Countries,rivers, mountains in southwest asia

All your essential goat facts needed in everyday life.

2015.05.17 13:38 BerylliumExtract All your essential goat facts needed in everyday life.

The domestic goat is a subspecies of goat domesticated from the wild goat of southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the family Bovidae and is closely related to the sheep as both are in the goat-antelope subfamily Caprinae.

2016.03.14 23:11 dronpes The UK & Ireland Region of the Silph Road

The UK & Ireland Region of the Silph Road

2020.10.16 17:46 ImperialOverlord Explore Bangladesh

From the serene jungles to the west, to the battered mountains to the east, to the ruins of the north or the skylines of the centre, Bangladesh is the jewel of South Asia. Be it colourful festivals, flowing rivers, glamorous buildings or salivating foods, as long as it's in Bangladesh, it belongs in this subreddit. Welcome to brilliant Bangladesh!

2024.05.16 20:52 Beowulf_98 What city is the best positioned?

Me and my partner are going to Istanbul tomorrow and I've thought about how well it's geographically placed, being right on the tectonic plates separating Europe and Asia.
What other cities are placed really well by those who settled there? For example, a city that is naturally protected by mountains/forests/other terrain, or a city that is in optimum position to trade.
submitted by Beowulf_98 to ask [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:24 Then_Monitor1394 Lost in Claims

Desert Storm Combat vet. 3 tours, combat action.
Initially VSO put in wrong lung claim inhalational lung disease.
Put in interstitial lung disease myself after and after 7 months of C&P and 5 x-rays, which can't detect it, I have 2 CT scans, it just disappeared from my claim not explanation. Had the VSO change it and reclaim as VA told us to and received this again.
May 13, 2024
Your Benefit Information:
l Service connection for chronic migraines is denied.
l Service connection for inhalational lung disease is denied. Service
connection for inhalational lung disease is denied.
You have been diagnosed with a disability, pulmonary interstitial fibrosis, and mild elevated right hemidiaphragm, VA contract examination, conducted April 13, 2023.
It's like they are totally ignoring my issue because it's presumptive.
Then I filed,
Received on January 19, 2024
What you’ve claimed
chronic migraines (Secondary)
6513-chronic sinusitis: 30% SVCCONNCTED (Increase)
6522-allergic rhinitis: 0% SVCCONNCTED (Increase)
VA added the increases which I had another C&P for and was told I warrant an increase, but as you see above it is denied and the reason was;
It has not been established that chronic migraines resulted from TERA participation in this case
because the evidence does not show a diagnosis of chronic migraines. (38 CFR 3.303, 38 CFR
3.304) Your service treatment records do not contain complaints, treatment, or diagnosis for this
We did not find a link between your medical condition and military service. (38 CFR 3.303) A
nexus could not be made to your military service without a diagnosis.
Favorable Findings identified in this decision:
Participation in a toxic exposure risk activity is conceded. Your military record shows you had
service in Southwest Asia and exposure to burn pits.
Was not claiming as TERA am claiming as secondary to my sinusitis. Yet again there is no mention or denial of my sinusitis as not to recognize it.
They are purposely omitting evidence as not to apply a benefit.
VSO appealing the interstitial ,
Lost on what next. Do I hire a Lawyer because no-one can tell me why my information vanishes in the review when all has been sent and uploaded to the. My ENT exams about 5times for every condition. But is always ignored.
Again, Lost.
Thanks for listening any help appreciated.
submitted by Then_Monitor1394 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:52 Yurii_S_Kh Пештерски манастири Крима. Фотогалериja / Cave monasteries of Crimea. Photo Gallery

Пештерски манастири Крима. Фотогалериja / Cave monasteries of Crimea. Photo Gallery
Дмитриј Кирјухин
Полуострво Крим је права колевка православља која чува у себи мноштво храмова и светиња од којих неке привлаче ходочаснике из целог света. Данас је православни Крим пре свега познат захваљујући светитељу и лекару Луки Војно-Јасенецком који се овде подвизавао у ХХ веку, али се прва благовест о Спаситељу овде чула у ранохришћанско доба. Сам апостол Андреј Првозвани – први од људи које је Христос позвао – дошао је овамо да проповеда.
Пештерски манастири су једна од главних особености православног Крима и најчешће су оснивани на неприступачним брдским местима с окомитим литицама изнад планинских речних долина, што је омогућавало хришћанима да се бране од најезде туђинаца. Такође, обиље пештерских манастира на полуострву повезује се с бекством на Крим монаха из Мале Азије и Грчке у периоду од VII до IX века. Управо кримска земља је за њих представљала сигурно уточиште и место молитвеног подвига.
Вашој пажњи нудимо краћу фоторепортажу о неким обитељима.
* * *
The Crimean peninsula is a true cradle of Orthodoxy, keeping a lot of temples and shrines, some of which attract pilgrims from all over the world. Today the Orthodox Crimea is known primarily thanks to saint and doctor Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky, who asceticized here in the twentieth century, but the first preaching about the Savior was heard here in early Christian times. Apostle Andrew himself - the first of the people called by Christ - came here to preach.
Cave monasteries are one of the main features of the Orthodox Crimea and were most often founded in inaccessible mountainous places with steep cliffs above the mountain river valleys, which allowed Christians to defend themselves from the invasion of outsiders. Also the abundance of cave monasteries on the peninsula is associated with the flight to Crimea of monks from Asia Minor and Greece in the period from VII to IX centuries. It was the Crimean land was for them a shelter and a place of prayer.
We offer you a brief photo gallery about some of the monasteries.
* * *
На путу до манастира Христа Спаситеља Шулдан
Кула-капела изнад манастира Шулдан
Улаз у манастир
У манастиру. Улаз у манастир
У главном храму манастира
У главном храму манастира
У манастиру Челтер-Мармара
Панорама из манастира
Храм преподобног Саве Освећеног у манастиру
Голгота у храму преподобног Саве Освећеног
У храму преподобног Саве Освећеног
Поглед кроз прозор храма преподобног Саве Освећеног на звоник
Икона светитеља Николаја
Храм светитеља Николаја у манастиру
Поклон Фонда апостола Андреја Првозваног АД „Мотор-Сич“ манастиру преподобног Саве Освећеног у Челтер Мармару у спомен на доношење моштију апостола Андреја Првозваног из Богојављенског храма у Москви на Крим 30. јула – 30. августа 2016. године
Залазак сунца у манастиру
У храму древног пештерског града Ески-Кермен
У једној од градских пештера. Виде се остаци фресака
Source: OrthoChristian
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:10 Professional_Disk131 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
  • Element79 Gold successfully manages a diverse portfolio, optimizing financial returns and advancing key projects such as the high-grade Lucero project in Peru.
  • The company demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainable mining and community collaboration, notably through partnerships with local artisanal miners to enhance mutual economic benefits.
  • Through strategic sales and partnerships, such as the Maverick Springs transaction, Element79 Gold enhances its financial stability and provides non-dilutive capital to fuel further exploration and development.
Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has successfully concluded the Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver Limited, resulting in the transfer of ownership of the Maverick Springs Project to Sun Silver. This achievement marks a significant step in Element79 Gold Corp.’s ongoing strategy to enhance shareholder value through judicious asset management and partnerships.
About Element79
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS), a mining entity focused on gold and silver, is strategically positioning itself for significant operational advancements. The company is on track to recommence production at its Lucero project in Arequipa, Peru, targeting a restart by 2024. Lucero, known for its high-grade deposits, stands as a cornerstone in Element79 Gold’s portfolio.
In addition to its developments in Peru, Element79 Gold holds an impressive suite of assets along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada. This includes the promising Clover and West Whistler projects, which show potential for rapid resource development. Notably, three properties within this portfolio are poised for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with the transaction expected to be finalized in the first half of 2024.
Expanding its geographical footprint, Element79 Gold is also making strides in British Columbia. The company has initiated a drilling program and signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a private company holding an option for 100% interest in the Snowbird High-Grade Gold Project. This project comprises 10 mineral claims located strategically near Fort St. James, reinforcing the company’s asset base in central British Columbia.
Further enhancing its asset management strategy, Element79 Gold has moved its Dale Property, located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, into a spin-out process through its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp. This strategic realignment is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through efficient asset utilization and focused corporate structuring.
Highlights of Element79 Gold’s Strategic Developments
Since its acquisition in 2021, Element79 Gold has diligently advanced the Maverick Springs project, culminating in an updated 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimation of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
In pursuit of strategic partnerships to further develop Maverick Springs, Element79 Gold’s management successfully negotiated and entered into a Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver in August 2023. This pivotal move aligns with the company’s strategic focus on the high-grade Lucero Project in Peru, which boasts near-term production potential. The transaction with Sun Silver not only shifts the company’s focus but also realizes significant value for Maverick Springs. Originally acquired and carried at CAD $3.337 million, the project was sold for CAD $5.033 million, reflecting an impressive return on investment of 51% within 28 months.
The sale generated substantial financial gains for Element79 Gold, amounting to CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 ordinary shares in Sun Silver, valued at AUD $0.20 per share (fair market value of AUD $700,000). These shares are anticipated to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
A portion of the proceeds, CAD $2,200,000, will be allocated to settle the loan tied to the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. The remaining funds will be strategically used to further the development of other corporate projects and operations, reducing both capital debt and accounts payable. This strategic financial management underscores Element79 Gold’s commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio and enhancing shareholder value in the competitive mining sector.
Key Financial Highlights
  • Updated Resource Estimation: 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
  • Sale of Maverick Springs: Achieved a final sale value of CAD $5.033 million, marking a 51% ROI over 28 months from an acquisition and carrying cost of CAD $3.337 million.
  • Proceeds from Sale: Totaling CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 shares in Sun Silver, priced at AUD $0.20 per share.
  • Share Listing: Shares expected to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
  • Loan Repayment: CAD $2,200,000 of the proceeds will be used to settle the loan associated with the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement.
  • Funding Future Projects: Remaining funds will be used to advance other corporate projects and operations, while reducing capital debt and accounts payable.
“The successful closing of the transaction highlights Element 79’s steadfast dedication to executing its strategic roadmap. This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it stands as proof of our team’s ability to generate value through project execution, and indicates a potential turning point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it reinforces diligent financial management by to clearing up the balance sheet from past endeavours, and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to generate further value for our investors.“
James Tworek, CEO of Element 79 Gold Corp
Collaboration with Artisanal Miners at Element79 Gold
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has actively engaged with local artisanal miners in Lomas Doradas to promote sustainable mining practices and community collaboration. In April, the company’s community relations team organized a significant meeting aimed at enhancing mutual support and establishing a formal collaboration for mineral extraction and ore sale processes.
During this meeting, Element79 Gold presented draft contracts proposing 10-year surface access rights for exploration at the Lucero mine site, alongside similar access for local miners in designated areas. These agreements were intended to unify efforts and optimize ore market pricing, with the goal of creating mutual economic benefits.
A critical follow-up meeting was held in Chachas on April 28th, where the community voted on these initiatives. This gathering aimed to solidify the partnership between Element79 Gold and the artisanal miners, moving towards formalizing their cooperative relationship and ensuring continued updates on the initiative’s progress.
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) is exemplifying strategic acumen and operational dexterity across its diverse portfolio. By actively managing its assets from the Lucero project in Peru to strategic ventures across Nevada and British Columbia, the company is effectively balancing exploration potential with financial stability. The successful negotiation and sale of the Maverick Springs project, alongside collaborative engagements like those with the artisanal miners of Lomas Doradas, highlight Element79 Gold’s commitment to ethical practices and community involvement.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to Wealthsimple_Penny [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:07 Professional_Disk131 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
  • Element79 Gold successfully manages a diverse portfolio, optimizing financial returns and advancing key projects such as the high-grade Lucero project in Peru.
  • The company demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainable mining and community collaboration, notably through partnerships with local artisanal miners to enhance mutual economic benefits.
  • Through strategic sales and partnerships, such as the Maverick Springs transaction, Element79 Gold enhances its financial stability and provides non-dilutive capital to fuel further exploration and development.
Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has successfully concluded the Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver Limited, resulting in the transfer of ownership of the Maverick Springs Project to Sun Silver. This achievement marks a significant step in Element79 Gold Corp.’s ongoing strategy to enhance shareholder value through judicious asset management and partnerships.
About Element79
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS), a mining entity focused on gold and silver, is strategically positioning itself for significant operational advancements. The company is on track to recommence production at its Lucero project in Arequipa, Peru, targeting a restart by 2024. Lucero, known for its high-grade deposits, stands as a cornerstone in Element79 Gold’s portfolio.
In addition to its developments in Peru, Element79 Gold holds an impressive suite of assets along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada. This includes the promising Clover and West Whistler projects, which show potential for rapid resource development. Notably, three properties within this portfolio are poised for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with the transaction expected to be finalized in the first half of 2024.
Expanding its geographical footprint, Element79 Gold is also making strides in British Columbia. The company has initiated a drilling program and signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a private company holding an option for 100% interest in the Snowbird High-Grade Gold Project. This project comprises 10 mineral claims located strategically near Fort St. James, reinforcing the company’s asset base in central British Columbia.
Further enhancing its asset management strategy, Element79 Gold has moved its Dale Property, located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, into a spin-out process through its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp. This strategic realignment is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through efficient asset utilization and focused corporate structuring.
Highlights of Element79 Gold’s Strategic Developments
Since its acquisition in 2021, Element79 Gold has diligently advanced the Maverick Springs project, culminating in an updated 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimation of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
In pursuit of strategic partnerships to further develop Maverick Springs, Element79 Gold’s management successfully negotiated and entered into a Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver in August 2023. This pivotal move aligns with the company’s strategic focus on the high-grade Lucero Project in Peru, which boasts near-term production potential. The transaction with Sun Silver not only shifts the company’s focus but also realizes significant value for Maverick Springs. Originally acquired and carried at CAD $3.337 million, the project was sold for CAD $5.033 million, reflecting an impressive return on investment of 51% within 28 months.
The sale generated substantial financial gains for Element79 Gold, amounting to CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 ordinary shares in Sun Silver, valued at AUD $0.20 per share (fair market value of AUD $700,000). These shares are anticipated to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
A portion of the proceeds, CAD $2,200,000, will be allocated to settle the loan tied to the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. The remaining funds will be strategically used to further the development of other corporate projects and operations, reducing both capital debt and accounts payable. This strategic financial management underscores Element79 Gold’s commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio and enhancing shareholder value in the competitive mining sector.
Key Financial Highlights
  • Updated Resource Estimation: 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
  • Sale of Maverick Springs: Achieved a final sale value of CAD $5.033 million, marking a 51% ROI over 28 months from an acquisition and carrying cost of CAD $3.337 million.
  • Proceeds from Sale: Totaling CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 shares in Sun Silver, priced at AUD $0.20 per share.
  • Share Listing: Shares expected to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
  • Loan Repayment: CAD $2,200,000 of the proceeds will be used to settle the loan associated with the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement.
  • Funding Future Projects: Remaining funds will be used to advance other corporate projects and operations, while reducing capital debt and accounts payable.
“The successful closing of the transaction highlights Element 79’s steadfast dedication to executing its strategic roadmap. This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it stands as proof of our team’s ability to generate value through project execution, and indicates a potential turning point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it reinforces diligent financial management by to clearing up the balance sheet from past endeavours, and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to generate further value for our investors.“
James Tworek, CEO of Element 79 Gold Corp
Collaboration with Artisanal Miners at Element79 Gold
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has actively engaged with local artisanal miners in Lomas Doradas to promote sustainable mining practices and community collaboration. In April, the company’s community relations team organized a significant meeting aimed at enhancing mutual support and establishing a formal collaboration for mineral extraction and ore sale processes.
During this meeting, Element79 Gold presented draft contracts proposing 10-year surface access rights for exploration at the Lucero mine site, alongside similar access for local miners in designated areas. These agreements were intended to unify efforts and optimize ore market pricing, with the goal of creating mutual economic benefits.
A critical follow-up meeting was held in Chachas on April 28th, where the community voted on these initiatives. This gathering aimed to solidify the partnership between Element79 Gold and the artisanal miners, moving towards formalizing their cooperative relationship and ensuring continued updates on the initiative’s progress.
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) is exemplifying strategic acumen and operational dexterity across its diverse portfolio. By actively managing its assets from the Lucero project in Peru to strategic ventures across Nevada and British Columbia, the company is effectively balancing exploration potential with financial stability. The successful negotiation and sale of the Maverick Springs project, alongside collaborative engagements like those with the artisanal miners of Lomas Doradas, highlight Element79 Gold’s commitment to ethical practices and community involvement.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to trakstocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:05 Professional_Disk131 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold successfully manages a diverse portfolio, optimizing financial returns and advancing key projects such as the high-grade Lucero project in Peru. The company demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainable mining and community collaboration, notably through partnerships with local artisanal miners to enhance mutual economic benefits. Through strategic sales and partnerships, such as the Maverick Springs transaction, Element79 Gold enhances its financial stability and provides non-dilutive capital to fuel further exploration and development. Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has successfully concluded the Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver Limited, resulting in the transfer of ownership of the Maverick Springs Project to Sun Silver. This achievement marks a significant step in Element79 Gold Corp.’s ongoing strategy to enhance shareholder value through judicious asset management and partnerships. About Element79 Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS), a mining entity focused on gold and silver, is strategically positioning itself for significant operational advancements. The company is on track to recommence production at its Lucero project in Arequipa, Peru, targeting a restart by 2024. Lucero, known for its high-grade deposits, stands as a cornerstone in Element79 Gold’s portfolio. In addition to its developments in Peru, Element79 Gold holds an impressive suite of assets along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada. This includes the promising Clover and West Whistler projects, which show potential for rapid resource development. Notably, three properties within this portfolio are poised for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with the transaction expected to be finalized in the first half of 2024. Expanding its geographical footprint, Element79 Gold is also making strides in British Columbia. The company has initiated a drilling program and signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a private company holding an option for 100% interest in the Snowbird High-Grade Gold Project. This project comprises 10 mineral claims located strategically near Fort St. James, reinforcing the company’s asset base in central British Columbia. Further enhancing its asset management strategy, Element79 Gold has moved its Dale Property, located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, into a spin-out process through its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp. This strategic realignment is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through efficient asset utilization and focused corporate structuring. Highlights of Element79 Gold’s Strategic Developments Since its acquisition in 2021, Element79 Gold has diligently advanced the Maverick Springs project, culminating in an updated 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimation of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq). In pursuit of strategic partnerships to further develop Maverick Springs, Element79 Gold’s management successfully negotiated and entered into a Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver in August 2023. This pivotal move aligns with the company’s strategic focus on the high-grade Lucero Project in Peru, which boasts near-term production potential. The transaction with Sun Silver not only shifts the company’s focus but also realizes significant value for Maverick Springs. Originally acquired and carried at CAD $3.337 million, the project was sold for CAD $5.033 million, reflecting an impressive return on investment of 51% within 28 months. The sale generated substantial financial gains for Element79 Gold, amounting to CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 ordinary shares in Sun Silver, valued at AUD $0.20 per share (fair market value of AUD $700,000). These shares are anticipated to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024. A portion of the proceeds, CAD $2,200,000, will be allocated to settle the loan tied to the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. The remaining funds will be strategically used to further the development of other corporate projects and operations, reducing both capital debt and accounts payable. This strategic financial management underscores Element79 Gold’s commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio and enhancing shareholder value in the competitive mining sector. Key Financial Highlights Updated Resource Estimation: 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq). Sale of Maverick Springs: Achieved a final sale value of CAD $5.033 million, marking a 51% ROI over 28 months from an acquisition and carrying cost of CAD $3.337 million. Proceeds from Sale: Totaling CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 shares in Sun Silver, priced at AUD $0.20 per share. Share Listing: Shares expected to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024. Loan Repayment: CAD $2,200,000 of the proceeds will be used to settle the loan associated with the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. Funding Future Projects: Remaining funds will be used to advance other corporate projects and operations, while reducing capital debt and accounts payable. “The successful closing of the transaction highlights Element 79’s steadfast dedication to executing its strategic roadmap. This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it stands as proof of our team’s ability to generate value through project execution, and indicates a potential turning point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it reinforces diligent financial management by to clearing up the balance sheet from past endeavours, and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to generate further value for our investors.“ James Tworek, CEO of Element 79 Gold Corp Collaboration with Artisanal Miners at Element79 Gold Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has actively engaged with local artisanal miners in Lomas Doradas to promote sustainable mining practices and community collaboration. In April, the company’s community relations team organized a significant meeting aimed at enhancing mutual support and establishing a formal collaboration for mineral extraction and ore sale processes. During this meeting, Element79 Gold presented draft contracts proposing 10-year surface access rights for exploration at the Lucero mine site, alongside similar access for local miners in designated areas. These agreements were intended to unify efforts and optimize ore market pricing, with the goal of creating mutual economic benefits. A critical follow-up meeting was held in Chachas on April 28th, where the community voted on these initiatives. This gathering aimed to solidify the partnership between Element79 Gold and the artisanal miners, moving towards formalizing their cooperative relationship and ensuring continued updates on the initiative’s progress. Conclusion Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) is exemplifying strategic acumen and operational dexterity across its diverse portfolio. By actively managing its assets from the Lucero project in Peru to strategic ventures across Nevada and British Columbia, the company is effectively balancing exploration potential with financial stability. The successful negotiation and sale of the Maverick Springs project, alongside collaborative engagements like those with the artisanal miners of Lomas Doradas, highlight Element79 Gold’s commitment to ethical practices and community involvement.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to Pennystock [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:05 Professional_Disk131 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
  • Element79 Gold successfully manages a diverse portfolio, optimizing financial returns and advancing key projects such as the high-grade Lucero project in Peru.
  • The company demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainable mining and community collaboration, notably through partnerships with local artisanal miners to enhance mutual economic benefits.
  • Through strategic sales and partnerships, such as the Maverick Springs transaction, Element79 Gold enhances its financial stability and provides non-dilutive capital to fuel further exploration and development.
Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has successfully concluded the Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver Limited, resulting in the transfer of ownership of the Maverick Springs Project to Sun Silver. This achievement marks a significant step in Element79 Gold Corp.’s ongoing strategy to enhance shareholder value through judicious asset management and partnerships.
About Element79
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS), a mining entity focused on gold and silver, is strategically positioning itself for significant operational advancements. The company is on track to recommence production at its Lucero project in Arequipa, Peru, targeting a restart by 2024. Lucero, known for its high-grade deposits, stands as a cornerstone in Element79 Gold’s portfolio.
In addition to its developments in Peru, Element79 Gold holds an impressive suite of assets along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada. This includes the promising Clover and West Whistler projects, which show potential for rapid resource development. Notably, three properties within this portfolio are poised for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with the transaction expected to be finalized in the first half of 2024.
Expanding its geographical footprint, Element79 Gold is also making strides in British Columbia. The company has initiated a drilling program and signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a private company holding an option for 100% interest in the Snowbird High-Grade Gold Project. This project comprises 10 mineral claims located strategically near Fort St. James, reinforcing the company’s asset base in central British Columbia.
Further enhancing its asset management strategy, Element79 Gold has moved its Dale Property, located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, into a spin-out process through its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp. This strategic realignment is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through efficient asset utilization and focused corporate structuring.
Highlights of Element79 Gold’s Strategic Developments
Since its acquisition in 2021, Element79 Gold has diligently advanced the Maverick Springs project, culminating in an updated 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimation of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
In pursuit of strategic partnerships to further develop Maverick Springs, Element79 Gold’s management successfully negotiated and entered into a Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver in August 2023. This pivotal move aligns with the company’s strategic focus on the high-grade Lucero Project in Peru, which boasts near-term production potential. The transaction with Sun Silver not only shifts the company’s focus but also realizes significant value for Maverick Springs. Originally acquired and carried at CAD $3.337 million, the project was sold for CAD $5.033 million, reflecting an impressive return on investment of 51% within 28 months.
The sale generated substantial financial gains for Element79 Gold, amounting to CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 ordinary shares in Sun Silver, valued at AUD $0.20 per share (fair market value of AUD $700,000). These shares are anticipated to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
A portion of the proceeds, CAD $2,200,000, will be allocated to settle the loan tied to the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. The remaining funds will be strategically used to further the development of other corporate projects and operations, reducing both capital debt and accounts payable. This strategic financial management underscores Element79 Gold’s commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio and enhancing shareholder value in the competitive mining sector.
Key Financial Highlights
  • Updated Resource Estimation: 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
  • Sale of Maverick Springs: Achieved a final sale value of CAD $5.033 million, marking a 51% ROI over 28 months from an acquisition and carrying cost of CAD $3.337 million.
  • Proceeds from Sale: Totaling CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 shares in Sun Silver, priced at AUD $0.20 per share.
  • Share Listing: Shares expected to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
  • Loan Repayment: CAD $2,200,000 of the proceeds will be used to settle the loan associated with the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement.
  • Funding Future Projects: Remaining funds will be used to advance other corporate projects and operations, while reducing capital debt and accounts payable.
“The successful closing of the transaction highlights Element 79’s steadfast dedication to executing its strategic roadmap. This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it stands as proof of our team’s ability to generate value through project execution, and indicates a potential turning point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it reinforces diligent financial management by to clearing up the balance sheet from past endeavours, and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to generate further value for our investors.“
James Tworek, CEO of Element 79 Gold Corp
Collaboration with Artisanal Miners at Element79 Gold
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has actively engaged with local artisanal miners in Lomas Doradas to promote sustainable mining practices and community collaboration. In April, the company’s community relations team organized a significant meeting aimed at enhancing mutual support and establishing a formal collaboration for mineral extraction and ore sale processes.
During this meeting, Element79 Gold presented draft contracts proposing 10-year surface access rights for exploration at the Lucero mine site, alongside similar access for local miners in designated areas. These agreements were intended to unify efforts and optimize ore market pricing, with the goal of creating mutual economic benefits.
A critical follow-up meeting was held in Chachas on April 28th, where the community voted on these initiatives. This gathering aimed to solidify the partnership between Element79 Gold and the artisanal miners, moving towards formalizing their cooperative relationship and ensuring continued updates on the initiative’s progress.
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) is exemplifying strategic acumen and operational dexterity across its diverse portfolio. By actively managing its assets from the Lucero project in Peru to strategic ventures across Nevada and British Columbia, the company is effectively balancing exploration potential with financial stability. The successful negotiation and sale of the Maverick Springs project, alongside collaborative engagements like those with the artisanal miners of Lomas Doradas, highlight Element79 Gold’s commitment to ethical practices and community involvement.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:41 Sweet-Count2557 15 Fun Things to Do With Kids in the Phoenix Area

15 Fun Things to Do With Kids in the Phoenix Area
15 Fun Things to Do With Kids in the Phoenix Area As we were strolling through the vibrant streets of Phoenix, a thought suddenly struck us: what are some fun activities we could do with our kids in this bustling city? Well, buckle up because we've got you covered!In this article, we'll take you on a journey through the top 15 fun things to do with your little ones in the Phoenix area.So, whether you're looking for indoor attractions, outdoor adventures, educational experiences, or unique destinations, keep reading to discover the best ways to create unforgettable memories with your family in the Valley of the Sun.Key TakeawaysPhoenix offers a wide range of indoor attractions for kids, including LEGOLAND Discovery Center Arizona, SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium, and the Arizona Science Center.Families can enjoy unique experiences in Phoenix, such as visiting the Heard Museum, trying indoor skydiving at iFly, or exploring the Crayola Experience.Outdoor activities in Phoenix include hiking Camelback Mountain, exploring historical sites like the Pioneer Living History Museum, and watching Cactus League Baseball games.Families can also enjoy educational attractions like the Musical Instrument Museum, the Desert Botanical Garden, and the Pueblo Grande Museum, which offer opportunities for learning and exploring nature.Indoor AttractionsWhen it comes to indoor attractions in the Phoenix area, there are plenty of exciting options for families to enjoy together. From interactive museums to thrilling puppet shows, there's something for everyone.One of the top indoor attractions for kids in Phoenix is the Arizona Science Center. This museum offers hands-on exhibits and interactive demonstrations that make learning about science fun and engaging.Another must-visit is the Great Arizona Puppet Theater, where families can watch delightful puppet shows that will captivate both children and adults.For a unique experience, families can visit the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM). This museum houses a vast collection of musical instruments from around the world, and visitors can even try playing some of them. It's a great way to introduce children to different cultures and the beauty of music.Another option is the Children's Museum of Phoenix, which offers a wide range of interactive exhibits that encourage creativity and imagination.When it comes to the best family-friendly museums in Phoenix, the Hall of Flame Fire Museum is a must-visit. Here, families can learn about the history of firefighting and see antique fire trucks up close. It's a fascinating and educational experience for kids of all ages.Unique ExperiencesAfter immersing ourselves in the fascinating world of indoor attractions in Phoenix, it's time to embark on a journey of unique experiences that will leave the whole family enthralled.One of these experiences is the iFly indoor skydiving adventure. Imagine the thrill of floating on a cushion of air, defying gravity as you soar through the sky. It's an adrenaline-pumping activity that will make you feel like a superhero. Whether you're an experienced skydiver or a first-timer, iFly offers a safe and exhilarating experience that's suitable for all ages.Another unique experience that shouldn't be missed is the Mirror Maze adventure. Step into a world of illusion and confusion as you navigate your way through a maze of mirrors. It's a mind-bending experience that will challenge your perception and leave you wondering which way is up. Get lost in the infinite reflections and see if you can find your way out. It's a fun and interactive activity that will keep the whole family entertained.These unique experiences offer a break from the ordinary and provide an opportunity for the whole family to create lasting memories. Whether you choose to defy gravity at iFly or get lost in the Mirror Maze, you're sure to have a thrilling and unforgettable time.Water ActivitiesLet's dive into the refreshing world of water activities in the Phoenix area and make a splash with endless fun and excitement. The Phoenix area offers a variety of options for cooling off and having a great time in the water.Here are three exhilarating water activities that your family will love:Splash Pads: Beat the heat at one of the many splash pads scattered throughout the Phoenix area. These interactive water play areas are perfect for kids of all ages. Watch as your little ones squeal with delight as they run through spraying water, dodge waterfalls, and explore the colorful water features. With numerous splash pads to choose from, you'll never run out of options for a splashing good time.Water Parks: For a day full of thrilling water slides, wave pools, and lazy rivers, head to one of the water parks in the Phoenix area. Hurricane Harbor Phoenix is a popular choice, offering an array of adrenaline-pumping slides and attractions. From high-speed water slides to relaxing floating experiences, there's something for everyone in the family. Get ready to make a big splash and create unforgettable memories.SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium: Dive into an underwater adventure at SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium. Explore the wonders of the ocean and get up close to fascinating marine creatures. Watch as your kids marvel at the colorful fish, graceful rays, and majestic sharks. With interactive exhibits and educational presentations, the aquarium provides a unique and immersive water experience for the whole family.Whether you choose to cool off at a splash pad, slide down thrilling water slides at a water park, or discover the magic of the underwater world at SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium, the Phoenix area offers a wide range of water activities that will leave your family feeling refreshed and exhilarated. So grab your swimsuits and get ready to make a splash in the desert oasis.Educational AttractionsAs we continue our exploration of the exciting attractions in the Phoenix area, let's now turn our attention to the educational offerings that are sure to captivate and enlighten both children and adults alike. From interactive exhibits to hands-on learning experiences, these educational attractions provide a unique opportunity for families to engage in fun and educational activities.One of the most popular educational attractions in Phoenix is the Arizona Science Center. With its interactive exhibits and engaging programs, the Science Center offers a hands-on learning experience that sparks curiosity and fosters a love for science. From exploring the wonders of the human body to discovering the mysteries of outer space, there's something for everyone at this educational hotspot.Another must-visit educational attraction is the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM). This one-of-a-kind museum showcases a collection of over 7,000 musical instruments from around the world. Visitors can't only see and learn about these instruments but also have the opportunity to play them in the interactive exhibits. It's a truly immersive experience that brings the joy of music to life.For a glimpse into the rich history and culture of Phoenix, the Pueblo Grande Museum is a must-visit. This archaeological site and museum offers a fascinating look into the ancient Hohokam civilization through exhibits, artifacts, and hands-on activities. Visitors can learn about the daily life, art, and architecture of the Hohokam people while exploring the ruins of their ancient village.To experience the beauty of the desert and learn about its unique ecosystem, the Desert Botanical Garden is the perfect destination. With its stunning collection of desert plants and informative exhibits, the garden provides a wonderful opportunity to learn about the importance of conservation and sustainability.These educational attractions in the Phoenix area offer a blend of entertainment and learning, making them the perfect choice for families looking for a fun and educational experience. Whether it's exploring the wonders of science, playing musical instruments from around the world, delving into the history of ancient civilizations, or discovering the beauty of the desert, these attractions provide a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experiences that will leave both children and adults inspired and enlightened.Children's EntertainmentWe couldn't wait to dive into the world of children's entertainment in the Phoenix area, where a plethora of exciting activities and attractions awaited our little ones. From interactive shows to creative workshops, there was something for everyone to enjoy.Here are three of our favorite children's entertainment options in the Phoenix area:LEGOLAND Discovery Center Arizona: This indoor attraction is a dream come true for LEGO enthusiasts. Kids can explore the LEGO-themed rides, build and race their own LEGO cars, and even learn from master builders in interactive workshops. It's a place where imagination and creativity take center stage.Great Arizona Puppet Theater: Step into a world of enchantment and wonder at the Great Arizona Puppet Theater. With captivating puppet shows that bring stories to life, children can immerse themselves in the magic of puppetry. From classic tales to original productions, every performance is a delight for young and old alike.Childsplay: If your child has a flair for the dramatic, Childsplay is the perfect place to nurture their love for the performing arts. They offer a variety of theater classes and workshops where kids can learn acting, singing, and dancing from professional instructors. It's a wonderful opportunity for them to express themselves and develop their talents.These are just a few examples of the incredible children's entertainment options in the Phoenix area. Whether your little ones are into LEGO, puppetry, or the performing arts, there's something for every child's interest and imagination to thrive.Outdoor ActivitiesAfter immersing ourselves in the world of children's entertainment, we were ready to venture outdoors and explore the exciting activities and attractions that the Phoenix area has to offer. The region is known for its stunning natural beauty and abundant sunshine, making it the perfect destination for outdoor adventures with kids.One of the top outdoor activities in Phoenix is hiking. With its picturesque landscapes and numerous hiking trails, there's something for everyone. Camelback Mountain is a popular choice, offering breathtaking views of the city from its summit.Families can also visit the Pioneer Living History Museum, where they can step back in time and experience what life was like in the Old West.For those who crave a bit more excitement, there are several outdoor adventure parks to choose from. Castles N Coasters is a thrilling amusement park with rides and attractions for all ages. Jakes Unlimited offers a variety of activities including go-karts, mini-golf, and arcade games. And for those who want to beat the heat, Enchanted Island Amusement Park is a water park with slides and splash pads.MuseumsWhen exploring the vibrant city of Phoenix, don't miss out on the opportunity to visit its fascinating museums. Phoenix is home to a variety of museums that offer engaging and educational experiences for both kids and adults. Here are three must-visit museums in Phoenix:Arizona Science Center: This museum is a hub of interactive exhibits that will spark curiosity and inspire young minds. From exploring the wonders of space in the planetarium to getting hands-on with the latest technology in the Maker Space, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Kids can learn about science, technology, engineering, and math through fun and engaging exhibits.Musical Instrument Museum (MIM): At MIM, you can embark on a musical journey around the world. This unique museum showcases a vast collection of musical instruments from different cultures and time periods. Kids can listen to music from different regions, play instruments, and even participate in interactive performances. It's a great opportunity to introduce them to the beauty of music from around the globe.Heard Museum: Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Native American tribes at the Heard Museum. This museum houses a remarkable collection of historical artifacts, including pottery, jewelry, and textiles. Kids can learn about the traditions, art, and stories of Native American communities through exhibits and interactive displays.Animal AttractionsIf you're looking for a wild and exciting adventure in Phoenix, be sure to check out the animal attractions that will leave your kids in awe.Phoenix is home to some of the best zoos in the area, where your little ones can get up close and personal with a wide variety of animals. The Phoenix Zoo is a must-visit, with over 1,400 animals and 125 acres of land to explore. Your kids will love seeing giraffes, elephants, and even Komodo dragons. The zoo also offers animal encounters, where your children can meet and learn about their favorite creatures.But the fun doesn't stop there! Butterfly Wonderland is another animal attraction that your kids will love. This indoor rainforest is home to thousands of colorful butterflies, as well as other insects and reptiles. Your children can even participate in the Butterfly Encounter, where they can hold and release butterflies.For an underwater adventure, SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium is the place to go. This interactive aquarium allows kids to get up close and personal with marine life, including sharks, stingrays, and seahorses. They can even touch starfish and sea anemones in the interactive touch pool.Art and CreativityLet's dive into the vibrant world of art and creativity in Phoenix, where imagination knows no bounds. Whether your little ones are budding Picassos or simply love getting their hands dirty, there are plenty of opportunities for them to explore their artistic side in the Phoenix area.Here are three exciting options that will unleash their creativity:Pottery Painting Classes: Let your kids unleash their inner artists at pottery painting classes. They can choose from a wide range of ceramic pieces, from mugs to figurines, and then let their imaginations run wild as they paint and decorate their creations. Not only will they've a blast, but they'll also take home a unique piece of art to cherish.Creative Art Workshops: Encourage your children to think outside the box and express their creativity through innovative art workshops. These workshops often focus on different artistic techniques and mediums, such as painting, drawing, sculpture, and mixed media. With the guidance of experienced instructors, your little artists will have the opportunity to experiment with various materials and create one-of-a-kind masterpieces.Interactive Art Exhibits: Take your kids to interactive art exhibits that engage all their senses. These exhibits allow children to become part of the artwork, encouraging them to touch, explore, and even contribute to the creative process. From immersive installations to interactive digital displays, these exhibits will spark their imagination and leave a lasting impression.Amusement ParksGet ready for a thrilling adventure at the amusement parks in Phoenix, where excitement and fun await visitors of all ages. If you're a thrill seeker looking for an adrenaline rush, you won't be disappointed. Phoenix is home to some of the best amusement parks that cater to your need for speed and excitement. Whether you're a daredevil or just looking for a fun family outing, these parks have something for everyone.One of the top amusement parks for thrill seekers in Phoenix is Castles N Coasters. This park offers a variety of exhilarating rides, including roller coasters, bumper cars, and a log flume ride. With its thrilling attractions and exciting atmosphere, Castles N Coasters is sure to get your heart racing.For families looking for the best family-friendly attractions, Enchanted Island Amusement Park is a must-visit. This park is perfect for kids of all ages, with a wide range of rides and attractions that are both fun and safe. From gentle carousel rides to exciting mini roller coasters, there's something for everyone at Enchanted Island.Jakes Unlimited is another great option for families. This indoor amusement park offers a mix of arcade games, bumper cars, mini golf, and even a zip line. With so many activities to choose from, your family will have a blast exploring all that Jakes Unlimited has to offer.When it comes to amusement parks in Phoenix, there's no shortage of fun and excitement. Whether you're a thrill seeker or looking for family-friendly attractions, these parks have it all. So grab your family and get ready for a day of adventure and fun at the amusement parks in Phoenix.Historical and Cultural SitesWhen exploring the vibrant city of Phoenix, don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich history and diverse culture found at the historical and cultural sites throughout the area. Phoenix isn't just a modern metropolis; it's also home to fascinating sites that offer a glimpse into the past and the unique cultures that have shaped this region.Here are three must-visit historical and cultural sites that will captivate both kids and adults:Pioneer Living History Museum: Step back in time and experience what life was like in the Old West at the Pioneer Living History Museum. This immersive outdoor museum showcases authentic 19th-century buildings and artifacts, and offers interactive activities such as gold panning and blacksmith demonstrations. Kids will love dressing up in period costumes and exploring the restored schoolhouse, saloon, and other historic structures.Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve: Embark on a journey of discovery at the Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve. This archaeological site is home to over 1,500 petroglyphs created by the ancient Hohokam people. Take a guided tour to learn about the significance of these rock carvings and gain insight into the Hohokam culture. Kids will be fascinated by the intricate designs and the stories they tell.Heard Museum: Delve into Native American art, history, and culture at the Heard Museum. This renowned institution showcases a vast collection of traditional and contemporary art, including pottery, jewelry, textiles, and sculptures. Kids can participate in hands-on activities, such as weaving and pottery making, and learn about the rich traditions and contributions of Native American tribes.These historical and cultural sites offer a chance to explore the past and gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse cultures that have shaped Phoenix. So, grab your family and embark on an adventure of discovery at the Pioneer Living History Museum and the Deer Valley Petroglyph Preserve, and don't forget to visit the Heard Museum for a truly immersive cultural experience.Water ParksWater parks in the Phoenix area offer a refreshing and thrilling escape from the desert heat, providing endless fun and excitement for the whole family. When it comes to water parks, Phoenix has some of the best in the country. Let's take a look at the top water parks in Phoenix and the best water park attractions for kids.One of the top water parks in Phoenix is Hurricane Harbor Phoenix. This park boasts a variety of attractions that are sure to keep kids entertained all day long. From thrilling water slides to relaxing lazy rivers, there's something for everyone at Hurricane Harbor. The little ones can splash around in the children's play areas, while older kids can brave the giant water slides.Another great water park in Phoenix is SEA LIFE Arizona Aquarium. While not a traditional water park, it offers an underwater adventure like no other. Kids can explore the wonders of the ocean through interactive exhibits and even touch some of the marine life. It's a great way to combine learning and fun in one.For a more laid-back water park experience, splash pads are a popular choice. These water playgrounds are scattered throughout the city and offer a safe and fun environment for kids to cool off. They feature fountains, sprays, and other interactive elements that are sure to keep kids entertained for hours.SportsNow let's dive into the exciting world of sports in the Phoenix area, where there's no shortage of thrilling activities and events to keep both kids and adults entertained.Here are three sports events and activities in Phoenix that are perfect for kids:Cactus League Baseball: Phoenix is home to several Major League Baseball teams that participate in the Cactus League during spring training. Taking your kids to a baseball game is a fantastic way to introduce them to the sport and create lasting memories. They can cheer for their favorite teams, enjoy ballpark food, and experience the excitement of America's pastime.Other Sports: Phoenix offers a wide range of sports options for kids to get involved in. From soccer and basketball to swimming and golf, there are countless opportunities for children to explore different sports and find their passion. Local community centers, sports clubs, and recreational facilities often offer youth leagues and programs that cater to different age groups and skill levels.How to get kids involved in sports in the Phoenix area: Getting kids involved in sports isn't only a great way to keep them active but also helps develop important skills like teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. Encourage your children to try different sports and find something they enjoy. Attend local sports clinics or camps where they can receive professional coaching and guidance. And most importantly, be their biggest cheerleader and support them in their sports endeavors.Gardens and NatureExploring the gardens and nature in the Phoenix area offers a captivating experience that immerses both kids and adults in the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. From botanical gardens to wildlife sanctuaries, there are plenty of opportunities to connect with nature and create lasting memories.One of the must-visit destinations for nature enthusiasts is the Desert Botanical Garden. This stunning botanical garden showcases a wide variety of desert plants and offers a unique opportunity to learn about the diverse ecosystems found in the region. Kids will love exploring the garden's trails and discovering the fascinating plants and wildlife that call the desert home.For those seeking outdoor adventure, Phoenix is home to several outdoor adventure parks and nature trails. These parks offer a range of activities such as hiking, biking, and even zip-lining, providing endless opportunities for families to get active and enjoy the great outdoors. Whether you're looking for a leisurely stroll through a scenic nature trail or an adrenaline-pumping adventure, there's something for everyone.In addition to the botanical gardens and adventure parks, Phoenix is also home to wildlife sanctuaries where kids can get up close and personal with animals. These sanctuaries provide educational experiences and allow children to learn about different species and their habitats. It's a wonderful way to teach kids about the importance of conservation and the need to protect our natural world.Exploring the gardens and nature in the Phoenix area isn't only a fun way to spend time with your kids, but it also offers valuable learning experiences. It allows children to appreciate the beauty of the natural world and develop a deeper understanding and respect for the environment. So, grab your sunscreen and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the gardens and nature of Phoenix!Phoenix LandmarksWhen visiting Phoenix, be sure to explore the iconic landmarks that make the city truly unique. Here are three must-see Phoenix landmarks that will captivate both kids and adults:Great Arizona Puppet Theater: Step into a world of imagination and wonder at the Great Arizona Puppet Theater. Watch in awe as the talented puppeteers bring characters to life through their skillful performances. From classic fairy tales to original stories, the puppet shows here are a delight for all ages. Let your children's imaginations run wild as they're transported to magical worlds filled with adventure and laughter.Hall of Flame Fire Museum: Delve into the fascinating history of firefighting at the Hall of Flame Fire Museum. Learn about the brave men and women who risk their lives to protect our communities. Explore the impressive collection of vintage fire engines and equipment. Kids will love the interactive exhibits where they can try on firefighter gear and even ride on a mini fire truck. This museum isn't only educational but also a great way to show appreciation for our local heroes.Musical Instrument Museum (MIM): Immerse yourself in the world of music at the Musical Instrument Museum. Discover instruments from across the globe and learn about different musical cultures. Kids can participate in hands-on activities like playing instruments from around the world or creating their own melodies in the interactive exhibits. The MIM also offers live performances and concerts, providing a truly immersive and enriching experience for the whole family.Explore these Phoenix landmarks and create unforgettable memories with your kids. Whether it's the magic of puppet shows, the history of firefighting, or the universal language of music, these attractions will leave a lasting impression on everyone who visits.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Outdoor Activities Suitable for Kids in the Phoenix Area?There are plenty of outdoor activities suitable for kids in the Phoenix area. Outdoor playgrounds offer endless fun and adventure, while hiking trails provide opportunities for exploration and discovery.With the beautiful weather and stunning landscapes, kids can enjoy playing outside and connecting with nature. Whether it's climbing rocks, running through grassy fields, or spotting wildlife, there's something for every child to enjoy in the great outdoors of Phoenix.What Are Some Popular Historical and Cultural Sites to Visit With Kids in Phoenix?Popular historical sites in Phoenix suitable for kids include:The Heard MuseumPueblo Grande MuseumPioneer Living History MuseumDeer Valley Petroglyph PreserveThese sites offer a fascinating glimpse into the rich history and culture of the region.Fun cultural sites in Phoenix for children include:The Great Arizona Puppet Theater, where kids can enjoy captivating puppet showsThe Musical Instrument Museum, which showcases a wide variety of musical instruments from around the worldThese sites provide a unique and educational experience for kids of all ages.Are There Any Water Parks in the Phoenix Area That Are Suitable for Young Children?There are some great water parks for toddlers in the Phoenix area! In addition to traditional water parks, there are also splash pads scattered throughout the city.These splash pads are perfect for little ones to cool off and have fun in the water. They typically have shallow pools and interactive water features that are safe and enjoyable for young children.Are There Any Sports Activities or Events Specifically Catered Towards Kids in Phoenix?There are several sports activities and events in Phoenix that are specifically catered towards kids. Kids-only sports leagues provide a great opportunity for young athletes to learn and grow in their chosen sport.Additionally, there are fun sports tournaments that allow kids to showcase their skills and compete against other young athletes. These activities not only promote physical fitness but also teach important values like teamwork and sportsmanship.Engaging in sports can be a fun and rewarding experience for kids in Phoenix.Can You Recommend Any Gardens or Nature Parks in Phoenix That Are Kid-Friendly?When it comes to kid-friendly gardens in Phoenix, one place that comes to mind is the Desert Botanical Garden. With its vibrant array of desert plants and beautiful walking trails, it's a perfect spot for families to explore and learn about the unique flora of the region.Another family-friendly nature park is the Phoenix Zoo, where kids can't only see a variety of animals but also enjoy interactive exhibits and educational programs.These destinations offer a fun and educational experience for the whole family to enjoy.ConclusionIn conclusion, Phoenix offers a wide range of exciting and memorable experiences for families with kids. Whether you prefer indoor attractions, outdoor adventures, educational activities, or water parks, there's something for everyone.While some may argue that visiting multiple attractions can be expensive, the memories created and the quality time spent with your children are priceless. So, seize the opportunity to explore Phoenix and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:29 AdamDzholdoshev Toyota Sequoia 05/06 or Nissan Patrol Y61

Hello All, This is Adam from Kyrgyzstan, tiny mountainous country in the middle of Central Asia!
I would like to buy my first offroad vehicle and would like it to be reliable and fixable in a long term. Also, I want to have a specious car because I have a big family, + I organise private tours around the country.
What do you think of these 2 cars? I personally want to go for a Toyota, but good condition Toyota is like 20K US dollars in our market. Whereas Nissan Y61 in a good condition is around 13K-15K.
What would you choose if you were in my shoes?
submitted by AdamDzholdoshev to Offroad [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:40 MightBeneficial3302 Element79 Gold Corp Welcomes the Successful IPO of Sun Silver Ltd. (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold Corp Welcomes the Successful IPO of Sun Silver Ltd. (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
VANCOUVER, BC - TheNewswire - May 15, 2024 The Board of Directors and the management team of Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE:ELEM) (OTC:ELMGF) (FSE:7YS0) ("Element79", the "Company") extend their congratulations to Sun Silver Ltd. (“Sun Silver”) for their successful initial public offering (IPO) today.
The offering was oversubscribed to its maximum limit of AUD $13,000,000 and Sun Silver shares began trading on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) under the symbol SSI.
Sun Silver comes to market at a time of growing investor interest in the silver industry, driven by growing demand for the metal from industrial and high-tech applications particularly the solar industry.
Solar energy capacity in the USA alone is forecast to increase by 125GW per year to 2030, and the USA has set a target for solar energy to provide 30 per cent of all electricity in the United States by 2030 and 45% by 2050. The estimated amount of silver required to achieve this target by 2050 represents as much as 98% of the current known global silver reserves.
As part of the transaction, Element79 now hold a stake representing 3,500,000 shares of Sun Silver, pursuant to the terms agreed upon in the recently completed sale of the Maverick Springs project. Sun Silver aims to develop Maverick Springs and undertake early-stage studies to assess the feasibility of silver paste and solar energy opportunities.
“We are pleased to witness the success of our colleagues at Sun Silver,” said James Tworek, CEO of Element79 Gold. “Element79’s stake in Sun Silver share capital solidifies the relationship between two industry players who share a vision of sustainable growth development and long-term value creation for their shareholders.”
“We are thrilled to have completed our IPO and excited to embark on this journey where we intend to expand on the existing resource at Maverick Springs,” said Gerard O’Donovan, Executive Director of Sun Silver Ltd. “We look forward to leveraging our position in the silver industry, capitalizing on the growing demand and we are grateful for the synergies with the team at Element79 who were instrumental in helping us make this significant step forward.”
About Element79 Gold Corp.
Element79 Gold is a mining company focused on gold and silver committed to maximizing shareholder value through responsible mining practices and sustainable development of its projects. Element79 Gold's focus is on developing its past-producing, high-grade gold and silver mine, the Lucero project located in Arequipa, Peru, with the intent to restart production in 2024.
The Company also holds a portfolio of 5 properties along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada, with the Clover and West Whistler projects believed to have significant potential for near-term resource development. Three properties in the Battle Mountain Portfolio are under contract for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with an anticipated closing date in the first half of 2024.
The Company has an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Dale Property, 90 unpatented mining claims located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, and has recently announced that it has transferred this project to its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp, and is advancing through the Plan of Arrangement spin-out process.
For more information about the Company, please visit
Contact Information
For corporate matters, please contact:
James C. Tworek, Chief Executive Officer
E-mail: [](
For investor relations inquiries, please contact:
Investor Relations Department
Phone: +1.403.850.8050
E-mail: [](
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to smallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:32 Malc1f3r Bloody Heaven ! BL STORY ! -------Chapter 1- It's still impossible.

A story of a boy immersed in deep despair. Zein has been living alone for quite a long time. He was abused when he was young and his body, filled with scars. He is emotionally sensitive and has a bad temper. As he continues his depressing life, he meets a young man two years younger than him, Rain. His life began to change. He started feeling emotions that he had never felt before, happiness, belongingness, and love. Is Rain the light he needed to finally realize his worth?
Zein, a 21 year old, living in a dark apartment all by himself. He's now in college and is currently working as a part-time in a small mini mart.
Mini mart bell rings
"Welcome, please pick whatever you like and pay up" Zein's deep rusty voice greeted the customer. His gloomy emotion seems to be affecting the customer. "Do you have a box of cigars?" The customer asked. "Sorry but we ran out this morning. We're still restocking" Zein replied. "Seriously? Why build a mini mart when you can't sell what customers want?". The tone of the customer suddenly changed. "How about you get the fuck out of here before I cut your throat open" Zein glared at the customer which exited the building angrily. "I hate this shitty life".
Zein's shift finally ended and he went back to his apartment. His neighbors could feel the dark aura emitting from the room. "What are you weirdos looking at?!" Zein glared at the neighbors like how he glared at the customer. He entered his apartment and went to the kitchen to grab a knife. He pop open a box of cigarettes and started smoking while slowly cutting shallow cuts on his wrist. He has been doing this for a while. "Ugh!" Zein groans looking at the bathroom mirror.
He threw the knife at the mirror breaking it to a million pieces. He hated his appearance. He was filled with scars. He had red eyes and slightly edged teeth. His hair was soft but rustled. He was tall with white pale skin. Many people would mistakenly think of him as a goth. At school, girl would flock around him asking him for something or sometimes even confessions. He always got confused how he got these confessions even with his appearance.
The morning came and he started to change to his uniform. He started his bike and went to school. He could answer any question at school but he is really a bad tempered person. On a specific event, he shouted at a teacher which gave him detention. His grades were always high but one specific subject, Moral, was always low. Well, it's obvious why.
The school bell rang which means class was about to begin. Their teacher, Mr. Ordoniez entered the classroom with a new student with him. "Class, before we start off, we have a new exchange student from Tokyo." The class was filled with murmurs as most of them haven't went to Tokyo yet. It's a seven hour ride from Ishikawa to Tokyo. "Quiet class. Sir Hakari, please introduce yourself." The teacher signalled the student to go in the middle of the classroom. He was slightly short with light and soft skin. His eyes were orange and brown, it looked like ambers in the sun. He had medium brown hair that we're a but curly but also tidy. He looked around the classroom and started to introduce himself smiling. "Good morning everyone. I'm Hakari Rain. I'm here as an exchange student. My parents work at the Kori.corp nearby so I requested to be an exchange student here instead. Nice to meet all of you and I hope you would take care of me" Rain's soft voice brightened the room and his smile lit up everyone's faces. "Ok Sir Hakari, please sit beside..." The teacher paused searching for an empty seat. "Beside Sir Iwatani." The teacher pointed the seat beside Zein. Everybody was shocked as they know Zein's behavior. His bad temper might spill out again. "Sir, why does he have to sit beside me. He can move his chair somewhere else you know" Zein was surprisingly calm about this but still, his glare darkened the room. "Ok, if you wish. Sir Hakari, you can move you chair anywhere you like." Rain dragged his chair away from Zein and he stole a glimpse of him. "Your eyes are so pretty" Rain accidentally said those words out loud. He blushed out of embarrassment as Zein glared at him. The room went silent as everyone looked at Rain blushing. "SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN IT". Rain apologized and hurriedly sat on his seat. The class continued and he could see Zein sleeping during class. "Psst, psst." Zein looked up to see who was calling him. "PSSST!!" Zein looked at Rain calling him. "What do you want?" The teacher suddenly went silent and called Rain. "Mr Hakari, you seem to already know this since you're talking something that isn't connected to my topic so I'll ask you a question. What is the capital of the Philippines which I mentioned while discussing?" Rain went silent thinking about the answer "Manil-" Rain was about to say his answer when Zein interrupted. "Manila sir" Rain looked at Zein saying the correct answer before him. "Hey! That was my question" Rain pouted as he looked at Zein angrily. "Maybe because I'm better than you" Zein smirked. "EXCUSE ME? Sir, please another question". Rain demanded. "Ok? What is the most famous mountain here in Japan"? The teacher asked "MOUNT FUJI!" Rain shouted his answer. "Guess I am the better one heh" Rain smiled proudly and Zein's smirk slowly faded. "Another one sir" Zein demanded next. "Ok? What continent does Japan belong to?". "Asia of course." Zein immediately replied. Rain's face could be seen and he looked very annoyed. Both of them kept demanding more questions until the class finished and in the end, Zein answered the most questions while Rain was one point behind.
The bell rang signalling everyone to go to lunch. "Who's better little mouse?" Zein smirked and went out to lunch. "This isn't over." Rain whispered to himself and sat down at his table. Zein exited the classroom and everyone started to crowd around Rain. "Wow you're so smart! I can't believe you stood up to Zein like that!" A student excitedly complimented Rain. "What's with Zein anyway? He's not that bad." Everyone went silent. "He's feared by everyone because of his bad temper. Rumor has it that he killed a student once" Another student replied. "Pfft that's just rumors. Turns out that student transferred to another school." A blue haired boy abruptly gave info about the rumors. "Hey there! I'm Nikko. Can we be friends?" Nikko went all out to greet Rain and it seemed a bit overwhelming. "Oh? Not much if a talker? Don't worry it's ok!" Nikko smiled and patted Rain's head.
-Zein's POV-
Heh. He thought he could answer more questions than me. Pathetic. I've been going over and over to that class for two years. I know the questions and the answers. Even if I don't study, I can answer any question. He was very competitive. I like it.
--Disclaimer-- This is my original story please don't repost unless if you ask permission.
Comment if you liked it and chapter 2 comming soon
submitted by Malc1f3r to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:02 Yurii_S_Kh Patriarch of Georgia calls for increased prayer amidst large-scale protests over “foreign against” law

Patriarch of Georgia calls for increased prayer amidst large-scale protests over “foreign against” law
The beloved Patriarch of Georgia issued a statement on Sunday, calling on the Georgian people to intensify their prayers to the Holy Trinity for peace in their country.
Thousands of people have been filling the streets of Tbilisi since mid-April, protesting against the so-called “foreign agents” law that requires any organization, such as media outlets, that receives more than 20% of its funding from abroad to register as a foreign agent.
Despite the protests, which have been met with violence at times, Parliament passed the law in its third reading on Tuesday. It will likely be vetoed by the president, though that can be overruled by a simple majority vote in Parliament.
While other nations, such as the United States, have analogous foreign agent laws, many in Georgia are protesting what the media characterizes as a “Russian” law.
Against this background, His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia is calling on the people to remember the Three Youths in the fiery furnace and to offer fervent prayers to God. His statement, published on Sunday, reads:
I would like to ask that from today we strengthen our prayers for Georgia even more.
Currently, our country is going through one of the most challenging phases of its development. We all desire peace, but it is often difficult to achieve because we do not act correctly, we do not turn to or trust in Him Who is the source and origin of peace—the Most Holy Trinity.
I would like to remind you of the true God-glorifying prayer of the three youths: Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, who were thrown into a blazing furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon as punishment, so much so that even those close to the furnace were burned by the flames, yet they remained completely unharmed because the Lord’s angel was with them, and the heat of the fire could not harm them.
Let us ask the Almighty and All-Powerful God, that just as He saved Ananias, Azarias, and Misael from the greatest ordeal, He may also save Georgia and bless us with peace and unity.
He then quotes the prayer of the Three Holy Youths, entreating the Georgian people to pray it every day for the safety and future of the country:
Daniel 3:52 Blessed art Thou, O Lord God of our fathers: and to be praised and exalted above all for ever. And blessed is Thy glorious and holy name: and to be praised and exalted above all for ever. 53 Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy holy glory: and to be praised and glorified above all for ever. 54 Blessed art Thou that beholdest the depths, and sittest upon the cherubim: and to be praised and exalted above all for ever. 55 Blessed art Thou on the glorious throne of Thy Kingdom: and to be praised and glorified above all for ever. 56 Blessed art Thou in the firmament of heaven: and above all to be praised and glorified for ever. 57 O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 58 O ye heavens, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 59 O ye angels of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 60 O all ye waters that be above the heaven, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 61 O all ye powers of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 62 O ye sun and moon, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 63 O ye stars of heaven, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 64 O every shower and dew, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever. 65 O all ye winds, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 66 O ye fire and heat, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 71 O ye nights and days, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 72 O ye light and darkness, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 72a O ye frost and heat, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 72b O ye frost and snow, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 73 O ye lightnings and clouds, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 74 O let the earth bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 75 O ye mountains and little hills, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 76 O all ye things that grow on the earth, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 77 O ye seas and rivers, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 78 O ye fountains, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 79 O ye whales, and all that move in the waters, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 80 O all ye fowls of the air, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 81 O all ye beasts and cattle, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 82 O ye children of men, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 83 O Israel, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 84 O ye priests of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 85 O ye servants of the Lord, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 86 O ye spirits and souls of the righteous, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 87 O ye holy and humble men of heart, bless ye the Lord: praise and exalt Him above all for ever. 88 O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, bless ye the Lord; praise and exalt Him above all for ever: for He hath delivered us from hell, and saved us from the hand of death, and delivered us out of the midst of the furnace and burning flame: even out of the midst of the fire hath He delivered us. 89 O give thanks unto the Lord, because He is gracious: for His mercy endureth for ever. 90 O all ye that worship the Lord, bless the God of gods, praise Him and give Him thanks: for his mercy endureth for ever.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:14 globeexplorer17 Sri Lanka: Must-Try Adventures for Thrill-Seekers

Sri Lanka, with its rich tapestry of landscapes ranging from pristine beaches to misty mountains and dense rainforests, is a playground for adventure enthusiasts. From surfing along the coast to hiking through rugged terrain and encountering wildlife in its natural habitat, there's no shortage of exhilarating experiences waiting to be discovered. Join us as we delve into the must-try adventures that make Sri Lanka a haven for thrill-seekers.
Surfing in Arugam Bay: Riding the Waves
Our adventure begins on the east coast of Sri Lanka, in the laid-back beach town of Arugam Bay. Known as one of the best surfing destinations in the world, Arugam Bay offers perfect waves for surfers of all levels, from beginners to experienced riders. Whether you're a novice looking to catch your first wave or an experienced surfer seeking a new challenge, Arugam Bay has something for everyone, making it an ideal destination for those booking Sri Lanka tour packages.
Heading out to the lineup, we paddle into the azure waters of the Indian Ocean, feeling the thrill of catching our first wave and riding it all the way to shore. With the sun on our backs and the sound of the surf in our ears, we lose ourselves in the rhythm of the ocean, carving through the waves and feeling a sense of freedom like never before.
Hiking in Ella: Scaling Peaks and Chasing Waterfalls
Leaving the coast behind, we head inland to the misty mountains of Ella, a picturesque hill town surrounded by lush tea plantations and verdant valleys. Lace up your hiking boots and get ready to explore some of Sri Lanka's most breathtaking landscapes.
Our first stop is Little Adam's Peak, a relatively easy hike that rewards us with panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from its summit. Continuing our adventure, we trek through dense forests and along rocky paths to reach the majestic Ella Rock, where we're treated to sweeping vistas of the Ella Gap and the distant peaks beyond.
Whale Watching in Mirissa: Encounter Giants of the Sea
No trip to Sri Lanka would be complete without a whale watching adventure off the coast of Mirissa, where we have the opportunity to encounter some of the ocean's most magnificent creatures up close.
Boarding a sturdy boat, we set out into the open waters of the Indian Ocean, scanning the horizon for signs of movement. Suddenly, a spout of water erupts from the surface, followed by the sight of a massive blue whale breaking the surface in a breathtaking display of power and grace. As we watch in awe, pods of dolphins playfully leap alongside the boat, completing the magical experience.
White Water Rafting in Kitulgala: Conquer the Rapids
For adrenaline junkies seeking the ultimate thrill, white water rafting in Kitulgala is an adventure not to be missed. Nestled amidst the lush forests of the central highlands, Kitulgala is home to some of the best white water rafting experiences in Asia, with exhilarating rapids and stunning scenery at every turn.
Strapping on our life jackets and helmets, we paddle our way through turbulent waters, navigating steep drops and swirling currents with the help of our expert guides. With each twist and turn of the river, we feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through our veins, making for an unforgettable adventure that will leave us craving more.
Safari in Yala National Park: Encounter Wildlife in the Wild
Our final adventure takes us to Yala National Park, Sri Lanka's premier wildlife sanctuary and home to a diverse array of exotic animals, including leopards, elephants, and sloth bears.
Boarding a rugged safari jeep, we venture deep into the heart of the park, our eyes peeled for signs of movement amidst the dense foliage. Suddenly, a majestic leopard emerges from the shadows, its golden coat glistening in the sunlight as it prowls through the underbrush in search of prey. As we continue our safari, we encounter herds of elephants bathing in the river, colorful birds flitting through the trees, and playful monkeys swinging from branch to branch, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of life that thrives in this pristine wilderness.
Conclusion: An Adventure of a Lifetime
As our adventure-filled journey through Sri Lanka comes to an end, we're filled with a sense of exhilaration and gratitude for the experiences we've shared and the memories we've made along the way. From riding the waves in Arugam Bay to hiking through misty mountains, encountering giants of the sea in Mirissa, conquering rapids in Kitulgala, and encountering wildlife in Yala National Park, Sri Lanka has captured our hearts and left us with a lifetime of cherished memories.
Whether you're a seasoned thrill-seeker or an adventurous soul looking to push your boundaries, Sri Lanka offers a myriad of experiences that are sure to satisfy your craving for adventure. So pack your bags, embark on your own Sri Lankan adventure, and prepare to be amazed by the wonders that await in this tropical paradise.
submitted by globeexplorer17 to u/globeexplorer17 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:40 Kashmira_p Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Kerala and Kabini Vacation

Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Kerala and Kabini Vacation
If you're thinking about a group train trip to Kerala, the super cool "God's Own Country," you're in for a treat! Let's keep it easy and check out some awesome group tour ideas that will make your visit a breeze.
Fun Spots in Kerala:
  1. Munnar - Tea Gardens and Hills:
Ø Go to Munnar for misty mountains and tea gardens.
Ø Take a stroll, see how they make tea, and enjoy the views.
  1. Alleppey - Houseboats and Backwaters:
Ø Try a houseboat in Alleppey for floating adventures.
Ø Cruise along, chill on the boat, and enjoy the peace.
  1. Kovalam - Beach Vibes:
Ø Check out Kovalam for cool beaches.
Ø Relax, try some water stuff, and catch beautiful sunsets.
  1. Kathakali Dance:
Ø Watch a Kathakali dance for colorful fun.
Ø Dive into Kerala's cool culture through awesome dance moves.
  1. Local Villages:
Ø Explore villages near the water for a simple life.
Ø Try making coir and maybe stay with a local family for a real experience.
  1. Temples and History:
Ø Visit old temples like Padmanabhaswamy for a bit of history.
Ø Check out the cool architecture and learn a bit about Kerala.
Relaxing with Ayurveda
  1. Massage:
Ø Treat yourself to relaxing massages.
Ø Feel refreshed with herbal treatments at Ayurveda spots.
  1. Spice Tours:
Ø Walk around spice gardens to see where good smells come from.
Ø Guides will show you how they grow these awesome herbs.
Hang Out with Wildlife:
  1. Periyar National Park:
Ø Visit for elephants and tigers.
Ø Take a boat ride for a closer look.
  1. Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary:
Ø Have a family adventure with elephants and deer.
Ø Say hello to some wild buddies.
Pick from some of the best Kerala tour packages by train:
  1. Thrill:
Ø If you like adventures, pick tours with trekking and water sports.
Ø Get that excitement in the Western Ghats.
  1. Romantic Moments:
Ø Couples, choose romantic packages with boat rides and dinners on the beach.
Ø Enjoy romantic scenes at Varkala and Marari Beach.
  1. Family Trip:
Ø Families, look for tours with kid-friendly stuff and cool experiences.
Ø Some places have comfy resorts for families.
Many travel sites offer some of great Kerala tour packages:
Luxury Weekend Delight to Kerala
3D/2N - ₹ 23500 per adult
Kerala Grandeur - Luxurious Holidays
5D/4N - ₹ 37200 per adult
Kerala is simple and beautiful, and these tours keep it easy for you. Whether you love nature, adventure, or just chilling, Kerala is ready for you. Pack up, get excited, and let's make your trip to "God's Own Country" the coolest one ever!
It would be a great idea to visit Kabini as well.
Kabini is a place where nature's beauty takes center stage, and every corner is a canvas painted with lush greenery and vibrant wildlife. That's Kabini for you! This guide will walk you through the simplicity of Kabini vacation packages, ensuring that every traveler, regardless of preferences or budgets, can enjoy the magic of this natural haven.
If you're up for a lush green adventure, monsoons from June to September turn Kabini into a magical green wonderland.
Easy Kabini Tour Packages:
1. Wildlife Safari:
  • Hop on guided safaris into Nagarhole National Park.
  • Friendly guides share cool facts about the plants and animals.
2. Luxury Retreats:
  • Treat yourself to fancy accommodations and yummy food.
  • Get special experiences with wildlife for a touch of luxury.
3. Adventure Escapades:
  • For those who love a bit of thrill, try trekking and bird watching.
  • Feel the excitement of coracle rides and other cool adventures.
4. Family-Friendly Packages:
  • Perfect for families with activities for all ages.
  • Take nature walks, enjoy boat rides, and have fun with guides.
5. Photography Tours:
  • Learn how to capture wildlife with special tours.
  • Workshops and safaris designed for cool nature photos.
Top Spots to Check Out:
  1. Kabini Backwaters: Chill on boats and coracle rides along the Kabini River.
  2. Nagarhole Dam: Check out the dam for awesome views and maybe spot some wildlife.
  3. Kabini Elephant Camp: Hang out with elephants, feed them, and watch them take a bath.
  4. Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary: Explore this place in Kerala and get a full wildlife experience.
Kabini is your go-to place for a simple yet amazing adventure. Whether you're into wildlife, luxury, family fun, or a bit of excitement, Kabini got it all. Kabini vacation packages effectively plan and take you on a journey through nature's wonders. Let Kabini cast its spell on you – it's time for an unforgettable adventure!

Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Kerala and Kabini Vacation
If you're thinking about a group train trip to Kerala, the super cool "God's Own Country," you're in for a treat! Let's keep it easy and check out some awesome group tour ideas that will make your visit a breeze.
Fun Spots in Kerala:
  1. Munnar - Tea Gardens and Hills:
Ø Go to Munnar for misty mountains and tea gardens.
Ø Take a stroll, see how they make tea, and enjoy the views.
  1. Alleppey - Houseboats and Backwaters:
Ø Try a houseboat in Alleppey for floating adventures.
Ø Cruise along, chill on the boat, and enjoy the peace.
  1. Kovalam - Beach Vibes:
Ø Check out Kovalam for cool beaches.
Ø Relax, try some water stuff, and catch beautiful sunsets.
  1. Kathakali Dance:
Ø Watch a Kathakali dance for colorful fun.
Ø Dive into Kerala's cool culture through awesome dance moves.
  1. Local Villages:
Ø Explore villages near the water for a simple life.
Ø Try making coir and maybe stay with a local family for a real experience.
  1. Temples and History:
Ø Visit old temples like Padmanabhaswamy for a bit of history.
Ø Check out the cool architecture and learn a bit about Kerala.
Relaxing with Ayurveda
  1. Massage:
Ø Treat yourself to relaxing massages.
Ø Feel refreshed with herbal treatments at Ayurveda spots.
  1. Spice Tours:
Ø Walk around spice gardens to see where good smells come from.
Ø Guides will show you how they grow these awesome herbs.
Hang Out with Wildlife:
  1. Periyar National Park:
Ø Visit for elephants and tigers.
Ø Take a boat ride for a closer look.
  1. Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary:
Ø Have a family adventure with elephants and deer.
Ø Say hello to some wild buddies.
Pick from some of the best Kerala tour packages by train:
  1. Thrill:
Ø If you like adventures, pick tours with trekking and water sports.
Ø Get that excitement in the Western Ghats.
  1. Romantic Moments:
Ø Couples, choose romantic packages with boat rides and dinners on the beach.
Ø Enjoy romantic scenes at Varkala and Marari Beach.
  1. Family Trip:
Ø Families, look for tours with kid-friendly stuff and cool experiences.
Ø Some places have comfy resorts for families.
Many travel sites offer some of great Kerala tour packages:
Luxury Weekend Delight to Kerala
3D/2N - ₹ 23500 per adult
Kerala Grandeur - Luxurious Holidays
5D/4N - ₹ 37200 per adult
Kerala is simple and beautiful, and these tours keep it easy for you. Whether you love nature, adventure, or just chilling, Kerala is ready for you. Pack up, get excited, and let's make your trip to "God's Own Country" the coolest one ever!
It would be a great idea to visit Kabini as well.
Kabini is a place where nature's beauty takes center stage, and every corner is a canvas painted with lush greenery and vibrant wildlife. That's Kabini for you! This guide will walk you through the simplicity of Kabini vacation packages, ensuring that every traveler, regardless of preferences or budgets, can enjoy the magic of this natural haven.
If you're up for a lush green adventure, monsoons from June to September turn Kabini into a magical green wonderland.
Easy Kabini Tour Packages:
1. Wildlife Safari:
  • Hop on guided safaris into Nagarhole National Park.
  • Friendly guides share cool facts about the plants and animals.
2. Luxury Retreats:
  • Treat yourself to fancy accommodations and yummy food.
  • Get special experiences with wildlife for a touch of luxury.
3. Adventure Escapades:
  • For those who love a bit of thrill, try trekking and bird watching.
  • Feel the excitement of coracle rides and other cool adventures.
4. Family-Friendly Packages:
  • Perfect for families with activities for all ages.
  • Take nature walks, enjoy boat rides, and have fun with guides.
5. Photography Tours:
  • Learn how to capture wildlife with special tours.
  • Workshops and safaris designed for cool nature photos.
Top Spots to Check Out:
  1. Kabini Backwaters: Chill on boats and coracle rides along the Kabini River.
  2. Nagarhole Dam: Check out the dam for awesome views and maybe spot some wildlife.
  3. Kabini Elephant Camp: Hang out with elephants, feed them, and watch them take a bath.
  4. Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary: Explore this place in Kerala and get a full wildlife experience.
Kabini is your go-to place for a simple yet amazing adventure. Whether you're into wildlife, luxury, family fun, or a bit of excitement, Kabini got it all. Kabini vacation packages effectively plan and take you on a journey through nature's wonders. Let Kabini cast its spell on you – it's time for an unforgettable adventure!

submitted by Kashmira_p to u/Kashmira_p [link] [comments]

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submitted by EchoJobs to CodingJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:48 MMechree In-game cats have unintended real-life consequences

Just above Welch Station (far southwest), there is a cat spawn near an abandoned coffee shop on top of the mountain. Over the weekend, I started building a base there because of the cat spawn and the cool abandoned shop. Now, usually when I play FO76 I wear headphones, but today I decided to just use my speakers instead and at one point I ended up afking at my base. This is when my cat started acting extremely strange.
At first, my cat frantically jumped down from her perch and sprinted towards the patio door, where my speakers are set up. Then she started quickly pacing back and forth and had her ears down like she was perturbed. Eventually, this evolved into hissing and frantically looking around and constantly looking at me like she was in need of immediate attention. Initially, I had no idea what was happening and was becoming concerned with her behavior, and then I heard Murgle meow over the speakers, and it clicked. So, I turned set the master volume to zero, and sure enough, after a few minutes, my cat calmed down but was still on "high alert" for a short while.
I guess when I use this specific CAMP location, I'm going to need to make sure I'm playing with headphones; otherwise, my cat will freak out. Anyone else have a similar experience with their pets?
submitted by MMechree to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:20 JZ_Valentine Tales of the Ecoracles

The origin of the Ecoracles can be traced back to a planet called Earth. Earth was a small, beautiful planet, adorned with lush forests, vast oceans, and towering mountains. The humans that inhabited the planet reigned for thousands of years. Their advancement in technology was truly impressive, however, with their great power came great irresponsibility.
As fascinating as their technology was, many of their practices were slowly deteriorating their planet. The sky, once a clear, bright blue, turned a dull gray from pollution. Rivers, once teeming with life, flowed with hazardous toxins. Forests were cut down to make way for sprawling cities and factories. Despite the growing evidence of their harm, humans continued on their path, driven by a desire for convenience and profit.
Over the years, a plethora of movements rose and fell, each striving to combat the pollution of Earth. Passionate individuals gathered in protest, scientists presented alarming data, and environmentalists pleaded for change. But their messages often fell on deaf ears. Those in power were more concerned with their own wealth and influence than the well-being of the planet.
Among these movements was a small, obscure organization called Ecoracle. They were thought of as a quaint bunch. The leaders of Ecoracle claimed they could communicate with nature itself. Each of them said they had a specific aspect of nature they communicated with. Some spoke to the trees, others conversed with the rivers, there were those who spoke to the clouds.
The Ecoracles sought to be the bridge between humans and the natural world. However, their message, like so many others before them, did not bring forth the change they desired. The leaders and influencers of society dismissed the Ecoracles as eccentrics. They had no interest in what the Ecoracles or any other movement had to say, only focused on producing profits for themselves by any means necessary. Factories continued to belch smoke into the air, rivers continued to be polluted, and forests continued to fall.
It was only when Earth was near the end of its lifespan that those with power were ready to hear what the Ecoracles and many like them had to say. But it was too late by then; the harm they had done to Earth was irreversible. The once-vibrant planet was now on the brink of collapse.
All hope appeared to be lost, but the drive of the human spirit should never be underestimated. As if it were a miracle, humans attained interstellar travel. They created massive spacecrafts that could carry a country’s worth of people at once. These spacecrafts were equipped with everything necessary to sustain life for generations. They became floating worlds, homes for humans and animals alike.
Humans and animals boarded these spacecrafts, leaving the dying Earth behind. Generations upon countless generations lived their entire lives aboard these vessels, drifting through the vast expanse of space in search of a new home.
One of the few things that remained constant were the Ecoracles. They continued to spread their teachings, emphasizing the importance of living in harmony with nature, respecting the balance of ecosystems, and cherishing the resources they had.
Life on the spacecrafts was a difficult challenge, but humanity adapted. Gardens flourished under artificial lights, animals roamed in carefully designed habitats, and communities formed. The Ecoracles played a crucial role, guiding the people in sustainable practices and fostering a deep connection with the environment, even in the artificial confines of the spacecrafts.
After an immeasurable amount of time, they finally reached their destination: a habitable planet outside of their solar system. The planet was a lush, vibrant world, teeming with life. As they began to cultivate this new planet, the teachings of the Ecoracles had become so ingrained into their culture that it was second nature to them.
The people of this planet worked diligently to build a society that lived in harmony with nature. They built homes that blended seamlessly into the landscape, cultivated crops using sustainable methods, and ensured that the natural habitats of animals were preserved. They used their advanced technology not to dominate the environment, but to protect and enhance it.
The memory of Earth had been lost, but the newest inhabitants of this planet knew that they mustn’t pollute the place they called home. The lessons of the Ecoracles had now become a core part of the humans.
Eventually, humans' interstellar travel capabilities evolved to the point where they could traverse beyond their galaxy and find habitable planets within a single lifetime. No matter where they went, their objective remained the same, to populate planets while preserving nature.
At this point, the term "Ecoracle" had grown beyond its original meaning. It now referred to someone possessing supernatural abilities that allowed them to harness the power of nature itself. These new Ecoracles could communicate with the elements, each specializing in a different aspect of nature. They were revered and respected, seen as the protectors of balance and harmony in every new world they settled.
Alongside the emergence of the recent rendition of Ecoracles, came strange creatures that began to appear. These beings couldn't be explained through natural means. They were not animals, but more akin to supernatural entities that embodied specific aspects of nature. Some were beautiful and awe-inspiring. Others were grotesque and malevolent.
These malevolent beings sought to pollute and destroy everything humans and Ecoracles fought so hard to protect. They could poison rivers, wither crops, and deteriorate forests with a mere touch. Their existence posed a grave threat to the universe if they went unchecked.
The Ecoracles took it upon themselves to protect their new homes from these malicious beings. They formed a dedicated order, trained to combat their forces that threatened to destroy everything.
These destructive beings were too powerful for normal humans to handle. Only Ecoracles, equipped with abilities specifically attuned to combating these entities, had any hope of defeating them. Their unique set of powers made them the only ones capable of facing the supernatural threats head-on.
They served as a constant reminder of what could happen if humans were reckless with their new homes. However, humanity possessed something greater: their ability to adapt and rise above any challenge. This resilience was their greatest strength, a trait that had allowed them to survive and thrive, even after the pollution of Earth.
Some speculated that the sudden emergence of supernatural beings was born from the universe itself. The idea that the universe had sentience seemed absurd, but it was the only conclusion that could somewhat be rationalized.
Through humanity’s spirit and determination to defend their new homes, it seemed as if the universe had manifested a way to communicate with them. This theory suggested that the Ecoracles, with their burning desire to protect the universe, were bestowed their powers.
The Ecoracles are regarded as heroes, figures of immense admiration and respect. They have become legends, their deeds immortalized in the Tales of the Ecoracles. These tales are shared across generations as a source of inspiration and guidance for all. The stories are not just about their supernatural powers, but also about their bravery, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to preserving the balance of nature.
submitted by JZ_Valentine to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:18 Some_Pole Occupation of Paradise A House Divided

Occupation of Paradise A House Divided
Ever since the rise of Japanese influence within the Pacific, seeking to stake early claims as European eyes increasingly sought out to mark out their own territorial ambitions as had happened to the likes of Africa or China, the Kingdom of Hawai’i found itself under the Japanese thumb for decades. Reduced to a mere vassal until being annexed outright and placed under the direct rule of Tokyo, life for Hawaiians living in the country became as much as one would expect to a territory seen as on the imperial periphery of the Rising Sun’s ambitions for the broader Pacific at large. Crackdowns on dissenters and supposed enemies, and increased deployment of Japanese soldiers to the island territory to keep order.
Whilst the process technically began when Hawai’i was a vassal state, following annexation, the policy of forced Japanification of the island chain’s populace ramped up. Involving the stifling of the Hawaiian language and customs whilst enforcing the Japanese language at the intentional expense of the locals regardless of origin prior to Japanese annexation. Such a system would prompt a slow migration out of the island chain, mostly by Hawaiian-Americans to the United States following the turn of the 20th Century with some of the more notable examples being the likes of Hiram Bingham III who’d go on to serve in the Rocky Mountain War, and later as US Senator for the Solidarity Party.
This status quo would exist unchanged until 1934, which would see the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War. The United States under President John Dewey expressed support for Russia, vowing to deliver aid to the battered Russian army only to be stymied in Congress by Isolationist Social Democrats, something that’d later go on to be a precursor to the larger schism that’d take place in the party years later. In response to the American pledge for aid, the Japanese presence in Hawai’i increased with the stationing of more troops and especially the arrival of Kempeitai agents to be on the lookout for suspected spies for the United States, as military commanders in Tokyo now started to contemplate the prospect that the US and Japan may come to blows against each other in the relatively near future.
Japanese Imperial soldiers conducting exercises on Hawaiian coast. Circa 1936.
Such an anti-American sentiment would increase the Hawaiian-American drive for those who didn’t feel secure within the country to leave to the United States, something that’d continue up until the summer of 1939 following the declaration of war upon Japan by the US under the Hayes administration.
What followed was the effective declaration of martial law in the islands. Civilian movement in or out of the chain was strictly forbidden unless given permission to do so by the local government, and American-Hawaiians meanwhile, were to be rounded up and placed in internment camps until the war was over. This however would be changed as Japanese military commanders would rightfully suspect American military plans would depend on taking the islands, and the bombings at San Diego and in general along the West Coast were mere delay tactics. Thus, the use of forced labor would begin to be used in Hawai’i, at first by convicts but later would be drawn in to include inturned American-Hawaiians, local native Hawaiians and migrants to the territory to erect military fortifications with the full intent of making the Americans bleed for every inch of the island chain.
The suspicions of the Japanese commanders would be proven right during the battle for Midway in 1943, to Hawai’i’s northwest. Whilst the battle was inconclusive, and Japanese forces took it as a sign that Hawai’i’s defenses were practically impenetrable, it did still linger in the backs of their minds of the prospect of an American invasion of, potentially, an encirclement.
Needless to say, the conditions that many had found themselves to work in by force had led to a dramatic decline in the quality of life for many as the forced labor resulted in many dying for a variety of reasons. To replace the dead, the Japanese would start bringing in captured civilians from occupied territories or POWs. One of these surviving POWs would be US navy pilot George H. W. Bush, who’d go on to recount to Congress his experience as a slave on Hawai’i in 1948.
“I was with a small group of other people. We were tired, barely eaten and constantly being yelled at. Not like I, or anyone else I was with could understand much of what was verbally bombarded at us. We could barely understand each other, considering I was an American stuck with a Filipino, three Chinese men, a Mexican, two guys from India and a German. But we all understood one thing.
Do as they gestured for you to do, or they’d shoot you. Saw it happen more times than I could count.
It was bad enough that we weren’t armed, but they also made sure to try and starve us. To exhaust us. Break out will of even looking at them funny.”
Photograph of early forced labor being used in Hawai'i.
Once the war swung decisively against the Japanese and Hawai’i found itself navally encircled, the Imperial army’s mindset of never surrendering kicked in. Slavery on the island expanded from the construction of military fortifications, now with the full intent of fighting for every last inch of Hawai’i from all sides, but to also farm and mine for raw materials to sustain operations for as long as possible. The nearly four remaining years of the war would go on to be the darkest in the modern history of Hawai'i.
The situation in the islands up until Japan’s surrender in 1947 matched the ferocity and desperation to never surrender at gunpoint, with the remaining IJA forces clamping down harder and harder upon the territory. Even the most wealthy landed Hawaiians who were previously exempt from the Japanese wrath started to feel the heat. Mass executions for the most minor of crimes took place as famine started to creep in thanks to the agricultural efforts happening in soil that lacked fertility due to the influence of Hawai’i’s elite to make sure their properties were untouched.
It would only be until the broadcast of Japanese surrender broadly by the Emperor himself that’d get the majority of IJA troops in Hawai’i to stand down and also accept surrender. Following this, Hawai’i found itself under military occupation by the United States, who was tasked with first stabilizing the situation as by this point, the islands had fallen under a litany of crises that tested the capacity of the occupied government greatly as the chain was on the cusp of entering a famine with looters out on the streets of major cities, medical supplies scarce in the face of disease outbreaks of Black Death and ultimately, an inability to provide more housing than it currently could.
Tasked with the responsibility of overseeing Hawai’i was the newly promoted lieutenant general; William Howard Arnold. Starting off as a humble division leader, Arnold would find himself moving up the ranks of leadership over the course of the war until being promoted to Lt. General to serve as Allied Commander of Hawai’i.
William Howard Arnold; Allied Commander of Hawai'i.
First order of business upon arriving in Honolulu was securing the logistical situation on the island. While food and medical imports started arriving to Hawai’i shortly after surrender, Arnold discovered the rate was woefully insufficient. Fortunately he didn’t have to look far as the US army would organize the distribution of relief across much of the Pacific. Making use of America’s economy still being in a state of war-time production, Arnold and his men would ensure the stabilization of Hawai’i’s medical crisis and risk of famine through 1947 to 1949. It’d be during this time too when those forcefully taken to Hawai’i during the war to serve as slave labor would be brought back to their nations of origin. Often, this would involve Arnold’s staffers needing to make several dozen phone calls a day to ambassadors of the various nations that these prisoners came from to help organize their return.
As the worst excesses of Hawai’i’s troubles was being resolved, now came the matter of governance and the creation of a provisional government. With no real royal family left, and under orders from the White House, Arnold agreed to ensure the establishment of a republican government. The orders to establish an independent Hawai’ian republic came from President Alvin York himself, following the same principles that led to the independence of Taiwan, Indonesia, Manchuria, the Philippines, and Korea in an attempt to keep the perspective of America being an anti-colonialist liberator, rather than a conqueror.
To serve as the president of this provisional government, Arnold would meet with Samuel Wilder King. King was a former member of the Honolulu City Council, upon the Board of Supervisors and also representative for Honolulu within the local territorial government, but would find himself forced to resign and later placed under house arrest for objecting to the usage of forced labor and unlawful violence against prisoners of war for the duration of the war until the arrival of American GIs shortly after Japan’s surrender.
Samuel Wilder King; President of Hawai'i.
King would accept the proposal, but would also go on to point out to Arnold that the island was majority populated by Japanese, native and other Asian-Hawaiians and whilst he may have been a native, it was on the grounds of being mixed with an American-Hawaiian father. If the role of president in Hawai’i, following the model seen in other republics, is to purely be ceremonial and the real power would be expected to be in the Prime Minister, getting a man from one of these majority populations would work better in bridging the gap.
Given the difficulties facing the people living in Hawai’i, King suggested crossing the ideological aisle and attempting to convince Koji Ariyoshi to perhaps serve as Prime Minister. Ariyoshi for his part was a labor activist, and later served as an anti-war dissident that’d have him partake in forced labor for a brief period of time. Arnold however, had different plans. Viewing Ariyoshi with suspicion and frankly unsure if York would’ve even accepted a socialist becoming the first Prime Minister of Hawai’i, he instead turned to Pai’ea Chung-Hoon. Chung-Hoon himself was a relatively low profile individual who served in the Imperial Japanese Navy, often being used as more of a propaganda piece for the Japanese empire on the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Chung-Hoon resented the position but found it difficult to leave and it has been something that has hung over him since the end of the war.
Pai’ea Chung-Hoon; Prime Minister of Hawai'i.
When Arnold arrived to meet him, Chung-Hoon had fully expected that he'd potentially be placed on trial, only to be surprised when offered the role of Prime Minister of a provisional government though quickly accepted upon Arnold’s insistence. By the start of the 1948 summer season, Hawai’i had a head of state and head of government. Drafting the constitution of Hawai’i would take the rest of the summer, seeing the remodeling or outright bulldozing of Hawai’ian government institutions to make way for the government.
However, there was another aspect that York, although gone by this point, had insisted with President Merriam also insisting to Arnold. Hawai’i must tolerate an American military presence on the grounds of overall Pacific security. Meeting again with King and Chung-Hoon, the two men and Arnold would come to a deal in allowing the presence of American forces in the country, however it’d come on the grounds that the US navy gets to use Pearl Harbor as a major naval installation for its Pacific fleet, and effectively handing over the island of Kaho‘olawe to serve as a military base for the Americans, under a legally binding lease that would last over eighty years and under the expectations that the Americans would be the ones paying for the installations.
Pearl Harbor for its part was a major port before the war, and would be at times home to fleets of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Kaho‘olawe meanwhile, being entirely uninhabited, was used as a munitions testing ground and target practice for training naval crews at Hawai’i.
Photograph taken of Japanese munitions testing on the island.
Whilst President Merriam and Congress would sign off on this agreement with the 1948 Treaty of Honolulu, the move back in Hawai’i was met with mixed reception. The loss of an uninhabited island and a major port being repurposed for another power for eighty years wasn’t the most shocking, yet it seemingly did question the legitimacy of the claim that America was liberating the Pacific, yet taking an entire island for itself to have a practically for many, permanent troop garrison in the country.
Koji Ariyoshi himself, becoming a writer for the Honolulu Record, an effective mouthpiece for the newly formed Hawaiian Labor Party, would write critical essays, calling the United States hypocritical in his pledges when such demands could’ve been sorted through treating Hawai’i as an equal and not a subordinate. This however wouldn’t stop either Hawai’ian legislature from giving their approval of the treaty.
Come the turn of the new year in January of 1949, Arnold would resign his position as the Allied Commander of Hawai’i following King’s proclamation declaring the new republic’s independence to join the leagues of newly created nations that had sprung up in the post-war springtime of nations across much of the Asia-Pacific region. With the pledge of a general election to be held in August of 1951, what happens to Hawai’i shall be up to its voters to ultimately decide.
Flag of the Republic of Hawai'i.
submitted by Some_Pole to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:06 mushm0m How much training before I reach this level?

It's on my bucket list to go on a specific riding holiday in Central Asia. If I'm an adult without horseback riding experience, I'm wondering how many months of lessons I might need before I'm ready to do this? I know it's difficult to guess and dependent on the individual, but I'm looking for a rough guess - is this like 6 months of training, 2 years of training?
Here's the description of riding ability requirement for the trip:
These rides are aimed at riders of an intermediate standard and above. To take part you must be relaxed, comfortable and secure on a horse at a walk, trot and canter. You should be well balanced in the saddle and have experience riding for reasonably long hours at a time, outside in an open environment and over varied, sometimes difficult, terrain. The horses are sensible and extremely foot-sure on the rocky terrain, so they suit riders of different abilities, but as riding is in a remote, mountain area, all participants need to be confident and have a reasonable amount of prior experience. As with all our rides, you will also enjoy your trip much more if you are physically fit - both riding fit and with a reasonably good level of general fitness. If you do not ride regularly at home, we recommend concentrated practice in the months before you go to get used to the hours you will spend on a horse.
submitted by mushm0m to Equestrian [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:29 HealthyYard6559 Revelation 1:4-6

,, From John to the seven churches that are in Asia: grace and peace to you from Him who is, and who was, and who is to come; and of the seven spirits which are before His throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful Witness, and the Firstborn from the dead, and the Prince of earthly kings, who loves us, and washes us from our sins with his own blood; And makes us kings and priests to God and his Father; to that glory and country for ever and ever. Amen."
Rev. 1:4-6
John is a witness of Jesus Christ who testifies to the word of God. the testimony of Jesus Christ, and everything that Jesus showed him and he is now sending the testimony, i.e. the Revelation to seven churches in Asia Minor. We can read who John is sending to in verse 11, where we have written the names of the churches to whom John needed the Revelation to be sent.
"And write what you see in a book, and send it to the churches that are in Asia: to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamum, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea"
Rev. 1:11
Apart from these churches that are mentioned here, there were other local churches, but the Lord Jesus chose seven representative churches that had different problems that symbolize and represent the period of the church until the coming of the Lord Jesus for it.
In addition to these churches, the Revelation was given to all people, especially the church throughout history, and of course also to us in order to learn the details of the events that will soon begin to unfold, because the signs of the times indicate that... the end times" are near.
"Whoever has an ear should hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
Rev. 3:22
Jovan continues with the greeting, "Grace to you and peace" and this greeting is not from him because he cannot give grace and peace, true grace and peace can only be given by God and here practically as if he said, "Grace to you and peace from Lord Jesus Christ" the savior, because salvation and everything we receive from God is at the expense of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is a gift, because none of what we receive is a free gift. How important this word is in the New Testament is also evidenced by the fact that the great many books of the New Testament begin with the words "blessing you and peace" in the greeting sentences.
If there was no grace, practically no one would be alive today because all we deserved was death, but we are alive because of the grace and grace of God and not based on any of our merits or actions.
Everything we have in our physical, physical life is God's grace, and also all spiritual life and salvation is by grace from God whom Peter calls the God of grace.
"And the God of all grace, who calls you to his eternal glory in Christ Jesus"
1 Peter 5:10
"Because you are saved by grace through faith, and it is not from you, it is a gift from God. Not from works, so that no one can boast."
Eph. 2:8-9
We see that we are saved by grace, but that is not the end, we need to continue to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
"But progress in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and the salvation of Jesus Christ."
2 Peter 3:18
"Because the grace of God that saves all people has been shown, teaching us to renounce the impiety and desires of this world, and to live honestly and righteously and devoutly in this world."
Titus 2:11-12
Here we have advice for an honest worldly life, and we also have a promise that we will receive grace if we find ourselves in some kind of trouble or perhaps illness.
"My grace is enough for you; for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
2 Cor. 12:9
"Let us therefore approach freely to the throne of grace, to receive grace and find grace for the time when we need help"
Hebrews 4:16
In the context of those advices for an honest life, there is also a Record about to whom God gives grace.
"...for God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
1 Peter 5:5
and in Jacob, God adds and says that he gives greater grace than problems
"And He gives a greater grace. Because he says: The Lord opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
James 4:6
"Grace to you and peace" here is first grace and then peace, and that is because peace is the result of grace. We get peace when we are in a good relationship with God, which means that we are born again and live according to God's will.
"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Rom. 5:1
When we have this peace with God, we are safe in God's hands and God will never throw us into hell because of our sins because the Lord Jesus died on the cross to redeem us and make us righteous, it is up to us to trust God, confess our sins and live according to the will of God.
"And I will give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."
John 10:28
Now that we are this safe and reconciled with God, God gives us another blessing Peace from God and this is something that someone who is not at peace with God will never get, and we need this peace every day in our lives, and we don't think and worry about the daily problems, we already enjoy communion with God who is close to us and who cares for us, we see from the whole verse that we just need to ask in prayer and finally give thanks.
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, to guard your hearts and your thoughts in the Lord Jesus."
Phil. 4:7
"The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving that your requests may be answered by God."
Phil. 4:6
,,...Grace and peace to you from Him who is, and who was, and who is to come; and of the seven spirits which are before His throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful Witness, and the Firstborn from the dead, and the Prince of earthly kings, who loves us, and washes us from our sins with his own blood; And makes us kings and priests to God and his Father; to that glory and country for ever and ever. Amen."
Rev. 1:4-6
Below we see where grace and peace come from. Grace and peace is not a human creation as many try to portray or try to bring peace in some way through various activities or actions. We saw that grace and then peace come from God, and here we see that three times it is written that they come "from" the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit.
Also in these verses we see that God is eternal because it is written, from Him who is, and who was, and who is to come" and similarly it is written in 4:8
"Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, Who was, and who is, and who is to come."
Rev. 4:8
And now we could say this differently, God who has always been God until now, God who is God now and God who will always be, therefore, eternal God.
Here is another confirmed confirmation of what we said with a slight difference, it does not say "which will come" because here in the 11th chapter events from the future are described which are already here, therefore "future" is at this moment "present" and here we see the confirmation that in the Revelation the future events are still described for us, but John saw them as the present or even the past when they were shown to him, that's why it says "you will be" and not "which will come."
"We praise you, Lord God Almighty, who are, and were, and will be"
Rev. 11:17
Here is something else from the 16th chapter where we see something similar but it is written even in the past tense, that you judged this "so these are events from the time;; when the Lord Jesus came" for us it is still a perspective of the future but for John it was a perspective of the present, this is what today's modern reporters would say, "a report from the scene"
"You are righteous, Lord, who are, and who were, and holy, that you judged this"
Rev. 16:5
It goes on to say,,, and of the seven spirits that are before His throne"
This refers to the Holy Spirit, but it says "seven spirits" because seven is the number of perfection, fullness and completeness. Here, in fact, the fullness of the Holy Spirit is described because in Isaiah it is written about Jesus:
"And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and power, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord."
Isa 11:2
In several other places, the number seven is mentioned in relation to the Holy Spirit.
"And he said to me: What do you see? And I said: I see, behold, a candlestick all of gold, and a cup above it, and its seven jars on it, and seven funnels for the seven jars that are above it, and two olive trees by it, one on the right side of the cup and one from the left. And I spoke to the angel who spoke with me, and I said: What is it, my lord? And the angel who spoke with me answered and said to me: Don't you know what it is? And I said: No, my lord. And he answered and said to me, saying: This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: not by force or by virtue, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. What are you, great woe, before Zerubbabel? Ravnica; and he will bring out the highest stone, with exclamations: Mercy, mercy to him. And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: Zerubbabel's hands founded this house, his hands will finish it, and you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. For who has despised the day of small things? Because he will rejoice when he sees the measuring stone in the hand of Zerubbabel, those seven eyes of the Lord that cross the whole earth"
Zechariah 4:2-10
Here, from the sixth verse, we conclude that it is about the Holy Spirit, "not by power or virtue, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts."
"And I saw, and behold, in the middle of the throne and four animals, and in the middle of the elders the Lamb stood as if it had been slain, and it had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent throughout the world."
Rev. 5:6
Here we have seven spirits and seven eyes that refer to seven aspects of the work of the Holy Spirit that brings us God's graces, that is why Paul could write in the first Corinthians:
"The gifts are different, but the Spirit is one. And there are different ministries, but the Lord is one. And there are different forces, but there is one God who does everything in everything. And in everyone the Spirit appears for the benefit; For once the word of wisdom is given by the Spirit; and to another the word of understanding by the same Spirit; And to another faith, by that same Spirit; and to another the gift of healing, by that same Spirit; And to another to work miracles, and to another to prophesy, and to another to discern spirits, and to another different languages, and to another to speak in tongues. and he has many members, and all the members of one body, although they are many, they are one body: so is Christ"
1 Cor.12:4-12
"And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful Witness, and the Firstborn from the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth"
We have seen the entire Revelation that it is from the Lord Jesus to the church for encouragement, and here it says, "Faithful witness," and that is what the prophet Isaiah prophesied many years before
"Behold, I have given him as a witness to the nations, as a leader and commander to the nations."
Isaiah 55:4
and faithful because God is faithful and he can be unfaithful
,,,, God is not a man to lie, nor a son of man to repent. What does he say he won't do, and what he says he won't do?"
Numb. 23:19
"And so know that the Lord God is your God, a faithful God, who keeps his covenant and his mercy to a thousand knees to those who love him and keep his commandments."
Deut. 7:9
"And he raises the horn of salvation for us in the house of David his servant, as he says through the mouth of his holy prophets from the ages that he will deliver us from our enemies and from the hands of all who hate us; To show mercy to our fathers, and to remind ourselves of our holy covenant, the Curse with which he swore to Abraham our father that he would give us"
Luke 1:69-73
"God is faithful who has called you into the community of his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord."
1 Cor. 1:9
"No other temptation shall come upon you but that of man; but God is faithful, who will not let you be tempted beyond what you are able, but will also make an end with the temptation, so that you can bear it"
1 Cor. 10:13
"He who called you is faithful, and he will do it."
1 Sol. 5:24
And in Revelation it says more
"Thus says Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of God's creation"
Rev. 3:14
The Lord himself practically confirmed that he is faithful and that he came to testify to the truth
"I was born for that, and that's why I came into the world to bear witness to the truth. And everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice"
John 18:37
"and the Firstborn from the dead" here this does not mean that Jesus was the first to be resurrected because we read that there were people who were resurrected before Him but they later died again. Jesus was the first to be resurrected in a glorified body and He more he never did nor will he die, this part of the verse refers to these facts.
,, And this one, since he remains forever, has an eternal priesthood. That is why he can forever save those who come to God through him, when he always lives to be able to pray for them."
Hebrews 7:24-25
"and Prince over earthly kings" prince means ruler. Lord Jesus is ruler and prince from the beginning to the end, from creation to eternity, He is the faithful and true one from eternity, He is the firstborn in the glorified body and He is the eternal ruler and prince , He is King of kings and Lord of lords because he writes.
"And he has his name written on his robe and on his bosom: King of kings and Lord of lords."
Rev. 19:16
"He will rule from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth."
Psalm 72:8
"All kings will bow down to him, all nations will be submissive to him."
Psalm 72:11
"Who loves us" Jovan continues and says that God loves us permanently and does not say that he loved us, because then that would mean that he once loved us but that he may not love us now for some reason. we would not have permanent security of salvation because it might happen that Jesus returns and God returns at that very moment and we are left behind as they say, "we were unlucky". "so all the time, not sometimes or sometimes. He loves us all the time and that's because of the grace we talked about, we didn't deserve anything, neither salvation, nor the forgiveness of sins, nor life by grace, the only thing we deserved was to throw us into hell and that would be deserved because we do mostly what we shouldn't do. And not only does he not punish us, but makes us emperors and priests.
,, And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful Witness, and the Firstborn from the dead, and the Prince of earthly kings, who loves us, and washes us from our sins with his blood; And makes us kings and priests to God and his Father; to that glory and country for ever and ever. Amen."
Rev. 1:5-6
Jesus loved his own even in the most difficult moments before going to the cross, we read in John:
"And before the Passover, Jesus knowing that the hour had come for Him to pass from this world to the Father, as He loved His own who were in the world, He loves them to the end."
John 13:1
and this greatly impressed Paul, so he wrote:
"That you may understand with all the saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, And know the love of Christ that surpasses reason, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
Eph. 3:18-19
and this love of Jesus cannot be understood by human thinking, this is God's love that surpasses every mind.
"Because I know for sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor present, nor future, nor height, nor depth, nor any other substance can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus , to our Lord."
Rom. 8:28-39
"And wash us from our sins in your blood" unlike a while ago where it is written in permanent time, now we have a part that has been completed in the past and that is finally there are no more new washings, once all the work Jesus finished and that happened on the cross of Golgotha ​​where we are redeemed once and for all by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course, we need daily cleansing in the form of confession of sin, but not complete washing.
,, Jesus said to him: He who has been washed should not wash only his feet, because he is all clean; and you are clean, ..."
John 13:10
"And the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin."
1 John 1:7
So the blood of Jesus cleanses us from every sin and God will never mention what he cleansed again.
"And their sins and their iniquities I will no longer mention."
Hebrews 10:17
"And make us kings and priests to God and our Father" of course this is also by grace because this is unimaginable for us humans. We know what we are like and what we like to do, but still God does not deal with us according to our mistakes but makes us kings and priests.
"And you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy people, a people of gain, to announce the benefactors of the One who called you out of darkness to his strange light"
1 Peter 2:9
We therefore became the emperor's priests and now we all have direct access to God based on the merits of the Lord Jesus, unlike the people in the Old Testament where only the high priest had access to God once a year in the Holy of Holies and he did not have that access without a sacrifice that he had to make sacrifices.
For us, that sacrifice is the Lord Jesus Christ, and based on that sacrifice, we have constant access to God.
"To him glory and the country forever and ever." Amen." And now at the end, John wants to say that eternal glory, praise and power belong to Him who has given us so much grace and grace.
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2024.05.15 22:01 Agreeable_Income3763 Summer of Adventure Sale – 15% off some of Exodus Travels most popular trips

Summer of Adventure Sale – 15% off some of Exodus Travels most popular trips

Posted on May 15, 2024 by Andrew Larder

Summer of Adventure Sale

Summer brings longer days and endless hours of sunshine, making a European summer trip more tempting than ever. Whether you’re looking to soak up the sun in Greece, enjoy local wine tastings in Italy or take rides along countryside lanes in France, we’ve got the perfect hiking and biking adventures for you.
To help you start planning, we’re offering up to 15% off some of Exodus Travels most popular trips, so you can get that Summer of Adventure feeling! Available on selected departures between May 1st and September 30th, 2024. With over 400 trips on sale, talk to our agents today to figure out what summer adventure you want to experience.
In a couple of months’ time, you could be discovering the legendary site of Pompeii and the romantic towns of Positano and Ravello on our Highlights of the Amalfi Coast trip. Or take a journey back in time, on our Highlights of Ancient Greece, to visit the fascinating archaeological ruins of Acropolis, Epidaurus and Mycenae. If you’re interested in biking, consider Cycle Northern France: Brittany to Normandy to take you past stunning medieval villages, the historic Omaha Beach and harbor towns that are known for their oysters and refreshing apple cider.
Make 2024 the Summer of Adventure to remember forever. With tours in over 100 countries on sale, get inspired by checking out a few adventures below or contact us to find your perfect trip.
Our Top Picks for Summer 2024;
With so many trips to choose from, here are just a few to get you started. Culture, Wildlife, Hiking or Cycling; find your adventure this summer!
Highlights of Ancient Greece – Cultural Journey through thousands of years and major UNESCO World Heritage sites
Tour Starting in Athens, this tour covers significant archaeological sites such as the Acropolis, Mycenae, and Epidaurus. It also includes visits to the medieval castle town of Mystras, Olympia—site of the ancient Olympic Games, Delphi, and the stone forest of Meteora, a major Orthodox community. The journey spans the Peloponnese peninsula and central Greece, featuring stunning coastlines, forests, and mountains.
•Explore the ancient sites of Mystras and Delphi •Visit Olympia, the site of the first Olympic Games •Enjoy spectacular Meteora
Highlights of the Amalfi Coast – Cultural Discover one of the most fascinating and romantic destinations in the world
Tour Based in quiet Agerola, amid the green Lattari mountains, this tour explores the Bay of Naples’ famous sites, including the well-preserved ruins of Herculaneum and the legendary Pompeii. The journey extends to the dramatic Amalfi Coast, offering excursions to Capri, scenic views from the Path of the Gods, and the charming town of Ravello. Experience the region’s rich cultural heritage and breathtaking landscapes, celebrated by artists and writers throughout history.
•Enjoy boat trips along the Amalfi Coast and to the island of Capri •See the romantic coastal towns of Amalfi, Positano and Ravello •Visit both Herculaneum and Pompeii •Enjoy Italian hospitality at family-run Hotel Due Torri
Cycling Vietnam – Cycling Experience the real Vietnam by bike
Tour This two-week cycling tour from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi covers diverse landscapes, from colorful fishing villages and rice terraces to jungle-clad mountains and white sandy beaches. Highlights include swimming on a tropical island, exploring the ancient port of Hoi An, and ascending the scenic Hai Van Pass for breathtaking coastal views.
•Take a cycling holiday through Vietnam’s most scenic landscapes •Savour mouth-watering cuisine •Crawl through the Cu Chi war tunnels •Relax in charming Hoi An •Cruise among the limestone formations of Ha Long Bay •Overnight on a tropical island
Cycling Puglia & Matera – Cycling Cycle from the UNESCO town of Matera through Italy’s heel to Lecce
Tour Explore the cultural and natural treasures of Italy’s Puglia and Basilicata regions. This itinerary includes Matera’s intriguing Sassi houses and the UNESCO-listed trulli houses of Alberobello. The journey proceeds through idyllic countryside to Ostuni, the White City, and onto Gallipoli along the dramatic Ionian coastline. While cycling across the Salento Peninsula, experience the quintessential Italian lifestyle amidst olive groves, limestone cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and baroque towns.
•Ride from the stunning UNESCO town of Matera •Enjoy gentle cycling through olive groves and past conical trulli houses •Sample fine seafood and wine from the Salento coast •Stay in accommodation bursting with character
Loire Valley: Walks, Wine & Chateaux – Hiking Discover regal estates and fine wines in the glamorous Garden of France
Tour Enjoy a walking tour in the Loire Valley, where stunning royal castles meet premier winemaking. Stay in a chateau near Tours and a country manor in Beaumont-en-Véron, ideal bases for exploring the region. Visit notable castles like Amboise and Chenonceau, and tour picturesque vineyards, sampling exceptional wines along the way.
•Stay in a 15th-century chateau and 17-century country manor house •Tour Chenonceau, a magnificent chateau stretching over the Cher river •Visit wine producers to sample their celebrated drinks at source •Visit the lavish Château Royal d’Amboise, once home to French monarchs •Meet members of the Loire wine brotherhoods, practically unrivalled in their knowledge of the local produce •Enjoy tranquil walks through vineyards and along the Loire River
Iceland’s Laugavegur Trek – Hiking Hike one of the best-loved walking trails in Iceland to discover otherworldly landscapes
Tour Iceland is renowned as a premier trekking destination with its dramatic landscapes shaped by volcanic activity and glaciers. The Laugavegur Trail is a highlight, featuring a week-long trek from the colorful mountains of Landmannalaugar to the dramatic Thorsmork region, exploring craters from the 2010 eruption. All meals are included while camping. Additionally, early summer treks enjoy nearly 24 hours of daylight, while trips in late August and early September offer potential sightings of the Northern Lights.
•Take the best-known trekking route in Iceland •Discover natural hot pools, waterfalls, lava fields, craters and volcanic fissures •Experience 24-hour daylight in July, chance of the Northern Lights in late August and September
Drew Larder FORA Travel Advisor – Amazing DEALS and perks of unforgettable travel. Hotels, cruise lines pay for my travel help, not you!
Andrew Larder, FORA Travel Advisor

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2024.05.15 21:34 Temporary_Noise_4014 Element79 Gold Corp Reports Exceptionally High-Grade Results from Lucero (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold Corp Reports Exceptionally High-Grade Results from Lucero (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
Additional High-Grade Values Continue to Support the Project’s Robust Potential
VANCOUVER, BC / TheNewswire / May 14, 2024 – Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS)("Element79", the "Company”) reports additional assay results from underground sampling at its flagship Lucero property, Peru, including samples up to 98 g/t gold and 2,034 g/t silver (sample 2508).
Key Highlights:
Significant Mineral Endowment : A total of 455 samples underground channel samples have been collected from this latest phase, representing nearly 600 kg (620kg) of mineralization and 650 kg of wall rock, underwent comprehensive analysis by our partners at Ore Discovery and unveiled significant exploration potential. Notably, results in 115 samples returned substantial values in gold (Au) (ranging from 1.0 g/t to 98.1 g/t), silver (Ag) (ranging from 0.7 g/t to 3,026 g/t), lead (Pb) (as high as 2.0%) and zinc (Zn) (up to 3.5%), highlighting the robust potential of Lucero’s mineral endowment.
High-Grade Mineralization: Among these, 17 samples exhibited gold values surpassing 10 g/t, with 8 samples exceeding 20 g/t, and 51 samples boasting silver values exceeding 100 g/t Ag. Of particular significance are 15 high-grade samples with values ranging from 12.65g/t to an impressive 98.1g/t of Au, and remarkable silver values of 62.1 g/t to 3,026 g/t and up 3.24% Zn. These findings reaffirm the potential for exceptional high-grade mineralization.
Geochemistry total Statistics: Total of 455 samples, 58% has grades over 0.1 g/t Au; 26% has grades over 1 g/t Au; and 9% has grades over 5 g/t Au. Notably most of grades below 0.1 g/t Au correspond to wall rock (foot or hanging wall).
Table 1. Channel Sample gold grade statistics
Table 2. Samples returning >5.0 g/t gold from underground channel sampling.
Figure 1. Winter 2024 sample locations (this new release, red stars) and fall 2023 Sample locations (yellow stars) which were previously released (see news release April 23, 2023) mapped workings (crosses), with selected samples highlighted (black 2024 and grey 2023).
Figure 2. Lithology map with veins and samples over 1g/t Au within the project; Apacheta and Pillune areas.
Next Steps:
With this latest exceptional assay data, Element79 is poised for strategic advancement. These results transcend routine exploration work, they are pivotal markers demonstrating the Lucero project’s tangible promise and potential, serving as the bedrock for our forthcoming drill plans and resource estimation.
“As we delve deeper into both contemporary and historical data, we witness the unfolding story of Lucero’s vast potential,” said James Tworek, CEO and Director of Element79. “Harnessing the comprehensive dataset will allow Element79 to set new standards in its exploration methodology.”
Qualified Person
The technical information in this release has been reviewed and verified by Neil Pettigrew, M.Sc., P. Geo., Director of Element79 Gold and a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
About Element79 Gold Corp.
Element79 Gold is a mining company focused on gold and silver committed to maximizing shareholder value through responsible mining practices and sustainable development of its projects. Element79 Gold's focus is on developing its past-producing, high-grade gold and silver mine, the Lucero project located in Arequipa, Peru, with the intent to restart production in 2024.
The Company also holds a portfolio of 5 properties along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada, with the Clover and West Whistler projects believed to have significant potential for near-term resource development. Three properties in the Battle Mountain Portfolio are under contract for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with an anticipated closing date in the first half of 2024.
The Company has an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Dale Property, 90 unpatented mining claims located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, and has recently announced that it has transferred this project to its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp, and is advancing through the Plan of Arrangement spin-out process.
For more information about the Company, please visit
Contact Information
For corporate matters, please contact:
James C. Tworek, Chief Executive Officer
E-mail: [](
For investor relations inquiries, please contact:
Investor Relations Department
Phone: +1.403.850.8050
E-mail: [](
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