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2024.05.15 07:48 Alone_Excuse6710 Am I the asshole

I have been with my husband for about 8 years. I’m 31 he is 35. When we were together for about 4 years I broke up with him because I was tired of being his caregiver. Basically he does not speak any English and has little to no schooling at all. He was the oldest in his Mexican family and expected to work instead of go to school. I am also the oldest in my family and was responsible for my sister as I was raised by a single parent. However I did go to school and had a Bachelor degree when I met him. Over the years because of his lack of English I did everything for him. Made Doctors appointments, translated, filled out any and all documents he had, learned how to get him health insurance. Literally anything that was in English I had to help him with. Now at first I had no issues with it because I loved him and saw his struggle but as time went on I saw absolutely no effort from him to even try to learn English. I stopped feeling like his girlfriend and felt more like a parent or caregiver especially after he had a car accident.
After he got better from his accident and was back to work I realized I was not happy and decided to move out. We were separated for 2 years. I was happy and enjoyed my single life. Living on my own and growing within the company I was working with. Then he came back and asked me for a second chance. After a month of thinking it over I said yes but on the condition that he go to school for English. He agreed and I thought that he was going to improve on himself and become more independent. We have been married and back together for about 3 years and I feel like we are right back where we were. I mean he can’t even put in a password for Netflix. I gave him the username and password and he couldn’t do it so he stopped trying. I get so angry with him for not trying and his excuse is that he is dumb and can’t do it. I have a feeling he has dyslexia but it is undiagnosed. I know this probably makes it harder for him but the thing it there is no effort from him to try and that is what angers me.
I have a friend who is his cousin. She has been in the United States for about the same time he has been, and she can read, write, speak, and understand English to the point where she can have conversations with people and he can’t do that. My friend has learned for her children gone to school and found jobs where she can practice her English While he doesn’t even try. one time I did find him a school, but he wanted me to go to the class and sit right next to him and help him. I went the first day to calm his nerves and reassure him that he’s gonna be OK but after the second time alone, he didn’t go back.
I feel like a total terror and awful person because I’m constantly telling him that he needs to learn. I tell him these things because I want him to improve and better himself and have better job opportunities because he learned a new language but because I constantly repeat myself to him over the years at this point, I just feel like I’m belittling him rather than encouraging him.
My husband is not a bad man. He works hard every single day to provide for me while I’m at school full-time. He’s always there to help others when they need him and he loves to help people in need because it makes him feel useful and lets him know that the people he cares about are safe. he’s always got me whatever I wanted. He’s always made sure that I’m OK at home. I have what I need for school. He is wonderful husband in that aspect, but I am so tired of feeling like I have to take care of a child in every other aspect of our lives as a couplethat I just feel like the bad guy.
I’ve even gotten him children’s books to practice his English his math skills. I’ve told him he can use youtube or other apps to learn English, but he doesn’t try. I am tired of exploding on him because I think I just make him feel worse. I’m running out of things to say I’m constantly repeating the same things to him and that really irritates me. It’s like he doesn’t hear me.
He is also incredibly forgetful, and I think that has to do with his depression. over our eight years of being together, I’ve done everything for him to try and support him. However, throughout those years, he’s always told me that he doesn’t have support from anybody. That made me feel like, all my efforts I’ve been for nothing and I’ve gotten to a point where I don’t know how else to help him. I know he suffers from depression and I’ve told him that if he can’t open up to me, then he should seek help from someone that can help him like, a therapist. However, he won’t go unless I force him to make an appointment or I make the appointment for him which goes back to me doing everything for him.
So am I the asshole and asking too much or am I not being supportive enough?
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submitted by Alone_Excuse6710 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:41 dissolvingrainfall If I’m referred to a specialist by my PCP, will the specialist usually accept my insurance if it’s an HMO plan?

So recently, I enrolled in the BCBS MyBlue Silver 807 plan, which is an HMO plan. Essentially, this plan being an HMO, it gives me a far more limited line of medical professionals I can navigate through for a lower cost as compared to it’s PPO counterparts.
Specifically, I enrolled in this plan because of the comparably low out-of-pocket maximum amount for medical treatment costs (I qualified for subsidized coverage).
The reason I did this is because the surgical procedure I’m pursing is said to take on this figure determined by the maximum out-of-pocket cost as detailed by the insurance provider.
Prior to enrollment, I tied in my prospective surgeon’s name to the 807 plan, and he was listed as a compatible doctor despite this plan being an HMO plan.
Though, after initiating the formalities of this process shortly after, I’ve learned that I’ll need to obtain a referral to a specialist, like my prospective surgeon, from my chosen PCP.
My question now becomes, if my prospective surgeon’s clinic’s website lists BCBS as a general insurance company they can accept, do I need to worry about my specific insurance plan (807) interfering with my eligibility for this surgery?
Do I need to confirm that the clinic itself accepts my plan assuming I’m able to find myself at a consultation with this prospective surgeon? Regardless of where he’s practicing?
I’m just kind of confused as an adult navigating insurance this way for the first time.
Thank you!
submitted by dissolvingrainfall to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:40 SeekingtheTruth1115 Is it Common For Family and Friends to Abandon someone if they survive late stage diagnosis?

I was diagnosed stage 3 NSC Lung cancer almost four years ago (36 yo male). Family situation was/is My dad lives here in Ohio and so does my brother (34) . My sister (38) lives in Chicago. My mom lives in Florida it comes up here for the summers. I was always close with my family and coworkers before I was diagnosed. I had that overwhelming wave of support you get when everyone you know finds out your cancer. It was all phone calls, texts, and emails for the most part. My diagnosis wasn’t the best as the cancer had spread to my adrenal gland and lymph nodes. My dad really stepped up and he was my rock. I’m lucky I had him during that time. He drove me to chemo the first couple of treatments and sat in on the dr appointments as a second ear. I was going to be doing 5 rounds of chemo every three weeks and immunotherapy for 12. The chemo killed the tumor so they cut out the upper lobe of my right lung. Immunotherapy wasn’t great but I got through it.
I was incredibly happy that I survived it all and got back to work. However some things really bothered me such as my mom never came back home during my chemo. She came home for my lobectomy in November 2020 and visited me in the hospital and held my hand like I was her baby boy again when they removed all the breathing , catheters, and drainage tubes. When I got home I noticed phone calls and texts weren’t coming in. It also bothered me that my sister never came to see me and she’s about four hours away but not four days. My brother was in town and only came once during the year of treatment.
Another thing that bothered me is none of my coworkers would call or text during my time off. I really worried when I got a letter from my employer of ten years that I was terminated. It was a really tough time and I was on so much medication and my whole routine was sitting on the couch and watching YouTube. I slowly descended into a very dark place and became scared of going in public places because I thought people were staring at me because I looked so sickly and dying. My bank account was getting down to nothing and I asked for my old position back and luckily they hired me again. It was excruciatingly difficult physically and emotionally to sell cars that hot summer of 2021. I had heat stroke three months of being back and thought I was done. I was really sick and weak. I was miserable with so many things. When I did see my family I’m sure that attitude wore off and I soon was getting comments that I was too negative.
My kids mom hates me and was in cancer research and sent me this factoid sheet from the American Cancer Association that said my five year survival odds were 3%. She said I was wasting my time I had left. She fueled my fire to live just to prove her wrong but at this point my kid wanted me to die because he thought he’d get lots of life insurance money. Then I had to take custody unexpectedly of that same kid who wanted nothing to do with me. I was barely selling enough cars to keep my job and now had to take care of and raise a 13 year old with angst. That’s when my family truly disappeared and I think it’s because they’re worried my cancer would cone back then they’d have to care for my kid.
Fast forward to now and my son is reunited with his mom. His and my relationship has never been better after getting to spend 16 months living together. My health is I’m still alive obviously but my lungs are getting much weaker and my volume is shrinking and i also originally diagnosed late stage copd and have to take steroids to help me breathe. So my health is back on the downslope and my family is completely gone. My dad never calls or talks to me, and neither do my brother or sister. I see my mom once every couple of months when she’s home from Florida . We’ll go to Cracker Barrel and she’ll give me this half disgusted look and I get about 45 minutes of her time
I’m just sad that they’re gone but realized they’re kind of not the best family so I might be better. I truly believe they were looking at my custody and health situation as a hot potato so they all ran for the hills. Now with my breathing is getting more and more along with seizures it’s difficult and it’s real I’m going to die young and possibly soon. it’s really effecting my memory and stamina. I get confused and need naps. Its sometimes an insurmountable task for me to go greet a customer on the lot and begin the five hour process of selling a car and getting dirty looks from customers because I look like shit because well Ive been through some stuff. My sales are failing and they want me gone. I need health insurance and what little money I do make to support my son. Im worried all this financial, parental, and physical stress is going to bring back my cancer just because im stressed and just feel hopeless. I think of how I’ll die from COPD and how horrifying it seems did that way. With my family gone and my coworkers wanting me gone I know it will be alone or at a state hospital with some hospice nurse I have no clue is. I don’t look for your pity but I’d like any advice you might have to how I can find solace in this lonely isolated place I’m trapped in. I’m angry at my family but I love them.I feel like I was supposed to die and even though I didn’t die then physically I died to them mentally. Maybe it’s too tough to watch someone you love struggle and know you’ll have to do it again
The only thing besides spending time with my son that really makes me happy is painting. During all of this I somehow found out I love to paint and since a June 2022 I’ve painted a couple of hundred paintings. Painting gives me hope.
submitted by SeekingtheTruth1115 to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:34 Octothorpe110 What are some fields that actually help people hands on and don’t pay like shit?

Bonus points if I can pivot there from business without having to do a phd or other specialized schooling. I would do a masters down the line once I’m certain I’m interested in the field, but not as an experiment.
I’ve been feeling rather unfulfilled at my current role. While my company is actually pretty cool in what we do, I feel absolutely 0 motivation to try and go above and beyond there because it feels so soulless (I also think my boss doesn’t like me, so I feel extremely anxious there, but that’s a different problem). I’ve spent my entire life being an overachiever and was super excited to start here last year, but the longer I’m here, the more I miss just helping people in their everyday lives. While my job does provide societal value at its core (insurance), with so much emphasis on pricing and profits and making sure x company could survive y scenario, I can’t help but wish I was actually just helping x company more directly. I’d rather help the small business owner rebuild their storefront than help their insurance company price the policy that would help them rebuild. I do enjoy helping our partners succeed in their business, but it’s all just about profits and very little about the human experience.
My past positions have all been very hands on with whoever is experiencing a problem, like tutoring and teaching. I would love to go into education or teach college or even be a therapist or social worker, but that is not feasible for me financially. Is there any other field that doesn’t require an additional 5 years of schooling that I could try to pivot towards? Honestly, even just taking my current job and making it about helping teachers instead of insurance companies would get me more excited and passionate about what I do, even if it isn’t quite as hands on as I ideally want to be.
submitted by Octothorpe110 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:32 baikaldeep Q&A with the enthusiastic founder of a small business who is using all the wrong fonts and is doomed to fail

Hi EFOASBWIUATWFAIDTF, I had my first one-night stand recently. Afterward, he kind of rolled over in bed. I didn't know if I was supposed to leave, go to sleep, or be the big spoon. What's normal in this situation? Help! -Katia
Hi Katia! Whether it's romance or designing the next big revolution in SaaS for food delivery, you have to play to win! Set your eyes to the horizon, take what you want and pay for it.
That's how it was for me designing BOREAS. I needed access to the best consultants. Do you think it was cheap to dream up product names like iPhone or Fruitopia? No, I had to liquidate my 401(k). But you've got to go all in on yourself, go big or go home. In your case Katia, I'm not sure how close you live if you did go home or if the L was still running. But even if it wasn't, I recently learned that all of your expenses, whether an Uber ride home or pet insurance, can be deducted from your taxes if you own your own business. HTH! -Steve Lanston, founder and CEO of Saucily
Hi EFOASBWIUATWFAIDTF, I've been hanging onto some friendships with people who became snakes in adulthood. What do you do about toxic people you have become invested in? I feel like I'm going crazy! -Emily
Hi Emily! Great question. To be successful, you have to surround yourself exclusively with successful people. As the CEO of a potential fortune 500 company, I think about this a lot, because like you, I cannot afford to get dragged down. It's not you who's crazy, it's them.
This is the reason that I had the bittersweet task of firing my first employee. And it is why I am now in active litigation against him for undermining crucial intellectual property concerning features of BOREAS. Everyone knows that food delivery is huge right now: Door Dash, GrubHub, Uber Eats, etc. But SaaS to help these companies coordinate with each other so that customers can get sauces and toppings from other restaurants? It's a game changer. Eric knew what he was doing when sent those tweets.
Like me, you can't let injustice go unanswered. This may mean you have to go it alone sometimes. But you are the only person you can count on. Why do you think I bought a gaming computer to host our website from my apartment? It's because AWS is too unreliable. But I can count on myself. And so can you, Emily! HTH! -Steve Lanston, founder and CEO of Saucily
Hi EFOASBWIUATWFAIDTF, I am a consumate femcel (kissless, handhold-less virgin). I was recently accepted to a Master's program in NYC, and I am moving this fall (although I might defer til the spring). I want to reinvent myself, but I feel like whatever I do will look awkward and someone will laugh at me. What can I do to shed my ugly duckling persona and finally become a sought-after swan? I need your advice, please! -Cammy
Hi Cammy! One of the oldest truths is that life is full of hardships, but you have to face them head on and then pick yourself up and keep going. It's what we do when life throws us a curve ball that defines us. First ask yourself this: "Am I ready to be inspired?" Are you?
Are you ready to stop looking back and be your best self going forward? Are you ready to turning getting laid off at 46 and then losing your Amazon internship for taking home a bottle of Sriracha into a once-in-a-generation business? Every successful company has some kind of unfair advantage. What's your unfair advantage, Cammy? What asset or work ethic do you have that other girls will leave on the table? What's your secret sauce? Our secret sauce is Fire sauce from Taco Bell served on a Big Mac from McDonalds. It's one of those things that's obvious in hindsight. But you have to be the first person who sees that opportunity before everyone else follows.
I also want to say that your first sales are always the hardest. But just imagine, you start with one sale. And then two. Before long, your runway is growing, and you can afford to pay down the loans you took. Don't worry if they laugh at you, Cammy. Find your secret sauce and then lean into it. I forget who said it, but first they think you're crazy, then they fight you, and then all of a sudden you change the world. -Steve Lanston, founder and CEO of Saucily
submitted by baikaldeep to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:31 darth_habibty Need advice urgently: building management is not following maintenance plan in apartment. Impossible to live in

I'm a tenant, 6st of March it was a fire in apartment, in the balcony. Investigation team reported that cigarette smoke from somewhere upstairs was the cause, because I wasn't at home since morning, fire happened at 7pm. It took a few weeks to get this results because was Ramadan and everything was slow. After that started dances with Building management, for insurance, they was saying foe a month that its submitted but no response, but didn't provide any prove that they submit Fire investigation statement. On 5 May after 20 emails finally they said that it's approved and they'll start maintenance, they send a plan and nit following it. It suppose to be finished by yesterday, but all they did only clean fired things, and here is windows change, floor change and painting is pending. They creating some stories about vendor delay with window frame etc.
I'm done with thus, where can I go and submit complaint? I want complaint and I want reimbursement of money which I spent on hotels. Owner is on my side but they live in Bali and have no idea what to do, they also only writing emails to the building management to follow up.
submitted by darth_habibty to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:28 insuranceexpert_sa First for women car insurance Get vehicle insurance for women

💋💄Discover the power of online booking for Women car insurance quotes. Compare great options, find savings, and ensure your vehicle is fully protected with just a few clicks. Find the best coverage options tailored to your needs, all from the comfort of your home.
submitted by insuranceexpert_sa to u/insuranceexpert_sa [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:26 DarthCookieThief Help me keep my cat fed and keep a roof over our head!

Help me keep my cat fed and keep a roof over our head!
GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/5d965c3b
Hi, my name is Dylan
I recently took in a stray I lovingly call Luna that was abandoned in the woods near my apartment complex, she'd come around every night to say hi and Christmas night she was brave enough to make her way inside and so I rushed her to the vet Christmas morning to get a full checkup and she's been with me ever since. She's been my sweet little girl and Christmas miracle.
Around this time however I was laid off from my Sales job because the company came under fire and received a class action lawsuit pending against them which left me destitute and with no real way to take care of my bills besides savings.
Ever since then I've been hunting for work locally and remotely with no luck until I found a position for another business with a start date of 05/13, unfortunately for me about two weeks prior to this is when my medical issues began, I'd come down with a wicked and harsh skin infection that had me constantly suffering until I eventually spoke to a doctor, was ignored and wound up at the ER with no answers before I found a Derma that was willing and able to help. All without insurance and looking forward to starting my new job. Only to be told that because I have a doctor's appointment they'd be refusing to start me implying that would be too soon for any time off even with a doctor's note so they refused to start me on the job I was relying on.
I'm now left getting evicted from my home and with no way to provide for my little girl or afford a move across country to get back to my family and find some stability in my life. I'm begging you if there's anything you can spare or you're in a position to help please do what you can or are able to.
The funds will be used carefully to feed Luna, make sure she has everything she needs and secure a safe move across country for me and pay for some groceries so I'm not starving. I won't pretend to not know what it's like when you can't spare much so if you can't well wishes are always appreciated as well! Spread the word!
submitted by DarthCookieThief to gofundme [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:24 Classic-Command-4331 Regarding the Recent Dissatisfaction on the Fandom

I understand being dissatisfied about the lines distribution, but what is with the people threatening to boycott the group, and the people who are pushing this agenda especially the spammers on Weverse.
This is just the first album but I do understand people's dissatisfaction since I'm a Yoona stan. However, the way that this is going is unbelievably unhealthy specially when I occasionally see people complaining about lines, and some looking for Gehlee when I watch a video about the girls.
To the people who are dissatisfied, the least you could do is have patience, and rein that negativity which will spread like wildfire especially since most of our fans are teenagers which are prone to emotional impulses and proceed to do the same.
However, I would understand if this was the second album, but to be honest I've never seen a new group have such internal state on line distribution except Kep1er even as going as far to spam on Weverse.
We all love the girls, and if you love to see them as a group, then please don't spam on Weverse, or any Social Medias since atleast half of our girls can read English! Rather, please make a complaint towards F&F the girls have little control if its the company's decision, keeping it civil would be appreciated, and even better just observe for now F&F's decisions in the upcoming album, Thank you, have a good day peeps!
submitted by Classic-Command-4331 to unis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:23 Asleep-Version-1664 My Car got stolen from my work. Is my employer liable?

My only mode of transportation was stolen from work last night. Conveniently, it was not caught on camera because it was stolen while my manager reset the security cameras (about a 10 minute time frame). Oddly enough, she reset the cameras an hour later than she usually does. There is a gate around my workplace with an alarm system that did not go off when the theft cut through it to enter the parking lot. My managers are now blaming me for this incident and being hostile. Calling me to yell at me multiple times today. Even going so far as to make jokes about my car being stolen, then accusing me of threatening them for asking them to stop. I requested to take the day off tomorrow because I have no other transportation and I need to file an insurance claim. My boss told me that he does not care, that I need to take an Uber and he even insinuated that my performance with the company has been poor (despite complimenting my work just days ago). It seems that they are retaliating against me for this. Are they responsible for my car being stolen? And would it be wrongful termination for them to fire me over this incident?
submitted by Asleep-Version-1664 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:20 Asleep-Version-1664 Car got stolen at work. Is my employer liable?

My only mode of transportation was stolen from work last night. Conveniently, it was not caught on camera because it was stolen while my manager reset the security cameras (about a 10 minute time frame). Oddly enough, she reset the cameras an hour later than she usually does. There is a gate around my workplace with an alarm system that did not go off when the theft cut through it to enter the parking lot.
My managers are now blaming me for this incident and being hostile. Calling me to yell at me multiple times today. Even going so far as to make jokes about my car being stolen, then accusing me of threatening them for asking them to stop. I requested to take the day off tomorrow because I have no other transportation and I need to file an insurance claim. My boss told me that he does not care, that I need to take an Uber and he even insinuated that my performance with the company has been poor (despite complimenting my work just days ago). It seems that they are retaliating against me for this. Are they responsible for my car being stolen? And would it be wrongful termination for them to fire me over this incident?
submitted by Asleep-Version-1664 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:11 Kind_Nature_4628 What should I bring to my initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer?

When preparing for your initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer, it's important to bring all relevant documentation and information to ensure that your lawyer can fully understand the circumstances of your case and provide the best possible advice. For your initial consultation, you should bring: -Any police or accident reports. -Medical records and bills related to your injury. -Documentation of lost wages. -Insurance policies and correspondence with insurance companies. -Photos of the accident scene and your injuries. -Any witness information.
submitted by Kind_Nature_4628 to u/Kind_Nature_4628 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:08 TroubleshootLife What are you paying for auto insurance on your Mazda

What are you paying for auto insurance on your Mazda
If you don’t mind, please share your age, state, and particulars to get a baseline. I’ll share my details for your reference :)
We have 2 2021 Mazdas: 6 carbon and cx9 Gt
My new premium renewal for the 2 cars is $360 per month for the next 6 months
I’m in my 40s, and my wife is in her 30s
We both have great credit
No accidents or tickets
We live in Florida
Coverage is 100/300 with matching uninsured
$1000 deductible
Average mileage per year 10k
We also have homeowners insurance.
The insurance company is Amica.
I hope to get an idea that would help us all find an average and whether or not to shop around :)
submitted by TroubleshootLife to mazda [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:05 Psynotic Seller wants me to close my dispute (now claim)

Several weeks ago, I ordered a controller for my sister’s gift from Dareu, and the item ended up stolen. I contacted the seller, and they gave me the local carrier that delivered my item. So, I check in with them and told them the situation.
After that, they followed up with an email after investigating my case. Here it is:
Dear [Recipient],

Thank you for contacting the United States Postal Service. Your concerns have been brought to the attention of our Consumer Affairs office. We are in receipt of your complaint regarding your missing Item [Item #] After a thorough investigation, the station has verified that the carrier scanned and delivered the package on 4/30/2024. We apologize for the non-receipt of your package, possible theft.
For the resolution, we recommend you contact the sender of your item immediately. You can supply them with a copy of this letter as proof that you filed an inquiry of non-receipt to the USPS. The sender can use this letter as supporting documentation to file a claim at www.usps.com/help/claims.htm. As a matter of courtesy, this letter is being provided to the customer to use should they experience a problem with a mailecreditor. Past experiences have shown that many providers will reimburse, or penalties are waived

Please accept our sincerest apology for any trouble this may have caused you. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again in the future.

Complaints & Inquiry.
From this point I message the seller and the following happens:
So it would seem that my package was stolen. I have this message direct from the USPS, and would like to receive a refund for this order. I apologize if this has caused inconveniences. Hope to hear from you soon.
Best, [Me]
Hello, thank you for your reply, sorry to hear this, it is news we did not want to receive, but the logistics company admitted their mistake anyway. The logistics provider can compensate. We are now submitting evidence to require the logistics provider to compensate, but please cooperate with us in canceling the PayPal dispute. Once you cancel, we will immediately issue a full refund according to your original payment method, and then you can place an order again. Buy. Otherwise we will have to submit evidence for explanation, please understand.
Hello again,
Thank you for your prompt response and willingness to issue a full refund for the stolen package. Given the circumstances and the guidance from USPS, I am eager to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.
However, I am concerned about closing the PayPal dispute before receiving the refund, as it is a safeguard to ensure that the transaction is resolved fairly. I propose the following:
  1. Issue the Refund Through PayPal: You can process the refund directly through PayPal. Once I receive confirmation of the refund, I will immediately close the dispute.
  2. Mutual Resolution: By handling the refund through PayPal, we can ensure that both parties are protected, and the resolution is documented appropriately.
Please let me know if this solution works for you. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in resolving this matter.
Best regards, [Me]
[Seller] Hello, that's not the case, because you have already initiated a dispute. If I refund directly, it will be a loss of the dispute, so our account will be banned, so you need to cancel the dispute first, and then we will refund, so that our account It won’t be banned! Because the problem is now with the logistics provider. Even if we submit evidence to each other in Paypal, the logistics provider will pay the compensation, but this requires us to spend time waiting, and the method I suggest you is beneficial to both of us. It’s more efficient, and if we don’t refund you after you cancel, you can still use our email records to report us, so don’t worry!
When you cancel the dispute, we will refund the money immediately. You can rest assured because we have email records. We are just reducing the dispute rate of our collection account. Once the disputes increase, the merchant will ban our collection account, so please you understand
[Me] Hello,
I wanted to let you know that I have escalated the issue to PayPal for resolution. I understand your concerns about the impact of disputes on your account, but I believe this is the best way to ensure a fair and secure resolution for both of us. By escalating the dispute, we can work with PayPal to resolve the matter efficiently and ensure that both parties are protected. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you, [Me]
[Seller] Then we can only submit evidence, and we need to wait until we submit relevant evidence before we can proceed with the next steps. If we win this dispute, you will need to file compensation with the logistics yourself.
I myself am unsure of what to do right now. I want to let PayPal help me settle this dispute, as I have email evidence directly from the USPS in regard to my missing item. Yet, at the same time they're offering me a refund only if I take down the dispute which is risky. Any thoughts on what I should do y'all?
submitted by Psynotic to paypal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:57 Green_Bat9998 Dentist claimed 6 fillings but only have 2?

Hello, I need some help before I make a complaint to ahpra (Australia).
I went to a dentist in 2022 who did a general checkup, teeth cleaning, xray, pigmentation to show areas that I need to clean and fillings. After the first visit, the dentist said that I needed to redo 6 fillings. I agreed and had them done over two other visits. Afterwards they recommended me to remove my wisdom teeth which I declined. This dentist had charged GDS, my insurance and I paid out of pocket.
Now in 2024, I went to a different dentist who also did xrays, general checkup and teeth cleaning. This dentist said I needed one filling. I explained my concern for the amount of fillings that I had and the dentist was shocked. She had a check and said that I only had 2 fillings and some sealant. This didn't add up, as I didn't remove any teeth between my previous dentist and this one.
Is it possible that the new dentist missed 4 fillings despite having an xray? Or is it possible that the previous dentist merged multiple filling holes into 2? My new dentist said that one of the two was of "moderate" size.
I don't smoke, drink or have any medical conditions.
submitted by Green_Bat9998 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:54 franklynantigua I need help my mind is not clear

Hi guys, I have many doubts about starting a business at 30 years old, 3 years living in NYC, improving my English fluency and I am looking for a way to start my business path.
I have very good experience as a full stack developer and I have the skills to develop complex systems. I work for a policy insurance company but with what I have been learning about insurance it is very complex to start something similar in this country in my current position.
I have no idea where to start and I have no idea what kind of system I could develop to start selling it and make a business out of that idea.
I have 80k+ saved in my savings account ready to make more money, good credit and availability to have a good loan from the bank. Please help me with your experiences. thank you so much
submitted by franklynantigua to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:53 notchad90210 Constantly Complaining Employee

I am a director and oversee HR in a service industry. We have a part-time employee who works between 7-10 hours per week. This employee is constantly complaining about one thing or another. About a year ago, the employee kept going over their direct supervisors head and coming to me (Director) for every little complaint. I took the time to listen to her until she was in my office every day complaining about something. It got to the point where she received a written warning and was told she needed to communicate with her supervisor and stop coming to me about every little issue. Since then, she now complains to HR on a daily basis about one thing or another, most of which fall completely out of her job responsibilities and should not be her concern and are not related to HR issues.
She recently applied for a promotion in which she did not meet the minimum qualifications for. Despite her supervisor giving her a detailed explanation as to why she was not selected, in addition to giving her suggestions on how to improve her chances for the next opportunity, she has taken it upon herself to practically interrogate other managers and candidates to pry for additional information about the position and interview process. She has already begun complaining about the person selected for the role who hasn’t even started yet.
I have already spoken to her about her negative attitude, how complaining, spreading gossip and lies hurts the morale of the entire team. At this point, her supervisor has adjusted their schedule to actively avoid her while she is at work. Our HR Manager has indicated that her behavior is borderline harassment and that she gets tense and stressed whenever she hears the employees voice. I have to close my door and pretend to be on the phone when she hovers in front of my office to avoid her.
The employee typically starts crying when called out for her toxic behavior. When asked why she continues to want to work for a company she clearly doesn’t enjoy working for, her response is along the lines of “it’s because I care” and “she loves it here”.
At this point, we spend more time dealing with her complaints and nagging that she actually works. In my 30 years of experience, I have never dealt with such a seemingly disgruntled employee. It is creating an environment where people actively avoid her and her complaints take hours of our time each week. I have reached the end of my rope with the employee and feel my blood pressure rising when her name is even mentioned.
The question is at what point is enough, and we can end her employment relationship? HR seems to think we just “need to listen to her”, but I am spending more time dealing with this employees petty behavior than any staff I have ever encountered. Any advice on how to handle would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by notchad90210 to managers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:52 SideswipeNA Advice on dealing with a slumlord not providing hot water

Hey everyone figured I come to reddit for help here is my dilemma, I have lived in the current building I lived in for almost 40 years. I am dealing with an issue where my landlord doesn't provide hot water constantly as in the water will be cold during late night hours or it will be luke warm.
I started to keep a log of it and made numerous 311 calls HPD has come by and issued summonses. Also after I make my complaint I make a video with my phone showing the complaint number and I actually take a temperature reading of the hot water being cold. I have tried talking to the management company, and the building manager and still nothing. We have a live in Super who is as useless as wet toilet paper I have had major issues with him in the past and for my well being its better I don't approach him.
I would like to know what are my legal options in this situation? Should I put rent in escrow and give the landlord notice and fight in court for a rent reduction? I did some research and found a form to submit to court to request a rent reduction to lack of hot water / heat. I feel that is my best option this has been going on for way too long I wanna build up a strong case against my landlord.
I appreciate any help or advice thanks in advance.
submitted by SideswipeNA to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:50 TheHandOfOzymandias Must I report modifications to my insurance company?

Things such as wings and window tints, under glow, etc.
Any repercussions for not doing so?
Thank you for your time.
This subreddit rocks.
submitted by TheHandOfOzymandias to Autos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:48 snelope Repair or Total Loss on Car?

I was T-boned at an intersection where I have both video footage from my Tesla Model Y and a police report that directly states that the other driver was at fault. Currently, my car is being repaired with 22k worth of damages and the other person’s insurance accepted the supplement. However, as repairs continued, the repair center realized they have to order one more part as the original outer ring is rendered unusable. The insurance company is now saying it might be deemed a total loss due to the additional part nearing the total loss threshold. This is now stressing me out a bit because I don’t know which side I should push for: the repair or the total loss. From my research, my car’s ACV would cover 25k/65k of a new Tesla Model Y, but it sounds crazy to me that I have to now spend 40k on a new car in an accident that wasn’t my fault at all. What would you do?
My car specs: Year: 2022 Mileage: ~14,000 Model Y, Performance 4WD Red Exterior, White Interior
submitted by snelope to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:46 Hot-Assignment-9734 Please help me, Start work again in 2

For context i am a 24m diagnosed a month ago, i am eligible to start biological due to my blood work coming back HLA-B27 positive and X-rays showing signs. but due to pesky insurance i have to get another MRI for them to cover it, problem is the MRI won’t be for another month and i start work well before then. I am 24 have a BBA and want to be successful in life but i cant seem to hold down, ive been at my current company for 3 years and am one of the hardest workers but some days i cant do it and just dont show up. this makes me depressed and you guys know the million others symptoms, i have to work 2nd as well and am EXHAUSTED come midday.
I guess that was more of a rant but the main question i am having is is there ANYTHING? i can do to manage my pain before im able to get on a bio? i already take dicflenac 2x daily, im really just stuck
edit: what is everyone’s vitamin regiment?
submitted by Hot-Assignment-9734 to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:37 Gyanbng123 Today’s Headlines

“Education can never exist in our certificates and confirm we are educated, it's only when we implement our education for upliftment of every human will make us educated.”
Good Morning 🌲🪴
Today's Headlines from :
Economic Times
📝 Wholesale inflation rises to a 13-month high of 1.3% in April
📝 Cipla promoters to sell up to 2.53% for Rs 2,637 crore
📝 India's April palm oil imports jump 34 pc on lower global prices
📝 Bharti Hexacom Q4 Results: Net profit rises 10% YoY to Rs 222.6 crore . 📝 Quant MF gets RBI nod to hike stake in RBL Bank
📝 Devyani, PVR Inox form JV to develop food courts in malls
📝 100Unicorns launches second fund, eyes $200-million target
📝 Cold-chain solutions startup Celcius Logistics raises $4.8 million led by IvyCap Ventures
Business Standard
📝 Patanjali Foods Q4 results: PAT falls 22% to Rs 206 cr on higher expenses
📝 Bharti Airtel Q4FY24 results: Net profit drops 31% to Rs 2,071 crore
📝 Tata Motors overtakes TCS as group's most profitable firm after 10 years
📝 Ecommerce company Amazon infuses Rs 1,600 crore into India entity
📝 PE firm ChrysCapital to invest up to Rs 830 crore in Centre For Sight
📝 Highway Ministry hits 20% of capital expenditure target in April 2024
📝 India seeking fair market access ahead of the India-ASEAN FTA review
📝 Non-life insurance premium up nearly 16% at Rs 29,561.82 cr in April
📝 Novelis files registration statement with US SEC for proposed IPO
📝 Passenger vehicle, 2W exports rose by over 20% in April: Siam monthly data
Financial Express
📝 Nayara Energy to invest Rs 600 crore to set up two ethanol plants
📝 Ikea India ties up with Rhenus for warehouse in Gurugram
📝 Bajaj Electricals Q4 Results: Profit down by 43.5% to Rs 29.31 crore, revenue at Rs 1188.08 crore
📝 Hexaware picks five i-banks for $1-bn IPO
📝 Argentina reports its first single-digit inflation in 6 months as markets swoon and costs hit home
📝 Oil drops after US macro data, OPEC forecast weighs on sentiment; Brent at $82
📝 Siemens to demerge and list its energy business
📝 Fed rate cuts delayed, US inflation may not drop significantly in 2024: Powell
📝 Chinese EV maker Leapmotor aims to enter India in partnership with Stellantis
📝 London’s Pantheon Ventures to ramp up investments in India
📝 Mutual funds go on a shopping spree, pumping $35 billion into top companies
📝 Allied Blenders and Distillers Limited gets SEBI nod for ₹1,500 crore IPO.
submitted by Gyanbng123 to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]
