Pictures of ak47 full auto parts

AK-47 Tips/Tricks, Links, Content and Buyer Guides.

2010.02.22 04:31 alban987 AK-47 Tips/Tricks, Links, Content and Buyer Guides.

AK-47 Tips/Tricks, Links, Content and Buyer Guides.

2011.10.28 05:59 scseth Classic Cars and Trucks, for classic car enthusiasts.

A place to discuss and/or post pictures of classic cars, trucks, or bikes; including hot rods, car shows and auto museums. Note - this is not for classifieds. Posts selling vehicles or vehicle parts will be removed.

2009.01.08 23:49 /r/Audi

A Reddit community for Audi Enthusiasts and those who love four rings

2024.06.09 22:37 subfreq111 Help me pick an 8'x8' spa with open seating (no lounger)

I would like to keep the budget in the $10-12 range. Not interested in rotomolded tubs that feel cheap. What I care about most is access for repairs and price/availability of repair parts. For these reasons I'm steering away from brands that use full foam and/or proprietary parts. When things eventually go wrong, it will be me fixing it, so I care more about ease of service/parts than warranties and dealer service departments. Brands I have looked at in person are Cal spas, Bullfrog, Wellis, Caldera, Hot Spring.
These are my top contenders at the moment, I look forward to your opinions and please suggest others I should consider. All pricing below includes delivery, cover, lifter, steps, chemicals, tax, OTD.
  1. Cal Bel Air Plus w/ cool-off seat $10,650 - Meets all the requirements, uses Balboa controls, the one thing I don't love is the wood frame, I can replace all the components over the next 20 years but can't do much if the frame rots out.
  2. Bullfrog X8 $12,720 - On the expensive side, seems to have fewer jets, but it does have a composite frame and Gecko controls
  3. Buenospa Chicago $6300 - Same as a Wellis, but sold factory direct. Doesn't have any foot jets and is only available in white interior. Also, this is only a 7' tub, but at half the price is worth consideration.
submitted by subfreq111 to hottub [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:37 followinnermoonlight i think i might be happier alone.

it’s been two years. i’ve been in therapy the whole time. i have a date tonight and i feel like i would be more excited in my solitude.
it’s active solitude. i have a lot of friends. i socialize every weekend, have a full time job, part time job, a niece, a dog, and fulfilling hobbies. i think i just prefer being alone when i have free time. i dont think i am interested in companionship.
does anyone else feel this way?
submitted by followinnermoonlight to widowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:37 Z0ld3en Brothers PC download sucks

Okay so I'm gonna run down the issues here and everything I've personally tried to remedy the issue.
My house has 1gbps internet speeds. My PC consistently gets around or at the very least 75% of 1gbps on speed tests I get 957mbps. Had a few bad connection spots here or there where I had terrible connection, but they cleared up on their own so I have to assume it was a provider issue. Haven't had connection issues for about 9 months on my end. Same with my Dad's PC no issues he get 700mbps consistently.
This is important as my dad is on wifi and my brother and I are both ethernet. I have a cat8 going into my PC, this connection goes into a wall connection that has cat 5e run throughout the house. So basically my cat 8 is bottlenecked to 5e. Remember I'm still getting max internet speed. My brother on the other hand is down in the basement where our router is. And headlined direct with cat 5e. In essence we have the same ethernet cable. Now for some numbers
I decided to test both speed tests and actuals.
My speed test 957mbps
My brother's 268mbps
Downloading Elden ring. My download finished in sub 10 minutes My download peak and consistent avg. Peak: 750mbps average 656mbps not perfect, but it's nothing to scoff at that's for sure My brother's still on going for the last hour Peak: 567mbps(one time) actual peak 267mbps consistently 168mbps
I think it's important to list the one time peak of 567 it shows that his ethernet can provide him with the high internet speed it's supposed to, but it's not.
Attempted solutions
Swapped ethernet cables
Updated network adapter drivers
Changed duplex from auto to full(1gbps)
Checked ethernet cable network cap. Ie hit properties on his ethernet to see if his cable was limiting him in settings. Nope it supports 1gbps. I'm genuinely at a loss here there's no reason that I can see why he'd be this badly throttled. His download is 1/5 at best of mine. Heck I'd even take 2/5th if I could get it.
The whole reason this comes up is because we both play a game called dark and darker. My launcher game update took all of 5 minutes for it to finish. His was 2 hours in 67% done on 26 GB update. Even at 168mbps it shouldn't have taken 2 hours!? I don't get it
submitted by Z0ld3en to computers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:35 CreateJericho 💚 [SFW] Chill Adult Chat - We're just a bunch of adults(over 18s average is around 30-35) that hang out and play some chat based games, no toxic chatters allowed💯

🕵️ Looking to spice up your online social life? Join Chamber Of Secrets, the ultimate server to hangout with chill people and make new friends. Don't miss out on daily interactions with our ever-growing community of friendly and welcoming individuals. We are strictly 18+ only and SFW
🎮 We offer a wide range of exciting activities, from voice chats and games like Connect 4, Uno, Blackjack, and Scramble, to fun bots that bring weather updates, horoscopes, and general amusement. Share your selfies and showcase your talents in our chatters-got-talent section. We even have a pet chat where you can show off your furry friends!
🎶 Seek solace in our music bots and listen to your favorite tunes over voice chats with us. Unlock your inner foodie in our food-chat, exchange cooking tips, and explore the world of fashion in our fashion-chat. Stay fit with us by participating in our work-out challenges. There's never a dull moment at Chamber Of Secrets!
📸 Discover the world through the eyes of our members in our photography-room, where you can share breathtaking pictures from various corners of the globe, or simply engage in delightful conversations with our diverse community.
🎉 Whether you're into music, games, or simply chilling out with your pets, Chamber Of Secrets has got something for everyone. Our average age is around 30, making us a perfect fit for individuals in their mid-twenties and above. Join us and be a part of a truly unique and welcoming community. We can't wait to meet you! 🌟
submitted by CreateJericho to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:33 CreateJericho 💚 [SFW] Chill Adult Chat - We're just a bunch of adults(over 18s average is around 30-35) that hang out and play some chat based games, no toxic chatters allowed💯

🕵️ Looking to spice up your online social life? Join Chamber Of Secrets, the ultimate server to hangout with chill people and make new friends. Don't miss out on daily interactions with our ever-growing community of friendly and welcoming individuals. We are strictly 18+ only and SFW
🎮 We offer a wide range of exciting activities, from voice chats and games like Connect 4, Uno, Blackjack, and Scramble, to fun bots that bring weather updates, horoscopes, and general amusement. Share your selfies and showcase your talents in our chatters-got-talent section. We even have a pet chat where you can show off your furry friends!
🎶 Seek solace in our music bots and listen to your favorite tunes over voice chats with us. Unlock your inner foodie in our food-chat, exchange cooking tips, and explore the world of fashion in our fashion-chat. Stay fit with us by participating in our work-out challenges. There's never a dull moment at Chamber Of Secrets!
📸 Discover the world through the eyes of our members in our photography-room, where you can share breathtaking pictures from various corners of the globe, or simply engage in delightful conversations with our diverse community.
🎉 Whether you're into music, games, or simply chilling out with your pets, Chamber Of Secrets has got something for everyone. Our average age is around 30, making us a perfect fit for individuals in their mid-twenties and above. Join us and be a part of a truly unique and welcoming community. We can't wait to meet you! 🌟
submitted by CreateJericho to discordadvertisehere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:33 blinkmode Buyer fraudulently stating part arrived damaged, requesting refund

Hi all. Looking for some advice.
I sold a $200 auto part last week and the buyer requested a refund, claiming the part arrived damaged. The photos he sent as evidence were not photos of the part I sent him. The broken part has a lot of rust on the metal surface and mine was like new.
I pointed this out in my reply to him.
I’m worried he’s going to escalate this to customer service and I’ll be out the money. I’m also worried about receiving negative feedback from this clown.
What should I do?
submitted by blinkmode to eBaySellers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:33 -Error-69 I was just sitting on the carpet floor,

My eyes fixated on the black sheers on the curtains then for a split second I saw it, the data structure that holds the universe together but, it came with a price. Right at the edge of my eye ball I saw death smiling upon me (or so I thought) . Counting my blessings as I saw the scythe coming my way. It took a mere second and to me an eternity to come to the realization that in that split second when my vision started becoming grainy I was already two parts of the same person . But wait right before my head hit the carpet It spoke attering a word, A single word yet I felt I heard it before, Ah yes in the Bible. but if he's saying those words what then happened to God? then my ears started ringing, I knew I had tinnitus but right now it was just ringing noise at full volume , AHhhh i....t st.....o, then I saw Its face and I had only one question what was that thing on its face?!!!!!!.
submitted by -Error-69 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:33 Old_Consequence2203 Hot Take: I'm Starting To Believe 2006 Is Actually The Quintessential Gen Z Birth Year Instead Of 2005

It's a very popular popular opinion that 2005 borns are the absolute pinnacle of Gen Z as a whole. While I agree that 2005 borns are undoubtedly very much Core Zoomers, I think the traits & experiences 2006 borns actually have seems more fitting for them being the absolute pinnacle of Gen Z, here's how:
One pretty significant first many 2006 borns have as being part of Class of 2024, is they never experienced a Pre-COVID highschool. 2005 borns who are Class of 2023 were the last to have ever actually experienced a brief period of being in highschool Pre-COVID when they were Freshman. Starting off highschool during the COVID Lockdowns just seems like a better representation of Gen Z as a whole. Core Gen Z roughly experienced a COVID & Post-COVID era of highschool, while also graduating during the A.I. Era.
2006 borns were also the oldest who were still in elementary school under Trump & after the 2016 Shift. The 2016 Shift was also the transition between Millennial & Gen Z culture.
Now, 2005 borns still had heavy influence on the 2016 Shift as well when they were still in elementary school in 2016, & the fact that they still didn't experience a FULL highschool year Pre-COVID. Which is why they're still very much Core Zoomers, just in 2nd Place now, instead of 1st. IMO, I would now consider the Top 5 Gen Z birth years to be:
  1. 2006
  2. 2005
  3. 2007
  4. 2004
  5. 2008
Remember, this is just my opinion btw. I'm also curious on what you guys think!... 🤔
submitted by Old_Consequence2203 to generationstation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 dorneadia I am so overwhelmed

I 21F and my Husband 25M have been married almost a year and dating for 3 years. Things have gotten really bad over the last year.
I have two step kids who are VERY young 3 & 4. We have them Friday-Sunday and I’ll have them throughout the week sometimes to help his Ex Wife out because she’s pregnant currently. He does pretty much nothing. I clean up, make all the meals, change the diapers, do the potty times etc. All he does is “ discipline” which I actively choose not to do because I don’t agree with their method (spanking) or feel comfortable following through with it…it also just doesn’t work lol. We both have full time jobs. I have an office job and he has a more physical job which is his excuse. I understand but I just feel like he could do more than absolutely nothing. He’s had this job for years, he should be able to balance it by now.
During the week I’m the one doing all the household chores. He takes out the trash once a week - and he’ll forget to do that sometimes. I get so overwhelmed with all the cleaning I just do the bare minimum sometimes. The house gets totally wrecked every weekend and it feels like there is endless laundry. I’m just tired.
Yesterday I did everything. From morning to night. Including giving two toddlers a bath by myself. I was exhausted. I asked him to help me with every task and he just didn’t. I was so angry and tired by the end of the day I just laid down. He started playing games, I asked him if we could watch a movie or something ( I had been mentioning it all day) and he acted annoyed but after an hour he did finally. We were downstairs and I was taking pictures on my digital camera. He just said the camera makes me look big. I’m really insecure about my weight. I had an eating disorder for 5 years. It just upset me so I left for a bit. When I came back down to get water I ignored him and he called me a “Fat fuck”. I didn’t feel like talking so I just went to bed. This morning I said I wasn’t going to do anything and go back to bed and he called m fat again lol. We got into an argument and I was just saying I was tired of doing everything. I feel like I’m wasting my life. He doesn’t even think I do anything, he says I barely do it. I just got overwhelmed and cried and he was mad. He said it was annoying I do this all the time….it so frustrating. We wouldn’t argue all the time if he’d help me.
I want to leave but I don’t have anywhere to go. I want to just go to sleep and never wake up.
submitted by dorneadia to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to IWantOutJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to WFHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to RemoteWorkSource [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to forhire2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 Fantasticguy1 Stop with the games

Can someone please tell me why there are so many people who are misrepresenting themselves on social media? Men and especially women are presenting themselves as a person in a dire straits and is of need of money. Pretending to be from a foreign country or stranded in some Godforsaken middle eastern village trying to get home. And here's my favorite scam of all posting pictures of themselves knowing full well they don't look like that. And let me not forget afraid to be real when it comes to relationships. If you want a committed relationship then...ask for it. If you want casual sex then...ask for it. If you want a one night stand then...ask for it. Stop with the stupid games be the person whose not afraid to be real.
submitted by Fantasticguy1 to Notafaidtobereal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:31 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to B2BForHire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:31 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to bitJob [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:31 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to remoteworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:31 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to remoteworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:31 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to jobpostings [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:31 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $5/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal/Maya
submitted by schemical26 to onlineservicesPH [link] [comments]