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2024.06.10 02:19 Driver-of-the-Aegis A brief post on Godzilla 2014- 10 years later

Today, I finally managed to actually sit through and finish Godzilla 2014- it remained the only movie in the Monsterverse I never actually finished, but that has officially changed. Overall thoughts? In the words of Bugs Bunny- I like it. I wouldn't call it my favorite of the Monsterverse, not at all. Heck, I don't even think it would necessarily make my top 10 G movies in general. Why's that? Well, let me explain.
People are absolutely right to give this film all the praise it has garnished over the years, especially with Godzilla 1998 nearly twenty years before...... doing what it did- it put Godzilla back on the map and in theatres AND in pop culture the way he rightfully should. That alone is enough to just write off the film as I previously did. That being said, I do have to disagree with it being "the best" now, that isn't to say it's not poorly written or acted or shot, hell no, all of it is damn good- heck, it's probably the best acted in all the Monsterverse movies. Listen, I love these newer entries but even if I can look past one or two stinker lines, the fact is they still exist, there's none of that in Godzilla 2014. It's just a good movie... yeah, that's it, just good.
There really isn't a whole lot about the film itself that really makes it standout amidst the other highly praised serious Godzilla films. There wasn't any deeper connected message woven in like Godzilla 1954(and ironically, would actually be shown in its full light and even subverted in KotM 5 years later), nor any big and memorable character moments like Minus One 9 years later. I do feel like Ford Brody is given the short end of the stick critically speaking, however, he's not an awful protagonist, nothing special either, but he gets the job done well enough.
There's just a few things missing from this movie to make it REALLY feel like a Godzilla film. Course he's literally the title of the movie, but, as overdone as this argument is, it's kinda true- there's not enough of him. The best Godzilla movies are those that remember that the Kaiju are characters just as well as the people. Godzilla's definitely got some of that in this movie and his presence is both very much appreciated and VERY well felt, but it had me begging to see more of him. That isn't to say the more animalistic and natural feel of the Kaiju in this film is a bad choice, but it loses a lot of the charm and tension their journey would have otherwise. That all goes to the Brody family, and especially with Joe, that's all great stuff! It just feels like it has an identity crisis almost- a standard military movie with monsters as the main targets- nothing wrong with that, but it just BARELY misses the mark. I feel like Kong Skull Island would later take those elements and actually do something with them- it's why he's been helming the MV for a little bit, we love our big giant ape son just trying to survive. Goji? Well, you shot for the moon but still landed amongst the stars, but hey, hindsight is a great thing, and you really stuck the landing in 2019, there's a bright future ahead of you, king, trust me- we love your grumpy scaly mug all the same.
6.5/10- check it out if you got the time and interest.
submitted by Driver-of-the-Aegis to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:05 Kuroihane One voice (Kassandra Curze short story)

One voice (Kassandra Curze short story)

One Voice

co-written with u/SandwichQuiet7369

“Say, captain, do you believe in fate?”
Dark corridors of the Nightfall were dimly lit with stripes of pale light, resembling their homeworld traditions. The homeworld to which they headed now. Morgenstern stood against one of the Emperor’s Angels, however he could not think of one soul to call this particular one an angel. Or any other space marine on this ship for that matter. Cold black eyes stared the iterator down, there was no animosity in them. Just a faint blink of curiosity.
“What is it to you, Iterator, we’re not in one of your peace talks right now,” said Jago Sevatarion, first captain of the Night Lords legion.
He pushed through the man standing before him and headed through the corridor. He heard steps of the mortal trying to catch up to him, almost skipping but still trying to uphold decency. The thought of any mortal maintaining a face before him amused the Night Lord. Morgenstern caught up with the space marine. They walked in silence for a few moments.
“Lady Kassandra is going to sentence Nostramo to Exterminatus,” said the iterator. He sounded calm, but heightened senses of a space marine gave away his slightly higher heart rate to Jago.
First captain quickly glanced at the man beside him.
“That is for Mother to decide,” he said quietly, “If she deems this planet a lost cause, so be it.”
“And what do you think, captain?” the iterator asked, sounding unnaturally passionless, “I thought of you as a rare example of independent thinker on this whole fleet. I thought you of all people knew that our Lady’s judgments could be… affected.”
The space marine stopped suddenly, causing Morgenstern to flinch. Iterator however held his composure, stopping himself and turning to the Night Lord, man’s cloak clicking from a quick movement as he did so.
“Are you questioning the primarch, mortal?” black flame danced dangerously in the eyes of the first captain.
“Are you not?” he shot back.
Jago hated that for all that he wanted he could not refute this man.
“What do you want me to do?” If Morgenstern didn’t know who was before him, he would have thought the Night Lord sounded helplessly.
“I suggest you listen to your own words, captain,” the iterator began slowly, “I suggest for the first time you try to do better.”
“What does it mean, Morgenstern?” Even muffled by airlocks, primarch’s voice felt suppressing.
“Canons are disarmed, Lady Kassandra,” Morgenstern said after a long silence.
“That is not how it is supposed to be,” Primarch's voice contained suppressed disbelief and rising rage.
“It is indeed not.”
A series of strikes shook the deck. Jago looked at the iterator. Even though the mortal flinched each time Kassandra Curze’s hit landed on the bridge's gates, Morgenstern firmly stood against them, hands behind his back.
“OPEN THE GATES AND DO WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO!” a shout from the other side of the airlocks made the iterator suffer from a headache. He turned to the first captain.
“I will kindly ask you to leave, Jago,” he said firmly.
The first captain measured the mortal with his glance for a moment. Then the space marine turned away from the bridge.
“It is your funeral, iterator.”
“Then I will expect flowers from you, captain,” Morgenstern answered, as the primarch's screams in the background became more chaotic and loud.
“You better love plastic, it is the best we have on Nostramo,” Night Lord’s words were distant.
The Iterator smiled at this unexpected joke from a space marine and focused his sight on the gates. Strikes still fell on their steel.
Now, that is just rude, Morgenstern thought to himself trying to stay calm as his Lady’s words made a cold sweat run down his back.
The iterator stood and waited. Screams and threats continued, but as hours went on he started to notice something new in Kassandra’s voice. Pain started as thin threads in the fabric of her voice, growing thicker until all that was there was agony. It was so alive, so unbearable that the man felt pain in his own heart. Those screams were filled with thick despair and fear, fear of someone whose world crumbled beneath their feet. Voice of the Dark Queen, vibrating through the walls and floor of the deck started slowly fading more silent, until it became a flow of slurred words, then just a torrent of silent sobs and whispers.
And then there was silence.

Kassandra couldn’t manage her breath. Her vision blurred, hearts beat so hard, she thought her ribs would break. Opening mouth in a silent scream, primarch clawed her head, blood streamed between her fingers. Kassandra slid down the bridge gates trying to find some shelter in her surroundings. But there was nothing. Only a spacious empty bridge and complete darkness. She hugged her knees, burying her head in them, in a futile attempt to cover her eyes from what she was about to see. Primarch’s eyes blazed purple, now burning with the fire of cursed future. Kassandra was engulfed with darkness, a dark choking fog of false reality swirling around her. Then she blinked.
Kassandra no longer sat on the cold floor of the bridge. Her hands now tightly grasped the armrests of her command throne.
Nostramo is guilty. This filthy planet is rotten to the core and one sentence awaits it. Death. We gave them a chance, a quiet rustling voice came.
The impudent mortal standing to her side shouted an immediate counter command to the fleet before comms could be closed. Kassandra recognized the woman even seeing her for the first time in her life. Morgenstern’s wheat blond mane and sharp jaw was recognizable even in this warped reality. Why he, or she, looked like this, did not matter for now. Her stupidly arrant actions did. The Primarch clamped her jaw, her hands clenched so hard the armrests cracked.
Dashing, Lady of the VIIIth raised from her flagship’s throne and grabbed Morgenstern, tossing her across the bridge. The Mortal flew until she hit the wall with a horrible whack, falling down. Quietly moaning from pain, the iterator tried to get up, getting only to her four before pain stopped her further attempts. The Primarch couldn’t believe it. One of the only people in the whole galaxy Kassandra thought she could count on had just gone against her.
She is guilty too, whispered the voice, and just as that pathetic sphere of mud, she deserves death.
The Primarch took a step forward.
That mortal is not the same! A new, youthful voice proclaimed.
Kassandra made two more steps.
The first voice laughed at her in cruel mocking, Ah-ha-ha, but you still are. Look at her. So much pain. So much misery. BROUGHT BY YOUR HAND! The voice became silent for a moment.
Then it sounded again.
Kill her. Kill her, kill her, kill her, kill her, kill her, kill her, KILL HER, KILL HER–
Voices echoed in primarch’s head, doubling and tripling, deafening her thoughts. The cacophony building up and turning to a crescendo.
“SILENCE!” The primarch roared.
Her voice thundered across the fleet through the vox channel that was still open, as the communication officer was frozen in fear. The order was given. If they were sentient, the servitors and engines would have silenced themselves too.
As she came closer to the kneeling iterator, primarch’s breath became heavier and heavier, weighed down by her resolution. The voice granted her a few seconds of peace before starting to talk again. This time berating her for embarrassment she brought upon herself in front of her subordinates.
And how do you want them to respect you after such a fit? How do you want them to keep being afraid of you? You still are just the same child from–, Kassandra swept it away to the back of her head.
Morgenstern coughed up lumps of blood and spit. Turning back to her lady coming closer, she used one of the bridge's consoles to lean on and stand up. A mouthful of blood splat forth giving it a new coat of red paint.
So proud, so foolish.
Kassandra grabbed the woman's shoulder and turned her around. She lifted the iterator in the air holding her by the throat.
The Primarch gazed mortal in the eyes. Iterator's stubborn determination hit her with flaming intensity.
We do not have to do this, the youthful voice again tried to reason.
The lightning claws chattered to life. One smooth motion in less than one second is all it would take.
The rustling voice started its declamation again.
Those who help the peccant are peccant themselves. Guilt demands punishment. There can be no hesitation, no mercy, and no exceptions. That is how this galaxy works. That is how justice is ensured. We learned this at a young age. You know this. Your sons know this. Even this wench knows this. She, who is in front of you is guilty of aiding crime, justice HAS to be dealt. Your feelings matter nothing.
A sharpened tip of a chainglaive promptly rose to meet the primarch's throat. She turned her head to see who was so foolishly, insolently brave to even think of that.
“Mother, please,” Lord Commander Shang’s voice sounded desperate, even distorted by his helmet.
Sweet, stupid Shang, rustling voice laughed at the space marine.
He is not stupid, a youthful bitter silent voice echoed defeated in the primarch’s skull.
“Lower your weapon this instance, Lord Commander, and you might stay alive until the tribunal,” Primcrch's voice pushed down the already thick air of the bridge.
“He will not,” another space marine’s voice sounded from behind Lady of the VIIIth, paired with the sound of a spinning chainglaive.
First captain of the Night Lords legion stood up against his gene-mother.
Another one? After that lump of mud is dealt with, you should look really closely at your impudent brats, rustling voice snarled.
And take our legion’s last honorable parts? questioned the youthful one.
“One more to defy me,” said Kassandra, “one more to be punished.”
No retort came. Sevatarion’s visor lenses gleaned grim. Sworn oaths betrayed each other.
“Th– Then do it,” the mortal's voice choked out. “Prove everyone right. Destroy Nostramo. Kill your people. Kill your sons. Kill me. Prove that there is only Night Hauntress left. Put out the last glimmering flames of light you have in your miserable life.”
Ha! the rustling voice exclaimed enthusiastically, maybe you should listen to that pest after all!
She is frightened, the youthful murmured.
“They all have betrayed me.” Primarch closed her eyes and shook her head trying to think clearly.
Her hand tensed, making a woman in her grasp cough up blood again.
Then make these an example, a rustling voice whispered nonchalantly, their skin hanging on the main deck will stop any one from defying you again.
This is what you call justice? You could be better than this.
“No.” Kassandra spoke uncertainly, “Shut up.”
Morgenstern desperately grabbed primarch’s hands, fighting suffocation. With the corner of her eye, Kassandra noticed how her sons tightened grips on their weapons.
Stop this whining, and do what you must.
You will not be able to turn back from this.
What, you will betray the justice itself for a cup of sweet beverage?
You know it is more than that.
Two voices argue, spiraling and mixing in themselves, deafening Kassandra, making her feel like her head is about to explode. A cacophony of madness blinded the primarch, extinguishing reason that left in her broken mind. The Lady of the VIIIth screamed. And everything went dark.
When Kassandra’s vision cleared again, bridge walls and observation windows were thinly painted red. Crew and servitors, dismembered, covered the floor with their body parts and intestines. Irritating disharmonic wet dripping noise of blood, streaming down the bridge interior and systems, filled the space. Kassandra’s breath was heavy and uneven. She stared long at her gauntlets and lightning claws, soaked in body fluids of men and women she slaughtered, before raising her eyes. Shang’s body, pierced and pinned by his own chainglaive, hung on the bridge gates, leaving a long trail of blood flowing down. Leaning on the airlocks, sat Sevatarion’s beheaded corpse, surrounded by several dozen space marines. Cracked armor, severed limbs, they were grouped around their captain and Lord Commander as if they had kept a defense line against some raging beast.
Tears of horror and self-loath streamed down the face of the primarch. Surrounding scene resembled primarch ancient Terra’s myths of afterlife punishment and damnation. Hell created by her own madness.
Muffled moans brought Kassandra’s attention to the foot of the bridge throne. Iterator’s broken body lay there motionless. But she was still alive. Kassandra rushed to her, stopping two steps from away, no desire to come closer, no courage. Morgenstern coughed, following her pierced lungs prompting. She could only move her eyes to look at the devastated primarch.
“You did it,” croaked the iterator, “you killed us all.”
“Come closer.” Morgenstern did not let her make excuses.
Unable to refute the dying woman, Kassandra made two steps forward and leaned lower to Morgenstern. She noticed the detonator in the iterator’s hand too late.
“Ave Dominus Nox, my Lady.”
Before fire tore reality of the vision apart, Kassandra realized one last thing. There were never two voices vocalizing in her head. There was only her own.

The floor’s rockrete stinged Kassandra's cheek with cold. Tears silently rolled down her face, blurring her vision. She did not twitch nor scratched herself, limply lying on the floor. She was so tired. Constant nightmares that always came to life, sooner or later. False hope that she could ever escape it. Hope that her sons and her iterator have been shoving down her throat right now. And that vision. What she saw was so surreal, yet so alive. Alternative present and immediate future was not something she ever saw until this point. But that did not matter. It too was knitted from threads of darkness.
“You should have just killed me.” she whispered.
The stone’s chill became strangely calming. Kassandra felt like she did not want to ever get up. She contemplated voices, or rather voices that haunted her in that bizarre vision. Voices that were unsynchronized and split, but still belonged to Kassandra Curze. She was no fool. Kassandra understood that there was something deeply wrong with her. Something that she allowed to happen. Something that since tormented her and was her shelter alike.
The primarch’s thoughts were interrupted by a torrent of another possible forthcoming stirring in her eyes. Kassandra’s body tightened up, she bit her lip, once more that day painting her face with a stripe of red.
Then the primarch stopped breathing. She could not believe herself, stopping every movement of her body, trying not to scare off what is to come. Kassandra felt this only once, in a dark alley of Nostramo, where she was forced with a role of judge. Where she chose to be the executioner.
Canvas of light, images of future burned on it, second time in Kassandra’s life, they were not pitch black. She closed her eyes and let herself be consumed.

Only the finest gold-plated rockrete surrounded the Lady of the VIIIth legion. Eighteen marble statues greeted her, behind them stood their legions in perfect parade formation. Unlike the statues used on compliant worlds, not a single statue here was produced from the mass industrial lines. Instead, entire armies of the finest artisans the Imperium had to offer were unleashed just for this room.
The Hall of Heroes was enchanting. The history of humanity under the rule of the Emperor, captured on its walls gazed upon anyone who stepped here. It seemed that whatever architects worked on this chamber, their end goal was to capture the glory of Mankind itself. Many could be elevated by those walls, but the primarch of the Night Lords was not. Too much light, not enough shadows, she felt trapped in a cage without bars. That was a place for heroes. And she was not a hero.
In the center of the Imperial Palace Kassandra knelt, dressed in ceremonial tail-suit, head bowed, before the Emperor of Mankind. She was still waiting for judgment, for censure, for rejection and banishment. But none came as she waited. Then the Emperor spoke.
+Stand up, daughter.+
At the unexpected words Kassandra twitched her head, looking up at her father, before turning away in embarrassment. She slowly stood up, not fully sure she was really allowed to, warily anticipating what was to come. Annoying rustling made itself heard.
What does he have to say to us? This hypocrite, will he critique us again? Will he-
+I only want to speak to you.+
Soft waves of force washing against her mind made the distracting voice finally shut up. Kassandra looked her father in the eyes. His face was so serene, she doubted he even had really spoken right now. Watching her father’s glorious image, she felt bitter, realizing how different they were.
Father and daughter, what a fraking joke, she thought to herself.
“What do you want me to hear, father?” asked primarch, defense ringing in her voice.
The Emperor waited before his answer.
+You are conflicted.+
Kassandra felt anger welling up inside her.
“Oh, Emperor, beloved by all, your attentiveness should be celebrated by all of humanity!” She loudly spat these words, and then continued, now almost whispering, “I almost gouged out my eyeballs before you on Nostramo, and you just left me with your little funny war on stars.”
Emperor held out his hand and softly grasped his daughter’s shoulder. It felt stunningly unnatural for the Lady of the VIIIth, but also stirred up something inside her from the old days. From those days she still had someone who really cared about her on Nostramo.
+I never wanted or intended you to suffer like this. I had belief you will overcome this.+
Kassandra grinned bitterly.
“As you can see, I failed. Perhaps, you should have intended better.”
+You may be right. I want you to join Blood Angels’ expedition fleet.+
Lady of the VIIIth squinted.
“Want your perfect Angel to watch over me? Is that your punishment?”
+It is your opportunity.+
Kassandra shook off her father’s hand.
“Opportunity for what?! To make your Imperium, this house of hypocrisy and violence, larger and broader?”
The Emperor's face remained impenetrable.
+To make it better.+
Kassandra tried to find words, but could not. The Emperor's words were not just a façade, they were not a ploy to coax her in compliance. He was being genuine. Kassandra lowered her head, examining the Imperial Palace’s floor marble in defeat of her obstinacy.
“How will I make Imperium better, if I cannot make myself better?”
+The question you should ask is not how to make yourself better. But how to finally decide who you are.+
“And who am I supposed to be?” Kassandra raised her head again in a hope for an answer.
The Emperor slowly held out his hand, tenderly touching his daughter’s forehead with his index.
+That you must find out for yourself.+
The Emperor and his palace, all around Kassandra Curze, disappeared.
She now appeared in complete darkness, looking around, trying to understand what the Emperor just did to her. Everywhere the primarch could see was only dark, she stood ankles deep in an obsidian water that made no sound as she wandered around. Kassandra tried to walk in one direction until she stopped, understanding that this dark plane was endless. Cold of this place bit her bones.
“Always so enigmatic, isn’t he?” sounded a rustling voice behind her.
Kassandra turned around snappily, as she had not felt anyone to sneak up. That was new for her.
Before primarch stood figure, figure rivaling her in height and stature, covered in thin black mist, making its features unrecognizable.
“Who, the frak, are you?” Kassandra asked the stranger.
“Weren’t you told to ask yourself this question?” Shadow answered, clearly amused by her bewilderment.
“How do you know?” The primarch was getting annoyed by this creature’s attitude.
“I was there, obviously.”
The dark figure started to walk in circles around Kassandra, reminding her of beasts readying to jump at their prey. But Kassandra was no prey. And she was not in the mood for these charades.
“We are in my head,” Kassandra stated the obvious.
“Look at her, that girl is not only about appearances!” a stranger mocked her, clapping its hands.
“Enough,” ordered the primarch, “surely, you are not the one to answer my questions.”
The dark figure finally ended its circling, stopping in front of the dismissive primarch.
“And what questions would you ask?” mocking rustling changed with an ominous growl.
Kassandra thought for a couple of moments.
“How shall I deal from now on?”
“Just as before.”
“I cannot.”
“Why? Have you become so weak?”
“Because I have to be stronger than that.” The creature snarled in resentment of these words.
“Who do you think you are? Humanity’s savior, warrior princess in a snow-white armor?”
Kassandra's eyes widened in sudden recognition.
“Why so silent? Admit it to yourself and your dead mommy. She would be so disappointed.”
Shadow was tense, opposing the primarch.
"Admit it. You are a monster."
Kassandra stared at the figure. It all made sense to her now. Her prior visions, her father’s words. This place and abomination of darkness standing before her. Awareness dawned on her with a weight of new, vaguely perceived, responsibility, crushing her with guilt for all she has done by now. She was afraid. But here and now she had a chance. A chance to start walking towards a ghostly glimpse of light at the end of the cursed tunnel she now saw. Now that she knew it existed.
Kassandra walked closer to the shadow and extended her arm, placing hand on the figure's chest.
“I know what I am,” upon her touch, black mist dissolved revealing a face that Kassandra hated so much. Dirty rags and self-made blades lay on a creature’s milk-pale skin. Sunken eyes as black as the void of space and twice as cold. Lips peeled back barring sharp teeth in horror.
“I know what I am,” repeated Kassandra, voice filled with realization, “I am you.”
Her reflection’s features started to twist and break, turning into jet black liquid. Violently swirling around the primarch’s hand, her arm, and her body. Kassandra felt as if she was forced to drink sewer water. But it was a part of her. Only with it could she be complete.
In a second it was over. She stood alone in the endless plane that did not seem so unwelcoming now. Cold became less severe. Pitch-black water was gone, and beneath her feet, soft onyx grass sprouted. Within a moment of contemplation, Kassandra lowered herself and lay down in its delicate embrace, relaxing her body.
Resting there, Kassandra Curze avowed.
“I am Night Hauntress.”
submitted by Kuroihane to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:29 ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and Game Over Theory # 2 - TWOW Prologue - 4 of 4

[Part 3]
The new knight approached the base of the wet ladder and began to climb. He reached halfway and stopped to listen above. The thunderstorm roared its fury, and the Blackfish was already speaking.
“What kind of knight threatens a pregnant woman?” Ser Tully voiced his rhetorical question.
“We did not know she was pregnant. She fooled us with her sister. But I am one that follows the orders of his liege lord.”
“You mean the Lannister one that killed his king once? Or the other Frey one that killed his other king too? Or the dead lord who killed Dornish babes? How do the princes of Dorne feel about you cheap-honor Lannisters?”
“You were the ones that rebel against the crown.”
“And it was the Kingslayer that threw Bran Stark out the window in a time of peace! At his own home! Do the Lannisters enjoy killing children and murdering unarmed people at dinner?”
“He is my liege lord.”
“Aye, and you seem like someone who knows his role and shuts his mouth. Do you want to be remembered for the rest of time as the knight that cleans up after his shit? ‘Here lies Ser Forley Prester, the legend that wipes the Goldenhand’s ass,’ will be written on your tomb in gold. Too bad your grave-mark will forget the part where everyday you take his golden-hand, shine it up real nice, turn that piece of metal sideways and shove it up your own candy arse for pleasure!”
The men above laughed as a shriek of thunder rumbled not too far from the Rock.
“You seem like a charming man Ser Brynden, but we are not here to discuss the rights or wrongs of men, knights, lords, kings and princes who are far far away from here.”
“Well here in my garrison I have Ser Olyvar Frey, son to Walder Frey, and a loyalist to his King, Robb Stark. Please ask Ser Olyvar Frey which is right and which is shit?”
Olyvar realized the Blackfish is chatting to buy time for Jeyne to escape.
“Is he a knight now?” A familiar voice that sounded like Edwyn Frey asked. “How did that come to pass?”
“Kill the right people I suppose. And whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to now? What is your name my lord?”
“My name is Ed–“
Giggles tickled the rainy circular drain above Olyvar.
“And aye, I knighted him myself. And his Queen in the North even made him a new coat of arms to differentiate himself from his disgraceful family,” the Blackfish announced to Edwyn Frey.
“And how would I know what cloak he wears now?” Ser Forley’s voice continued.
“Fastened by Queen Stark herself, it’s the bridge of the twin towers with a river flowing underneath, colored Stark grey and Tully red & blue. But every one of my friends here are all championed by our Queen. Are any of you beloved by a queen?”
Ser Forley tried to counter, “A new sigil of water flowing underneath a bridge? Did he make the water flow himself? Is he a plumber?”
“Aye, he may be a plumber knight, but you got shit for honors.”
“My honor is in tact.”
“Was it in tact when you abandoned your army at the Battle of the Camps? Claiming that you have honor is like claiming turtles can grow wings and fly. My plumber knight has more honor than your shit!”
Ser Forley paused … and then exulted, “Will this plumber be cleaning up my shit later?” Quiet chuckles whispered from the higher balconies.
The Blackfish retaliates, “As long as you acknowledge your honor as shit, he will.”
Loud laughter filled the air, but with Olyvar hiding in the hole of the floor, he could not tell if it was from his brothers, from his foes or both. Alive or facing death, one should know better not to trade japes with the Blackfish.
“Enough!” yelled Ser Forley. “You are clearly out manned down there at this courtyard! At least three of my men to one of yours! AND I have the high ground! So I won’t say it again, drop your weapons and I will let your men live!”
“Do you take me for a motley fool? You just don’t want us to loose back when you shoot your crossbows at us. You Lannisters cannot win in a fair fight against us if we are armed, but you men sure do a good job of killing defenseless people and children. And I will not give you that pleasure!”
“I do not know what you heard, but that is not entirely true.”
“Not entirely true? Do you Lannisters fondle the children first before you kill them? Do you give the children a good sniff before you cook them like Mad Danelle Lothson? Mother have mercy!” Ser Brynden teased.
“Enough! I will let your men live if you drop your weapons! I swear it on my hon-“
“We shit on your honor! Are there no true knights among you lot? You men following this shit knight’s shitty order, do you not have any honor yourselves? To chase after and kill a woman who is in labor? To kill a babe? Our king—”
“OUR CHOSEN KING!” Lord Galbart Glover’s voice thundered in before the Blackfish continued.
“—chose to execute his own kin and bannerman for butchering children … Lannister children! Frey children! But your knight here serves men without honor. Ser Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer! Lord Walder Frey the Guestslayer! Lord Roose Bolton the Turncloak! COWARDS! Men who serves hospitality with bloodshed beneath their roofs and massacre innocents! Will you continue to serve these false knights and false men? Are you not fathers, nor aspire to be fathers some day? Well serve your CHOSEN lord’s bidding and be cursed! A predator of children is no lord of mine!” Ser Brynden Blackfish Tully spat and thunder boomed. “The gods will never forgive that, the slaughter at the Twins, the murder, the treason, the mutiny!”
Ser Forley began to scream louder, “You call it what you want! You’re down there, we’re up here! You came into the wrong damn castle Ser!”
“Stand fast brothers!” Ser Tully alerted.
“Gods damn this, I am telling you this one last time. Order your men to drop their weapons to the deck.”
“So you could parade us as prisoners before executing us? I cannot give that order,” defied the Blackfish.
“I am not going to repeat that order!”
“I WILL NOT GIVE THAT ORDER!” Thunder boomed again.
“Ser Forley!” an unfamiliar voice called. “Queen Stark and her group are spotted. They are escaping on a rowboat at sea below. They appear to be heading west,” the watchman said.
Edwyn Frey’s voice commanded, “Archers, to the western edge! Kill them! Kill them all!!”
“BROTHERS! Kill the watcher first and anyone on that western edge!” the Blackfish thundered in the order.
A quick shoosh was heard above and a cry of pain immediately sounded from the west, as a body thumped and squished onto the lower muddy ground.
And suddenly the air was filled with it, as the thunderstorm raged on.
Shoosh shoosh shooosh shooosh shoosh ahhhhhh ahhhhh shoooosh ahhhh shooooshhh shoosh boom doom boom doom boom doom shooosh shooosh ahhhhhhh boom doom boom!
The heavens exploded from above, illuminating Olyvar’s drain instant after instant. Men were heard screaming and dying in agony. Whether or not it was his brothers or his foes, Olyvar couldn’t tell. He caught a glimpse of three bolts speeding above his small hole in different directions, and knew there were a hundred more he could not see. The enemy has the high-ground, Olyvar remembered, all my brothers are probably dying. He was unsure whether to descend down or ascend up the ladder into the chaos. He started to tear up, the cold rain still soaking his face as lightning continued to flashed and thundered through the pit above him.
“GOOSE!!!” Leo’s voice screamed. No!
Men were still crying up there, along with the bass of the approaching storm, blending with the streak of arrows and bolts hitting stone, mud and flesh. Still clung to his ladder, Olyvar looked down cowardly as a teardrop fell off his face. It landed on Alesander.
“You fool, what are you doing here? You left the rowboat?”
“I came back to fight.”
“You are no fighter, you are a singer. Leave here. Escape into the tunnels and save yourself my brother.”
He hesitated to answer, his own tears trickling down. “Aye, I will. And when I leave here, I’ll sing about what has happened today, what is still happening above us.” The screams were not stopping. Bolts, arrows and curses could still be heard flying above. Alesander moved towards a fissure in the cavern wall, spying to the west. “The Queen should be far out of harm’s way. The winds are kind, and the bolts are missing its mark away from the LionsJape.” He walked back to him. “Come with me Olyvar if you want to live.”
“Soon. But not yet. I need to hold this ladder. Leave my brother. Sing about this and immortalize our sacrifice.”
“Don’t go.” He grabbed Olyvar’s leg.
“Just let go of me!” Olyvar winched free.
“If you can escape, escape. I’ll fly away now. Farewell my honorable brother.”
“Wait!” Olyvar almost forgot. “Do you know what it is?”
His brother smiled a smile that Olyvar will never forget. “We have a Stark princess.” His footsteps faded into echoes as Alesander descended into the darkness of the tunnels.
But Olyvar began the climb in his. The hole above was gaping wider with each slow step up, ready to swallow him whole. Olyvar trembled. Besides the flashes of lightning, he could not see what was going on, but he could feel it in the air. He can taste the rain from above. He can hear the music of defiance to House Lannister, the sounds of arrows and loud screams drowning into silence. He can even smell it too. The smell of the Rock cooked with the salt of the sea, the iron of his brothers’ blood, the piss & stool of honorable dead men, staining & stinking the courtyard of Tywin Lannister’s home, leaving Casterly Rock an empire of shit.
He stood on the one rung that exposed his head just above the ground. Bodies. Brothers’ bodies and bolts everywhere. Rain and blood soak the mud, and fading cries of pain filled his ears. He saw the Queen’s uncle and master schemer of this plan, Ser Rolph Spicer, had a bolt in his eye as he died by the kitchen doors. The Seashell Knight was lifeless with his face first in the middle of the mud near Olyvar’s pit. Donal with bolts to his shoulder, stomach, and legs was on one knee shouting & cursing as he continued to loose arrows from three quivers as his brothers Raff & Mikkal laid dead beside him. Lord Glover had two bolts in him and took another in the chest. He paced backwards and fell over the parapet into the sea. A bolt was stuck on Goose’s neck, as he and Leo rested motionless together at the foot of a column, sharing a single bolt that shot through their hearts. The shield that Leo had held up was decorated with a dozen bolts, but it was too late for the other ones that got through.
Olyvar’s soul ached in agony, the clutch of his hand shaking as he clung onto the ladder. A small pile of feathered Lannister men had fallen from the western balcony and onto the courtyard. But he could not feel the victory in it … not now, nor not yet, perhaps never. The rest of his brothers Olyvar could not see from his ladder, but he spotted a few arrows still loosing up to the second floor behind cover, still fighting back. It is so few. Many more bolts were still shooting down from the top. Crossbowmen hid as they reloaded, popping up to release before ducking again.
He spotted Ser Brynden Tully the Blackfish crawling towards him, needled like a red porcupine blowfish. “Olyvar!” He hooted bluntly. “Why are you still here?” Olyvar’s heart quenched at the sight of the blood of Riverrun; his pink life flowing in a thin river and draining out towards his ladder. The water-downed blood reached Olyvar’s fingers. He wanted to help but did not know how, nor know the words. He offered his hand and Ser Tully held it. “Did she make it out to sea?”
“Yes Ser, she should be safe,” Olyvar prayed.
“So, do we have a prince or a princess? Or one of each? Heh!”
“Do not get greedy Ser,” Olyvar jested. “We have a she-wolf.”
The Blackfish smiled a hard smile with blood filling his mouth. “Good, they should be safer this way. And I hope she takes after her fierce grandmother.”
“Which one? Lady Catelyn Tully?”
“Of course heh. That would be a great granddaughter name for our storm-born she-pup … Catelyn,” the Blackfish joked.
Olyvar smiled while Ser Tully reciprocated a red one. “I like the name Adara.”
“Adara? That sounds like a wonderful name. Where did that come from?” Ser Tully asked, tearing and bleeding.
“It was Captain Samullu’s mother’s name.”
“Aye, that is a terrific name. Princess Adara Stark. Tell that to our Queen Jeyne that I concur to the name choice, pass that final message of mine. Now fly along Ser Olyvar, escape here, reunite with your Queen and protect your family. There is nothing left to do here but die, so fly! Let the divine swift winds of winter push Adara to safety. You have King Robb’s spirit within you. The babe does not have a father nor Grey Wind, so you must keep her safe.”
“We are all her fathers,” Olyvar declared.
The Blackfish grinned, knowing Olyvar probably out teased him in his final moments. “No … a band of fathers brothers? That would make us a band of uncles.” He chuckled bloodily.
Olyvar laughed and teared a drop. “That was a very clever. Just don’t tell Lady Mormont.”
“Don’t worry fellow Uncle, I won’t.”
“It has been an honor fighting by your side, Ser Uncle Brynden Tully, the great Blackfish.”
“It has been an honor living by yours, Ser Uncle Plumber Knight,” the legend replied.
He watched the knight’s life wash away, his last breath tasting the rains of Casterly Rock. The legendary Ser Brynden’s last words were for me. Wells flooded in Olyvar’s eyes, beginning to blind. He lets go of his hand.
He takes a few steps down the ladder, and then suddenly stops. What honor is this? Leaving my brothers and my commander like this? Am I a little cowardly rat of a ratty family, hiding in a tunnel? Or am I a brave knight?
The thunder and rain continued, but the arrows have stopped. Nothing but silence, only stares if Olyvar had to guess. His brothers were all dead. I need to get up. One step up and he suddenly stopped again. No, I need to escape and protect my Queen, does that make me a coward?
He checked his pocket and made sure his letter to his father sat below his heart. It was still there. Olyvar’s grip on the rung was firm and quivering.
To flee or not to flee? That is the riddle.
“Soldiers! To the lower floor! Grab their bows and quivers. Get down that ladder, find a boat, chase Queen Stark and kill them! Kill them all!” Edwyn Frey’s voice ordered.
Well, that made answering the riddle a lot easier.
Ser Olyvar Frey ascended from the pit of his ladder, his arms pulling, legs pushing, up and up into the chaos. The thunderstorm loomed above as his soul was escaping into the hole that was gaping wider with every step. He was ready.
At the ground level, he stood up. Cold rain and warm tears danced down his face, his cloak whipping in the air to the winds, his heart and fists began to fill with fiery rage. From up here, he can see the full horror of the slaughter. Brothers with bolts. Was this the same scene of my King’s death? Before he could ponder any further, he unsheathed Honor from his back, the sword was singing off its scabbard just as a bolt of lightning ripped across the sky … its twin mirrored off the steel’s reflection, the blade alive with blinding light for an instant.
Ser Olyvar counted the ill-fitted armored and shield-less men as they came pouring out from the kitchen doors at his level. Two, three, four, five, six … seven. Thin white stripes splits the sky. His heart was thumping and rumbling to the same beat of the thunderstorm that was mumbling in every distance.
I’m going to fight them all, no soldier in any Seven Kingdom army can hold me back!
The distance between the first unarmed man closed. His shocked face eyed Ser Olyvar’s new twin tower sigil on his cloak. Confused, he began to slow down, but Olyvar sped up. He greeted him with a deep slash, ripping him off as the skies flashed again. He darted forward to the next man, allowing the first one to take his time dying behind his back.
The second reached for his sword but was too slow to the draw. Honor found the front of the pink man’s chest and the rear of his back. For a heartbeat, the bloody front half of the exposed steel glowed damped red, while the clean side sparkled in purple. Olyvar pulled back his sword after a twist, and the soldier dropped to his knees to the boom of thunder.
The third drew his sword halfway before Olyvar swung at his head as his steel electrified, emitting blinding light to his eyes. He smelled Honor up close with his nose, as a gash ran from ear to ear while teeth and tongue exploded in the air. Olyvar paid him no more mind.
The fourth with panicked eyes was just a boy. He successfully drew his weapon from his belt and lifted above his head a short wooden stick. A flute? He stared up at his own wind pipe as his sword rested in his scabbard untouched. Between his legs, his breeches began to darken more with moisture, as the rest of his body was frozen like ice. A fLuke? It doesn’t matter. The Plumber Knight began to raise Honor high. The boy cried out, “Mother have mer—“.
“No,” Olyvar cuts him off, his voice was cold as stones. “I am not your mother.” Honor fell in a bright silvery-blue arc as the force of the blade severs the soldier’s right stick-bearing wrist, and splits the skull & brains underneath. Ser Olyvar Frey kicked off the mayhaps-fourth-corpse as its limp body slid from his red wet steel.
The fifth one was ready with his sword, as the sixth and seventh began pincering around Ser Olyvar with theirs. The rain began pouring heavily, cleansing the blood and brains off Honor, ready to shine again.
Olyvar’s wits returned from his blind rage, and began backing up calmly before they could surround him. The rear of his heel tapped a fallen shield that once belong to one of his brothers. Olyvar grabbed it instinctively and raised it up. “Come on you apes! Do you want to live forever? Come at me then!” No one came forward to answer the riddle, so Ser Olyvar went to them.
He charged at the one on his right as Honor slashed and flashed, but the soldier jolted backwards avoiding the swing. The shifty swordsman slipped on the surface with his hop and fell face-first into the mud. The other two took their chances when Olyvar swung and missed. He caught the cut of the left soldier on his shield, as the middle fighter aimed high. To the ground, the knight ducked under, saving his head. The middle slugger lost his balance at his empty decapitating slice, and a crouching Olyvar stroke savagely at his knees in a splash of red and bright purple. He fell face-first too, as the other soldier on his left began hacking at the wooden shield that Olly held up. Doonk! Doonk! Doonk! Before his challenger could swing a fifth time, Olyvar Frey on one knee whirled the apex of his shield viciously at the man’s wrist and sent the sword flying from his hand. Without hesitation, the Plumber Knight stabbed upwards from crotch to brains as the steel surprised the man with shock. Olyvar stares into the white of his eyes as they reflected a flash of lightning. The eyeballs then slowly rolled up into the back of his head. He unsheathed Honor downward from the dead man, as blood and shit fell like loose stool to the ground.
The other fighter with no knees rolled around to face up before he could drown in the mud. He was crying and screaming on the ground. “Nooooo!” But the Plumber Knight jumped on him without mercy. He tried to dart and evade, but forgot he had no knees to push from. Olyvar’s feet stomped the man’s stomach as he thunder-slammed the edge of his shield to kiss his opponent’s mouth, silencing him forever.
The first armed man that dodged his death finally got up from his struggles with the slippery ground, only to meet at it again. Soaking in mud, he began to bull-rush Olyvar, trying to stab or slash an opening with his sword. Olyvar dashed towards him in squishing strides, and took his charging strike at his Brother’s shield as he stepped aside. The former squire of Robb Stark, Olly, instantly planted his foot and twirled. His Queen’s wet cloak spun and smacked his opponent’s head. Suddenly the Plumber Knight had the enemy’s rear and naked. He lifted his King’s sword up, pointing down with both his hands on the grip. Ser Olyvar and thunder roared together as Honor brightly stabbed from above into the mudman’s back with the flash and fury of the gods. “AHHHHHHHHH!!!”
He lifted his sword back up as the seventh corpse fell to the ground, face-first again. Suddenly a mosquito buzzed from behind his ear and a short wooden stick skidded off the flat stone-path in front of him. He then felt a bite in his back, lost a breath and saw another wooden rod. But this one was lodged in his right breast. Red blood slowly began to seep from his black scaled boiled-leather armor as he grunted in pain. He reached for the stick trying to push it backwards from where it came from. Quickly he felt the pain again as he saw another bolt stab the front of his stomach while his Brother’s shield slid off from this left forearm. The third one struck the side of his left thigh, sending Ser Olyvar to the ground on one knee. He braced on his King’s sword to keep him from falling flat.
“Cease fire! Cease fire!” Ser Forley Prester ordered.
Cold rain danced on his face with the warm tears he tried to hide, his cape was flapping in the wind, and his heart was thumping quicker in unison to the beat & the flash of the storm. Ser Olyvar Frey, you honorable fool, why did you rush in? You can’t help yourself falling in love with bloody vengeance for your fallen brothers and King? For an instant, lightning popped again above the Rock and thunder rolled. You should have taken your time killing them as they descended down your pit, instead of you going up the ladder to their chaos. Frey blood, -no … blood of Roses By another name welled from the bolts that had punched him. He had known nothing half gallant and half stupid at the same time for what he just did. Or at least you could have flown away, such a fool! You should of just beat it. No one wanted to be defeated like this. Why did you have to show off how funky strong your fighting skills were? At this point, it doesn’t matter who’s wrong or who’s right … you should of just beat it!
Ser Forley Prester spoke from his balcony above. “You must be the Plumber Knight that the Blackfish talked about, judging by the sigil on your cape. A traitor to your own family. But for the honor of your lord grandfather, let us pass and I will let the maester do his job to save you. Or would it please you Ser, if you wanted some more bolts?”
More? Olyvar twisted his mouth in defying silence, his gruesome wounds spitting out blood. He had a job that he promised to do. He must rescue his pregnant Queen. Little did he know, he had to rescue a princess from this castle too. We all died for Robb’s little girl, there was no more to ask of them. Did these uncles succeed for her safety? He turned around to the west to see as far as his eyes could see into the sun setting sea. Her boat was far enough from any archers, and soon it would be too dark for a chase. The thought brought him joy. Thank the gods for this swift divine wind. We did our duty.
Impatient for a reply, the shit knight said, “I will not ask again. Knight to knight. Let us pass. We need to take back the Queen and her unborn son. I will bring them no harm, you have my word. Drop your sword, bend the knee like you mean it, let us pass … and I will tell Lord Walder Frey what an honorable warrior and a great grandson you are.”
That offer was a lie, a conjurer’s cheap trick. They would just humiliate and shame him before executing him for treason. That was not the song he wanted, not for his despicable old father. Olyvar would rather die sword in hand to the tune of another. He wanted Alesander’s song about the Motherfunker, Ser Brynden “Blackfish” Tully, his real brothers and the band of uncles. And he had one last shot, one last opportunity, to seize everything he ever wanted here. In this one moment, can I still capture it? Or will I let it slip? His palms were bloody, knees weak, arms were heavy … but the Queen and Princess are safe. Mother’s mercy. He was nervous, but on the surface, he looks calm and ready to drop bombs. But he had forgotten what he wrote down in his father’s letter, as the crowds above goes so loud. He opens his mouth but the words won’t come out. He is choking. How? Everyone was joking now.
“Your luck has run out. The time’s up, it is over SER Olyvar. Bow.”
No. I refuse to BOW Ser. And I cannot die yet. There is something I still need to do. Both hands on hilt and pommel, he pushes himself up with Honor, surrounded by the doom above. He can feel his life leaving him. The skies blurred between light and dark, white and grey, with the black slowly creeping in.
“It’s a girl,” Uncle Olyvar said gently as he thought about his princess niece. The Plumber Knight then roared a roar that would put any craven into tears. “AND NO! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” Honor rose and fell, the pointy end of his King’s sword squishing the blood soaked mud and crunching the rocks underneath.
Instantly, lightning and thunder erupted above them at the loudest exploding caliber of the evenfall, blinding the sights of men and gods alike.
Uhoooooooooo! boom doom boom doom boom doom
Suddenly drums were beating, and trumpets were blasting from the east. Lord Gawen Westerling’s diversion! But they’ve come too late to rescue Olyvar and his brothers. The enemy did not divert to their last jape yet … their silent scared eyes still on the dying Plumber Knight. They began to reload their crossbows. This is my moment. The things I do for love, but I’m sorry Jeyne, I can’t do that. I can no longer keep my promise. Robb was waiting and I can finally rest again. We three will meet again together some day, but not today, he thought.
The band of drums, trumpets and thunderstorm blended into a sweet sad song that Olyvar wanted. This music is for me, and I will lose myself in it.
Charging up his final energy into his wounded lungs, he began to scream again.
“OUR QUEEN— ” A howl of blood cuts him off from finishing what he meant to say … our Family is safe.
“OUR KING—” A pool of iron filled and choked him before he could declare … we have done our Duty.
Still standing, he dips his chin low to empty his mouth, coughing out his mother’s Rosby blood. He needs to say his final words loud and clear. After the last spoon of blood poured down, he snapped his chin up towards the heavens and reality … ready for the gravity. With all the weight of his life, he pressed his King’s sword deeper into the Rock as the Plumber Knight thundered a roar, “OUR HONORRRRR!!!”
From below, Ser Olyvar of the disgraced House Frey faced off to the sad conflicted look of Ser Forley Prester with his garrison of archers beside him. The darkest gloom of the grey stormclouds had arrived and hovered above them, wet and heavy. The gods want their vengeance for the Red Wedding, he thought. The skies of Casterly Rock began to blacken with the rain of bolts and arrows. The only thing that could be seen is the single golden teardrop of the shit knight, reflected by the last light of the setting western sun.
Thank you everyone for reading! Thank you George for helping me with your clue!
submitted by ASongOf-Ice-Fire-and to asoifaom [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:09 LowSpite1374 Full Access!

Full Access! submitted by LowSpite1374 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:46 LorneMalvo88 Breakdown of Peter's arc in Volume 3. They ruined his character so badly that it's funny

Peter's arc this volume makes so little sense and he's by far the worst written character. Firstly, we never know where his head is at regarding Nathan publicly revealing the existence of superpowers. This is admittedly a S2 issue as well since it jumps straight into this huge plot development without explaining anyone's motivations. How is revealing this secret going to help anything? Maybe consult Hiro, Claire, Nikki, Mohinder etc. and ask how they feel too, since this decision is going to impact their lives drastically. How does Peter feel about it? No clue.
Peter has forgotten about Caitlin at this point, as well as Adam Monroe who almost manipulated him into killing over 90% of humanity. Is Peter interested in finding out where this guy is? No. Will he contact Hiro to apologise or ask what happened? No. Anyway, Nathan is shot, and next thing we know, Future Peter turns up and traps this confused amnesiac Peter inside of Level 5 prisoner Jesse Murphy. He screams repeatedly that he's Peter Petrelli and he doesn't belong there, but the other prisoners don't think this is strange and can't figure out he's not Jesse until much later.
The prisoners escape, Peter manages to call... Nathan to warn him about Future Peter posing as him. So I guess he saw a newspaper saying that Nathan lived or something? I can go with that. He sticks around with the escapees to stop them hurting people which is at least in character. Next thing we know, Future Peter is back and teleports Peter into a future where everyone has abilities. Future Peter is shot dead after tasking past Peter to get Sylar's power (Peter never asks how Sylar is still alive after bring stabbed at Kirby Plaza) in order to understand the variables of time travel, and prevent this entire timeline. Why didn't Future Peter do this before murdering his brother? Why doesn't he do it now? Why is he fucking over his past self so badly. Could he possibly troll himself any harder..
Past Peter eventually visits Sylar, is told Sylar is his brother, asks no questions about this shocking revelation, and takes Sylar's power. Peter then gets his skin blown off in a nuclear blast after failing to use any of his 20 godlike powers to diffuse a very simple situation. After Peter heals and wakes up in custody, he's immediately a crazed murderer as a result of having Sylar's power. He kills his own brother for no discernible reason and the show treats it like nothing. Keep in mind Peter was crying over Nathan bleeding to death in his arms about 48 hours ago. Peter never mentions killing Nathan to anybody or appears to feel any kind of way about doing it.
His character at this stage is well beyond ruined. His behaviour makes absolutely no sense, he has no direction, is constantly being handed objectives by other characters and I have absolutely no idea how this guy feels about anything. He acts like the biggest idiot alive and forgets what he's doing every episode.
Anyway, after this he teleports back to the present, blames Sylar for giving him the hunger despite it being him who forced future Sylar (who's also his brother to his knowledge) to tell him how his power works. He then breaks Sylar's neck in rage and tries to murder his own mother? Like this is so insane, I can't imagine how Milo Ventimiglia felt after seeing Peter's arc for this Volume. I'm not surprised he refused to come back for Heroes Reborn. There is a really funny line once Nathan finds Peter in Level 5 with Angela, 'what did you do to Peter?', 'I put him in a medically induced coma' lol. Okay. I guess the guy could use one because his week has been eventful.
So later Sylar wakes Peter up, tells him Angela is in a coma now and Peter decides to go to Pinehearst for answers. He beats brother Sylar up and tells him that he is the most special, turning everything interesting about Sylar's character into catchphrases that are induced by his ability. Peter's powers are then stolen by his resurrected father, and Peters reaction is mainly just anger like it's been all season. They give him the worst lines and he just yells them which makes his character look extremely dumb and thoughtless.
To gloss over the rest of his nonsensical arc, he goes to Haiti with Nathan to prove he can still be a Hero without powers, decides that Arthur's inexplicable plan is evil then tries to kill Arthur. This is treated like this big moral dilemma moment, when he was happily slashing Nathan and Angela's skulls open days earlier just for talking. The volume ends with him injecting himself with the formula to rescue his brother from the burning pinehearst lab. What did any of this mean to Peter? I haven't started talking about Future Peters plan either which made as little sense as the rest. What did past Peter think of Future Peter? I don't know. Why was future Peter so dumb? I don't know.
submitted by LorneMalvo88 to Heroes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:22 Thelostpoet111 The coffee shop

“A shot of expresso, please.” The words surprised her as soon as they left her mouth.
“Coming right up.”
She’d had to double check her order as soon as she’d gotten the ticket; she couldn’t believe she’d been the one to request it. She’d never been one for strong flavors, not really. In all aspects of her life, she’d made it a point to step away from bitterness and confine herself to a strict diet of sweetness. Frappuccino’s, caramel macchiatos, and hot chocolates had always been her first choices, and those hadn’t been known to vary either. She’d always preferred to stick to the margins of familiarity, never straying too far from what was comfortable. Even in those rare cases where she would allow a little bit of lenience in her rule, it’d never been this drastic. She held the mug in her hand; it lacked a handle, so her skin pressed bare against the warm ceramic. It was comforting in the way that blankets are in winter, but also left much to be desired in the same way those blankets almost always fall too short to cover your toes, leaving you only half warm. The coffee itself was a dark shade of brown, almost black from certain angles. As she eyed it, moving the mug in circles to make the liquid touch all its sides, she wondered once again why she’d chosen it. Had it been because of the subtle expectation that came with maturity, where sugar was mostly resented and acridity was embraced instead? But she abandoned that idea soon enough; she’d never been known to let herself be influenced; she was confident that had she been in Eden instead of Eve, she would’ve never bitten the apple; she wouldn’t even have come close to the tree. Her nose scrunched involuntarily as the flavors exploded into her mouth. It started off with a kind of earthy bitterness and left a bit of an acydic aftertaste. She didn’t think she liked it, not one bit. But still, there was something so enticing about it—so strangely rebellious. It’d felt like an act of protest against the limits her own mind had placed on her. She drank it, down to the very last drop. And in that last sip, she felt a surge of adrenaline spreading through her body, partly because of the caffeine but also due to what she had accomplished. She’d gone through the unpleasure; she’d allowed the sharpness of the drink to pierce her taste buds and the tang to marinate inside her, and she'd survived it. As she stood up to pay, she felt a smile spread through her face.
“How was the coffee?” asked the lady at the registry.
submitted by Thelostpoet111 to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:16 Thelostpoet111 The coffee shop a poem

“A shot of expresso, please.” The words surprised her as they left her mouth.
“Coming right up.”
She’d had to double check her order as soon as she’d gotten the ticket; she couldn’t believe she’d been the one to request it. She’d never been one for strong flavors, not really. In all aspects of her life, she’d made it a point to step away from bitterness and confine herself to a strict diet of sweetness. Frappuccino’s, caramel macchiatos, and hot chocolates had always been her first choices, and those hadn’t been known to vary either. She’d always preferred to stick to the margins of familiarity, never straying too far from what was comfortable. Even in those rare cases where she would allow a little bit of lenience in her rule, it’d never been this drastic. She held the mug in her hand; it lacked a handle, so her skin pressed bare against the warm ceramic. It was comforting in the way that blankets are in winter, but also left much to be desired in the same way those blankets almost always fall too short to cover your toes, leaving you only half warm. The coffee itself was a dark shade of brown, almost black from certain angles. As she eyed it, moving the mug in circles to make the liquid touch all its sides, she wondered once again why she’d chosen it. Had it been because of the subtle expectation that came with maturity, where sugar was mostly resented and acridity was embraced instead? But she abandoned that idea soon enough; she’d never been known to let herself be influenced; she was confident that had she been in Eden instead of Eve, she would’ve never bitten the apple; she wouldn’t even have come close to the tree. Her nose scrunched involuntarily as the flavors exploded into her mouth. It started off with a kind of earthy bitterness and left a bit of an acydic aftertaste. She didn’t think she liked it, not one bit. But still, there was something so enticing about it—so strangely rebellious. It’d felt like an act of protest against the limits her own mind had placed on her. She drank it, down to the very last drop. And in that last sip, she felt a surge of adrenaline spreading through her body, partly because of the caffeine but also due to what she had accomplished. She’d gone through the unpleasure; she’d allowed the sharpness of the drink to pierce her taste buds and the tang to marinate inside her, and she'd survived it. As she stood up to pay, she felt a smile spread through her face.
“How was the coffee?” asked the lady at the registry.
submitted by Thelostpoet111 to QuillandPen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:40 WearCorrect8917 Benny shoots more couriers in the head who have mediocre superpowers

In the beginning of Fallout: New Vegas, Benny shoots the courier in the head, who survives after getting assistance in the nearby town of Goodsprings. Benny's weapon, Maria, is a 9mm pistol. Who of these, if any, would be able to survive the execution shot?
Courier 1: A man whose skull is twice as thick as a normal human being's.
Courier 2: Has superhuman reflexes to the point where they can twitch at the last second and choose one part of the brain where the bullet will enter. They unfortunately still get shot in the head. They may choose one of the major lobes in either hemisphere, or the brainstem, but the bullet will still go through anything that it needs to in order to reach it, and probably wreck anything behind it as well. They cannot choose to dodge it entirely.
Courier 3: Courier 3's neck is 25% longer than a normal person's and Benny decides to shoot him in the neck instead.
Courier 4: Is a middle aged diabetic hemophiliac with sickle cell anemia, but Doc Mitchell AND Victor are on site and Benny will not stop them from trying to save this poor person
submitted by WearCorrect8917 to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:09 _Triple_ [STORE] 900+ KNIVES/GLOVES/SKINS, 100.000$+ INVENTORY. BFK Lore, Gloves Amphibious, Skeleton Fade, Bowie Emerald, BFK Auto, Gloves MF, Talon Doppler, Gloves POW, Bayo Tiger, Gut Sapphire, Stiletto MF, M9 Ultra, Ursus Doppler, Flip Doppler, M9 Stained, Nomad CW, Paracord CW, AK-47 X-Ray & A Lot More

Everything in my inventory is up for trade. The most valuable items are listed here, the rest you can find in My Inventory

Feel free to Add Me or even better send a Trade Offer. Open for any suggestions: upgrades, downgrades / knives, gloves, skins / stickers, patterns, floats.

All Buyouts are listed in cash value.


★ Butterfly Knife Lore (Factory New), B/O: $7194.77

★ Butterfly Knife Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2025.74

★ M9 Bayonet Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $557.87

★ M9 Bayonet Stained (Well-Worn), B/O: $529.41

★ M9 Bayonet Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $465.39

★ Talon Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $1295.27

★ Bayonet Tiger Tooth (Minimal Wear), B/O: $746.28

★ Karambit Bright Water (Field-Tested), B/O: $688.15

★ Flip Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $547.93

★ Flip Knife Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $476.69

★ Flip Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $278.18

★ Flip Knife Black Laminate (Well-Worn), B/O: $258.83

★ Flip Knife Urban Masked (Field-Tested), B/O: $181.64

★ Stiletto Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $686.04

★ Stiletto Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $665.41

★ Stiletto Knife, B/O: $601.39

★ Stiletto Knife Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $418.25

★ Stiletto Knife Night Stripe (Field-Tested), B/O: $227.80

★ Stiletto Knife Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $194.96

★ Stiletto Knife Safari Mesh (Field-Tested), B/O: $192.79

★ Nomad Knife Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $518.11

★ Nomad Knife Scorched (Field-Tested), B/O: $169.78

★ Nomad Knife Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $166.88

★ StatTrak™ Nomad Knife Blue Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $335.79

★ Skeleton Knife Stained (Well-Worn), B/O: $442.05

★ Skeleton Knife Urban Masked (Minimal Wear), B/O: $426.24

★ Skeleton Knife Boreal Forest (Field-Tested), B/O: $314.03

★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Fade (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2361.28

★ StatTrak™ Skeleton Knife Urban Masked (Field-Tested), B/O: $376.53

★ Ursus Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $557.12

★ Ursus Knife, B/O: $471.42

★ Ursus Knife Blue Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $212.37

★ Ursus Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $187.66

★ Ursus Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $178.18

★ Ursus Knife Ultraviolet (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $155.13

★ Ursus Knife Boreal Forest (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $124.26

★ Huntsman Knife Black Laminate (Minimal Wear), B/O: $204.83

★ Huntsman Knife Black Laminate (Field-Tested), B/O: $184.50

★ StatTrak™ Huntsman Knife Lore (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $224.11

★ Bowie Knife Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $2142.02

★ Bowie Knife, B/O: $230.44

★ Bowie Knife Damascus Steel (Factory New), B/O: $209.20

★ Bowie Knife Ultraviolet (Minimal Wear), B/O: $180.51

★ Bowie Knife Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $131.03

★ Falchion Knife Night (Field-Tested), B/O: $132.54

★ Falchion Knife Urban Masked (Well-Worn), B/O: $112.81

★ Falchion Knife Scorched (Field-Tested), B/O: $108.81

★ Falchion Knife Forest DDPAT (Field-Tested), B/O: $107.82

★ Falchion Knife Safari Mesh (Field-Tested), B/O: $107.46

★ StatTrak™ Falchion Knife Ultraviolet (Field-Tested), B/O: $143.08

★ Paracord Knife Crimson Web (Minimal Wear), B/O: $486.48

★ Paracord Knife Blue Steel (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $163.12

★ Survival Knife Blue Steel (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $138.26

★ Survival Knife Night Stripe (Field-Tested), B/O: $131.03

★ Gut Knife Sapphire (Minimal Wear), B/O: $1127.79

★ Gut Knife Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $286.17

★ Gut Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $246.55

★ Gut Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $240.77

★ Gut Knife, B/O: $210.49

★ Gut Knife Lore (Field-Tested), B/O: $194.22

★ Gut Knife Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $151.51

★ Gut Knife Blue Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $124.94

★ Gut Knife Rust Coat (Well-Worn), B/O: $118.99

★ Gut Knife Boreal Forest (Minimal Wear), B/O: $109.80

★ StatTrak™ Gut Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $237.96

★ Shadow Daggers Gamma Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $264.92

★ Shadow Daggers Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $253.03

★ Shadow Daggers Tiger Tooth (Factory New), B/O: $237.22

★ Shadow Daggers Crimson Web (Field-Tested), B/O: $153.40

★ Shadow Daggers Autotronic (Minimal Wear), B/O: $144.42

★ Shadow Daggers Blue Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $105.20

★ StatTrak™ Shadow Daggers Damascus Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $150.46

★ Navaja Knife Fade (Factory New), B/O: $365.99

★ Navaja Knife Doppler (Factory New), B/O: $228.93

★ Navaja Knife Marble Fade (Factory New), B/O: $227.43

★ Navaja Knife Slaughter (Factory New), B/O: $209.06

★ Navaja Knife, B/O: $203.16

★ Navaja Knife Case Hardened (Well-Worn), B/O: $132.57

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Factory New), B/O: $121.69

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Minimal Wear), B/O: $109.95

★ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $100.41

★ StatTrak™ Navaja Knife Fade (Factory New), B/O: $369.01

★ StatTrak™ Navaja Knife Damascus Steel (Field-Tested), B/O: $109.95


★ Sport Gloves Amphibious (Minimal Wear), B/O: $2394.67

★ Sport Gloves Omega (Well-Worn), B/O: $572.33

★ Sport Gloves Bronze Morph (Minimal Wear), B/O: $338.88

★ Sport Gloves Big Game (Field-Tested), B/O: $323.66

★ Specialist Gloves Marble Fade (Minimal Wear), B/O: $1652.07

★ Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike (Field-Tested), B/O: $599.14

★ Specialist Gloves Crimson Web (Well-Worn), B/O: $231.57

★ Specialist Gloves Buckshot (Minimal Wear), B/O: $126.21

★ Moto Gloves POW! (Minimal Wear), B/O: $996.99

★ Moto Gloves POW! (Field-Tested), B/O: $383.31

★ Moto Gloves POW! (Well-Worn), B/O: $276.00

★ Moto Gloves Turtle (Field-Tested), B/O: $180.28

★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! (Minimal Wear), B/O: $502.29

★ Hand Wraps Giraffe (Minimal Wear), B/O: $180.73

★ Hand Wraps CAUTION! (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $178.32

★ Driver Gloves Queen Jaguar (Minimal Wear), B/O: $181.01

★ Driver Gloves Rezan the Red (Field-Tested), B/O: $101.66

★ Broken Fang Gloves Jade (Field-Tested), B/O: $127.88

★ Broken Fang Gloves Needle Point (Minimal Wear), B/O: $124.55

★ Bloodhound Gloves Guerrilla (Minimal Wear), B/O: $127.94

★ Hydra Gloves Case Hardened (Field-Tested), B/O: $102.55


AK-47 X-Ray (Well-Worn), B/O: $478.95

AUG Hot Rod (Factory New), B/O: $425.83

StatTrak™ M4A1-S Hyper Beast (Factory New), B/O: $413.95

M4A4 Daybreak (Factory New), B/O: $309.51

StatTrak™ AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge (Factory New), B/O: $305.43

AK-47 Case Hardened (Well-Worn), B/O: $196.38

StatTrak™ M4A4 Temukau (Minimal Wear), B/O: $174.64

P90 Run and Hide (Field-Tested), B/O: $167.03

AWP Asiimov (Field-Tested), B/O: $153.33

Souvenir SSG 08 Death Strike (Minimal Wear), B/O: $140.00

M4A1-S Printstream (Battle-Scarred), B/O: $124.70

StatTrak™ M4A1-S Golden Coil (Field-Tested), B/O: $117.48

AWP Asiimov (Well-Worn), B/O: $115.97

StatTrak™ Desert Eagle Printstream (Minimal Wear), B/O: $112.96

StatTrak™ AK-47 Asiimov (Minimal Wear), B/O: $110.85

Souvenir M4A1-S Master Piece (Well-Worn), B/O: $102.42

AK-47 Bloodsport (Minimal Wear), B/O: $100.53

Trade Offer Link - Steam Profile Link - My Inventory

Knives - Bowie Knife, Butterfly Knife, Falchion Knife, Flip Knife, Gut Knife, Huntsman Knife, M9 Bayonet, Bayonet, Karambit, Shadow Daggers, Stiletto Knife, Ursus Knife, Navaja Knife, Talon Knife, Classic Knife, Paracord Knife, Survival Knife, Nomad Knife, Skeleton Knife, Patterns - Gamma Doppler, Doppler (Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, Black Pearl, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald), Crimson Web, Lore, Fade, Ultraviolet, Night, Marble Fade (Fire & Ice, Fake FI), Case Hardened (Blue Gem), Autotronic, Slaughter, Black Laminate, Tiger Tooth, Boreal Forest, Scorched, Blue Steel, Vanilla, Damascus Steel, Forest DDPAT, Urban Masked, Freehand, Stained, Bright Water, Safari Mesh, Rust Coat, Gloves - Bloodhound Gloves (Charred, Snakebite, Guerrilla, Bronzed), Driver Gloves (Snow Leopard, King Snake, Crimson Weave, Imperial Plaid, Black Tie, Lunar Weave, Diamondback, Rezan the Red, Overtake, Queen Jaguar, Convoy, Racing Green), Hand Wraps (Cobalt Skulls, CAUTION!, Overprint, Slaughter, Leather, Giraffe, Badlands, Spruce DDPAT, Arboreal, Constrictor, Desert Shamagh, Duct Tape), Moto Gloves (Spearmint, POW!, Cool Mint, Smoke Out, Finish Line, Polygon, Blood Pressure, Turtle, Boom!, Eclipse, 3rd Commando Company, Transport), Specialist Gloves (Crimson Kimono, Tiger Strike, Emerald Web, Field Agent, Marble Fade, Fade, Foundation, Lt. Commander, Crimson Web, Mogul, Forest DDPAT, Buckshot), Sport Gloves (Pandora's Box, Superconductor, Hedge Maze, Vice, Amphibious, Slingshot, Omega, Arid, Big Game, Nocts, Scarlet Shamagh, Bronze Morph), Hydra Gloves (Case Hardened, Emerald, Rattler, Mangrove), Broken Fang Gloves (Jade, Yellow-banded, Unhinged, Needle Point), Pistols - P2000 (Wicked Sick, Ocean Foam, Fire Element, Amber Fade, Corticera, Chainmail, Imperial Dragon, Obsidian, Scorpion, Handgun, Acid Etched), USP-S (Printstream, Kill Confirmed, Whiteout, Road Rash, Owergrowth, The Traitor, Neo-Noir, Dark Water, Orion, Blueprint, Stainless, Caiman, Serum, Monster Mashup, Royal Blue, Ancient Visions, Cortex, Orange Anolis, Ticket To Hell, Black Lotus, Cyrex, Check Engine, Guardian, Purple DDPAT, Torque, Blood Tiger, Flashback, Business Class, Pathfinder, Para Green), Lead Conduit, Glock-18 (Ramese's Reach, Umbral Rabbit, Fade, Candy Apple, Bullet Queen, Synth Leaf, Neo-Noir, Nuclear Garden, Dragon Tatto, Reactor, Pink DDPAT, Twilight Galaxy, Sand Dune, Groundwater, Blue Fissure, Snack Attack, Water Elemental, Brass, Wasteland Rebel, Vogue, Franklin, Royal Legion, Gamma Doppler, Weasel, Steel Disruption, Ironwork, Grinder, High Beam, Moonrise, Oxide Blaze, Bunsen Burner, Clear Polymer, Bunsen Burner, Night), P250 (Apep's Curse, Re.built, Nuclear Threat, Modern Hunter, Splash, Whiteout, Vino Primo, Mehndi, Asiimov, Visions, Undertow, Cartel, See Ya Later, Gunsmoke, Splash, Digital Architect, Muertos, Red Rock, Bengal Tiger, Crimson Kimono, Wingshot, Metallic DDPAT, Hive, Dark Filigree, Mint Kimono), Five-Seven (Neon Kimono, Berries And Cherries, Fall Hazard, Crimson Blossom, Hyper Beast, Nitro, Fairy Tale, Case Hardened, Copper Galaxy, Angry Mob, Monkey Business, Fowl Play, Anodized Gunmetal, Hot Shot, Retrobution, Boost Protocol), CZ75-Auto (Chalice, Crimson Web, Emerald Quartz, The Fuschia is Now, Nitro, Xiangliu, Yellow Jacket, Victoria, Poison Dart, Syndicate, Eco, Hexane, Pole, Tigris), Tec-9 (Mummy's Rot, Rebel, Terrace, Nuclear Threat, Hades, Rust Leaf, Decimator, Blast From, Orange Murano, Toxic, Fuel Injector, Remote Control, Bamboo Forest, Isaac, Avalanche, Brother, Re-Entry, Blue Titanium, Bamboozle), R8 Revolver (Banana Cannon, Fade, Blaze, Crimson Web, Liama Cannon, Crazy 8, Reboot, Canal Spray, Night, Amber Fade), Desert Eagle (Blaze, Hand Cannon, Fennec Fox, Sunset Storm, Emerald Jörmungandr, Pilot, Hypnotic, Golden Koi, Printstream, Cobalt Disruption, Code Red, Ocean Drive, Midnight Storm, Kumicho Dragon, Crimson Web, Heirloom, Night Heist, Mecha Industries, Night, Conspiracy, Trigger Discipline, Naga, Directive, Light Rail), Dual Berettas (Flora Carnivora, Duelist, Cobra Strike, Black Limba, Emerald, Hemoglobin, Twin Turbo, Marina, Melondrama, Pyre, Retribution, Briar, Dezastre, Royal Consorts, Urban Shock, Dualing Dragons, Panther, Balance), Rifles - Galil (Aqua Terrace, Winter Forest, Chatterbox, Sugar Rush, Pheonix Blacklight, CAUTION!, Orange DDPAT, Cerberus, Dusk Ruins, Eco, Chromatic Aberration, Stone Cold, Tuxedo, Sandstorm, Shattered, Urban Rubble, Rocket Pop, Kami, Crimson Tsunami, Connexion), SCAR-20 (Fragments, Brass, Cyrex, Palm, Splash Jam, Cardiac, Emerald, Crimson Web, Magna Carta, Stone Mosaico, Bloodsport, Enforcer), AWP (Black Nile, Duality, Gungnir, Dragon Lore, Prince, Medusa, Desert Hydra, Fade, Lightning Strike, Oni Taiji, Silk Tiger, Graphite, Chromatic Aberration, Asiimov, Snake Camo, Boom, Containment Breach, Wildfire, Redline, Electric Hive, Hyper Beast, Neo-Noir, Man-o'-war, Pink DDPAT, Corticera, Sun in Leo, Elite Build, Fever Dream, Atheris, Mortis, PAW, Exoskeleton, Worm God, POP AWP, Phobos, Acheron, Pit Viper, Capillary, Safari Mesh), AK-47 (Steel Delta, Head Shot, Wild Lotus, Gold Arabesque, X-Ray, Fire Serpent, Hydroponic, Panthera Onca, Case Hardened, Vulcan, Jet Set, Fuel Injector, Bloodsport, Nightwish, First Class, Neon Rider, Asiimov, Red Laminate, Aquamarine Revenge, The Empress, Wasteland Rebel, Jaguar, Black Laminate, Leet Museo, Neon Revolution, Redline, Frontside Misty, Predator, Legion of Anubis, Point Disarray, Orbit Mk01, Blue Laminate, Green Laminate, Emerald Pinstripe, Cartel, Phantom Disruptor, Jungle Spray, Safety Net, Rat Rod, Baroque Purple, Slate, Elite Build, Uncharted, Safari Mesh), FAMAS (Waters of Nephthys, Sundown, Prime Conspiracy, Afterimage, Commemoration, Dark Water, Spitfire, Pulse, Eye of Athena, Meltdown, Rapid Eye Move, Roll Cage, Styx, Mecha Industrie, Djinn, ZX Spectron, Valence, Neural Net, Night Borre, Hexne), M4A4 (Eye of Horus, Temukau, Howl, Poseidon, Asiimov, Daybreak, Hellfire, Zirka, Red DDPAT, Radiation Hazard, Modern Hunter, The Emperor, The Coalition, Bullet Rain, Cyber Security, X-Ray, Dark Blossom, Buzz Kill, In Living Color, Neo-Noir, Desolate Space, 龍王 (Dragon King), Royal Paladin, The Battlestar, Global Offensive, Tooth Fairy, Desert-Strike, Griffin, Evil Daimyo, Spider Lily, Converter), M4A1-S (Emphorosaur-S, Welcome to the Jungle, Imminent Danger, Knight, Hot Rod, Icarus Fell, Blue Phosphor, Printstream, Master Piece, Dark Water, Golden Coil, Bright Water, Player Two, Atomic Alloy, Guardian, Chantico's Fire, Hyper Beast, Mecha Industries, Cyrex, Control Panel, Moss Quartz, Nightmare, Decimator, Leaded Glass, Basilisk, Blood Tiger, Briefing, Night Terror, Nitro, VariCamo, Flashback), SG 553 (Cyberforce, Hazard Pay, Bulldozer, Integrale, Dragon Tech, Ultraviolet, Colony IV, Hypnotic, Cyrex, Candy Apple, Barricade, Pulse), SSG 08 (Death Strike, Sea Calico, Blood in the Water, Orange Filigree, Dragonfire, Big Iron, Bloodshot, Detour, Turbo Peek, Red Stone), AUG (Akihabara Accept, Flame Jörmungandr, Hot Rod, Midnight Lily, Sand Storm, Carved Jade, Wings, Anodized Navy, Death by Puppy, Torque, Bengal Tiger, Chameleon, Fleet Flock, Random Access, Momentum, Syd Mead, Stymphalian, Arctic Wolf, Aristocrat, Navy Murano), G3SG1 (Chronos, Violet Murano, Flux, Demeter, Orange Kimono, The Executioner, Green Apple, Arctic Polar Camo, Contractor), SMGs - P90 (ScaraB Rush, Neoqueen, Astral Jörmungandr, Run and Hide, Emerald Dragon, Cold Blooded, Death by Kitty, Baroque Red, Vent Rush, Blind Spot, Asiimov, Trigon, Sunset Lily, Death Grip, Leather, Nostalgia, Fallout Warning, Tiger Pit, Schermatic, Virus, Shapewood, Glacier Mesh, Shallow Grave, Chopper, Desert Warfare), MAC-10 (Sakkaku, Hot Snakes, Copper Borre, Red Filigree, Gold Brick, Graven, Case Hardened, Stalker, Amber Fade, Neon Rider, Tatter, Curse, Propaganda, Nuclear Garden, Disco Tech, Toybox, Heat, Indigo), UMP-45 (Wild Child, Fade, Blaze, Day Lily, Minotaur's Labyrinth, Crime Scene, Caramel, Bone Pile, Momentum, Primal Saber), MP7 (Teal Blossom, Fade, Nemesis, Whiteout, Asterion, Bloosport, Abyssal Apparition, Full Stop, Special Delivery, Neon Ply, Asterion, Ocean Foam, Powercore, Scorched, Impire), PP-Bizon (Modern Hunter, Rust Coat, Forest Leaves, Antique, High Roller, Blue Streak, Seabird, Judgement of Anubis, Bamboo Print, Embargo, Chemical Green, Coblat Halftone, Fuel Rod, Photic Zone, Irradiated Alert, Carbon Fiber), MP9 (Featherweight, Wild Lily, Pandora's Box, Stained Glass, Bulldozer, Dark Age, Hot Rod, Hypnotic, Hydra, Rose Iron, Music Box, Setting Sun, Food Chain, Airlock, Mount Fuji, Starlight Protector, Ruby Poison Dart, Deadly Poison), MP5-SD (Liquidation, Oxide Oasis, Phosphor, Nitro, Agent, Autumn Twilly), Shotguns, Machineguns - Sawed-Off (Kiss♥Love, First Class, Orange DDPAT, Rust Coat, The Kraken, Devourer, Mosaico, Wasteland Princess, Bamboo Shadow, Copper, Serenity, Limelight, Apocalypto), XM1014 (Frost Borre, Ancient Lore, Red Leather, Elegant Vines, Banana Leaf, Jungle, Urban Perforated, Grassland, Blaze Orange, Heaven Guard, VariCamo Blue, Entombed, XOXO, Seasons, Tranquility, Bone Machine, Incinegator, Teclu Burner, Black Tie, Zombie Offensive, Watchdog), Nova (Sobek's Bite, Baroque Orange, Hyper Beast, Green Apple, Antique, Modern Hunter, Walnut, Forest Leaves, Graphite, Blaze Orange, Rising Skull, Tempest, Bloomstick, Interlock, Quick Sand, Moon in Libra, Clean Polymer, Red Quartz, Toy Soldier), MAG-7 (Copper Coated, Insomnia, Cinqueda, Counter Terrace, Prism Terrace, Memento, Chainmail, Hazard, Justice, Bulldozer, Silver, Core Breach, Firestarter, Praetorian, Heat, Hard Water, Monster Call, BI83 Spectrum, SWAG-7), M249 (Humidor, Shipping Forecast, Blizzard Marbleized, Downtown, Jungle DDPAT, Nebula Crusader, Impact Drill, Emerald Poison Dart), Negev (Mjölnir, Anodized Navy, Palm, Power Loader, Bratatat, CaliCamo, Phoenix Stencil, Infrastructure, Boroque Sand), Wear - Factory New (FN), Minimal Wear (MW), Field-Tested (FT), Well-Worn (WW), Battle-Scarred (BS), Stickers Holo/Foil/Gold - Katowice 2014, Krakow 2017, Howling Dawn, Katowice 2015, Crown, London 2018, Cologne 2014, Boston 2018, Atlanta 2017, Cluj-Napoca 2015, DreamHack 2014, King on the Field, Harp of War, Winged Difuser, Cologne 2016, Cologne 2015, MLG Columbus 2016, Katowice 2019, Berlin 2019, RMR 2020, Stockholm 2021, Antwerp 2022, Paris 2023, Swag Foil, Flammable foil, Others - Souvenirs, Agents, Pins, Passes, Gifts, Music Kits, Cases, Keys, Capsules, Packages, Patches

Some items on the list may no longer be available or are still locked, visit My Inventory for more details.

Send a Trade Offer for fastest response. I consider all offers.

Add me for discuss if there is a serious offer that needs to be discussed.

submitted by _Triple_ to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:06 YouNeedSource Name of a particular animation

Hey people! I was looking for a particular fan animation where a space marine in grey power armor talks to a bizarre heretic. Space marines name was constantly mistaken by one of his other brothers, and the heretic said something akin to at least I have an identity. In the end, Space Marine shot the heretic and wore its skull. I was looking for some time, but I couldn't find it.
Does someone know the name of this particular video?
submitted by YouNeedSource to Grimdank [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:01 TheDreadPirateRobots [Have Gun - Will Travel] - 1.16

Blackheart Bill stared at us from the porch of the tiny cabin, his eyes filled with murder. A cruel smile crept across his face, causing me to break into a sweat — this was a man who enjoyed the suffering of others.
“Well, well. If it isn’t the two bounty hunters that killed half my gang,” Bill drawled, his voice dripping malice. “What do ya think we should do with them, boys?”
“Face me like a man,” I shouted at him. “I refuse to be hung like a criminal!”
Bill’s lips twisted into a grin. “Is that so?” He said. “You think I had you brought here so you can challenge me to a duel? You’re mistaken kid.”
“I don’t want to be hung,” I said, mentally instructing Horse edge closer to Silas’ mount.
“What you want and what I want are different things, boy,” Bill said, his face relaxing into an unreadable mask. “And what I want is for you to suffer for killing my men. Jim, get a rope.”
Gap-tooth laughed like a drunken donkey and swung down from his horse.
I brushed against Silas, pulling his gun from my Inventory. Silas was fast, insanely fast. The gun appeared in my hand for a split-second before Silas had it pointed at the outlaw and was firing sizzling black bolts of energy.
Blackheart Bill was faster.
The outlaw dodged to the side in a blur, firing off three wild Kinetic bolts, one passing on each side of Silas before the final one tagged the man in the chest with the sound of shattering glass.
I pulled my gun from inventory a moment later, regretting my decision to load it with Lightning rounds as I pulled the trigger. Thunder roared as I shot the bandit behind me, then I squeezed the trigger again, clipping the other with a finger-thick bolt of electricity. Stone bullets whizzed around me as Horse hightailed it around the corner of the shack. Triggering [Aimed Shot] I fired a third round and a clap of thunder fried the man guarding the wood door set into the canyon wall.
Silas rounded the building a second later, his gun firing wildly at the remaining bandits. Quick as a flash, he ejected the spent brass and reloaded from his gun belt, picking off two more as they rounded the corner.
A Metal bullet burst from the wood next to my face, grazing my temple. I shoved my Mongoose into a gap between the weathered boards and fired off the remainder of my Lightning rounds, setting the front of the shack on fire. My fingers flickered as I reloaded unprimed rounds into the gun, slamming the cylinder closed.
Silas took one edge of the cabin and I took the other, shooting at anyone who moved, trapped in a standoff with the remaining five bandits and Bill, who continued shooting through the walls at us while screaming obscenities.
“Told you I didn’t want to hang, you scar-faced freak,” I taunted the man, firing a shot at one of the bandits scurrying to find better cover behind a broken wagon missing its rear axle. The Kinetic Bolt spread as it covered the distance, growing from a finger-sized bolt of blue energy into a basketball sized cloud that dispersed with a crackle and pop. Somewhere in the back of my head I knew the range was only about twenty yards and chastised myself for wasting the bullet.
I had less than 550BP remaining, which was a lot for unprimed shots, but only 54 [Aimed Shots] or about 100 primed shots. If I needed to use any of my other Utilities, it would drop fast. The bandit I had missed popped off a shot from his new vantage point, punching a hole in the wall above my head. I sent a Stone bullet in reply, causing him to duck from sight.
A popup blocked the lower half of my vision.
📱 [New Power-Up Available!] 📱
🔫 Pinned down behind an old shack? Bullets not packing enough punch? Try [Overcharge]! 🔫
💥 Just 500 credits, Limited time only! 💥
🌟 Features Include: - [Overcharge] Utility**: Infuse your bullets with extra battery points and surprise everyone! - Costs 500 credits - Requires 82 Memory
⚠️ Important Notes: - Cannot be stacked with active Utilities - Overcharge can severely damage firearms
[Get Overcharge Now ✅] [Maybe Later ❌]
The 60 second timer counted down 2 seconds before I punched accept.
[Downloading…20%…32%…68%…87%…Done!] [Installing…8%…12%…49%…52%…91%…Done!]
“You get shot?” Silas asked, sparing me a glance while I was stuck waiting for my upgrade to finish.
I shook my head. “Psychic thing,” I said once the System was done shoving data in my head. The knowledge of how to use [Overcharge], was simple enough — just push extra BP through the runestone and increase the destructive power of the bullet.
I triggered [Overcharge] and pushed an extra 5 Battery Points into the runestone, bringing the total cost of the Stone bullet to 6BP, then squeezed the trigger. The projectile impacted the broken wagon like a grenade, sending fragments of wood flying everywhere.
The screaming started a second later, followed by the bandit whose face was covered in blood and splinters. Selecting [Aimed Shot] I put a Stone bullet into his head, shocked by the spray of gore that filled the air. Hot bile burned the back of my throat, forcing me to swallow hard and refocus on the immediate situation.
The sound of hooves reached my ears, followed by Silas swearing. “They’re escaping,” He said, turning to mount his horse and swearing again. The animal was trembling in shock, bloody froth covering its mouth as it struggled to breathe. I noticed the blood covering its side then, where it had been shot when we had retreated behind the shack.
The shack was now burning quite impressively. The flames had grown to the point that it was uncomfortable to remain close, so I moved to a cooler spot and took a seat on the sandy ground. Pulling the Marlin from inventory, I popped off the leather caps that protected the scope lenses and took aim at the fleeing bandits. The scope pulled them in close enough that I felt I could reach out and snatch them with my hand even though they were over a hundred yards away now.
Bracing the rifle on my knee, I sighted through the scope and pulled the trigger, worked the lever to eject the shell and fired again. On the fourth shot I watched as Blackheart Bill’s horse stumbled and dropped to the dirt. I was aiming at Bill, but taking out his horse was good enough.
I watched as Bill took cover behind his downed horse and yelled at his men to come back and get him. They didn’t even look back, hunkering down as he started shooting at them, hitting one and dropping him from the saddle. Taking aim through the scope, I shot a few more rounds at Bill, causing him to turn his attention back to me and return fire.
A gunshot from behind me caused me to jump. Turning to see the source of the gunfire I saw Silas standing over the body of his horse. I guess he decided to end its misery.
Holstering his weapon, Silas yelled at the outlaw. “It’s over, Bill! Throw down your guns!”
Bill fired off another few rounds, none of them even coming close. A gunslinger like Bill might be deadly at close range, but he was just as accurate with a pistol as everyone else at a hundred yards.
I fired off a Metal slug from the Marlin and Bill returned fire. Our standoff continued, none of us wanting to commit to a move.
“How far you think that is?” I asked Silas.
“About a hundred ten, hundred twenty yards. Why?”
“Long as I’m here I might as well try to zero in this scope,” I replied, sighting down the barrel while adjusting the stupidly expensive piece of equipment.
“It’s a nice scope,” Silas admitted, rolling a cigarette. “You’re only as good as your gun.”
I nodded, fired off another shot, adjusted the scope, then fired off another. Until I got this thing in a vise and did it properly, this was as good as I was going to get.
The top of Bill’s hat was just visible over the ribs of the dead animal, so I used [Aimed Shot] and fired, eliciting a string of curses from the outlaw as it was knocked from his head.
I grinned at Silas, who returned it with a smile of his own. “You think this is gonna take long?” I asked.
“Put a few of those explosive rounds into that horse. That should get ‘em moving,” Silas answered.
“That was an [Overcharged] stone bullet,” I said. “Not sure it’ll have the same effect with a Metal slug.”
Silas nodded his head. “Be careful you don’t Overcharge too much, you can damage the core of your gun or even cause it to explode,” he said.
I sighted down the scope and triggered [Overcharge] with 5BP, sending another five Metal slugs downrange just as quick as I could work the lever-action. The slugs tore through the carcass, kicking up little puffs of dust as they tore into the ground beyond it.
Bills hat began to wave over the remains of the horse, then it dropped from sight.
“Let’s give him a few minutes,” Silas suggested. “If he’s playing games, he’ll lose patience. No sense endangering ourselves if he decides to pop up and start firing.”
I shot a few more [Overcharged] Metal slugs into the carcass, the last one causing the hat to fall out of Bills hand. Through the scope I could see his limp arm draped over the side of the horse.
Pushing the Marlin back into Inventory, I rose from the ground and looked at Silas. “You take the left and I’ll take the right?” I offered.
Silas loosened his pistol in its holster and began walking.
“Is it always like this?” I asked the bounty hunter.
“Like what?”
Silas tossed the remains of his cigarette onto the ground. “This was pretty bad,” He admitted. “Most times it’s just some guy in a small town saloon or holed up in a shack somewhere in the woods. Someone who thinks moving a few towns away will cover their tracks. Some even try to start their lives over. Bill was a two gold bounty, someone a posse would chase down, not two men.”
“So why did we go after him?”
“Because I thought he was in the Hardash forest, not running roughshod over the patriarch of Silvertown,” Silas laughed suddenly, shaking his head. “The plan was to locate his hideout, collect a few more men to handle his gang, and ambush them.”
We eased around the bullet-ridden horse to discover Blackheart Bill bleeding out. One of my bullets had gone through the horse, through his back and exited his chest. He gave us a bloody grin as we approached with guns drawn.
“There’s a healing potion in the saddle bag under the horse,” the bandit said, spitting out a mouthful of blood. “I’m worth more alive than dead and you don’t want to throw away good money, do ya?”
Silas pulled the hammer back on his gun, pointing it at the outlaw’s head.
“Wait,” Bill said, coughing weakly. “I got a dragon core, a real dragon core. I’ll tell you where to get it.”
“Now where would you get a dragon core?” Silas asked.
“From the Silvertown mines,” Bill rasped. “One of my boys, his brother works the mines and told him that they found dragon bones. That’s when I took the girl and made her daddy my bitch. He’d do anything to get her back.”
Silas pulled the trigger, splattering the outlaws head all over the remains of the horse.
“I’ve heard enough,” He said, holstering his pistol. “He kidnapped the girl and the others, holding them hostage so the Patriarch and other townsfolk wouldn’t interfere with his scheme. Let’s find the girl and get back to town.”
“Damn, Silas. In cold blood,” I said, turning my head from the sight of the gore. This is twice today I’ve seen the inside of a man’s skull. I should be bothered by this, like really bothered, but I’m not. Not really. It’s like there’s a disconnect and the only thing my brain can process is how smooth and efficient Silas was when he pulled the trigger. I can still taste bile in the back of my throat though.
“You want to do that thing of yours? Or you want me to dig his core out?”
“I’ll handle it,” I said, kneeling to touch the man so I could trigger [Disassembly]. “You should go see about the girl, she’s trying to use my Horse to get away and is having a nervous breakdown because he won’t move.”
I asked Horse to mosey around the burning remains of the shack with his new rider and to meet Silas. He sent back an image of him riding in a wagon with me pulling it. I’m guessing that he’s not enthused about being a taxi service.
The girl, Loretta Jurgens, was not in good shape.
The door set into the wall of the canyon covered the dead-end shaft of an abandoned moon silver mine left behind by some prospector. Loretta had been kept in there for the better part of a month and was in hysterics trying to get Horse to move. I'll let Silas deal with her while I process everything.
I collected 2100 credits for the all bandits, another 130 silver that I split with Silas, and of course, all their cores which would need to be turned in for bounties. A dozen pistols and several score of bullets were added to my inventory as well, including several knives and other personal effects that Silas assured me would fetch a few coin at a local pawnshop or general store. And gold teeth.
All that remained now was to locate the loot and leave this hell hole.
submitted by TheDreadPirateRobots to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:53 shawnhelly How to shoot a web series.

Hey so a little about myself I’ve been filming since before the pandemic like maybe 2018 mostly music videos for local artist promotional videos and a couple of skits not that much narrative focused stuff for the most part I’m really excited
Recently I’ve been asked to be the cinematographer for web series that will be posted on instagram and YouTube and will be shot maybe with a black magic and a 4k cannon I would like some feed back on what I can expect and what I can look out for and generally any tips.
They said they like the visual look of A24 stuff I’m also a fan of there stuff but not sure what that means
Hope this is the right place to post this look forward to hearing back from you great minds
Ps I also plan on editing it and would like to know more how to shoot for edits
submitted by shawnhelly to cinematography [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:38 Grugg1223 Dk if anyone needs this but here’s a list of all the things in Elden ring

Armaments: Daggers: - [x] Dagger - [x] Parrying dagger - [x] Miséricorde - [x] Great knife - [x] Bloodstained dagger - [x] Erdsteel dagger - [x] Wakizashi - [x] Celebrants sickle - [x] Ivory sickle - [x] Crystal knife - [x] Scorpions stinger - [x] Cinquedea - [x] Glintstone kris - [x] Reduvia - [x] Blade of calling - [x] Black knife Straight swords: - [x] Shortsword - [x] Longsword - [x] Broadsword - [x] Weathered straight sword - [x] Lordsworns straight sword - [x] Nobles slender sword - [x] Cane sword - [x] Warhawks talon - [x] Lazuli Glintstone sword - [x] Carian knights sword - [x] Crystal sword - [x] Rotten Crystal sword - [x] Miquellan knights sword - [x] Ornamental straight sword - [x] Golden epitaph - [x] Sword of st trina - [x] Regalia of eochaid - [x] Coded sword - [x] Sword of night and flame Greatswords: - [x] Bastard sword - [x] Claymore - [x] Iron greatsword - [x] Lordsworns greatsword - [x] Knights greatsword - [x] Banished knights greatsword - [x] Forked greatsword - [x] Flamberge - [x] Gargoyles greatsword - [x] Gargoyles black blade - [x] Inseparable sword - [x] Sword of Milos - [x] Marias executioner sword - [x] Ordovis’ greatsword - [x] Alabaster lords sword - [x] Deaths poker - [x] Helphen’s steeple - [x] Blasphemous blade - [x] Golden order greatsword - [x] Dark moon greatsword - [x] Sacred relic sword Colossal swords: - [x] Zweihander - [x] Greatsword - [x] Watchdogs greatsword - [x] Trolls golden sword - [x] Troll knights sword - [x] Royal greatsword - [x] Grafted blade greatsword - [x] Ruins greatsword - [x] Starscourge greatsword - [x] Godslayers greatsword - [x] Malikeths black blade Thrusting swords: - [x] Rapier - [x] Estoc - [x] Nobles estoc - [x] Cleanrot knights sword - [x] Rogiers rapier - [x] Antspur rapier - [x] Frozen needle Heavy thrusting swords: - [x] Great epee - [x] Godskin stitcher - [x] Bloody helice - [x] Dragon kings cragblade Curved swords: - [x] Scimitar - [x] Falchion - [x] Shamshir - [x] Grossmesser - [x] Bandits curved sword - [x] Shotel - [x] Scavengers curved sword - [x] Mantis blade - [x] Beastmans curved sword - [x] Flowing curved sword - [x] Serpent gods curved sword - [x] Magma blade - [x] Nox flowing sword - [x] Wing of astel - [x] Eclipse shotel Curved greatswords: - [x] Dismounter - [x] Omen cleaver - [x] Monks flame blade - [x] Beastmans cleaver - [x] Bloodhounds fang - [x] Onyx lords greatsword - [x] Zamor curved sword - [x] Magma wyrms scalesword - [x] Morgotts cursed sword Katanas: - [x] Uchigatana - [x] Nagakiba - [x] Serpentbone blade - [x] Meteoric ore blade - [x] Moonveil - [x] Rivers of blood - [x] Dragon scale blade - [x] Hand of malenia Twinblades: - [x] Twinblade - [x] Twinned knights sword - [x] Godskin peeler - [x] Gargoyles twinblade - [x] Gargoyles black blades - [x] Eleonora’s poleblade Axes: - [x] Hand axe - [x] Forked hatchet - [x] Battle axe - [x] Warped axe - [x] Jawbone axe - [x] Iron cleaver - [x] Highland axe - [x] Celebrants cleaver - [x] Sacrificial axe - [x] Icerind hatchet - [x] Ripple blade - [x] Stormhawk axe - [x] Rosus’ axe Greataxes: - [x] Greataxe - [x] Crescent moon axe - [x] Longhaft axe - [x] Executioners greataxe - [x] Great omenkiller cleaver - [x] Rusted anchor - [x] Butchering knife - [x] Gargoyles greataxe - [x] Gargoyles black axe - [x] Winged greathorn - [x] Axe of godrick Hammers: - [x] Club - [x] Curved club - [x] Spiked club - [x] Stone club - [x] Mace - [x] Morning star - [x] Warpick - [x] Hammer - [x] Monks flame mace - [x] Varrés bouquet - [x] Envoys horn - [x] Nox flowing hammer - [x] Ringed finger - [x] Scepter of the all knowing - [x] Marikas hammer Flails: - [x] Flail - [x] Nightrider flail - [x] Chain link flail - [x] Family heads - [x] Bastards stars Great hammers: - [x] Large club - [x] Curved greatclub - [x] Great mace - [x] Pickaxe - [x] Brick hammer - [x] Battle hammer - [x] Rotten battle hammer - [x] Celebrants skull - [x] Great stars - [x] Greathorn hammer - [x] Envoys longhorn - [x] Cranial vessel candlestand - [x] Beastclaw greathammer - [x] Devourers scepter Colossal weapons: - [x] Duelist greataxe - [x] Rotten greataxe - [x] Golems halberd - [x] Giant crusher - [x] Prelates inferno cozier - [x] Greatclub - [x] Trolls hammer - [x] Dragon greatclaw - [x] Watchdogs staff - [x] Staff of the avatar - [x] Rotten staff - [x] Envoys greathorn - [x] Ghizas wheel - [x] Falling star beast jaw - [x] Axe of Godfrey Spears: - [x] Short spear - [x] Iron spear - [x] Spear - [x] Partisan - [x] Pike - [x] Spiked spear - [x] Cross-naginata - [x] Claymans harpoon - [x] Celebrants rib-rake - [x] Torchpole - [x] Inquisitors girandole - [x] Crystal spear - [x] Rotten Crystal spear - [x] Cleanrot spear - [x] Death ritual spear - [x] Bolt of gransax Greatspears: - [x] Lance - [x] Treespear - [x] Serpent hunter - [x] Silurias tree - [x] Vykes war spear - [x] Mohgwyn’s sacred spear Halberds: - [x] Halberd - [x] Banished knights halberd - [x] Lucerne - [x] Glaive - [x] Vulgar militia shotel - [x] Vulgar militia saw - [x] Guardians swordspear - [x] Gargoyles halberd - [x] Gargoyles black halberd - [x] Nightrider glaive - [x] Pests glaive - [x] Ripple crescent blade - [x] Golden halberd - [x] Dragon halberd - [x] Lorettas war sickle - [x] Commanders standard Reapers: - [x] Scythe - [x] Grave scythe - [x] Halo scythe - [x] Winged scythe Whips: - [x] Whip - [x] Thorned whip - [x] Urumi - [x] Hoslow’s petal whip - [x] Magma whip candlestick - [x] Giants red braid Fists: - [x] Caestus - [x] Spiked caestus - [x] Katar - [x] Iron ball - [x] Star fist - [x] Clinging bone - [x] Veterans prosthesis - [x] Cipher pata - [x] Grafted dragon Claws: - [x] Hookclaws - [x] Bloodhounds claws - [x] Venomous fangs - [x] Raptors talons Light bows: - [x] Shortbow - [x] Composite bow - [x] Red branch shortbow - [x] Misbegotten shortbow - [x] Harp bow Bows: - [x] Longbow - [x] Albunaric bow (snowfield) - [x] Black bow - [x] Pulley bow - [x] Horn bow - [x] Serpent bow - [x] Erdtree bow Greatbows: - [x] Greatbow - [x] Golem greatbow - [x] Erdtree greatbow - [x] Lion greatbow Crossbows: - [x] Soldiers crossbow - [x] Light crossbow - [x] Heavy crossbow - [x] Arabalest - [x] Crepus’ black-key crossbow - [x] Pulley crossbow - [x] Full moon crossbow Ballistas: - [x] Hand ballista - [x] Jar cannon Glintstone staffs: - [x] Astrologers staff - [x] Glintstone staff - [x] Academy Glintstone staff - [x] Diggers staff - [x] Demi-human queens staff - [x] Azur Glintstone staff - [x] Lusats Glintstone staff - [x] Carian Glintstone staff - [x] Carian glintblade staff - [x] Carian regal scepter - [x] Albunaric staff - [x] Staff of loss - [x] Gelmir Glintstone staff - [x] Crystal staff - [x] Rotten Crystal staff - [x] Meteorite staff - [x] Staff of the guilty - [x] Prince of deaths staff Sacred seals: - [x] Finger seal - [x] Erdtree seal - [x] Golden order seal - [x] Gravel stone seal - [x] Giants seal - [x] Godslayer seal - [x] Clawmark seal - [x] Frenzied flame seal - [x] Dragon communion seal Torches: - [x] Torch - [x] Beast repellent torch - [x] Steel wire torch - [x] Sentry’s torch - [x] Ghostflame torch - [x] St trinas torch Small shields: - [x] Rickety shield - [x] Riveted wooden shield - [x] Blue-white wooden shield - [x] Scripture wooden shield - [x] Red thorn roundshield - [x] Pillory shield - [x] Buckler - [x] Iron roundshield - [x] Gilded iron shield - [x] Man-serpents shield - [x] Ice crest shield - [x] Rift shield - [x] Perfumers shield - [x] Shield of the guilty - [x] Spiralhorn shield - [x] Smoldering shield - [x] Coil shield Medium shields: - [x] Hawk crest wooden shield - [x] Horse crest wooden shield - [x] Candletree wooden shield - [x] Flame crest wooden shield - [x] Marred wooden shield - [x] Sun realm shield - [x] Round shield - [x] Large leather shield - [x] Black leather shield - [x] Marred leather shield - [x] Heater shield - [x] Blue crest heater shield - [x] Red crest heater shield - [x] Beast crest heater shield - [x] Inverted hawk heater shield - [x] Eclipse crest heater shield - [x] Kite shield - [x] Blue-gold kite shield - [x] Scorpion kite shield - [x] Twinbird kite shield - [x] Brass shield - [x] Banished knights shield - [x] Albunaric shield - [x] Beast-mans jar shield - [x] Carian knights shield - [x] Silver Mirrorshield - [x] Great turtle shell Greatshields: - [x] Wooden greatshield - [x] Lordsworns shield - [x] Briar greatshield - [x] Spiked palisade shield - [x] Icon shield - [x] Golden beastcrest shield - [x] Manor towershield - [x] Crossed-tree towershield - [x] Inverted hawk towershield - [x] Dragon towershield - [x] Distinguished greatshield - [x] Gilded greatshield - [x] Cuckoo greatshield - [x] Redmane greatshield - [x] Golden greatshield - [x] Haligtree crest greatshield - [x] Crucible hornshield - [x] Dragonclaw shield - [x] Fingerprint stone shield - [x] Eclipse crest greatshield - [x] Ants skull plate - [x] Erdtree greatshield - [x] Jellyfish shield - [x] Visage shield - [x] One-eyed shield
Armour: Heads: - [x] Alberich’s pointed hat - [x] Albunaric mask - [x] All-knowing helm - [x] Aristocrat hat - [x] Aristocrat headband - [x] Ash of war scarab - [x] Astrologers hood - [x] Azur’s glintstone crown - [x] Bandit mask - [x] Banished knight helm - [x] Beast champion helm - [x] Black dumpling - [x] Black hood - [x] Black knife hood - [x] Black wolf mask - [x] Black flame monk hood - [x] Blackguards iron mask - [x] Bloodhound knight helm - [x] Bloodsoaked mask - [x] Blue cloth cowl - [x] Blue festive hood - [x] Blue silver mail hood - [x] Briar helm - [x] Bull-goat helm - [x] Carian knight helm - [x] Cerulean tear scarab - [x] Chain coif - [x] Champion headband - [x] Cleanrot helm - [x] Commoners headband - [x] Confessor hood - [x] Consorts mask - [x] Crimson hood - [x] Crimson tear scarab - [x] Crucible axe helm - [x] Crucible tree helm - [x] Cuckoo knight helm - [x] Depraved perfumers headscarf - [x] Diallos mask - [x] Drake knight helm - [x] Duelist helm - [x] Eccentrics hood - [x] Elden Lord crown - [x] Envoy crown - [x] Exile hood - [x] Festive hood - [x] Fia’s hood - [x] Finger maiden fillet - [x] Fingerprint helm - [x] Fire monk hood - [x] Fire prelate helm - [x] Foot soldier cap - [x] Foot soldier helm - [x] Foot soldier helmet - [x] Gelmir knight helm - [x] Gilded foot soldier cap - [x] Glintstone scarab - [x] Godrick knight helm - [x] Godrick soldier helm - [x] Godskin apostle hood - [x] Godskin noble hood - [x] Great horned headband - [x] Greathelm - [x] Greathood - [x] Guardian mask - [x] Guilty hood - [x] Haima glintstone crown - [x] Haligtree helm - [x] Haligtree knight helm - [x] Hierodas glintstone crown - [x] High page hood - [x] Highwayman hood - [x] Hoslows helm - [x] Iji’s mirrorhelm - [x] Imp head cat - [x] Imp head corpse - [x] Imp head Elder - [x] Imp head fanged - [x] Imp head long-tongued - [x] Imp head wolf - [x] Incantation scarab - [x] Iron helmet - [x] Iron kasa - [x] Jar - [x] Juvenile scholar cap - [x] Kaiden helm - [x] Karolos glintstone crown - [x] Knight helm - [x] Land of reeds helm - [x] Lazuli glintstone crown - [x] Leyndell knight helm - [x] Leyndell soldier helm - [x] Lionel’s helm - [x] Lusat’s glintstone crown - [x] Malenia’s winged helm - [x] Malformed dragon helm - [x] Malikeths helm - [x] Marais helm - [x] Marionette soldiers birdhelm - [x] Marionette soldiers helm - [x] Mask of confidence - [x] Mushroom crown - [x] Mushroom head - [x] Navy hood - [x] Night maiden twin crown - [x] Nights cavalry helm - [x] Nomadic merchants chapeau - [x] Nox mirrorhelm - [x] Nox monk hood - [x] Nox swordstress crown - [x] Octopus head - [x] Okina mask - [x] Old aristocrat cowl - [x] Olivinus glintstone crown - [x] Omen helm - [x] Omensmirk mask - [x] Page hood - [x] Perfumers hood - [x] Preceptors big hat - [x] Prisoner iron mask - [x] Prophet blindfold - [x] Pumpkin head - [x] Queens crescent crown - [x] Radahn solider helm - [x] Radahns redmane helm - [x] Radiant gold mask - [x] Raging wolf helm - [x] Raya Lucarian helm - [x] Redmane knight helm - [x] Rotten duelist helm - [x] Royal knights helm - [x] Royal remains helm - [x] Ruler’s mask - [x] Sacred crown helm - [x] Sage hood - [x] Sanguine noble hood - [x] Scaled helm - [x] Shining horn headband - [x] Silver tear mask - [x] Skeletal mask - [x] Snow witch hat - [x] Spellblades pointed hat - [x] Traveler’s hat - [x] Travelling maidens hood - [x] Tree sentinel helm - [x] Twinned helm - [x] Twinsage glintstone crown - [x] Vagabond knight helm - [x] Veterans helm - [x] Vulgar militia helm - [x] White mask - [x] Witch’s glintstone crown - [x] Zamor mask Chest: - [x] Alberich’s robe - [x] All-knowing armour - [x] Aristocrat coat - [x] Aristocrat garb - [x] Astrologers robe - [x] Azur’s glintstone robe - [x] Bandit garb - [x] Banished knight armour - [x] Battlemage robe - [x] Beast champion armour - [x] Black knife armour - [x] Blackflame monk armour - [x] Blaidd’s armour - [x] Bloodhound knight armour - [x] Bloodsoaked tabard - [x] Blue cloth vest - [x] Blue festive garb - [x] Blue silver mail armour - [x] Briar armour - [x] Bull-goats armour - [x] Carian knight armour - [x] Chain armour - [x] Chain-draped tabard - [x] Champions pauldron - [x] Cleanrot armour - [x] Cloth garb - [x] Commoners garb - [x] Commoners simple garb - [x] Confessor armour - [x] Consorts robe - [x] Corhyns robe - [x] Crucible axe armour - [x] Crucible tree armour - [x] Cuckoo knight armour - [x] Cuckoo surcoat - [x] Deathbed dress - [x] Depraved perfumer robe - [x] Dirty chainmail - [x] Drake knight armour - [x] Eccentrics armour - [x] Elden Lord armour - [x] Erdtree surcoat - [x] Errant sorcerer robe - [x] Exile armour - [x] Eye surcoat - [x] Fell omen cloak - [x] Festive garb - [x] Fia’s robe - [x] Finger maiden robe - [x] Fingerprint armour - [x] Fire monk armour - [x] Fire prelate armour - [x] Foot soldier tabard - [x] Fur rainment - [x] Gelmir knight armour - [x] Godrick knight armour - [x] Godskin apostle robe - [x] Godskin noble robe - [x] Goldmask’s rags - [x] Gravekeeper cloak - [x] Guardian garb - [x] Guardian garb full bloom - [x] Haligtree crest surcoat - [x] Haligtree knight armour - [x] High page clothes - [x] Highwayman cloth armour - [x] Hoslows armour - [x] Ivory draped tabard - [x] Juvenile scholar robe - [x] Kaiden armour - [x] Knight armour - [x] Land of reeds armour - [x] Lazuli robe - [x] Leather armour - [x] Leather draped tabard - [x] Leyndell knight armour - [x] Lionel’s armour - [x] Lord of bloods robe - [x] Lusat’s robe - [x] Malenia armour - [x] Malformed dragon armour - [x] Malikeths armour - [x] Marais robe - [x] Marionette soldier armour - [x] Mausoleum knight armour - [x] Mausoleum surcoat - [x] Mushroom body - [x] Night maiden armour - [x] Nights cavalry armour - [x] Nobles traveling garb - [x] Nomadic merchants finery - [x] Nox monk armour - [x] Nox swordstress armour - [x] Officials attire - [x] Old aristocrat gown - [x] Omen armour - [x] Omenkiller robe - [x] Page garb - [x] Perfumers robe - [x] Perfumers traveling garb - [x] Preceptors long gown - [x] Prisoner clothing - [x] Prophet robe - [x] Queens robe - [x] Radahns lion armour - [x] Raging wolf armour - [x] Raptors black feathers - [x] Raya lucarian robe - [x] Redmane knight armour - [x] Redmane surcoat - [x] Ronins armour - [x] Rotten gravekeeper cloak - [x] Royal knight armour - [x] Royal remains armour - [x] Rulers robe - [x] Sage robe - [x] Sanguine noble robe - [x] Scale armour - [x] Scaled armour - [x] Scarlet tabard - [x] Shaman furs - [x] Snow witch robe - [x] Spellblades traveling attire - [x] Travelers clothes - [x] Traveling maiden robe - [x] Tree sentinel armour - [x] Tree surcoat - [x] Tree and beast surcoat - [x] Twinned armour - [x] Upper-class robe - [x] Vagabond knight armour - [x] Veterans armour - [x] Vulgar militia armour - [x] War surgeon gown - [x] White reed armour - [x] Zamor armour Arms: - [x] Alberich’s bracers - [x] All-knowing gauntlets - [x] Astrologers gloves - [x] Azur’s manchettes - [x] Bandit manchettes - [x] Banished knights gauntlets - [x] Battlemage manchettes - [x] Beast champion gauntlets - [x] Black knife gauntlets - [x] Black flame monk gauntlets - [x] Blaidds gauntlets - [x] Bloodhound knight gauntlets - [x] Bloodsoaked manchettes - [x] Blue silver bracelets - [x] Briar gauntlets - [x] Bull-goats gauntlets - [x] Carian knights gauntlets - [x] Champion bracers - [x] Cleanrot gauntlets - [x] Confessor gloves - [x] Crucible gauntlets - [x] Cuckoo knight gauntlets - [x] Depraved perfumer gloves - [x] Drake knight gauntlets - [x] Eccentric manchettes - [x] Elden Lord gauntlets - [x] Errant sorcerer manchettes - [x] Exile gauntlets - [x] Fingerprint gauntlets - [x] Fire monk gauntlets - [x] Fire prelate gauntlets - [x] Foot soldier gauntlets - [x] Gauntlets - [x] Gelmir knight gauntlets - [x] Godrick knight gauntlets - [x] Godrick solider gauntlets - [x] Godskin apostle bracelets - [x] Godskin noble bracelets - [x] Gold bracelets - [x] Guardian bracers - [x] Haligtree gauntlets - [x] Haligtree knight gauntlets - [x] Highwayman gauntlets - [x] Hoslows gauntlets - [x] Iron gauntlets - [x] Kaiden gauntlets - [x] Knight gauntlets - [x] Land of reeds gauntlets - [x] Leather gloves - [x] Leyndell knight gauntlets - [x] Leyndell soldier gauntlets - [x] Lionel’s gauntlets - [x] Lusats manchettes - [x] Malenias gauntlets - [x] Malformed dragon gauntlets - [x] Malikeths gauntlets - [x] Mausoleum gauntlets - [x] Mausoleum knights gauntlets - [x] Mushroom arms - [x] Nights cavalry gauntlets - [x] Nobles gloves - [x] Nox bracelets - [x] Omen gauntlets - [x] Omenkiller long gloves - [x] Perfumer gloves - [x] Preceptor gloves - [x] Queens bracelets - [x] Radahn soldier gauntlets - [x] Radahns gauntlets - [x] Raging wolf gauntlets - [x] Raya lucarian gauntlets - [x] Redmane knight gauntlets - [x] Ronin’s gauntlets - [x] Royal knight gauntlets - [x] Royal remains gauntlets - [x] Scaled gauntlets - [x] Sorcerer manchettes - [x] Spellblade gloves - [x] Travelers gloves - [x] Travelers manchettes - [x] Traveling maiden gloves - [x] Tree sentinel gauntlets - [x] Twinned gauntlets - [x] Vagabond knight gauntlets - [x] Veterans gauntlets - [x] Vulgar militia gauntlets - [x] War surgeon gloves - [x] Warrior gauntlets - [x] White reed gauntlets - [x] Zamor bracelets Legs: - [x] Alberich’s trousers - [x] All-knowing greaves - [x] Aristocrat boots - [x] Astrologer trousers - [x] Bandit boots - [x] Banished knights greaves - [x] Battlemage leg wraps - [x] Beast champion greaves - [x] Black knife greaves - [x] Blackflame monk greaves - [x] Blaidd’s greaves - [x] Bloodhound knight greaves - [x] Blue silver mail skirt - [x] Briar greaves - [x] Bull-goats greaves - [x] Carian knight greaves - [x] Chain leggings - [x] Champion gaiters - [x] Cleanrot greaves - [x] Cloth trousers - [x] Commoners shoes - [x] Confessor boots - [x] Consorts trousers - [x] Crucible greaves - [x] Cuckoo knight greaves - [x] Depraved perfumer trousers - [x] Drake knight greaves - [x] Duelist greaves - [x] Eccentrics breeches - [x] Elden Lord greaves - [x] Errant sorcerer boots - [x] Exile greaves - [x] Finger maiden shoes - [x] Fingerprint greaves - [x] Fire monk greaves - [x] Fire prelate greaves - [x] Foot soldier greaves - [x] Fur leggings - [x] Gelmir knights greaves - [x] Godrick knight greaves - [x] Godrick solider greaves - [x] Godskin apostle trousers - [x] Godskin noble trousers - [x] Gold waistwrap - [x] Guardian greaves - [x] Haligtree greaves - [x] Haligtree knight greaves - [x] Hoslows greaves - [x] Kaiden trousers - [x] Knight greaves - [x] Land of reeds greaves - [x] Leather boots - [x] Leather trousers - [x] Leyndell knight greaves - [x] Leyndell soldier greaves - [x] Lionel’s greaves - [x] Malenias greaves - [x] Malformed dragon greaves - [x] Malikeths greaves - [x] Mausoleum knight greaves - [x] Mushroom legs - [x] Nights cavalry greaves - [x] Nobles trousers - [x] Nomadic merchants trousers - [x] Nox greaves - [x] Old aristocrat shoes - [x] Old sorcerers leg wraps - [x] Omen greaves - [x] Omenkiller boots - [x] Page trousers - [x] Perfumer sarong - [x] Preceptors trousers - [x] Prisoner trousers - [x] Prophet trousers - [x] Queens leggings - [x] Radahn solider greaves - [x] Radahns greaves - [x] Raging wolf greaves - [x] Raya lucarian greaves - [x] Redmane knights greaves - [x] Ronins greaves - [x] Rotten duelists greaves - [x] Royal knight greaves - [x] Royal remains greaves - [x] Sage trousers - [x] Sanguine noble waistcloth - [x] Scaled greaves - [x] Shaman leggings - [x] Snow witch skirt - [x] Sorcerers leggings - [x] Spellblade trousers - [x] Travelers boots - [x] Travelers slops - [x] Traveling maiden boots - [x] Tree sentinel greaves - [x] Twinned greaves - [x] Vagabond knight greaves - [x] Veterans greaves - [x] Vulgar militia greaves - [x] War surgeon trousers - [x] Warrior greaves - [x] White reed greaves - [x] Zamor legwraps
Talismans: - [x] Crimson amber medallion - [x] +1 - [x] +2 - [x] Crimson seed talisman - [x] Blessed dew talisman - [x] Cerulean amber medallion - [x] +1 - [x] +2 - [x] Cerulean seed talisman - [x] Viridian amber medallion - [x] +1 - [x] +2 - [x] Green turtle talisman - [x] Arsenal charm - [x] Great-jar’s Arsenal - [x] Erdtrees favour - [x] +1 - [x] +2 - [x] Radagons scarseal - [x] Radagons soreseal - [x] Marikas scarseal - [x] Marikas soreseal - [x] Starscourge heirloom - [x] Prosthesis-wearer heirloom - [x] Stargazer heirloom - [x] Two fingers heirloom - [x] Dragoncrest shield talisman - [x] +1 - [x] +2 - [x] Dragoncrest greatshield talisman - [x] Spelldrake talisman - [x] +1 - [x] +2 - [x] Flamedrake talisman - [x] +1 - [x] +2 - [x] Boltdrake talisman - [x] +1 - [x] +2 - [x] Haligdrake talisman - [x] +1 - [x] +2 - [x] Pearldrake talisman - [x] +1 - [x] +2 - [x] Immunising horn charm - [x] +1 - [x] Stalwart horn charm - [x] +1 - [x] Clarifying horn charm - [x] +1 - [x] Mottled necklace - [x] +1 - [x] Prince of deaths pustule - [x] Prince of deaths cyst - [x] Dagger talisman - [x] Curved sword talisman - [x] Twinblade talisman - [x] Axe talisman - [x] Hammer talisman - [x] Spear talisman - [x] Lance talisman - [x] Claw talisman - [x] Greatshield talisman - [x] Arrow’s sting talisman - [x] Arrow’s reach talisman - [x] Graven-school talisman - [x] Graven-mass talisman - [x] Faithful’s canvas talisman - [x] Flock’s canvas talisman - [x] Primal glintstone blade - [x] Moon of nokstella - [x] Old lords talisman - [x] Radagon icon - [x] Roar medallion - [x] Companion jar - [x] Perfumers talisman - [x] Carian filigreed crest - [x] Warrior jar shard - [x] Shard of Alexander - [x] Godfrey icon - [x] Bull-goats talisman - [x] Blue dancer charm - [x] Magic scorpion charm - [x] Fire scorpion charm - [x] Lightning scorpion charm - [x] Sacred scorpion charm - [x] Crucible scale talisman - [x] Crucible feather talisman - [x] Crucible knot talisman - [x] Red-feathered branchsword - [x] Blue-feathered branchsword - [x] Ritual sword talisman - [x] Ritual shield talisman - [x] Assassins crimson dagger - [x] Assassins cerulean dagger - [x] Winged sword insignia - [x] Rotten winged sword insignia - [x] Millicent’s prosthesis - [x] Godskin swaddling cloth - [x] Kindred of rots exultation - [x] Lord of bloods exultation - [x] Takers cameo - [x] Ancestral spirits horn - [x] Gold scarab - [x] Silver scarab - [x] Crepus’ vial - [x] Concealing veil - [x] Longtail cat talisman - [x] Furled finger’s trick-mirror - [x] Host’s trick-mirror - [x] Shabiri’s woe - [x] Daedicar’s woe - [x] Sacrificial twig
Ashes: Basic ashes: - [x] Wandering noble - [x] Noble sorcerer - [x] Nomad - [x] Putrid corpse - [x] Skeletal militiaman - [x] Skeletal bandit - [x] Albunaric - [x] Winged misbegotten - [x] Demi human - [x] Clayman - [x] Oracle envoy - [x] Lone wolf - [x] Rotten stray - [x] Giant rat - [x] Warhawk - [x] Land squirt - [x] Spirit jellyfish - [x] Miranda sprout - [x] Fanged imp - [x] Soldjars of Fortune - [x] Archer - [x] Greatshield solider - [x] Page - [x] Vulgar militia - [x] Marionette soldier - [x] Avionette soldier - [x] Kaiden sellsword - [x] Mad pumpkinhead - [x] Fire monk - [x] Ancestral follower - [x] Azula beastmen - [x] Man-serpent - [x] Crystalian - [x] Kindred of rot - [x] Glintstone sorcerer - [x] Twinsage sorcerer - [x] Godrick soldier - [x] Raya Lucaria soldier - [x] Leyndell soldier - [x] Radahn soldier - [x] Haligtree soldier - [x] Mausoleum soldier Renowned ashes: - [x] Stormhawk Deenh - [x] Banished knight Oleg - [x] Banished knight Engvall - [x] Bloodhound knight Floh - [x] Battlemage Hughes - [x] Latenna the Albunaric - [x] Perfumer Tricia - [x] Depraved perfumer Carmaan - [x] Omenkiller Rollo - [x] Blackflame monk Amon - [x] Ancient Dragon knight Kristoff - [x] Redmane knight Ogha - [x] Lhutel the headless - [x] Cleanrot knight Finlay - [x] Black knife Tiche - [x] Mimic tear Puppets: - [x] Finger maiden Therolina - [x] Jarwight - [x] Dolores the sleeping arrow - [x] Nepheli Loux - [x] Dungeater - [x] Night maiden and swordstress
Ashes of war: - [x] Stamp (upward cut) - [x] Stamp (sweep) - [x] Wild strikes - [x] Lions claw - [x] Cragblade - [x] Kick - [x] Endure - [x] Ground slam - [x] Earthshaker - [x] Hoarah Loux’s earthshaker - [x] War cry - [x] Barbaric roar - [x] Braggart’s roar - [x] Trolls roar - [x] Spinning slash - [x] Impaling thrust - [x] Piercing fang - [x] Repeating thrust - [x] Double slash - [x] Sword dance - [x] Unsheathe - [x] Quickstep - [x] Bloodhounds step - [x] Raptor of the mists - [x] Beasts roar - [x] Square off - [x] Charge forth - [x] Spinning strikes - [x] Giant hunt - [x] Stormblade - [x] Storm assault - [x] Stormcaller - [x] Storm stomp - [x] Vacuum slice - [x] Phantom slash - [x] Determination - [x] Royal knights resolve - [x] Glintstone pebble - [x] Glintblade phalanx - [x] Carian greatsword - [x] Carian grandeur - [x] Spinning weapon - [x] Loretta’s slash - [x] Gravitas - [x] Waves of darkness - [x] Flaming strike - [x] Flame of the redmanes - [x] Eruption - [x] Prelates charge - [x] Blackflame tornado - [x] Thunderbolt - [x] Lightning slash - [x] Lightning ram - [x] Sacred blade - [x] Prayerful strike - [x] Sacred ring of light - [x] Sacred order - [x] Shared order - [x] Golden land - [x] Golden slam - [x] Golden vow - [x] Vow of the indomitable - [x] Holy ground - [x] Poisonous mist - [x] Poison moth flight - [x] Blood blade - [x] Bloody slash - [x] Blood tax - [x] Seppuku - [x] Ice spear - [x] Chilling mist - [x] Hoarfrost stomp - [x] Spectral lance - [x] Lifesteal fist - [x] White shadow’s lure - [x] Assassins gambit - [x] Mighty shot - [x] Through and through - [x] Barrage - [x] Sky shot - [x] Enchanted shot - [x] Rain of arrows - [x] Parry - [x] Golden parry - [x] Storm wall - [x] Shield bash - [x] Shield crash - [x] Barricade shield - [x] Thops’ barrier - [x] Carian retaliation - [x] No skill
Spells: Sorceries: - [x] Adula’s moonblade - [x] Ambush shard - [x] Ancient death rancor - [x] Briars of punishment - [x] Briars of sin - [x] Cannon of Haima - [x] Carian greatsword - [x] Carian phalanx - [x] Carian piercer - [x] Carian retaliation - [x] Carian slicer - [x] Collapsing stars - [x] Comet - [x] Comet azur - [x] Crystal barrage - [x] Crystal burst - [x] Crystal release - [x] Crystal torrent - [x] Eternal darkness - [x] Explosive ghostflame - [x] Fias mist - [x] Founding rain of stars - [x] Freezing mist - [x] Frozen armament - [x] Gavel of Haima - [x] Gelmirs fury - [x] Glintblade phalanx - [x] Glintstone arc - [x] Glintstone cometshard - [x] Glintstone icecrag - [x] Glintstone pebble - [x] Glintstone stars - [x] Gravity well - [x] Great glintstone shard - [x] Great oracular bubble - [x] Greatblade phalanx - [x] Loretta’s greatbow - [x] Loretta’s mastery - [x] Lucidity - [x] Magic downpour - [x] Magic glintblade - [x] Magma shot - [x] Meteorite - [x] Meteorite of Astel - [x] Night comet - [x] Night maidens mist - [x] Night shard - [x] Oracle bubbles - [x] Rancorcall - [x] Ranni’s dark moon - [x] Rennala’s full moon - [x] Rock blaster - [x] Rock sling - [x] Roiling magma - [x] Rykard’s rancor - [x] Scholars armament - [x] Scholars shield - [x] Shard spiral - [x] Shatter Earth - [x] Shattering Crystal - [x] Star shower - [x] Starlight - [x] Stars of ruin - [x] Swift glintstone shard - [x] Terra magica - [x] Thops’ barrier - [x] Tibia summons - [x] Unseen blade - [x] Unseen form - [x] Zamor ice storm Incantations: - [x] Agheel’s flame - [x] Ancient dragons lightning strike - [x] Ancient dragons lightning spear - [x] Aspects of the crucible: Breath - [x] Aspects of the crucible: Horns - [x] Aspects of the crucible: Tail - [x] Assassins approach - [x] Barrier of Gold - [x] Beast claw - [x] Bestial constitution - [x] Bestial sling - [x] Bestial vitality - [x] Black blade - [x] Black flame - [x] Blackflame blade - [x] Blackflame’s protection - [x] Blackflame ritual - [x] Blessing of the erdtree - [x] Blessings boon - [x] Blood boon - [x] Bloodflame blade - [x] Bloodflame talons - [x] Borealis’ mist - [x] Burn O flame - [x] Catch flame - [x] Cure poison - [x] Darkness - [x] Death lightning - [x] Discus of light - [x] Divine fortification - [x] Dragonbolt blessing - [x] Dragonclaw - [x] Dragonfire - [x] Dragonice - [x] Dragonmaw - [x] Ekzykes decay - [x] Elden stars - [x] Electrify armament - [x] Erdtree heal - [x] Fires deadly sin - [x] Flame fortification - [x] Flame sling - [x] Flame of the fell god - [x] Flame, cleanse me - [x] Flame, fall upon them - [x] Flame, grant me strength - [x] Flame, protect me - [x] Fortissax’s double lightning spear - [x] Frenzied burst - [x] Frozen lightning spear - [x] Giantsflame take thee - [x] Glintstone breath - [x] Golden lightning fortification - [x] Golden vow - [x] Great heal - [x] Greyoll’s roar - [x] Gurranq’s beast claw - [x] Heal - [x] Honed bolt - [x] Howl of shabriri - [x] Immutable shield - [x] Inescapable frenzy - [x] Lansseax’s glaive - [x] Law of casualty - [x] Law of regression - [x] Lightning fortification - [x] Lightning spear - [x] Lightning strike - [x] Litany of proper death - [x] Lords aid - [x] Lords divine fortification - [x] Lords heal - [x] Magic fortification - [x] Magma breath - [x] Noble presence - [x] O, Flame! - [x] Order healing - [x] Order’s blade - [x] Pest threads - [x] Placidusax’s ruin - [x] Poison armament - [x] Poison mist - [x] Protection of the erdtree - [x] Radagons rings of light - [x] Rejection - [x] Rotten breath - [x] Scarlet aeonia - [x] Scouring blackflame - [x] Shadow bait - [x] Smarag’s glintstone breath - [x] Stone of Gurranq - [x] Surge, O flame - [x] Swarm of flies - [x] The flame of frenzy - [x] Theodorix’s magma - [x] Triple rings of light - [x] Unendurable frenzy - [x] Urgent heal - [x] Vykes dragonbolt - [x] Whirl, O flame - [x] Wrath of Gold
submitted by Grugg1223 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 LowSpite1374 Full Access Cheap Account!

Full Access Cheap Account! submitted by LowSpite1374 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:58 WTF_smells F~ck me right?

So another absolutely mind numbingly bad putting day. 15 greens and 4 MOTHER F—KING 3 putts. So 74 with 36 putts. I’m at my whits end. Greens are slow and I keep going back and forth between a broomstick and a conventional length putter. It’s just bad…so bad. I should’ve shot 68 as I missed 3 birdies from inside of 4-5 feet. Take away the 3 putts, give me a couple of the missed up and downs (only had one) and 1 of the missed birdies and I’m at 68. I’m over the top frustrated and now I think it’s a mental thing. Absolutely SKULL-F—KED.
submitted by WTF_smells to golf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:48 1lastbraincell Infodump about some species of ants

I love ants, ants are awesome. They are so darn intelligent and innovative, I personally like to think of them as how humans would be like if we were wayyy smaller and were eusocial but that's beside the point. As I had nothing better to do in the afternoon, I spent an hour compiling some stuff about some of my favorite species. Please comment about your favorite species of ant and tell me about them as well!! :)
Enjoy! 🐜
Mirror turtle ant: mimics the appearace and behaviour of Crematogaster ampla ants to steal their food and is able to follow pheromone trails laid out by crematogaster ampla ants and follow it to its host's food source. They follow hostile Crematogaster ampla ants to food sites and then start trying to act like them. Mirror turtle ants don’t smell anything like crematogaster ampla, so if they come within sniffing range, they’ll be swarmed and dismembered. They have to move like the enemy and walk like the enemy, all while not getting too close to them, even though they’re in the midst of the enemy and stealing their food. Mirror turtle ants are the first species of ant documented to use visual mimicry to parasitize another ant species. The workers foraging behind enemy lines raise their rear ends up in the air and mimic the walking speed and even the stilt-like posture of Crematogaster ampla. And they do it all so they don’t have to search for food themselves.
Matabele ants: Are at war with fungus farming termites who the ants frequently raid for their fungus and to eat the termites themselves. The termites often amputate the ants in combat but while the ants arent particularly powerful against the fungus farming termites but they have a secret technique at their disposal. They carry their wounded soldiers back to their nest where they are treated by the workers who nurse their wounds and disinfect and clean their wounds using antimicrobial saliva and once the soldiers are healed they can partake in battle again. But the rescuing ants have a threshold for how grieviously injured a soldier must be before they are rescued. Of the soldier has lost one or two legs, they may be rescued and taken back to be healed but if they are injured too badly, the resuers will not rescue them or waste resourses and effort trying to nurse them back to health and these soldiers that are hurt too badly are left to die.
Honeypot ant: honeypot ant species possess the unique ability to store food for rainy seasons in their bellies. Individual worker ants, called repletes, are engorged to enormous belly size by being force fed, sometimes to the point of being unable to move. Honeypot ants usually feed on flowers for their nectar but can also be seen attacking insects. When the liquid stored inside a honeypot ant is needed, the worker ants stroke the antennae of the honeypot ant, causing the honeypot ant to regurgitate the stored liquid from its crop. Replites are practically living refrigerators and are packed with so many nutrients that many other insect species, are keen on hunting them down and even raiding the honeypot ant colony for a sweet treat.
Leafcutter ant: These gardener ants cut out fresh leaves with their sharp mandibles, which they later bring to their nests to feed a particular type of bacteria that lives in symbiosis with the ants. That means that both organisms have become so co-dependent that they cannot survive on their own – the insects supply their guests with fresh nutrients in the form of leaves, while the fungi grow to later on become a reliable food source for the ants.
Tawny crazy ant: These ants are at a war with fire ants. Fire ants have an extremely potent poison that kills most other ants, but tawny crazy ants have a secret defense. When they’re hit with fire ant poison, they quickly coat themselves in their own poison, which neutralizes the fire ants’ primary weapon with a 98 percent survival rate.
Fire ants: These ants exhibit a wide variety of behaviours, such as building rafts when they sense that water levels are rising. They also show necrophoric behaviour, where nestmates discard scraps or dead ants on refuse piles outside the nest. Their venom is highly toxic and sometimes even lethal to other insects including other ants and are at a constant war with tawny crazy ants. They also have the ability to build rafts in times of floods or when the colony is forced to cross a body of water, the ants will link their bodies together to form a floating raft. The ants on the bottom of the raft grip onto each other with their mandibles, while the ants on the top of the raft link their legs together to create a protective barrier. The raft can be several layers thick and can consist of thousands of individual ants. The ants on the bottom of the raft are able to breathe by trapping air bubbles between their bodies, while the ants on the top of the raft protect the colony from predators and help to steer the raft towards shore.
Army ants: While army ants do not build permanent nests, they do construct temporary nests out of their own bodies. These "bivouacs" are formed by the ants gripping onto each other's legs and mandibles, creating a protective structure that can be used for resting or caring for the young. Army ants also are nomadic, meaning that they do not have a permanent home. Instead, they move through the forest in search of prey and temporary shelter, and are constantly on the move. Army ants live in large colonies that can consist of millions of individual ants. One of the most interesting behaviors of army ants is their ability to build rafts. When the colony is forced to cross a body of water, such as a river or a stream, the ants will link their bodies together to form a floating raft. The ants on the bottom of the raft grip onto each other with their mandibles, while the ants on the top of the raft link their legs together to create a protective barrier. The raft can be several layers thick and can consist of thousands of individual ants. The ants on the bottom of the raft are able to breathe by trapping air bubbles between their bodies, while the ants on the top of the raft protect the colony from predators and help to steer the raft towards shore.
Slavemaker (Polyergus) ants: these ants raid colonies of formica fusca or silky ants, capture their pupae and, subsequently carry them to their own nests to raise them as slaves. However, the enslaved ants are forced to work seemingly endless shifts for another colony instead of working seemingly endless shifts for their own brethren.
Acacia ants: Acacia ants act as bodyguards for acacia trees, defending them not only from weeds, but also from animals, in exchange for accomodation and food – Acacia trees and acacia ants have a unique mutualistic relationship, in which the ants provide protection for the tree and in turn, the tree provides the ants with shelter and food. One way that acacia trees can manipulate the behavior of the ants is by blocking the production of invertase, an enzyme that is essential for the ants to be able to digest sugars. The acacia tree they live on produces a chemical compound which blocks invertase production. The ants that feed on the acacia tree's sap once stop producing invertase, which is necessary for breaking down sucrose into glucose and fructose found in practically other food source, and instead rely on the tree to produce "special nectar" that contains more easily digestible sugars. By manipulating the behavior of the ants in this way, the acacia tree ensures that the ants remain dependent on the tree for their food and shelter.
Dinosaur ants: Instead of a queen these ants have an alpha female and moreover unlike a typical ant colony all the ants in the colony have the ability to reproduce. She’s surrounded by up to five beta females, who do nothing but sit around all day long. These betas are next in line if something should happen to the alpha.Sometimes a beta gets tired of waiting and decides to start laying eggs of her own. If the alpha female detects that her position is being challenged, she wipes chemicals from her stinger onto the would-be usurper. At that point, the workers will run out to punish the offending ant. They will pin the overreaching beta to the ground, sometimes for up to four days. After justice has been meted out, the beta also loses her rank and is just a lowly worker from then on, either that or she’s dead from not eating for four days.
Cardiocondyla Obscurior: Unlike most male ants who possess wings and their only purpose being to mate with a female virgin queen ant after which they die, in cardiocondyla Obscurior ants, there is only one Cardiocondyla obscurior male per colony. He’s the dominant male ant, and he must defend his territory. If a new male wonders in for some mating, the reigning ergatoid will dab chemicals from his anus onto the intruder. This secretion will cause all of the workers to band together and kill the newcomer. Cardiocondyla obscurior males have a “kill” scent. That’s not all that they’ll do. In an effort to further reduce any possible rivalry, the ergatoid combs the nurseries looking for newborn males to slaughter. The soft one-day-olds are easy to kill. However, if they find a two-day-old male whose armor has hardened, it becomes a pitched battle with a 14 percent chance that the young ant wins and a 43 percent chance that they will both die. This is mostly because they’re both rubbing their kill scents on each other, encouraging the workers to swarm in a killing frenzy. Many times, the workers end up slaying them both, but it’s okay if they both die. New male are always being born, and the dead ones are fed to the larvae.
Solenopsis fugax: Solenopsis fugax is a thief ant, meaning that it steals from other ant colonies. However, Solenopsis fugax steals the larvae of other ants. Slave-maker ants do the same thing, but Solenopsis fugax doesn’t need slaves; they’re hungry. They eat the babies of other ants. They also tend to aphids, so they’re farmers who also eat babies on the side. While most slave ants charge in recklessly and try and overwhelm a colony, S. fugax ants tunnel in. Once they find the brood chamber, they discharge pheromones that repel the other ants. It’s the ant equivalent of tear gas. They tunnel in, spray the place down to make all the adult ants run, and then they abscond with the brood, which will be eaten alive. The poison from a single Solenopsis fugax ant is enough to keep workers from 18 different species away for up to an hour.
Green ants: These ants live high up in the tree tops. Their unique ability is to build homes out of tree leaves. The first phase in nest construction involves workers surveying potential nesting leaves by pulling on the edges with their mandibles. When a few ants have successfully bent a leaf onto itself or drawn its edge toward another, other workers nearby join the effort. When the span between two leaves is beyond the reach of a single ant, workers form chains with their bodies by grasping one another's waist. Multiple intricate chains working in unison are often used to ratchet together large leaves during nest construction. Once the edges of the leaves are drawn together, other workers retrieve larvar from existing nests using their mandibles. Upon reaching a seam to be joined, these workers tap the head of the clutched larvae, which causes them to excrete silk. The workers then maneuver between the leaves in a highly coordinated fashion to bind them together and the larvae's silk is used to glue the held leaves together in place. They can only produce so much silk, so the larva will have to pupate without a cocoon. Green ants also 'milk' scale insects in or close to the nests for their honeydew. Although weaver ants lack a functional sting they can inflict painful bites and often spray formic acid directly at the bite wound resulting in intense pain.
Trapjaw ants: Trap-jaw ants have powerful mandibles that snap closed at extremely high speeds and accelerations. They use these mandibles to capture or stun prey and to fight with other ants. These remarkable mandibles have attracted the attention of biologists and naturalists for well over a century. The term “trap-jaw” refers to mandibles that have a spring-loaded catch mechanism which allows the ants to store up energy in advance of strike and to release the mandibles rapidly. “Trigger hairs” on the face of each mandible connect to neurons that control the latches and release the mandibles. The ants can use these trigger hairs to fire the mandibles the moment they touch the surface of another object. Some trap-jaw ants have another trick – they can jump with their mandibles by snapping their mandibles against the ground, they can jump into the air, often traveling over 20 times their body length. the ants carefully align their heads and bodies before striking the ground and jumping into the air. Ants also use this chaotic jumping behavior to mob and frighten predators. For example, it is startling when a large number of ants start popping like popcorn into the air. Plus, they often land on the intruder and can sting prety hard, making the combination of jumping and stinging a good predator deterrent.
Bulldog ants: Apart from their ability to jump at great heights, their eyesight is one of the most powerful in the ant kingdom due to their oversized eyeballs. To give you an idea of just how sharp their sight can be, bulldog ants can discern minute objects at a distance of more than 25 times their length. With exceptionally aggressive behaviour, the bulldog ant is prone to causing painful and, sometimes fatal, bites.
Bullet ants: Bullet ants are infamous for their very powerful sting. It's so awful that its comparable to being shot with a bullet, hence the name.
Hodor ants: These ants live in abandoned tunnels of wood-boring beetles and, to keep themselves safe from the external environment, the large workers use their disk-shaped heads as living doors to seal off the entrance to their colonies.
Diving ants: This species of ant do is dip into the digestive fluids of the carnivorous pitcher plant called the pitcher plant. There, it looks for arthropods that have fallen prey to the plant’s cunning trap and fishes them out to enjoy a fresh meal.
Allomerus decemarticulatus: These ants use a particular kind of fungus that they grow themselves – it’s never present in stems that weren’t touched by these ants. As well as being a cultivated food source for the ants, the Allomerus decemarticulatus uses this fungus to make traps called "ant gardens" that lure small insects to them. When the unsuspecting insect lands on a stem full of those trap holes, the predator insects swoop in and catch it with their mandibles. Then, they slowly drag the captive to a leaf pouch, where they tear their prey apart.
Camponotus leonardi: These ants possess the fatal ability to make their abdomens explode. They are filled with a toxic liquid that chases off predators, but their combustion comes at a steep price. A final act of defence – one of the most devoted ways to protect the colony in the face of insurmountable odds. They are also the host to the ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungus.
Dracula ants: The workers of these species of ant are blind. The primary source of food for these species is the blood of their own larvae. That’s right – this species practices non-destructive cannibalism, i.e. the ability to munch on someone without killing them in the process and extracting carefully controlled amounts of blood to avoid harming the larvae. They also possess powerful jaws, paralysing stings.
Giant gliding ants: Giant gliding ants are a group of ants that are able to glide through the air to travel between trees or escape predators. These ants have flattened bodies and long legs that are adapted for gliding. When they jump or fall from a high point, they are able to control their descent by spreading out their legs and using them as wings to steer themselves towards their desired destination.
Pheidole oxyops: Pheidole oxyops ants construct feather pitfall traps to capture prey, such as other insects and spiders, that are too large to be handled by individual ants. The feather pitfall trap is constructed by a team of worker ants, who first identify a suitable location to build the trap. They then gather feathers and other small debris, such as twigs and bits of grass, and arrange them in a circular pattern on the ground. The feathers are arranged in a way that creates a funnel-shaped depression in the center of the trap. When a prey item walks onto the feathers, it begins to sink into the depression. The feathers on the sides of the depression are angled inward, making it difficult for the prey to climb back out. As the prey struggles, it sinks deeper into the trap, eventually becoming trapped at the bottom. The Pheidole oxyops ants are able to detect the struggling prey from a distance, and quickly converge on the trap to retrieve the captured prey. The trap is then rebuilt, ready for the next prey item to fall victim.
Formica archboldi: This species of ant is known for its unique behavior of collecting the skulls of another species of ant called Odontomachus bauri that it often raids the colonies of and feeds on the workers of. Formica archboldi collects the skulls for their chemical properties. The skulls contain glandular secretions that may have antimicrobial properties. By collecting the skulls, Formica archboldi may be able to use these secretions to protect their nest from harmful bacteria or fungi and because the skulls simply because they are a valuable resource. The skulls of Odontomachus ants are hard and durable, and could be used as building material for the nest or as a platform for the ants to stand on and can serve as an intimidation tactic to ward of would be predators.
submitted by 1lastbraincell to Entomology [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:33 MMpercs- Selling for cheap

Selling for cheap submitted by MMpercs- to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:20 1llustriousOne I'm struggling with upcoming 3-year anniversary of my fiance's death

I'm gonna try to keep this as short as possible, mainly because I'm not good at talking about my feelings. I (30m) lost my fiance after a car accident in June of '21. She was roughly seven months pregnant with my son, who passed away as well. Her friend was driving, had a seizure while we were on the interstate, and I was in the backseat. I got thrown out of the windshield because I tried to put my arm around my fiance, as I saw the trajectory the car we were in was on (I was sitting directly behind her). I broke 15 bones, including my skull and had a TBI; even had to have slight reconstructive surgery on my face.
After all this happened, I spiraled into a dark place. Was put on pain pills because of my injuries, and ended up progressing to shooting fentanyl to numb my emotions. Ended up getting endocarditis and having a septic embolism, and almost dying again roughly a year and a half after the wreck. Been clean ever since, from Suboxone and everything minus weed sometimes.
Managed to land a good paying job a couple months ago, and things have been going according to plan on that front, but I've battled depression and anhedonic feelings that come in varying levels of severity over the course of these last few years. Haven't attended therapy, or rehab; I've just kinda been trying to figure matters out on my own because, like I stated above, I struggle when it comes to opening up to people about shit that I'm dealing with for some reason or another.
I used to be an extremely extroverted guy, but am pretty much the polar opposite now. Especially with women, and I don't really know why. I feel like I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life, and I feel like I lost the only shot I'll ever have at marrying and starting a family with my best friend.
Not really sure what I'm even trying to accomplish with this post to be totally honest, I just felt the need to try and get this off of my chest because I don't really have anyone else to talk to about it. Any advice or comments would be appreciated.
submitted by 1llustriousOne to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:03 MWMN19 From The Ashes ┃ Chapter 5 - The Things in the Wild

Previous chapter - https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/1d8xfng/from_the_ashes_chapter_4_new_home/
Since childhood, I had an aversion to magic.
I was taught from an early age that it was something dangerous and violent. Something that cannot be controlled, that cannot be wielded by human hands. Something that cannot be explained. And that aversion persisted into my adulthood.
I was taught that yes... But what put the nail in the coffin of my childhood curiosity was that day when my parents were laid to rest.
I remember it much more vividly now. Slowly but steadily, I feel like I am digging something out from the depths of my mind. And the peculiar thing is... It started happening when I met Kye. Sometimes when I look at her I feel a sense of deja vu which I cannot explain. A nostalgic feeling that is almost comforting... Maybe that's one of the reasons I hadn't left in these weeks. I had many chances.
Without much conversation, she helped me dig out some of my memories. By what method or means... I do not know. She awoke something I had hidden inside of me, my essence which I had inherited.
And that same child-like wonder for magic which now pushes me ever forward like a moth to a flame. Dangerous and violent, but endlessly fascinating and useful all the same.
A force of nature.
A force that can be studied through a scientific lens.
And study with scientific vigor I shall.

„Hold your concentration.“ Kye whispered to me.
We stood in the depths of the forest unmoving, camouflaged in green cloaks. In the distance just beyond the shrubbery stood a deer that was drinking from a small stream.
I held my hand out palm stretched wide open. Centimeters away from it was a medium-sized pebble, it was smooth and oval in shape. It levitated, though its levitation was far from stable. It bobbed like a ship at sea. I had difficulty holding it still in mid-air.
„Shoot before it notices us.“ Kye whispered once more.
I took a deep breath.
I felt the surge of energy concentrate in my palm. I imagine a pressurized tank of air...
Then I let go...
The pebble shook violently for a second then with a whoosh it flew at great speed, missing the target completely. Instead of hitting the water beside it spooking the animal. The deer raised its head abruptly in the direction where the pebble hit. Then subsequently ran off into the forest.
Kye sighed.
„Better than before, but you still can't aim precisely. You need to hold it steady in the air.“ She said standing up with her crossbow.
„Will we follow it?“ I asked.
„No, let it go. We have to check the traps, they ought to have caught something by now.“ She replied. I stood up as well, dusting myself off and picking up the rifle I had from the ground.
Kye says it only weighs me down... But I feel safer with it
Kye started walking back to where she set the traps, maybe a 30-minute trek back.
„We went pretty deep in today.“ I commented.
„Yes, that's why we're going back earlier. We don't want to be caught in the forest after sundown.“ She had a point. And I was pretty tired from walking through the damn forest all day. Hunting is no easy matter.
„Once we get back I'll get one grimoire we have in the library. It might help you with levitating objects steadily.“ She added.
„May I ask in what language is it?“ I inquired. She remained silent for a few moments.
„Kye you know I can't speak or read Elvish. Of all the books in that library you took out two are in a human language. One in Weserian surprisingly enough, which I can read... The other is Turian which I can probably get a few words here and there.“ I explained. I couldn't see Kye's face but I could guess it expressed mild annoyance.
„Alright, I'll read it to you again. But I'll have to teach you Almaganda at some point. You'll need it.“ She said, however much I did not look forward to it. I still needed to learn the language and script to learn on my own. Because it was frankly embarrassing that she needed to read it to me out loud like she would a child... Well, I am still a child in Elven years I guess.
I had to give her props she learned to speak Weserian with native fluency. She has my grandfather to thank for that... And I thank him as well. Because I would've probably had a bolt in my skull if she didn't know Weserian.

I realized the forest during the day was a tranquil and peaceful place. It held within it an ancient beauty that I was thankful to be able to witness and experience. However, after some time you get used to it and it simply fades into the background.
Kye and I chit-chatted during our walk briefly. Mostly about what were going to eat for dinner. But also she reiterated her points where I had to improve with my magic. Nothing new to my ears.
Finally, we arrived at the first trap, which was unfortunately empty. But we had set a few more of them so we continued. The second and third were also empty, I saw Kye was a bit perplexed at this, but she didn't comment on it. Once you are around her enough you can catch the small expressions she does as subtle as they are.
The fourth trap caught something.
„Finally!“ I said happily. We approached the trap and saw it caught a rabbit. Enough to feed us for the night. But we would need something bigger to sustain us during the week.
„We're going back to the house. We will go hunting first thing tomorrow to catch something bigger.“ Kye said, now this was something that raised a question mark above my head. Every previous time she was insistent we don't go back empty-handed, or with something too small.
„Kye, can you share your thoughts, please? I think you're not telling me something.“ I asked her.
She bit her lip.
„I think there might be something scaring off the animals.“
I felt a pit in my stomach form.
„Mages? Bandits?“ I asked.
„No... I'd know if it were either of those. A monster.“ She picked up the dead rabbit by its ears and put it in a large pouch. „And it is probably close by...“ She added.
I remember that Owen told of that the wildlife tends to be aggressive in these parts. Up until this point, I saw that the fauna was more or less the same as back home.
„What's the difference between a normal animal and a monster exactly?“ I asked Kye. I have heard of monsters before... But I didn't look too much into them. I knew they mostly lived in the east.
„A monster has a large amount of essence usually. They tend to be large and aggressive. However, there are exceptions to the rule. There is a species of large herd animals native to the plains of the east called Mulson. They have essence and are considered monsters, but are quite docile unless provoked. Some tribes even domesticated them and used them as pack animals.“ She explained. She looked deeper into the forest, but her gaze lingered before she continued. „I didn't suspect a monster at first because they usually go in small groups. I would've seen evidence of such a group... That only leaves one option left.“ She paused.
„A lone monster.“ She looked back at me. „We should get going now.“
She began walking and I followed her once again.
„A lone monster is more dangerous than a pack?“ I asked.
„Yes and no. If one were to attack us we could deal with it, but it is best to avoid it. Most of the time lone monsters are outcasts from their groups. They tend to be a lot more violent and unpredictable. That's what makes them a bigger risk than an entire group.“ She answered. I looked out into the forest as I walked. It didn't seem as tranquil and peaceful anymore. It was scarily quiet and still.

The same lingering feeling crept up as we continued to walk through the forest. I knew we were nearing the house, shelter. But with each step we took I felt as if we were being watched... The same feeling I had back in the wagon.
I kept my head on a swivel, looking around constantly, the sun was slowly starting to set and visibility became ever so scarce a resource. Kye was silent most of the trek. She was concentrating as well, but not in the same way as I. She told me she could 'sense' if there was an increase of essence in the area. It takes a lot of practice, of course, as she said. But she can do it.
She was a few paces in front of me when I turned my head back to face what was in front. I saw she stopped.
„What is it?“ I asked her in a whisper.
„Can you smell that?“ She asked right back. I made a few steps forward and then it hit me. A foul stench of rot. Before I could locate where it was coming from I felt something wet drop on my head. I instinctively went to touch it with my hand, and when I lowered it to inspect the wet substance, I realized what it was.
It was blood.
Looking up into the thick tree branches that blocked most of the sunlight I couldn't see much, but there were obvious shapes in there that didn't look natural. Kye manifested one of her light orbs and somehow managed to concentrate the light on the tree branches above us.
When she shone the light we finally saw them... Two horses strung up on the tree branches. They were disemboweled and had half their limbs missing.
They were half-eaten.
„How... That's...“ I muttered.
„Not our horses... Whose?“ Kye replied.
„Owen's“ I replied.
„We have to move, quickly.“ Kye said, de-manifesting the orb and beginning to walk at an increased pace. I followed, but that jog soon turned into a full-out sprint.
We ran through the forest with no regard for the sound we made. I could barely keep up, then I heard it. Shuffling behind us, it sounded rhythmic and slow... But it was quick enough to keep up with us. At that moment the only thought in my mind was that it wasn't something small most certainly.
Adrenaline kicked in and I ran as fast as my legs could let me while also trying not to trip.
I then made a foolish decision.
I looked back.
I saw something, but I couldn't quite make it out... But it towered over the both of us. And the thing was as agile as Kye.
When I turned my head back, I didn't see Kye.
Panic set in, but I couldn't stop, I knew if I made a turn I would quickly get lost.
I ran straight for as long as I could, but I heard the thing behind me quickly close the distance. I heard it panting. It sounded... human. But at the same time, it didn't. It sounded too deep to be that of a human or elf for that matter. No, this was something entirely different.
And it was big.
My legs started to give in, I felt them sting. I felt my lungs burn from the exertion. Soon enough I needed to stop, I needed to catch my breath. I heard the thumps behind me get closer and closer, I heard the thing roar... Gods, it was deafening. I heard it knock down trees as it began running even faster toward me.
And just as I thought I was doomed, something grabbed me and yanked me hard into a large hollowed-out tree. I tried to scream, but a hand was firmly placed over my mouth. Then I heard someone speak.
„Don't make a sound“ I heard a demanding whisper. It was Kye.
I stared wide-eyed as the thing passed by running. I saw its feet pass us. The ground shook slightly, and pieces of wood fell on our heads.
„Ju Mo...“ Kye said, I didn't understand what she said.
She released my mouth, and I peeked behind me to see her face.
Even though it was dark and hard to see, I could see her red eyes were wide open.
She was afraid.
Shit, I thought to myself, I never saw her show a hint of fear, even when she face three goddamn mages by herself.
„Why is it here...“ She muttered to herself.
She looked at me with a terrified expression.
„You don't have any blood on you? Any scent?“ She whispered.
„No, I...“ Then I remembered. Horse blood. „Shit.“ I muttered as I started to go through my hair, I felt the blood stick to my fingers.
Kye looked at me like she saw a ghost.
Then we heard it come back with a quick pace. We heard it sniff the air.
Kye and I huddled in the hollowed tree, I saw her extend her arm. Her breath was quick and erratic.
Then the monster stepped right in front of the opening, it growled so deep I could feel it in my chest. I saw the monster was standing on two feet, its legs were hairy. And I could smell it, a foul stench of rot and Gods know what else. It was overpowering.
The monster started to crouch, and the moment it showed its face, I felt a strong force pull us to the back with such force we broke through the tree and flew right into the one behind it. Both of us hit the tree at the same time.
My spine felt like it snapped from the impact, but I couldn't grovel in pain just yet. Kye quickly stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.
„Get up!“ She yelled, I could hear the monster release another deafening roar, I looked back and saw it was holding its face. Whatever Kye did hurt it, and us...
We ran again through the forest, each moment the sun set farther and farther down below the horizon. And the forest was getting darker by the minute.
I heard the monster kept at it, it was behind us again. Kye stopped abruptly at a small open patch where trees weren't as densely packed together. She extended both her hands and broke of dozens of thick branches of the trees. In mere moments she managed to straighten all the branches into spears. I could see she was using all her strength to do that. I know how hard it is to hold a single small damn pebble still in the air, let alone dozens of heavy branches.
I saw the creature emerge from between the trees.
Right then Kye jabbed the air with her fist, the branches went flying straight at the monster.
When they hit, I thought for a moment everything was over. But then that thing... This monstrosity raised its damn hand, and with a flick of its wrist, all the spears flew out of it, some of them right back at us. Thankfully all of them missed.
But I could see the thing was now even more pissed than before. But it was staggered, but only for a short while. And it could use magic.
I had to think of something. We could use magic... Fire magic.
„Kye will fire hurt it?“ I asked quickly.
„Probably, but it won't kill it. If we use it then we'll have to deal with it and a forest fire!“ She replied.
Goddamn it - I thought to myself. I looked around, maybe there is something we can use. But it was futile, I couldn't see shit. We had to run.
Kye was already doing the same, I caught up to her. The thing was still tailing us. I saw she tried everything to hamper the monster's advance. She fell smaller trees as we ran, I could hear her grunt under the strain of each action she did.
I was in no better position, I couldn't feel my legs anymore. And I was on the verge of suffocating from exertion.
We managed to make some distance between it and us. Kye stopped, grabbing her knees, and panting heavily. I did the same.
I heard it in the distance charging forward still.
„Any bright ideas, Wyatt?“ She asked between pants.
Then I remembered... I still had the rifle. Though it would probably do jack shit to the thing...
I had to think rationally. The monster, though it possesses essence and magic is still a living being. It needs food, water, and air to survive.
My mind raced... Then I had it.
„Kye, for how long can you distract the thing?“ I asked her.
„Not long.“ She replied.
„I'll need 10 seconds, tops. Can you get a shield up? The same one as last time?“ I said.
„I can... What are you thinking?!“ She yelled back at me.
Just then we saw the monster emerge from the beyond the trees, charging right at us.
„DO IT!“ I yelled at her. Without missing a beat she turned around and erected the same transparent wall in front of us. A much larger one.
I grabbed the rifle from my shoulder and fiddled with it for a second to check if the round is chambered. It was, I closed it back up and aimed.
I was aiming for the jugular. The thing had thick fur, so any other part of the body was out of the question. Head, the skull is probably too thick. Chest, fur, and bone are in the way. Limbs are out of the question.
I was no marksman, but I had to make it work.
My hands shook, my breath uneven and erratic, I struggled to keep the rifle steady. I took a deep breath in and held it.
My hands calmed ever so slightly. The sights lined up with my eye.
I saw the thing hit the wall, Kye grunted. She felt it.
The monster was confused for a moment but then it started hitting the wall, with each hit I heard Kye was struggling to keep the barrier up. I heard her cough and wheeze.
I lined up my shot.
The monster roared.
My eardrums felt like they would burst at any moment.
„LIFT IT!“ I yelled. That moment the wall disappeared and the creature started running toward us again, I felt the ground shake. The monster roared.
My heart pounded like cannons mid-siege.
I felt sweat pour down my face.
I saw the thing open its mouth and extend its arms, ready to devour us.
Then I pulled the trigger.

I felt the rifle kick into my shoulder. The recoil was stronger than I'd anticipated.
The sound reverberated through the forest but it was drowned out by the monster's roar.
Then abruptly it stopped.
The monster slowed down to a jog, then to a slow walk. It grabbed its neck, I heard it gurgling.
I stepped back, it was getting closer.
Then mere feet from us it collapsed to its knees. It was in that position there, staring at us for a moment before I saw the flicker in its eyes disappear.
Then it collapsed to the ground with a resounding thump. Two mere steps from where I stood.
I stared at it, panting heavily I kicked its head.
It didn't react.
It was dead.
It was dead!
I turned around to look at Kye, she collapsed to her knees. She looked like she was bleeding from somewhere on her face, trails of blood were coming from her eyes and nose. But she was alive.
She looked at me.
The horrified expression quickly turned into a neutral one. Then, for the first time since I met her.
I saw her smile.
And I couldn't help but smile back. Letting out a small laugh.
Then she collapsed to the ground.
Next Chapter - (Coming soon, check Royal Road for schedule)
submitted by MWMN19 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 NegativeCouple3485 Wishlist to add more realsim.

  1. Items a) Radios - I want to add handheld radios of different kind so we can talk within a mile, depends on type of radio. Like bofang have half a mile, anprc-152 have 1 to 2 miles inside jungle. b) Cammenga Compass or Garmin Fortrex for navigation. c) Option to remove Compass tape on the top. Immersion killer. d) Add android kit on the chest on the platcarrier, to check mission, map like "Ready or Not". d) Add Cr123 battery for active hearing headsets & for upcoming NVGs & flashlights. e) A pice of color cloth for faction identification, only one fixed cloud for a fraction. Like used in Ukraine. f) Ammo Box for inventory system back at base. d) Armory or ready room at base.
  2. Animation - a) Low & High ready. b) Animation gor mag reloading & time added to do it. Not like just click of a button. c) animation of weapon sector switch. d) Animation for bandaging leg. e) Tapping on shoulder for tactical stuff. f) adding animation for attaching with the chopper seating bench with carabiner. g) animation to visual check the rifle on both sides.
  3. AI a) One shot in head kill with any ammo if no helmet. If helmet than 9mm & shotgun shells have no impact. b) AI take cover. c) If hit it on leg,AI needs to fell down on the ground, no standing like Superman. d) After hit, thier accuracy will go down fast because of the pain.
  4. Ballestic a) Level 3 Metal plates -No bullet penetration by 9mm, 45cal, 5.56 - except M855A1 and heavier rounds. b) Level 3 ceramic plates - 5.56 bullets start penetration after 4 to 5 rounds. c) Head shot kill by any ammo. d) Can shoot through normal glass. Right now even through simple window glass hard to shoot AI.
  5. Travel. a) Add fastrope for choppers. b) Add offroad bikes for transport.
  6. Medical a) Add morphine auto injector for pain b) Add epi pen for heart rate. c) Chest Seal for lung punctured or injury. d) Quick Clot.
    1. Time added a) For reloading mags from ammo
submitted by NegativeCouple3485 to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:59 acoustic_comrade Anyone else disappointed with how slow the new Doom looks?

I watched that trailer and should have been hyped, but the game looked so slow. I'm a massive doom fan, but this did not scratch that itch in the same way eternals trailer did. I kinda expected it to be a little slower, but now it looks like you can just stand still and win. I thought it would be more like 2016 having no dash, but I at least thought the eternal super shotty would be there since it's "a relic from your past" but it and it's grapple aren't there.
It looks like it went from push forward combat to get pushed combat. From fighter jet, to tank. Don't get me wrong, it still looks pretty fun, and I'm buying it regardless, but I can't help but feel this isn't really what I wanted from them.
But enough whining about the speed, what I did like was some of the new weapons. That skull crusher looked metal as fuck, and that half life 2 rebar crossbow thing also looked cool. Super shotty looked like a neat design for what it is, but please ID give us the meat hook back. The shield looks like an interesting mechanic, I just hope it doesn't trivialize the game like the sentinel hammer did in tag2. I also liked the look of the mechs, that was the one thing that did suprise me the most. I thought it would look a little more gimmicky, but it actually looked like they spent some solid time on it. The flail was interesting, but I can't tell if it's just a glory kill or acting like your crucible meant to one shot big demons.
Let me know how yall feel about it and if I'm alone in my opinion with this one. Maybe I'm being a little too harsh with it.
submitted by acoustic_comrade to Doom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:29 monologousmutilation Analyzing the DOOM: THE DARK AGES trailer - lore info and demon redesigns.

A collection of things I've noticed about the trailer after looking through it.
submitted by monologousmutilation to Doom [link] [comments]
