The kristen archives stories

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2008.03.26 07:43 r/Nintendo: Gaming • News • Discussion • Community

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2013.05.10 15:35 madhi19 It's A Digital Disease!

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2009.01.03 01:44 "I'm Batman"

The Dark Knight. The Caped Crusader. The World's Greatest Detective. Ol' Pointy Ears. A place to discuss the Batman and all things Batman related.

2024.06.02 07:08 FluffyFrame6865 Family wants to hire (and underpay) a Philippine OFW, which is illegal by CA state law. Don't know what to do/need help to make sure this doesn't happen

Hi all, So I'm a college student and I'm staying with my parents for the time being. I usually don't like staying with my parents because of their views on literally everything. Both of my parents are upper middle class but they're in the higher echelon, not quite rich but they have more money than most workers (it makes them really out of touch with other people but that's another convo for another time). Anyways today my mom came downstairs and said that she wanted to hire a Philippine OFW to do work around the house (in an almost proud, gloating way). Both she and my dad work all day so the house is under managed. I saw them with the application to apply for a domestic worker today. I got really upset at her and told her that a lot of human rights violations happen to Philippine OFWs (see this article) and that it's basically a crime. She got uncomfortable and laughed at me. I demanded that if she were to hire this person she at least pay them $14 an hour (this is what I *thought* the minimum wage in our county was until I researched it, its been upped to $16 an hour). She laughed even harder at me and got uncomfortable, which tells me that she had no intention to pay this person *at least* minimum wage. I told her that if she actually went through with bringing someone from overseas to work for less than minimum wage this would be a crime and I would report her to the labor bureau. She tried to justify it by saying that she "was going to bring over one of her cousins" which is a common justification and loophole for bringing over domestic workers and underpaying them (see excluded employees here). When she saw that none of her excuses were getting through to me she got really defensive, kept laughing uncomfortably, and went "fine, I won't do it. I shouldn't have brought this up with you." I saw her and my dad with the application so I feel like they're going to go behind my back and do it anyways. I don't like this at all and I think that someone could essentially become a live-in slave if my parents went through with this. I already did my research and have the number of the labor bureau of my state so if they went through with it I *would* report them. Also my parents are genuinely racist so I don't think that they would treat this person very well if they were to bring them over. I just want to make sure that this doesn't happen at all costs and make sure that they don't go behind my back. Is there anything that I can do? Does anyone have any advice? I'm not beyond getting my parents fined or sent to prison, I literally do not care, I hate that they'd treat another human this way and think it's okay. I also didn't know what other sub to post this to and thought this sub might be best. Thank you for reading this far!!
tl;dr My family wants to hire a Philippine OFW which I am not on board with because its illegal, how do I make sure that they don't go behind my back and do it/what can I do if they *do* illegally hire and underpay an OFW?
submitted by FluffyFrame6865 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:05 Puzzleheaded_Poem549 [Partially lost] Trying to find the Tuffy the Pony stories from old iPad App

So I know this is kinda stupid but my ADHD brain led me down memory lane the other day and I remember this online story series from an old iPad app called “Read Me Stories” about this Pony called Tuffy who eventually becomes a “ponycorn” unicorn/pony, after saving a few animals he finds on his adventure in a magical dark forest. I think there was a dog named Chip, a frog, and another animal I think and at the end he meets a majestic large blue unicorn who decides Tuffy is worthy to become a unicorn because of his good deeds. This all happens in book 1 and then there was a second book/story where he is asked by a blue leader unicorn to find a magical key to unlock a door I think. Here is the thing I have been able to find video of the first 2 chapters of the first book (up until just after Tuffy saves Chip the dog) on YouTube but even after searching the original website/app on the Internet Archive and across the web I couldn’t find the rest of the chapters or stories. Again I know this is silly but I’m really determined to find these full stories just for nostalgia sake and also to know that these actually existed the way I remember. If anyone also remember these stories, knows more details, or has video please respond to this post!!
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Poem549 to lostmedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:52 flabberstalk33 More BS speed "crackdowns" - Speed limits dropped to 40km/h and 30 new cameras in major $80.1m state budget boost

A number of Adelaide’s arterial roads are set for a shake-up, with 40km/h zones to be enforced around schools and 30 new speed cameras to be installed over the next four years.
On Sunday, Treasurer Stephen Mullighan and Police Minister Dan Cregan announced an $80.1m road safety funding boost at Marryatville High School – where, last year, two students were seriously injured after being hit by a truck that allegedly ran a red light.
As part of the package, speed limits will be reduced to 40km/h at a number of “priority locations” where schools sit on major roads.
Military Rd, Port Wakefield Rd, Lonsdale Hwy/Ocean Blvd, the Port River Expressway and Greenhill Rd have been highlighted as potential sites for changes to be enforced.
The new limits will apply on weekdays, during school drop-off and pick-up times, but not on weekends, school holidays and public holidays.
They do not replace existing 25km/h school zones on local streets.
More than $2.5m will go towards new electronic speed limit signs at those locations where new limits will apply, with locations to be determined by the Department of Infrastructure and Transport in consultation with SA Police.
Mr Cregan said crash statistics, driver behaviours and presence of vulnerable road users – such as children – and would be used to choose sites most in need, with the limits to come into effect from 2025 to 2026
.$38.7m will also be allocated to install 30 new speed cameras across the state over the next four years, with 12 additional red light speed cameras in 2024-25 and three new point-to-point cameras in 2025-26.
The remaining 15 speed cameras are expected to be fully operational by mid-2026.
Mr Mullighan brushed off suggestions the new cameras were a revenue-raising exercise, saying the government made no apologies for clamping down on dangerous and irresponsible drivers.
He said all funds from the state’s speed and mobile phone detection cameras were returned to the Community Road Safety Fund.
“The number of lives lost on our roads is devastating and, far too often, entirely preventable,” Mr Mullighan said.
“We put these (cameras) in to send a clear message to motorists that we need them to slow down on the roads and we need them to pay more attention, and that’s particularly the case when it comes to our schools.“It’s entirely unacceptable to have motorists speeding past schools, especially at pick-up and drop-off times.”
The 2024-25 state budget will also allocate $35 million over three years for road safety maintenance, including road resurfacing, and #3.8m for the construction of a new heavy vehicle rest area at Salt Creek, along the Princes Hwy.
Source: The Advertiser
submitted by flabberstalk33 to Adelaide [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:43 Escapegoat07 [US-CA] [H] Premiums + Int'l Versions + More [W] 4K Steelbooks + Paypal/Venmo

Looking to drastically reduce my collection footprint and also move into the 4K space. Take a look and please don't hesitate to ask questions. I request that your offers be reasonable and not lowball / waste my time.
Godzilla (2014) 3D Lenticular - $100
Captain America: The First Avenger Lenticular - $100
Moulin Rouge Lenticular - $110 SOLD!
Gravity Lenticular - $195
Wreck It Ralph Lenticular - $60
Pacific Rim - $100
Frozen Lenticular - $75 (Slight Plastic Tear in back — item in mint condition)
Thor Lenticular - $225
Iron Man Lenticular - $80
Up Lenticular - $60
The Incredibles Lenticular - $65
Rush Lenticular - $100
Rush Full Slip - $225
Fifth Element Full Slip - $110
Spotlight Full Slip Type A - $200 SOLD!
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Lenticular - $65
Snowpiercer Lenticular - $90 SOLD!
Tangled Lenticular - $150
Whiplash Full Slip - $105
Whiplash Lenticular - $60
Infernal Affairs - $100
Cinderella Full Slip - $90
Leon: The Professional - $150
Grand Budapest Hotel Lenticular - $200
Let The Right One In Lenticular B - $75
Inside Out Full Slip A - $45
Inside Out Lenticular - $55
The Raid 6-Pack - $425
Captain America: The Winter Soldier - $175
Ant-Man Full Slip - $70
John Wick Full Slip (Opened) - $100
Star Wars: Force Awakens (Full Slip) - $80
Star Wars: Force Awakens (Lenticular) - $55
Incredible Hulk Lenticular - $70
Incredible Hulk Full Slip - $60
Age of Ultron Lenticular - $65
Age of Ultron Full Slip - $70
Dredd - Lenticular A - $45 (Small Tear in Plastic)
Begin Again Full Slip - $100
Nightcrawler 1/4 Slip - $75
Nightcrawler Full Slip - $75
Dredd Single Lenticular - $70
Drive 1/4 Slip - $105
King Kong - $105
How to Train Your Dragon Lenticular - $90
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (JP Tsutaya Records LE) - $75
My Fair Lady (JP Tsutaya Records LE) - $75 SOLD!
Black Label/FAC/Steelarchive/Black Baron:
Tenebrae Tripack w/ LE Coins - $375 - NOTE: manufactured holes in plastic wrap, can send photos if needed
The Wolverine - $200
Commando (Numbered Edition) w/ Card - $150
Interview with the Vampire - $250
The Martian - $70
Birdman (Full Slip) - $85 - will include cards if you’re first to buy
Birdman (Half Slip) - $85 - will include cards if you’re first to buy
Birdman (Lenticular) - $80 - will include cards if you’re first to buy
Dead Snow - $80
Bounty Killer A - $80 ($150 for both)
Bounty Killer B - $80 ($150 for both)
Spring - $200
Ninja: Shadow of a Tear - $80
Battlestar Galactica - $80
Zaavi/Best Buy/German/Standard Editions:
Taxi Driver - $15
The Rocketeer - $50 SOLD!
The Princess Bride - $35 SOLD!
Forbidden Planet - $70
Empire of the Sun - $65
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest - $60
Brazil - $60
Snatch (Opened) - $10
The Ultimate Avengers - $30
Saving Mr. Banks - $35
Stargate - $55
Emperor’s New Groove (Small plastic tear) - $200
Watchmen ( - $70
Stripes - $10
Kung Fu Hustle (Opened) - $50
The Muppets - $25
Kick-Ass - $10
Black Swan (Small plastic tear) - $55
Saw Director’s Cut - $50
Tron: Original - $50
Django Unchained - $20
Predestination (Opened) - $20
Rocky Horror Picture Show - $60
Hellboy - $10
Iron Man 3 - $25
Ben Hur - $35
Karate Kid - $10
Breaking Bad Set (Ralph Steadman) - $295 SOLD!
Zaavi/Best Buy/4K/Target Editions:
Death of Superman 4K (Opened) - $25
Toy Story 4K (Opened) - $35
Gone Baby Gone - $40
Ted - $40
Braveheart - $60
The Good The Bad and the Ugly - $45
Good Morning Vietnam - $40
The Matrix - $15
Inception - $10
Miller’s Crossing - $20
True Detective (Mondo Target) - $70
Big Hero 6 (Target - Opened) - $10
Sin City - $65
Shaun The Sheep - $15
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - $30
Maleficent 4K (Opened) - $20
Creed II 4K (Opened) - $25
Wonder Woman 4K (Opened) - $25
Wreck It Ralph (Opened) - $20
Ralph Breaks the Internet 4K (Opened) - $10 SOLD!
Anchorman - $35
Ghostbusters - $15
Star Wars Original Trilogy (Amazon Japan) - $65
Zombieland (MondoCon) - $30
Dredd (JP) - $70
Hulk - $25
Hellboy - $50
PLAIN Archive:
Zero Dark Thirty PET Green - $70
Zero Dark Thirty Full Slip - $90
Zero Dark Thirty 1/4 Slip - $70
The Wrestler - $70
submitted by Escapegoat07 to SteelbookSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:03 poenixdranix Looking for Anita Blake archive Backup

Not sure if it is exists. But did anyone download a backup of all the fiction that was on Pomme de Sang and Sourdre de Sang before they were taken down? only has a surface backup of the links not the stories. I am mainly looking for the rated R and N-17 AnitaBlake/Edward stories. I can not find any since the sites have been taken down 😞
submitted by poenixdranix to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:35 HairyAd61 Article 15 & Mast: Navigating Military UCMJ Nonjudicial Punishment

Article 15 & Mast: Navigating Military UCMJ Nonjudicial Punishment

Article 15 & Mast: Navigating UCMJ Nonjudicial Punishment in the Military

Facing a Field Grade Article 15 is a serious matter for any service member. This nonjudicial punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) allows commanding officers to impose disciplinary actions without a formal court-martial. While it may seem less severe than a court-martial, the consequences of a Field Grade Article 15 can significantly affect your career and future in the military. This comprehensive guide will explore what a Field Grade Article 15 entails, your rights during the process, and why seeking experienced legal counsel is crucial.
What is a Field Grade Article 15?
A Field Grade Article 15 refers to nonjudicial punishment administered by a commander in the rank of major or above. This process, governed by AR 27-10, Chapter 3, is designed to address minor offenses swiftly and maintain discipline within the ranks. Unlike a court-martial, an Article 15 does not result in a criminal record, but it can still have serious implications for your military career.
Types of Article 15s
There are three types of Article 15s: Summarized, Company Grade, and Field Grade. Each type varies in the severity of the punishment that can be imposed.
Summarized Article 15: Administered by any company grade commander. Punishments can include extra duty, restriction, and oral reprimand.
Company Grade Article 15: Administered by a company grade commander, punishments include extra duty, restriction, fine, and reduction in rank.
Field Grade Article 15: Administered by a commander in the rank of major or above, with more severe punishments including correctional custody, forfeiture of pay, extra duties, restriction, and reduction in rank.
Punishments Under a Field Grade Article 15
The maximum punishments authorized at a Field Grade Article 15 include:
Correctional Custody: Up to 30 days.
Forfeiture of Pay: Up to 15 days’ pay per month for two months.
Extra Duty: Up to 45 consecutive days.
Restriction: Up to 60 consecutive days.
Oral or Written Reprimand: Formal expression of disapproval.
Reduction in Rank: Demotion to a lower enlisted grade.
These punishments address misconduct, deter future violations, and maintain discipline within the military unit. The punishment's severity depends on the offense's nature and gravity.
Rights During the Article 15 Process
Although a Field Grade Article 15 is nonjudicial, service members retain several important rights to ensure a fair process. These rights include:
Right to be Informed of Charges: You must be informed of the specific allegations and charges against you.
Right to Consult with an Attorney: While you cannot have an attorney present at the Article 15 hearing, you have the right to consult with one beforehand.
Right to Present Evidence and Witnesses: You can present character or fact witnesses to counter the allegations or provide mitigating circumstances.
Right to Remain Silent: You are not obligated to make any statements that could incriminate you.
Right to Appeal: If you disagree with the outcome, you can appeal to a higher authority.
These rights protect service members and ensure that the Article 15 process is conducted fairly and justly.
Should You Accept an Article 15?
Accepting Article 15 is not an admission of guilt. It is a decision to accept nonjudicial punishment rather than face a court-martial. This can expedite the case's resolution and potentially result in less severe consequences. However, it is important to carefully consider your options and consult with legal counsel before deciding. Accepting Article 15 can still significantly impact your career, including negative entries in your service record and potential promotion hindrances.
Factors to Consider
Nature of the Offense: Evaluate the seriousness of the charges against you. Minor infractions may be more suitably handled through Article 15.
Evidence Against You: Consider the strength of the command's evidence. Weak or circumstantial evidence might be better challenged in a court martial.
Career Impact: Reflect on how accepting Article 15 might affect your military career, future promotions, and benefits.
Advice of Counsel: Always seek the guidance of an experienced military defense lawyer to help you understand the best course of action for your specific situation.
Making a Statement During Article 15 Proceedings: Deciding whether to make a statement during an Article 15 hearing is a critical decision that should be made with the guidance of your legal counsel. While making a statement can provide an opportunity to present your side of the story, it can also carry risks. Anything you say can be used against you in the proceedings. Your attorney can help you weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of making a statement and ensure your rights are protected.
Tips for Making a Statement
Be Honest: If you choose to make a statement, honesty is crucial. Any dishonesty can damage your credibility and worsen the situation.
Stay Calm and Respectful: Maintain a calm and respectful demeanor, regardless of the circumstances.
Focus on Facts: Stick to the facts and avoid emotional outbursts or irrelevant information.
Consult Your Lawyer: Work closely with your legal counsel to prepare your statement, ensuring it supports your defense strategy effectively.
The Importance of Legal Counsel
Navigating a Field Grade Article 15 can be complex and challenging. Consulting with an experienced military defense lawyer is crucial to understanding your rights, options, and the potential consequences of the proceedings. Gonzalez & Waddington, Attorneys at Law, are seasoned in defending military cases worldwide. They conduct investigations and preparations remotely, are available to discuss your case as needed, and travel to the trial location to fight the local prosecution alongside your assigned military lawyer.
Benefits of Hiring Gonzalez & Waddington
Specialized Expertise: With extensive experience in military law, they understand the intricacies of the UCMJ and can provide specialized guidance and representation.
Remote Capabilities: They utilize technology to manage cases remotely, ensuring you receive top-tier legal support regardless of location.
Comprehensive Defense: They travel wherever needed, ensuring a robust defense in collaboration with your assigned military lawyer.
For more information on military legal matters and defense strategies, visit the Gonzalez & Waddington website.
The Appeals Process
If you are unsatisfied with your Field Grade Article 15 outcome, you have the right to appeal. The appeal process allows you to request a review of the decision by a higher authority. This can be critical in seeking justice and ensuring your case is handled fairly.
Steps to Appeal
  1. Submit a Written Appeal: You must submit a written appeal to the commander who imposed Article 15.
  2. Include Supporting Evidence: Include any new evidence or arguments supporting your appeal.
  3. Review by Higher Authority: A higher authority, such as the next level of command or a judge advocate, will review your appeal.
Grounds for Appeal
Procedural Errors: If there were procedural errors during the Article 15 process that affected the outcome.
Insufficient Evidence: If the evidence did not support the findings of guilt.
Unfair Punishment: If the punishment imposed was excessively harsh or unjustified by the offense.
Long-Term Impact of a Field Grade Article 15
Even though a Field Grade Article 15 is nonjudicial, it can have long-term impacts on your military career. Understanding these potential consequences can help you make informed decisions and take proactive steps to mitigate any negative effects.
Career Implicationsaffecting
Service Record: A Field Grade Article 15 can result in a negative entry in your service record, affecting your evaluations and future promotions.
Promotion Prospects: The adverse mark on your record can hinder your chances of promotion and advancement within the military.
Security Clearance: Depending on the nature of the offense, your security clearance may be reviewed or revoked, impacting your ability to perform certain duties.
Reenlistment: A negative mark can also affect your eligibility for reenlistment, potentially ending your military career prematurely.
Mitigating the Impact
While the consequences of a Field Grade Article 15 can be significant, there are steps you can take to mitigate the impact on your career.
Performance and Conductcontributing
Demonstrate Improvement: Show consistent improvement in your performance and conduct to counterbalance the negative mark.
Seek Counseling or Training: Engage in counseling or additional training programs to address any underlying issues contributing to the offense.
Legal Remedies
File an Appeal: As discussed, filing an appeal can potentially reverse or mitigate the punishment imposed.
Seek Clemency: Request clemency from a higher authority, asking for a reduction or suspension of the punishment based on your overall service record and any mitigating factors.
Rehabilitative Programs
Engage in Rehabilitative Programs: Participate in rehabilitative programs offered by the military to demonstrate your commitment to self-improvement and accountability.
Facing a Field Grade Article 15 is a serious matter that requires careful consideration and expert legal guidance. While it may seem convenient to handle the matter locally, the benefits of hiring an experienced civilian defense
submitted by HairyAd61 to ucmjmilitarylaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:00 AutoModerator Weekly Questions, Luck, & Free Talk Thread Jun 02, 2024 - Jun 09, 2024

Questions & Free Talk Thread Archives

Got a question about this game? Looking to share your luck in the game or talk about interesting topics? Feel free to post them here!
Want to catch up on the Event Stories or to the funny Event 4komas in JP? Here's the translations, kindly provided by u/Suyooo and u/Takeshi97!
submitted by AutoModerator to SIFallstars [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:23 lwyrin Blimey! K2, humor, and reckoning with tone

Long sleep deprived noodley rambling ahead. TLDR: if you, like me, felt weird about Ally’s bits seeming to fill inappropriate times and places, it’s possible we were sharing a media literacy failing.
Anyway, I just finished binging the season and was reading a few comments about possible senior year character development for Kristen Applebees, and I saw someone say they hoped Ally would ease off the bits. I had this same feeling when I watched at first. Kristen Applebees is the only character who handles the world in a way that makes me pause and run through the scenario in my head differently than they do rather than just watch and enjoy. I was often finding myself annoyed whenever they did something that seemed inappropriately silly.
For me though, it was something where the only way out was through, and now I think Kristen is actually the most adapted to the world of spire out of all the PCs. I’ve gotten to the point where I realized that “jokes are the deepest lore” in the world of spire. In a world that took the rules of dnd seriously the Principle would never have been able to clock Sol in the head with a brick in a sock (or whatever the specifics are) in freshman year, and in a world of more pure adventurous fantasy a lot of the last minute saves and big swings would fail because they weren’t firmly set up ahead of time or just from bad luck. In the world of Spire, where comedy is so obviously potent, and where big swings succeeding is rewarded far more than then failing is punished, it only makes sense to swing big and do something absurd at every possible moment.
It’s not like the story of the simulacrum that said Blimey while being heroic and was rewarded by the goddess of mystery with true life in another world is any weirder than the night yorb getting summoned from a failed attempt to break an anagram, or even the weirdness of the denim vest rock babies (to show that Brennan does all the same shit). The only difference is that Ally’s character is the only one acting like the world is a fundamentally unserious place even when the audience “knows” it’s time for serious stakes.
I think that’s because Ally’s the one that shy’s away from the nature of the world the least. We can’t pretend like Ally’s not taking a serious world seriously. They took crown of candy super seriously, because the joke existed nearly exclusively on the meta level. The problem that I realized with it was that I wasn’t actually using real media literacy, and was treating the bits like they were all meta humor and retconned out by there not being serious consequences for unserious behaviors.
That was just me blinded by my expectations that D20 was like games I’ve played in, or even the critical role I’ve seen (not a lot). In those experiences there were jokes between the players that went on for a while, and then we retconned anything that was exceptionally silly as either an in character joke, or just goofing around with your friends and getting out of hand, but Hilda Hilda is canon, Chumble-down Bimm is canon, sexy rat is canon. Figg and Riz pretending to be a doctor in freshman year and saving someone from mummy rot is canon. Gilear is a canon character who matters a lot to the party and is absolutely a joke both in and out of character.
Kristen still isn’t my favorite of the Intrepid Heroes but I think Ally might be the player that’s figured out playing the world of Spire the best. In a world where you’ll succeed on anything you attempt 5% of the time no matter how ludicrous the attempt, Ally is the one attempting the most ludicrous, the most often.
submitted by lwyrin to Dimension20 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:48 intothemyersverse Breaking TOS by downloading my own personal videos?

Hello everyone, long story short I have been a YouTuber owning various channels since 2014. I recently got a private funny videos playlist removed unexpectedly. It had me thinking of archiving all my old privatized content that could be labeled as bad by today’s standards. I did not want to risk getting a strike and losing both channels I currently use. I have a program able to download an entire channel onto a disc, so my question is does it break the terms of service if I am the copyright owner downloading my own content? Also would any harm be done announcing to my viewers that the content had been archived? Thanks for all the help!!
submitted by intothemyersverse to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:37 SaucyAndSweet333 Recs like If I Can’t Have You by Deathsdoll on AO3

I am looking for M/f recommendations (books or AO3, Wattpad etc. fiction) like *If I Can’t Have You (IICHY) by Deathsdoll** on AO3:
The story is a contemporary dark romance that centers around employers at a big four accounting firm in Boston. Boss/employee dynamic. Non-con and dub-con. Gaslighting. Blackmail. Wounded bird.
What I liked was that while the MMC acts horribly when he thinks she has rejected him (non-and dubious-con, gaslighting and blackmail) he also is very sweet with her, loves the fact that she is great at her job, and gently helps her take better care of herself.
The only other story I have found that comes close to it is Dovetail by Whipperwill on AO3:
Dovetail is a contemporary dark romance between a wealthy college professor and a poor college student. Non and dub-con. Gaslighting. Blackmail. Wounded bird.
I have read the fics listed below and didn’t like them because they involved holding the FMC captive for most or all of the book and constantly abusing her. This made both the MMC and FMC feel very one-dimensional and unlikable:
*Archive of Our Own (AO3), a free website where people can post and read fan fiction (which includes original fiction such as IICHY).
submitted by SaucyAndSweet333 to DarkRomance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:24 StillChillTrill Men in Black and Marvel SAIC and False Claims Act Settlements

Men in Black and Marvel SAIC and False Claims Act Settlements
Hello and thanks for reading.
Recently, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna mentioned she was "men-in-blacked". I find the MIB to be fascinating as a peripheral phenomenon to UAPs. Not only do they produce absolute bangers, but they are also one of the most obscure elements of this whole thing. Everyone appears to disagree on what they are (which is by design), it's even more interesting when you consider how long MIB sightings have occurred and the fact that it's not a US centric phenomenon. Many others have done extensive (and grounded) research into the MIB phenomenon and have arrived at interesting conclusions (paraphrased):
It becomes evident that encounters with the Men in Black can be broadly categorized into two types. The first implies interest from government entities in gathering information from witnesses and ensuring silence. The second type of encounter tends to manifest promptly after a UFO sighting. Numerous documented cases substantiate this distinction, suggesting a blend of both types of encounters. Once again, the UFO phenomenon appears to highlight its connection with our consciousness.
I don't know what the MIB are, I've never met one. But I think OP of this post is probably correct in that it's many things all at once. Funny how our perception creates that conundrum in all areas of our lives huh?! A user asked an interesting question months ago:
Is it possible that these men are working for the DoE (Department of Energy)?
I thought this was a fascinating theory, especially since you have people like Jonathan Weygandt stating that DOE was present at the Peru 1997 Crash. I know some have pointed toward CIA Office of Global Access, they've also said it's ex-military members employed by private aerospace, others have said it's the US Airforce Special Operations, some say JSOC is involved, at this point, who isn't?
I don't purport to know who the MIB are, but I think we can arrive at a mutual conclusion. In reality, it could be any entity with the capability of purchasing suits and hired guns if a need arose? The boogieman already exists, why not use it if you needed to? Truthfully, it aligns with the tactic utilized most often in this topic: Hide things in plain sight by adding to the discourse.
I had no idea MIB was one of Marvel's first big successes. I find it fascinating that recent documentaries and rumblings have many parallels to Marvel's Hydra story about Nazi's running a shadow government in the US. This Netflix documentary is called the Octopus Murders. In the Marvel universe, this is the fictional evil Nazi org Hydra's logo:
Post WWII, Operation Paperclip injected Nazi scientists/military/businessman into many positions of great authority across America.
The easiest example to highlight is Werner Von Braun, one of the developers of the V-2 Rocket. He eventually got an awesome job at NASA, and helped design the Apollo Saturn V. According to his Wikipedia Page. He worked with Walt Disney on a series of films, which popularized the idea of human space travel in the U.S. and beyond from 1955 to 1957. Would it surprise you that the military and intelligence community consult on media projects from time to time?
I wonder if he ever shared any multiverse ideas that sat in Disney's idea vault until the Marvel purchase?
As I dug into the history of some institutions, there appeared to be a significant amount of overlap between individuals implicated in the UFO coverup and Nazism. I also find it interesting that some of the content creators close to the UFO/UAP/NHI topic are beginning to speak on this specific aspect: Nazism in the early days of America's Intelligence apparatus and MIC.
My first question when I began to look into this topic was, "How on earth could they fund this?" no pun intended. Then I remembered how ridiculous of a question that was. We may not know where the money is, but somebody does. And it's a lot of money. When I say "a lot," I mean literally tons and tons of money. When I began pondering the avenues for funding based on the implied economic scale, I felt that it would need to be more complex than just misappropriations of funds.
This would have to involve points in time where people knowledgeable of the program had total control over the legislation that's passed. This would enable smart people to alter the financial, legal, and tax environments over time in a way that facilitated this funding. Grusch said the Manhattan Project framework was used for the UFO reverse engineering program. The primary architects of the Manhattan Project seem to be in close proximity to UFO related incidents during that era. Read this post for more information on the tendrils the high-ranking members of the Manhattan Project had in all thing's nuclear development post WWII.
The Manhattan project is the easiest example to point to when people challenge the possibility of secrets at scale. It cost billions, employed hundreds of thousands, and was funded without the general populace knowing what was going on. Most people think of the Manhattan Project because of the bomb, but when I think about the Manhattan Project, I think about public utilities (TVA) declaring eminent domain on land that was identified as the build site for Oak Ridge National Laboratories.
It's been long said that these secrets were buried in nuclear power legislation, but from my perspective, it appears that the government has actually been picking apart this onion from many angles. Alot of the fun stuff has been going on since the early 2000's. According to the Justice Department, False Claims Acts are a serious issue. There is quite the Venn diagram of companies implicated in UFO claims over the years, and some of the companies that have FCA settlements. Just last year, the Dept of Justice busted Booz Allen Hamilton in one of the largest procurement fraud cases ever.
Defense contractors' partner on business all the time. Defense contractors sometimes cheat the system when they partner like that. It's extra serious when government employees are involved, like the ones identified in that link. According to that article that was last updated September of 2014, The Justice Department's total recoveries in False Claims Act cases since January 2009 exceeded $7.8 billion.
That particular SAIC case changed the game:
"The SAIC case also raised the issue of how to apply the False Claims Act’s scienterstandard to corporate entities. A person can be liable under the statute for making false claims only if one has knowledge of their falsity. Under the False Claims Act"
Later in that link:
The False Claims Act does not impose liability on those who make innocent mistakes or are simply negligent. However, when dealing with corporate defendants, drawing the line between “negligence” and “deliberate ignorance” of information can be difficult. As the SAIC court recognized, there may be situations where corporate managers have intentionally structured their organizations so that certain employees will not learn certain information, allowing the corporation plausible deniability against charges of fraud.
Here's SAIC settling for 5.75 million in 2013. Here's 11.75 million more in 2013. It was a busy time, they had a lot going on with the company splitting into Leidos and SAIC. Here's SAIC getting dinged another 6 million in 2020. They have been involved in quite a few of these types of settlements. It certainly makes you wonder what the DOJ is investigating SAIC for this time.
The company's first contract was to analyze nuclear weapons.
SAIC was founded in 1969 with less than half a dozen employees and a $10,000 capital injection. SAIC grew to be one of the largest employee-owned companies in America. Beyster revolutionized business by building a company based on a wild premise, it would be owned by it's employees, not it's investors. Allowing little external oversight in how funds we're being used. No earnings calls, no need to disclose what's being worked on. He even wrote the book on employee-ownership. He popularized terms like "radical transparency". Robert Beyster (SAIC's founder) was really interesting, he wasn't a traditional CEO in many ways. He didn't believe in long-term planning.
Instead of wasting time with multi-year roadmaps and PowerPoint presentations, Beyster relied on his instinct and that of his workforce. When a promising business opportunity came along, SAIC would open a temporary new office close to the clients to help a division win the business. If all went according to plan, the office would become permanent. If not, it would be dissolved, and its people would start hunting for new opportunities on fresh ground.
When Beyster left in 2004, the progressive culture went with him. Within 18 months, SAIC went for an IPO. It was transformed into public company; its entrepreneurial and ownership culture — the key driver of success for all those years — was dismantled.
Robert Beyster was a huge proponent for Nuclear Energy. The University of Michigan's Nuclear Engineering Laboratory facilities are dedicated to his legacy. It's difficult to find much online about his pre-SAIC days but maybe someone has time to visit these archives and see what's there. Here's a few paragraphs from this link.
As he prepared to graduate from high school, the United States entered World War II, and he enlisted in the Navy. He was sent by the Navy to the University of Michigan, where he was enrolled in the V12 Officer Training Program. He was commissioned as an ensign, and eventually served on a destroyer based in Norfolk, Virginia, before leaving the service six months later. He received his BSE in engineering and physics (1945), and master’s (1947) and doctorate (1950) degrees in physics, from the University of Michigan.
In the early 1950s, Dr. Beyster worked briefly for the Westinghouse Atomic Power Division on the company’s nuclear submarine program. He soon followed many of his college associates to New Mexico to work as a research physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he met his wife to be, Betty Jean Brock. The couple were married in Austin, Texas, in September 1955. In 1957, Bob joined General Atomic in La Jolla, as chair of the Accelerator Physics Department, where his research on neutron thermalization led him to co­author the book Slow Neutron Scattering and Thermalization (with D.E. Parks, M.S. Nelkin, and N.F. Wikner; Addison Wesley Longman, 1970).
In 1969 Dr. Beyster raised money to start SAIC by investing the proceeds from selling stock he had received from General Atomic, combined with funds raised from the early employees who bought stock in the young enterprise. Initially, the company’s focus was on projects for the US government related to nuclear power and weapons effects study programs. As SAIC grew, Dr. Beyster fought to preserve the values that had made the young company successful—employee ownership, entrepreneurship, a flexible and decentralized organizational structure, technical excellence, high standards of ethical conduct, and a firm belief in customer service.
He was a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of the American Physical Society, and served the US Strategic Command Strategic Advisory Group. He also served as chair emeritus of the board of directors of the UC San Diego Foundation. The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) designated Dr. Beyster an Honorary Program Manager for his distinguished contributions to the agency over his career.
Men in Black and Marvel
Operation Paperclip brought Nazis to America. They infiltrated high-level positions in the government, military, and intelligence apparatus, and then they used their authority to obfuscate information, consolidate power, and ultimately direct the development of technology, industry, and economy in this country. Disney and Werner Von Braun worked together to shape American understanding of space. I find it interesting that Marvel also founded the MIB franchise.
SAIC and False Claims Act Settlements
Employee-owned companies like SAIC allowed facilitation of R&D without exposing financial information that would raise eyebrows. ESOP would allow enough obfuscation to be able to hide things internally since the financials don't need to be reported, as a private company. They even admitted that design was intentional for that exact reason in court. When they went public, they started being hit with the FCA cases.
submitted by StillChillTrill to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:11 HRJafael Stepping onto summer stage: Silverthorne Theater Company debuting three plays in its first full summer season
Time was when summer theater in the Valley was typically produced by a number of mainstays, including Chester Theatre Company, New Century Theatre, and the Ko Festival at Amherst College.
But New Century Theatre shut down a few years ago, as did the Ko Festival, which today operates mostly as a consulting service for actors, directors and others in theater.
Now Silverthorne Theater Company, formed in 2014 in Greenfield, is stepping into that production gap with three summer plays, both to mark its 10th anniversary and to provide a fresh forum for Valley directors and actors, and in one case a noted playwright.
Silverthorne will debut one new work each month, beginning June 7 with “The Broken Machine,” written by Valley playwright Liz Duffy Adams, whose most recent play, “Born With Teeth,” was produced a few years ago in several cities, including Houston and Minneapolis, winning excellent reviews.
The company will stage a second play, “Bulrusher,” in July, and a third, “Smart People,” in August. And after being strictly a Franklin County operation for much of its history, Silverthorne will stage “The Broken Machine” and “Bulrusher” at Hampshire College. “We’re really excited about this new direction,” said Harley Erdman, a Silverthorne board member and a key part of the Valley’s theater scene.
He’s a longtime University of Massachusetts Amherst theater professor, a playwright, a translator, and a librettist whose work includes two noted operas staged in Northampton, “The Scarlet Professor” in 2017 and “The Garden of Martyrs” in 2013.
“This is a great opportunity to showcase some of the talent in this region, from actors to directors to playwrights,” Erdman said.
In fact, “The Broken Machine,” which will run June 7-9 and 13-15 at Hampshire College, will have its world premiere here in the Valley. Adams, who splits her time between this region and New York City, “has been incredibly generous in giving her new work to us,” Erdman said.
“She’s a super-talented playwright whose work has very much exploded over the last three years,” he said.
“The Broken Machine,” Erdman said, “is totally wild,” an imaginative fantasy set in the not-too-distant future in which the ravages of climate change have only worsened. “One of the main characters,” he noted, “is a fox.”
Set in a forest, the play centers on, as Adams’ website describes, “a burnt-out coder” who’s become a hermit and is “making lists from memory — of lizards, endangered species, Moments of Lost Time — in company with her only friend, a gray fox with a bad attitude.”
The play’s other characters include bumbling forest rangers and a madcap Psychopomp. “It has some pretty dark humor, though it’s also serious,” said Erdman. “And it considers the differences between animals and humans.”
The play is directed by Gina Kaufman, who also teaches theater at UMass and has worked with Erdman on a number of productions there. Her resume includes directing work in many other settings, including the Williamstown Theatre Festival and with Shakespeare & Company in Lenox.
“Gina and Liz have also worked together on the script” of the play, Erdman noted. “They’ve had a great collaboration.”
“Bulrusher,” by New York playwright and actor Eisa Davis, will have its East Coast debut beginning July 5 at Hampshire College. It’s directed by Michelle Ong-Hendrick, a UMass graduate and Northampton resident who teachers theater at Trinity College in Connecticut and is the founding artistic director of Hartford Opera Theatre.
“Bulrusher,” which Silverthorne calls “a lyrical, uplifting coming-of-age story of a clairvoyant Black girl in Northern California in 1955,” was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in 2007. The company’s season closes with “Smart People,” by Boston playwright Lydia R. Diamond, beginning Aug. 2 at Hawks & Reed Performing Arts Center in Greenfield.
Directed by Michael Ofori, a visiting lecturer at Hampshire College in film, media and theater, the play, according to Silverthorne, “is a comedy of errors in which a white, male professor proves white people are racist — a conclusion not appreciated by the prestigious university that employs him.”
Erdman says the three plays will all feature a mix of regional actors — including a number who have appeared in past Silverthorne productions — as well as some equity actors from outside the region, such as New York and Boston.
“We think we’ve put together a really good mix of people,” said Erdman.
Silverthorne was started in 2014 by longtime theater professional and teacher Lucinda Kidder and David Rowland, a former teacher at the Northfield Mount Hermon School. The company expanded from initially doing two summer plays at the school to offering a greater range of productions year round, centered eventually at Hawks & Reed.
Kidder stepped down from the company at the end of 2021, but she is still a member of the board, Erdman said, and offers key input on decisions.
Her legacy of highlighting underappreciated voices and work, especially those of regional theater professionals, remains a guiding principle of Silverthorne, he explained.
Earlier this year, for instance, Silverthorne held three staged readings of work in development by area playwrights. By coincidence, all three of those of those playwrights are women, as are the playwrights whose full plays will take place this summer.
“That’s not by design,” said Erdman. “But it’s in keeping with our mission to produce really thoughtful work that can challenge and entertain.”
More information on Silverthorne Theater’s summer productions can be found at:
submitted by HRJafael to FranklinCountyMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:51 Contract007 I found a way to connect all of it

Let's start here:
This is a joint U.S Congress and DEA meeting in the late 90s-2000 to discuss political influence swaying potential criminal investigations featuring one of Drake's very own father figures, J Prince.
This is a very long meeting with lots of dialogue, but here are the most important pieces of information to consider:
This summer, we heard about an investigation of drug trafficking in Houston, TX. There was an investigation involving a man named James Prince. He owns a record company called Rap-A-Lot. He and his associates were believed to be large-scale drug dealers. This investigation produced more than 20 convictions. There were allegations that political pressure was brought to bear, and the Drug Enforcement Administration killed the investigation.
In July, the staff was briefed by the head of the DEA's Houston field office, Mr. Earnest Howard. Mr. Howard assured the staff that the DEA's investigation was active and ongoing. He was very convincing, so we didn't pursue the matter any further.
Then, in October, we were told there were e-mails that contradicted what we were told.
This leads to an interesting conversation about how the investigation was tampered with:
The e-mails flatly contradicted what Mr. Howard told us. We have a March 14 e-mail from Mr. Marshall to DEA headquarters in Washington. He states, ``I understand that the situation involving Rap-A-Lot and James Smith, a.k.a. James Prince, has only gotten worse. To eliminate any further difficulty in this matter I have decided that the Houston division will curtail any enforcement against this subject.'' He concludes by saying, ``at any rate, it is over; and we are closing our case on Prince.'' The next day Mr. Howard sent another e-mail to Washington. This one states, ``now we bow down to the political pressure anyway. It is over now. The Houston division will terminate all active investigation of Rap-A-Lot except for those persons who have already been arrested or indicted.''
Not only was the investigation stopped, J Prince was also involved with the actual police force within Houston and leveraged his political support:
Last month, we interviewed several local Houston City policemen. They were assigned to a joint investigation of Mr. Prince with the DEA. They told us that they were removed from the case about a month after the Congresswoman's letter arrived. They told us they were called to a meeting with Special Agent Howard, the head of field office. Mr. Howard told them that the investigation was over, and he cited the Congresswoman's letter.
The meeting calls forth witnesses, and Congress sent out subpoenas to the DA, DEA members involved as the information they received did not match with the investigation at hand.
This led to an example of the power J Prince has in that community:
Discussing Mr. Prince, Mr. Burton further stated, ``he gives a million to a church, the Vice President goes to that church, and 2 days later somebody says they are closing the case. Something is wrong. They're blocking us because I think they're afraid that this might be an embarrassment to the Vice President.''
Now the actual hearing is incredibly long, I did not read through all of it but I encourage people to do so because it might go into more depth into Jay Prince's history.
I bring this all up because everything we found so far is connected in some way:
a) How Drake got involved with Birdman and J. Prince
a1. This investigation took place between late 1990s (1998 - 1999) to when the actual meeting happened in 2000, the same time frame that Birdman said J Prince didn't have the structure to support Cash Money Records and went to universal which potentially started the feud between Jay Prince and Birdman.
a2. J Prince's feud with Birdman was over his son finding Drake and bringing him to Cash Money, only to never get fully compensated and he even went as far as threatening his children with Lil Wayne being referred to as Birdman's "other son".
This prompted Birdman to settle it out of court for $11,000.000.
a3. Despite Lil Wayne's issues with Birdman and Birdman's issues with J Prince, Drake was the biggest profit margin for both of them including UMG.
Drake had earned YM and UMG an insane amount of money with both his Views + Scorpion catalogue before he left YM in 2018 and started OVO with UMG. This means he still has Birdman's support.
Jay Prince and his son were executive producers on Thank Me Later, Nothing Was The Same, and other projects and were entitled to 33% of profits from these albums. This means that he still has Jay Prince's support.
And UMG profited from all of it including the current OVO/Gamma branch, leading to his support from Lucian Grange himself.
a) Conclusion: Despite a public J Prince/Birdman feud and contract disputes, Drake has the support of two very dangerous gangstetrafficking entities in Hip Hop along with the biggest musical entity, UMG through his early deals with them.
b) How Trafficking is connected to the industry and Drake
b1. Birdman was Jay Prince's protégée, he took after him in many ways and even began associating with our friend Sabah Nissan who has a history with trafficking overseas, notice how it says #OceanDrive. The same Ocean Drive where Nissan met Diddy who provided him connections to the music industry.
Nissan also is connected to DJ Khalid who is a Global Creative Consultant at UMG, another connection into the music industry.
b2. The Nissan family can be seen with stars like Future, Lil Uzi, and even Ariana Grande. But the most important of them all is the 69 god himself, Drake and Drake even attended their bar mitzvah. (Go read posts about it, he broke down the Nissan story one by one before he was threatened to stop.)
b3. The Drake-Nissan connection goes deeper where Drake's right hand man co-owned a hotel with Nissan as well as the Jungle Security which coincidentally was scrubbed from the internet after we exposed it.
b4. The most interesting situation is a drug called 2C or "Tusi", which Nissan's family has commented under pictures which Drake has also referenced in tracks like "Toosie Slide" and even bars where he mentions the exact drug as well.
It's other name is "Pink Cocaine", which Diddy is involved in having trafficked which goes back to his earlier connection with Sabah Nissan.
b5. Aside from Drug trafficking, Drake is also implicated with J Mulan and DJ Eric who host controversial clubs that traffic girls for celebrities. Coincidentally this is found in Houston, the same place J Prince operates and has a control of.
b) Conclusion: There is no picture or video evidence of Drake's direct involvement which is why EP is so interesting and why there hasn't been a public case against him, but what we did find long paper trail that implicates himself, his LLCs along with connections from within the OVO camp that not only acknowledges but at times is directly involved with trafficking of drugs and sex with the people facilitating it.
If I missed anything or messed up, please let me know and i'll edit it.
But so far this is my research and the connections I was able to make.
submitted by Contract007 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:37 KyleWilson_ DVDASA Episodes

Anyone have a link to an archive? I’ve been able to find three episodes with Bobby so far. Bobby’s first appearance on there, the one where he brings Steve for the first time and the one where he brings Kahlyla for the first time. Both are hilarious, so I wanted to check out some of the rest.
I know that David had mostly everything wiped due to some stories and possible SA allegations, but wondering if any of you know where we can check out some of the other episodes, even if it’s audio only. I feel like I just keep running into dead ends with broken links.
submitted by KyleWilson_ to TigerBelly [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:22 Lugbor Muses' Misfits 20 - Support Your Local Library

Sorry for the delay. Reddit was being Reddit, and the Old Reddit trick didn't fix it. I had to add everything in markdown mode and switch back to the rich editor before it would let me post. So there's that workaround now, I guess.
“So that's what happened,” Ryn'Ala said as her magical servants set out plates loaded with food. They had decided on a late dinner of dried meats and cheeses, once their host had seen her other guests off for the night.
“I remember my first ghoul encounter. It was a roamer, split off from a nest and wandering the countryside. We had been asleep after clearing out a pack of wolves that were terrorizing a farming village, and it managed to get the drop on us. I still think Randolph was asleep instead of keeping watch, but he always maintained his innocence. Anyway, Randolph shouted as he tried to hold the thing off with his axe, and the rest of us had to fight in our sleepwear. It's a good thing there was only the one.”
“Yeah,” Fulmara agreed, “I got bit even through my armor. I shudder to think what would have happened if it managed to grab a proper chunk of me.”
“It wouldn't have been pretty,” the elven woman said, shaking her head. “Spells and potions are all well and good for scrapes and bruises, but it takes something truly powerful to staunch a cut artery or regrow limbs.”
There was a moment of silence as they all contemplated the implications of their new lives. Finally, Jeron grabbed a roll from the basket and they all started eating.
“So,” Verrick began, breaking the silence, “good news first?”
“Right,” Ryn'Ala agreed, “I did promise you some news. Good news first then! The two gentlemen you met earlier are some of my colleagues, here to study the egg like I promised. They were able to determine that the material is indeed onyx, which hasn't been documented before, and that the engravings are related to the Celestial tongue, but are not a known dialect. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say they were possibly the written form of the Muses' own tongue. We're trying to find any commonalities we can to start deciphering it, but as none of us speak Celestial, it's a slow process. The other good news is for you, Verrick.”
“Yes, you. I managed to find some old books from when Jeron was young. They're aimed at teaching the children of nobles to read, and should help to get you to a basic level of competency. Once you get the basics down, the rest of it is just a matter of experience.”
Verrick blushed slightly. “You don't have anything suited to teaching adults to read, do you?”
She laughed. “Unfortunately, no. Though I suspect the subject matter would be much the same, but with less color in the pictures. I'll help you get started tomorrow, if you like.”
“I'll help get Fulmara up to speed while you're working with him,” Firun agreed. “Between the two of us, we'll have them reading like functional members of society in no time.”
“Hey!” the dwarf snapped. “I can read! Just not very well. The big words trip me sometimes.”
“The big words are some of the most important, dear,” Ryn'Ala countered. “How else would we know what alchemical reagents are in a flask, or what stuffy old monarch is buried in a newly discovered tomb?”
“I know that,” she replied, looking down at her food. “I just don't think it was very funny.”
“Also fair,” the elf agreed. “But he still makes a valid point. As you are now, you will struggle, especially if you're to continue your travels. Give us a little time to work on your reading comprehension, and you'll have a much easier time whenever you need to purchase supplies, or conduct research.”
“What's the bad news then?” Jeron asked, spearing a piece of fish.
“Our options are more limited than I originally thought. As... talented individuals, groups like yours naturally attract attention. It's something I went through in my younger days. Some attention is a good thing, of course. Having the right eyes on you can open doors in the most unexpected places, after all. The problem is that some of the attention you'll receive is significantly less beneficial. The Imperial Order of Inquisitors has taken an interest in you, as a new group with connections to the Imperial Court.”
“We know someone important?” Verrick wondered, confused.
Ryn'Ala finished her wine and held her glass out for a magical servant to refill. “As a classically trained performer of the Imperial College of Performances, and as a citizen gifted by the Song, I have some influence in the Elven Court. The Inquisitors don't particularly care how little the influence is, just that it exists. As long as they're watching us, I won't be able to leverage my connections as much as I would like.”
“So we're not really any worse off than before, right?” Jeron asked.
“Not entirely. The Egg research is still going to happen, but I can't exactly help you make new friends like I'd hoped. You'll have to do it the hard way.”
“So not really any different than before,” Firun confirmed. “We weren't exactly expecting elven royalty to help, although it would've been nice.”
“In any case, I have one more bit of news to share, and this one is a bit more concerning.”
She left the room for a moment, returning with a small stack of parchment in her hands. Jeron cleared a space on the table and she spread the stack for them to see.
“I took your descriptions of the warlock's benefactor and contacted a few of my colleagues in the royal archives. Don't worry,” she said, seeing the concerned look on Jeron's face, “I didn't give them any information about any of you. I just told them I had received information about interference from a powerful being. While we do not have an exact identity, our information does match descriptions of a being that has been encountered before.”
“What is it?” the dwarf asked. “What do we need to kill?”
“While I admire your enthusiasm,” Ryn'Ala began, “I must warn you that beings like this can't be killed. Not truly, in any case. But knowing what it is can help you to lessen its influence on the world.”
She pointed to the first sheet. “It is, as Jeron suggested, fond of presenting itself as a cloud of powdered bone. To the casual observer, it's not much different to a cloud of ash or dust, but it's a fitting appearance that drips with symbolism to those who know. The being is a powerful entity residing in the space beyond the Pale Reach, the realm of undeath.”
“The Pale Reach is a lifeless corruption of our realm,” Jeron explained, noticing the confusion on the faces of his companions. “Both it and the Deepwood were created by the Echoing, twisting the parts of the Song that created life in the world to create unlife and a bountiful overgrowth respectively.”
“Exactly,” his mentor continued, pride in his studies evident in her voice. “The Pale Reach, while not exactly the source of undead, still resonates with their energy. It's a place beyond life and light, where the sun is pale and weak. The air is as stale and unmoving as a tomb, and yet a howling gale tears at your very soul. It is a place no living being should tread, and in the darkness beyond even that, your adversary lurks.”
Fulmara shuddered, her face pale as she remembered the touch of the being's energies as it fed on her father and corrupted her mother. She felt Verrick's hand on her shoulder, and soon her friends were with her, driving back the memories with their presence.
“Exactly,” Ryn'Ala said, noticing her discomfort. “You have felt the touch of a being that was never meant to be. A thing that has no soul yet craves one above all else. It is an existence that should not be possible, even for the Echoing. That is what you have sworn to thwart. Knowing this, do you regret your Oath?”
Fulmara's answer was immediate. “No. I do not regret swearing vengeance on this vile thing, and if I cannot kill it, then I will kill its ambitions.”
“Well said. I believe you will make for a fine champion of Fulmos.”
The morning was frigid as Jeron entered the archives, nestled beneath the monolith of the Tradespire. His footsteps echoed on the marble floors, rebounding from the shadowy recesses of the vaulted ceiling above. Between the columns along the walls, statues of knights stood at attention, their stone swords as tall as Jeron himself. At the back of the room stood more, carved to resemble accountants. A dwarven woman sat at the wide desk ahead of him, watching his approach while she sorted paperwork. Finally, she called out to him.
“How can I help you this morning?” she asked, clearing a space in front of her. “If you have an appointment, I'm afraid there's been an emergency cancellation for anything before midday.”
“I'm here for research, actually,” Jeron clarified. “I'm looking into some events from a couple decades ago.”
She opened a drawer and began rummaging through more papers. “Alright, one moment then while I locate the form you'll need. If everything is valid, I'll also need your entry fee of fifteen silver, to help us maintain the files and our equipment.”
The receptionist brushed a lock of blond hair out of her face as she sat back up with a sheet of paper. “If you'll just fill this out, we'll get you started.”
The form was a simple one, with wide spacing for each category to allow for individuals with larger hands. Jeron scanned the page as he walked a short distance to the standing desks at the edge of the chamber, working over the wording he would use for each line.
Name, that's easy enough...
Benefactor, Ryn'Ala Leth
Group or Organization... I'll have to think about that.
Reason for request, Research on recent plagues and the means by which they were cured.
Additional Notes... Possible link to recent ghoul case in crossroads village of Caldren.
Jeron filled in the answers he could, but he was stumped by the request for a group name. He knew they'd need one eventually, and if they didn't start introducing themselves properly, then someone else would come up with a name for them. Those names were rarely ideal, if the Mud Biters were any example. Deciding to leave it blank for the time being, he returned to the receptionist and made a mental note to bring the topic up later.
“Alright, Mister Blackbough,” the dwarf muttered as she scanned the page, “let's see here.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Plague research? Not planning on spreading one, are you?”
“More looking into the cures,” he countered. “Never enough Clerics to cure a population once it gets out of control, so I'm looking into the alchemical cures that have been used recently. Easier to stockpile and transport ingredients than powerful people, after all.”
“Fair point, but what makes you think you'll find the answers you're looking for here?”
“If I don't, then I'll at least find something that will point me to the right answers. And besides, Do you honestly expect me to believe the formulae aren't kept here? Having them accessible may lose you a little money, but having them locked away where nobody can find them could completely kill a market.”
“Well done,” she said, filing the form in another drawer. “You pass, although we technically could keep the formulae in a separate section that the typical trader couldn't access.”
She clapped her hands, the sound echoing unnaturally throughout the chamber, and a statue peeled itself away from the wall behind her. The golem, Jeron realized, thudded forward and halted just behind her.
“Take our guest into the archives,” the woman said, turning to look up at the living stone. “Section four, subsection three. He has four hours to research before you bring him back.”
The golem grunted, a hollow groaning sound, and motioned for Jeron to follow.
“Stay with the guide,” the receptionist ordered. “Their default instructions include removing anyone who strays into areas they haven't been invited into, and they can be a lot faster than they look.”
“Got it,” Jeron said, turning to follow the lumbering accountant. “Lead the way.”
The golem led him deep into the building, through rooms filled with shelves and tables. More than once, he had to sidestep a gnome or a dwarf with stacks of scrolls so tall they couldn't see where they were walking, and he could swear he saw a wheeled golem zip across the hall at one point. Finally, they stopped in an unmarked room, which looked almost exactly like the ones they had already passed through. The golem gestured to a section of the wall, and the indicated shelves began to glow with a pulsating blue color.
“The focus of my research is a plague from about twenty years ago,” he said, turning to face the statue. “Any chance you can narrow that down a bit?”
The golem shrugged before gesturing to the wall again. The illuminated shelves did not change.
“Right, on my own then. Let's see how these are organized.”
His search took almost an hour to truly get started, but once he determined the pattern by which the information was stored, he was off. Books held verified accounts of events as recorded by city officials, merchants, and adventuring groups, which had all been corroborated by third parties. Scrolls with a blue end cap held accounts which matched the established timelines but could not be fully verified, such as the accounts of a group called The Dawn Star, which had claimed to have killed a necromancer responsible for an outbreak of Crushing Syndrome some sixty years ago. Accounts which were found to have possible merit but did not line up with the official account were written in scrolls with a red end cap.
Jeron sat down with a small stack of books, scanning each before setting it aside and taking the next. He jumped decades at a time, clearing the gaps between major disease outbreaks each time, until finally, he found it. Almost twenty years prior, the city of Varien about a month's travel bowlward, an outbreak of Leadbone. Admittedly, there wasn't much to go on. The disease was almost always fatal, and was magical in origin. Little was recorded about the cure, and nothing at all about the alchemist who discovered it. The scrolls, red and blue markings alike, shared in the dearth of information, and Jeron suspected the information had been deliberately withheld.
As he began returning the books to their shelves, the golem grunted, signaling the end of his time in the archives. Jeron gestured to the books, and the golem nodded, allowing him to finish returning them before it lead him back to the front desk. It returned to its place along the back wall as the receptionist sat back up from her search through yet another drawer.
“Find everything you needed?” she asked.
“Not quite, but I did get some clues. Quick question, if you have a minute,” he added, glancing at the sunlight streaming in through the bowlward window.
“Go on.”
“If I wanted to join a caravan headed toward Varien, who would I speak to?”
“Caravan offices are near the dawnward wall, about three streets from the gates. You'd have to ask about the schedules there.”
“Thank you very much,” Jeron said, bowing slightly. “You have been more helpful than you realize.”
“Tell that to my boss, maybe I'll get a raise.”
Jeron laughed, and was soon on his way home. His notes were folded and tucked into a bag at his waist, and he puzzled over the questions that had arisen in his research. Why was that plague so poorly documented? Was it even the right plague in the first place? The questions swirled in his mind, but above all of them, one rose to the top.
What do we call ourselves?
Seriously, do what the title says. Local libraries are the best source of information you have, because if you can't find something online, the librarian will often know where to direct your search. They're also a great place to play D&D if nobody can host. Just be sure to keep your celebrations to a low roar.
submitted by Lugbor to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:20 Necessary-Resident24 If you had the chance to change an important part of blue archive's story, which one will you change?

submitted by Necessary-Resident24 to BlueArchive [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:01 sikkar47 HB2 Have you replayed it?

A few days ago, I finished this awesome game!
I'm not going to get into the stupid controversy of people who didn't understand the game, the type of game, the story, etc. If you are one of those people, please don't continue reading.
Yesterday I complete all the archivements and unlock the "Alternate narrators" option, so today I start a new game with this option and truly it's like another game because it literally change the perspective of who is telling the story, I really recommend to replay it a few more times to get the complete perspective of the story.
Have you replay it yet?
submitted by sikkar47 to hellblade [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:53 Accomplished_Onion13 Pikachu and Buneary fic: "About Her" by Carson55. Features original commissioned artwork.

This is my first fic that follows the anime and focuses on the relationship between Ash's Pikachu and Dawn's Buneary that started in the Diamond and Pearl series.
I'm currently posting chapters on and Archive of Our Own. For the latter, I've commissioned each chapter to get artwork or even something else. The commissions are featured at the end of each chapter with proper credit given to the artist including their preferred accounts.
New chapters released around every Saturday (unless I'm taking a break at which point I will announce it in the story).
As of 06/01/2024, this story is still being updated. The story is uploaded first to and then later to AO3 when the chapter's commission is finished.
Rated T.
Fanfiction. net:
Archive of Our Own:
submitted by Accomplished_Onion13 to pokemonfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:13 Ashconwell7 All the resources you need to get into Darkstalkers lore :)

All the resources you need to get into Darkstalkers lore :)
1. Darkstalkers - Vampire Graphic files
This book contains story sections for each character where they explain what they were doing before each game. There's also some info on the designs of the characters, their inspiration and some official art but you'll find a bit more info on the lore. The pdf is incomplete but not by a lot.
\* Vampire Graphic files - "World" pages
These World pages are missing from the pdf above. They are basically one of the most important lore resources and focus on worldbuilding of the series.
2. All About Vampire Savior
The first section of this book contains 192 pages of character information ranging from their general profiles, all their moves, to their endings and stages. So it's a must have for lore info. There are also interviews with the General producer, programmers, graphic designers and sound staff. However there is one catch- there's no english translated version of this book unfortunately. But I am still leaving it here for anybody who knows how to read Japanese.
3. Darkstalkers Official Complete Works
In this book, you can find a lot of sketches, official art, notes on the inspirations and ideas behind the characters, etc. There's a bit of info on the lore too but you'll mainly find official art, sketches, developper's notes, etc. It's a complete pdf.
4. Darkstalkers - plot guide by Saiki
This is a plot guide of all the games that officially exist within the canon Vampire storyline, and how they fit into what has been officially confirmed as canon by Capcom via the creators and more importantly, the games themselves. This FAQ has been written by Saiki.
5. Vampire Savior Q&A with Capcom
This is a translated Q&A with Capcom from the Vampire Savior Fanbook where they shared a bunch of tidbits of info on the entire cast of Vampire Savior.
6. Vampire Savior Fanbook
This magazine features hundreds of pieces of Darkstalkers fanart, along with production sketches, but most importantly, there's a lot of interviews with the people who worked on the games where tidbits of lore are shared. There's character focused pages that seem to share some lore on the cast too. Unfortunately it's only written in Japanese but I am leaving it here for those who can read it.
7. The Nostalgic Gamer - Darkstalkers Forever Project
This youtuber made a series of videos where he goes over the lore of each character. He basically summarizes everything found in these sources.
8. Character arcade endings
A pretty obvious resource for character lore. You can find them on youtube. Just don't forget to take into account that not all of them are canon.
submitted by Ashconwell7 to Darkstalkers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:50 MustelidusMartens West Germany in the Cold War and in NATO Part 1 (Including Sources)

West Germany in the Cold War and in NATO Part 1 (Including Sources)
As promised, i will start my series of accuracy and flavor improvment for the West German forces.
In this first introductory post we will delve into a short overview over the Bundeswehr and the Bundesgrenzschutz of the late 80s and how we can do proper research for it, including what sources are accurate and which are not so much. At the end of this post i will give you a shortened list of sources that were/are/will be used in the research.
An excerpt from a CIA study about NATO modernization and capability

The West German Armed Forces in 1989

The Bundeswehr of the 80s was NATO's strongest European national contingent, made up of a field component with 12 Divisions in peacetime (of which there were four mechanized (Panzergrenadierdivisionen) ones, six armored (Panzerdivisionen) ones, one "mountain" division (Gebirgsdivision) and one airborne division) and a so called "territorial" component, which was not under NATO command. The overall majority of the Field army was deployed in the three German corps, numbered 1-3, which were fully integrated into NATOs defensive structure. Exemptions from this and peculiarities will be explored in future posts, about new divisions and new units.While field army was organized in corps, the under the "Territorialheer" was organized in three corps level commands called Territorialkommandos.
Excerpt from an internal Bundeswehr document about planned and potential organization. Note that the 12. Panzerdivision is marked as \"reduced\" and its Panzerbrigade 34 is attached to the III Korps and the 1. Luftlandedivision is attached to the II. Korps as evidenced in their GDPs.
These territorial commands were administrative only had had no true command authority, for which so called "Verfügungstruppenkommandos" were created. These skeleton divisional commands could take in territorial forces, or potentially foreign and BGS/Police forces to fulfill limited tasks, like the defense against infiltrating forces, irregular warfare etc.
The Wehrbereichskommandos/WBKs were subordinated commands that had liason (Through so called "Verbindungskommandos"), support for NATO allies (Through the "Unterstützungskommandos") and limited combat roles and were mainly responsible for creating a mediating role between the civilian German administration and the allied NATO units.
A map of the Territorialkommando Süd (TerrKdo Süd), its deployment borders and the Hauptversorgungsstraßen (MSR in American terminology), Source: German Federal Archives, BH 7-3/1035
The Territorialkommando had two types of general, larger tactical units that could be deployed for limited combat actions, the "Heimatschutzregimenter" and the Heimatschutzbrigaden. These were mainly made up of Jäger battalions (Note that these were different from the divisional Jäger components of the field army) and added anti-tank, artillery and tank assets in the case of the Brigades.
In the following posts about new possible units/divisions i will expand on this, make more detailed points about the Territorialheer.
A different and extremely misunderstood part of German's defense was the Bundesgrenzschutz (Short: BGS), which started out as a paramilitary organization, but became more and more a police force, due to political changes. The Bundesgrenzschutz was split into five "Grenzschutzkommandos", of which one was a coastal one. The basic responsibility of the Bundesgrenzschutz is quite hard to explain shorty, which is partly based due to the lack of accurate sources (Which is why i started a series of freedom of information inquiries towards the federal ministry of interior), but also due to the problematic juristical situation of the BGS during the late 80s.
We will explore this topic on a longer, separate post later on.

How do we do research?

Now, research about Cold War militaries is connected with multiple issues.
The first one is what i call "Boomer-Lore", basically rumors, personal opinions, "common knowledge" and other more or less sketchy sources that were introduced in pop-history, tabletop-wargaming and fictional books. One good example of this issue are the "Fire and Fury ORBATS", which should be generally avoided for being pretty inaccurate. On the first page we are greeted with two egregious examples:
The East Germans were widely regarded as the most reliable of all Warpac armies (the expression ‘There’s none so fanatical as a convert’ springs to mind) and in some cases were regarded as more combat-efficient than many Soviet units in Germany.
There was also a parachute battalion (Fallschirmjäger-Bataillon 40), though this was a cover-name for a unique special forces unit that included elements uniformed, armed and organised as West German troops, fielding M113s and M48s captured in Vietnam, Egypt and Syria.
The idea of the East German army of some exceptional Prussian super-warriors cannot really be proven by evidence, but were more influenced by impressive parades and "German" looking uniforms. Overall there was high drill in the Polish, East Germans and Czechoslovak armies and there is no discernible difference in motivation, but there is the idea that East Germans were uniquely indoctrinated. In fact East Germany had two known "jumping" regiments. One of which was not really jumping out of planes and not approved as such...
The idea that there was a secret false flag battalion, or even a brigade (As implied by other sources) is also pretty much a cold war rumor that never died down. The former commander of the LstR-40 called it "ridiculous", since it was far outside the scope of what the unit was supposed to do and generally a harebrained idea.
The second problem is the general lack of accurate and proper research for the time period. While there are much information to be gathered, a lot of those are outdated, inaccurate, opinions, speculation, boomer-lore etc. A lot of that is swarming wargaming or history forums and become "facts" by endless repetition.
Luckily for us the last decade saw a renewed interest in Cold War military organization, planning etc. and we can now gather information from archives (Which are slowly getting digitalized information), freedom of information requests etc. which we can use to make proper research.
Excerpt from the General Defense Plan 82 of the II. Korps of the Bundeswehr. Note the use of the 1. Luftlandedivision as southernmost defense in the Bavarian forest and the use of the 10. Panzer as corps reserve. Source: German Federal Archives BH 7-2/1437

The Plan:

From this weekend on i will make posts for around 16 (sic!) new West German divisions, added units for the current ingame divisions and possibly more.
Starting with the quite unique 12. Panzerdivision (Either tommorow or in the next week, depending on how fast i am) i will try to make these posts in a 14 day schedule, though this may not be always possible, due to the amount of new information that i have to process (The digitalized GDP of the 1. Luftlandedivision is about 1300 pages long.)
Every post for a new division will include a short overview, historical information, a list of possible units for the division and possibly a small added bonus.

The Sources :

Books and Articles:

Die Streitkräfte der DDR und Polens in der Operationsplanung des Warschauer Paktes, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt
Zur operativen Einsatzplanung der 5. Armee der NVA im Rahmen einer Front der Vereinten Streitkräfte der Warschauer Vertragsorganisation in den 1980er Jahren, Siegfried Lautsch
NVA-Pläne für eine Berlin-Operation*,* Winfried Heinemann
Die polnische Küstenfront auf dem westlichen Kriegsschauplatz*,* Zbigniew Moszumanski

Die Geschichte der NVA aus der Sicht des Zeitzeugen und des Historikers, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt
Die Operationsplanungen der NATO zur Verteidigung der Norddeutschen Tiefebene in den Achtzigerjahren*,* Helmut R. Hammerich*, In: Wege zur Wiedervereinigung Die beiden deutschen Staaten in ihren Bündnissen 1970 bis 1990, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt*
Die NVA-Operationsplanung für Norddeutschland, Siegfried Lautsch, In: Wege zur Wiedervereinigung Die beiden deutschen Staaten in ihren Bündnissen 1970 bis 1990, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt
Die NVA und die Ungarische Volksarmee im Warschauer Pakt, Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt
Zwischen Bündnistreue und staatlichen Eigeninteressen. Die Streitkräfte der DDR und der ČSSR 1968 bis 1990, Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr (ZMSBw)
Ressourcen, Kriegsbild und Vorneverteidigung*, Cristoph Kuhl, edited by the* ZMSBw
Die Bundeswehr – von der Gründung bis zur Zeitenwende, Alexander Barti
Sowjetische Militärenzyklopädie*, Militärverlag der DDR, German-language version of the Soviet military publication)*
Grundprinzipien der operativen Kunst und der Taktik*,* Colonel, V.J. Savkin (Militärverlag der DDR, German-language version oft he Soviet military publication)
Grundlagen der Truppenführung*,* Dmitri Ivanov, Vassili Pavlovich, Pyotr Shemanski (Militärverlag der DDR, German-language version oft he Soviet military publication)
Offensive Defence in the Warsaw Pact*,* Lothar Rühl, In: Survival, SeptembeOctober 1991
Die Alpen im Kalten Krieg: Historischer Raum, Strategie und Sicherheitspolitik, Beiträge zur Militärgeschichte, 71
Panzergrenadiere – eine Truppengattung im Spiegel ihrer Geschichte, Klaus Christian Richter
NATO-Planungen für die Verteidigung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Kalten Krieg, Gerd Bolik
Anmerkungen zu den Verteidigungsplanungen der NATO (1960–1990), Gerd Bolik, Heiner Möllers
Die Planung von Operationen in der Northern Army Group (NORTHAG) im Wandel, Friedrich K. Jeschonnek, In: Jahrbuch der Clausewitz Gesellschaft, 2020
Die neue Atomwaffendebatte und die NATO, Helmut W. Ganser, In: Jahrbuch der Clausewitz Gesellschaft, 2020
Süddeutschland als Eckpfeiler der Verteidigung Europas, Zu den NATO-Operationsplanungen während des Kalten Krieges, Helmut R. Hammerich In: Military Power Revue der Schweizer Armee 2/2011
Zum Kampf in der Tiefe, Klaus Niemeyer
Die Bundeswehr und die NATO-Luftverteidigung im Kalten Krieg, Erwin Teichmann
Die Bundeswehr 1989, Teil 1, BMVg, O.W. Dragoner, online publication
Die Bundeswehr 1989, Teil 2.1, Heer, O.W. Dragoner, online publication
Die Bundeswehr 1989, Teil 2.2, Heer, O.W. Dragoner, online publication
Die Bundeswehr 1989, Teil 3, Luftwaffe, O.W. Dragoner, online publication
Die Bundeswehr 1989, Teil 4, Marine, O.W. Dragoner, online publication
Die Bundeswehr 1989, Sonderteil, O.W. Dragoner, online publication
Die Streitkräfte der U.S.A. in Europa 1989, O.W. Dragoner, online publication
NLSD 89, O.W. Dragoner, online publication
NVA. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Nach ausgewähtlen Dokumenten, General Klaus Naumann
Die Bundeswehr im Spannungsfeld von Bundespolitik und Landespolitik: Die Aufstellung der Streitkräfte in Schleswig-Holstein, Leonie Heck
Das Buch der Gebirgsjäger.: Die 1. Gebirgsdivision der Bundeswehr, Roland Kaltenegger
Die Reservisten der Bundeswehr: Ihre Geschichte bis 1990, Gerhard Brugmann
Schlachtfeld Deutschland: Die Kriegseinsatzplanung der sowjetischen Streitkräfte in der DDR (Militärverlag), Uwe Markus, Ralph Rudolph
Berliner Militärgeschichten: Über Alliierte, NVA und Bundeswehr aus dem kalten Krieg und danach*,* Peter Heinze
Grenzen überwinden: Schleswig-Hostein, Dänemark & die DDR, various Authors
Schlachtfeld Fulda Gap: Schriftenreihe Point Alpha, Dieter Krüger (Editor)
Kriegsschauplatz Deutschland: Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse eines NVA-Offiziers, Siegfried Lautsch
Grundzüge des operativen Denkens in der NATO: Ein zeitgeschichtlicher Rückblick auf die 1980er Jahre: Ein zeitgeschichtlicher Rückblick auf die 1980er-Jahre und Ausblick, Siegfried Lautsch
US Marines in Lebanon 1982-1984, History and Museums Division Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Planning for a Landing Operation of the Polish People’s Army on the Danish Isles during the Cold War, Jaroslaw Palka
Ungarns Armee hätte einmarschieren müssen, Kleine Zeitung (19th of October 1997)
Die Schweiz im Spannungsfeld des Kalten Krieges, Dieter Kläy In: Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift 11/1998
Heeresplanung 90 in der Bundeswehr, Hartmut Schauer In: Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift 6/1985
DDR: Die Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse, Franz Prox In: Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift 2/1985
Helikopter: Die dritte Dimension des Erdkampfes, Colonel Jstvan Csoboth In: Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift 7-8/1985
Die Gruppe der Sowjetischen Truppen in Deutschland, Dr.jur. Michael Csizmas In: Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift 10/1987
Deutsch-Französische Heeresübung „Kecker Spatz“ Beobachtungen und Betrachtungen, Divisionär z.d Frank A. Seethaler In: Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift 1/1988
Strategische Einsatzplanungen der NATO, Doctoral Thesis of Ludwig Weigl
Tankograd: 5097 Bv 206 S Der Bandvagn 206 S im Dienste der Bundeswehr
Tankograd: Leopard 2 in der Bundeswehr
Tankograd 5083 LEOPARD 2A4 Entwicklung, Technik und Einsatz - Teil 1
Tankograd 5075 LEOPARD 2A5 Entwicklung, Technik und Einsatz - Teil 1
Tankograd 5026 Panzerhaubitzen der Bundeswehr, M7-M52-M44-M55-M109
Tankograd 5053 FUCHS Der Transportpanzer 1, Part 1-4
Tankograd 5077 LUCHS Der Spähpanzer 2 A0/A1/A2 in der Bundeswehr
Tankograd 5038 Panzerschlacht in Süddeutschland
Tankograd 5017 SPz MARDER - Der Schützenpanzer der Bundeswehr – Geschichte, Einsatz, Technik
Tankograd 5014 Kampfpanzer Leopard 1 – in der Bundeswehr – Späte Jahre
Die Landstreitkräfte der NVA, Wilfried Kopenhagen
Die Mot-Schützen der NVA, Wilfried Kopenhagen
Handbuch für mot. Schützen (Part 1 and 2), Militärverlag der DDR
Vom Himmel auf die Erde ins Gefecht. Die Fallschirmjäger der NVA: Fallschirmjäger der Nationalen Volksarmee, Friedrich Jeschonnek (Editor)
Truppenaufklärung in der 8.MSD der NVA der DDR, Rainer Paskowsky, Dietrich Biewald
Sowjetische Truppen in Deutschland und ihr Hauptquartier in Wünsdorf 1945-1994: Geschichte, Fakten, Hintergründe, Hans-Albert Hoffmann, Siegfried Stoof
NVA 88 - Die Nationale Volksarmee und die Grenztruppen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Ende 1988, alterfritz (Online publication)
GSSD 88 - Gliederung und Stationierung der sowjetischen Streitkräfte in Deutschland im Jahre 1988, alterfritz (Online publication)
Der Fall „Morgengruss“ Die 2. Panzergrenadier-Division und die Abwehr eines überraschenden Feindangriffs westlich der Fulda 1963, Helmut R. Hammerich
Tarnname „Lötzinn 750“: Das Fallschirmjägerbataillon/Luftsturmregiment-40: 1980-1988, Klaus Dieter Krug
Jane’s AFV Retrofit Systems 1993-1994
Jane’s Arms and Armour 1987-88
Jane’s Arms and Armour 1991-92
Zentrale Dienstvorschrift 3/16 – Die leichte Panzerfaust, German Federal Ministry of Defense.
Zentrale Dienstvorschrift 3/17 – Handgranaten, Handflammenpatronen und die Granatpistole 40 mm, German Federal Ministry of Defense.
Zentrale Dienstvorschrift 3/160 – Die Panzerfaust 3, Bunkerfaust, German Federal Ministry of Defense.
Zentrale Dienstvorschrift 3/50 – Panzerabwehr aller Truppen. Panzererkennung, German Federal Ministry of Defense.
Zentrale Dienstvorschrift 33/1 – Materialwirtschaft, German Federal Ministry of Defense.
Heeresdienstvorschrift 110/100 – Die Militärische Sicherheit im Heer, German Federal Ministry of Defense.
Heeresdienstvorschrift 286/110 – Sperrvorbereitungen im Frieden, German Federal Ministry of Defense.
Technische Dienstvorschrift 1005-037-12 – Das Gewehr G11, German Federal Ministry of Defense.
Bundestag, Drucksache 7/3170, Verlag Dr. Hans Heger, as ordered by the German parliament
Installation und Konsolidierung des Bundesgrenzschutzes 1949 bis 1972, David Parma
Die G11 Story. Die Entwicklungsgeschichte einer High-Tech-Waffe, Wolfgang Seel

Bundesarchiv-Akten/Federal Archive Files

Note that this is not an exhaustive list, new files are added and i will add ones that i can use/have read
BH 7-3/864
BH 8-4/240
BH 8-9/640
BH 8-9/698
BH 8-9/531
BH 7-3/860
BH 7-2/843
BH 8-4/243
BH 8-9/587
BH 8-10/890
BH 8-10/891
BH 8-10/889
BH 8-11/356
BH 8-11/357
BH 8-11/358
BH 8-12/143
BH 8-12/160
BH 8-12/161
BH 8-12/162
BH 8-12/163
BH 8-12/164
BH 8-12/159

Further private notes made in:

HU Grimm-Zentrum, Humboldt Universität Berlin
Historical Library, Freie Universität Berlin
Library of the ZMSBw, Potsdam


Magazines (Where multiple issues, contemporary to the ingame timeframe were used):

Military Power Revue der Schweizer Armee (Multiple issues from 1985-95)
Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift (Multiple issues from 1985-95)
Jane’s International Defense Review (Multiple issues from 1985-95)
ARMOR Magazine (Multiple issues from 1988-92)
Defence (Multiple issues from 1988-92)
Soldat & Technik (Multiple issues from 1988-95)
Kampftruppen (Multiple issues from 1988-89)
Wehrtechnik (Multiple issues from 1985-95)
NATO’s Sixteen Nations (Multiple issues from 1987-89)

Some stuff I probably forgot about. Will add further notes when they are available to me (By library, digitalization or just by me making use of the ones i have
submitted by MustelidusMartens to warno [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:57 Signal-Reporter-1391 You gotta be kidding me!

SO close to getting a gold medal...
submitted by Signal-Reporter-1391 to XCOM2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:13 chainsawx72 THEORY: Kvothe will get charged with Wrongful Apprehension of the Arcane very early in book three.

At the very end of TWMF, Kvothe has gained exactly 20 talents from the bursar, he is surrounded by friends, and he says that he will lose both of those soon.
“Money in my pocket for the first time in my life. Surrounded by friends. That’s a good place to end for the night...... If we go much farther, things get dark again.”
"For Wrongful Apprehension of the Arcane not leading to injury of another the offending student may be"
Kvothe will trick a demon and kill an angel to gain and keep his heart's desire.
Kvothe had gone looking for his heart’s desire. He had to trick a demon to get it. But once it rested in his hand, he was forced to fight an angel to keep it.
Kvothe's heart's desire is for the power to get revenge against the Chandrian.
I want revenge against the Chandrian.... to become so powerful that no one will ever be able to hurt me again.
Kvothe will steal secret magics from the university.
He stole secret magics from the University. That’s why they threw him out, you know.
So Kvothe uses a dark magic that he found locked away in a secret book in the University.
These are the dangerous, old, forgotten secrets hidden behind the four-plate-door.
There were other locked doors in the University, places where dangerous things were kept, where old and forgotten secrets slept: silent and hidden... But they all paled in comparison to the four-plate door.
I wanted to get inside so badly I could taste it. It probably shows a perverse element of my personality that even though I was finally inside the Archives, surrounded by endless secrets, that I was drawn to the one locked door I had found.
Devi seems to want to get to the four-plate door even more than Kvothe. Since they seek the same thing, it makes sense that she would be the 'demon' he tricks to gain this secret knowledge and power.
“That information would be worth quite a bit to me,” she said overcasually. Though she tried to hide it, I could see a fierce, lean hunger in her eyes.
They don’t call her Demon Devi for nothing
This will result in Kvothe being brought up on the horns for Wrongful Apprehension of the Arcane, with Hemme as Chancellor.
As admissions approached, Master Herma remained weak and fevered. So it was with a knot of sour dread in my stomach that I prepared for my first admissions interview with Hemme as Chancellor.
Kvothe has his heart's desire, he has tricked a 'demon' to get it, but he must kill an angel to keep it. Demons aren't real, and I think angels aren't real either. UNPOPULAR TINFOIL: I believe the 9 angels from Skarpi's story are based on the 7 Chandrian plus Andan and Ordal, just like on Nina's pottery. Skarpi is a bit of a liar, a rumormonger, and his stories are only mostly true.
THEORY: Nina's pottery depicts all nine angels trapping Encanis. : KingkillerChronicle (
submitted by chainsawx72 to KingkillerChronicle [link] [comments]