Sublimed sulphur on skin

My experiences

2024.05.18 13:56 Psychological_Bar870 My experiences

Hi everybody. Just thought I'd collate a post to share my experiences on this medication. I'd love to hear your experiences, or views and if I'm just a weirdo! 45F SW 107kg, CW 84.2kg, GW 60kg. 5 ft 2 inches.
  1. No effects until 1.7 dose. Have been on 2.4 for 3 months (local pharmacy prescribed)
  2. I started on Saxenda. Only modest losses. October 2023 started on Wegovy and titrated as directed, but could have gone straight to 1.7 apparently due to Saxenda.
  3. Stayed on 1.7 for 3 months, until I started feeling hungry again
  4. My method of weight loss is intermittent fasting. This med means I have no hunger pains, no drop in blood sugar, BUT I'm very very tired. I eat one meal a day and crave sugar at about 9pm which I am trying to stop
  5. Alcohol. It has no effect. I was a bottle of wine a night girl. Now, I have no desire for it, plus it doesn't affect me. Christmas Day I had a litre of vodka. No effect.
  6. I'm freezing all the time.
  7. Had exacerbation of depression for a period at the start.
  8. Food tastes "different". I only enjoy very sweet food. I was a savoury lover before these meds
  9. I'm getting my dopamine from reckless shopping. I'm blaming it on dropping 2 dress sizes. But it's out of hand. I now own 8 bedspreads lol.
  10. I can't stay on this med indefinitely. It's £250 pm at the 2.4 dose. When I get to goal weight, 1.0 or 1.7 is cheaper for maintenance.
  11. Loose skin. Inner thighs and tummy. Although I have 3 kids and had polyhydramnios in pregnancy
  12. Sulphur burps maybe once a month. Treated with sodium bicarbonate from pharmacy.
  13. NSV include a drop in shoe size, less sweating, glossy hair, less fluid retention in ankles, feet and hands.
  14. Have to supplement vitamins, minerals and electrolytes to function.
  15. use a food tracker to work out TDEE. Mine is 1300 kcal. Some days I eat at TDEE, other days, eat zero. I know this is ridiculous.
  16. Smells can make me very nauseated. My teen boys love pot noodles. To me, they smell like dog food. In work, I retch a lot (scientist), and if someone is wearing aftershave or perfume, I get headaches and nausea, very like morning sickness.
  17. I'm extremely lucky to have a supportive partner. Not just because of the cost to our family finances, but he sees me feeling ill, and weighs that up with a happier, more confident me. It makes all the difference
  18. My body smell has changed according to my DH. From very sweet, to funky. 2 showers a day now!
  19. Need medication to use the bathroom. 3 bisocodyl every Friday night means 1 bowel movement of about 2 pounds. (TMI sorry) although some will be water.
I'm interested to hear people's thoughts and if they've experienced any of these (unexpected) side effects.
submitted by Psychological_Bar870 to WegovyUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:19 NoonaLacy88 A poem ish- just for fun

I am not always the one to be motivated, but with stretching perhaps pain will be mitigated.
Dawn the attire, tight on my skin, my body on edge, ready to begin.
First I'll go slow, warm myself up, I don't need the stamina to win a world cup.
My engine is revved so I increase the pace, as sweat begins to slide down my face.
I know I shouldn't, but I look at the clock, "is this almost done?" I think, but don't talk.
This always seemed easier when I was 25, now I have to find the drive.
I am breathless and panting after such a short time, but I know at the end I will feel sublime.
Almost done, I cant go on, 30 minutes never felt so long.
I hit that high, and slow my speed, smiling now that I've done this deed,
I wipe the sweat, and cool my cheeks, no surprise I've not done this in weeks.
I step off the treadmill its time to go, boy do I hate cardio.
submitted by NoonaLacy88 to QuillandPen [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:33 Mista9000 Perfectly Safe Demons -Ch 39- Sundresses at Night

Chapter One
-Rooftop of the White Flame Factory-
Grigory smiled nervously at his men as they lounged on the rooftop patio. As the sun sank lower, he was happy to see them relax after the day's tensions. He’d wanted to give them their imps when they first arrived, or after the demonstration, but they seemed a little too skittish. Their reactions were causing him to doubt his strategy. If his most loyal supporters were repelled by them, wider acceptance was going to be a non-trivial hurdle. He’d been working on an improved version of the imps for months, but making them less threatening, or light forbid, ‘cute’, seemed deeply at odds with his plans. He hoped time might be the missing ingredient. Once they get a bit more familiar with them, they’ll come around. The imps were really nothing for them to fear.
The demonologist sat alone, observing how his men were dealing with the news. He was deep in thought, adjusting his plans and ruminating on his concerns. Was he forcing them to do things they weren’t comfortable with? The basis of his entire plan was that the whole world was to benefit from the imps, so it had to start somewhere, or he might as well give up. They seemed to be taking it as well as he could have hoped.
Catching a wisp of savoury smells, he thought it was scarcely fair to relax while Stanisk was busy in the kitchen. He rose to see if he could lend a hand with dinner. During their overland trek to the capital months ago, it was clear that Stanisk was a superlative cook, but Grigory was a dexterous helper. Much of what he knew about surgical techniques had been picked up preparing meals.
Grigory arrived at the great hall that served as the eating area. In the centre of the chamber, two long tables stretched across the room, capable of seating fifty, though only four simple chairs he had crafted a few weeks ago were present. His men had yet to grasp the potential of the imps' labour; instead of proper seating, they had improvised with crates and timbers haphazardly arranged around the tables. Near one table, a jute sack of potatoes lay abandoned on the floor, possibly mistaken for a makeshift seat. Grigory hoped they'd be eating the potatoes, not sitting on them.
Separated from the hall by a low half-wall, the kitchen bustled with activity. Stanisk sat on the thick timber counter, a casual sentinel over dinner’s preparations, while Jourgun and Klive stood nearby, deep in conversation with their commander.
Stanisk’s five imps, in their fancy clothes, dashed around the kitchen. Under his expert guidance they were preparing a grand feast. One was peeling potatoes, another stirred a great bubbling pot, while two were doing dishes.
“Sir, did you know that Stanisk’s imps have names? And fancy clothes! Can I have one like his?” Klive blurted when he saw his employer. “Uh, as it pleases milord, of course.”
“Plus mine bow when they bring us beers! They don't do that fresh out of hell!” Stanisk's toothy smile implied he might have been bowed at by imps a half dozen times already.
Grigory tilted his head and blinked for a second.
Surely a bit of clothes can’t have that much of an impact on their acceptance?
“Oh, Of course! Certainly!” he paused again. “Feel free to ask Stanisk for tips on how he made his.” Observing the bustling activity, “It looks like dinner is well in hand?” The kitchen was huge, far larger than the one at Planed Pine Peak Inn. A half dozen dishes simmered or baked, their aromas — exotic spices, rich gravies, and roasted meats filled the expansive space.
Stanisk replied without glancing away from the imps handling the tasks. “Well in hand, boss. Take ‘er easy tonight!” The imps' movements were quick and fluid, their antics distractingly comical at times. Grigory watched, smiling, as one imp hugged a yam to its chest that likely weighed more than it did, and made its way along the countertop from the vegetable sack to the cutting board. Each step was an exaggerated sway, the creature was badly top-heavy and teetering.
With effort he pulled his focus back, “Capital! I’ve a matter to attend to! Smells great already!”
Grigory went into the factory proper to whip up enough chairs for everyone. Simple wooden ones for now, but with cushions. Cushions were quick enough to make and he had a few cart loads of wool and woollen fabrics. He watched his imps work, glad he could share them with his whole team now. Obviously it made everything a bit riskier, but it was worth it. One of his concerns was that he’d been overlooking opportunities and uses. He was bound by only being able to think his own thoughts, so he was excited to see what non-demonologists would think of.
They carved and joined the pine chairs with their normal speed and accuracy, but watching them sew was its own reward. The imps wielded needles like longswords in their tiny hands, the points moving too fast to see clearly. They stacked up the plain cushions in a neat pile at the end of their low workbench.
He also didn’t have any utensils, placemats, serving spoons nor trivets either, since this was their first proper meal here. He commanded the imps to make those as well, and carry them like a row of ants from the workshop to the dining hall. The demonologist walked around the table, surveying his work. With a minor gesture of flame he lit the lamps, and frowned at the beige-grey of undyed wool of the chair cushions.
He pulled the chairs out, and one at a time enchanted the cushions to bright, cheerful colours. He was going to make them all company purple, but thought better of it. Enchanting colours was a fun spell to cast, because the act of changing its colour also unravelled enchantment as it went. Much like building and knocking over houses of cards, the end effect was a mundane unenchanted object, but in whatever colour he’d chosen. Having done the spell countless times for entire days to prepare for the midsummer tourney, he didn’t even have to check his notes for any of the hues.
Satisfied with his work, though slightly frustrated that his first and last red cushions weren’t quite the same shade, he sat down. He pulled a notebook out of his satchel and started making notes on his ideas for some improvements, mostly for his own use, but some to the things he’d be soon selling. Lost in his own world, he had no idea how much time had passed when Ros and Taritha joined him at the table.
“Good evening, milord,” Ros said deferentially.
The young herbalist elbowed him, “Come on, he had one rule! He was writing!”
“Oh! Terribly sorry, sir!” Ros stammered.
“Not at all, I was basically doodling. How’s your evening going, is everything to your liking?” Grigory closed his notebook and put it away.
“Amazing milord, These rooms are huge! They're bigger than some of the houses I was looking at!” Taritha said.
“Of course! No one wants to live in dingy cells! Glad to hear! It’s easy to make a place bigger when you are building fresh. Let me know if you find anything that needs fixing, our builders are still in town working on the harbour fortress now, but I can have them send someone if there is anything amiss!”
“I don’t reckon neither of us knew palaces this nice existed anywhere, milord!” Ros said with a shrug. “We might not be the best eyes for finding faults!”
“Heh! This is just the rustic first stage! Don’t worry about its crudeness for now, we’ll get there over time!” the demonologist promised, patting his satchel where the notebook of ideas was. His confidence was both unshakeable and unnecessary.
“Not to question your plans, but there are a lot more rooms than people. Are we expecting company? Are we hiring?” Taritha asked. Her eyebrows twitched slightly, having just questioned his plan for the first time.
“Big plans indeed! So that empty stretch east of the main building? That’s also part of our land grant. In a while we’ll be building a barracks there for our troops, while senior officers will stay in the main factory. That’s also why Stanisk will be taking a much more active role with civil defence. It’s central to our plan to secure the town, and by extension our own safety.”
“Our troops? Like us?” Jourgun asked, having joined them at the long table.
“Maybe? Probably not? We’ll see. The plan is to extensively recruit as we can afford it, since the pirate raid was just the beginning. We have something of incredible value, in the form of me, the imps and the factory itself. Many violent people feel they should possess every valuable thing, so we must be vigilant. Not to worry though! That’s just us planning for the worst. In reality, nothing like that will likely happen. Just by being well defended we’ll scare off the greedy.”
“Ah, like why it's dangerous for a beggar to wear a silk robe!” Rikad added as he joined them, along with a few others. The smells from the kitchen were intoxicatingly rich now, as Stanisk and Klive used the imps to finish and plate the meal.
“Just so, a lord can only have what he can defend, and because the first phases of my plan require a certain level of material wealth, I’ll need extensive defences,” Grigory explained as diplomatically as he could.
“The Empire itself will fear our might, milord!” Ros said excitedly.
“Nah, it won’t. That’s a dangerous thought. The Imperial army’s smallest deployable force is a legion, near enough to five thousand men. Even if we hit every hiring and training target, we’se not going to be in the business of fightin’ wars. Just enough to make us a spiky nut. The sort not worth chompin’,’” Stanisk called over from the kitchen.
“Oh,” Ros said, shrinking back into his seat.
“That’s more than all the men in the whole town!” Taritha lamented.
“Yeah, that’s why lil fishing villages don’t win wars. A legion is five thousand infantry with warships, supplies, siege cohorts, and command companies. If’n it’s a real fight, then they might deploy all ten Imperial legions. Then start raising more if’n they’re losing. We ain’t never gonna try to fight that. No nation in the world has ever picked that fight and won.”
To counter the grim tone settling over his celebratory dinner, Grigory chimed in with a reassuring smile, “We’re loyal Hyruxian subjects, and the legions protect us. We pay taxes in full, we’re on the right side of all this. We just want a bit of security against more, uh, regional actors. Besides, a large well equipped force lends our diplomacy weight we wouldn’t otherwise have.”
Now that the table was filling up and his men looked satisfied with his answers, he raised his voice to the kitchen, “How’s it going in there?”
“Good! I bought a deer from one of the hunters this morning, and it turned out just right!” Stanisk replied, personally putting the finishing touches on his creation. Aethlina moved across the kitchen to watch Stanisk work, making Grigory do a double take. He hadn’t realised she was even in the building.
“Oh! Capital! Everyone in the entire company is here now! Even better!” Grigory said, motioning Aethlina to sit by him. He was glad he’d made the full number of chairs!
Stanisk and Klive brought out plates heaped with slices of braised venison, steamed tubers and sautéed onions. Tubs of butter, bowls of gravy, and finally a heaping basket of fresh buns followed. Stanisk took his seat and, smiling with pride, “What’re you helpless kittens lookin’ at? Never seen dinner ‘afore? Dig in!”
The feast was a perfect end to a troubling day, and even though the conversation died down as they ate, Grigory observed every single one of his hirelings intently, relieved to see not a single one seemed put off by a meal made by demons. Catching Stanisk’s eye, he made an empty cup gesture.
“Imps! Bring us all some drinks! Wine, beer and water!” Stanisk shouted to his imps. With speed and efficiency, the little demons filled clay cups and brought everyone three drinks, exactly as ordered.
“Ah, dammit, I meant—It’s fine. Drink what you want and I’ll just dump the rest!” The chief of security’s good humour faded for an instant before returning twice as bright.
“No, I love having three drinks! And the water and beer are cold! In the summer! The gods themselves envy me!” Rikad declared.
“Uh oh! It looks like Mage Thippily made imps, but the imps made the real monster!” Kedril retorted, gesturing at Rikad holding three cups between his hands, rotating them to drink out of each, while spilling beer all over his own arm.
Their high spirits encouraged Grigory. He’d worried they would be morose and frightened tonight, after making them to live in what could be described as a hive of demons. Joking about the imps was beyond his expectations, so he smiled without speaking, sipping his red wine. Not his cherished Malaentian Red, but a nice varietal from the mainland he’d recently imported a few cases of. Once the plates were empty, Stanisk had the imps clear the table and start washing up while everyone remained seated at the long pine table, bellies full to bursting.
“That was spectacular Stanisk! Thank you!” Grigory offered, and everyone else chimed in a breath later.
“Nothing like a lifetime of bland ration bars for months to really spark an interest in what good food ought to be! I’m glad ya’se liked it,” the big veteran said dismissively.
“How is everyone finding their new accommodations? I know I don’t have all the furniture done just yet, but is everyone good for tonight?” Grigory asked, ever the eager host.
The men nodded and looked at each other. Complaining was frowned upon and nothing here was remotely a hardship.
“Capital! Glad to hear it, and by all means bring it to my attention if your needs are unmet!” Grigory sat still and everyone kept looking at him.
Now’s as good a time as any. It’s not even a surprise, I think I mentioned it a few times already.
“Ahem! So! I’d like to present each of you with your own imps! Some ground rules though; there may be people that aren’t ready for this style of magic, so I ask that you don’t mention anything about them anywhere outside of the factory. Or even imply there are any magical creatures, just that things get made here?”
He waited until they all at least nodded.
“Alright! Here you go, I have one for everyone! The imps are identical, so don’t worry about which ones you get. Um. Good luck?” With a shrug he reached down beside his chair and from a leather case he pulled a series of carved wooden boxes, and passed them out to everyone sitting at the table.
With a muted clatter, Taritha watched as the small dark boxes were distributed. She wasn’t sure if there was one for her, being fairly new to the company. She wasn’t sure how she felt; owning demons seemed like a big step, but the ancient urge to possess something nice or powerful was one she wasn’t immune to. Her heart leapt as a heavy box slid in front of her.
With trepidation, she touched it with one finger; it appeared to be regular wood, perhaps stained oak. The box was small and rectangular, quite thin, and she held it easily in one hand. It was narrow enough to fit comfortably between her thumb and fingers, its weight noticeable but not oppressive. She had expected dread, palpable evil, or something, but it just felt a bit heavy. Turning it over, she saw no visible clasps or hinges. The outside was covered in the flawless ornate carvings she was starting to grow familiar with. This time, the carvings depicted joyful industrial scenes—strong men swinging square hammers, smoke stacks, and laden ships and carts. The central image on each side was gilded with gold leaf, making it strikingly dignified.
Ignoring the excitement and increasing movement around her, she felt as if she were in her own universe. She slowly pulled on the lid, finding it opened on tiny hidden hinges, revealing three ebony totems inside. They were the size and shape of a fairytale wand, resting on a bed of lush green velvet, held in place by a broad ribbon tied in a perfect bow.
Even without considering the priceless nature of the artefacts, she was impressed, almost distracted, by the quality of the presentation. He didn’t have to go to such lengths; she’d expected them to be simply handed to her.
She slid one of the totems out without undoing the bow. It was cool and heavy but otherwise seemed normal. She could see layers of impossibly fine carving, this time gilded with silver. She could sense the potent magic in the object, but it felt strange. She’d examined other enchanted items before, and their enchantments were all transcendently beautiful in a complex and technical way. This was so dense it felt like nothing. Or perhaps everything? She wasn’t sure, but it wasn’t at all like the other objects. Stilling herself and trying to puzzle out its secrets brought her no closer to any revelation. She shook her head and resolved to investigate further in private. She returned the totem to its place in the box and gently closed it.
Only now did she notice the table was thick with imps, more than twenty darting and leaping energetically. Her colleagues had summoned theirs and were already giving orders.
“You two, throw the third imp as high as you can!”
“All of you, cross the table as fast as you can, but walk on your hands!”
“Duel with these forks!”
“Merp! Merp!”
The men were laughing and pointing between shouting out fresh orders. All the commands were pointless and frivolous, making Taritha powerfully uncomfortable. These were forces of nature, extraplanar beings of unimaginable power, and they were being made to sprint into empty mugs to see how far the mug would fly!?
She shot a questioning look to the master demonologist to gauge his reaction. He was smiling and complimenting their creativity, so maybe she was overreacting? Still, she had no interest in wasting them on silly games. Emergencies only. Or at least serious concerns only. Not for dodging knotted linen napkins, that’s for sure!
With the burden of responsibility successfully dodged, she was free to watch everyone else’s fun. The cacophony of excitement was so infectious that she found herself giggling and pointing at them racing as makeshift horses, with an imp bent over holding the tiny waist of the imp in front of him, while a third one sat atop as a rider. They were so silly looking and energetic.
“You’re sure this doesn’t hurt or anger them?” Taritha asked.
“Oh my no, it’s not like that at all. They have minds, but lack awareness, or awareness of their own mind I guess? It’s fine! They are just made out of the same stuff as demons, but not actually demonic.” The mage stood up and stretched. “They are remarkably durable, it’s unlikely anything short of silvered steel will harm them. I, on the other hand, am at risk of being badly over-tired already! I trust you will be okay, left on your own! I’ll see you in the morning!”
“I’se properly tired too, but if you want, let's pop into the factory and I’ll show you how to get them to make their own clothes. It’s just tellin’ ‘em to do that, so you’se might not need too much hand holding!” Stanisk pushed himself away from the long table, and motioned for them to follow him.
They went into the cavernous factory, just across the hallway. What was an impressive and huge room in the daylight was now an infinite blackness, like a starless night. A few men had grabbed leviathan-oil lamps off the table, and they huddled in a small circle of warm, safe light. They gathered around a long low table, and Stanisk laid out a few bolts of fabric. The fine weaves were familiar to Taritha; they were the same as those used in the clothes she’d been getting from the company.
“It’s simple enough,” Stanisk said as he put a heavy leather bag of tools on the table. “Just say what you want, with as much or as little detail, and they’ll just make that.”
“Imps, make a suit of legion plate armour, imp-sized, out of shoe leather!” Rikad said with glee.
“Merp!” replied several at once, as they began cutting and forming the leather without hesitation. The imps even used grey wool for the under-mail parts, and tiny flares of hellfire to warp the leather into the right shapes. Soon, a tiny suit of black armour lay on the table, looking like what an imperial heavy infantryman would wear, but distorted to the proportions of the gawky imps.
“I dub thee, Imperial commander, Real Imp. Don thy armour!” Rikad ordered. “Do they remember their names?” he asked over his shoulder to Stanisk.
“Oh yeah, they’re proper sharp!” he confirmed.
“Create an imp-sized lord's robe with a sash of office! When it is done, you shall be known as D’Imp Lomat! I might need a minute to think of the last one though…” Rikad said to everyone watching his imps.
Reluctantly, Taritha opened the box and invoked her three imps. She looked at them closely; as far as she could tell, they were perfectly interchangeable with every other imp.
Looking over the fabrics, she chose a striking blue, a deep red, and a golden yellow. “Imps! Make imp-sized sundresses, mainly white with these colours as a main theme. and matching coloured sun hats,” she added hastily. Their heads were distractingly inhuman, so covering them might help. She watched them work, even interrupting a few times to ask for embroidered details and minor adjustments. Once they finished, she had them don their new outfits.
Oh! The hems seem scandalously short on their long lanky legs! Better than before, but not by a lot.
“Imps, please put on the hats that match the colour of your dress.”
Much better! They look like ladies now!
“You are now Lady Bluebird, Lady Crossbill, and…” She paused at the last one, thinking of songbirds that were as bright yellow as the fabric. “Miss Goldfinch!”
She leaned back and admired her little ladies. They were far less threatening now, and their dull crimson skin really made the dresses look extra vibrant.
“Dang Taritha, how did you make yours so pretty? I want some pretty ones!” Jourgun commented as he looked over.
“Drool over your own demons! These are mine!” she said playfully. There was an undercurrent of possessiveness that she didn’t expect, but these ones were hers now. “Anyways, I’m going to bed too, you guys are too slow! Have fun, boys!” she said as she devoked her imps. The new clothes fell to the work surface.
“Oh yeah, they don’t take that with ‘em, wherever they go, so just keep it in a lil bag or whatever,” Stanisk said when he saw her distress. “They gotta get dressed every time you invoke it,” he shrugged.
So much to learn today!
With a brave smile, she replaced the totems in the box and gathered the dresses and hats. “Mind if I take…” she said as she slowly lifted a lamp from near Rikad.
“Oh yeah, all yours,” he said dismissively, fully engrossed in examining the tiny lordly robes of D’Imp Lomat.
She went back to the hall, up the wide even stairs to the third floor. She’d only spent a bit of time investigating it earlier, as she and Ros had been anxious about being late for dinner. She saw the heap of her worldly possessions against the wall where she’d left them. The only furniture here was the bed, but by the sounds of it, getting some tables, chairs, and wardrobes would be easy enough tomorrow. She placed the totem box and the tiny outfits on the floor beside the bed.
The bed itself was unlike any she’d ever heard of. Crafted with thick pine beams and topped with a mattress of imported cotton, it was probably wider than her entire hovel. A family of five could sleep on it and barely touch. She couldn’t imagine a more lordly bed. Its refined look and the luxurious softness were worlds apart from the coarse fabric and straw she was used to. Sometimes in the fall, she’d add freshly fallen leaves to her straw mattress for extra comfort, but that was a fleeting pleasure. This bed, however, promised constant comfort. She eyed the pile of heavy blankets at the foot of the bed. Recently, she had bought a single blanket from the market, thin and scratchy, but these were the mage’s blankets—thick, plush, and impossibly soft.
She shut the heavy door and took off her tall boots. The floor felt smooth under her bare feet. Even having a floor was a new luxury; she was accustomed to hard-packed dirt floors like most everyone else. This wasn’t just a floor; it was a delicate herringbone pattern of different kinds of wood, obviously done by the agile imps. It was cleaner, smoother, and more level than any table she’d eaten off before the mage came to town.
She stopped admiring the floor and stripped to her shift. She felt exposed being so undressed around so many men. She reasoned it out—the iron and oak door was stronger than a hide flap, and this would doubtlessly be the safest sleep of her life. Just a reaction, not a reality. She left the lamp on the floor and got in bed.
With a panic, she yelped as the whole bed flowed underneath her, as if she’d stepped on the tail of a sleeping cat. She tried to get up but her feet were already off the floor, and she couldn’t find a stable purchase with her hands. She froze up to think her way out of it, and the bed stopped moving almost as soon as she did.
Her heart pounded in her chest.
Was this an enchantment gone awry? Some bed demon?
Slowly, she log-rolled towards the edge of the bed, and the mattress under her also slowly moved, but not enough to stop her. Slow and steady, she might get free yet. Finally, she was close enough to put a foot down and stand. The bed flowed back to being perfectly flat.
She stood up, with a hand to her sternum, trying to catch her breath.
Think! What did the mage say about this today? It would magically adjust? Maybe that was all it was doing?
She leaned over and gently pushed down with a single fist. It was super pliable, then increasingly firm. But it felt unlike anything else—stacks of clothes or hides all felt different when they got pressed.
It must be magic. No time to be timid, and it would be humiliating to go to either the mage or the chief about this.
The only spell she could reliably cast was a gesture of Mana-Visualization. It caused the invisible lines of arcane energy to glow visibly, in bright colours that hinted at their use and purpose. She cast it to better examine her bed. It wasn’t enchanted as she expected; rather, hundreds and hundreds of things inside it were, and they linked and overlapped in ways she wouldn’t understand if she studied enchantments for a decade. She involuntarily took a step back from it, like finding a hundred warhorses inside a small cabinet.
She dismissed the gesture. With renewed determination, she slowly sat down on the bed. It shifted but only a bit. It was very soft and comfortable. Slowly, she turned and laid back, fighting her panic as the mattress kept shifting everywhere her body touched it, unnervingly lifelike. Fully laying down, she stopped and the mattress stopped. Even as her eyes were still wide with terror, she started to calm down. To test her theories, she rolled onto her side, and the mattress under her hip grew softer, and the part under her ribs grew firmer, until the pressure equalised. Rolling back, she felt it shift again, and once more the mattress's firmness changed all up and down her body, stopping once it was the same shape as her body’s pressure, resulting in sublime comfort.
Oh. This is incredible. I get it now!
She reached to the foot of the bed, pulled one of the soft blankets up to her chin, reached down to extinguish the lamp and drifted off into a better sleep than anyone in the history of her family ever had.
submitted by Mista9000 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:53 minimumaxima Flares from CoQ10 demystified [How I hacked my flox — Personal Story]

Hello, everyone! It's been a while since I posted anything or even visited the sub. I do not visit the sub anymore as I collected all the information I needed long ago and staying on the sub only led to more thinking about flox. Focusing on other areas of life has been a great life hack for me! I have done a lot of positive things in the past half a year - I am starting my own business, been meeting new people and making a lot of new friends. Flox has changed me for the better.
I want to preface this by saying that I was probably the only person (or almost only as I've met maybe 1 or 2 other people on Reddit) who claimed flares from CoQ10. It actually flared me quite a lot — sometimes I could handle 100mg and sometimes even 30mg would lead to terrible pain. It was frightening to be one of the rarest cases in a pool of already rare cases, so, naturally, I tracked reactions to supplements extremely attentively (u/vadroqvertical won’t let me lie about that) and I have tried a lot (my cupboard is full of supplements — I spent around €3,500 on them in the span of 1.5 years). I will list reactions to supplements and the approximate timeline of when it happened:
— First of all, CoQ10/Ubiquinol flared me not so much 1 month out (tried 100mg ubiquinol multiple times) but it got worse as time went on to the point that April 2023 I could not even take 30mg without great pain. I tried it 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 16 months out all without luck with varying doses flaring me to different extents. I will outline the reasons for it below;
— Vitamin E flared me a lot 2, 4, 6 and 8 months out. Never tried again. Tried 200-400 IU at a time. Due to poor GSH regeneration through Glutathione Reductase dependent upon B2 and NADPH;
— Benfothiamine flared me as well (doses 150mg-300mg/day). This is due to high sulphite and blockage of complex IV of the Electron Transport Chain in the mitochondria the reason for I will explain further. Thiamine is easily broken down by sulphite in the body and it is broken down into sulphite as well, which causes a negative loop reaction in people with high sulphite levels. Benfothiamine also caused me a severe allergic reaction (extreme anxiety and itching) that gladly did not require hospitalisation but was extremely scary and scarred me psychologically (likely high sulfocysteine activated NMDA receptors);
— Vitamin B6 increased my neuropathy when I got it. Likely due to poor B2 functional status. The problem I was also deficient in B6 and its supplementation led to great improvements in sleep quality once I could tolerate it. Note B6 is easily destroyed by sulphite just like B1;
— Riboflavin flared me (tried at 100mg, doses under 10mg never flared me). This is likely due to unmatched NADPH supply due to high sulphite load in the body (speculative);
— Astaxanthin greatly improved my physical health at 5-6 months out (proving that the core of my issues was solely ROS) but it caused reductive stress (NADH accumulation), which also caused pain, albeit the pain was a different kind and asta caused worsening neuropathy and visual snow. It accumulates in fat tissue, so stopping it was nice with ROS coming to a balance at about 10-12 days after discontinuation (after a loading dose of 36mg/daily for 3.5 weeks) but ROS then came back after it went out of the body further. I did not retry astaxanthin as I realised it caused me reductive stress and neurological issues;
— NAC helped me a damn lot. It was the best antioxidant for me. The problem is it depleted my molybdenum and copper and started giving me allergic reactions (low molybdenum + copper as well as blocked complex IV will lead to way higher sulphite generated from NAC);
— Did not feel much from vitamin D. I live in a very sunny country and tested at 51 (ref. Range 30+) without any supplements;
— Magnesium helped me a lot. #1 supplement;
— Calcium did not help me much in the beginning, actually, caused me heart palpitations. Was fine taking it after a few months;
— Potassium was a good supplement. I took 800mg/day for a while and it supported my muscle health;
— Important: vitamin B5 made me feel a lot better. It took my ROS down like crazy — I could feel normal muscles again, it removed my oxalate pain completely, too but for only a short while like 3-4h.
I have tried many more supplements that were phyto-supplements and such and none of them really helped me beside maybe some placebo effects. Some made me feel worse and were not worth it at all. I did not try anything mood-changing as I was not interested in it. To note, GABA supplement made me feel a little euphoric at first.
It is very relevant that I have been oxalate dumping since 27 Dec. 2023. The description of the experience can be found here:
Now, to the real question: why did CoQ10 flare me even at high nutrient status (just after flox). I have to stress that flares from CoQ10 were much less at the beginning of flox likely due to better nutrient status (it went from extremely terrible to slightly more extremely terrible while 6 months out it went from ‘eh’ to terrible).
  1. First, I have to say that NAC made me worse long-term. How? Over a long period of time I was taking it and was not watching my copper levels (NAC increases metallothionein and causes poor copper absorption) and molybdenum levels (NAC raises generation of sulfite and it needs molybdenum to be detoxified). Some NAC formulations have molybdenum in them but I was not lucky to get one of those and, due to lack of knowledge, did not supplement any molybdenum. The result was high sulphite and from that high ROS (with a combo of benfo which further increased sulphite it caused me peripheral neuropathy at 5 months). Sulphite causes Fenton reactions when complex IV gets blocked up. H2S (a signalling molecule and a vasodilator) also needs to be detoxified by a CoQ-10 dependent enzyme and turned later into sulphite and then sulphate by molybdenum and complex IV (dependent on copper) and if it is not detoxified, it causes a complex IV blockage and starts Fenton reactions as well as electron leakage during production of ATP, causing ROS. This causes a negative feedback loop that was described in the linked article as follows:
«This can be explained as follows:
1) hydrogen sulfide inhibition of complex IV generates superoxide in the respiratory chain, which becomes hydrogen peroxide,
2) hydrogen sulfide reduces ferric iron to ferrous iron, which makes it release from storage in ferritin,
3) this increases Fenton reactions between free iron and hydrogen peroxide, which generate more dangerous reactive oxygen species like the hydroxyl radical,
4) all of this deplete glutathione,
5) since a major purpose of the trans-sulfuration pathway is to provide enough cysteine to make glutathione, glutathione depletion hyperactivates the trans-sulfuration pathway, leading to more cysteine availability, the excess of which is catabolized to sulfite by alternative reactions that do not produce hydrogen sulfide and therefore do not require CoQ10.»
  1. In the article linked below, you will see that CoQ-10 protects against reactive oxygen species mainly due to improving hydrogen sulphide clearance (H2S). Therefore, CoQ-10 deficiency did not cause much ROS in complexes I and II but mainly produced issues in Complex III (where sulphite detoxification starts) and complex IV (where the last electrons are delivered during the sulphite-sulphate reaction). Excerpt: «In human cells with CoQ10 synthesis defects from the same study, CoQ10 protected against reactive oxygen species, but suppressing the enzyme that uses CoQ10 to clear hydrogen sulfide abolished this effect. This shows that the reactive oxygen species were coming from poor hydrogen sulfide clearance.»
Considering this, and oh my god, finding this article was like god sent it to me: my CoQ10 flares were coming from poor hydrogen sulphide clearance. At that point there were multiple reasons this could be happening:
  1. Cellular CoQ-10 deficiency;
  2. Manganese toxicity;
  3. Copper deficiency;
  4. Molybdenum deficiency;
  5. SUOX (enzyme which converts sulphite to sulphate) or another genetic impairment;
  6. Blockage of complex IV by something else.
I checked my molybdenum and copper transporting genes, SUOX using DBSNP and my AncestryDNA.txt file, and they were all good (Yes, I know Ancestry does not do a full genomic profile but it still had the main SNPs for that.). I also checked my manganese transporter genes and seemed I was homozygous for an important one but fine with others. It is really hard to estimate how that might affect you IRL, perhaps that would require a real genetic counsellor (or lots of hours spent ruminating again). I also did not think I had any genetic issue since I was very very healthy all my life and had 0 pain or health issues before flox occurred (I have extremely healthy young looking parents that drink, smoke and do whatever they want and have 0 consequences to their health as well).
I took some tests, for example: Genova NutrEval at ~6 months out, full nutrient blood test panel at ~11 months out (abstained for 35 days from any supplements at all, even vitamins and tested literally everything, paid around €1,200) and my CoQ10 levels at both of those occurrences were at 1 & 1.07 in absence of supplementation with ref. Range 0.8-1.4, so it was definitely not low. That way I eliminated #1 and #5. While I was not entirely sure whether genetic issues had to do anything with it, I decided to pretend like they didn’t, since I had to try out other solutions before jumping to the most complex one. I took a lot of molybdenum, so molybdenum deficiency was not at the table for me. In this way I was left with #2, #3 and #6. In the full blood panel, my manganese was slightly high (20.1 with ref. Range <~18) and the SNP people were talking about that caused them manganese toxicity was homozygous for me, so I definitely considered it but manganese when supplemented made me a feel a lot better, actually (mentally, not physically), so I was also likely deficient in it. For now, I just avoid it in supplemental doses but I do not avoid foods containing it. Besides, I do not have iron overload genes that could contribute to manganese toxicity.
I could not take copper because it would lead to high ROS immediately (due to complex IV blockage the reasons for which I will outline further). Considering manganese was likely deficient and not superfluous, I discarded reason #2 and reason #3 could not be fixed by copper, so it was definitely not only copper deficiency but either another factor or another factor coupled with copper deficiency. I was stuck for a long time until I found another article from the same author about B12 and B9 helping to detoxify oxalate. As I said before all this explanation, I have been oxalate dumping throughout the whole process (already 4 months). I should note I was oxalate dumping even before I got floxed (I likely had oxalate overload to my appendix surgery — this is proven by inflamed mesenteric lymph nodes confirmed by 3 MRIs — Sally Norton has the same case of over-absorption in her book) and that is how I actually got the E. Coli they gave me Cipro for (oxalate crystals create a good environment for it in the urinary tract lol) and how I got floxed (I went full circle, lmao). When I was floxed, I was not oxalate dumping for at least a year likely because my body was not in the state to handle the dumping process but it was still affecting me as I will outline further. First of all, I want to say that biotin actually promoted dumping for me as said in the article and not relieved it like it is said in Sally Norton’s book (I am not sure if there is a genetic variation to this). The proposed mechanism of oxalate detoxification in the article is as follows:
«Recall my proposed two-step detoxification process:
  1. Pyruvate carboxylase [biotin-dependent] converts oxalate to formate.
  2. Formate is joined to tetrahydrofolate to enter the methylation cycle, be used for the synthesis of purines or DNA, or be converted to carbon dioxide and exhaled in the breath.»
This are also very important words: «There may be more regulation layered on top of this to prevent excessive formate accumulation. It would certainly be preferable to have oxalate crystals cause pain or disrupt the skin than to have formate accumulate beyond the capacity to clear it.» This is why I felt best when dumping. Could eat anything, drink beer, even smoked weed once without issue. Another time though I got too brave, smoked a lot of weed and got a very bad ‘relapse’ but recovered quickly from it. The next morning when using a towel after a shower I had the same pain I used to have 2.5 months out from Cipro (which was extremely bad and took me back 14 months in memories) while before I smoked weed that second time I had almost 0 tendon pain in my daily life apart from oxalate [Here I thought maybe I and DrHungry share similar issues then? He also had an extreme (same in intensity relatively to his flox journey) flare from weed and is also using a lot of sulphur-based antioxidants still. Could such weed flares be related to complex IV dysfunction and/or impaired sulphite clearance?]. In either case, I felt best when dumping, probably because my body was able to regulate formate accumulation and ROS production greatly reduced at those times.
I was sitting outside with my parents and their friends, researching my flox issue when I read these lines: «Formate accumulation is the principle mechanism of methanol toxicity. Part of its toxicity is driven by inhibiting cytochrome oxidase, complex IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, which would inhibit the clearance of sulfite and hydrogen sulfide and block the production of ATP.» It finally clicked. It was honestly one of the best moments in my life when I realised. I made the connection between great improvement from B5, formate accumulation, issues with copper supplementation, general ROS improvement and oxalate everything together. Suddenly, my whole flox journey became crystal clear to me.
B5 is mainly used in the body to create Coenzyme A. An intermediate molecule in the production of CoA is called 4’-phosphopantethine and is used in the enzyme 10-methyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (high formate will pair with THF and form 10-MTHF in the attempt of the body to detoxify formate). This enzyme converts 10-MTHF back to THF and creates NADPH in the process which is used by Glutathione Reductase to regenerate Glutathione. Hence, high-dose B5 led to a lot of those reactions occurring and me feeling a big relief from ROS AND OXALATE, so oxalate is indeed detoxified into formate by biotin-dependent pyruvate carboxylase.
Okay, so theory is very interesting but what is theory if it has no proof? When I read it, I realised I finally cracked my flox but I had to get real proof.
Just a few weeks before this, I drank some wine and got nerve damage (likely from high sulphites in it, again, duh — while this was a terrible experience, it played a role in me getting closer to the solution of my issues). Beer caused me no issues, could drink 10 or more bottles in one sitting, eat a lot of rice with no issue. Before, I had only numb hands and top of feet. After the wine, I had burning up to the knee and burning in palms and behind my shoulders. I got fed up with this, I just decided to methylate the fuck out of my nerves and eat copper not in supplements but from calamari (very high in copper but low in vit A, so no toxicity risk like from liver). At that time, I was dumping and my ROS was not too high. I started consuming around 200g protein per day, eating a lot of copper 3-4mg/day and my nerves really healed a lot. To the point they even became normal after 3-4 days. My vision became brighter, it was absolutely crazy. I was also supplementing 150mg molybdenum/day. After a week of that, though, I started getting ROS back and it was very bad ROS, like almost a year ago when I had low molybdenum and copper from a lot of NAC use. That confirmed my suspicion that my issue was indeed sulphite. Eating almost anything caused ROS for me, dumping stopped since the body had no free reducing agents (NADPH) to support sulphate-producing enzymes (oxalate is transported on sulphate transporters, so it literally could not drive out of the cell because it had no car lol). As you understand, high ROS prevents a lot of enzymes from working and here it causes, as you have probably understood, a negative feedback loop.
So, back to the proof. Since I realised that my issue is probably formate, I just decided to take high-dose B5 again (did not add any high dose B2, B1 or other B vitamins, just took my usual B complex with food). It really helped me a lot, again. I felt almost normal. Then, it caused me some pain but I felt how I was getting better and the next day I took it in the day, then in the evening I ate around 80g carbs and took double the dose of B complex (my B complex has low doses: 10mg B1, 10mg B2, 25mg B3, 20mg B5, 5mg B6, 100mcg B7, 100mcg B9, 50mcg B12) instead of adding a lot of B5 and boom, no pain and oxalate dumping restarted quite more strongly than it even used to be before megadosing protein. So I was in pain for at least 2 weeks dying from ROS and then 2 days of B5 and suddenly I was normal again? It felt like paradise. The next day, I went out with my friends. I was a little nervous since we were going to eat out and we ordered 600g of carbonara (the portions here were huge there). I ate it all at once with 2x my light B complex and guess what happened? NO PAIN, just oxalate dumping. I finally realised that I was right and detoxified formate unloaded my complex IV, allowed sulphate transporters to be created, reduced ROS production from food and suddenly I felt like a normal human being (except the dumping part). I recently retried CoQ10 — no flare. Likely before formate got recreated a lot because I was dumping a lot (if you read my comment, you will understand).
I am not megadosing B5 right now but just stuck to 80-100mg B5 per day, so 4x my light B complex as my B6 tolerance improved a lot. Why I am not megadosing B5 is because oxalate likely blocks conversion of vitamin B2 into its active forms as I at ~11 months out when I did full-testing in the absence of supplementation 35 pre-testing had high molybdenum, iodine, (almost above the ref. Range (113 with ref. Range <120) selenium and very high B2 even though I was cellularly deficient according to Genova NutrEval (at 356 with ref. Range <295).
Hence, we can understand what happened to me from the beginning:
  1. Oxalate overload led to formate overload as oxalate is converted to formate through the action of biotin-dependent pyruvate carboxylase;
  2. Formate overload led to complex IV blockage, high ROS and high sulphite, which also leads to high ROS and also leads to complex IV blockage (negative feedback loop);
  3. High sulphite destroys vitamins B1&B6 as said in the beginning, which caused endogenous production of oxalate to skyrocket (you can read about this if you google, this information is very available);
  4. Hence sulphate transporters also got impaired, oxalate detoxification in the form of physical crystals also halted, which led to even higher overload;
  5. This led to higher formate, this led to even more ROS.
Mega-dosing B vitamins and especially B5 and B9 led to formate detoxification and the ability of my body to detoxify oxalate. This improved me a lot and it definitely feels like it will inevitably lead to my recovery. I feel good now, I still have some remaining neuropathy but it’s minimal and I know what to avoid to not make it worse and how to improve it quickly if I need to. I have no OS from beer, coffee or food. Also, I am dumping a lot right now. You can ask me all kinds of questions that you want and I will try to answer them to my best ability since I know what it is like to be floxed and I will help anyone who is in the same situation. I am only 22 years old and this experience led to me rethinking my whole life. I plan to become an extremely rich person to be able to fund biochemical research in the future and will focus specifically on floxed individuals and I will help floxed people first. I will try to reach my goals as fast as possible, I promise.
I hope this post does not get removed by moderators. If there is anything to moderate, change, or add, I will be happy to do that. All I say here is very attentively selected and fact-checked either from external sources or personal experience. I do not lie and have no motivation to do so. I am only trying to share my knowledge and to help realise others flox is not unbeatable and can be understood and solved — it all depends on individual factors.
Linked articles:
Manganese Toxicity Is a CoQ10 Deficiency
CoQ10 Deficiency Is Sulfur Toxicity
10-Formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase
Can Biotin Help Detoxify Oxalate?
Can B12 and Folate Help Detoxify Oxalate?
submitted by minimumaxima to floxedtreatment [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:44 nurtureplusnature Does this look fungal?

Does this look fungal?
Have been dealing with this, mostly on my temples, for over a month now. It's not quite itchy, but feels almost tingly. I have been using nizoral for 3 or 4 weeks, as well as ciclopirox olamine cream (that I had for another issue) but it doesn't seem to be working. I just started using the nitrogena stubborn acne drying lotion with 10% Sulphur. Was using Cetaphil moisturizing cream, then ran out and got cerave, only to realize that it's bad for fungal acne.
Back in January I got ringworm just above my ear (from grappling, lots of skin to skin contact). Took about 2 months to get rid of. Could treating the ringworm have made my skin more susceptible to something else?
This is seriously driving me crazy because although it's not contagious, its keeping me from grappling because of its appearance. It feels impossible to get a dermatology appointment where I live.
submitted by nurtureplusnature to Fungalacne [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:39 Accomplished-Cat-325 More Qur'anic "Miracles"

  1. Islam is the only religion not named after a person or a tribe.
  2. The literary irreproducible miracle is well supported.
Even scholars agree. That's the consensus.
Arthur John Arberry said "to produce something which might be accepted as echoing however faintly the sublime rhetoric of the Arabic Koran, I have been at pains to study the intricate and richly varied rhythms which constitute the Koran's undeniable claim to rank amongst the greatest literary masterpieces of mankind."
Karen Armstrong said "It is as though Muhammad had created an entirely new literary form that some people were not ready for but which thrilled others. Without this experience of the Koran, it is extremely unlikely that Islam would have taken root."
Oliver Leaman said "the verses of the Qur'an represent its uniqueness and beauty not to mention its novelty and originality. That is why it has succeeded in convincing so many people of its truth. it imitates nothing and no one nor can it be imitated. Its style does not pall even after long periods of study and the text does not lose its freshness over time."
E.H. Palmer said "That the best of Arab writers has never succeeded in producing anything equal in merit to the Qur’an itself is not surprising."
Also, another quote "Scholar and Professor of Islamic Studies M. A. Draz affirm how the 7th-century experts were absorbed in the discourse that left them incapacitated: “In the golden age of Arab eloquence, when language reached the apogee of purity and force, and titles of honour were bestowed with solemnity on poets and orators in annual festivals, the Qur’anic word swept away all enthusiasm for poetry or prose, and caused the Seven Golden Poems hung over the doors of the Ka’ba to be taken down. All ears lent themselves to this marvel of Arabic expression."
Also, "Professor of Qur’anic Studies Angelika Neuwrith argued that the Qur’an has never been successfully challenged by anyone, past or present: “…no one has succeeded, this is right… I really think that the Qur’an has even brought Western researchers embarrassment, who wasn’t able to clarify how suddenly in an environment where there were not any appreciable written text, appeared the Qur’an with its richness of ideas and its magnificent wordings.”
Not to mention Hussein Abdul-Raof. "Hussein Abdul-Raof continues “The Arabs, at the time, had reached their linguistic peak in terms of linguistic competence and sciences, rhetoric, oratory, and poetry. No one, however, has ever been able to provide a single chapter similar to that of the Qur’an.”"
Yes, all of them are experts in Quran and in Literature. Lots of credible scholars say that the quran is inimitable.
Laid Ibn Rabah, one of the poets of the seven odes, stopped writing poetry and converted to Islam because of it.
The Qur'an's rhyme scheme is very organized, some of the best out there. Not to mention that it came out spontaneously.
It uses ten rhetorical devices in 3 words at one point. Someone tried to use more. Even though it does, people still mocked it for how it didn't meet the challenge. He used punctuation. (\_rationalizer\_had\_a\_version\_of\_the\_quran/)
And apparently, if it were by a human, it would not contain a challenge, because he would be afraid people would complete it. This book issued a challenge that apparently nobody completed.
  1. The Qur'an predicted that the Byzantines will win the Byzantine-Sassanid war within 9 years, even though they lost the recent battle.
The Romans have been defeated in a nearby land. Yet following their defeat, they will triumph within three to nine years.
Now this is massive because it is unthinkable that a defeated army would win a war.
  1. The Qur'an knew that pain receptors are in the skin.
Surely those who reject Our signs, We will cast them into the Fire. Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will ˹constantly˺ taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.
( )
  1. The Qur'an knew about the rose nebula.
˹How horrible will it be˺ when the heavens will split apart, becoming rose-red like ˹burnt˺ oil!
( )
  1. The Qur'an knew that wind holds the clouds up.
And it is Allah Who sends the winds, which then stir up ˹vapour, forming˺ clouds, and then We drive them to a lifeless land, giving life to the earth after its death. Similar is the Resurrection.
( )
The USGS say, "Even though a cloud weighs tons, it doesn't fall on you because the rising air responsible for its formation keeps the cloud floating in the air. The air below the cloud is denser than the cloud, thus the cloud floats on top of the denser air nearer the land surface". (\_center\_objects=0#qt-science\_center\_objects)
The 'Scientific American' says, "Upward vertical motions, or updrafts, in the atmosphere also contribute to the floating appearance of clouds by offsetting the small fall velocities of their constituent particles. Clouds generally form, survive and grow in air that is moving upward". (
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum says, "There are several reasons clouds float: first, the droplets in a cloud are small. Very small..................The second reason that clouds can float in the air is that there is a constant flow of warm air rising to meet the cloud: the warm air pushes up on the cloud and keeps it afloat". (
(\_quran\_is\_a\_scientific\_gem\_quran\_miraculously/ )
  1. The Qur'an knew that the atlantic and pacific ocean are different colors. They don't mix.
He merges the two bodies of ˹fresh and salt˺ water, yet between them is a barrier they never cross.
If that's not true, how does one explain this photo. (
  1. The odd-even miracle.
Add the verse count to the chapter number, we get 57 odd and 57 even sums.
All 57 odd sums add up to 6555. Not only is that odd, that is all numbers from 1-114 added up.
All even numbers add up to 6290. That is how many verses in total there are in the Qur'an .
(\_ayyuhal\_kafiroon\_the\_quran\_is\_mathmetically/ )
Muhammad was illiterate, so how could he even remember his own numbers?
Also, a verse in the Qur'an hints at it, 89:3.
By the dawn, and the ten nights, and the even and the odd, and the night when it passes! Is all this ˹not˺ a sufficient oath for those who have sense?
  1. The Qur'an gets embryology right in considering that it looks like a leech at one point, looks like a lump with a bite taken out of it at another. Also in that hearing is before sight.
You can see Keith Moore, an embryologist show his work with this document. (
Don't say "Galen" because Galen and the Qur'an contradict on embryology. Also, how did Muhammad know about Galen's work?
This paper by Nadeem Arif Najmi explains it in more detail. (\_muslim\_answer\_to\_criticism\_of\_\_embryology\_in\_the\_qur\_an\_\_\_by\_nadeem\_arif\_najmi)
  1. The Qur'an knew about altitude sickness.
Whoever Allah wills to guide, He opens their heart to Islam. But whoever He wills to leave astray, He makes their chest tight and constricted as if they were climbing up into the sky. This is how Allah dooms those who disbelieve.
( )
The highest mountain is Saudi Arabia is Jabal Dakkah, at 2585 meters. ( ) Already, altitude sickness has begun at that height ( ), but I don't think that Muhammad has even climbed that mountain.
  1. The Qur'an knew that the ocean is darker as one goes in, and that there are internal waves in the ocean.
Or ˹their deeds are˺ like the darkness in a deep sea, covered by waves upon waves, topped by ˹dark˺ clouds. Darkness upon darkness! If one stretches out their hand, they can hardly see it. And whoever Allah does not bless with light will have no light!
( )
  1. The Qur'an knew about the water cycle.
Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky—channelling it through streams in the earth—then produces with it crops of various colours, then they dry up and you see them wither, and then He reduces them to chaff? Surely in this is a reminder for people of reason.
We send down rain from the sky in perfect measure, causing it to soak into the earth. And We are surely able to take it away.
( )
Infiltration and runoff mentioned.
We send fertilizing winds, and bring down rain from the sky for you to drink. It is not you who hold its reserves.
( )
(\_in\_the\_use\_of\_word\_%D9%85%D9%8E%D8%A7%D8%A1%D9%8B )
13/14. The Quran knew about the big bang. The Quran also knew that before the devonian age, life was not on land.
Do the disbelievers not realize that the heavens and earth were ˹once˺ one mass then We split them apart? And We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?
( )
The second part could mean that even non-carbon life needs water.
Don't say Thales because Thales said that everything came from water, not life.
Bonus: The Sunnah knew that the Arab lands were once green.
The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, so much so that a man takes Zakat out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia reverts to meadows and rivers.
( )
The Sunnah not only knew that arabia is turning green at the moment, it also knew that Arabia was once green. Ta'ood doesn't mean become, but it means revert. So, it does not mean that it will mean become.
There are lots more prophecies in the Quran and Hadith that have been fulfilled. You can see the yaqeen institute's list right here. ( )
submitted by Accomplished-Cat-325 to DebateAnAtheist [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:04 VeterinarianIll4989 Urgent help needed

I have had red itchy small vesicles around my thigh area, feet and hands for a while.
Didn't think much of it at first but as the itch became unbearable about 2 weeks ago I started scratching, at first we (my roomie and I, (29 and 25 y.o respectively) thought these were scabies, we had a problem a few months back but it passed after we used a sulphur mix cream she got from the hospital.
So I was thinking maybe mine just wasn't treated probably but now I don't think that's the case, the closest thing I could find online that resembles what mine look like is dishidrosis, not scabies because the marks aren't in a line which would suggest burrowing, and the dishidrosis itself probably came on from some sort of fungal infection, explaining the pustules and itching on areas other than my hands and feet.
My friend had itchy hands and feet prior to me for a while too, but she said this happens to her every year and she sheds a few layers of skin too so I don't think this was transmitted by her.
I'm sorry for the erratic thought train that I'm writing here but for the last 2 nights my dumbass decided to put wood ash and water mix to my thighs and legs, the places where I had scratched and fucked my skin up the most, and i can genuinely say that i know what being tortured feels like now.
But I persevered because I was thinking it was good for me. Until the second night (the night I'm writing this) I just woke up after going to sleep an hour ago. Before going to bed I had rubbed the ash, waiting for an hour for it to do it's thing, took a shower with warm - relatively hot water, rinsed my lower body before leaving the shower with cold water and then went to sleep sizzling all over but no itches... (I didn't use any shampoo/soap just in case)
I just woke up with a tremendous amount of heat from my lower body (places that reacted the most to the ash), I couldn't contain myself because of the burn/itch/sharp pointed pain from my pores where I have the vesicles/scars, if I get in the blanket the fabric rubbing against my skin + warmth kills me, if I put my leg out it feels like goosebumps all over and everything hurts again.
I got up, put on some primrose oil cream on the parts, now it feels a bit better but I'm afraid this won't go away, and I'm afraid I don't know what the fuck is up with me
I have never had any condition like this before in my life.I couldn't go to a doctor because I don't have insurance right now and no money either.
I can share photos with you guys in DMS if you're interested in helping out.
First night with ash cream hurt less (still genuinely torturous, and the redness around the dots seemed to have gone, and the vesicles shrunk.
Second night with ash was much worse in terms of pain, and after waiting the same amount of time and cleaning, the pustules or the pores I guess, now are very much exaggerated, everything got bumpy.
I'd say the pain was an 8 on the belle Browne pain scale due to my shaking.
Some ash is still stuck to places where I had scratched my skin the most, if I scrub it in any way to take it out, I might even faint from the amount of pain, so I'm currently waiting for it to dry and fall.
submitted by VeterinarianIll4989 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:04 not_a_scientist076 What’s your everyday makeup routine?

I’m always interested in hearing what other’s everyday, go-to makeup is!
Mine is:
Primer: Hourglass Vanish Airbrush
Foundation/skin tint: Hourglass Skin Tint
Contour: Westman Altelier (Biscuit)
Bronzer: Hourglass (Radiant Bronze Light)
Concealer: Dior Forever Skin Correct
Setting Powder: Givenchy Prisme Libre (Viole Rosé)
Blush: Hourglass (usually Sublime Flash, also have Incandescent Electra and Mood Exposure)
Setting Spray: Charlotte Tilbury
Finishing Powder: Hourglass (Luminous Light)
Mascara: Dior Iconic Overcurl Waterproof
Eyebrows: Benefit Gimme Brow+Tint
Lips: Dior Addict Lip Gloss (I have multiple, so whichever one I’m feeling that day. They’re my HG🙌🏻)
Brushes: all Hourglass (forget the names, but I use 4 different ones)
If I’m feeling extra put together, I’ll slap on some Hourglass Scattered Lights eyeshadow in shade smoke.
All together, this takes me maybe 20 minutes. It seems like a lot, but it doesn’t take as long as it seems.
submitted by not_a_scientist076 to Sephora [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:44 Glacialfury [WP] The alien soldier stared down the hall of the massive warship he was assigned to, frozen in horror. He had never thought his friends were serious about the humans and the so called adrenaline, but now he knew they hadn’t been joking as one stared him directly in the face a few meters away.

Humans don’t look like much at first glance.
Herevordal had heard the stories of human berserkers and their battle lust, adrenaline, it was called. Fearsome stories, to be sure. Yet he’d never had the pleasure of battling one sword to sword through all the years of war, until now.
One stood not ten meters from him in the center of the battleship’s main corridor. And he had to admit he was unimpressed. Soft skin, small, no natural weapons, no armor. But at second glance, he saw the eyes, piercing and fathomless. You could tell a lot by reading the Kaal in your enemy’s eyes.
The human stood shirtless and glistening, small wounds striping its body, holding some kind of energy weapon. Herevordal sneered. Only a coward used such things in single combat. A true warrior needed only his blade. Though he shouldn’t have been surprised, this was a human. Yet the eyes gave him pause. Predatory, violent. A promise of death. Perhaps there was more here than what showed on the surface. Herevordal decided to proceed with caution.
The human glanced at Herevordal’s Sha’kai, the large crescent-shaped blade of a Rahkee—the mark of a true warrior. The human shifted its gaze from the Sha’kai into Herevordal’s eyes and, astonishingly, tossed its energy rifle aside. Slowly, the human drew a long, slender sword from a scabbard belted at his hip. How had Herevordal not noticed it before?
He shifted his gaze to the corpses of his Rahkee brethren strewn down the corridor behind the human, limbs tangled in death or curled peacefully around their wounds. Fear stirred his back spines. Could this one human truly have defeated a dozen of the elite Re’Kael guard by itself?
No. That wasn’t possible. There must be others about. Many others. They were probably all dead now, and this was the last of their horde.
Herevordal sublimated the fear rising in his twin hearts and drew himself up to his full towering height. The transverse, spiny crest on his head snapped up and rattled, heightening the effect.
The human showed no reaction.
“Come,” Herevordal growled in his native tongue. “Time to die, human.”
The human cocked its head. It showed a flash of teeth. Square, dull, unimpressive. Herevordal was told this was called a smile; it suggested amusement. He growled deep in his throat.
“You dare mock me? You have no honor.”
The human’s sword came up, and it kissed the blade, muttered something Herevordal did not understand, then, with a sudden rush, leaped forward, accelerating faster than Herevordal would have believed possible.
He brought his Sha’kai up to guard, following the human with his eyes. Gods, but the thing was fast, nearly a blur. Yet he was confident he could anticipate the coming strike.
At the last moment, as Herevordal moved to parry, the human juked left, spun into the air, and bounced off the wall, its blade whistling in a high, downward killing arc.
Herevordal didn’t even have time to flinch.
It wasn’t possible. Nothing could move so swiftly at such abrupt angles. Gods!
His Sha’kai never came close to the human’s steel.
There was a flash of hot pain across Herevordal’s throat and a second sharp explosion in his skull.
submitted by Glacialfury to Glacialwrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:24 gringoswag20 A Letter To My Younger Self, The "Red Pill"

The public only wakes up at the end.
“Know that this universe is nothing but a dream bluff of nature to test your consciousness of immortality.” - Paramahansa Yogananda
I will not sit here and lie to you that I know what is to come in the future. I can research and pose educated hypotheses', but I do not know what the future holds.
I'm writing this today because the most important thing is knowledge, wisdom, and information, and not only is it not easily available, but is inside and belonging to each of us by birthright.
There is always someone who knows more than me, so please comment and add anything. There may be a time with no Reddit, a completely censored or no internet and people fully have to rely on their own wisdom and personal knowledge.
Before we get into this,
We all have to understand that our senses can pick up such little available sound and light frequencies that we are basically blind.
The greatest psyop of all history has been the programming of human beings to worship the material world semicolon and hence the erected prison of our left rational mind.
What truly is 'rational' in this world, is pretty ignorant and arrogant once you research ancient civilizations, religions, magic, history Etc.
This has been the ultimate goal of the controllers and rulers of our reality:
To sever our connection with our true nature, and our true identity; a reflection of God. Made up of the substance of God, given the mind of God, to experience God... to remember oneself as ascend and go back to godhead.
The rulers of this reality worship Saturn, form, the material world, and the cold, dark forces that make up our existence. There is a reason why the Black Cube is represented in many different countries with massive sculptures; as well as the largest investment firm in the world being called BlackRock. In Mecca, Muslims walk around a massive black Cube and Jews put a black Cube on their forehead during prayers. The Black Cube represents what we find ourselves in. We are the Black Cube and we find ourselves inside of the black cube. Form.

If you don't read anything in this writing, simply read this:

Every ancient religion, society, prophet, civilization etc, desperately is trying to tell you that you are not this body, but you are the observer, immortal awareness.
The greatest illusion cast on to man is the illusion of separation. Your skin doesn't separate you from reality but is the bridge to it. Everything is truly a projection of the mind, and once you realize your senses are so lacking, you basically do live in a literal holographic electrical reality.
Every prophet and religion when not mistranslated is telling you to identify and remember your true nature, that you are love, unity, and the universe itself (God).
To ascend this three-dimensional realm and reincarnation (ascend the black cube) become the cross, become crucified, and raise your consciousness past Duality and polarity; to Unity and the godhead reality. The kingdom of Heaven is within.
"Be In The World, Not of This World"


Satan and the serpent
The oldest recorded creation stories can be traced back to ancient Sumer. The cuneiform tablets show the true story, the same story that is mirrored and varied in every other society and religion.
The Sumerian cuneiform tablets say that the Sky gods came to Earth to create a race of worker slaves. They use in-vitro fertilization using the DNA of the already existing primate to create a hybrid between themselves and our ancestors. The stories speak about Sky gods falling from the Heavens to Earth. Does this mean the avatars of the seven planets, or avatars of higher astral beings, or angels descending through the firmament, or aliens coming from another star system... I don't know. But all of the stories represent the characters being the same and in a reptilian humanoid form (shapeshifting).

Enlil (Satan, Saturn, Kumarabi, Amun-Ra, Zeus, YHWH, etc.)

Enlil, the god of the storm, the prince of the air, and the god of the sky are represented in many different cultures as Zeus, Kumarabi, Amun-ra, Saturn, and many more. They're all representations of Satan or Saturn, the dark force in the universe and form and the material world. Yahweh in the Bible is Enlil. A wrathful deity who sees Humanity as no more than slaves and wishes to bring Humanity to degeneracy and the destruction of humanity. Originally during the creation of humans, he did not want to give Humanity intelligence and wanted to keep them toiling as worker slaves. Famously you can see this in the Mistranslated Adam and Eve serpent story where God tells Adam and Eve not to eat the apple of the Gods (Knowledge of the gods.)
Enlil (Lord of The Sky, Lord of The Storm [Yaweh, Satan])
In fact, it is said that Yahweh enacted many famines upon the people of the day as well as ordered the rapes and pillaging of many different cities. He created Wars and ultimately he did not warn Humanity of a coming flood as he wished to see them all wiped out.

Enki (Thoth, Enoch, Prometheus, Quetzalcoatl, Odin, etc)

\Yahshua {Maybe} "I and the father are one"]))
Enki, or "The lord of the Earth", is the mediator between humans and the true loving God.
Yes, Enki's the 'serpent' in the Garden of Eden. He is the one who went behind the back of Enlil to give Humanity the knowledge of the gods. In fact, in many ancient texts, it is said that humans are more enlightened than their rulers as Enkis really created the perfect creation. Enki falls in love with his creation and sees himself in humanity. He is the one who warns Noah or Utinapishnu to save his family and animals from the flood.
In ancient times the serpent represented Enlightenment and wisdom. The serpent can be traced back to the Hebrew term Nahash, which means shining and is a reference to the oil or Kundalini energy rising up the spine.
Kundalini energy, the oil or energy coiled in man. When raised allows him to realize god.
Moses lifting the serpent just as man should be lifted (god realization)
Briefly one can view our reality as an ancient battle between a force trying to lead us to degeneracy and slavery and another force who sees us as himself and is trying to lead us to reach our Highest Potential and Escape the Black Cube.
Enki or the energy of "The Lord of The Earth" can be traced to many different cultures and be seen by many incarnations such as Thoth, Enoch, Odin, Prometheus, etc.
Many of these cults of the serpent went on to become secret societies and this is where I believe they start to label Enki as Lucifer. I do not understand how the elites and other societies see Enki's actions as anything other than akin to Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, and all the Prophets... But I guess there's something I'm missing.

Cyclical Cataclysms, Global resets and Our lost (Hidden) History
I've read in many different places that there was the insanely advanced Society of Atlantis that began to fall as dark occultists and magicians began to hijack the society and Lead it into debauchery. Whether the cataclysm that ended Atlantis was created from a black Magic Ritual or from a supernatural external event, Atlantis was destroyed. In the Sumerian Kings list when the Kings descend from the heavens again I believe this is after that. I’d equate this to either 11,000 years ago or 6,000 years ago. The problem with time frames is the Roman Empire probably added thousands of years to Its supposed rain and messes up a lot of the chronology of our timeline.
One of the biggest lies we have as a society is that we came from apes (and not genetic hybrids of our past homo sapiens). That we are from this material world and we are just on a long journey of evolution. Humanity did not evolve from Africa and spread over the world through land bridges.
Every single Society has the same creation story, the same architecture, and the same iconography and names. The same creation stories and flood myths permeate all throughout the world, even the fact that the same Rock reliefs and sculptures can be found literally in societies that supposedly never knew each other.
By now most people are probably familiar with the topic of Tartaria. Tartaria probably being a misnomer for the true name of the ancient civilization who inhabited the planet before the Satanic conquest of the world. I've researched that a cataclysm probably happened a few hundred years ago that completely reset the world. anyone who can completely tell you what happened in our past is completely lying. There have been so many mistranslations, manipulations, and flat-out Lies by our controllers it is challenging to piece together the truth.
The same arcticture all over the world.
What is obvious though is that the empty City pictures of the 1800s and the gargantuan churches and buildings (built by people with dirt roads and horses lol) that look like they had been covered in a mud flood are far older than we have been led to know.
Past technology is being hoarded and we are all truly being extorted by controllers who wish to rid us of all of our spiritual energy and financial capital. Ancient cathedrals in the past knew how to harness the electromagnetic frequency in the atmosphere to create a healing energy and frequency inside. Basically a massive healing center. There have been inventions where you sit in a chair and hydrotherapy can fix many of your ailments. Hell, if you even look at many of the past World Fairs there is so much electricity it is obvious that we knew and understood electricity a lot earlier than we can remember.
\"Tartarian\" Technology
I'm trying to make this as brief as possible but people must realize that our history is a complete lie trying to manipulate you to have a false identity and a false perception of reality.
The world today is run by a certain 'ethnicity' (which is also my own) that has stolen most of their own teachings and knowledge from the rest of the world, then changed history, so they may seem more ancient and more advanced than they truly are. But you can see who they truly worship by the symbolism on their flag. A hexagram is the 2D form of a 3D cube. In other words, the people whose holy day is on Saturday are the ones who worship Saturn. Now you can see how the Muslim religion and Catholicism with its worship of Yahweh has been hijacked as well.
After the most recent cataclysm is when the hijacking of the current world began. The Catholic Jesuits, the wealthy Phoenician families, the Freemasons, the Skull and Bones, the illuminated ones, and the Cult of Saturn worshipers (Cult of Baal [Cabal]) took over the world, burned and destroyed much of our ancient artifacts, and history and then changed up our entire chronology so we would believe their false chronology and adopt their forced self-identity that they have clouded our perception.
The ancient black Hebrews who inhabited the Americas have had their deep knowledge of the universe raped and pillaged from them and they've basically been exterminated. You walk into any African-American Museum and it starts with slavery, when in all actuality California is named after a black Warrior Queen named Califia.
Many other societies and cultures have fallen into the void of history as they have had their histories and cultures stolen and manipulated. The ancient Irish, where you can trace many of the earliest versions of the Bible have had their total history erased. We're currently watching a genocide take place where the descendants of European Jews are killing the actual semites and then turning around and calling everyone anti-Semitic... this has been going on for a while.

Plans For The Future

The Tower of Babel allegory might be the closest to relating to our time today. It seems that the masses are mostly asleep, but there is a growing large number of people who understand the truth of reality and are trying to share it with others. Our controllers and the god they serve want the exact opposite of this.
They guard this occult knowledge and keep the masses in a thought perception of slavery and confusion, all to create a false sense of scarcity and ravage the Earth of her Bountiful resources. They hide different forms of energy such as hydrogen, and the electromagnetic frequency that permeates throughout the Earth's ether, to push toxic Industries such as oil and other fossil fuels. They spray us with metals that cause health and mental problems, putting fluoride and other metals such as aluminum in our water source. Most of our food is filled with fake preservatives and microplastics, and our health and educational systems both make the individual much sicker than they do heal and grow.
The eagle, Satan truly is the leader of this false world. everything in our reality now has been totally corrupted And now siphons the life force out of basically everything.
We slaughter animals like they're nothing, we throw every single human being we can into a metal box like it's nothing, Our children are now being sexualized and pedophilia is becoming normalized to the point. Children have their gender identity totally confused because Black Rock wants to make more money pumping ESG through companies.
To even the minimally aware, they easily can see the devil in the world everywhere they turn. The world is not based upon truth, honesty, and love, it's based on scarcity, ego, and the worship of form and death. All Illusions in their grandest sense.
And this is what our ancients knew, all throughout the world they understood this deeply. they passed it on to their children. They lived close to Source during their daily life.
The goal of the Elites, AND the god they serve is to return man to the form which they see fit, a worker slave toiling in degeneracy and ignorance. With this realization, the whole world is easily understood. (And outgrown.)
The amount of technology that is being withheld from us is truly mind-boggling. They most likely already have reverse-engineered UFOs and an alternate free energy source. (Nikola Tesla lol)
We've already been infected with nanobots, whether you took the vaccine or not; they have direct energy weapons that can burn down whole cities. They can make earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes whenever they please. They make bioweapons through vaccines and diseases that they spread to the populations for money. They wish to create a one-world currency, a digital CBDC, so they can really make the world into a prison planet.
They can produce a fake alien invasion, or they could maybe even create a dark ritual and enact a cataclysm that can be seen throughout our history (ie floods, electromagnetic storms, fires, asteroids etc). The elites have been planning and guiding the world to their ultimate plan, I would not be surprised if they cause a giant reset to thwart our Awakening.
Their ultimate goal is to microchip everyone so they can see and control all of their thoughts and biometrics. To fully return you to a slave and keep you trapped inside the material world.
They basically tell you everything and program you to accept and manifest the reality that they are trying to create. Do not give them the power to do so. Do not consent to this reality they are trying to make. A reality of cyber attacks, pandemics, food shortages, world wars, political unrest, instability, violent race relations etc etc.
This may sound weird but truly there is nothing to fear. Once you realize that you are not the body, and are immortal awareness there's nowhere to go. There's nothing to lose, there's nothing to gain.
Everything is an illusion in this world. This life shouldn't be this hard but it is. It shouldn't be this hard to stay healthy, gain knowledge, and grow, but it is.
Just don't lose hope or let the demiurge, satan forces win.
You are a creator god, a being of light, a being of unity and love. Once you deeply understand that is your true identity you can never unlearn it.
I know in the deepest part of my soul that the creative loving force of the universe is much stronger than the destructive force, and this is weird to say but truly in the biggest reality, we are all the same being experiencing itself and this place doesn't even "matter". But this place does matter, because we are all experiencing it, and I don't think any religion or Society or prophecy ends with Satan winning.
You are more powerful than you think. You control your reality, you control what you experience. Don't let this Demiurge AI-like reality corrupt you and bring you down to this dense false reality. Learn as much as you can, become as wise as you can, and realize that you have the power to create and do anything in your own life.

The Controllers and El-ites are Scared of YOU, not the Other way Around. You are more Enlightened than the Rulers.

Truly nothing new is under the sun.
The goal of this life is to realize your truth, gain liberation and never come back to this shit show again. I love you, and see you as myself. I hope we can reach the highest point we possibly can. Be safe.
“People of this world are deluded. They’re always longing for something-always, in a word, seeking. But the wise wake up. They choose reason over custom. They fix their minds on the sublime and let their bodies change with the seasons. All phenomena are empty. They contain nothing worth desiring.”-Bodhidharma
Samsara, The Wheel on endless Reincarnation
The Big I, the only conciousness in the universe, the real you (and me lol)
submitted by gringoswag20 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:16 gringoswag20 A Letter To My Younger Self: Time is Running Out, Here is the "Red Pill"

The public only wakes up at the end.
“Know that this universe is nothing but a dream bluff of nature to test your consciousness of immortality.” - Paramahansa Yogananda
I will not sit here and lie to you that I know what is to come in the future. I can research and pose educated hypotheses', but I do not know what the future holds.
I'm writing this today because the most important thing is knowledge, wisdom, and information, and not only is it not easily available, but is inside and belonging to each of us by birthright.
There is always someone who knows more than me, so please comment and add anything. There may be a time with no Reddit, a completely censored or no internet and people fully have to rely on their own wisdom and personal knowledge.
Before we get into this,
We all have to understand that our senses can pick up such little available sound and light frequencies that we are basically blind.
The greatest psyop of all history has been the programming of human beings to worship the material world semicolon and hence the erected prison of our left rational mind.
What truly is 'rational' in this world, is pretty ignorant and arrogant once you research ancient civilizations, religions, magic, history Etc.
This has been the ultimate goal of the controllers and rulers of our reality:
To sever our connection with our true nature, and our true identity; a reflection of God. Made up of the substance of God, given the mind of God, to experience God... to remember oneself as ascend and go back to godhead.
The rulers of this reality worship Saturn, form, the material world, and the cold, dark forces that make up our existence. There is a reason why the Black Cube is represented in many different countries with massive sculptures; as well as the largest investment firm in the world being called BlackRock. In Mecca, Muslims walk around a massive black Cube and Jews put a black Cube on their forehead during prayers. The Black Cube represents what we find ourselves in. We are the Black Cube and we find ourselves inside of the black cube. Form.

If you don't read anything in this writing, simply read this:

Every ancient religion, society, prophet, civilization etc, desperately is trying to tell you that you are not this body, but you are the observer, immortal awareness.
The greatest illusion cast on to man is the illusion of separation. Your skin doesn't separate you from reality but is the bridge to it. Everything is truly a projection of the mind, and once you realize your senses are so lacking, you basically do live in a literal holographic electrical reality.
Every prophet and religion when not mistranslated is telling you to identify and remember your true nature, that you are love, unity, and the universe itself (God).
To ascend this three-dimensional realm and reincarnation (ascend the black cube) become the cross, become crucified, and raise your consciousness past Duality and polarity; to Unity and the godhead reality. The kingdom of Heaven is within.
"Be In The World, Not of This World"


Satan and the Serpent
The oldest recorded creation stories can be traced back to ancient Sumer. The cuneiform tablets show the true story, the same story that is mirrored and varied in every other society and religion.
The Sumerian cuneiform tablets say that the Sky gods came to Earth to create a race of worker slaves. They use in-vitro fertilization using the DNA of the already existing primate to create a hybrid between themselves and our ancestors. The stories speak about Sky gods falling from the Heavens to Earth. Does this mean the avatars of the seven planets, or avatars of higher astral beings, or angels descending through the firmament, or aliens coming from another star system... I don't know. But all of the stories represent the characters being the same and in a reptilian humanoid form (shapeshifting).
Ninmah, Mami (Where we get Mother)

Enlil (Satan, Saturn, Kumarabi, Amun-Ra, Zeus, YHWH, etc.)

Enlil, the god of the storm, the prince of the air, and the god of the sky are represented in many different cultures as Zeus, Kumarabi, Amun-ra, Saturn, and many more. They're all representations of Satan or Saturn, the dark force in the universe and form and the material world. Yahweh in the Bible is Enlil. A wrathful deity who sees Humanity as no more than slaves and wishes to bring Humanity to degeneracy and the destruction of humanity. Originally during the creation of humans, he did not want to give Humanity intelligence and wanted to keep them toiling as worker slaves. Famously you can see this in the Mistranslated Adam and Eve serpent story where God tells Adam and Eve not to eat the apple of the Gods (Knowledge of the gods.)
Enlil (Lord of The Sky, Lord of The Storm [Yaweh, Satan])
In fact, it is said that Yahweh enacted many famines upon the people of the day as well as ordered the rapes and pillaging of many different cities. He created Wars and ultimately he did not warn Humanity of a coming flood as he wished to see them all wiped out.

Enki (Thoth, Enoch, Prometheus, Quetzalcoatl, Odin, etc)

\Yahshua {Maybe} "I and the father are one"]))
Enki, or "The lord of the Earth", is the mediator between humans and the true loving God.
Yes, Enki's the 'serpent' in the Garden of Eden. He is the one who went behind the back of Enlil to give Humanity the knowledge of the gods. In fact, in many ancient texts, it is said that humans are more enlightened than their rulers as Enkis really created the perfect creation. Enki falls in love with his creation and sees himself in humanity. He is the one who warns Noah or Utinapishnu to save his family and animals from the flood.
In ancient times the serpent represented Enlightenment and wisdom. The serpent can be traced back to the Hebrew term Nahash, which means shining and is a reference to the oil or Kundalini energy rising up the spine.
Kundalini energy, the oil or energy coiled in man. When raised allows him to realize god.
Moses lifting the serpent just as man should be lifted (god realization)
Briefly one can view our reality as an ancient battle between a force trying to lead us to degeneracy and slavery and another force who sees us as himself and is trying to lead us to reach our Highest Potential and Escape the Black Cube.
Enki or the energy of "The Lord of The Earth" can be traced to many different cultures and be seen by many incarnations such as Thoth, Enoch, Odin, Prometheus, etc.
Many of these cults of the serpent went on to become secret societies and this is where I believe they start to label Enki as Lucifer. I do not understand how the elites and other societies see Enki's actions as anything other than akin to Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, and all the Prophets... But I guess there's something I'm missing.

Cyclical Cataclysms, Global resets and Our lost (Hidden) History
I've read in many different places that there was the insanely advanced Society of Atlantis that began to fall as dark occultists and magicians began to hijack the society and Lead it into debauchery. Whether the cataclysm that ended Atlantis was created from a black Magic Ritual or from a supernatural external event, Atlantis was destroyed. In the Sumerian Kings list when the Kings descend from the heavens again I believe this is after that. I’d equate this to either 11,000 years ago or 6,000 years ago. The problem with time frames is the Roman Empire probably added thousands of years to Its supposed rain and messes up a lot of the chronology of our timeline.
One of the biggest lies we have as a society is that we came from apes (and not genetic hybrids of our past homo sapiens). That we are from this material world and we are just on a long journey of evolution. Humanity did not evolve from Africa and spread over the world through land bridges.
Every single Society has the same creation story, the same architecture, and the same iconography and names. The same creation stories and flood myths permeate all throughout the world, even the fact that the same Rock reliefs and sculptures can be found literally in societies that supposedly never knew each other.
By now most people are probably familiar with the topic of Tartaria. Tartaria probably being a misnomer for the true name of the ancient civilization who inhabited the planet before the Satanic conquest of the world. I've researched that a cataclysm probably happened a few hundred years ago that completely reset the world. anyone who can completely tell you what happened in our past is completely lying. There have been so many mistranslations, manipulations, and flat-out Lies by our controllers it is challenging to piece together the truth.
The same arcticture all over the world.
What is obvious though is that the empty City pictures of the 1800s and the gargantuan churches and buildings (built by people with dirt roads and horses lol) that look like they had been covered in a mud flood are far older than we have been led to know.
Past technology is being hoarded and we are all truly being extorted by controllers who wish to rid us of all of our spiritual energy and financial capital. Ancient cathedrals in the past knew how to harness the electromagnetic frequency in the atmosphere to create a healing energy and frequency inside. Basically a massive healing center. There have been inventions where you sit in a chair and hydrotherapy can fix many of your ailments. Hell, if you even look at many of the past World Fairs there is so much electricity it is obvious that we knew and understood electricity a lot earlier than we can remember.
\"Tartarian\" Technology
I'm trying to make this as brief as possible but people must realize that our history is a complete lie trying to manipulate you to have a false identity and a false perception of reality.
The world today is run by a certain 'ethnicity' (which is also my own) that has stolen most of their own teachings and knowledge from the rest of the world, then changed history, so they may seem more ancient and more advanced than they truly are. But you can see who they truly worship by the symbolism on their flag. A hexagram is the 2D form of a 3D cube. In other words, the people whose holy day is on Saturday are the ones who worship Saturn. Now you can see how the Muslim religion and Catholicism with its worship of Yahweh has been hijacked as well.
After the most recent cataclysm is when the hijacking of the current world began. The Catholic Jesuits, the wealthy Phoenician families, the Freemasons, the Skull and Bones, the illuminated ones, and the Cult of Saturn worshipers (Cult of Baal [Cabal]) took over the world, burned and destroyed much of our ancient artifacts, and history and then changed up our entire chronology so we would believe their false chronology and adopt their forced self-identity that they have clouded our perception.
The ancient black Hebrews who inhabited the Americas have had their deep knowledge of the universe raped and pillaged from them and they've basically been exterminated. You walk into any African-American Museum and it starts with slavery, when in all actuality California is named after a black Warrior Queen named Califia.
Many other societies and cultures have fallen into the void of history as they have had their histories and cultures stolen and manipulated. The ancient Irish, where you can trace many of the earliest versions of the Bible have had their total history erased. We're currently watching a genocide take place where the descendants of European Jews are killing the actual semites and then turning around and calling everyone anti-Semitic... this has been going on for a while.

Plans For The Future

The Tower of Babel allegory might be the closest to relating to our time today. It seems that the masses are mostly asleep, but there is a growing large number of people who understand the truth of reality and are trying to share it with others. Our controllers and the god they serve want the exact opposite of this.
They guard this occult knowledge and keep the masses in a thought perception of slavery and confusion, all to create a false sense of scarcity and ravage the Earth of her Bountiful resources. They hide different forms of energy such as hydrogen, and the electromagnetic frequency that permeates throughout the Earth's ether, to push toxic Industries such as oil and other fossil fuels. They spray us with metals that cause health and mental problems, putting fluoride and other metals such as aluminum in our water source. Most of our food is filled with fake preservatives and microplastics, and our health and educational systems both make the individual much sicker than they do heal and grow.
The eagle, Satan truly is the leader of this false world. everything in our reality now has been totally corrupted And now siphons the life force out of basically everything.
We slaughter animals like they're nothing, we throw every single human being we can into a metal box like it's nothing, Our children are now being sexualized and pedophilia is becoming normalized to the point. Children have their gender identity totally confused because Black Rock wants to make more money pumping ESG through companies.
To even the minimally aware, they easily can see the devil in the world everywhere they turn. The world is not based upon truth, honesty, and love, it's based on scarcity, ego, and the worship of form and death. All Illusions in their grandest sense.
And this is what our ancients knew, all throughout the world they understood this deeply. they passed it on to their children. They lived close to Source during their daily life.
The goal of the Elites, AND the god they serve is to return man to the form which they see fit, a worker slave toiling in degeneracy and ignorance. With this realization, the whole world is easily understood. (And outgrown.)
The amount of technology that is being withheld from us is truly mind-boggling. They most likely already have reverse-engineered UFOs and an alternate free energy source. (Nikola Tesla lol)
We've already been infected with nanobots, whether you took the vaccine or not; they have direct energy weapons that can burn down whole cities. They can make earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes whenever they please. They make bioweapons through vaccines and diseases that they spread to the populations for money. They wish to create a one-world currency, a digital CBDC, so they can really make the world into a prison planet.
They can produce a fake alien invasion, or they could maybe even create a dark ritual and enact a cataclysm that can be seen throughout our history (ie floods, electromagnetic storms, fires, asteroids etc). The elites have been planning and guiding the world to their ultimate plan, I would not be surprised if they cause a giant reset to thwart our Awakening.
Their ultimate goal is to microchip everyone so they can see and control all of their thoughts and biometrics. To fully return you to a slave and keep you trapped inside the material world.
They basically tell you everything and program you to accept and manifest the reality that they are trying to create. Do not give them the power to do so. Do not consent to this reality they are trying to make. A reality of cyber attacks, pandemics, food shortages, world wars, political unrest, instability, violent race relations etc etc.
This may sound weird but truly there is nothing to fear. Once you realize that you are not the body, and are immortal awareness there's nowhere to go. There's nothing to lose, there's nothing to gain.
Everything is an illusion in this world. This life shouldn't be this hard but it is. It shouldn't be this hard to stay healthy, gain knowledge, and grow, but it is.
Just don't lose hope or let the demiurge, satan forces win.
You are a creator god, a being of light, a being of unity and love. Once you deeply understand that is your true identity you can never unlearn it.
I know in the deepest part of my soul that the creative loving force of the universe is much stronger than the destructive force, and this is weird to say but truly in the biggest reality, we are all the same being experiencing itself and this place doesn't even "matter". But this place does matter, because we are all experiencing it, and I don't think any religion or Society or prophecy ends with Satan winning.
You are more powerful than you think. You control your reality, you control what you experience. Don't let this Demiurge AI-like reality corrupt you and bring you down to this dense false reality. Learn as much as you can, become as wise as you can, and realize that you have the power to create and do anything in your own life.

The Controllers and El-ites are Scared of YOU, not the Other way Around. You are more Enlightened than the Rulers.

Truly nothing new is under the sun.
The goal of this life is to realize your truth, gain liberation and never come back to this shit show again. I love you, and see you as myself. I hope we can reach the highest point we possibly can. Be safe.
“People of this world are deluded. They’re always longing for something-always, in a word, seeking. But the wise wake up. They choose reason over custom. They fix their minds on the sublime and let their bodies change with the seasons. All phenomena are empty. They contain nothing worth desiring.”-Bodhidharma
Samsara, The Wheel on endless Reincarnation
The Big I, the only conciousness in the universe, the real you (and me lol)
submitted by gringoswag20 to starseeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:15 gringoswag20 A Letter to my Younger Self: Time is Running Out, Here is the "Red Pill"

The public only wakes up at the end.
“Know that this universe is nothing but a dream bluff of nature to test your consciousness of immortality.” - Paramahansa Yogananda
I will not sit here and lie to you that I know what is to come in the future. I can research and pose educated hypotheses', but I do not know what the future holds.
I'm writing this today because the most important thing is knowledge, wisdom, and information, and not only is it not easily available, but is inside and belonging to each of us by birthright.
There is always someone who knows more than me, so please comment and add anything. There may be a time with no Reddit, a completely censored or no internet and people fully have to rely on their own wisdom and personal knowledge.
Before we get into this,
We all have to understand that our senses can pick up such little available sound and light frequencies that we are basically blind.
The greatest psyop of all history has been the programming of human beings to worship the material world semicolon and hence the erected prison of our left rational mind.
What truly is 'rational' in this world, is pretty ignorant and arrogant once you research ancient civilizations, religions, magic, history Etc.
This has been the ultimate goal of the controllers and rulers of our reality:
To sever our connection with our true nature, and our true identity; a reflection of God. Made up of the substance of God, given the mind of God, to experience God... to remember oneself as ascend and go back to godhead.
The rulers of this reality worship Saturn, form, the material world, and the cold, dark forces that make up our existence. There is a reason why the Black Cube is represented in many different countries with massive sculptures; as well as the largest investment firm in the world being called BlackRock. In Mecca, Muslims walk around a massive black Cube and Jews put a black Cube on their forehead during prayers. The Black Cube represents what we find ourselves in. We are the Black Cube and we find ourselves inside of the black cube. Form.

If you don't read anything in this writing, simply read this:

Every ancient religion, society, prophet, civilization etc, desperately is trying to tell you that you are not this body, but you are the observer, immortal awareness.
The greatest illusion cast on to man is the illusion of separation. Your skin doesn't separate you from reality but is the bridge to it. Everything is truly a projection of the mind, and once you realize your senses are so lacking, you basically do live in a literal holographic electrical reality.
Every prophet and religion when not mistranslated is telling you to identify and remember your true nature, that you are love, unity, and the universe itself (God).
To ascend this three-dimensional realm and reincarnation (ascend the black cube) become the cross, become crucified, and raise your consciousness past Duality and polarity; to Unity and the godhead reality. The kingdom of Heaven is within.
"Be In The World, Not of This World"


Satan and the Serpent
The oldest recorded creation stories can be traced back to ancient Sumer. The cuneiform tablets show the true story, the same story that is mirrored and varied in every other society and religion.
The Sumerian cuneiform tablets say that the Sky gods came to Earth to create a race of worker slaves. They use in-vitro fertilization using the DNA of the already existing primate to create a hybrid between themselves and our ancestors. The stories speak about Sky gods falling from the Heavens to Earth. Does this mean the avatars of the seven planets, or avatars of higher astral beings, or angels descending through the firmament, or aliens coming from another star system... I don't know. But all of the stories represent the characters being the same and in a reptilian humanoid form (shapeshifting).
Ninmah, Mami (Where we get Mother)

Enlil (Satan, Saturn, Kumarabi, Amun-Ra, Zeus, YHWH, etc.)

Enlil, the god of the storm, the prince of the air, and the god of the sky are represented in many different cultures as Zeus, Kumarabi, Amun-ra, Saturn, and many more. They're all representations of Satan or Saturn, the dark force in the universe and form and the material world. Yahweh in the Bible is Enlil. A wrathful deity who sees Humanity as no more than slaves and wishes to bring Humanity to degeneracy and the destruction of humanity. Originally during the creation of humans, he did not want to give Humanity intelligence and wanted to keep them toiling as worker slaves. Famously you can see this in the Mistranslated Adam and Eve serpent story where God tells Adam and Eve not to eat the apple of the Gods (Knowledge of the gods.)
Enlil (Lord of The Sky, Lord of The Storm [Yaweh, Satan])
In fact, it is said that Yahweh enacted many famines upon the people of the day as well as ordered the rapes and pillaging of many different cities. He created Wars and ultimately he did not warn Humanity of a coming flood as he wished to see them all wiped out.

Enki (Thoth, Enoch, Prometheus, Quetzalcoatl, Odin, etc)

\Yahshua {Maybe} "I and the father are one"]))
Enki, or "The lord of the Earth", is the mediator between humans and the true loving God.
Yes, Enki's the 'serpent' in the Garden of Eden. He is the one who went behind the back of Enlil to give Humanity the knowledge of the gods. In fact, in many ancient texts, it is said that humans are more enlightened than their rulers as Enkis really created the perfect creation. Enki falls in love with his creation and sees himself in humanity. He is the one who warns Noah or Utinapishnu to save his family and animals from the flood.
In ancient times the serpent represented Enlightenment and wisdom. The serpent can be traced back to the Hebrew term Nahash, which means shining and is a reference to the oil or Kundalini energy rising up the spine.
Kundalini energy, the oil or energy coiled in man. When raised allows him to realize god.
Moses lifting the serpent just as man should be lifted (god realization)
Briefly one can view our reality as an ancient battle between a force trying to lead us to degeneracy and slavery and another force who sees us as himself and is trying to lead us to reach our Highest Potential and Escape the Black Cube.
Enki or the energy of "The Lord of The Earth" can be traced to many different cultures and be seen by many incarnations such as Thoth, Enoch, Odin, Prometheus, etc.
Many of these cults of the serpent went on to become secret societies and this is where I believe they start to label Enki as Lucifer. I do not understand how the elites and other societies see Enki's actions as anything other than akin to Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, and all the Prophets... But I guess there's something I'm missing.

Cyclical Cataclysms, Global resets and Our lost (Hidden) History
I've read in many different places that there was the insanely advanced Society of Atlantis that began to fall as dark occultists and magicians began to hijack the society and Lead it into debauchery. Whether the cataclysm that ended Atlantis was created from a black Magic Ritual or from a supernatural external event, Atlantis was destroyed. In the Sumerian Kings list when the Kings descend from the heavens again I believe this is after that. I’d equate this to either 11,000 years ago or 6,000 years ago. The problem with time frames is the Roman Empire probably added thousands of years to Its supposed rain and messes up a lot of the chronology of our timeline.
One of the biggest lies we have as a society is that we came from apes (and not genetic hybrids of our past homo sapiens). That we are from this material world and we are just on a long journey of evolution. Humanity did not evolve from Africa and spread over the world through land bridges.
Every single Society has the same creation story, the same architecture, and the same iconography and names. The same creation stories and flood myths permeate all throughout the world, even the fact that the same Rock reliefs and sculptures can be found literally in societies that supposedly never knew each other.
By now most people are probably familiar with the topic of Tartaria. Tartaria probably being a misnomer for the true name of the ancient civilization who inhabited the planet before the Satanic conquest of the world. I've researched that a cataclysm probably happened a few hundred years ago that completely reset the world. anyone who can completely tell you what happened in our past is completely lying. There have been so many mistranslations, manipulations, and flat-out Lies by our controllers it is challenging to piece together the truth.
The same arcticture all over the world.
What is obvious though is that the empty City pictures of the 1800s and the gargantuan churches and buildings (built by people with dirt roads and horses lol) that look like they had been covered in a mud flood are far older than we have been led to know.
Past technology is being hoarded and we are all truly being extorted by controllers who wish to rid us of all of our spiritual energy and financial capital. Ancient cathedrals in the past knew how to harness the electromagnetic frequency in the atmosphere to create a healing energy and frequency inside. Basically a massive healing center. There have been inventions where you sit in a chair and hydrotherapy can fix many of your ailments. Hell, if you even look at many of the past World Fairs there is so much electricity it is obvious that we knew and understood electricity a lot earlier than we can remember.
\"Tartarian\" Technology
I'm trying to make this as brief as possible but people must realize that our history is a complete lie trying to manipulate you to have a false identity and a false perception of reality.
The world today is run by a certain 'ethnicity' (which is also my own) that has stolen most of their own teachings and knowledge from the rest of the world, then changed history, so they may seem more ancient and more advanced than they truly are. But you can see who they truly worship by the symbolism on their flag. A hexagram is the 2D form of a 3D cube. In other words, the people whose holy day is on Saturday are the ones who worship Saturn. Now you can see how the Muslim religion and Catholicism with its worship of Yahweh has been hijacked as well.
After the most recent cataclysm is when the hijacking of the current world began. The Catholic Jesuits, the wealthy Phoenician families, the Freemasons, the Skull and Bones, the illuminated ones, and the Cult of Saturn worshipers (Cult of Baal [Cabal]) took over the world, burned and destroyed much of our ancient artifacts, and history and then changed up our entire chronology so we would believe their false chronology and adopt their forced self-identity that they have clouded our perception.
The ancient black Hebrews who inhabited the Americas have had their deep knowledge of the universe raped and pillaged from them and they've basically been exterminated. You walk into any African-American Museum and it starts with slavery, when in all actuality California is named after a black Warrior Queen named Califia.
Many other societies and cultures have fallen into the void of history as they have had their histories and cultures stolen and manipulated. The ancient Irish, where you can trace many of the earliest versions of the Bible have had their total history erased. We're currently watching a genocide take place where the descendants of European Jews are killing the actual semites and then turning around and calling everyone anti-Semitic... this has been going on for a while.

Plans For The Future

The Tower of Babel allegory might be the closest to relating to our time today. It seems that the masses are mostly asleep, but there is a growing large number of people who understand the truth of reality and are trying to share it with others. Our controllers and the god they serve want the exact opposite of this.
They guard this occult knowledge and keep the masses in a thought perception of slavery and confusion, all to create a false sense of scarcity and ravage the Earth of her Bountiful resources. They hide different forms of energy such as hydrogen, and the electromagnetic frequency that permeates throughout the Earth's ether, to push toxic Industries such as oil and other fossil fuels. They spray us with metals that cause health and mental problems, putting fluoride and other metals such as aluminum in our water source. Most of our food is filled with fake preservatives and microplastics, and our health and educational systems both make the individual much sicker than they do heal and grow.
The eagle, Satan truly is the leader of this false world. everything in our reality now has been totally corrupted And now siphons the life force out of basically everything.
We slaughter animals like they're nothing, we throw every single human being we can into a metal box like it's nothing, Our children are now being sexualized and pedophilia is becoming normalized to the point. Children have their gender identity totally confused because Black Rock wants to make more money pumping ESG through companies.
To even the minimally aware, they easily can see the devil in the world everywhere they turn. The world is not based upon truth, honesty, and love, it's based on scarcity, ego, and the worship of form and death. All Illusions in their grandest sense.
And this is what our ancients knew, all throughout the world they understood this deeply. they passed it on to their children. They lived close to Source during their daily life.
The goal of the Elites, AND the god they serve is to return man to the form which they see fit, a worker slave toiling in degeneracy and ignorance. With this realization, the whole world is easily understood. (And outgrown.)
The amount of technology that is being withheld from us is truly mind-boggling. They most likely already have reverse-engineered UFOs and an alternate free energy source. (Nikola Tesla lol)
We've already been infected with nanobots, whether you took the vaccine or not; they have direct energy weapons that can burn down whole cities. They can make earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes whenever they please. They make bioweapons through vaccines and diseases that they spread to the populations for money. They wish to create a one-world currency, a digital CBDC, so they can really make the world into a prison planet.
They can produce a fake alien invasion, or they could maybe even create a dark ritual and enact a cataclysm that can be seen throughout our history (ie floods, electromagnetic storms, fires, asteroids etc). The elites have been planning and guiding the world to their ultimate plan, I would not be surprised if they cause a giant reset to thwart our Awakening.
Their ultimate goal is to microchip everyone so they can see and control all of their thoughts and biometrics. To fully return you to a slave and keep you trapped inside the material world.
They basically tell you everything and program you to accept and manifest the reality that they are trying to create. Do not give them the power to do so. Do not consent to this reality they are trying to make. A reality of cyber attacks, pandemics, food shortages, world wars, political unrest, instability, violent race relations etc etc.
This may sound weird but truly there is nothing to fear. Once you realize that you are not the body, and are immortal awareness there's nowhere to go. There's nothing to lose, there's nothing to gain.
Everything is an illusion in this world. This life shouldn't be this hard but it is. It shouldn't be this hard to stay healthy, gain knowledge, and grow, but it is.
Just don't lose hope or let the demiurge, satan forces win.
You are a creator god, a being of light, a being of unity and love. Once you deeply understand that is your true identity you can never unlearn it.
I know in the deepest part of my soul that the creative loving force of the universe is much stronger than the destructive force, and this is weird to say but truly in the biggest reality, we are all the same being experiencing itself and this place doesn't even "matter". But this place does matter, because we are all experiencing it, and I don't think any religion or Society or prophecy ends with Satan winning.
You are more powerful than you think. You control your reality, you control what you experience. Don't let this Demiurge AI-like reality corrupt you and bring you down to this dense false reality. Learn as much as you can, become as wise as you can, and realize that you have the power to create and do anything in your own life.

The Controllers and El-ites are Scared of YOU, not the Other way Around. You are more Enlightened than the Rulers.

Truly nothing new is under the sun.
The goal of this life is to realize your truth, gain liberation and never come back to this shit show again. I love you, and see you as myself. I hope we can reach the highest point we possibly can. Be safe.
“People of this world are deluded. They’re always longing for something-always, in a word, seeking. But the wise wake up. They choose reason over custom. They fix their minds on the sublime and let their bodies change with the seasons. All phenomena are empty. They contain nothing worth desiring.”-Bodhidharma
Samsara, The Wheel on endless Reincarnation
The Big I, the only conciousness in the universe, the real you (and me lol)
submitted by gringoswag20 to Soulnexus [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:28 strutt_o_matic My journey so far

Oh my god what an existence living with scabies is.
So It was about two months ago me and my wife first started feeling the itch. Fast forward to today and now here we are having self diagnosed ourselves. After trawling the internet for info on what our symptoms were we finally came to the conclusion that it resembled scabies more than anything else. This was after our GP's failed to identify it and just sent us away with a prescription for antihistamines and creams such as cetroben and eurax.
So to try identify if it was scabies I came across an interesting post on Reddit by someone who had purchased a hand held digital microscope camera that you plug into your phone, tablet, laptop or pc (doesn't support iPhone or iPad) and through an app you can see what's on the surface of your skin zoomed in 50-1000x. I found one for only £17 that is pretty decent once you get the hang of it ( I used it for a while zooming in on spots that itched. Didn't find anything parasitic until a few days ago when I saw it's brown head & legs and whitish/clear round to elongated body. My heart just fucking sank as I was hoping I wouldn't find any such thing so as to avoid the stress of dealing with it. So having read that they don't go away by themselves and this itching was driving me up the fucking wall I kept looking and found a few more burrows that snaked like a river with a little bastard sat right there at the end laying eggs and eating away at me . My body just does not like it and if the immune system didn't have an itch response then we wouldn't know it was happening other than spots and burrows but if there was no uncomfortableness then it would probably be ignored as there would be no urgency, which is what the immune system is doing in us. It's creating a problem of discomfort of the type that's makes us want to scratch the fuck out out of these parasites and remove them from under our skin but that can cause infection and it looks fucking awful too. But on top of that it's the social anxiety it brings about knowing that you can pass these little bastards onto other people. And also the stigma attached to it because of it being so contagious you think you'll be treated like a leper.
So, knowing that these little fuckers can be defeated I go to war to destroy every last fucking one of them. So come on let's try all these different remedies. Another way I'm getting rid of them is cutting the fuckers out with a shaving razor. Sometimes the blade can slice into or under the raised bit of skin that the scabie is in and removed it. This would cause a slight laceration but nothing worse than your typical shaving cut with a razor.
So, I've being having salt baths with large amounts of salt and rubbing on eurax, which helps with itching if nothing else, and rubbing on a mixture of sweet almond oil and tea tree oil. I don't know if these have helped do anything to affect the mites but after I first identified my first one I went to the chemist and showed him the mites that I'd photographed with my microscope camera and he agreed they were scabies and prescribed me and my wife some permethrin which we put on last night. I lathered the stuff on so I hope it worked but if not I'm ready for round two you motherfuckers. I'm coming after you. I'll do another round on you with permethrin and if that don't work I'll try something else either 5% malathion or 10% sulphur. And if these don't work I'll have to go nuclear. Fuck knows how yet though. Maybe take a trip to the dead sea and bath in it for a few days so my skin can soak in all that salt and Sulphur that healed the lepers .
submitted by strutt_o_matic to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 17:07 OrganizationGreat248 Unlucky Isekai Life

Jason Alexander Coyle was dead… Again. Gods’ above this was such an inconvenience. And he hadn’t even managed to go out in some cool display of power and glory. Nooooo, he had died to a MOTHER… F***ING… DEMI-HUMAN. A GODS’ DAMNED GOBLIN of all things. The sheer audacity of it caused him to wallow in shame and seethe in rage. He closed his eyes and once more replayed the events leading up to his downfall. The disgusting little thing hadn’t even had the decency to best him in combat. No, that vile puss skinned whelp had played dead, then stabbed Jason in the back once the battle was over.

Grarothian Powder. Clever little shit. Cover yourself in that stuff and all Jason’s magically enhanced senses meant nothing. He should have known better. I mean, if no one could sense your vitals, what difference was there really between you and just another corpse littering the battlefield? How hadn’t he thought of something so simple? How had he been outsmarted by a goblin?!

The powder was a common enough anti magical tool in that world. A light layer was often applied to armor and weapons as a means to disperse the effects of magic. Strong enough to save you from an otherwise lethal direct hit of a lesser spell, it was more often more useful as a protection from splash effects of a fireball or other large area of effect spells. A nasty sunburn or a few bruised ribs tends to be more acceptable than third-degree burns or being impaled when your mate got turned into a dystopian bit of shrubbery or an ice sculpture. The problem is that once it does its job, the stuff crumbles away. So, most soldiers had taken to carrying around pouches of the stuff, reapplying it before making any mad dashes towards enemy spell casters.

It had been a work of absolute genius, or more likely dumb luck, that the creature had been coated in the stuff. Jason was hard pressed to believe that a sub sapient mongrel was smart enough to come up with such an elaborate plan. He further suspected luck, given that even wild animals knew to avoid heavy direct contact with the stuff, much less to risk ingesting it. Doing so caused a fast-acting cancer to take hold. He’d once had the unfortunate experience of seeing a street mutt be pelted with a full pouch of the stuff. Covered the dog in a heavy bit of powder, but also coated the food the pup had been feasting on. Poor bastard had been found dead the next morning. Apparently, it had developed multiple melon sized tumors in the twelve or so hours between when Jason had last seen it, and its body being found.

Then there was the matter of how the goblin had somehow managed to get its grubby little mitts on a Dathon Disrupter blade. Jason had little doubt the weapon was looted from one of the fallen kingdom soldiers. The maggot’s simplistic animal-like brain must have been captivated by how sparkly the blade was. If he understood goblins even half as well as he thought, the stupid little thing was probably straining its brain to understand that the thing it had picked up was both shiny, AND sharp. “Shiny made it valuable, and anything sharp was good for stabbing.” That was the extent of how deep the goblin's thinking went, Jason was sure.

Sure, if he had noticed the creature, the blade would have been useless against his omnidirectional invincibility. He’d seen much finer weapons shatter when they came into contact with his protective abilities. BUT, despite what people might think, all those superhuman protections had a stifling cost. And what kind of insane fool bothered to keep invincibility turned on when everyone who was anyone of importance in the area was deader than a doornail.

He could still remember the metallic iron taste in the back of his throat as his lungs had filled with blood. He’d of course tried to heal himself, but the disruptor had done its job. Jason’s ability to cast magic had been rendered entirely useless, the arcane energies coming apart as he tried to weave them into even the simplest of spells. The only small justice he could find in the situation was that the assailant had botched their landing. He could only assume the beast had thought the surprise would paralyze him, while he drowned in his own fluids. If that had been the first or even fifth time he’d died, the little monster would have been correct. The realization that you are dying, and there’s nothing you can do about it, was a hell of a thing to cope with. Lucky for Jason, you kind of got ‘better’ at handling the whole impending demise thing, after you’d faced death a dozen times.

The time bought from NOT having your life flash before your eyes, had given him just enough of an opportunity to land a heavy haymaker against the goblin. It wasn’t the cleanest of blows, but it still brought a smile to his face remembering the feeling of the creature’s bones breaking under his empowered fist. He wasn’t sure if it had been enough to kill the thing, but he did know that if it didn’t kill the goblin, it had at least permanently crippled the right side of the beast. Watching the goblin crumple, then begin to twitch, had been the best sight he could imagine as his world faded to blackness.

When he next opened his eyes, he was sitting in his usual seat within the Agency. The room was sparsely decorated, he’d never really seen the point in investing in decorations for a place that held such... complex, emotional significance. Much less a place that he did his best to spend as little time in as possible. Jason was a bit annoyed that his handler wasn’t present to greet him, but then she was never good at doing her job. Sighing, he leaned back in the chair and waited, he knew that she had been paged when he arrived, and he also knew the door wouldn’t open until he had submitted his mission summary.

Ruby had of course lost her metaphorical shit when Jason arrived back at the Agency. The bloody lush had laughed herself into a mini coma when she learned that a lowly goblin, using a glorified butter knife, had been the thing to bring Jason down. Gods, he hated her, no matter when he ran into her, she always reeked like she’d just gotten done bathing in a pool of liquor. He was still not really sure WHERE or HOW she got her hands on Earth booze. Plucking a soul from Earth was troublesome enough, but trying to get physical objects from the place? That was far beyond even Ruby’s power. He did know for a fact that it was Earth liquor, and not some kind of divine proximity, since he’d yet to find a single bar in the entirety of the Agency. Hell, he’d yet to find another being that even understood what alcohol was.

After recovering enough that she could breathe without wheezing, Ruby had gone ahead and made sure that the contract hadn’t been refunded due to Jason’s untimely demise. As luck would have it, it did appear that he had fulfilled just enough of the order so that the client could still be charged for services rendered. Which meant that Jason got his commission, a fair bit smaller than he would have liked after all the fees, but that was the cost one paid to subvert the usual limitations of a mortal body. Not that it mattered, that last job had finally put him over the top. After dozens upon dozens of quests, Jason had finally managed to scrape together enough to buy what he’d been lusting after since he first woke up in this shithole.

A mad smile curled on his lips, as he opened up the shop screen. Navigating through dozens of pages of bog-standard contracts, an asinine level of ads for luxury services, and more high-class cuisine than he could eat in a thousand thousand lifetimes, he finally found the loose thread he had been looking for. Dragging his finger along the lower left-hand side of the screen, he made a series of increasingly complex designs. With a click the screen faded away to a new darker overlay. Moving quickly, he bought the token he was looking for and slipped out of the system.

He’d stumbled across the dark site ages ago, while killing time between missions. The prices were exorbitant if not outright extortive in nature. But it did give one access to certain... choices that would not have otherwise been accessible via the normal shop. It was why Jason had bought the system admin privileges, he needed to access the real good shit. Sure, the base shop allowed agents to pick their own assignments, but the good missions, well those could only be accessed by the admin staff AKA handlers.

The biggest issue was that management did not take too kindly to their staff’s access codes being used by unauthorized individuals. This meant that Jason only had a limited amount of time to peruse the catalog before the system would kick him out and block that access code from being used again. He’d had to burn through three different sets of privileges before he found what he was looking for. A modifiable mission token for an honest to goodness Isekai.

The fact that Isekai were even a real thing, had thrown Jason for a bit of a loop. Well, perhaps more the fact that he had died in a tragic way that even the gods couldn’t seem to explain, and all he’d gotten for his trouble was a small “sign on bonus''. Not that he was complaining too much, the limited New Game+ skill had proven useful in more than one mission. But apparently, some people got a date with Truck-kun and suddenly they are given an entire freaking wish fulfillment fantasy. He would have pissed and moaned to upper management but thought better of it when he remembered that he only knew what he knew by using exploits within the system. There had been rumors about what happened to those who had their access codes stolen, it was not pleasant, and he didn’t want to imagine what would happen if people found out who had been using those stolen codes.

As Ruby droned on and on about whatever it was that drunk was talking about. Jason began calibrating the token to his specifications. The basic token itself had drained an exceedingly large amount of his credits, Isekai missions were... difficult to get a hold of, even for handlers, but it was the add-ons that were really going to strain his budget. He tapped through the various options. It wouldn’t be a proper Isekai without the deluxe harem package.


After the cluster fuck that was his last mission, he decided to take things on easy mode for his wish fulfillment. It was insanely costly, but the entire Divine Protection suite made him resistant if not straight up immune to every offensive ability that could reasonably be thrown at him.


Can’t live out your hero fantasy dreams without having to crush a Demon Lord.


He had deeply enjoyed the incarnations where he had had access to magic. But he couldn’t for the life of him seem to decide what to specialize in. Hemming and hawing for a bit, he finally decided to just splurge and get a little bit of everything. It would give him maximum versatility without over committing one way or another.


It stands to reason that a proper Demon Lord should be able to bypass divine protections, and might be resistant to magic, so it is probably best to fortify one’s body and boost the crap out of one’s stats.

[click] [click]

Not really looking forward to having to do the whole baby with the mind of an adult trope. He decides to just spawn in with his body already at its apex. He never really understood why the grown ass adults in the shows and manga always seemed to end up as some kid. Like yeah, wish fulfillment for young readers/watchers, but a guy in his twenties is going to wipe the floor with some punk ass sixteen-year-old. Whatever, it didn’t really matter; to each their own he guessed.


Jason looked at his credit balance; it was painfully low, but he shrugged it off. All he needed to do was complete the mission to get it back to a respectable level. He looked at the payout for completing the mission. It wasn’t impressive, Isekai almost never paid more than a pittance, but it should be enough to tide him over once he’d had his fun and squeezed every drop of wish fulfillment out of whatever backwater world, he ended up in.

Jason’s attention was pulled from the status screen by the sound of a large *CLUNK*. Looking over he saw that Ruby had apparently finally grown bored with her one-sided conversation. To combat this boredom, she had pulled out an entire mothering fucking hogshead of whiskey. From her pocket dimension, she pulls out two crystal glasses and fills both glasses with a hefty amount of liquor. She sets one down in front of herself and puts the other one in front of Jason.


“Thanks, but no thanks, I’m not inclined to degr....”

“I said, DRINK!” Ruby says again, her eyes filled with rage. Her words reinforced with magical power, compel Jason to take a large gulp of the auburn liquid. He’s amazed at the rich flavor of the whiskey. The rich honey notes give the drink a sublime sweetness, without overshadowing the subtle dried red fruit. The decades of barrel aging have left the drink smoother than silk. The vague hints of oak and cinnamon leave him wanting more. Time seems to melt away as he is compelled to have ‘just another sip’... ‘Maybe just a finger’s worth more’... ‘What’s one more drink for the road?’. The world around him seeps away, as he is lost in the complex rich flavors of Ruby’s private stash.

When he next wakes, he’s once more found himself in the Void.

submitted by OrganizationGreat248 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 15:29 AccomplishedJump3428 Luxury Foundation

We all have the luxury products We are suckers for…those items we all are willing to shuck out a few extra coins for…
For Me it’s Luxury Foundations… And I am eyeing a few that I would love to get some real opinions on (I can’t and don’t trust influencers so watching reviews is OUT)
The ones I am eyeing are….
-The new Prada foundation (this one I am really curious about)
-Tom Ford shade and Illuminate
-Very Valentino
-PMG sublime perfection
-HG ambient glow
-Chantecaille Future skin
((I’d LOVE to try the La Prarie $280 skin caviar but I can’t and won’t ever bring Myself to pay that for a foundation 😅))
So anyone who’s uses/has tried these listed…..I’d LOVE real opinions.
Thank you in advance 💜
(( I have normal/dry skin…. And I prefer medium coverage that is satin, dewy, or skin like. I can’t do full matte ))
submitted by AccomplishedJump3428 to Makeup [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:43 Bearwriter87 Unlucky Isekai Life

Jason Alexander Coyle was dead… Again. Gods’ above this was such an inconvenience. And he hadn’t even gone out in some cool display of power and glory. Nooooo, he had died to a MOTHER… F***ING… DEMI-HUMAN. A GODS’ DAMNED GOBLIN of all things. The sheer audacity of it caused him to wallow in shame and seethe in rage. He closed his eyes and once more replayed the events leading up to his downfall. The disgusting little thing hadn’t even had the decency to best him in combat. No, that vile puss skinned whelp had played dead, then stabbed Jason in the back once the battle was over.

Grarothian Powder. Clever little shit. Cover yourself in that stuff and all Jason’s magically enhanced senses meant nothing. He should have known better. I mean, if no one could sense your vitals, what difference was there really between you and just another corpse littering the battlefield? How hadn’t he thought of something so simple? How had he been outsmarted by a goblin of all things?!

The powder was a common enough anti magical tool in that world. A light layer was often applied to armor and weapons as a means to disperse the effects of magic. Strong enough to save you from an otherwise lethal direct hit of a lesser spell, it was more often more useful as a protection from splash effects of a fireball or other large area of effect spells. A nasty sunburn or a few bruised ribs tends to be more acceptable than third-degree burns or being impaled when your mate got turned into a dystopian bit of shrubbery or an ice sculpture. The problem is that once it does its job, the stuff crumbles away. So, most soldiers had taken to carrying around pouches of the stuff, reapplying it before making any mad dashes towards enemy spell casters.

It had been a work of absolute genius, or more likely dumb luck, that the creature had been coated in the stuff. Jason was hard pressed to believe that a sub sapient mongrel was smart enough to come up with such an elaborate plan. He further suspected luck, given that even wild animals knew to avoid heavy direct contact with the stuff, much less to risk ingesting it. Doing so caused a fast-acting cancer to take hold. He’d once had the unfortunate experience of seeing a street mutt be pelted with a full pouch of the stuff. Covered the dog in a heavy bit of powder, but also coated the food the pup had been feasting on. Poor bastard had been found dead the next morning. Apparently, it had developed multiple melon sized tumors in the twelve or so hours between when Jason had last seen it, and its body being found.

Then there was the matter of how the goblin had somehow managed to get its grubby little mitts on a Dathon Disrupter blade. Jason had little doubt the weapon was looted from one of the fallen kingdom soldiers. The maggot’s simplistic animal-like brain must have been captivated by how sparkly the blade was. If he understood goblins even half as well as he thought, the stupid little thing was probably straining its brain to understand that the thing it had picked up was both shiny, AND sharp. “Shiny made it valuable, and anything sharp was good for stabbing.” That was the extent of how deep the goblin's thinking went, Jason was sure.

Sure, if he had noticed the creature, the blade would have been useless against his omnidirectional invincibility. He’d seen much finer weapons shatter when they came into contact with his protective abilities. BUT, despite what people might think, all those superhuman protections had a stifling cost. And what kind of insane fool bothered to keep invincibility turned on when everyone who was anyone of importance in the area was deader than a doornail.

He could still remember the metallic iron taste in the back of his throat as his lungs had filled with blood. He’d of course tried to heal himself, but the disruptor had done its job. Jason’s ability to cast magic had been rendered entirely useless, the arcane energies coming apart as he tried to weave them into even the simplest of spells. The only small justice he could find in the situation was that the assailant had botched their landing. He could only assume the beast had thought the surprise would paralyze him, while he drowned in his own fluids. If that had been the first or even fifth time he’d died, the little monster would have been correct. The realization that you are dying, and there’s nothing you can do about it, was a hell of a thing to cope with. Lucky for Jason, you kind of got ‘better’ at handling the whole impending demise thing, after you’d faced death a dozen times.

The time bought from NOT having your life flash before your eyes, had given him just enough of an opportunity to land a heavy haymaker against the goblin. It wasn’t the cleanest of blows, but it still brought a smile to his face remembering the feeling of the creature’s bones breaking under his empowered fist. He wasn’t sure if it had been enough to kill the thing, but he did know that if it didn’t kill the goblin, it had at least permanently crippled the right side of the beast. Watching the goblin crumple, then begin to twitch, had been the best sight he could imagine as his world faded to blackness.

When he next opened his eyes, he was sitting in his usual seat within the Agency. The room was sparsely decorated, he’d never really seen the point in investing in decorations for a place that held such... complex, emotional significance. Much less a place that he did his best to spend as little time in as possible. Jason was a bit annoyed that his handler wasn’t present to greet him, but then she was never good at doing her job. Sighing, he leaned back in the chair and waited, he knew that she had been paged when he arrived, and he also knew the door wouldn’t open until he had submitted his mission summary.

Ruby had of course lost her metaphorical shit when Jason arrived back at the Agency. The bloody lush had laughed herself into a mini coma when she learned that a lowly goblin, using a glorified butter knife, had been the thing to bring Jason down. Gods, he hated her, no matter when he ran into her, she always reeked like she’d just gotten done bathing in a pool of liquor. He was still not really sure WHERE or HOW she got her hands on Earth booze. Plucking a soul from Earth was troublesome enough, but trying to get physical objects from the place? That was far beyond even Ruby’s power. He did know for a fact that it was Earth liquor, and not some kind of divine proximity, since he’d yet to find a single bar in the entirety of the Agency. Hell, he’d yet to find another being that even understood what alcohol was.

After recovering enough that she could breathe without wheezing, Ruby had gone ahead and made sure that the contract hadn’t been refunded due to Jason’s untimely demise. As luck would have it, it did appear that he had fulfilled just enough of the order so that the client could still be charged for services rendered. Which meant that Jason got his commission, a fair bit smaller than he would have liked after all the fees, but that was the cost one paid to subvert the usual limitations of a mortal body. Not that it mattered, that last job had finally put him over the top. After dozens upon dozens of quests, Jason had finally managed to scrape together enough to buy what he’d been lusting after since he first woke up in this shithole.

A mad smile curled on his lips, as he opened up the shop screen. Navigating through dozens of pages of bog-standard contracts, an asinine level of ads for luxury services, and more high-class cuisine than he could eat in a thousand thousand lifetimes, he finally found the loose thread he had been looking for. Dragging his finger along the lower left-hand side of the screen, he made a series of increasingly complex designs. With a click the screen faded away to a new darker overlay. Moving quickly, he bought the token he was looking for and slipped out of the system.

He’d stumbled across the dark site ages ago, while killing time between missions. The prices were exorbitant if not outright extortive in nature. But it did give one access to certain... choices that would not have otherwise been accessible via the normal shop. It was why Jason had bought the system admin privileges, he needed to access the real good shit. Sure, the base shop allowed agents to pick their own assignments, but the good missions, well those could only be accessed by the admin staff AKA handlers.

The biggest issue was that management did not take too kindly to their staff’s access codes being used by unauthorized individuals. This meant that Jason only had a limited amount of time to peruse the catalog before the system would kick him out and block that access code from being used again. He’d had to burn through three different sets of privileges before he found what he was looking for. A modifiable mission token for an honest to goodness Isekai.

The fact that Isekai were even a real thing, had thrown Jason for a bit of a loop. Well, perhaps more the fact that he had died in a tragic way that even the gods couldn’t seem to explain, and all he’d gotten for his trouble was a small “sign on bonus''. Not that he was complaining too much, the limited New Game+ skill had proven useful in more than one mission. But apparently, some people got a date with Truck-kun and suddenly they are given an entire freaking wish fulfillment fantasy. He would have pissed and moaned to upper management but thought better of it when he remembered that he only knew what he knew by using exploits within the system. There had been rumors about what happened to those who had their access codes stolen, it was not pleasant, and he didn’t want to imagine what would happen if people found out who had been using those stolen codes.

As Ruby droned on and on about whatever it was that drunk was talking about. Jason began calibrating the token to his specifications. The basic token itself had drained an exceedingly large amount of his credits, Isekai missions were... difficult to get a hold of, even for handlers, but it was the add-ons that were really going to strain his budget. He tapped through the various options. It wouldn’t be a proper Isekai without the deluxe harem package.


After the cluster fuck that was his last mission, he decided to take things on easy mode for his wish fulfillment. It was insanely costly, but the entire Divine Protection suite made him resistant if not straight up immune to every offensive ability that could reasonably be thrown at him.


Can’t live out your hero fantasy dreams without having to crush a Demon Lord.


He had deeply enjoyed the incarnations where he had had access to magic. But he couldn’t for the life of him seem to decide what to specialize in. Hemming and hawing for a bit, he finally decided to just splurge and get a little bit of everything. It would give him maximum versatility without over committing one way or another.


It stands to reason that a proper Demon Lord should be able to bypass divine protections, and might be resistant to magic, so it is probably best to fortify one’s body and boost the crap out of one’s stats.

[click] [click]

Not really looking forward to having to do the whole baby with the mind of an adult trope. He decides to just spawn in with his body already at its apex. He never really understood why the grown ass adults in the shows and manga always seemed to end up as some kid. Like yeah, wish fulfillment for young readers/watchers, but a guy in his twenties is going to wipe the floor with some punk ass sixteen-year-old. Whatever, it didn’t really matter; to each their own he guessed.


Jason looked at his credit balance; it was painfully low, but he shrugged it off. All he needed to do was complete the mission to get it back to a respectable level. He looked at the payout for completing the mission. It wasn’t impressive, Isekai almost never paid more than a pittance, but it should be enough to tide him over once he’d had his fun and squeezed every drop of wish fulfillment out of whatever backwater world, he ended up in.

Jason’s attention was pulled from the status screen by the sound of a large *CLUNK*. Looking over he saw that Ruby had apparently finally grown bored with her one-sided conversation. To combat this boredom, she had pulled out an entire mothering fucking hogshead of whiskey. From her pocket dimension, she pulls out two crystal glasses and fills both glasses with a hefty amount of liquor. She sets one down in front of herself and puts the other one in front of Jason.


“Thanks, but no thanks, I’m not inclined to degr....”

“I said, DRINK!” Ruby bellows again, her eyes filled with rage. Her words reinforced with magical power, compel Jason to take a large gulp of the auburn liquid. He’s amazed at the rich flavor of the whiskey. The rich honey notes give the drink a sublime sweetness, without overshadowing the subtle dried red fruit. The decades of barrel aging have left the drink smoother than silk. The vague hints of oak and cinnamon leave him wanting more. Time seems to melt away as he is compelled to have ‘just another sip’... ‘Maybe just a finger’s worth more’... ‘What’s one more drink for the road?’. The world around him seeps away, as he is lost in the complex rich flavors of Ruby’s private stash.

When he next wakes, he’s once more found himself in the Void.
If you have gotten this far, i just want to say thank you for giving my work a chance. I'm still pretty new to trying to write, so i would LOVE any comments / suggestions / or criticism you might have about the piece as it currently exists.
I hope you have a wonderful day, and once again thank you for your time.
submitted by Bearwriter87 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 15:04 fryingpanofdoom [Acne] worst acne of my life after 5 days of antibiotics

Hi, I searched the sub but I mostly found posts about folks taking antibiotics FOR acne which is not my situation.
I (36F) was put on doxycycline and metronodizale for just 5 days for a deep cat bite on my finger.
Around 3 days in an acne breakout started on my forehead, but I kind of just assumed maybe I wasn't washing my face well enough one handed.
This acne breakout has continued past ending the meds Tuesday morning and is seriously the worst breakout I've ever had in my life, all across my forehead, sides of face, chin, and a few hitting my neck and chest. Many places where I've just never had issues before at all.
I went to my Dr on Wednesday and they were wildly unhelpful. Just said well that's weird doxy usually helps acne and told me to try taking an antihistamine. I asked about fungal but they said that's not what it is, but they only did a visual exam. I did break out my blacklight to check but nothing glowed, though I have no idea if fungal acne always glows?
I am absolutely losing my MIND and am depressed every time I look in a mirror, it's so upsetting.
Has anyone experienced this and how quickly did it get back under control? I already use very minimal and safe skincare products. I've ordered sulphur soap to try, and do have Nizoral if I need to but nervous about messing up already sensitive skin.
TIA for at least joining my pity party if nothing else. 😭
submitted by fryingpanofdoom to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 11:05 Flimsy_Employment_40 Sulphur cream

Sulphur cream
So for the past 2 weeks I had two separate BAD fungal acne flair ups. I already had some ketoconizole shampoo in my cupboard that my dermatologist had given me years ago, so that cured me the first flair up, but says later it returned and the shampoo just ruined my skin barrier on about the 4th use (I was also using benzyl peroxide face wash which was helping slightly, but adding to the destruction of my skin barrier).
After reading on here on I decided to try a sulphur cream - I'm in the UK and can't get Dr de la Cruz, but I found Dermosan 10% sulphur cream on Amazon. I put it on last night and it felt very moisturising - it doesn't appear that you need to wash it off like Dr de la Cruz ointment, but I got worried and washed it off after 30 mins with just water.
I woke up today and my skin is HEALED. The fungal rash is entirely GONE. My skin feels moisturised for the first time in several times. I'm absolutely shooketh and wanted to share the success with you all.
I've ordered several fungal acne skincare safe products now and plan to change my whole routine, but hopefully using the sulphur a few times a week will stop any additional flare-ups too.
submitted by Flimsy_Employment_40 to Fungalacne [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 14:09 Traditional_Iron6298 A list i made of audio drama's (quite large)

This lists the ones ive listened to and remember, with some stars, then ones im listening to and mostly ones i still want to listen to.
I tought i would share it for if anyone wanted a list :)
audio drama/podcasts
Starts out of 5 (?= cant remember) FINISHED ( a whole lot more i cant remember at the moment) The Magnus archives 6 The edge of sleep 5 Ronstadt 5 Carrier ? Last known position 4 The far meridian 5 Tales of the Echowoods 4 Badlands cola 5 zero hours 5 The phone booth 4 Desert skies 5 Night faces 5 Dont mind 5 The sulphuric secrets 5 Borrasca 5 Blackwood ? The left right game 4 the six disappearances of ella McCray 3 Deviser 4 The harrowing 5 Two dead girls in jubiliene 5 Margarets garden 5 Mirrors 5 From now 4 Shipworm 5 Girl in space 5 The Hyacinth DIsaster 5 Limetown 5
.The penumbra podcast .Worlds beyond number .John from back home .Our fair city .The dark somnium .Redwood bureau .The magnus protocol .midnight burger .Wrong Station .Lets not meet .Thirteen .The No sleep podcast .The Mistholme Museum of mystery, morbidity, and mortality .The tower .Chilling tales for dark nights .Tower 4 .WOE.BEGONE .The SCP Experience .Selene .Mabel .Story .WHere the stars fell .Death by dying .The exploring series .SCP Archives .Parkdale haunt .Conversations from the abyss .Romnex .The department of variance somewhere ohio .Leaving corvat .Mr creepypasta storytime .aaron mahnkes cabinet of curiosities .the bright sessions .Archive 81 .The sheridan tapes .Welcome to nightvale .Nightdrive .Moonbase Theta, out .Kane and feels: Wheels .WE’RE NOT MEANT TO KNOW .Mayfair Watchers society .The antiquarium of sinister happenings and odd goings on$ .Unwell, a Midwestern gothic mystery .Fever dreams: a pulp collection .The outside tapes .Marvels wastelanders .Malevolent .Red valley .Lore .Ostium Podcast .Mockery Manor .Westside fairytales .Skin crawl .A new winter: limited series .The white vault .Haunted the audio drama .Wolf 359
Old Gods of Appalachia the very worst thing that could possibly happen Bridgewater Gospels of the flood Uncanny valley Weeping cedars My town The dial-up The call of the void Patient 33 Modes of thought in Anterran Literature the williams project No return The moon crown Stories from the hearth tales from the swan hotel the imperfection Limetown Morbid forest Mortis maledictum Primordial deep The leviathan Chronicles The beautifull liar Dirty diana The 100 handed Candela obscura Eliza: a robot story The timekeeper: Win or die Where the leaves fall purple Flies in the jar Between the devil Neon Inkwell Murray mysteries Aurora everlasting Arcadia CA Dinig in the void The underwood collection The lovecraft investigations Bloodthirsty hearts How to win friends and disappear people The grey rooms everything Matters The Burned Photo Temporal light Two dead Girls in Jubeliene Halfmoon Chronicles The heart of ether The children of room 56 The deca tapes AD lucem Impact winter 12 ghosts Mordeo Remade Monster hour RE:Dracula The strange casez of starship Iris The storage papers Case 63 Chain of being stellar firma If anyone should find this How it ends Marscorp Pretending to be people Shores of the silver thrum This house will devour you Oh these, those stars of space! The liminal lands The apocalypse players I am in eskew King falls AM Fawx and stallion midnight radio wolf 359 Hello from the magic tavern The brighter side Dirt- an audio drama Breathing space; a scifi western audio anthology The hidden people spectre in another room intra quest road x we fix space junk Homecoming Diary of a space archivist The staranger SINKHOLE  Jack of all trades DERELICT The vela 90 degrees south Let me tell you about my murder The liberty podcast Deep color Spirit box radio On asphalt bones Madame magenta: sonos mystica The program audio series Were alive Hell gate city The night post Nowhere, on air The grotto the town whispers tuny terrors Memory lane Syntax The sleep wake cycle Trice forgotten Clockword Bird Birds of empire Tartarus Unseen Brimstone valley mall sidequesting Night shift Gather the suspects Meddling with monsters The monster hunters The earth collective Ray cant sleep The wanderer Mars best brisket Hughes and mincks Ghost detectives Quiet part loud Restart Someone dies in this elevator Wake of corrosion KILL FM Kakos industries Monstrous Agonies Foundation after midnight radio Harbor Todays lucky winner Tracks Aftershock Faerie The hotel Noble Blood The last movie Narcissa Residents of proserpina park Acephale: Horror fiction The call in the void Listening in Soft voice Classified Blackout Unwanted Station Blue Video Palace Delivery Seven of hearts Hello from the hallowoods EOS 10 Adventures in new america Jar of rebuke The 12:37 The domestic life of anthony todd The Waystation The book of constellations Less is morgue Blood rage mode A better utopiaa Short tale sounds Radio: Outcast How i died Bad Vibes The patron saint of suicides The amelia project VAST horizon Marvels wolverine: The lost trail Duskbowl FM The Midnight podcast The cellar letters The story must be told The midnight library The dead letter office of somewhere, ohio The milkman of st. Gaffs Cape lock Underwood and flinch and other audiobooks Scotch What will be here? Udertow: Dark tome Magmell Atlas avenue beat Paralyzed End of all hope DUST Crystal blue The switchboard Ovule Remainder Stories from the wasteland StarTripper! The silt verses A voice from darkness The Call, a call of cthulu play cast Camp here & there The cabinet podcast Wandering with the dead Rapture 518 The last voice The oasis transmissions Black box Impact Winter The oasis transmissions 7 suspects The crossing gaurd tapes Unkillable Samite Theater of the midnight sun The midnight after potion
submitted by Traditional_Iron6298 to audiodrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 00:41 Khlamydia A trans guide for those that are questioning

I've seen a number of posts about various girls worried about a lack of feeling authentic, feeling like its a just a kink, like they don't know what steps to get started, that they might be confusing sexual attraction for envy, and just overall worry that they don't know how to sort through what they are feeling or what to do about any of it.
So I wrote the following as a guidebook on what steps are involved in the journey for anyone that needs to know how to take those first steps or is feeling stuck, is having trouble with what order to tackle things in, or anyone that doesn't know what to do next:
1: Start with understanding about how sublimation (kink) works and how to sort through these feelings:
2: Next, identify if transgender is what you are deep down:
3: Next, understand exactly what being trans is and everything that is involved:
4: Talk to a therapist qualified in Trans health and tell them what you've discovered. Be brave, you must tell your therapist to move forward. They will guide you through this if they are qualified & give you goals to start taking baby steps in transition. If you need to find a one specializing in Trans health that takes your insurance, use the search filters located here:
5: Ask your therapist to get you started on HRT and actually take it when you finally get your prescription. Don't just hang on to the bottle and think maybe when I'm less afraid or I cant because I'm worried about how I'll look. If your insurance doesn't cover your HRT prescription costs, you can use a discount card to reduce the prices here:
6: If at this point you're still worried that your too tall or won't be pretty enough or some other reason is preventing you from taking that leap of faith, then read here:
These next 3 steps are all done at the same time.
7: Vocal Practice. If you are at this point you need to get started on voice practice now, because it takes YEARS of effort to achieve and HRT does not help you at all. Also if you've heard of vocal fem surgery (Spoiler alert: Voice surgery is highly risky, isn't a magic cure all, and you still have to practice your voice anyway). The best two resources for changing your voice to sound female are located here: &
8: Electrolysis - This one also takes years to achieve permanent hair removal. Get a topical anesthetic to make it hurt less. You'll want it for both the face and the genitals if you are considering surgery. Do your best to get your insurance carrier to pay for it or at least reimburse you. Search google for a local electrolysis shop in your city:
9: Next comes waiting for HRT to feminize you. Typically it can take 2-5 years to see major changes (breasts, hips, softer skin, mood, ect). Make sure you are on an adequate dosage (Aim for at least 200 pg/mL Estrogen and 200mg daily progesterone and enough Spiro to drop your Testosterone levels between 20-40 pg/mL). If you need reassurance, the level of change possible can be seen at the following destination:
10: Look into if surgery to help alleviate any dysphoria (if needed) or if you think it might make you happy. Talk to your primary care doc, tell them your trans and on HRT, and that you want a referral for SRS/FFS. Your doctor might ask you if you have a place in mind you want the referrals sent. Researching surgeons online and find one that takes your health insurance and has results that you think look pleasing. If you have difficulty, just ask the community:
11: Talk to your health insurance about covering your SRS, follow whatever requirements they have for you as prerequisites for them paying for it. Check into if you want to get FFS as well if years of HRT didn't get you the results you wanted. Many insurances will cover FFS as well. Consider moving to a state that mandates insurance cover trans healthcare by law:
12: That's pretty much it. Along the journey you'll have probably researched a lot of other small things like makeup, haircare, how to walk and sit all feminine, clothes, ect ect... Consider when you've reach this point to go and help other trans people in their journeys as well. Give them advice and help them get to where you are.
Hopefully this was helpful to the dolls out there. Good luck, you CAN do this! 💖
submitted by Khlamydia to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:35 bobbingblondie Skincare routine (on Lymecycline)

I've had severe redness and flaky skin with yellow pimples on my nose for the last several years. Also have had recurring issues with swollen and itchy eyelids, and random spots popping up elsewhere on my face. Finally saw a GP who took me seriously 2 weeks ago and prescribed Lymecycline which has already cleared up the flakiness (no more moisturising every 2 hours!!) and the yellow pimples are pretty much gone (are those the pustules I see a lot of other comments about?).
The redness of the nose has not really seen a change yet. Yesterday when I dropped my kid off at nursery one of the older kids just walked up to me and told me I have a red nose, which honestly made me feel so bad because I thought my face was starting to look better.
Anyway, I've been trying to figure out what I should be doing for my skincare routine to help speed things along. I currently use Liz Earle (UK brand, not sure if you get it elsewhere?) pro-biotic facewash and moisturiser. I've never really had a proper skincare regime, and TBH I don't know where to go next.
Based on what I've read here I have ordered some 10% Azelaic Acid Serum (Q+A brand) which I think I should be applying once a day after cleansing and before moisturising?
I'm also considering getting some kind of sulphur based wash/cream, as based on what I've been reading on here it seems like a lot of my symptoms might be caused by the demodex mites and I think that will help to kill them off? But I don't know when or how I would introduce that into my routine.
Or maybe I should be laying off of everything and just waiting to see what the Lymecycline achieves on it's own? The GP asked me to see her again after 3 months and if it hasn't cleared she will refer me to a dermatologist, but in 2 months I'm going to a huge family gathering and it would be nice to look normal.
Any tips appreciated.
submitted by bobbingblondie to Rosacea [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:20 commentsurfer Excerpts from book "A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion" - a guy has NDE and gets a tour of Hell via saurus creature and sees individual, time-shifting reality cubes

From book called "A LAND UNKNOWN: Hell's Dominion" by B.W. Melvin (Bryan Melvin)
As He [Jesus] was speaking to me, these thoughts entered my mind: “It is appointed once for a man to die. When it is not that time, returning is an option decided. Children were raised; others were raised, as it was not their appointed hour, but mine. God is a God of the living and not the dead. When you arrive, say two words at that particular point of overwhelming and they are: My Name in your tongue and my Title.” At the end of these words, He reached into His robe and withdrew keys of many odd shapes and design, all bound by a connecting brass rung. Taking one key from the ring, he turned toward a door that appeared like a wall of mist that lay off to His left-hand side. As He inserted this key into the doorway that was arched like a gate, the mist parted, unrolling as a scroll, exposing a greenish-black narrow hole. In this hole there appeared a tunnel that led neither down, up, sideways, this way, or that. It was just there: a vortex.
The creature before me had a vile appearance. It stood about fourfeet-eight inches tall and had somewhat human features. Its skin color was dark yellowish-green with a moldy texture. Its skin appeared reptilian/saurian like. It had human raptor-like feet and a short chunky tail. Its teeth resembled those of a shark. Its breath was so foul that the very atmosphere surrounding it was like heat waves off of sun-drenched pavement on a hot summer day. Its steamy breath distorted its round human-like reptilian face and gave it an appearance of having many eyes; yet, it had two or maybe three at the most. With its lizard-like arms it tried to grab me in an evil embrace of welcome. All I could do was repeat a Name and a Title, which caused it to retreat a short distance away. I felt a presence behind me, but I was too afraid to turn my gaze from the creature to look. This small foul smelling ogre’s eyes kept darting at something in back of me that was emitting a blue purplish hue. The ghoul just grinned and muttered out loud. I stood facing this murmuring hissing creature. Gesturing with its hands and jabbering gibberish mixed with a few words of English, this ghastly being appeared to be attempting to speak to me like a foreigner trying to explain directions to a tourist with a limited vocabulary in which to converse. I was the tourist. It was difficult to understand. This beast seemed to be saying in a deep raspy guttural tone of broken English mixed with gibberish I did not understand and said, “Come follow me, (gerrr); I’ll show you half of the Kingdom. (hara-is) Come follow me (hisss) and have (errr) half of the Kingdom. (Alla ohst) Come (Sur-grrr) follow me through the veil; a road out, to, from, above, lies beyond (hesee). It’s been granted to thee to see, (grr-eko) follow me (ahka)” This disgusting foul smelling saurian brute walked with a shuffling manner towards the skyline, which was bathed orange-red by sunset, motioning for me to follow. Away from the house on the hill, away from the apparitions inside its walls, it walked. I followed continuously speaking a Name and Title as fast as I could without cease. Coming to what appeared to be the end of the horizon, the creature reached forth and parted the skyline as one would a curtain or veil. It walked through the torn hole bidding me to follow. I walked through this jagged frayed crack in the skyline and gazed upon a land unknown and best forgotten that was waiting on the other side, beckoning to be seen. Then it dawned on me where I was: the fiery pit, hell’s deep hole.
I followed the rank creature and immediately emerged on the other side of the horizon. A wide, dirty, flat, barren expanse of land gently sloped downward, betraying an endless circular spiral of misery. On the left side of the coiled grade were rows and rows of cubes with more cubes columned high, forming a wall of ten-by-ten foot partitions mirroring the events displayed inside. Each cube was stacked six high, marring each ascending and descending spiraling level’s wall like a dirty mirror. The wide expanse was a road. Strange entities were traveling on it. This wide dusty road ended at a circular void, highlighting the center of this hellish domain. The cubes appeared encompassed by thin smoke-tinted, gelatinlike walls. Each cube appeared to be about ten feet by ten feet square. You could see into these but not out of them. Within every chamber resided an individual person, trapped, unable to escape as I had.
Looking through the torn wall of the cube I had just stepped out of, the house and tree within were hauntingly calling my name to return. Perplexed, I stepped back for another glance at this cubicle. I was surprised that it was so small. Inside it had seemed so large! Turning, I saw the lizard-like being a few feet from me, reaching its ugly, greenish-yellow arms as if to drag me away to a desperate fate. Boxer style, I blocked the attempt. This fiend stepped back, grinning ear to ear. This beast began hissing and making strange murmurs that sounded as if it were trying to say something. It rocked back and forth while gesturing with its hands like it was in a hurry to go someplace. The creature’s mutterings became loud within my ears, as if one were turning up the volume on a buzzing amp. I became dizzy. My sight was briefly distorted. Then, in a flash, everything came back into sharp focus. Despite its hissing and gibberish, I began to strangely understand its speech without difficulty. While I could hear it speak in another language, I heard in plain English. This creature began speaking in broken rhymes in a rough, raspy manner, interrupted often with highpitched screeches. It spoke: “Dimensions of eternity hold no bounds. A small area can appear as big as a country or as small as an ant’s hole. Neither size nor depth matters here; only space fashioned by one’s mind. Within the walls one cannot escape what one dreads the most. I am (a) HOST here. What one sows is what one REAPS! What one sows is what one REAPS! What one sows is what one REAPS! Come, follow me.” The devilish host pointed across the wide, vacant expanse of road. Within its spongy, dry, brown dirt, small maggot-like creatures arose, squealed, and dipped back into little dark holes like insects. Hissing and spitting this lizardlike brute said, “Come and see, it’s been granted to thee.
Let’s first move on over to the ledge of this wide road.” All I could do was proceed continuously speaking a Name and Title. I wanted to wake up so badly. The fear was overwhelming. How could this be? Long ago, I argued that this place did not exist, but now, here I was. Seeing became believing. Following the foul beast, we both walked out onto the broad barren road, away from the cubes towards what appeared to be a cliff-like ledge, dropping into emptiness. We passed several lone, peculiar creatures roaming about. Passing these, we reached the road’s edge. Looking up and down, it seemed as if I were in the middle of a spiral staircase. Above was a winding, ascending spiral, and below a descending one as far as the eye could see. In the middle was a doughnut hole of space, like the inside of a pit. In awe, I watched bizarre beings moving through this space as if being lifted by some strange force, while others appeared to be climbing translucent, vaporous beams. Upon the roadway, hoards of peculiar entities moved in loose packs. One such pack came and encompassed us.
There, surrounding us on every side, were creatures both small and great in stature. Their features were ferocious, yet soft, then hideous, and then deceptively gentle. Some resembled animals, a few looked snake-like, many appeared almost human, and others were similar to serpents with round heads, sinewy arms, and short, lizard-like legs.
These were strange beings. Several looked almost human but had three faces on the orb of their head. Each face continuously revolved horizontally round and round. With every rotation, their facial features meshed with fluttering appearances into the next. Their eyes were dark and deceptive. They all varied in colors and hues. One particular creature, standing off in the distance, had skin with a purplish, glowing, light-blue tone. It had three faces like the others had, but it was stunningly beautiful. The faces slowly orbited around the orb of its purplish head. I could not tell if it was manlike or not due to a concealing garment it wore around its body. It was out there watching in sullen silence, motionless, just staring at me while emitting a purplish-blue aura. I saw several milling around us that appeared like “walking stick” insects with human-like faces about onethird of the way down their body. Other creatures reminded me of tree trunks and plants with human characteristics.
Many of the apparitions gathered around us appeared like gargoyles without wings. These varied in height from a few inches to around five feet tall. The colors of these creatures’ skin all varied in dark hues. Every one of the gargoyle entities wore odd-looking pants from the waste down. Some wore robes. All around me were a vast array of odd beings of diverse shapes, and on the road lived small creatures that resembled worms. As I watched these creatures, they at first looked harmlessly pleasant, but then, as I stared, I saw them transform into hideousness before my eyes.
The entities with the rotating faces seemed tallest. Lengthwise the snake and serpent-shaped ones appeared longest. The “walking stick” creatures varied in size and length. It was an incredible sight. A costume designer for a horror movie would be gravely perplexed to recreate this scene The noise from this place was incredible, the smell, sickening. The sights were mesmerizing. I stood, adapting to this place with all its creatures lurking about. I slowly began to realize that this hissing, human-lizard-like ghastly being was showing me around this domain as a guide would a tourist at a seaside resort, but this was not a resort. It looked at me and said, “Turn to the walls and look upon the stacks of boxes, each upon a row, and row upon row; stacked six high they go along the road and as far back as they can go. Inside are souls with many friends for each; yes, some friends leave while others like to stay with our guest. The levels of this spiral way spin thither and yon, descending lower where the blessings grow. Come and see; granted thee. Come follow me back to where the boxes grow.” In a limping fashion, this fiend dragged its ugly feet along, creating weak puffs of dust as we headed back toward the front ranks of cubes located across this wide expanse of ugly terrain. Reaching these, the creature came to the border where two cubes met and walked between them without effort into some sort of secret passageway.
In like manner, I followed. As I entered, the cube’s walls eerily parted like ripples from a stone splashing in water. A path came into view, revealing more cubes that lay behind the ones on the front row. It was a maze of narrow hallways that lay beyond, leading to cubicles further back. Cube after connecting cube were all pressed tightly against these narrow passageways. As I began to walk between these compartments, the bordering walls would expand just enough for my body to rub uneasily against it. While I moved, the walls would close in behind leaving me feeling eerily claustrophobic. The walls felt warm and much like a dolphin’s skin feels to the touch. Walking between the cubes, I noticed that at different locations the pathways would at one turn be pressed together, and at another turn they would become narrow hallways; then, at another turn, small wedge-shaped rooms appeared where the cubes did not press tightly against each other. More narrow passageways led to the farthest cells that lay against what appeared to be the back wall of a pit located a great distance from the roadway. Where we were walking, the floor was the same ugly brown dirt of the road, and the ceiling was made up of the cubes stacked above. The cubes were stacked six high. To go up or down to the next highest or lowest cubicle, all one had to do was desire it and the walls from the surrounding cells would morph, forming stairs that reached the destination one wanted.
The host walked ahead of me. We walked between the cubes for what seemed a long time. Inside every square cell resided a single person along with several creatures. These creatures gave the illusion of being people, animals, trees, and incredible things. Every person was imprisoned in his or her own private prison. All were in varying degrees of anguish, according to the deeds and actions done in life, to life, against life, even for life, both the bad and the good. Truly, this is a land best forgotten.
I could see into each cube in some strange form of double vision. It was like viewing the cubicles from the outside, at the same time seeing the inside of these abodes as one of its inhabitants saw it. For reasons unknown to me how or why, the people and creatures inside seemed to be a little less than two thirds of their normal size. Odd!
We walked between and passed cube after cube, up and down. Some were empty, but the vast majority had a person trapped inside. If I looked up, there was a bottom view of a person’s wretched cell and the events that were being enacted inside. Looking right to left I saw more people living out scenarios once lived in mortal life, but now with strange creatures as companions and props. Turning to the right, I could see people enjoying their stay, but then they would grow sullen because the scene never changed. Moving on, I glanced and saw a woman dressed in dated garments of a century gone by sitting, on a beach, mindlessly drawing circles in the sand. Then we passed an old man trying to catch a fish in a pond. It all looked so surreal. What had these people done to deserve such a boring fate? Was not there supposed to be fire and brimstone here? We traveled between more cubes. The sides of these eerily rubbed against the texture of my skin. Everywhere I gazed, I could not help but see people individually trapped inside. Each person lost in the illusions that their personal prison portrayed.
There, in a cube, a young man resided who seemed to be attending a costume ball. He appeared to be enjoying himself rather well. Then the party guests began to cruelly ridicule him. Passing this cell to the next, I saw another person being flogged on what appeared to be an old sailing ship sinking in an ocean; just prior to this he was enjoying being captain on that ship. We moved on. Suddenly the sides of a cube formed stairs. The ugly host pointed at the stairs and said, “Come, climb to the upper ones above.” Ascending upward, we then emerged somewhere on the top sixth row near the back wall. This level was different than the rest, reeking of deception and quiet gloom. The floor here took on an ashen-grayburning-ember hue and masked the views of the people trapped below. It was echoing quiet. All that could be heard were sounds of many shuffling feet. Before me lay a grand hallway that stretched into the distance before ending. This hall was bordered on both sides by cubicles. The ceiling arched upward cathedral fashion into the dirt roof of the pit. Soiled green linen-like drapes, adorning the hall, often eerily rubbed against me like unseen cobwebs concealed in shadows. Down the long, semi-narrow corridor, I could see several large foul beings quietly sitting upon a platform where a podium resided. From my vantage point this cathedral walkway appeared shaped like a sideways ‘T’ with the podium’s stage marking the apexes’ intersection.
At the central apex, the hall branched out of sight towards the back wall, while the other leg stretched straight onward before me. Inside these halls, were sporadic groups of shadowy creatures walking, huddled together, shoulderto-shoulder, and steadily plodding past us. Each cluster glumly passed, vacantly starring blindly ahead, never noticing we were there. Separate groups would enter various cubes to my left, which were pressed tightly against the back wall, and then vanished from view. These gaggles were arriving from the apex up ahead, turning either right or left, while the large, foul beings watched these processions mutely plod on from the podium area. Then, I spied that purplish-aqua-blue entity prowling in the dim gloom. As soon as I saw it, I thought I could hear words faintly whispering through the stark ominous silence of this great hallway saying, “The way is broad, enter here, enter there; it matters not where. Enter here or enter there; it matters not how. Follow me here, follow me there, it matters not where; just follow me here.” The center apex of the hall drew closer. The grisly host before me stopped, turned, grinned, and motioned for me to enter between cubes to our right, back toward the road. As we proceeded, its loud gnarly voice broke the hushed silence of this shadowy hall, saying, “Some enter here and are moved to where boxes grow. Others enter there through spinning tubes where boxes wait. It matters not how, as long as they keep entering this Grand Palace!” We began descending morphing stairs till reaching the bottom row. A labyrinth of right and left turns soon greeted our strides. Abruptly, we emerged from between two cubes back onto the spiraling roadway.
Walking between these was like a foretaste of things to come and prepared my senses to comprehend what lay ahead. Standing a few feet from me, this beastly host creature leered at me, as it stood stone-like on the wide, dusty road. Its foul-smelling breath was distorting its face. It seemed as if it had many eyes moving in a kaleidoscope of scathing eyeballs. Leering. Staring. Scathing. Glaring.
Walking along on the fifth story of cubes was a new nightmare. Seeing those termed as ‘nice’ confined here had shaken me. However, with each passing scene the ‘nice’ were in reality quite different than first perceived. Many diverse desires corrupted their lives. Some desires seemed noble and good. Other desires were just plain bad. No matter, they all corrupted. That uniquely arrogant, condescending, asserting-your-rights-nomatter- the-cost attitude brought many here. This desire unknowingly deceived and defiled scores of victims. Many used this as an excuse to slay those they viewed as weak, according to their own twisted opinions. When encountering any person perceived as a potential threat, or not meeting their preconceived standards, they sought to slay careers, marriages, hopes, and dreams of anyone they saw as not fit.
This attitude was carried over at home, at play, and everywhere they went. If you failed to live up to their predetermined standards, you were marked as prey to be taught a lesson, or targeted for abuse. It comes in many forms, from gossiping slander to creating scapegoats; all in order to rule others’ lives like a king or queen, and then hope to be perceived by others as something great for their own ego’s reward. Cube after cube were passed by. There, inside a cubicle, a man from 1890 who gave to the poor only to be seen by others, so he could be exalted as being something great. He went about claiming how vast his giving was, just to earn accolades from the masses. He was a true hypocrite claiming other wealthy persons should pay their fair share, because he paid a mere pittance from his immense net worth.
He neglected those he employed, paid them low wages, and only through his corporation’s profits did he give to the poor. Now he was encapsulated in a cube as a beggar begging for bread while a crowd of people passed him by, spitting on him as they went. Across form this cell was another man from days gone by, who was wedged inside a barrel that was jammed inside a narrow cave. This man was stingy with the things given during life. He was being deprived of the things he once horded. Creatures chained to the floor of his habitat would place certain items before his face that would aid his escape. He could not reach these because his arms were immobile, stuck tight by his sides, unable to move.
Then we passed a woman, washing clothes upon a rock in a muddy stream wearing the garments of Africa. Despite being pious and performing nice deeds, she was caught up in pride and greed. She envied her neighbor’s goods, complained a lot, and spoke badly about a young woman she did not really know because she thought she looked more beautiful than her. She perceived her as weak and in need of a lesson that only she could teach. How dare this one try to take her place in the community! She would put a stop to that, and nip it in the bud! She never really knew this other woman, but that did not matter. She perceived her a threat to her status and continually slandered the woman’s excellent character. The other woman turned the other cheek after each libelous attack. This was viewed as weakness. She was like a cat toying with a wounded mouse. She told herself that she was just trying to teach that woman a lesson, but in truth it was only a grudge justified to slay: to remove one more beautiful than she.
Down by the stream stood a creature imitating the beautiful woman that she reviled without cause, telling her the things she once reasoned true but now found a lie. She became the mouse. The creature, like a cat, began to play. We moved on, leaving this scene. What one sows is what one reaps. People inhabiting this fifth row of cubes were all mixed together. This row did not class people together with common anguishes or punishments. In fact, no level really did. However, the sixth row reeked of something different waiting above. You could not help but feel an ominous sensation radiating down onto you. The sixth row was reserved for certain types of people, and we were on our way there.
Walking behind the ambling lizard-like being, I came to another square cell on the fifth row high, where resided a cruel woman who had died in the 1950’s, full of malice, being beaten with a hairbrush as she used to do to her children. She used to speak vilely to her children, and then used a hairbrush to bring home some arbitrary, meaningless point. She also tormented her husband in many diverse ways. What she once did to others was now happening to her. It was easy to clearly see why these cruel people were here. Feeling waves of apprehension, the others along these passageways still troubled me because they appeared nicer than the cruel people were, and yet they were here. One minute, I felt I understood why they all were here in this place, and in another, I was not so sure. It was like something following me was causing uncertainty. As I felt this, I tried to remember the montage of words spoken to me from above hoping they would provide aid again. The host creature interrupted my attempt for relief by yelling furiously, “Come on – come on, hurry up! Curse God, curse me – how can this be? How can a Most High leave all the nice people in boxes? Crying? Hurting? Come on Curse God – curse me. How can a Most High let this be?”
This foul beast motioned to move on. I followed this creature along the maze of narrow halls between cubes. It seemed like we were heading toward the far back wall. The further we went back, the passageways became wider and the triangular rooms more numerous. We came to another open area with a limited view of the ominous sixth row high. Sitting along the edges of what would be the roofs of the cubes located on the fifth row sat several creepy, shadowy creatures of varied sizes. Many looked like gargoyles without wings. Others looked harmless, beautifully sublime. All emanated devious vibes. As the creatures saw me passing below them, they began to discourse amongst themselves. “How can the Most High leave people bound in famine?” “Yeah, and tied to earthly plights beyond compare?” “Don’t forget leaving these to war.” “Yeah, floods that perish, storms that steal, how can a most high leave these be?” “Oh, that must be mercy? HA! HA!” “Aye, and then brought here to be with us?” “Fair? Just? Ha! Merciful? HA!” “You, walking there, are foolhardy to think that mercy the Most High has.” “Come on, come on, and hurry up down there! Curse you, curse me you little foul fleet-footed twit!” “Ha! Ha! Ha! You foolish, foul, fleet-footed fool! God creates calamities and we reap the rewards! Fair, Ha!! Mercy! Don’t make me laugh.” Their mocking was intense. Fear began to return with each battering I received from their words. All I could do was what I had been doing, speaking two words fast, like the staccato from a machine gun, “Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ!” and walk the gauntlet of hate-filled creatures following the host into the unknown. I wanted to answer them but I dared not stop speaking those two words. I wanted to curse them back, yell, to tell them to go away, but I could not. Their cruel taunting words kept hammering away at me. It was as though they could perceive my thoughts but not my mind and I thought back hard: “How could these beings say such matters? There were no children here, nor any disabled by fault of reason. These creatures’ many devices cause wars. As for the earth, it lives and breathes as designed. To be caught in one of its spasms seems more by chance than folly. One must be ready for eternity’s call at any moment, is what I see. “Yes, God knows all. He gave us intelligence to reason. Could we learn or be granted insight into where a calamity may next befall either by technology, divine insight, or a combination of both? Is this what was meant by man subduing the earth? “We build the buildings that collapse, not God, and yet He receives all the blame. Fair? No! And then, how dare they call me a foul, fleetfooted fool?”
I wanted to yell this out loud and curse all these creatures, but I felt oddly restrained to keep my mouth to myself and to continue walking, following that host creature shuffling along in front of me. I could hear many deep, raspy voices echoing in the halls. “You Fool! You bleak-eyed twit! How dare you think?” “Ha! Ha! Ha!” “No answers and never find any.” “Ha! Ha! Ha!” I was becoming incensed with rage at these beings because of the doubt they sow. Then the peaceful and powerful thoughts from above returned, challenging the taunts, and strengthening my wavering mind with quiet resolve with these words: “True, the earth is designed to move and breathe according to need. When a spasm arises, redemption is in the design. God chose us to choose Him, but will we? “When that tower fell so long ago, at Siloam, the question was not in who made it fall, or why it fell, or if those afflicted were more guilty than the rest, but rather raised the question of what type of redemption really redeems? “Yes, many read into events, accidents, diseases, earth calamities, and assign blame and cause. That is easy to do. However, does this type of redemption truly redeem? “Hmmm, when calamity strikes, where would you be found? Aiding the helpless? Comforting the afflicted? Doing nothing? Join in the looting? Host an argument to find blame? What truly redeems? “Yes, God chose us to choose Him, but will we? God squeezes and fashions light by generating darkness; from this, God refines harmony’s balance by initiating calamity. When calamity arises, redemption is in the design. Aiding fingers need many hands.” A brief silence filled the cavernous halls at the cessation of these words. The authoritative thoughts caused more muffled mocking to slowly intensify again. Soon, contemptuous scoffing resonated loudly in the gloomy passageways, each voice agonizing over the subject amongst themselves.
Then, the reptilian host suddenly stopped, turned and growled, “Enough, enough, hear no more. Up we go, follow me, the sixth row high boxes wait; come, follow me, half the kingdom offered thee. Come, follow me – up we go.” I did not want to go. The sixth row high from the road reeked of doom. The walls of a nearby cell morphed into narrow stairs. The creature went up. I traversed the ascent to the sixth row with great trepidation. Upon reaching this height the venue changed. The residences on this level still retained the ten-by-ten feet dimension, but these were set differently than the other rows previously seen. The walkway between these were wider and the triangle-shaped chambers larger. The ceiling was the same ugly dirt as the spiral road and roofs of the fifth-row cubicles were the floors here. The flooring was no longer a transparent smoky tan color as seen before, below, but now had an ashen-gray, burning-ember tinge. The cubes bordering the road area spread back in a fan shape just like on the other rows, but this extension ended a great distance from where the wide road was located. You could tell that the cubes packed tight, and fan like, led toward the spiral road. The other cubes placed in ranks governed the direction to the pit’s far wall. This was the only area where I had some sense of direction. Also on this level were many individual cubes set apart from the rest. The short saurian ogre was cursing everything. Its foul breath reeked stale and hot in the viscose air. However, this was not air, as we know it, nor was the act of breathing the same as how we humans breathe. In fact, breathing was more like exhaling in a manner that only served to support speech as long as you spoke, and nothing else.
This diabolical escort began speaking: “Each step we take is a take indeed on we go and on we go. Half the kingdom offered thee.” Looking behind me, the creature stopped speaking and stood stone still, pointing. I quickly turned. There in the near distance was that purplish entity, its faces rotating round and round, each full of seductive beauty and profound malice. I heard it speak. “Will thou follow me?” I said nothing in reply except the words “Jesus Christ,” non-stop. “A Most High Author of all? How can He be truly just and perfect and allow the things you have seen?” It was hypnotic, the words it spoke: “An offer given – will thou follow me? Curse God, come, follow me.” My head felt dizzy. Doubts flooded my mind about God and all His mercy and perfect justice. The reptilian host creature stood grinning from ear to ear. I continued to mutter a name and a title louder: “Jesus Christ, JESUS CHRIST!” At the loud mention of this Name and Title that strange purplish being beguilingly vanished between the cubes as though seeking pity for having received a great wound to its smugness.
Immediately, as though nothing had happened, the rank host began hobbling in the direction where the spiral road lay below. The walkways between the cubes became narrow again. I could feel the purplish creature’s presence receding in the murkiness, yet it remained lurking in the distance for another chance to devour. About this time I had the paradoxical sense that we were approaching the bottom of a bottomless pit, but in reality we were somewhere on the sixth row, six cubes high, located somewhere along a spiral road in a land best forgotten but not left unseen. The lizard guide continued onward, pointing to this cube and that. I cannot adequately express the misery I saw inside these square cells. Some people were mutilated; others sat in darkness or flames. In one, I saw a man, a warrior of Mongolia from long ago, experiencing terrible thirst while tied to the ground with what appeared to be insects crawling on his personage, each bug taunting him all the while: “You put me here, now a tasty taste of your own fun!”
I turned and looked into the cubicle opposite his, and there was another man experiencing a battery of unkind words that continually assailed his mind. He was an abuser during his mortal sojourn on earth. He beat his family quite often with words and at times with fists. He derived great pleasure from this, as it made him feel good and in control. He told his sons and daughters, “You are scum; you’ll never amount to nothing! Do as I say boy (with an upraised hand). Woman – what did you do with my pants! How dare you – you witch.” These words were now coming back to haunt him. He sat on a brown sofa in a room with algae green curtains that were opened, exposing a sliding glass door. He sat with the sun to his back, drinking what appeared to be a glass of beer, but in fact it was nothing at all except a prop. There he was, while invisible voices assailed his mind. He remained seated with an all-consuming anger in his eyes, listening to the words he once spoke over and over again, but now each word was returning to him. During my stay in this place, I always heard the cubes click at certain times. Each timed tick would be followed by a click, and the cubes would move and ever so slowly began descending to new levels located somewhere below.
As the cubes moved, torments increased, and the scenes inside the cells changed for those trapped inside. On the sixth row high, when the cubes moved we also moved, just as we did on the proceeding levels below. Here on this row, it felt as though I was approaching the bottom of a bottomless pit, yet I was still six cubes high, off the road that lay somewhere out of sight. I witnessed a nightmare of events as we traveled along these passageways. Every person that I saw inside his or her cube was living in his or her own private night terror. Each person’s worst nightmare had become a reality. The most violent and cruel received various forms of mutilations, while others were experiencing mental torments which they had personally devised for others in their time on earth. As the cubes moved, torments increased by degrees. There was such despair, hopelessness, and extreme loneliness here. The weeping was like one long, droning sound. Isolation was the common factor for all, and separation from God was very pronounced. I noticed that so many of these people had simply accepted their fate, while others cursed God, cursed the creatures that appeared to them as companions, and cursed themselves. I saw men and women trapped in cubes that reeked of despairing gloom and deep darkness. Some appeared to be in houses that were decorated like the ones they once lived in. Still there were others bound, unable to move, while buglike creatures crawled in and out of their mouths. The people were shouting, “No! This can’t be happening! I want to wake up!”
Another cube passed, and inside were several creatures strapping a man clad in ancient Roman garb to a cross and driving short spikes into his wrists and near the ankles. He was once a soldier, a leader of men of battles fought long ago. He had ordered many to be crucified along a road. Here he was now, as he had once done; now it was done to him over and over again, feeling all the pain fresh and new each time. Over there I saw a woman who had claimed to be a real witch in the 1890’s. She was trapped inside a coffin. She would scratch the inside trying to get out, and still could see herself on the outside looking in while shadowy figures stood outside mocking her. It had been her worst nightmare during her earthly life. She had dreamed this often, but now it was real. She was cruel toward those who tried to love her, and here it was being repaid in kind. Her cube clicked and moved, and we moved along with it. The scene changed. The coffin opened. She sat straight up, screaming hateinspired terror at everything that moved. Every lost soul in this place was experiencing degrees of severe isolation, loneliness, gloom, boredom, and despair. It was as if these people became totally resigned to his or her fate. It was though the anguishes seen here were being given back in full measure, to each according to every unkind word spoken, every slanderous lie told, all filthy thoughts relished, all covetousness practiced, every hidden dirty passion that had been enjoyed; every foul deed’s motives were completely exposed, totally without excuse.
There seemed to be a whispering ambiance in the air that sounded like a gentle wind rustling leaves in the twilight of a summer evening, and was speaking something like this to all the inhabitants: “You, in here, chose to walk away from the only way, even though many times you were called to restrain and return; you refused. Look at what you made of your life, and what you did. How can you remain and continue to defile the holy way provided? “One with an intellect and reason has responsibilities, and to force you to change now is impossible. Why? Could it be because your intellect and reason would continually pervert the change, renewing detestation toward God if consequences do not last? “Just because you were given the gift of a living mind granted latitude to reason with intelligence, you, here, find fault with judgment? What was given as a gift, life, cannot be taken back once sealed by eternity’s ways. If so, what was done before would remain and a gift would no longer be a gift as originally consigned. “How can the Most High change your reason here, from this, if you failed to heed then? To change your intellect and reason now would make you like a lowly beast, or a slave, who serves out of fear and hates those above due to perceived resentments. How do you think that one before was found to have iniquity in his heart, and what this means?
“If you were allowed to be free from these torments, after serving some time here, in a thousand years you would return to your ways knowing you would just be punished, serve a little time, and be free again. No justice in that. “You, here and there, say blast me off into an eternal nothingness! To do so would be against the nature provided by the Most High. He cannot curse His own being that cannot help but breathe life. “There are many who desire this type of destruction, but life cannot beget death of the kind that breeds eternal nothingness. However, it is not impossible to do this, but again that would be against the nature of all things consigned. What does it matter when the matter was decided to be a matter of fact? “You, in here, perverted life’s free gifts, and changed it all just to suit personal cravings and desire. You kept the wrong life, live. You neglected family, fostered envy, slew people with your words, sought to be king of the hill, thought you knew what was best, brought others low deemed as unfit. You, in here, made life ugly where you were assigned by all manner of means to rationalize your selfish gratifications.
“You, there, rejected the chance to escape this fate and gleefully accepted the free ride that falsely promised to turn stones to bread, turn every perceived want and desire into some form of power that was perceived as just a “benefit”, and promised that you were exempt from all the calamities you created during your mortal sojourn. “You challenge by saying that if God truly was allpowerful and merciful, He could change those down here with the wave of His hand. How can one really change your mind now if you would not freely listen then? You would learn to view this as a spanking, just temporary punishment, to make you behave for a while, but then you would return to your own vomiting reason every few thousand years. Corruption would only beget more corruption unless restrained, confined, here.”
This quiet ambiance’s gentle rustlings stirred many inside their cubes to curse God, themselves, the creatures; but it also caused them to understand and accept their fate, while awaiting a future judgment’s final verdict’s decree, and then…?
submitted by commentsurfer to EscapingPrisonPlanet [link] [comments]