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2024.05.18 21:58 sinomaltanews "Supermarket massiv propost fuq San Ġwann ODZ

"Supermarket massiv propost fuq San Ġwann ODZ
PA mgħarrqa b’oġġezzjonijiet għal pjanta ta’ 7,000 metru kwadru biswit San Mikiel
Aġġornata fis-1.20pm bil-kummenti tal-PM
L-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar bħalissa qed tikkunsidra applikazzjoni għal supermarket ġdid enormi fuq art ODZ f’San Ġwann, biswit skola privata.
Il-proposta hi li jinbena supermarket b’żewġ sulari b’parkeġġ taħt l-art fuq sit ta’ 7,000 metru kwadru fi Triq tal-Balal u Triq tal-Prepostu, f’żona ta’ San Ġwann magħrufa bħala Ta’ Ġnien Tut.
Is-sit jinsab ftit aktar minn 250 metru minn supermarket ieħor, filwaqt li għadha qed tiġi pproċessata applikazzjoni għal supermarket u ħanut DIY f’sit direttament fuq it-triq.
Il-PA ġiet mgħarrqa b’oġġezzjonijiet għall-iżvilupp propost, partikolarment minħabba li s-sit inkwistjoni huwa art agrikola barra miż-żona tal-iżvilupp u jinsab qrib skola, Fondazzjoni San Mikiel għall-Edukazzjoni.
Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela qal lil Times of Malta li jemmen li l-proposta hija “non-starter” peress li tmur kontra l-viżjoni usa’ tal-gvern Laburista.
Is-Sindku ta’ San Ġwann Trevor Fenech qal is-Sibt li kellu l-intenzjoni li jressaq oġġezzjoni għall-proposta.
L-applikant qed jipproponi li jitwaqqa’ strutturi eżistenti, inklużi strutturi illegali mibnija fuq il-post, u jiżviluppa s-sit f’supermarket b’parkeġġ fil-kantina, ħwienet fil-livelli tal-pjan terran u tal-ewwel sular u uffiċċji relatati.
Skont il-formola tal-applikazzjoni pubblika mressqa mill-periti JG Periti, Jason Pace huwa l-uniku sid tas-sit inkwistjoni.
Madankollu, il-websajt tal-PA telenka lill-iżviluppatur bħala Meleney Gauci.
It-teħid ta’ art agrikola ODZ, aħseb u ara art li tkun fuq l-għatba ta’ skola u żona ekoloġika protetta, żgur mhix meħtieġa jew leġittima.
L-erja totali tas-sit hija ta’ madwar 12,000 metru kwadru.
Iż-żona proposta għall-proġett tmiss ukoll ma’ Wied Għomor u Wied il-Kbir, żoni protetti ta’ importanza ekoloġika u siti ta’ importanza xjentifika.
Dawk li joġġezzjonaw jinsistu li l-applikazzjoni tmur kontra l-politika rurali tal-PA u l-għanijiet tal-Pjan Strateġiku għall-Ambjent u l-Iżvilupp, li jillimita l-użu tal-art għal użi li mhumiex meħtieġa jew leġittimi fiż-żoni rurali.
“San Ġwann diġà għandu bosta supermarkets u t-teħid ta’ art agrikola ODZ, aħseb u ara art li tkun fuq l-għatba ta’ skola u żona ekoloġika protetta, ċertament mhix meħtieġa jew leġittima,” kitbu l-oġġezzjonaturi fir-rappreżentazzjoni tagħhom ippreżentata ma’ il-PA.
San Mikiel huwa dar għal kważi 500 tifel u tifla u aktar minn 100 edukatur. F’oġġezzjoni, l-assistent kap anzjan tal-iskola, Carina Gerada Sinnott, qalet li, bħala parti mill-edukazzjoni kontinwa tagħhom u permezz ta’ inizjattivi bħall-EkoSkola, it-tfal huma mgħallma jirrispettaw u jieħdu ħsieb l-ambjent u jipproteġuh għall-ġenerazzjonijiet futuri.
“Din l-applikazzjoni tgħaddi minn dan is-sens ta’ responsabbiltà biex tipproteġi l-pajsaġġ naturali li dejjem qed jonqos li jgawdi minnu pajjiżna. Jipprova jagħti prijorità lill-bini ta’ supermarket fuq is-saħħa u l-benessri tat-tfal tagħna u l-protezzjoni tal-ambjent naturali limitat tagħna,” kitbet.
Oġġezzjonanti nnutaw li hemm applikazzjoni pendenti għall-iżvilupp ta’ supermarket u ħanut DIY f’sit direttament faċċata tas-sit, b’parkeġġ taħt l-art.
Din l-applikazzjoni tressqet minn Joe Cassar f’isem JDG Holdings Ltd.
L-Awtorità tal-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi kienet oġġezzjonat għal dan l-iżvilupp propost, li, qalet, qajjem tħassib ambjentali sinifikanti u kien meqjus oġġezzjonabbli mil-lat ambjentali.
“L-ERA hija mħassba wkoll dwar it-tixrid, il-proliferazzjoni u l-intensifikazzjoni ulterjuri ta’ interventi ta’ tip urban f’żona ODZ u l-formalizzazzjoni ulterjuri tas-sit, peress li dan jista’ jservi inopportunament bħala predispożizzjoni għal proposti oħra simili fi ħdan iż-żona kif ukoll fuq fuq skala nazzjonali,” qal.
Pace huwa involut ukoll f’żewġ offerti oħra biex jinbnew supermarkets fuq art ODZ. Wieħed jinsab fuq 5,500 metru kwadru ta’ art ‘il barra mill-bypass ta’ Birkirkara u ieħor fi Triq Il-Kummerċ, Triq Is-Snajja u l-bypass tal-Imrieħel.
Sindku: PM jappoġġjani fi proġett oppost
Is-Sindku ta’ San Ġwann Trevor Fenech qal is-Sibt li se jkun qed iressaq oġġezzjoni għall-proġett.
“Din l-applikazzjoni qatt ma kellha tiġi ppreżentata,” qal hekk kif wiegħed li jopponi l-proġett.
Fenech qal li kien tkellem mal-Prim Ministru Robert Abela dwar il-proġett, u qal li huwa ottimist peress li Abela ""kien ċar dwaru u l-Partit Laburista jappoġġaw il-kawża tagħna.""
Abela kkonferma dan, u qal lil Times of Malta li ma jridx li l-proġett imur ‘il quddiem u li l-Partit Laburista se jkun qed jappoġġja lill-kunsill biex joġġezzjona għalih.

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Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
"SanĠwann ODZ 擬建大型超市
巴勒斯坦權力機構對聖邁克爾教堂旁 7,000 平方米的計劃提出了強烈反對
下午 1.20 更新了 PM 的評論
規劃當局目前正在考慮申請在 San Ġwann ODZ 土地上新建一家大型超市,毗鄰一所私立學校。
該提案是在 Triq tal-Balal 和 Triq tal-Prepostu 的一塊 7,000 平方米的場地上建造一座帶有地下停車場的兩層超市,該場地位於 San Ġwann 的 Ta’Ġnien Tut 地區。
San Ġwann 市長 Trevor Fenech 週六表示,他打算對該提案提出反對。
根據建築師 JG Periti 提交的公開申請表,傑森佩斯 (Jason Pace) 是該場地的唯一所有者。
然而,PA 網站將開發商列為 Meleney Gauci。
該計畫擬議的區域也毗鄰 Wied Għomor 和 Wied il-Kbir,這兩個保護區具有重要的生態意義和重要的科學意義。
反對者在向他們提交的陳述中寫道:「SanĠwann 已經擁有眾多超市,佔用農業 ODZ 土地,更不用說學校門口和生態保護區的土地,肯定是沒有必要或合法的。」公共廣播電台。
聖邁克爾是近 500 名兒童和 100 多名教育工作者的家。學校高級助理校長卡琳娜·杰拉達·辛諾特(Carina Gerada Sinnott) 表示反對,她表示,作為持續教育的一部分,透過EkoSkola 等舉措,孩子們被教導要尊重和愛護環境,並為子孫後代保護環境。
反對者指出,有一項正在申請中,要求在該地點正對面的地點開發一家超市和一家 DIY 商店,並設有地下停車場。
該申請由 Joe Cassar 代表 JDG Holdings Ltd 提交。
「ERA 也擔心 ODZ 區域內城市類型乾預措施的進一步蔓延、擴散和強化以及該地點的進一步正規化,因為這可能不合時宜地成為該地區內以及全國範圍內,」它說。
佩斯還參與了另外兩項在 ODZ 土地上建造超市的投標。其中一處位於 Birkirkara 繞道旁,佔地 5,500 平方米,另一處位於 Triq Il-Kummerċ、Triq Is-Snajja 和 Mrieħel 繞道上。
San Ġwann 市長 Trevor Fenech 週六表示,他將對該項目提出反對意見。

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"Massive supermarket proposed on San Ġwann ODZ
PA inundated with objections to 7,000 square metre plans next to St Michael's
Updated 1.20pm with PM's comments
The Planning Authority is currently considering an application for a massive new supermarket on ODZ land in San Ġwann, adjacent to a private school.
The proposal is to build a two-storey supermarket with underground parking on a 7,000- square-metre site on Triq tal-Balal and Triq tal-Prepostu, in an area of San Ġwann known as Ta’ Ġnien Tut.
The site is just over 250 metres from another supermarket, while an application for a supermarket and a DIY store on a site directly across the road is still being processed.
The PA has been inundated with objections to the proposed development, particularly because the site in question is agricultural land outside the development zone and is close to a school, St Michael Foundation for Education.
Prime Minister Robert Abela told Times of Malta that he believes the proposal is a ""non-starter"" as it goes against the Labour government's broader vision.
San Ġwann Mayor Trevor Fenech said on Saturday that he intended to file an objection to the proposal.
The applicant is proposing to demolish existing structures, including illegal structures built on site, and develop the site in a supermarket with basement parking, stores at the ground and first floor levels and related offices.
According to the public application form submitted by architects JG Periti, Jason Pace is the sole owner of the site in question.
However, the PA website lists the developer as being Meleney Gauci.
The take-up of agricultural ODZ land, let alone land that is on the doorstep of a school and a protected ecological area, is certainly not necessary or legitimate
The total area of the site is around 12,000 square metres.
The area proposed for the project also abuts Wied Għomor and Wied il-Kbir, protected areas of ecological importance and sites of scientific importance.
Objectors insist that the application runs contrary to the PA’s rural policy and objectives of the Strategic Plan for Environment and Development, which limits land take-up for uses which are not necessary or legitimate in rural areas.
“San Ġwann already has numerous supermarkets and the take-up of agricultural ODZ land, let alone land that is on the doorstep of a school and a protected ecological area, is certainly not necessary or legitimate,” the objectors wrote in their representation filed with the PA.
St Michael is home to almost 500 children and over 100 educators. In an objection, the school’s senior assistant head, Carina Gerada Sinnott, said that, as part of their ongoing education and through initiatives like EkoSkola, the children are taught to respect and care for the environment and to protect it for future generations.
“This application runs roughshod over this sense of responsibility to protect the increasingly diminishing natural landscape that our country enjoys. It attempts to prioritise the construction of a supermarket over the health and well-being of our children and the protection of our limited natural environment,” she wrote.
Objectors noted that there is a pending application for the development of a supermarket and a DIY store on a site directly opposite the site, with underground parking.
This application was filed by Joe Cassar on behalf of JDG Holdings Ltd.
The Environment and Resources Authority had objected to this proposed development, which, it said, raised significant environmental concerns and was considered objectionable from an environmental point of view.
“The ERA is also concerned about the further sprawl, proliferation and intensification of urban type interventions within an area ODZ and the further formalisation of the site, since this may inopportunely serve as a predisposition for other similar proposals within the area as well as on a national scale,” it said.
Pace is also involved in another two bids to build supermarkets on ODZ land. One is on 5,500 square metres of land off the Birkirkara bypass and another on Triq Il-Kummerċ, Triq Is-Snajja and the Mrieħel bypass.
Mayor: PM backs me in opposing project
San Ġwann Mayor Trevor Fenech said on Saturday that he would be filing an objection to the project.
""This application should never have been filed,"" he said as he pledged to oppose the project.
Fenech said he had spoken to Prime Minister Robert Abela about the project, and said he was optimistic as Abela ""was clear about him and the Labour Party backing our cause.""
Abela confirmed that, telling Times of Malta that he did not want the project to go ahead and that the Labour Party would be backing the council in objecting to it.

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"सैन इवान ओडीज़ेड पर विशाल सुपरमार्केट प्रस्तावित
पीए में सेंट माइकल के बगल में 7,000 वर्ग मीटर की योजना पर आपत्तियों की बाढ़ आ गई
पीएम की टिप्पणियों के साथ दोपहर 1.20 बजे अपडेट किया गया
योजना प्राधिकरण वर्तमान में एक निजी स्कूल के निकट, सैन इवान में ओडीजेड भूमि पर एक विशाल नए सुपरमार्केट के लिए एक आवेदन पर विचार कर रहा है।
यह प्रस्ताव सैन इवान के ता' इनियन टुट नामक क्षेत्र में त्रिक ताल-बलाल और त्रिक ताल-प्रीपोस्टु पर 7,000 वर्ग मीटर की साइट पर भूमिगत पार्किंग के साथ दो मंजिला सुपरमार्केट बनाने का है।
यह साइट दूसरे सुपरमार्केट से केवल 250 मीटर की दूरी पर है, जबकि सड़क के ठीक सामने एक साइट पर एक सुपरमार्केट और एक DIY स्टोर के लिए आवेदन अभी भी संसाधित किया जा रहा है।
पीए में प्रस्तावित विकास पर आपत्तियों की बाढ़ आ गई है, खासकर इसलिए क्योंकि विचाराधीन स्थल विकास क्षेत्र के बाहर कृषि भूमि है और एक स्कूल, सेंट माइकल फाउंडेशन फॉर एजुकेशन के करीब है।
प्रधान मंत्री रॉबर्ट अबेला ने टाइम्स ऑफ माल्टा को बताया कि उनका मानना ​​है कि यह प्रस्ताव ""नॉन-स्टार्टर"" है क्योंकि यह लेबर सरकार के व्यापक दृष्टिकोण के खिलाफ है।
सैन इवान के मेयर ट्रेवर फेनेच ने शनिवार को कहा कि उनका इरादा प्रस्ताव पर आपत्ति दर्ज कराने का है।
आवेदक साइट पर बनी अवैध संरचनाओं सहित मौजूदा संरचनाओं को ध्वस्त करने और बेसमेंट पार्किंग, भूतल और पहली मंजिल के स्तर पर स्टोर और संबंधित कार्यालयों के साथ एक सुपरमार्केट में साइट विकसित करने का प्रस्ताव कर रहा है।
आर्किटेक्ट जेजी पेरिटी द्वारा प्रस्तुत सार्वजनिक आवेदन पत्र के अनुसार, जेसन पेस विचाराधीन साइट का एकमात्र मालिक है।
हालाँकि, पीए वेबसाइट डेवलपर को मेलेनी गौसी के रूप में सूचीबद्ध करती है।
कृषि ओडीजेड भूमि का अधिग्रहण, स्कूल और संरक्षित पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्र के दरवाजे पर मौजूद भूमि को छोड़ दें, निश्चित रूप से आवश्यक या वैध नहीं है
साइट का कुल क्षेत्रफल लगभग 12,000 वर्ग मीटर है।
परियोजना के लिए प्रस्तावित क्षेत्र विद गोमोर और विद इल-कबीर, पारिस्थितिक महत्व के संरक्षित क्षेत्रों और वैज्ञानिक महत्व के स्थलों से भी सटा हुआ है।
आपत्तिकर्ता इस बात पर जोर देते हैं कि आवेदन पीए की ग्रामीण नीति और पर्यावरण और विकास के लिए रणनीतिक योजना के उद्देश्यों के विपरीत चलता है, जो ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में उन उपयोगों के लिए भूमि अधिग्रहण को सीमित करता है जो आवश्यक या वैध नहीं हैं।
आपत्तिकर्ताओं ने अपने अभ्यावेदन में लिखा, ""सैन इवान में पहले से ही कई सुपरमार्केट हैं और कृषि ओडीजेड भूमि का अधिग्रहण, एक स्कूल और एक संरक्षित पारिस्थितिक क्षेत्र के दरवाजे पर मौजूद भूमि को छोड़ दें, निश्चित रूप से आवश्यक या वैध नहीं है।"" पा।
सेंट माइकल लगभग 500 बच्चों और 100 से अधिक शिक्षकों का घर है। एक आपत्ति में, स्कूल की वरिष्ठ सहायक प्रमुख, कैरिना गेराडा सिनोट ने कहा कि, उनकी चल रही शिक्षा के हिस्से के रूप में और एकोस्कोला जैसी पहल के माध्यम से, बच्चों को पर्यावरण का सम्मान और देखभाल करना और भविष्य की पीढ़ियों के लिए इसकी रक्षा करना सिखाया जाता है।
“यह एप्लिकेशन हमारे देश में तेजी से घटते प्राकृतिक परिदृश्य की रक्षा करने की ज़िम्मेदारी की इस भावना का खंडन करता है। यह हमारे बच्चों के स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण और हमारे सीमित प्राकृतिक पर्यावरण की सुरक्षा पर एक सुपरमार्केट के निर्माण को प्राथमिकता देने का प्रयास करता है, ”उसने लिखा।
आपत्तिकर्ताओं ने कहा कि भूमिगत पार्किंग के साथ साइट के ठीक सामने एक साइट पर एक सुपरमार्केट और एक DIY स्टोर के विकास के लिए एक आवेदन लंबित है।
यह आवेदन जेडीजी होल्डिंग्स लिमिटेड की ओर से जो कैसर द्वारा दायर किया गया था।
पर्यावरण और संसाधन प्राधिकरण ने इस प्रस्तावित विकास पर आपत्ति जताई थी, जिसमें कहा गया था कि इसने महत्वपूर्ण पर्यावरणीय चिंताओं को उठाया था और इसे पर्यावरण के दृष्टिकोण से आपत्तिजनक माना गया था।
""ईआरए एक क्षेत्र ओडीजेड के भीतर शहरी प्रकार के हस्तक्षेपों के आगे फैलाव, प्रसार और गहनता और साइट के आगे औपचारिकीकरण के बारे में भी चिंतित है, क्योंकि यह क्षेत्र के साथ-साथ अन्य समान प्रस्तावों के लिए अनुचित रूप से एक पूर्वाग्रह के रूप में काम कर सकता है। राष्ट्रीय स्तर, “यह कहा।
पेस ओडीजेड भूमि पर सुपरमार्केट बनाने के लिए अन्य दो बोलियों में भी शामिल है। एक बिरकिर्करा बाईपास के पास 5,500 वर्ग मीटर भूमि पर है और दूसरा ट्रिक इल-कुम्मेर, ट्रिक इस-स्नज्जा और मिरीसेल बाईपास पर है।
मेयर: प्रोजेक्ट के विरोध में पीएम ने मेरा समर्थन किया
सैन इवान के मेयर ट्रेवर फेनेच ने शनिवार को कहा कि वह इस परियोजना पर आपत्ति दर्ज कराएंगे।
उन्होंने परियोजना का विरोध करने की प्रतिज्ञा करते हुए कहा, ""यह आवेदन कभी भी दायर नहीं किया जाना चाहिए था।""
फेनेच ने कहा कि उन्होंने परियोजना के बारे में प्रधान मंत्री रॉबर्ट अबेला से बात की थी, और कहा कि वह आशावादी थे क्योंकि अबेला ""उनके और लेबर पार्टी के हमारे मुद्दे का समर्थन करने के बारे में स्पष्ट थे।""
अबेला ने टाइम्स ऑफ माल्टा को बताते हुए इसकी पुष्टि की कि वह नहीं चाहते थे कि परियोजना आगे बढ़े और लेबर पार्टी इस पर आपत्ति जताने में परिषद का समर्थन करेगी।

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अस्वीकरण: यह साइट केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए है और इसे कानूनी [स्वास्थ्य, कर, पेशा] सलाह नहीं माना जाना चाहिए। हम इस ब्लॉग के उपयोग से होने वाले किसी भी नुकसान, क्षति या देनदारियों के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं हैं। इस ब्लॉग का उद्देश्य पेशेवर चिकित्सा सलाह को प्रतिस्थापित करना नहीं है। इस ब्लॉग में व्यक्त विचार मेज़बान या प्रबंधन के नहीं हो सकते हैं।
"Proponen un gran supermercado en San Ġwann ODZ
Autoridad Palestina inundada de objeciones a los planes de 7.000 metros cuadrados junto a St Michael's
Actualizado a las 13.20 con los comentarios del PM.
Actualmente, la Autoridad de Planificación está considerando una solicitud para un nuevo supermercado enorme en un terreno de ODZ en San Ġwann, al lado de una escuela privada.
La propuesta consiste en construir un supermercado de dos plantas con aparcamiento subterráneo en un terreno de 7.000 metros cuadrados en Triq tal-Balal y Triq tal-Prepostu, en una zona de San Ġwann conocida como Ta’ Ġnien Tut.
El solar se encuentra a poco más de 250 metros de otro supermercado, mientras que todavía se está tramitando una solicitud para un supermercado y una tienda de bricolaje en un solar justo enfrente.
La Autoridad Palestina se ha visto inundada de objeciones al desarrollo propuesto, particularmente porque el sitio en cuestión es un terreno agrícola fuera de la zona de desarrollo y está cerca de una escuela, la Fundación para la Educación St Michael.
El primer ministro Robert Abela dijo al Times of Malta que cree que la propuesta ""no tiene sentido"", ya que va en contra de la visión más amplia del gobierno laborista.
El alcalde de San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, dijo el sábado que tenía intención de presentar una objeción a la propuesta.
El solicitante propone demoler las estructuras existentes, incluidas las estructuras ilegales construidas en el lugar, y desarrollar el sitio en un supermercado con estacionamiento en el sótano, tiendas en los niveles de la planta baja y del primer piso y oficinas relacionadas.
Según el formulario de solicitud pública presentado por los arquitectos JG Periti, Jason Pace es el único propietario del sitio en cuestión.
Sin embargo, el sitio web de PA enumera al desarrollador como Meleney Gauci.
La ocupación de tierras agrícolas de ODZ, y mucho menos de tierras que se encuentran a las puertas de una escuela y de un área ecológica protegida, ciertamente no es necesaria ni legítima.
La superficie total del sitio es de unos 12.000 metros cuadrados.
El área propuesta para el proyecto también linda con Wied Għomor y Wied il-Kbir, áreas protegidas de importancia ecológica y sitios de importancia científica.
Los objetores insisten en que la aplicación va en contra de la política rural de la AP y los objetivos del Plan Estratégico para el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo, que limita la ocupación de tierras para usos que no son necesarios o legítimos en las zonas rurales.
""San Ġwann ya cuenta con numerosos supermercados y la ocupación de tierras agrícolas de ODZ, y mucho menos de tierras que se encuentran a las puertas de una escuela y de un área ecológica protegida, no es ciertamente necesaria ni legítima"", escribieron los objetores en su reclamación presentada ante el PA.
St Michael es el hogar de casi 500 niños y más de 100 educadores. En una objeción, la subdirectora principal de la escuela, Carina Gerada Sinnott, dijo que, como parte de su educación continua y a través de iniciativas como EkoSkola, a los niños se les enseña a respetar y cuidar el medio ambiente y a protegerlo para las generaciones futuras.
“Esta solicitud pasa por alto este sentido de responsabilidad de proteger el paisaje natural cada vez más disminuido del que disfruta nuestro país. Intenta priorizar la construcción de un supermercado por encima de la salud y el bienestar de nuestros niños y la protección de nuestro limitado entorno natural”, escribió.
Los objetores señalaron que hay una solicitud pendiente para el desarrollo de un supermercado y una tienda de bricolaje en un terreno justo enfrente del sitio, con estacionamiento subterráneo.
Esta solicitud fue presentada por Joe Cassar en nombre de JDG Holdings Ltd.
La Autoridad de Medio Ambiente y Recursos se había opuesto a esta propuesta de desarrollo, que, según dijo, planteaba importantes preocupaciones ambientales y se consideraba objetable desde un punto de vista ambiental.
“La ERA también está preocupada por la mayor expansión, proliferación e intensificación de las intervenciones de tipo urbano dentro de un área ODZ y la mayor formalización del sitio, ya que esto puede servir inoportunamente como una predisposición para otras propuestas similares dentro del área, así como a nivel mundial. escala nacional”, afirmó.
Pace también participa en otras dos ofertas para construir supermercados en terrenos de ODZ. Uno está en un terreno de 5.500 metros cuadrados frente a la circunvalación de Birkirkara y otro en Triq Il-Kummerċ, Triq Is-Snajja y la circunvalación de Mrieħel.
Alcalde: PM me respalda en proyecto opuesto
El alcalde de San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, dijo el sábado que presentaría una objeción al proyecto.
""Esta solicitud nunca debería haberse presentado"", dijo mientras se comprometía a oponerse al proyecto.
Fenech dijo que había hablado con el primer ministro Robert Abela sobre el proyecto y dijo que era optimista porque Abela ""fue claro acerca de que él y el Partido Laborista respaldarían nuestra causa"".
Abela lo confirmó y le dijo al Times of Malta que no quería que el proyecto siguiera adelante y que el Partido Laborista respaldaría al consejo para oponerse al mismo.

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"Un immense supermarché proposé sur San Ġwann ODZ
L'AP inondée d'objections aux projets de 7 000 mètres carrés à côté de St Michael's
Mis à jour à 13h20 avec les commentaires du PM
L'autorité de planification examine actuellement une demande pour un nouveau supermarché de grande envergure sur le terrain de l'ODZ à San Ġwann, à côté d'une école privée.
Le projet consiste à construire un supermarché à deux étages avec un parking souterrain sur un terrain de 7 000 mètres carrés à Triq tal-Balal et Triq tal-Prepostu, dans une zone de San Ġwann connue sous le nom de Ta' Ġnien Tut.
Le terrain se trouve à un peu plus de 250 mètres d'un autre supermarché, tandis qu'une demande d'ouverture d'un supermarché et d'un magasin de bricolage sur un terrain situé juste en face est toujours en cours de traitement.
L'AP a été inondée d'objections au projet de développement proposé, notamment parce que le site en question est un terrain agricole en dehors de la zone de développement et est proche d'une école, la St Michael Foundation for Education.
Le Premier ministre Robert Abela a déclaré au Times of Malta qu'il estime que la proposition est « un échec » car elle va à l'encontre de la vision plus large du gouvernement travailliste.
Le maire de San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, a déclaré samedi qu'il avait l'intention de déposer une objection à la proposition.
Le demandeur propose de démolir les structures existantes, y compris les structures illégales construites sur place, et d'aménager le site en un supermarché avec un parking en sous-sol, des magasins au rez-de-chaussée et au premier étage et des bureaux connexes.
Selon le formulaire de candidature publique soumis par les architectes JG Periti, Jason Pace est l'unique propriétaire du site en question.
Cependant, le site Web de l'AP indique que le développeur est Meleney Gauci.
L’appropriation des terres agricoles de l’ODZ, sans parler des terres situées aux portes d’une école et d’une zone écologique protégée, n’est certainement ni nécessaire ni légitime.
La superficie totale du site est d'environ 12 000 mètres carrés.
La zone proposée pour le projet jouxte également Wied Għomor et Wied il-Kbir, des zones protégées d'importance écologique et des sites d'importance scientifique.
Les opposants insistent sur le fait que la demande va à l’encontre de la politique rurale de l’Autorité palestinienne et des objectifs du Plan stratégique pour l’environnement et le développement, qui limite l’occupation des terres à des usages qui ne sont pas nécessaires ou légitimes dans les zones rurales.
""San Ġwann compte déjà de nombreux supermarchés et l'appropriation des terres agricoles de l'ODZ, sans parler des terres situées aux portes d'une école et d'une zone écologique protégée, n'est certainement ni nécessaire ni légitime"", ont écrit les opposants dans leur réclamation déposée auprès de l'AP.
St Michael abrite près de 500 enfants et plus de 100 éducateurs. Dans une objection, la directrice adjointe principale de l'école, Carina Gerada Sinnott, a déclaré que, dans le cadre de leur éducation continue et grâce à des initiatives comme EkoSkola, les enfants apprennent à respecter et à prendre soin de l'environnement et à le protéger pour les générations futures.
« Cette candidature bafoue ce sens des responsabilités dans la protection du paysage naturel de plus en plus menacé dont bénéficie notre pays. Il tente de donner la priorité à la construction d’un supermarché plutôt qu’à la santé et au bien-être de nos enfants et à la protection de notre environnement naturel limité », a-t-elle écrit.
Les opposants notent qu'une demande est en cours pour l'aménagement d'un supermarché et d'un magasin de bricolage sur un terrain situé juste en face du site, avec un parking souterrain.
Cette demande a été déposée par Joe Cassar au nom de JDG Holdings Ltd.
L'Autorité de l'environnement et des ressources s'était opposée à ce projet de développement, qui, selon elle, soulevait d'importantes préoccupations environnementales et était considéré comme répréhensible d'un point de vue environnemental.
« L'ERA est également préoccupée par la poursuite de l'étalement, la prolifération et l'intensification des interventions de type urbain au sein d'une zone ODZ et par la poursuite de la formalisation du site, car cela pourrait inopportunement servir de prédisposition à d'autres propositions similaires dans la zone ainsi que sur un à l’échelle nationale », a-t-il déclaré.
Pace est également impliqué dans deux autres appels d'offres pour construire des supermarchés sur les terrains de l'ODZ. L'un se trouve sur un terrain de 5 500 mètres carrés au large du contournement de Birkirkara et un autre sur Triq Il-Kummerċ, Triq Is-Snajja et le contournement de Mrieħel.
Maire: le PM me soutient dans mon opposition au projet
Le maire de San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, a déclaré samedi qu'il déposerait une objection au projet.
""Cette demande n'aurait jamais dû être déposée"", a-t-il déclaré en s'engageant à s'opposer au projet.
Fenech a déclaré qu'il avait parlé du projet au Premier ministre Robert Abela et s'est dit optimiste car Abela ""a été clair sur le fait que lui et le Parti travailliste soutenaient notre cause"".
Abela a confirmé cela, déclarant au Times of Malta qu'il ne voulait pas que le projet se poursuive et que le Parti travailliste soutiendrait le conseil en s'y opposant.

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"Riesiger Supermarkt im San Ġwann ODZ geplant
PA wird mit Einwänden gegen 7.000-Quadratmeter-Pläne neben St. Michael's überschwemmt
Aktualisiert um 13:20 Uhr mit Kommentaren der PM
Die Planungsbehörde prüft derzeit einen Antrag für einen riesigen neuen Supermarkt auf dem ODZ-Gelände in San Ġwann, angrenzend an eine Privatschule.
Der Vorschlag sieht den Bau eines zweistöckigen Supermarkts mit Tiefgarage auf einem 7.000 Quadratmeter großen Grundstück in Triq tal-Balal und Triq tal-Prepostu in einem als Ta’ Ġnien Tut bekannten Viertel von San Ġwann vor.
Das Grundstück liegt etwas mehr als 250 Meter von einem weiteren Supermarkt entfernt, während ein Antrag für einen Supermarkt und einen Baumarkt auf einem Grundstück direkt gegenüber noch in Bearbeitung ist.
Die PA wurde mit Einwänden gegen die geplante Entwicklung überschwemmt, insbesondere weil es sich bei dem betreffenden Gelände um landwirtschaftliche Flächen außerhalb der Entwicklungszone handelt und in der Nähe einer Schule, der St Michael Foundation for Education, liegt.
Premierminister Robert Abela erklärte gegenüber der Times of Malta, dass er den Vorschlag für einen „Nichtstarter“ halte, da er der umfassenderen Vision der Labour-Regierung zuwiderlaufe.
Der Bürgermeister von San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, sagte am Samstag, dass er beabsichtige, Einspruch gegen den Vorschlag einzulegen.
Der Antragsteller schlägt vor, bestehende Gebäude, einschließlich illegaler Gebäude, die auf dem Gelände errichtet wurden, abzureißen und das Gelände in einen Supermarkt mit Tiefgaragenparkplätzen, Geschäften im Erdgeschoss und im ersten Stock sowie zugehörigen Büros umzuwandeln.
Laut dem von den Architekten JG Periti eingereichten öffentlichen Bewerbungsformular ist Jason Pace der alleinige Eigentümer des betreffenden Grundstücks.
Auf der PA-Website wird der Entwickler jedoch als Meleney Gauci aufgeführt.
Die Inanspruchnahme landwirtschaftlicher ODZ-Flächen, ganz zu schweigen von Flächen, die vor der Haustür einer Schule und eines Naturschutzgebiets liegen, ist sicherlich nicht notwendig oder legitim
Die Gesamtfläche des Geländes beträgt rund 12.000 Quadratmeter.
Das für das Projekt vorgeschlagene Gebiet grenzt auch an Wied Għomor und Wied il-Kbir, Schutzgebiete von ökologischer Bedeutung und Stätten von wissenschaftlicher Bedeutung.
Die Einwände bestehen darauf, dass der Antrag im Widerspruch zur ländlichen Politik der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde und den Zielen des Strategischen Plans für Umwelt und Entwicklung steht, der die Landnutzung für Nutzungen begrenzt, die in ländlichen Gebieten nicht notwendig oder legitim sind.
„In San Ġwann gibt es bereits zahlreiche Supermärkte und die Inanspruchnahme landwirtschaftlicher ODZ-Flächen, ganz zu schweigen von Flächen, die vor der Haustür einer Schule und eines geschützten ökologischen Gebiets liegen, ist sicherlich nicht notwendig oder legitim“, schrieben die Einspruchsführer in ihrer bei eingereichten Stellungnahme die PA.
St. Michael ist die Heimat von fast 500 Kindern und über 100 Erziehern. In einem Einspruch sagte die Oberassistentin der Schule, Carina Gerada Sinnott, dass den Kindern im Rahmen ihrer laufenden Ausbildung und durch Initiativen wie EkoSkola beigebracht werde, die Umwelt zu respektieren und zu pflegen und sie für künftige Generationen zu schützen.
„Dieser Antrag missachtet dieses Verantwortungsbewusstsein für den Schutz der immer kleiner werdenden Naturlandschaft unseres Landes. Sie versucht, dem Bau eines Supermarkts Vorrang vor der Gesundheit und dem Wohlergehen unserer Kinder und dem Schutz unserer begrenzten natürlichen Umwelt einzuräumen“, schrieb sie.
Die Einspruchsgegner wiesen darauf hin, dass ein Antrag für die Errichtung eines Supermarkts und eines Baumarkts auf einem Grundstück direkt gegenüber dem Grundstück mit Tiefgarage anhängig sei.
Dieser Antrag wurde von Joe Cassar im Namen von JDG Holdings Ltd. eingereicht.
Die Umwelt- und Ressourcenbehörde hatte gegen diese vorgeschlagene Entwicklung Einspruch erhoben, die ihrer Meinung nach erhebliche Umweltbedenken aufwirft und aus Umweltgesichtspunkten als anstößig angesehen wird.
„Die ERA ist auch besorgt über die weitere Ausbreitung, Verbreitung und Intensivierung städtebaulicher Interventionen innerhalb eines ODZ-Gebiets und die weitere Formalisierung des Standorts, da dies ungünstigerweise als Prädisposition für andere ähnliche Vorschläge innerhalb des Gebiets sowie auf einer anderen Seite dienen könnte.“ nationaler Ebene“, hieß es.
Pace ist außerdem an zwei weiteren Ausschreibungen für den Bau von Supermärkten auf dem ODZ-Gelände beteiligt. Eine davon befindet sich auf einem 5.500 Quadratmeter großen Grundstück an der Umgehungsstraße von Birkirkara und eine weitere an der Umgehungsstraße Triq Il-Kummerċ, Triq Is-Snajja und Mrieħel.
Bürgermeister: Premierminister unterstützt mich bei meinem Ablehnungsprojekt
Der Bürgermeister von San Ġwann, Trevor Fenech, sagte am Samstag, dass er Einspruch gegen das Projekt einlegen werde.
„Dieser Antrag hätte niemals eingereicht werden dürfen“, sagte er und versprach, sich dem Projekt zu widersetzen.
Fenech sagte, er habe mit Premierminister Robert Abela über das Projekt gesprochen und sagte, er sei optimistisch, da Abela „klar zum Ausdruck brachte, dass er und die Labour Party unsere Sache unterstützen“.
Abela bestätigte dies und teilte der Times of Malta mit, dass er nicht wolle, dass das Projekt umgesetzt werde und dass die Labour Party den Rat bei seinem Einspruch unterstützen werde.

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2024.05.18 21:18 ApprehensiveCap6525 Earth is a Lost Colony (28)

A/N: yeah I changed up the Alliance admiral's name from Shepard Adama to Sheparda Dama (so creative i know) because the old one was going to fuck me over badly at some point. It would be like trying to make a legitimate, serious fantasy novel with a wizard named Albus Gandalf. I was NOT cooking when I came up with that shit.
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It was said that no plan ever survived contact with the enemy. That, at least in the case of Marcus Wayne’s infiltration of Neldia, was proven entirely true.
His ship, the Peacemaker, had undergone an extensive refit before its jump to Neldia to both modify its sensor signature and repair its failing Aegis barrier. The first objective succeeded. The second did not.
One day later, leaving the derelict Ultimate Vigil behind in deep space, the United Human Alliance courier ship Winged Deliverance logged a real space entry at the edge of the Neldia system. Its crew, having spent their waking hours plagued by hallucinations and enduring horrible nightmares as they slept, found this shift very welcome. The worst, though they could hardly believe it, was still yet to come.
“The Neldian fleet is mustering for war,” rumbled the man who had once held the title and security codes of an Alliance sector admiral. Now, he was a traitor to his homeland. “Security will be high.”
“No need to worry, Admiral,” said Marcus Wayne. “Your code will get us through.” It would not.
It took two hours for the Peacemaker, disguised as the Winged Deliverance, to be challenged by the Neldian Armada. “Transmit clearance code,” said an automated voice. Marcus took out a data disc with the admiral's clearance code on it.
“Hold,” said Terris. She was clad in black, her active camouflage offline to save battery, and she had been sitting at the passive sensor console for the past three hours. “Look at this.” A news broadcast popped up in front of Marcus Wayne and his officers. Sector Admiral Sheparda Dama, or at least he was once a sector admiral, had been tried and convicted of high treason.
“It was a secret trial,” Dama said, still in shock at the revelation. “I had no knowledge of this.”
“Well, that tracks, but what do we do now? What code gets us through?”
“Transmit clearance code,” the voice said again, “or adjust course.”
Dama thought for a moment. “Change course,” he said. “We’re not getting through.”
They did. A great sense of defeat took hold in the hearts of the crew. They would never reach the Neldian hypercom. Sheparda Dama, who would have gladly given his life in defense of humankind, would never get the chance to be the man who broke their chains.
The Peacemaker was halfway out of the Neldia system before Terris spoke again. “Hold it,” she said. “I have an idea.”
That was why she had been placed where she was. Clad in an airtight stealth suit. Inside a hollowed-out asteroid. On a ballistic journey to the heart of Neldian space. It was the most insane idea that Marcus Wayne had ever seen.
But, sometimes, insanity was a symptom of genius.
Terris flew past the Neldian Armada undetected. Many asteroids entered the inner system this way, flung by outer-system prospecting ships to the foundries and shipyards in Neldian orbit, and they were thrown and caught so frequently that only the most cursory of inspections was put upon each one. Terris passed the Alliance fleet entirely undetected.
Terris’ chameleon suit could mimic the sensor return of the precious metals it was buried in, at least enough to fool a probing scan, and the cuts made by Protectoral engineers had been so precise that Terris had fit inside there with barely a centimeter of space to spare. She was effectively entombed inside sixty meters of solid rock.
Interstellar espionage was not a job for the claustrophobic.
Finally, after days of waiting, the signal came. She was in range. A mental command triggered a series of shaped charges in the rock above her, if such directions existed in microgravity, and forty pea-sized explosives blasted a circular tunnel all the way to the asteroid surface. If just one of them had failed, that rock might have been her tomb.
Terris tried not to think about that as she began climbing her way out. A brief burst from her suit’s EVA thrusters was enough to start her on her way, and the tunnel out was wide enough for her to use her arms and legs to speed things up. Finally, after too long a wait, Terris saw the Neldian sun for the very first time.
There was fire in the distance. Comm chatter on every band. Warships burning hard for the outer system. The Coalition fleet was here.
She zoomed in, far more than she had ever had to before, and she could pick out the faintest flashes of blue as warships exploded in the black. A brief crawl around the asteroid, which also helped to warm up her muscles after days of inactivity, let her discern an attack force engaging the Alliance fleet. After a moment’s hesitation, weighing the risks, Terris activated her passive sensor suite to try and decrypt Alliance military chatter.
Instantly, her sensors were flooded with noise from the defensive bastions. The fleet base at the L5 point was loudest, its comm operators screaming indecipherably at fellow Alliance elements fighting in the black. Neldian orbit, where the hypercom station was, seemed to be the centerpiece of all the communications traffic. The hypercom, unsurprisingly, was being used as a relay for comm traffic all across the system. Terris made a note to hack its server banks for intelligence, and perhaps leave a timed virus or two to shut down the system after she was gone.
Her suit bleeped, alerting her that she was in optimum position to make the leap to the hypercom. She zoomed in on it, a red and spiked thing just like everything else the Alliance made, and calculated the right trajectory to land right on its metal surface.
Trying to jump from a moving asteroid out past Neldia’s rings and hit a hypercom station barely three hundred meters in diameter was like shooting a rifle from a jumbo jet in hopes of hitting a mosquito down on Earth. A nearly impossible shot, even with Coalition computers to help make the jump, and anyone lucky enough to make it would have been better served bankrupting their local casino at the slot machines.
Terris gave a command to her suit, activating a set of ion thrusters to boost her off the asteroid and adjust her course mid-flight. She’d never believed in luck.
She coasted silent and graceful past the particle guns in high orbit, like a majestic swan flying on a summer wind. Their sensor arrays were directed out, past her, to the far distant parts of space where a trillion tons of steel were locked in deadly battle. Terris really did wish she could smile at the moment. She was about to have unrestricted access to the biggest communications relay in the star system, able to send out viruses and receive vital intelligence that could cripple the Alliance fleet if placed in the right hands. Terris, confident as ever, knew they would be.
She would make the Neldian Armada burn, and they had no idea she was even coming.
She reached the hypercom station in just under a day, agonizingly slow for a woman like her, hovering just above its surface to avoid triggering pressure sensors. After that, it was simple enough to get inside. Terris found it almost trivial to bypass the airlock sensor grid and trigger the outer bulkhead to open unnoticed, its report to the command room destroyed before it ever arrived. Entering the station itself was easy after that.
Here, there was gravity. She could not hover like she had on the outside of the station. But here, there were no pressure sensors. She really had no need to hover.
The corridor she found herself in was large enough, though nothing like the expansive halls of a dreadnought, and a patrol of marines in powered suits trundled towards her obliviously. Terris had made the right call not to wear a Phantom powered suit. She ducked into an alcove, the chameleon suit concealing her from even their impressive sensor batteries, and they passed by with no clue at all.
Terris made it to the server banks with ease. Most of the hypercom’s security measures took the form of warships in orbit, clustered tightly around the planet to prevent exactly this scenario from happening, but those warships were off waging war. The station defenses were hopeless now that she was actually inside.
The data was encrypted, and she could neither access it nor copy it without potentially fatal consequences, but she wasn’t there to steal data. A brief, milliseconds-long connection to the primary server was all it took to riddle the entire system with custom-tailored computer viruses. The viruses were self-replicating, rather like an electronic version of the biological ones on Earth. They worked similarly, too, meant to latch onto outgoing communications signals and remain inert for a certain amount of time before activating and wreaking havoc across cyberspace.
Terris planned to leave the station in approximately thirty minutes. Shortly after that, the fireworks would begin. It was going to be beautiful.
She heard footsteps. A maintenance worker, no doubt. It was time for her to go. She disconnected from the server, taking pains to hide her involvement, and snuck out of the server room like a ghost in the night.
Next was the transmission array. This room was better-guarded, its door being flanked by marines, but Terris slipped inside by trailing behind an officer as he entered on some unknown pretext. After that, her daring and sleight of hand made sure Admiral Dama’s pre-recorded propaganda transmission was uploaded to the hypercom transmitter. It came with a set of instructions bearing the Admiralty’s seal, changed to be anonymous, to ensure as many people as possible heard his message.
In just under one standard hour, the United Human Alliance would be shaken to its very core. Terris had just made sure of it.
It took longer than she had expected for the door to open again and give her a chance to slip out. Terris had spent that time quite productively, downloading as many incoming and outgoing messages as she could to the internal hard drive just by her spinal cord. Even if they were encrypted, they’d be useful intelligence once Coalition codebreakers took a crack at them.
After that, it was trivial to slip past marine patrols and escape to the hull of the hypercom station. Terris found her ride, an Alliance warship by the name of Brightest Thunder, holding orbit just near the hypercom station. Admiral Dama, even if he was no longer an admiral, still had connections.
She charged her ion thrusters by tapping into the station reactor, an act which did not go unnoticed, but by then it was too late to respond. She had completed her incursion. The damage had been done. Perhaps if the Alliance acted swiftly and accurately, they could undo it, but Terris was a careful woman. She had covered her tracks well.
Waving one final goodbye to the crew of the hypercom station, Terris triggered her thrust pack and shot off into the ink.
“You must be my passenger.” A man in an Alliance captain’s uniform was waiting for her in the Brightest Thunder’s airlock. He wore a helmet and gloves, hermetically sealed to his airtight outfit, so he felt no effects from the vacuum of space. “I was sent by Sector Admiral Sheparda Dama,” he announced after a period of silence, “To transport you and whatever you may have safely to the Coalition fleet.” Nothing. Apart from the dull thudding of the ship’s railgun batteries, firing missiles at range to ward off a strike force of Coalition ships, the airlock was quiet as a ghost.
“You cannot expect me to endanger my life and the lives of my crew without at least some identification that you are who you claim to be!” Silence. Captain Senar Trevy had been standing in that airlock for three and a half hours, while his ship was tasked with screening Neldia and her eighteen billion inhabitants from harm, and he was just now wondering if he had been talking to a ghost.
“I am,” came a voice. Cold. Sterile. Inhuman. Exactly the kind Trevy expected from the secret spies of his former admiral.
“So you are.” Captain Trevy thought for a moment. He cycled the airlock. If his guest held hostile intent, one steel bulkhead would make no difference. “I’ve been stocking the crew with handpicked men and women since I received word of the operation,” he explained as they walked through the ship’s corridors. The crewmen he passed thought him insane. “I can’t vouch for them all, but the ship as a whole will obey me.” No response. Sometimes, Captain Trevy thought himself insane as well.
“This is my personal quarters,” he told the specter, stepping inside and sealing the door behind him. “I must warn you, for your own safety, it would be best not to leave it. The crew are mostly still Alliance loyalists.” He looked around, paying no heed to the decorated furniture or artificial sky, and finally shrugged and sighed. “Are you even here, still?”
Terris decloaked. She stood between him and the door, winged and cloaked in black like a demon of ancient myth. “I am.”
“You’re a black angel.” Senar Trevy, to his credit, kept his composure well. “A spy for the Ierad Republic.” He questioned her purpose here. They both knew it.
“You weren’t told?”
“I was told an alien would be coming aboard, but…” Trevy shrugged again, as if to say ‘what am I supposed to do?’ “The admiral vouched for you. That much is enough for me.” He also knew he had no choice in the matter. From what he knew about black angels, his ship had been lost the moment she boarded.
“I could have impersonated him,” said Terris, voice a perfect replica of Captain Trevy’s own. Even his own mother could not have told the difference. “And I’m trained to lie.” She was testing him, gauging his reaction to assess his personality. She was good at that.
“I could have you screened for deception,” Trevy countered, pointing up at a pearl-sized camera in the ceiling. Terris made a note that it was disabled. “And I could have had the technology officers vet your transmission.”
“I’m trained to lie well.” Terris sat down on Captain Trevy’s bed, a spartan thing compared to the sleeping quarters of most officers. There were no chairs in the room, so her options were few. She took off her helmet and tried to at least appear relaxed. In reality, she was anything but. “It comes with the job, really.”
“Fair,” Trevy chuckled, feigning calm. “I suppose the question now becomes whether or not you can trust me.”
“It’s a safe gamble.” Terris made a mental calculation. It would take her between thirty and fifty seconds to kill Captain Trevy, take the bridge, and vent the ship. That was a very safe gamble. “Besides, that’s what a peace treaty is.” Trevy looked confused. “A leap of faith. You trust your enemy to back their word, and you trust them to trust you as well. If we can’t get along here, can’t put aside our differences to work toward a common goal, then the Alliance will be right. And I hate it when they’re right.”
“I’m speaking to you now because I know they are wrong.” That came as no surprise to either of them. “You know, I was once a foreman of a labor crew in the munitions factories. The most productive unit in my sector.” That one did come as a surprise. “As a foreman, you get leeway to make certain decisions regarding the… well, I suppose they are slaves, under your command. Food intake and the like.” Captain Trevy looked pained when he brought up such memories. Terris wasn’t convinced that was how he really felt. “They use it to weed out any potential xeno sympathizers from the populace. Of course, at the time, I wasn’t so empathetic.”
“So you were a slave driver, and you beat your slaves to make them work. I hope every one of those shells was sabotaged.” Terris’ voice dripped with disdain. She had almost forgotten the Alliance captain was her enemy.
“No, I showed mercy,” Trevy defended himself. “I was generous.” This made Terris reconsider. Perhaps Senar Trevy could be an ally, if not a friend. “I won’t say I was a good man, but I wasn’t cruel. I was practical. Strong, healthy, well-treated workers are more productive than the beaten sacks of flesh in the other factories. My crew’s output was unmatched.”
“And?” Terris cocked her head inquisitively. For a high-ranking officer in the space navy of a genocidal regime, Senar Trevy really did not seem so bad. To be fair, however, she had set the bar pretty low.
“I was investigated for anti-human activity.” Terris could have predicted that. She almost did, too. “They sent me to the fleet, and my labor crew was reacquainted with the energy whips and pain beams.” There was no carrot for an Alliance labor slave. Only the stick. “Their productivity fell thirty percent in the first two weeks alone.” He sounded almost mournful as he said that. He was not lamenting the loss in productivity.
“You see,” said Trevy, “Hatred is not natural. It has to be caused, sustained, nurtured from the day a man is born until the day he dies.” With that, at least, Terris agreed. “And, as you’re about to see, a nation built around cruelty or prejudice cannot sustain itself. It will have to apply pressure to maintain its flawed status quo, like it did with me, and the pressure will build and build until it cannot build anymore.” He tapped a few buttons on the data disc in his hand. It began projecting an image of the battle for Neldia. He placed it on the bed next to Terris. “Now it’s breaking.”
“I wonder if they’ll find themselves in need of more shells.” Terris knew it wasn’t just shells. Every time a slave driver prioritized hatred over hard work, put cruelty over their quota, or even just bowed their head and obeyed the traditional dogma, they hurt the Alliance. Across nine worlds, with billions of slaves not working as they could have, things started to add up. “You know, for a superior species, your fleet is really getting its ass kicked right now. Might want to work on that.”
Captain Trevy nodded. His data disc beeped. He was needed on the bridge. “Agreed,” he said. “I hope this war ends soon, and to our mutual benefit. I’d hate to face you on the battlefield.” He picked up the data disc and turned to leave.
“Oh, forgot to mention, there’s a virus embedded in the transmissions you’ve received. Self-replicating. Nasty piece of work.” Terris shifted a bit in her seat. “Almost forgot about that.”
“Well, better to know now than when it’s activated,” Trevy smiled. “I’ll have Technology Officer Galdir investigate it.” With that, he left. His duty to the Alliance was nonexistent, but the men and women under his command still needed him. He had waited too long in the stateroom.
Terris, with nothing better to do, got to work on cracking the encryption in the transmissions she had copied. She failed. A transmission from deep in unknown space, sent from a dreadnought at the head of a task force known only as the Deep Expedition Fleet, was the only message she could read. Its contents, while troubling, mattered little at the moment. What was far more crucial, however, was the message Terris could not decipher. The military battle plan of Janus Ora’s personal armada.
The battle plan that, when analyzed on a Republic starship, would reveal its terrible secret too late.
The Coalition fleet was walking into a trap.
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submitted by ApprehensiveCap6525 to HFY [link] [comments]

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submitted by ramdytis3c to proresivesound [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:04 windkirby Animal Crossing Pocket Camp v5.6.0b Update

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp v5.6.0b Update
Howdy, messy roommates. If you felt a bit tickled-pink-to-death by April’s roseate flurry of events, this year’s May just may have the cure with a foray into the airborne, outdoorsy, and adventurous. Thanks as always to Miranda, Bassieeee, and Ray for help datamining. We’ve got our airships, our kites, and our handheld birds, so let’s get our flight gear in check and take off our Zipper constumes (please I’m begging you guys)!
Twitter preview image for May 2024 in Pocket Camp

  • Version Codes
    • v5.6.0 was 61b5c, v5.6.0b is 45822.
    • This is a client-side update that should not require downloading a new version of the app.
  • May Seasonal Event – Village-Green Lazy Day
    • It’s with great embarrassment that Pete regretfully admits why there was no Valentine’s Day this year… Some troublemaking slingshotter hit clean through his mailbag, scattering all this year’s love letters in the snow! With Wilbur and Orville taking over, Pete is taking a little spring break sabbatical from all the stress… These breezy days are perfect for daydreaming about his longtime love, Phyllis. “Do you know what she said to me the other day? ‘What are you looking at?! Wipe that dopey look off your mug!’ Oh, my heart… Her billed lips are so beautiful when they speak such harsh words!” But while Pete relaxes, there’s still work to be done! This May, we’ll be participating in Harvey’s Colorful Picnic gardening event, the Kite Flying Fishing Tourney, and the Hide-and-Seek Scavenger Hunt to collect 30 wildflower bouquets from each for a total of 90 wildflower bouquets available from events this month. The more bouquets you gather, the more outdoorsy prizes you’ll receive through the planner including handheld foxtail and wildflowers, grassy napping spots, and the grand prize, the wildflower rest spot! We’ll need to forage deep in the woods to gather all the love letters scattered months ago… and hopefully even Pete’s treasured missives to his beloved would-be missus! (Not that she would ever agree…) May’s amazing, not-so-lazy days begin with Harvey’s Colorful Picnic a little early on April 30th GMT!
  • May Terrain – Village Green
    • May’s new terrain set ushers a civic springtime atmosphere into your campsite with a verdant park square replete with striking fountains, blue flowerbeds, weirdly cubic trees, and a rustic clocktower standing watch. What’s more, this terrain’s middle ground will be given to all players—a little awkward without the foreground to complete the water path, but you can get a little creative and hide the rift with other water features or large-scale decorations. The background includes a homey albeit bustling, old-fashioned town and a blimp roving the airways while the sky adds fresh greenish, teal, and gold hues to your vista you might not often see. Your visitors might not exactly be green with envy considering everyone’s getting this terrain, but they can still park their rears to enjoy your campsite’s outdoor amenities when this terrain set of middle ground, foreground, background, and sky becomes available April 30th GMT.
Tip screen for the village green terrain; auto-designer images using the village green terrain and items from May's main three events; event preview image for Harvey's Colorful Picnic gardening event
  • May Gardening Event – Harvey’s Colorful Picnic
    • Harvey’s not sure why his beloved Harriet never responded to his thoughtful love letter a couple months ago… But he’s totally not gonna let it get him down! With the breezy, clear weather, it’s the perfect time for this free-spirited nomadic dog to have a picnic with his favorite pals… and put his aspiring photography skills to good use to document the event with a panoply of pics to post on social media. Harriet is bound to see it and know for sure that he’s not pining for her day and night! But for the picnic to work, we’ll need to plant daisy seeds to attract sandwichbees… The prospect of eating these creatures is a bit disturbing to stomach, but just think of them as lively kebabs! More importantly, sticking enough of bite-sized buzzers will earn fixings for a festive picnic including flag garlands, take-out drinks and sandwiches, and shaded picnic blankets! Completing this event in full will also yield 30 wildflower bouquets as part of May’s Village-Green Lazy Day campaign, so be sure to replant and exchange bugs with friends often! With outdoor hors-d’oeuvres and sportive knickknacks, it’s the almost-perfect respite between RV outings… Now if he could only get them to call him “Harv” like she used to… Stuff down your doggone feelings with a refreshmental health break when the groovy gardening begins April 30th GMT.
  • Rudy’s Airship Cookie
    • Maybe it’s a resemblance to a certain reindeer, but Rudy’s always taken as much pride in delivering goodies as he does in his favorite pastime of taking to the skies with inflatable aircraft… He’s not especially careful aboard these dirigibles or hot-air balloons… but if he finds himself freefalling from these feline-friendly floats (and it’s happened many times before), he always manages to land on his feet. So when he spied a love letter addressed to Harriet lost in the brush on one of his airborne outings, Rudy saw it as his civic duty to trustily tend to its safe delivery… And to make sure his noble act of inspiration inspires as many as it should, he’s taken the opportunity to hire a bountiful brigade of blimps and balloons to celebrate the letter’s airborne journey, no expenses spared! For no other particular reason, it’s a raucous, helium-fueled festival starring an airship helmed by Boomer (who has no time for such foolishness but takes his piloting task with utter seriousness), and animals have come from miles around to watch the airshow as Rudy suddenly realizes how hard it is to make out Harriet’s address from the frankly indecipherable scribbles on the envelope. And what is “Harv”? Is that even a word? With refreshments from the balloon-fest food cart, viewers watch the proceedings through their handheld opera glasses as Rudy makes his grand pronouncements over the intercom of his 5-star balloon-fest airship. “Thanks everybody for all your support in completing our big mission. We were gonna hand-deliver this letter originally, but we figure there’s a pretty good chance this ‘Harriet’ is in the crowd somewhere, so we’ve made the decision to helpfully read it out loud for her own convenience, and also to, uh, save fuel and the environment. Ahem: ‘TO MY DEAR SWEET HATTIE. YOUR PRECIOUS PINK FUR IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN THE FRESHEST MORNING PEONY. BUT THIS AIN’T NO PUPPY LOVE. YOU’VE TRIMMED THE UNTAMED HAIR OF MY HEART INTO A PERFECTLY COIFFED COAT THAT KEEPS IT WARM, AND NO OTHER GAL WILL ’DO! SORRY, I NEED TO WRAP THIS UP—THIS ANNOYING BIRD ON MY HEAD KEEPS TUGGING AT MY HEADBAND. FUREVER YOURS, HARV. PS: THIS LETTER IS FOR HARRIET’S EYES ONLY.’ Wow, well, that definitely wasn’t worth this big party... Uh, let’s go find some more lost mail to rescue, Boomer—mush, mush! Launch into the catmosphere to jubilantly help out animals in need with a spy-high view of all their business when this read-nosy cookie launches May 1st GMT!
  • Airy Picnic Outfit Collection
    • You can carry your merry little derrière a little airier with this crisp attire featuring the colors of blooming spring flowers, comfortable blue skies and ponds, and even your favorite manilla folder. And even if you live in a pollution-ravaged landfill, you can still see the striking, verdant greenery of spring through the keen lenses of the green picnic sunglasses! Make sure life’s a picnic with this cookout-ready clothing collection served hot off the grill May 5th GMT.
  • Blue-Sky Wall & Floor Collection
    • This expansive wall and floor collection might come in handy if you want to transform your cabin or RV into a well-kept city park or attempt an interior design that takes place entirely midair! We’ve had a couple sky and cloud wallpapers before but none before that featured a swarm of balloons like in that disturbing number from the Brave Little Toaster Mars movie. The vintage-style illustrations of the plentiful-picnic wall will also harken back to simpler days of rustled-up breakfasts on rustic vacations at the family cabin or on the open road. Look for these vagrant and free-floating designs when they release May 10th GMT.
  • Grasshopper Goals
    • You have much work to do, young grasshopper. But it’ll probably be pretty easy. This misleadingly named rerun of an April 2022 goals event will see the return of Animal Crossing mainstay and Pocket Camp common insect long locust to Sunburst Isle, where you can find it hopping about the tropical grass—make sure not to step on one! They only sell for 10 Bells, so you might find them to be more of a nuisance than an asset after you finish catching enough for your standard Leaf Tickets and Rudy's airship cookie. But they’re sure to hop along when this goals event concludes after May 11th – 14th GMT.
  • May Fishing Tourney - Kite Flying
    • For May’s fishing tourney, we’ll be gliding over to Saltwater Shores to catch an ironically grim assortment of monochrome fish from tourneys past. String enough of these sable sea fish together to unfurl prizes you can let sail into the wild blue yonder like colorful stacked kites and a birdy parachute toy—perfect for May’s spring breezes. Handheld pinwheel toys and even colorful wind socks make appearances as well, likely as loving references to the Gamecube days where wind socks could be spotted in May and players could carry pinwheels around as rare handheld decor. Completing this event in full will yield 30 wildflower bouquets as part of May’s monthlong Village-Green Lazy Day campaign, so be sure to set up your rod, reel and string every 3-hour rotation you can. You might get a few bites… or a few kites to catch a gale of a tale! Turn your attention upward and decorate your campsite skies with this colorful assortment of draft-ready aircraft… And while we don’t have any stormy or windy terrain still (tragedy of tragedies), you can still pair this with items from last June’s Drizzly Daydream Scavenger Hunt with its windblown grass and trees to complete the picture of a windswept, fun day. And if there’s any animals bothering you, tell ’em to go fly a kite when this winding race to the skies kicks off May 12th GMT, ending May 18th GMT.
  • Special Visitor Furniture – Pete's Petite Post Office
    • With collected letters fluttering back in, it’s not too late for Pete to roll up his sleeves and start sorting the retrieved mail in his simple post-and-beam treehouse… as long as Twiggy’s pet birds quit harassing him. With this special visitor furniture, you can install Pete’s rustic postbox in your cabin or at your campsite and listen to him regale you with lofty thoughts on the lost arts of mail and romance… You can even do some matchmaking by combining it with Pelly’s postal counter to see if Pete will be too busy mooning over Phyllis to notice the admiration of her sister down below… Clear up a mess of messages with mailman whose treetop cubby is as well-billed as its drama when this pillary, pelicanny post goes on sale May 15th GMT!
  • Twiggy's Chirpy Cookie
    • With the muddy trail of Curly gone cold, Detective Beardo has had to return to field the mountain of requests on his desk for his P.I. services, but one lonesome plea stood out from a Java sparrow by thname of Peck… “You’ve gotta help me, crunch. I finally achieved my dream of a solitary bird sanctuary all of my own. Then the next thing I know, I’m getting kicked out by Lyle with a whole series of lawsuits, and this birdbrain named Twiggy moves in! I don’t like the way she’s looking at me, Beardo! She keeps calling me her super-cute pet and won’t let me leave—she says it’s too dangerous for a bird like me. Is anybody home in that hollow noggin of hers, crunch? These wings of steel can beat up anybody! Holy moly, and the racket around here! She moved in with eighteen flocks of the loudest birds alive. I’m lucky if I get two winks of sleep! Peck’s Peaceful Paradise is a thing of the past—now it’s Twiggy’s Tweedledeelightful Chirpatorium, and she says she’s opening a new branch of Flora’s bird and breakfast retreat! When I tell her how hard I’ve worked these muscles to get here, she says that’s ‘just the way things are’ and the ‘fortune cookie powers that be’ have this stuff all hammered out! I’m not afraid to say it, Detective—I really need your help! I’m starting to think there’s something a little sexist here about who gets to have what fortune cookies, but I don’t wanna ruffle any feathers.” With a sparrow in harrowing straits, and never one to turn away from fowl play, Beardo and his trusty sidekick Merengue book the first flight out to Twiggy’s brand-new bird haven… only to find that Peck is nowhere to be seen! They check every nook in the bird-haven birdhouse, try to interview bird-lovers lounging on the redundantly named bird-haven birdy sofa… but with all the colorful bird-calling and caterwauling going on around them, they can scarcely hear any potential leads! They meet with Twiggy at the 5-star bird-haven tree, but it leads to more chicanery than answers… “ISN’T THIS PLACE THE TOTAL BEST? IT WAS SUCH A SNOOZEFEST BEFORE I GOT HERE, AND NOW IT’S, LIKE, A CHIRPY CHOIR CACOPHONY DELIVERED STRAIGHT IN MY EARDRUMS! WHAT’S THAT? WHERE? PECK? UH—I GUESS ON THE CHEEK, BUT ARE YOU SERIOUS? I JUST MET YOU! TALK ABOUT CHEAPERS CREEPERS! OH, YOU MEAN THAT HIGHTAILED HOTTIE WHO WAS HERE A COUPLE MONTHS AGO? I HAVE, LIKE, NO CLUE WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM, BUT I CALLED DIBS, SO IF YOU SEE HIM, HANDS OFF!” There’s no trace of Peck to be seen, but just then, that’s when Beardo and Merengue spot it—a handheld java sparrow perching on Twiggy’s forewing! This seems a dark coincidence… Did Peck make a brave avian escape, or did this burly boy-chick meet a perilous fate as a pet?! Beardo and Merengue keep watch on every bird and bird-watcher in this pet-filled paradise, but mum’s the bird among the patrons and no one’s making a peep… Just a cuckoo commotion that they can’t help consider would drown out a Java sparrow’s cry for help… Try to reach the bottom of a cheep trick of bye-bye birdie when this birdcagey cookie makes some noise May 17th GMT!​
Tip screens for Twiggy's chirpy cookie, the Bright Bird Outfit Collection, and the Birdy Wall & Floor Collection
  • Bright Bird Outfit Collection
    • May’s second clothing collection works as a companion to Twiggy’s fortune cookie. It’s bright, it’s birdiful, and it’s very LOUD with bird-emblem tunics and long cardigans in, ahem, very strong colors that will certainly make a statement flapping in your viewer’s face. We reached out to Robin for her thoughts on this collection’s bird bags… “So undignified. I can’t imagine people would be too pleased if I started wearing plastic people bouncing around my derriere, carrying my loose change, hm?” Being a crazy cat lady is so 8 months ago… Become a crazy bird lady (or a crazy bird lord!) when this collection flits in on May 18th GMT.​
  • Birdy Wall & Floor Collection
    • This set of ravin’-avian designs will set the heart aflutter of anyone who has birds on the brain… (for anyone else… they’re not bad). You can capture the visages of birds forever in the bird-photo wall or cavalierly set them free with the bird-window wall. If you enjoyed last June’s lily pond wall but feel like it was just a little too beautiful, the park-pond wall here will do you nicely. Get a little cocky with these bold patterns for your cabin or camper when this flock of refurbishments alights May 18th GMT.
  • Threadfin Trevally Goals
    • This oddly timed rerun of a November 2021 goals event will see the return of the threadfin trevally to Saltwater Shores in the form of tiny-size shadows (size 1 of 6). They sell for 400 Bells each at base price and are uncommon-tier when gifted to animal campers, so not a bad catch, but if your interest in this wispy fellow is dangling by a thread, or a fin, you can still nab some Leaf Tickets and an Rudy’s airship cookie for your trouble during this limited-time event from May 19th through 22nd GMT.
  • May Scavenger Hunt – Hide-and-Seek
    • For May’s scavenger hunt, we’ll be searching the very best hiding places around the various recreation spots to spy hide-and-seek gyroidites. And watch out for their extra foliage as camouflage… even their bushes might be hiding behind bushes! Ferret out enough of these stealthy sneaks to earn prizes for a recess-ridden recreational park, crammed with nooks where animals can hide for classic games of hide and seek… some of them more effective than others. (I’m looking at you, Al.) Judging by the Happy Homeroom classes, the most likely Leaf Ticket items are the hide-and-seek slide and jungle gym, and then either the hide-and-seek lightpost, pipes, or drinking fountain—just some speculation, though. Completing this event in full will yield the final 30 wildflower bouquets to complete May’s monthlong Village-Green Lazy Day campaign, so be sure to keep the hunt on even past sundown (and check out the quarry and your campsite animals too!) to finish off the month in sneaky style! This outdoor décor makes for a calmingly mellow ode to nostalgic days from childhood (and from Animal Crossing: City Folk and New Leaf!) that will make finding your campers for your daily chats more ~~frustrating~~ I mean fun than ever! Hunt for gyroidite and animals when this oxenfree-for-all begins May 20th GMT (ending the 30th GMT)!
  • Curlos and Pals
    • While there isn’t technically much datamined here, this update did add an animal batch under the name of “Curlos and Pals” to the date of May 25th GMT. It seems this will be after the next update as map assets haven’t actually been added yet for this batch, but we do know that “Gwen and Pals’ Island” will be joining Curlos’s island, likely as part of this batch. With only 8 animals left— Benjamin, Biff, Curlos, Gwen, Sydney, Velma, Freckles and Mott—it seems likely this means they will be finished releasing all the animals at the end of this month, but as of now, this is unconfirmed.
  • Happy Homeroom
    • This update included the typical 3 classes each for Harvey’s Colorful Picnic gardening event, Rudy’s airship cookie, the Kite Flying Fishing Tourney, Twiggy’s chirpy cookie, and the Hide-and-Seek Scavenger Hunt, as well as 8 classes each for new normal Courses 53 and 54.

And that’s all of May’s merriments! Our fellow dataminer Koopavocelot has also spotted a noteworthy notice that may be coming this month but no info yet on its contents… Hopefully it’s not some sort of end-of-times apocalyptic alert with the last of the villagers likely coming out this month. Er… right? As for June, we’ll probably get the Twitter preview in only a week’s time. June is often themed around seasonal rain or weddings as they’re what the month is known for in Japan, and given that we just had a windy-themed event this month, I’d expect more of the latter matrimania for next month’s events. But who knows? We might get some of both in a dewy bridal shower! (Or maybe something completely different.) I’ll aim to have that datamine posted for you fine folks when the update drops ASAP. Until then, thanks for reading, and remember, even if a bird is super-hunkalicious, that doesn’t make it okay to keep him as a pet!
submitted by windkirby to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:56 Bright_Imagination90 The next election in South Africa presents a serious obstacle for the ruling ANC.

The next election in South Africa presents a serious obstacle for the ruling ANC.
The public’s tolerance for the ruling African National Congress (ANC), which has ruled since the end of apartheid thirty years ago, will be put to the test in South Africa’s May 29 election. Polls indicate that President Cyril Ramaphosa and his party may lose more than 50% of the national vote for the first time as they struggle to hold onto their parliamentary majority.Even with the predicted drop in support, the ANC is still predicted to win the majority of the vote. To keep in power and guarantee Ramaphosa’s second term as president, it will, however, need to build a coalition in the absence of an absolute majority. With the recent municipal coalition government failures, this change may bring new challenges.A political expert at Tshwane University of Technology, Dr. Levy Ndou, warned against the volatility that coalition governments may bring. “Coalitions in various metros have shown that they often lack principle, which could lead to further instability in South Africa,” Ndou said to the Associated Press.Residents of South Africa choose members of the National Assembly rather than their president directly. The head of state is then chosen by the dominant party in the 400-member assembly. This election is a big change from previous ones since the ANC might have to create an alliance with other parties to get the 201 votes needed to reelect Ramaphosa and form a government.Voting in embassies and foreign missions by South Africans living abroad begins on the Friday and Saturday before the election. Both the national and provincial legislatures will be constituted by the main election, which will take place in all nine provinces. South Africa’s seventh fully democratic general election since apartheid ended has about 27 million registered voters out of the nation’s 62 million residents.Participating in this election are a record 70 political parties and a large number of independent candidates. With the aim of challenging the ANC’s supremacy, the centrist Democratic Alliance (DA), the main opposition to the ANC, has teamed up with minor parties. Polls do show, though, that the opposition is still a long way from ousting the ANC.The third-biggest party is the far-left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), headed by Julius Malema. The EFF, for all its radicalism, has not greatly expanded its support since the previous election, when it won 10% of the vote against the ANC’s 62% and the DA’s 20%.With 80% of its people being black, the country has 12 official languages and a diverse population that is starting to mirror an equally diverse political environment. Especially the new party, uMkhonto weSizwe, headed by former President Jacob Zuma, has drawn attention. Zuma left the ANC because of his savage rivalry with Ramaphosa, his successor.High unemployment and poverty rates are major causes of voter dissatisfaction; the World Bank reports that over half of the population lives in poverty and that 32% of people are unemployed, the highest rates worldwide. Further aggravating popular dissatisfaction has been the ANC’s inability to provide basic services, pervasive corruption, high crime rates, and the state-owned electricity provider’s problems, which have resulted in frequent blackouts.The economy and public spirits have suffered greatly, even if there had been fewer blackouts before the election. The ANC is up against its biggest task to date as South Africans get ready to vote: negotiating a convoluted political landscape while attending to the country’s urgent needs.
submitted by Bright_Imagination90 to AfricaBuzz [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:20 hotballs Des Moines Metro Public Bodies Meetings/Agendas for week of May 20th - May 24th, 2024

Dallas Center
Dallas County
De Soto
Des Moines
Pleasant Hill
Polk City
Polk County
Van Meter
Warren County
West Des Moines
Windsor Heights
submitted by hotballs to desmoines [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:03 Soggy_Poet2049 sassuolo - bologna

sassuolo - bologna
Sassuolo Heimspiel
Sassuolo, die stolze Fußballmannschaft aus der gleichnamigen Stadt in der italienischen Region Emilia-Romagna, steht vor einem aufregenden Heimspiel. Die grün-schwarzen Kicker haben eine lange Tradition und sind bekannt für ihr leidenschaftliches Spiel auf dem Rasen.
Das Heimspiel ist für Sassuolo immer ein besonderer Moment. Die Fans strömen in Scharen ins Mapei Stadium, um ihre Mannschaft anzufeuern und sie zum Sieg zu tragen. Die Atmosphäre im Stadion ist elektrisierend, wenn die Spieler den Rasen betreten und das Spiel beginnt.
Die Gegner wissen, dass ein Spiel gegen Sassuolo im eigenen Stadion eine Herausforderung ist. Die Mannschaft ist bekannt für ihre technisch versierten Spieler und ihren Teamgeist. Jeder Spieler kämpft für den anderen und für den Sieg des Teams.
Das Heimspiel bietet auch die Möglichkeit für die Spieler, sich vor ihren eigenen Fans zu beweisen und ihr Können zu zeigen. Die Unterstützung der Fans gibt den Spielern zusätzliche Motivation und stärkt ihren Willen, das Beste zu geben.
Für die Stadt Sassuolo ist das Heimspiel ein wichtiges Ereignis. Es bringt Menschen aus der ganzen Region zusammen und stärkt den Zusammenhalt in der Gemeinschaft. Die Lokalwirtschaft profitiert ebenfalls von den Spieltagen, da die Fans Restaurants, Bars und Geschäfte besuchen.
Insgesamt ist das Heimspiel für Sassuolo ein Höhepunkt der Saison, der sowohl für die Spieler als auch für die Fans unvergessliche Momente bietet. Es ist eine Gelegenheit, die stolze Tradition des Vereins zu feiern und gemeinsam für den Erfolg zu kämpfen.
Bologna Auswärtsspiel
Titel: Tipps für ein unvergessliches Bologna-Auswärtsspiel
Ein Auswärtsspiel in Bologna ist eine aufregende Gelegenheit, um die spannende Welt des Fußballs zu erleben und gleichzeitig eine der faszinierendsten Städte Italiens zu erkunden. Bologna, die Hauptstadt der Emilia-Romagna-Region, ist reich an Geschichte, Kultur und kulinarischen Genüssen. Doch bevor Sie sich ins Vergnügen stürzen, sollten Sie einige Tipps beachten, um das Beste aus Ihrem Ausflug herauszuholen.
Zunächst einmal ist es ratsam, Ihre Tickets im Voraus zu buchen, besonders wenn es sich um ein wichtiges Spiel handelt. Die Stadien können schnell ausverkauft sein, und Sie möchten sicherstellen, dass Sie einen Platz bekommen, um die Action live zu erleben.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Tipp ist, frühzeitig zum Stadion zu kommen. Dies gibt Ihnen genügend Zeit, um die Atmosphäre aufzusaugen, sich mit anderen Fans auszutauschen und sich auf das Spiel einzustimmen.
Vergessen Sie nicht, sich entsprechend zu kleiden und Ihre Teamfarben stolz zu tragen. Es ist auch ratsam, nur das Nötigste mitzunehmen, da die Sicherheitskontrollen am Stadion oft streng sind.
Während des Spiels sollten Sie sich voll und ganz darauf konzentrieren, die Unterstützung Ihres Teams zu genießen und die Spannung auf dem Spielfeld zu erleben. Vergessen Sie nicht, auch die lokalen Spezialitäten zu probieren, die in den Stadionkiosken angeboten werden.
Nach dem Spiel können Sie die Stadt Bologna erkunden und ihre Sehenswürdigkeiten wie die Piazza Maggiore, die Due Torri und die Basilika Santo Stefano besichtigen. Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, die berühmte Bologneser Küche zu probieren, insbesondere die köstliche Pasta Bolognese.
Ein Auswärtsspiel in Bologna verspricht nicht nur Fußballaction, sondern auch kulturelle Erlebnisse und gastronomische Höhepunkte. Mit diesen Tipps wird Ihr Ausflug sicherlich unvergesslich.
Serie A Fußballmatch
Titel: Ein Blick auf ein aufregendes Serie A Fußballmatch
Die Serie A ist bekannt für ihre mitreißenden Fußballmatches, die Millionen von Fans auf der ganzen Welt fesseln. Jedes Spiel ist ein Ereignis voller Spannung und Emotionen, das die Zuschauer in seinen Bann zieht. Von den packenden Derbys zwischen den traditionellen Rivalen bis hin zu den entscheidenden Begegnungen am Saisonende bietet die Serie A stets unvergessliche Momente.
Ein Serie A Fußballmatch ist mehr als nur ein sportliches Ereignis - es ist ein Spektakel, das die Leidenschaft der Spieler und Fans gleichermaßen widerspiegelt. Die Stadien sind mit enthusiastischen Anhängern gefüllt, die ihre Mannschaften leidenschaftlich unterstützen und für eine elektrisierende Atmosphäre sorgen.
Die Spieler auf dem Platz geben stets ihr Bestes, um ihren Teams zum Sieg zu verhelfen. Mit ihrer technischen Brillanz, taktischen Raffinesse und kämpferischen Einstellung liefern sie beeindruckende Leistungen, die die Herzen der Zuschauer höherschlagen lassen.
Die Taktik ist ein entscheidender Faktor in einem Serie A Fußballmatch. Die Trainer setzen auf kluge Strategien, um ihre Gegner zu überlisten und die Oberhand zu gewinnen. Jedes Team hat seine eigenen Stärken und Schwächen, und es ist faszinierend zu beobachten, wie sie sich auf dem Platz entfalten.
Am Ende eines spannenden Serie A Fußballmatches gibt es nur einen Sieger, der jubelnd die Arme in die Luft streckt, während der Verlierer den Kopf gesenkt und voller Entschlossenheit für das nächste Spiel trainiert. Doch unabhängig vom Ergebnis bleibt die Faszination für dieses wunderbare Spiel bestehen, das uns immer wieder in seinen Bann zieht.
Italienische Liga Begegnung
Titel: Ein Überblick über eine Begegnung in der italienischen Liga
In der italienischen Liga, auch bekannt als Serie A, treffen regelmäßig einige der weltbesten Fußballmannschaften aufeinander. Diese Begegnungen sind nicht nur für Fans in Italien von großer Bedeutung, sondern ziehen auch Fußballliebhaber aus der ganzen Welt an. Eine typische Begegnung in der italienischen Liga bietet nicht nur spannende Momente auf dem Platz, sondern ist auch von einer reichen Geschichte und Tradition geprägt.
Vor dem Spiel herrscht oft eine elektrisierende Atmosphäre im Stadion, wenn die Fans ihre Mannschaften enthusiastisch unterstützen. Die Rivalität zwischen den Teams und die Leidenschaft der Fans tragen dazu bei, dass jede Begegnung zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis wird. Die Spieler betreten den Rasen mit dem Ziel, ihr Bestes zu geben und ihren Verein zum Sieg zu führen.
Während des Spiels zeigen die Teams ihr taktisches Geschick und kämpfen hart um jeden Ball. Die Dynamik des Spiels kann sich schnell ändern, da sowohl offensive als auch defensive Strategien zum Einsatz kommen. Die Spieler kämpfen verbissen um Tore und verteidigen gleichzeitig ihr Tor mit aller Kraft.
Eine Begegnung in der italienischen Liga ist auch eine Gelegenheit, einige der talentiertesten Fußballspieler der Welt in Aktion zu sehen. Von aufstrebenden Talenten bis hin zu etablierten Stars gibt es in der Serie A eine Fülle von Spielern, die ihr Können unter Beweis stellen.
Am Ende einer solchen Begegnung können die Emotionen hochkochen, egal ob das Ergebnis positiv oder negativ ausfällt. Die Fans feiern einen Sieg ausgelassen oder trösten sich gegenseitig über eine Niederlage hinweg. Doch unabhängig vom Ergebnis bleibt eine Begegnung in der italienischen Liga ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis für alle Beteiligten.
Spielanalyse und Vorhersage
Spielanalyse und Vorhersage sind wichtige Aspekte im Bereich des Sports, insbesondere im Fußball. Durch eine gründliche Analyse vergangener Spiele können Teams und Trainer wertvolle Einblicke gewinnen, die ihnen dabei helfen, zukünftige Leistungen zu verbessern und erfolgreiche Strategien zu entwickeln.
Die Spielanalyse umfasst verschiedene Elemente, darunter die Bewertung der Leistung einzelner Spieler, taktische Entscheidungen während des Spiels und die Effektivität bestimmter Spielzüge. Durch die Nutzung moderner Technologien wie Videoanalysen und Datenvisualisierung können Trainer und Analysten detaillierte Einblicke in das Spielgeschehen erhalten und Muster sowie Trends identifizieren.
Basierend auf diesen Analysen können dann Vorhersagen über zukünftige Spiele getroffen werden. Dabei werden Faktoren wie die Form der Mannschaften, Verletzungen von Schlüsselspielern, taktische Ausrichtungen und historische Leistungen berücksichtigt. Diese Vorhersagen sind jedoch nie vollständig sicher, da der Sport auch von unvorhersehbaren Faktoren wie Wetterbedingungen oder individuellen Spielerleistungen beeinflusst werden kann.
Dennoch sind Spielanalyse und Vorhersage wichtige Instrumente für Trainer, Spieler und Fans, um das Spiel besser zu verstehen und sich auf kommende Herausforderungen vorzubereiten. Indem sie die Stärken und Schwächen ihres eigenen Teams sowie der Gegner analysieren, können sie ihre Chancen auf Erfolg maximieren und ihre Leistung kontinuierlich verbessern. In einer Welt, in der der Wettbewerb im Sport immer intensiver wird, sind fundierte Analysen und präzise Vorhersagen oft der Schlüssel zum Sieg.
submitted by Soggy_Poet2049 to u/Soggy_Poet2049 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:21 Globaltronx 🌟 Enter the Realm of Crestfallen: A Medieval Fantasy Survival Epic Created by a Neuroscientist & Devoted Gamer! ⚔️🛡️

Good marrow and greetings people of the Realm! My name is Curtis Ashford and I am a game developer, father of 3 (soon to be 4), and Neuroscientist that publishes in Alzheimer's disease research. My background is in making cognitive tests that are used in medical research with a focus on reliability, precision, and accuracy of assessing brain function over time. I have been gaming my whole life, almost 40 years and my early favorites include Sierra's Kings Quest, The Prince of Persia, and Duke Nukem.
A Player Built Throne Room by: Patty Brown (great work!)
Player Built Tavern!! by: Sir Vibes the Positive, created last night!
Snap-able Castle Walls - Lots of Building Pieces by: Player Unknown
I am a huge fan of the early Diablo franchise 1 and 2, World of Warcraft, and survival games like Rust. I try to play almost every title I can get my hands on! Base building in survival games has a special place in my heart and I love the gathering of resources and making something that is functional and I can be proud of. That is what I am trying to capture with my game Crestfallen.
The Graveyard NOOB Starting Area is a Bloodbath, created by Bloodbath Studios :)
Blending my Alzheimer's research with game dev, cool Quest Item! - The Skull of Eternal Dementia... Terrifying
But what is Crestfallen?
Crestfallen: Medieval Survival is a place to be whatever you want; Role-play out medieval fantasies, explore the creations of our imagination, and have fun while playing alongside others in an ever evolving universe. I think multiplayer interactivity is such an amazing part of gaming, building and fighting others makes the game feel very special.
Want to try it out for free? Download the demo on steam here - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2293680/Crestfallen_Medieval_Survival/
If you like it and want to join our multiplayer servers before launch and help us find bugs and add ideas to the discord you are more than welcome. If you like it I would really appreciate a Wishlist to help with my visibility as we approach Steams Next Fest where I will be streaming for 6 hours.
There are quests to explore, portals to venture into, factions of enemies to fight against, and people to make lasting memories with. You can form parties, guilds, and interact with each other with in game voice chat and be whatever you want to be.
The Map of IronGuard Summit
Choose a progression into magic, farming, or master the blade with a skill and stat point progression system to level up. As we grow out our team we look forward to expanding the maps, adding more magic, and more everything as we move along in our development. Some of my favorite parts of the game are fighting the harder knights and bowmen up at the Castle and attempting to overthrow the Evil King within and his (SPOILER).
Full Plate Armor - Tons of Crafting Stations and Craftables
I was inspired to make this game by a friend who I met in the Medieval Survival game Reign of Kings. We used to host The Kingdom of Camelot server together and as Keeper of Justice I would publicly execute cheaters with our community, great memories! Seeing the game not progress, but loving the core concepts of it, I took it upon myself to try to make a similar type of game with more interactive elements and PvE areas to explore with updated graphics in Unreal Engine 5.
Crystals of Cinder and Glacial Knowledge
Ever Unfolding Destiny:
Review our Living Roadmap - The Path of Ever-Unfolding Destiny
Growing up I loved to build with Legos, as a lot of kids do, and I was very fond of creating huge Castles and destroying them with my besieging armies. Castles and base building are so fun for me and it's very exciting how I have been able to get it to work online in a multiplayer setting where people can build huge Kingdoms together. By utilizing a snapping building system the options are endless for the Castle pieces we can add and the different tiered structures / workstations to build around the Castle.
HUGE Castle Walls
In addition we have been adding farming, cooking, and incredibly intricate crafting recipes to progress your character as you explore more difficult areas and fight more dangerous monsters. I plan to devote at least the next 10 years of my life to building this alongside my fledgling community that shares the passion for building, crafting, intertwined with the medieval genre.
How To Decorate A Castle
Time for a Bloodbath:
A Starting Boss to Avoid Spoilers Demon Lord Morgrate and his UBER rare glowing sword
In addition to building another major focus for me is on a new fighting system that feels realistic, bloody, and gruesome. I love the feeling we have created by researching medieval combat and using animations that are inspired from the medieval era. It still needs a bit more blood in my opinion but the squelches and screams really make a rewarding experience when in a fight against a bunch of enemies.
Another massive base build!
The fire magic feels great to wield but had to nerf our meteor storm as it was discouraging for players to have their bases wiped out so easily with fiery death. Siege weapons like ballista, catapult, and trebuchet are starting to work well, with the trebuchet being one of my personal favorites with how it turned out. My roadmap includes the addition of siege towers and battering rams in the near future.
To The Dungeons:
Any idea and all feedback is welcome, I really appreciate the criticism as it helps me learn and grow. Making this game involving the community is so important for me as it helps it grow in a positive non toxic direction. This was almost published by Snail Games USA, but I declined the offer based on their reviews and reputation of their CEO cheating in ARK.
The Keepers of Justice WILL Prevail!! - My Quest System Says So At Least
My strategy to help combat cheaters and toxicity is by hosting official whitelisted servers that are managed by something similar to DND Dungeon Masters! Having active admins that can manipulate world variables and help unfold the story of a server with different admin tools could make for some very interesting and innovative online multiplayer gameplay.
This has been a very hard 2 years for me, I have done 3 point studio lighting on thousands of our assets to make the icons beautiful, integrated some of the most amazing systems ever built, and have had the honor and blessing of receiving help from hundreds... maybe thousands of talented geniuses from all around the world. Ensuring everything works well, looks great, and sounds amazing has been a true scientific task and to see player build, craft, and create amazing things and enjoy their time humbles me and bring great joy to my heart.
This Tavern may look like a bar to you but to me its something indescribable, a collection of my favorite assets adjusted and fine tuned to be craftable, placeable, and functional... have a seat... all chairs and thrones are fully functional. It is my dream to create a massive fully intractable world and we are well on the way!
Past Work:
I made my first game Best in the West in Unity, a 10 man micro royale where you ride an old steam train into a wild west town and as the train whistle blows and the doors swing open it's a run and gun em down shoot em up cowboy style - free to play. Unity was not very fun for me and after switching to Unreal Engine I felt that I really got to focus on the game development and not the optimization of textures and culling properties.
So lets press on together and keep doing our best to bring people together through building, adventure, and making a GG (GOOD GAME NOOB!) with love. <3
Now that we made it possible to build in lakes - NEW DRAW BRIDGE COMING SOON SO EPIC!!
All the criticism on my steam page I have personally addressed and appreciate as it gives me a chance to listen and learn. The critical feedback has been very helpful to identify problems and brainstorm with players and strategize to fix things.
Official Crestfallen Logo
"Omnes Una Manet Nox."
The Dark Night Awaits Us All.
-King Burkheart The Keeper of Justice
Join our community in Discord and help us make the game better, all ideas and people are welcome - https://discord.gg/89jpe8YyYj
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the moderator: RMouldoun for helping guide my path here including the people who rightfully flamed my first post.
Thank you to newagedne for helping me keep things professional and improve, I always appreciate the opportunity to learn.
submitted by Globaltronx to BaseBuildingGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:12 agent_wolfe Have you ever had an image not generate?

I'm aware that after a certain time, images are erased from the server. I'm not talking about that. This is something different.
So I generated this image about 2 months ago. I ran a script to mass-download a bunch of images on March 30th, slightly less than 2 months ago. Everything downloaded except for this one.
I think that means the image never properly generated, but it still created the link:
Any ideas what would cause that?
(I have the rough date of "2 months ago" because that's what's listed on Bing. I know I ran the script March 30th because that's the date the image was downloaded on my computer. The point I'm trying to make is images do get deleted from the server after 30 days, but the download script was run within a few weeks of the original generation.)
submitted by agent_wolfe to dalle2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:47 vaindioux How to D/L complete single issues series opposed to GN on getcomics?

If i m looking for a comic complete series but can only find the graphic novel.
Does that mean this series is only in GN form on getcomic and not individual issues?
If they have both forms, how do i find the complete series in individual comics?
Download them 1 by 1 ?
I have found complete series to download all together but not others.
submitted by vaindioux to Piracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:10 ExecutiveVamp The Old Machine

The Old Machine

By Angel Arevalo
The first time I saw the old machine was as Benny’s father closed his study door to us. It was already a relic then, a heap of beige plastic from a bygone era. The monitor was a beige box with a screen made of thick glass. It must have weighed a ton. It sat odious on the rectangular beige case that contained its thinking guts. Peripherals included a keyboard, a mouse, and a phone.
The phone was not a flat screened supercomputer the way the phones of today are. It was a simple speaker and receiver, with a rotating dial instead of buttons. Technically it was capable of making calls from a connected landline, but this was not its true purpose. Its true purpose was to make communication between the internet and the old machine possible. It did this through the magic of sound. According to Benny, who heard it from his father, the data from the internet came in the form of audible sound. Once it was called, the phone could be placed on a stand from which the old machine could “hear” the signals and translate them back into binary code.
My imagination stirred at the idea of “hearing” the internet. I could put something tangible to the invisible force that allowed me to watch endless streams of videos, or chat with friends from around the world. Benny probably more than me. He lived with the damn thing. However it was off limits.
As much as we wanted to hear the internet, Benny’s father would not have it. His study was entirely forbidden to us, and on the few occasions when he had allowed us entry to give us a word of sage advice or to admonish us for childish antics, he would use himself as a physical barrier between us and the old machine. His physical language was such that neither Benny or I had ever thought to ask for permission. Neither of us believed he would even consider the idea, and the most likely outcome would be that he would make it all that much harder to do so behind his back.
So we waited. Bided our time. As children, this was all that was afforded to us.
This forced patience paid off.
There came a very unusual day in Benny’s house. Often it was Benny’s mother who was charged with the daily maintenance of the household, but outstanding circumstances meant that she was forced to take the day off. If I remember correctly it was to do with Benny’s grandmother, but that is neither here nor there. The important thing is that Benny’s father had to take over the daily run of the house. Part of that was buying the groceries for that night's dinner, so here was a rare moment where the house and the study would be left completely unattended.
The moment we heard his father’s car leave the driveway, we were on it.
The door to his father’s study, where the old machine was kept, was locked, but we accounted for this. Benny had been practicing opening the locks around his house, and they were all the same make and model. Benny stuck the finer end of a hairpin into the keyhole and opened the lock as quickly as if he had the key.
The door swung open, and perched on the desk, was the old machine, in all its pristine beige glory.
It was a comically frightful thing, that heap of beige plastic. It sat there, decades old at least, and yet the casing showed no sign of yellowing. The screen, which showed that it was turned off, was a yawning black abyss; and the deadly silence of the room was disturbed by something that was not quite tangible, but an almost physical mental pressure, like gentle psychic breathing. The pressure was such that you could feel it in the base of your skull, and much more lightly, around your head and in your ears. It made one feel as if they were in the presence of a great monster, and not, in fact, an old beige box of outdated electronics.
“C’mon,” said Benny, stepping into the room. Evidently I had been stuck in place for some time. Benny on the other hand seemed much less wary than me. He scampered forward, smiling as he pulled back his fathers study chair so he could stand on it and reach the strange phone with its rotating dial.
Not nearly as brave, and suddenly three times more cautious, I stood back as he picked up the phone to “listen” to the internet. Depending on how you view it, the phone was luckily, or rather “unluckily”, in its translation stand, meaning that it was at that time communicating with the internet. Benny’s face twisted uncomfortably before breaking into a giddy smile.
“Ooh!” he said, smiling. “That’s creepy!”
He held it to his ear like that for a minute or so, wrinkling his nose from time to time before smiling again and throwing me a conspiratorial smirk. His giddy enthusiasm, despite the sound being what he called “creepy” seemed to calm me down some. Benny always had a way of doing that to me. Suddenly I was excited. He saw this, and offered me his place on his father’s seat.
“Here,” he said, still smirking. “It’s terrible!”
I took his place on the seat, and picked up the phone. It was heavier than I expected. Heavier than any smart phone I had ever held. It was like picking up the lighter end of an animal’s meaty tail. I felt a sudden hesitation, but Benny was still brimming with joy, goading me to have a listen.
I put the phone to my ear, and heard whispers. Surprised, I let the phone slip out of my hands to clatter to the floor.
They had been quiet whispers, barely audible, but audible they were. The whispers painted a picture for me. A sticky red room. A friend, here but not here. I saw the old machine in a new home, and with a new keeper, a willing thrall.
I think Benny would have laughed at me if he had not also been struck stupid in that same moment. Standing in the doorway of his study was his father.
It is difficult to speak ill of the dead, which is funny, because it’s not like they care, but that’s just the way of things. Benny’s father had always been a kind man. If not a kind man then certainly a dutiful father. He was always there for Benny, always there to give a word of wisdom or a consoling hug, but on occasion there was a glint of something sinister behind his eyes. It appeared sporadically, mostly during conversations with other adults. Somewhere in the middle of a conversation between the tragic loss of a child in another state or several towns over, or in discussing the statistic and calculus of death such as a mass shooting, that furtive sparkle behind his eye would manifest, and he would become, for a fraction of a second, someone else. That spark was there now, and it was aimed at me.
Benny’s father saw that I had the phone in my hand. He saw his boy beside me, and that spark behind his eye turned into a barely controlled flame. There was so much hate there.
“Benjamin,” he said in a deathly calm voice, in a heavily restrained voice. “Please tell me you didn’t let your friend here talk you into picking up that phone.”
“He didn’t, dad, he didn’t,” answered Benny.
“Did you pick up the phone too?”
“Of course not dad,” Benny lied.
Relief washed over his father’s face. He ran past the threshold of the study and knelt down to wrap his arms around his boy. He then looked at me.
“Get out,” he said quietly, nearly on the verge of tears. Then again, louder, “GET OUT!”
I was still too stunned to move, even after the second shout, but then Benny’s father rose– with Benny still in his hands. The menace I felt. I bolted from the study, running past Benny and his father.
I learned from Benny at school the next day that we weren’t allowed to play together anymore. Benny’s father didn’t even want to see me anywhere near him. It was ridiculous. We were neighbors for crying out loud! Benny was my best friend, who else was I going to play with? And for what? But it didn’t matter. Benny’s father had made his decree, and Benny had to abide. At least we still had school. Benny’s father couldn’t dictate who he spoke to there.
Benny and I sulked for that whole school day, unable to enjoy the little time we were going to have together. We sulked like that together at school for ages. And in this way, the strange whispers that we heard in the phone were almost forgotten, overshadowed by our forced separation.
Every day after school I hoped and prayed that my exile from Benny’s home would end, and in a roundabout and terrible way, my prayers were answered.
A year later, Benny was pulled from class, after which he disappeared for a week. His home, which was next to mine, sat dark and empty. For a whole week I heard nothing from him, not any social platform or messaging medium. When I finally did hear from him, it was no longer Benny. It was the shell of a person that had once been a child. It was Benny, aged eons.
The broken shell that had been Benny stumbled into class. He said nothing, and looked at no one. It wasn’t until lunch period that I finally got anything out of him, and when I did, I don’t think I could ever have been ready to hear it.
That day that Benny had been pulled out of class was the day that his mother had been arrested for the murder of his father. She was found in his study, and according to police, was basically mid act. How the police were alerted so quickly as to show up with the crime in progress was never fully revealed to Benny personally, but news coverage afterwards revealed that an anonymous tip had arrived at the police station.
Benny’s mother would stand by her innocence until the very end, but the fact that she was witnessed by police in the middle of committing the act made it indefensible. Her trajectory to the lethal injection room was one of the swiftest the state had ever seen.
It was tragic. Benny was out both parents, and it was all the more tragic because Benny didn’t have any other family. His last grandparent had passed the year prior. He was due to go into foster care, but God bless my parents, because they took him in. Benny got to stay in town, with a family that loved him nearly as much as his own had.
Benny stayed in my life, it was the reverse of what had happened the year prior when his father had found us listening to the internet on the old machine. Now Benny was in my life more than ever, but also not.
Physically he was there. Benny and I shared a room, and we hung out all the time. Mentally, or perhaps even spiritually, Benny just wasn’t with me anymore. His soul was in some godsforsaken elsewhere. His inner self was closed off to me. My mind didn’t have the words or wisdom to say what was wrong, only that despite being around him nearly 24 hours a day, he felt absent.
It wasn’t until later, much later, years later really, when Benny and I were well into our teens that I felt like I saw the real him again. His home, and everything in it, the things that had once been his father’s, were his. He’d never cared much about that. He’d never even mentioned his not exactly meager inheritance beyond the vague idea that he supposed he would move into his old home once he became an adult. Other than that he made no mention of his old home, which sat dim and forgotten next to mine. He hadn’t so much as stepped inside of it since he left for school on the day of the murder.
But one day, on the porch, while the sun was beginning to die on the horizon, Benny asked me if I would go into his old house with him. We were pushing seventeen, and college bound so I supposed at the time that he was seeking a kind of closure. Despite the vast chasm that Benny’s depression had carved between us, I wanted to be there for my best friend, so I agreed to go along with him.
Once we were at his old doorstep, Benny produced a small, unopened, envelope. He tore it open, and produced a key that he used to open the door to his old home. I watched him do this and felt a pang in my heart that was something more than sadness. I didn’t have a name for it. I just knew that it was coming from Benny. The straw that broke the camel’s back was Benny looking behind him to see me, and flashing me the barest hint of a smile that was filled with the same sadness that panged in my chest a moment ago. It was the tiniest crease on the corner of his mouth, but it broke me. That crease was the most genuine thing I’d gotten from him in years.
I wish I had been brave enough to cry, but I swallowed those tears. Drowned out all emotion, because I thought that was what the burgeoning man I wanted to become would have done.
We entered the house, which was dark and smelled awful. There was a rot in there that had settled into the very foundation.
“Augh,” I let out, “what is that?”
“I– Uhm… I don’t now.” That’s what he said, but something told me that he did know. He just didn’t want to say it out loud for some reason.
In my role as supportive best friend, I still hadn’t asked why Benny had wanted to come back here. So I decided to do that then, but as he ascended up the stairs I knew there was only one destination he had in mind. His father’s study. The old machine.
I kept my mouth shut, but I wonder sometimes if maybe I should have started protesting. I wonder if maybe I should have dragged Benny back out the door, kicking and screaming, but those are just what ifs and meaningless regrets. Even if I dragged him out then and there, so what? He would just come back without me. If I had barred him in any way he would just choose a different time and place, and he would be doing it alone. No. I had no choice. It was inevitable. There’s no stopping the inevitable. So I did nothing.
We ascended up the stairs together. The smell of deep seeded rot grew heavier. It was in the stairs, in the walls, in wood and the furniture. Apart from the smell, everything looked normal, as if frozen in time. I could practically envision us running down the hallway playing tag.
That changed in the study.
Benny and I reached the door. Yellow police tape from when this was an active crime scene was still there. The rot was strongest here. Had the site of the murder never been cleaned?
As Benny turned the knob I swallowed back some anxious energy, and stowed it away in the same place that I threw that soul breaking pang in my heart.
Inside we found the desk, the books shelves, his father’s office chair. All of it was as it once was, except that now every inch of it was covered in a film of something that was muddy red. The sticky red room.
There was only one part of the study that was disturbingly clean of the muddy red source of the rot. The old machine.
It sat perched on the desk, slumbering and waiting. It was pristine. Its comically mundane beige casing was clean, and every piece and peripheral like the keyboard and attached phone were in mint condition. It was alien, how clean it was compared to everything else in the room.
Benny took a heavy breath, and stepped forward. He approached the old machine, examining it in the dying light of the sun.
“I’m going to need your help carrying this back home,” he said.
This would have been my second opportunity to say “no”. I should have, but again, why? All it would mean was another trip or two for him on his lonesome, and then I would just be the friend that bailed out on him halfway through something that seemed very important for him. So I said “okay.”
We gathered up the odd ends of the old machine. Benny carried the monitor, and I carried the thinking guts, and between us we shared the weight of the peripherals.
Once we were home, Benny got to work putting the thing back together. He seemed to fly into a manic fugue state. He worked rapidly to put the old machine together, connecting every odd end, beginning to sweat as he did so. His eyes became deranged, and then suddenly, with only the power cord left to plug in, he stopped.
He stared into the black abyss of the old machine’s monitor, and did nothing for a long minute that stretched out into eternity. Benny put the power cord down and shoved it into a box. I didn’t question this. If anything I was relieved. I hadn’t realized it until just then, but as Benny was putting the thing together I had started to feel a deadly pressure building in the back of my skull. I didn’t dare ask why he stopped, worried that I might accidentally reignite his resolve.
Together we chose to forget the old machine. Or so I thought.
The last few months of our senior year passed, and they were the best months I’d had with Benny in a long long while. I think collecting that beige heap of plastic, that old machine, it had brought something to a close for him. Whether it was simple catharsis or something more I’ll never know, but I’ll cherish those last few months for the rest of my life. It was the last I’d ever see of Benny again.
With college came real distance, and although we kept in touch through video and text, we never met in person, the times just never lined up. Benny was his own man, and although it brought a small amount of heartbreak to my parents that their adoptive son never seemed to find the time to visit them, they were more than anything glad to see that he at least seemed to be enjoying life. That was definitely the facade he sold on social media.
It was at the start of my second year at college that I got the first wisp that something was wrong with Benny. He sent me something, a file that I couldn’t open, in a format that I didn’t recognize. I thought it must be some kind of obscure meme, but when I couldn’t decipher it, I got a pit in my stomach and I sent him a brisk “wtf?”
He never replied.
It was the last of anything I would ever get from Benny personally. A few weeks later my parents contacted me to tell me that Benny had killed himself.
What followed was a rapid procession of life. That I somehow managed to continue to turn in my school work for the next week or so, was a fact. That I then used the following fall break to attend Benny’s funeral was also true. Mixed in there was a meeting with a lawyer that let me know that I was the sole inheritor of Benny’s estate. This all happened, and I have a very superficial recollection of it all. But in truth I was half a ghost myself. My body– no –my soul, had gone into a form of catatonia. I became an unchanging statue, a rock in the ever flowing stream of life. Things happened, but they seemed to flow past me in a ceaseless stream of almost memories.
On the last day of the fall semester, in a fit of pique depression, looking for something to occupy the void of my soul, I remembered the message that Benny had sent me. I redoubled my efforts to decipher the unknown file type, and scoured the internet for a decoder or playback device that would be able to read it for me. Eventually I stumbled on the answer. It was a type of sound file. With that information it was surprisingly simple to find an app to play it back.
I brought the file over to my phone, and loaded it into the app, and hit play. What came out were whispers. I dropped my phone like it was made of hot iron. The phone clattered to the floor, but kept playing the whispers, which remained just at the edge of audibility no matter how far away I retreated from them.
When it finished playing I was relieved. I also realized I had understood none of it. Unlike the whispers I had heard in my childhood, these had been unintelligible. I tried them again, but although I could hear something I could make out nothing. But I knew a way that I could. The old machine.
The next opportunity I got, I went home. I went back up to my room to look for the old machine, but of course it wasn’t there. It hadn’t been there for a long time. Benny had taken it with him when he went his own way during college. I had to ask my parents to help me find it, and they directed me to the garage, where boxes of Benny’s old things were piled up. Things he had taken with him and things that he had acquired while he was away at college. The old machine was packed into one of those boxes, with a sticky note on the screen. A phone number, possibly left there by Benny himself.
I took the box up to my old room and got to work putting the old machine back together. Slowly it came alive, and bit by bit I felt that dreadful pressure building in the base of my skull. As I connected the monitor to the thinking guts I felt a spark of awareness, as if I was suddenly in danger or being watched. As I connected the peripherals, the pressure around my skull grew heavier and I began to sweat. The feeling only intensified as I plugged the thing into the power, and it came to a pique when I finally connected the strange phone stand to the internet. It’s alive! Gods of all faith and creed, help me! It’s alive!
I turned it on.
The screen lit up, and I noticed that I’d forgotten to remove the sticky note that had been placed there. I ripped it off and crumpled it in my palm as I watched the old machine finish its startup sequence.
I’m not sure what I expected. I certainly hadn’t expected it to feel so normal, or look so mundane. The operating system was definitely proprietary but other than that it felt no more alien than Windows, or Apple. Navigating it felt as natural as anything.
I found the program that would allow me to interpret the whisper recording on my phone. It was the same one that would normally connect to the internet, except this time instead of letting the translator hear the bulky beige phone, I would put my smartphone up to the translator while the recording played. I did this, and for a few tense moments nothing seemed to happen, and then I noticed that something had been downloaded onto the desktop.
The file was called “Dad(1)” and for a moment I felt like an idiot. The “(1)” appearing after the word “Dad” suggested that a version of this file was already downloaded, and of course it would be, this was probably where Benny had sent me the file from. I checked the now translated file and saw that it was a video. The thumbnail showed a man sitting at his desk.
Benny’s dad.
My hand trembled as it reached for the mouse, and clicked on the video.
The video was a top down perspective of the study, and it started at 100, there was no buildup or context to what was happening on the screen. Benny’s father was skinning himself alive. The footage of it was grainy, and was twice as disturbing for it, because the more skin that Benny’s father peeled off the more grainy red pixels appeared on screen.
It was difficult to tell how much of this Benny’s father was doing of his own volition. Heavily pixelated expressions of agony played on his face. He twisted and squirmed, he writhed in pain and appeared to yell into the ceiling as he striped reels of flesh from his arm, and then his legs, and then his chest, and on and on. I couldn’t look away. As much as I wanted to look away I couldn’t, I was forced to watch by my own horribly morbid fascination. God help me. No. God forgive me. I. could. Not. Look. Away.
It was Benny’s father’s twisted and pained flailing that covered the study in blood, leaving the room red and sticky. How he produced so much blood, and in fact, how he had been able to remain conscious this whole time was a mystery to anyone. The act didn’t stop until a light appeared from offscreen, and then suddenly Benny’s mother barged into the study to see her screaming husband. He tried to skin her alive as well, but she fought back. They began to wrestle each other, slipping in the wet puddle of his blood. Soon the blood itself stopped being the worst thing on display, as the father’s viscera began to spill out of him, the membrane that had held it together inside his abdomen splitting open in the tussle. It was an awful scene, and still, I couldn’t look away.
The fight continued like that for some time. With the two of them on the ground, fighting for control of the knife that the father had used to skin himself alive. Even with half the father spilt and spread around the room it was a hard won victory for Benny’s mother. She finally managed to wrestle the knife away from the dying man, and plunged it into his chest, just as shadows appeared from the direction of the doorway. The mother broke down as police aimed their guns at her, and then the video ended.
“Did you like it?” appeared in text over the end of the video.
“What the fuck?” I remember saying out loud.
Why hadn’t Benny turned this in? I thought. His mom was dead, sure, but why not clear her name? Why hadn’t he told me straight away what he’d found? Why had he– I didn’t let myself ask that last question. Instead I unclenched my palm, and looked at the crumpled sticky note. If there was a logical answer to any of this, then maybe it was on the other end of that number. That’s what I told myself anyway.
I put my phone away, and picked up the phone attached to the old machine. It took a few tries to get the method of dialing correct– I’d never used a rotary style phone before, and I didn’t know how to spin the wheel to “dial” the number that I needed, but I managed it. The phone rang for a bit, and then the whispers started to erupt from whatever black beyond I called.
I placed the phone on the translator, and on the monitor, the desktop came alive. The old machine’s proprietary web browser opened and landed on a bare bones white webpage. It reminded me somewhat of a dark web directory.
The dark web isn’t as difficult to navigate as you might think. The difference between a dark web site and a regular one is that dark web sites are unlisted, meaning they don’t show up on search engines, and often they require special browsers and specific URLs. Those URLs are usually kept on some kind of surface web directory. This looked a lot like that. A list of URLs ran down the bare bones page in a ladder of blue.
They were hyperlinks, all of them, and one of them stood out to me immediately.
“Do you want to see how he did it?” It read.
It shouldn’t have freaked me out. There was no way that link could be talking about Benny, which is where my mind went first. There was simply no way.
So I clicked it. And I guess… there was. Somehow there was a way.
I won’t say what I saw. It wasn’t nearly as graphic as his father’s death. In that sense it wasn’t nearly as “interesting”, but even still I can’t bring myself to recount it. It’s too personal. In that way it was much much worse, so much worse. The look in his eyes… despair. There was something almost beautiful about it.
There was something beautiful about it.
At the end of the video, a familiar message popped up.
“Did you like it?”
A box beneath the video asked for a reply. I typed one in.
“Do you want to see more?”
Another box. Another reply.
I saw more.
submitted by ExecutiveVamp to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:08 Alphen0221 Selling Steam Account (Elden Ring, Pubg, Dragon's Dogma, Lies of P etc.)

Selling Steam Account (Elden Ring, Pubg, Dragon's Dogma, Lies of P etc.) submitted by Alphen0221 to SteamAccountTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:03 Omega_Hamster After defeating a fallen empire I noticed that I have this ship. Anyone know what this is?

After defeating a fallen empire I noticed that I have this ship. Anyone know what this is? submitted by Omega_Hamster to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:02 Mysterious-Land-628 Wife discovered 1k sitting in re-downloaded Robinhood app, which could become a life-changing stroke of luck (due to this wonderful community)

Wife discovered 1k sitting in re-downloaded Robinhood app, which could become a life-changing stroke of luck (due to this wonderful community)
Bored on an airplane on Tuesday, I was scrolling and saw news about roaringkitty’s first post in years. This lead me to Reddit and seeing the community forming around FFIE! I excitedly text my wife and asked her if she still had the Robinhood app (my shitty Delta flight WiFi wouldn’t let me download it). She actually had to re-download it and discovered that we had 1k she transferred YEARS ago but forgot about! Like finding a $20 bill in your pocket x 💰💰 . Immediately bought FFIE at .24 and have been enjoying the ride ever since. We won’t sell—only buy more. 💎 🖐️
submitted by Mysterious-Land-628 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:33 mtufekyapan How to Build High-Converting Sales Funnels for Shopify

You decide to join entrepreneurship journey with Shopify, picked a great name, launched your store with great products.
Started a few campaigns on Google or Meta and waiting your orders.
Waiting new orders for days, weeks or maybe months.
Now you’re thinking what’s wrong?
The simple answer: You can’t sell without having a well designed Shopify sales funnel.
In this guide, I’ll share;

What is the sales funnels for Shopify?

Getting new customer is the process of turning strangers to customers. There are some specific part of these journeys. Sales funnels are visual representation of this customers journeys starting from total strangers and ending with being customer.
Sales funnels help us to identify distinct areas of customer journey so visitors position in this journey can be identified and optimized to move visitors to the next stop in this journey.

Overview of Sales Funnels

There are a few different concept for the sales funnels. The most popular one is the AIDA framework.

AIDA Framework

AIDA framework stands for Attention, Interest, Decision, Action
Based on this framework there are four main stages of customers journey. Let’s take a look at each steps.
  1. Attention: Your customers first notice your brand and products.
  2. Interest: This is where thinking happens. Visitors find answer of “Should I buy this product from this brand?”
  3. Decision: This is the second thinking phase. Visitors find answer of “Should I buy this product right now?”
  4. Action: Last step of the sales funnel. Customers take action in this step and become a customer in this step.
As you can see first attention step is the top of the funnel. Interest and decision is the middle of the buying journey and action is the last step of the sales funnel.

How to Build Your Sales Funnel?

Building high-converting sales funnel has three main component.

1. Know Your Ideal Customer Profile

As I previously explained in the How to Grow Your Shopify Store guide, everyone can’t be your customers.
You need to find your niche that response your brands, products and value propositions better than anyone else. This is called ideal customer profile (ICP).
You decide to join entrepreneurship journey with Shopify, picked a great name, launched your store with great products.
Started a few campaigns on Google or Meta and waiting your orders.
Waiting new orders for days, weeks or maybe months.
Now you’re thinking what’s wrong?
The simple answer: You can’t sell without having a well designed Shopify sales funnel.
In this guide, I’ll share;

What is the sales funnels for Shopify?

Getting new customer is the process of turning strangers to customers. There are some specific part of these journeys. Sales funnels are visual representation of this customers journeys starting from total strangers and ending with being customer.
Sales funnels help us to identify distinct areas of customer journey so visitors position in this journey can be identified and optimized to move visitors to the next stop in this journey.

Overview of Sales Funnels

There are a few different concept for the sales funnels. The most popular one is the AIDA framework.

AIDA Framework

AIDA framework stands for Attention, Interest, Decision, Action
Based on this framework there are four main stages of customers journey. Let’s take a look at each steps.
  1. Attention: Your customers first notice your brand and products.
  2. Interest: This is where thinking happens. Visitors find answer of “Should I buy this product from this brand?”
  3. Decision: This is the second thinking phase. Visitors find answer of “Should I buy this product right now?”
  4. Action: Last step of the sales funnel. Customers take action in this step and become a customer in this step.
As you can see first attention step is the top of the funnel. Interest and decision is the middle of the buying journey and action is the last step of the sales funnel.

How to Build Your Sales Funnel?

Building high-converting sales funnel has three main component.

1. Know Your Ideal Customer Profile

As I previously explained in the How to Grow Your Shopify Store guide, everyone can’t be your customers.
You need to find your niche that response your brands, products and value propositions better than anyone else. This is called ideal customer profile (ICP).
Ideal Customer Profile
If you have at least 200-300 customers, the best way to create your ICP is directly talking with your customers. Just check your best customers (who are spending most or buying repeatedly from you) and get in touch directly with them. Ask open ended questions to get idea of what makes them your best customers.
If you’re just starting on your Shopify journey, then my recommendation is using Google Bard. Here are my prompts.
That’s it! Save Bard response to any document and do a quick brainstorming on the outputs. Check out my previous articles What is the Ideal Customer Profile and How to create your ICP? to learn more about it. You can see my example for a hypothetical store at the end of this post.

Empathy Map

Our main goal with sales funnels is convincing people to say “I want to buy this product, right now“. To reach that point we need to understand our customers. What are their desires? What makes them stop and think? What triggers them to act right away?
This is where empathy map joins the game.
Customer Empath Map for Shopify Growth
Here are nine questions we need to answer about our ICP;
There is no 100% correct answer for all of these questions. Main idea is getting a general understanding of our customers. Best practice for this process is getting started with the help of AI and continue with a quick brainstorming session.
I explained each details at Empathy Map post. Check it out to learn more.

2. High Quality Content

As Bill Gates pointed Content is king and it will be always!
Video, blog, visuals, podcasts, photos, emails, ad copy, infographics… Format doesn’t matter, we always consume content. Today everyone can create content but it’s quite rare to find helpful, high-quality content. When people find a content that really has a point of view, teach something or really enjoying they just get stick with it.
You need to create contents for each step of your sales funnel. Now let’s take a look at each step and content you should be using.

Attention Content

Did you heard lead magnet term before? It’s used for B2B sales funnel. When building your shopify sales funnel, you need to build your own customer magnet contents. In this stage of the funnel, we need to earn the attention of target audience.
Let’s say we have a Shopify stores that selling high-end, organic clothes for new borns. Our ICP will be new parents who care about chemical-free clothes and sensitive about environment and also afford high-end products. Store, products, brand looks perfect. Let’s design the first step of our sales funnel. We have two options.
  1. Following Common Advices: We can start with great visuals for advertisement, giving huge discounts and try to work with influencers. Our message will be like “our products cheaper, better, etc. then others”
  2. Focusing on Customers World: We can focus on our ICP and work on something different like “7 things you need to know before buying a clothes for your little ones”, “What scientific researches shows about the chemicals on baby clothes” etc.
We need to get attention, right? Giving 50% off, Influencer campaign or direct, real content marketing point to real customer concerns. If you don’t want to waste your money with never ever go with the first common expert advice.
Focus on your ICP, discover their pain points and concerns and offer them a content that educate them.
In our baby clothes example, instead of “my products are best for your baby health”, I prefer to first explain clothes affects on babies and common threads on the market.
Checklist for attention content
When you create your content that passes all items in this checklist, you can now working on your content format.
It can be webinar, free ebook download page, long form blog content, YouTube video, email course… My approach is first creating the core content and creating multiple formats using the same core content.

Interest Content

Think your sales funnel like a movie. There are a huge story contains some certain sections. If it is well designed, there should be flow between these chapters. You shouldn’t be able to identify moving from one section to other section.
Previous stage of the funnel we get the interest of our potential customers with offering a solution to their pain points, concerns in an educative and interesting content. In other words we sell the problem. But it’s not enough, we also need to sell the solution, too.
So in this stage you can start mentioning about your brand and products.
If we need to continue our previous example, let’s say we created some contents like “7 things you need to know before buying clothes for your baby”. We get their attention and educate them about the high quality, organic clothes and its’ effect on the babies health.
Now in this stage we need to start talking about our brand and products. So our concept can be something like “how we designed 100% baby friendly clothes”. You need to show how your products better than competitors and give the answer of “why should I buy this product from this brand”.

Decision Content

This is the last step before completing the funnel. This is highly related with your business strategy.
Now our leads aware of the problem and the solution we have.
However they can have other concerns like shipping costs, duration, return guarantees, etc.
My favourite content for this stage is offering real customer reviews, showing before and afters and mentioning about guarantees.
It can change based on the business model but for an average Shopify store it’s quite important to have a fast shipping process and offering free return and refund guarantee.
I highly recommend to create separated pages for shipping, return and refund policy pages along with detailed about us page. There are some text you need to use for legal reasons. However you need to explain these issues simple and plain at the top.
Also after getting some traction and sales, you can work with some in-depended influencer kind of people. They can review your products, mentioning about pros and cons.
All of the offer (discount, free shipping, etc.) should be made in this stage of the visitors.

Action Content

Based on AIDA framework, action is the step finally we convert total strangers to our customers. You might think now it’s okay but nope, it’s not okay.
After checkout is a huge step for Shopify stores. There are a few actions you can take and fuel your sales funnel.
  1. Asking referrals: It’s highly likely that your new customer has at least a few friends around that can be your customers too. Why do you just ask them to share your brand with their friends? Checkout Discover The Hidden Growth Channel: Referrals.
  2. Surveys: After checkout surveys are great way to learn about your customers. My favourite question is “what makes you think most before completing your order?”
  3. How to Use It Content: This can be change based on your products but if there is a chance you can educate your customers about your products, don’t miss this. Give them resources to make most of your products.
  4. Check If They’re Happy: This should be triggered after customers get the products. Start email automation after customer gets the product and check if they’re happy with it. If they’re happy don’t forget to ask them for a review.

3. High Quality Experience

So far we mentioned about the AIDA sales funnel framework and how to build sales funnel content for your Shopify store.
Focusing on content with ICP and empathy map is a great start for higher conversions but it’s the start.
User experience during this process can be boost or destroy your sales just like content quality.
Formula is very simple: High Quality Content + High Quality Experience = Higher Conversions and Sales
This is also highly related with your branding, too. Invest enough time and resources to create high quality experience.
Like if you’re using ebook with a landing page, it should be clean, fast and looking great on mobile devices. Ebook should be looks like an high-quality ebook. Emails should be well-designed.
Don’t forget to check How to Grow Shopify Store and Conversion Rate Optimization Guide to learn more.
You decide to join entrepreneurship journey with Shopify, picked a great name, launched your store with great products.
Started a few campaigns on Google or Meta and waiting your orders.
Waiting new orders for days, weeks or maybe months.
Now you’re thinking what’s wrong?
The simple answer: You can’t sell without having a well designed Shopify sales funnel.
In this guide, I’ll share;

What is the sales funnels for Shopify?

Getting new customer is the process of turning strangers to customers. There are some specific part of these journeys. Sales funnels are visual representation of this customers journeys starting from total strangers and ending with being customer.
Sales funnels help us to identify distinct areas of customer journey so visitors position in this journey can be identified and optimized to move visitors to the next stop in this journey.

Overview of Sales Funnels

There are a few different concept for the sales funnels. The most popular one is the AIDA framework.

AIDA Framework

AIDA framework stands for Attention, Interest, Decision, Action
Based on this framework there are four main stages of customers journey. Let’s take a look at each steps.
  1. Attention: Your customers first notice your brand and products.
  2. Interest: This is where thinking happens. Visitors find answer of “Should I buy this product from this brand?”
  3. Decision: This is the second thinking phase. Visitors find answer of “Should I buy this product right now?”
  4. Action: Last step of the sales funnel. Customers take action in this step and become a customer in this step.
As you can see first attention step is the top of the funnel. Interest and decision is the middle of the buying journey and action is the last step of the sales funnel.

How to Build Your Sales Funnel?

Building high-converting sales funnel has three main component.

1. Know Your Ideal Customer Profile

As I previously explained in the How to Grow Your Shopify Store guide, everyone can’t be your customers.
You need to find your niche that response your brands, products and value propositions better than anyone else. This is called ideal customer profile (ICP).
This article first published at MarketingLib.
Don't forget to check Growth Suite on Shopify App Store.
submitted by mtufekyapan to GrowthSuite [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:27 prsutodpeppepig ZA GAMERE/GAMERICE: anketa

Pozdrav svima! Radim istrazivanje za zavrsni pa bi zamolila sve gamere/ice koji redovno igraju da odvoje 5-10min za ispunjavanje upitnika. Ispituju se gaming navike i neke osobine licnosti, a sve ostalo je objasnjeno na linku. Svima koji odluce sudjelovati unaprijed zahvaljujem! :)
submitted by prsutodpeppepig to croatia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:48 TrueChampionship6655 UPDATED OFM Oura Consulting PRO course

OFM Oura Course Gumroad Store
What's In The Oura Course - 40$
This is the complete step-by-step guide that you've been looking for in order to start and scale an online business in 2024 in a completely untapped industry - Managing OF Models... think about it, who is doing this?
--- By purchasing you will receive a MEGA link to the course ---
What's Included 21 Extended coaching lessons that cover form basics to advanced level 21 Downloadable PDF's to fast-track your progress OnlyFans Legal Contracts used to sign up clients
PHASE 1 - Getting Started PHASE 2 - Client Acquisition PHASE 3 - Traffic PHASE 4 - Outsorcing and Automation
submitted by TrueChampionship6655 to ouraofmcoursecheap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:15 nitishkiller32 How to modify cloud saves

Hi guys I will go straight to the point my laptop is not powerfull enough to run games. So I use gforce now. I want to modify games form epic which support cloud saves but I want those save files without downloading the game in my laptop. As cheat engine is not allowed in gforce now can I get help?
submitted by nitishkiller32 to GeForceNOW [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:01 Standard_Ad_9678 reap :(

reap :(
i can understant supr marks and that i fcked up but there is not way on earth i scored 55.50 in reap , i attempted 45 questions and was pretty confident about my attempts , the administration should give out more details about incorrect attempts , this shit is so depressing bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
submitted by Standard_Ad_9678 to UGEEtards [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:43 Rhendricks Over/Under May 18th - Vs Red Sox, 6:15 CT - Kutter Crawford Vs Miles Mikolas

Hey Everyone! Welcome to the Cardinals Reddit Daily OveUnder Contest! I’ll post these daily as long as I’m able to, but I’m sure real life will get in the way here and there. This is all for fun. No prizes other than bragging rights.



1st Place: 3 Points
2nd Place: 2 Points
3rd Place: 1 Point
Correct Tie-Breaker: 1 Point
10/10 Correct: 1 Point
0/10 Correct: 1 Point
I'll keep a tally and post the results as a comment in that day's post and link it in the next day's contest thread. Points will keep accumulating throughout the season. I will be using MLB GameDay and ESPN for official scoring.
Good luck, everyone! I hope you enjoy! I'm also always open to feedback on how to improve or suggestions for questions (it can be tough trying to get enough variety!).
Not required for entry, but I’d appreciate leaving a comment/vote for visibility on the page

OveUnder Contest: May 18th


Vs Red Sox, 6:15 CT


Kutter Crawford Vs Miles Mikolas


OveUnder Form Link


May 17th Results


May Standings

Reddit Username Points
u/DSchibler 9
u/Flimsy-animator756 6
u/Weezy2337yadude 6
u/dan81989 5
u/dquizzle 5
u/gonelikecommonsense 5
u/Nurlitik 5
u/SomethingAvid 5
u/fujiesque 4
u/Kevindoesnotcare 4
u/more_whales 4
u/FKACaptainFlaherty 3
u/jmikesyo 3
u/newtickled 3
u/PCBangHero 3
u/SGT_Apone 3
u/zap_the_frank 3
u/InternetGoodGuy 2
u/jacksonfake 2
u/ski_mom 2
u/StrangerFront 2
u/Xerowaltz 2

Overall Standings

Reddit Username Points
u/DSchibler 24
u/InternetGoodGuy 12
u/zap_the_frank 12
u/gonelikecommonsense 11
u/more_whales 10
u/Dan81989 9
u/NotGordan 9
u/Nurlitik 9
u/StrangerFront 9
u/PCBangHero 8
u/Flimsy_animator756 7
u/jacksonfake 7
u/MVPBaseball2069 7
u/SomethingAvid 7
u/jmikesyo 6
u/Paulspike 6
u/SGT_Apone 6
u/theredd636 6
u/Weezy2337yadude 6
u/dquizzle 5
u/seattle_lib 5
u/fujiesque 4
u/Kevindoesnotcare 4
u/Nerp_Rufflez 4
u/aga1397 3
u/EE89 3
u/FKACaptainFlaherty 3
u/iamfluffhead 3
u/JayBSmith 3
u/kyla__ren 3
u/LookitstheMeta 3
u/newtickled 3
u/No_communication101 3
u/ohforschern 3
u/Pizzayolo96 3
u/tehmeat 3
u/TronaldDumpsLogs 3
u/Vasego1 3
u/Actually_Actuarially 2
u/Bigdaddyice69 2
u/Clueless_in_Florida 2
u/Da_Choppa 2
u/defiant_edge 2
u/jabbernut56 2
u/PhaedrusThaSquatch 2
u/PTF_Voidwalker 2
u/Redflanehot 2
u/rjaspa 2
u/ski_mom 2
u/thachiefking47 2
u/untitled5a1 2
u/Waystonebb 2
u/Xerowaltz 2
u/7thton 1
u/Abyss_in_Motion 1
u/Da_Munchy76 1
u/FrogsOfWar14 1
u/jessner88 1
u/Lefty808 1
u/MissouriOzarker 1
u/UnlikelyCheddar 1

OveUnder Questions for later reference:

1) Walks Allowed by Kutter Crawford - O/U 2.5 2) Runs Allowed by Miles Mikolas - O/U 3.5 3) Average Exit Velocity Allowed by Miles Mikolas - O/U 88.5 4) Hits Allowed by Both Starting Pitchers Combined - O/U 13.5 5) Doubles Hit by Red Sox - O/U 2.5 6) Runs Scored by Cardinals Outfielders - O/U 1.5 7) Farthest Ball Hit in the Game by Both Teams Combined - O/U 412.5 FT 8) Pitches Thrown by Cardinals Bullpen - O/U 62.5 9) Strikeouts Pitched by Red Sox Bullpen - O/U 3.5 10) Innings Pitched by Justin Slaten and Ryan Fernandez Combined - O/U 1.1
Tie Breaker: Total Balls (Non-Strikes) Thrown in the Game
submitted by Rhendricks to Cardinals [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:38 ToughGrape4271 Multiplayer DLC Help

Multiplayer DLC Help
Hi guys i've recently bought mass effect 3 2012 from ea hoping to play some multiplayer for old times sake, turns out i, like many others out there as far as i've seen don't have access to the free DLC, i've been looking for hours for a solution and tried everything possible, some of them seems to have solved the problem by getting their mass effect game updated to the deluxe edition minus the single player dlc but i can't, i've chatted with four EA help advisors and butted heads trying to explain to them the problem and the solution other player got to no avails. As a last desperate attempt i've downloaded a pirated mass effect game and copied the multiplayer dlc and it worked! problem is the game language changed to russian and i can't for the love of god change it back. Can someone help out a pour soul and upload the DLC_CON_MP1 to DLC_CON_MP5 folders in the english or italian language
submitted by ToughGrape4271 to MECoOp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:28 lorismdn (Academic) Calling all combat sports and martial arts beginners! (No age restriction, westerners)

I'm currently writing my final thesis on the subject of the combat sports craze. If you're a beginner and have 5 minutes to answer this questionnaire, it would be a great help to me.
The questionnaire is in French, but I'm sure you'll be able to translate it automatically. I'll be happy to answer your questions on my side.
Have a nice day mates! 🙇
submitted by lorismdn to SurveyExchange [link] [comments]
