Unblock websites with cmd

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2024.05.21 23:14 doedobrd How to fix my CustomTkinter YT downloader .exe file

I made a small project using CustomTkinter and Pytube to download YouTube videos with a simple GUI.
the program has zero errors when run as a .py file in the IDE and Windows if I double-click or use the terminal.
I then proceeded to use auto-py-to-exe to convert the file into a .exe file. I followed the instructions on the CustomTkinter website and although I had some trouble I managed to get through the process.
the final .exe file, however, does run but only for a moment before closing itself again. By running the .exe from a cmd terminal based in the directory of the file I was able to get an error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "PyInstaller\hooks\rthooks\pyi_rth_pkgres.py", line 158, in
File "PyInstaller\hooks\rthooks\pyi_rth_pkgres.py", line 36, in _pyi_rthook
File "PyInstaller\loader\pyimod02_importers.py", line 419, in exec_module
File "pkg_resources\__init__.py", line 77, in
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources.extern'
[55288] Failed to execute script 'pyi_rth_pkgres' due to unhandled exception!
I was unable to find a solution to this and so I have ended up here.
Do you know what could be causing this error? or if indeed this is the reason the program does not properly function?
Full code:
import tkinter
import customtkinter
#from pytubefix import YouTube
from tkinter import filedialog
from moviepy.editor import *
from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename
#from pytubefix import Playlist
#from pytubefix.cli import on_progress\
from pytube import *
app = customtkinter.CTk(fg_color="black")
app.title("YouTube Download")
app.after(201, lambda :app.iconbitmap("normally this is the path to the file but i have removed it for privacy"))
font = customtkinter.CTkFont(family='Trade Gothic LT Bold Condensed No. 20', size=30)
font2 = customtkinter.CTkFont(family='Trade Gothic LT Bold Condensed No. 20', size=20)
menu = ''
currenttype = ''
def MainMenuGUI():
menu = 'main'
app.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
app.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
app.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
WhatLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=100, pady=50)
Videobutton.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=customtkinter.W, padx=50)
AudioButton.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=customtkinter.E, padx=50)
PVideobutton.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=customtkinter.W, padx=50, pady=50)
PAudioButton.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=customtkinter.E, padx=50, pady=50)
def mp4_to_mp3(mp4, mp3):
mp4_without_frames = AudioFileClip(mp4)
mp4_without_frames.close() # function call mp4_to_mp3("my_mp4_path.mp4", "audio.mp3")
def DownloadGUI(dtype):
global menu
menu = dtype
global currenttype
currenttype = dtype
app.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=100)
app.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=10)
app.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
app.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=100)
title.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
link.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2)
download.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
finishLabel.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
backbutton.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=1)
if currenttype == "Video" or currenttype == "Audio":
title.configure(text="Insert a YouTube link")
download.configure(command=lambda: startdownload(dtype=currenttype))
title.configure(text="Insert a playlist link")
download.configure(command=lambda: startdownloadP(dtype=currenttype))
link.delete(0, customtkinter.END)
def startdownload(dtype):
ytlink = link.get()
ytobject = YouTube(ytlink, on_progress_callback=Vprog)
global menu
menu = str(dtype) + 'Download'
path = tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir="/", mustexist=True, parent=app)
pPercent.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
Vprogbar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
if dtype == "Video":
video = ytobject.streams.get_highest_resolution()
elif dtype == "Audio":
audio = ytobject.streams.get_audio_only()
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):
audio.download(output_path=str(path), filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
audio.download(output_path=str(path), filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path)+"/"+sanitize_filename(audio.title)+".mp4"):
finishLabel.configure(text="downloaded", text_color="white")
finishLabel.configure(text="Download has failed", text_color="red")
title.configure(text="Insert a YouTube link")
link.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2)
def startdownloadP(dtype):
vcount = 0
vccount = 0
playlink = Playlist(link.get())
path = tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir="/", mustexist=True, parent=app)
pPercent.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.S)
ppPercent.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N, pady=20)
Vprogbar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
Pprogbar.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N, pady=10)
for _ in playlink.videos:
vcount += 1
Pprog(vcount, 0)
for vid in playlink.videos:
vccount += 1
Pprog(vcount, vccount)
global menu
menu = str(dtype) + 'Download'
if dtype == "VideoPlaylist":
video = vid.streams.get_highest_resolution()
elif dtype == "AudioPlaylist":
audio = vid.streams.get_audio_only()
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):
audio.download(output_path=str(path), filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + "1" + ".mp4")
audio.download(output_path=str(path), filename=sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
clip = AudioFileClip(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
clip.write_audiofile(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"[:-4] + ".mp3")
if os.path.exists(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4"):
os.remove(str(path) + "/" + sanitize_filename(audio.title) + ".mp4")
finishLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=customtkinter.N)
finishLabel.configure(text="All videos downloaded", text_color="white")
def Vprog(stream, chunk, bytes_remaining):
total_size = stream.filesize
bytes_downloaded = total_size - bytes_remaining
percentage_complete = bytes_downloaded / total_size * 100
per = str(int(percentage_complete))
pPercent.configure(text=per + "%")
Vprogbar.set(float(percentage_complete / 100))
def Pprog(total, current):
percentage_done = current / total * 100
per = str(int(percentage_done))
ppPercent.configure(text=per + "%")
Pprogbar.set(float(percentage_done / 100))
def Back():
if 'Download' in menu:
urlvar = tkinter.StringVar()
title = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="Insert a YouTube link", fg_color='White',corner_radius=10, padx=50, font=font)
link = customtkinter.CTkEntry(app, width=350, height=40, textvariable=urlvar)
finishLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="", text_color="white")
pPercent = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="0%", text_color="white")
ppPercent = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="0%", text_color="white")
Vprogbar = customtkinter.CTkProgressBar(app, width=400, progress_color="red")
Pprogbar = customtkinter.CTkProgressBar(app, width=400, progress_color="red")
download = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text="Download", command=lambda: startdownload(dtype=currenttype), fg_color="#e8e6e6", text_color="black", hover_color='#c0c0c0')
backbutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text_color='black', text="back", width=50, height=50, fg_color='#333333', hover_color='#c0c0c0', command=Back)
WhatLabel = customtkinter.CTkLabel(app, text="What would you like to download?", fg_color='White',corner_radius=10, padx=50, font=font)
Videobutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Video', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='Video'))
AudioButton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Audio', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='Audio'))
PVideobutton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Video Playlist', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='VideoPlaylist'))
PAudioButton = customtkinter.CTkButton(app, text='Audio Playlist', width=250, height=150, font=font2, fg_color='#b01214', hover_color='#590404', command=lambda: DownloadGUI(dtype='AudioPlaylist'))
submitted by doedobrd to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:15 bigbigeee Alarum (ALAR) Provides Q1 2024 Results

TEL AVIV, Israel, May 21, 2024 — Alarum Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq, TASE: ALAR) (“Alarum” or the “Company”), a global provider of internet access and web data collection solutions, today announced financial results for the three-month period ended March 31, 2024.
“I am thrilled to report another record quarter, marking continued growth and profitability for our company,” said Mr. Shachar Daniel, Chief Executive Officer of Alarum. “As market leaders, our dedication to innovation has never been stronger. This quarter, we introduced the ‘Website Unblocker,’ a product that has not only received positive feedback, but has also attracted new customers. We also launched our revolutionary ‘AI Data Collector’ product line, which features a user-friendly, no-code interface, that allows users to set up data collection in just minutes. We believe this will be a game-changer in the web data collection industry.
We remain agile, continuously planning for the future and advancing our roadmap with potential solutions for data analysis and insights. Our sustained growth, profitability, customer retention, and the successful introduction of innovative products, are propelling us towards the next milestones and achievements of our company.”
“Today we announced another record-setting quarter, highlighting our sustained growth and increasing profitability, which impacts all our financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs),” said Mr. Shai Avnit, Chief Executive Officer of Alarum. “Our IFRS basic earnings per share (EPS) increased to $0.23 per American Depository Share (ADS), while our non-IFRS basic EPS rose to $0.45 per ADS. Our IFRS net profit was $1.4 million, And our non-IFRS net profit climbed to $2.8 million. The gap between the two, is primarily due to expenses resulting from the fair value increase of derivative financial instruments (warrants issued in 2019-2020) following an increase in our Company’s share price. Our Adjusted EBITDA soared to an impressive $3.2 million – up significantly from just $0.1 million a year ago. We are thrilled to report that NetNut’s upward trajectory continues robustly, with revenues reaching an all-time high, having surged by 139%. This growth is driven by the acquisition of new customers and a strong customer retention rate (NRR), which now stands at 1.66. This demonstrates our success in not only retaining, but also significantly expanding our engagements with existing customers.”
First Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Highlights:
Revenues for the first quarter of 2024 reached a Company record high of $8.4 million, an increase of 47% compared to the first quarter of 2023;
Gross margin for the first quarter of 2024 increased to 78%, compared to 66% in the first quarter of 2023;
IFRS net profit reached $1.4 million in the first quarter of 2024, compared to an IFRS net loss of $0.7 million in the first quarter of 2023;
Non-IFRS net profit increased to $2.8 million; Finance expenses in the amount of $0.8 million, due to expenses mainly from the fair value increase of derivative financial instruments (warrants issued in 2019-2020) resulting from the increase in the Company’s share price, are excluded from the non-IFRS net profit calculation. This compared to non-IFRS net loss of $0.1 million in the first quarter of 2023;
IFRS basic profit per American Depository Share – “ADS” was $0.23 ($0.02 basic profit per ordinary share), and non-IFRS basic profit per ADS was $0.45 ($0.03 basic profit per ordinary share);
Adjusted EBITDA for the first quarter of 2024 continued to grow, reaching a Company record of $3.2 million, compared to $0.1 million in the first quarter of 2023;
NetNut’s revenues for the first quarter of 2024 totaled $8.1 million, reflecting growth of 139% year-over-year, compared to $3.4 million for the first quarter of 2023; and
Net Retention Rate (“NRR”)1 climbed to 1.66 in the first quarter of 2024.
Recent Business Developments:
The Company launched an innovative artificial intelligence (“AI”) web data collection product line. This cutting-edge product line represents a significant leap forward in web data collection technology, addressing the challenges of time-intensive collector creation and maintenance that have long plagued businesses across industries;
The Company introduced its new and innovative Website Unblocker, designed to allow automated web data collection tools access to public facing web data without being tagged by anti-bot and bot-management solutions;
The Company announced exciting events lineup, including CEO Spotlight on a leading technology podcast with Dinis Guarda and hosted a webinar: Revolutionizing Data Insights with NetNut’s Website Unblocker; and
NetNut appointed Mr. Yorai Fainmesser as Strategic Advisory Board Member. As a general partner of a leading AI venture capital firm, Disruptive AI, and the former (Colonel Ret.) Head of the AI and Data Science intelligence unit 8200 in the IDF (Israel Defence Forces), Mr. Fainmesser brings unparalleled expertise in AI strategy and cyber technology.
Financial Results for the first quarter of 2024:
Revenues amounted to $8.4 million (Q1.2023: $5.7 million). The increase is attributed to the organic growth in the enterprise internet access and web data collection business revenues, despite a reduction in the consumer internet access business revenues.
Cost of revenues totaled $1.8 million (Q1.2023: $1.9 million). The reduction stems mainly from the Company’s CyberKick division’s traffic acquisition costs stoppage in July 2023 and clearing fees decrease, due to the Company’s updated scale down strategy for its CyberKick operations. The reduction was partially offset by an increase in enterprise internet access and web data collection business costs of addresses and networks and servers used for the generation of the additional enterprise internet access and web data collection business revenues.
Research and development expenses totaled $1.0 million (Q1.2023: $1.1 million). Reduced expenses in the consumer internet access business due to the operations scale down of CyberKick were partially offset by an increase in payroll and related expenses in the enterprise internet access and web data collection business.
Sales and marketing expenses totaled $1.7 million (Q1.2023: $2.2 million). The decrease resulted mainly from the stoppage of media acquisition costs in July 2023 due to CyberKick’s operations scale down strategy. This reduction was partially offset by higher payroll and related expenses in the enterprise internet access and web data collection business.
General and administrative expenses totaled $1.2 million (Q1.2023: $1.0 million). The increase is mainly due to higher payroll and related expenses and professional fees costs related to the enterprise internet access and web data collection business, partially offset by lower payroll and related expenses as a result of CyberKick’s operations scale down strategy.
Finance expenses reached $0.8 million (Q1.2023: $0.2 million). The increase is mainly from expenses resulting from the fair value increase of derivative financial instruments (warrants issued in 2019-2020) due to the increase in the Company’s share price. The increase was partially offset by interest income that stemmed from the Company’s increased cash equivalents.
Income tax expenses totaled $0.3 million (Q1.2023: tax benefit of $0.004 million). The switch to income tax expenses is due to the first-time profitably of NetNut for tax purposes.
As a result, IFRS net profit reached $1.4 million, or $0.02 basic profit per ordinary share ($0.23 basic profit per American Depository Share – “ADS”), compared to IFRS net loss of $0.7 million in the first quarter of 2023, or $0.02 basic loss per ordinary share ($0.21 basic loss per ADS).
Non-IFRS net profit was $2.8 million, or $0.04 basic profit per ordinary share ($0.45 basic profit per ADS), compared to non-IFRS net loss of $0.1 million in the first quarter of 2023, or $0.00 basic loss per ordinary share ($0.03 basic loss per ADS).
Adjusted EBITDA was $3.2 million (Q1.2023: Adjusted EBITDA of $0.1 million).
Balance Sheet Highlights:
As of March 31, 2024, shareholders’ equity totaled $17.1 million, or approximately $2.66 per ADS, compared to shareholders’ equity of $13.2 million as of December 31, 2023. The increase stems from the 2024 first quarter net profit as well as warrants and options exercises.
Outstanding ordinary share count as of March 31, 2024 was 64.1 million, or 6.4 million in ADSs.
As of March 31, 2024, the Company’s cash and cash equivalents balance totaled $15.1 million, compared to $10.9 million as of December 31, 2023.
submitted by bigbigeee to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:06 grewupinwpg Crashes and freezing - Windows 11 / RTX 3060 TI - variety of errors 🤔

I've been experiencing system crashes, freezes and loads of critical/warnings in the event log viewer I've been trying to sort through the last few days without much success. I'm going to try to summarize things as much as I can, and include any data I have while I'm not at the machine (I'm on the way to work at the moment).
Any help or guidance on other things to try is appreciated. I want to avoid bringing it in to the shop for service if possible!
Below is a summary of what I've tried so far with as much detail as I can:
May 18th - First series of crashes identified 'GameInputSvc.exe' as a source of trouble in the event log. When I googled the errors, it led me to this thread (https://www.reddit.com/WindowsHelp/comments/18bb6e0/gameinput_service_stops_working_after_windows_11/) and uninstalled Game Input app from the Windows Apps list, as it showed it was from 2023. I no longer saw this in the task manager after a reboot.
May 19th - more crashes while playing Fallout 4 or just booting up. Looked at the event log and it showed the WiFi driver was crashing. When I googled it, some threads mentioned the Intel Driver and Support software as a possible source. I uninstalled that software. Installed the WiFi driver from my PC manufacturers website (MSI).
Some examples of errors: "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered." "Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX200 160MHz : Has encountered an internal error and has failed." "5007 - TX/CMD timeout (TfdQueue hanged)"
This one was prominent especially the next day (May 20th):
"The description for Event ID 0 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
\Device\Video3 Error occurred on GPUID: 100"
This clearly indicates an issue with the video card drivers. I reverted to the older version of video drivers for my RTX 3060 TI. I was able to play games and use the PC without issue for a while. Then it began to crash again. Back into the event viewer.
Found these posts: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/discove54045/the-nvlddmkm-error-what-is-it-an-fyi-for-those-seeing-this-issue/ And this one which I've highlighted what I think is the relevant part below: https://www.reddit.com/nvidia/comments/1cnxgy8/game_ready_driver_55244_faqdiscussion/
"If it still crashes, we have a few other troubleshooting steps but this is fairly involved and you should not do it if you do not feel comfortable. Proceed below at your own risk:
I added the registry key as suggested to change the time the system waits for the video card drivers to recover from 2 seconds to 10 seconds. My next step was to use DDU to uninstall the video drivers, and reinstall the latest 552.44 driver. I then did a sfc /scannow to try to ensure the integrity of system files. If did find an issue and resolved it (screenshot: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/464920915088769029/1242264474249990205/image.png?ex=664ddd32&is=664c8bb2&hm=b17d2b36d2f24f132798d61a5cd172566ebd7fa99fe656177af5c954541d0648&).
However I left my machine on after playing Fallout 4 fine for a few hours and it crashed about 6 min after I left it to go to bed (according to event log).
I can provide a link to my reliability report XML if that helps. I'll also try to save the event log later today.
I'm at the point of reinstalling Windows tonight as a final step before I take the box in to my local PC shop, which will take a week or 2 to fix. I'd really like to avoid that cost if I can.
Please let me know if there is anything I can run or provide once I'm back home from work. Thanks again for reading and any help.
submitted by grewupinwpg to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:18 Worst_Artist The Best SEO Plumber Guide From an Industry Expert

The Best SEO Plumber Guide From an Industry Expert
Every month “plumbers near me” is searched up to 850,000 times globally.
To thrive, your plumbing business needs to be visible where most potential customers are searching, Google.
This guide will provide you with top Plumber SEO tips to enhance your plumbing business’s online visibility.
First, what is Plumber SEO?
Plumber SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of affecting local search engine rankings for plumbers.
Why You Should Do Plumber SEO
Plumber SEO is crucial because it helps your plumbing service appear in search results when potential customers in your target area look for the services you offer.
A cool 54% of all clicks go to the top three organic search results.
If you’re not effective with SEO you’re invisible organically.
Can You Do Plumber SEO Yourself?
Yes, you can certainly get started with the basics of Plumber SEO, but advanced SEO, with some elements of Technical SEO, may require a specialist.
The most accessible way to stay abreast of updates is through reputable sources like Barry Schwartz and Lily Ray.
Learn useful techniques by following experienced Local SEO professionals like Joy Hawkins and Darren Shaw.

1. Optimize Your Google Business Profile

Google Local Map Pack
To appear in Google’s local search results, including the Map Pack, start with your Google Business Profile (GBP).
Claim and Set Up Your Google Profile. If you’re not on the map already, add your business name and category. Choose a primary category such as “Plumber” and you can add more later for more specific services like Gas Installation Service, Drainage Service, or Bathroom Remodeler.

Complete Your Profile Details

Review Darren Shaw’s Whitespark Local Search Ranking Factors to see how you should prioritize your time.
If you’re here doing pre-research before you even start a plumbing business take advantage of the knowledge that the keywords in your business name and the proximity to the location you want to rank in are top-ranking factors.
Set up your service area and you can choose up to 20 locations, but the guideline is that it must be no longer than a 2-hour drive from where your business is based.

2. Local NAP Citations

Most business directories list your business name, address, and phone number. These listings are known as NAP citations.

Local Data Aggregators

You can either use a data aggregator service like Data Axle and Foursquare to list you on multiple directories.
There’s also Whitespark who offer customizable citations and connections to large data aggregators.

Get Listed with Free Local Directories

You can also take care of some of the free ones first.
Once you’re verified for Google Business Profile you can import your business onto Bing as well with a few clicks.
Don’t forget to get listed on Yelp as well since Apple Map searches rely on data from Yelp. Facebook, X (Formerly Twitter), LinkedIn Business and Instagram also allow you to put your address.
YellowPages, Better Business Bureau, Nextdoor and Manta are some free ones to get listed on as well.

Paid Plumber Directories

Consider paid services for citations such as Angi’s List, HomeAdvisor, and your local Chamber of Commerce.

Put Your Address on Your Site

Place your address at the bottom of your footer exactly how it’s shown on Google and embed the map to help customers easily access leaving you a review.

3. Boost Your Reviews

Reviews not only enhance your credibility but also improve your SEO rankings. Here are some effective ways to gather more reviews:
  • Use Google’s Business Profile Manager to manage and respond to reviews.
  • Get a QR Code that uses a link from GBP to request a review and a Business Card or Fridge Magnet to leave for customers with your website on it.
  • Follow-Up Contact Requesting Feedback.
  • Email Signature with your website link and a link to leave a review.

4. Keyword Research

Understanding what potential customers search for helps tailor your website content to meet their needs. Effective keyword research is the foundation of successful SEO.

List Your Services

Start by making a comprehensive list of all the plumbing services you offer. Think about every specific service you provide, no matter how niche.
A detailed list might include: Drain unblocking, Burst pipe repair, Drain Cleaning, Toilet installation, Water heater repair, Sewer line inspection and repair.

Use Keyword Tools

Once you have your list of services, the next step is to use keyword research tools to find relevant keywords that potential customers are searching for.
Google Keyword Planner
Google Keyword Planner
Google’s Keyword Planner is an ultimate keyword research tool that’s free and can help you find keywords, helpful insights, and discover new keywords.

Enter Your Services

Discover New Keywords Google Keyword Planner
Input the list of services you created into the tool. For example, if you offer “drain cleaning” enter this term into the Keyword Planner Discover New Keywords followed by your target city.

Analyze Keyword Suggestions

The tool will generate a list of related keywords, showing their search volumes and competition levels. Look for keywords with a high search volume and low to medium competition. These are the sweet spots that can drive significant traffic to your site.

Include Local Geographic Modifiers

Add local modifiers to your keywords to target searches in your service area. For example, “drain cleaning near me” or “emergency plumber [your city].” This helps attract customers who are looking for services in specific locations.
Now I’ve found a low competition keyword that’s a longtail keyword (keyword phrase with 3+ words) “24 hour emergency plumber Atlanta”.
Check out Keyword Surfer from Matt Diggity to get even more keyword data for free. You can also see the estimated monthly traffic a website domain gets.

5. Website Content & Optimization

Plumber Website Example

Create Service Specific Pages

By creating dedicated, optimized pages for each service, you can attract more targeted traffic and convert visitors into customers. These pages not only improve your SEO but also provide valuable information to potential clients, helping them choose your services with confidence.

Unique Selling Points

Highlight what makes your service unique. This could be your experience, certifications, special equipment, or customer satisfaction guarantees.
Include positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. This builds trust and credibility with potential clients.

Contact Page

Make it easy for visitors to get in touch with you. Throughout your site link to a contact page. Provide your phone number, email address, and a web form for inquiries with your address shown and your service area. Including a call-to-action (CTA) encourages potential customers to take the next step.

Craft Compelling Content

Each service page should clearly describe the service, its benefits, and why customers should choose you. Include certifications, unique selling points, and customer testimonials to build trust.
Create engaging and informative content such as blog posts, FAQs, and plumbing tips to attract and retain visitors. Demonstrate your expertise and authority with pictures from job sites and speak from first-hand knowledge.

6. Build a Strong Link Profile

Guest blogging and engaging in community participation are free ways to build high-quality backlinks and establish your authority in the plumbing industry.

Identify Target Blogs

Find blogs in the plumbing, home improvement, and DIY niches that accept guest posts. Look for blogs with a good reputation and engaged audiences. Use search queries like “plumbing blogs accepting guest posts” or “home improvement write for us.”
Reach out to the blog owners with well-crafted pitches. Propose topics that are relevant to their audience and showcase your expertise. Ensure your pitch is concise and highlights the value you can provide to their readers.
Write well-researched, informative, and engaging articles. Focus on providing valuable insights and practical advice. Include relevant keywords naturally and ensure the content aligns with the blog’s style and tone.
In your author bio, include a brief description of yourself and your plumbing business, along with a link back to your website. Some blogs may also allow you to include a link within the content itself. Ensure these links are relevant and add value to the article.

Join Relevant Communities

Participate in forums and online communities related to plumbing, home improvement, and DIY. Websites like Reddit, Quora, and specialized plumbing forums like PlumbingForums.com are great places to start.
Offer helpful and knowledgeable answers to questions. Avoid blatant self-promotion and focus on providing genuine value. Share your expertise and build a reputation as a helpful professional.

HARO (Help A Reporter Out)

HARO connects sources with journalists looking for expert quotes. This can lead to high-quality backlinks from reputable sites.
Sign up for a free HARO account as a source. You will receive daily emails with journalist requests categorized by industry. Plumbing-related requests might fall under Home & Garden.
Monitor the HARO emails for requests related to plumbing, home maintenance, or small business operations. Respond promptly with concise, informative answers. Highlight your expertise and provide useful insights.
When responding, be detailed and professional. Include your full name, title, business name, and a link to your website. Journalists are more likely to use your quotes if they are well-articulated and relevant to their article.

Replicate Competitors’ Links

Analyzing your competitors’ backlinks can help you discover new link-building opportunities.
Identify your top competitors by searching for your target keywords in Google. Note the websites that consistently appear at the top of the search results.
Use tools like SEMrush or SpyFu to analyze your competitors’ backlink profiles. Enter their domain into the tool to see a list of websites linking to them.
Assess the quality of these backlinks by looking at metrics like organic traffic. Focus on high-quality backlinks from reputable sites.
Look for backlinks that you can replicate. These might include mentions in articles. Reach out to these websites with a similar pitch to get your site linked as well.

Reclaim Lost Links

Reclaiming lost links involves identifying and fixing broken or redirected links pointing to your site.
Use tools like Ahrefs or Google Search Console to identify broken links pointing to your website. These tools can help you find 404 errors and other issues.
Identify links that are redirected to other pages or domains. Ensure that the redirects are still relevant and pointing to the correct pages.
Reach out to the webmasters of the sites linking to your broken URLs. Politely ask them to update the link to the correct page. Provide the exact URL to make it easier for them.
If you have moved content to a new URL, set up 301 redirects from the old URLs to the new ones. This ensures that any backlinks pointing to the old URL still pass on link equity to the new page.

7. Technical SEO & Website Performance

Technical SEO ensures that search engines can find, understand, and index your pages.

Plan Your Site Structure

Plumber SEO Site Structure Example
A well-organized site structure helps visitors navigate your website and allows Google to find all your pages.

Internal Links

Include relevant internal links (links on one page to another on your site) throughout pages to help users easily navigate to important pages.

Concise URL-friendly Slug

SEO Unfriendly URL Slug Example
When making slugs for URLs (characters at the end of the URL, shown above) make sure they’re short and to the point. It’s recommended to be under 70 characters total, that’s including the entire URL. However, it’s important to note that Google is known to truncate URLs depending on devices.
For instance, notice the cut-offs in the below image.
SEO Unfriendly URL Slug Example
With Yoast or Rankmath you’ll be able to see how your page will appear in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Write Compelling Titles

Your titles should be engaging and accurately describe the content. Use power words and numbers to make your titles more compelling. For example, “10 Easy Tips for Fixing a Leaky Faucet” or “How to Unclog Any Drain in 5 Simple Steps.”
Aim to keep your titles 50 to 55 characters (580px length to be exact, which free meta length checkers can help you with) to ensure they are fully displayed in SERPs and not cut off.
For a blog post on drain cleaning, a compelling title could be: “How to Clean a Clogged Drain: 7 Effective Methods”
Google is known to automatically change the title of your page in search results if it doesn’t match relevance. Follow best title practices to influence the result.

Keep the Meta Descriptions Concise

Clearly summarize what the page is about. Include the most important points that users should know before clicking. For a drain cleaning service page, you might write: “Get expert drain cleaning services in [City]. Our plumbers are available 24/7 to handle any blockage. Call [number] for a free quote.”
Try to keep your meta descriptions concise and within the 160-character limit (920 pixels to be precise) to ensure the full text is visible.
Include your phone number in the meta description as this is clickable on mobile.

Use Clear Headings and Subheadings

Heading Tag Structure Example
Organize your content with clear headings (H1, H2, H3) and subheadings. This not only improves readability but also helps search engines understand the structure of your content.
Break down information into bullet points and numbered lists where appropriate. This makes your content more scannable and user-friendly.

Key Pages to Make

Home Page, About Us, Contact Us
Service Pages
Service Locations (Be careful on this one and follow Google’s guidelines on Doorways)
Service Location City Page
Blogs for Informational Articles and How-To’s

Create and Upload Your Sitemap

Install a Plugin like Yoast or Rankmath to give you some useful SEO tools and create a sitemap to submit to Google and Bing.


HTTPS is a secure way for visitors to access web pages. Check if your website uses HTTPS by looking for a lock icon in the browser’s search bar.

Monitor Your SEO Health

Regularly monitor your website’s SEO health using tools like Google Search Console. These tools can help you identify and fix common SEO issues. Key metrics to track include organic traffic, keyword performance, and site health score.

Responsive Design

Responsive design refers to a web design approach that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. It ensures that your website looks and functions correctly on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Optimize Images

Large images can slow down your website, leading to a poor user experience, especially on mobile devices with slower internet connections. Optimizing images ensures faster loading times, which can improve both user experience and SEO.
Use a site like TinyJPG to compress images for free.

Simple Layout

A simple, uncluttered layout improves user experience by making it easier for visitors to navigate your site and find the information they need. It also ensures that your site loads faster, as there are fewer elements to load. You can find highly optimized plumber templates that you can use with WordPress.

Click-to-Call Buttons

Click-to-call buttons are crucial for mobile users, allowing them to contact your business with a single tap. This convenience can increase conversion rates and improve customer satisfaction.

Advanced Technical SEO

If you’re savvy on the technical side you can use free diagnostic tools like webpagetest and Google’s PageSpeed Insights to get more details on how to improve your loading speed and other technical optimizations.
Another step is installing and configuring a free caching plugin like WP Super Cache.


You can use breadcrumbs to help Google understand the hierarchy of your site and may help users on their journey through your site.

Local SEO Schema

Add Plumber schema to important pages like the home page, contact, and service pages. You can use Schemantra to create the code to place on your site for free.

8. SEO Content Marketing

Creating valuable content can attract traffic and customers from organic search.

Topic Keyword Research

Finding the right topics to write about is crucial for attracting organic traffic.
Begin with broad keywords related to plumbing, such as “leak repair,” “drain cleaning,” or “water heater maintenance.” Enter these into keyword research tools like Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, Google Keyword Planner, or SEMrush.
Use these tools to find related keywords and phrases that people are searching for. Look for questions and long-tail keywords (phrases with three or more words) that indicate specific user intents.
Instead of just “drain cleaning,” look for “how to clean a clogged drain” or “best drain cleaning services in [city].”
Evaluate the search volume and competition level for each keyword. Ideally, seek keywords with high search volume but low to medium competition. This increases the chances of ranking well without facing too much competition.
When reviewing these keywords go after transactional keywords as these will typically bring you more conversions. “Emergency plumber near me” is a transactional keyword because it has a higher likelihood of the potential customer seeking service. Compare this to an information keyword such as, “What’s the history of plumbing?”.
Analyze the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords to see what type of content is ranking.
Look for featured snippets, people also ask boxes, and top-ranking articles to understand the type of content Google favors. Keep in mind that when using standard browser settings you’ll see personalized results.
You can use tools like AnswerThePublic for free to find more of what people are asking about a given topic.

For Blogs Use Questions and Informational Keywords

Blogs focus on questions and informational keywords, such as “how-to” guides, tutorials, and tips. Good content written on this tends to attract more engagement and backlinks.

Publish Optimized Blog Posts

Analyze the top-ranking pages for your target keywords to understand the user intent behind the searches. Are people looking for how-to guides, detailed articles, or quick answers? Align your content with what users intend to find.
Ensure your content fully addresses the search query. If users are looking for a guide on fixing a leaky faucet, provide a step-by-step tutorial with images, videos, and troubleshooting tips.
Include Images and Videos
Use relevant images, infographics, and videos to enhance your content. Visual elements can help explain complex topics and keep readers engaged.
Having an embedded YouTube video with a person speaking on the topic or pointing out common plumbing parts can set you apart from many competitors.

9. Promote Your Content

Share your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Tailor your posts to each platform’s audience and use engaging visuals and descriptions to attract attention.
Participate in relevant Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, and online communities related to plumbing and home improvement. Share your content when appropriate if it adds value to the discussion.

10. Tracking SEO Progress

Tracking your SEO efforts is essential to understanding what’s working and what needs improvement.

Google Business Profile Performance

Monitoring your Google Business Profile (GBP) performance is crucial for understanding how well your business is performing in local search results.

Check Profile Performance

Log into your Google account and search for your business name. This should bring up your Google Business Profile. Click on the “See profile performance” button to access detailed metrics about how your profile is performing.

GBP Metrics

Views: The number of times your business profile has been viewed. This gives you an idea of how visible your business is in local searches.
Search Queries: The specific queries that led users to your business profile. This helps you understand what terms potential customers are using to find your business.
Customer Actions: This includes actions like visits to your website, requests for directions, calls to your business, and bookings. Tracking these actions helps you understand how effective your profile is at converting views into interactions.
Photo Views: The number of times your business photos have been viewed. High-quality photos can attract more attention and engagement.

Search Console Metrics

This report provides an overview of your site’s performance in Google Search.
Total Clicks: The number of times users clicked on your site in search results.
Total Impressions: The number of times your site appeared in search results.
Average Click-Through Rate (CTR): The ratio of clicks to impressions, showing how effective your site is at attracting clicks.
Average Position: Your site’s average ranking position for the tracked queries.
Search Queries: This section shows the specific queries that users are entering to find your site. Analyze which keywords are driving the most traffic and consider creating more content around those terms.
Pages: Identify which pages on your site are performing best in search. This can help you understand what type of content resonates most with your audience.
Devices: Understand how users are accessing your site (desktop, mobile, tablet). This helps you ensure your site is optimized for all devices, most importantly mobile.

Optimize Based on Insights

Use the data from GSC to optimize your site’s SEO strategy. If you notice that certain pages have a high number of impressions but a low CTR, consider updating the meta descriptions and title tags to be more compelling.
If specific keywords are performing well, create supplemental content around those topics to capture additional traffic.
submitted by Worst_Artist to PlumberSEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:57 fake_polkadot Something like Blocksite that I can't just easily undo whenever I get the urge?

I recently uninstalled my web browsers and the play store from my phone in an attempt to make my use of technology more intentional. Unfortunately not having a web browser on my phone has taken away some conveniences which I would like to have. I would love to be able to use a web browser on my phone without the ability to access certain websites. I found the app Blocksite would have been perfect for me if it didnt allow me to unblock things with just a few taps on my phone. Ideally, I would need to connect my phone to my PC to make any changes to enable or disable any of the blocking. Does anyone know of a site blocking app or feature very similar to Blocksite but has more of a barrier to disabling?
Thanks for your help!
submitted by fake_polkadot to digitalminimalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:29 Flashy-Trouble8119 Can't connect to specific websites and apps.

Okay so this is a giant issue for me because i already asked for help in various discord servers and noone seemed to know any fix or reason for my problem. The Problem is that apart from the issues below, my Wifi works fine as in watching Youtube works fine and downloading steam games etc. works fine as well. For the problem with Epicgames. com i can just use the Opera GX vpn but i didnt figure any other fixes out. I also already Reset my windows, installed the right drivers(i hope) and tried some DNS servers.
  1. I can't open the Epicgames website.
  2. Apps like my riot client don't work right as in i cant log in and pictures not loading.
To te above point: discord is also bugged: for example i am chilling in a voice channel it starts to randomly disconnect me from the call but i still can send messages and watch youtube videos.
  1. Minecraft launcher also wouldn't let me sign in. As well as Lunar Client.
This is what it says if i try to connect to epic:
Image 1
And this is what it says in Riot Client as well as on the website:
Image Client
edit: i did this in cmd for epicgames.com and store.epicgames.com and as you can see the 2nd website also works in my browser without any vpn but i am extremely confused as I still can't connect to riotgames auth for logging in and out of my account
EDIT!!!!! Reset your router. It fixed it for me and if it doesnt i wish you the best on your journey
submitted by Flashy-Trouble8119 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:47 Impossible_Bill9349 NordVPN Review: Access Anything online Without Restriction

NordVPN Review: Access Anything Online Without Restriction

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, where online privacy and internet freedom are paramount, NordVPN emerges as a premier virtual private network (VPN) service that grants users the power to access anything online without restriction. As a top-tier VPN provider, NordVPN offers robust security, lightning-fast speeds, and the remarkable ability to bypass geo-restrictions, allowing you to enjoy your favorite online content from anywhere in the world.
Whether you're streaming your go-to shows, accessing geo-blocked websites, or simply seeking to safeguard your online activities, NordVPN is the solution that delivers unparalleled freedom and protection. This comprehensive review will delve into the features, performance, and benefits that make NordVPN a game-changer in the world of VPNs.

Key Takeaways

What is NordVPN and How Does it Work?

In today's digital landscape, online privacy and security have become paramount concerns for individuals and businesses alike. This is where NordVPN, a leading virtual private network (VPN) service, steps in to provide a comprehensive solution. VPN technology is the foundation upon which NordVPN operates, offering users a secure and private way to access the internet.

Overview of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

A VPN is a technology that creates a secure and encrypted connection between your device and the internet, shielding your online activities from prying eyes. By routing your internet traffic through a remote server, a VPN can effectively mask your IP address, making it difficult for anyone to track your online activities or access your sensitive information.

NordVPN's Unique Selling Proposition

NordVPN stands out from the competition by offering a comprehensive suite of features designed to enhance online security and privacy protection. Its user-friendly applications, available across multiple platforms, make it easy for anyone to enjoy a secure and unrestricted internet experience.

Understanding Nord VPN's Encryption and Security Features

At the heart of NordVPN's success is its industry-leading encryption protocols and robust security features. The service utilizes advanced encryption algorithms, such as AES-256-GCM, to ensure that your internet traffic remains impenetrable to hackers and cybercriminals. Additionally, NordVPN's strict no-logs policy guarantees that your online activities are never recorded or shared, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.
NordVPN Features Description Encryption Protocols NordVPN offers a choice of industry-leading encryption protocols, including OpenVPN, IKEv2/IPsec, and NordLynx, to ensure maximum security and privacy. No-Logs Policy NordVPN adheres to a strict no-logs policy, meaning that it does not record or store any user activity or connection data, providing users with complete privacy protection. Extensive Server Network With over 5,500 servers in 60 countries, NordVPN offers a vast global network, allowing users to access content and resources from around the world. Cybersecurity Features NordVPN includes advanced cybersecurity features, such as Double VPN, Onion Over VPN, and Threat Protection, to safeguard users from a wide range of online threats.

Review on NordVPN Access anything online without Restriction

User-Friendly Interface and Cross-Platform Compatibility

One of the standout features of NordVPN is its intuitive and user-friendly interface. Designed with simplicity in mind, the NordVPN app is easy to navigate, making it accessible for users of all technical backgrounds. The service's cross-platform compatibility ensures a seamless experience across a variety of devices, including Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android, allowing you to stay protected no matter which device you're using.

Unblocking Streaming Services and Bypassing Geo-Restrictions

NordVPN excels at unblocking a wide range of streaming services, including popular platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and BBC iPlayer. By connecting to the service's extensive server network, you can bypass geo-restrictions and access content from around the world, unlocking a world of entertainment and information at your fingertips.

Evaluating Nord VPN's Server Network and Connection Speeds

NordVPN boasts an impressive global server network, with over 5,000 servers across 59 countries. This extensive coverage ensures that you can find a server location that is close to you, minimizing latency and providing lightning-fast connection speeds. The service's optimized server infrastructure and advanced technologies contribute to a seamless online experience, allowing you to stream, download, and browse the web without any noticeable slowdowns or interruptions.


What is NordVPN?

NordVPN is a leading virtual private network (VPN) service that provides secure and unrestricted access to the internet. It offers robust encryption, lightning-fast speeds, and the ability to bypass geo-restrictions, allowing users to enjoy online content from anywhere in the world.

How does NordVPN work?

NordVPN uses advanced encryption protocols to create a secure and private tunnel between your device and the internet. When you connect to a NordVPN server, your internet traffic is routed through this encrypted tunnel, keeping your online activities hidden from prying eyes and protecting your sensitive information.

What are the key features of NordVPN?

NordVPN boasts a user-friendly interface, cross-platform compatibility, and the ability to unblock streaming services and bypass geo-restrictions. It also features a vast global server network and lightning-fast connection speeds, ensuring a seamless online experience.

How effective is NordVPN's security and privacy protection?

NordVPN is renowned for its industry-leading security and privacy features. It utilizes robust encryption protocols, such as AES-256, to safeguard your online activities and protect your sensitive data from potential threats. Additionally, NordVPN maintains a strict no-logs policy, ensuring that your internet traffic and personal information remain completely private.

Can NordVPN unblock streaming services and bypass geo-restrictions?

Yes, NordVPN is highly effective in unblocking a wide range of streaming services, including Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and BBC iPlayer, among others. Its extensive server network allows users to access content that may be restricted in their geographic location, granting them unrestricted access to the global internet.

What is the performance of NordVPN in terms of connection speeds?

NordVPN is known for its lightning-fast connection speeds, which are among the best in the VPN industry. Users can enjoy seamless streaming, browsing, and downloading experiences without experiencing significant slowdowns or lags, even when connected to servers located in different regions.

Is NordVPN compatible with multiple devices?

Yes, NordVPN offers cross-platform compatibility, allowing users to install and use the service on a wide range of devices, including Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Linux, and even certain routers. This ensures a consistent and secure online experience across all your devices.
submitted by Impossible_Bill9349 to u/Impossible_Bill9349 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:42 Adventurous_Rope2930 Root for Cubot x70 (ADB&Fastboot - No TWRP or similar.)

This is the procedure I used to root the Cubot x70 device via Magisk.
First of all, it is important to note that following this procedure will wipe all data, and it is specifically for Windows.
  1. Install all necessary tools on your PC, which can be found on the official Cubot website at www.cubot.net: select the latest version of "Update Firmware" and click on "MORE". Download the following items: Tool, ROM, Driver, and install the driver on your PC.
  2. On this website "https://gsmusbdriver.com/cubot-x70", install the ADB driver for Cubot x70 by clicking on "Get Driver" and follow the guide provided on the website for the correct installation of ADB drivers on your computer (https://gsmusbdriver.com/install-usb-driver).
  3. Next, download the official ADB & Fastboot tool. Your PC should now have everything needed to root the device and resolve any potential boot loops.
  4. On the Cubot device, go to "Settings" > "About phone" > "Build number" and tap on it seven times to unlock Developer options. Once unlocked, go to "Settings" > "System" > "Developer options" and enable "OEM Unlock" and "USB Debugging".
  5. Install Magisk on the device from the official GitHub as an APK. Run the APK file on the Cubot, connect the device to the PC via USB, and select the option for data transfer from the notification bar.
  6. The files on the Cubot x70 should now be readable on the PC. Move the official ROM Zip file that was previously installed on the Cubot to the Download folder. Once copied, open the Magisk app and press the "Install" button on the first item. Select the zip file containing the official ROM of the Cubot and then press "Next!" This will create the patched boot file of Magisk in the same Download folder where you placed the zip file.
  7. Transfer this file to the PC and move it to the ADB & Fastboot folder downloaded earlier. Rename it to "magisk_patched.img".
  8. Open CMD as an administrator and use the cd command to navigate to the location where you installed ADB & Fastboot.
  9. Turn off the device, connect it to the PC using the original cable, and hold the power button + volume up button. A small menu will appear where you can navigate using the volume keys and confirm your choice with the volume down button. Select "Recovery".
  10. In Recovery, select "Reboot to Bootloader" and launch the following command from CMD:
fastboot devices
Ensure that the device is connected and in fastboot mode.
  1. Then, run the command:
fastboot flashing unlock
Press the volume up button quickly.
  1. Next, run the command:
fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img
  1. Finally, use the command:
fastboot reboot
The phone will restart. All previously installed data will be lost, and you will need to reconfigure the device.
After this, reinstall the Magisk app, which will prompt for an update. Follow the update process, and the phone will restart on its own, completing the rooting process.
submitted by Adventurous_Rope2930 to androidroot [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 10:48 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Cheap Paintball Mask

Best Cheap Paintball Mask

Are you looking for an affordable paintball mask that doesn't compromise on quality and protection? Look no further, because we have compiled a list of the best cheap paintball masks on the market. From budget-friendly options to high-value purchases, our roundup will help you find the perfect paintball mask that suits your needs and wallet.

The Top 6 Best Cheap Paintball Mask

  1. Affordable JT Sports Premise Paintball Mask - JT Sports Premise Paintball Mask offers affordable full-head coverage with Pro-Change lens and soft padding, making it an ideal choice for paintball enthusiasts on a budget.
  2. Affordable Skull Face Mask for Motorcycling and Paintball - Experience ultimate comfort and safety with Flantor's affordable skull face mask for motor Racing, paintball, and cycling, offering adjustable elastic closure and a 0.5-inch thick high-quality sponge filler to cushion facial pressure.
  3. Foldable, Comfortable, and Protective Paintball Mask - Keep your style and protection in check with Wosport's high-performance foldable paintball mask, offering comfort and durability in a sleek black design for airsoft enthusiasts.
  4. Affordable High Impact Tactical Paintball Mask for Airsoft Hunting - Experience unmatched durability and comfort with the Independent Tactical Paintball Mask, perfect for budget-conscious airsoft enthusiasts.
  5. Affordable Pro Paintball Goggle with Dual Anti-Fog Lens - The Valken MI-5 Paintball Goggles offer ultimate protection, extreme visibility, and dual anti-fog lens treatment at an entry-level price, making it a top choice for affordable paintball gear.
  6. BK CMD Paintball Goggle: Advanced Anti-Fog and Breathable Design - Experience unparalleled fog-free vision and top-notch breathability with the Bunkerkings CMD Paintball Goggle/Mask, engineered for maximum comfort and superior performance.
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🔗Affordable JT Sports Premise Paintball Mask

I've been using the JT Sports Premise Paintball Mask for quite some time now, and I must say it's a game-changer. The mask's full head coverage is truly impressive, providing protection for my entire face while I'm on the paintball field. I especially appreciate the soft padding, which ensures that the mask is comfy to wear even after long gaming sessions.
One nifty feature is the Pro-Change lens, which makes it a breeze to switch between different lenses, depending on the lighting conditions. Another highlight is its fog resistance, as I've had issues with previous masks fogging up as soon as the action begins. But not with the JT Sports Premise Paintball Mask - it keeps my vision clear, allowing me to stay focused on the game.
One minor drawback I've noticed is the sizing; it's specifically designed for men's sizes, so it might be a bit tight for those with larger heads or facial features. However, this doesn't detract significantly from the overall functionality and comfort of the mask.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with the JT Sports Premise Paintball Mask, and I highly recommend it to anyone in the market for a reliable, high-quality mask that won't break the bank. Its full head coverage, fog resistance, and soft padding make it a top choice for paintball enthusiasts.

🔗Affordable Skull Face Mask for Motorcycling and Paintball

I was excited to try out the Flantor Motorcycle Goggle Skull Face Mask for Airsoft Paintball Motor Racing Polarized Lens in my daily life, especially during motorcycle rides. This face mask fits perfectly into my motorcycle helmet, providing a safe and comfortable experience while still allowing for some great visibility.
The elastic closure is a bonus that ensures a snug and secure fit. The main drawback I faced was the forehead coverage, which was limited, but it didn't affect the safety of my rides significantly. Overall, the Flantor face mask is a reliable and affordable option for motorcycle enthusiasts looking for a practical and comfortable option during their rides.

🔗Foldable, Comfortable, and Protective Paintball Mask

I had the chance to give the Wosport Paintball Foldable Half Face Lower Unisex Mask Comfortable Adjustable Protective Prop Black a go, and it's become my go-to for a good time at airsoft events. The mask is crafted with a blend of green low-carbon steel and 1000D material, keeping it sturdy yet comfy.
The adjustable strap means it fits my head perfectly, and all my friends with different head sizes have praised the inclusion as well. I even love the sleek black color, as it adds a touch of style to my functional protection. Overall, this mask has made airsoft games less of a worry and more of a thrill.

🔗Affordable High Impact Tactical Paintball Mask for Airsoft Hunting

I recently had the opportunity to try out the IndependentThose Tactical Paintball Mask, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for airsoft enthusiasts. This bad boy fits like a dream, with the mask size ranging from 9.4" to 9.8" (that's 24-25 cm, folks). The material used is a sturdy blend of polycarbonate and TPU plastic, making it impact-resistant and super durable for even the most intense paintball battles.
One of the standout features is the ears portion of the mask, which can be gently bent to fit your face perfectly. The PC clear lenses are a nice touch, providing a clear view of the action all while keeping your face protected. Now, I wouldn't call this mask cheap, but it certainly provides great value for the price. Definitely worth checking out if you're in the market for a solid paintball mask!

🔗Affordable Pro Paintball Goggle with Dual Anti-Fog Lens

As a paintball enthusiast, I recently had the pleasure of using the Valken MI-5 Paintball Goggles. These goggles were a breath of fresh air in the world of budget-friendly paintball masks. The dual-layer comfort foam stood out to me, offering a perfect blend of absorption for impact and wicking away sweat, allowing for a comfortable fit. The goggles also provided an impressive field of vision, with 160 degrees vertical and 260 degrees horizontal vision.
While the goggles did come with an anti-fog, hardcoat lens treatment, I did notice that the lens can be prone to fogging up in colder conditions, which was a minor inconvenience. Overall, the Valken MI-5 Paintball Goggles offer professional-level features at an entry-level price, making them a solid choice for paintballers of all ages and experience levels.

🔗BK CMD Paintball Goggle: Advanced Anti-Fog and Breathable Design

Experience the ultimate paintball mask with the Bunkerkings CMD. I've been using this mask for a while now, and it's been a game-changer. The lens gives me a clear view of the field with no fogging in sight. The mouthpiece allows for improved airflow, making every breath feel fresh and effortless. The mask fits snugly, with no gap between my forehead and the foam, which is a relief since it eliminates any irritation or uncomfortableness. The adjustable strap ensures a perfect fit, too.
Now, let's talk about the little perks you'll love. This mask has an excellent anti-echo design that makes communication effortless when teammates call out spots. The easy-to-change lenses work like a charm, and you can swap them with your friend's Virtue VIO lens, which is a real time-saver.
However, there are some minor inconveniences. While the mask is durable, it requires a bit of care when cleaning. The foam padding needs to be removed first before washing, which can be tedious at times. Also, the visor that I initially added didn't fit with the provided fan system. That's a small price to pay compared to the overall satisfaction I gain from using this mask, though.
In conclusion, the Bunkerkings CMD is a revolutionary paintball goggle that will give you the best experience on the field. The combination of its breathability, comfort, and protection makes it worth every penny. If you're looking for the ultimate paintball goggle experience, look no further than the Bunkerkings CMD.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for cheap paintball masks. In this section, we will discuss important features, considerations, and general advice to help you choose the best mask for your paintball needs without breaking the bank.

Important Features

  • Field of View: A wider field of view allows for better situational awareness and reaction time during gameplay.
  • Lens Quality: High-quality lenses protect your eyes from paintball impacts and improve overall visibility.
  • Comfort: Ensure the mask fits well and is comfortable to wear, especially during long games or practice sessions.
  • Weight: A lighter mask is easier to wear and move around in, but may not offer the same level of protection as a heavier one.
  • Adjustability: Masks with adjustable straps and padding can be customized to fit your head size and provide maximum comfort.


  • Budget: Cheap paintball masks can be found for as low as $15, but may lack some features and durability compared to more expensive options.
  • Protection: While price may be a factor, the most important thing is finding a mask that offers adequate protection against paintball impacts.

General Advice

  1. Always read customer reviews and compare different masks before making a purchase. This will help you find a model with good value and quality.
  2. Consider purchasing a mask with interchangeable lenses, which can help extend the mask's life by allowing you to replace scratched or damaged lenses without having to buy a new mask.
  3. Look for masks with a warranty or return policy in case you need to replace or exchange the mask due to defects or damage.
  4. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, ensure that the mask is compatible with your eyewear.
We hope this buyer's guide has provided you with valuable information to help you choose the best cheap paintball mask for your needs. Remember to prioritize features such as field of view, lens quality, comfort, and protection, while also considering your budget and personal preferences. Happy shopping!



1. What is the purpose of a paintball mask?

A paintball mask is designed to protect the player's face from paintballs that can cause pain and bruises. It also shields the eyes from paint splatter and impacts.

2. Why should I buy a cheap paintball mask?

A cheap paintball mask can be a good option for beginners, casual players, or those on a tight budget. It allows them to participate in the sport without spending too much money.

3. Are cheap paintball masks effective in protecting players?

Cheap paintball masks are designed to provide protection against paintballs, but their efficiency may vary depending on the quality of construction and materials used.

4. What features should I look for in a cheap paintball mask?

When choosing a cheap paintball mask, consider the following features: high impact resistance, protection for eyes, ears, and mouth, comfort, and style.


5. What are the different types of paintball masks available?

There are various types of paintball masks, including full-face, half-face, and goggles. Each type offers a different level of protection and comfort.

6. Can I replace parts of a cheap paintball mask?

Yes, many cheap paintball masks come with replaceable parts, which means you can extend the life of the mask and improve its performance.

7. Are there any specific brands known for producing high-quality, affordable paintball masks?

Several brands offer good quality, affordable paintball masks, including Empire, Virtue, and Pro Pods. It is essential to research and read reviews before purchasing to ensure the mask meets your needs.

8. What is the difference between a high-impact paintball mask and a normal paintball mask?

High-impact paintball masks are designed to provide better protection against paintballs, making them more suitable for intense play or advanced players. Normal masks may offer adequate protection for beginners or casual players.

9. How should I clean and maintain my cheap paintball mask?

To maintain the cleanliness and effectiveness of your paintball mask, follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and maintaining the mask. This typically involves removing the mask's parts, cleaning them with mild soap and water, and applying a protective layer if needed.

10. Are there any deals or promotions available for cheap paintball masks?

Check online marketplaces, sports stores, and paintball-specific websites for deals and promotions on cheap paintball masks. Additionally, consider purchasing during seasonal sales or off-seasons when prices are likely to be more competitive.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:33 ixehad What are the best google alternative search engines in 2024?

Hey everyone!
I know a lot of us are feeling a bit iffy about Google's new AI overviews in search results. It’s definitely a big change, and not everyone is loving it. If you’re like me and thinking it might be time to explore other options, you’re in luck! we’ve put together a list of some top-notch Google alternatives that might just become your new go-to search engine. Let’s dive in and find something that works better for us!

1. Bing

Bing is one of the top unblocked search engine and the best Google alternative. According to Similarweb, Bing is one of the most visited american search engine. It is owned and operated by Microsoft. First launched in 2009 as a replacement for live search, and since then, it has been a popular search engine with millions of people using it around the globe.
Bing is designed to assist users in finding a wide range of information on the web. This includes everything from images and articles to maps and videos. In general, Bing is great for searching for broadly available information on the internet, such as details about a specific topic or person.
In 2023, Microsoft Introduced an AI-powered Bing chat bot (Co-pilot) in the search engine that can provide more personalized results for users.
Read more How to Use Bing AI?

Features of Bing

2. Yahoo

Yahoo is a web search engine founded in 1994. It is one of the prominent and earliest search engines that provide users with a great search engine experience.
Yahoo is a web services company that offers a variety of products and services, including search, news, finance, sports, and entertainment.

Features of Yahoo

3. DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo is one of the best search engines you can use instead of any leading search engines for privacy. Its prime appeal is to give you search privacy. It does not track or collect user data and aims to protect users' online privacy.

Features of DuckDuckGo

Related Read: Best AI Search Engines
There are more... read the full article from here- https://dorik.com/blog/alternative-search-engines
submitted by ixehad to Dorik_newsletter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:02 BoloBun_ NUS Architecture AMA 2024

National University of Singapore Architecture 2024 AMA Thread
Heya! Welcome to NUS Architecture AMA thread, we are students from the Department of Architecture hosting an Ask-Me-Anything session in hopes of sharing what life is like at NUS DOA! Whoever you are, whether a prospective student, Freshman, Final year student, Exchange Student or just curious, pop your questions down below!
Academic Programme
NUS Architecture is offered within the College of Design and Engineering, BA Arch core modules curriculum comprises 5 main pillars.
*For more information, refer to BA Arch & MArch Programme Handbook AY2023-24
* *For more information, refer to https://cde.nus.edu.sg/arch/programmes/master-of-architecture/
Ever wondered, "How do I print my boards?", "Where can I snag the best deals on materials?", or "How do I access school facilities and use the machinery?" 🤔 Well, you're in luck because we've got 41 new machines this year! The details of which are right here for you to dive into:
How do I access the school facilities? DOWNLOAD nVPN to access Fabrication Lab Booking.
Nearest printing services: SDE 3 Level 2 - Just beside our studio!
[For Exchange Students / Freshmen] Don’t forget to sign up for a Fabrication Lab Training session with the Senior Lab Officer, Mr. Muji ([akimbh@nus.edu.sg](mailto:akimbh@nus.edu.sg)) before operating on the machines.
Student Life @ NUS Aki
You must be asking, do Architecture students have a life, much less student life? We do in fact have a life, and it’s here - Build lifelong friendships with us! 🌟Join us in celebrating entrepreneurship and student-led initiatives! Get ready for exciting events like our fresh orientation camp, where you can meet new friends and dive into unforgettable experiences. 🚀
Student Support
Are you new to NUS DOA and unsure where to begin? No need to worry—we're here to help! 🌟 Below, we'll provide guidance on course registration, joining Telegram chatrooms to connect with peers, reaching out to seniors and alumni for advice, and accessing mental health services if needed. Check it out! 📚
Beyond NUS Architecture
Entering the architecture industry requires a realistic understanding of its realities. While the field is undeniably beautiful and creative, it's essential to recognize its challenges. The truth is, the industry is continuously adjusting to our changing lifestyles and needs, influenced by factors beyond our control. Yet, there's immense satisfaction in navigating these complexities and finding a balanced path that aligns personal interests with industry demands. Career Prospect *Emerging Trends and Prospects (AI, AR, BIM, Sustainable Design, Adaptive Reuse), SIA-YAL Mentorship [July]
submitted by BoloBun_ to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:58 MjolnirVIII Created Port Forwarding Rules but ports are still closed?

Created Port Forwarding Rules but ports are still closed?
EDIT: I managed to get it to work though it's weird how I did it.
On my laptop connected via hotspot, I went into Steam>View>Servers. Added a server into favorites 23.xxx.xxx.xxx:2457. I used port 2457 which is for Steam Servers rather than 2456 which is what every Valheim guide tells me to use. Entered the password, clicked join game, chose my character and I was able to join.

I'm currently trying to setup a dedicated Valheim server for my friends, and the steps involved forwarding ports 2456-2458. I followed a guide online on how to do it on the Unifi platform, and this is how I have it set up:
Unfortunately, using websites like canyouseeme to check if the ports are open are still showing them as closed.
Topology: [House(USG => Upstream US-8 Switch)] => [Garage(Downstream US-8 Switch => Tenda Router set to AP mode > PC hosting the dedicated server).
Current troubleshooting I've done is to try checking again with the firewalls completely disabled. Same results. Ideally, I have the ports unblocked through my inbound firewall rules. Switching UPnP off and on didn't work for either.
Any suggestions on what else I can try? I'm a bit of an amateur at this and I'm still learning about setting this all up properly, but I was hoping I can at least get this server running in the meantime.
submitted by MjolnirVIII to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:16 Exciting_Wedding4047 Apple Card locked and phone number outdated

Hi, I think I got a big problem. My phone number changed and for some reason my Apple Wallet wouldn't let me update the number. I didn’t put much thought into that (after all I don’t rely much on this card), but now my Apple Card got blocked after my last transaction (tried to buy a MBA on the German Apple website).
To unblock my card they requested for me to change my Apple ID password (which I did) and to verify my identity with an outbound call to my phone number on file.
Here it seems I'm screwed. I don’t have access to my old phone number anymore. Multiple agents on the phone couldn't help me. After explaining the situation, they insisted on the outbound call - which obviously wouldn't work if the phone number is outdated. I thought they were kidding me, but I guess they just have to stick to their script and repeat the same sentences over and over again?
What options do I have? The support couldn't help me at all. I don't really care about whether I can use the card or not, but I have an outstanding balance of 2,000 $ which I would like to pay off (which I cannot do in the wallet as long as the card is blocked). Since I don’t live in the US anymore, getting a check book for one of my old US bank accounts and sending in a check to Goldman Sachs via mail would probably be quite a hassle (and I somehow doubt that this would work 😅)
Do you have any suggestions?
submitted by Exciting_Wedding4047 to AppleCard [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:17 TitchhM Card Payments not working on Safari

I’m having real trouble when using safari to purchase or make payments - Apple Pay works fine, but I’m not currently able to enter and pay with card details on any websites. I can enter the details, and instead of processing the payment it just remains on a loading window.
I have tried unblocking pop-ups. Do I need to update or is this a bug? Anyone else having this issue?
submitted by TitchhM to Safari [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:50 Sufficient_Town_4187 Shady Company Stealing House in Spain

Hi I need some advice please, all is appreciated! I’m a first time user on Reddit so please bear with me. (I've posted this on 3 (forums?) on Reddit and 1 on Quora, hopefully I'm doing this right lol. )My mom is a hard-working, single mother to 3 school-aged kids (I’m the oldest). The past couple years have been really rough on her, and I really want to help make things easier for her when I’m not at university. A few years ago, my mom bought a house in Spain, and since we don’t live there (we live in Canada), she hired a real estate/rental agency that manages the property for short or long-term rentals, and has been renting it out. Unfortunately, as we are now discovering, the company is very shady and we have run into several problems with them to the point that we no longer wish to work with them, and want them to vacate the property. The situation is as follows:
-the communication with the company has always been difficult, but worsened significantly in 2023
-the agency has been ignoring the house’ owners’ (aka my moms’) attempts at communication, and withdrew all payments to her for 6 months without any explanation
-not knowing what else to do, my mom left a bad review on the agency’s website, and as soon as she posted that review the agency all of a sudden paid her
-since then the agency has been demanding my mom takes the review down, and has blocked the house from any further rentals until my mom takes the review down
-meanwhile the fence mysteriously fell down around the house, and the agency also refused to fix it until my mom takes the review down
-my mom emailed the agency and pointed out several breaches of contract they made, and asked the agency to vacate the property by the end of May, and to hand us back the keys (the agency has the only keys to the house). At this point, the agency unblocked the house for bookings and booked the house (to real or fictitious renters) for the whole summer, and continues to ignore my mom and any attempts at communication.
My mom and I will be flying out to Spain in a few weeks to try and solve the problem, but we have no idea on what to expect or what we can really do. My mom is obviously very stressed by this, and I want to be able to help her as much as I can since she has sacrificed so much for our family, and is really the best mom I could ask for. Any suggestions or advice is much appreciated.
submitted by Sufficient_Town_4187 to ESLegal [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:39 Upset-Entrepreneur39 Rummage Pile Locator Issue

This website has a box that pops up that won't allow readers to view the website without unblocking ads, subscribing, or adding the creators reddit. I toyed with my ad settings and added them on reddit with no luck. Anyone else having this issue?
submitted by Upset-Entrepreneur39 to Palia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:03 emshu (FOR HIRE) Helpdesk extraordinaire, Powershell guru, Sysadmin, IT Generalist

Hi there!
First things first:
I am currently employed, but I'm searching for some extra work OR an overall job change.
Based in Europe, but can work as a contractor at any country
Looking to work 2-4 hours a day. (on top of my existing job) OR full day.
Preferable hours: 11PM CST - 1AM CST or 9AM CST-11AM CST (or both) (for the extra work). For full day: 1AM-9AM CST would be best, but can be adjusted
Bachelors degree in electronics engineering
12 years in IT, 8 of which in MSP world.
Out of these:
4 years as an IT generalist
2 years windows sysadmin and powershell automation (with various projects) at a MSP with over 6 thousand workstations supported
4 years as helpdesk tier 2/tier 3 + powershell automation at a MSP with over 20k of workstations. Clients always mentioned me by name as their best support rep.
2 years as Automation Engineer for the same MSP (Powershell and RMM automation)
About me:
Connectwise Automate
GFI Automate
Scripting languages:
Cloud technologies (basic knowledge):
Azure (ENTRA)
Windows Server 2008-2022 (Expert)
Windows XP - Windows 11 (Expert)
Ubuntu (basic)
MAC (basic)
Extra about me:
Strong focus on the client with excellent soft skills
Fluent spoken and written English
Quick learner
Familiar with Unix, website creation, can read most of the common coding languages
Excellent with MS Excel
Good working knowledge of GSuite and Microsoft Office suite
Basic networking knowledge
Basic SQL query knowledge
Expert at using Google*
I can share my full CV with those interested.
Let me know if I can help any of you at your company!
submitted by emshu to sysadminjobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:03 emshu (FOR HIRE) Helpdesk extraordinaire, Powershell guru, Sysadmin, IT Generalist

Hi there!
First things first:
I am currently employed, but I'm searching for some extra work OR an overall job change.
Based in Europe, but can work as a contractor at any country
Looking to work 2-4 hours a day. (on top of my existing job) OR full day.
Preferable hours: 11PM CST - 1AM CST or 9AM CST-11AM CST (or both) (for the extra work). For full day: 1AM-9AM CST would be best, but can be adjusted
Bachelors degree in electronics engineering
12 years in IT, 8 of which in MSP world.
Out of these:
4 years as an IT generalist
2 years windows sysadmin and powershell automation (with various projects) at a MSP with over 6 thousand workstations supported
4 years as helpdesk tier 2/tier 3 + powershell automation at a MSP with over 20k of workstations. Clients always mentioned me by name as their best support rep.
2 years as Automation Engineer for the same MSP (Powershell and RMM automation)
About me:
Connectwise Automate
GFI Automate
Scripting languages:
Cloud technologies (basic knowledge):
Azure (ENTRA)
Windows Server 2008-2022 (Expert)
Windows XP - Windows 11 (Expert)
Ubuntu (basic)
MAC (basic)
Extra about me:
Strong focus on the client with excellent soft skills
Fluent spoken and written English
Quick learner
Familiar with Unix, website creation, can read most of the common coding languages
Excellent with MS Excel
Good working knowledge of GSuite and Microsoft Office suite
Basic networking knowledge
Basic SQL query knowledge
Expert at using Google*
I can share my full CV with those interested.
Let me know if I can help any of you at your company!
submitted by emshu to mspjobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:45 Sea_Surround_699 Pinterest blocked my website for spam by mistake - help!

Hello! I am hoping someone can help me here since Pinterest support has been of no help thus far.
I created a pinterest account to use alongside my new blogging website. I claimed my website on pinterest but as soon as i updated an old pin to my new website link and immediately got an email that my website has been blocked.
The website is bare bones - home, about, blog, contact and only has 1 blog post so far on it.
I have been appealing it with pinterest all week with no luck and just responses saying it has been marked as spam and will not be unblocked.
I don't engage in spam behaviours and am at a loss for what to do and how to resolve it. I just purchased this website and domain specifically to avoid being marked as spam on pinterest and then this happens.
Any help and insight would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you so much :)
submitted by Sea_Surround_699 to u/Sea_Surround_699 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:33 Sufficient_Town_4187 Shady Company Stealing House in Spain

Hi I need some advice please, all is appreciated! I’m a first time user on Reddit so please bear with me. (I've posted this on 2 (forums?) on Reddit and 1 on Quora, hopefully I'm doing this right lol. )My mom is a hard-working, single mother to 3 school-aged kids (I’m the oldest). The past couple years have been really rough on her, and I really want to help make things easier for her when I’m not at university. A few years ago, my mom bought a house in Spain, and since we don’t live there (we live in Canada), she hired a real estate/rental agency that manages the property for short or long-term rentals, and has been renting it out. Unfortunately, as we are now discovering, the company is very shady and we have run into several problems with them to the point that we no longer wish to work with them, and want them to vacate the property. The situation is as follows:
-the communication with the company has always been difficult, but worsened significantly in 2023
-the agency has been ignoring the house’ owners’ (aka my moms’) attempts at communication, and withdrew all payments to her for 6 months without any explanation
-not knowing what else to do, my mom left a bad review on the agency’s website, and as soon as she posted that review the agency all of a sudden paid her
-since then the agency has been demanding my mom takes the review down, and has blocked the house from any further rentals until my mom takes the review down
-meanwhile the fence mysteriously fell down around the house, and the agency also refused to fix it until my mom takes the review down
-my mom emailed the agency and pointed out several breaches of contract they made, and asked the agency to vacate the property by the end of May, and to hand us back the keys (the agency has the only keys to the house). At this point, the agency unblocked the house for bookings and booked the house (to real or fictitious renters) for the whole summer, and continues to ignore my mom and any attempts at communication.
My mom and I will be flying out to Spain in a few weeks to try and solve the problem, but we have no idea on what to expect or what we can really do. My mom is obviously very stressed by this, and I want to be able to help her as much as I can since she has sacrificed so much for our family, and is really the best mom I could ask for. Any suggestions or advice is much appreciated.
submitted by Sufficient_Town_4187 to askspain [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:22 Sufficient_Town_4187 Shady Company Stealing House in Spain

Hi I need some advice please, all is appreciated! I’m a first time user on Reddit so please bear with me. My mom is a hard-working, single mother to 3 school-aged kids (I’m the oldest). The past couple years have been really rough on her, and I really want to help make things easier for her when I’m not at university. A few years ago, my mom bought a house in Spain, and since we don’t live there (we live in Canada), she hired a real estate/rental agency that manages the property for short or long-term rentals, and has been renting it out. Unfortunately, as we are now discovering, the company is very shady and we have run into several problems with them to the point that we no longer wish to work with them, and want them to vacate the property. The situation is as follows:
-the communication with the company has always been difficult, but worsened significantly in 2023
-the agency has been ignoring the house’ owners’ (aka my moms’) attempts at communication, and withdrew all payments to her for 6 months without any explanation
-not knowing what else to do, my mom left a bad review on the agency’s website, and as soon as she posted that review the agency all of a sudden paid her
-since then the agency has been demanding my mom takes the review down, and has blocked the house from any further rentals until my mom takes the review down
-meanwhile the fence mysteriously fell down around the house, and the agency also refused to fix it until my mom takes the review down
-my mom emailed the agency and pointed out several breaches of contract they made, and asked the agency to vacate the property by the end of May, and to hand us back the keys (the agency has the only keys to the house). At this point, the agency unblocked the house for bookings and booked the house (to real or fictitious renters) for the whole summer, and continues to ignore my mom and any attempts at communication.
My mom and I will be flying out to Spain in a few weeks to try and solve the problem, but we have no idea on what to expect or what we can really do. My mom is obviously very stressed by this, and I want to be able to help her as much as I can since she has sacrificed so much for our family, and is really the best mom I could ask for. Any suggestions or advice is much appreciated.
submitted by Sufficient_Town_4187 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:08 Imaginary_Tea_6275 Why is creating a usb recovery on an infected pc a bad idea in this case?

Windows 10 on a Lenovo laptop. Let's say it's infected with something that has maximum privileges.
Created bootable usb recovery media using executable tool from Lenovo website which downloads copy, or so it says.
During recovery process it supposedly erases all drives (I only have the one boot ssd drive anyway) and forces you to remove the usb stick before a bunch of auto cmd type windows pop up which I assume is installing itself at that point
So why?
I figured if the usb is disconnected before it's finished installing wouldnt that lower risk? Or is the fault in the recovery creation?
submitted by Imaginary_Tea_6275 to antivirus [link] [comments]
