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apps_reviews:discover new applications and think about them

2015.03.20 03:30 garnerrr2 apps_reviews:discover new applications and think about them

Under construction

2013.11.22 21:53 DerpyDee83 Kick it with KiK

A subreddit for people to meet on KiK messenger.

2017.02.25 18:42 Open Source Investigations and Evidence-Based Working Theories

Open Source Investigations related to George Webb's Thesis

2024.05.20 22:19 Adventurous-Door9045 SocialPhy: La Plataforma Todo en Uno para Emprendedores Digitales

SocialPhy es mucho más que una simple red social. Es una plataforma integral diseñada para ofrecer a emprendedores digitales todas las herramientas y recursos necesarios para alcanzar el éxito en línea. Desde herramientas de SEO gratuitas hasta un completo master de marketing digital, SocialPhy ofrece una amplia gama de funcionalidades para ayudarte a crecer tu negocio en línea y alcanzar tus metas financieras. A continuación, te presentamos algunas de las características más destacadas de SocialPhy:
  1. Herramientas de SEO Gratuitas: Optimiza tu sitio web y mejora tu posicionamiento en los motores de búsqueda con nuestras herramientas de SEO gratuitas. Desde análisis de palabras clave hasta auditorías de sitios web, te proporcionamos todo lo que necesitas para mejorar tu visibilidad en línea.
  2. Master de Marketing Digital Gratis: Accede a nuestro master de marketing digital gratuito y obtén acceso a lecciones en video, tutoriales paso a paso y recursos descargables para ayudarte a dominar las estrategias más efectivas en marketing digital.
  3. Tareas, Logros y Rangos: Completa tareas diarias, desbloquea logros y sube de rango en la comunidad de SocialPhy. ¡Demuestra tus habilidades y compite con otros emprendedores digitales para llegar a la cima!
  4. Tienda con oportunidades de ganar dinero: Descubre oportunidades para ganar dinero en línea de forma gratuita a través de nuestro programa de recompensas. Participa en encuestas, completando tareas y más para obtener recompensas en efectivo y premios.
  5. Cursos Gratis: Accede a una amplia variedad de cursos gratuitos sobre temas como marketing digital, SEO, redes sociales y más. Aprende de expertos en la industria y lleva tus habilidades al siguiente nivel.
  6. Grupos y Foros: Únete a grupos y foros de discusión sobre temas específicos de interés, conecta con otros emprendedores digitales y comparte tus conocimientos y experiencias.
  7. Programa de Afiliados: Gana comisiones promocionando SocialPhy y referenciando nuevos usuarios a nuestra plataforma. ¡Gana dinero mientras ayudas a otros a alcanzar el éxito en línea!
  8. Monetización: Monetiza tu contenido a través de nuestra plataforma de anuncios integrada, acortadores de URL y opciones de pago por vista. Maximiza tus ingresos y haz crecer tu negocio en línea.
  9. Red Social: Conéctate con otros emprendedores digitales, comparte contenido interesante y promociona tu negocio en nuestra red social dedicada.
  10. Herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial: Utiliza nuestras herramientas de inteligencia artificial para analizar datos, automatizar tareas y tomar decisiones informadas para tu negocio en línea.
  11. Acortadores de URL: Simplifica tus enlaces y realiza un seguimiento del rendimiento de tus campañas con nuestros acortadores de URL personalizados.
  12. Video Downloader: Descarga videos de las principales plataformas de redes sociales para compartir contenido atractivo con tu audiencia.
  13. Pay Per View: Monetiza tu contenido premium y eventos en vivo con nuestro sistema de pago por vista integrado.
  14. Blog: Accede a nuestro blog lleno de artículos informativos, guías paso a paso y consejos útiles sobre cómo tener éxito en línea.
Con todas estas características y mucho más, SocialPhy se destaca como la plataforma definitiva para emprendedores digitales que buscan alcanzar el éxito en línea. Únete a nuestra comunidad hoy y comienza a hacer crecer tu negocio en línea con SocialPhy.
submitted by Adventurous-Door9045 to SocialPhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:57 wilddouglascounty Kaw valley almanac: on hackberry butterfly caterpillars, spittlebugs, prairie wildflowers and so much more

submitted by wilddouglascounty to Lawrence [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:55 wilddouglascounty Hackberry butterfly caterpillars in the trees means the hackberry butterflies can't be more than a few weeks away....and more

Hackberry butterfly caterpillars in the trees means the hackberry butterflies can't be more than a few weeks away....and more submitted by wilddouglascounty to kansas [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:04 MoneyMakinMari 2010-2011 High School Year was the last full Millennial HS year before the transition started

I was born in 96 and was a Freshman during this time and the difference between that year and the others during my HS experience is vast, at the time I had a BlackBerry phone, still was using Limewire to download music until it got shut down at the very end of 2010 and the majority of people didn't have smartphones yet, mostly qwerty keyboard phones... this was also the 1st year Facebook was the top social media network and MySpace was officially dead.. the following school year 2011-2012 is when the transition really started more people started having iPhones or androids (I got my 1st cheap lil android like early 12) and smartphone Apps started pop up more like Temple Run, Angry birds, kik , also Instagram became available to androids April 2012
submitted by MoneyMakinMari to generationology [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:37 TacticalMoonwalk Meme Stocks - From a gamers view

Hey Ashley and Bernie,
I just listened to one of your episodes where you covered the Meme stocks and tweets from DFV. It's always interesting to hear somebody's perspective on the topic that's not been following the reddit posts pretty much daily for the last 3 years. I wanted to give you guys a bit more detail on what's been learned and what the true sentiment is from people holding those stocks, but with examples a gamer would understand.
OWNERSHIP 1. I think we can all agree that the pivot to the digital age has had benefits and disadvantages. When we bought a digital copy of a game or item, we naïvely thought it was ours forever. We were wrong! If a company can't afford there servers, the online play shuts down (Halo 3 RIP). Same goes for digital downloads and maybe the game itself. That's why physical media is great!
  1. The same thing happened with Stocks. We moved away from physical stocks to help buyers and sellers transact faster and more efficiently. The downside became the reliance on brokers/market makers/clearing houses/ and tons of other entities to get involved. Now the line gets blurry on who actually owns stock. If you buy through a broker, you become a "Beneficial Owner." That means the broker officially owns the stock, even though you paid the money.
  2. What those "basement dwellers" on reddit learned, is the retail investor has a way to move that stock into their own name and take it off the market. Each public company designates a Transfer Company to hold their corporate shares. Those shares are unavailable to those previously listed entities and in the company's name. Apes found out they too could move their shares from a broker and into their own name. This process is called "DRS" (Direct Registration System). Now those brokers can't lend your shares out to be bet short against you, they can't randomly sell all your shares because it could have hurt them financially, and tons of other shady stuff.
  3. The people directly registering their shares are not kids in their parents basements (well not that many of them) that spend all their money because "not a cat" tweeted a meme. They are real people that want to own what they paid for.
  1. We know that the majority of people play games to relax, pass time, or get yelled out by 12 year olds. However, there are some who like to grind, some that are completionist , Achievement hunters!!!, and some are speedrunners. When some of these gamers dive into dedicate years to these games, they learn far more than thought possible. If you followed the King of Kong story and the allegations of cheating, you may have seen some of the PHD level scientific research papers or video essays. Gamers went hard! It turns out some of them are scientist, mathematicians, electrical engineers, programmers. Experts in their fields.
  2. It just so happens that some non-casual retail investors share some of the same strengths as those tryhard gamers. Over the years, data scientists, professional traders, Finance analysts, investment banks, brokers....have dedicated years to sharing their learnings on how the stock market actually works. Spoiler, it's not kind to the retail investor. If you are curious, please check out the DD library. SuperStonk Library of DD, Art Books, and Periodicals
  3. Instead of finding ways to speedrun the game, these awesome people have uncovered the horrifly ways the retail investor has been swindled out of their money. Retirement funds being shorted using the stocks those same people purchased, the BUY button being turned off so the true value of stock can't be discovered, Operational Shorting to increase liquidity (Legal Naked Shorting), the use of Tokenized stocks to create fake shares (related to FTX by the way), Cellar boxing, collusion between Short Hedgefunds and "Consulants" to take over a companies board only to then set the company up for failure while having hedge funds short the company into the ground (Toys R Us, Bed Bath and Beyond, Sears...), and so many others.
  4. These are experts with the ability to grind. They are not just kids looking to YOLO their money with the hopes of lambos and chicki nuggies. They are serious investors writing Cogressman, the FBI, SEC, FTC, with the intention of exposing these dark practices.
  1. Gamers are built different. If they enjoy a game, they will spend their hard earned money on it, the DLC, the collectibles, clothes, or on trips to see others play it. They will build communities around the games and fight for what they believe in (I'm looking at you Nintendo and the Smash scene!). They also don't take too kindly to when the media talks down to them, or tries to push a narrative that's morally and scientifically wrong. Games are just for kids, they don't rot your brain (except when you want Seriously 2.0 achievement on Gears 2 , and they don't make you violent. Games are art, they let people socialize online, they inspire us, and they are growing part of lives. Just because old geezers keep saying it on the television, does not mean it's true. Sometimes there are hidden motivations driving those narratives.
  2. Why did the media call Gamestop, AMC, Blackberry.... MeME sTocks? Because it drove a narrative. The intentions were clear. Attribute the rapid rise in stock price to a bunch of Fauxmoi enjoying, meme loving, YOLOing, wallstreet betting losers. From then on, all these stocks are know to not be taken seriously. Who has the most to gain by doing this. Well, any media outlet getting their revenue from Paid articles and advertising. Who would pay for such stories, lots of Short Hedge Funds, Banks, Brokerages, and Crypto sites like FTX. If any of those companies where systematically shorting viable companies into the ground, it's best those Headlines say "Forget Gamestop, Sell While You Can, Meme Stock drops XX%." But when any positive news happens, Crickets.
  3. The last 3 years have spawned true fanboys of these companies. Apes take pride in not only buying shares of the company, but buying the company's products. At one point, they were spending significant money on games that were to be donated to children's hospitals. They wanted to help kids and get them into gaming! There are times when somebody posts a crazy indepth DD and get less upvotes than some user who bought Gamestop branded batteries!!! They have evolved! They want the company to succeed. If the company gets fairly valued in the stock market, that's great. If it causes a cause squeeze, cool. If retail buying a stock causes a financial collapse (not as cool, but if it leads to actual market reform while sending shares to infinity like in that one Simpsons picture that predicted Trump...Very cool!).
Game On,
Signed- Some Dumbass on the Internet
submitted by TacticalMoonwalk to morningsomewhere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:28 diariocausaoperaria O Hamas conta o seu lado da história

O Hamas conta o seu lado da história
Após ser desenvolvido pelo PCO, sítio mostrando o lado do Hamas vai ao ar. Lá, materiais, entrevistas, livros e vídeos podem ser acessados
PUBLICADO EM: 15/05/2024
No dia 1º de Maio, foi ao ar o sítio criado pelo Partido da Causa Operária (PCO) para contar o lado do Movimento de Resistência Islâmica (Hamas, na sigla em árabe), sobre o conflito em Gaza.
Lá, está disponível para acesso, download e divulgação, uma série de materiais impresso que o PCO confeccionou divulgando o que o Hamas tem a dizer sobre o 7 de outubro de 2023. Além disso, o sítio conta com os vídeos das entrevistas que a comitiva liderada por Rui Costa Pimenta, presidente do PCO, enviada ao Catar realizou, como a entrevista com o Dr. Abu Marzuk, Ministro das Relações Exteriores do Hamas. Tudo isso pode ser acessado por meio do seguinte endereço: https://pco.org.bhamas/
Além da entrevista com o Dr. Abu Marzuk, no sítio, pode ser encontrada a importante declaração do líder do birô político do Hamas, Ismail Hanié, especialmente endereçada ao povo brasileiro. Algo, diga-se de passagem, incomum, tendo em vista a grande demanda por entrevistas e declarações que Hanié possui.
No sítio, podemos encontrar, também, a série de vídeos produzidos pela Causa Operária TV (COTV) intitulada Entendendo a Palestina, que aborda temas centrais para a compreensão do conflito revolucionário entre o Hamas e a ocupação sionista, como o que foi o acordo de Haavara entre os sionistas e o nazismo de Hitler, ou até mesmo as origens do Hamas.
Os cartazes e panfletos produzidos pela campanha em defesa da Palestina levada adiante pelo Partido da Causa Operária e pelos Comitês de Luta também podem ser encontrados e impressos pelo sítio. Ambas as organizações atuam na vanguarda da defesa do povo palestino no Brasil, com uma mobilização que alcança os quatro cantos do País.
Além disso, o livro que a editora Causa Operária lançara sobre a história do Hamas está na fase final de produção. A publicação tem como principal objetivo contar o lado da história que a imprensa imperialista não conta, com relatos e entrevistas de dirigentes importantíssimos do Hamas.
O livro poderá ser obtido gratuitamente através do sítio. Além disso, sua versão física será vendida e distribuída a parlamentares, dirigentes sindicais, lideranças de movimentos sociais e demais figuras públicas que precisam saber qual é a verdade sobre o Hamas.
submitted by diariocausaoperaria to u/diariocausaoperaria [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:50 Bodacious-Turtle Help Creating Custom Theme

So I've been trying to create a custom theme with it's own background music but I'm having some troubles actually installing it/viewing it on the vita. I would upload the file to tema the download but it'd come back blank, so I have no clue if I'm exporting it wrong to the site or if I messed up somewhere in the making of theme. I was following this tutorial, but had to skip that cmd at9 conversion and used a converter since I couldn't access my command window. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I'm also attaching the file for the theme to check if I screwed something up in there too
submitted by Bodacious-Turtle to VitaPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:22 blackberry_plant Latest Firmware Update for BlackBerry Pearl 9105

Latest Firmware Update for BlackBerry Pearl 9105
Hello BlackBerry community!
Can anyone tell me how I can get and install the latest firmware update for the BlackBerry Pearl 9105 (Europe)?
In the past it was possible to install it as an over-the-air update or directly with the BlackBerry Desktop software. Unfortunately this doesn't work anymore. The download link on the official BlackBerry website got also removed.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by blackberry_plant to blackberry [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:37 xmeatizmurderx Love it or hate it the G Cloud is the future of handhelds. We are just not there yet.

If you are like me and plan to keep your devices for years or even decades then the G Cloud is the only handheld out there that will not become obsolete in a few years. I see posts all the time from the Legion Go, Rogue Ally and Steamdeck community where they are streaming their games and praising the quality and can’t help but laugh to myself - why would you carry that bulky thing around to stream games? I get it - right here and now slamming the fastest CPU you can into a handheld is the best you can get. The problem is the compromises (weight, heat, battery life, price) it kind of reminds me of the early days of handheld smartphones, I’m talking blackberry and windows phones from the early 2000’s. It was so cool to be able to go online, download a video to an SD card and watch it, etc. But the experience came with crazy compromises and a sky high price that made the devices obsolete shortly after they existed in the first place. This is where I feel we are at with these handhelds. Watching Asus tease the Ally X - an $800 devices that is releasing only a year after their $700 device and fixes problems that should’ve been addressed in the first place just makes me wonder why people bother. The steam deck OLED has a little more time and much better support but still costs twice as much as a G Cloud and in a few years the G cloud will still be at the peak of what it was designed for where everyone will be dumping their OLED decks for the next one. I could see myself continuing to use this device 5 or 6 years from now and if I only got 6 hours of battery vs 12 would it matter? When networks improve and get faster and more stable you won’t hear people saying streaming doesn’t work or that the device needs WiFi 6 or 7. In my opinion 5 is more than enough for a 1080 stream. I don’t have the fastest internet and I have put 100s of hours on my G Cloud from my Xbox.
submitted by xmeatizmurderx to logitechgcloud [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 19:49 ArtFraga Tema d'Amore from Cinema Paradiso Arr Chords - Guitar Tabs - Per Olov Kindgren by Per Olov Kindgren

Tema d'Amore from Cinema Paradiso Arr guitar tabs download as PDF and Guitar Pro on: https://paidtabs.com/search/Or-GciLLi7g
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
This score has 4 PDF pages
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @MartinB.
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at PaidTabs.com to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 08:32 Business_trendss Fortifying Enterprise Security: Unveiling the Power of Endpoint Protection Platforms

Emerging security technology known as Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP) captures and maintains endpoint behavior and events for use in early breach detection, analysis, investigation, and quick mitigation of potential insider and outsider threats. EPP suites offer comprehensive anomaly detection and visibility into a range of risks through the use of behavior analytics and machine learning techniques. By offering aggregated threat information and assisting with early threat identification, investigation, and mitigation, an EPP suite improves enterprise visibility across endpoints.
By integrating advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to identify and address the most complex and targeted threats, EPP suppliers are concentrating on improving their threat detection and prevention capabilities. In order to increase the efficiency of incident investigation and threat response times, contemporary EPP systems additionally provide automated threat response, threat hunting, visualization, and investigative features.
"A software suite that protects endpoint devices (desktop, servers, etc.) from various types of threats, including malware and other security vulnerabilities" is what Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP) stand for. The integrated suite allows for network-wide data sharing, detection of security concerns, and remediation capabilities. Most EPP suites are controlled by the cloud, which allows for continuous monitoring, the collection of endpoint activity data, and the ability to do remote remediations on any endpoint—on or off the corporate network.
Key questions this study will answer:
What is the current state of competition in the Endpoint Protection Platforms market?
What is the market share held by major vendors in this market?
What are key competitive dynamics of in the global and regional markets for Endpoint Protection Platforms ?
Who are the leading vendors in the global and regional markets?
Are there vendor specializing in specific industries?
How do different vendors compare in terms of their offerings of cloud-based versus on-premise solutions
What competitive factors impacting the market positioning of different vendors?
What are the relative strengths and challenges of the vendors operating in this market?
How do different vendors position themselves competitively across customer segments, from SMBs to large enterprises?
Vendors covered in this study:
Broadcom, Blackberry, Bitdefender, Check Point, CrowdStrike, Cisco, Cybereason, ESET, Fortinet, Microsoft, Sophos, SentinelOne, Trend Micro, Trellix, VMware, WatchGuard Technologies, and WithSecure.
submitted by Business_trendss to u/Business_trendss [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 01:11 TransitionFew6913 I want to share with you a redmagic trick

the trick is to have blackberry on the lock screen To get it, just download any live wallpaper app At this point just set any animated wallpaper from the app you just downloaded Then go to blackberry and set it as wallpaper and now thanks to this bug you will also have blackberry on your lock screen!!!
submitted by TransitionFew6913 to RedMagic [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 17:47 Mokik45 Content credentials IA tutorial video

Benvenuti a questa guida sulle immagini generate dall’intelligenza artificiale. Negli ultimi anni gli strumenti IA hanno compiuto passi da gigante nella generazione di foto fotorealistiche, facendo emergere nuove potenzialità ma anche rischi legati all’autenticità delle immagini online. Per questo motivo è diventato sempre più importante avere strumenti di verifica.
In questa guida affronteremo inizialmente il tema dell’evoluzione qualitativa delle immagini IA, analizzando come siano ormai quasi indistinguibili dalle foto reali. Vedremo come le ’credenziali del contenuto’, ovvero metadati applicati alle immagini, stiano diventando uno standard per identificare quelle generate dall’IA.
Il tutorial video mostrerà alcuni strumenti pratici di verifica basati su tali credenziali, come Adobe Firefly. Per concludere, un breve tutorial video vi illustrerà nel dettaglio come usare questi tool di controllo delle immagini sospette. Attraverso contenuti teorici e demo pratiche, forniremo una panoramica completa su questo importante tema legato alla sicurezza e all’autenticità dei media digitali.


Content credentials AI - Tutorial video

Le credenziali del contenuto (Content Credentials) rappresentano un innovativo insieme di metadati antimanomissione. Questo strumento permette ai creatori di arricchire i propri contenuti con informazioni dettagliate sul processo creativo, direttamente integrati durante l’esportazione o il download.
Queste CR (abbreviazione di Content Credentials, in quanto l’acronimo CC è già associato a Creative Commons) costituiscono un componente essenziale di un crescente ecosistema, che conta oltre 1200 produttori. Il loro obiettivo è stabilire uno standard per la condivisione di contenuti digitali, garantendo la tracciabilità degli autori e dei processi creativi.
Ne video viene presentato il funzionamento di questo strumento innovativo, concentrandosi sulla verifica dell’autenticità di immagini create con Intelligenza Artificiale. Tuttavia, il sito in questione offre gratuitamente anche servizi di verifica per video, audio e altro ancora. È da aspettarsi un progressivo arricchimento del database, man mano che più aziende si uniranno a questo standard emergente.

Evoluzione delle immagini generate con AI

Le immagini generate dall’intelligenza artificiale sono in costante evoluzione e diventano sempre più realistiche e indistinguibili dalle foto reali. Grazie ai progressi dell’IA profonda, gli strumenti come Adobe Firefly e DALL-E sono in grado di creare immagini fotorealistiche in base a semplici input testuali.
Sebbene alcune immagini mostrate possano sembrare strane, la qualità composizionale e dei dettagli è sempre più simile alle foto scattate con una normale macchina fotografica. Questa crescente somiglianza tra immagini reali e generate con l’IA crea però dei rischi legati a Deepfake, inganni e identità false. Diventa infatti sempre più difficile distinguere con certezza se un’immagine sia stata scattata o creata artificialmente, soprattutto con il progredire dell’IA applicata anche ai video.

Le credenziali del contenuto per identificare le immagini generate con IA

Per fare fronte a questi rischi di inganno, Adobe insieme ad altri 1200 membri sta implementando uno strumento chiamato Content credentials, una forma di metadati anti-manomissione che permettono di sapere quando e con quale strumento di IA è stata creata un’immagine.
Questi metadati forniscono informazioni sul processo creativo, sul creator e sugli strumenti IA utilizzati anche se un’immagine è stata elaborata in più fasi. Le credenziali del contenuto fanno parte di un ecosistema in crescita a cui hanno aderito anche aziende come Microsoft e Google. Permettono di applicare una filigrana digitale alle immagini con dati che ne attestano l’autenticità e la provenienza, distinguendo quelle reali da quelle generate.

Come verificare le immagini

Esistono già strumenti per verificare le immagini sfruttando le credenziali del contenuto. Ad esempio, su Adobe Firefly basta cliccare su un’immagine sospetta per visualizzare immediatamente informazioni come data e strumento IA utilizzato. Anche confrontando immagini simili è possibile risalire alla loro storia e genesi.
Purtroppo non tutti gli strumenti IA hanno ancora integrato queste credenziali, ma si spera che l’adesione aumenti per dare sempre più trasparenza all’utente. Diventerà inoltre fondamentale scaricare solo da fonti affidabili e controllare con questi tool le immagini condivise, poiché alcune generate artificialmente risultano ormai inconfondibili dalle foto reali. Gli strumenti di verifica basati sulle credenziali del contenuto saranno sempre più importanti per garantire sicurezza e autenticità dei media online.

Cos’è il DeepFake

Il deepfake rappresenta una delle più recenti e preoccupanti evoluzioni nell’ambito della manipolazione digitale dei media. Questa tecnica, che combina l’intelligenza artificiale e il machine learning, consente la creazione di contenuti audiovisivi falsi e estremamente convincenti, nei quali volti e voci possono essere sostituiti o manipolati in modo impercettibile. L’origine del termine deepfake deriva dalla fusione di deep learning e fake, evidenziando l’impiego di reti neurali profonde per generare tali simulazioni realistiche.
Questa tecnologia ha suscitato numerose preoccupazioni, soprattutto per le implicazioni nel contesto della disinformazione e della manipolazione dell’opinione pubblica. Attraverso l’uso sempre più sofisticato di algoritmi di apprendimento automatico, i DeepFake possono essere impiegati per scopi malevoli, come la diffusione di notizie false, la diffamazione di personaggi pubblici o la creazione di video pornografici falsi con volti di persone non consenzienti.
L’emergere dei deepfake solleva anche interrogativi etici e legali riguardo alla privacy, alla sicurezza e alla manipolazione delle informazioni. Le autorità e gli esperti di tutto il mondo stanno studiando soluzioni per contrastare questa minaccia in continua evoluzione, attraverso l’implementazione di tecniche di riconoscimento e autenticazione digitale, nonché l’educazione del pubblico sull’importanza della verifica delle fonti e della consapevolezza dei rischi associati ai media digitali manipolati.

Content credentials IA - Fonti

Come DISTINGUERE le immagini IA da quelle REALI con questo strumento GRATUITO Sito ufficiale contentcredentials.org Cerca più informazioni grazie alla nostra AI, prova a fargli delle domande
submitted by Mokik45 to u/Mokik45 [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 14:30 Rcrc2001 Patch Notes for 82 is here!!!

All remaining land is available including Everest!
More available in the patch notes! https://www.disney-magic-kingdoms.com/news/patchnote_upd82
All of the Haunted Mansion Ghost tokens are getting shifted to and from different characters (which makes me think they are setting something up for them or the characters collecting them in the future updates.
They are really jumbling the Thrill Zones requirements, taking away magic boost percentages and upping and lowering magic costs across the game.
Hercules fans rejoice! Hera and Zeus are swooping into the Kingdom for our limited-time Hercules event.

Plus, be on the lookout for the ferocious three headed Hydra.

But that's not all. If you loved the Underworld boss battle from our first Hercules update, then get ready! Our brand-new Underworld attraction is here, so seize the chance to add some divine darkness to your park.
Download the update on Tuesday, May 7th
Cascading Tappers Event begins on Thursday May 9th
Hercules Event begins on Thursday, May 16th

\Note: Some platforms may receive the update at a later time, but don’t worry—everyone will be able to take part in our time-limited events at the same time!*
Note II: This is a time limited event. Hercules is not permanent content.

New Content






Note: Tokens available from Token Sources—e.g. Attraction, Enchanted Attractions, Character Activities, etc.—are balanced on an Event/Update basis and are subject to change.

Upcoming Events

Cascading Tappers Event – May 9th – May 15th

Enjoy 3 Tappers in 1! Turtles, Frogs, and Honey Bees will soon be arriving in your Kingdom.

A Cascading Tappers Event runs 3 Tappers simultaneously! Put your tapping skills to the test, Kingdomers! Read on for some important, strategic information.


No helper characters or attractions required. Simply tap them away, and wait for more to appear!

Spawn time: Up to six (6) Turtle Tappers every two (2) hours

~Milestone Rewards:~
~Leaderboard Rewards:~


In order to maximize your success at this stage, you can rely on Boo, Roz and Mickey Mouse for help!

Spawn time: Up to six (6) Frog Tappers every four (4) hours

~Token Sources – Frog Net~
~Milestone Rewards:~
~Leaderboard Rewards:~

Honey Bees

In order to maximize your success at this stage, you can rely on Luca, Goofy and Tinker Bell for help!

Spawn time: Up to six (6) Honey Bee Tappers every four (4) hours
~Token Sources – Honey Bee Dipper~
~Milestone Rewards:~
~Leaderboard Rewards:~

Hercules Mini Event – May 16th – May 31st

Chapter 1: May 16th
Characters unlocked: Hera, Hydra (Premium)
Chapter 2: May 18th
Attraction unlocked: The Underworld

Chapter 3: May 25th
Character unlocked: Zeus

Event Ends: May 31st

Tapper Events

Pegasus Clouds – June 7th – June 10th

Spawn Time: Up to ten (10) Pegasus Clouds Tappers every two (2) hours
~Possible Milestone Rewards Include:~
~Possible Leaderboard Rewards Include:~

Jeweled Crabs – June 3rd – June 8th

Spawn Time: Up to five (5) Jeweled Crabs Tappers every two (2) hours
~Characters Involved:~
~Token Sources (Crab Gem Lure)~
~Possible Milestone Rewards Include:~
~Possible Leaderboard Rewards Include:~

Sand Whirls – June 5th – June 10th

Spawn Time: Up to five (5) Sand Whirls Tappers every four (4) hours
~Characters Involved:~
~Token Sources (Dust Whirl Duster)~
~Possible Milestone Rewards Include:~
~Possible Leaderboard Rewards Include:~

Striking Gold Events - May 17th – May 30th

Find gold trophies hidden throughout the Kingdom by collecting from Attractions and Character Activities!

Chapter 1: May 17th – May 20th
Chapter 2: May 22nd – May 25th
Chapter 3: May 27th – May 30th

The following Character Activities will drop Gold Trophies:
The following Attractions will drop Gold Trophies:
~Possible Leaderboard Rewards Include:~

Quality of Life Changes

None this update, stay tuned!

Balancing Changes

Why do we rebalance the game? Disney Magic Kingdoms is a game with many interconnected systems. Since our initial launch, we have added a lot of new features and content, and each time we do this, it can significantly affect how these systems interact with each other. To ensure that the gameplay experience remains as intended, we are sometimes required to make balancing changes. Ultimately, rebalancing the game is necessary so that Disney Magic Kingdoms is fun and enjoyable for all. Thank you for your patience and understanding!


The following Character Activity rewards have been changed:


NEW – Adventure Land Center Expansion:
NEW – Adventure Land Left-Center Expansion:
NEW – Expedition Everest Expansion:


Hercules – Training Grounds:
Hercules – Statue Garden:
Hercules – Zeus' Temple:

Magic Production

Enchantment Recipes
The Magic cost to upgrade an Attraction has been changed as follows:

Thrill Zones

New Thrill Zone
Magic Pedestal
The values for the Magic Pedestal of all Thrill Zones have been changed as follows:
Bonus Magic
California Screamin’ Zone
The requirements for Decorations and Concessions Thrill Level requests have been changed as follows:
The requirements for Attraction Thrill Level requests have been replaced with the following:
Space Mountain Zone
The requirement for Decorations and Concessions Thrill Level requests have been changed as follows:
The requirements for Attraction Thrill Level requests have been replaced with the following:
“It’s a Small World”: Zone
The requirement for Decorations and Concessions Thrill Level requests have been changed as follows:
The requirements for Attraction Thrill Level requests have been replaced with the following:
Big Thunder Mountain Zone
The requirement for Decorations and Concessions Thrill Level requests have been changed as follows:
The requirements for Attraction Thrill Level requests have been replaced with the following:

Enchanted Chests: Decoration Chest

The following Decorations have been removed from the possible rewards:
The following Decorations have been added to the possible rewards:

Enchanted Chests: Concession Chest

The following Concessions have been removed from the possible rewards:
The following Concessions have been added to the possible rewards:

Attraction Enchantment Chest

Silver Chest

Resource Chest

Hercules Legendary Chests

The following items have been removed from the possible rewards:

Token Shop

The following items have been added to the Token Shop:
The following items have been removed from the Token Shop:

Building Shop

The following item has been added to the Building Shop
submitted by Rcrc2001 to disneymagickingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 08:57 Massive_Tax_5767 eFootball 2024 Thursday Update Summary

eFootball 2024 Thursday Update Summary submitted by Massive_Tax_5767 to eFootball [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 15:43 Devirathon Today I got Blacberry Classic

Today I got Blacberry Classic
Today I took my Blackberry Classic. I successfully activated it and really glad to see pretty nice device on my table. This device was my dream for a long time and finally I have it. I need help only with apps. I don't know what apps are available for this device now. I don't know where to download its. How to install it. Tell me please what can I install on BB Classic? Reddit and any messenger would be enough for me.
submitted by Devirathon to BlackberryPhoenix [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:08 East_Caterpillar_818 Help with paint

Help with paint
I’d appreciate your opinion about colour for painting my bathroom. I’m planning to eventually replace the shower, counters, floor and mirror but for now I’m putting lipstick on a pig. I originally made the mistake of painting it white, which clashes terribly with the off white.
First photo is the original Second is Benjamin Moore Country Squire Third is Benjamin Moore English Ivy Fourth is Benjamin Moore Blackberry.
I’m open to other suggestions too. Thanks!
submitted by East_Caterpillar_818 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 16:05 East_Caterpillar_818 Help with paint colour

Help with paint colour
I’d appreciate your opinion about colour for painting my bathroom. I’m planning to eventually replace the shower, counters, floor and mirror but for now I’m putting lipstick on a pig. I originally made the mistake of painting it white, which clashes terribly with the off white.
First photo is the original Second is Benjamin Moore Country Squire Third is Benjamin Moore English Ivy Fourth is Benjamin Moore Blackberry.
I’m open to other suggestions too. Thanks!
submitted by East_Caterpillar_818 to u/East_Caterpillar_818 [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 01:47 caricaturaedesenho Mergulhe em um Mundo de Aventuras e Combates Épicos com o Console Nintendo Switch™ Modelo OLED + Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!

Mergulhe em um Mundo de Aventuras e Combates Épicos com o Console Nintendo Switch™ Modelo OLED + Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!
Nintendo Switch™

Mergulhe em um Mundo de Aventuras e Combates Épicos com o Console Nintendo Switch™ Modelo OLED + Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!

Prepare-se para batalhas insanas e diversão sem limites com o Console Nintendo Switch™ Modelo OLED + Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Este pacote completo oferece tudo que você precisa para curtir os seus jogos favoritos com estilo e desempenho incríveis:
Tela OLED Vibrante para uma Experiência Imersiva:

  • Desfrute de cores vibrantes e detalhes nítidos em uma tela OLED de 7 polegadas (17,78 cm).
  • Perfeito para jogar em modo portátil, seja em casa ou em qualquer lugar.
Design Elegante Inspirado em Super Smash Bros. Ultimate:

  • Ostente o design exclusivo dos controles Joy-Con™ com o tema do jogo Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
  • Um visual único para combinar com a sua paixão por lutas épicas.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Reúna Seus Heróis Favoritos:

  • Junte-se a mais de 74 lutadores icônicos do universo Nintendo e outros jogos populares.
  • Lute em mais de 100 cenários emocionantes e domine seus oponentes.
  • Diversão garantida para jogadores de todos os níveis.
Jogue com Amigos e Familiares:

  • Inicie batalhas multijogador instantaneamente com seus amigos, basta passar um controle Joy-Con™ para cada um.
  • Suporta até 8 jogadores no mesmo console, para uma experiência ainda mais emocionante.
  • Diversão para todas as idades e ocasiões.
Mais Recursos para Uma Experiência Completa:

  • 64 GB de armazenamento interno para salvar seus jogos e arquivos.
  • Áudio aprimorado nos modos portátil e semiportátil para uma imersão total.
  • Suporte ajustável para maior conforto em diferentes posições de jogo.
  • Base com porta LAN integrada para conexão com fio à internet.
Conteúdo do Pacote:

  • Console Nintendo Switch™ Modelo OLED
  • Base do Nintendo Switch™ Modelo OLED
  • Joy-Con™ (L) do Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • Joy-Con™ (R) do Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • Alças do Joy-Con™
  • Suporte para Joy-Con™
  • Cabo HDMI de alta velocidade
  • Adaptador AC do Nintendo Switch™
  • Código de download do jogo Super Smash Bros. Ultimate completo
  • Código de resgate para uma assinatura individual do Nintendo Switch Online de 3 meses
Não Perca Tempo!
Garanta já o seu Console Nintendo Switch™ Modelo OLED + Super Smash Bros. Ultimate e prepare-se para viver momentos inesquecíveis de diversão e aventura.
submitted by caricaturaedesenho to encontreiai [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:25 Far_Departure_1580 I wanna to exit full screen, where’s is option?

I wanna to exit full screen, where’s is option? submitted by Far_Departure_1580 to firefox [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 21:45 Mark_JCW Sideload native apps BB10

Hi everyone.. thanks to this sub I now have a working BlackBerry Classic..
Next question is how to sideload native BB World apps? Is there an application I need to download or instructions somewhere? I’m using my son’s windows PC. Thanks. Mark.
submitted by Mark_JCW to BlackberryPhoenix [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 16:03 Inside-Elephant-4320 Genuine pacing question

I love the look of the game and I’ve heard great things about about SO2. I downloaded the first remaster yesterday—SO First Departure R— and played for a while and it just seems so slow.
I’ve been picked up by the captain and I’m back on my planet and we are trying to help a friend and a father who are sick (hopefully no spoiler).
But so many inactive world screens and pointless conversations. The towns feel a bit excruciating to find one blackberry or something like that. And so many small conversation boxes to click through that don’t say much. I feel like I’m watching disinterested teenagers hemming and hawing. And most characters in town have nothing particularly useful to say but I click on them just in case.
Combat is pretty fast but feels like button mashing. I’m presuming there are more tactics/positioning but right now I just follow the fastest party member and wail on whichever event they are fighting.
That said, it’s charming and I really like the concept. The art is nice. Does it get more complex or does the story force more exciting choices? Am I still in basically the prologue or training area?
submitted by Inside-Elephant-4320 to starocean [link] [comments]
