Christmas foods in spain

European Collapse

2015.11.29 10:47 CartsBeforeHorses European Collapse

The world's favorite reality TV show, "European Collapse" chronicles the dramatic, often tumultuous shenanigans of everyone's favorite extended family, the Europeans!

2013.05.02 23:38 hazyanlazy Pictures of people from the reddit community from around the world

Post a picture of yourself and or your friends, family, pets then say in the title of your post the country you are from or living/staying/visting and we can try to get one from every country in the world!

2024.05.21 13:28 Honuoy Illustrated children book about different areas of the house

I've been trying to find a book that I loved as a child. It was an illustrated children book about a family (your stereotypical family with the mother, father, daughter and son) in different areas of the house. The daughter was probably blonde, straight hair.
The book was thin, but the illustrations were big, double page, and elaborated. They weren't cartoony at all, the style was kinda realistic. Each illustration showed a different area of the house, and some text annotations made remarks of some specific details. For example, an illustration maybe showed the children preparing in the bathroom, washing their teeth or something. Another the family in the kitchen, with notes about the appliances, food, etc.
The illustration I remember more vividly (kind of) is about the garden at night. One of the kids was watching or trapping an insect, maybe a firefly, while the other was using a flashlight. I think I remember the garden was lit by moonlight, and there were some notes about flowers and maybe some nocturnal animals in the garden.
For reference, I read this in Spain in the 90s, but I'm pretty sure it was a translation. The book probably was either German, British or American, but not sure at all.
I vaguely remember another book showing the same children in different areas and activities of the school, but not sure about this at all
I think this drawing by illustrator Kathryn Hewitt ( looks pretty close to how the family members were drawn in this book, as I recall.
(Kathryn Hewitt is not the illustrator of this book I'm trying to find, just a visual reference!)
submitted by Honuoy to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:46 Odd_Cantaloupe_3832 Strap in reddit.....

It's a lot. And it's nearly 2 years worth. I think given what's happened tonight, I want to get it off my chest. This is a throwaway for obvious reasons....
Partner was in some weird niche group on fb. The admin is a very good friend of his. He made friends with some of the people in the group and chats moved to DMs etc. The admin passed on the number of a woman in the group and they chatted (it later transpired the behaviour youre about to read about happened with multiple men in cluding admin friend). The woman is in a whole different country very far away. They exchanged gifts, talked/video called every day and pretty soon, he was relying on her heavily for emotional support. This happened behind my back. He pulled the old "you would never let me have female friends" chestnut.
Jan 2023, I got covid and a close family relatives health went downhill. My covid resulted in secondary chest infections, chest xrays, multiple tests for all sorts of things and a lot of time off work not being fit for much at all. It was a long recovery and it was all I could do to work and then collapse in a heap at the end of the day. My partner felt like he had the brunt of everything to do around the house (I was still doing a lot but appreciated him sorting food in the evening and never complained). I didnt realise it but he also felt incredibly lonely- he works a solitary job by choice and his work hours meant he was coming home as I was going to bed and I could hardly keep myself awake with the post viral fatigue to spend time with him. I did try, napping when I got back from work to try and be able to stay up later, but it probably wasn't enough and I dropped the ball I guess.
My sick relatives health declined further and they ended up in palliative care before passing in April. I was devastated and he supported me through it but things felt off, I could never quite put my finger on it but definitely off. I mean the fact he called me the other woman's name in bed twice should have been a big red flag but he played it down- jokimg that it was one of his many many girlfriends and he can't help what he does when he's asleep.
What happened shortly after the funeral (2 weeks maybe) was that I came home from an errand and found partner on a video call with this woman. It was awkward AF. He asked me what I was doing home, tried introducing us, she didn't speak and then later complained I was very rude. She's a year younger than my mum and he tried to make out she's a mother figure and a good friend.
The following few days were strange, I was feeling jangled but still trying to get on with everything. We are in June now. He started bringing his work phone in with him and low and behold a message pings up from her- love hearts and all this bull. So it all comes out. They fucking love each other, she persued him and made it sexual. He loves it. I have yet another health issue resulting in small outpaitent surgury, its ok but im dealing with everything and it's a lot. Listening to him talk about her and how angry he feels towards me.
We hash it out. Nothing physical has ever happened obviously, gotta be in at least the same country for that blah blah blah. A lot of hurtful things were said (by him) but ultimately we decided to move on together and part of it was that they had to be NC. In the interests of open clarity and fairness, I emailed info to her husband. I'd have wanted to know. I apparently put her in danger from this which resulted in more anger.
I sought therapy and my health improved and I thought everything was going ok. Booked a holiday together for spring 2024 and, even though I had some blips in response to triggering behaviour, I thought we were doing ok. By Christmas I felt safe about opening up and felt more comfortable like we were back to our old selves. We had a festive blip- he tells me there's no longevity becuase I lost it over shit hidden in a cupboard that she'd gifted him. I need to get over it. He apologises for overreacting. We move on.
Jan 2024, I'm ill again. And it's wiped me out. I'm a mess. March 2024 roles around. Im still not right, struggling with my health and managing everything. Lo and behold, there's an email from her husband in my inbox with a LOAD of incriminating sexual screenshots and videos in a chat between my partner and his wife. Transpires NC never happened, or a least did only for a couple of weeks. He missed her too much. It's been going on again. Behind my back. Interestingly, I could not see him in any of what i was emailed, only her and he is very clear she is a friend and he never did anything inappropriate and had asked her to stop. Most of the time it wasn't like that but when she wanted to be naughty she would. I still stand by the fact friends wouldn't behave like that with boundaries and risking relationships, and if he really didn't want it he'd have put a stop to it.
It has been AWFUL. I insist on NC. He's very worried about whats going to happen to her, husband is allegedly not too nice. Partner is also suggesting that he'd just go behind my back because she's his safe space and he loves her, not in a romantic way mind.... Husband messages me to say they are getting a divorce (there have been several men, from our country- my partner was not as special as he thought). I worry having had it made clear that husband isn't so nice, I figure the news is better off coming from me. I tell him and he asks to be in contact with her.
Now here is where I might have gone wrong. I say to the pair of them to behave like long distance friends, set parameters- no pics, videos, love yous love hearts, whatever. She accepted full responsibility for everything and apologised. He says contact will dwindle over time and it will be ok. He wouldn't hurt me again. I felt like this was the right thing to do and that I could manage it. If they were genuinely just friends and it was her being broken and sad making it weirdly sexual maybe it would be ok, especially as I felt I'd said my piece and gotten some understanding.
I lasted 3 weeks. The contact level was insane. She was the 3rd wheel on our holiday. Honestly, it fucking killed me. I have never been so sad. And I was aware that pretty quickly my conditions of contact had been ignored. I broke down about 3 weeks later and said I couldn't do it anymore. Even with him saying that with the divorce the contact would decrease becuase she'd meet someone else etc. He said he'd cut contact and all he needed to know was that she'd be ok. He gets it done and I am surprised given everything I didnt think it would be an option. He said he knew it was hurting me but didn't do anything about it.
We've been going ok, probably about 3 weeks of realtive peace. Until today. I take a work call and he scuttles into another room and I can fucking hear them in a video call together. Apparently its only very recent- I mean its only been 3 weeksšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Apparently he's very lonely and doesn't want a miserable life of being monitored all the time. The trust is broken and its me thats dragging it out. Seems me saying I couldn't cope with them being in constant contact makes this my fault becuase he just misses her all the time.
So yeah. Hes downstairs on the sofa, messaging her. And I'm upstairs venting to you guys becuase WTF.
I'd do a TLDR but honestly, how?! It's cross posted though!!
submitted by Odd_Cantaloupe_3832 to SupportforBetrayed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:00 PissPoorCaptain My boyfriend (32M) was an amazing partner, until he got angry with me (32F)

He was hands down the most thoughtful, attentive, chivalrous, and generous partner I've ever had. Planned dates weeks ahead of time, kept notes about all my likes/dislikes for food, flowers, etc., always opened my door and carried my bags, and was almost frustratingly uncomfortable with me spending money on him. I think the most I was able to spend was $40 on his Christmas gift. Otherwise an easy dinner once in a while, and handmade gifts from me for other important days. Flowers, dinner, and thoughtful (purchased) gifts were common from him.
He was also incredibly sensitive andā€”well, once I would have said sincere. I think of times that he cried just from missing me when I had to head home after a weekend together, or from telling me he loves me. Or him calming me down when I was stressed with finals (I'm getting my master's and work full time). I admit it took me a while to let my guard down, but I felt truly loved and supported in a way no other man has ever made me feel.
Except when he was angry. I saw his anger early on, directed to things like traffic or coworkers (though he was never confrontational there), and made a mental note that it could eventually be directed at me. By the end we were having huge fights roughly once a week, about major things like money or how I didn't feel heard, or how he didn't feel appreciated. He would mock me and often threw in my face the discrepancy in our spending on each other, despite making almost double my salary, not letting me spend on him for special occasions, and knowing from the jump that I support my mom. He spoke to me with contempt in anger, but when the anger passed he would go right back to being the thoughtful, sweet man I loved.
And I don't get it. I can't make sense of it. Does that mean he didn't actually love me? If money were no object, would that contempt reveal itself in something else? Did he feel too much pressure to keep up an act that wasn't authentic to him? Or lose interest? Was this abuse? He was intentional about being a good partner till the very end, unless he was angry. Even in our amicable parting words a couple of days after the breakup fight, he said he was sure we could work through anything but there's no use because money and a mutual unwillingness to compromise (about where to live together and how expenses are split) would always be a thorn on our side. He said he wished he made more money for me, but I feel like he actually wished I made more for him? But then why present himself as a provider?
I wish I had identified the Jekyll and Hyde act while we were together so I could at least ask about it. I just want to know which version was the real him. There's more to it all but this post is long enough. I just want to know what happened. :(
TLDR: boyfriend was thoughtful, attentive, and generous but would speak with contempt for me when he was angry, and almost always about moneyā€”that he wouldn't let me spend or knew I couldn't spend.
submitted by PissPoorCaptain to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:26 Sweet-Count2557 The Talpa Restaurant Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States

The Talpa Restaurant Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
The Talpa Restaurant Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Price Level: $$ - $$$
The Talpa Restaurant is a hidden gem nestled in the heart of a bustling city. With its warm and inviting ambiance, it offers a unique dining experience that will transport you to a world of culinary delights. From the moment you step inside, you are greeted with friendly smiles and impeccable service. The menu is a fusion of traditional and modern dishes, showcasing the best of local and international flavors. Whether you are a food enthusiast or simply looking for a memorable dining experience, The Talpa Restaurant is the perfect destination. With its carefully curated menu, exquisite presentation, and attention to detail, it is no wonder that this restaurant has become a favorite among locals and tourists alike. So, if you are in search of a gastronomic adventure, make sure to visit The Talpa Restaurant and indulge in a culinary journey like no other.
Cuisines of The Talpa Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
The Talpa Restaurant is a culinary haven for those seeking a taste of Mexican, Latin, and Spanish cuisines. With a menu that showcases the vibrant flavors and rich traditions of these cultures, diners are in for a treat. From classic Mexican dishes like tacos, enchiladas, and tamales, to Latin favorites such as ceviche and empanadas, there is something to satisfy every palate. The restaurant also offers a selection of Spanish tapas, allowing guests to indulge in small plates of delectable bites like patatas bravas, gambas al ajillo, and chorizo al vino. Whether you're craving the bold spices of Mexico, the tropical flavors of Latin America, or the savory delights of Spain, The Talpa Restaurant is sure to deliver an unforgettable dining experience.
Features of The Talpa Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Seating Wheelchair Accessible Reservations Table Service
Menu of The Talpa Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Location of The Talpa Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
Contact of The Talpa Restaurant in Los Angeles,CA,United States
+1 310-478-3353
11751 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064-1308
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:44 Select-Inflation-324 Why donā€™t Latin Americans migrate to Europe?

I know you guys do go to Europe but only places like Spain Portugal Italy and maybe France but why nowhere else?
Is it because we arenā€™t culturally similar like how Spain Portugal and Italy are?
Is it because we are to far.
I understand why Argentinians wouldnā€™t want to come to the uk because of the whole Falklandā€™s situation which I donā€™t want to talk about again since I donā€™t hate Argentinians tbh no Brit does but I feel like they hate us.
Ok we might joke about in terms of football or when we are drunk stuff like that but we donā€™t actually hate Argentinians.
Anyways Iā€™m getting off track.
I really want to know why doesnā€™t Northern Western Eastern and Central Europe get many immigrants form this region?
Is it because we offer less jobs.
Is it because American and Canada are there and you would prefer to go there?
Iā€™m just curious since I do want to try Latin American food but in the uk the food is really bad since we donā€™t have many here itā€™s actually terrible.
If you want to visit uk (I canā€™t speak for other European countries) donā€™t eat Latin American food because it wonā€™t be good instead have Middle Eastern European South Asian Chinese and Sushi.
Since thoses foods we do good.
submitted by Select-Inflation-324 to asklatinamerica [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:32 lukaspilot737 Eating out very expensive!

Good morning people!
Just here in Crete for some time of vacation. Really love the people here and the Island! I was just wondering how did Crete become so expensive? And how can the people here afford it? I mean we spent here everyday eating out for lunch and dinner. Cheapest we had was 35ā‚¬ for 2 in a tavern in the mountains for a small stifado. Most expensive was 80ā‚¬ for two for some basic fish and a house wine... Average food cost per day 100ā‚¬. If you compare that to Spain you eat there for half of that and with bigger portions. Paid 3.8ā‚¬ for an espresso in Starbucks in the tourist zone... (Yes I know it's Starbucks...) But in Malaga in the most touristy place Starbucks you pay 1.5ā‚¬ for that. It's a bit frustrating honestly because I love Greece, the Greek and the amazing food, but it just got a bit out of hand.
What's your take on that, and when did it get so expensive?
submitted by lukaspilot737 to crete [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:16 cookalot [THANK YOU] FOR THE OUTSTANDING CARDS

Your food card with all the stickers is great. You certainly can find a lot of goodies in thrift stores. There is where I buy most of my cards, gift wrapping paper and Christmas cards. I am so surprised at what people donate.
**I appreciate you sharing some of your favorite recipes. I will put them in line with the ones I plan to test. I look forward to hearing from you again. Be safe and stay well. Hugs for the recipes and card šŸ¤— & thank you so much. šŸŒ· **
What a beautiful handmade card. You did an outstanding job and so professional.
**No fun plans for us. We have not been able to go anywhere since 1999. Our day trips have slowed down as well, maybe one every couple months but, they are usually for out-of-town doctor appointments. I know you will have a great time in VA. It is such a pretty state, a lot like NC. Speaking garden tours, I have heard and saw on TV that Biltmore House in Asheville is pretty this year. Thank you again for such a lovely card and keep me posted on all your travels. Take care and be safe. Hugs for you šŸ¤—šŸŒ· **
submitted by cookalot to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:42 Ozjicm First time shrimp owner - question regarding a death

Hello, I've recently taken the dive into having a shrimp tank. I'll try to keep this short and concise without a whole lot of fluff, just concerned about a recent death I've had.
I have a 5 gallon low tech planted tank, and had recently introduced 9 neocaridina shrimp to the enclosure. As of tonight, I am down to 8.
Tank parameters:
PH: 6.4
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 5-10 ppm
TDS: 550
GH: 11Ā°
KH: 1-2Ā°
Temperature: ~74Ā°F
Last night I'd noticed a red shrimp curled up a bit, he was a little twitchy and I figured maybe he was just cleaning his tail, as I'd read that they'll do that on occasion. He was behind a stone I have in my tank, so I thought I'd check on him later and see if he moved etc. Tonight he was still behind the stone and was not moving. I used an aquarium tool to nudge him a bit and he did not react. I had some snails going to town near him, thinking they were attempting to eat the corpse. I took him out and didn't notice any white ring or anything, which I'd read to look out for in this event. I'm assuming perhaps it was a failed molt and it died during this?
My other neos are mostly active. I've a blue one that is just sort of chilling on moss and not doing a whole lot, whereas the rest are moving around on plants, and I've one actively cleaning its tail as I type this. I moved my aquarium tool around near them to see if I'd get any reactions from the rest. Most of them darted away, spooked, which I figure is normal behavior, but a few just kind of moved over a couple inches and remained standing in their new spot.
I use Fluval Bio-Stratum and have various plants such as pothos roots in the water, anubias, moneywort, christmas moss, camboba, pointy swords, and one other that I cannot remember the name of. Prior to introducing the shrimp, I received some surprise bladder snails that must've hitched a ride on one of the plants. The tank was cycled for 1-2 months before adding them, with the parameters stated above. I'm not too sure on what is completely encompassing my TDS amount, I know a fair amount of it comes from the GH/KH of the water.
I would like to ensure the survival of my remaining skrimpies and would appreciate any advice given. Products I currently have for my shrimps are Salty Shrimp GH/KH+, Shrimp King Color food pellets, and BacterAE. I also have used a plant fertilizer NilocG Thrive(s), which is stated to be a shrimp specific all in one fertilizer. I also have not used this fert for at least a week prior to adding the shrimp.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Ozjicm to shrimptank [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:10 Jealous-Ad-8714 Bio Mom is ill and needs help but I want to run

Iā€™m asking for opinions bc my head is all over the place and it canā€™t agree with my heart. Please donā€™t repost this on other platforms.
My mother lost custody of me when I was 3. She was a meth addict for years and was never present in my life. I saw her a handful of times growing up while she was in and out of rehab/mental hospitals. Because of this, I was raised by my sperm donor and his family. My stepmother made me very aware that I was hated and a nuisance. I experienced years of abuse, she would beat me on a daily basis and tell me how worthless I was. I remember always watching when she would hug my half siblings, and wishing that someone loved me like that. She told me once when I was watching that she could never love me bc I was not her child.
This left me with deep issues, by the time I was 17, I couldnā€™t recognize myself in the mirror. I had never experienced happiness so I thought my life was normal. I still loved my bio mom and desperately wished to have her in my life. That Christmas, we made plans to see each other but she stopped replying. My sperm donor took me anyways and I found my mom OD in her apartment in a sketchy part of town. My younger half brother was nowhere to be found. I later found him across the apartment complex with a random family that took him in after they found him dirty and hungry on the streets. He was 7. After that my heart finally broke and I stopped feeling anything towards my bio mom.
Fast forward to now, Iā€™ve spent years working on myself and healing from the trauma of my childhood. I joined the military and am now in school. Things are still hard at times, but I finally feel happiness. I am no contact with sperm donorā€™s family, bc on top of the daily abuse, they shunned me when I came out as a lesbian. My father told me I was sick and to not touch his kids. My half siblings never stood up for me and went as far as telling their friends I was the maid. They would cheer on their mother as she would beat me. I had cut them and my bio mom off, but have recently been building a relationship with my younger brother on my bio momā€™s side.
While building our relationship, I came to find out that my mom was homeless, but then moved into disability housing. She has a TBI, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and liver disease. Sheā€™s gained a significant amount of weight and requires mobility aids. After speaking to her, I found out sheā€™s been relying on the food bank and humane society to feed herself and her cat. We talked about the past, and she said she was trafficked from a young age by my sperm donor. She had a mental breakdown that ultimately led to her being deemed unfit as a parent.
While I empathize with her and it breaks my heart to see anyone struggle like this, I get the sense that sheā€™s deflecting and not accepting any responsibility. I canā€™t hold her accountable because of how ill she is and with her TBI, she doesnā€™t remember things. Iā€™ve been helping her with groceries and will be buying her mobility aids, but I feel incredibly stressed and unbalanced from having her in my life. All of my trauma couldā€™ve been prevented had she been present. Instead she left and never fixed herself.
She has no one else in her life and I can see that sheā€™s very sad. Sheā€™s also been relying on my younger brother (18) for help and the poor kid is incredibly stressed. He told me he wishes bio mom was normal and that he feels alone. However, I want to just run from all this, it angers me that she doesnā€™t accept any blame but I worry that all of this will fall on my brother if I donā€™t step up. So, AITAH for feeling like this and wanting to go no contact or low contact? Itā€™s hard bc she tells me constantly that she loves me.
Thank you for those who have read this far, I know my post was long.
submitted by Jealous-Ad-8714 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:43 Jealous-Ad-8714 Bio mom is now ill and needing help

Iā€™m asking for advice bc my head is all over the place and it canā€™t agree with my heart. Please donā€™t repost this on other platforms.
My mother lost custody of me when I was 3. She was a meth addict for years and was never present in my life. I saw her a handful of times growing while she was in and out of rehab/mental hospital. Because of this, I was raised by my sperm donor and his family. My stepmother made me very aware that I was hated and a nuisance. I experienced years of abuse, she would beat me on a daily basis and tell me how worthless I was. I remember always watching when she would hug my half siblings, and wishing that someone loved me like that. She told me once when I was watching that she could never love me bc I was not her child.
This left me with deep issues, by the time I was 17, I couldnā€™t recognize myself in the mirror. I had never experienced happiness so I thought my life was normal. I still loved my bio mom and desperately wished to have her in my life. That Christmas, we made plans to see each other but she stopped replying. My sperm donor took me anyways and I found my mom OD in her apartment in a sketchy part of town. My younger half brother was nowhere to be found. I later found him across the apartment complex with a random family that took him in after they found him dirty and hungry on the streets. He was 7. After that my heart finally broke and I stopped feeling anything towards my bio mom.
Fast forward to now, Iā€™ve spent years working on myself and healing from the trauma of my childhood. I joined the military and am now in school. Things are still hard at times, but I finally feel happiness. I am no contact with sperm donorā€™s family, bc on top of the daily abuse, they shunned me when I came out as a lesbian. My father told me I was sick and to not touch his kids. My half siblings never stood up for me and went as far as telling their friends I was the maid. They would cheer on their mother as she would beat me. I had cut them and my bio mom off, but have recently been building a relationship with my younger brother on my bio momā€™s side.
While building our relationship, I came to find out that my mom was homeless, but then moved into disability housing. She has a TBI, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and liver disease. Sheā€™s gained a significant amount of aid and requires mobility aids. After speaking to her, I found out sheā€™s been relying on the food bank and humane society to feed herself and her cat. We talked about the past, and she said she was trafficked from a young age by my sperm donor. She had a mental breakdown that ultimately led to her being deemed unfit as a parent.
While I empathize with her and it breaks my heart to see anyone struggle like this, I get the sense that sheā€™s deflecting and not accepting any responsibility. I canā€™t hold her accountable because of how ill she is and with her TBI, she doesnā€™t remember things. Iā€™ve been helping her with groceries and will be buying her mobility aids, but I feel incredibly stressed and unbalanced from having her in my life. All of my trauma couldā€™ve been prevented had she been present. Instead she left and never fixed herself.
So, I am looking for advice on how to handle this while still being compassionate. She has no one else in her life and I can see that sheā€™s very sad. Sheā€™s also been relying on my younger brother (18) for help and the poor kid is incredibly stressed. He told me he wishes bio mom was normal and that he feels alone. However, I want to just run from this all, it angers me that she doesnā€™t accept any blame but I worry that all of this will fall on my brother if I donā€™t step up. Thank you for those who have read this far, I know my post was long.
submitted by Jealous-Ad-8714 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:39 Odd_Cantaloupe_3832 Strap in reddit.....

It's a lot. And it's nearly 2 years worth. I think given what's happened tonight, I want to get it off my chest. This is a throwaway for obvious reasons....
Partner was in some weird niche group on fb. The admin is a very good friend of his. He made friends with some of the people in the group and chats moved to DMs etc. The admin passed on the number of a woman in the group and they chatted (it later transpired the behaviour youre about to read about happened with multiple men in cluding admin friend). The woman is in a whole different country very far away. They exchanged gifts, talked/video called every day and pretty soon, he was relying on her heavily for emotional support. This happened behind my back. He pulled the old "you would never let me have female friends" chestnut.
Jan 2023, I got covid and a close family relatives health went downhill. My covid resulted in secondary chest infections, chest xrays, multiple tests for all sorts of things and a lot of time off work not being fit for much at all. It was a long recovery and it was all I could do to work and then collapse in a heap at the end of the day. My partner felt like he had the brunt of everything to do around the house (I was still doing a lot but appreciated him sorting food in the evening and never complained). I didnt realise it but he also felt incredibly lonely- he works a solitary job by choice and his work hours meant he was coming home as I was going to bed and I could hardly keep myself awake with the post viral fatigue to spend time with him. I did try, napping when I got back from work to try and be able to stay up later, but it probably wasn't enough and I dropped the ball I guess.
My sick relatives health declined further and they ended up in palliative care before passing in April. I was devastated and he supported me through it but things felt off, I could never quite put my finger on it but definitely off. I mean the fact he called me the other woman's name in bed twice should have been a big red flag but he played it down- jokimg that it was one of his many many girlfriends and he can't help what he does when he's asleep.
What happened shortly after the funeral (2 weeks maybe) was that I came home from an errand and found partner on a video call with this woman. It was awkward AF. He asked me what I was doing home, tried introducing us, she didn't speak and then later complained I was very rude. She's a year younger than my mum and he tried to make out she's a mother figure and a good friend.
The following few days were strange, I was feeling jangled but still trying to get on with everything. We are in June now. He started bringing his work phone in with him and low and behold a message pings up from her- love hearts and all this bull. So it all comes out. They fucking love each other, she persued him and made it sexual. He loves it. I have yet another health issue resulting in small outpaitent surgury, its ok but im dealing with everything and it's a lot. Listening to him talk about her and how angry he feels towards me.
We hash it out. Nothing physical has ever happened obviously, gotta be in at least the same country for that blah blah blah. A lot of hurtful things were said (by him) but ultimately we decided to move on together and part of it was that they had to be NC. In the interests of open clarity and fairness, I emailed info to her husband. I'd have wanted to know. I apparently put her in danger from this which resulted in more anger.
I sought therapy and my health improved and I thought everything was going ok. Booked a holiday together for spring 2024 and, even though I had some blips in response to triggering behaviour, I thought we were doing ok. By Christmas I felt safe about opening up and felt more comfortable like we were back to our old selves. We had a festive blip- he tells me there's no longevity becuase I lost it over shit hidden in a cupboard that she'd gifted him. I need to get over it. He apologises for overreacting. We move on.
Jan 2024, I'm ill again. And it's wiped me out. I'm a mess. March 2024 roles around. Im still not right, struggling with my health and managing everything. Lo and behold, there's an email from her husband in my inbox with a LOAD of incriminating sexual screenshots and videos in a chat between my partner and his wife. Transpires NC never happened, or a least did only for a couple of weeks. He missed her too much. It's been going on again. Behind my back. Interestingly, I could not see him in any of what i was emailed, only her and he is very clear she is a friend and he never did anything inappropriate and had asked her to stop. Most of the time it wasn't like that but when she wanted to be naughty she would. I still stand by the fact friends wouldn't behave like that with boundaries and risking relationships, and if he really didn't want it he'd have put a stop to it.
It has been AWFUL. I insist on NC. He's very worried about whats going to happen to her, husband is allegedly not too nice. Partner is also suggesting that he'd just go behind my back because she's his safe space and he loves her, not in a romantic way mind.... Husband messages me to say they are getting a divorce (there have been several men, from our country- my partner was not as special as he thought). I worry having had it made clear that husband isn't so nice, I figure the news is better off coming from me. I tell him and he asks to be in contact with her.
Now here is where I might have gone wrong. I say to the pair of them to behave like long distance friends, set parameters- no pics, videos, love yous love hearts, whatever. She accepted full responsibility for everything and apologised. He says contact will dwindle over time and it will be ok. He wouldn't hurt me again. I felt like this was the right thing to do and that I could manage it. If they were genuinely just friends and it was her being broken and sad making it weirdly sexual maybe it would be ok, especially as I felt I'd said my piece and gotten some understanding.
I lasted 3 weeks. The contact level was insane. She was the 3rd wheel on our holiday. Honestly, it fucking killed me. I have never been so sad. And I was aware that pretty quickly my conditions of contact had been ignored. I broke down about 3 weeks later and said I couldn't do it anymore. Even with him saying that with the divorce the contact would decrease becuase she'd meet someone else etc. He said he'd cut contact and all he needed to know was that she'd be ok. He gets it done and I am surprised given everything I didnt think it would be an option. He said he knew it was hurting me but didn't do anything about it.
We've been going ok, probably about 3 weeks of realtive peace. Until today. I take a work call and he scuttles into another room and I can fucking hear them in a video call together. Apparently its only very recent- I mean its only been 3 weeksšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Apparently he's very lonely and doesn't want a miserable life of being monitored all the time. The trust is broken and its me thats dragging it out. Seems me saying I couldn't cope with them being in constant contact makes this my fault becuase he just misses her all the time.
So yeah. Hes downstairs on the sofa, messaging her. And I'm upstairs venting to you guys becuase WTF.
I'd do a TLDR but honestly, how?!
submitted by Odd_Cantaloupe_3832 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:19 Dry_Expression5378 What was the straw that broke the camels back that made you go NC?

For me, it was because my nDad kicked me out, and what he said to me beforehand.
So, I was looking at apartments in another state with my partner (my mom knew this) and so I was gone for a few days. We apply for an apartment and we get accepted yay! The lease started a month and a half from then.
My ndad does not like my partner, because he stood up to my nd(and nobody has ever done that) and so my nd tried hitting my partner. Ever since then he wasn't allowed in the house where I lived.
I came home from apartment hunting a few days later and was planning on announcing the news during dinner. I was so nervous because I knew my dad would go ballistic.
He came home as my mom and I were making dinner and acknowledged her but not me. Later we're putting food on the table and the first words out of his mouth were "where the fuck have you been?"
He tells me that its upsetting to him that I never told him I was going away. I told my mom so it shouldn't really matter, also: I'm 23. He is also a "facts not feelings" kind of guy so it was weird hearing about how I "hurt his feelings".
I tell him I'd been apartment hunting with my partner and we found a place. He immediately started insulting me and how I'm not capable of living alone. He said "it's tougher out there in the REAL world" about insurance, car, payments blah blah blah (things I already pay for because I've always been financially independent).
He started slutshaming me and said something about how I'm having sex with my partner unprompted.
He's insulting me saying that I don't contribute to the household and I don't talk to the family. Meanwhile he's eating the food I just made.
He was insulting me, not letting me talk and then began mocking me saying "what are you going to do, cry?" when I was nowhere near crying. I was actually laughing.
He said I'm a cheap bitch for not giving him a Christmas present this year and he took mine "back to the store" when he realized I didn't get him one. He has never gone Christmas shopping and the past several Christmas's he threw away the things I gave him.
He insulted my partner and said he can never accept an unmarried couple "playing house" or whatever that means.
He says if I don't like it I can get the fuck out.
I already talked to my partner that I will text him if things get crazy so I pulled out my phone to text him to pick me up.
My nd stands up getting in my face and yells to put my phone away. I continue to text. My mom has to tell him to back off. He tells me to get out of his face, so I did. I went upstairs and packed as much as I could.
That was the last time I've seen his face. His disgusting face.
I was the most anxious I've ever been for the next couple of weeks because I was scared he would show up at my job. I stayed at my partners house for a few weeks before we moved earlier than expected to our new state. His parents lived there so we stayed until our lease was ready.
Technically my nd didn't kick me out, but said if I didn't like it I can get out. I think back that if I stayed I'd just be enduring that until it was time to move, so I'm glad I just left when I could. I did go back to get important documents once.
Fast forward I've been living in this new state for a few months now with my partner and it's been overall fantastic. I still wake up with a racing heartbeat because of how violently my nd would wake me up in the mornings. I sometimes need to remind myself that I'm able to express myself now.
He's tried calling once (found out days later since he's blocked) and left a message. He was trying to gaslight me saying that I'm breaking my mim/grandma's heart since I don't talk to them. NEWSFLASH! I didn't cut off either of them and I call them at least weekly! silly goose!
But yeah I'm curious to see others
submitted by Dry_Expression5378 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:19 TerribleSell2997 Vacuum Pump Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

The ~global vacuum pump market~ is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.8% during the forecast period (2023-2029). This Vacuum Pump Market research report focuses more on a number of distinctive as well as foremost market sectors. It further focuses market segmentation. Industry-specific interviews are carried out with market players to foresee future business growth. Various facets of the industry are also depicted here under each industry sector. Future development visions and a wide range of subjects are covered in this Vacuum Pump Market study report. All this crucial data greatly assists key players to establish their presence in the competitive market. It verifies and revalidates the knowledge provided in this global Market report. It also allows several organizations to learn more about a range of opportunities already available in the market and makes aware to firms about upcoming opportunities too. It ensures several firms to attain a long-standing business success by capturing all of the latest updates about market growth. Most important participants are able to employ such report as a great resource to attain a competitive advantage over the cut-throat market.
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The global vacuum pump market is segmented on the basis of type and end-use application. Based on the type, the market is segmented as positive displacement vacuum pumps, momentum transfer vacuum pumps, kinetic vacuum pumps, entrapment vacuum pumps, and others. Based on the end-use application, the market is segmented as food & beverages, chemical processing, oil & gas, electronics, pharmaceutical, power generation, and other.
full report of Vacuum Pump Market available @
Ā· Market Coverage
Ā· Market number available for ā€“ 2024-2031
Ā· Base year- 2024
Ā· Forecast period- 2024-2031
Ā· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
Ā· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
Ā· Inc., and others
Global Vacuum Pump Market ā€“ Segmentation
By Type
By End-Use Application
Global Vacuum Pump Market ā€“ Segmentation by Region
North America
Rest of the World
The Report Covers
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
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Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
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Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
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2024.05.21 06:13 TerribleSell2997 Factory Automation Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The global market for ~factory automation~ is projected to have considerable CAGR of around 9.2% during the forecast period. Factory Automation Market research report allows making important decision making essential for business growth. It helps key participants further in applying right business ideas to grow business and choose the right business doing strategy. Having complete understanding of what purchasers are looking for in the market and which factors can influence their purchasing decision greatly helps to make investment in the right product development and launch it accordingly. It is also crucial for major participants to understand the behavior of target customers to bring novel products into the market. This Factory Automation Market report serves as a blueprint to get thorough study of market competition, target audience and entire market.
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The key players of the market include ABB Ltd., Honeywell International, Inc., Emerson Electric Co., Schneider Electric SE, Siemens AG, and others. To maintain a strong position in the market, these market players adopt various strategies such as product launches, partnerships, collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions. For instance, in April 2021, Google Cloud and Siemens collaborated to streamline production operations and boost shop floor efficiency. Siemens plans to integrate Google Cloud's top data cloud and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) capabilities with its factory automation solutions to assist manufacturers in the manufacturing process.
full report of Factory Automation Market available @
Ā· Market Coverage
Ā· Market number available for ā€“ 2024-2031
Ā· Base year- 2024
Ā· Forecast period- 2024-2031
Ā· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
Ā· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
Ā· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Global Factory Automation Market by Component
o Industrial Robots
o Machine Vision
o Human Machine Interface(HMI)
o Sensors
o Control Valves
o Others( Field Instruments)
Global Factory Automation Market by Control Systems
o Programmable Logic Controllers(PLC)
o Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
o Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA)
o Manufacturing Execution System (MES)
o Others( Product Lifecycle Management)
Global Factory Automation Market by Industry
o Automotive
o Aerospace & Defense
o Oil & Gas
o Chemical
o Food & Beverages
o Healthcare
o Others( Mining and Electronics)
Regional Analysis
o North America
o United States
o Canada
o Europe
o UK
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o France
o Rest of Europe
o Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
o Rest of the World
Company Profiles
o ABB Ltd.
o Azbil Corp.
o Dwyer Instruments, Inc.
o Danfoss A/S
o Emerson Electric Co.
o Endress+Hauser Group Services AG
o Fuji Electric Co., Ltd.
o Fanuc Corp.
o General Electric Co.
o Honeywell International Inc.
o Hitachi, Ltd.
o KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH
o Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
o NovaTech, LLC
o Omron Corp.
o Rockwell Automation, Inc.
o Siemens AG
o Schneider Electric SE
o WIKA Instruments India Pvt. Ltd.
o Yokogawa Electric Corp.
The Report Covers
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:09 TerribleSell2997 Process Automation Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~global process automation market~ is estimated to grow at a CAGR of nearly 7.5% during the forecast period. Process Automation Market research report reveals important insights into market scenario to enable key players in taking calculated decision making. Basically, one of the major purposes of market research reports is to maximize the business growth opportunities. It also helps key players to turn business into a successful business by increasing the profit level. The overall business goal can be accomplished through this Process Automation Market study report as it consists of all the current happenings and major innovations of the marketplace. Depending on the overall business objective, it is important to reduce business risks to generate larger revenues in the business. Several regions are captured in this Market report which includes North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific.
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Some crucial players operating in the market include ABB Ltd., Dassault Systemes SE, Eaton Corp. plc, Emerson Electric Co., and Honeywell International Inc. To maintain a strong position in the market, these market players adopt various strategies such as product launches, partnerships, collaborations, and mergers and acquisitions. For instance, Audi, a German automaker, is focusing on building software robots to help staff at PC workstations with tedious work. Over the years, humans and machines have collaborated in Audi's manufacturing factories. Employees at PC workstations now have access to robot assistance in the shape of Audi my Mate, a digital assistant. The market is growing due to the increasing integration of human and machine labour to help with manufacturing and back-office tasks. The arrival of Industry 4.0 presents an opportunity for market expansion.
full report of Process Automation Market available @
Ā· Market Coverage
Ā· Market number available for ā€“ 2024-2031
Ā· Base year- 2024
Ā· Forecast period- 2024-2031
Ā· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
Ā· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
Ā· Inc., and others
Global Process Automation Market- Segmentation
By Technology
By Component
By End-User Industry
Global Process Automation Marketā€“ Segment by Region
North America
Rest of the World
The Report Covers
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
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2024.05.21 05:59 TerribleSell2997 Food Processing & Handling Equipment Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~global food processing & handling equipment market~ is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR of around 6.1% during the forecast period. Food Processing & Handling Equipment Market research report reveals important insights into market scenario to enable key players in taking calculated decision making. Basically, one of the major purposes of market research reports is to maximize the business growth opportunities. It also helps key players to turn business into a successful business by increasing the profit level. The overall business goal can be accomplished through this Food Processing & Handling Equipment Market study report as it consists of all the current happenings and major innovations of the marketplace. Depending on the overall business objective, it is important to reduce business risks to generate larger revenues in the business. Several regions are captured in this Market report which includes North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific.
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The global food processing & handling equipment market is segmented based on the type and applications. Based on the type, the market is segmented into food processing equipment, food service equipment, and food packaging equipment. Based on the applications, the market is sub-segmented into the bakery & confectionery, meat & poultry, fish & seafood, dairy products, beverages, and others (fruits & vegetables, ready to eat meals, sauces). Out of types segment the food processing equipment is anticipated to grow steadily in future due to growing demand across food and beverage industry.
full report of Food Processing & Handling Equipment Market available @
Ā· Market Coverage
Ā· Market number available for ā€“ 2024-2031
Ā· Base year- 2024
Ā· Forecast period- 2024-2031
Ā· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
Ā· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
Ā· Inc., and others
Global Food Processing & Handling Equipment Market Report by Segment
By Type
ā€¢ Food Processing Equipment
ā€¢ Food Service Equipment
ā€¢ Food Packaging Equipment
By Applications
ā€¢ Bakery & Confectionery
ā€¢ Meat & Poultry
ā€¢ Fish & Seafood
ā€¢ Dairy Products
ā€¢ Beverages
ā€¢ Others (Fruits & Vegetables, Ready to Eat Meals, Sauces)
Global Food Processing & Handling Equipment Market Report by Region
North America
ā€¢ United States
ā€¢ Canada
ā€¢ UK
ā€¢ Germany
ā€¢ Italy
ā€¢ Spain
ā€¢ France
ā€¢ Rest of Europe
ā€¢ China
ā€¢ India
ā€¢ Japan
ā€¢ South Korea
ā€¢ Rest of Asia-Pacific
Rest of the World
ā€¢ Latin America
ā€¢ Middle East & Africa
The Report Covers
ā€¢ Annualized market revenues ($ million) for each market segment.
ā€¢ Country-wise analysis of major geographical regions.
ā€¢ Key companies operating in the global food processing & handling equipment market. Based on the availability of data, information related to new product launches, and relevant news is also available in the report.
ā€¢ Analysis of business strategies by identifying the key market segments positioned for strong growth in the future.
ā€¢ Analysis of market-entry and market expansion strategies.
ā€¢ Competitive strategies by identifying ā€˜who-stands-whereā€™ in the market.
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
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2024.05.21 05:57 TerribleSell2997 Heat Exchangers Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~global heat exchangers market~ is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR of 7.1% during the forecast period. Heat Exchangers Market research report refers to gathering and analyzing significant market data serve as best medium for various industry players to launch novel product or service. It is vital for key firms to have constant observation of latest market trends which keep on changing. Constants shifts in the trends and key advancements are observed in the market through this Heat Exchangers Market report and inform key firms about them. By knowing this, business owners can take effective actions before actually developing any product or service. It also aims at offering thorough knowledge regarding competitors to assist them in taking strategic decision making.
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The global heat exchangers market is segmented based on the type and end-user. Based on the type, the market is segmented into shell & tube, plate & frame, air-cooled, and others (finned coil, adiabatic wheel). Based on the end-user, the market is sub-segmented into the chemical, HVACR, food & beverages, power generation, automobile, pharmaceutical, and other (pulp & paper). Out of types segment, the shell & tube segment is expected to dominate the market due to rise in demand in various end-use industries.
full report of Heat Exchangers Market available @
Ā· Market Coverage
Ā· Market number available for ā€“ 2024-2031
Ā· Base year- 2024
Ā· Forecast period- 2024-2031
Ā· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
Ā· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
Ā· Inc., and others
Global Heat Exchangers Market Report by Segment
By Type
ā€¢ Shell & Tube
ā€¢ Plate & Frame
ā€¢ Air-Cooled
ā€¢ Others (Finned Coil, Adiabatic Wheel)
By End-user
ā€¢ Chemical
ā€¢ Food & Beverages
ā€¢ Power Generation
ā€¢ Automobile
ā€¢ Pharmaceutical
ā€¢ Other (Pulp & Paper)
Global Heat Exchangers Market Report by Region
North America
ā€¢ United States
ā€¢ Canada
ā€¢ UK
ā€¢ Germany
ā€¢ Italy
ā€¢ Spain
ā€¢ France
ā€¢ Rest of Europe
ā€¢ China
ā€¢ India
ā€¢ Japan
ā€¢ South Korea
ā€¢ Rest of Asia-Pacific
Rest of the World
ā€¢ Latin America
ā€¢ Middle East & Africa
The Report Covers
ā€¢ Annualized market revenues ($ million) for each market segment.
ā€¢ Country-wise analysis of major geographical regions.
ā€¢ Key companies operating in the global heat exchangers market. Based on the availability of data, information related to new product launches, and relevant news is also available in the report.
ā€¢ Analysis of business strategies by identifying the key market segments positioned for strong growth in the future.
ā€¢ Analysis of market-entry and market expansion strategies.
ā€¢ Competitive strategies by identifying ā€˜who-stands-whereā€™ in the market.
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:52 TerribleSell2997 Robotic Palletizer Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

~Robotic palletizer market~ is anticipated to grow at a considerable CAGR of 9.5% during the forecast period. The rising demand of robotics tool across several end-user industries to enhance efficiency, productivity and safety in the workplace is a key contributor to the growth of the global robotic palletizer market. In addition, lack of the rising labor cost isfurther driving demand for automation solutions. Further, rising investment by industries in robotics to cater the demand for automation. According to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), in 2022, European UnionĀ“s 27 member states installed almost 72,000 units, which resultant 6.0% rise in the sales. However, the high cost of these products and high number of cases of robotic palletizer malfunctioning may restrain its market growth.
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According to the IFR, the top five adopting countries within the EU are Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Poland. IFR accounted about 70.0% of all industrial robots installed within the EU in 2022. Germany is by far the largest robot market in Europe, where about 26,000 units (+3.0%) were installed in 2022. This was a share of 37.0% of total EU installations. Globally, the country had the fourth highest robot density, following Japan, Singapore, and the Republic of Korea.
full report of Robotic Palletizer Market available @
Ā· Market Coverage
Ā· Market number available for ā€“ 2024-2031
Ā· Base year- 2024
Ā· Forecast period- 2024-2031
Ā· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
Ā· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
Ā· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Global Robotic Palletizer Market by Type
o Articulated Robots
o Collaborative Robots
o Parallel Robots
o Cartesian Robots
o Others (SCARA Robots)
Global Robotic Palletizer Market by Application
o Case Palletizing
o Bag Palletizing
Global Robotic Palletizer Market by End-User
o Food and Beverages
o Pharmaceuticals
o Construction Industry
o Personal Care and Cosmetics
o Other (Manufacturing, Electronics and Automotive Industry)
Regional Analysis
o North America
o United States
o Canada
o Europe
o UK
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o France
o Rest of Europe
o Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
o Rest of the World
Company Profiles
o Armstrong LTD.
o Concetti S.p.A.
o DENSO Corp.
o Duravant LLC
o Fuji Yusoki Kogyo Co. Ltd
o Illinois Tool Works Inc.
o Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
o MMCI Automation
o Okura Yusoki Co., Ltd.
o Premier Tech Ltd.
o Schneider Packaging Equipment Co. Inc.
o Staubli International AG
o Universal Robots AS
o Yaskawa Electric Corp.
The Report Covers
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:46 TerribleSell2997 Electromagnetic Flowmeters Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

~Electromagnetic flowmeters market~ is anticipated to grow at a considerable CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period (2024-2031). The marketā€™s growth is attributed to the technological advances in connectivity across the globe. The integration of advanced communication options such as Modbus RTU and HART corresponds to the market's trend toward enhanced connectivity. The flowmeter's ability to provide several communication interfaces increases its attractiveness to companies seeking smart and integrated systems. For instance, in April 2023,VorTek Instruments released the Pro-M Electromagnetic Flowmeter. These meters provide precise, dependable volumetric flow metering for a variety of conductive liquids, with measurement stability and a maintenance-free full-bore design that eliminates pressure loss and moving components. Furthermore, pro-M meters offer a variety of communication and power options, including classic analog output signals in addition to sophisticated options such as Modbus RTU and HART.
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The global electromagnetic flowmeters market is segmented on the product type, and application. Based on the product, the market is sub-segmented into in-line magnetic flowmeters, low flow magnetic flowmeters, and insertion magnetic flowmeters. Furthermore, on the basis of application, the market is sub-segmented into water and wastewater, chemicals and petrochemicals, power generation, metals and mining, oil and gas, food and beverages, and others. The water and wastewater subcategory is expected to capture a significant portion of the market share within the application segment. The growth can be attributed to growing urbanization, and business growth that leads to a huge wastewater generation.
full report of Electromagnetic Flowmeters Market available @
Ā· Market Coverage
Ā· Market number available for ā€“ 2024-2031
Ā· Base year- 2024
Ā· Forecast period- 2024-2031
Ā· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
Ā· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
Ā· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Global Electromagnetic Flowmeters Market by Product
o In-line Magnetic Flowmeters
o Low Flow Magnetic Flowmeters
o Insertion Magnetic Flowmeters
Global Electromagnetic Flowmeters Market by Application
o Water and Wastewater
o Chemicals and Petrochemicals
o Power Generation
o Metals and Mining
o Oil and Gas
o Food and Beverages
o Others(Pulp and Paper, Pharmaceuticals)
Regional Analysis
o North America
o United States
o Canada
o Europe
o UK
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o France
o Rest of Europe
o Asia-Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
o Rest of Asia-Pacific
o Rest of the World
Company Profiles
o Endress+Hauser Corporate
o Georg Fischer Ltd.
o Hitachi, Ltd.
o Honeywell International Inc.
o Ingersoll Rand Inc.
o Kobold Messring GmbH
o KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH
o OMEGA Engineering, Inc.
o Sensirion AG
o Siemens Ltd.
o Sierra Instruments, Inc.
o TechnipFMC plc
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:19 EnvironmentalRub5273 What would you do next?

Hi! Iā€™m 23F and the first in my family to do a lot of things, including trying to get ahead and out of a paycheque-to-paycheque life so Iā€™m looking for some advice. Thank you in advance!
I am currently completely debt free - car is paid off and my student line of credit has been repaid in full. As of today, I have $10,000 saved in a HYSA that I plan to keep as an emergency fund.
I live in Canada and have a government job that pays $86,000/yr salary with 5% pension contribution (matched at 5%). My take home is $1956 every 2 weeks after benefits, taxes, pension, etc.
I set aside: - $215 per cheque into yearly sinking funds (car insurance, healthcare provider license fee, malpractice insurance, $650 for clothes and shoes per year, $650 for donations per year) - $75 per cheque into gifts/presents (Christmas, weddings, partners birthday and anniversary, etc.) - $1000 into savings per cheque.
I also have a second remote job which I take home about $700/month (income is variable and I canā€™t work during the summer months) and from which I invest $150/2 weeks into an RRSP (equivalent to a Roth IRA I think). At the end of the year, the additional money in that account gets dumped into the RRSP so I donā€™t count that when doing my calculations since it is separate money and spoken for. I opened the RRSP in October 2023 when I got the second job and it only has $2,700 in it so nothing crazy. I have $37,000 left in contribution room.
I rent with 5 roommates so my rent is $300/month (utilities in). Itā€™s not worth it to get my own place because Iā€™m not really home (I have travel contracts and often am not at home during the week) and I have a partner who Iā€™ll spend nights with too. At this point itā€™s basically a storage room with a bed lol.
The rest I spend on life, which breaks down to food (I meal prep extensively because I never know what accommodations I may have), gas ($50 a month is more than enough because I go to the grocery store and airport and the occasional appointment), phone bill, subscriptions, dates, and fun.
We also recently had a freak storm and my car may be getting written off. If it does, I can expect to get about $12,000 (based on friends whose similar cars were also in that storm with similar damage) and I wouldnā€™t buy another car right away. I donā€™t want a car payment and I drive so little that I can easily take the bus and have it impact me very little. I bussed all through uni too and since I fly so often my car sits most of the week.
When I graduated, I had a really easy goal: pay off my student line of credit. Once I did that, I wanted to establish a $5,000 emergency fund. Then I paid off the remainder of my car and then added another $5,000 to my emergency fund.
Now, I donā€™t know what to do though! So, what would you do if you were me?
Some notes: - the program I work for only has 3 years of funding left and it does not look like it will be renewed so Iā€™ll get my pension contribution paid out (which would be around a conservative $35,000 and Iā€™ll use that to top up my RRSP when that happens) - once the program shuts down Iā€™ll go back to work in a traditional setting, where the average income is $43-$45/hr, but most workplaces do not offer a pension so Iā€™ll need to take care of my own retirement - kids and a house are in the cards for my partner and I. They earn slightly less than me and are still paying off loans but have a much more secured retirement so we agreed to keep our finances separate until marriage (which wonā€™t be until I no longer work this job). We are completely transparent with each other though and financially plan together
Iā€™m debating: - changing nothing, keep renting at $300, set aside $1000 per cheque into something and wait a few years (I would like to live with my partner though and three roommates graduate in the next bit so I donā€™t know if theyā€™ll move out and increase rent) - buy a duplex (my partner and I would have a co-habitation agreement or I would rent to him with a lease) and rent out one side and we live in the other but I could only afford a $350,000 mortgage buying a property alone based on my income - buy a 3Br2Ba house to live in and start paying down the principal ($350,000 would also apply here but thatā€™s very reasonable for the city Iā€™m in)
submitted by EnvironmentalRub5273 to FinancialPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:06 biancaamoriim Product Management affordable in person studies in Europe

I am a data engineer with 4+ years of experience, living in Brazil and working remotely for IBM (earnings in Brazilian real).
Over the past year, I've become very interested in Product Management. I'm taking an online bootcamp in Product Management Leadership, and I'm convinced that this is the field I want to pursue. I understand the market is unstable, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.
I'm interested in investing in my career and living/working abroad.
I live with my partner, who works remotely for a US company (earnings in USD), and also wants to experience living abroad for a while, especially somewhere in Europe. We're both fluent in English and Portuguese, and I speak basic Spanish and French.
Our plan is: we'd be sharing all the expenses (housing, food, transportation, etc) proportionally to our earnings and I'd be paying for my tuition or any expenses related to my education. I plan to continue working remotely for IBM until I have established a solid portfolio, built some connections, and learned enough to try for a transition to a PM or PO role internally or seek a new opportunity elsewhere, hopefully even combining it with my data expertise.
My biggest pro is that I have struggled so much with online studying and I learn so much better through practical projects and studying with a group. I prefer in-person courses that allow group interaction and practical application of the fundamentals and concepts. And since I'd like to keep my job in the meantime, something part-time or weekend classes would be perfect. Intensive programs of 3 to 6 months are also a great option for me.
I'm hoping to get some recommendations/insights/advice about schools, bootcamps, master's, MBAs, or any affordable program in South America or Europe (considering that 1 euro is 5x the value of one Brazilian real). Portugal or Spain would be ideal considering the lower cost of living, but we are open to other cities/countries.
submitted by biancaamoriim to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:01 biancaamoriim Product Management affordable in person studies in Europe

I am a data engineer with 4+ years of experience, living in Brazil and working remotely for IBM (earnings in Brazilian real).
Over the past year, I've become very interested in Product Management. I'm taking an online bootcamp in Product Management Leadership, and I'm convinced that this is the field I want to pursue. I understand the market is unstable, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.
I'm interested in investing in my career and living/working abroad.
I live with my partner, who works remotely for a US company (earnings in USD), and also wants to experience living abroad for a while, especially somewhere in Europe. We're both fluent in English and Portuguese, and I speak basic Spanish and French.
Our plan is: we'd be sharing all the expenses (housing, food, transportation, etc) proportionally to our earnings and I'd be paying for my tuition or any expenses related to my education. I plan to continue working remotely for IBM until I have established a solid portfolio, built some connections, and learned enough to try for a transition to a PM or PO role internally or seek a new opportunity elsewhere, hopefully even combining it with my data expertise.
My biggest pro is that I have struggled so much with online studying and I learn so much better through practical projects and studying with a group. I prefer in-person courses that allow group interaction and practical application of the fundamentals and concepts. And since I'd like to keep my job in the meantime, something part-time or weekend classes would be perfect. Intensive programs of 3 to 6 months are also a great option for me.
I'm hoping to get some recommendations/insights/advice about schools, bootcamps, master's, MBAs, or any affordable program in South America or Europe (considering that 1 euro is 5x the value of one Brazilian real). Portugal or Spain would be ideal considering the lower cost of living, but we are open to other cities/countries.
submitted by biancaamoriim to InternationalMBA [link] [comments]