Husband jerks off video

Maura Murray Case - college student disappearance true crime unsolved case & unresolved mystery

2017.03.31 10:21 Reccognize Maura Murray Case - college student disappearance true crime unsolved case & unresolved mystery

Subreddit for the discussion of one of the world's most unusual unsolved missing persons cases. College student Maura Murray disappeared from a single-car crash in Haverhill, New Hampshire in 2004 under highly mysterious circumstances. This case has enthralled and confounded web sleuths, detectives, and the general public for years.

2013.04.28 21:08 SprikenZieDerp DiaryOfARedditor: Reddit's literal/fictional Diary.

DiaryOfARedditor is many things. A place to record your daily life, a place to rant about a stressful day, or even a blank canvas for interesting stories. All posts must be in a diary/journal format, and acceptance and support of others is key! Above all, remember that life is what you make of it, and it's okay to share it with us! Have fun during your time here, my friends!

2022.05.05 00:20 eminva02 To_Yeet_a_Predator

In January 2020, I sent my husband to work with a kiss. Before he got off work, I found a video on his tablet from a hidden camera in our bathroom, that showed my 14 year old niece nude. I called the police, immediately, and our lives changed in a split second. I've told my story on multiple subs, now I'm going to share the whole thing, with screen shots and evidence on my own sub. I'll also show the journey from my lowest low to healing, and the start of my new life.

2024.05.16 18:32 TinyChip-2934 I don’t know what to do for myself in my (23F) marriage with my husband (27M) anymore, and I am considering separating from him?

TLDR; My husband (27M) and I’s (23F) ideals for the future are misaligned now and I’m becoming unhappy, I don’t know what to do.
My husband and I met when I was still in college, a little over 4 years ago and have been together ever since. The first two years were fantastic, and we got engaged on our 2 year anniversary. At the time, we really thought we had talked over every “big conversation” you’re supposed to talk about (kids, where do you want to live, values, etc.)… Well we eloped a few weeks later (he’s in the military so that in itself speeds things up a bit), and then like 8 months later we were to have our actual wedding with family and friends, the whole 9 yards. During this time period, i don’t know what changed, but I guess I started to learn more about myself and my desires for life— I want an adventurous life before I settle down and have kids, and am more on the fence about having kids in some ways (mind you, I used to be all for it, but now I’m like 50% want 50% don’t want)? I also feel in a lot of ways as if he stopped “dating” me. I tried to bring this up and made it clear that I need to feel DATED, and set a kind of system up for us to have “date night” once every week. This went on for 2 weeks before it fell off and he got busy with school (which I was understanding of, as I also was in uni for the first 2 years of our relationship). Well, long story short, ever since then, we’ve gone on maybe 2/3 actual “dates”. I’ve tried bringing it up again but nothing came of it so I just dropped it and didn’t feel heard. That mixed with the bigger issues - how our values don’t line up as much anymore in where we see ourselves 2 or 5 years down the line, has made it so hard for me to be fully confident in us. We’ve had tough conversations a lot recently (within just this year maybe 3-4 times) about us and our future & the things we like to do (I also feel like we barely have any shared interests/hobbies besides playing video games, and it’s almost summer now so I am always wanting to be outside while he stays in and plays), but after we have the conversation it always ends with “but we love each other, and that’s just the way it is” and things go back to normal for some time — we’re very physically affectionate and goofy with each other, it’s so natural to be good. And then I get plagued with these thoughts of doubt again. I don’t know how to replace them or push them away, I went to therapy for a little bit and then helped but I wasn’t able to keep on it financially. We had another conversation last night about how I felt unhappy and he got frustrated and told me he didn’t want to talk about this again and I need to just make a decision because I’m stringing him along. I have no idea what to do or say, and part of me feels like it shouldn’t be this hard— we are so young. I’m just lost.
submitted by TinyChip-2934 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:47 throwramayclay Boyfriend (22m) keeps lying about watching porn (21f). Is this crazy to break up over?

I have had a bad experience with him watching open. One time we were being intimate, he couldn’t stay hard, he said let’s stop, next thing I know he’s jerking off next to me in the bed. Okay, whatever, I had a feeling he was watching porn. He was. He was watching porn right next to me! In bed. I was so hurt. Cried. I told him I don’t want him watching those videos, if I caught him again I’d break up with him. He said he would never again. A few days weeks ago, I found in his phone he was watching it again. I didn’t break up with him. This morning, I was looking through his phone, I noticed he uninstalled his brave browser.. okay weird. He said he uses it to keep score of game. I’m up early cleaning, doing his laundry. I needed to go on his phone to download an app for him and put his information in.. I see he downloaded it again. Last night he came in very late from work, I was groggy, in my sleep I turned over and saw him on his phone, he very quickly places it down and laid down for bed. I was tired I didn’t really think but I feel he was browsing porn.
I want to break up I think. It’s not just the porn. But the disrespect, the lying. What would you do
Tldr: boyfriend keeps watching porn after he said he would never. He keeps watching.i want to break up, is it too harsh?
submitted by throwramayclay to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:33 Adorable-Check-6282 The guy who molested me when I was 16y/o died (just now)

He’s 47 years old, and my father’s 1st cousin. I told my parents about what he did and told my dad to take an action against that pedo . But all he did was not talk to him. My father says it’s difficult to cut ties with him because their family is close.( very disappointed at my father’s decision ) I’m happy that he did not die in peace he suffered real bad. My parents are in shock how I have a smirk on my face when I heard the news. I really wanted to act all sad but I just couldn’t contain my happiness.
The day my father decided not to help me with that pedo . That day I decided I would take action by myself. During Covid then the trains were mostly empty, I was flashed by a guy. My body froze but I did manage to take a video of him jerking off and called the cops on him. That was my first WIN🏅
submitted by Adorable-Check-6282 to hyderabad [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:27 AffectionateFox8001 How my boomer MIL got herself uninvited from my son's graduation

Hello fellow potatoes! And to the potato queen herself, girl, you're amazing!!! I just found your channel a few months ago, but I'm a huge fan. I don't have a lot of time for videos, but when I do get to watch, I watch yours.
Have I got a boomemil story for you! Let's go on an adventure...warning...I tell stories with rabbit holes and tangents. This is probably gonna be too long. I'm sorry!!!
So, the characters are me (40f), boomer MIL (64f BM for short, like bowel movement bc she's caca), my oldest son, (17m), and my church "mom" (65f CM for short).
A little background: BM thinks she's an awesome mom and grandma even though she's not. She uses my kids as facebook props to show off how "wonderful" she is. The only reason she was around my kids so often was because we went to the same church. She lived 10 minutes down the road from us, but could never be bothered to come over or have anything to do with any of us is if we didn't initiate. She has always said that if we ever try to threaten to keep our kids away from her, like if we were having a disagreement, that she would not fight to see them. We've never threatened to keep our kids from her, she just wanted us to know that she didn't give a sh!t to see her gandkids. So, that tells you right there, that she's a grandma when it's convenient for her.
She's of the boomer mentality that mental health issues are made up and aren't real. "You have nothing to be depressed about." "Just snap out if it." "Just be happy." You get the point. I struggle with depression, I always have. She doesn't understand or even try to understand and is the least empathetic person I've ever met.
When I get overwhelmed, I get depressed, and I start shutting down. My plate is overflowing right now. Between the end of the school year and the possibility of us moving states, I've been overwhelmed. My oldest is a senior and the last month of senior year is crazy busy. I have another child (11m) in public school and this is his last year of elementary school, so this has been an extremely busy month for him. I have 3 more kids that do online public school/homeschool. So, they're home all day with online classes, but since they're a public school, they have mandatory state testing just like regular public school. I have had to take them to do state testing on 4 different days overyhe last few weeks and the meeting place was 45 minutes from home, at a conference room in a mall. I also babysit 3 kids (1m, 4m, 4f), so hanging out for 4 to 5 hours a day on 4 different days with a shitload of kids at the f#cking mall was not easy. Not to mention the positions and "jobs" that I hold at church. To say I'm busy is an understatement.
We've been planning on moving for the last few months because a position at my husband's work is coming open near where he grew up, which is in another state. His parents recently moved back to their hometown after my FIL retired, so one reason for the move would be to be closer to them. They are getting older, so I would be taking care of them once they needed it, so moving closer seemed like a great option. Also, it's a lower COL area than we live in now. Currently we live in the metro area of a capital city and we would be moving to a middle of nowhere po'dunk town.
Told you, rabbit holes, thanks for still being with me!!!
And this is just the straw that broke the camel's back, this is not the only reason for my decision.
So, to the actual story...
Last week, I got a mother's day card in the mail from BM. She's a dollar tree card fanatic. It was a very typical card that she sends me. Nothing handwritten except for "love, grandma and grandpa." This is what she writes in all my cards. (Another tangent...last year my mom passed a month before mother's day and that actual mother's day was her and my dad's anniversary. And I had a super complicated relationship with my momster. So, it was an exceptionally hard day for me. The card she got me said "Daughter" in huge letters on the front. I thought it was so incredibly passive aggressive and completely inappropriate for that year. If it would've been any other year, it would've been fine. Also, she never gets me cards that just say "daughter" so, to me, it was a low blow.) (Yet another tangent...she does passive aggressive crap all the time, for instance when she used to do fb birthday posts, she would always ask me to send her a pic to post. I'm picky about what pics are used and she knows that. Last year, I sent her a great pic of me and her son to use. So, she used one from about 12 years ago that looked like absolute poop. It was a surprise pic, so like not even posed, stupid look on my face. No matter what pic I send, and usually send like 3, she uses a completely different one that doesn't even look good.) I got the card last Tuesday. Hubby happened to be talking to her while driving home from work that day, so when he got home, I thanked her for the card and just wanted to give her a heads up that I hadn't gotten a chance to mail hers yet because of everything I had going on. I kinda broke down and was sharing how I felt and she basically just said, "suck it up, it'll be fine." She's always been dismissive of my feelings, always.
So, my CM is the sweetest lady you'll ever meet. She listens to me, lets me share my feelings without being dismissive, and actually shows she cares. I see her twice weekly at church, and text with her during the week. Since BM has moved 8 moths ago, she has called or texted "just to talk or check in on us" less than a handful of times. She only calls/texts when she needs something or on a special occasion. She called my husband to ask about something, not just to talk. I understand now why the oldest grandson, my nephew, didn't even bother to invite her to his and his girlfriend's baby shower where he proposed. She thinks she's an amazing grandma bc she sends birthday money in a card and posts their pics on Facebook. And, she even stopped posting the kids birthday messages on fb bc she said it was "too much trouble." So, she just sticks to her 30 daily inspirational Bible quotes posts. She's the type that was so pissed off that both of her kids went with courthouse marriages instead of going into debt for a wedding because she didn't get to walk down the aisle at her kids' weddings and post pics on fb. She's mentioned this several times, but definitely wasn't even willing to spend a dime towards a wedding that no one wanted except her. She was also unwilling to take a day off work to go to the courthouse with us. With both of her kids' marriages, the kids and partners were together for a while and had kids before getting married, so spending tons of money on a huge wedding for either of us couples wouldn't have been the best way to spend money.
On mother's day, I gave my CM a card with a few lines written in it about how amazing she is and how I'm so grateful for her. I'm way closer to her than BM. CM is my chosen family and to me, your chosen family is the one that means more because you chose them, you didn't just get stuck with them. My blood family is incredibly toxic, so I stick with my chosen family. CM made a fb post with all that she got for mother's day. It was gifts and cards from her own children, and of course my card as well. CM & BM are fb friends, so of course BM saw it. Also, BM has everyone convinced she's this sweet, little old church lady, but she is far from it.
So, this Tuesday she got her cards in the mail. I always give her one from hubby and myself, and a separate one from our boys. I wrote a nice little note in it. Not long, a line or 2, but it was more effort than she put into my card. She sent me and hubby the following in a group text...
Copy and pasted, only edited out names.
"Got my cards in the mail today. 😭. They were post marked Saturday. You could of kept them til I got there or next year. It's like yall bought them Saturday, wrote a few words and rushed to get them to post office. My heart 💔broken. I thought I deserved better. I wish I could send pictures of my card verses [CM] 😩 card. I couldnt tell which gift was yours. But least I have a year to try do better and be worthy of such wonderful words of love and praise that was written to her.
I don't mean to complain or seem ungrateful but I wished you hadn't mailed them.😭😭. I can't explain how crushed I am.😔 Anyway hopefully I will see yall on the 20th."
Note: my oldest son is graduating on the 20th. She was supposed to drive down and spend the night with us to attend the graduation. I honestly believe she picked this fight because she doesn't want to drive the 6 hours down here.
If you "don't mean to complain or seem ungrateful" then why tf did you send it? I asked my husband what was his initial reaction and he said, "Really?!? All she had to do was say thanks."
So, after I talked to my husband and oldest son (I wanted to make sure everyone was on board with what I was saying before I sent it) , I sent her this response:
"I mailed them on Friday, I bought them several weeks ago. I told you I hadn't mailed them yet because I've been in a deep depression and you dismissed my feelings like always. I have real, valid feelings and you always dismissed them as silly. And come after me because now you're feelings are hurt. Wow, ok. The absolute audacity. And it's not just with your cards that I'm slacking. It's with everything. Because I have depression. I'm overwhelmed on top of that and literally the only thing you care about is a card. I tried to express my feelings the other day on the phone and you dismissed them like you always do. I know things will be fine, but in this moment they are not and you don't get that. Because you don't understand how or why I feel the way I do, then my feelings are silly or invalid to you.
And I never gave [CM] a present. Don't know why you thought that.
Don't worry about coming down on the 20th."
She replies by trying to blackmail me;
"Well my am so sorry I said anything. I never realized you thought that about me. I never dismissed your depression but yes i never knew what to do for you. I am not going to go back and forth about this. I will text [son] and let him know you told me not to come."
She's not sorry to me for being dismissive, she's sorry because now she doesn't get her "Proud MeMe moment" and can't post pictures of her at his graduation on fb. And even if she didn't "know what to do" for me, all she had to do was ask. Or listen. Or give a damn hug. But, no, she just dismissed me bc to her depression isn't real. And she's not going back and forth bc she knows shes wrong! Little did she know that I had already cleared it with hubby and son before sending the text, so I think she thought it would make me look bad to my oldest son that I told her no to come. Oldest son said, "I'm neutral, I don't care if she comes or not. It's not like she's had anything to do with us since she moved, and barely had anything to do with us when she was here."
So, my last text to her said, "He knows. I asked him before I texted you, and he's good with it."
All she had to do was say thanks or not even say anything at all. But, no, she had to say something stupid. Even her own son said that she's lucky she even got a card bc if it was up to him, her actual son, she wouldn't have gotten anything. So, not only is she not invited to the graduation, she's never welcome in my home again. The great part is I don't have to share my holidays with her ever again!!! And please know that I'd never keep her grandchildren from her, but if she wants a relationship with them, she'll have to put some effort in. And we all know boomers hate effort.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading my rant. I appreciate you my friends!
submitted by AffectionateFox8001 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:11 itsthenumberseven How can I(26f) be supportive if I don’t want him(28m)to get the job?

I (26f) have been married to my husband (28m) for almost three years. We have loved each other since high school but did not start dating till adulthood. It was easy when dating but once we got married things changed. It has been very difficult because two of those years I’ve been pregnant and now we have a toddler and an infant. Both of our jobs don’t make a ton of money, but if we budget right, we can barely make it each month. We have been fighting off and on for the past 2 years and this past month we finally decided to sit down and work on our marriage. We are pleasant with each other again, we are set to start counselling, and we are communicating and really working on it. My love language is definitely quality time, and this has been a big thing for me. Things are starting to look up. Like really up.
Husband has this amazing job opportunity that would pay more but also have him out of the house and travelling between states 90% of the time. He feels it’s a great move up in his career and it would be amazing income wise for the family. His interview is Monday via video call. I don’t want him to get it. I feel we have only started working on us, and I worry that our relationship won’t survive this. I understand I am being entirely selfish and thinking of myself when I say I will miss him and I’m not sure how long I can go without that quality time. He knows how I feel, I think. I have struggled to communicate this effectively and nicely. Because I want him to be happy and I want to support him in all his ventures, I want to support encourage him for his interview. But I’m struggling hard; my feelings keep getting in the way. How can I support my husband with this opportunity, ESPECIALLY if he DOES get the job, when I don’t want him to go?
TL;DR husband has job opportunity that requires travel, I don’t want him to go but I want to support him.
submitted by itsthenumberseven to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:28 amselina05 Life as a renter in Nashville

We rent a house because we were saving to buy, but like have yall seen the prices around here? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.
We pay a pretty penny for this house, so you expect some level of decorum when it comes to actually getting things fixed and respect. But alas, this is not what we've gotten, like at all.
So let me tell you this grand story.
The first 6-7 months were fine; did the landlord or property manager actually pay to get anything fixed that we asked them to? No. We asked them to fix the steps on the porch as they were rotting, what happened was they fixed 2 planks and left the rest to rot. When we told the contractor to fix the rest his reply was 'That would cost too much money for your landlord.' So they were left to rot until we no longer had safe access to our back yard.
In October the property manager and landlord said they were going to build a 4k sq ft addition to our backyard to create a duplex; we had only been here for 6 months. I told them that they cannot do that as it disturbs us and we are paying for the whole property, not just the house. (It would literally take away the entire back yard.) And it is also against our UDO. The landlord who owns the next door house as well just ignores us, because the other tenants are allowing him to do it.
I inform him that I have a child and work a fully remote job, probably should wait till I move. He ignored it.
He starts to build in both of the houses, and knocked down the fence in between the houses so the backyard is basically open now, the trouble is... he doesn't have a permit to build yet. There were a lot of issues and he just didn't care or pay attention.
I informed him that if he is going to do this that he has to do it legally, he basically calls me a dumb ass. And the property manager says that he probably knows better than me.
Fun fact I helped a friend run their district council person campaign and got to schmooze with the big wigs. I also went to law school, so what do I know against a man who is a psychiatrist for his full time job and then is trying to cash grab with two properties in his own neighborhood.
I contacted a friend who is on city council and has a lot to do with the planning and zoning. They get a notice to stop building. They rip it down the first time and then get a second notice.
In January we get a leak in our bathroom. I tell the property manager and she said the landlord would be over to look. They both proceed to tell us the leak in the middle of the roof is caused by the gutters and that we should be cleaning them. Well in the state of TN that responsibility falls on the landlord. I inform them that no, something is wrong with the roof. They leave the ceiling sagging and with water in it and leave us alone. I sent 3 more emails about this to them saying it's still leaking and them telling me it's my fault. I send them videos of the gutters being cleaned, yet it is sill my fault.
The landlords mother or mother in law starts coming onto our property without informing us within 72 hours like the least states and she starts stealing flowers from a rose bush we brought back to life. I inform the property manager that she is not allowed to be on the property as when we are renting it is our property and I will call the cops for trespassing if she does it again. It stops. for like a minute.
We are still dealing with the leaking roof and the steps have pretty much started to crumble. We have no use of our kiddo's bathroom by this point because the roof will absolutely fall in if we try to take showers in it. I get mad. Like really mad. This is the safety of my kid and family after all, like what if there is mold in there?
I start throwing legalese at her and she decides to blame me for gutters again, I send her a video and say it's not the gutters. (She claims the landlord has come by twice to clean the gutters when it's been once, we've done the rest and if he showed up without anyone telling us... that's again trespassing.) They finally send someone over, he pokes the roof and it crumbles. Said he was glad no one had taken a shower because they would have gotten hurt.
The landlord comes over with the PM and he says about the rotting wood 'what if we just staple plywood to it and then plaster it again.' Excuse me? The wood is still rotting and that's not how roofing works. Turns out the roof needs replaced and there are several gaps in the shingles causing this. Who would have guessed? Oh me. I told them that in January because it was blatantly visible, but what do I know I'm a woman.
The landlord looks at the steps and says 'we will fix it when the permit comes through and we start building, but we are having trouble with the permit.' Buddy at this point you're not getting that permit. My husband tells him 'the fk you will, we pay for that yard and we are using it. Fix the steps.'
I go off in the most professional way possible telling them that both of the major safety issues could have been solved and the liability lies with them, not us. the PM tells my husband 'you can just break your lease.' Which sends me to the very depths of hell of anger. I tell her no, our lease is for 10 more months and I'm not moving after only 14 months with a child. Also it doesn't matter if we move out, you need to fix this, it is literally your job that we pay you for. I know how much the mortgage is and I can tell you we pay them about 2.5k more than that.
I tell her that the two of them need to get their story straight because the lies are being recorded and I have everything on paper. I told them that I will record every conversation and anything out side of them being here will be done by text or email. I need her to know that the two of them have done illegal things.
They do not tell us when people are coming to fix things, they just start showing up at our door because 'I can't tell you in advance, you'll just have to deal with it.'
I tell her that if she brings up moving out one more time that we will do it for 14 months backpay and 6 months of rent to move and all of our deposits back, this does not make her happy, so I say if the landlord wants to sell to us since he cannot keep up with the upkeep, that's cool too. But why is he building on to the properties when he refuses to take care of the actual property themselves?
The landlord lives on our street and just stands outside of our house sometimes staring at us.
Fast forward to yesterday; the final straw. Found out that our landlord has never registered as a landlord the entire 14 months we've been here and 12 months someone was next door. I tell the PM that she should probably get on top of that as the city does not like that kind of behavior and that once again, she needs to get her story straight with the landlord. She said 'they'll fix your steps by the EOD and I have your safety at heart always.' Then why wasn't it fixed when I first brought it up?
The steps weren't done. The landlord is on the street while we are on our nightly family walk, husband goes and asks him what's up with the steps not being fixed. And he said "I'll remove them since you don't use them anyway." My husband goes off at him, he said 'We do use them we are asking you to fix them not take away all access to our yard!" And then the landlord says that the PM will handle it and he doesn't know who was measuring in our yard that day.
I send a text to the PM and relay that information and she said 'it will be done next week.' I say 'well you told us it will be done by the end of this week, so I expect that to still be the case.'
"I'll be there tomorrow, does that make you happy?" Enter me ranting about every illegal thing that they've done and quoting the sections of the law that goes with it and I said, no you are both just essentially slum lords trying to get more money by building more when you can't even take care of one.
She'll be here today and my husband is going to deal with her so I don't make this old lady and old man landlord cry, because I definitely am feeling that right now.
Additional notes:
The landlord asked 'how do you know all of these people.' when I said I spoke to the city council members and our neighbors on walks. My reply was 'that is absolutely none of your business.'
They resigned our lease and if they wanted us out why would they do that?
The bathroom roof is still not fixed and when I said we will need compensation for that part of our house they said NOTHING.
Every message that I've ever sent them has been professional and nice, now it's professional and stern.
I am just super mad and if it gets worse I will be calling out the landlord and the real estate company that the PM works at because this is ridiculous.
submitted by amselina05 to nashville [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:52 Dangerous-Snow-2576 AITA for not taking sides in my parent’s separation?

TW talks Alcoholism and Verbal Abuse
My (27F) parents (53M & 53F) separated on Monday due to my father’s drinking. My dad has been an alcoholic since he was a teenager. Growing up, we left on 3 different occasions and stayed with my grandparents anywhere from 3 days to 3 months at a time. I was ages 12, 14, and 16. Each time, my mom went back because my dad stopped drinking. He said that he missed his family and he couldn’t stand his kids not talking to him.
This time around, I’m 27 with my own family (husband, 30M & daughter 7monthF). I am currently in school to be a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and have learned a lot about addiction through my years of schooling as well as experience in the field. I have gone through therapy myself to deal with the trauma of growing up with an alcoholic and what I now realize, narcissistic, father.
When my mom left on Monday, I told her I 100% support her and wish she had left him sooner. This time I hope she does divorce him because it’s the first time she has said she wants a divorce. Where the issue lies is that I reached out my father last night. I sent him a simple video of a fox in my yard that always visits. He finds it so cool that I have a fox around since I live in the suburbs outside of Philly and it’s the last place we expected to see foxes. I sent him that video for me to see if he would respond or if he’s so deep into drinking right now that he would ignore it. He responded this morning.
While on the phone with my mom this morning. I casually mentioned that I sent him that fox video and he didn’t respond till the morning, so I assumed he was drinking all night. She was immediately upset. She said my other two siblings (31M & 24F) are not talking to my dad because of how mean he is to my mom when he’s drinking. I told her I reached out for me and I was hoping that by one of the kids still talking to him normally that he would be less hostile towards her if they go through a divorce. I told her I plan to lay out boundaries like that he cannot speak poorly of my mother to me or my child, he will not be intoxicated around my child, and he will not be verbally abusive to me or to / around my child.
She said that by acting like everything is okay between him and I, that I am condoning his actions towards my mom. I told her that I’m sorry if me reaching out to him hurt her and that wasn’t my intention. I do not condone the way he treats my mom and I have stuck up for her many times when he has been verbally abusive to her when I am around.
I want to make this process easier for her by keeping peace with my dad. I also told her that every time she has left he got sober again for the kids because we wouldn’t speak to him, and that I want him to get sober for himself this time. That I also don’t want my mom to go back to him if he gets sober because his kids won’t speak to him.
Basically, I’m seeing the same cycle from my teen years playing out again as an adult and I do not want to react the same way my teenage self did. I do plan on cutting my dad off if he crosses my boundaries I plan to lay out when I see him next. But my mom thinks I’m taking his side now because I sent a video of a fox to him. Meanwhile I FaceTime my mom every day. Sometimes 2-3x a day since she left him. I live 4 hours away so I go visit about once a month.
I told her I am not picking sides and I intend on maintaining my relationships with both parents as long as each person respects my boundaries. I plan to support my mom financially through this and give her a place to stay with me whenever she wants. I told her there is only “one side” and that’s the side that my dad is an alcoholic who needs help and my mom is who he takes his anger out on and she needs to get out of that situation. Both parents need my help and I intend on helping both of them how they need me to unless one of them disrespect me or my family.
So AITA for wanting to maintain a relationship with both parents? Should I cut my dad off for his drinking and verbal abuse that has hurt us and my mom for so many years? Or should I maintain the Switzerland approach.
TLDR; My mom left my dad due to drinking and mental/verbal abuse and she believes I am in the wrong for wanting to still maintain a relationship with him.
submitted by Dangerous-Snow-2576 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:37 Feisty-Chard-6608 I suffered from Sextortion

Hello so I was recently sexploited just 2 days ago - he has full video of me jerking off with my face he wanted thousands my dumb ass in a state of pure panic tried to negotiate ( should have listened to what les grossman tought me - we do not negotiate with terrorists) paid the dirty Mudharchod 40 gbp before saying fuck this and going to sleep -woke up to so many threats ect they had tried to add mum on fb amd followy sisters and send them a message saying " do you know this person" luckily I am close to my family and friends and had told them about this incident before I went to sleep - ignored them that whole day to which they continued to spam call and message - I have since blocked and deleted all social media including WhatsApp and telegram for now - but I have created a OF just incase it gets leaked ill use it as free advertising and post a better quality video of me jacking off if people really want to see it - it's been 2 days now I have heard nothing since blocking them so feeling relaxed - always remember to stay calm and block - they get nothing out of you for leaking it and threaten there own operation so not likely to do it! And if they do who knows someone might like what they see and hit you up!!
I'm actually very proud of my cock and have no issues with it being out there but the Indians used bandicoot go record me so I look awful and pixilated it ruins my beautiful penis and makes me look horrendous that is my main issue
submitted by Feisty-Chard-6608 to Sextortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:54 AnyTie4192 Alone at night

My husband has only helped at night 1-2 times. Immediately after baby was born he basically passed out on the couch. The nurse had to shake him to get him up. The second night in the hospital he didn’t stay because he wanted to be fully rested to be able to drive us home safely.
-The first night he helped was literally the first night we brought baby home from hospital. I thought that we would work in shifts or at least be together supporting each other. First night was awful as I couldn’t get baby to eat I was panicked, crying, and hyperventilating. I go into the bedroom to wake him up and he comes into the nursery and just falls asleep on the bed. So I continue to try to feed the baby alone.
-Last night was the second night. Baby previously has been an amazing sleeper. Feed them, dry diaper, swaddle, and rock to sleep boom they’re out. However not the case last night. They wanted to be held the ENTIRE night. If you put them down they’d start crying. I was finally able to put them down in the bassinet and he starts snoring like a freight train. (For reference baby bassinet is next to our bed still) so I jerk the covers a bit to get him to shift or just stop snoring so it doesn’t wake baby up and so I can sleep…… Apparently by doing that the sheets whacked him in the face and he got mad and started yelling which woke the baby up. So I asked him to give baby a bottle so I could get sleep. He asked for help getting the swaddle off then got upset because the nursery lights were too dim and wanted more help all the while he was yelling at me being loud and there was no sleeping. He put baby down after feeding and swaddled them back up. Saying they’re asleep now. Which surprise surprise they were not because he has no idea how to be quiet ever. I get back up to take care of baby and just sleep when I can in the nursery.
-He is helpful during the day & is a loving husband and father. Seeing them together in the day makes my heart so happy and full. It is just like he turns into someone else at night. -I feel so alone and exhausted. He originally wanted me to pump so I he would have the ability to feed baby too. However that has become the #1 reason in his mind at least why he does not need to help me at night. “Well you have to get up anyways to pump”. I just want to cry. I have the ability to feed my baby and we are working on breastfeeding more so I can get some sanity back but because we started out with a bottle I don’t feel as though baby is getting enough when they are on the breast and I just give baby a bottle so I know they are eating.
-The other thing is I had 10 days of maternity leave and he has 3 months. We both mostly work from home and so he does rely on me a lot during the day for help. I just feel as though I am failing at everything. I am starting to have more thoughts that maybe things would be better if I wasn’t here.
submitted by AnyTie4192 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:25 Dreamtalehopesans advice for help with dealing with family

when i was younger my family was happy, i guess. I was adopted by my grandparents officially when i was younger and i had been living with them my entire life. I grew up with sensory disorder and ADHD. My real mother wasn't really in my life until about 4 years ago. I never knew my real dad and i have never met him but i always knew my real mom. She used to live with me and my grandparents who i call 'mom and dad' because they took care of me most of my life. She always lived outside in an apartment my dad made for her. She then moved away. She moved a lot and never was really in my life completely. By the time I was adopted by my grandparents she was legally my sibling. She always was having boyfriends and brought some of them over for family holidays. I was bullied growing up since I was in first grade for no reason i knew about. All i knew was i was the school freak. When i was little i hardly ate much as well but i was still called 'fat'. Whenever i sung i was laughed at. I was actually good at singing and i loved to sing when I was little as well as dance. My legally sister (aka real mother) tells me now and days i was the bully growing up and i was sexual as a little kid when i wasn't. growing up i also had anger issues and nobody knew why. My mom (aka grandmother who adopted me) told me it because i was mad at my sister. my mental health started going downhill quickly when i was about starting middle the next year. i was getting bullied a lot more and my 'friend' was mean to me for no reason at all.i was at a christian private school at that time. I got blamed for put stick notes on other sticky notes in a prize container when i didn't. i was friends with everyone in that class. only one of them believed me. but when the others were told that i didnt do it they were acting sorry. one my best friend's at that time little brother had a crush on me. when i went to her house to hang out her brother was acting like a perve a little bit and was asking sexual stuff.i never liked school at all because the city and town i lived in didnt do crap when i was bullied and the principles were told. And around this time my sister came to live in the town i live right now.she gotten married. But she was toxic to everyone. Her husband's friends lived with them as roommates and my sister was abusive to them. when she was babysitting me during that time she would stab one of them in the arm with a medicine syringe you take medicine from.this kept going till that roommate left and then the next one was gone. my sister's husband had passed away when i was in middle school starting the first year of it. my sister was then toxic to me a lot. and since she was my real mom at one point i called her 'mom' all the time till she was toxic to me.she also always told me she couldnt have children. apparently, there was another before me and it was a miscarriage. i will mention this, my sister is known in my family to be a liar about everything from getting gifts for us, receiving it, not stealing, and most of the time children. About every 2 years she claims to be 'pregnant' with a kid but apparently, they all end up dying after they are born or are miscarriages. i was the only kid she had ever.and plus she always blamed me for stealing her stuff even her gun and hiding it under my bed at my mom's when i cant even put a phone under there cause the bed is really low to the ground. now onto my dad (my grandpa who adopted me with my grandma).me and my dad were really close when i was growing up.i was his little princess. That stopped happening after i came out as bisexual and genderfluid 4 years ago. And let me tell you my dad was born in the 50's so he grew up being raciest and homophobic. I was the only child he raised as his own. my sister was his stepdaughter and during that time her real dad never let my dad adopt her as his own.i kept telling my dad about things i liked that we loved together growing up. my dad was toxic to me in my middle school years up until now. He would verbally abuse me and threaten me. he even hit me before in front of my mom and she told the police that he never did. The police were called a lot cause of my anger and yelling. The police where i live never believe the kids about anything saying they dont have any rights like to clothes, a bed, sometimes to speak, to things they buy with their own money, and one even told me i didn't have a right to my own body.i was being bullied every more in school so i was getting depressed and mentally unstable. And my dad was always getting up in my face and i pushed him back sometimes to make sure he didn't hurt me and he just told me i 'assaulted' him and he was going to get me put in jail for defending myself as well a lot of the time. I had been to a mental hospital where i live 8 times. Some of them because i was mentally unstable, and 2 because i was forced for no reason. For my 3 or 5 time there my dad took me to the hospital to get 'diagnosed' but he lied.i had just gotten out of another mental hospital 2 days before for being depressed and i was there for 2 weeks so i needed to get adjusted to being out of there.and when we were at the hospital the doctor came in after talking to my dad and told me 'your being sent to *name of mental hospital i was at 8 times* for sewerslidal (not gonna say the actual word) thoughts'. and i was confused at first and i told him i was having those thoughts at all. and then he told me i was being sent there anyways and then left the room. Then my dad came in and said this directly at me, 'this is what happens when you dont go to school'. i was shocked and upset about this.he lied to the doctor and i was sent to that mental hospital again for it.i never forgave him for that.i was also sent to a behavior facility twice before. one for anger and the other for SH. neither times did it work.i was an SHing person a lot so i had different ways to hide it. like hoodies, long sleeve tee shirts finally, longer shorts, gloves, and short sleeved shirts that covered my shoulders. right now im in high school and i guess my dad is trying to rekindle our relationship because he is that old already. He is nicer now but about 2 months ago he was a jerk. my mom didnt listen to my feelings during these times so i never talked to her about feelings but when she wanted to and i tried to tell her she always interuppeted me and never let me talk and told me to shut up. my sister had moved in my dad's house recently because she bought it because he retired. my dad is planning on moving to my mom's place with me.and now here is an old relationship i need to talk about badly because my sister says i agreed to most of it when i didnt. it was my last year of middle school when it happened. i was already at a different school. I was still bullied but i could handled it a bit better there. my first boyfriend broke up with me 2 months after we got together and i was in 7th grade at that point when we broke up.i had just moved to that school about 2 months before we started dating.the reason he broke up with me was because 'he didnt feel love'.love is an emotion. you cant just not feel it right.i was touch starved and loved starved during that time so the summer after the broke up i was really mentally unstable and SH.i was taken to the mental hospital again. And when i came back to school after 2 months of being in the behavior facility for the second time so it was novemeber of my last year of middle school.about the end of November i was dating my guy best friend at that time.i didnt except what would happen after.he neglected me a lot when we saw each other at school during lunch even if we sat next to each other, was toxic and mad at me where i cried during that and wanted to feel pain, never stood up for me, never cared about how i felt or when i SH but pretended he did, and lastly he was obsessed with me during this time.threatening to hurt people. The first time i went to his house he got really touchy and then the second time he took that one thing a girl will never get back in her life no matter what.i was really desperate for love during that time but i didnt want to do that..he convinced me though. And then at school during lunch in the cafeteria while we were sitting with our friends at lunch he would touch me badly and threaten to do it more if i didnt eat or would do it anyway.i didnt eat much back then cause i was trying to lose weight, was having an eating disorder where i got sick every time i even at at least 2/4 of my meal. I didnt tell anyone this until last summer.i was still with him at the beginning of summer till my current boyfriend started talking to me on roblox after years of not talking because he moved while i was in 4th grade.he was a good friend. my current boyfriend told me what my ex was doing wrong at that time so i did the right thing and broke up with my ex.but my ex did scare me badly. He threatened to kill someone for me. i was terrified at that. He also had a spilt personality he would talk to me with a lot of the time. Then after a month of me breaking up with him my current boyfriend and me got together. He was a little toxic at first but he got better and was really nice to me. but we are in a long distance relationship. We talk a lot on discord and do video calls when we can.i was at 2 different public school this year.neither of them cared about what was happening to me so i started online school.i didnt go to either of them cause i was still bullied i couldnt handle it.and then when i started online school the teachers for that school accused me of not doing my work when i did them days in advance.i was doing really good but if i got most of the questions right on the quiz i still failed it.i would get 90% out of the question right and still get an f on the quiz.i started failing those classes and i was stressed with the video meetings cause there would be one right after another.i didnt get to pick my electives at all because the day i got the papers to see which ones i wanted they already picked them for me.and my dad was being a jerk the entire time as well as my sister so i was getting to a point of relaspe but didnt. im still kinda on that point but not that much.i dont go to therapy or a medication doctor anymore because the medication doctor kept telling me to lose weight when i was trying to, told my parents to send me to a children's home because i was not going to school because of the bullying and my regular doctor i had been seeing since i was a baby said the same because i was 'fakeing' being sick.i wasnt sick though but i was having an eating disorder still during that time to the point i was throwing up everything in my body every time i ate more than 6 bites of food.even the foods that were easy to eat i couldnt eat.and the reason i dont go to therapy is because all the ones i went to as a kid fired us for no reason and then a family counselor did the same thing because i was being rude.i was rude at all but i was pissed during that time cause i never got to talk and tell my side of the story and my family kept saying that raising my voice volume just a small bit was yelling and they still say that and my sister does the same with the voice volume but they dont say she is yelling when she is.if you guys have any of advice to help with any of this thank you.i have been wanting to vent for a long time but i didnt have a way to until now.
submitted by Dreamtalehopesans to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:06 Latetothepizzaparty I still have hope- am I delusional?

Long post (sorry in advanced).
Seeking advice on the best next steps for my situation. I (43f) have been married to my husband (41m) for 17 years (together for over 20 years). During those 17 years we separated at year 4 (lasted about a year) because I felt like he wasn’t meeting my expectations and sharing the mental load with our 3 young children at the time (he would often play video games after he got home from work instead of helping with the kids). We tried marriage counseling prior to separating but ultimately spending the year apart (and divorcing) helped us grow to the point where we felt life was not worth living unless we lived it together. 1 month after our divorce we started dating again and we remarried on our original wedding anniversary the following year.
This new marriage was better than the first- we were kinder to one another, communicated our expectations and needs (or so I thought), and we brought another child into the world. Together we are raising 4 children (2 in college, one in high school, and 1 in elementary). I felt like we were always on the same page. We constantly talked about our dreams and life goals, we went on vacations, he encouraged me to go back to school and helped out by taking over the cooking and cleaning. I would ask him what he needed from me and he would communicate that to me. I truly felt like we were stronger than ever. This is the marriage people dream of.
Last year, my husband encouraged me to go back to school to continue perusing my career goals. I got into a doctoral program for my field and he said he would support me however I needed. He works full time from home- and I work 2 part time jobs (one of which helps pay for my schooling). Well, I’m 1 year in with my program and about 3 weeks ago (right before finals) he tells me he’s unhappy with our marriage and his needs are not being met. He told me he needs to feel desired and valued and wants to be prioritized, have more sex, and more help with the cooking and picking up our youngest from school/sports. I dropped everything (happily) and stepped up to the plate. We had sex daily, I went back to cooking for the family every night, picking our youngest up from school/practice, and I only did my school work during his working hours so my weekends were free to spend with him. I even told him I would be happy to quit chill altogether because none of that means anything to me if he’s not by my side.
After about 1 week of this he reveals he’s not in love with me anymore and that he’s emotionally checked out because he had been feeling like this for years. He said he doesn’t want to have sex anymore, and he doesn’t want me around all the time, and now I’m cooking too much and not giving him the opportunity to cook, too. When I asked him why he didn’t communicate this to me sooner, he said he didn’t want to “stress me out.” He acknowledges that his communication is and always has been poor (although I thought it was better this time in our marriage). I suggested couples counseling- we went to one session and he tells me he’s not interested in putting the work because it’s too hard when he’s not in love with me. I told him I will continue to show up for him and our marriage because I believe in us and this amazing life we built.
It’s been only 3 weeks since he told me he was unhappy and last night he said he’s done. We had a long talk about what brings him joy in life and he couldn’t think of anything. I think he may be having a midlife crisis and he’s projecting his unhappiness onto me. He agreed to continue to go to therapy to work on himself and figure out “who he is” but doesn’t want our marriage to complicate this process. So now we are trying to figure out what life looks like during this process. We are going to try and cohabitate for the next few years and coparent and I’m going to attempt to continue with school (and work) so I can better support myself and our kids when he leaves. I’m hoping during this time he will come back to me but this is where I’m probably delusional. I know I need to let him go but I still have hope that we can be amazing together. He said he’s broken and I deserve better.
I should also mention that he revealed to me that prior to him telling me he was unhappy he had been jacking off to pornhub 2x a day. He said he built up resentment towards me during this time because he wanted to instead have sex with me. I reminded him that he never communicated this need to me and I would have been happy to step it up.
I keep telling him “I wish I had known.” It hurts my heart to hear my partner was hurting for all this time. All he had to do was tell me what he needed and give me the opportunity to meet his needs. But he never gave me that choice. I’ve been completely blindsighted, and I am completely devastated. I still have hope. Should I even continue to try and save what he thinks is lost?
If you made it this far- thank you. I welcome any advice and best next steps.
submitted by Latetothepizzaparty to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:34 strawberry1000AD my husband won’t help with baby at night

husband said “no” when i asked for help
i want to cuss. i’ve had a fever and full body aches and chills for two days now due to mastitis, my doctor hasn’t sent in my antibiotics yet and might need me to come in person to prescribe them. i’ve been up all night for the past two days with prickly, achy bones/skin and night sweats. if i wear pjs to bed- im sweating my balls off, if i wear underwear to bed-im shivering and achy. i co sleep with baby and she is a space heater. so then i’m achy and shivering AND sweating. my mom was able to come help yesterday morning. i had woken up my husband 5 mins before his 7:45 work alarm and asked him to hold baby so i could get at least a half hour-hour of sleep. he works from home and baby was recently fed, changed and asleep. he took forever getting out of bed, had her for 10 mins then woke me up in a rush and gave me back the sleeping(!!!) baby bc he had to do a virtual meeting (with his camera off). i took her and sat and cried. my mom was able to drive over an hour later and helped me so i could get two hours of sleep.
THIS MORNING i have been up all night taking on and off blankets, taking tylenol, feeding, changing, shivering and aching. my husband stayed up until 12:30am playing video games. i woke him up at 4:45 and asked if he could get up at 5:30am to hold the baby so i can sleep. he straight up said no and rolled back over. i asked him to repeat himself. he said “no i need to sleep, i have work” (he makes his own hours and works from home) i told him that i am in pain, ive been up all night with baby, why won’t you help me. you’re her dad. he said “sorry,no” and rolled over again. i’m so mad i could spit. all i want is sleep. he could’ve held the sleeping baby while playing video games last night and then i could’ve slept, he could go to work later in the day so i can sleep. he told me “you get to catch up on sleep whenever you want during the day, i can’t” hypothetically, if my husband helped hold the baby during the day, or if she’d sleep in her bassinet, yes. i could. but none of those are true. i hate this situation and im pissed. thanks for letting me rant.
tldr: my husband is an asshole and i’m exhausted.
there. i cussed.
submitted by strawberry1000AD to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:30 No_Sea_4241 Irrelevant Marah

Can we put her in the hot seat she’s pissing me off.
Literal comment section in her recent video: Viewer: Today of all days? 🙄
Marah: Unfortunately when it’s contracted work I can not always post pone. Hope you understand ♥️
Another viewer: Your husband is a pharmacist and you’re a rad tech. You can postpone for a couple days 💗
submitted by No_Sea_4241 to asadsisters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:04 in_the_Nik_of_time What is your dream TTPD music video?

Hi guys! This is my first post after months of lurking on the sub, so hopefully this post is fine :) I have been thinking about the possibility of Taylor dropping another music video in near future, and so I come to you with a question: imagine YOU were to direct the next TTPD music video. What song would you choose? What would be the vibe? What would be the storyline? Any actors you'd invite to perform alongside Taylor? How insanely gay would it be? Let your imagination go wild!
Me personally, I've been listening to Florida!!! on repeat for the past couple of days and I was hit with a vision. So the whole video would be in this vintage, 1950s shit style, and we start of with the intro to no body no crime. The music video is the continuation of the nbnc storyline, with Taylor as well, Taylor, and Florence as Este's sister. Here, they have to run away from the cops after murdering Este's husband. From then on it's a similiar vibe to Avicii's Addicted to You music video (so near and dear to my heart... so important for my gay awakening) where Taylor and Florence leave their old stable lives behind and now they're lesbian criminals in Florida!!! Oh yes and they kiss on screen. One can dream
Another one I've got is for But Daddy I Love Him - Taylor has been showing a lot of love for this song recently with the acoustic version and also having it as the opener of the TTPD set on the Eras Tour, so.... fingers crossed? My dream storyline here would be a classic Taylor bait and switch: so we have Taylor, once again in the 1950s shit they want from her type of setting, as she is shown to argue with her family and be shunned by her community. This is intertwined with scenes of Taylor getting ready for a wedding, with her ~female best friend~, looking as happy and comfortable as we know she does in pictures with other ladies. Then she meets her beard - maybe at a bar, or something? - for the "he was chaos, he was revelry" line, as a bit of a bait for hetlors. Then during the bridge she is walking down the aisle, looking at all the Sarahs and Hannahs, then it cuts to the altar with the beard, his ~best man~ and Taylor's ~girl bestie maid of honor~. They exchange the vows, have a big, seemingly passionate kiss, and then they're off to their honeymoon... with their respective actual partners, the best man and the maid of honor. So the ending of the song is them driving off into the sunset laughing at how they tricked everyone. And kissing! The end <3
submitted by in_the_Nik_of_time to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:05 blahblahlucas I can't even do a Disabled job without going more insane

I started a disability job a month ago (a job for disabled people only) and even that I can't do. Ever since I started I've been 1000x more paranoid and scared. My husband especially is saying I've been extremely symptomatic and it's so bad I can't even tell the tiniest bit of reality anymore. The stress, even with all the accomodations I'm getting, is too much. I can't do it anymore, especially with my awfully triggering coworkers. Like the dude that is a spy and staring at me constantly even after shouting at him to stop multiple times and the other dude jerking off in the sensory room and the workers not even cleaning it up
My family is encouraging me to quit because I'm doing so bad and I want to but I'm scared that they'll hurt me and force me to go and chain me up. I'm so exhausted and at my wits end
submitted by blahblahlucas to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:57 Superb_Holiday_8544 Video recommendations for introducing husband to Smosh?

I have been a fan for a long time and recently realized how nice it would be to have someone I can enjoy and talk about smosh with. My husband knows about them (I talked his ear off about the Courtney and Shayne wedding) but he never really showed interest in watching their videos. Tonight I brought up how important it is for me to share my interest with someone and he said he would start watching them with me! His humor is a bit different than mine and he has never really watched YouTube. What videos do you recommend I ease him into? I mostly only watch Pit and Games. I was never interested in the main channel sketches. Thanks!!
submitted by Superb_Holiday_8544 to smosh [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:09 AnimePaige_ AITA for cutting all contact with my BFF of 10 years because of a lie?

Always wanted to post this but the official AITA thread was always too intimidating so here I am. I'll try not to ramble too much but buckle up as this spans several years.
I met my BFF on an online video game when I was 14. Back then, people were rather harsh to girl gamers but he always stood up for me which caused us to grow closer. Let's call this friend B and he was a year older than me.
B and I grew to be close friends as we grew. He helped me through some really bad mental spots and I did my best for him in return despite our distance. When I was about 17, B got engaged to his GF. His GF never really liked me and made him limit his time gaming with me. This resulted in me realizing my feelings for him. I decided to tell him said feelings as we never really hid things from each other. I told him that I didn't expect him to like me back since he was engaged and that I just wanted to get it off my chest. He thanked me for not hiding it and we carried on like nothing happened. Eventually, B's engagement fell apart but we still remained as friends and nothing more. I was content with this.
At some point, I decided to move in with my ex gf and drove 20 hours with my brother to do so. I quickly regreted this as it was hell on earth. My ex would always threaten to commit unalive whenever I hinted at breaking up.
I vented to B about this one night, admitting I was at my wits end. He knew I had been trying to break up with her for a while. Suddenly, B confessed that he loved me. I was taken aback as it had been almost 4 years since my confession and we never discussed it since. I asked if he was serious and if he meant it as a friend and he said no. He meant romantically. I was over the moon. My heart felt so light. This gave me the push to finally break up with my gf and to have the police on speed dial if something happened. Thankfully, she just cried and left and her grandparents came to get her stuff.
We were 6 months into our lease at this point so my brother and I had to plan what to do next. I asked if he wanted to move to the state B lived in since neither of us wanted to turn tail and run home. He agreed. Its important to note that B and I were not dating at this point. We were being flirty but that's about it. Once we decided to move to B's state I asked him about being official and he said once we moved in together. Again, I was excited.
6 months later and we made the drive to our new apartment with B. Things were great for the first month and B was being affectionate and sweet. I was happy.
Here's where shit hits the fan:
I learned that another online friend of mine had become homeless. Let's call her S. I had only know S for a few years at this point but I was both a bleeding heart and a people pleaser so I asked them if they wanted to move in with us and share my room. She agreed. Prior to her moving in, I had her join us for some online gaming so everyone could get to know each other prior to moving in. B and S really got along but B is really good about getting along with people so I wasn't surprised. They even began to play games without me which was fine as I trusted B.
When I got home from picking up S from the airport, I saw B sleeping on the couch. I was confused and he had left her a hand written note saying stuff about how it had been a long day so he was giving up his bed for her for tonight. I thought it was sweet and left it alone.
I'll take this time to mention that we didn't have a room for S. I offered to share my room or give her the master closet. I know that sounds bad but it was big enough to fit a twin size bed in there and some. We were all early 20s and S really wanted somewhere to live so it was all we could do. Before moving in, S had actually AGREED to the closet idea so she could have her own space.
Not long after S moved in, I noticed a lot of B's attention focused on her. I was a bit hurt but said nothing. Not long later, they began sharing a room as S claimed she never agreed to the closet deal. Being the people pleaser I was, I let it go. I was in denial. B wouldn't hurt me and he still gave kisses goodbye when he left. I thought it was all fine.
That was until B's cat batted an empty box of condoms out into the hallway from B's room.
B and I never had sex. We had never even discussed it. He was a bit religious so I never brought it up. This broke me. My head finally put 2 and 2 together. I broke down. I went into B's room and destroyed 10 years worth of crafts I made for him and left the pieces on the floor. My brother did his best to console me until they got home. I demanded to know what was going on and B admitted to lying about loving me. My heart broke. I sobbed, begging to know why and he said it was to get me to break up with my ex faster. I loved this man for so long and he hurt me like this? I was inconsolable. Living there was hell after that. Little issues turned into big fights with S backing up B and my brother backing me up. Eventually, my brother forfeited his half of the deposit so we could get off the lease and move. We couldn't move far but I had to get away from him. My friends were gone.
A few months after we moved out, B contacted me, apologizing for what he did and how he acted after we found out. This contact was in the form of a hand written note inside a sketch book I had left that he dropped off at my work. He wanted to hang out and I said fine. "Offer to buy me food and I'll be there." Money was tight at the time so I wanted compensation.
Every time after that, they would buy me something to eat when we hung out. I could never get the disgust out of my mouth from being around them. Oh, and S never apologized for what she did. She knew we were dating or at least that I THOUGHT we were dating but she still went for him and never told me what was going on.
Right before the pandemic closed the world down, I moved back home. I had totaled my car and just couldn't afford to live there anymore. Once home, B asked to play games online like the good ole days. I tried but I was at my breaking point as a people pleaser and just didn't care anymore. After a couple of sessions, I told him that I couldn't do this anymore as my trust was completely gone. I told him while I accepted his apology, I didn't forgive him. He said ok. I left the voice chat and unfriended him. I haven't heard from him since.
Its been 4 years since then and it still hurts. He had been with me through my entire teenage and young adult years. What I find interesting is that when I tell this story to people, they call me a jerk. A lot of B's friends cut contact with me after it all happened too. They say he was really remorseful and that I should have given him a second chance. This incident caused me to lose all of my friends at the time, making 2020 even harder to get through. Was I wrong to drop my BFF over a lie?
submitted by AnimePaige_ to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:01 Madi_is_Mad Who is Elica Le Bon, and is that her real identity?

Who is Elica Le Bon, and is that her real identity?


All the information is readily available by google search or was once accessible by the public, therefore public information. Please be respectful of all parties mentioned below. REAL HATE AND DOXXING IS NEVER TOLERATED IN ANY SHAPE OF FORM.
The main subject is a person who goes by "Elica Le Bon" online who has gain some following since 2022 on Instagram, TikTok, and X (formally know as Twitter). She has other platforms that she promotes her artistic endeavors, but they seem to be inactive and had gain little traction. If there may be more public knowledge that gets missed in this post, please feel free to share your sources.

On the surface*

Elica Le Bon is a first-generation Iranian immigrant who according to Piers Morgan and herself was born in Iran, moved to the UK to seek asylum. She does go into further detail an interview with Yasmine Mohammed, where she claim her mother's side of the family fled to the UK during the Iranian Revolution in 1979, whilst her father was doing his PhD at Oxford, which was cut short when the regime cut off his scholarship, forcing him to work at a bar. In that same interview, she also claimed her mother and sister were in Evin prison, (notorious site that hold political prisoners before and after the Iranian Revolution.) Elica currently living in Los Angeles, where she practices law and runs several large social media accounts that bring attention to the plight of the Iranian people.
Elica garnered her following across most social media platforms during the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement in 2022, in 2022 protest had broke out over the death of Mahsa Jina Amini, after she died from her injuries sustained by the brutal assault committed by the morality police of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) over Iran's strict hijab law. Elica's position against the IRGC and the Iranian Regime has been consistent since up to date. However, it is unclear what her position is when it comes to who shall take power over Iran if and when it does the current regime falls.
When it comes to the topic of Israel and Palestinians, Elica's had acknowledged Palestinians briefly in her Blog titled "My People, Your People" dating back to 14/11/2015. She had also made Pro-Palestinian statements numerous times on her X account (formally known as Twitter), as seen in screenshots below.
In more recently, Elica had shifted dramatically, from being called "Iranian Born, Lawyer, Artist, and Social Media Influencer" who "believes in Palestine and their rights and that there is suffering", by Chris Cuomo on CUOMO on NewsNation to a zionist sympathizer. That shift was described in her interview with Noah Tishby on Israeli Channel 12 where she claimed her friend's immediate support of Palestine soon after the attack committed by Hamas "chilled" her to her "core" because that meant to her that they "must hate me (her) so much". She has also expressed the same sentiment on her X account seen below.
Elica today is now openly sympathizing for Zionists on X, as seen below, smearing student protestors and people who she once was, a Pro Palestinian. She was also on Fox News, bashing on protestors, calling them "a generation that don't know how to think" and "don't know how to process information." She also claims the are "an existential threat to middle eastern community; Israelis, Iranians, Syrians, Palestinians even." She can also be seen on CUOMO on NewsNation, the second time around, to criticized protesters and supporters of Iran's Islamic regime amid recent bombings of Israeli targets, saying they're "supporting a terrorist regime." Elica on Piers Morgan claimed that Hamas started this war due to the attack that happened on Oct. 7th, which is an overused talking points to avoid the conversation of how the oppression and slaughter of innocent Palestinians occurred long before Oct 7th.

Lets dig deeper**

Here are some other interesting public discoveries of Elica upon a deeper dive into her identity pass the surface. If you open her found on her instagram, you can see she has an an email for the public to contact her. If you search that same public email on google, it reveals that the email is somehow linked to 2 other last names that share the same first name, N. Mojtahed-Zadeh and Zadeh.
from Instagram and

Elica Zadeh's Father, Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh***

If Elica "Le Bon" is indeed the same person as Elica N. Mojtahed-Zadeh or Zadeh, which there is not strong evidence to show otherwise, we can she start to uncover who had raised her into the person she is today. A quick google search of her last name, Mojtahed-Zadeh, you can see another notable person that goes by the name Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh. According to his page on wikipedia, you may discover that he has quite the connection to the IRGC. Pirouz has articles ligitimiing the IRI. Even articles argueing for the IRI to have nuclear power. He writes his pieces with a man strongly tied to the IRI. Noteable to add that her father has since tried to burry his past, and posts Monarchist Propoganda on instagram now under the name u/pirouz_mojtahedzadeh
Now previously, Pirouz has publicly supported the IRGC in his social media account, including the statement and video he had posted on X on 07/01/2020. Pirouz in the same video appears to also show support to Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian commander, who was assassinated by an airstrike ordered by former president, Donald J. Trump.
Pirouz has written 3 opinion pieces, all published by The New York Times, listed below. And interestingly, in 2 of 3 of the opinion pieces published by NYT, you can see Pirouz had wrote them with a person name Kaveh L. Afrasiabi. Kaveh was charged for being an unregistered agent of the Iranian Government by the DOJ as reported by the Office of Public Affairs released on January 19, 2021 (Updated July 13, 2022)
For more than a decade, Mr. Afrasiabi was allegedly paid, directed, and controlled by the Government of Iran to lobby U.S. government officials, including a congressman; and to create and disseminate information favorable to the Iranian government,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Bonavolonta. “The FBI will continue to do everything it can to uncover these hidden efforts and hold accountable those who work for our adversaries to the detriment of our national security.”
Although Kaveh received a presidential pardon by President Biden and the pending charges against him were dropped at the pre-trial stage on September 18, 2023, there is no doubt that Elica's father, Pirouz was in close contact with Kaveh where they had share some ties back to the IRGC.
  1. Iran Needs Nuclear Power. By Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh - published Oct. 14, 2003
  2. Iran's nuclear program: Threats are not the way to influence Tehran. By Kaveh L. Afrasiabi and Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh - published Jul 2, 2004 3. Iran's nuclear program: A crisis of choice, not necessity. By Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh and Kaveh L. Afrasiabi - published Aug. 12, 2005

Elica's problematic connections

Moj Mahdara: A problematic Iranian-American for her handling of Beautycon, as reported by The Wrap and WWD. Elica Le Bon, as seen in an interview with Moj on her Reset The Algorithm Podcast, where they spoke about their traumas as Iranian diaspora and their reaction to the Oct 7th attack.
Noa Tishby: is an Israeli ZIONIST. Elica has visited Noa's resident for an interview. Elica has also been called the "Brown Noa Tishby" by other Israeli Zionist.
Gazelle Sharmahd (Daughter of Jamshid Sharmahd): GazelleShe can be seen defending her in her stories against Journalist who had "expose" video on Elica in her instagram as seen in the screenshot below. See Elica calling Gazelle a "friend" on X in the screenshot below. She also Gazelle's story with Elica side by side, almost seemingly AI generated or heavily photoshopped.
from Instagram Story
from Instagram Story
Gazelle's Story on 5/13/2024
Chelsea Hart: The Wombland Saga Matthew Nouriel: Zionist
from Instagram
Mahsa Townsend: Was involved in a contentious civil lawsuit "Jack in the box INC vs Ultra Fun Foods INC" in San Diego, where Jack in the Box employees were allegedly horribly mistreated by Franchise owner, Mahsa and her Husband, Kevin Townsend. Besides the now dismissed lawsuit, Mahsa has been repeated and fearlessly defending Elica Le Bon against Samira Mohyeddin as seen in the screenshot below. It is also alleged in the Reddit Community that Mahsa Townsend had or still has an Iranian Zionist led group chat that work together to slender and bully anyone who crosses Elica Le Bon.
from Instagram

Elica's other connections

Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran: oldest son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran. He is a zionist who keeps a gift from Hitler passed own by his grandfather. His wife, Yasmine Pahlavi, is seen at pro-israel marches. See below Yasmine, expressing confusion how a political prisoner (Narges Mohammadi) could possibly have communication with someone outside prison. See also photo taken of Reza, Yasmine and the infamous Benjamin Netanyahu altogether below. See also below photo of Elica with Reza, who happens to be wearing the exact same outfit.
It is also noteworthy to point out that Reza's grandfather, Reza Shah, was known to be an admirer of Adolf Hitler. See below image of a photo of Adolf Hitler with his signed autograph with his best wished for Reza Shah Pahlavi.
from Instagram
from Instagram
from Wikipedia
submitted by Madi_is_Mad to WhoisElicaLeBon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:45 RmJ106 Odd question about giving SSA back pay money to family who helped me while waiting on approval

Odd question, but I feel the need to ask it. My attorney strongly believes in my SSDI case, I have a ton of doctors that back it up with very detailed paperwork, test results, scans, etc. It's enough to the point where I had an injury at work and can't do any of my previous jobs before. I had ongoing work restrictions from a spine doc before. I also have postural limitations and a bunch of conditions going on at once to where basically Sedentary work isn't possible due to the unpredictable nature of the conditions, days I'd miss from work, down time where I'd need breaks throughout the day, etc. So we are very confident and I have a top attorney known for being among the best.
I'm not going to post the exact number for obvious reasons, but let's say that I generally have $50K+ of expected back pay stretching back a few years. My parent has been very helpful for a lot of things, i.e. a place to live, buying stuff for me, helping me with bills in the meantime, etc. My plan is to give that back, but in the most helpful form of giving her the money to pay off her two credit cards. Doing that frees up hundreds of dollars of her own money in credit card payments each month that wouldn't be there. I'd estimate there's probably $8K or so among the two of her cards. From an SSA perspective, will they say something if I do a bank transfer from my bank account to hers? Obviously, her name will show up and is my same last name. Is there any hassle that I should expect from the SSA as far as doing that? Or is it better just to take out cash myself and give it to her to deposit into her account?
She's working part-time and gets widows benefits from her husband that passed decades ago. So technically she can keep drawing his until her full retirement age from what I understand. Will giving cash to her affect her benefits for that month? My understanding is that work-wise she can't make more than like $1,700 a month. Does money deposited into her account from a transfer or via cash cause her to exceed that amount? She gets something like $1,100 or $1,200 a month in widow's benefits. She's 66 and I think her full retirement age might be in x months at like the 66 and 7 or 8 months mark. I don't remember for sure. She was born in '58.
Alternatively, should I just call up her credit card company and ask to pay her balance on each card via my debit card, essentially? Is that a better way? I don't feel that the SSA takes into account the people that help us while we're struggling along in the waiting process and I feel for some reason that they might be a jerk about account transfers because they want us to "use the money for ourselves". She has outed a lot of money for me for doc visits and lots of stuff. It's fair and I have no issue with repaying and helping her in return. Suggestions? My case is such to where we have a general idea of what's wrong with me. Once we do x procedure in the future (can't afford it presently until disability approval) and see if that works (if not, x other procedure(s) will be performed until it does help), I might be be able to eventually goal back to work. Which is of course the goal, I've been out for a few years now. So in that sense, I won't be using all of that back pay money to "live on" in the sense of someone who is say...permanently disabled and can't go back to work period. Granted, the procedures are quite expensive, but I'll also instantly qualify for Medicare upon Disability approval. So there is an end game and I'm not looking for just blow all money, but this particular thing is necessary to give back to the one who helped me. I don't want to screw myself or her over with the SSA.
Suggestions on how to do this the 'right' way?
submitted by RmJ106 to SocialSecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:00 AdBoring7789 My story from childhood to present day (21yr old)

This will be my first time ever openly sharing about my addiction; from the root cause to the effects and struggles that having a porn addiction has impacted my life to this day
So I just recently turned 21 and I'm beginning to look around and realize that for as long as I've acknowledged that I have a problem and need to quit, I keep feeding the addiction KNOWING that it's ruining my life. I'm going to split this post into 3 sections explaining the following stages: The root causes/early development, Progression of my addiction to current day, and Main struggles from my PA and how I go about everyday life to heal. Not exactly sure why I'm posting this but I just feel like it's something I need to let out. Hope someone can relate or give me their take on it.
The root causes/early development: So I believe that my PA manifested due to a few different reasons: Playing "doctor" with my sister as a child, early age porn exposure, and then using porn as a coping mechanism to deal with any negative emotions. So starting w/ "playing doctor", it first happened at a very young age, somewhere between elementary school to 6th grade. I think most people know what that is but to keep it short basically my sister who is a year older than me introduced my to basically role playing as doctor and patient. I wasn't sure if SHE even knew it was wrong but the point is, it happened. I genuinely don't think she was doing in an abusive way but I'll never know. I don't remember the small details of exactly how it happened but what leads me to think this was a factor that contributed to my porn addiction is that I know now as an adult that it's wrong, however as we "played doctor" I only grew to enjoy it and occasionally we took things outside of "playing doctor" - which is why I don't know what to make of it... Long story short it went from "doctor" to us making up our own games like "spy" where we pretended to fight each other as spy's, getting "knocked out" unconscious while she'd touch... and I specifically remember wanting to play these games in hopes that it led to that. But even outside of playing games I grew to wanting to touch her and act on perverted thoughts as a child that were NOT normal for my age or in general. And sometimes I would sneakily act on them - which as I'm reflecting on right now makes me think that me KNOWINGLY trying to be sneaky and act on perverted thoughts at that young of an age had to have carried on with me as I got older (contributing to my porn addiction).. And then the last thing that I vividly remember was when I was probably 10-12 years old is when again we were actually kind of aggressively play fighting, somehow ended up with each other's hands DOWN THERE mutually and we kept going on with each other until she made me.... yeah. And that was the last memory I had of what started out as us "playing doctor". Fast forward to current date since that last memory and we've never spoken about those experiences (more on that later). Going onto the actual exposure of pornography and WATCHING porn, I was exposed to it somewhere in between the same timeframe as when I'd play doctor and the last memory of us playing (somewhere between the ages of 8-12). I can vividly remember the scene that played late at night on the tv that my parents had left on (I shared a room with them). And then moving forward from there, somewhere in between I would find videos on YouTube of this "prank" channel where he'd go up to paid actors, bet that if he beat them in rock paper scissors that they'd have to make out with him. And as a young kid at the time seeing a girl in a bikini making out with a guy as he grabbed on her ass just made me horny and I learned to masturbate from there. And I cant think of a stronger dopamine hit for a 8-12 year old little me at the time than seeing those videos and pleasuring myself. After this, I'd hit middle school where I was bullied a lot, all while lacking social skills necessary to make any genuine friends or deal with the emotional turmoil of being bullied. Fast forward a few months and I think I just progressively began to normalize using porn as a coping mechanism - All the way from whenever I just got mad while dying repetitively on the videogame, to avoiding the fact that I hated my life everyday that I went to school. I'd use porn to receive that "good feeling" whenever I could. And I think my sexual addiction got worse when I began touching myself in the shower almost everyday in middle school to the imagination of the pretty girls that were at my school, even though I had neverarely talked to some of them. It was just a thing for me where every night I took a shower, I closed my eyes and fantasized about doing stuff with them. And then the cycles of me normalizing these things continued and eventually I found out about REAL porn sites.
Progression of my addiction to current day: So shortly after finding the real porn sites I entirely opted to use those as much as possible as the cycle continued. So by my freshman year of high school I was already using porn sites regularly. I remember during summer and winter breaks, sometimes I'd sleep at my grandmas and stay up all night switching from ejaculating to porn, to watching my favorite youtuber and streamers, to going back to jerking off. It was a multiple times a day/night occurrence OFTEN. Sometimes even during the middle of the day I'd pretend to use the bathroom but really I had a porn video pulled up and I watched until I was done. And as time progressed one video didn't exactly cut it for me. I don't think its that I couldn't get off to the first video, but more so that I just had the urge to see more and didn't want to nut yet. I didn't even know if I was purposely edging or not. I did not even understand that edging was a concept yet. Its just something that occurred naturally for me. And during all of this, I am still somewhere in the age range of 13-15. Consistently ejaculating to pornography, further exploring the more basic categories of porn like anal and lesbian. I think a notable memory was one of the first times I watched porn in the middle of work during summer break (extended family owns a construction company so I worked over breaks). It's crazy because in construction all we have are porta-potties that are always hot and nasty and the urge just came over me one day to pretend like I was using the bathroom and get one off before I went back... I don't think I even realized at the time that I had an addiction because this was still early high school. It was just something I looked at as a good feeling and whenever the urges came to me I took any chance I got to fulfill them. Even if I was sharing a room with a family member, I'd be as slow and quit as I could, touch myself under the covers, finish in my underwear and then showechange the next morning like it was normal. Moving forward, this type of behavior continues all the way throughout high school and the feeling of ejaculating just is not as intense as it use to be, so I look up ways to spice it up and I tried shit all the way from sitting on my own hand til it goes sort or numb so it "feels like someone else is touching you", to doing it in more risky places like my backyard outside when I was home alone and had my pants pulled down all the way, to whatever else I could try. Reflecting back, I just look at all these actions as the progressions of a sexual/porn addiction that is still developing. And this is how I rationalize the way I developed a porn addiction. Now it wasn't AWFUL in high school but it was getting bad. I realized that I had actually had a bad addiction that needed to be addressed a few months after graduating high school. From that point forward It was something that I had acknowledged was an issue but nonetheless, continued to do out of habit and as a continued coping mechanism. Whether it was from the lack of relationships, to my current life situation/direction I was headed in, or just any negative emotion - I used porn to release. Sometimes I'd even just do it out of boredom, not even because I had a dying urge to get one off. And then after that point of realization, I sat in "depression" for a few months still going about my everyday life until one day my dad mentioned that I should try therapy. He knew nothing about the addiction but I did let him know I feel depressed and the many struggles that I faced - which I believe is due to my porn addiction. So long story short, I go to therapy for about 3 sessions and end up dropping it because it just wasn't something I felt was helping or enjoyed (more on that later). From there to current day, I've gone at MOST one week periods attempting to quit porn and every time I relapse. From the age of 1 to-current day 21 years old, the progression of the categories of porn that I watch has grown and a few different fetishes like face sitting, femdom, and role play has increased. I don't NEED to watch these specific categories to get off, however these are ones I've found myself most recently watching and edging to, sometimes for 1-3 hours at a time, usually at night on weekends or before I fall asleep. And to take it a step further, I had started pouring money into camgirl sites, phone sex sites, only fans, etc.. I live with my parents still so it's not to the point that I'm broke and have no money, but still what the fuck am I doing putting my hard earned money into a porn addiction... (I'm a functioning adult on a pathway to financial freedom, more on this later).
Main struggles from my PA and how I go about everyday life to heal: So I believe that the main struggles with my porn addiction consist of: the inability/struggle to create and maintain healthy relationships, low self esteem, poor social skills, lack of motivation, and the cognitive dissonance of continuing my addiction to porn even though morally I believe it is wrong to lust over. I believe all of these struggles that come with porn are connected to each other - minus the cognitive dissonance. But everything else kind of stacks on top of each other. So my thought process is that I already dealt w/ low self esteem and confidence from a very young age, and porn just completely enhanced those problems and made it even harder to fix/work on. If you're anything like me and have watched videos on the sciences of porn on your brain, and possible struggles that we deal with, I'm assuming you know how it goes for the most part. I'd say I show symptoms of all effects of being a porn addict, however I've learned to "act normal" to an extent. Like YES I struggle to make friends and hold conversations with people in general but I can make it happen. Sure it'll be a little awkward depending on who I'm speaking to, but I feel like I act normal enough to not be a total outcast and all out weirdo around people. But I just feel like every relationship I have with anyone is extremely surface level or unfulfilling. I feel like as a person I lack so much substance and personality due to the fact that I never really put myself out there and learned social skills when I was coming up. My mindset was molded into something like "keep your head down and stay out the way" in order to avoid conflict. So I never really put myself out there to develop any type of super crazy/interesting personality. I work, play videogames, go to the gym, watch anime. I feel like there's not much else - which might also be a side affect of my porn addiction. Lack of emotion. And I refuse to call it depression. Kind of got red pilled by Andrew Tate Philosophy and it entirely HAS helped me. Maybe it's real, maybe it's not - because when I was fresh out of high school and hyper focused on the bad parts of my life, I felt depressed as shit. Legit like I couldn't do anything to fix it. And the more I identified as "depressed" the more I allowed myself to look for things in my life to confirm that belief. So eventually I went on a self improvement journey and just stopped allowing "depression" to hold power over me. Now I don't believe in it so it's not something that can hold me down in that crippling way. HOWEVER, I DO believe in just being in a shitty situation - which is what I feel like having a porn addiction along with it's effects and symptoms is. It's a shitty situation and I can either allow it to keep ruining my life OR I can get up everyday and attempt to fix it. And I refuse to play the victim card. Sure, I may have been exposed to some fucked up shit at a young age and used porn as a coping mechanism. There is no denying that it happened and that it may have been unfair and out of my control. YES, that's my problem. I may be a victim of pornography but I do not have to ALLOW it to continue to ruin my life. Easier said than done but it's definitely possible and I will not blame my lack of discipline or call it "depression" because I'm unable to quit. The way I see it is, there is a lot of shit that happened to me in the past that I have to come to terms with, and then I must come up with a plan to improve and learn how to be better. For example, struggling to hold eye contact with people, hold basic conversation with people (specifically women), find confidence within myself, become more social, etc... These are all skills that we can practice and learn. Simply by going outside and putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations that allow us to put the reps in. I believe that if I quit porn and start walking up to 10 strangers a day and try having simple conversations with them, in time I can only get better at being social and connecting with people. It's gonna suck and feel like shit at first, but I truly believe that it's a way to improve and get better. As I stand in my current situation I would say I have a lot of work to do but I'm still a functioning addict. I have friendships and relationships with family but they are very lack luster and I long for something deeper and more intimate. I know I'm not ugly and have the ability to pull a good looking girl, shit I've turned down this really pretty girl who always asks to hangout simply due to the fact that I feel like I'm gonna fuck it up and have bad social skills. And its getting to a point where friends and family are wondering why I haven't had a girlfriend in years. Overall its a lack of self esteem, which hinders me from being able to confidently put myself out there as a person who's deserving of love/companionship, which then makes me sort of self isolate and stray away from any type of connection or opportunity to be vulnerable. Which just leads me to feeling like a loser or someone that is undeserving of love because I'm just in a shitty situation. And yeah. Its kind of a self sabotaging cycle because I feel like I understand what's going on but I don't have the discipline and don't put the work in to get better. But that's just my two cents. This post was extremely long and I probably rifted off topic a few times and had my thoughts all over the place, and I still have a lot more I could give input about but this is the jist of everything
If anyone has a support group or needs someone to talk to, 1. I'd like to join the group, or 2. Feel free to message me for any support or conversation.
submitted by AdBoring7789 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:59 PropRatActual The Black: Ep117 Pure Evil

What's up all! 4th Wall here! I finally have power returned to my home, and can play a little catch up! This one's a heavy hitter, No NSFW needed (I hope) but if you've got kids, be warned.
First, Previous, Next
A bright flash of blues and whites spat a greyish black object into normal space a mere one hundred Clicks from physical asteroid cloud that provided a natural barrier into the Lurix system. USN Olyvia’s drives instantly flared to life, and she made for the outer edges of the asteroid field with a purposeful stride. The senior Crew was at hand, having alternated shifts so they were well rested for this endeavor. Captain Correllus Grarzia shifted in his chair slightly, watching with interest as his star helmsman switched from his standard control configuration to a more “analog” twin joystick and pedals. ‘The kid really should be piloting a fighter’ he mused just as the young lad turned to look at him. “Ready, skipper”

“Take us in. All ahead slow.” Cory ordered calmly, before keying up the ship wide broadcasting channel. “This is the captain. We’ve just entered the Lurix system. Rig for silent running. I repeat, rig for silent running.” All across the ship, nonessential systems were shut down; their lack of electronic signature aiding the stealth coating on the bulky former troop transport. In engineering. Patrick, Cammy, and the rest of their section powered down a large portion of the larger systems onboard.

Life support was set to emergency backup, with old school oxygen candles lit in special housings that allowed their life-giving emissions to be circulated throughout the ship. Each major section of the vessel had their own supplies of these low-tech solutions, and Olyvia carried enough of these candles to survive for several days without functioning life support if needed.

Only a few were lit this time, using them as an augmentation to allow for minimal use of their perfectly functioning life support systems; and Cammy returned from the compartment just in time to aid in shutting down two thirds of Olyvia’s fusion reactors. This was not usually part of the silent running protocol, but Cory had added it for this mission. While they knew where their target would be, they still knew very little about what defenses awaited them inside the system.

Patrick keyed up the mic, “Engineering reporting in, silent running.”

*acknowledged* came a voice back. And Patrick leaned back in his chair just as Cammy arrived. “Well, that’s that.” He sighed.

Cammy stepped behind his chair, rubbing his shoulders for a second, “candles are lit. Two per section. At this rate we won’t run out for a year.”

Patrick chuckled, standing before looking over at his team, “sandwiches are in the mess hall. Half go now, half after. We’ll wait and go with second shift.” The team nodded and soon. The room was half as full. “Hurry up, and wait” Patrick mused, and turned to the rest. “Hold’em anyone?”

Over the next several days, shifts were kept short with a high rotation frequency. Olyvia picked her way through the natural minefield created by a destroyed world, slipping between the dead planetary shards with deadly caution. She ran quiet, with all but minimal deflectors shut down, and a single detuned laser online on each of her flanks as a last resort against impacts. Cory, Jesse, Patrick, and Cammy met regularly to keep tabs on the ship’s progress. The admiral’s transmission had reached them in time, and the four of them, plus Jacky when she could pry herself from the infirmary, worked to formulate a plan to get into the freighter without killing everyone. They had Hera and Jacobs reports, but those reports also admitted to a certain degree of incredible luck on their part. Things could have gone very differently, and the murder of the freighter during the admiral’s capture operation hinted at a change in tactics from their foe.

Mackenzie’s Privateers had liberated several freighters since they began operations, keeping to their cover as “pirates” by leaving nothing big enough to betray their secrets behind. A few of the other captains had left pieces of inoperative Unity tech, strategically damaged and jettisoned after the fight, as red herrings to convince both the Vorath, and the Thermians that these “pirates” had somehow gotten ahold of Unity warships.

Cory stepped into the cargo bay to meet Patric and Camorra. They were tinkering, carefully he hoped, with one of Olyvia’s harpoon missiles. It was a project triggered by Cammy’s brilliant, if outlandish, idea. “We know these freighters all ran the same codes, and the same infrastructure in their computer cores. Why can’t we hack it. Human computing should be perfectly capable of it.” Cory remembered her words as he stepped up to the two, “at ease” he waved them away as they threatened to salute him, “how’s out little project coming.”

“See for yourself” Patrick smiled handing him a data pad.

Cory took the offered device, quickly scanning through the data, “All I see is Olyvia’s system logs. Did you give me the wrong one?”

Patric smiled evilly, “that is coming from the missile, we found a common power regulator chip that dam near all Delmar freighters use in their integrated core management. Our mole here mimicked that regulators protocols to get into one we installed in a conduit over there” he pointed to an open panel. “It’s designed to cycle through several common chip sets and protocols to get access.”

“You hacked Olyvia?” Cory asked, eyebrow raised in a combination of amusement and irritation.

“Well, “Cammy said calmly, “we had to test it, and Oly’s the only ship close enough…”

“I see…” Cory mused, “it will have to do, we will be reaching the edge of the field in three days, how many of these can you have ready?”

Patrick scratched the red stubble punctuating his jaw line. “Hmm two, maybe three, including that one.” He winced at his captain’s expression, “took us a minute to get the virus right, sorry.”

Cory sounded to himself like a broken record, “I guess that will have to do as well. I’ll leave it to you.” He turned to return to his office but was interrupted half way there by an urgent request for his presence on the bridge.

Jesse rose to greet him as Cory stepped into Olyvia’s command center, and he nodded towards the ready room off to the side. The two of them quickly stepped inside and Jesse closed the door. “Jesse, what’s this about” Cory asked, settling into his desk chair.

Jesse, his first officer, and battle born brother looked at him seriously, “The first of our stealth probes have made it into the system proper….. It’s not good” He tapped at his data pad before handing it to his captain, “The enemy is doing something big down there, and we don’t know what. What we do know, Is that there are three heavy cruisers in orbit, and three more destroyers in floating patrols around the system.”

Cory scrolled through the pad as his first officer made his report, pausing at the same information on the planet’s surface, “These are military installations. This makes no since. We haven’t had a use for Lurix in millennia. It’s always just been a haven for aquatic and semi aquatic species. Why didn’t our intel warn us of this.”

Jesse nodded grimly, “I don’t know for sure, but I have my suspicions.” He reached over, tapping at the tab to open a particular file Cory had yet to find. “We found these in orbit as well.” He pointed to a pair of Delmar constructed freighters, parked in orbit over the marsh world. “I authorized a single transmission to a single drone, uploading Patrick and Camorra’s hacking program into it, and we sent it to one of those freighters... this is what we found.”

Cory opened the indicated file, and felt bile rise in the back of his throat as he watched. “Ready a tight beam, send it back the way we came, Towards Simo.” Jesse looked at his captain in understanding. The risks of transmitting this close to the enemy was a grave risk. Measured against the information they just witnessed; however, it was an absolute necessity. Jesse took the offered tablet, “The Admirals need to see this…. Both of them.”


Clint Stevens groaned as his communicator beeped from his desk. It was a very early morning on a weekend, and Frie had let Natalie stay at her grandparents for the weekend. He quietly slipped from the entanglements of a profoundly comfortable Delmar goddess he had somehow been gifted with as his wife, and silently cursed the inevitable destruction of his plans. The Com was linked to his computer console, and Clint tapped the file as he sat down.

The file opened, beginning with a grim looking Corellus Grarzia who made an intro statement that froze Clint in his thoughts. Before he could begin to prepare himself, images flooded in that turned grogginess into razors edge consciousness ringing with a white hot fury. Frie was ripped from her slumber instantly, reaching for her biometric pistol safe as a response to the unbridled rage she experienced from her husband. It took her a moment to realize that they were not being attacked, and she rushed from their bed, neglecting even basic decency to be by his side.

The two of them watched the Horrors unfold. Children… small children of multiple different races, stacked in a freighter’s hold like cattle, being thrown food like one would an animal. Massive screens played, promising safety and full bellies should they only but kiss the hand of a severe looking Vorath female. All who had not, were treated to daily ice cold sprays mixed with random beatings. He watched as desperate older siblings attempted to shelter their kin from the abuse, often times paying the ultimate price for their valor.

Clint and Frie were spared a further assault on their senses by a beeping light, indicating an urgent call from Clint’s adopted brother. Frie slipped out of view, reaching for a night gown as a furious Mac, accompanied by an equal parts shocked and livid Lyrian, appeared on screen.

“You’ve seen it” Clint stated. There were no barriers between them, no formalities. Only pure truth.

“I have,” Mac rumbled. “Why is it always kids..”

Clint shook his head, “I can have a battle group there in two weeks. It’s not soon enough, but.”

Mac nodded sharply, “I’m redirecting everyone not on critical missions. Simo and Kid are already there with Olyvia. Wisconsin is enroute. We will await your arrival….. Clint…” Clint’s eyes met Mac’s in a joined promise that reached across time and space.

“No, there won’t.” Clint answered, responding to Mac’s unspoken statement.


A week later, The Chancellor Thomas Durrant of the Sol Federation perused the latest transmissions from Unity space. He was due for reelection this coming fall, and it was a close race. His opponent was labelling him a Warmonger, as he was an outspoken proponent of a more active role in the struggle against the Vorath, and it was working. The points were closing in the polls, and The Chancellor had not come out on top with the latest debate results. Humanity simply was not interested in further conflict. For the first time in human history, the vast majority of the Human race was content with peace.

The Chancellor took a sip of his mug as he opened a file from Admiral Stevens marked priority, but not top secret and promptly spit the contents in his mouth back into the mug. It was a complete file on some kind of intelligence operation, and Durrant almost wondered if it had been sent to him in error. The gruesome cover video dispelled that notion as the leader of Humanity itself watched horrors thought long dead play out in front of him. Several minutes later, he closed the file, and opened a message prompt.

“Viktor, are you up.” He typed.

*Yea, Tom. I’m up, the campaign ain’t gonna run itself into the ground.*

Durrant snorted at the dark humor, “Viktor, I was sent something. It changes… everything” he typed, attaching the cover video, and the longer form surveillance recording he had found inside the file from Clint. Several minutes passed in tense silence before…

*Jesus Christ, Tom.*

Tom Durrant took a long slow breath, “Do you still have your man at The Post.” He paused before sending, knowing what he was asking.

*Yea… yea I do, Tom. Are you sure you want to do this. This has ‘it will blow up in my face’ written all over it.*

“I know, but this bigger than me. Do it, and announce a press conference to follow if The Post runs with it.” Durrant typed and sent the last message, closing down his console. He stood slowly, feeling his age for the first time in recent memory, and walked heavily to bed.

The Post ran with the story. In the next 48 hours, the “leaked” scenes of tortured children, some barely more than infants ripped its way into Humanities Psyche. The revelations of what exactly was going on behind Vorath lines assailed Humanity, spurring many to call for blood, and Others to cry hoax. Around and around the political commentators debated, and redebated the shocking footage.

Chancellor Thomas Durrant followed through on his word, and was now stepping up to the platform and the Microphone as promised. He stood there for a full minute, meeting the eyes of as many of the hundreds of reporters before him as he could. The weight of his expression prompted a flurry of flashes as camera drones captured the image. Durrant allowed all of this to happen, waiting until the din of activity settled into a heavy silence. “People of Humanity… By now, you have undoubtedly seen the shocking pictures from the far side of the galaxy. Many of you believe it to be a hoax, a desperate ploy for political points. Allow me to be clear. This is no hoax, I received these disturbing images directly from Admiral Clint Stevens, who is marshalling the forces at his disposal as we speak. He aims to do something about these orbital concentration camps, and I support his actions with the full backing of my authority as Chancellor of the United Sol Federation.”

Durrant paused, letting the information sink in before continuing, “to answer the question as to whether this is a political ploy for points. Let me be perfectly clear, I alone released the footage from inside those torture ships, and I do not care if you believe it to be a political ploy. If Humanity can see the atrocities committed to the young innocents in those images and refuse to stand up for them; I no longer would wish to lead that Humanity. Yes, we are few compared to what we once were, but we have a strength that cannot be fathomed by those who chose to side with pure evil. Make no mistake, any being that is capable of torturing and murdering children deserves the title.” The Chancellor of United Sol skewered the silent crowd with a withering gaze, “All of you here know that I have been an ardent supporter of taking a more active role against this pure evil, and my opponent has made a great many statements regarding my supposed “warmongering”. I believe that to debate him further on this matter is as wasteful as it would be irrelevant. As such, I am suspending my campaign immediately. Pending permission from donors and the campaign review board, I will be donating the totality of my campaign war-chest to the purchase of relief supplies and construction of rehabilitation facilities for these children.” Durrant paused as a wave of gasps swept through the room as a volley of flashes assaulted his eyes. “Holding the position of leader of the Human race seems so insignificant in comparison,” he said softly, almost to himself before scanning the crowd. “The election is 4 months away. If you wish to reelect me, so be it; but know this.” Thomas Durrant rose to his full height, “If you elect me this fall, know that I will use the full weight of this office to unleash the full might of Humanity upon this evil, or I will resign from my post and travel to Unity space myself.”

With that. Chancellor Thomas Durrant spun on his heals and marched off the stage.
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2024.05.16 06:20 mycatiscuterthanuu My sisters dislike and talk badly about my husband and I adore him.

I love my husband. He’s my life. He’s educated, kind, handsome and smart. Everyone really likes and respects him. He has some really good friendships he’s maintained since childhood. We have been together 7 years married for 3. He’s kind, he’s loving he does anything I ask of him and to make me happy. He says he would die for me and I believe he really does love me that much. We have a house and 3 pets we love. He has told some small white lies over the years but nothing bad or malicious.
My sisters always disliked my husband because of his age and his 2 divorces. My mom claims to really like him now but used to really hate him. I think she’s changed her tune because of the money we give. Still even my mother I fear is talking badly about him meanwhile he sends her 400 just because he worries and she struggles.
He’s 13 years older but i’m in my mid-thirties
My husband and I have given 20k combined to keep my mom and sisters afloat after my father died. My sisters are in their late 20s
After my dad passed away we quarantined with my family during covid and my sisters have hated my husband since. He paid for dinners and groceries and they shunned him and didn’t speak to him much. He felt hurt and excluded and retreated. They claim he made the situation about him. He was hurt and felt helpless.
They say he’s mentally unstable because he sent a video of him self apologizing to my sister and cried in it because he felt bad about their fight. They don’t want him knowing their adresses including my sisters husband which is weird because he hardly knows my husband at all. I was shocked and blindsided by this. My husband wouldn’t hurt a fly. He’s a lover not a fighter and would never do something to harm someone.
I feel He really poured his heart out in that and since she wasn’t speaking to him wanted to branch out.
My sister ordered a really expensive meal when we paid for everyones dinner and she said he was looking mad at her. He asked her to please not gaslight him and he wasn’t mad. She said he yelled at her told him to basically f off and never spoke to him again.
They also feel he mocks them and lies. I am torn between the heartache of loving my husband and defending them and my sisters who I love. I feel crazy because to me this is not who he is and they make me feel like i’m not seeing him clearly. In our day to day lives we are happy and comfortable. The fighting with sister stressed me out so badly I developed a temporary thyroid issue
I feel depressed and alone. I feel ill over this. My husband says we’ll take it on together. But I know things will always be this way. I am so hurt and angry.
submitted by mycatiscuterthanuu to Marriage [link] [comments]