Still for alcahol designs

for cosplayers, by cosplayers

2012.03.05 16:44 ts87654 for cosplayers, by cosplayers

This is a subreddit specifically for people who cosplay and people looking to cosplay. Want to share the outfit you just made? Share it here! Want some advice on a costume? Ask here! Want to show some cool pics you took at the last convention you went to? Post them here!

2012.02.17 11:54 ALL the princesses!

✨ All things Disney Princess! ✨

2009.11.16 20:14 karmanaut Firewater: or how I learned to stop worrying and love distilling


2024.05.29 04:56 corblashley Quilt I made using 90 pairs of socks!

Quilt I made using 90 pairs of socks!
Im posting this here because I honestly have not seen anything else like this, and thought there might be some people out there who might appreciate it as much as I do. My grandma (who helped me make this) and I both scoured the internet trying to find something like this for inspiration, as we really did not even know how to start, but could not find anything of the sort.
A little background: Starting in 8th grade, or about about 5 years ago, i began collecting "crazy" socks because i never liked how boring the plain white or black pairs were. Fast forward to around junior year, I had grown out of that phase, but was still left with 100+ pairs of socks with all kinds of designs on them. I had done a couple sewing projects with my grandma before, but nothing as big as this, so when i reached out about making all of the socks into a quilt (like you would with t-shirts) we seriously had no idea where to start.
Needless to say, having no experience quilting, I am extremely proud of how this turned out, and I even decided to use it as a project at our county's 4-H fair, at which it won champion and was chosen to be exhibited at the Indiana state fair, where it was awarded an orange ribbon (the highest award!!) Again, this may have totally been done before, we just could not find anything like it.
Let me know what your favorite square is...mine is either Scooby (because his ears still flap around) or the bananas (because that was the first pair of crazy socks i ever got)
Would love to hear feedback, and if you have any questions about the process please feel free to reach out!!
submitted by corblashley to SewingForBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:56 prod_dustyb Anyone want to give a growing producer/beatmaker YouTube channel a facelift? (mutually beneficial arrangement) :)

what's up, folks. My YT channel (hip-hop/pop beats with some beatmaking videos) is starting to get a little bit of traction w/ 144 subs and ~30K views after 9 months and about 6 months of posting regularly. Nothing huge but I'm trying to keep the momentum going and I want to start having a more consistent brand visually. Canva only goes so far. AI is AI. Call me an old head but I still like to surround myself with people who are passionate. I think it results in a better end result and it's just more fun, especially given that all of us creative folks are a little crazy.
I was curious if anyone would be interested in designing a set of thumbnails I can use, YT banner, and even any of your own projects you think that could vibe with the song that can be used as the media. I would love to hear your view too, because I make beats wtf do I know about graphics :)
I've been doing mostly a simple black/white artist pic theme along with some VHS/glitch distortion to just keep with the dusty and often lofi by design theme, but I think the channel is starting to look stale/inconsistent (particularly thumbnails)
what I can offer:
-beats (obviously only applicably for singers/rappers, but if you have a channel and need instrumentals, have at it!)
-tag/credit on a growing channel
-% of beat sales since your helping to market the music (this is easier to do with collaborators on Beatstars, so if you're open to creating a free account there)
-im pretty chill, very responsive, no bullshit
if anyone is interested, hmu. I prefer discord but all my contact info is on my profile/YT bio.
submitted by prod_dustyb to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:53 corblashley Quilt I made using 90 pairs of socks!

Quilt I made using 90 pairs of socks!
Im posting this here because I honestly have not seen anything else like this, and thought there might be some people out there who might appreciate it as much as I do. My grandma (who helped me make this) and I both scoured the internet trying to find something like this for inspiration, as we really did not even know how to start, but could not find anything of the sort.
A little background: Starting in 8th grade, or about about 5 years ago, i began collecting "crazy" socks because i never liked how boring the plain white or black pairs were. Fast forward to around junior year, I had grown out of that phase, but was still left with 100+ pairs of socks with all kinds of designs on them. I had done a couple sewing projects with my grandma before, but nothing as big as this, so when i reached out about making all of the socks into a quilt (like you would with t-shirts) we seriously had no idea where to start.
Needless to say, having no experience quilting, I am extremely proud of how this turned out, and I even decided to use it as a project at our county's 4-H fair, at which it won champion and was chosen to be exhibited at the Indiana state fair, where it was awarded an orange ribbon (the highest award!!) Again, this may have totally been done before, we just could not find anything like it.
Let me know what your favorite square is...mine is either Scooby (because his ears still flap around) or the bananas (because that was the first pair of crazy socks i ever got)
Would love to hear feedback, and if you have any questions about the process please feel free to reach out!!
submitted by corblashley to sewing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:53 SlickCinematic UPDATE 2: Thanks for taking all our hats!!

Hey I just wanted to thank everyone for coming out Monday to take our Caption Caps! Turnout was way, way crazier than expected - we easily cleared our entire backstock, and got out of our storage unit on time.
We’re *beyond* thrilled to finally see people using our hats! We put so much thought into designing them, and it makes us feel amazing that so many of you like them, and understand what we always thought was cool about the concept.
Shoutout to the people using their hats to do meta-commentary about the line, and rangoon dating surveys. This is deeply impressive, pioneering work, A+ 10/10. Everyone’s posts are amazing, we can’t wait to see what people come up with, tag us if you want - @ upsidehats on instagram.
To the people that took a bunch for their wedding - we expect pictures!
This has seriously been a crazy experience. Three days ago I was researching how to throw these out, and now people are constantly messaging me about how to buy them, and we’re getting media inquiries. Clearly these work a lot better in person, and maybe in Portland specifically, than they ever did nationally on Instagram.
That would have been better to know before giving away basically all our inventory, but uh, lol, oh well.
For the people that asked - there’s still a small amount left at our shipping partner, if you want to buy one. Our website is, and if they show up in stock, it means the shipper still has some to send out.
Anyway, we really just want to thank you, portland, for being the community that finally ‘got’ these hats. Hope to see you all out there, delighting/terrorizing the town, with alarmingly prescient hats.
submitted by SlickCinematic to Portland [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:53 poof_poof_poof Exporting RealCloth as Mesh Geometry

Hi everyone,
I'm a vehicle interior designer, currently working without a materials specialist, so doing a lot of experimentation with rendering and materials programs.
A large part of our vehicle interior uses a see-through woven mesh, and Keyshot's RealCloth has by far and away been able to create the most accurate version of this material.
However, we are not rendering in Keyshot for various reasons. I would however still like to use the RealCloth geometry.
How can this RealCloth geometry be exported as a mesh file? Traditional .3mf etc. export methods are not working, which isn't surprising.
Thank you for your time.
submitted by poof_poof_poof to KeyShot [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:48 corblashley Quilt I made using 90 pairs of socks!

Quilt I made using 90 pairs of socks!
Im posting this here because I honestly have not seen anything else like this, and thought there might be some people out there who might appreciate it as much as I do. My grandma (who helped me make this) and I both scoured the internet trying to find something like this for inspiration, as we really did not even know how to start, but could not find anything of the sort.
A little background: Starting in 8th grade, or about about 5 years ago, i began collecting “crazy” socks because i never liked how boring the plain white or black pairs were. Fast forward to around junior year, I had grown out of that phase, but was still left with 100+ pairs of socks with all kinds of designs on them. I had done a couple sewing projects with my grandma before, but nothing as big as this, so when i reached out about making all of the socks into a quilt (like you would with t-shirts) we seriously had no idea where to start.
Needless to say, having no experience quilting, I am extremely proud of how this turned out, and I even decided to use it as a project at our county’s 4-H fair, at which it won champion and was chosen to be exhibited at the Indiana state fair, where it was awarded an orange ribbon (the highest award!!) Again, this may have totally been done before, we just could not find anything like it.
Let me know what your favorite square is…mine is either Scooby (because his ears still flap around) or the bananas (because that was the first pair of crazy socks i ever got)
Would love to hear feedback, and if you have any questions about the process please feel free to reach out!!
submitted by corblashley to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:48 Croue Opinions on current factions and skills

Wall of text warning: I was writing a comment on another post but I figured I'd just make my own topic on it with my full thoughts on each faction and their skills, balancing, etc, after about 20 hours of playing (enough to get a decent idea). Personally I don't feel like any particular faction is especially strong currently and I think the balance of the factions is actually pretty decent overall.
Cleaners are the weakest by far (not very far, though) and seem to suffer from some confused design choices. The Firebomb is great for punishing bunched enemies or denying area but this is a ranged game at the core so it often is completely useless on many maps or just makes you vulnerable if you try to use it aggressively, and particularly in mobile modes like Escort where there is high kill turnover and less opportunity for anyone to keep a strong foothold. The Incendiary Drone is decent, does what it should, not a lot to say about it. Strong alternative skill to Firebomb for mobile modes. Their Incendiary Ammo is a bit useless in a vacuum due to the nature of the TTK because most of the time it will not result in a kill you wouldn't have already gotten and it doesn't deal enough damage on its own to really speed up the TTK in any meaningful way. You still have to shoot someone the same number of times to get a kill and if you stop shooting to let the DOT tick instead you'll just die. On top of that, Incendiary Ammo actually reduces your weapon optimal range, and as mentioned before, this is typically a ranged game. The Incendiary Ammo shines more in situations where someone is running away and a teammate can finish them off instead since then it may have done enough damage or canceled their regen enough. It seems as though the Incendiary Ammo might be meant to offer a counter to Libertad's healing-oriented skills but it usually doesn't make a great deal of difference even there. Weirdly, the best weapons for taking advantage of Incendiary Ammo are snipers since it more or less guarantees a kill no matter where you hit someone with the Tac-50 even if it's a leg or arm shot, and guarantees a kill with the M44 in the body, in spite of the "reduced range". Personally the times I've seen Incendiary Ammo end up killing me is right after I had already killed them first anyways, so it was more of a kill guarantee after death than a true advantage in the fight itself. The Cleaners are still playable, just kinda why would you choose them over anything else if you aren't playing them because you like them. Also the Cleaner ultra is ridiculous if you get in a good spot to use it because it instantly kills anyone you hit but again its range makes you vulnerable. The Cleaners biggest strength at the moment seems to be that they have messed up hitboxes, honestly. I think that the Cleaners really need some kind of help on their skills as they are now, they are weirdly situational and difficult to safely employ, but I suppose that is the real philosophy of the Cleaners as it is, they run around with explosive tanks on their backs that instantly kill them in The Division so an exploding flaming firebomber that may or may not live through their skill is oddly appropriate.
Echelon is strong by nature of being a crutch. Intel Suit lets the enemy team know you're nearby and can see them thanks to the notification, smart/skilled players will just listen for you and it's not a huge advantage against them, below average players won't pay attention to it though and it's quite strong against players that don't have good audio or are unaware of where their flanks are. However, the main advantage of the Intel Suit is that it reveals the enemies for your whole team no matter where they are. While you have to be in closer range to detect enemies with it, your teammates can be on the opposite side of the map and still see exactly where the enemy is which is a massive advantage. Digital Ghillie Suit is honestly a pretty balanced skill, someone paying attention will still notice you and Intel Suit counters it (weirdly, same faction counter) but it has a lot of outplay potential and lets you reposition or get into weird spots that the enemy team might not expect if they are distracted. It offers a similar advantage that Phantoms skills do in that it can easily be used to disengage a losing gunfight back into your advantage for a kill instead. Not much wrong with it, it's a well designed skill-expression skill. Echelon passive is kind of whatever, I don't feel like it's a great advantage because it gives you no direct benefit in a gunfight or even while traversing the map most of the time, it's another thing that is strong against unaware or distracted players. The Echelon ultra is of course quite strong in even an average-skilled players hands thanks to real-time wallhacks and a Golden Gun, although the sound it makes and sonar waves effects do put a bit of a target on you and sometimes the OHK gun doesn't actually get a OHK (somehow) but even being guaranteed just 2-3 kills for the duration is still enough to wipe an objective and some players will even try to hide from it. Echelon is overall a strong faction to use against players that are worse than you (likely why it is the most popular faction seemingly at the moment) but it doesn't provide any major meaningful advantage against equal or more skilled players since that will come down to your more practical gunfighting skills instead the majority of the time. Digital Ghillie offers some potential to outplay even skilled opponents but aside from that their skills heavily depend on their opponents being distracted to take advantage of them fully. Given that, the faction is pretty well balanced even with multiple players spamming Intel Suits on one team, since it only offers opportunities, it doesn't exploit them for you.
Phantoms are my personal favorite faction because I feel as though they have the widest degree of skill expression over any of the others. Mag Barrier used smartly can completely turn a lost gunfight around in your favor, especially if there is a choke point or corner you can use to make enemies chase you. Mag Barrier is one of the few skills in the game that is actually a punish skill when you use it correctly by letting an enemy get caught out if they try to ego on you or think they are winning the fight. That's on top of everything else it does. The EMP grenade is only a "counter" to it if someone is mindlessly spamming it because when used correctly you don't have time to throw an EMP grenade. You would have to pre-emptively EMP the Phantom player for every encounter if they use it well and that's not very feasible in a dynamic scenario. That said, Mag Barrier is fairly weak in terms of pure cover and a determined player can chew through it in a few seconds if you carelessly use it without exploiting the advantage it gives, or grenades can be thrown around it, enemies can run through it, its strength comes down entirely to the user. Blitz Shield is also a strong punish skill but currently the way player collision works makes it difficult to use against anyone that is experienced or skilled because no enemy player collision means they can jump through you. You can't really use the shield to turtle 1v1s since enemies can just run through and behind you, even if you're in a corner. Most players won't do this or know it's possible, so it can be a bit of a crutch against less skilled players at least. The Blitz Shield is mainly strong for punishing around corners if someone chases you since you can typically swap to it fast enough to surprise them before they get around the corner. It's also good for absorbing damage at range or aggressively disrupting enemy players on an objective for your team to pick off but that depends a lot on how good your team is and less on the shield itself. Phantoms passive is honestly extremely strong, and IMO the best passive in the game currently. Having 20 more health is massive when 110 damage OHK body shots exist since it allows you to survive hits no other faction can and combined with the other skills it offers retaliation and outplay potential no other faction has. The Phantom ultra is a bit mediocre in terms of kill potential, due to lack of range or mobility, vulnerable to grenades, and various other problems that come with moving slow and telegraphing yourself to the entire map as a giant target. The ultra's primary purpose is of course simply being a big shield to deny area to the enemy team or offer your team a safe place to stand on objectives for pushes. The Phantoms are a well-balanced and strong faction currently that offers a lot to players that know how to take advantage of their skills properly.
Libertad is probably the most well-balanced faction in the game at the moment. It's very straightforward and easy to grasp for players of all skill levels and doesn't depend on a lot of gun skill, map knowledge, or general experience to perform decently. Since none of their skills are directly offensive, they are easy to employ in a variety of situations, like fortifying an objective or pre-emptively giving your teammates an advantage for a push, refreshing a teammate after a close gunfight, using mid-gunfight for a surprise comeback, etc. El Remedio is such a strong heal that it can greatly increase your EHP in a straight gunfight to the point you need multiple extra hits to kill if the enemy misses any shots, and if you manage to break contact with them briefly you can set up the heal on yourself for a surprise punish similar to the Phantom Mag Barrier. It forces the enemy to decide if they try to kill you or break the canister first and assuming you are equally skilled, you will usually end up winning the 1v1. The main downside to El Remedio is its fairly long cooldown so you have to use it smartly or else you won't have it for major moments when your team might have needed it. It's strong and has some skill expression to it in a variety of ways. BioVida Boost is one-time instant version of El Remedio with similar uses, but it works much better with a unified team push and has a shorter cooldown which makes it much more useful for a more mobile style of play. Not only that but its heal is essentially instant, again being very strong if you manage to break contact for a moment in a gunfight to come back with full health before the enemy got their natural regen. Libertad's passive has no strings attached, simply natural regen with no downtime for you and any teammates near you, doesn't require you to do anything and is always active which makes it great for people of all skill levels since it's always being taken advantage of. The Libertad ultra is literally just an even bigger version of El Remedio that also increases your and teammates max HP massively, it can guarantee a last second payload push or let you lock down a critical objective to break out a losing zone match. Libertad is generally the best faction for anyone that's really new or isn't that great at FPS games since it doesn't depend on your technical skill too much aside from simply staying alive to give your team a constant advantage. Another nice thing about Libertad is they synergize incredibly well with the Phantoms' huge health pool. The only outstanding weakness of Libertad is the old classic: your teammates. It has very little potential to actually carry and under focused fire their healing is pretty irrelevant so you're not exactly going to go tank a payload by yourself. Even with the ultra on, a single person can chew through it and kill you if you give them long enough (not very long).
I've not gotten to play around a ton with DedSec yet but my initial impression is that they are very similar to Phantoms in terms of skill expression and offer a ton of flexibility that other factions don't have through being able to hack enemy deployables and regenerating devices. I would not call them imbalanced, but I do think they are the one faction that currently does lean the most into that because they counter every single other faction. Being able to shut off enemy skills and ultras is huge, even if it takes their own ultra to do it. But you are effectively turning everyone on the enemy team into the Rookie from Rainbow Six Siege temporarily while all the players on your team get to keep their skills. If you have multiple DedSec players on your team and properly chain the ultras then you are looking at a free objective push every single time. The Spiderbot is fairly alright, but it's currently bugged and sometimes enemy players can't destroy it properly which makes it stronger than it actually is, and that's on top of it taking more than one hit to kill anyways which I personally think shouldn't be a thing either. In its current state it is basically a guaranteed kill on anyone you hit with it if you use it aggressively, though, and I do think it should be adjusted in some way after they fix the desync issues with it. Hijack isn't always super relevant because at the moment deployables aren't very long-lived or common, but being able to flip a Phantom Mag Barrier is wildly strong and is the only counter play to a choke point punish in that it punishes the punish. Hijack is fairly useless though if the enemy team all happen to pick Echelon or Cleaners (which is a fair possibility). I think the skill is still a good skill expression skill and fine, though. The DedSec passive is unsurprisingly very strong because being able to throw two proximity mines on an objective or get multiple uses of grenades is obviously something no other faction can do and those things are one per life for a reason. The passive doesn't benefit if you don't live long enough to use it, though, so it can be kinda useless depending on the situation: if you never throw your grenade or mine, the passive literally does nothing. DedSec is currently in a very strong state overall, while I wouldn't say it's imbalanced, it's definitely one of the better factions if only for the fact it can shut off every enemy skill and ultra and has a way to essentially guarantee a kill.
If I had to "tier" each faction in terms of their effectiveness in a vacuum regardless of skill, I'd probably rank them (from best to worst): DedSec > Phantoms/Echelon > Libertad > Cleaners. But that is a very shallow slope with all factions being very much viable to play and do well with.
All of this is also given without thought to the current state of weapon balance generally speaking, while I do feel that Phantoms have a particular advantage currently due to the prevalence of Tac-50s. Echelon's Digital Ghillie also helps them get in close to employ some of the better weapons in the game currently like the MP7 or double barrel. DedSec's spiderbot sets them up for kills with all kinds of weapons, particularly the Tac-50. I don't see any of these skills being worse off without the existence of those weapons, however.
If I were to speculate on any adjustments that should be made: Spiderbots need to be fixed ASAP so they always properly appear on the targets screen to destroy them (not really an "adjustment", a bug fix). Libertad needs some kind of light buff in my opinion, maybe a bonus effect on a skill like slightly increasing max HP (good to help deal with prevalence of OHK snipers) or an alternate mode that poisons or debuffs enemies (Viviro would make sense because it's the chemical weapon made by the same company in Far Cry 6). Cleaners need a little bit of help, maybe allow them to also select Molotov cocktails as grenades that make small fire puddles that aren't quite as strong as their skills as a form of area denial to sort of solidify their "stay the fuck away from me" presence as a faction. The big one people talk about is the Intel Suit for Echelon but I honestly don't see much issue with this. The game literally highlights enemies for you already as it is, seeing them through walls briefly isn't a huge stretch when you can already hear people running around anyways since (thank god) we don't have anything like Dead Silence/Ninja/Covert Sneakers in this game. Echelon is a noob stomping faction and that's why it's generally popular right now but I think once more people get access to DedSec we will start to see more of them instead.
Anyways, that's all for today. I do really hope Ubi upkeeps this game well and makes smart balancing decisions that keep the game fun and engaging without oversimplifying or nerfing anything for the sake of salty people. If it were up to me, they'd reduce the TTK to 4 body shots max like original COD4 and then we'd really be cooking (after they fix the netcode, that is). Also hoping for The Division themselves to be introduced as a playable faction with deployable drones or even seeker mines...
submitted by Croue to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:44 popguise do you ever feel guilty for being mean to villagers?

a long time ago on my first island, I got Bearold as a visitor to my campsite. I had an open plot, so if i talked to him he would have automatically moved in. at that time i was so focused on only getting "cute" villagers and I fell onto the bandwagon of hating Bearold and thinking he looks too ugly to let on my island. so as soon as I entered his tent and saw him, I turned around and left without saying a word. but seeing him watch me leave all confused with a little question mark popping over his head broke my heart. I have felt guilty about this for 3 years. I only redeemed myself by getting the happy home designer dlc and making Bearold the vacation home of his dreams because I don't care if hes not as conventionally adorable as other villagers, he is still a sweetie and he did not deserve to be treated so horribly by me.
submitted by popguise to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:41 slo707 Literally just graduated and was asked for rates HELP

Hello! I just graduated with my BFA in Graphic Design and have been offered an opportunity to design a billboard rather unexpectedly. The opportunity is the result of a referral from work I did for a design sprint in school. It’s a rather small billboard and builds on a community logo I created for the neighborhood it will reside in.
The timeline - soon (getting specifics is impossible) The budget - affordable (?)
I asked if they had a budget to consider in an attempt to get them to give me a better idea of expectations but they were really not being open about it.
Considerations: This is a non-profit. They quite possibly expected I’d to still be a student when reaching out. I want to be very reasonable in my pricing. The person who reached out to me is also highly connected in the world of design. I can’t stress enough how much the potential to create connections is.
Workflow: I’d likely present 3ish directions after doing some visual research specific to the client and site. Then iterate one. I’d prepare the file to print in conjunction with a their chosen printing service. At least this is my thinking.
Also: I have time blindness (ADHD). Estimating time is really impossible for me. Providing an hourly rate concerns me for that reason
I told them I’d get back to them in 24 hours. How much do I quote?
Bonus if you can offer sources for sample contracts. I never intended to work for myself, this just fell out of the sky, and I was taught none of the business side of the industry.
submitted by slo707 to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:39 SlimeSpree Review with pics! Library of Slime/Pink Sugar Slimey/Oh my Slime/Lime Slime co.

Review with pics! Library of Slime/Pink Sugar Slimey/Oh my Slime/Lime Slime co.
Today a look at four slime stores. Let's go!

The Library of Slime
A wide range of prices from £4-12 depending on size and they also do bundles. The sizes range from 2-6oz. Beautifully designed waterproof labels.
The box was very well packaged with foam peanuts to protect the contents and the utterly stunning glass slime jars had nice honeycomb cardboard protectors around them. Even the charms were beautifully packaged with one being in a little canvas bag. Included was a mini lemon hand towelette (what a great touch!) a card telling me my packaging is eco friendly (lovely to know) and a cute bookmark care card with a super sweet note on it.
Upon unpacking, I found that Eliora (the head librarian 😁) had including an incredibly thoughtful gift in the way of delicious, high quality chocolate from a little company that shares my name! In the note it was mentioned that this was especially ordered just for me on account of being the first international customer 🥲 I was so deeply touched by this! It says a lot about the customer service and just how much care is put into customer satisfaction and enjoyment.
The library/book aesthetic of the entire web-store and the slimes/jars is just spectacular. I have so much appreciation for slime stores who clearly put so much thought and love into everything they do, it really is a magical experience. One thing I love about slime is how it affords us the ability to turn our thoughts off and indulge in something that taps straight into our primal pleasure center, allowing us to leave the stresses and responsibilities of the world for a while. The library theme and how beautifully it’s all pulled off ramps that experience up for me. All I’ve done so far is open the box and I already feel like I’ve taken a trip to a whimsical bookstore in some Harry Potter-esq universe! 😆 I think they may also be the only slime store to use glass jars which makes them feel very high end.

  • ARRAKIS (Sandfizz and coated clea scent: Usul's Awakening - Essential oil blend of cinnamon, clove, and fossilized amber)
The scent is beautiful with all the stated notes being apparent, reminding me of Christmas. I think it’s very special that these slimes are created with real essential oil! They aren’t cheap and you can really tell quite obviousy by the quality of the scent. The little book charm is so cute and a lovely touch!
I was worried I may have a struggle getting this slime out the jar but it slipped out into my hand nice and politely. It was a tiny bit sticky at first but a couple of puffs of activator sorted that out completely. The slime was very dense and super stretchy. It was very resistant but also very elastic and bouncy with no ripping. As you stretched you could feel the sand brush across your fingers but there was very little in the way of sand fallout. This has some unreal crackly sizzles when you inflate and then squeeze it. The crackles just keep coming and coming the more you squeeze. It does inflate a lot calling for a second jar for the excess.
The packaging is stunning and, equally, so is the slime!

  • FOURTH PLANET POTATOES (Thick and glossy with clay/scent: wax coated potatoes Martian Soil - Essential oil blend of ginger, orange, and pinyon pine)
Another beautiful, ultra classy scent. Again with all the notes mentioned coming through. The little pot of potatoes, rocks and soil is hilarious! The potatoes are insanely realistic and fun to squish! I thought they would be a bit dry on account of their size but they weren’t at all, they melted straight in to the base. An ultra thick, medium gloss slime which is perfectly activated. It has a super resistance and miles of stretch. It makes tons of huge, loud, deep pops and a ton of snaps and crackles. It inflated a lot and needed a new container. It is quite tricky getting slime back into the glass jars.
These look like real potatoes, they're utterly uncanny!!
  • GOLDEN CHOCOLATE EGG (glossy/snappy, rich chocolate scented.
This was plastic sealed, which is always a great idea to keep moisture in. The chocolate scent is really not a bad effort (chocolate is tricky) but a tiny tad perfumed and artificial. Strangely enough I was getting a slight hint of orange chocolate from it. It looks beautiful with its lovely rich shade and little pieces of gold leaf sparkling throughout. The label is incredible too! This slime is ultra glossy, jiggly, super stretchy and clicky. The more you play the thinner and jigglier it becomes. It has tons of snaps and crackles and some sharp bubble pops. I had a little trouble with tiny pieces sticking to my hands and did come at it with activator a few times. It was quite a tacky one to play with but not at all prohibitively so.
Every slimer has to try the Library of Slime at some point as it’s such a special and surreal experience! The essential oil scents were some of the classiest and most nuanced I have experienced, the textures are super entertaining, interesting and well made. I absolutely adored the clay potatoes which were mind bendingly realistic! The mini book charms are an amazing touch. This store really blurs the lines between art and sensory product.
I have a love/hate relationship with the glass jars. On one hand they are very beautiful and make the product feel so special, it wasn’t hard to get the slime out of them in the least. On the other it is harder to get the slime back in the jar. I was having issues with air pockets and the narrower mouths. Of course it inflated a fair bit so usually I just put them in new jars of my own but I loved the aesthetic of the library jars and really wanted to get some slime back in there. I very tied because I wouldn’t want the library to swap to plastic but the glass does make things tricky.
All in all I can’t wait to see what's in the next restock and had SO much fun visiting the library's beautiful and profoundly whimsical little world! We are always seeking for a new and novel experience when it comes to slime and this provides just that! 9.9/10

Pink Sugar Slimey
£11-13 for 7oz. Came very well packaged in super cute pink heart and white foam chips. Included is little organza bag with care card, activator and delicious lychee hard candy. The labels are not waterproof.

  • HORCHATA CREAM (T&G, scent: horchata- cinnamon rice milk)
The scent is incredible. Very creamy with a waft of beautiful warm cinnamon. A chewy, stretchy slime full of clicks, crackles and loud pops. It was low resistance and on the loose/sticky side and I had trouble thickening it up with activator.

  • TRES LECHE (snow softie + 2oz clear, scent: tres leches cake - vanilla sponge cake soaked in milk, heavy cream & condensed milk, topped with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon)
A beautiful, scent with notes of cream, vanilla and cake. I got excited and completely missed the 2oz of clear topper at first. My apologies! Incidentally the base was very lovely without it. Very fluffy, a little jiggly and inflating with lots of resistance. I added the topper after playing with the base. The topper also smells incredible, like a creamy milk and made a huge difference to the finished texture. It activated the snow and made it puff up and inflate much more. This was the loveliest puffy snow creme and had a ton of soft crackly sizzles.
Before and after the topper.

  • ESQUITES (thick & glossy semi floam, scent: buttered popcorn)
The scent is SUPER buttery! It really does smell absolutely and ridiculously delicious and so much like hot, buttered popcorn it’s crazy! This is again super clicky, stretchy and full of pops and crackles, but I find the base a little bit loose and sticky again with very low resistance.

  • PAN DULCE DOUGH (wood glue clay, scent: pan dulce/sweet bread)
The scent is just like bread dough with a little sweetness. Stretchy and moist with clicks that get louder the more you inflate. This is lovely and plush and very inflatable with a firm jiggle, soft and medium bubble pops and lots of snaps and crackles. Great soft sizzles when you deflate. As you play, it gets a lot looser and fairly tacky.

  • FLAN SOUFFLÉ (wood glue slay + 1oz clear, scent: flan)
Another fantastic scent with notes of rich caramel. An ultra stretchy, moist and jiggly slay which has a ton of bubble pops, big air bubbles, snaps and crackles, plus very loud clicks. Again a loose texture which is tricky to activate futher.
These are some of the most incredible and utterly delicious scents I have come across on my slime spree, they go so well with the themes which are all so well thought out. Clearly, a lot of love and attention go into these slimes.
Personally I found them to be a little on the loose side and a bit tricky to activate. It can be hard to ascertain whether this is by design or due to the warmer weather now we have hit the summer months. I always go for the fastest international shipping to minimise issues with melting and the slimes go in the fridge for 15-30 minutes prior to play. I am very much on board with Momo, Pilot, OG and others who slightly overactive their slime to avoid this. While I enjoy the odd jiggly slay, I prefer my slimes to be on the more holdable side so this is something I will keep in mind in future with Pink Sugar.
Nonetheless these scents were spectacular and the thicker textures lovely! Waterproof labels would be a strong preference of mine, I did manage to get slime on one or two of these labels while photographing and that is always a real shame. 9.1/10

Oh My Slime (Singapore)
Came with borax, a care card and a couple of candies. Slimes come in 6 or 8oz for between around $10-14. The jars have anti leak inner caps which is a great shout. I hate opening the box to discover slime leaks and this keeps things so much tidier! The labels are nicely designed and waterproof.

  • TURKISH DELIGHT (juice jelly, scent: Turkish Delight)
The scent is very subtle but a super pleasant sweet rose Turkish delight. This slime was very sticky and under-activated. Unfortunately, I couldn’t really get it to activate and it remained so. This is a shame as it looked like it would be quite lovely and I adore rose flavoured Turkish delight.

  • OLIVE OIL (thick water, scent: tea-light)
This slime had a very pleasant subtle tea sent that I found very fresh. This was a fantastic water slime on the thicker side that was well activated and left very little in the way of residue on my play surface, less so than Momo’s. It was jiggly and fun and made excellent bubbles. I thought the whole theme and concept was super cute and well done. This is one of my favourite water slimes to date!
  • MAYONNAISE (T&G, scent: Yakult)
This had a pleasant mild Yakult scent but sadly had completely deactivated so I didn't proceed.

  • TOOTHPASTE - Colgate (t&g, scent: fresh minty toothpaste)
The scent is a lovely sweet mint. Frustratingly this slime had also turned to glue.

  • GREEN TEA (gummy, scent: green tea)
The scent is very pleasant with a hint of sweet green tea. However, in a frustrating and somewhat comedic twist of fate, it is pretty drastically over-activated and extremely rubbery and unyielding 😅 I would of course take this over drastically under-activated any day but this is all the way rubber. In fairness I don’t tend to stretch milky jelly textures so much as poke and fold for mega pops. It has big squelchy pokes and makes big, loud, snappy bubbles pops on account of being so firm and thick.
This was a pretty disappointing experience, more so than anything because the themes were great, the charms gorgeous, the colours and scents really beautiful and I could tell the textures were well made and at some point gorgeous. It would have been less disappointing if the quality of the slimes was low and the scents/aesthetics mediocre. I would have understood if all the slimes were all the way in one direction or the other activation-wise but it was super weird to get one perfect slime (water slime no less, a typically temperamental texture) and the rest either totally deactivated or wildly over-activated to the point of being unstretchable.
In light of this I am really scratching my head over giving Oh My Slime a rating that fairly represents their concoctions. I just got done reactivating slimes that arrived with me in a liquid state and it took a good 12 hours for them to settle into the consistency I like. Personally hate touching totally melted slime, it really gives me the ick which is amongst the many reasons why I have no wish to make my own slime. I keep my slime in a chiller so this is not typically an issue I commonly have as I go in with activator long before they turn back to glue. I would reactivate some of my favourites if they melted down slightly over time but I just lost heart for these sadly.
I hear from a friend that their slays and clays are much better. On this occasion 6/10 on account of the great water slime and all the other redeemable factors such as jars/designs/excellent scents but I only had one slime I could play with out of the whole batch so I don’t think I will return with any enthisiasm. MAYBE for another thick water slime.

Lime Slimes Company
Comes with care card and Borax. Waterproof labels with a lovely aesthetic. The jars are 8oz and priced from £12.15 to £15.39. Link to my previous review here.

  • WAY TO LIMEVILLE (DIY clay/snowfizz, lemon lime pound cake scented)
The scent is a lovely, sweet and creamy lime. The clay was nice, soft and moist and fun to squish. The base had melted quite badly and was extremely sticky and I had to add a great deal of activator to get it handleable again. It had sat around for a week after I received it via fast international shipping. During this period, it was kept in an air conditioned room and had been in the fridge for 15-20 minutes before play. I was able to bring it back to a handleable consistency, but it remained tacky. This is the reason why I really appreciate companies such as Pilot, Momo, and Slime Japan sending their slimes slightly over activated.
Other than the tackiness, it was a nice and puffy, inflatable snow fizz with plenty of soft sizzles, soft finger, pokes, and soft pops.

  • WHIPPED TIRAMEWSU FOAM (whipped foam texture, tiramisu scented with notes of ladies fingers biscuits, espresso coffee and cocoa powder)
All the notes of the scent mentioned come through but I find it a lit thin and lacking in richness. I love the tiramisu aesthetic with the brown “cocoa powder” which you dust on top of the slime. This was also under-activated and loose but less sticky, I ended up losing an entire pen’s worth of activator between this and the previous slime. Though the texture became a lot more handleable, it remains to have some tackiness. This was a puffy and jiggly texture with medium clicks that get louder as it inflates and soft/medium bubble pops. The resistance on the pulls is low and I can’t tell how much of that is by design and how much of that is because of the melting issue

A really beautiful sweet strawberry yoghurt scent with a hint of tartness. Frustratingly this had also melted and was the worst of the bunch, it was pretty much just glue. I was able to get this playable again but it took about 12 hours and some frustration. I had to add a lot of activator but this took it to a stage where it was both still sticky and rippy so I let it rest over night. The next day, with a little more working, it was closer to the intended texture (going off the Oui from my last order) but not quite perfect. Incidentally my other Oui which is a month old is still perfect and didn’t arrive melted (it is kept in a chiller at 50f.)
I don’t much like judging a slime that I have reconstituted nearly from scratch as it’s hard to know if it’s as the creator intended. That having been said, it is a very nice, creamy thickie with medium gloss. Lovely to pop and full of crackles. It has tiny bits of red flocking in it for a very pretty strawberry pulp effect.
Top left is how it arrived. Top right is where I managed to get it to with activator (still sticky by rippy.) Bottom left is after it rested overnight. Much better but still not quite as great as my previous Oui which I bought a month ago (an up to date picture of that on the bottom right.)
I am so tied over Lime Slimes. I love their scents and themes and when they are good they are great. However, this is not the first completely liquified slime I have received from them and it very much spoils the experience for me. Reading your reviews on this sub I see that I am not alone in having this issue with them but it seems to be quite hit and miss.
I know they come from California so I would hazard a guess that the issue happens during shipping due to the heat, I doubt these left them in this condition. I always pay for the fastest international shipping to prevent this issue occurring and most slimes arrive with me in 2-4 days. The only completely melted US slimes I have received have been from Lime Slimes, I’ve never had anything more than a slightly tacky surface that calls for a squirt of activator from other US companies. Once again, I can only reiterate how much I appreciate it when a slime leaves a store a little over-activated!
I hate rating slimes which are melted as it’s not really a representation of what the creator intended. I do love Lime's Oui line when not melted and may chance buying another one if a particularly interesting scent is released when mine dies but, ultimately, I won’t be returning to Lime Slimes Co. with any gusto, which is a real shame. I really feel drawn to them as I really love the themes, presentation, aesthetic and scents generally. However, it’s a very important factor to me that I receive my slimes in a play-ready condition as I hate having to reactivate them (to a texture that may not be quite right) and the feeling of sticky mess on my hands 6.5/10
Thank you for reading! I'll be back soon to review Audeez and more Mythical Mushbunny, Rodem and Momo! Feel free to give me a follow so you don't miss the review 🩵😊
submitted by SlimeSpree to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:38 just4sanu Is Elementor Birthday Sale Live? (2024 Full Details Inside)

Elementor 8th Birthday Sale 2024 (May 28th – June 6th)

The Birthday sale of Elementor is live, just click the button below to claim your discount — they’re offering up to 30% off on their pro plugin and up to 75% off on WordPress hosting.
Get Elementor Birthday Offer
The Elementor Birthday Sale is going on now, and you can get a hefty discount of up to 75% on their page builder WordPress plugin or WordPress hosting.
Just stay with us to find out all about the latest deals and offers as Elementor turns E-I-G-H-T.
Usually, Elementor doesn’t give out coupon codes all the time, but on special occasions like this, they offer special discounts. So make sure you don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity.
Elementor was started in June 2016 and since then they’ve been offering birthday sales, where you get the chance to save big on their paid plans. This year, they are offering discounts again. If you want to know what birthday offers they have, you came to the right place.
Let’s find out all the details without any further delay.

What is Elementor Birthday Sale?

Elementor Birthday Sale is an annual celebration of the popular WordPress page builder, Elementor. During this sale, users can get discounted pricing on Elementor WordPress hosting + Elementor Pro, which is the paid version of the plugin and includes additional features and functionalities.
It usually takes place around the anniversary of the company’s founding and offers users a chance to save money while using Elementor to build their websites. This year’s birthday sale is LIVE right now, and we have picked out the best deals for you below.

#1. Get up to 75% off Hosting and Builder

Take a look at the special discounts on Elementor Hosting during Elementor’s birthday sale in 2024.

#2. Get up to 30% off Elementor Pro Plugin plans

Here are the anniversary discounts available for the Elementor Page Builder plugin (pro version).

How to Grab the Birthday Deal of Elementor Pro?

To get the special discount for Elementor’s birthday sale in 2024, all you need is to follow these instructions I’m going to tell you. Let’s start.

Step #1: Go to Elementor Website (Click here to jump)

First of all, you need to visit the official Birthday Sale landing page of Elementor, and from there choose what you want to purchase — Elementor hosting or Elementor Pro Plugin.

Step #2: Select your plan

On their Birthday landing page, you’ll see that Elementor is offering up to 30% off its pro plugin and up to 75% off its hosting plans. Here, you just pick your favourite plan that you’d like to go with and hit the Buy Now button.

Step #3: Create an Elementor account for free

You’ll now see your cart showing the plan you chose, and total pricing. The Elementor Birthday sale discount code will automatically be applied to your purchase. From here, you can now proceed to enter your valid email address and password for your Elementor account.

Step #4: Enter your billing info

Now, you have to complete your billing information. It includes your first name, last name, address, city, country, pin code, state, and company name. After filling in all these details, click the continue button.

Step #4: Finish your order

Elementor offers two ways to pay for your purchase. You can choose to pay with your credit card or use your PayPal account. Once you have entered all the necessary information, just click on the “Pay Now” button to complete the payment process.

Step #5: That’s all. Elementor Birthday 2024 Sale is yours…

If you’ve been following our instructions closely, you’ve already gotten the number one Website builder tool. There’s no more step after that.
Remember, this Birthday sale of Elementor is only available for a limited time (expiring on 7th June 2024), so don’t wait too long to take advantage of it.

Elementor Birthday Sale Price for Plugin and Hosting

Elementor has two products:
Let’s look at each of them one by one and discuss their pricing plans.

Elementor Hosting Plans

Elementor is not just a page builder, but it also provides web hosting for WordPress websites. It’s like getting a package deal because when you buy web hosting from them, you also get the Elementor Pro page builder plugin.
So, if you’re still trying to decide on a web host or if you’re unhappy with your current one, Elementor’s cloud hosting could be a great choice for you.
Here’s how they have reduced the prices of their hosting plans during their special Birthday sale or anniversary celebrations.
Click here to snag up to 75% discount on any Elementor WordPress hosting and get page builder and theme for FREE — all in one package.

Elementor Page Builder Plugin Plans

Elementor offers both a free and paid version of its website builder plugin. The cost of the paid version, Elementor Pro, starts at $59/year for a single-site license and goes up to $399/year for a 1000-site license.
Here’s a discounted plan for the Elementor Pro plugin during the Birthday sale.
They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee (for both hosting and plugin) so you can try it risk-free.
Click on this exclusive Birthday sale link to choose your favourite Elementor Pro Plan.

Get Your Elementor Birthday Deal 2024

No doubt Elementor is the #1 website builder tool available on the market that helps you make any type of website in less than one hour. They have a visual drag-and-drop editor that lets you easily change things on your website while you’re working on it.
And the best part is, when you make changes, you can see them live right away on your website. It also has ready-made designs and templates that you can use to make your website look professional without much effort. Overall, I would say Elementor is super simple to use and doesn’t require any coding skills.
From May 28th – June 7th, there’s a special sale on Elementor because it’s their birthday. So if you want to try it out, now is a great time. Just click the button below to sign up and get started.
Claim Elementor Birthday Discount Sale
Well, that’s all from this blog post. Now, I want to hear what you think about Elementor and its BIGGEST Birthday offer.
Did you like them (if you ask me, then yes, I especially like their plugin as well as the huge discounts they provide during their birthdays)? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Byeeeee…

Frequently Asked Questions – Elementor Anniversary Sale

Is Elementor Birthday Deal live?

Yes, Elementor’s birthday deal 2024 is live! This year they are celebrating their 8th birthday and offering a whopping up to 75% discount on all of their plans. The sale is only for a limited time so make sure to grab this opportunity before it ends.

When is the Elementor Birthday Sale happening?

The Elementor Birthday Sale typically takes place in late May or early June, around the time of Elementor’s official launch date. At the time of writing this article, the Elementor Birthday Sale is live (from 28th May – 7th June), you can check them out from here.
submitted by just4sanu to u/just4sanu [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:35 yukisyaoran Headphone advices for League of Legends?

I would like to open with the general consensus of “gaming headphones” are wide soundstage (when strictly talking about sound quality and none of the bells and whistles like Game/Chat volume or included mic). But my impression is it’s mainly for FPS shooter genre. It’s very interesting to hear sound engineers talk about League of Legends like this video
After lots of testing League does support 7.1. But the only “spatial sound” one will get is L/R on selected pings and certain skillshots (not all of them). I wonder which frequencies League sound designers favor considering massive amount of skin lines in the game (as opposed to FPS where footsteps are universally agreed to be certain frequency). And whether the “more soundstage better” rule of thumbs still applies. GOAT of the game, Faker, uses IEM while he’s streaming and playing SoloQ. Most people play the game with music on. But players are not necessarily optimized in their setups. That’s where your educated inputs chime in!
submitted by yukisyaoran to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:27 Rich-Body-1564 How armour sets shouldve been done!

So ive thought about this a while and i think the way the armours been arranged is… strange lets say.
So i thought why didnt arrowhead go about it a different method. Ive thought maybe the current method forces players to have to wait for superstore to magically have the specific design armour theyd like, along with the “abilities” or “perks” that the player would like.
Personally i much more player friendly way to have armour be presented .
we keep light, medium and heavy. Light stats focusing on stamina, medium in the middle everything average and heavy on health, essentially or armour or whatever.
Then we should have classes of armour. So your standard commons/uncommons and this would define how many perk/ability slots your armour can hold.
Starting off lets go with armour classes of common, rare and legendary. I think its simple right. Common having only one armour slot. Rare having two and legendary having three. So now lets put into perspective how this would work and the types of perks we could have.
Say i have a light rare armour. I could then purchase perks such as “extra padding” and two extra slots for grenades. This would then increase my armours stats with a bit of extra health without affecting my stamina but at the expense of a perk slot.
These would be purchasable in warbonds. This way we re more excited and have more reason to go after warbonds because of the designs and the perks that can be bought separately. At the same time having more freedom in designing are characters a little more how we d like them to look at least having their armour match.
I say this because at the moment im looking at the superstore and the only things worth buying are helmets because they have no stat changes but now my armour dont match because i always run the “two extra stims” set. And the new armour in the superstore matches the heltmet but hasnt got the stats id like, yout see my problem.
At the same time to avoid pay to win. Armour would only be sold in warbonds. Yes you can spend money for the warbonds but youd still have to grind for the medals to purchase the armour how its set up already. Also perks would be purchasable in warbonds so this way we have more variety.
It would be a lot to rework now. But i believe how they should have started it was.
So you start with your common armour out of boot camp with one slot available because its common. Once youre out of boot camp youve got your basic warbond already unlocked and this war bond has three tiers. The first tier would have a different design common armour and a perk as well as capes, super credits etc same as Second tier except a rare armour with one perk and third tier with legendary and one perk.
So now instead of selling armours with perks in superstore they would only sell armour but with different designs. The armours can vary between common, rare and legendary each having different prices.
This would be more intuitive for arrow head because players love kitting out their characters so the more designs the more reason to grind.
Now say you have a common armour you really like but want it to be legendary so it can hold more slots. This is where sample would come in. Giving us another reason to go out and collect samples. An example, to go from common to rare you need 100 common sample and 50 rare sample. From rare to legendary 200 common samples, 100 rare samples and 50 super samples.
Essentially the trick would be in the superstore you can get nice looking common armour so you then have to grind to get more slots or you get trashy looking legendary armour so no grind but you get slots. Also the helmets and capes then have a reason to match and can be sold separately in superstore aside the armour sets of the week.
Let me know what you guys think im just tired of my character forcably having to look weird because i cant control the stats my armour has.
This would also give variety in play because of the variety in perk usage for the specific mission youre going on.
Also when are we getting saveable loadout options :L
submitted by Rich-Body-1564 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:26 InteractionProud7297 need honest criticism

i'm working on a novel and would like to know if anyone could tell me any improvements i could make to the first chapter and prologue
The day had started the same way it had for the past two years. The only difference was that I was going home. The hallway was crowded with people walking to and from their classes. Everyone was crowded next to each other so the halls were making the area feel claustrophobic. All the people talking mixed with the summer heat made me feel like I was locked in a sauna. I walked with Preston to the last class we would ever have together and as usual he was smiling. I never got why he always smiled even in situations where people should be sad he still smiled. He knew what today meant for me and he tried to keep light of the situation. I kept my head down away from what was ahead of me. My mind was too clouded about returning to see my family to notice anything in front of me. I walked into another student. It felt like I had walked into a wall. I knew immediately I had walked into tree. I stumble onto the ground and the commotion around me slows down to make room for us. He turned his bulky body around and apologized profusely without saying a word even though I had walked into him. He helped me off of the ground before hurrying down the hall.
“Alexandria, are you doing okay?” Preston said he had tilted his body downward so I had to look down to look him in his eyes. The way he was standing made him look like an idiot but he didn't seem to care. The way he acted made me laugh, which caused his smile to widen.
“I'm doing fine, just got lost in my head.”
“Thinking about how you’ll leave soon,” he said
“Was it that obvious?” He was the only person I told about me being an exchange student. I came to spend high school in Newkinawa and he was the only person I ever hung out with.
“I see what you mean,” he said “Newkinawa is a beautiful place with beautiful people to live in it…myself included”
“You wish,” I say with a smile we continue walking through the hallway “I'm just not excited to go back yet”
After I say that his smile grows wider “So you will miss me after all”
“I wouldn't say that much” I responded whilst smiling.
We had made it to our last class only to see it closed with a sign labeled “Uma incident” Uma was a student known for messing with the chemistry lab and destroying school property in the process. I've never actually met her but Preston says “She's a little weird but still nice”
“Guess class is canceled for today,” Preston remarked with a smile “Wanna go out to the court till the bell rings.”
“Sure let's go” I respond
The place we ate every day was outside. It used to be a tennis court before I moved in. Now they put trees and flowers all over the place. Preston really liked the blue color of the flowers but it just never clicked for me. I look over at Preston and he's staring up at the sky. There are a number of clouds in almost enough to block the sun but it still pokes its rays through and lands on Preston's face. The clouds swim in front of the sun till they block out the sun's light. Preston faces towards me.
“I'm gonna miss you Alexandria” he says
“You know you can just call me Alex,” I replied. I start to smile again. “I'll miss you too!" He smiles toward me again as we get up to leave as the clouds start to clump together and rain slowly falls. As we're walking back to the school there's a loud tearing sound followed by screams as the ground shakes.
The ground tears itself apart as the dirt and stone erupt from the ground. The sky blackens and a pale blue light escapes the earth. Then creatures erupt from the ground in a violent ejection from the earth creating a white pillar diffusing as they reach higher in the air. Some are clawing their way out of the cracks like maggots out of a corpse. People are swept into the updraft screaming for their lives.
The creatures descend like a tidal wave and tear apart any people caught in their path. They storm out of the crack in hundreds as more cracks in the earth form. Me and Preston started running away as people were screaming behind us. A girl running next to us has her legs slashed by a creature. The monster begins to tear open her chest as she chokes on her own blood. The monster shovels her lungs and innards into its decrepit mouth. Me and Preston keep running until we're met at the entrance of the school and we catch the attention of a monster as it begins to savagely rush toward us. The monster resembles ghosts my father told me about. But this one looks monstrously horrific. It floats in the air and opens its mouth so wide it nearly replaces its entire torso; its jaws hold savage teeth each the same old gray color of its body. Its eyes glow a rotten yellow color through the dark. It stretches out its arms showing its giant hands and claws like fingers. It swipes at us leaving a giant claw mark on the door behind us but Preston ducks my body down to avoid the attack. We run around it as the monster swaps its focus to another bystander. Screaming past us. Me and Preston run into the parking lot as people scream around us. We hide next to a car.
“What the hell is happening!?” I yell to Preston. More of the creatures fly over us and swoop down to people like vultures on roadkill devouring the fleeing people.
Preston starts to breathe heavily ”we need to get out of here and someplace safer”. As we were talking one of the monster phases through the car we were hiding next to forcing us to run into the street.
“Lets go to your house till things cool down” i say to Preston through panted breaths
“Wait couldn't we head to your house instead” Preston says.
“Why would that matter your house is closer anyways” i respond
“But-” Preston is interrupted by two creatures swooping above us to grab another person. The two monsters begin to pull the person apart while he writhes in pain before having his flesh be torn in half and having his organs be devoured.
“Come on lets go!!” I say as I grab his hand and run even faster.
By the time we reach Preston's house any living person is gone. On the street are just corpses laying torn and mutilated on the roads and sidewalk. The air in the neighborhood feels cold despite the season being summer. When I walk down the street I can still hear the occasional horrific wail the monsters give off. We move closer to Preston's house and I can see him sweating. He looked more worried than before when the creatures were chasing us and he kept darting his eyes away from his home.
“Preston, are you feeling okay?” he doesn't respond to my question and keeps darting his eyes. He walks slowly behind me and as I reach for the door handle and when I touch it it feels nearly freezing. I wrap my hoodie around my hand and slowly open the door. The house is quiet so me and Preston creep further into his house. The inside is cold and damp as if we were locked in a freezer. The further we move into the house the louder a subtle chewing sound is heard.
“It sounds like rats are eating a dead cow over there” I whisper. Preston continues to stay silent behind me. We slowly walk closer towards the kitchen and the sound gets louder and louder and louder until we reach the room.
We're met with a rancid smell of vomit and blood. My blood starts to run cold and every instinct in my body is telling me to run. I can feel Preston breathing get heavier as we get closer. We turn the corner and see Preston's mom lying on the ground dead with one of the creatures hunched over slurping her intestines. The sight causes me to vomit alerting the monster to our presence. The creature turns around and its mouth turns into a mortifying grin as it flies into Preston's moms body. The corpse begins to rise and spur splashing blood over the kitchen. When the corpse stops spasming it picks itself up from the ground and with glazed over eyes it holds its intestines in its hand and gives us the same grin it did when it was outside her body. The possessed corpse lunges at me and starts to chase me around the kitchen. The body is running into the walls and cabinets spraying its blood and other loose organs around the area as I'm avoiding its assault. The corpse leans over and ejects one of its loose intestines towards me, wrapping me in it. It pulls me towards it so fast I'm flung towards the ground. The corpse limbers over to me and raises its free hand aiming for my head. The creature's deranged smile causes the corpse’s cheeks to tear apart. It places both of its bloodied and demented hands on my face and starts to press my skull into the ground. I struggle to breathe. The room starts to get dark and blood escapes my head.
Until Preston jumps on top of his mothers corpse with a kitchen knife and repeatedly stabs it in the head. The possessed body tries to shake him off but he keeps stabbing, blood gets in on his face and tears start to escape his eyes. The creature violently ejects from the corpse's mouth causing her head to nearly explode and Preston stops stabbing the body. The body falls over in a splash of blood and organs. The monster leaves phasing through the roof leaving Preston crying over his mother's body. As the blood mixes with the tears he collapses to his knees crying. I walk over and hug him as the air around us turns bitter and the chill of death leaves the room and us with it.
Chapter 1 Eclipse
It's been 2 months since the apocalypse started. We've kept ourselves alive by looting grocery stores and houses, we hide from the creatures as we have no way to fight back against them. Preston came up with the idea to call them glanter’s. He’s looking better since we left his family home but I can tell something is wrong with him that he's not telling me. Everytime I ask him about it he tells me it's no big deal. I asked him earlier today and he just told me
“don't worry about it, I'm over it” without even looking at me. Now we're walking through the street and I'm walking behind Preston, I can barely see his head past the giant bag we're both carrying on our backs we use to carry supplies. I look up at the sky and it's still pitch black except for the moon giving us any amount of light. Preston turns around to face me.
“Let's check out that house, it might have some cool stuff in it” he points to a white house to our right. The house is a two story building with steps leading to the front door. There's a generator poking out from the backyard. The driveway is empty save for a couple of dried blood stains and tire marks. It's similar to the other houses in the neighborhood except for a couple broken windows.
“Sure why not” We head over to the house and I see something shining on the side of the house in the corner of my eye. I turn my head to look at it closer but it quickly disappears before I can see it clearly.
“Probably squirrel or something” I mumble to myself. Preston walks up the stairs to the house and I walk up the steps behind him as a breeze blows past my face. Preston tries to turn the door knob but the door is locked. I start to pull out a lockpick I grabbed at the store earlier. I motion towards Preston to move out of the way as I kneel down to pick the lock. It takes me a couple of minutes to unlock the door so I walk inside the house and Preston follows behind me while closing and locking the door. The doorway of the house leads to a dark room so I take a flashlight out of my bag to illuminate the area. Were put into the living room and bookshelves are on the walls and a large TV sat in front of a large black couch with smaller chairs surrounding it. Dust is covering every surface of the room and spiderwebs litter the corners of the walls. The area smells like moth balls and there's a lack of blood anywhere nearby.
“Guess the owners got out before the Glanter’s got in, '' I say to Preston. When he doesn't respond I turn around and he's already looking further into the house. When I find him he's managed to find a flight of stairs that lead to a lower portion of the house.
“I'll check on him later,” I think to myself as I headed towards the kitchen to see if we could restock on food. I walk past a bedroom and remark on how childish it looked. The walls were painted with blue and green stripes and a bunk bed sat on the right wall. There's a chest at the foot of the bed so I walk over and lift the top off of it. The box is layered with children's toys, a multitude of dolls, bears, and figures all jut out of the box. I notice a small robot toy and inspect it in my hands.
The cold metal makes my hand shiver and the sharp body shape makes the robot bigger than my hand. There's red lining around the robot's buttons surrounded by the cold gray of the robot's “skin”. It reminds me of a toy my little brother had. My heart feels heavy as I worry about what happened to my family. If they're alive, dead, or worse…possessed. The thoughts send a chill down my spine but I push them aside for now. I put the toy in my bag and exit the bedroom.
I can see the kitchen is down the hallway so I walk down the hall and enter. The kitchen is pretty clean except for a couple of dishes in the sink and the dust. There's a table seated for 3 people in the center of the room. I start opening the cabinets in search for any food or water. There's boxes of cereal leftover on top of shelves and a mix of chip bags and cookies in neat boxes stationed in the cabinets.
“Score,” I say to myself as I begin to put the snacks into my bag. When the cabinets are empty I look inside the fridge. The inside of the fridge ran out of power so most of the food inside is rotted. There are a couple of bottles of water in the front so I shove those in my bag. There's also a bag of oranges that still seem to be healthy in the back. I grab them and toss them on the table. There's rotten sandwich meat hidden in the drawer of the smells like a dumpster outside of a butcher shop. I wrinkle my nose at the smell. I look around the kitchen for any bread with no luck.
I continue to look through the fridge until I hear Preston scream from another room. Immediately I bolt out of the kitchen leaving my bag behind and run towards the lower part of the house. I run down the stairs and nearly trip on the steps. The stairs lead to a big room. There are posters to tv shows and movies I don't recognize. The walls are painted black and there's a bear skin rug on the floor. I notice Preston standing next to a really big TV hyperventilating. I walk over to him and ask him.
“Are you ok? What happened?”
He talks through deep breaths “I… saw a… spider.”
“What?!” I respond in confusion.
“It was really big and I had jumped at my face”
“Sure it was.” I say while laughing “Let's go upstairs there's some food in the fridge we can eat”
“Wait, I think you should check this out.” He says while pointing towards one of the walls. I grab Preston's flashlight off the floor and face it towards the wall. Hanging halfway off the wall is a large map labeled Newkiwana scavenger hunt of 76.
“I think we should take it,” Preston says “You can read a map right?”
“A little but I'm not the best at it,” I say to him “can you read a map?”
“it shouldn’t be too hard it’s mainly pictures any way I'm sure I can figure it out”
I walk over to the wall where the map is hung there are trophies covering tables and shelved in their own personal cases one of them reads “1st place 100-meter swimming competition for 1986 Zack Hemmingway” and another one reads “2nd place 100-meter swimming competition for 1989 Zack Hemmingway”
“Guess this guy really liked swimming,” Preston remarks while staring at a wall of newspaper clippings. All of them are about the same person in swimming competitions. All labeled different things like “a new record for Zack “the dolphin” Hemmingway”,
‘Zach Hemmingway our star plans for the future” all the newspapers are about this kind he has paler skin and a bulky enough build to swim pretty well. Most of the pictures have him coming out of the water in a pool, his long black hair soaked and sitting at his shoulders. Another one has him sitting at a desk over a pile of books and his hair in a knot , “vicious wipeout ends the Dolphins career”, and “ex-swim champ Zack Hemmingway found in a drunken stupor outside strip club.
“Everyone has their own hobbies I guess,” I say as I take the map off of the wall and fold it up. “Sucks what happened to Zack though” I walked over to Preston’s bag and put the rolled map in one of the pockets. I walk back up the stairs and Preston grabs his bag and follows behind me.
We make our way towards the kitchen and Preston starts looking through the fridge for anything to eat. I grab an orange from the table and throw it at his head. The fruit bounces off his head and rolls on the floor. He turns around and grabs the fruit from the floor
“Why did you throw an orange at me?”
“It's the only food we have unless you plan on eating spoiled a sandwich“ He starts to peel it while walking towards the table. We both take a seat and start to eat the oranges from the bag. He plants his feet on top of the table and bites into the fully peeled orange. I grab a water bottle from a bag and start to drink from it as Preston says.
“I saw a dvd player in that man cave downstairs we could watch a movie if it still has power”
“Sure it could be fun.” Me and Preston spend the rest of our time eating until the bag of oranges is emptied and we head back downstairs. Preston grabs the DVD player from under the table and blows the dust off the top of it; he plugs it into the wall as I plop myself onto the couch. He plugs the DVD player into the TV and sits on the recliner next to me. He presses a few buttons on the remote and the TV lights up. I squint my eyes at how bright it is. It's the most amount of light I've seen that didn't come from a flashlight. I notice there's a box filled with DVDs. I pull the box over towards me. I ruffle through the box and see movies like Silence of the Lambs, Terminator 2, and Home alone.
“Dude some of these came out just before the world turned inside out” I say to him.
“Really? Let's play one.” He responds. I toss him Terminator 2 and he puts it into the DVD player.
We spend the next couple hours watching movies and laughing together. It's some of our only moments of peace we’ve had since the end of the world and to me it's the most fun I've had yet. We're putting in the next DVD when there's a loud crash outside and the TV shuts off. Preston goes behind it to see if it's still plugged in.
“I think the generator outside is busted” i say
“It seems that way” Preston replies while backing away from the tv” i'm gonna go check it out”
“Don't worry I got it” I say as I hop out of my chair. Preston waves goodbye as I head up the stairs. I make my way back through the hallway leading to the living room and front door. I reach the door and start to turn the knob. I open the door wide as a car speeds down the street. I step out of the door to see what had happened when I hear the screech of a glanter. It cuts through the sky like an unholy opera singer. A group of them fly by and chase the car as I rush back inside the house. I slam the door shut and look through the window as I see a couple of smaller glanters grab and shake the car violently looking for the driver. They tear at it, ripping off doors and breaking the windows. The driver screams as the seats cover with blood and he's ripped out of the car as multiple smaller glanters tear and bite off parts of his body like piranha's until his body is completely devoured. I run back to the man cave to warn Preston about what had happened. I spot him laying in his chair spinning a DVD disc on his finger.
“It's not safe outside right now”
“Why not?
“There's glanter's outside, they just ate a dude in his car”
“Did they see you come inside?”
“I don't think so , they flew off before I went inside.”
“well we're not dead so I'm gonna say they didn't see you. But let's stay here for a couple more hours just to be safe”
“Sounds good i'm gonna go find the master bedroom.” I start to walk back up the stairs to the house
“ Hold on why do you get the master bedroom” Preston says while walking after me.
“Because I'm gonna find it first” I say as I start to run to find the bedroom. He chases after me in pursuit of the bedroom. Me and Preston run around the house looking for the master bedroom. We look through room after room finding closets, the garage, a bathroom and a door leading to a balcony in the back of the house. I manage to run into the bedroom and yell out to Preston.``Found it!!”
He comes walking into the room breathing heavily from the running. We both check out the room. The walls are painted a cream yellow and the bed takes up most of the room's center. The bed has burgundy sheets poking out from its bottom and a quilt with multi-colored floral designs lay sprawled out on top of it. There's a wardrobe built into the wall and a black leather couch sits comfortably on the left wall.
“Dibs on the bed” I say as I jump on top of it. I stretch out on top of the quilt and search for a comfortable part to sleep in.
“Where am I supposed to sleep then?” Preston complains
“You can sleep on the couch it looks soft enough” I respond while pointing towards the couch “I saw some spare blankets in one of the closets”
“Alright i’ll be right back” he mumbles to himself “why do i always get the couch”
“ I'll be right here if you need me,” i call after him. I sit up on the bed and start to look around the room more. I notice the entrance to the wardrobe is cracked open slightly. I hop out of the bed and grab a flashlight from my bag as I walk into the wardrobe. I turn on my flashlight and stare in awe at how many clothes are in there. The room is only half as big as the bedroom but it's still bigger than any closet I've ever had. The wardrobe is full of shirts, dresses, pants, and shoes for men and women. I immediately start to look through the shoes to see if any fit my size. I throw a pair of black high heels behind me as Preston finds me in the wardrobe. He looks around before asking me.
“What are you doing?”
“Finding a new pair of clothes to wear cause I've been wearing the same pair of jeans for waaaaay too long”
“Fair enough. Is there any guy stuff in there?”
“Yeah right there” I hook my thumb behind me to point to the other end of the closet.
“I'm sure they won't mind if we take a couple of things…they're probably dead by now anyways,” Preston says with a slight grin on his face. The way he said made me spin my head to look at him but he was already on the opposite end of the wardrobe looking at suits.
I shake away the thought and continue looking for any pair of sneakers in my size. 40 minutes pass before I walk out of the wardrobe holding a new pair of jeans and a black guns-N-roses t-shirt. I toss the clothes on top of the bed and check to see if the shower in the bathroom still works. I turn the dial and wait for a moment. The shower head chokes a little before water comes pouring out. I reach my hand under the showerhead to feel the water. The water is cold, it causes my hand to shiver when I take it out. I shake the water off and say to myself.
“Good enough” as I start to take off my old clothes and get in the shower. The cold water bounces off my skin, it sends shivers down my spine but I still get the old dirt from the last few months off of me. I step out and see a couple of dry towels hanging off of the door. I grab one and dry my body off and grab another to wrap around my head and dry my hair. I step out of the bathroom and Preston is still inside the wardrobe. I put on my new clothes while his back is turned and walk over towards him when I'm finished.
“Still haven't found anything,” I ask him
He turns around “Nothing yet, the only thing interesting was this coat.” He holds a leather coat up to me. The coat is made of black leather and has a skull covered with blue flames on the back. There's a black shirt inside the coat with a skeleton hand making a thumbs-up embroidered on the front.
“ That's pretty cool, it's better than what you're wearing right now at least” he's outfitted in a blue hoodie with holes on the chest and tears at the sleeves. He also has a shirt with a faded picture of a blue flower printed on it.
“I guess you're right” he gets up from the floor and exits the wardrobe. He lays the clothes on the couch along next to the blanket and pillow he brought into the room.
“The shower works so you can get yourself clean In there,” I say to him
“You know, a shower sounds really good right now.” He gets up from the floor and grabs a pair of pajama pants that were laying next to him. He leaves the wardrobe and enters the bathroom, closing the door behind him. After a moment the water turns on and I hop on the bed to get ready to sleep. I squirm myself into the quilt and rest my head against one of the pillows. I shut my eyes and fall asleep listening to the passive sound of the shower like rain on a car.
I'm in a void. It feels like I'm standing in a puddle of water that reaches to my knees. I wade my way forward looking around for anything in the darkness. In the distance I can see 3 figures l. I moved closer to them and their silhouettes get clearer. I realize they are my dad and brothers. I start to run towards them kicking up water behind me until something grabs my leg. It pulls down violently forcing me under the water without a breath of air. I kick at the thing grabbing me until something grabs my other leg. I look down and see two glanter's each with a monstrous smile on their faces. They stare back at me and one of them tugs my leg harder than before and tears it off of my body. The water around me turns red as the glanter laugh's. The other smiles wider as it starts to fling me around the water forcing any air left in my lungs to be forced out as I scream in pain. The glanter throws me away and I can see my family slowly fade into the distance as I'm flown away.
I struggle to swim back to where I was, one of my legs is missing and the other is broken. The glanter's find me again and I try to get to the surface to escape them. I'm flapping my arms in any attempt to escape as one of the glanter's flies in front of me and grabs my arm. I look at the monster with tears in my eyes as it bites my arm and tears my body away from it. It flings my body away and with my remaining arm I clutch the wound as the water floods into my body leaving me in the void I started in. I look around and the glanter's seem to have left. I turn behind me and see my family again, this time I'm closer than before.
I grit my teeth and drag my body towards them slowly as I leave a trail of blood and tears behind me. I finally reach my family and grab one of my father's shoes. I stare up and he looks at me. His stare causes me to feel cold as a grotesque smile grows on his face. I stare in shock as my brothers each have the same look as my father.
I shoot up from my sleep panting heavily in a cold sweat.
“It was just a dream..just a dream…just a dream” I look at my hands as tears fall into them. I look around the room and see Preston sleeping peacefully on the couch. The room feels frozen in place as a chill runs down my spine. I get out of the bed and walk out of the bedroom. I make my way through the dark hallway and find the entrance to the balcony I saw earlier. I creak open the screen door and head outside. The Balcony is pretty large, about the size of the kitchen in the house. There are some chairs knocked over next to a table and I pick one up to sit on it. I look out into the expanse of the neighborhood, houses lined up next to each other, dozens broken apart by roads, and dead bodies scattered across the roads.
I look up in the sky and sit back in the chair. The sky looks empty except for the moon giving this world its only source of light. Without the moon, we’d be left in darkness. It hangs in the sky alone, no stars, no clouds, nothing but itself, and the void of the sky. I think back about the dream I had. My dad and my brother's all dead and possessed and then they kill me. I start to tear up thinking about it. I try to wipe away the tears but it’s no use. I'm too scared for my family. I don't know where they are if they're alive if they're worried about me I don't know anything! I start to quietly cry into my hands. I don't know how long I'm sitting there until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to face it and I see Preston. He was smiling and looking at me. I turn away to wipe my tears and he walks next to me.
“I heard you sneaking out of the bedroom so I followed you to see where you were going.” he says “but that's not my question.” he pauses and looks at me “my question is what’s got you feeling so down?” he leans over the railing of the balcony
“It's nothing, I just came out here to clear my head.” I say as more tears escape from my eyes in big slow drops that ride down the sides of my face.
“if you don't feel like telling me you don't have to but i'll be here if you ever change your mind”. He looks up at the moon before turning to face me and his smile widens “I'll always be here with you…trust me I'm not going anywhere”
I stare up at him and wipe away my tears as a smile grows on my face to match his. I get up and stare over the balcony with him. “So where are we heading next?” I say to him, Preston pulls the map we got from the man cave downstairs out from his pocket.
“After I got out of the shower I decided to take a look at the map for anything interesting we could see.”
“Ok did you find anything?” i ask
“I did,” he points at a spot on the right of the map. “We should head to the museum”
“I didn't want to go to a museum before the apocalypse why would i want to go now?'' I ask him.
“Well the best part of museums is the cool stuff right”
“Yeah what about it”
“The only problem is that you could only look at the fossils and armor but you could never take them.”
“So you want to rob a museum?” Prestons eyes light up at the question
“Exactly they might have a really cool sword I could use, or I could sharpen a dinosaur tooth and use that as a weapon, there might be a cursed shield that can summon the dead to fight for you. This opportunity is too good to pass up. We need to go!”
“That does seem pretty cool but wouldn't carrying that stuff weigh us down. What if a glanter is chasing us and we can't run fast enough because of the stuff we took from the museum.”
“We’ll only take things that are light. Even then I could just block the glanter with my newly acquired 2000 year old shield.”
“Fair enough we can go in a couple hours” I yawn and stretch out my arms. “Cause I'm feeling way too tired to walk all the way over there right now.”
“Alright i'm heading back to my couch and THEN we’ll head out to the museum” he leaves the balcony and heads back to the master bedroom leaving me alone on the balcony.
“Thanks Preston I'm not leaving either” I say into the sky. I turn around and walk back inside the house, closing the balcony door behind me. I walk back into the bedroom and Preston is hunched over and holding a flashlight looking at the map. He’s drawing lines through roads and marking X’s in different areas.
“What are the X’s for?” i ask him
“They’re places that glanter’s usually stay around. I'm marking them off so we remember not to go through them, or at least be more cautious.”
“Cool. Did you find where we are right now?” He points to an area where the lines all converge out of.
“Right around here is where the neighborhood ends. So if we follow this path we can make it to the museum in one piece” I pat him on the back and take the map from his hands.
“Get some sleep Preston, we have a full day tomorrow” he grins to himself before laying down on the couch. I put the map back into my bag and hop on the bed to get to sleep. I cover my body in the quilt and roll over facing away from Preston as he falls asleep. I nestle myself into the bed and slowly fall asleep to get ready for the next day.
I'm awoken by Preston shaking the bed I'm sleeping on. My eyes open and the room is foggy, I wipe away the sleep from my eyes and focus my attention towards Preston. He's practically jumping out of his skin with excitement, he's already fully dressed for the trip and shaking the bed with a wide smile on his face.
“Ok ok i'm up the air feels heavy as a groggy feeling fills my body. I wipe my eyes and the room starts to clear up. I turn to face Preston. He's still shaking my bed to wake me up, he’s already fully dressed and nearly jumping out of his skin in excitement.
“Ok ok, i'm up you can stop shaking the bed” i say
“Then get up we’ve got a long walk ahead of us” he says as he stops shaking the mattress. He grabs the map from my bag and points to one of the red lines.
“We're gonna follow this way to the museum. We’ll move past the hotel around the ice skating rink and around the park. We’ll mainly stick to walking through the streets, we might have to go rooftop hopping to avoid any glanter’s if we see them but i'm sure we won’t reach that point.” he explains
“Wait, wait, wait, why are avoiding the skating rink and the park” i ask
“ everytime we go near the park there's weird noises and light coming out of it”
“And why can't we go to the ice skating rink?”
“I didn't think it would be important”
“It couldn't hurt to check it out at least”
“Fine we could make a detour”
“Ok and how do you plan on getting on top of roofs?”
“I'm sure we'll figure it out when we get to it”
“Ok man as long as you’re sure '' I yawn and step out of the bed. Preston starts to put the map in his bag. I walk into the bathroom with my clothes and change out of my pajamas. Minutes later I walk out and see Preston sitting on the couch twiddling his thumbs.
“Finally you're out” he smiles at me before handing me my bag and slinging it over his shoulder. We took a last look inside the kitchen to see if we missed anything. Afterwards we leave for the outside. The cold air bites at my face but Preston walks down the stairs, his face buried in the map. I jog to catch up to him as we both head into the street.
“Hey Preston, could I see the map?”
“Sure” he hands over the map and continues walking. I look at the map and the numerous lines drawn on roads. I look at the corner of the map and notice a small map key with numerous symbols for different areas like a library, school, hospital, and more. There's even a way to tell how far away each location is. The text reads “1 inch=5 miles” I quickly count how far we are from the museum.
“Dude this museum is like 100 miles away.”
“Yep it'll be a long walk, it'll take us a while to get there”
“Did you plan on us walking there the whole time?”
“We might find bikes or something.” he pauses “well i did think we would walk the whole way”
“This is gonna take us weeks to get there!”
“Did you have anything else planned?”
“Well…i guess not but we should still try to find some bikes or something”
“Ok if we see any way to travel faster we’ll take it”
“Alright cool” I hand him the map back and he folds it back up and puts it in his bag. We walk further until we leave the gated neighborhood we started in. Preston takes the map back out and looks at it before he turns right and continues walking. I follow him staring forward at the expanse of the road. The outside of the neighborhood is surrounded by roads all leading to different parts of Newkinawa. We walk past a sign that reads “Coretown 20 miles ahead” I nudge Preston towards the sign and he checks the map again.
“Yep, the museum’s in Coretown. Would you believe the residents were pretty proud of it. Should be a fun place to explore” he says
“Yeah but it’ll take us a million years to get there.” i complain
“Lighten up, I'm sure it will be worth it”. We continue walking down the road slowly making our way to Coretown.
submitted by InteractionProud7297 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:23 axolotl-dreaming Absolute Solver tattoo!

Absolute Solver tattoo!
I got my first Murder Drones tattoo yesterday! I’m excited for it to fully heal. I plan on getting a couple more MD tattoos in the future but I’m still figuring out the whole design of one of them since it’ll be a portrait of N ♡
submitted by axolotl-dreaming to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:21 PangolinExisting Bitcoin scarcity question

I've been reading Broken Money and am fascinated by the qualities of a good vs bad currency and the history of how centralized banking led to our current financial problems.
I do find the argument for obtaining Bitcoin compelling from both a logical and ideological standpoint. Above all, the book emphasizes the quality of Bitcoin's scarcity: only 21 million BTC will ever be mined, the mining rate will halve after every 210k blocks are completed, and the code is designed so that a block is completed every 10 min.
I don't have a programming or cryptography background so the fact that someone could come up with this idea and create it - along with the idea of not needing third-party verification for transactions- is nothing short of genius. It's changed the way I think about money completely. Previously I was planning to build and maintain my wealth through traditional passive index ETF investing. But after learning how governments/federal reserves can just create money out of thin air (and have already done so) for the sake of personal interests and maintaining office, I'm re-considering my strategy. I think that I would still invest in index ETFs using government registered tax deferral or tax free savings accounts (I'm Canadian for context), however I would consider holding the rest of my savings in Bitcoin to avoid significant currency debasement in the future.
I had a question though about whether Bitcoin's scarcity could ever be challenged. I'm asking this because I'm genuinely curious - since the code is open-access, could it not theoretically be duplicated and another identical digital currency (let's say Bitcoin 2.0 for lack of imagination) be created with the exact same features that make Bitcoin a good currency? So now we have Bitcoin and Bitcoin 2.0... how would that affect the value of the original Bitcoin? In my mind the advantage Bitcoin has over fiat currencies is the lack of regulation (and subsequent arbitrary creation of money) making it a superior store of value. If another digital currency was created with the exact same features, would it make owning Bitcoin less valuable?
submitted by PangolinExisting to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:18 Alive-Entertainer464 Project Cost Estimating

Are there still architectural firms out there that are responsible for leading the budget checking and cost estimating for projects? Or do the owners more often take this on either through a cost consultant or by relying on the GC? It seems like cost consultants don’t have the knowledge needed for some projects to properly develop a budget to bring the design vision to reality. While on the other hand the GC is more worried about protecting the budget causing scope to be stripped out prematurely. I would love to get some opinions on this.
submitted by Alive-Entertainer464 to architecture [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:58 wotd1 Unlocking the Elixir of Joy: Endorphins and the Pursuit of Emotional Well-Being

Unlocking the Elixir of Joy: Endorphins and the Pursuit of Emotional Well-Being
Endorphins are a group of neurotransmitters, or chemical messengers, naturally produced by the body. They are primarily known for their role in relieving pain and promoting positive emotions.

1. What are Endorphins?

Endorphins are peptides (short chains of amino acids) that are structurally similar to opioid drugs like morphine. The word "endorphin" is derived from "endogenous" (meaning produced within the body) and "morphine." The primary endorphins produced in the body are beta-endorphin, enkephalins, and dynorphins.

2. How Do Endorphins Work?

Endorphins bind to specific receptors in the brain and body called opioid receptors. When endorphins attach to these receptors, they can inhibit the transmission of pain signals and produce a sense of euphoria or well-being. Endorphins also interact with other neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, which are involved in regulating mood, pleasure, and emotional responses.

3. Examples of How Endorphins Promote Positive Emotions

  1. Exercise: Physical activity, such as running, cycling, or aerobic exercise, can stimulate the release of endorphins. This release is often associated with the "runner's high" or feelings of euphoria experienced after intense exercise.
  2. Laughter: Laughter has been shown to increase endorphin levels, contributing to feelings of joy, relaxation, and overall well-being. This is one reason why laughter is considered a natural stress reliever.
  3. Massage: Therapeutic massage can trigger the release of endorphins, reducing stress, anxiety, and muscle tension while promoting relaxation and positive emotions.
  4. Social Interactions: Positive social interactions, such as spending time with loved ones or engaging in activities that promote social bonding, can stimulate endorphin release, contributing to feelings of happiness and well-being.
  5. Eating Chocolate: Certain compounds in chocolate, such as anandamide, can mimic the effects of endorphins by binding to the same receptors in the brain, leading to a temporary mood boost and feelings of pleasure.
  6. Listening to Music: Music that evokes positive emotions or memories can increase endorphin levels and contribute to a more positive emotional state.
  7. Meditation and Mindfulness: Practices like meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness can stimulate the release of endorphins, leading to a sense of calm, relaxation, and emotional well-being.
  8. Acupuncture: This ancient Chinese practice involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body, which can stimulate the release of endorphins and promote pain relief and a sense of emotional balance.
  9. Spicy Foods: Consuming spicy foods containing capsaicin (the compound that gives chili peppers their heat) can trigger the release of endorphins, leading to a temporary mood boost and a sense of well-being.
  10. Sexual Activity: Engaging in sexual activity can lead to a significant increase in endorphin levels, contributing to feelings of pleasure, intimacy, and emotional bonding with a partner.
  11. Outdoor Activities: Spending time in nature or engaging in outdoor activities like hiking, gardening, or simply being in the sunshine can stimulate endorphin release and promote positive emotions, stress reduction, and overall well-being.
  12. Accomplishing Goals: Achieving personal goals or accomplishments, whether small or large, can trigger the release of endorphins, leading to a sense of pride, satisfaction, and positive reinforcement.
  13. Positive Affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations or practicing self-compassion can stimulate endorphin release and contribute to a more positive mindset and emotional state.
  14. Aromatherapy: Certain aromatic compounds found in essential oils, such as lavender or bergamot, may promote endorphin release and contribute to feelings of relaxation and emotional balance.
  15. Creative Activities: Engaging in creative pursuits like painting, writing, or music can stimulate endorphin release and promote a sense of joy, self-expression, and emotional fulfillment.
  16. Volunteering and Helping Others: Engaging in altruistic activities, such as volunteering or helping others in need, can stimulate endorphin release and contribute to feelings of purpose, fulfillment, and emotional well-being.
  17. Interacting with Pets: Spending time with pets, such as playing with or petting them, can stimulate endorphin release and promote feelings of comfort, relaxation, and emotional connection.
  18. Emotional Support and Validation: Receiving emotional support, validation, or encouragement from loved ones or supportive communities can facilitate endorphin release and contribute to a sense of belonging and emotional well-being.
  19. Gratitude Practice: Cultivating a practice of gratitude, such as keeping a gratitude journal or expressing appreciation for the positive aspects of life, can trigger endorphin release and foster feelings of joy, contentment, and emotional well-being.
  20. Affectionate Touch: Physical affection, such as hugging, cuddling, or gentle touch, can stimulate endorphin release and promote feelings of emotional connection, comfort, and positive emotions.
  21. Achieving Flow State: Entering a state of flow or complete absorption in a challenging yet enjoyable activity can facilitate endorphin release and contribute to feelings of joy, focus, and emotional fulfillment.
  22. Practicing Mindful Acceptance: Cultivating a mindset of acceptance and non-judgment, particularly in challenging situations, can facilitate endorphin release and contribute to emotional resilience and a sense of inner peace.
  23. Celebrating Milestones and Achievements: Marking significant life events, accomplishments, or milestones with celebrations or special occasions can trigger endorphin release and foster feelings of joy, pride, and positive reinforcement.
  24. Engaging in Adventure or Thrill-Seeking Activities: Participating in activities that involve a sense of adventure, risk, or adrenaline rush, such as skydiving, rock climbing, or extreme sports, can stimulate endorphin release and contribute to feelings of excitement, exhilaration, and a sense of accomplishment.
  25. Practicing Forgiveness: Engaging in the process of forgiving others or oneself can facilitate endorphin release and promote feelings of emotional healing, inner peace, and emotional well-being.
  26. Experiencing Awe and Wonder: Encountering awe-inspiring natural phenomena, such as breathtaking landscapes, starry skies, or natural wonders, can trigger endorphin release and contribute to feelings of wonder, appreciation, and emotional upliftment.
  27. Experiencing Nostalgic Moments: Revisiting fond memories, reminiscing about happy times, or engaging in activities that evoke positive nostalgia can trigger endorphin release and promote feelings of warmth, comfort, and emotional connection.
  28. Celebrating Cultural Traditions and Rituals: Participating in cultural traditions, rituals, or celebrations that hold personal or communal significance can stimulate endorphin release and foster feelings of belonging, unity, and emotional well-being.
  29. Overcoming Challenges and Adversity: Persevering through difficult situations or overcoming personal challenges can trigger endorphin release and promote feelings of resilience, empowerment, and emotional growth.
  30. Engaging in Team Activities or Sports: Participating in team activities or sports can facilitate endorphin release and promote feelings of camaraderie, teamwork, and a sense of accomplishment.
  31. Practicing Yoga or Tai Chi: Engaging in mind-body practices like yoga or tai chi can stimulate endorphin release and contribute to feelings of relaxation, balance, and emotional well-being.
  32. Experiencing Warm Temperatures: Exposure to warm or hot temperatures, such as spending time in a sauna or taking a warm bath, can trigger endorphin release and promote feelings of relaxation and emotional comfort.
  33. Practicing Optimism and Positive Thinking: Cultivating a mindset of optimism and positive thinking can stimulate endorphin release and contribute to feelings of hope, motivation, and emotional resilience.
  34. Engaging in Playful Activities: Participating in playful activities, such as playing games, engaging in sports, or enjoying recreational activities, can stimulate endorphin release and promote feelings of joy, lightheartedness, and emotional well-being.
  35. Practicing Self-Care and Nurturing Activities: Engaging in activities that promote self-care, such as taking a relaxing bath, getting a massage, or practicing self-nurturing rituals, can facilitate endorphin release and contribute to feelings of relaxation, emotional balance, and overall well-being.
  36. Engaging in Meaningful Conversations: Having deep, meaningful conversations with others, sharing personal experiences, or exploring thought-provoking topics can facilitate endorphin release and promote feelings of connection, understanding, and emotional enrichment.
  37. Experiencing Personal Growth Challenges: Engaging in personal growth challenges or stepping outside of one's comfort zone can trigger endorphin release and promote feelings of accomplishment, self-discovery, and emotional resilience.
  38. Enjoying Artistic Performances or Exhibitions: Attending artistic performances, exhibitions, or cultural events can stimulate endorphin release and contribute to feelings of appreciation, inspiration, and emotional enrichment.

The Boundless Tapestry of Endorphin-Fueled Positivity

These examples illustrate the diverse range of activities, experiences, and practices that can stimulate endorphin release and contribute to positive emotional states. It's important to remember that individual responses may vary, and a combination of factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and overall well-being, can influence the impact of endorphins on emotional experiences.

An Endless Tapestry Woven with Vibrant Threads

The list of ways in which endorphins can promote positive emotions goes on and on, like an endless tapestry woven with the vibrant threads of human experience. Each example serves as a window into the vast and multifaceted realm of activities, practices, and moments that have the power to ignite the release of these remarkable neurotransmitters within us.

A Rich, Diverse, and Ever-Evolving Experience

Just as the human experience itself is rich, diverse, and ever-evolving, so too are the pathways through which endorphins can uplift our emotional landscapes. From the exhilarating rush of adventure to the tranquil embrace of nature, from the profound connections forged through acts of kindness to the transformative power of artistic expression, the possibilities are as boundless as the human spirit itself.

The Profound Impact of Endorphin-Releasing Experiences

Imagine the profound impact that even the smallest of these endorphin-releasing experiences can have on our emotional well-being. Like a gentle ripple on the surface of a still pond, they have the capacity to radiate outward, touching every aspect of our lives with their healing, energizing, and uplifting influence.

Embracing Life with Curiosity and Wonder

With each new discovery, each novel experience, and each moment of mindful presence, we open ourselves to the vast potential that endorphins hold. They beckon us to embrace life with a sense of curiosity, wonder, and an unwavering commitment to seek out the experiences that nourish our souls and ignite our hearts with the flames of joy, contentment, and emotional fulfillment.

Weaving Our Unique Threads into the Tapestry

So, let us continue to explore this ever-expanding tapestry, weaving our own unique threads into its intricate design. For in doing so, we not only enrich our own emotional landscapes but also contribute to the collective tapestry of human experience, inspiring others to embark on their own journeys of endorphin-fueled positivity and emotional well-being.

A Testament to Boundless Potential

The list may seem endless, but it is a testament to the boundless potential that lies within each of us – a potential that can be unlocked through the remarkable power of endorphins and the myriad of experiences that awaken their transformative effects. Embrace this journey with an open heart and an insatiable thirst for discovery, for it is through this pursuit that we can truly elevate our emotional lives to new heights of joy, fulfillment, and profound connection with the world around us.
submitted by wotd1 to Word_of_The_Day_Affir [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:53 imaginedratinis Sincere requests from an active player

I'm only typing this because I believe there are people at Arrowhead who care about this game and want to make it great. I've spent countless hrs playing this game and I really do enjoy it (currently lvl 110, only saying this as support that I play the game A LOT) but it's starting to feel like fewer players are online. I like that this game is designed to be hard, but can we focus on perhaps making the game more enjoyable through removing nagging frustrations? These are a few of my humble suggestions:
So I know this is a lot and thank you for reading. I'm passionate about this game because I really want to see it grow. Every time there's are updates, inevitably there will be grumbling about change, but I have seen a lot of my mates fall off this game. I personally like the challenge of the game but it does feel like every update obsesses on taking advantages away from the helldiver and that same isn't applied to the enemy. When two or three of these advantages occur, you take it in stride but when you play a good game and still get relentlessly hit with these unfair glitches it just turns players off. Anyway, I am rooting for you all because I love the game, but like all toxic relationships, you can only love something for so long as it continues to mistreat you. Keep the game hard but please remember that it should be fun first!
submitted by imaginedratinis to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:52 IamPastry Reyna is a failure of game design

Reyna is a failure of game design
Reyna is poorly designed in Valorant and doesn't teach players how to play the game properly, leading to a high amount of Reyna mains in mid-high elo with the game sense of a bronze player. In this essay i will... etc etc
The only lesson to be learned from your mistakes playing Reyna is that you didn't get the kill
  1. Reyna does not teach players to position well
Imagine this scenario where, on round start, a defender runs it down B long on bind looking for a pick and runs into the entire enemy team.
Your average scenario here with almost any agent is that you run out into a 1v5 and die. You'd probably think to yourself "wow all 5 of them were there, that was a dumb spot to stand. I should play further back so I can escape or get a teammate to double peek with me and use util to secure."
Now let's swap that out for Reyna.
Reyna runs out, sees 5 enemies and dies, but instead the lesson learned is
"My aim was bad, I would've been fine if I got a kill."
Reyna will then try the same strategy again, and when she gets a kill she is rewarded and her behaviour is reinforced by dismissing and retreating back to site.
2. Reyna does not teach players how to effectively use utility for anyone other than herself
Reyna's only situational piece of utility is a near-sight blind. She is the only character in the entire game that has a castable blind with NO downsides. Every single other ability in the game that blinds affects your teammates. It's also one of 2 blinds in the entire game that goes through walls. If you throw a skye flash directly out into the middle of a fight or throw your omen blind from the backline you could blind your whole team and lose the fight.
Picture this scenario on Ascent A-site. Attacker team is doing a full push against 3 defenders on A.
If omen misuses his blind here, he blinds the Jett playing dice, but also blinds his Deadlock and Clove. This puts the attackers at a massive disadvantage. Omen's team loses the push and Omen gets flamed for team flashing. Omen, who wants to avoid this in the future, learns from his mistake. He now knows that he needs to stand off to the side, or be aware of where his teammates are standing when he throws his blind.
Now we swap omen out for Reyna
Reyna can throw her blind anywhere, in any situation. It blinds anyone who can see it from any range. Reyna's team pushes the site, and if Reyna and her team dies her only lesson to be learned again is
"My aim was bad, I would've been fine if I got a kill."
3. Reyna does not teach players how to effectively use ultimate abilities
Every single ultimate ability in this game except for Reyna's has a set of use case scenarios, and a set of non-use case scenarios. For example, you wouldn't phoenix ult in the middle of site, you'd get punished. You wouldn't use your kj ult in mid, you'd get punished. Reyna's ultimate is the only ultimate in the entire game that can be used effectively on round start every time it's available. There is no downside to using the Reyna ult, you cannot disadvantage or kill your teammates with the Reyna ult, you cannot put yourself at a disadvantage with the Reyna ult. You cannot waste the Reyna ult by any measure other than inactivity. The only lesson to be learned from dying and losing the Reyna ult is, again:
"My aim was bad, I would've been fine if I got a kill."
4. Reyna does not teach players about trade opportunities
Reyna's dismiss and heal mechanics effectively allow her to cancel or heavily mitigate any trade opportunities presented to her enemies.
In this scenario on Split's mail/heaven area, lets pretend it's pistol round and everyone here has a ghost and no armor. Fade has swung into the Harbor. Fade gets the jump on Harbor and although Harbor manages to heavily tag the Fade, she secures the kill on him. As soon as this happens Gekko, who is nearby is able to quickly swing into position before the Fade is ready and secure the kill, trading out his teammate and securing the round. If Gekko is faster and both players are able to fight Fade together, she is very likely to still lose, even if she kills the Harbor. Fade has learned a valuable lesson in that if she is taking a fight, she needs to be prepared for someone else to swing her and take measures, such as backing off the angle and re-positioning, using dog to stop the trade, or playing a safer angle to begin with. If Fade takes damage in a fight, she's less likely to win the next fight and will likely be traded out. Now lets swap Fade out for Reyna:
Again, lets pretend it's pistol round and all 3 players have a ghost. Reyna pushes and while Harbor manages to heavily tag her, Reyna secures the kill. Reyna immediately activates her heal and is suddenly swung by Gekko. She now has more health than she had when she was fighting Harbor, and is able to secure the kill on Gekko as well. Reyna does not have to worry about being tagged and easily traded out on low-hp, and therefore does not need to have a plan to disengage. If Gekko is able to swing before Harbor is killed, as long as Reyna gets the kill on Harbor, she is able to dismiss and disengage from the fight and cancel the trade for free. If Reyna loses this fight, the only lesson to be learned is, again:
"My aim was bad, I would've been fine if I got a kill."
So where does this leave players that only play Reyna? They've learned in almost every situation that their aim was poor and that they just needed to secure the kill to win. Every win condition in Valorant is getting the kill. There are no nuances or complex mechanics to interact with in this game as long as you get the kill. You do not need to perfect your utility usage and site takes as long as you get the kill. You don't need to worry about being traded as long as you get the kill.
What are the consequences of this?
We've seen from the above examples that Reyna is far too easy and far too forgiving to players, and while other players using different agents are climbing the ranks learning a wide variety of skills such as effective utility usage, strategy, positioning, teamwork and other meta-knowledge, Reyna players are learning that their only mistake was not getting the kill.
Thank you for listening to my TED talk
tl;dr reyna as an agent does not have to interact with almost any of the complex systems and strategies of Valorant and people that only play Reyna are not given equal learning opportunities to their peers, only developing their aim leaving their game sense in the gutter.
submitted by IamPastry to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:50 Xiaowen-Z We Made Large 2B Clients But None 2C Users, After 8 Years, We Decided To Reduced Our Product Price by 80%

What is ZenUML?

ZenUML is one of the best Sequence Diagram as Code solution in the industry.
It's considered "unique" because, unlike Mermaid or PlantUML, which are essentially Text2Diagram tools, Code2Diagram is not just text, but "logical text" with a domain-specific language syntax.
A diagram is a visualization of logic.
In the realm of sequence diagrams, we believe ZenUML is currently one-of-a-kind.

What Can Sequence Diagrams Do?

"Sequence diagrams, the only good thing UML brought to software development"
This article, written by the founder and CTO of Mermaid, resonates deeply with me. In reality, no matter how complex the logic, when implemented in a program, it ultimately follows a sequence; no matter how intricate the business, when broken down into processes, it also has an order.
Therefore, over the past decade, the only diagramming habit I've maintained is creating sequence diagrams. In fact, sequence diagrams go far beyond just software component design.
These are so many "best practices" I've accumulated, and I hope to have the opportunity to share them.
Example of Sequence Diagram on ZenUML:

The Lifecycle of a Diagram

In reality, there are two types of diagrams.
One type is drawn for a one-time presentation: we should use tools like Excalidraw as freely as possible because they create visually appealing diagrams.
The other type is drawn for maintenance. These diagrams become part of our knowledge base, serving as carriers of knowledge or even knowledge itself. Their purpose is not for people to simply look at—their purpose is to help people understand knowledge faster.
In businesses, I've seen countless vsdx files that no one is willing to maintain anymore because once the visualization becomes disconnected from the underlying logical knowledge, the mental burden of picking it up again is immense.
I do believe that 'Diagram as code' is the only solution. If you need diagrams to assist your knowledge over the long term, evolving alongside your designs and knowledge, then don't let everything start with a blank canvas.

New Pricing Model and My Vision

We have made pretty a lot large clients on Atlassian Platform. The value of sequence diagrams and ZenUML is recognized in many ways in industry, however our very first SaaS product has less than 10 users in past 8 years. We didn't promote enough of course is one of the reasons, however we are also not considering our SaaS product has to be profitable.
As long as we believe the product and the best practise along with it can value more and more people, we decide to make a significant price reduction from this month.
With the launch of new features and a new UI, we've introduced annual subscriptions and significantly reduced the price of annual subscriptions. This is not because we believe the tool is not valuable, but because we want more people to get used to the idea that "diagrams" are a language and a form of expression, a way of life that should be a permanent part of your valuable logic and knowledge.
Original , 4.99 or 7.99 monthly ->
New Pricing, 0.87 or 1.25 montly when annual billing ->
This shouldn't be the kind of diagramming tool that you use to create a single image for social media. It should be an integral part of your knowledge, capable of evolving alongside your design and remaining perpetually up-to-date.

Upcoming New Features

In the future, we will also introduce a series of AI-powered features under diagramly, and ultimately they will be integrated into the same ecosystem as a whole. Many features are still in testing, but I personally have already heavily reliant on them and can't live without them.


Welcome aboard and check it out! Feel free to DM me with any feedback or suggestions for features. ZenUML
submitted by Xiaowen-Z to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:47 ranowear The Importance of Comfortable Lingerie

Finding the perfect lingerie is about more than just looking good – it's also about feeling good. Comfort should be a top priority when it comes to choosing your undergarments. After all, if you're not comfortable, how can you feel confident and sexy?
So why does comfort matter when it comes to lingerie? Let's take a closer look.
First and foremost, comfortable lingerie is essential for your overall well-being. Wearing ill-fitting or constricting undergarments can lead to discomfort, irritation, and even health issues such as chafing, skin irritation, or even nerve damage. These issues can range from minor annoyances to more serious health concerns, and they can all be avoided by simply wearing comfortable lingerie.
In addition to physical well-being, comfortable lingerie also has a direct impact on your mental and emotional well-being. When you're wearing something that is uncomfortable, it can be a constant distraction and source of discomfort throughout the day. This can lead to feeling self-conscious, anxious, or even miserable. On the other hand, when you're wearing lingerie that fits well and feels good on your body, it can boost your confidence, make you feel more at ease, and enhance your overall mood.
Another reason why comfort matters when it comes to lingerie is because it affects the way your clothes fit and look on your body. Ill-fitting undergarments can create bulges, lines, or bumps under your clothes, making them appear less flattering. On the other hand, comfortable lingerie can provide a smooth and seamless foundation for your clothing, helping to enhance your silhouette and make your outfits look better overall.
So what should you look for when it comes to comfortable lingerie? The most important factor is the fit. Make sure to measure yourself correctly and try on different sizes and styles to find the perfect fit for your body. Look for materials that are soft, breathable, and stretchy for maximum comfort. It's also important to consider the style of the lingerie – some people may find certain styles more comfortable than others, so it's worth experimenting to find what works best for you.
When it comes to comfort, it's also important to consider the occasion. While thongs and lacy bras may look sexy, they may not always be the most comfortable option for everyday wear. On the other hand, comfortable lingerie can still be stylish and attractive. Look for brands that prioritize both comfort and design, and don't be afraid to mix and match styles to find the perfect combination of comfort and sexiness.
Lastly, remember that comfort is not just for your own benefit – it can also enhance your intimate experiences with a partner. When you feel comfortable and at ease in your lingerie, you can fully relax and enjoy the moment without any distractions or discomfort. So don't underestimate the power of comfortable lingerie in spicing up your love life.
In conclusion, comfort matters when it comes to lingerie. From your physical and mental well-being to the way your clothes fit and look, comfortable lingerie can have a significant impact on your day-to-day life. So take the time to find the perfect fit and style for your body and embrace the confidence and comfort that comes with it.
submitted by ranowear to u/ranowear [link] [comments]