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2016.04.06 15:41 spargonaut ASK DFW

askdfw is a referral and recommendation subreddit for the DFW Metroplex, a supplement to Dallas. While the primary focus are questions related to moving to and visiting DFW, other questions about the metroplex are also welcome. Users are encouraged to make an effort to search through previous posts or the other usual places to find an answer to their question, but it is not required. askDFW strives to be a positive and welcoming community, so keep it friendly, the Texas way.

2018.04.17 21:00 MillaMadison

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2024.06.09 13:32 Sufficient-Lead-3612 scratching and SCABS

does anyone else struggle with scabs on their scalp? i don’t think i itch as much as other people but running my fingers across the surface of my head, searching for bumps and irregularities and then scratching them off is like a nervous trick of mine. sometimes, when i see a very white patch of dry skin on my hairline in the mirror, i scratch it. inevitably, most of the time the area starts bleeding or at least gets very irritated. then, scabs form and the cycle repeats itself. i feel like this is making my seborrheic dermatitis worse, but i’m such a nervous person, this is a really soothing activity to me and if i don’t do it i have a feeling that there are some huge bumps growing on my scalp that need to be removed! does anyone have any tips on how to stop doing this?
submitted by Sufficient-Lead-3612 to SebDerm [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:32 LameChad 2 months of changing symptoms and no doctor can figure it out

27M 5'8" 150lbs
Only prior health issue was a mucosil tumor they found in my appendix by chance while doing a colonoscopy; they took out the appendix and part of the cecum.
Current issue:
Began 2 months ago. Started as something with my chest, pains in the left side under the pec and higher on the left side, aching that'd last minutes multiple times a day. Later added smaller pains on the upper right of chest.
Went to my new primary care provider about it, they ran bloodwork and an ekg, said I had an arythmia and that my cholesterol was a little high which is weird because I'm very active. I rock climb, teach dance, lift weights, go on walks often; probably just my diet. So cut out caffeine, alcohol, sweets and red meat and they referred me to a cardiologist who said I was probably fine
THEN, a month ago, I was teaching dance and suddenly got this sinking feeling in my chest and got very weak and felt horrible, not pain, but I almost passed out.
Muscled through the lesson, then sat down for an hour to catch myself. Went home and my girlfriend came over because she was worried. That night, still feeling bad, I had this VERY weird sensation in my left arm up to my head. Not pain, but a hyperawareness of the area? It freaked me out enough to go the the ER. They watched me, gave me muscle relaxers and NSAIDs and told me I was perfectly healthy
Whatever that sinking feeling and arm-thing were, since then my chest has mostly been fine, but it began the awful part two of my symptoms
A lot of pain, frequently, in the front upper abdomin/lower chest on the left side where the ribcage is. I was layed up and the episodes started.
The episodes. I would get pain in that left front area, then I'd feel pain in my left elbow and my hand would clench up, then, my left arm muscle would get extremely tight andId get pain in my fingertips. Then very slight pain in my toes, then the same thing with my right arm; clenched hand, extreme muscled tightness that I'd have to stretch and flex out.
These episodes happened frequently, triggered randomly, or when I bent over onto my left side, and ESPECIALLY when I tried to lay down, I had to start sleeping in a recliner.
I had these episodes for two weeks, within a few days the stiffness made it to my chest. Then my neck and throat which seized up with this stiffness and made it very hard to breathe. I had to swallow and flex and stretch repeatedly to get it working again, I couldn't swallow anything but water. I got my throat free, but purposefully didn't stretch the sides of my neck as an experiment and partly out of fear that whatever was causing it might get to my brian, that stiffness lasted 3 days before I stretched it away.
These episodes hit my face, and I felt my eyes burn, not very painful just irritated; and I'm sure they got to my head but I couldn't feel that I guess.
Two weeks of these episodes, my girlfriend and I had been avoiding sex. We caved once and it had started one of my episodes, and I'd tried to spend the night but laying down caused me to wake up with all arms and legs very stiff and pretty numb.
Doctor ordered me a CT scan. Results said I'm perfectly healthy except for a fatty liver, which my dad had too I guess
Two weeks ago my girlfriend and I had sex again and after that I felt better than I had in a month and a half, literally born again, like something had dislodged in my left side where the pain had been. That spot was a little tender, still is, but I could lay down an move much more freely.
This started the third and current phase of my symptoms.
I still have the episodes, though much less painful in that fornt left side. But, now my arms feel like they've lost something, especially the left one where the episodes always start. I guess floppy or loose are good words? And if I lay down sometimes they still go numb, especially if I'm laying on them.
Two days ago I was at a bar with my girlfriend's friends. I tried a 0.0% alcohol beer and had some water. About an hour later my throat muscles seize up. Almost like before, but this time i can't stretch it away. I walked around for half an hour trying to stretch them out but it got worse. I told the girlfriend and she met me in the parking lot where I was struggling to breath. We drove to the ER. It resolved itself while we were waiting, came back for a second, then was gone. ER diagnosed me with Esophageal Spasms and referred me to a Gastroenterologist, waiting for Monday to call them
They told me to start tracking my food, meds, and the episodes and tightness. Started yesterday, all day I had booth the stiffness episodes and slight to moderate throat tightness that would abate and return
Neurologist and Gastroenterologist are the next moves. Every doctor, especially my primary, has said I'm perfectly fine; except for this very late ER doc who I talked to for all of 5 minutes
I'm very not fine, I'm kind of better, but I'm very worried that some serious long term shit is happening with me right now and my doctor is asleep at the wheel
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thank you if you read this far, sincerely
Other facts:
submitted by LameChad to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 lemonsaltwater Colin + Pen = Swans: A Deep Dive

Colin + Pen = Swans: A Deep Dive
A joint research effort of u/sc127 and u/lemonsaltwater
Throughout Seasons 2 and 3, swans are a recurring theme in Colin and Pen’s story, both in terms of explicit imagery/sound and allusions to swan behavior and stories. There are so many allusions that it is clear the showrunners, and Julia Quinn,* want us to make these associations, as every detail is intentional.
(\while neither of us have read the books, but based on character names, as well as references to the books on this sub, we can assume this. If you've read the books, please comment with more swan references! We do not present this as something hidden/new but rather for the fun of finding all of the references.)*
The biggest allusion to swans is how swans mate for life and form into bonding pairs quite young, well before mating age. Trumpeter swans bond as young as 20 months — but then wait several years and don’t mate until at least the age of 4-7. Colin and Pen meet at a young age and form a friendship but it then takes several years for it to become romantic.
Let’s plunge our beaks underwater and dive into how these associations play out for Colin and Pen individually and then as a couple.

Colin’s character as a swan

Colin has always been a swan, even if he didn’t lean into it. It shows up in a variety of character traits throughout the seasons.
Male swans are fiercely protective of their partners. We see Colin’s protectiveness over Pen show up multiple times. I did a longer post on the evolution of Colin's protectiveness a few weeks ago, but here are some scene highlights:
  • Ep 1x01: After Penelope beams at how happy she is to be wearing a pink dress, Cressida then spills her drink on her. Colin feels defensive of her, and rejects Cressida's bid to dance (big social no-no!) and dances with Penelope instead
  • Ep 2x07, 2x08 (Cousin Jack’s scam): He not only gets angry at Mondrich for insulting the Featherington family, but also at Cousin Jack for taking advantage of the Featherington women
  • Season 3 has multiple examples of Colin protecting Pen: after his dating help is revealed, balloon, protecting her from a mistake. It is notable that the few times we see Colin angry, they are all related to Pen’s feelings.
We'll likely see more of this in Part 2 (and various book spoilers indicate this as well).
Male swans are also one of the few species of waterfowl that take an active role in rearing children. Male swans will sit on the eggs and protect them, unlike other waterfowl. In Seasons 1 and 2, Colin is often seen playing with his younger siblings. We see the male swan’s interest in child rearing most obviously in 2x02 when Eloise recoils from Daphne’s baby and Colin swoops in to tenderly and lovingly hold him.
Swans are known for mating for life and for being dedicated partners, unlike other species of waterfowl. Colin “My Wife” Bridgerton, hello. But even before Season 3, we see this in Season 2 when Colin is the only one in the front row who appears happy at Anthony and Edwina’s wedding, and according to Luke, Colin is actually crying because he loves love so much. He delights in love.
Afterwards, Colin finds himself somewhat depressed and “searching for answers at the bottom of his flask” after their “bungled nuptials.” For someone who sees love as "the one thing in life that holds genuine meaning," to see an engagement broken off at that point is deeply distressing. (We'll return to Anthony's wedding later.)
His recurring appearance changes after his extended travels: Swans shed all of their feathers during their annual summer migration period. After his travels between S1 and S2, he returns with facial hair. After his travels between S2 and S3, he returns with new clothing.

Penelope: Duck => Swan

Penelope, meanwhile, needs to go through a transformation in order to become a swan.
(There are a lot of motifs used for Penelope throughout the show: butterflies, cake, etc, but here we’re going to focus on ducks and swans.)
Let’s start with her name. To get all Colin-season-2 for a moment, “Penelope” is believed to derive from the Ancient Greek word penelops, which means “duck.” In modern language, “pen” is the official name for a female swan. And her last name is Featherington.
Something that starts as a duck and becomes a swan… that sounds a lot like the HC Andersen short story The Ugly Duckling, which is about a duck who is cast aside by society for being ugly, only to later learn that the reason it looked different was because it was actually a swan.
While Colin and Pen are more likely to quote Byron than Danish fairy tales, the allusions to The Ugly Duckling are quite strong throughout Penelope’s character arc. (And indeed, fantasy plays a huge role in their worldviews.)
This is directly referenced in the book:
“I thought you believed in me," she said, "that you saw beyond the ugly duckling.”
For a brief refresher on The Ugly Duckling, let’s take Wikipedia’s summary and annotate it:
After a mother duck's eggs hatch, one of the ducklings takes longer to hatch and is bigger and perceived by the other animals as an ugly little creature. It suffers much verbal and physical abuse from its mother and siblings, and has an absent father.
Penelope is the youngest of three children. From the first episode, it is clear that her mother regards her as less desirable and less beautiful than her sisters. Her father is neglectful and largely absent. She is repeatedly subject to unkind comments and treatment by her mother and sisters. To take just one example, when suitors come over to meet Marina, and her mother closes courting hour, she says “Please feel free to bid farewell to Phillipa or Prudence, or even Penelope.” (Colin is the only one to take her up on this.)
Portia also insists that Penelope wear bright yellow dresses even though she herself prefers pink. Yellow is the color of baby ducks. Portia tends towards green, often in iridescent fabrics, which roughly maps to the coloring of several types of adult ducks (even females). (In the Ugly Duckling, the ugly duckling is gray rather than yellow like it’s siblings. However, they’ve taken a bit of artistic license here to reinforce the duck imagery.)
It wanders from the barnyard and lives with wild ducks and geese until hunters slaughter the flocks. It finds a home with an old woman, but her cat and hen tease and taunt him mercilessly, and once again he sets off alone.
We don’t have a direct literal correlation to the cats and hens, but we can interpret “leaving the barnyard” as Penelope being too early presented in society, and the “cats and hens” being the multitude of catty comments and “clucking hens” (judgmental, gossipy mothers) of society.
It’s also interesting how Cousin Jack is presented quite clearly as a hunter in Season 2, and the gun rack on the wall clearly makes Portia uncomfortable. There aren’t direct references to duck hunting, yet that was a common hobby. (We admittedly don’t know anything about rifles and can’t figure out if any of them he displays on the wall are specifically for duck hunting, but would love it if someone knew!) Cousin Jack, of course, nearly destroys their family.
The duckling sees a flock of migrating wild swans. It is delighted and excited but cannot join them because he is too young, ugly, and unable to fly. When winter arrives, a farmer finds and carries the freezing duckling home but he is frightened by the farmer's noisy children and flees the house. The duckling spends a miserable winter alone outdoors, mostly hiding in a cave on the lake that partly freezes over.
We can read this as being when Pen watches Colin leave for Greece, and when she looks at the happy Bridgerton household. She is also too young and immature to fervently declare her feelings as she states one should. Nicola plays her as immature (the little hop when she speaks, high voice), and she is trapped in her mother’s house.
The allusion of the migrating swans is also interesting as one could see all of the Bridgertons as swans who glide gracefully on the surface of society (“pretty Bridgertons”). While not all of the Bridgertons exhibit swan-like behavior, Violet and Edmund do (but more on that below). Note how in 3x02 Penelope says the place she feels the most comfortable is/was the Bridgerton Drawing Room at Sunday tea -- surrounded by the flock of swans.
We could be a bit literal with our interpretation here and say that Colin’s protection of Pen with the Ruby scam is equivalent to the farmer’s care, and then is scared off not by children but his own friends. But I think we can look at it more broadly to say that Penelope goes from thinking she will be cared for — as Colin says during their dance in 2x08 — but then feels cast aside.
She then spends a miserable summer alone, without Eloise or Colin. We know she was miserable by how she is dressed and carries herself in the beginning of 301: hunched over and back in an old gown with her protective helmet of curls.
The duckling, now having fully grown and matured, cannot endure a life of solitude and hardship anymore. It decides to throw himself at a flock of swans, feeling that it is better to be killed by such beautiful birds than to live a life of ugliness.
When we first meet her in 3x01, it is clear she has had an awful, lonely summer. She is shown in her old clothing -- notably more pink but still yellow, a sign of the impending transition -- and looking shy and hunched over.
But she resolves to fully break free of her family and marry. Her first dress is iridescent emerald green — the color of peacocks, which is likely the most direct motif given she hides behind a peacock in the garden, but it is also the color of adult mallards and several other duck species.
She throws herself into the fray at great personal risk rather than having to continue to live with her family of ducks that reject her. However, she is still awkward and unsure of herself. While she walks down the stairs with confidence, once she's on the floor, she's isn't fully carrying herself with confidence, and sort of slides her feet along the floor in a slouchy manner. She then proceeds to bungle her conversation with the lords who approach her. In other words, she still sees herself as an ugly duckling -- or perhaps ugly duck since she's grown. But Colin is able to see beyond that and has the first glimmers of starting to notice her as something different than everyone else.
Part 2 speculation:
The Ugly Duckling is shocked when the swans welcome and accept it, only to realize by looking at his reflection in the water that it had been not a duckling but a swan all this time. The flock takes to the air, and it spreads its wings to take flight with the rest of its new family.
Penelope is shocked when Colin has feelings for her, and according to the trailer, is welcomed with open arms by Violet and the rest of the swan’s family (except Eloise, who does not exhibit swan-like behaviors herself, but that's a different topic). Given the focus on mirrors so far this season, perhaps this combined mirrougly duckling/swan theme will reappear. Penelope will then integrate herself into the Bridgerton family and identify more with them, rather than her family of birth. She thus gets both self-acceptance, a husband, a loving family, and freedom all at the same time.
Given the use of mirrors this season, I expect Colin will literally and figuratively help Penelope see herself in the mirror the way he sees her, in a parallel to what Colin says in S2 E2 about her letters:
Your letters were so encouraging. I thought, if Penelope can see me this way, then surely I can too.
A brief note on Penelope's clothing
We can see hints of this in her clothing. Over Season 3 Part 1, Penelope’s clothing changes from Featherington green to Bridgerton blue. Yet in the kiss scene and Colin’s dream, she’s wearing dresses that are such light blue/green that they almost appear to be white, and she doesn't seem to wear these dresses in other scenes. (The dream one is similar to the market scene, but the sleeve detailing is different -- it's much more feathery. Hmmm.) While white dresses can imply wedding, perhaps another thread to pull here is their swan-like whiteness. The moment when they kiss is the first time it occurs to him to see her romantically, and it is also the first time he sees her in a white dress. That she is in white in his dream reinforces the idea that he sees her a swan.
(Yet they aren't fully white — so there is still evolution to happen.)
Colin calling her Pen — "swan" — from the very beginning
And lastly, back to her nickname. The first time we ever see Colin talk to Penelope is in S1 E1 after Colin visits the Featherington house during courting hour for Marina, he refers to her as Pen. He refers to her again as Pen when they dance later in that episode. The viewer thus sees her transition from Penelope, a duck, and then becomes Pen, a swan. Colin has thus always seen her as a swan, even if he didn’t realize it.
(We have not done a full analysis of the times he calls her Penelope vs the times he calls her Pen, nor of other people using her nickname.)

Audio and visual swan motifs

So, Colin is always a swan, and Pen transitions from duck to swan. Several times throughout the seasons, we see direct and indirect nods to swans in terms of imagery, dialogue, and other scene elements when Colin and Pen are together.
It’s notable that, as far as we can tell, swans and swan noises largely only show up when Colin and Pen are together. (There is one exception, discussed in the next section.)
The most obvious is in 2x05:
COLIN: After all, everyone else is finding some purpose to their lives. Anthony is to be married. Benedict has his artistic pursuits. And, well, here I am... feeding the ducks. [Looks at a swan as he says this]
PENELOPE: I am sure the ducks are most grateful.
The implication being, of course, is that Colin does not realize he's not looking at a duck but at a swan. His feelings for her aren't romantic yet. But he is really looking at a swan — Pen. And that she, not the ducks, is grateful for his company and conversation.
Interestingly, quacking is heard in the background. It’s hard to say whether it’s ducks or swans — perhaps it’s intentionally ambiguous.
Singing swans = courting activities? Or a shift in feelings for Colin?
But let’s pull that thread a bit, as swans singing comes up several more times. Swan songs have historically had an association with death, yet “their sounds are more distinguishable during courting rituals and not correlated with death.” We could then interpret hearing swan songs as times that are courting-esque, or perhaps moments when Colin’s perspective on Penelope is starting to shift.
In 2x06, Penelope has a heated conversation with Eloise about Eloise’s feelings about Theo. Eloise asks her if she’s ever felt the torment of feelings for someone, and Penelope says she could only imagine it. She then looks over at Colin and swans are heard in the background.
A few moments later, when Penelope walks over to Colin for the “purpose” conversation, swans are again heard in the background. (Listen very closely as she walks over to him.)
In 3x01, when Colin and Penelope talk in the garden after the presentation, swans are heard in the background as Colin looks at her while she looks away. In this scene, Colin is wearing his beautiful embroidered vest, which features a duck near the collar. It also features a parrot. (Shout out to u/EverEarthling for this amazing deep dive on the vest!) Perhaps when Colin bought this vest in Paris, he still viewed Penelope as a duck, and himself as a parrot (i.e. one who parrots the behaviors of what society expects). Given this, we might not see this vest again, as gorgeous as it is.
While we might think these were coincidences because they happened to be near water, it seems unlikely, as there are a lot of garden/park/outdoor scenes where no swans are seen or heard.
In 303, at the end of the Willow scene, swans are heard in the background as Penelope leaves. Swans then re-appear the Hawkins Balloon Fair. There is a giant wicker statue of a swan, decked in lilacs and light pink roses, off to the side of the balloon. (Lilacs being the favorite flower of the Bridgertons and light pink being the Bridgerton color of first love.) While we don’t get an obvious camera angle of this, based on body positions, Penelope would have been looking at this swan statue the entire time while talking to Debling.
Here's Nicola goofing around with said swan statue.
In 3x04, the Queen has dancing swans in her wig. And, this is the first time in the season when Colin and Penelope dance together.
We also have a small wink in terms of grass. Swans who have not yet begun mating, even if they are paired, will gather in flocks in fields of grass. Paired swans who are too young to mate will move throughout the flock socially yet still be paired — much like the environment of a ball. In 2x03, Colin mentions how he once spent meditating for hours on a single blade of grass, and in 3x03, when trying to impress Debling and looking directly at a swan, Penelope says how she likes grass.
(Perhaps we can also interpret this to mean that Eloise is not a swan: she says she’d rather watch grass grow than talk to other debutantes. But, again, that’s for another post on Eloise being different than her siblings.)
Interestingly, at these swan social gatherings, “some individuals will have several courtships with other members of the flock, whilst others, tend to stay away from densely populated parts of the herd and do their own thing.” Sounds like Colin and Pen!
From the book, there's a mention of a "swan song:" (credit to u/leadwithlovealways)

Colin + Pen = Swans

Let’s talk for a moment about the behaviors of bonded swan pairs and their mating behaviors, as there are a lot of parallels.
One important part of the beginning of the swan courting ritual is that both will drop their wings completely to their sides, and not puff themselves up at all. We can see this literally in terms of Colin and Pen in the carriage (both have their arms down at their sides), but also metaphorically: they are both at their most vulnerable, their least puffed-up, in the entire season.
When swans are bonded, they will press their chests together and bend their necks together and rest their foreheads against one another, forming a heart shape. In their first kiss, we see Colin rest his forehead against Penelope’s ever so slightly — somewhat tentatively, almost, and his chest is not pressed to hers. (It is in his dream, though.). We see the forehead-resting and chests pressed together more times in the carriage scene.
Mating dances
First, watch this video of swans doing a mating dance. (Or read, if you prefer.) Note how look away from each other and then back with intense eye contact.
They will stare at each other during the up and down motions of the necks and will sometimes raise both heads together at the same time to look at each other with sideways glances as they turn their heads from side to side.
Now, let's pivot back to Bridgerton -- and to another couple. In 2x05, Anthony and Kate’s pivotal dance when they can no longer ignore their feelings for one another resembles the courting dance of swans, with their arms interconnected and circling around another. While one could say that’s true of most dancing, this one is particularly striking, and perhaps it's when Anthony drops his rakishness or ability to think about others and starts to accept his committed, swan nature (though it takes him some time). You can also see echoes of the swan mating dance in how they pass one another side-by-side in Simon & Daphne's dance when they're truly in love, though the Kate/Anthony dance is much clearer.
The closest we’ve seen to Colin and Pen dance like this is 2x08, yet that dance is much more tentative than Kate and Anthony’s, and only bears a very faint resemblance to the swan mating dance. They make eye contact, but it is not intense or focused. Colin also refers to her as "Penelope", not "Pen," during that dance, and they barely touch. Distance is implied in multiple ways. But back to the topic of this post, one has to wonder whether we’ll see Colin and Pen dance in a way similar to a swan mating dance in Part 2.
Swan mating rituals
Now we're going to dive a bit deep in terms of parallels between swans and intimacy. Yes, this is completely fucking unhinged on an already unhinged post. I’m sorry if you will never be able to look at swans the same again.
  • Swans will keep intense eye contact during courting and mating. Yup, check.
  • While mating for most birds lasts only a few seconds, for swans it can be at least 20 minutes if not up to an hour. Seems fitting given the mentions of a 10-minute long intimacy scene in Episode 5!
  • Right before swans engage in the act, the male swan will drape his neck over the female swan’s. We seem to be getting hints of this in the trailer, with Colin standing behind her in the mirror.
  • We're going to skip over specifics of swan sex positions. That would simply be too unhinged.
  • Right after mating, swans stay close together and echo the head turning/tilting of the courting ritual. One can hope this means we get lots of after-sex cuddling. If not, it’s totally in headcanon now.
  • After mating, swans will clean one another. We can see this in how Colin lovingly puts Pen’s dress and hair back in place before straightening his own clothes in the carriage scene.
  • Swans also tend to mate many more times than is necessary in order to fertilize eggs. Based on this, and based on what we’ve heard about Part 2, we’re probably going to see this parallel, too.
  • Male swans eagerly build a nest once they’ve decided to mate. This matches what we’ve heard about Colin quickly buying a house for him and Pen.
  • Swan couples that are new to a territory/nest usually don’t lay any eggs for the first year, so maybe they’ll wait a bit before having children. But that seems unlikely with these two given that birth control didn’t exist…

Looking forward

Given that swans mate for life, we can be guaranteed a happy ending here.
As the show goes on, one can predict that swans will represent the two of them in various ways, and that we might expect to see swan motifs in the decoration of their new home. (In the Part 2 trailer, in the wedding scene, the walls are decorated with a swan motif.)
In terms of children, swans keep their children close to them during their early life. We therefore might be able to predict that both Colin and Pen will likely be very attached to their children, and we will be unlikely to see them without their children once their children are in the picture. Even though Colin loves to travel, we could also predict he’ll quickly want to settle down and delight in being at home with their children, just like a swan.
Since male swans actively participate in child rearing, we also hope we’ll get to see lots of heart-warmingly adorable scenes of Colin bouncing their babies on his knees and taking care of them in future seasons. Maybe we’ll be lucky and even get a Regency-ified version of baby wearing with Colin wearing their baby wrapped around him with a shawl!

Bonus: Press tour Easter eggs!

In the Netflix India Bollywood/Bridgerton video, Luke wore a duck sweater. u/sc127's read on this:
Black Swan theory regarding Nicola's outfit: Do you think it's alluding to Colin and Pen getting married? In the eyes of the Ton, they would consider the Polin relationship as a Black Swan. It fits the criteria of being a surprise, having a major effect, and can be rationalized in hindsight.
Pink Ducks on Luke: I think the symbolism is more straight forward compared to Nicola's outfit. Pink is Pen's favorite color and it is the Bridgerton color of first love. Colin is in love with a duck named Pen :)
submitted by lemonsaltwater to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:57 PinguLover79 Help required

Help required
I recently came across this JVC MXS6BK system for free at a local carboot sale and set it up and found it worked flawlessly. However, after watching a video on the system I found that I was missing two cables that I cannot find anywhere on the internet and a remote that allows a component of the speaker to move. I was wondering if anyone could help me find somewhere to buy these cables and the remote to go with it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
submitted by PinguLover79 to audiophile [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:51 OrdinaryProgrammer71 141 flight training and Family

Good afternoon gents, I’ve searched quite a bit and can’t seem to find what I’m looking for. I’m currently Active Duty Air Force but getting out next year. I just received my A&P license and got a job lined up with a regional airline doing some wrenching. However my real passion is flying. I want to use my post 9/11 GI bill for 141 flight training but I also have a wife and newborn that needs me as well. My question is, is it possible to go to school, work a full or even part time job and still be able to provide for my family? I understand I get E-5 BAH which will help a lot and need my PPL first (already in work). I just want to see other people’s experiences or takes on it.
For the what it’s worth, I’m in Anchorage AK and was looking at UAA’s Professional Pilot degree plan and already have my Associates in Aviation Maintenance Technology.
If this doesn’t sound feasible, how did you guys with families and jobs get to your Commercial/ATP?
submitted by OrdinaryProgrammer71 to flying [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:46 Metal_Boxxes r/TheUnforgiven 4.0 update and moderator recruitment

Hello everyone!
It's been about 2 years since the last subreddit update, and we've been due some fixin'.


I'm honestly not very happy with having eleven rules. It looks imposing, and I don't want engaging in the subreddit to feel prohibitive. But a lot of them are mostly just expressing pretty obvious stuff. I'm of the opinion that such things need to be codified in writing and accessible so moderation is kept transparent and predictable to users. I struggle to justify removing any of them for this reason, but it does leave me unsatisfied.
Other than that: I'm quite pleased, and I hope you will be too. Feel free to lay down any feedback or suggestions in the comments.


It's also been 3 years since I came on as moderator. My aim was to be active and responding to issues, as well as improve the style and usefulness of the subreddit (both of which were pretty lacking at the time). For these 3 years, I've been working 99,99% alone. I've been happy with that situation, because it meant I could run a very tight and maneuverable ship. I believe the subreddit is pretty much "complete" after this update. I've done what I set out to do. We are now essentially 100% in maintenance-mode and there isn't much benefit in "tight and maneuverable" any more.
I'm also getting a bit burnt out. We had 6,000 users 3 years ago. There's 30,000 now. You guys are mostly good at taking care of yourselves, so even with the increase in numbers there isn't much intervention needed. But I still need to keep an eye on things, and there is a difference in keeping tabs on 6,000 users vs 30,000 users.
In addition, we're seeing quite a lot of repeat posts. I have to be honest, that gets annoying to me. Firstly because I have to keep tabs on the community, so I see all of them. Secondly because I am of the school that believes that one should expend some effort in searching for solutions before asking for help, and also treat communication as something important and collaborative. Redditors in general just don't use Reddit that way. To many, Reddit is the new Google, where you input the bare minimum, get an answer, and move on. Thirdly because I've expended no small amount of effort in supplying a vast amount of accessible and helpful resources here. I've done that of my own free will, and nobody owes me anything for that. It still gets to me when someone doesn't read any of it and just posts the same repeat question that's already been answered many times before.
But I'm just the janitor, here to keep the place clean and grease the wheels. There's nothing inherently wrong about basic repeat posts. It's also a very natural thing in a large community that caters to newcomers and beginners. If that's how redditors reddit, then moderators must join or die. This place exists to serve its users, and they are ultimately the ones to decide how that is to be done (within the confines of Reddit terms of service, etc). It's not for moderators to enforce their preferences on the community.
Finally, I'm getting kinda bummed out by warhammer in general. The release cycle is way too tight for me. There's no time to breathe, or settle. It's mostly become just a source of stress and FOMO, not excitement and fun. It doesn't help that the last two editions worth of DA codices plus associated material have been utterly pathetic in terms of flavor. It's so obvious to me how little care and effort has gone into that side of things that I'm left wondering why I myself should care or exert any effort at this point.
For the above reasons, I feel it's time to step back a bit and take on some fresh hands.
My thinking is that I'll leave recruitment open for about a month, so let's set Monday, July 8th, 12:00 BST as the limit. I've never done this before, so I'm going to be winging it like mad. The following should give a rough idea of what I'm looking for.
If you are interested and believe yourself qualified to help out, please reach out via modmail.
I'll maintain contact with anyone interested for the duration, and start making final decisions once the deadline is up. How exactly that will be done will depend on how many people respond, and if any relevant community input on the matter comes in during the recruitment period.
My intent is to then remain on board as support, final arbiter, and keep charge of the technical details (wiki, rules, etc). My hope is that the daily maintenance can be taken care of by the fresh recruits.
If the new moderators have any suggestions for improvement or changes, I'd be happy to hear them out, but it would pretty much be up to the new moderators to implement and maintain them.
submitted by Metal_Boxxes to theunforgiven [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:40 CordouroyStilts PC US Deer Isle THE REVIVAL PD, Medic, and Human Trader factions Lore Custom Areas Keycards

The Revival is a PC server that provides an organic DayZ experience. Our rules are designed to discourage KOS and toxicity. Our mission is to provide an immersive experience that stays true to what makes DayZ a great game.
Please check out our trailer. It's worth a watch even if you don't plan on playing our server.


Deer Isle Police Department - Active Police Force
Federation of Medical Experts - Active Medical Team
Revival Trade Collective - Active Trading Group
Nice Cocks Automotive - Vehicle Mechanics and Aficionados
Disciples of The Hammered Faith - Devoted followers of Homerius Depotus. Trailer here.
Dexter's Munchies - Providing what we can to increase the quality of your survival on Deer-isle! We do our best to keep our food crates filled up for the public so you can sit back and relax for a bit!
The Fish and Game Specialists - A group of friendly hunters, survivalists, and scavengers with a love for diplomacy and emphasis on teamwork.
Or start your own


• Custom Safe Zone
• Custom POIs
• Custom Dark Zone with Leaderboard & real $$$ Rewards
• Business Licenses for Mechanics, Tailors, Gunsmith, and Carpenters!
• Server Lore Dating Back to 2018 & Experienced Core of Roleplayers
• Frequent Unique Events:
• Base Building with deed system for offline raiding protection
• Mods: Dogtags, Passports, Drugs, Boats, New Zombie Types, Many More!
• People actually use radios. (Long range, no battery drain)
• KOS Discouraged, Interaction Encouraged
• Healthy PvP & Base Raiding - Deed your base with PD to receive a DM when you're being raided.
• Loot is Close to Vanilla, Added Modded Clothing, Guns, Cars, Boats & RP Items
• Customs Mods and Experienced Modders
• All Mods Thoroughly Tested & Configured for Balancing


• Dedicated Server in Eastern USA
• 4.5GHz Baseline CPU, High FPS
• Active & Mature Admins and Moderators
• Whitelist and Application Process
• Active Player Bans & Cheater Monitoring
• Clear Rules & Organized Discord
submitted by CordouroyStilts to DayZServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:39 KokoHekumatiaru Beginners guide to Soulmask, with no BS.

Hello there. If you are like me, you might also be a bit allergic to all the guides out there, that start with "please hit like and subscribe", followed by 10 minutes of chatter around what you need help with, for something that could`ve taken 30 seconds to explain.
With that out of the way, welcome to my No-BullS#$t guide to Soulmask, outlining everything I`ve learned in 80 hours playing on a server rented from G-Portal.
I am going to assume that everyone is somewhat accustomed to the bare basics of the game and how it plays so I will stick to only highlighting things that I learned myself.

1 There are 5 Tribes: Claw, Flint, Fang, Outcasts and Plunderers.

-Everyone can be deterred except Plunderers and Elites (The ones with a unique name and a silver border around their health bar).
-The Claw tribe has the best overall fighters for every weapon school
-The Fang tribe specializes in Remedies, healing and Poisons (Alchemy) so they make for great Alchemists overall, but do very well in relation to ranged combat so make for decent companions, if you prefer having a ranged helper along, they are good for this.
-The Flint tribe are supposedly the clever ones who are all about evolving and furthering their tribe's development so naturally, they make for great crafters.
-The outcasts don`t belong to any tribes and their stats as such are completely random. You can find great ones of course but expect a lower chance of finding what you need, compared to if you were chasing the more specialized tribes.

2 Proficiencies of barbarians go from 1-125+ in each respective school and what they have is based on a lot of factors as well as the low chance of them being a uniquely titled barbarian that can give them various perks outside of the proficiencies themselves.

-The level of the deterred barbarian ONLY affects what the overall proficiencies' start at when you deter them. with the higher the level the better the proficiency.
-Source: Personal experience after deterring roughly 800 Barbarians and while I know the pool isn`t very big, but it is high enough for me to be positive that the level of a deterred barb does not affect their max proficiency level, only what it starts at.
-Labourers are great at the collection of materials: Logging, Mining, Harvesting
-Craftsmen: Any crafting, completely random which ones they are given. Also supposed to unlock various tribes medium/advanced clothing and costumes if they are found in a fortress(Only 3 fortresses at the minute.) Potentially bugged right now though as I`ve deterred 50+ Craftsmen of varying levels from Novice to Master Craftsmen in a Flint fortress with 0 unlocks as of yet).
-Porters: Good at working the Kiln and or Furnace but they are also Great at transporting large quantities of items over longer distances as their weight limits are different and they have positive traits that affect how having more weight makes them move faster etc. (Unlocks the first tribe clothing too. Level 20-25 area barracks)
That`s it for now, if there`s anything else you want to know, just ask in the comments and I will add it to the guide too. But these are some of the things I see being asked the most, so instead of commenting in each post and repeating myself, I will update this one with new info.

3 Mysterious Tisane, dropped by bosses will reset the attributes of your main aka the Vagrant Novice character, but the Mysterious body shaping pill will reset the attributes of any of your deterred tribesmen.

4 The Basic Portal that you can craft yourself will not let you teleport to unlocked teleporters, only to other basic teleporters. (Please for the love of god change this.)

5 Cooking is one of the most important proficiencies in the world of Soulmask.

-I would highly recommend you get someone who`s good at it and put points towards output when selecting bonuses as they improve.
-You can have 4 different food buffs active at any one time, including one medical remedy. Staple, Recreational/Beverage, Vegetable/Fruit and finally Meat based meal.

6 Armor & Weapon crafting

-For traits, select Durability for 30-60 respectively and then Quality once you hit Iron as this is the point where levelling starts to slow down and moreover, you will unlock the Sabre tooth Armor at Awareness 40 once you kill the Berserk Sabre-toothed Predator which is a recommendation to everyone and when crafting the gear it will inherit the stats of the Iron armor that goes into it. Hence you want to make sure it`s as good as possible as this will be the best Armor you will have access to for quite a while.

7 Modifications make a huge difference

-All these mods you keep looting in chests from barracks and dungeons are not useless, even if the numbers may seem small they make a massive difference so use them.
-Having multiple Armor sets with different mods on them will be a benefit, even though it is grindy. Having one with Heat, Cold, Poison and Radiation protection will be the difference between surviving or dyeing.
-Repairing a Weapon or Armor WILL remove the MOD that is on them, so keep this in mind. Repair first, then put on the mod of choice.

8 The hunting Gallery is VERY useful.

-It will show a lot of useful info about the local wildlife and enemies you encounter so I recommend having a look if you are struggling with a specific enemy, perhaps you`re just using the wrong weapon to fight it?.
-One good example of when it helped me was in my first Ancient Ruin Dungeon/Holy Ruin where I encountered an enemy type that took essentially 0 damage until I threw a Corrosion bomb on them so use it and you will find that while doing the classic Unga Bunga works, sometimes. Having a bit more tact does come in handy.
submitted by KokoHekumatiaru to PlaySoulMask [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:32 One-Tomorrow-7363 So let's get this straight about Season 6...

Multi-donate added to shrine! For only 6 items the whole season, despite skins in the Premium shop not saying "Premium Shop exclusive" so they should be unlockable in the shrine...
Massively reduced grind to max out coins to fully buy out the seasonal store! Because there are only 2 items per character, nearly half of which are already acquired for active players, and 15 of the 23 characters you can buy cosmetics for don't have any skins at all (so the Seasonal store has... 8 skins total)...
A seasonal tower that still starts at level 30 like the last two seasons, but you only have to get to level 80 to max it out unlike the last two seasons which were level 90! But instead of having skins every 3 levels, has skins every 5 levels, for a total of 11 skins [the last two seasons had 20]...
Less Invasions nodes to grind! But even the pop-up portals don't have the same amount of rewards as previous seasons...
But hey one thing they did think was important enough to change that nobody asked for? Upgrading the max time for a fight from 300 seconds (5 minutes) to 500 seconds (over 8 minutes!!!) for those incredibly-rewarding multi-phase miniboss fights to take even longer to waste even more player time on the 50 10-match seasonal towers (a total of 500 fights MINIMUM, remember, not counting repeat attempts due to cheese modifiers and skewed CPU stats) to grind.
'If you don't like the game, stop playing it'... but some of us still spent our money and don't like throwing away $100 as an "oh well" because the game is actively giving its invested players less than they did literally the week before just out of laziness and greed.
submitted by One-Tomorrow-7363 to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:30 TraditionalDensity In response to the 2014 AVMA Literature Review: "Dog Bite Risk and Prevention: The Role of Breed" (Repost)

This is a repost of my analysis from 2 years ago. I was reminded of it because I saw more pit bull attacks in the new (LOL). I figured since then, a bunch of people have not seen it, and it may be helpful to help combat pit bull propaganda.
In a recent thread I saw this AVMA Literature Review: "Dog Bite Risk and Prevention: The Role of Breed" linked as proof that pit bulls are not inherently dangerous.
There was much circle jerking in how we cannot accept the science but as I was reading through it, it became clear it is not as scientific as people were claiming.
First to start, this literature review is not "the scienceTM". It claims to be "peered reviewed" but it not! There is no scientific journal publication associated with it, instead it is peer reviewed "similar to scientific journals" but instead of objective reviewers selected by an academic journal, it is reviewed by people AVMA purposely selected themselves, creating a significant conflict of interest and questionable findings as a result. The fact that they lean so hard in to the "peer reviewed" description shows they are trying mislead readers into thinking that these findings and recommendations are more scientific than they really are. Its nothing more than lobbying from an advocacy group.
Additionally, it is not unbiased, as it quietly says, while it tries to appear scientific, it includes other non-scientific sources including "scholarly ethical assessments" which allows them to bias the commentary and interpretations in a way that suits whatever "ethics" they want:
While principally a review of the scientific literature, it may also include information gleaned from proprietary data, legislative and regulatory review, market conditions, and scholarly ethical assessments.
Furthermore, much of the literature they use is inconclusive or contradictory to their claims. They are hoping that no one will actually read them. In the rest of the post I will go step by step with each section they outline in their "peer reviewed" literature review and point out issues with their claims. Numbers in parenthesis (e.g., "(99)") are references to the studies cited in reference section of literature review.
"Breeds Implicated in Serious Bite Injuries"
They are unable to hide from the fact that in their own review they found at least 12 separate studies (5,9,13,16,21,20,22,23,24,25,26,27) that support the premise that pit bulls are more likely to bite people. They also found that pit bulls are more likely to be involved in causing severe injuries and fatalities (21,23). The flimsy excuse is that pit bulls are more populaprevalent, so they are just proportionally biting more... but it has no citation associated with it and therefore not a evidenced based claim, it is just an unproven hypothesis. Note the initial bias and goal of this review is to specifically defend pit bulls. They offer no defense of other breeds and actively attack german shepherds as a problematic breed instead.
"Controlled Studies"
Amazingly almost all of the studies cited (60, 61, 62, 63, 64) explicitly excludes pit bulls from their assessment of bites controlling for prevalence. In bad faith they ignore their previous argument of prevalence and look at studies in areas and time periods of low pit bull prevalence to show that pit bull attacks are rare (ignoring their underlying prevalence rate). Through omission of studies related to pit bulls they can say that the study they reviewed show pit bulls do not represent a high risk of biting but other dog breeds do. Again counter to their narrative that dog breed doesn't matter and again throwing german shepherds under the bus.
"Aggressive Breeds"
Nothing really interesting to note, they basically say small dogs tend to be more aggressive but not dangerous, some big dogs are less aggressive, but other big dogs are aggressive and dangerous. Again counter to their narrative that dog breed doesn't matter.
"Pit Bull Types"
Nothing really to comment on except that the study claims dog adoption agencies tend to mislabel the breeds, which they take to mean that people can't identify a pit bull from other dog breeds (45). Just a weak appeal to uncertainty with no supporting study.
"Breed Bans"
They claim no evidence that breed bans work with the first study (8), though the evidence suggests that the banned wasn't really enforced as the same number of banned "dangerous breeds" bit people before and after the law was passed. Comically, banning dangerous breeds resulted in less human bites (humans biting humans), it was a weird and old study.
Completely counter to the conclusion they state, the second study (51) is a more modern study and actually shows a significant reduction in hospitalization from dog bites when banning pit-bull type breeds (roughly 20%). It was noted these bans were even more effective in protecting children, though adults and kids both benefited from the breed ban.
On top that that, they when they cite alternatives (53) to breed bans ("these may include ordinances relating to breed") they cite a Spanish study where they made pit bull ownership so difficult, it was an effective ban for most people! They required a special license to own dangerous breeds like pit bulls, special insurance to cover damages from your pet, a psychological assessment, no criminal record, and the pit bull must be muzzled and leashed in public areas and be microchipped. Honestly, if that is the alternative to a breed ban. I'm cool with that! This resulted in a massive 38% drop in hospitalization due to dog attacks.
The author selectively quote the Duffy 2008 study and ignores the part where they found significant associations with breeds and aggressive behavior, though obviously chooses to emphasize the opposite conclusion of the entire study. They further engage in a bad faith argument saying since breed isn't a sole predictor in aggressiveness that it shouldn't be considered at all. Overall an uncompelling argument that isn't actually science based.
tl;dr, AVMA is hoping you don't actually read anything they write, it isn't a "peer reviewed" paper, and most study claims defending pit bulls are made in bad faith and often not supported by the science^TM.
Finally, as a parting thought, it is actually amazing how many studies there are that they were compelled to cite that show how dangerous pit bulls are and the positive impact from banning pit bulls would have in reduced hospitalizations. There was also a lot of bad faith assessment of the science and calls into question the bias and motivation of AVMA writing this article.
submitted by TraditionalDensity to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:16 LeoLittlebook6 The Aquatic Ape Diet: cheap, low-calorie longevity

Table of Contents

  1. tl;dr
  2. Summary
  3. Intro
  4. 7 steps
    1. Omnivore
    2. 1 Fluid
    3. 2 Fuel
    4. 3 Fresh
    5. 4 Fat
    6. 5 Fruit
    7. 6 Veg
    8. 7 Snack
    9. Beyond AAD
  5. Regimen
    1. Morning
    2. Between meals:
    3. Afternoon
    4. Travel
  6. Details


Japanese women live the longest; traditional "ama" divers catch crustaceans by hand.
This inspired my chicken soup of the sea: rice, shrimp and mackerel.
Can you guess which causes the longevity?
PIC: How to tell when a shrimp is perfectly cooked


Ama (海女, "sea women") are Japanese divers famous for collecting pearls, though traditionally their main catch is seafood.[1] The vast majority of ama are women.
An optimal diet should imitate the diet of the world's longest-lived people: Japanese women. What sets Japan apart from runners-up such as South Korea is high shrimp consumption.
Longevity is sexy:
I cut the seafood-rice diet down to the absolute minimum:
An elimination diet, also known as exclusion diet, is a diagnostic procedure used to identify foods that an individual cannot consume without adverse effects.
An optimal elimination diet follows the pattern of recovering from an upset stomach:
  1. For fluid, drink hot water with a pinch of sea salt "tea".
  2. For fuel, start with white rice congee. After #6 add brown rice, pre-soaked.
  3. For fresh, have 50g frozen sea meat (shrimp) per day. The rest can be canned.
  4. For fat, have a can of ocean fish (mackerel etc) per day. Watch the mercury.
  5. For fruit, have a small orange with the plain rice (vit c).
  6. For veg, lightly cook some spinach leaves with the shrimp (vit b).
  7. For snack, have dried seaweed sheets and a handful of mixed tree nuts soaked overnight.
Take it one step at a time. These are sequenced in order of short-term priority to stay productive. Everything is low-FODMAPS except the nuts.
1-4 are like a healthier version of chicken soup: Both are high in methionine, salt and rice.
Methionine stops hunger. Eating less extends lifespan dramatically:
The exact manner by which calories are reduced changes across studies, but the animals’ calorie intakes are generally reduced by as much as half their normal levels. Depending on the species, the most promising results have shown lifespan extensions between 50 and 300%.
This diet can probably cut your calorie intake in half without trying, and your food budget as well.
A strong baseline makes it easy to detect harmful foods. You can thrive on just this, but why limit yourself? Establish a performance baseline, then introduce a new ingredient.


When I was a young man, I regarded cooking as a chore and simply wanted to eat healthy to gain muscle without wasting time. As a result, I ate a lot of Campbell's Chunky Soup and crackers. Not great for my sodium intake.
I sympathize with those who insist that a "minimum viable diet" should mean something simple and repeatable such as beef, potatoes and greens. Sounds great! If you're looking for lazy cooking, just learn some simple pressure cooker recipes. It does get more complicated than "throw tasty things in pot".
I might've continued as a culinary barbarian, had I not made some bad life choices, chief among which was taking a light course of Accutane, which is proven to cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease by aging epithelial stem cells. This caused my gut lining to gradually age, until I must now eat mush like an old man.
The struggle to find foods that didn't incapacitate me lead me to elimination diets and a journey into true minimalism, the meaning of which I hadn't appreciated before: not minimum cooking effort, but minimum digestive difficulty.
My eventual solution happened to align with the diet of the longest-lived people in the world – the Japanese. (Well, the women are longest-lived. The men work and drink themselves to death.) Apparently, the secret to their longevity is eating a lot of shrimp and rice. White rice is considered hypoallergenic, and shrimp induces satiety via methionine, permitting calorie restriction.
Doctors have been unable to label my condition with any specific diagnosis, despite extensive tests and endoscopy. So I believe my solution is generalizable to those without specific problems, who nonetheless find themselves plagued with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
The less energy the gut must spend on digestion, the more energy the brain has to focus productively. Ancestral hunter gatherers could afford to lie around after a big meal; office workers not so much.
Even healthy people may be interested in the productivity benefits of easy digestion. Soylent is popular for this reason. The aquatic ape diet is healthier, easier to digest, and much cheaper.
Soylent costs about $225 per month. In a typical day I eat:
As you can see, the AA baseline diet is slightly more expensive per calorie, but higher satiety so one eats less. If cost is a concern, you can easily cut to one small orange per day, dropping the price to $111 per month. Or replace oranges entirely with a vitamin c pill, which costs under 10 cents per dose. Then the cost would be $84 per month.
Most people don't want to eat minimally, and that's fine. However, those who hate cooking can keep the minimal ingredients at home, then indulge at restaurants. Or travel with Soylent and never miss a meal.

7 steps


Humans are omnivores. Thus a proper minimal diet will consume both plants and animals. Among mammals, even herbivores are usually opportunistic carnivores. Compensating for pure vegetarianism or carnivory complicates things considerably, as icebound Eskimos and smooth-brained koala vegans demonstrate.
Given omnivory, a minimal diet has three major requirements:
  1. Fuel: either eat enough carbs and fat, or burn your own fat.
  2. Fresh: for volatile water-soluble vitamins and animal protein.
  3. Fat: for fat-soluble vitamins and well-being.
These are listed in order of priority.
One can get water-soluble vitamins from lightly-cooked meat, if one eats the right animals or organs in sufficient quantities. However, it is usually easier to get them from fruits and vegetables.

1 Fluid

The Romans paid legionnaires in sea salt, leading to the expression, "Worth his salt". Without sea salt, humans develop goiters.
During a severe IBS episode, you often stop eating. That is fine, humans can fast for weeks. Just drink sea salt "tea" until your gut calms.
This staves off dehydration, but gets quite hungry. When ready to rise and cook, proceed to the next step. Until then, have a toothpick and relax. (Chewing on something is a good way to stop eating.)

2 Fuel

The first step of recovery is to have some bland white rice congee. It is usually the easiest thing to digest. (If not, try soaking or pick another grain.) Starch fuel prevents starvation, conserving body fat on skinny chronic IBS sufferers. You need enough calories to stay active.
Put a 1-2 handfuls of rice and generous water into the pressure cooker, then cook until congee.
Plain white rice does get boring. So alternate white with brown rice. Brown rice has insoluble fiber, which is hardest to digest. So start with just a pinch of brown rice in white, which will change the flavor of the pot enough to fool your brain. If you can tolerate insoluble fiber, then increase the ratio. Gas is a key sign you can't.
If you're constipated, increase the ratio of brown rice. Fiber keeps you regular.

3 Fresh

The next step is to consume healthy fresh meat. The healthiest sea meat is shrimp. Just a handful will induce satiety via methionine. Briefly auto-warm them in the pressure cooker until they curl into a c-shape, not o. (This is safe, because saltwater shrimp parasites can't transfer to freshwater hosts.) Eat the shrimp before cooling, and save the broth for the next rice pot.
Wild meat is healthier than farmed, and saltwater is healthier than terrestrial. Humans are primarily a littoral species, even today. Our hairlessness is an aquatic adaptation (hippos, elephants); chimps can't swim. Our other closest relative, the pig, is semi-aquatic like us, and shares many anatomical features such as nose shape and eye color. Pigs, not chimps, are the main animal source for organ transplants into humans.

4 Fat

Fat is the second hardest to digest, but the most rewarding. It's what puts a smile on your face and heat in your extremities. Fat soluble vitamins degrade slowly, so canned food is fine. Mackerel is incredibly cheap and delicious. At 13% fat, it is sufficient but not overwhelming to weak guts. The bones are easy to eat around. Save the broth for the next rice pot.
Watch the toxin accumulation. Maximum is 200g mackerel per day, due to arsenic. Try alternating with other fish, such as tuna, sardines and salmon.
If you have fat malabsorption, try putting cholestyramine powder in the rice pot preceding the fatty meal, and look into UDCA. Eating fat is essential to enjoy life. Hence the expression, "Fat and happy."

5 Fruit

Fruit poses two digestive challenges: fructose and insoluble fiber. We can dilute the former and minimize the latter.
Apples have lots of insoluble fiber, making them chewy. Oranges have little, making them juicy.
Fruit is full of concentrated sugar, and the fructose in particular can irritate weak guts. Sugar provides short term energy. Thus an orange complements a pot of white rice congee.
By itself, the congee is bland starch, which provides long-term energy and filling comfort. Eat the orange as appetizer, then the congee as main course. Having this twice per day is a treat.

6 Veg

Vegetables contain even more insoluble fiber than fruit. One solution is to cook them to mush, but this destroys their b-vitamins, the main reason to eat them.
The solution is to use a soft vegetable that can be eaten raw and is high in vitamin b. Parsley and spinach both work, and go nicely with shrimp. Just throw them both into the pot on auto-warm at the same time.

7 Snack

With diets, cheating is always a danger, so one should try to fulfill cravings with healthy snacks. Dried seaweed have the salt, crunch and complex flavor to satisfy the potato chip craving. A handful of mixed tree nuts soaked overnight satisfies the desire for something more substantial, and puts the pot to good use.

Beyond AAD

Congratulations, you've completed the Aquatic Ape diet! Now you can add whatever works for you.
Having a strong baseline means it's easy to tell when something makes you feel worse. Similarly, being malnourished makes it easy to tell when you eat something that was previously missing. Malnourishment is not a pleasant baseline, so I recommend the former!
I'm sure you're eager to get to the steak and potatoes. The Weston Price Foundation has many great recipes for healthy indulgence.



  1. handful of unenriched white rice, pressure cooked to congee, eaten before cooling to avoid resistant starch. Small orange appetizer first.
  2. clean pot and dish
  3. 200g of wild-caught organic canned fish (no additives)
  4. in leftover broth, pressure cook longer a handful of white rice with pinch of organic tricolor brown rice (to fool blandness perception)
  5. clean pot and dish

Between meals:


  1. handful of unenriched white rice, pressure cooked to congee, eaten before cooling to avoid resistant starch. Small orange appetizer first.
  2. clean pot and dish
  3. handful of spinach and handful of wild-caught saltwater shelled shrimp (no additives) auto-heated to c-shape, not o-shape (that's overdone)
  4. in leftover broth, pressure cook longer a handful of white rice with pinch of organic tricolor brown rice (to fool blandness perception)
  5. clean pot and dish
The shrimp induces satiety for intermittent fasting.


Travel is tough. Suggestions welcome. Here's what I've got:


Continued here due to length.
submitted by LeoLittlebook6 to FODMAPS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:09 Any_Watercress_2462 How seeds really work - had a chat with an employee

Hey. I'm a long time Train watcher and I made a reddit account just to post this.
I'm personally not a tech guy and know absolutely nothing, but I have no reason to believe the information I have is false. In fact, it's probably as authentic as I could imagine it to be coming from the gambling industry.
I went to school ~20 years ago with a guy who I recently met at a summer activity. We ended up chatting and I found out he worked for a game operator for a decade, working on back-end of online slots and even leading an entire team for a time. He quit during covid and has since moved on to other things meaning he's not affiliated with anyone, so I instantly thought of Train's gambling adventures and saw my opportunity to ask any questions I could squeeze in. He was kind enough to reciprocate.
Now he hasn't worked in the industry for a few years, so some things could've changed, but he believes the main principles are still the same.
I believe I learned how slots work for real, and no, there's no tricks to win. However what I learned I haven't heard before, so I'm assuming most people don't know half of it. One thing is for sure, slots don't work the way Train thinks and I think re-wiring his brain would benefit him so much to last longer.
Before I explain, keep in mind Stake originals don't work like this. They're provably fair games and different, the entire idea being you get generated a seed that you stay on until you change it, and they don't even use RNG. Stake has an article on this on their website. Regular slots operate under RNG.
So with that out of the way, components to online slots:
Game Server - the brains. handles everything including RNG, network activity and balance. Typically a physical desktop computer. There are many of them, and different slots from the same provider can use the same one.
Load Balancer - acts like traffic control, sends you to one of the servers when you open a game and ensures servers won't be overloaded.
True RNG - a piece of hardware installed into the server. Generates actual random numbers based on something like white noise.
Pseudo RNG - deterministic algorithm, a software. Gives us numbers that the slots then use to generate results.
Apparently implementations can differ, but the core idea is always the same.
Ideally, they would use the True RNG for every single spin we make because that's actually random. But it's too slow, and that's why they have to use a Pseudo RNG that's as fast as you need it to be. However, it's deterministic, meaning if you ran it from beginning to the end and make a graph, it would always end up doing the same thing, and naturally, could be exploited.
So what they do to counter this is they use the True RNG to "seed" the Pseudo RNG. So seeding exists, but it's not at a player or account level. It's literally the software itself that gets seeded.
What they can do as well, is use another Pseudo RNG to seed it further, by using a string of things such as stake, currency, server time and date.
What's more, is that this process actually occurs quite often to increase randomness. So if you play a slot for an hour, you've been on multiple seeds.
Now it's all just numbers, and there's no concept of good or bad, and different slots use different numbers for results. This is why slots will never make sense. You can play a particular game and be on a disgusting run of losing for hours, ie. repeatedly get "bad" seeds. You can also play a slot for 2 hours and it just keeps paying, repeatedly getting "good" seeds. But there's no math to it in the short-term. Seed won't turn good just because the last one was bad. And because different slots use different numbers, that bad seed could've been good on another game.
Even if you believe none of this, thinking there's 1 seed in general makes no sense since you're playing different servers. Server A doesn't have anything to do with Server B. Then you would have to think you have your own seed on every single one of them.
You can actually find out what server you're playing by opening up browser console, network tab and clicking on your spin and checking the IP address.
They can store your information in a cloud, like your game history, but this has nothing to do with the RNG. They need this information to be able to double check results if need be and provide replays, or in specific games save your progress if there's a progressive feature. So if your info is reset, again it's not "a seed reseted".
I didn't fully understand this part, but apparently other players playing on the same server (regardless of slot) affects game results as well, since they're cycling through variables. Again, I don't know how this precisely works, but I didn't want to pry too much.
However, when they simulate the RTP for a slot, the simulation is done on an isolated server. Meaning the simulation will get everything the RNG gives it, good or bad. If max win numbers line up next, the simulation will get it. Wins and losses aren't (unevenly) divided amongst people if that makes sense. This is why after a certain amount of spins the RTP starts to stick, and eventually when you do billions of spins quantity takes over and the math hardly changes even if the simulation hits back-to-back max wins. So the simulation is reliable, just not really reflective of real gameplay since there are less variables.
I think that's pretty much it.
How all this applies to Train's usual habits:
Yeah sometimes it can turn if a slot is doing bad and you sit on it, but the wins aren't based off of previous losses. So I think Train should chase the slots that do something good, rather than chase wins on a slot that's doing bad. Sitting on slots that are eating hand you by far the biggest losses the fastest.
That's all for me. I felt like it was worth getting this out there if it helps anyone.
submitted by Any_Watercress_2462 to Trainwreckstv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Reminder: Rules and FAQ - June 09, 2024 (Now with updates!)

Below you will find a weekly reminder of our Rules and partial FAQ. It's definitely a long read, but it's worth your time, especially if you are new to the community, or dropping by as a result of a link you found elsewhere. We periodically revise our rules, this weekly notice will help keep you informed of any changes made.
NOTE: These rules are guidelines. Some moderation discretion is to be expected.

Community Rules

1. Kindness Matters

Advise, don't criticize.

2. No Drama

This is a support sub.

3. Report, Don’t Rant

No backseat modding.

4. No Naming & Shaming

No userpings or links.

5. No Platitudes

Nobody knew what they were getting into.

6. No Trolling

We have zero tolerance for trolls.

7. No Personally Identifiable Information

Use discretion when posting.

8. No More than 2 Posts per 24 hours

Use the daily threads.

9. Follow Reddiquette

Remember the human.

10. No Porn, Spam, Blogs, or Research Studies/Surveys Without Mod Approval

Just don't.

11. Disputes in Modmail Only

Don't argue with the mods on the sub.

12. Moderator Actions

We aren't kidding.

13. Ban Procedure

These actions are at moderator discretion.

FAQ - About the Rules

What does Kindness Matters mean?

What about being kind to the kids?

Why is this sub such an echo chamber?

Why can't I tell OP that they are an asshole?

But OP asked if they were an asshole?!

What is a gendered slur?

Seriously? You are the language police now?

What does No Drama really mean?

What is thread derailment?

But what if they didn't answer my question?

Why am I being silenced? I'm just asking for a back and forth!

Why can't I look at someone's post history and comment about it?

Why can't we crosspost stuff to other subs?

What if it's my own post?

What is "brigading"?

What is this whole Report, Don't Rant thing about?

What if I see an obvious troll?

What if they are being really mean in comments?

What if they are harassing me in private messages?

What do you mean by No Naming & Shaming?

I can't link to other subs?

I can't ping other users?

What does No Platitudes mean?

Why don't you people understand it's a package deal?

Why can't you just love them like they are your own?

What do you mean by No Trolling? I was just...

What does "concern trolling", "gish-galloping", and "sealioning" have to do with stepparenting? This isn't a debate sub, why are you using debate terms?

What is "Concern Trolling?"

What is a "Devil's Advocate"?

"Gish-galloping?" What does that even mean?

And "sealioning?" What's that?

Who gets to define what is considered asshattery?

FAQ - Sub Questions

Posting Guidelines for Stepparents

Posting Guidelines for Bioparents

Guidelines for Stepkids

What the heck are all these acronyms? I'm confused!

Why aren't my posts or comments showing up?

Why was my comment removed?

This comment/post is really offensive! Why is it still up?

I've received a hurtful/unwanted PM from someone about my recent post. What should I do?

What are the general moderator guidelines?

I've been wrongly banned/Why can't I comment here?

Why was I banned without warning?

submitted by AutoModerator to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:23 KoalaFalse2671 I have created a whole 24 hours routine which i am able to perform

I have been creating a routine since last 7 years about waking up early and meditating and exercising.
Then doing mental maths and vocabulary enhancing activities and all. But i am unable to do that. I don’t know what stops me from showing up at least?
I am bipolar and now a days i am too good at knowing my states and analysing myself but I am not able to do this scheduled routine anyhow. Because I believe in making myself better each day (as i am the fan of most self help books) and i know doing activities of my created routine will gonna pay me off very well but still the same story gets repeated each day.
What should i do ? I desperately need any advice to make myself performing what I expect me to do. Thank you!
submitted by KoalaFalse2671 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:19 TheMoatInvestor Ixigo IPO Analysis

Ixigo, started in 2007, as a flight comparison website enabled travellers to research and compare relevant price information and book their preferred flight in a cost-efficient and informed manner from OTAs. Ixigo later graduated to OTA( Online Travel Agent) in FY20. Ixigo is the 2nd largest OTA( Online Travel Agent) in terms of revenues, with 6% market share.
They operate through 4 different apps Ixigo flights,Ixigo trains, ConfirmTkt and AbhiBus. Ixigo is the largest Indian train ticket distributor in the OTA rail market with largest market share of around 51%, in terms of rail bookings, among OTAs. Their bus-focused app, AbhiBus, was the second largest bus-ticketing OTA in India, with a 11.5% market share in online bus ticket bookings in FY23. They had a market share in India of about 5.2% of the total airline OTA market by volume in H1 FY24. They have the highest app usage among OTAs with 83 million Monthly Active Users cumulatively across our apps. However, within each of their apps, they integrate and cross-sell all services they operate to ensure that users may not necessarily require another app ,like users can book a flight on the ixigo train app or ConfirmTkt and a bus journey on the ixigo flight app, and a train ticket on the AbhiBus app allowing them to discover and buy multiple travel services.
Product segments
1. Airline ticketing
Ixigo commenced operations in 2007 in the flight vertical by launching a travel meta-search website - providing aggregated comparison of deals and accurate travel information. Later in FY20, they transitioned to an OTA.
2. Rail
They launched the ixigo trains app for android in 2013 as a utility app with the objective of improving the experience of Indian train travellers by allowing them to search for train related information and providing utility services. Subsequently, in 2017, Ixigo started selling train tickets through their Ixigo trains app.
3. Bus tickets
Bus accounts for 70% of transport modes in India. Ixigo sells bus tickets by partnering either directly with operators or source inventory from bus ticketing aggregators in the country.They acquired the business of AbhiBus in 2021 to further consolidate their position.
4. Hotels
In December 2023, Ixigo have launched a hotel booking section on their website and apps to allow users the ability to search, compare and book hotels on their own platforms in India and across the world. They offer properties across domestic and international hotels, spanning budget, mid-range and luxury price points.
90% of users of Ixigo are organic users. Ixigo has market share amongst OTAs in terms of volumes - flight 5.3%, rail 53%, bus 13%. In July 2023,Ixigo became the first OTA in India to launch a Generative AI based travel planning tool named PLAN to help travellers plan their trip, get itineraries and real time information and recommendations based on input criteria.
Industry overview
The Indian travel and tourism market for air, road, air and hotels accounts to around 3,80,800cr, expected to grow at a CAGR of 9%. In the overall Indian Travel market, 54% of all travel spends were made online in FY23, expected to reach around 65% in FY28.
Within the overall budget of ₹ 24 billion allocated to the Ministry of Tourism, a significant portion of ₹ 17.4 billion has been earmarked for the enhancement of tourism infrastructure.
Online penetration is 66-68% which is expected to go to 73-75% in FY27.
OTA (Online Travel Agency) industry in terms of net revenues is 11000cr, expected to grow at 14-15%
B2B OTA is at 4500cr(expected CAGR 14-15%).
In FY23 online penetration of the air segment stood at 70% of all air travel, expected to increase to 80% by FY28. Share of online hotel booking is low at 32%.
The Bus segment is highly underpenetrated by OTAs and represents an increasing segment in terms of volume. Long haul intercity bus services have good revenue margins for players like RedBus, AbhiBus (ixigo bus business), PayTM and RailYatri. For middle market OTAs, this represents the next frontier of growth from Tier- II & III cities and provides the bulk of their top line and growth. Bus along with the air is the fastest growing online travel segment, with a forecasted CAGR for Fiscal 2023 to Fiscal 2028 of 18%
Breakup of the travel industry ( by revenues)
Airline ticketing 44%
Hotel booking 26%
Rail ticketing 16% Bus ticketing 14%
Growth drivers
With per capita income growth, discretionary spends on travel to increase, leading to growth in OTA industry, along with further increase in share of online booking will drive the growth. Convenience of booking with OTAs, making luxury destinations affordable to fit into middle-income consumer budget , workation ( working during travelling)- all these are fostering growth of travel industry.
The surge in affordable smartphone users is expected to reach 1 billion users by 2026, according to TRAI. This, coupled with high speed internet connectivity( launch of 4G/ 5G) will drive online bookings.
The ability of OTAs to offer value added services that offer additional protection and refund guarantees such as zero cancellation fee programmes, fully refundable and flexible ticket types, price protection, travel insurance etc. and their ability to bundle in multiple types of services in one transaction.
A shift in demographics of overall travellers to the age group of 18–35 years who are dominating the Indian travel scene, comprising almost 66% of the overall trips.
Market leader is MakeMyTrip with 24% market share, and other players are Ixigo, Easemytrip, Cleartrip. Ixigo’s market share of the overall OTA market (flights, trains, hotels and buses) by GTV stood at 6% in FY23.
Operating metrics
Gross booking revenues is Rs 7450cr (Makemytrip Rs 53790cr). Gross booking revenues is total ticketing values. Revenues for FY23 is 500cr. Contribution margin was 220cr, at 44% in FY23. Though highly fragmented, contribution margin for bus segment is highest at 61.9% Gross take rate is 8.15%.
Comparison of metrics vs FY22, FY21 will not yield correct picture as travel was highly reduced due to covid during those years.
Segment wise revenues (Total revenues 500cr)
Airline ticketing 100cr (20%) Rail 300cr (60%) Bus 100cr (20%)
With the overall improvement of travel and internet infrastructure in India, it is expected that increased travel from / to non-Tier I cities to drive growth in trains, flights, buses and hotel bookings. Transactions booked through Ixigo's OTA platforms involving either origin or destination as non-Tier I cities were 94%.
To gather more tier II customers. Ixigo has run Hindi language outdoor media campaigns at non-Tier I railway stations and target audience in such regions through multilingual digital ads. Their mobile apps are available in multiple regional languages, and have several voice-based features. In FY23, 97.7% transactions are done through the Ixigo apps , rest website. Ixigo's brand presence and loyalty amongst users is evident from the growth in Monthly Active Users, which has increased from 21.59 million in March 2021 to 62.83 million in March 2023. They had a repeat transaction rate of 85% in FY23. Ixigo took 9 hrs to process a complaint, a total of 191576 complaints received in FY23.
90% traffic to Ixigo is organic. Ixigo operates through house of brands approach like Makemytrip. Ads & sales promotion expenses stand at 18.6% of revenues.
Annual revenues of Ixigo is 500cr. PAT 23cr.Revenues for 9M FY24 is 490cr and PAT for 9M FY24 is 65cr.
Take rates ( Operating revenues/ Gross booking revenues) of Ixigo is 8.15% (Yatra Online 5.7%, Makemytrip 9.1%, Easemytrip 6%)
EBITDA margins 8.7% (Yatra 17.6%, Makemytrip 10.2%) PAT margins 4.6% (Yatra 2%, Makemytrip is loss making Rs 90cr loss)
Balance sheet as on Dec '23
Borrowing at 43cr ( short term)Current debt/ equity ratio at 0.01
Trade receivables 33 cr.Cash equivalent of 52 cr. Cashflow from operations 30cr for FY23.
Points to consider
Market leader Makemytrip is still loss making, despite having 24% market share and 10 times revenues of Ixigo, indicating there is significant cash burn involved in terms of customer inducement/ customer acquisition cost which is 39% of revenues for Makemytrip.
Hotel & package booking is higher margin business, but Ixigo has just entered the segment in Dec '23.
Ixigo has a good hold in bus segment , which is still underpenetrated, and has higher take rates and contribution margin.
Transactions booked through Ixigo's OTA platforms involving either origin or destination as non-Tier I cities were 94%. Most of the future growth will come from non- Tier I cities, which places Ixigo in favourable spot. Given the growth drivers discussed , OTA industry is expected to grow at 14-15% CAGR.
IPO size /Promoter holding/ Market cap
Total offer ~ 720cr Fresh issue 120cr OFS 600 cr OFS sellers are SAIF Partners India IV Ltd , Peak XV Partners Investments V, others.
QIB- 75% NII 15% Retail 10% Funds raised from anchor investors is 333cr.
Price band- 88-93 Market cap post listing ~ 3635cr
Purpose of IPO
to fund working capital 45cr Technology & data science 26cr rest amount to fund inorganic growth
Ixigo is valued at P/E of 56 and P/S of 7x. Yatra online is valued at P/E of 267, and P/S of 4.8x, whereas similar sized listed peer Easemytrip is at P/E of 48, P/S of 12.5x
submitted by TheMoatInvestor to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:19 TheMoatInvestor Ixigo IPO Analysis

Ixigo IPO Analysis
Ixigo, started in 2007, as a flight comparison website enabled travellers to research and compare relevant price information and book their preferred flight in a cost-efficient and informed manner from OTAs. Ixigo later graduated to OTA( Online Travel Agent) in FY20. Ixigo is the 2nd largest OTA( Online Travel Agent) in terms of revenues, with 6% market share.
They operate through 4 different apps Ixigo flights,Ixigo trains, ConfirmTkt and AbhiBus. Ixigo is the largest Indian train ticket distributor in the OTA rail market with largest market share of around 51%, in terms of rail bookings, among OTAs. Their bus-focused app, AbhiBus, was the second largest bus-ticketing OTA in India, with a 11.5% market share in online bus ticket bookings in FY23. They had a market share in India of about 5.2% of the total airline OTA market by volume in H1 FY24. They have the highest app usage among OTAs with 83 million Monthly Active Users cumulatively across our apps. However, within each of their apps, they integrate and cross-sell all services they operate to ensure that users may not necessarily require another app ,like users can book a flight on the ixigo train app or ConfirmTkt and a bus journey on the ixigo flight app, and a train ticket on the AbhiBus app allowing them to discover and buy multiple travel services.
Product segments
1. Airline ticketing
Ixigo commenced operations in 2007 in the flight vertical by launching a travel meta-search website - providing aggregated comparison of deals and accurate travel information. Later in FY20, they transitioned to an OTA.
2. Rail
They launched the ixigo trains app for android in 2013 as a utility app with the objective of improving the experience of Indian train travellers by allowing them to search for train related information and providing utility services. Subsequently, in 2017, Ixigo started selling train tickets through their Ixigo trains app.
3. Bus tickets
Bus accounts for 70% of transport modes in India. Ixigo sells bus tickets by partnering either directly with operators or source inventory from bus ticketing aggregators in the country.They acquired the business of AbhiBus in 2021 to further consolidate their position.
4. Hotels
In December 2023, Ixigo have launched a hotel booking section on their website and apps to allow users the ability to search, compare and book hotels on their own platforms in India and across the world. They offer properties across domestic and international hotels, spanning budget, mid-range and luxury price points.
90% of users of Ixigo are organic users. Ixigo has market share amongst OTAs in terms of volumes - flight 5.3%, rail 53%, bus 13%. In July 2023, Ixigo became the first OTA in India to launch a Generative AI based travel planning tool named PLAN to help travellers plan their trip, get itineraries and real time information and recommendations based on input criteria
Industry overview
The Indian travel and tourism market for air, road, air and hotels accounts to around 3,80,800cr, expected to grow at a CAGR of 9%. In the overall Indian Travel market, 54% of all travel spends were made online in FY23, expected to reach around 65% in FY28.
Within the overall budget of ₹ 24 billion allocated to the Ministry of Tourism, a significant portion of ₹ 17.4 billion has been earmarked for the enhancement of tourism infrastructure.
Online penetration is 66-68% which is expected to go to 73-75% in FY27.
OTA (Online Travel Agency) industry in terms of net revenues is 11000cr, expected to grow at 14-15%
B2B OTA is at 4500cr(expected CAGR 14-15%).
In FY23 online penetration of the air segment stood at 70% of all air travel, expected to increase to 80% by FY28. Share of online hotel booking is low at 32%.
The Bus segment is highly underpenetrated by OTAs and represents an increasing segment in terms of volume. Long haul intercity bus services have good revenue margins for players like RedBus, AbhiBus (ixigo bus business), PayTM and RailYatri. For middle market OTAs, this represents the next frontier of growth from Tier- II & III cities and provides the bulk of their top line and growth. Bus along with the air is the fastest growing online travel segment, with a forecasted CAGR for Fiscal 2023 to Fiscal 2028 of 18%
Breakup of the travel industry ( by revenues)
Airline ticketing 44%
Hotel booking 26%
Rail ticketing 16% Bus ticketing 14%
Growth drivers
With per capita income growth, discretionary spends on travel to increase, leading to growth in OTA industry, along with further increase in share of online booking will drive the growth. Convenience of booking with OTAs, making luxury destinations affordable to fit into middle-income consumer budget , workation ( working during travelling)- all these are fostering growth of travel industry.
The surge in affordable smartphone users is expected to reach 1 billion users by 2026, according to TRAI. This, coupled with high speed internet connectivity( launch of 4G/ 5G) will drive online bookings.
The ability of OTAs to offer value added services that offer additional protection and refund guarantees such as zero cancellation fee programmes, fully refundable and flexible ticket types, price protection, travel insurance etc. and their ability to bundle in multiple types of services in one transaction.
A shift in demographics of overall travellers to the age group of 18–35 years who are dominating the Indian travel scene, comprising almost 66% of the overall trips.
Market leader is MakeMyTrip with 24% market share, and other players are Ixigo, Easemytrip, Cleartrip. Ixigo’s market share of the overall OTA market (flights, trains, hotels and buses) by GTV stood at 6% in FY23
Operating metrics
Gross booking revenues is Rs 7450cr (Makemytrip Rs 53790cr). Gross booking revenues is total ticketing values. Revenues for FY23 is 500cr. Contribution margin was 220cr, at 44% in FY23. Though highly fragmented, contribution margin for bus segment is highest at 61.9% Gross take rate is 8.15%.
Comparison of metrics vs FY22, FY21 will not yield correct picture as travel was highly reduced due to covid during those years.
Segment wise revenues (Total revenues 500cr)
Airline ticketing 100cr (20%) Rail 300cr (60%) Bus 100cr (20%)
With the overall improvement of travel and internet infrastructure in India, it is expected that increased travel from / to non-Tier I cities to drive growth in trains, flights, buses and hotel bookings. Transactions booked through Ixigo's OTA platforms involving either origin or destination as non-Tier I cities were 94%.
To gather more tier II customers. Ixigo has run Hindi language outdoor media campaigns at non-Tier I railway stations and target audience in such regions through multilingual digital ads. Their mobile apps are available in multiple regional languages, and have several voice-based features. In FY23, 97.7% transactions are done through the Ixigo apps , rest website. Ixigo's brand presence and loyalty amongst users is evident from the growth in Monthly Active Users, which has increased from 21.59 million in March 2021 to 62.83 million in March 2023. They had a repeat transaction rate of 85% in FY23. Ixigo took 9 hrs to process a complaint, a total of 191576 complaints received in FY23.
90% traffic to Ixigo is organic. Ixigo operates through house of brands approach like Makemytrip. Ads & sales promotion expenses stand at 18.6% of revenues.
Annual revenues of Ixigo is 500cr. PAT 23cr.Revenues for 9M FY24 is 490cr and PAT for 9M FY24 is 65cr.
Take rates ( Operating revenues/ Gross booking revenues) of Ixigo is 8.15% (Yatra Online 5.7%, Makemytrip 9.1%, Easemytrip 6%)
EBITDA margins 8.7% (Yatra 17.6%, Makemytrip 10.2%) PAT margins 4.6% (Yatra 2%, Makemytrip is loss making Rs 90cr loss)
Balance sheet as on Dec '23
Borrowing at 43cr ( short term)Current debt/ equity ratio at 0.01
Trade receivables 33 cr.Cash equivalent of 52 cr.Cashflow from operations 30cr for FY23.
Points to consider
Market leader Makemytrip is still loss making, despite having 24% market share and 10 times revenues of Ixigo, indicating there is significant cash burn involved in terms of customer inducement/ customer acquisition cost which is 39% of revenues for Makemytrip.
Hotel & package booking is higher margin business, but Ixigo has just entered the segment in Dec '23.
Ixigo has a good hold in bus segment , which is still underpenetrated, and has higher take rates and contribution margin.
Transactions booked through Ixigo's OTA platforms involving either origin or destination as non-Tier I cities were 94%. Most of the future growth will come from non- Tier I cities, which places Ixigo in favourable spot. Given the growth drivers discussed , OTA industry is expected to grow at 14-15% CAGR.
IPO size /Promoter holding/ Market cap
Total offer ~ 720cr Fresh issue 120cr OFS 600 cr OFS sellers are SAIF Partners India IV Ltd , Peak XV Partners Investments V, others.
QIB- 75% NII 15% Retail 10% Funds raised from anchor investors is 333cr.
Price band- 88-93 Market cap post listing ~ 3635cr
Purpose of IPO
to fund working capital 45cr Technology & data science 26cr rest amount to fund inorganic growth
Ixigo is valued at P/E of 56 and P/S of 7x. Yatra online is valued at P/E of 267, and P/S of 4.8x, whereas similar sized listed peer Easemytrip is at P/E of 48, P/S of 12.5x.
submitted by TheMoatInvestor to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:10 Thegingervoice Newly Single - FinancialSavings Advice

Hello. I am just out of a 11 year relationship, I am about to buy my ex out of the house that I (we) renovated and my outgoings are going to increase quite a lot.
I am looking for some advice in how maximise my savings, I have no idea about stocks/shares and ISA etc. Information is below:
TOTAL INCOME: £2,758.08 (I have a good pension through work)
TOTAL SAVINGS £11,000 (2% personal savings account)
Mortgage £1,077.38
Utilities £208.68 (getting a water metre fitted to reduce water bill)
Council Tax 112.5
TV License £13.25
Amazon Prime £8.99
Car £207.19 (4 years left)
Car Insurance £38
Home Insurance £22.21
Food £200
Petrol £100
Train £25
Phone £10
Savings £200 (into 2% personal savings)
Pocket Money £20 (for my neice and nephew)
OUTGOINGS: £2243,20
submitted by Thegingervoice to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]


+27603214264 100% SUPER SSD CHEMICALS SOLUTION AND ACTIVATION POWDER u/BEST SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION SELLERS FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY IN USA, UK, DUBAI, CANADA, GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, CALIFONIA` SSD SOLUTION CHEMICAL FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY NOTES MERCURY PASTE,AUTOMATIC CLEANING MACHINE FOR BLACK MONEY./phone: +27603214264 Office CALL/Whatsapp : +27603214264 Check our product on video below. Machine live at: machine live video 2 . We offer machines to do the large cleaning and delivery of products to buyers destinations after a consultation fee Countires like, American, united kingdom, Europe ,Africa and Middle east . We supply the latest super automatic ssd solution chemicals, universal chemicals, activating powders, Automatic cleaning machine. Others For Damaged Notes, Bills Like Usd, Euro, Pounds, Transferring Colors From Use Note To New White Bills, And Black Notes,We Work On Commission. We Also Offer Machines To Do The Big Cleanings, And We Do Delivery Of Products To Buyers Destinations After A Consultation Fee, Depending On your Cases. We are licensed for the cleaning of stained/dark bank notes to it normal. Due to a good number of years in this field, Our services are all upgraded and flexible. We employ the latest technology in the transformation of all (any) stained notes into a valuable material with the help of machines. We work on commission at clients desired location. in Bellv­ille Benon­i Bloem­fonte­in Boksb­urg Cape Town Cen­turio­n Durba­n East Londo­n Empan­geni Georg­e Germi­ston Ibhay­i­rg Katle­hong Kempt­on Park Kha­yelit­sa Pol­okwan­e Port Eliza­beth Potch­efstr­oom Preto­ria Randb­urg Roode­poort Ruste­nburg Seb­okeng Sosha­nguve Sowet­o Sprin­gbok Stell­enbos­ch Tembi­sa Thoho­yando­u Umlaz­i Uping­ton Vande­rbijl­park Ver­eenig­ing Welko­m Witba­nk Easte­rn Cape Free State Gaute­ng KwaZu­lu-Na­tal Limpo­po Mpuma­langa Zambi­a, Zimba­bawe Ssd Solution For Cleaning Black Money And Acticvating Machines to clean all type of blackened,tainted anddefaced bank notes. Our technicians are highly qualified and are always ready to handle the cleaning perfectly.Deliv­ery is by one of a follo­wing, UPS,D­HL, EMS.
submitted by PersonalCaramel7500 to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:41 Bitmandoo This may be a good upcoming news for USDT sellers who want to off ramp in India safely without the fear of getting their bank account frozen.

So there's this app called wind app, (nope I am not promoting it currently) , Currently its in enterprise phase where enterprise / companies can convert their USDC / other crypto to fiat currency, they take care of all the KYC.
The founder says they will add the option for normal users after few weeks.
Users can convert their USDC to INR / other fiat currency using this app, and get money directly in the bank account, This app works on a "remittance model" , services like remitly, western union, wise, already exist that lets a user living abroad send money using them to account in INR, the only issue being these services don't allow crypto to fiat transfer. However wind app does that, they do remittance but crypto to fiat remittance, users can send money in upto 38 countries as of now.
The founder of this project is a person who has founded a business called "pathao" , "pathao" is like Ola / Uber that operates in Bangladesh and Nepal, so this founder has some credibility.
Regarding taxes and FIU, there won't be such thing as TDS, as mentioned by the founder, as they are not required to register business in India. They just "remit" money, and only allows off ramping, so the government gets dollars coming from other countries so the government is happy, users won't have to worry about bank freeze and TDS, users will be happy, and regarding taxes if you earn profit you should pay taxes. You can't use them to buy crypto so the dollar doesn't leave the country and the government is happy about that.
When questioned about how this crypto to fiat legally takes place, here's what the founder replied :
"Questions around regulations on our off-ramps. -> We have licensed VASP in Europe where we convert USDC to USD. -> We have licensed PSP in UAE (licensed for cross-border remittance) through which we can disburse local fiat. Our infra makes this seamless. Through this we can off-ramp not just in India, but anywhere in the world. All users have to pass KYCs and the process adheres to our KYC/AML policy that is approved by our regulators and banking partners."
Further legal questions and answers can be found here :
Here's what the founder said regarding Off ramping in India :
We solved off-ramp in India Off-ramping to India is not as easy, even if there are large exchanges like WazirX
We tried paying out employees of Web3 companies in India using USDC, and partnered with local fiat off-ramps to convert that USDC in fiat. Our early users hated it. Why? Because India has a 30% "crypto tax". These web3 employees did not want their money coming in from an exchange because they were afraid they would have to report it for their tax filings, and get charged 30%+ in taxes! We solved it by doing the conversion off-shore. We convert USDC > USD outside of India, funnel that USD > INR into India. The money shows up as remittance (as it is!) in the employees bank statement. Indian government = happy, because USD is coming into the country. Employees = happy, they are not dealing in crypto. Us = happy, because this is a unique product that doesn't exist in the market.
Twitter link of the founder of Windapp : , this person is active on twitter so if you have any questions, tag him, he will reply.
link of the website currently for enterprise use only :
Note : I am not endorsing this app / website currently, I just found it to be a latest solution for us off rampers hence I felt its necessary for keep you guys updated. I will use it once its available to general people and provide further feedback.
submitted by Bitmandoo to CryptoIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:41 Odd-Ad2778 Geez.

submitted by Odd-Ad2778 to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:31 Jumpman55 Resume Review

Resume Review
Career changer looking for advice. Highly motivated and dedicated to pursuing the actuarial profession. Are there any open actuarial or analytical roles at your company? A connection on LinkedIn would be helpful.
submitted by Jumpman55 to actuary [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:16 ToninhoLinguca Death messages don't appear in chat but death counter works

Basically what I'm trying to do is that the first time someone dies a death message appears, but after the first death the message changes to another one
/scoreboard objectives add mortes deathCount /scoreboard objectives add check dummy 1:repeat, always activate /execute as u/a[scores={mortes=1..}] run scoreboard players set u/s check 1 2:chain, always activate /execute as u/a[scores={mortes=1..1},scores={check=1}] run tellraw u/s {"text":"You rise from the ashes","color":"red","bold":true} 3:chain, always activate /execute as u/a[scores={mortes=2..},scores={check=1}] run tellraw u/s {"text":"You rise from the ashes again...","color":"yellow"} 
submitted by ToninhoLinguca to MinecraftCommands [link] [comments]