Morning afternoon night worksheets

Friday News Dump

2013.03.23 01:02 funnyfaceking Friday News Dump

Releasing bad news or documents on a Friday afternoon in an attempt to avoid media scrutiny.

2015.09.13 10:13 JAR Media

Subreddit for the JAR Media Posdact. Leave your questions in the weekly suggestion thread!

2011.03.18 14:45 2011 North Beach Reddit Volleyball Co-op pick up game.


2024.05.15 09:05 Imamuffinz Dog peeing on floors when she isn't allowed on our beds

I have a 9 year old dog, very sweet and loves cuddles.
She is very well trained and never has made an oopsie inside the house since she was a pup.
Recently she has been peeing on our beds while sleeping, we invested in doggy diapers. Didn't work so well.
So we decided to teach her a lesson and not allow her on our beds. We close our doors and let our dog be herself and we start again in the morning.
Well she begs to be let inside and will pace around till she goes to bed.normal yes? Well we have wake up at our usual time and we see pee on the floor, usually in front of someone's door or in the hallway.
We believe this is her way of telling us she's upset and doing payback.
We are now putting her in a crate every night.
Why is she doing this and how can we stop this behavior?
(Yes her eater intake it cut off at 9pm and goes potty)
submitted by Imamuffinz to PetBehavior [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:03 Ziryio Need advice

Recently, I’ve been needing to change my sites to a different location, as my thighs no longer work. The insulin wasn’t delivering as strongly as before, so I was getting ketones (scarred all over so it makes sense). In the process of figuring that out, I had about 3-4 site failures. After the site failures on my thighs, I put one on my stomach which also failed, I put another one on my stomach and that one finally worked.
After that one ran out of insulin, and I changed it out again, it was yet another site failure on the opposite side of my stomach. At this point I was extremely depressed and frustrated, I went to sleep anyway knowing that it failed, and put another one on in the morning which thankfully worked, but this one is almost over aswell, so now I’m dreading having to change my site out because I’m terrified it will be another sleepless night dealing with site failures and risking ketones.
Does anyone know how I can combat this? I can’t talk to an endo about it as I owe them money at the moment, but I’m unsure of what I can do.
Sorry for the terribly worded wall of text, I’m in a rush, thank you!
submitted by Ziryio to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:02 Throwra_wifegreatsex UPDATE My (33f) husband (38f) asked me to have sex with another man. I did. Husband loved it. I loved it but too much.

I posted this update the other day but it was too soon and got deleted so thought I’d try again now
Original post:
So I made that post in the morning and read all the comments, a lot of them disparaging but I expected that. I couldn’t hold it in anymore and spoke to my husband about it. He said the same thing a lot of people said that maybe it’s the situation that makes me feel that way and not the man as like my husband said I can’t describe him very well, I don’t know what colour eyes he has and I never even noticed until my husband mentioned it that he’s missing two fingers on one of his hands. We watched the videos back of me having sex with this guy and I noticed that throughout the sex with the guy I’m looking at or conversing with my husband for probably 75% of the time which I don’t even realise I’m doing in the moment.
We came up with a little experiment. That night we met another guy and i had sex with him while my husband watched and it was the same feeling! The electricity, the tingling, everything!
After that we went home and had sex together and spoke openly while doing it and I can honestly say it was the best sex I’ve ever had. I realise now it was all my fault for feeling guilty for enjoying the other guy and it was me suppressing these feelings and not talking about that was making it worse.
Thankfully my marriage isn’t over like a lot of people predicted and the age old adage of “99% of problems can be solved by talking” is true.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read and reply to my two posts x
Tldr: I thought we were doomed. We weren’t.
submitted by Throwra_wifegreatsex to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:00 QueenDianaSpencer 53 unmarried and no kids SIL infuriating me

. Annoying
So much more. Soooo much more. I can’t stand her. I’m losing my mind.
submitted by QueenDianaSpencer to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:00 mad87645 I got flirted with by 3 "taken" women in the same night and now I'm confused

So this happened a few days ago on Sat night/early Sun morning. I know people are going to dismiss it as being untrue but I promise it's 100% true and factual to the best of what I can recall despite being on MDMA at the time.
On Saturday night I went out by myself to a drum n bass rave. I'm a single guy in my early 30s so since I was heading out I made sure I was dressed up in case I met someone. My flirting style is kinda casual I guess, in the sense that I like to start out friendly to see what sort of vibe I get and then go from there, being ready to match it if she gets flirtier back.
So I get there probably 30 mins before the headliner starts. So there's 2 local dj's on first, then the headliner, then 2 more local dj's to close out the night. I wiggle my way through the crowd and find a spot on the floor to dance.
So first girl: This group of 3 girls ended up standing behind me so I turned around and motioned them all a "hi". One girl gave me a much stronger reaction than the other 2 so we started having some fun. Talking a little about the headliner coming up, fist bumps, dance moves, side hugs, stupid little things like that. She had this paper fan so I got her to fan air over my face, then she gave my beard a stroke. I thought things were going well. Then at one point I turn around and she's in the middle of a conversation with some guy that's literally popped up out of nowhere, and I mean like they were properly trying to hash something out, not even a little like "hi how's it going" like we were doing. So I come to the conclusion that she's got a boyfriend I somehow missed and distanced myself a little. Questions of loyalty aside, I don't intend to get my ass kicked over a girl, nor do I like starting arguments between people, so I opted to let that one go.
Second girl: Probably 30-45 mins later, after the headliner had come out (first girl having not left the other dude's side the whole time still talking about whatever they were talking about). I'm dancing and vibing and enjoying myself, now front and centre on the dance floor. This new girl ends up off to my side so I say hi and we start the whole thing again, more silly dance moves and such. At one point a spot opens up right at the front so she grabs my wrist and walks us up. We talk a little more and hug again. Then at one point she looks at her phone for a sec, and then maybe a minute later a dude appears behinds us and she tells me "this is my husband." I'm kinda shittin myself at that point and just say "nice to meet you" and hoped he didn't see me just dance with and hug his wife, but he seemed cool so once again I distanced myself and let them be.
Third girl: And this is the one that confuses me the most because not only did I not even try and hit on her, the revelation of her having a boyfriend came even quicker than the other 2 and she still hung around. So now the headliners gone and it's about halfway through the local dj's sets to close. I'm now at the back to keep some space between me and the other girls. I literally turned around and this new girl is standing next to me. She says hi first and starts asking me about DNB (apparently she'd never been). We chat for a bit and she asks for my name. Then she dips out for a second and when I spot her again she's off to the side talking to some dude that's absolutely plastered and can't stand up without swaying. Initially I didn't even think much of it since I didn't even try to flirt with her, until she came back. When she did she slid right up next to me and said "I came back because I wanted to see you again" in a tone of voice that I can only describe as "being in love" (not even sexily/flirtatiously, like I mean in those 5 minutes she went through falling in love, breaking up and getting back together) and started dancing with me, I obliged but sort of err'd on the side of caution given how my night had gone. Then she did that 2 more times, dipped away to check on/talk with her very intoxicated boyfriend then came back to dance/talk/stare at me like I was going to resolve all her problems. Then half an hour before the club closed she dipped for a final time and I didn't see them again, so I assumed they left. But then as the club closed and I'm walking out guess who's standing outside by the top of the stairs, the girl and her bf. She yelps out my name and runs over to give me a hug and tries to stutter something out for like 10 seconds but just says "it was lovely to meet you" (lovely being the exact word, I'd probably not have paid that any attention if it weren't for everything else). I just said likewise and said my goodbyes to them and skidaddled out of there.
So what I'm confused about is what are the odds that I get flirted with by taken women 3 times in the same night? It happening once or me trying to flirt with 3 different women only to be told straight away they're taken I wouldn't have thought much of it, but this? It confuses me because I'm genuinely not sure if I just hit some astronomical odds to meet 3 cheaters/serial flirts/open relationships/cuckholds in a row or my approach is just that bad (or good? is that a good thing? idk anymore) that I made it happen? I'm interested in hearing what you all think even if you think this post is stupid and fake so please let me know.
submitted by mad87645 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:59 Swimming-Dot9069 16 days in 1 stone lost!!

So happy! Weighed this morning, I’m 5’3 started at 16.3 and this morning I’m 15.2.8!!!!
Things I’ve found..
Week one, immediate appetite suppression. Crippling diarrhoea for 5 days but lost 10lbs in the first week.
Week 2 appetite suppression not as strong, only lost 1.5lbs diarrhoea for only 1 day.
This week I’ve gone the other way, constipated lol (wishing for the diarrhoea back lol)
Main things I’ve noticed, I’ve gone from drinking 1-1.5 bottles of wine every other night, a habit from lockdown, to no alcohol at all, I’m not interested whatsoever. That’s probably the biggest thing. Only managing one meal a day, I’m craving fish, the thought of meat makes me feel a little ill, and I was a big meat eater. Snacking on fruit, but randomly I’m loving bananas which I’ve never really liked before.
Also tea, too much garlic and raw onion brings on the sulphur burps so no more of that for me.
Anyone thinking of starting, go for it, I’m saving a fortune on McDonald’s and lunches/dinners out, best thing I ever did
submitted by Swimming-Dot9069 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:57 Cheesy-Tube Chapter 2 is now ready with an image attached

Chapter 2 is now ready with an image attached
Chapter 2 - Scouting and Selection
On the ships, the vikings had reached the foggy place they went to before, in the previously failed attempt to take the nest the previous time. And while Stoick looked out on the blinded horizon, he would call out orders until he was approached by another viking.
Phlegma: “Erm, Stoick?”
Stoick: “What is it Phlegma?…”
Phlegma: “Is everything alright?… You’ve had your nose incredibly out of joint after what Hiccup revealed and now this?… Is there any reason to it at all?”
Stoick: “The plan is simple Phlegma… Find the nest, destroy it and kill the dragons off…”
Phlegma: “I know but why attack now? It doesn’t seem… You know… Quite as planned out as the last few times we did this…”
Stoick: “Why are you questioning me about this?”
Phlegma: “You’ve hardly said a word besides barking orders at us, even Spitelout is getting concerned…”
He just ignores her, and continues to stare out into the fog.
Phlegma: “Did something else happen with Hiccup?…”
Stoick: “Don’t ever mention his name again…”
Phlegma: “What? Why?…”
Stoick: “He’s nothing to do with me anymore…”
Another viking on his ship who hears this, then approaches Stoick with a question.
Hoark: “Stoick?… Did you disown your boy?… Over this?…”
Stoick: “Well I’m not holding a banner about it but yes… He sided with the dragons and now my credibility here is just about ruined…”
Spitelout: “Well good riddance I say, that kid’s been nothing but trouble, I just hope he hasn’t influenced my boy-o to do something similar.”
Phlegma: “Hey! Don’t you start Spitelout, or I’ll toss you overboard!”
Stoick: “Everyone shut up! This isn’t helping… Just get back to the search.”
He barked out as everyone with disapproving, tense or frightened looks continue to manage their posts. Avoiding sea stacks, and keeping an eye out for any dragons that would try to approach.
Meanwhile back on Berk, Hiccup and Astrid reach the arena, eyeing off a cage thinking about the dragon that would suit her best, as well as trying to look for Toothless.
Astrid: “This is… Definitely crazy…”
Hiccup: “Like I said earlier Astrid, crazy is what we do best here.”
They then hears footsteps approaching, which Hiccup didn’t anticipate since everyone else had left the island. After a few seconds they stop, and as they turn around to look who it was, they see the other four dragon training students. One of them, Fishlegs, then starts to speak.
Fishlegs: “If you’re planning on getting eaten, I’d definitely go with the Gronckle."
Astrid: “What are you guys doing here? And why would you say something like that Fishlegs?”
Fishlegs: “Sorry… Group anger makes me nervous and I’m just trying to fit in with it…”
Hiccup: “Save your breath… It’s not like you’ll be using it much to curse me out anyway…”
Snotlout: “What even are you planning?”
Hiccup: “Self imposed exile… It’s better off this way given the circumstances, and don’t you guys try and talk me out of it… There’s nothing left for me here on Berk, I’m essentially just another mouth to feed and I’ve just eaten my last morsel…”
Fishlegs: “Hiccup, I know what I said earlier may have come off as harsh, but we’re not here to ridicule you.”
Hiccup: “You aren’t?”
Tuffnut: “We aren’t?”
Fishlegs: “Of course not guys, we talked about this earlier?”
Ruffnut: “Oh right, we just tune out a lot of the time.”
Snotlout: “Ugh… You two…”
Fishlegs: “Anyway we’re here because we want to come with you both.”
Hiccup: “Wait, what!?”
Astrid: “And how do you know I’m going with him?”
She asks in shock, as Snotlout then points to her basket of assorted items.
Snotlout: “We figured it out as soon as you ran out of the house with that basket.”
Fishlegs: “And after what we saw you attempt to do today, we connected the dots with the previous lessons we all had.”
Hiccup: So… You knew?…”
Fishlegs: “Yes.”
Hiccup: “And you’re not upset at this? You don’t think I’m a traitor?”
Fishlegs: “Absolutely not.”
Snotlout: “Not really.”
Ruffnut: “I’m actually very impressed by this.”
Tuffnut: “I’m still slightly confused but it seems everyone’s in agreement with you here so, I’m with you little dude.”
Hiccup: “Guys… I- I don’t know what to say…”
Astrid: “Well you can start with what your plan is for us to leave here.”
Hiccup: “Good point, but what I need to do first is find Toothless.”
After he explains this, he hears Toothless’s trademark roar in a cage next to the Gronckle’s, and saw a flash of purple underneath the door. Deducing his best friend was locked up in there, he approaches the cage, opens the door and in a flash ends up on the floor with the Night Fury licking his face.
Hiccup: “Aaahhhh! Agh, hey, I’m glad to see you too bud! It’ll be okay now that you’re out of there.”
Toothless ends his lick barrage and lets out a purr, before seeing Astrid, and smiling at her. Eventually turning to the rest of the teenagers with a snarl, and charging up a fireball until Hiccup intervenes.
Hiccup: Whoa, whoa, Toothless, Stand down! They’re not going to hurt you.
The dragon then lets the fireball dissipate in his mouth, after letting out a cough and continues to stare at them.
Fishlegs: “Oooh! A Night Fury! I never dreamed I’d see one in the flesh!”
Tuffnut: “Um… What happened to his tail?”
Hiccup: “Oh, er… Well you guys remember when I said to my father that I shot down a Night Fury and none of call believed me?…”
They all nod with scattered ‘yes’s and ‘uh-huh’s after he asks this.
Hiccup: “Well that was the result of it…”
Fishlegs: “And did you make that artificial one for him?”
Hiccup: “Yes, because otherwise he wouldn’t be able to fly.”
Snotlout: "Oh great, not just great, perfect even. The dragon lover has hurt one of his closest friends.”
Astrid: “This was before he and Toothless became friends”
Tuffnut: “Why does he call him Toothless? All dragons have sharp teeth.”
Hiccup: “Show ‘em bud.”
Toothless then demonstrates to them all his retractable teeth, forcing them into his jaw and allowing the group to admire it for a while, before unsheathing them again.
Hiccup: “That is why.”
Ruffnut: “That’s incredible! I’m very impressed Hiccup~”
She responds in a strangely flirty tone, causing Hiccup to become nervous and Astrid to stare her down.
Fishlegs: “So… Um… How do we get our own dragons?”
Hiccup: “I’ll show you, just do as I tell you, and you could very well make a fire-breathing friend for life.”
He begins to explain with a more confident smile, as he approaches the Deadly Nadder’s cage, and opens it.
Back with the boats, Stoick’s crew ends up becoming more despondent as after a considerable amount of time they still don’t end up closer to the nest. Assuming they merely went in circles, he then orders the ships to split up and take other paths, causing more confusion in the soldiers.
Stoick: “I don’t care if you don’t like it, I’m the chief, and my way goes!”
Spitelout: “Stoick, we’ve done this once before and we never return with a full crew afterwards!”
Stoick: “Oh would you like to be running this particular mission?”
Spitelout: “I’m just pointing out that maybe-”
Stoick: “Well you’ll have time to point things out when we get there, now keep your positions!”
He goes back to eyeing out the fog, while Spitelout angrily informs the rowers to keep moving, and orders two ships to split from the main group and row further to the starboard side.
Back at the arena, and Hiccup gently coaxes the last dragon to exit his cage, the Monstrous Nightmare.
Hiccup: “It’s okay… We’ve done this once before big guy.”
He leads him further out into the arena. Even though the teens had already seen him doing this with the Gronckle, the Zippleback and the Nadder, they still watch on in awe. Hiccup, then having lead the Monstrous Nightmare out, then leads him to Snotlout.
Snotlout: “Wait! What are you-!?”
Hiccup: “Whoa, just relax… It’s okay, It’s okay.”
He replies to both Snotlout and the dragon, as he grabs Snotlout’s hand. Putting it gently on the Monstrous Nightmare’s nose, causing the dragon to purr, and Snotlout to have a small giggle in disbelief.
Snotlout: “Okay, this is amazing! Hey, where are you going Hiccup?”
Hiccup: “Well, you’re all going to need something to help you hold on for a while, because we’re going to be riding these guys, to find ourselves a new home. Now there has to be some rope in here somewhere…”
He begins to look through the munitions trough, then hearing a voice by the gate calling out to them all.
Gobber: “Actually Hiccup, you could make them their own saddles, you have the time after all.”
Hiccup: “Gobber? How did you know about that? And why are you not with the rest of the village?”
Gobber: “I heard there was a slight tiff between you and your father, and wanted to at least try and help you out.”
Hiccup: “Well that’s an understatement… As far as he’s concerned he’s not even my father anymore…”
Gobber: “So I heard, and that was wrong, so I didn’t join him on his insanely deadly mission. What I will do though is help you kids out, so what can I start with?”
Hiccup: “Well if you insist Gobber, and we’re going to need measurements for everybody and their new dragons. Just to make sure we have enough material to make the saddles, and ensure they don’t come off while we’re flying.”
Gobber: “Righty-ho, I’ll see if I can find the tape measure!”
He replies with determination, as he and Hiccup rush off to the smithy to get the saddles ready, while the rest of the teens acquaint themselves with their new dragons.
Tuffnut: “I still don’t get why we have to share one…”
Astrid: “Because all the other dragons have been taken by the rest of us.”
Fishlegs: “Plus, among certain disciplines you guys work far better together, instead of apart.”
Ruffnut: “No denying that!~”
Fishlegs: “The Zippleback is much the same way, and with you guys sharing him, it would be far easier for things like rescue missions, search and seize-”
Tuffnut: “Ultimate destruction?”
Fishlegs: “What!? No!-”
Snotlout: “Leave it Fishface, they’re already engrained in it…”
An exasperated sigh escapes Fishlegs’s mouth, as he, Snotlout and Astrid are forced to watch this spectacle go on. Hiccup meanwhile, ends up having another heart-to-heart with Gobber.
Gobber: “So how long has this thing with dragons been going on?”
Hiccup: “Er… Sort of on and off since the early morning, raid months ago.”
Gobber: “When you said you hit a Night Fury?”
Hiccup: Yeah… Anyway it turned out you and everyone else were right… I’m not a dragon killer… Not even a proper viking in their eyes… But what I became, was something more valuable. A dragon trainer.”
Gobber: “Dragon trainer?”
Hiccup: “Understanding their ins and outs, gaining trust with tossing away weapons and feeding them fish, and in Toothless’s case, helping him regain his ability to fly.”
Gobber: “That’s quite the achievement.”
Hiccup: “Heh, you must be the only adult here that thinks that… Everyone else had kind of deemed me as an outcast… No one looks in my direction just like they used to before all this, and now even my dad doesn’t want a bar of me…”
Gobber: “Hiccup… I know you’re going through a rough time at the moment, but is this really the way to go?… You’ve got an entire lifetime laid out ahead of you lad. And I-”
Hiccup: “What life?… It honestly feels like I’m no longer welcome here by anyone, especially my own father… I’ve mentioned to you before that he doesn’t listen to me… I just wish for once he would realise that I could have valuable insight into all this stuff about Berk, vikings and the dragons, but he’s just too… Stubborn and set in his ways…”
Hearing this soliloquy, Gobber simply sighs and puts his hand on Hiccup’s shoulder.
Gobber: “I’m sure things will turn around for you soon Hiccup… In the meantime at least you’ll have your friends around you… Speaking of which, we should make a start on their saddles, shouldn’t we?”
Hiccup: “Yep, you’re right Gobber, now let’s get that forge lit-”
Not realising Toothless had followed them there, he lets out a plasma blast reigniting the coals. Giving Gobber a surprised gasp, but Hiccup looks over at the both of them with confusing before turning into amusement.
Hiccup: “Just so you know Toothless, you didn’t have to do that, because you’re not a tool, but thanks.”
He replies to his best bud as he sets some old discarded metal on top of the hot coals, and begins pressing on the bellows. After some time, they arrive back at the arena with the finished saddles. And after putting them onto the dragons, get ready to set off.
Hiccup: “Well I guess this is it Gobber, I’ll make sure to write every so often.”
Gobber: “Och, I have faith in ye, lad. Don’t ye worry”
Snotlout: “Yeah, but it’s going to be ages before the mail arrives at either location.”
Hiccup: “But it won’t have to”
He replies to Snotlout with a grin, as he unleashes another secret weapon, in the form of a Terrible Terror with a cylindrical container loosely tied around his neck.
Snotlout: “Whoa!”
Tuffnut: “What the-?”
Fishlegs: “Wow.”
Hiccup: “Gang, this here is Messenger. He’s going to be part of our new mail delivery service, or Terror mail as I like to call it”
Gobber: “Terror Mail?”
Hiccup: “Yep, this little tube around his neck, will be used to store telegrams and all sorts of written documents, and transport them to the recipient carefully without getting dropped, drenched, or torched”
Astrid: “And what if Stoick were to see him arriving on or leaving Berk?”
Hiccup: “Honestly, I can’t even try think about it… But that’s why Gobber when he arrives with anything, you are to keep him in the shop, hidden up in the back corners so no-one discovers him.”
Gobber: “Er… Righty-ho, I’ll do my best…”
Hiccup: “Good, ready to fly gang?”
Teens: “Yes!”
Hiccup: “Alright, now hold tight.”
He informs them as he sets his leg into Toothless’s mechanical stirrups.
Hiccup: “Let’s go bud.”
With a mighty roar, Toothless rushes upwards into the air, the rest of the teens follow suit. Astrid taking the position directly behind Toothless and Hiccup, Snotlout close behind them, the twins slightly lagging due to another argument, and Fishlegs pulling up the rear with his Gronckle. Gobber watches them fly off, giving them a send off wave as he heads back to the blacksmith stall.
And that's the last teaser I put out, the rest will be on Wattpad
submitted by Cheesy-Tube to httyd [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:55 No_Detective4721 Any advice on stress after getting the first tattoo?

Hi, yesterday I got my first tattoo done. It has a symbolic meaning to me and I waited to do it for a year in case I would change my mind. So I went and did it. Maybe it's a little too big, what is my own problem that I didn't say it to the person who did it but overall I like it. However yesterday at one moment I had a thoughts flooding my mind like "why did you do it?", "maybe I don't like it as much as I expected", etc. My heart started racing really fast and I couldn't sleep and stop thinking about it, so I had to take some pills, but I still woke up in the middle of the night and had to go through it all over again. Now in the morning, I woke up, looked at it and I still like it, it's just that every time I look at it my body starts trembling and my heart starts racing. Is it normal? How do I get rid of this anxiety?
submitted by No_Detective4721 to tattooscratchers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:54 Annual-Ad-3061 Endopump Review (My Honest Experience After A Few Months)

Hey everyone,
I'm here today to talk about Endopump, a male enhancement supplement I've been using for the past few months. I know there's a lot of stuff out there promising magic pills and miracle cures, so I wanted to share my honest experience with Endopump to see if it actually lives up to the hype.
Click here to check out Endopump!
Why I Tried Endopump:
Let's be real, guys. As we get older, things can start to slow down downstairs. I was noticing a dip in my libido and performance, and it was honestly affecting my confidence. I did some research on natural ways to boost testosterone and came across Endopump. The reviews seemed promising, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
What Endopump Claims to Do:
The official website claims that Endopump increases testosterone levels, enhances blood flow, and improves stamina and endurance. It also mentions potential benefits for muscle growth and overall sexual health.
Click here to check out Endopump!
My Experience with Endopump:
I took Endopump exactly as directed for about three months. Here's what I noticed:
Overall Thoughts:
Look, Endopump isn't a miracle cure. It's a supplement, and it takes time to see results. But in my experience, it did deliver on some of its claims. If you're looking for a natural way to boost your testosterone and improve your sexual performance, Endopump might be worth trying. Just remember, it's not going to turn you into Superman in bed.
Click here to check out Endopump!
submitted by Annual-Ad-3061 to personalhottakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:53 ghostrodent any advice for color-safe product(s) that helps with oils, damage and volume?

any advice for color-safe product(s) that helps with oils, damage and volume?
I shower at night, pic is my hair in the morning after being washed... and it is usually even oilyer by the time I wash again at night
I have to wash my hair every day otherwise it gets oily and even flatter than the picture, but I'm losing color very quickly this way. I'm currently using Tresemme silky smooth shampoo and conditioner because I was hoping it would help with some of the frizziness I get with bleached fine hair. But it's not particularly color safe and surely there has to be something better that doesn't break the bank. Shampoo, conditioner and brushing my hair is all I currently do.
My goal is to wash my hair less to keep more color, so I need it to be less oily. which sucks given that I have oily skin and thin fine hair. Less oil should equal more volume?
I haven't had great experience with dry shampoo - I have texture issues and I hate how chalky, stiff and weird my hair feels with it. But I'm willing to give anything a chance.
Please help me nuke my blue hair into submission!
submitted by ghostrodent to finehair [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:51 Revolutionary-Dot615 How would you feel about this dynamic? Is the division of labor fair?

Me 42F, him 46M - he is resting often with young kids at home - how would you feel?
Also to add that I am someone who cannot rest of anyone is watching. Otherwise, the guilt would overcome me. We both struggle in this area. So I do understand that people are allowed to rest when tired and that this does not inherently make them lazy.
I’ll try to keep this short and sweet. I’m wondering if I am overreacting. He works mostly normal hours in our family storefront. Starts at 10 and leaves work around 5. He has a 20 minute commute each way. Four days a week. Does not cook or grocery shop, nor do anything with the children during the daytime hours. At night we eat dinner with them and then he rushes them through the bedtime routine which is usually bath (his job 3 times per week), sleepy outfit, book, brush teeth.
I am a SAHM, we are homeschoolers, I help with the family business approximately 30-35 hours per week, I grocery shop/cook/wash dishes. He might wash dishes 1 time per week out of about 14-18 total loads through the dishwasher.
I find him lying down throughout our home at all hours of the day. Disengaged and/or rushing kids through whatever task they are completing. He is consistently annoyed with their interruption and talking when we are having our morning business meeting before we start the day. He often stays up late to watch Netflix or play call of duty until 1am.
How would you feel about this division of labor? I’d like opinions from both sides, please.
submitted by Revolutionary-Dot615 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:51 AcrobaticJellyfish92 At my (28m) wit’s end with Gf’s (30f) jealousy

Gf lives with me and we have been together 1.5 years. I am previously divorced, no kids.
Gf has many amazing qualities to her and I am happy 98% of the time. The 2% however is very dark and generally rooted in jealousy and insecurity.
She frequently accuses me of checking out other women when I am not. Any action I do to another female is considered flirtatious. She refuses to has friends of her own and says that all friends do is betray you, family is all you need (she is hispanic).
Last night got out of hand. I work a high stress job with a significant mortality rate and already had leftover stressors on my mind throughout the week. The morning before, I woke up to a text from a longtime female friend where I had asked her about activities we could do as couples in the area. Gf insisted I didn’t need to ask her for ideas since I have google. She then told me then I should have this friend make me dinner instead of her.
Later that evening, she demanded access to my phone. I denied her this request as I found it unreasonable and have never given her a reason to mistrust me. She then refused to let me use the bathroom without her standing in the doorway to make sure that I wasn’t doing anything i shouldn’t be doing on my phone and accused me of not trusting her and hiding something.
Then she told me that she saw me look at a 13 year old female child in a sexual way in a restaurant three months ago. I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about and was horrified to hear this. She then said something to the effect of “maybe I should tell your boss about this.” I then had a panic attack. I called my parents even though I was unable to speak. I am not close to my parents but did not know what else to do.
My dad rushed to me even though I said he didn’t need to come over. He found me in a mess and eventually after I gained some composure, I asked him to ask gf why I was so upset. She repeated the accusation to which my dad was disgusted. She then implied she didn’t really believe it but just said it because she was keeping it inside her.
After my dad left, gf was inconsolable. She then said we should break up because she was “embarrassed” and that she never would have involved her parents in our problems the way I did. The next day, she went back to how much she loves me and wants to be together.
She recently has begun seeing a therapist due to the insecurities and her own traumas of past domestic violence. She has admitted the jealousy is a problem and toxic. I am now living in fear that she will make an accusation like described above again when she is upset. The trust I had is shattered. I really love this girl and I now am scared.
What can I do to save this or should I?
TL;DR Gf has extreme jealousy issues that now make me fearful of her.
submitted by AcrobaticJellyfish92 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:51 philodendron4 I'm having a bit of a breakdown from my dad's illness.

My (38/f) dad (72/m) was brought into emergency about 3 weeks ago for nerve compression pain. He has had this issue previously but nothing this severe. Doctors ran a bunch of tests including MRI and found mild nerve compression. Nothing else seemed serious.
He was recommended pain management though medication, physiotherapy, and rest.
Things were improving when last Friday he had a TIA or a mini stroke. I was with my dad when it happened. He had sudden loss/slurry speech that lasted one minute. Luckily he was already in the hospital and got quick evaluation and medication. His brain MRI showed multiple chronic lacunar infarction.
He has been put on medication for that too and running more tests. Echo and carotid doppler came back fine. He will be on medication for life and will have to make lifestyle changes.
I'm starting to struggle emotionally though. Especially after the mini stroke. We don't have any family or support here. So I stay with him at the hospital during the day, my mom (62/f) spends the the night.
After the mini stroke, my dad seems to to have lost some cognition. He is slow to speak. His memory feels a bit off. He takes time to respond. Often looks confused.
It almost seems like he was fine a month ago and now suddenly he has just shrunk or withered so quickly. As though he's aged several years.
I'm really struggling to see him like this. I feel like I'm running out of positivity and feel emotionally depleted. But I still want to stay strong and emotionally stable for him. Although it's feeling difficult with each passing day. My mom is obviously anxious and fatigued too.
I'm trying to find some sort of emotional anchor to help me stay grounded through this very challenging time. I don't know how to keep my spirits high so I can support my dad emotionally too.
There are also thoughts of what if he doesn't recover, what if he becomes a shadow of his previous self.
I'm writing this as I sit by his side. I held his hand in the morning trying to comfort him. And i spend all day just trying really hard not to cry (although I do when back home).
I'm looking for any advice, support, comfort to get through.
Thank you!
submitted by philodendron4 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:49 casefilesofVJ The Love Tunnel

Every kid growing up in Gympie in the early 90- 2000s knew about the Love Tunnel.
The love tunnel was located over the hill from the skatepark on the Riverbank. It was a massive storm water drain filled with spray paint and lore unbound throughout the generations; the glowing dick, whose name is the furthest in, the people who live inside, the bull shark that lived under the bridge just outside, all that fun stuff.
It collapsed in the late 2000’s in a flood and was eventually rebuilt, but it was all fancy, modern, safe and not the same. Back in the day it had decades of graffiti, crumbling cement, jagged metal pole framing bent and jutting out from the sides. You know, real character.
I remember when I was just a kid at the skatepark and I spotted a bunch of other kids at the metal grating of a drain. I joined them and gazed down a few metres to some older teenagers, they had trekked through this “love tunnel” under the massive hill all this way. Badass I thought. LEGENDARY.
I talked about it at school, about this mysterious “love tunnel”. It was in view from the road when I crossed the bridge everyday on my daily commutes from the backseat of mums car.
I would gaze down at the weir and see the top of the love tunnel, sliightly hidden from view by a hill. It fascinated me.
I learned all these mysterious tales; this person slept with this person there, someone took a dump at the entrance and some other girl stood in it and now she had a nickname, someone found needles, another found a homeless woman and she screamed at them. I was pumped for the next weekend. I was going to go see it for myself.
I saw too much.
Early Saturday morning I was riding my push bike through town and toward destination adventure! I started out at the skatepark, met up with a few of the regulars, a mix of 5-19y/o everyone on the half pipes and ramps had a code of comrady that I've never found in a public place anywhere else and you always had someone to hang with.
My usual crew slowly arrived through the morning, a bunch of other 10/11 year old misfits like myself and we headed on our first place on our journey, Hungry Jacks. Now we never technically stole, we found a loophole…
One or two would order a stunner meal, then we'd take privilege of the free refills and fill up the empty plastic 4L juice jugs that we all had prepped in our backpacks. Coke and red Fanta for days.
So we got our supplies and headed behind HJ, past the volleyball courts and headed down a bush track down to the river.
We walked along the banks to loop back down to where the bridge was, we passed a few teenagers fishing and a couple other groups of kids swinging from rope swings into the water or huddled in groups smoking things they shouldn't.
We eventually arrived at the weir and the stormwater drain that I had been so intrigued by. The Love Tunnel.
Climbing up the hill and seeing it up close when you were just a tiny human. It was like staring into the dark abyss of hell.
There was a small stream of water flowing out of the big grey cylinder and it was covered in multicolored quotes and crude pictures that was very eye opening at the time.
Our voices echoed as one by one we climbed up the grassy, eroding clay edging that was the makeshift path into the mouth that probably changed each time it rained. Each of us had pulled out clumps of grass that we thought were handholds. If you fell, you fell down an embankment of slippery jagged rocks poking out from the fast flowing river.
So were inside and began to walk a couple of metres in then around us the light abruptly disappeared into complete darkness. And I remember the way the sounds traveled you could feel it through your chest it was mesmerizing.
I remember bravely stepping into the darkness and taking five or six steps in. That thick darkness was something else, I ran myself back to that entrance and light, heart pounding from the adrenaline.
This turned into a game of who could go in the furthest. This stopped when one of the boys screamed out from the darkness in pain.
He was back in the light teary eyed a few moments later wet on one side and feigning a laugh. He'd slipped down and cut open his knee, it was hilarious. We teased him saying he was going to get gangrene and leprosy and a myriad of other ailments we had no idea actually was.
We decided to bail, we forgot torches, we didn't plan that part out too well, and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon being little menaces.
We met the next day with a game plan, we had an array of various sized torches, from small ones that didn't do anything, one of those giant rectangle ones that was our main light source, a couple of handheld ones, one which flickered and the other stopped working before we even got into the tunnel.
We got in safely and tested out our torches and began walking into the unknown. It was pretty much the same as before, but there were strange things, old makeshift bongs, shopping bags, random shoes, a shopping trolley, a mattress that was all moldy and rotted. I still to this day do not understand how people managed to get that shit in there.
We passed a section where someone had thrown a can of red paint all over the walls, the amount of those ‘S’ symbols was more terrifying.
We saw light up ahead, we were passing our first grate. It was kind of daunting looking up towards it. Even getting on each other's shoulders we couldn't reach. There was an array of broken beer bottles and glass was everywhere, under the grate was a dead snake amongst some debris.
We had a debate whether to go further, we ended up going on at least until the next grate, we came to a fork, one seemed like a smaller offshoot so we stuck to the bigger side.
There were more offshoots and we came to a part where the big pipes split off into three under another grate. We gazed up hoping to get an identifier of our location, but all we could see was blue. We called out to see if we could get anyone's attention.
“Cooooweeee” we shouted in unison, the sound echoing in all directions.
We were laughing and having a grand time until something shouted back, something that still shakes me to my core to this day.
Some yobbo crackhead chick in her fifties with this ratty pink tank top that was all stretched half showing her saggy titties. “What the fuck you think you little cunts doing down here.” This chick screeched at us through her few teeth or something along the lines of that. She just exploded at us with a barrage of threats.
We were shocked silenced moving together to make one mass.
One of the boys screamed when a skinny guy emerged from the darkness. He was covered in tattoos with scraggly hair and a beard, he was all crazy eyed and pantless.
Someone yelled out to run and it was all the motivation we needed.
We could hear them screaming and the guy ran after us, we heard glass shattering behind us, they must have thrown a bottle. We were legging it.
We got split up in our running, I fell down, tripping over some rubbish, one mate stayed back to help me, this left us without a torch. We came across the same kid who slipped over yesterday, he had slipped down again cutting open his other knee. He wore those with badges of honor at school, but he was blubbering like a baby at this point.
He had the flickering torch and it disoriented us more than helped, as it turned on and off every time he took a step. I thought we were lost but we found the other grate, then eventually the entrance.
The others were already climbed down, we were soon by their side panting in the grass and wiping away our tears so the others couldn't see.
We ran back over to the skatepark and immediately told every kid we saw.
That was the wildest shit we had ever experienced. Sure we’d seen crazy up on the street but to have it jump out at you from the shadows in a storm water drain was next level.
By that night one of the other boys had spilled to his parents about our escapades and a couple of other mums got phone calls, three got in trouble, two of us didn't, including me.
I never stepped foot back in that tunnel, I swam at the weir more times than I could count afterwards though and never encountered anyone else too sketchy.
I think only a year or two later I saw on the news people dying in storm water drains somewhere else in Aus, we never realized how dangerous they could be back then. Lol.
Every party or get together afterwards it was a crowd favorite to bring up. It was a good conversation starter and joined the tales amongst my friends of the weird shit that happens in ‘Helltown’.
Growing up and looking back they were probably just homeless drug addicts freaked out from a bunch of children's voices yelling out coooweee from the underground where they thought they were alone. That would have scared the shit outta me if I was them.
Good times.
Tl:Dr kids go into storm water drain and find creepy couple who scream at them.
submitted by casefilesofVJ to creepyencounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:47 Revolutionary-Dot615 Me 42F, him 46M - he is resting often with young kids at home - how would you feel?

I’ll try to keep this short and sweet. I’m wondering if I am overreacting. He works mostly normal hours in our family storefront. Starts at 10 and leaves work around 5. He has a 20 minute commute each way. Four days a week. Does not cook or grocery shop, nor do anything with the children during the daytime hours. At night we eat dinner with them and then he rushes them through the bedtime routine which is usually bath (his job 3 times per week), sleepy outfit, book, brush teeth.
I am a SAHM, we are homeschoolers, I help with the family business approximately 30-35 hours per week, I grocery shop/cook/wash dishes. He might wash dishes 1 time per week out of about 14-18 total loads through the dishwasher.
I find him lying down throughout our home at all hours of the day. Disengaged and/or rushing kids through whatever task they are completing. He is consistently annoyed with their interruption and talking when we are having our morning business meeting before we start the day. He often stays up late to watch Netflix or play call of duty until 1am.
How would you feel about this division of labor? I’d like opinions from both sides, please.
Also to add that I am someone who cannot rest of anyone is watching. Otherwise, the guilt would overcome me. We both struggle in this area. So I do understand that people are allowed to rest when tired and that this does not inherently make them lazy.
submitted by Revolutionary-Dot615 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:47 Spiritual-Tea6799 AITAH for not wanting to be with my boyfriend anymore after he drank?

Some context I am F 18 and my boyfriend is M 18 this happened on May 12.
When me and my boyfriend first got together my one and only condition was no drinking. I absolutely hate drinking and I hate what it does to people. My dad was an alcoholic and I already have many of his traits so I am personally scared that if I drink I’ll have the same reaction to alcohol as him. So after explaining this to my now boyfriend he agreed and said he doesn’t really want to drink anyway and agrees to not drink anymore. This week we went on vacation with many of his old friends and people I didn’t really know too well for prom. He hadn’t really talked to these people in about a year almost two since we got together. His mom (who I can’t stand and also abuses alcohol) was also there along with some other parents. The first night was good we had fun and enjoyed ourselves without drinking.
The next day was prom and after getting ready and pictures we left for the dance. While there one of the boys at the beach house we were staying at asked my boyfriend if he would be drinking (btw this boy calls himself Rrezzy and has no future plans.) After being asked that my boyfriend told “Rrezzy” to ask me when he did I said no and that was that. My boyfriend didn’t say anything to me until I asked if he wanted to he said no then I asked if he was lying and he said yes. I got upset because why would he want to drink, he said he would give it up if we got together and I thought he was having fun being sober with me. If he did end up drinking he would have went back on his word and I would be the only sober person there. On the way back to the beach house we didn’t say a word to each other and I didn’t see him for a little when we got back. I then got a text from him saying he was going to drink.
I asked why and started crying I said we were going to break up if he drinks which he knew because i had told him that would happen before we even got together. He said “Then we are going to break up” and I started crying even more. It felt like he was choosing drinking and partying over me with people he didn’t even know anymore. I walked inside and saw him sitting on the couch with his drunk ass mom. I then walked outside to the front porch and told him to come outside so we could talk in person. After maybe 15 minutes of talking he was unsure if he would drink or not. His mom then came outside and I walked down the stairs because I didn’t want to be around her. I was still in earshot and heard them talking she was saying how we should just break up and how I’m not the one and I can’t handle him leaving ( he’s going to college soon 5 hours away.) After she left I went back up and asked what he was going to do and he said we are breaking up then went inside.
I started panicking and crying when I tell y’all I broke down I’m not being dramatic he’s my person and I couldn’t believe what was happening. I went inside after a little and saw him standing next to his mom by the alcohol I started crying and went into the other room so people didn’t see. After about 40 minutes I texted him to come to that room and when he did he smelled of alcohol. I told him I changed my mind and wanted to still be together I’m fine with him drinking if it is what he wanted to do. He didn’t respond then I asked if he even wanted to be together before all this happened. He said no and that he doesn’t want to date anymore. I tried to convince him to just talk to me and we can figure it out. He stayed but said some horrible things. He started saying how he always thinks about breaking up with me and cheating on me. He started crying and said I shouldn’t be with him and that he’s a horrible person he kept saying how he wants to go party with girls while I’m not around. After about 30 minutes of that he laid down and was still crying I was trying to help calm him down and he did after awhile.
He ended up saying how he still wanted to be together and he wouldn’t drink again. The next morning we were talking about it and he said he was sorry and that he is just scared of leaving. I forgave him and we are still dating today. I just cannot forget about everything he said he explained that he just said it because he was mad and upset but I just cannot forget about it.
I really don’t know what to do and I’m just so confused. We’ve already talked about it for three days now but anything he says just doesn’t help ease my mind. And I can’t just keep bringing it up because it makes him veryyyyyy upset when I do. I just need any and all advice on how to move forward.
submitted by Spiritual-Tea6799 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:47 Tortastrophe Almost did myself in by forgetting that meat disappears from rock caches.

Playing on Interloper, just passed Day 70. I'm trying to get the Tales done for the first time so I'm planning to start Signal Void. Off I go from Mystery Lake to Forsaken Airfield. I get out there, get the walkie, start the quest up. I have enough food on me to get back, around 40 cat-tails at this point. It's blizzarding in FA so I don't hunt there. I decide to head back on the first clear day. In hindsight, I should have hunted.
Anyway, the trip back is not really eventful but I am not doing a good enough job of keeping my condition up. I am definitely pushing too hard to get back to ML faster. Thinking about it now, I don't even know why I was in such a big hurry. I pushed all the way through Broken Railroad (which I have not looted yet) and things are not going too bad, but the Muskeg is windy as heck and my condition drops below 10%. I have to use a stim to get to the derailed train so I can warm up and recover a bit. I use my last birch bark tea and rest a few hours with the fire burning. I wake up, make a couple of coffees and head off to Camp Office in ML. But it's still pretty dang cold (despite me being at +23 gear). My condition slips back below 10% and now I've got a wolf trailing me. I'm not worried about the wolf really but my condition being so low definitely had me focusing on pushing back to camp office. I get back and at this point I have a couple of cat tails left but no other food. The only food in Camp Office is a couple of ruined dog foods, and I don't want to roll the dice with food poisoning when I'm already under 10%.
So I reluctantly decide that I will eat a piece of bear meat. I am about halfway to Cooking 5 at this point so I still have to be mindful even with cooked food. Surely the 1% intestinal parasites won't get me. Well... turns out I didn't have to worry about the parasites. The 30 KG of bear I left in the rock cache outside Camp Office has of course, disappeared because it dropped to 0 condition. Whoops. This is even funnier to me because I almost never bother with a rock cache for anything. I'll just leave the stack of meat in the snow. And this is why! So... I have no choice, gotta try the Dog Food. I manage to get food poisoning from BOTH cans. Luckily I have medical supplies so I take a reishi tea and then sleep. Get up after my needed 10 hours and obviously mission 1 is food. But my condition is still hovering around 10%.
It's not storming out, but there's no deer about, no ptarmigans nearby. I decide my best bet is my two fishing tip-ups in the nearby fishing huts. I take my coal and some sticks out there. I check the first hut and... line breaks. Well, okay. Check the second hut... at this point it is getting dark, so I am pretty sure I am spending the night in this hut and I need to get lucky here. Thankfully, this line does not break. I catch a big fish, one I've never seen before (the high-level tackles can give you different fish) worth almost 2000 calories. So obviously I cook it up. At that point there's no way I'm chancing a return trip across the lake, since I have enough coal to get through the night. I keep fishing and thankfully this line manages to net me a few more fish before it snaps. By then it's time to sleep anyway. I trek back to Camp Office the next morning with about 1400 calories of fish to get me to my next destination. I stopped there, and have not yet decided my next destination. I might try to hunt the deer near the dam or in Ravine, since my condition is still low and I don't want to continue with the Lost Signal quest until I'm healthier.
So yeah anyway if you read all that, congrats you are also a Long Dark addict like myself. A bit of a harrowing tale, but also I feel like it's not very uncommon for any of us that play. Most of my deaths in this game are user error leading to bad luck, or vice versa. In this instance I made one questionable choice (leaving FA) and that fed into another (passing through BR rather than stopping) which led me to bad choices (how to feed myself back in ML because my bear meat is gone). As I am reminded every time I travel there, it's called "The FAR territory" for a reason. In the end I was lucky enough to survive so... we'll see how I screw it up next.
TLDR: Return from a long excursion almost dead, 30 KG of bear meat decayed and vanished in a rock cache. Horror, chaos, etc.
submitted by Tortastrophe to thelongdark [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:47 Annual-Command-4692 Existential dread

I don't know if this is the place to write. I'm 45f and have suffered from severe thanatophobia since I was 9, on and off. The first really bad phase was at 34, after the birth of my second child. I was diagnosed with ppd and put on antidepressants. After about 4 months I felt normal again. Things went well until at 43 I suddenly redeveloped this debilitating fear with anxiety. Again, I was diagnosed with depression, gad, medicated and after 5-6 months felt ok.
Now, in jan, I woke up one morning and the fear was back, worse than ever. The question in my mind was WHO AM I? WHO ARE WE? WHY ARE WE? It's still debilitating, even after more meds and this time also therapy. What makes me post here is I wonder if depression is a misdiagnosis. All 3 major episodes have been preceeded by dreams about death. The theme being Enjoy life while it lasts because soon it will be over and there will be nothing. Only oblivion. This last time, the nights before the dream I had actually been ill with a temperature but gotten through that, only to have 2 nights of extremely odd tingling in my body. Not vibrating but almost.
Throughout these depressions, I have had extreme dpdr - the world feels fake, all objects like shoes, books, clothes or glasses feel fake, life feels fake, my body feels fake, and extreme awareness of my own and everyone else's existence. Why does the world exist? What is beyond space? Will eternity end? Is life on Earth just random and meaningless? Why am I my consciousness in my body, why not someone else? And the worst of my fears, is there anything beyond death? I have had a strange fear of people (I don't usually have that at all), of never being able to know what they experience, what their lives are. Also a fear of places like shopping centres and other big buildings, particularly underground.
I saw an ambulance the other day and my reaction was why are they doing that, "saving" someone's life? That person will die one day anyway. Why bother? Everything is pointless anyway. Why build houses? Write books? Buy clothes? We're all going to die anyway. Oblivion.
I'm not even sure what I want to achieve by writing this - maybe just know if anyone else has had this and how you've dealt with it?
submitted by Annual-Command-4692 to mysticism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:43 rofl04 5 month after coffee quitting...

I want to motivate you to quit so this is why i write it.
I quit in January, cold turkey and it was hard because I drank about 6 double espresso on an average day. In that state I couldnt recover with sleep anymore, I was tired the whole day, I woke up tired in the morning except when I drank coffee to feel normal. I think many of you can relate to that.
It needed about 3 weeks for feeling normal. The first week I had headache and I doesnt felt happy and every week it got better. After the third week I had the sleeps of my live, I wake up refreshed and was really focused at work. So I stayed abstain from coffein and tea.
What changed in the last 2 month? I can use coffee again as a tool. That means when I really need a stim I drink one when I go to a party or want some extra kick. That doesnt mean I drink it now every weekend its more like 2 coffee in one month. I grown really sensitive to it and also I know when I drink one my sleep wont be that good the next 2 nights. So it has to be worth the price.
Continue quitting, its really worth it, I feel so much better now. Waking up fully refreshed, can focus all day long with no issue and fall asleep in the evening like a baby.
submitted by rofl04 to decaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:43 RandyButternubber He was wiping his spinnerets with my toilet paper and it’s like 11:40 am so I decided to keep him for the night then I’ll let him go in the morning

He was wiping his spinnerets with my toilet paper and it’s like 11:40 am so I decided to keep him for the night then I’ll let him go in the morning
I have no idea what he is but his ass is lucky I have coconut fiber and this… thing from a shrimp mystery box. The lid isn’t sealed so be can breathe, the substrate is moistened, and he’ll be ready to go in the morning. I was thinking of trying to feed him a Grindal worm but I don’t know if he’s an active hunter or if he’ll even eat it, plus I’m letting him out in the morning anyways
submitted by RandyButternubber to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:41 Cursed-Saint 26M Pulling an All Nighter Tonight.

Stayed up too late and have work early in the morning. Looking for someone to talk to while I stay up. It would be awesome if it turns into a longer term friendship with voice calls occasionally but even just talking for a night would be cool. Send me a message and let’s talk about anything you feel like.
submitted by Cursed-Saint to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:40 Full_of_Joy_1942 What happened to his head?

What happened to his head?
Mario's head did not look like this yesterday when we went to bed. Then this morning he looked like this. We are going to the vet later this afternoon, but I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas. He is eating, can fly, and I don't see blood, but he looks like he is in pain. Anything I can do for him now?
submitted by Full_of_Joy_1942 to parrots [link] [comments]