xổ số Visa Đa dạng được thành lập theo Đạo luật Di trú năm 1990 để cho phép nhập cảnh vào những người nhập cư từ các quốc gia có tỷ lệ nhập cư vào Hoa Kỳ thấp. Luật quy định rằng tổng cộng 55.000 thị thực đa dạng được cung cấp mỗi năm tài chính. Những cá nhân sinh ra ở Việt Nam không đủ điều kiện tham gia xổ số năm 2025. Tỷ lệ phần trăm có thể không lên tới 100 vì chúng được làm tròn đến số nguyên gần nhất. Nguồn : Bảng dữ liệu MPI từ Bộ An ninh Nội địa (DHS), “Bảng 10D: Những người có được tình trạng thường trú hợp pháp theo loại hình nhập học và khu vực và quốc gia nơi sinh: Năm tài chính 2022,” được cập nhật ngày 21 tháng 8 năm 2023, có sẵn trực tuyến .
Việc sử dụng quan hệ gia đình để nhận được tư cách LPR đã phổ biến hơn trong những thập kỷ gần đây. Cho đến năm tài chính 1998, người nhập cư Việt Nam có nhiều khả năng nhận được thẻ xanh hơn với tư cách là người tị nạn hoặc người xin tị nạn. Trong năm tài chính 1982, 99% người nhập cư Việt Nam nhận được thẻ xanh đã nhập cảnh vì lý do nhân đạo (xem Hình 9); trong năm tài chính 2022, chưa đến 1 phần trăm (ít hơn 100 cá nhân) nhận được trạng thái LPR thông qua kênh này.
Hình 9. Người tị nạn Việt Nam đến Hoa Kỳ và lựa chọn con đường nhập cư của thường trú nhân hợp pháp, năm tài chính 1975-2022

Lưu ý: Mối quan hệ gia đình đề cập đến việc nhận được tư cách thường trú nhân hợp pháp (LPR) thông qua ưu tiên do gia đình bảo trợ và với tư cách là người thân trực tiếp của công dân Hoa Kỳ. Nguồn: Bảng dữ liệu MPI từ Linda W. Gordon, “Di cư của người tị nạn Đông Nam Á đến Hoa Kỳ,” Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Di cư số đặc biệt 5, số. 3 (1987): 153-73; Gail P. Kelly, “Đối phó với Mỹ: Người tị nạn từ Việt Nam, Campuchia và Lào trong những năm 1970 và 1980,” Biên niên sử của Viện Khoa học Chính trị và Xã hội Hoa Kỳ 487, số 1. 1 (1996): 138-49; Rubén G. Rumbaut, “Di sản chiến tranh: Người tị nạn từ Việt Nam, Lào và Campuchia,” trong Nguồn gốc và Định mệnh: Nhập cư, Chủng tộc và Dân tộc ở Mỹ , biên tập. Silvia Pedraza và Rubén G. Rumbaut (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1996), có sẵn trực tuyến ; DHS, Niên giám Thống kê Nhập cư 2000-2022 , cập nhật ngày 21 tháng 8 năm 2023, có sẵn trực tuyến ; Dịch vụ Nhập cư và Nhập tịch Hoa Kỳ (INS), Niên giám Thống kê của Dịch vụ Nhập cư và Nhập tịch (Washington, DC: Văn phòng In ấn Chính phủ Hoa Kỳ, nhiều năm); INS, Báo cáo thường niên (Washington, DC: Văn phòng In ấn Chính phủ Hoa Kỳ, 1977, 1976 và 1975).
Dân số nhập cư trái phép
Mặc dù hầu hết người nhập cư Việt Nam tại Hoa Kỳ đều có mặt hợp pháp, nhưng vẫn có khoảng 76.000 người nhập cư trái phép vào năm 2021, theo ước tính của Viện Chính sách Di cư (MPI), chiếm chưa đến 1% trong tổng số ước tính 11,2 triệu người nhập cư trái phép.
Nhấp vào đây để biết tổng quan về dân số nhập cư trái phép vào Hoa Kỳ năm 2021.
Tính đến ngày 31 tháng 3 năm 2023, chỉ có 40 cá nhân từ Việt Nam tham gia chương trình Trì hoãn hành động dành cho người đến Mỹ từ nhỏ (DACA), trong tổng số 578.700 người nhận DACA. DACA cung cấp biện pháp cứu trợ tạm thời bị trục xuất và cấp phép làm việc cho những người nhập cư trái phép đến khi còn nhỏ và đáp ứng trình độ học vấn của chương trình cũng như các tiêu chí đủ điều kiện khác.
Nhấp vào đây để xem các quốc gia xuất xứ hàng đầu của người nhận DACA và tiểu bang cư trú tại Hoa Kỳ của họ.
Bảo hiểm y tế
Người nhập cư Việt Nam có tỷ lệ bảo hiểm y tế cao so với tất cả người nhập cư. Vào năm 2022, chỉ 7% người nhập cư Việt Nam không có bảo hiểm, tỷ lệ này thấp hơn nhiều so với tỷ lệ 18% của tất cả những người sinh ra ở nước ngoài không có bảo hiểm y tế (xem Hình 10).
Hình 10. Bảo hiểm Y tế cho Người nhập cư Việt Nam, Tất cả Người nhập cư và Người sinh ra ở Hoa Kỳ, 2022
Lưu ý: Tổng số cổ phần theo loại bảo hiểm có thể lớn hơn 100 vì mọi người có thể có nhiều loại bảo hiểm. Nguồn : Bảng dữ liệu MPI từ Cục Điều tra Dân số Hoa Kỳ 2022 ACS.
hải ngoại
Cộng đồng người Việt hải ngoại ở Hoa Kỳ bao gồm gần 2,4 triệu người sinh ra ở Việt Nam hoặc có tổ tiên hoặc chủng tộc người Việt, theo bảng kê từ ACS 2021. Những người sinh ra ở Hoa Kỳ chiếm 43% tổng cộng đồng người Việt ở Hoa Kỳ. Cộng đồng hải ngoại này đại diện cho nhóm lớn thứ 20 ở Hoa Kỳ.
Nhấp vào đây để xem ước tính về 35 nhóm cộng đồng hải ngoại hàng đầu ở Hoa Kỳ vào năm 2022.
Điểm đến toàn cầu hàng đầu
Trên toàn thế giới, Hoa Kỳ là nơi có số lượng lớn nhất trong số 3,4 triệu người Việt Nam định cư ở nước ngoài, theo ước tính gần đây nhất của Ban Dân số Liên Hợp Quốc vào giữa năm 2020. Các điểm đến hàng đầu khác bao gồm Nhật Bản (336.000), Trung Quốc (303.000) và Úc (270.000).
Bấm vào đây để xem bản đồ tương tác hiển thị nơi người di cư từ Việt Nam và các nước khác đã định cư trên toàn thế giới.
chuyển tiền
Theo Ngân hàng Thế giới, lượng kiều hối toàn cầu gửi về Việt Nam qua các kênh chính thức đã tăng hơn 8 lần kể từ năm 2000, đạt ước tính 13,2 tỷ USD vào năm 2022. Kiều hối chiếm hơn 3% tổng sản phẩm quốc nội (GDP) của Việt Nam.
Hình 11. Dòng kiều hối hàng năm về Việt Nam, 2000-22
Nguồn : Dữ liệu được lập bảng của MPI từ Đối tác Tri thức Toàn cầu về Di cư và Phát triển của Ngân hàng Thế giới (KNOMAD), “Dòng kiều hối,” cập nhật tháng 6 năm 2023, có sẵn trực tuyến .
submitted by InvertedBidet to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:55 TheGoldenLeaper Enravel Overview

Enravel (Seattle)
Date of Incorporation: 9/14/2009
Governing Persons: Rony Abovitz (Governor); Scott Henry (Governor); Anastasia Lang; Richard Taylor; Jennifer Fitzpatrick; Joseph Tsai https://www.sos.wa.gov/corps/business.aspx?ubi=602954597
Enravel, which presented at the April Innovation Showcase, followed up the presentations with an update and product demo. The company, led by UW mechanical engineer Brian Schowengerdt [former UW & Microvision employee], has developed a laser-based “pico projector” that could be built into mobile electronics like cell phones, digital cameras, and even eye glasses. The 1 mm x 9 mm projector —about the size of a grain of rice—uses “scanning fiber” technology to then scan an image from the device, and project an enlarged image back onto a larger surface, like a wall. The company, which has put most of its resources into developing the projection technology so far, plans to now turn its focus to streamlining the light source modulator to improve image quality.
Linden Rhoads [at the time Vice Provost-IP, Commercialization, Innovation at the University of Washington] introduced this startup by pulling out her iPhone and iPad (yes, one of those) and talking about the devices’ display capabilities. “These are great, these are fun, but they’re going to be so much more fun when there are projectors available for them,” she said. “That day is very, very close at hand.”
Enravel is led by UW mechanical engineer Brian Schowengerdt, an expert in alternative displays, user interfaces, and human visual perception. He co-founded the company in 2009 to commercialize a laser-based “pico projector.” The idea, he says, is to “take a display of iPad size and compress it into the size of an iPhone.” More specifically, to shrink a projector to “the size of a grain of rice” and use it to project on-screen images, video, games, websites, e-mail—you name it—onto any larger surface.
The core technology is a “scanning fiber” projector that uses fiber optics and a vibrating element to scan an image and blow it up, for example, to a size of 17 inches across from just five inches away. A matchbook-size assembly of laser diodes (off the shelf) provides the light source to project the image. You could imagine such a projector might be crammed into a smartphone and used anytime you want a bigger display to interact with, for reading text or watching a video, say.
Enravel has five employees, and its technology was built over the past few years using $8 million in funding for a related endoscopic imaging project (led by Eric Seibel) and $100,000 in grants. The company expects to finish its portable prototype by next month, and to have a standalone product by the end of next year.
Thanks to for mentioning Enravel
Jump to Q3 2019
UW Researcher Spotlight: Eric Seibel, Mechanical Engineering Written by CoMotion Staff / September 27, 2019
Eric Seibel: "Scanning Fiber Endoscope: This is an ultrathin and flexible scanning fiber endoscope (SFE) for the early detection and treatment of cancers within the body. The goal is to advance minimally invasive medical imaging by using ultrathin flexible endoscopes that allow access to regions of the body that were previously inaccessible to permit less invasive treatment of cancers before they have spread from their place of origin. It was licensed to startup VerAvanti for medical endoscopes and Magic Leap for AR displays as well as a few other related licenses."
August 26, 2019 - Veravanti announces a new subsidiary and the opening of a nanofabrication facility
"The opening of the Avanti Nanofabrication facility enables VerAvanti to manufacture its patented Scanning Fiber Endoscope (SFE), a new, extremely small imaging modality designed to access small arteries to illuminate stroke and cardiovascular risks."
Some information on Veravanti in relation to Enravel:
Research: Large field-of-view short-wave infrared metalens for scanning fiber endoscopy Mirror 1 Mirror 2
Near-Infrared Imaging of Artificial Enamel Caries Lesions with a Scanning Fiber Endoscope
Other Scanning Fiber Endoscope Projects
Endoscope Surveilence
SFE For Dental Care
SFE For Bladder Surveillance
The scanning fiber endoscope is an ultrathin and flexible endoscope for the early detection and treatment of cancers within the body. The SFE can be used as a surveillance device with the goal of improving our chances of survival from cancer.
A scanning fiber endoscope is a technology that uses a flexible, small (< 6Fr) peripheral or coronary catheter to provide wide-field, high-quality, full-color, laser-based video imaging. These differences distinguish SFE applications from current imaging approaches such as IVUS and Intracoronary OCT. Applications for the device (which was pending FDA review and approval as of 2017[needs update]), are expected to include medical diagnosis and support in determining interventional treatments such as surgery or biopsy. Providing both full-color images and a wide-field, real-time surgical view into the inner depths of arteries, enables physicians to circumnavigate hard to reach internal tissues to assess for potential disease.
REDMOND, WA (August 26, 2019) – VerAvanti, a developer of a new class of scientifically-advanced solutions to help physicians find answers to treat strokes and heart attacks that often strike without warning, today announced that its new subsidiary, Avanti, has opened a Nanofabrication facility in Bothell, Washington. The facility includes a 9,300 S.F. ISO 9001 cleanroom, the second largest in Washington State.
The first-of-its-kind facility on the Eastside will support high-volume component production of wafers and chips with nanoscale features. Because of the inconceivably tiny parts made from unconventional materials, these components aren’t practical, economical or even possible to fabricate at commercial foundries. The lab capabilities include photolithography, wet and dry etch, atomic layer deposition, Sputtering, Deep Reactive Ion Etching, scanning electron microscopy, Multiphysics simulation, design, and proprietary piezoelectric fabrication. The Avanti Nanofabrication will provide services to VerAvanti and the other businesses seeking these specialized services.
VerAvanti Founder and CEO, Gerald McMorrow explained why VerAvanti launched its new nanofabrication subsidiary. McMorrow stated, “The opening of the Avanti Nanofabrication facility enables VerAvanti to manufacture its patented Scanning Fiber Endoscope (SFE), a new, extremely small imaging modality designed to access small arteries to illuminate stroke and cardiovascular risks.” With the price point advantages this subsidiary enables, VerAvanti is positioning for a highly competitive market launch of its innovative SFE device.
About VerAvanti
Founded in 2013, privately-held VerAvanti is using advanced science and automation to commercialize the world’s first Scanning Fiber Endoscope (SFE)), to help physicians close treatment gaps and proactively identify interventions for the 200,000 individuals (U.S.) who suffer ischemic strokes due to an unknown cause1. Protected by more than 30 patents licensed by VerAvanti, the SFE is a micro-imaging catheter equipped with an extreme depth of focus camera that provides physicians a previously unseen surgical view into hidden intravascular anatomy, enabling more proactive diagnosis and treatment of individuals at-risk for stroke and cardiovascular events. Visit VerAvanti to learn more and review scientific papers and SFE images.
About Avanti Nanofabrication
Avanti Nanofabrication, a subsidiary of VerAvanti, is a nanofabrication facility located in Bothell, WA. The facility includes a 9,300 S.F. ISO 9001 cleanroom, the second largest in Washington State. Lab capabilities include photolithography, wet and dry etch, atomic layer deposition, Sputtering, Deep Reactive Ion Etching, scanning electron microscopy, Multiphysics simulation, design, and proprietary piezoelectric fabrication.
submitted by TheGoldenLeaper to enravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:37 LittlePhylacteries BYU Admissions 2002–2022

BYU applications and admissions statistics have been discussed in a number of posts and comments recently but I haven't seen the data presented in a format that is quick and easy to understand. So I grabbed the statistics from the U.S. Depart of Education's IPEDS website [source] and made a chart for the past 2 decades.
BYU Admissions 2002–2022
You can see from this data there was an increase in applications and a commensurate dip in acceptance rate during the 2012–2017 time frame which is very likely due to the change in missionary age in 2012 with the resulting peak in full-time missionaries in the ensuing years. And the acceptance rate for BYU was higher for the majority of the first decade of this century than it is now.
Hopefully this is helpful for any discussions about BYU admissions statistics.
Based on the feedback from another user I've also created a chart showing BYU applications and number of missionaries from 2002–2022. I used a log scale for the Y axis to facilitate the comparison.
submitted by LittlePhylacteries to byu [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:30 aznpersuazion Artificial Intelligence is NOT a Good Career

As with most things, the opinions expressed in this post are my own. Consider this as just one data point, and not as a guide to your career.
I've been working in the Data/AI space for 5 years now and I've seen hundreds of starry eyed people wanting to work in A.I. because they want to work with the latest and coolest cutting edge technology. But I want to share with you a few reasons why A.I. is not a good career choice.
  1. A.I. positions could end up like the "data scientist" position. Looking at the history of the data scientist position, in 2010-2020, the hype around data science made it so that millions of people flocked to that position. Companies eventually realized that most them actually didn't need data science, and the impact of the position didn't always help them profit. The demand of the job has plummeted in recent years, leaving millions of aspiring data scientists unemployed or needing to pursue a different career.
  2. A.I. positions will be less than .0001% of tech engineering jobs. In the next few decades, the demand for software and data engineering roles will be much more needed at most companies that A.I. roles. Only a small group companies will a be pursuing A.I. initiatives, while the majority of companies will still need software and data engineers. But because 90% of tech news is A.I. related, there will be a massive influx of people trying to enter the space.
  3. The barriers to entry are huge. To pursue a career in A.I. and machine learning. A person's understanding of statistics and software engineering need to be extremely high. To get to that level of knowledge requires much more dedication and studying than most people imagine. Becoming a decent software engineer or data professional is already difficult for the average person.
Before you decide to pursue this as a career, it's important to consider some of the cons listed below. Perhaps consider taking a smaller step first and trying to land a job as a software engineer or data analyst. If you're already in a technical field, consider not putting all your eggs into one basket, and making sure you know enough skills to stay gainfully employed in the job market.

**If you found any of this helpful, consider checking out a referral link. You get additional sign up and welcome bonuses. Signing up and using Rakuten for cash back is free!*\*
submitted by aznpersuazion to dataengineeringstuff [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:18 LittlePhylacteries BYU Admissions 2002–2022

BYU applications and admissions statistics have been discussed in a number of posts and comments recently but I haven't seen the data presented in a format that is quick and easy to understand. So I grabbed the statistics from the U.S. Depart of Education's IPEDS website [source] and made a chart for the past 2 decades.
BYU Admissions 2002–2022
You can see from this data there was an increase in applications and a commensurate dip in acceptance rate during the 2012–2017 time frame which is very likely due to the change in missionary age in 2012 with the resulting peak in full-time missionaries in the ensuing years. And the acceptance rate for BYU was higher for the majority of the first decade of this century than it is now.
Hopefully this is helpful for any discussions about BYU admissions statistics.
EDIT: Here's a chart showing BYU applications and number of missionaries from 2002–2022. I used a log scale for the Y axis to facilitate the comparison.
submitted by LittlePhylacteries to mormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:48 PunnyHeals Misrepresentation of house price data by Realtor.ca

Misrepresentation of house price data by Realtor.ca
  1. Realtor.ca claims the average sale price of a house in Fredericton, NB is $288,300. My own calculations point to the average being approximately $543,878.
  2. Realtor.ca most likely calculates it average house price using the average for houses and vacant land. My average for houses and land was $288,540, only a $240 difference, making this the most likely explanation.
  3. Realtor misrepresents graphs and averages through market capture, pay gating, and could be violating the Competition Act.
I have been looking to buy a house for the past several years in the Fredericton area and have been checking the online listings regularly through Realtor.ca since it is the most common real estate listing website used in New Brunswick. What I liked about Realtor.ca was its ability to provide the average sell price for a house every month with graphs that showed the average sell price for a house in Fredericton for the past 12 months and 10 years. Looking for a house for an several years, I felt that I had a good idea of the market conditions and price ranges. My anecdotal evidence was that the average house price was much higher than Realtor.ca’s estimate of 288,300. I wondered if my anecdotal evidence could be supported by data.
The objective of this report is to collect list price data from all available listings within the Fredericton area. Once collected, I can take the average price and see if it matches the average price shown by Realtor.ca.
**Average/Median Methodology**
When you use Realtor.ca, you can filter results by the property type. There are six property type categories: Residential (single family home), condo/strata, vacant land, recreational, multi-family, and agriculture. For each of these property types, the asking price and address were copied into an Excel file. The data was collected on May 10, 2024, and included all listings within Fredericton; duplicate listings were removed.
Once all data was collected, the average and median for each property type was calculated (Table 1). I compared my calculated average to the Realtor.ca average to determine if my anecdotal evidence of thinking the average house price was higher than what Realtor.ca said was justified.
There were 107 listings for residential houses (referred simply as “house” in this report), 245 listings for vacant land, 5 listings for recreational, 7 listings for multi-family, 2 listings for agriculture, and 10 listings for condos (Figure 1).
The average listing price was $543,878 for houses, $177,026 for land, $227,080 for recreation, $826,100 for multi-family, $829,450 for agriculture, and $317,410 for condos. The median listing price was $474,900 for houses, $64,900 for land, $229,900 for recreation, $799,000 for multi-family, $829,450 for agriculture, and $289,900 for condos (Table 1).
**Realtor.ca MLS System Average House Price Claim**
When you search for “houses for sale in Fredericton, NB”, you will see the top search results show Realtor.ca. This is not uncommon since Realtor.ca and its Multiple Listing Service (MLS) have the highest number of listings of any other online real estate listing service for the Fredericton, NB, area. Having most real estate listings concentrated on one system can provide users with a general idea of greater market conditions beyond individual listings, such as averages and trends for cities. Realtor.ca provides this data in the form of “Market Price (CAD)” price trends for the past 12 months, and price trends for the past 10 years (Figure 2). These figures are prominently displayed at the end of the first page of the Fredericton real estate listings (URL: https://www.realtor.ca/nb/fredericton/real-estate).
This leads us to the first claim by the Realtor.ca MLS system claim and our initial objective of this report.
Claim: The average market price in Fredericton sits at $288,300 as of May, 2024.
Analysis: When a user views these figures, it is a safe assumption that when a price is displayed, the user is inclined to believe that “Market Price (CAD)” is the average house price in Fredericton. This is further reinforced if the user reads the description above the figures which states:
“Use our home price trends to better gauge local market conditions and plan your next move. The graphs below show benchmark or average prices of homes sold in the area. Data generated by MLS® Systems and the MLS® Home Price Index (HPI) — Canada’s most advanced tool to gauge local home price levels and trends.”
This small paragraph specifically states, “The graphs below show benchmark or average prices of homes sold in the area.” Based off the graphs and their statement, we can safely interpret that Realtor.ca is explicitly saying that the average home price in Fredericton, NB, currently sits at $288,300; leaving no room for interpretation on how the data can be viewed. The reason I wanted to be explicitly clear on this thought process is that if you look back at the results section of this paper (Table 1) and see that the calculated average of all house listings was $543,878, it represents an 88.65% difference. A couple assumptions that could explain this difference are:
  1. The listings used in the analysis are only a snapshot in time and could not represent an accurate or precise representation of the monthly price average.
  2. Houses that were listed below the average could be selling more quickly, giving us a skewed data set that is not representative of all listings that have been posted.
  3. Realtor.ca gives the average sell price for houses in Fredericton and not the average listing price. There could be a large discrepancy between sell price and list price, resulting in my calculated average being inflated.
The three assumptions made above introduce bias into my conclusions, but given the magnitude of those differences, it could be reasonable to assume there might be an alternative reason causing these discrepancies.
Since there is such a large discrepancy in my calculated average and the average from Realtor.ca, I expanded my analysis to other categories. I combined my residential house data set with the other five property types to see if it would alter our initial average and how close it would come to the calculated Realtor.ca average (Table 2). Realtor.ca claims the average house price in Fredericton was $288,300, which seems to be closest to my calculated average for the combination of house and land listings. With the addition of these combinations, it suggests that Realtor.ca calculates average housing price using houses and land listings.
Realtor.ca MLS’s claim of the average house price in Fredericton, NB being $288,300 is a misrepresentation of the true market value and conditions. If a company were to calculate averages of an entire real estate market within an area, why would they only include house and land and not the other 4 categories?
**Misleading Representations by Realtor.ca**
The conclusions made from my analysis were made with plenty of explanations and assumptions. Given that the MLS system is a pay gated system, and their patented house price index algorithms are private, I feel it is reasonable to assume that my data is closer to true market prices. This leads us to the next question, if my data isn’t correct, why are the figures, calculations, and methodology misleading users on market conditions? The average user is not going to spend a significant amount of time manually collecting data and putting it into Excel to double check Realtor.ca. The company is the largest multiple listing system used in New Brunswick and holding that status comes with some form of implicit trust that the public holds for information it publishes. In this section, I will lay out sections and guidelines from the Competition Act and why I believe that Realtor.ca is violating the Act.
**Competition Act**
For the below, I will be using the most updated version of the Competition Act R.S.C., 1985, c. C-34, last amended on December 15, 2023 (https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-34/page-1.html) and the “Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet” published by Competition Bureau Canada (https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection\_2010/ic/Iu54-1-2009-eng.pdf)
*Section 2.2, Paragraph 4 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“Businesses should not assume that consumers read an entire Web site, just as they do not read every word on a printed page. Accordingly, information required to be communicated to consumers to ensure that a representation does not create a false or misleading impression should be presented in such a fashion as to make it noticeable and likely to be read.”
Explanation: Section 2.2 applies to the average house price and accompanying figures (Figure 2). Realtor.ca shows the average house price in text and graph form but does not disclose that these are house and land price average if my calculations are accurate.
*Section 4.1, Paragraph 1 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“If qualifying information is necessary to prevent a representation from being false or misleading when read on its own, businesses should present that information clearly and conspicuously. Businesses frequently use disclaimers, often signalled by an asterisk, to qualify the general impression of their principal representation when promoting their products or services. As mentioned earlier, the general impression conveyed by the representation, as well as its literal meaning, are taken into account in determining whether a representation is false or misleading.”
Explanation: Section 4.1 applies to Realtor.ca house price indices and other methodologies. A disclaimer in this case would be located within the same small paragraph above the figures. Instead, they use their own house price index to obfuscate their methodologies (Figure 2). Another option they give is below the graphs as “Ask a realtor for more detailed information” which creates an additional barrier to the users right under the Competition Act. Specifically, the “to qualify the general impression of their principal representation when promoting their products or services.” The “ask a realtor” hyperlink brings you to an additional page where you can find their realtors in your area. This is incentivizing the user to use their services over others to access more information. Realtor.ca has a majority market share in New Brunswick which further reinforces their monopolistic practices over real estate that hurts consumers.
*Section 4.1.3, Paragraph 1 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“Businesses may effectively draw attention to a disclaimer so that it is more likely to be read by using attention-grabbing tools to display the disclaimer. In doing so, businesses must be careful not to design attention-grabbing tools in other parts of the advertisement in such a way that they distract the consumer’s attention away from the disclaimer, making it unlikely that the consumer will notice the disclaimer or recognize its importance.”
Explanation: Section 4.1.3 is further evidence of obfuscation and misrepresentation of their graphical aids and calculations. Similar to section 2.2 in the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet, Realtor.ca placed those figures at the bottom of the first page of listings to draw the user’s attention to their interpretation of data.
*Section 52 (1) of the Competition Act: False or misleading representations*
“No person shall, for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, the supply or use of a product or for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, any business interest, by any means whatever, knowingly or recklessly make a representation to the public that is false or misleading in a material respect.”
Explanation: Section 52 (1) is the main argument for this report. I believe that Realtor.ca knowingly or recklessly misrepresented the average house price in Fredericton using deceptive graphical aids and created a home price index to further obfuscate the methodology.
I am not a lawyer, so I could be misinterpreting the sections of the Competition Act. I believe Realtor.ca has reached the threshold of violating the Competition Act since Section 52.1.1 states:
“For greater certainty, in establishing that subsection (1) was contravened, it is not necessary to prove that (a) any person was deceived or misled; (b) any member of the public to whom the representation was made was within Canada; or (c) the representation was made in a place to which the public had access.”
This amendment to the Competition Act removed the threshold of proving that an individual or the public were deceived or misled. I believe that Realtor.ca has violated all three elements of section 52.1.1 ensuring that they have met the threshold of violating section 52.1 of the Competition Act.
I have given numerous caveats to my analysis, so it is possible I have come to the wrong conclusions given the lack of transparency in methodology and limited time frame. One thing I can conclude with certainty, is that Realtor.ca is misrepresenting market conditions through their figures displaying average house prices, pay gates to information, and methodology disclosures guised as a patented as a housing price index. I believe that Realtor.ca should make it clear to the user how their housing price index is calculated. Realtor.ca and the MLS system has succeeded in market capture and fights to keep this information pay gated to only people that benefit from these misleading claims. Regardless of their reasons, these monopolistic practices only benefit anyone under their system through the restriction of information to shape the way the public perceives the market conditions, a clear violation of the Competition Act and a disservice to the public.
There was a lot more I wanted to cover like if Statistics Canada (u/StatCanada) sourced their data from the MLS system and the broader implications of sourcing data that could be misrepresentation. Again, I could be wrong and would welcome any additional relevant information.
submitted by PunnyHeals to newbrunswickcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:47 PunnyHeals Misrepresentation of house price data by Realtor.ca

Misrepresentation of house price data by Realtor.ca
  1. Realtor.ca claims the average sale price of a house in Fredericton, NB is $288,300. My own calculations point to the average being approximately $543,878.
  2. Realtor.ca most likely calculates it average house price using the average for houses and vacant land. My average for houses and land was $288,540, only a $240 difference, making this the most likely explanation.
  3. Realtor misrepresents graphs and averages through market capture, pay gating, and could be violating the Competition Act.
I have been looking to buy a house for the past several years in the Fredericton area and have been checking the online listings regularly through Realtor.ca since it is the most common real estate listing website used in New Brunswick. What I liked about Realtor.ca was its ability to provide the average sell price for a house every month with graphs that showed the average sell price for a house in Fredericton for the past 12 months and 10 years. Looking for a house for an several years, I felt that I had a good idea of the market conditions and price ranges. My anecdotal evidence was that the average house price was much higher than Realtor.ca’s estimate of 288,300. I wondered if my anecdotal evidence could be supported by data.
The objective of this report is to collect list price data from all available listings within the Fredericton area. Once collected, I can take the average price and see if it matches the average price shown by Realtor.ca.
**Average/Median Methodology**
When you use Realtor.ca, you can filter results by the property type. There are six property type categories: Residential (single family home), condo/strata, vacant land, recreational, multi-family, and agriculture. For each of these property types, the asking price and address were copied into an Excel file. The data was collected on May 10, 2024, and included all listings within Fredericton; duplicate listings were removed.
Once all data was collected, the average and median for each property type was calculated (Table 1). I compared my calculated average to the Realtor.ca average to determine if my anecdotal evidence of thinking the average house price was higher than what Realtor.ca said was justified.
There were 107 listings for residential houses (referred simply as “house” in this report), 245 listings for vacant land, 5 listings for recreational, 7 listings for multi-family, 2 listings for agriculture, and 10 listings for condos (Figure 1).
The average listing price was $543,878 for houses, $177,026 for land, $227,080 for recreation, $826,100 for multi-family, $829,450 for agriculture, and $317,410 for condos. The median listing price was $474,900 for houses, $64,900 for land, $229,900 for recreation, $799,000 for multi-family, $829,450 for agriculture, and $289,900 for condos (Table 1).
**Realtor.ca MLS System Average House Price Claim**
When you search for “houses for sale in Fredericton, NB”, you will see the top search results show Realtor.ca. This is not uncommon since Realtor.ca and its Multiple Listing Service (MLS) have the highest number of listings of any other online real estate listing service for the Fredericton, NB, area. Having most real estate listings concentrated on one system can provide users with a general idea of greater market conditions beyond individual listings, such as averages and trends for cities. Realtor.ca provides this data in the form of “Market Price (CAD)” price trends for the past 12 months, and price trends for the past 10 years (Figure 2). These figures are prominently displayed at the end of the first page of the Fredericton real estate listings (URL: https://www.realtor.ca/nb/fredericton/real-estate).
This leads us to the first claim by the Realtor.ca MLS system claim and our initial objective of this report.
Claim: The average market price in Fredericton sits at $288,300 as of May, 2024.
Analysis: When a user views these figures, it is a safe assumption that when a price is displayed, the user is inclined to believe that “Market Price (CAD)” is the average house price in Fredericton. This is further reinforced if the user reads the description above the figures which states:
“Use our home price trends to better gauge local market conditions and plan your next move. The graphs below show benchmark or average prices of homes sold in the area. Data generated by MLS® Systems and the MLS® Home Price Index (HPI) — Canada’s most advanced tool to gauge local home price levels and trends.”
This small paragraph specifically states, “The graphs below show benchmark or average prices of homes sold in the area.” Based off the graphs and their statement, we can safely interpret that Realtor.ca is explicitly saying that the average home price in Fredericton, NB, currently sits at $288,300; leaving no room for interpretation on how the data can be viewed. The reason I wanted to be explicitly clear on this thought process is that if you look back at the results section of this paper (Table 1) and see that the calculated average of all house listings was $543,878, it represents an 88.65% difference. A couple assumptions that could explain this difference are:
  1. The listings used in the analysis are only a snapshot in time and could not represent an accurate or precise representation of the monthly price average.
  2. Houses that were listed below the average could be selling more quickly, giving us a skewed data set that is not representative of all listings that have been posted.
  3. Realtor.ca gives the average sell price for houses in Fredericton and not the average listing price. There could be a large discrepancy between sell price and list price, resulting in my calculated average being inflated.
The three assumptions made above introduce bias into my conclusions, but given the magnitude of those differences, it could be reasonable to assume there might be an alternative reason causing these discrepancies.
Since there is such a large discrepancy in my calculated average and the average from Realtor.ca, I expanded my analysis to other categories. I combined my residential house data set with the other five property types to see if it would alter our initial average and how close it would come to the calculated Realtor.ca average (Table 2). Realtor.ca claims the average house price in Fredericton was $288,300, which seems to be closest to my calculated average for the combination of house and land listings. With the addition of these combinations, it suggests that Realtor.ca calculates average housing price using houses and land listings.
Realtor.ca MLS’s claim of the average house price in Fredericton, NB being $288,300 is a misrepresentation of the true market value and conditions. If a company were to calculate averages of an entire real estate market within an area, why would they only include house and land and not the other 4 categories?
**Misleading Representations by Realtor.ca**
The conclusions made from my analysis were made with plenty of explanations and assumptions. Given that the MLS system is a pay gated system, and their patented house price index algorithms are private, I feel it is reasonable to assume that my data is closer to true market prices. This leads us to the next question, if my data isn’t correct, why are the figures, calculations, and methodology misleading users on market conditions? The average user is not going to spend a significant amount of time manually collecting data and putting it into Excel to double check Realtor.ca. The company is the largest multiple listing system used in New Brunswick and holding that status comes with some form of implicit trust that the public holds for information it publishes. In this section, I will lay out sections and guidelines from the Competition Act and why I believe that Realtor.ca is violating the Act.
**Competition Act**
For the below, I will be using the most updated version of the Competition Act R.S.C., 1985, c. C-34, last amended on December 15, 2023 (https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-34/page-1.html) and the “Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet” published by Competition Bureau Canada (https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection\_2010/ic/Iu54-1-2009-eng.pdf)
*Section 2.2, Paragraph 4 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“Businesses should not assume that consumers read an entire Web site, just as they do not read every word on a printed page. Accordingly, information required to be communicated to consumers to ensure that a representation does not create a false or misleading impression should be presented in such a fashion as to make it noticeable and likely to be read.”
Explanation: Section 2.2 applies to the average house price and accompanying figures (Figure 2). Realtor.ca shows the average house price in text and graph form but does not disclose that these are house and land price average if my calculations are accurate.
*Section 4.1, Paragraph 1 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“If qualifying information is necessary to prevent a representation from being false or misleading when read on its own, businesses should present that information clearly and conspicuously. Businesses frequently use disclaimers, often signalled by an asterisk, to qualify the general impression of their principal representation when promoting their products or services. As mentioned earlier, the general impression conveyed by the representation, as well as its literal meaning, are taken into account in determining whether a representation is false or misleading.”
Explanation: Section 4.1 applies to Realtor.ca house price indices and other methodologies. A disclaimer in this case would be located within the same small paragraph above the figures. Instead, they use their own house price index to obfuscate their methodologies (Figure 2). Another option they give is below the graphs as “Ask a realtor for more detailed information” which creates an additional barrier to the users right under the Competition Act. Specifically, the “to qualify the general impression of their principal representation when promoting their products or services.” The “ask a realtor” hyperlink brings you to an additional page where you can find their realtors in your area. This is incentivizing the user to use their services over others to access more information. Realtor.ca has a majority market share in New Brunswick which further reinforces their monopolistic practices over real estate that hurts consumers.
*Section 4.1.3, Paragraph 1 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“Businesses may effectively draw attention to a disclaimer so that it is more likely to be read by using attention-grabbing tools to display the disclaimer. In doing so, businesses must be careful not to design attention-grabbing tools in other parts of the advertisement in such a way that they distract the consumer’s attention away from the disclaimer, making it unlikely that the consumer will notice the disclaimer or recognize its importance.”
Explanation: Section 4.1.3 is further evidence of obfuscation and misrepresentation of their graphical aids and calculations. Similar to section 2.2 in the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet, Realtor.ca placed those figures at the bottom of the first page of listings to draw the user’s attention to their interpretation of data.
*Section 52 (1) of the Competition Act: False or misleading representations*
“No person shall, for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, the supply or use of a product or for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, any business interest, by any means whatever, knowingly or recklessly make a representation to the public that is false or misleading in a material respect.”
Explanation: Section 52 (1) is the main argument for this report. I believe that Realtor.ca knowingly or recklessly misrepresented the average house price in Fredericton using deceptive graphical aids and created a home price index to further obfuscate the methodology.
I am not a lawyer, so I could be misinterpreting the sections of the Competition Act. I believe Realtor.ca has reached the threshold of violating the Competition Act since Section 52.1.1 states:
“For greater certainty, in establishing that subsection (1) was contravened, it is not necessary to prove that (a) any person was deceived or misled; (b) any member of the public to whom the representation was made was within Canada; or (c) the representation was made in a place to which the public had access.”
This amendment to the Competition Act removed the threshold of proving that an individual or the public were deceived or misled. I believe that Realtor.ca has violated all three elements of section 52.1.1 ensuring that they have met the threshold of violating section 52.1 of the Competition Act.
I have given numerous caveats to my analysis, so it is possible I have come to the wrong conclusions given the lack of transparency in methodology and limited time frame. One thing I can conclude with certainty, is that Realtor.ca is misrepresenting market conditions through their figures displaying average house prices, pay gates to information, and methodology disclosures guised as a patented as a housing price index. I believe that Realtor.ca should make it clear to the user how their housing price index is calculated. Realtor.ca and the MLS system has succeeded in market capture and fights to keep this information pay gated to only people that benefit from these misleading claims. Regardless of their reasons, these monopolistic practices only benefit anyone under their system through the restriction of information to shape the way the public perceives the market conditions, a clear violation of the Competition Act and a disservice to the public.
There was a lot more I wanted to cover like if Statistics Canada (u/StatCanada) sourced their data from the MLS system and the broader implications of sourcing data that could be misrepresentation. Again, I could be wrong and would welcome any additional relevant information.
submitted by PunnyHeals to fredericton [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:22 featherwinglove I did it again, a new Trimps novelization (more faithful to story messages than the other one) Tightniks Run Zero

[OC Intro: The game is modded to increase basic jobs cost, seasonal events are disabled. Much of the crash details are based on NASA/SP-2008-565 Columbia Crew Survival Investigation Report recommendations especially Chapter 3 "Occupant Protection".]
The ship is without power, and Tightniks can't run the radar much without draining the batteries. He has only a few minutes of APU power left, goes over the best clearing he can find, and radars it. It varies by only a few feet from the aerodynamic glideslope there. He spots it out on the cameras and circles to go after that spot. He's only at two hundred feet now. With one hand on the stick, he uses the other to open the pressure equalization valve on the side hatch, then at one hundred feet, gets it undogged. Depending on how much damage he's going to get, it's less likely to be stuck closed and trap him. The dynamic vacuum this pulls in the cockpit rips most of the survival pack data cards from that rack and scatters them across the landscape. Crap, I'm gonna need those! Refocusing on surviving the next few seconds, he turns on the radar for the final approach, takes a last look around, then straight ahead at his forward camera and PFD, he clicks his HANS and shoulder strap locks in; after that, he can barely move, but that now is better than dying in this crash with a broken neck. He's a decent pilot and brings up the flare gently. Bringing up the alpha on this delta-winged ship, he balloons a little, but keeps the nose going up and restores a zero aerodynamic sink rate just above the highest terrain indicated by the radar altimeter. The ship bumps a little in the ground effect, and he can see the radar altitude cycling irregularly up and down about five feet at a time. Rougher than it looked from higher up! The body flap protecting the dead engines hits first, and the nose comes rapidly down. It hits, the screens go blank, and Tightniks is surrounded by airbags, some lifting his feet from the rudder petals and his hand from the control stick. It's blinding, it's disorienting, it's noisy, and, to his relief, it's long! It takes several seconds before the crashing cockpit stops moving. How many times did he flip over? Did he go sideways and roll? Am I rightside up? Are we really stopped on the ground? The airbags deflate, and he can move his arms. He gets his restraints loose and inspects himself. "Uck!" he says out loud (without the 'f'). No broken bones. His pressure suit can take his blood pressure. 116/81, pulse 112, blood oxygen 99 reads off on his left arm, I'll friggin' take it!
The ship is amazingly intact from what he can tell. He can't get any readings. The systems test meter seems to be working, but can't find any voltages anywhere. The ship seems to be completely dead. Behind him, 10 passenger seats are all surrounded by airbags and the back of the cabin ends in some sort of dirt-and-gravel and there's a bit of daylight seeping in around the edges. He was the only one on board, though, so their deployment was mostly academic (they might have stiffened the structure a little during the crash, but that's probably trivial.) Tightniks gets out of his spacesuit. The air on this planet is actually breathable. He gets the hatch open, steps outside and-
"A green shimmer erupts then disappears, and you hit the ground."
The human emerges from the glowing green mist and hits the ground. Groans. Pushes against that ground, trying to get back up. Where am I? What's my name? I remember nothing. Aren't babies born naked? He's got a dark blue button-down shirt on. A uniform? A shoulder patch. Gets up, looks around. I feel really heavy. I'm not that fat, am I? He picks up a small stone from the ground, this also feels heavier than it should. He rises to his feet and holds it out somewhat (he's unable to fully extend his arm) and lets it go. The stone hits the ground near his feet quickly and with remarkable speed. It's the gravity, it's greater than it is on- ...where am I from? This is- ...not my home planet? "Oooh..."
"Ka?" it says.
What is that? It's cute, at least.
It is not tame. He has no hope of catching it on foot. The creature seems to like the berries. Maybe if I gather some of those into one place and set some kind of trap...
33s: First trap.
I got one! The human lumbers up to the trap and gets the catch open. Do you bite? It doesn't matter much to me; I'm so friggin' screwed.
It doesn't. It looks at the human with a sense of wonder, actually. A blink and tilt of the head. Seems almost to be asking, Is it you? My purpose? My savior? Once out of the trap, which is totally wrecked, he has to make a new one from scratch, it follows him around like a imprinted hatchling bird.
Wiry little fella, you are. You're going to need some bulking up to do anything useful. The- ...'trimp', I guess... The trimp seems just barely able to feed itself. The human lets him into the broken ship's intact cabin, and it curls up comfortably in a passenger seat for a nap.
1m03s: Second trap.
"Apparently the Trimps breed if they're not working. Doesn't look pleasant."
What are they doing?
The trimps appear to be androgynous, and these two have paired off in the back of the ship. They're holding something carefully within a few hours, feeding it berries, grass, and- ...corundum.
Corundum?? Whatever that is, it isn't a baby.
1m35s: Third trap.
Only it IS a baby! The third trimp he trapped immediately joined the other two in raising it. They have a strange diet of food the human has found compatible with his own body, but they also eat rocks! They're careful to crush and sort aluminate minerals from silcate ones and only eat aluminate. Actually, they don't eat aluminate, they're only feeding it to the baby.
2m06s: Fourth trap.
All four are raising the same child, who is just starting to toddle. It seems these fellas have alumina or maybe even aluminum bones. The human takes a nap and wakes to find the first child grown up and they're starting to raise a second child, all five of them.
2m46s: Huts.
The human found a working bit of electronics. He calls it a pad, but maybe it's more like a smartphone. It has plans for two residential structures. The first, the smaller one, he can build right away, but the second one needs something called "drywall", and he has to figure out how to make that before he can build it. Huts and houses, apparently.
3m13s: 10 pop, full, first farmer.
The trimp he trained to farm and make paper took an incredible 50 units of food to get bulked up to do the work, and now it's not participating in rearing the child. But less than an hour after the trimp started farming and pulping, the child was out on its own, and the trimps did not start another. The ten seats on the ship were all full. Well, eleven counting the one up front that the human sleeps in. The pilot starts exploring the area.
3m28s: Battle.
Wait, what are you do-
The hostile roars and charges at the human, but one of his trimps jumps in front of him with a stick and they fight. It started right when the human got far enough away from the ship that the hostile non-trimps away from the ship began to regard him as leaving his own territory. After the trimp defeats the first enemy, it continues after other hostiles.
3m53s: Shield I in Z1c5.
The human is easily able to recover the loot in the territory cleared by the fighting trimp. Then he sees something glinting in the- That can't be! What the heck is that? It's a data card that fits his pad. It quite clearly regards trimp combat. He gets it loaded into his pad and studies it. I can do this, it just takes some wood. He returns to the ship to discover that they had already started on a new child before the fighter had even expired in battle. The human concentrates on his research.
4m38s: Mskel in Z1c11 defeated.
The remains of this one seem rather white and shiny. It's titanium! This enemy had titanium bones! He'll store them away. They'll be useful someday, I'm sure.
5m52s: Dagger I in Z1c20.
Where are these data cards coming from? The human wonders as he loads this one into his pad, It's for a weapon it calls a dagger. He blinks. I don't know what a dagger is. I'll take your word for it, data card. Needs metal. He has gathered some, but ore is plentiful. He can just dig and smelt it whenever he wants. For now, I'll continue researching.
6m18s: Arable in Z1c21.
It's an old cave that trimps like to live in. Why weren't they able to live there before? How could these friendly critters be confined to only the exact spot where THAT thing, he looks back where he came from, not remembering that he piloted the wrecked ship to its current resting place, crashed? This is really strange. I'll let them fill up this cave before advancing further. Wait, what about defenses? The hostiles never try to reclaim territory that they've lost, so he stops worrying about that fairly quickly.
8m22s: First hut is 0.3% first ever AP.
The trimps seem fairly easy to please in terms of living quarters. Two move into his first hut and start raising a child. The human has his tent, uniform, and the heater pilfered from his space suit. Not much of a mud fan.
9m59s: Miners in Z1c30.
Oh, what's on this data card? Sl3niw? Oh, I'm holding the pad upside down. Miners. I can teach trimps how to mine ores and smelt met- 200 units of food? Each job is getting more expensive to train a trimp for. He puts his bee nickels to his eyes and spots another data card probably 10 enemies away. "Sc"? Does that means science? I can teach trimps to do science??
13m57s: Scientists in Z1c40.
Due to the expense of training trimps, the human couldn't afford to build them shields until now, he's got Sh1-3 made for the fighter to capture the science training data card. 14m02s: One head went into that turtlimp shell, that of his fighter, but two came out: his fighter still has his head on, and he managed to get the turtlimp's head off. It rushes off after the deadly penguimp in the next cell. The shields are not doing all that much good, actually, but they're better than nothing. The human picks up and loads the science data card and- Holy runny sugar-free fudge crap! 1000 food units, but it'll endow them with the ability to speak. Good. I'm getting bored with no one to talk to.
14m28s: Bloodlust purchased and AutoFight enabled (that delay after getting it is an effect of jacking up the job cost.)
As the human buries this expired little trimp warrior, he comes to the sobering realization that he has more trimp graves in his growing trimp colony than he does live trimps. And yet they seem more hopeful now than before I got to know any of them. They seem to think I'm the solution to all their problems or- Those two look east somberly, then notice that he's watching them and smile back and wave at him. ...one problem that is specific, but very, very huge for them. [The only reason I say 'east' is because that's right on a map, and the game advances right across a row, then up. I might say 'northeast' on occasion for that reason.]
20m47s: Z1c73, Miners taken.
Are you my new mining foreman? The trimp who took to the mining training has dark brown fur that lays flat on its head. It's unusual in not having any bits that stick out from its head, ahoge or whatever. This one is relatively quiet, and while it has assimilated the mining and smelting knowledge, it needs to bulk up to do any mining. Smelting is relatively easy, and getting a strong natural draft going in a furnace is almost trivial with the increased gravity. This trimp builds furnaces like nothing. And likes to nap in holes it digs right on the spot; it's weird that way. [Puchim@s Yukipo, and furnaces are not explicit in Trimps.]
21m58s: Farming in Z1c80.
The resourcing "books" are not data cards but paper scrolls, apparently lost to the trimps. It seems that they were civilized in the recent past and some calamity swept over the planet to reduce them to this. Did I have something to do with it? Amnesia sucks harder than a Dyson- ...what's a Dyson? Whatever, it sucks. This disaster happening just before I crash in the only spot with trimps still alive would be a seriously crazy coincidence! Something is really, really wrong about all this. [The author has not sought or received product placement permission or fee from Dyson Technology Ltd. or any resellers of their stuff, just they literally suck balls and made my favorite vacuum cleaner.]
23m50s: Builder in Z1c90.
They've rescued an, I dunno, gelding trimp? It just started to build a shed around the piled lumber I left to build one. It's really slow compared to me, and just banged its thumb, but it is super cute with that long reddish head fur. That particular trimp is also fascinated with pink ribbons and likes to decorate its head fur with them. Because of its inherent inability to participate in rearing children, it isn't counted in the population. [Puchim@s Io, builder on the basis of Iori seen building in 1x10.]
26m02s: Zone 2, 44 pop, 5.5s RC with Z0/1.
It's some sort of tactical manual - tactical coordination. Coordination! He's starting to sort out some trimpese on the research he has done so far. It needs a lot of metal, so they won't be able to implement it for some time. Hopefully, they're still good one at a time, but these enemies seem to be getting bigger as we go along. Uh oh!
27m33s: Gym in Z2c5.
It's some sort of training dojo or sporting arena. The human examines the ruins, I think I can back-engineer drawings for this, get one built, and see what happens.
29m02s: 1g, 47 pop, 10.8s RC with Z1/2.
The two fighting trimps now with their gym and coordination are dodging and blocking enthusiastically, and making much faster ground against the bad guys then a little while ago when it was just one trimp fighting at a time and unable to avoid the enemy hitting back.
40m46s: Fresh turkimp in Z2c74, 63 pop, 7.9s RC, Sh1-10, Da1-5, Bo1-3, Ma1-3, Hm1-3, 6g.
Oh, wow, the laborers seem really hot after this turkimp. He cooks it up and tries a slice. It's really awesome! I have to work alongside his laboring trimps to share it, but I'm getting used to the gravity now. That scroll we found back in Z2c10 really helped. Trimps' techniques and appliances for handicapped individuals, and I'm really handicapped in this higher gravity. He joins the woodcutters with the turkimp; they're the most numerous resource laborer right now, building more gyms, enough that the block/dodge ability of the fighting trimps is almost caught up to the enemy's ability to cause damage.
43m15s: Zone 3, 63 pop, 7.9s RC with Z1/2.
I'm neglecting my science and trimp scientists are really expensive. Curiously, that grey-haired one can't speak all that well, only says "Tai" and "Shijou", but it can write and draw like nobody's business. It's the only scientist so far. [Puchim@s Takanya: Online references probably still claim that she can utter the first two syllables of any word, but she can actually utter only the first two kana syllables of someone's name, most often the given name of basis human Takane Shijou, who also has that habit. (All the utterances of the puchidoru are based on the speech foibles of their basis humans except maybe Piyopiyo, where I haven't seen anything match up so far.)]
47m32s: Finally, we can make drywall and houses. 59m30s: Z3c77, 94 pop, 7.8s RC.
Oh, those poor things are really struggling up at the front. These trimps are enthusiastic and know no fear, but I still feel like telling them to stop for a while. I don't have the heart to keep them from trying while they're still doing some damage.
1h05m24s: Zone 4, 107 pop, 9.3s RC with Z3/4. 1h15m26s: Zone 5, 120 pop, 8.2s RC with Z3/4.
"What is that?" the human asks. He has three scientists. His first does all the writing, but the other two can actually speak. One of them hops up on a rock spire beside the human to reach his eye level.
At the next ridge line, over the lowest and most passable gap in the terrain, this really mean looking hovering sausage monster.
"I dunno," the scientist trimp shrugs, "But it's making me hungry. Looks like a perfectly cooked frankfurter from here." [John Morell's dubious dirigibles.]
"Oh, yeah," the human nods, "that's a blimp."
"A blimp?" the trimp tilts its head quizzically at the human, "How could you know?"
"I wish I could tell you, little buddy," the human extends his arm braces to descend the pass on the side of the zone boundary in the boss enemy's direction, then grunts, "Let's go kill it."
1h16m11s: Z1c9, 120 pop, 10.3s RC with Z4/5. 1h33m34s: Zone 6, 151 pop, 7.4s RC with Z4/5.
1h33m54s: TP in Z1c3.
"What's this?" the human asks, having picked up the little square document with the curling corners.
"Oh," the hungry scientist looks at it, "It's a garden path, follow me."
"You want to lead me down the garden path?" the human says.
"Yeah," the scientist says.
"Are you kidding?" the human asks.
"No," says the other scientist, "We don't get human humor. Listen, these fighters can't go, let them wear themselves out here, then we'll take the next group through this garden."
"Okay," the human nods, watching two more trimps join the fray as he issues the Z5 coordination orders, "they're doing pretty well after all that block training research we just wrapped up." [That's a common artifact, even in normal games, Z5 Traintacular combines with many gyms, enough population to add several trainers, affording Blockmaster, which is expensive on a run zero, plus a break on Tion Z5, a 40% all-stat increase. I don't think Zach designed it into the game on purpose, it just worked out this way.]
1h34m07s: 151 pop, 10.5s RC with Z5/7. 1h37m44s: Drop from Z6c39, TP for 3.
"Now we have these access map frags we can use to route through the old trimpopoli," the scientist explains, "Atlimpis for food, Morimpa for gems, Everimp for metal, and Impazon for wood."
"What about the garden?" the human asks.
"Well, we got lucky with Tricky Paradise," the scientist says, "but you can randomize the route and maybe get lucky. What's with that look?"
"Somehow, I'm remembering 'frag' as something that blew up with deadly pieces," the human says. [Different video games - ones with better graphics and worse gameplay O(>▽<)O]
1h39m59s: Blues back up to the top on series I...
"Tai, Tai!" the first ever trimp scientist stops the human just before he upgrades the mace and dagger to Mk.6 and Mk. 8 respectively. It has a note for him.
"Why do you keep calling me that?" the human asks, "Do you think that's my name?"
"Shijou, Shijou," it nods as though to indicate, I KNOW it is. Then it proffers its note again. The human takes it and reads, "Don't upgrade the first row equipment right now."
"Why not?" the human asks.
"Shijou," it points at the end of the mapped route, where there's a scroll sticking out of the thistles.
2h24m07s: Zone 8, 224 pop, 12.2s RC with Z7/12.
"Your settlement is getting crowded, there's Trimps in the streets, and you're taking heat. You feel a sudden strong desire to create a map, though you're not quite sure how that would help."
2h49m10s: Zone 9, 357 pop, 9.5s RC with Z8/15.
"You can't shake the feeling that you've been here before. Déjà-vu?"
The trimps really seem to like the new high capacity mansions, and the village has rapidly expanded since they started building them.
"There's something familiar about this," the human says.
"Tai," the grey one that writes clings to his arm and shows him a note that says, "Don't give up now."
"We must persist," says the yellow one has found a foothold it can grab onto and grabs the human's shoulder gently, "If you give up to early, we'll never solve this. You'll be stuck here forever."
The human puts his hand over the trimp's paw on his shoulders, then looks at him, "I can die, too."
"No, you can't," the trimp says quietly, "Please don't test that, tall one."
"Death is just another path..." he remembers.
"Gan," the grey one squeaks. [That's the first two kana syllables of "Gandalf"]
"...one that we all must take," the human continues, "The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it-"
"A green mist," the yellow trimp interrupts, "flash of fire, we're all gone and our progress forgotten. The wandering stars return to that day, and you again crash that ship- ...a little better every time."
"Wait," the human looks around, "have I been here before?"
"I-" the yellow trimp tries in futility to share what little it knows, "...or... somebody got just a little coolant into the-"
"Into the what?"
"This side up," the grey one's note says.
"Into the that," the yellow one points at the note, "It really helped. You- ...I don't think we've ever had mansions before."
Well, of course they didn't have mansions before. That was one of my ship's data cards. How did it get way out here? Will anything start to make sense?
3h02m13s: Zone 10, 387 pop, 8.7s RC with Z8/15; '28s: 11.1s RC with Z9/19. 3h16m41s: Tough snimp after food book, L10 rand dept from lo-hi-med 118/25/96, 4 Items.
"That's twice our frags led us to gem-rich Moria," the human says.
"Morimpa," the new red trimp scientist corrects, there now being 5 scientists. [There'd be more if there were more turkimp.]
"The question is how do we use all these gems?" the human looks at the village zoning plans again, "I like those mansions and all, but they use hardly any gems compared to, well-" he gestures at the pile of over two dozen thousand gems they've gathered, "-that! And still a lot of wood and lumber."
"I think there's something," the yellow one sighs, "I wish I knew more."
Quite some time later, after they're done looting that route for equipment plans, the trimps are again advancing through Zone 10, and he hears it.
"Tai?" the grey one wonders.
"Where are you going?" the yellow one asks.
"To the farm," the human answers.
"Whatever for?" the red one seems exasperated.
"Shijou?" the grey one sighs, then looks at the fighting front. It's been around long enough to remember, "Shijou!"
"You guys already get so much to eat this doesn't do you much good," the human explains.
3h32m33s: L11 112/35/78 rand sea, dropped from Z11c6 with disband, 4.
"What's wrong?" the red one asks.
The human comforts one of the wounded. Once trimps start into a zone fight, they have to finish before they bleed out. He's really bothered making them desert in front of that second turkimp. "They had a lot left in them," he sighs, rubbing his eyes, "but we can't keep that much dead turkimp at once, we have to leave it alive to use up all of this one."
"Shijou," the grey one presents a note, "We need this map right away, anyway. Don't worry about it, Tightniks."
"Tightniks?" he looks at the grey one, "Is that me? How do you know?"
"Tai," the grey one points at the top of the human's left breast pocket.
"Ah, crud," the yellow one curls its tail around in front of itself as trimps do when they're embarrassed, "Is that really a name tag?"
The human hadn't even noticed it since the green flash blew up his memory as he was stepping out of the ship.
4h04m22s: Block (sub-8h AP is only 0.3%), taking it, 504 pop, 9.8s RC with Z10/24.
It's a pretty thick book about using shields for block instead of hit points. The pad has the stats analysis. Sh3-1 is only giving us 9% of our hit points. Turning to his trimp scientists, he says, "It seems to me to be worth it."
"Let's," the yellow one nods.
"Shijou," it hands him a note, "It scales badly, but that won't matter for a long time. I think there's a way to undo it before it matters."
"Doing it." The human takes out his pad and starts scanning.
4h29m05s: L14 rand moun 137/26/80 is really good for a lo-hi-med. 4h30m52s: Hotels.
"Ah," the yellow one says, "I knew there was something. That must be it."
5h08m09s: L15 lo-hi-hi rand gard 129/28/82 (just got explorers). 5h09m32s: Picked up Wall.
"Dam," the human says.
"Damn?" the red one chuckles.
"No," the human says, "Earthen wall dam; it's a thing that makes artificial lakes by holding rivers back."
"Lakes?" the yellow one asks, "Rivers?"
"Oh yeah," the human says, "This planet doesn't have enough rain for those..."
5h48m21: Leaving Wall from about c70 to fetch Tion Z15.
"You can't resume the map from the same point if you start another," the human reads the grey one's note.
"We can go back to the same point on that route if we hold there and finish Zone 15, right?" Tightniks asks.
"Shijou!" it seems to be saying yes.
"Yes," the yellow one adds, "but we're out of Series III upgrades, and you need a fresh map route to start up Series IV."
"We should be okay," Tightniks says, "but if we have to start it over, I don't see that being a big deal." As they advance through the rest of Zone 15, Tightniks resumes his usual duties at the research desk instead building and running traps like he was before.
The trimps seem hopeful at this decision.
5h49m10s: Fresh turkimp. 5h50m16s: Zone 16, 1071 pop, 13.4s RC with Z15/75, 13m43s turkimp (skel in c1.)
"Z:16 Seriously? Another Blimp so soon?"
"So," Tightniks lowers his bee nickels and looks at the red one, "is it going to be boss fights at the end of every zone from now on?"
"Hmm," the red trimp looks up past the human at some random rock spire or cloud.
"Well?" the human persists.
"Yup," he says.
"Hmph," Tightniks grabs a Sw3-1 of the rack and advances towards the front, "Before then, we have another Mister Titanium."
"What does he like about skeletimps?" the red one asks the grey one as the human marches off.
"Shijou?" the grey one seems just as confused by that.
"He's not going back to the ship, and he's not getting himself killed," the yellow one smiles, "so I'll take it."
"Hey guys, go for the mortar!" the human suggests to his 75 fighting trimps in the Wall's boss fight.
"I can tell from your bedtime stories that you're used to the artillery in that other place," the yellow one gripes, "but fighting works differently here, there's no artillery."
And the human instantly collapses laughing, the scientists a little worried he might have injured himself in the planet's severe gravity. But he's okay, at least physically, "Mortar is the stuff between the bricks, fellas. That's is a brickimp, right?"
5h59m18s: Wall, 1076 pop, 13.3s RC, 1% AP for sub-8h finish, first L16 roll good 156/35/84 moun, 10 for the metal.
Beyond the Wall was a more edenic section of the trimpolis ruins, doubling the production of the lumberjacks. The trimps are actually really happy with the mode of all of the laborers moving between the three big jobs, along with the turkimp, except for the foremen specialized at leading the job. It isn't enough to boost their productivity, but the human goes to them with trays of sandwiches.
6h06m52s: 50 map run 0.3% AP...
6h19m13s: Zone 17, 1141 pop, 16.0s RC with Z16/94, no turkimp.
"Z:17 You climb a large cliff and look out over the new Zone. Red dirt, scorched ground, and devastation. Is that a Dragimp flying around out there?!"
"Hmm," the human surveys the new zone with his bee nickels, "Looks like crap. Any ideas?"
"You're the idea man," the yellow one groans.
"Set the map flag," he puts his bee nickels away, "We'll run a depth for practice and to load up on gems for more hotels."
"Righto," the red one gets to work.
6h44m34s: First DCP. (Draglimp Care Package; I refuse to call it a tribute.)
"Oh," the human says, "It's tame now, so it brings back gems in exchange for food?" He looks at his gaping scientists, "That's what it looks like, huh? Guys? Yo!"
"Tai..." the grey one sighs.
Draglimp, the dragimp imprinted on Tightniks, lands beside the human, drops some gems at his feet, and accepts some scratching behind its horns before diving into the food bowl.
"You tamed a dragimp???" Grey's note says.
"Well," the yellow one huffs, "I guess that happened."
8h18m53s: L20 depth of 154/27/79.
"Mapping up here?" the red one half closes one eye and tilts his head.
"Yeah," the human says while fitting together the depth map fragments, "With the coordination book not right at the end, we have an extra mark of coordination to take advantage of. Let's take our housing up to 2000 or so, shall we?"
"Okay," the yellow one says from a pile of logs, "What's all the wood for?" They had been collecting it for days now.
"The series upgrades follow a rather specific pattern," Tightniks explains, "Just on the other side of this blimp is Zone 21, where we should be able to find the Shield series V, right?"
"Shijou!" the grey one nods.
8h56m17s: 1% AP for 100 map runs, leaving it, 1751 pop, 24.8s RC with Z20/232. 8h56m54s: Zone 21...
"Ooooookay," Tightniks growls, "There is something off about this thing."
"Shijou?" the grey one looks at the yellow one with concern about their human starship pilot friend.
The human stoops, picks up the little green gem on the ridge between Zone 20 and 21, looks at it, huffs, and asks, "Any idea where this comes from?"
"Err..." the red one seems hesitant to say, "I think you made it."
"Really?" the human huffs, "How could that be?" Then he tosses it at Red, "See if anything reacts to it. It might be radioactive, so we should take turns to minimize exposure."
"Really?" Red's holding it now, "What makes you say that?"
"Because I'm pissed off for no reason I can figure out," the human says, "I think it's coming from that."
"Frags," the red one says quickly, "I think it's arranging a route. You're good with maps," it tosses the gem to the grey scientist.
"Shijou," the grey one says hopefully, and has a map drawn within a few minutes. [Whether it looks like the one in Puchim@s 1x61 is anyone's guess. That one annoyed me as well as Chihya.]
9h02m37s: L21 moun first roll was a decent 160/26/84. 9h21m00s: Starting run 5 of that map...
Tightniks had taken his anger out on some food and wood to build about 8000 traps. Now he's leaning against a rock spire in his increasingly tattered uniform. A nap begins, perhaps unintentionally.
Wild trimps are examining the pile, finding it unwelcoming, and also finding no place in the town, just mill about. It looks like they want to help.
"Ku?" it's a blue trimp, probably a farmer waiting for stuff to grow, climbs up on the rock spire the human is leaning against, starts patting him on the head, "Ku. Ku ku." [Puchim@s Chihya.]
9h23m09s: Still working that lap...
Tightniks wakes up from that nap, and the grey one is standing there. "Shijou," it says with a note of concern, although not much of one. The note it holds says, "It wasn't me."
"Oh, what wasn't you, buddy?" He stretches out a bit, feeling somewhat refreshed. It feels like somebody washed his face and hair while he was sleeping.
The grey one is also holding a small mirror, apparently broken off from a larger mirror and with the sharp edges filed down to make the edges safe.
The human takes it from the grey trimp and holds it in front of his face to discover that somebody has bound up all his hair into about twenty little pigtails. He touches them with his other hand to confirm. "Eh, whatever." He hands the mirror back and goes back to sleep. [Puchim@s Koamimami.]
9h30m08s: The following run...
"He's not throwing stuff every which way yet," the yellow one whispers to the red one, watching the human snoozing with his pad on his knee.
"You remember that, too?" the red one asks.
"'Remember'?" the yellow one turns to face the red one, "I s'pose that's better than imagining it."
"I remember it, too," the grey one says via a playing card sized note.
"If we're stuck in a time loop," the yellow one sighs, "maybe this cycle will be different."
"Tai..." the grey one admires him for a moment. Then thumbs in the direction of the mountain, "Heh, Shijou!" it laughs.
9h35m58s: Run 8, c9 of that map.
The scientists nap and take notes, and meditate and take notes, and draw stuff. The grey one often storyboards for the other nine because it's the best at drawing stuff. They have come up with a list, and most probably "order" (they're debating whether their ranking means "order" (sequence of things happening over the various loops) or "frequency" (what proportion of previous loops they have happened in). But they've come up with this, from first (or perhaps most often) to most recent (or perhaps least often):
- The ship crashes (they're pretty sure that happens every loop) - The human builds huts - The human teaches some of his trimps to speak and do science - The human builds houses - The human makes maps - The human builds mansions - The human blows up and gets himself killed somewhere around Z17 to Z21, often on a dragimp - The human only recently/occasionally builds hotels - The human only recently/rarely tamed a dragimp - The human only recently/rarely maps the Dimension of Anger
They're all agreed that that they have never finished the Dimension of Anger. What they are not all agreed on is that they've never done this conference to figure out whether they're in a time loop or what that might mean. [See also Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Cause and Effect" ...which was sort of a time loop but they weren't going back in time. It's very interesting, but its meta makes no sense - no one ever went looking for the Bozeman in 80 years? No one who went looking for the Bozeman also got stuck? No one noticed the passage of time outside the little area of space where the not-quite-a-time-loop was happening? Errr... sci-fi writers, don't be half-assed about your time loops, lmao! Be like Harold Ramis- ...what am I saying?? (That would be Groundhog Day, which grafted a time loop into a romcom; there are no other sci-fi elements. But it was a full-blown time loop and not half-assed like "Cause and Effect".)]
9h54m06s: Dropped from Z21c95...
I think it would be a bad idea to bypass that green area, as much as I'd rather not face it. Both his domesticated trimps, which are breeding up a new group of fighters, and the wild trimps he has decided just now not to open the traps for, stare at him and point in that direction. He shoulders a huge Shield V-3 and grabs an Mace IV-2 as well and announces, "We're doing it." Thus equipped, he marches off into the Dimension of Anger.
10h27m53s: Taking Pi4-2; recently had taken Pa4-2...
The group at the front had expired, and the snimp in DoAc95 glares at the advancing colony of trimps, which had halted only because of it. It refuses to counterattack the vulnerable colony and its human, instead snorting and huffing, waiting for the next bunch of 232 fighting trimps to come in range.
Tightniks runs along the line of traps, releasing the recently tamed trimps, singing a song that he doesn't remember the meaning of, that he doesn't remember was crafted by an ethnically Chinese guy out of an African language, and later mastered by two caucasians over the internet before they ever met in person. "Baba yetu yetu uliye, mbinguni yetu yetu amina..." because it just happened to be stuck in his head. [Because the Doylian author decided on a whim to. Christopher Tin got it into Civilization IV and at the time (2010 July), I made the best video for it on YouTube, which got subsequently blown to shreds when Peter Hollens and Malukah re-recorded the song from scratch in their own voices and instruments in 2014, pity with no English translation, the purpose of my video.]
Noticing the last batch of metal he needs coming out of the furnace, he waves the waiting grey scientist to fire up the forge [to use the term properly and not as the game does], for it was time to wrap up the forging dies for the Spetum IV, Mark 2 pike heads.
"Shijou!" the grey one cheers, setting aside a snack that looks like maybe ramen, and starts jumping up and down on the bellows handle.
It takes a while for the human to chip out the tip in the two halves of the forging die, and then polish it, and then heat it up in the forge, and then quench it, inspect it, and put it into service crafting thousands of new pike heads for the fighting trimps.
But only one second passed on the map frame clock (10h27m54s) four cells behind that snimp, in the case being brooded over by this huge, and if it's honest, rather concerned megablimp.
10h35m45: Portal PB, 45 He, 4.247 He/hr, 1891 pop, 22.7s RC with Z20/232, no turkimp.
The last head of the map's boss monster goes limp as one of the fighting trimps' mace heads bounces of it, and the huge thing settles on its tail, resting on the package that seems to be the prize of this map. And there's a popping sound, and then something mechanical.
Is that a scroll compressor? Tightniks looks at the package. The deflating monster's lifting envelope material drapes over everything underneath it. "Red, Shijou!" he snaps and points, "roll up that side of it. Keep this part from sucking down on the extractor nozzle!"
All ten of the scientists jump in, literally, pushing the gas in the bag towards the compressor. Tightniks as well, rolling up the front.
Until he kicks, and nearly trips over, a smaller package that might be the explanation for the reason why the center of the monster's defense seemed to be a little away from the big package he could see. It's in the right place, he realizes. He gets it uncovered and reads stenciled-and-sprayed block letters on it:
Perhaps the Dimension of Anger is so named because of the rage suddenly rising up in Tightniks' throat. It isn't so much as the free-floating aggression suddenly has an answer, there is definitely a fresh batch of rage and anger as he grips the nearest Mace IV, Mark 3 with both hands and gets it over his shoulder, its target obviously this object, anger at the realization he screams at the top of his lungs, "We are stuck in a mutha FAH-king time loop!!" His swing begins. [Tightniks almost never cusses, unlike Snugniks.]
submitted by featherwinglove to Trimps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:20 TrackingSystemDirect GPS Tracking Shipping Containers

GPS Tracking Shipping Containers

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This cutting-edge technology stands as a game-changer in the shipping industry, offering real-time, comprehensive tracking of your cargo. By reading this article, you will gain insights into how GPS tracking not only acts as a deterrent against theft but also significantly boosts operational efficiency. Get ready to explore the multifaceted advantages of GPS tracking and why it's becoming an indispensable tool for protecting your cargo shipments.

GPS Tracking For Shipping Containers - The Easy 5-Step Process

GPS tracking for shipping containers employs satellites to relay precise location data. Containers are equipped with GPS devices, constantly transmitting their whereabouts. This real-time monitoring is key for deterring theft and ensuring cargo safety. The system uses cellular and satellite networks for data transfer. Users access this information through secure online platforms. Instant alerts are sent for unexpected container movements. Geofencing technology establishes virtual perimeters for additional security. This setup also aids in optimizing routes, reducing delays, and improving delivery schedules. Essentially, GPS tracking is a comprehensive solution for safeguarding shipping containers.
  1. Device Setup and Activation. Install GPS devices on shipping containers and activate them for satellite communication.
  2. Continuous Tracking and Data Transmission. These devices continuously track container locations and transmit this data via cellular and satellite networks.
  3. Access and Monitoring. Users access real-time location data through a secure online platform, enabling constant monitoring of the containers.
  4. Alerts and Geofencing. Receive instant alerts for any unauthorized movement or geofence breaches, enhancing security measures.
  5. Route Optimization and Operational Improvement. Utilize GPS data for efficient route planning, reducing delays, and improving overall operational efficiency in shipping.

Best GPS Tracking Device For Shipping Containers

The Oyster GPS tracking device is a location monitoring tool specifically designed for tracking shipping containers and valuable cargo assets. When considering this device over alternatives, especially those at a lower price point, it's important to assess its distinctive features and specifications.
Key Features:
  • Long Battery Life: Powered by three AA Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries, offering up to five years of operation with one daily location update.
  • Versatile Tracking: Capable of updating location every five minutes when in motion and once a day when stationary.
  • Recovery Mode: Provides more frequent updates, useful for tracking in critical situations.
  • Instant Alerts: Sends notifications via text or email when cargo moves or enters/exits a geofenced area.
  • Wide Coverage: Supports 4G and 5G Cat-M1 Towers, ensuring connectivity in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
  • Rugged Design: Comes in a waterproof casing with an IP67 rating, making it suitable for harsh environmental conditions.
  • Size and Weight: Compact and lightweight, easy to install on various cargo assets.
  • Network Compatibility: Operates on both 4G and 5G networks for broader coverage.
  • Durability: Waterproof and dustproof with an IP67 rating.
When buying a GPS tracker or shipping containers, consider these features alongside your specific tracking needs, budget constraints, and the potential long-term benefits of investing in a reliable tracking solution. The price of the Oyster GPS tracking device, while potentially higher than some alternatives, reflects its extended battery life, robust build, and comprehensive coverage capabilities.

How Bad Is Cargo Theft - A Look Into The Stats

Navigating the world of cargo shipping involves understanding the risks associated with cargo theft. These quick facts shine a light on the extent of this problem, revealing what is most commonly stolen, where thefts tend to occur, and just how significant these losses can be. Get informed and stay ahead with these crucial statistics:
  • According to the FBI, the average value of goods stolen per cargo theft incident in the U.S. is approximately $214,000.
  • Food and beverages are the most targeted goods, accounting for nearly 20% of all cargo thefts.
  • Electronics make up the second most stolen goods, constituting around 15% of total cargo thefts.
  • The states most targeted for cargo theft are California, Texas, and Florida, which together account for over 60% of all reported incidents in the U.S.
  • Warehouses and truck stops are the most common places for cargo theft, with around 50% of thefts occurring at these locations.
  • Approximately $15-30 billion is lost annually in the U.S. due to cargo theft, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau.
  • Less than 20% of stolen cargo is ever recovered, making prevention crucial in cargo management.
  • Thefts tend to spike around holidays, with notable increases around Thanksgiving and the 4th of July.
  • Global losses from cargo theft reached a staggering $22 billion in 2021, according to BSI's annual Global Supply Chain Intelligence report.

GPS Tracking Device For Shipments

Imagine how simple it becomes to monitor shipping containers and prevent cargo theft with GPS tracking devices. Picture this - you run a shipping business, and you want to keep a close eye on your containers. You attach a real-time GPS tracker to each container you wish to monitor.
This tracking system consistently beams back the container's location data. You can access this real-time GPS tracking data online, anytime you want. It's as if you're in constant communication with your cargo containers.
Every time one of your GPS-equipped containers moves, you receive a notification. Imagine the peace of mind this brings. Asset theft? That's a concern of the past.
Think about the precision and efficiency GPS tracking units add to your operations. You're able to calculate estimated delivery dates with a new level of accuracy.
But let's face it. Some criminals see cargo theft as a low-risk, high-reward endeavor. When a single container can contain a million-dollar payout in electronics or tobacco, the temptation for black market crooks is hard to ignore. Here are additional benefits of how real-time GPS tracking technology can be your solution for theft prevention and asset management:
  • Enhanced Asset Management: GPS asset trackers provide real-time location information for both powered and unpowered assets. This visibility enhances your ability to monitor specific containers and manage your fleet effectively.
  • Advanced Features: Incorporating technologies such as a Bluetooth gateway, temperature sensors, and IoT systems, these tracking devices offer more than just basic functions. They bring smart container capabilities, improving shipment tracking and ensuring the safety of the cargo.
  • User-Friendly Interface: With developer API and API integration, you can easily incorporate GPS tracking into your current operations. The tracking dashboard and container tracking software provide a user-friendly interface for quick access to data.
  • Adaptable to Increased Demand: As your business grows, these GPS container tracking solutions scale with your needs. They support additional features like trailer tracking, vehicle tracking, and chassis tracking to meet the increased demand in your operations
Learn more about trackers that work internationally!

GPS Tracking Shipping Containers - Frequently Asked Questions

Do GPS Container Tracking Systems Work Anywhere In The World?

Yes, most GPS container tracking systems utilize a cellular network to transmit location data, ensuring global coverage. In some cases, the container GPS can record location data, but can't transmit it until the ship is in cellular coverage. However, it's essential to confirm that your specific tracking solution offers both global coverage and satellite tracking.

Can GPS Tracking Devices Help Reduce Costs In The Shipping Industry?

Absolutely! GPS tracking devices for shipping containers contribute to operational efficiency, enabling route optimization and better utilization of resources. This helps reduce costs associated with fuel consumption, insurance premiums, and asset recovery.

Are There Any IoT Sensors Available For Shipping Container Tracking?

Yes, IoT sensors are increasingly popular in the shipping industry. These sensors, such as temperature and humidity sensors, provide real-time environmental monitoring. Why is this important? Because it can help ensure cargo security and allow for better decision-making to protect sensitive goods!

How Can GPS Tracking Shipping Containers Improve Customer Experience?

With asset tracking systems, customers receive accurate information about the location and status of their shipments. This transparency allows them to make better-informed decisions and provides an enhanced customer experience with your service.

Can Container Tracking Technologies Offer More Than Just Location Tracking?

Definitely! Advanced container tracking technologies can provide valuable insights, such as dwell times and ETA predictions. This GPS data helps improve scheduling and overall efficiency in the shipping process!
Some photos in this article, "GPS Tracking Shipping Containers" were generated using AI
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2024.05.14 22:30 aznpersuazion Artificial Intelligence is NOT a Good Career

As with most things, the opinions expressed in this post are my own. Consider this as just one data point, and not as a guide to your career.
I've been working in the Data/AI space for 5 years now and I've seen hundreds of starry eyed people wanting to work in A.I. because they want to work with the latest and coolest cutting edge technology. But I want to share with you a few reasons why A.I. is not a good career choice.
  1. A.I. positions could end up like the "data scientist" position. Looking at the history of the data scientist position, in 2010-2020, the hype around data science made it so that millions of people flocked to that position. Companies eventually realized that most them actually didn't need data science, and the impact of the position didn't always help them profit. The demand of the job has plummeted in recent years, leaving millions of aspiring data scientists unemployed or needing to pursue a different career.
  2. A.I. positions will be less than .0001% of tech engineering jobs. In the next few decades, the demand for software and data engineering roles will be much more needed at most companies that A.I. roles. Only a small group companies will a be pursuing A.I. initiatives, while the majority of companies will still need software and data engineers. But because 90% of tech news is A.I. related, there will be a massive influx of people trying to enter the space.
  3. The barriers to entry are huge. To pursue a career in A.I. and machine learning. A person's understanding of statistics and software engineering need to be extremely high. To get to that level of knowledge requires much more dedication and studying than most people imagine. Becoming a decent software engineer or data professional is already difficult for the average person.
Before you decide to pursue this as a career, it's important to consider some of the cons listed below. Perhaps consider taking a smaller step first and trying to land a job as a software engineer or data analyst. If you're already in a technical field, consider not putting all your eggs into one basket, and making sure you know enough skills to stay gainfully employed in the job market.

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layer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leaf, league, lean, learn, learning, least, leather, leave, left, leg, legacy, legal, legend, legislation, legislative, legislator, legitimate, lemon, length, less, lesson, let, letter, level, liberal, library, license, lie, life, lifestyle, lifetime, lift, light, like, likely, limit, limitation, limited, line, link, lip, list, listen, literary, literature, little, live, living, load, loan, local, locate, location, lock, long, long-term, look, loose, lose, loss, lost, lot, lots, loud, love, lovely, lover, low, lower, luck, lucky, lunch, luxury, machine, mad, magazine, mail, main, mainly, maintain, maintenance, major, majority, make, maker, makeup, male, mall, man, manage, management, manager, manner, manufacturer, manufacturing, many, map, margin, mark, market, marketing, marriage, married, marry, mask, mass, massive, master, match, material, math, matter, may, maybe, mayor, me, meal, mean, meaning, meanwhile, measure, measurement, meat, mechanism, media, medical, medication, medicine, medium, meet, meeting, member, membership, memory, mental, mention, menu, mere, merely, mess, message, metal, meter, method, Mexican, middle, might, military, milk, million, mind, mine, minister, minor, minority, minute, miracle, mirror, miss, missile, mission, mistake, mix, mixture, mm-hmm, mode, model, moderate, modern, modest, mom, moment, money, monitor, month, mood, moon, moral, more, moreover, morning, mortgage, most, mostly, mother, motion, motivation, motor, mountain, mouse, mouth, move, movement, movie, Mr, Mrs, Ms, much, multiple, murder, muscle, museum, music, musical, musician, Muslim, must, mutual, my, myself, mystery, myth, naked, name, narrative, narrow, nation, national, native, natural, naturally, nature, near, nearby, nearly, necessarily, necessary, neck, need, negative, negotiate, negotiation, neighbor, neighborhood, neither, nerve, nervous, net, network, never, nevertheless, new, newly, news, newspaper, next, nice, 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porch, port, portion, portrait, portray, pose, position, positive, possess, possession, possibility, possible, possibly, post, pot, potato, potential, potentially, pound, pour, poverty, powder, power, powerful, practical, practice, prayer, preach, precisely, predict, prediction, prefer, preference, pregnancy, pregnant, preparation, prepare, prescription, presence, present, presentation, preserve, president, presidential, press, pressure, pretend, pretty, prevent, previous, previously, price, pride, priest, primarily, primary, prime, principal, principle, print, prior, priority, prison, prisoner, privacy, private, probably, problem, procedure, proceed, process, processing, processor, proclaim, produce, producer, product, production, profession, professional, professor, profile, profit, program, progress, progressive, project, prominent, promise, promote, prompt, proof, proper, properly, property, proportion, proposal, propose, prosecutor, prospect, protect, protection, protein, protest, proud, prove, provide, provider, province, provision, psychological, psychology, public, publication, publicity, publish, publisher, pull, punishment, purchase, pure, purpose, pursue, push, put, qualify, quality, quarter, quarterback, quarterly, queen, quest, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote, race, racial, radiation, radical, radio, rail, rain, raise, range, rank, rapid, rapidly, rare, rarely, rate, rather, rating, ratio, raw, reach, react, reaction, reader, reading, ready, real, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reception, recipe, recipient, recognition, recognize, recommend, recommendation, record, recording, recover, recovery, recruit, red, reduce, reduction, refer, reference, reflect, reflection, reform, refugee, refuse, regard, regarding, regardless, regime, region, regional, register, regular, regularly, regulate, regulation, regulator, reinforce, reject, relate, relation, relationship, relative, relatively, relax, release, relevant, relief, religion, religious, rely, remain, remaining, remarkable, remember, remind, remote, remove, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representation, representative, Republican, reputation, request, require, requirement, research, researcher, resemble, reservation, resident, residential, resign, resist, resistance, resolution, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restaurant, restore, restriction, result, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, revenue, review, revolution, rhythm, rice, rich, rid, ride, rifle, right, ring, rise, risk, river, road, rock, role, roll, romantic, roof, room, root, rope, rose, rough, roughly, round, route, routine, row, rub, rubber, rude, ruin, rule, run, running, rural, rush, Russian, sacred, sad, safe, safety, sake, salad, salary, sale, sales, salt, same, sample, sanction, sand, satellite, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, sauce, save, saving, say, scale, scandal, scare, scatter, scenario, scene, schedule, scheme, scholar, scholarship, school, science, scientific, scientist, scope, score, scream, screen, script, sea, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secret, secretary, section, sector, secure, security, see, seed, seek, seem, segment, seize, select, selection, self, sell, Senate, senator, send, senior, sense, sensitive, sentence, separate, sequence, series, serious, seriously, servant, serve, service, session, set, setting, settle, settlement, seven, several, severe, sex, sexual, shade, shadow, shake, shall, shallow, shape, share, sharp, she, sheet, shelf, shell, shelter, shift, shine, ship, shirt, shock, shoe, shoot, shooting, shop, shopping, short, shortly, shot, should, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrug, shut, shy, sibling, sick, side, sigh, sight, sign, signal, significant, significantly, silence, silent, silver, similar, similarly, simple, simply, sin, since, sing, singer, single, sink, sir, sister, sit, site, situation, six, size, ski, skill, skin, skirt, sky, slave, sleep, slice, slide, slight, slightly, slip, slow, slowly, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snap, snow, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, software, soil, solar, soldier, sole, solid, solution, solve, some, somebody, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, son, song, soon, sophisticated, sorry, sort, soul, sound, soup, source, south, southern, Soviet, space, Spanish, speak, speaker, special, specialist, species, specific, specifically, specify, speech, speed, spend, spending, spin, spirit, spiritual, split, spoil, sponsor, sport, spot, spray, spread, spring, square, squeeze, stability, stable, staff, stage, stain, stair, stake, stand, standard, standing, star, stare, start, state, statement, station, statistical, status, stay, steady, steal, steel, steep, stem, step, stick, still, stimulate, stimulus, stir, stock, stomach, stone, stop, storage, store, storm, story, straight, strange, stranger, strategic, strategy, stream, street, strength, strengthen, stress, stretch, strike, string, strip, stroke, strong, strongly, structural, structure, struggle, student, studio, study, stuff, stupid, style, subject, submit, subsequent, substance, substantial, substitute, succeed, success, successful, successfully, such, sudden, suddenly, sue, suffer, sufficient, sugar, suggest, suggestion, suicide, suit, summer, summit, sun, super, supply, support, supporter, suppose, supposed, Supreme, sure, surely, surface, surgery, surprise, surprised, surprising, surprisingly, surround, survey, survival, survive, survivor, suspect, sustain, swear, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, switch, symbol, symptom, system, table, tactic, tail, take, tale, talent, talk, tall, tank, tap, tape, target, task, taste, tax, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, teaching, team, tear, technical, technique, technology, teen, teenager, telephone, telescope, television, tell, temperature, temporary, ten, tend, tendency, tennis, tension, tent, term, terms, terrible, territory, terror, terrorist, test, testimony, testing, text, than, thank, thanks, that, the, theater, their, them, theme, themselves, then, theory, therapy, there, therefore, these, they, thick, thin, thing, think, thinking, third, thirty, this, those, though, thought, thousand, threat, threaten, three, throat, through, throughout, throw, thus, ticket, tie, tight, time, tiny, tip, tire, tissue, title, to, tobacco, today, toe, together, toilet, token, tolerate, tomato, tomorrow, tone, tongue, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, topic, toss, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourist, tournament, toward, towards, tower, town, toy, trace, track, trade, tradition, traditional, traffic, tragedy, trail, train, training, transfer, transform, transformation, transition, translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transport, transportation, travel, treat, treatment, treaty, tree, tremendous, trend, trial, tribe, trick, trip, troop, trouble, truck, true, truly, trust, truth, try, tube, tunnel, turn, TV, twelve, twenty, twice, twin, two, type, typical, typically, ugly, ultimate, ultimately, unable, uncle, undergo, understand, understanding, unfortunately, uniform, union, unique, unit, United, universal, universe, university, unknown, unless, unlike, until, unusual, up, upon, upper, urban, urge, us, use, used, useful, user, usual, usually, utility, utilize, vacation, valley, valuable, value, variable, variation, variety, various, vary, vast, vegetable, vehicle, venture, version, versus, very, vessel, veteran, via, victim, victory, video, view, viewer, village, violate, violation, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visitor, visual, vital, voice, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voter, voting, wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, war, warm, warn, warning, wash, waste, watch, water, wave, way, we, weak, weakness, wealth, wealthy, weapon, wear, weather, web, website, wedding, week, weekend, weekly, weigh, weight, welcome, welfare, well, west, western, wet, what, whatever, wheel, when, whenever, where, whereas, whether, which, while, whisper, white, who, whole, whom, whose, why, wide, widely, widespread, wife, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wipe, wire, wisdom, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work, worker, working, workout, workplace, works, workshop, world, worried, worry, worth, would, wound, wrap, write, writer, writing, wrong, yard, yeah, year, yell, yellow, yes, yesterday, yet, yield, you, young, your, yours, yourself, youth, zone.
submitted by Zappingsbrew to u/Zappingsbrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:27 Flamewakerr To EA and whom it may concern, sincerely, from one of us

Hey everyone, amidst the thousands of rants, in light of Nick's movement, I think it's time for me to say something, maybe no one cares, I don't have a major platform to get my word out, but I still think that it's good to get these things out here and perhaps the best thing all of this can do is change the way we perceive the game as a player base. This will be long, so those of you willing to, bear with me.
Let me tell you something from a point of view of someone who loved the game for a long time. We're a bunch of very versatile people from all over the place and maybe it can also teach us a lesson or two. On one hand, you have kids who play it for the same reason I played it some good 15 years ago, and you've got us, the older players, who loved the game for what it was growing up because it was the best football themed game out there in many aspects, although FIFA entries weren't the only good thing about that era (shoutout to PES 2006 and 2010). It's a game that I used to enjoy because I love football as a sport, I used to play it basically on a professional level, this is the best "active" form for me to engage with the game. I'm probably too stupid for Football Manager though I believe it's only a matter of watchin a few videos to get into it and understand the in-depth mechanics. I always tried playing it and got lost in the menus within 5 minutes. But for what it's worth, I understood FIFA, I understood FUT and the shell of what it once was, the grind was fun to me, using players from past and present that I like, well, until it all got burned to the fucking ground within a year. I was never an Elite div or Rank 1 or even Rank 2 player. But I had certain results, I would get 9 to 11 wins most of the time and with enough free time I could always climb to atleast div 2 in Rivals. Sure, many of you are better and I realize that, but it's not about that. To me it was always about getting better at the game for myself, on my own terms, there would be some progression to it and getting better throughout the years always made me happy. Adult life is adult life and it's very individual, some of us have more free time on our hands, others don't. In my case, I barely have time to do my daily play matches, some SBCs and play Champs on the weekend because of work.
But the question is - how can I consistently enjoy the game if:
The whole situation is very stupid, because there is no viable alternative in terms of football games, and frankly, playing FIFA is a habit and something I've been doing for one half of my life. It's tough for me to get invested into an online competitive game, though I used to play League, Overwatch, stuff like that, but those games became shit over the years as well. That's why, though I'm only one of way too many, from my point of view, my actions bear some value, because as of today, I just don't want to feel like shit because of a game anymore atleast on a weekly basis. As things stand, dumping my time into this game is simply pointless. If I want to play Weekend League, I'll get shat on by the servers, or the gameplay will be horrendous and my cards will feel like freezers getting dragged across the pitch by a rope. Cards with great finishing, will feel like bronze cards, whatever. We're not supposed to get good rewards, and the game will call us out for being "bad" when we get DDAd. At this point, there is nothing positive about it. I will perhaps return for Futties, not that anyone cares, but building fun cards is kinda fun and good, so I'm looking forward to that. Otherwise, I will return only if all of this actually changes something. If the assholes from EA release a statement and actually change something, then I will return earlier, and even then, I'm not giving them a single euro this year. And maybe, for the first time in way too many years, I won't even preorder, maybe I'll play it later on, if it turns out to be better and different. Other than that... there's no point playing if the game is like this. I'm done with feeling negative emotions because of a game designed to gaslight and manipulate us into feeling like shit.
Sorry for the long post, I guess I just felt like I needed to tell someone.
submitted by Flamewakerr to fut [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:10 Ok_Pay6836 Sefirat HaOmer - Day 21

Izzy Goldstein wore #21 for the 1932 Tigers (go back to Day 7); so did Garrett Stubbs for the Phillies starting in 2022 and continuing until …….today, Elliot Maddox for the 1977 Orioles and the Mets from 1978-80, and Dick Conger for the Phillies in 1943, his final season - also the season in which he pitched in 13 games (10 starts), 54.2 Innings, going 2-7 with an ERA of 6.09.
Jason Marquis played in 15 seasons; he wore #51 as a rookie with the Braves in 2000, before switching to #38 for 2001-03, before being traded with Ray King and Adam Wainwright to the Cardinals for JD Drew and El iMarrero (the Cardinals got the better end of that deal). He wore #21 with the Cards from 2004-06, and then with the Cubs (2007-08), Rockies (2009), Nationals (2010-11), D’Backs (2011), Twins (2012) and Padres (2013 - he wore #38 for the Padres in 2012 when John Baker wore it) before wearing #31 for the Reds in his last season, 2015. Mike Milchin wore #21 for the Orioles in 1996 (and #51 for the Twins in the same year). Norm Miller wore #21 for the Astros between 1967 and 1973 (he also wore #54 in 1965 and #34 in 1965-66) and then doubled his number to #42 when he was traded to the Braves in 1973-74.
Steve Stone wore 9 different uniforms in his 11 year career, including #21 for the Orioles in 1979; he also wore #32 for the Orioles that year as well as in 1980-81 (he won the Cy Young award in 1980, the only year he made the All Star team). He started his career wearing #33 for the Giants in 1971 (he also wore #35 that year), and then #29 in 1972. He switched to #32 in 1973 for the White Sox, then #30 when he went north the Cubs (as part of the trade for Ron Santo) for 1974-76, before going back to #32 when he went back south as a free agent for 1977-78.
submitted by Ok_Pay6836 to jewishbaseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:56 Significant-Usual-98 Noah The Pilgrim - Chapter 1-2: The Odyssey

Noah The Pilgrim
First Next
There is one last thing to do before leaving. If you don't recall ever being on this ship, then surely, you could have had your appearance change too.
Why was there a blanket covering a mirror? You couldn't answer that with a straight face without speculation.
"Probably me being lazy and not bothering to properly place it in the wardrobe."
'Probably' is the main focus here, you simply cannot remember ever being that lazy, yet that's the only logical conclusion to be drawn here.
You pull the thing off, careful to not displace the mirror and risk breaking it.
You have no expectations as to what may appear on the glassy surface of the mirror, yet you can't help but feel a bit anxious. Are you the same as before? How were you before? You can't remember. Are you better? Worse? The blanket is now completely off the mirror, but your eyes are closed.
Whatever is it that you see when you open your eyes, that thing will be you for the rest of your life. You swallow, opening your eyes.
You see a young man that looks to be in his mid-twenties. His brown eyes stare back at you, analyzing the bags beneath your eye sockets. The dark hair is neither too long nor too short, floating about without order thanks to the lack of gravity to keep it down. You see a beard that has not been trimmed for weeks, but also lacks thickness, each singular hair isn't particularly long either; and some even appear to be in-grown.
You touch your hand against your face, making sure it's yours. The beard doesn't feel like you supposed it would against your skin, instead of it scraping your hand you feel softness, no resistance or anything.
Just beneath the face, you see what looks like a hate crime against all that is considered holy in fashion. Plain white coveralls with the added bonus of a black tie and boots made from metal and leather. On your chest is also a badge stuck in place by velcro with your name, occupation, and crew. 'NOAH - INTERN - THE ODYSSEY.'
Only one question came to mind.
"Who the fuck designed this uniform?" You say out loud, receiving no answer.
Patting your newfound myriad of pockets, you find a large quantity of nothing. You place your wallet in one of them.
"Alright, I'll head to the bridge now, happy?" You say the AI.
Well, that's a bit rude.
You compose yourself, straightening your back. This is what you look like, and honestly? Not too bad, but you could be better.
Returning to the cafeteria, you eye the two doors left unexplored; Communications and the one without plaque. You know where you should, but... A little peek doesn't hurt, right?
"Shouldn't we try to communicate with someone? Assuming you haven't tried it yet. I know we're far from everything, but we might as well, no?" You ask already approaching the door.
You really want to ask what blew a whole segment of the ship off, yet you have a sneaking suspicion that your question will be met with a 'YOU DON'T HAVE CLEARANCE, JACKASS' directly in your face. So you chose to remain silent, simply nodding and approaching the correct door this time.
The door silently opens.
Greeting you is a well-lit corridor. There are three doors on your left, a door at the end of the corridor, and a large window on the right. At least, you think that's a window.
You stare out from this window, nothing but utter blackness and fragments from your ship are seen. If this is the edge of the universe, and beyond this point, there is truly nothing. "Dreadful." Your speech matches your feelings.
"WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?" The AI says. You feel like it spoke in a mocking tone despite their lack of emotion.
You don't answer. "First door to the left... EXO-EXPLORATION...? What's that supposed to mean?" You receive no answer.
"Open." The door opens. No declarion of it opening once again.
You are met with what could be better described as 'Apocalyptic levels of mess', paper sheets float in the air, and not one of the four tables is in its correct position.
This room has been ransacked for all its goods apparently. Large display glasses were broken leaving nothing inside their casings, that looked like they could store something with the size of the common man.
Unusual displays aside, the room was so cluttered that the trash made for an effective smoke screen against what lay on the other side.
Hissing of gas exiting an air-tight space rang throughout the room.
Easier said than done. Your vision is so cluttered that you cannot see what's ahead. "Give me a second."
Giving a light kick to the wall behind, you float face-first into the wall of thrash. Covering your face with both arms, you brace through the harmless bits of sharp objects and junk.
It's a trivial task. You arrive on the other side in no time.
In front of you is a set of boxes with luminous glass rectangles atop each one of them. All shine a bright red light, aside from one which shines green.
'Gotta be this one.'
You descend to the floor by kicking the ceiling, raising your right hand you touch the green rectangle.
Nothing could have prepared you for the following series of events.
The box opens violently, as a metal appendage takes hold of your hand, pinning it to the box. You try to jerk and pry the thing off of you, but you fail. It's not leaving you anytime soon.
From the bottomless that is that container, a white plastic-like substance flows upward from your arm to the rest of your body. "Uh!" You don't know if you should panic or allow it to happen.
FYARN hasn't said anything, so it's probably fine...
The white thing seems to ignore the coveralls you are wearing completely, instead, it covers only your skin in a thin coat of... it. You know not what to call this thing.
In but forty seconds it has covered your whole body, excluding your head. The box lets go of your arm and stays there, floating.
You take a good look at your arms. It looks like a skin-tight suit, but it doesn't feel like plastic, in fact, it's more akin to some sort of fabric if anything.
The only bad part is that you are still using the coverall and tie, this this simply went beneath the clothing.
You look around in search of anything that even resembles a helmet. Nope. Nothing. "Where is it?" You ask.
The box?
You snatch the box that floated around and analyze it to the best of your ability. "How's this a helmet?"
Who is this AI, Who programmed it, and Why does it come with a taunting feature?
As idiotic as it sounds, you place the opened box atop your head. It doesn't fit properly. Maybe you're doing this wrong? You move it to your face instead.
You recoil backward as you feel the box suddenly clamping down against your head. It's useless of course, the box is holding your head and doesn't give any sign to be letting go anytime soon. No light is able to reach your eyes.
You hear metal parts scraping against themselves, moving near your ears. Abruptly your eyes can see again.
A round thin layer of glass now covers your head, almost unnoticeable for how clear it is.
"WITH THAT OUT OF THE WAY I CAN NOW SEE WHAT YOU SEE." The AI's voice isn't in the room now, instead, it's inside of the suit. "DO YOU NEED INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING THIS SUIT'S FUNCTIONALITIES?"
You find it oddly comfortable as if you are surrounded by the softness of cotton, and to top it off the suit also has additional functionalities? "Hell yeah, I do!"
You sigh. Is this serious? "Then why the fuck did you ask?!"
"Okay then... Is there anything I need to know before heading out?" You ask.
You are unsure if you want to 'figure out on your own' if this suit comes with breathable air and is also made for space exploration. You swallow.
Meekly as always, you get out of that mess of a room, stopping at the corridor.
"Next set of directions?" You ask.
"So let me get this straight," You begin, looking upwards as if the AI was above you. "You, want me, to go into the void of space, while also refusing to give me knowledge of the suit's functions?"
A fair worry, you summarize.
'I mean, there are a bunch of things that could go wrong here. I don't see anything that looks like it could help me move in space, nor do I think this thing has a built-in air tank... I could be wrong and I wish to be, but charging in without prior knowledge is ridiculous.' You wait for the AI's response, deep in thought.
Wordlessly, you propel yourself forward, toward the end of the corridor.
'Are you shitting me? 'Chance of me nor failing' my ass!' of course, you don't word those complaints, instead choosing to speak out a complaint somewhat thought through.
"Are you sure I'm the one fit for this? It's just like you said, I'm just an intern, this is way above what my job description says I should do."
This is a bit of a stretch. You don't actually remember what was your job description, only that it had something to do with AI and being an intern.
If the AI called your bluff, it'd be pretty embarrassing.
Right in the money, huh? 'Of course, I have self-doubt! I barely remember anything about this place, now I have to risk my life?!'
You finally reach a conclusion.
A dream.
'Yes, yes! How did I not consider this before? This whole thing is a god damned dream!'
You let out a chuckle.
'That's why I don't remember a thing. There is nothing here to remember! Everything here is a made-up thing from my brain! I'm sure I'll wake up at some point, so why shouldn't I live a little?!'
"Heh." You smile. "Alright, I'll do it." It feels like a weight left your shoulders.
You do as instructed without a care in the world. You never had a lucid dream before so it's not like you knew how it felt, but if it felt as free as you feel right now, you'd be sure to make steps toward trying it out again in the future.
"Open." The door does not open.
The AI says that yet you don't feel any different. 'Maybe there is no palpable difference because I'm in a dream... Yes... Or it's just the suit.'
One minute outside... "Sure." You say, calmly. 'I should just hold my breath for a while before taking another moment to breathe. That should maximize my time out there.'
The door opens. You feel your heart pounding against your chest.
You haven't noticed before, but you can't hear anything but the sound of your breath and your cardiac palpitations.
Your breath is ragged and sporadic.
"KEEP CALM." You take a deep breath. The tips of your fingers, feet, and nose feel very cold.
Ahead of you is the utter nothingness. You see a gigantic metal thing, nothing like the spaceships you imagined. Its design is not sleek and aero-dynamic like what you've seen in movies, instead, it's a large mass of squares and rectangles with antenna-like things protruding from its every visible surface.
You notice that the ship is also blocking your view of the star.
It does not look like the result of an explosion, instead, it looks like something ripped the ship like you rip a piece of paper. Well, that or you don't know what kind of explosion could have caused it. Probably the latter.
What looks like two-thirds of the ship is separated from the third you are right now. You can see the inside of a few of those squares, their contents spilled out into outer space.
One of them houses a visibly important-look door. Instead of the sleek silvery-grey from the other ones you've seen thus far, this one is painted orange with white strips on it. 'That must be the bridge.' You think.
Between you and it is a sea of metal sheets floating around. "THE CHANCES OF YOU HITTING THE DEBRIS IS INFINITEDECIMALLY SMALL, UNLESS YOU AIM FOR THEM, THAT IS."
Time is of the essence.
Will your aim strike true? If you miss you'd end up floating about in space, dead in but a few minutes. Will your jump be fast enough to reach the other side before you run out of oxygen? If it isn't, it'd be like swimming for a mile, only to drown at the beach. What if that's not the actual door to the bridge?
You don't have the time to panic now, and... It's all a dream, despite how real it feels.
You place your hands on each side of the door frame, moving backward into the corridor you were just in, and just like a sling being shot, you pull with both arms at full force towards the other side.
"The fuck do you mean 'UN-IDEAL'?! I'm going at maximum speed!" You truly pulled yourself with your whole strength.
What's worse though, is that your body is not only going forwards, but it is also spinning at a concerningly fast rate.
You feel completely disoriented. You feel like your body is completely still, but your eyes tell you a completely different story. It's very bad for the headache you're already feeling.
"FUCK!" You scream into the nothingness.
"TRY NOT TO LAND WITH YOUR HEAD." The AI says with the calmest voice possible.
In less than thirty seconds, you hit your back against something hard, but you keep moving forward. You think, at least.
"AHRG." You let out a pained grunt.
Not once in your life do you recall being hurt in a dream...
It stings. It also knocked the wind out of you. You fail to compose yourself.
In the corner of your eye, you see what you hit in the shape of a sharp metal sheet, currently spinning away in the distance.
Forty seconds have passed. You hit the door you were aiming for, kind of.
Your momentum was stopped when your chest collided against the dislodged ledge of the orange door's corridor. Your dangling legs hit the ceiling of the room below.
Before falling even further, you hold onto the ledge with the tip of your fingers. You stay there for a moment, regaining your composure.
The AI's words pressured you into quickly getting up from that ledge.
"Open!" You shouted, but it did not open. "Why isn't it opening?!" You ask the AI, then you notice a small keyboard below an equally small black screen on the side of the door. There are ten numbered keys on it, and the little screen suggests a four-number password.
"A password?! Tell me the password!"
The AI takes a moment to say anything. You don't take kindly to that. "Quick! I'm not counting how much time it's passed!"
Finally giving in, the AI speaks to you, reluctant still. "...3324."
Your trembling fingers accidentally hit the wrong password, typing '3354' instead. To make matters worse, the AI simply states the following. "YOU ARE OUT OF OXYGEN."
You swallow. If this was a dream to begin with, it just earned the title of Nightmare, if it hadn't already.
Strangely enough, you can still breathe in and out just fine, but you can't help but feel winded. It's the CO2 still inside the helmet, that's what you're breathing.
You put in the correct combination this time. The door opens.
You care little for what's inside the room you're in. Your heart never beat so fast.
Seeing a cube-shaped thing protruding from the wall to your left, you don't even think twice before plunging your fist into the circular hole in it.
The noise of gases passing through narrow cavities was enough to tell you something was working. You feel immediate relief, enough to make your vision darken for but a moment.
Just when FYARN said it, did you realize there is a screen and a keyboard on the terminal you just plunged your fist into, you scratch the top of your helmet for a moment, not really knowing what to type. One thing comes to your head, however.
You've done this before. The keys on this keyboard feel familiar to you. You must have worked with it before, not this particular one, but other oxygen units.
This ship has built-in liquid oxygen storage for emergencies. The life-support of the ship, the place where breathable air is produced, has most likely been lost with the other part of the ship. This unit takes that liquid oxygen, processes it, and injects it into a suit, or an oxygen tank. It seems like that storage was unaffected.
Lucky you.
A 5-liter tank is not only large but also heavy. It's a nonfactor in this particular situation, as there is no gravity.
The silver cylinder with a transparent tube is dispensed on the floor, as an automatic door opens and closes in the blink of an eye. One end of the tube is attached to the top of the tank, the other is shaped like a syringe.
Oddly enough, the oxygen tank is exactly as you remember it being. The same robust ones hospitals everyone on earth uses, with the signature scary-looking pointer indicating the pressure, the pointer indicating the current output, and a green valve atop to calibrate how much gas is flowing.
This is a stark difference to everything looking so futuristic in this ship, and rightfully so, this is a space ship after all.
You remember having to drive twenty kilometers with a buddy of yours on one of those tanks in your car, returning from the hospital. It was... Agonizing whenever you hit a hole in the asphalt, fearing for his life when in reality he wasn't really in danger.
It's warm to the touch, just like you remember it being.
Ignoring that last comment, you look back at the wreckage you just flew past.
You see the still spinning metal sheet. You notice that the rest of the ship that was blown off also follows the 'sharp shape atop sharp shape' design.
There is one last thing you notice though.
"What is that?"
You squint your eyes. What are you seeing? Its silhouette appears to be humanoid, yet it does not look human.
That thing has... Horns? Claws? It's far away, you can't really see it. The thing is also static, frozen in the sheer coldness of space. Whatever it was, it's dead now.
You swallow. You almost ended up just like that thing.
Shaking those dreadful feelings off, you turn back to the task at hand, reaching the bridge. You close the door after passing through it again.
Looking at your surroundings, It seems like you've reached the correct door as you find yourself on the right-most corner of the bridge;
Row after row of the most diverse of terminals neatly organized decorated the gigantic room. At the front and above every terminal, is what you think should have been the front-facing window of the ship, but it looks like there is a cover in front of it. To your left, you see a staircase that leads to the command seats. It doesn't take any convincing before you're already atop the stairs.
Akin to the elevated stage of a theater, you float softly towards the ship's main operating terminals, and of course, the captain's seat.
You're captivated by this beauty.
The steering wheel, much more akin to those in pirate movies than those found in cars, a set of leavers, and the pilot's seat, all capture your attention.
Like its second nature, your hand runs through the levers and switches. Do you even know what these are used for? Maybe.
The pilot's seat is enveloped by what you believe to be an orthopedic seat cover, made with smooth wooden beads used to deal with back pains. It looks just like the ones you remember seeing bus drivers using.
Shouldn't there be a better alternative if there is spaceship technology available?
You try to take a seat to the best of your ability, as the zero gravity only makes it awkward.
Moving on from that, your eyes fall on the wheel. This metallic wheel controls the whole vessel. Just holding it fills your heart with confidence and pride, even if it's just for a moment.
And you were just beginning to enjoy yourself.
"I just wanted to see the pilot's stuff... It's not like he's here to say anything."
Once in the position of a pilot, with your left hand in the wheel and the right hand resting in your lap, memories began to flood your mind.
You pay the AI no mind, instead you focus on what you remember.
The wheel does not turn the ship left and right, instead, it rotates the ship on its own axis.
The lever to your right that goes up or down, controls the vertical tilting of the ship's nose, if there even is one in this hulking thing. Beneath it is another lever that goes either left or right. This one controls the horizontal tilting of The Odyssey.
On the left of the wheel is another lever, but this one only goes up from its starting position. Its purpose is to regulate the force of the ship's thrusters, both forward and backward.
On top of that lever is a small timer. That timer's function is to tell the pilot how much time you've spent accelerating in one direction, this is used to better calculate how long the inverse thrust is needed for the ship to reach the initial momentum, usually calibrated manually depending on the current orbit.
Behind the wheel are a few other counters. Acceleration, velocity, momentum, amount of thrust required to reach a full stop, thrusters' temperature and overall condition, those sorts of things.
Beneath it all, where your feet are rested, are two pedals. One for forward thrust activation, and the other for backward thrust activation.
Curiously, you also know the reason why everything here is so unsophisticated and un-automated. You recall stories of a ship being taken over by a rogue AI, that AI then nose-dived the ship into a star. After that, rumor or otherwise, all human technology has receded back into analog-esque equipment, requiring a physical person with opposable thumbs to do half of the work.
There is another side to that coin, however. As to not escape protocol, the onboard AI is the one that controls interstellar travel, communications, and most of the statistical reading should it be requested.
And even with all that knowledge, you still have no idea why the fuck do you remember that. Were you a ship nerd? Did you have a driver's license for spaceships? Is that even a thing? If it is, you don't have that document in your wallet. You simply don't know.
Another thing that you don't know is the AI's plan to get both of you out of here. You rise from the pilot's seat, floating about in search of the terminal to turn on the engines. Maybe you recognize that terminal if you see it as well.
"What's your plan anyway? The ship is half-gone, it's unlikely that it will run safely like this."
You nod. They're not entirely incorrect. "So, we're running with hope that this will work?"
You think you stop the correct terminal, but as you approach it you make out words on top of its screen. 'AIM ASSISTANCE' That's not it.
You pull yourself upward again, looking around the sea of old terminals.
"Why do you even care so much about saving me? Shouldn't you prioritize whatever research here, since I don't even have enough clearance to know what it is?"
That hurt, even if a little bit.
Excuse me? What exactly is FYARN talking about? "...Explain."
You hear the AI's speech. It sounds much more like a rant than anything else.
Again, you see another terminal that seems to ring some bells in your noggin. You kick the ceiling to propel yourself towards it.
This terminal is already turned on. Just the ones in the intern bay, this one is white on black. A wall of text lays before your eyes, only two lines matter to you. 'MAIN_ENGINE STATUS: OFF' 'FORWARD_THRUSTERS STATUS: OFF' You turn it on with little effort.
No visible change occurs, but you can feel a faint rumble coming from the terminal now.
You return to the pilot's seat and feel immediate relief. In truth, everything the AI just told you, entered one ear and left the other, but you could feel the poison behind those words, as monotone as they were.
"You sound angry. Why do you sound angry?" You ask innocently.
"That is very concerning if you think that way." You're not really interested in machine racism, you're more concerned about how in the world you're going to pilot this massive thing. The idea alone sends shivers down your spine.
The various counters and screens are now turned on, waiting for your command. "Let's discuss this later, yeah? What do I gotta do?"
You look around, finding only unlabeled buttons and switches, aside from the previously mentioned levers.
"Uh, which one to press?"
Flipping the switch, you are startled by a loud noise. The protective cover of the ship lifted slowly.
As the blind rose ever so slowly, a realization struck you.
"Wait, should I be in cryo stasis for this?"
The AI spares no seconds to respond.
"Who signs a contract like that?! Worse yet, who in their right mind would promote such atrocious treatment of their own staff?!" You snap, almost outraged. "I will have to talk with HR."
Another realization struck you.
"We have HR, right?"
The AI takes a moment to respond, choosing their words carefully.
The blinds are fully open. Ironically, you are almost blinded by the visage of the star you saw before. A black sphere surrounded by white flame. Your eyes began to blur.
Your sense of hearing fails you. No, it’s not that. Your brain simply refuses to receive those stimuli.
Your name echoes inside your head. Someone is calling for you.
You try to blink, but it feels as though you can no longer command your eyelids to shut.
Arms, legs, every muscle in your body, you cannot move them.
Eventually, you won't even control your own thoughts anymore.
It sounds so distant now.
Oh so distant.
This is my first HFY story, and also my very first OC story. I plan to post at least one of these per week while also posting it on my Patreon. Noah The Pilgrim will always be at least three chapters ahead in there, so if you'd like to directly support this writer, or just want to read more, feel free to check it out.
I wrote the bloody title incorrectly, so I deleted it, only to then realize it was written correctly. Sorry for the trouble.
This has been Lushi, and I'll see you next week.
submitted by Significant-Usual-98 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:22 Ok_Pay6836 Sefirat HaOmer - Day 21 - Yom HaAtzmaut

Izzy Goldstein wore #21 for the 1932 Tigers (go back to Day 7); so did Garrett Stubbs for the Phillies starting in 2022 and continuing until …….today, Elliot Maddox for the 1977 Orioles and the Mets from 1978-80, and Dick Conger for the Phillies in 1943, his final season - also the season in which he pitched in 13 games (10 starts), 54.2 Innings, going 2-7 with an ERA of 6.09.
Jason Marquis played in 15 seasons; he wore #51 as a rookie with the Braves in 2000, before switching to #38 for 2001-03, before being traded with Ray King and Adam Wainwright to the Cardinals for JD Drew and El iMarrero (the Cardinals got the better end of that deal). He wore #21 with the Cards from 2004-06, and then with the Cubs (2007-08), Rockies (2009), Nationals (2010-11), D’Backs (2011), Twins (2012) and Padres (2013 - he wore #38 for the Padres in 2012 when John Baker wore it) before wearing #31 for the Reds in his last season, 2015. Mike Milchin wore #21 for the Orioles in 1996 (and #51 for the Twins in the same year). Norm Miller wore #21 for the Astros between 1967 and 1973 (he also wore #54 in 1965 and #34 in 1965-66) and then doubled his number to #42 when he was traded to the Braves in 1973-74.
Steve Stone wore 9 different uniforms in his 11 year career, including #21 for the Orioles in 1979; he also wore #32 for the Orioles that year as well as in 1980-81 (he won the Cy Young award in 1980, the only year he made the All Star team). He started his career wearing #33 for the Giants in 1971 (he also wore #35 that year), and then #29 in 1972. He switched to #32 in 1973 for the White Sox, then #30 when he went north the Cubs (as part of the trade for Ron Santo) for 1974-76, before going back to #32 when he went back south as a free agent for 1977-78.
submitted by Ok_Pay6836 to u/Ok_Pay6836 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:43 kasutori_Jack 2024 r/baseball Power Rankings -- Week 7: Royals Enter Top 10 and AL Central Represents, Snakes and San Francisco Sneak Up as NL West Makes Moves, Reds Dulled and Rangers' Star Loses Shine, a New #30

Hey Sportsfans — it's time for Week 7 of baseball Power Rankings: These baseball numbers have been forwarded directly from Manfred's office. They are accurate and caanot be questioned.
Every voter has their own style / system and the only voting instructions are these:
"To an extent determined individually, you must take into account how strong a team is right now and likely to be going forward. You must, to some degree, give weight to the events and games of the previous week."
TRANSPARENCY: This link will show you who voted each team where and has added neat statistics!
Check out the Auxilliary Post for added statistics and fun!
If something is a little messed up, feel free to pester me let me know.
Total Votes: 30 of 30. Another Perfect Vote!.
# Team Δ Comment Record
1 Dodgers 0 The Dodgers started off a mediocre road trip by sweeping the Marlins in dominant fashion, followed by a sleepy series against the padres. My early season prediction of the Dodgers's infield defense being the biggest issue was completely wrong. Mookie looks natural at short, and Muncy has been playing pretty darn well at 3rd. We will be using our prayers this week to pray that Shohei is going to be okay 27-15
2 Phillies +1 It's tough to end the week on a walkoff loss to the Marlins and feel good, but it's hard to complain about a 4-2 stretch. Nick Castellanos might finally not be the worst hitter in baseball after he says he started treating hitting like glorified batting practice again. Ranger Suarez has arguably been the best pitcher in baseball, pitching to a 1.5 ERA and an astounding 0.72 WHIP with team wins in each of his starts. Somehow this performance isn't even all that surprising for a guy with a 4.18 ERA last year. He was this dominant in a half season between the bullpen and rotation in 2021 and has a career 1.62 ERA in 7 postseason starts and 2 relief appearances. This week: another weird scheduling quirk as they play a 4 game set against the Mets with the first two at Citi Field and the next two in Philly before the Nats come to town for a 3 game series. 28-13
3 Orioles -1 I was hoping the Orioles would go 5-1 this week but they went 4-2. Still nothing to be super upset about. I think the main concerns right now are Mullins is hitting under .200 and Santander still not hitting the way he can. Yesterdays game was just not great so hopefully it was just a one-off and can be flushed and they move on. Blue Jays and Mariners are in town this week so it doesn't get any easier. 26-13
4 Yankees 0 Our pitching is so good right now. Anyone in the rotation could pull a Glasnow and write their number on a ball for a cute girl, and she’d call. Doesn’t even have to have their name. She doesn’t care if its’s Nestor Cortes or Clarke Schmidt. Yankees starter? She’s calling, and she’s shaving her legs beforehand. If we signed Pete Davidson for some spot starts there'd be a second baby boom. By the way, my nickname for Clarke Schmidt used to be Farte Schidt. He has very much made me eat my aforementioned schidt this year, and officially has the second-best starter ERA behind Luis Gil, as we all predicted. In other news, Judge and Stanton both have their pop at once, Soto is doing what Soto does, and Verdugo is playing sneaky good right now. We also officially took the season series against Houston 6-1, which feels GREAT. If only they were a playoff team so we could finally bounce them this year. Oh well. A Yankees-A’s ALCS it is. 27-15
5 Braves 0 The walk off loss hurts, but can't be too upset with a 4-1 bounce back week! Big time perfromance from our SP. Giving up only 4 ERs in 23.2 IP (1.52 ERA) in these 5 games. Our bats are not what we have come to expect, but that can't last much longer. Signs of life from Acuña and Olson and continued performance by Ozuna. If by the end of May we don't see massive improvement to our offensive numbers, I will be surprised. Until then, buckle up because the offense is coming. 24-13
6 Twins +3 Another great week, Sausage be praised! We took series from the Blue Jays and Mariners with both blowouts and well-pitched close games. I think it's safe to say that the team has found its groove, and this is how the Twins can be expected to perform moving forward. The only blip has been that the bullpen is having a slight slump, but that will even out shortly. 24-16
7 Brewers 0 Paul Who? The only starting pitcher debut I care about is BOBBY GAS who threw 6 innings of 2 hit, 0 run ball in a win against the Cardinals. He fills a much needed spot in the Brewers rotation, and likely would have been up sooner if not for an injury of his own. Rhys Hoskins also had a monster week, racking up 3 HR and 9 RBI in hist last 5 games. I had my doubts this young lineup and shaky rotation actually could be a contending ballclub over 162 games, but I'm not going to argue with the results. 24-16
8 Guardians -2 Another bad week. The Guardians had rough series against the Tigers and the mighty World Champion favorite White Sox. This coming week, we play the reigning World Series champs and the hottest team in our division. I'm not worried. Not at all. 25-16
9 Cubs -1 The Cubs went 3-3 this week in what felt like a complete microcosm of their season. While they did get Justin Steele, Cody Bellinger, and Seiya Suzuki back from injury, they lost Dansby Swanson and Yency Almonte, who had been a rare reliable bullpen arm. Christopher Morel also had a scare after tweaking his knee sliding into sexond, but fortunately is alright. Otherwise, the offense remained inconsistent, the starting pitching was outstanding, and the bullpen was abysmal at worst and heart-stopping at best. While he didn't continue his usual dominance against them, Ian Happ extended his streak of 62 consecutive games reaching base vs the Pirates. This week, the Cubs travel to Atlanta to take on the Braves before hosting the Pirates for 4 games. 24-17
10 Royals +2 The Royals have a chance to be in first place by themselves this late in the season for the first time since 2016. It feels like a lifetime ago. Yes, it is just seven weeks into the season but hopes are usually gone by this point. Maybe this year can be different. 25-17
11 Mariners 0 Apologies for any typos, doing this from mobile is miserable. Not the best week, but given the pitching hiccups I can't complain too much. Woo is back (and hopefully staying back, him getting pulled was a bit of a scare.) The next few series are another gauntlet, and if the M's can make it through playing relatively well they'll be in a good positon to take advantage of their schedule for the end of the month and early June. Up next: 3 vs. Roy L's, 3 @ Oreo L's 22-19
12 Padres +2 The San Diego Madres beat LA on both día de las Madres (friday) as well as Mother’s Day, wherein both we got great pitching performances from King and Darvish respectively. Arraez capped off the walk-off win on friday, and it was nice to see Bogaerts get one deep on Sunday. So far in ‘24 the Padres haven’t lost a series to the Dodgers, whether in LA, San Diego, or South Korea. It’s a bit cathartic, though I do wish there was less blue in the stands this weekend though. Really interested to see how they come out against the rocks, as SD was only able to split the 4-game series earlier in the season. This one lines up between the series’s vs LA and ATL, it could be a bit of a trap, hoping the Pads continue their series winning streak (which is now at 4) and just take care of business. 22-21
13 Rangers -3 The baseball gods are unforgiving. Sacrfices have to be made and will continue to be made to the baseball gods. Oh dear baseball gods please forgive our hubris for thinking the baseball suffering was over. It was not but also, flags fly forever. 22-20
14 Red Sox -1 The Sox have not been having a good May. Losing Casas has been brutal, and the expected bump in performance from Vaughn Grissom at 2nd hasn't happened (well, at least not yet). As a team we have a decent looking triple slash, but situationally they've been horrible. In high leverage PAs, the Sox are hitting .195/.264/.272 in 247 PAs. We have loads of talent, but there's always some issue whether it be defense or clutch hitting that holds us back from being truly competitive. 21-19
15 Tigers 0 The City Connects... phew phew phew. Looks like we got tire tracks laid on us after a truck ran us over. No thanks. I hate it... and that's not even mentioning the dumb hat. In terms of actual baseball, though, Tarik Skubal is still Skuballing. This week: 3 vs. MIA, 3 at ARI. 20-20
16 Rays 0 It was a .500 week for the Rays, and the good news is things are looking better, but only like maybe? Randy and Yandy seem to be coming back a bit; glancing at the lineup's batting avg in the game threads isn't painful anymore. Ben Rortvedt is over .300 in the catcher position which is unheard of for this team. The bad news is pitching is only bouncing back from abysmal to below average. A week against division opponents on the road will test if that improvement is here to stay or if it was just a new uniform bounce. 20-21
17 D-Backs +3 The Diamondbacks have been winning more games of late but are still underperforming their Pythagorean record and are 3 games below .500 despite a +17 run differential. Reinforcements should be coming back from injury soon which should help. 19-22
18 Mets -1 I prewrote a big and extremely negative blurb about the Mets getting swept by the Braves. That did not happen, Brandon Nimmo hit a walk off homer on Sunday Night Baseball immediately as I was about to close my computer. Never been so glad to be wrong. Bring on the Phillies and Marlins. 19-20
19 Nationals 0 Two large accomplishments for the Nats in the last week - 1) For the first time since 2021, the Nats climbed over .500 with an opening win over the Orioles in a 2-game series. 2) Patrick Corbin recorded a win this week vs the Red Sox (his first since 9/11/23 vs the Pirates). The Nationals quickly slid back under .500 losing the 2nd game vs the Orioles and then 2 of 3 against the Red Sox. James Wood is hitting everything in AAA (over 1.000 OPS) so there are lots of calls for HRCHU. 19-20
20 Blue Jays +1 Very up and down week for the Cyrulean Winged Creatures of Ontario. A 1-1 split with Philly and a 1-2 tilt vs Minnesota extended a too-long stretch of not winning series. Turns out, the combination of bad offense and a bad bullpen is bad. But there have been some glimpses of hope, at least. Alek Manoah threw a gem on Sunday, giving up 0 ER and 1 BB over 7 IP with 6 Ks. Also, Vladdy is hot as shit right now; since the last week of March, he's been hitting over .400 with a nearly 1.000 OPS. Still, the Jays in general continue to underperform and hover just below .500. Mid-May is not the time to freak out and this team is in too deep to consider a full tear-down even in a lost year, but things will be getting worrisome if they can't pull out of this middling stretch that has defined the first quarter of the season. 18-22
21 Giants +4 Believe it or not, the Giants had a winning week. They continue their flirtation with being a decent team. However, we would like the world to know about several issues 19-23
22 Athletics 0 Happy Mother's Day, say hi or I'll drop by. Rough week, our bullpen had some awful games esp w/ Kotsay's choices. Will possibly fall below the Astros this week as we play them along with the Royals, and unlike last year I don't think we're a better team than KC. Toro and Harris have been playing well with Soderstrom getting some reps in (A+ defense from them), but Gelof will likely return and change something there. 19-23
23 Reds -5 What is the meaning of suffering? This question has stumped philosophers throughout the ages, but nobody has come up with an answer. On the opposite side of this, we have also been in search of evidence of the divine, and we’ve searched for it in things like the miracle of our world. But again, we haven’t found anything. What if we’re looking in the wrong place? What if suffering is the greatest proof of a divine presence? Suffering is an art. Perhaps the greatest art ever devised. Devised by who or what though? Some greater power looming over us all? Some great cosmic being who looks upon us the same way as we do ants? Some primordial consciousness created trillions of years ago in the Big Bang that’s been merely existing all this time and only gets enjoyment out of the suffering of others? How do we figure this out? Who do we ask? I have a suggestion, we can ask baseball fans. We are connoisseurs of suffering. Ask an A’s fan about the meaning of suffering and you’ll get your answer just by looking into their eyes. Ask a Rockies fan, or a White Sox fan, or even a long dead Expos fan. It’s weeks like this that make me ask why do people even like baseball. Why do I even like baseball? Well, I remember my grandfather, since I live in the midwest we always called him Papaw, and he was the biggest baseball nut I know. He got me into baseball at a young age, and I remember one day asking why he loved it so much. When I say he was a baseball nut, I mean he was a season ticket holder, bought all the merchandise, had books about baseball and biographies written by baseball players, he had all of it. He could tell you everything about the sport with ease. So I asked him why did he love baseball so much because at that time I found it boring, and you know I still to this day remember his response. He told me baseball is 3 hours of nothing happening, but when something did happen, it was the most beautiful sport god ever created. I loved that man. Anyway this is all a long way to say the Reds suck ass right now. 17-23
24 Astros 0 Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there, especially yours. I'll visit her later, don't worry. The Astros continue to take 1 step forward and 3 steps back. Kyle Tucker is the man and we should extend him immediately. Our pitching is still mostly trash and no one deserves an extension. 15-25
25 Pirates -2 Paul Skenes made his highly-anticipated debut on Saturday, and it was one of two games the Pirates won last week. And they only won that game after first blowing a 6-1 lead thanks to 6 (SIX!) walks with the bases loaded. At one point. Kyle Nicolas threw 12 straight balls with the bases loaded. The bullpen was so depleted that Nicolas had to pitch the next day after Aroldis Chapman gave up 2 runs and 2 walks in the 10th inning, only for Nicolas to give up another run on a wild pitch. The Pirates then hit a 2-run homer in the bottom of the inning and lost 5-4. So yeah, that's how things are going in Pittsburgh right now. 18-23
26 Cardinals 0 Bro, I'm straight up not having a good time. 16-24
27 Angels 0 Hot and then cold and then hot again, Jo Adell hit three homers this past week. With a wRC+ on the season now standing at 134 and a wOBA of .363, the next step for him is now maintaining a level of consistency. With a bottom-ranking farm system, his future may not ultimately be in Anaheim. The looming rebuild is going to be a long and slow process and at the age of 25, it is hard to see much point in keeping him if someone else starts looking his way. 15-26
28 Rockies +2 We have the longest winning streak in baseball. We just swept the defending champs. I'm pretty sure that means Rocktober is coming. In all seriousness, the Rockies finally gelled for the first time this season. The Rangers didn't play poorly, the Rockies just played well. The concern now is what kind of "Coors Hangover" we'll see. 12-28
29 White Sox 0 The White Sox had a shockingly good week while clinching the season series against the Rays and winning 3 of 4 from the Guardians over the weekend. They have been playing objectively better baseball lately (which means that their 72 wRC+ season stat was at 84 last week, and their pitching has been middle of the league since the start of May). It's not much, but it's something. Myself, I'm excited to attend my first ball game of the year tonight. Of course, I'll be going to the Schaumburg Boomers home opener. 12-29
30 Marlins -2 So the fish still cant produce runs but at least we got burger back. Luzardo looks much better in his return to the bigs but oof braxton garrett. Somehow miami managed to squeeze out a win this week against two top teams but well see how they do against the tigers and mets this upcoming season. 11-31
submitted by kasutori_Jack to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:38 bimmy-and-jimmy How to Approach an 1800 Card Collection Trade-In

Don’t worry, I’m not asking anyone to tell me how much my collection is worth, but I do need some advice:
I’m about to approach a local card shop with a collection of about 1800 cards that I’m looking to trade in. I understand that’s not the most cost effective way to do it, but it seems like the quickest and easiest. It’s a mixed selection but they’re all in good condition. There’s nothing super special in it, but I’d say it’s a statistically average distribution of all of the rarities and holo variants with no energies. All from 2010-2023.
I’m working on cataloging everything right now for my own knowledge, but how should I approach the store for a big trade-in like this? Before going in, should I sort by sets, should I sort by rarity, should I separate all holos or all rare holos? Should I bring in a printout of the catalogued list once I finish that just as a reference, even though I’m sure they’ll want to confirm it? Will I need to leave the collection with them while they go through it and then come back later to talk about it? Should I divide int 50 card chunks to help count it? I want to be a good customer and help give them what makes their job easiest.
I don’t know if it’s silly for me to even be asking this. I’m going to call tomorrow (closed today), but I have no experience with this and I promise I did a lot of searching on my own before asking. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by bimmy-and-jimmy to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
