Lamictal bruising

Bruised Skin

2024.05.08 20:28 blackisthewave Bruised Skin

Hi, so quick question. I've been on a low dosage of lamictal for almost a year (in conjunction with Ativan and tegretol that I've been on for eons), however, I've noticed some bruising on my chest and arms. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I make a doctor's visit?
submitted by blackisthewave to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:54 staythruthecredits Connective tissue issues

41F nonsmoker, medical cannabis user (no flame)
I have had chronic pain for years that's only been resolved briefly by a month of steroids, or a month on meloxicam with PT.
I've dealt with TMJ dysfunction after an auto accident age 20, which also broke my femur and it has a rod and nails to this day. By 25 it was no longer mouth guards and muscle relaxers, and I was getting injections in the base of my skull, along my neck, and in my upper back out towards my shoulders. I was told it was saline, and the records are lost. I considered this a drawback of my prior occupation in a call center.
Age 35 my nails were drying out, splitting vertically, and my eyes were beginning to stay irritable. I topped out at 214 pounds and I'm 62 inches tall. I had been taking Saphris and Welbutrin for five years and aside from being sore and exhausted all the time, my lower neck had been consistently tight and burning enough for me to look into CBD. I also switched to Fetzima from Welbutrin, and the muscle cramps were comical.
In 2018 I decided to stop Saphris and use this body. My left hip was always restricted after the auto accident. I didn't understand why and no one suggested additional tests or MRI, or more aggressive PT.
2019 was a big year for me when I took a job on retail, after I hadn't worked for a few years. I had headaches all the time from my eyes and the light, which hadn't been a thing. I had more than 1 migraine per quarter, which was my baseline.
Under the stress of the pandemic I pushed myself. I got my symmetry, ROM, flexibility, balance, and strength back. It was rad, until it wasn't.
I was sweating out my headbands up to twice per shift, drinking 6 bottles of water every day at work. My face was always red. Cold tolerance lowered. My lower back felt awful. I went to see the orthopedic for guidance on do more, do less, do different? 2020 fall I have mild OA of SI joints. 15mg meloxicam and 1 month PT had not only made my back feel really good, but everything else as well that's been sore and irritable for years. We agreed to move to rheumatology.
2021 april: Hypermobility and anti-SSB. My ANA is not clinically positive and has a specked pattern. Long term tolerance to meloxicam is untenable. 18 months on hydroxychloriquine no conclusive relief.
I have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy but I'm not clear on 2020 or 21. Constipation, painful and nauseating, passing a concerning amount of mucus, revealed a 10mm single polyp that was benign. No signs of crohns and otherwise unremarkable aside from "senna abuse" and I quit that stuff the next year. The endoscopy was unremarkable, although I had already known that without prilosec for an unknown period of time that either I will be vomiting or at the very least need to vomit to relieve that episode. Baking soda water worked in my 20s and stopped working by my 30s.
2023 I had been through requested reduced hours, reduced duties, and no social life because once I got home and stopped moving it's like a timer that I had 40 minutes before I could barely move. Days off seemed to be more about recovery than catching up. I would find myself unable to stay awake in the middle of the day and the naps are always 4 ½ hours. I called out for those flares but they just kept happening. I felt like I was on fire every time my temp lowered to 97°. To be fair to my coworkers and myself, I quit that job. I tried to work regular hours at a different place that didn't have a 40 lb all day requirement, and within 3 weeks I was done. I couldn't think. I couldn't drive because of my head being so fuzzy. I didn't have access to water all shift and maybe it had something to do with it, but I quit.
The next month I started doing Rick Simpson Oil. It felt like I cleared the junk out of my head finally from all my medications. Now I've been thinking more, taking notes, and seeing how deep this goes. I've lowered so much of my stress with therapy and become more creative, and while all that has helped I am still sick.
December 23 my LDL was 195 and I was put on 10 mg rosuvastatin. I will say I know what happened there. I doubled down on foods I knew I could eat once I confirmed adult onset allergies. Sunflower seeds and undercooked/uncooked eggs are a no go. I also have an allergy to chlorhexadine.
I have tender points in so many places like near the elbows, shoulders, around my head, my neck is awful. My legs have them around the knees, thighs, hips, top and sides of my butt, face in front of the ears.
This year I screwed up my left shoulder with a labral tear. Physical therapy was fixing it, until it wasn't. Everything seemed well with strength and motion but then intense pain down my arm that was hurting my elbow as well. Mri showed biceps tendonotis, and I got a cortisone shot. Life was good. My neck felt better and the two recurrent knots in my left shoulder blade were much looser. Back to physical therapy, and after 1 week it's going to hell again. I have other tendons down that arm feeling like bruises from a car wreck but they are no larger than a thumbprint and no one can see them.
I've left my legs alone before they are too tender. I tried the theragun on them tonight and remembered why I don't. I asked who the pain specialists were in the practice, and now I'm here.
Current medications Lamictal, effexor, adderall D3 5000ui, chelated potassium, garden of life probiotics for colon health and their raw one women vitamin Zyrtec, prilosec twice daily (laryngeal reflux) 10 mg Crestor. As needed 350 mg soma, tessalon 100mg, cannabis Flonase, Astepro (laryngeal reflux) to keep my voice Restasis hurts my eyes for the entire day, not just application, and was discontinued after 5 weeks. My glands aren't dead and we're going to treat them manually at the next visit.
Continued concerns are my toes. I get chilblains in the winter while constantly wearing bombas slippers. The outer edge of my toes next to the pinky randomly numb out and are very uncomfortable. My big toe goes numb halfway down the nail bed randomly. Days where I cannot control my body temperature, I stay under the covers shivering until I pass out as soon as I'm warm... Then it's usually the 4 ½ hour snooze. My limbs are always affected. I have had a shawl in bed the last few years for the on then off with the cold shoulders.
I get zaps through my knuckles when trying to massage my arms with glides. I use Epiderm for a barrier on my face. It's been known to feel on fire and get a rash from my own sweat or tears. I will have some small degree of rash or tiny pinpoint hives here and there throughout the day on my hands unless I diligently moisturize. My cuticles recede the same without care. Wounds heal more slowly because everything seems to itch and I accidentally forget about them and catch them in a scratch. Coconut oil to the groin or the itching starts. Coconut oil in my ear canals as well.
Exclusionary Cardiovascular okay. Treadmill stress good. Echo good. Ekg good. Cholesterol within normal levels. 25 pound weight loss in 4 months and complete cbc okay from march '24.
If I'm missing anything pertinent lmk. 175 pounds. No oral contraceptive. Regular mentrual cycle. Bursitis 2x left hip. I started screaming after I woke up to either bursitis or tendonitis at the right hip last week, and the follow up from the mri last week will be Wednesday. Xray unremarkable.
Cervical unremarkable, slight bulge and osteophites. Thorasic unremarkable slight curvature and osteophites. Lumbar as presented earlier in post. All have recommended MRI/specialist.
This issue doesn't track for celebrex or tramadol, but the screaming incidents response to tramadol.
submitted by staythruthecredits to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 23:56 wheredidshego_ 36F, continually getting more ill.

I have not felt quite well for about two years, but the past 10 months it feels like I am on a quick downhill slide. It seems like I have so many unrelated symptoms and they are all bothersome, but it seems like they are never looked at as a whole. Is it simply aging? The last few months have just left me feeling extremely distressed and disheartened. If nothing is actually wrong, then why can’t I simply feel well? I feel so sick. I spend so much time crying because I don’t feel well. I am angry. Why can’t anyone figure out what is wrong? After the abdominal/pelvic ct came back clear, I’m a mess. I have no more ideas. I had begun to think lupus, but with a negative ana - unlikely. Then my bowel movement/gi issues began and was considering crohns, but nothing visualized on the ct. I considered ovarian cancer, but again - clear ct.
-pelvic pressure/fullness (since 12/2022)
-urinary urgency/unable to fully empty (since 12/2022)
-bowel movement urgency ONLY after sitting down to pee (lasted a few weeks)
-headaches/migraine, three to four a week
-sleeplessness, occasional (last couple months)
-bloating/very painful/kept me from eating for fear of it happening again, extreme
-smell of ammonia on breath, occasional
-brain fog/confusion (increasing for the last five ish months), severe
-hip pain/was using a walker, painful to be seated (abruptly occurred and lasted about six weeks before it got suddenly much better)
-hands, wrists, part of arm going numb during sleep (wear braces now)
-rash on face/neck which cleared in about a week, but I am now consistently having redness/slight puffiness under the brow and under the eyes
-red bumps on face, back (no head, doesn’t seem to be acne)
-chest pain
-mucous in stool, significant amount
-blood with stool, bright red
-rectal bleeding visible on underpants (only once)
-decreased appetite
-abdominal pain/cramping after eating, drinking, severe
-frequent loose stools, ~8x daily
-medication capsules visible in stool
-constipation that lasts two or three days
-abscess on upper inner thigh, 2x
-nausea, frequent
-bruising like discoloration near anus and perineum, ~3 months
-right side labia redness/very slight puffiness, ~3 months
-spot on inner labia that sort of looks a varicose vein, ~1 month
-redness in throat
-oral sloughing, occasional
-sensitivity to light, almost constant
-menstrual periods are often late, heavy and long (8/9 days of bleeding)
LABS (since 6/2023):
-cbc, normal
-std panel/hiv, negative
-metabolic panel, consistently showing abnormal HIGH PROTEIN
-tsh, normal
-a1c, normal
-vitamin d, abnormal LOW (not new)
-magnesium, normal
-phosphorus, normal
-ddimer, abnormal HIGH
-bilirubin, normal
-hepatitis b/c, negative
-prolactin, normal
-t4 free, normal
-protein serum electrophoresis, abnormal GAMMA PROTEIN HIGH / CHRONIC INFLAMMATION PATTERN
-amylase/lipase/hepatic function, normal
-esr (requested, thinking lupus), abnormal HIGH
-crp, normal
-ana, negative
-helicobacter, negative
-occult blood, negative
IMAGING (since 6/2023):
-xray on hip, moderate left hip degeneration
-mammogram, clear
-ecg, clear
-ct chest, clear
-echo, clear
-epatch, 2.25% PVC burden
-ct abdomen/pelvis, clear
Dx: GAD, ADHD, migraine, arthritis of left hip, carpal tunnel.
Meds: wellbutrin, lamictal, adderall, buspar as needed, imitrex nasal spray as needed, marijuana.
Surgeries: cholecystectomy (over 10 years ago)
submitted by wheredidshego_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 17:44 loonymoonyme Is it possible to get rash from lamictal after many years of taking it?

33F, 43 kg, 165 cm, currently on lamictal, duration of the rash 5 months
I've been on lamictal for almost 5 years. Never had skin problems on it until November, when suddenly, in the space of a single day, I got blisters all over my legs. They were terribly itching and painful, a pair of them even surrounded by bruises. I thought I had been bitten by some kind of insect and let it take its course, but the rash took two weeks or maybe longer to finally start to subside.
It started again after a month, this time spreading from my legs to my torso and my back, then my arms and hands too. I then decided to see a dermatologist, who said that I was getting an infection from it. They weren't sure about the cause, but agreed it could be just a hypersensitivity reaction to even common insects bites and talked about papular orticaria. They asked me if I took meds and I mentioned the lamictal, but they didn't know it and I didn't think about asking if it could be it, the tought never crossed my mind.
It's worth noting, I guess, that I never had any bad reaction from being bitten by insects. I tought it had to be something I never got in touch with before, so I went to the extent of calling a pest control company. They said there was no relevant sign of insects in my house, let alone pest.
The rash was still there, still untolerable, itching, burning and hurting night and day. Meanwhile I started tapering the lamictal because it wasn't doing anything good for my mood anymore (it's been prescribed to me for depression and mood dysregulation, for awhile it helped to rise me up from depression a little, but then it stopped suddenly). I don't know if it's relevant, but both the rash and the "lamictal failure" happened around the same time, which is something I never tought about until now.
I eventually came off of lamictal and, I don't know if it's just coincidence, the rash disappeared too (I was also bitten by lots of mosquitoes one day and had no reaction at all). My depression on the other hand got worse, so my new psychiatrist told me to give lamictal another try. I'm now on it again since two weeks and yesterday I noticed three new little blisters on one ankle.They're nothing like what I had months ago, they barely itch, they're neither swollen nor red, but they look entirely similar to the blisters I had before (very small, with a protruding relief in the middle), just not sore/inflamed.
I'm really torn at this point. I don't want to give up on lamictal so soon, since the rapid up and down has already affected my mood a lot. It's not working yet, I don't feel any better, but I'd like to get to a therapeutic dosage before deciding it's not for me anymore.
Sadly I no longer have pictures of the rash (my legs are covered in scars though) and the three current blisters are so small they don't even show in picture.
On the understanding that I'll also talk to my psychiatrist and make another visit to the dermatologist, my only question is, is it possible to get a rash from lamictal after many years of taking it at the same dosage? It doesn't sound likely to me and I'm prone to think it's just coincidence, that my rash is caused by something else, but admittedly it puzzles me a little that lamictal worked well for me until November, which is when the rash just as suddenly appeared.
submitted by loonymoonyme to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 07:26 LetterheadChemical27 Day 9

I started 400mg 9 days ago. It's my second attempt at taking Lithium - I had to stop at 800mg because I got a weird rash and was covered in bruises. I'm also on Lamictal and Wellbutrin and have been for years. I've had alcohol and coke addiction issues but am sober atm. My bipolar 2 seems to have worsened over the last couple of years; it cycles rapidly and where I used to predominantly have issues with mania, I've become increasingly suicidal.
I was OK for the first week on Lithium but yesterday was awful; I cried from the minute I woke up and spent the whole day feeling suicidal. I've just woken up (I'm in the UK) and I can tell today will be the same.
I'm also sleeping horribly - dry mouth, headache, toilet trips etc.
My question is, could it be the Lithium making me so depressed and if so, does it pass? Do you sort of get through that stage? Ditto the dry mouth, headache, broken sleep stuff?
Thank you fellow warriors :-)
submitted by LetterheadChemical27 to Lithium [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 01:54 hanielnewastral I have Bipolar, and yet...

This is a long post, but just attend to the bold/italicized statements and header if you want to avoid the word vomit, apologies and thanks in advance. As I await my (28F) next appointment with my psychiatrist, I am reading a self help book recommended from my therapist and realized they may be right; I experience textbook symptoms of both BPD and BP2, more BPD than BP2. I hear people could be both (not looking for diagnosis/confirmation). I currently take Vyvanse and Adderall (on for a month now) and Lamictal (on the day of this post, it will be day 4th day on it), daily. I have medication for my anxiety as needed (not looking for medication suggestions/help). I want to advocate for myself for what my doctors do not see outside of our discussions, and seek examination for BPD on top of my already diagnosed BP2 (26F). I am currently in a period of what I hypothesize as mania (talking more, pacing house, hyperfixated on current activity for hours, staying awake 22 hours at a time) due to a triggering relationship situation that caused me to be verbally abusive (cursing, wishing ill and harm), physically manipulative (blocking their car to leave), self harming/thought (hitting my head, bruising my thighs, picking skin until bleeding) and obsession/compulsion (290+ calls, text after text). Since 20 years old, I have had romantic relationships on and off, as well as an unbalanced relationship with family members, and inconsistent relationships with friends. With family, I am defiant, dismissive, passive aggressive, and outright rude. I was always called Jekyll and Hyde. If anyone in family went against my ideas or I felt my autonomy was being attacked, I would flip a switch. In romantic relationships, I began with doing everything for them, never advocating for myself, completely selfless to a flaw. I experienced a variety of abuse. As for friends, I never stuck with a friend group long. They would leave me out of one hangout, and I would breakdown. I remember I was in Hawaii with my family once and all of them had a bonfire in the mountains; I ruined the day for my family because all I did was focus on what I was missing. At 26 I was diagnosed ADHD, BP2, and GAD. It has been two years. My family relationships have come down due to me living away. My friendships have also come down due to living away and a lot of it is online, which I can mask easily of being ok. My relationship triggers though, have been debilitating my life. Partner doesn't answer my phone call, they say they can hangout then cancel, they reject my initiation for intimacy, we hold hands but they pull away without telling me even though its because they tie a shoe or something silly... These triggering situations cause me to become absolutely inconsolable. I feel like I am in physical pain, I relentlessly try to contact them if they are away and if they are close to me I go straight to verbal attacks, I see no way out, and I want to crawl out of my skin. /// TLDR; attend to questions below /// My questions are:
submitted by hanielnewastral to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 18:18 Interesting_Yam7693 Yellow bruises

Hi I wanted to know if anyone had bruises while taking lamictal cause I’ve been on it for like a yezr and since then I have bruises like it’s always random areas they don’t really hurt but they are yellow and they go away pretty fast until theres new ones.
I just saw that it could be something else other than a side effect of the lamictal like an illness or lack of some vitamins.
submitted by Interesting_Yam7693 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 15:53 Sea_Leather_3926 Concussion from not getting hit that hard?

Hello! About a week ago I (25F) got hit by a guy walking fast with a transport cart/dolly that was full of stuff. I got hit pretty hard in the body and had a large black bruise (about 11in long and 9 inches wide) on my leg alongside a fairly large bruise on my arm. I was crouching down when they hit me. I don’t know if I hit my head at all.
I zoned out and immediately walked out of the store and brushed off the people asking if I was ok. When I called my friends they told me I sounded off and helped my schedule and appointment for later that day at urgent care.
By the time I got to urgent care I was feeling vertigo and extremely nauseous (if I closed my eyes for too long I felt like I was swimming, any time the car turned I gagged). Urgent care said I probably had a concussion but I would be fine so I went home. I got about four hours of sleep because I got an awful headache behind my eyes and every time I willed around I got nauseous/ felt like I was swimming.
The next day my boyfriend was freaking out and saying I was forgetting things (repeating same questions a few minutes after asking or getting anxious over the same thing after being reassured). I don’t know if he was just over exaggerating but I cried on and off all day from pain/anxiety so we went to the ER.
At the ER I got taken in and the nurses seemed concerned but when the doctor came in he asked me if I was on my period or had any other issues that could make me feel this way. He said there was basically no chance I had a concussion and I was on my period at the time and that kind of confirmed what he suspected. My boyfriend advocated for me and I got a scan which revealed nothing. I got nausea medication and 500mg of Naproxen. On my papers from the hospital it basically says I should come back if symptoms persist and I have very minor bruising (they never looked at it) which really frustrated and confused me.
1.5 weeks later I am still experiencing vertigo only now I have light sensitivity (I sleep in my basement and can’t go out/ look at screen without dark mode or sunglasses). Focusing my eyes hurts and I haven’t slept more than 5 hours a night when I used to sleep 9.
I’m scared I’m being a hypochondriac or something because when I look it up it says you have to hit your head really really hard to get a concussion but I don’t even remember getting hit in the head! And the dolly maybe weighed 300 or so pounds but it couldn’t have hit me harder than like 3mph and didn’t hit my head directly.
I wrote everything down like my friends/bf advised me to but recalling the day of/after the accident without help is difficult so I’ve used my notes to write this post. I feel so crazy and ashamed that part of me just wants to curl up and rot away. I feel miserable.
Is it even possible I have a concussion? Should I seek more help? What else could be wrong with me?
Meds I take currently: Adderall XR 30mg, over one year using. Lamictal 300mg morning and night, 600mg total been taking one year or so. I set an alarm and take the Naproxen every morning about an hour before I get up or else my headaches are unbearable each day. I take zofran as needed (approx once every other day). I have Bipolar 2/ ADHD that is well managed with the meds listed above. I get motion sick on long car rides if I am in the back and roller coasters but I’ve never experienced this spinning/ rocking sensation when I close my eyes.
TL:DR = I got hit and have experienced concussion symptoms since but the blow was to the body and it wasn’t extremely hard. Overall I am experiencing: headaches, vertigo, nausea, light sensitivity, mood swings(?), insomnia.
submitted by Sea_Leather_3926 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 04:21 kirannuu Extremely manic, and can't sleep

I've (18 f) been having issues with mania my whole life, but was literally just diagnosed as of a few hours ago. It's been particularly bad, and I've been stuck in a manic cycle for nearly two weeks now. I'm having severe issues with paranoia, I can't stop walking, thought looping is severe. I'm having highs and lows, etc. I haven't been able to sleep properly st all, I'll manage to fall asleep but I always wake up at nearly 2 am, and will be awake for an hour or so, and then I'll be in a half asleep/delirious state until almost 5, before falling fully asleep and waking up at 7 am. I'm being prescribed lamictal, but won't be able to get the script for a few days.
The other day I was having a SEVERE episode, to the point that I was walking until my feet were bruised, and I was actively falling asleep while walking, but because that was happening I was too anxious to sleep. I managed to pass out for about half an hour and woke up in a dream, and was basically hallucinating till I woke up fully.
Back on topic, I'm looking for ways to help me fall and stay asleep, preferably without medication. I have a weighted blanket that is doing wonders, but that's about it.
submitted by kirannuu to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 17:19 KaiYoDei we're breaking up

I'm going off this. I sometimes wonder if it is doing me more harm, I do not know if I matured, or if my "getting to upset and it looking ugly" is maturity or a behavior. I do not know if my constant on edge is it. "why do you think it's the Lamictal making you anxious?" and I say "well the bottle does say tell your doctor if you feel fearful, and I have not been good for years"

I am just concerned that is going so fast. I have these 24 mg pills, 4 once a day for 10 days, ten days 2, then 1.for 10 days I thought I was going to take each refil at a time. going down. I want a reboot and maybe diagnosis. maybe I am not even BP2. it has been so long and my life is different now. I do not really remember, outside of I would go on tangents and get upset easy. I'm listening to someone's video about how they were diagnosed with BP when they were in fact autistic.

I wasn't really a big part of the community and I only post when I think I needed something. see if any one else had the tinnitus, or leg bruises.
so, wish me luck. I do not know if I will miss the weird dreams(unless they were always odd and vivid). I haven't had a needle nightmare in a while, or the crotch wasps. I just seem to had been sleepy and things I like did not make me to happy. I am told happyness is very fleeting anyway. I am afraid it damaged me for life l, as I fear risperadone might of. I do not even know if I got that breast cancer from this not so lmao lamotrigine.
if i will be less sleepy, and if it is why I got an appetite increase.
submitted by KaiYoDei to Lamotrigine [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 22:56 AlfLuck99 Update

TW: Seizures, injury
Hello, I am Alfie Luck, M/24 yo from England, Diagnosed with epilepsy in Nov 2021, and suffered my first tonic-clonic in Sept 2021, random black-out thought at first, I had no real aura, just eyes going black, spots appearing all over in my eyes then snap, out cold, convulsing. As of writing had 8 in total, no known triggers but two are most likely due to stress, very high levels, and one possibly due to a high temperature.
I've always been on Lamictal which is the best medication for epilepsy and pleased to say as of writing I have seizure free for 9 months my longest period :D on 400mg in total.
Shoulder dislocations are rampant, mostly left shoulder, but in two cases double dislocation, bruises, grazes etc.
I was on 100mg sertraline, which may have triggered it after going from 50 straight to 100, and 2 weeks later the first one occurred.
But to all fellow epileptics we can get through it :)
submitted by AlfLuck99 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 20:06 TonightAcrobatic2251 30F - Could my autoimmune hypothyroidism be a secondary symptom of something more serious?

I have been feeling increasingly sick over the past year+. I assumed it was burnout, but I ended up taking medical leave from work when I had a mental breakdown from anxiety and exhaustion. Up until December I was active daily but I've become pretty weak and have fallen off that habit. I went to the doctor and she ordered lab work because of a lump on my throat. Results indicated autoimmune hypothyroidism but the cystic structure in my neck that was considered unidentified on my ultrasound. Since then I have been referred to Hematology/Oncology and a CT scan has been ordered.
Current diagnoses:
Current med list (daily doses):
Supplements I've added in the past few months (daily doses):
Symptoms list (I feel like this is a LOT or TMI?)
Highlights from my labs and ultrasound (full docs linked below; blood work shows two most recent results)
Links to labs:
Could anyone provide some insight on what could be going on? I'm hoping all I need is an iron transfusion but I'm still a bit anxious about the mass they found.
Thank you for your time.
submitted by TonightAcrobatic2251 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 05:17 Expensive_Arugula584 Random bruising (lamictal)

So I have been slowly upping my dose for lamictal I just started 75mg yesterday. I have no side affects so far, but today I noticed a bruise on the middle of my palm. I emailed my doctor but I’m sort of freaking out right now. Not sure if I should be mildly concerned or seriously concerned.
submitted by Expensive_Arugula584 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 08:56 l00ky_here I am very worried for my friend and neighbor

My neighbor and friend needs help. He is unable to self advocate due to the inabiity to correctly articulate his problems, and his doctor of two years isn't listening or asking the right questions.
Age- 51
Sex- Male
5'8" 220 - 250lbs (I don't know but its all in his stomach)
BiPolar (I haven't ever seen him manic, but he is definitely depressed) and most likely some other problems but hasn't been diagnosed.
Drinks beer daily (purchases a case about twice to three times a week through Walmart Delivery) Smokes weed daily but only about an oz every 5 - 7 days or so (I have to drive him to the weed shop). He rarely appears inebriated.
Meds Prescribed: ALL GENERIC when available
divalproex sodium - 500mg TD
Prinivil (lisinopril) 20mg OD
quetiapine 400mg TD
trazodone 500mg TD
venlafaxine 75mg OD
Since knowing him he has been prone to violent outbursts when something goes wrong (I can hear him yell very loudly (Yelling at the top of his voice "GOD DAMMIT" or "FUCK!" and then I can hear him hit something or slam a door from two doors down, as well as his hiting various appliances or his compter when upset). He has never been physically violent towards me though. However he is very quick to anger. It's either hes sedated and confused or having a violent outburst but it's a very rare day when he's clear headed.
Within the past year he has been getting a lot of large bruises that he canot explain where he got them. One day I came over and he had a gash on his forhead and major bruising on his arms and legs but no idea how it happened. He has bruising on multiple areas all the time now.
He tells me in an offhand way that he must be falling down but that he doesn't remember. They are the kind of bruises that are very VERY large like 3-5" diameter. With around 3 - 6 at a time.
One night he had a gash on his forhead just below the hairline that was not actively bleeding but it wasn't bandanged. He didn't even mention and I didn't see it right away. He offhanded said that he had cut himself but he didn't know how it happened. He didn't know where he got it.
Oh and he had gout last year.
Because I live next door to him, I can confirm that he is not drinking more than beer, and he isn't driving, and he has no access to drugs beyond the little bit of weed he takes. He also says that the weed helps him keep up his appetite or keeps from vomiting. He says that he is thowing up his morning doses even if he eats, but that he often doesn't take his full dosing because he feels too sleepy after taking them.
He is often unable to understand conversations. He THINKS he understands but it's like he doesn't get what I am saying and thinks I am saying something else - Sometimes it's like he hears a totally different question or comment I made because he answers it in a way that only vaguely resembles an answer appropriate. It's hard to explain but it's not word salad. The best I can say is when this happens I ask him "What the hell has that got to do with what I just said?" Not quite non-sequiters but it's more like he heard some of the things and thought I said or meant something else.
There are times when he comes to watch tv with me but ends up needing to go home because hes so sedated. He has stumbled and almost passed out. I have had nights where i am begging to take him to the ER because of the mystery bruising and his stumbling, incoherance, and weakness. He just says that he'll be better in the morning and I should just let him sleep.
He is absolutely not medically compliant because he often throws up after taking his morning medications due to nausea, he compains that he isn't sleeping well that he wakes up fully around 3 or three in the morning, but he takes his evening meds at night. He has been skipping doeses or taking the, unregularly due to the side effects, or forgetting or intentional skipping or lowering the doses.
There have been nights that I have seen him go to bed and I would be worried he wouldn't wake up. He insists that if he thought he needed to go to the hopspital that he would tell me, but short of my admitting him under 5150 I can't do anything. He doesn't have skitzophrenia (sorry about the spelling)/. I feel he would benefit from some inpatient time to get him stabilized and to check on his dosing and the effects to figure out what is wrong.
I personally have a DX of Bi-Polar Disorder and take brand name only Seroquel 25mg night, Lamictal 200mg night, Buspirone 15mg TD and generic Metoprpolol 50 OD, however i am fully medically compliant, sober and basically symtom free.
I have been helping him to get his doctor (the same one I have - he is in the same HMO and the same plan and we share the same doctors) to prescribe him brand names but until today I wasn't aware of how high his doses were. Seriously - 1000mg Depakote (generic) 300 Trazodone, 800mg Seroquel PLUS the rest!
I am worried for him. Is this a brand name vs. generic problem (he's taking generic), is this a drug interaction problem or is this a drug dosing problem? Is this a non-compiance problem? What is the first step he can take to become compliant when he's going through all of this?
His inability to articulate his side effects, what he goes through, to his doctor, and his doctor's inability to really ask questions is killing me. I am scheduled at the appintment either before or after him since we come together. When I tried to talk to her about it she refused to discuss anything with me, but when she talks to him it's like everything he was supposed to say ends up not being said and she rushes through the session.
Mysterious and large bruising on arms and legs along with random gashes and cuts from falling but not knowing (or admitting) to falling,frequent stumbling, confusion, throwing up after taking morning doses, not being able to sleep, violent outbursts, sedated behavior, and a stomach that is very large, round and hard. Pain in his legs at night.
I am already attempting to get him on brand names since he responded very well to a 200mg Seroquel brand name (I had a lot of 100mg left over when I went to 25mg).
What can I do? Is it necessary for me to call the hospital or have him go into care? He has Medicare/Medical HMO and the cost of inpatient treatment is not a concern. He is just not getting the care he needs because he is not being asked the right questions, and if he says he's having trouble sleeping or something they just increase his doses.
Sorry for the long rant. I just saw his med doses and checked the interactions on Drugs dot com. and am totally pissed because this is just wrong.
EDIT: SPelling
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2024.01.24 23:47 Distinct-Bat49469 no paralysis but dr is worried about my C6 and C7

my basic info: 24, female. 5’6 and about 150 pounds. i’m on lamictal and keppra for epilepsy. i do not smoke. the issue i’m discussing started thursday january 18th and is ongoing. i was prescribed zofran, cyclobenzapine, and hydrocodeine at the ER
i was physically assaulted last week which led to a concussion, bruised ribs, and some sort of neck/spine injury. my dr had an x-ray and CT of my skull and nothing was broken but she asked me to come back if my head and neck pain didn’t get any better in 2-3 days. it didn’t so i went back yesterday. she said my initial CT and x-rays didn’t capture my full spine/all the areas she wanted to look at, so i’ve been referred for another one. is there a particular reason she may be extra worried about this?
submitted by Distinct-Bat49469 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 20:44 BlessedBeTheFruits1 Hiker’s Toe or Something Else?

28 year old female. I’ve had significant bruising under my big toe for a couple of weeks which I attributed to being hiker’s toe after a few intense hikes, but lately it’s looking really nasty with some weird lines cutting across parts of the bruise and the nail is just looking super unhealthy. Is it just part of the healing process or should I go to a doctor?
The medications that I’m on are Lamictal, Trazodone and I take Vitamin B, Zinc, Iron and Lysine supplements. No history of anything like this before, despite having hiked all my life.
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2023.12.31 16:16 YouShouldBeSad218 Could this be a blood clot in my calf?

28F, 300lbs, no smoking or drinking. I take lamictal, abilify, and atenolol. I have high blood pressure & bipolar 1.
For the last 3 weeks I've had this intense pain in the back of my calf, right below the back of my knee. It hurts most when I'm kneeling, walking, going up and down stairs, or when I fully extend my leg. When I'm resting, the pain barely noticeable.
1 week ago I noticed some swelling in the same spot that hurts, and now today the swelling is the size of a softball. 3 days ago, I noticed pitted swelling in my foot and ankle of the same leg that hurts.
There are veins I can see on the swollen spot, and I also have bruises from mid calf up to where it's swollen, and up the back of my thigh from there. I'm worried this might be a blood clot after some (not necessary) google searching this morning.
My calf is tender to the touch sometimes, mostly around the swollen spot, but not all the time. And the pain in my calf comes and goes. The pain is 100% worse first thing when I wake up, and about 30 mins after that. Or after long periods of sitting.
Can someone give some insight on whether or not this sounds like a blood clot?? Should I head to the ER today or am I totally fine? I just don't want to waste anyone's time at the ER. Thanks for the replies in advance.
submitted by YouShouldBeSad218 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.12.18 20:14 Time-Equivalent5004 Please Help

49 Female 5’2 and 168 pounds. Only medications are 90 Cymbalta and 150 Lamictal. On the 12th I had a cortisone shot in my right shoulder because of pain and stiffness. Today is the 18th and now I have more pain, bruises and what looks like a burn. My PM doctor hasn’t called me back and I’m curious what, if anything I should do. Pics in comments
submitted by Time-Equivalent5004 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.12.06 23:49 straightforshady My Night Terrors Won't Stop

25, female, Latina and Sicilian, 5'1, about 100-108 pounds. Family history of depression and high blood pressure. That's it.
Psych History: Childhood anxiety, sexual and medical trauma, and psychosis. Diagnosed PTSD/CPTSD, Bipolar 1 (psychotic features), BPD (highly dissociative), Anorexia (in remission right now), OCD, Major Depressive Disorder, Panic Disorder. (Others in the past have included speculation about Schizotypal Personality disorder, Dissociative Identity disorder, Schizoaffective disorder), multiple overdoses, self harm.
Health History: Lifelong food allergies and asthma, prone to respiratory infections, impetigo, Osteopenia, Elher's Danlos Syndrome, cognitive damage by TBI, mild anemia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, poor circulation, constant joint pain, Hyperadrenergic POTS, tremors, mitral valve regurgitation (mild), Herpes simplex 1 since childhood), migraines, chronic headaches, muscle spasm, Vitamin D level was 5 for my last bloodwork, insomnia, generally weak immune system. Something unknown is wrong with my jaw as it moves out of place, most likely from the head injury.
Treatment: Talk therapy, 4 Psychiatric Hospitalizations, 2 Eating Disorder Residential Treatments, 3 Partial Hospitalization Programs, Intensive Outpatient Treatment, EMDR, Vestibular Physical Therapy, ENT Treatment, Physical therapy for cognitive damage and nerve issues, Biofeedback, Dietitian, Psychiatric care, POTS cardiologist. I may have forgotten some.
Medications Currently: Effexor (350mg), Midodrine (10mg), Betaxolol (5mg), Lamictal (200mg 2x/day), Clonidine (0.1mg), Trazadone (100-150mg), Chloroxozone (500 mg as needed), Klonopin (up to 3mg as needed), medical marijuana as needed, Bitotin, Vitamin D, Diclofenic (as needed), Benadryl (as needed), Xopenex inhaler.
The Problems: I have never had good dreams, only very vivid nightmares. However, around the time of my TBI and violent SA they got much worse, which made sense. Now, seven and a half years later I still have night terrors nearly every night, cannot sleep through the night, or cannot fall asleep for hours. Without medication my body will not fall asleep (I have spent over 48 hours awake when I didn't have sleeping meds).
These night terrors have led to me bruising myself, scratching myself (sometimes drawing blood), punching things (including my boyfriend), screaming, waking up panicking, sweating profusely, an inability to realize where the dream ends and when reality starts. These dreams can change my perception of reality for hours to days (I'll experience dissociation and derealization). My dreams feel more real than reality. I cannot wake up from them, I feel trapped, and I never can realize that I am dreaming.
This has caused me to feel like I'm living a half life because sleep is terrifying and not at all restful. The night terrors are usually tied in with personal trauma, but not always. I have even wet the bed twice (as an adult) because of them. When I bring this up to doctors they get very confused because they haven't heard of someone going through night terrors/insomnia of this intensity for SO long even while medicated.
I've asked several doctors about this and they suggest it is the PTSD and Insomnia and that's it, or that I should get a sleep study, I haven't yet because night terrors are exactly a sleep disorder. There have been no neurological issues found. My brain damage from the TBI mainly effects my short term memory and because I did not receive proper treatment for 6 months, I am in constant pain, but that does not explain the night terrors.
I have tried every sleep tip and routine out there and it doesn't seem to make a difference. The one thing that seems to have an effect his hypnotism, but even that rarely works. I have been on Prazosin to reduce nightmares and it became ineffective after about a year. I get no rest. Does anyone have any idea what this could be or how I could help it?

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2023.12.03 05:43 Cauliflowwer Do I have an infection or is this just normal healing?

Female, 25, non-smoker. I have ADHD and take vyvanse, wellbutrin, vitamin d, levithyroxine and lamictal daily.
I fell on Monday and thought I broke my knee. However, we went to the ER immediately, got an x-ray, thankfully no break or dislocation. Just a nasty bruise with a lot of swelling. It's been 5 days, and the bruise is subsiding, however the injury and the surrounding skin is hot/warm to the touch. I've been looking online to see if it's a normal part of the healing process for as serious of a bruise I got, but everything is just saying "if you have a minor bruise and it's hot, seek medical attention because it may be infected and they need to check for a fracture."
The problem is, I know it's not broken, but its still warm which has me a bit worried. The ER doc didn't give me any "come back for this or this" they just sent me home told me to take ibuprofen, ice it, and elevate it. Please tell me if I need to go get antibiotics. The first 3 pictures are from the day I hurt it and the last is from today, 5 days layer.
submitted by Cauliflowwer to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.10.31 22:46 amenules getting an itch from lamictal

does anyone else gets itching? it’s been so bad for me that i literally get bruises on my inner thighs from scratching my skin so hard.
i take 25mg lamictal + 10mg lexapro for my anxiety, and i feel like lamictal has been good for me so far, except for that side effect
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2023.10.24 01:52 cella_bella_yak Lamictal bruising???

Lamictal bruising???
I'm currently on 50mg of lamictal, just started a few days ago. Before that I was on 25mg for 2 weeks, and just a day or 2 before starting 50mg I noticed myself bruising way more easy than usual. Some of them just popping up randomly without me doing anything. The biggest one on my leg was super dark just yesterday but has lightened up some already. I have heard that its rare, but lamictal can cause bruising. Should I be worried?
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