Keep motorboating alive t-shirt

Tips and help

2024.06.09 20:26 Massmassacre Tips and help

I made this video really fast but I thought it could help some of you since I see quite alot of people here seem to be asking for advice Someone posted quite a long time ago saying that most here are posers I some what agree that there is ignorance but instead of being mean I wanna help the noobs and keep this subculture alive This doesnt rlly include history If you disagree with anything said express your disagreement respectfully or you will be met with the same or worse amount of disrespect
submitted by Massmassacre to scene [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:25 TitleSad3018 [14f] i need someone to keep me alive please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ dm me with ur favorite food and ill rate it pls šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹

[14f] i need someone to keep me alive please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ dm me with ur favorite food and ill rate it pls šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹ submitted by TitleSad3018 to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:18 lettyra_ Dodo bird

Dodo bird
Update on my setup, lol yes I did rename, also itā€™s easy to keep them alive when you tame & use a feeder && I can keep resource coming. &&& red marble & lapis definitely produce the most && I sell it to get coins. & you can just turn the coins back into the resource.
But do not use the feeder until after you tame the bird you want .
Also this game has taken over my life. lol
submitted by lettyra_ to blockheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:14 ShooterMcgavin8080 [M4F] Looking for a chubby/shy girl for some erotic plots.

I have a few different plot ideas in mind, and would be happy to discuss any of them in further detail. Feel free to message me to set something up!
A. Your parents go out for a weekend getaway trip Friday night, and it leaves you home alone keeping watch on the house. What you didnā€™t know was that someone had been scoping out your house, waiting for your parents to leave so he could sneak in and loot the place. Only thing is, he didnā€™t expect to find you still there. What would start as a potentially scary situation would soon turn into something more, getting to the point that you donā€™t want him to leave.
B. Your college roommate is a party guy. Always out with his friends, always going to parties across the street on campus all while youā€™re at home being an introvert. One night he comes home drunk from his party and gets a bit flirty/touchy. Being shy/nervous, you donā€™t find yourself saying no to his advances.
C. Youā€™re just a novice adventurer out in the woods in search of a slime to slay. Though upon finding one, itā€™s not as easy as people have made it out to be. You quickly find yourself disarmed and at its mercy. Fortunately for you, it doesnā€™t want to hurt you, but it certainly wants something.
D. Being a chubby girl, you arenā€™t doing the best in a phys ed class youā€™re taking in college. Youā€™d much prefer to stay in your leggings/yoga pants, loose fitted shirts, and comfy shoes, let alone have to be outside running or taking part in sports. Friday afternoon after gym, youā€™re called into the office to discuss your performance and how you can ā€œimproveā€.
These are just a few ideas. Thanks for reading! Excited to hear from you!
submitted by ShooterMcgavin8080 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:11 Optimal_Apple_1716 Louis ... Louis's character and relationship with his brothers

..well, in the first i want to talk about Louisā€™s personality In the first we saw Louis which is emotionless and so loyal for his older brother William We know that Louis was hate himself and he was just want to die but he stilled alive because of William Okay, if we talked about a child didnā€™t saw any worth to his life that means he has a type of shock maybe it is the same shock which made him emotionless (or maybe it is his nature to be emotionless) ..well, as we saw how much Louis was love William and respect him so he felt pain when William changed the plan to die alone.. so that made some change in Louisā€™s personality so he loved himself and accepted Williamā€™s gift (which it was change the world for Louis) but.. he did that just for William but as we saw Louis didnā€™t gave a reaction on Williamā€™s ā€˜deathā€™ (when William fell in the river, and even though Louis was sure William is alive but that doesnā€™t mean he should have no reaction) And in the manga in ch59 when Sherlock told Louis William is alive Louis didnā€™t really care about that and in the first I thought that because he was sure William is alive but when I read the chapter again I noticed that isnā€™t normal and also Jack and Fred noticed that too And when they have backed in ch65 i thought this will be more emotional (i thought Louis will either express his pain because they left him for 3 years or he will be angry because they left him) but that didnā€™t happened and I could realise that Louis didnā€™t lost his hate towards himself.. because Louis loved himself and he worked for all these three years just for William
Also in the last mission when Filmerton (Im not sure this is his name) but when he was searching in Williamā€™s past the picture in the manga was for William and Albert walk together while Louis was walk behind them and in the remains the cover of The Everlasting Children when William was smiling while Albert was dressing him a wreath of roses but Louis was sitting a bit away from them and he was look at them and still make a wreath of roses (I think the painter of the manga did that intentionally)
Okay, i have a bit knowledge in the psychology (it is just some informations i learn them in my spare time) but I know well anyone keep his feelings inside himself will affect in bad way (this affection may appear in a depression, nervous or emotional meltdown or he may try to kill himself or hurt himself)
Okay i really donā€™t know but Louis is so complex for me to know what he will do or what will happen for him some times i think he maybe He destroys himself with work or leave his work and disappear suddenly from everything
I said what i want , maybe I will change my opinion in the future if i could understand him more
At the end im sorry if you saw anything wrong in the words or the way i had written my assay but i still study English
submitted by Optimal_Apple_1716 to MoriartyPatriot [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:02 ENFJ799 New succulents question

I just bought a condo and a friend gave me a plastic 12 inch wide, 5 inch deep pot of succulents. I've never raised ANY plants before (actually, someone gave me a rubber plant and somehow I wasn't successful at keeping it alive), and I would like to know what kind of pot I need to put these on. The rub: I want to put this pot of succulents on my lovely new red oak dining room table (as in, solid wood). I've read online that you want pots with holes for drainage, but how is this supposed to work? I can't have the succulent pot draining all over my new wood table. I will place other plants elsewhere in my condo, but I really want these on my dining room table. Any tips on how to pot them/what to pot them in that'll spare my table would be appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by ENFJ799 to plants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:59 TheBlueVaron Work in Progress!

To everyone wondering, this community is destinated to keep an alive support for SLI configurations for Nvidia GPUs.
Here should be supposed to upload profiles, bug fixes, SLI rigs pictures and videos, etc.
I will be working on profile lists and expand the community to other platforms just in case work gets deleted from "nowhere".
submitted by TheBlueVaron to NVIDIA_SLI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:49 Significant-Heat9737 Boomers brain melts in Kroger

TLDR at the bottom
Yesterday after working a double I decided for dinner to make some Reubenā€™s for my wife and I. I swing by Krogā€™s, get all the fixins, and head to the deli for some pastrami and swiss.
I approach and thereā€™s a stereotypical boomer man there. New balances, boat dealership hat, wrap around shades, cell phone clip, you know the type. In typical oblivious boomer fashion heā€™s standing right up on the counter so thereā€™s a whole section you canā€™t see. But whatever. I grab my number and thatā€™s when he feels the need to talk to me.
Now before I go any further let me set the scene. You got boomer douche doing boomer douche things, me, and a younger woman with her kid and a cart of groceries who walks up maybe 30 secs after me. Behind the counter is a very young lady. Iā€™m talking kid. She couldā€™ve been maybe 18, but looked 12. Probably first job. And itā€™s just her.
Boom in a voice loud enough for the kid behind the counter to hear: total bullshit. Not only does no one want to work but look at how slow sheā€™s going.
Me: spins in a circle to look for who heā€™s talking to. I know itā€™s me but I did it for the effect. Hoping this fuck would get the hint. He did not. I then stare blankly at him for about 5 secs then turn to face the meat.
Boom: begins to talk some more bullshit to me
Me: mid Boom sentence I turn to woman with the kid and say, ā€œThatā€™s a really awesome top. Itā€™s so cool. My wife would love that!ā€ It was a dope TMNT shirt this lady was wearing. Now I could tell that she could see the despair in my eyes. I wanted saved. I needed it. But for reasons known only to her she wasnā€™t havenā€™t it. In a moment of pure millennial non verbal communication she said ā€œsorry bro, Iā€™m exhausted. Leave me be. Youā€™re on your own with him.ā€ Fair enough sister. I got this.
I turn back to the counter to start blankly at the meat. This is when Boom decides to flex
Boom: you know itā€™s rude to turn away and talk to someone else when someone is trying to speak to you.
Me: you know itā€™s douche move to talk shit on someone thatā€™s trying to help you loud enough for them to hear. Probably makes them awful. It also really sucks when you have to speak to someone you really donā€™t want to talk to in the first place.
Boom: what did you say? You got some balls talking like that.
Me: rule one in lifeā€”when you act like an asshole donā€™t be surprised when youā€™re treated like an asshole. Now are we going to keep doing this or are you going to fuck off away from me and leave me alone?
It was at this moment when boomer.exe failed. This jabronis brain damn near melted and leaked out of his ear. Old boy stood there and stared at me for like 5 seconds, rebooted, huffed and walked away. And when I say away, like left. Dude didnā€™t even get his shitty old baloney or whatever fucked up thing he ordered. Probably olive loaf or some garbage like that.
I look to my left and the woman with the kid is smiling and giggling. Kid behind the counter appears and asks about boomer. I told he left. She breathed a sigh of relief and took my order. I felt like I did my good deed for the day.
Tldr: boomer tries to talk to me about some dumb shit, I tell him to fuck off, his brain melts, he fucks off.
submitted by Significant-Heat9737 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:42 darrylthedudeWayne My pitch for MCU Spiderman 4, AKA, The Spectular Spiderman: Back in Black and with Love.

So this was a long time coming. So i was originally going to do this pitch awhile ago, all the way back near the start of the year (or at least when I first moved back to Ottawa) no less, at the time, it was going to be titled "The Spectular Spiderman: Team RED" based off the rumors that Ant-Man and Daredevil were going to be in it. But, then Born Again got overhauled, and I believe the stuff related to Ant-Man either wasn't true or it was, but his part got scrapped when Born Again was reworked (as in early set photos, it showed that Pym Particles at one point was going to be involved), and when they said Sony wanted it to be a Multiverse film like NWH, I lost faith and interest in it, and decided to do an Avengers 5 pitch instead (which I am still working on, and is basically going to be my equivalent to the Snyder Cut at this point, due to how big it is).
But, now that it's been confirmed they found a middle ground between Street Level and Multiverse in terms of its story, and also that my Avengers 5 pitch is going to take alittle bit, and my faith in MCU spidey 4 is back, AND that I've done pitches for post-NWH versions of Raimi Spiderman 4 and TASM 3, which I'll leave links to here:
Raimi Spidey 4:
I think it only makes sense that I come back around, and try doing a pitch for MCU Spiderman 4 again, so without further ado, and no delay. Here is my pitch for MCU Spiderman 4, AKA, "The Spectular Spiderman: Back in Black and with Love".
Before the Marvel intro, we open to the night, that changed, everything. As Peter is seen trying to redeem a gift card he got in the newspaper to get Aunt May a necklace for her birthday, the jewler won't accept it, Peter tries to argue, but he just replies "I miss the part where that's my problem, now Beat It!" Peter leaves, just then, another man enters, with a gun.
You can guess what happens next, the burglar takes the jewlery and money, and on the way out, Peter let's him escape, the burgler says thanks and throws him the necklace he was going to get Aunt May. The mall security gaurd and jewler asks why he didn't do anything, Peter replies "I miss the part where that's my problem".
We get Uncle Ben's death, but I'd have it be closer to the alternate version of Ben's death in the first TASM movie, where Ben (played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan) only sees the burgler in the shadows, believing it to be Peter, he follows him in an alley way, only for shoots to be heard in the distance. Peter finds Uncle Ben's body, and we get this emotionally powerful showcase of Hollands acting, as he mourns over Uncle Ben.
We then cut to Ben's funeral, where see he is buried....right next to where Aunt May will be buried years later, we then cut to sometime after that, Peter on a Rooftop, listening to a phone message Ben sent him before he died, just then, he hears some commotion and goes to investigate, seeing the same man who shoot Uncle Ben in an alley way, behind the man, the shadow of Wilson Fisk slowly coming closer. The man pleads for Spidermans help, Peter simply says "You want my help, then you shouldn't have killed my Uncle". Peter then swings away, we then see Fisk beat the man to death, telling him that he warned Walter this would happen if he didn't pay up. From behind we see a little girl approach the scene, Fisk tries to comfort her, but she runs away in a panic.
Peter is now in his room, unsure if he did the right thing. We then cut to sometime after that, were we see Peter picking out a laptop from the garbage and returning to May's apartment to find...Aunt May talking to Tony Stark.
After the Marvel intro we then cut to more recent times. Where in a montage we get an idea of where Peter's life is, since the events of NWH. We see thay Peter's life as Spiderman is thriving. As he's earned the public and the law enforcements trust back, to the point where he's no longer a wanted criminal, and Damage Control has taken him off there black list, and we see him being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman, even bringing in some C and D-listers I don't see them using as villains anytime soon. These include Big Wheel, Stilt Man, Vermin, Swarm, Grizzly, Rhino (played by Paul Giamatti, though this is an MCU Variant, not the TASM version), Screwball (who is comedically revealed to be Liz Allen), the Real Moltan Man, Pot Paste Pete, and Hypno Hustler.
Though Jameson still slanders him whenever he can. However, we see that Peter's life as Peter Parker, is not going so well. He's way behind on his rent, to the point where his landlord is threatening to evict him, his apartment is very messy with pizza boxes and Chinese food boxes stacked in the corner, he can't keep a steady job, he's always late to his classes if not outright misses them and is failing collage, and he's become extremely anti-social. He doesn't interact with any or his fellow collage students and any if the neighbors in his apartment. It's only as if he's strictly Spiderman now. The only place where he acts like the Peter we know and love is at FEAST, as he comes by and helps and volunteers whenever he can. We also learn that FEAST is now being run by one Martin Li (played by Steven Oyoung).
However, things change when Fisk is elected Mayor of New York (which can be the cliffhanger of Born Again Part One, by the way), and makes Vigilantes illegal, creating a Anti-vigilante Taskforce, funded by Alchemax. Consisting off Vulture (ignore Morbius), Shocker (with a more comic accurate attire), Prowler (Aaron Davis, as last seen in ATSV), Scorpion, Hydro-Man (the real one, who was alluding too as existing in FFH), and Mysterio (somehow, still alive). Things get even weirder, when a new elusive Vigilante known as the Black Cat (played by Anya Taylor-Joy or Sydney Sweeney) comes into the fray, as well as a new student in Peter's collage names Felicia Hardy.
Basically the film would be Peter going up against Fisk and his Anti-vigilante Taskforce. Along the way, Black Cat tries to push Peter into abandoning his civilian persona and embrace being Spiderman. Ironically, neither of them know the others secret identities, and the two becomes close friends at collage, which leads to Peter to opening himself up to some of the others at the collage. Which leads to him making new friends in the form of Robbie Robertson, Carly Cooper, Flash Thompson, and Gwen Stacy (played by Thomasin Mckenzie). The latter of which, like Felicia, also forms an attraction towards Peter. Simultaneously, Spidey meets Daredevil who he finds out is Matt Murdock, and simultaneously, thanks to his Radar Sense, Matt finds out that Peter is Spiderman, and remembers even who he is.
Throughout the movie, Black Cat is the Devil on Peter's shoulder, and (like I said) is trying to push him away from bring Peter Parker and embrace Spiderman, for solely selfish reasons, while Matt is ironically the angel on Peter's other shoulder, trying to push him to keep his civilian persona and try harder to find that balance. Peter's good nature also ironically rubs off on Felicia, and while she starts the movie with bad intentions, she does grow to become a more heroic and selfless person throughout the movie, and becomes a better person by the end, respecting Peter for who he is and his decisions, and realizing why it's important for him to have a civilian identity.
Also, there is a subplot of Gwen trying to get closer to Peter, but Peter rejects her advances, not only because of his attraction to Felicia, but also because he remember what Peter 3 said about her fate, and wants to avoid that as much as possible. Also, yes, we find out the man who killed Uncle Ben was Felicias father, and yes Felicia finds out Peter basically let him die, which creates friction. Ultimately however, with help from Matt and Felicia, Peter defeats the Sinister Six, including Mysterio, who we find out isn't his Quentin Beck, but a Variant from a universe where Mysterio successfully defeated Peter Parker, who somehow ended up in 616, and the three fight Fisk, which ends in a stalemate, with Fisk agreeing to take end the Anti-Vigilante taskforce, and make a sort of middle ground. Though it's also made clear, the conflict is far from over (with this leading directly into Born Again Part Two, which I think will be the culmination of the Street level subplot now instead, by the way).
The film ends with a montage, of Peter improving his life as Peter Parker. Finally paying his rent, and sees he has new neighbors, this is where we meet officer Jefferson Davis (played by Terry Crews) and Miles Morales, Spiderman meeting with the new Captain of the NYPD, Captain Stacy (played by Aaron Eckhart or Josh Dallas), about helping out more and having better ties with the police, which he agree as assigns Yuri (played by Ming Da Wen) as Peter's partner, and Peter starts to get better acquainted with his new group of friends, yes, even Flash. He also takes Robbies advice and gets an internship at the Daily Bugle, where he reunites with Betty, sending videos of Spiderman to Jameson.
The last shot of the movie however, i have two ideasn first is Spiderman and Black Cat meeting on a Rooftop of Peter's apartment, and the two reconciling, and while they decide to call off there relationship (for now) the two decide to remain friends and allies, even revealing each other's identities to one another. Peter then returns to his apartment, he then hears a knock on the door, he answers to see it's Gwen with flowers. He asks Peter if he wants to go onna date, which Peter accepts and the two walk off hand in hand.
My second idea is the same, accept, Peter and Felicia remain in a relationship, and the two share a kiss, and still revealing there identities to one another, Peter is then left there on the Rooftop, thinking about everything that has happened recently, and smiles as we cut to black.
The film would obviously focus on the aftermath of NWH, and Peter struggling with balancing both his personas, it would also explore the idea of learning to let others in and not pushing them away. Yes Peter, shouldn't just let everyone knows he Spiderman, but that doesn't mean he has to isolate himself or decline help when he clearly needs it. It would also show how Peter's good nature can actually help seemingly selfish people change for the better, Felicia being a prime example of this. Anyways, I didn't have the Symbiote play that big of a role, because I didn't have room for it, but to make up for it, it will be the first, of six post credits scenes. Yep im pulling a Gaurdians 2.
submitted by darrylthedudeWayne to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:41 Embarrassed_View_887 Dead plant coming back to life?

Dead plant coming back to life?
Said \"Dead\" plant.
I am horrible at keeping plants alive, and it's a 100% my fault. I got this plants years ago, and being horrible at remembering to water them, it died and i forgot about it for 2 years. Until i decided to finally clean up all the junk in my room and i found it, dead, i put the pot outside to later empty and reuse it for whatever, and yet again forgot about it. But now a few days later i noticed it's coming back to life? I noticed some green sprouts on the otherwise dead-looking plant. Is it salvageable? and how would i save it. Should i remove the dead plant matter? Should i just let it do it's thing? i don't know. I have since gotten a lot better at the basic necessities of keeping plants alive, and i would love to salvage it.
submitted by Embarrassed_View_887 to plants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:40 UpstairsHappy3035 How do I get better at medic

I have about 158 hours playing medic, and I main said class id say I'm Ok at medic. I know how to aim with the Crossbow, I know what Medi Gun is most useful in a match, I know to keep my distance from when healing, I know when and when not to use my Uber, I can somewhat use the Vaccinator, I can stay alive for a reasonable amount of time and I take the time to watch vids on how I can be more effective as a medic. but somehow I just don't feel like I'm that good anymore. no matter how many Theory-Y videos and tips from others in game, or big Uber pushes I do. I still feel like I'm the worst out of everyone on my team, Idk how to shake this feeling of just being the worst out of everyone when I'm to late to heal a team mate or die myself to an unexpecting scout, pyro or spy it just feels like I could of done something but no matter how much I try I cant.
submitted by UpstairsHappy3035 to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:36 Own-Apartment2245 The second year without them feels harder

I just want to start off by saying, my heart truly goes out to everyone on this sub. Thank you for reading any part of what I have written as I just felt I wanted to get this out in a place that maybe others can understand.
I lost my mom to inflammatory breast cancer in October of 2022. She had a 7 year long battle with the condition and I tried my very best to constantly be there for most things, while also living miles away. While my family knew that she was coming to the end of her journey, she unfortunately passed suddenly while I was two days short of being home with her. I truly can never forget the phone call my dad made to me in sheer panic when my mom stopped breathing while at home in bed, and me having to navigate him through what to do. Shortly after, had to attend to my brother and hold him together. 24 hours later, Iā€™m back home, taking care of everything as the rest of my family couldnā€™t function. Literally dressed my mom for the funeral, wrote the eulogy, took half a year off work to be there for my dad day in and day out, since he was traumatized seeing my mumā€™s condition worsen. He often couldnā€™t stop recalling my mum falling or us having to hold her up while she tried to sit, or how she wanted to go for more chemos but we knew it was past that point. I guess I just never slowed down to really check in with myself to ask how has this impacted me?
Fast forward to my life back away from home, I definitely at times feel unable to talk about the death of my mum given the lack of understanding. I donā€™t blame others, since they didnā€™t have that lived experience. However, I do feel so much older for my age, I do wish I could just maybe be vulnerable enough to show how itā€™s really gotten to me. Itā€™s hard realizing that Iā€™ll never have that relationship again in my life, if Iā€™m ever to have children I wonā€™t have that maternal figure to help me navigate that. I also can never repair aspects of that relationship that may have needed work.
Grief has changed me as person. Iā€™m very closed off I find at times in showing what is hurting. I just always chose to present as bubbly and upbeat really. Itā€™s just hard to feel that there is no more fight sometimes, when I kept so much hope alive for my mum.
Iā€™m so sorry if this a ramble, just was really thinking of her today and feeling heavy that itā€™s been a while since she left us and I still donā€™t think I have ever spoken honestly to anyone about how it has made me feel. All I can hope is that she proud of who Iā€™m becoming, that I keep contributing to supporting others with their journeys with cancer, and that I just keep growing and improving myself.
submitted by Own-Apartment2245 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:34 RenivaMa My experience with Beelzebub

Beelzebub came to me. She calls herself a her. I see her as a mosquito demon. Lord of the flies. I saw her in the mirror. And instead of my face it was hers. She tells me that I am her, and in order to go back to my throne in hell I must do these ā€œtasksā€. She gets angry at me when I donā€™t listen. I donā€™t hear her voice but I do see her. Ill attach a picture of her that I drew. She keeps me from eating by holding my stomach and squeezing it. And wonā€™t let me drink water because the angels try to feed me holy water.
She says leviathan will come save us. Itā€™s almost like sheā€™s a conciseness in my head. Sheā€™ll psychically tug on my shirt when sheā€™s mad and hold my hand if sheā€™s happy.
I like her presence. She gets mad if I deny her.
submitted by RenivaMa to demons [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 psysny Yet another ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with my lemon treeā€ post

Yet another ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with my lemon treeā€ post
We went on vacation for two weeks and returned to this lemon tree having dropped most of its leaves. The remaining leaves have these discolorations. I watered it last night when we got home as it was very dry. No idea what variety, it was grown from seed from my grandfatherā€™s tree so it has some sentimental value and Iā€™d like to keep it alive. Any ideas would be appreciated!
submitted by psysny to Citrus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:31 Positive_Dot_2231 Wife is lying and deceiving while having drinks with a coworker

Hello, this is a throwaway just in case.
My wife (35) of 4 years (dating for another 6) has been at her job for over a decade. It requires her to meet with her contractor to go over plans for his work for them. They have always used the same contractor (55ish) and thus they have known each other a long time. In the past he has made advances on her. He has said a lot of perverted stuff. Some examples are about his wife being away and him fooling around with other women. How he and his wife like to swing. It goes on... she says he doesn't do this any more but I've seen texts that say her ass looks good in the jeans she is wearing, as recent as a month ago. When she meets him it is usually for lunch or late afternoon and they go to a restaurant to work and she ends up getting hammered and coming home and usually harassing me. For context: I do all the chores at home (dog walks, cleaning, laundry, dinners). We have no kids. She has come home and its all done and I'm watching a movie but the recycling is by the door or the mail was not picked up.. she calls me lazy and says because I work from home it should also have been done. I don't have a real job etcetc I just jerk off all day. Also that I should feel for her because she had to work so late with this guy and she didn't want to. When she is out I will be waiting at home to have her dinner ready and when i ask about her timing she will tell me I'm harassing her. This has happened a few times. I've told her I don't like this, I think the relationship is inappropriate. I told her that if my relationship with someone I worked with required me to interact with them and they had no respect for my marriage I wouldn't do it any more. Or that if the roles were reversed would you want me to continue? How would you feel? She said she understood and agreed at the time.
Moving on, a few weeks later from that argument and now 2 week ago. Her car was in the shop and she had a loaner. I saw a text from the contractor saying that they had arranged for lunch and if they were still going to be on time. She had planned to meet for 11. They did end up meeting there and from what I could tell from the phone she left there just after 3. During this time she did not respond to any of my calls. Then she called me when she left work at about five. She was being very emotional on the call and said that she has to go to pick up her car in the afternoon. She was saying that she had a really busy day she managed to sneak out to clean the car to return it. She was making it sound like she is stressed because she is so busy, but she was in fact out all day with him.
I was so disappointed to hear that she had done it again. I asked her about it and at first she denied it. She said she was at the office. I moved on but was visibly grumpy and quiet the rest of the evening. When we finished watching TV. We went to get ready for bed. She has all of her clothes over the living room that she was sorting to keep or donate. They have been there for a month. I began to move some and she said to just go to bed and I said nothing. So she said it's like living with a mute. We're argued about what it is to be rude and I ended up going to the couch to sleep. I wrote her a long text about how I knew she was lying, the deception and disappointment. We had also made an agreement to not drink for a while when we were trying for a baby. I mentioned she broke that without a conversation which also was a disappointment. I asked her to keep it professional with the contractor. The next day she said she would.
Happy as a clam, we arrive at this Friday. Running under the assumption that life is normal, I got some nice steaks for dinner. I try calling her but no return call all day. No big deal. She calls me on her way back from work. She sounds slurry and emotional. I'm immediately suspicious. She gets home and is crying because she has fallen down, scraped her knee and cracked her toenail in half. She's got food stains all over her shirt from the lunch I packed and she smells like booze. I clean her up and bandage her. I tell her she smells like drinking. She says I'm accusing her of meeting up with the contractor and that she didn't. She is mad at me for saying suing such things. I should feel bad for her because of what a stressful day she had. Later I look at her phone and sure enough, lunch plans with the contractor that day. She didn't even go to the office.
That's where we are at. She denies it all and I'm left feeling like a turd with no trust. I've brought up marriage counseling before and she says that's not going to happen. Yes I do still love her and Id hate to see it all go away. But, can I keep this up.
What are your thoughts? Thanks for listening!
Tl;dr My wife often meets with a contractor who has made inappropriate advances. Despite promising to keep it professional, she gets drunk at these meetings and berates me at home. She lies about these meetings, refuses marriage counseling, and our trust is broken. I love her but don't know if I can continue like this.
submitted by Positive_Dot_2231 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:30 CrytosisWasTaken Staying alive as a DPS

So Iā€™ve recently gotten into overwatch and have really been enjoying it so far and have been trying to find ways to improve my play style. Iā€™ve noticed a trend in my games where I will typically be in the same range in terms of damage and elims but I will almost always have a higher death count and the games where I really pop off are the ones where Iā€™m able to keep myself alive for longer. Are there any general tips that anyone might have for staying alive as a dps? I usually play either Soujorn or Hanzo.
I have a feeling it might be related to positioning. Iā€™ve been trying to work off angles more but find that I die instantly whenever I do so I tend to sit behind my tank to try and maximize my time doing damage.
submitted by CrytosisWasTaken to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 volgensmij520 My experience so far getting Botox in my armpits

TLDR: loving the Botox right now. 40ish year old female.
I got Botox in my armpits about 2 weeks ago for hyperhidrosis. First time treatment. So far, this is my experience. I'll break it down by my treatment experience first. Then I'll break it down on how the outcomes affect my life.
Treatment Experience
Outcome Experience First take:
It is almost hard to have known how badly my sweating affected me until after the procedure. Some of my own reflections:
Overall, 10 out of 10 will get the procedure done again when the effects have worn off.
submitted by volgensmij520 to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:24 Street_Equal_4945 In your opinion what is the best antiperspirant or deodorant to use?

Hey everyone,
I'm looking for a good antiperspirant or deodorant I can get in the UK. I exercise a lot and most deodorants don't work for me. They either leave gunk that builds up in my shirts or they don't keep me fresh. Sometimes I have to wear long sleeves while running, and it makes things worse.
I'd prefer an antiperspirant, but I'm open to using deodorants if they keep the smell away. I've had issues with antiperspirants causing bumps that look like cysts in my armpits. It's been tough finding one that doesn't do this.
I'm also prone to allergies, so I need something unscented or hypoallergenic. Eco-friendly or natural products would be great, but I'm open to anything that works.
Here are some issues I've had with past antiperspirants: - Bumps in my underarms - Gunk buildup in clothes - White marks on clothes - Not blocking sweat - Not lasting through workouts - Heavy scents - White residue in underarms
Also, any tips on getting antiperspirant gunk out of t-shirts?
Thank you!
submitted by Street_Equal_4945 to beauty [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Direct-Beginning-438 So... are we all going to die because of AGI?

This is not a joke post, but it's pretty obvious people in power don't like us. They easily can provide everyone with social housing, more vacation time, less financial stress, etc. They don't do it, because it hurts their profits.
Now, it's pretty clear that AGI will come around in the next 10 years - then what?
I don't think they plan on giving EVERYONE the AGI-supported utopia. They only tolerate us because we sell quite a valuable commodity to them - labor power. If the price of our labor is 0 and we not only require a lot of resources, but also can potentially destabilize things by the means of mass action, I don't think its in their best interests to keep us all around.
I'm just being real here. If I would be THEM, it makes the most sense to me to "cull" the total population once I have the AGI running in some bunker. Just like the horses were slaughtered once cars came around, people too will become nothing but resource consumers.
Think about it this way:
If they plan on building utopia for everyone -> why don't they do ANYTHING positive NOW?
If they don't do anything to help us NOW -> why would they do it ONCE THEY DON'T NEED US?
If they don't need us -> why would they keep us?
If they don't plan on keeping us alive -> why would they risk people coming together and seizing AGI?
If they don't plan on sharing AGI -> why wouldn't they do a pre-emptive strike and solve the problem in the cradle
P.S. Just think about, how much water, food, minerals, oil, uranium would be used for the 8 billion humans on this planet even under AGI. People in power would prefer to keep all of that stuff for themselves since with AGI they can probably live an extra 100-200 years.
submitted by Direct-Beginning-438 to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 enesha natpmpc alternative

Hi again all. I just posted a different question (sorry for machine-gunning you) but i thought i'd separate this to keep things clean.
I'm just coming over from the deb verse. I have a few computers still running deb or (shudder) ubuntu. All my machines need port forwards. On the other machines I have a script that runs using natpmpc to request and keep alive a port forward.
From what I can see, that util isn't something in a package i can find (even pacman lol) I've tried to search for options, but it seems a little murky (maybe I need to read more). Any thoughts on a replacement? I see there is a server in the package list but i'm blind to a client..
thx :)
submitted by enesha to openSUSE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 rakkycze Last page of the captain's log. Forgive me.

Last page of the captain's log. Forgive me.
Hello there strangers and explorers I have a story to tell...
( CHAT GPT version of my story in proper english because english is not my native language so I type like a dumdum xD )
Yesterday, I booted up No Man's Sky and saw that there was a community event ending in six weeks. So, I began my journey.
I spawned on a moon, though I can't remember much of what happened or where exactly I was. But I knew one thing for sure: I had a task to do. Someone or something had left me a note with quests on how to set sail into space. I was very confused, and my head hurt badly. I said to myself, "I don't have time to try to remember what happened. I need to survive." I withdrew my binoculars and looked around. I was on a dead moon... or planet? I couldn't tell. It definitely lacked an atmosphere. My radar showed the temperature was 10 degrees Celsius. At least something positive. For now, I didnā€™t need to deal with cold, radiation, heat, or a toxic environment. While scouting, I scanned local minerals, curious if they had anything useful. Every single mineral contained only ferrite dust. I scooped up a few rocks with my multi-tool and then noticed a shipwreck 1000 units away. "This must be my ship," I said to myself.
I put away my binoculars and ran towards the ship. When I climbed a nearby mountain, I spotted a structureā€”a house? A warehouse? It was definitely built by humans. So, I decided to take a quick look. It was only 200 units away, so why not? When I entered, it was clearly a warehouse. Small storage units, a portal, oxygen harvesters, and planters with carbon were inside. I'm not proud of what I did, but I can assure you, that carbon could be a life-changer, especially since I had no resources. I stole every single piece of carbon I found, got outside, and took a bike that was parked in front.
When I arrived at my ship, I was rightā€”it was a wreck. I quickly examined the ship and assessed the damage. The launch thrusters were shot, the pulse engine was fried, and a few other components blocked my ship from functioning fully. I checked my deployable technology and realized I needed hydrogen and pure ferrite dust to repair it. Then came the first shock: I didn't know how to craft a refinery. Did I forget it? Did I lose the blueprint? I must have. So, without hesitation, I drove the bike back to the warehouse.
At the warehouse, I stole carbon again (something Iā€™m not proud of) and looked for a refinery. There was none. So, I had a bright idea: there was a teleporter. What if I just teleported to another base and tried to find a refinery? So, I stepped into it. At first, I was surprised. It took me to a planet with extreme storms and hurricanes. That didn't matter to me since I stayed indoors at this new base I had trespassed upon. Oh boy, how wrong I was. After searching for about two solid minutes, I conceded and entered the teleporter again. This is where my tragic end begins.
I appeared on the same extreme weather planet. Radiation was at 9.3. Since I didn't have any sodium, I quickly ran into a small 1x1 shelter built by some Chinese player. When I peeked out, I noticed the teleporter didnā€™t have power. I panicked, jumped outside, and tried to fix the power by adding carbon to the engine. Well, it didnā€™t help. There was no connection between the battery and the teleporter. I went back to the 1x1, totally defeated. I wondered what I should do now. Is this my new life file? Living in someoneā€™s shelter for the rest of my life? Should I dedicate my life to exploring this strange place?
No. I refused to be defeated. I pulled out my binoculars again and looked around. I saw only local edible flora, organic minerals, storm crystals that werenā€™t accessible at the moment since there wasnā€™t a storm, and settlements owned by other players. While thinking about a plan to escape this hell, I opened my tasks. I realized that for certain tasks, you can get care packages to continue progressing. One of these tasks asked me to install an advanced mining tool. If I was able to do that, I would be able to get a refinery in the care package. I quickly installed that on my multi-tool. But guess what? I needed copper to fully install it. That was an issue for this planet. There was no copper, only magnetized ferrite, uranium, and activated copper. When I checked what the first planet had to offer, of course, it had copper. I was mad, but I already had a plan to leave this place at once.
While scouting around, I noticed a few settlements on the planet. That would come in handy since all settlements have teleporters to get back to the planet where I regained consciousness. The only issue was I didn't have sodium or oxygen, which I critically needed to survive. While trying to install the advanced mining tool, I realized I had a scanner and a terrain-modifying tool. That would come in handy as well.
I scanned the area around the 1x1 shelter for any sodium and oxygen flowers. Bingo! More than a fewā€”hundreds. I spent a few minutes running around, gathering sodium and oxygen. When my radiation protection got low, I ran back to the shelter to avoid wasting any sodium. When I was ready, I began my journey on foot. The nearest settlement was 4-5 hours away. I was determined to survive. I ran and picked up every flower and supply I needed along the way. It didnā€™t take long before I found myself in a planetary storm. And not just oneā€”there were hurricanes and extreme radiation at the same time! I was lucky to be right in front of a shelter left by a Korvax scientist. While waiting for the storm to pass, I learned a Korvax word and got some nanites, including two encrypted data units. When the storm passed, I resumed exploring.
Next time, I promised myself I would try to brave the storm. So I did. After just two storms, I realized bad weather approached approximately every 15 to 20 minutes. So I needed to travel quickly. After 30 minutes of traveling, I had over 1000 sodium. I was confident that storms wouldnā€™t be an issue anymore. But when the storm approached, I was caught by the first tornado that formed right next to me. It sent me flying hundreds of meters. I didnā€™t panic. I saved my jetpack fuel and, when it tossed me all the way up, I slowly descended back to the ground. I dug a hole and waited a few minutes for the storm to pass. It was dangerous as hell to travel during a storm.
After a few hours of battling storms, I scavenged for eggs, sold goodies like storm crystals and artifacts to trade terminals, and eventually, I died. Thatā€™s right. I was pulled out of a cave in the middle of nowhere by a tornado. I panicked and used up my fuel. When I woke up, I was next to the trading terminal. It would take me 51 minutes to recover my corpse. Well, what choice did I have? None. I had to go for it. After a solid hour and ten minutes, I reached my corpse, collecting storm crystals, ancient data structures, and radon from bio plants along the way. Just a few meters further, I realized it was the ocean part of my travel now.
What did this mean for me? There was slightly higher radiation in the water, but that was fine. I already had over 2000 sodium. But what about oxygen? I had around 400. Mathematically, I wouldnā€™t be able to cross the ocean if it took more than 30 minutes to swim. I risked it. I ran out of life support really fast. I swam and swam. When I had only 60 oxygen left, I spotted land! I was saved! Finally, I would be able to get some oxygen. As a trophy, I took a shiny Hadal Core from an underwater structure. Then something snapped at me. My health was down to 40%. It was an angler fish! I fell for the oldest trick in the bookā€”a shiny piece of light underwater. I got so scared I even forgot I had a gun with around 1200 bullets. I just swam to the piece of land in front of me. I waited for the fish to swim away. I didnā€™t want to harm any local fauna. I just wanted to leave this hellish place.
After exiting the ocean, I was just an hour away from the settlement. My inventory was full. I couldnā€™t waste a single minute, but I couldnā€™t find any oxygen. So I just ran and hid from storms, especially since my last save was over an hour and thirty minutes ago.
When I finally reached the place where the settlement was supposed to be, I wasnā€™t saved. I had traveled for six and a half hours for nothing. The settlement wasnā€™t there. It seemed like the settlers had never been there.
I'm broken. Even though my sodium can keep me alive for a few more days, I donā€™t think I can make it anywhere. Most of the "promised" settlements are eight hours away.
Thank you, monsalve4547, for being a beacon of hope. Avera.Novaa out. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
My version of the story that i typed and put it to chat:
Yesterday I boot up No Man's Sky. I saw that there is a community event or something like that... that ends in 6 weeks. So... I began my journey.
I spawned on the moon, cant really remember what happened... cant really tell where exactly am I... But i know certain thing. I have a task to do. Someone, or something letf me a note with quests, how to set a sail to the space. I was very confused my head hurts really bad. I said to myself: "I dont have a time, trying to to remember what happened. I need to survive." I withdraw my binoculars and take a look around. I was on the dead moon... or planet? I cant tell. it was deff without atmosfere. Radar was measuring temperature 10 celsium. At least something positive. For now I dont need to deal with cold, radiation, heat or toxic envirement. While i was scouting around, i scanned local minerals. I was curious if they have something that i could use in the future. Every single mineral had only ferrite dust. I scoop up few rocks with my multi-tool, then I noticed.... a ship wrack 1000u away from me. "This must be my ship" said to myself.
I put away my binoculars and run towards the ship. When I climb local mountain I spoted a house? warehouse? structure? It was build by a human, I could deff tell. So I decided to quickly take a look. It was like 200u from me, so why not. When I entere this house, it was deff a warehouse. Small storage units, portal, oxygen harvesters and planters with carbon. Im not prout about what have I done. But I can assure you, that carbon could be life changer. Especially when I dont have single resource. I stole every single piece of carbon i find and got outside of the building and took a bike that was right in front of it.
When I arrived at the location of my ship... I was right... It was just a wreck. I quickly examine the ship and exact damage done on it. Launch thrusters were cooked... Pulse engine was cooked... and couple more things that blocked my ship from fully functionaling. I take a look in my deployable technology. I quickly realised I need hydrogen and Pure ferrite dust to repair it. Then the first shock came... I dont know how to craft a rafiner. Did I forget it? Did I lost the blueprint? I must have... So without hesitation I took that bike and drive it back to that warehouse I saw earlier.
In the warehouse, I stole carbon again ( something im not proud of ). And looked for the refinery. Yea... there was none. So... I had bright idea... There was a teleporter. What If I just teleport to another base and try to find rafinery. So I... stepped into it... At first I was suprised... It took me to the planet with extreme storms and huricanes. That kinda doesnt matter to me since stayed indoors of this new base that I just tresspased. Oh boy how wrong I was. After looking for like 2 solid minutes. I conseded and again entered teleporter. And this is, where my tragic end begins.
I appear on the same extreme weather planet. Radiation was 9.3. And since I didnt have single piece of sodium. I quickly run in the 1x1 that was build here, by some chinese guy. When I peaked out... I noticed that teleporter didnt have power. I panicked, jumped outside and tried to fix power by adding carbon to the engine. Well... it didnt help. There was no connection between batery and teleporter. I got back to the 1x1 ... totally defeated. I was wondering what should i do now... If this my new file? Living i someones shelter for the rest of my life? Should I deducate my life to the explore of this strange place?
No... I refused defeat... I pulled out binoculars again and took a look around. I saw only local eatable flora, organic minerals, storm crystals that were not available at this moment since there wasnt a storm... and settlements owned by other people. While thinking about the plan how to escape this hell I opened my tasks. I realised for certain tasks, you can get carepackage to continue progressing. One of these tasks asked me to instal advanced mining tool. If I was able to do that, I would be able to get rafinery in the carepackage. I quickly instaled that to my multi-tool. But guess what... I needed copper to be able to fully instal it. Yea that was an issue for this planet. There was no such thing as copper. Only magnetised ferrite, uranium and activated copper. When I checked what that first planet has to offer. Ofc it was copper. I was mad. But already I had a plan how toleave this place at once.
So while I was scouting around, I noticed couple of settlements that were of the planet. That would come handy since all settlements have teleports to get back on the planet where I gather my consciousness. Only issue was I didnt had, was sodium and oxygen, that I critically needed to survive. While I was trying to instal advanced mining tool, I realised I had scanner ... and terrain modifying tool. That would come handy aswell. I scanned the place around 1x1, if there are any sodium and oxygen flowers. BINGO! More than couple, it was hundreds and hundrends.
I spend couple of minutes runnig around the area, gathering little bit of sodium, oxygen and when my radiation protection got low I run back to shelter to not waste a single sodium. And when I was ready. I began my tour on feet. Nearest settlement was 4-5 hours from my location. I was determent to survive. I ran and on the way I picked up every flower and suppliest i would need on my way to the settlement. It didnt take long and I found myself in the planetery storm... and not just single one. Hurricane and extreme radiation happened at once! I was lucky because I was right infront of the shelter that were left here by korvax scientist. While I was waiting for the storm to pass. I learned Korvax word and get some nanites that were left behind, inculing 2 encripted data. When storm passed, I get back to wondering the world.
Next time I promised to myself, I will try to go through the storm. So I did. After just 2 storms I realised... bad weather aproaching aprx. between 15 to 20 minutes. So I needed to travel quickly. After 30 minutes of traveling i had over 1000 sodium. I was confident that storm wouldnt be an issue when I travel. But when storm approached... I was caught by the first tornado that formed right next to me. It set me flying hundreds meters. I didnt panic. I just saved my jetpack fuel. And when it tosse me all the way up. I slowly descent back to the ground. I dug a hole and waited couple of minutes so the storm can pass me again. Save to say it was dangerous as fuck to travel during a storm.
After couple of the hours I went throught the storms, I battled swarm, steal their eggs and sell goodies like storm crystals and artifact to trade terminal that I found in the wild. I died. Thats right, I got pulled out of the cave in the middle of nowhere by tornado. I sorta panicked and used my fuel. When i wake up. I was next to the trading terminal. It would take me 51 minutes to recover my corpse. Well... what should I do? Do I have a choice? No... I had to go for it. After solid hour and 10 minutes I get to the corpse, mainly cause I was collecting storm crystals, ancient data structures and radon from bio plants. And just after few meters I realised. Now its the ocean part of my travel.
What does it mean for me? Well, there was slightly bigger radiation in the water. But its fine by me. I already gathered over 2000 sodium. But what about oxygen? Well. I had around 400. Mathematically, I wouldnt be able to cross that ocean if it was bigger than 30 minutes swimm. Well I risked it. I was running out of life support really fast. I swim and swim. When I had only like 60 oxygen left. I spotted a land! I was saved! Finally i will be able to get some oxygen. As a trophy I took one shiny hadal core from underwater structure. Then something snaps me. My health was on 40%. It was an angler fish! I lost to oldest trick in the book... a shiny peace of light under the water. I got so scared i even forgot that I have a gun with around 1200 bullets. I just swim to the piece of land that was right infront of me.I waited for that fish to swim away. I didnt want to harm any local fauna. I just wanted to go out of this hellish place.
After I just exited the ocean, I was just hour away from the settlement. My inventory was full. And I couldnt waste a single minute, I couldnt find any oxygen. So I just ran and hide and ran and hide from storms. Especially when my last safe was like 1 hour and 30 minutes away.
Then I entered the place. where was the settlement, was I finally saved? No... Not really. I traveled for 6 hours and 30 minutes. For nothing. Settlement wasnt here. Place even seems like, the settlers wasnt even here.
I'm broken. Even my sodium can hold me alive for another couple of days. I dont think I can make it anywhere. Since most of the "promised" settlements are 8 hours ago.
Thank you monsalve4547 for being a beacon of hope.
Avera.Novaa out. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Planet Rilotte
Fauna discovered:
L. Toddririmae - Rare / Underwater / Always Active / Found in South W. Musilesarii - Common / Underwater / Always Active N. Corpsaborigima - Common / Underwater / Always Active C. Elderagkisima - Uncommon / Underground / Always Active R. Stonsaiae - Rare / Ground / Always Active T. Ratsweeum - Rare / Flying / Diurnal S. Coloiagia - Uncommon / Flying / Diurnal E. Telenibasium - Rare / Ground / Always Active Z. Ethopiorium - Rare / Ground / Always Active Q. Waterudusium - Rare / Ground / Always Active
Flora discovered:
O. Honeyyaproe - Oxygen Plant T. Lichxakipum - Underwater O. Beltweareum - Underwater P. Feronplumosa - Hazard E. Dewnaulae - Boost Plant Q. Sawciboe - Underwater W. Yortliretosa - Underwater Z. Frogoskhium - Underwater M. Peasuburium - Underwater Oxygen L. Salutchrae - Underwater V. Frogpeytera - Underground O. Honeyyaproe - Underground Q. Dreaddesencis - Ground
Minerals discovered:
Dashiite Inebacite Pibachite Ekanoite Loystice Tamunite Matokentine Cakmanite Navinite Redstewiite Evadaite Ukspoite Igmannite Autovite Tamunite Eftetime Oonesite Tirandite
submitted by rakkycze to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 No_Berry1546 Bickering over cold war being too easy

I've seen a lot of bickering on the sub lately over cold war being too easy and should be more like BO3
I bought BO3 and zombies chronicles a few months back because I wanted to play some old maps for nostalgia, basically just wanted to say to all the BO3 purists that your game also deviated from the standard at the time, I detested gobble gums and futuristic guns so I tried to refund BO3 and I bought the older Black ops and all the DLCs individually so I could play what I liked - what ruined the game for me seemed to have been a big selling point in keeping the game alive for others, similarly what they are changing elsewhere may be appealing to a bigger audience - in the same way I could just not use gobble gums or the guns I don't like, I just choose to not buy the new games and vote with my wallet, you're never going to be the prime demographic forever TL;DR - Play how/what makes you happy
submitted by No_Berry1546 to CODZombies [link] [comments]