One year anniversary poemsne year anniversary p


2020.02.01 09:59 Skavandross Everthorn

Welcome to the Everthorn subreddit. Post everything Everthorn related in here!

2015.01.18 23:50 pylorns Peterson Pipe Collectors

Peterson Pipe Collectors sub reddit.

2019.04.18 02:05 7ballcraze The hit 2009 Classic has a subreddit now.

17 again discussions.

2024.05.16 21:43 Waste-College5777 please help me

Hello guys, my name is Asik and I'm 15 years old. I come from Kazakhstan and am now going through a period of crisis in terms of material and moral terms. I think you will think that I'm still a child and have screwed up all this for myself, but alas, it's better that it was so than in reality. If I tell you briefly, I have a girlfriend whom I have been dating since the beginning of the school year (I am in 9th grade). And I really like her, she was the first one who made me delve into the area of relationships and development. I try and work very hard for her, so that she will always be joyful and happy, but at the moment I am not able to keep going. Tomorrow we are going to the rides with her. I would like to ask you for help. If someone does not believe me, I will publish proof that I was with her and spent all my money on her. I ask you for a helping hand people. I'll write the details below... 4400 4302 2854 9033 Sarsekul K.
submitted by Waste-College5777 to miamidolphins [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:42 DTScurria Dealing with the reality that I am a bad person.

Maybe I am just a piece of shit after all. Accepting it makes things easier, now I know what to expect from myself. I met her 18 months ago during one of the hardest times in my life so far. I was battling a felony case (first time), coming home from living abroad, dealing with heartbreak from my ex still, broke, living in a shed off grid, unemployed and then had a major death in the family. Somehow she didn't care. She stayed with me and loved on me. I continued to sleep with another girl during the first few weeks we were dating. I passed an STD to her. When I came clean and told her the truth she was devastated and never got over it. More than a year later she holds it over my head daily. I don't know why she didn't just dump me. After all I am a piece of shit.
Things got better, I beat the court case, got a job and some money saved, bought a house for us, Still she could not let it go that I was seeing another woman when we met. It ate at her and it would arise in the evenings when I desperately needed to un wind and relax. I started smoking pot again which she can't stand. But it's my house and I don't make her pay a dime to live here or make her clean or cook or do anything. She doesn't get to tell me what I can and can't do in my home.
She loves me unfathomably. She shows no interest in other men and has been fiercely loyal this whole time. Something my cheating EX was not. Yet I can't deal with the nagging, being told I am a pig, whore, used up, dirty, and that I will never have a loyal woman again besides her. Its gotten to be too much. I sent her home to her mothers house and have really enjoyed having sovereignty over my space. I think I might be borderline sociopath because I dont feel much right now. Usually it takes me a long time to process things though. She will be moved on with a new guy in the next three months and I will just be starting to process my emotions and probably regret my decision. But I am really doing her a favor. After all, I am a piece of shit.
submitted by DTScurria to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:42 Brady1138 Chances of Reconciliation?

My girlfriend and I have been living together for the past year, 6 months in an apartment then another 7 in a house with another 5 months to go on the lease that we can’t break. Despite all the talk about marriage, kids, honeymoon plans, etc (and I was looking for a ring) she broke up with me because my alcoholism was getting out of control. After one night of bad binge drinking she said “I’m not mad…I’m just done, we’re done we’re roommates now. Maybe we can get back by September [end of our lease] maybe not, I just can’t do this anymore. We talk about having kids and being a family man, but you act like a teenager.” After asking for one more chance she said “It’s not like I’m moving out with another guy tomorrow, how is this going to be different?” I told her I’ve tried to stop just for myself in the past, now I’m doing it because it has real stakes on our future together and that I’m gonna get help. I'm now a month sober and have been to a few AA meetings while actively looking for a one on one therapist. Is there any hope? Has anyone else gone through this with a happy ending? Will say she has been sticking around, supporting me with the counseling, and hasn’t given any indication of finding another guy so there’s that…still early though
submitted by Brady1138 to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:42 NoQuantity7733 Is this plan regarded or am I a genius?

I open 2 Roth IRAs one with boomer stocks, one with meme stocks.
I contribute 6K to both of them.
I eat the 6% tax penalty every year for over contribution.
If meme stock takes off I withdraw all my boomer stock contributions and pay zero taxes on meme stocks.
Is there a flaw in my plan?
submitted by NoQuantity7733 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:42 throwawayandaway2024 A few questions reg. StAG § 5

Hello, guys. So, I’ve just been getting into the process of trying to pursue a German citizenship via descent. I have most of the documentation gathered, but I need advice regarding some matters.
Background info: I was born in 2003. My mother didn’t have a German citizenship at the time I was born. She was born in wedlock in the 1970s in Poland. My grandfather didn’t have a German citizenship at the time my mother was born. He was born in the early 1940s in a territory that was German at the time, to German parents; however after the war it became a Polish territory due to border shifts. Therefore, my grandfather either lost or gave up his German citizenship to get a Polish one at its expense (or rather his mother did, since he was still a child). The exact date when it happened is not known to me, but we know that it’s possible to obtain citizenships via my grandfather, if we provide his birth certificate and marriage certificate, as well as his mother’s birth and marriage certificate (my mother’s sister went the exact same path and obtained the citizenship a couple years ago). We have those documents and we have had them translated by a certified translator as we were told to do. We also have a letter from Deutsche Dienststelle, proving that my great-grandfather was enrolled in the German army. I hope this information helps shed the light on our situation.
Questions: 1. My mother would like to obtain the citizenship, for her and my underage sister, does she need to also translate my sister’s birth certificate or, if she receives the citizenship, she should apply for the same for her children? 2. Could my mother apply to bestow the citizenship should she get it upon me, or I have to apply for it myself since I’m an adult? Is there a possibility for us to apply together?
We are going to apply in Gdańsk, if it matters.
submitted by throwawayandaway2024 to GermanCitizenship [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:42 Mission-Row-3495 Does everyone with gastritis get frequent hunger?

I've been suffering from gastritis for last 1 year and one thing I've noticed I get hungry very fast. Within 2 hours of eating I get hunger kind of feeling. Like shakiness and anxious. Some people shared similar experiences but they all had another health condition which could be a possible reason. Does anyone else who doesn't have any other health condition than Gastritis get same issue ?
submitted by Mission-Row-3495 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:42 Anonymous_538264 The black swan incident of 2015 (part 2)

After I showed what I saw to my classmates their reactions where the same as mine, none of us have seen what we have seen. My teacher zoomed in, in different areas of swans baby to look for better details of her deformity’s. We were all questioning how in the hell is this baby living and breathing and how did Swan never consider to kill her baby despite its obvious deformity’s.
Later on I took another dive to swim slightly closer to swan and her baby to see how is their interaction with each other, I had a tracker ready for her baby to track her down. I turned on my go-pro and started to search for swan and her baby I herd swan clicking and singing to her baby, despite these loving calls her baby never responded, swan swam past me and whistled for her daughter. I also tried to look for her but I never expected her to be above me. I remember looking up to see her daughter’s nose pointed straight at me, her body was perfectly vertical pointed at me. She was very still and silent. I took my chance and put the tag on swans baby, swan noticed her and It only took a gentle nudge from her mother swan to get her to move away from me and with the rest of the pod.
After coming back I review the footage with my other class mates as they where all where watching it with me as I zoomed in, in different areas again. This time in her eyes, last time I saw her eyes looking permanently up and they where still looking up, raising the brightness I can see every little blood vessel in her eyes I can see the shades of different reds in her eyes again. I needed to see how in he hell she could find me with her eyes permanently up.
I needed to know, can she find food?, can she see me? Can she make noise? How can she swim so silently? Who is her father? There were so many questions considering her physical and mental health. I knew that her father was not Issac as Issac was not even mature enough to even have a baby so that begs the question, did swans father pass down his genes to swans baby? If so how is her father like that too? When did this happen? And how?
I needed to study her more for 9 years I’ve studied swans baby who is now a mature female at this time. She was functioning normally like any other orca. She never made a noise and her deformity’s and her eyes stayed the same and every day I see her stay father and farther away from the pod only to come back like nothing happened. Her pod could be 2000 miles away and she’d immediately know where they were, just like how when she was a baby she knew where I was even with limited vision. At the time even after all of those years I never knew what name I should give to her, but now I do have a name for her.
6 years ago swan gave birth again. Only this time it was Issac’s baby. He came out healthy like a normal orca. After his birth he was introduced to everyone but at the time black swan was not there so we all checked where she was, she was about 300 miles away from them, we assumed she was doing her own thing and left it at that but when she came back she ignored her new baby brother, she just didn’t have any interest in him other than leaving and coming back. I remember the news reports of other pods of orcas disappearing out of nowhere, no one knew who was behind all of this, they thought it was poachers but there was no evidence so they left it be. News can be like that you know. So that bring us a few weeks later when swans baby disappeared. Swan was morning his loss and so was the pod but not her daughter. She swam next to her often times pressing her body to her mom as a way of hugging her and comforting her. That’s when I first heard black swan sing. She sang loudly and singing she did. If only I can speak orca to listen to her singing. I knew she only did it for her mom but I knew she sang about her brother. But how did her brother die?
I have a suspect.
Black swan.
submitted by Anonymous_538264 to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 dildobagginsmcgee Where do b2b leads come from?

In 2024, cold calling and door to door essentially.
I keep seeing people all over saying to go for jobs that are majority if not all inbound, and if you're in one of these roles that's wonderful, but for those of us laid off in the past year or so looking for new work, even the bigger more established companies that would provide at least some low quality leads to follow up with are now expecting reps to source all their own leads.
How do you do this? As someone who has gone down every rabbit hole, networking event, cold calling, door to door, cold email, etc. is that there's no secret or magic cheat code, you have to literally just get your offer in front as many relevant biz owners as possible, nearly impossible in todays market where everyone where wants you to fucking buy something.
Research? Lovely for warm leads and current customers you want to upsell to.
Cold? There's a decent chance your data is inaccurate or outdated so you gotta just brute force get out there and act like a literal human billboard, popup ad, flyer first, you are the outer most ring of the sales funnel, research is just a procrastination tool if you're going cold, save it for warm leads or better yet warm QUALIFIED leads.
Will there be ppl that succeed? Absolutely. But if you're not willing to essentially act as a business owner creating a book of biz from scratch right now, you should probably look into other work.
Part of what all this has taught me is that the glamorization of sales and entrepreneurship is just that, ppl say anyone can do it but if that was true everyone would and be rich and sexy and wonderful, but it simply isn't the case. was an 00's bust while chewy is a tech darling, a lot of it is timing and being in the right place, it's not dependable and your ability to go with the flow will determine how far you go in sales imho, but I'm just some Reddit rando so obvs take this all w a grain of salt
submitted by dildobagginsmcgee to sales [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 one_day_at_noon Hard pill to swallow but I guess we aren’t buying a home….

Affordable housing is a thing of the past: About 5 years ago a starter home could be bought around my area for under 30-40k. lol I know, that sounds mad the way the housing market is now, sigh. But I had intended to buy a small home on 1ac for 28k at the time. I did not buy at the time (I was having issues with family that required most of my savings). Hindsight.
Current market: Shortly after, my fiancé and I began saving for a home together. Then Covid and a housing boom happened and now a starter home in this area cost 200-300k. Incredibly low inventory, high competition, a LOT of investors as the state built many factors post Covid. So any cheap home is long gone. There is only inventory in the “unlivable and way over priced burned down meth house”/“very nice and the price double in 2years but that’s life- everyone’s competing and outbidding on these”/“are u a millionaire because you would need to be to upkeep these 500k+ McMansions”. I’m aware this seems amazing to HCOL residents but do recall this is a rural area where the majority of residents live at or around minimum wage: meaning our income even in the 60k range is HIGH here.
Journey so far: We’ve amassed 111k (in 2.5years) on a relatively small budget of roughly 65k by cutting out the fat on most everything and having a lot of lucky breaks (like a car hit my car and that was +7k, bonuses, so on). We are mostly lucky that our older landlords haven’t spiked the rent like many other landlords locally. Many renters had near 1k increases while our rent is still under 650 a month. Low living expenses allow us to save at a rate of 2.5k or more a month. This is a very lucky point for us and we are grateful but it’s become apparent that anyone on an average income, locally, has been priced out of the housing market pretty much overnight.
This is a hard pill to swallow.
The whole goal of saving to hit 100k was to safely put a deposit on a home, and continue to save towards fire. But with the market how it is, running compound interest calculators and rent/buy calculators, it simply doesn’t make any sense to move. This how is perhaps the cheapest home to rent in this town and it allows us a decent savings rate. After making a similar post to seek advise it’s become apart giving up our low rent would be a bad move because it would damage our savings rate more than buying a home would likely increase our net worth.
The plan? Running calculators at our current savings rate we should be at or close to 200k in 2 years (with an ESTIMATED return of 7-10%), at which point we also expect our income to have risen as well. Having seen the horror show that is our local market in the last few years waiting even longer is pretty terrorifing.
I’m aware many ppl in the fire community sacrifice comfort for their savings rate; sometimes for decades. I can respect that, but I wonder how ppl are holding up in this now remarkably inflation affected world. I can’t be the only one who watch the finish line dash further and further away freaking out the whole time…. Other than up our income and stay in an uncomfortable home I’m unsure what else we could do.
submitted by one_day_at_noon to leanfire [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 kalanichan How normal is it to have the puppy blues before even having the puppy?

Hello, I’m new to the sub because I was just googling this (how normal is it to have the puppy blues before even having the puppy?) and came across this community.
So, context. I currently have an almost-2-year-old adopted Golden Retriever. He came into our lives as a 6-month-old and was basically instantly potty trained, as he did everything his older sister (a Boston Terrier) did at the time. Sadly, my older pup, the Boston Terrier, passed away back at the start of January and her brother has taken it really hard.
That’s why a month ago we started looking for Boston Terrier puppies. I thought I was ready, I felt ready, and we even went to meet the puppy in question and absolutely loved her, she’s a sweetheart. But I haven’t had a full-on puppy in a while. And especially a puppy that’ll have such a small bladder.
What if I’m actually not ready to have a puppy yet? Our Golden Retriever is absolutely lethargic (been checked by the vet but decided against medication because he’s still eating pretty on schedule) and he really thrives when we dog sit our friend’s dogs or any other dog comes over to visit. I know he’ll love the puppy. But what if I don’t? What if I can’t do this? What if it’s too much?
We’re picking our puppy up later today and I have already cried. Is it just guilt over feeling like I’m replacing my pup that passed away? My husband thinks we should take it one step at a time, but I’m only looking 20 steps ahead and I’m so anxious, what if I unconsciously resent this puppy for not being like the pup I lost?
submitted by kalanichan to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 FunUse9295 Some music :)

Some music :)
Hi, I’m sorta new to the scene but realized Reddit p the best place to go to both get some feedback and possibly to give you some music as well, anyways here’s some music I’ve made these past 2-3 years lmk what y’all think or don’t (Don’t wanna drag this out anymore, here’s the link)
submitted by FunUse9295 to denvermusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 ShadowFated Fate Gaming 4600+ Members [PC][XB1][PS4] [NA][EU] [18+]

Fate Gaming is a trademarked, international 18+ casual crossplay gaming community. We were established in 2018 with the goal of creating a community where gamers always had laid back members to game with no matter what time of day.
As a member of Fate Gaming, you’ll have access to our Discord server and game servers, as well as the opportunity to participate in events, tournaments, and giveaways. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just starting out, our community is the perfect place to connect with others who share your passion for gaming.
We believe in creating a positive and supportive community where everyone feels welcome, regardless of their background or skill level.
All Fate members are active within 45 days. Many guilds, both small and large are inactive & lack quality members. Don’t gamble your time on communities with no track record or those that accept anyone willing to join.
Are you in more than one Discord server? No Problem! Many communities ban you for being in other clans, in Fate we recognize people have friends across multiple servers and are fine with you being in more than one gaming community.
Our community is currently looking for mature individuals who are 18 years of age or older. We are an international gaming community, but have our strongest presence in North America and Europe. We are not looking for players who desire hardcore game play, are angered easily, or who are looking to boss others around.
Fate Gaming LLC takes great strides to ensure all members feel welcomed and a part of the community. One of the ways we do this, is by hosting a division specifically for women gamers and lead exclusively by women. Our Lady Reapers have an exclusive set of channels to communicate with one another outside of our general chat, for those who feel more comfortable speaking to other women.
Another benefit of joining our community is being a part of our Fate Nation Podcast! Where we speak with developers of the games we play, discuss game releases, community news and more.
Podcast: Fate Nation Podcast
REQUIREMENTS No tryouts or applications
To become a member of Fate Gaming join our Discord or read more about us using the links below:
Website: Discord:
submitted by ShadowFated to DestinyClanFinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 fb88zxc123 My Friend Called Me Fat, and It Really Hurt Me

tl;dr: My friend thought I looked overweight in this picture, but I don't think so at all. Despite that, his comment still hurts a lot, and I wanted to hear other people's advice or general input on the situation.
I haven't used Reddit for years, but a situation happened yesterday that's bothering me.
A few days ago, I sent my male friend an older picture of me. (I have dyed hair and tattoos now, so I wanted to show him how I looked before.) Last night, he asked me how I started going to the gym. He said he's been wondering ever since I sent him the picture.
I was confused because I've been exercising my whole life and going to the gym regularly (x5 a week) for the past seven years. Also, I served in the Marine Corps, so I'm pretty sure I know how to exercise.
I actually asked him what the picture had to do with me going to the gym.
Then he said, "Because you were a little fatty like me 🤣."
(I wish I could attach the screenshot to show I'm not making up anything, but I think I can only add one picture.)
Well, I got upset. He asked me why I was being snappy. I didn't yell at him or anything, though.
I weighed about 115-120 pounds in that picture (the same weight I am today), and I'm 5'1. I don't think I look remotely fat in it.
It seems my friend was legitimately not trying to hurt my feelings, and he LIKES bigger women. Big women are his preference.
So, he wasn't trying to put me down. He is also big himself, so he doesn't fat shame people. I don't believe he was necessarily projecting on me either.
Which kind of makes the situation worse, unfortunately.
I still think I'm in wonderful shape (not a brag, but self love and all that), but damn, that shit really hurt. I don't know why he would say that to me...
I'm not trying to judge my friend at all. I'm not blaming him for my insecurity, but at the same time...I'm speechless. I cried last night about it, and for an hour today, and I hope it's not one of those insults you think about for years.
I was one of those preteenager girls who didn't eat because she was "fat." It hurts me to think that I'm conscious of what I eat (nothing obsessive, I'm just mindful of having a healthy lifestyle) and exercise for two hours a day, and someone could still genuinely think I was overweight.
His comment makes me feel like nothing I do will be ever be good enough. Also, I really like this picture 🙁. I thought it looked nice.
I finished my workout two hours ago, and I want to eat something, but I feel the same way I did when I was a preteenager. Too fat to eat. I haven't felt like that for YEARS.
Any advice? If I'm this upset, I know it must be a deeper issue that was triggered by his comment.
submitted by fb88zxc123 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 Secondarsalvage Conflict of interest on my modding project

I have an ongoing project of a modpack, very complicated with custom ports and custom mods. Story driven with a lot of rpg aspects..... In summary: huge modpack, I'm a one man team right now, very complicated with great concept, will take me about 2 years to finish and publish with a little help.
But now more I think about it, my modpack changes the game in it's entirety. The 'still minecrafty' disappears with my ideas and goals. Plus it would fit much more as it's standalone game.......
THE PROBLEM---- I belive it would be much better as a separate game altogether, which will take much longer. Since I don't know much about 'from scratch' game making procedures, I would need help with multiple softwares and a decent size team. I wish I could start on this plan, but I have no capital to invest and pay anyone who could help me develop the game. And I don't know much about legalities related to this project.
Do I continue my minecraft project, get popularity and donations, then create a game? Or forget a game, just focus on modpack. Or forget modpack, no matter how long it takes, invest in the game.
I'm genuinely lost rn
submitted by Secondarsalvage to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:40 Responsible_Milk9044 Question on the teaching of completely destroying/denying your ego.

Hello there!
I would need some new insights/opinion about this topic from people who also practice spirituality/meditation and are familiar with this spiritual concept. I'd like to present my own insight first and then gather different opinions, it would personally be very helpful to me.
Things that are up for discussion (and also my own insights after practicing meditation for a long time and learning from different spiritual teachings) - feel free to comment on them:
  1. If existence/ego/our bodies is an illusion then why don't we just stop drinking or eating...? It's all an illusion anyway.
  2. Since everything is an illusion and nothing is real including psychical existence, then anyone who is a serial killer is not responsible for what they've done or the victims family they ruined with their actions at all.
  3. I've read different insights on this same topic from various spiritual masters. While some completely deny our psychical form and teach us to destroy/remove our ego and to forget ourselves as a separate self, others teach that the outer and inner are part of the same whole, and that one is just as real as the other - claiming that that's the true wholeness. And denying one or the other either leads to material or spiritual poverty.
  4. Down below I'll copy some quotes from a spiritual master that's speaks about this particular dynamic.
  5. My own opinion is that not every teaching made in spirituality in realization will always stay the same or can be applied in current reality/developed society or in the upcoming future. We are made to evolve in psychical and spiritual realm.
  6. What is your own interpretation about completely removing your ego or denying it existence? Can we use it as a tool, is it an essential part for everyday living, our ego has its own function in our family, work, and so on.. Is it automatically wrong to have it and should we deny it existence?
  7. Do you know any quotes (from any spiritual master) connected to the topic, that do not completely condemn the ego and rather describes it as a useful tool for daily functioning and living in society, while also using it as a part of our individual roles in society?
Here are the quotes from an enlightened master about the outer vs inner:
"I teach you the whole man. The inner is real – as real as the outer. And the outer is as significant as the spiritual. You have to attain to a certain balance, a balance in which both are equally complementary to each other. This has not happened up to now. But unless this happens, there is no possibility for any humanity to exist in the world."
“And a mobility…just as you come out of your home and go back inside the home, your coming out of your being and going into your being should be as simple as that.”
“Whenever you are needed in the market, you should be in the market with your totality. The market cannot destroy your soul. And anybody who has preached to the world to renounce it, was against humanity. Neither does going inward, being in a meditative silence, take away anything from the outside world. You don’t have to condemn it, and you don’t have to declare it illusory. It should have been so simple to see, that I am amazed why thousands of years have passed, and still it is not a recognized fact around the whole world.”
"The outer cannot exist without the inner. Neither can the inner exist without the outer. They are both two sides of the same coin."
I cannot believe it – if the outside is unreal, whom are you teaching? If the outside world is unreal then what are you renouncing, where are you going? To the Himalayas? The Himalayas are as much outside as M.G. Market!”
"These two thousand years of slavery are not just an accident. The East was prepared for it. It has accepted it – what does it matter, in a dream, whether you are a master or a slave? What does it matter if in dream you are being served with delicious food or you are hungry?"
"Every day you need the outside food and every day you need the outside water, and still the outside is illusory?"
Feel free to share your own insights from your spiritual journey.
Much appreciated!
submitted by Responsible_Milk9044 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:40 Adept_Material3891 My (26m) girlfriend (26f) is probably leaving me, we have kids together, and I just changed my career for her, what do I do?

I recently posted looking for some advice, so I’ll skip the situation with our relationship, which isn’t officially over, but for the sake of trying to prepare for the worst (and likely) outcome. I have no idea what to do if she leaves me. We’ve been together for 4 years, she has a child from a previous relationship, and we have a daughter together. One of the issues has been that we didn’t like where we lived, and I worked a job that required around the clock availability, including weekends. So she was a stay at home because we couldn’t afford childcare, and with my job I couldn’t commit to any kind of schedule to help with childcare. So we moved in with family out of state, I stopped working in my trade, which made great money but in this state I’m on the road for sometimes a month at a time, and she became a CNA. We had struggles from living in a place that wasn’t our own, and other relationship issues, and it got to the point of us discussing ending the relationship, but she said we need to be on our own, and reevaluate our position then.
The thing is, I don’t want to separate from my kids, but due to her very inconvenient schedule, I have had to search for a job that conforms to my Gf schedule, which was hard but doable, but it involved a huge pay cut that’s only really feasible for me if we stayed together. We just signed a 6 month lease, but her job won’t work with her schedule, and I can’t wait around for her to figure it out, especially if she’s leaving me, but I’m afraid if I tell her to figure it out since she’s the one who is leaving, that I’ll end up on child support. It’s a huge mess, my mind is all over the place, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t have friends here, what little family I have isn’t very willing to help with childcare, I don’t think taking my daughter is an option, I just really have no clue how I’m going to manage.
Any advice from people who’ve been in this situation, aside from “breath and relax, it all works out.”
submitted by Adept_Material3891 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:40 GlitterPussPrincess MIL has got annoyed for something she did ?

To cut a long one short my sister in law has been a huge bully to me and spread lies. Made my partner have to defend me over the course of a year ect ect. Their mom has basically swept it under the rug and told us all to make up.
Anyway that hasn’t happened as the sister wasn’t willing to chat when we offered the olive branch. She’s steadfast on making me look bad and has no intention of making amends even for her brothers sake. So we cut her out.
His mom is aware of everything she has done.
Today his mom has scrolled through my Instagram and liked a picture of the sister from two years ago ….
Partner asked her why. She got annoyed and said were paranoid and that she’s allowed to interact ect ect
I’d just like peoples thoughts really as I’m really upset because I already feel like she’s allowed her daughter to do the things she’s done and it just doesn’t make sense to me
submitted by GlitterPussPrincess to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:40 PersonalizedGameRecs [/r/boardgames PGR] For children around 8/9 years old, which one of these do you think is more approachable and more importantly, fun?

submitted by PersonalizedGameRecs to PersonalizedGameRecs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:40 vkristof00 Housing for more than one year?

Hi, I've just gotten access to the housing platform and I've noticed that at some offers there are some options with fixed start and end dates, but there are also ones with only a rental start date and no end. Does this mean that I would be able to stay in this room for more than one year?
submitted by vkristof00 to TUDelft [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:40 _mamcia Doing the right thing feels so wrong

If you haven’t vaccinated your baby yet I’d advise not to read it lol. Also this is not antivax, just sad mama seeing her poor baby suffer (for their own good)
My baby boy got his second round of vaccines yesterday and it’s been hell. After getting the first ones I got over the initial pain and what that would be like for him and expected that awful cry, but I knew the next couple of days could be bad. First few hours he’s been okay, no fever, a little bit tender but laughed and smiled.
He slept well at night, I thought he might have slept it off but today has been much worse. He’s just been crying all day, and it’s not this loud, obnoxious cry. It’s small, little, constant sad whining that we just know means he’s not feeling well.
He has a sore tummy, he keeps farting, straining and puked few times today. We had to give him an extra dose of paracetamol already because his tempeture is still running. I know it’s the right thing to do, I’m wouldn’t be one to get flu vaccines each year or anything but I feel like childhood vaccinations are so important. I’d say its the rotavirus one thats bothing him the most 😭
He just drank a bit of his bottle and went to sleep, I hope he sleeps well and wakes up his normal, giggly self tomorrow. And I guess this is much better than seeing him in a hospital with meningitis or whooping cough.
submitted by _mamcia to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:40 fleur_de_jupiter Advice on Care - Enclosure Suggestions

Advice on Care - Enclosure Suggestions
PICS IN THREAD: I've been reading through the threads and saw some people said to use a CHE on the enclosure, I plan on stacking a leopard gecko tank on top of my Asian forest scorpion enclosure (4 inch height above it) and it will have a regulated heat tape on the bottom (so above the scorpion's enclosure).
Enclosure is the Reptizoo 20x12x6 with blacked out sides (comes like that) with the ZooMed Rainforest Mini Kit (rainforest soil, leaf litter, moss) and two water bowls (one on each side of tank). Does this seem okay? Should I add another heat strip to the scorpion's enclosure or would the heat tape from the gecko enclosure above it provide enough permeable heat on one side?
New to scorpions, it was honestly an impulse purchase for myself for Mother's Day because I've always wanted one but don't come across them often. I have tarantulas and have had them for years and expected their care to be more similar (I've never needed heating elements for my T's) but learning a lot on this thread and would appreciate any feedback on how I can improve my setup. Thank you!
submitted by fleur_de_jupiter to Scorpions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:40 AdventurousOption693 Memory stick adaptors

Hey guys I just got a psp(1001) after years of not having one and I’m interested in getting a micro sd adaptor and I had some questions about what a good brand to get. I am also curious about how I would go about jail breaking it and could I get gba games on there? Thank you in advance
submitted by AdventurousOption693 to PSP [link] [comments]