Funny goodbye quotes to coworkers

The Simpsons on Reddit! Woo-hoo!

2010.02.08 18:26 roger_ The Simpsons on Reddit! Woo-hoo!

Simpsons TV Show. The /TheSimpsons subreddit is fan base of redditors who love The Simpsons. The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture, society and television.

2013.08.19 22:27 Where The Dudes At?

Hey Hitler! This is the place to promote your poly-bi lifestyle and post all your dental updates, dad boners, funny scream videos, and would you rathers. Or maybe you just want to glass all the cool, slick, and neat stuff your fellow mommies have to offer and enjoy some brown talk. This subreddit is for all things Tommy, Tina, and Your Mom's House. Remember to keep your jeans high and tight and always wipe down! Please do not send us a modmail about this. Thanks jeans!

2023.07.11 11:53 firstnamepalindrome AajMaineJana

AajMaineJana [ENG: Today I learned] From quirky trivia to enlightening lessons, we bring you the most intriguing and funny tidbits from all over the world. Content accepted in English or any Indian Language. हम हर दिन कुछ नया सीखते और जानते हैं। आज आपने क्या जाना? Unearth weird and funny facts and trivia, decipher the meanings behind famous quotes, and immerse yourself in captivating stories. The Indian version of TIL

2024.06.09 19:07 tsukuyomi1775 AITAH for feeling some type of way that my best friend accused me of sleeping with his wife.

So I’m going to provide the backstory. My friend (29M) named John asked me to hang out last night with him his wife Jane (30F)and a few of her coworkers. I agreed to hangout with them and we met up at this club inside a place I used to work. They made it there before me and were already inside and had drinks. So I went to the bar to grab a drink and was just chilling chopping it up with my friend John. A short time later they decide they wanted to dance, I was there alone so I didn’t want to dance so I chilled on the side and then decided to go to a different bar to grab another drink. While I’m there my friend John calls me and tells me he’s going to meet up with me so we all can go to the car and drink in the car because he had a bottle in the car. I didn’t drink when we got to the car because I was still drinking the drink I got from the bar.
While we’re in the car Jane asks me if I would look at another girl’s ass if I was with my gf. A little more backstory is John and Jane are married but John cheated on Jane and they are supposed to be getting divorced. I gave her my answer and she said something along the lines like I seem like the kind of guy that wouldn’t cheat on my gf, then she decided to step outside of the car and said she wanted to get back inside to her coworkers. John and I are still sitting in the car and weren’t talking but Jane thought she heard us saying something. So when Jane kept saying that we were talking I had pretended that we were just to be funny. I told her I was just messing with her and we legit weren’t talking.
We go back inside the building and go back to the club and Jane is back on the dance floor dancing with her coworkers. John and I are standing on the sideline and out of nowhere he asks if I ever slept with his wife and messed around with her. At first I legit thought he was joking so I asked him if he did crack 🤣. Once I saw he was being serious I told him no. His reasoning was because of the interaction we had just had in the car. I was so taken aback. I didn’t even know what to say. He said that he knows we’re best friends but he said that he know I would tell him the truth straight up either way and have that man to man conversation . And I genuinely do respect that but at the same time I feel somewhat uncomfortable and disappointed. Like I’ve never done anything that would lead him to believe that I would do something like that. He says that he’s felt that way for a while now and finally decided to ask. He says his wife never gives him straight answers when he asks her questions.
I don’t know what kind of conversations they have about me behind closed doors but the whole thing has made me feel uncomfortable. I would never betray one of my close friends like that and it makes me wonder would he?? Is it a jealousy thing? I don’t want to be involved in their drama or caught up in someone else’s insecurities. I told him I try to be cordial because their relationship has nothing to do with me. I try to stay neutral regardless of their problems because he still has her around even tho they’re supposed to be getting divorced. He even said it to her as well that he thinks she and I are messing around. I just want to fall back now. AITAH for feeling the way that I do.
submitted by tsukuyomi1775 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:01 SirClicksALot97 Fresh out of grad school and have never dated before. Just some questions:

I (26M) graduated recently from grad school. Really proud of my accomplishments. I've been single forever and now I feel like it's time to start dating. There is a person I've been wanting to ask, but I have a couple of concerns tho:
Should I secure a job before starting to date? I'm actively on the job search and have had a couple of interviews. Still applying and waiting for decisions to arrive. My main income was gig work but that has dried up and I'm looking to do something else in the meantime before I land a position in my career of choice. I still have some savings, but I've read that securing employment is recommended since dating could be a distraction; also it'll provide secure income needed for going out. The reason why this may sound time sensitive is because the girl is fairly attractive and she probably won't be single for long, so I'm hoping to shoot my shot fairly soon before some else does.
Also does she seem interested? The girl is a former coworker from an office I was interning in for over a year. We got along pretty well and my interest in her grew over time (she's also studying the same career path as I did). I'm not sure if she is interested too, though. The only things I'm loosely basing it off of is that sometimes I would make her laugh without even trying (I'm not that funny btw lol), she would nervously chuckle at the end of convos between us, and one time I waited to say bye to her at end of the day (she had other coworkers in her office). After they left I approached her and said I wanted to say goodbye, she responded with "I was hoping you'd come and say bye". She also stated to me that she planned to move in the near future, and was considering my hometown as a possibility. I graduated and left the office, but I gave her my number in which I said I'd be happy to show her my town and/or answer questions. She responded saying she appreciates the offer and would let me know. We text every once in a while, but it's not consistent (I usually start the texts, she hasn't texted me first yet since the beginning). We had a brief phone call which was nice, but that was it. I completely understand her situation tho: she works FT and is going to grad school as well.
These are my two concerns. Should I ask her out while actively on a job search, or wait to get a job and risk missing out? And based of my details, does she seemed interested at all? I know asking directly is the the only way to find out, but I really don't want her to see me as a creep. I'm not scared of rejection; I've been friendzoned three times and I don't mind staying single for a little bit more to get my stuff together. However this girl could be a great opportunity considering we've known each other somewhat from work and she seems really kind. If she's not interested, then it's fine since it'll bring closure.
submitted by SirClicksALot97 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:02 unknowncuriosity0 Qadr - Loathing continues

I believe in Qadr the good and bad but is it ok for me to despise my Qadr? I’ve asked 3 women at different times of my life for marriage and got rejected 3 times because of my skin color. The women were Palestinian, Pakistani and Egyptian. I’m Senegalese American with over 10+ generations of Muslims in my family. I was raised my whole life in the Masjid, taught that all Muslims are brothers according to the Prophet peace and blessings upon him. Each time I spoke with the woman’s fathers they said I have good character but said youre dark skin and they don’t want the embarrassment that it comes with in their communities. The Egyptian father who is not even a Hashemite was bragging in my face saying that he comes from a lineage of scholars and won’t ever marry his daughter to a black man. The Palestinian father laughed in my face when I said I make 3600/month, he said that’s chump that’s change for his daughter. My pursuit for marriage cost me 6 years of headache. In that time 3 younger siblings of mine got married before me and I became the laughing stock of my own community and household. I can’t even hold my head up high anymore I’m 30 years old. I dont step out the house anymore besides jum’ah prayer. I loathe running into high school peers who have everything from a house, nice car and family of their own because of fear I might give them evil eye. I graduated as the Valecdictorian in HS now I’m the one who was left behind and with no confidence. Why are Christians accepting of all skin colors for marriage while the Muslims who were commanded to make Marriage easy regardless of ethnic background the ones so high on pride and greed? The funny thing is I was told by multiple other African brothers on how internally racist the men and women in these countries are. If I taken their advice seriously I would've probably been married right now. Plenty of night for Tahajjud for marriage to these women at separate times of my life, wasted. I was so blinded asking Allah to change the hearts of their parents because the love was mutual between me and the women I pursued. Just heartbreak after heartbreak. Even my Risq is nothing in their eyes. Lol I can't believe my so called brothers view themselves superior because of their ethnic background or skin color. So when does this "indeed, Hardship will come ease" turn out? Not like im expecting anything from it, I don't have any respect in my household or community. Before you lot go on saying it's not all families that are racist I have a quote a Somali brother told me, "Muslims think of each other as brothers until a Black Muslim asks for their daughters hand in marriage." i laughed so hard at this haha may Allah bless the brother for the wisdom wish it reached my ears earlier.
submitted by unknowncuriosity0 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:50 ThrowRA3414124 AITAH for "siding''with my mom after she cheated on my dad?

So (17M), my mom (37F) and dad (42M) broke up because my mom cheated on my dad with a coworker. My mom moved back in with her parents and my dad into a cheaper apartment. They were not married, so there was no divorce or anything like that. Both my little sister (12F) and I decided that we would rather live with our mom than with our dad. We're both way closer to her than to our dad.
Growing up, my mom was the one we spent more time with since my dad works a lot as a manager at the company he works at. She was the one who would take us to the movies, amusement parks, and also the one who went to my soccer games or other school events. She was also way more affectionate, constantly hugging and kissing us and telling us she was proud of us and loved us, while our dad was more reserved and colder. And she was also the one who would take care of us when we where sick .Well I can't remember the last time he hugged me or told me that he loved me.
He’s Hispanic and he just says that's how he was raised by his dad. He also admitted that part of him thinks showing too much affection is, and I quote, “for women and sissies.” I am a guy, so we have been able to bond somewhat over shared interests like sports or classic cars. But he never even attempted to bond with my sister in a similar way. She's a pretty traditional girly girl who likes rom-coms, romance books, Disney princess movies, Taylor Swift, and stuff like that, which my dad has never once even pretended to take an interest in. My sister once told me she feels like she doesn’t even know him.
He was also not that great of a boyfriend/partner either, from what I can tell. He never took my mom on dates or did anything for Mother's Day or her birthday, while my mom would make sure to buy him something for his birthday. So I can't really blame my mom too much for hooking up with someone else. They separated three months ago and since then, we've only seen my dad a couple of times for a few hours over the weekends.
I was talking to a friend about my parents' separation and they told me that it was really messed up that I “sided” with my mom when she is the one who cheated. First of all, I can’t help that I love my mom, I'm not just gonna stop loving her. And also her cheating does not erase the last 17 years of her being a great mom., Also my dad was a pretty shitty dad and boyfriend, so my mom cheating is partially his fault. So AITAH?
submitted by ThrowRA3414124 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:47 ChelseaTay What’s some weird (non-offensive) questions people have asked you?

Sometimes I sit back and laugh or scratch my head at the questions people have asked throughout my pregnancy. Here’s a few examples:
What are some odd things people have asked during your pregnancy?
submitted by ChelseaTay to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 Iaccodelodallamoto I ranked all the Beatles songs worst to best

Not that anyone at this gives a single flying fuck but I did this so I’m posting it. I have included all works from the main 13 albums and singles excluding
The b Side of yellow submarine as no actual beatle plays on it
Those German covers as they really aren’t so different from the original and I didn’t see the point
Unreleased material such as ultra deluxe or whatever the fuck and the l unreleased stuff from anthology (excluding the 3 last Beatles songs)
There’s a couple of unpopular opinions here so don’t go too hard on me I love them all in my own way,
214:WILD HONEY PIE: To be clear I don’t dislike the idea of the song, but I just think it’s a huge middle finger to the album. I can’t help but laugh at it as it is a mockery of Paul McCartney by Paul McCartney. I can’t help but think it’s what John thinks his little jaudy ditties sound like. However I think it’s horrible to have to listen to I’m not angry at it, just disappointed. It really could’ve been a good parody song, as it however. I think it’s a filler interlude.
213: BOYS: The original version is leagues better, and when it comes to the Beatles that’s saying something. I can’t think of anything that justifies the existence of this song. The only redeeming aspect is it’s refreshing to hear ringo sing sometimes, he does a fine job of it.
212: A TASTE OF HONEY Trashy song too sweet and pissy for me (for a great lack of a better term) Paul sounds bad on this, the whole thing sounds trashy. Drivel
211: P.S I LOVE YOU Does nothing for me.
210: SUN KING Oh a hot take. Or is it, I won’t count the medley itself as no one else seems to but if so I respect it way more than it’s placed. It’s a bit trippy but not to an extent of intriguing me. The translation to mr mustard is great but I’m not ranking that. On its own, In My Opinion, bad
209: PLEASE PLEASE ME Has everything that I dislike about the early work, especially the harmonica, fine singing but could’ve been synced better.
208: THIS BOY Forgettable and boring to me
207: SEXY SADIE fascinating song but not particularly good or interesting in my opinion. The stories of who’s it about however are worth looking into.
206: ASK ME WHY Might it have something to do with love. As you might tell I’m not big on please please me. This one blends in with the rest of the album
205: CHAINS Not an awful song but it’s not overly good. George’s vocals haven’t gotten great yet so he still could use some work. Perfectly bland song
204: DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A SECRET I am aware this song has a relatively large fan base but this is not for me at all. Sorry
203: THE END First off the “Oh Yeah! All Right!” Are indeed iconic. Everyone’s playing their heart out. Some of Ringos best work. But I don’t know, it doesn’t punch me like I think it should. I like this, but I should love it, and I don’t.
202: GOLDEN SLUMBERS Too repetitive for me to get into. This is the only Beatles song that could’ve been shorter. That’ll be ironic as I pretty much think every Beatles song is too short except this one.
201: ROLL OVER BEETHOVEN Berry did it better
200: ANOTHER GIRL I didn’t think anything of it at all to be honest.
199: TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE Fine, not that good, but fine
198: YOU KNOW MY NAME (LOOK UP THE NUMBER) They’re taking the absolute piss. I’m glad this exists but I don’t want to listen to it.
197: BIRTHDAY It’s a birthday song, you know, typical white album. Fine.
196: FLYING This is such a fucking vibe, not much after you’ve heard it the once but still, not bad at all for a mostly instrumental song
195: WHEN I GET HOME It wasn’t that bad, and it wasn’t that good
193: THINGS WE SAID TODAY Better but we’re not THE BEATLES yet
192: IM HAPPY JUST TO DANCE WITH YOU Somewhat memorable, kinda boring, not shit
191: ITS ONLY LOVE I’ve heard worse
190: I CALL YOUR NAME Not much to say about these particular songs, they aren’t shit but they’re not at that quality of good, these are the awkward songs.
189: REVOLUTION 1 I originally heard it on the white album and thought “wow that was really mid” the I heard the original single and I thought “wow they really fucked that song” still noice lyrics
188: JULIA Calm ass song. A lot of people love this song to bits but I just don’t relate to it that much, with age I expect to like this song more
187: ALL TOGETHER NOW I guess it’s fine
186: DON’T BOTHER ME It’s just meh
185: HOLD ME TIGHT Still meh
184: DIG IT I like this but it’s so short and non sensical I can’t put it any higher
183: I SAW HER STANDING THERE I like this, but it’s still a bit too sappy
182: BLUE JAY WAY This is a weird ass song. Very George. It has those uppy downy lyrics, there’s a lot to like here but also a fair few things that I don’t like, like the lyrics could have been more defined and worked on, and it could use some more power in the vocals
181: I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER Karmas a bitch
180: THE NIGHT BEFORE This one has better production but the same blandness that culminates in old Beatles music
179: WAIT There’s going to be enough hot takes on this list anyway so I will contain my feelings on rubber soul. Let’s just say the Beatles evolutions had a middle ground from lovey dovey 60s bops to the psychedelic rock they’re know for. That middle ground is rubber soul, not a bad album, but like the stage from a child to an adult, kinda messed up. This album has some re great moments. But it also has wait, which isn’t bad, but it’s not everything you would want from this particular album.
178: CRY BABY CRY It’s good, idk what else to say not Beatles good but I wouldn’t skip it
177: LOVE ME DO This song just makes you feel happy, nothing else
176: KANSAS CITY/HEY-HEY-HEY-HEY It was ok but I can tell this track wasn’t over fixated on
175: I NEED YOU You can tell it’s an older Beatles
174: DIZZY MISS LIZZY I know there’s a recent dislike for this one but it never fails to make me smile. It’s so fucking chaotic I love it, it does have its production flaws but John is singing his heart out. This is what I want from a Beatles cover track
173: IVE JUST SEEN A FACE Charming enough song
172: TICKET TO RIDE A classic I’m sure. Really has a nice groove and what it lacks in lyrics makes up for in sound.
171: ONLY A NORTHERN SONG I agree with the rest of the group that if this was on Sargent peppers it would be the worst track. However that’s not to take away from it. It’s a charming piece, it has all the elements of Harrison but overall it is only a northern song
170: SOMETHING Damn here’s the first one I might not survive. People who were on the fence before will probably switch to the ‘eh, fuck this guy’ field. I don’t dislike the song, it’s a good song, it’s a great love song but it’s a very expected feet. Every line while sung with excellence is very conventional, it’s tropey. Perhaps it’s too far to call it cheesey. And don’t get me wrong I love the simple cheesey songs a lot (just wait till you see where I put silver hammer). But this one just doesn’t strike a nerve for me. I did think the same thing about strawberry fields forever for a while before listening to it more so maybe it’ll crawl up the ranks someday but overall I think it’s a nice love song that has some great production but after that it’s overshadowed by the rest of the album.
169: ALL MY LOVING Yeah, it’s a classic, who couldn’t like it
168: MOTHER NATURES SON This one has a huge fanbase as well. It’s a good song, great use of imagery and metaphors. Doesn’t do much after that in terms of production and the way it’s sang, just a nice song to chill to in my opinion.
167: ALL I’VE GOT TO DO Again, short, sweet song
166: YOU NEVER GIVE ME YOUR MONEY Yeah this one’s interesting. It goes through a fair amount of genres for one song. On one hand its structure is something of a mess, however it still is a good listen, it’s cute in the best sense. The fact that it’s about Allen Kline is also funny if not a little saddening
165: IT WONT BE LONG Wasn’t long, still nice
164: ANY TIME AT ALL Just another comfrey Beatles song
163: YOU’VE GOT TO HIDE YOUR LOVE AWAY Although I think this song is a little overrated not bad
162: DEAR PRUDENCE I know I like this song a lot less than others do. It takes a while to get going but when it hits that euphoric moment you know I’m talking about it’s bliss, but the first half kinda dull
161: BECAUSE A little oddity on the Abby road medley that’s just, I don’t know, conflicting. If it where longer maybe I could decide if I liked it or not but for now it stays here
160: THANK YOU GIRL Sweet little song that gives you a warm feeling
159: LONG LONG LONG At this point in the white album that’s what I was thinking. It’s not bad but it could’ve been longer (no pun intended) and released as a single with the right editing. George Martin could make it work I’m sure
158: I WILL Here’s how I feel. I always like it when I hear it, but forget what it sounds like 2 seconds after.
157: IF I FELL Cheesy but still pretty catchy
156: AND I LOVE HER This is nice also
155: LITTLE CHILD Though the lyrics in 2024 sound a little ‘noncey’ that’s part of the reason why it sticks out to me. It always gives me a chuckle. Little child… the way he says “I’m so sad and LoNeLy” is so cartoony and I like it.
154: ILL GET YOU Yeah, good, fine, acceptable
153: BACK IN THE U.S.S.R This is why the Beatles beat the beach boys for me this. Classic song that probably had America tugging at there collars, just genius
152: ITS ALL TOO MUCH Again this isn’t bad, am I blown away, not necessarily. But this is a bop
151: THERES A PLACE I like this quite nice I think
150: A HARD DAYS NIGHT A lot of people love it, I just think it’s fine, good song I guess
149: ILL CRY INSTEAD These are the songs that are well produced but lyrically forgettable. This is one of ‘em
148: EVERY LITTLE THING I really like Beatles for sale, it’s so fun, it’s a fun album. Every little thing isn’t badly written but I listen for the music. George is good on this, ringos subtly great. Just wholesome
147: EVERYBODY’S TRYING TO BE MY BABY A song of its time, and quite and tie tapper if you ask me
146: WORDS OF LOVE A pleasant song for any day
145: DAY TRIPPER Nice melody, ok lyrics, good enough song
144:BEING FOR THE BENEFIT OF MR KITE When I first heard this song I didn’t listen to the lyrics, the ones I did catch lead me to believe that it was some sort of political song with mr k being some sort of satirical caricature. Upon second listen I realised it’s just a song about a circus performer putting on a show, I can interpret some lyrics as a reference to some political nature but I think it really boils down to a circus song. It’s giving me a sense of stereotypical Halloween music you’d hear with the way the rhythm goes up and down frequently in the same line. Just a fun little jingle. Also I believe if Paul had wrote it John would have hated it, many probably do hate it. What does everyone have against whimsy?
143: CANT BYE ME LOVE Cliché yes, catchy yes, enjoyable yes
142: THINK FOR YOURSELF Fine little song with not much to write about
141: FREE AS A BIRD I am quite conflicted on the 3 last Beatles songs. They are mostly John Lennon demos rather than Beatles mixes. I was of two minds including them but I thought I may as well because they are interesting to talk about. I don’t think these are as cash cow despicable as some would argue. A lot work has clearly been done to preserve them and restore them. It’s hard to look at this song on its own basis. On its own it’s pleasant, but overall I do not really know why they bothered to release it as a Beatles track, it feels very unbeatles to me but as I say I don’t dislike it, I’m just not sure on where I stand on its purpose
140: REAL LOVE I have the exact same opinion on this one I just like the song better
139: MAGGIE MAY I just think love the accents alright. How long is it 50 seconds? For the life of me I’ll never get why they didn’t make their songs longer. I fancy me chances with this one
138: DEVIL IN HER HEART Solid cover of a very good song
137: PIGGIES This one’s kinda weird. We all get the piggies are elite pricks but the way George pronounces dirt just sells me on it. Good effort, could’ve been longer.
136: EIGHT DAYS A WEEK I like it, don’t love it, it’s what you expect but it does deliver in that regard
135: HELP! Iconic, reasonably catchy, just wholesome man
134:IF I NEEDED SOMEONE Rubber soul being kind of quirky comes through softly but noticeably here
133: MEAN MR MUSTARD This song just flows man. I love the lyrics, like the instruments and how they bounce off each other. Just the right amount of absurdity. If only it were longer…
132: HELLO GOODBYE Classic, I do like this one, but you know I always forget how much until I listen to it again
131: LONG TALL SALLY A lot of people hate this one but I think it’s fine
129: ILL BE BACK Yeah, not bad, not bad at all, rather good actually
128: TELL ME WHY Classes Beatles getting it right
127: TILL THERE WAS YOU You know, maybe with the Beatles gets too much hate
126: OLD BROWN SHOE Not one of George’s best and the mixing is jarring but the lyrics are very nice
125: FROM ME TO YOU Just a sweet song, nothing wrong with that
124: SHES A WOMAN Not much to unpack, Paul is good in this though
123: MICHELLE Everyone loves Michelle. It’s a dainty song that isn’t that great, but good, it’s just so quaint
122:THE WORD The n word. No love of course. Maximum corniness but still a treat to hear, Lennon sings it believably
121: WHAT GOES ON How eloquent, idfk
120: BAD BOY Now junior, behave yourself! I just needed to hear Lennon say that and I was hooked. Weird to release a cover as a single but I won’t complain
119 : FIXING A HOLE Fun psychedelia, bring the family
118: MATCHBOX Just a song on the struggles of life, Beatles style
117: ONE AFTER 909 Chaotic song that gets the blood flowing. Also regrettably relatable
116: GETTING BETTER The charm is in the McCartney Lennon dynamic. Paul says it’s getting better everyday. John says it can’t get much worse. Doesn’t that sum up those two quiet well. Just so vibrant. This era had so much colour.
115: FOR YOU BLUE Solid song, ain’t bad at all
114: ACT NATURALLY I like this song a lot. Ringo fits well for it, it’s playful, just so pleasing
113: I DONT WANT TO SPOIL THE PARTY Another underrated song from Beatles for sale.
112: BABY ITS YOU This is fun
111: MONEY (THATS WHAT I WANT) Good cover, maybe not as good as the original but you can just feel the mayhem going on through the speakers
110: YOU WONT SEE ME Mmhm, mmhm, yup, that’s some nice music
109: YOU LIKE ME TOO MUCH A playful, goofy ass song that has some great lines and a pretty fine beat
108: YOUR MOTHER SHOULD KNOW Heartwarming, just, heartwarming
107: YOU CANT DO THAT Not perfect but undeniably based
106: NOT A SECOND TIME A great story mixed with some simply beautiful descriptions making up a song that hits different form other songs of the similar nature
105: SLOW DOWN It’s the bluddy beetles mate, whatja expect
104: YOU’RE GOING TO LOOSE THAT GIRL The character in this story is such a dick but I just can’t help vibing with him. He’s such a cnt that he says he gonna steal the guys girl right to the guys face. That’s hilarious and I really like it
103: GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING Gets too much hate for what it is
102: RAIN I don’t know what it is about rain that grabs me but every time I listen I just get drawn in, it’s very clean
101: MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR ROLLUP ROLLUP. God I think this is so vibrant, so colourful, just really cool, great harmony, overshadowed by the rest of the album
100: MISERY Misery stuck with me, unexpectedly based for a first album
99: YES IT IS Yeah yeah yeah this one’s pretty good yeah
98: CARRY THAT WEIGHT I just sing this all the time randomly. It’s to the point, honest, fun. I don’t know what accents they’re singing in this time but it’s great. Not much of a lullaby though.
97: WHY DONT WE DO IT IN THE ROAD This one just makes me happy. I know it’s kind of filler but the way Paul increasingly hypes things up in his vocals make me smile. Big fan of this, thing
96:HONEY DONT I liked this a lot the first time I heard it and frankly I still do
95: IN MY LIFE When rubber soul gets it right it can end up like this song. And that’s a good thing
94: NOWHERE MAN Lyrically enchanting, some hot instrumentation. Production ok and a more memorable song from rubber soul
93: I FEEL FINE Yup this is fine
92: YESTERDAY A song you think is overplayed until you listen and it’s just so good. A real highlight from the early years, my favourite from help, a somber melody that is sang flawlessly by Paul
91: LOVELY RITA A song of a somewhat unlikely love that is different enough from the Beatles other love songs to stand out
90: WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS Why is it so low I hear you scream. Well to be honest FOR ME the verses while lyrically interesting don’t stand out in my mind. Obviously the chorus is incredible but it’s just as the rest of the verses which mind you are still good that bring it down for me. A song not really my thing till the chorus hits but still the fact that it’s there makes it worth the listen
89: HER MAJESTY Yes, I prefer this over while my guitar gently weeps. Moving on, I think this is a fun, tongue in cheek song that I always thought implied he was talking about money. Think about it, her majesty is on all the bank notes, she certainly doesn’t have a lot to say in that case, price changes from day to day. Paul loves it but to get it he has to get a belly full of wine to make it… think about it.
88: SHE CAME IN THROUGH THE BATHROOM WINDOW Ah, this one. The intrigue of the contrast of the chorus and the verses. One of my favourite from the medley
87: YOU REALLY GOT A HOLD ON ME With the Beatles being underrated again
86: TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS Look, I don’t dislike this song, it’s just a bit messy for me. There’s a lot going on and I like that but ultimately the trippy style is done better in other songs like day in the life. But I do like that George Martin on the piano isn’t half bad, he’s one of twelve fifth Beatles I hear
85: HERE COMES THE SUN I like George I swear. This song is really good and I like it but I just wouldn’t listen to it as much as some higher ones below. The changing of the seasons to describe a relationship isn’t new but it fit’s really well here I think.
84: IM SO TIRED Would be higher if it were longer, good, very good, too short
83: POLYTHENE PAM The fucking accents. Love the weird ass story of the gender ambiguous Pam and her drag persona as in a polythene bag. Just a fun character song
82: DOCTOR ROBERT My least favourite from revolver but still charming enough
81: WHAT YOUR DOING Just good
80: BLACKBIRD I really like this. I want to love it, but it’s so goddamn short man. Oh well what we got is still great
79: DONT PASS ME BY Weird, goofy, sung by ringo. A real gem of a song off the white album.
78: ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC A cover almost better than the original berry’s. Almost is still a hard feet to reach.
77: IM LOOKING THROUGH YOU The loss of a love has been done many times by these guys but this is one of there best
76: WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS The lyrics are kinda mid in my opinion but hearing ringo sing always has its perks
75: IVE GOT A FEELING Very good song, production a little iffy but not horrible, I think let it be is given too much shit for that
74: GOOD NIGHT They subverted my expectations with this one. What a way to end such a large album, I think this one is cute and light and just very sweet. Whispering is somewhat creepy though.
73: WITHIN YOU WITHOUT YOU We all know they were on a lot of serious shit during this era but goddamn the lsd vibes mixed with the Indian sitar sound is really fucking unique. And I like it, don’t love it but still
72: IM DOWN V good
70: BABYS IN BLACK This one strikes a nerve with me, a hood premise, John sings it well. A treat
69: ILL FOLLOW THE SUN Never got why people disliked this one. I had a theory that the guy in it is dead and he’s going away from his girl, you know, towards the Sun
68: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE More than inspired by Elvis but I can’t complain its a banger
67: PLEASE MR POSTMAN This is well suited for John to sing. I prefer this over the original maybe that’s controversial to say I don’t know. It’s great
66 : GLASS ONION The rocking beat is what hooks me at this one to be honest, the references are cool but a bit pointless
65: MARTHA MY DEAR Who doesn’t love dogs, just heartwarming. Just pure joy
64: IM A LOSER God this album doesn’t get enough love
63: MR MOONLIGHT I heard people disliked this one but John is really suited for this one. I do indeed prefer it to its counterpart
62: LOVE YOU TO Weird vibes, good track
61: I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND Just gets you grooving. Love it
60: DIG A PONY Nonsense song that sounds good in your ears, typical Lennon
59: DRIVE MY CAR Maybe overrated but still slaps
58: GIRL Love girl
57: SHE LOVES YOU Again one of those dancer songs that never fails to deliver
56: ANNA (GO TO HIM) Way better than the original, such a good cover, ah, bliss
55: NOW AND THEN You see is this the recency bias. I don’t think so I hope not but it feels like it is. Man I don’t know it just sounds like Lennon was going for something different and I get it. There was so much work that went into this I just don’t know. I do really like it.
54: I WANT TO TELL YOU Somewhat forgettable but when I hear it it comes rushing back to me.
53: GOOD DAY SUNSHINE Good vibes, peace and love you know
52: HERE THERE AND EVERYWHERE Somewhat cliché but idk I like it
51: TWO OF US I just love this. I don’t think it’s as badly produced as some claim (the long and winding road is evidently over produced but it still goes absolutely hard)
50: TAXMAN We can all relate to this. More relevant than ever, and will continue to be in the future I’m sure
49: WHEN IM SIXTY FOUR It’s so jaunty that I feel like it would belong in a cartoon but that just makes it better for me. I love whimsy
48: IM ONLY SLEEPING This is great
47: PAPERBACK WRITER Be longer please
46: WE CAN WORK IT OUT Longer be please
45: HEY BULLDOG Kickass bass playing by Paul. Lyrics that were just fucked together by John are somehow incredible. Ringos drumming on this one is really good too. Wow, for a throwaway song it works really well
44: NORWEGIAN WOOD (THIS BIRD HAS FLOWN) You can almost smell the pot off this one. Love Norwegian wood rubber soul at its best.
43: AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING Not much to say great song
42: GOT TO GET YOH INTO MY LIFE Iconic, great again
41: ELANOR RIGBY Maybe you’ll say I put this too low but I still like it to a great extent
40: LADY MADONNA One of their best character songs
39: THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD Epic song, great lyrics, sang fantastically, so good
38: SHE SAID SHE SAID Tripping balls but goddamn amazing
37: LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS Psychedelia on full force with this one. Some of the best imagery from any song. It’s charming and fun and at times mystical but overall Johns way with words really come to the top of the log pill with this track
36: I ME MINE In hindsight a song that highlights the way George felt the world around him was and he was probably right. I like the metaphor and the waltz aspect works more than any other of the Beatles attempts at the style, it’s a fantastic piece
35: THE FOOL ON THE HILL Oh I love this song so very much. The song has the fool as some sort of wise figure many (myself included) take to be god. And I like to think if there is a god he’s like this. Watching over giving the world his wisdom but we’re just to ignorant to hear it. Also the medieval sound is one of my favourite styles (love sunforest if you’ve ever listened to any of their songs) so the flute works just so well for me especially when it mixes with the piano. Oh I just love this song to bits it’s great
34: ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE The cheesiness is undeniable, the magic is unbeatable. This song is just such a good album ender. The chaos and randomness near the climax is such an incarnation of the love message and how it works as an organised mayhem. The anthem of love and joy and passion is overflowing and I really like this song, if you can’t tell
33: NO REPLY Oh the way people overlook this song is not right. Its well written, it’s well sang, everyone’s playing well, it’s delightful
32: HONEY PIE I know people hate this song however for me it brings me back into the 20s. It is a sweet ditty that works really well for me and I love this one
31: FOR NO ONE God I love this. It feels so personal and is reflective, as unbiased as it can be and just beautifully sang with no grit. It’s honest. Paul’s on piano here witch is always great. Ringos drums work well to I think. This one’s just brilliant
30: SARGENT PEPPERS LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND REPRISE I love this, the best feels like fucking hip hop, it’s a nice way to lead into day in the life it’s just good no real flaws
29: SARGENT PEPPERS LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND Well this is just a perfect way to start an album. Set up the setting, it explains why the music in this one’s a little different as it’s not the Beatles it’s Sargent peppers and that’s a good concept from the start. You get a real idea if what the world the album takes place in is like and you get a feel for the members of the band itself. Just a class act
28: SAVOY TRUFFLE Controversial one perhaps. I just like the song. The mixing is interesting, the lyrics are fun, I think George outdid himself with it, all just to mock Eric Clapton, hilarious
27: ROCKY RACCOON I know this one’s gonna be a war. Rocky raccoon is so listenable, and fun and encapsulating.Paul is singing it in a great way. I just like it, ok, just my taste. If you hate this song and believe it should be burned than that is perfectly fine, but don’t undermine someone else’s opinion
26 : DONT LET ME DOWN Oh this one’s so powerful, grand, fitting really.
25: YELLOW SUBMARINE I have a fee that I’m not going to survive this list. Can I not like fun, that’s what this is, pure unfiltered fun. This song makes me very happy ok. Ringo singing it just gives it that relaxing feel. Yellow submarine is that kind of happy go lucky song I love
24: REVOLUTION After hearing its bastardisation this is just so refreshing. It’s about a peaceful revolution. It sure as hell doesn’t sound peaceful what with the two electric guitars blowing my speakers out. This one just sounds like a revolution should in a song, and it’s really very good because of it.
23: GET BACK Shit, shit back, shit 1. No I love this. This is such a vibe man it strikes a nerve, it sounds incredible (considering it was recorded outside) and it helps that everyone is clearly giving it there absolute all. Love get back.
22: OB-LA-DI OB-LA-DA I don’t know if this one is as controversial as it used to be but I know there are still some who fucking loath this song. I saw an article where it put this song as the worst the Beatles ever done saying that it was genuinely a horrible experience to listen to. I don’t know this song is just a tonic for a bad day, I will always feel a little bit better after listening to it and that really pulls it up the list. Don’t get the hate
21: A DAY IN THE LIFE Oh boy. This is so good damn it. The Lennon McCartney dynamic is the best it ever will be. Lennon reads the news of suicide and sees a war film while Paul dashes about in his chipper day. The rising orchestra is incredible, Ringos drumming is so different to other approaches in the genre. I can’t tell the scales of the strangeness and the depression aspect mixed with the weird ass ending it’s just an experience instead of a song.
20: OH! DARLING You can’t deny the power in this song, Paul gives it his absolute soul and it works for me, this rejection song is more of an explosion of emotions that gets you invested. Idk I like it
19: REVOLUTION 9 Well I’m dead, there’s no redeeming myself now oh well, however if you would at least hear me out on why I put number nine here then I will do my best. I love things that are different, things that go against the norm and defy expectations. And if we can all agree that revolution 9 is not what you expect when you think Beatles then we have agreed on something. This song (if you can call it a song) is doing for me something interesting. Celebrating the avant-garde while also making fun of it. It sounds impeccable. The mixing is superb, it makes full use of the stereo format. It makes me feel things, picture things, it’s a very interpretive sound that mixes together different instruments and words and phrases forwards and backwards to make something of a trip. This sounds like what a revolution sounds like, points getting muffled over time, being big and grand before shrinking into disarray. You can take what you want from the meaning but when I listen I get completely overwhelmed with feelings. It’s a collage of expression that is most certainly not for everybody but I think is a full on revolution in my head. That’s just how I feel
18: EVERYBODY’S GOT SOMETHING TO HIDE EXCEPT FOR ME AND MY MONKEY There’s some dislike for this one too but I think it’s just a complete rocker, the lyrics also make me chuckle a fair bit
17: THE BALLED OF JOHN AND YOKO I don’t think this one is that hated. I love it. It’s genuinely very funny some highlights being the what you doing in bed interaction and the two gurus in drag. John was highlighting his problems with the media in a way that doesn’t sound bitchy or like he’s talking down to the listeners. Very good song
16: ACROSS THE UNIVERSE God the imagery, similes and lyricism is so beautiful. This is a beautiful song. So elegant
15: SHES LEAVING HOME I was somewhat shocked to find this in some worst of the Beatles lists. The people writing it seeming to miss the point that it isn’t that biased. Sure it shows the hardships of the parents, how broken they are but it realises that fun can simply not manifest in some places and has to be sought out. It’s a real understandable song that is softly sung by Paul in a mystifying way.
14: I WANT YOU (SHES SO HEAVY) Fucking insane song, it’s like a ride at an amusement park it ramps up over time and brings you right to the heights that you wonder how it’s going to end. This song subverts that by giving it no ending, it just gets cut off, which is brilliant. It’s like a ride through hell. A decent into madness of desire in a way making it shockingly relevant.
13: OCTOPUSES GARDEN Kudos to ringo bro just wants to be under the ocean. Calm as fuck. Beautiful expression of the desire to get away from the hassles of life and responsibilities which I’m sure we all relate to. Also bubbles, what’s not to love.
12: HAPPINESS IS A WARM GUN It’s almost perfect, but goddamn it it’s too short. I love this thing but I feel it cuts off before it’s time is up you know
11: THE CONTINUING STORY OF BUNGALOW BILL I don’t get the hate for this one (well maybe I do but still) you got a fire ass spanish guitar. A balled of verses, a sing song chorus that feels like it’s taking the piss in a good way. Even an underlying message of hypocrisy and ignorance. Now I know that yoko is very loud on the song but honestly it just ads to the bizarre feeling that the whole song gives off, I love this.
10: YER BLUES One of the most explosive blues songs I’ve ever heard, incredible
9: STRAWBERRY FEILDS FOREVER You already know it’s fantastic, but that still shouldn’t take away how fantastic it is
8: MAXWELLS SILVER HAMMER … yeah, no joke. Listen it was on of the first Beatles songs I ever heard, if not the first. It has that jaunty Paul feel but then it hits you that it’s about a murderer and it just makes me take a step back and go damn, the Beatles could make anything whimsical. It’s so sing song while being so dark. Yea it is fruity but man I don’t know. The synthesiser near the end is also just really fun to me. It’s fun it’s nostalgic and I will always love it. Sorry not sorry.
7: HELTER SKELTER I applaud you Paul McCartney, you put everything you had into this one and it paid off
6: BABY YOU’RE A RICH MAN I don’t know what it is about this one I love so much, I’m not a huge fan of sitar but it works here. I like the lyrics. There’s a lot of interpretation around them but I always took it as a similar vane of the balled of John and Yoko where it is like a dickhead reporter asking John the questions we here Paul sing in a sense of leading him on and that they’re responding in the sense that these people nagging them about having money when most who were had money themselves. Just a thought.
5: COME TOGETHER Classic, genius rhyming scheme brilliant
4: HEY JUDE 2nd Best uplifting song I’ve ever heard
3: LET IT BE Best uplifting song I’ve ever heard
2: PENNY LANE A fantastic song highlighting the serenity in modern life that often goes unrecognised. It’s penny lane, what’s not to love
1: I AM THE WALRUS It’s I am the walrus. Lyrics are dazzling. The whole mixture of instruments and sounds the distortion making it sound like a dream at points. The way it uses the stereo medium is genius. The Beatles were geniuses. One of the best things ever written.
submitted by Iaccodelodallamoto to TheBeatles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:29 PurpleBrief697 Sorry, kid, I'm the new janitor.

I'd posted previously about my interactions with coworkers when working as a high school janitor, but a recent post reminded me about an incident with a student.
I was new to the school and had never been a janitor before. I was still getting the hang of things (mostly time management), so there was still some insecure jitters. This tends to make me shrink into myself. If you read my previous post then you'd remember I carry my stuff in a backpack so being mousy and short probably doesn't help with things lol
Now this was a few years ago, but I was 35 going on 36. On this particular day it was raining and I was heading to my building holding onto a bunch of small, black garbage bags because my cart needed to be refilled. I guess the way I was holding them made it look more like I was clutching onto a book against my chest, but in actuality I was trying to keep them dry.
There was a kid at the vending machines outside my building door that saw me and kindly went to hold the door open. I thanked him and he started chatting. Him: Are you new here? Me: yea. Him: oh how long? Me: not long. Maybe a month. Him: I haven't seen you around. Me: yea, I'm mostly in this building. Him: oh ok. I don't have any classes in this building. Me: starting to get a bit confused Kay. Well, I should get going. Him: can I walk you? Me: no, that's OK. Him: I don't mind. I can carry your... looks at the bags in my arms Me: they're bags, for the garbage cans in the classrooms. Him: extra confused Me: I'm the janitor for this building. They're for my cart. Him: no shit, you serious? Me: yep, why? Him: I thought you were a student!! Me: ha, that's funny. Nope, not a student. Just a janitor. Him: oh man, I was going to ask you out. Me: aw, no, definitely too old for that. Plus I'm engaged, so.
He was a sweet kid. Saw him around a couple times at the vending machines (my building was usually the only one that would still have soda) and he'd offer to buy me snacks, but I always declined.
At the end of the year after covid happened I helped out during book returns they did this drive up thing where i checked off the students name and asked if they had their chrome and text books ready) and he was in one of the cars with his dad. He said "hey, that's the lady I told you about!"
submitted by PurpleBrief697 to OlderThanYouThinkIAm [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:08 ThrowRA-scared57 How do I (23 M) know if I want to continue this friendship (22 M, 23 F, 22 F, 24 F)?

I've known my friends for a long time now, so when things first started to feel off, I wanted to keep fighting. I was also afraid that I would never have a friendgroup like that again - I've met tons of great humans in my life, but none are as funny, as openminded, as supportive and just totally on the same wavelength as me like these people. I didn't want to throw away the special connection we had.
Unfortunately I've felt like the few negative sides of our relationship became bigger and bigger and I eventually decided that I wanted to end this friendship and focus on other people. Sure, I haven't met anyone else so far who got all my jokes and who I could just say whatever came to my head in that moment, but just because the relationship was really good in some aspects, doesn't mean it was worth continuing, right?
My friendgroup and I agreed to a "break"'s weird. I don't miss anyone specifically, I just miss having someone I can text at 4am. Or someone I can gossip with about coworkers because they already know all the important people in my life. I keep reminiscing about things that happened 10+ years ago, because we haven't made any good memories in the past decade, but were really really happy back then. I do feel extremly lonely, but mainly because I don't really have anyone to talk to left.
I don't know if I should tell them that I want to end the friendship - because they are really great people who supported me in ways no one else has before and make me feel sane and seen. And they said that they didn't want to be "thrown away".
Or if I should tell them to continue our relationship - because I feel like I can't trust them anymore and that we will never have the same thing again and I don't think it's fair that I just like to keep them around in case none of my other friends have time.
How do I decide?
submitted by ThrowRA-scared57 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:59 gaia-mix-nicolosi Parallels

I saw a tumblr post about how 11 referenced tegan to clara and i began talking about adric parallels
Clara has A LOT of Adric parallels tbh
Jenna was partly cast to resemble Matthew Waterhouse and Robin Soans. Or at least she resembles them a lot!
Clara herself has parents that met in 1981
There is also a quote to a s18 episode with Adric in it but I don't remember which, I think it was rings of akhaten having either a state of decay or new beginning trilogy quote
and in face the raven, the doctor ends up tying the shoes of a kid resembling the fifth doctor. He says, remember 82 as he ties the kids shoes. This is an Adric reference too. I even gave them names, the mom is Vega Sourceheart and the kid is Blaic Sourceheart.
And somehow face the raven also combines it with traken destruction crumbs? It literally has robin soans playing a guy credited by his cause of death. He's credited as Chronolock Guy but I call him, Civul of Habria. I also call his wife Toci. And his dad's name is Dad bc that's an Habrian name. And then clara and ashildr say "do cybermen show mercy" while looking at his corpse. I literally believe he exists as a remind to Luvic's death during Traken's destruction.
Funny how two dorky brunette alien guys with five letter names ending in ic, both, eventually, in later on episodes\serials than they were introduced, died young via an accidental explosion\natural force\crash while "piloting" a structure (throne of a castle, lifeboat of a freighter) into something natural yet a alien to them in a way (be it an entropy wawe or ancient earth) in an event which caused an impact and is practically historical\wiping out species. Both being accidents but partly caused by the Doctor's villains AKA the Master and the Cybermen.
Not saying that in another universe Clara would be born to Adric and Luvic but it's possible that would've happened, that there was another possible original or alternate universe Clara in an universe where the New Beginnings Trilogy happened a bit different and Adric was an adult already when he first came to N-Space in "the Keeper of Traken".
But if you reverse ic you get ci that is similiar to the cl in clara...
I still need to stress out stuff related to that era ngl. Recently found out that I was treating it like my little pony background characters and not real people with hopes and dreams... For a long time I had not processed the grief.
submitted by gaia-mix-nicolosi to DoctorWhumour [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:31 emax4 Is it worth trying to make friends at 50 or adjust to being friendless?

Edit: This is more of a "me" issue and probably would work better in an appropriate sub, but I hope those of you in similar situations can benefit from the advice and comments given.
I'm 51 and have rarely had in-person friendship interactions. My Mom is partially to blame because she said "Wait to be invited" but I was never cool enough or interesting enough in High School or Grade School to have people calling me to see how I'm doing or invite me to go places. College wasn't as bad but I still never got invited. I was bullied more in 7th grade in a small school, so most people wouldn't know about it transitioning to a larger High School, so I feel my lack of trust in some people plays a big factor.
I had one friend since 20 but he's been flakey, takes too long to get ready for an event like a car show that there's never been enough time to browse and I would feel rushed. There's more drama with him that's irrelevant to my situation but I've stopped replying to him. He never made an effort to drive 30 minutes or so to see me when I was married. And when in relationships and was married my partner didn't typically have a girl's night out, as it was usually us with or without her friends.
I learned young that being funny and making people laughed really helps, but I have yet to see true results. My Dad told me to treat others as I would myself, and to put others ahead of myself to go around in life, but all that's done as hold me back as I have yet to see lasting results. I read an article on Lifehacker a decade ago about how to make friends in your 30's and one of the suggestions was, which did help as I made acquaintances and did meet others at events, but I understand people change.
My gf of 10 years knows my struggles, so she encouraged me to get out when I have a chance at meeting new people. We don't always have the same interests either so I appreciate her willingness to adjust. Going against my Mom's advice I would tell people where I would be going and ask if they'd be interested days in advance, but nobody seems to have the time, or they have so many friends (proving it can be done) that nobody considers me a priority. They enjoy my caring and giving nature, my ability to help with computer stuff, but I picked up that they only seem to reach out to me for that, and I feel I'm not good enough for anything else.
I befriended an older woman months ago at work who keeps pushing me to do stand-up, as I'm always making her laugh, and have been there to listen as her brother is in the hospital. I offered to hang out but she feels uncomfortable and doesn't want to look suspicious as she knows I have a girlfriend. I was upset about it but then she wishes she would have changed her mind when I spoke to her the next Monday.
This past week there was a street fair in a big town as my gf was there doing tarot readings, and that the street fair has eclectic items and draws a huge crowds with food vendors and entertainment. I mentioned this event to said coworker, a friend from Grade School I just reconnected with, my female friend from Meetup (no reply, and she lives with her bf closer to the event) and my ex wife who I get along with. The ex wife wasn't sure as she always was in bed by 9 (an issue in our marriage). After I told the coworker Friday about the event, she said on the day of the event that she made plans elsewhere. The friend from grade school seems to be going through issues and doesn't seem reliable, like everyone else.
I'm not a beealcohol drinker, was picked last or near last at gym so I'm not into sports, and I dont have the typical guy mentality; so it's easier to do me to be friends with women. One of my other female friends says "Life gets in the way" but if that were true why do a lot of FB posts show them with friends and best friends? That envy and comparison was why I only go on FB to buy and sell stuff. Do those friends and best friends not have lives, and is that why they're able to do things?
So at this point in life is it better to accept my fate and move on? Was I simply taught wrong when I should have learned morals off the street? Is everyone just not reliable enough? I keep telling myself that if you're not already in someone's inner circle that there's no chance of getting in now, and I'm starting to think that's true. I've tried being the catalyst with no results. Even this morning I read a story on here of a Mom who got RSVP's for her 5-year olds b-day party but got cancellations days leading to the event, so i know im not alone. Maybe this is best posted over at /MaleMentalHealth but wanted other's inputs here. If being funny, caring, and considerate isn't enough or more than enough, what am I lacking?
submitted by emax4 to RedditForGrownups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:24 Smooth-Housing1979 AITAH?

Aitah for telling my boyfriend he won't pass his exams?
I F18 is dating my boyfriend, Marcus M20. I'm a very studious person as my parents used to put a lot of pressure and effort into me in school. I wasn't allowed out past 5pm and I wasn't allowed out on Saturdays as I attended a weekend school. As a kid I would protest, rebel and sneak out of the house, only to be dragged back and given a pen and paper to write down what I did wrong.
Nothing worked for some years, till my dad told me how ill go no where in life without a good education. His words stuck with me so I began to work harder. The more effort I put into my studies the less rules I had. I was allowed out on Saturdays and my home time on weekdays was no longer 5pm, it was 10pm. Even with little rules, I still stayed with my books.
I met my boyfriend through a tutor group I was a part of. He needed his grades to go up in order to get a scholarship for socar. We agreed on a price that his father paid for. 20 dollars per session. I know of others who asked for more as the upcoming exams were very important, yet I didn't do it for the money, I did it as I needed to join a club to graduate.
His name was Marcus and he was a nice guy. He was hard to teach at first as all he'd talk about was his plans after with his friends. I would make sure he was given breaks in between studying so he could talk and get something to eat, but he'd never stop talking. I found it annoying at first, I was even contemplating on switching partners. I guess he found out about that and started working with me better.
He acted like the typical star socar player, has a hot girlfriend, everyone either wants to be with him or be him sorta guy. As time went on he started to be himself, he wore less of the branded clothes that probably cost more than my house and more sweaters and chill clothes.
Our relationship began when he asked me out for coffee, on a day we were studying. I agreed, thinking it would be a good time to bond our relationship for studying so it wasn't as boring for him. I actually had a really good time. A week or so later his girlfriend broke up with him as there was a new boy in the school. He was pretty upset about it but assured me it was more of a good look on the two of them and less of a relationship.
Over time we grew closer, the next thing I knew he asked me to be my girlfriend. We dropped our tutoring as he said he wanted me to tutor his friend. I agreeded and started my lessons. Marcus would come over every Saturday, some days we'd go out other days we'd stay at mine or his.
As the exams were coming up closer and closer I realised Marcus wasn't doing any studying at all. He hid it well in class when he was asked questions. He'd say he needs to go to the bathroom or he'd reply with a joke. I didn't find it funny but the rest of the class seemed to.
As the exams were two weeks away. I sat my boyfriend down. For the last while all he's been doing is playing games and drinking. I told him I can start tutoring him again as I feel like he needs it. He flipped out saying I sound like his mom, telling him what to do. I assured him I just want what's best for him but he raged pretty quickly. He started throwing his hands about, then turned away, turning his xbox on and started to mute me out. I sat on his bed, motionless for some time, watching him shoot down other players, groaning when they got him back. I think I sat there for an hour, just staring, blankly till I stood up.
I packed up my things and left, without a goodbye, he didnt even watch me leave.
submitted by Smooth-Housing1979 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:02 Smooth-Housing1979 Aitah?

(Before I began. Lot of comments say negative stuff, i want to say no stories are mine, they are sent to me and i post. I forget to say that. I wont be saying that on every story, it is in my biography, thank you, please be positive this is not my story, thank you)
AITAH for celebrating pride with a woman when I am a gay man?
I M32 have been dating my boyfriend Chris M30 for seven years, we both live together in a loft apartment with a cat named Bobby and a new addition to our family, our dog, Bella.
Every pride Chris and I like to go to the festival then go clubbing after. I've never been a fan of the festival or the clubbing as its never been the type for me.
I've gotten a lot of mean stuff said to me about not wanting to participate. Saying how I should appreciate I get to have pride and to be there for mu community. Chris really takes it seriously, even putting up lgbt flags in our home, pride stickers on our car and such. He treats it like its Christmas but for the month. I dont mind it as much as I know it makes him happy.
This year Chris wanted to take a different approach to Pride. After meeting some new friends Danny, Sam and Kabir, he was really influenced by them. The three of them are in what you'd call a poly relationship where the three of them date each other. I have nothing against that I'm just not interested in it to the point I wouldn't like to be in a poly relationship. Chris however has been so Influenced by them he's brought it up to me a couple times. I wouldn't even call myself jealous, I'd just see it as cheating.
Chris said for the club that we both act single and have fun. We've been with each other in each other's company for so long that I understand he wants to branch out and have fun, I just don't understand why he needs to act single for it.
Chris and I are planning on getting married in the future. There hasn't been any proposals yet- but it's been seven years now and we'd like to continue. So I understand that he wants to have some freedom before but I still dont get it completely.
I agreed on his idea to act single, knowing I'd probably just hang out with some friends for the night. Boy how things changed.
At the club, Chris wasn't the man I was with, he was like another person. Chris is like a very feminine man, wears only women clothes, makeup, heels, the whole show. Tonight, he wore skinny jeans and a white tee. It was a shock to the system, nevertheless I shrugged it off.
I can't lie when I say it was heartbreaking seeing him flirt with other men, Kissing them, was too much. I decided to get some fresh air and head to the smoking area. There were a couple people smoking cigarettes and a few just standing around. That's when I started talking to this girl, she was a bit taller than me, which was cool as there's not many girls who are taller.
Her name was Jennifer but she insisted I call her Jenny. She showed me all her tattoos, the ones she did herself and the ones she got professionally done. I guess I could already tell but still, they were pretty dope.
As some time went on, she bought me a drink and asked if I was single. I was about to reply no when I had seen Chris with a man on his lap and another Kissing blow his chin. I replied yes, as did she. I had no intention of getting on Chris's level if that's what you'd think. Chris wanted this. I ended up making out with the girl, even going back to her place that night. After being with a man for so long it was a complete other feeling which I had forgotten.
I gave Chris a text before sleeping that night just to tell him I'd be home in the early morning. Which turned out to be wrong. I guess I was expecting Jenny to be already gone in the morning, yet i could smell the bacon and eggs in the kitchen. We had some breakfast then headed off to the town to get a smoothie.
After some time we said our goodbyes and I headed home. Chris wasn't awake yet when I had gotten in, must of had a lot to drink last night. I hurried into the kitchen and began to make some breakfast for him and our two pets.
When Chris woke up, I could tell he was having a hangover yet he stumbled into the kitchen with an angry look. He asked where I had been. Who I had gone with and all that. I simply replied that I went back to a woman's house. He seemed shocked and out of reality. I fixed him a cup of coffee, two sugars and no mixing- just as he likes it. He didn't even take a sip before he threw the cup at me, smashing it into peices.
"Thats your expensive turtle spotted mug Chris" I whispered as I began to pick up the peices. I've never seem him this angry. I quoted him on his ask for us to act single last night. He started to calm down after some time but was super angry that it was a woman. I guess he never knew I was bisexual, he seen it as a threat that I could leave him for a woman.
submitted by Smooth-Housing1979 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:51 MindOnAcid [REQ] ($700) (#blue island, Illinois,USA) Payback $950 ($700 on 6/14/24 $250 on 6/28/24)Zelle/Paypal/Cashapp

Car started acting funny and mechanic quoting some serious problems. Want to just get it handled since I use my car as a daily. Don't want my car shitting on me as she is my main form of transportation.
submitted by MindOnAcid to borrow [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:27 Equivalent-Dance4003 Coworkers keep referencing memes I don’t know, how do I react?

I'm an "elder millennial" about 5-15 years older than all my coworkers, who are between young millennial and Gen Z.
Work banter is very funny and I love just being around them but I find it quite often someone will say something random and I have no idea what they are talking about. Most of the time I will ask and they will super kindly explain the tweet or TikTok sound or Vine that it was from.
Sometimes this happens daily and I become self-conscious, so I just don't ask. My thinking is even if they explain, what's my response besides "Oh, I haven't seen that" and simply reminding the group over and over that I'm out of touch?
I'm not as chronically online as I used to be. Also, since everyone's algorithms are different I would have no idea how to catch up to all that knowledge anyway. I'm still on YT and TikTok a bunch but it's all tailored to my own interests. In addition, the speed of trend cycles and memes is pretty insane these days.
Does this happen to anyone else and do you have advice?
submitted by Equivalent-Dance4003 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:05 sameed_a how to improve critical thinking with cognitive bias?

Ever have that moment when you're utterly convinced that your keys are on the kitchen counter, but they turn out to be in your pocket all along? That’s Cognitive Bias messing with you, my friend. Let me tell you a story about how I learned to harness this brain-misfire to improve my critical thinking skills.
A couple of years ago, I became obnoxiously obsessed with a coworker named Mark. All I saw were his positives - he was funny, driven, and great at making coffee. This is what psychologists call the "Halo Effect," where one positive trait of a person wrongly influences our perception of their other traits. In my eyes, Mark could do no wrong.
One day, as the freshly brewed coffee scent wafted around the office, an email landed in my inbox. It was from Mark, who was supposed to proofread a critical proposal. His email read: “Sorry, I can't go through it. Busy week!” Immediately, my biased mind justified for him - “Poor chap, he must be swamped!”
Later that day, I saw Mark yukking it up in the break room for an extended period. This was my wake-up call. My cognitive bias - the Halo Effect - had clouded my critical thinking.
I started consciously implementing the mental model of "Second-Order Thinking." Instead of making snap judgments, I began to ask myself, "What happens next if…" or “Why did Mark say he’s busy when he clearly has time to spare?”
Applying Second-Order Thinking provided a clearer picture. It helped me to make objective decisions instead of being swayed by cognitive biases.
So, the next time you're wondering why your keys aren’t on the kitchen counter, remember - implementing mental models might just help you to realize they're right in your pocket. And maybe, just maybe, Mark isn't as perfect as you initially thought.
P.S. Don’t worry, folks. There's no Mark in my office driving me insane with his perfect coffee-making skills. And I've learned to keep my keys on a leash! But hey, who needs a real-life example when our brains are amazing at making up hypothetical scenarios, right? Next time, I might tell you about my imaginary pet dragon.
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:52 ReasonableAlarm2k Scam Saturday! Scamming the scammers

I woke up in the morning around 8 am to a call. Annoyed, I answered it. It was an automated call claiming to be from FedEx, saying my parcel couldn't be delivered and asking me to press 1 if I had any disputes. On any other day, I would have just hung up, but I pressed 1. Then, someone claiming to be a FedEx employee came on the line.
Apparently, someone from Mumbai had used my Aadhaar to send a package from Mumbai to Taiwan. It contained five passports, ten debit cards, one laptop, 35,000 in cash, and 200g of MDMA. Mumbai customs had held the package, and he asked me to go to the Mumbai cyber police office. (Aa best cyber police in ithalle pani.) Anyway, I acted all panicked and, just to spice things up, told him I had lost my Aadhaar last year and couldn't come to Mumbai because it was my chunk bro's wedding next week.
He agreed to connect me to the Mumbai cyber police so I could convince them. He gave me all the details—some random address in Taiwan, some random tracking IDs, and his employee code (chettanu commission kittanelo). By this point, I was out of bed and had all the time in the world. In two minutes, the cyber police chettan joined the call. I briefed him on the situation, saying I had some MD blah blah. He then explained to me what MDMA is (pinne 200g onde njnoke aara), explaining how I would be imprisoned. Then he asked for my address. I gave him some kadichapottatha Malayalam address.
By then, 45 minutes had passed. He then asked me to come on a video call. I said, "Sir, I didn't take a bath. I don't look good. Bath cheyth vara enn." He insisted, then and there. So, I confessed I had a relative in Taiwan named Kutty Mama. He was in Nepal but then moved to Taiwan. He has his wife and daughter there. The "officer" started scolding me, "Why didn't you say this first?" Then I told him I liked his daughter, which is why I didn't say anything.
Then he gave me a Skype ID and asked me to join the video call. By then, I got bored. I confessed, "Sorry sir, I only sent the MDMA". We run a cartel in Taiwan. It's very safe, unlike India. Sorry sir. I will give you a commission sir." He suddenly became silent. His 1 hour was wasted. Then he asked me how everyone's performance was and how much I would rate them. We had a funny conversation for the next 5 minutes. I tried convincing him to try looting the rich and not daridravasis like me. Viva revolution. The guy said he makes around 30,000 cut every month. Then I bid him goodbye.
By then, another scammer texted me on WhatsApp. Somehow, my number must have leaked to some scam database. He claimed to be an HR offering me a part-time job. Good. I gave him the basic cooked-up details. He then asked me to contact a receptionist on Telegram. I contacted her. She gave me two tasks: like random Flipkart products and send her screenshots. I would get 200. Mmk nashtam onnm illelo. Kkpp. I did the same. Within 10 minutes, I was credited 200 (innathe pegin ollathayi).
Then the hot receptionist added me to a group. We would get 20 tasks daily. Every continuous 5 tasks would fetch you money. Some of the tasks are prepaid. So, in the next 3-4 hours, I liked some products and sent her the screenshots. In the next 10 minutes, I got another 200. So, 400 profit for the day.
Now comes the prepaid task. They have different levels. First level is you send them 1000, then do the task and earn 1300. The levels go up to a lakh. Now I was in a dilemma. Either take the risk and send 1000, acting very naive so they would send back 1300, hoping to scam a bigger amount. But then I thought, enganum ayachile, moonjile. So, I sent 1 rupee, edited the screenshot to 1000, and sent it to her, hoping she wouldn't find out 😬. It took her (him) an hour to find out, eventually blocking me and cutting off the golden hen.
To sum it up, 400 for the intraday profit
submitted by ReasonableAlarm2k to Kochi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:31 Key_Promotion3441 I just need to share some things…

I have a younger autistic brother who I absolutely FUCKING HATE he always gets on my last nerve! I’m 99% sure my parents don’t now how to handle a special needs child he is whining and screaming as I am writing this. Recently my grandparents and my aunt came to live with my family due to war in my hometow. Honestly I didn’t mind this much I mean I did get a little less privacy but other than that it was fine,. We did have to move into to a bigger house in a new neighborhood but I was actually really excited because I had a friend living in my new neighborhood and I had some rivalry with the kids in my other neighborhood which is a story for another time… anyway things were going good I was hanging out with my friend and things were going good until my uncle moved then I was a little annoyed because he had stayed at our house before and I didn’t like him very much but I decided to give him a second chance at first he was being nice and he was actually kinda funny but then he started becoming really controlling almost like that “alpha male” term they use idk. Anyway my other brother who used to also hate my autistic brother are now star to get along which idk I still feel kinda petty about because it becomes kinds awkward after hating him for so long. Back to my uncle, my mom just left to go to the mall to get a couple things because we are traveling soon for summer break my autistic brother started hitting and kicking my sister who is only a toddler I told my brother to stop and he started screaming and kept doing it then my uncle came in and told me it was none of my business like first of all IM THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN HERE FOR HIS WHOLE LIFE SINCE WHEN WAS THIS “NOT MY BUSINESS” LIKE HE‘S THE ONE WHO JUST GOT HERE AND MIND YOU MY UNCLE IS 19 AND HE GRADUATED AT 17 LIKE GO TO COLLEGE ALREADY AND BY THE WAY HE HAS BEEN STAYING AT MY OTHER RELATIVES HOUSES AND IV’E SEEN WHAT HE DOES HE NEVER LOOKS OR TEIES TO DO ANYTHING TO GO OR TO ATLEAST PREP FOR COLLAGE anyway I tell him I know how to handle this then he proceeds to yell at me to back off and tells to my brother NAD I QUOTE “please don’t hit (sisters name)” LIKE I ALREADY SAID THAT AND HE STILL KEPT HITTING MY SISTER AND AFTER THAT HE DID NOTHING I managed to get my sister into my room and away from my brother the my “uncle” comes back into MY ROOM and threatens to beat my sister and when is tell him to leave guess what he said just take a guess like turn you head away from the screen and make a guess…. HE TOLD ME IT WAS NONE OF MY BUSINESS LIKE FUCK YOU YOUR IN MY ROOM IF ANYTHING ITS NONE OF YOU FUCKING BUSINESS after than I absolutely broke down and I left the room and waited for him to leave and I yelled that I hated him. Honestly I’m glad I can get a break from him this summer! If you read this whole rant I really appreciate it and I just wanted too get this off my chest
submitted by Key_Promotion3441 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:29 PoopsCodeAllTheTime Aside from YOE, how to tell the difference between Jr, Sr, Sr+

Wondering this mostly to see if I could possibly assess myself.
Yeah I have a good amount of YOE, I have passed a lot of interviews and held the menagerie of titles. However, I notice the titles don't mean much at different companies. Maybe in "big name" companies they have these very standardized "levels" but I have never been in one of the big name companies.
Also having read some posts here where people complain about "15 YOE Junior", hmmm.
So I wondered...
It is funny because companies sometimes define this degree of expertise by how you relate to the other coworkers, such as "solves questions from coworkers" or "provides mentorship" or whatever. But these seem irrelevant to me on a technical level because, even though I can do that, it merely speaks to the way that I compare to other people in the same company and has more to do with "soft skills" than anything else.
submitted by PoopsCodeAllTheTime to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:17 Aromatic-Frosting-75 Colin took Penelope for granted

Which is why it took him so long to realize his feelings.
I love rewatching over and over because I always notice something new. One detail I have tried to pinpoint is the moment he falls in love with her, and am Austen quote comes to mind,
"I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun."
For Penelope, it was love at first sight. Not just because she found him handsome, but also because he is so gentle and sweet. And as Eloise's best friend, she was always at the Bridgerton house. Always happy to see or speak to Colin. He has known her for years as a fixture in his home.
And because of that he took her for granted.
He has always been fond of her and cared about her. He has rescued her from Cressida and rescued her and her family in S2.
But it took Penelope overhearing his cruel words and her fight with Eloise to make him acknowledge how much he actually feels about her.
For instance, right at the beginning of S3, before the opening title, Colin returns home. He is found flirting with a group of young ladies while Penelope watches from the bushes. She looks dismayed and confused by this new Colin. Then he turns to greet his family, and she steps out from the bushes hopeful. This is the Colin she knows and loves. The minute he hugs Eloise he turns to look directly at her house, and sees her. (He really does always seek her out). But he doesn't acknowledge seeing her and turns back to his family. She feels snubbed. In her eyes, he is indifferent to her. I imagine seeing Eloise reminded him of her, and he looks to double check that she is there. But she is always there, and once satisfied by seeing her, he turns away. He takes her presence for granted.
Minutes later he walks up to her at the park, but her attitude is cold and indifferent. He jokingly comments about Eloise and Cressida being friends, and her response is cold and vague. Later when he speaks to Eloise in the family drawing room he brings up their friendship again. Eloise announcing in a rather final voice that they have grown apart is the moment he first realizes that the woman he has been taking for granted may very likely not be a fixture in his home.
This is compounded by their conversation after her dress is ripped. He thinks his flowery compliments will work on Pen the way they work on the other ladies of the ton, but instead she lashes out at him and reveals she overheard his cruel words. Colin even tries to get her somewhere alone and private, seconds after reminding her that she needs a chaperone, but Penelope is decidedly not succumbing to his practiced charm.
It is in Colin realizing that Penelope may very well no longer be in his life that he stops taking her for granted.
Even when giving her lessons in finding a suitor, I believe he saw the exercise as a fun way to spend time privately with her. He likely sees their lessons as a way to teach her confidence and as an excuse to flirt. He is having fun.
It is only when Lord Debling takes a serious interest in her that he understands he could very well lose her for good.
The kiss is when he finally acknowledges his attraction for her, with episode 3 being a slow torturous dawning of understanding of the intensity of his feelings. By the end of the episode as he watches her dancing with Debling you can see he finally really gets it.
He is in love with Penelope Featherington. He has been in love with Penelope Featherington. And now he has lost her to someone else.
Penelope on the other hand has loved him for so long, she sees the kiss as a final goodbye. She is inexperienced and never courted anyone or had any man show interest in her. It is why she is oblivious to what he is doing.
She doesn't notice when he flirts with her. She doesn't question all the times he goes out of his way to be alone in private with her. She doesn't even see the longing look he gives her after their kiss. She doesn't notice all the times he looks for her whenever they are at a ball or at a park. She is completely oblivious.
Even Eloise is oblivious to what is happening between them. She sees Colin's attentions towards Penelope as friendly. Lord Debling notices that Colin is competition by the end of episode 3 when he interrupts them to ask Penelope for a dance, and gives Colin a very pointed look.
When Violet announces that Penelope is to receive a proposal, Colin finally decides to make a move. Even then after interrupting Debling and Penelope's dance, he initially cannot get the words out. It is only after she leaves that he realizes he could really lose her forever. It is in that moment he risks everything.
That is why he proposes immediately after the carriage ride. He has taken her for granted for so long and it almost made him lose her. He won't bother waiting for the morning or asking for her mother's permission. He does not want to waste a single second more. It must have been heartbreaking and terrifying watching the woman he loves be with someone else. He doesn't want to waste another second.
submitted by Aromatic-Frosting-75 to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:09 SirMerion Scam confirmed

Again reprising old thesis now becoming more and more apparent.
1) apps are we transfer links, probably rigged to be keyloggers or sniff out your app data and wallet secret phrases / keys / whatever ... Gmail password etc. Still no apps on store yet and likely they will not be or they will be in a different version from the one provided through the link. Bottom line: they fucked you over.
2) incoming doxing video in July won't be happening. It's just a ploy to keep the audience calm and complacent while they finish up and move in for the kill. Again expect a checkmate move Ala Indpendence Day towards mid July if not earlier (could be already on their way out by the end of June for all we know , point is doxing will not happen).
3) guys , smaller initiatives have raised comparable money or marginally less given the marketing campaign they made, its not even that impressive yet. (Dogeverse had 15 mil ).
4) I saw some users posted screenshots of the app in the group . I haven't installed it so I don't know but I saw a bunch of screens with alleged quotes from elon musk endorsing the presale. This seems dumb even for them but who knows, maybe it is one of the copycats (scammers copycating scammers .. lol... actually I'm pretty sure it's the same people impersonating both ).
5) don't get me started on the miners. They are not believable and are copycats of btc miners.
6) white paper is funny. Looks like a copycat of another paper lol. Namely the one paper that explains blockdag as a theoretical concept. Can't remember which article but it looks exactly like a cutout from the original paper.
Oh boy we could keep going but really, Elon Musk ? Shish
submitted by SirMerion to BlockdagInfo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:31 LukaCheshire umiep6

What I think happened was. 1967. November 29th. A baby is born on Rokkenjima and taken in by Kinzo Ushiromiya, still deep in his mourning of the Golden Witch Beatrice. As this baby grows up, Kinzo shapes their identity under his upbringing and they grow up with a very stunted sense of self. EIther as some sort of disguise or to give themselves more fulfillment, they assume the identity of a young maid named Shannon and a younger servant named Kanon. This helps them navigate their life on Rokkenjima fine until the larger Ushiromiya family enters the picture, specifically Battler, Jessica and George, whose love for them begins to pull their identity apart. After a conversation with a 12 year old Battler about the kind of woman he likes, and getting even closer with George and Jessica in the years after, this person is at a crossroads on whos wishes get to be fulfilled: Shannon’s, Kanon’s, or Beatrice’s, and this all comes to a head on October 4th, 1986, where they facilitate a series of murders as an internal competition and as a demonstration to the person who affected them the most: Battler Ushiromiya.
….I THINK. I didn’t have the epiphany I thought I would have, more like a slow slow realization when I began to piece together the early-suggested possibility that Shannon was behind the appearances of Beatrice that Maria sees, the weird status of Kanon’s body at the end of almost every twilight, how Kanon had to bail Battler out in the first place, and the Love Duel itself, Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice all being on equal footing within it, and why Shannon and Kanon’s (and Beatrice’s) love had to be mutually exclusive in the first place. Plus more little details like the 19 paces coinciding with the perceived 19 people on the island (family + Beato) and the 19 years since the master of the game had been born, the narration and several characters like Featherine saying that the solution to the previous question or to the logic error could be the key to the whole mystery and is a part of Beato’s heart (her identity). George’s reminiscence of Battler and Shannon as a 12 year old with Beato’s own reminiscence of it coinciding with it. The fact that Battler has literally never seen Kanon and Shannon in the same room and the mystery of how Battler saw Beatrice after the murders of the fourth game. But I think that Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice are all identities of one person, the 16th person after subtracting Kinzo, Kanon and Shannon from the initial 18, and that their disguises and faked deaths are the key to solving not just the logic error room, but the entire game and magic as a whole. Granted I don’t have *everything* figured out with this yet but I feel like I have my foot in the door finally.
Just starting with the logic error room, we know that Erika and Kanon entered and Batler left, the chain was reset when Erika entered, yet by the end of Erika’s search, Kanon was nowhere in the guestroom. Airtight locked room murder, practically no way to get out of this one, at least through the door. And for good measure, Hideyoshi, George, Nanjo, Kumasawa and Shanon are in the next room over while *everyone else* is in the cousins’ room, and during the escape, the seals to the doors of these rooms are intact. Genuinely the only in that I had on this one at first was the “everyone else” wording with Kanon’s status as furniture as my teeny little screwdriver I was trying to pry this thing open with. Of course the furniture thing is mostly a metaphor for the crested servants’ character arcs, and Genji is considered a person who would be included as “everyone else” but it was a start. Incidentally, my attempts before this episode had me reassessing the idea that Shannon could have disguised herself as Beatrice for Maria from the earlier episodes, and it was like I needed something to bridge these two ideas. And the fact of Kanon coming to save Battler being confirmed in red makes it seem useless to try to figure out how he got out of the cousins' room, but figuring that out was an important first step to my reasoning, as it helped me begin forming the idea that, somehow, to have been out of the cousin’s room, he would have had to be somehow less than one, to not be his own person, to not be included in “everyone else”. And taking this to the guestroom, it eventually dawned on me that, if *he* wasn’t his own person, and his love for Jessica couldn’t exist if Shannon was going to be with George, then maybe these two got in the way of each other because they were the same person, and if this was true, Kanon could escape the guestroom by discarding the disguised and identity of ‘Kanon’, removing him from the guestroom, since it was never specified that nobody was in there, only that Kanon wasn’t. ‘Shannon’ in the next room over could have gotten out through the window, since the status of the seals on the window is a hole that is pointed out in the episode, but Dlanor forbids it from being used, I think because bringing it up without solving Kanon’s identity would be solving the mystery incorrectly or at least out of order.
From here, you can take this to many of the other murders in Question arcs. I think I pointed out that Shannon’s body was hidden from George by Hideyoshi in episode 1, but rereading made me realize that not only had Battler not properly seen it either, but if Kanon was at the scene too, following my theory, the body could not have been Shannon’s. Whose it was I’m not sure. If Kumasawa got into her closet for this that would be funny. If they had a body prepared then sure. But this in conjunction with Kanon’s death not being seen by Battler later leaves this person without the identity of Shannon OR Kanon, free to run around the mansion murdering as they please. Even better if they are prepared to disguise as Beatrice as well, as this would have allowed them to have Maria turn around so they could kill Genji, Nanjo, and Kumasawa without harming her, and when the 4 others would come in and investigate, this person would slip out and kill Natsuhi. For Eva and Hideyoshi, since it was Kanon (and Genji who came upon the crime scene), I think it’s possible that the chain being locked was a lie on Genji and Kanon’s part.
As we know in Episode 2, Kanon’s corpse disappears after his death to the confusion of almost everyone, but this is because the body, as Shannon, is in Kinzo’s study “informing him of the murders” which after learning of Kinzo’s pre-game death means she can be doing whatever she wants. Since Kanon never shows up again, she operates as she needs to until she dies with George and Gohda. I think Shannon struggled with killing both of them. It seemed like there was a genuine struggle to even get the door open and overpower George and Gohda, so her and George could have killed each other, or she kills herself after killing George in mourning, because the final twilight is complete, or because she believes Genji or Rosa will take care of the rest. If Shannon was alive, Rosa stopping Battler from disturbing the body and then chasing everyone out would work for that, but Battler also witnesses like, the viscera of her head spilling out of the hole in it, which could constitute as a body check..? Maybe there’s some fuckery with how this Shannon looks to us and to the people inside the story, and that’s how she bypasses Battler’s body check? idk this one isn’t so solid but Kanon’s missing body is so damning to me. Battler does see Beato and Kinzo at the end and this could have been the culprit as Beato. Battler doesn’t get a good look at her and only sees Kinzo’s back as well. And the magic stuff at the end of every episode in my interpretation is Battler having died and the anti-magic, objective perspective being removed. So idk still working on that one lmao
The biggest thing for Episode 3 is the locked room chain, and having two of the servants being assumed identities really helps. Kanon’s body is ‘found’ in the chapel, a very remote part of the island, so his body is hard to confirm. On the other hand, Shannon is ‘found’ in the parlor, the easiest room to operate from and one that the adults were likely to break the locked room status of by shattering the window. Because Battler sees none of these bodies, the true nature is never confirmed, and it can be assumed that the culprit, having (momentarily) discarded Kanon and Shannon, once again has free reign over the mansion. This comes into play after Eva’s murders take the group into the mansion, starting with Rosa and Maria’s deaths as its unlikely the culprit would kill Maria this early. Kyrie kills Hideyoshi here, briefly surviving a shot to the stomach and either trying to hit Eva or retaliating against her where it would hurt (unwittingly damning her own daughter so yknow that’s not horrible at all). Back when I was a Kyrietrice truther (how I miss those days) I thought she survived much longer and killed George and Nanjo, but it turns out Battler checking her corpse in the metaworld means that Battler confirmed her death in the game too so bleh. But I think the culprit killed George and laid him in the parlor, possibly leading him in as Shannon. From here I think she plays dead as the survivors come in and while they’re distracted (Eva, Jessica and Nanjo are caught up in a fight while Battler overtly is checked out of the situation, not looking closely at the corpses at all), she sneaks out, only to be caught and shot at by Eva, which is what blinds Jessica. The shot isn’t immediately fatal but ‘Shannon’ is bleeding out fast and before she dies, she finds and kills Nanjo, “revives” Kanon, as Beatrice puts it, and leads Jessica out to where they will rest for the remainder of the game.
Chapter 4 is weird, it feels impossible to substantiate anything concrete when the whole island is a huge catbox to Battler, cooped up in the guest house, until after almost all of the murders are committed. WIth Shannon/Kanon in the dining hall with everyone, the best I can work out right now is the first six are shot down by them, the rest escape but are killed as well, at some point in between the 8th and 10th killings, ‘Kanon’ is discarded, making him the ‘9th death’, George and Jessica are killed, not before Jessica sees the dead bodies, is chased to her room and works out that if she gets caught, she’ll probably end up like the rest of them, which she tells Battler. At some point, Kyrie manages to get to a phone and call Battler before being killed. The most concrete thing I can deduce is that the hostage group was potentially never in the dungeon, the status of the dungeon’s existence in that space being up in the air, Kanon’s body is not at the bottom of the well that Battler cannot access, when Beatrice shows up to Battler at the end of the 4th and is spurned by Battler not remembering his sin, she finds a way to die as Shannon and be found.
Very hazy still obviously but idk how else Kanon escapes. Honestly "these clues and circumstances make one body unaccounted for so they can go do whatever" feels sorta cheap which makes me second guess all of this, obv theres some tricks to the locked rooms themselves still but I didn't anticipate that one possible theory would clear up so much. Also relies on the cooperation of some adults and Nanjo. Even tho I believe he’s nice I think Nanjo isn’t difficult considering he lies about Kinzo’s death for so long, and I feel like it wouldn’t be.. too hard to get any of the adults in on it if related to the inheritance? I still think some of Eva and Hideyoshi’s ep 1 behaviors are suspicious and it would be really funny and interesting if Kyrie was fuckin shit up. To me.
Overall if this is what the twist is, I think it's neat since Kanon and Shannon have been among my favorites from the beginning and the idea of them being so closely tied to the thematic core of the story is exciting. My idea of magic is so heavily informed by Ange’s story, it makes me wonder, since the Beato we saw in 67 seemed to live in a great deal of emotional neglect, neglect of her own self rather than of “Beatrice” (probably her mother lol), if this culprit is the same in that she was born from Kinzo and a Beato, likely the 67 one, and their personhood was ignored for the sake of Kinzo having Beato again, maybe “Shannon” and “Kanon” are similar to how Maria summons Sakutaro or Ange summons the sisters, and she summons the servants as a way of enriching her sense of self? Would be sort of interesting but it also feels like its crossing over into like DID territory and after playing like 2 danganronpa games worth of poorly handled stuff like that I dont know. I do kinda feel sad for Jessica not really getting to be with Kanon. They constantly get the short end of the stick, obviously because their love hasn’t developed like George and Shannon’s did over the past few years or even how Battler and Beatrice’s did over the past 5 games, but their love is so full of potential, and I love both of them so much. I’d love to just see them happy together but its not Jessica’s fate sadly lmao.
If we’re to believe that it was Battler’s sin that influenced all of this, I do find it to be really interesting how Battler tends to parallel Kinzo, as another extension of the idea that Kinzo keeps this very harrowing grip on all aspects of Beatrice’s/the culprit’s life. That Battler echos Kinzo’s yearning for the old Beatrice isn’t even solely tragic for Battler’s situation, it also has a lot of terrible implications for what we haven’t seen of Kinzo yet, if Battler’s projection of Beatrice as his former lover onto a girl who sees him as her father is any indication of what Kinzo was like. At the very least, I still love Battler and I think he differs from Kinzo by holding onto the love he had for his family. Even after six games, he’s still just as disgusted at the murders, especially so here, and the portrayal of the mothers of the Ushiromiya family in Battler’s game shows that Battler’s capable of a great deal of reflection and understanding, something that’s hard to believe Kinzo was ever willing to offer. For the sin itself it feels like it’s between Battler being like his grandfather, him neglecting the culprit in some way or him denying magic to her and by extension, her way of like and her worldview, like what we saw with young Ange and Maria.
My last thought on this theory is that it makes so much of the love game in ep6, specifically Zepar and Furfur’s commentary, incredibly funny with how on the nose it is, and shifting from the perspective of the elder Beato who doesn’t get it to that of Kanon and Shannon who are painfully aware, is very eye opening to how heavy handed their dialogue is. Yet another moment of the writers desperately trying to guide you to the heart of the mystery which is comforting as a staple of this whole story.
Looking back at the last post, it is funny how little I had to say about Erika Furudo then. She’s like my second favorite character now, as horrible as she is, and everything she does is in line with how she acted in ep5 (with one caveat we’ll get to), but just way more severe and like mask off about her cold-hearted rejection of emotional truths and desire for complete domination and control of what is accepted as the objective truth which is. very entertaining! Obviously saying a ton about the more clinical, quote unquote “intellectual” camps of mystery readers and writers and about how objective truth really is, which is all incredibly important to understanding the overall mystery, almost like a what not to do when playing Umineko.
But just focusing on Erika herself, she just feels so steeped in every detective trope you’ve ever heard of, and in a story that takes the time to build such nuanced dynamics and relationships between characters, the way she operates can be so two-dimensional it’s actually delightful to watch. Even when she’s given a backstory, it almost feels pre-packaged and thrown in to hastily give her depth and personal relation to truth on a conceptual level, as she is a detective, altho I don’t know if it’s completely hollow. Her back and forth with Dlanor is neat and her final response to it is an early tell that her refusal to recognize the emotions behind people’s truths is a fatal flaw of hers, probably caused by her falling out with her boyfriend. And with the whole game trusting you to see the emotions in everything and to not be cold and clinical in your assessment of the story, I can’t wholly believe she’s completely flat as a character, altho the commentary is still very unsubtle so idk fully. It’s not like bullshit characters can’t be meaningful, and I think there is a level of tragedy in the way she was fashioned on the game board as Bernkastel’s piece, trapped in the position of servitude to Bern, constantly emulating her callousness and seeking her approval, as if she’s like an author insert begging not to be removed by the author herself.
Like I said, she exhibits almost all the same behaviors she did in the last episode, just more brutally here. It’s almost like after failing to beat Battler at the end of episode 5, she’s trying to prove with everything she has that she really is a completely deplorable person, which she does when she fucking kills 5 people in what was supposed to be a non-tragic game, and she does this using the one thing that makes her different from last time: her lack of detective authority. Not only is is a cool trick that runs alongside her casting off the image of a noble seeker of the truth so she can debase herself in order to chase down a more twisted conclusion, it speaks a lot to her own capabilities that even without the privileges of a detective in a classic mystery story, she’s still able to bend the Ushiromiya family to her will and think miles ahead of Battler, making her all the more terrifying. Another thing that makes her different here is that she’s not just trying to solve the murders anymore, she is actively trying to catch Battler in a logic error, trapping him in the broken rules of his own game forever, and once she convinces him to give her seals to a few of the rooms, she does this incredibly easily, guiding Battler to his own damnation in what is, in my opinion, the best battle between the human side and witch side in the entire game thus far. It is absolutely fucking insane the lengths Erika goes to in order to completely destroy Battler. Her command of the game from the very start as if she had planned every mode both of them were going to make is just diabolical and after being a bit desensitized after the past 5 chapters of killings, her BEHEADING five people including a mom in front of her 9 year old daughter just to fuck up Battler’s game genuinely made me sick. And this is all heightened by how well written, translated, and voiced Erika is throughout the entire chapter. Before I got into Umineko, I’d seen videos of the scene completely out of context, and slowly I was drawn into wanting to play the game by the voice acting, the incredible music and tantalizingly rich atmosphere that I would have readily indulged in a full game of. But knowing the context of the scene now, how it acts as the final nail in the coffin of Battler and as the peak of Erika’s twisted level of ecstasy as she gleefully destroys this family, not just for domination of the truth but for the joy of revenge against Battler for denying her that ecstasy in the last game. It is just such an incredibly gripping stretch of scenes so fucking good oh my god.
All of this leads to the wedding of Erika and Battler, which really is the most deplorable action of Erika’s in this whole episode. Just the most disgusting subtext going on here that if you’ve read the novel I don’t even have to spell out. Just the depths she plummets to so she can exercise complete control over Battler. In stark contrast to the way Beatrice let Battler into her game, granting him the tools to understand her and to shed light on the mystery of her existence, finally granting her fulfillment, Erika is an intruder into Battler’s game in every sense of the word, and it’s Bern that created this monster in the first place to further toy with the lives of the Ushiromiya family, not completely different from how it was Kinzo's upbringing that made the adults of the Ushiromiya family who they were, leading to how theyr raised their own kids. Luckily Beatrice is the one who steps in at the last moment to save Battler here, exposing the one thing Erika cannot control: the emotions that are inherent to the facts of the murders. She cannot fathom that the solution to the murder isn’t some one million iq 4D chess move of Beatrice's and after an epiphany about the nature of multiple truths that not only feels kinda fake but is something Battler had come to 3 whole episodes ago with Virgilia and the Braun tubes, Beatrice and Battler’s final red truth shoots her down. Troll officially slayed don't be like Erika Furudo kids. Also there’s only 16 people on the island now! Hopefully you paid attention to Zepar and Furfur earlier. It is actually a funny wink wink nudge nudge that Beatrice entering the chapel to save Battler from the marriage runs parallel to Kanon entering the guest room. As if Ryukishi isnt already on his hands and knees tears in his eyes screaming and begging and groveling for the reader to understand whats going on here.
But yea Erika is a fascinating case study on the nature of truth, its objectivity and how it should be pursued. “True” does not always equal “right”, and the pursuit of objectivity can do immeasurable and irrevocable harm to innocent people just trying to find happiness in their own lives. I didn’t even mention her beefing with a literal 9 year old over a beginner magic trick, but it's clear here that her values run opposite to the games and the writers have a very very fun time criticizing those values through her. I learned this from a YouTube comment but apparently in some WTC bonus material, Rika from Higurashi mentions deep sea fish as omens of misfortune, which absolutely evokes the image of Erika washing up on the shores of Rokkenjima, foreshadowing the ensuing disaster. But after everything, as astute as she is as a riddle solver, she really has not even gotten out of the shallow end in terms of what the heart of a mystery really is, how trauma makes people act and why people are even driven to do the things that they do, ultimately looking like a fish out of water against this very magical setting. Get it like solitary deep sea fish honk honk
Other thoughts. I’m so happy to see Ange again! If the meta aspects of this story weren’t obvious enough, her and Hachijo/Featherine have the most overt readeauthor relationship, and it’s funny how Ange’s risen to Battler’s status of reader insert but in a different way. Battler and Beatrice have a combative, opposing relationship but the way she presents the murders to Battler and beckons him to figure them out very much reflects the writers’ desire for the reader to recognize their fiction. On the outside, it seems tricky but is actually very nurturing. Now, this late in the story, Ange and Featherine have a much more outwardly respectful relationship, likened to a miko and her guardian, although there is a little seedling of toughness that Featherine seems to hold for Ange, probably because of the latter’s stubbornness about some aspects of the story, with Ange also harboring contempt for Featherine sensationalizing her trauma with the message bottles. Funny inversion with Battler and I like the continued commentary on true crime. I also think Ange’s pursuit of the truth and trouble with emotions as Featherine’s reader slightly echoes Bern’s other piece, Erika, although to a much, and I cannot stress that Ange is not anywhere near as flawed as Erika, MUCH lesser extent, and Ange clearly has a higher chance of actually coming to an understanding at the end of the episode, plus its more understanding of Ange to want some power over the narrative as someone whose life was nearly ruined by it, rather than a piece who was just dropped in without any other relation to the Ushiromiya’s, despite being at the mercy of her master. Hate M Zakky guy plotting to kill her at the end altho I figured he sniped those Sumadera henchmen for her earlier and its not surprising but. le sigh
And because you know I have to always bring up Kyrie. That scene with her and Jessica was. Amazing. When Jessica's eyes glazed over and prison strip started playing I lost my mind. Genuinely such a compelling backstory for Kyrie and I love Jessica’s challenge to it, and her finishing line that, as much as Kyrie has been both empowered and terrorized by her jealousy, it does not make her a noble person, and this idea that trauma doesn’t automatically make you virtuous, I believe, will probably be very pertinent to the ultimate mysteries of the story. Besides that, one detail I caught is Kyrie talking about having worked up the nerve to kill Asumu over many many years, and she calls it a miracle that some other force took her the moment that she would have. Earlier this episode, and it’s been echoed in the previous ones, Featherine mentions that magic, as something limited by human ability, is the power to follow through with or get away with it. It really makes me think that. Kyrie could have just. Killed Asumu and is using magic to exonerate herself fdsfdsfds .I mean I’m always biased to my idea of murderer bastard Kyrie and the mountain of circumstantial evidence I thought I had with that and I do think its really funny!!! That she’s the only adult who seems to know how to handle the WInchesters well enough to do it one handed in her cg AND her portrait (og and pachinko not ps3). But hey idk. Every time she makes that closed eyes open mouth portrait it makes me think that she might not be any more savvy than the other adults about whats going on so even if its not serious i can still dream
submitted by LukaCheshire to u/LukaCheshire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:36 flaming0-1 RX450h exhaust… what’s this?

RX450h exhaust… what’s this?
2010 Lexus RX450h. Engine quit on side of highway, no warning. Brought to Lexus and they said catastrophic failure of all three catalytic converters. Funny, they charged $300 to tell me that but didn’t take anything apart. Just read code. Anyway they quoted me (and I’m not kidding) $23,000 CAD 🙄. I towed it home. Took off Y connection and the front two don’t seem plugged at all, it runs great without the y… so the back. I tried running air and it’s completely plugged. In my province it’s legal to straight pipe and this sucker is miled out. Just want to know what this shit does so I know what to hollow out. See (and listen ) to video. I can’t seem to find any pictures or diagrams of exhaust systems that have all this extra crap on it. (I know I’ll have a code without a cheater, it’s a very old car). Thanks. ☺️
submitted by flaming0-1 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]