

2023.04.18 05:37 National-Category-36 #Adderallshortage

#Adderallshortage submitted by National-Category-36 to u/National-Category-36 [link] [comments]

2022.08.07 10:20 XGusta23 Oxicodona (oxicontin)

o que 140mg de oxicodona (oxycontin) pode fazer no organismo ??
submitted by XGusta23 to farmacodependentes [link] [comments]

2021.01.07 00:28 Affectionate_Meal_60 Wife just passed away from cancer and I decided to join her.

Pleas no messegas to about to change my mind. I was wonddring i i habe enough pilla to do it. Pai n is not such a big issoue.
I got about : 300 mg xanax
100 2 mg ETIZOLAM
10 200 mg tramadol
20g og kush
And IF ill wait to friday i vill have, 800 oxicontine
I have a lot off uppgers like speep and Coke andsuch nu i only think They vill do The oposite efect.
Should i go for it or just wait to friday?
submitted by Affectionate_Meal_60 to depression [link] [comments]

2020.10.22 11:23 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - OxiContin Maker To Pay Out Billions In Civil, Criminal Penalties NPR

[Business] - OxiContin Maker To Pay Out Billions In Civil, Criminal Penalties NPR submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2020.10.22 11:13 AutoNewsAdmin [Business] - OxiContin Maker To Pay Out Billions In Civil, Criminal Penalties

[Business] - OxiContin Maker To Pay Out Billions In Civil, Criminal Penalties submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to NPRauto [link] [comments]

2020.02.15 22:19 bdunn Severe back pain. Help?

I have a serious problem and could use some advice. Note that I have been prescribed Seconal (one of the most addictive drugs) in the past and stopped it without a second thought. I also have no addictions and I am 49 years old.
Used to think I had chronic kidney stones so I went to the ER frequently. Often there was a stone but sometimes there wasn’t. I had always assumed I simply passed it.
In 2014 I had severe pain and visited a urologist who did a CAT or MRI and found no stones and send me to a spine pain specialist. As it turns out I had broken my back when I was much younger - maybe 14-15 years old (see image). Of course, I didn’t know that at the time but I did have a significant fall.
I was treated with cortisone shots in my spine and the pain vanished within a day or two. That lasted about four years which I’m told is considered a great outcome.
Over the last couple of years this pain has been increasing. I had more cortisone shots about a year ago. Those helped for about two weeks and since that time it has only grown worse.
At this point I have to stay in bed for 2-3 days in order to be more mobile for a day without massive pain. As a result I have gained a lot of weight (up to 400 lbs), so exercise has become more difficult. Walking almost any distance is painful. Sitting upright for long periods of time is painful. I am doing intermittent fasting combined with Keto to help weight loss but there is only so much that can do with such inactivity.
The spine pain specialist told me that medications will not help with the exception of these cortisone pills which I can only take twice a year. I believe he may be right as at one time I did try taking Hydrocodone and there was absolutely no discernible difference in the pain.
Does anyone know of anything that may be much stronger that could help me be more mobile to the point where I can lose enough weight in order to qualify for spinal surgery? I know nothing about OxiContin or Fentanyl. I’m considering seeking help from a pain control doctor of some kind, but if there is likely nothing that can treat my pain to some degree I won’t bother.
I really need some guidance here. I’m concerned that I may end up with a pain specialist who is more of a pill mill. I need help, not a high. In fact, I think the only time I have ever experience anything like that was at the ER with huge doses of morphine and I’m not interested in a feeling other than NOT HURTING when I need to be more active.
Any advice or thoughts are appreciated. I don’t think I will live long the way things are going, and I am married with four kids (sole large-income provider who works at home).
submitted by bdunn to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2018.11.12 08:10 freddymcdiggz69 Todays poverty epidemic was caused entirely by oxicontin

submitted by freddymcdiggz69 to CrazyIdeas [link] [comments]

2017.04.03 09:30 anonymous_who Let's call Governor Matt Bevins on 4/20!

Every year, Senator Perry Clark files a medical cannabis bill and our lawmakers ignore it. This year he filed both a medical and a recreational bill, and they were both the top viewed and monitored bills according to https://legiscan.com/KY. The only way anything can happen is if Governor Bevin calls for a Special Assembly.
Perhaps you don't support recreational cannabis, but it is inexcusable that we do not have medical. The perks of recreational include wiping out the black market and Mexican cartels, as well as giving people a non-addictive, non-fatal, non-stupidity inducing alternative to alcohol; but a comprehensive medical plan is desperately needed for our sick.
Our state has the highest cancer rate of any state, and sick cancer patients cannot have a medicine that has been proven to replace a plethora of drugs for appetite, pain, nausea, and depression.
We have veterans with PTSD who are prescribed addictive opioids, when cannabis has proven to be a non-addictive alternative. They even have their own organization...
Heroin and OxiContin has been sweeping our state for years, and cannabis has proven to cause opioid prescriptions to decline, as well as serve as a treatment for addiction...
Kentucky is ranked 10th in Alzheimer deaths. Cannabis has shown to reduce many symptoms of Alzheimer's, and researchers have found that THC actually stimulates toxic plaque on the brain, which may prove to be an actual cure to this disease...
There are so many benefits of this plant it's almost ridiculous. Here is a huge list of treatments and dosing suggestions by MayoClinic...
If you still have doubts, you should know that the DEA was recently sued for breaking the Information Quality Act and lying about cannabis. They had to remove many things from their site such as the "gateway drug" nonsense, that cannabis causes schizophrenia and psychosis, and that it causes lung cancer...
And to everyone's surprise, since Colorado legalized cannabis teen rates have actually dropped below the national average...
TL;DR: Cannabis treats many diseases that affect Kentucky, the DEA removed several lies from their site such as the "gateway drug" theory, and legalization has shown to decrease teen use.
Let's call Governor Bevin on Thursday, April 20th! Help me spread the news on forums, Facebook, and Twitter. Here is the phone number...
It takes about 3 minutes and it's very painless. Just say you want Gov. Bevin to call a Special Assembly for cannabis, and then hang up. Each call gets marked by topic, so you don't even have to explain why.
submitted by anonymous_who to lexington [link] [comments]

2017.04.03 09:05 anonymous_who Let's Call Governor Matt Bevins on 4/20!

Every year, Senator Perry Clark files a medical cannabis bill and our lawmakers ignore it. This year he filed both a medical and a recreational bill, and they were both the top viewed and monitored bills according to https://legiscan.com/KY. The only way anything can happen is if Governor Bevin calls for a Special Assembly.
Perhaps you don't support recreational cannabis, but it is inexcusable that we do not have medical. The perks of recreational include wiping out the black market and Mexican cartels, as well as giving people a non-addictive, non-fatal, non-stupidity inducing alternative to alcohol; but a comprehensive medical plan is desperately needed for our sick.
Our state has the highest cancer rate of any state, and sick cancer patients cannot have a medicine that has been proven to replace a plethora of drugs for appetite, pain, nausea, and depression.
We have veterans with PTSD who are prescribed addictive opioids, when cannabis has proven to be a non-addictive alternative. They even have their own organization...
Heroin and OxiContin has been sweeping our state for years, and cannabis has proven to cause opioid prescriptions to decline, as well as serve as a treatment for addiction...
Kentucky is ranked 10th in Alzheimer deaths. Cannabis has shown to reduce many symptoms of Alzheimer's, and researchers have found that THC actually stimulates toxic plaque on the brain, which may prove to be an actual cure to this disease...
There are so many benefits of this plant it's almost ridiculous. Here is a huge list of treatments and dosing suggestions by MayoClinic...
If you still have doubts, you should know that the DEA was recently sued for breaking the Information Quality Act and lying about cannabis. They had to remove many things from their site such as the "gateway drug" nonsense, that cannabis causes schizophrenia and psychosis, and that it causes lung cancer...
And to everyone's surprise, since Colorado legalized cannabis teen rates have actually dropped below the national average...
TL;DR: Cannabis treats many diseases that affect Kentucky, the DEA removed several lies from their site such as the "gateway drug" theory, and legalization has shown to decrease teen use.
Let's call Governor Bevin on Thursday, April 20th! Help me spread the news on forums, Facebook, and Twitter. Here is the phone number...
It takes about 3 minutes and it's very painless. Just say you want Gov. Bevin to call a Special Assembly for cannabis, and then hang up. Each call gets marked by topic, so you don't even have to explain why.
submitted by anonymous_who to Louisville [link] [comments]

2017.04.03 09:04 anonymous_who Let's call Gov. Matt Bevins on 4/20!

Every year, Senator Perry Clark files a medical cannabis bill and our lawmakers ignore it. This year he filed both a medical and a recreational bill, and they were both the top viewed and monitored bills according to https://legiscan.com/KY. The only way anything can happen is if Governor Bevin calls for a Special Assembly.
Perhaps you don't support recreational cannabis, but it is inexcusable that we do not have medical. The perks of recreational include wiping out the black market and Mexican cartels, as well as giving people a non-addictive, non-fatal, non-stupidity inducing alternative to alcohol; but a comprehensive medical plan is desperately needed for our sick.
Our state has the highest cancer rate of any state, and sick cancer patients cannot have a medicine that has been proven to replace a plethora of drugs for appetite, pain, nausea, and depression.
We have veterans with PTSD who are prescribed addictive opioids, when cannabis has proven to be a non-addictive alternative. They even have their own organization...
Heroin and OxiContin has been sweeping our state for years, and cannabis has proven to cause opioid prescriptions to decline, as well as serve as a treatment for addiction...
Kentucky is ranked 10th in Alzheimer deaths. Cannabis has shown to reduce many symptoms of Alzheimer's, and researchers have found that THC actually stimulates toxic plaque on the brain, which may prove to be an actual cure to this disease...
There are so many benefits of this plant it's almost ridiculous. Here is a huge list of treatments and dosing suggestions by MayoClinic...
If you still have doubts, you should know that the DEA was recently sued for breaking the Information Quality Act and lying about cannabis. They had to remove many things from their site such as the "gateway drug" nonsense, that cannabis causes schizophrenia and psychosis, and that it causes lung cancer...
And to everyone's surprise, since Colorado legalized cannabis teen rates have actually dropped below the national average...
TL;DR: Cannabis treats many diseases that affect Kentucky, the DEA removed several lies from their site such as the "gateway drug" theory, and legalization has shown to decrease teen use.
Let's call Governor Bevin on Thursday, April 20th! Help me spread the news on forums, Facebook, and Twitter. Here is the phone number...
It takes about 3 minutes and it's very painless. Just say you want Gov. Bevin to call a Special Assembly for cannabis, and then hang up. Each call gets marked by topic, so you don't even have to explain why.
submitted by anonymous_who to Kentucky [link] [comments]

2015.05.07 00:52 _ididabadthing I went back to the needle...

Throwaway account for obvious reasons.
I'll make this back-story as brief as possible. I was always a golden child. A goodie two-shoes, student council president, blah blah. When I turned 17 (I graduated early) I became involved in a toxic relationship for six years (engaged actually). He introduced me to Oxicontin...then heroin...all IV. I was an addict for three years with him.
Until I found him overdosed, grey...not breathing... I did CPR until paramedics arrived, where they informed me he had officially died for a minute and a half. He was in a coma for some time. From there, he went straight to rehab.
After waiting patiently, going through heroin withdrawls, and for his sake staying hopeful that we could escape this, hopefully, he was released. He then broke it off with me.
Skip ahead. Depression. Deep depression. You can imagine right? I continued using for another year.
Then. One day, I just decided to stop. I did not go to rehab, instead I went through the withdrawl of heavy heroin use on my own. I probably could have died, but I made it. On my own couch, wiping up my own vomit and tears. Now, it is almost five years later. I have turned my life around. I am a published author. I have a well paying job, where my writing talents are appreciated and praised.
I am also in a healthy, happy, and amazing relationship with a man who knows of my past, and accepts it, and has never even seen heroin. I have been clean for almost five years now.
But. Just now. I found coke. Just a little. I had some spare needles that I had hidden years ago. I shot it up. I did. It wasn't beneficial per-se, but I did it five times in the span of an hour. Just because I love the feeling of the needle. It's hard to explain to someone who doesn't know the "addiction to the needle", but it exists, and it is impossible to shake.
My boyfriend's heart would break if he knew that I did such a thing, but I feel like I can't help myself. Any time I hear someone talk about heroin or the sort of drug I was into, my ears perk up...I can't help it.
My boyfriend makes me happy. He does. He would die inside if I told him that I did such a thing behind his back. But I did. I wish I didn't. I remember why I quit, now. It's not worth it. I love him, and I feel that I have betrayed him.
I absolutely cannot tell him. I just can't. I just needed to get this off my chest...and these tracks off my arm...
Help me. I want to die inside for what I just did. I showed weakness. Though I know, after what I've been through that I'm NOT weak. I just...I don't know. Make me feel better?
TL;DR: I used hard IV drugs behind my boyfriend's back, after vowing not to.
submitted by _ididabadthing to MMFB [link] [comments]

2015.05.07 00:37 _ididabadthing I went back to the needle.

Throwaway account for obvious reasons.
I'll make this back-story as brief as possible. I was always a golden child. A goodie two-shoes, student council president, blah blah. When I turned 17 (I graduated early) I became involved in a toxic relationship for six years (engaged actually). He introduced me to Oxicontin...then heroin...all IV. I was an addict for three years with him. Until I found him overdosed, grey...not breathing... I did CPR until paramedics arrived, where they informed me he had officially died for a minute and a half. He was in a coma for some time. From there, he went straight to rehab. After waiting patiently, going through heroin withdrawls, and for his sake staying hopeful that we could escape this, hopefully, he was released. He then broke it off with me.
Skip ahead. Depression. Deep depression. You can imagine right? I continued using for another year.
Then. One day, I just decided to stop. I did not go to rehab, instead I went through the withdrawl of heavy heroin use on my own. I probably could have died, but I made it. On my own couch, wiping up my own vomit and tears.
Now, it is almost five years later. I have turned my life around. I am a published author. I have a well paying job, where my writing talents are appreciated and praised. I am also in a healthy, happy, and amazing relationship with a man who has never even seen heroin. I have been clean for almost five years now.
But. Just now. I found coke. Just a little. I had some spare needles that I had hidden years ago. I shot it up. I did. It wasn't beneficial per-se, but I did it five times in the span of an hour. Just because I love the feeling of the needle. It's hard to explain to someone who doesn't know the "addiction to the needle", but it exists, and it is impossible to shake.
My boyfriend's heart would break if he knew that I did such a thing, but I feel like I can't help myself. Any time I hear someone talk about heroin or the sort of drug I was into, my ears perk up...I can't help it.
My boyfriend makes me happy. He does. He would die inside if I told him that I did such a thing behind his back. But I did. I wish I didn't. I remember why I quit, now. It's not worth it. I love him, and I feel that I have betrayed him.
I absolutely cannot tell him. I just can't. I just needed to get this off my chest...and these tracks off my arm...
submitted by _ididabadthing to offmychest [link] [comments]

2014.04.20 23:53 ITSDUANE "A-Lister": a list of names

The Armadildos, Vancouver War Smoothies, Wet Denim, The Poliolympics, The Beachbums, Polynesian Acrobats, Sasquatch Wedding, American Filth, C'rickets, The Infomercials, Jewish Cosmic Zombie, Billy Mays and The Oxicontin Cleaners, PUSSY ACHE, Marvelous Duke and The Jolly Good-Thens, Freedom T'wang, Knuckle Dragger, (actual band name) The Gasoline Holocaust, The Banana Pajama Jam Band, Hairy Fenklestein's Retro Electro Replacement Basement Music Project, P and The Vees, The President's Been Assassinated, LoveLicker, The Cumqauts, Grave Surfer, Robbin' Willums and The Arm Chair Arm Hairs, Afghanistan Banana Stand, Dick Clark Kent, NECROPHALLUS, Bionic Jesus Dinosaur Man Child, DA'BOMB SNIFFERS, Raddcliff Jones and The Poor Choices, Pope Diaper, Jodie Foster and The People, Bulb Eater, Xtra Feggit, Hooligan Danbury and The Dust Bins of Yorkshire England, Ghandi With The Wind, Murder The Moon, Wear-o-Wolf, Taddy Baxter Suffocates The World, The Disposal Service, (actual band name) Bitch Teeth, Dylan The Destroyer, Bee Ounce Yay and The Bounce Houses
EDIT: Gotta keep 'em separated
submitted by ITSDUANE to Bandnames [link] [comments]

2013.12.23 13:36 OpShmishmortion I think i might need some help.

At this point I don't know what to do. I've been told that i have had depression my entire life and I don't want to live like this anymore. Before you tell me to "get help" or "talk to someone", trust me I have tried. I can't remember the last time I was happy and every time I do I think of the infinite amount of shit that has happened. I didn't make a friend until i was sixteen, I had a girlfriend once but that didn't last too long since she fell in love with someone else while I was deployed. I failed out of university, becoming thousands of dollars in dept and within weeks of that I was in a sever car accident. Losing everything I ended up living in an piece of shit truck that barely ran, gulping down oxicontin just to numb myself from memories and the thought of how empty and lonely my future was going to be. Those two years were pure and simple hell, I wish I could describe in more detail, but unfortunately I think you might know the feeling too well.
A lot of sadness has happened since then but during all of it I wanted something better than what I had. I made it my goal to turn my life around I was obsessed by it. It was either "success or death" that was my motto for a year while I was working working three jobs. Since then I have greatly improved my life, But...I still hate myself, I hate everything about me. I hate my past, I hate what I have, I hate my personality, and I hate the fact that every morning I have to look at the mirror and see the ugly thing standing there. I have anxiety attacks daily and I feel crushed every time I walk out my front door. I think of suicide everyday, it's a temptation that haunts me, follows me around. It's like the giant red button that reads "push to stop the ride" that i feel i am leaning on. I want to be happy, I want to have the feeling that people care for me I want to be successful. But I know now that will never happen. I have attempted it numerous times in the past but never accomplished it. I've made plans to try again and this time i think i will be successful.
TL;DR: My entire life has been depressing, I'm fighting a battle i am losing. I just want someone to talk to.
submitted by OpShmishmortion to depression [link] [comments]

2013.09.09 17:11 saichampa In a tonne of pain, can't sleep

So I came out of surgery just under 3 weeks ago, spinal fusion and prosthetic disc replacement in my neck. I had 3 discs removed. They also fixed the reversed curvature of my spine.
I'm 28 BTW, so pretty young to be dealing with this, especially because it's purely degenerative, there's no cause for it.
I've had weird neck problems all my life, but in 2008 I had a major neck spasm. I went to the emergency room and they told me it would clear up on a few months.
4 years later (last year, 2012) I was dealing with depression and the pain in my neck still had never gone from that spasm back in 2008. My GP sent me for a CT scan and it came back that I had 4 herniated discs, osteophyte formation and reversal of the curvature of my cervical spine.
So after seeing physios, and finally a neurosurgeon, I recently had surgery to fix moist of what was wrong.
I was discharged from hospital 5 days after surgery, sent home with a supply of oxicontin (slow release oxycodone) and some end one (immediate release oxycodone for when it got really bad).
I went through the endone over a few days, got another lot after seeing my GP, which lasted me through most of last week. Unfortunately she was away last week so when things started going backwards I couldn't get in to see her.
The slow release ran out too.
Now I'm stuck with over the counter combination paracetamol(acetaminophen)/codeine and ibuprofen. I can only take the codeine 4 times a day because of the paracetamol limit. The ibuprofen wreaks havoc on my stomach.
I'm in bed, in pain I'm not handling, and I can't sleep. Through the day I can distract myself, but at night, it's overwhelming.
I've got a followup appointment with the neurosurgeon office and then an appointment with my GP on Thursday.
I don't know how I'm going to cope until then.
P.S. I've got a partner who's here with me and really trying to help, but there's little he can do. I feel bad for keeping him awake earlier...
Follow up: I managed to get some sleep, not feeling much better physically today, but feeling a bit better mentally. Honestly though, it takes a lot of mental energy to hold it together. At least I can distract myself through the day.
submitted by saichampa to MMFB [link] [comments]

2011.10.10 17:25 HarryStamper IAmA recovering opiate addict who took Suboxone instead of Methadone to come off opiates. I am living proof it works. AmA.

I was heavily addicted to opiates for 5 years. I was what they call a "functioning addict". No one would have ever looked at me and said "She's a pill head". Roxi's were my flavor. I found the cure to opiate addiction with the medicine Suboxone. I would encourage anyone who has struggled with this sickness to try Suboxone. I'm open to any and all questions. I hope I can help someone in my old shoes.
*******Can I just add to this, I apologize to the people who have gotten confused over what this about. I am simply trying to provide advice or info on getting off of opiates and something that can help the in-between. Suboxone has been very helpful to me in my constant struggle to stay off of opiates. And ok, not the kind of Suboxone opiate, I mean oxy codine and oxicontin. Let's be real people. Quit getting on my shit. I'm trying to help.
submitted by HarryStamper to IAmA [link] [comments]

2008.06.21 03:07 buzaw0nk Take a few Oxicontin, some Jack Daniels, then go for a swim...in your Ford Explorer!

submitted by buzaw0nk to reddit.com [link] [comments]
