Cost less foods

Eat Cheap And Vegan

2015.01.18 06:46 PabstyLoudmouth Eat Cheap And Vegan

Eat Cheap as a vegan.

2012.06.28 03:58 Erinmore Good Value Products

Not necessarily the cheapest or best quality but the **best value for money** /GoodValue -- The child that resulted after /buyitforlife and /frugal hooked up one night and didn't practice safe cross posting. deal hunter, save money, spend less, discount, good deal, reduction, value, buy, closeout, giveaway, steal, budget price, on a budget, good buy, low price, markdown, nominal price, thrifty, cost of living

2011.10.18 23:25 cjb6714001 Showerthoughts

A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar.

2024.05.26 07:35 ilikemovietrivia Diagnosed with moderate perio

Diagnosed with moderate perio
Hi all,
Last week I was diagnosed with moderate perio. I was recently overseas and felt some mild discomfort so went to a dentist. They did a clean of my teeth, said they looked fine but that there was quite a bit of build up and didn’t say anything else. The x-ray image is from before my clean. I noticed the gaps in my gums (first pic) after I was done and instantly was concerned. I was googling and then started to find out about gum disease.
Words cannot express how angry I am at myself for not taking better initiative in myself to go to the dentist for regular cleanings over the past years. I’m a previous smoker and didn’t used to have the best diet. I hadn’t been to the dentist in a looooong time because I was mildly afraid but also didn’t know that this was a thing.
My dentist told me to go to a periodontist, for a consult and that I needed SRP. However, he said that they could also do the SRP for a fraction of the cost over the periodontist. I’m confused about what I should do.
He did probing and found some pockets of 5’s and 6’s and mentioned that my pockets are worse in the back teeth. I have around 10-15% bone loss and my front two bottom teeth are slightly mobile.
How bad are my gums? I’ve noticed I’ve lost some papilla’s along the top. I’m concerned that more black triangles will come from the SRP.
I honestly don’t know what I’ll do if they get any worse because I’m already so disgusted in myself at the moment. In the last year I’ve taken a big positive turn in my fitness and have come a long way, so this feels like a big blow to my self esteem.
I’ve upped my dental routine at home but was already brushing twice a day. Flossing was where I was getting negligent but now I am very strict and do it at night and when I notice any food stuck in my teeth etc.
I’ve stopped drinking fizzy drinks (including mineral water) and have started using xylitol to replace sugar. I’ve got xylitol mints and am also going to try oil pulling. I’ve drastically reduced my sugar intake also.
It’s taken a huge toll on me mentally and I am constantly stressed. I’ve had several instances where I’ve broken down crying because of the current state of my oral health. I’m embarrassed by this and worried about how it’s going to affect my smile in the future.
I did ask my dentist about the option of gum grafting to fix the black triangles and he said that it wouldn’t be worth it as the grafted gum will eventually just recede back to where it is currently.
Help please!
submitted by ilikemovietrivia to PeriodontalDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:34 spicycupidity 33 [f4r] kentucky or online let me send you my current favorite song.

please message me with more than "hi, how are you?" + do not chat message me, send me a DM! it's so much easier for me since i use the app on my phone.
just your local girlfriend stealing, alternative, bisexual here. 👋 but you know what? let's set that aside for now (your girlfriend is safe for the moment) because i'm looking for friends that are as good to me as i am to others, which is apparently *harder than it should be. i am a genuinely kind, loving person even if my face says otherwise. oops. i have a severe case of resting sad face, so sorry.
i'm smitten with people who are weird but not weird enough to make others uncomfy, or unable to enjoy the weirdness, ya know? i know you know. i like people who are into things that others mostly aren't: tarot, astrology, deep conversations, things like that. i might not actively be participating in said things but i like hearing the perspective of people who are! my friends always joke that i'm the person people say "i can fix her!" about but uh, i'm awesome. i don't need fixed. ✨i will admit though, i hesitate about people a lot because while i do want a best friend -- mine have scorned me, so i need someone patient with me and understanding of that, please. please. i adore social connections but i do come with a social battery and it needs refilled. me needing that time does not negate the connection i have built with you and am nurturing with you.
i will genuinely offer you diamonds in the form of friendship, just reciprocate it. i will offer you the safest, most non-judgement free zone you can imagine, you are always - always, safe with me. i just ask that you are a good, kind, compassionate friend to me. you can literally tell me anything in the world and if it isn't hurting anyone else, i will listen without judgment. i promise you. i'll also send you spotify songs that i really like, so hi. hello.
on to the fun tingz (and the stuff that will hopefully bring you in),
i am ✨sPiCy✨so if that bothers you, i am sorry. i, again, am a genuinely kind person but i do have a snarkiness to me that is meant to be a slight "i love you" + dash of bully. ❤
submitted by spicycupidity to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:34 FrogRacers Trying to quit smoking and vaping

Been smoking/vaping for almost 9 years consistently, I want a drastic change in my life, what are some good vices to do instead of smoking? I don’t really like gum, and I don’t want anything like nicotine-less vapes, nicotine pouches, so far one thing I found that works is junk food/snacks. Any other suggestions of what I could eat or do? A friend suggested sunflower seeds which I really like
submitted by FrogRacers to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:32 RazzmatazzBeginning1 The game is a breath of fresh air

This game is a step back in all the right ways I really can't express how much I've come to enjoy it. It's like the they listened to everyone about all the thinks they hate about cod and made a game fixing all those issue. Let's do a comparison because Let's be honest cod is the standard for fps [Guns]
Pistols- actually are a secondary now not super op beating primary guns
Smg- actually are short to mid range not beating an ar across the map which I love.
Ar- mid to long range not winning cq against smg unless you get the jump on them.
Shotguns- hot garbage unless right in there face
Snipers- I think are great could use a little more flinch when being shot at.
Lmg- haven't used enough but feel OK
Marksman- a blast to play with
Ttk- is perfectly fine if you use the guns the way they're actually supposed to be used
Attachments aren't ridiculous I don't need 50 different grips I end up using the same 3 anyways
No kills streaks and no laying down makes for way less camping!
And team playing is encouraged in almost everyday from getting kills to capturing objectives because of the ability's which I think is great
Maps are fun and easy to learn
No sbmm!!! People that don't like that are the people who need it get guud lol
The gun range is better in every way! It really let's you get a feel for the guns not just some stupid 3 targets moving
Also it's free! And it isn't 300gb to download its like 30 the way cod should be! I don't need your awful sorry excuse of a campaign I don't play warzone and zombies sucks just give me multiplayer
I think the game looks great guns look cool characters look cool not some rubber ducky or Nicki running around in high heals finishing Me with an elf. Sorry snoop but you're ridiculous too
Cod would be great if it wasn't a reskin that cost 70 dollars that gives you easier lobbies when you buy there stupid skins I didn't buy the battle pass for xdefiant but I'm way way more willing to cough up 10 bucks because the game was free! And they give enough coins to in the battle pass to continue getting it
Does the game need some work yeah but let's not kid are selves cod also needs work!
I've played every cod since cod 3 and in recent years I've just gotten fed up I played ranked play and got to diamond 2 so I'm a decent player yet when I hop into a pub lobby and have a good game I get put against sweats for the next 3 match's I get that sbmm might have been in the older cods but they were obviously better because I didn't feel it so much I didn't jump into public lobby to play ranked play it's dumb I didn't come fresh over from cod I've been taking a break for a few months playing helldivers 2 and then started playing this so maybe it wasn't so much of an adjustment for me because all I hear is people complaining but honestly this game made me enjoy playing first person shooter games again if you haven't played yet ignore what people are saying and give it an honest try give it a good 10hr cod session try. Will I never play cod again no but I'm not paying full price for one very again not after knowing games like this are out there for free. If you think I'm wrong you're probably right it's your opinion vs mine just putting my 2 cents out there and trying to show some love because all the hate I'm seeing for something that didn't even cost any money.
submitted by RazzmatazzBeginning1 to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:32 Commercial_Income185 COLD SNAP- WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU EA??????

COLD SNAP- WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU EA?????? submitted by Commercial_Income185 to PvZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:31 Commercial_Income185 Third post of this kind from me: Power Lily????

Third post of this kind from me: Power Lily???? submitted by Commercial_Income185 to PvZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:29 Commercial_Income185 Sequel to goldbloom: Jalapeno??

Sequel to goldbloom: Jalapeno?? submitted by Commercial_Income185 to PvZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:29 TrixyVixens Searching for RP partner :)

Please read fully
Hello! After having taken a long break from RP, I decided it’s time for jump back in and let the creativity flow once more _^
I’m 30/f; I will not RP with anyone under 21. In the US on the East Coast(EST) and would prefer a partner in the same timezone, or less than a 3 hour difference. Monday through Friday I’m available in the evenings after work, and weekends are determined week by week(of which I am sure to let a partner know if I will be busy and unable to post). I’d prefer a partner who has time for some posts back and forth in the evenings, but of course I expect they may be busy sometimes as well _^ I also love being able to chat OOC. I’m a goth nerd and a gamer! I’ll talk any day about the game I’ve decided to hyper focus on lol
I write in third person, past tense. My post length depends on the situation in the RP, but I tend to write at least 3 paragraphs. For those who seem to be confused, a paragraph is NOT two very long sentences. I also use discord to RP as I like the organization it offers. I believe in clear communication; sharing ideas on the direction of the RP as it develops, being able to say if we feel the other’s posts are lacking, etc.
As far as story goes, I don’t have any one thing in mind. We can discuss any smut in DM’s if we choose to include it. Keep in mind there has to be plenty of story and character development beyond just that. Since I don’t have any plots currently in mind, I’ll put some genres below that I have delved into in the past and enjoyed. These don’t have to be what we RP, I love hearing other suggestions!
+Medieval/Fantasy +Horror +Apocalyptic +Sci-fy +Everyday/Slice of Life +Supernatural +Futuristic +Historical/Period
VERY IMPORTANT: I do not do fandoms, and I only use original characters(OC’s). If smut is involved, all characters involved must be 18+.
If you’re still here, thank you! _^ I’d love to hear from you. Send me a message including your age, timezone, a little about your writing style as well as…your favorite food. If you don’t, I will assume you I didn’t read my entire post and your message will be ignored.
Thanks <3
submitted by TrixyVixens to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:27 The_Transequinist Reduced Time modification and Insubstantiality

So, the Reduced Time modification can take an ability that takes one second to activate, and make it basically "at will" for only +20% cost
Insubstantiality, according to Turning Advantages Off and On (B34) takes one second to turn on and off
So, the way I see it.. you could turn insubstantiality into a defense power by just slapping Reduced Time to it? Am I right in that assessment?
And if I am, why would somebody ever take Affect Substantial (which is +100% cost) and adding cost to all abilities that take advantage of that, when you could just take something for far less cost that lets you flicker insubstantiality instead?
submitted by The_Transequinist to gurps [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:23 Commercial_Income185 tf happened to gold bloom?

tf happened to gold bloom? submitted by Commercial_Income185 to PvZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:23 SolidKey2612 Food costs

Why are stuff like bowl or cup noodles cost a lot more than like a supermarket price for one
submitted by SolidKey2612 to 711 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:20 DoomManD How would this interaction work?

For the sake of argument, let's assume X is equal to 4. Would branching evolution and corpsejack menace activate at the same time, giving rampaging Yao guai 8 and 8 +1/+1 counters, or would it give 8 and then 16 +1/+1 counters, or would they bounce back and forth giving infinite +1/+1 counters or would something else happen?
submitted by DoomManD to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:14 THEREALCHEESE2323 I cant do this shit

I've been suicidal for 9 years now. when I was young my dad and mom never got along. My dad would come home drunk and beat her. I remember always hearing them screaming about one or the other cheating. Sometimes, I would hear my dad raping my mom in the night while she screamed at his drunk ass to stop. It didn't come as a surprise when they got divorced. My mom took the car.
We ( Me, my three siblings and my dad ) spent the next few years moving from one apartment to the next, constantly avoiding court dates and angry landlords. I never stayed in the same school for more than a couple years and never went to second grade. My only clear memories are of the last one we were in. Me and my siblings just call it the apartment when we have to talk about it. My dad left us in there with nothing but 2 packets of ramen noodles for 4 of us. Weekdays wasn't that bad because we got 2 meals from our school for free. What sucked was weekends and holiday breaks, especially summer break. I remember having a half a pack of ramen noodles to last for the entire day. When my dad felt like being pricey he bought us a thin crust pizza from kwik trip ( This was maybe once every other week ).
Some of my most vivid memories from that hellhole include the police knocking on our door looking for our step mom who my dad was dating while she hid in the other room, my dad and step mom coming home drunk to choose a target to beat, my drunk dad dragging my step mom around naked while she kicked and screamed and he beat her, and many other fun events. My older brother eventually got help for us from someone at our school, I don't remember who. We got called to the office after school, the police were there. It was decided that the boys and girls would be split up for a day. Me and my brother went with a retired teacher to their place for the night. I liked it there. I got plenty of food, played with some of those multicolored plastic things that had magnets in them, ate some cookies and milk before I went to sleep. The bed was a blue one with comfy pillows, definitely an upgrade from the twin sized hospital mattress lying on the floor me and my brother shared.
The next day my grandparent picked us up. We've lived with them since then. I've always had mixed feelings about them, there strict and they raised an asshole son who fucked up my entire life, but they did take us in so there's that. My dad is now on trial for arson and murder ( Unrelated thing, the bitch didn't even go to prison for the shit he did to us ) my mom remarried. I've cried myself to sleep almost every night for the last seven years now and wanted to die for the last 9. 2 years ago I set a random date that I said if it didn't get better by then I would kill myself. Times almost up. I did everything I could. I got a girlfriend, I invested everything I could into sports, I didn't pay very much attention to grades, but I just told myself it was good enough. Despite all that, these last few months my running time got slower, my grades got worse, and my girlfriend only ever talks about other guys. Its less that I tried less, and more that I tried doing too much. I tried drowning myself in stuff, doing whatever I could to make sure I was always too tired to be depressed, but now I'm just tired and depressed. I want to stop feeling like this. I want to stop feeling. I'm ending it soon and I'm too pussy to write an actual note, so this is the best anyone's getting from me. I'm done trying.
Sorry for the trauma dump, just needed to get that off my chest before I die.
submitted by THEREALCHEESE2323 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:14 margaretmorningwood I think I (26nb) need to leave my relationship with my first long term partner (44m) because I feel like I've completely lost myself, and our disputes make me feel crazy, does my reasoning make sense or am I really losing my mind?

So, for some context: I've (26nb) been in a relationship with my partner (44m) for about 2 and a half years. I was struggling pretty hard with drinking when we became involved, but I was extremely upfront about that, the extent to which it affected me, and that it may be difficult to have a relationship for that reason. He decided he wanted to date me anyway, but part of the strain we're experiencing is because though I've become far more sober than I was, I still struggle with it. I accept that part of our conflict as my responsibility, and am doing my best to work on it (trying to find a therapist I click with, attending some online meetings, trying to add structure to my life where I can, etc). That's not really why I'm writing this.
TLDR; I'm realizing I've lost a lot of my identity in this relationship, that it revolves pretty heavily around my partner's comfort, and that there's a pretty jarring lack of reciprocity in our relationship in a lot of ways (enumerated in the following novel, sorry this is so long).
I feel like our conversations are often one-sided, or there's not room for me to have feelings that aren't accommodating to him. Many of our conversations are retellings of my partners' run ins with famous musicians and past opportunities to be a career musician, successful pranks he pulled as a teenager, and listening to his old projects. That never used to bother me; now, I often feel like a receptacle for everything that feeds his ego. If I repeat a story, he tells me he's heard that like twenty times before, or sometimes, "why would you tell me that" if it's a story related to addiction (he has also experienced addiction, and I let him talk about that without judgement). I don't make him feel less than for sharing the same things he has already or for sharing difficult experiences, and I don't understand why he can't offer me the same.
I don't think he really knows a lot of sides of me that I view as integral to who I am. I realized recently, that though I was in art school before we met, was a prolific songwriter and poet, he hasn't expressed interest in seeing any of my art. I think he heard maybe one of my songs when we first started hanging out, and never expressed interest in what I was working on or the things I've made like I do for him. Since we've been dating, I've maybe written one poem, and stopped making art and music; I think that's partially to do with being very depressed in sobriety. It used to be such an integral part of my life and identity. His disinterest didn't really hit me until he reacted skeptically when I expressed interest in going back to school to be a graphic designer a couple of days ago. He asked if I even "had design experience" when I've completed three years of a fine arts degree and used to spend a lot of my free time illustrating and making prints. Also, regardless, why would you react so nastily to something your partner aspires to?
Lately, I've noticed that he often checks out when I start bringing up something he didn't bring up, or I just talk about what's on my mind. When he needs to vent about people at work or his roommate, or his home situation (he does have a lot of stressful health related things happening with his family, as do I), I let him, and I don't try to shut him down. Conversely, when I mention my anxiety over my job search (currently unemployed), he often says he "just wants to have a good day" and that he "doesn't know why I can't put it out of my mind" (because I have bills to pay, and it's anxiety provoking to struggle to find a job, and I thought I could vent to him like he does to me; it's not like I'm asking to make our whole day about my anxiety). He reacts the same way when I'm having a day where I'm feeling down, and I've expressed that sometimes I just need a little time to shake it off, but he always wonders if we "should be hanging out" because he "just wants to have a good day" and that makes me feel totally insane, because I feel like even in a relationship that's only platonic, I wouldn't expect a friend to sequester themselves from me for having negative feelings, I'd just hang with them and maybe do something that cheered them up until they felt a bit better. Is that unreasonable? I recently had a period of suicidal ideation, and the first time I saw him in person after telling him on the phone, he could only talk about how he could never go through that again. I understand concern, I express concern for him when I've spent his miserable days with him, but I'd never express that in a way that made it all about how I felt, at least never intentionally.
As far as the lack of reciprocity continues, when we spend time together, it's always at his apartment, though he lives with a roommate (who is a close friend of mine who he often expresses disdain for) and I live alone, and he frequently complains about her "always being there." When he moved in, I accompanied him to target to get supplies and helped him get all his art and gadgets set up. He said he'd help me make my place more homey by helping me move things from storage and stay over more (he's been here exactly twice), and it's been a full year, no dice. My father and brother have helped my more with my home situation, and I see them probably once a month, and they live 40 minutes away by car while my partner lives a 10 minute walk away. When we meet up, even if we're not going to his place, I have to go to him. Even small things like what we watch, what we listen to, what we eat together, seem to need his approval more so than mine.
As I briefly mentioned, I'm currently unemployed (working on it, have several interviews this week), and struggling with my finances. That said, I still usually need to spot him or split everything when we go out. I don't begrudge him help, if I had consistent work, I wouldn't care at all, but I expect that he would return the favor within reason. Last time we hung out, I asked if I could maybe pay him back twenty dollars we'd spent out together next week, after I'm able to make some money selling clothes or picking up temp shifts (Yes, I'm that broke right now, yikes). He brought up his own financial struggles (he is often broke though he's employed full time because he has debt and he's been taking off about one shift per week lately). That made me feel so crazy, because I've never asked him for help, and I'm in a really difficult situation right now. For context, I've had a lot of job instability in the past year and have still lent him hundreds of dollars just outright and in terms of buying our food, while I'm unemployed and unable to collect unemployment, and he has a full time job. He pays me back, but it really stresses me out that he asks me for money and to buy things I don't feel like I should spend money on, this is partially a boundary issue on my part. I have difficulty saying no to him even though it makes me really uncomfortable; it wouldn't make me so uncomfortable if I didn't feel kind of pressured into it, though I don't think he's doing that intentionally. I think I also feel some resentment that he's 18 years older than me and hasn't figured out how to manage his money a bit better. This also relates to our intimacy in that, he never buys contraception unless we're splitting it, and when we've needed plan b, though I've asked him to alternate with me on buying any form of contraception, and he agreed, he hasn't done so and made me feel out of line for asking, again, after he agreed to do so.
I'm tired of having no space to exist/feeling like an accessory, almost, but at the same time, I'm having a lot of difficulty breaking it off, because every time I've tried to in a meaningful way, I get hit with the "I don't want to lose you" and how our love for each other is "so pure." He'll drag me through endless conversations about whether we should "be in a serious relationship" and simultaneously never want to be without access to me in some way. I've said that he can't have both, and we've talked about taking breaks to work on ourselves, and nothing goes anywhere. He also has a habit of bringing this up when we're out in public when I've asked him specifically not to because it's a hard, emotional conversation that I'd like to have in private, and he'll get worked up about me getting emotional, and then act like I've started a fight by getting emotional. I've also discussed with him that in a lot of ways, this doesn't feel like a "serious" relationship despite the time we've spent in it, because he was really bizarre about meeting my family and me meeting his (I had to talk him into it this past Christmas, or else I wouldn't have met them, and I haven't seen them since, whereas his previous ex was very close with his family), we haven't celebrated either of our anniversaries (I actually scaled back his gift for valentine's this year because I didn't want to go through all the agita of being the only one who acknowledged that we had an anniversary we agreed on), and the only time he's put effort into dates were my birthdays, and at the very beginning of our relationship, whereas most times we went to shows in the past year or so, it was because I bought tickets. There's been loose talk of wanting to move in together, but I've already told him I don't expect that to ever happen (though he made me feel like I was being a bitch or trying to be nasty by saying so) because we can't go a week without him making me feel insane by bringing up the "should we be in a serious relationship" shit after a couple days we spent happily together without conflict. I didn't phrase it like that, I just said I have no expectation of it happening necessarily, and definitely not in the near future because of the way things are going.
I'm so confused by how he's affectionate one day and cold the next, how fights are somehow always my fault for being emotional (though he says he's never said that and doesn't mean to make me feel that way), and how his actions and words never line up/he always seems to have the right thing to say that makes me feel like I am being insane somehow, and that something will be different soon.
All my mental health and family struggles aside (not even cracking that open because this is already a lot), I think I'm really unhappy, but this is my first longer relationship, and I keep questioning whether my expectations are unreasonable, and whether the bad truly outweighs the things I've loved about him. I've outlined all my dislikes here, but there have been many times when I felt very loved and special with this man, like I'd found my best friend, and that's why I'm so unsure. I also think, as unproductive and infuriating as a lot of conversations about our relationship have been (I almost feel like I'm dealing with a teenager and not a man who's 18 years older than me), I really don't think he means to make me feel so unsure of myself and upset. Though I think he's self centered at times, I don't believe it's malicious.
TLDR; This is my first long term relationship and I think it needs to end, but our discussions of the relationship are unproductive/cyclical and really make me feel crazy. Are these reasonable things to take issue with? Should I break it off? How do you break it off when the person you're with is non-committal to being with you "seriously" but won't let you go?
submitted by margaretmorningwood to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:13 MeasurementMental534 Using a credit card to pay for living expenses... then paying it off at end of each month using Bitcoin profit... allowing me to DCA more bitcoin every payday and potentially get free rent/food etc? Logical or stupid? Have I even understood Jack Mallard's strategy correctly?

New to bitcoin and investing in general. I get paid $3k (AUD) every fortnight. Let's say I want to put in 50% of my pay cheque to Bitcoin (i.e. 1.5k AUD, so around $1k US), and the other 50% to other investments (both DCA strategy, looking to buy and hold long-term). I would then use an interest-free credit card (that has no interest for 2 months) to pay for my living costs for these 2 months (approx $600 a fortnight on single room I rent, food, gas). Then, assuming Bitcoin has gone up in this period, I would withdraw just enough BTC every 1-2 months to pay this credit card debt off before the interest kicks in. And try to time that withdrawal during a dip? Then repeat.
Other than the risk of Bitcoin not going up, or god forbid crashing, are there any other disadvantages to this approach? Are there even any advantages in the first place?! I'm assuming the advantage is I could have a higher DCA rate each fortnight, and by the time I pay the debt back, I would have gained enough profit to basically mean I got free or at least discounted rent/food for that month? Surely there is a flaw with my logic here, pls I would appreciate any feedback and perspectives, strengths/weaknesses etc. Jack Millar is who I heard this strategy from but I'm not even sure if I understood it correctly - 30:00
The other option is I do what I was intending to do prior to hearing Jack Mallar which is regular run of the mill approach - pay my living costs out of my normal pay cheque, not touch my credit card, and invest a couple of hundred $ less each month in Bitcoin. Jack Mallar's situation obviously is vastly different to mine, given he won't have a government job like me lol, but is the rationale the same - that it's better to not pay for living costs in normal currency, as a way to hold more Bitcoin stock?
Any insights appreciated.. thank you. Btw I have no credit card debt outside of what I would spend on my living costs in this scenario, if I end up doing this.
submitted by MeasurementMental534 to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:13 unqualifiedbaby I cant afford to take my parrot to the vet and I'm panicking.

Obviously I already know "if you cant afford an exotic pet and its medical expenses don't get one." Well life happens, and it happened to me recently, I went from a nice job and life and being well over being able to care for him to losing my job and moving back in with my dad.
I had my bird for about 6 years now he's a quaker parrot and I love him very much. But this past year he developed a lipoma, I can't afford the possible thousands it could cost, he needs vet care desperately and soon and its growing and has already started bleeding but im trying to do wound care myself at home but im not a vet and it's causing problems for him and im really scared.
I currently work a minimum wage job that covers barely the necessities for myself, my dad luckily doesnt make me pay rent so ive put almost every penny towards debt and school and still everyday im applying to jobs. Here's the things I have already tried:
I am willing to surrender him to a rescue or to a vet or a zoo i dont know, any entity willing to just help him, he doesnt deserve to die because I lost my job. I would do anything. I would give them the cage and all the toys and hundreds of dollars of supplies and his food and favorite treats. He is such a sweet bird and I haven't been able to sleep well at night out of panic. I keep looking for rescues or parrot adoptions in the houston area that can take him and they either have horrible google reviews or they ghost me when they find out about the lipoma or dont answer or state on their site they aren't taking any surrenders at the moment. If anyone knows of a rescue or non profit or vet or a zoo or a shelter or anyone in the houston area or east, i can drive farther if i have to.
submitted by unqualifiedbaby to parrots [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:12 Appropriate-Taro-824 We Need Trump 2024

During Joe Biden's presidency, America has gotten weaker, gayer, dumber, and more dangerous. His neglect of the open-border enables sneaky Hispanics to steal our jobs - and have corporations like Tyson Foods lay off American workers so that their labor costs can be cheaper with illegals. Even when they have our jobs, they don't work hard and steal our social security and Medicaid. They are sneaky. They are greasy. They are dirty.
We have an entire MONTH for "pride" -- and their month is longer than even Black History Month?!? We need to be teaching our kids ABCD, not LGBT. Now, we can't even call a "First Lady" in California the First Lady anymore, it's "The First Partner." We have to adhere to pronouns beyond he, she, or they (even "they" is dumb, but I'm OK with it only because it's become generic enough). But now we have to adhere to zis/zer. Here are my pronouns: what/the/fuck. I wouldn't mind the LGBT community if they lived and let lived, but they actively impede on straights' rights to be straight.
Educational standards are removed for the sake of "equity." Crime is shooting through the roof (no pun intended). Oregon said no more standards are needed to pass and graduate high school. You have students in Maryland who are passing the first three grades of high school with a 0.13 GPA. Cambridge, MA is getting rid of honors students for the sake of reducing inequity. Filth.
In our country, elections are about binary (not NON-binary) choices. I am not Trump's biggest cheerleader, but he was better for our country and was a marketing genius. We need Trump back in the White House. Frankly, American voters vote against their own interests, so we need to at least explore the idea of Trump suspending the Constitution and revoking voting rights. In this country, it should be a PRIVILEGE for you to vote, but a RIGHT to demonstrate you've earned the privilege to vote. Not with Democrats who'll let everyone vote twice or four times.
I'm not partisan - I supported Bill Clinton's policies and thought he did a great job until George W. Bush, the war-loving idiot, ruined everything. Clinton knew how to govern with limited government while supporting reproductive rights and social programs. He encouraged individual responsibility.
We must vote for Donald Trump in 2024. If you care about character and decency and the integrity of this country, Trump is the only choice in this election. January 6th was his supporters' doing -- not his.
The choice is clear....c'mon man..
submitted by Appropriate-Taro-824 to JoeBidenIsADisaster [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:11 pinkcake207 My anxiety around eating food and fainting is unbearable

I have had anxiety for years, but since the beginning of the year I have been gradually developing two new health problems that have contributed a lot to my anxiety: POTS and ARFID.
POTS causes me to get randomly lightheaded, and it makes it really hard to function. When it gets to the point where I can feel myself passing out, it scares me so much. I've watched and read some stuff on the internet from people who have POTS but I haven't seen much talk about how scary it is to watch your vision go black and feel less and less oxygen go to your brain. I can't help but feel like I'm going to die. For me, POTS symptoms can be triggered by anxiety, and they can also trigger anxiety.
I have also been steadily getting a bunch of anxiety around eating food (ARFID), especially foods I have never eaten before or haven't eaten in a long time. I feel like I am going to have an allergic reaction to it, even though I don't have any food allergies. I am worried that I will take one bite and immediately go into anaphylactic shock and die. Over the past week it has become progressively harder for me to get myself to eat when I am in a place by myself because I feel as though if something were to happen to me then there will be no one to call an ambulance and I will die. I am a grown adult and while I have roommates they are often not around and there is no easy practical way to make sure that I am always around other people when I eat. I am already underweight and I am scared of losing more weight because of this.
I have contacted a couple places that do remote eating disorder treatment but the intake process is going to take a while. I just needed to vent and wanted to see if anyone has been through a similar experience.
submitted by pinkcake207 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:11 tapehead85 Helped the short staffed kitchen for 1.5 hours today

I used to work in the kitchen and am the only bar staff that could help the kitchen manager who was by himself on an extremely busy day. We had 5 working in the bar so when we'd get a big ticket I'd go back and help him get everything set up so that food would come out in a reasonable amount of time. My total time in the kitchen was about an hour and a half. After I got off my regular shift I helped him for the dinner shift and close. We pool tips and split everything evenly in the bar. I looked at the paperwork after I got off and saw they gave me about $90 less than everyone else on shift. I'm not sure how to handle this situation. I figured my coworkers would realize they would basically make 1/3rd of the amount of money if the kitchen closed, but obviously that's not the case. Should I just tell the kitchen manager good luck and have the kitchen potentially close? It's not worth my time to help the kitchen anymore.
submitted by tapehead85 to Serverlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:09 Stage-Piercing727 Best Cyclace Exercise Bike

Best Cyclace Exercise Bike
Are you ready to revolutionize your home workout routine? Look no further than the Cyclace Exercise Bike! This top-rated fitness equipment offers a versatile and efficient way to tone and strengthen your muscles in the comfort of your own home. In this roundup, we'll explore the fantastic features and benefits of the Cyclace Exercise Bike, helping you decide if it's the perfect addition to your fitness journey.

The Top 18 Best Cyclace Exercise Bike

  1. Sleek and Sturdy Cyclace Exercise Bike for Indoor Fitness - The Cyclace Exercise Bike offers a professional indoor cycling experience, with adjustable resistance, LED display, and comfortable saddle, perfect for maintaining a healthy lifestyle without needing expensive gym subscriptions.
  2. Top-Rated Recumbent Exercise Bike for Home - The MaxKare Recumbent Exercise Bike offers a comfortable workout experience with an adjustable seat, heart rate monitoring, and smooth 8-level resistance, making it an ideal indoor workout equipment for various user heights and fitness levels.
  3. Mini Exercise Bike for Core Strengthening - vidaXL's Cardio Mini Cycle Exercise Bike is perfect for compact spaces, offering affordable, multilevel resistance adjustments and a sturdy steel construction for a customizable workout experience.
  4. Bladez Fitness Master GS Indoor Cycle Bike: Quiet, Smooth Cycling Experience - Experience the unparalleled smoothness and quietness of the Bladez Fitness Master GS Indoor Cycle Bike, with its 44lb flywheel, adjustable resistance, and supportive padded seat for an unmatched cycling workout experience.
  5. Yosuda Recumbent Exercise Bike for Home - Introducing the highly-rated Yosuda Recumbent Exercise Bike, boasting a weight capacity of 350lb. Experience ultimate comfort and seamless performance with its comfortable seat, pulse sensor and 16-level resistance. Perfect for home use!
  6. Budget-Friendly Home Studio Bike with LED Lights for Compact Cardio Workouts - Experience an exhilarating workout with the Cyclace Exercise Bike, designed for a compact home studio with LED lights, easy assembly, and a quiet, comfortable ride perfect for online competitions and connectivity with friends and family.
  7. Stylish Modern Hide a Bed Chair - The BodyCraft SPR Indoor Cycle, featuring 16 levels of eddy current magnetic resistance and multifunctional handlebars, delivers a premium at-home or group cycling experience for unbeatable performance and personalized comfort.
  8. Indoor Cycling Experience with NOHrD Bike - Experience the perfect fusion of style and performance with the NOHrD Bike Indoor Cycle in Walnut, an innovative stationary bicycle designed for professional riders seeking a minimalist, sleek workout experience in a compact footprint.
  9. Cyclace Exercise Bike for Home Indoor Cycling - Experience a smooth and comfortable workout with Cyclace's Exercise Bike, designed for up to 330 lbs, featuring a wide range of resistance levels, comfortable seat cushion, tablet holder, and LCD monitor. 4.0 out of 5 stars based on 34 reviews.
  10. Echelon Sport Connected Bike with 30-Day Free Trial and United Membership - Experience the ultimate connected fitness with the Echelon Sport Connected Bike, featuring adaptable features, cutting-edge technology, and a 30-day free trial of Echelon United membership ($40 value).
  11. 4-Level Adjustable Seat Indoor Cycling Bike - Experience a top-notch home workout in style with the Cyclace Exercise Bike, offering a seamless blend of performance and comfort.
  12. PhysioCycle XT Recumbent Bike and Upper Body Arm Bike - Experience a smooth full-body workout with the PhysioCycle XT Recumbent Cross Trainer, perfect for homes or healthcare facilities, featuring comfortable upper-body ergometer and quiet recumbent cycle design for a seamless exercise experience.
  13. Cyclace Indoor Cycling Bike with 14 Resistance Levels and Personalized App Coaching - The Cyclace Indoor Cycling Bike offers an interactive workout experience with 14 resistance levels, a whisper-quiet magnetic resistance system, and compatibility with the free MyCloudFitness App, making it perfect for indoor home gyms.
  14. Echelon - Smart Connect EX3 Exercise Bike - Black - Experience top-notch fitness in the comfort of your home with the Echelon Smart Connect EX3 Exercise Bike in black, offering a secure fit, resistance to scratches, and slip-resistant padded handlebars.
  15. High-Quality Indoor Cycling Exercise Bike for Personalized Fit and Smooth Ride - Experience a smooth, personalized, and safe indoor cycling workout with the Yosuda Indoor Cycling Bike Stationary, featuring an LCD monitor, iPad mount, and comfortable seat cushion for a seamless exercise experience.
  16. Comfortable Home Stationary Recumbent Bike for Seniors and Adults - The MaxKare Recumbent Exercise Bike is a sturdy, quiet, and easily adjustable home stationary bike for seniors and adults with 8 levels of resistance, a comfortable large seat, heart rate handle, and iPad holder.
  17. BodyCraft SPR Indoor Cycling Bike - Experience the ultimate indoorSpin Class with the BodyCraft SPR Indoor Club Group Cycle, boasting state-of-the-art eddy current technology, interactive computer, and a variety of adjustable features for personalized performance.
  18. Quiet Folding Magnetic Exercise Bike - Experience the ultimate workout with the LEIKE X Bike, a quiet and foldable 2-in-1 exercise bike perfect for maximizing your space and comfort while burning calories and toning muscles.
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Sleek and Sturdy Cyclace Exercise Bike for Indoor Fitness
As an avid indoor cyclist, I can attest to the comfort and convenience of this Exercise Bike. I've been using it for a few weeks now, and I'm genuinely impressed with the durability and design of this bike. There's an easy-to-use resistance system that provides a challenging workout, even for the most experienced riders. However, one drawback I've noticed is the seat's discomfort after prolonged use. A padded seat cover could remedy this issue, but it's worth considering before purchasing.
The electrodeless speed change feature is a game-changer, making it easy to customize your workout. The weighted flywheel and ultra-comfortable sport saddle also contribute to a smooth and enjoyable riding experience. Furthermore, the sleek design and LED display make this bike an attractive addition to any home gym.
Despite a few minor hiccups with the seat and assembly time, I would still recommend this Exercise Bike for anyone looking to maintain their fitness levels at home. With its adjustable resistance, solid construction, and stylish appearance, this bike is an excellent investment for your health and well-being.

Top-Rated Recumbent Exercise Bike for Home
I recently added the MaxKare Exercise Bike Stationary to my home gym, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my daily workout routine. As someone who values convenience and ease of use in my exercise equipment, I was pleasantly surprised by this recumbent bike's features and performance.
First and foremost, the ergonomic design of the seat and backrest are incredibly comfortable. The high-density sponge cushioning provides ample support for my lower back while also making it easy to maintain a proper riding position. Additionally, the adjustable lever allows me to customize the fit for my specific height, ensuring a smooth and efficient workout experience.
One of the standout features of this recumbent exercise bike is the iPad holder, which enables me to enjoy my favorite shows or music while I pedal away. This added entertainment factor not only keeps me motivated during workouts but also allows me to exercise longer without getting bored.
Another highlight of this product is its easy portability, thanks to the transportation wheels located at the front of the bike. Moving it from one room to another or storing it when not in use is a breeze, making it a versatile option for any living space.
The recumbent exercise bike also offers an 8-level magnetic resistance system, allowing me to customize my workout intensity as needed. The LCD monitor displays all my exercise metrics, including time, speed, distance, calories burned, and heart rate, making it easy to track my progress over time.
Performance-wise, this MaxKare Exercise Bike Stationary delivers a smooth and whisper-quiet riding experience, so I can exercise without disturbing others in my household. It's worth mentioning that the weight capacity of this bike is 300 LBS, making it suitable for a wide range of users.
While there's a lot to love about this recumbent exercise bike, there are a few minor drawbacks I've encountered. First, the seat could benefit from additional padding for optimal comfort during longer workout sessions. Additionally, the quality of the display could be improved, as some users have reported issues with clarity and visibility.
In conclusion, the MaxKare Exercise Bike Stationary has been an excellent addition to my home gym setup. Its comfortable design, customizable resistance levels, and easy portability make it a viable option for individuals looking to maintain an active lifestyle at home.

Mini Exercise Bike for Core Strengthening
I recently added the vidaXL Cardio Mini Cycle Exercise Bike to my daily routine, and I am genuinely impressed with its performance. This little exercise gem is perfect for those who are always on the go and don't have the time or space for traditional gym equipment.
One of the highlight features of this compact cycle is its multilevel resistance adjustments, allowing me to customize my workout sessions to be as intense or gentle as I need them to be. Whether I'm pedaling on the carpet or using it underneath my desk while working, it provides an effective way of keeping my muscles toned and my heart rate up.
The heavy-duty steel construction of the vidaXL Cardio Mini Cycle Exercise Bike ensures that it's built to last, which is essential when considering purchasing workout equipment. Additionally, its affordable price tag and ease of use make it a must-have for anyone looking to incorporate more fitness into their lives without breaking the bank.
However, there are a couple of cons worth mentioning. Firstly, the lack of a display can make it difficult to track progress and set goals during workouts. Secondly, the cycle tends to slip on some surfaces, requiring users to find creative solutions to keep it in place.
Overall, I am thrilled with my vidaXL Cardio Mini Cycle Exercise Bike purchase. Its compact size, customizable resistance, and durable construction make it a fantastic addition to any home workout routine. Despite the minor drawbacks, I would highly recommend this product to anyone seeking a convenient and effective way to stay active and improve their overall fitness.

Bladez Fitness Master GS Indoor Cycle Bike: Quiet, Smooth Cycling Experience
I recently purchased the Bladez Fitness Master GS indoor cycle bike, and it's become a staple in my daily workout routine. What immediately stood out to me was how quiet and smooth it was, even during intense rides. The 44-pound flywheel and belt drive system make for a near silent ride that I can enjoy without disturbing anyone else in the house.
The adjustable resistance, micro-adjustable seat, and handlebars allow me to customize my ride to fit my needs perfectly. The padded foam seat and quiet operation make this a comfortable and enjoyable workout experience. However, the display quality could use some improvement, as it tends to go blank after about 30 seconds of inactivity.
Overall, I'm happy with the Bladez Fitness Master GS indoor cycle bike. The high-quality build and easy assembly make it a great choice for indoor cycling. The only real downside for me is the discomfort of the ultra-hard seat, but that's easily remedied with a cushier option. If you're looking for a quiet, smooth ride with customizable settings, this indoor cycle bike is definitely worth considering.

Yosuda Recumbent Exercise Bike for Home
As a fitness enthusiast, I love the Yosuda Recumbent Exercise Bike for its comfortable design and smooth performance. The seat is spacious and cushioned, making it perfect for long workout sessions without causing strain on my back. The machine is also incredibly quiet, so I can watch TV or listen to music while I ride.
The 16-level resistance feature is quite impressive, offering a range of workout intensities to suit my fitness goals. It starts off gentle but can be adjusted to provide a challenging workout when needed. Assembly was a breeze with straightforward instructions that didn't take much time at all.
One issue I have noticed is the readability of the display panel under low light conditions. It would be great if the panel were brighter or had backlit buttons for easier viewing. Additionally, the resistance might feel too light for extremely fit individuals seeking a more intense workout.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Yosuda Recumbent Exercise Bike has been an enjoyable addition to my home workout routine. Its comfortable design, ease of use, and quiet operation make it a worthwhile investment for those looking to stay fit and healthy in the comfort of their own home.

Budget-Friendly Home Studio Bike with LED Lights for Compact Cardio Workouts
The Boom Bike has been an incredible addition to my home workout routine. It's like having a cardio party in my living room, with its unique LED lights that add color and excitement to each workout session. The interactive and motivational classes make me feel like I'm part of a larger fitness community, and the competitive aspect of being able to compete with friends and family adds an extra layer of fun to my workouts.
One of the standout features of the Boom Bike is its ease of use. The assembly process was straightforward, and the instructions provided were clear and easy to follow. Additionally, the bike is sleek and compact, fitting perfectly in my small apartment without taking up too much space.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks worth mentioning. The seat on the Boom Bike could be more comfortable, especially for longer rides. In order to alleviate this issue, I had to invest in a cushioned seat cover, which has made my workouts more enjoyable. Additionally, I wish there were more options for class durations, as the current 15 or 30-minute options don't always fit my schedule.
Despite these minor cons, the Boom Bike has been a fantastic addition to my fitness routine, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to elevate their home workout experience. The convenience of being able to work out from the comfort of my own home on my own schedule has been a game-changer, and the quality and variety of classes keep me motivated and engaged. Overall, the Boom Bike has exceeded my expectations and has become an essential part of my daily life.

Stylish Modern Hide a Bed Chair
I recently got my hands on the BodyCraft SPR Indoor Cycle, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my indoor training sessions. This sturdy beauty offers 16 levels of resistance, making it incredibly versatile for all types of riders, from beginners to seasoned cyclists. What I love the most is its fully adjustable saddle and handlebars, which provide me with a comfortable and personalized fit every time I jump on for a ride.
The BodyCraft SPR Indoor Cycle has truly enhanced my home workout experience. Its smooth and silent belt drive system eliminates any distractions, letting me fully immerse myself in my training. Additionally, its innovative BODYCRAFT Eddy Current Technology ensures that the resistance remains consistent throughout each workout session.
One of the unique aspects of this indoor cycle is its interactive computer, which keeps me motivated and ensures that I'm consistently improving my fitness levels. The computer display provides valuable insights into distance traveled, calories burned, and more, helping me optimize my performance.
As someone who appreciates quality and durability, I'm thrilled to have discovered the BodyCraft SPR Indoor Cycle. Its robust construction and full commercial rating make it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to enhance their indoor workout routine. However, one downside I've noticed is that its heavyweight might be a concern for those with limited storage space.
Overall, the BodyCraft SPR Indoor Cycle has exceeded my expectations and has rapidly become a beloved member of my home gym. If you're in the market for a top-notch indoor cycle, I couldn't recommend this one enough!

Indoor Cycling Experience with NOHrD Bike
As a dedicated cyclist, I have been using the beautiful and sleek NOHrD Bike Indoor Cycle Walnut for some time now, and I must say, it's truly a game-changer. The exquisite craftsmanship and solid construction make it a perfect fit for any studio or home gym.
One standout feature is the innovative planetary gearing system, which provides a smooth and seamless pedaling experience. Add to that the magnetic brake technology, and you have an indoor cycle with extraordinary durability. The infinitely variable resistance allows me to adjust the intensity of my workout on-the-fly, keeping me engaged and challenged during my cycling sessions.
The minimalist design of the NOHrD Bike is a major highlight for me. Its sleek and athletic appearance not only looks amazing but also contributes to its overall stability within a minimal amount of space. I also appreciate the easy-to-handle rubberized rollers, which make it a breeze to position and store the bike.
Incorporating the NOHrD Bike into my daily workout routine has been a fantastic decision. It provides a low-impact workout that's gentle on my joints while effectively engaging my quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. The ability to perform both upright and racing positions adds variety to my workout and keeps me motivated.
Utilizing the NOHrD Bike App has further enhanced my indoor cycling experience. With pre-designed workouts and performance data analysis, it's easy to plan and track my cycling progress. It also provides the added convenience of being compatible with phone/tablet holders, making it a breeze to access and control my workout with just a few taps on my device.
However, I must point out that there have been some issues with the quality of service from the manufacturer. In my case, the transmission mechanism broke after 18 months, and despite numerous follow-ups, a replacement part has yet to arrive. Additionally, one of the pedals snapped off and replacement part is still due. These minor setbacks have been frustrating, but they certainly do not overshadow the fantastic performance and visual appeal of the NOHrD Bike.
In conclusion, the NOHrD Bike Indoor Cycle Walnut is an exceptional indoor cycling option. Its innovative features, stylish design, and overall build quality make it an attractive addition to any home gym or studio environment. While there have been some service-related issues, the overall experience has been nothing short of excellent, and I would highly recommend the NOHrD Bike to anyone searching for a reliable and performance-driven indoor cycle for their fitness needs.

Cyclace Exercise Bike for Home Indoor Cycling
I've been using the Cyclace Exercise Bike for a few months now, and it's made a significant difference in my daily workout routine. As someone who loves cycling but doesn't always have the time to go outside, this indoor bike has been a game-changer.
First off, the build quality is impressive. It's sturdy and well-constructed, making it feel like a high-end exercise machine despite its affordable price point. The 36 lbs weight flywheel is powerful and smooth, providing a realistic cycling experience that's not too hard to start but still challenging enough for more experienced riders.
Another standout feature is how easy it is to adjust. Both the seat and handlebars are easily adjustable to accommodate different heights, making it suitable for both my husband and me. Plus, the LCD monitor gives you all the necessary information about your workout, including time, distance, speed, calories burned, and heart rate.
However, there are a few downsides worth mentioning. Some users have reported issues with squeaky pedals, which can be distracting during your workout. Additionally, the seat isn't perfect - it's quite soft and cushioned, which might not be everyone's preference.
But overall, the Cyclace Exercise Bike has been an excellent addition to our home gym. Its sturdiness, ease of use, and realistic cycling experience easily outweigh any minor drawbacks. If you're looking for a reliable indoor bike without breaking the bank, I highly recommend giving the Cyclace a try.

Echelon Sport Connected Bike with 30-Day Free Trial and United Membership
I have been a long-time fan of indoor cycling, and I must say, the Echelon Sport Connected Bike has been a game-changer for me. This exercise bike truly delivers the pinnacle of connected fitness from the comfort of home. The variety of adjustable features and cutting-edge technology make it effortless to adapt this bike to my personal fitness goals.
The integration with the EchelonFit app is a standout feature. It leverages Bluetooth technology to monitor my performance and track my progress, allowing me to fine-tune my workouts as needed. The app provides access to 100 on-demand cycling classes of varying lengths and intensities, making it easy for me to stay engaged and motivated in my fitness journey.
Another highlight is the 32 manual resistance levels. As someone always looking to challenge myself, I appreciate the ability to cycle at my own pace and gradually increase my fitness levels. The fully padded, ergonomic handlebars also provide comfort and support, helping me maintain proper upper-body alignment throughout my workout.
However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. While the design comfort and ease of use are impressive, the seat can sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable during long workout sessions. Additionally, the process of connecting the bike to the app can be a bit tedious, requiring Bluetooth connectivity and waiting for everything to sync.
But despite these minor issues, overall, the Echelon Sport Connected Bike has been an excellent addition to my home fitness arsenal. If you're considering an indoor cycling exercise bike, I would highly recommend giving this one a try. You might be pleasantly surprised by how much it can help you achieve your fitness goals without breaking the bank. Don't forget to take advantage of that free 30-day trial of Echelon United as well – it's definitely worth exploring the wealth of live and on-demand connected fitness classes they have to offer. Happy pedaling!

4-Level Adjustable Seat Indoor Cycling Bike
I recently got the Cyclace Exercise Bike to incorporate some cardio into my daily routine at home. The bike is incredibly easy to assemble and it's the perfect size for my workout space. The seat is adjustable in four ways, allowing me to find the perfect fit, and the handlebars are also easily adjusted to my height. The flywheel weighs 13 lbs, which provides a smooth and resistance-filled ride that has significantly stepped up my workout game.
One of the standout features of this bike is its quiet nature, even during intense workouts. The last thing I want is a noisy machine that disturbs my family or roommates, so this has been a game-changer for me. The Cyclace also has an easy-to-use console that displays my speed, distance, calories burned, and time taken. This helps me keep track of my progress and motivates me to push harder.
However, it's worth noting that some users have reported issues with the seat adjustment, and it can be a bit uncomfortable at first. It's important to take breaks and gradually build up endurance to make the most of this exercise bike.
In conclusion, I have absolutely no regrets about adding the Cyclace Exercise Bike to my home fitness setup. Its compact size, adjustability, and smooth, quiet ride make it the perfect addition for anyone looking to incorporate some cardio into their routine without disturbing the rest of the household.

Buyer's Guide

Important Features to Consider
When shopping for a Cyclace exercise bike, these are some key features you should look for:
  • Resistance Levels: Bikes with multiple resistances allow you to adjust the intensity of your workouts as per your fitness levels.
  • LCD Display: This helps track your progress and shows stats like time, speed, distance, and calories burned.
  • Comfort: Seat Adjustment and Padding are important for comfort during long workout sessions.
  • Sturdiness: Durable materials ensure the bike remains stable even during intense sessions.

Considerations Before Purchasing

Before buying an Cyclace exercise bike, consider:
  • Your Fitness Goals: If you're a beginner, start with a basic model. More advanced users may want more resistance levels or features like heart rate monitors.
  • Available Space: Make sure the bike will fit comfortably where you plan to use it.
  • Warranty and Support: A good warranty and responsive customer service can make all the difference if something goes wrong or needs repair.

General Advice

Here are some general tips to keep in mind when shopping for an Cyclace exercise bike:
  1. Read Reviews: This gives an idea of real user experiences and any potential issues.
  2. Test Ride: If possible, try before you buy to ensure it meets your comfort and usability preferences.
  3. Compare Prices: Look for deals and discounts, but remember that quality should be prioritized over cost.

Taking Care of Your Cyclace Exercise Bike

Proper maintenance ensures your bike lasts long and remains in good condition. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines. Some basic tips include:
  • Clean Regularly: Wipe down the bike after each use to remove sweat and dust.
  • Lubricate Moving Parts: Use a silicone-based lubricant to keep the pedals, chain, and other moving parts smooth and free of damage.
  • Store Properly: When not in use, especially in humid conditions, store your bike in a covered area to protect it from moisture and dust.


What features does the Cyclace Exercise Bike offer?
The Cyclace Exercise Bike comes with several impressive features, including a comfortable seat, 360-degree screen rotation, non-slip grips, and a sturdy steel frame. Moreover, the bike is designed to cater to a variety of workout intensities with its adjustable resistance levels and handlebars with pulse sensors. The Cyclace Exercise Bike also features an LCD screen and built-in transport wheels for easy maneuvering.

How do I assemble the Cyclace Exercise Bike?

The Cyclace Exercise Bike does require some assembly, which can typically be completed within 30 minutes or less. The package includes all necessary hardware and tools, and the assembly process is relatively straightforward. Additionally, Cyclace provides a comprehensive user manual with detailed assembly instructions.

How can I track my workout progress on the Cyclace Exercise Bike?

The Cyclace Exercise Bike comes equipped with an LCD screen, which displays essential workout metrics such as time, speed, distance, calories, and heart rate. By monitoring these figures, you can easily track your progress and make informed adjustments to your training regimen.

What is the weight limit for the Cyclace Exercise Bike?

The Cyclace Exercise Bike has a maximum user weight capacity of 330 lbs (150 kg), making it suitable for a wide range of individuals. The sturdy steel frame ensures a safe and stable workout experience, regardless of your size or strength.

How many resistance levels does the Cyclace Exercise Bike have?

The Cyclace Exercise Bike features 8 levels of adjustable magnetic resistance, allowing you to fine-tune your workout intensity to suit your fitness level and goals. With this versatile range of resistance options, the Cyclace Exercise Bike accommodates both beginners and seasoned athletes alike.

Does the Cyclace Exercise Bike require a power source?

No, the Cyclace Exercise Bike does not require any external power source, as it is self-powered through the use of a flywheel mechanism. This means you can enjoy a seamless, hassle-free workout experience without having to worry about plugging in or charging the device.

How can I maintain and clean my Cyclace Exercise Bike?

To maintain your Cyclace Exercise Bike in pristine condition, it is recommended to perform regular cleaning and maintenance tasks. This includes wiping down the bike with a damp cloth after each use, lubricating the chain periodically, and checking the bolts and screws for tightness. Additionally, Cyclace provides a comprehensive user manual with detailed maintenance instructions for your reference.

How does the Cyclace Exercise Bike compare to other similar products on the market?

The Cyclace Exercise Bike stands out from its competitors by offering a high-quality, comfortable, and feature-rich workout experience at an affordable price point. Some notable differences include its sturdy steel frame, adjustable resistance levels, and built-in pulse sensors, which are not always found in other exercise bikes within this price range.

What warranty does the Cyclace Exercise Bike come with?

The Cyclace Exercise Bike comes with a one-year warranty on the frame and a 90-day warranty on parts, including the display, seat, and pedals. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship and ensures that you can have confidence in your purchase and receive prompt support in the event of any issues.

Is the Cyclace Exercise Bike suitable for users with limited mobility or injuries?

While the Cyclace Exercise Bike is designed to cater to a wide range of users, it is essential to consult with your healthcare professional before beginning any new exercise regimen. If you have specific mobility concerns or injuries, they can advise you on the appropriate equipment and modifications to make your workout experience as safe and comfortable as possible.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:05 Faranocks Aren't flux points completely broken OP?

My friend and I were optimizing a fusion and fission reactor and had a hard time getting more than 1MFE/t from the turbine and fusion reactor (TBE given we were using nitro cables). I made a flux plug/point to remotely connect the system to a energizing ray thing for making alloy blocks (8.1GFE/ea). I was pulling more than 1MFE/t. A bit more investigating later and I got the flux plug to transfer more than 200MFE in a tick. Isn't this completely busted? Flux points are pre-ender dragon and really cheap compared to nitro cables, take up less space, infinite, cross-dimensional range, and also apparently infinite (or effectively infinite) power transfer rate. Doesn't this kinda make them the go-to cable once you are reaching more than around 1MFE/t of energy generation? Or even way earlier given their lower cost?
submitted by Faranocks to allthemods [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:03 Steamrat8 MH3 cards be like.

submitted by Steamrat8 to custommagic [link] [comments]