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Stop the political frame-up of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk!

2024.05.19 02:18 Sashcracker Stop the political frame-up of Ukrainian socialist Bogdan Syrotiuk!

By David North
On April 25, 2024, Bogdan Syrotiuk, the 25-year-old leader of the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists (the YGBL), a socialist-Trotskyist organization active in Ukraine, Russia and throughout the former USSR, was arrested by the notorious state security service of the fascistic Zelensky regime, the SBU. Bogdan is being held in atrocious conditions in a high security prison in the city of Nikolaev (Mykolaiv), which is located in southern Ukraine.
The International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), the world Trotskyist movement with which the YGBL is politically affiliated, has finally obtained the actual documents in which the SBU presents its charges against Bogdan Syrotiuk. These documents, which form the basis of his detention, make absolutely clear that Bogdan is the victim of a monstrous state frame-up. The allegations concocted by the SBU are a crude combination of lies, obvious fabrications, and political absurdities.
Moreover, the documents submitted by the SBU are directed not only against Bogdan. They are nothing less than a declaration of war against all left-wing and socialist opposition to the Zelensky regime and, specifically, the International Committee of the Fourth International and its public organ, the World Socialist Web Site.
The central allegation leveled against Bogdan Syrotiuk is that he is guilty of high treason. The basis of this charge is that Bogdan has been for the past two years “engaged in the preparation of publications commissioned by representatives of a Russian propaganda and information agency, the World Socialist Web Site” [emphasis added.]
The World Socialist Web Site is denounced as an instrument of “an active information war against Ukraine” being waged by Russia, which
uses the so-called “left-wing” propagandists and their information platforms (websites, media and social platforms) to discredit the support of Ukraine by international partners, justify Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine, accusing Western countries of creating conditions under which Russia was forced to launch the so-called special military operation, fomenting wars in Ukraine by providing it with weapons, etc. As a result, they are used by Russia to systematically convey pro-Kremlin narratives to the population of Ukraine and Ukraine’s allied countries…
Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the World Socialist Web Site “WSWS” has regularly published articles in various languages aimed at discrediting Ukraine and representatives of governments around the world for assisting Ukraine in its fight against the aggressor state.
The ICFI’s opposition to the US-NATO war in Ukraine is an essential element of its political program, deeply rooted in the socialist and internationalist principles of the Trotskyist movement. The attempt of the Ukrainian regime to portray this opposition as an instrument of Putin’s propaganda network is as viciously mendacious as it is politically absurd. The intransigent opposition of the International Committee of the Fourth International to the Putin regime—which emerged as a consequence of the Stalinist bureaucracy’s final betrayal of socialism and the restoration of capitalism in the former USSR—is a fundamental political fact that is substantiated not only in written texts numbering in the hundreds, but also in the exhaustively documented activity of the Trotskyist movement spanning decades.
True to its fascist character, the Ukrainian regime is operating on the basis of the well-known precept of Hitler and his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels: “The bigger the lie, the more readily it will be believed.”
In this particular case, the Zelensky regime seems to believe that the scale of the SBU lies are of such a magnitude that they will simply overwhelm the thinking public. It thus expects that public opinion will accept that the Putin regime is directing the work of the WSWS, which the SBU indictment describes as
an online publication of the world Trotskyist movement, the International Committee of the Fourth International and its affiliated sections in the Socialist Equality Parties around the world, which covers the main socio-political problems around the world from the position of revolutionary opposition to the capitalist market system, with the aim of establishing world socialism through socialist revolution.
At no point does the SBU attempt to explain the contradiction that wrecks its case against Bogdan, i.e., that the political principles that he upholds as a socialist and internationalist opponent of wars waged by the capitalist ruling class are irreconcilably hostile to the policies of the Putin regime, including its invasion of Ukraine.
It attempts to evade the contradiction by simply lying. The indictment claims that Bogdan’s activities, “acting on the instructions of a representative of the World Socialist Web Site,” consisted of “supporting and justifying the conduct of the Russian aggressive war on the territory of Ukraine…”
Every word is a lie. The opposition of the ICFI, its affiliated organizations, and the WSWS to the Russian invasion, in line with its hostility to the Putin regime, is a political fact that is documented in hundreds of articles that have been posted since the first day of the invasion.
On February 24, 2022, the day of the Russian invasion, the ICFI posted a statement on the WSWS titled: “Oppose the Putin government’s invasion of Ukraine and US-NATO warmongering! For the unity of Russian and Ukrainian workers!” It began:
The International Committee of the Fourth International and the World Socialist Web Site denounce the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. Despite the provocations and threats by the US and NATO powers, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine must be opposed by socialists and class-conscious workers. The catastrophe that was set in motion by the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 cannot be averted on the basis of Russian nationalism, a thoroughly reactionary ideology that serves the interests of the capitalist ruling class represented by Vladimir Putin.
What is required is not a return to the pre-1917 foreign policy of tsarism, but, rather, a revival, in Russia and throughout the world, of the socialist internationalism that inspired the October Revolution of 1917 and led to the creation of the Soviet Union as a workers state. The invasion of Ukraine, whatever the justifications given by the Putin regime, will serve only to divide the Russian and Ukrainian working class and, moreover, serve the interests of US and European imperialism.
In the two major statements that he has made during the past week, Putin has justified his actions by enumerating the provocations and crimes of the United States. There is, no question, much that is factually true in his denunciation of Washington’s hypocrisy. But the viciously anti-communist and xenophobic ideology that he invokes and the interests that he claims to be defending are thoroughly reactionary and incapable of appealing to the broad mass of the working class in Russia, let alone in Ukraine and throughout the world. A substantial section of the working class in Russia and Ukraine will be repelled by the cynicism of Putin’s glorification of the heroic struggle waged by the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany in World War II while denouncing the October Revolution and the existence of the USSR as a multi-national state.
The ICFI insisted that the socialist opposition to imperialism was incompatible with any form of national chauvinism, and, therefore, rejected all the justifications given by the Putin regime and its apologists for the invasion. Their invocation of “national defense” could not be accepted by socialists. The defeat of imperialism and its overthrow was possible only through the revolutionary struggle of the international working class. The ICFI statement cited the words of Trotsky: “Not to bind itself to the national state in time of war, to follow not the war map but the map of the class struggle, is possible only for that party that has already declared irreconcilable war on the national state in time of peace.”
The ICFI called “for an immediate end to the war,” and explained: “In opposing the invasion of Ukraine, we denounce the policies of US/NATO imperialism, whose claims to be defending democracy and human rights are blood-drenched with hypocrisy.”
This political declaration elaborated the principles and policy that have guided the work of the ICFI and WSWS since the war began.
On February 26, 2022 the International Committee held an international webinar, in which its opposition to the war was emphatically advanced. Among the speakers, in addition to myself, were Nick Beams, a longtime leader of the International Committee’s Australian section, Johannes Stern, a leader of the ICFI in Germany, Thomas Scripps, a leading member of the ICFI’s section in Britain, Joseph Kishore, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in the United States, and Evan Blake, another leading member of the SEP (US).
The ICFI has never wavered from the principled opposition to the policies of NATO and Russia that it advanced in the first days of the war.
The relationship between the ICFI and the comrades of the YGBL coincided almost exactly with the outbreak of the war. They were attracted to the ICFI precisely because of its opposition to both the war and the national chauvinism of the Russian and Ukrainian regimes.
The SBU indictment charges that the World Socialist Web Site assigned to Bogdan “the task of preparing, writing, editing and publishing … both on the WSWS website and other communist-oriented media, articles, publications, comments, etc. aimed at spreading pro-Russian narratives related to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, to which [Bogdan Syrotiuk] gave his voluntary consent.”
In support of this claim, the SBU references a YGBL statement titled, “For the organization of an international movement of workers and young people against war!” It claims that this document, posted on the World Socialist Web Site on October 12, 2022, includes “fragments, statements, sentences and phrases… which contain justification of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, which began in 2014…”
The actual document clearly exposes this claim to be a lie. There is not a single sentence in the YGBL declaration that indicates support for the invasion of Ukraine. The SBU cites selectively from the document, including passages only from numbered paragraphs 4, 7, 8, 10 and 13. Paragraphs 4 through 8—the SBU interrupts the continuity of the YGBL’s analysis by leaving out paragraphs 5 and 6—provide a concise Marxist explanation of the objective capitalist crisis and political aims that underlay the instigation of the war by the United States and its NATO allies. They state:
  1. The new world order that the United States wants to establish looks like this very possible picture: Russia and China are to be subordinated to imperialism and divided, if that is necessary to maintain direct control over their natural, industrial-technological and human resources.
  2. The European imperialist powers support the United States for their own place in the new redivision of the world. At the same time, European imperialism, while placed on rations by the United States, sees a way out of its economic and geopolitical predicament only in a redivision of the world in which it can regain its former greatness.
  3. Japan, South Korea and Australia support the US only as much as it suits their interests in the struggle against China in the Pacific region. These countries will support the US as long as it allows them to compete with China. The process of dividing spheres of influence will revive the contradictions between the Pacific capitalist powers, which are as much in limbo as Europe.
  4. The crisis of 2008 revived class struggles around the world. The Arab Spring of the early 2010s is vivid evidence of this revival. It forced US and European imperialism to take more decisive measures. In 2014, they supported a coup d'état in Ukraine. Through this coup, the US was able to create all the conditions to build a bridgehead in a future war against Russia.
  5. The Covid-19 pandemic that erupted in 2020 exacerbated the contradictions of capitalism and was the trigger for a more rapid expansion of US imperialism in preparation for war against Russia and China. The US embarked on a more provocative path of abandoning the “one-China” policy, and increasing its support for Ukraine, as expressed in the NATO summit in August 2021, which supported Zelensky’s “Crimean platform.”
Significantly, the SBU leaves out paragraph 9 of the YGBL declaration, which presents a scathing indictment of the Putin regime. That paragraph reads:
The reactionary regime of Vladimir Putin emerged from the treacherous dissolution of the Soviet Union by the Stalinist bureaucracy and the restoration of capitalism. The policies of Putin, in the final analysis, are aimed at safeguarding the wealth of the post-Soviet oligarchy against the pressure of Western imperialism from above and, even more critically, against the movement of the Russian working class from below.
The SBU does cite paragraph 10, which continues the critique of the Putin regime, stating:
Within this geopolitical and social context, Putin’s adventurist invasion of Ukraine on February 24 was the Russian oligarchy’s response to NATO’s relentless expansion to the east. The Putin regime’s main objective was to achieve through the pressure of its “Special Operation” a new round of talks with the US-NATO, since the last round ended up crossing “red lines” on the part of the US-NATO, which caused Putin’s invasion [emphasis added].
The characterization of Putin’s invasion as “adventurist” is in no way compatible with what the SBU claims to be a “pro-Russian narrative.” Obviously recognizing the fragility of its attempt to portray the YGBL statement as pro-Putin propaganda, the SBU decided against further citations from the document, leaving out the YGBL’s development of its denunciation of Putin’s policies in paragraphs 11 and 12, which assert:
  1. The Russian bourgeoisie’s desire for an “equal partnership” with the West was one of the most utopian delusions. This delusion, historically derived from Stalin’s policy of “Popular Fronts” and then “peaceful coexistence,” developed among the fledgling class of Russian capitalists in the 1990s.
  2. The Putin regime has not gotten rid of this utopian delusion. Its whole policy has been to maneuver and seek compromise with the West, with whom the Russian oligarchy wanted to be “on equal footing.” Except that Western imperialism, with its conquering ambitions for Russia, did not care about these conciliatory tones of Putin’s regime.
The SBU also chose not to cite paragraph 17 of the YGBL statement, which declares:
The course of the war after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine increasingly emphasizes the reactionary nature of this invasion. While claiming to be fighting for the independence of the Russian people from the threat of Western imperialism, Putin is in fact only defending the independence of the Russian oligarchy to exploit the Russian working class and the country’s raw material wealth.
Paragraph 18, which is also left uncited, further demolishes the SBU’s indictment of Bogdan, the YGBL and the WSWS as instruments of Russian propaganda. The paragraph asserts that
the Putin regime has no way out of the current crisis for Russian society. It will not have such a way out in the future. All of the military and political activities of the Putin regime will only contribute to the escalation of Western imperialism and the deterioration of conditions for the Russian, Ukrainian and international working class.
The SBU also failed to cite paragraphs 19 and 20, which presciently warned of the catastrophe to which the war could lead.
  1. The prospects for the present war, when thought within the framework of the capitalist system, are very bleak. First, this war will take on a long-term character and will not only be fought between Ukraine and Russia. It is the first step in inflaming the world situation to the point that the threat of a third world war is simply inevitable. All countries of the world will take part in the future war.
  2. Secondly, the nature of the war will be determined by the policies of the ruling classes, which now stand on a blatantly anti-human position. The ruling classes are recklessly moving toward the use of nuclear weapons in the conflict, thereby creating the real possibility of a nuclear Armageddon. The specter of planetary destruction arises from the insane policies of imperialist and capitalist governments. The recklessness of the ruling capitalist elite compels young people to ask whether they will be allowed any future at all.
The SBU specifically cites this document as proof of Bogdan Syrotiuk’s treasonable activity. But the text of this document conclusively refutes the charge that Bogdan and the YGBL are advancing a pro-Putin narrative.
Moreover, and most decisive, the Ukrainian regime does not present a scintilla of evidence to substantiate its absurd and lying claim that the World Socialist Web Site is a “Russian propaganda and information agency.” With this filthy slander, the Zelensky regime betrays—notwithstanding the ongoing war with Russia—the lingering influence of Stalinism’s rabid hatred of Trotskyism. As in Russia, the transfer of power in Ukraine from Stalinist bureaucrats to capitalist oligarchs has not required any change in the methodology of the political police. The same techniques of fabrication and slander, utilized by the Stalinist regime against Trotskyists in the era of the Moscow Trials and the terror of 1936-39, remain operative in Kiev.
Bogdan Syrotiuk stands accused of treason and faces the threat of a life-long prison term that is the equivalent of a death sentence. But the allegations against Bogdan are based entirely on articles and speeches he has posted on the World Socialist Web Site, in which he has declared his opposition, as a socialist internationalist, to the capitalist regimes of Zelensky and Putin and the ongoing war that has cost hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian lives.
The SBU indicts Bogdan for advancing in his speeches and writings posted on the World Socialist Web Site “which are accessible to everyone in the world, including citizens of Ukraine” information that exposes the reactionary character of the Ukrainian regime and the war.
The SBU declares that Bogdan’s “criminal actions were stopped only with the intervention of a law enforcement agency.” What a devastating self-exposure of the claims that the US-NATO proxy war is being waged to defend democracy in Ukraine.
The reality is that Ukraine is a fascistic dictatorship, which applies police methods to stop the expression of popular opposition to the policies that have brought untold suffering and death to the people.
The arrest of Bogdan Syrotiuk comes precisely at a point of mounting popular opposition to the Zelensky regime. On May 18, a new and vastly unpopular mobilization law that will vastly expand the recruitment dragnet of Ukrainian military goes into effect. Even the New York Times has expressed doubts about Zelensky’s ability “to find new troops to relieve a weary, often demoralized force.”
In an article posted on the World Socialist Web Site on April 30, Maxim Goldarb, a Ukrainian socialist who has been persecuted by the Zelensky regime, reported: “More and more Ukrainian men are desperately trying to flee the country, unwilling to die for someone else’s selfish purposes.”
He added:
It is not the rich minority, but the poor majority—the unemployed, workers, peasants, teachers, doctors, office workers—that will be sent into the bloody meat grinder. Now, with the adoption of the new law, the number of men deprived of basic human rights, who will be captured and hunted down like animals and sent to the front, will increase many times over.
The profits of those who benefit from this war will also increase many times over … These huge profits will be divided up between the military-industrial complex, its lobbyists in the American and European establishment, and the Ukrainian oligarchic top brass.
Bogdan Syrotiuk’s life is in danger. In the environment of terror that exists within Ukraine, he is deprived of all means to defend himself. Efforts to obtain competent legal representation have been undermined by government threats against defense lawyers. No less than five attorneys have declined to represent Bogdan because to do so would expose them to significant physical danger.
The significance of the fight to defend Bogdan and secure his freedom extends beyond Ukraine. His incarceration is yet another example of the growing international assault on democratic rights as imperialism escalates its military operations throughout the world. The political conspiracy to destroy Julian Assange set into motion a process that is replicated throughout the world.
Those who oppose and expose the crimes of the imperialist regimes are targeted for persecution by the state. The assault on basic democratic rights—first and foremost, freedom of thought and speech—is always justified on the basis of lies.
The opponents of Israel’s genocidal war against Gazans are denounced as anti-Semites, even when the protesters are Jewish. In the denunciation of Bogdan Syrotiuk as an agent of Russia for opposing the proxy war in Ukraine, the same lying method is at work.
The real reason for the arrest and persecution of Bogdan Syrotiuk is that he is fighting for the unity of the Ukrainian, Russian and international working class against the ruling capitalist elites of all countries. As Comrade Andrei Ritsky of the Russian branch of the Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists explained so eloquently in a speech delivered at the May Day 2024 celebration held by the International Committee:
The only “crime” that Bogdan committed was his conviction that Ukraine can become truly free only through the independent struggle of the Ukrainian working class, acting together with the international working class against imperialism and war. He advanced a principled political position based on a Marxist understanding of the war, opposed to the fanatical worship of Ukrainian nationalism as well as the reactionary Russian nationalism of the Putin regime. Like our entire movement, he has fought for the unification of workers in Russia and Ukraine with the workers in the imperialist countries, to put an end to a fratricidal war that has claimed the lives of at least half a million Ukrainians and tens of thousands of Russians.
He concluded his remarks with a declaration of the fundamental perspective that underlies the work of the Fourth International:
No bourgeois regime is capable of resolving the crisis other than through war and destruction, because any other way would be contrary to its fundamental capitalist interests. The contradictions of capitalism cannot be resolved within national borders and on the basis of a defense of private property. Only the international working class armed with the program of world socialist revolution will be able to put an end to the wars and resolve the fundamental crisis. To do so, however, it must fight for its unity with its brothers and sisters around the world.
The International Committee of the Fourth International calls for a global campaign to demand the immediate release of Bogdan Syrotiuk from prison. The fight for Bogdan’s freedom must be taken up by workers, students and all those who are committed to the defense of democratic rights and opposed to the escalation of imperialist wars that, unless stopped, threaten humanity with a nuclear catastrophe.
Join the fight to Free Bogdan. Circulate this statement as widely as possible on social media. Bring this case to the attention of co-workers, fellow students, and friends. To sign a petition demanding Bogdan’s release, contribute funds toward the defense campaign, and become personally active in the fight for his freedom, go to
submitted by Sashcracker to Trotskyism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:13 thecalmman420 Wait until after I finish my MA.Ed. (Nov) to apply?

I'm in a real rotten school that's changing management every 6 weeks. I'm actually in a very safe, consistent spot and have not a lot to complain about but it creates an air of paranoia and I wanna get out of here.
However, I finish my MA.Ed. in Nov (so I'll have the diploma by Dec, have it "authenticated" by Jan, 2025).
All the jobs I interview with are for less money than I make now, worse teaching positions (I teach in upper school with some student-facing admin duties that I love, all I get are 4th-6th grade ELL or homeroom stuff). Ideally I want to continue moving into admin.
Should I just wait 6 months, enjoy my Summer vacation, and hope for Feb or take the 15% pay cut and go somewhere more relaxing?
EDIT: And yes, yes, only I can make the choice and stuff but I'm just looking for outside opinions and yackity yack.
submitted by thecalmman420 to Internationalteachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:00 MindMaps254 Make Essay Writing Easier

Welcome to the "Essay Help by Pros" community group! Writing a great essay can be challenging, but with the right approach, anyone can produce a high-quality piece. Here are some points to follow to write a great essay:
  1. Understand the assignment: Before you start writing, make sure you understand the requirements of the essay. Read the instructions carefully, and take note of the topic, format, word count, and any specific guidelines that are provided.
  2. Choose a topic: Select a topic that interests you (if this is an option given) and that you have some knowledge about. You'll be more motivated to write, and you'll be able to draw on your existing knowledge to develop your ideas.
  3. Research your topic: Conduct thorough research on your topic, using a range of sources. Take notes on your findings and make sure you keep track of your sources so you can properly cite them later.
  4. Develop a thesis statement: Your thesis statement is the central idea of your essay. It should be a clear and concise statement that summarizes the main point you want to make in your essay.
  5. Create an outline: An outline is a roadmap that helps you organize your thoughts and ideas. It should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, and each section should have a clear focus.
  6. Write your essay: Use your outline to guide your writing. Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence, and that all your ideas are well-supported with evidence.
  7. Edit and proofread: Once you've completed your essay, take the time to edit and proofread it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your writing is clear and concise.
By following these points, you'll be well on your way to writing a great essay. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to the community for help!
submitted by MindMaps254 to essayhelpbypros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:00 AutoModerator New to succulents? New to our Sub? Stop in here! Weekly Questions Thread May 19, 2024

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2024.05.19 01:35 MountainSuch9747 A Response to Anthony Kingsley's Introduction to Use of the Self

Hi everyone,
I wanted to share with you my response to the introduction found in the only edition of Use of the Self currently in print. I believe it's a rather misleading intro to FM Alexander's work, so I'm sharing this in the hope that I can help clear up misconceptions people may have about the Alexander Technique, not derived only from Anthony Kingsley, but many bland blog posts one tends to encounter when researching the Alexander Technique. That said, this is not intended to be an introduction of its own, but rather something experienced students, teachers, and anyone enthusiastically learning the Technique may find useful. In the tradition of Alexander himself, I've included extensive footnotes, some painfully long. I'm happy to answer any questions or otherwise discuss what I've written. Understand these are my own interpretations and opinions about what some call "the work," so take them as you will. I've taken lessons for a number of years and currently am training as a teacher, so my view of the Technique is based on these experiences, as well as my interpretations of Alexander's writings. Some of these interpretations you may object to, but I hope you find my arguments reasonable.
Response to Anthony Kingsley's Introduction to The Use of the Self
The Use of the Self may be FM Alexander's most important work, since it contains his own account of how he developed what is now called the Alexander Technique. While Alexander's other volumes are available from Mouritz, the only edition of The Use of the Self currently in print is published by Orion Spring. This edition replaces the philosopher John Dewey's introduction—which praises the technique's "genuinely scientific character"—with one by the contemporary teacher Anthony Kingsley, who is heralded on the book's front cover as a "leading Alexander Technique teacher." Therefore it is probable that many readers' first impressions of the Alexander Technique will be framed by Mr. Kingsley's opinions. I submit this is problematic, since his introduction is in my view contradictory to fundamental principles of the Alexander Technique. I write this response to address the introduction's two most dire faults: Kingsley's misrepresentation of the concepts inhibition and direction, and his dismissal of the concept of the primary control. I'll begin with the second, since it is a more straightforward error.
Primary Control
Kingsley opens his paragraphs on the primary control with the opinion that the concept should be "recast," then describes Alexander's definition of the primary control as a "particular relationship of his head, neck and back [that] acted as a master reflex that conditioned his whole organism." Then he discards this definition, claiming the head-neck-back relativity should instead be "regarded as an indicator[sic] of overall health rather than an area considered in isolation." He concedes the "region of the neck and back is a [...] barometer of our state of being," but concludes that "no single element is actually primary," since our eyes, breath, digestive system, and all other psychophysical elements are "simultaneous and interdependent" and also like barometers. Finally, he reveals his "recast" of the primary control, defining it as "the unknown and unseen self-righting and self-healing mechanism that can be restored and vitalized."
In sum, Mr. Kingsley has presented the primary control—which Alexander wrote extensively about and considered central to his technique—with an ill-defined mystical force which, accordingly, Alexander must have unwittingly stumbled upon and mistaken for a certain relativity of the head, neck and back.
Ironically, it is in The Use of the Self where Alexander wrote of discovering the necessity to first free his neck in seeking a better condition for his vocal apparatus, since that was the sine qua non of taking his head forward and up, of widening the back, and so forth, which are in turn the necessary conditions of freedom and stability in the limbs. This is the genesis of Alexander's use of the word "primary" in describing the head-neck-back relationship, and in my experience, as in Alexander's, it holds true: the sequence of directions given to oneself matters greatly, since tense feet, for example, can hardly flatten on the floor if the head is taken back and down, whereas the head can be taken "forward and up"1 to a fine degree even if there is tension in the lower extremities, particularly while sitting. Further, and maybe most significantly, the relativity of the head-neck-back rarely need change during any manner of activity, whereas the arms and legs are constantly bending, rising, stretching, and so on. Small wonder Alexander considered this relativity primary.
Of course, Kingsley is not wrong to point out the interdependence of all processes in the body. It is certainly true that undue tension in the feet creates a downward pull on the head, neck and back. Yet what is crucial to understand here is that in the context of learning and teaching the Alexander Technique, the primary control is an indispensable concept. It instructs the pupil to guide his or her attention through the body in the sequence most fit to facilitate proper relativity of all the parts, and it names succinctly that natural, visible, dynamic yet enduring relativity of the head, neck and back observable in little children and animals as well as many great musicians and athletes. Thus Kingsley discards a practical concept in favor of a truism about "interdependence;" and so we come to his second, graver error.
Here it begins to seem that what Kingsley writes of in his introduction is not the Alexander Technique at all, but in fact the Kingsley Technique, since he has redefined not only the primary control, but two other conceptual pillars of the technique: inhibition and direction.
First, he takes aim at direction, neglecting to elucidate Alexander's own definition of the concept before setting out the axiom that "aiming for postural improvements using postural directions leads to a bodymind[sic] attitude of effort and trying, which simply reinforces the problem." Dismissing as superfluous all "ideas and images about heads, necks and backs," he declares that "the trying[sic] self is the obstacle, and the shift towards a non-trying[sic] self is the solution." Finally, he offers his own definition of the directions as "the natural flow of energy and vibrancy that exists within the organism," directions which are interfered with "when we are in a condition of stress and reactivity."
Here, again, Kingsley takes a practical concept which Alexander developed based on careful observation of his own muscular action, and replaces it with a kind of mystical or spiritual phenomenon which, implicitly, only the initiated can perceive.2 Thus the famous directions are not, as Alexander described repeatedly, a series of mental orders or intentions projected to oneself before and during muscular activity along lines one has reasoned out in advance, but a "natural flow of energy and vibrancy"—just as the primary control is not, as Alexander saw it, a concrete, observable relativity of the head, neck and back, but an "unknown and unseen self-righting and self-healing mechanism." These pseudo-spiritual definitions do a massive disservice to neophyte readers, and reveal Kingsley's muddled seeing in relation to the central problem addressed by the Alexander Technique: how to shed habit and coordinate the bodymind through reasoned conception and conscious awareness.
But for a moment let us leave aside direction, since a subtler and more misleading error still lurks in Kingsley's presentation: his dismissal of conception itself. He explicitly warns that "ideas, concepts and cognitive efforts reinforce the very mental instrument that is the problem in the first place," he advises us to simply trust that "the prevention or inhibition[sic] of reaction, maintains or liberates this stream of energy [or direction] in the body."
To understand Kingsley's error, we must return to Alexander. In Man's Supreme Inheritance, Alexander sets out four stages to the "performance of any muscular action by conscious guidance and control:"
  1. The conception of the movement required;
  2. The inhibition of erroneous preconceived ideas which subconsciously suggest the manner in which the movement or series of movements should be performed;
  3. The new and conscious mental orders which will set in motion the muscular mechanism essential to the correct performance of the action;
  4. The movements (contractions and expansions) of the muscles which carry out the mental orders.
Alexander considered "conception of the movement required" the very first stage in his technique, to precede even inhibition. Thus he made clear, if indirectly, that in the context of his technique, clear conception is essential to achieving a desired end. Incidentally, this is a fact any competent artist can attest to; if a composition is not unambiguously understood and organized within one's memory, it cannot be brought to fruition. Even the most simple act, such as extending one's arm to grasp a nearby object, requires a detailed conception of distance, weight, strength, and so forth; if the object turns out to be heavier than expected, the conception of these variables and their relation to one another, and hence the muscular action, must change. This is direction in action, albeit subconscious.
Yet Kingsley belittles conception, instead leaning on concepts like "ease," "letting go" "acceptance," and the like. He is not alone in this among teachers, but in my opinion, they overlook the influence of what Alexander termed "erroneous beliefs," a concept closely related to that of "unreliable sensory appreciation." Both could be read in the spiritual lexicon alongside "letting go," etc.; but that would place their referent outside the realm of what words and concepts can describe. On the contrary, Alexander was pointing to something concrete and empirically observable: to errors of spatio-motor perception able to be observed phenomenologically and in other people's behavior; not to transcendent truths about observation itself. Thus the classic example of an Alexandrian "erroneous belief" is a person who raises their arm and believes their shoulder has remained still when it has not. The key for the pupil in this instance is to gain an accurate conception5 of their own muscular action, in reference to bodily sensations; not to simply "let go" or "do nothing."3 And this conception must come about through active tutelage—e.g. Alexander Technique lessons—or, dare I say, the way Alexander himself did it: by reasoned experimentation, conceiving hypotheses based on careful register and analysis of his own sensations, and also by watching the behavior of others. John Dewey called the technique scientific for a reason.
All of this is not to understate the importance of concepts like "release" and "effortlessness," including in the context of the Alexander Technique. Seeing more or less what is meant by them is doubtless the key to mastery of all activities, all practices, all techniques. Yet those spiritual concepts should not blot out the very concrete technique Alexander developed for improving what he called "the use of the self:" that coordination of the muscular system, achieved through conscious reason, which influences for better or worse the functioning of the whole organism.4
So much for direction. What about inhibition? Under the heading "Inhibition and Non-Doing," Kingsley describes Alexander's understanding of inhibition as "an artificial pause between stimulus and reaction," after which he could "give directions to himself." Then he lays down the gauntlet, stating that in the "real world […] life does not offer us the choice to inhibit:" since according to neuroscience research, "neural reactions take milliseconds and are faster than conscious thought processes." In other words, "we either react to the stimulus, or not." So, with inhibition proven impossible, Kingsley is left with no choice but to "reformulate" another of Alexander's concepts, offering us a supposedly scientifically enlightened6 view that inhibition is really "a quality of non-doing[sic] that needs to be already available in the organism before the receipt of a stimulus." This is "a way of being[sic] rather than a way of doing[sic]."
This Kingsleyan inhibition turns out to be the essence of the technique, since it is this very "condition of non-doing[sic]" the teacher is supposed to transmit, through a touch Kingsley describes as "a dance of poetry and a symphony of silence." With it, the teacher imparts a "deep sense of acceptance" by which "change emerges in the pupil."7 He goes on to compare the Alexander Technique to "Zen Buddhism, mindfulness and the philosophy of non-duality," identifying the uniqueness of the Alexander Technique in "the transmission of immediate experience." In fact, there is no Alexander Technique as such, but only inhibition:
The Chinese Tao has a concept of Wu Wei[sic], which translates as surrendering to the effortless flow of life[sic], or non-doing[sic] action. Ultimately, the Alexander Technique needs to reinvent itself and relinquish the Technique. The Alexander Teacher really teaches nothing[sic!]. But this nothing or emptiness is in fact the deepest essence of being and the fullness of life. Like grace, it drops onto us and into us when the conditions are ripe.
The problem is that Alexander's own writings indicate that inhibition is not a "quality," a "condition," or a "surrendering to the effortless flow of life." On the contrary, according to Universal Constant in Living, it is "the act of refusing to respond to the primary desire to gain an end, [which] becomes the act of responding (volitionary act) to the conscious reasoned desire to employ the means whereby that end may be gained." As clear as day: inhibition is an action in response to the stimulus of conscious desire: a conscious, continuing refusal to do a thing the way one normally does it. Alexander saw that this inhibitory act had to precede in every instance any attempt to change his habits. Everyone is well familiar with the inhibitory act. The act of not indulging an immediate desire, however small, is it. So, inhibition is not an "artificial pause," but a phenomenologically observable process within the organism, a process that can be made habitual through practice. It is no more abstract and transcendent than blinking or moving one's finger.7
Here Kingsley again takes something ordinary and concrete and makes it mystical, going so far as to "relinquish the Technique." The trouble is that there is a good reason the Alexander Technique came to be known as such. A technique is a skillful way of doing something; a mental tool; a procedure. Ways of doing can be found everywhere: techniques for dance, for romance, for healing, even for attaining nirvana or enlightenment. Each has a goal in mind and is based on what worked in the past; each resorts to concepts to explain itself; each prescribes action, or doing something a certain way. Yet Kingsley dismisses the idea of doing anything at all. Equating the Alexander Technique with "nothing," he tosses out the concepts Alexander spent decades refining, when Alexander's genius was precisely to conceive a useful, coherent way of doing things through patient observation of the phenomena he termed inhibition, direction, primary control, and the rest.
So, the technique may encompass all the acts of living, but it is still a technique. Alexander often used the term "procedure" to describe it, and I think procedure is as apt a word as any to describe the application of his technique to the acts of living. He constantly stressed the technique's sequential, stepwise nature and recorded countless practical examples of it in action, both in hypotheticals and accounts of lessons. The technique is not a metaphysics or a philosophy like non-duality; it is a practical procedure with a clear purpose: restoring
advantageous, natural relativity of the head, neck and back.
The technique is blindingly simple but surprisingly subtle and difficult to master; and, as far as I am aware, it is unique. Unfortunately, Kingsley is not alone in overlooking the uniqueness and subtleties of the technique in favor of spiritual truisms and platitudes. I suspect there are two main reasons for this.
The first is the tendency of serious pupils of the technique to become more open to "spirituality," both philosophically (e.g. non-duality) and in terms of sadhana (e.g. meditation, yoga, self-inquiry). Many are enthusiastic about the similarities between the Alexander Technique and, for example, mindfulness practice. It is certainly true that the technique requires the pupil to have some degree of "mindfulness," or the ability to realize when the mind has wandered; and it is also true that a few people who devote themselves to the technique come upon some of the same insights one might find in spiritual practice. Yet spiritual insight is not the purpose of the technique. In my opinion, the Alexander Technique is a relative of energy practices such as Hatha yoga, qigong, and TRE (trauma release exercises). Such techniques are often used in tandem with spiritual practices meant for the cultivation of insight, but their purpose has traditionally been preparatory and salutary, not "spiritual." One need not stray too esoteric to encounter the idea that the real goal of spirituality has nothing to do with "ways of doing." On the other hand, Qigong explicitly aims to regulate qi in the body; kundalini yoga is concerned with the flow of prana; the Alexander Technique seeks to restore the good use of the primary control. More practically, the technique teaches mental discipline, and ultimately the ability of the nervous system to regulate itself. Such a practice may lay the groundwork for spiritual realization, but it is by no means indistinguishable from it.
While there is no point speculating about Alexander's private insights, one thing can be certain: he left us a definite procedure with a practical, concrete purpose—not a transcendental one. Yet Kingsley's introduction continually implies the Alexander Technique is an essentially spiritual practice with heavenly fruit. Disparaging the core concepts that constitute the Alexander Technique, he invites us instead to simply "surrender," "let go in faith," and blindly trust that its real essence—nothing less than Wu Wei—will be transmitted through the "rare, "unconditional" touch of the teacher.
The second, more obvious reason Alexander has been so misunderstood is that he rarely wrote concisely, and in any case, recognition and conception of the primary control can never be refined through words, but only through unfamiliar sensory experiences—either reasoned out, as Alexander did, or in the hands of a good teacher. Hence there is more than a kernel of truth to Kingsley's view of the "supreme value of guidance with the hands;" yet I differ from him in that I insist the Alexander Technique cannot be divorced from intellectual understanding and, indeed, conception.
The Use of the Self and Alexander's other works certainly were not without their flaws, but at their best they illuminate concepts which are nuanced, rich, and useful when applied. Primary control, direction and inhibition are three such concepts. Whatever their flaws, Alexander's books point the way to a wonderful technique, and they deserve thoughtful, probing introductions like Dewey's—not dismissals.
1 Like many other Alexandrian terms, the concrete meaning of "forward and up" seems incredibly controversial among Alexander Technique teachers. While I conceive it roughly as freedom of the atlanto-occipital joint, the term cannot be understood in isolation from the rest of the parts—namely, from one's conception of the primary control. It seems to experience it, one must discover it, as Alexander did, or be shown it by a teacher.
2 This is not to say there are not phenomena only some people perceive.
3An overemphasis on "letting go" and the like obscures the fact that Alexander always described the technique as consisting of stages or sequential steps, which in my opinion constitute the "means whereby" he wrote of.
4 "Use of the self" is another problematic term. Related to the concept of "good form" and "good technique" among athletes and musicians, it refers essentially to coordination of the musculature along reasoned lines, which is not separate from conception of the primary control. Equal and opposite is the term "misuse," since one's idea of misuse depends on one's idea of good use. Different teachers understand the term differently. Kingsley states that "bodily tensions and distortions become fixed and reinforced as we react to the general stimuli of living." True enough. Yet he goes on to imply it is associated only with fear, anxiety and distress. Again he couples this concept to the language of contemporary spirituality, trumpeting that it "alienates us from our own true nature." This is to completely ignore the point Alexander returned to again and again in his own writing: that the use of the self is inextricably linked with conception. No doubt, tension and imbalance are very often inextricable from fear. But there may be another class of misuse: one based on misconceptions about the body, unexamined movement patterns from childhood which have little or nothing to do with manifestations of stress or emotions in the body. I suspect one may experience profound psychophysical quietude yet still tend to throw their head back and down in relation to their neck and back, especially in movement.
5Kingsley writes that the teacher's touch indicates the "negation of trying and doing within the pupil." Even a token mention of guidance viz. the relativity of the body parts is nowhere to be found. Yet in my opinion this discussion of touch is misleading, since nothing like it can be found at all in Alexander's writings. On the contrary, Alexander stressed that the teacher's role was to demonstrate manually the proper relativity of the pupil's parts, with the means whereby of the technique; not to transmit "a way of being," nor indeed enlightenment or gnosis.
6 Neuroscientific findings relating to will and volition have proliferated in recent years. They may raise fundamental questions about the nature of self and will, but in my opinion they have little to do with the Alexander Technique, no more than they do with dancing or playing an instrument. If there are really recognizable activities Alexander termed "inhibition" and "direction," then his writings are timeless, since they speak from direct observation and experiment, not philosophy about "free will" and the like.
7 In spiritual literature one encounters, almost universally, the idea that there is no "doer" of action, or no "doer" but God. Hence Kingsley is implying that Alexandrian inhibition is somehow related to this concept, which Buddha famously summarized: "Events happen, deeds are done, but there is no doer thereof." In my opinion, the Alexander Technique has nothing more to do with this than does reading, writing, or playing a game. There may be "procedures followed, but no follower thereof."
submitted by MountainSuch9747 to Alexandertechnique [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:44 softtechhubus Unlocking Passive Income Streams: Strategies for Financial Freedom

Unlocking Passive Income Streams: Strategies for Financial Freedom

Unlocking Passive Income Streams: Strategies for Financial Freedom in 2024
In today's fast-paced world, where job security is no longer a certainty and traditional employment models are evolving, the quest for financial freedom has become more crucial than ever. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is by establishing multiple streams of passive income – sources of revenue that require minimal effort to maintain once set up. This article delves into various strategies for earning passive income online, providing actionable steps for each method.

Section 1: Understanding Passive Income

What is Passive Income?

Passive income refers to earnings generated from sources that do not require active involvement or labor once the initial effort has been put in. Unlike active income, which is earned through traditional employment or self-employment, passive income continues to flow in even when you're not actively working. This concept has gained immense popularity in recent years as more individuals seek ways to break free from the constraints of the 9-to-5 grind and achieve financial independence.

Benefits of Passive Income

The allure of passive income lies in its ability to provide a consistent revenue stream with minimal ongoing effort. Here are some of the key benefits of building passive income sources:
  1. Financial Freedom: Passive income can supplement or even replace traditional employment income, allowing you to achieve financial independence and pursue your passions without worrying about money.
  2. Diversification: By diversifying your income streams, you reduce your reliance on a single source of income, mitigating risks and providing a safety net in case one stream dries up.
  3. Scalability: Many passive income strategies can be scaled up, allowing you to increase your earnings without proportionally increasing your workload.
  4. Lifestyle Flexibility: With passive income, you can enjoy greater flexibility in your lifestyle, as you are not tied to a specific location or schedule.

Passive Income vs. Active Income

While both passive and active income contribute to your overall financial well-being, they differ in several ways:
  • Effort Required: Active income requires ongoing effort and labor, while passive income requires initial effort to set up but minimal ongoing work.
  • Time Commitment: Active income is directly tied to the time you invest in working, whereas passive income can generate revenue even when you're not actively working.
  • Scalability: Active income is limited by the number of hours you can work, while passive income can be scaled up more easily by leveraging systems and automation.
  • Risk Diversification: Passive income streams provide diversification, reducing the risk of relying solely on active income from a single source.
By combining active and passive income sources, you can create a well-rounded financial portfolio that provides stability, flexibility, and the potential for long-term wealth building.

Section 2: Popular Passive Income Strategies

There are numerous ways to generate passive income, ranging from traditional investment vehicles to modern online opportunities. Let's explore some of the most popular strategies:

Subsection 2.1: Real Estate Investments

Real estate has long been a favored passive income source for many investors. By owning rental properties, you can generate a steady stream of rental income with minimal effort once the property is acquired and tenants are in place.


Real estate investments can take various forms, including:
  1. Rental Properties: Purchasing residential or commercial properties and renting them out to tenants.
  2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): Investing in companies that own and operate income-producing real estate.
  3. Crowdfunding Real Estate Platforms: Pooling funds with other investors to purchase income-generating properties.

Steps to Get Started

Getting started with real estate investments involves the following steps:
  1. Research and Analysis: Conduct thorough market research to identify profitable investment opportunities and evaluate potential risks.
  2. Financing: Secure financing through traditional mortgages, private lenders, or alternative financing options.
  3. Property Management: Hire a professional property management company or handle tenant screening, maintenance, and rent collection yourself.
  4. Ongoing Monitoring: Regularly review your investment performance and adjust your strategy as needed.
While real estate investments can be lucrative, they also require significant upfront capital and carry inherent risks, such as vacancies, property maintenance, and market fluctuations.

Subsection 2.2: Stock Market Investments

Investing in the stock market is another popular way to generate passive income. By carefully selecting dividend-paying stocks or investing in index funds, you can earn regular income from your investments.


Stock market investments for passive income can take the following forms:
  1. Dividend Stocks: Owning shares in companies that distribute a portion of their profits to shareholders in the form of dividends.
  2. Index Funds: Investing in low-cost, diversified funds that track the performance of a specific market index, such as the S&P 500.
  3. Mutual Funds: Professionally managed investment funds that hold a diverse portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Steps to Get Started

To start investing in the stock market for passive income, follow these steps:
  1. Open a Brokerage Account: Choose a reputable online brokerage platform that suits your investment needs and budget.
  2. Research and Select Investments: Conduct thorough research on potential investments, considering factors such as dividend yield, historical performance, and risk profile.
  3. Develop an Investment Strategy: Determine your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon, and create a diversified portfolio accordingly.
  4. Regularly Monitor and Rebalance: Periodically review your investments and rebalance your portfolio as needed to maintain your desired asset allocation.
While stock market investments offer the potential for passive income and long-term growth, they also carry market risks, and returns are not guaranteed.

Subsection 2.3: Online Businesses

The rise of the internet has opened up a world of opportunities for generating passive income through online businesses. From e-commerce to affiliate marketing, these ventures can be lucrative and scalable once established.


Popular online business models for passive income include:
  1. E-commerce: Building and operating an online store that sells physical or digital products.
  2. Dropshipping: A retail fulfillment model where products are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer, eliminating the need for inventory management.
  3. Affiliate Marketing: Earning commissions by promoting other companies' products or services through your website, social media, or other online platforms.

Steps to Get Started

Starting an online business for passive income involves the following steps:
  1. Choose a Business Model: Evaluate different online business models and select one that aligns with your interests, skills, and goals.
  2. Conduct Market Research: Identify a profitable niche, analyze the competition, and assess the demand for your products or services.
  3. Build an Online Presence: Create a professional website, set up e-commerce platforms, and establish a strong online brand.
  4. Implement Marketing Strategies: Utilize effective marketing techniques, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing, to drive traffic and sales.
  5. Automate Processes: Leverage tools and software to automate repetitive tasks, streamlining operations and freeing up time for scaling and growth.
While online businesses offer flexibility and scalability, they require upfront effort, consistent marketing, and adaptability to changing market trends and consumer preferences.

Section 3: Digital Products and Courses

In the digital age, creating and selling digital products and online courses have become lucrative passive income streams. By leveraging your expertise and knowledge, you can create valuable resources that generate ongoing revenue with minimal ongoing effort.

Subsection 3.1: Creating and Selling E-books

E-books have emerged as a popular and accessible way to share knowledge, expertise, or creative works while earning passive income. With the rise of self-publishing platforms and the growing popularity of e-readers, the e-book market has become a viable avenue for authors and subject matter experts.


E-books can cover a wide range of topics, including:
  1. Non-Fiction: Self-help, business, personal development, and educational content.
  2. Fiction: Novels, short stories, and creative writing across various genres.
  3. Reference Materials: Guides, manuals, and instructional resources.

Steps to Get Started

To start earning passive income through e-book sales, follow these steps:
  1. Choose Your Topic: Identify a niche or subject area where you have expertise or a unique perspective to offer.
  2. Write and Edit: Craft a high-quality e-book by writing compelling content, ensuring proper formatting, and editing for clarity and accuracy.
  3. Design and Format: Create an attractive cover design and properly format your e-book for different platforms and devices.
  4. Self-Publish: Upload your e-book to popular self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Barnes & Noble Press, or Apple Books. These platforms handle the distribution and sale of your e-book.
  5. Market and Promote: Implement effective marketing strategies, such as social media promotion, email marketing, and leveraging influencers or book bloggers to reach your target audience.
While e-book sales may start slow, with consistent effort and effective promotion, you can build a passive income stream that continues to generate revenue over time.

Subsection 3.2: Developing Online Courses

In today's knowledge-driven economy, sharing your expertise through online courses has become a lucrative passive income opportunity. With the rise of e-learning platforms and the increasing demand for remote education, creating and selling online courses can be a rewarding venture.


Online courses can cover a wide range of topics, including:
  1. Professional Skills: Business, marketing, programming, design, and other career-related subjects.
  2. Personal Development: Health, fitness, productivity, and self-improvement topics.
  3. Creative Pursuits: Photography, art, music, writing, and other creative disciplines.

Steps to Get Started

To develop and sell online courses as a passive income stream, follow these steps:
  1. Identify Your Niche: Determine the subject area where you possess valuable knowledge or expertise that others are willing to pay for.
  2. Plan and Structure Your Course: Outline the course content, breaking it down into modules or lessons, and determine the format (videos, text, assignments, etc.).
  3. Create Course Materials: Develop high-quality course content, including video lectures, presentations, worksheets, and other supporting materials.
  4. Choose a Platform: Select an online course platform like Udemy, Coursera, or Skillshare to host and sell your course.
  5. Market and Promote: Utilize effective marketing strategies, such as social media promotion, email marketing, and leveraging influencers or industry experts to reach your target audience.
While creating an online course requires upfront effort, once it's launched, you can earn passive income as students enroll and purchase your course. Additionally, you can continually update and improve your course over time to maintain its relevance and value.

Section 4: Automated Systems for Passive Income

In the digital age, leveraging automated systems and software tools has become a powerful way to generate passive income. By harnessing the power of technology, you can streamline processes, automate tasks, and create income-generating systems that operate with minimal ongoing effort.

Subsection 4.1: Utilizing Software and Tools

There are various software and tools available that can automate income-generating tasks, freeing up your time and enabling you to earn passive income more efficiently.


Some examples of automated systems and tools for passive income include:
  1. Affiliate Marketing Platforms: Software that automates the process of promoting and tracking affiliate links, enabling you to earn commissions from product or service sales.
  2. Email Autoresponders: Tools that allow you to create and send automated email sequences, nurturing leads and promoting offers without manual intervention.
  3. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Conversational AI-powered systems that can handle customer inquiries, provide product recommendations, and even facilitate sales.
  4. Content Syndication Tools: Platforms that automatically distribute your content across multiple channels, increasing reach and generating passive income through advertising or affiliate marketing.

Steps to Get Started

To leverage automated systems and tools for passive income, follow these steps:
  1. Identify Suitable Tools: Research and evaluate various software and tools that align with your passive income goals and strategies.
  2. Learn and Implement: Dedicate time to learning how to effectively use the chosen tools, following tutorials, guides, and best practices.
  3. Integrate and Automate: Set up the tools and systems to automate specific tasks or processes, creating streamlined workflows for passive income generation.
  4. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly monitor the performance of your automated systems, gathering data and insights to optimize and improve their effectiveness over time.
While automated systems and tools require an initial investment of time and resources to set up, they can significantly amplify your passive income potential by automating repetitive tasks and enabling your income streams to operate with minimal ongoing effort.

Section 5: Case Studies and Success Stories

To illustrate the potential of passive income strategies and inspire you on your journey, let's explore some real-life case studies and success stories:

Example 1: Real Estate Investor Achieves Financial Freedom

Sarah, a former corporate employee, had always dreamed of achieving financial freedom and escaping the 9-to-5 grind. After careful planning and research, she ventured into real estate investing by purchasing her first rental property. Over the years, Sarah reinvested her profits and expanded her portfolio, eventually owning multiple rental properties across different markets.
Today, Sarah earns a substantial passive income from her real estate investments, allowing her to quit her corporate job and pursue her passions. She spends her time traveling, volunteering, and enjoying her newfound freedom while her properties generate steady rental income.

Example 2: Online Entrepreneur Builds Multiple Income Streams

John, a tech-savvy entrepreneur, recognized the power of the internet and the potential for passive income. He started by creating and selling digital products, such as e-books and online courses, leveraging his expertise in web development and design.
As his digital product sales grew, John reinvested his profits into building an e-commerce store, dropshipping products in high demand. He also ventured into affiliate marketing, promoting products and services through his website and social media channels.
Today, John enjoys a lifestyle of financial freedom, earning passive income from his diverse online ventures. He can work from anywhere in the world, while his automated systems and established income streams continue to generate revenue.
These success stories demonstrate that with dedication, strategic planning, and a willingness to embrace new opportunities, it is possible to achieve financial freedom through passive income streams.


In the ever-changing landscape of the modern economy, diversifying your income sources and cultivating passive income streams has become increasingly crucial for achieving financial independence and freedom. From real estate investments and stock market opportunities to online businesses, digital products, and automated systems, the strategies outlined in this article provide a comprehensive guide to unlocking the potential of passive income.
It's important to remember that building sustainable passive income streams requires initial effort, dedication, and a willingness to continuously learn and adapt. However, by taking the first step and consistently implementing the strategies that align with your goals and resources, you can gradually build a reliable foundation for passive income generation.
Embrace the power of passive income, and embark on a journey towards financial freedom. The path may not be easy, but the rewards of achieving a lifestyle free from the constraints of traditional employment are well worth the effort.



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Unlocking Passive Income Streams: Strategies for Financial Freedom in 2024
In today's fast-paced world, where job security is no longer a certainty and traditional employment models are evolving, the quest for financial freedom has become more crucial than ever. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is by establishing multiple streams of passive income – sources of revenue that require minimal effort to maintain once set up. This article delves into various strategies for earning passive income online, providing actionable steps for each method.

Section 1: Understanding Passive Income

What is Passive Income?

Passive income refers to earnings generated from sources that do not require active involvement or labor once the initial effort has been put in. Unlike active income, which is earned through traditional employment or self-employment, passive income continues to flow in even when you're not actively working. This concept has gained immense popularity in recent years as more individuals seek ways to break free from the constraints of the 9-to-5 grind and achieve financial independence.

Benefits of Passive Income

The allure of passive income lies in its ability to provide a consistent revenue stream with minimal ongoing effort. Here are some of the key benefits of building passive income sources:
  1. Financial Freedom: Passive income can supplement or even replace traditional employment income, allowing you to achieve financial independence and pursue your passions without worrying about money.
  2. Diversification: By diversifying your income streams, you reduce your reliance on a single source of income, mitigating risks and providing a safety net in case one stream dries up.
  3. Scalability: Many passive income strategies can be scaled up, allowing you to increase your earnings without proportionally increasing your workload.
  4. Lifestyle Flexibility: With passive income, you can enjoy greater flexibility in your lifestyle, as you are not tied to a specific location or schedule.

Passive Income vs. Active Income

While both passive and active income contribute to your overall financial well-being, they differ in several ways:
  • Effort Required: Active income requires ongoing effort and labor, while passive income requires initial effort to set up but minimal ongoing work.
  • Time Commitment: Active income is directly tied to the time you invest in working, whereas passive income can generate revenue even when you're not actively working.
  • Scalability: Active income is limited by the number of hours you can work, while passive income can be scaled up more easily by leveraging systems and automation.
  • Risk Diversification: Passive income streams provide diversification, reducing the risk of relying solely on active income from a single source.
By combining active and passive income sources, you can create a well-rounded financial portfolio that provides stability, flexibility, and the potential for long-term wealth building.

Section 2: Popular Passive Income Strategies

There are numerous ways to generate passive income, ranging from traditional investment vehicles to modern online opportunities. Let's explore some of the most popular strategies:

Subsection 2.1: Real Estate Investments

Real estate has long been a favored passive income source for many investors. By owning rental properties, you can generate a steady stream of rental income with minimal effort once the property is acquired and tenants are in place.


Real estate investments can take various forms, including:
  1. Rental Properties: Purchasing residential or commercial properties and renting them out to tenants.
  2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): Investing in companies that own and operate income-producing real estate.
  3. Crowdfunding Real Estate Platforms: Pooling funds with other investors to purchase income-generating properties.

Steps to Get Started

Getting started with real estate investments involves the following steps:
  1. Research and Analysis: Conduct thorough market research to identify profitable investment opportunities and evaluate potential risks.
  2. Financing: Secure financing through traditional mortgages, private lenders, or alternative financing options.
  3. Property Management: Hire a professional property management company or handle tenant screening, maintenance, and rent collection yourself.
  4. Ongoing Monitoring: Regularly review your investment performance and adjust your strategy as needed.
While real estate investments can be lucrative, they also require significant upfront capital and carry inherent risks, such as vacancies, property maintenance, and market fluctuations.

Subsection 2.2: Stock Market Investments

Investing in the stock market is another popular way to generate passive income. By carefully selecting dividend-paying stocks or investing in index funds, you can earn regular income from your investments.


Stock market investments for passive income can take the following forms:
  1. Dividend Stocks: Owning shares in companies that distribute a portion of their profits to shareholders in the form of dividends.
  2. Index Funds: Investing in low-cost, diversified funds that track the performance of a specific market index, such as the S&P 500.
  3. Mutual Funds: Professionally managed investment funds that hold a diverse portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Steps to Get Started

To start investing in the stock market for passive income, follow these steps:
  1. Open a Brokerage Account: Choose a reputable online brokerage platform that suits your investment needs and budget.
  2. Research and Select Investments: Conduct thorough research on potential investments, considering factors such as dividend yield, historical performance, and risk profile.
  3. Develop an Investment Strategy: Determine your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon, and create a diversified portfolio accordingly.
  4. Regularly Monitor and Rebalance: Periodically review your investments and rebalance your portfolio as needed to maintain your desired asset allocation.
While stock market investments offer the potential for passive income and long-term growth, they also carry market risks, and returns are not guaranteed.

Subsection 2.3: Online Businesses

The rise of the internet has opened up a world of opportunities for generating passive income through online businesses. From e-commerce to affiliate marketing, these ventures can be lucrative and scalable once established.


Popular online business models for passive income include:
  1. E-commerce: Building and operating an online store that sells physical or digital products.
  2. Dropshipping: A retail fulfillment model where products are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer, eliminating the need for inventory management.
  3. Affiliate Marketing: Earning commissions by promoting other companies' products or services through your website, social media, or other online platforms.

Steps to Get Started

Starting an online business for passive income involves the following steps:
  1. Choose a Business Model: Evaluate different online business models and select one that aligns with your interests, skills, and goals.
  2. Conduct Market Research: Identify a profitable niche, analyze the competition, and assess the demand for your products or services.
  3. Build an Online Presence: Create a professional website, set up e-commerce platforms, and establish a strong online brand.
  4. Implement Marketing Strategies: Utilize effective marketing techniques, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing, to drive traffic and sales.
  5. Automate Processes: Leverage tools and software to automate repetitive tasks, streamlining operations and freeing up time for scaling and growth.
While online businesses offer flexibility and scalability, they require upfront effort, consistent marketing, and adaptability to changing market trends and consumer preferences.

Section 3: Digital Products and Courses

In the digital age, creating and selling digital products and online courses have become lucrative passive income streams. By leveraging your expertise and knowledge, you can create valuable resources that generate ongoing revenue with minimal ongoing effort.

Subsection 3.1: Creating and Selling E-books

E-books have emerged as a popular and accessible way to share knowledge, expertise, or creative works while earning passive income. With the rise of self-publishing platforms and the growing popularity of e-readers, the e-book market has become a viable avenue for authors and subject matter experts.


E-books can cover a wide range of topics, including:
  1. Non-Fiction: Self-help, business, personal development, and educational content.
  2. Fiction: Novels, short stories, and creative writing across various genres.
  3. Reference Materials: Guides, manuals, and instructional resources.

Steps to Get Started

To start earning passive income through e-book sales, follow these steps:
  1. Choose Your Topic: Identify a niche or subject area where you have expertise or a unique perspective to offer.
  2. Write and Edit: Craft a high-quality e-book by writing compelling content, ensuring proper formatting, and editing for clarity and accuracy.
  3. Design and Format: Create an attractive cover design and properly format your e-book for different platforms and devices.
  4. Self-Publish: Upload your e-book to popular self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Barnes & Noble Press, or Apple Books. These platforms handle the distribution and sale of your e-book.
  5. Market and Promote: Implement effective marketing strategies, such as social media promotion, email marketing, and leveraging influencers or book bloggers to reach your target audience.
While e-book sales may start slow, with consistent effort and effective promotion, you can build a passive income stream that continues to generate revenue over time.

Subsection 3.2: Developing Online Courses

In today's knowledge-driven economy, sharing your expertise through online courses has become a lucrative passive income opportunity. With the rise of e-learning platforms and the increasing demand for remote education, creating and selling online courses can be a rewarding venture.


Online courses can cover a wide range of topics, including:
  1. Professional Skills: Business, marketing, programming, design, and other career-related subjects.
  2. Personal Development: Health, fitness, productivity, and self-improvement topics.
  3. Creative Pursuits: Photography, art, music, writing, and other creative disciplines.

Steps to Get Started

To develop and sell online courses as a passive income stream, follow these steps:
  1. Identify Your Niche: Determine the subject area where you possess valuable knowledge or expertise that others are willing to pay for.
  2. Plan and Structure Your Course: Outline the course content, breaking it down into modules or lessons, and determine the format (videos, text, assignments, etc.).
  3. Create Course Materials: Develop high-quality course content, including video lectures, presentations, worksheets, and other supporting materials.
  4. Choose a Platform: Select an online course platform like Udemy, Coursera, or Skillshare to host and sell your course.
  5. Market and Promote: Utilize effective marketing strategies, such as social media promotion, email marketing, and leveraging influencers or industry experts to reach your target audience.
While creating an online course requires upfront effort, once it's launched, you can earn passive income as students enroll and purchase your course. Additionally, you can continually update and improve your course over time to maintain its relevance and value.

Section 4: Automated Systems for Passive Income

In the digital age, leveraging automated systems and software tools has become a powerful way to generate passive income. By harnessing the power of technology, you can streamline processes, automate tasks, and create income-generating systems that operate with minimal ongoing effort.

Subsection 4.1: Utilizing Software and Tools

There are various software and tools available that can automate income-generating tasks, freeing up your time and enabling you to earn passive income more efficiently.


Some examples of automated systems and tools for passive income include:
  1. Affiliate Marketing Platforms: Software that automates the process of promoting and tracking affiliate links, enabling you to earn commissions from product or service sales.
  2. Email Autoresponders: Tools that allow you to create and send automated email sequences, nurturing leads and promoting offers without manual intervention.
  3. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Conversational AI-powered systems that can handle customer inquiries, provide product recommendations, and even facilitate sales.
  4. Content Syndication Tools: Platforms that automatically distribute your content across multiple channels, increasing reach and generating passive income through advertising or affiliate marketing.

Steps to Get Started

To leverage automated systems and tools for passive income, follow these steps:
  1. Identify Suitable Tools: Research and evaluate various software and tools that align with your passive income goals and strategies.
  2. Learn and Implement: Dedicate time to learning how to effectively use the chosen tools, following tutorials, guides, and best practices.
  3. Integrate and Automate: Set up the tools and systems to automate specific tasks or processes, creating streamlined workflows for passive income generation.
  4. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly monitor the performance of your automated systems, gathering data and insights to optimize and improve their effectiveness over time.
While automated systems and tools require an initial investment of time and resources to set up, they can significantly amplify your passive income potential by automating repetitive tasks and enabling your income streams to operate with minimal ongoing effort.

Section 5: Case Studies and Success Stories

To illustrate the potential of passive income strategies and inspire you on your journey, let's explore some real-life case studies and success stories:

Example 1: Real Estate Investor Achieves Financial Freedom

Sarah, a former corporate employee, had always dreamed of achieving financial freedom and escaping the 9-to-5 grind. After careful planning and research, she ventured into real estate investing by purchasing her first rental property. Over the years, Sarah reinvested her profits and expanded her portfolio, eventually owning multiple rental properties across different markets.
Today, Sarah earns a substantial passive income from her real estate investments, allowing her to quit her corporate job and pursue her passions. She spends her time traveling, volunteering, and enjoying her newfound freedom while her properties generate steady rental income.

Example 2: Online Entrepreneur Builds Multiple Income Streams

John, a tech-savvy entrepreneur, recognized the power of the internet and the potential for passive income. He started by creating and selling digital products, such as e-books and online courses, leveraging his expertise in web development and design.
As his digital product sales grew, John reinvested his profits into building an e-commerce store, dropshipping products in high demand. He also ventured into affiliate marketing, promoting products and services through his website and social media channels.
Today, John enjoys a lifestyle of financial freedom, earning passive income from his diverse online ventures. He can work from anywhere in the world, while his automated systems and established income streams continue to generate revenue.
These success stories demonstrate that with dedication, strategic planning, and a willingness to embrace new opportunities, it is possible to achieve financial freedom through passive income streams.


In the ever-changing landscape of the modern economy, diversifying your income sources and cultivating passive income streams has become increasingly crucial for achieving financial independence and freedom. From real estate investments and stock market opportunities to online businesses, digital products, and automated systems, the strategies outlined in this article provide a comprehensive guide to unlocking the potential of passive income.
It's important to remember that building sustainable passive income streams requires initial effort, dedication, and a willingness to continuously learn and adapt. However, by taking the first step and consistently implementing the strategies that align with your goals and resources, you can gradually build a reliable foundation for passive income generation.
Embrace the power of passive income, and embark on a journey towards financial freedom. The path may not be easy, but the rewards of achieving a lifestyle free from the constraints of traditional employment are well worth the effort.



If you're looking for a streamlined and proven way to earn passive income, consider automated systems that leverage the power of technology and artificial intelligence.

Product Recommendation: AMZ Automator

One such system is the AMZ Automator, a revolutionary platform that uses an AI system to generate commissions by uploading done-for-you books to Amazon Kindle. With AMZ Automator, you can tap into the lucrative world of passive income with minimal effort and no upfront costs.

Brief Description

AMZ Automator eliminates the need for tech setup, manual work, or substantial investments. Its AI-powered system creates and uploads high-quality, ready-to-sell books to Amazon Kindle, enabling you to earn commissions with just a few clicks. The platform takes care of the entire process, from book creation to promotion and sales, allowing you to earn passive income while you sleep.


  • No tech setup required
  • No upfront cost or hidden fees
  • Instant payments and commissions
  • Completely automated system
  • Proven results and success stories

Call to Action

Take the first step towards financial freedom and unlock the power of passive income with AMZ Automator. Click here to learn more and start earning passive income today:
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

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If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
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submitted by ryanmark234 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:34 John_Smith_4724 Online Nursing Exam Help Reddit Nursing Exam Taker Reddit Nursing Class Help Reddit do my nursing Class Reddit Nursing Assignment Help Reddit Nursing Homework Helper Reddit Nursing course Help Reddit Take my Nursing Course Reddit Nursing Test Quiz Help Reddit Hire Expert Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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submitted by John_Smith_4724 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:59 Ciez17 Fantasy children’s book is about two elves/fairies(?) who ride a giant fox at some point, pictures are photographs.

The pictures are photography and the elves are puppets/dolls, possibly by Jim Henson studios but I’m not sure. I haven’t seen this book since 4th grade but I vaguely remember the two main characters resembling the Dark Crystal’s main leads but I saw the movie yeeeeaaaars after. Unfortunately I can’t recall the plot.
Edit: Now that I remember, I don't think they rode the fox per se, but they definitely encountered one at some point. I think it was on the cover.It was a giant fox, at least it seemed like it since they were so small.
submitted by Ciez17 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:28 LanguageEmergency904 I Have A Crush on Someone In My Friend Group What Do I Do?

(I have never done this before so plz bare with me and if this turns out bad plz don’t judge and I’m sorry)
So for a bit of context I(15m) and the girl for the sake of this we will call Lara(15f) have been friends with each other since we were freshman’s(were sophomores now) but honestly you could say that I knew her longer than that because I had to move schools when I was in like 4th grade and we went to the same school. Anyway so freshman year I saw her and she remembered me back from my old school same with some other people
Now when I saw Lara I had to admit she was pretty cute in my opinion but I never told her that and also I wasn’t in the mind space to be in a relationship at the time mainly to focus on school.
So a couple of weeks after high school started we made like a old school friend group which I was in which I absolutely love to be in and I’m incredibly grateful they accepted me in they friend group. But then after more weeks past 4 people in the friend group I was in were in relationships with each other including Lara and her bf who we will call Tom
Now to be honest I wasn’t mad in the slightest and they were an actual cute couple but like at the end of the school year they broke up mainly due them just not seeming to connect anymore which kinda sucked for them cause they are both cool people. now to 2 of them are kinda awkward around each other
Now skip to this year at homecoming a few months ago half of are group wasn’t with us so we just kinda had to make due without them so in that time period me and Lara and the rest of the group danced a little then Sat right back down. then we kinda just split up to do our own things so in that time period me and Lara were just talking to each other that entire time which was really nice and relaxing and talking to her made me realize how much i still liked her but with me knowing that I could lose everything I accomplished with this group makes me feel so worried and I never was in a relationship before so I wouldn’t know what to do anyway
But I feel like I’m ready and really want to be with this girl and valentines day is coming up making me even more nervous so here I am asking Reddit
What should I do. Do I shoot my shot or do I just cut the loss on this?
(Edit Ik the date doesn’t align with the story this was a couple of months ago when I posted it and I wanted to repost it just cause)
submitted by LanguageEmergency904 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:57 Odd_Staff8266 What is this flavor combo?

What is this flavor combo?
We know the girl loves a cup of sugar. But, s’mores, coconut, and strawberry? 🤢
submitted by Odd_Staff8266 to bashinthebiehles [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:57 bpork [US,US] [H] duplicate AA (Leafeon V, Glaceon V, Machamp V, Glaceon VMAX PSA 10), binders, Singles (most eras), Slabs (Zards, Hidden Fates, Suicune & Entei Legend top & bottom) [W] Venusaur XY123, raw Leafeon & Espeon VMAX AA, S&V BBs, low priority wantlist, PayPal F&F, grails maybe

New Stuff in the two links below!
Singles - (pricing for > $100)
UltraX Binder
Sold/Traded from previous posts: Wailord (26), RHLC Exeggcute, most of the 1st ed Neo U/C, some McDs promos, Call of Legends: Mismagius RH, Slowking RH, Pachirisu, Donphan, Magmortar, Skarmory, Amphoros, Flaaffy, Jirachi, Smeargle, Forretress Holo HGSS Base: Typhlosion Prime Ruby and Sapphire Base: Numel RH, Lairon RH, Vigoroth RH, Mightyena RH Sandstorm: Umbreon, Eevee, Sandslash FRLG: Cloyster, Wartortle, Porygon, Pikachu Holon Phantoms: Bellossom, Holon’s Castform, Pidgeotto, Grass Energy TRR: Delibird, Psyduck Legend Makers: Machamp, Wailord Dragon Frontiers: Trapinch RH Delta Species: Slow king Power Keepers: Pikachu Unseen Forces: Ho-Oh, Cleffa Evolutions: Grass Energy RH, Slowbro EX, M Slowbro EX, M Pidgeot EX, Flying Pikachu, Surfing Pikachu, Ninetales RH, Chansey Holo, Magikarp RH, Gyarados Holo, Holon Phantoms Holo Psychic Energy, Evolutions Rev Holo Psychic Energy, Rising Rivals Alakazam Team Rocket Dark Alakazam, Erika's Venusaur, Sabrina's Gengar, Blaine's Moltres
This is going to be the last time I'll be able to post these with older timestamps!
Singles (I doubt there's any gradable vintage in here, and all < $100)
As I get inquiries on singles, I'll try to update the sheet with conditions, pictures, and pricing.
For the binders, there is mainly low-mid grade stuff (TV based off 90% TCGplayer) in the various binders. There's a lot of TGs I want from both SwSh & SV. I can definitely look at what you have too, but probably looking for more consolidation type trades/stuff I randomly like/lower priority want list.
Black Binder (mid-Eras)
Gengar Binder (WoTC/Neo)
Ultra Pro Binder (cheap modern+shadowless)
Mewtwo Binder (assorted+a little PC)
Celebrations Binder (modern)
Lower Priority want list: XY Promos, Southern Islands, Skyridge, S&V BBs, 151 SIIR (will take a look any SIIR though), TGs, ETBs
About sending stuff out, I will need a high level of confidence in higher value trades. Free BMWT for PP > $60. Otherwise, PWE at most is $1 and BMWT at most is $5.
If you do happen to have a raw Espeon VMAX AA, I do have a PSA 10 copy available!
Thanks for taking a look and have a wonderful day/night!
submitted by bpork to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:42 Sebby19 List of every error/mistake/contradiction in the 5-6 Player Extensions (March 2024 update)

Since new rulebooks dropped, it was only a matter of time before I went with a magnifying glass over these! Since I previously covered these errors in my larger list a couple years ago (Compilation of every erromistake/contradiction/etc., that I can find in the 'current' rulebooks. ), I will also compare and see what was fixed (in strikethrough), what is still there, and what is new (in bold). If there is an old error I missed the first time, there will be a * in front of it.
Base Game's 5-6 Player:
5-6 Seafarers
  1. For Scenario 2, regular Seafarers says to put the Robber on the 12 Token. However, in the extension, there are two to choose from (12-Fields and 12-Pasture). Which one? Apparently, the 2-Pasture hex
  2. For Scenario 3, regular Seafarers says to put the Robber on the 12 Token. However, in the extension, the Desert is reintroduced. So should the Robber go there instead? Or 12-Mountain/12-Hills hex? Robber is on the Desert.
  3. For Scenario 4 and 8, I suppose it doesn't matter which Desert the Robber starts on. Just odd there is no marker here, but there IS a Robber marked for Scenario 5. Inconsistent.
  1. Adding up all the tokens equals 40, when the total below says 39. Since there will be 39 resource producing hexes, there is an extra # token in the count above.
  2. However, the Base Game's 5-6 extension only has 28 tokens, while Seafarers adds 10 more (total 38). This implies a # token should be taken from the Base Game, so the rulebook should make that clear
  3. Related to that, it says there should be 5 copies of the 5-9 tokens. This is impossible, since Base 5-6 + SF should have 3 copies of 2 and 12, 4 of everything else. Again, implying more tokens from the Base Game need to be taken, but it never states this.
5-6 Cities & Knights: No mistakes! It is STILL clean!!!
5-6 Traders & Barbarians
  1. '6-1'>'1-2'>'2-2'>'2-3'>'3-3'>'3-4'>'4-5'>'5-5'>'5-6'>'6-6'>; page 3 instead displays (from top-left, clockwise):
  2. '6-1'>'2-2'>'1-2'>'3-3'>'3-4'>'2-3'>'6-6'>'4-5'>'5-5'>'5-6'>. If this is supposed to be intentional, the rulebook should either state this (or be more specific), or make the image bigger, since I had to squint to see the different layout.
  3. Also, if the different frame setup is intentional, why not show T&B's version of the '5-6' frame piece (with the missing coast)?
5-6 Explorers & Pirates
  1. The terrain hexes from regular E&P should show 2 Fields hexes, and 1 of everything else. Instead its showing 2 Mountain hexes (which is only correct for the Green Moon side)
  2. The terrain hexes from E&P's extension should be Mountain-Pasture-Hills. Instead its showing Mountain-Forest-Fields (again, only correct for the Green Moon side)
So to summarize:
  1. Base Game Extension: Originally 2 errors, 1 was fixed, 1 was added
  2. Seafarers Extensions: Originally 12 errors. 9 were fixed, 2 were added
  3. C&K Extension: Never had errors, none were added :)
  4. T&B Extension: Originally 9 errors. 1 was fixed, and 1 was added >:(
  5. E&P Extension: Originally 3 errors. 1 was fixed, 1 was added.
In the end, I'm a little disappointed. The only extension rulebook that saw any real improvement was SF. I wasn't planning on buying any Extensions until the rules were updated with the new Paired Players system. But... maybe I'll just have to wait for the 6th Edition, in 2030. :(
I shouldn't be so hard on them, as I missed several errors myself the first time around. Even some of my own errors in my original list (fixed now). But I'm just some bored shmuck doing this in my free time. I'd expect more from a corporation.
submitted by Sebby19 to Catan [link] [comments]

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submitted by MortgageRich3613 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:22 BaxGh0st What was this test that I took as a child?

Sorry if this isn't the correct sub.
I've been wondering about this for years. When I was a child (probably 4th or 5th grade) I was pulled out of class one day and sent to the gym with some other kids that I didn't know. They gave me some large Legos, a string, and some other things I can't remember. They told me to build something with it and that was it. I built two towers and then put the string across them like a tightrope.
After that I went back to class and never heard anything about it again. The other kids stayed in the gym.
Any idea what they were testing for? This would have been around 2004 or 2005.
Edit: Now that im thinking about it, they told me to use as few of the building materials as possible.
submitted by BaxGh0st to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:05 Hereibe Post Mortem Breakdown Of the Lore.Fm Debacle

Post Mortem Breakdown Of the Lore.Fm Debacle

People Involved

  • TikTok user, face of and sole person appearing in all the official TikToks
  • WishRoll, the company behind that has previously made an AI-story-generating app, and was on Forbes 30 Under 30 for their music-sharing app Kiwi


  • May 6 24 TikTok user posted a TikTok titled "pov: you built a personal app for yourself that turns any ao3 fic into an audiobook but your mom is asking you what you're listening to when you're washing the dishes (it's a 90k word gojo x reader angsty slowburn).
  • From May 6 - May 16 the account continues to upload videos where the app allegedly goes from a personal project to a fully completed app called calling for Betas and eventually fully launching on May 16 2024 posting invite links & puzzle videos to guess the invite code of the day to generate buzz. The videos with the invite code puzzles have since been deleted since the screenshot below.
  • Throughout May 6 - May 18 (the time of posting for this write up) any negative comments or comments that expressed concerns were deleted by Any comments that contained polite questions deemed too difficult to answer were also deleted.
  • People with experience in creating and launching an app noticed that it is highly unlikely this was a simple personal project considering how fast it got everything together for launch. Later people began to research the creators of this app, but at this time any comments expressing suspicion this was a simple personal project striking lightning were deleted.
  • Each video marketed the app as "Audible for Ao3". Unlike Audible, which uses voice actors and gains full rights and permission from authors, used AI generated voices (created with voice actors who consented to their voices being used for AI) and did not ask for any permission.
  • The way the app was intended to work according to the Apple Store was that users could add any link they wanted and the app would generate an audiobook with the voice they selected. This data would be stored both locally and on's servers.
  • On TikTok, was saying that eventually the app would have even more capabilities. Eventually the app developers wanted a "Spotify Wrapped" experience. They wanted a top charts list with most listened to fics on the platform.
  • In's TOS it explicitly bans using the app to circulate and disseminate various things like scams, solicitations, etc. This implies the app was always intended NOT to be only a personal library.
  • May 16 2024 officially launches in the Apple Store and the Google Play Store. It uses Archive of Our Own's urls in it's demo pictures. According to the opening paragraphs of the TOS there was no data scraping for AI learning nor was there any third party selling of data. According to Privacy Policy they work with third-party partners and services to obtain data about their users.
  • May 16 2024 The Privacy Policy on confirmed that despite conflicting comments by on TikTok, the app WOULD store a copy on the users device and on's servers. Their policies stated that it was the users granting them permission, despite knowing for a fact their users would not be uploading material with a clear copyright in their name. "Information submitted to will be transferred to, processed, and stored in the United States. When you use the Software on your computing device, User Content you save will be stored locally on that device and synced with our servers. If you post or transfer any Information to or through our App, Software, and/or Services, you are agreeing to such Information, including Personal Data and User Content, being hosted and accessed in the United States."
  • May 16 2024 u/totallymandy posts a reddit thread titled "Audible for Ao3 :/" which brings attention to this app from people who do not use TikTok.
  • Redditors find one of the rare times answers a question, confirming that cannot access locked fanfiction (fanfiction on Archive of Our Own that has been set to be viewable only by people who are logged into an AO3 account). See screenshot section below.
  • This quickly spirals into multiple threads all over Ao3, Tumblr, and Twitter. There were posts on Tumblr prior to this one, but the post that ended up traveling wildly through Tumblr was posted by creativitycache on May 16th
  • May 16-17 Authors begin massively flooding into the []( email inbox to Opt Out. The team is unprepared for this, and begins responding with wildly unprofessional and guilt tripping responses. Eventually as the flood continued the responses became standardized. Ex 1, Ex 2, Ex 3
  • May 17 It became clear the team is monitoring both Tumblr and Reddit, as they are linking directly to reddit threads in their replies and are addressing Tumblr posts in response to private dms. rivkae-winters on Tumblr got some of the first replies showing they were actively reading threads on other websites. It was just as unprofessional as you'd expect.
  • May 16 Users became aware that previously the team that worked on produced a story-generating AI app that has gotten terrible reviews. This deepens the distrust that data uploaded to will not be later used for furthering AI stories, despite the current TOS. Redditors, Tumblrites, and whatever Twitter users call themselves now all began to speculate just how the app was planning on running. Where were they getting the funds? Where were funds projected to come from in the future?
  • May 17 A TikTok is posted by stating they are pausing release of This TikTok does NOT state they are shutting down entirely, but that they are considering it and are opening a discussion. They continue to delete any critical comments on their TikToks. Other users pointed out that this TikTok contains language accusing any detractors of ableism, not mentioning the main reasons people are upset/not actually addressing the concerns people have, calling other screen readers poor products, and using auto-generated captions that were not edited and have multiple errors in them despite touting themselves as an accessibility company.
  • May 18 is finally pulled from the app stores. The main website remains online, as does their TikTok account.

Problems With The App

  • Copyright laws are a nightmare, and I'm not touching the legalese breakdown here. Just in general, that. AO3 doesn't have an official app for deliberate reasons, due to the app store's policies.
  • Using AO3 as a content-generator for an app. If it were a screen reader, or one of the other various apps that read things in a pleasant voice for accessibility reasons, there would be no problem. But this was a separate app that did not link back to AO3 or allow its users to give AO3 writers any interaction/feedback. This app essentially billed itself as a way to package free fan work provided to AO3 as content it controlled.
  • Suspicion of intent. How were the developers going to recoup their costs? Why wasn't the data encrypted? Why were they marketing this as specifically for AO3 instead of a general accessibility tool? Why were they not addressing any concerns brought to them before or after launch? Why were they marketing this as a small personal project that implied it was a fan-created app, instead of putting their company name big and bold on it? What were their intentions regarding their other story AI app?
  • Opt Out/Consent Since this app was in a legal quagmire, clearly not designed primarily as an accessibility tool, and was hiding all criticism, authors did not feel comfortable with their work being used for this app. They were especially furious that they had to reach out to the team and ask to be taken off- they had nothing to do with this project and yet were being told it was their responsibility to refuse instead of's responsibility to ask. Authors were also upset on behalf of all the works marked Anonymous, Orphaned Worked, works where the Author's didn't have a way of even hearing about this app's existence, and deceased Authors who never could have predicted an app like this.
Let me know if I missed anything!

submitted by Hereibe to Lore_Fm [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:21 CriticalMemory RPG Collection for Sale

Hey folks -- I'm paring back my collection and looking for a buyer for the whole thing. I won't sell individual pieces. I've got an offer from one of the online stores for $1250 for store credit, so that's my minimum, and you pay shipping (it's ~7 file boxes full). Let me know if you're interested. It contains...
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submitted by CriticalMemory to rpgtrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:09 romomomomomomo Looking for books

Hi! Ive been looking for some books, and I would appreciate help in finding them for free/cheap (i would rather them be free, but i understand)
Social Media Marketing by Tuten, 4th 21 edition, ISBN13 8220122564408
Graphic Design School by David Dabner, Sandra Stewart, Abbie Vickress, 8th edition 24, ISBN13 9781394185689
Thanks in advance!
submitted by romomomomomomo to Textbooksfinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:32 YakiTapioca NoP: A Recipe for Disaster (Part 41)

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Hello again! This batch of chapters is looking pretty spicy, and I'm really excited to share them with you! Not really much else to say, tbh, other than that I'm once again really thankful for all of your patience and understanding when it comes to my upload schedule. I know it's tough sometimes to drop in and out of stories like this, and even worse to see the last upload date for a story you like being "100 days ago," but we're still making our way there slowly! Besides, the most tender dishes are the ones that boil slowly~
As always, I hope you enjoy reading! :D
Fanart: The Brightest Star in the Night Sky, by u/Frostedscales
Thank you to Philodox on discord for proofreading and editing RfD.
Thank you to Pampanope on reddit for the cover art.

Memory Transcript Subject: Sylvan, Venlil Citizen
Date: [Standardized Human Time]: December 13, 2136

“Everything’s good to go over here, Kenta! How about you?”
“Fine on my end too boss! Though I still don’t know how to feel about how I’ve arranged the sandwiche– err… sylvanas. Cucumber salad next to blueberry? They kind of don’t match…”
“I already told you a million times, they look fine!”
“You sure…?”
“I’m sure! Now are you ready to start this thing?”
“Then let’s go!”
I shut the door to the kitchen, making sure that I had not left anything behind that would be needed for the day, then began wheeling out the final cart of amenities. As I rolled it down the wooden floor of my emptied out diner, one long serving tray jostled back and forth across the surface top.
I looked down to recap my inventory. A motley of sylvanas cleanly cut into triangles lay in an ornate pattern atop a decorative bed of raw ipsom grain stalks, spiraling around the edges of the plate as it creeped its way closer to the center. The sylvanas were split into clear groups based not only on their filling, but of the colour of that filling as well, creating a literal rainbow of flavours to choose from. By all means, it was an absolutely marvelous display of art; a visual performance that I had no idea could be captured in something like a dish to be served at such a quaint event. Kenta, however, seemed to still be worrying over it.
Despite it apparently being part of the name according to my translator, the Terran fruit named “blueberry” was actually a deep shade of indigo rather than blue, especially when crushed into a form of jam. As a result, lacking any blue to connect the various green options of our rainbow to that of the very limited indigo, Kenta had ended up spending much too long worrying over such a minute detail.
‘What a dummy…’ I thought back to myself with a slight chuckle. ‘I guess he’s worrying about this just as much as I am.’
Hardly two or three steps remained between the food cart and the diner’s entrance. Hastily, I jogged up to the front door to prop it open. However, when I went to turn the handle, I felt it give way without even the slightest push. Someone was pulling it from the other side, causing me to be yanked forward and stumble. Looking up, I saw the rusty figure of Fehnel standing impatiently in the doorway.
“You almost done in here, Sylvan?” she asked in a hurried breath. “Here, let me help you with that.”
Before hearing my response, Fehnel had already grabbed ahold on the cart and began pulling it outside without delay. I let go and didn’t attempt to stop her, knowing full well the farm woman was likely much stronger than I. In a blur, she was already far from the door, and I began jogging after her in an attempt to keep up.
Just as the day before, the Inverter was powered on and running perfectly. The metal pylon let out a slight, continuous hum as it projected an energetic beam from its center, which split at the apex around the height of the Lackadaisy and fell down in a parabolic curve, creating a tangible anti-gravity field in its wake.
Just outside the field, it became immediately clear just how necessary this piece of advanced Federation technology was. Beyond the radiant dome, a thick rain riddled the sky and drowned the world it fell unto. A harsh wind howled and distant thunder roared, which combined with the rain to push against the field to no avail. Within, where so many confectionaries, decorations, and other preparations had been so carefully placed, not even the paw of Solgalick could disrupt us.
“You know this would be goin’ a lot faster if I could jus’ start grabbin’ the food ma’self,” Fehnel commented in a tone too preoccupied to be annoyed.
As I ran after the hauling Yotul, I tried to say, “Fehnel, I’d really appreciate it if you would–”
“I know, I know,” she interrupted back, seemingly distant. “You want me to ‘not go into the diner during the event.’ Listen Sylvan, I get that Kahnta back there is a fainter, but don’t you think that this is a tad extreme? We’re on a tight schedule here, y’know?”
“I know… it’s just kind of a golden rule. I can’t stress to you enough how important it is that nobody does so much as peak in there,” I reiterated as I jogged alongside the speeding Yotul. “And don’t worry. Once everything starts, then you can feel free to socialize and spend the day with your daughter. I’ll take care of restocking the food.”
“I suppose that’s awful nice of ya,” Fehnel breathed out. “Sure you won’t be tirin’ yourself out, hun?”
I shrugged. “Eh. How fast could people possibly eat? It’ll be fine.”
“Careful there. Don’t wanna be sprintin’ before your legs catch up,” Fehnel chuckled. “But I’m plenty thankful for the confidence. I’ll try to hold ya to your word.”
As we moved, I was able to take a brief second to look around. I began to marvel at how far the event had come since its initial inception. And under such short time restrictions as well! Through a combination of both the Lacakdaisy’s furniture, as well as a number of decorations that I had rented, we had ended up with something that I had truly considered exemplary. In traditional Venlil style, a forest of various greenery had been set out in a colourful array of paw-crafted pots and other containers. Small bushels, flowers, a few overhanging trees, and other vegetation stood proudly within. From each, incandescent ornaments of various hues emerged in a bright and brazen display. All of which combined to transform the normally secluded street atmosphere into one that was truly cozy, if not just the slightest bit packed within the bubble. In accordance with one of Fehnel’s initial requests, we had even arranged for a small wooden stage to be brought in, which fit neatly against… something that I would rather not look at…
Of course, decorations aside, one of the most enrapturing displays was that of the food itself. Positioned at various places all around the event’s area, tables upon tables of buffet items had been laid out. It was a marvelous display on all fronts. From the generously sized serving bowls of pasta, plates of still steaming gyoza, and the diverse types and variations of strayu laid in motley rows all throughout, the feast was like a colourful microcosm of everything Kenta and I had been working towards.
But what was even more impressive were all the new additions Kenta had made. Just as expected, my wayward chef had taken the original request and spun it on its tail, seemingly pulling no stops when it came to expanding our already diverse arrangement. From end to end, small, round discs of strayu called “Danishes” lay against each other down the side of one of the tables. Most impressively, the center of each had been filled in with various hues of jam, in a similar style to that of the sylvanas that I was currently wheeling towards it.
On the other side of the same table, a sundry of embellished wooden bowls sat parallel, each filled with various kinds of Venlilian-style salads. I had taken the time to teach him such recipes a good while back, but while at first these seemed to be rather unostentatious, a quick look revealed that Kenta had added his own twist to the otherwise typical mix of local produce. Tossed about each salad were dozens of small strayu cubes called “Croutons,” each baked until crisp and crunchy. What’s more, if the olfactory receptor in my mouth didn’t deceive me, I had even picked up the heavenly aroma of something Kenta had only introduced to me recently as “Garlic,” which had clearly been infused into the cubes.
On another table, steaming crocks of both soups and stews had been laid out for guests to self serve. But in lieu of a bowl, Kenta had elected to do something truly unique. It had taken me a moment to process his idea at first, but hollowed out husks of rotund strayu loaves had been left out for guests to grab, in which they were supposed to fill the “bread bowls” – as Kenta had called them – with the soup and eat them as normal. This even came with the advantage of being able to tear off small pieces of the now soup-soaked strayu, allowing one to enjoy the taste of both simultaneously. This idea, I had soon realized, would be the hardest to explain to any confused guests that might happen by.
As we approached the soup table, Fehnel and I began loading up the cart-full of sylvanas we had brought over onto a free area. We placed them right next to one other new recipe that Kenta had decided to share. A simple display of thinly cut slices of crunchy, lightly seasoned strayu, with a bright red sauce readied next to it that I instantly recognized as being the product of tomatoes mixed with oil. According to Kenta, these “Bruschetta” were a simple, yet simultaneously alluring appetizer, which would do well to pair with the soup he had stirred up.
Once the sylvanas had been laid out, Fehnel felt the urge to ask, “Is that the last of it?”
“Yes, for now,” I replied, absentmindedly stretching my back. “This’ll cover the initial rush of hungry people, I assume. But Kahnta’s already busy working on seconds.”
“Gotta say Sylvan, this is quite the impressive spread,” Fehnel said with a quick, delighted wag of the tail. “Y’know… When I asked for somethin’ new, I wasn’t expectin’ Kahnta over there to whip up so much.”
“Oh this isn’t the new dish you asked for,” I answered flatly. “That’s still being worked on.”
Fehnel froze solid, only her ears remaining seemingly automotive as they slowly shifted towards me. “Wait… what?
“Yeah all of this is just the appetizer according to Kahnta,” I explained, messing with a few arrant sylvanas that had broken symmetry. “There’s going to be one more plate of food that should be coming out shortly. And then dessert after that.”
“That’s… surely somethin’...” was all Fehnel could say. She opened her mouth as if to continue her train of thought, only to have something else pull her attention away.
Peering out into the stormy weather of the darkened town, an eye-catchingly large herd of people were making their way towards the bright dome that sketched our event’s area. Silhouettes of familiar patrons and wayward newcomers alike huddled under their umbrellas. All the while, an excited murmur hummed throughout the air, despite the noise of the rain around them. The guests were here, and they seemed excited.
I peered down at a small data pad. “Oh, second-sun already? Looks like we just barely made it on time.”
Fehnel simply wagged in acknowledgment, still the slightest bit flabbergasted.
I nudged her side, which seemed to knock her out of her trance. “Want to go greet them?”
Taking one look at me, then peering back at the ensemble of strange and alien foods behind her, one of Fehnel’s ears flicked a little. Then, she did the tail equivalent of a Human shrug, letting out a pleased chuckle. Whatever had been on her mind was apparently pushed to the side for now. “Heh, of course hun. Let’s treat ‘em to somethin’ special.”
With a newfound kick in her already hastened step, Fehnel began to proudly jog over towards the approaching crowd. By now, we could already begin to make out some faces, each looking more curious than the last.
In addition to the Brachistochrone Inverter itself, Jeela had also taken the liberty to have a reception area installed in the form of a metallic tunnel about the width of three Venlil. The tunnel seemed to fold and bend the anti-gravity energy around it, allowing for people to easily enter the repulsion field without having to tread through a torrent of redirected rainwater. Additionally, a series of hooks alongside the interior of the tunnel also served as a convenient area for the storage of umbrellas and coats, which our guests quickly began making use of the moment they started funneling through.
Fehnel and I stood at the side of the entrance, welcoming in guest after guest with the appropriate propriety. At first, many of them were stymied in their step, staring in awe at the sanctuary-like atmosphere that had been created in the middle of the street. But almost as soon as they got their bearings, most realigned their immediate priorities, and subsequently made a beeline for the buffet tables. That’s what they were here for, after all. Hopefully they’d come to appreciate the actual reason Fehnel was hosting this event soon enough.
As we busied ourselves, the voices of many excited guests made themselves audible.
“I’ve been looking forward to this!”
“Look at the decorations!”
“I feel like I’m in the Capital!”
“Are you sure all of this is free?”
“The ad said it was! Either way, I need to try some of this!”
Fehnel and I watched in delight as the crowd began to form around the tables, a number of plates I had left out disappearing as fast as the eye could blink. However, it was clear that a majority of the attention received had been focussed solely on the more familiar menu items already offered by the Lackadaisy.
“Think they’re gonna touch any of the new stuff?” Fehnel idly commented, her attention still fixed on the crowd. “It’d be a shame if any of it goes to waste.”
“Oh they will,” I answered without hesitation. “Just give them a moment. They’ll be all over it soon enough.”
Fehnel laughed. “You sound awful confident, don’tcha?”
“Oh please, this is hardly the first time I’ve served some wacky new thing to my customers,” I answered back with a chuckle of my own. “If anything, at this point I’d say I’m quite the expert. Just watch. You’ll see.”
Like clockwork, my precognitive claim had been proven true mere moments later. Some soul amongst the table’s crowd had seemingly been more curious than the rest, and ended up taste-testing one of the bruschetta. It was hard to make out from this distance, but if I had to guess, her ears had perked up and her eyes had widened in surprise. What was made clear, however, was their opinion of the new food, because only a few moments later could their voice be heard.
“You have got to try some of this stuff!” she practically yelled at anyone who would listen. “It tastes like the red stuff that’s on the pasta, but like… even stronger! It’s so good I feel like I died and am one with the Stars already!”
Like a Farsul unto a library, the crowd collectively swiveled their ears and began to gravitate towards the bruschetta with eager eyes. A few more voices piped up in glee, each more delighted than the last as paw after paw descended on the strayu until there was nothing scarce of crumbs left.
‘Guess that’ll be the first thing I’ll need to restock,’ I thought with a passive wave of the tail, before a sudden realization crept into my mind. ‘Ugh… Kenta and I might be busier today than I thought…’
It wasn’t long before the elation of trying something new, mixed with the sudden and devastating lack of bruschetta, had urged our party guests to move on to the other, never before seen options that laid out to fill their fancy. All at once, the wall of wool and fluff had spread out the slightest bit as fresher waters were explored. Plates were filled with various salads, despite the unfamiliar bits of crunchy strayu inside raising some skeptical ears. Helping after helping of the technicolour pastries were reached for as well, with the sylvanas not lasting much longer after that. And most impressively, it seemed that people had quickly begun to figure out the concept of Kenta’s cute “bread bowl” idea as well, even without instruction.
That last turn of events had actually caught me the slightest bit off guard. For the bread bowls being quite possibly the most unique aspect of the event – well, that I knew of – I found myself rather impressed by how fast people were getting the hang of it. Sure, it meant that I wouldn’t have to bother myself with having to go around explaining it to everybody, but in my eyes, there was a bit more to it than that. Perhaps it was a case of grasping at straws, but for the briefest moment, it made me wonder whether or not Humanity’s ideas had been affecting my people more than I had realized. Perhaps, if only in the slightest, Kenta had been opening their minds to more unique ideas than I had given him credit for. Without the slightest bit of hesitancy, the partygoers did well to experiment with more than the obvious, quickly wrapping their minds around something completely new and extraordinary.
I exhaled a short-breathed snicker, shaking the thought out of my head. ‘Calm down there, Sylvan. It’s just some soup and a piece of strayu shaped like a bowl. No need to get all philosophical about it. Still, I guess them figuring it out saves me some time. Good, cause it looks like I already need to start stocking the next round…’
I moved to grab my cart so that I could head back inside, only to have Fehnel call out and grab my attention instead.
“Sylvan, hun,” she began. “Before you go makin’ yourself scarce. I think there’s somethin’ about this here party that you haven’t explained yet.”
My head turned out to face her. “Hm?”
“Now, don’t get me wrong… What you did here is great and all. By all means, whenever it is that Kadew decides to show up here with that date of hers, I’m sure she’ll start coming around to the idea of my peoples’ Runnin’ Day. But…”
I now realized that Fehnel was completely focussed on something off in the distance.
“Oh,” I replied. “That…”
I had done well to ignore it up until this point. In fact, if I tried hard enough, I was even able to keep it completely hidden from my peripheral. But the truth was, no matter where I went or what I did to distract myself, there was no denying that it was there – that She was there.
At the opposite end of the dome, an onyx terror lurked over the ignorant, complacent masses. Its wicked enormity great, and the pressure about it even greater. The form it took was terrifying. An alien pose, unknown to the mind, originated from a people feared by many. Its peering eyes descended as domineering malevolence. And from its onyx chassis, a message rang clear as a day personally forged by Solgalick themself: Even if I couldn’t see her; if I shielded herself from my sight all day… No matter what, She could always see me.
“I’m gonna be honest Sylvan, I did not take you as someone that had a thing for Magister Jeela.”
I shot back quicker than a bolt of lighting. “I DO NOT HAVE A ‘THING’ FOR–” before stopping myself short.
Luckily, my voice had not been noticed among the now loud, chattering crowd about us. Which was good. I was pretty sure that my voice had cracked into an almost childishly high pitch. Taking a deep breath, I yanked my composure back, and stuffed an air of professionalism back into my voice yet again.
“I a-appologize…” I mumbled out, my head shrinking between my shoulders.
“No worries!” Fehnel replied. She couldn’t help but let a few chuckles pour into her voice. “I was just teasin’ is all. But seriously, you’re gonna have to whip up a pretty darn good explanation… Else I’m boutta start thinkin’ that what I just said was true.”
I took a deep breath, which soon shifted into a long-winded sigh. “Listen… It was part of the deal, alright? I’m not proud of it, but it’s there now, and unless you’ve got a herd of Mazic heavylifters at the beck and call, I can’t get rid of it.”
“Part of the deal?” Fehnel repeated.
“It’s my end of the bargain for us being able to have this Inverter during the event. And no, before you ask, it was not worth it,” I explained.
I could do nothing but feel immense shame for the inconvenience. To have something so overbearing, so shamelessly grandstanding placed in the middle of what was supposed to be a quaint event about cross-cultural understanding… It was beyond disrespectful to Fehnel’s original request. It took something that the poor woman had been planning for who knew how long, and brutally morphed it into a shadow of its former self. Into nothing but an ego trip for a politician that probably already surrounded themselves with weed biters and paw lickers.
“Listen…” I said, lowering both my tail and ears in respect. “Fehnel, I apologize profusely for allowing that thing to be placed here. I should have put my paw down and just hosted the event inside like we planned. But it’s too late now. I’m really sorry…”
But to my surprise, Fehnel had not been paying attention to my display of humility. Instead, her focus was still on that of the statue.
“I think it looks neat!” she said in a cheery tone.
“Y-you do?” I mumbled back.
“Well yeah!” She wagged her tail to assure me. “Sure it’s a bit, err… unconventional… But I think it’s got quite a bit of charm to it!”
“That’s… one way of saying it…”
“Besides, it might not be the worst thing to have somethin’ from the Magisters here with us,” Fehnel continued to think out loud. “Sorta gives this whole event a kinda official feel, y’know? Like it’s lettin’ everyone here know that the Yotul have got just as much right bein’ under the same heedin’ ears of the Governor as anyone else. Sure, dependin’ on where you are and who you ask, that may or may not be a good thing. But it at least means it’s harder to ignore us now. Heck, might even convince some of the people ‘round here to open up a little to the other parts of us.”
“Well… so long as you’re happy with it, I suppose?” I worded awkwardly.
If I had been completely honest with myself, I was expecting the slightest bit more… Well, I wasn’t sure. Perhaps anger? Annoyance? Unrelenting grief that invariably led to locking yourself in a closet, crying? But there was no sign of that in the rusty Yotul’s eyes. As she stared up at the onyx marvel, I couldn’t help but feel as though there was no sign of the negativity I had anticipated in the slightest. Instead, all that remained was that of a solemn pride. Maybe she was lying to herself. Like it was some sort of coping mechanism that helped her work around this unwelcome development in her plans. But regardless, the end result remained. And I was left feeling relieved at being able to avoid yet another hurdle.
‘Fehnel really knows how to look at the optimistic side of things, I guess… Good. I could really use some more of that around here.’
“Feel free to run along now, Sylvan,” she said, waving me a satisfied flick of the tail. “I’ll keep waitin’ here so I can greet the other guests. And I do hope you and Kahnta can bring out the main course whenever it’s ready. I wanna make sure everything’s ready to blow Kadew’s fur off whenever she decides to get here.”
I had to force myself not to flash a Human smile in return. She and the rest of the partygoers had no idea what was coming. And to a certain extent, neither did I. He did mention he had some sort of “surprise” coming, after all. But I always trusted Kenta for his word, and knowing what my chef was capable of, it never occurred to me once that it wouldn’t live up to the expectations. In fact, I was counting on him to exceed them.
I turned around and headed back to the kitchen. It was time to get the real party started.

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submitted by YakiTapioca to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:24 YakiTapioca A Recipe for Disaster (Part 41) - A Fanfic of Nature of Predators

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Hello again! This batch of chapters is looking pretty spicy, and I'm really excited to share them with you! Not really much else to say, tbh, other than that I'm once again really thankful for all of your patience and understanding when it comes to my upload schedule. I know it's tough sometimes to drop in and out of stories like this, and even worse to see the last upload date for a story you like being "100 days ago," but we're still making our way there slowly! Besides, the most tender dishes are the ones that boil slowly~
As always, I hope you enjoy reading! :D
Fanart: The Brightest Star in the Night Sky, by u/Frostedscales
Note: This is a Fanfic of the Nature of Predators series by u/Spacepaladin15, that is being reposted from the NatureofPredators sub. Please support the original content.
Thank you to Philodox on discord for proofreading and editing RfD.
Thank you to Pampanope on reddit for the cover art.

Memory Transcript Subject: Sylvan, Venlil Citizen
Date: [Standardized Human Time]: December 13, 2136

“Everything’s good to go over here, Kenta! How about you?”
“Fine on my end too boss! Though I still don’t know how to feel about how I’ve arranged the sandwiche– err… sylvanas. Cucumber salad next to blueberry? They kind of don’t match…”
“I already told you a million times, they look fine!”
“You sure…?”
“I’m sure! Now are you ready to start this thing?”
“Then let’s go!”
I shut the door to the kitchen, making sure that I had not left anything behind that would be needed for the day, then began wheeling out the final cart of amenities. As I rolled it down the wooden floor of my emptied out diner, one long serving tray jostled back and forth across the surface top.
I looked down to recap my inventory. A motley of sylvanas cleanly cut into triangles lay in an ornate pattern atop a decorative bed of raw ipsom grain stalks, spiraling around the edges of the plate as it creeped its way closer to the center. The sylvanas were split into clear groups based not only on their filling, but of the colour of that filling as well, creating a literal rainbow of flavours to choose from. By all means, it was an absolutely marvelous display of art; a visual performance that I had no idea could be captured in something like a dish to be served at such a quaint event. Kenta, however, seemed to still be worrying over it.
Despite it apparently being part of the name according to my translator, the Terran fruit named “blueberry” was actually a deep shade of indigo rather than blue, especially when crushed into a form of jam. As a result, lacking any blue to connect the various green options of our rainbow to that of the very limited indigo, Kenta had ended up spending much too long worrying over such a minute detail.
‘What a dummy…’ I thought back to myself with a slight chuckle. ‘I guess he’s worrying about this just as much as I am.’
Hardly two or three steps remained between the food cart and the diner’s entrance. Hastily, I jogged up to the front door to prop it open. However, when I went to turn the handle, I felt it give way without even the slightest push. Someone was pulling it from the other side, causing me to be yanked forward and stumble. Looking up, I saw the rusty figure of Fehnel standing impatiently in the doorway.
“You almost done in here, Sylvan?” she asked in a hurried breath. “Here, let me help you with that.”
Before hearing my response, Fehnel had already grabbed ahold on the cart and began pulling it outside without delay. I let go and didn’t attempt to stop her, knowing full well the farm woman was likely much stronger than I. In a blur, she was already far from the door, and I began jogging after her in an attempt to keep up.
Just as the day before, the Inverter was powered on and running perfectly. The metal pylon let out a slight, continuous hum as it projected an energetic beam from its center, which split at the apex around the height of the Lackadaisy and fell down in a parabolic curve, creating a tangible anti-gravity field in its wake.
Just outside the field, it became immediately clear just how necessary this piece of advanced Federation technology was. Beyond the radiant dome, a thick rain riddled the sky and drowned the world it fell unto. A harsh wind howled and distant thunder roared, which combined with the rain to push against the field to no avail. Within, where so many confectionaries, decorations, and other preparations had been so carefully placed, not even the paw of Solgalick could disrupt us.
“You know this would be goin’ a lot faster if I could jus’ start grabbin’ the food ma’self,” Fehnel commented in a tone too preoccupied to be annoyed.
As I ran after the hauling Yotul, I tried to say, “Fehnel, I’d really appreciate it if you would–”
“I know, I know,” she interrupted back, seemingly distant. “You want me to ‘not go into the diner during the event.’ Listen Sylvan, I get that Kahnta back there is a fainter, but don’t you think that this is a tad extreme? We’re on a tight schedule here, y’know?”
“I know… it’s just kind of a golden rule. I can’t stress to you enough how important it is that nobody does so much as peak in there,” I reiterated as I jogged alongside the speeding Yotul. “And don’t worry. Once everything starts, then you can feel free to socialize and spend the day with your daughter. I’ll take care of restocking the food.”
“I suppose that’s awful nice of ya,” Fehnel breathed out. “Sure you won’t be tirin’ yourself out, hun?”
I shrugged. “Eh. How fast could people possibly eat? It’ll be fine.”
“Careful there. Don’t wanna be sprintin’ before your legs catch up,” Fehnel chuckled. “But I’m plenty thankful for the confidence. I’ll try to hold ya to your word.”
As we moved, I was able to take a brief second to look around. I began to marvel at how far the event had come since its initial inception. And under such short time restrictions as well! Through a combination of both the Lacakdaisy’s furniture, as well as a number of decorations that I had rented, we had ended up with something that I had truly considered exemplary. In traditional Venlil style, a forest of various greenery had been set out in a colourful array of paw-crafted pots and other containers. Small bushels, flowers, a few overhanging trees, and other vegetation stood proudly within. From each, incandescent ornaments of various hues emerged in a bright and brazen display. All of which combined to transform the normally secluded street atmosphere into one that was truly cozy, if not just the slightest bit packed within the bubble. In accordance with one of Fehnel’s initial requests, we had even arranged for a small wooden stage to be brought in, which fit neatly against… something that I would rather not look at…
Of course, decorations aside, one of the most enrapturing displays was that of the food itself. Positioned at various places all around the event’s area, tables upon tables of buffet items had been laid out. It was a marvelous display on all fronts. From the generously sized serving bowls of pasta, plates of still steaming gyoza, and the diverse types and variations of strayu laid in motley rows all throughout, the feast was like a colourful microcosm of everything Kenta and I had been working towards.
But what was even more impressive were all the new additions Kenta had made. Just as expected, my wayward chef had taken the original request and spun it on its tail, seemingly pulling no stops when it came to expanding our already diverse arrangement. From end to end, small, round discs of strayu called “Danishes” lay against each other down the side of one of the tables. Most impressively, the center of each had been filled in with various hues of jam, in a similar style to that of the sylvanas that I was currently wheeling towards it.
On the other side of the same table, a sundry of embellished wooden bowls sat parallel, each filled with various kinds of Venlilian-style salads. I had taken the time to teach him such recipes a good while back, but while at first these seemed to be rather unostentatious, a quick look revealed that Kenta had added his own twist to the otherwise typical mix of local produce. Tossed about each salad were dozens of small strayu cubes called “Croutons,” each baked until crisp and crunchy. What’s more, if the olfactory receptor in my mouth didn’t deceive me, I had even picked up the heavenly aroma of something Kenta had only introduced to me recently as “Garlic,” which had clearly been infused into the cubes.
On another table, steaming crocks of both soups and stews had been laid out for guests to self serve. But in lieu of a bowl, Kenta had elected to do something truly unique. It had taken me a moment to process his idea at first, but hollowed out husks of rotund strayu loaves had been left out for guests to grab, in which they were supposed to fill the “bread bowls” – as Kenta had called them – with the soup and eat them as normal. This even came with the advantage of being able to tear off small pieces of the now soup-soaked strayu, allowing one to enjoy the taste of both simultaneously. This idea, I had soon realized, would be the hardest to explain to any confused guests that might happen by.
As we approached the soup table, Fehnel and I began loading up the cart-full of sylvanas we had brought over onto a free area. We placed them right next to one other new recipe that Kenta had decided to share. A simple display of thinly cut slices of crunchy, lightly seasoned strayu, with a bright red sauce readied next to it that I instantly recognized as being the product of tomatoes mixed with oil. According to Kenta, these “Bruschetta” were a simple, yet simultaneously alluring appetizer, which would do well to pair with the soup he had stirred up.
Once the sylvanas had been laid out, Fehnel felt the urge to ask, “Is that the last of it?”
“Yes, for now,” I replied, absentmindedly stretching my back. “This’ll cover the initial rush of hungry people, I assume. But Kahnta’s already busy working on seconds.”
“Gotta say Sylvan, this is quite the impressive spread,” Fehnel said with a quick, delighted wag of the tail. “Y’know… When I asked for somethin’ new, I wasn’t expectin’ Kahnta over there to whip up so much.”
“Oh this isn’t the new dish you asked for,” I answered flatly. “That’s still being worked on.”
Fehnel froze solid, only her ears remaining seemingly automotive as they slowly shifted towards me. “Wait… what?
“Yeah all of this is just the appetizer according to Kahnta,” I explained, messing with a few arrant sylvanas that had broken symmetry. “There’s going to be one more plate of food that should be coming out shortly. And then dessert after that.”
“That’s… surely somethin’...” was all Fehnel could say. She opened her mouth as if to continue her train of thought, only to have something else pull her attention away.
Peering out into the stormy weather of the darkened town, an eye-catchingly large herd of people were making their way towards the bright dome that sketched our event’s area. Silhouettes of familiar patrons and wayward newcomers alike huddled under their umbrellas. All the while, an excited murmur hummed throughout the air, despite the noise of the rain around them. The guests were here, and they seemed excited.
I peered down at a small data pad. “Oh, second-sun already? Looks like we just barely made it on time.”
Fehnel simply wagged in acknowledgment, still the slightest bit flabbergasted.
I nudged her side, which seemed to knock her out of her trance. “Want to go greet them?”
Taking one look at me, then peering back at the ensemble of strange and alien foods behind her, one of Fehnel’s ears flicked a little. Then, she did the tail equivalent of a Human shrug, letting out a pleased chuckle. Whatever had been on her mind was apparently pushed to the side for now. “Heh, of course hun. Let’s treat ‘em to somethin’ special.”
With a newfound kick in her already hastened step, Fehnel began to proudly jog over towards the approaching crowd. By now, we could already begin to make out some faces, each looking more curious than the last.
In addition to the Brachistochrone Inverter itself, Jeela had also taken the liberty to have a reception area installed in the form of a metallic tunnel about the width of three Venlil. The tunnel seemed to fold and bend the anti-gravity energy around it, allowing for people to easily enter the repulsion field without having to tread through a torrent of redirected rainwater. Additionally, a series of hooks alongside the interior of the tunnel also served as a convenient area for the storage of umbrellas and coats, which our guests quickly began making use of the moment they started funneling through.
Fehnel and I stood at the side of the entrance, welcoming in guest after guest with the appropriate propriety. At first, many of them were stymied in their step, staring in awe at the sanctuary-like atmosphere that had been created in the middle of the street. But almost as soon as they got their bearings, most realigned their immediate priorities, and subsequently made a beeline for the buffet tables. That’s what they were here for, after all. Hopefully they’d come to appreciate the actual reason Fehnel was hosting this event soon enough.
As we busied ourselves, the voices of many excited guests made themselves audible.
“I’ve been looking forward to this!”
“Look at the decorations!”
“I feel like I’m in the Capital!”
“Are you sure all of this is free?”
“The ad said it was! Either way, I need to try some of this!”
Fehnel and I watched in delight as the crowd began to form around the tables, a number of plates I had left out disappearing as fast as the eye could blink. However, it was clear that a majority of the attention received had been focussed solely on the more familiar menu items already offered by the Lackadaisy.
“Think they’re gonna touch any of the new stuff?” Fehnel idly commented, her attention still fixed on the crowd. “It’d be a shame if any of it goes to waste.”
“Oh they will,” I answered without hesitation. “Just give them a moment. They’ll be all over it soon enough.”
Fehnel laughed. “You sound awful confident, don’tcha?”
“Oh please, this is hardly the first time I’ve served some wacky new thing to my customers,” I answered back with a chuckle of my own. “If anything, at this point I’d say I’m quite the expert. Just watch. You’ll see.”
Like clockwork, my precognitive claim had been proven true mere moments later. Some soul amongst the table’s crowd had seemingly been more curious than the rest, and ended up taste-testing one of the bruschetta. It was hard to make out from this distance, but if I had to guess, her ears had perked up and her eyes had widened in surprise. What was made clear, however, was their opinion of the new food, because only a few moments later could their voice be heard.
“You have got to try some of this stuff!” she practically yelled at anyone who would listen. “It tastes like the red stuff that’s on the pasta, but like… even stronger! It’s so good I feel like I died and am one with the Stars already!”
Like a Farsul unto a library, the crowd collectively swiveled their ears and began to gravitate towards the bruschetta with eager eyes. A few more voices piped up in glee, each more delighted than the last as paw after paw descended on the strayu until there was nothing scarce of crumbs left.
‘Guess that’ll be the first thing I’ll need to restock,’ I thought with a passive wave of the tail, before a sudden realization crept into my mind. ‘Ugh… Kenta and I might be busier today than I thought…’
It wasn’t long before the elation of trying something new, mixed with the sudden and devastating lack of bruschetta, had urged our party guests to move on to the other, never before seen options that laid out to fill their fancy. All at once, the wall of wool and fluff had spread out the slightest bit as fresher waters were explored. Plates were filled with various salads, despite the unfamiliar bits of crunchy strayu inside raising some skeptical ears. Helping after helping of the technicolour pastries were reached for as well, with the sylvanas not lasting much longer after that. And most impressively, it seemed that people had quickly begun to figure out the concept of Kenta’s cute “bread bowl” idea as well, even without instruction.
That last turn of events had actually caught me the slightest bit off guard. For the bread bowls being quite possibly the most unique aspect of the event – well, that I knew of – I found myself rather impressed by how fast people were getting the hang of it. Sure, it meant that I wouldn’t have to bother myself with having to go around explaining it to everybody, but in my eyes, there was a bit more to it than that. Perhaps it was a case of grasping at straws, but for the briefest moment, it made me wonder whether or not Humanity’s ideas had been affecting my people more than I had realized. Perhaps, if only in the slightest, Kenta had been opening their minds to more unique ideas than I had given him credit for. Without the slightest bit of hesitancy, the partygoers did well to experiment with more than the obvious, quickly wrapping their minds around something completely new and extraordinary.
I exhaled a short-breathed snicker, shaking the thought out of my head. ‘Calm down there, Sylvan. It’s just some soup and a piece of strayu shaped like a bowl. No need to get all philosophical about it. Still, I guess them figuring it out saves me some time. Good, cause it looks like I already need to start stocking the next round…’
I moved to grab my cart so that I could head back inside, only to have Fehnel call out and grab my attention instead.
“Sylvan, hun,” she began. “Before you go makin’ yourself scarce. I think there’s somethin’ about this here party that you haven’t explained yet.”
My head turned out to face her. “Hm?”
“Now, don’t get me wrong… What you did here is great and all. By all means, whenever it is that Kadew decides to show up here with that date of hers, I’m sure she’ll start coming around to the idea of my peoples’ Runnin’ Day. But…”
I now realized that Fehnel was completely focussed on something off in the distance.
“Oh,” I replied. “That…”
I had done well to ignore it up until this point. In fact, if I tried hard enough, I was even able to keep it completely hidden from my peripheral. But the truth was, no matter where I went or what I did to distract myself, there was no denying that it was there – that She was there.
At the opposite end of the dome, an onyx terror lurked over the ignorant, complacent masses. Its wicked enormity great, and the pressure about it even greater. The form it took was terrifying. An alien pose, unknown to the mind, originated from a people feared by many. Its peering eyes descended as domineering malevolence. And from its onyx chassis, a message rang clear as a day personally forged by Solgalick themself: Even if I couldn’t see her; if I shielded herself from my sight all day… No matter what, She could always see me.
“I’m gonna be honest Sylvan, I did not take you as someone that had a thing for Magister Jeela.”
I shot back quicker than a bolt of lighting. “I DO NOT HAVE A ‘THING’ FOR–” before stopping myself short.
Luckily, my voice had not been noticed among the now loud, chattering crowd about us. Which was good. I was pretty sure that my voice had cracked into an almost childishly high pitch. Taking a deep breath, I yanked my composure back, and stuffed an air of professionalism back into my voice yet again.
“I a-appologize…” I mumbled out, my head shrinking between my shoulders.
“No worries!” Fehnel replied. She couldn’t help but let a few chuckles pour into her voice. “I was just teasin’ is all. But seriously, you’re gonna have to whip up a pretty darn good explanation… Else I’m boutta start thinkin’ that what I just said was true.”
I took a deep breath, which soon shifted into a long-winded sigh. “Listen… It was part of the deal, alright? I’m not proud of it, but it’s there now, and unless you’ve got a herd of Mazic heavylifters at the beck and call, I can’t get rid of it.”
“Part of the deal?” Fehnel repeated.
“It’s my end of the bargain for us being able to have this Inverter during the event. And no, before you ask, it was not worth it,” I explained.
I could do nothing but feel immense shame for the inconvenience. To have something so overbearing, so shamelessly grandstanding placed in the middle of what was supposed to be a quaint event about cross-cultural understanding… It was beyond disrespectful to Fehnel’s original request. It took something that the poor woman had been planning for who knew how long, and brutally morphed it into a shadow of its former self. Into nothing but an ego trip for a politician that probably already surrounded themselves with weed biters and paw lickers.
“Listen…” I said, lowering both my tail and ears in respect. “Fehnel, I apologize profusely for allowing that thing to be placed here. I should have put my paw down and just hosted the event inside like we planned. But it’s too late now. I’m really sorry…”
But to my surprise, Fehnel had not been paying attention to my display of humility. Instead, her focus was still on that of the statue.
“I think it looks neat!” she said in a cheery tone.
“Y-you do?” I mumbled back.
“Well yeah!” She wagged her tail to assure me. “Sure it’s a bit, err… unconventional… But I think it’s got quite a bit of charm to it!”
“That’s… one way of saying it…”
“Besides, it might not be the worst thing to have somethin’ from the Magisters here with us,” Fehnel continued to think out loud. “Sorta gives this whole event a kinda official feel, y’know? Like it’s lettin’ everyone here know that the Yotul have got just as much right bein’ under the same heedin’ ears of the Governor as anyone else. Sure, dependin’ on where you are and who you ask, that may or may not be a good thing. But it at least means it’s harder to ignore us now. Heck, might even convince some of the people ‘round here to open up a little to the other parts of us.”
“Well… so long as you’re happy with it, I suppose?” I worded awkwardly.
If I had been completely honest with myself, I was expecting the slightest bit more… Well, I wasn’t sure. Perhaps anger? Annoyance? Unrelenting grief that invariably led to locking yourself in a closet, crying? But there was no sign of that in the rusty Yotul’s eyes. As she stared up at the onyx marvel, I couldn’t help but feel as though there was no sign of the negativity I had anticipated in the slightest. Instead, all that remained was that of a solemn pride. Maybe she was lying to herself. Like it was some sort of coping mechanism that helped her work around this unwelcome development in her plans. But regardless, the end result remained. And I was left feeling relieved at being able to avoid yet another hurdle.
‘Fehnel really knows how to look at the optimistic side of things, I guess… Good. I could really use some more of that around here.’
“Feel free to run along now, Sylvan,” she said, waving me a satisfied flick of the tail. “I’ll keep waitin’ here so I can greet the other guests. And I do hope you and Kahnta can bring out the main course whenever it’s ready. I wanna make sure everything’s ready to blow Kadew’s fur off whenever she decides to get here.”
I had to force myself not to flash a Human smile in return. She and the rest of the partygoers had no idea what was coming. And to a certain extent, neither did I. He did mention he had some sort of “surprise” coming, after all. But I always trusted Kenta for his word, and knowing what my chef was capable of, it never occurred to me once that it wouldn’t live up to the expectations. In fact, I was counting on him to exceed them.
I turned around and headed back to the kitchen. It was time to get the real party started.

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submitted by YakiTapioca to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:56 VolumeInternal6041 At my 24,i finally to be told i got ADHD and MD,that explains so many pains in my life.

At the begining,i have to say English is not my first language,and i try to write by myself rather than gpt. If my terrible writing makes you feel bad,I'm sorry.
I grow up from a small town of China,and my parents are normal working class.Until today,they still don't know what the ADHD really means(even mentions MD)LOL.
It's painful to remind me of the elementry school,teachers think i was a bad girl,becuase i was talking all the time,and never obey the discipline. In the early of 2000s ,my hometown teachers had no basic knowledge of women in ADHD.But there was a significant sign of my family,my cousin was suspend because he’s a bully. My anut took him to a big hospitial at the capital of my province,he was diagnosed with ADHD,but used some creepy Chinese traditional way to cure.Of course it didn't have any use,that also made my parents feel embarrassed, they never thought may i had the same problem.For a life-long time,everyone thinks I'm not trying.But in good ways,my mom is crazy about my grade,so i pass the senior school anyway,entil i entry the best high school of my city.
In 2014,my family finance had some problems. New school,New situation,so many triggers.Maybe that's the begining of my MD. My dad‘s company gave everyone unpaid suspension.But he didn't know how to get a new well-paid job(It's hard to explain thethe operating mode of Chinese state-owned enterprises.)My stay-home mom had to find some hard job. You can image that feeling,dad’s drunk,mom's complaining,they're so hopeless,so they wish i could get roll in a good university(Fortunately, the cost of attending university in China is not high.)But I can't completely adapt to high school life. My grades are slipping,there is a teacher who is very mean to me. It's really sucks.Even though I have many good friends.But because of vanity, I always feel inferior to them.
It's becoming increasingly difficult to fall asleep.I'm accustomed to reading some boring online novels before bed to distract myself.Soon, I find that the authors' writing isn't good enough, so I try to modify some plots and endings in my mind to satisfy myself. Now,I feel like I've opened Pandora's box.Since then, I always imagine a character from the latest novel or TV series I've watched.Sometimes it's the protagonist's friend, sometimes helping the protagonist solve problems, and sometimes waiting for the protagonist to come and rescue me.Looking back now, this seems to be a projection of self-awareness based on the challenges of real life.But at the time, I just thought I was good at writing novels, which is quite funny now.
Like many people describe, since I started MD, real life has become blurry and elusive.I can't remember how I finally made up my mind to study hard and eventually got into a decent university(for my family,it's not world-wide well-educated).Perhaps the final efforts before the college entrance examination drained all my energy,adding to the disappointment of not getting into my dream school.I can't adapt to the difficulty of the calculus course in my freshman year. That failure makes me "Indulge in decadence".From my second year of college onward, I rarely attended classes on campus.Either hanging out with friends, scrolling through social media in the dorm, or taking up part-time jobs. At this point, I vaguely sensed my learning obstacles because I could barely start studying various courses except for the deadlines of exams.But at this time, I didn't feel like it was a serious issue. I just thought it was normal for college students to waste time like this. My family's financial situation improved, and our relationships became much more harmonious. So, I felt even better about myself.During my university years, my daydreams had progressed to original characters (a beautiful, all-powerful Chinese female secret agent) but were mostly limited to moments before sleep. Nonetheless, college life was colorful and vibrant enough(with a embarrassed 3.2/5 GPA and failed the chinese grad exam).
After graduation, I worked full-time for about a year, and this job was truly exhausting because I would always make mistakes in any step that required careful proofreading. So, even though I achieved success in the more challenging and innovative aspects, my leaders still felt that I was not competent for the job. So when the concepts of ADHD and MD suddenly appeared in my field of vision.I immediately realized that this was one of the long-standing issues plaguing me.Subsequently, some self-esteem issues arose, and after I didn't pass the IELTS exam on my first attempt, I fell into a strange sense of avoidance.
I finally got diagnosed with ADHD(at the middle of 2023), but I don't want to take medication because I don't want to give up coffee and alcohol.
I lied about studying in the library for exams, while in reality, I wandered aimlessly through the city streets with headphones on, imagining all sorts of strange stories. By this time, my OC had transformed from a Chinese spy into a top CIA operator, probably because I'd watched too much "SEAL Team"lol.For about a year, I just drifted through life. I lied to my parents, argued with them, didn't go to work, and didn't want to take exams. Aside from meeting my basic needs (although my appetite strangely increased, and I gained about twenty kilograms in a year and a half), I did very little else. At my worst, I even felt like I had depression because I didn't want to get out of bed. I did household chores about once a week, took a shower once in a while, and went out to chat with friends once or twice.
Now my MD has become quite severe. Whenever I have nothing to do, I always like to wear headphones and listen to music. While listening to DJ music, I fantasize about how I saved the world today. About half of my day is wasted on MD, and I rarely have the energy to prepare for real exams.The characters I imagine have nothing to do with me, but I'm still obsessed and can't break free. I still have many TV series that I'm watching, and whenever I see an exciting plot, I imagine my OC joining the story to save everyone.It's unfortunate that even after acknowledging my MD, and actively seeking treatment, there were no trustworthy local doctors with relevant experience. The best attempt was prescribing me medication for treating OCD.
Now, I've decided to take ADHD medication regularly to prepare for the upcoming exams. At the same time, I've made up my mind to address this old friend MD,which has been with me for 10 years.I'm glad you discovered this Reddit community!That sounds like a constructive approach! Starting with the most impactful steps can lead to effective change. Avoiding using headphones to listen to music and refraining from creating comfortable conditions for daydreaming, such as lying in bed or pacing around, are good starting points.
Wish me luck! After this exam, I will go to a more professional psychiatric hospital to check if I have comorbidities such as depression, OCD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other mental illnesses.Hope I can catch up with the graduate school applications this winter or next spring, and eventually get into a university to continue my studies.
submitted by VolumeInternal6041 to MaladaptiveDreaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:54 Sanidade I am a Leech-OTA lover, AMA

Maybe I'm too new to get why the hate to the OTA is such as it is. However, I must say it: I really liked it. I do agree with the general love for the Psylocke and Ultron buffs and hate for LDS nerf. I am not a Sauron enjoyer, rather they didn't try to make him a thing, but whatever.
The Darkhawk nerf, sincerely, for me, wasn't even enough. Why do you guys like drawing rocks so much? I hate it way more than those mill decks. Both make my deck useless, but at least the mill player butchered his own deck too, by playing bad cards. Darkhawk not only doesn't let me play, he also just wins while doing it.
Also, how often did the miller actually prevent you from drawing a single card? It feels like I never go rockless against Darkhawk, not to mention the draws I didn't get from getting hand-clogged.
As for the Leech buff. Great buff! Now, I ask this sincerely. Removing Leech from the equation. What is the counter to “On Reveal”s?
Am I supposed to guess in which lane of the 3 completely vacant ones did my opponent just play his Hela and place an Alioth there?
How about Dr. Doom? He most certainly can play it in any of the 3 lanes.
How about Sera Surfer? Dude can play Wong+Mystique+Surfer in any of at least two locations.
You act like the buff hit these decks 'by accident'. No it DIDN'T. These decks can't be interacted with, they were just not that strong in the meta. If they keep nerfing the one thing you really hate, one day you'll be complaining that you can't interact with them. Hela is not “uninteractive” because there is 'Hela' written on her card. You can't interact with it because it is an “On Reveal” effect!
(Edit: There was an unnecessarily aggressive paragraph here)
Look, everybody was dealing with answers. Your “On Reveal”s should too. Enchantress was always a 4-cost. Shang Shi too. And they want to get played on 6. Loki is going off on 4, as is Shuri. Hela can go off on 5, Blink on 5. How many decks have ramp nowadays? (Contains hyperbole →) Every deck has an obscene “On Reveal” that can go off on 5 or before. Leech on 5 is simply not enough. It does nothing!
“Okay, but Sani, Leech limits fun!”. Let's ignore the fact that nerfing Hela to the ground would limit the fun of a Hela players too. I'll be honest: I did ride Hela from 70 to 90. Didn't find any Leechers. Switch to another On Reveal heavy deck, still got to infinite. It might have been my luck or something, but the way I see it, you can still have a fun run within the “getting fun ranks”.
Once you're at infinite, I'm sorry dude, but you can't have your cake and eat it too! You either play to win and adapt to the meta or go for fun and accept a lot of losses.
Anyway, that is my opinion. If you want to elucidate the reasons why I am wrong or downvote this, feel free to do so.
submitted by Sanidade to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]