I want to drive my man crazy with dirty text

Political Compass Memes

2017.01.22 00:23 donotblockthebox Political Compass Memes

Political Compass Memes

2018.12.18 23:57 DivanteScrollsReddit Spider-Man Into The Spider-Memes

Welcome to spiderversedailymemes! Here you can post anything Spider-Man related. Discuss or make memes about the films, shows, comics, etc. What are you waiting for, Chinese New Year? Go, go, go!

2017.10.01 20:52 RelaNarkin Where wishes are dismantled.

Do you ever wish for things without thinking through them first? Do you ever struggle with finding the downsides of your hopes and dreams? Well, whatever the case may be TheMonkeysPaw is at your service!

2024.05.29 05:56 Joonken PSA: Never login on the XIVonMac Unofficial Launcher on another person's computer; unless you know exactly what you're doing.

Please note that this concern is regarding specifically to logging into FFXIV through the unofficial XoM launcher, on a device that you are not the owner of (i.e. you go to your friend's house and login through their computer for whatever reason)/
Why: As of writing, the XIV on Mac launcher automatically saves your Square Enix ID and Password on the device when you attempt to login, whether you want it to or not. This is not ideal when using someone else's device. Your username and password can be made visible in plain text by using the device's login credentials (basically by the owner of the device).
This is never told to the user. In fact, the ability to save your password is conveyed as a secure opt-in feature in their FAQs: "If you choose to save your credentials, XIV on Mac makes use of the macOS Keychain to securely store your password."
It seems that there are people that think enabling Auto-Login is what saves your credentials. It is not. To clarify, the Auto-Login toggle is literally nothing but an option to auto-click the Login button as soon as you open the launcher. It has absolutely nothing to do with saving your password.
To make matters worse, the launcher itself has no option to delete your saved credentials (how to manually delete them below).
To be fair, this is an unfortunate circumstance in how both macOS and FFXIV handles login credentials. If you want the ability to save your password for FFXIV, this is seemingly the only secure way. It is also a non-issue if you are the sole user of the Mac, and never login through XIV on Mac on another person's Mac. However, the problem is obviously concerning whenever you or someone else logs into FFXIV through this launcher, on a device they do not own.
I also found it very concerning that when I raised the issue to the XIV on Mac Support through their Discord, I got a weird mix of not understanding my concern in the first place, and willfully ignoring it. I was basically told that it was a non-issue because you should be using OTP. Which would in fact circumvent the issue, provided that you are not also using your FFXIV credentials elsewhere. Not to mention that there are inevitably going to be people that do not use OTP, since it is not mandatory.
After some more back and forth and understanding the unfortunate circumstance of the macOS and FFXIV login systems making it this way, I recommended that an easy removal of credentials inside the app and/or a disclaimer, notice, or warning for the user was warranted. However, in the end, I was told that I'm being absurd, trolling, insulting, and ignorant. For some reason, they seemed to be hyper-focused on the device owner effectively being the only user, which again, is then a non-issue and completely secure, but also completely irrelevant to the concern I raised.
So, take this PSA how you will, whether or not it will even affect you, or anyone at all. Figured that I'd post this just in case that this is applicable to you, which is realistically an extremely small chance. So maybe this entire thing is pointless.
The real PSA: always use unique login credentials for all your accounts, and turn on two-factor authentication (OTP). If everybody always did this, I wouldn't be making this post.
TL;DR: XoM by default saves your credentials without telling you, no simple way to delete it, which can be an issue when using another person's device. Raised the concern to XoM support, was told that I'm crazy, while ignoring the key part 'when using another person's device'.
How to manually delete your username and password for XIV on Mac: Open "Keychain Access.app" (not to be confused with iCloud Keychain) that is found in your Applications -> Utilities folder (or just spotlight search it). Go to the Login tab on the left menu bar. Find secure.square-enix.com for your account and delete it. Deleting the entry can be done without the device credentials.
An alternative method is to just reattempt to login with a nonsense password, as a failed login attempt will still save and update your credentials that are saved on the device. However, this does not remove the Square Enix ID that is saved, if that matters to you.
submitted by Joonken to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 lilkorea_189 Packed up my life for a man only for our relationship to sour almost immediately

I, 35 female, had been in an on again off again relationship with my boyfriend, 45 male, for the last 3 years. I won't bore you with the details of how we met and what went on for the last 3 years of our relationship, I'm just going to get to the point.
Back in late September 2023, my boyfriend moved to Iowa. We had just gotten back together when he sprung that on me and I was rather upset at first but knew that he was only moving because it was for his mental health. Living in the big city can be very costly and stressful, so I understood his reasoning. I did not go with him and figured we would go our separate ways. Fast forward four months later and I get a message from him through Facebook messenger asking me to call him. I call him and learned rather quickly that he had been drinking but he was asking why I suddenly ghosted him by not replying back to his texts or calls. For context, I never blocked his number.
I told him that I did not get any of his texts or calls. He asked me why I never tried reaching out to him and I explained that I thought him moving away and not staying in contact meant the end of our relationship. We had a lengthy conversation that night and he asked me to come visit him. I told him that I will consider it but would need to build up some PTO as I had just started a new job and didn't want to risk anything during my first 90 days. We stayed in touch after that, calling each other daily and talking on the phone for hours just catching up and going over mutual interests and so on until I've built up enough PTO to go visit him.
You may wonder why I was the one to go visit him in Iowa. Firstly, he wanted me to see the town he had decided to settle in. Secondly, we had discussed resuming our relationship and possibly having me move out there as it was out of the question for him to move back to the city where I live. I understood his reasoning for moving but felt that leaving the life I have behind for him felt a bit extreme. But I kept an open mind about Iowa and went to visit (side note, there are no direct flights to where he moved to. I had to fly to Chicago, which is a 2.5 hour drive away and he had to rent a car to pick me up). I spent a four day weekend with him, and I'm not going to lie and say that it was magical and romantic because it's Iowa. Seeing him again, however, brought back all the feelings I had for him and I realized just how much I had missed him.
I honestly didn't see much during my visit as it wasn't a dense town like I would see back home, as everything was very spread out. That should have been my very first clue to the kind of life it was like. It was very quiet and peaceful, which was a change. Unlike the city where it was always busy and sirens going off in the distance was a constant, at night it's dead silent. It was definitely a change in pace and I was more or less charmed, but not impressed. My weekend visit was over before we knew it and I returned home back to the life I was most comfortable with.
My boyfriend and I resumed our daily phone calls, but I noticed our conversations began to shift towards me moving out to Iowa. And in truth I was swayed by the idea of leaving the big city for small town life, however, my biggest hesitation was job security. I work in the medical field and finding a job with my skill-sets wasn't a huge challenge aside from the lack of urgency of callbacks from the jobs I had applied to. My boyfriend reassured me that it was just how things were in Iowa, that unlike the city, the businesses moved through a system that was much slower than what I was used to. I had my doubts but then again I didn't know much about the hiring process in the mid-west. My boyfriend then said it would probably go a lot faster if I was actually in the area (which I was skeptical about but didn't comment). I knew he just wanted me there with him and, at that time, I wanted to be with him because I had truly believed that we had talked through our past issues and were now on the same wavelength of what we wanted as a couple moving forward.
Boy was I in for a rude awakening.
I literally packed up my life into my SUV. I didn't take any furniture with me knowing that what my boyfriend lacked we could always buy. It took me 3 days of driving to reach Iowa and I had never thought I'd be so happy to be in Iowa or all places, but I was. I was blinded by hopes and dreams of a happy life with the man I thought I was in love with. I should mention that I have been saving money for a down payment on a house for the last 5 years and have managed to save $20k. It has been a personal goal, not dream, for myself to be a homeowner, not because I want that white picket fence dream, but because I simply want a home that is truly MY home. I want a safe space that truly feels mine and have it reflect the type of person that I am, instead of apartments where I would have to return the space to the manufactured setting once I leave.
Now, the housing market in Iowa is relatively cheap compared to Washington. And when I saw the cheap listings, cheap as in less than $200k for a 3 bedroom 2 bath, move-in ready house I was ready to commit my new life in Iowa with my boyfriend. At first, my boyfriend was very supportive of my house hunting, he knew that it was personal goal of mine and had always said how he admired my ambition to become a home owner. I got in touch with a realtor agent who collaborated with me on what my boyfriend and I were looking for in a home. I probably saw about a dozen houses within my first 2 weeks since arriving to Iowa and I actually found a house that we both really liked. I was ready to put in an offer when my boyfriend suddenly told me that he didn't want to become a home owner, saying that it was too much of a commitment that he never wants to make.
It gave me pause, and though I was very disappointed in having to put aside a goal I made for myself, I half-heartedly agreed. It was then things started to unravel between us and his mood just quickly declined. I should note that my boyfriend has diagnosed PTSD from childhood trauma and he has a tendency to become anxious and agitated when stressed out. The days that followed I had noticed a shift in him and because he works from home, I just assumed it was because his work was stressing him out.
I tried to be a good girlfriend by staying out of his way while he was working and try to be as quiet as possible while at home. I would try to help out with small things like letting the dogs out to relieve themselves and take them on short walks. I tried to be mindful to not make a mess. Along with my boyfriend's anxiety and mental health struggles he also has OCD, and while back in Seattle I had noticed he liked to keep a clean home, out in Iowa it had become abundantly clear that the smallest mess would upset him.
His bad mood only worsened. One day, while he was folding laundry, I asked him if there was anything he'd like me to do around the house because I wanted to be helpful. He said "If you see a mess, clean it." That came off as truly strange to me.
"Do you want me to vacuum or clean the bathrooms?" I asked.
He looked at me like what I had asked was the dumbest question he had ever heard and snapped at me with: "If you see a mess, clean it. You're not 12 years old, you're not being paid an allowance to do simple chores. You're an adult, you should already know what to do."
What he said embarrassed me and made me feel so small and inferior, but it also truly angered me. Where was all this hostility suddenly coming from? I didn't want to start a fight over chores and simply helped him fold the laundry. We eventually had a talk, which turned into him going on a tangent about how he requires to keep a clean and sterile house, that "everything has its place" in the house. He then went on about not wanting the commitment of home ownership and that he has no intentions of ever returning to Seattle. He told me how all my stuff cluttering the bedroom and office is taking a toll on his mental health and that it's my job to make sure that they're all put away so he doesn't have to see them (mind you, I was still unpacking and with limited storage space the rest of my belongings are still packed away).
Then he suggested something that blindsided me. He suggested that I possibly look for my own place so that we live separately and slowly integrate into each other's lives again. It was then that I took account of all the red flags that had sprung up from before I foolishly packed up my life to be with this man that I suddenly no longer loved. It was as if a switch in me had been flipped and all those feelings of affection just left my system. I told him that what he was proposing wasn't possible because I was struggling to find employment and didn't want to waste my savings on a brand new lease, especially since I was just added onto his lease.
I tried to find a middle ground with him, especially when it came to my personal belongings. I knew that he was talking about my makeup being out on the counter. Mind you, my second day in Iowa, we had gone to Costco where I found a makeup organizer and purchased it. All my makeup fits neatly in it and isn't scattered all over the place, he just doesn't like seeing them. That still wasn't good enough for him but I had to point it out to him by saying "I live here, too. It's only fair that I should feel like this is my home."
After that, the tension between us only got worse. He would have angry outbursts over the smallest inconveniences and prioritize more on his "mental and physical health" than work on our rapidly deteriorating relationship. I'm also at fault for not trying harder to talk things out but after he suggested I find my own place I subconsciously knew our relationship was over, on top of that, I was also emotionally drained and feeling depressed.
Now moving to the present, I had finally secured a job that would be opening a clinic nearby, meaning I wouldn't have to waste gas as much and would finally be able to contribute financially to the household. When I told my boyfriend the news it was received with a rather lackluster response but I still held out hope that once I start working and be out of the house more things might mellow out. Then, over the weekend, everything fell apart.
I had woken up early because the dogs needed to go outside. I knew my boyfriend wasn't getting much sleep lately so I let him sleep in as much as possible. Once the dogs had finished relieving themselves I had the intention of going back to bed to get another hour or so of sleep but the dogs came in to disrupt that plan. My boyfriend didn't like that and got up explosively, cursing and yelling as he stomped downstairs about how he couldn't get any sleep. I go downstairs to tell him that he can go back to bed, that I forgot to feed the dogs after letting them outside and that I would take care of it. He yells at me that he would do it since he's up and then goes on a rant about how his life was disrupted ever since I arrived. Let me remind you that he wanted me there in the first place.
He blamed me for the poor sleep he's been having ever since I arrived (there is also 3 dogs sleeping in the bed with us). He blamed me for his financial woes (he took care of the bills until I found a job). He blamed me for the hit to his credit score (I took a hit as well because we were getting pre-approval for a home loan before he said he didn't want to move forward with it). Blamed me for the decline in his mental and physical health (he vapes throughout the day and his vices are scotch and ice cream). And he blamed me for his inability to focus on drawing his comic series because of his mental health decline (he's a decent artist but I can't take credit for his creative block).
While he listed off all the things I am to be blamed for and how he had made so many compromises for me I reflected back on my surprisingly short time here (3 weeks, nearing 4), I was the one who made all the compromises. I was the one who made the bigger sacrifice. I traveled half-way across the country for a man who will never make my happiness a priority. From the start of our relationship 3 years ago to now, I was the only one who had to make sacrifices just to pacify this giant man-child.
He brought up me finding my own place again and I told him that if I have to move out then I'm returning to Seattle. He didn't fight me on that but the downside is that I have to wait for my parents, who had planned to drive out this way in June from Seattle, to visit friends in Chicago. They've been made aware of the situation and will be driving out in my step-dad's pickup truck to haul back all of my belongings and we would leave together in both my step-dad;s truck and my SUV. I had emailed the hiring manager I had gone through my interview process with, letting her know that I unfortunately will be returning to Seattle due to personal circumstances.
In the meantime I have begun submitting my resume to clinics and hospitals back in Seattle and already have several interviews set up (much faster turn-around than Iowa) and hopefully soon I will have secured a job before my return home.
submitted by lilkorea_189 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 imarvelentertainment Algorithms are Ass

I know we've all complained about how Spotify generates playlists, how their "shuffle" isn't a true shuffle, etc. But I have a gripe with one song in particular and want to know if I'm the only one.
My wife and I have fairly similar tastes in music for the most part, she's always been into punk, grunge, and more 2000s pop (MCR, Green Day, Nickelback, Matchbox20, Maroon 5, etc.) where I've always been a more indie and classic rock, folk, blues kinda guy (The Killers, Queen, David Bowie, Lumineers, Steeldrivers, Nathaniel Rateliff, etc.) but we both listen to whatever the other might be listening to in passing, no issues.
Recently (within the past 6 months or so) we've both noticed The Middle by Jimmy Eat World popping up in a lot of our generated playlists. And like yeah we might have listened to it once or twice here or there in the past, but for it to show up in an MCR radio? Or Queen radio? I'll be vibing to Under Pressure and suddenly, Jimmy Eat World!
Does anyone else have this issue? Did Jimmy Eat World strike a deal with Spotify á la U2's forced album download to Apple Music? Is there another very specific song that shows up in a majority of your radio playlists? It's driving us both crazy because no matter how many times we say we aren't interested in the song it inevitably comes up and we really wanna know if we're alone here or not.
submitted by imarvelentertainment to spotify [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:51 ElectroMenZ I just beat my first full Kaizo ROM hack (SM74 Ten Years After v3.74) + my review

I just beat my first full Kaizo ROM hack (SM74 Ten Years After v3.74) + my review
Ok, so on May 26th 2024, I got all the stars after 31 hours + 3 more I had on another save file, and let me tell you what, it was quite a rollercoaster of an adventure, so here I'll just review my overall experience of it
C1 Dice Domain: (9/10) It was a nice beginning course that felt welcoming for people who are just getting started on easier Kaizo hacks, like sure, it feels a bit different from the original source material, and that can be great, as it gives a player something kinda new, so overall, it's a solid level without it being intimidating, and it's just a nice little warmup for me, someone who's trying Kaizos for the first time
C2 Concrete Jungle: (8.5/10) This is also a pretty solid course, and although, the red coin star was replaced in this version, it was still a solid experience without them, and the stars still felt like a nice little warmup. Also, there was that one heave-ho trick I had to know about, so yeah, I didn't know at the time, and instead went the long way on top to slide and jumped to the star, which involved me finding a bug where I get soft locked on the slope, but again, still quite a solid level with interesting design choices
C3 Wallowing Wells: (8/10) This is a great mashup of C3 from SM74 and EE, and even though I'm not the biggest fan of water levels, you actually have faster swimming, and it's way better than what I tried in EE, I mean, I had a good time getting the stars and the 100 coins even, then you have the waterless mode star which is a good test of your platforming skills, and even though a fell down a few times, it's actually not near as bad as what you had to do in EE, and it was quite enjoyable, so still a nice mashup that doesn't feel like a difficulty spike out of nowhere, but still slightly trickier than the first two courses
Underground Slide: (7.5/10) Now, here's the first little difficulty spike in the hack, so this one had me dying a bit on the slide's reds, and yeah I died at the end to that stupid pillar. Also, to get that first star in the metal cap switch, I decided to take the long route instead of doing the skip, I dunno why, but anyway, near the end of that section kinda felt like a chokepoint, but I mean, it's not bad, and I liked how they replaced the Mario Party minigame music with the underground theme from Yoshi's Island, which is quite fitting with the redesign, so overall, even if it's a bit of a difficulty spike early in the game, I still did like my experience with it quite a bit, and I like the new aesthetic of it
B1 Bowser's Park Party: (9/10) I actually like what they did with this version, they made it feel a bit different by making it like an island in the sky, and the stars were just pretty fun overall, like the one metal cap star was an interesting because of the way you go inside the building to get it, and the key section felt free because of the metal cap safety net, but there was that one part where you had to do oddly precise lava bounces, I don't know why LinCrash made it that way, but I'm not gonna question it, and it was an enjoyable experience all the way through
C4 Bogey Bayou: (8/10) I thought this course was pretty fun, but there was that one pit with Bubbas with the red coins that were a bit risky to get due to the relentless nature of them, however, the rest of this course had some solid stars in it, like there was one star where you have the entrance to a secret lava section, and due to the Parallel Lakitu cam, you didn't have to do blind guesswork, so that's nice, but yeah, the actual secret entrance star was just free, nothing else to say about that one, but even though the 100 coins took me longer than it should've, I actually had quite a fun time platforming on rooftops over some deadly quicksand sludge
C5 Flamework Factory: (8.5/10) An interesting course with tunnels that leads you to other stars and parts of the level, and honestly, I liked how it felt sort of like nice little puzzle with a couple of stars requiring certain caps to traverse to the other section, and in the current version, the tunnels just warp you to that certain room, I don't really mind the change that much because it doesn't really decrease the difficulty that much, so overall, another solid experience when I knew the places I needed to go for certain stars.
MC Aerial Alpine: (9/10) I love what they did with the metal cap stage from the original EE, they turned it into a snow level, and now it's a lot more enjoyable, and even though this current version replaced the red coin star, it was still a nice chill stage, no pun intended, and the stars felt like nice little warmup sections that I had a pretty good time with, even though they replaced the metal cap section with a shell riding one, so that actually felt a bit more fun to do, since I'm actually good with the shell
VC Dusty Darkness: (6.5/10) Now, this is the first level that started giving me a bit of problems, like there's this one star where I had to jump down to a walljumping section, and I actually had to turn up the brightness on my monitor to see where I was, and even then, I kept on getting caught on the one wall because the collision is weird, and I missed my jump quite a bit because of it, but once I learned to stop touching the wall, it wasn't as bad, and there was one more star that gave me slight problems, but that one at least didn't have bad collision, and the other stars were actually quite decent, so yeah, definitely not a great level at all, but not that bad
WC Lava Pit of Inversion: (7.5/10) Yeah, it's just a chill wing cap course that doesn't feel special at all, it was just like the original, except flipped upside down, I mean, the stars were satisfying to get, however, could've done something more creative with it, but I mean, it still is quite a decent experience
C6 Stalactite Cave: (8/10) This is yet another water stage, and again, I'm not the biggest fan of them, but this one actually was kinda interesting, even though this course got the Drowned Factory treatment. This course seemed quite solid with this one platforming section above water that is slightly tricky, but quite fun to do, and I liked that one part where you had to get a Chuckya from the cage below and clip behind a wall to get that one star, so yeah, nice rendition of course 6 that had completely different stars, and it was not bad to navigate at all
C7 Crumble Rumble Tower: (8/10) I really do like the aesthetic of this course, and I enjoyed the climb to the top with the 5 secrets, it's actually kinda fun doing those ledgegrabs near the top, even when there were those clouds that blew you off the course, and the 100 coins were fun to get, except there was that one sketchy red coin you had to get a walljump off of, but it was still a bit of fun nonetheless, and the King Whomp bossfight is actually not bad, even though it was sand, but you actually had more of a platform to work with, so yeah, overall, solid course with only a couple parts that made me go "meh"
C8 Absolute Zeroasis: (6.5/10) Yeah, this is a course I didn't enjoy as much due to that red coins maze with freezing water, and the camera not being the greatest, along with that one spiral pyramid star that was quite a bit annoying to get, but if you set aside that, the 100 coins and other stars are actually decent, so overall, it's not that bad, but yeah, wasn't really a fan of a couple stars
C9 Nature Nocturne: (8/10) This is actually a solid rendition of Course 9, I liked the music in it, it was a nice vibe from Yoshi's Story, and I liked the red coins in it, there was some enjoyable platforming on top of wood planks, and it's interesting going under the flower field to get this one secret, even though you had to go back to get the star, but I really like the idea of it, and yeah, the star under the bridge I could've gotten by using the switch, but I did it the hard way, which took me dozens of tries, but overall, what a solid remake
B2 Bowser's Tidal Tropics: (6.5/10) So yeah, this is the first level that actually made me rage a bit, but before I get into that, I will say that I love the Koopa Troopa Beach music in this course, it really compliments the theme of it, and 4 of the stars in there were just kind of a nice experience, but that one star where you had to do the firsties at the right angle, even though, thankfully it's not quicksand this time, it's water, it still proved to be quite a bit annoying, but it was satisfying once I pulled it off, and now, the key part was what really started getting to me because at the beginning, I felt like I had to do the one firstie so that I can have just the right height land on the platform without getting grabbed by the Chuckya, and that gets annoying because every time a failed on those angled timed boxes, I have to start front the beginning, but I realized, I did that part the hard way, so my experience with this could've went a lot smoother, if it weren't for that, but still, not the greatest experience due to it deriving from the EE version of this stage, however, the stars before the key section were overall not bad, and again, that key section made me quite a bit angry, but the rest of it was actually not bad, it was just a matter of getting past those couple things I mentioned earlier
C10 Quicksand Beach: (9/10) After the last stage, this one was actually quite chill, the stars were actually quite enjoyable to get, like the red coins were fun to shell jump up to get in the middle of the quicksand, and thank God LinCrash decided to have 100 coins nerfed because in the older versions of SM74, you had to get all the blue coins like near frame perfect, and you had to slowly push all the bullies into that one tiny lava pit, but this version, really made it chill, and at first, I thought the stars you had to get by going into the quicksand tunnel we're gonna be a pain, but actually, the Parallel Lakitu cam worked out in my favor, and I actually enjoyed going down there, so this yet is another nice and solid experience
C11 Polluted Pond: (7/10) So, it's the level with one of the stars I dreaded, the star where you have to do walljump crossovers over a platform with quicksand, but I really surprised myself here, as it only took me a few tries, and I actually never died to the quicksand itself, I just failed at the last crossover a few times, so this might've been just a fluke, but yeah, while the rest of the level wasn't the greatest due to having to climb back up out of the toxic sand below, and it took me so long to find the last red coin for some reason, although, it still has quite a bit of fun platforming here and there, but on that one hideout star where you kinda have tight window for those timed boxes, it was mildly annoying when I hit that arrow leading me to it, however, after that is not that bad, just one sketchy jump, so overall, not really a great course, but the platforming was a bit of fun to do
C12 Cliff of Time: (8/10) Now this is an interesting one because this is like the first time that we see two versions of a course that you get to switch between depending on the star, and I mean, I enjoyed getting these stars, they were quite a bit unique from each other, and yeah, the red coins weren't really as bad as I thought, it was just that one sketchy walljump ledgegrab I had to do to get to the rest of the course, and every time you started the harder version of this course, you had to do a firstie to even start it, which is not that annoying at all, and just meh, but the same went for some of the red coins, however, you did have quite a bit of room for error before the timer ran out, so this course overall has cool concepts, and it felt quite fair
C13 Sea Salt Peaks: (5/10) Now, most of this course felt a bit free, and Koopa the Quick is still slow, this was just a fine level, but oh my God, the Hot Arch Crossing star really brings down the experience because it was so annoying with those firespitters while having to do more precise walljump crossovers three times in a row, and one where you have to do kind of a precise triple jump to get to the last crossover, like that star genuinely made me just rage, and I never wanna touch it again, although the 100 coins were quite a bit scarce
C14 Veninium Sphere: (8.5/10) Now this course was quite fun, and I actually like how LinCrash designed the course to have more gaps in it to make up for the nerfs he did, so it still didn't feel too easy for what it was, and the climb was quite satisfying, but the one small flaw I had was with the first star Tower of the South, and that is when I just got through the hall of angled walljumps, I would sometimes miss the star because I couldn't exactly tell where it is in that hole in the ceiling, but I mean, I feel like that one was just on me, although, the rest of the level was very good, and the red coins didn't feel daunting at all to get, so overall, it was quite an enjoyable experience
C15 Delombru Sphere: (8.5/10) Same as the last course, the climb was quite satisfying to do, but this course felt a bit more convoluted to me because there was that one sideways tower that I didn't know I could reach with a triple jump until I tried it, and there was that one Dungeon Dominance star where I didn't think that precise walljump ledgegrab was intended, yet it was, but it wasn't actually that bad, and thank God that one crazy Tower of the North star was changed into an amp obstacle course because in the old versions, you had to do really precise walljumps consistently without ledgegrabbing, and the 100 coins and 8 reds were actually pretty satisfying to get on only like what, my 4th attempt? I mean, you got those two sketchy red coins at the beginning, but after that, it was nice and smooth sailing because I just crushed it, I genuinely thought I was gonna fumble more on that, but glad I didn't, however, the Morbid Deadly Puzzle star was still pretty tough because it's like closer to EE difficulty than any other star here, and I will not forgive that one Snifit that killed me one time when I was getting far into that star, but it was quite satisfying once I finally got the star at the end, so overall, a well designed course with a challenge that will prove to be pretty difficult, but comes with a satisfying reward at the end
Void of the East: (8/10) Now this was quite a tough and challenging star, and that one angled walljump off the pillar and tower right next to it is kinda what made the challenge even moreso, but good thing you can come up with a good routing method for this star to not feel like as much of a drag, so for me, the metal cap lava bounce secret was the easiest, so I did that last, and yeah, to get off that one rooftop, it sucked when I just couldn't make the jump with the wrong angle, but as I did the right angle, it wasn't as bad, and the rest of the course is actually fun, so once it got consistent, it was quite enjoyable, and I was thoroughly satisfied after getting that star
B3 Bowser's Rainbow Realm: (6/10) Yeah, I didn't enjoy opening the cannon in this stage that much at all, I just hated having to do those angled wall kicks over the first lava section at every attempt I had at opening the cannon, but good thing that you didn't have to do three of those in a row, just one of them, and the amp section was just a bit annoying because I had to be careful with my jumps, while having to deal with the possibility of the firespitter getting me, as for the second lava section that first jump was quite sketchy to make, but right after that, the section was definitely better than the first one. There was also that Heave-ho on the third section that killed me at least a couple times, and it felt like a slap to the face when that happened to me, but when I opened the cannon, I felt quite a bit relieved, and the other stars were actually a bit enjoyable, despite me wanting to get to Grandmaster's Goal that final day, like the secrets had some decent platforming, but it was just a slight flaw that I couldn't properly see that one opening to getting that 5 secrets star, however, I got the right angle at some point, and now the 8 red coins were actually quite decent, it felt like a good break, but there were a couple red coins that seemed slightly sketchy, but we're not bad at all, however, I will say, wasn't really the biggest fan of getting on those steep slopes, as they felt fast, and I had to make sure my angle to get on them was good or else I'd fall down due to no ledgegrabs, but it was alright, and yeah, I accidentally got that one caged Banjo Tooie cartridge star while getting the red coins, but after that, there was one more kind of annoying star I had to get with that risky platforming on the walls of the amp section, and the final fight was just Bowser, but the bombs were oddly closer than the original, don't know why LinCrash made them like that, but whatever, it's fine, so overall, yeah, this stage can get quite frustrating when you are trying to open the cannon, but after that, it's not bad at all, it actually got quite a bit fun, although, the music felt a bit repetitive NGL
Grandmaster's Goal: (8/10) This was a pretty good gauntlet at the end, but oh my God it's quite nerve-wracking I got closer to the end, and when I died a couple times at those cones in the Cliff of Wrath part, it was a bit disappointing, but as I noticed that I was getting more consistent with the other parts, the confidence built within me, and in this current version, they added a heart at the walljump crossover section, and oh man, I really needed it, even though it nerfs the endurance test a bit, I still appreciated it, and yeah, the metal cap section was still a chokepoint because of that one walljump ledgegrab, and at the beginning of me doing this gauntlet, I kept dying at the Stalagmite Cave slide part, even though I shouldn't have because it's easy when I got the angle right, but yeah, overall, this gauntlet was pretty well put together, but yeah, there are a couple parts that are easily chokeable and can be roadblocks to your success. Oh and one thing I forgot, the other two Grandmaster's Goal stars, they were a bit easy to get, like you could just do a skip to save time for the "speedrun" star, and there was that one hidden star that was fairly easy to find, so those two stars were essentially before the real deal, and they were kinda cool to get
In conclusion, my first Kaizo experience definitely had times where I got quite a bit frustrated, but in the end, I'm glad I beat this as my hardest ROM hack, and the experience was definitely worthwhile, so I decided to post this review here to share my experience
submitted by ElectroMenZ to sm64hacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:49 ImportantNebula6742 Bf (23M) and I (21F) have been arguing a lot lately. Also Im not sure if im being manipulated???

Im in need of desperate advice please.
I 21F have been dating my boyfriend (23M) for a year and a half. Things have not been smooth, but they have also been happy.
i just feel like we have been getting on each others nerves A LOT. Just little things have been really bothering me about him. For example today, he just met one of my brothers friends (my brother is 17 and his friend is in his mid 20s) and he was telling how he doesn’t think he is a good influence for him. Idk for some reason I got defensive. My brother has like no friends and he finally has found someone he vibes with... then he goes to say "i just feel like i make you worry" and low key he fucking does a lot. He is such an overthinker, and it drives me crazy sometimes.
Some other things about him that I dont like: HE is NOT open minded whatsoever. He is stubborn. And also he is obsessed with Dave Ramsey. Like to a weird extent.
One of our main arguments is about SEX.
He is a christian and so am I. However, he is more christian than me. We have had sex a lot in the past. And every time we do he "feels guilty" because it's a sin. KEEP IN MIND, he was NOT virgin before he met me. AND I WAS. He recently got more into the christian faith, which is totally okay with me. However, now he doesn’t want to have sex till marriage.
i honestly feel sexually frustrated. And whenever I express my feelings to him his response is "I feel like all you care about is our sex" or he hits me with the "Do you not want me to grow closer to God? If so, we should wait."
Also, every time we would have sex, its like I could read him and he would be all sad. and immediately be like "we shouldn’t have done that" "I regret it" and It makes me feel HORRIBLE and USED.
It makes me feel unwanted. Like before him, I had guys DYING to have sex with me. Not to sound cocky, but I am a very attractive woman. And I know I am out of his league (he has also told me that). So, it makes me feel ugly, that he doesn’t want to have sex with me. And its almost like he doesn’t want me at all, and it fucking sucks. I feel like intimacy is VERY important in a relationship. And I don’t feel guilty for having sex with my boyfriend because I love him, and I want a future with him.
I feel like in a way I am being manipulated by him. But I am not quite sure. Has anyone done with a similar situation???
Please be kind, I literally have no one to talk to. Any advice would be appreciated! <3
submitted by ImportantNebula6742 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:47 Substantial-Wrap8395 Help?

I 25F and my friend 25M have been in an awkward limbo for a year and some change now. I must mention that I have a now 6M kiddo whose father passed when he was 2.
My friend and I met a little over two years ago after moving to a very small town and being almost the only two people that were new to town. Everybody knows everybody type of town. We almost immediately clicked and started hanging out every chance we got as we both have busy schedules which was usually at least twice or more a week in the evenings.
As time passed we both grew bigger feelings but were on the fence about it because of toxic past relationships so we decided it would be purely friends with benefits. At this point he hadn’t been around my kiddo much except in passing.
Fast forward a few months and I expressed that I want more (of course) and he was still a little on the fence but agreed I think purely to appease me. And so he started coming around and meeting my son and ultimately we were in a relationship without the label with him almost constantly saying we weren’t together whenever I would bring up a label cause I was just confused and worried about him leaving. More so worried about my son and how heartbroken he would be losing a person he loves so much.
Until about a year later he decided to move back to his hometown (about 9 hours drive) at the beginning of this year (2024) and after about two weeks of being gone he finally used those three pretty words and expressed that he didn’t think that he would be able to move on with life without me and my son. That he wanted us to buy a house and move in together. I explained that he had told me on multiple occasions that we were not in a relationship and so it was crazy to talk about moving in together. And he said that we have been together just no label???
I am still trying to wrap my head around it but I wanted to come here and ask if anyone had been in a similar situation and could give me some insight?
submitted by Substantial-Wrap8395 to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:46 r0tten_cl4wz are my inlaws going too far?? im at my wits end.

(long story) this is a throwout because im anxious and dont know what else to do / have no one to talk to this about. im 19 and i live with my bf (20) in his parents house. he rents his room and pays a fair share of the bills (his choice / his parents dont expect him to pay anything). i moved in after my mom and i got into a fight and she basically kicked me out (she has done this before). i cannot live at my fathers after multiple assaults and threats on my life, my grandparents are enablers to my moms extremely hazardous/drunken abusive behavior, and no other family live in state. i moved into their house after he talked to his parents and they both agreed (his dad had an extremely abusive household like mine so he sympathized). its been alright so far (ive been here for 4 months) with minimal issues until it started a few months ago. in march i recently miscarried and it made everything really… awkward? his mom started to make comments to her husband to which he relayed to my bf about us sleeping in the same bed together and even went as far as to push us to get engaged and married multiple times / for him to sleep on the couch out of the room he pays for. she states she feels awkward and uncomfortable around ME because of us sleeping in the same room + im a stranger to her (shes one of those older generation that believes are owed a convo about ever detail of their lives + she is extremely gossipy about other people in a rude way) (she did apologize only to my bfs face about the MC and went out and bought some snacks as a silent apology for us + wished me a happy mothers day with some hesitation.) i dont really know how to handle it anymore. i dont have anywhere to go, i cant sleep in my car because im pregnant again but havent told anyone except my bf. we both came to the conclusion that we are moving out ASAP. we were close to renting a home but got backtracked because of the surprise MC in march. afterwards i started to spiral and my mental health hasnt been so good, a couple months afterwards a mentoparental figure passed away from a LOT of cance going into hospice, no one told me about the funeral either, had to figure out myself.. anyways, shes mainly just brought my bf to talk to her and her husband under the guise of how hes performing at work and then starts ranting about ME to him for literal hours. he does put his foot down but is kind of a mediator to not cause any drama that would ultimately get us kicked out. her husband does not intervene with her lectures/ ‘talks’. he sits there and actually doesnt say a word. this isnt the first time for a push for marriage has happened (her reasoning us that shes religious and believes that a man and woman shouldn’t even live together without being married, but has told us to our faces, with me present, that she doesnt want us to go anywhere because she likes us there/ theres no pressure to leave and every time my bf shows her an apartment he found she tries to talk him out of it) they also say that my bf barely spends time with his parents anymore and hints its because of me locking him away from them. i do not want to be here, i never did, i strongly advocated of not staying there because i knew it would cause issues since theyre pentecostal.. i do not agree with their religious views at all and have no issue with people being religious but do not force it on me, especially when im at my wits end and trying not to stress me and my baby out more + literally am homeless. i dont want to sleep in a walmart parking lot while pregnant.. but i feel like this is my last resort because of the blatant two faced bullying im receiving. i cook for them once and a while (with my own money + spend my own money buying them groceries because apparently 200 dollars my bf gives them isnt enough to feed anyone), i drive people around to work (sometimes as early as 4 in the morning and immediately get up at 4 in the evening to pick people up and no i dont get paid for the gas i do it for kindness/to help), i get zero sleep (mostly 4 hours and under right now) because her husband sleeps in the living room mostly and has absolutely maddening alarms (tornado siren) that go off between 2 am and 8 am (if he doesnt wake up to stop them) + no one lets me sleep in the ‘afternoon’ they call it (its 9-12 am) and have irritated my dog to bark at nothing at even 7 in the morning on weekends. ive been nice, ive been lenient but i cannot be nice to them (which they complain im so weird because i dont talk to them and am not buddy buddy with them for some sTrAnGe reason /sarc). please help me, i genuinely have no idea what to do and am on the verge of just walking into a river /sarc.
submitted by r0tten_cl4wz to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:43 WaveCave420 Sterilization Success !

Just had my bilateral salpingectomy today! I saw Dr. Charlotte Pickens in La Jolla, CA btw. It was an amazing experience y'all! Much easier than I anticipated! Buckle up, it's a long one, and very detailed! But all positive for the most part LOL
I'm 34 and have never EVER had surgery aside from getting my wisdom teeth out at 16, and a colonoscopy at 24. Never even broken a bone or gotten stitches, nothing. I have a lot of medical anxiety, I was tripping out the most over sleep paralysis despite anesthesia LOL Wasn't even nervous about the actual surgery, just didn't wanna wake up during it and be mentally scarred for life 🤣 Saw a few scary stories on TV once about that phenomenon.
The office gave me Hibiclens at my consult appt to take home & scrub my abdomen with the last 3 showers leading up surgery. Yesterday morning, yesterday evening, and this morning. No deodorant, lotions, perfumes, nail polish or jewelry after my shower this morning.
I was NPO after midnight last night. They instructed me to drink an ensure between 9pm-11pm last night since my surgery was in the afternoon. I also took half an Ativan last night at 9pm to make sure I slept and didn't have anxiety insomnia lol They also instructed me to take my heart arrythmia pill this morning right upon wakening with a tiny sip of water. I had an echocardiogram a week ago, so yes, I got cardiac clearance lol I also had a pre-op transvaginal ultrasound and blood work 2 weeks ago.
When I got there, they called me back to the pre-op room. I got weighed, asked for my height, and had to pee in a cup first thing. They then had me change into my gown, skiddy socks & hair net. They gave me 2 Tylenol 500mg & a Celebrex (200mg - for preventative nerve pain) with a tiny sip of water. Then they took my BP/pulse ox, and started my IV in my left hand, and started fluids and some Ativan. They also put on the leg compression things, man they feel great lol They got me heated blankets, and even had a lil pack of lavender smelly stuff they taped to the top left of my paper gown for relaxation 😊
All the staff came in and introduced themselves while in pre-op, from the surgeon herself, to the anesthesia team, to the OR scrub nurses, to the surgical resident that'd be observing (with my permission of course.) They also asked if they had permission to let the surgical resident practice a pelvic exam on me while under anesthesia, I agreed. I've been employed in healthcare myself for 17 years, so anything to help with someone's education! I could've refused if I wanted, but I really appreciated them asking beforehand.
They then wheeled me back to the OR, and I was feeling goooood with the Ativan lol They also pushed a lil GI cocktail too before they gave me the gas. I had to scoot myself from my original pre-op bed to the OR table, which was easy, they leveled the beds together and helped me. They then masked me with the gas, and I was outttt like a light after about 4-5 deeeeep inhales!!!
I woke up in post-op an hour and a half later. Went in at 12 noon, woke up at 1:30pm, all done! They intubated me after falling asleep, and pulled it out before waking up, it's like nothing ever happened! No soreness, hoarseness or coughing. I'm clearing my throat occasionally here and there 7 hours later, just kinda feels like when you get "bubbles" (post-nadal drip basically lol) in your throat with seasonal allergies. Not often enough to cause soreness which is great, waaaay better then what I anticipated after reading about other people's experiences on here. They cathed me too since they gave me fluids, thankfully after I was out, and removed it before I woke up, so it hurts to pee just a little bit, not even as bad a UTI 🤣 Like, a 4 on a scale of 1-10.
They gave me ice chips & apple juice straight upon awakening too, which was great! I had no nausea at all, still don't hours later. I rested for about 30 mins, then they brought back my ride to hang out with me and go over discharge instructions. I got up to go pee, and then they wheeled me outside to the car, and even opened the door & helped me get in!! They have $5 valet services for 0-3 hours parking, so the car was pulled right up to the curb right outside the front doors!
We drove straight to IHOP afterwards. I took it easy with some Belgian waffles & a few strips of bacon, and a mango iced tea, and a few sips of my ride's cinnamon milkshake lol I then stopped by Walgreens to grab a few house things I forgot to pick up last night, my ride helped & carried everything 😊
The ride home was smooth, I didn't have any discomfort from the shitty ass bumpy roads on our 30 min drive home lol I did bring a squishmallow to put between my belly and the seat belt, which was a genius idea I picked up on here!
BTW, I'm an occasional recreational cannabis user. I was honest and disclosed my use to my anesthesiologist only (VERY IMPORTANT), I didn't want that ICD-10 diagnosis use code going to Tricare from my consult appt ahead of surgery & prior authorization for obvious reasons lol. I quit edibles 2 months ago, and vaping 1 month ago. My anesthesiologist said I would've been fine discontinuing use just 5-7 days prior to surgery (no ibuprofen 7 days before either lol), but I did a month + to be safe, I'm a bit on the heavier side, and I've heard edibles stick around in your system (fat lol) much longer than just smoking/vaping, so I wanted to be super certain that I'd be clear and not fuck up anesthesia for myself. For reference, I'm 5'6", 180lbs. I took 3-4 puffs of a vape 4-5 days a week, and 10mg worth of edibles once almost every weekend for a few months straight, so not a super heavy user.
I hope my experience can help others make the decision to take the plunge too before election day lol I called to set up the consult appt back in December, had the actual consult appt in February, and first available surgery was today, late May.
I am a generally super anxious person by nature, and had my bestie/coworker take me to my very first surgery. My family is 3k miles away on the east Coast and couldn't be here, so if my anxious ass can do it, literally anybody can do it! I literally have nobody out here but my bestie, no family, no nothing. My soon to be ex husband is on deployment right now out in the Pacific, and is unreachable at the moment, and frankly doesn't give a shit. He knows I had surgery today too, and I KNOW he won't call or email out of common human decency to at least ask how it went when he does get back in service/port. He asked for a divorce a week after my consult appt, which happened to be 2 weeks before deployment, how convenient, after saying straight to my face before & after the appt that he totally supported my choice, and was looking forward to the DINK lifestyle with me. Oh well.
Y'all are 💯 when you say men aren't ~truly~ childfree unless they've had a vasectomy, or atleast got one scheduled on the books soon lol My conservative family back on the east coast are losing their shit over this, they're all christofacist trump bootlickers, I'm so glad I got to move away from all that and experience personal freedom/a different & better way of life out here. I'm so thankful to be in a position financially & geographically to have been able to take care of this. My GYN back home wouldn't even put an IUD in me at 29yrs old cause I never had kid before, so my cervix wasn't soft enough 🙄 Whatever bitch, I left and got spayed in Cali at 34 with no pushback from my Drs out here, kiss my grits lol
Thanks for coming to my hippie TED talk, hope this helps others! ♥️
submitted by WaveCave420 to sterilization [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:42 Fox95822 My 17 year oldest experience being tested at Stanford today

eta: sorry about the typo in the title, it took 5 hours to drive home and 3.5 to drive to the test, long day brain fog!
Hi everyone, I have POTS but no formal testing except the poor man's version at my PCP. My 17 year old has been really struggling for a few years and I have been fighting hard to get seen and tested and have seen so many neurologists. He was accepted at Mayo but insurance said no out of network and said we could go to Stanford. He was accepted for testing only due to being under 18.
He had all 4 tests, it took about 2 hours. The nurse was very nice and explained everything to me (I knew it already but still it was nice) but I wasn't allowed to stay in there for the testing (big sad).
I was brought in at the end to hear the results and speak to the dr. We had Dr.Jaradeh who I saw has very mixed reviews. We were lucky and grateful to have a very positive experience with him. We felt very listened to and respected and understood. Dr. Muppidi was also there consulting and he was equally friendly and helpful and kind.
My son was dx with POTS and the primary concern was that it showed as Neuropathic POTS, the sweat test confirmed that and he has a lot of GI issues and extremely severe sleep issues. It seems to come in flares. There was no injury or infection we felt we could trace the onset to. We do have hEDS, other autoimmune already, Autism, ADHD, and I have MCAS, Sjögren', lipedema, Hashimoto's and Stills.. and others so yeah lots of autoimmune. My other son has this all as well, his POTS just isn't making him as sick (and he is older) so we haven't needed so much intervention. Dr Jaradeh felt we have some genetic condition that just didn't show up (yet) on our testing.
He recommended some meds, Mestinon and Fludrocortisone, he is already on Sunosi for the sleep issues (it really helps him). I'm thinking now since Neuropathic POTS involves lack of norepinephrine maybe that is why the Sunosi worked so well when other meds did not.
Anyway, I just wanted to share our experience!
submitted by Fox95822 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 Financial_Rise_920 fuck all the predators on r/runaways

A few days ago in posted something on there knowing i would get bad people to respond but i forgot how fucking crazy this world is. this guy who said his name was daniel started texting me and at first he seemed nice and cool said he could give me drugs and a place to stay if i worked for him so i agreed but little did i know this disgusting person wanted me to fuck his dogs and do a gangbang with a bunch of guys he knows and told me that he liked babies like.. fucking them... ik this is dumb asf but i still didnt leave or tell him anything cause i was either gonna run away or kms so how much worse could it get right? but he told me literally yesterday that he wanted me to "recruit" more girls 10-16 and sent me someones profile, he even called her prey. i dont know what got into me but i did it and after i felt so bad cause she was really nice and my age too so i told him he was a piece of shite and that he should die in a fire before also begging him to come back because i wanted to run away. please be weary of people that are nice especially men on here. anyways im gonna die next week on monday because i know i cant stop people like this and i feel so guilty for going along with him in the first place and for so long i had watched cp before too when i was 15 from my bf that was 39 and have been molested many times since i was 4. i have no one anymore not my mom not my sisters and not my friends especially if they knew the shit ive done ive sent him photos of my friends because he wanted to cum and he said some terrible shit about them talking about wanting to fuck minors and kidnap people and torture them. im done with this world i hope its better without me :)
submitted by Financial_Rise_920 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 Lonely-Currency-6647 Leaving home?

Leaving home?
I’m a 23 year old female who comes from a Muslim family. Recently graduated from university. I found a great job opportunity in a place that’s about a 5 hour flight from home. I’m really interested and am going to take the opportunity and it start on the first week of June.
My parents are really against is. They want me to stay home and try and find a job here but I’ve been looking for 8 months now and nothing. The thing is, I wouldn’t mind staying at home but the thought of doing nothing till something comes up kind of drives me crazy.
Not to mention my parents behaviour has gotten worse, it’s always been bad but they’re very verbally abusive, especially my mom - when we get into an argument my mom prays that I’ll die and how I bring shame to the family. She also call me awful names that I don’t really want to mention here but how when I leave, I’ll be dead to her and she never wants any contact with me again. My dad is a bit more passive but he’s somewhat threatened to k”ll and idk if he is serious or not. They’ve just become people who I don’t like sitting next to interacting with. My older sister isn’t helping - they keep saying I have something to hide like a boyfriend etc which I honestly don’t but it adds to my parents fuel.
I guess I’m just a bit exhausted and needed to rant. I know I’m going to go but idk what the best way to do it is…
submitted by Lonely-Currency-6647 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:39 No_Boat_2680 Private school unethical practices

My wife works at a private school called fusion academy. It’s a one on one school.
She is part time. They want her to give them her entire availability for the day so they can cherry pick which hours out of it they give her. Sometimes with gaps with 2-3 hours. Is this common? It seems unethical to me.
My wife told them her availability is Monday-Friday from morning to end of day. But she might only work 15-20 hours out of that time. Sometimes she has a Dr appointment for an hour or two one day. She lets them know weeks in advance and they are still generally rude about it and make it seem like a huge problem.
The school allows students to cancel 24 hours in advance. If this happens, they’ll reschedule the student class wherever it fits for them. They want complete flexibility without compromise She is not getting standby pay.
The higher up management don’t have advanced academic degrees in the field of education. They’re more like salesman/women.
The head of school started at fusions as a receptionist. A handful of the teachers have advanced degrees in education that are far more qualified than the management. They attempt to promote the more uneducated and unqualified “teachers” and keep the qualified ones down. I believe it’s because they are a threat to their own jobs and are unethically keeping them down to ensure their position with the company.
They’ve even had my wife wake up at 7:30 in the morning to drive to campus for a small 1 hour meeting on a day she’s not even working. Other coworkers of hers have to drive over 1.30 hours to get there for said meeting. This is in Los Angeles with crazy traffic.
Something seems very off. Are these experiences common in private schools?
submitted by No_Boat_2680 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:38 DownPin At Fault Car Accident at Work [KS]

At Fault Car Accident While Working [KS]
Just needed some advice regarding an incident that had happened while at work.
I live in Kansas and my job requires me to drive around the county fairly often. They provided a fleet of cars. The cars are insured by them.
Today I was driving along with a coworker who was in the passenger seat. I was going south and had stopped to make a left turn into a street. The other side of the street had cars backed in their left lane due to a car wanting to take a left lane as well so my view was obstructed. When I thought it was safe and clear to go, I proceeded with a left turn and was immediately hit by a car going north about 35 to 40 mph. From what I can remember my car felt like it spun multiple times. Two car accident. My airbags went off. The driver of the other car stayed in his car until paramedics came and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. He seemed disoriented. Our car definitely sustained a lot of damage and I believe it will be totaled. As soon as I recovered from the shock I got out the car to check on my coworker who seemed disoriented and in shock still. I had a bystander call the police. Plenty of witnesses to see what happened. Firefighters came first and then EMS and then the police. We declined an ambulance since I told them that we could get a ride to the hospital (I had my GF come and pick us up). I promptly notified administration at work of the accident and the maintenance man was sent out to tow the car and provide insurance information of the car. Administration also had HR send me workers compensation information to fill out. The police took my statement and had me fill out an accident form. I put the company auto insurance down. I was cited for failure to yield to right of way - left turn.
We then went to the hospital to get checked out since my ankle was hurt and my worker seemed to have a concussion. She and I both provided our personal insurance information. They then learned we were on the clock for work and stated it changes things since it’s considered worker’s compensation.
They ran 3 x rays on my ankle and deemed no fractures or dislocation. I do feel a sharp pain when I fully extend it backwards and forwards. I can walk on it but there is a bit of discomfort. My coworker stated her head really hurt and they had her do a CT scan.
When I got home I called to pay the citation and they said there’s no notice to appear and it’s just a fine.
Is there anything thing I need to be aware of since I was considered at fault by the police? How will this affect my insurance? Will I be needing an attorney? Is there anything I should or shouldn’t be doing?
submitted by DownPin to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:37 Emotional-Hunt8858 How to get comfortable with being alone?

I am a 27F. I have no boyfriend, no family except my sister. My sister has her own boyfriend and kids and his family to be with. I have some friends, but they all have relationships to stay with all the time.
I go to work and come home. I spend everyday staring at walls regretting the past. I live on my own, alone and there is never any company. I live in rental house back off in the sticks. It's so far out that no one wants to come here. It's so far out that I have to live an hour away from work and the city because here I pay $500 in rent vs the $1400 rent in the city.
I try to save money, but sitting at home drives me so crazy that I go out and buy cleaning supplies or Togo food constantly from the nothing town 20 minutes up the road. I try to stay home and clean the house, but then break down because I can never get my house to feel clean enough. Sitting at home drives me crazy too because I think about how my friends and the man who rejected me are out there having the best time of their life with family and partners.
I need to save money, but that means getting comfortable with being alone. How do I get comfortable to be alone in my own house? I'm tired of watching TV or playing the PlayStation 3.
I need to pick a Master's Degree, but I can't decide.
How do I get comfortable with being alone in the world and get over regrets?? Comfortable enough that being at home for the weekend doesn't drive me so crazy that I am begging the universe to let me go back to work?
submitted by Emotional-Hunt8858 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:35 Professional-Sky-821 So... I (18M) kind of disobeyed one of the two rules set by my now ex-girlfriend (18F) and me before our temporary relationship began. TLDR: I fell in love with my gf despite being told not to at the start of our relationship. What should I do?

I'll start this story off by saying that I may not have known this person for very long on a deep and emotional level for very long, and she didn't reveal herself to me very much until we began to at least try and function like friends, but when she did I couldn't quite get enough of it. The story starts a little ways back when I was trying to get over my feelings for my first girlfriend (it happened unrelated to the following events) and my now ex-girlfriend (let's call her Becky) was trying to get one of our peers to leave her alone because we thought he was a little creepy.
At this time, Becky and I are completely unable to stand being around each other for longer than thirty seconds. We fight like siblings. The best and only possible solution is to begin fake dating. Yay, we're a romcom minus the "rom" part (I can't help but laugh as I remember this). Whenever we were talking about the terms of the fake dating act we discussed how we would play along and did all sorts of things to make the act seem real even at close inspection. I made it completely clear to her at the beginning of our "relationship" that there was a 90% chance that I caught legitimate feelings, and I fought those off for a while because I remembered the mission of the fake relationship was to make first girlfriend jealous.
Well, even a friendship with the first girlfriend wasn't possible after I got upset one night about her new boyfriend and said some things that I shouldn't have. This isn't an AITA post though, so big skip. When I was dealing with the fallout of having lost friends and feeling angsty and frustrated Becky was the for me for some reason, even though we still fought with each other when nobody was looking and gagged at the idea of touching one another, even worse, acting like we were in love. I had told her the entire story of what had happened and she still thought I was a safe person to be in proximity to. She was also very gentle with me after that.
Some things happened and I slowly started to realize I wanted to know Becky far more than I did before. She was gentle with me and knew what to say and how to say it while making sure my head was secured to my shoulders. I did it. I formed legitimate feelings. I called Becky a few nights later to tell her how I was feeling. I wasn't really expecting her to want to go on a date with me, I just really wanted her to be aware of my thoughts and feelings, for my worst fear was turning into the peer that she was trying to avoid, but I would be worse because I could act on the romantic feelings within reason.
She told me she needed to have a little time to think about things and talk to her friends about how she was feeling. A couple of hours later she texted me and said that she would do the real relationship on the condition that we end the relationship when she moves away at the end of the semester. That was really what I was thinking before since I had just gotten out of a really stressful and controlling relationship a couple of months prior (life is crazy). The second rule would be that we would not fall in love. The relationship is temporary and it will stay that way. The deal was struck. Let the dating begin.
I just want to say that the three or so months spent with Becky were some of the most special moments of my entire life so far (yes I know I'm 18 and have plenty more of those chances). Two moments spent with her occupy the top two of the top three spots of the most romantic moments I've ever taken part in. 1. Looking up at the stars in the middle of an empty field on the hood of my dinky little sedan and 2. joy riding my father's mid-life crisis car (a manual with no electronic assists, so it's like fighting for your life the whole time.) Plus all the little moments that we spent together in between the giant ones.
Something that needs to be understood about Becky is that she does not ever show her emotions. If she were at a card table in Vegas I would have no doubt that she would walk out of that gambling hall ready to retire comfortably. It made me incredibly interested in her even more. Especially when she let me see her thoughts and feelings. I became fascinated by any little emotion I could find, any bit of need, curiosity, joy, hurt, jealousy, terror, care, sadness, love. And I found it quite a bit (my eyes are welling up currently). She seemed quite happy with me because I could always get her to reveal herself to me.
I would like to add that this entire time I was so terrified of disrespecting or making this woman uncomfortable at all to the point where I apologized excessively if I misread signals. I almost always asked permission to touch her. And never once in our relationship did I find the guts to kiss her.
The time of Becky's move was quickly approaching. She was to go to her new town on vacation for a week to look for homes and cover other bases before she could leave for good. The day before she left she asked if we could talk. I knew as soon as she said it that it was to be a breakup. we met up at a restaurant and ate our meals before she got to business. Even though she wouldn't be moving for another few weeks after returning (she still hasn't) that it would be best to end the relationship now. She explained why, but I can't remember because I was so focused on how her voice broke when she was saying her opening line. I responded with a brisk "okay" and we fist-bumped to seal the deal. I began laughing hysterically because I was going to cry since only a pretty awesome girl ends a relationship with a fist bump (it wasn't awkward or anything and that may just be my personal opinion).
This past week I've been pretty upset about the fact that it's over. I even cried when I made the joke to myself, "Since our relationship is over do we go back to hating each other?" That's when I realized that I couldn't stand the idea of hating her again and that I in fact fell in love with her despite being told not to.
I told my best friend about how I was feeling tonight and about how I had fallen in love with Becky despite that being one of two rules set at the beginning of our relationship. How do you break a rule when there are only two that you could possibly break?! I also asked my friend tonight if I should tell Becky I love her. His answer was a very short and simple "no". I'm here mostly to use Reddit as my therapist and maybe here the opinions of internet strangers on what I should do.
How do you suggest I take action here? What are some of the solutions for a long-distance relationship from 1,200 miles away? How can I move on from these thoughts and feelings if I should just let good things go (that made me cry a little)? How do you think that she would react?
submitted by Professional-Sky-821 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:35 orchidskin I don't know why I'm dating my boyfriend and it makes me feel guilty

I love my boyfriend very much. We met at work a year ago and nobody's ever loved me this much. He'd do anything for me.
However I just don't see a point anymore. My libido is pretty much gone at only 24 years of age. I don't like kissing. Cuddling is nice but it gets uncomfortable. I hate having to shave and look nice for a man.
Most importantly though, I have zero interest in living with another person. No interest in marriage either, and ESPECIALLY not kids. I just want to live alone and have all my own shit.
Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me. I'm really not interested in actual relationships. I'd rather just daydream about them sometimes. I used to have a sex drive and that was fun I guess, but it's gone away now. Is this normal behavior for a 24 year old woman or should I talk to someone...?
submitted by orchidskin to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:34 leaningagainsthemast [SUCCESS STORY] This one is quite unusual. Had me stumped too! 🦋

This is the story of a friend, who confided in me but I'm sharing this with you to illustrate a very important point. Something that not many people will tell you.
So read it till the end.
This story, which is a 100% true as with evwrything else I've ever written on here, illustrates how The Law exhausts the easiest, least resistant way possible to realize your dreams.
And how, sometimes, that's not something good.
It all started with a need. A burning need for money. My friend owed some people a lot of money. She never told me before or I would have helped her get out of this pickle far earlier.
But, as usual, she remained unassuming and secretive. Until just yesterday, she showed me the list of creditors, which had more than a dozen names written on it. 😱
I know she's always been impulsive but to do this? I didn't judge her but I was disappointed, ngl, that she never told me what was happening behind the scenes. 😔
Well, she told me this yesterday morning and the following afternoon, while taking a nap, I imagined her telling me over text that she got the money she needed. 🥳
I repeated it a few times. It was hazy as I was VERY VERY sleepy. But as usual, I looped it until I fell asleep.
💤 The nap itself was only 10 mins long.
That was it, really.
🪄✨️ And I did get the text by the evening so I was relieved. But today, she told me the whole truth.
She had stolen the money from her dad, who had very UNEXPECTEDLY came into a big amount of cash! 😱
He brough that cash home yesterday evening and she stole it!
🤔 And the funny thing? The dad doesn't even seem to remember that he ever brought that money in thw first place.
It seems to have been erased from his mind.
He has no recollectiom of it. But of course, she feels guilty to her very core. That's why she told me this in the first place.
She's my best friend, and we are quite frank with each other, tbh. My heart went out to her when she said to me,
"I am in an emergency or I would never have done this. I'll pay my parents back double this amount. This is just a loan!" 😔
And I trust her. I know that she will.
But I also understan why this happened.
She only recently confessed to me that she has a habit of steaking stuff. Money, usually. 🫥
Not a big amount. A couple dollars here and there. And mostly she steals it from her dad, she said. She's in college. Doing post grad.
She mentioned her dad knows she takes a couple dollars sometimes without him knowing and he doesn't mind. I dunno how that works though. 🤷🏻‍♀️
🌸 When she revealed this piece of information, that's when it hit me!
Look, she isn't earning right now. She has no personal savings. Not of such a big amount. Neither does she have that many friends or wealthy ass relatives lmao 😂
So, the FIRST possible way for her to get the money, according to me, was for her to do what she's always been doing, as she confessed.
Steal money from her dad.
And her dad getting into that amount of money was also the path of least resistance in her case!
So that's why he got the money in the first place. Otherwise why would he?? Their family is barely making ends meet afterall! And they have a humble little shop in the suburbs.
Well, here's where I want to build on my previous post!
🪄 Of course there was a way other than thia. There could have been COUNTLES number of ways this could have been manifested. DUH 🙄
But for that to happen, she'd have to resist her urge to steal. If she hadn't stolen the money, then after a couple of days, another opportunity would have risen!
I am 100000% sure of it!
But since it was easier for her to resort to unethical means, second nature even, then thay's what ended up happening!
And since I wasn't aware of this habit of hers, it wasn't my belief either, before any of you pounce on me like hungry kittens lmao 😂
Well, there you go. I wanted to share this story with you to illustrate one VERY IMPORTANT POINT -
Never lie or cheat or steal. Not even as a joke. Try to stay away from any of these things. Because these open pathways for you, that might get you your styff easily in the beginning but, when it'll truly matter, you won't be able to resist your urge.
Like my friend couldn't.
I hope this story helps clear some questions for you, questions you didn't even kmow you had.
Until next time,
R A I N ☔️
submitted by leaningagainsthemast to NevilleGoddard [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:34 VeterinarianDry7713 Just venting

I'm just trying to finally get all my feelings off my chest because I feel like I've been letting them build too long. This breakup is between me (obviously), a upcoming highschool senior and my ex who just graduated. It's a long story so I'll get started now. Basically my ex(18F) and I(16M) had been dating for a year and half. (I know since it's a highschool relationship not many people take it seriously and think it was doomed from the start but it dosent invalidate the way I feel). I thought I approached our relationship carefully as I made sure to set boundaries and set our relationship in mutual values, respect, communication, and integrity. For a year it was all smooth sailing and I truly loved this girl. Our relationship became a lot more rocky this march however as I noticed she wouldn't respond to me for days at a time and spend time with her friends rather than me. I communicated this problem and she said she would do better but never did. Things got worse into April where she went to prom with her friends with me. I once again communicated how I was deeply hurt by what she did and she basically tried to tell me that it wasn't that big of a deal. She alo asked me why it was suddenly an issue as opposed to before and I told her "what am I supposed to do when my family thinks your cheating on me" she then said she would never cheat on me and that I had a lot of work to do to fix her reputation after I thought we communicated to resolve the issue. She then spent the next week asking for her 3ds that I had borrowed back and after I gave it back to her on Friday. She then dumped me that weekend over text citing that it was because of college (fair enough) and my family's opinion of her over the whole prom thing. I saw her at school over the next few days and made no attempt to speak to her as I felt betrayed by what she had done and respected myself too much to make an effort. It wasn't until about 2 weeks after our breakup that I learned she was with a new guy (who happenend to share my name) that I connected the dots. She had told me this guy had been texting her about 2 months before our breakup and that she had blocked him and wanted nothing to do with but obviously she was cheating on me with him.
To sum up my thoughts, I feel like an idiot for letting her do that to me. I feel like I was too forgiving. I feel taken advantage of as she graduated as a valedictorian because of our joint efforts (I helped her significantly with assignments and tutored her) and me having to keep her mental state stable constantly. I feel insecure because she left me for a man who shares the same name as me and play in a band. I feel like a fool for trying to make sense of this when I should really be forgetting and moving towards with my life. I feel like my ex is truly an evil person for what she did (she even texted me recently once she heard about what happened to deny the cheating allegations). I feel like every time I make progress towards moving on something always drags me back. I feel oddly prideful that I truly loved her for her and not what she did for me or what she provided me.
There's so much more she did that I could write a book about it but at that's point it's just excessive. I know what I have to do to move forward is to forget her and remember the lesson. Do the things I love and enjoy, and have fun. But it's just nagging me how poorly I was treated.
submitted by VeterinarianDry7713 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:31 jdist332 Why would my ex (F25) keep liking my best friends posts(M29)?

Just wondering if anyone has ever experienced this and what the intentions behind it might be.
Long story short I was dating a girl and things fell apart because I moved away for work. Last summer we reconnected when I was back home. I really thought everything was going great, but she told me that she had just gotten out of an abusive relationship and wasn’t ready for another relationship. She cut me off cold, wouldn’t say goodbye to me, etc.
I love this girl so much. I told her that if she needed me to let go I would because I love her and all I want is for her to be happy. But what I can not understand is that she started liking every single one of my best friends instagram posts. She barely knows him, she met him once when she came on a trip with my friends.
She never used to like his posts, since we stopped talking she likes every single one of his posts. It’s driving me crazy. To me it seems like a way of staying in my circle but then she won’t talk to me.
Why would she be doing this?
submitted by jdist332 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:30 Fmlomgggg Have you ever seen yourself and thought wtf?

This is bizarre that I’m even writing this. I never thought of myself as “ugly” and have always been met with pleasant comments from others regarding my ‘looks’ for lack of a better word.
Wasn’t really a sexually seeking person from others I was always content in myself and my own pleasures. I’m married ten years and recently put on a little bit of weight, I was 9stone from 15 to 25 and slowly but surely gained a few pounds along the way due to comfort eating and general laziness that came with being content.
Lately I’ve been looking at old photos of my younger self and realised I’ve truly wasted my sexual potential in my prime and feeling slightly disturbed at what I see in the mirror now. I’m not extremely fat but a lot thicker than I used to be and hairier than ever which I don’t mind but sometimes I feel disgusting?
I’ll have days where I almost turn myself on and others where I’m completely disturbed by what I’m seeing and can’t believe I have a significant other still attracted to me I feel like I’m going crazy.
I often catch myself in the mirror and think wtf happened and how did I let it? I feel like a completely different personal mentally and physically.
By no means do I hate myself and I’m grateful for the ‘facade’ and ‘package’ I was born with but can’t help but feel disgusting and unattractive when I see myself.
I sometimes watch some gay porn every now and again to get a quick release and find myself comparing my body to everyone else’s, it’s like I want to be hairy, muscly, slender and toned all at the same time I can’t make up my mind on what I want to look like. I feel like a boy trapped in a man’s aging body.
Anyone else experience this and how to navigate?
submitted by Fmlomgggg to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:27 Odd-Schedule3625 Friend cheated with me

Some background. I started having sex with this friend like 2 years ago. We stopped after a year. Short time after that she stertes a relationship.
Important. This friend is a friend’s(not too close, but we were housemates at some point and we are in the same friend circle). I think is fair to mention that he was a horrible boyfriend and manipulated the hell out of that girl. Pretty sure he kinda groomed her(they were seen at a motel). He was his teacher when he was 23/24 and she was like 15. So, pretty gross if you ask me. I dont know, maybe this is me trying to not feel so guilty fucking her.
Anyway, she and I always had very good chemistry. But I honestly never thought Id fuck her. Couple of month after they split up. After he dropped a lot of crazy lies(it was a big gossip within the group😂😂). We got together(for something unrelated) and that same day we ramdomly found eachother in a party. That day nothing happened but we talked a lot and grinded my boner on her ass walking thru a crowd😂. We didnt talked about that until like 2 weeks after. And well, the fucking happened. Honestly, i’ve never had this king of chemistry with someone. Anyway, I was selfish, and emotionaly unavailable(for the bad reasons) jaja so we stopped after a year.
Couple of days ago we were at a birthday and she ended up sucking my dick. She wanted to fuck but.. we were drunk, was very late and, she is in a long distance relationship. I know that if I see her again we’re going to fuck the hell out of each other.
I am in the femce of fuck her one more time(she did said “i knew this was going to happen becouse we didnt had closure sex” so she definitely was thinking about doing it) but in the other part she is not that type o f girl and I dont want her to resent me in the future. But man, i do want to have those tits in my face while she ride me.
submitted by Odd-Schedule3625 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:27 Positive-Light-7032 AITA/ Bridezilla - For standing up for my happiness n not allowing my siblings/ family and friends ruin our day.

Please bare with me as this will be a long one, it's my first ever post on reddit.
TW of child loss.
I (32f) my FH (35m) are getting married august this year. We live in Australia in a different state to both sides of our family. As we thought instead of picking between the two states we are from, we will have it where we are now.
History as I know all you lot love the background stories. We met in 2019, through tinder(in the state we currently both are atm). It was love at first sight for me. I already had a son who in 2019 was 8yo. My son adorned my partner, he would talk about future siblings and us getting married. Which led my partner n I picking wedding songs and talking about marriage. In 2021 my partner n I were a bit rocky. But my world came crashing apart when I got a phone call my son passed in a car crash. I flew back to my home state and well as you can imagine I was a mess. My family which I hadn't spoken to in 4 years due to being accused for something I did not do. They found out I didn't. But long story short I was in the head space to nit pick. My sons funeral happened and well I just got left by all my siblings to do the clean up my self while they went to the after do. I missed it. I'm only one person and I got blamed and made to feel like crap for it. And a lot other shit. In other words three of my siblings are arseholes. If they dont get their way. My sister we'll call her Petal(24), brothers Steve (31) n Bob (27).
My partner n I always stayed in contact but we spilt as he was still in the state we met. His boss wouldn't let him take time off etc. In the beginning 2023 I came back to the state to organise my sons stuff. Realising this man kept everything of his and mine in the same spot. He still looked after my cat n dog after all that time also. We rekindled and both realised the flame was always still there for each other. So by September last year we were ready to move forward with life as short as it is announce to our family's save the dates. Via Txt as we both have huge families, we would save the money this way.
A few weeks go by. I get a phone call from Steve. (Whom I havent spoken to since before coming up here as I had enough of always being cancelled on or never picking up my calls or barely responding to my texts) So I was like why am I getting a call. Turns out I just got questions after questions... well statements 'you never asked me to move' 'mum will be staying with me not you on your wedding' 'im not babysitting joey' youngest brother 12yo we I stated he would be other brother Dale (second youngest 21- they are all my siblings from my mother's side) as they are always together when Dale visits. I just focused on the positive. I knew he was wanting me to bite. Then when I was explaining joey would be walking behind my nieces with my sons photo Steve interrupted when are you getting married and laughed. He then said no, His daughter wasn't going to be wearing a dress she'll be wearing the same as her dad... and laughed. at the beginning of his save the date I put 'Aunty would love niece to be a flower girl if she would like' Remember no contact since this phone call at all. So I thought he was joking as he laughed. He then started repeating she was wearing the same as him. He also asked why would joey be following them and as I was explaining what I was thinking as my son would've wanted his cousins up there with him. I got cut off. I just planned all this and I said no I asked and you never responded. You never said no even when I spoke about the dresses. Apparently I just don't know what no sounds like and I've not changed and she is HIS flower girl for when him and his partner get married. I understand wanting your child to be apart of your wedding.... hence why I was trying to do what I know damn sure my boy would have done - to the point if they weren't in the party he would walk up to them n get them to help throw petal down the isle. I was upset. He rambled on and yelled shit at me and hung up when I said well if you didn't want her being a flower girl you could've just said it straight out.
I am still upset but I'm only upset due to he only brought it up when I was talking about what my son would want. If he had a problem with it why didn't he say it before hand. Later mum(51) found out him n his partner were upset I was getting married before them ( they have been engaged since 2021 and no mention of a wedding date) and they didn't want their daughter being someone else's flower girl before hand. Which again I understand so why not say that instead of starting the shit?
The next day Bob decided to tell me he couldn't come to the wedding as he doesn't know what his life would bring him to be doing then 🤦🏼‍♀️
Anyway I start to move forward with wedding planning . I let a friend know, as i was going to ask her to be a Bm. After saying getting married she bloody laughed so hard like i told the most funniest joke ever.... her daughter came in she is still laughing n said ' can you believe they are getting married' while wiping away tears from her eyes she laughed so hard. So I decided not to mention the bm part. She later started telling me what I should do for colours, who the bms should be, that the best man wears something different to the groomsmen. Etc. It was getting out of hand and everytime I mentioned we had decided what we are doing already is was wrong .... until she decided to make a competition with my unaware mother 'she better wear a dress or ill look better then her. Maybe even you' so I cut her out of my social group, my partner still thinks she was just helping. He needs the fog to clear.
I ask my best friend who I have known since 2017 and who was still there for me through the hard time of my son passing and still is to this day. Kel(43f) to be my MOH. My two sisters Petal n Kay(28f on father's side) as bridesmaids. As iTs tHe rIgHt tHiNg to do 🤦🏼‍♀️ at first I thought petal would flake first. If it's not her way she'll make some sort of version (even if it's LIES) that you did her wrong. I picked the dresses they were more then happy to pay for them. $160 ish each(aus). Well Kay went Mia for a few weeks. Then in January this year asked me if the place accepted afterpay. I said I know they accept Kalana or what ever its called. N then she was busting her arse for me to check.... she had the website I asked if she had her flights and accommodation prebooked. Nothing. As I was going to offer to pay for the dress if she was struggling. So I offered for her to come as a guest. 2 weeks NOT A SINGLE WORD. Not answering my calls or texts that wasn't even about the wedding. Its now Feb. I ask my cousin to be a back BM she was more then happy n as I was on the phone to her Kay said ' im getting a job so it'll be all sorted' now Kay is a sister who will take advantage for other people's hand outs. Where we are the closer to august you leave it your looking at 1600 n back minimum. N the week we are getting married not only with it be tourist session but race day also ( we forgot about race day 😅) After explaining this to her she decided with many more weeks in between she'll not come to the wedding at all.
So then it was my BF, petal and cousin.
Two weeks ago I got asked by my fathers (he is a dead beat) sister if he was invited. Long story short, I'm the child he never wanted. He never met my son at all while he was alive and loves to cause drama when it's not about him. He was a junkie when I first met him. So I politely said sorry no he is not and sorry for putting you in this position.
Just up until last week petal flaked. Family drama was happening and I pulled her up on her lies she had put in a group chat. She hadn't spoken to me since May. She would read the wedding chat but not respond. And I found out she had me on mute. Laste week I messaged her on the group chat, our private chat and text her can you aleast let me know whats going on. She came back with ' im not coming nor will I be in your wedding' I thanked her for letting me know. Went in the group chat for the wedding n she had already removed herself. N I blocked her shortly after my mum called. Mum had asked if I had heard from Petal. I told her what happened. Well, mum Being a mum was like 'ill get to the bottom of this' She asked why are you not part of the wedding anymore. My sister turned n said its not of your business. N then said I blocked her from the chat a while ago and I have not once messaged her n I'm mean. Mum caught her out n said she seen her lil picture keep up with the messaged just today etc. N she just banged on how no one understands her. So I blocked her.
I have now asked for my partners Sister to be a bm and she's more then happy to and I paid for her dress straight away so it should arrive to her before she is due to come up.
I found out in April my son will finally be a older brother like he always wanted. This is a miracle baby as I've had a few health problems with my uterus. To the point doctors said I might not even be able to do IVF. My partner n I are over the moon. I am in a a place where I'm happy and upset because my son is not here to witness what he always wanted. We have only told those that have been supportive, mu mum Dale and joey and my Sil.
All the stress of just my family has taken its toll. We have already paid majority of the wedding off and can't elope. I've lost all happiness for our day. I'm scared my father will rock up (he is spiteful like that) n im just deflated. With the add stress of being now 12weeks pregnant and still worried I could lose it at any point.
I have gotten all their jewellery, personalised pjs since Kay was involved. Personalised gifts and im paying for their hair and make up.
Kel my Moh is ready to go on a witch hunt. She's pissed that I have let it all go on for so long. So I'm trying to see if I am in the right or if I am in the wrong.
Am I being the Arsehole ? Bridezilla? Just feels no matter what happens in my life it's not good enough. If anything needs clearing up please let me know. Sorry for the long post. Thankyou in advance And if anyone has any advice ? Thankyou
submitted by Positive-Light-7032 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]
