Smelly yellow stools

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2013.11.24 09:40 rhubarbbus Write a song every week

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2024.06.11 14:00 monkaSman What does a yellow tongue look like?

The appearance of a yellow tongue depends on the underlying cause. You may notice yellowish-white patches on your tongue and other parts of your mouth from a yeast overgrowth.
Poor oral hygiene and some other conditions can lead to a yellow buildup on the surface of your tongue from dead skin cells, bacteria, and other particles in your mouth. It can also lead to bad breath.
Certain foods, medications, and drugs may temporarily stain parts of your mouth like your tongue, gums, or palate.
Although not among the most common causes of a yellow tongue, jaundice may cause your tongue, palate, eyes, and skin to turn yellow.
Causes of yellow tongue
Potential causes of a yellow tongue include:
Poor oral hygiene
When you don’t brush your teeth often and thoroughly, skin cells and bacteria can build up on your tongue’s papillae. Papillae are the little bumps that line the tip and side of your tongue.
Bacteria release pigments that can turn your tongue yellow. Food, tobacco, and other substances can also get trapped on your papillae and turn your tongue yellow.
Black hairy tongue
Black hairy tongue is a harmless condition caused by the overgrowth of dead skin cells on your tongue. This overgrowth cause your papillae to grow larger. Bacteria, dirt, food, and other substances can collect on these bumps and turn them different colors.
Even though “black” is in the name of this disorder, your tongue can turn yellow or other colors before it turns black.
Factors that may contribute to the development of hairy tongue include:
excessive coffee consumption
drinking alcohol
dry mouth
some antibiotics, such as tetracyclines
eating a soft diet
Other symptoms can include:
burning sensation on your tongue
gagging or tickling feeling
strange taste
bad breath
Dry mouth or mouth breathing
Dry mouth is a lack of adequate saliva in your mouth. Normally, saliva washes bacteria out of your mouth, which helps prevent tooth decay. If your mouth is abnormally dry, bacteria buildup can lead to yellow patches on your tongue.
Factors that can contribute to a dry mouth include:
medication side effects
diseases like Sjogren’s syndrome and diabetes
radiation and chemotherapy
breathing through your mouth while you sleep
Geographic tongue
Geographic tongue happens when you’re missing patches of papillae on your tongue. Doctors don’t know why this happens, but it sometimes runs in families.
The condition gets its name because the missing patches make the surface of your tongue look like a map. The patches are often red, but they can turn yellow, too. Sometimes they’ll hurt.
Medicines that contain bismuth
Pepto-Bismol and other bismuth subsalicylate-containing medicines can turn your tongue colors that range from yellow to black. It may also cause your stools to darken.
Taking antibiotics can make you more prone to developing oral thrush, a yeast infection in your mouth. Oral thrush is caused by an overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans.
This overgrowth can cause white or yellowish patches on your tongue, inner cheeks, gums, or lips.
Black hairy tongue may also be a rare side effectTrusted Source of antibiotics.
Other medications and drugs
Some other medications and drugs may cause a temporary yellow or brown discoloration of your tongue and mouth. When the tongue is affected, usually, the discoloration appears on the upper surfaceTrusted Source of your tongue.
Medications that are known to sometimes cause discoloration in your mouth include:
psychotropic drugs that cause mouth dryness
anti-malaria drugs
oral contraceptives
cyclophosphamide and busulfan
chemotherapy drugs
CocaineTrusted Source use is also known to cause discoloration.
Some mouthwashes
Using a mouthwash that contains peroxide, witch hazel, or menthol can turn your tongue colors. Prescription mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine are also known to stain the surface of your teeth and tongue.
Tobacco smoke and chewing tobacco
Chemicals in tobacco smoke and chewing tobacco can make your tongue turn a yellow color. Smoking is also a risk factor for developing black hairy tongue.
In a 2018 case studyTrusted Source, researchers describe a 36-year-old woman who developed yellow hairy tongue after smoking 25 cigarettes a day for 17 years. She made a full recovery after improving her oral hygiene habits and quitting smoking.
Some foods and drinks may cause temporary yellow or brown staining of your tongue. These include tea and coffeeTrusted Source or foods with yellow dyes added like candies, chips, or crackers. Some vitamins and supplements also contain yellow dye.
Jaundice is a condition that causes your skin and the whites of your eyes to turn yellow. It happens when your liver is damaged and can’t properly process the waste product bilirubin. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that’s produced when red blood cells break down.
Jaundice can also cause your mouth to turn yellow. Bilirubin tends to accumulate along the soft palateTrusted Source and floor of your mouth near your frenulum, the band of tissue that connects your tongue to the bottom of your mouth.
Jaundice requires prompt medical attention because it can indicate a serious disease such as:
pancreatic cancer
liver cancer
bile duct obstruction
Autoimmune conditions
The autoimmune condition called psoriasis causes flaky and scaly skin. It can also cause red patches with yellow edges on your tongue. However, oral psoriasis of the tongue is extremely rare.
According to the authors of a 2019 study, only 64 cases were reported in the scientific literature from 1903 to 2009.
In a 2018 studyTrusted Source published in the Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found that a yellow tongue coating was associated with diabetes and tended to be associated with prediabetes in nonsmoking Japanese men and women.
Gastric conditions
Gastritis is inflammation of the lining of your stomach. Chronic gastritis is characterized by long-term inflammation of this lining. Some people with gastritis have a yellow coating on their tongue.
In one study, researchers found that in 440 chronic gastritis patients infected with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, 81.16 percent had yellow tongue covering.
When to contact a doctor
You don’t need to get medical help if a yellow tongue is your only symptom. But you should contact a doctor if:
you have other symptoms of jaundice, an infection, or liver damage, such as:
abdominal pain
blood in your stools
easy bruising and bleeding
the yellow color doesn’t go away after 2 weeks
your skin or the whites of your eyes are also yellow
your tongue hurts
Are there complications?
A yellow tongue usually doesn’t cause complications. However, the conditions that cause jaundice can lead to problems including:
liver scarring
liver failure
swelling in your legs and belly
enlargement of your spleen
bleeding in your gastrointestinal tract
liver cancer
submitted by monkaSman to MensWellbeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:47 ipunchhippiesss Scared to fail prep

I’m on my second round of miralax and Gatorade..paper says to have light yellow stool and resemble urine. Mine is kinda medium. Looks like if dehydrated urine 😅 I’m scared all this and failing prep
submitted by ipunchhippiesss to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 12:48 TybronMephitis If at first you don't succeed, stink, stink again!

If at first you don't succeed, stink, stink again!
Tonight's chasing conditions were a bit rough. 74% humidity meant every time I roamed the neighborhood for 15-30 minutes, I'd come back absolutely covered in sweat. I also had a really bad attack of IBS, likely from the processed food I had at work a couple of nights before, so I was in and out of the bathroom all night writhing in agony between stools. On top of that, at around 3:30 a.m. I realized my right chasing glove had fallen out of my hoodie pocket on a previous chase and until then it's absence had gone completely unnoticed. When I looked around my previous chasing areas (I was sprayed last week but didn't record it here, just in the Discord) I came up empty, but did have a random scary-looking squatter pop out of a window and ask me "Hey whatchu doin' in my bend-up?!" to which I could only reply "...What's up?" and walk away, only to see his partner-in-crime looking around the front doorway of that same apartment, likely a lookout of sorts. They weren't far at all from my apartment (basically across the street from me) so I locked my door and waited another hour or so. Lifty went to bed thinking between the loss of a chasing glove I'd had for over 11 years, and the lack of any and all skunk sightings, perhaps it just wasn't meant to be tonight.
I have to thank him for the greed he encouraged in me though, because upon looking at 5 a.m. I found a nice fluffy striped skunk rooting for grubs in the field behind the leasing office. Not having my hoodie on this time or my chasing gloves, this meant my arms, face and hair were completely exposed. I'd also left my wristwatch on which may have proven to be a costly mistake, because of course upon running up on the skunker it lifted it's tail, turned in a flash and squirted me generously across my face and chest. I pursued with my arm outstretched to go for the tail, getting a few more nice shots across both arms and my hand, which bristled gently along the top tail floof (I might've gone for a grab if I had my gloves on but the risk of a bite is way too high for that). Thanking the skunk for it's fragrant generosity, I turned to head back to my apartment only to see another stinker across the field and over a small hill. Popping my goggles back on I creeped up, putting the flashlight down in another safe spot by the fence and of course, running right up on the stinker, who as usual did a few warnings hoping it would work against the big scary human.
As always skunkseekers see those more of as an invitation to get perfumed than a warning, and I rushed into a few more nice squirts of pure stinking bliss. My greed kept kicking in when the skunk would almost get away, urging me to go for the tail again to provoke a few more sprays and mistings. Eventually that skunk ducked under the fence into the pool area, then across to the parking lot and eventually behind a bush that I wasn't going to bother scratching myself up trying to push aside this time.
I absolutely REEK*,* there's lovely golden splotches all over my arms and hands, it's been a while since I got this generously skunked and I absolutely adore it! Let this be an inspiration that you can stink as you want if you just believe in yourself. Stay stinky, my friends. If you observe each pic you can see the splotches all along both arms and my hands (my right wrist was especially soaked). If the light was better in here the oils would show much more clearly on the camera. Perhaps I'll take some when the sun comes out and the camera can see the putrid yellow stains much more.
submitted by TybronMephitis to SkunkSeekers2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 12:29 Signal-Strawberry455 Baby Blood Results- Help Please

Baby boy 15 months old
Medical history: Severe Haemophilia A, CMPA, reflux, history of bloody stools thought to be caused by haemophilia at the time, iron deficiency anemia. He is on phrophylaxis for his haemophilia. He was born at 34 weeks and had jaundice, suspected sepsis, and a plasma transfusion.
My little boy consistently looks unwell to the point of people saying to me how he looks washed out he looks. He goes grey around the eyes and lips/ yellow and pale skin. His belly has times where is looks very bloated too. He bruises very easily but again this is the haemophilia.
We were admitted to the hospital two weeks ago as his CRP levels were 200. No bacterial infection found but precautionary IV antibiotics given and it came down to 45 by the time we were discharged. I understand high CRP can be caused by inflammation as well as infection. He was extremely bloated in the hospital.
We never got to the bottom of what happened so I have requested to see all of his blood test results since he was born.
The following results are consistently high: -monocytes -red blood cell distribution width -mean cell hemoglobin -Alkaline Phosphatase ..the highest is 3369 and the lowest is 523
Iron levels are consistently low which we know about as he is on supplements now for that.
What should I be pushing for? He has been tested for Coeliac but negative.
I'm just really worried no one is connecting the dots.
submitted by Signal-Strawberry455 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:56 sakante How to price cigarette smoke damaged cards and optimise value - Advice needed

I wanted some input from sellers here. I bought a large collection a while back. I’ve picked it clean and its about 16 000 non-bulk and 16 000 urza block/mm block/shadowmore block basics. The collection is among other tings 4x playsets of all sets between Urza’s saga to darksteel. Full playsets of duals, bazaar, wheels, 10 monoliths, numerous ancient tombs, mox diamonds, sliver queens, LED’s , old mana crypts and more. In other words, lots of value.
Didn’t pick up on it at the time, but the collection had been kept in a smokers home, and even though they had not been touched in almost 20 years, this leaves a smell. There were playsets sent from CK, sealed in those old plastic deckboxes and with tape and they also smelled.

After having sorted out the value into sub 10 $, 10-100 $ and 100$ I used a ozone machine to “gas” them all. I placed every single card in a unused cooling rack so that the gas can touch them on every side of the card. I thought it worked marvelous, but I think the gas also removes your own sense of smell.

I’m 80% certain that this worked on reducing the smell.
I finished this work a couple weeks ago, after having worked on that for months. I no longer smell cigarette smell from the cards when standing in the same room, and even at a foot /30 cm away its ok. But if I move the cards up to my nose they still smell. Some more than others. They do not have yellowing around the edges for reference.

Now to my dilemma:

I’ve spent so much time on this issue and have to consider if I should spend even more time on it. I’m at a cross-road:
1. Non of the big marketplaces demand that you disclose smell on cards to buyer, but I’m aware that my rating would go down if I started selling smelly cards. Should I just grade them according to wear and sell at those prices?
2. Should I just sell them all as damaged and note cigarette smoke
3. Should I give them condition according to wear, note cigarette smoke and condition , mark on marketplace as damaged, but set a higher price
4. Gas them again and hope for the best.

I know there are many sellers on this reddit that do large volume and I’d like their input on what they might chose as a way forward.
Most buyers on here I assume would like the option to know wear condition, know they smell and pay as little as possible.
The way forward for me is giving the high end cards a couple extra rounds of the ozone machine to see how it goes, but the other 15800 cards I'm a bit more uncertain.
submitted by sakante to mtgfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:17 NoNaNinny 6 months in with improvement but early satiety and decreased appetite linger. Looking for some hope.

My symptoms all began on Dec 12th 2023. It started with pain and cramping under my ribs on the right and left side. Some burning at the base of the breastbone. Then I developed early satiety and fullness after meals as well. Nausea, bloating, yellow stool etc. I had the whole gamut of gastritis symptoms.
PCP started me on Dexilant 60 mg. This helped with some of the symptoms but I think it made food just sit it my stomach forever. My endoscopy came back as negative for H pylori and I had mild inactive gastritis. My stomach looked pink and healthy on the images. I was in disbelief. I discontinued Dexilant after 100 days on the bland gastritis diet and my digestion vastly improved. However I still had lingering nausea, abdominal pains and early satiety.
I have been incredibly anxious during this whole endeavor and I can’t help but wonder if it’s at the root of it. I decided to try the Mind Body approach (TMS/Dr Sarno) and loosen up the diet. I went through the program they have on the forum and after a couple weeks my nausea and abdominal pain subsided almost entirely. It’s been a whole month and they haven’t returned. I was eating what I wanted (although in smaller quantities).
Now I’m left with early satiety and decreased appetite. I just started 7.5 mg mirtazapine a couple days ago so I’m hoping that’ll help take the edge of the anxiety and aide my healing further.
I was a completely different person 6 months ago before this happened to me. I had what I thought was a normal amount of anxiety and no depression. Now I’m depressed and it’s hard to get my mind off my stomach. The randomness of this is jarring
submitted by NoNaNinny to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:04 saucy-limes Post op 4.5m - question about when to contact pcp…

I woke up running to the bathroom today with loose stools. I initially thought food poisoning but it’s very different from my past experiences and after the first trip all my stools have been bright yellow, very loose, and painfully acidic. Accompanied with body aches, chills, severe nausea & fatigue, and an over sick feeling.
I also recently have had more and more “gallbladder pain” but I don’t have a GB it’s just in that area.
I had a chipotle style bowl and some ice cream, not totally unusual for me to eat with minor problems. Not of this magnitude.
Could this be just GI bug, or food poisoning, or related to my gallbladder issues that ended up leaving me with removal.
I am in awful pain, I need advice.
submitted by saucy-limes to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:54 Lion-This Need an advice

7 months ago my stool habit changed drastic, I started having frequent and loose stools in the morning couple of times (In this period I was going through a lot of stress). I kinda managed the symptoms and thought it was IBS. In the beggining of May so month ago I thought I had not so bad case of food poisoning( or I ate and drank too much). Only problem was that I had once blood in the stool and after that stomach burned for two days but it got better so I did not go to doc. After this I could not stand one glass of alcohol even now (month after). I have problems with reflux, body aches, dry eyes, dizzines, mouth sores, smelly burps, urine, frequent gass, restless and low numbers of hours sleeping, lot of mucus on papper (yellowish but also whiteish in stoll sometimes) … I tested firstly by blood for HPylori it was positive and three times bigger than refferent value. I did stool test but it came negative… It seems that my country does not have urea breath test which is tragic… I am planning to do culture of stool, also my blood work was perfect. Did you guys have a problem testing positive? What do you recommend? Does 3x refferent value mean anything else than that I either had it or have it? I do not eat any sweets at all except fruit sugar…
submitted by Lion-This to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 20:35 el015 Similac Alimentum causing liquidy poops?

So my almost 7 week old was on Nutramigen and we recently switched to Alimetnum. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks on Alimentum. My question is about the poops. She often goes once a day or once every other day. When she was on Nutramigen her stools were yellow and peanut butter consistancy. Now on Alimentum they are green and liquidy. They often seep into her diaper and they are massive when she goes. If I don't change her diaper immediately it's a blowout. Nutramigen made her more fussy and gassy and since on Alimentum she has seemed better but I'm worried about her poops. When we saw the pediatrician he said her poops aren't really normal but as long as she's not going 8-9 times a day it was okay. He wanted us to stay on it for another month until her next appointment to see how it goes. If things get worse he said to call. Anyone else experience this on this formula? Will her poops get better or is this standard and normal? I also want to mention that when she was on Nutramigen and she would poop it always looked like she was in pain. With Alimentum she will grunt for a second but then I believe because it's more liquidy so it just comes out better. I'm not sure what to think or if I should worry. I'm a FTM and everything is new to me.
submitted by el015 to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:49 sparker407012 How would you design this kitchen?

How would you design this kitchen?
I really need help with updating my 2005 kitchen. I’m having analysis paralysis and need advice from the pros. My GC is waiting for my decisions. I have pictures of my current kitchen and some photos of ideas I have. And a initial cabinet design.
Here are the decisions I feel confident in:
-I paid for structural engineer to come out and plan to remove the wall between the kitchen and sunroom to open it up. -I want to make a big island and move the gas cooktop off the island and move to where oven is so it can vent to the outside. I want at least 4 bar stools. -I want white cabinets. I prefer the simple shaker look. My style is more modern, minimalist, slightly coastal. Brass colored nobs. -New back splash and light counter tops. Either quartzite or quartz (i have 3 kids under the age of 5). -I plan to put in a wide plank white oak LVP floor over entire first floor.
Here is what I am struggling with and do not know what to do:
-Do I entirely replace the cabinets with new? Or do I pay for new doors and paint everything. I hate the arch look. Cabinets are creamy yellow with a grain in the wood. Price difference between professional painting plus doors is like ~10K less than lower end new cabinets. I don’t need anything fancy but I want it to look nice. If I go new cabinets we can design this however we want!
—The gap between the cabinet and ceiling bothers me. Do i build some kind of tall trim? Adding little cabinet boxes on top was so expensive on one of my earlier quotes
-Originally I planned to keep all my appliances to save money but now I am thinking of getting a new stove with gas cooktop. What size stove? Do those white cafe appliances look cool or too trendy? Or do I do a double oven to the left of fridge? And put the microwave in the island? Currently have a wall microwave oven combo - okay condition. Gas cook top i have is fine but the center has a gap for the down draft which we wont need if we move off the island to the wall with the vent hood. Put sink and dishwasher in the island right?
-What size island? Should i do a waterfall edge down to the floor? Or make seating on 2 sides with some chairs on the sunroom end? Is that too much seating? Will it look weird the island sink is not center with the stove? Should the sink be to the left as much as possible? Why are these decisions so hard?
I want to take resale value into consideration. For example, I don’t personally care for a double oven but a few people have told me its expected for a home over $1M.
Any thoughts???
submitted by sparker407012 to InteriorDesign [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:41 Beginning_Cook7501 Symptoms indicative of pancreatic (or other) cancer? Feeling worse and worse with no answers.

42F, 5'2, 196 lb, taking Buspar and Spironolactone, no alcohol, smoking or drug use.
From November to February, I was on multiple rounds of antibiotics (UTI, and then horrible sinus/bronchitis issues like I've never had in my life). At some point in all of this, I lost my appetite and began getting cramping pains on the left and right side under my breasts. They were very quick and seemed related to all my hacking.
In March, I felt some tightness across my bra line and after eating Chinese food, began throwing up and had several days of yellow diarrhea. Eventually my stool turned kind of clay colored, then went back to normal. The same diarrhea happened a week later after I tried to eat mac and cheese. I was diagnosed with Pylori at this time and completed triple therapy.
Now, here we are in June and I still have not felt a hunger pang. I feel like I could go days without eating and not notice, although I can sit down and eat a meal. I dropped a decent bit of weight initially after the vomiting, but am holding steadier now that I am eating again (around 2 lb loss in 6 weeks). I have a full feeling/tightness in my abdomen. During pylori treatment, my stools were green and just not right. Now they are better, but I've noticed that sometimes they float or break apart a little bit when I flush. I still sometimes get the quick pains, and have been noticing lower back pain as well.
Gallstones were found on an ultrasound and an ulcer during endoscopy. I am 3 weeks into treating the ulcer with omeprazole and have a HIDA scan and surgeon consult scheduled. A RUQ ultrasound was clear except for the stones, a pelvic ultrasound and CA 125 were clear, my yearly bloodwork was ok except for slightly raised bilirubin, and a colonoscopy was clear.
My doctor thinks the gallstones are my problem and said that if any cancer or something more serious was present, it would have been picked up in the screens I've had so far. I am still concerned because I feel worse than I did over the winter and this symptom of never feeling hunger is terrifying to me. I always hear that no appetite = cancer, and I'm concerned that something serious got missed in the midst of the obvious health issues I had going on. Do my symptoms send up any red flags to anyone, or could the ulcegallstones legitimately be causing these issues?
submitted by Beginning_Cook7501 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 15:19 Lonely_Carpenter6048 Life is fkd

Mild chemical gastropathy constant burning 24/7 + severe methane sibo from ppi pariet lost 15kg in a month constant yellow stools strips of blood and biofilms.
feeling really hopeless taking sucrafate and praying it will help
submitted by Lonely_Carpenter6048 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 13:08 Jolly-Bathroom1089 ER or Urgent Care

ER or Urgent care
ER or Urgent Care
I was diagnosed with GERD at urgent care like 3 months ago. I’ve had debilitatingly bad heart burn, hiccups, unable to burp and stuck gas is painful, choking on food and drink and feeling like it’s stuck in my throat. Took two medications prescribed at urgent care that didn’t help. Ok but now I need to know if this warrants ER or urgent care. I have severe upper abdominal pain, under my ribs and through to my back, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea that is pale color with very small amounts dark blood (maybe)? also the stool has a yellow/green liquid as well. Sorry I know that is gross, TYIA for any help.
Should I go to urgent care or the ER for these symptoms?
Edit: In USA. 26yo Female. 5’2” 165 lbs. GERD, endometriosis, asthma, heart arrhythmias (diagnosed like 1.5 weeks ago not being treated waiting for heart monitor results). Using marijuana but no longer smoking tobacco or vaping. Taking klonapin as needed and stopped the GERD medicine because the doctor said it was short term only. Have nexplanon implant. I’ve had this abdominal pain for a week or two but it’s gotten more severe suddenly over the last two days and the blood and stool color change are new as well.
submitted by Jolly-Bathroom1089 to AskMedical [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:18 Squophi Prologue for story(what should the title be?)

“Don’t worry, Viv. It’s just an interview, it’s not like you’re gonna die or anything like that.” Dion was sitting next to me, his hand resting on my shoulder, trying to offer me a sense of comfort in the stressful situation I was in.
“Yeah Dion, sure, just an interview. A FREAKING COLLEGE INTERVIEW, FOR CHRIST’S SAKE! MY WHOLE FUTURE DEPENDS ON THIS!” I was shaking uncontrollably, and my anxiety was already kicked into full gear.
“Vivian, look at me.” He took my hand, and for some reason I felt the abnormal sense of being somewhat carefree when he did so.
“If you just take a moment to relax and breathe, you’ll do just fine.”
He had been my next door neighbor and closest friend ever since the second grade, and it had all started when the gym water fountain malfunctioned while I had been getting a drink. It sprayed all over my face and doused my hair in the process. While all of the other kids were being jerks and laughing because of the huge water markings on my shirt, Dion had rushed to grab some paper towels so that I could clean my mess of a self up.
From this experience we bonded, and eventually became best friends. He was my only friend at the time, probably due to the fact that I had extreme social anxiety and I struggled to communicate with others. He is still my only friend, to be exact.
“Vivian Langley?” A shorter woman entered the waiting lobby where I was so dreadfully waiting in panic and fear. She had her brunette hair tied up in a bun and she was wearing a black dress and black heels. No offense to her, but I thought for a moment that she was going to go to a funeral after work today.
“I’m right over here, Ma’am.” I felt my voice trembling as I said that sentence aloud. I took a deep breath. This is it. The college interview.
“Ah yes, there you are dear.” She looked down at her clipboard, and then up at me.
“Follow me, Miss Langley. Right this way.”
“You’ve got this, Viv. You’re gonna do great. I’ll be right out here, in case something happens or you need anything, and I’ll see you when you’re all done.” Dion whispered into my ear before I arose nervously, shaking the entire time while being escorted into the interview room.
The funeral dress lady opened the door and held it open for me. I reluctantly stepped inside, and as soon as I got both my feet on the other side of the doorframe, I heard the lady shut the door, and that made my anxiety level go higher for some reason. I didn’t want to focus on my anxiety at the moment, so I instead turned my attention to my surroundings.
It was quite blank in the interviewing room; the white walls were bare and there was nothing in there except a desk monitor setup and a rolly chair, with two stools on the other side of the desk. The chair was spun facing the side opposite of me, and I watched as the chair spun around at lightning speed.
“Hello! You are Vivian, correct?”
“Yes, yes I am. I’m guessing that you are my interviewer, right?” I felt my voice shake as I barely uttered that sentence. She must have had the ears of a hawk, because she managed to actually hear what I said despite it being barely audible.
“Yep! Pleased to meet you! I’m Dr. Nevaeh Chase of Greenview University, and today I’ll be your interviewer!” I was all at once both comforted and terrified by her eccentric sounding tone and her joyous attitude.
“Please, go ahead and take a seat!” She motioned toward both of the stools with her arm. I hesitantly sat down, and she went forward with the interview.
“So, according to your college application, you wish to pursue a bachelor's degree in biology?”
“Yes I do.” I replied, trying to sound calm.
“Why do you believe that you would be a good candidate for Greenview’s biology department?”
“I believe that I would be a good pick because I’ve always been interested in biology. I’ve been studying it since I was in 2nd grade.”
“Fascinating. Now on to the next part of this interview. What attributes do you have that would benefit yourself and others in the biology branch of our school?” She asked this, sounding rather interested in my blabbing on, much to my surprise.
“I am good with cooperation, and I have studied biology for years. I’ve always wanted to work in a lab, like my father did before the accident that unfortunately killed him.” By this time, the interview was now over, and it was time for me to get Dion and head home. It was faint, but I could see a hint of what I thought to be curiosity lightly glimmering in her eyes.
“Thank you for your time, Vivian. The exit is on your left, down the hallway and it should be the last door on the right. Have a great day!”
“Thank you very much.” I got up quietly and I let the door shut softly behind me as I strutted down that hallway like a boss. No more things for college applications! Yes! I flung open the door to the waiting room.
“Dion! I’m back! Let’s head home!”
But he wasn’t there.
“Maybe he’s in the bathroom. I’ll just wait out here.” I sat down in one of the chairs, and I waited while reading a magazine.
1 minutes, 2 minutes, 3 minutes…
I didn’t think much of it.
4 minutes, 5 minutes, 6 minutes…
I still didn’t think much of it. I was just reading my magazine, unaware of the time passing by.
9 minutes, 10 minutes 11 minutes…
“Ok, this is a little unusual.” I thought that maybe he had stopped at one of the many vending machines around the campus. He always gets hungry at the most random times. Maybe he went to one and got lost.
“He’ll come back,” I thought to myself. I still sat and waited.
20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes…
I paused for a moment and my eyes meticulously scanned the waiting room. Dion still wasn’t here. It’s been 45 minutes now. That’s not normal, especially for someone like him. “What? Where in the… Dion? Where are you? If you’re hiding, this really isn’t funny…” Who knows, maybe he was just hiding from me. I knew him and I knew him well. I figured that he was just playing around. Before I know it, he’s going to jump out at me in 3….2….1……
But he didn’t reveal himself. There was just more silence.
Now I was getting really concerned. This isn’t like him, it just isn’t! If he was really here, he would have jumped out at me and we would have already been in the car by now. I decided to step outside, maybe he was there. I went back inside, feeling extremely defeated. That was when I heard it. That ear piercing shriek.
“SOMEONE! HELP ME, PLEASE!” It sounded like Dion. I had to find him. He was my best friend, and I wasn’t about to abandon him. The noise was coming from upstairs, so that’s exactly where I started looking frantically. I needed to find him. I needed to know that he was okay.
“DION! I’M COMING!” I screamed at the top of my lungs while dashing up the stairs in a panic. I finally reached the exit of the stairwell and I flung open the door to see a huge long hallway that seemed to have no end. I ran and ran down the hallway, hoping to find Dion and get out of here.
But to no avail, he wasn’t there. Something seemed different about this place now. Something rather…twisted.
As I kept sprinting down the hall, I soon realized that the lights were no longer white, but they were now a dim shade of red. The walls were yellowed slightly and the paint was peeling off of the walls. I began to hear the whispering of children and then I heard an ear splitting scream yet again. But this time, I couldn’t tell where it was coming from because there was too much echoing on the walls.
Slowly but surely, the whispers grew louder and the hallway grew longer and the lights began to flicker. I almost couldn’t take it anymore when all of a sudden the lights flickered once more and it was so bright that for a moment it blinded me.
When I finally regained my vision, I realized that there was writing on the walls. Except the letters were red, and it looked like the ink was still wet, because it was dripping down the walls.
Wait a minute. That’s not ink. It’s BLOOD.
Okay. Now I was petrified. But when I began to read some of the comments that were written, I almost froze in shock.
Suddenly, I heard a voice that sounded like Dion’s.
“Vivian, it’s me. Come here. I’ll get us out of here. Don’t worry. Follow my voice.”
I was about to cry. I ran and kept running straight for the noise. I was glad I did, because there was an end to the long hallway. I skid up to the wall. It had more blood writing on it. This one though, it made me more disturbed than I’d ever been.
I was frozen in shock. I began to turn around slowly, but before I could turn in a full 360 circle, I felt a solid metal object slam against my head, causing it to throb violently. I collapsed into a heap and before the lights went out on me, I saw a shadowy figure with violent looking vertical slits for eyes. It was waving at me with a sinister smile on its undistinguishable face.
“See you soon, Emalaine.”
submitted by Squophi to CreativeWritings [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 04:11 Squophi New story prologue

“Don’t worry, Viv. It’s just an interview, it’s not like you’re gonna die or anything like that.” Dion was sitting next to me, his hand resting on my shoulder, trying to offer me a sense of comfort in the stressful situation I was in.
“Yeah Dion, sure, just an interview. A FREAKING COLLEGE INTERVIEW, FOR CHRIST’S SAKE! MY WHOLE FUTURE DEPENDS ON THIS!” I was shaking uncontrollably, and my anxiety was already kicked into full gear.
“Vivian, look at me.” He took my hand, and for some reason I felt the abnormal sense of being somewhat carefree when he did so.
“If you just take a moment to relax and breathe, you’ll do just fine.”
He had been my next door neighbor and closest friend ever since the second grade, and it had all started when the gym water fountain malfunctioned while I had been getting a drink. It sprayed all over my face and doused my hair in the process. While all of the other kids were being jerks and laughing because of the huge water markings on my shirt, Dion had rushed to grab some paper towels so that I could clean my mess of a self up.
From this experience we bonded, and eventually became best friends. He was my only friend at the time, probably due to the fact that I had extreme social anxiety and I struggled to communicate with others. He is still my only friend, to be exact.
“Vivian Langley?” A shorter woman entered the waiting lobby where I was so dreadfully waiting in panic and fear. She had her brunette hair tied up in a bun and she was wearing a black dress and black heels. No offense to her, but I thought for a moment that she was going to go to a funeral after work today.
“I’m right over here, Ma’am.” I felt my voice trembling as I said that sentence aloud. I took a deep breath. This is it. The college interview.
“Ah yes, there you are dear.” She looked down at her clipboard, and then up at me.
“Follow me, Miss Langley. Right this way.”
“You’ve got this, Viv. You’re gonna do great. I’ll be right out here, in case something happens or you need anything, and I’ll see you when you’re all done.” Dion whispered into my ear before I arose nervously, shaking the entire time while being escorted into the interview room.
The funeral dress lady opened the door and held it open for me. I reluctantly stepped inside, and as soon as I got both my feet on the other side of the doorframe, I heard the lady shut the door, and that made my anxiety level go higher for some reason. I didn’t want to focus on my anxiety at the moment, so I instead turned my attention to my surroundings.
It was quite blank in the interviewing room; the white walls were bare and there was nothing in there except a desk monitor setup and a rolly chair, with two stools on the other side of the desk. The chair was spun facing the side opposite of me, and I watched as the chair spun around at lightning speed.
“Hello! You are Vivian, correct?”
“Yes, yes I am. I’m guessing that you are my interviewer, right?” I felt my voice shake as I barely uttered that sentence. She must have had the ears of a hawk, because she managed to actually hear what I said despite it being barely audible.
“Yep! Pleased to meet you! I’m Dr. Nevaeh Chase of Greenview University, and today I’ll be your interviewer!” I was all at once both comforted and terrified by her eccentric sounding tone and her joyous attitude.
“Please, go ahead and take a seat!” She motioned toward both of the stools with her arm. I hesitantly sat down, and she went forward with the interview.
“So, according to your college application, you wish to pursue a bachelor's degree in biology?”
“Yes I do.” I replied, trying to sound calm.
“Why do you believe that you would be a good candidate for Greenview’s biology department?”
“I believe that I would be a good pick because I’ve always been interested in biology. I’ve been studying it since I was in 2nd grade.”
“Fascinating. Now on to the next part of this interview. What attributes do you have that would benefit yourself and others in the biology branch of our school?” She asked this, sounding rather interested in my blabbing on, much to my surprise.
“I am good with cooperation, and I have studied biology for years. I’ve always wanted to work in a lab, like my father did before the accident that unfortunately killed him.” By this time, the interview was now over, and it was time for me to get Dion and head home. It was faint, but I could see a hint of what I thought to be curiosity lightly glimmering in her eyes.
“Thank you for your time, Vivian. The exit is on your left, down the hallway and it should be the last door on the right. Have a great day!”
“Thank you very much.” I got up quietly and I let the door shut softly behind me as I strutted down that hallway like a boss. No more things for college applications! Yes! I flung open the door to the waiting room.
“Dion! I’m back! Let’s head home!”
But he wasn’t there.
“Maybe he’s in the bathroom. I’ll just wait out here.” I sat down in one of the chairs, and I waited while reading a magazine.
1 minutes, 2 minutes, 3 minutes…
I didn’t think much of it.
4 minutes, 5 minutes, 6 minutes…
I still didn’t think much of it. I was just reading my magazine, unaware of the time passing by.
9 minutes, 10 minutes 11 minutes…
“Ok, this is a little unusual.” I thought that maybe he had stopped at one of the many vending machines around the campus. He always gets hungry at the most random times. Maybe he went to one and got lost.
“He’ll come back,” I thought to myself. I still sat and waited.
20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes…
I paused for a moment and my eyes meticulously scanned the waiting room. Dion still wasn’t here. It’s been 45 minutes now. That’s not normal, especially for someone like him. “What? Where in the… Dion? Where are you? If you’re hiding, this really isn’t funny…” Who knows, maybe he was just hiding from me. I knew him and I knew him well. I figured that he was just playing around. Before I know it, he’s going to jump out at me in 3….2….1……
But he didn’t reveal himself. There was just more silence.
Now I was getting really concerned. This isn’t like him, it just isn’t! If he was really here, he would have jumped out at me and we would have already been in the car by now. I decided to step outside, maybe he was there. I went back inside, feeling extremely defeated. That was when I heard it. That ear piercing shriek.
“SOMEONE! HELP ME, PLEASE!” It sounded like Dion. I had to find him. He was my best friend, and I wasn’t about to abandon him. The noise was coming from upstairs, so that’s exactly where I started looking frantically. I needed to find him. I needed to know that he was okay.
“DION! I’M COMING!” I screamed at the top of my lungs while dashing up the stairs in a panic. I finally reached the exit of the stairwell and I flung open the door to see a huge long hallway that seemed to have no end. I ran and ran down the hallway, hoping to find Dion and get out of here.
But to no avail, he wasn’t there. Something seemed different about this place now. Something rather…twisted.
As I kept sprinting down the hall, I soon realized that the lights were no longer white, but they were now a dim shade of red. The walls were yellowed slightly and the paint was peeling off of the walls. I began to hear the whispering of children and then I heard an ear splitting scream yet again. But this time, I couldn’t tell where it was coming from because there was too much echoing on the walls.
Slowly but surely, the whispers grew louder and the hallway grew longer and the lights began to flicker. I almost couldn’t take it anymore when all of a sudden the lights flickered once more and it was so bright that for a moment it blinded me.
When I finally regained my vision, I realized that there was writing on the walls. Except the letters were red, and it looked like the ink was still wet, because it was dripping down the walls.
Wait a minute. That’s not ink. It’s BLOOD.
Okay. Now I was petrified. But when I began to read some of the comments that were written, I almost froze in shock.
Suddenly, I heard a voice that sounded like Dion’s.
“Vivian, it’s me. Come here. I’ll get us out of here. Don’t worry. Follow my voice.”
I was about to cry. I ran and kept running straight for the noise. I was glad I did, because there was an end to the long hallway. I skid up to the wall. It had more blood writing on it. This one though, it made me more disturbed than I’d ever been.
I was frozen in shock. I began to turn around slowly, but before I could turn in a full 360 circle, I felt a solid metal object slam against my head, causing it to throb violently. I collapsed into a heap and before the lights went out on me, I saw a shadowy figure with violent looking vertical slits for eyes. It was waving at me with a sinister smile on its undistinguishable face.
“See you soon, Emalaine.”
submitted by Squophi to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:08 Global_Wheel1820 Psyllium Husk stool

Psyllium Husk stool
Started to take Psyllium Husk, took a bit more (around 5g) this morning and this was the result late in the afternoon: jelly-like yellow substance mixed with stool. Anybody else having experience with this? Probably need to take much smaller doses more times per day.
submitted by Global_Wheel1820 to poop [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:54 aglasnar Understanding gallstones: A practical guide for patients - SOVETPLUS .COM Корисні поради для дому

Gallstones affect one in five people, making it the most commonly diagnosed digestive disease in patients of all ages. What are the features of gallstone disease – what kind of disease is it, how does it manifest itself and how to deal with it?

What are gallstones?

Cholelithiasis is a condition in which insoluble deposits of many bile chemicals occur in the gallbladder or bile ducts. Bile consists of water, bile acids, cholesterol, fatty acids, phospholipids, proteins, bilirubin and inorganic compounds. Normally, all these substances dissolve in bile and are excreted in this form into the digestive tract, but disturbances in the composition of bile impact their solubility.
The first insoluble substances to precipitate are the so-called dirt and microcrystals, which over time combine into increasingly larger structures, resulting in the formation of deposits. Most often they form in the gallbladder and are then called cholecystolithiasis. Much less typically, they form in the bile ducts – then choledocholithiasis occurs. Typically, stones found in the bile ducts are of vesicular origin, that is, they enter these ducts from the gallbladder.
In most cases, stones are composed of cholesterol, inorganic ions such as calcium, proteins, and bile pigments. These ingredients come in different proportions. There are different types of deposits: cholesterol, pigment and mixed. Mixed deposits, that is, cholesterol and pigment deposits, are by far the most common. Pigment deposits are commonly found in developing countries, such as Africa and Asia, but in developed countries, such as Europe and North America, they consist only of cholesterol.

Gallstone disease – causes

The mechanism of gallstone formation is complex, and experts often cannot indicate the specific reason for their formation. This phenomenon is caused by several factors, including disorders of lipid metabolism in the body and decreased secretion of bile acids. Another burden is bile stagnation, which allows pathogens such as bacteria to accumulate in the bile ducts.
Risk factors predisposing to the occurrence of this disease include:

Gallstone disease – attack symptoms

The pain caused by gallstones is sudden and sharp and can last from a few minutes to several hours. It is characterized by unpleasant cramps and dull pain on the right side of the abdomen, felt up to the shoulder and even the entire upper back. The discomfort in the lower chest often associated with this condition is sometimes confused with a heart attack. Symptoms typical of this disease include fever, chills, nausea that may lead to vomiting, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, and a change in skin tone to yellow, light-colored stools, and dark urine.

Cholelithiasis during pregnancy

Hormonal changes during the second and third trimester of pregnancy increase the risk of gallstone crystallization. Progesterone suppresses the contractility of the gallbladder, promoting bile stagnation. Stones block the bile ducts, which can lead to acute pancreatitis or obstructive jaundice. This condition typically requires hospitalization and the use of a special, easily digestible diet.

Gallstone disease – treatment

In case of an attack of biliary colic, painkillers (paracetamol, ketoprofen, diclofenac) and antispasmodics containing hyoscine, papaverine or drotaverine are used. Hospitals sometimes prescribe stronger opioid medications. Surgical treatment involves removal of the gallbladder, and after surgery it is necessary to switch to a low-fat diet. You can try to dissolve the deposits with ursodeoxycholic acid, but this is a long-term method and has a high risk of relapse.

Cholelithiasis – diet

Cholelithiasis – diet
A proper diet is a very important aspect of the fight against gallstones. The menu of a sick person should include mainly healthy foods low in fat. A diet that is usually easily digestible, although containing insoluble fiber, such as cooked vegetables, processed fruits, is usually recommended. Fatty and difficult to digest foods should be avoided.

Flaxseed and gallstones

Flaxseed has a positive effect on digestive functions and also affects the functioning of the gallbladder – it is most effective in the prevention of gallbladder diseases. Regulates the functioning of the gallbladder, promotes its cleansing, prevents the formation of inflammation and gallstones.

Oatmeal and gallstones

During an attack of the disease and when its symptoms subside, as well as during the recovery period after laparoscopic removal of the gallbladder and resection of the gallbladder, it is not recommended to consume whole grain oatmeal (unless we use instant oatmeal and do not overcook it, for example, in “milk” soup).). During the period of remission, their presence in the diet is very desirable, because then the diet should be rich in fiber-rich foods.

Are gallstones dangerous?

Gallstones carry the risk of serious health complications such as biliary colic, acute cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis and cholangitis.

Untreated gallstones – what are the consequences?

One of the most common complications of gallstone disease is acute cholecystitis. This is an indication for surgical removal of the follicle. Untreated cholecystitis can lead to life-threatening complications such as liver abscess, gallbladder empyema, or peritonitis.Gallstones affect one in five people, making it the most commonly diagnosed digestive disease in patients of all ages. What are the features of gallstone disease – what kind of disease is it, how does it manifest itself and how to deal with it?

What are gallstones?

Cholelithiasis is a condition in which insoluble deposits of many bile chemicals occur in the gallbladder or bile ducts. Bile consists of water, bile acids, cholesterol, fatty acids, phospholipids, proteins, bilirubin and inorganic compounds. Normally, all these substances dissolve in bile and are excreted in this form into the digestive tract, but disturbances in the composition of bile impact their solubility.
The first insoluble substances to precipitate are the so-called dirt and microcrystals, which over time combine into increasingly larger structures, resulting in the formation of deposits. Most often they form in the gallbladder and are then called cholecystolithiasis. Much less typically, they form in the bile ducts – then choledocholithiasis occurs. Typically, stones found in the bile ducts are of vesicular origin, that is, they enter these ducts from the gallbladder.
In most cases, stones are composed of cholesterol, inorganic ions such as calcium, proteins, and bile pigments. These ingredients come in different proportions. There are different types of deposits: cholesterol, pigment and mixed. Mixed deposits, that is, cholesterol and pigment deposits, are by far the most common. Pigment deposits are commonly found in developing countries, such as Africa and Asia, but in developed countries, such as Europe and North America, they consist only of cholesterol.

Gallstone disease – causes

The mechanism of gallstone formation is complex, and experts often cannot indicate the specific reason for their formation. This phenomenon is caused by several factors, including disorders of lipid metabolism in the body and decreased secretion of bile acids. Another burden is bile stagnation, which allows pathogens such as bacteria to accumulate in the bile ducts.
Risk factors predisposing to the occurrence of this disease include:

Gallstone disease – attack symptoms

The pain caused by gallstones is sudden and sharp and can last from a few minutes to several hours. It is characterized by unpleasant cramps and dull pain on the right side of the abdomen, felt up to the shoulder and even the entire upper back. The discomfort in the lower chest often associated with this condition is sometimes confused with a heart attack. Symptoms typical of this disease include fever, chills, nausea that may lead to vomiting, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, and a change in skin tone to yellow, light-colored stools, and dark urine.

Cholelithiasis during pregnancy

Hormonal changes during the second and third trimester of pregnancy increase the risk of gallstone crystallization. Progesterone suppresses the contractility of the gallbladder, promoting bile stagnation. Stones block the bile ducts, which can lead to acute pancreatitis or obstructive jaundice. This condition typically requires hospitalization and the use of a special, easily digestible diet.

Gallstone disease – treatment

In case of an attack of biliary colic, painkillers (paracetamol, ketoprofen, diclofenac) and antispasmodics containing hyoscine, papaverine or drotaverine are used. Hospitals sometimes prescribe stronger opioid medications. Surgical treatment involves removal of the gallbladder, and after surgery it is necessary to switch to a low-fat diet. You can try to dissolve the deposits with ursodeoxycholic acid, but this is a long-term method and has a high risk of relapse.

Cholelithiasis – diet

submitted by aglasnar to u/aglasnar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:37 beta_fishii Urinary Urge and constant sensation in the genitalia and bowel movement issues

Some info before I start:
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Height: 5’9-5’10
Weight: 180
Not on medication currently

So since late march - early April, so at the minimum of two months I’ve been feeling a constant urge to urinate. I also during this period I’ve been poor bowel movements where I’ve been having small amounts of narrow stool coming out throughout the day with the stool being light colored and soft, and with a feeling of not completely emptying out afterwards. The urgency to urinate has mostly been coming from what I can tell to be the urethra or glans. It wasn’t until around two weeks and a few days ago that one night I felt a tingling and simulating sensation on the glans of my penis and the tip of my foreskin and inside of my foreskin particularly the area around the glans and frenulum. The sensation would get worse after urinating with a feeling of coldness and wetness making it more intense and difficult to ignore causing me to feel uncomfortable, that I need to urinate more, and anxious. The tingling and simulation is by no means pleasurable and not necessarily painful but as stated before extremely uncomfortable and hard to ignore. These sensations sometimes spread to the rest of my genitalia and to my groin with my groin specifically feeling slight pins and needles. The sensation gets worse in the evening and especially during the night when trying to sleep. I don’t know if the feeling has always been their for two months but what I do know is that now I’ve been more focused on it and I’m definitely experiencing it now. My urine is usually clear with it only being yellow after waking up. Urinating isn’t painful however if I’ve already urinated say 20 minutes prior and I go back to try again after urgency reoccurred and if the urine is yellow, I’ll feel a slight warmth and almost burning during urination however to it’s not something that feels very painful.
Since that night I’ve been to my provider twice and given cephalexin and a laxative during my first visit, both of which didn’t work. I was also given lab orders during the first visit. During both visits I was also given a UTI test which came back negative both times. The second visit I was told how to take the laxative properly by increasing water intake but I was also told to try increasing fiber and fruit intake before continuing. The care giver I had the second time was confused as to why I was given cephalexin dispite the negative UTI test and I was told to wait for the lab results as she didn’t want to proscribe me medication when she didn’t know what was wrong. During both visits I didn’t mention yet the sensations I felt around my genitals, just the urge to urinate, which I understand is my fault.
The lab results are to be transferred in two days which means I’ll be able to see my provider then of which intend to basically show them what I have currently written out here. But my mental health during this waiting has gotten quite poor and I don’t know how much longer I’m willing to wait like this. For the past few days I had at some point during the day intense bout of anxiety, I’ve gotten poor sleep, I’ve gotten desperate and depressed, and I can’t bring myself to really eat. I feel like I might snap soon and I’ve had moments of wanting to go to the ER to be tested for what’s wrong with me and for my mental state. As of this morning I’m writing this my bowel movement today actually has looked normal, and I’m currently only feeling a slight urge to urinate from my urethra with a slight sensation at the tip, I suppose itchy would be best to describe it? Sorry for the wall of text but I’m really just desperate for answers and I just would like to know what wrong with me and if I’ll be able to get rid of this feeling.
Additionally I don’t know if this is important but I’ll add it anyways, on two separate occasions where I’ve have these sensations on my glans, urethra, and inside foreskin, I’ve taken ibuprofen and I was able to have some relief however I don’t know if that was coincidental or not.
submitted by beta_fishii to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:14 Significant_Form_973 Blood in stool for over 4 weeks, starving and stressed 😩

My daughter is 12 weeks old and has now had specks of blood in her stool for over 4 weeks now. I’m sorry the post is a bit long, I really just need some reassurance 😭
Mid march - LO was born via (sort of) failed induction which led to over 30 hours of labor and ended in me requiring a forceps delivery in theatre. Both LO and I were put on antibiotics due to a small temp I had during labour.
I noticed very early on that her poos were mucusy but when I showed photos to multiple medical professionals (GP, lactation consultant, health visitor, peads doctor) they all said they were normal so I tried not to worry. LO had mild colic as well (I say mild as it was not every day but could be quite bad on some days). She also had reflux and still does but we have managed this without medication (just by keeping her upright after feeds and in her cot at night as recommended by the GP)
I believe that I had an oversupply (milk would spray out regularly and I was engorged even after 6weeks) and LOs latch was not great (I was having nipple pain) but no one really cared as LO was gaining like 70g a day (she is now 7.2kg at 12 weeks). I decided to go to a private tongue tie practitioner who said that LO had a mild tie and we divided to have it revised. The afternoon after the revision I first noticed red specks of blood in LOs stool, I originally thought this was due to the procedure but it then carried on and has not stopped.
I have cut dairy (4+ weeks), soy (4+ weeks), oats (2+ weeks), wheat (1+ weeks) and egg (4+weeks) which I have introduced back this week because I was literally starving myself and I really worried for my supply (as well as my mental state!)
On the days where I was literally hardly eating anything the blood seemed to be better but now I have had to add things back in (to stop myself from starving!) the blood is worse than ever. It’s still specks of red blood but there is much more of them and her stools are greenish/yellow/brown with lots of mucus. She doesn’t have any skin issues, has tiny amounts of spit up but nothing crazy.
I feel beside myself with worry. My husband just says oh she’s just getting used to food but I can’t just see blood and mucus as normal. I feel like I am being robbed of the joy of having my baby right now when I just want to relax and enjoy it all. We are talking her abroad next week to meet her grandparents for the first time and I feel like I don’t even want to go. I am questioning everything I am eating and cutting foods out constantly thinking that they are hurting her. Crazily enough, although the blood/mucus seems to have got worse this week her temperament is not bad at all, she’s generally been a happy baby with a normal amount of fussiness.
The only thing I can think of is that she’s reacting to eggs that I have added in again this week and I need to cut them out again but without oats/eggs/dairy I am short on things for breakfast and worried I am going to hurt my supply by doing this.
We have seen a doctor but she just said keep cutting out the dairy/soy and she’ll see us again in 6-8weeks. But I’m worried, am I damaging her by allowing blood to remain? I’m not prepared to stop breastfeeding as there is no guarantee that things will get better on formula and I would be devastated to lose my supply and her still have these issues.
I would love if anyone has had a similar journey and could offer any advice or their own experience. Or if anyone has had symptoms get worse around 4 weeks before getting better? I’m just feeling really fed up and overwhelmed at the moment. Thanks 🙏🏻
submitted by Significant_Form_973 to MSPI [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:48 IrnBroski Advice sought regarding ecoli infection in some of my cats

Story so far: (can skip the bit in italics)
Adopted 2 cats in 2022, a mother and a kitten. Mother (M) was unspayed, kitten (D) was a skinny little bugger.
Both healthy enough, mum's poop could be a little soft and smelly at times but I figured that was just her poop.
Fast forward a year, i haven't spayed her yet because honestly I feel bad doing it, but i know it's the best thing to do. So I come to the compromise - i will let her have one more litter of kittens and then get her spayed. So I find a good stud cat on the net and get the deed done. A couple months later she gives birth to 5 healthy kittens and one stillborn.
I feed mum more now since she's eating for 6, but her poop becomes really bad, and the kittens have a few poop issues too. I find good homes for 4 out of the 5 and get them away, but for the fifth kitten a buyer drops out at the last minute, and I end up stuck with her (S). Anyway, she's lovely but occasionally has bright red blood in her stool which is worrying.
So i get her poop tested and it comes back with a pure growth of beta haemolytic ecoli. I then get the other two's poop tested and they also come back with beta haemolytic ecoli (predominating but not pure). They are put on a 20 day course of amox/clav, after which i get them all tested again. The older 2, M and D, now don't have signs of the infection, but S, the kitten, still has it and it is now also resistant to amox/clav.
Go back to the vet, they give her an injection of cefovecin (I think that's the name), wait a bit, get them all tested again - now M has the infection again, predominating but not pure, D is still clear and S has pure ecoli culture in her poop - BUT it is no longer flagging as resistant.
These tests were last week so I've sent them to my vet who is yet to get back to me - just asking around here if anyone has any insight.
Firstly, it seems unusual to me that the ecoli that was first flagging as resistant in S has now become sensitive to amox/clav. Not that I am complaining as amox seems to be the most effective antibiotic out of the lot for it, but just unusual. I called the lab that did the test and they said they have changed their methodology and now use some equipment which is more accurate.
And secondly, just seeking general advice on how to bring their guts back to health. Can 2 antibiotics be administered at the same time? amox and cef? I know it would be strong for S (she's 7 months old) but she is well within herself, active and running around playing with her sister. M is an adult and at least 3.5 years old. Maybe fighting the infection on 2 fronts would be more effective? Just seeking advice here, I would like my kitties to be free of this disease and will do what needs to be done for that to happen.
(and in case you are wondering, M is spayed now and i told all the people who took kittens from me about the infection the moment S's first test came back and again when M and D's tests came back)
submitted by IrnBroski to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:44 Local_Year_9367 Surgery comes closer and i start doubting myself, please help:(

Hi everyone, I have my surgery consultation tomorrow. As surgery is getting closer and closer I am starting to doubt myself more and more. This is mainly because I have no concrete diagnosis and I have had to put a lot of effort into getting a surgeon consult. I dont want to make a wrong choice now and screw my life up since im 23 years now.
what I doubt the most are my symptoms. I have had a dull pain in my upper right abdomen almost daily for 2 years. In march my billirubin levels began to elevate and my doctor insisted for an ultrasound. This came back clear. A few weeks after I got huge pain in the RUQ which made me do nothing for 2 days and i hesitated to go to the emergency room. A few days after this heavy pain subsided I had an endoscopy ultrasound to look for gallstones but nothing was found. Also my billirubin levels where turned to normal.
At the starts of this journey i have suffered from yellow colored stool and constipation, massive flatulence and my appetite has completely disappeared since the pain started in my upper right abdomen. I also feel like food stays in my stomach and little to no bile comes in. I say this because I have to supplement artichoke and bile salts and consume black coffe to get more normal (color and shape) and easier to pass stools.
I also suffer a lot from a hangover feeling every morning. It feels like like being dehydrated despite eating healthy and drinking a lot (3L) a day. Some other symptoms of mine are burping, nausea, extreme tiredness, weight loss, weak muscles, headaches, derealization.
Am i making the right choice? Does anyone recognize these symptoms? Please let me know it would do me good to be a little more sure that I am making the right choice
Additional info: I have now had 2 ultrasound of the gallbladder, an endoscopy, an endoscopy ultrasound (EUS) and MRCP. These scans all came back good. HIDA scan is not possible in my country (EU) which is very unfortunate. .
submitted by Local_Year_9367 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:33 mrpooooopy Burning anus STD

Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The disease can be transmitted through any sexual route including anal sex. Despite being a common STD, many people with gonorrhea may not exhibit any symptoms.
Gonorrhea can spread from your genitals to your anus when you wipe after having a bowel movement. Anal infection can cause itching, anal discharge, and pain when passing stools. Other symptoms may differ between men and women.
Symptoms in women may include pain or burning during urination, bleeding between periods: and abnormal (yellow or bloody) vaginal discharge.
Symptoms in men may include white, yellowish, or green penile discharge, pain or swelling in the testes, and pain or burning when urinating.
  1. Anal herpes
Anal herpes can be caused by either of the two main herpes simplex viruses (HSVs)—herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. Herpes transmission generally occurs when the infected partner does not have visible lesions. HSV can affect any part of the body but is most commonly seen on the genitals, mouth, or anus.
Anal herpes lesions mainly appear as one or more fluid-filled rashes (vesicles) or small blisters. The rashes typically occur on or around the genitals, anus, or mouth and can lead to anal pain, discharge, itching, and change in bowel habits.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]