Sks sporter semi auto stock

Molot VEPR-12

2020.05.28 05:33 greekplaya990 Molot VEPR-12

Subreddit for the Molot VEPR-12 Shotgun

2024.05.16 01:46 Oldfudge01 Type 7 Class 2 SOT Question

If I were to combine a semi automatic rifle with a full auto lower what exactly would I need to do for paper work? Just a form 2? If so I am also trying to figure out what else would be needed to make it work I am trying to build a fully automatic H&K MP5 if I can.
submitted by Oldfudge01 to FFLs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:18 wtsui Unveiling Warren Buffett's Top Q1 Stock Picks with AI Legalese Decoder: Berkshire's 'Mystery' Bet Revealed
submitted by wtsui to legalselfserve [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:08 HazedExistence H: Lots of Weapons W: Wishlist Offers

I have a wishlist at the bottom of this list to help guide offers. I am willing to bundle for a wishlist item depending on the trade. Let me know if you have any questions about my abbreviations. Thanks for looking at my post!

Weapons for Trade:

Anti Armor AA E 15fr BPP
AA 50c 15fr AGL
AA 50vhit 90 broadsider
AA FSS 25LVC chainsaw
AA 50c 25LVC broadsider
AA FFR 15fr minigun
AA FSS 25LVC mr handy buzz blade
AA E 15v railway
AA E 15fr pipe revolver
AA 50LD 15fr epr
AA E 15v handmade
AA FFR 15v handmade
AA FFR 25LVC gat laser
AA 50c 50dur plasma rifle
AA FFR 15v epr
AA FFR 25LVC missile launcher
AA FSS 25LVC gulper smacker
AA E ghost fixer
Ari E 25LVC 50 cal
Ari FFR 15fr 10mm pistol
Ari FFR 15fr cryolator
Ari FSS +S sledgehammer
Ari 50c 25LVC epr
A 50c 25LVC 50cal
A FFR 15fr LMG
A E 90 minigun
A FFR 15fr railway
A FFR 25LVC cryolator
A FFR 25LVC pump action shotgun
A 50c 25 LVC 10mm submachine gun
A FFR 15fr gat gun
A E 90 gat gun
A FFR 15fr fixer
B 50c 25LVC MMG
B FSS 25LVC sheepsquatch club
B FSS 25LVC meat hook
B FSS 25LVC bowie knife
B FSS 25LVC sheepsquatch staff
B 50c 25LVC drill
B 50vhit 25LVC railway
B 50c 25LVC pipe bolt action rifle
B 50c 25LVC pepper shaker
Exec E 25LVC 50 cal
Exec FSS +S bone hammer
Exec FSS DTWPA chainsaw
Exec FSS 25LVC chainsaw
Exec E 15fr minigun
Exec E 25LVC LMG
Exec FFR 90 gat laser
F FFR 15fr gat plasma
F FFR 25LVC gauss rifle
F FFR 15fr ultra laser rifle
Ghoul Slayer
GS FSS 25LVC boxing glove
GS FSS +S sheepsquatch staff
GS FSS +S cultist dagger
GS FSS +S chainsaw
GS FFR 25LVC handmade
GS FSS 25LVC machete
GS E 15fr handmade
G E 90 50 cal
G 50c 25LVC chainsaw
G FSS +S chainsaw
G FSS 25LVC chainsaw
G E 15fr minigun
G E 25LVC hunting rifle
G E 25LVC minigun
G 50c 25LVC railway rifle
G PA DTWPA ripper
G E 25LVC submachine gun
G FFR 25LVC ultra laser pistol
I E 15fr 10mm pistol
I FFR 25LVC alien blaster
I FFR 25LVC pump action shotgun
I FSS +S sledgehammer
I E 90 gat gun
I E 15fr railway
I FSS +S radstag hunting knife
J FFR 15fr gat laser
J FSS +S golf club
J FSS 25LVC guitar sword
J FSS +S pitchfork
J FFR 25LVC railway
J FFR 25LVC combat rifle
J FFR 25LVC western revolver
J FFR 15fr combat shotgun
Mutant Slayers
MS E 15fr BPP
MS E 15fr LMG
MS FSS 25LVC power fist
MS E 90 gat gun
MS E 25LVC submachine gun
M FFR 90 50 cal
M FFR 25LVC laser rifle
M FFR 25LVC pump action shotgun
M FFR 15fr minigun
M FSS +S multi purpose axe
M E 15fr pipe revolver
M E 25LVC western revolver
M 50c 25LVC tesla rifle
Q E 15v 50 cal
Q 50vhit 25LVC broadsider
Q FFR 15v radium rifle
Q 50c 90 cryolator
Q FFR FMSWA minigun
Q FFR ghost pepper shaker
Q 50c 15fr radium rifle
Q FFR 25LVC assault rifle
Q FFR ghost handmade
Q E ghost fixer
Two shot
TS E 50dur fixer
TS FFR 15fr fixer
TS 50vhit 15fr fixer
TS 50vhit 25LVC fixer
TS FFR 15fr harpoon gun
TS FFR 25LVC harpoon gun
TS FFR 50dur flamer
TS FFR ghost minigun
TS 50c 50dur enclave plasma rifle
V FFR 15v fixer
V 50c 25LVC bow
V FSS +S grognak axe
V E 25LVC combat rifle
V FSS +S sledgehammer
V E 25LVC handmade
V 50c 25LVC handmade
V FSS 25LVC meat hook
V FFR 25LVC assault rifle
V FFR 15v enclave plasma pistol
Z FFR 25LVC pipe pistol
Z E 15fr handmade
Z FFR 25LVC flamer
Z E 15fr gat gun
Z E 25LVC lever action rifle


419 range the dragons
AA FFR 25LVC/15v alien disintegrator or similar
Assassin FSS +S powerfist/ogua gauntlet/boxing glove
AA FSS +S ogua gauntlet
Assassin/AP/HTD/WWR armor (combat, metal, or wood armor)
W/AP/HTD/WWR armor (combat, marine, FSA, or USA)
USA and FSA masks
Glowing fasnacht masks
Leader bobbles
Guns and bullets 3
Guns and bullets 9
Live and love 8
Enclave plasma mods (aligned auto, aligned flamer, forceful stock, stabilized stock)
Davids Trophy
Bulk amounts of junk
submitted by HazedExistence to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:02 Neon570 Win one, lose 2

Lately my 79 foxbody has been just fighting me every step of the way lately.
Finally got it on the road to shake it down, rear pinion bearings were screaming at me. That hurt the wallet alot (paid a garage to do it. Some fights are not worth it)
Fuel gauge on cluster stopped working. Replaced it with an aftermarket auto meter gauge. Turns out my BRAND NEW sending unit suffered a crib death. After I completely filled the tank too
Transmission output shaft bushing is now leaking as well. Cool.
Can you also belive the cheapest short throw shifter I could find is also total shit? Cause I learned that when I rage took it off and went back to stock.
It's almost like this car was completely abused then sat for 20 years. I need a drink
submitted by Neon570 to projectcar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:58 Worth-Secret-8078 Fulmin nerf?

hey so i’ve just logged on for the first time in a couple days and did an update - my fulmin has a pretty decent build for where im at as im landing 40-55k crits regularly with the occasional 60-80k.
i’ve just done a run on ophelia and im landing 5-7k crits regular and the occasional 20-35k crit. oh and just to state we are talking the semi auto mode not full auto.
Is this just me or anyone else had a problem? any help would be great :)
submitted by Worth-Secret-8078 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:33 DudeFace71 H: Grolls, Apparel, Guns, Armor W: List, Apparel, Grolls

Q2525 Railway
Q50c25 Handmade
AA50c25 Elders Mark
Q2525 Fixer
B50c25 Epr
AA50c25 Epr
B2515fr Epf
B2525 Fixer
BE25 Fixer
B2525 Handmade
BE25 Handmade
Q2515fr UC Laser
B2525 UC Laser
AA50c25 UC Laser
B50c25 NU Laser
AA2525 NU Laser
Q2525 Cryolator
V2525 EPR
B40p+1s Chainsaw
AA40p+1s Chainsaw
V40p50bs Chainsaw
AA2515fr Flamer
Q2590wr Q50c90wr
VE25 AAE25
Q2515c TS50c25
B15v25 berE25 ber2525 V50c15fr
B50c15fr BE90wr TSE25
Q50c100 AriE25 TS2525
AAE15c AA2590wr AssE15fr
AA2515c JunkE25
Junk2525 JunkVHC25 Q25dwa25
V50c25 V2590wr
Q50c15fr TSE15c
Q50cStealth JunkE25
B2515fr Ass2525
BE15fr lmg AA2515fr lmg
AA2590wr 50 Cal Q50c15fr lmg
Q50vhc25 cryolator TS2590wr cryolator
QBash90wr minigun ass2515fr cryolator
BE50drwa lmg TS2515fr GP
QE25 LMG, Minigun, Gatling gun
Aa2515fr GP B2515fr pepper shaker
QE15fr Auto pipe TSE15fr Auto Pipe
QE25 Combat Rifle AAE15c elders mark
Q50vhc25 AR Q25100 Tesla TS2525 Tesla
I50c25 bpr VE90wr AR junk2525 epr
VE15fr lever action TSE15fr lever action
Q50vhc25 Plasma rifle BE+1p Fixer
B50c50bs Laser Q50vhc25 Gauss
B50vhc25 Elders Mark Q50c25 10mm smg
JugE15fr elders mark B50vhc25 .45 smg
QE250 auto pipe Q2525 gauss
B50c15fr gamma gun
MUT2525 laser pistol AAE25 10mm pistol
B50c25 M79 B2590 gamma
AA50c25 crossbow I50C25 Crossbow
AA50vhc15c crossbow B50c25 bow
I50c25 Compound B50c90 Compound
B15v50bs chainsaw AA40p50bs ripper
VSSS assaultron blade AA40p40 Drill
AASSS Glove (not sanitized)
V25D+1s chainsaw, BSSS deathclaw
UNY AP SENT Reverse paint FSA RL/LL
OE AP CAV Trapper LA
The rest (lots of good rolls):
TFJ x7
Red Asylum x5
LC x4
TLC x5
Responders Set x7
Loon x3
Bosjs x3
USA x2
FSA x2
Buffoon x2, Crazy Guy x2, Hag
Fiend, Raven x3, Demon, Deathclaw
forest, yellow, pink asylum
Rare bats
Enclave Forceful Stock, Reflex Sight, Aligned Auto
Enclave Calibrated compacitor, Severe Beta Wave
5k sd1 maps
2k L&L 8
2k explosive, 2k energy bobbles
2.5k psychobuff, 2.5k psychotats
Bulk steel
Bulk acid
Specific Wants:
TFJ, Red asylum, LC
Responders Set, FCJS, TLC
Q2525 Auto Pipe
B/I 50vhc 25 compound bow
B50c25 Handmade and Fixer
Q groll fixers/handmades/rails
Grolls (Weps or Armor)
Open to all offers however, let me know what your thinking and we can make a deal :)
submitted by DudeFace71 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:12 AfraidPineapple8526 Madsen difficulty?

Madsen difficulty?
Anybody done a semi auto madsen build? If so how was your experience?
submitted by AfraidPineapple8526 to partskits [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:59 throwaway978542 Major PsyOp Going on Right Now?

God damn, auto-mods did a good job making it tough to try to bring this up with the brigading rule. Has anyone else seen posts on the front page not from blonde hair guy but from DFV alter ego? Tons of posts with hundreds of comments all pushing a stock that's not popcorn but something I've never even heard of until today and is trading under $1. Appears they are trying to make a distraction from what's currently going on with ROARING KITTY and his posts on x, so wouldn't be surprised if superstonk was getting supressed in other ways. Someone please tell me I'm not crazy.
submitted by throwaway978542 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:33 AsheronRealaidain Refill at 'X'...

So as far as I can tell there is no way to do this but I just want to make sure.
I was hoping there was a way to do something similar for storage as there is for cooking. IE I can have my meals auto-pause until I get down to 5/20. One thing that drives me crazy in Rimworld is my colonist constantly re-stocking my food shelves when they are 90% full. Cook makes a meal, someone comes to re-stock. Cook instantly makes another meal and someone else comes to re-stock. Is there anyway to avoid this or have a setting like re-stock when at 20/75?
submitted by AsheronRealaidain to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:29 Eyepoker69 PUBG CONSOLE CUSTOMS

Pubg Customs tonight! 9 pm eastern US launch time. The lobby will be open for 15 minutes prior to launch. First game up will be semi-auto pistols only IN POCHINKI… FPP too. Tonka Trucks will be DUOS with a 3 second revive. Last 2 games will be solo. Comment for the password to get in
submitted by Eyepoker69 to PUBG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:26 Eyepoker69 PUBG CONSOLE CUSTOMS

Pubg Customs tonight! 9 pm eastern US launch time. The lobby will be open for 15 minutes prior to launch. First game up will be semi-auto pistols only IN POCHINKI… FPP too. Tonka Trucks will be DUOS with a 3 second revive. Last 2 games will be solo. Comment for the password to get in
submitted by Eyepoker69 to PUBGConsole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:24 Alex__Moreno Gun Ranges DFW

I'm european and I will be visiting DFW area later this year. I always had a thrist for guns so what better place than Texas to try it out lol What gun ranges would you recommend for someone who doesn't have experience with guns yet? Do I need any permit or can I just go to the range pay the fee and shoot? I want to make the best out of it and try all kinds of guns from semi auto pistols, shotguns and full auto rifles.
Thank yall!
submitted by Alex__Moreno to TexasGuns [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:17 Hollow-Graham H: Weapons, Armor, and mods W: Offers

Any and all offers are welcomed! In search of reflex and forceful stock mods. Leaders, junk, LL3, and flux always appreciated
Weapons: 🔫🔪
——Elders Mark:
——Enclave Rifles, Flamers, Pistols:
AA/25a/25ap Pistol
B/50c/25ap Aligned Auto
N/25a/50bs Stabilized short rifle w/reflex
V/25a/25ap Aligned Auto w/reflex sight
V/50VHC/50BS Pistol
Q/50VHC/1P Aligned Sniper Rifle
M/25FF25AP Auto Rifle w/ Reflex Sight
J/25FF25AP Pistol
B/50C/1P Auto Rifle w/ Reflex Sight
Bers/25FF50BS Aligned Auto Rifle
Aris/50bash/1a Aligned Flamer Rifle
AA/50Limb/25AP Pistol
TS/ff-90 pistol
TS/50c/-90 pistol with stabilized stock
——.50 Cal:
——Gatling plasma:
——10mm Sub:
——Combat Shotgun:
——Lever Action:
Q/50C/25AP (lvl35)
——Combat Rifle:
——Pump Shotgun:
——Pipe Bolt Action:
——Security Baton:
——Bowie Knife:
Autostim/25rad/doctors heavy right arm
Bols/5ap sturdy chest
——Urban Scout:
Uny/1s/AWR Chest
Autostim/25rad/Cav right leg
Bols/1L/AWR left arm
Bols/7ex/WWR right arm
Cham/1intel/improved sneaking left leg
Van/7ex/doctors left leg
——Forest Scout:
Uny/1L/AWR Chest
Van/25rad/improved sneak Chest
Van/1intel/posion left arm
Ass/5ap/electrified left arm
OE/7ex/50bs Chest
Uny/1L/poison light left arm
OE/25fire/Burning sturdy left arm
Van/25fire/rad recovery heavy right arm
Van/5ap/Sent heavy right arm
Van/1s/cav sturdy right leg
Uny/5ap/Cav light left arm
Uny/25poison/jwr sturdy right leg
Van/1P/Cav light left arm
Cham/1Intel/25improved sneak sturdy right arm
Cham/1s/AWR light right arm
Aris/25rad/FDC Chest
Aris/1L/Sent Left Leg
Ass/1A/Jwr Right Arm
Regen/glutton/WWR Right Arm
Van/5ap/15rld Right Leg
Power Armors:🛡️🔋
OE/25fire/FDC Chest
Aris/5ap/JWR left arm
Autostim/7ex/AWR left arm
Bols/1E/ JWR right leg
Noc/1intel/Sent left leg
Regen/5ap/Cav left arm
Enclave Mods:👨‍🔬
Aligned Auto (1x)
Aligned Flamer (2x)
Aligned Short (2x)
Aligned Sniper (1x)
Aligned splitter (3x)
Calibrated Capacitor (3x)
Gamma Wave Emmiter (1x)
Sever Beta Wave Tuner (2x)
Vicious Capacitor (2x)
Precise Stock (2x)
Stabilized Stock (1x)
➕Various other true and stabilized mods (Just Ask)
submitted by Hollow-Graham to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:08 LHeureux Stock LCT RPK 74 Sector gear teeths shaves clean off by new spring or LiPO 11.1??

Hey there, I'm currently replacing a spring for the LCT RPK 74 EBB because the stock spring is too strong for local fields (400+ FPS). So I bought this, store clerk told us it'd be equivalent to a M105 spring :
The website is in Italian since it's an Italian brand, but I found it here too in English:
So I open up the gun (the EBB style is a bitch) and the gearbox is a V3 gearbox quick change, nice! So I replace the spring and reassemble the base to chrono test..I only have a 11.1 LiPO avaible right now, so I figure a couple shots in semi to test won't hurt much, so I shoot two shots and the gun locks up, motor won't spin. (Keep in mind this RPK barely shot at all before since it was out of specs for fields). It spins no problem when outside the gears so it ain't the issue.
I decide to open up the gearbox and I find two sector gears' teeth shaved off and locked inbetween teeths blocking the system. Now my question is, is the LiPO the culprit, the new spring, or a defect? My fault for not waiting to get a 9.6 NiMH or 7.4 battery to test, but I'm surprised it couldn't hold at all
Pictures here:
Now I have to rebuy a new sector gear... Would I be better off rebuying a whole set? And if so which one should I get? I never had to replace gears before and I'm not familiar at all with gear ratios, what they do, to take a delay sector gear or not, brands, etc.
EDIT : I did not reassemble the EBB system with the bolt when just testing FPS, could that be the case? Maybe the EBB system was now too strong without the bolt to pull? Fuck man
submitted by LHeureux to airsoft [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:04 Exact-Expression3073 Semi auto rifle permit question

If you live in two states, NYS and another state, can you purchase a semi auto rifle out of NYS?
Thanks in advance to any answers for this.
submitted by Exact-Expression3073 to NYguns [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:51 Embarrassed_East_487 Ich weiß nicht was ich machen soll bitte helft mir!

Hallo ich wünsche euch allen einen schönen Tag wenn ihr das gerade lest. Bitte ignoriert Rechtschreibung ich bin 14 und habe eine Rechtschreibschwäche also erstmal worum geht es ich habe eine freundin und bitte denk jz nicht das ist irgend so eine kindische beziehung und nein es geht auch nicht darum das irgendwer fremdgeganen ist oder sowas also ich fang mal ganz von vorne an vor einem jahr habe ich meine Konfirmation angefangen und man hat ja da so unterricht beim ersten Unterricht hab ich sie schon gesehen also sie ist mir schon aufgefallen ich verwende wegen dem daten Schutz jz andere namen aufjedenfall haben wir dann irgendwan angefangen zu schreiben und so Sachen halt und das ging dann auch um die 2monate und ich habe dann langsam gedacht es wird Zeit mal die frage zu stellen ich Hab ihr also geschrieben willst du mit mir zsm sein also man kennst ja das übliche zeug aufjedenfall hat sie Dann erstmal gesagt sie will mich noch besser kennelernen warum das aber nicht stimmt dazu komme ich dann später aufjedenfall wir haben uns dann auch getroffen in so Gruppen und auch mal alleine und dann habe ich irgendwann Anfang des Jahres ich glaub es war sogar der 1. Januar nochmal gefragt und dann war auch alles gut wir sind jz seit knapp 5monaten zusammen und eigentlich ist auch alles perfekt wir reden über alles hatten noch nie einen Streit oder so also ich glaube schon das sie es ist aber das problem ist das "eigentlich" weil und das hat schon angefangen bevor ich überhaupt mit ihr zsm war also ihr müsst euch das so vorstellen wir hatten so beide Crush aufeinander aber sie wollte mich halt noch besser kennen lernen und ich weiß nicht genau wie ich es jz formulieren soll aber sie hat mir dann irgendwann geschrieben das was mit ihrer mutter ist und jz kommen wir auch zu dem thema worum es eigentlich in dem post geht um ihre mutter ich weiß auch gar nicht mehr wie es genau angefangen hat aber es halt darm das ihre mutter sie dauerhaft kontrolliert unterdrückt Beleidigt und ihr sagt wie viel besser andere sind kleine Hintergrund Informationen ihre mutter is als Lina ich glaub ca 3,4 jahre halt war an Krebs erkrankt den hat sie aber glücklicherweise überstanden und musste seit dem Tabletten nehmen ich zähl jz ein paar beispiele auf bevor ich zu der sache komme die heute passiert ist z. B vor der Konfirmation man kauft ja dafür so besondere Kleider und ich zum beispiel durfte die komplett selber aus suchen und Lina ist halt zu ihrer Oma gefahren und dort sind sie in einen Laden gegangen und bei allen Kleider die Lina ihrer Mutter gezeigt hat sie gesagt bei das geht ja garnicht und nein das waren nicht solche Kleider die komplett Freizügig waren wo sowas dan gerecht fertigt wäre das waren ganz normale Kleider ihre mutter hat sie aber gezwungen ein Kleid anzuziehen in dem sie so hat sie es mir gesagt sehr unwohl füllt was ihr nicht gefällt sie ihrer mutter dann auch gesagt (ihre Oma hatte noch einen frauen anzug) das sie ja auch gerne den anziehen würde dann hat ihre mutter sie undankbar und Respektlos genannt obwohl Lina während dem sie das gekauft hat ihr 100 mal gesagt hat das sie das nicht will und das sie sich unwohl fühlt usw am ende wurde sie dann gezwungen das anzuziehen das mag jz vll nicht so schlimm erscheinen und ich kann das auch nicht richtig alles wieder geben weil das sonnst alles zu lange gehen würde dann kommen noch sachen dazu wie das die mutter ihr täglich sagt das sie hässlich ist das sie zu viel isst (und glaubt mir sie ist nicht hässlich wirklich nicht) das ihr Nägel hässlich sind das sie sich nicht schminken soll sie durchsucht auch des öfteren einfach mal so ohne grund ihr handy oder einfach ihr zimmer räumt alle Schränke aus und schmeist alles aufden Boden und das problem ist am anfang hab ich ihr auch gesagt sie soll mal versuchen mit ihr richtig darüber zu reden aber das geht nicht also es geht wirklich nicht so macht dann sachen wie sich in ihrem Schrank oder zimmer einzuschlissen oder einfach mal mit dem auto wegfahren und zu sagen wie scheise und wir unfair alles ist und der vater macht auch nix dagegen der hat einfach immer nur ja so ist die halt so war sie schon immer aber dem kann man nichts vorwerfen das geht aber auch ganz weit in die Vergangenheit bis in den Kindergarten zurück meine bester freund wir nennen in B war mit ihr in Kindergarten und in der Grundschule und da sind wohl auch schon sehr viele sachen vorgefallen früher durfte sie z. B (also als sie so 11,12 war) ihr kleider nicht selber aussuchen sie musste immer tragen was ihre mutter ihr gesagt hat und es ist wirklich so das die mutter extremst Narzisstisch und egoistisch ist sie denkt sie ist der main character und sie is die wichtigste und die Gefühle von andren sind egal sie is einfach an wichtigsten ich denke ihr habt jz so ca einen Eindruck wie ihre mutter ist also ich sags ganz böse jz mal sie ist einfach keine gute mutter ich könnte stunden so weiter machen mit solchen sachen ich bin auch echt froh das Lina mir das alles überhaupt erzählt hat weil sie es nicht mal ihren besten Freundinen erzählt hat ich bin praktisch im moment ihre einzige Bezugs person und das was heute passiert ist hat dem ganzen jz den endkick gegeben ich sag nichmal das es das schlimmste ist was passiert ist im Gegenteil es gab noch Dinge die viel schlimmer waren aber ich habe heute entschieden das ich was machen muss weil ich könnte mir sogar echt vorstellen das sie dort auch häusliche Gewalt hat vll jz keine schwere oder so aber aufjedenfall leidet sie massivst mental darunter sie sagt richtig oft das sie das nicht mehr kann und das sie so nicht mehr weiter leben kann und heute hat es halt den endstoß gegeben ich bin ganz normal von der schule gekommen und habe wie immer bißchen mit ihr geschrieben vom tag erzählt und so man kennt es dazu muss ich noch sagen das ich seit ca 2-3wochen hat sie mir nichts mit gesagt ob was mit ihrer mutter passiert ist weswegen ich davon ausgegangen bin dass alles gut sei (plottwist war es nicht) dazu muss ich auch sagen das die mutter immer sofort richtig aggressiv und laut wird z. B hat sie mal eine Packung gummi Bärchen ihrem Zimmer gefunden und hat dann richtig laut rum geschrien das sie zu fett wäre und warum das nicht im Müller einer ist wie gesagt ich könnte die ganze zeit so weiter machen aufjedenfall hat sie mir Dann etwa gegen 14uhr eine 8 Minuten sprachnachricht geschickt und ich habe Schon in ihrer Stimme gehört das sie ihr weinen zurück hält in der audio hat sie dann gesagt das sie Mir jz läbger nicht mehr. Gesagt hat und das es aber alles immer noch gleich ist das sie täglich mehrmals von ihrer mutter beleidigt und w angeschrien wird wegen sachen wie jz noch ein beispiel sie ist ja ein Mädchen was heißt die hat ihre tage und manchmal läuft halt neben der binde ein bisschen Blut in die Unterhose wofür sie ja offensichtlich NICHTS kann sie benutz außerdem schon die dicksten und längsten binden und ihre Mutter hat sie da abgeschrien das sie binden falsch benutz und Tampons darf sie aber auch nicht benutzen und das sie ihre Wäsche dann selber waschen kann und ganz viele solche sachen aufjedenfall habe ich dann versucht sie eine bißchen aufzumuttern und dann aufeinmal war sie weg also nicht mehr online und ich hab schon ein schlechtes gefühl gehabt das jz was passiert sein könnte bis ich dann ca 1h später eine sprachnachricht bekommen in der sie sehr stark geweint hat und ich habe wegen des weines nicht alles verstanden aber was ich verstandne hab ist sie ist anscheinend wieder in ihr zimmer gekommen hat einfach ohne grund alle Schubladen aufgemachtes raus geschmissen und auf den Boden verteilt sie angeschrien und beleidigt Dann wollte Lina raus gehen also draußen rum laufen soxh beruhigen so mässig Dann ist ihre Mutter wie sie es schon so gemacht ins Auto gestiegen und einfach wegefahren und hat dann noch zu lina gesagt das sie jz auf die Autobahn fährt und sich umbringt und das sie Dan Schuld ist was sie laut lina schon öfter gesagt hat lina ist dann aufjedenfall raus gerannt hat mir das Dan alles geschrieben ich wollte sofort zu ihr fahren wir wohnen ca 15mjn auseinander aber sie hat Dan gesagt sie geht gleich wieder rein zu ihrem vater der das auch einfach alles nur so hinnimmt wie es ist also habe ich noch versucht sie zu beruhigen was dann aber auch eher so semi gut funktioniert hat Bach 5min is sie dann wieder rein gegangen und hat gesagt das sie ihr handy wahrscheinlich wegbekommen bekommt und hat noch gesagt sie oft das sie sich einfach in ihrem zimmer einsperren kann und ihre mutter sie einfach in ruhe lässt ab dann das war dann im 16. 30 Uhr habe ich nichts Mehr von ihr gehört ich habe mich dann mit meinem besten Freund B getroffen weil ich einfach jemaden zu reden gebraucht habe und hab im das dann alles erzählt und erstmal haben wir gesagt wir laufen jz zu einem Therapeuten und erzählen dem das und hoffen das der uns helfen kann leider gab es bei uns im Umkreis keinen ich habe das auch mehrmals schon lina gesagt das sie mit ihrer Mutter eine Therapie machen sollen sie hat es sogar ihrer Mutter gesagt die hat sie dann aber wieder aufs übelste beleidigt dann haben wir überlegt ob wir bei so einer Nummer gegen Kummer anrufen aber habe das Dann nicht gemacht im großen und ganzen sind wir dazu gekommen das ucv 2 Möglichkeiten habe nummer eins ich mache einfach nichts und warte ab aber das kann ich nicht ich denke das ist verständlich Und möglichkeit nummer 2 ich schalte das Jugend Amt ein oder frage zumindest mal da nach weil das was sie dadurch macht kann nicht normal sein das is psychischer Terror und das tag für tag seit jahren aber das will nicht und kann ich nicht ich kann nicht einfach das Jugendamt dadrauf hetzen ich hab auch garkeine richtigen beweise und das kann ich auch nicht machen deshwen schreib ich das ganze hier habt ihre irgendewelche Ideen was ich machen weil das geht auch auf unsere beziehung wir können uns so selten treffen weil sie einfach angst vor ihre mutter hat habt ihr irgendwelche idee was ich machen kann wie ich ihr helfen kann ich weiß nähmlich echt nicht mehr weiter danke im voraus für euro antworten bitte helft mir ich bin verzweifelt (bitte nemmt das ganze ernst das mag jz für Manche überhaupt nicht schlimm rüberkommen aber es ist es ich kann das einfach nicht richtig in einem Text erklären alles das is alles einfach zu viel)
submitted by Embarrassed_East_487 to u/Embarrassed_East_487 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:49 ChrisA575 !Hell On Earth PvP Military/Police Zones Chernarus/Livonia PS US

What to expect from Hell On Earth! - This server is very laid back and a place for groups to have fun, enjoy the scenery, and not have to worry about being shot down while running across the fields. Come in, build a camp, hunt, or stake out military/police zones if you want some blood; that is perfectly fine. - Attachments are in T1/2, Weapons are T3/4, M4, AKM, and others inside bunkecontamination zones head into them to see what goodies await you! - Players that want an M4 inside a tier 1 house; it isn't going to happen, but you can work your way into the mainland and check out the contamination zones or go down south to the bunker! - Boosted stamina, weight matters but drainage isn’t fast. Will still need to take a break. - Raid 24/7, better lock up! - If you want to trade/rob/etc with other players you can do Mutual RP! Basically both players have to agree to an interaction once agreed anything goes. If one declines then both players must go their separate ways without retaliation. Please record all interactions if a problem occurs. - Food Decay is off, because DayZ spoils it too fast. - If you somewhat know what you're doing, it won't be hard to get to the good loot. But if you're a beginner, please stay in that town a little longer and get stocked up on food and clothing. Remember, drink from the fountain to get your thirst max, and kill that chicken, but wash your hands if bloody! - Wildlife has been semi increased to help for food if you’re having trouble finding cans. - Towns have increased zombies, better do some stealth unless you have the ammo! - Traveling trader is now around Chernarus & Livonia! No Currency just request some items and a meet will be scheduled. - 1st/3rd PP - Heli Crashes are not that frequent, so loot will be damn good! Livonia heli crashes has okay gear but bunker will be the best spot! More soldiers were killed in the crashes so be careful. - Vehicle have some internals and wheels but you’ll have to do the rest! - BUILD ANYWHERE - Just hop in and start surviving / NO DISCORD
submitted by ChrisA575 to DayZServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:34 Ihategunz [WTS] Uppers: Clone Correct 10.3 URGI/Sig 516/BCM BFH, Larue Triggers, FCD CNF/ABC, Safariland Holster, G19 CAA MCK, Spare Parts for BRN4/Sig/Glock/Benelli M4/AK47

I accept Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle, Apple Pay.
Bundles > Dibs.


Clone Correct URGI 10.3 Upper

Here i've got a clone correct URGI 10.3 in a smooth shade of DDC. All parts are unfired except for the BCG/CH and Upper receiver. Had this assembled and sitting in my closet for close to a year now, i love looking at it but it's time i sell some extras.
Parts List:
Surplus Colt 13629 Keyhole upper
Daniel Defense 10.3 Barrel NSN Marked w/ DD GB and Tube
Colt C stamped BCG
Geissele 9.3" MK16 DDC
Geissele DDC ACH, NSN Marked (shade matches MK16)
Surefire 4 Prong, NSN Marked
Cosmetic Condition: Like New, minimal salt.
Asking $1199 shipped

Sig 516 Full Auto 14.5 P/W Upper

SIG 516 OEM Upper, 14.5 P/W to 16" with SF3P Warcomp.
Catch and Release, 200 rounds total.
Not fired by me but swapped in Full Auto Cut BCG from a different 516. Comes with OEM CH too.
Cosmetic Condition: Like New, minimal salt.
$869 shipped

BCM BFH 14.5 P/W Upper

BCM OEM Upper with BFH ELW profile barrel
P/W 14.5 to 16 with SF3P Warcomp
Comes with Radian Raptor CH, BCM BCG, FCD EPC.
400-500 rounds
Cosmetic Condition: low salt
$799 shipped

Geissele MK16 9.3"

Blemula but re-nitrided so the logo is barely visible.
No salt like new. Barrel nut has some marks.
$199 shipped

Centurion Sandcutter Carrier

Non Blem, unfired.
$220 shipped

Larue MBT2S

BNIB 2x flat (not skeleton).
$105 each

FCD Crap 🦆

  • 2x BNIB Single Dimple EPC Black, $45 each
  • 2x BNIB CNF Black, $20 each
  • 4x ABC/R serrated bolt catches, $55 each. 2x center, 2x forward biased

AR15 Spare Parts

  • H&R A1 Upper Stripped (Grey): Mild salt from being thrown around in parts bin, $129 shipped
  • Sig 3 Prong: $29
  • Odin Works Carbine length Tube + Adjustable Gas Block: $49 shipped (100ish rounds)
  • Daniel Defense Mid length tube + MK12 style Pinnable gas block: $69 shipped (500ish rounds)
  • Mini King Comp from Strike Industries: $49 shipped
  • K2 Grips BNIB ODG: $20 shipped each
  • BCM BCG: $149 shipped, 300 rounds

BRN4 Parts from Forsaken Build

2x BNIB Operating Rods, $59 shipped each
1x Mounted unfired operating rod, $55 shipped
1x 14.5/16in Gas Blocks: $109 $99 shipped


Weaver Extra High 34mm Rings: $79 $49 New
Aimpoint PRO Riser spacer:, $10 addon
Nightforce 30mm 20MOA ultramount 1.54": $249 $199
Aimpoint Micro OEM Mount: same as this one very light salt, $69 $49 shipped
ADM 30mm Mounts, one is 1316, one is 1324 and has 3 in cant. Comes with quality McMaster high carbon content screws.
$169 $159 each
Aimpoint Pro low Mount: $49 shipped
Looks like this but with a picatinny mount

Sig Stuff

P365 grip: $25 $20, light salt
Sig MSR 1-6 with Mount, light salt on mount and one of the turrets, $239 shipped

Glock Stuff

Glock Sights: all takeoffs, $15 each. Tritium rear one is $30. $59 for all.
CAA MCK Microroni for G19/23/32: Mild salt, comes with flashlight. $169 shipped
Safariland 6360 ALS/SLS FOR g17/G22, Right Handed: $99 shipped

AK Stuff

JMAC: Non-Folding Stock/Brace Mount for MRKT Trunnion: lnib $29 shipped
1913 Adapter for MRKT Trunnion: lnib $29 shipped

NVG Stuff

Norotos Mount + Head Mount + J arm + Infrared tag for dog leash: $99 $89 $79 shipped

Random Shit

Magpul Sling Mount RSA: $24 shipped
Bushmaster Commercial Spec Stock: $29 shipped
Tenebraex M68-ARD, works with Aimpoint PRO: $30 light salted but no structural damage to honeycomb
Aimpoint P2 Cap OEM: free addon
Benelli M4 Mesa Tactical Stock with comfortgrip, cheek riser and newest lock washer: $119 shipped


Also patches if you would like some:
submitted by Ihategunz to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:28 ATACMS5220 Freesync won't work on ARC A750 but works fine on RX 6700 XT and a old GTX 1060

Latest Bios on MSI B450 Gaming Plus (Older Bios also made 0 difference) Ryzen 3600X 3.8 GHZ stock settings and works perfectly fine at stock and with AMD PBO, (MSI Gaming boost feature 4.7 GHZ disabled for obvious reasons as the chip was not designed to run at that speed) I swapped in a used RX 6700 XT and then the VRR works fine. Got a old GTX 1060 we had lying around work today tried it and VRR also works fine. Swapped back in the A750 did a full DDU in safe mode and updated to latest drivers still no VRR Tried same thing again put in an old drivers still no VRR. Resizable Bar Enabled XMP ram profile on and off makes no difference. Latest Windows 11 Pro 240HZ Viewsonic XG2431 Freesync Premium (Blur Buster 2.0 Certified Monitor) Backlight strobing disabled and Free Sync enabled in monitor DDC/CI also enabled in monitor. DP CableVRR enabled in intel command Arc control and Fullscreen/Window option also enabled. Sync options all disabled however doesn't matter if I choose Vsync or smooth sync or smart V sync same issue.
An easy way for me to test it without even loading into a game is to open "Frog Pursuit"
^ This app is what I normally use when tuning the backlight strobing to eliminate cross talk and blur the app allows you to run at any FPS and pixel speed of the frogs if I have anything higher than 60 HZ like 120 or 240 HZ but I put the frogs on 60 FPS there will be nasty frame pacing and tearing it only fixes above 80 FPS
However in game like league of legends and DOTA 2 etc there is horrible judder and frame pacing when moving the camera lots of tears it doesn't matter if I cap the games to 100 FPS and have the monitor on 240 HZ it will still have tons of horrible tearing and judder
The only semi usable option is to enable VSYNC ingame and use RTSS software for Scanline Sync This will work for League of Legends presuming I can maintain 120 FPS but because league is DX9 it means the Intel cards are vastly inferior to AMD or Nvidia and sees drops to 100 FPS in scenes with enemies etc causing the tear.
I was gonna use HDMI 2.1 to see if that fixes the issue but then realized that Intel is so horrible they don't even support VRR over HDMI like literally every GPU From AMD and Nvidia.
submitted by ATACMS5220 to IntelArc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:27 SSGOldschool A three day review of the M7 Spear

At the small post we were on, the 25m zero range and qual range SDZ's did not allow for firing these rifles. Something we only learned after confirming our zeros on the 25m range.
It's still heavy, but after a day or so you stop noticing it until you have to shoot from a standing position or doing are doing CQB. then you are painfully reminded how off balance the rifle is.
The two sample rifles we had were consistently 3 MOA guns.
The non-reciprocating charging handle on the left side is not as cool as I initially thought, and it ruins the whole "truly ambidextrous" feel that the Sig MCX line has.
The folding buttstock can go fuck itself.
A review of the 277 Fury rounds is here and you may need to read it for some context, but I have endeavored to make this review stand alone as much as possible.
Over the course of three days, a friend of mine and I lived with the M7 Spear. We spent time at various ranges, doing "tactical stuff", getting in and out of HMMWV's and GSA's, while trying to figure out the ins-and-outs of the rifle.
My sample, #087, had between 8K and 10K round rounds through it. The number of combat vs training rounds was not tracked, but given the expected barrel life is 10K combat rounds we ran a borescope through the barrel and the chamber to see what we could see.
His sample, #529, had between 6K and 8K of an unknown mix combat and training rounds through it. We ran the borescope through it as well.
There was no real difference in the wear between the two rifles.
We spent the morning of the first day playing around with the ammunition and doing comparisons against 308 168gr SMK, while the ultrasonic cleaner did Gods work on the various bits and bobs of our sample rifles.
Note when we did the ammo comparison we used a Remington 700PSS with 24" barrel. It quickly became apparent when we were testing the rifles, that was a poor benchmark, as the Remington outperformed both rifles in everything but rate of fire. Its a sniper rifle, granted its your Grandfather's sniper rifle, but its still a fucking sniper rifle. The Spear is not, its a battlerifle, and so I won't be including the comparisons here.
We tried cleaning them without the ultrasonic cleaner...but I'm not sure these rifles had ever been properly cleaned before.
I've got mixed feelings about the MCX system. It ticks a lot of boxes, short stroke gas piston, no need for a buffer tube or spring, superior handling of gas when suppressed and so on.
However, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of the maintenance? I absolutely despise it. Despite owning a MCX in 300 blackout myself, every cleaning session feels overly complex and time consuming.
We kicked off the afternoon with both rifles, setting up for grouping and zeroing—my rig was outfitted with the Tango 6T sporting the "Hellfire" reticle in MOA, resembling your standard rifle scope setup. His, on the other hand, featured the same Tango 6T but with Hellfire in MILS, decked out with the Christmas tree reticle.
Some time back, I made a comment after my initial rounds with the Spear, labeling it a "tack driver." In hindsight, I probably should have clarified that bit. Typically, when shooting a new rifle, if I land three out of five shots within a 1 to 1.5 MOA spread, I chalk up any outliers to user error rather than blaming the rifle or the ammunition.
However, it appears that assumption was a bit off.
Our zeroing and grouping efforts at 100 yards turned into quite the saga. We found ourselves mostly hitting 3 rounds within the 1 to 1.5 MOA range, but occasionally, one or two shots would balloon the group size to between 2.5 and 3 MOA.
Instead of descending into frustration and stubborn attempts to tighten these groups, we opted to settle for anything under three MOA as acceptable for our purposes and proceeded to finalize our zero.
Side note, my last zero group was my best of the day coming it at just over 2 MOA. My friends best group came in at 1.8, and quite honestly he's a better shot than I am.
Research shows that the original specs for the NGSW called for a 4 MOA battle rifle. Despite some noticeable barrel wear on our two test models, both rifles still performed beyond this requirement.
Following our grouping and zeroing session, we spent the remainder of the afternoon plinking with training rounds at 100 yards.
During this, I learned a hard lesson about the non-reciprocating charging handle—it needs to be firmly locked forward before hitting the bolt release on the left side. After a couple of painful mishaps and a few close calls, I finally caught on and made it a routine to ensure the handle was properly set before engaging the bolt release.
I really wanted to get on board with the side charging handle, but after three days, I'm just not a fan. It tended to snag on my gear (Eagle MARCRIS plate carrier) when maneuvering or positioning the rifle to fire, making it less convenient than I had hoped.
Interestingly, I found myself using it more during offhand shooting. I'd instinctively remove my left hand from the pistol grip to work the side charging handle, rather than using my right hand on the traditional top charging handle. Yes, I'm aware this breaks the cardinal rule of keeping your firing hand on the grip, but this method felt more intuitive, similar to operating a bolt-action rifle.
When shooting offhand, the rifle scores highly. I don't often shoot this way, but I encountered none of the usual drawbacks associated with traditional AM platforms. Aside from the tricky side charging handle, the rifle seemed inherently designed for ambidextrous use, which I particularly appreciated when firing left-handed.
I was tempted to launch into a tirade about the ridiculously designed folding stock, but you deserve a more structured critique. Here are the three major gripes:
The stock's release mechanism is a convoluted affair involving an awkward dance of pushing down on the rifle while yanking up on the buttstock just to get it to close.
Once "closed," the stock doesn't truly secure—it juts out at a precarious 20-degree angle, seemingly relying on mere friction to stay in place, which neither of our samples managed successfully.
The overall build felt flimsy and loose, perhaps a consequence of the extensive wear from firing 8,000 to 10,000 rounds.
After wrestling with these issues, we wrapped up with a quick cleaning session for the rifles before heading out to the range we’d "camping" at.
The next day, we arrived ready to group, zero, and qualify with a local unit. We had informed them of our visit and assumed everything was squared away with range control.
However, that assumption fell flat. Turns out, the range’s surface danger zones weren’t set up for the 277 Fury. Just as we finished dialing in our zero (.75 inches low at 25m), range control showed up, questioning our activities.
Following an awkward exchange and the diplomatic offering of a case of beer, they agreed to let us continue and even served as OIC and RSO for the KD range. We proceeded with the old KD qualification, alternating between marking and raising targets, and both of us qualified without any issues.
With some extra time on our hands, and much to the amusement of range control, the session evolved into a lively mix of burpees and sprinting between shooting positions. We experimented with various firing positions and sequences, such as starting from standing unsupported at 100 yards and moving down to kneeling unsupported. This exercise underscored the rifle’s heft yet manageability, while also highlighting how the forward-heavy balance made extended unsupported shooting particularly taxing on the arms and upper back.
The afternoon unfolded with battledrills and land navigation alongside the unit we were scheduled to qualify with. Given the theoretical roles and limited numbers, the platoon leader assigned us to the designated marksman/squad designated marksman roles, which was logical considering we were the only ones equipped with the new rifles while the rest of the squad used M4s.
This setup sparked an intense discussion among the officers about how tactical deployment might shift once the rifle was fully integrated into service. There was plenty of speculation on how military tactics and doctrines would need to adapt to leverage the new capabilities offered by this rifle.
However, I'm somewhat skeptical. I don't see this rifle as the revolutionary game-changer it’s touted to be. While it's undoubtedly suited for the designated marksman role, I doubt the Army will invest the necessary time, money, and resources to train every soldier to this level of proficiency. Consider that there are reserve units that only qualify every four years, often just to help "point-needy" soldiers piggyback for qualification. This rifle won’t alter that reality.
As for the night qualification, we were slated to test that as well, but circumstances didn’t allow for it, so I can’t comment on how the rifle performs at night with night vision devices.
On the third morning, we headed to the LMG range, ready to go full-auto from a bipod, gearing up to tackle the 249 qualification.
Honestly, this was the most amazing shooting experience I've had in ages. The only snag was the 20-round magazine capacity, which felt limiting amid the thrill—it was the only moment of frustration in an otherwise splendid session.
We ran a practice session with the training rounds, followed by a qualification shoot with both the training and combat rounds. By lunchtime, our shoulders were thoroughly sore, but I can't remember the last time I'd grinned that much in a long while.
Post-lunch, we dropped in on some local law enforcement officers who were operating a shoot house. Initially, we navigated the course with M4s to familiarize ourselves with the layout and safety protocols. After getting a handle on things, we switched to the M7s, running through the course using the last of our training rounds, having depleted our combat rounds earlier on the machine gun range.
Both of us found ourselves moving significantly slower with the M7s. Reviewing the footage, it was clear that I was painfully slow to get on target with the M7. It wasn't just about slower movements, but also a delayed response in engagement. Initially, I chalked it up to age, I'm over 50 and a bit heavier than ideal, but the reality struck when I saw I wasn’t this slow with the M4. In fact, I was quicker than some of the officers.
Similarly, my buddy was slower than usual, not lagging behind me, but certainly off his usual pace with the M4.
Interesting side note: We're no longer welcome at that shoot house. The staff was fully aware of our arrival and what we brought along, and everything seemed fine until the exercise wrapped up and we faced some "constructively harsh feedback" about 277 and damage done to the tire and sandbag walls as well as the plywood target backers.
That's rant for another time.
Regarding the suppressor:
It's really more of an enhanced flash hider than a true suppressor. I'm probably a bit biased—shooting a 300 Blackout through a Sig TI suppressor spoils you with its movie hitman silence.
By comparison, the M7 setup was louder than my suppressed .308 shooting 175gr SMK.
On the topic of the optic:
The Tango6 was decent.
The clarity was impressive, and its brightness and MOA configuration were points in its favor.
However, achieving a consistent cheek weld and finding the right optic position for proper eye relief across magnifications 1 through 6, especially from unsupported positions, proved challenging.
The issue could be me, the stock, or the optic itself. While it was somewhat bothersome, it wasn't enough to cause significant frustration.
submitted by SSGOldschool to army [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:36 iWhiteout- Advice/tips for completing 2nd trial for Flatline?

Advice/tips for completing 2nd trial for Flatline?
Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to complete the 2nd flatty trial cuz this already sounds like it’s gonna make me wanna pump air into my veins. Maybe its not as hard as it seems and I’m just worrying over nothing. After all, the first hemlock trial is ADS kills in semi-auto, but running the hemmy in semi isn’t all that uncommon to do naturally anyways, whereas I’ve literally never heard of or seen anyone use the flatty in semi, and these kills have to be from 50m+😩
submitted by iWhiteout- to apexuniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:25 PapaXan Weekly Discounts and Bonuses - May 16th to May 23rd (Not live until 4am EDT on May 16th)

"Help Jamal Amir rescue his Ballas contact King Tiny and steal an Übermacht Cypher with a limited-edition Los Santos Panic vanity plate in The Gangbanger Robbery to unlock the option to claim this vehicle as your own."

Weekly Challenges and Vehicles:

PS5 and XBox XS Only
This Week's Salvage Yard Robberies Vehicles
"Help Jamal Amir rescue his Ballas contact King Tiny and steal an Übermacht Cypher with a limited-edition Los Santos Panic vanity plate in The Gangbanger Robbery to unlock the option to claim this vehicle as your own."
\* PC still has the bug where the special plates from claimed vehicles will not save
This Week's Challenge

Luxury Autos

Deluxe Motorsports


3X GTA$ and RP
2X GTA$ and RP


50% Off
30% Off
40% Off
30% Off
Gun Van
GTA+ Website
Daily Objectives
Gun Van Location (Changed Daily)
Gun Van Stock:

Subreddit Resources

Other Resources:
Official Rockstar Websites:
Thanks To:
Previous Weekly Update
submitted by PapaXan to gtaonline [link] [comments]