Wman pooping on toilet


2022.09.04 22:09 chazza420 girlstoiletpooping

girls pooping and farting on toilet only no scat

2013.01.19 19:58 BlackSoulSeller SOTT: Redditors' on-toilet activities

Sitting on the toilet and not giving a single crap. Literally.

2019.10.23 01:50 Haiku-Haiku The Queen sat so still / An urgent message in Court / A run to the throne

The poohaiku subreddit is dedicated to the art of composing haiku poetry while sitting on the toilet and pinching a loaf. The format is of course 17 syllables: 5 in your first stanza; 7 in your second; and 5 in your last. Write it in the "Title" field, please. The subjects needn't be specific to poo itself (though it is encouraged), but must at the very least be meditations on the realm of the bathroom. Also, for authenticity, only post haikus composed WHILE pooping. We can spot fakes.

2024.06.09 23:05 Lucky_Button3422 How to fix side of broken toilet (read)

How to fix side of broken toilet (read)
Hey guys, when I first installed this toilet I bumped it against a wall and a small piece of the left side ceramic broke.
I know and have read how dangerous ceramic toilets can be if they break. However, this backside left of the toilet that broke doesn’t get any weigh in it or pressure. It is simply the backside part of it. So no weight when sat on.
When I flush, less than a handful of water comes out, it’s not poop water but instead the clean water.
What can I do to patch this up? I don’t want to throw away a brand new toilet , that’s been used less than 10 times.
Any suggestions?
submitted by Lucky_Button3422 to fixit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:57 BeezInTheHouse Abnormal stool and bright red blood

Abnormal stool and bright red blood
Hi all, 33f here, yesterday I was not hungry and forced myself to eat, and did not feel the need to use the restroom, until almost 12am after coming home from dancing.
I went to release, and had to strain and wait a while, which is out of the norm for me, the end result, was a massive pile of wet poo with bright red blood on the toilet paper and top of the poo. I'm also not sure if those dark specs are food, or possible dark blood.
Today, I'm having slight abdominal pain, on and off. I'm a bit jittery, but I think that might be my health anxiety.
2 days or so ago, I had a more solid poo that required me to strain, but there was no blood.
Does this look/sound worrisome? I will make an appointment, but I'm anxious and would like some advice.
Usually I have strain free poop, a few times a day.
submitted by BeezInTheHouse to poop [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:59 Possible-Today7233 Vacation

My home was a mess when I left for vacation last week, especially the kitchen. I had a friend come over twice a day to feed my pets. I told her that she and her seven year old daughter could stay at my home if they wanted. Well. I got home yesterday. There are popsicle sticks stuck to the floor. The “tushie” sprayer no longer has the ability to attach to the wall. There was poop in the toilet. The front door was unlocked (she wasn’t there). Applesauce container was half eaten and spilling on my tv tray. I could go on and on. I’m upset. I mean, I am messy, but the lack of respect she and her kid showed to my home shocks me. She could have at least warned me that stuff was now broken. Am I overreacting? She’s never pet sitting for me again.
submitted by Possible-Today7233 to UnfuckYourHabitat [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:35 OneDifficult297 should i be worried

age: 17 gender: female height: 5’5 weight: 80kg approximately medication: combined birth control (rigevidon)which i take monophasically (21 days of pill use, 7 day break) i do not spoke no medical conditions the issue: Hi, every morning when i wake up i have stomach pains followed by diarrhea for more than 7 days but less than 2 weeks. After i have morning diarrhea i tend to have a very loose stool again roughly an hour after. For the rest of the day i do not go to the toilet but in the evening/nighttime i have stomach pains and feel like i need the toilet but very constipated. I’ve also got shoulder pains when i cough/sneeze/try to poop but i do have a physical job so not sure if this is a work strain or part of my problems. Its also worth noting that 9 days into my pack of active pills i started to have break through bleeding which lasted 6 days and i’ve never experienced breakthrough bleeding on the pill (been on it 14 months). I also took 2 clear blue digital tests 4 weeks after last PIV experience both of which came back negative. I’m also experiencing interrupted sleep. I was wondering if anyone knows what this could be and any helpful advice to help me. I also would like to ask this: i take my birth control pill before i sleep and i do not wake up at all to go to the toilet so between taking it and having diarrhea each morning theres roughly 8 hours, my pack says if you have diarrhea within 3-4 hours it isn’t going to work but i was wondering if im still protected as i have diarrhea each morning which obviously is flushing me out? Thanks
submitted by OneDifficult297 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:17 A_Specific_Hippo Refused to babysit surprise non-potty trained 5 year old

I visited my folks this weekend and agreed last week to babysit my dad's girlfriend's grandson so they could all go to a wedding Friday night (dad, his girlfriend, her son, and son's wife). Their babysitter had fallen through and they needed a backup. I'd be babysitting at my dad's house, overnight from Friday afternoon to Saturday morning. I'd never met the kid before, or the parents, but since I was in town anyway, I said "sure, why not?". The kid just turned 5 and is obsessed with the Backrooms and Skibbity Toilet so I figured we'd just eat some pizza and binge watch those until he passed out on the couch. All went well until I showed up at my dad's place, did the meet and greet, and the mom handed me a diaper bag saying there are spare diapers in there.
I was thinking "ah, yeah the kid's probably still in nighttime pullups or something". Nope. The kid, who is 5, is still in diapers. Fully still in diapers. Absolutely zero potty training. He's not developmentally disabled. No mental or physical issues. They just "haven't gotten around to it yet". And, as I was clarifying all this with the mom, the kid poops himself at the kitchen table and proceedes to tear ass around the house scream-laughing for his mom to "catch him". The mom happily shoved the diaper bag at me and is all "Have fun!"
To which I stop her and tell her this is not what I signed up for. I'm okay with cleaning up accidents, but I'm not about to babysit a rambunctious 5 year old who shits himself and then turns into The Flash. The mom throws a fit saying I agreed to babysit and it's too late to back out now. My dad sided with me and scolded his girlfriend, because he was under the impression I knew the kid was still in diapers (the girlfriend was the one who asked me to babysit, and she conveniently left that information out. She at least looked ashamed when Dad called her out.) There was a lot of back and forth where I bewilderedly asked my dad how old my brother and I were when we were potty trained, and he told us we were around 3 (still the occasional accident though). Which set the mom off as we were "shaming her" as they still had plenty of time to potty train him before he starts kindergarten in the fall. (Which is required to enroll him).
I was just so baffled by the whole thing (the kid is still running around with a poopy diaper) and I just walked out the door to my car. The mom tried to stop me from leaving, but she was unable to and I go to my mom's house for the night. My dad refused to miss the wedding, so he left when I did. From what I heard the next morning, dad's girlfriend was forced to babysit so the parents could go to the wedding and the girlfriend has vowed to not babysit again until the kid is potty trained as he's too big to wrestle down for a diaper change now. (He's tall for a 5 year old). My dad is super apologetic and said he backed me up all night at the wedding whenever the mom tried to shame me to family/friends. When she'd start in on bad mouthing me, dad would interject and tell them something like "you'd think a 5 year old would be out of diapers by now." And she'd get furious because everyone agreed with him and kept asking her if the kid was developing normally everywhere else, and that they should speak with their pediatrician.
As for the kid's dad? Thousand yard stare the entire time I saw him. Never said a word. That poor guy is so checked out he's in another time zone.
submitted by A_Specific_Hippo to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:12 swimminginit567 Husband and small pieces of poop on the floor

I’m at my wits end. I had to create a new Reddit account to get some support. My husband and I have been married for 6 years. In the last year he started a new job that has been stressful. He has cholesterol issues and drinks about three alcoholic seltzers almost every night plus coffee every day. Three times this year I found pebble size pieces of poop after he went to the bathroom. Once I stepped into it and then realized after what it was. I talked to him about this recently and he refuses to acknowledge that something might be wrong and refuses to talk to his doctor about it. He said it must be because he stands up and wipes but it doesn’t add up to me because one of pieces was not close to the toilet. He basically blew up on me after the last conversation and told me to leave him alone. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this with a partner? Looking for advice as what to do.
submitted by swimminginit567 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:00 IndividualString6964 Bad symptoms

Does anyone else get anxiety diarrhea? I’m 21 and have been dealing with anxiety since I was around 8 years old. I started getting really bad cramps in my lower stomach and it would shoot pain through my whole body and it made me feel like I might’ve had to go to the bathroom. I get really shaky, sweating, hot or cold, dizzy, and my hands and legs would start to vibrate. I also have emetephobia so I’m afraid of puking and it always makes me feel like I’m going to also throw up. I have to someetimes go to the sink and run water through my head to help with the sweats and try to help with my nerves. Does anyone else get anxiety diarrhea or am I just a different breed? And if you do, what coping mechanisms do you use while on the toilet?
TDLR; bad anxiety poop and what should I do to help?
submitted by IndividualString6964 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:51 RoombaReaps Drooling Kevin

I finally have a story I can share.
I've worked at a school as a custodian crew lead for a year, the school was small and it was just me at nights cleaning the bathrooms top to bottom by myself, and a few other things.
In April the school hired a guy who turned out to be a Kevin. His first day I knew he was going to be a problem.
There are different types of cleaners we used and only one of them are acidic enough to worry about getting it onto your skin. If it does it's no big deal, just run your hands under cool water for ten minutes without soap. Easy instructions, right? I told that to this guy, showed him how to handle the solution and cleaned two sinks in front of him, and he gets some on his hands. No big deal, it happens.
I took him to a sink and let him run water over his hands while I went to the bathroom, came back to see how he's doing and this dunderhead is using warm water! Apparently when the sink wasn't putting out any cold water the entire time, he didn't think to ask, say something, or try another sink. There's at least a hundred sinks in that school, one in each classroom and several elsewhere.
I moved him to another sink and told him to rinse again and left to find my boss, warning him that i has a bad feeling about Kevin and following instructions. He brushed it off much to my dismay. For THREE WEEKS this guy COULD NOT understand the concept of vacuuming with a vacuum backpack and using a push broom in a straight line for the hallways. That's literally all I could trust him to do as for three months straight he just could not retain any information, and he couldn't even do that right. I'd quiz him, he'd answer. Still wouldn't do what's been asked. I've complied by texting him what he needed to do, I've made a painfully descriptive instructional page to help him.
I've had to repeat several times in the same day, for multiple days, that no, you don't need to rinse everything with water after you clean it. It's just the one chemical I showed him you need to do that with.
Before I left, he had two weeks to learn the basics, again. I had to threaten to spray him with water if he asks one more time if anything needs to be rinsed with water, in a joking but serious manner of course. He tried to tell me that my cart organization system was bad, let the rags that touched the bright red poop rags which cleans the toilets and urinals touch the green rags that clean the water fountains. People and children drink from that!
Any time I told him he needed to do something, he'd say it was annoying every. single. time. It got so bad I asked him rhetorically "You know what's more annoying than that task? Working with someone who constantly says everything is annoying. People won't want to work with someone annoying while doing an annoying job. Yes, it IS annoying. It's an annoying job, most of them are. You're going to have to get used to that."
For the push broom you literally just push it in a straight line following the edge of the hallway. "Edge to edge, then down the middle." It took months for him to do it the way he's supposed to, constantly trying to get a thing in the middle of the hallway when he's just going to pass in the middle anyway, when you do that it just spreads the mess everywhere.
When I talked with him about that for the umpteenth time, I watched a long line of drool drip from his bottom lip and onto the floor. I didn't say anything about it, because I was telling him to stop turning off the lights when he knows and sees I'm still working in that hallway/room.
Each hallway just has two switches he needed to flip, after two weeks of that I told him to just turn off the classroom lights and to never touch any other lights. He wouldn't listen to that either.
I'm very happy at my new job, and honestly delighted he's dealing with "moth season". Moth season is during the moths migration the school is directly in their path, each night when you go into the classrooms they swarm everywhere when you turn on the lights and hit you in the face, get in your hair etc. and yes you have to clean them up too when they can't escape.
I did not warn Kevin about Moth Season 🤌
submitted by RoombaReaps to StoriesAboutKevin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:44 mj200755 Soft poops advice

A couple of days ago I noticed my boy chinchilla has had soft poops when I went to sweep them up when he was having free time. They are the normal shape and a healthy brown but are too soft to sweep and they mush easily when I picked it up with toilet paper. He also accidentally stepped on like 2 that mushed into his lava block. They dry normal though and don’t leave any residue. No recent changes other than it’s gotten hotter out but their room is always around 72-74 degrees. I had recently gotten them a new bag of food (tropical carnival because that’s what he likes and I mix it with the oxbow red). After seeing the poops I threw it all out and got a new bag of oxbow red only (he’s not too thrilled about not having any carnival) and a new bag of hay (he generally doesn’t eat much hay though and likes his pellets) and I thoroughly cleaned his water dispenser. We have a girl chinchilla that lives in the room with him in a separate cage that has no issues and this is our first time having this issue in the three years we’ve had him. I know around May is one of the months he is a little more excited to try and sniff the female but he has a chin pal. His behavior is normal and he is just as active as he’s always been. Any advice helps. I know the carnival isn’t the best but that’s what he came up on and I’ve been mixing it with oxbow red for years after a few attempts to only do the oxbow red. They only have the oxbow now since then and are not too excited about it at the moment but still eating. I also gave him a few unflavored shredded wheats since I saw that can help out.
submitted by mj200755 to chinchilla [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:44 OkiDokiPanic Boomer is angry no one scrubbed his literal shit

I work in a hotel as a housekeeper and today I was in the hallway of the 5th floor when some boomer in his 60s came out of his room to give me a very stern question. "Did you clean my room yesterday?!" I don't work on Saturdays, so I just told him no. He then asks me to come to his room because they didn't clean the toilet. I was like "oh dear" and followed him. And, low and behold, there were shit stains in there! So he starts complaining like "See?? They didn't clean it!" I just stood there in disbelief. This grown ass man not only just confessed to not cleaning up after himself, but also let the shit streaks just marinate on the porcelain for over 24 hours just so show me...
So I just said "Sir... With all due respect, but, are you seriously complaining that someone didn't clean your poop while there is a brush right there?"
And I think me saying that must have made him realize how ridiculous he was being and replied "Well... Still not clean..." Before ushering me out of the room while saying "I'll just do it myself!" and shutting the door in my face.
I can't believe this actually happened to me today.
submitted by OkiDokiPanic to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:41 maclloyd6 Potty Training Help

We’re struggling when it comes to potty training our son. He will be 3 in August, and absolutely fights us when it comes to sitting on the potty. He will tell us when he’s wet, and when he has pooped, but if we try to put him on the toilet it is crying, yelling, pouting, etc. We have tried all sorts of bribery and rewards, and he doesn’t care. He will pee at daycare on the toilet, but will sit on the toilet at home for a hour if we let him and do nothing. I don’t know how to get him over the hump of not wanting to use the potty at home.
submitted by maclloyd6 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:07 Primary-Reflection80 it's so tiring to live with my father

ever since my dad (m59) retired, living with him has been incredibly stifling and i've (f19) been feeling very low and anxious over hearing all of the arguements that he has been having with my mom (f58).
my dad has no friends, and only leaves the house to go for jogs or visit his mom (he's a bit of a mama's boy) and spends most of his time either cleaning/doing chores or watching TV at home.
he has this weird obsession with cleaniness, and i've never had friends over because of this (except for once where my ex-friend entered our house without my permission, and he didn't talk to me for a week after finding out. i was 9.). he monitors my mom when she is doing chores like mopping, and make comments when he feels that she isn't clean enough for his standard. he is stubborn and believes that his method of cleaning is the best, and this has caused a lot of arguments ever since his retirement as he seems to nitpick at whatever we do.
when i fainted in the toilet after a really painful poop and even broke my glasses and hit my head, his first comment was telling me to shower as the toilet floor is dirty, before asking me about my safety (does it still hurt, am i okay). my mom freaked out and accompanied me to the nearest optican to get my glasses fixed as she was worried that i would feel dizzy with my broken glasses. it seems like such a small issue, but it really broke me and i kept crying at the glasses shop. i know he loves me but at that point of time i just felt so unloved.
on friday, he got mad because his sister and niece insisted on coming over to our house to have a look. my mom is horrible at rejecting others, so she let them in, and he found out about it. he started giving us the silent treatment (he always does that when he's mad and stops talking to us for days - this always makes me feel really anxious because i hate how poor the atmosphere of our house becomes)
just today, he saw a whole piece of wet tissue in the bin. he took it out and started questioning my mom and i on who used it. i was the one who used it as i was wiping my mom's and my phone after we went out together, and forgot to rip the wet tissue into half (to save wet tissues).
my mom and i have been ranting to his sisters and he acknowledges that his germophobia is a problem and always promises changes but never delivers it. he says he's trying, but my mom and i had enough of waiting. i encouraged him to seek a therapist, but he shut me down and is incredibly stubborn about not needing one.
all of their arguments are frankly taking a toll on my mental health (i feel really lonely as i'm an only child and can't help but feel that no one understands my feelings as no one is in my specific position) & my mom who also has her own issues kept ranting about my dad to me when i was preparing for my national examinations despite telling her to stop as i wanted to focus on studying rather than having their fights repeat again and again in my head.
thankfully i managed to do well in the end, got into my desired course and i'm moving out for university in 2 months. but i can't help but worry about my mom as she will be alone with him (she is financially dependent on him). my mom considered a divorce, but is held back by our finances. i can't help but get myself involved by trying to fix things for them as i just can't stand a household so quiet and i keep picking up on their negative emotions to the point it's driving me crazy. one of my aunts talked to me and said it isn't my responsibility, and it's not fair for my parents to place their emotional burdens on me. she told me to focus on myself. i know this and i'm trying but it's so hard and i keep ending up getting myself involved. but i'm really tired.
this time, i'm going to stop getting myself involved. i'm going to work hard to get a good job, and find a safe place for my mom and i to move out to. then, we will finally be free of all of these.
i love my dad, i really do. i know he loves me too and i can see it. for the majority of my childhood, he has been an amazing dad and although we aren't rich, i grew up happy and bubbly (many of my teachers talk about how cheerful and carefree i was, and how i brought a lot of joy to the class with my jokes). i'm thankful he brought me to this world, and i'm grateful that he is a present father who tried his best to give me everything he could.
(tbh, i'm lost and i don't really know what to do. i keep having this guilt when i think of wanting to move away especially since i'm an only child so the responsibility of taking care of my parents as they enter their twilight years falls entirely on me. filial piety is deeply ingrained in me due to my culture so this thought has been eating me up. if anyone knows how to encourage my stubborn asian father to go to therapy when he is finally talking to my mom and i again, please drop some tips in the comments! i really want to help him but i don't know how! i know i sound like i'm really done with him right now but it's my anger talking... i'm a soft-hearted person so i know i will struggle really hard with acting on the idea of taking my mom away when i'm financially independent and going no contact with my dad :") it's my soft heartedness that ends up initiating conversations with him in hopes of ending his silent treatment when i know i should just leave him to be TT should i just try to be more emotionally independent instead and steel myself to limit my conversations with him? do i just ignore him everytime he gets mad because i find myself talking back to him out of anger. i don't even know where to start because all of my family's problems escalated so suddenly. i've always been close to them and i admit i'm quite emotionally reliant on them but i really have no idea where to start. choosing to stay in a hostel was me forcing myself to be less reliant on them as i initially did not want to stay on campus because i wasn't comfortable being away from my parents (+ family members telling me about the wonderful experiences they had and how it would be better for my mental health right now seeing the predicament i'm in) but i'm not sure if that's the right way to go about it.)
tldr: want my dad to see a therapist, but he is stubborn on not seeing one. it's destroying his marriage with my mom, and my relationship with him.
edit: i forgot to add this!! i'm sorry if i sound like a conflicted mess because i really am one right now LOL and if they're any grammar issues it's because i rarely use it at home! also if anyone has tips on how to be less emotionally reliant on my parents please let me know :") i want to help my dad but i realise i should help myself first before i can encourage him LOL bc tbh i keep getting worried about the idea of living on campus
submitted by Primary-Reflection80 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:01 Drbiggieballs My kid is willing but just can't relax. It's frustrating him more than me

My 21 month old has shown a lot of signs that he's ready to be potty trained.
He's interested in and knows where mom and dad go pee and poo, loves flushing and putting toilet paper in, says pee pee and poo poo, knows it goes in the potty and is able to stay dry for long periods of time including naps.
So I gave it a shot over a three day weekend with some seemingly immediate success, but now we're stuck.
Where he's at now: points to the front and says pee pee or to the back and says poo poo and will run to the potty and sit, ask to read a book or play with bubbles and will willingly sit for an indefinite amount of time. After some time without anything coming out, I'll suggest that we go do something else and come back later (I also put him on once and hour in addition to him going on the potty himself).
The problem is he is clearly frustrated that he's not going. He feels uncomfortable but if I pull him off he insists he wants to stay longer. Even after half an hour I'll pull him off and then begins a lot of dancing to hold it in and I can tell he wants to just let it go so badly but can't. Eventually he'll pee or poop his underwear, which he clearly doesn't like. Or he'll wait till nap time and release it all.
What should I do? I don't follow any one method. We've tried both with undies and naked and the situation doesn't change much. When he does go on the floor he points and goes quiet, and seems to feel bad despite me never yelling or getting upset.
I've never seen a kid so willing to try to use the potty but just can't relax enough to release anything. It's been like this for almost two weeks.
submitted by Drbiggieballs to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:14 faeriesandfoxes EC regression - is this normal?

We did a kind of “lax” EC with our baby. Would pop her on the toilet every now and again after naps/when she gave pooping cues etc. She was pooping in the toilet/potty for every BM by about 8-9 months (she preferred this and did not like pooping in her nappy) nappies were just for pee.
Around that time though, she started having really painful bowel movements due to constipation, and would cry a lot when using the toilet. I would take her off the toilet immediately if she cried or struggled, and let her poop on the floor if I had to/catch it in a nappy, because I didn’t want to create a negative association.
But my wife, who hadn’t really done much research into it like I had, held her there while she cried and struggled to get off, as she thought it was helping her to go and get the painful poop over with. I didn’t know this until after a few weeks of her doing this, when I obviously explained how damaging that can be.
A little while after this, kiddo started FREAKING. OUT. Whenever we offered the toilet. Like, holding her legs in the air, screaming like she was terrified of the toilet. Obviously we didn’t push and let her start pooping in her nappies again.
She’s now almost 15 months and she still seems terrified of the toilet. If I try to encourage her to sit on the toilet or potty in a low pressure way, she freaks out. I’m worried that we’ve damaged our child and created a huge fear of the toilet.
Is this a normal regression for this age? I’ve kept it so low pressure from the get go, but I’m worried my wife’s “forcing” her to stay on the toilet when she was upset has created a negative association and she’s going to struggle with potty training due to this.
She doesn’t seem ready to potty train yet, but she seems annoyed with her nappy when it’s full of pee and pulls at it a lot, so we’re trying to gently introduce the concept of a potty to see if she takes to it.
I feel like a terrible parent. My wife feels terrible, it was a mistake on her part and we all mess up, but I’m so worried we’ve traumatised our kid.
Did your kid act terrified of the potty? Would they refuse point blank to sit on it? Or is this a fear association that we inadvertently created?
submitted by faeriesandfoxes to pottytraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:28 Original_Cut_2881 Anyone else have difficulty passing stools before bed?

No matter how much fibre I take or reverse Kegels or squat stool, or stretches I use I can never seem to pass stools near bedtime. It's so frustrating because up until like 4 hours before bed I can have bowel movements but then like just before bed a turd loads up in my rectum and bounces around in there irritating my pelvic floor issues and making it hard to sleep.
I don't like using enemas or suppositories before bed because I struggle to expel that too until randomly I'll be in bed wanting to sleep and bam then it just decides that I need to go, not when I'm on the toilet, then by the time I make it back to the washroom I can't go again. It's so frustrating.
I envy people who can just poop at will.
submitted by Original_Cut_2881 to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:15 solarflarehair Emergency or over reacting?

Emergency or over reacting?
TL;DR: Chin has been lethargic all day. Started acting fine as soon as I called emergency vet. I don't know what to do next if anything.
I'm a first time chinchilla owner and I've had my chin for about a month. He's at least 7 and didn't come from a great situation. He's very skittish still and I can't touch him but he will climb all over me during playtime now.
It looked like he had a fur ring the past couple days so yesterday I took his dust bath into a small bathroom and removed the hair. I used 2 fingers to pinch the base of his tail and scooped him up to my chest. He was kind of sitting in my left hand with the base of his tail still between my fingers while I used my right hand to inspect him. He STRUGGLED so much, I'm sure I've lost whatever trust had been built. It was 20 minutes before he came out from behind the toilet and got back into his bath. I returned to his cage and ran into his favorite hide. I assumed he was just freaked out and left him alone.
Today he hasn't really been in the hide all day. There's very little poop so I didn't think he moved around during the night either. He wasn't eating until I moved hay from his feeder into the hide he's been in and bribed him with some rose petals. A little while ago I noticed some matting around his eye like it's watery.
I'm terrified I squeezed too hard or somehow hurt him yesterday. I started calling emergency vets to see which ones see exotics and as I'm on the phone he starts bopping around his cage. Soon after he came out of his cage and is now moving around the play area and climbing on me like normal. He has not used his wheel since yesterday and he's usually on it constantly.
I'm torn between thinking I'm overreacting and he's just hiding whatever pain. He does have a vet appointment on Tuesday that's been scheduled for a while but I'm not sure if we should go to the ER tonight.
What would y'all do?
Happy pictures tax included.
submitted by solarflarehair to chinchilla [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:59 kiddbrizzie Raw diaper rashes

My 2.5M gets a raw rash on his butt atleast once a week. He doesn’t have the best diet and goes thru stages where he’s super constipated and then has diarrhea. It’s like a constant cycle. We typically use corn starch or baby powder on him to help keep him dry and change him as soon as we notice he pooped. He’s started to grab his pants when he poops from discomfort which actually helps us know quicker that he’s pooped.
Today he has pooped atleast 10 times and now it’s turned into diarrhea. He just woke up screaming at 10:40pm because I’m assuming he pooped and went to sleep. I changed him and he was super bright red. He woke up screaming again at like 11:45pm. I poured a ton of powder on him and i was going to give him Motrin but he went back to sleep after a short meltdown.
What are we doing to prevent these rashes all the time? He’s not interested in potty training yet, doesn’t really understand it and gets cold feet on the toilet and doesn’t want to go. As soon as I take him off the toilet, he goes. I’ve heard baking soda paste or aloe vera can help. Most pastes and creams don’t work very well for us. What are some preventative remedies I can try to get ahead of these raw rashes? He has sensitive skin…
submitted by kiddbrizzie to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:45 Eggiey557 As associates, are we supposed to clean up biohazards?

Tonight, while closing, I was cleaning the men’s restroom and discovered the most horrendous sight. The toilet was clogged.. and the plunger was broken and submerged INSIDE of the very poopy, very stinky water and toilet. The stick part of the plunger was lodged down into the hole of the toilet where the water flushes down. The actual plunger part (the rubbery silicone suction part) was flipped and full of poopy toilet water. I took a picture of it and showed it to the manager on shift (not GM), and she told me to put gloves on and take care of it. (I put gloves on and threw it in trash bags, double bagged). Also almost threw up all over the floor.😂 In order to take care of it, I had to reach inside of the toilet and flip the suction part of the plunger upside down and dump the water and poop out of the inside of it. It was so gross. Some of my friends responded to this story with the fact that the manager should’ve taken care of it since it’s a biohazard. Is this true?? This isn’t the first time I’ve had to clean up something gross like this (and probably won’t be the last), BUT it was definitely the most disgusting thing I’ve had to do so far. I don’t mind taking responsibility for it, if it’s my job to take care of, but if it isn’t, then I’d like to know because I’m just curious about it all.
submitted by Eggiey557 to OfficeDepot [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:27 Can_You_See_Me_Now Encoparesis in 16yo son

My 16yo son has never had full bowel control. He pee trained at 4 and never looked back but until maybe a year ago he would put a pull up on, and stand to poop. He stopped that and was mostly trying the toilet with some success but now he's just leaking all the time. He can go to the toilet and go but immediately get up and still leak. It happens in his sleep a lot. He says it's soft, no blood in the stool. He's definitely struggled with constipation since infancy (He did daily miralax for about the first 14y of his life.) He taken a magnesium supplement for a couple of years which eliminated his constipation. I thought maybe it was too much magnesium but even eliminating it made no change.
His diet is not great. Mostly "dry" foods. Bread, crackers, toast etc. He'll eat a grilled cheese. The only fruit he'll eat is a banana, occasionally. He drinks only water. Vegetables are a challenge. Corn, green beans (if i make them and make them tasty), maybe some pizza sauce on a pizza.
If anyone has experienced this, I'd love feedback. I'm trying to get him into a GI program at our children's hospital (beauracracy is BS.) but in the meantime, I'm open to ideas.
Really, what I'm seeking is help on adult diapers. He's small. About 5'5" 100lb. Too big for youth diapers. Too small for adult. There has to be an in between here? I'm wondering if his change to the toilet was the wrong way to go and maybe if he went back to the standing method, it might help. But sizing is a real challenge. It's summer so at least right now we don't have school to contend with.
Thanks for any help!
submitted by Can_You_See_Me_Now to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:22 Imslowlyloosingit I’m freaking out

I have been having gas pains, that build up and come out, and then the cycle repeats. I'm somewhat chronically constipated, I say somewhat because I poop almost every day, but it's very hard to get out and is decently rounded. Anyways, I noticed mucus in my stool? I would be sitting on the toilet and I fart, but only mucus comes out. I ate dried apricots and they're high in fiber so I'm thinking that's related? I'm just worried I'm going to have diarrhea bc of the mucus :/
submitted by Imslowlyloosingit to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:44 jukeboxbluez How do I get my six year old to stop saying potty words

My daughter just turned six. She is constantly, constantly saying shit like “poo pee fart butt, I pooped in your butt, pee pee on your face.” Random shit that involves butts, poop, pee, farts, and toilets.
It doesn’t matter if we have company over either. I have talked to her about it so many times, I’ve suggested she go in the bathroom and quietly say these words, nothing helps. I’m sick of hearing it, especially around guests.
HOW do I make it stop?
submitted by jukeboxbluez to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:24 ResponsibleLine401 The only potty trained kid in the room

My son was potty trained at about 20 months old. He pees and poops in a full-sized toilet with a seat reducer. He is now 25 months old. He uses a diaper only for nighttime sleep.
About a month ago, he started a new daycare where he is the only kid in the 18 mo-3 year old room who is not in diapers. The first few weeks were fine -- a few accidents, but he came back with no wet clothes most days. Then, the staff started rotating such that he had different teachers watching him most days. He started having more accidents, especially at nap time.
I started having conversations with the new/rotating teachers and it was apparent that having to take him to the potty disrupts their usual schedule -- normally everybody pees in their diaper, which is changed every 2 hours. There is no toilet in the room, a teacher has to take him next door. He needs to go when he needs to go, not on the 2 hour schedule.
I think that expecting him to follow their 2 hour schedule or ask "anyone wearing a uniform" for the potty is unrealistic for a 2 year old. If he has consistent teachers, he will learn who to talk to for the potty, but not if they rotate around. He won't talk to you at all if he doesn't feel like he knows you.
The head teacher is asking if I will put him back in diapers for 3 months until he transfers to an older toddlers class where everyone else is potty training too.
I understand their logistical problem, but I'm not going to put him back in diapers to support the current daycare labor logistics.
What do you recommend?
Option 1. Spend the day a few days to show the new teachers how to potty him.
Option 2. Ask that he move up to the older toddlers room early (this daycare is very rules-based; I suspect that there is a rule against this).
Option 3. Something else(?)
Edit: formatting.
submitted by ResponsibleLine401 to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]
