Phineas ferb coloring games

Got myself the Azov 67096 Atom yesterday. I'm still experimenting with it, but already impressed...

2024.05.21 21:00 Odd_Presentation_578 Got myself the Azov 67096 Atom yesterday. I'm still experimenting with it, but already impressed...

Got myself the Azov 67096 Atom yesterday. I'm still experimenting with it, but already impressed...
It's a slow, but powerful truck, narrow enough to fit between trees when attempting sketchy shortcuts. The first Azov ever to get a 3-slot bed+crane+trailer combo, this beast also has a unique (body-colored!) maintainer addon, capable of fitting 2500 liters of fuel and 300 repairs with 4 spare wheels. So, first role for it is a refuel truck. It joined the "Syrup Feeders" fleet like it was always there - took a place between a Pacific P12 and an International Paystar 5600 TS.
Among other refuelers
A view from behind
The Syrup Feeders.
I'm surprised it is capable of a 3-slot bed+crane+trailer combo, but can't do the same with 2-slot beds. Not that I needed that, but still. Saber, please fix!
But there's more to it! For example, it can combine a log loader crane and a short log carrier module. I immediately made a run across the whole Mountain Ridge map in Scandinavia with double short log setup.
On my way!
Orestoke sign
Climbing the mountains near the skiing track
The Atom ran through mountains like a true champ. Slowly, but confidently it chugged along, although I rolled it twice. But it's my fault - shouldn't have taken my eyes off the road. It's tall, it's narrow, and the log crane adds to an already high center of gravity. Still, I let it join the "Jaegers" short logging fleet of my company. I only wish it could do medium logs + crane...
Among the short loggers
Close-up look
The Jaegers
And then I started searching for modded variants. Found only one, this: It allows for more addon combos, some of which are rather stupid-looking. Like this one:
Yes, it's a double repair module. 1600 points and 15 spare wheels. No trailer
Azov Atom SE by DocBugsy. Crane and sideboard are from Poghrim.
This one has joined my "Dirty Good Boys" fleet, where it replaced Azov 73210.
Then I began testing it with medium logs in Maine. It struggled more, Maine is a hard region, but still I'm impressed with the 67096's performance. Way better than Aramatsu Forester and its lack of power.
Loading medium logs
Climbing river rapids against the current. Winching was required.
Yes, it fell again. No, this time too it's not the truck's fault - the road was too angled (like 30 degrees to the left) and I thought it will be possible to cross it with careful winching to the right. It was not.
A shoutout to the DAN of the "Saviors" rescue fleet. It climbed the hill like it's nothing in a place I didn't think it was possible. TIL a new shortcut in Maine... yes, after having 2700 hours played, this game continues to surprise me.
DAN is the rescue man
The route to the fallen Atom (red circle)
All in all, the truck feels really powerful. I try to keep the mod as close to vanilla as possible, so it won't be too OP. It managed to climb this very steep hill here, on the Yellowrock map, near the "Dirt, Ice and Delivery" task without winching, while loaded with double medium logs and a trailer. The Forester failed me here.
(Note to self: low range couldn't do it, but switching to Auto helped. Apparently, L+ is not the same as Auto 1st, even for the trucks with always on difflock).
I think this truck earned its place among the Shamans (medium loggers) fleet too. A jack of all trades!
submitted by Odd_Presentation_578 to snowrunner [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:58 Snushy_101 Foursixty Free Trial: Quick Activation Steps

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submitted by Snushy_101 to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:56 DoesntWorkForIS Ryoma Barrenwort ex-mod from his PL account shared some of her experiences

Ryoma Barrenwort ex-mod from his PL account shared some of her experiences submitted by DoesntWorkForIS to kurosanji [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:55 Physionx2709 I have an unsustainable coping mechanism

To give a short context, I am a 19-year-old college guy going in my second year and I have developed an unsustainable coping mechanism, to evade my deep-rooted problems.
I am a very insecure person, especially over my body and skin color (years of bullying have led to me believing I am too ugly for a girlfriend). I have pathetic social skills and have been called slightly autistic by many of my friends. All of my friends are attractive and very successful in terms of girls and stuff, while I am not. I can talk to girls but they don't seem to give attention. I am a massive overthinker and generally think all girls hate or avoid me.
To cope with this massive social failure, I have dived completely into academics and cultural stuff. I overload myself with many projects hobbies and academic stuff. Like trying to score the highest marks, doing projects on aircraft and electronics, and learning keyboard and drums. I fulfill my dozens of hobbies like history, gaming philosophy, and tons more. This also has led me to have extremely weird music taste, hated by everyone.
I have tried to find like-minded people, and I have found and forged many good friendships and companionships but all are boys. I always see girls taking interest in young bad boys or stuff and general cringe behavior, and I couldn't find any girl whom I would share with interests.
All these make me a complete nerd but I can't help further. Many times during the day, I feel overwhelmed by everything. This doesn't solve my root problem- insecurity and overthinking. If I got a girlfriend, things would be good but it seems a distant dream (I have no rizz and looks), and many of my friends seem to have both gf and a good command of academics.
I still can go the whole day working nonstop, but ik this type of coping mechanism is unsustainable and someday I will implode or burn out. I need help out of this loop I have created.
submitted by Physionx2709 to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:54 Yeggytheeggy 25 [F4A] #Alberta #Canada looking for friends ONLY

Hi y’all I’m from the Canadian Prairies so ofc I gotta say y’all and live hockey. Just looking for buddies in Canada and preferably people close by
I’m 25F from good old ‘Berta. I’m not looking for anything other than friendship and SFW chats. Please be talkative and chill!
I try to respond fast but life gets busy
I’m a person of color if it matter! I like hockey, tv shows, cartoons, seeing, crocheting, thrifting, board games, painting, escape rooms, cafes, writing, and so much more
I love golden retriever energy and just wholesome people
Message me and lmk your age, gender, and where you are from in Canada! A bit about you would be appreciated too
submitted by Yeggytheeggy to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:53 AStinkyPickle 25[M4F] #Pennsylvania/#Online - Local nerd looking for someone who would probably say, "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles"

Hello! Jokes aside from my title, I can tell a server if my order isn't correct on my own and I like pickles. However, I hope that paints a good picture to start with on what type of person I'm looking for. Also sorry, but not sorry for this being a book.
What/Who I'm looking for:
What I bring to the table in return:
Possible deal-breakers:
Personality-wise(I wrote these last couple sections as paragraphs, sorry):
I'm fairly rational and honest. I talk way too much sometimes, especially when I'm passionate about something or excited. I do like alone time, or just sitting in silence together. I try to keep things lighthearted most of the time and I laugh at a giant amount of stupid things that probably aren't that funny. My humor is pretty cursed because I find some dark humor funny and just internet humor in general. I'm pretty whimsical and often like to try new things. I get really focused on things for a little while, then I kind of move onto whatever takes my attention away. Because of that, my hobbies are kind of a revolving door a lot of the time. I think my worst trait is that I sometimes genuinely have a hard time understanding people and their decisions.
For my hobbies, it's all just kind of nerd hobbies for the most part. Most of my free time is spent playing video games with the occasional watching or reading something in between. I actually like and follow sports when I feel like it. Said sports being baseball and football. Despite being ingrained in internet culture, I do touch grass regularly. Some things that I'd like to do, but refuse to do alone are things like hiking and traveling. I also don't know if I'd really consider it a hobby, but I exercise.
Physical appearance:
I'm about 5'7 or 67 inches. I've got the old man balding genes, so I keep my hair rather short. I also keep my facial hair around as short. Both of which are brown, though my face has some other colors mixed in. I'm pretty broad. I'm overweight and working on it, as stated above. I have hazel eyes, but they usually like 90% brown and 10% green.
Finally I'm just adding a thank you for the presumably low amount of people that actually stuck around until the end. If you've somehow made it this far and decide to not reach out, good luck on your search!
submitted by AStinkyPickle to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:49 Sensitive-Island-697 Budget mini gaming pc upgrade from steam deck , roughly £800ish

Love my steamdeck, got me back into gaming. Looking for a small build gaming pc around £800 that would be a step up in specs. Just need the system, no accessories . Is it possible? Thanks in advance
Is this a brand new build, or an upgrade to an existing build? *New Build
Please list any existing parts or monitor(s) you have that you would like to re-use with this build. For upgrades, a PCPartPicker list of your full build is extremely helpful. Be as specific as you can be here, including links or exact model numbers of each component whenever possible. *Basic keyboard/mouse
What will this PC be used for? Examples include things like gaming, general/multimedia use, photo/video editing, coding, AI/ML, etc. Include specific games and applications you intend to run, and any particular performance goals you have, as each may have different specific hardware needs. *playing my new steam library of games with mixed specs needs
What country will you be purchasing in? If you are in the US, do you live near a Micro Center? For other countries, please check if your country is supported by PCPartPicker by using the country selector dropdown on the top right - if not, please provide some links to reliable local vendors you are comfortable ordering from. *UK
Do you need one or more monitors included in the budget? Please list how many and any size/resolution/refresh rate preferences if needed. *No
What is your preferred and maximum budget range for this build, in local currency? Parts lists may sometimes have additional shipping costs. Please note whether prices in your country include sales tax or not, and adjust your budget accordingly. Typically VAT countries will have it included in the part list prices, whereas regular sales tax countries like the US and Canada will not. *£800 roughly
Do you need WiFi, or do you have a wired ethernet connection available? *wifi needed
Do you have any specific size or noise requirements for the build? *Small form build
Do you have any aesthetic preferences for color or lighting? Describe what you're looking for, or feel free to provide some links to examples that may help. Some people prefer an inobtrusive stealth build, while others may prefer a case full of rainbow RGB. *No
Any other specific requests or requirements? Examples might include a specific minimum amount of storage, or a particular CPU socket for a future upgrade path, etc. *just a step up from steamdeck specs
submitted by Sensitive-Island-697 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:48 Iamhayashi Who am I?

I think ima start with who I am, like that, idk i guess later when ima read back those post ima be like, damn i changed? I go by the username Hayashi, i am curently 21 year old turning 22 in like 3 month xD I am a frenchie from Quebec :P I am honestly a nerdy, weeb girlie pop.
I've been watching anime for years now and like to collect alot of stuff about my favorite one, talking about that, my favorite anime of all times are : Sk8 the infinity and Vanitas no carte.
I am also a Magic the gathering player! I mainly play and collect the cards but i am not really into like the price and all of it. I play for fun mainly commander with my friends. Red, green are like my go to colors X)
I am also a avid boardgame player, I play alot alot alot of boardgame. I think I own around 150 games and have played more than 250 :) idk what i actually like about boardgame, i guess the different mechanics and style and how i need to use my little brain make it fun? My friends often say that I have a autistic brain for boardgames xD
I am also known to be one of the only person in my friend group to enjoy playing League of Legends! Man, I truly love that game, i love the game play, i love the4 champions and i love the lore. I have read all the lore of every champions. I am a adc/support main but i can also play a little bit of mid and jungle. Thats the main game I play and after years I still enjoy playing it :)
So yea, like I said. I am a nerdy girlie :) I am know to be really extravagant and funny. I like to always make people laugh and just have a good time. I can also be really shy with new people or a too big group. I am also in a long distance relation ship, but i think i will make a whole other post to explain that xD
I think thats it for my about me post :) and if u ever read that in the future, I Naomi!
submitted by Iamhayashi to u/Iamhayashi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:48 amazing_spyman Shout out to Outlook & Teams Apps

Hey OE Family
Am a dad who’s 1 month into a great beginning of my OE Journey. Just to give a massive shout-out to good ol’ Teams app and Outlook for their incredible features. With Outlook, my J1 and J2 calendars not only sync seamlessly but are also color-coded, which is just cool. That manages 80% of OE risks! Who knew i could be this great at time management !! It’s spilling over into my personal life in good way
Managing meetings has been a breeze so far - it’s genuinely transformed my scheduling experience. Then there’sthe Teams app, it’s a game-changer for me. I can be out walking my dog and still effortlessly conference in on my J1 while simultaneously chatting with my J2 colleagues. The ease of switching back and forth , maintaining privacy is chef’s kiss. I know this are probably basic apps but I’m loving what these features have done for me; super curious what other simple but tested tips and tricks have worked for you.
Thanks! OE dad
submitted by amazing_spyman to overemployed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:44 REDEDITNUMA Mythicc a pvp dagger fall guild


Information Guild Leader: Lexicat Co-Leader:Mr.Madness Server: PC-NA Time Zone: Eastern Active time: 10pm- 6am EST
About Us
Does your brother get more bussy then you? In need of a guild that's thiccer than a snicker? You dummy thicc but other guilds just wont sticc? Maybe you shop at hot topic because you hate your parents? Well join ! We can't fix it, but we sure wont judge you.
What we're about We are mostly a carefree guild, spicy memes will be dropped, Jokes will be said. this is not a SJW guild we do not censor topics or guild members. Those expecting a Sweaty Guild, will not find it here. But those wanting a fun place to hang out, play the game, pvp, and cause general chaos for laughs when it suits us, consider your self invited.
What we're NOT about
Prejudiced beliefs, racism, sexism, etc. If you legitimately hate others because of their skin color, you're not welcome here. Jokes are one thing, harassment isn't.
submitted by REDEDITNUMA to ESOGuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:39 redit0r69 Attack Shark X6

Attack Shark X6
Is this mouse worth it for $32. Im seeing it on aliexpress. Or any other recommendations?
submitted by redit0r69 to MouseReview [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:36 Canadian87Gamer Tuesday night board games tonight

Tuesday night board games tonight
If someone gave you the clue apple, what color hue would you pick ?
People seem to like the reminder .
Feel free to come join tonight ! Dm for details
South end - pergola commons . We're planning other activities starting in June !
Someone brought hues and clues last week and it's my new favorite game !
submitted by Canadian87Gamer to Guelph [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:35 Sweaty_Bluebird_6480 How to Build a Genius Project with Arduino using I2C LCD

Hello, Redditors! Today, I will guide you through a fascinating Genius project using Arduino and an I2C LCD.
What is a Genius Project?
A Genius project is a classic memory game where players must repeat an increasing sequence of colors and sounds. In this project, we will use four colored LEDs and a buzzer to reproduce the sequence. The player must press the corresponding buttons for the LEDs to repeat the sequence correctly.
List of required materials:
Name Quantity Component
U1 1 Arduino Uno R3
S1, S2, S3, S4 4 Button
D1 1 Red LED
D2 1 Yellow LED
D3 1 Green LED
D4 1 White LED
R2, R3, R4, R5 4 330 Ω Resistor
PIEZO1 1 Piezo
U4 1 Based on PCF8574, 32 (0x20) LCD 16 x 2 (I2C)
Wire the components as shown below:
The following code is for the Arduino and uses the LiquidCrystal_I2C library. You can find the library here.
#include  #include  #include "pitches.h" #define buzzer 3 #define waitingStart 0 #define playingSeq 1 #define userTyping 3 #define validatingSeq 4 #define kred 11 #define kyellow 10 #define kgreen 9 #define kwhite 8 #define lred 7 #define lyellow 6 #define lgreen 5 #define lwhite 4 #define debugging 1 int interval = 500; int noSound = 200; int seq[50]; int posSeq = 0; int posType = 0; int state = waitingStart; int key = 0; int highScore = 0; LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(32,16,2); void setup() { pinMode(lred, OUTPUT); pinMode(lyellow, OUTPUT); pinMode(lgreen, OUTPUT); pinMode(lwhite, OUTPUT); pinMode(kred, INPUT); pinMode(kyellow, INPUT); pinMode(kgreen, INPUT); pinMode(kwhite, INPUT); noSound = 0; lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.print("Simon says"); playWrong(); noSound = 50; Serial.begin(9600); randomSeed(analogRead(0)); generateSeq(); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("High Score:"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(highScore); } void loop() { switch(state) { case waitingStart: interval = 500; if (debugging) Serial.println("waitingStart"); lcd.clear(); lcd.print("Waiting..."); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Press button"); key = readKey(false); state = playingSeq; return; case playingSeq: if (debugging) Serial.println("playingSeq"); playSeq(); posType = 0; state = userTyping; return; case userTyping: lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Game Started"); if (debugging) Serial.println("userTyping"); key = 1; boolean ok = true; while(ok) { key = readKey(true); if (key == 0) break; play(key-4); ok = validateSeq(key); if (debugging) { Serial.print("ok="); Serial.println(ok); } if (ok) { if (posType == posSeq) { delay(1000); posSeq++; state = playingSeq; interval = interval * 0.95; if (posSeq > highScore) { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("New high score!"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(posSeq); delay(2000); highScore = posSeq; } return; } else { posType++; } } } lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Your score:"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(posSeq); Serial.print("You scored "); Serial.println(posSeq); playWrong(); generateSeq(); state = waitingStart; return; } } boolean validateSeq(int k) { if (posType >= posSeq) return false; if (seq[posType] != k) return false; posType++; return true; } void generateSeq() { for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { seq[i] = random(4) + 4; } posSeq = 0; } int readKey(boolean waiting) { if (waiting) { while (readKey(false) == 0) delay(50); } if (digitalRead(kred) == LOW) return 1; if (digitalRead(kyellow) == LOW) return 2; if (digitalRead(kgreen) == LOW) return 3; if (digitalRead(kwhite) == LOW) return 4; return 0; } void playSeq() { for (int i = 0; i < posSeq; i++) { int note = seq[i]; if (debugging) { Serial.print("Playing note "); Serial.println(note); } play(note); delay(interval); } } void play(int note) { int length = 500; if (note == 1) { tone(buzzer, pitches[0], length); digitalWrite(lred, HIGH); } else if (note == 2) { tone(buzzer, pitches[1], length); digitalWrite(lyellow, HIGH); } else if (note == 3) { tone(buzzer, pitches[2], length); digitalWrite(lgreen, HIGH); } else if (note == 4) { tone(buzzer, pitches[3], length); digitalWrite(lwhite, HIGH); } delay(length); noTone(buzzer); digitalWrite(lred, LOW); digitalWrite(lyellow, LOW); digitalWrite(lgreen, LOW); digitalWrite(lwhite, LOW); } void playWrong() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tone(buzzer, 500); delay(50); noTone(buzzer); delay(50); } } void setupColors() { pinMode(lred, OUTPUT); pinMode(lyellow, OUTPUT); pinMode(lgreen, OUTPUT); pinMode(lwhite, OUTPUT); } void clearColors() { digitalWrite(lred, LOW); digitalWrite(lyellow, LOW); digitalWrite(lgreen, LOW); digitalWrite(lwhite, LOW); } void printScore() { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Score:"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print(posSeq); } void setupLcd() { lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); } void clearLcd() { lcd.clear(); } void printWelcome() { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Welcome!"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Press a button"); } void printWaiting() { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Waiting..."); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Press a button"); } void printPlaying() { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print("Game started"); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); lcd.print("Score: "); lcd.print(posSeq); } 
Check out the project here: Tinkercad Simon Says Game
Feel free to remix and modify the code to make it your own. Enjoy!
submitted by Sweaty_Bluebird_6480 to ArduinoProjects [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:35 The_Bulk_Biceps [PC SERVER][Steam][XBOX GAME PASS][PvE] [ASA][ASE]✨Fire Fly Gaming Community, Since 12/2019✨

Greetings Everyone!
Both of our server clusters are fully featured with choice mods and plugins to make for a great gaming experience. As the DLC list expands so will our available maps on our ASA. In terms of additional functionality, it's still early to see how that will evolve by the communities wants and needs so stay tuned! All of our servers are self-hosted in house on top of the line hardware for the best possible gaming environment :)
Join our Discord Server for all server rules, info, announcements and shenanigans [\](
ASA Server Mod List ⏵\_jNRyScS3kXq3RwHa/pub
Ark:SE Cluster Wide Mod List ( Load time via SSD ~ 3.75 min )

Shared Server Features:

* INTEGRATED Discord - Chat with our cluster players, server status, Gen2 Asteroid phases, and more! ( ASA Doesn't have gen2 or extinction yet so no notifications for those )
* NOWIPE with customized decay system ( See Discord for decay rates )
* BUILDING Mods for your creative endeavors
* IN-GAME SHOP ( Get Items, skins, consumables, etc with points earnable by just
* REUSABLE Items (mindwipe,bolas,spears,grappling hooks, etc!)
* PATRON Perks (Body retrieval, dino coloring, and more!)
* QUESTS in both daily and weekly forms
* ITEM Backup System so us admins can easily fix you getting "arked"

ARK:SE Cluster Features:

* CUSTOM Drop Tables
* ​DINOTRACKING in multiple forms
* CROSS ARK AUCTION House and in-game currency
* VOTER Rewards ( Vote and get points to spend in the shop! )

Server Settings:

* Max Tribe Members = 10
* Max Alliances = 12
* Max Tribes in Alliance = 10
* Tribal Warfare = Enabled, Cancel Allowed
* Player Multipliers: XP = 1, Stam = 1.25, Oxygen 1.25, Food = 1.2
* (Custom harvest table is 3x for most resources, 1.25x for plant based resources)
* Max Dino Level = 300
* Wild Dino DMG/RES = 1.35
* Tamed Dino Food Drain Multiplier = .5
* Taming Speed Multiplier = 5
* Tamed Health = .2
* Tamed Stamina = 2
* Tamed Oxygen = 1
* Tamed Food = 1
* Tamed Temperature = 1
* Tamed Weight = 4
* Tamed Damage = .17
* Tamed Speed = 1
* Tamed Crafting = 1
These breeding rates only apply in s+ Hatchery, Incubator, Propagator and DS Soul traps to encourage dinos to be kept OUT OF WORLD....nobody likes framerate dropping messes. ASA FOLLOWS SUIT WITH OUT OF WORLD BREEDING FUNCTIONS.
* Mating Interval = 10
* Mating Speed = 2
* Egg Hatch Speed = 10
* Baby Mature Speed = 10
* Baby Food Consumption = .5
* Imprinting Stat Scale = 2
* Cuddle Interval = .2
* Cuddle Grace Period = 1
* Cuddle Lose imprint Quality Speed = 1Lay Egg Interval = .7

ASE Server List

💎 Crystal
🐲 Fjö
🚀 Genesis
🖥 Genesis Sim (Needs Valguero DLC)
🌵 Scorched
🏞 The
🌴 The
🗺 Lost

ASA PvE: Most settings are similar to our ARK:SE Cluster

press the ` key and copy the command below to direct connect to the servers from the games main screen
Session NameMap
FireFlyGaming Island [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🌴 open
FireFlyGaming Svartalfheim [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🪙 open
FireFlyGaming Reverence [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🙏 open
FireFlyGaming Amissa [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🛖 open
FireFlyGaming Temptress Lagoon [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🪼 open
FireFlyGaming Survive The Night [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌚 open
FireFlyGaming Scorched Earth [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌵open
FireFlyGaming Omega Vanilla🌴open

Palworld Servers

Palworld servers are password protected with anticheat installed. You must join the discord to read our rules before joining.
Session NameMap
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Vanilla🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Medium🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Hard 🌴
submitted by The_Bulk_Biceps to playarkservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:30 Live_North2254 Pricing of a Module

I am currently in the work to make some modules through TAS for Traveller 2nd edition to go on Drivethru RPG. I was curious about pricing based on cost to produce. So my question is how much value would you apply to a module with the following example. About 30 pages long, colored art on cover and black and white art within about 25 pieces of art, With about 15 main points. I.e. If its NPCs or Creatures, It would be 15 in depth and detailed creatures for use in the game with stats, and associated roleplaying uses and interactions with them along with equipment in relation to them.
If you were to put a price on how much you would pay for such a thing? What price would that be?
submitted by Live_North2254 to RPGdesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:30 The_Bulk_Biceps [PC SERVER][Steam][XBOX GAME PASS][PvE] [ASA][ASE]✨Fire Fly Gaming Community, Since 12/2019✨

Greetings Everyone!
Both of our server clusters are fully featured with choice mods and plugins to make for a great gaming experience. As the DLC list expands so will our available maps on our ASA. In terms of additional functionality, it's still early to see how that will evolve by the communities wants and needs so stay tuned! All of our servers are self-hosted in house on top of the line hardware for the best possible gaming environment :)
Join our Discord Server for all server rules, info, announcements and shenanigans [\](
ASA Server Mod List ⏵\_jNRyScS3kXq3RwHa/pub
Ark:SE Cluster Wide Mod List ( Load time via SSD ~ 3.75 min )

Shared Server Features:

* INTEGRATED Discord - Chat with our cluster players, server status, Gen2 Asteroid phases, and more! ( ASA Doesn't have gen2 or extinction yet so no notifications for those )
* NOWIPE with customized decay system ( See Discord for decay rates )
* BUILDING Mods for your creative endeavors
* IN-GAME SHOP ( Get Items, skins, consumables, etc with points earnable by just
* REUSABLE Items (mindwipe,bolas,spears,grappling hooks, etc!)
* PATRON Perks (Body retrieval, dino coloring, and more!)
* QUESTS in both daily and weekly forms
* ITEM Backup System so us admins can easily fix you getting "arked"

ARK:SE Cluster Features:

* CUSTOM Drop Tables
* ​DINOTRACKING in multiple forms
* CROSS ARK AUCTION House and in-game currency
* VOTER Rewards ( Vote and get points to spend in the shop! )

Server Settings:

* Max Tribe Members = 10
* Max Alliances = 12
* Max Tribes in Alliance = 10
* Tribal Warfare = Enabled, Cancel Allowed
* Player Multipliers: XP = 1, Stam = 1.25, Oxygen 1.25, Food = 1.2
* (Custom harvest table is 3x for most resources, 1.25x for plant based resources)
* Max Dino Level = 300
* Wild Dino DMG/RES = 1.35
* Tamed Dino Food Drain Multiplier = .5
* Taming Speed Multiplier = 5
* Tamed Health = .2
* Tamed Stamina = 2
* Tamed Oxygen = 1
* Tamed Food = 1
* Tamed Temperature = 1
* Tamed Weight = 4
* Tamed Damage = .17
* Tamed Speed = 1
* Tamed Crafting = 1
These breeding rates only apply in s+ Hatchery, Incubator, Propagator and DS Soul traps to encourage dinos to be kept OUT OF WORLD....nobody likes framerate dropping messes. ASA FOLLOWS SUIT WITH OUT OF WORLD BREEDING FUNCTIONS.
* Mating Interval = 10
* Mating Speed = 2
* Egg Hatch Speed = 10
* Baby Mature Speed = 10
* Baby Food Consumption = .5
* Imprinting Stat Scale = 2
* Cuddle Interval = .2
* Cuddle Grace Period = 1
* Cuddle Lose imprint Quality Speed = 1Lay Egg Interval = .7

ASE Server List

💎 Crystal
🐲 Fjö
🚀 Genesis
🖥 Genesis Sim (Needs Valguero DLC)
🌵 Scorched
🏞 The
🌴 The
🗺 Lost

ASA PvE: Most settings are similar to our ARK:SE Cluster

press the ` key and copy the command below to direct connect to the servers from the games main screen
Session NameMap
FireFlyGaming Island [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🌴 open
FireFlyGaming Svartalfheim [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🪙 open
FireFlyGaming Reverence [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🙏 open
FireFlyGaming Amissa [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🛖 open
FireFlyGaming Temptress Lagoon [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🪼 open
FireFlyGaming Survive The Night [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌚 open
FireFlyGaming Scorched Earth [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌵open
FireFlyGaming Omega Vanilla🌴open

Palworld Servers

Palworld servers are password protected with anticheat installed. You must join the discord to read our rules before joining.
Session NameMap
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Vanilla🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Medium🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Hard 🌴
submitted by The_Bulk_Biceps to ARKSurvivalEvolved [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:29 The_Bulk_Biceps [PC SERVER][Steam][XBOX GAME PASS][PvE] [ASA][ASE]✨Fire Fly Gaming Community, Since 12/2019✨

Greetings Everyone!
Both of our server clusters are fully featured with choice mods and plugins to make for a great gaming experience. As the DLC list expands so will our available maps on our ASA. In terms of additional functionality, it's still early to see how that will evolve by the communities wants and needs so stay tuned! All of our servers are self-hosted in house on top of the line hardware for the best possible gaming environment :)
Join our Discord Server for all server rules, info, announcements and shenanigans [\](
ASA Server Mod List ⏵\_jNRyScS3kXq3RwHa/pub
Ark:SE Cluster Wide Mod List ( Load time via SSD ~ 3.75 min )

Shared Server Features:

* INTEGRATED Discord - Chat with our cluster players, server status, Gen2 Asteroid phases, and more! ( ASA Doesn't have gen2 or extinction yet so no notifications for those )
* NOWIPE with customized decay system ( See Discord for decay rates )
* BUILDING Mods for your creative endeavors
* IN-GAME SHOP ( Get Items, skins, consumables, etc with points earnable by just
* REUSABLE Items (mindwipe,bolas,spears,grappling hooks, etc!)
* PATRON Perks (Body retrieval, dino coloring, and more!)
* QUESTS in both daily and weekly forms
* ITEM Backup System so us admins can easily fix you getting "arked"

ARK:SE Cluster Features:

* CUSTOM Drop Tables
* ​DINOTRACKING in multiple forms
* CROSS ARK AUCTION House and in-game currency
* VOTER Rewards ( Vote and get points to spend in the shop! )

Server Settings:

* Max Tribe Members = 10
* Max Alliances = 12
* Max Tribes in Alliance = 10
* Tribal Warfare = Enabled, Cancel Allowed
* Player Multipliers: XP = 1, Stam = 1.25, Oxygen 1.25, Food = 1.2
* (Custom harvest table is 3x for most resources, 1.25x for plant based resources)
* Max Dino Level = 300
* Wild Dino DMG/RES = 1.35
* Tamed Dino Food Drain Multiplier = .5
* Taming Speed Multiplier = 5
* Tamed Health = .2
* Tamed Stamina = 2
* Tamed Oxygen = 1
* Tamed Food = 1
* Tamed Temperature = 1
* Tamed Weight = 4
* Tamed Damage = .17
* Tamed Speed = 1
* Tamed Crafting = 1
These breeding rates only apply in s+ Hatchery, Incubator, Propagator and DS Soul traps to encourage dinos to be kept OUT OF WORLD....nobody likes framerate dropping messes. ASA FOLLOWS SUIT WITH OUT OF WORLD BREEDING FUNCTIONS.
* Mating Interval = 10
* Mating Speed = 2
* Egg Hatch Speed = 10
* Baby Mature Speed = 10
* Baby Food Consumption = .5
* Imprinting Stat Scale = 2
* Cuddle Interval = .2
* Cuddle Grace Period = 1
* Cuddle Lose imprint Quality Speed = 1Lay Egg Interval = .7

ASE Server List

💎 Crystal
🐲 Fjö
🚀 Genesis
🖥 Genesis Sim (Needs Valguero DLC)
🌵 Scorched
🏞 The
🌴 The
🗺 Lost

ASA PvE: Most settings are similar to our ARK:SE Cluster

press the ` key and copy the command below to direct connect to the servers from the games main screen
Session NameMap
FireFlyGaming Island [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🌴 open
FireFlyGaming Svartalfheim [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🪙 open
FireFlyGaming Reverence [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🙏 open
FireFlyGaming Amissa [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🛖 open
FireFlyGaming Temptress Lagoon [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🪼 open
FireFlyGaming Survive The Night [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌚 open
FireFlyGaming Scorched Earth [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌵open
FireFlyGaming Omega Vanilla🌴open

Palworld Servers

Palworld servers are password protected with anticheat installed. You must join the discord to read our rules before joining.
Session NameMap
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Vanilla🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Medium🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Hard 🌴
submitted by The_Bulk_Biceps to ArkSurvivalAscended [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:29 Life-Refuse-6670 premonition death dream of myself

I have a lot of crazy dreams, sometimes they’re goofy and everything looks like something out of Alice in wonderland. Sometimes they’re graphic and my dad gets his knees quite literally busted out in front of me. Sometimes they’re so real that the only noticeable difference is weird color or hazy vision. But this one I had on May 17th, 2024 was not like the others and it’s been eating at my daily living for a couple days now. I have a trip planned in August (10th-14th) of this year for my birthday, I already have the plane tickets bought and lodging arrangements in order. In this dream I was flying home from this trip, I was happy and talking to my significant other about how great my birthday was. We spoke in full English, which was odd considering a lot of dreams don’t tend to do this, at least for me. I was reading the signs at the airport, getting to my gate to aboard my flight and so on. We get on the united airplane, and it begins to descend. I feel the push back as it starts to go up and the gravity pulls me against my seat. As it’s going up, it felt like it actually stood still in the air for a moment before it began to fall straight down. There was no warning, no oxygen masks, no one had any idea this was happening. When it crashed I lived through it, I awoke to smoke and fire and alarms going off around me. There was riots, people were screaming and fighting everywhere. There was a familiar sound, the American emergency alert system. It kept repeating itself saying,”the United States has been attacked, we are being invaded. This is not a test.” And my heart sank, I think I passed out again, but this was the only gap in the whole dream. I woke up again in a hotel room. It was extremely clean and I was alone. I rushed to my phone to search for my mom and dad’s contacts, I had to make sure they were okay or at least warn them what had just happened. I was scrolling and scrolling but it felt like I couldn’t find them in my phone, but all of a sudden a huge orange ball passed across my window changing the night sky to look day. I got up and ran to the window to see what it was and then it hit me. The radiation blast, I didn’t even have time to react. I felt the radiation vibrate inside of my skin, it kept rumbling around until what felt like my skin falling off. There was no pain but I started to think (which I do not do in my dreams usually) about the fact I was literally dying. I told myself, “ this is it. I’m finally dying, it’s over. I’m going to see the afterlife.” I was anxious on that thought but then immediately hit with sadness, I am losing my family, I’m dying and I will never see them again. In my next life I won’t remember them. I began to repeat all of their names over and over in hope I would remember them. Within less than a second that all went through my head in this dream. When I finally woke up I reached for my dogs collar, I didn’t think I was really alive. I personally believe in parallel universes and the endless idea that there are many different realities of ourselves out there. Possibly an answer to Deja vu but I’m uncertain.
I reached for her collar to see if it was still pink, because if it had changed color, then it was proof I had somehow changed universes. Yes I realize writing that down it sounds absolutely bonkers, but it was my first thought after waking up from a premonition death of an event that is actually taking place in my life in 3 months. I’m writing this dream down in hopes that someone has had a similar experience, has anyone you know dreamt about their future death? What would you do? Have you ever fully died in your dreams?
To clear some bases: 1. No, nothing in my life has changed this is not a “transition” interpretation dream of death. I’m currently just a college student who plays video games, I literally do not do anything that would be considered a self realization transition. 2. At the risk of sounding insane and stupid, I watched and believe in the final destination movies ideology. If I am to cheat death because I saw my future before it happened, worse death will be upon me. So i am not canceling my trip, but I might have to get some medicine to make me sleep on this damn plane after all this.
I know this is long so if you read through all of this thank you and please give leave a thought. If nothing else, some encouragement that I’m not crazy lol, or if you think I’m crazy, give me a logical explanation and tell me it’s just my brain having anxiety. Honestly, anything will help at this point I’m spiraling.
submitted by Life-Refuse-6670 to u/Life-Refuse-6670 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:28 The_Bulk_Biceps [PC SERVER][Steam][XBOX GAME PASS][PvE] [ASA][ASE]✨Fire Fly Gaming Community, Since 12/2019✨

Greetings Everyone!
Both of our server clusters are fully featured with choice mods and plugins to make for a great gaming experience. As the DLC list expands so will our available maps on our ASA. In terms of additional functionality, it's still early to see how that will evolve by the communities wants and needs so stay tuned! All of our servers are self-hosted in house on top of the line hardware for the best possible gaming environment :)
Join our Discord Server for all server rules, info, announcements and shenanigans [\](
ASA Server Mod List ⏵\_jNRyScS3kXq3RwHa/pub
Ark:SE Cluster Wide Mod List ( Load time via SSD ~ 3.75 min )

Shared Server Features:

* INTEGRATED Discord - Chat with our cluster players, server status, Gen2 Asteroid phases, and more! ( ASA Doesn't have gen2 or extinction yet so no notifications for those )
* NOWIPE with customized decay system ( See Discord for decay rates )
* BUILDING Mods for your creative endeavors
* IN-GAME SHOP ( Get Items, skins, consumables, etc with points earnable by just
* REUSABLE Items (mindwipe,bolas,spears,grappling hooks, etc!)
* PATRON Perks (Body retrieval, dino coloring, and more!)
* QUESTS in both daily and weekly forms
* ITEM Backup System so us admins can easily fix you getting "arked"

ARK:SE Cluster Features:

* CUSTOM Drop Tables
* ​DINOTRACKING in multiple forms
* CROSS ARK AUCTION House and in-game currency
* VOTER Rewards ( Vote and get points to spend in the shop! )

Server Settings:

* Max Tribe Members = 10
* Max Alliances = 12
* Max Tribes in Alliance = 10
* Tribal Warfare = Enabled, Cancel Allowed
* Player Multipliers: XP = 1, Stam = 1.25, Oxygen 1.25, Food = 1.2
* (Custom harvest table is 3x for most resources, 1.25x for plant based resources)
* Max Dino Level = 300
* Wild Dino DMG/RES = 1.35
* Tamed Dino Food Drain Multiplier = .5
* Taming Speed Multiplier = 5
* Tamed Health = .2
* Tamed Stamina = 2
* Tamed Oxygen = 1
* Tamed Food = 1
* Tamed Temperature = 1
* Tamed Weight = 4
* Tamed Damage = .17
* Tamed Speed = 1
* Tamed Crafting = 1
These breeding rates only apply in s+ Hatchery, Incubator, Propagator and DS Soul traps to encourage dinos to be kept OUT OF WORLD....nobody likes framerate dropping messes. ASA FOLLOWS SUIT WITH OUT OF WORLD BREEDING FUNCTIONS.
* Mating Interval = 10
* Mating Speed = 2
* Egg Hatch Speed = 10
* Baby Mature Speed = 10
* Baby Food Consumption = .5
* Imprinting Stat Scale = 2
* Cuddle Interval = .2
* Cuddle Grace Period = 1
* Cuddle Lose imprint Quality Speed = 1Lay Egg Interval = .7

ASE Server List

💎 Crystal
🐲 Fjö
🚀 Genesis
🖥 Genesis Sim (Needs Valguero DLC)
🌵 Scorched
🏞 The
🌴 The
🗺 Lost

ASA PvE: Most settings are similar to our ARK:SE Cluster

press the ` key and copy the command below to direct connect to the servers from the games main screen
Session NameMap
FireFlyGaming Island [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🌴 open
FireFlyGaming Svartalfheim [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🪙 open
FireFlyGaming Reverence [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🙏 open
FireFlyGaming Amissa [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🛖 open
FireFlyGaming Temptress Lagoon [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🪼 open
FireFlyGaming Survive The Night [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌚 open
FireFlyGaming Scorched Earth [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌵open
FireFlyGaming Omega Vanilla🌴open

Palworld Servers

Palworld servers are password protected with anticheat installed. You must join the discord to read our rules before joining.
Session NameMap
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Vanilla🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Medium🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Hard 🌴
submitted by The_Bulk_Biceps to ARKServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:27 The_Bulk_Biceps [PC SERVER][Steam][XBOX GAME PASS][PvE] [ASA][ASE]✨Fire Fly Gaming Community, Since 12/2019✨

Greetings Everyone!
Both of our server clusters are fully featured with choice mods and plugins to make for a great gaming experience. As the DLC list expands so will our available maps on our ASA. In terms of additional functionality, it's still early to see how that will evolve by the communities wants and needs so stay tuned! All of our servers are self-hosted in house on top of the line hardware for the best possible gaming environment :)
Join our Discord Server for all server rules, info, announcements and shenanigans [\](
ASA Server Mod List ⏵\_jNRyScS3kXq3RwHa/pub
Ark:SE Cluster Wide Mod List ( Load time via SSD ~ 3.75 min )

Shared Server Features:

* INTEGRATED Discord - Chat with our cluster players, server status, Gen2 Asteroid phases, and more! ( ASA Doesn't have gen2 or extinction yet so no notifications for those )
* NOWIPE with customized decay system ( See Discord for decay rates )
* BUILDING Mods for your creative endeavors
* IN-GAME SHOP ( Get Items, skins, consumables, etc with points earnable by just
* REUSABLE Items (mindwipe,bolas,spears,grappling hooks, etc!)
* PATRON Perks (Body retrieval, dino coloring, and more!)
* QUESTS in both daily and weekly forms
* ITEM Backup System so us admins can easily fix you getting "arked"

ARK:SE Cluster Features:

* CUSTOM Drop Tables
* ​DINOTRACKING in multiple forms
* CROSS ARK AUCTION House and in-game currency
* VOTER Rewards ( Vote and get points to spend in the shop! )

Server Settings:

* Max Tribe Members = 10
* Max Alliances = 12
* Max Tribes in Alliance = 10
* Tribal Warfare = Enabled, Cancel Allowed
* Player Multipliers: XP = 1, Stam = 1.25, Oxygen 1.25, Food = 1.2
* (Custom harvest table is 3x for most resources, 1.25x for plant based resources)
* Max Dino Level = 300
* Wild Dino DMG/RES = 1.35
* Tamed Dino Food Drain Multiplier = .5
* Taming Speed Multiplier = 5
* Tamed Health = .2
* Tamed Stamina = 2
* Tamed Oxygen = 1
* Tamed Food = 1
* Tamed Temperature = 1
* Tamed Weight = 4
* Tamed Damage = .17
* Tamed Speed = 1
* Tamed Crafting = 1
These breeding rates only apply in s+ Hatchery, Incubator, Propagator and DS Soul traps to encourage dinos to be kept OUT OF WORLD....nobody likes framerate dropping messes. ASA FOLLOWS SUIT WITH OUT OF WORLD BREEDING FUNCTIONS.
* Mating Interval = 10
* Mating Speed = 2
* Egg Hatch Speed = 10
* Baby Mature Speed = 10
* Baby Food Consumption = .5
* Imprinting Stat Scale = 2
* Cuddle Interval = .2
* Cuddle Grace Period = 1
* Cuddle Lose imprint Quality Speed = 1Lay Egg Interval = .7

ASE Server List

💎 Crystal
🐲 Fjö
🚀 Genesis
🖥 Genesis Sim (Needs Valguero DLC)
🌵 Scorched
🏞 The
🌴 The
🗺 Lost

ASA PvE: Most settings are similar to our ARK:SE Cluster

press the ` key and copy the command below to direct connect to the servers from the games main screen
Session NameMap
FireFlyGaming Island [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🌴 open
FireFlyGaming Svartalfheim [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🪙 open
FireFlyGaming Reverence [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🙏 open
FireFlyGaming Amissa [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🛖 open
FireFlyGaming Temptress Lagoon [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🪼 open
FireFlyGaming Survive The Night [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌚 open
FireFlyGaming Scorched Earth [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌵open
FireFlyGaming Omega Vanilla🌴open

Palworld Servers

Palworld servers are password protected with anticheat installed. You must join the discord to read our rules before joining.
Session NameMap
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Vanilla🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Medium🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Hard 🌴
submitted by The_Bulk_Biceps to ARK_pc [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:27 The_Bulk_Biceps [PC SERVER][Steam][XBOX GAME PASS][PvE] [ASA][ASE]✨Fire Fly Gaming Community, Since 12/2019✨

Greetings Everyone!
Both of our server clusters are fully featured with choice mods and plugins to make for a great gaming experience. As the DLC list expands so will our available maps on our ASA. In terms of additional functionality, it's still early to see how that will evolve by the communities wants and needs so stay tuned! All of our servers are self-hosted in house on top of the line hardware for the best possible gaming environment :)
Join our Discord Server for all server rules, info, announcements and shenanigans [\](
ASA Server Mod List ⏵\_jNRyScS3kXq3RwHa/pub
Ark:SE Cluster Wide Mod List ( Load time via SSD ~ 3.75 min )

Shared Server Features:

* INTEGRATED Discord - Chat with our cluster players, server status, Gen2 Asteroid phases, and more! ( ASA Doesn't have gen2 or extinction yet so no notifications for those )
* NOWIPE with customized decay system ( See Discord for decay rates )
* BUILDING Mods for your creative endeavors
* IN-GAME SHOP ( Get Items, skins, consumables, etc with points earnable by just
* REUSABLE Items (mindwipe,bolas,spears,grappling hooks, etc!)
* PATRON Perks (Body retrieval, dino coloring, and more!)
* QUESTS in both daily and weekly forms
* ITEM Backup System so us admins can easily fix you getting "arked"

ARK:SE Cluster Features:

* CUSTOM Drop Tables
* ​DINOTRACKING in multiple forms
* CROSS ARK AUCTION House and in-game currency
* VOTER Rewards ( Vote and get points to spend in the shop! )

Server Settings:

* Max Tribe Members = 10
* Max Alliances = 12
* Max Tribes in Alliance = 10
* Tribal Warfare = Enabled, Cancel Allowed
* Player Multipliers: XP = 1, Stam = 1.25, Oxygen 1.25, Food = 1.2
* (Custom harvest table is 3x for most resources, 1.25x for plant based resources)
* Max Dino Level = 300
* Wild Dino DMG/RES = 1.35
* Tamed Dino Food Drain Multiplier = .5
* Taming Speed Multiplier = 5
* Tamed Health = .2
* Tamed Stamina = 2
* Tamed Oxygen = 1
* Tamed Food = 1
* Tamed Temperature = 1
* Tamed Weight = 4
* Tamed Damage = .17
* Tamed Speed = 1
* Tamed Crafting = 1
These breeding rates only apply in s+ Hatchery, Incubator, Propagator and DS Soul traps to encourage dinos to be kept OUT OF WORLD....nobody likes framerate dropping messes. ASA FOLLOWS SUIT WITH OUT OF WORLD BREEDING FUNCTIONS.
* Mating Interval = 10
* Mating Speed = 2
* Egg Hatch Speed = 10
* Baby Mature Speed = 10
* Baby Food Consumption = .5
* Imprinting Stat Scale = 2
* Cuddle Interval = .2
* Cuddle Grace Period = 1
* Cuddle Lose imprint Quality Speed = 1Lay Egg Interval = .7

ASE Server List

💎 Crystal
🐲 Fjö
🚀 Genesis
🖥 Genesis Sim (Needs Valguero DLC)
🌵 Scorched
🏞 The
🌴 The
🗺 Lost

ASA PvE: Most settings are similar to our ARK:SE Cluster

press the ` key and copy the command below to direct connect to the servers from the games main screen
Session NameMap
FireFlyGaming Island [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🌴 open
FireFlyGaming Svartalfheim [XPx1][TMx3][Hx2]🪙 open
FireFlyGaming Reverence [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🙏 open
FireFlyGaming Amissa [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🛖 open
FireFlyGaming Temptress Lagoon [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🪼 open
FireFlyGaming Survive The Night [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌚 open
FireFlyGaming Scorched Earth [XPx1][TMx5][Hx2]🌵open
FireFlyGaming Omega Vanilla🌴open

Palworld Servers

Palworld servers are password protected with anticheat installed. You must join the discord to read our rules before joining.
Session NameMap
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Vanilla🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Medium🌴
FireFly Gaming Palapagos Islands Hard 🌴
submitted by The_Bulk_Biceps to SurviveTogether [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:24 Top-Housing-1577 .

. submitted by Top-Housing-1577 to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]