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Credit Cards

2008.09.14 19:08 Credit Cards

A subreddit for discussing credit cards. Be sure to read sub rules before posting, use the resources linked in the sidebar / about section of the sub, and use search to see if your question has already been answered.

2020.04.23 04:23 Gamelover39 ActualFreeGiftCards

Actual Free Gift Cards, Giveaways, ETC. basically FreeGiftCards but moderated.

2015.08.30 23:42 RandomNerdGeek Free Games with Cards

Dedicated to finding free Steam games with trading cards or cheap games that essentially free after selling their cards.

2024.06.02 11:09 catancollectordotcom Tonights First Game - Mirror Image

Tonights First Game - Mirror Image
We decided to try a new board tonight with two identical islands on either side and only hidden deserts and gold inbetween. It uses Base, Seafarers, Treasure Chests and Cologne Cathedral. It was a slow start but the game was close and the lead did swap during the game. Red started strong until the dice decided otherwise. Blue was very close to winning, but black (me) got there first. We decided to play to 12 points rather than 14 or 16 points as we were wanting to play two shorter games rather than one long one.
I felt my best move of the night was building 9 roads in one turn. First I relocated an existing ship, then I built two more ships to reach a treasure chest that won me two free roads, I used those to reach the next treasure chest that was also two free roads. I used those two free roads to reach the next treasure chest and it was a free progress card. I took green and it was a road building!!
submitted by catancollectordotcom to Catan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:08 docangst [Onyx Lives!] Gates of Tengoku - Information, Lists, Art & Community Engagement

Hello, all. We wanted to take some time today to talk about our next planned expansion, Gates of Tengoku. First, let’s get the bad news out of the way. We had originally, ambitiously, planned to try and get this set out before Gen Con. However, for several reasons, we have decided to delay that for a little bit. The set, originally planned to be about the size of Chaos Reigns, Part I (CRI), has instead developed into a robust 100 card expansion. If we managed to squeeze this set in with the minimal amount of playtesting, it would still end up releasing about two weeks before Gen Con. We don’t feel it would be in the best interests of the people that intend to play in our event to be forced to scrap and re-test their decks to account for the sudden influx of a set of this size. We also don’t want to rush the playtest process of this set in particular, for reasons that we’ll get into shortly. We would rather take our time, and do it properly.
So, what exactly is Gates of Tengoku?
The concept for this set began over a year ago, back when our project first took form. L5R has a long history of awarding storyline affecting choices to players, many of which show up in card form, with the player’s name on them. Unfortunately, it also has a long history of not awarding some of these prizes. Sometimes, things fell through the cracks, though many of the 2014 and 2015 Kotei prizes never came to fruition because the game officially ended before that could happen. When going through our documents in preparation for Onyx Lives!, we happened across the ‘Unresolved Storyline Prizes” document, detailing the results and choices of many, but not all, of these events. Seeing this fulfilled became a high priority for us.
Throughout Onyx Edition, you will see the occasional attribution of storyline prizes on cards. We fit in what we could, when we could, as we worked behind the scenes to reach out to people and try and fill in missing information. The intention was, when we collected all we could, to construct a version of a “Direct-To-Player” style set, containing all of them, and making good on the promise of one of L5R’s most important features, the participation of its community. Gates of Tengoku (GoT) is that set.
The nature of this set was also, as mentioned before, one of the driving factors behind our decision to move up our timeline regarding retiring our project’s use of AI art. We have always wanted GoT to be a positive experience for the entire L5R CCG community, not just those actively interested in our project, but for anyone who ever had a fondness for the game. For all those people who still showed up to L5R events, even after they knew that the game was closing shop. Our attempt to show all of these folks, even if it was only through some fan project, that the efforts they made and the prizes they won weren’t forgotten, and did matter. We did not want the specter of AI art to cast a pall over this set. All of these prizes, with the exception of a couple that are the result of our own online events (yes, they are in here too) were won before AI art was a thing, and we did not want anyone to hear that their prize, after coming to fruition a decade (or more in some cases) later was now associated with something many of them may have deep objections to. Simply put, it is not our right nor our intention to tarnish that for them. If we are going to do this set, then we need to do it the right way. But, that also got us thinking.
We are very encouraged by the overall positive response we have gotten from the larger L5R and art communities regarding our accelerated decision to drop AI. Many individuals and other L5R fan groups and communities have reached out to us, offering art donations or suggestions about things we can do, and even offering to partner with us to help build a larger fan community. These are all very exciting developments, and we thank everyone that has done so. Community is so important to the survival of a ‘dead game’. It is the only thing that keeps it going. Look no further than things like the Continuing Committee of the Decipher Star Trek CCG for proof of that, or any of the ‘Dead CCG’ fan sites and communities.
We believe GoT provides a unique opportunity for us to reach out to the community, due to its nature, so we are going to do something we haven’t ever tried before. We are going to ask the artist community to help build this set together with us. The kernel of this idea came from another of those vaunted L5R fan institutions that has extended a kind hand to us, Emerald Legacy, one whom we hope to build a strong friendship with in the months to come.
There is now available in our files a partial spoiler list for Gates of Tengoku. This includes:
If you are an artist, amateur or otherwise, and would like to submit art for any cards to be featured in GoT, you can email our project lead at [jlsumerlin@gmail.com](mailto:jlsumerlin@gmail.com) with the title of the card or cards you are interested in, as well as a link to your online portfolio or site, in whatever form you wish. We will add your name to the spreadsheet indicating you will be the one doing this piece, and you will receive proper artist credit on the card in question. Cards will be on a first come first served basis, so if you have multiple cards you are interested in, please arrange them in a Ranked Choice format. Please be aware that as a strictly 100% free project, and in accordance with the actual guidelines of Asmodee’s legal documents regarding fan projects, we are unfortunately both unable to and forbidden from paying artists directly for artwork for our project.
If you are the prize winner of a particular card being featured in GoT, and you have art you would prefer to see on your prize, you will always be given deference. It’s your card, after all. We’re just making it.
There will be an eventual deadline decided on for submissions, but for now, as this is an experiment, and wholly new to us, and we have virtually just begun the set’s playtest process, you have plenty of time. Thank you for your consideration and your continued support as we embark on this new chapter in the Onyx Lives! Project story.
Our website
Our Discord server
Our Facebook page (new - join for updates)
submitted by docangst to l5r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:04 Norsil_0 [FOR HIRE] Hi! ✨Open for commissions ✨ Portraits, full body characters illustration and other✨Special price cause I want to pay my bills✨

Price sketch/flatcolob&w/fullcolor
•Headshot $10/$15/$25/$40
•Half body $20/$25/$40/$60
•Full body $30/$40/$70/$90
Background +$5-20 depends on the complexity
✨50% off for second character✨
✨Discount for multiple order✨
Also I do:
•Chibi $10 for first +$5 for each next
•White and black multiple simple characters scene $40-70
Payment via PayPal or donate Ko-Fi, also I accept orders on Artistree (with little fee from the site) (if you want order kind of commission I don't have card on the site feel free to say, I'll add it)
Please be sure to check my carrd for ToS, and more information (〃'ω'〃) https://norsil.carrd.co/
And.. I would like to draw your character ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ゙
Thank you for your time ~
submitted by Norsil_0 to artistforhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:04 Dangerous_Fix_5502 [PC] [2000-2024?] Creepy Playground Themed Visual Novel

Platforms: PC only I believe, it was on itch.io or gamejolt or some sort of free game downloader
Genre: Horror Visual Novel
Estimated Year Of Release: I think sometime in the 2010s but I'm not too sure
Graphic Arts/Style: Poorly done Anime style visuals, my mind is telling me it might've been done in MS Paint but there is no way of knowing for sure
Notable Characters: I only recall there being 3 characters. A Boy, His Mother, and the Girl you talk to at the playground/park
Notable Gameplay Mechanic: I believe it was just clicking through text boxes until the game ended
Other Details: You played as a boy talking to this girl at a playground, the dialogue was very unnerving to me whenever I played it it just felt creepy and unnatural. After like 10-15 minutes of talking to the girl The girl then tried to kidnap and kill the boy before the boys mother came and killed the girl and does some more creepy dialogue with the boy. The game then put you back to the title screen tinted red and changes the title card to something like "the bloody playground". There was no option to replay, I believe this game was featured on some "disturbing games" iceberg and isn't currently able to be played as it was taken down
submitted by Dangerous_Fix_5502 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:00 AutoModerator Weekly EA Nonsense Thread 06/02

The aim of this thread is to move away from pushing individual threads to EA representatives and give them a single place to review their nonsense. Useful feedback can be in many forms but an easy format would be provide your observation, show data or proof and suggest a solution. Feel free to comment on other's suggestions. An example could be:
Observation: The Power Up program is not successful.
Data: Provide links to any number of the dozens of complaint posts related to power ups.
Suggestion: Allow players to power down and sell the players or ensure the best version of a card is always a power up.
submitted by AutoModerator to MaddenUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:52 lbblblee [HK, WW] [H] Big Hits, Goldstar & Slabs! Giratina V Alt, Mewtube, Mewtwo Goldstar PSA 3, Leafeon VMAX Alt PSA 10, Deoxys PSA 10 and other JP/ENG hits!! [W] PSA 9/10s, Rayquazas, Team Magma/Aqua Groudon/Kyogre, Vintage slabs. Paypal G&S

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/Vz49X8K
Get your high class hits and slabs here! I've got English & Japanese Hits starting from $1++ Looking to sell off parts of my collection. Happy to negotiate and trade!
Prices in USD. Receive in Paypal G&S. As I'm based in HK and cannot access TCGPlayer, prices are based off last sold on eBay. Checked using pricecharting.com
Shipping: $5 BWMT, $3 PWE. Sleeve + Toploader + Teambag (if multiple cards) included. Shipped via HK Post (ships in 1-3 weeks).
High Class Hits:
English Hits:
Japanese Hits:
Never sold on Reddit before, but I've sold on Ebay and Carousell (though I go by a different username since I cannot change my old username on Reddit). Feel free to send me a message on those platforms, happy to verify!
Ebay feedback: https://www.ebay.com/fdbk/feedback_profile/toastycardsg
Carousell feedback: https://www.carousell.com.hktoastycardsg/reviews/
submitted by lbblblee to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:48 Living_error404 Am I being too sensitive or was my bf's comment in poor taste?

I just need to get this off my chest because I'm really upset right now.
My grandfather passed away 2 months ago. He collected guitars (over 100), and now Grandma is selling them off/giving them away to family because there's so many.
I like guitars. I can't play well but I've had them since I was little. When I visited I picked out a couple based on intuition because I didn't have internet and couldn't look up anything.
When I got home naturally I started googling the ones I have. I feel like this is normal, it's not about the price specifically but the quality. I did it for the ones I bought myself. I wasn't really planning on selling them - except for one. That one turned out to be worth more than I thought so I'm debating on even selling that.
It's important to note that I'm pretty sure my family feels the same. One or two holds sentimental value, but 118?? My dad laid it out like this: "These are cool to have, you can learn to play or use it for decoration. And if you ever need money you have something to sell".
My boyfriend however saw me doing that, and said I shouldn't be looking at prices because it doesn't matter, and that I shouldn't sell any of them. He made a comment like this before (I tried to explain my reasoning but I don't think he understood), but this time he took it further and said "Don't look at the prices of anything I give you".
Even writing it here it stings. I can't believe he said that to me. I have never, would never do something like that??? He should know already, I've explained to him to many times that I don't care about price, I just want to feel appreciated. He could give me a card- or hell, a handwritten note (which is free btw), or pick me flowers instead of buying them- something like that and I would absolutely love it. Cheap thoughtful gifts are far better than expensive meaningless gifts.
Also, I'm having trouble seeing how those things are related. He nerds out and googles all sorts of electronics and videogames, including the price. That's his hobby, I never assigned a monetary value to it.
Guitars are my hobby.
I told him to sell his $400 (used, so initially worth more) laptop and buy a cheaper one if prices don't matter, and he said, "It's different, a cheap laptop can't do what my laptop can do".
And? You think a $2k guitar is the same as a $200 guitar? (Yes I said that to him).
I think he understands a bit more and wanted to make up, but I can't help but feel like he's just upset that I'm upset with him and doesn't want me to be mad.
I listen to him talk about electronics all the time. Not just the games themselves, he really gets into the quality and how his computer runs and how the microphone sounds.
Now I don't really want to share that side of my hobby though, because apparently there's no value unless I'm actually playing. I feel like a filthy gold digger for having the audacity to look at the value of my grandfather's (now mine) guitars, despite having 9 of them and not intending to sell.
On the other side... I think there's a cultural difference here, and he's autistic. Apparently he "didn't mean it that way" and would never think that of me, but it still hurt.
Am I being too sensitive?
tl;dr: I looked at the price of guitars I inherited from my grandfather (to get a sense of the overall value/quality, not to sell), and my boyfriend made me feel like a gold digger despite him doing the same with electronics.
submitted by Living_error404 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:40 Broad-Date-8361 Which card should I prefer getting first.

Which card should I prefer getting first.
I'm having a hard time figuring out which series 3 card I should prefer getting next week with the free series 3 card. I use my discard deck most atm but I tend to swap between discard and destroy.
Magic Death Hell Cow Venom
Or is there something else?
I've also pinned Corvus Glaive in the token shop, but should I wait and grap something else but him?
Also, which card a seen as a must have in a collection?
All help and tips is appreciated!
submitted by Broad-Date-8361 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 ChiTownDad360 Wife Wants To Be "Best Friends" After Filing And No Hope of Reconciliation

We dated for two years before getting married. I have worked so hard building my business up after she encouraged me to try and do something positive that I loved. She didn't realize how hard it would be in my field. First year, I made $500k, second year I made $1.3 MM and she became pregnant. Our son was constantly sick and I had the ability to work from home. After the first year, I think she maybe took off 7 days while I had to watch him for several months and missed client appointments, employees were stealing, and I woke up every night for my son. Finances became an issue when my income was only around $80,000 the following year. Every morning at 8 a.m. she would ask how much money I could give her. She racked up $56,000 in credit card debt.
I told her the one thing I wanted for my birthday was to wake up next to my wife and see my son. Normally, I would never care about a birthday, but I had such a hard year and made so much effort while she played the victim constantly and we didn't have sex for almost 8 months. I never officially proposed before our wedding so I had bought a ring. We were to go out of town for my birthday to be with her family and I couldn't leave because if I did, my client was going to go to jail sine the judge ordered me to be there on my birthday. I told her and she refused to change flights although they were free. She accused me of infidelity previously which I didn't do. When she wouldn't change the flights and told me she was going no matter what, I flipped out. It was the worst moment of my life. I remember watching her heart break before my eyes as I tore into her verbally. I couldn't get her to change her mind so I panicked and went into the most outrageous stunt of my life and called her every name under the book. I regret it so much. She left and told me she wanted a divorce. I filed the paperwork on my birthday, I got an EOP to bring my son back immediately because she had repeatedly stated she wanted to move out of state with my son to live with her parents and me previously. I have begged for two months to go to reconciliation counseling after she filed as well and she said that over the last year she couldn't handle the emotional rollercoaster.
Now she comes over on my parenting time, took the last two holidays away from me because she begged and cried, expected me to take her to dinner on her birthday, I spent $6,000 in hotels over two months. She spent three days at our home and I stayed on the couch. She still won't change her mind, but wanted to do weekly dinners with my son and I. Our therapist says she is "confused" about what divorce really is, but she won't change her mind.
She got keys to her new place today and packed up all of her things. She is excited to be at her own place. I don't know how to move on. I am a single dad 50% of the time now while she goes out and has fun with her friends. I was forced to cut off all of my friends because they kept telling me I could do better.
I don't understand how she can spend time with my son and I and act like we are a happy family, but want nothing to do with me anymore. I give her so much and support her financially in ways I am not required to do so, but it doesn't matter. I feel like a cuckold. She is already talking about how in the future she knows she will start dating someone else and that we will have to work together, but I don't want another man raising my son.
I had a very rough upbringing, but have managed to get through very hard situations. The only thing I wanted in life was to have a loving family since I was a little boy. She gave it to me and then took it all away so quickly.
Her parents paid for opposing counsel. I have contemplated just paying off the $56,000 in debt over the next few months or just taking care of my own financial needs and I am unsure as to what I should do. The concept of being "best friends" while we watch t.v. together, spend time with my son, and have weekly dinners is terrible. If it's over, why does she want this so bad?
submitted by ChiTownDad360 to Divorce_Men [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:33 psn-tommyb97 Xbs - looking for permanent pro am team - send me dm (stats are last season)

Xbs - looking for permanent pro am team - send me dm (stats are last season) submitted by psn-tommyb97 to NBA2kTeamUp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:30 Studying_Man One world customization to set if you want a much less intense experience of playing the game

Just set the Mandrake to "many". You get about 50 mandrake in the entire world.
It is like having some "get-out-of-jail" for free card. It helps you recover from your mistake without erasing your 15 hours of effort completely. Such mistake includes getting hit by a depths worm unprotected (it kills you with two strikes if unprotected ), miner hat running out in the middle of the night, dying in the summer heat but cannot find nitro for endothermic file, etc.
For me the game was so much less intense and more enjoyable with this setting.
One reminder is that even set to "many" the mandrake is still not renewable. I ate like 20 mandrake skip the entire winter, and found they don't grow back any more lol. But the fact that it is non-renewable is a good thing so that you do not become completely dependent on it.
submitted by Studying_Man to dontstarve [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:26 Sweet-Count2557 Beaker & Gray Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States

Beaker & Gray Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States
Beaker & Gray Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States
Discover the Best Brunch Spot in Town: Beaker & Gray in Miami, FL
Price Level: $$ - $$$
Discover the Best Brunch Spot in Town: Beaker & Gray As a travel blogger, I am always on the lookout for unique and delicious dining experiences. One restaurant that has truly captured my taste buds is Beaker & Gray. Located in the heart of town, this hidden gem is the perfect spot for brunch enthusiasts. Beaker & Gray offers a delightful brunch menu that will satisfy even the most discerning palates. From classic favorites like eggs benedict and fluffy pancakes to innovative dishes like avocado toast with a twist, there is something for everyone. What sets Beaker & Gray apart from other brunch spots is their commitment to using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Each dish is carefully crafted with seasonal produce, ensuring a burst of flavors in every bite. Not only does Beaker & Gray excel in their culinary offerings, but the ambiance is also worth mentioning. The restaurant boasts a trendy and modern interior, creating a welcoming and cozy atmosphere for diners to enjoy their meal.
Cuisines of Beaker & Gray in Miami,FL,United States
Beaker & Gray Restaurant is a culinary gem that offers a diverse range of cuisines to satisfy every palate. With a menu that spans American, Bar, International, Fusion, and Vegetarian Friendly options, this restaurant truly caters to all tastes. Whether you're craving a classic American burger, a flavorful fusion dish, or a refreshing vegetarian or vegan option, Beaker & Gray has got you covered. What sets this restaurant apart is its commitment to accommodating dietary restrictions, with an array of Gluten Free and Vegan options available. So, whether you're a meat lover, a vegetarian, or have specific dietary needs, Beaker & Gray is the perfect destination to indulge in a delightful culinary experience.
Features of Beaker & Gray in Miami,FL,United States
DeliveryTakeoutReservationsOutdoor SeatingSeatingParking AvailableStreet ParkingValet ParkingWheelchair AccessibleServes AlcoholFull BarAccepts American ExpressAccepts MastercardAccepts VisaAccepts DiscoverWine and BeerAccepts Credit CardsTable ServiceFree Wifi
Menu of Beaker & Gray in Miami,FL,United States
Location of Beaker & Gray in Miami,FL,United States
Contact of Beaker & Gray in Miami,FL,United States
+1 305-699-2637
2637 N Miami Ave, Miami, FL 33127-4437
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 busdfgsdiufygsd Card rec for good SUB for planned purchases (not ongoing spend)

I’m looking for a card (and happy to map out the next few) knowing I have some planned spend that will go on a credit card, so I’d like to get decent SUB if possible. Most of the spend will not be in USD, so ideally the card won’t have FTFs. I’m imagining this card will be used for the bonus only and either closed or parked, and not used for ongoing spend. I don’t run a balance ever, I only use cards for rewards.
Happy with Chase Ultimate rewards points, or miles with AA, BA, United, maybe Virgin/Delta at a push.
I’ve had a good run with Chase Ink over the last year, and there’s only the card with FTFs left, so that doesn’t seem like the best choice. I’ve had a look at lists of recommended bonuses and nothing is jumping out at me, so I’d welcome any thoughts.
I suspect I should be closing my ancient World of Hyatt visa to re-apply, but I believe that requires it to be closed for at least a month before reapplying, right? (I also have to look into whether the free anniversary night from that card would disappear if I close card before using it)
Spend will be somewhere in the $10-15k range over a few purchases, for a heating system and some long-budgeted for furniture. Info per the template below:
Current cards:
submitted by busdfgsdiufygsd to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:02 MariamTin I'm pretty positive you don't have this one... I've banked $848 since signing up just over a month ago! 🎉

I'm pretty positive you don't have this one... I've banked $848 since signing up just over a month ago! 🎉
No deposit required (you can skip when asked)!
Free app! No need to sign up for their premium trial (you can skip when asked)!
submitted by MariamTin to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 TidyCompetition Swissborg - Get a €1-€100 Crypto bonus reward for signing up and depositing €150

SwissBorg is a cryptocurrency app that lets users easily buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
SwissBorg are currently offering a €1-€100 free bonus for new users that set up an account and deposit €50 (or local currency equivalent).
My experience has been really positive. The sign up process is really simple and straight forward. I got approved really quickly.
Recently a new user that signed up with my link received €68.00 this was the biggest bonus one to date (Proof).
The app is super easy to use. They make buying and selling very easy. Also the rates you get are also really good. I have used lots of the crypto offers on here and SwissBorg are one of the ones with the best rates for both buying and selling (at least for Bitcoin which is what I have been using it for).
The bonus is also really good. The scratch card feature is also a nice touch. It is little attentions to detail like that that shows me they are a good company. The free €1-€100 bonus in crypto (CHSB ) is a fun way to get people involved. If you sign up you will receives a virtual scratch card that could win up to €100.
If you are would like to have a go, and are feeling lucky, please sign up with My Referral Link and see how many €€€'s you will get?
Here are a couple of useful links that helped me find out more about the Swissborg service and the offer for new users:
Here are the steps I followed to get my bonus :
  1. Click on My Referral Link
  2. Enter your phone number and select 'Claim your free CHSB '
  3. Download the SwissBorg app
  4. Make a deposit of €50 or local currency equivalent (eg £45)
  5. You will receive a 'scratch card' ticket and in the app
  6. Scratch off the ticket and see how much free CHSB you have won (€1-€100 bonus)
  7. Share your referral link with others to get more rewards
I am happy to help anyone that is interested in other cryptocurrency bonus just send me a DM:)
submitted by TidyCompetition to freebitcoin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:45 911houstontx 911 Water Heater Houston TX

911 Water Heater Houston TX
Having a leaking water heater is a problem that not all of us want to deal with, it is very important to find the perfect water heater repair and replacement service, because a water heater is not something that you can handle on your own. Only professional water heater repair techs can handle this, if you want a company that can come and take care of this problem for you then rely on 911 water heater houston texas. When any plumbing issue arises, feel free to contact us.
Tankless Water Heater Installation
Water Heater Service
Tankless Water Heater Electric
Water Heater Replacement
Natural Gas Water Heater
$25 off for any service of $250
$50 off for any service of $500
$100 off for any service of $1000
$75 off for water heater installation
$40 off for any water leak repair
Business name: 911 Water Heater Houston TX
Phone: ‪(281) 698-0485
Website: https://911waterheaterhouston.com/
Address: 9258 Park S View, Houston TX 77051
Payment Methods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover & cash.
Service Area: Missouri City, Sugar Land, Galena Park, Bellaire, League City, Friendswood, Channelview, Cypress, Kingwood, Spring, Pearland, Pasadena, Katy& Humble
Working Hours: All Days 6 am : 10 pm
submitted by 911houstontx to u/911houstontx [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:42 Whole-Store-5105 This is getting ridiculous

This is getting ridiculous
“Recieve FREE MONEY to get your zoo up-and-running”
Honestly these updates and expansion packs are a complete joke, its honestly disrespectful to any OG Bitlife player the way the company is headed with these content pushes, instead of anything quality lets just throw out a bunch of animal shit
submitted by Whole-Store-5105 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 En_Djinn Twist Refund Policy

I'll make a post since it seems Blizzard don't want to spread the news:
Nerfs to Twist Heroic Decks via Health changes/Hero PowePassive changes will NOT result in a dust refund for the card used to access that deck.
Arfus is going to get nerfed within the next 7 days with likely a health change and a bug fix for the excavate rewards. YOU WILL NOT GET DUST FOR ARFUS. HE IS NOT 'FREE'. Only DIRECT card changes result in dust refunds with very edge cases scenarios like the watch post guy.
Some people seem to not know this, I had loads on stream saying "will I get a refund" or "is arfus free" since the only source we have for this is Twitter and Twitch chat comments.
submitted by En_Djinn to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:30 Cyr13lGame Free GameStop Gift Card - Win GameStop Gift Cards on Playbite

Free GameStop Gift Card - Win GameStop Gift Cards on Playbite submitted by Cyr13lGame to PlaybiteCyr13lGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:18 lpdcrafted Deep Dark Wrath - CraftedCircuitry - I wanted a lightweight grindy game so I solo-developed this 2D Topdown Hand-drawn Card collecting Dungeon Crawler ARPG and released it last Monday!

Deep Dark Wrath is a hand-drawn, card collecting, dungeon-crawler where you fend off countless enemies and find its source with the help of powerful Enchanted Cards. It's a lightweight and grindy 2D Topdown Dungeon Crawler ARPG that I solo developed and took me over 7 months to make. I have released this game last Monday. Feedback is still greatly appreciated.
◼️ v1.0 Gameplay Trailer ◼️ https://youtu.be/blhyjUgBf_k?si=V75xTKTkT22K0sdQ
Quick Key Features
What is Deep Dark Wrath?
The Wrath is a looming darkness that lurks and corrupts anything within the Dungeon. The Dungeon has a mostly fixed layout, filled with unique areas, strong enemies to fight, key items to gather, and many Points to plunder. You'll also need to be quick or find ways to quell the Wrath's anger as you dive deep to the heart of the Dungeon, or you might face the Wrath! One way is with the help of Enchanted Cards.
Enchanted Cards are your main way of getting stronger so you can dive deeper into the Dungeon. These give you stat buffs and effects that can change you or the Dungeon to make it much easier to venture and escape. You can only use 3 at the start of the Run, so choose wisely!
Hidden deep in the Dungeon is the enemies' source, the Oracle Piece. Finding 7 of them, and appraising them into usable Oracle Enchanted Cards, will hopefully help you quell the Deep Dark Wrath.
You'll be finding yourself exploring labyrinths, discovering secrets, mowing down enemies, and collecting Enchanted Cards, hopefully, to destroy this darkness. Are you up for the challenge?
The game has fully released on Steam and Itch, but it has Free Demos you can try out if you’re simply interested. GIFs and Gameplay Screenshots are also in the links below!
◼️ Steam (Windows PC) ◼️ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2891520/Deep_Dark_Wrath/
◼️ itch.io (Windows PC and Android) ◼️ https://craftedcircuitry.itch.io/deep-dark-wrath
submitted by lpdcrafted to Games [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 HelpDearGodHelpMe My mental state is weakening and I don't know if I can't keep it all up anymore

This is my first post so I'm sorry if it's way to long but I needed to get this out.
Trigger warnings: sa, suicidal ideation, physical abuse (kinda), neglect, stalking,
(These topics are mentioned but not explored deeply)
I (m19) have been losing everything it seems since I was 11 I think.
Off the bat I have autism, ADHD, a learning disability, and a bad family dynamic I think (this is apart of it), due to this and growing up in a town that's not very open minded I quickly became suicide. When I started therapy in middle school I would score as severely depressed every 2 weeks when the test was done. Along with talking to councilors, therapists, resurch and how life has been going I think I might have developed BPD and Narcissism.
Right before middle school I met S, they where my best friend and first "love". The day I met S I feel hard, and over the next 7 years my feelings would deepen. Our relationship dynamic was very toxic, we'd yell and scream at each other then the next day say we loved each other but if I didn't want to be there friend they wouldn't care and they'd echo this sintament in a million different ways that would userally come at the end of our fights. S would say things like "if I'm so mean then why are you still friends with me" or "that's a you problem" when I'd bring up a way they would make me feel, once they said "no wonder your dad doesn't love you" (this was years ago so I'm not sure if that's exactly what they said but the last 4 words where still in there) just to give you an idea of the kinda things they'd say.
On the other side, I would constantly make my personal episodes there problem, call them a bad person, accuse them of intentionally hurting me, I'd be extremely controlling of there relationships and just controlling in general. I'd also ask them to berate me, and call me any terrible thing they could think of, like a good friend they only did this a few times at first but then stopped. All this would be going on while I act like the guy best friend with feelings, I'd confess to them on avrage once a year in bigger and grander ways.
Other then S, there have been a lot of other unwell people I'd have to deal with. The actual scary ones where a couple rapists and one person who'd brag about sending there boyfriends on suicide watch. The rest where all either bullies or "crazy" people, either way I didn't care much, I was just happy I could live out a heros fantasy. Even though on paper I was a good guy, I only did it to feed my ego and feel secure. So even though I was hurting people who where hurting others it could have very easily been the other way around and a few times it was. I would stalk people in school, I'm not proud of it but it happened, ive also struggled with homosidle tendencies. One more thing, I was sa'd twice my freshman year which the school did nothing about, you could probably imagine how I feel.
My home life wasn't much better in my opinion, my autism crated a huge divide between my family and by existence everyone else. Out of my whole family I'm the most severe and most of us have autism (this is all my opinion) my mom has taken tests and is open to the idea but my brother (m20) doesn't see what I do, It would also make since for my dad but I don't know. This is important because my needs and acomedations are seen as to much for my family, and then when I went out into the world I didn't understand the social difference between my autistic family and the rest of the world. Whatever I learn out here is hard to communicate to my family and what I learn from my family isn't the best out here.
More specificly my brother would beat me up not super often but often enough for it to be a thing I was scared of for a long time. to be fair I did use to bite him when we where little which is what he mentioned when I brought up the times he'd beat me up, he also denied doing this to the extent I mentioned and said "all brothers fight". He has been teaching me about emotional intelligence recently because of my issus with being very defensive, this was after he stopped beating me up for a while so I think he's changed. But he still says things like "why do you look like that" or "you smell" as a joke, I've asked him to stop but he's never stopped. He also makes jokes about sexualizing animals, children, and even made incest jokes just because I have a funny reaction. I've told him to stop because it makes me uncomfortable but after high school I gave up, he hasn't made these jokes in a while and thankfully the ones about kids are ferthar in the past then the others. When he didn't stop I told him I would tell my friends that he made these jokes and he said that he wouldn't care.
Other then him, my mom recently called me to yell at me about the traffic being bad, the phone called ended with me throwing my headphones and yelling about killing myself in a school building. To be brief.
My dad was just super neglectful, nights I'd go hungry, he cooked only 2 times for me and my brother. Once I had to take him to the bathroom because he was to drunk to know he wasn't in the bathroom. This should be enough.
In modern day.
I'm in college for acting and writing, I haven't lived with my dad for years and he recently took out a EBT card under my name. I got in a car crash a year ago, in the same week I got it, my mom yells at me to drive and yells at me to not drive without insurance, she yells at me for not being prepared wile packing my bags for college for me wile not letting me do it on my own. My mom offers help but then complains about everyone catering to me and yells at me about every single unplanned step. My brother is trying to help me but he doesn't except that I'm disabled or that the issues I bring to him are as bad as I say they are, he buys me fast food almost everyday I'm home though. All the other freshman in my college ghosted me at once after the car crash (for real, I get back from the crash, everyone's int he commons, one person asked if I was okay, the other people from the crash show up and everyone flocks to them and I still don't understand why), this caused rummers about me to be created and at the end of the year it got so bad that a group calls me a pedophile. Even though all the shit I've had to deal with just at school I found someone, F. F is super caring and kind because they really do care. Simply put, niceness is transactional, your nice to someone you expect them to be nice back. F just gives all away and expects nothing in return, they've been helping me with my family and school issues along with the mental shit and their just all around a good person.
Even though things are better and I have someone I like, I feel miserable. Everyday it gets harder and harder to keep myself from letting go and do fucked up things to people just because I see something I like or that I'm intereged in, I have a need to feel power and to know everything I can out of insecurities which I've mentioned in this post. I also wanna break up with F but because I know I will hurt them like everyone else in my life, and I'm not sure if I'm with then for them because there the only person who supports or if it's all the free weed. And like the Annabelle movies, my obsession over S isn't and probably won't ever go away as it gets stronger and more annoying.
So after all this I don't know if I should keep fighting until I can't anymore which feels soon, or finally kill my self which I don't think is likely but if not me then I'm scared of who it could be one day. I will continue to try and work though this anyway unless I make a decision, then I'll try to make an update.
Also please let me know if this is violating the Staying on topic rule.
Thank you.
submitted by HelpDearGodHelpMe to offmychest [link] [comments]

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