Stiff achy neck pregnant

collarbone fracture feedback

2024.05.15 09:04 Theweekndbae81 collarbone fracture feedback

I was in a car accident two months ago where I ended up being pinned between two cars, long story but i was basically pinned to my car door by another car that was backing into my back. I had some chest trauma causing broken chest cartilage and displaced ribs on the left and i had pain in my right collarbone/shoulder area this whole time but nobody wanted to do an mri. All the CTs and x-rays at the ER were negative. Finally a doctor sent me for an mri of my chest and it showed at the right sternoclavicular joint a suspected evolving nondisplaced fracture of the right clavicular head and edema over the joint. This is why there has been a lump over the right collarbone and pain in that area the whole time. Its been two months and I have been going to a injury place that does physical therapy, chiropractor, massage, and trigger point injections. The collarbone pain is not any better. They did not say I needed surgery or a sling or anything. My arm still hurts and now I have noticed in the past week I am having an achy pain in my right elbow. Wondering if the elbow pain could be related? Has this happened to anybody else? I have been asking for a shoulder MRI this whole time and the doctor keeps saying no that he doesn't think it's my shoulder and won't do it. It does hurt to lift my arm but more in the collarbone area. Also have had pain and a lump in that armpit this whole time as well. Also had some things going on with my neck but thats a post for another time. Just looking for feedback from anybody who has had a similar injury.
submitted by Theweekndbae81 to u/Theweekndbae81 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:46 fastinggrl I’m having hypochondria again. How do you deal?

So this happens at least every few months if not every few weeks. I get a random new ache or pain (note: I’m 31, and am healthy By all measures. Healthy weight, never smoked anything or drink any alcohol.i eat well and exercise regularly and live in an area that has good air and water quality. Never had kids, l’m celibate these days so don’t really worry about STIs. I’ve never had a serious illness, still haven’t even gotten covid).
I work from home and have a lot of time on my hands, which unfortunately often leads to me overthinking and hyperfixating. I try to avoid webMD and google but it doesn’t stop my mind from immediately jumping to the worst possible conclusion.
Last week it was tooth pain (last year had several root canals so the fear was not exactly unfounded). But went to the dentist and he confirmed nothing was wrong with my tooth. The pain magically disappeared.
This week it’s chest pain. I will say it definitely feels like a knot or muscle stiffness in the center of my sternum. I’m pretty bony there so it literally could be from sleeping wrong. I do carry a lot of tension in my shoulders and neck so maybe the pain is radiating. I had similar pain last year and the nurse advice hotline suggested I go to the ER in case it was heart problems. Everything came back perfect. And I was in the hole several thousands of dollars. For an anxiety attack! So I’m trying to avoid that. Last time I had pain I went to urgent care and it only cost me a few hundred for them to tell me to take allergy meds (for ear pain no less).
Anyways just hear to vent and ask for some reassurance— have any of you experienced this? How do you cope or distract yourself?
Oh and i did schedule a regular checkup with my doctor so hopefully they can confirm this is nothing in a few weeks.
submitted by fastinggrl to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:35 Afraid_Translator402 Severe neck pain is making my mental health take a toll

I have been dealing with bulging disks in my lower back l3-l4, l4-l5, l5-s1. It has been 3 months since the lower back injury and it was really getting better with PT. However, recently I have been feeling neck stiffness just below my skull plus nausea and ear pain. My PT told me that it is mostly because of cervical nerve compression.
I now feel really depressed because of the neck. I am not able to do anything that I want or like. I feel like my life is ruined.
submitted by Afraid_Translator402 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:52 Low_Tell_7946 when should you go to the er?

i’m feeling lots of ~ pain ~ and have been for a 6+ months now. it has consisted of: - a two month long sinus infection - a week long sinus infection - migraines (constant - more days than not), - facial pain (constant) - arm pain (started in the last few days) - jaw pain (recurring; worsening), shoulder pain (started in the last few days), stiff neck (recurring; worsening).
i went to acupuncture four days ago as well and started adderall yesterday.
im on two antidepressants and an as needed anxiety med.
i’ve never had health anxiety before, but i keep feeling like im making this all up. i can’t trust myself. but i’m always in pain and i feel like something is wrong. i don’t know who to ask about this. :/
submitted by Low_Tell_7946 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 live_christ13 Thank you Lord Jesus Christ

Peace be with you brothers and sisters. As Catholics we are discreet in our faith, often less charismatic than other denominations; however, as I hear my beautiful 5 year old son laughing this morning I want to shout from the roof tops that Christ is king. He died. Was ressurected and will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. His kingdom will have no end.
When we first found out my wife was pregnant we were scared and joyous in equal measures. After our first trimester scans we were told that nuchal fold on his neck was 4.7mm. I had no idea what this was. The nurse was unempathic, likely a way of protecting herself from a tough job, but she shared that there was a high risk he may not be born or if he was he was at high risk of defects or abnormalities. When we returned home I comforted my wife as she grieved the news and when I was able to be alone I went in the bathroom alone to cry. I prayed to Jesus Christ for him to save my son, to give him life and I promised to do his work and to be a servant to those around me. I made other promises too that I will not share.
My son was born, healthy, beautiful and incredible in every way. This morning I am grateful. There is no logical reason that my son should be here or be here healthy. Our God is not logical. He is beyond what we can comprehend. Nothing in life now gets me down. Not work. Not challenges of relationships. Not struggle. Not because I am strong but because I am weak and I put my faith in him and him alone.
I love our God. I am so grateful. I want to shout hosanna from the rooftops. Thank you Lord.
submitted by live_christ13 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:05 ImaginationSea8533 For I know thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck:

For I know thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck: behold, while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have been rebellious against the LORD; and how much more after my death?Gather unto me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, that I may speak these words in their ears, and call heaven and earth to record against them
submitted by ImaginationSea8533 to u/ImaginationSea8533 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:15 vren55 [A Fractured Song] - Chapter 217- Fantasy, Isekai (Portal Fantasy), Adventure

Cover Art!
Just because you’re transported to another world, doesn’t mean you’ll escape from your pain.
Abused by her parents, thirteen-year-old Frances only wants to be safe and for her life not to hurt so much. And when she and her class are transported to the magical world of Durannon to fight the monsters invading the human kingdoms and defeat the self-titled Demon King, Frances is presented with a golden opportunity. If she succeeds, Frances will have the home she never had. If she fails, Frances will be summoned back to the home she escaped.
Yet, despite her newfound magic and friends, Frances finds that trauma is not so easily lost. She is dogged by her abuse and its physical and invisible scars. Not only does she have to learn magic, she has to survive the nightmares of her past, and wrestle with her feelings of doubt and self-loathing.
If she can heal from her trauma, though, she might be able to defeat the Demon King and maybe, just maybe, she can find a home for herself.
[The Beginning] [<=Chapter 216] [Chapter Index and Blurb] [Chapter 218 May 28 or see the next chapter now on Patreon]
The Fractured Song Index
Discord Channel Just let me know when you arrive in the server that you’re a Patreon so you can access your special channel.
Frances and company catch up before the final battle.
“Hold on. How would he win this battle if we outnumber him and surround him?” Ginger asked.
“He could target our leadership. Focus on killing Titania, Antigones, you and Martin,” said Ayax.
“Only, he’d have to kill Sebastian and Megara, as well as Edana and you too, Frances, along with a whole list of targets. I’m not sure how he could pull that off,” said Elizabeth.
Ayax grimaced, brow furrowed, but Frances knew the answer to that question.
“Thorgoth doesn’t need to find half the targets he’s after. Myself, mom, Titania, our strongest mages and the rest of the people that will be on his list have leadership positions. Like it or not we’ll be involved in the battle and he just needs to find us on the battlefield. A well-placed spell and he’d snuff any non-magic person out,” Frances said.
“So what do we do then?” Martin asked.
Frances’ heart was pounding, for she knew the answer, but was afraid to give it life. Yet what could she do but tell what she knew was the truth?
“Take the battle to him. Thorgoth will have to operate by himself with maybe just his Royal Guards. We need to hold him and his escort and defeat him before he hurts everybody else.”
“So, all the Otherworlders, our best mages?” Ayax asked.
“Not all of them. But my mother and I, Jessica and Leila, Dwynalina and Jim and Nicole, with a few Otherworlders holding off his guards,” said Frances.
Elizabeth pursed her lips. “Ayax and I can go after Queen Berengaria. I can’t imagine her going far from her husband.”
“This is assuming we can at least split the attention of the dragons and keep them occupied of course,” said Martin. He touched Ginger’s elbow. “Not that I don’t trust you dear.”
“Oh I know, but it is a consideration.” She swirled the wine in her cup. “That means Martin and I will be directing the battle with Sebastian and Alexander.”
“It’s likely you’ll be the overall commander with Martin. Alexander and Sebastian would then take charge of their own contingents,” said Elizabeth. She bit her lip. “Do you feel up for it?”
Ginger shrugged. “I mean, we have to—”
Elizabeth reached out to pat her friend’s shoulder. “Martin, Ginger, you know we have every faith in both of you, but if you need help, there is no shame in asking for it.”
“Besides I think we’re all scared. I know I am,” Ayax said with a smile. Even so, they could all see how her tail looked like it was trying to twist itself into knots. Frances figured her cousin wasn’t trying to hide her fear, just trying not to alarm or panic them.
Martin sighed. “I think that’s the problem, Liz. Duty compels us. Love binds us. So I know no matter what happens, I know we’ll stand together to face him. Still, we are afraid and while I know I won’t run, I worry that fear may cloud my judgment at a crucial moment.”
Ginger wiped her eyes, but her tears now flowed freely down her cheeks. “How do I know I won’t panic, and make a bad call? How do we know we are all coming back? We can’t. I…I guess we have to accept that, but I don’t want to lose you. Any of you.”
Drawing her friend into a tight hug, Elizabeth gently patted Ginger’s back. “I don’t either. I suppose that for me, I’ve always looked to my faith in God, and in you all. Have we not triumphed in all we’ve faced?””
Frances found herself nodding, her throat unclenching and the tight nervousness in her shoulders and neck fading. What remained was a faint feeling of lightness that lifted her chin.
“You’re right. We should believe in ourselves, and hope. Hope for a future when we win this war. Hope that our good will triumph over Thorgoth’s evil. Hope that in a few days, we’ll be home with our family, and our friends.”
Martin gave Frances a wondering look. “How are you able to hope that?”
Frances smiled. “I think that I have always been good at having hope. I didn’t realize it until now, but even in my darkest moments, I always hoped that I would find a place where I could be me.”
Ayax stood up, raising her glass. “To faith, friendship and hope. May it see us all through our final trial.”
Rising to their feet, the five touched glasses and drank deep. They all were smiling. The pain and fear in their hearts soothed by the hope they held and the determination to see each other once again.
“Frances, can I walk with you?”
Frances would never have said no to her best friend, and she could tell that past Elizabeth’s bright smile, her friend was worried. There were just too many small signs learnt from years of friendship. She was scratching behind her ear, and her eyes were narrowed just slightly from the tension in her face.
“Of course,” said Frances, falling in beside the tall Otherworlder. “How are you and Ayax?”
Elizabeth giggled. “We’re great! Fantastic even. She and I are even talking about what we might do after the war. We have so many plans and well, I kind of wanted to talk to you about that.”
Frances waited as Elizabeth continued to walk beside her, lips pursed.
“I know that after the war, I’m choosing to stay here with Ayax, with all of you. I just…” her voice trailed off, and her walk slowed to a crawl.
Taking a slight breath, Frances touched her friend’s hand. “Liz, you know it’s okay for you to doubt that.”
Elizabeth stopped and shook her head. “Oh no, I don’t have any doubts about my decision. At the very least, I’m past the point where my doubts aren’t going to change my decision. I know I’ve changed too much in the past seven years. I’ve come to terms with my sexuality. I’ve fallen head over heels in love with a woman who loves me just as much. I’ve commanded armies, led soldiers into battle and helped to make decisions affecting hundreds of thousands of people. I can’t go back pretending I’m Grade 8 and neither do I want to.” She squeezed Frances’s hand. “My decision is the right one. I know it in my heart and I’ve prayed about it. I can do a lot of good here and me going back? That won’t just hurt the people I love here, but it’ll hurt me and my family at home. I can’t hide who I’ve become and I’m proud of what I’ve grown into.”
Frances closely studied her friend knowing Elizabeth wouldn’t mind her staring.
“So what are you feeling, Liz?”
Closing her eyes, Elizabeth sniffled. “Guilt. It’s stupid. I know I’m making the right choice. I’m sure in my heart that God is encouraging me to make this choice, but I still feel guilty.”
“How could you not? You know your family loves you.”
“And I’m abandoning them. I know I’m doing the right thing but I still feel like I’m doing something wrong,” said the Otherworlder.
Frances hugged her best friend, squeezing her tight, hoping that her warmth and touch could comfort the woman who she’d trusted as much as her own mother.
“Liz, if they are everything you told me, they’re going to be alright. Have faith in them, like your faith in me and your friends.”
Elizabeth let out a sigh, but returned the hug. “Thank you, Frances. If…if the worst comes and you are sent back without me, go to them. Tell them I love them.”
Tears in her eyes, Frances nodded. “I promise. If you are sent back, I will take care of Ayax.”
Elizabeth let out a gurgly hiccup. “Thank you. I know you will.”
The historic coronation of King Martin and Queen Ginger would found what would be known as the Congrey dynasty. Con for Conthwaite and Grey for King Jerome’s dynasty.
It was an unusual coronation as King Martin and Queen Ginger were long-betrothed but not married. Yet King Jerome and Queen Forowena’s wills had been clear. Apart from that, the coronation involved as many of Eridale's traditions as possible in light of the circumstances.
Down the parade route attended by all those that could be mustered, King and Queen marched in at the head of an honor guard composed of their closest companions. These included Frances, Elizabeth, and Ayax, who held three poles of a crimson banner that hung over the pair. The fourth corner was held by Martin’s sister Mara, who wore a slightly undignified grin. Yet, nobody could really blame her.
Martin wore a black-white checkered tunic with red-gold trimmings and shoulder epaulets. His trousers were dark gray with again red-gold tassels. Ginger did wear a dress. It was of a dark maroon with silver lacing. A bejeweled gorget studded with emeralds hung from her neck and her ears sparkled with dark blue sapphires.
There was one minor alteration. As the procession marched up to the entrance of the old Goblin Empire palace, on a raised wooden dais dressed with elaborately embroidered carpets stood the attending dignitaries. They included all the other Erisdalian lords and ladies such as Viscountess Katia and Lord Tarquin, dressed in all the finery they could muster. Other notables such as Prince Timur, representing the Kingdom of Alavaria, Grandmaster Edana of the White Order and Alexander and Eloise of Erlenberg stood proudly side by side.
Towards the center of the dais were three figures. King Sebastian and Queen-Consort Megara, and the former Queen Janize. Sebastian and Megara were standing, holding Queen Forowena’s crown, whilst the heavily pregnant Janize sat, holding King Jerome’s crown. Thorgoth may have taken their decorated helmets, but he did not have their ceremonial attire.
Martin and Ginger stepped out from under the awning, giving their bearers a brief nod, before taking the last steps up the dais.
Whistling a spell, Megara touched her throat with her wand. “Who stands before the crowns?”
Martin knelt to one knee. The bearers of the awning followed. “Sir Martin of Conthwaite. A Knight of Erisdale.”
Ginger curtsied low. Frances nearly split her lips as she grinned at her friend’s perfect form. “Ginger. Just Ginger of Erisdale.”
Janize’s expression was unreadable as she rose to her feet. There was a slight archness to her features, and yet that could just be how she lifted her haughty cheeks.
“As witnessed by all, and by the King and Queen of Lapanteria, do you swear to defend Erisdale with all means at your disposal including force of arms?”
“We do.”
“Do you swear to uphold the laws of the land and the rights of Erisdale’s citizens?”
“We do!”
“Do you swear that until your dying breaths, to govern and reign over Erisdale not for your benefit, but for the benefit of the people and for their future generations?”
From her kneeling position, Frances frowned. That wasn’t quite the right oath. The wording was “Do you swear to govern over Erisdale wisely and justly?” She supposed that she might have missed it, or maybe there was a variation.
Yet as she noted her fiance’s face, she noticed his eyes were wide and her mother’s eyebrow was arched.
Not skipping a beat, Martin and Ginger bellowed. “We do!”
“Do you swear that you will do your utmost not to make the same mistakes as your predecessors and do whatever it takes to preserve Erisdale’s peace, even if it may cost you your lives?”
Frances blinked. Janize had gone completely off script. There was no fourth oath.
However, Martin and Ginger only hesitated for a moment as they exchanged a glance and looked up to meet Janize’s gaze.
The blonde woman’s eyes were bright and the hands holding Jerome’s crown were trembling ever so slightly. Frances had wondered why she’d insisted on doing this. Martin and Ginger had wanted to approach her to ask if she was willing, but the enigmatic former queen had surprised them by demanding they allow her to crown them. She now had an idea as to why.
“We do,” said Martin, smiling.
Ginger returned that smile. Blinking back her own tears, she took a breath. “In the name of Queen-consort Forowena and your brother, King Jerome. We solemnly swear.”
Janize closed her eyes, a single tear running down her cheek.
“Then as the last heiress of House Grey, I pass the crown of Erisdale on forever. Long live the Congrey dynasty. Long live Martin the Hero of Erisdale and his queen to be Ginger, whom I dub Erisdale’s Burning Heart.”
Lifting Jerome’s crown high, she set it onto Martin’s head. Swiftly taking Queen Forowena’s crown from Sebastian, she set it on Ginger’s head.
“Hail King Martin and Queen Ginger!” Janize bellowed as Martin and Ginger rose to their feet.
The crowd chanted back, their voices filling the great cavern. “Hail King Martin and Queen Ginger! Hail King Martin and Queen Ginger!” Frances could barely hear her own voice over the crescendo. The call that they all raised. Like the sound carried up into the void, she could feel herself be carried up. It was like she was floating on the power of their united song.
Turning around, Martin and Ginger smiled at Frances. Their eyes were wide, and she could see them clasp each other’s hands tightly.
Frances found herself standing on her feet, the pole to her awning in her hand. Without a second thought, she stabbed the pole’s spike into the ground. As her hand dropped to Alanna, she paused for a moment before her mind caught up with her body, and she nodded as if to herself.
Drawing the estoc, Frances raised her blade high, saluting her two friends.
“Long may they reign! Long may they reign!”
Elizabeth was right behind her, hammer raised high. Ayax followed suit with her staff and Mara and the rest were soon drawing their weapons. From the corner of her eye, Frances even spotted Morgan and Hattie raising their wand and staff.
“Long may they reign! Long may they reign!”
Helias glanced over his shoulder toward the accursed city. Despite the distance, there was a tremble in the air of Kairoun-Aoun itself.
“Helias?” Sara asked.
“Sounds like they crowned Martin and Ginger. They’re going to attack soon,” he said.
Sara nodded, her tense jaw the only sign of the worry that had seized the harpy-orc. As gently as he could manage with his rough, scarred hands, he wrapped his arm around her waist.
“Sara. We’re going to be fine.”
“You’re lying,” she said with eyes fixed forward.
The general couldn’t help but wince. “Sorry.”
Slowing in her stride, Sara placed a hand over Helias’s. “I still appreciate you trying to comfort me but I would prefer you to tell me the truth. How bad is it?”
Helias looked around. “Thorgoth may pull off a miracle and get himself and Berengaria out. However, a lot of Alavari are going to die.”
“What are you going to do?” Sara asked.
“I’ll have to attend this meeting and see what Thorgoth is planning. We’ll make a plan after that.”
“You and I know it’s not going to change anything,” Sara said, looking up at her husband, who could not meet her gaze. Yet, she didn’t push him away. Instead put her hand around his waist, drawing him closer.
“I know, but I want to be sure,” said Helias in a low tone.
“I understand. See you soon,” said Sara.
Helias found himself exchanging side-long glances with Glowron. The pair sat, both leaning forward toward King Thorgoth and a pacing Queen Berengaria, who’d finished explaining tomorrow’s strategy.
“Do you have anything else to add, my good generals?” Thorgoth asked. The king still smiled easily as he swirled a cup of wine in his hands.
Glowron shook his head. His tone was short but he kept this expression neutral. “No sire.”
The goblin general was Helias’s superior in rank and social class. The fact of the matter was that if Glowron had no objections, then there was no way the tauroll could object.
And still, Helias felt bile rise in the back of his throat. He froze, ever so briefly. Closing his eyes, he shook his head. Nothing mattered, except for Sara and Gwendilia.
“No sir. I’ll have my troops ready for tomorrow.”
That should have been that. They would have been dismissed to prepare for tomorrow’s suicide mission, but the king’s whims had other plans.
King Thorgoth put his cup down and leaned forward. “Oh come on my good generals. Surely you have something to improve on this plan.”
Glowron’s expression remained blank, whilst Helias smiled. “Your Majesty, you were the one who taught me everything I know. I can think of nothing I can add to your strategy.”
Queen Berengaria strode toward him. “You’re usually so talkative, Helias. Are you sure you have no other thoughts?”
“I beg your apologies, but I do not have any further additions to your plan, Your Majesty. My lord Glowron?” Helias asked.
“I do not either, my liege—” Glowron fell silent and Helias’s tail stiffened.
Thorgoth and Berengaria were no longer smiling and with a few more steps, the harpy queen had put herself behind the two generals.
“Let me be plain, we are now not asking you about how to improve the plan. We are asking for your thoughts. Give them.”
The Demon King’s remaining dark eye was narrowed. The other was now covered with a black silk eyepatch, the remains of the scar that Queen Forowen had given him, a discoloration scouring a line along the side of his face and right over his ear. In spite of the king’s injury, Helias felt nothing but cold dread dry his mouth.
“Your Majesty, my only thought is that we have no option but to follow your plan. No matter how we got into this situation, the only thing we can do is go forward and try to win this day,” Glowron said.
“And do you blame me, Glowron?”
Helias watched, eyes wide as somehow the much smaller goblin general continued to meet the king’s eyes. “I would be lying to you if I said I didn’t assign some responsibility to you at all, but I believe we ought to have thought of the possibility of such a trap. So the responsibility is mine as well.”
Thorgoth nodded. Out of the corner of his eye, Helias saw the slightest of nods that Berengaria gave to her husband. Alarm shooting his gaze back toward the Demon King, Helias found the full attention of his sovereign and sometimes uncle directed right at him.
“And you, General Helias?”
Lie and he might not be able to make it convincing enough. Tell the truth about what he thought about this war and he was never seeing Sara and Gwendilia again. Thorgoth hadn’t just been hurt, his pride had been wounded and he was now backed into a corner. It would be unwise to anger him, but what to say? What could he say?
All he could think of, and see was his child and her adoring gaze. All he could feel was the touch of Sara’s hand against his. They’d become closer than he could have imagined and were more than just companions with mutual goals now.
If he was to die, then maybe he could tell this truth.
“I am mostly thinking of my wife and my child, my king. The coming battle has me greatly concerned with how dangerous it shall be.”
Thorgoth narrowed his eyes at Helias for a brief moment. The tauroll, staying very still, waited for the presumed reaction by Berengaria.
Whatever Berengaria did made Thorgoth arch an eyebrow.
“I thought you didn’t consider your wife to be worth much,” said the king in a mild tone.
His mind racing, Helias ran with the idea. “She has responded well to the constraints and discipline I’ve enforced on her. She does nothing but facilitate all my needs and has served me well.”
He could feel Berengaria’s eyes narrow, but Thorgoth was already leaning back onto his chair. “Good for you. You are dismissed.”
“Thank you, sire,” said Helias, almost unable to hide his sigh of relief.
Author’s Note: While I wish I could have spent more quality time with Martin, Elizabeth, Ginger and Ayax, I do love the best-friend/team that I created for Frances. This chapter and the last was my little way of giving each of them a bit of time with Frances before the final battle.
submitted by vren55 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:15 emilsinclair000 Truss rod too tight?

I have a high end acoustic guitar that had very high relief (.015 at 5th fret) so I went to tighten the rod and it was really stiff. Over the course of a few iterations and probably an hour I got the relief down to about .007, guitar is still buzz free and plays much better. But the rod is really tight in there. It took a good deal of force to move it, bordering on making me pretty uncomfortable. I used the clamping setup to put backbend into the neck while tightening and was still really stiff. Nothing broke or snapped or anything while I was doing it.
Is the fact that it is snuffed up tight a problem in itself? Can it cause issues in the long run?
I’ve done a good bit of guitar work at this points but this is something I’ve always been unsure about.
submitted by emilsinclair000 to guitarrepair [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:12 emilsinclair000 Truss rod too tight?

I have a high end acoustic guitar that had very high relief (.015 at 5th fret) so I went to tighten the rod and it was really stiff. Over the course of a few iterations and probably an hour I got the relief down to about .007, guitar is still buzz free and plays much better. But the rod is really tight in there. It took a good deal of force to move it, bordering on making me pretty uncomfortable. I used the clamping setup to but backbend into the neck while tightening and was still really stiff. Nothing broke or snapped or anything while I was doing it.
Is the fact that it is snuffed up tight a problem in itself? Can it cause issues in the long run?
I’ve done a good bit of guitar work at this points but this is something I’ve always been unsure about.
submitted by emilsinclair000 to Luthier [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:53 Kool-Kaleidoscope Hips/lower back starting to hurt at 16 weeks?

I've noticed it takes me longer to stand up because my hips feel stiff. Also my lower back hurts when I stand. Normal? When did your achiness start?
submitted by Kool-Kaleidoscope to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:22 ARTS1984 An Honest Conversation

Howdy y'all. I haven't posted for awhile so I thought I'd give another short story a try. This takes place during Chapter 2 after Kris, Susie and Ralsei split temporarily leaving Kris alone. Hope you enjoy.
An Honest Conversation
Kris, Susie and Ralsei came up to a split in the road in Cyber City, Ralsei noting the occasion by walking up in front of the group and looking towards Kris and Susie as they wondered what he had to say.
"Seems we've come to a split in the road. We should split up--Kris, who do you want to go with?" Ralsei looked to the human, slightly annoying Susie.
"Why does Kris get to pick all the time?!" Susie walked up towards Ralsei, grabbing him by the shirt. "You're coming with me."
With that, a blank faced Kris was left behind as Susie took off down the northern alley leaving the human behind to fend for himself.
"SUSIE!!" Ralsei shouted.
"WHAT?!"Susie responded.
"you can put me down." The goat Darkner whispered in slight annoyance.
"...oh." Susie gently stopped running, putting the hairy goat Darkner down. "Sorry."
"Why'd you leave Kris behind like that?" Ralsei asked, wiping off his green robes.
"He'll be fine." Susie sighed. "Sides...I was kinda nervous he'd choose me."
"Why?" Ralsei inquired.
"We just became friends yesterday, ya doofus." Susie explained, sitting down against the alley wall. "I'm not ready for that conversation...yet."
"That conversation?" Ralsei raised an eyelid.
"What, are you a million questions Ralsei today?"
"I'm sorry, I'm kinda new to this whole friends thing myself." Ralsei looked down.
Susie sighed, remembering that very fact herself.
"Yeah, kinda hard just having a Ralsei statue as company I suppose." Susie mused, wiping her snout. "The thing and Kris have always been on the opposite end of the spectrum. Kris...he's had security his whole life. Me, I've had shitty parents and no guarantee of a good meal or warm bed. It sucks. I treated him like dirt for the longest time Ralsei. One time, I came pretty damn close to really hurting him. If I didn't stop myself right then I would've done it. I was mad at him...he was so socially awkward, never talked to anyone, kept to himself. Despite everything I did, Kris risked his life for mine. For the first time in my life, I was scared to lose someone. I saw the King holding Kris in his disgusting hands, using the very same words I muttered earlier..."QUIET PEOPLE PISS ME OFF" he uttered his tongue out. It hit me what I had to do."
"Susie, I think it's clear to me that Kris would listen and not judge you given his actions." Ralsei sat down, playing with his fur.
"You think?" Susie asked. "I hardly know the kid. All I know for sure is that he has the greatest Mom ever and that his hair smells annoyingly of apples. You don't know what willpower it took for me NOT to take a bite outta that kid's head."
"I'm sure he'd get you an apple if you asked." Ralsei snickered at the thought.
"His Mom makes good pies...I'll have to pester Kris to have his Mom make us some of her cinnamon-butterscotch pies she's known for." Susie drooled at the thought. "You should come to the Light World sometime, Ralsei. You'd enjoy it."
"I'll...keep that in mind." Ralsei looked away, dodging the question as nimbly as he could.
"I mean it! We three and Lancer would be invincible!" Susie grinned, just thinking of it. "You could be Ms. Alphy's teacher's pet and Lancer could dig all the holes in town he wanted. There's enough pot holes already as it is...a few more wouldn't hurt I suppose."
"I'm sure it would be wonderful, Susie." Ralsei acknowledged.
"Well, just think about it." Susie let end it there, seeing the troubled look on Ralsei's face. There was something he obviously wasn't telling her but it could wait. She didn't want to ruin this. "Look, the real reason I dragged you into this path was--I want to ask you about Kris."
"Kris? What about?" Ralsei asked.
"Don't tell Kris I said any of what I'm about to tell you. And I mean NONE of it Ralsei." Susie narrowed her eyes.
"My lips are zipped." Ralsei meekly responded.
"Good." Susie sighed. "After we left the Dark World yesterday, I felt things I hadn't felt ever...I wasn't sure what happened was real. All I knew was that I felt them and that I didn't want to lose them...most of all, I didn't want to lose Kris. Kris...the kid I hated for my all time in Hometown I now couldn't stand to be without. I thought of em' the whole night. I didn't get any sleep Ralsei and trust me, that bed you presented earlier was VERY bastard."
"It's ok...I'm just venting here. Anyway...I guess what I'm saying is that I don't know how I should go about this whole thing."
"When did you plan to have...the conversation?"
"Sometime in the Dark World, when it was just me and Kris."
"Why don't you talk to him when you guys are done with this adventure? You could walk him home." Ralsei suggested.
"Say Kris, why don't I walk ya home and we can talk serious junk...yeah Rals, that'll go down real well."
"What, no one ever called you a nickname?" Susie raised an eyebrow.
"Well, insults like toothpaste boy not withstanding...Rals isn't bad." Ralsei blushed.
"Geez, I'm gonna have to teach you a LOT." Susie moaned, slapping the side of her snout. "Don't expect these lessons to be free either, toothpaste boy. You're gonna have to make a lot of cakes."
"S-Sure." Ralsei sweat. "I mean it though...don't make a big deal, just...offer to walk him home and just bring it up when you two are nice and relaxed."
"Like, when we're sitting down or something? Like now?"
"Yeah! We're talking, having a serious conversation aren't we?" Ralsei nodded in glee.
"No, we're talking about rainbows." Susie rolled her eyes.
"W-We are?" Ralsei second guessed himself.
"NO...that was SARCASM." Susie sighed once again. "I swear with this guy..."
"I swear I'm gonna call you Million Questions Ralsei forever if you don't stop." Susie crossed her arms. "It's when you want to express annoyance but do it indirectly."
"Huh. I'll have to try that..."
"Can we focus?" Susie snapped.
"O-Oh, sorry--so Kris, what do you want to ask him?"
"I try asking him if we'd still be friends if I opened that supply closet door and you guys weren't there but I chickened out at the last second. I didn't want to think about the possibility of that not being a thing."
Ralsei went silent, looking at Susie as she looked to the ground thinking of Kris in that moment.
"Susie, I didn't realize that Kris meant that much to you." Ralsei rubbed the back of his head. "Am I the one you should really be asking for advice on this? I mean, after all I'm...just learning how to be a friend. And you've done all the teaching thus far."
"Kris and I just became friends. The thought of losing that just scares me...scares me to my very core. The little I did sleep I had a nightmare. It was me and him in front of that bunker door in the woods. He was shaking the whole time, scared of something--I asked him what was wrong. He wouldn't tell me, backing away each time I walked towards the door. Suddenly, the door opened and a look of terror that I've never seen on him erupted on Kris' face. He looked at me, reached out to me but was sucked in and I had to watch as the doors closed on him. I couldn't save him, Ralsei! Kris almost died trying to save me yesterday Ralsei...I don't want to lose him." Susie began to break down. "All this time, I've treated that kid LIKE SHIT and despite everything, he still stuck his neck out for me. What do you say to that!? What do you do with that?! Jesus..."
Susie stood up, sniffling and wanting to begin walking again.
"H-Hey...Susie."Ralsei got up, gently putting a hand on Susie's arm, Susie growing stiff at the contact, Ralsei quickly pulling his hand away.
"Y-Yeah?" Susie turned around, trying to regain her composure.
"My offer still stands. I could teach you some healing spells, if you're up for it. Of course, the lessons would be payment for your advice from earlier." Ralsei offered. "This could help you protect Kris."
"They're hiding something Ralsei, I know it." Susie said. "It troubles Kris, even before we came to the Dark World. If there's something Kris knows and is trying to solve, I want to be prepared for the worst case scenario. I want to protect him."
"Then we'll start with the basics and on the way, refine your approach to conversation starters, all right?" Ralsei smirked.
"Yes, Susie?"
"You're not half bad." Susie smirked, putting an arm around him.
"T-Thanks." Ralsei blushed. "I don't suppose that would translate to hugging..."
submitted by ARTS1984 to krusie_gang [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:06 Everestcooldude Tdiu claim win probability without vocation expert’s assessment

For context, I am rated 90% by VA. I was medically retired out of the army with 40% dod rating. These are my va ratings: 50% anxiety&depression, 50% severe migraine headache, 40% tmd disorder with chronic pain, 10% cervical stiff neck pain, 10% tinnitus, 10% hip strain. I have been getting treatments continuously for the past 4 years every two to three months for those conditions. I have already got all the forms filled out, buddy letters done. Since many are talking about vocational expert’s assessments for tidu. Is the chance of winning tdiu low without vocational expert’s assessment. I have written my personal statement very well explaining how my disabilities affect me on a daily basis and how they make me unemployable. I am planning to submit my tdiu application online this Friday. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by Everestcooldude to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:35 Sinister-John A TRUE SCARY NIGHTMARE STORY \#scarystories \#nightmares \#horrorstories \#truestories

A TRUE SCARY NIGHTMARE STORY \#scarystories \#nightmares \#horrorstories \#truestories
This story was written and emailed to me to turn into a Scary Video Narrative. It is intended for viewing and reading purposes, sharing your thoughts and enjoying it. Thank you. Disclaimer below video.
I hope you enjoy. 🫶💀
Story by - Robert Pruitt.
It was a night like any other, or so I thought…
I found myself wandering through a dense, dark forest. The trees seemed to loom over me. Their branches twisted like gnarled fingers reaching out to grab me. And the air was heavy and thick with an eerie silence.
As I continued deeper into this forest, a feeling of dread began to settle over me. I felt like I was being watched or followed by something I couldn’t see.
And then, I heard something… A faint whistling sound reverberating through the trees.
And it was a haunting tune to say the least.
I quickened up my pace, trying to escape the creepy melody, but the damn thing seemed to follow me wherever I went. The whistling grew louder, more insistent, until it felt like it was coming from all directions at once. And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the whistling stopped.
And in its place, a chilling silence descended upon the forest. I strained my ears, waiting for any sound, but there was nothing. No crickets., no rustling leaves. Just an oppressive stillness.
And that's when I fucking heard it!
(Deep Coughs and Hacks)
The sound of a deep cough with the hacking and gargling of phlegm.
I looked in the direction of where I thought the cough was coming from. But not even 5 feet away, something tall, shaking like a Parkinson’s patient behind the forest brush.
A creature of some sort was choking on its own breath. Each exhale a rasping, desperate gasp for air. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as the rasping and gasping for air grew louder and louder, each gasp more agonizing than the last.
I turned to run, but my feet felt rooted to the spot and I couldn’t move. And now I couldn’t see it.
My body stuck, my back facing towards this thing. And I could sense its presence drawing closer, like a primal fear gripping me in its choking embrace.
And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, this thing jumped from the bushes and it was unlike anything I had ever seen - tall and hunched, with a crooked back and a stiff neck that seemed to creak with every movement.
Its eyes gleamed with a blinding light, and its mouth was filled with rows of sharp, jagged teeth. Grinding its jaw over and over and over again.
Finally, I felt my legs being able to move so I turned and ran!
My heart pounding in my chest…
But no matter how fast I ran, the creature was always right behind me! It’s long arms and legs closing the distance with each stride.
It was relentless and I knew I couldn't outrun it forever.
As I ran through the forest, hitting brush and branch, I turned to see where this thing could be. It was right behind me. Noteven 4 feet away!
As it exhaled a terrifying choke for air!
I stumbled and fell to the forest floor, and now my breath turned into ragged gasps. The creature hovered over me. It’s choking for air in sync with mine.
I closed my eyes, bracing for the end, but instead of an attack… I heard a chilling faint whisper coming from the forest.
I gasped for air and opened my eyes to see the creature had vanished….
(Evil whispers are all around me)
I couldn’t move to see where it was coming from, as my body lay stuck to the ground, sinking into the floor like quicksand.
The whispers grew closer and closer, and then suddenly…
The whispering turned into a vicious choke for air!!!
This is just one of many nightmares I’ve had. This dream had me sweating bullets! I write all of my dreams and nightmares that I vividly remember in my notebook. Hope it works for you! If you want more just let me know.
Thanks, Robert.
Disclaimer: This story was written and emailed to me to turn into a Scary Video Narrative. It’s here for viewing purposes and for reading material. It may not be used as your own story. These stories are now protected by the United States Library of Congress/Copyright Office. Thank you.
submitted by Sinister-John to u/Sinister-John [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:40 Scary-Mycologist-774 T

venting First time posting about this anywhere. Here’s my story. Hoping someone else’s in close to the same and maybe they can help me out.
It all started August of 2022. Woke up one night with a ringing in my head that wouldn’t stop. It finally subsided and I moved on for a couple days. Then it came back but not nearly as loud a couple weeks later. I didn’t pay much attention to it into the winter time. Went and saw an ENT, had mris, had my hearing checked and bloodwork done. It all come back great so really no answers. I started to think it had to be my neck because that was basically all that was left that could give you T. I’m a painter for 20 years and had a couple falls over the years. Neck was always stiff but nothing crazy. Started going to to PT for it and noticed some improvement. Then I went to an NFL football game in January 2023 with no hearing protection. Didn’t think it would matter cause my hearing was supposedly fine and I thought the T was from my neck. After the game my ears rang for 2 weeks straight. Family almost baker acted me because I was starting to talk crazy. Then it finally just stopped thank god. Since then it’s been on and off for a year and a half. I have earplugs in my pocket everywhere I go. It’s not just the T but the noise that feels like it goes right into my soul. I hate loud places anymore and won’t even go. I’ll have months straight where my T doesn’t bother me and I’m starting to think it’s gone and then boom it comes back. It’s not super loud, I can’t usually hear it if I’m outside. It’s when I’m in a quiet room, or driving in a vehicle or trying to go to sleep I hear it most. I hadn’t had problems with the T in months and then I started playing tennis again. Right away it was back, like my neck bouncing around brought it back. I accidentally bumped into a parking post pretty hard a few months back and had minor whiplash and my ears bothered me for a week. I helped a friend move one day and carried heavy stuff and that also spiked my T. Also when I move my neck to the side my T gets louder. Pretty convinced at this point is my neck causing it but then I think why did the football game or loud noises cause it to spike too. Like even if you don’t have ear damage and your T is from cervical issues can noise still flare it up? Other weird stuff like alcohol or tobacco don’t flare up my T like they say it does. I drank all day a couple weeks ago and didn’t hear it all day. I have an ocd type brain and this shit has consumed my thoughts for almost 2 years. When I’m outside 99 percent of time I can’t even hear it. Only in super quiet rooms or when I’m about to go to sleep. Sometimes I think I may just have hypercausis instead of T because certain sounds drive me crazy. Friends and family say the normal things like you’ll get used to it but I just can’t. Have an appt in a month with a neurologist because lately I’ve been having headaches too so want to see if it’s related to the T. Also might go see an osteopath doctor in my area, anybody had luck with those? Well anybody that’s read this far I sincerely appreciate any feedback. Sorry for the long post but this is the first time I’ve really just gotten this all out.
submitted by Scary-Mycologist-774 to tinnitus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:22 Mysterious283 I was raped by my boyfriend while losing my virginity.

Sorry if this is long and tmi, I tried to put as many details as I could remember cause I need to know if it was indeed rape.
This happened last year. My bf came to visit me in another state because I moved and we didn’t see each other much. We were both virgins at the time, he just turned 18 and I was 15. Mind you, he was craving to lose his virginity for so long. He would tell me everything he imagined doing with me, he would act so lustful. I barely remember what happened because I’m traumatized. But basically we were home alone at and I think he asked me if I wanna have sex and I said I didn’t want to right now. I remember him leaving and coming back into my room, pulling down his pants he had a condom on and then I was like, you can’t use that because it’s been rubbing against your underwear. (which could lead to breakage. he also put it on inside out.) he started getting mad and then put on 2 (which I told him was doing the opposite of helping) He was spitting bs saying he had super sperm, which he definitely did not, I’ve seen what it looks like first hand. At this point I was just hoping I wasn’t gonna get pregnant. I was afraid he might do something to me if I said no. I kept saying I didn’t feel like it. and he was begging me and then telling me to take off my clothes. I never remember saying yes but after all of that, I was in position, as he started pushing in I told him to wait. He didn’t listen he just kept going in. then after a moment I think I moved so it came out. then he said he’d do it slower, I literally wanted to disappear. he started going in again and I told him no stop, he said just a little more, I kept begging him to stop and he was going deeper. I think after I almost screamed and he stopped. I literally kept telling him it hurts, he said the first time is supposed to, I told him I have a gynecological problem that I need to get checked out, it’s painful. and he told me that it’s bullshit. he has a smaller d so it’s not from size. he kept telling me we should try again. I don’t remember much, but I think that’s when we thought my mom came home and thats when everything ended. also somewhere in the middle he went deeper and I was trying not to cry from the pain. he didn’t care that I was in pain. I just remember after this happened I felt so confused and empty. like a part a part of me was taken and it felt like all the negativity and aggression he had in him and on his face was transferred to me. a few hours later he was strangling me in a headlock and putting dog food in my mouth while I was begging him to let me go. I told him before to never put his hands on my neck or do anything with strangling because of the PTSD I had from abuse I had suffered. he would never listen. he did things on purpose that I asked him not to. it’s like he wanted all the control over me and he liked to hurt me. which he always denied that claim. was this indeed coercion and rape?
Edit: Thank you all so much for your support and help, I really appreciate it.
submitted by Mysterious283 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:23 Xandure Went to the doctor, got a shot and some medicine. Now what?

About a week ago, I posted to the subreddit about my recent lower back pain. Following some advice, I fast tracked a doctor's appointment I already had to see about the pain. The doctor didn't do any of the slump test or straight leg tests or whatever, but did talk to me about the pain and felt my back and all.
Coming out of it, the doctor said it was muscle spasms, I walked out with two shots (solumedrol and ketorolac) and three pill medications (Medrol, Tramadol, and Methocarbamol). The Tramadol was a 3day supply, and the Medrol was in a pack that decreased the dosage every day, so today I'm basically just on the Methocarbamol; I have maybe like 5 days more of the medicine.
I feel a lot better recently, but I don't know how much of that might go away when I stop the Methocarbamol, as that's the muscle relaxant. I'm hoping there's not return of too much pain, since the medicine makes me a little foggy, so I'd prefer to be off it. My sleep still sorta suffers, and the positions that I've found to help (on my side with pillows) is sorta unnatural to me, since usually that was a way of making my back feel bad (I have to like curl up a lot more than usual).
But in the meantime, some other issues have cropped up. I've recently been having some upper back pain, though this is a more traditional stiff back sort of pain. Perhaps my upper back is in some way compensating, or it's not used to me sitting with a proper posture. Similarly, I've also been getting a stiff neck; it feels like a I have a crick in it that I can't crack. (Also, though not really an issue, my back cracks really easily? Like, if I'm sitting down, and realize my posture is slightly off, shifting to that posture cracks my back? It's weird.)
I've also started to sit with a more proper posture, get up more often from my desk, and I have started doing the "Big 3" exercises and some glute exercises, in the hope of mitigating future back pain. I'm basically following this exact webpage entirely, so hopefully everything there is correct. I didn't realize how much the Big 3 exercises were like, actual exercise, so I'm currently doing them like every other day instead of every day.
I'm just wondering is there anything more I can do to help my current situation, and to help prevent issues in the future.
submitted by Xandure to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:45 bigbazars Importance of massaging

Hey everbody! I've been scrolling on this sub for a while now.
I've got a question... Since two months I'm going to the physio. She massages my triggerpoints and helps me with other pains I have. I'm going to try dry needling soon.
I am/get EXTREMELY sore in my trapezius muscles due to stress and emotional blockades. I have a very good posture and I workout/dance a few times a week. I have a fairly long neck, so when my trapezius muscles are stiff, you literally can see the muscles emphasized as 'bumps'. I use heating & cooling gel, keep my neck/trapezius warm and I try to massage myself. My physiotherapist also massages my trapezius every week.
Within 2 weeks I'm gonna see a professional masseur, and try cupping. I wonder what it's going to do for me.
But... I really feel the need to get massaged every day. Literally every single day. Does anyone experience this? I feel so 'stuck' physically and emotionally... And when I get massaged I genuinly feel so much better; ofcourse mentally because it's relaxing, but mostly because I truly feel like NEED it for my physical wellbeing as my trapezius gets so stiff and the muscles get literally hard as rocks...
submitted by bigbazars to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:16 miread001 strange combo of symptoms, should I see a doc?

Hi all.
I (17F) am autistic and have Hypermobility Ehlers danlos syndrome, Primary chronic pain, TMJ and have exhibited symptoms of POTS. I take 15mg amitriptyline every night. Not sure if these symptoms are related but thought it was worth mentioning. Any ideas would be appreciated and advice on whether i should go to my GP.
Over the last 3 weeks, I have felt very unwell but for different reasons. The only consistent is my loss of appetite.
3 weeks ago I started experiencing a tremor in my left hand (my writing hand, will leave video in comments) which never went away. It isn’t the first time I had these tremors but they went away after around an hour so I didn’t think anything of it before but since this has stayed, I’m getting a bit worried about it.
Last wednesday, I experienced a severe headache that was light sensitive. I had a temperature of 41.2°C. My neck was also really achy and hurt when I moved it.
While the headache isn’t as bad anymore, it’s still there. New symptoms that have arisen in the past week include nausea, a tremor in my right hand and foot and an increase in my tics (head jerks and muscle contractions in my head and neck).
Another thing that is unusual for me is a severe bout of incontinence. I do struggle with incontinence but only for small dribbles of urine. Yesterday while at college, I completely lost control of my bladder and completely emptied it. My friend had to run to primark to get me a change of clothes. Since then I have needed to go to the toilet more often. After that I have had severe lower abdominal pain, tingling in my feet and my general state of incontinence has gotten worse.
Im not really sure what to do and i’m scared. TIA.
submitted by miread001 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:47 Lanky-Set9064 How did you get diagnosed!?

36/f ignoring a lifetime of issues that are just getting worse and I keep getting told my blood tests look good so go on the fodmap diet for IBS. I was talking to a client at work and he said I sound like his wife who has fibromyalgia. I’d honestly never really heard of it and after looking into it, I have EVERY damn symptom. My body is always so stiff, I’m exhausted no matter how much I sleep.. my joints hurt constantly, I have heart palpitations but the holter test was fine,, blood work has been fine although iron, b12, and hemoglobin are low (borderline anemic). My jaw clicks, my ears ring, I get headaches from neck pain.. my back is always so sore. The only time I feel “okay” is if I literally lay in a ball and don’t move and stare at my phone to distract myself, or if I’m in a really hot bath. I can’t focus on anything and feel like I’m high/buzzed half the time.. like my eyes just won’t focus. Recently, I’ve almost passed out twice (laid down before I went down) and it’s beginning to scare the shit out of me. i have two young’s kids I’m trying to be present for and I’m struggling to manage it all. I have an appt with my doctor tomorrow because I almost fainted during an appt with a client on the weekend, but I’m becoming increasingly more anxious about it, as I’m constantly gaslit by doctors. Do I straight up just say I think I have Fibromyalgia?? How did you find out for sure?? Thanks so much reading!
submitted by Lanky-Set9064 to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:36 ResourceAcrobatic39 i am in so much pain and i can’t talk to anyone about it

me and my boyfriend have been having increasingly worse fights and the worst part about it is he like darvo’s me or some shit the next day when i complain about the injuries i sustain.
he strangled me again yesterday, but i can’t complain about the extreme neck pain i am in without him turning it around on me, avoiding me, making me feel bad for mentioning the pain. i literally can not hold up my own fucking head without it hurting because of him choking me, but that is too upsetting for him. i hate that i’m too weak to leave the abusive relationship i am in.
i hate how much money i am out due to him destroying my belongings and justifying it because i threatened to call the police if he wouldn’t calm down. i hate that the neighbors start fights with him because they hear him hurting me, instead of doing literally anything else that wouldn’t put me in more danger. i hate that i have nobody to talk to about anything i go through. i tell my friends some but i know i am a burden, i know it is too much to hear.
i was going to leave while he was at work yesterday, but he took my phone and threatened to take it with him and then smash it when he got home. i had to go to his work and sit in a hot car in a parking lot for hours. i moved out here for him, as embarrassing as it is i have no way of going home without directions.
i hate that i’m pregnant with his child and he is forcing me to abort this one too. i hate that he can’t even not strangle me when i’m pregnant. i hate that he has no empathy for hormones or the fact that he could cause me to miscarry. i hate all the cuts i have over my body from self harm, i hate that he laughs and encourages it and tells me he will help me pick out a better knife to cut with. i hate how he laughs at me and smiles while doing all this.
and most of all, i hate that after sustaining all this emotional trauma and physical damages, i have to play the “cool girl”. i hate that i can’t be upset over him beating me because it’s too upsetting for him. i hate that i can’t even get one week before being strangled again.
i reach out to my family. i say they need to come protect me and help me pack up. they say i am overreacting. i say i fear he will kill me and i really need help. they say i’m overreacting.
i just want to be happy and safe and not in pain. i don’t know what i did to deserve this. this isn’t even everything i go through.
submitted by ResourceAcrobatic39 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:24 Ok_Entertainment9355 A negative entity was attached to my mom's ex husband

Hi Courtney! I'm a huge fan of your channel and I've been watching you for a while now, and I would just die if you read my story! It's gonna be a little longer since I don't want to miss any important details. Also tag warning for some serious topics (drug use and pedophelia)
Okay so, let's start back in 2012. My mom worked in the NICU taking care of little premature babies. (I had been 6 weeks early, which inspired my mom) I was 11 at the time that she met her ex-husband, my ex-stepdad. We can just call him B (for bastard lol). They worked together, he was funny and stole her heart. Well at the time he was going through a divorce but lived in a house twenty minutes from where we were living at the time. B had told my mom that things were over with his ex for sure (he told his ex wife at that time that he wanted to work on things! She was so blindsided by the divorce papers!) <--- of course we didn't know about any of that until recently End of 2012 comes, he marries my mom and my older sister move in with him and his 7 year old son in this three bedroom house. Two rooms upstairs and a master bedroom downstairs. Now of the top two rooms, my ex stepbrother (lets call him C) had the larger room, while my older sister (who was high school age, I think she was a senior) and I shared the other room and slept in bunk beds.
Now C had a problem with sleeping in his room at night. He would tell us about how he was afraid of the closet (the closet also had a tiny door that led up to the attic). Ever since he was little it was always the same problem. C was simply terrified of something in the house. He had an experience where someone woke him up and warned him that there was a spider, he started screaming and sure enough they found a brown recluse spider under his bed.
Then my mom gets pregnant and gives birth to my little brother, H. My sister had moved out pretty much as soon as possible. B was awful. He would belittle us and talk down to us, constantly try to make everyone feel stupid around him- he had to be the smartest one around at all times. He was an asshole, and he would say rude stuff and then complain that we were taking him too serious and he was just being sarcastic. That we 'didn't get his sense of humor'. And for a while, he had my mom wrapped right around his finger. He was manipulating her from the very beginning. He even treated her like shit most of the time. 8th grade all the way through the end of my senior year I endured his treatment every day. I had to be careful about what I said at all times, about who came over, about being too loud at night. If my room was messy, he would take a garbage bag and take all of my stuff- I had to 'earn' back my stuff.
When the baby was born they had to do renovations on the house. There was a ton of attic space, so they ended up breaking into it- a game room leading to two bedrooms and a bathroom. This was when things went from humanly hellish to supernaturally chaotic. During the renovations before any walls went up and it was mostly just wood and plastic, C and I had seen a dark shadow of a man pass behind a plastic tarp- and it was so clear because the sunlight was coming from the other side. When I checked there was no body there. Once everything was completed the feeling changed.
My room ended up being on the other end of the opened up attic.
At the time I was watching a lot of Supernatural- so my spooked ass started putting salt barriers on my bedroom door (which guess what! Yeah! It was one of those attic bedrooms!) and also on my window too. My mom and B would ridicule me for this but I stand by my decisions to this day!
This was mostly because of the feelings you would get in the game room. Even if you were just passing through. There were always eyes on you- especially when your back was turned. I never ever walked through that room without the light on. I didn't even sleep with the light off in my room. When I would I would get really bad sleep paralysis,
One of the worst ones I was laying on my stomach with my head turned to the side. I opened my eyes and I was utterly frozen. At first I know it's just sp, so I try to stay calm and take deep breaths but then I start to feel this pressure starting down on my feet. It feels like two hands grabbing my ankles and pressing down. Then the hands move up my body and then there's more pressure- like someone's whole body is crawled over top of me. It gets closer and closer to my head. All the while I'm trying to scream but I can't open my mouth so it's just coming out as quiet whimpers. I can feel it breathing on my neck and then in my ear. That's when it finally stopped and I jerked up and immediately turned on the light. I remember just crying for a while. At the time B had made it impossible to trust my mom- and they would've just gotten mad at me for waking them up.
There was another night where I had been up late, probably 3 or 4 in the morning and I was drawing or something just sitting on my bed. All of the sudden I hear 4 distinct knocks from INSIDE my closet! No joke I shit bricks. There was no rational explanation. Because there was siding on our house that was damaged and it would make noise but it was always specific like a scraping/tapping. But this was a knock, like someone is at your door with your DoorDash meal type knock. I always tried to rationalize what was happening. Make excuses for the weird stuff.
Then one summer, my cousin had come up from another state to stay with us. We spent a lot of time in my room, just hanging out. One day, we're both up there just chilling when all of the sudden I notice something under my door.
Someone was walking back and forth in front of the bedroom door. You could even hear the floor creaking on the other side. You could see the shadow pass to the right and then to the left. I remember locking my door and calling my mom to see if it was an actual human, nope. She ended up sending B up there (of course this made him mad for some reason) to verify that there was no person up there. Basically they just said we were being kids with overactive imaginations but I can tell you right now there was no rational explanation for that experience.
A lot of the time at that house you could feel constant eyes on you, mostly in the attic. Like always- at all times, someone or something was watching.
There were also times when there was a sort of 'mimic' situation where you could think you heard something upstairs but you really didn't; one time my sister went to pick up our dog- and she thought she heard the dog crying upstairs, she started to go up and get her when her boyfriend who was there at the time stopped her because the dog crate was downstairs in my moms room AND GUESS WHO WAS IN THE CRATE and NOT upstairs.
There was also one time I was babysitting my younger siblings and it was pretty late when I heard giggling upstairs. Thinking it was my brother, I went up to reprimand him and basically tell him to go to sleep but when I entered his room- he was dead asleep. Like fully passed out. I just shut the door and quietly went back downstairs. Nope nope nope.
B ended up doing work out of state- I was like 20 ish and moved back in with my mom and the kids. What was weird that during this time I didn't really have a lot of paranormal experiences. Once or twice you would hear weird things or my cat would get tiffed up staring at blank corners of the room. It was mostly really nice when he wasn't there.
A few years ago we ended up having to leave that house. B as it turns out had gotten himself addicted to meth and also started downloading explicit photos of underage girls (11-13 approx.) I was at the house when the police came and everything. He's still not in jail btw which is such bull. When it first happened, my mom reached out to B's ex wife to talk to her.
Turns out from the moment B and his ex bought this house, she immediately noticed negativity. Weird things and scary things that would happen. We sort of deduced that HE was the one bringing that negative energy into the house, which totally made sense because most of the extreme haunting stuff was happening WHILE HE WAS THERE. So yeah I blame him because he is a disgusting demon himself.
Anyway that's all I've got for now- thank you so much for reading! Love you girl!
submitted by Ok_Entertainment9355 to spoopycjades [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:01 Flagg1991 Children of the Night (Part 2)

The world was a boozy whirl of lights and sounds. Images, broken and fragmented, came and went. Voices, laughter, screaming. The ground pitched like the deck of a tempest-tossed ship, and he felt heavy, as though the ground were pulling him to it. C’mere, Dommy. He fell, lay on the pavement, and pushed himself up again, staggering like a drunk on his way home. His head spun, his body ached, and things seemed blurry, like half-formed images glimpsed underwater.
It was the light blue hour before dawn and Dom was…somewhere. He should have recognized the stores and street signs around him, but he didn’t. His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, and a sense of confusion gripped him so strongly that he was beginning to panic. Where was he? What happened?
The world spun away again and the next thing he knew, he was lying in a heap of garbage bags, used needles, and rubbish. He came awake with a jerk and sat up so fast that a bolt of pain jammed into his skull. He winced and pressed his hand to his forehead. He felt hot, clammy.
Something was seriously wrong.
Somehow he got to his feet again and started walking. The sun was up now and the streets were filled with people. They all sneered in disgust as he passed, and he wrapped his arms around his chest like a baby comforting itself. He was getting cold. His muscles were sore. Tears streamed down his face and he wanted to cry.
Going on instinct alone, Dom made his way back home and climbed the steps to his apartment. Exhaustion swept over him and he sagged against the door as he dug in his pocket for the keys. They shook in his hand and he had to focus really hard to get the key into the lock.
Inside, he collapsed onto the couch and his eyelids instantly drooped. He was so weary that he couldn’t lift his head, couldn’t form a single coherent thought. Dom felt himself starting to sink, and snapped his eyes open with a start. Something in his soul told him that if he slept, he would die.
He couldn’t help it, though. He was falling, tumbling, hands reaching up from hell to grab him. His eyes fluttered closed again and the world started to go dark, his heart slamming in fear. He tried to fight, but the pull of darkness was too strong, too alluring. Why was he fighting? Why not just…give up? Hadn’t he thought of killing himself before? Didn’t he hate his life and himself? What was there to fight for? A wife? Kids? A community that loved and respected him? Shit, affordable groceries?
There was nothing.
He had nothing and was nothing.
A sense of peace blossomed from the darkness, and suddenly death didn’t seem so scary. In fact, it was warm…inviting.
It was life that was cold and hateful. Not death.
Death accepted you no matter who you were. It didn’t reject you…it didn’t ignore you. If you sought it, you would find it, and if you embraced it, it would embrace you.
With that thought in mind, Dom gave up.
And died.
Bruce Kenner, captain of the 5th Albany precinct, sat behind his desk on the morning of June 28 and lazily leafed through a stack of files as he sipped from a mug of coffee. A roughly built man with a dark goatee and graying blonde hair, he looked more like a small town southern sheriff than a low level public works functionary. In fact, he tended to act like it too. He liked to hunt, fish, and drink beer on his off time. Albany wasn’t a big city, but it was big enough that you never got a fucking break. Run here, run there, arrest this asshole, investigate that asshole. By the time Friday rolled around, he was so ready for the peace and tranquility of a fishing trip he could taste it.
Already this Monday morning, he was looking forward to another one.
Over the weekend, three kids went missing in the Pine Hills and Washington Park area, bringing the total for that summer up to eight. All were teenagers, all were troubled. Most were boys, but two were girls.
Troubled kids run away all the time. They might be gone a few days, sulking at a friend’s house over something their father or mother did, but they’d eventually come home. None of these kids had come back yet and from what he knew, a few of them weren’t the runaway types. They were shits at school and caused problems, but they had no reason to up and leave. Hell, Bruce himself raised hell as a kid, but he always found his way back home, even if he spent the previous night dying in a field from Mad Dogg 20/20 poisoning.
One or two kids going missing…okay, it happens. Eight? Over a span of four weeks?
Yeah, something was wrong here.
But what?
There was nothing on any of these kids. No one saw them, no one knew anything - one minute they were here, the next they weren’t. What could he or anyone else do with that?. The public broke cops’ balls all the time, but if you don’t have evidence, you don’t have evidence. What do you want? Door to door searches? Roadblocks? Dogs and helicopters? Yeah, then when you actually do it, they cry fascism. Guess I’ll just use my Spidey Senses.
Bruce wished he had spidey senses. He wanted to find these kids as much as anyone, and he was starting to get pissed off that he couldn’t. He took another sip from his mug and read on. The latest kids to go missing were three boys between the ages of fourteen and eighteen.
They were all white, all thin (except for one). If there was a serial killer in town - and Bruce hoped to fuck there wasn’t - he had a type. What, black kids aren’t good enough to kill, cannibalize, and wear like a skin suit? They should charge him with a hate crime for discrimination.
That way he’d actually stay locked up.
The door opened and Vanessa Rodregiez, his deputy, came in. A tall, shapely Hispanic woman with dark eyes and a mouth poised always on the edge of a smile, she wore her black hair in a ponytail that would look stern and severe on anyone else, but on her, looked childlike. She was twenty-seven and had been on the force for three years, but you could be forgiven for thinking her much younger. “Bright and early, I see,” she said with a grin.
Bruce grumbled.
Vanessa held down the fort during the graveyard shift, acting to the night as he acted to the day. She was young and full of energy, which clashed with Bruce, who was old and just wanted to be left alone. Despite their differences, Bruce loved her like a kid sister…an annoying kid sister he wanted to throat punch sometimes.
“You missed all the fun last night,” she said and parked her butt on the edge of Bruce’s desk. He glared at her, but she ignored him.
“Good,” he said. Then: “What happened?”
“Big fight outside of Club Vlad,” she said. “It looked like a WorldStar video.”
For a moment, Bruce was lost. “Club what?”
“Club Vlad,” Vanessa said. “Where the Fuze Box used to be.”
Ah, right. The Fuze Box was an Albany landmark, a night club for punks…or goths…or someone. Certainly not for Bruce Kenner. It was small, dingy, and always had people in black waiting outside. On Friday and Saturday nights, it blasted strange music with lyrics about fighting The Man. Kids had been fighting the Man since before Bruce was even born and they hadn’t beaten him yet. Kudos to them for still trying.
Last year, The Fuze Box closed down and someone else bought it. It reopened last month and looked more or less the same: Posers, shitty music, and spiked hair. So much spiked hair. “Place is still a pain in the ass,” Bruce said.
“Yep,” Vanessa chirped. “It doesn’t know what it wants to be now. One minute they play nightcore, the next EDM. It’s all over the place.”
Bruce raised a quizzical brow.
“Not that I’ve ever been there in my free time,” Vanessa said in a tone that suggested she had,
Bruce gave a judgemental hum.
“Anyway,” Vanessa went on, “you see we have some new missing persons?”
Sighing, Bruce sat back in his chair. “Yeah. I did.”
“People are starting to ask questions,” Vanessa warned.
That brought a terse smile to Bruce’s weathered face. “Maybe they’ll solve it then.”
“Ha, fat chance,” Vanessa said. She got up and stretched. “Anyway, I’m bushed. Here’s my…” she trailed off and looked at her empty hands. “Damn, where’s my report? I just had it?” She turned in a confused circle as if she might be able to spot her report making a break for it. “Huh,” she said. She left the office and came back a moment later holding a folder. “Found it,” she grinned.
Bruce just looked at her.
“Um…here it is.”
He didn’t take it.
Her smile faltered. She carefully sat it on top of the files Bruce was looking at.
And his hands.
“I’ll just leave that right here.” She patted it for good measure.
“Thank you,” Bruce said.
“Okay. Night.”
“Goodnight,” Bruce said as she left through a shaft of morning sunlight. Alone, Bruce sat her report aside and went back to the missing kids. This case was giving him a headache and it wasn’t even nine. With a deep sigh, he slumped back in his chair and drummed his fingers on the armrests.
Was it Saturday yet?
He could really use a fishing trip.
Dom came awake in the cold purple twilight with a shocked gasp like a man coming up seconds before drowning. His eyes strained from his sweaty face and his mouth hung slack, twisted in a gruesome parody of The Scream. His mind was muddled, murky - he didn’t know where he was or even who he was, but he knew this,.
He couldn’t breathe.
He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, but his lungs did not fill with air. A great, unseen weight seemed to bear down on his chest, and panic gripped him. He tried to move, but his arms refused to heed his brain’s command. The weight seemed heavier, all over, crushing him like a bug. Confusion filled him and he started to pant.
Without warning, his bowels and bladder loosened, and horrible wetness filled his pants. He tried to sit up, but his body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. His chest rose and fell with the frantic labor of his breath, but his lungs remained inert. A cry of fear bubbled up inside of him, but escaped his mouth only as a breathy groan.
A bust of adrenaline shot through him and he tried to stand, but succeeded only in falling off the couch instead, landing face first against the cold tile floor. He felt his nose crunch, but the pain was muted.
Dom thought he lost consciousness after that, but wasn’t sure. His next memory was of shivering so violently that his teeth clacked together. A phantom chill - perhaps from the floor - had settled into his bones, and was colder than he had ever been in his life, colder even than the time he fell into a snowbank and got lost when he was two. Shudders racked his body, and though he tried to turn over, he was too fucking heavy. It was like every muscle in his body had turned to dead weight. Fragmented thoughts swirled in his head, faint colors in the dark, but he couldn’t put any of them together.
With great effort, he managed to push himself slightly up, but a wave of lightheadedness crashed over him and he lowered his head once more. He stopped trying and simply lay there. Shortly, his eyes began to burn and he realized that he wasn’t blinking. Jesus Christ, he wasn’t blinking.
For some strange reason, that brought a fresh bout of panic. He started to hyperventilate, but his lungs still wouldn’t work. He wasn’t blinking…he wasn’t breathing…what was happening to him?
A whimper burst from his throat and he started to cry.
He must have cried himself to sleep, because he woke sometime later to the most intense headache he’d ever had. It felt like something was eating his brain from the inside out. He was sore all over, and could feel his muscles twitching, as though a thousand living things were burrowing through his body. A cramp shot down his right leg, and the toes of his left foot curled involuntarily. Slowly, his jaw clenched closed, and the muscles in his neck began to strain…then to burn. His panic turned to terror, and Dom wiggled across the floor like a worm, his limbs screaming in red agony and his brain filling with heat. He somehow wound up on his right side, and his arms curled slowly up to his chest, crossing at the wrists like a mummy. He tried to pull them apart, but the slightest movement sent waves of excruciating pain cutting through his body. His knees began to draw up to his stomach, and his fingers clenched tightly.
Cramps and spasms attacked every muscle in his body. He screamed through his teeth and shook, resembling a man in the electric chair as 40,000 volts of justice coursed through him. The pain grew gradually, getting worse and worse as minutes ticked by like hours. Higher, higher, higher - he clenched his eyes closed and shrieked as it became unbearable. Disjointed thoughts flashed through his mind - prayers, threats, curses, Jesus fucking…FUCK.
What was happening? God, what was happening to him? Was it fentanyl? He’d seen videos of people high on fentanyl, and they leaned in weird positions. He didn’t do drugs but maybe he ingested it somehow.
His panic may have returned if all of his muscles hadn’t picked that moment to contract as one. His eyes bulged from their sockets and his jaw unclenched just enough for him to utter a high. Agonized scream that echoed through his empty apartment like thunder.
A human being can only take so much before giving out. When the pain reached a crescendo, and Dom mercifully sank into consciousness once more. The sun rose and cascaded through the apartment’s sole window, falling over his huddled form. Slowly, it tracked across the sky before setting again. As the last rays disappeared behind the horizon, Dom’s eyes opened. The pain of the night before was blessedly gone, replaced by a feeling of numbness - the cool ash after the hot fire. His thoughts were slow and thick like molasses, but he could actually think again. Nightmare memories flooded back to him, but he wasn’t sure they were real. He was lying on his side, his arms wrapped around his chest as if for warmth, and his teeth lightly chattered against the icy chill. He was so cold that he didn’t want to move, but he couldn’t stay here forever. He needed help. He needed…
A shower.
Yeah, a hot shower. That would warm him up.
Gritting his teeth, he slowly sat up, ready for a burst of pain.
But none came.
He did, however, feel heavy. Getting to his feet, he stumbled and nearly fell, catching himself against the counter. His limbs had no feeling. It’s like they weren’t even there. Head hung, Dom tried to catch his breath, but it felt like he wasn’t breathing at all. His eyelids drooped closed and he felt like he was going to fall down. Summoning all the might he could, he shuffled into the bathroom with the stiff gait of an old man. He snapped the light on, and cold, white brilliance filled the space, blinding him.
Leaning heavily against the sink, he gripped the cold porcelain. Suddenly, he was afraid of looking into the mirror. He was sure that whatever reflection he saw, it would be of something else, something monstrous.
Dom lifted his head and faced the glass.
His heart shrank.
The man in the mirror was him but different. His skin was white as milk, lacking all color whatsoever save for the ugly purple patch on the left side. IResembling a giant bruise, it started at the temple and extended down to the slope of his neck, disappearing beneath his T-shirt. He gingerly lifted the shirt, and moaned when he saw that his entire left side was discolored, the purple edged with a puffy shade of pink. His sallow skin clung tight to his ribcage, and his hip bones stuck out so much it looked painful. Back in the mirror, his cheeks were sunken, hollow, and his eyes were a hazy, dishwater gray. His skull seemed bigger, his hair longer. Dom wanted to whip his head away from the phantom before him, to never see it again, but he was transfixed.
There was no way that thing was -
Dom looked away, cutting that thought off before it could finish.
A shower.
He needed a shower.
Slowly, stiffly, Dom undressed, peeling off his shirt and his soiled pants. He dropped them in a heap on the floor and stepped under the spray. He could feel the water pounding against him, but it provided no heat. It was neither hot nor cold. It was simply there.
Dom pressed his head to the slick shower wall and stood there for a long time. He was spent, tired, and fried - he had no more emotions left to give. He got out after a little while, dried off, and put on a clean pair of shorts. He settled into bed and lay there with his hands folded over his chest and his eyes open. They felt gritty, dry. His stomach felt bloated, gassy. He was drowsy now, the weight of the past two days (or was it two weeks?) coming down on him all at once. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.
He was still asleep - but aware - when the knocking on his door started the next morning. Time was funny in this state of being, fast and jerky but also slow and echoing. Keys rattled the knob turned. The landlord came in with a cop. They saw him on the bed, laid out like a corpse for a viewing, and the cop radioed in a code 35. Soon, cops were all around him, making noise and touching things. He had the vague sense of discomfort and embarrassment at the intrusion. A baling man in a suit stood over him, a cop who looked like a redneck beside him. “He didn’t die here,” the medical examiner said.
The cop looked at him questioningly. Dom caught the name KENNER on his name tag.
“See this?” the M.E. said and gestured to Dom’s face. “That’s livor mortis. When you die, your blood pools at the lowest point. If you’re on your left side, for example, it pools on the left.”
Kenner looked at Dom and then back to the M.E. “Someone moved him?”
“Looks like it,” the M.E. said.
“When did he die?”
The M.E. examined Dom as though he were nothing more than a side of beef. “At a glance? Three days. I won’t have a better answer until I open him up.”
Dom was still awake when they put him into a body bag and zipped it up. He felt a stirring of fear beneath the cold numbness, but he was too tired to worry about it now.
Later, he thought.
He would panic later.
For now, Dom slept.
submitted by Flagg1991 to LetsReadOfficial [link] [comments]