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Prepare For The Part

2012.06.13 19:18 Apostolate Prepare For The Part

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2013.03.27 04:53 euca What do you really want to do?

For those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to make a living out of, but don't know how they can get there. We provide the paths to all who request. Wanderers and contributors alike are welcome. Be kind and supportive - no hate allowed here.

2011.12.25 00:33 blindteach Career Guidance

A place to discuss career options, to ask questions and give advice!

2024.05.16 06:27 SillyBoysenberry3565 [CA] Coworker accused me of inappropriate sexual behavior. Need advice

A few weeks ago, I (24m) found myself in a situation where I was accused of inappropriate behavior towards my (26m) male coworker, allegedly involving sexual gestures or conversations during work hours. Let me provide some context: myself and my coworker, let's call him Fabian, were hired together a couple of months ago.
Fabian often bragged to upper management about his partying and drinking habits, which gave me some insight into his personality. However, despite this, we managed to develop a working relationship. Occasionally, Fabian initiated inappropriate conversations, mostly about sex, which I found odd but overlooked. These conversations occurred from October to December. We even hung out outside of work a few times. However, when I declined Fabian's invitation to a club last month, he started treating me coldly.
Two weeks later, he filed a complaint alleging I made him uncomfortable with sexual conversations or gestures. This took me by surprise, so I provided evidence of his own inappropriate messages sent to me during work hours. An investigation ensued, and the resolution was that we were separated into different cubicles. I assume this means they found me not guilty of any wrongdoing and my position is no longer in jeopardy. Despite this, I'm still uneasy and confused about why he made such false accusations against me despite the evidence.
Do you think this coworker will try to cause trouble for me in the future? Is my position in jeopardy? This is my first job, so I’m doing my best to stay positive, but holy sh*t, what a nightmare this has been for me. The craziest part is that this guy filed a complaint for his own behavior, so this whole thing just has me so puzzled. It’s clear he doesn’t like me, but was my not accepting his invitation reason enough for him to try and ruin my life?
submitted by SillyBoysenberry3565 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:27 ChristianGirl3000 Dismissal from nursing program as an international student in America

Where do I begin. I thought that I would share my hell hole of a story. Really sorry about the grammar. I am an international student here in America, I actually just failed out of nursing school. How did I fail out you ask? well I withdrew from a pharmacology class then I fail overall in another class by 10 points. I feel so hurt, suicidal and just a total failure. But you know what's crazy, during the semester i helped other pass and when it was a time that they could help me because I was struggling in a class they decided to ignore me, laugh and talk behind my back. They ended up passing and moving on to the second semester and I'm here trying not to end up going back to my country. They did not care they were all in it for themselves. I really did trust them. Imagine helping people then when they see you need help they turn their backs. These are suppose to be Christians to, they always talk about God this and that and ended up not being the Christian they talk about so much. Well now I'm stuck on what to do, I'm applying everywhere but its so hard to be an international student. I just really don't want to go back home in poverty. I would love to become an American citizen and be safe and secured (I know nothing is perfect but I still want to be here). I chose to go to school because I love health care and taking care of people and I love American I didn't want to have to ask the government for help. I wanted to show that I could be a great citizen. I even volunteer to give back to this country because they gave me so much and so much opportunities. I swear on everything I tried really hard to pass but i still ended up failing. I have no money and I don't even know what to do. Everyday I'm depressed and having suicidal thoughts. You know from the beginning semester my mentor was so mean and horrible she would always say I was going to fail and get sent back to my country. I ask so much people for help and got none, i really felt alone in this country. The class i failed we were barely taught anything, the professor mainly and I mean mainly used You tube videos for us to watch and learn from it, no hands on at all, no explanations, all she said was just watch the videos. Its like the whole program was set up to make you fail. we started with 11 or 12 people and only 5 left right now. The professors are also happy to know they only have 5 left in the class, can you believe that. I feel stuck, I don't know what to do, I cant stay in a country i have no right to. I really would like caring advice. Not advice telling me to go be a teacher or just graduate with any degree. I feel like I have a lot to over to healthcare, i feel like there is something inside of me that can change things for the better for everyone I come in contact with. Please any information or advice would help me.
submitted by ChristianGirl3000 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:25 ChristianGirl3000 Dismissal from my nursing program as an international student.

Where do I begin. I thought that I would share my hell hole of a story. Really sorry about the grammar. I am an international student here in America, I actually just failed out of nursing school. How did I fail out you ask? well I withdrew from a pharmacology class then I fail overall in another class by 10 points. I feel so hurt, suicidal and just a total failure. But you know what's crazy, during the semester i helped other pass and when it was a time that they could help me because I was struggling in a class they decided to ignore me, laugh and talk behind my back. They ended up passing and moving on to the second semester and I'm here trying not to end up going back to my country. They did not care they were all in it for themselves. I really did trust them. Imagine helping people then when they see you need help they turn their backs. These are suppose to be Christians to, they always talk about God this and that and ended up not being the Christian they talk about so much. Well now I'm stuck on what to do, im applying everywhere but its so hard to be an international student. I just really dont want to go back home in poverty. I would love to become an American citizen and be safe and secured (I know nothing is perfect but I still want to be here). I chose to go to school because I love health care and taking care of people and I love American I didn't want to have to ask the government for help. I wanted to show that I could be a great citizen. I even volunteer to give back to this country because they gave me so much and so much opportunities. I swear on everything I tried really hard to pass but i still ended up failing. I have no money and I don't even know what to do. Everyday I'm depressed and having suicidal thoughts. You know from the beginning semester my mentor was so mean and horrible she would always say I was going to fail and get sent back to my country. I ask so much people for help and got none, i really felt alone in this country. The class i failed we were barely taught anything, the professor mainly and I mean mainly used You tube videos for us to watch and learn from it, no hands on at all, no explanations, all she said was just watch the videos. Its like the whole program was set up to make you fail. we started with 11 or 12 people and only 5 left right now. The professors are also happy to know they only have 5 left in the class, can you believe that. I feel stuck, I don't know what to do, I cant stay in a country i have no right to. I really would like caring advice. Not advice telling me to go be a teacher or just graduate with any degree. I feel like I have a lot to over to healthcare, i feel like there is something inside of me that can change things for the better for everyone I come in contact with. Please any information or advice would help me.
submitted by ChristianGirl3000 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:25 katana2698 I was warned

I’ve seen the numerous posts warning going back to a pwbpd. Mine broke up with me a month ago (while living with me) and went and had sex with someone and made a tinder all while sleeping next to me every night. Also while leaving me in financial ruin and mental and verbally abusing me daily, going into rages telling me the most vile things about myself such as no man will ever love me, he thought of other women every time we had sex, I was disgusting pitiful cancerous pathetic the list goes on. It was probably the most traumatic month of my life, I lost 15 pounds, have insomnia and visibly am still in shambles. He told me he thought he had bpd about 6 months ago and I started reading up on it and everything made sense. He had a traumatic childhood, in short term foster homes his entire life. I love him so much and knew that he was sick and had been through unimaginable pain. I knew he had to protect himself and was always left and I wanted him to know I would protect him always and would never leave him.
After this month of horror and dealing with someone who I didn’t recognize, after one night of raging on me I guess I said something that struck a chord finally and he broke down. He took down the mask and cried to me for hours. Telling me about how he knows he’s sick and he’s been in these cycles his entire life and ruined every relationship. He said he’d do anything to stop living like this. He said he didn’t mean anything he said that he only wanted to hurt me because he was hurt. He even told me he believes he has narcissistic traits which i definitely had thought before but thought i was being too harsh. I told him he needed to start therapy and remember this night and hold on to that clarity, that he couldn’t revert after this and be in denial. I then spent a few days writing out a letter that I read to him detailing my boundaries and that I would stick by him through whatever but that I couldn’t accept abuse or cheating.
I was so nervous to bring it to him because I thought he may not take it well and as you know we walk on eggshells with these people but I had studied up on ways to communicate with your partner with bpd and put a lot of thought into it. His response was pulling me close and telling me he loved me. I decided that I was giving him a fresh clean slate to be the best him he could be, who he wanted to be, I thought. I didn’t treat him as if he just cheated on me 2 weeks prior. We had a great week. 2 days ago I had an important exam and woke up anxious and told him. He was trying to make me feel better but I guess I didn’t respond to him in the way he wanted and he changed his tone and I asked him why he was being rude to me, this upset him so he walked outside without saying anything to leave. I followed after him which I shouldn’t have, and he told me to shut up and leave him alone. My exam was in one hour, I was crying and a mess, he tried to quickly make up for it and move past it and prepare me for my exam but I definetley failed. I let it go and didn’t let it ruin the day. Things were good but in the back of my mind I wondered did he subconsciously intentionally try to mess up a day he knew was so important to me, but I was sweet and let it go. Yesterday morning things felt off. He wasn’t as cheery as he had been the rest of the week, and left to work and didn’t message me the entire morning or afternoon. When he got home i let him know that I felt like things were off and was sad that he didn’t kiss me when he came in or talk to me throughout the day. I’m an anxious attachment style anyways and my love language is definitely touch. Besides that I was just cheated on and told by the man I love how awful I am, so despite me playing it so cool I do feel insecure and distrusting of him and when he will switch.
To make a long story short, he doesn’t take it well. I try to communicate calmly and tell him that these things don’t need to be turned into this, that he could have simply hugged me and let me know nothing was wrong and that I made it clear it was his responsibility to help reassure me through this process. He flips everything on me, somehow is the victim who isn’t enough or doesn’t do enough and says he’s done and this isn’t worth it to him. Goes to sleep, wake up at 7 leaves doesn’t say a word to me all day. Gets home at 5 and acts like nothing really happened but still no kiss or I love you and of course no recognition of what’s happened. At this point I’m so tired of the weird games. I ask him is he comfortable with this weirdness. That he could have just hugged me today and apologized and moved forward. But his pride doesn’t allow him to do that. It turned into a huge ordeal and I tried to remind him of our conversation where he had a moment of clarity, everything he told me, and it got no where. He denied everything and tried to flip it all on me. Said he thinks I’m being emotionally unstable because I just got off my birth control not because I’m being gaslit cheated on and manipulated by the man I’ve given my everything to. Took no accountability and just ends it with what’s easiest, that this isn’t gonna work. I tell him I took him back after the biggest betrayal of my life because I believed him that he was aware of his issues and that he needed to work on them and couldn’t hurt me anymore. He tells me no, he took ME back. He doesn’t live in reality and it’s honestly terrifying, for him and for me being in love with him. I’m not crying right now. I don’t even know what’s real anymore. My life just feels like a bad acid trip. Words couldn’t describe how I feel. I question if it’s rubbing off on me. I feel an incredible emptiness and confusion now from going through this manipulation and trauma. I have my second therapy appt tomorrow. I can’t make sense of anything in my life. I’ve just tried to be a good person and love him and it seems he is incapable of giving me that back. I’ve accepted that this won’t work but still feel guilt and pain that he will continue to suffer through life. I don’t want him to be alone. I wanted to be that one person that never left him. But it feels like he cannot care for me or think of me in the same capacity and sometimes that he wants to actually destroy me.
submitted by katana2698 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:25 deadislandman1 Animal-Man/Swamp Thing #32 - The Pale Wanderer

Animal‌-Man/Swamp‌ ‌Thing

Issue‌ 32:‌ ‌ The Pale Wanderer
Written‌ ‌by‌ ‌Deadislandman1
Edited‌ ‌by‌ PatrollinTheMojave
Next‌ ‌Issue‌ ‌> ‌Coming‌ ‌Soon
Arc: Flesh and Bark‌ ‌
 ‌ ‌
‌  ‌ ‌
An arc of purple lightning flashed across the night sky of the Boneyard, splitting the dark sky in twain as Capucine trudged across the ashy wastes of the realm. A cold gale ripped through the land, chilling the warrior to the bone, yet after centuries of time living in the Rot’s home realm, it felt identical to the ocean breeze that graced her every evening of her monastic childhood. Anxious, she fiddled with her leather armor, tightening every strap and support to make sure they were all in the right positions. She double checked that her sheath was properly tied to her belt, and that the steel sword within was sharp and clean.
He would catch up to her sooner or later, almost certainly before she made it to the portal. It wasn’t hard to pick that fact up. The Boneyard always became a little rougher when he wasn’t happy. She’d endeavored to spare him a difficult conversation, but perhaps that was too optimistic a hope. He was smart for someone his age, even if he’d made such a grave mistake.
Perhaps she was trying to spare herself the labor of having a conversation, rather than trying to keep the adolescent Avatar’s emotions in check. Perhaps she was just running from her problems, something she couldn’t remember ever doing before. Perhaps her ambitions to steer the young Avatar towards better decisions was the wrong choice on her part.
…No. Her advice was invaluable, she knew that much, and William Holland took that advice well. She just wasn’t in much of a position to give advice anymore.
Climbing atop an gray, dusty hill, Capucine gazed at the portal back to the physical world, composed of a miasma of swirling bones and inky fluids. To the unadjusted nose, it smelled absolutely foul, but to Capucine it smelled no different than the rest of the Boneyard. This was her ticket back, to somewhere where she’d do… something.
She didn’t know what that something was. In fact, she felt nauseous at the idea of wandering the world for centuries yet again with no real goal or purpose, though when considering the alternative, Capucine was ready to step right through the portal, even if her reason for leaving was so small in the grand scheme of things.
Breathless, Capucine took one step towards the portal, only for a boom of thunder to shake the realm. Capucine stopped dead in her tracks, sighing. William didn’t need to say anything to get her attention, as she turned around, coming face to face with the young Avatar.
He’d grown quite a bit in the three years she’d been advising him. His mane of red hair had regained some of its color, and across his pale face stood the beginnings of a beard, with bits of pronounced stubble around his chin and above his lips. He remained as gaunt as ever, yet he’d also grown much taller since his beginning as the Rot’s leader. He looked Capucine in the eyes, keeping his expression as blank as possible, “I got your note.”
Capucine narrowed her eyes, “So you did.”
William’s bottom lip quivered, “There’s no way I can change your mind…is there?”
“Not that I can see,” Capucine remarked.
William’s head drifted to the side as he attempted to avert his gaze, hiding his eyes from Capucine behind his wild hair. He choked back something, maybe a sob, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I said. It was a mistake.”
Capucine took a step forward, feeling the urge to console the boy, yet as she reached out towards him, she found herself frozen by trepidation. She was not a woman of gentle words, and this was a situation that called for them. Rescinding her hand, she stepped back towards the portal, “What’s done is done. I do not hate you, William Arcane, but I cannot stay here.”
Capucine turned her back on William, readying herself to step through the portal. She took one step, then another before William spoke once more, “Tefé.”
Capucine stopped, electing not to turn back and face the young Avatar. Realizing that she was waiting for him to continue, William spoke again, “My sister. I know her, she’s got a good heart, but she’s not like me. She’s not an Avatar. She could always use someone to watch her back.”
For a moment, Capucine did not answer, and the silence seemed to push William to take a few steps back. Turning, he began to walk away, unable to think of much else to say, when Capucine finally answered back, “If she is the sister of William Arcane…then I know her to be someone of good character. Your advice is invaluable, Avatar. Thank you.”
Without another word, Capucine stepped through the portal, disappearing from the Boneyard. William stared at the portal for what felt like hours before he finally shuddered, his shaky breathing accompanied by a single tear that froze up on its way down his cheek, stopping short as a bead of ice just before it fell off of his jaw.
“So you’re here because my brother suggested it?”
“That’s correct.”
Capucine answered Tefé’s inquiry in a dry manner, keeping most of her focus on cleaning the gasoline off her sword with a rag. She sat upon the corpse of the formerly living infected tree, using it as a comfortable log of sorts while Maxine and Tefé remained in their canoe, having managed to dock it by tying it to a nearby set of protruding roots. It was about noon now, and the Florida heat had become unbearable. Maxine wiped her forehead, expecting that she’d probably be dead without the trees as a shield from the sun.
Tefé rubbed her throat, recovering from the vice grip of the tree, “I…how is he? He’s not in trouble is he?”
“Far from it. Your brother is doing better than most. He’s got a keen mind for leadership, and the Rot endures with him as its head,” Capucine sheathed her sword. “He doesn’t need my advice anymore, and I do the world no favors remaining at his side. If I am to continue the preservation of a better world, then it’s best I accompany you instead.”
Tefé grumbled a little, but also couldn’t help but smile, “So the little rascal thinks I need a hand, huh? Thinks I need advice.”
Tefé smirked, then looked up at Capucine, “Got any words of wisdom for me?”
Capucine looked down at the tree carcass, then back at Tefé, “Don’t get grabbed by monstrous trees.”
Tefé swallowed, “Yeah…sound advice.”
Maxine stared at the water, noting that its viscosity had remained unchanged, “Uh…guys? I think there are more gasoline trees somewhere out there. I feel like it would’ve cleared up at least a little bit.”
Capucine jumped into the canoe, breaking the rope keeping it moored with her bare hands, “Then we find the source of the infestation, and remove it.”
Maxine and Tefé didn’t do anything to impede Capucine’s actions, though they were certainly taken aback by this old English era woman taking charge of their mission. Without a word, Capucine grabbed a paddle and began rowing upstream, her toned build making what was a laborious task for Tefé effortless. The trio moved upstream at a rapid pace, with Capucine barely making a single grunt or noise as she paddled onward. As the hours went by, the water to gasoline ratio of the river continued to tip in the gasoline’s favor, to the point that eventually Capucine looked like she was putting real effort into her paddling.
Tefé stared at the woman, unsure of what to make of her, “So…Capucine?”
“I know your name, I know you’ve been…advising my brother. What else do you do? What’s your story?”
Capucine frowned, “To be brief…I was born over a thousand years ago in Lindisfarne Abbey. What happened after is a personal matter, and one I’d rather not discuss. Similarly, discussing how I came to be immortal, and what I’ve done in the many centuries afterwards would doubtlessly be a fruitless and boring exercise. That energy is better spent rowing.”
Tefé raised an eyebrow, “Okay….then, why are you doing any of this? What drives you to help us?”
Capucine paused for a moment, allowing the canoe to slow in its approach upriver. Then, she snorted, a small smile forming as she began to paddle once more, “I’ve lived long enough to know this is a good place, a good world. I like it intact and alive, and I’d do whatever it takes to keep it that way.”
“Uh…good answer,” Tefé turned her attention to the rest of the forest, watching carefully for threats. Capucine was certainly blunt, and maybe a little scary looking, but from what she could tell the woman wasn’t much of a danger. If she wanted to learn more, she could do that after the case of Silver Springs was solved.
Maxine grimaced, staring at the thick gasoline they were rowing through, “What do you think is causing this stuff? The closest thing I can think of is the Rot but…part of me can’t put that picture together.”
“Because this is not the Rot’s doing. William is well aware of these kinds of problems, and manages them well. He would never allow something like this to escalate as far as it has,” Capucine grunted, her sheath rattling against the interior of the canoe. “This is something different.”
“Oil’s a fossil fuel, right?” Maxine asked, “Could there be any connection?”
“Perhaps, but this isn’t just oil, it’s gasoline. It’s processed,” Capucine grunted, the act of rowing becoming tougher. “Something is turning the oil into Gasoline. Maybe it’s the trees, maybe it’s something else.”
“But what force would do that? There’s definitely something magical going on about these things,” Maxine asked.
Capucine frowned, “I am…unsure. I’ve not heard of any force that pertains to these properties. Perhaps one of them has evolved. Such an occurrence is not unheard of; the Red does it all the time.”
“Or maybe…someone’s twisting a force into something it isn’t,” said Tefé. “Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out soon enough.”
Eventually, the boat rounded a corner, passing another infected tree. Maxine and Tefé readied themselves, only for Capucine to keep paddling, “Do not bother with them. They’re symptoms, not the cause.”
Maxine raised an eyebrow, “And the cause is….where?”
Capucine pointed down the river, and past a muddy, poisoned shore sat an entire row of the ailing cypresses, encircling a clearing of some kind. As the canoe pushed up against the mid, Capucine trudged out, making her way towards the clearing with her hand on her longsword’s hilt. The trees seemed to regard her, blatantly still conscious, yet they did not attack. Maxine and Tefé followed in trepidation, eyeing the trees in suspicion.
“Why aren’t they attacking?” Maxine asked.
“I don’t know,” Capucine remarked. “Perhaps they’re afraid.”
“Of you…or of something else?” Tefé wondered aloud.
As the three entered the clearing, they came across a sight none of them would have expected…a human heart.
It laid in the mud, rooted by cartilage that snaked its way beneath the earth. It beat with a satisfying rhythm, pulsating as if it still rested inside the body of a living man. A thick liquid permeated the mud, shifting outward from the heart.
Capucine drew her sword, preparing to stab the heart with it. Eyes wide, Maxine jumped in front of her, “Woah woah woah, what are you doing?!”
“I’m removing the problem,” Capucine remarked.
“But…but…we don’t know what this thing even is?”
Capucine sneered at Maxine, “Is it not obvious? Someone or something has perverted an object of the Red, and that infection is spreading to the Green. With its removal, this area can begin healing.”
“How can you know that for sure? I’m the Avatar of the Red, and I can’t feel any trace of the Red in there,” Maxine exclaimed.
“Then the corruption of the object has completely overridden its connection to the Red. All the more reason to destroy it.”
Maxine whirled around, staring at Tefé for help. Tefé opened her mouth to protest, yet she was unsure of how to proceed. On the one hand, the Green was suffering, this place was suffering. Getting rid of the heart seemed like the right answer, yet Maxine was right as well. They knew practically nothing about this heart, and if the trees weren’t attacking them, maybe it was an invitation to learn more.
Before she could voice her opinion on one approach or the other though, a new voice made itself known, a raspy, texan accent that came from vocal chords that didn’t realize they were long past their expiration date.
“Well, if you’d let me speak…I’d love to tell you why I deserve to live!”
The trio assumed defensive stances as the ground rumbled around the heart, at which point a dozen or so ribs began to poke out of the mud around the heart, followed by rotten yet well preserved flesh. The heart and ribs rose with the flesh, revealing a man with an open chest as he picked himself up from out of the mud. He was wearing an old coat and pants, and wore only one sock on his feet. Inconsistent, matted hair hung from his head, covered up slightly by a ruined cowboy hat. An ugly stubble dotted his cheeks, paired with yellow teeth and milky white eyes. He smiled, raising what looked to be an old revolver to his chin to scratch it with the barrel. With the other hand, he reached out to shake any of the trio’s hands, “Howdy folks. Pale Wanderer, representing the Parliament of Gears…how are you doing this fine day?”
The trio looked at each other in confusion, then Capucine spoke, “What are you? Are you the cause of the Malady plaguing this land.”
“Well…I wouldn’t call it a malady per-se! More of a necessary sacrifice.” The Pale Wanderer tipped his hat up. “As for what I am? Well honey…I’m a crusader. A force meant to alleviate suffering, and right now? That suffering is…well, it’s not exactly something any of the flora or fauna here really give a shit about.”
“And what’s that?” Tefé asked.
“Well…it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare to explain, but it starts with oil!” The Pale Wanderer gestured towards the ground. “We’re a car based society, here in the United States I mean! Trouble is, gas prices are fuckin’ outrageous these days, right?”
Capucine narrowed her eyes, “I do not see how that should concern us.”
“I’m not finished!” The Pale Wanderer remarked. “The average American has to pay an arm and a leg for gas nowadays, and they need gas if they want to get anywhere. Have a job, wanna see family, need to make a trip to the grocery store? Need to pay for gas if you wanna to any of that! Trouble is, gas comes from oil, and oil? It’s getting rarer by the minute…that’s why I made this place!”
The Pale Wanderer raised his arms, gesturing to the gasoline laced mud and the producing trees, “Think about it! More Gasoline means the market price of Gasoline’s gonna go down, which means gas is cheaper for everyone! At least, I think that’s how it works! Plus, my Gas is A+ quality, even comes in Diesel!”
As The Pale Wanderer continued on about his tirade on Gas prices, Maxine and Tefé shared a confused glance at each other. They’d never encountered something like this before, something this unusual, this keyed in and calculated in purpose yet scattershot in reasoning. The only thing two of them seemed to fixate on though was something the Pale Wanderer said when he introduced himself.
The Parliament of Gears.
Tefé stepped forward, “You said you were part of the Parliament of Gears? What is that? I’ve never heard of them.”
“Oh, That’s cause we’re new on the block, sweetie, but glad to be here,” The Pale Wanderer remarked. “Not qualified to sell them overall though, you’ll have to talk to marketing for that.”
“Enough!” Capucine declared, holding the point of the sword at the Pale Wanderer. “Your reasons for poisoning this place are simplistic and needless. Leave, or I will make you leave!”
The Pale Wanderer raised an eyebrow, “See, now I don’t like comments like that! We’re all just having a lovely discussion and now all you wanna do is escalate! Things don’t have to be this way! Maybe we can work something out?”
Tefé glanced between Capucine and the Pale Wanderer, making an educated guess that Capucine wasn’t the type to back down in these sorts of situations. Furthermore, she had a point. This place was suffering, and no matter the Pale Wanderer’s intentions, that was something that wouldn’t stand, “We don’t want to fight you, but what you’re doing is…horrifying. You’re killing everything around here for…Gasoline! We can’t stand by and let that happen.”
The Pale Wanderer glanced at Tefé, a glum look on his face. Maxine seemed to be holder her breath somewhat, but there was no question that she was on Tefé and Capucine’s side. Sighing, The Pale Wanderer scratched his thigh with his gun, “So that’s how it is?”
Capucine’s grip on her sword tightened, “That’s how it is.”
The Pale Wanderer pursed his lips, “...Well, if we’ve got no more words to share…I guess we better hop to it.”
The wanderer raised his revolver, only for Capucine to surge forward at lightning speed, piercing him in the heart with her sword. For a moment, he was still, motionless, and Capucine stared him dead in the eyes. Then, he shifted, and after meeting her gaze, he began to laugh, his guffawing causing gasoline to spurt from his heart and onto Capucine’s sword and armor, “Hah! Good try!”
Capucine attempted to back away from the Wanderer, only for him to grab her wrist, keeping her and the sword wedged firmly in his body. Raising his weapon, he prepared to put a bullet in Capucine’s eyes, only for her to deliver a swift fist to his arm, knocking the gun out of his hands. Smiling, he took advantage of his newly freed hand, grabbing her by the throat and squeezing tight. As Capucine struggled for air, the Wanderer could only hoot and holler, “Whooo-weeee! We’re getting down to it now!”
Maxine and Tefé rushed to help the ancient warrior, only for a mob of living trees to encroach upon them, blocking their way while attempting to grab or smash them with their heavy branched arms. Maxine dove to the left, dodging the crushing slam of one tree, while Tefé slipped through the roots of another, narrowly avoiding being picked up again. Separated, the two tried to get a read on each other while avoiding harm, yet it was difficult for either of them to really do anything to help Capucine.
They were both far from the Red and the Green’s safety. No animal would go anywhere near the Pale Wanderer, meaning Maxine’s powers were utterly neutered. Similarly, there was no living plant life near the battlefield, meaning Tefé couldn’t use her powers either. If they wanted to get out of this, they would need to think outside the box.
And that’s when Tefé spotted the Wanderer’s revolver sitting in the mud, and a wild idea crossed her mind as she scanned it and the gasoline laden ground around it. She glanced at Maxine, then to the gun, and Maxine seemed to pick up on what she was thinking. It was a gambit, an insane gambit, but without much power to draw on, it might be their only shot.
Together, the two began to race for the gun, trying desperately to keep out of the reach of the trees. Tefé tried to get there quickly, yet she found herself pursued by a half dozen trees, pressured by their presence. Maxine was closer, and managed to pick up the gun as Tefé was halfway over, only for a tree to come barreling towards her. She whirled around to run, only to snag her foot on a dead root, causing her to trip and fall. Afraid of losing their one chance at Victory, Maxine shared a split second look with Tefé before throwing the gun towards the Pale Wanderer, just as the tree came down on her. It stretched out its arms, its branches ensnaring her and trapping her in place.
Her mind in overdrive, Tefé pivoted and raced for the Pale Wanderer, leaping over the swinging branches of another tree in order to catch the gun. Capucine gasped for air, her eyes glazing over as the Wanderer choked the life out of her, laughing like a madman. With the trees about to grab her, Tefé leapt for the Wanderer’s back, looping one arm around his neck to hold on while planting the gun’s barrel against the gasoline soaked sword, “Stop!”
The trees froze in place, including the one holding Maxine captive. The Pale Wanderer raised his eyebrow, loosening his grip on Capucine and allowing her to breath, “What’s this now? Ready to call it quits?”
Tefé gritted her teeth, “I’m ready to make a deal, and if you refuse, I’ll blow us all sky high! Even you won’t survive that, will you?”
“The hell’re you…” The Pale Wanderer looked down at the gun planted against the sword, and finally realized what was at stake. There was a reason smoking a cigarette at a gas station was a stupid idea, and Tefé was willing to demonstrate. A bullet crashing against steel would cause sparks, and sparks can light many fires, especially ones where the ground was soaked in gasoline. She’s set miles of forest on fire, to nuke the entire place from the ground up….and from the tone of her words, the Wanderer knew Tefé meant it, “Ohhhhh…Clever girl….Ha! So, you’ve got me. What do you want from me?”
Tefé let out a grunt of exhaustion, “I want you…to fuck off and never come back here. Got it?”
The Wanderer chuckled, then winked at Capucine, letting go of her and allowing her to pull out the sword, “Well then, a deal’s a deal.”
Snapping his fingers, The Wanderer watched as every tree around him began to dissolve into an inky ooze, including the one holding onto Maxine, who became drencheds in the stuff. Similarly, the Wanderer himself began to dissolve, though much more slowly. As he sank into the earth, he looked up at Tefé and Capucine, “This place’ll return to what it once was, but don’t count me out just yet. We’ll be seeing each other…oh, and keep the gun. Think of it as a gift from little ol’ me.”
Eventually, the Pale Wanderer was gone, not even his hat remaining, leaving Maxine, Tefé, and Capucine to stare at the spot he once occupied. The crisis at hand was solved, at least as far as they knew, but the problems were only just beginning.
A new force of nature was here, and it did not seem to be a peaceful one.
Next Issue: A Trip to somewhere new!
submitted by deadislandman1 to DCNext [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:25 steming_ Prayer Request - Having really bad and scary dreams at night

I'm having very bad and scary dreams almost every night, so I wake up in the middle of the night a couple of times. Things are going okay for me so far(I really like my current job and the LORD helped me to do well on my exams and courses - praise the LORD), but my heart is restless most of the time because I often get so caught up with what's going to happen to me in the future, and I think Satan is attacking me and trying to bring me down by taking away peace in my heart. I woke up in the middle of the night a few days ago feeling very terrified from having a really scary dream(demons appeared in my dream and tried to kill me) and I couldn't breathe when I woke up. It took me a while to get my breath back and I told all of this to my parents and they were pretty shocked.. My parents and my family friends are praying for me as well, but could you pray for me as well? Thank you.
submitted by steming_ to Christians [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:23 AenwynXil TW: I'm actually going insane (voice update and my thoughts on voice training)

Let me just make it clear, this isn't meant to call out anyone in particular or tell people that training is hopeless, it's just a personal vent and my experience with voice training and the community. Basically just an update to my old post I made 3 months ago.
I don't think it'd be unfair to say that dysphoria has been pretty soul crushing for me lately. I'm not really the type of person to see quick success from voice training, so spending all day (10 hours+) on voice training the last few months (and 2 years overall) has really just made me see training for what it really is. Not a good or the best solution for everyone (anatomy, neurology, doesn't matter). I know how people love to bash surgery, but I would have gotten surgery 2 years ago if I could go back in time, and I still want to get it. And yes, before you ask, the right surgeries are and can be very effective and much simpler than training for some people.
Anything is better than being stuck in this hell. Yes, I've made a lot of progress, objectively I know that. But I started with a completely messed up voice, sounding like Corpse Husband (still do in boymode), and that is not me exaggerating. It is one of the most super masc voices you will ever hear. Add to that the other problems not even related to feminization just from not speaking much for years because of dysphoria and it's almost as bad as it can get.
And the truth is, no matter what people say, my dysphoria doesn't care. I want a super fem voice (very light weight and fem size), even if my masc voice is super masc and sounds more manly than 99% of men. So I go for that, and it works to an extent, but it still doesn't sound right or typical. And I continue training all day hoping that maybe that will help. Because I know now that not having that kind of a voice will be the end of me.
I've tried managing my dysphoria, taking breaks etc... but none of that has worked. The only thing that has is just not thinking about it too much and continue working on the best voice I can.
The worst part is, people seem to just assume that everyone is the same. Some don't struggle with training at all, some don't have the same crippling dyshporia, some don't even need to do anything, and some just benefit more from different methods. Statistically speaking, most people don't do voice training and yet they judge your entire personality based on your voice. I will never in a million years pass with my masc voice, and I'll always be a man to a lot of people that hear my masc voice or if my fem voice just so happens to be too clocky at the moment.
Now before anyone says that if it's not a lack of effort, I'm just doing it wrong, please stop. I've probably tried the methods of every single person I could find (even ones that are considered harmful and I would say should be a last resort if anything), and yes, there has been progress, but that's just not good enough for my dysphoria. Yes, I've been using the voice all day to talk to people and myself. Yes, I've been working on size/weight and atypicalities like occlusion, nasality, lack of closure/adduction issues etc...
TL;DR Sorry for the rant, but I think voice training just doesn't work for everyone the same, and I think a lot of people in the community and outside of it don't get that. Also surgery is probably more effective than you've been told. Try to be kinder the next time you see somebody saying things you think are "dumb". You never know what they're going through.
submitted by AenwynXil to transvoice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:23 Character_Cap5095 Suggestions for a Noob

I have recently started picking up cooking as a hobby. For a life event, someone wants to get me a gift 100-200$+ gift and I thought a chef knife would be a great choice, but I do not know anything about good chef knives. I thought I should come here looking for advice, as its probably better than any 'top 10 list' I can find.
Currently I have a set of Henkle knives ( Amazon.com: HENCKELS Premium Quality 15-Piece Knife Set with Block, Razor-Sharp, German Engineered Knife Informed by over 100 Years of Masterful Knife Making, Lightweight and Strong, Dishwasher Safe: Block Knife Sets: Home & Kitchen ) that I use as my primary knifes. I also have a Chef Sac knife that I use for vegan cooking(Amazon.comAmazon.com: Chef Sac 8 Inch Chef Knife Professional Chef Knife Chefs Knife Sharp Kitchen Knife Chef Knife 8 Inch Best Chef Knife Chefs Knives Chef Knife Professional: Home & Kitchen ), like soup stocks (Long story about why I need both).
I am pescatarian so I will not be using the knife cutting meats/chicken. Mostly it would be a work knife used for dicing vegetables among other things. What knife would people recommend I request this person to get me? Thank you!

submitted by Character_Cap5095 to TrueChefKnives [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:22 Ok-Ladder6905 is my gf too demanding or is this normal behavior in relationships?

How do you know if your partner’s asks are reasonable or out of line? I’m so confused. I have a horrible history of abusive controlling relationships and finally met someone kind and stable. i still get scared she’s a closet narcissist/abuser and do not fully trust her.
I’m 40F, been with my parner 36F for 2 years… the honeymoon was amazing, we were so in love, sex all the time etc. and then life happened. I got anxious and depressed for 6 months before I took meds, we moving in together and then moved cities, suffice to say the last year has been stressful. I have not been the best gf during this year so when my gf asked me to step it up and be more romantic, loving, adventurous etc. I agreed and took it to heart. I have improved in this area.
the last 2 months though, she’s asked me some things that seen overly demanding: to be more assertive with my friends when they are being toxic, to stop being so suggestible with friends that I catch their bad mood when we hang, to have a less labile mood- things that I agree could be improved in my life but it also feels too much. she says it affects her negatively when I am passive/avoidant/down etc and that she will not accept that I don’t change these ways about me.
I feel like her demands are unrealistic and innapropriate. i thought relationships were about accepting someone warts and all. as long as I am loving, respectful, responsible, fun, and give her pleasure, is she reasonable to ask me to improve myself further? when it doesn’t directly impact her?
i feel like it’s controlling and perfectionistic but then I wonder if my abuse history is skewing things. I rarely ask her to change anything about herself, maybe I should start doing that…. I try to accept her the way she is, especially her personality quirks and neuroses.
What is typical in healthy relationships? do i need to stand up for myself here or take her feedback and try to be a better person even if I don’t think it’s her place to ask me to and I don’t exactly have the energy or feel it’s a priority to challenge myself in these ways.
tl: dr; My gf is demanding I change the way I act in my friendships because it bothers her, even though it doesn’t really bother me. I think her feedback is accurate but I think she’s out of line to ask me to change my deep-seated habits. I am left confused.
submitted by Ok-Ladder6905 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:22 Still_Pea_214 I just can’t anymore

I 24(F) am so so stressed out about money. My husband started a new job making more , however it’s never enough we don’t have any money left over after bills and basic necessities . We are expecting our 3rd child soon and I’m so worried we won’t be able to afford another baby , we didn’t plan this baby like our other kids and he had a vasectomy because we planned to stop…I can’t find anywhere cheap to live by my other kids school ( so we don’t drive far ) . I can’t live with family because they are all jam packed into one house ( 4 aunts , 2 kids , 1 dog all at my grandmas house ) . His parents are the worst and we went no contact with them years ago. I can’t find a job anywhere because I can only work from 4pm-2am and places aren’t open. I can’t afford daycare anywhere. So I became a stay at home mom it’s hard for me to watch my husband work 2 jobs 7 days a week no rest ever just to get us by !! And on top of that my kids are sick and vomit every night. I’m starting to get sick not just because they got me sick but my body is stressed out with the baby and the fact that I can’t afford gas , groceries are running out way faster than normal and I can’t pay for the car tags this year and one of the cars needs a new battery. And so so many other little things I just can’t anymore!! I don’t know what to do at all …mostly I spend my days stressed out and then I cry because I feel helpless. I do attend therapy and nothing is making me stress less about my situation. I need help or advice or something like is everyone having a hard time or is it just me and my family ?
submitted by Still_Pea_214 to VentingAboutMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:21 Jinsei-San Is it a hardware or software issue?

I’m at my wit’s end. My PC would shitting itself during startup. Not being able to respond to opening programs, task manager—hell not even allowing me to shut it off or restart it. Start up process wouldn’t run. When I click on an application it would only show the blue wheel, etc. etc. like the PC was running extremely slowly.
Fixing the startup through the Shift+Restart screen only yields a message that says something like “can’t fix startup due to SrtTrail file” or something. I concluded I’d delete this file through Safe mode (only getting to it through Shift+Restart, because I can’t open anything when I boot the pc up). This would work sometimes as the pc would boot up as it should. But then when I turn it off or restart it, it would do the same thing again and start shitting itself.
Today, I reformatted my PC for a second time. Reinstalling windows after clearing the whole shit up. And honestly, I have no idea what else to do it if does it again. You guys have any idea what’s happening here?
submitted by Jinsei-San to computer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:19 Normal_Mad_Scientist 40 [M4F] TN or US Online - Give me something new to focus on!

Shorter post since I'm on my phone this evening... But I've got a couple previous posts you can read if you want to catch up on the story thus far! (And to answer a question I was asked in a chat... No, I'm not an actual scientist. But sometimes I feel like I fit the "mad science" trope)
I just turned 40, and all my energies and focus go towards my job, my cats, or my many varied hobbies and interests. Up to this point, I would like to think that I've done pretty well for myself - I'm not very dissatisfied with my life so far. But I know that there's one thing that would be nice to have, and that's someone to share it with.
Now, I'll be the first to admit that my experience with relationships is fairly low, and I can count the number of total relationships I've been in on one hand. But I'm a fast learner and believe in good communication and working together. And I know that, if I meet the right person, they'll be the focus of my attention in a good way.
I'm looking for someone to talk to who shares some interests and is interested in seeing if we would be a good fit for each other. While Tennessee is preferred, online in the US is fine if you're fine with long distance to start with. I'm comfortable with talking to people around my age, but can go younger as well. It's more about the personality and the life experiences than a number.
Chances are, if you message or chat me tonight, I'll respond in the morning. I do like a good night's sleep. :) And if you do message or chat me, tell me something that makes you unique or special... Or what you found interesting enough about this post, or me, to send me a note! I'll exchange pics if we seem to hit it off well.
Last, as forewarning, be prepared for conversation if you message me. I want to get to know you, and I'm hopeful that you want to get to know me!
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
submitted by Normal_Mad_Scientist to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:18 Ill_Natural_7723 Sometimes I come up with ideas and nonsensical stories, which is why I've created a theory about the beginning of GTA 6. Take it more as a game and not as something that could actually happen 😁.

Sometimes I come up with ideas and nonsensical stories, which is why I've created a theory about the beginning of GTA 6. Take it more as a game and not as something that could actually happen 😁.
GTA 6 would start with a scene similar or almost identical to the first scene of trailer 1, where we see an incredible shot with the prison. Lucia would be in jail for being an illegal immigrant who entered LEONIDA or VICE CITY illegally and was caught committing this crime. That's why when Estefanía asks her in trailer 1, "Why are you here?" and Lucia responds, "Bad luck, I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️," it would make a lot of sense for her to be caught entering the country illegally. Eventually, she manages to get out of jail but with an ankle monitor or electronic bracelet. She is also given a mobile phone (obviously tapped by the police) to stay in touch with the officers. This is where Jason comes into the story.
Jason is a police officer who works more independently and is the officer who transports Lucia (the immigrant) to a hotel (the one we know from the leaks and trailer 1). Jason and Lucia talk and introduce themselves during the trip to that hotel. There is tension, and at the end of the trip, Jason tells her that he will keep an eye on her. There is a transition, and a few days pass until someone knocks on the door of the hotel where Lucia is staying. She opens the door, and it's Jason offering to take Lucia for a walk around Vice City under the pretext that she needs to be monitored, and the psychologists and lawyers from the prison require Lucia to have some activity to do.
It is at this moment that Jason confesses to Lucia that he works as a police officer but is tired of the corrupt, false, and strictly tiresome system. Jason confesses that in his past, he handled weapons and was involved in drug trafficking. All this happens in a cinematic sequence of several minutes, non-playable. We go directly to the hotel with Jason. A few days pass, and Jason quits his job as a cop and buys Lucia a new mobile phone that is not bugged or hacked by the police. This is where everything starts. A few months pass, and Jason and Lucia plan a robbery at a gas station in Port Gellhorn. They need money urgently. Lucia has some experience in robberies, but Jason only has experience in drug dealing.
This is where the robbery begins, the one we see in trailer 1. Lucia's ankle monitor is finally removed because a few months have passed. They rob the gas station, flee, and that's where the game begins, showing the intro and the official logo with an 80s music vibe. At this point, you can play as both Jason and Lucia.
This is my theory or prediction of what could be the beginning of GTA 6. It might sound a bit crazy, but I came up with it for various reasons.
submitted by Ill_Natural_7723 to GTA6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:18 HeavenLeigh412 Reunion Part 1 thoughts:

I watched the reunion last night in a watch party and it was distracting. So tonight I'm rewatching on Peacock with the dog after my husband went to sleep. Thoughts: 1. Lala is impressed Tom and Rachel showed up to season 10 reunion. I'm not impressed... Tom has zero self awareness... we didn't turn on him about Kristen, so he thought he wouldn't catch shit about Rachel... but he doesn't realize that Kristen acted so crazy that he seemed like the better choice, even if we didn't like him. He just never caught on that we didn't like him. 2. Argument about grooming... one of the few times I'll agree with Lala ever. Tom for the first time says he was impressionable when Rachel took off all her clothes and jumped in his pool. It comes off as contrived a year later... he had plenty of time to work on his story, and no longer had a reason to be on Rachel's side. 3. Scheana and Lala still appear to be on Ariana's side, but we're only 10 minutes in... this pisses me off for a multitude of reasons... why are we pretending? 4. Tom's suicidal conversation with Lisa, where she tells him to take some responsibility, and he tells her 'I AMMMMMM" like a toddler. 5. We then move on to Ariana's suicidal thoughts and how he didn't believe she really was and that's why it was okay to weaponize it. 6. Lisa and Andy talk about his constant use of "I'm sorry... BUT" Which I didn't remember them doing the first time around, but it was then followed up by excusing the George Floyd NYT article which Brick called clickbait... so I'm not giving them credit for the first thing. 7. This scandal was not overtaking real news! I started watching a month ago for the first time, and had never heard of Scandoval. 8. It really pisses me off that Lala is so beautiful, and she ruins it by opening her mouth and being bitter trash. 9. Brock thinks 2018 was just before the pandemic hit... which makes me seriously question his intelligence... 10. I love the fact that Katie owned her previous comments about Brock and apologized for them. It shows maturity and such growth for her. 11. What is with the pushing Lala and Schwartz... ewww... 10 minutes after the throuple comment about Brock. 12. Something I didn't notice last night was Lisa talking about moving Pump to Tomtom, and how they were in discussions about changing the name... and Sandoval rolling his eyes like that would never happen... dude, like you own 2.5% of the business... you don't really have a say... show up with your sidekick in the sidecar in your matching outfits and smile and STFU. 13. Another thing I missed was that Schwartz and Sandy's wasn't on VPR last season because Greg didn't want filming there. 14. SAH... brought up by Andy who then asked Lisa what she thought, and she brought up disagreements and Ariana being away... Ariana and Katie look confused and Ariana states they've never had a disagreement about her being away... Lala makes her Lala face and Brock laughs. Which is telling that Lala had these discussions with them about whatever conversations Katie had with her... So it's not really shocking that she also told all of us. Move on to Penny and Andy asks Lisa if she regrets introducing them to Penny... she responds if Penny ends up hurt, she thought she was going to be a partner... Schwartz mutters "I think THEY regret it" Which I will give him credit for... 15. Ariana admits she didn't watch this season... and Sandoval's whole face lights up. 16. Lala going after Katie... my personal feeling about this is that Katie stands up for herself and Ariana ALL the time... the arguments she had on camera with Lala had Lala coming out on the wrong side of every single one of them and looking bitter and jealous... she attacked Katie because this season Katie had so much fan support because of her loyalty... people like that. In a show where there is so much back stabbing, cheating bullshit, we want to cheer a woman supporting another woman unconditionally. It makes it more real( which we need in a reality show)... in our own lives, no matter how f'd up our situation may be, everyone has at least one die hard, I'll cut a bitch and castrate that guy for you best friend. I have 2... and they would fight over who would bring the shovel, and who would bring the lime. One thought about the after show, I don't watch the Valley, so I forgot how much I don't like Brittany... I think a lot of people choose her because Jax is so awful... but Jax doesn't pretend to not be an asshole, he owns it. So you know what you are getting. Brittany has backed Sandoval over and over... and I don't like women who choose men over women always.
submitted by HeavenLeigh412 to Vanderpumpaholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:17 Additional_Try_9124 EUW Challenger Coach - Sungod

I have been playing League of Legends since Season 3 and first hit Challenger in Season 7. I have maintained Challenger for 5 years on EUW where I peaked top 10 and moved to China in S13 where I have also hit Challenger on the Super Server.
As for my coaching experience, I have been Coaching since 2020, and professionally since 2022, It is now my full-time job and I am fully committed to it.
My personal Discord: sungod00
My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Sungod00
My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/sungod
My Metafy: https://metafy.gg/@sungod
I offer 3 types of Coaching.
My Reviews: All my reviews are on my discord server: https://discord.gg/sungod
submitted by Additional_Try_9124 to LeagueCoaching [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:17 kimagureprince I Quit The Day Job For My Dream - Want a Free Website Designed?

Hey everyone!
So I've finally pulled the trigger—handed in my notice and I'm prepping to dive full-time into my own enterprise. It’s been a long time coming, probably should've made the move a couple of years ago, but better late than never, right?
I’m shifting gears and taking charge of my professional life. As a web designer, I've always been more of a behind-the-scenes guy. Now, I'm aiming to change that by stepping out and making some meaningful connections.
My game plan? To create 25 high-quality websites over the upcoming quarter. I'm banking on this not only to establish myself but also to expand my network.
Let's be real, it's a big endeavor but anything's better than spending another few decades in my old job. So I'm casting a wide net here. While I'd love to collaborate with other entrepreneurs, I'm open to just about anyone who needs web help.
If you’re in the market for a new website, a revamp, or anything in between, let’s connect and see how I can add value to your project. What do you say?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by kimagureprince to SantaBarbara [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:17 goodwillmarinelli strong belief that I am autistic; mom doesn't/won't believe me

I have a strong belief that I am autistic. I have autistic friends and they agree with me. I've taken almost all of the online questionnaires and screenings and every. single. one. is on the much higher end. I taken them multiple times, and every time I say to myself "this time you're gonna be completely honest. Really think on each question. Don't exaggerate" and I just get the same if not a higher score than the last time I took it. I know those screenings aren't a definitive, especially for those who are autistic but have more nuanced traits that those questions wouldn't necessarily flag. But considering how consistent, and "stereotypical", for lack of a better word, my answers are, I think its a safe bet to think that it's pretty likely.
I didn't display the usual milestone stuff associated with autism when I was little. What makes this harder specifically with my mom is that I hit developmental milestones early, and was said to be very bright child from the start by most people around me. Noticeably intelligent/"high IQ" etc. but not some sort of young sheldon savant.
It's pretty easy, or at least easier, for me to look back on experiences or how I socialised when I was younger and realise "hey that was probably another indicator that was overlooked", but for my mom there was a lot of stuff, particularly school, that she just wasn't around for and couldn't see like I could. There are some things/stories that "we" (mostly her. I don't remember a ton of early school days other than super profound moments or instances that for whatever reason had a lasting impact emotionally) look back on that when put in the context of possible autism, make a lot more sense. She's told me a bunch about a time where this girl at school (kindergarten I think) refused to talk to me, like I would try and say something to her and she just looked at me and/or completely ignored me. So I kicked her. I was not a violent child, there are a few instances where I got physical with people but, again, looking back I dont think I understood the gravity of my actions. I kept getting drawn to kicking peers. In 80% of cases I did it during recess as some sort of "play" even though now I obviously know that it was harmful and I still feel bad. There were a couple of times someone behind me in line kept stepping on my heel and I had enough so I'd kick them. I think I definitely showed signs as a child but it doesn't help that the most difficult symptoms haven't become prominent until about age 12.
Anyway there are a lot of things like that. More-so things that my mom has always passed off as being because I was a bright or "gifted" kid. The times I've brought up the possibility of autism to her I'm always met with "symptoms of autism are commonly found in gifted kids but that doesn't mean you're autistic" re: feeling disconnected from peers & unable to find common ground etc etc. Either that or it's stuff that she did as a kid too. We both have diagnosed ADD.
I wouldn't feel as much of an intense need for a "real" diagnosis if it wasn't for how I think my autistic traits are affecting our relationship. Ever since I was a kid I'd be yelled at for "sass" or "backtalk". I heard that I was "sassing off" so much that just the word "sass" triggers an intense internal emotional reaction. I never understood what that meant. I would ask, she would kind of explain, but I'd never actually get it. This is the same thing now, except now without my dad here (passed away) it's just us and I feel like I've sort of unintentionally become part of a partnership dynamic rather parent and child (which is confusing as hell sometimes because it's like you're equal, being part of adult conversations and decisions as an adult partner would, and yet held to the same expectations and rules that of a child). There are a lot of times where she's says something like "watch your tone", "stop/you don't have to talk/treat/speak to me this way", "stop yelling at me" with her getting hurt or mad and I rarely, truly understand what exactly I did. Ill ask her "how did I just speak to you" and I feel like she when she repeats it back her tone is exaggerating how I sounded, but then again I don't actually know how I sounded. All I know is that I didn't intend to be mean or disrespectful. I never mean to be disrespectful. If something happens where I did something or haven't been doing something (its a reoccurring breaking point when shes been asking me to do something for weeks and I just don't do it. Unloading the dishwasher specifically. I come home exhausted from school and I just come home, eat something, and then go sit in my room on my laptop for the rest of the night between homework and leisure.) and I just shut down and sit there silently without eye contact until she stops yelling and the interaction kind of "ends" and either she or I walk away to another room alone. I know how it makes her feel and I feel so bad about it, just in the moment there are things in my head that I want to say but its like I cant get them to come out. She sees this as me "stonewalling" her and "refusing to take responsibility". Some arguments she's called me "abusive" for my behaviour, and I can't say I blame her. I know how my behaviour comes across on the outside. To her, I don't listen or do anything around the house, I'm unnecessarily mean and disrespectful most of the time, I talk back and raise my voice a lot. Theres more I cant remember right now. Its more prominent because I don't really act like that around my friends, it's just at home. Its not like its personal to her, I just come home and I guess "unmask."
I wish I could just go to my doctor and say I'm fairly certain I'm on the spectrum and get a referral, and get a diagnosis (in my state autism diagnoses and treatment are required to be covered by insurance if youre under 21) or some other explanation for why I'm like this, and come back to her with something that proves that I don't hate her and I'm not some abusive asshole that likes being a dick. Every time I've brought up autism it gets mostly shut down or passed off as something else or just par of the course for being "gifted". It does not help that she feels that people right now are too quick to jump on the thought they're autistic. I feel like I need a diagnosis, autism or whatever else, in order to save us being able to exist in the same house without me feeling I have to have my guards up and without her feeling like I despise her being around me and that I want nothing to do with her. I am very close to typing up a document with many of the feelings I've written here along with experiences and reasons why I think I'm autistic, along with all of my self assessment scores and answers with explanations for each. I guess I've just hoped I'd be able to do that with a professional there to guide it also but It's just getting to hard to deal with with this hypothetical ideal examination of how my brain works. I guess I'm just on edge and ready for her to dismiss every point I bring up in some way or another or say "what? you weren't like that as a kid".
I didn't mean to go off like this, I appreciate anyone who's read this far. The whole thing just hurts.
submitted by goodwillmarinelli to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:17 spike229 Breeds

1) Will this be your first dog? If not, what experience do you have owning/training dogs? * first time owner 2) Do you have a preference for rescuing a dog vs. going through a [reputable breeder]( http://ownresponsibly.blogspot.com/2011/07/identifying-reputable-breeder.html)? * probably looking at breeders for a more predictable temperament and health. 3) Describe your ideal dog. * greets me when I get home, willing to play fetch and go on short walks, and doesn't need bathing or brushing often. 4) What breeds or types of dogs are you interested in and why? * whippet, I've read they are lazy most of the time with short bursts of energy and excitement. I like the idea of playing catch/fetch with a Frisbee in my backyard. 
They are small enough to be carried when necessary. Ive heard they don't smell bad and require infrequent bathing. "velcro dogs" that just want to be nearby and interested in whatever I'm doing.
5) What sorts of things would you like to train your dog to do? * mostly I just want to have a companion that will motivate me to leave my tv habit more often. The common obedience training is important: sit, stay, come, goto bed, fetch ect. 6) Do you want to compete with your dog in a sport (e.g. agility, obedience, rally) or use your dog for a form of work (e.g. hunting, herding, livestock guarding)? If so, how much experience do you have with this work/sport? * although I think it might be fun to do these competitions, I don't think it's realistically something I would put enough time towards. **Care Commitments** 7) How long do you want to devote to training, playing with, or otherwise interacting with your dog each day? * I am away from home almost 10 hours each day, but the evenings I rarely leave home. Weekends tend to be at home as well. 8) How long can you exercise your dog each day, on average? What sorts of exercise are you planning to give your dog regularly and does that include using a dog park? * I have a large fenced yard at my house and plan to install a dog door to allow access to the yard during the day while I am away. Keeping my dog occupied while I am at work is my biggest concern currently. 9) How much regular brushing are you willing to do? Are you open to trimming hair, cleaning ears, or doing other grooming at home? If not, would you be willing to pay a professional to do it regularly? * I'd like to keep brushing/nail trimming, and bathing to a minimum but I am happy to pay for a professional to help me with it every month or 2. **Personal Preferences** 10) What size dog are you looking for? * medium 15-40 lbs 11) How much shedding, barking, and slobber can you handle? * some barking is acceptable, shedding and slobbering I'd like to avoid. 12) How important is being able to let your dog off-leash in an unfenced area? * it would be nice to take my dog camping or hiking off leash a couple of times a year. **Dog Personality and Behavior** 13) Do you want a snuggly dog or one that prefers some personal space? * I want my dog to be close enough to pet while relaxing at home. 14) Would you prefer a dog that wants to do its own thing or one that’s more eager-to-please? * eager to please 15) How would you prefer your dog to respond to someone knocking on the door or entering your yard? How would you prefer your dog to greet strangers or visitors? * friendly to visitors 16) Are you willing to manage a dog that is aggressive to other dogs? * as a first time owner having a non-aggresive dog seems important to me. 17) Are there any other behaviors you can’t deal with or want to avoid? * stealing food, chewing shoes, escaping over the fence during the day. **Lifestyle** 18) How often and how long will the dog be left alone? * up to 10 hours, but I plan to have a dog walker daily while I am at work until my puppy is old enough to be trusted in the yard alone. 19) What are the dog-related preferences of other people in the house and what will be their involvement in caring for the dog? * I live alone 20) Do you have other pets or are you planning on having other pets? What breed or type of animal are they? * no other pets 21) Will the dog be interacting with children regularly? * no 22) Do you rent or plan to rent in the future? If applicable, what breed or weight restrictions are on your current lease? * I own my house 23) What city or country do you live in and are you aware of any laws banning certain breeds? * Multnomah county, Portland, OR. There are no breed restrictions here. 24) What is the average temperature of a typical summer and winter day where you live? * summer is 70-90F, winter is 30-50F **Additional Information and Questions** 25) Please provide any additional information you feel may be relevant. * nothing yet 26) Feel free to ask any questions below. 
submitted by spike229 to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:16 Co-Candid Migraine lasting 5 days and getting new symptoms I haven't had before

So on Saturday I went on a long-ish car ride, and it gave me a nauseous, car sick type of migraine, which is pretty typical for me. What is not typical is that I am still feeling it 5 days later with headache meds not helping.
It comes and goes, and gets worse when i get up and move around. It's also worse upon waking up, and I've been having very surreal fever dreams. It is a pressure migraine, ranging from barely noticeable dull pain that I can ignore, to feeling like someone is literally standing on my skull where it hurts to even open my eyes. Usually I get them if my blood sugar is too low from not eating, or they can be triggered by car rides or fumes like nail polish. And usually all I need to do is eat some peanut butter crackers, turn all the lights off, take ibuprofen with some water, and sleep.
On day 3 I puked multiple times, and since then my chest and back muscles hurt when i breathe too deeply (i assume that's just from straining them while throwing up?) My whole body is kinda sore to be honest, but the chest discomfort when I take a deep breath is obviously the most concerning.
When I tilt my head forward or bend over, after a few seconds I get the sensation of water getting up my nose, and my eyes start to water. The pain and pressure spreads throughout my whole skull if I lean over too long. I feel better when laying down on my side, but laying flat on my back leads to the same water in my nose feeling.
The other issues like nausea and light sensitivity are things I've had before, even puking every once in awhile if i don't eat soon enough, but this awful pressure in my head like I went underwater without blocking my nose is new. Is it just sinuses? My nose isn't blocked or runny at all, I can breathe perfectly fine (not counting muscle soreness), and have not been coughing. I did spend a couple hours on Saturday under a tree that was covered in blossoms, but there's no way any pollen I breathed in would still be affecting me right? Allergy pills have not helped either. Plus I have not been outside for more than a few minutes in the past few days, as I've been in bed hoping this will go away if I just rest enough.
I have an appointment on Friday with my PCP to discuss this, but is there any chance it sounds like a more serious issue that warrants an ER visit? I've discovered what a cranial leak (CSF) is and am now paranoid about that. I'm only 23 but had multiple blood clots 2 years ago (that seem to have gone away now that i switched birth controls), and during that time I had an Atrial septal defect closed in my heart. So I am young but do have some history with physical health issues. Plus the years of chronic migraines, but this one has definitely been the worst from how long it's lasted and the various other symptoms it has caused.
Please let me know if anyone has experienced something similar or if it sounds more serious than just a bad migraine. Thank you!
submitted by Co-Candid to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:16 Sharp_Photograph_492 Quit the day job and restarting my biz, who needs a free website design?

Hey all!
Quick backstory: I got some solid advice from my mentor that made me take a step back and reevaluate where my life is headed, so I've decided to wrap things up at my current job and plunge headfirst into my own business venture. Yes, it's a tad overdue, but there's no time like the present, right?
The way I see it, I'm re-calibrating and steering my career in a new direction. In my role as a web designer, I've generally played it safe behind the scenes. Now, I'm set on stepping out and forming some worthwhile connections in the process.
My mission for this/next quarter is to develop 25 websites that really stand out. It'll be a hustle, but one that seems more rewarding than clocking in year after year at the old gig.
I'd especially like to network with other business owners, but if anyone needs a sleek website, I'm your guy!
So if you need a new site, a revamp, or anything in between, let's do it! Big thanks in advance!
submitted by Sharp_Photograph_492 to Gatlinburg [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:15 Sharp_Photograph_492 Quit the day job and restarting my biz, who needs a free website design?

Hey all!
Quick backstory: I got some solid advice from my mentor that made me take a step back and reevaluate where my life is headed, so I've decided to wrap things up at my current job and plunge headfirst into my own business venture. Yes, it's a tad overdue, but there's no time like the present, right?
The way I see it, I'm re-calibrating and steering my career in a new direction. In my role as a web designer, I've generally played it safe behind the scenes. Now, I'm set on stepping out and forming some worthwhile connections in the process.
My mission for this/next quarter is to develop 25 websites that really stand out. It'll be a hustle, but one that seems more rewarding than clocking in year after year at the old gig.
I'd especially like to network with other business owners, but if anyone needs a sleek website, I'm your guy!
So if you need a new site, a revamp, or anything in between, let's do it! Big thanks in advance!
submitted by Sharp_Photograph_492 to murfreesboro [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:15 Sharp_Photograph_492 Quit the day job and restarting my biz, who needs a free website design?

Hey all!
Quick backstory: I got some solid advice from my mentor that made me take a step back and reevaluate where my life is headed, so I've decided to wrap things up at my current job and plunge headfirst into my own business venture. Yes, it's a tad overdue, but there's no time like the present, right?
The way I see it, I'm re-calibrating and steering my career in a new direction. In my role as a web designer, I've generally played it safe behind the scenes. Now, I'm set on stepping out and forming some worthwhile connections in the process.
My mission for this/next quarter is to develop 25 websites that really stand out. It'll be a hustle, but one that seems more rewarding than clocking in year after year at the old gig.
I'd especially like to network with other business owners, but if anyone needs a sleek website, I'm your guy!
So if you need a new site, a revamp, or anything in between, let's do it! Big thanks in advance!
submitted by Sharp_Photograph_492 to Chattanooga [link] [comments]
