Flashing truckers

Samuel came from a Strange Place

2024.05.18 23:38 Saturdead Samuel came from a Strange Place

Back in 2016, I was working at a roadside diner west of St. Cloud, Minnesota. Neat little place, had a bit of a 60’s vibe to it, but without the hairdo. On the slow hours of the day, or whenever we just had locals around, I’d be humming along with the chefs playing radio out of the kitchen. It wasn’t an exciting time, but it was nice to have a workplace that felt like a second home.
A couple of weekends a month, we had an all-night crew to serve passing truckers. You usually never had to do more than one shift though, and we got to make own schedules. Our boss was pretty hands-off. It was during one of those shifts, at the first week of early summer, that my life took a turn for the worse – and I didn’t even realize it.

We were used to having the occasional odd customer during those hours of the day. When this guy walked in, I didn’t know what to think. He was about 6’2, bald, and pale as chalk. He wore this worn-out t-shirt that looked like it’d been on fire. With every step, he dragged his feet, and collapsed in one of our booths, seemingly exhausted.
I looked back at the chef, and he just shrugged. Guy wasn’t hurting anyone, but he didn’t look like he was all there. But a job’s a job, so I went up to him.
“You alright there?” I asked.
He looked up at me like I was speaking a foreign language, then sunk his head back down, gently shaking it.
“Nah,” he said. “I, uh… I don’t think I am.”
He had this voice on the knife’s edge between a hysterical laugh and a howling cry. He was trembling.
“You need me to call someone?”
“Yeah, call someone.”

I didn’t understand the question. I figured he was coming down from some kind of binge, and I wasn’t about to take any chances. I asked the chef to get me a side of bacon to keep the guy calm while I called the police.
As I slid the plate over to him, he sunk his face into his hands, sobbing.
“T-thank you,” he cried. “I-I’m… please…”
I sat down across from him, instinctively reaching out to grab his hand. He let me. Even at a light touch, I could feel the scars on his palm and fingertips. Whatever’d happened to him, it must’ve been awful.
“I can’t go back,” he sniffled. “Don’t make me go back. I can’t. Please, I can’t.”
“You’re not going anywhere. It’s okay,” I smiled. “You’re safe here.”
“Can you help me?” he asked. “Can you keep him out?”
“I’m sure we can figure it out,” I nodded. “Just eat up. It’s okay.”

His fingers trembled as he tentatively bit off a piece of bacon. His teeth were black, and he flinched.
“I need time,” he said. “I need time to run.”
“Don’t worry,” I assured him. “We’ve called for help.”
“I just… I just need time.”
We just sat there for a while. He calmed his breathing but kept staring out the window. I could tell he was looking for something – or someone. All I could see was a road and a handful of moths. We sat there for some time, in silence, as he carefully nibbled on the slices of maple bacon.
As two police officers entered the diner, he got up from his seat. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bundle of scrunched-up trash. A couple of singles, a plastic card, dirt, and something resembling animal bones. He tried to straighten out the bills, pushing them into my hands along with the laminated card.
“Just… I need time. I’ll come back. Please.”
I didn’t understand. I just nodded and accepted it. Seconds later, the officers asked him to step outside and explain the situation. I got busy taking orders from a couple of passing truckers, watching glimpses of the scene through the window. A couple of minutes later, the strange man was taken away.

My shift ended at sunrise. I dragged myself to my car with a yawn, shuffling around my pockets for the keys. I hadn’t thought much about the items he’d handed me, but I took a closer look. I’d thrown away the animal bones and dirt, but there were a couple of dollar bills and that laminated card left. I checked the card first.
It looked like some kind of bookmark. On one side it was completely white, and on the other side there were dried blue flower petals arranged in a spiral. Kinda reminded me of a sunflower. And finally, there were the dollar bills.
I didn’t pay much attention to these at first. Just a couple of singles. But after a closer look, I noticed something unusual. There was a man on the bill that I didn’t recognize. It took me a couple of google searches to realize that this man was Walter Mondale – the man who’d lost to Ronald Reagan’s second run for president back in ’84. Why was this man on a one-dollar bill?

Before heading to bed, I put the items down on my nightstand. In a moment of silent wonder, I looked out the window. What had that man been looking for? What’d he been running from?
There was nothing out there.
Just a couple of moths.

Waking up the next morning, I had a full day off. I spent it cleaning my apartment, watching movies, having dinner with a couple of friends, and ending the night with a couple of drinks at the pub down on the corner. No binge or anything, just got a bit boozy. I was still gonna be in bed by midnight.
I took the scenic route home; a long walk. All the way down main street, past the lake. I took a shortcut through the park by the final stretch, speeding up a bit. That place was trouble.
As I hurried by the fountain, I spotted someone in the distance. A shrouded figure at the edge of the streetlights. I stopped to observe for a second, but as I did, the lights flickered. Coming back on, the figure was gone.
I chalked it up to imagination. I was a bit drunk, after all. Besides – it was small, like a child. What the hell would a kid be doing out at this hour?

A couple of days passed. I didn’t notice anything unusual, but I kept coming back to that distressing feeling of missing something important. Looking back at it now, I just feel dumb. He was there all along. Outside the supermarket. In the parking lot. Off the highway. Hell, he was outside my window at night sometimes, but just too short for me to spot.
I’m getting ahead of myself.
It wasn’t until one morning when I was driving to work that I got a clear view of him. I was crossing a four-way street, taking a sharp left turn, when I had to throw myself on the breaks. There was a kid in the middle of the street.
I hadn’t seen him that clearly before. He was probably around 6, maybe 7 years old. Wearing a plain black shirt and a pair of light blue canvas pants. Short black hair, dark eyes, and no shoes. That particular detail stuck with me. No shoes? Why?
I almost lost control, but I was lucky. There wasn’t much traffic, and I managed to stop further down the road. There were black lines in the pavement from my screeching tires swerving back and forth. Regaining my composure, I looked in the rear-view mirror.
The kid was gone.

But that was just the start.
I’d spot him every now and then. Looking out the window at work. At the gas station. A passing face in the crowd when shopping for groceries. Every now and then, something would pull on my attention, forcing me to whip my head around, looking for the source of that ill feeling crawling up my spine. Sometimes I saw him. And even worse – sometimes I didn’t.
I remember lying awake at night, hearing moths tap against my window. There was nothing else. Nothing outside. I patrolled my apartment six times, checking every window. I’d looked everywhere, and there was no reason for me to feel the way I did. I was growing paranoid.
And yet, in the morning, my front door was unlocked, and slightly open.

It all came to a head one afternoon when I was out on my smoke break. I’d barely slept for the past three nights, and you could kinda tell I was having a bad day. As I stood there, leaning against the side door of the diner, I see the kid again. This time just across the road, maybe 50 feet or so away. I’d had enough. This had to end.
I was furious. I stormed forward, calling him out with every slur and curse I could think of. I was psyching myself up. I was in the right, and I refused to be harassed anymore – kid or not. Didn’t matter. I crossed the road, barely dodging a speeding jeep, and met him face-to-face.
“What the hell do you want?!” I’d yell. “Why are you following me?!”
He was completely expressionless. He didn’t even flinch, no matter how much I pointed or screamed. I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes, and he didn’t even blink. He just stared at me, like a porcelain doll head on a swivel.

I wasn’t thinking about the bystanders though. A couple of middle-aged men stepped up, asking in no kind terms what the hell was wrong with me. I was held back and restrained. Someone called the police. Someone else called my manager – I’d forgotten to take off my apron, so they could see the diner logo. A couple of people filmed it. One of the videos got like 120k views in a day before it fell off the map. I still see it as a react gif sometimes.
It was a disaster. After a couple of officers came by to talk to me, he’d just disappeared into thin air. The officers took me down to the station – not to detain me, but to get me away from the heated crowd. That car ride downtown sobered me up to what the hell was going on. I was being stalked by this kid, but there wasn’t a living soul out there that would believe me.
Well, maybe one.

I was asked a couple of questions and released within about half an hour. They told me to go home and sleep this whole thing off. That wouldn’t be a problem. I didn’t have a job to go back to anyway, according to the (many) texts I’d gotten. I had all the goddamn time in the world.
I was just about to leave when something came to mind. The two officers who’d picked me up were still waiting by their car when I turned back to them.
“Sorry, you picked up the guy I called in about at the diner, right?” I asked.
“Sure did.”
“You got any idea what happened to him?”
The two looked at one another for a moment, shrugged, and turned to me.
“Didn’t have any ID and gave a fake name. I think they took him to psych.”
“Well, he was saying some, uh… strange things. There were interviews with a, uh…”
The two quieted down and flashed me a smile.
“There’s not that much we can say.”

Coming home, I decided to get to the root of this. It didn’t take me that long to find the place where the guy’d been taken; there aren’t a lot of mental health facilities in this part of the country. Especially facilities that accept involuntary subjects.
But my eyes kept drifting back to the strange dollar bills he’d given me, resting neatly on my nightstand. They were so detailed. A bit old, sure, but that only made them seem more genuine. What the hell was he doing with a handful of clearly fake dollar bills? Like, what’s the purpose? There had to be a purpose.
That unnerved me.

I managed to arrange a meeting. It wasn’t easy, and I think a lot of it boiled down to the police having no idea what could make this guy talk. For some reason, he kept providing them with false information. Maybe a familiar face, for one reason or another, might make him talk.
Just a couple of days later, I was putting my items in a metal bowl on the second floor at a mental health institute in the next town over. I asked one of the nurses if I could keep one of my dollar bills. Apparently, that was okay.
I was shuffled through a couple of locked doors and escorted to an off-white side-room. No décor, no locks. The guy was already there.

He’d been dressed down into these neutral eggshell-white garbs. It was strange seeing him in a lit-up room like this. I didn’t know what to expect.
Getting a closer look at him, he was probably in his 50’s. It’d been hard to tell earlier. I couldn’t get over just how pale he was; it was almost a complete lack of pigment. It looked sickly. His thin arms didn’t help – he looked malnourished. And yet, he was smiling.
“Hello,” he said.
“Hello to you too,” I smiled. “You doing okay?”
“I’m… I’m pretty good,” he nodded. “Thank you.”
I sat down across from him and took out the dollar bill he’d given me.
“I wanted to ask you about this.”
“For the bacon,” he said, matter-of-factly.
“Excuse me?”
“Sorry, was that not enough?”
“No, it’s…”
I took a moment to compose myself. I had too many questions.

He sighed, took the bill, and looked it over. Looking back at me, I could tell there was something painful stirring in his mind. His smile slowly faded.
“Sorry,” he said. “I try to forget sometimes. It’s easier than making sense of it.”
“Let’s start with something simple,” I nodded. “Like… your name. Where you’re from.”
“Those things are pretty far from simple.”
He was looking straight through me; his eyes sinking back to deeper, more uncomfortable thoughts.

His name was Samuel, and he was born around these parts in back in the 1970’s. He’d worked as a telecommunications specialist out of St. Cloud back in the 90's. He had a wife, three children, and a four-bedroom house.
“But it… that was all before, see?” he explained. “Then it all just…”
“Just what?” I asked. “What happened?”
He looked at me, opening and closing his mouth, looking for the right words to come out. Nothing happened. He shook his head, trying again.
“It started with the street preachers,” he said. “Hundreds of them, marching on every city. All saying the same doomsday shit as always. World was dying. All coming to an end.”
“I haven’t seen anything like that.”
“Then there were storms,” he continued without skipping a beat. “Some would last for weeks. Others longer. Entire cities would be flooded or torn apart. Earthquakes causing monster waves along the east coast, sending shockwaves all the way to mainland Europe. Then, Yellowstone.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Lights out.”

Samuel was painting this apocalyptic vision of a world undone. Catastrophe after catastrophe. Hooded people marching the streets, screaming for the mercy of a mad god. But there was more to it.
“Then things stopped making sense. It’s as if the rules changed,” he continued. “Roads would stop leading home. Trees would change color. People turned twisted and corrupted. Like… one of our neighbors couldn’t eat anything but gunpowder. There was a woman just down the street who tried to kill anyone wearing glasses. It was… pandemonium.”
I didn’t say anything. What he was saying didn’t make any sense, but he was trying his best to keep his rambling coherent.
“The plants died. Trees too. The only thing that could grow in that environment were these twisted blue things that popped up out of nowhere. But people… people are what got twisted the most.”
He told me of these towering 7-foot-tall humanoid creatures that roamed the forests. Black as night – not even reflecting light. Arms reaching all the way to their knees. Elongated, inhuman things that all used to be someone he knew.

“The doomsayers all said the same thing,” he continued. “That God was a scared little boy, and that he was dying. Everything that was happening was just an expression of that ceaseless, bottomless, existential grief.”
Samuel looked back and forth, finally burying his face in his hands.
“It all broke down. Roads stopped leading anywhere. No power. No water. Julie changed. Ollie changed. Tobie made himself a mask and wandered off into the woods. Ira just… disappeared. And for… years? Has it been years? It’s just been me.”
“But you’re here, now,” I said. “And what you’re describing, it… it didn’t happen.”
“It happened,” he insisted. “Just not… here. But here.”
He tapped his finger on the single dollar bill.
“Somewhere, somehow, I must’ve taken a wrong turn. I slipped through something broken, and now I’m here. And… and he’s coming to bring me back. He doesn’t want anyone to leave.”
“Just! Just…” he chuckled. “Just a sad little boy who’s been told he’s going to die.”
I didn’t know what to say. I just sat with him for a while, holding his hand.

Before I left, Samuel got up from his chair. He looked at me, forcing himself to smile.
“If I go back, I’ll try not to… to be like them. I’ll try. And… and I’ll be the one to say something.”
He let out a painful little laugh, shaking his head.
“Maybe just a… hello.”

I left that day with more questions than answers. I couldn’t picture the world he’d lived through. Then again, how could it be true? None of it had happened. But what was he gaining from lying about it?
That was the last time I saw Samuel. A few days later, he went missing, as if he’d disappeared into thin air. I didn’t know what to think of it. There was nothing on the cameras – no one entering or leaving the building. No quick escapes, no clever plans. He’d just walked into his room and disappeared. Nothing left but a couple of moths fluttering about.
And for a while, that was it. That was the end of the story. I got busy looking for a new job, and all the little items given to me by Samuel was put away into a little box in my glove compartment. Life soldiered on, and no matter how many questions I had, there was no one around to answer them. Even the strange kid that’d been following me was, seemingly, gone.

A couple of months later, I was driving home from a friend’s place. I stopped at a four-way street, waiting for a couple of trucks to pass, when there was a knock on the passenger side window. I almost choked on my own spit. Scared me half to death.
Looking out, I could see that kid again. I hadn’t seen him for some time, and I quickly bounced between curiosity and downright anger.
“What do you want?” I yelled out.
There was no response. Instead, the door just opened. It’d been locked. As he opened the door, he pointed to the glove box.
“You want his things?” I asked. “Is that it?”
He nodded. I wanted to lash out, but there was something telling me I shouldn’t. Instead, I reached over, opened the glove compartment, and pointed to the box.
“Just take it and leave me alone,” I said. “Get it over with.”

He reached in and grabbed the box. So much effort for a couple of mementos. I turned my head back to face the road. The kid backed out. But of course, I had to get the last word in.
“Not even a thank you, huh?”
That made him pause. He looked at me, tilting his head. As he opened his mouth to speak, a moth fluttered out. Then another. And another.
Then – darkness.

What happened next is hard to describe. My memory of it is fragmented. It’s like trying to watch a buffering video, where long stretches of it are just nothing – but you know something was supposed to happen in-between.
Blink. I was sitting in my car. There was a dark blue sky. No clouds, no stars. Figures in the distance. An open field with blue flowers bending to a howling wind. A powerful stench of ammonia stinging my nostrils. Something to my immediate left, ripping the car door straight off the hinges.
Blink. Running. Ruins of a town. It seemed familiar, but there was barely anything left. My leg was bleeding. I was being followed. No matter where I turned, or where I ran, I seemed to end up at the same intersection.
Blink. A three-story building, brimming with life. Glimpses of arm-long antennae through the broken windows. Clickety-clack of bursting wings tapping against crumbling concrete. A loud warning shriek as something rubs its legs together; a call for prey.
Blink. Hiding in a tipped-over trash container. The rain has stopped in mid-air. Raindrops held in indefinite suspension. I suck water drops out of the air to quench my thirst. My hands are shaking from the blood loss.

Countless little images. Some in order, some not. I have no idea how much time passed. In the moment, it must’ve been much longer than I can remember. Days. Weeks, even. There’s no way to tell.
Blink. Walking through a barren field. It feels like walking through a dead forest, but there are no trees. Only those willingly impaled and wailing.
Blink. An abandoned booth by a broken highway. A sign offers phone calls, in exchange for “real teeth”. There are six sizes of pliers hanging on a wall within. All are bloodied – even the small ones.
Blink. The church that had burned down the night before had reappeared. The people inside, too. They couldn’t leave. Tonight, they would burn again.

Somewhere in this nightmarish puzzle-pieced fragment of nothing, there was a constant drive in me to get away. To get out. I knew that if I’d gotten there, I could get back home again. I just had no idea how. Maybe finding the kid. Asking. Begging. Something.
The last fragment of memory from that space was being cornered in a cellar. They were banging on the door. I’d tipped over a wardrobe to keep them out, but they weren’t going to stop. They were never going to stop. I couldn’t let them kill me again – not like that.
One of the Changed ones were coming. I don’t know what that means, or how I know the name, but I knew of it. There was a mirror, and I could see the signs. It stepped out. Seven feet tall, black as night. Elongated arms and neck. Barely a body at all – just a void space vaguely shaped like the remnants of a person.
Except this one felt… familiar. It was the first one to speak.
“H E L L O.”

Blink. Running. A cold hand. If I squeezed too hard, my fingers went straight through it. I had to keep up. He was showing me something.
Blink. They were flooding over the school bus, tipping it by their sheer numbers. Eruptions from the sewer grates. They were famished.
Blink. An open field. Sunflowers facing me, no matter where I turn. It’s not far.
Blink. I look back, as I’m pushed over the edge. He looks just like the rest of them. They aren’t angered by his betrayal.
They feel nothing, as I fall.

In February of 2017, I was found by the side of the road. I’d been gone for months. My car was too. I came back with nothing but the clothes on my back and countless scars. I’ve been told that I didn’t make any sense at first; I was just rambling nonsense. Or maybe it just sounded like nonsense to these people.
Over time, I forgot more and more of these fragmented images. And the less I remember, the more I can move on. Still, I’ve written them down over time, and they paint an ugly, insane picture of what I’d been going through. Some of which I, myself, have a hard time believing. Then again, I know myself well enough to see that there’s no point in lying.

I haven’t seen Samuel, or that strange kid ever since. I think this is all over, for now. There’s nothing left for me to give.
But even now, years later, I still wake up to that feeling at night. That there’s something wrong, or that I’m forgetting something. That there’s something near that I’m looking straight through, or past.
And every now and then, I hear the flutter of a moth’s wing, tapping against my bedroom window.
And I think I know what it wants.
It wants me to go back.
submitted by Saturdead to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:16 ForktUtwTT Y'all Ever Played the Card Game? Cause I Love It! Too much. Might be doubling the size of the game

I picked it up right before Rooster Teeth went under cause I always wanted to try it and over the last week I've played like 12 games of it learning it with my partner
It's a very fun game with tons of strategy and luck to it that makes for an incredibly intense 1v1 where both players feel like they have an equal chance.
I especially love how fun and wacky the copy-right free references every card had. Imagining our hand as two characters duking it out with stuff like "Cartoon Dad wielding Thor's hammer with a weaponized dolphin companion, geokenisis, and signature move: Instant Hell Murder (raging demon)" vs "Man dressed as Bat in boxing gloves who's invisible, can freeze time, and wields the power of friendship" is just so fun. Everything from the cards to even the dice and box are so nice looking and fun to look at while playing.
We didn't even plan to play it that much but it became a daily thing after a bit.
However, I do have some things I felt were lacking in the game so have made a few additions to it that I think improve it
Namely, the round structure was very steamroll heavy since if you lose rounds you gain absolutely nothing while the winner always just has an advantage on subsequent rounds via having more armor options. We alleviated this by instead giving both players 5 armor cards at the start and having both dismiss their armor no matter who wins the round. This way, it's still a best of 5 but the loser isn't left with no options. Plus, in an even game, the later rounds will see the players having less and less options so it makes it far more intense and forces you to play smart and plan ahead. Both me and my partner (who beat me almost every time >:( ) really appreciated how it
Secondly, the rules are written terribly. We were just straight up using one of the dice wrong and misunderstanding the turn order for days because the rules were so weirdly written. Might just be us being stupid tho. Either way, will probably rewrite them if my project goes well. Speaking of my project...
Thirdly, there just aren't enough cards. After 2 or 3 games we were familiar with every single weapon card in the game and we had one match where we literally spent every single skill card in the whole game. 20 armor was pretty ok since you never saw more than like 10 in a single match (without my updated rules, you never saw more than 6 unless you had a niche ability) but only 20 weapons when you have to see up to like 15 in a single game is wayyy too little. However, I'm not gonna change the rules to account for this. Instead, I'm currently working on inventing new cards!
The way I'm doing this is by going through every episode and ensuring there is one card in the game for every single combatant the show has ever had; even giving characters who have multiple appearances multiple cards. This is a big endeavor, and would triple the size of the game (aiming for around 45 Armor, 75 Weapons, and 150 Skills). I've already gotten everyone up until Guts and Nightmare and it's so fun to make new mechanics while also making them copy-write free references for fun
My personal favorite creations of mine so far are
Note: I'm also aware that there was apparently a limited time rooster teeth set of bonus cards, but honestly I'm not interested in that. They're all directly just items from other Rooster Teeth shows with no copy-right free labels which I think removes a lot of the charm. I'd much rather have a weapon that reads "A Boomstick" with art of a generic trucker guy with a shotgun for an arm that's totally not Boomstick than a weapon that reads "Boomstick's Leg" with just a picture of normal Boomstick on it. Way less creative and fun.
So, yeah, needless to say, I've become a little obsessed with the card game. I'll continue my project for a while, maybe I'll share it here if I ever manage to get the cards printed or think of something else. But I don't know how many of y'all have played it, especially since you literally can't buy it anywhere anymore now that Rooster Teeth has shut down.
What do you guys think of the game? Have any of y'all ever played it? If so, any suggestions for cards or other notes that maybe I could address when updating the rules for my own version? Would really love if even one person was as interested in this as I am lmao
submitted by ForktUtwTT to deathbattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:04 zeekaran Sci-fi before and after Star Wars (Barbarella to Battle Beyond the Stars)

I grew up on Star Wars. I watched the original trilogy over and over after I was first introduced to them, and then a couple years later the VHS Special Edition trilogy came out and I watched them even more. George Lucas and his VFX company Industrial Light & Magic revolutionized practical and CG effects in film. Their work with miniatures has been a focus for a long time, but it wasn't until recently I learned about the influence of Star Wars (1977) on how sci-fi films are written. Most space films of the era were pulpy, campy trash. I still haven't seen Flash Gordon (a movie Lucas has specifically mentioned as inspiration for SW:ANH), but I watched several other films that are cult classics of the era.
To get a feel of the state of sci-fi before and right after Star Wars, these are the movies I watched:
If you asked me a year ago if there were any good space sci-fi films before Star Wars, I would have said yes: one. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).
If you asked me today, maybe three?
Barbarella is a classic sci-fi fantasy romp. But sexy. The effects, writing, acting, pretty much everything is great. Compared to a couple of the movies below, this is high grade art. There really isn't that much to say; just go watch it. Between this, 2001, and Planet of the Apes, 1968 must have been a crazy year to go to the movies.
Zardoz is a trip. Usually people just know it as the movie where Sean Connery dressed like Borat. Rick and Morty S01E07 "Raising Gazorpazorp" borrows a tiny bit from it. I will say I was unprepared for this movie. It's incredibly 60s/70s peace and love, but it turns out much darker, more serious, and cerebral than I expected. I don't know if it's "good", or if I understood it all, but I do know that I enjoyed it.
Seven Samurai in space! (No not that one! Piss off, Zach) Battle Beyond the Stars, the movie poster with the ship with large ... This movie is almost good. Sometimes the special effects are great, but mostly they are laughable. The cast is diverse and interesting (the cowboy got a big laugh out of us), but the film is too short to flesh them out. Though the general plot is Seven Samurai/Magnificent Seven (even including an actor from M7), it also shamelessly steals from Star Wars by focusing on a farm boy with no experience other than piloting, and destroying the main villain's superweapon, the Star "Converter". With a bigger budget it could have been great. As it is, it's just another campy SW cash-grab.
Dark Star is a low budget, student film quality, satire made in response to Kubrick's 2001. Primarily, by having a talking AI at odds with the human crew, and reversing the clean and professional, no nonsense 60s man in space with 70s blue-collar hippies. The blue-collar trucker vibe of this film is what we can thank for the Ridley Scott's 1979 masterpiece: Alien. Lucas certainly borrowed Dark Star's lightspeed jump visual (link unavailable due to copyright claims), and may have been inspired by the griminess and trucker vibe for the Millenium Falcon and the rebels. I would only recommend someone watch it for academic purposes: as a time capsule of the 70s, to see how John Carpenter got started, and for its influence in sci-fi film. To save you the time, just watch the climactic talking to the bomb scene.
Starcrash, another campy, pulpy romp, that is a blend of Star Wars and Barbarella. Supposedly it was written before SW released, but it's hard to see it as anything other than a SW cash-grab. Their marketing had no qualms ripping off SW as much as possible. This poster has what looks like a Star Destroyer and the Falcon! I do not remember seeing these ships in the movie. Here's David Hasselhoff with a lightsaber. Starcrash is the perfect example of what sci-fi may have continued to be without SW. Where SW tones down all the silly fantasy garbage and rompiness, Starcrash highlights it. One of the two main characters has weird, nonsense magic that may be similarly inspired by Dune as Jedi/the Force was, but with no real explanation or predictability. The pacing and general writing are terrible. It's everything you would expect from a B-movie from the 70s. The proper way to watch this is with MST3K.

Barbarella Zardoz Dark Star BBtS Starcrash
low budget/production quality x x x
slave camps x x x x
peace and love vibes x x x
horny x x x x x
very horny x x
submitted by zeekaran to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 epiczail [US][H] NES, SNES, Gameboy(C/A/DS), N64, Gamecube, Genesis, Saturn, Sega CD, 32x, Dreamcast, PS1, Sealed games, etc[W] PayPal FF

Hi everyone, I'm getting rid of some items from my collection that I haven't used in a while/don't see myself ever playing. Everything is CIB unless noted. Shipping is free for anything over $25, otherwise it'll be $5. I am only taking FF. For consoles & larger items, I'll split shipping halfway.
I will be shipping via the cheapest method, if you would like a specific carrier or method of shipping, I can send a quote for the difference in cost.
Game Info Price
Consoles & Accessories
Genesis controllers Various 3rd party, multitap, arcade stick $5
Genesis power cable MK-2103 $15
Genesis RF Cable $2
Dreamcast RF cable $2
Sega CD Model 2 loose with power cable $150
Sega CD Model 2 CIB $300
Generic N64 USB Controller $5
Actraiser loose https://imgur.com/a/1qOugTW $35
Arkanoid SEALED $73
Demon's Crest loose $155
Demon's Crest still has seal from blockbuster on https://imgur.com/a/SkWWcZ3 $500
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Mint $105
Incantaion $510
Mega Man X first print $125
Robocop vs Terminator $115
Super Metroid First print, Includes poster https://imgur.com/a/HFmsDM1 $330
Xardion loose $35
Zombies Ate My Neighbors $108
Crusin USA loose $15
Diddy Kong Racing loose $30
Diddy Kong Racing $95
Ogre Battle 64 loose $98
Resident Evil 2 $130
Star Fox 64 tear on front of box, no rumble or insert $62
Tony Hawk Pro Skater loose $12
Gameboy & GBC
Adventure Island II loose $25
The Flash $70
Interstellar Assault loose $35
James Bond 007 $70
Woody Woodpecker Graded 9.0 A+ $295
Gameboy Advance
Castlevania Double Pack Graded 8.5 A+ $400
Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of Souls Missing cart holder https://imgur.com/a/beVqX9X $48
Mario Tennis Power Tour SEALED $120
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon no cart holder https://imgur.com/a/wT3aBYu $95
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun $98
Mega Man Zero 2 $95
Ninja Five-O loose, label damage https://imgur.com/a/81gCA0b $325
Rebelstar Tactical Command SEALED $89
Sonic Advance 3 $77
Ace Attorney Apollo Justice SEALED $105
Bleach the 3rd Phantom SEALED https://imgur.com/a/ZZi8Wb6 $150
Chibi Robo: Park Patrol SEALED $95
Children of Mana SEALED $75
Chrono Trigger loose https://imgur.com/a/hxKCrOR $73
Chrono Trigger CIB $120
Dragon Quest IX loose $36
Magicians Quest Loose $140
Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story SEALED https://imgur.com/a/1GoouU3 $60
Mario & Luigi Partners in Time SEALED $140
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Double Team Graded 85+ $200
Monster Tale SEALED https://imgur.com/a/yMlHxGf $100
Pokemon Conquest loose $62
Pokemon Conquest $105
Pokemon Soulsilver loose $122so
Sonic Colors SEALED https://imgur.com/a/Hcukcvz $40
Zelda: Spirit Tracks Loose $55
3DS & DS lot Battle of Giants Dragons, Brain Age, Brain Age 2, Club Penguin Herberts Revenge, Flash Focus, LEGO Batman 2, Ninja Turtles, Puzzle Quest, Sonic Colors, Touchmaster 2 All loose $43
Phantasy Star Online Episode I&II Plus $190
Pokemon Colosseum loose $127
Ribbit King no manual $160
Spawn: Armageddon SEALED $87
Super Mario Sunshine loose https://imgur.com/a/LnzMttT $30
Viewtiful Joe SEALED $100
Viewtiful Joe 2 SEALED $80
Zelda Collector's Edition https://imgur.com/a/n2cr9Fx $66
Kirby’s Epic Yarn SEALED https://imgur.com/a/v0L7KL5 $35
No More Heroes 2 SEALED $32
Resident Evil 4 SEALED $35
Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles https://imgur.com/a/L9fp8v2 $35
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles no manual, https://imgur.com/a/L9fp8v2 $9
Rune Factory Frontier $35
Master System
Miracle Warriors $48
LOT 1, Earthworm Jim, Garfield caught in the act, Krustys fun house, monopoly all loose, some have label wear https://imgur.com/a/xDt7jtC $30
LOT 2, College Football USA 97, NBA Live 96, World Series Baseball 95 All CIB $25
Arcus Odyssey No Manual $155
Batman no manual $90
Battletoads Double Dragon Loose $22
Bimini Run No manual $35
Captain America no manual $45
Contra Hard Corps No manual $98
Crusader of Centy loose, former rental, super glue on back screws $445
Double Dragon 3 loose $12
Eternal Champions loose $6
Fire Shark No manual $58
Ghouls N Ghosts No manual $60
Gunstar Heroes no manual https://imgur.com/a/Tg7fYyP $120
Jeopardy SEALED $30
Landstalker Loose, sharpie on label $24
The Lost Vikings SEALED, cart is loose $180
Mega Turrican no manual $140
Pac-Mania $26
Predator 2 $60
The Punisher $350
Red Zone No manual $63
Robocop vs Terminator no manual $55
Shadow Dancer Secret of Shinobi no manual $48
Shining force II $150
Spider-Man X-Men Arcade's Revenge $24
Sonic the Hedgehog $30
Sunset Riders no manual $90
Time Killers no manual $125
Toki Going Ape Spit no manual $56
Ultimate Qix No Manual $55
Zombies Ate My Neighbors no manual $42
Zombies Ate My Neighbors loose $21
Sega CD
Adventures of Willy Beamish loose $10
Bram Stoker's Dracula Manual only has cover https://imgur.com/a/Fo4IyXY $10
Dungeon Master II Skullkeep $40
Ecco The Dolphin $35
Ground Zero Texas $16
Joe Montana's NFL Football $6
Lunar the Silver Star https://imgur.com/a/lh9n8Lt $200
Midnight Raiders loose $9
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers $24
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Graded 8.5 A+ $220
NHL 94 loose $5
Novastorm $140
Robo Aleste No manual $106
Sewer Shark loose $5
Stellar Fire loose $7
Supreme Warrior SEALED $100
Vay Some wear on manual & case https://imgur.com/a/f3Bgb3v $120
Kolibri No Manual $220
Night Trap $100
Enemy Zero Generic disc sleeves https://imgur.com/a/yyV6NNg $155
Panzer Dragoon $73
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei loose https://imgur.com/a/MJ2jhw5 $47
Gameshark CDX loose $4
D+vine[Luv] disc & manual $2
Illbleed SEALED $420
Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage SEALED $125
Maken X SEALED $70
Marvel vs Capcom loose $54
Marvel vs Capcom 2 loose $110
Q*Bert SEALED $40
Sports Jam SEALED $70
Star Wars Demolition SEALED $50
The Adventures of Lomax $210
Alundra loose $64
Alundra 2 $40
Beyond the Beyond $50
Bloody Roar 2 loose $30
Breath of Fire IV loose $56
Castlevania Symphony of the Night loose $70
Contra Legacy of War $20
Dino Crisis 2 loose $59
Doom longbox $72
Einhander Loose $85
Elemenetal Gearbolt https://imgur.com/a/EuSfZYc $225
Evil Zone loose $20
Fear Effect No manual https://imgur.com/a/rUqjVfW $25
Fighter Maker SEALED $55
Final Fantasy Tactics loose $15
Final Fantasy VII GH https://imgur.com/a/Wj98fSs $38
Final Fantasy VIII SEALED (GH) $60
Hellboy Asylum Seeker SEALED $125
Kartia loose $35
Koudelka SEALED, https://imgur.com/a/1NNkrll $430
Lunar Silver Star Story loose, game discs $60
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Case, 4 discs, & map $120
Master of Monsters SEALED $70
MDK $19
Mega Man X6 SEALED, black label $115
Mortal Kombat Trilogy loose $25
Parasite Eve 2 https://imgur.com/a/B189quy $112
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment No bonus disc $350
Point Blank 3 SEALED $80
Raiden Project loose $23
Rascal SEALED, some wear $38
Resident Evil 2 loose $30
Resident Evil 2 $49
Star Ocean The Second Story No manual $40
Strider 2 both discs, loose $62
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo loose $17
Tactics Ogre Loose, has rental stickers on top $60
Thousand Arms loose $85
TigerShark SEALED https://imgur.com/a/9ANOk4Y $20
Tomba $135
Tomba SEALED, promo copy w/ drill hole $435
Treasures of the Deep loose $6
Vagrant Story $95
Vandal Hearts 2 $90
Xenogears https://imgur.com/a/OXTu3gy $140
Big Mutha Truckers $8
Blood Will Tell $380
Bloody Roar 4 loose $62
The Fast & the Furious SEALED $35
Fatal Frame II $92
Family Guy Video Game $25
Grand Theft Auto III SEALED, https://imgur.com/a/neMZAcO $15
Gungrave loose $35
Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction $25
Jak 3 $8
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al Revis Premium Box Set Graded, 9.4 A+ $240
Medal of Honor Vanguard no manual $5
Need for Speed most wanted no manual $11
Parappa The Rapper 2 no manual $68
Rule of Rose No manual $550
Silent Hill 3 no manual $150
Silent Hill 4 The Room $140
The Warriors loose $47
Eye of Judgement, Def Jam Rapstar, DJ Hero 1 & 2, PES 2011 lot $13
Digimon All Star Rumble no manual $20
Conker: Live & Reloaded loose $30
Def Jam Fight for NY no manual $97
Godzilla Destroy all Monsters Melee no manual $75
Marvel vs Capcom 2 no manual $106
Mortal Kombat Armageddon no manual $30
(360) Digimon All Star Rumble no manual $13
(360) Halo Reach SEALED, white label https://imgur.com/a/nQ4aaBY $37
(360) Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain SEALED, Day one edition $15
(PC) Half Life Game of the year edition $12
(PSP) Final Fantasy IV SEALED $55
(PSP) Gungnir SEALED $85
(PSP) Star Wars Force Unleashed loose $3
Boxes & Manuals Only
(NES) Widget Box $73
(NES) Mighty Final Fight Cut box & case $88
(SNES) Ignition Factor Box $25
(SNES) Lufia II Box $150
(SNES) Shadowrun Box (has wear) $60
(SNES) Star Trek the Next Generation Box & manual (has wear) $20
(N64) Mario Party box, one flap is torn $40
(GC) Pokemon XD Case https://imgur.com/a/xaoZwWN $40
(SCD) Dark Wizard case $35
(Dreamcast) - Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Case $40
(PS1) Tomba Case $40
(SNES) Earthbound no scratch n sniff $210
(PC) World of Warcraft Dungeon Companion $2
(DC) Power Stone $22
(PS1) Driver 2 $10
(PS1) Wild Arms 2 w/ poster $45
(PS2) 007 Everything or Nothing $7
(PS2) Nano Breaker BradyGames, new in plastic $15
(PS2) Project Snowblind BradyGames $11
(PS2) Samurai Warriors Prima $3
(PS2) Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Prima $3
(Xbox) Thief Deadly Shadows Prima $10
submitted by epiczail to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:21 casefilesofVJ Brumby saved my life.

I (M55) live in Tin Can Bay and I work in Gympie (Queensland).
So I'm doing that stretch of road often, a notoriously shit single lane 100km zone that has had far too many vehicle accidents to count.
You're mostly driving through pine plantations and bush until the scenery turns sandy and beechy.
I was on my way home from a night shift about fifteen years ago. I was listening to my favorite ACDC cd and keeping my eyes peeled for wallabies and echidna. I had spotted a few already and this road always had a new carcass or two every couple of days.
Now, you don't see them very often, but there's also wild horses around this area; Brumbies. Problem is, they're mostly black. Which just means trouble when it comes to night driving between the pine forests.
Just my luck, I spotted one in my high beams on the road ahead of me. I put on my hazards just in case someone came up from behind or from the opposite direction and I kept my eyes scanning the trees for others, they usually stayed in packs of a dozen or two. I couldn't see any others which I found sort of peculiar.
I rolled to a stop in front of the horse and watched it as it just stared at my car as it blocked the road ahead of me. It walked around in a small circle and continued to block the road. It would stomp its legs and flick its tail apparently content with its spot and unwilling to move.
I didn't want to spook it by beeping my horn, and honestly to see a creature as magnificent as this in the wild so close was breathtaking. I felt having that moment was special. And as I suspected after a minute or so the horse trotted off into the trees without a second look back.
I continued up a hill and around a few bends weary of anymore Brumbies, instead I found an overturned logging truck with its headlights still on along with a shaken old couple on the side of the road by a caravan they were towing.
I got out and asked if they needed help, the lady was on the phone to what I assumed was the police.
The truck driver told me it had happened only five minutes earlier.
What I gathered was that the man towing the caravan swerved wide off the wrong side of the road around a bended crest and the truck had to swerve off the road to miss them in the past second. It was a mess. Logs everywhere, the road completely blocked. It looked like that final destination movie my kids made me watch a few years earlier.
Miraculously the trucker saved the old couple and himself, he ended up being a friend of a friend and I saw him at a BBQ not too long afterwards. He told me the old fella tried saying it wasn't his fault and that it was the trucker who almost killed him. The old man's insurance did the same. It was ridiculous.
The emergency services eventually showed up and I ended up driving back to G town to stay with my nephew for the night as I didn't want to wait until the road was cleared and I was tired.
I can tell you now, I was very very alert on the rest of that drive and I of course made sure to flash other cars to let them know to be cautious going up ahead.
I couldn't help shaking the feeling that if I hadn't been stopped by that Brumby I probably would have ended up getting stuck behind the caravan as old people towing things are notorious for going slowly through the area, and by what happened it looks like I could have been cleaned up by that truck.
I don't know if I believe in animal guides and that sort of stuff but it was definitely a strange coincidence that potentially saved my life.
My wife thinks it was a spirit guide watching over me and tells anyone and everyone we come across.
submitted by casefilesofVJ to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:41 WestMichiganDabKing Flashing

My GF loves to flash truckers on car rides and it's a hell of a lot of fun. Most seem to enjoy, but I understand it's technically unsafe or whatever but I figure people want to see titties for sure.
Just curious lol
submitted by WestMichiganDabKing to Truckers [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:01 Throwitawaynow578 Not a trucker, but I have a question

Fairly frequently when I pass a truck on the highway one of their headlights, usually drivers side, will become what I can only describe as a strobe light. Now I don’t mean the nice trucker “you can get back in the lane” flash, I mean full on seizure inducing strobe light. Is this on purpose? Is it a lose wire or bulb? What is the deal?
submitted by Throwitawaynow578 to Truckers [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:51 cabinfog The lady in the basement

I was the one that found Jake dead, Tucked in the dark corner of the parking garage in his idling pest control truck that vibrated minutely.
The parking garage always had a humming from stainless metal fans to circulate the humid and hot Virgina air. Walking closer to the truck I saw his chemical box in the bed of the truck was open with the top flap sticking straight up.I thought nothing weird about the open box because it's not just us in the pest control company that live there and from time to time we steal from other trucks. For the summer the company buys out dozens of rooms for the employees to stay. Most employees are door to door salesmen who make a living selling pest control as a same day service. Where Jake and I, with a few others, come into play is after the sale. The ones who actually spray your house, the ones who interact with the customers and bring them down to reality after the salesmen fluff our feathers, or are they fluffing their own? We are the ones who click the rap trap mouths in place, with black jagged teeth…waiting, with the delicious neon blue food for the rats to nibble on and share with their newborns. We had 7 other trucks in the parking garage and from time to time chem went missing. Sometimes us technicians didn't want to wake up early and drive 30 minutes to the office to pick up materials, truckers were closer, much closer. I'd be lying to you if I didn't steal a de-weber every now and then off a truck, but I always made no trace of the thievery. I can't speak for everyone though. So when that lid was pointing up to the rusty pipes and concrete ceiling above, I wasn't surprised, hell I might have had a smirk on my face.
With the swing of my arm I slapped the box closed, a whiff of chemicals spewed out and hit my nose which gave me a feeling of a stinging sneeze that never comes. I gave the window a knock to see if he would turn around.. Silence. I got closer to see if he was glued to his phone and didn't hear me or didn’t bother looking. I put my hands up on the window and smushed my eyebrows against my index fingers to get a better look. I saw the seat was fully reclined back, him laying there…still as a morning lake. I knocked on the smaller back half door. Tap tap TAP. No movement. It was too dark to see so I dug my hand in my pocket to get my phone light out and put it flush to the back oval airplane shaped window. That's when I saw this face—— god his face—— skin a purplish hue and pulled taught by swelling, eyes adrift and red which were bulging out like they wanted to leave, jaw open with dark fluid sitting in his mouth, escaping on the sides. The streaks of dark liquid rolled down his purple face, curving down the back of his neck, and dribbling down the strands of hair meeting the head rest. My eyelids opened so wide they touched my eyebrows. His fingers curled limply around a chemical bottle, cap off and the liquid color matching that of the pool in his mouth…
“Jake” I whispered, my voice feels like it was stolen from me, my skin is tingling like an unknown channel on tv as heat takes over… I begin to fall, the last thing I notice are my fingers streaking down the window. I passed out.
4 months pass
I'm moving out of the building where it happened. I’ve wanted to get out of this building since it happened, but didn’t have the financial backing. Now I plan to stay in Virginia for the winter and move in with roommates from the pest control company. The salesmen call this time their “off season” due to them all leaving and going back home, most to Vegas. My other two roommates run the regular technician routes which consist of stopping at 14-15 designated houses a day, spraying chemicals and setting traps to take care of the contracts those grimey salesmen sell.
I used to share a room with jake. All of his things were taken out either by investigators or the maid service. The other roommates in the building told me to combine the abandoned twin bed with mine but I never touched it, I couldn't.
I’m making this entry due to finding something. Something I believe was very close to Jake.The last day of moving I had everything packed but my mattress and box spring. While moving my mattress lazily with the sheet still on I lost grip and it hit his mattress sliding it off the box spring and hitting the wall. I let go of my mattress automatically and wanted to fix his bed…. Preserve it. I wrapped my hands around his mattress when a wave of dizziness veiled over me. My hands became clammy and I didn't want to touch his mattress anymore, like a kid that doesn't want to touch an old person. I had to put it back! If I didn't it would haunt me forever my mind yelled at me. Just as I forced myself to slide the mattress back, my middle knuckle dropped into a slight groove, and I stopped in place. I pushed the mattress to the right and traced where my knuckle had been and found a slit in the box spring.I hesitated, staring at the unnatural slash in the cloth, Thinking about when Jake and I would make fun of our manager who always had a bone to pick with jake ever since the first day they met, the new manager 2 years younger than us yelling at jake to tuck his shirt in while his own untucked, covered his belt and belly. A smile slowly disappeared from my face as I was brought back with my whole forearm now in the slit of the box spring. My fingers clutched an object that had to be a book. I pulled My arm out of the box spring like pulling a calf out of its mother, now half expecting to see red viscous liquid and tiny wet legs, my eyes shut slowly like elevator doors closing.
But My hand appeared dry and my fingers clenched around a book of sorts. The outside of the book was void of color, almost like it absorbed it instead. I sat down on my thrown mattress and the empty apartment surrounded me. I flipped to the first page as the spine creaked at me, I saw Jake's name and it clicked in me that this wasn't a book. It was Jake's notebook! I flipped page after page reading Jacob’s writings about days of killing bugs and missing home till I got to the page. Sometimes I wish I wasn't lazy, I could have taken the sheet off the bed, this would have never happened, I would have never found the notebook. The apartment seemed to be silently closing in on me now like I was in the digestive tract of some huge monster. God the page—— in big dark letters he had written “THE LADY IN THE BASEMENT IS THE REASON WHY I AM GONE.” I was stuck reading the words again and again thinking I was seeing things. My heart was pumping so vigorously I could hear it agitate the fabric of my shirt little by little each beat. There was a dark arrow so dark that seemed to suck in light and pointed toward the right of the page wanting someone to flip it or something to flip it, so I did. For the next pages he wrote why…. And I clinging to every word …began to read.
2 months pass
The warm thick air has passed now, leaving a cold grey in the air. Virginia feels less claustrophobic with the heat gone. Winter is stinging its way into the picture more and more, breath starting to become visible almost every day.
My new apartment looks over the town of Arlington which is a nice view from the 13th floor. Whenever people ask where I live I tell them, “it’s 5 minutes from the pentagon,” I’ve said it so much it numbs me.
There are 3 guys in total that live in this apartment so the decor is minimal at best. Our tv stand is an upside down plastic bin, with our coffee table another bin, at least its a set. The floor is thick and worn carpet, light tan in color. The walls have the same yellowish void look. My favorite part of the apartment is the balcony that spans the whole side of the living room to which I can see a sliver of the Potomac river, an icy cold thing this time of year.
I've marinated in Jake's notebook for a while, I think I’m ready to share some of what is inside. Jake goes into extreme detail about these situations so I’ll just copy them down for you all to read, I think that is what’s best. After reading this I wasn’t the same, you are warned.
Thursday July 18th 2020 (7 months ago)
 -Jake’s notebook- 
Today I am changed. It was right after lunch when my work phone notified me a house was booked. Usually I disliked the salesmen but the one that booked me was just alright, tolerable. I pulled into the neighborhood as the sun dimmed from clouds rolling in, storm maybe. Multiple groups of six townhomes were placed throughout the neighborhood with tall trees and bush linking them. The small homes shared walls only separated by a slight offset in depth, looking like crooked teeth. Porches stuck out a measly foot from the homes which were more for decoration than enjoyment. The porches all had different faded color variations that staggered from each house, blue, red, orange, green, and back to blue. The peeling wood porches had the style of a western movie set which I thought interesting, but I knew the webs were going to be a bitch to get out. I rolled up to the address the app told me as the salesmen popped out of some trees to greet me, probably pissing. Wind whipped his hair, yes a storm. I rolled down the window and stopped the truck, wheels stopping the popping of gravel underneath. He gave me the rundown of the house while leaning on the windowsill of my truck, where the smell of sweat leaked in from him. He mentioned the old woman that lived in the townhome and said she was an oddball but kind. I thought nothing of it, just another job before getting off. As I parked the car, I asked the salesmen, “interior?” He replied, “yes.”
My shoe covers zipped on the asphalt as I walked toward the door, pump tank in my hand. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. The old woman opened the splintered door as I introduced myself and got all the signatures I needed to apply the pesticides, legal reasons. The first thing I noticed about the woman was her eyes, they looked worn, tired as if she stayed up all night… or something was keeping her up. I smiled as I slipped the signed papers in the back pocket of my jeans, she reciprocated the smile and pushed the door open wide as creaks escaped the henges. Right before I stepped in I saw the salesmen grab a deweber from my truck, he is an alright one this salesmen. I looked back and the old woman kept her eyes on my face, I smiled again to break the slight awkwardness. The smell of wet concrete hit my nose when I stepped in the home, it started to sprinkle behind me, it cut off as she closed the door behind me.
The old woman’s home was tight like lungs that never sucked air back in. The layout was like a strip of gum, the start was the door I walked through and The end was the living room which had a step down. She offered me water which I politely declined, I could see the kindness the salesmen were talking about. The home was filled with random knick knacks but not messy, organized chaos. I asked her the routine questions about bugs like where she was seeing them to which she replied almost everywhere, thank god this was a small home. I started to spray in the kitchen which was directly left of the door I walked through. Spray shot Around the sides of the refrigerator and the baseboards and the woman followed me almost attached to the hip or like an obedient dog. I didn't think it weird, she kept conversation and genuinely looked fascinated about where I sprayed while listening to my little tips I replayed from the back of my mind on how to keep bugs away. We rounded the kitchen and stepped down into the living room where carpet met my boot covers with peppered static zaps. I sprayed the sliding back door focusing on the bottom track where bug highways usually gravitated. Then I traced the baseboards around the living room, avoiding wires powering lamps and televisions.
I heard quick stomps coming down the stairs to which I gave a glance of curiosity toward the bottom of the staircase and temporarily lifted my hand off the spray trigger. A child rounded the corner and ran to the old woman yelling, “grandma!” Must have woken up from a nap or something. The child then looked up at me and asked who I was and she explained in young terms, “he is here to make the bugs go away.” I smiled at that to reaffirm the old woman's version of me she gave, I was a version who told the bugs to go away, not kill them by the thousands. I liked that version of myself.
I had finished treating the main floor and now followed the old woman and child up the stairs, her veiny hands scratching her grandson's head. I went through every room, closet, bathroom, and windowsill spraying with the old woman still following me everywhere I went, pointing out the hotspots, her close presence becoming normal, almost warming as she reminded me of my grandmother. The child seemed just as interested as his grandmother about how I spray and I thought it wholesome.
After this point things took a dark sinister turn.
My job was now finished I thought. We were all on the main floor now and I began to reach for the front door and tell her we would finish the outside service now when she for the first time broke her distance from me. This made me feel, for lack of better words, alone. She steadily glided toward the living room not looking back and she stepped down the dip heading for the couch. Did she forget I was still in the house? Did she imagine opening the door and letting me out? The kid then followed her and jumped off the small dip in childlike fashion into the living room and landed on the carpet, gracing his tumble. The old woman never sat down, and her back was facing me as she stood there…. Her Body was still. Why didn't she sit down? She broke the silence right as my fingers touched the front door knob, her voice was colder now, “won't you come here for a second?” The knob rang numbly for a split second as my hands slid off. I then took a step toward the living room patiently, waiting for.. what? The rain now beat on the old woman's back windowed door, with the flash of illumination, lightning struck close, then thought of the salesmen with the metal deweber pole, that combination like brushing teeth and orange juice. The thought was erased as the tip of my boots hung off the step to the living room. I looked at the woman's face and dropped down in the living room, her wiry hair now covering some of her face with a blank stare. The kid now hugging her legs hiding his whole body except the right side of his face, the eyeball piercing me. Her hair was delayed as she snapped her head at me, then the hair caught up and fell. Her face then shook like when a student tries to stay awake in class, she then looked around, lost and took a deep breath. She said, “sorry sometimes I get these headaches, they just take over me,” as she laughed it off dryly. I told her “it's fine, I get them too,” I get them too? Are you stupid jake? She then raised her old saggy arm pointing to a door. I knew what this door led to. Being in hundreds of townhomes with the same layout, they led to the basement. Pairing with my thought she forced out, “Dear please spray the basement too, will you?
Before I could answer the kid somewhat loudly asked, “wait grandma… he is going into the basement? Grandma! Why the basement?” My neck chilled to goosebumps. I stepped back up onto the wood and stopped at the tooth white door expecting the old lady to open it for me, she had done this the whole way through the house, opening cabinets, windows, doors, flipping on light switches for me but here I am with the old woman standing firm in the same spot and the kid saying the same question, starting to cry. I looked back at the door as she said, “yes that door, the light switch is on the left, close the door when going down… we don't go down in the basement.” My heart started to pump faster and my fingers and forearm twisted the knob, opening the door, my mind replaying, “we don't go down in the basement, we dont go down in the basement,” What the fuck does that mean! I took one last look at her and saw only a part of the woman, due to the kitchen wall, she sat down now and grabbed something off her neck and started sifting it through her hands. She then did something my ears will never forget, she started to pray in spanish… and I took my first step down.
I shut the door behind me as then I switched the light on. It was very dim, only giving me the bare minimum brightness to reach the bottom. The walls were different as I descended, the light didn't bounce off them, instead the walls seem to let the light in. The old woman's prayers and childs crying muffled the creaks the wooden staircase gave off. The prayers were getting louder. I dreadfully got on the floor of the basement now. To the left, a wall, to the right, a long hallway leading to complete and utter darkness. My body felt a shiver like flying to a cold part of the world and the airport doors exposing you to the weather for the first time. My head naturally looked down at my feet for some reason. There was a door to the right of me now which I saw coming down the stairs. I shifted toward it with my boot covers scraping the carpet tips, uneasily, I opened it. The boiler room was dark as the swing of the door brought a string to my vision. The light for this room of course is a fucking string light. I pulled on it hard and light struggled to do its job. The light reminded me of when my 7th grade science teacher, mr. Crutcher, told us what would happen if a light bulb traveled the speed of light in space, “you will see the light, yes! But it will reflect no light! Precisely! what is a light but more than a mere tool that reflects light off of other things!” The memory should have put a smile on my face. I then sprayed around the water heater and cotton candy pink insulation sticking out from the room’s walls. My heart pounding and a veil of sickness came over me. The cold got stronger. This place… was pure sickness itself. Holding my hand up I wrapped around the string but paused, something deep inside of me telling me not to shut the light off, I almost felt as if someone with a remote was controlling my movements, I was separated from myself. I let the string slither out of my hand as I walked out of the room. My head fell back down at my boots, as if something didn't want me to look up. What would I see if I looked up? The exposed insulation made the old woman's prayers fuzzed, but now I was back in the hallway and I could hear the extent of it. She was screaming now. I imagined her old neck veins popping like blue miniature rivers flowing up to her wrinkly face.
I faced the hallway now, the walls darkening the further they got from the top stairway light. My brain was yelling at me to hurry and go as fast as I could but my body did not listen, we were disconnected. I took my first step still looking at my feet seeing the dark entrance from the hallway get closer, another step I go, I get closer, step, closer, step. I now know the sick thing in this home is in the dark void I approach with every step… waiting. I finally reach the end of the hallway and my body stops. The old woman's screams reach a pinnacle. The kid crying and yelling accompanies it. I am all alone. Even my brain is alone. I can do nothing. The darkness is all around me. I twitch my head to the right, it reminds me of the old womans movements, and reach my hand out to feel for a light switch, nothing. When I do this I can see in the dark room slightly with my hat hiding me from most, not all. My head comes back down to the center. I feel like throwing up now, my sickness is terrible. My head is spinning and so is my stomach. All of my extremities are ice now. I twitch my head to the left, my hand grazing the sandpaper wall and I feel A switch! My heart relaxes from the touch. Finally I'm not alone! the light switch accompanies me! Click…my finger flips the switch. My stomach drops. Click.CLICK.CLICK. NOTHING. My breathing is like a car engine that just turned over. The only thing that was with me for even a second is gone. No light. I won't move. I can't move. My hat doesn't cover it all. The ceiling now shakes from the old woman screaming as my eyes… my god damn EYES…. glance into the darkness and see the lady in the basement…. everything goes black.
submitted by cabinfog to interestingrabbithole [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:30 jimmythecollector [FS] [USA] Ann D Backlace Boots, Prad@ Bag, Ga11ery D3pt, N1ke x 0W, R@F S1mmons Shirt, 424 Denim Jacket, Kap1tal Pants / Bag / Visv1ms, CH Dav1d925 Pendants, Ston3 1sland Ghost Crewnecks, NB 2002R Protection Pack, Prad@ Monolith Boots, F0G Longsleeve, Ba1enciaga, G1venchy, Retail Y-3, & More! 🏷️💲



$11 - Retail LOVE Uniq1o x MoMA Art Tee - Small - Retailed for $30. Amazing design and lightly worn.
$39 - F3ar of G0d Essentia1s Longsleeve Polo Gray - Fits Small-Medium - Bought used and fits amazing. Exactly on point with my retail and I can’t tell any difference between both.
$55 - R@f S1mmons Denim Button-Up - Fits Large - Best batch out and only tried on. Rare rep from a haul I did a few years back and link is now dead.
$72 - G1venchy Cardigan Logo Sweater - Fits XL - Best batch out from 8Billi0n (who’s a Tao reseller). Blank is extremely plush and thick while the embroidery is very clean. Fine withholding so priced as is but still cheaper compared to buying from Tao and waiting the ~1 month.
$85 - 424 Denim Fairfax Distressed Jacket - Medium - Best batch out and only tried on. Rare rep from a haul I did a few years back and link is now dead. No red sleeve.
$69 - Pa1ace Arms Blue/White Jacket - Fits Small-Medium - Best batch out and was released a few years back. Has been in closet for a while but time to let go, unsure if it’s from Pa1ace37 or not. Insane quality and great for everyday wear.
$49 OBO - Kapita1 Fleece Olive/White Trousers Japan - Size 2 (Waist Size 32) - Extremely comfy and from a reputable seller a few years back. Perfect if you value comfiness and such a nice quality piece.
$25 - Balenc1aga Pride Tee - Cl0yad - Fits Small - From Cloyad who’s a top-tier reseller. Never been worn personally but seems lightly used.
$12 - Retail Uniq1o Kei1th Haring Black Tee - Medium - Great quality and embroidery.
$39 - Ga11ery Dept “Alone In Science” Tee - Fits Boxy Medium - From Cl0yad and has been tailored to fit a perfect boxy medium. Best batch out and such a clean piece.
$32 - Balenc1aga Paris Jersey Apparel Tee - Fits Medium-Large - From Cloyad and was pretty pricey. Lightly used and high quality tee.
$10 - Retail D0ckers Straight Fit Pants Grey - 32x29 - Paid $40 and quality is amazing. Have nice straight fit to drape slightly over your shoes and I would’ve 100% kept if I didn’t outgrow them.
$20 - Retail Vintage Chevy Walts Kings Men 1993 Tee - Fits Large - Thrifted and few imperfections (pictured) which might come out in wash. Take for a steal, can’t find comps on eBay.
$25 - Retail Pepsi Cola Timeless Tee 1993 Tee - Large - Bought from Consignment Shop and in great condition, just had tags removed and some slight aging as it’s an older shirt. Take for a steal.
$79 (FINAL SALE) - Y33ZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket - Fits Medium - In like new condition and extremely rare rep from 2019, haven't seen one posted since. I have rarely used and I’m not in a rush to sell it cause this is most likely the first and last one that’s going to be posted on here, hence the price.
$22 - Pa1m Ange1s White Tee - Fits Medium - Amazing quality but has stains on front and back even though I only used a couple of times. Priced accordingly, haven’t really washed since so might be able to come out with wash but no guarantee.
$72 - St0ne Isl@nd Olive Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$72 - St0ne Isl@nd Cream Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Medium-Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$55 - Br0ken Plan3t “Into the Abyss” Blue Hoodie - Medium - From Hotd0g and one of the nicer designs from this brand IMO. Lightly worn and in amazing condition.


$115 OBO - Prad@ Monolith LeatheRenylon Pouch Boots - Fits 8-8.5 Mens - Extremely light and look to be on point with retail. Such a beautiful boot with extremely clean badges on pouch.
$165 OBO - Ann D Heeled Backlace Boots - 40 (Fits Mens 8.5) - Best batch out from Playershoes. Lightly used and in amazing condition. PS seller quality makes him one of the goats for boots and I think he’s sold out of this pair now. Priced accordingly as shipping was crazy expensive due to weight/volume and I’m not trying to lose too much $.
$89 - N1ke x 0FF-WH1TE Dunks Lot 38 - Fits Size 9 Mens - Lightly used and in amazing condition.
$85 - N3w Ba1ance 2002R Protection Pack Rain Cloud - TZE - 8.5 Mens - Bought best batch out at the time from TZE. Lightly used and still in amazing condition. Comfort and materials are really nice.
$139 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das 4D Exo Runners - Size 7.5 (Fits 7.5-8.5 Snug Mens) - Listings on eBay around $240 brand new/used. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition.
$129 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das Terrex Swift R3 Goretex - 8.5 Mens - Multiple listings on eBay around $230 brand new. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$79 OBO - Retail Y-3 Ajatu Court Low Black - 8 Mens - Selling for around $166 on StockX. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$29 - Black/White Penny Lug Loafers - Fits Mens Size 7.5-8 - Used once and in amazing condition. Saw Jeff Goldblum wear similar model and he pulls them off great but too small on me.
$49 OBO - Kapita1 Visv1m Slides - Fits 8.5 Mens - Worn quite a bit but still has a lot of life. The top and bottoms are very clean and the bed could use a wash.
$23 - Ultraboost$ Oreo 3.0 - 10 Mens (Fits 9-9.5 Mens) - Best batch out from Lin. Used but flash really accentuates flaws, they still have a lot of life.
$36 - N1ke Dunks Curry - Mens 8 - Used on the baseball fields but as you can seen from the bottoms they are still in amazing condition and once cleaned up will be perfect.
$15 - Retai1 Brown Dress Shoes - Mens 8.5 - Worn a few times and quality is amazing, take for a steal.
$38 - Ultrabo0st 4D White/Green - 8.5 Mens (Fits 8.5-9 Mens) - Bought a while ago from deadlink, used around 3 times and in amazing condition.
$89 OBO - Retail N1ke Air Max 1 Premium Hangul SE - 8.5 Mens - Brand new and only tried on. Paid 140 for them, take for a steal.

Accessories (Wallets/Belt/Bags/Cologne):

$13 - Retail T0M Ford “Oud Wood” Cologne Sample - 2ML - Beautiful smell and sprayed a little once just to try. A great way of sampling this beautiful fragrance.
$42 OBO - Kapita1 Cotton Canvas ShouldeWaist Bag - OOS - Saw resell going for $199 and decided to source rep. Quality is on point and tags are exactly like retail.
$62 - Prad@ Waist Bag from N1na - Best batch out at the time and only lightly used. Perfect for carrying phone, chargepack, and other small accessories. Badge is 1:1 with retail and nylon material for quality used is amazing.
$8 (Add-On) - White Clout Goggles Recntangle Sunglasses - These were the hottest sunglasses a few years back lmao. Rarely used.
$42 - H3rmes Belt Black/Brown with Silver Buckle from N1na - (Adjustable / Waist: 28-31, Includes Belt Hole Puncher to Adjust Sizing) - Lightly used and in amazing condition. 100cm in length and Nina’s quality speaks for herself.
$14 (1 Left!) - Carhart7 Corduroy Black Shoulder Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Has zipper pocket and inner pocket as well.
$12 - Cart1er Tank Strap from G33ktime - Strap for smallest size of Cartier Tank (I think it’s small?). Nice but I replaced mine, take for a steal.
$22 (2 Left!) - Stu$$y Camo Waist Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Amazing quality and IMO 1:1 with Retail.
$34 (3 Left!) - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Brown/Gold Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$18 - Bap3 Camo Green Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$18 - Aap3 Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$16 - Palac3 Tri-Ferg Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag. Misspelled papers, but wallet is spot on.

Jewelry (Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Keychains):

$46 - Chr0me Heart$ “Cross Diamond” Pendant from D@vid925 - OS - Paid around 380 Yuan shipped for this pendant. David is known for being one of the best CH sellers on the market. Personally a bit heavier than the pendants I sell below and he’s known as the goat ever since SS discontinued his CH. Used for a few weeks and in amazing condition.
$49 - Chr0me Heart$ “Plus Horseshoe” Pendant from D@vid925 - OS - Paid around 400 Yuan shipped for this pendant. David is known for being one of the best CH sellers on the market. Personally a bit heavier than the pendants I sell below and he’s known as the goat ever since SS discontinued his CH. Used for a few weeks and in amazing condition.
$25 - Chr0me Heart$ Pendants - OOS - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. I’ve personally used most models for 6+ months daily along with an Amazon-bought chain. Pendants have nice weight/quality and always get compliments. 925 sterling silver plated and has been used in the gym without issues. Available Models:
$23 - Chr0me Heart$ Silichrome 20th Anniversary Cross Necklace - One Size Fits All (26 Inches) - Great alternative to paying CH’s wild retail price of $160, this rep is extremely accurate IMO (.95:1). Available Colors:
$21 - LV Keychain Black Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$21 - LV Keychain Brown Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$22 - Retail Gue$$ Blue/Black Watch - Fits Up to 6.25 Inch Wrists (Has additional clasp to expand to ~6.5 Inches) - Paid 120 shipped for this, take for an absolute steal. Movement is stuck so might need new battery, selling as is.
$22 (Add-On) - Culture K1ngs Cap CarrieStorage NFS - OOS - Exclusive item not being sold; need to buy 3 hats to receive. Take at a great price.


$33 - Retail LA Dodgers 9F0rty N3w 3ra Purple Haze A-Frame Hat - Adjustable - Retail and sold out at Cultur3 Kings. Link to retail is HERE. Paid $42 with shipping, just trying to make some money back, take them for $34 with free shipping. Insane quality and has nice Jackie Robinson patch on side.
$29 (2 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ “Big CH” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$20 - Canad@ Goos3 Beanies Various Colors - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads. Models:
$25 - Retail D0dgers A-Frame Trucker Hat N3w Era - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. I think this is a European exclusive as I see no US sellers have this. Take for a steal price.
$22 - Vuj@ De “VD” Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and nice quality blank.
$22 - Prad@ Badge Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and compared badge to SurvivalSourc3 keychain and looks 1:1.
$22 - Acn3 Studio$ Ice Grey Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New. Embroidery and quality of beanie are spot on with Retail.
submitted by jimmythecollector to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:24 epiczail [US][H] NES, SNES, Gameboy(C/A/DS), N64, Gamecube, Genesis, Saturn, Sega CD, 32x, Dreamcast, PS1, Sealed games, etc[W] PayPal FF

Hi everyone, I'm getting rid of some items from my collection that I haven't used in a while/don't see myself ever playing. Everything is CIB unless noted. Shipping is free for anything over $25, otherwise it'll be $5. I am only taking FF. For consoles & larger items, I'll split shipping halfway.
I will be shipping via the cheapest method, if you would like a specific carrier or method of shipping, I can send a quote for the difference in cost.
Game Info Price
Consoles & Accessories
Genesis controllers Various 3rd party, multitap, arcade stick $5
Genesis power cable MK-2103 $15
Genesis RF Cable $2
Dreamcast RF cable $2
Sega CD Model 2 loose with power cable $150
Sega CD Model 2 CIB $300
Generic N64 USB Controller $5
Actraiser loose https://imgur.com/a/1qOugTW $35
Arkanoid SEALED $73
Demon's Crest loose $155
Demon's Crest still has seal from blockbuster on https://imgur.com/a/SkWWcZ3 $500
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Mint $105
Incantaion $510
Mega Man X first print $120
Super Metroid First print, Includes poster https://imgur.com/a/HFmsDM1 $330
Xardion loose $35
Zombies Ate My Neighbors $105
Crusin USA loose $13
Diddy Kong Racing loose $30
Diddy Kong Racing $95
Ogre Battle 64 loose $98
Resident Evil 2 $130
Tony Hawk Pro Skater loose $12
Gameboy & GBC
Adventure Island II loose $25
The Flash $70
Interstellar Assault loose $35
James Bond 007 $70
Wario Land Super Mario Land 3 loose https://imgur.com/a/sLZurDI $23
Woody Woodpecker Graded 9.0 A+ $295
Gameboy Advance
Castlevania Double Pack Graded 8.5 A+ $400
Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of Souls Missing cart holder https://imgur.com/a/beVqX9X $48
Mario Tennis Power Tour SEALED $115
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon no cart holder https://imgur.com/a/wT3aBYu $85
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun $95
Mega Man Zero 2 $95
Ninja Five-O loose, label damage https://imgur.com/a/81gCA0b $325
Rebelstar Tactical Command SEALED $89
Sonic Advance 3 $77
Ace Attorney Apollo Justice SEALED $105
Bleach the 3rd Phantom SEALED https://imgur.com/a/ZZi8Wb6 $150
Chibi Robo: Park Patrol SEALED $95
Children of Mana SEALED $75
Chrono Trigger loose https://imgur.com/a/hxKCrOR $80
Chrono Trigger CIB $120
Dragon Quest IX loose $36
Magicians Quest Loose $140
Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story SEALED https://imgur.com/a/1GoouU3 $60
Mario & Luigi Partners in Time SEALED $140
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Double Team Graded 85+ $200
Monster Tale SEALED https://imgur.com/a/yMlHxGf $100
Pokemon Conquest loose $62
Pokemon Conquest $100
Pokemon Soulsilver loose $125
Sonic Colors SEALED https://imgur.com/a/Hcukcvz $40
Zelda: Spirit Tracks Loose $55
3DS & DS lot Battle of Giants Dragons, Brain Age, Brain Age 2, Club Penguin Herberts Revenge, Flash Focus, LEGO Batman 2, Ninja Turtles, Puzzle Quest, Sonic Colors, Touchmaster 2 All loose $43
Phantasy Star Online Episode I&II Plus $190
Pokemon Colosseum loose $120
Ribbit King no manual $160
Spawn: Armageddon SEALED $85
Super Mario Sunshine loose https://imgur.com/a/LnzMttT $30
Viewtiful Joe SEALED $100
Viewtiful Joe 2 SEALED $80
Zelda Collector's Edition https://imgur.com/a/n2cr9Fx $65
Kirby’s Epic Yarn SEALED https://imgur.com/a/v0L7KL5 $35
No More Heroes 2 SEALED $32
Resident Evil 4 SEALED $35
Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles https://imgur.com/a/L9fp8v2 $35
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles https://imgur.com/a/L9fp8v2 $8
Rune Factory Frontier $35
Master System
Miracle Warriors $45
LOT 1, Earthworm Jim, Garfield caught in the act, Krustys fun house, monopoly all loose, some have label wear https://imgur.com/a/xDt7jtC $30
LOT 2, College Football USA 97, NBA Live 96, World Series Baseball 95 All CIB $25
Arcus Odyssey No Manual $155
Batman no manual $90
Battletoads Double Dragon Loose $22
Bimini Run No manual $35
Captain America no manual $45
Contra Hard Corps No manual $95
Crusader of Centy loose, former rental, super glue on back screws $450
Double Dragon 3 loose $12
Eternal Champions loose $6
Fire Shark No manual $56
Ghouls N Ghosts No manual $60
Gunstar Heroes no manual https://imgur.com/a/Tg7fYyP $115
Jeopardy SEALED $30
Landstalker Loose, sharpie on label $22
The Lost Vikings SEALED, cart is loose $180
Mega Turrican no manual $140
Pac-Mania $26
Predator 2 $60
The Punisher $330
Red Zone No manual $63
Robocop vs Terminator no manual $55
Shadow Dancer Secret of Shinobi no manual $48
Shining force II $150
Spider-Man X-Men Arcade's Revenge $23
Sonic the Hedgehog $30
Sunset Riders no manual $90
Time Killers no manual to$125
Toki Going Ape Spit no manual $56w
Ultimate Qix No Manual $55
Zombies Ate My Neighbors no manual $42
Zombies Ate My Neighbors loose $21
Sega CD
Adventures of Willy Beamish loose $11
Bram Stoker's Dracula Manual only has cover https://imgur.com/a/Fo4IyXY $10
Dungeon Master II Skullkeep $40
Ecco The Dolphin $33
Ground Zero Texas $17
Joe Montana's NFL Football $6
Lunar the Silver Star https://imgur.com/a/lh9n8Lt $200
Midnight Raiders loose $8
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers $19
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Graded 8.5 A+ $220
NHL 94 loose $5
Novastorm $140
Robo Aleste No manual $110
Sewer Shark loose $5
Stellar Fire loose $7
Supreme Warrior SEALED $100
Vay Some wear on manual & case https://imgur.com/a/f3Bgb3v $120
Kolibri No Manual $220
Night Trap $100
Enemy Zero Generic disc sleeves https://imgur.com/a/yyV6NNg $155
Panzer Dragoon $72
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei loose https://imgur.com/a/MJ2jhw5 $45
Gameshark CDX loose $4
D+vine[Luv] disc & manual $2i
Illbleed SEALED $420
Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage SEALED $125
Maken X SEALED $70
Marvel vs Capcom loose $48s
Marvel vs Capcom 2 loose $110
Q*Bert SEALED $40
Sports Jam SEALED $70
Star Wars Demolition SEALED $50
The Adventures of Lomax $210
Alundra loose $65
Alundra 2 $40
Beyond the Beyond $50
Bloody Roar 2 loose $30
Breath of Fire IV loose $50
Castlevania Symphony of the Night loose $70
Contra Legacy of War $20
Dino Crisis 2 loose $58
Doom longbox $72
Einhander Loose $83
Elemenetal Gearbolt https://imgur.com/a/EuSfZYc $225
Evil Zone loose $20
Fear Effect No manual https://imgur.com/a/rUqjVfW $25
Fighter Maker SEALED $55
Final Fantasy Tactics loose $15
Final Fantasy VII GH https://imgur.com/a/Wj98fSs $38
Final Fantasy VIII SEALED (GH) $60
Hellboy Asylum Seeker SEALED $125
Kartia loose $35
Koudelka SEALED, https://imgur.com/a/1NNkrll $430
Lunar Silver Star Story loose, game discs $60
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Case, 4 discs, & map $120
Master of Monsters SEALED $70
MDK $19
Mega Man X6 SEALED, black label $115
Misadventures of Tron Bonne Loose $250
Mortal Kombat Trilogy loose $25
Parasite Eve 2 https://imgur.com/a/B189quy $112
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment No bonus disc $350
Point Blank 3 SEALED $80
Raiden Project loose $20
Rascal SEALED, some wear $37
Resident Evil 2 loose $30
Resident Evil 2 $48
Star Ocean The Second Story No manual $40
Strider 2 both discs, loose $62
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo loose $17
Tactics Ogre Loose, has rental stickers on top $60
Thousand Arms loose $85
TigerShark SEALED https://imgur.com/a/9ANOk4Y $20
Tomba $135
Tomba SEALED, promo copy w/ drill hole $435
Treasures of the Deep loose $6
Vagrant Story $95
Vandal Hearts 2 $90
Xenogears https://imgur.com/a/OXTu3gy $140
Big Mutha Truckers $8
Blood Will Tell $380
Bloody Roar 4 loose $62
The Fast & the Furious SEALED $35
Fatal Frame II $90
Family Guy Video Game $25
Grand Theft Auto III SEALED, https://imgur.com/a/neMZAcO $15
Gungrave loose $35
Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction $25
Jak 3 $8
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al Revis Premium Box Set Graded, 9.4 A+ $240
Medal of Honor Vanguard no manual $5
Need for Speed most wanted no manual $11
Parappa The Rapper 2 no manual $65
Rule of Rose No manual $540
Silent Hill 3 no manual $150
Silent Hill 4 The Room $140
The Warriors loose $45
Eye of Judgement, Def Jam Rapstar, DJ Hero 1 & 2, PES 2011 lot $13
Digimon All Star Rumble no manual $20
Conker: Live & Reloaded loose $26
Def Jam Fight for NY no manual $96
Godzilla Destroy all Monsters Melee no manual $70
Marvel vs Capcom 2 no manual $106
Mortal Kombat Armageddon no manual $30
(360) Digimon All Star Rumble no manual $13
(360) Halo Reach SEALED, white label https://imgur.com/a/nQ4aaBY $37
(360) Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain SEALED, Day one edition $15
(PC) Half Life Game of the year edition $12
(PSP) Final Fantasy IV SEALED $55
(PSP) Gungnir SEALED $85
(PSP) Star Wars Force Unleashed loose $3
Boxes & Manuals Only
(NES) Widget Box $74
(NES) Mighty Final Fight Cut box & case $89
(SNES) Ignition Factor Box $25
(SNES) Lufia II Box $150
(SNES) Shadowrun Box (has wear) $60
(SNES) Star Trek the Next Generation Box & manual (has wear) $20
(N64) Mario Party box, one flap is torn $40
(N64) Star Fox 64 Box, tear on front of box $26
(GC) Pokemon XD Case https://imgur.com/a/xaoZwWN $40
(SCD) Dark Wizard case $35
(Dreamcast) - Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Case $40
(PS1) Tomba Case $40
(SNES) Earthbound no scratch n sniff $210
(PC) World of Warcraft Dungeon Companion $2
(DC) Power Stone $22
(PS1) Driver 2 $10
(PS1) Wild Arms 2 w/ poster $45
(PS2) 007 Everything or Nothing $7
(PS2) Nano Breaker BradyGames, new in plastic $15
(PS2) Project Snowblind BradyGames $11
(PS2) Samurai Warriors Prima $3
(PS2) Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Prima $3
(Xbox) Thief Deadly Shadows Prima $10
submitted by epiczail to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:43 webdevfe 🛍 Today's Top 10 Deals: May 07 2024

$14.40 -Super Hot Levi's Men's Trucker Jacket (XS, S, XL, LT) Go to Amazon.com, add it to your cart. free shipping with Prime (30-Day Free Trial).
$849 -Super Hot 2022 Apple MacBook Air 13.6" Laptop (M2 chip 8GB 256GB) Go to Amazon.com, add it to your cart. $89 clip coupon, And Free Shipping. Apple MacBook Air (13" M1 8GB 256GB) $699
$29.99 (was $80) -Today Only Bella Pro Series 6-qt. Digital Air Fryer Go to Bestbuy, add it to your cart. Free in store pickup
Flash Sale: 40-50% Off Select Beauty and Fragrance products @Macys.com Go to Macys.com. Flash Sale: 40-50% Off Select Beauty and Fragrance products. Shipping is free on $49+. SHISEIDO White Lucent Overnight Cream & Mask, 2.6-oz $66 Lancome Absolue Revitalizing Eye Cream With Grand Rose Extracts, 0.7 oz $90 Lancome Hydra Zen Oil-Free Gel Cream $34.20 Extra 10-25% Off favorite gifts for Mom with code MOM
$329 -Super Hot Apple Watch Series 9 [GPS 45mm] Smartwatch with Silver Aluminum Case with Winter Blue Sport Loop Go to Amazon.com, add it to your cart. free shipping. Fitness Tracker, ECG Apps, Always-On Retina Display, Carbon Neutral
$35.58 -Super Hot 100-Servings Amazing Grass Green Superfood Organic Powder w/ Wheat Grass Go to Amazon.com. add to cart for $65.12 - $10 Savings at Checkout - 25% off w/clip coupon - 5% off w/Subscribe & Save = $35.58. Shipping is free. Chocolate $35.66 5-Lb BSN SYNTHA-6 Whey Protein Powder (Chocolate Milkshake) for $64.44 - $10 at Checkout - 25% off w/clip coupon - 5% off w/Subscribe & Save = $35.10. Chocolate Cake Batter , Strawberry Milkshake
$7.57 -Super Hot 150 Counts Nature's Bounty Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails, Argan-Infused Vitamin Supplement with Biotin and Hyaluronic Acid Rapid Release Softgels Go to Amazon.com. add to cart for $11.66 - 30% subscribe coupon - 5% w/ subscribe = $7.57. Shipping is free with Prime.
Up to 70% Off Sale @Shop Premium Outlets Go to Shop Premium Outlets, add it to your cart. And Free Shipping. Women's Duramo Sl 2.0 Running Shoes for $21 Women's Lite Racer 3.0 Shoes (size 8) for $18 Men's Superstar Shoes for $34.50 Men's Forum Mid Shoes for $33 Men's Essentials Fleece 3-Stripes Shorts for $12 Kids' Duramo Sl Shoes Kids for $18
$13.38 -Super Hot 40-Count INABA Churu Squeezable Tubes Cat Treats (Tuna/Seafood Variety) Go to Amazon.com. add to cart for $14.08 - 5% with subscribe = $13.38. Shipping is free w/Prime or on $35+.
Extra 35% Off select items @Lancome Go to Lancome. 30% Off flash sale on select items, prices as marked. Shipping is free. Summer Essentials Set (A $201 Value!) $49 with any purchase Absolue Eye Cream Duo $210 Absolue Rich Cream Moisturizer 2.0 Oz Duo $392 Absolue Soft Cream Moisturizer 2.0 Oz Duo $392
See more deals at https://zelement.com/deals
submitted by webdevfe to top10deals [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 05:32 stormyfuck watch s1 ep4&5 with me

Hi again bridgerton buddies. I am having fun with this so let’s get stoned and watch s1 e 4&5
Episode 4
Bowl break before Episode 5. I’ll try to be less tangent-y this time. I guess i could edit these but i’m just stream of consciousness typing and i cant bear to hear my own thoughts again
Episode 5
Okay thanks again for reading if you did. I’m going to keep doing this until s3 drops. have a great week everyone
submitted by stormyfuck to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 04:03 jimmythecollector [FS] [USA] Ji1 Sander$ Monk Derbys, Ston3 1sland Ghost Bu$ystone Crewnecks, Viv1enne Westwo0d Necklace, 2002R Protection Pack, Prad@ Monolith Boots, Retail Dodgers N3w 3ra 9Forty A-Frame Hats, F0G Longsleeve Polo, Ba1enciaga Tees, G1venchy Cardigan, Brok3n Planet Hoodie, & More! 🏷️💲



$11 - Retail LOVE Uniq1o x MoMA Art Tee - Small - Retailed for $30. Amazing design and lightly worn.
$46 - F3ar of G0d Essentia1s Longsleeve Polo Gray - Fits Small-Medium - Bought used and fits amazing. Exactly on point with my retail and I can’t tell any difference between both.
$75 - G1venchy Cardigan Logo Sweater - Fits XL - Best batch out from 8Billi0n (who’s a Tao reseller). Blank is extremely plush and thick while the embroidery is very clean. Fine withholding so priced as is but still cheaper compared to buying from Tao and waiting the ~1 month.
$75 - Pa1ace Arms Blue/White Jacket - Fits Medium - Best batch out and was released a few years back. Has been in closet for a while but time to let go, unsure if it’s from Pa1ace37 or not. Insane quality and great for everyday wear.
$29 - Balenc1aga Pride Tee - Cl0yad - Fits Small - From Cloyad who’s a top-tier reseller. Never been worn personally but seems lightly used.
$14 - Retail Uniq1o Kei1th Haring Black Tee - Medium - Great quality and embroidery.
$35 - Balenc1aga Paris Jersey Apparel Tee - Fits Medium-Large - From Cloyad and was pretty pricey. Lightly used and high quality tee.
$12 - Retail D0ckers Straight Fit Pants Grey - 32x29 - Paid $40 and quality is amazing. Have nice straight fit to drape slightly over your shoes and I would’ve 100% kept if I didn’t outgrow them.
$85 - Y33ZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket - Fits Medium - In like new condition and extremely rare rep from 2019, haven't seen one posted since. I have rarely used and I’m not in a rush to sell it cause this is most likely the first and last one that’s going to be posted on here, hence the price.
$25 - Pa1m Ange1s White Tee - Fits Medium - Amazing quality but has stains on front and back even though I only used a couple of times. Priced accordingly, haven’t really washed since so might be able to come out with wash but no guarantee.
$78 - St0ne Isl@nd Olive Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$78 - St0ne Isl@nd Cream Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Medium-Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$56 - Br0ken Plan3t “Into the Abyss” Blue Hoodie - Medium - From Hotd0g and one of the nicer designs from this brand IMO. Lightly worn and in amazing condition.


$149 OBO - Ji1 Sander$ Leather Monk Derby Shoes - XWCL - Fits Size 9-9.5 Mens - Insane quality and I tried to rebuy in 8.5 Mens as I like my shoes perfect fit but looks like he sold out. Unbranded but design and materials are all on point and XWCL is an extremely reputable seller. I’ve owned the other Derbies he sells from Jil for over a year now and are still holding up perfectly. Fine with holding so trying to make a majority of my money back, especially since he’s sold out now.
$119 OBO- Prad@ Monolith LeatheRenylon Pouch Booths - Fits 8-8.5 Mens - Extremely light and look to be on point with retail. Such a beautiful boot with extremely clean badges on pouch.
$46 - Retail Sauc0ny Endorphin Pro Running Shoes - 9 Mens - Retailed for $250 IIRC and have been barely used. Was the most hyped and best performance running shoe from most critics around when I bought it in 2021. Rarely used and take for an absolute steal. Can’t find insoles but will try to find before shipping.
$85 - N3w Ba1ance 2002R Protection Pack Rain Cloud - TZE - 8.5 Mens - Bought best batch out at the time from TZE. Lightly used and still in amazing condition. Comfort and materials are really nice.
$29 - Black/White Penny Lug Loafers - Fits Mens Size 7.5-8 - Used once and in amazing condition. Saw Jeff Goldblum wear similar model and he pulls them off great but too small on me.
$23 - Ultraboost$ Oreo 3.0 - 10 Mens (Fits 9-9.5 Mens) - Best batch out from Lin. Used but flash really accentuates flaws, they still have a lot of life.
$36 - N1ke Dunks Curry - Mens 8 (Fits 8.5 Mens) - Used on the baseball fields but as you can seen from the bottoms they are still in amazing condition and once cleaned up will be perfect.
$15 - Retai1 Brown Dress Shoes - Mens 8.5 - Worn a few times and quality is amazing, take for a steal.
$38 - Ultrabo0st 4D White/Green - 8.5 Mens (Fits 8.5-9 Mens) - Bought a while ago from deadlink, used around 3 times and in amazing condition.
$89 OBO - Retail N1ke Air Max 1 Premium Hangul SE - 8.5 Mens - Brand new and only tried on. Paid 140 for them, take for a steal.

Accessories (Wallets/Belt/Bags/Cologne):

$62 - Prad@ Waist Bag from N1na - Best batch out at the time and only lightly used. Perfect for carrying phone, chargepack, and other small accessories. Badge is 1:1 with retail and nylon material for quality used is amazing.
$8 (Add-On) - White Clout Goggles Recntangle Sunglasses - These were the hottest sunglasses a few years back lmao. Rarely used.
$42 - H3rmes Belt Black/Brown with Silver Buckle from N1na - (Adjustable / Waist: 28-31, Includes Belt Hole Puncher to Adjust Sizing) - Lightly used and in amazing condition. 100cm in length and Nina’s quality speaks for herself.
$14 (1 Left!) - Carhart7 Corduroy Black Shoulder Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Has zipper pocket and inner pocket as well.
$12 - Cart1er Tank Strap from G33ktime - Strap for smallest size of Cartier Tank (I think it’s small?). Nice but I replaced mine, take for a steal.
$22 (2 Left!) - Stu$$y Camo Waist Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Amazing quality and IMO 1:1 with Retail.
$34 (3 Left!) - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Brown/Gold Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$18 - Bap3 Camo Green Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$18 - Aap3 Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$16 - Palac3 Tri-Ferg Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag. Misspelled papers, but wallet is spot on.

Jewelry (Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Keychains):

$35 (1 Left!) - Vivienn3 W3stwood Gold Pearl Necklace - 16.5 Inch Opening - I have silver one I’ve worn that’s held up for a few years but I always take off in shower. This is the same batch from dead link.
$25 - Chr0me Heart$ Pendants - OOS - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. I’ve personally used most models for 6+ months daily along with an Amazon-bought chain. Pendants have nice weight/quality and always get compliments. 925 sterling silver plated and has been used in the gym without issues. Available Models:
$23 - Chr0me Heart$ Silichrome 20th Anniversary Cross Necklace - One Size Fits All (26 Inches) - Great alternative to paying CH’s wild retail price of $160, this rep is extremely accurate IMO (.95:1). Available Colors:
$21 - LV Keychain Black Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$21 - LV Keychain Brown Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$22 - Retail Gue$$ Blue/Black Watch - Fits Up to 6.25 Inch Wrists (Has additional clasp to expand to ~6.5 Inches) - Paid 120 shipped for this, take for an absolute steal. Movement is stuck so might need new battery, selling as is.
$22 (Add-On) - Culture K1ngs Cap CarrieStorage NFS - OOS - Exclusive item not being sold; need to buy 3 hats to receive. Take at a great price.


$33 - Retail LA Dodgers 9F0rty N3w 3ra Purple Haze A-Frame Hat - Adjustable - Retail and sold out at Cultur3 Kings. Link to retail is HERE. Paid $42 with shipping, just trying to make some money back, take them for $34 with free shipping. Insane quality and has nice Jackie Robinson patch on side.
$32 (2 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ “Big CH” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$20 - Canad@ Goos3 Beanies Various Colors - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads. Models:
$25 - Retail D0dgers A-Frame Trucker Hat N3w Era - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. I think this is a European exclusive as I see no US sellers have this. Take for a steal price.
$22 - Vuj@ De “VD” Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and nice quality blank.
$22 - Prad@ Badge Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and compared badge to SurvivalSourc3 keychain and looks 1:1.
$22 - Acn3 Studio$ Ice Grey Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New. Embroidery and quality of beanie are spot on with Retail.
submitted by jimmythecollector to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 09:41 MechanicDad767 FIL put himself in a bad position, expects his kids and myself to pay for it for him

Main players are myself (R), my wife (M), my SIL (S), MIL (D), and FIL (W).
I (21M), and my wife (21F) will have been married 3 years as of July 6th. When I first met W (47M), he told M that she should leave me because I'm poor and live in a trailer park. Now while this was technically true, we lived in one of 2 actual houses in this trailer park, and I kept it in damn nice shape. Little did he know at that time, I had 4 jobs (lube tech, construction, maintenance for BNBs in town, and an on-call job rebuilding home appliances when I was needed) and grossed around $7k a month on a very bad and slow month.
This would have been fine, but I'm also a car guy so I had a lot of junk cars in front of my house and a race car in a storage unit on top of that. Roughly 4 vehicles in my parking area and the one on storage. The only ones that looked nice were my truck and my race car, truck was a 98' Tahoe 2 door sport, all black body, 4" lift (used to take it on trails and such at the recreational park nearby) on 44" tires. Race car at the time was a G-body Monte Carlo (I think 86 but can't remember) and it was modified for dirt track racing, all up cost me $12,000 to build as it started as a restoration turned race car project half way through. Full tube chassis, fully built 383 with a Garret 55mm turbo, on angry ass 700r4 trans, and a 3.73 rear gear still, on small tractor tires. Enough about the rides, getting off topic.
I eventually sold off all the cars but the truck and the Monte, as I later traded it for an 02' Z28 that was more of a drag car, which later got impounded. I also quit all of those jobs and just went to become an Arborist (tree worker) making maybe $3k a month. All of this was to please M as she told me she didn't feel like I spent enough time with her.
Shortly after that, my grandmother ended up on her last leg, so I planned a move to Arizona to be with her and my family. Quit my job, got packed up qnd ready to go, and was going to move in with my family. But then, the guy who they put a down payment on a house from bailed to NY with the money, turns out he was just a con man and never owned the property, was just really good at forgery. 3 days after that, grandma passed. I was mentally and emotionally broken, as she was a second mom who'd helped raise me for my entire childhood. And to top it off, I was now broke and homeless because I jumped the gun and quit my job and moved out.
By the time all of this had transpired, I had already met S and D, along with M's twin, who we'll call M2 (similar first names) and W had finally realized that I was capable of taking care of M, and gave up on telling her to leave. So when M told D what had happened, D and W agreed to let me stay with them until I could get back onto my feet. This is where the problems began.
See, W had a bad tendency to spend money he didn't have, and pull loans like crazy. W is a trucker and made roughly $5k a month then, owned a house but had a mortgage on it, had 2 BMW cars (428i and 328i both 2014s), a BMW S1000R bike, a Kawasaki Vulcan 9, a BMW 310R bike, and a plethora of credit cards, all of which he owed money on. I crunched the numbers and figured he'd, after bills and insurance, have maybe $200 left over each month on his pay. No problem though, he had D working a full time job and S as well, and now M and I were working and living there too. D (now 43F) mostly just bought groceries or payed bills that W had forgotten about before spending money at Pink or Williams-Sonoma every month in Vegas or Six Flags passes every month. S (now 23F) worked full time too and did some schooling in between work, and payed about $350 a month for rent to live there. M and I moved in, and quickly started working at a warehouse where we could make $2800 every month (very low paying compared to my Arborist work, was a total rip off) and we agreed to pay $745 a month in rent. The problem was he'd take that every paycheck, so we ended up spending $1490 a month in rent for one room and a bathroom, as our workplace was 45 minutes away and we worked long shifts, think 12-14 hours (absolutely a rip off I wasn't kidding), so we usually just made dinner in the break room at work then cleaned up and came home. Never even used the kitchen or living room at home.
On top of that, he had driven my car (at the time a 2007 Saturn Ion lvl 3) one day after he said he'd done the transmission fluid change. Turns out, he got the fluid drained, new filter on, drain plug torqued, and just started driving. Completely forgot to put more fluid in. Revved the engine until it moved, ended up frying the transmission and doing a lot of damage to the engine after holding it at 5k rpms for 30 minutes. Destroyed it.
So then we had to use his car. He took the 328d to work and had us use the 428i to get to and from work. Of course, nit without putting gas in it and paying insurance and registration. Which would have been fine had he not driven the trap out of the 428i every time he came home. He would come home on Tuesday, we would have the tank filled (took 91 octane and cost about $100 a tank at the time), drive it around all of Tuesday, emptying the tank so we'd fill it on Wednesday, and leave Thursday and it would be empty again. We were off these days as well, and didn't go much of anywhere. It would be empty again by Thursday. Every. Single. Time. And we would have to fill it to go to work on Thursday morning again. When we drove it, a tank would last a week or 2 easily. All up, he made it so we had to fill up that car 3 times a week, for 4 weeks a month. $1200 in fuel.
That plus the overcharged $1490 in rent meant we only had $110 a month for anything else, and I usually had to take on extra shifts so we could pay insurance and still have at least a bit of money to get lunch and dinner supplies for work.
Eventually we got the hell out of there and went to another warehouse, where we made less per hour, but got much better hours and didn't get ripped off on crappy insurance by the employers, which was the last place's excuse for how we'd work 12-14 hours a day and only get $2800 a month. This place gave us $4.50 less per hour but the hours were good, insurance wasn't hiked up, and we ended up making about $4k a month easily. We eventually saved up to buy ourselves a car so we could stop using his and paying so much in gas every week. We bought a 2003 745i. Ate gas like a pig but still cost less in gas than we were paying, maybe $150 a week to and from work, and insurance cost about the same.
W. Had. A. Fit. When he found out we bought the 745i and had started paying insurance on that and not his 428i anymore. This argument got so bad, M and I started rushing to find a new apartment even faster than we already were. We got onto a waiting list for a really nice set of apartments, that cost maybe $1300 a month counting utilities, but also had a pool, gym, beautiful front pad, balcony, amazing interior that was mostly soundproof so you couldn't hear the noisy neighbors as bad, and was just 3 minutes from work.
W found out that we had been bumped up the waiting list by accident, see, we had put M's number on the application, and she had dropped her phone at work and it got crushed by a load of freight that had been spilled. So when they couldn't reach her by phone or email, they mailed us the notification that we'd been moved up and could move into an apartment in 2 weeks.W saw that letter while we were at work and went ballistic. Throwing things around, shouting, he tried to fight me, but being 43 and having a combination of food baby and beer gut vs a (then) 18 year old who was an avid kickboxer and expanding into Jiu Jitsu, it didn't work out well. He was upset we were trying to move without telling him how much we were making so he could increase our rent. We had told him the pay was the same at the new place, so he wouldn't do exactly that.
It all came to a head the next day, W used a saw and cut the transmission return line to the transmission fluid cooler on the 745i, and my wife went to the store without realizing the issue until it was too late. Another transmission bites the dust thanks to W. D slapped him, which she'd never done before. W raised a hand to her like he was going to strike back, but S and I stepped between them and told him if he did it, not only would we whoop his ass, but we'd have him sent to prison for domestic assault for it.
Flash forward 3 days, he takes M and I to Wyoming and drops us off with my family. He doesn't want us to live there anymore and fuck that apartment and our job I guess. My folks were fine with it, they knew I'd get a job and be more than willing to help out with bills, because they wouldn't overcharge like W did.
Flash forward again like 2 years. I had a job at the local school district as a Supervisor over a maintenance crew. I made that same $2800 a month that M and I both made at the first warehouse before, by myself. M and I had also just had our baby, who we'll call BD. Then, another problem arose. See, when I started working for the district, it was through a temp agency. My boss Dan (won't abbreviate so as not to confuse him with our son or MIL) was actively talking with the Superintendent of the district trying to get my crew contracts to work for them directly and not the temp agency.
You see, recently Mark (also not abbreviated so we dont confuse him with M), who is Dan's direct subordinate but still senior to myself, had been in charge of giving us marching orders. The problem was that Mark was head of custodial, and had been working as a Custodian his entire life starting at age 18 for his high-school. He'd never worked any other job. But he was also incredibly stubborn and wanted things done his way, and if you didn't do it his way, you were fired. But again, he had never worked anything but custodial work, so directing a team of maintenance workers while having a hot head an 0 experience, and refusing to take input from any of us who actually did the maintenance, it didn't work out well. There were many complaints from my crew and others that Mark didn't know what he was doing and fired people who didn't do a job his way, even though his way was always wrong and not up to code. Just 12 days before the new contracts with the school district would go into effect, the temp agency ended the contract with the district and refused to honor the new contracts we as the employees had been offered.
See, the way that the new contracts had been set up, we would be transferred from the agency to full time with the district, since we were technically employed by the agency. So this cost us our contracts because Mark couldn't do his job and wouldn't take input, and apparently this wasn't the first time the agency had been through this rodeo with Mark. They were just fed up with him and wanted nothing to do with the district so long as Mark still worked there. Dan wanted to get rid of Mark for costing them such a good contract with the employment agency and a sum total of 4 great teams, totaling 28 great workers, because of Mark's stubborn hardheaded pride and refusal to admit any wrongdoing. But the school board refused, as Mark also did a great job keeping the Custodial side of the district in line and kept every school in top notch shape cleaning wise, and had improved the districts reputation as a clean and sanitary district, which helped them get a better budget each year.
So now here I was, jobless, with a wife and son. Yay. We ended up moving back in with W and D, S still lived there too. Then W suggested I get my CDL and become a trucker. I applied to get into the local CDL program several times from December to March. This brings us to now.
Now a bit of side information, the stress of everything really wore on my marriage with M, so currently, she lives with W and I stay with my Grandma while I go to school, occasionally I'll stay a night there and we share BD as equally as we can given the circumstances. M and I are actively trying to work out our marriage and recognize many of the issues we have and are trying to solve them so we can continue in a healthy manner and continue trying to be happy together.
Another piece of side information, W got 2 pay increases and now brings in $5600 a month.
Now here's where the title comes into effect. Since M and I got left with my family in Wyoming, W did a lot of stupid things. He traded in his 2014 328d for a 2015 Silverado 4.3L V6, traded the S1000R for a K 1600 GT with all the bells and whistles, sold the 428i, traded the Vulcan 9 for a Vulcan S, which he then traded for an Indian Springfield, and the 310R for a Triumph for S, then he cosigned for S to buy a 2022 Jeep Renegade. Then he refinanced the house for $72k, which nobody knows where that money went, and got dealership insurance for the Renegade on top of the insurance he already had put on it through Geico.
I don't live there anymore and M doesn't work as she has the baby most of the time, takes care of the house and cleaning, cooking, taking care of the dogs, and the cats, and making hand made meals for the pets as well, which also are quite expensive, costing about $240 per week as they have had cut vegetables, fish oil, and about 1.5lbs of meat per meal for the dogs and 3 eggs and 1 lbs of meat for the cats combined. W told M she must make these meals daily for the pets or he'll kick her out.
Now here's the issue. S pointed out several discrepancies in how much he's taking each month and how he wants M to work full time and pay for daycare for D ($900 a week) while I'm at school or work until I can get off and go get him.
So he had a meltdown, claiming he's broke and the whole family needs to pitch in, and wrote up a spreadsheet. I then took a good look at this spreadsheet.
According to him, S and M should be paying him $1700 and $515 a month respectively just to cover the bare minimum of bills. According to W, this will mean they're still broke as a whole, as this is causing him debt that they're not paying these sums, and they would all be broke together but still have a roof over their heads and food in their bellies.
The problem is S covers her car payment, then he takes $900 a month for insurance and a bunch of shit. S, myself, and M pay for groceries all the time and he never does. But my problem is that I've run all his expenses vs income, and there's a huge discrepancy. His monthly expenses, except the credit cards, cost $3,904.75 a month on the very top end. The very bottom end of his pay is $5600 a month. He should have an excess of $1,695.25 left over each month. This is counting every bill, payment, gas, every expense, including his food, in the last 18 months and taking the most expensive total of those 18 months and adding them together.
But he says that not only does he need that full $900 a month from S, but he should be taking $1700 from her and $515 from M, as taking $900 from S every month isn't enough and he's acquiring more debt.
Now let's assume he has $2k a month in credit card debt. No problem. D makes $2k a month and assists with bills. Should still have that $1,695.25 left over. He says he's not making enough and needs more money from them, but the numbers are not only saying he's making enough, but that he's making an excess of enough to buy a used car in 3 months that runs great. So why does he need a total of $2,215 from S and M? I get paying rent and such, but he's making these outlandish claims. The other problem is he won't let D spend any money on his card or see the account balance. D and M just had to sell off a game console and a PC to buy groceries as a result, because D spent all of her paycheck on bills that W didn't pay.
Where is all that other money he's making going? And why isn't the math mathing? I think either gambling or lot lizards. He had a severe gambling addiction years back, and that's the only logical explanation for why he would be making that much extra money but still need D and S to put in that much money and still ask M to get a job too and pay even more money to make up the slack.
I should also note that, even though I don't live there, I buy groceries 3 times a month for them and all of the baby supplies for BD. I also have paid bills for them on multiple occasions because D and S couldn't and W just didn't pay them.
So that's the story. I don't expect anyone to read this far, and if you did, don't worry if it didn't make much sense, there's so much going on and I tend to ramble about stupid shit. Thank you if you did read this far. I really just needed to vent and didn't know where else to do it without losing my everloving mind.
TL:DR FIL is a dipshit and lying about finances, crippling his family and nobody knows what he's doing with the money he's nor using to pay bills.
submitted by MechanicDad767 to FamilyProblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 02:58 jimmythecollector [FS] [USA] Sizes for All! - B0und2 Y33ZY Work Jacket, Lor0 P1ana Summerwalks, Cr33d Av3ntus Cologne, St0ne Island Ghost, Ga11ery Dept, 0Ff-Whit3, Gucc1, N1ke x CPFM Shoes, Cel1ne, Herme$ Belt - N1na, G1venchy, Pa1m Ange1s Teddy Bear, Br0ken Planet, Monc1er Idil Down Puffer, LV Belts, & More!🏷️💲



$38 - Di0r x Saca1 Logo Tee - Fits Medium - From Cloyad and was pretty pricey. Lightly used and high quality tee.
$29 - P1easur3s “A Girl is a Gun” Tee - Fits Medium - Amazing quality and lightly used. Faint stains from storage but should come out in wash. Best batch available.
$13 - Retail LOVE Uniq1o MoMA Art Tee - Small - Amazing design and lightly worn.
$89 - B0und2 Y33zy Season 6 Work Jacket - Medium (See Imgur for Measurements) - B0und2's quality speaks for itself and this jacket is pretty much on point with retail. Aging and fit is amazing and has been lightly used. The left sleeve button is slightly ever so loose so might need easy stitch reinforcement. Extremely pricey batch and took forever to deliver, take for a steal.
$82 - G1venchy Cardigan Logo Sweater - Fits XL - Best batch out from 8Billi0n (who’s a Tao reseller). Blank is extremely plush and thick while the embroidery is very clean. Fine with holding so priced as is but still cheaper compared to buying from Tao and waiting the ~1 month.
$225 (FINAL DISCOUNT) - Monc1er Idil Puffer Jacket from JIEYI2 — Size 2 (Fits Boxy Medium) — Cost $285 from Tao (Jacket is $219.13 + $65 on Shipping). Brand new and only tried on. Take for an absolute steal. This is the best batch out and the cleanest design that Monc1er makes for a puffer IMO. Comes with bag as well to protect while on the clothing hanger. This is an extremely high-quality jacket and on point with retail. Added QC pics from Taobao as well.
$36 - Ga11ery D3pt Logo Tee - Fits L-XL - Best batch out from Cl0yad. Never worn before and just took off tags to wash on cold temp. Extremely similar to retail.
$38 - LV 3D Monogram Chain Tee - Fits Boxy Medium - From Cloyad and was pretty pricey. Lightly used and high-quality tee.
$35 - Balenc1aga Pride Tee - Fits Small - From Cloyad and was pretty pricey. Lightly used and high quality tee.
$35 - Suprem3 “The Killers” Graphic Tee - XL but Fits Medium - Extremely accurate graphic compared to the other budget batches. Vibrant text and quality blank as well although fits smaller than tagged sizing (see imgur for measurements).
$32 - Chr0me Heart$ “Modera Future” Pink Tee - Large (Fits Oversized) - Amazing quality and lightly used. Extremely similar blank to retail and print on front/back has correct texture and on-point quality.
$39 - Celin3 Bead Logo Tee - Fits Medium-Large - From Cloyad and was pretty pricey. Lightly used and high quality tee.
$14 - Fend1 Black Small Logo Tee - Fits Small - Nice and simple tee perfect for daily wear, lightly used.
$38 - Balenc1aga Paris Jersey Apparel Tee - Fits Medium-Large - From Cloyad and was pretty pricey. Lightly used and high quality tee.
$89 - Y33ZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket - Fits Medium - In like new condition and extremely rare rep from 2019, haven't seen one posted since. I have rarely used and I’m not in a rush to sell it cause this is most likely the first and last one that’s going to be posted on here, hence the price.
$36 - 0FF-Wh1te Unfinished Tee - Fits Medium - Lightly used and best batch out from known seller Jas0n.
$49 - N1ke Center Swoosh Tan Hoodie - Fits Large - Extremely plush and comfortable blank. N1ke logo is extremely clean as well. Take for a steal.
$29 - Pa1m Ange1s White Tee - Fits Medium - Amazing quality but has stains on front and back even though I only used a couple of times. Priced accordingly, haven’t really washed since so might be able to come out with wash but no guarantee.
$78 - St0ne Isl@nd Olive Ghost Crewneck - XXL (Fits Large) - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$36 - G1venchy Logo Tee - Fits Medium - Best batch out from 8Billion. Never worn before and on point with retail.
$59 - Br0ken Plan3t “Into the Abyss” Blue Hoodie - Medium - From Hotd0g and one of the nicer designs from this brand IMO. Lightly worn and in amazing condition.
$55 - Gucc1 Blade Sweater Red/Black - Small (Fits Slightly Oversized) - Best batch out from 8Bi11ion and lightly used. Quality is amazing and blank is spot on with retail.


$125 - Prad@ Monolith LeatheRenylon Pouch Booths - Fits 8-8.5 Mens - Extremely light and look to be on point with retail. Such a beautiful boot with extremely clean badges on pouch.
$57 - N1ke Vap0rmax CPFM Cactu$ Flea Shoes - Tagged 8 Mens - Lightly used and in amazing condition. Really solid batch from middleman but too small on me so take for a steal.
$99 or Trade - L0ro P1ana Tan Summer Walks - 46 but fit 45 (Insole: 29.5CM) - Brand new with packaging and box. Has incorrect wording on packaging but shoes are on point. Bought for my cousin but he has other colorways that he wears. Quality is pretty on point and feels extremely comfy. Also willing to trade for any 8.5 Mens Shoes.
$29 - Black/White Penny Lug Loafers - Fits Mens Size 7.5-8 - Used once and in amazing condition. Saw Jeff Goldblum wear similar model and he pulls them off great but too small on me.
$23 - Ultraboost$ Oreo 3.0 - 10 Mens (Fits 9-9.5 Mens) - Best batch out from Lin. Used but flash really accentuates flaws, they still have a lot of life.
$36 - N1ke Dunks Curry - Mens 8 (Fits 8.5 Mens) - Used on the baseball fields but as you can seen from the bottoms they are still in amazing condition and once cleaned up will be perfect.
$15 - Retai1 Brown Dress Shoes - Mens 8.5 - Worn a few times and quality is amazing, take for a steal.
$38 - Ultrabo0st 4D White/Green - 8.5 Mens (Fits 8.5-9 Mens) - Bought a while ago from deadlink, used around 3 times and in amazing condition.
$89 OBO - Retail N1ke Air Max 1 Premium Hangul SE - 8.5 Mens - Brand new and only tried on. Paid 140 for them, take for a steal.

Accessories (Wallets/Belt/Bags/Cologne):

$46 - H3rmes Belt Black/Brown with Silver Buckle from N1na - (Adjustable / Waist: 28-31, Includes Belt Hole Puncher to Adjust Sizing) - Lightly used and in amazing condition. 100cm in length and Nina’s quality speaks for herself.
$24 (Only as Add-On) - J3welry Box for Watches and Accessories - Holds multiple watches, rings, and other accessories. Take for a steal.
$12 (Only as Add-On) - Cre3d Aventus from ChezPierr3 - Ch3z is known as the goat for rep colognes. Smells really nice but have too many colognes. As you can see their’s only about 35% left so selling as is.
$16 (1 Left!) - C@rhartt Corduroy Black Shoulder Bag - 1 Left - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Has zipper pocket and inner pocket as well.
$14 - Cart1er Tank Strap from G33ktime - Strap for smallest size of Cartier Tank (I think it’s small?). Nice but I replaced mine, take for a steal.
$22 (2 Left!) - Stu$$y Camo Waist Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Amazing quality and IMO 1:1 with Retail.
$23 (1 Left!) - Moncl3r Cream Tonal Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New with plastic bag.
$22 (2 Left!) - Arc’t3ryx White Shoulder Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Has zipper pocket and inner pocket as well.
$34 (3 Left!) - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Brown/Gold Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$38 (1 Left!) - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Black/Silver Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$18 - Bap3 Camo Green Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$18 - Aap3 Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$16 - Palac3 Tri-Ferg Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag. Misspelled papers, but wallet is spot on.

Jewelry (Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Keychains):

$25 - Chr0me Heart$ Rings - Adjustable Opening (Sizing in Imgur) - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. Been using my personal ones daily for over half a year. 925 sterling silver plated and have used in water without issue. Can be adjusted using force to make smallebigger due to opening, I can adjust mine to fit all five of my fingers no issue. Available Models:
$25 - Chr0me Heart$ Pendants - OOS - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. I’ve personally used most models for 6+ months daily along with an Amazon-bought chain. Pendants have nice weight/quality and always get compliments. 925 sterling silver plated and has been used in the gym without issues. Available Models:
$23 - Chr0me Heart$ Silichrome 20th Anniversary Cross Necklace - One Size Fits All (26 Inches) - Great alternative to paying CH’s wild retail price of $160, this rep is extremely accurate IMO (.95:1). Available Colors:
$22 - LV Keychain Black Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$22 - LV Keychain Brown Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$20 (1 Left!) - LV Essential “V” Bracelet Brown Monogram - OOS (Fits Wrist Size Up to 6.5 Inches) - Brand new and in plastic wrapping. Saw this in the stores and bought a few on Tao to daily. Above average quality and overall a nice daily flex bracelet.
$25 - Retail Gue$$ Blue/Black Watch - Fits Up to 6.25 Inch Wrists (Has additional clasp to expand to ~6.5 Inches) - Paid 120 shipped for this, take for an absolute steal. Movement is stuck so might need new battery, selling as is.
$22 (Add-On) - Culture K1ngs Cap CarrieStorage NFS - OOS - Exclusive item not being sold; need to buy 3 hats to receive. Take at a great price.


$28 (1 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ Horseshoe Monogram Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$32 (2 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ “Big CH” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$20 - Canad@ Goos3 Beanies Various Colors - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads. Models:
$25 - Retail D0dgers A-Frame Trucker Hat N3w Era - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. I think this is a European exclusive as I see no US sellers have this. Take for a steal price.
$22 - Vuj@ De “VD” Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and nice quality blank.
$22 - Prad@ Badge Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and compared badge to SurvivalSourc3 keychain and looks 1:1.
$22 - Acn3 Studio$ Ice Grey Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New. Embroidery and quality of beanie are spot on with Retail.
submitted by jimmythecollector to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 17:52 epiczail [US][H] NES, SNES, Gameboy(C/A/DS), N64, Gamecube, Genesis, Saturn, Sega CD, 32x, Dreamcast, PS1, Sealed games, etc[W] PayPal FF

Hi everyone, I'm getting rid of some items from my collection that I haven't used in a while/don't see myself ever playing. Everything is CIB unless noted. Shipping is free for anything over $25, otherwise it'll be $5. I am only taking FF. For consoles & larger items, I'll split shipping halfway.
I will be shipping via the cheapest method, if you would like a specific carrier or method of shipping, I can send a quote for the difference in cost.
Game Info Price
Consoles & Accessories
Genesis controllers Various 3rd party, multitap, arcade stick $5
Genesis power cable MK-2103 $15
Genesis RF Cable $2
Dreamcast RF cable $2
Sega CD Model 2 loose with power cable $150
Sega CD Model 2 CIB $300
Generic N64 USB Controller $5
Actraiser loose https://imgur.com/a/1qOugTW $35
Arkanoid SEALED $73
Demon's Crest loose $155
Demon's Crest still has seal from blockbuster on https://imgur.com/a/SkWWcZ3 $500
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Mint $105
Incantaion $510
Mega Man X first print $120
Super Metroid First print, Includes poster https://imgur.com/a/HFmsDM1 $330
Xardion loose $35
Zombies Ate My Neighbors $105
Crusin USA loose $13
Diddy Kong Racing loose $30
Diddy Kong Racing $95
Ogre Battle 64 loose $98
Resident Evil 2 $130
Tony Hawk Pro Skater loose $12
Gameboy & GBC
Adventure Island II loose $25
The Flash $70
Interstellar Assault loose $35
James Bond 007 $70
Wario Land Super Mario Land 3 loose https://imgur.com/a/sLZurDI $23
Woody Woodpecker Graded 9.0 A+ $295
Gameboy Advance
Castlevania Double Pack Graded 8.5 A+ $400
Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of Souls Missing cart holder https://imgur.com/a/beVqX9X $48
Mario Tennis Power Tour SEALED $115
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon no cart holder https://imgur.com/a/wT3aBYu $85
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun $95
Mega Man Zero 2 $95
Ninja Five-O loose, label damage https://imgur.com/a/81gCA0b $325
Rebelstar Tactical Command SEALED $89
Sonic Advance 3 $77
Ace Attorney Apollo Justice SEALED $105
Bleach the 3rd Phantom SEALED https://imgur.com/a/ZZi8Wb6 $150
Chibi Robo: Park Patrol SEALED $95
Children of Mana SEALED $75
Chrono Trigger loose https://imgur.com/a/hxKCrOR $80
Chrono Trigger CIB $120
Dragon Quest IX loose $36
Magicians Quest Loose $140
Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story SEALED https://imgur.com/a/1GoouU3 $60
Mario & Luigi Partners in Time SEALED $140
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Double Team Graded 85+ $200
Monster Tale SEALED https://imgur.com/a/yMlHxGf $100
Pokemon Conquest loose $62
Pokemon Conquest $100
Pokemon Soulsilver loose $125
Sonic Colors SEALED https://imgur.com/a/Hcukcvz $40
Zelda: Spirit Tracks Loose $55
3DS & DS lot Battle of Giants Dragons, Brain Age, Brain Age 2, Club Penguin Herberts Revenge, Flash Focus, LEGO Batman 2, Ninja Turtles, Puzzle Quest, Sonic Colors, Touchmaster 2 All loose $43
Phantasy Star Online Episode I&II Plus $190
Pokemon Colosseum loose $120
Ribbit King no manual $160
Spawn: Armageddon SEALED $85
Super Mario Sunshine loose https://imgur.com/a/LnzMttT $30
Viewtiful Joe SEALED $100
Viewtiful Joe 2 SEALED $80
Zelda Collector's Edition https://imgur.com/a/n2cr9Fx $65
Kirby’s Epic Yarn SEALED https://imgur.com/a/v0L7KL5 $35
No More Heroes 2 SEALED $32
Resident Evil 4 SEALED $35
Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles https://imgur.com/a/L9fp8v2 $35
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles https://imgur.com/a/L9fp8v2 $8
Rune Factory Frontier $35
Master System
Miracle Warriors $45
LOT 1, Earthworm Jim, Garfield caught in the act, Krustys fun house, monopoly all loose, some have label wear https://imgur.com/a/xDt7jtC $30
LOT 2, College Football USA 97, NBA Live 96, World Series Baseball 95 All CIB $25
Arcus Odyssey No Manual $155
Batman no manual $90
Battletoads Double Dragon Loose $22
Bimini Run No manual $35
Captain America no manual $45
Contra Hard Corps No manual $95
Crusader of Centy loose, great condition $475
Double Dragon 3 loose $12
Eternal Champions loose $6
Fire Shark No manual $56
Ghouls N Ghosts No manual $60
Gunstar Heroes no manual https://imgur.com/a/Tg7fYyP $115
Jeopardy SEALED $30
Landstalker Loose, sharpie on label $22
The Lost Vikings SEALED, cart is loose $180
Mega Turrican no manual $140
Pac-Mania $26
Predator 2 $60
The Punisher $330
Red Zone No manual $63
Robocop vs Terminator no manual $55
Shadow Dancer Secret of Shinobi no manual $48
Shining force II $150
Spider-Man X-Men Arcade's Revenge $23
Sonic the Hedgehog $30
Sunset Riders no manual $90
Time Killers no manual to$125
Toki Going Ape Spit no manual $56w
Ultimate Qix No Manual $55
Zombies Ate My Neighbors no manual $42
Zombies Ate My Neighbors loose $21
Sega CD
Adventures of Willy Beamish loose $11
Bram Stoker's Dracula Manual only has cover https://imgur.com/a/Fo4IyXY $10
Dungeon Master II Skullkeep $40
Ecco The Dolphin $33
Ground Zero Texas $17
Joe Montana's NFL Football $6
Lunar the Silver Star https://imgur.com/a/lh9n8Lt $200
Midnight Raiders loose $8
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers $19
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Graded 8.5 A+ $220
NHL 94 loose $5
Novastorm $140
Robo Aleste No manual $110
Sewer Shark loose $5
Stellar Fire loose $7
Supreme Warrior SEALED $100
Vay Some wear on manual & case https://imgur.com/a/f3Bgb3v $120
Kolibri No Manual $220
Night Trap $100
Enemy Zero Generic disc sleeves https://imgur.com/a/yyV6NNg $155
Panzer Dragoon $72
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei loose https://imgur.com/a/MJ2jhw5 $45
Gameshark CDX loose $4
D+vine[Luv] disc & manual $2i
Illbleed SEALED $420
Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage SEALED $125
Maken X SEALED $70
Marvel vs Capcom loose $48s
Marvel vs Capcom 2 loose $110
Q*Bert SEALED $40
Sports Jam SEALED $70
Star Wars Demolition SEALED $50
The Adventures of Lomax $210
Alundra loose $65
Alundra 2 $40
Beyond the Beyond $50
Bloody Roar 2 loose $30
Breath of Fire IV loose $50
Castlevania Symphony of the Night loose $70
Contra Legacy of War $20
Dino Crisis 2 loose $58
Doom longbox $72
Einhander Loose $83
Elemenetal Gearbolt https://imgur.com/a/EuSfZYc $225
Evil Zone loose $20
Fear Effect No manual https://imgur.com/a/rUqjVfW $25
Fighter Maker SEALED $55
Final Fantasy Tactics loose $15
Final Fantasy VII GH https://imgur.com/a/Wj98fSs $38
Final Fantasy VIII SEALED (GH) $60
Hellboy Asylum Seeker SEALED $125
Kartia loose $35
Koudelka SEALED, https://imgur.com/a/1NNkrll $430
Lunar Silver Star Story loose, game discs $60
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Case, 4 discs, & map $120
Master of Monsters SEALED $70
MDK $19
Mega Man X6 SEALED, black label $115
Misadventures of Tron Bonne Loose $250
Mortal Kombat Trilogy loose $25
Parasite Eve 2 https://imgur.com/a/B189quy $112
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment No bonus disc $350
Point Blank 3 SEALED $80
Raiden Project loose $20
Rascal SEALED, some wear $37
Resident Evil 2 loose $30
Resident Evil 2 $48
Star Ocean The Second Story No manual $40
Strider 2 both discs, loose $62
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo loose $17
Tactics Ogre Loose, has rental stickers on top $60
Thousand Arms loose $85
TigerShark SEALED https://imgur.com/a/9ANOk4Y $20
Tomba $135
Tomba SEALED, promo copy w/ drill hole $435
Treasures of the Deep loose $6
Vagrant Story $95
Vandal Hearts 2 $90
Xenogears https://imgur.com/a/OXTu3gy $140
Big Mutha Truckers $8
Blood Will Tell $380
Bloody Roar 4 loose $62
The Fast & the Furious SEALED $35
Fatal Frame II $90
Family Guy Video Game $25
Grand Theft Auto III SEALED, https://imgur.com/a/neMZAcO $15
Gungrave loose $35
Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction $25
Jak 3 $8
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al Revis Premium Box Set Graded, 9.4 A+ $240
Medal of Honor Vanguard no manual $5
Need for Speed most wanted no manual $11
Parappa The Rapper 2 no manual $65
Rule of Rose No manual $540
Silent Hill 3 no manual $150
Silent Hill 4 The Room $140
The Warriors loose $45
Eye of Judgement, Def Jam Rapstar, DJ Hero 1 & 2, PES 2011 lot $13
Digimon All Star Rumble no manual $20
Conker: Live & Reloaded loose $26
Def Jam Fight for NY no manual $96
Godzilla Destroy all Monsters Melee no manual $70
Marvel vs Capcom 2 no manual $106
Mortal Kombat Armageddon no manual $30
(360) Digimon All Star Rumble no manual $13
(360) Halo Reach SEALED, white label https://imgur.com/a/nQ4aaBY $37
(360) Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain SEALED, Day one edition $15
(PC) Half Life Game of the year edition $12
(PSP) Final Fantasy IV SEALED $55
(PSP) Gungnir SEALED $85
(PSP) Star Wars Force Unleashed loose $3
Boxes & Manuals Only
(NES) Widget Box $74
(NES) Mighty Final Fight Cut box & case $89
(SNES) Ignition Factor Box $25
(SNES) Lufia II Box $150
(SNES) Shadowrun Box (has wear) $60
(SNES) Star Trek the Next Generation Box & manual (has wear) $20
(N64) Mario Party box, one flap is torn $40
(N64) Star Fox 64 Box, tear on front of box $26
(GC) Pokemon XD Case https://imgur.com/a/xaoZwWN $40
(SCD) Dark Wizard case $35
(Dreamcast) - Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Case $40
(PS1) Tomba Case $40
(SNES) Earthbound no scratch n sniff $210
(PC) World of Warcraft Dungeon Companion $2
(DC) Power Stone $22
(PS1) Driver 2 $10
(PS1) Wild Arms 2 w/ poster $45
(PS2) 007 Everything or Nothing $7
(PS2) Nano Breaker BradyGames, new in plastic $15
(PS2) Project Snowblind BradyGames $11
(PS2) Samurai Warriors Prima $3
(PS2) Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Prima $3
(Xbox) Thief Deadly Shadows Prima $10
submitted by epiczail to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 19:53 JessFBS Don't Be TAH

My soon to be husband and I were working at the same animal hospital and our commute home was horrendous everyday... The traffic was bumper to bumper for at least 40 minutes... Everyday... We were in our late twenties at the time.
When getting onto the freeway we were immediately put into a single lane that merged onto a freeway going a different direction and we had to try to find a space to merge so we weren't diverted.... Bumper to bumper.... You kinda had to nose in to get over... Everyone in that lane is trying to nose in.
We saw a trucker that was giving ample space and gently made our way into the lane far before the split as to not be rude by cutting in at the last moment.
The trucker was pissed... Flashing his lights and honking, screaming profanities out the window......... We didn't cut him off... I could have walked faster than the traffic... The freeway was like this (and still is) everyday.
And thats where we got petty...
After we saw his reaction to us merging into the lane we decided to stop...............
For about a solid minute we waived other commuters to get in front of us.
He wasn't happy with this.... He let us know... Clearly with his tirade of honking and profanity
We let in at least 20 cars all trying to get home.
After letting all those cars go in front of us we gradually merged over to the inside lane where we ended up side by side with the truck.
We had a sunroof on the car and opened it up as he came up next to us... We both flipped him off as he screamed out the window.
"F#!K YOU!" (You gotta say this with a deep hard emphasis on the "K" as the crescendo in the one liner)
We still joke about it nearly 20 years later.
submitted by JessFBS to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 17:03 epiczail [US][H] NES, SNES, Gameboy(C/A/DS), N64, Gamecube, Genesis, Saturn, Sega CD, 32x, Dreamcast, PS1, Sealed games, etc[W] PayPal FF

Hi everyone, I'm getting rid of some items from my collection that I haven't used in a while/don't see myself ever playing. Everything is CIB unless noted. Shipping is free for anything over $25, otherwise it'll be $5. I am only taking FF. For consoles & larger items, I'll split shipping halfway.
I will be shipping via the cheapest method, if you would like a specific carrier or method of shipping, I can send a quote for the difference in cost.
Game Info Price
Consoles & Accessories
Genesis controllers Various 3rd party, multitap, arcade stick $5
Genesis power cable MK-2103 $15
Genesis RF Cable $2
Dreamcast RF cable $2
Sega CD Model 2 loose with power cable $150
Sega CD Model 2 CIB $300
Generic N64 USB Controller $5
Actraiser loose https://imgur.com/a/1qOugTW $35
Arkanoid SEALED $73
Demon's Crest loose $155
Demon's Crest still has seal from blockbuster on https://imgur.com/a/SkWWcZ3 $500
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Mint $105
Mega Man X first print $120
Super Metroid First print, Includes poster https://imgur.com/a/HFmsDM1 $330
Zombies Ate My Neighbors $105
Crusin USA loose $13
Diddy Kong Racing loose $30
Diddy Kong Racing $95
Ogre Battle 64 loose $98
Resident Evil 2 $130
Tony Hawk Pro Skater loose $12
Gameboy & GBC
Adventure Island II loose $25
The Flash $70
Interstellar Assault loose $35
James Bond 007 $70
Wario Land Super Mario Land 3 loose https://imgur.com/a/sLZurDI $23
Woody Woodpecker Graded 9.0 A+ $295
Gameboy Advance
Banjo Kazoo Grunty’s Revenge https://imgur.com/a/p9MQyAj $100
Castlevania Double Pack Graded 8.5 A+ $400
Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of Souls Missing cart holder https://imgur.com/a/beVqX9X $48
Mario Tennis Power Tour SEALED $115
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon no cart holder https://imgur.com/a/wT3aBYu $85
Mega Man Battle Network 4 Red Sun $95
Mega Man Zero 2 $95
Ninja Five-O loose, label damage https://imgur.com/a/81gCA0b $325
Rebelstar Tactical Command SEALED $89
Sonic Advance 3 $77
Ace Attorney Apollo Justice SEALED $105
Bleach the 3rd Phantom SEALED https://imgur.com/a/ZZi8Wb6 $150
Chibi Robo: Park Patrol SEALED $95
Children of Mana SEALED $75
Chrono Trigger loose https://imgur.com/a/hxKCrOR $80
Chrono Trigger CIB $120
Dragon Quest IX loose $36
Magicians Quest Loose $140
Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story SEALED https://imgur.com/a/1GoouU3 $60
Mario & Luigi Partners in Time SEALED $140
Mega Man Battle Network 5 Double Team Graded 85+ $200
Monster Tale SEALED https://imgur.com/a/yMlHxGf $100
Pokemon Conquest loose $62
Pokemon Conquest $100
Pokemon Soulsilver loose $125
Sonic Colors SEALED https://imgur.com/a/Hcukcvz $40
Zelda: Spirit Tracks Loose $55
3DS & DS lot Battle of Giants Dragons, Brain Age, Brain Age 2, Club Penguin Herberts Revenge, Flash Focus, LEGO Batman 2, Ninja Turtles, Puzzle Quest, Sonic Colors, Touchmaster 2 All loose $43
Phantasy Star Online Episode I&II Plus $190
Pokemon Colosseum loose $120
Ribbit King no manual $160
Spawn: Armageddon SEALED $85
Super Mario Sunshine loose https://imgur.com/a/LnzMttT $30
Viewtiful Joe SEALED $100
Viewtiful Joe 2 SEALED $80
Zelda Collector's Edition https://imgur.com/a/n2cr9Fx $65
Kirby’s Epic Yarn SEALED https://imgur.com/a/v0L7KL5 $35
No More Heroes 2 SEALED $32
Resident Evil 4 SEALED $35
Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles https://imgur.com/a/L9fp8v2 $35
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles https://imgur.com/a/L9fp8v2 $8
Rune Factory Frontier $35
Master System
Miracle Warriors $45
LOT 1, Earthworm Jim, Garfield caught in the act, Krustys fun house, monopoly all loose, some have label wear https://imgur.com/a/xDt7jtC $30
LOT 2, College Football USA 97, NBA Live 96, World Series Baseball 95 All CIB $25
Arcus Odyssey No Manual $155
Batman no manual $90
Battletoads Double Dragon Loose $22
Bimini Run No manual $35
Captain America no manual $45
Contra Hard Corps No manual $95
Crusader of Centy loose, great condition $475
Double Dragon 3 loose $12
Eternal Champions loose $6
Fire Shark No manual $56
Ghouls N Ghosts No manual $60
Gunstar Heroes no manual https://imgur.com/a/Tg7fYyP $115
Jeopardy SEALED $30
Landstalker Loose, sharpie on label $22
The Lost Vikings SEALED, cart is loose $180
Mega Turrican no manual $140
Pac-Mania $26
Predator 2 $60
The Punisher $330
Red Zone No manual $63
Robocop vs Terminator no manual $55
Shadow Dancer Secret of Shinobi no manual $48
Shining force II $150
Spider-Man X-Men Arcade's Revenge $23
Sonic the Hedgehog $30
Sunset Riders no manual $90
Time Killers no manual to$125
Toki Going Ape Spit no manual $56w
Ultimate Qix No Manual $55
Zombies Ate My Neighbors no manual $42
Zombies Ate My Neighbors loose $21
Sega CD
Adventures of Willy Beamish loose $11
Bram Stoker's Dracula Manual only has cover https://imgur.com/a/Fo4IyXY $10
Dungeon Master II Skullkeep $40
Ecco The Dolphin $33
Ground Zero Texas $17
Joe Montana's NFL Football $6
Lunar the Silver Star https://imgur.com/a/lh9n8Lt $200
Midnight Raiders loose $8
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers $19
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Graded 8.5 A+ $220
NHL 94 loose $5
Novastorm $140
Robo Aleste No manual $110
Stellar Fire loose $7
Supreme Warrior SEALED $100
Vay Some wear on manual & case https://imgur.com/a/f3Bgb3v $120
Kolibri No Manual $220
Night Trap $100
Enemy Zero Generic disc sleeves https://imgur.com/a/yyV6NNg $155
Panzer Dragoon $72
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei loose https://imgur.com/a/MJ2jhw5 $45
Gameshark CDX loose $4
D+vine[Luv] disc & manual $2i
Illbleed SEALED $420
Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage SEALED $125
Maken X SEALED $70
Marvel vs Capcom loose $48s
Marvel vs Capcom 2 loose $110
Q*Bert SEALED $40
Sports Jam SEALED $70
Star Wars Demolition SEALED $50
The Adventures of Lomax $210
Alundra loose $65
Alundra 2 $40
Beyond the Beyond $50
Bloody Roar 2 loose $30
Breath of Fire IV loose $50
Castlevania Symphony of the Night loose $70
Contra Legacy of War $20
Dino Crisis 2 loose $58
Doom longbox $72
Einhander Loose $83
Elemenetal Gearbolt https://imgur.com/a/EuSfZYc $225
Evil Zone loose $20
Fear Effect No manual https://imgur.com/a/rUqjVfW $25
Final Fantasy Tactics loose $15
Final Fantasy VII GH https://imgur.com/a/Wj98fSs $38
Final Fantasy VIII SEALED (GH) $60
Hellboy Asylum Seeker SEALED $125
Kartia loose $35
Koudelka SEALED, https://imgur.com/a/1NNkrll $430
MDK $19
Mortal Kombat Trilogy loose $25
Lunar Silver Star Story loose, game discs $60
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Case, 4 discs, & map $120
Mega Man X6 SEALED, black label $115
Misadventures of Tron Bonne Loose $250
Parasite Eve 2 https://imgur.com/a/B189quy $112
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment No bonus disc $350
Point Blank 3 SEALED $80
Raiden Project loose $20
Rascal SEALED, some wear $37
Resident Evil 2 loose $30
Resident Evil 2 $48
Star Ocean The Second Story No manual $40
Strider 2 both discs, loose $62
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo loose $17
Tactics Ogre Loose, has rental stickers on top $60
Thousand Arms loose $85
TigerShark SEALED https://imgur.com/a/9ANOk4Y $20
Tomba $135
Tomba SEALED, promo copy w/ drill hole $435
Treasures of the Deep loose $6
Vagrant Story $95
Vandal Hearts 2 $90
Xenogears https://imgur.com/a/OXTu3gy $140
Big Mutha Truckers $8
Blood Will Tell $380
Bloody Roar 4 loose $62
The Fast & the Furious SEALED $35
Fatal Frame II $90
Family Guy Video Game $25
Grand Theft Auto III SEALED, https://imgur.com/a/neMZAcO $15
Gungrave loose $35
Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction $25
Jak 3 $8
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al Revis Premium Box Set Graded, 9.4 A+ $240
Medal of Honor Vanguard no manual $5
Need for Speed most wanted no manual $11
Parappa The Rapper 2 no manual $65
Rule of Rose No manual $540
Silent Hill 3 no manual $150
Silent Hill 4 The Room $140
The Warriors loose $45
Eye of Judgement, Def Jam Rapstar, DJ Hero 1 & 2, PES 2011 lot $13
Digimon All Star Rumble no manual $20
Conker: Live & Reloaded loose $26
Def Jam Fight for NY no manual $96
Godzilla Destroy all Monsters Melee no manual $70
Marvel vs Capcom 2 no manual $106
Mortal Kombat Armageddon no manual $30
(360) Digimon All Star Rumble no manual $13
(360) Halo Reach SEALED, white label https://imgur.com/a/nQ4aaBY $37
(360) Metal Gear Solid V Phantom Pain SEALED, Day one edition $15
(PC) Half Life Game of the year edition $12
(PSP) Final Fantasy IV SEALED $55
(PSP) Gungnir SEALED $85
(PSP) Star Wars Force Unleashed loose $3
Boxes & Manuals Only
(NES) Widget Box $74
(NES) Mighty Final Fight Cut box & case $89
(SNES) Ignition Factor Box $25
(SNES) Lufia II Box $150
(SNES) Shadowrun Box (has wear) $60
(SNES) Star Trek the Next Generation Box & manual (has wear) $20
(N64) Mario Party box, one flap is torn $40
(N64) Star Fox 64 Box, tear on front of box $26
(GC) Pokemon XD Case https://imgur.com/a/xaoZwWN $40
(SCD) Dark Wizard case $35
(Dreamcast) - Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Case $40
(PS1) Tomba Case $40
(SNES) Earthbound no scratch n sniff $210
(PC) World of Warcraft Dungeon Companion $2
(GBA) Yu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler Prima $6
(GBA) Yu Yu Hakusho Tournament Tactics Prima $7
(DC) Power Stone $22
(PS1) Alundra 2 $10
(PS1) Driver 2 $10
(PS1) Wild Arms 2 w/ poster $45
(PS2) 007 Everything or Nothing $7
(PS2) Duel Masters & Duel Masters Kaijudo Showdown Prima $6
(PS2) Nano Breaker BradyGames, new in plastic $15
(PS2) Project Snowblind BradyGames $11
(PS2) Samurai Warriors Prima $3
(PS2) Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Prima $3
(Xbox) Thief Deadly Shadows Prima $10
submitted by epiczail to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 15:51 MrSkovdal My little slice of heaven

submitted by MrSkovdal to gamerooms [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 02:48 jimmythecollector [FS] [USA] Vetem3nts Pirate Bay Hoodie XL, 0ff-White / Burb3rry / R1ck Owens / St0ne Is1and Crewnecks, Gall3ry Dept Tee, Lema1re Jacket, Rayb@ns, Br0ken Planet, Balenc1aga Slides, BV Cassette Bag, Monc1er Idil, LV Belts, YZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket, Carh@rtt Vintage Zip-Up, & CH / LV !💲



$9 (Add-On) - F0G Essentia1s Black Tee - Medium (Fits Large) - Worn a handful of times and the print on the back is cracked. Priced accordingly, and the blank/front logo are still in amazing condition.
$13 - N1ke Center Swoosh White Tee - Fits Medium - Used a couple of times and has light black marks (pictured) that might come off with bleach. Fits nice for athletic builds, priced accordingly.
$16 - Retail LOVE Uniq1o MoMA Art Tee - Small - Amazing design and lightly worn.
$19 - Fend1 Black Small Logo Tee - Fits Small - Nice and simple tee perfect for daily wear, I would keep as personal but it’s too slim on me.
$32 - Mamb@ Academy x N1ke Sweatpants from Terry - Small (Measurements in Imgur) - Such a sick piece and lightly worn. From Terry who is the best seller for jerseys on subs.
$37 - Ga11ery Dept Upside Down Logo Tee - Medium (Fits Large) - Brand new with tags, never used. Measurements in photos.
$55 - Retail Warr3n L0tas “vs. the World” Reaper Tee - Tagged Medium - Worn a few times. Take for an absolute steal and less than retail, resells for around 85 on Grailed.
$47 - R1ck Owens Spider Banana Knit Crewneck - Fits Medium-Large - Paid ¥320 not including shipping. Best batch from what I found around. Amazing layering piece and has been used lightly. Took them 3 weeks to ship, take for a nice price. Measurements in photos.
$54 - Burb3rry Prorsum Crest Grey Crewneck — Fits Small-Medium — Best batch and extremely clean stitching. Such an amazing flex piece, I just wish it fit me. Selling for a steal. Measurements in photos.
$55 - St0ne Island Blue Zipper Crewneck — Fits Medium — Forgot what batch but has Topst0ney Ice White Badge. Amazing quality and perfect for upcoming lighter weather.
$59 - 0ff-White Logo Vintage Crewneck — Fits Boxy Small-Medium — Best batch out. Got it tailored to be a bit cropped and has a flared look to it. Always gets compliments but a bit small for me now. Measurements in photos.
$60 - Br0ken Plan3t “Into the Abyss” Blue Hoodie — Medium — From Hotdog and one of the nicer designs from this brand IMO. Lightly worn and in amazing condition.
$75 - Carh@rtt Green Faded Vintage Zip Jacket J130 from Ambition — Size Small (Fits Oversized Medium) —This jacket was extremely hyped from Ambition and took him forever to release. I got lucky and snagged the hunter-green color. It has been used only two times and is a heavy jacket. The quality is insane on this piece as well. I was not in a rush to sell, and shipping was pricey due to weight, so I priced accordingly.
$79 - Lemair3 Overcoat Black Jacket - Fits Slightly Oversized Medium - Worn a couple of times. Such a beautiful piece, great for layering on top of a jacket or shirt. Quality is amazing and this piece was pretty hyped when it dropped. Paid 85 shipped from Tao so I’m eating shipping on this.
$105 - Y33ZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket - Fits Medium - In like new condition and extremely rare rep from 2019, haven't seen one posted since. I have rarely used and I’m not in a rush to sell it cause this is most likely the first and last one that’s going to be posted on here, hence the price.
FT or $125 OBO - Vetement$ Pirate Bay Hoodie from Vetement$$shop — XL — Sold out for a while now and was pretty pricey IIRC. Best batch out and extremely high-quality piece. Only tried on and in like new condition. Not in a rush to sell at all. Measurements in photos.
$229 - Monc1er Idil Puffer Jacket - JIEYI2 — Size 2 (Fits Slightly Oversized Medium) — This is the best batch out from the best Moncl3r seller aside from TMX. Cleanest design that the brand makes IMO for a puffer. Was around 285 from Tao total. I am selling at a slight loss, plus free shipping. This is an extremely high quality jacket with all the subtle details and warmth on point. In like new condition and only tried on. Added QC pics from Taobao as well.

Accessories (Wallets/Belt/Bags/Cologne):

$46 - B0ttega Veneta Cassette Black Bag — Selling as it’s a double up. In like new condition and I’ve been using my other one for over 2 years now and still in amazing condition. Such a nice flex bag and always gets compliments.
$19 (Last One!) - C@rhartt Corduroy Black Shoulder Bag - 1 Left - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Has zipper pocket and inner pocket as well.
$36 (Last One! - R@ybans Oval Sunglasses 3547N - OOS - Used and bought from Aooko0 who’s a trusted sunglasses seller. Has a nice gradient on the lens and extremely nice quality. Has light scratches on the lens but I priced them accordingly.
$22 - Arc’t3ryx Black Shoulder Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phones, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Has zipper pocket and inner pocket as well.
$22 - Stu$$y Camo Waist Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Amazing quality and IMO 1:1 with Retail.
$22 - Arc’t3ryx White Shoulder Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Has zipper pocket and inner pocket as well.
$37 - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Brown/Gold Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$37 - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Black/Silver Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$20 - Bap3 Camo Green Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$20 - Aap3 Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$18 - Palac3 Tri-Ferg Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag. Misspelled papers, but the wallet is spot on.

Jewelry (Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Keychains):

$28 - Chr0me Heart$ Rings - Adjustable Opening (Sizing in Imgur) - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. Been using my personal ones daily for over half a year. 925 sterling silver plated and have used in water without issue. Can be adjusted using force to make smallebigger due to opening, I can adjust mine to fit all five of my fingers no issue. Available Models:
$27 - Chr0me Heart$ Pendants - OOS - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. I’ve personally used most models for 6+ months daily along with an Amazon-bought chain. Pendants have nice weight/quality and always get compliments. 925 sterling silver plated and has been used in the gym without issues. Available Models:
$24 - Chr0me Heart$ Silichrome 20th Anniversary Cross Necklace - One Size Fits All (26 Inches) - Great alternative to paying CH’s wild retail price of $160, this rep is extremely accurate IMO (.95:1). Available Colors:
$24 - LV Keychain Black Checkered Print - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$24 - LV Keychain Brown Checkered Print - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$27 (One Left!) - LV Rope Space Bracelet Black/Silver - Adjustable (10 Inches) - Brand new and in plastic wrapping, heavy bracelet overall and extremely nice quality.
$23 - LV Essential “V” Bracelet Brown Monogram - OOS (Fits Wrist Size Up to 6.5 Inches) - Brand new and in plastic wrapping. Saw this in the stores and bought a few on Tao to daily. Above average quality and overall a nice daily flex bracelet.
$25 - Retail Gue$$ Blue/Black Watch - Fits Up to 6.25 Inch Wrists (Has additional clasp to expand to ~6.5 Inches) - Paid 120 shipped for this, take for an absolute steal. Movement is stuck so might need new battery, selling as is.
$25 - Culture K1ngs Cap CarrieStorage NFS - OOS - Exclusive item not being sold; need to buy 3 hats to receive. Take at a great price.


$29 (1 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ “Big CH” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$23 - Canad@ Goos3 Black/Red Beanie - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$23 - Canad@ Goos3 Grey Beanie - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$23 - Canad@ Goos3 Black/Black Beanie - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$23 - Canad@ Goos3 Cream Beanie - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$28 - Retail D0dgers A-Frame Trucker Hat N3w Era - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. I think this is a European exclusive as I see no US sellers have this. Take for a steal price.
$23 - Moncl3r Black Tonal Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New with plastic bag.
$23 - Vuj@ De “VD” Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and nice quality blank.
$23 - Prad@ Badge Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and compared badge to SurvivalSourc3 keychain and looks 1:1.
$25 - Acn3 Studio$ Ice Grey Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New. Embroidery and quality of beanie are spot on with Retail.


$45 - Balenc1aga Mold Slides Tan - 42 (Fits 8.5-9.5 Mens) - Only used a few times indoors only, take for a steal. Great alternative to the basic yeezy slide.
$25 - Ultraboost$ Oreo 3.0 - 10 Mens (Fits 9-9.5 Mens) - Best batch out from Lin. Used but flash really accentuates flaws, they still have a lot of life.
$39 - Ultrabo0st 4D White/Green - 8.5 Mens (Fits 8.5-9 Mens) - Bought a while ago from deadlink, used around 3 times and in amazing condition.
$92 OBO - Retail N1ke Air Max 1 Premium Hangul SE - 8.5 Mens - Brand new and only tried on. Paid 140 for them, take for a steal.
submitted by jimmythecollector to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 16:30 JonathanS223 I Faced a Bone Walker and Lived

Originally published at joinmeatthecampfire on June 4, 2023.
Hey all, it’s me Frank Jones again. I wrote that post a while ago about why you shouldn’t be a paranormal investigator and a lot of you liked it. Since settling into my hideaway in the mountains, life has become quiet and I thought about checking in. The plague hit us like nothing and now that everyone is wanting to travel again, I thought to say hi. I want to say thanks to all of you who commented and gave me those weird pointy thingies this social media does. Some of you even figured out my post office box address and sent me letters. I appreciate it (and don’t do it again). The common strain among your posts was wanting to know if I had ever encountered other things as an auditor. Of course I have but I have been reluctant to tell you because I don’t want to shine some sort of light on all of it or make it sound like some romantic adventure. It’s “pissing yourself” fear all wrapped up in a waking nightmare with a side of gory terror. I am one of the few who actually made it to retirement…if that’s what you could call this life I’m living now. But, I have nothing else to do really. Carl only visits once in a while when he’s passing through and I cannot risk any other sort of company knowing I’ve pissed off a lot of people…and things. So, I’m back on this internet board and sharing. So many are curious, I thought maybe another story can scare you all straight. This was the first time complacency almost got me and another killed. This story takes place somewhere in the 90s in a small New England town. It was one of those places nestled along the banks of a serene river, historic brick buildings line the winding streets, their facades adorned with weathered signs that hint at the town's seafaring heritage. A place where everything smelled like either the ocean or decaying fish. I’m not going to specifically name the town to protect the young lady that may still be living there but in the heart of the town, there’s a renowned drawbridge which stands as a testament to the place’s affinity for water. Its ancient mechanisms creak and groan when allowing vessels to pass through the calm waterway. It also had some of the best outdoor markets I had a chance to stop and check out. I didn’t pass through this part of the country that often as my boss preferred me to do the long hauls across the country but there was a dead haul nobody wanted.I took it cause I wanted a change of scenery. I was already working as an auditor and part of a loose alliance of others who investigated and dealt with any weird things. I actually had a few monsters under my belt. I honestly had the foolhardy idea that I could handle anything out there. God, I was an idiot. The supernatural never crossed my mind until that evening, stopping to fuel up my red 1992 Peterbilt 379 and paying for the gas with the attendant and restocking up on those beef jerky sticks and coffee. That was when I noticed her. She was a young woman about in her mid 30s looking like one of the corporate types with the short hair cut and business suit. I would have not paid her any mind if it wasn’t for the touch of apprehension on her face as she talked on one of those new fangled bright yellow Nokia cellphones. Soft strands of chestnut hair framed her face, their gentle sway moving as she glanced around while talking on the phone. As I observed her, I couldn't help but notice the way her fingers trembled slightly, when trying to get money out of her pocket. I’ve seen that type of fear before. So, like a creep, I eavesdropped on her call. “Yes, it happened again,” she had said as the nickels finally made it to the counter to pay for her snacks. “I could have sworn there was something outside the window near the edge of the forest….no, of course the security cameras didn’t pick up anything. They’re cheap. Ronald was a skinflint when it came to things like this. Hope he’s rotting in hell wherever he is.” My mind began to drift away, more annoyed I couldn’t get a move on it. It sounded like a problem for the police and if anything, I was gonna tell her that. It was what she said next that made me stop and brought back the reality of the world. “Yeah. like nine or ten feet tall. I’m thinking kids are playing around with scarecrows or something. Won’t come from the edge of the forest and when I check, I can see foot impressions and stuff. I already put in a call to the cops. They found nothing.“ “Did it sway a bit and its eyes seem to glint like a cats or owl?” I asked without thinking. The look I got from both her and the gas attendant made me realize what I had done. Well, too late now. “I’ll call you back,” she said quickly, eyeing me as she hung up the phone and slipped it back into her purse. “You need me to walk you to your car, ma’am?” the attendant asked, staring at me. Of course, I forgot that The Truck Stop Killer had only been arrested a few years before. “I’m fine, thank you,” she said, quickly gathering her stuff and making for the door. I slapped the one hundred and seventy bucks on the counter to pay for my diesel guzzler ignoring the change and followed her out but making sure to not move in a way that caused the teenager in the station to call the cops. “Ma’am,” I called out to her and she turned to me while hurrying up her pace. “I’ve got pepper spray. Stay away from me.” “The thing in the woods. You could have sworn you smelled fresh dirt like mulch and it seemed to sway back and forth like it could not keep its balance.” I threw it out there in desperation. She froze and turned to look at me. Eying me up and down as I kept my distance and angled to head towards my truck. “How do you know?” “I…uh…dealt with something like that before. On a job in Canada.” “Who are you?” she asked, looking at my faded shirt and company logo. “A trucker?” “I moonlight as a problem solver. Like an auditor of sorts.” “Who is it?” she demanded, eyes still affixed to me and hand in her purse. “Better question is ‘what is it?’,” I answered. I have learned to pick up on the contempt and disbelief from people who hadn’t seen what I have. I was already being dismissed as a whack job. “You have tracks on your porch you have written off as animals, especially if you own a dog. If you did own a dog, it’s missing. Cops told you it ran away. You got a garden?” “Yes,” the certainty had started to leave her voice. “A walled garden.” “And anytime you’re in there, you feel like you’re being watched.” At that, her hand came out of her purse empty and she approached me with the fear I had seen in her eyes now on her face. “How did you know?” “I’d rather not explain out here,” I said sheepishly running my hand through my sandy brown hair that only started getting flecks of gray. “But you got a…pest problem.” “And you can do something about it? I’ve had exterminators, cops, nature lovers…even a priest.” “None of those won’t do you any good and I don’t want to scare ya but it’s more active which is not a good sign.” For a few moments, I could see the indecision in her eyes. The desperate want to dismiss me as a lunatic but whatever she had heard or seen won over. “Fine. You can follow me to the house.” “Mind if I hitch a ride?” The woman started but then looked at my truck. “Promise. I mean you no harm. I really think you’re in danger.” That was when I found her name was Isabelle Walker. We left my truck in long-term parking after she told the attendant that I was a long lost relative and that’s why the change of demeanor. I don’t know if he believed her but at that point, I don’t think he cared. I left my truck with its metallic frame standing tall and proud amidst the rows of other vehicles. I did not realize how desperate this woman was until we got going on the road. I had loaded myself in the passenger seat after pulling out my military backpack from the war which I also used for my auditing services and tried to look as harmless as a man of my stature could. For the first fifteen minutes of the drive, her focus was on the lonely road, those beautiful eyes darting to me anytime I shifted my weight. I didn’t want to scare her so it was her that spoke first. “What is it?” “I really don’t know but the people in my profession call it a Bone Walker.” The nose crinkled in disbelief. “Halloween is not for a few more months, Mister…” “Jones. Frank Jones.” The James Bond reference caused her to snort in amusement. “I don’t know what to tell ya, ma’am, except I’ve dealt with some pretty scary things out there. Normally I’m never this forward as most people try to call the cops on me or dismiss me as a lunatic. I mean, I could be a lunatic but I know what I’ve seen.” “And that is…?” “You know. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves. They’re real. They’re not common but real nevertheless.” “Really?” There was still the disbelief in Isabelle’s voice but I grew to ignore things like this. “Sure. I mean, think of all the things you experienced and be open to alternate answers.” Isabelle was quiet for a few minutes and then sighed. “Either you are telling the truth or you're the biggest liar and I’m a fool that’s not going to live through this night.” “I promise,” I tried to reassure her. “I’m not going to hurt you.” After a few more minutes and off the main highway, we approached her home. The large house stood resolute amidst the dense, ancient forest, its weathered exterior a testament to the passing of time. It was a grand structure, its imposing presence commanding attention. The sprawling estate exuded an air of mystery and faded grandeur, as if it held stories whispered through generations. As we pulled in, the main house loomed before me, its facade adorned with intricate woodwork and worn stone. Ivy crept along the walls, weaving an emerald tapestry that hinted at the passage of years. The windows, framed by elegant yet slightly cracked panes, stared out into the world with a mixture of curiosity and melancholy. To the side, a large shed stood detached from the main house, its weathered boards echoing tales of forgotten tools and lost endeavors. The wooden structure sagged under the weight of time, its roof covered in a patchwork quilt of moss. Inside, shadows danced amidst remnants of a bygone era, rusty equipment and dusty shelves attesting to the once-bustling activity that had long since ceased. Not far from the shed, a family cemetery nestled amongst the ancient trees. Tombstones, adorned with intricate carvings and weathered inscriptions, dotted the landscape. The hallowed ground exuded a solemn tranquility, as if time stood still in reverence for those who rested eternally in its embrace. Wisps of fog clung to the grassy knolls, lending an ethereal quality to the sacred space. At the far end of the property, an old walled garden stood as a testament to the house's former splendor. Once vibrant and lush, the garden now appeared overgrown and untamed. Stone paths meandered through a sea of tangled foliage, leading to hidden nooks and forgotten corners. Dilapidated stone benches, adorned with intricate carvings, sat scattered throughout the garden, silent witnesses to a time when laughter and conversation filled the air. As I stood amidst the silence of the forest, the house, shed, cemetery, and walled garden formed a tapestry of history and mystery. They were a testament to the ebb and flow of life, the remnants of a bygone era that clung to the present. Within their weathered walls, secrets whispered and memories danced, waiting to be discovered by those who dared to venture into their enigmatic embrace. “Great place to be haunted, huh?” she said with sarcasm. “My ex left it to me in the divorce. Was only going to be here long enough to sell it but no one wants it and my job wants me to move to this state anyway.” “Where are you originally from?” “California.” “So, this is definitely a change of scenery for you,” Isabelle only hummed back at me as she fumbled for her keys in the dying light of evening. I pulled my backpack closer to me as my eyes scanned the treeline where the shadows had begun to deepen. Nothing stood out against the silhouettes of ancient trees which was a good sign. I wasn’t too late. Stepping through the weathered front door, I entered the interior of the old house, greeted by a mix of nostalgia and faded elegance. The air carried a hint of mustiness, a reminder of the countless years the house had to have witnessed. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light filtering through the stained-glass windows, I could make out the clash between old decor and the modern furniture Isabelle had bought. The foyer, adorned with a worn, threadbare rug. The walls, once adorned with portraits and intricate wallpaper, now bore the markings of time's passage. The wooden banister of the grand staircase, polished with use, creaked softly under my touch as we made our way towards the living room. Moving further into the house, I found myself in a spacious living room. Large, ornate windows which would have allowed slivers of daylight to filter through the heavy velvet curtains. The walls were adorned with faded wallpaper. An aged fireplace, its stone mantle adorned with trinkets and old photographs, served as the heart of the room. “You want some coffee?” Isabelle asked, throwing her keys on to the coffee table. I sat down on her couch and dropped my backpack on it with a clunk. “Sure.” “Sugar?” “A lot.” The kitchen light clicked on and I heard her moving about setting up the coffee pot. The Adrenalin was now pumping through me as my mind raced. I’m not going to go into a lot of detail on what a Bone Walker is but it’s a creature that usually haunts the western coast. It being so far out east was strange. I pulled out my old gun bag and unrolled it. My Stevens Model 520-30 “Trench” shotgun was the first thing I reached for as I popped open the internal pouch holding he high flash shells I was glad I packed. It was the startled sound from Isabelle that made me quickly look up. She stood there with my coffee, eyes locked on the shotgun in my hand. I slowly held up one of the cartridges I was planning to load. “Flash powder shotgun shells. No load. Just makes a loud noise and a bright white light. What we’re facing lives in the shadows and hates light…normally,” I had heard stories that they could strike in the day but it was extremely rare. She didn’t need to know that. “Oh,” was her quiet response. “Do…do I need a gun?” “You know how to use one?” “No.” “Then it’ll do more harm than good. You got any flashlights?” Isabelle nodded mutely, the gravity of the situation sinking in at the array of weapons and items in my pack laid out in front of her. “Go get them.” While she was gone, I quickly unloaded the silver bullets out of my Makarov pistol (a gift from a Viet Cong officer and a story for another time) and placed normal 9mm rounds in the clip. I had it holstered under my jacket with the two back up clips when she returned with three cheap flashlights. “One in your hand and one in your pocket.” “Why?” “In case you drop the one you are holding.” The woman obeyed silently. As night fell quickly around us, I slung my shotgun over my shoulder and with Isabelle close, we made our way upstairs. There were tell tale signs I needed to check as the only advantage I had over this thing was the fact it stuck to a pattern. If it was at the stage I thought it was, there would be signs. “Which room is yours?” I asked. Isabelle pointed to a door down the hallway across from a large window. Approaching it, I quickly shined my flashlight at the mahogany door frame. It was the glint that caught my eye. Deep gouges in the wood. “What’s that?” she asked. “Claw marks,” I responded. There was no use sugar coating anything now. “This thing was in my house?” Isabelle said horrified. “For the last few weeks now,” I said, my nose picking up the faint odor of dirt and mud. “Why didn’t it attack me then?” “It wasn’t time.” “What?” Talking was going to be the only thing to keep her focused. I had felt the world shift a bit as night fell and I needed her not to panic. “Bone Walkers are ritualistic creatures. They are very choosy over their prey. It can take a month or two before they move in. That’s why they are so hard to catch.” “Criteria? Like what?” “We don’t know.” That was the honest truth. The only reason we knew their existence and patterns was thanks to blind luck and people surviving their encounters. I showed my light around looking for other signs. Discolored stains in the corners where shadows would naturally form, healthy moss and mold that shouldn’t be there. I found a patch around her bed. She did not notice and I did not want to tell her that it probably stood over her through the night watching her sleep. The sooner I buried this thing, the better. “Frank!” There was a trill of terror in Isabelle’s voice and I immediately looked to where she was. The woman was standing by her bedroom window staring out at something. I quickly moved and spotted what she saw. In the forest, at the edge of the shadow cast by the moonlight was an almost, imperceptible form. It stood nine feet, hunched over like a broken scarecrow, its owl like eyes staring back at us. “Shit,” I muttered. Thank god we had turned on the lights as we went. It was the flash of light and the crack of thunder that heralded the arrival of the storm. The lights of this old houses flickered which caused my belly to flop a few times. My brain was on fire as I glanced back from the lightbulb to where the creature was and found it had vanished. “Where did it go?” I did not have time to explain as another crack of lightning caused the lights to dim. I grabbed Isabelle roughly by the arm and yanked her back down the hallway towards the living room where I had left my stuff. We barely made it to the living room when the lights dimmed low. I grasped the glow sticks out of the bag, cracked a handful and scattered them about, their bright yellow light beginning to glow. The power then went out bathing us only in the eerie glow of the emergency lighting. As we waited in breathless anticipation, the storm struck, its wrath manifesting in torrential rain. The mansion seemed to respond, succumbing to a power outage that plunged us into an abyss of blackness only moments before. A trill of terror coursed through me. I knew this Bone Walker thrived in darkness, using it as a cloak to conceal its malevolence. We auditors were not sure if it actually teleported or it preferred to move in pitch darkness. I just knew that the black was our biggest threat. For a few moments, we could only hear the ragged breathing of the two of us being drowned out by the pounding rain against shingle and glass. Isabelle had wound her hand into my jacket pocket and was gripping it tightly, I could feel her shaking with terror. I kept my shotgun gripped tightly in my hand listening for the tell tale sound of its arrival. It was the movement out of the corner of my eye and the fact her grip got tighter on my jacket. I swiftly turned on my high-powered flashlight as I spun around and the brilliant beam pierced the obscure corner of the room. No matter what I had read or seen before did not prepare me for what I saw. It stood there in the corner, its eight foot height engulfing that section of the house. My eyes strained as it appeared the thing was struggling to stay in focus. Its arms were too long for its body, spindly and almost to the floor while the legs appeared backwards giving it a strange forward leaning look. It wore a hunter’s long coat and trousers but through the rips and tears I could make out something squirming and moving underneath. The air filled with the stench of decaying plants and diseased vegetation. Its face was covered with what looked like the remnants of a cheap bandanna but its owl-like eyes gleaned back with malevolence. Isabelle whimpered, her fear palpable in the room and the Bone Walker lunged toward us. Even though my fear was ripping through me like an unstoppable train, I had the sense to pull the trigger of my shotgun aimed in its direction. The flash and resounding roar painted the entire room in a brilliant black and white shadow causing every corner and edge to appear thick and vivid. The creature screamed and fell to the side into the shadow not illuminated by the weapon’s fire. Isabelle had thrown herself on the couch and was huddled there, trembling with terror, while I moved quickly to crack a few more glow sticks and toss them into the dark corners of the room. In one, I saw its foot recoil back into the kitchen where it was darker than night itself. This was quicker than I had anticipated. The plans I had been formulating on the drive were no longer viable. I wanted to lure it to where I controlled the battlefield but that was not an option anymore. This had become a cat and mouse game and I knew this was with a predator I could not even hope to understand and had years to hone. Out of the kitchen again this thing charged forward, relentless in its pursuit, it was trying to find a way around my light barrier which only appeared to slow it down. With shaking hands, I fired several more rounds, each blast forcing the creature to retreat and the girl to scream in terror. As soon as it retreated to a dark part of the house, I turned to where the woman of the house had been. To my horror, Isabelle's fear had gotten the best of her. In that moment of panic, she darted from the safety of the light, towards the hallway and the door outside. “Isabelle! Stop!” I yelled trying to command her back with my voice but I doubted she heard me. Between the abject horror and the relentless rain, she was going to take her chance. A chance I knew she did not have. I only took a step when I sensed it. The musty smell of an organic landfill overwhelmed me as the form silently darted past me, its long arm clobbering me up the side of the head. The world spun as pain burst through my brain. I felt the world tilt and fall heavily to the ground, flashlight and shotgun falling away. As I slipped in and out of consciousness, I knew I was a sitting duck for this thing. There was no way for me to stop it from ripping me to shreds like some of the corpses I had seen. As I blinked, I came to my senses and realized I was alone. How long I had actually been on the ground, I did not know. I sat up, my head pounding and I could see the door hanging open, the wind slamming the door on its hinges and the rain soaking the hallway floor. Struggling, I found my flashlight and gun and pulled myself together. There was a slim chance that Isabelle was still alive. I had to think. Where would it go? I ran all the stories I could think of and then it hit me. The garden. The walled garden. I charged into the rain-soaked night. I sprinted toward the enclosed garden at the edge of the property. As I grew closer, I saw that the rusted door was open and hope flickered in my soul. As I came to a stop, I brought my flashlight up again with my shotgun and saw it. This creature stood there in the middle of the overgrown garden, its massive clawed hand wrapped around Isabelle’s chest and holding her up. Out from under its bandanna mask, putrid vines had appeared and led up to Isabelle’s face where they were forcing their way down her throat and up her nose. I could see the wide terror in her eyes as vines were snaking their way around her waist and I did not want to think about what they were planning to do. I brought up the shotgun again and fired. Knowing that I had distance, the flash of light caught the creature by surprise. It shrieked as it fell back. Trying desperately not to release its prey. I did not hesitate to grab the machete at my side and hack at its arm until Isabelle fell down free of it. It’s claw swiped at me striking me on the leg and easily tearing through my pants leaving bloody lacerations but I put the weapon point blank and fired another round. I do not know if it was the flash, the combination of the creature, or that the almighty above was looking out for me, but the creature caught ablaze from the spark. It fell back swinging wildly as the fire spread unnaturally fast catching the plants around it on fire. Within a matter of seconds, the walled garden had become ablaze with the bone walker in the center. As I ripped the vines out of Isabelle’s mouth and dragged her towards the door, I looked up to see those owl-like eyes looking at me with such abject hatred that the look stick with me today. I honestly don’t know how we survived. I had helped Isabelle to her porch and we both passed out against our will from the sheer terror and exhaustion. We were awoken by the sound of a siren. The lights had come back on sometime in our sleep and the rain had drifted off to a comforting drizzle. The fire was still raging in the garden but contained by the ancient walls. At least two fire trucks, an ambulance and cops were flying up the private road towards us. This entire hunt had been ill-planned and stupid. I knew it. As the cops approached with their hand on their pistols, I knew that I had allowed my own ego to get in the way. I should have taken Isabelle somewhere else until I had done a proper reconnaissance. I shouldn’t have taken her home where it was waiting. And now, the cops were looking at two thoroughly soaked humans, one a trucker with a wound and a gun and a young lady in distress. I was pretty sure I was going to go to jail. “Isabelle?” One of the cops and his voice caused her to sit up, relief washing over her. “Derek!” she wailed. “We were attacked! In the garden!” Another two cops that had arrived had taken off in that direction while Derek helped the girl up and took her towards the ambulance. The other cop with a comically large mustache looked at me with keen eyes, his hand still on his pistol, sergeant stripes glowing in the light. “Attacked?” “Yeah,” I said, sitting up slowly and keeping my hand away from the shotgun and trying not to show the one under my jacket. “Someone came after Mrs. Walker. They were in the garden.” The cop watched me closely but there seemed to be a recognition in his eyes. “You by any chance Frank Jones?” My heart jumped and I must have looked startled as the cop’s face broke into a smile. To my relief, his hand fell away from his holstered sidearm. “I’ll take that for a yes. My guess is you don’t remember me. Clay Wilson. Santa Fe PD, about six years ago. You helped my partner with a...problem. Nellie Nelson?” I knew the name but the face escaped me. “She told me you helped her audit a police union building.” “Ah, yes,” I said, remembering dealing with the wraith and the twinge in my right arm from it’s bite. The cop looked towards the fire that was slowly being put out by the fire fighters. “Any chance this will be one of your audits?” “Yeah.” He seemed to think for a few minutes and then nodded. “Then I think you need to grab that shotgun of yours and hitch a ride with me before too many people ask questions. Whatcha think?” I nodded. I was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I collected my stuff quickly from the living room and made my way back out where he was waiting. As I limped with the cop to his car, I looked towards Isabelle who was being held by the other. She gave me a look of thankfulness as the cop looked at his partner with confusion. “Her brother’s got her,” Clay said, opening the back door for me. I was not gonna argue or fight. If he took me to jail or not. And that was it. My leg was not as bad off as I thought and wrapped it in the back of the police car. Clay only asked where I wanted to go and he took me back to my truck. With that time, I was back on the road with that small town in the rear view mirror. I never did find out what happened to Isabelle after that, if another creature came looking for her or if she had a chance to live in peace. I just knew that we both barely made it out alive and that was due to my own stupidity. I was furious with myself for weeks after that and told myself I wouldn’t put another person in jeopardy like that again. At least, despite my idiocy, another life was saved and another monster was put in the ground...I hoped. I never did find out if they found a body.
submitted by JonathanS223 to cant_sleep [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 00:10 jimmythecollector [FS] [USA] FREE CH Silichrome Necklace with ANY Purchase! - Rayb@ns Sunglasses, LV Cologne, Br0ken Planet, AirPod Pros, Balenc1aga Slides, Monc1er Idil Puffer, T1ffany, Di0r Belt, Rare YZY Season 5 Sports Jacket, CH Hat from TheWave, Canada G00se Beanie, Carh@rtt Vintage, EE, & LV Keychains!💲



$12 - F0G Essentia1s Black Tee - Medium (Fits Large) - Worn a handful of times and the print on the back is cracked. Priced accordingly, and the blank/front logo are still in amazing condition.
$14 - N1ke Center Swoosh White Tee - Fits Medium - Used a couple of times and has light black marks (pictured) that might come off with bleach. Fits nice for athletic builds, priced accordingly.
$16 - Retail LOVE Uniq1o MoMA Art Tee - Small - Amazing design and lightly worn.
$19 - Fend1 Black Small Logo Tee - Fits Small - Nice and simple tee perfect for daily wear, I would keep as personal but it’s too slim on me.
$25 - Ambu$h Light Blue Tee - Fits Medium - Only tried on in amazing condition.
$30 - Er1c Emannue1 Shorts Black Skyline - Small (Waist Size 28-34) - Worn a few times and fit is amazing as it sits above the knee.
$33 - Mamb@ Academy x N1ke Sweatpants from Terry - Small (Measurements in Imgur) - Such a sick piece and lightly worn. From Terry who is the go to seller for jersey’s.
$55 - Retail Warr3n L0tas “vs. the World” Reaper Tee - Tagged Medium - Worn a few times. Take for an absolute steal and less than retail, resells for around 85 on Grailed.
$62 - Br0ken Plan3t “Into the Abyss” Blue Hoodie — Medium — From Hotdog and one of the nicer designs from this brand IMO. Lightly worn and in amazing condition. Quality and blank is amazing and super warm/plush.
$77 - Carh@rtt Green Faded Vintage Zip Jacket J130 from Ambition — Size Small (Fits Oversized Medium) —This jacket was extremely hyped from Ambition and took him forever to release. I got lucky and snagged the hunter-green color. It has been used only two times and is a heavy jacket. The quality is insane on this piece as well. I was not in a rush to sell, and shipping was pricey due to weight, so I priced accordingly.
$87 - Lemair3 Overcoat Black Jacket - Fits Slightly Oversized Medium - Worn a couple of times. Such a beautiful piece, great for layering on top of a jacket or shirt. Quality is amazing and this piece was pretty hyped when it dropped. Paid 85 shipped from Tao so I’m eating shipping on this.
$115 - Y33ZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket - Fits Medium - In like new condition and extremely rare rep from 2019, haven't seen one posted since. I have rarely used and I’m not in a rush to sell it cause this is most likely the first and last one that’s going to be posted on here, hence the price.
$239 - Monc1er Idil Puffer Jacket - JIEYI2 — Size 2 (Fits Slightly Oversized Medium) — This is the best batch out from the best Moncl3r seller aside from TMX. Cleanest design that the brand makes IMO for a puffer. Was around 285 from Tao total. I am selling at a slight loss, plus free shipping. This is an extremely high quality jacket with all the subtle details and warmth on point. In like new condition and only tried on. Added QC pics from Taobao as well.

Jewelry (Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Keychains):

$37 - Tiff@ny “Return to Tiff@ny BLUE Heart” Necklace - 17.5 Inches (Adjustable Loops to make Smaller) - Ships in clear bag as I have sold out of retail packaging. Brand New & lead tested. Perfect gift for your girl and tanish-free due to stainless steel. My mom has been personally using hers for about 4 months now without any issue.
$37 - Tiff@ny “Return to Tiff@ny BLUE Heart” Earrings - OOS - Ships in clear bag as I have sold out of retail packaging. Brand New & lead tested. Perfect gift for your girl and tanish-free due to stainless steel. My mom has been personally using hers for about 4 months now without any issue.
$28 - Chr0me Heart$ Rings - Adjustable Opening (Sizing in Imgur) - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. Been using my personal ones daily for over half a year. 925 sterling silver plated and have used in water without issue. Can be adjusted using force to make smallebigger due to opening, I can adjust mine to fit all five of my fingers no issue. Available Models:
$27 - Chr0me Heart$ Pendants - OOS - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. I’ve personally used most models for 6+ months daily along with an Amazon-bought chain. Pendants have nice weight/quality and always get compliments. 925 sterling silver plated and has been used in the gym without issues. Available Models:
$24 - Chr0me Heart$ Silichrome 20th Anniversary Cross Necklace - One Size Fits All (26 Inches) - Great alternative to paying CH’s wild retail price of $160, this rep is extremely accurate IMO (.95:1). Available Colors:
$25 - LV Keychain Black Checkered Print - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$25 - LV Keychain Brown Checkered Print - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$27 - LV Rope Space Bracelet Black/Silver - Adjustable (10 Inches) - Brand new and in plastic wrapping, heavy bracelet overall and extremely nice quality.
$26 - LV Essential “V” Bracelet Brown Monogram - OOS (Fits Wrist Size Up to 6.5 Inches) - Brand new and in plastic wrapping. Saw this in the stores and bought a few on Tao to daily. Above average quality and overall a nice daily flex bracelet.
$25 - Retail Gue$$ Blue/Black Watch - Fits Up to 6.25 Inch Wrists (Has additional clasp to expand to ~6.5 Inches) - Paid 120 shipped for this, take for an absolute steal. Movement is stuck so might need new battery, selling as is.
$25 - Culture K1ngs Cap CarrieStorage NFS - OOS - Exclusive item not being sold; need to buy 3 hats to receive. Take at a great price.


$48 - CH Black/White Hat from TheW@ve (Best Batch) - Adjustable - Used only a few times and best batch out, if you really care about flaws for this model then this is the batch for you. Bought the one with sterling silver used for he top which is aging nicely.
$29 - Chrom3 Heart$ “CH Hollywood” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$30 (1 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ “Big CH” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$25 - Canad@ Goos3 Black/Red Beanie - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$25 - Canad@ Goos3 Grey Beanie - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$25 - Canad@ Goos3 Black/Black Beanie - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$25 - Canad@ Goos3 Cream Beanie - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$35 - Chrom3 Heart$ Black/Black Hat - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. Ships in polymailer.
$35 - Chrom3 Heart$ Black/White Hat - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. Ships in polymailer.
$35 - Chrom3 Heart$ Camo Hat - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. Ships in polymailer.
$29 - Retail D0dgers A-Frame Trucker Hat N3w Era - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. I think this is a European exclusive as I see no US sellers have this. Take for a steal price.
$23 - Moncl3r Black Tonal Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New with plastic bag.
$23 - Vuj@ De “VD” Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and nice quality blank.
$23 - Prad@ Badge Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and compared badge to SurvivalSourc3 keychain and looks 1:1.
$25 - Acn3 Studio$ Ice Grey Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New. Embroidery and quality of beanie are spot on with Retail.

Accessories (Wallets/Belt/Bags/Cologne):

$39 - R@ybans Oval Sunglasses 3547N - OOS - Used and bought from Aooko0 who’s a trusted sunglasses seller. Has a nice gradient on the lens and extremely nice quality. Has light scratches on the lens but I priced them accordingly.
$120 OBO - Retail App1e A1rpod Pro Gen 2 w/ Wireless Charging - OOS - In like new condition and I will factory reset before selling. Only used for 1-2 months. I ended up getting the V2 with USB-C charging so selling these as I have no more use for them. These are guaranteed retail, I bought at Best Buy myself and everything checks out.
$48 - Di0r Monogram Black Belt from N1na - (Adjustable: Waist Size Up to 30 - but will come with hole puncher to make larger.) - Lightly used and extremely nice batch from N1na. The quality is amazing and if you're looking for the best batch possible this is it.
$22 - Arc’t3ryx Black Shoulder Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phones, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Has zipper pocket and inner pocket as well.
$22 - Stu$$y Camo Waist Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Amazing quality and IMO 1:1 with Retail.
$22 - Arc’t3ryx White Shoulder Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Has zipper pocket and inner pocket as well.
$19 - Retail Loui$ Vuitt0n L’Immensite Mens Cologne Sampler - Bought a few retail scents off Fragrance Swap. About half the bottle is left (5ML?). Known as one of LV’s best scents but retail is stupidly expensive, great sample to try.
$37 (1 Left!) - Loui$ Vuitt0n Monogram Black/Silver Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Personally use the same one in my belt rotation for a few months now, leather is supple & belt is very durable. No hotstamp on leather but has LV engraving on buckle.
$37 - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Brown/Gold Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$37 - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Black/Silver Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$20 - Bap3 Camo Green Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$20 - Aap3 Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$18 - Palac3 Tri-Ferg Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag. Misspelled papers, but the wallet is spot on.
$20 - C@rhartt Corduroy Black Shoulder Bag - 1 Left - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Has zipper pocket and inner pocket as well.


$45 - Balenc1aga Mold Slides Tan - 42 (Fits 8.5-9.5 Mens) - Only used a few times indoors only, take for a steal. Great alternative to the basic yeezy slide.
$25 - Ultraboost$ Oreo 3.0 - 10 Mens (Fits 9-9.5 Mens) - Best batch out from Lin. Used but flash really accentuates flaws, they still have a lot of life.
$39 - Ultrabo0st 4D White/Green - 8.5 Mens (Fits 8.5-9 Mens) - Bought a while ago from deadlink, used around 3 times and in amazing condition.
$95 OBO - Retail N1ke Air Max 1 Premium Hangul SE - 8.5 Mens - Brand new and only tried on. Paid 140 for them, take for a steal.
submitted by jimmythecollector to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]
