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Hair Transplant Forum

2014.10.09 22:00 fueblog Hair Transplant Forum

This Hair Transplant Forum aims to provide objective information about hair transplants.

2012.09.13 01:21 guestHITA KetoScience

KetoScience is dedicated to being the center for online discussion on the latest scientific discoveries in the broad and expanding role of the ketogenic diet in reversing chronic disease. We post RCTs, prospective cohorts, epidemiology, and case studies and discuss the pro's and con's of each. We discuss type 2 diabetes, gout, Alzheimer's, mild cognitive impairment, obesity, epilepsy, mental illness, autoimmune diseases, metabolic syndrome, sugar, omega 6 polyunsaturated seed oils, & more!

2015.03.09 06:18 soberasfuck TV shows and movies about fat people

Shows about fat and obese people. Fascinating stuff

2024.05.29 05:09 jawest1991x I 32m share a kid with my ex 30f and want her back more than anything in the world.

Just as the title suggests I'm seeking advice on how to get my ex back. I 32m and her 30f were in a relationship for just shy of 6 years. For context, her and I dated for about a year when I was 19. That ended with her going through psychosis and leaving me for that reason. She basically vanished, but fast forward 5/6 years, she reached out to me after I had broken up with another ex and very clearly wanted to try and get back together. For the first 4 years it was amazing, we were very in love. Covid came around and I lost my job, we then lost our apartment and wound up at my parents house. Her, myself and my 2 children lived there and over the next 2 years things devolved into regular fighting, little to no sex, her basically separating herself from me until finally pulling the trigger and leaving me last July. I suffered from a bad anger problem, and ultimately that was what drove her away from me over time. The yelling and screaming and outward anger was not healthy for her or myself. Since last July I have been in therapy and sorted a lot of shit out and have begun to heal that side of myself. I've also worked on self improvement and weight loss, ect. Really trying to change myself, because I was very unhappy with what my actions had cost me.
Thankfully we have had little to no issues co parenting and sharing custody of our daughter. She also pretty frequently will take my stepson when she has our daughter. They are still very close, her and my son. I feel like that is a good thing? But I'm unsure
So with that pretext I need advice on what to do to get her back. I've read a lot of posts on here about getting your ex back. The thing I'm stuck on is that most of those methods rely on separation and true time apart. We do not have that, since we broke up I've seen her 1 or more a week for custody exchanges. So I am unsure how to navigate this process.. I brought up the topic of her and I in late January (6 month mark) and we talked about revisiting things. Most of her answers to direct questions about her and I were answered with "I can't answer that question right now".
What do I do? She's agreed to go with both kids and I this coming weekend to an exhibit in our city that's a balloon exhibit. This will be the 1st time we have hung out since February when we were together for my daughter's birthday party. I'm happy to answer any questions that may help me get advice pointing me in the right direction.
TLDR I share a kid with my ex that I was verbally abusive to, and want her back more than anything.
submitted by jawest1991x to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:08 Accomplished_Tea5512 Finally got Mounjaro from the NHS

I'm on a few diabetic pills (T2) and also inject 96 units of insulin a day, despite this my A1C is 17.4, I've lost the feeling in my left foot which has stopped me driving for a while as i can't feel the clutch so i bought an automatic which solved that problem. My eyes are starting to go really bad with background cataracts. I was prescribed Mounjaro from the hospital specialist a few weeks ago. My daily finger prick blood sugar results are now around 8-9 which while still too high it's a massive difference from 17.4 so hoping my next A1C test will be considerably better. I have about 100lbs to lose and i've lost 10 lbs in the first month. I'm on 2.5 ATM and it's helping a lot, i eat less and less often. I still get hungry so it's a bit of a battle but I'm finding it a lot easier with Mounjaro than i did without. Seeing a lot of the weight loss success stories in this group is inspiring and hoping to add to that myself in the future. This is a Fantastic group here on Reddit
submitted by Accomplished_Tea5512 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:05 BigGuidance6799 25M - Looking for a Weight Loss Buddy [GMT+10]

I'm on a mission to shed around 10 to 15 lbs and I'm seeking a motivated buddy to join me on this journey. Living in the GMT+10 timezone, it would be awesome to connect with someone who shares similar goals and can keep each other accountable.Iam happy to share workout/meal plans and progress.
submitted by BigGuidance6799 to GetMotivatedBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:05 ExistentialDreadFrog [WTS] Radian Ramjet Afterburner Combo G19.4, Shadow Systems MR/DR/XR Guide Rod & Spring

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/aDJHgIZ
Splitting these off into separate items since they were split apart from the original item they were being sold as a part of.
$300- Radian Ramjet G19 Gen 3-5, Radian Afterburner Gen 4 Comp
$20- Shadow Systems guide rod and spring assembly, comes with standard weight 18lb spring and Sprinco 15lb spring. Per SS: "Fits MDXR models. Also fits Gen4-5 models 19, 23, 32, 38"
submitted by ExistentialDreadFrog to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:05 AutoNewsAdmin [Lifestyle] - Does Oatzempic actually cause weight loss?

[Lifestyle] - Does Oatzempic actually cause weight loss? submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to TIMESINDIAauto [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:04 newgeek21 How do I lose the holiday weight during fat loss journey?

Hi, I am new to making fitness a part of my routine, and habit. I have lost around 11 pounds by 3 things - 1. Protein rich diet and cutting junk + sugar (3 months) 2. Strength Training x 3 times/week (6 months now) 3. Orange Theory x 3 ( only been 2 months)
Mostly, I am doing food with food but during memorial weekend, I ate outside food (incl. junk) and drank coke too! I hate that I did it but damage is already done. How do I lose the weight gain during vacating? I want to understand what do you guys do as part of regular routine after holiday season - Christmas, thanksgiving, so that the weight gain impact is reduced. Please help!
submitted by newgeek21 to orangetheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:04 Inside_Peace5090 Weight loss first trimester

At my first prenatal appnt I weighed 142 lbs. I’m 5 feet 2 inches tall. At my 9 week appt I weighed 139 and now I’m 136 at 14 weeks. The OB today was a bit worried about the weight loss and wanted me to force myself to eat more during meals. Baby is healthy so far with no complications. I went through low appetite and sickness during the irst trimester. My appetite has slowly picked up the past few weeks and this past weekend I ate a lot of food and I had seconds at dinner for the first time this pregnancy. Normally dinner time is a chore for me and I eat 1/2 of my plate. I was still surprised that I my weight decreased still. Just want to get advice on if this is something to get super concerned about or not.
submitted by Inside_Peace5090 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:01 gutsbabymama am i unworthy of care or respect cause of my body?

putting a tw for: body shaming at a young age, negative food talk, emotional neglect/abuse possibly, bad negative self talk, derealisation, body dysphoria issues, suicidal talk/depression, weight loss talk. plz be advised when reading or don’t if its too heavy.
also this is long, im just hoping someone would take the time to read and provide what they can. no one is obligated to read, thanks.
im genuinely starting to get upset and its killing me inside, when i look for support or any help anywhere there is none. all the content on instagram is targeted towards those who’ve made it past that age and survived having to cover up or not dress how they want. no one ever seems to care about the teen and tween girls who currently deal with this kind of stuff cause it seems to them it doesn’t exist anymore. its disappointing to see and shows i dont belong in any community so i’ve come here
im currently 17 and for the past multiple years ever since i started being heavier around the end of 5th grade it feels like my father has been more ashamed of his daughters body and has tried to cover me up and tell me what i should wear. im also dealing with covering up my severe depression and trauma so theres more thats kinda related to this but i dont want to stray off topic
when i was four my dad put me in the child acting industry based in la/weho. that wasn’t that traumatic for me honestly and didn’t take away from being a child but during that time my dad would sometimes get angry when i wanted a snack such as chips or a cookie, he would threaten me and be like “youre gonna grow as big as a house” or “of course you want the cookies”. keep in mind i was only in early elementary school around this time. and in fifth grade he signed me up for this shoot where it was some sort of tv pilot pitch where it was described as the biggest loser for kids and they had other slimmer kids on set that wore fat suits basically and i was the biggest one there. i belived i had to have a fitness routine at 11 in the fifth grade and started working out for two days
into middle school i started getting known for being a bigger girl but i remember around 7th-8th grade my dad kept saying how the clothes i had were too small when i was just trying to dress trendy or like similar styles like any middle school girl. if not that then it was stuff that was too “childish” or fit snug on me. this is when i started to feel totally repulsed about my body and dreaming about wearing what i wanted. and even to this day he periodically will get upset and disappointed in me being dressed down with my hair up just to do something mundane or for my therapy appointment. i was wearing hoodies or shirts with leggings. i remember when we were at six flags for my birthday and i was wearing a cute tank top that slightly showed a bit of tummy and he forcibly pulled the shirt down.
and getting into high school and up into this point he periodically, gets mad and upset when im wearing a certain outfit to go somewhere simple or drags me into the plus sized women’s section of kohls to look for clothes i don’t need and want. i remember when he took me to get my blood drawn i was on my period and wore pants that i typically do cause im uncomfy naturally on it and he got mad and i went into my room trying to calm down and not argue because its pointless with him, and i already knew he was gonna come in and go in my closet and tell me to change into a different pair of pants i don’t wear or what he liked. i always have to please what he likes or i should be wearing in my size.
up until recently he’s telling me i need to get a new wardrobe, that all my clothes are small when they just fit snug or my tummy shows through, (i go thrifting with my mom alot), and convincing me to shop in the plus sized women’s section of jcpenny and kohls. mind you he’s in his early 60s so i dont wanna hear “who still shops there” cause thats not making me feel better about myself at all. i remember he took me to see the women’s shorts and pants, all straight fitting long shorts that were two sizes too big on me. him sending me pictures of mens shirts that are oversized on me because i have some mens pants that i wear as jeans. when he took me shopping recently for athletic wear and told me i NEEDED new shorts and pants because the ones my mom gets are “too tight” when they fit me comfortably and the shorts i have to try on are long and big on me, i literally put them on and feel disgusting like im dressing for pe class, i dont say anything other than they just look plain in which he tells me im not supposed to look stylish at the gym and be comfortable. but when i wear them to the gym they keep falling down on me past half my ass no matter how much i have the draw string tied and im constantly pulling them up. when i have to struggle to not tell him i dont like any of the stuff he chooses for me or think fits since he gets mad and angry about it but also gets upset when i dont wear any of the things he gets me. and for the past two years i start to realize why he’s getting me to wear oversized or bigger clothes for me, because anything my size is too tight basically.
he’s told me my first cosplay i put together myself at fifteen looks raggedy and made me look like a street urchin, he didn’t let me get thin framed glasses i liked that were in our budget because my head was too wide for them and they just looked ugly to him, when he got a dress i needed for a cosplay in my size he made my mom try it on before i did and told me it was tight on her, said that the brand name suggested it was too small, kept telling i needed a bigger size, then when i tried it on and it fit perfectly he kept wondering if it was too tight. i dont even want to do any cosplay or get better cause of him and i cant even dress or put effort in outfits like i did in middle school. now i just feel like a burden cause of my body, something that needs to be hidden away, like everything is my fault because im bigger.
i feel repulsed and never take pictures, only when i feel like i should. my dad doesn’t take pictures of me anymore or puts up any photos of me in middle school or high school like he did my brother, only those photos of me as a young child. now im dealing with binge eating habits that affect me, weighing more than my parents, having shame about eating in public, feeling guilt when i eat, and not feeling like a person. even if friends take fun pictures of me i feel freaked out. im not living, and i dont know how im supposed to be accepted by this community when im forced to hate myself in real life and get jealous over those who’ve already made it past the shame in hiding themselves or appealing to society’s standards. and this is on top of processing me hiding my autism and severe depression and trauma. i dont want to keep dealing with thinner people who dont understand. and dont even ask if my mother is better, she just tells me that my dad would hate certain clothes and constantly nags me about having to shop at torrid. and im hoping to move out into a dorm around next year but this is something that’s killing me besides other things and i dont have any support because im the biggest person i know personally.
submitted by gutsbabymama to DadForAMinute [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:59 Alslocal1 Tired of being sick-diverticulitis/gastritis/IBS

Let me begin by saying that I’ve been pretty healthy for most of my life. My first real health scare came in 2021 when I was diagnosed with Covid pneumonia and had to spend 5 days in the hospital. They gave me remdezevir and nightly stomach shots so that I wouldn’t get blood clots from the meds. Then, In November of 2023 I was diagnosed with diverticulitis after a CT scan revealed the infection. The night before I noticed unusual swelling in my rib cage that wrapped around the left side towards my back. I remember the pain actually started in the center of my spine about 2 months prior to going to the emergency room. It felt like a burning sensation and sometimes it would twinge. I mentioned that to my primary care physician and she ordered an X-ray of my rib cage. All was normal. Two weeks later I had my colonoscopy and all came back clear. No divirticulitis but I still didn’t feel good. In January 2024 I asked my gastroenterologist if he could do an upper GI. He went one step further and ordered an ultrasound too. In February 2024 I was also diagnosed with Gastritis and IBS. In March of 2024 I thought I had a dv flare up and ended up in the emergency room but the dr said no flare up just gastritis and gave me some pantaprazile. Here we are now May 2024 and I still feel terrible. Nausea mainly in the morning , not feeling rested, and still with stomach pains but now the pain has spread to my legs, arms , and ribs. Today I was holding a gallon of milk in my right hand and felt a pain in my middle finger. I can’t really move it now without having pain. Not only have I lost like 30 lbs since November but my Dr has refused to send me a referral to the endocrinologist because my weight has remained constant for a month. Even though my blood work was supposedly normal there were some irregularities like an amnion gap below 4 and high neutrophils and low lymphocytes. I feel like even though I know I have these three illnesses I feel like I’m not getting a full diagnosis. I’m constantly having a new pains in my body not related to the GI. I’ve had insomnia, eye pains, unexplained swelling/pain in my mouth, face, nose, jaw, neck, throat,chest, arms, legs, joints, testicles. I can honestly say I feel pain in just about every part of my body. I feel like I’m falling apart and Im half the man I use to be. 49 years old but I feel like I’m 79. I’m not able to stand for too long without feeling pain and fatigue. I can’t wear a belt because it feels painfully uncomfortable around my waist. Sound , especially in the morning is annoying. I hate wearing socks because it hurts my legs. It takes a lot of energy out of me to even do the simplest things. I use to enjoy mowing my lawn but now it’s impossible to complete. Ib guard has become my best friend as I find that is the only med that gives me relief besides ibuprofen and aleve. I just find it hard to believe that my health can diteriurate so fast in such as a short time. So many days I ask God to take the pain away and to make me feel like I use to feel, Alive!!!. Every day is a constant battle of mind , body and soul. If anyone else feels similar or would like to share their story I’m all ears. Maybe if enough of us share our stories we can find some type of therapy in the words and hopefully we can also find what we are all looking for ….peace , hope, health, and a normal life again.
submitted by Alslocal1 to Diverticulitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 JMHxTDE 32M, watch any good movies lately ?

32M turning to the internet to meet new people with similar interests, which include film/TV, books, and RPGs. I’d love to watch movie recommendations from someone and then talk about them afterwards.
I have been on a weight-loss journey for a while, and I think it would be cool to have an accountability buddy of sorts.
Unfortunately, like too many people, I deal with anxiety and depression, and would like to talk to someone who understands what that's like.
I write as a hobby, and I'd be interested in talking about that with someone who also enjoys writing.
Overall, if you'd like to message me, please feel free to do so. I like to consider myself a good listener, and I'd be happy to meet you.
submitted by JMHxTDE to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:54 Jipino97 3 year old mix breed is having GI issues and is pooping blood. Very scared

Species: pitbull/australian cattle dog/lab mix Age: 3 Sex: male neutered Breed: same as above Body weight: 60 lbs History: dog has had Giardia in the past about five months ago. New onset of diarrhea within the last 36 hours with stool becoming progressively softer with each bowel movement. Dog had diarrhea four days ago with a tinge of blood but symptoms improved. Energy levels remain unaffected until yesterday. We took the dog to the vet this afternoon and they took a stool sample and gave him a bolus of IV fluids. They also got him on metronidazole 250 mg every 12 hrs and Fenbendazole.
The first time he had Giardia, he never had blood . We have been feeding him chicken and rice and he has had about one cup of food. Last movement was six hours prior to current one. Current movement was liquid brown with yellow bile and spots of mucousy blood. The blood wasn’t substantial, but definitely noticeable.
Clinical signs: lethargy noted as of this afternoon, but unknown if it is related to medication. Aside from that energy levels have been unaffected. Waiting on lab results for stool sample.
Duration: 36 hours ago, diarrhea began. Blood happened 30 minutes ago.
General location: ABQ, NM
image of latest BM.
submitted by Jipino97 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:50 takovpekh Inner back toe removal for front leg amputee?

Hi all,
Our 10+ year old Olde English Bulldog has developed another toe tumor, the second in 2-3 months. The first one was removed, and he did well in recovery because it was a non-weight-bearing toe. It was an urgent removal because, after two weeks of clindamycin, gabapentin, CBD, and galliprant, he licked it so much it burst open. The biopsy came back okay enough for us to go into wait-and-watch mode, and he'd been fine until the past few weeks. Blood work was also normal.
It's started again, but this time on the second from the innermost toe on his back R paw. When we first saw it, our vet aspirated the toe which was mostly WBC with a random other cell (I'm blanking on the name), chest x-ray was clear, and for the ultrasound, there were a few teeny tiny spots on his spleen that we need to keep an eye on.
We just finished up another two weeks of antibiotics but it's still growing, and he's still obsessively licking despite all the meds. As the title says, he's only got three legs--his front right leg was amputated 4 years ago when he was diagnosed with chondrosarcoma. I spoke with the vet today after noticing it's gotten significantly worse from two weeks ago, and we had the "big decision" talk of surgery or euthanasia.
At this point, his QOL seems fine. Still eating and drinking, and has bursts of energy followed by lots of couch sleeping. You can tell when he's feeling achy and arthritic, but for the most part, he's too stubborn to care. This is why I'm conflicted.
What brings me here is wanting to know with his old man mobility plus being a front-leg amputee, how bad would recovery be from losing a weight-bearing toe? Here are his details:
* Species: Dog
* Age: 10+ years
* Sex/Neuter status: Male/Neutered
* Breed: Olde English Bulldogge
* Body weight: 68 lbs
* History: 6 yrs - Chondrosarcoma (Front R Leg amputation & small lump removal on R hip), 9 yrs - R hip lump regrowth (removed Oct '23), 10 yrs - Tumor on back L paw (removed Feb '24), seasonal & food allergies, arthritis in spine & hips
* Clinical signs: toe redness, swelling, constant licking
* Duration: 3ish weeks
* Your general location: Northeast US
Thanks for any advice you can give!
submitted by takovpekh to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:49 blurryturtle 2024 Roland Garros Men's Round Two Wednesday Matches

To get this up early, I’m splitting the two days of round 2. Here’s Wednesday’s ATP. The WTA Wednesday matches will go up around 12:30AM EST.

Rublev vs Martinez :

For a good chunk of his career, Rublev has made quick work of matches like this. When he’s the bigger hitter and his opponent doesn’t have a huge serve, he’s supposed to thrive. Lately though, Andrey hasn’t been automatic in these spots. He’s always had a temper, but it’s been on display following his errors lately and it has given his opponents belief. Taro Daniel won a set, and Martinez is at least as good as him. 5 sets with Tirante doesn’t indicate he’s ready to upset Rublev, but I would expect the bulk of this to be fairly competitive. Rublev in 4.

Muller vs Arnadli :

Muller scored a comfortable victory against Luca Nardi in the opening round, and he will continue to battle the Italian federation in round two against Matteo Arnaldi. Arnaldi had a fairly easy time with Arthur Fils, despite getting broken 6 times. Fils is a solid player with all the attributes to be a top player on clay, but he has no patience. He’s extremely willing to go for broke from any position, and when the rally stretches long he tries to hit the big shot as soon as it appears. As a fan, I want to see big shots, but to win on clay you need to play a more conservative approach. Arnaldi is way more stable from the baseline than Fils, but bailing out of rallies early isn’t the right plan because it means Arnaldi doesn’t really feel like he has to do anything special to win.
Muller will hang in rallies longer and is a good bit better than Fils on clay, but he doesn’t have this level of win on his resume yet. Arnaldi’s register is very high and I mostly only see him losing to players who hit bigger. I expect him to have to work harder and longer than he did against Fils, but this should go to Arnaldi in 3-4.

Sonego vs Zhang :

Immense power. A huge forehand. Inconsistent results. A cannon of a serve but a slightly subpar backhand. Which player am I describing? This is a matchup that is very close. Humbert fell apart against Koepfer last week in Lyon and his slump continued, allowing Sonego to get a much-needed win. Zhang had a great draw and took advantage of it, besting Vukic in 4. The big difference I see in these two players is the speed. Sonego is a bit quicker around the court and that might allow him to win a few extra points. Given they both have the ability to protect their service games I would expect a tiebreaker or two, and at least 4 sets. I’m a big Zhang fan but he hasn’t been as good on clay as he was in the Challenger grind, so Sonego in 4-5.

Altmaier vs Tsitsipas :

Tsitsipas was clinical in beating Fucsovics in round one. He’s back with Badosa, he’s a dark horse to win this event, and he’s playing great tennis. Having that focus is big for a player who’s struggled for confidence, and Altmaier is a player he can probably beat. Daniel has always been capable on clay, and he has some amazing clashes with big name players like Sinner in the past, but lately I haven’t loved his level. Beating an inactive Djere was honestly good, but I think Tsitsipas is fresh and will be hitting the ball bigger the entire match here. Altmaier moves the ball well but he will very likely get worn down as this progresses. Tsitsipas in 4.

Shelton vs Nishikori :

Nishikori pulling up and beating one of the better qualifiers was impressive, but I guess if we’re being honest Diallo isn’t automatic yet. He has a bright future, but big hitters can often be undone by a slick defender and Nishikori has all the experience in the world. I think this will be fun because Shelton is a lefty. Attacking Nishikori’s backhand will get him punished up the line and cross-court, because Kei has one of the best backhands the tour has ever seen. The downside is Kei just played a five setter so he might be a bit tired, and he’s not serving well enough to score easy points. Shelton’s team hopefully has told him to take his forehand inside out and down the line as often as possible. Shelton in 4.

Auger-Alliassime vs Squire :

Gutsy performance in round one from Squire. Even in the fifth set tiebreak he was still hitting his backhand down the line for effect, and while he double faulted in a few crucial moments he served effectively the entire match. I’m not sure how his game will fare against Felix. FAA is inconsistent but he’s had a good month and he does everything a little bigger than Squire here. Felix in 3-4.

Korda vs Kwon :

Korda winning in straight sets is honestly surprising the way it feels like his season is going. Checking his history though he’s been winning his fair share of matches, it’s just watching his losses that makes me feel he’s struggling. More surprising is Kwon winning in straights. Ruusuvuori continues to struggle on clay and Kwon returning from a layoff to black him is a great result for him. His insistence on pushing the pace and hitting to the open court will bother Korda a bit, but he’s a bit out of his weight class here. Korda’s serving is good enough to get him through here, but Kwon winning in straights means expecting him to just lose in straights is pretty unreasonable. Korda in 4-5. The problem here is Korda is supposed to win this in straights, but Kwon is supposed to lose round one so he’s at a level beyond what we’re estimating him at when we say Korda in 3.

De Jong vs Alcaraz :

Jesper De Jong won the best match of his career in round one, getting past Jack Draper and setting up a matchup against the current tournament favorite. It almost has to be the end of the road, but De Jong will give us our first look at how Alcaraz is playing. Carlos was immaculate in round one, losing only 4 games, but Wolf is just not good on clay, and is having one of his worst runs ever on tour. Alcaraz in 3 is likely again because De Jong doesn’t have the hugest serve, but this will be much more competitive than the Wolf match. Alcaraz in 3-4.

Hurkacz vs Nakashima :

Considering Mochizuki took Hurkacz to 5, Nakashima has to like his chances here. Mochigoat is one of the fun players to watch on tour and his volleys at net are unreal, but Hurkacz is supposed to win that match in a safe manner. Now he’s playing Nakashima who won against Moreno De Alboran in a solid performance, and has been grinding clay events the entire year, using them almost exclusively to earn his way back into the top 100. Hurkacz won’t necessarily struggle as much in this one; it’s fairly common on tour for players to squeak through a strugglebus performance and feel like they’re freerolling in the next round. You already should have been out, so you play with no pressure and your best tennis comes out.
Hubert’s serve can get him to the finish line against pretty much anyone as well, so Nakashima will have to lock in and try to wear Hurkacz down. It may sound silly, but Isner used to struggle more against the guys that couldn’t ace him. Putting the serve return in is great, but if the other player is a solid baseliner, it means you’re playing 6-8 shot rallies over and over. This can take the legs away from a big server, and Nakashima fits this bill. While I’m bullish on Nakashima here, I think it’s more likely that this will be close enough that anyone can win, and whoever plays the big points better will. A server like Hurkacz in tiebreakers is pretty efficient, and playing a servebot in a 5th is a really tough ask if they’re serving first. Honestly, I saw this match in the draw and thought Nakashima was 50/50, so I’m sticking with it. Nakashima in 5.

Shapovalov vs Tiafoe :

Shapovalov is winning tennis matches again. It’s great to see, but he’s in Dimitrov territory for me. Sure he’s winning, but I’m not going near it because I don’t want to get hurt again. His opponent this round is a player whose range of play goes from “does he even play tennis anymore?” to “omg he’s going to win the US Open” Bellucci almost had Tiafoe, and a few big returns for Tiafoe ended up being the key in the end. Tiafoe will probably be competitive here, and playing a lefty the round before means his backhand got a good workout and he’ll be comfortable with the generic patterns that a lefty will bring. Shapovalov hits bigger than Tiafoe regularly, and it will take a big step up in effort/consistency from Tiafoe to win this. Given his serving ability and the underlying ability to play top level tennis, being sure Tiafoe will lose here doesn’t make sense. I’m expecting a match where both players will be pretty frustrated at times, and I think the one who’s more willing to lock in and play stingy defensive tennis will win. For once, that seems to be Shapo. Shapovalov in 4-5.

Bergs vs Marterer :

There were some wild first round results, but Tabilo losing quickly to Zizou Bergs was one of the biggest. Not only does he get a huge result, but he’s a favorite to win his second round also. Marterer has gotten a lot of respect and fallen short on tour for a few seasons, but he made good on the respect and beat Thompson in 3. Marterer is a powerful lefty who crushes the ball, and the one problem with his game is he sort of plays at one speed. Hitting big is great but he sometimes plays his opponents into form by showing them the same pace over and over. Shapovalov had a similar problem during his slump as well. Marterer shouldn’t be counted out of this match at all, but Bergs is much quicker around the court and I think Maximilian’s backhand will get worn down eventually. Bergs in 4.

Maroszan vs Dimitrov :

I’ll take tickets to this match. Both are through in straight sets, and both hit extremely clean and play skilled tennis. Maroszan can win this match, but I think Dimitrov’s ability to defend will eventually get him through. Maroszan’s power and forehand are good enough to hit some winners, but he also scores a lot off of dropshots. I think it’s still a viable option, but Dimitrov’s speed will make it a risky option. Expecting a high level clash here and when both players are extremely skilled sets usually get traded. Dimitrov in 4 is what I suspect, but since it’s his defense I expect to get him across the finish line this could easily go 5. Maroszan is really good, and it’s just fitness and decision-making that are left for him to work on.

Moutet vs Shevchenko :

Moutet’s coach got a bit spicy before the Jarry match, allegedly mad about fans’ behavior in the Moutet Jarry clash in Chile. It seemed to work, as Moutet played some of the best tennis he ever has and beat Jarry in 4 exhilarating sets. That same level should win this contest, but a slightly different style of opponent can complicate things. Shevchenko is a plucky baseliner and he will make Moutet earn all his points. He managed to outlast Karatsev in round one in a 5 set clash that had a million changes in momentum and 21 breaks. Moutet’s level was higher, but besting another offense is sometimes a simpler task. Shevchenko is going to put the ball in annoying spots and try to outlast Moutet, so this is a mental test. I think Moutet is up for it, but I could see it taking some time to happen. Moutet in 4.

Ofner vs Baez :

Gustavo Heide should be on everyone’s radar now. He hits the ball huge and clean, and has one of the better serves from the young crop of talents on tour. Honestly, when I first saw him 2 years ago I think he was a servebot and an old guy, and now his baseline game has developed in a major way and somehow he’s 22. Stay still Gustavo! Baez had this mostly wrapped up and Heide was tired, and then he won 2 lopsided sets in a row. I was expecting Baez to go on a run here, and he played Ruud close in Geneva so this is a good reprieve for him (playing Ofner). Ofner beat Atmane in 5 and he has the power to compete with Baez, but not the consistency. The 5 setter with Heide was surprising, but I’m willing to chalk it up to Heide’s high level rather than Baez being a flight risk. Baez in 4.

Kotov vs Wawrinka :

Hehe. Kinda fair for these two to play each other. If there were any two players to look both ways during a changeover and then sneak a cupcake out of their bag and scarf it, it’s these two offensive wizards. Kotov managed to outlast Norrie which is honestly a tremendous win, and Wawrinka continued his clay dominance against Murray in a straight set win. Kotov is a little better and has more stamina at this point, but Wawrinka is serving well and I expect him to win at least 1 of the first two sets.
Wawrinka has been losing to a lot of players right around Kotov’s level recently (Martinez in 2, ARV in 3, Borges in 3) so it’s tempting but tricky to declare him a winner. Tennis-wise, my brain won’t let me see Kotov winning. Pavel serves well and hits big, and for a guy who appears out of shape he wins a lot of marathon matches and has good power late in the game. 5 sets with Norrie isn’t going to help him here, and if Wawrinka can get up 2-0 or 2-1 it could easily be goodnight just because he can then open up. Norrie is a tough out, but on clay his shots don’t really clear the court. Wawrinka is almost a clay specialist at this point in his career, and he serves a lot bigger than Cam also.
This is wide open, and if I could skip a match, it’d be this one. Wawrinka in 4 or Kotov in 5. Stan needs to win quickly, but his recent results don’t make it realistic. You can point to him smoking Murray, but Murray is really a gimme these days on clay.

Gasquet vs Sinner :

Jannik Sinner has filled the void that the gradual departure of the big 3 is creating. He was always a tremendous player, but now he’s become extremely reliable at that level. His returning is world class, his serve is constantly improving, and his baseline game is now measured and tactical rather than an all-out assault. He knows when to just put the ball in play, and his footwork is constant. I love it. Gasquet turned back the clock and smoked Coric in straight sets, but the road probably ends here. This will be a high-level match and the crowd will be behind Gasquet in a major way. Jannik is a classy kid and will understand the atmosphere and respect it enough to navigate to the finish line. Sinner in 3-4.
submitted by blurryturtle to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:49 Luce2022 Prozac to Celexa?

Hi all, my dr is suggesting I switch from Prozac to celexa because I’ve been on Prozac for years and it doesn’t seem to be helping much anymore. I also have a weight issue and it’s possible celexa will help curb my appetite. Have any of you had experience with celexa and losing weight (and fighting your depression)? Thank you!
submitted by Luce2022 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:48 Naomithegoddess444 Eating after exercising

Hi! I’m currently intermittent fasting and eating on a calorie deficit with a goal of losing 2 pounds a week. Last time I lost weight I did it in a not so healthy way and lost it very rapidly as a result I lost quite a bit of hair. I’ve gained some of the weight back while recovering from my eating disorder and I’m trying to lose it in a healthy way in order to avoid hair loss. I usually workout once a day and track the amount of calories I burn. If I am already eating at a calorie deficit should I eat back the calories I burn or will that mess up my weight loss. I’m very anxious about losing hair so I’m worried if I don’t eat the calorie back I won’t be getting the correct nutrients that my body needs.
submitted by Naomithegoddess444 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:46 Proof-Performer-1368 Not sure what to do in this situation, really high T and high e2 and HCT

Hello all, I'm currently on injections, 160 mg a week injected 2 times a week, 250 HCG IU, weekly, I got test results back from my Endo, even though I go to a TRT clinic to get my injections. I am not having any morning wood, ED, and libido is up and down. what should I do next? Should I get off TRT? Get dialed in ? I'm at a loss currently, please help. I'm 29m 225 6"2 19% BF My test results were the following. Total T:1027 E2: 54 HCT 52% HGB:17 LSH <0.1 FSH 0.3 FREE T3 3.8 Free t4 0.9
submitted by Proof-Performer-1368 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:41 Nenabobena 6 months - 50lbs down

I’ve never lost this much weight before. Not even after childbirth. Granted, I’ve never had this much weight to lose before, but still kind of surreal. I was steadily losing an average of 1 pound per week until I got to the 9mg and 12mg dose, then I almost tripled my weekly loss. Nausea continues every week about 24-48 hours after the shot, but zofran helps. I get dizzy often when I suddenly get up but I don’t feel shaky like a did a few months ago. I don’t think it’s low blood sugar. That’s the update. I have about 20 lbs. to go and a whole year left in the trial.
submitted by Nenabobena to RetatrutideTrial [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:32 OkTrainer1919 New job, Weight Loss

Started this new housemen job. Requiring me to move and set up tables and chairs for weddings and events. Cleaning and doing laundry, I haven't been moving or doing any activity as much since before COVID ( 2020 ). So I noticed the. Clothes my work gave me feels baggy after four weeks and seen I've lost 10 pounds since starting the job. They give free food everyday and water. So my water intake since I'm tired and thirsty all the time is a lot. They also give veggies and good healthy meals for lunch. Im waiting for my payday in two days and said I would buy a exercise bike for when I get home and for off days. I'm more motivated than ever and feel great. Any advice on staying consistent.
submitted by OkTrainer1919 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:31 Supratim_Akaash_Paul Renowned Celebrity Cosmetologist Supratim Akaash Paul pens down a wonderful piece on being “Body Beautiful” for The Telegraph

Renowned Celebrity Cosmetologist Supratim Akaash Paul pens down a wonderful piece on being “Body Beautiful” for The Telegraph
Ace celebrity dermatologist and clinical cosmetologist Dr. Supratim Akaash Paul writes for The Telegraph on how to be “Body Beautiful”

supratimakaashpaul #supratim #akaash #paul #dr #paul #drpaulsgroupofcompanies #drpaul #the #telegraph #dr #paul’s #group #of #companies #best #celebrity #dermatologist #cosmetologist #in #kolkata #mumbai #dubai #singapore #california #spain #integrative #lifestyle #medicine #expert #beauty #wellness #the #telegraph

submitted by Supratim_Akaash_Paul to u/Supratim_Akaash_Paul [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:31 lunaraekatiemae Scared to buy new clothes

Maybe I’m crazy but I’m having a hard time buying my current new size. My entire life I’ve always been at least an XL and before I started my weight loss journey I got up into 2x and 3x but now even xl is way too big in most things and checking size charts I’m a L now in almost everything not in china sizing. It feel great not having to find the biggest item on the rack but buying size large makes me incredibly nervous …like buying it is going to jinx me into gaining the weight back again… same goes for getting rid of my stuff that’s too big.. if I get rid of it I’ll need it again. Maybe I’m crazy. Maybe I’m just doubting myself too much .. out of habit I bought a size xl pair of legging and they gap so bad in the waist so I know I need to buy smaller but it’s hard. Does anyone else feel this way? I want to dress for the body I have not for the one I had …but… anxiety 😥 Also 29 f sw 271 cw 209
submitted by lunaraekatiemae to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:29 HamSoloooo H: Trade list W: Apparel, leader bobble head, ult .45 offers

H: Trade list W: Apparel, leader bobble head, ult .45 offers
Will def consider any commando offers too!
submitted by HamSoloooo to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:28 Shoddy_Many5266 Java Burn Reviews – Real Weight Loss Breakthrough?

Java Burn Reviews – Real Weight Loss Breakthrough? submitted by Shoddy_Many5266 to VirtueSupplements [link] [comments]
