Bulging male underwear

Underwear deals for the Frugal Male

2016.03.26 10:50 Underwear deals for the Frugal Male

Subreddit for deals for male underwear for all styles, brands, etc

2015.09.04 20:32 EthanMorale Men and Underwear

All about men and underwear. The latest men's underwear and swimwear trends, editorials, photo shoots, models and great photography. When submitting photos, you need to mention the model, photographer and definitely the underwear brand featured! Official subreddit of online magazine menandunderwear.com and its men's underwear, socks and swimwear shop: menandunderwear.com/shop

2017.05.29 16:47 Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina

Sick of your kids being told that "anatomy isn't male or female"? Tired of being called a transphobe or a TERF because you don't want to date somebody with the wrong genitals for you? Disturbed by the prescription of estrogen to boys who like horses and testosterone to girls who like cars? Or are you just having difficulty keeping track of the number of different genders? /GenderComical is the comedic antidote to the trans cult.

2024.06.09 19:50 throwabphage Any charities based in city centre that would take old (but clean) male underwear?

As the title says. We’re clearing out old clothing items, and was wondering if charities would accept boxers? If so, could you recommend any we could donate to? Ideally for the homeless or refugee aid.
Edit: I won’t delete, but I get the message. No it’s gross, and thank you all for responding!
submitted by throwabphage to Leeds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:09 VegetableFriendly686 Green Flag sa mga hookups 🥵🔥

For some reason I am reminiscing this Sunday. I reviewed my google sheet records of my sexual experience and check each entries and tried to look back. Anyway, as mentioned I am currently in my 'Hoe Phase' (I think pa end naman na). With my encounters they are really some thing na sobrang green flag when people do sa hookup.
So here is my green flags, read first and comment your green flag if you have any.
This opinion is based on my experiences only! with 23 unique partners and 43 encouters. 1 relationship, 6 Fubu and the rest as ONS.
Pre-hookup Green Flag
  1. Intensions are written in the wall. Location and what they are looking for even complete profile info especially the HIV info, such a good sign.
  2. Does not play any games. I hate people who say 'you first' or any G app culture games. Stop wasting my time, why would you ask for my pictures when It's already in my profile, ikaw tong blank profile.
  3. Literate. No hate to jeje or anyone, I'm not trying to be elitist or something. Pero as a corporate girlie, I really like corpo typings. Proper punctuations and all words are spelled out makes me so hard.
Hook up Green Flag
  1. Lumalabas sa Gate, Lobby, Aassist ka sa parking. Such a green flag if they are making sure na you wont get lost or ma question ka. Drop your location is not enough, I need more info on where to go hahaha.
  2. Not wearing Underwear and matigas na. No hate sa soft pa pero ang hot when when they don't wear any underwear tas bulging na yung hard dick. All ready for the battle.
  3. They asks for what you need. I experienced this with my fubu. Pag place ko na they wont go empty handed, they will bring coffee, fast food, donuts or just Water. One time he gave me some lube kasi last time we did it is paubos na lube ko. Super cute and really great way to make me hard and go all in.
  4. Amoy, lasa and parang minty yung mouth. Meaning na they brush their teeth before the hookup. Sometimes kasi kahit hindi bad breath, amoy luma or morning breath ganon. Ang nice knowing na they prep before the thing. THIS SHOULD BE THE NORM, pero I know na hindi. And my rule is, if I dont taste a toothpaste from your mouth, I wont eat or go near your ass.
  5. Communicate. Tell it to me if may teeth na sumasayad, if malapit kana, if nangangawit ka sa position, give me tips on how to satisfy you. I just met you, dont expect na alam kona lahat for your body.
Post Hookup
  1. Offer their bathroom, water, food, towel. They would ask what you need and give it. Some just lay there, Its ok if they are catching their breath or something. Pero if you dress up and just expect me to leave, I would pero yikes.
  2. After Care. I know this is transactional, we got what we needed. Pero a few mins of cuddles, talk about basic info, chill for a moment wont hurt anyone. I hate yung kakatapos lang may feeling na gusto ka na niyang umuwi,
Baka mahaba na masyado, will add nalang ulit some other time. I am really interested to read your green flag!! if ok we might think about the red flags next time??
submitted by VegetableFriendly686 to phlgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:04 mrpooooopy Itchy butt STD

Itching in the anal and genital regions can occur due to multiple causes, apart from STDs. It can happen individually in the anal or genital area or affect them simultaneously. The reasons may vary in males and females. We’ll list the causes of anal and genital itching separately for better understanding.
Anal itching
Anal itching can be temporary or persistent. The causes of anal itching may include:
Poor hygiene: Lack of proper hygiene is a frequent cause of anal itching. It can also increase the risk of other infections. On the contrary, excessive cleaning by harsh products can also cause itching in the anal or genital region.
Fecal matter: The presence of residual feces or fecal incontinence can irritate the skin covering the anal region. This can also occur if you have chronic diarrhea or persistent loose stools.
Usage of wet wipes: Store-bought wet wipes may contain certain chemical irritants that cause anal itching. It is suggested to use dry paper towels.
Hemorrhoids: Piles or hemorrhoids can also cause itching or discomfort in the anal region. Itching may vary depending on the severity of the condition.
Skin diseases: Diseases like lichen planus, eczema, psoriasis that usually affect your skin can also cause itching in the anal region.
Irritants: If you have sensitivity to particular products in body washes, soaps, bubble baths, creams, or ointments, that may also result in anal itching and irritation.
Infections: Bacterial, viral or fungal infections that involve the anus are a serious cause of anal itching. This also includes infection by pinworm and STDs.
Anal tumor: This is a rare cause of anal itching. If itching persists for a long time without any apparent cause, it may signify an anal tumor.
Genital itching
Causes of genital itching can be different in males and females. The majority of the reasons are similar to anal itchings, such as poor hygiene, skin diseases, etc. It is important to understand that STDs are not the only cause of genital itching, but they should be kept in mind until an accurate diagnosis is made. Other causes of genital itching may include:
Allergies: If you’re sensitive to any skincare or genital care product, it may cause an allergic reaction in the genital regions. This can occur in both males and females.
Irritation: Running long distances, wearing tight underwear, or other chemical irritants can result in itching. Urine very low in pH can also cause irritation.
Infections: Fungal infections such as jock itch in males and yeast infection in females are common causes. Bacterial infections such as bacterial vaginosis can also be a cause.
Pubic lice: This is common in people with dense pubic hair. Pubic lice can cause irritation and itching in the genital region.
Menstruation: Females can experience constant vaginal itching during menses which may be caused due to irritation by pads or tampons.
Genital cancer: Itching can also be a minor sign of penile or vulvar cancer. Consult your doctor if any such complication is suspected.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:15 Afraid-Star-1557 Covert Incest or sexual abuse?

Hey all, I’m F20, this is my first time ever posting to Reddit so I’m sorry if this isn’t clear or worded well. I’m using a throwaway account for obvious reasons. Also I’m sorry for the long post but I just wanted a clear answer on whether this is just covert incest or possibly more. Also keep in mind most of this took place when I was around 11-16.
Firstly, my mom would often talk about her sex life in great detail, especially what sex was like with my dad before they stopped. When I was maybe 14 she found out I was masturbating and took me to a sex toy store and gave me several vibrators. She’s also bought me lingerie before. She has always made comments on my body, especially my boobs. She would call me sexy and tell me I was her “fertility goddess.” Shes also made sexual jokes about me and a male teacher who I really like, going as far as to “joke” about me in lingerie getting spanked by him. When I told her it made me uncomfortable she told me I was too sensitive. She also walks around naked a lot and pees with the bathroom door open. I’ve told her this makes me uncomfortable and she’s responded with “this is my house too!” Or “I’m your mother it’s perfectly natural.” She would also vent to me about her and my dad’s marriage, telling me about him cheating and how he’s abusive, which often ended in her sobbing uncontrollably and me having to comfort her, and she often told me I was the only thing keeping her happy and she sacrificed her life for me. She’s also always been very dismissive of my feelings and gets very angry when I try to set boundaries with her.
Now my dad is 100% a blatant narcissist and was emotionally absent for most of my life. When I was about 11 or 12 he began to make sexual jokes about innocent things I’d say, often responding to my innocent comments with “that’s kinky!” When I was about 13-14 he would slap my butt with rolled up newspapers or magazines and if I laid on my stomach he’d walk in and snap the elastic of my shorts/underwear and laugh, he’d snap my bra straps too. There were also plenty of times too when he would call me “mommy” or “mistress.” There were also incidents of him flashing and wiggling his butt at me. Most disturbing of all for me were the times I’d be in my parents bedroom and he’d step into the walk-in closet to get dressed and he’d make weird comments like “I know you want to look” or “sorry you can’t join me.” Also, as an art student I took a life drawing class that involved drawing nude models, and the nude models were often women. I tried to show my dad one of my drawings and he said “oh, you want to show me your tits?” (Referring to the boobs in the drawing?” My dad was also extremely verbally and sometimes physically abusive.
I’ve been diagnosed with C-PTSD and OCD which my therapist attributes to their abusive behavior although he also said I check nearly every box of someone who was sexually abused, so I’m wondering is this emotional / covert incest or something more? I’d really appreciate any opinions or advice.
submitted by Afraid-Star-1557 to CovertIncest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:27 ChallengeMod Start of Week #6. Check-in closes Wednesday, June 12 at 11:59pm EDT (13 June @ 03:59 am UTC)

Start of Week #6. Check-in closes Wednesday, June 12 at 11:59pm EDT (13 June @ 03:59 am UTC)

Read this entire page so that you are not disqualified by missing any important steps
Click here for an invite to the FitChallenge discord server
Click here for the FitChallenge Strava group

If you do not correctly post, your submission may be marked invalid and you may need to make a correction post.

Weight Loss

[Scroll further down for Physique]
Weight Loss Check-in Rules:
  1. Go here and fill out this form. This is for the weekly weight tracker and is REQUIRED.
  2. Take photos of Scale using the following verification words/phrase. "ROBUST"
  3. Upload Scale photo to imgur, through reddit, or any other image hosting site. They do not need to be public on imgur for us to see them. If they are public on imgur, you may receive comments, etc. from their user base.
  4. Create a new post using the format shown below. If you hosted your photos on imgur, add your photo links into the text post, not in a comment. Imgur has implemented a fairly strict nsfw policy that seems to affect a lot of our members. For old.reddit users, I believe you'll have to use new.reddit to upload multiple images.


Physique Check-in Rules:
  1. Create new text post using the format show below. No photos required.


Unofficial Check-in Rules:
  1. Follow the check-in rules for the category above that you have chosen and use /unofficial/ as your /Week #/.


Weekly check-ins will be due by 11:59 pm Eastern on each Wednesday of the challenge. During each weekly check-in, challengers will be required to make a short text post giving us an idea of your progression. For example, you could answer these questions: What are your goals? Are you achieving them? How?
Full Body Front, Back, and at least one Side photo are required for everyone at the start and final check-ins with an additional Scale photo required weekly for the Weight Loss category. The check-in post title will tell you when full body photos are required. Photos must be taken in the same, or very similar, non-baggy clothing each week, preferably either underwear or a swimsuit and showing as much skin as possible. For the weight loss category this isn't as strict, but please keep it similar. If NSFW, please mark your post as such. The only photo editing allowed will be to cover your face or any identifying marks. At least the Front photo needs to have a handwritten sign containing a word or phrase chosen by /FitChallenge mods. Please take photos relaxed and not flexed, standing straight with your arms loosely hanging at your sides. Flexed photos may now be added as extra if you'd like to keep track in your postings. Photos must be hosted on imgur and linked in your text post. Please remember to update us on your goals or other progress this week.

Submit a new text post to the subreddit and title it in this format:

Weight Loss/Week #/Male or Female/### lbs
(ex. Weight Loss/Week 8/Female/154 lbs.)
Physique/Week #/Male or Female
(ex. Physique/Week 8/Female)
Weight Loss/Unofficial/Male or Female/### lbs
(ex. Weight Loss/Unofficial/Female/154 lbs.)
submitted by ChallengeMod to FitChallenge [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:26 eatmyscrum Underwear?

(Male nurse) Ive been working out and my thighs have gotten bigger, and now i notice that my thighs are chaffing during my shift. Do any of you wear spandex during your shift? or do you have any recs for underwear?
submitted by eatmyscrum to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:23 Hot_Sale_8507 My first experience with bi male

I am M 26 bottom male currently working in bangalore and I was looking for having fun with a 30+ old guy. I started to explore Reddit and I was texting few people. I was texting with a 30 age guy who was looking for his first experience with a guy. He had visited bangalore on some office work it seems and he is staying in hotel. We were texting and planned to meet and have fun, he was staying in a hotel near Whitefield I had completed my office and went to his place we met outside hotel, we went to room we started to chitchat and talked about work stuff. We were bit tensed as we were doing this for first time. He started slowly to kiss ,we had liplock, later he had removed my shirt, I removed his tshirt, we hugged and kissed on each other's neck. Later we took our pants and were just wearing Underwears. We were kissing and I kept hand in his inner and holded dick it was already hot 🥵🥵. It was uncut dick. I love uncut dicks. I took out and sucked it, did Deeptrout. He was turned on, he make me naked and sucked my dick. It was really awesome feeling, later he asked am I ready to get fucked. I told yes we lied on bed. Played with each other cocks for while. Later he made me in doggy position and tried to insert his dick into my virgin ass, but it was not going and I was getting a lot pain and started to shout. He told he will use moisture and try to fuck me. He applied moisture around my ass and slowly started to insert his dick into my virgin ass, I was getting terrible pain but the feel was awesome and finally his whole dick was into my ass and he started to bang. As it was my first time I was getting pain but I was having awesome feel and I was mourning like a slut. As I was mourning and shouting to fuck me hard daddy,he didn't stopped and banged to hard. After some time he took his dick out of my ass andd I sucked it. It was really awesome experience . I hope you will like my experience
submitted by Hot_Sale_8507 to Bengaluruhotdairys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:22 sandymckraken A quick bullet paper on the most common things regarding recent uniform changes.

xcerpts from DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 36-2903 29 FEBRUARY 2024 Corrective Actions Applied on 13 March 2024 7.4.2. Footwear Combat Boots (Males/Females). Coyote Brown Combat Boots. Wear Coyote Brown combat boots only with the OCP. Athletic shoes may be worn if medically necessary, as determined by competent medical authorities at a civilian or military treatment facility and approved by the commander. Exception: Commanders may authorize wear of black combat boots in some situations. See paragraph The soling material will not exceed 2-inches in height. Airmen may wear taps on their boots to preserve the heels as long as the taps do not change the intended appearance of the boots. Boots will be laced up with plain rounded toe or rounded capped toe with or without a perforated seam. Laces will either be tied and tucked in the boot or tied and wrapped around the boot. A zipper or elastic inserts may be worn; however, if worn, they will be without design. Boots can be either with or without a safety toe. Logos will be the same color as the boot. Designs are not authorized. 5.1.8. OCP Trouser. The trouser waistband will rest on the Airman’s waist. Secure pockets so that items stowed in pockets are not visible. Exception: OCP patrol cap or beret may extend outside when placed in the OCP trouser cargo pocket. Airmen may wear the trousers tucked into the top of the boots, bloused using the draw strings at the bottom of the trousers or commercial blousing devices. Airmen will not wrap the trouser leg around the leg tightly enough to present a pegged appearance or insert any items inside the trouser leg to create a round appearance at the bottom of the trouser leg. When bloused, the trousers will not extend below the third eyelet from the top of the boot 5.1.10. Tactical and Patrol OCP Caps. A cap will be worn outdoors at all times, unless in a designated “no hat” area. Airmen will wear a cap straight on the head so that the cap band creates a straight line around the head, parallel to the ground. Cap will fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without bulging or distortion from the intended shape of the headgear and without excessive gaps. No hair will be visible on the forehead beneath the cap. Airmen are authorized to block the patrol cap. The Velcro® or sew-on spice brown nametape will be worn centered on the back of the cap. Tactical caps may be solid OCP material or OCP with coyote brown mesh back. No other colors or combinations are authorized. Berets, when authorized, will be worn by designated personnel, see paragraph 7.2.5. Note: Females are authorized to pull their bun or ponytail/equivalent through the back of the tactical cap. Upon acquisition of an Air Force tactical cap all other tactical caps will be unauthorized. Low Quarters (Males/Females). Wear black low-quarters with the formal dress, mess dress (optional for females - trousers and slacks only), semi-formal , service dress (Class A) and service uniforms (Class B) (authorized with all maternity Class A & Class B uniforms). Black combat boots and dress boots are also an option with the Class A & Class B uniforms. Shoes will be low quarter, oxford-style, lace-up with a plain rounded toe or a plain rounded-capped toe. Soles will not exceed 1/2-inch in thickness and the heel will not exceed 1-inch in height (measured from the inside front of the heel); however, the sole may have a low wedge heel. Airmen may wear taps on their shoes to preserve the heels as long as the taps do not change the intended appearance of the shoes. They will be plain, clean, and serviceable, and without ornamentation such as buckles, bows, or straps. Shoes will be smooth or scotch-grained leather or manmade material. Shoes will be shined; high gloss or patent finish is optional.
submitted by sandymckraken to AirForce [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:09 Excentrax Anyone have recommendations for shape/underwear to reduce the bulge?

For example I keep getting ads for a brand called Up Tuck and Away, has anyone used them or something similar? (I can’t really do a full tuck nor do I want to)
submitted by Excentrax to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:47 luckylukiec Doctors seemingly ignoring my symptoms

I’m not sure what to do anymore and feel hopeless. I’m a 41yo male in Canada and been having head sensations/discomfort for a year now. It all started when I blew my sinuses after an ear infection and caused what felt like significant pressure behind my left eye. Ever since then it feels and likes like bulging left eye and tension behind the eye/side of head. At first it wasn’t too bad other than discomfort but now I’m feeling like a twisting sensation in my head. I’ve been to the ER, to ophthalmologists to neurologists and had MRIs. The only thing that shows up is IIH (inner cranial hypertension) and CSF (spinal fluid) around the optic nerves yet they all dismiss this and say it’s just a headache/migraine and dry eyes. I’m at a crossroads as I’ve taken medication after medication but they seemingly just brush it off yet I’m dealing with this daily. Like it has to be something causing this.
I don’t know what to do it’s affecting my life all I do is lay around watching tv and working remotely. I could never take my life but it’s crossed my mind however I couldn’t do that to my parents.
Any suggestions on how to deal with doctors or paths to take with this? I keep blaming myself for blowing my nose when I was dealing with an unknown issue at the time. Please help with suggestions.
submitted by luckylukiec to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:40 MemeTroubadour What is Saike Na Koibito by Mowmow Lulu Gyaban about?

I came across this song in my Spotify recommendations and I like it a lot, but when I listened more closely, I noticed the male singer was talking about... panties? And there's another song in their repertoire where he just keeps screaming about them.
My Japanese is too poor to derive any meaning from the lyrics but when translating the comments from Japanese listeners on YouTube, it does seem to have weird lyrics. What are they about? Hearing a singer scream passionately about underwear is something I'd expect from denpa, not this sort of prog(ish? i'm bad at genres sorry) rock, so I'm curious
submitted by MemeTroubadour to japanesemusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:55 AccutaneEffectsInfo Accutane & Autoimmunity: The Link to Sjogrens

This is an update to let you know that a new article has been uploaded to: https://secondlifeguide.com/2024/06/08/accutane-autoimmunity-the-link-to-sjogrens-syndrome/
It's available on early access to paid subscribers before being posted in full on the subreddit. In the article I explore the connection between Accutane treatment and the autoimmune condition Sjogrens Syndrome. Sjogrens syndrome is an autoimmune condition that has a striking overlap to the many side effects of Accutane treatment. The condition is characterised by the destruction of the exocrine glands, such as the sebaceous glands, tear ducts and saliva.
One of the primary characteristics of this condition is excessively dry skin, which is why parallels are often drawn with the effects of Accutane treatment. Other symptoms include dry eyes, fatigue, and muscle and joint pain – which are notably also complaints of Accutane treatment. The ‘dryness’ of Sjogrens syndrome also extends to other mucosal tissues such as airways, digestive tracts, and reproductive organs.
The link to Vitamin A was even recognised as far back as 1933 by the Danish ophthalmologist Sjogren after whom the condition is named. He made his name by differentiating the dry eyes induced by Vitamin A deficiency (known as xerophalmia) from the Keratoconjunctivitis (dry inflamed cornea) manifested in Sjogrens syndrome.
How does Accutane treatment relate to an Autoimmune conditions such as Sjogrens Syndrome? As it turns out Accutane is in fact a possible trigger for autoimmune conditions, as well as exerting profound epigenetic and hormonal changes.
In recent years a number of case studies have presented evidence for Accutane treatment being linked to the appearance of Autoimmune conditions. In particular conditions such as Graves disease (affecting the Thyroid) or diabetes, in those who are genetically predisposed. A 16-year-old female patient was found to have developed symptoms of Grave’s disease, which are tremors, lack of focus, bulging eyes and heat intolerance, after completing a course of Accutane for acne.
Blood tests revealed elevated Thyroid hormones (T4 and T3) consistent with autoimmune hyperthyroidism. This change isn’t consistent with the typically repressive effective of Isotretinoin on Thyroid and Pituitary function, and so highlights the significance of an autoimmune mechanism. Another case study presented the evidence of autoimmune thyroiditis in a 19-year-old male with no family history of autoimmune conditions.
Autoimmune conditions can also manifest in the months following Accutane cessation, where only minor disturbances in blood parameters were identified during treatment. A 28-year-old was required to undergo intensive insulin therapy, with a diagnosis of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) triggered by drug-induced insulin resistance. At the end of Accutane treatment the patients HbA1C was measured at 6.2%, this jumped to 9.1% in the subsequent months. This isn’t an isolated incident either, with a 55-year-old female receiving a diagnosis of latent autoimmune diabetes following a treatment with the acne drug.
This is the last 'stand alone' article before I post the full recovery guide, which will draw together all the evidence into a singular recovery protocol.
submitted by AccutaneEffectsInfo to AccutaneRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:54 ListofReddit Straight men on tinder

What are your thoughts on straight men being on tinder to find male friends? His first pic is a thirst trap pic showing off his abs and huge bulge. This obviously could be for the ladies too. Here’s his bio:
I am looking for friends. Not relationships, hookups, fwb, none of that, just a few friends. Fishing buddies, car enthusiasts, hunting buddies, people who like to go mudding, gym partners, gamers, and just people to hang around with after work. I’m that multipurpose friend. I love spontaneous plans. I try to make the best of every situation. I love outdoorsy, or any kind of physical activities: skydiving, hiking, beach day, random chores you just want help with? I’m your guy!
We matched and have had random conversations and I just don’t know how to feel about it.
submitted by ListofReddit to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:21 Tayner72 Controversial take, but here's what I hope to get from Wilds

All I'm asking is that they give one or two armor sets the FF14 treatment. If it's a 'sexy' outfit for the girl, make it the same for the guy. There do seem to be enough sets that both get practical armor. I'm just looking for impractical, like Nargacuga.
Actually splitting the armor up into layers, with the under layer just being cosmetic and replacing the old under cloths would be right up my ally. Then female players who want to wear pants under their leg armor instead of just underwear can do so. And male players, (or female players playing male characters) can do the opposite if they so choose.
submitted by Tayner72 to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:55 Proper2200 23M year old disc issues need help

Hi, i went to the doctor after feeling pain in my left leg and feeling tingling in my left foot and tightness in my hamstring, I went to the doctor and he sent me to get an x ray. Im a 23 year old male, 5ft10, weighing 77 kg, have had pain for 6 months nothing has changed took voltaren and a few other NSAID's/painkillers but they did not provide any long term relief they basically just masked the pain. The last time i dont NSAID's was 4 months ago, i dont take any vitamins or substances
Report said the following:
Can someone please explain how serious this is and is the pain that i feel caused by the disc bulge at l4/l5 or the foraminal narrowing at l3/l4?
Thank you.
submitted by Proper2200 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:15 xXx_LigmaNutz_xXx "bulging" vertebrae after moderate physical activity

27 male, not sure if this is the right sub since i don't feel much pain, but after getting back to jogging for a week i started noticing a bulging spinous process, the protruding part of a spinal disc, that presses against chairs when i sit, i'm unsure which one but it's right above my belly button, all i feel is a little pressure in the area and occasional localized pain when sitting. I'm 180cm and 76 kg, so not overweight and pretty athletic, but I'm kinda worried i somewhat fucked up my spine with running since i'm not really used to it, could this be a sign of a something more serious? Should i get i checked before exercising again?
submitted by xXx_LigmaNutz_xXx to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:55 Natural-Avocado6516 Intersectionality, allyship and why I'm disappointed with straight women in feminist spaces

First of all: happy pride month! Second of all: #NotAllStraightWomen
For 14 years I've been active in various feminist organisations, forums, book circles and the likes and it's become more and more difficult to contain my frustrations about the discrepancy between the lip service many feminists pay to intersectionality and their actual behaviour.
In university we had a committee to improve equality on campus, it was sorely needed. 3/4 of the university were inaccessible for people with mobility issues, racism absolutely rampant, barely any accommodations for people with disabilities available and the list went on. However the only topic ever tackled was inclusive language and only when it came to (cis)women. Everyone else was important and super valid of course, but shit out of luck.
Me too happened, and I was definitely having a big aha moment. It felt so liberating and validating to talk about the sexually inappropriate behaviour we've been subjected to...at the hands of men. What I didn't feel comfortable talking about with my straight feminist friends was how (mostly straight) women treated me and other queer people.
When I was 19 I came out as bisexual. At first I was terrified that straight women might feel threatened by me or perceive as a predator, but very soon I felt myself feeling more like the prey. No matter how many times I told them I wasn't interested the comments about wanting to "experiment" and "adding some spice" to their relationship just wouldn't stop. Some of my taken friends would relentlessly flirt with me, touch me more, suddenly hang out with me only wearing underwear. I've been touched inappropriately and kissed against my will so many times I stopped counting. My no's often went unheard or were met with aggression, like I should feel grateful that "they'd make an exception for me". If it were men I'd call it sexual harassment, but since the people doing it were women I just feel like I can't claim that. Yes, it felt violating and dehumanising, but they weren't stronger, more powerful and I didn't fear for my life, it's not the same.
I understand when women vent about their bad experiences with men it's not the right time to say "Women did that to me too", but I do think we need to make more space for people who have been victimised by women. It can feel incredibly alienating hearing other women talk about objectification, abuse, violence, exploitation, sexual harassment, entitlement and assault like it's only an inherent male-female dynamic and the rest are just outliers unworthy of consideration. Even if we're just statistical noise we're still people, a lot of us women, who often don't dare to speak up. Most lesbians I know have been in horribly abusive relationships, quite a few raped by female partners, a surprising amount of men I have close relationships with have been touched inappropriately by older women when they were minors or beaten by their girlfriends as adults. Are people in my close circle just horribly unlucky or are there more female perpetrators than we'd like to believe?
Sometimes I can't help but get angry thinking that a lot of women who complain about these things being done to them have probably done the same thing to others and didn't think twice about it. I've seen it too many times. Far too many people think that being oppressed, victimised or wronged in one dynamic they're incapable of being the perpetrator in a different dynamic.
Groping gay men isn't okay even if it's your hen do. Treating sapphics like disposable sex toys for your self discovery or bedroom adventure with your male partner is not okay. Being dismissive towards trans people talking about their experiences with transphobia is not okay. Treating bisexual and trans men like they're inherently less masculine is not okay. No, not wanting to have sex with your man child is not asexuality. If you excuse and happily date, marry and have children with bigots as long as they're not bigoted against you your allyship is bad and you should feel bad. And please for the love of all that's holy stop saying you wish you were gay like gay women have it so easy.
Unfortunately I've seen my fair share of racism, trans- and a lot of other queerphobia, classism and ableism in sub and whilst it's officially against the rules and we don't support it a lot of the time the people who bring it up are being down voted and dismissed. We still have a long way to go and I urge every woman on here to please listen to other marginalised people and their issues the way you'd like men to listen to you when you talk about women's issues.
And to everyone else who has felt alienated in feminist spaces I'd love to hear your stories and concerns. I hope we can all be better one day!
submitted by Natural-Avocado6516 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:03 Owl-Presentation600 (MTF) Even I hate being circumsized

Hello. I'm a young adult who has been, regretfully, circumsized. As a baby with no way to agree to this decision. I am also MTF. Despite presenenting feminine and going on estrogen, I still hold a lot of value for the body I was given and I still identify as male. I just really like being feminine, I guess but for the sake of keeping things simple, I opted to tell my family I'm a trans women because I don't think they would understand anything beyond that. I would like to talk to my parents about how much I hate being circumsized and how difficult it has been to use it. Peeing is difficult, sex hurts, masturbation hurts, even wearing underwear hurts. Circumsision has nearly ruined my genitals and the decision to mutilate me at birth has robbed me of any agency. Any time I use the bathroom or change in the morning and get that burning sensation, I lament how awful this is. I want to bring all of this up to them but I think that, in their eyes, me caring about my penis would invalidate my identity. They think all being trans is involves getting a penis removed. I would like to go to a doctor and see if I can get any revision done on my parts but this would not be possible without them helping me to pay for it. How could I bring this up to my parents? Any ideas or support?
Edit: I appreciate all the support. Thank you for your attention to my problem. Your kindness will go a long way for me and I can't thank you enough.
submitted by Owl-Presentation600 to Intactivism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:23 EchoVega Men with women’s names?

Am I the only one who gets a DoorDasher and they pop up with a very feminine name (Lacey, Jessica, Brooke) and then when I meet the dasher for my order, it’s a whole ass man? I always look to see if there’s a woman in the car too and there never is. It’s really off putting. Like, are female drivers just, like, letting their bfs do the work or what is happening bc it’s getting to a point where it seems weird. Like the last few times I’ve ordered DoorDash it’s been all female names, and I haven’t seen a woman deliver to me in months. I’ve gotten to a point where I’ll put my weapon on me before going to meet them bc I’ve heard horror stories. What is going on???
Edit bc for some reason there is confusion: I cannot always tell when someone is trans, but I can always tell when someone definitely isn’t. This latest interaction was a BIOLOGICAL MAN presenting as male. I guess he thought he could fool me, and I guess you guys did too, but something tells me a trans man wouldn’t have a bulge in between his legs and something tells me a trans woman would not be bald and wear a flat bill cap, basket ball shorts, and a wife beater. I’ve never had a trans person get mad at me for wanting to protect myself and know who is coming to my address, especially as a woman who has been attacked by men before. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
submitted by EchoVega to doordash [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:17 No-Ziti Who sells the comfortable and affordable underwear?

I feel like most women's underwear is too damn expensive, made out of unbreathable or cheap material, and made for the male gaze.
Got any recommendations for comfy panties that won't break the bank or fall apart in the wash?
Bonus points if they fit a larger rump! I'm not a fan of unexpected butt floss.
Edit: Thank you for all the lovely suggestions! This helped narrow down where to start looking and what's on sale right now. Much appreciated!
submitted by No-Ziti to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:23 Less-Witness-7101 This may be male ignorance, but how come selling or buying used underwear is taboo(justly so imo), but women freely buy and sell used bikini bottoms?

EDIT: okay you all seem to think I'm talking a about buying used women's underwear. No. I'm talking about buying used underwear, period, whether you're a man buying men's underwear or woman buying women's underwear. And I'm talking taboo in the sense of wearing them, as in taboo because it's unhygienic. I can't believe I had to make this edit to explain myself, y'all really are degenerates for thinking I meant buying it for sexual purposes and you all need to take a good hard look at yourselves for jumping to the worst conclusion :EDIT
So being a lifelong member of the male sex, I was always lead to believe that buying or selling used underwear is a no-no, but I just saw a post by a woman selling her used bikini (top and bottom). This got me to thinking, how is that any different to used underwear?
submitted by Less-Witness-7101 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:28 josefdz15 Taking out the trash wearing only underwear, acceptable or not?

So my bf disagrees with me on this. Usually when I’m going to take out the trash it’s already quite late and I’m only wearing underwear by then. We live in a small apartment building and the dumpster is out back. Now, we’re in view of other small apartment buildings, but I never see anyone out at that time, and it’s a short walk. I think it’s completely fine to just go out and back in my underwear (I’m usually wearing boxers to sleep in, so no tight bulge showing or anything). My bf though will stop me and say I need to at least put on a shirt.
What do you all think? Am I being inappropriate by going in my boxers? I don’t see it being any different from being at a pool, and again i never come across anyone at that time.
Edit: Maybe I should’ve added the context that we live in Miami. Not only do people walk around shirtless and in bathing suits, but there’s a very different culture here about what is appropriate. One neighbor sunbathes in the parking lot, another walks around in a tank and underwear in the middle of the day. And there’s people going to and back from different pools and the beach. I only do this late at night, like around 1, a time when I have never seen a neighbor out (and I only pass by one door).
submitted by josefdz15 to askgaybros [link] [comments]
