Diy vertical wind tunnel

Tried past life regression for fun

2024.06.09 14:18 YouHadMeAtAloe Tried past life regression for fun

Ok, so, I’m a very skeptical person but I like high strangeness-type content for entertainment. I’m not a spiritual person at all, I even left my career as a a clinical massage therapist because the woo was ever pervasive, even from some clinical-setting colleagues, and I hated it. Well, this subreddit was recommended to me and I started looking through the top posts of all time just because I was bored. I found a thread with some YouTube links to a Brian Weiss past life regression video. I had some time and was already laying down so I figured why not, even if it didn’t work (probably 100% wouldn’t work), it would be relaxing 🤷🏼‍♀️
It was odd, usually when I try to follow any sort of meditative guide all these random thoughts pop into my head, I try to let them go, and more random stuff pops in making it extremely hard for me to focus and relax - I think I might have undiagnosed ADHD so maybe that’s why it’s hard for me
This time, however, as Brian started talking about filling with light. I was seeing all these swirls of colors with a bright light at the wherever the end of this tunnel thing was, it kind of looked like the time vortex the TARDIS goes through, but calmer and only a purplish-gray color. I felt comforted and weightless, no random thoughts or pictures popping in yet.
The next step was to think of a childhood memory - I was flooded with memories of playing with my dad, each memory leading into the next, that’s nice. I had a great childhood and it’s easy to recall memories from it.
Then it was the part about being in the womb. I felt warm and everything was dark - then he talked about being born. Usually, at this point, I would have scoffed but I didn’t think it was weird at the time, it wasn’t even a thought in my head. All of a sudden I reached the bright light at the end of the tunnel and everything felt too bright and loud. Then he asked to float above the situation to see my parents. I felt like I looked like a blueish-white blob. I was looking at my parents when they were younger, like it was real, them looking at baby me with tears in their eyes, and them looking at each other with love. It was really beautiful
Then it was time to go through the door to your “past-life”. Brian started counting down and my lovely blueish-white blobby self went through to see more bright light. As soon as he finished counting down I was in a prairie…I guess? I looked down at my feet to see super dirty, worn, brown boots and they were huge! I’m a small woman and it looked like I put my husband’s boots on or something. I realized that, holy shit, I’m a man. I started looking at my other clothes and they were some type of worn overalls and a light cloth button-up shirt, maybe linen? I’m not sure what materials were used in, what I’m assuming was, 1800s clothing for males
I looked up to see a small one room cabin, a low fence made out of logs, and a beautiful untouched prairie blowing in the wind further away from the house. At this point it was all flashes, like memories - I was in the cabin and my beautiful wife that had brown hair in a low bun, wearing a typical Little House on the Prairie dress, came over and kissed me on the cheek. I felt like I loved her. Then the next flash was her giving birth, laying in the bed in the cabin while another older woman was there, we laughed and cried after the baby was born. Next it was night, there were a couple of kids playing on the floor of the cabin next to a fire while my wife sat in a rocking chair and looked at me with love in her eyes
Then Brian said it was time to see myself as an older person. I was floating again looking at myself in the same bed my wife gave birth in. I was super old and frail wearing a white cloth nightgown thing - aaand…that was it, that when Brian Weiss started to tell you to wake up. He said something about it not feeling like 30 minutes, and it didn’t, it felt like 5.
WHAT THE HECK, YOU GUYS!!! That was incredibly bizarre! I have a pretty overactive imagination, but I truly felt like I was actually someplace else. I’m embarrassed because I’m going to sound kind of woo woo, I’m already feeling a little nuts over this, but the love that I felt in every situation was enormous. I don’t know! I don’t know how I feel about this! Whether it was imagination or a true past-life, it was relaxing and it just felt nice to be surrounded by the feelings I felt, it was very cathartic
Afterwards I remembered that my dad told me he cried when I was born because he was so happy to finally have a baby girl. I don’t know if that was my subconscious remembering the story or not, but that was really wild. Huh.
submitted by YouHadMeAtAloe to pastlives [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:21 65397 Domestic vertical wind turbine

Is there anyone who successfully had a vertical domestic wind turbine installed? What vendobrand? I read something about a company called Tesup but reviews sound weird to say the least. Thanks!
submitted by 65397 to ireland [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:20 Capital-Republic-550 Displacements changing themselves and vertices move themselves after compile. Only happens to this specific part of this tunnel. Any ideas why? (still trying to learn hammer)

Displacements changing themselves and vertices move themselves after compile. Only happens to this specific part of this tunnel. Any ideas why? (still trying to learn hammer) submitted by Capital-Republic-550 to hammer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:04 ballislife4444 The Post-Cancer Battle

This is going to be fairly long and probably somewhat depressing post, but I've been wanting to share my story even if it's just with the void.
I remember waking up with some pain in my groin area one morning during my senior year of high school. At the time I didn't think much of it at the time since I'm a tall person and waking up with random pains happens to me frequently. So I walked around with a limp, and the pain persisted. It was like that for a couple of weeks. Eventually my mom and I agreed that I needed to see someone about it. Unfortunately I had fell into the dangerous trap of looking up my symptoms online to try and see what might be wrong with me. I ended up convincing myself that I had a hernia, and when I went to see the doctor on Halloween, I was having difficulty explaining my symptoms to him. My answers to his questions all suggested that something was wrong with my groin muscles, I might've even said the words, "I think it might be a hernia." The doctor was sure that wasn't the problem, but thanks to me downplaying my symptoms, he diagnosed me with a pulled muscle. His advice was to not exercise for a week, even though the pain had lasted for weeks at that point, and the only exercise I did regularly was ride my bike to school (roughly 2 miles round trip). I didn't listen to him, in fact that evening I was running around through my neighborhood on Halloween with my friends. One last hurrah for our senior year. Exactly one week later, my leg gave out on me and I collapsed on the floor walking to my next class. The tumor had grown so big, and I ended up shattering my femur.
I instantly knew my leg was broken, and I was rushed to the hospital. They found the tumor fairly quickly, but were unsure how to proceed. Surgery was a given, as the damage to my leg was massive, but they were also unsure whether or not the tumor was malignant or benign. So I stayed in the hospital for a couple of days living off of painkillers while I waited for the results of the biopsy to come in, and for the surgery to begin. It turned out to be a Ewing's Sarcoma, luckily still localized, even if I didn't feel very lucky at the time. I was sent into surgery immediately where they removed the tumor and gave me a prosthetic femur. The recovery process was really difficult for me. I'll never be able to run or jump anymore (which sucks because I love playing basketball). I walked around with a cane for a while; that was one of the most embarrassing experiences of my life. I still remember all of the weird/sympathetic looks I received. And to this day, I still have difficulty with my mobility, and I walk around with a visible limp. It's difficult to make up excuses for when people ask me why I'm limping, I'll usually just explain that I have a prosthetic femur without mentioning the cancer part, since that kills the vibe.
I started chemo in December of 2019, but the typical treatment regiment was thrown off, thanks to me breaking my leg. Usually the doctors will give around 15 weeks of chemo with heavy and quick dosages, followed by surgery, and then another 15 weeks of chemo. The surgery came first in my case. Chemo was the hardest part of my battle. My dosage was a lot, I had to stay in the hospital overnight so that they could keep me attached to an IV the whole time. It was every other week, and for the etoposide and ifosfamide weeks, it was 5 days at a time. What was difficult though was being away from my friends. I was apart of a very tight knit group of guys. We played DND every Friday after school which I missed greatly in the hospital. My friends were still very supportive, and they tried to include me in any way they possibly could. But I was still really lonely. One of my worst memories was crying on my birthday, because my parents wouldn't let me hang out with my friends for fear of getting sick. I was very suicidal at this point, the chemo made me horribly sick, and I hated staying overnight at the hospital. But then COVID came around in March, and I think that sort of gave me my second wind.
Everything moved online, and I was able to talk with my friends nearly everyday. We played games online together, including DND. I remember one of my friends mentioning to me that at graduation it was going to be so awesome when they called my name, and I would be able walk across the stage in front of everyone, hopefully to a loud applause. It was silly, but that was the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I looked forward to being able to stand in front of my classmates, and sort of say look what I've accomplished. Obviously graduation never happened, but I wasn't too beat up over it, since I finished my treatment in June. I was really looking forward to college, and to meet new people, even if I settled on a school that I wasn't really interested in going to. I didn't want my college decision to be a burden on my parents, especially after all I had put them through. Plus it was a good idea for me to stay local so I could still see my same doctors.
College sucked though. I couldn't make any new friends since everything was virtual, and I hated my online classes. I had an image in my mind of what my life post-cancer would look like, and it was nothing like the reality I was living in. My hair wasn't growing back after the chemo, I was stuck at home with my parents, and college sucked. I didn't care anymore at that point. I didn't try in any of my classes, I remember turning in an assignment in which I had done none of the work, instead I just scribbled all over my paper. I received the lowest grade I had ever earned in my schooling career that quarter. Come December, I hated life. I had built up such grand expectations, and my time during COVID was miserable.
In March of 2021, I relapsed, and the cancer came back. My doctors suspected that it returned because we weren't able to properly treat it the first time. It was still localized, but at this point I was convinced I was going to die. I understood that the tumor coming back was a bad sign, and I was overcome with anxiety. The chemo wasn't as bad this time around, they tried different drugs, none of which required that I stay overnight. I still had to come in 5 days per week on treatment weeks, and was still super sick from the drugs, but at least I didn't have to spend the night. I ended up dropping all of my classes that quarter, and thanks to my mom, I decided to take online GE classes at my local community college over the summer. But I had new problems this time around. Since I was first diagnosed when I was 17, I was being treated by the pediatric oncologists, so I got my chemo dosages in the pediatric clinic. Seeing kids with cancer on a daily basis was difficult. I experienced guilt, shame, and was embarrassed to even think that I had it rough. To this day the survivor's guilt weighs heavily on me. I cried nearly every night during this treatment cycle, whether that was because I was fearful of dying, not being able to live the life I wanted, or having to see kids and parents in such pain.
I finished my treatment for the second time in December of 2021. I felt nothing this time around. I didn't know what I wanted to do, I was lost. I stuck with my classes at community college, but I wasn't making any new friends or doing anything that I really wanted to do. I ended up taking all of my credits, and transferring to a different university. I was optimistic this time around, but still disappointed that I wasn't going to get the real college experience. It was around this time when most of my friends from high school were moving out, getting ready to start their new lives. The school that I transferred to was 20 minutes from my house, going anywhere farther was out of the question at this point, since I figured the cancer was likely going to come back any second now. I commuted for my classes, but had difficulty making any friends. For my first semester at this new school, September 2022, I still walked around with a cane, and my hair hadn't grown back properly. I was embarrassed by the way I looked, and still am to this day. I think about not having hair every single day, and have the same recurring dream once a month in which my hair is starting to grow back properly, only to wake up and feel the top of my head. I hate the way I look, and I hate the fact that I can't walk around in public without a hat.
More scans came and went, and they all turned up negative, even though I had a scare recently in which they found some lesions in my liver and had to perform a biopsy. I've been in remission for about 2 and a half years now, but have been stuck in a rut. I'll chat with my high school friends every once in a while online, but I have no social life outside of that. I spend my Fridays and weekends reading fantasy and comic books, sometimes watching movies. I just feel so lonely. I struggle so much with letting my real personality show and am completely socially inept. It feels like I have barriers in front of me that I can't seem to break down. I've dealt with social anxiety nearly all of my life and I think these problems have only been exasperated from the years of limited social contact. Even at my work, it feels like my coworkers think I'm weird and don't want to interact with me.
Writing this I feel ashamed, because I know it could be so much worse. In another world, I died in the battle with cancer. In another world I had to go through all of that without the support system that I had. I truly believe that I wouldn't have been able to get through all of it without my parents, my friends, all the nurses who treated me, and my talented doctors. Sometimes I think that maybe the cancer and my current situation is deserved, punishment for the things I've done in the past that I'm not proud of. I was so convinced that this most recent liver scare was definitely the cancer coming back to finally finish the job since I'm not worthy of all of the opportunities and privileges I've been given. While I was waiting to get the biopsy done, I challenged myself to be the best person I could possibly be, going out of my way to do random kind things that I wouldn't normally do. Just in case if there is a higher power, maybe it would be more merciful, or if I really was going to die, maybe I could try to put some good into the world before I go. But since it came back negative, I've failed my challenge. I fallen back into the same old habits of indifference.
Thanks for reading all of this, if you've made it this far. I want to end on a positive note, since I am blessed to be in the position that I am today. I've fallen in love with my studies and am excited to pursue grad school once I graduate in a year. I love my job as a tutor for my school's learning resource center, and want to pursue a career teaching. I love my family and the friends that I have. Regardless of how difficult things get in the future, I'm still determined to give it all my best try. It would be selfish of me to not give it everything I can.
submitted by ballislife4444 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:46 Significant-Tower146 Best Fleece Hunting Jackets

Best Fleece Hunting Jackets
Stay warm and comfortable in the great outdoors with our collection of fleece hunting jackets. Discover our top picks for maintaining optimal body temperature during those chilly morning hunts or evening game checks. The article includes a variety of options, catering to different weather conditions and personal preferences, ensuring that you stay stylish and protected from the elements while in pursuit of your game. Keep reading to find your perfect fleece hunting jacket for a successful and comfortable hunting season.

The Top 5 Best Fleece Hunting Jackets

  1. Unbeatable Waterproof Rain Jacket for Cold Weather Bird Hunting - Stay warm, light, and stealthy in demanding climates with the Arctic Shield Heat Echo Sherpa Jacket - Realtree Edge, designed for active hunters with its 100% waterproof, windproof, and breathable features.
  2. Drake Waterfowl MST Camo Camp Fleece Jacket in Mossy Oak Habitat - The Drake Waterfowl MST Camo Fleece Jacket in Mossy Oak Habitat, a versatile medium-weight polyester fleece perfect for mild to cold fall days, offers a stylish camo pattern and anti-pill treatment ideal for hunters.
  3. High Performance Water-Resistant Fleece Hunting Jacket - Experience the paramount comfort of the Kenai Berber Fleece Jacket, with water-resistant fleece and silver-ion scent prevention technology, making it the perfect companion for your hunting expeditions.
  4. Realtree Men's Fleece Hunting Pullover - XXL Each - Realtree Men's Wav3x Jacquard Fleece Hunting Pullover - A stylish, warm, and comfortable piece of technical apparel that's perfect for your next outdoor adventure, providing excellent functionality and style.
  5. Drake Guardian Fleece Jacket with Breathable Fleece - Stay warm and protected with the Drake MST Guardian Flex Eqwader 1/4 Zip Fleece Jacket, designed with water-resistant Guardian Flex material, moisture-wicking fleece, and excellent range of motion for all-day hunting comfort.
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🔗Unbeatable Waterproof Rain Jacket for Cold Weather Bird Hunting
I'm a big fan of the Arctic Shield Heat Echo Sherpa Jacket - it's like a warm embrace on those chilly hunting days. The jackets provide excellent insulation, making sure I stay toasty. It's also incredibly lightweight, so even with its added bulk, it never holds me back during my hunting expeditions.
The craftsmanship of this jacket is top-notch. Every detail, from the elastic inner wrist cuffs to the drawcord bottom hem, screams quality. Its durability is truly impressive; it's been through many a thorny bush and came out unscathed.
I also appreciate the Retain Active breathable heat retention technology. This helps maintain a comfortable internal temperature even during strenuous hunts. Plus, the quietness of the Sherpa fleece exterior ensures I don't scare away any potential prey.
The only minor drawbacks I noticed were the size being slightly smaller than expected, and one of my jackets came with a faulty zipper. However, these were minor inconveniences compared to the overall comfort and functionality of the jacket.
In conclusion, for anyone looking for a warm, lightweight, and durable hunting jacket, I would highly recommend the Arctic Shield Heat Echo Sherpa Jacket. It's one of my go-to hunting gear essentials!

🔗Drake Waterfowl MST Camo Camp Fleece Jacket in Mossy Oak Habitat
I've been using this Drake MST Camo Camp Fleece Jacket for quite a while now, and let me tell you, it's fantastic! The moment I put it on, I could feel its warmth and comfort. It's lightweight, which means I don't feel weighed down during my hunts. I also love the left chest vertical Magnattach pocket. It's perfect for keeping little essentials like my keys or even my phone secure. The zippered, lower slash pockets are a great touch too, providing extra storage while keeping my hands warm.
One thing I particularly appreciated was its flexibility. Despite being midweight, it's also suitable as a layering piece during extremely cold conditions. The anti-pill treatment is another added bonus. It keeps the jacket looking fresh even after months of continuous use.
However, one minor con is that the pockets could be slightly deeper. I sometimes find myself struggling to retrieve larger items. But overall, I highly recommend the Drake Waterfowl MST Camo Camp Fleece Jacket in Mossy Oak Habitat for hunters who value comfort, flexibility, and style. It's definitely worth the investment!

🔗High Performance Water-Resistant Fleece Hunting Jacket
I recently got my hands on the Large Mossy Oak Break-Up Country Kenai Berber Fleece Jacket, and let me tell you, it's become a staple in my hunting gear. The first thing that caught my eye was its water-resistant fleece lining - it kept me nice and dry during those unexpected showers.
One of the standout features for me has been the anti-microbial and silver-ion scent prevention technology. As someone who spends hours on end in the field, this has been a game-changer in keeping my scent under wraps. The YKK zippers along the front and pockets also provide a secure closure, making sure my essentials stay safe.
However, one minor issue I noticed was that the elastic binding at the inner cuffs could have been slightly tighter for better insulation. Nevertheless, this doesn't take away from the overall experience of using this jacket.
In terms of durability, I've been very impressed with the quality of materials used, especially the YKK zippers and Durafex buckles. These have been tested in real-world conditions and definitely live up to the hype.
In conclusion, the Large Mossy Oak Break-Up Country Kenai Berber Fleece Jacket has been an excellent addition to my hunting gear. Its unique features, such as the scent prevention technology and water-resistent lining, make it a must-have for any serious hunter.

🔗Realtree Men's Fleece Hunting Pullover - XXL Each
I recently got my hands on the Realtree Men's Wav3x Jacquard Fleece Hunting Pullover Sherpa, and boy, is it a game-changer! This versatile piece of clothing has become an indispensable part of my hunting gear. The soft, lightweight polyester fabric is not only comfortable but also retains heat incredibly well, making it perfect for those chilly early mornings in the woods.
One feature that I absolutely love is the 1/4 zip design. It makes putting on and taking off the pullover super easy, especially when you're in a hurry prepping for a hunt. Moreover, the Snap chest pocket provides ample space to store essentials like ammo or even my smartphone, ensuring I remain connected even amidst the wilderness.
However, I must say the chinguard collar and the inside storm flap have truly been a lifesaver. They've effectively shielded me from harsh winds and unpredictable weather while out on my expeditions. Additionally, the available colors are just spot on - they provide camouflage while also looking stylish!
In conclusion, I would recommend this Realtree Men's Wav3x Jacquard Fleece Hunting Pullover Sherpa wholeheartedly. It's not just another fleece jacket; it is technical apparel that allows me to spend more hours exploring nature's beauty. A valuable item worth investing in!

🔗Drake Guardian Fleece Jacket with Breathable Fleece
I've been using the Drake MST Guardian Flex Eqwader 1/4 Zip Fleece Jacket for a good while now, and I have to say, it's been a game-changer in my wardrobe. The combination of water-resistant Guardian Flex materials on the upper torso and arms with the ultra-breathable fleece in the lower makes this jacket a true all-rounder. Whether I'm out on a cold, windy day or just need an extra layer, this jacket has never let me down.
One of the standout features for me is the 1/4 zip closure, which makes it easy to adjust the fit on the fly. The no-water cuff closures are a nice touch as well, ensuring that no drafts sneak in and keeping me dry even in the toughest weather conditions. The updated fit also allows for increased range-of-motion and improved comfort, making it perfect for long days outdoors.
The array of pockets is another strong point of this jacket. With two Time & Motion Magnattach call and whistle pockets, two zippered chest pockets, and two zippered lower pockets, there's plenty of space to store all of my essential gear. And speaking of pockets, the magnetic closures are a clever touch that makes it easy to access my belongings without fumbling around.
Of course, no product is perfect, and there are a couple of minor drawbacks to this jacket. Some users have reported that the bottom elastic seems a bit flimsy and could use an upgrade to a drawstring type. Additionally, the water resistance could be even better, though it's still more than adequate for most purposes.
All in all, I would highly recommend the Drake MST Guardian Flex Eqwader 1/4 Zip Fleece Jacket to anyone in the market for a versatile, high-quality outdoor garment. It's well made, comfortable, and performs exceptionally well in various weather conditions.

Buyer's Guide

Fleece hunting jackets are an essential piece of gear for any hunter seeking to stay warm and comfortable while out in the field. These jackets not only provide insulation but also offer breathability, water resistance, and durability. In this Buyer's Guide, we will discuss important features, considerations, and general advice about fleece hunting jackets to help you make an informed decision when purchasing one.

Important Features

  • Insulation: Look for fleece materials with adequate insulation properties, such as high-quality Polartec or Thinsulate materials, which provide excellent warmth without compromising on weight.
  • Breathability: A good fleece hunting jacket should allow moisture and heat to escape, preventing overheating and maintaining optimal comfort.
  • Water Resistance: Select a fleece hunting jacket with some level of water resistance, especially if hunting in damp conditions or during the early morning mist.
  • Durability: Durable construction is crucial for a fleece hunting jacket, as it will be exposed to harsh elements and may require frequent cleaning.


  • Fit and Comfort: Ensure that the fleece hunting jacket offers a comfortable fit without restricting movement or range of motion.
  • Weight and Packability: Consider the weight and packability of the fleece jacket, as this may impact your overall hunting gear load.
  • Camouflage Pattern: Choose a fleece hunting jacket that blends well with the environment where you typically hunt to improve your stealth and concealment.

General Advice

When choosing a fleece hunting jacket, consider the climate and weather conditions you will be hunting in. Opt for a thicker, more insulated jacket if you are hunting in extremely cold environments, while a lighter-weight fleece may suffice for milder conditions. Additionally, invest in a high-quality fleece hunting jacket that is well-constructed and designed to withstand the rigors of hunting. This will ensure that your jacket lasts for multiple seasons and provides reliable performance during each hunt.
In conclusion, fleece hunting jackets are indispensable for maintaining optimal comfort and warmth while in the field. By considering essential features, factors, and general advice outlined in this Buyer's Guide, you will be well-equipped to make an informed decision when purchasing a fleece hunting jacket that meets your specific needs and preferences.


What are fleece hunting jackets?

Fleece hunting jackets are lightweight and warm garments designed specifically for hunters to wear during colder weather while out in the field. They are usually made from synthetic materials that mimic the insulating properties of wool, providing excellent heat retention and moisture-wicking capabilities.

What makes a good fleece hunting jacket?

A good fleece hunting jacket should have several key features. These include durability, comfort, and breathability, as well as being lightweight and water-resistant. The jacket should also be wind-resistant and camouflage in design, allowing hunters to blend in with their surroundings while providing sufficient noise reduction for stealth.

How do I choose the right size for a fleece hunting jacket?

It is crucial to choose the right size so that you can move freely and comfortably while wearing your fleece hunting jacket. Check the manufacturer's sizing chart and compare it to your measurements, focusing on your chest, waist, and hip measurements. Be sure to also consider the thickness of layers you will be wearing under the jacket.

Why should I prefer fleece to other materials when choosing a hunting jacket?

Fleece is an excellent choice for hunting jackets because it is lightweight, highly insulating, and quick-drying. It also offers excellent moisture-wicking capabilities, ensuring that you stay warm and dry even during intense activities like climbing or traversing wet terrain. Additionally, fleece is generally more affordable and easy to care for compared to other materials like wool or down.

How do I care for my fleece hunting jacket?

Caring for a fleece hunting jacket is relatively simple. Wash your jacket in cold water on a gentle cycle, and avoid using fabric softeners or bleach. Tumble dry on low heat or hang to dry in a well-ventilated area. Regularly inspect your jacket for wear and tear, and apply waterproofing or DWR treatments as needed to maintain its water-resistant properties.

What are some popular brands of fleece hunting jackets?

Some popular brands of fleece hunting jackets include Sitka Gear, First Lite, and Under Armour. Each brand offers a variety of styles and features to suit different hunting situations, preferences, and budgets.

Do fleece hunting jackets come in different levels of insulation?

Yes, fleece hunting jackets are available in various levels of insulation to accommodate a range of temperatures and conditions. You can find ultra-lightweight fleece for mild weather, as well as heavyweight or expedition-grade fleece for extreme cold or extended periods outdoors.
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2024.06.09 07:41 Sweet-Count2557 15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc

15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc
15 Best Places to Get Scientific With Kids in Nyc Are you ready to embark on a scientific adventure with your kids in the vibrant city of New York? Well, hold onto your laboratory goggles because we've got a thrilling lineup of the 15 best places where young minds can dive deep into the wonders of science.From interactive exhibits that will leave them in awe to STEM centers that will ignite their curiosity, we've got it all covered. So, put on your thinking caps and get ready to explore a world of discovery and exploration that will captivate both young and young-at-heart.Key TakeawaysThere are several top science museums near NYC, including the New York Hall of Science, American Museum of Natural History, Museum of Illusions, Museum of Mathematics, and Liberty Science Center.These museums offer a range of interactive exhibits, hands-on activities, and educational experiences for kids and adults.In addition to museums, there are also science-centered stores in NYC, such as Astro West and Evolution, where collectors can find minerals, fossils, and unique artifacts.NYC also has STEM centers and maker spaces like Brooklyn Robot Foundry, Beam Center, Robofun, Dazzling Discoveries, and The Geek Forest, which provide STEM education, classes, and workshops for different age groups.New York Hall of ScienceThe New York Hall of Science, located in Flushing, Queens, offers an exciting and interactive experience for both children and adults alike. At the Hall, visitors can explore hands-on exhibits and learn about sustainable farming. With over 400 activities and interactive exhibits, there's something for everyone to enjoy.One of the highlights of the New York Hall of Science is the Connected Worlds exhibit. This immersive experience allows visitors to interact with a digital ecosystem, where their actions have real-time effects on the environment. Kids can learn about the delicate balance of ecosystems and the importance of conservation through this engaging exhibit.Another exciting feature of the Hall is Rocket Park Mini Golf. This 18-hole miniature golf course combines the fun of a game with the educational aspects of space exploration. Each hole is themed after a different rocket or spacecraft, providing a unique learning experience as you make your way through the course.But the New York Hall of Science isn't just about fun and games. It also offers opportunities to learn about sustainable farming through its exhibits. Visitors can explore the Science Barge, a sustainable urban farm powered by renewable energy sources. Here, you can discover how technology can help us live more sustainably and learn about innovative farming techniques.American Museum of Natural HistoryAs we move from exploring the New York Hall of Science, let's now venture into the fascinating world of the American Museum of Natural History. This iconic museum, located on the Upper West Side, offers a multitude of interactive exhibits that will captivate both kids and adults alike. Here are five reasons why the American Museum of Natural History is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in science and exploration:Dinosaur fossils: Step back in time as you come face-to-face with the towering skeletons of T-Rex and Triceratops. The museum's extensive collection of dinosaur fossils is sure to ignite the imagination of young paleontologists.Space exploration: Journey through the cosmos at the Hayden Planetarium, where you can witness breathtaking shows that transport you to distant galaxies. Learn about the wonders of our universe and the latest discoveries in space exploration.Hands-on learning: The museum offers a range of interactive exhibits that allow visitors to engage with scientific concepts firsthand. From the Discovery Room, where kids can touch real specimens, to the Hall of Biodiversity, where they can explore Earth's diverse ecosystems, there are endless opportunities for hands-on learning.Educational programs: The American Museum of Natural History is dedicated to STEM education and offers a variety of programs for students of all ages. From workshops and camps to school field trips, these programs provide engaging and immersive experiences that inspire a love for science and exploration.Special exhibitions: In addition to its permanent collections, the museum regularly hosts traveling exhibitions that bring new and exciting experiences to visitors. From exploring the depths of the ocean to uncovering the mysteries of ancient civilizations, these special exhibitions offer a fresh perspective on the world around us.With its interactive exhibits, educational programs, and captivating displays, the American Museum of Natural History is a treasure trove of scientific knowledge. Whether you're a budding scientist or simply curious about the wonders of the natural world, this museum is sure to leave you in awe.Museum of IllusionsGet ready to be amazed at the Museum of Illusions, where optical illusions come to life and challenge our perception of reality. This unique museum offers a fascinating exploration of the science behind illusions, while providing plenty of fun photo ops for the whole family to enjoy.At the Museum of Illusions, you'll have the opportunity to experience mind-bending illusions that will leave you questioning what you see. From rooms that defy gravity to mirrors that distort your reflection, each exhibit is designed to showcase the tricks our minds can play on us. But don't worry, there's a scientific explanation behind every illusion, and the museum provides explanations to help you understand the science at work.To give you a taste of what you can expect at the Museum of Illusions, here's a sneak peek at some of their most popular exhibits:ExhibitDescriptionScience Behind ItAmes RoomStep into this room and watch as people shrink or grow in size right before your eyes.The room is cleverly designed with distorted walls and floors to create an optical illusion of changing heights.Infinity RoomEnter this room and be captivated by an endless reflection of yourself in every direction.Mirrors are strategically placed to create the illusion of infinite space.Rotating TunnelWalk through this tunnel and feel like you're being spun around, even though you're standing still.The tunnel is designed with a spiral pattern that tricks your brain into perceiving motion.With its combination of entertainment and education, the Museum of Illusions offers a truly unique experience for families looking to have some fun while learning about the science behind illusions. So grab your camera and get ready to explore the fascinating world of optical illusions.Museum of MathematicsAfter exploring the fascinating world of illusions at the Museum of Illusions, it's time to venture into the realm of numbers and shapes at the Museum of Mathematics. At this innovative museum, kids can engage in a variety of hands-on math activities that make learning fun and exciting. Here are some highlights of what the Museum of Mathematics has to offer:Mathematical Puzzles: The museum is filled with mind-bending puzzles that challenge kids to think critically and problem solve. Whether it's solving a Rubik's Cube or unraveling a complex maze, these puzzles will keep young minds engaged and entertained.Hands-on Math Activities: From building geometric shapes with magnetic tiles to exploring the concept of symmetry through interactive exhibits, the museum provides a wide range of activities that allow kids to explore math in a tangible and interactive way. They can even participate in live demonstrations and workshops led by math experts.Interactive Displays: The museum features a range of interactive displays that bring mathematical concepts to life. Kids can manipulate shapes and patterns, create their own fractals, and even experience the thrill of riding a square-wheeled tricycle on a specially designed track.Math Art: The Museum of Mathematics also showcases the beauty of math through its collection of math-inspired artwork. Kids can marvel at intricate sculptures and stunning visual representations of mathematical concepts, inspiring them to see the artistic side of numbers.Real-world Applications: The museum highlights the practical applications of math in everyday life. Kids can explore how math is used in architecture, design, and even music. They can also learn about the role of math in technology and innovation, fostering a deeper appreciation for the subject.With its engaging exhibits, challenging puzzles, and hands-on activities, the Museum of Mathematics is a must-visit destination for kids who want to explore the wonders of math in a fun and interactive way. So grab your little mathematicians and get ready for an educational adventure like no other.Science BargeThe Science Barge in Yonkers, New York, offers visitors a unique and sustainable experience that showcases the power of renewable energy and urban farming. As you step aboard the barge, you'll be greeted by a lush and vibrant oasis floating on the Hudson River. This self-sustaining farm relies on renewable energy sources to power its operations and provides a fascinating insight into sustainable farming practices.One of the highlights of the Science Barge is its hydroponic greenhouse. Instead of soil, plants are grown in water enriched with essential nutrients, allowing them to thrive without the need for traditional farming methods. This innovative approach not only conserves water but also reduces the need for pesticides and herbicides, making it an environmentally friendly alternative. Kids will love getting up close and personal with the plants, learning about the science behind hydroponics, and even tasting some freshly grown produce.The barge also features solar panels and wind turbines that generate the energy needed to power the farm. This renewable energy system not only reduces the barge's carbon footprint but also serves as an educational tool for visitors to learn about sustainable energy sources. It's a hands-on experience that shows how we can harness the power of nature to create a greener and more sustainable future.The Science Barge is more than just a farm; it's a living laboratory where kids and adults alike can explore the intersection of science, technology, and sustainability. From workshops and guided tours to interactive exhibits and educational programs, there's something for everyone to learn and engage with.Liberty Science CenterAs we explore the world of science and sustainability on the Science Barge, our next stop takes us to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey. Here, we've the opportunity to dive into a wide range of interactive exhibits with our kids, making learning a fun and engaging experience.At the Liberty Science Center, we can explore exhibits that showcase the wonders of our planet and the universe. From the largest planetarium in the Western Hemisphere to the thrilling Infinity Climber, there's something for everyone. We can learn about the Hudson River ecosystem in the 'Our Hudson Home' exhibit and even participate in interactive skyscraper exhibits to understand the engineering behind these towering structures.One of the highlights of our visit is the chance to learn about sustainable farming, just like we did on the Science Barge. The Liberty Science Center provides valuable insights into how sustainable farming practices can have a positive impact on the environment. We can discover the importance of renewable energy sources and how they can power urban farms, promoting a greener and more sustainable future.Getting to the Liberty Science Center is a breeze, as it's easily accessible via the Path to New Jersey and light rail. And with the center constantly hosting traveling exhibitions, there's always something new and exciting to experience.With so much to see and do, it's impossible to see everything in just one visit. So, let's grab our kids and embark on an adventure of exploration, discovery, and scientific wonder at the Liberty Science Center.Astro WestLet's now explore the fascinating world of Astro West, a store in the Upper West Side of NYC that specializes in minerals, fossils, and meteorites, offering a wide range of unique items for collectors. Astro West is a treasure trove for anyone interested in celestial collectibles and stellar souvenirs. From stunning crystals to ancient fossils, this store has something for everyone.To give you a taste of what Astro West has to offer, here is a table showcasing some of their most intriguing items:ItemDescriptionPriceMeteoriteA piece of outer space that has fallen to Earth, providing a tangible connection to the cosmos.$100-$500Ammonite FossilThe spiral-shaped remains of an extinct marine animal, perfect for fossil enthusiasts.$50-$200Quartz CrystalKnown as the "master healer," quartz crystals are believed to have powerful energy properties.$20-$100Trilobite FossilThese ancient arthropods roamed the seas hundreds of millions of years ago. A true fossil marvel.$30-$150Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting your journey into the wonders of the universe, Astro West is the place to find unique and captivating pieces. The store's knowledgeable staff can guide you through their vast inventory and help you find the perfect addition to your collection. Plus, their prices are reasonable, making it accessible to all.Astro West is more than just a store; it's a gateway to a world of discovery and imagination. So, if you're looking for celestial collectibles or stellar souvenirs, make sure to visit Astro West and let your scientific curiosity take flight.EvolutionAfter exploring the fascinating world of Astro West and its celestial collectibles, let's now journey into the realm of Evolution. Evolution is the scientific study of how living organisms have changed over time, and it plays a crucial role in understanding the origins and adaptations of all life forms.Here are five key aspects of Evolution that will help you dive deeper into this captivating subject:Origin and Adaptation: Evolution explores how life on Earth originated and how different species have adapted to survive in their environments. It delves into the processes of natural selection, genetic mutations, and environmental pressures that shape the characteristics of living organisms.Genetics: Genetics is a fundamental aspect of Evolution, as it examines how genetic information is passed down from one generation to the next. Understanding the principles of inheritance and genetic variation helps scientists unravel the mechanisms behind evolutionary changes.Evolutionary Biology: This branch of biology focuses specifically on the study of Evolution. It investigates the patterns, processes, and mechanisms of how species evolve and diversify over time, shedding light on the intricate web of life on our planet.Fossil Record: Fossils provide tangible evidence of past life forms and allow scientists to reconstruct the evolutionary history of different species. By studying fossils, researchers can uncover clues about extinct organisms and their relationships to present-day species.Comparative Anatomy: Comparative anatomy examines the similarities and differences in the anatomical structures of different species. By comparing the anatomy of various organisms, scientists can uncover evolutionary relationships and trace the development of traits across species.Exploring the fascinating world of Evolution will open your eyes to the intricate processes that have shaped life on Earth. From the origins of life to the incredible adaptations of different species, Evolution offers a captivating glimpse into the wonders of the natural world.Brooklyn Robot FoundryWe were thrilled to discover the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, a STEM education center in Gowanus, Brooklyn, where kids can explore the exciting world of robotics and engineering through hands-on classes, camps, and workshops. At the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, children have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning activities that foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking.One of the key benefits of STEM education is that it prepares children for the future by equipping them with the skills needed in an increasingly technology-driven world. The hands-on learning activities at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry allow kids to actively participate in the learning process, gaining practical experience and developing a deeper understanding of STEM concepts. By building their own robots and engineering projects, children are able to see firsthand how science, technology, engineering, and math are all interconnected.The Brooklyn Robot Foundry offers a variety of classes, camps, and workshops tailored to different age groups, ensuring that children of all ages can benefit from their programs. Whether it's building a robot that can navigate a maze or designing a circuit that powers a lightbulb, the hands-on nature of the activities at the Brooklyn Robot Foundry keeps kids engaged and excited about learning.In addition to the educational aspect, the Brooklyn Robot Foundry also fosters a sense of community. Children have the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers, sharing ideas and learning from one another. This not only enhances their social skills but also teaches them the value of teamwork and cooperation.Beam CenterContinuing our exploration of STEM education centers in NYC, let's now turn our attention to the Beam Center, located in Red Hook, Brooklyn. The Beam Center is a unique space that offers a wide range of interactive installations and apprenticeship opportunities for young minds to explore and create.Here are some highlights of what you can expect at the Beam Center:Interactive installations: The Beam Center is known for its captivating and interactive installations. From large-scale sculptures to immersive multimedia experiences, these installations provide a hands-on approach to learning and creativity. Kids have the freedom to explore and interact with these installations, fostering a sense of curiosity and discovery.Apprenticeship opportunities: At the Beam Center, high-school-aged apprentices have the chance to work on real-world projects alongside skilled professionals. Through these apprenticeships, young individuals gain valuable technical skills and hands-on experience in fields like woodworking, metalworking, electronics, and more. It's an opportunity to learn by doing and be part of a collaborative and supportive community.Hands-on workshops: The Beam Center offers a variety of hands-on workshops that cover a wide range of topics. From woodworking and robotics to digital fabrication and coding, these workshops provide an engaging and interactive learning experience. Kids have the freedom to experiment, problem-solve, and unleash their creativity in a supportive environment.Community events: The Beam Center hosts community events that bring together kids, families, and educators. These events provide opportunities for collaboration, networking, and showcasing the incredible work that young minds have accomplished. It's a chance to celebrate the power of creativity and innovation.Science education: Beyond the hands-on experiences and apprenticeships, the Beam Center is also committed to building science educators. They offer training programs and resources for teachers, empowering them to incorporate hands-on and project-based learning into their classrooms.The Beam Center is a place where freedom, creativity, and learning come together. Whether your child is interested in art, science, technology, or all of the above, the Beam Center offers a dynamic and inspiring environment to explore, create, and grow.RobofunLocated in the Upper West Side of NYC, Robofun is a STEM-focused learning center that offers a wide range of classes and workshops for preschool-aged children, igniting their curiosity and passion for robotics and technology. At Robofun, kids have the opportunity to participate in STEM inspired art activities while exploring engineering concepts.Robofun's classes and workshops are designed to engage children in hands-on learning experiences that foster creativity and critical thinking. Through activities like building robots with LEGO bricks and programming them to perform tasks, children develop problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of engineering principles. The center also offers stop-motion animation classes, where kids can bring their own stories to life using technology and their imagination.What sets Robofun apart is its emphasis on combining science, technology, engineering, and art. By integrating art into STEM activities, children are encouraged to think outside the box and approach challenges from different perspectives. This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances their creativity but also helps them develop a holistic understanding of how different disciplines intersect and complement each other.Whether it's constructing a robot, designing a stop-motion animation, or engaging in other STEM activities, children at Robofun are encouraged to explore, experiment, and express themselves freely. The center provides a supportive and inclusive environment where kids can unleash their creativity and develop a lifelong love for science and technology.Dazzling DiscoveriesAt Dazzling Discoveries in the Upper West Side of NYC, we offer a variety of after-school classes, camps, and drop-in workshops for both kids and adults, providing engaging and hands-on learning experiences in subjects like sewing, coding, and more.Here are some reasons why hands-on learning is so beneficial for kids:Active Engagement: Hands-on learning actively engages kids in the learning process, allowing them to explore, experiment, and discover new concepts on their own. This active engagement enhances their understanding and retention of the material.Practical Application: Hands-on learning allows kids to apply what they've learned to real-life situations, helping them see the relevance and practicality of science education. This practical application fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Creativity and Innovation: Hands-on learning encourages kids to think outside the box, fostering creativity and innovation. By engaging in hands-on activities, kids can explore their own ideas and find unique solutions to problems.Collaboration and Communication: Hands-on learning often involves group work, promoting collaboration and communication skills. Kids learn to work together, share ideas, and communicate effectively, which are essential skills for success in the scientific community and beyond.Long-lasting Interest in Science: Hands-on learning ignites curiosity and fosters a love for science among young minds. By providing engaging and interactive experiences, kids are more likely to develop a lifelong interest in science and pursue further education and careers in STEM fields.At Dazzling Discoveries, we believe in the importance of science education for young minds. Our hands-on approach ensures that kids not only learn scientific concepts but also develop essential skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.Come join us and let your child's imagination soar!The Geek ForestAfter exploring the benefits of hands-on learning at Dazzling Discoveries, let's now venture into the exciting world of The Geek Forest. The Geek Forest is a haven for geek culture and education, where children and adults alike can immerse themselves in technology and creativity. At The Geek Forest, the possibilities are endless, as they offer a wide range of classes and workshops on video game development, coding, 3D art, and animation.To give you a glimpse into the diverse offerings at The Geek Forest, here is a table showcasing some of their most popular classes:ClassAge RangeVideo Game Development8 and upCoding6 and up3D Art10 and upAnimation12 and upWith these classes, The Geek Forest aims to foster a love for technology while encouraging creativity and critical thinking skills. They understand that geek culture is not just about consuming media, but also about actively participating and creating in the digital world.The Geek Forest is a place where freedom is celebrated. It provides a safe space for individuals to explore their passions and learn at their own pace. Whether your child is a budding programmer or an aspiring artist, The Geek Forest offers a supportive environment where they can thrive.Science-Centered Stores in NYCIf you're in NYC and looking for a unique and educational shopping experience, explore the fascinating world of science-centered stores. These stores not only offer a wide range of products, but also provide an opportunity to learn and explore the wonders of science.Here are five reasons why science-centered stores in NYC are worth a visit:Exploring the science behind optical illusions in NYC: The Museum of Illusions in Chelsea is a must-visit for anyone interested in the intriguing world of optical illusions. This store provides a fun and quirky experience, with explanations of the science behind each illusion. Get ready for some mind-bending photo-ops!Collecting unique artifacts and fossils in science-centered stores in NYC: Astro West in Upper West Side and Evolution in Soho are two science-centered stores that specialize in unique artifacts and fossils. From bones and mounted insects to minerals and meteorites, these stores offer a treasure trove for collectors and science enthusiasts alike.Learning while shopping: Science-centered stores go beyond just selling products. They provide educational resources and information about the items they offer. Whether it's a book on dinosaurs or a kit to conduct experiments at home, these stores are a great way to learn while shopping.Supporting local businesses: By visiting science-centered stores, you aren't only supporting local businesses but also contributing to the promotion of science education. These stores often collaborate with schools and educational institutions, making a positive impact in the community.Inspiring curiosity and creativity: Science-centered stores are filled with fascinating objects and materials that can spark curiosity and creativity in both children and adults. From intricate fossils to colorful minerals, these stores offer a world of inspiration for aspiring scientists and artists.STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYCSTEM Centers and Maker Spaces in NYC offer a wealth of opportunities for hands-on learning and creative exploration in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. These spaces aren't just for kids, as there are also maker spaces for adults and STEM programs specifically designed for teens.For adults who are interested in tinkering and creating, there are several maker spaces in NYC that provide the tools and resources needed to bring ideas to life. These spaces often have workshops and classes where adults can learn new skills and collaborate with others who share their interests. Whether it's woodworking, electronics, or 3D printing, there are maker spaces in NYC that cater to a wide range of interests.Teens who are passionate about STEM subjects can also find a variety of programs and resources in NYC. Many STEM centers offer specialized programs for teens, where they can engage in hands-on projects and experiments, work with cutting-edge technology, and learn from experts in the field. These programs often focus on real-world applications of STEM principles, allowing teens to see the relevance and impact of their studies.STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC provide an environment that encourages freedom and creativity. They offer a space where individuals can explore their interests, learn new skills, and collaborate with others who share their passion for science and innovation. Whether you're an adult looking to pursue a new hobby or a teen seeking to deepen your understanding of STEM, these centers and spaces in NYC are sure to inspire and ignite your curiosity.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Special Discounts or Promotions Available for Admission to the New York Hall of Science or Any of the Other Science Museums in Nyc?There are special offers and discounts available for admission to the New York Hall of Science and other science museums in NYC.Promotions for the New York Hall of Science can vary, so it's best to check their website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information.Other science museums in NYC may also offer special discounts or promotions, so it's worth exploring their websites or contacting them to see what deals are available.Are the Exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History Suitable for Children of All Ages, or Are There Specific Exhibits Geared Towards Younger or Older Kids?At the American Museum of Natural History, you won't believe the incredible exhibits suitable for all ages! From towering dinosaurs to mesmerizing space shows, there's something for everyone.Younger kids will love the interactive learning experiences, like the Discovery Room and the Butterfly Conservatory.Older kids can explore the Hall of Human Origins and delve into the mysteries of the universe at the Hayden Planetarium.Get ready for a mind-blowing adventure that will ignite curiosity and inspire young minds!Can Visitors Take Photographs Inside the Museum of Illusions, or Is Photography Prohibited?At the Museum of Illusions in NYC, photography is allowed! You can capture all the fun and quirky photo-ops with your camera. It's a great way to remember your visit and share the science behind each optical illusion with your friends and family.Does the Museum of Mathematics Offer Any Programs or Workshops Specifically Designed for Adults, or Are They Primarily Focused on Children?At the Museum of Mathematics, they offer programs and workshops specifically designed for adults, in addition to their focus on children. It's great to see that they cater to all age groups, providing opportunities for adults to engage in STEM learning.As for STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC, it's important to note that age restrictions may vary. Some places like Brooklyn Robot Foundry and Robofun offer classes for preschool-aged children, while others like Beam Center and The Geek Forest are geared towards high-school-aged apprentices.Are There Any Restrictions on the Age Range for Children Attending Classes or Workshops at the STEM Centers and Maker Spaces in Nyc?Age restrictions vary among STEM centers and maker spaces in NYC. Some centers offer classes and workshops specifically designed for certain age groups, while others have programs that cater to a wide range of ages. It's important to check with each center to understand their specific age requirements and offerings.Additionally, some centers may offer discounts and promotions for certain age groups or specific workshops. It's always a good idea to inquire about any available discounts when booking classes or workshops.ConclusionIn the bustling streets of NYC, there's a world of discovery waiting for young minds.From the awe-inspiring exhibits at the New York Hall of Science and the American Museum of Natural History to the hands-on activities at STEM centers like the Brooklyn Robot Foundry, children can explore the wonders of science and ignite their imaginations.So, come and join us on this scientific adventure, where curiosity knows no bounds and the love for learning is nurtured.Let's inspire a lifelong passion for science together!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:51 theycallmeick Y’all gonna hate this

Y’all gonna hate this
So! I’ve posted this micro studio rigged out in another sub with my rotating handle and my magic fizz set up. Check post history if that interests you cause this isn’t what we’re talking about today.
I usually shoot music videos or show recaps and own a p4k. It’s just become cumbersome to travel through crowds completely rigged out so I bought this. Honestly it’s been a delight with low light performance and grading. I’ve been having a blast and really enjoy this makeshift “box” style run and gun set up.
Anyways. I tried posting this earlier today and it just disappeared. Unfortunately I fleshed everything out there and now that it didn’t post im somewhat less winded than I was originally. I do have an update at the end regarding footage quality and how it came out.
I wanted to rid myself the duty of focus pulling. I wanted a point and shoot cam but with a black magic. Yes you need a monitor as it has none and that’s the only way to switch settings. Yes I was an idiot and brought everything BUT the power cord for the monitor. But I had shot a show in some pretty low light conditions last night with a cine lens and just ran on a prayer that the settings I had last night would suffice for the venture today.
So what we have here is the Micro Studio camera with a tilt the top handle a small rig v mount battery and a pocket dispo lens that I had bought two months ago. Very minimal set up and running without a monitor. I was really pushing my luck with what I would capture.
The specs for the lens is 28 mm which basically makes it a 50-60 almost
With an atrocious aperture of F 11
And everything and focus beyond 1.5 m
UPDATE: I went to an art exhibit and I always want to bring my camera so I made the small mini one to try to be as incognito as possible. Unfortunately, my dumb ass put the top handle on it for vertical shooting thinking that I would make a real out of whatever I captured, and ultimately that kind of screwed me because I just captured a whole Lotta nothing there’s some good shots, but nothing is centered or focused on the subject, considering I was shooting blind
But the footage is usable. It looks really good. Honestly if I were to put a noise reduction on it, I think you want to be able to tell that it’s a piece of crap. Disposable lens from a disposable camera. I’ll probably retry this out on one of my next adventures and put the top handle on the camera appropriately
submitted by theycallmeick to BlackmagicCameraRigs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:29 Unlikely_Ad9514 The Kinetic Power System Review 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Independence

The Kinetic Power System Review 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Independence
The Kinetic Power System Review 2024: A Comprehensive Guide to Energy Independence
In today's world, where electricity costs continue to rise and environmental concerns are more pressing than ever, finding a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution is a priority for many households. The Kinetic Power System, developed by Craig Brooks, promises to be a game-changer in this regard.
This innovative system claims to provide a reliable, eco-friendly, and affordable way to generate electricity using kinetic energy. In this review, we'll dive deep into what the Kinetic Power System is, how it works, its benefits, and whether it lives up to its promises.
What is the Kinetic Power System?
The Kinetic Power System is a DIY guide designed to help users build their energy generator using flywheel technology. The guide provides detailed instructions on how to assemble the generator with commonly available materials such as plywood, bicycle chains, gears, screws, adhesives, and a repaired flywheel. The goal is to create a system that can generate and store kinetic energy to power household appliances.
Get a Discount On The Kinetic Power System
According to the creator, Craig Brooks, the system is easy to build and requires no specialized knowledge. The instructions are straightforward and can be completed in about three hours. The entire setup costs under $200, making it an affordable alternative to traditional energy sources.
How Does the Kinetic Power System Work?
At the heart of the Kinetic Power System is flywheel technology. Flywheels have been used for centuries in various applications, from pottery wheels to industrial machinery. The principle behind a flywheel is simple: it stores energy by spinning and releases it as needed.
The Kinetic Power System utilizes this principle to generate electricity. Once the flywheel is set in motion, it continues to spin and produce energy with minimal input. This energy can be used immediately or stored for later use, depending on the household's needs. The system combines traditional flywheel technology with modern hybrid technology to enhance efficiency, resulting in three times more energy output with half the input.
Benefits of the Kinetic Power System
  • Cost Savings
One of the primary benefits of the Kinetic Power System is its potential to significantly reduce electricity bills. According to the creator, the system can cut power costs by up to 62% in the first month. Given that the setup costs less than $200, the return on investment is relatively quick.
  • Eco-Friendly
The Kinetic Power System generates green energy without emitting pollutants. Unlike traditional generators that rely on fossil fuels, this system uses kinetic energy, which is clean and renewable. This makes it an excellent choice for environmentally conscious individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Reliability
The system is designed to be durable and reliable, capable of operating in various weather conditions. Unlike solar and wind energy, which depend on specific environmental conditions, the Kinetic Power System can generate electricity consistently. This reliability makes it a valuable backup during power outages and natural disasters.
  • Low Maintenance
The materials used to build the Kinetic Power System are durable and require minimal maintenance. The system operates quietly due to low friction, and its simple design means that repairs if needed, are easy to perform without professional help.
  • Energy Independence
With the Kinetic Power System, households can achieve a degree of energy independence. By generating their electricity, they are less reliant on external power providers and can avoid the volatility of energy prices. This self-sufficiency is particularly beneficial in areas prone to frequent power outages or where energy costs are high.
What's Included in the Kinetic Power System Guide?
The Kinetic Power System guide is comprehensive and user-friendly. Here's what you can expect to find:
  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Detailed, easy-to-follow instructions that guide you through the entire process of building the generator.
  • Materials List: A complete list of materials needed to construct the system, most of which are affordable and easily available.
  • Theoretical Background: An explanation of the principles behind the technology, helping users understand how and why the system works.
  • Maintenance Tips: Guidance on how to maintain the system to ensure it operates efficiently over the long term.
  • Customer Support: One year of unlimited customer support to assist with any questions or issues that may arise during the construction or operation of the system.
Who Should Use the Kinetic Power System?
The Kinetic Power System is suitable for a wide range of users:
  • Homeowners: Ideal for those looking to reduce their electricity bills and achieve greater energy independence.
  • DIY Enthusiasts: Perfect for individuals who enjoy building and maintaining their systems.
  • Environmentally Conscious Consumers: A great option for those committed to reducing their carbon footprint and living sustainably.
  • People in Remote Areas: Beneficial for those living in areas with unreliable power supply or high energy costs.
Pros and Cons
  • Substantial reduction in electricity bills.
  • Utilizes affordable and accessible materials.
  • Generates clean, renewable energy.
  • Low maintenance and easy to repair.
  • Provides energy security during power outages.
  • Suitable for anyone, regardless of technical expertise.
  • Initial setup costs might be higher than traditional generator books.
  • May not appeal to individuals with limited crafting or DIY skills.
Pricing and Availability
The Kinetic Power System is available for a one-time payment of $49. This price includes lifetime access to the guide and one year of customer support. Payments can be made via PayPal or major credit cards.
Additionally, the system comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, providing peace of mind for users who may be skeptical about the effectiveness of the system.
Final Thoughts: Is the Kinetic Power System Worth It?
The Kinetic Power System offers a practical and affordable solution for generating electricity at home. Its eco-friendly nature, cost-saving potential, and ease of use make it an attractive option for many households. While it may require some initial effort to build, the long-term benefits of reduced energy bills and increased energy independence are substantial.
Get a Discount On The Kinetic Power System
For anyone looking to take control of their energy needs and reduce their reliance on traditional power sources, the Kinetic Power System is worth considering. Its user-friendly guide and comprehensive support ensure that even those with no technical background can successfully implement this innovative system.
In conclusion, the Kinetic Power System is a promising solution for sustainable energy generation in 2024. Its blend of affordability, reliability, and environmental benefits make it a standout choice in the realm of DIY energy systems. If you're ready to embrace energy independence and reduce your electricity costs, the Kinetic Power System could be the answer you've been looking for.
submitted by Unlikely_Ad9514 to u/Unlikely_Ad9514 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:37 Stage-Piercing727 Best Firefield Laser

Best Firefield Laser
Are you in the market for a laser that meets your needs both on and off the range? Look no further than our roundup of the top-rated Firefield Lasers! In this article, we'll be diving into the world of Firefield lasers, exploring their features, benefits, and capabilities. From target acquisition to hunting and self-defense, we've got you covered. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, our comprehensive review will help you find the perfect Firefield Laser to suit your specific needs.

The Top 11 Best Firefield Laser

  1. Accurate Green Multi-Line Laser with Wall Mount for Indoor Leveling - Elevate your indoor leveling, drywall, plumbing, and mechanical applications with the accurate and speedy Hilti 3586412 PM 40-MG Multi-Line Green Laser Kit - the essential tool for versatile and effortless leveling adventures.
  2. Unity ELITE 20 PRO FB4 Full-Color RGB Diode Laser System - Introducing the Unity Lasers Elite 20 Pro FB4, a powerful 20-Watt full color RGB diode laser system integrated with Pangolin's FB4 media server, offering unparalleled laser performance in a robust housing.
  3. Hilti PR 30-HVS Laser Level with PRA Receiver and Accessories - The Hilti PR 30-HVS Outdoor Rotating Red Laser provides advanced accuracy, versatility, and durability for grading and excavating projects, making it a go-to choice for modern small equipment needs.
  4. High-Power, Full-Color Laser System by Unity ELITE 30 PRO FB4 - Illuminate your space with Unity ELITE 30 PRO FB4: A 30-Watt, full-color RGB laser system featuring Pangolin's FB4 media server, housed in a sturdy enclosure.
  5. Advanced Self-Rotating Green Laser Level for Precision Finishing Jobs - Invest in the Hilti PR-30-HVSG A12, a high-precision 33ft self-rotating green laser level with battery pack, mount, and target plate, providing accurate results for even the toughest jobsite environments.
  6. Milwaukee M12 Green Laser Level: Versatile, Tether-Ready, Magnetic Tool for Precise Measurements Indoors - Experience unparalleled productivity and precision with the Milwaukee M12 Green 360° Single Plane Laser, offering a long working range, tether-ready design, and compatibility with the M12 System for optimal laser functionality.
  7. Hilti Multi-Line Laser Kit with Green Laser Lines - Stay precise and efficient with the Hilti PM 30 Multi-green Line Laser Kit - a versatile, self-levelling tool perfect for residential and commercial plumbing tasks.
  8. Firefield Laser Flare: Waterproof, Long-Lasting, 30-Mile Visibility Emergency Signal - A highly visible and waterproof laser flare, providing a non-flammable and environmentally safe signal up to 30 miles for rescue operations, with 5,000-hour battery life.
  9. Firecore 360 Green Laser Level - 3-Plane, Self-Leveling, and Alignment for Accurate Job Setup - The Firecore F94T-XG three-plane leveling and alignment line laser features a self-leveling design, dual power technology, and green beam technology for enhanced line visibility, making it the ideal solution for one-person job setup.
  10. Milwaukee Green Cross Line Laser with Adjustable Tripod - With an impressive 8-hour runtime and powerful green lines up to 100 ft., the Milwaukee Alkaline Cross Laser and Tripod offer unparalleled accuracy and versatility for all your leveling and alignment needs.
  11. Affordable 3-in-1 Rechargeable Green Sewing Laser System - The ViviLux 3-in-1 Rechargeable Green Laser System offers versatile illumination options, easy alignment, and durable lithium polymer batteries, making it a must-have accessory for any sewing enthusiast.
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🔗Accurate Green Multi-Line Laser with Wall Mount for Indoor Leveling
I recently tried out the Hilti 3586412 PM 40-MG Multi-Line Green Laser for various indoor leveling tasks and I must say it performed exceptionally well. This multi-line laser not only sets the level bar for drywall, electrical, and mechanical applications but also ensures accuracy with its self-leveling range at room temperature.
What stood out to me was the laser class 2, which means no special precautionary measures are needed. It also comes with out-of-level and low battery alerts that help prevent mistakes and unexpected downtime. The laser is incredibly versatile, with five lines available, including 4 vertical and a 360-degree horizontal line, as well as a bottom plumbing point.
One of my favorite features is the wall mount, which increases performance in difficult-to-reach locations. Along with the lithium-ion batteries and charger, this kit provides a convenient and hassle-free experience for any indoor leveling project. With a 10-hour run time on a single charge, the Hilti 3586412 PM 40-MG Multi-Line Green Laser has become my go-to tool for precision leveling.

🔗Unity ELITE 20 PRO FB4 Full-Color RGB Diode Laser System
When I first set eyes on the Firefield Laser Unity Elite 20 Pro FB4, I was in awe of its sleek, robust design. Its integrated Pangolin FB4 media server adds a modern twist to this full-color RGB laser system, and the 20-Watt semiconductor diode laser really packs a punch with a guaranteed optical output of 22,000mW.
Despite its size, the Unity Elite 20 Pro FB4 is impressively lightweight, making it a convenient choice for on-the-go events and presentations. However, the IP 20 ingress rating may not be ideal for outdoor use or in environments with dust and debris.
In terms of performance, this 20-Watt laser shines with a scan angle of 45° and can achieve an amazing 30,000 points per second scanning system. The 6 x 6mm beam size ensures crisp, vibrant projections, perfect for capturing audiences' attention.
While the product specifications are impressive, the lack of reviews to read from other users and a rating is concerning. Nonetheless, the Firefield Unity Elite 20 Pro FB4 appears to be a powerful and appealing laser system, a worthy choice for professionals seeking a versatile, impactful presentation option.

🔗Hilti PR 30-HVS Laser Level with PRA Receiver and Accessories
I recently had the chance to try out the Hilti PR 30-HVS Outdoor Rotating Red Laser, and I must say it has made my life much easier on the job site. This laser level is incredibly accurate, delivering a plus/minus 0.02-inch precision at a 33-foot range, making it perfect for aligning columns, grading, and pouring concrete.
One of the most impressive features is its water and dust resistance. Whether it's pouring rain or a dusty construction site, this laser has you covered. The Pra 83 receiver is a game-changer, allowing me to transfer building lines with ease.
Not only is the Hilti PR 30-HVS laser level drop-resistant up to a height of 5 feet and 360-degree free fall resistance, but its shock-absorbing handles make sure it always lands safely on a tripod. The one-person alignment system is another added bonus, making sure the job is done right without the need for assistance.
While this laser level does not come with batteries, it's worth the small investment to get this powerful tool. Whether you're a seasoned contractor or a DIY enthusiast, the Hilti PR 30-HVS Outdoor Rotating Red Laser is a must-have addition to your small grading and excavating equipment.

🔗High-Power, Full-Color Laser System by Unity ELITE 30 PRO FB4
Recently, I had the opportunity to use the Unity ELITE 30 PRO FB4 laser system in my daily life, and let me tell you, it was quite an experience! This 30-watt full color RGB diode-based laser system is paired with Pangolin's FB4 media server, housed in a sturdy casing. One of the highlights of this device was the impressive optical output, which was guaranteed to be at least 33,000mW.
While setting it up, I appreciated the user-friendly interface that made operation a breeze. However, I did encounter a few minor hiccups during the installation process, which made me realize that the product could benefit from a more detailed manual or tutorial video.
In terms of performance, the Unity ELITE 30 PRO FB4 truly shines. The laser's scan angle of 45 degrees ensured that the projection was accurate and vivid, with the 30,000 points per second scanning system contributing to its smooth motion. The device's power requirements were also a plus, as it could operate effectively with a range of voltage inputs, from 100-240V/50-60Hz.
Overall, while this laser system had some minor drawbacks, its impressive optical output and versatile scanning capabilities made it well worth the investment for any professional looking to up their projection game.

🔗Advanced Self-Rotating Green Laser Level for Precision Finishing Jobs
The Hilti PR-30-HVSG A12 isn't just a basic laser level – it's a powerful and reliable tool specifically designed for long-range interior finishing applications. I found it robust and sturdy, which is perfect for handling the most challenging jobsite environments. One of the features that stood out for me was the 360° outlast unique Hilti-patented design, providing top-notch performance in even the trickiest conditions. Although the high-vis green laser can be a bit challenging indoors, it excels outdoors with an impressive 33 ft. of accuracy.
I also appreciated the convenience of its max operating distance of 984 ft. with a laser receiver. But what truly impressed me was the PR-30-HVSG A12's impressive battery life of 16 hours on a single charge with the Li-ion battery it comes with. Overall, it's an excellent tool for anyone in need of a reliable, high-performance laser level.

🔗Milwaukee M12 Green Laser Level: Versatile, Tether-Ready, Magnetic Tool for Precise Measurements Indoors
Last weekend, I was tasked with setting up drop ceiling elevations in a warehouse, and I couldn't have done it without the Milwaukee M12 Green 360° Single Plane Laser. As someone who's worked with laser levels before, I can confidently say that this one is a game-changer.
First off, the brightest green laser was a dream to work with, making it easier than ever to set my elevations accurately. The 30+ hours of runtime from my M12 REDLITHIUM 4.0 XC Battery had me working all day without needing to worry about battery life. The 360° horizontal plane made quick work of my warehouse, even in large spaces.
I also appreciated the tether-ready lanyard hole, which eliminated any drops and kept my laser level right where I needed it. The integrated bracket with powerful amplified rare earth magnets ensured a strong and secure hold on steel surfaces. Setting up was a breeze with the integrated hang hole, which made the Milwaukee M12 perfect for use in any environment.
The MILWAUKEE 165' Laser Line Detector was just as impressive, helping me align my ceiling grid with precision both indoors and outdoors. With high visibility LEDs on front and back, it made the process a cinch. The rare earth magnets on the detector were my favorite part, allowing easy attachment to metal surfaces.
Overall, the Milwaukee M12 Green 360° Single Plane Laser was a fantastic tool for my warehouse project. Its compatibility with all M12 Batteries and impressive runtime made for a smooth and productive experience. The only downside? I wished it came with a battery of my own, but hey, that's a minor inconvenience.

🔗Hilti Multi-Line Laser Kit with Green Laser Lines
I recently had the opportunity to try out the Hilti PM 30 Multi-line Laser Kit, and let me tell you, it has proven to be quite the handy tool in my daily life. This laser is capable of leveling, aligning, and squaring with ease, making it an essential gadget for all sorts of plumbing and home improvement projects.
One of the standout features of this Hilti laser is its self-leveling capabilities. It was incredibly easy to use, as it kept everything in line with just a small adjustment here and there. I particularly appreciated this, especially when I was working on setting out drywall tracks on various surfaces. It also helped save time by allowing me to focus on other areas of the project without constantly checking my levels.
On the other hand, there were a couple of downsides to this laser. Firstly, the kit doesn't come with a case, which would have been a great addition, considering I had to keep the different components in separate places to prevent them from getting damaged. Secondly, the out-of-level and low battery alerts, while helpful, could sometimes be a bit too sensitive, leading to false alarms.
Overall, the Hilti PM 30 Multi-line Laser Kit is a practical and efficient tool for those working on plumbing and home improvement. It's perfect for those looking for a versatile, reliable, and efficient laser that can make their work easier and more precise.

🔗Firefield Laser Flare: Waterproof, Long-Lasting, 30-Mile Visibility Emergency Signal
As an avid hiker, I've faced my fair share of emergencies while out in the wilderness. The Greatland GREEN Rescue Laser Flare has become my trusted companion during these times. When disaster strikes, this laser flare has the ability to signal for help from up to 30 miles away at night, ensuring my safety even in the darkest conditions.
Its waterproof design allows me to use it even in harsh weather, while its long-life lithium battery means I don't have to worry about constant recharging. The laser's green color is bright and visible, making it the preferred choice among search and rescue professionals. While it's not perfect - for example, it only works for 5 hours before needing a new battery - overall, the Greatland GREEN Rescue Laser Flare is a reliable and effective tool for anyone venturing into the great outdoors.

🔗Firecore 360 Green Laser Level - 3-Plane, Self-Leveling, and Alignment for Accurate Job Setup
I've had the chance to use the Firecore 3x360 Green Laser Level in my daily work, and let me tell you, it truly makes a difference. The self-leveling feature is a game changer, especially when I'm working alone. The laser beam is incredibly clear and bright, making those alignment lines a breeze to see.
The product has its flaws too, like any other. The manual mode can be a bit tricky to figure out at first, and sometimes it takes a few tries to get the laser precisely where you want it. But overall, it's a reliable tool that's become a staple in my toolbox.
The Firecore 3x360 Green Laser Level has definitely streamlined my work process, and I can't imagine going back to the old way of leveling and aligning. It's a small investment that's paid off in spades, making my job easier and more precise.

🔗Milwaukee Green Cross Line Laser with Adjustable Tripod
Using the Milwaukee Alkaline Cross Laser with Laser Tripod has been a breeze. The high-intensity green lines are so clear that it's like having a guiding hand, keeping me on track with measurements and alignments. Plus, their 8-hour runtime is a game-changer, allowing me to work steadily without worrying about switching batteries anytime soon.
One downside I noticed was the laser being sensitive to the environment. The magnetic bracket works great but picking up dirt or dust may cause the laser to wobble a bit. And having to switch between 360° bracket, bottom mount, and the regular tripod can be a bit time-consuming.
Regardless, the Laser Level Tripod's precision adjustment and reinforced gears are worth it. Despite its weight, it's an invaluable tool for setting vertical laser lines or elevating the laser when needed. And the lightweight yet durable aluminum build means it can handle the occasional bump here and there without a hitch. Overall, a solid and reliable product, just like a good partner by your side on any job.

🔗Affordable 3-in-1 Rechargeable Green Sewing Laser System
I recently stumbled upon the ViviLux 3-in-1 rechargeable green laser system while searching for an affordable alternative to high-end sewing machines. This compact laser system has truly revolutionized my sewing experience, offering remarkable precision and accuracy that I've never encountered before.
The Velcro connector allows for seamless attachment to my sewing machine, and the three interchangeable lasers - dot, line, and crosshair - cater to various sewing requirements. The rechargeable battery ensures long-lasting use, with just a 3-hour charge providing hours of illumination.
While the ViviLux system has undoubtedly improved my sewing game, I did notice a few minor drawbacks. The plastic cover can be slightly difficult to secure, requiring the use of a magnet to keep it in place. Additionally, the laser adjustment can be a bit tricky to find the perfect spot on certain sewing machines, with some trial and error needed.
Overall, the ViviLux 3-in-1 rechargeable green laser system has been a game-changer for my sewing projects. It has certainly made the process more enjoyable and efficient, and I am confident that many sewers would benefit from adding this innovative tool to their arsenal.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to Firefield Laser Buyer's Guide, which is designed to help you make an informed purchase decision. In this section, we'll outline some important features, considerations, and general advice to consider when buying a Firefield Laser. Our guide will not contain any specific product recommendations or external resource links, ensuring that the content remains focused on the product category.

Understanding Firefield Lasers

Firefield Lasers are specifically designed for military, law enforcement, and outdoor enthusiasts. These lasers provide a high degree of precision and accuracy during shooting or aiming exercises. Understanding the key features of these lasers will help you make the best purchasing decision.

Important Features of Firefield Lasers

  • Accuracy and Precision: Look for a Firefield Laser that offers high accuracy and precision, ensuring that your aim is true, even at long ranges.
  • Durability and Toughness: A well-built Firefield Laser should be able to withstand rough handling and harsh weather conditions.
  • Battery Life: A longer battery life is essential for extended use in the field. Consider the battery life when making your purchase.
  • Ease of Use: Look for a Firefield Laser that is easy to set up and operate, even for users who may not be familiar with laser technology.

Size and Weight Considerations

When buying a Firefield Laser, consider the size and weight. Smaller and lighter models may be more convenient for outdoor activities or tactical situations, while larger and heavier models may offer more features and power.

Budget Considerations

Firefield Lasers come in various price ranges, offering different levels of performance and features. Determine your budget before making a purchase to ensure that you get the best value for your money.

Considerations before Use

  • Eye Safety: Be mindful of the safety precautions when using a Firefield Laser, especially in the presence of others or in public areas.
  • Storage and Transport: Ensure that your Firefield Laser is properly stored and transported to avoid damage.
By considering the important features, considerations, and advice outlined in this guide, you'll be well-prepared to make a well-informed purchase when it comes to Firefield Lasers. Stay tuned for more content in our Firefield Laser roundup article.


What is the Firefield Laser product range?

The Firefield Laser product range includes laser sights, such as the Firefield Laser H1, and laser accessories, like the Firefield Laser Grip Sight.

Are the products compatible with various firearm types?

Yes, the Firefield Laser products are compatible with a variety of firearms, including handguns and rifles.

How durable are the products from the Firefield Laser range?

Firefield Laser products are built for durability, using high-quality materials and construction. They are designed to withstand rough handling and harsh outdoor conditions.

Do the products offer different laser sight options?

Yes, the Firefield Laser range offers laser sights in various color options, such as red or green. This allows users to choose the one that best suits their preferences and lighting conditions.

Are the Firefield Laser products easy to install?

Yes, Firefield Laser products typically come with user-friendly installation guides, making it easy for users to install them on their firearms. In most cases, installation can be done in a matter of minutes.

Are there different warranty options for Firefield Laser products?

Yes, Firefield Laser offers various warranty options depending on the product. Please refer to the specific warranty information for each product for details.

Is it easy to find replacement parts or accessories for Firefield Laser products?

Yes, replacement parts and accessories for Firefield Laser products are readily available, ensuring that users can easily obtain them when needed.

Do the laser sights have adjustable brightness levels?

Yes, most Firefield Laser products offer adjustable brightness levels, allowing users to customize the intensity of the laser sight according to their preferences and lighting conditions.

Can the Firefield Laser products be used by both amateurs and professionals?

Yes, Firefield Laser products cater to a wide range of users, from beginners to experienced shooters. They offer features suitable for both amateurs and professionals, making them versatile and accessible to all.

What is the return policy for Firefield Laser products?

Please refer to the specific return policy information for each Firefield Laser product for details.
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2024.06.09 05:01 FuzzyHouse Tips on lowering outlet and cable tunnel opening

Tips on lowering outlet and cable tunnel opening
Hello, I would like to lower the outlet and cable tunnel opening about 10 in. I used a stud findewire detector and the wires appear come from the top and not the bottom. In case they aren’t long enough, is this splicing something I could DIY?
submitted by FuzzyHouse to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:50 Sankin2004 This is a very rough draft of a personal fan fiction I am writing. I'm sharing here to get ideas, suggestions, and overall feelings. I did the best I could with editing so everyone can see and read it now. Please excuse any spelling or editing mistakes they will be ironed out in a later review.

Age of Legends
Prologue(Death and birth of a dragon)

Rand was happy, there wasn’t much else he could say about how he felt right there at that specific moment. Lying there in bed wearing nothing but his small cloths and a silk shirt half buttoned. Beside him sleeping so peacefully was one of his beautiful wives, Elmindreada, though she hated that name and preferred Min. Thinking back on many long years of peace and growth, yes he was fated to break the world, and he had. Though the prophecies never mentioned the creation and growth he would also leave behind. The creation of the black tower and the worldwide acceptance of male Aes Sedai, his crown and epitome of success the cleansing of saiadin. That and the discovery of ancient knowledge to confirm anyone should be able to learn to touch at least a small part of the true source, at least most people could. Those two things alone would have vast and far-reaching consequences for the good. The covers beside him shifted as his wife turned over in her sleep showing him her short curly hair. Thoughts drifting again to convincing the Aeil and Tu’athan(the tinkers he thought fondly still) to make peace, them taking it a step further and settling in the two rivers. The tinkers, the wondering people and followers of the way of the leaf, coming to terms with the Aiel spear wielders and settling in one place, that one place being his boyhood homeland. Perrin was there, as well as all the Emond fielders, what’s more they set him up like some king and started calling the place Manetheren.
Mat even came back and settled down to retire with the remainder of his family after his wife the empress died. Rand frowned because that wasn’t a happy memory, her battle with some kind of internal growth that even the best healers couldn’t fix, it was slow and painful. She was tough and knew enough to put things in order so there wouldn’t be any war for succession, but after her death and with no children not adopted, Mat just had no pull to stay. He came back and Perrin gave him an estate where he spent the rest of his days carousing in taverns even if no one would play dice with him again. The rest of his days were not much however, less than two years after his wife Mattrim died of a heart attack. The same strange fox head medallion he wore around his neck that had saved him so many times from enemy power wielders, due to its powers of absorbing any of the one power used against the wearer, was strangely the main cause of his death as there had been an Aes Sedai capable of healing close by. Rand wondered what ever became of that medallion. Trying to shift his thoughts back to happier things he thought of Elayne another of his wives and queen of the region this new “kingdom” was growing. Or at least she was. Having not one but two kingdoms to run was taxing her, especially when one played that awful game of houses so much, as if it were breathing. She actually willingly gave that area to Perrin, that and more besides. “Having friends at your back, especially friends who know they owe you can only help.”, he remembered her saying when he asked her.
He laughed remembering how her cute golden-haired little face grew so stern while she rounded on him for not caring about his friends and shouldn’t they also get something for all the help they provided at the last battle. Of course, it also had nothing to do with being such close friends with Perrin’s wife Fail. Manetheren though, when asked Perrin just shrugged his huge shoulders saying one name is as good as any, and it was the one that everyone agreed on.
Min groaned softly beside him still wrapped in the silken bedding spread. His laugh seemed to have disturbed her, he quickly stifled it and glared at the lavish bedroom they slept in as if that were the fault for his mirth. Lying on top of the silken covers because he never quite got used to sleeping on feather mattresses. It really was a lavish bedroom, filled with rugs and wall coverings, paintings, not one but two large dressers with mirrors, a matching and equally large wardrobe, currently opened showing two other mirrors on the inside of the doors, smaller than the dresser mirrors, and a neat array of blouses and trousers with floral embroidery(Min’s things). Otherwise, there was also a washstand with another small mirror, a desk and one chair slightly askew and away from the desk. On the desk are several stacks of books, and an open notebook with a nearby quill and ink pot. There was a lone unlit lamp also on the desk gilded in gold, as well as several gold gilded wall lamps also unlit around the room.
Sighing softly as Min settled back to comfortable sleep, he stared back up at the bland whitewashed ceiling above him and thought about the schools he had patroned. So many new ideas and inventions were springing up and with traveling prevalent they all spread to the world almost as fast as the ideas can be thought up. This would hopefully lead to a golden age for the world, and his schools were even branching off on their own into new learning institutes. These alone seemed to keep the peace between all the nations. Rand couldn’t tell if he was trying to be modest or humble. Yes he patroned and started the first few schools, but it was not all him coming up with any of the ideas and inventions, many of which had become marvels in and of themselves. Transportation, communication, education These would be left behind and he would be known for that as well as the other.
Breaking the world to make it whole, and his victory with that world’s armies at the last battle. He fought the dark one while the armies of all the nations fought the shadowspawn and darkfriends and dreadlords. Despite everything against him, including it seemed sometimes even the creator, he not only won the battle, but he survived it, he survived it and had a nice long life. The world was at peace, headed to a golden age which he would get credit for, and so Rand was happy. His eyes closed and his thoughts grew that sort of muffled feeling they get just as they start turning into dreams.
PAIN! Rand knew pain, he was no stranger to hurts, especially from a half healed old wound in his side, but that was not the same thing right now. For some reason panic started rising up in him, this was something new, this was something worse. A sharp pain again, in his chest, his body wildly spasmed up kicking his sleeping wife awake.
“Ow you bloody tall buffoon, if you think you can kick me out of bed you have another thing …” Min trailed off as another spasm of pain racked through Rand. Her face contorting with fear as she watched him clutching his chest nearly double over with the pain spasm. He tried to tell her he would be alright, but all that came out was a groaning grunt. He tried lifting his hand to show her it would be alright, but he couldn’t get it to move. Suddenly a hand hit him in his face, it was his hand. He couldn’t feel his hand or his arm. Fear started creeping in as another spasm of pain caused him to let out another groan and clutch at his chest with this hand he couldn’t feel.
“Creator shine his light on me, of course you would choose to die when you’re with me.” Min started shouting hysterically. “For the love of light you bloody wool head, you hang on until I can get Aviendha to come heal you, she’s not far, just hold on damn you.”
Rand vaguely had an impression of Min running towards and out the door. Another spasm of pain, except somehow this was less. He knew it should hurt just as much, but it didn’t. He must have found the void so it wouldn’t hurt as much, that was it. Rand thought about his third and final wife Aviendha, how she would likely come in to find him as healthy as a bull and upset his stomachache disturbed her wise one’s practice. Stomachache? Wasn’t it his chest that was hurting him? Another very small spasm, yes its his chest, but he was also feeling decidedly nauseous too, and that was the greatest issue right? Sleep was all he needed, he would sleep, and everything would be fine in the morning, tomorrow he had to get up early to sheer the sheep.
The void completely surrounds and envelops Rand. As he fades away he hears a sinister voice in his head, “YOU WON THIS ROUND DRAGON REBORN BUT WE WILL COME FACE TO FACE AGAIN” The dark one, what, again? No, the dark one is dead, am I dead, wake up you light blinded fool. There was nothing but the void, not even the light of saiadin could be seen. Rand listened as hard as he could, he thought he heard something, something almost familiar. There it was again, soft but rhythmic, sounding not exactly far, but muffled as if listening through water. Thump Thump and it hit him, that’s the sound of a heartbeat, but who’s heartbeat his? Sleep, that’s what he needed, a really good nights sleep and he would feel better in the morning. Rand drifted off into a dreamless sleep listening to the heartbeat, Thump Thump.
Thus did the dragon reborn die after seeing the end of one age turned into the beginning of another. The people of the land wept at his passing, they swore they would remember him forever and always. Time however is not a kind mistress, when an age is gone it starts to fade from existence, times deeds even people change in the telling’s of the years and centuries. Eventually when the wheel goes round and gives birth to the age again all details have been forgotten, muffled, or contorted.

Mariann Jo’sheen Sedai was old. She had a proper last name once if she could just remember. It had been so long ago since she had last thought of it, a life in the white tower could do that, and Sedai was as good a last name as could be for formality. Just saying Mariann was old was an understatement though, being a woman with a stronger channeling ability, and having sworn on all 8 Life Oath Rods, a prerequisite to becoming Amyrlin of the tower, that she even has any grey hair showing means she must be well past 800 years old, and to show the amount of age she did it must be closer to past 900 years. She was still sharp in mind mostly, at least anything from the last 100 years or so she could recall as sharp as if it happened yesterday. Had it really been longer than a hundred years since she last though of her family name, having long lasted past the last of her lineage, her family long gone or married into others.
She thought even harder surly she had been at her last relative’s funeral, when was it, it was a great aunt she remembered, and the surname was …, she thought really hard. She was in the Amyrlin’s bedchamber reserved for the current leader of the white tower. That said like most of the past Amyrlins before her she kept the bedroom nice and simple. The single window held a cooling fan with right below it a heater coil. The other wall held a closed door which led into her bathroom, the next wall holding another door leading out of the bedchamber into the office of her role. The last wall held the only other furniture besides the plain brown four poster bed she was laying on. A white nightstand with built in mirror and matching white clothed chair. The bathroom was large and would hold her wardrobe of clothes along with the indoor plumbing necessities.
Mariann thought back to each of the eight oaths she took on the life rods, trying to remember which one she had last taken when she attended her aunt’s funeral. Small cylindrical devices no longer than her arm, when you take an oath on one your life actually increases by a standard lifetime or roughly 100 years depending on the person, those stronger in the one power given slightly more. Really giving any oath at all would do for the increasing your life, the only requirement being you channel Saiadar while making your oath and someone else that can also channel does so to activate it. However each specific Ajah required you to take a specific oath, and the eighth oath rod was solely for those like her who have taken the Amyrlin seat after having have pledged on the other seven, again a specific oath.
“I will say no word that is untrue”. Eight oath rods, and eight times this is spoken to ensure you do not offer a false oath, as if anyone would think of lying so many truth seekers everywhere.
“I will faithfully serve as Amyrlin to all of my children for the rest of my days”. The Amyrlin seat was a lifelong position and would not open again until her death. Serve all her children, it was said that the ancient honorific Amyrlin meant something like mother to all, it means that she was a servant to everyone in the world, matter it not she was the leader of the white tower. That first part about serving faithfully as Amyrlin could leave some wiggle room depending on how one viewed the title of Amyrlin, the last however left no wiggle room for anything.
“I will treat everyone with fairness and justice as is prescribed by the dai’shan aiel of the grey tower and the Aes Sedai code of ethics”. Those were binding stronger than time itself. The grey tower first because only the dai’shan aiel more than anyone can decide what is fair and right, they were and are the original truth seekers among so much more. You would also have as much power to reach the moon as you would to get the Aes Sedai code of ethics changed. First it would take a proposal from either of the leaders from the white or black tower. Either the Amyrlin of the white tower or the Pope of the black tower has to make a suggested change, which then needs to go through each Ajah/Faction and receive 90% approval, then it gets sent to the other tower to make its way up through the chains until it finally ends with the other towers leader. If it passes all of that it gets sent to the grey tower for approval again 90% before finally appearing before the first servant leader of the grey tower for final approval, and at any stage it can be stopped if it doesn’t pass.
That wasn’t it though, no she was not Amyrlin at her aunt’s funeral. Before then was the Blue ajah, which was closer. But still too recent, what level was she? The sleeping shift she wore was one of the new fads called a one piece. It was literally one garment that covered both legs and torso. It had several convenient buttons for keeping it on or taking it off. It was grey cotton all one solid color, and it was bunching up at the knees. Mariann distractedly Jerked it back into position. Her thoughts drifted too far back to when she had her very first foretelling which was that she would one day become Amyrlin seat. She was a young girl of only 16 years, and she knew without a doubt. It came in bursts though and it was not something she could control.
This vision came on stronger than any she had ever encountered before. So strong it jerked her body stiff as a board and slammed her down thankfully into the bed she was already laying on. An Evil shadow of a man, a giant taller than mountains, and blacker than the darkest shadows on a moonless night, peering down at the world smiling, that smile turning your blood to jelly and freezing you in place with its ill intent. A great serpentine beast came flying from the other side of the world, Long and scales glimmering like diamonds with talons made of pure gold but sharper than the sharpest knife, fire trailing from its partially open moth off its gleaming sharp teeth. It was equally large as the malevolent shadow man and flew on giant tornado causing wings straight at the other. They fought a great battle against each other, but in doing so caused so many deaths as swaths of their destruction ravaged the world. A flash of light and Mariann was staring at the grey tower as if just a few hundred yards away. She started walking towards it only to watch in horror and bewilderment as the tower before her cracked and collapsed as if a mirror or glass shattered. Another flash of light and she saw a baby boy, but he aged so fast right before her eyes until he died as an old man. She couldn’t remember much, but she knew deep down that he was in some way related to the other visions and this man, for it was definitely a man, was likely the cause of them.
Opening her eyes to stare at the brown four poster cloth above her and remembering every detail about her vision she distractedly spoke to herself . “Goshin is my sur name and I last heard it at Aunt Maragel Goshin’s funeral while I was at the green level”. She shook her head, that wasn’t important anymore if it ever really was. She quickly sat up in her woolen one piece swinging her feet over the side of the bed and hurried to her nightstand. Sitting in the chair she reached in one drawer to get paper and another to get an ink pointer. Channeling a single small strand of fire into a swinging glass bulb above her bed brought light into the room. She hastily started scribbling down every detail from her vision, she was grateful she always kept ink and paper nearby to do so.

Mr. Telamon was a nervous wreck while sitting in the hospital waiting room. He somehow knew, sensed something was wrong with his wife’s delivery. Dai’shan aiel were everywhere; as were nurses, patients or close kin waiting, Every once in a while a doctor’s assistant would come out and call a name ushering someone to see a doctor. Really bad cases would be taken in through a separate entrance known only to the healers. It didn’t matter, and he got confirmation as those doors opened up and not the assistant, but the doctor who had taken his wife looked around the room first at the dai’shan, then at him. A group of three of the white clad figures started moving towards him even before the doctor did. They felt his grief or rather the grief he was going to feel, even before he himself felt it. That and they knew it would take three of them to calm him down. Tears were streaming from his eyes before the doctor even started speaking.
“There was a complication during the pregnancy, your son is ok, your wife however did not make it, I’m so sorry. She did manage to tell us a name before she passed. Lews, Lews Therin after her father. Is that what you would like on the birth certificate?”
Baby Lews’s father numbly nodded, and the doctor walked away as uncontrollable sobs started emanating from the man. The three dai’shan aiel circled around him arm in arm and started singing a song of comfort and peace and mourning.
Rand Al’thor was asleep soundly when something woke him up, but he couldn’t tell what or where, or even anything for that matter. It was like the void, nothingness, but a sound, not a feeling, a heartbeat. The heartbeat was much faster than it was and suddenly something pushed him hard in the head. Go away he thought I’m trying to sleep. However the push came back stronger than before, this time managing to flip him upside down, upside down?, he could tell direction in this floating nothingness. Really awake now Rand tried to remember, remember?, remember what? Again the push and he was being squeezed to death and suddenly he remembered something about the dark one. A voice, a word, a sentence, the dark one wanted him dead. Was this the dark one trying to kill him, again push, again very tight squeeze, this time a light as if from a tunnel. It wasn’t the only light though, Rand went to the real void, and he saw it, Saiadin. He reached out with all his might to grab it and it came like a flood. He couldn’t control it, he had no strength, and his memory was foggy, he just expelled it to get out the other light and away from the pushing and death squeeze.
As Saiadin left him so did more and more memories, he tried to shout that he killed the dark one, sealed the bore so it could never be open. All that came out of his mouth was a scream. No blood and fire no I did this already, I won, I’m done. And with that last thought Rand Al’thor fell deep deep asleep into the furthest recesses of the brain. Lews took a deep breath and let out another scream wanting his mother or anyone to come pick him up and sooth his little soul.

The dragon is born!

Chapter 1
16 years later
The wheel of time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the fifth age by some and the first by others. An age yet to come, an age long past, a dark icy wind arose from about as far north as you can get. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the wheel of time. But it was a beginning.
A steam vent in an icy mountain let out a puff of sulfur like particles riding the wind. High and fast the dark tainted wind rode across the Nym fields, high enough to escape the notice of the Nym, ever vigilant in their desire to protect the world. Over the borderlands of mankind, given graciously by the Nym when mankind needs more space to grow. Still high in the sky the dark wind blew through wild wilderness where only the Nym, the Ogier, the dai’shan aiel, and the Aes Sedai were allowed to travel if at some risk. The wind started descending as it traveled into the warmer southern air. Up ahead in the distance was a magnificently large tower made of stone black like obsidian, but much stronger. Along the northern wall of this Black tower were several windows, most open hoping to catch some of the cool breeze which it did nicely.
It was into one of these windows the dark wind blew, a classroom, though filled only with boys. The tainted breeze flew around several students, all dressed in black school uniforms and sitting at wooden desks on little rickety stool like chairs with just the barest of backrest. The flow of air flew so close to the face of one student he gave a start, finally going up the next nearby student’s nose just as he took in a deep breath.
Lews gave such a start at the intrusion, and he stood up sneezing loudly, the rancid smell still strong in his nose. Taller than most of his peers he certainly stood over everyone’s head while they were all sitting down.
“What are you doing, you look like a dork, hurry and sit down before anyone notices.” His best friend [Ishamael]() tried to warn him. However, it was already too late for that, most of the class was now looking at him which made him self conscious even if the women all said he looked like a dream. Worse, the teacher at the front of the class in a very similar black colored uniform was looking at him expectedly.
“Yes Lews, do you think you know the answer?” To Lews’s horror he realized he had been spending most of the class in a daydream about being the most powerful weaver ever. It was important that distinction, woman channel men weave. Saiadar and Saiadin, two halves of the same whole, both apart of the one power the true source. Everyone could learn to use it, or at least almost everyone. The dai’shan don’t channel or weave for all the power of their songs, not one of them it’s a law to join among other things. Other people might be so weak in the power it should be they don’t have it at all, there are objects which can amplify or temporarily give someone use of the one power, those with so little power that resort to using these transcognative devices were often socially outcast. Transmogs they were called when someone was being nice.
That didn’t help him now, he was in history class, and definitely not studying Transmogs. Lews desperately wracked his brain trying to remember what they were discussing. The teacher’s slight smile was starting to droop to a slight frown. Nym’s that was what they were discussing, what about Nym’s? Desperately looking around for some hope, he finally remembered. It was a question about the first Nym, what was his name?
“Goak him jim knee?” Lews answered with a rightfully apologetic look on his face. Sighing the teacher said “close, Oakhimgimee. At least he was close!” The teacher got progressively louder while giving the rest of the class an evil eye. The laughter that had started quickly quieted. Just at that particular moment a loud bell decided to ring calling an end to that class period.
As the other students started standing up, talking, and starting to head for the door, the teacher weaved a small weave that produced a louder voice reminding the class they had the test coming up at the end of the week.
Lews slowly grabbed his bag and followed the steady stream of students leaving the class.

submitted by Sankin2004 to WoT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:41 Sankin2004 This is a very rough draft of a personal fan fiction I am writing. I'm sharing here to get ideas, suggestions, and overall feelings. I did the best I could with editing so everyone can see and read it now. Please excuse any spelling or editing mistakes they will be ironed out in a later review.

Age of Legends
Prologue(Death and birth of a dragon)

Rand was happy, there wasn’t much else he could say about how he felt right there at that specific moment. Lying there in bed wearing nothing but his small cloths and a silk shirt half buttoned. Beside him sleeping so peacefully was one of his beautiful wives, Elmindreada, though she hated that name and preferred Min. Thinking back on many long years of peace and growth, yes he was fated to break the world, and he had. Though the prophecies never mentioned the creation and growth he would also leave behind. The creation of the black tower and the worldwide acceptance of male Aes Sedai, his crown and epitome of success the cleansing of saiadin. That and the discovery of ancient knowledge to confirm anyone should be able to learn to touch at least a small part of the true source, at least most people could. Those two things alone would have vast and far-reaching consequences for the good. The covers beside him shifted as his wife turned over in her sleep showing him her short curly hair. Thoughts drifting again to convincing the Aeil and Tu’athan(the tinkers he thought fondly still) to make peace, them taking it a step further and settling in the two rivers. The tinkers, the wondering people and followers of the way of the leaf, coming to terms with the Aiel spear wielders and settling in one place, that one place being his boyhood homeland. Perrin was there, as well as all the Emond fielders, what’s more they set him up like some king and started calling the place Manetheren.
Mat even came back and settled down to retire with the remainder of his family after his wife the empress died. Rand frowned because that wasn’t a happy memory, her battle with some kind of internal growth that even the best healers couldn’t fix, it was slow and painful. She was tough and knew enough to put things in order so there wouldn’t be any war for succession, but after her death and with no children not adopted, Mat just had no pull to stay. He came back and Perrin gave him an estate where he spent the rest of his days carousing in taverns even if no one would play dice with him again. The rest of his days were not much however, less than two years after his wife Mattrim died of a heart attack. The same strange fox head medallion he wore around his neck that had saved him so many times from enemy power wielders, due to its powers of absorbing any of the one power used against the wearer, was strangely the main cause of his death as there had been an Aes Sedai capable of healing close by. Rand wondered what ever became of that medallion. Trying to shift his thoughts back to happier things he thought of Elayne another of his wives and queen of the region this new “kingdom” was growing. Or at least she was. Having not one but two kingdoms to run was taxing her, especially when one played that awful game of houses so much, as if it were breathing. She actually willingly gave that area to Perrin, that and more besides. “Having friends at your back, especially friends who know they owe you can only help.”, he remembered her saying when he asked her.
He laughed remembering how her cute golden-haired little face grew so stern while she rounded on him for not caring about his friends and shouldn’t they also get something for all the help they provided at the last battle. Of course, it also had nothing to do with being such close friends with Perrin’s wife Fail. Manetheren though, when asked Perrin just shrugged his huge shoulders saying one name is as good as any, and it was the one that everyone agreed on.
Min groaned softly beside him still wrapped in the silken bedding spread. His laugh seemed to have disturbed her, he quickly stifled it and glared at the lavish bedroom they slept in as if that were the fault for his mirth. Lying on top of the silken covers because he never quite got used to sleeping on feather mattresses. It really was a lavish bedroom, filled with rugs and wall coverings, paintings, not one but two large dressers with mirrors, a matching and equally large wardrobe, currently opened showing two other mirrors on the inside of the doors, smaller than the dresser mirrors, and a neat array of blouses and trousers with floral embroidery(Min’s things). Otherwise, there was also a washstand with another small mirror, a desk and one chair slightly askew and away from the desk. On the desk are several stacks of books, and an open notebook with a nearby quill and ink pot. There was a lone unlit lamp also on the desk gilded in gold, as well as several gold gilded wall lamps also unlit around the room.
Sighing softly as Min settled back to comfortable sleep, he stared back up at the bland whitewashed ceiling above him and thought about the schools he had patroned. So many new ideas and inventions were springing up and with traveling prevalent they all spread to the world almost as fast as the ideas can be thought up. This would hopefully lead to a golden age for the world, and his schools were even branching off on their own into new learning institutes. These alone seemed to keep the peace between all the nations. Rand couldn’t tell if he was trying to be modest or humble. Yes he patroned and started the first few schools, but it was not all him coming up with any of the ideas and inventions, many of which had become marvels in and of themselves. Transportation, communication, education These would be left behind and he would be known for that as well as the other.
Breaking the world to make it whole, and his victory with that world’s armies at the last battle. He fought the dark one while the armies of all the nations fought the shadowspawn and darkfriends and dreadlords. Despite everything against him, including it seemed sometimes even the creator, he not only won the battle, but he survived it, he survived it and had a nice long life. The world was at peace, headed to a golden age which he would get credit for, and so Rand was happy. His eyes closed and his thoughts grew that sort of muffled feeling they get just as they start turning into dreams.
PAIN! Rand knew pain, he was no stranger to hurts, especially from a half healed old wound in his side, but that was not the same thing right now. For some reason panic started rising up in him, this was something new, this was something worse. A sharp pain again, in his chest, his body wildly spasmed up kicking his sleeping wife awake.
“Ow you bloody tall buffoon, if you think you can kick me out of bed you have another thing …” Min trailed off as another spasm of pain racked through Rand. Her face contorting with fear as she watched him clutching his chest nearly double over with the pain spasm. He tried to tell her he would be alright, but all that came out was a groaning grunt. He tried lifting his hand to show her it would be alright, but he couldn’t get it to move. Suddenly a hand hit him in his face, it was his hand. He couldn’t feel his hand or his arm. Fear started creeping in as another spasm of pain caused him to let out another groan and clutch at his chest with this hand he couldn’t feel.
“Creator shine his light on me, of course you would choose to die when you’re with me.” Min started shouting hysterically. “For the love of light you bloody wool head, you hang on until I can get Aviendha to come heal you, she’s not far, just hold on damn you.”
Rand vaguely had an impression of Min running towards and out the door. Another spasm of pain, except somehow this was less. He knew it should hurt just as much, but it didn’t. He must have found the void so it wouldn’t hurt as much, that was it. Rand thought about his third and final wife Aviendha, how she would likely come in to find him as healthy as a bull and upset his stomachache disturbed her wise one’s practice. Stomachache? Wasn’t it his chest that was hurting him? Another very small spasm, yes its his chest, but he was also feeling decidedly nauseous too, and that was the greatest issue right? Sleep was all he needed, he would sleep, and everything would be fine in the morning, tomorrow he had to get up early to sheer the sheep.
The void completely surrounds and envelops Rand. As he fades away he hears a sinister voice in his head, “YOU WON THIS ROUND DRAGON REBORN BUT WE WILL COME FACE TO FACE AGAIN” The dark one, what, again? No, the dark one is dead, am I dead, wake up you light blinded fool. There was nothing but the void, not even the light of saiadin could be seen. Rand listened as hard as he could, he thought he heard something, something almost familiar. There it was again, soft but rhythmic, sounding not exactly far, but muffled as if listening through water. Thump Thump and it hit him, that’s the sound of a heartbeat, but who’s heartbeat his? Sleep, that’s what he needed, a really good nights sleep and he would feel better in the morning. Rand drifted off into a dreamless sleep listening to the heartbeat, Thump Thump.
Thus did the dragon reborn die after seeing the end of one age turned into the beginning of another. The people of the land wept at his passing, they swore they would remember him forever and always. Time however is not a kind mistress, when an age is gone it starts to fade from existence, times deeds even people change in the telling’s of the years and centuries. Eventually when the wheel goes round and gives birth to the age again all details have been forgotten, muffled, or contorted.

Mariann Jo’sheen Sedai was old. She had a proper last name once if she could just remember. It had been so long ago since she had last thought of it, a life in the white tower could do that, and Sedai was as good a last name as could be for formality. Just saying Mariann was old was an understatement though, being a woman with a stronger channeling ability, and having sworn on all 8 Life Oath Rods, a prerequisite to becoming Amyrlin of the tower, that she even has any grey hair showing means she must be well past 800 years old, and to show the amount of age she did it must be closer to past 900 years. She was still sharp in mind mostly, at least anything from the last 100 years or so she could recall as sharp as if it happened yesterday. Had it really been longer than a hundred years since she last though of her family name, having long lasted past the last of her lineage, her family long gone or married into others.
She thought even harder surly she had been at her last relative’s funeral, when was it, it was a great aunt she remembered, and the surname was …, she thought really hard. She was in the Amyrlin’s bedchamber reserved for the current leader of the white tower. That said like most of the past Amyrlins before her she kept the bedroom nice and simple. The single window held a cooling fan with right below it a heater coil. The other wall held a closed door which led into her bathroom, the next wall holding another door leading out of the bedchamber into the office of her role. The last wall held the only other furniture besides the plain brown four poster bed she was laying on. A white nightstand with built in mirror and matching white clothed chair. The bathroom was large and would hold her wardrobe of clothes along with the indoor plumbing necessities.
Mariann thought back to each of the eight oaths she took on the life rods, trying to remember which one she had last taken when she attended her aunt’s funeral. Small cylindrical devices no longer than her arm, when you take an oath on one your life actually increases by a standard lifetime or roughly 100 years depending on the person, those stronger in the one power given slightly more. Really giving any oath at all would do for the increasing your life, the only requirement being you channel Saiadar while making your oath and someone else that can also channel does so to activate it. However each specific Ajah required you to take a specific oath, and the eighth oath rod was solely for those like her who have taken the Amyrlin seat after having have pledged on the other seven, again a specific oath.
“I will say no word that is untrue”. Eight oath rods, and eight times this is spoken to ensure you do not offer a false oath, as if anyone would think of lying so many truth seekers everywhere.
“I will faithfully serve as Amyrlin to all of my children for the rest of my days”. The Amyrlin seat was a lifelong position and would not open again until her death. Serve all her children, it was said that the ancient honorific Amyrlin meant something like mother to all, it means that she was a servant to everyone in the world, matter it not she was the leader of the white tower. That first part about serving faithfully as Amyrlin could leave some wiggle room depending on how one viewed the title of Amyrlin, the last however left no wiggle room for anything.
“I will treat everyone with fairness and justice as is prescribed by the dai’shan aiel of the grey tower and the Aes Sedai code of ethics”. Those were binding stronger than time itself. The grey tower first because only the dai’shan aiel more than anyone can decide what is fair and right, they were and are the original truth seekers among so much more. You would also have as much power to reach the moon as you would to get the Aes Sedai code of ethics changed. First it would take a proposal from either of the leaders from the white or black tower. Either the Amyrlin of the white tower or the Pope of the black tower has to make a suggested change, which then needs to go through each Ajah/Faction and receive 90% approval, then it gets sent to the other tower to make its way up through the chains until it finally ends with the other towers leader. If it passes all of that it gets sent to the grey tower for approval again 90% before finally appearing before the first servant leader of the grey tower for final approval, and at any stage it can be stopped if it doesn’t pass.
That wasn’t it though, no she was not Amyrlin at her aunt’s funeral. Before then was the Blue ajah, which was closer. But still too recent, what level was she? The sleeping shift she wore was one of the new fads called a one piece. It was literally one garment that covered both legs and torso. It had several convenient buttons for keeping it on or taking it off. It was grey cotton all one solid color, and it was bunching up at the knees. Mariann distractedly Jerked it back into position. Her thoughts drifted too far back to when she had her very first foretelling which was that she would one day become Amyrlin seat. She was a young girl of only 16 years, and she knew without a doubt. It came in bursts though and it was not something she could control.
This vision came on stronger than any she had ever encountered before. So strong it jerked her body stiff as a board and slammed her down thankfully into the bed she was already laying on. An Evil shadow of a man, a giant taller than mountains, and blacker than the darkest shadows on a moonless night, peering down at the world smiling, that smile turning your blood to jelly and freezing you in place with its ill intent. A great serpentine beast came flying from the other side of the world, Long and scales glimmering like diamonds with talons made of pure gold but sharper than the sharpest knife, fire trailing from its partially open moth off its gleaming sharp teeth. It was equally large as the malevolent shadow man and flew on giant tornado causing wings straight at the other. They fought a great battle against each other, but in doing so caused so many deaths as swaths of their destruction ravaged the world. A flash of light and Mariann was staring at the grey tower as if just a few hundred yards away. She started walking towards it only to watch in horror and bewilderment as the tower before her cracked and collapsed as if a mirror or glass shattered. Another flash of light and she saw a baby boy, but he aged so fast right before her eyes until he died as an old man. She couldn’t remember much, but she knew deep down that he was in some way related to the other visions and this man, for it was definitely a man, was likely the cause of them.
Opening her eyes to stare at the brown four poster cloth above her and remembering every detail about her vision she distractedly spoke to herself . “Goshin is my sur name and I last heard it at Aunt Maragel Goshin’s funeral while I was at the green level”. She shook her head, that wasn’t important anymore if it ever really was. She quickly sat up in her woolen one piece swinging her feet over the side of the bed and hurried to her nightstand. Sitting in the chair she reached in one drawer to get paper and another to get an ink pointer. Channeling a single small strand of fire into a swinging glass bulb above her bed brought light into the room. She hastily started scribbling down every detail from her vision, she was grateful she always kept ink and paper nearby to do so.

Mr. Telamon was a nervous wreck while sitting in the hospital waiting room. He somehow knew, sensed something was wrong with his wife’s delivery. Dai’shan aiel were everywhere; as were nurses, patients or close kin waiting, Every once in a while a doctor’s assistant would come out and call a name ushering someone to see a doctor. Really bad cases would be taken in through a separate entrance known only to the healers. It didn’t matter, and he got confirmation as those doors opened up and not the assistant, but the doctor who had taken his wife looked around the room first at the dai’shan, then at him. A group of three of the white clad figures started moving towards him even before the doctor did. They felt his grief or rather the grief he was going to feel, even before he himself felt it. That and they knew it would take three of them to calm him down. Tears were streaming from his eyes before the doctor even started speaking.
“There was a complication during the pregnancy, your son is ok, your wife however did not make it, I’m so sorry. She did manage to tell us a name before she passed. Lews, Lews Therin after her father. Is that what you would like on the birth certificate?”
Baby Lews’s father numbly nodded, and the doctor walked away as uncontrollable sobs started emanating from the man. The three dai’shan aiel circled around him arm in arm and started singing a song of comfort and peace and mourning.
Rand Al’thor was asleep soundly when something woke him up, but he couldn’t tell what or where, or even anything for that matter. It was like the void, nothingness, but a sound, not a feeling, a heartbeat. The heartbeat was much faster than it was and suddenly something pushed him hard in the head. Go away he thought I’m trying to sleep. However the push came back stronger than before, this time managing to flip him upside down, upside down?, he could tell direction in this floating nothingness. Really awake now Rand tried to remember, remember?, remember what? Again the push and he was being squeezed to death and suddenly he remembered something about the dark one. A voice, a word, a sentence, the dark one wanted him dead. Was this the dark one trying to kill him, again push, again very tight squeeze, this time a light as if from a tunnel. It wasn’t the only light though, Rand went to the real void, and he saw it, Saiadin. He reached out with all his might to grab it and it came like a flood. He couldn’t control it, he had no strength, and his memory was foggy, he just expelled it to get out the other light and away from the pushing and death squeeze.
As Saiadin left him so did more and more memories, he tried to shout that he killed the dark one, sealed the bore so it could never be open. All that came out of his mouth was a scream. No blood and fire no I did this already, I won, I’m done. And with that last thought Rand Al’thor fell deep deep asleep into the furthest recesses of the brain. Lews took a deep breath and let out another scream wanting his mother or anyone to come pick him up and sooth his little soul.

The dragon is born!

Chapter 1
16 years later
The wheel of time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the fifth age by some and the first by others. An age yet to come, an age long past, a dark icy wind arose from about as far north as you can get. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the wheel of time. But it was a beginning.
A steam vent in an icy mountain let out a puff of sulfur like particles riding the wind. High and fast the dark tainted wind rode across the Nym fields, high enough to escape the notice of the Nym, ever vigilant in their desire to protect the world. Over the borderlands of mankind, given graciously by the Nym when mankind needs more space to grow. Still high in the sky the dark wind blew through wild wilderness where only the Nym, the Ogier, the dai’shan aiel, and the Aes Sedai were allowed to travel if at some risk. The wind started descending as it traveled into the warmer southern air. Up ahead in the distance was a magnificently large tower made of stone black like obsidian, but much stronger. Along the northern wall of this Black tower were several windows, most open hoping to catch some of the cool breeze which it did nicely.
It was into one of these windows the dark wind blew, a classroom, though filled only with boys. The tainted breeze flew around several students, all dressed in black school uniforms and sitting at wooden desks on little rickety stool like chairs with just the barest of backrest. The flow of air flew so close to the face of one student he gave a start, finally going up the next nearby student’s nose just as he took in a deep breath.
Lews gave such a start at the intrusion, and he stood up sneezing loudly, the rancid smell still strong in his nose. Taller than most of his peers he certainly stood over everyone’s head while they were all sitting down.
“What are you doing, you look like a dork, hurry and sit down before anyone notices.” His best friend [Ishamael]() tried to warn him. However, it was already too late for that, most of the class was now looking at him which made him self conscious even if the women all said he looked like a dream. Worse, the teacher at the front of the class in a very similar black colored uniform was looking at him expectedly.
“Yes Lews, do you think you know the answer?” To Lews’s horror he realized he had been spending most of the class in a daydream about being the most powerful weaver ever. It was important that distinction, woman channel men weave. Saiadar and Saiadin, two halves of the same whole, both apart of the one power the true source. Everyone could learn to use it, or at least almost everyone. The dai’shan don’t channel or weave for all the power of their songs, not one of them it’s a law to join among other things. Other people might be so weak in the power it should be they don’t have it at all, there are objects which can amplify or temporarily give someone use of the one power, those with so little power that resort to using these transcognative devices were often socially outcast. Transmogs they were called when someone was being nice.
That didn’t help him now, he was in history class, and definitely not studying Transmogs. Lews desperately wracked his brain trying to remember what they were discussing. The teacher’s slight smile was starting to droop to a slight frown. Nym’s that was what they were discussing, what about Nym’s? Desperately looking around for some hope, he finally remembered. It was a question about the first Nym, what was his name?
“Goak him jim knee?” Lews answered with a rightfully apologetic look on his face. Sighing the teacher said “close, Oakhimgimee. At least he was close!” The teacher got progressively louder while giving the rest of the class an evil eye. The laughter that had started quickly quieted. Just at that particular moment a loud bell decided to ring calling an end to that class period.
As the other students started standing up, talking, and starting to head for the door, the teacher weaved a small weave that produced a louder voice reminding the class they had the test coming up at the end of the week.
Lews slowly grabbed his bag and followed the steady stream of students leaving the class.

submitted by Sankin2004 to wheeloftime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:38 LevelMiserable8609 Im going through a life crisis and I dont know what to do.

I'm not sure where to post this (did post on an anxiety community thread, but I'm realizing that wasn't the right spot), on a throwaway account because I don't want my friends to see it, and I'm crying as I type this so please bear with me for this post as I type out my life crisis.
This post is also so messy. I'm so sorry.
My whole life I've been isolated (partly to blame my parents for never letting me explore social circles as a child or letting me go out and for bullying in middle school) so I was very comfortable with myself, doing things alone, and being in my mind up until about a year ago when I moved out for college and was able to socialize and create friends. As I did this I also picked up the habit of weed, which at first was something I did after classes and homework as a way to wind down for the night. I started struggling with my mental health and my addict dad was ruining my life with his addiction so I began to ruin mine. One thing led to another and I was smoking right as I woke up, before and after class, skipping out on schoolwork to smoke, and for a whole year up until a month ago, I was never in a sober state of mind. The weed was an escape for me, it made me happy, it created social bonds for me, and it helped block out the crippling anxiety I would get when I thought about my family. Don't get me wrong my parents gave me everything. Still, they are immigrants who passed down generational trauma and created such a tense atmosphere at home that stepping out of my house and talking to other people made me realize how normal I made things that weren't supposed to be normal. I have trauma and flashbacks from things my dad has done with his addiction, but I know people have it worse, and it makes me feel guilty because I feel like I'm making things up in my head, or thinking too deeply about things and dissecting them to justify my depression. I moved back home for summer break about a month ago, and I was resorting to carts since I didn't want to get caught smoking joints.
Exactly a month from today I was hitting my carts, and the next thing I knew my vision was going tunnel, I couldn't feel my body, I felt like I was taking my last breaths because I was going to die. I was hysterically crying and doing everything I could have done to feel calm. I now know I was having a panic attack but it didn't make sense because my tolerance was so high I wasn't even getting high anymore so me hitting that pen that morning was just a fixation thing I had with my hands and mouth rather than me hitting it to get high. I would be able to smoke 5 joints a day and barely have a buzz, and carts would be finished in two days max, so I don't know why that happened. It's been a month and since that day, I haven't felt real, but I also feel too real. I tried smoking a few times after that, but one hit would send me into that same full-blown panic attack. I don't know what to do anymore. Weed was an escape from everything.
This past month I've tried everything; picking up new hobbies to distract myself, trying to alter my mindset to adapt to my parents and understand their trauma, sitting in nature, going on walks, journaling, and doing everything but I feel like I'm stuck in this state of anxiety where I can't breathe. I can't swallow without feeling like I forget how to do it. I'm constantly crying. I can't believe I'm stuck in my body. I can't sit with my thoughts anymore because the fact that I am a living person makes me spiral. I look at my hands and get a full-blown panic attack. I can be simply getting a glass of water and the next thing I know my brain is scaring me with the thought that I'm a person with consciousness and now that glass in my hand is giving me anxiety and everything feels so fake and real. My heart is constantly feeling like it's broken. I have tried sitting in nature, and it gives me panic attacks. I can't stand around my parents without snapping at them and feeling so much hatred but again, I don't know why. I can't keep living like this. I can't enjoy anything anymore. I made a therapy appointment with my school therapist but it's next month. What do I do? I have tried everything.
submitted by LevelMiserable8609 to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:19 slightlycringed Must’ve been the wind

Must’ve been the wind submitted by slightlycringed to ClevelandGuardians [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:01 DOUG_UNFUNNY I hate the Storage Container conspiracy theory

And just as these bozo Fox announcers were waxing on about there now being a wind tunnel to right at Progressive Field, Kwan spanks a homer to right in Miami.
Maybe (gasp) we actually just have a bit more power in our lineup this year.
submitted by DOUG_UNFUNNY to ClevelandGuardians [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:00 michigician The Sun Trip 2024 Day 8 - Fighting for my life in gale winds on DIY Solar touring ebike

The Sun Trip 2024 Day 8 - Fighting for my life in gale winds on DIY Solar touring ebike submitted by michigician to solarebike [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:07 agaliedoda Need more airflow

Well, we’re doing a custom built house and the only access has maybe 9” of clearance. The access opens back up after about 15’, but only to about 12” of space. So, I was just informed I would need two 12” ducts starting from the plenum. One to service the living room. The other to service the back bedrooms. There’s a connection which hooks into a Y plenum with flapper valve which takes heated air from the fireplace, so that’s why we stuck with the single line. That 9” of vertical clearance though… SO….I have a zany idea… Can I ladder an additional 8” line with the existing line in order to increase the air flow? Yes, this is Bubba DIY. Us poor folks want AC too, lol. No OSHA, no inspectors. I live in an unincorporated county where building codes are something you hear about on the internet…
submitted by agaliedoda to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:20 In_Yellow_Clad If At First You Don't Succeed -- Part 115

There comes a point in any battle where momentum starts to wane. It’s only natural of course, but it can spell doom for one side or the other. And the idea of momentum is not exclusive to the attacking force either, the defenders can have their own momentum of a sort, it's much slower than that of their attackers, more intent on regaining every inch they may have lost or simply holding the line.
Luckily for us, our momentum was a hungry beast and the enemy had many, many morsels to provide it. Every loss we both suffered only fueled our growing numbers, the implacable nature of a zombie horde, soon supplemented by golems, was enough to grind our foes down to the point where their will to fight simply shattered. It could be regained, perhaps once they reached far more defensible positions, but we would be right on their heels, eager to bleed them again.
A jolt ran through my staff and arm as I used it to bat away a Dominion soldier who’d somehow managed to slip past my guards, the strength of the blow sending him spinning away into a wall. We pushed on, a voice leaving my lips I had never heard before. Hissing, spitting, guttural arachne speech of a sort not heard since the first days of our people flowed from me, imbuing those amongst my ranks who heard it with unnatural resolve, strength and vitality.
One street at a time fell to my army, houses burned and screams filled the air. The dragon streaked by, another bout of flame erupting from skeletal jaws to ignite another bastion of resistance. If the Dominion had seemed brutal before, now they seemed pleasant in the wake of my passing.
I knew, deep down, this night would haunt me forever, but it was nothing compared to the suffering that had been wrought at their hands. We were only paying them back for it.
At last we reached the next set of walls, already rent asunder by Vez’zul’s wrath. Elite Dominion spellcasters held the breaches as best they could, immolating or electrocuting any who got too close.
Cameron appeared at my side, sweat and grime streaked over his face as I felt an arrow whizz past my ear, fired by Saevel.
“They’re holding this wall well, I’ll call up the minotaurs, we’ll break through with them.” He said and I shook my head.
“No, let the golems do it. They don’t feel pain and are far sturdier than a minotaur.” I waved a hand, four golems lumbering forward, gathering up more corpses to make themselves larger and tougher. With a gurgling, bloodcurdling roar from them they charge the largest breach, spells searing away flesh and causing muscles to spasm, but as I had said, they were far sturdier than any minotaur.
And they felt no pain.
A whirlwind followed, the spellcasters swept aside by bone claws and clubs, our forces surging through behind them. Cameron and I followed, though he quickly peeled off to direct his forces elsewhere, namely at the other breaches to sandwich them. I meanwhile, continued to push towards the castle, nestled safely within a circle of Queen’s Guard and a veritable sea of undead minions.
I looked up, seeing the looming mountain at the heart of the capital. I was struck with the realization that not once had I ever heard nor read the name of this city, it had always been referred to as simply the Imperial Capital. Perhaps when this was all over I would actually take the time to learn its name, if it even had one that is.
I cleared my mind of such thoughts, focusing on the battle once more. We were nearing the last and largest of the walls which yet withstood Vez’zul’s assault upon them. While the wall itself had yet to be breached, the forces atop it were being decimated by Vez’zul, who made multiple passes along the length of the wall to bathe it in fire.
A thought came to me then, and I reached out to the dragon, directing it to land before us, my horde of undead stopping and swaying. Those who followed me and yet lived looked curious about this decision before I turned to them to speak.
“When he lands, find refuge within his bones! He shall carry you over the wall! Only our finest fighters are to do so.” Many heads nodded and the dragon landed with a crack of thunder. So large he was that his bones shattered buildings with the merest touch.
I looked down at my feet, calling upon another ally to heed my words. A small spider scampered up my body and into the palm of my hand.
“Send word to your cousins. They are to aid the dwarves in clearing and securing the sewers, then they shall attack the final wall from below together. Be quick, little one.” I whisper, the spider bobbing before leaping away to do my bidding. I lifted my gaze and lowered myself to the ground to rest. I could take the time to do so.
Now all we had to do was wait.
– – – – – –
In the darkness of the sewers, cannons boomed and dwarves charged reckless into Dominion holdouts. Axes, daggers and cudgels flashed in the gloom, cries were cut short as one by one defenses fell. Some held out longer than others, others fell almost immediately under the combined assault.
It was the last few that were closest to the final wall that proved more than capable of fending off the cannon shots, much to the annoyance of the dwarves who manned them. The lead dwarf, a soot covered fellow, huffed as he watched another cannon get turned to slag by a spell. He jumped when he felt something tap his bare neck, turning his head quickly to find himself looking at a spider on his shoulder.
He was about to brush it away when it raised its forelegs and waved them about, before pointing at the barricade that was giving them so much trouble.
“Are… are ye trying to tell me something?” He asked, the spider bobbing in place. It turned to face something behind him, and he followed suit, only to find himself face to face with the largest spider he’d ever seen. It chittered something, then hissed, shivering as it tried to do something.
“Queen…commands. Weeee…..diiiiiig. Heeeelllllp you fiiiiight….” The spider spoke, though it was clearly struggling to do so. He felt unnerved by it all but then again he’d broke bread with other monsters over the past few months, this was just another tick in the ‘weird happenings’ column.
“R-Right… Uh… we won’t get in the way. Do as you will.” He said, the large spider bobbing much like the smaller one had before it shuffled backwards, allowing him to see that the tunnel was rather literally covered with more of them. It chittered and screeched, before using its forelegs to tear up brick and mortar, then through the dirt that lay beneath. The other spiders did the same, either through the walls, the floor and even the ceiling, leaving gaping holes behind.
The dwarf nodded, watching as the little spider on his shoulder left him at last, a shiver running down his spine. He turned his attention back to the task at hand and he didn’t have to wait long for things to get bad for the enemy. From all directions the spiders attacked, punching holes in every surface around the Dominion soldiers, reaching out with grasping legs and yanking soldiers into the dark tunnels they’d made. Chaos erupted in their ranks and he would take full advantage of it.
“Cannons! Concentrate your fire on the center!” He bellowed, the cannon crews aiming their guns and firing. As he had hoped, the barricade did not do so well against focused fire, a hole blown open in it that his melee warriors could use.
The berserkers amongst them didn’t even wait for him to give the order, they just charged into the fray. In moments they were through and the bastion had fallen. Both dwarf and spider continued onwards, with the lead spider pointing upwards after crossing some invisible line. The spiders began to buddy up, digging towards the surface and creating passages that his dwarves could easily use. Larger tunnels were being constructed as well for his cannons to utilize. How thoughtful of them.
“Alright you mine lovin’ bastards! Let’s get out there and show those tall folk who fights the hardest!” He yelled, the dwarves cheering and rushing into the tunnels the spiders had made.
– – – – – –
I did not have to wait long for the attack to begin on the last wall, the sound of clashing steel and the boom of cannonfire was all the indication I needed that my forces had emerged from below.
“Go Vez’zul, ferry my fighters to the top of the wall!” I called out, the dragon now rising into the air with the beating of giant wings. He roared, circling a moment before he did a low and slow pass along the wall, the warriors nestled in his ribcage dropping out and immediately clashing with any remaining defenders.
At least I knew the city could be breached… if the need ever arose. I hope I won't have to raise an army against this place again.
I watched as the fighting raged, though I could see little of it from where I stood. Soon enough though the gates that barred my way began to open, and I marched my group forwards, eager to put an end to this.
Behind the wall it was chaos, soldiers dragged underground, zombies swarming groups of Dominion troops and crushing them under their sheer mass. Dwarven berserkers howling as they leapt onto their foes and cannoneers taking aim at any sort of fortification they saw.
Soon though there was nobody left to fight, all that remained was the mountain and the castle at its peak. I wasn’t looking forward to having to walk, but it was the only way up. With a silent command I ordered the spiders nearby to begin climbing the mountain face, other inhuman units mimicking them. I pointed my staff towards the only way up, the spiraling passage that I had once noted would be a deathtrap for any invading force.
“With me!” I call out, and those forces who could not climb nearly as easily as the monstrous peoples could gathered together and began their push. Someone within the tunnel was a bit too eager to see us crushed, as a giant flaming boulder came rolling out from the tunnels entrance, slamming into a small building nearby. I raised a hand, then directed my undead forces to take the lead. Let them trigger the traps so the living could sweep away what remained of the defenses afterwards.
It was a surprisingly slow tactic, zombies aren’t fast, even the runner variants I had at my disposal were still running uphill, which severely hampered their speed. But as we waited more and more flaming boulders came rolling out, and we would all shift now and then to avoid getting hit by them. But finally there were no more boulders to be seen, and so we pressed on once more.
What we were met with was a tunnel filled with smoke, flames and jellied corpses. Viscera painted the entire passage in a way that made me sick to my stomach. Grimacing, we continued on, stepping as carefully as we could while maintaining some semblance of a formation. Eventually we did reach the dregs of my undead army, clambering at the last of the defenses, having managed to break through several in their unrelenting push.
We swept through it with ease, and after what felt like hours we finally reached the summit. I won’t lie, but I really need to keep myself in shape, because I was terribly winded by the time we made it up to the castle. A castle already swarming with my spiders, arachne forces attempting to breach the gates or attempting to gain entry via other means.
From behind came everyone else, vampires, werewolves, and all the rest, we gathered and steeled ourselves for the final act to this conflict. I called those at the entrances back to me, waiting for them all to join up with this larger force before I raised my staff, then pointed it at the main doors. A roar sounded in the distance and Vez’zul came in for a hard landing, rearing his head back and then unleashing a gout of flame at the doors. Doors which had stood the test of time and the conquest now melted under the inferno which raged against them. The flames surged into the castle, into rooms and blew out windows, allowing my spiders to enter freely. With a flick of my hand I dismissed Vez’zul, the dragon ceasing his attack and taking flight as he returned to picking off stragglers in the city below.
WIth a deep breath, I led the final charge.
submitted by In_Yellow_Clad to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:14 ArcAngel98 Humans Don't Make Good Familiars Book 3- Part 35

**HEY! ARC here. Go buy Book 2's official physical copy from! ---- Previous
Suma’s POV
(Another mission behind inside enemy controlled territory.) I thought, perched and watching the horizon as the sun moved behind the Yggsdrasil tree, causing its green and orange leaves to shimmer like a sunset. (Hopefully not like the last.)
“Suma,” Jake said though our private connection, “squad’s here; at the base of the castle. Ready to go?”
“Yes.” I answered and flew down to meet them. All the while, wondering how Rou had handled Odens’ passing in the past week and a half. Would she be there? Spotting Jake, and landing on the perch in his armor, I got my answer after looking around. I saw Captain Gigoales, Lieutenant Datahu, and Nine, but Rou was nowhere to be seen. However, there were two new faces. Perched on a Black Serpent was Lauric Isbala, and one other Neame I did not recognize.
“Lady Suma.” Lauric said curtly.
“Sir Lauric?” I asked, surprised to see him again. I knew he had joined the Drakes just as Jake and I had, but not once in all our training had we encountered him.
“You are well it seems, as is your familiar.”
“Hey Lauric.” Jake said hesitantly. He and Lauric had never gotten along, and neither had we. “How have you been?”
“Well.” Lauric said flatly. “Shall we take our leave and begin the mission?”
“Indeed. The team has already been briefed on the mission, and each moment we stay here, our objective grows further away.” Captain Gigoales said. “We can make proper introductions while we travel. Third Squadron, get into tunnel formation.” One by one we all followed after the Captain as he took the lead. Flying into the sky, our formation was single file. Captain in the lead, then the Lieutenant, followed by Suma, Nine, Lauric, Fourteen which was the designation of the newest team member, and finally, Jake; who was riding Chariot.
The reason we traveled like this was to increase our speed as much as possible. The one is first position, in this case our Captain, was to cast and maintain a wind spell that created a tube of air that would push all turbulence aside, while also creating enough lift and directional winds to pull anyone inside forward faster than most could fly. Since Ambos-Ompera was so far away from the coast, every moment counted. Jake was the only one outside the wind tunnel as we traveled, since he was too large to fit into it, but he kept up with us by using fire magic to create what he called a ‘jet stream’ for himself. Apparently, it was already similar to what the runes on Chariot did, but more effective.
Due to the wind tunnels excessive noise, Lieutenant Datahu cast a Mind-Magic spell that allowed us to communicate. It was Jake who used it first. “I know we are already in the middle of a mission, but I guess I just wanted to properly introduce myself. You said your name was Fourteen? Mine’s Ja… Sentinel.”
“Ah yes, Sentinel. It is a pleasure. Though, I have no name, my current number is fourteen. I was transferred to your squadron just a few days ago.”
“Lauric and Fourteen are Odens and Rou’s replacements.” Lieutenant Datahu said.
“Does this mean Rou is leaving the Drakes?” I asked.
“No, she is on modified-assignment. Until further notice, she will remain on guard duty at base. It was by her own request.” Datahu said.
“She took Odens’ loss hard. Really hard.” Nine said.
“Fourteen was sent to fill Odens’ role, and Lauric volunteered to fill Rou’s for this mission.” Datahu said, to my surprise.
“Lauric, you volunteered to be on the same squad as me? Really?” Jake asked, rather tactlessly and equally surprised. Though I could not blame him. The last time we spoke to Lauric Isbala, he effectively called Jake a monster, best used for war. “You’re not still worried I’m a danger to the country, are you?”
Without looking back at anyone, Lauric responded, “No. After reading the reports and having the events explained to me firsthand, I believe you are neither a danger to the Drakes, nor a hindrance. My reasons for joining this mission are personal.”
“Reasons that I expect you will not allow to interfere with the mission.” Lieutenant Datahu said sternly.
“Never, Lieutenant. The mission comes first.”
“So, Fourteen. How did you get that… designation?” Jake asked.
“Probably the same way I got the number Nine. He was the fourteenth nameless Neame to join the Drakes this year, and the number was available.”
“Quite so. My skills with both battle and support spells allowed me to join, and I was placed on Seventh Squadron. Until recently.”
“Why did you leave?” Jake asked.
“Seventh Squadron was dissolved after a mission gone wrong, and all remaining member were reassigned.”
“If I might ask, how many survivors?” Nine asked.
“Two.” The Captain said, finally interjecting. “Their Sargent, and Fourteen. Now let the singing dive. I need to focus on maintaining the spell. Keep all nonessential communication to a minimum until we arrive at the sea-flyer.”
We flew for hours in silence, except for the sounds of winds roaring just a wingspan away, going so fast just touching it could break bones and rip out feathers. Just as the sun began to set in the distance, Jake said something strange.
“I think I smell the ocean.”
“We must be getting near our transport.” The Captain said. “Keep an eye out. We should be able to see it soon.”
“Captain, there is it. Forward left, under the sun and just above the horizon.” Nine announced. The Captain readjusted our formation, and soon we were landing on the shore by the ocean.
“A dockyard?” Jake asked aloud, now that we did not need the wind-tunnel anymore.
“Indeed. I shall go and speak with the dockmaster, they will know which sea-flyer will be our transport. Wait here.” Captain Gigoales said.
“These are sea-flyers then?” Fourteen asked. We all examined them. They were colossal things. There was no stone anywhere in them that I could see, despite their large size. Rather, they were made entirely of wood, with large swaths of fabric strapped to and hanging from a set of, what appeared to be, comically large perches. The shape reminded me of the pit of a walgo flower if it was cut lengthwise, but brown instead of red. Along the top of the ship were runes engraved into perches and filled with clay.
“On my world, we call them ships.” Jake said. “Or, sailboats.”
submitted by ArcAngel98 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:11 ArcAngel98 Humans Don't Make Good Familiars Book 3- Part 35

**HEY! ARC here. Go buy Book 2's official physical copy from! ---- Previous
Suma’s POV
(Another mission behind inside enemy controlled territory.) I thought, perched and watching the horizon as the sun moved behind the Yggsdrasil tree, causing its green and orange leaves to shimmer like a sunset. (Hopefully not like the last.)
“Suma,” Jake said though our private connection, “squad’s here; at the base of the castle. Ready to go?”
“Yes.” I answered and flew down to meet them. All the while, wondering how Rou had handled Odens’ passing in the past week and a half. Would she be there? Spotting Jake, and landing on the perch in his armor, I got my answer after looking around. I saw Captain Gigoales, Lieutenant Datahu, and Nine, but Rou was nowhere to be seen. However, there were two new faces. Perched on a Black Serpent was Lauric Isbala, and one other Neame I did not recognize.
“Lady Suma.” Lauric said curtly.
“Sir Lauric?” I asked, surprised to see him again. I knew he had joined the Drakes just as Jake and I had, but not once in all our training had we encountered him.
“You are well it seems, as is your familiar.”
“Hey Lauric.” Jake said hesitantly. He and Lauric had never gotten along, and neither had we. “How have you been?”
“Well.” Lauric said flatly. “Shall we take our leave and begin the mission?”
“Indeed. The team has already been briefed on the mission, and each moment we stay here, our objective grows further away.” Captain Gigoales said. “We can make proper introductions while we travel. Third Squadron, get into tunnel formation.” One by one we all followed after the Captain as he took the lead. Flying into the sky, our formation was single file. Captain in the lead, then the Lieutenant, followed by Suma, Nine, Lauric, Fourteen which was the designation of the newest team member, and finally, Jake; who was riding Chariot.
The reason we traveled like this was to increase our speed as much as possible. The one is first position, in this case our Captain, was to cast and maintain a wind spell that created a tube of air that would push all turbulence aside, while also creating enough lift and directional winds to pull anyone inside forward faster than most could fly. Since Ambos-Ompera was so far away from the coast, every moment counted. Jake was the only one outside the wind tunnel as we traveled, since he was too large to fit into it, but he kept up with us by using fire magic to create what he called a ‘jet stream’ for himself. Apparently, it was already similar to what the runes on Chariot did, but more effective.
Due to the wind tunnels excessive noise, Lieutenant Datahu cast a Mind-Magic spell that allowed us to communicate. It was Jake who used it first. “I know we are already in the middle of a mission, but I guess I just wanted to properly introduce myself. You said your name was Fourteen? Mine’s Ja… Sentinel.”
“Ah yes, Sentinel. It is a pleasure. Though, I have no name, my current number is fourteen. I was transferred to your squadron just a few days ago.”
“Lauric and Fourteen are Odens and Rou’s replacements.” Lieutenant Datahu said.
“Does this mean Rou is leaving the Drakes?” I asked.
“No, she is on modified-assignment. Until further notice, she will remain on guard duty at base. It was by her own request.” Datahu said.
“She took Odens’ loss hard. Really hard.” Nine said.
“Fourteen was sent to fill Odens’ role, and Lauric volunteered to fill Rou’s for this mission.” Datahu said, to my surprise.
“Lauric, you volunteered to be on the same squad as me? Really?” Jake asked, rather tactlessly and equally surprised. Though I could not blame him. The last time we spoke to Lauric Isbala, he effectively called Jake a monster, best used for war. “You’re not still worried I’m a danger to the country, are you?”
Without looking back at anyone, Lauric responded, “No. After reading the reports and having the events explained to me firsthand, I believe you are neither a danger to the Drakes, nor a hindrance. My reasons for joining this mission are personal.”
“Reasons that I expect you will not allow to interfere with the mission.” Lieutenant Datahu said sternly.
“Never, Lieutenant. The mission comes first.”
“So, Fourteen. How did you get that… designation?” Jake asked.
“Probably the same way I got the number Nine. He was the fourteenth nameless Neame to join the Drakes this year, and the number was available.”
“Quite so. My skills with both battle and support spells allowed me to join, and I was placed on Seventh Squadron. Until recently.”
“Why did you leave?” Jake asked.
“Seventh Squadron was dissolved after a mission gone wrong, and all remaining member were reassigned.”
“If I might ask, how many survivors?” Nine asked.
“Two.” The Captain said, finally interjecting. “Their Sargent, and Fourteen. Now let the singing dive. I need to focus on maintaining the spell. Keep all nonessential communication to a minimum until we arrive at the sea-flyer.”
We flew for hours in silence, except for the sounds of winds roaring just a wingspan away, going so fast just touching it could break bones and rip out feathers. Just as the sun began to set in the distance, Jake said something strange.
“I think I smell the ocean.”
“We must be getting near our transport.” The Captain said. “Keep an eye out. We should be able to see it soon.”
“Captain, there is it. Forward left, under the sun and just above the horizon.” Nine announced. The Captain readjusted our formation, and soon we were landing on the shore by the ocean.
“A dockyard?” Jake asked aloud, now that we did not need the wind-tunnel anymore.
“Indeed. I shall go and speak with the dockmaster, they will know which sea-flyer will be our transport. Wait here.” Captain Gigoales said.
“These are sea-flyers then?” Fourteen asked. We all examined them. They were colossal things. There was no stone anywhere in them that I could see, despite their large size. Rather, they were made entirely of wood, with large swaths of fabric strapped to and hanging from a set of, what appeared to be, comically large perches. The shape reminded me of the pit of a walgo flower if it was cut lengthwise, but brown instead of red. Along the top of the ship were runes engraved into perches and filled with clay.
“On my world, we call them ships.” Jake said. “Or, sailboats.”
submitted by ArcAngel98 to SyFyandFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:10 Broken_Mentat Spoilers and plating for wind load reduction on module frames

Hello everyone,
I've spent roughly a year now planning to set up a small two-module system on my balcony. Looking at different installation options, I have occasionally seen mentions of backplates or spoilers. Basically, these would be construction elements installed behind the modules to reduce the overall wind load experienced by the mount. Usually, this was in the context of some news article or expert interview. The caveat, always, was that these plates would have to be designed specifically for the system and situation. On the face of it, this made sense to me, as aerodynamics can be quirky.
However, recently I saw an installation system for flat roof tops, where the workers bolt together the usual triangular frames connected by horizontal beams. (Seen in youtube clips by the manufacturer) Then they completely close out the back (vertical). The plates are structured; they have what looks like vertical channels at the back, but I think that's for stiffening the structure, rather than anything related to air flow. This is a commercial system and doesn't seem to be "situation specific". It's set up anywhere you like and supposedly reduces the requirements for ballast or anchoring. (I'm not posting the company or links since I don't want to run afoul of the rules)
Has someone come up with calculations or guidelines for these "load reducers"? I still can't find any sources saying that this approach can be universally applied, let alone how or how much reduction one might expect. Of course It would fantastic, if I could just bolt some sheet metal to my frames and halve the ballast, but I'd want to be very sure this works, first.
I've tried to calculate the wind load according to the national standard (DIN EN 1991-1-4:2010-12 for me). However, this standard doesn't seem to allow for load reductions. In fact, it expressly forbids accounting for "reductive" wind pressures. I'm not sure whether this is because the calculation would not work correctly, or just to err on the side of caution and prevent users from underestimating overall wind loads. It might also be a simple misunderstanding on my part, but the "disregard effects reducing the force" bit seemed unambigious.
So, long story short, I'd like to know if and how these systems work, and whether I could improvise something similar on my tiny two-module setup without having to get a degree in aeronautical engineering first. :)
Thanks in advance!
P.S.: If you can read this I survived rule 3. Yay! If you can't: sorry, (auto)mods. :I
submitted by Broken_Mentat to solar [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:02 ScoutKard A Valheim Lover's Dream

I love this game. Over 1000 hours in it, absolutely hands down my favorite survival game of all time. I love the immersion, I love the world, I love the building, the fighting, almost everything. I love having exciting adventures paired with cozy home prep sessions dancing back and forth to fill me with a sense of constant progression and fulfillment.
But with all this love, comes a passion to see this game be something so much greater. Valheim does so much right, and i cannot commend that enough, but I feel it is harboring a few weird blemishes that constantly show and test my love.
I have come up with a list in no particular order of grievances that my peers and I have with this game, that I would love to see addressed in the future. For many of these issues, yes, mods can help alleviate, but that is a solution not available to console players, and setting up can sometimes be a bit of a headache for groups of friends. I understand my grievances may not be shared with everyone, and i do not want to invalidate anyone else's personal opinions, but I know I am certainly not alone.
-UI/Inventory- The crafting menus are... not good. I won't linger on this too long because it's been widely agreed that it sucks and I think(?) it's on the devs list of things to fix. Nevertheless, it is very tedious to find recipes in the crafting menus, both tables and build hammer, and just needs a total overhaul IMO. The problem only gets worse and worse the more recipes you unlock. I would love if new recipes were flagged someway to show the player "hey, this has never been crafted before" to instantly identify what you should probably be making next. The player inventory is also just in need of major love. I understand the philosophy of trying to make the player feel that they can't grab every single thing they see in the wild and haul it back in one trip, and I'm not saying we should be able to do that, but man does it just feel awful to have you effective inventory space get smaller the more you progress in game. Getting armor is -1 slot per piece, an accessory is -1, Potions reduce space, ammo, food, bombs, weapons (a sword and shield is 2 spaces compared to a 2-hander). Separate slots for equipables would honestly just alleviate a lot of this. I don't expect tp be able to travel with a full arsenal all the time and expect to have room for a huge bounty, that's fine, but in mistlands and especially Ashlands this issue just becomes a bit annoying. On the topic of equipment slots, I wish changing gear sets was more convenient. This could be achieve by making Armor Stands have a "swap loadout" function, where with a simple key press and small channel time you can easily swap out your gear with whatever you had equipped to the stand. This alone would make me far more willing to both use armor stands AND change into hildr base clothes or a Fenris foraging set.
-Sloped Terrain Combat- This obviously probably isn't intentional, but man is it just tedious to have all your attacks miss just because you were standing on a 30° slope. Sure by now I instinctively try to seek out the flattest terrain nearby before I even attempt combat, but it just cracks my immersion a bit each time I find myself doing this.
-Furnace/Windmill Filling- I know I can just hold down the button to fill, but it just feels really slow and tedious. The windmills are especially tedious to fill. A max-fill button or even just having the fill speed ramp up the longer I hold it would help a ton. I understand wanting the home chores to feel a bit chorey to promote a sense of satisfaction when you get it done, but you can achieve this and still let me have a little endorphin hit when I see the kiln ramp up in deposit speed when I hold my button on it. The alternative currently is to just mash the hell out of your fill key and that's just.... ugh
-Farming- Currently it is just actual carpal tunnel simulator. Surely there are ways to make planting a large field take time but not genuinely grind away at my hands. This is one of the worst for me. I usually enjoy the slow pace of the house chores, but I genuinely dread when it's time to harvest and replant. I don't make absurdly large crop fields either, and if that's the reason for this very tedious system, than I guess it's working well... Would love if farming had some upgrades associated with, like eventual multi-plant or something.
-Gaps in Weapon Tiers- I just don't understand this one. Once a weapon is introduced, it should have a way to obtain in every tier. It is criminal that you get blessed with something as wicked as a battleaxe in Iron, teased with an even cooler one in the mountains, and then... gone forever. Don't even get me started on the fist weapons (and a set of armor that even boosts them in arguably the quickest biome you pass in the game). I've seen some philosophy floating around that the gaps incentivize trying new weapons but... I think the opposite is true. I would love to try fists or battleaxe for awhile, but I simply don't both because I know it will just go away. They don't need to all be obtained the same way. There's already a great example of this in game: Abyssal gear. The Abyssal Knife and Shield act as the knife and shield for the Iron and Silver ages respectively, and I think it's really cool that you have to go on a little side quest to get your preferred weapon or shield of that tier. Perhaps future updates similar to the Frost Cave update or an Ocean update will come to fill these gaps for us. (Small side note, the ashlands gems are very unbalanced currently. Give some lifesteal to the blood gems plz, I would love to use them sometimes for non-meme reasons)
-Skills- Just needs a total overhaul IMO. Skills should obtained in completely different ways and offer more than just flat boring scaling. There's so many cool directions this could go, but almost anything is better than what we have now. A skill overhaul alongside filling weapon gaps would be great. Would be cool to see weapon classes be lumped together as well even, like atgeirs, battleaxes, and greatswords just be one "heavy weapon" skill for example. Treasure/quests in the world sometimes being skill rewards would be great, a light perk system would be cool too but not necessary. Stuff like "gain a bit of move speed temporarily after getting a knife kill" or "every minute your mace will guarantee stagger on the next power attack" or something would just make me love it so much more. Permanent character progress that isn't instantly erased after a rough few days trying to get an Ashlands beachhead. I won't say much more on this because it's pretty open to what direction they can go here. But the current awkward skilling and skill loss system is just not satisfying to me at all, to the point where I see people either ignore skilling entirely or just get really upset to see their character get weaker with every death.
-Sailing- Once the novelty of your first few sailing adventures wears off, this really feels like the genuine worst part of the game to me. There is nothing engaging for me to be at total mercy of the wind and just sitting there occasionally turning for 30 minutes at a time. Serpents are cool sure, but after a point you just ignore them because they simply aren't worth the attention. I'm praying an Ocean update just totally overhauls the sailing. It feels especially awful in multiplayer where every passenger is doing literally nothing. Again, the initial novelty is cool, but it fades quickly, at least in my circles it did. I make every effort to minimize sailing as much as possible in every playthrough. The Serpent meat isn't worth it :(
-Quests lacking payoff- Hildr sells just about anything meaningful you'd want from her immediately without completing a single quest. The unique dungeons and mini-bosses are neat, but I felt 0 incentive to attempt Hildrs Quest after my first time. Idk what should change here, but the rewards is a good start. Same issues with the new Lord Reto quest. A unique but ultimately mediocre sword after doing an honestly very lame fight. It's just a giga-stat boosted Charred Warrior that you either cheese entirely or get one-shot. Was really disappointed with how this "quest" ended up turning out. To be honest I don't even mind the sword just being a trophy, I just wish the fight was worthwhile.
-Fishing- I legit almost forgot to add this one because of how forgettable it is. Super tedious to skill up, and provides just totally unnecessary recipes. I can survive easy without the additional fish wraps or fried angler. I fail to see a realistic scenario where ever use triple stamina foods. Needs a total overhaul as well IMO. I would love to find the urge to catch myself a big trophy fish to hang on the wall, but I just cannot with the current system.
Again, this game is amazing even with all these criticisms. All of the issues come entirely from a place of love and passion. I couldn't see myself making a post like this for any other game currently. If none of this is ever addressed (I'm certain some of it will be) then I'd still probably continue revisiting this game for years to come, though probably exclusively with mods, and a smidge of disappointment. Thanks for taking the time to read, I will be curious to read your thoughts. Cheers
submitted by ScoutKard to valheim [link] [comments]