Can i take naproxen and nyquil


2014.12.17 08:35 BlackStallion54 justfuckmyshitup

This subreddit is dedicated to jacked up haircuts from all walks of life.

2011.11.11 02:35 For those who love those elusive little birds

If you have a hummingbird emergency, please contact u/HummingbirdObsessed

2011.01.01 18:54 52 Book Challenge

A subreddit for the participants of the 52 Book Challenge (one book per week for a year) to discuss their progress and discoveries.

2024.05.16 05:12 Bumpredd Mom is declining and we are trying to do something about it, but where to begin?

Hi, My mom is in her late 70s and is exhibiting signs of cognitive decline quite often now. My tow brothers and I all live relatively close to my parents but my dad has always taken the easier way out when dealing with my mom's lifelong alcoholism. So he's trying to do the same with this. He has acknowledged her decline as of late but other hasn't sought help from a professional yet. We know it's because of how upset it will make my mom and how quickly she'll deny and shut down. How do you approach this with the person at the beginning? Then, how the hell do you manage to get them in front of a physician to talk about whats happening to them? I understand my dad's apprehension, my mom has an Irish temper so it was always easier to not push her and argue. She's in denial of even being an alcoholic, and that landed her in the hospital for about a week several years back, but kept drinking afterwords. So... discussing this with her??
The three sons are ready and willing to help, and fortunately we can afford the care I'm assuming will be necessary at some point soon. We have two goals: 1. To take the absolute best care of our mom as we can, and in the right ways. 2. To unburden our dad as much as possible so this doesn't end up killing him. He isn't exactly a poster child of health. Never drinks, but he sure loves cheese.
Any help on how we approach this journey with mom would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.
submitted by Bumpredd to u/Bumpredd [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:12 UmpsBtez Can you please explain about triggers and heuristic collection in ADGI global illumination.

I am trying to implement ADGI global lighting for my game engine, but due to my lack of experience some points from the article remained unclear to me.
Could you please explain the following points to me:
1 - Temporal trigger-related.
The article describes the use of heuristics in calculating what are called temporal triggers, which take the following values.
θ, t and value.
Where t and value are is obvious, but where I get θ remains unclear.
I also compute the temporal trigger as follows:
float temporal_trigger(float value, float theta, float time)
return theta * tan(sigma * RADIAN_T);
which may even likely be incorrect.
2: The convolution heuristic, how it should work properly.
Based on the equation, it should be run as some kind of sampling,
but it is also required to use pilot rays, so as far as I can understand, this means I should also throw child rays and use them as other samples for convolution.
Thanks for your time.
submitted by UmpsBtez to GraphicsProgramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:12 Accomplished_Buy8799 I gave up on life a long time ago

I would kms but because of it being prohibited in my religion, I tell myself that I can’t. So I won’t. But I would if I could. I live as if I’m dead though, I don’t go out if I can, or contribute anything to the world.
I’m in online school but didn’t do my assignments for the entire school year, I have 360+ overdue assignments but instead of that being a cry out to my mom for help, she scolds me (which I deserve tbh) and tells me I have to go to in person school which is just gonna make things worse.
No one takes me seriously and mocks me when I’m down so I just stay locked in my room when it gets bad, they don’t understand why I’d be depressed bc they don’t know half of what I went through. Sexually abused and r*ped by different people throughout all my childhood, low self esteem, being black, emotionally abused by my kindergarten teacher, and brutally bullied for all the years I started going to in person school which is why I just want to stick to online.
submitted by Accomplished_Buy8799 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:12 DecentDependent9800 my confidence is ruined they turned the lover girl in me to sad girl

He broke NC on 7th day we broke up a year ago. He got a gf in December .He came back in February not bcs he loves me because his gf cheated on him. So I took him back but in march I found out he was w her again and was lying to me.
He said "I'm confused I love u but I love her too" blah blah so I said plz leave me alone bye. He is suicidal and he texted couple of times only when he was depressed when he got better he just simply left me
On 14th may he turned 27 and he texted me saying "I miss u I think about u all day can we call later maybe?"
I said "sorry I don't trust u" he said "I'm bleeding I cut myself" I tired to support him make him feel good so we just wished each other goodnight and went to sleep.
Yesterday I made insta acc and found his acc and there I saw him and his gf put each others initials with a heart emoji oh man... I had almost heart attack I couldn't stop crying because I wanted to do that w him but he said he doesn't know how to do that
I felt like dying. I asked myself "I was loyal to him I love him so much I didn't cheat on him but why he didn't choose me? Am I so ugly ?"
What did I do to deserve this pain
I can't stop checking him and his gfs insta accs but I will stop it's hurting
Im writing and crying I will turn 19 this year his gf is 21.
So I texted him on Snapchat saying"I found ur acc and saw u forgave her that's cool but plz stop texting me"
he said "can u please block me. Im killing u. U could text her and tell everything and ruin my life but u didn't ur good human. Take care of urself wish u the best maybe after some time unblock me we can talk about the past and how crazy everything was"..
Im like wtf I said I'm sorry I'm never gonna text u take care he said goodbye that's all...
I'm so broken I'm at a point where I can even give his insta username to everyone I just can't stop crying I don't wanna sound pathetic
I was healing myself but he texted and im destroyed I need advice idk why I still love him after he put me through so many things.
submitted by DecentDependent9800 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:12 JihoonMadeMeDoIt Ok guys, when I really think about it

I am amazed that I have gotten this far into my sober journey. I’m a month away from 2 years and I have soaked every bit of goodness out of sobriety that I possibly can. Currently I am in a little bit of a low energy period, but because I have clarity of mind, I know that it is temporary, as are the easier times. As is everything. Because I can notice and evaluate my thought patterns, moods and triggers, I am able to allow myself to feel the range of human emotion without moving to fix or escape them. I know how to move through difficult situations by becoming an observer, taking a hot minute before reacting or acting, and then triage next steps to problem solving. I have a much easier time accessing my own joy. I often do things for others, especially when I am feeling sad, disconnected or lonely. I know me much better and I’m still learning. Sobriety gives these gifts, if you are brave enough to love yourself. ✨
submitted by JihoonMadeMeDoIt to 365_Sobriety [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:11 Character_Morning_32 Problem is the party never ends

Morning all (or afternoon, evening, take your pick), I've been a problem substance abuser for twenty three years now, starting at 16. Luckily nothing too heavy, initially weed, I was never a gifted smoker and could never hold down a job, looked like shit and didn't care, slept all day and all night, tons of debt, shitty friends, missed out on hundreds, maybe thousands of amazing experiences because I wanted to stay home and get high. In 2008 I broke out of that, got a job in teaching and have been essentially a functioning alcoholic ever since. It's like my whole life I've always just been bad at being clear headed and straight, never content to just sit there without something getting me wrecked. Teaching is full of drinkers, I love rock, punk, metal, clubs, festivals, all full of drinkers. I am currently travelling around various spots in Asia (Vietnam - Malaysia - Japan - Thailand - currently Taiwan), working online and living the dream. Full of drinkers. I have also been a liability on a number of occasions. Drinking until 4am, blacking out, waking up somewhere where I don't know where I am. I dont piss myself but I do lose a lot of hats and cigarettes. Last Saturday morning I woke up on a bench, made it about 200m down the street then passed out on another bench, threw up under it then finally got my shit together and stumbled home. This was at about 7am in a big city in Taiwan. Families, kids going to Saturday school, elderly people exercising, everyone going about their day. And me, a 6ft3in white male barfing and sleeping in the middle of a park next to a busy subway station. It's fucking pathetic and I hate myself for it. I'm too old and too tired and my body is too beaten up to keep on doing this. But, booze is everywhere, and no matter how bad it gets I always convince myself of the same old cycle - quit completely for a little while - pat myself on the back for being a good boy - convince myself I can drink in moderation - drink in moderation for a little while - get a true taste for it - lose a whole weekend and wake up Monday feeling like hell - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, sober and working but filled with existential dread and suicidal ideation. I'm going back to the UK in a few weeks. Even if I manage to quit for a while here, when I'm back home I will be surrounded at all time by fellow drinkers, heavy drinkers, and various sniffables and smokables and the ten months I've spent getting my head together, avoiding everything other than booze, will all go out of the window and I'll be waking up at 6am on Monday for work after 4 hours sleep all weekend with a nose clogged with blood and regret and that specific kind of headache that only valium and more booze can come close to shifting. It's fucking depressing knowing this is how weak I am. Anyway, no real point or request, just haven't put this into words for anyone else to read. I've written loads in my diary but I'm already anxious that if I die suddenly and my mother reads it she will then also die, but of secondhand shame. I'm not particularly addicted to alcohol, I only drink beer and occasionally shots, I can go days and sometimes weeks without really missing it, if the time and place is right. I'm addicted to parties and late nights and chatting shit and singing and dancing. Which is a shame because they all lose some of their appeal when you're on the soft drinks. I mean, they don't, it's all about perception. How do you cope, those that have broken free? What're your stories? I feel like this cycle is similar for everyone that knows they have a problem. Thank you for reading x
submitted by Character_Morning_32 to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:11 WorstFnNeighbors He regrets our baby

Our daughter is 8 months old and the happiest sweetest little girl. Last week he told me: it's not that she's a mistake, he just regrets having a baby. And he's mad at himself for letting it happen because he knew it wasn't what he wanted.
It's never what he wanted. He didn't want HER. But he did this "for me." Nevermind that I wanted a willing partner and none of the resentment from him. I guess I should thank him, for the "sacrifice."
We'd broken up, years ago. We were talking again. I told him I wanted two babies, and that was my dream. He wanted me back and he said whatever he had to to get back together, and I believed him like an idiot.
He lied, made meaningless promises, gaslit me, made supposedly happy moments like pulling teeth. And I still thought, it's just the depression, it's just a rough patch, it's just, it's just.
And then years later after he finally stopped dragging his feet on trying, I got pregnant instantly. I had a unicorn pregnancy and gave birth to a unicorn baby. She's amazing. Then he springs it on me. Not a mistake, a regret. He misses his old life. He'd rather have more time for video games and watching sports and wrestling.
Nevermind that he still has 20+ hours a week for those. Because I do almost everything for her. I do all nighttime care. He gets a full night of sleep every night. He gets every Monday and Tuesday to himself when I take her to my parents house. He gets to be the secondary parent when we're both home.
And stupid, stupid me. I'm doing all this because I'm still dreaming about two babies. Like somehow if I do enough, make it easy enough for him, I'll still get to have my dream family.
Two children who grow into two fascinating adults, who have each other- or at least the chance to have each other. To play with each other and bully each other and teach each other to share the attention and keep each other from being lonely.
"Look honey, I can do it all so you don't have to, now please, will you maybe let me have what you promised me." I'm pathetic. That other child is gone. They never had a chance of existing. I just can't let them go yet. Truly pathetic.
submitted by WorstFnNeighbors to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:11 Which-Middle2666 I hate my major but the major I want might not take me

I am about to end my sophomore year as an information science major. One of the classes it required is psychology. In highschool psychology was my favorite course but everyone told me not to do it, you won’t be “successful.” Now I wished I never listened to anybody and pursued it from the beginning because as I took psychology I regained my interest in it. Now I have to retake 2 courses required for the psychology major but it’s a limited program which has a rule where you can only retake 1 required course. Now I already repeated calculus, so in addition I would have to retake the starter psyc course and biology to get the grade I need. I feel stuck because I hate technology so much I wish I never chose it. I didn’t know what I wanted to do I felt so lost in the beginning and flunked all my classes now I’m stuck doing what I hate, and the worst part i know they will reject me which would end up in an appeal and every advisor and person is like good luck getting that appeal approved. Should I retake the courses and appeal and risk wasting my time and money? Because I would be taking summer courses which is an addition thousand. Or just lay it to rest?
submitted by Which-Middle2666 to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:11 wunderworld09 I (26 F) need some perspective on this relationship with the guy I’ve been texting (24 M) for 9 months. It seemed platonic at first, but things took a turn when I mentioned another man. Did I misread the nature of our relationship and his intentions?

So this guy and I have been texting for about 9 months (since mid August 2023). He DM’ed me on Instagram and got my phone number, we’ve been talking ever since. He lives in a different state. Let’s call him Jay.
During this time period, we’ve had 3 phone calls and text practically every day. The conversations never really get too deep. We’ll talk about random things but never about past relationships, childhood, etc. Therefore, I never really thought he was interested in me romantically, because other men I’ve spoken to often make it clear that they want to pursue me romantically.
Sometimes one of us (Jay and I) would stop texting for 1-2 days at a time, mostly on weekends, which is really just to take a breather from things. This is perfectly normal since it can be a lot to text everyday, all day without breaks. He has asked me to talk on the phone more often, but the evening hours are usually my “me time” where I smoke after work and just relax. He’s also asked to FaceTime, but I told him I’d prefer phone calls.
A few months ago, in January, I traveled to Jay’s state as my uncle also lives there and had been diagnosed with cancer. I didn’t tell Jay that I was in his city until I was already there, because in all honestly there was a lot going on with my uncles health, a lot for me to deal with and I wasn’t exactly in the right headspace. I came there just to visit my uncle. Jay understood this, but I think he was still a bit disappointed we didn’t get a chance to meet. We continued texting since January, but replies were sometimes delayed on both sides (not just on weekends).
Around the end of March, I was again going through a difficult time with family health issues and a new diagnosis of cancer regarding my dog. I stopped texting Jay, and he texted me a week later asking what was going on. I told him that it didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to me, since he was often taking a day or so to reply back. At this point he told me that if he didn’t “want to be my friend or whatever the case may be”, that he would let me know and not ghost me or anything like that. We continued texting. The key here is that he used the word “friend”, which further confirms on my end that he’s always viewed things platonically between us.
About 2 weeks ago, I casually asked Jay about his views on another man blocking/unblocking me and then reaching out to me. He gave some input on this, and then told me he doesn’t want to talk to me about other men, and that I should ask my girlfriends. A few days ago, I asked Jay if I should reach out to a man (the same one that blocked/unblocked me).
At this point, Jay told me he was going to “leave me alone” because he didn’t want to look dumb by communicating to me about this. I tried to talk to him about why he was saying this. I told him that he had friendzoned me, so it didn’t make sense why he was upset or acting this way about me bringing up another man. The conversation then turned into him asking me why I think he friendzoned me. He says that he never friendzoned me, and brought up the fact that I came to his state but didn’t see him or let him know beforehand that I was coming. He also mentioned how I’ve rejected phone calls from him or made up excuses about not wanting or being able to talk on the phone rather than texting. I told him that our conversations and the things we talk about, is what made me believe that it wasn’t anything romantic. Even during the phone conversations that we’ve had, we didn’t talk about deep things, only random superficial topics.
Basically he was telling me that he never friendzoned me and wanted to know how long I’ve been dealing with this other man. Jay hasn’t texted me back ever since last Saturday, and we had this little disagreement last Friday. I sent him a text yesterday (Tuesday) asking if we were alright, and he said yes, but he also hasn’t responded since yesterday morning. Did I misread this whole situation on whether he’s into me or not?
TL;DR this man (24 M) and I (26 F) have been texting for 9 months with few phone calls. We live in different states, and through our conversations it seemed platonic. However, he’s now ignoring me after I brought up another man 2 different times in a time span of 2 weeks. Did I misjudge his true feelings and intentions with me?
submitted by wunderworld09 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:11 Temporary_Ad_1157 Should I use the previous person in the position as a reference?

6 months ago, I started as a staff member at a public university. Recently, my direct boss told me she will be leaving at the end of the year and I decided I want to apply for her position. I haven’t told her my plan to apply yet, but when I do, I want to ask her if she’ll be a reference for me. I think she could speak to my ability to do the job, my only concern is if it could come back to bite me in some way. As far as I can tell with my limited time here, she is not leaving with any bad blood. She’s taking a job that is a step up and closer to her family, and I think she is well respected in the department. But she has also been open about feeling like the workload is too much for any one person to handle, especially since she’s been having her exit interviews and such. Given all that information, do you think I should ask her? Or should I just ask the same people I used as references 6 months ago?
submitted by Temporary_Ad_1157 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:11 Unlucky-Block-2107 Can I access the photo displayed in the sight?

Hi, all
I want to ask if there is a way to access the screen photo that I am seeing now. Basically, I want to take a picture in my app, apply some algorithms to the picture, and at last stitch the processed picture into the space.
Some I have 2 ideas:
If the above ideas don't work, is there anyway can help me to achieve that?
submitted by Unlucky-Block-2107 to VisionPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:11 blooooobybloooop Assaulted for wearing my a Jewish star necklace

Today I was walking down the Ave by UW wearing AirPods and a backpack. As I was standing at a light someone tapped me on the shoulder so I’d take out my headphones. They pointed to my necklace and asked me what it’s like to support genocide. I started to put my headphones back in when they shoved me and asked if I was too good to talk to them. I very flatly asked them to leave me alone when they shoved me again (I’m 20m and completely average sized). Fortunately the light changed and I took off - but fuck the environment when I can’t walk around my school (burner account because my real one is years old)
submitted by blooooobybloooop to Seattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:10 picklepaapad Feeling like Breaking up with my boyfriend because of his habit of JOKING.

I 21f have been dating my boyfriend 23m for the past 2.5 years. We are in a long-distance relationship. The first 1.5 years were really good but from the past 1 year or so he has developed a weird habit of making useless offensive jokes between conversations.
The reason he gives is that he is stressed about his career and hence doesn't have the mental capacity to work on this issue of his and doesn't think too much before saying it.
His jokes for example:
  1. He jokes about dying. I have told him not to make such jokes which hurts me but he still makes it.
  2. He says jokingly "What if I am here cheating on you with someone else, as you are not living in my city".
There are so many more examples of such silly "jokes" he makes which annoys the shit out of me and I end up fighting.
The main issue is that I have REPEATEDLY told him that what he says "as a joke" hurts me so bad and he apologizes every time. But still, he doesn't stop doing it. He again will start behaving this way after some days and will make me mad and then apologize and ask for forgiveness again.
I am so tired of forgiving him. I feel so disrespected that why can't he just stop doing this even when I have told him that it hurts me?
My mom loves dancing so she made a beautiful reel on this trending Marathi song "Gulabi saree". I have sent it to him saying "Look at your future mil🥰".
To which he replied "Why is she dancing at this age instead of doing Bhajan🤣" (she is 43y.o).
After he realized that I didn't take his "joke" well. He instantly started apologizing that "it was just a joke, she looks so beautiful"
I just told him I am fucking done with him. He then again started his RR on how sorry he was and would not repeat such jokes.
I understand that he is stressed about his career but so am I. It doesn't mean that he can make so-called disrespectful jokes which hurts me.
I am so mentally exhausted. I haven't slept properly last night. I told him I needed a break from him. I don't know I might now just end this relationship.
submitted by picklepaapad to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:10 graymadrazo Not gaining weight?

Not gaining weight?
I got this lil baby back in January and he was 3g then. He now has stayed between 4-5g since about a week after I got him /: he eats and poops pretty regularly, I notice lick marks every other day or every two days, but not more frequently than that. I always make his food a fruit flavor mixed with the insects flavor and sometimes sub out for growth and breeding, but he will NOT eat growth and breeding. He refuses crickets and Dubia roaches even when cut. He has licked them but usually gets scared or is disinterested.
It’s been stressing me out because my first crestie readily took insects the moment she hit 5g and is now 20g after just a few months. I’m not sure what I can do for him other than keep offering him insects :’) he’s active otherwise, but looks slightly underweight in general imo. He doesn’t seem stressed out and takes to handling well, but I’ve been avoiding handling him to let him feel safe enough to eat as often as possible for the past few weeks (apart from weighing him).
Is he doing okay?? Will he be fine as long as he’s eating, pooping, and moving around regularly? Owning babies/juveniles is always 50x more stressful 😭
submitted by graymadrazo to CrestedGecko [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:10 strugglebus-3 UCLA vs Einstein

I am honored to have two great options to chose from but I am having a tough time deciding between these schools. I am hoping someone here can help me out and please feel free to share any knowledge/opinions you have on each school
Overall, I fell in love with this school and would love to attend. That being said there are cons and some 'red flags' based on recent SDN posts about "UCLA being in crisis" due to its curriculum change, step 1/2 pass rates dropping etc.
-Both schools have great match lists in areas/specialties I am looking at (slight lean to UCLA maybe). Also, both have really good research opportunities. Ultimately, I know I have to make up my own mind but I am just looking for opinions to aid in this decision, thank you!
submitted by strugglebus-3 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:10 1Creepy_Suspect My roommate is a narcissistic pathological liar and I am losing my mind

My living situation is something equivocal to a telenovela. I live with my ex, and two other roommates. One of them is MIA because I called her out on not showering for WEEKS on end, making a mess everywhere, making the house smell bad, sleeping on the couch and making that also reek of BO. She has left dirty underwear on the couch and the list goes on, but thankfully she is gone.
My ex is now my best friend and we get along really well now. I am seeing someone else and he is totally cool with it - they get along really well and it’s really cool.
My MAIN issue for this post is this roommate who is a COMPLETE thorn in my side. My ex and I are both at Witt’s end with him. He lies about EVERYTHING. He lies about things that don’t matter at all. He lies so often that they don’t match up with the lies he has told other people. He is always about himself and is beyond selfish. His cat needed surgery and the first thing he did when he walked into the pet ER after seeing the initial quote was “I cannot afford that, let’s take him and go home” this was after hours of me literally nurturing this poor kitten as much as I could. The veterinary staff was explaining to him all of the financial options and that there are resources out there to help cover costs. He kept cutting the staff off with his nonsense. Eventually my ex and I had to convince him to fill out an application for discounted services. The application was estimated to take about 45 minutes and all he did the entire time was sigh and complain about how “hard it was” and “he is stressed” which was beyond irritating. Moreover, the kitten got surgery and is doing very well now! I ended up doing most of the medication administration and aftercare. Which I only did because it was an animal in need and I am not a monster.
His sister got a major surgery - he didn’t check in on her. He did, however, call her and ask for a ride the day after her procedure. Their brother flew in from across the country to assist in the care of their sister and he hadn’t made an effort to see him for over a month.
He eats all the food. Literally all of it. Anything that I get for food I have to hide in my room because otherwise he’ll get too stoned and eat it all. He also expects me or another roommate to cook for him. He doesn’t directly say it, but insinuates it with his words.
He has sexually assaulted myself and another roommate while he was extremely intoxicated and claims to have no recollection of it. He is very creepy with girls and says things that are very disturbing. He says borderline homophobic, racist and misogynistic comments regularly. I also am starting to believe that he may be a bit of a pædophile with some of his comments about the age of consent being lowered.
He thinks he has his family to support him.
I have been in contact with his siblings and mother. Yes, I am his roommate and I acquired the numbers of his family from them. They reached out to me and provided me their information when we first moved in together - which I should have seen that red flag immediately. He has sexually assaulted his sister’s partner in front of the entire family because he was too drunk with the premise of “you really want a man and I look like my sister, so you want me” so, clearly he cannot stay with them. His brother has had it with him and loves him from a distance - so to speak. Their mother moved into a 55+ community to ensure that he can’t stay with her. She is a mom and well, loves her son, but is also fed up. He has done some VERY questionable acts in the past. Things including taking medication from seniors in a senior living facility and selling them / taking them to get high, drinking and driving regularly - to the point where he got in a car accident (which the story about that changed like 5x as well) without car insurance and had to pay for it all out of pocket just to get drunk a few days after getting his car repaired and drove home. He has also struggled with addiction most of his life. Normally I would be understanding of that, however, he takes no accountability nor does he even think that anything is wrong - he’ll acknowledge his addictions, but sees nothing wrong with it. He can’t deal with life sober at all.
He lies about everything. It’s so often that it’s hard to tell reality from fable. We try and find nice things about him, but honestly with how consistently he lies and does questionable acts it is very difficult to oversee all of that.
I could go on and on about how this guy lives and drives me up a wall.
Our lease is up in a few months. I am very much so aware of the fact that he has nowhere to go. OH! He also got an eviction notice from a previous landlord shortly after we got approved for our current apartment. That basically solidifies the fact that he has nowhere to go.
I need roommates to fill the spaces. He also has kittens that I am actually fearful for their future care because of his blatant negligence for life. He makes money to pay rent, but is an absolute nightmare.
I am in a pickle.
SOS lol 🤦🏼‍♂️
submitted by 1Creepy_Suspect to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:10 Spare-Net9241 POTS and Crohn's

I'm a 25 y/o female, diagnosed with Crohn's as of 2016, Polyarthritis as of 2020, Hyperthyroidism w/ total thyroidectomy in 2023, chronic anemia, and now POTS....
Does it ever get better? Lol.
I can't help but feel so frustrated because I've been anemic for almost 3-4 years now and the doctors tell me, "take an iron supplement." I don't absorb vitamins or pills adequately due to my Crohn's-- everything gets flushed quickly. They now just started me on IV iron infusions with B12 injections IM. I'm still feeling exhausted, especially with the POTS. I can sleep for 16 hours straight, do one chore, and then nap again for another 2-3 hours, without relief. I've been trying to drink liquid IV, increase my hydration, and supplementation but nothing is working.
I'm also a nurse and I work 40-hour work weeks on my feet, so that doesn't help. I bought a fan for work, so I don't pass out but I still get lightheaded/dizzy every day. My blood pressures are usually 150/96 and my heart rate can jump from 70s to 130s BPM from sitting to just standing. I take a beta blocker twice a day now and it helps some, but my body just can't adjust. I feel like my quality of life is miserable and I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried it all but I have no thyroid for regulation anymore and it just seems to get worse. Does anyone else feel like they can't even live a normal day? Because just getting out of bed is a lot of my body and depletes my energy significantly.
submitted by Spare-Net9241 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:09 Tastyck [wts] small silver selection, some vintage, Johnson Matthey, set of 3 Engelhard silver 10ozt bars

👋🏼 Take a peak at tonight’s selection and let me know what catches your eye! If you have any questions or need better pics just lmk. Enjoy (:
Accepting Zelle and postal money orders. (Can accept Cashapp for an additional 1.75%, Venmo as a last resort also an additional 1.75%)
$30.50 ounces mostly vintage
$32 ounces
Premium silver
Intaglio Tuscan $33
Inflation is coming $34
2019 Disney Mickey Fantasia $35
1973 Boston Tea Party anniversary art bar $35
W.H. Foster 1970 Buffalo back prospector bar $48
Engelhard 3 consecutive Eagle 10ozt bars $945
These bars have chatter marks on the edges, not very common from what I’ve seen
Add on up to 4 Washington quarters for $4.75 each
USPS Shipping is $6 for GA and $10 sfrb. Insurance a cost on request.
Ships tomorrow
submitted by Tastyck to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:09 IndigoUniverse29 I don’t know what’s happening

The dissociation and depersonalization are really bad. It’s been getting worse and worse. I can’t stop myself from floating away. Sometimes I have to hold onto things and feel them and tell myself I’m still here. I don’t remember what happens throughout the day. When people are talking to me it takes everything to focus on the words to remember what they say. Sometimes I have to repeat them to make sure I got it
I was hypomanic for about a week and everything was extremely intense and a little dysphoric but now I don’t know what’s happening. It’s like a flip switched
This morning I was feeling okay and then got super angry and irritable. Then my mood started feeling really really low and I started crying. My thoughts took me to dark places and suicide. Everything felt so intense I just wanted to escape. I couldn’t stop self harming
But I had to go to work
I couldn’t make it through the day and had to leave early. My manager said that since this has been happening a lot maybe it would be a good idea to take a leave of absence
Everything feels so weird and off in my head. It’s like I’m not there. I feel like an alien
All day I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed And I ended up having a panic attack at work. I had one last night too. It feels like things keep building and building
I feel so stuck. Stuck in my head, stuck in a really depressed mood and stuck in one position staring out the window
I wish I wasn’t alone. I’m scared of my thoughts. I don’t know what to do
submitted by IndigoUniverse29 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:09 absurditey Steve Gibson talks pins

We talk about passwords a lot (common passwords and password strategies) but we don't talk about pins as much.
This week on his podcast Steve Gibson talked a little about pins. He cited a summary of 3.4 million real-world (leaked?) 4-digit pins plotted in graphic form with first 2 pin digits on horizontal axis (scaled 0 to 99) and 2nd 2 digits on the vertical axis (also scaled 0 to 99) as shown here:
The bright colors are more frequent. You can see a bright diagonal line, which means people are prone to making the 3rd and 4th digits a repeat of the first and 2nd (for example 4747). And the brightest points on this line are things like 0000, 2222, 7777, 8888. And also 6969
There is also a bright horizontal line with vertical values 19 or 20 representing years (probably birth years) with the highest concentration being around 1965 to 1990.
But the real kicker, out of those 10,000 possible 4 digit pins, the top 20 most-common pins (0.2%) make up 27% of pins in the set. Those top 20 are: 1234 0000 7777 2000 2222 9999 5555 1122 8888 2001 1111 1212 1004 4444 6969 3333 6666 1313 4321 1010.
There are a variety of pin applications with different requirements. But using something like a birth year isn't a good idea. You could generate a randon numeric pin using the bitwarden password generator and unchecking everything except for digits. You may want it to be memorable though. People may have a variety of ways to come up with memorable numbers.///
I'll share one way to come up with memorable pin numbers.
  1. Come up with a word that has the same number of letters as your desired pin.
  2. Convert every letter to a number by its position in the alphabet (A=1, B=2... Z=26)
  3. Multiply the number by 3 (*)
  4. Take the last digit, that is your pin digit.
  5. Put all the pin digits together
That procedure maps the letters to numbers as follows:
As you can see it spreads the 26 letters out over the 10 digits pretty well (there are 4 digits assigned 2 characters each and 6 digits assigned 3 characters each).
As an example if my word is DONGLE, then my pin would be 252165
(*) You could use the same procedure multiplying by 7 (instead of 3), and the 26 letters would again spread out pretty well over the 10 digits... but the multiplication is a bit harder.
Take it or leave it, just a thought.
submitted by absurditey to Bitwarden [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:09 Sensitive-Mousse5156 Why is Temazapam is strange?

I take 30 mgs for sleep reasons for bipolar mania. A bottle of 30 will probablyblast me around 6-9 months before I need to get more. Shit is pretty awsome. I get good sleep stay asleep for the most part when manic every now and then I will wake up at 2am feeling like the 2nd comming of christ and then fall over 10 minutes later great silver bullet for mania. Somtimes I just take one in the day if I know im going out of my own control.
But for it to give me drowsiness and feel relaxed and kick in fully I need to eat gummy candy and its funny cause that 100% against sleep recommendations. But when im having mania to get in the bed I take 30 mg of temazapam and munch on gummy bears or life savers and booooom. Imma feel it in about 20-30 minutes. But if I don't. It can take several hours. And I wonder why that is.
I wish it wasn't addictive and tolerance developing or I would use it every night. Cause this is just way to fun. Wish they made 1 mg melatonin gummy bears so I could eat like 20 or 30 of them after taking my temazapam cause this night routine is awsome.
submitted by Sensitive-Mousse5156 to AskPharmacists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:09 St_Fargo_of_Mestia Tale of Two Troubles

As the title states, this is a tale of two troubles.
Trouble 1: my anxiety and my anger issues have a fun time making my actions get a little quirky.
Trouble 2: there’s a girl involved in all of this and I want to be her boyfriend but I don’t want to scare her.
Here’s the background: I’m a plain and simple guy for the most part. I do a little bit of comedy, I’m a musician, and I’m very clingy when I find someone that I can boast of how they make me feel safe/happy. In more recent times, this girl and I have been avoiding each other after we had a few falling outs. It’s hard to think about, but it’s constantly on my mind. When we first met, it was because she was doing some work for me as a thumbnail artist. We go to the same school, so I’d pay her after classes. Eventually we fell for each other and she wanted me to take her out on a date. I prepared everything, I made sure to ask friends how they did things so I could compare and contrast how things could go for me.
A day or two goes by and then we’re in a situation where we are linking arms and being goofy (it’s in our natures), I felt confident enough to share some candy with her, and so I did. She appreciated the gesture, but then later she texted me saying she didn’t want to move forward with things and so she was going to take a few days to process. She didn’t say she wanted to move backwards, but in my head and in my heart; it felt like she wanted to be as far from me as possible (I suppose that was my anxiety?). I couldn’t bear it and so I was profusely trying to revive things when I kept kicking myself about it.
Eventually, time passes and she reaches out again to try and test the waters. Things go well at first; but then something happened to my grandfather and I was constantly sitting down at random places trying to hold myself together. I guess it looked different to her because she told me one day that she felt uncomfortable with how I was acting, so I did my best to hide myself away from her. I tried being better, but my frustrations and my fears got the best of me, and so we stopped talking all together. I texted her an apology twice and even sent her an invite to go see something that I was performing in to let her know how I felt. She must’ve felt panicked and so she removed me from her contact lists and the like.
Next year, I became rather peculiar and always brought sweet treats to school. I would hand them out to all the kids, but I was very hesitant to share with her, and eventually she texted me again to say thanks, and we had a little conversation from there. I didn’t know why she bothered texting me if she didn’t feel comfortable being in contact with me, but she did and later she told me why. We had a falling out. We had two or three more falling outs, I gave out more candy and included her in the mix… to this day, she’s the first person I think of when I give out candy (my priest told me to do this as an act of penance), but we don’t talk so much… and I want to make things right between us.
There’s a girl who has seriously affected my anxiety and anger issues, and I’ve been horrible too; but I want to make things right.
submitted by St_Fargo_of_Mestia to amiwrong [link] [comments]