Lamictal add

BP2 and Benzodiazepines for anxiety w/ Dysregulated nervous system?

2024.05.21 23:21 Maddihtml BP2 and Benzodiazepines for anxiety w/ Dysregulated nervous system?

Hi all,
I hope this is the correct post for this.
TLDR: What kinds of medications have you personally tried that have WORKED/helped your anxiety to the point where you can live comfortably? Should I try Benzodiazepines? I'm just so lost and at my wits end with myself, and I just need some help.
My name is Maddi, I am 26 and I have bipolar 2, major depressive disorder, and severe anxiety. My bipolar and depression are being managed by medication I am already on (Lamictal 200mg, Abilify 15mg, Seroquel 100mg x2 daily, and Seroquel ER 200mg once daily for insomnia) (Seems like a lot to me, to be honest) However, my anxiety has been SEVERE and has caused me to quit jobs because I was so physically sick I would be sent down into a huge panic attack, sobbing, cant breathe, inconsolable, just a mess, and it would make me vomit and retch for hours on end, no matter how comfortable at my job I am, I still get very severe anxiety, I would take a Zofran or ondansetron for it, but it would still persist. I have been prescribed every SSRI, SSNRI, and anti-anxiety medication, (when I say every, I mean I could literally make you a laundry list of all the medications I have been on since the age of 15, but its so long, lets not) Its easily over 15 different kinds. We have also tried Clonazepam with NO EFFECT whatsoever. We've tried upping it, nothing works, if anything it heightened my anxiety and energy. I do smoke THC in hopes that it helps my anxiety, and it does lower it a SLIGHT BIT, but I still get physically ill and cannot do that at work obviously. But, alas, nothing has really worked to manage the anxiety. I'm not asking for something that will completely take it away, but I need something that will make it more manageable, my Dr. says I have a dysregulated nervous system, so things don't always work how they are intend to. What my doctor is worried about, and what I am kind of worried about, is the tolerance build up, and addiction runs in my family. I am very self aware, and understand those types of pills can lead down that road, but I am smarter than that, To add, I am in therapy, and go every 2 weeks for an hour long session, I do have coping skills I am implementing, but when you get to the point where your physically sick and inconsolable, it's really difficult to implement those things, and they don't work, it's just the anxiety ruling my life. My therapist thinks I should reschedule to see my Dr. sooner so we can discuss, but I was just wondering what y'alls experience has been and some advice.
Should I try benzodiazepines? Would it be worth looking into?
Thank you all in advance <3
submitted by Maddihtml to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:47 ImAtinyHurricane Ughhh

My psychiatrist was supposed to review me because I've just started lamictal. He left and I have to accept my new psychiatrist but then I won't see him until the 20th of September. I'm afraid the lamictal will send me manic. I'm supposed to be trying to come off the quetiapine and going onto something else so I can wake up early enough to get to morning lectures as I'm going into my final year of university and my grades matter most then. I don't know what to do because if the lamotrigine triggers mania I won't be very aware of it and I don't want to go to hospital just because the lamotrigine has sent me manic. I'm tired of feeling like a zombie but at the same time I domt want to relapse. I really don't know what to do. I'm running out of my lamictal and I have to wait 72hrs for a new prescription... guessing that will be Friday and I'll be like ughh because I have volunteering that day now I might be late. I'm literally panicking. How am I supposed to start a new medication when I can't even see a doctor to talk about if it suits me and whether to add something else in. I haven't even got my anxiety under control and this is just making it worse. I honestly can't wait to go out tomorrow and buy myself a new build a bear and base it of a character from a british TV show... any advice? I felt like yelling at the receptionist but I didn't. She's nice but I wish My psychs wouldn't just leave me like this. No one even tells me when they leave. I'm just so tired of it. I dont know what to do. I'm gonna be out of lamictal for like 2 days then I'm hoping to get it increased a little bit to see if it will let me feel anything. I'm still on promethazine for anxiety which I'm trying to take as little as possible. I'm so stuck at this point. I'm not even sure what to do with myself. I kinda wanna get a service dog because at least then if I have another episode my dog should be able to tell me. Just as I was finally getting somewhere.... I don't even wake up to an alarm. Honestly what am I supposed to do?
submitted by ImAtinyHurricane to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:18 Ok-Departure-6728 Stuck in a never ending cycle. Doomed to die early and fat.

I'm exhausted thinking about what to say but I desperately need help so I'm sorry for rambling.
I am a 33 yr old mom to an autistic 3 yr old son. I'm currently 262 lbs. I got up to like 283 lbs during my pregnancy starting from 260. After I had my son I lost 40lbs and got back down to 240.
I'm posting here because I feel like I'm at my wits end and being overweight is going to kill me. I have been overweight my entire life. As a child my mom made fun of me for being fat despite being the one to provide me with a poor diet. I have had mental health problems such as anxiety and depression since I was nine. I've been physically, mentally, and sexually abused. I have tried therapy and meds etc. Most recently my psychiatrist is treating me for Bipolar and ADHD, I also have cptsd. She has me on Wellbutrin, lamictal, buspar. I'm also on metformin for my PCOS and pantoprazole for my GERD.
In 2018 I went from 240 to 190lbs with diet and exercise. I was the happiest and probably healthiest I have ever been. I was planning to set my goal even lower to lose more weight. Then in 2019 my dad died from a fentanyl overdose. I stopped caring about anything. I gained another 40lbs and was drinking pretty regularly. In 2020 (during COVID) despite being told it would be nearly impossible I became pregnant with my son. I had a rough pregnancy, just painful and sick all the time. Still gained weight some how.
It's a long background but I feel it's important and factors into my issues though I'm not trying to use these things as excuses. I was doing well until recently. I had lost 10lbs in a month and a half maybe. After having some bad PPD and ppa I started seriously seeking mental help and after trying several things I was put on Wellbutrin and the lamictal.
Suddenly I was overwhelmed with hunger pains at night. I would have to get up to eat to make my stomach stop growling. To try to cut things short since having my son, things have become difficult. He was a baby who never slept, had acid reflux and stomach issues so he was always fussing. As a toddler and until now he's been mostly nonverbal until recently. He's an extremely picky eater and only now a sometimes okay sleeper. He has sensory issues and we are pretty sure he also has adhd. I love my son more than life but it is hard sometimes. I have no support, my family is dead, on drugs or not involved with me. It is STRESSFUL as someone with my past experiences.
This is all to say usually, I'm exhausted. My cortisol is high. Now I'm very overweight and it's caused sleep apnea. That makes me more tired. I can't sleep properly because of body pains probably from being overeight and then there's my son not sleeping most of the time. The will to do anything is almost non-existent. I usually just constantly clean my house but that's not real activity. When I'm stressed instead of having some kind of outburst or panic attack I eat something. I grab a cookie, or snack or whatever. This is recent behavior. We are poor and because of my sons picky eating which is mostly processed foods despite our best efforts to provide him with healthy meals, we usually can't afford extra healthy things for ourselves but we try. I feel like I'm stuck now in a loop of constantly being tired, that makes me stressed and inactive. That makes me depressed and I eat snacks or unhealthy food. I'm so tired.. so tired. I desperately want to change. I feel so alone and I already compulsively search the Internet for things and with all my research it just says the obvious things like diet and exercise. I just need someone like me to please tell me how to overcome my mental and parental struggles to push myself to do this. How do I push through the exhaustion? The self loathing and guilt?
I usually only eat two meals a day with a snack thrown in somewhere. It's just the quality is bad a lot of times. I know that's the most important part. I know this post is long and kind of everywhere but if theres a slim chance anyone like me has gotten through this, I would be so grateful for any advice. Thank you.
Edit to add I forgot I've had two concussions since December and that has also worsened things for me.
submitted by Ok-Departure-6728 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 11:34 Mountain-Science4526 OCD / Rumination / Intrusive Thoughts On Lamictal

My OCD and intrusive repetitive thoughts began on Lamictal. I developed OCD with a capital O which was around things I’d experienced in the past which I rarely thought about in years. On Lamictal they kept repeating over and over and over in my head.
The same effect also happened with my tics. I have involuntary facial tics which weren’t as apparent as when I was younger now I’m Lamictal they’re back after years. They’re the most prevelant they’ve been since I was a kid which is annoying as I do alot of public speaking.
There’s a mechanism which causes this in some of us: apparently it’s something to do with glutamate and that causes OCD and Lamictal impacts it.
I’ve never experienced OCD in my life. Only depression so this a very distressing experience. I also developed obsessions with straight lines.
Everything had to be in a straight line. I am organising everything in straight lines. I feel like I should quit but it’s really helped my moods and depression. But I am finding these repeating patterns very distressing.
Ive also developed ear worms on it. Which is an odd sensation where the same song plays over and over and over in your head. It’s not great.
However it helps depression and mood swings so I’m stuck on it for now. But I’m considering tapering off as I’m remembering things/people I have PTSD over which I’d rather forget. And it just plays over and over in my head.
I’ll wake up and the name of the person I have ptsd over will play in my head over and over and over and over.
I may add an SSRI but I am finding this very distressing. I’ve never experienced such before. I thought depression was bad but I’m not sure OCD is a better replacement.
submitted by Mountain-Science4526 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:12 fafo17 Just bad time or isn't working anymore?

Started zoloft (100mg) almost 3 years ago along with lamotrigine (100mg) (lamictal). I'm bipolar typeII with depression. The meds had a good impact for me, i felt better, had good time. During 2023 it was like something started to broke again, but it was a very slow decline. Suddenly in September i lost my 5year's dog, she was adopted in 2019, she helped me alot. That was the point where the slow decline became a slope. All symptoms worsened, i start to drink 2 to 4 beer a week (never drank more than 1 a week), taking often xanax or tavor. Also the suicidal ideation popped back in.
A little specification, i'm aware that the mourning is a slow process, but that's not the point, i've faced it with all my power, helped with therapy and managing to live with it. I really can feel that is something else.
At the moment i'm again losing social contact, i have low care of myself, really like i hate take a shower.
Talked 2 month ago with my doctor, he rised zoloft to 150 mg and told to reach 200. I was feeling totally without any will or energy and tried to add also bupropion (wellbutrin), after the honeymoon that lasted a week i again struggle to do things for more than 40 minutes, again being dizzy and it also brought back anxiety, so i'm going to stop that.
At this time i don't think that the new bump to 200mg will make any difference.
Looking for advice, and similar stories.
submitted by fafo17 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:57 ThrowAwayforDoctorQs Raised bumps, unsure if they are a bite from a mosquito, bed bug, or an allergic reaction? 23F

23F. Condition: Epilepsy. Medication: 500 mg Keppra, 250 mg Lamictal. Height: 5'5, Weight: 169. Race: Mixed Caucasian and Asian. No smoking, drinking, or drug use.
Yesterday afternoon something on my arms started itching, I looked and they kind of looked like mosquito bites. I woke up this morning and they were still there, still as itchy, and now I am panicking thinking they might be bed bugs. I can't exactly tell whether these are bed bug bites, mosquito bites, or just an allergic reaction to something? I have a picture below along with a link to an imgur album and I am hoping that someone would have a clue? I have no idea what might have caused these bumps. Thank you for any help or advice you are able to give me!
Edit: I totally forgot to add, that I do not currently have any pets or recently been on any nature walks/hikes. I really should have remembered to add that in. Sorry!
submitted by ThrowAwayforDoctorQs to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 Rotini_Rizz Overstimulation from an increase of an additional prescription?

TLRD; Recently jumped from 25mg to 50mg of Lamictal (taken with other medications) after two weeks and wondering if my painfully unstoppable energy is a side effect.
Hey all. I currently started taking Concerta 36mg generic a few months ago and restarted Lexapro 10mg generic at the beginning of the year. Because of my gene type my psychiatrist suggested I take Lamictal generic to help boost the effects of another medications. This isn’t new to me, I had a different doctor do the same with Abilify years ago. I read that it can cause withdrawal and I suffered that from Effexor last year, but she assured me that the risk is low up until a certain point.
I started on 25mg and was taking that for a couple weeks consistently, then moved up to 50mg a couple days ago as we planned. But I just realized that I’ve been getting pretty overstimulated and wired since my increase. I’m super hyper-focused and fixated and energetic. It’s EXHAUSTING me. I’m not sure if it’s because of the medication or some other factor, but it’s been a lot. For reference, I have a general intake of caffeine because I work at a coffee shop, but no more than I’m used to >! a couple days after starting the Concerta I had a triple shot of espresso compared to my 1-2 and it made me WIRED— I spent four hours in a Target !<
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a side effect of changing doses? I’m scheduled to jump to 75mg in two weeks so I just want to know what to expect or look out for.
[Edit to add: I’m not taking this for bipolar disorder or epilepsy, though it was prescribed in part because I did have a seizure during my childhood.]
submitted by Rotini_Rizz to Concerta [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:42 Rotini_Rizz Overstimulation from recent increase?

TLRD; Recently jumped from 25mg to 50mg of Lamictal (taken with other medications) after two weeks and wondering if my painfully unstoppable energy is a side effect.
Hey all. I currently started taking Concerta 36mg generic a few months ago and restarted Lexapro 10mg generic at the beginning of the year. Because of my gene type my psychiatrist suggested I take Lamictal generic to help boost the effects of another medications. This isn’t new to me, I had a different doctor do the same with Abilify years ago. I read that it can cause withdrawal and I suffered that from Effexor last year, but she assured me that the risk is low up until a certain point.
I started on 25mg and was taking that for a couple weeks consistently, then moved up to 50mg a couple days ago as we planned. But I just realized that I’ve been getting pretty overstimulated and wired since my increase. I’m super hyper-focused and fixated and energetic. It’s EXHAUSTING me. I’m not sure if it’s because of the medication or some other factor, but it’s been a lot. For reference, I have a general intake of caffeine because I work at a coffee shop, but no more than I’m used to >! a couple days after starting the Concerta I had a triple shot of espresso compared to my 1-2 and it made me WIRED— I spent four hours in a Target !<
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a side effect of changing doses? I’m scheduled to jump to 75mg in two weeks so I just want to know what to expect or look out for.
[Edit to add: I’m not taking this for bipolar disorder or epilepsy, though it was prescribed in part because I did have a seizure during my childhood.]
submitted by Rotini_Rizz to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:37 Sad-Photograph-2326 Vraylar or Latuda for mixed features and hypomania associated restlessness?

I was treated for unipolar depression back in 2020 with SSRI lexapro + amisulpride 50mg and was in remission until 2023 with it.
Then in 2023 I blew a small stressor TOTALLY out of proportion(I think hypomania had already begun then) and got into a really bad or probably even mixed episode (my first one if it was actually mixed). I'd get so restless I'd want to tear off my clothes, attempt to run away, suicidal, get so irritative that I'd say the most wicked shit to my loved ones who were really just trying to help me, lay in bed and cry and shout so loud ALL the time. It was so bad I felt like I was going to die and family members were so worried, I was admitted.
Doctors totally ruled out mania/bipolar disorder because I wasn't impulsively buying stuff, didn't lose control etc bullshit and kept treating me for unipolar depression but they did add lamictal with the 20mg Lexapro to address the aggression etc it was titrate to 200mg and put me in remission for a whole year.
But now in 2024 January I relapsed again and this time it was so bad that doctors were continuosly suggesting ECT. I was admitted for over 3 weeks. Same symptoms- agitation, restlessness etc being treated for MDD and borderline personality disorder Bullshit.
Finally, I saw this miracle doc who said I might actually be bipolar and experiencing mixed episodes. Both the combination of hypomania and depression were making me restless. He said he often sees his patients who're hypomanic get so restless they wanted to crawl out of their skin.
SSRI lexapro would only fuel both so it must be stopped immediately and suggested me to try ketamine (because my symptoms were mostly depressive) and started lithium 600mg/day. They worked like a CHARM. I loved ketamine so much and it put me in remission for 3 months.
But then I relapsed again 3 months later and doc now said it is now time to try the big guns aka antipsychotics and continue ketamine. He said he's willing to prescribe either Vraylar or Latuda which work great for mixed episodes.
TLDR : So, do you have any of my symptoms especially the restlessness during your depressive/hypomanic episodes and which antipsychotic of the two worked the best for you without fueling the restlessness. Personally leaning more towards Vraylar (it has amazing reviews and doesn't cause weight gain)
Symptoms list optionally if anyone wants to read that my son made :
What's your go to treatment plan for mixed states? Is this a mixed state rather than unipolar
  • Agitation/Inner restlessness: Unable to remain calm/sit still. Blaming all of her symptoms on this restlessness. When this comes the other symptoms which I'll mention come along too:
  • Crying and shouting loudly (simply can not control this to sorta escape)
  • Excessive anger and snapping at/blaming others for no reason: Involuntarily blame people for the most random and petty things who've been the most helpful and kind.
  • Very Irritable.
  • Suicidality (to escape the restlessness). Suicidal attempts in aggression where she had to be stopped with a lot of physical force.
  • Racing negative thoughts leading to Guilt and worthlessness
  • Irrational/Questionable decisions and behaviors were almost always noted by my family members during these periods accompanied with extreme impatience.
  • Energy: Being fatigued and unmotivated that she can't even move or do stuff. But at the same time having so much Energy to shout so loud and rip her chest open to escape the "agitation".
  • Pupils get dilated.
submitted by Sad-Photograph-2326 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:49 Sad-Photograph-2326 Vraylar or Latuda for mixed features and hypomania associated restlessness?

I was treated for unipolar depression back in 2020 with SSRI lexapro + amisulpride 50mg and was in remission until 2023 with it.
Then in 2023 I blew a small stressor TOTALLY out of proportion(I think hypomania had already begun then) and got into a really bad or probably even mixed episode (my first one if it was actually mixed). I'd get so restless I'd want to tear off my clothes, attempt to run away, suicidal, get so irritative that I'd say the most wicked shit to my loved ones who were really just trying to help me, lay in bed and cry and shout so loud ALL the time. It was so bad I felt like I was going to die and family members were so worried, I was admitted.
Doctors totally ruled out mania/bipolar disorder because I wasn't impulsively buying stuff, didn't lose control etc bullshit and kept treating me for unipolar depression but they did add lamictal with the 20mg Lexapro to address the aggression etc it was titrate to 200mg and put me in remission for a whole year.
But now in 2024 January I relapsed again and this time it was so bad that doctors were continuosly suggesting ECT. I was admitted for over 3 weeks. Same symptoms- agitation, restlessness etc being treated for MDD and borderline personality disorder Bullshit.
Finally, I saw this miracle doc who said I might actually be bipolar and experiencing mixed episodes. Both the combination of hypomania and depression were making me restless. He said he often sees his patients who're hypomanic get so restless they wanted to crawl out of their skin.
SSRI lexapro would only fuel both so it must be stopped immediately and suggested me to try ketamine (because my symptoms were mostly depressive) and started lithium 600mg/day. They worked like a CHARM. I loved ketamine so much and it put me in remission for 3 months.
But then I relapsed again 3 months later and doc now said it is now time to try the big guns aka antipsychotics and continue ketamine. He said he's willing to prescribe either Vraylar or Latuda which work great for mixed episodes.
TLDR : So, do you have any of my symptoms especially the restlessness during your depressive/hypomanic episodes and which antipsychotic of the two worked the best for you without fueling the restlessness. Personally leaning more towards Vraylar (it has amazing reviews and doesn't cause weight gain)
submitted by Sad-Photograph-2326 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:57 Sad-Photograph-2326 Vraylar or Latuda for mixed features and hypomania associated restlessness?

I was treated for unipolar depression back in 2020 with SSRI lexapro + amisulpride 50mg and was in remission until 2023 with it.
Then in 2023 I blew a small stressor TOTALLY out of proportion(I think hypomania had already begun then) and got into a really bad or probably even mixed episode (my first one if it was actually mixed). I'd get so restless I'd want to tear off my clothes, attempt to run away, suicidal, get so irritative that I'd say the most wicked shit to my loved ones who were really just trying to help me, lay in bed and cry and shout so loud ALL the time. It was so bad I felt like I was going to die and family members were so worried, I was admitted.
Doctors totally ruled out mania/bipolar disorder because I wasn't impulsively buying stuff, didn't lose control etc bullshit and kept treating me for unipolar depression but they did add lamictal with the 20mg Lexapro to address the aggression etc it was titrate to 200mg and put me in remission for a whole year.
But now in 2024 January I relapsed again and this time it was so bad that doctors were continuosly suggesting ECT. I was admitted for over 3 weeks. Same symptoms- agitation, restlessness etc being treated for MDD and borderline personality disorder Bullshit.
Finally, I saw this miracle doc who said I might actually be bipolar and experiencing mixed episodes. Both the combination of hypomania and depression were making me restless. He said he often sees his patients who're hypomanic get so restless they wanted to crawl out of their skin.
SSRI lexapro would only fuel both so it must be stopped immediately and suggested me to try ketamine (because my symptoms were mostly depressive) and started lithium 600mg/day. They worked like a CHARM. I loved ketamine so much and it put me in remission for 3 months.
But then I relapsed again 3 months later and doc now said it is now time to try the big guns aka antipsychotics and continue ketamine. He said he's willing to prescribe either Vraylar or Latuda which work great for mixed episodes.
TLDR : So, do you have any of my symptoms especially the restlessness during your depressive/hypomanic episodes and which antipsychotic of the two worked the best for you without fueling the restlessness. Personally leaning more towards Vraylar (it has amazing reviews and doesn't cause weight gain)
Symptoms list optionally if anyone wants to read that my son made :
What's your go to treatment plan for mixed states? Is this a mixed state rather than unipolar
  • Agitation/Inner restlessness: Unable to remain calm/sit still. Blaming all of her symptoms on this restlessness. When this comes the other symptoms which I'll mention come along too:
  • Crying and shouting loudly (simply can not control this to sorta escape)
  • Excessive anger and snapping at/blaming others for no reason: Involuntarily blame people for the most random and petty things who've been the most helpful and kind.
  • Very Irritable.
  • Suicidality (to escape the restlessness). Suicidal attempts in aggression where she had to be stopped with a lot of physical force.
  • Racing negative thoughts leading to Guilt and worthlessness
  • Irrational/Questionable decisions and behaviors were almost always noted by my family members during these periods accompanied with extreme impatience.
  • Energy: Being fatigued and unmotivated that she can't even move or do stuff. But at the same time having so much Energy to shout so loud and rip her chest open to escape the "agitation".
  • Pupils get dilated.
submitted by Sad-Photograph-2326 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:24 churning_medic Feel like my mind has completely shut down.

32M, gay, 6'3" 165lb, no drugs (excluding medication), no smoking, EXTREMELY limited alcohol use. I'm vegetarian, I eat a clean, whole foods diet with minimal additives, I avoid seed oils. I exercise, I'm physically fit. I drink plenty of water. I get adequate protein and use Naked brand pea protein powder. I should in theory be doing almost everything correctly.
I am on 4 medications to control my epilepsy and I've been on this regimen for a couple years now: Lamictal: 250mg b.i.d. Epidiolex: 6.6ml b.i.d Clobazam: 10mg at bed Zonisamide: 100mg in the AM, 200mg at bed.
I'm hesitant to add antidepressants to the mix after my psychiatrist prescribed me Wellbutrin and it caused a seizure. I'd also tried Zoloft and Luvox too. Not to mention I'm already on lots of brain altering medication and I don't want to add more to the mix and risk another seizure (which I finally have under control). I've done TMS, neurofeedback, and lately Memi.
The epilepsy is caused by a cavernoma.
I've been diagnosed with major depression, ADHD, and Asperger's.
Unfortunately I've been struggling to find my path in life ever since graduating college. I double majored in computer engineering (itself sort of a double major) and applied math. I've bounced between several jobs and took gaps between each. The current one has been the longest one I've stayed at, but I've been noticing I've been struggling with lots of reading comprehension issues. I had my neurologist send me for a neuropsychological evaluation. I also went thru a really bad breakup in December that's been sending me on an emotional rollercoaster. Not to mention that the job I'm in I'm not even remotely qualified for (or at least I focused more on the software side of computer engineering and now I'm a pure electrical engineer and equally hating it). Unfortunately I was thrown right into the job with little to no training. There years in and finally I have someone who's willing to train me (too little too late though).
The neuropsych evaluation came back with me being at average to below average IQ and slow processing speed. The test was done in April right after my ex and I (still friends) got back from vacation and we mended a lot of the damage so if anything I was on Cloud Nine.
The past month I've been stressing because he's been starting to see someone new and we made an arrangement to possibly get back together in the distant future. Work has also been getting to me.
There was a test on the neuropsych exam where I basically had to connect a bunch of scattered numbers with a line in order and I was timed. Kind of like "connect the dots." I was told I did horrendous (not inaccurate, just slow). I equate that to a job I've been working on at work designing a fire alarm system for an entire building, devices scattered all throughout the building. It's become my baby for better or worse and it's driving me insane.
My sleep could be better. It used to be inconsistent, however over the past month or so I've been making a concerted effort to go to sleep at 10pm roughly. I usually try to be up by 5 for the gym (I'm not an evening workout person). Many days though I'll wake up without an alarm clock at 3. I've been tested for sleep apnea a few years ago and it came back normal.
I try to meditate, but I always just fall asleep (and this is even before my boyfriend and the job were in the picture).
I've been noticing my mind deteriorating severely over the past few months and this week everything just screeched to a halt. I'm extremely forgetful and numb to the world around me. More importantly I can't get a damn thing done. I'm lucky if I drag the mouse 10 times at work. Suicidal ideations, while always an issue for me, have been more of an issue. And the neuropsychological evaluation put me in the severe category for mental health. Everything is a distraction, I feel like I've got total brain fog and may as well be chasing a squirrel. Granted I just got the results of the study back yesterday, but it was almost as equally bad the past few weeks. Now I've got one more thing to focus on; how to fix my retarded brain.
submitted by churning_medic to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:32 YarnCraft-CityVibes Just Started Bipolar Therapy.

I have been recently diagnosed with bipolar. I have been going to a therapist for many years while taking Lexapro.
The problem was that I wasn't getting better. I had on occasion episodes that are now identified as manic ones. So, about two months ago I started seeing a psychiatrist and stopped my regular therapy.
Here are my questions, concerns:
1) this week we are discussing my medications. I am currently taking Lexapro and the doctor will add Lamictal. What are peoples experience with this combo?
2) My trauma is much more that just being bipolar. I am still working through childhood sexual abuse and many other traumas born out of those childhood experiences. Should I look for a new psychoterapist to join my mental health team?
3) I came of a manic episode two months ago in which I incurred a lot of credit card debt because I "was investing in a new small business." Everything came falling down when my spouse accessed my credit report ... Since then I sank in a very deep depression, suicide ideations included. Any advise how to manage this episode? I started doing short tapping sessions when I get overwhelmed and anxious. I also crochet, knit, and color to clear my mind as much as possible.
Thank you for listening.
submitted by YarnCraft-CityVibes to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:15 whatarebirbs advice for the first few weeks

i started lamictal a few days ago for borderline personality disorders. i have high hopes for this medication because ive heard great things about it. after doing some research i found out that some of these adjustment effects should wear off so im wanting to at least give it a chance.
however, im experiencing intense suicidal thoughts and a lot of dissociation. id consider it worse than my typical and it seems like i get triggered for no reason. i have bpd but ive been able to recognize my triggers but it seems to be doinf this suddenly for no reason. it also seems to be really worrying my partner. tonight i freaked out because i felt unsafe and they were very worried. im scared im going to overwhelm them which sucks because it feels like its regressing s lot of the progress we made together. we jusr hit 6 months have have been making a lot of progress. the relationship is healthy and my partner treats me wonderfully. i just feel bad because these sudden breakdowns for no apparent reason are most definitely draining. i dont particularly want a break because spending time with my partner and the mutual love in the relationship genuinely helps and they motivate me and make recovery seem within sight. it seems more like self sabotage to distance myself.
however its a really intense issue and im not sure how to go about it. especially because ive had a fear of this causing issues and constantly asking if theyee sure they wanr me can add to the overwhelm.
does anyone have any suggestions for coping these next few weeks?
submitted by whatarebirbs to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:28 Rizer76 Effexor and lifting brain fog

Hi everyone, I went to see a new psychiatrist for a second opinion, we reached the same conclusion that I have BP2 with a margin for uncertainty. His recommendation was to stay on my previous dose of 50mg lamictal and add effexor, anticipating a hypomania to confirm.
Now, I went there because lamictal gave me debilitating brain fog and he said effexor should help lift it up. Anyone has this cocktail saw an improvement with brain fog and cognition?
I’m also thinking of cutting off lamictal and go on effexor on its own to see how they work individually, is this a good or bad idea?
I’m very hesitant to try new meds cuz I feel like my brain has been fried by the amount of mental related meds I took over the last 9 years…
TL;DR: has effexor helped lift lamictal’s brain fog? And is it wise to stop lamictal and start Effexor of its on?
submitted by Rizer76 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:56 Vegetable_Classic_32 Need peace of mind that this will be over soon

So this is my first time ever posting to Reddit, and I’m not even sure if this has to do with my Abilify but I need peace of mind and this is the only community I have been able to find that relates to me and my mental struggles. Just a heads up this will be a long post, but I wanna make sure I cover all of the details so I can get the best feedback from yall and y’all’s experiences.
I have been on and off Abilify for about 6yrs now. I would be on if doing great, but then I would decide to get off because I feel much better and don’t like being medicated. Just to add context before continuing I had my baby girl last year and am currently 7 months postpartum without any sign of postpartum depression so far.
I started getting random anxious thoughts that I couldn’t control such as what if my father passed, or even me and I leave my kids behind? This started towards the end of March. My psychiatrist put me back on my usual abilify, except this time he excluded my lamictal which I thought was weird. He lets me start at 2.5 of the abilify and increase to 5 slowly due to my horrible akathasia I usually always get with Abilify. This has worked and I have been able to avoid the restlessness in the past, but this time didn’t work. Started the abilify around March 25th and by late April I was restless.
I had some classes I needed to complete online but couldn’t sit still, so I took some of my 5mg Adderall I had left over from last year without telling my psychiatrist because he prescribed them to me back then. I was fine and they actually kinda helped me sit in one place and get my work done. I did this for about 4-5 days and then stopped.
About 2 days after stopping the adderall my anxiety became unbearable. I started freaking out about death and depersonalizing. My fight or flight was on an almost constant loop to where I felt like I had to get up run away and escape but from what? Life?
Fast forward to now he has me taking 2.5mg of Abilify every 3 days and 20mg of Propanolol twice a day as needed for anxiety. I feel better than I did when this all first started, but I’m tired of viewing my life as if these are my last days for some reason. Telling myself I’m going to miss my kids when I die and stuff is driving me crazy but I can’t stop the thoughts. I guess my question is has anyone else experienced this? Is it because of my abilify or am I crazy? Please no negative stories I don’t think I can handle them right now I’m sorry lol
submitted by Vegetable_Classic_32 to Abilify_Aripiprazole [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:27 ichouses Do the side effects get better?

I’m bipolar, wife thinks I have ADD too but IDK. I’m relatively new to therapy/meds, I didn’t seek treatment for a long time. I’ve been on Lamictal for a couple of months and I felt mostly great but I developed a rash and had to stop. I switched to Caplyta 2 days ago and I feel like a fucking zombie. I’m sleeping a lot and when I’m awake I’m tired, dizzy, and basically disassociated from everything.
Does it get better? The reason I avoided treatment for so long is I was afraid that meds would make me feel the way I feel now. I know it’s only been 2 days but I’m tempted to say fuck it and go back to being unmedicated
submitted by ichouses to caplyta [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 07:17 fafo17 Bipolar II zoloft+lamictal+wellbutrin

Bipolar II, zoloft+lamictal+wellbutrin
Bipolar type 2 and anxiety. I'm on zoloft 150mg, lamictal 100 and now adding wellbutrin 150.
I've been on zoloft and lamictal for 2 years, so far my anxiety is almost over, still have some mood fluctuation (mainly down). I've always been a little lethargic also for the antistaminica, but zoloft made it worse. My mind is noticeable blur. I've gained 20kg, my libido is ok, my social life is decreased.
In the past six mounts altho i've noticed less will to do things, and have been suggested by my physician to add wellbutrin.
I would like to hear feedback from whom has a some similarity with my story.
submitted by fafo17 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:01 fafo17 Bipolar II, zoloft+lamictal+wellbutrin

Bipolar type 2 and anxiety. I'm on zoloft 150mg, lamictal 100 and now adding wellbutrin 150.
I've been on zoloft and lamictal for 2 years, so far my anxiety is almost over, still have some mood fluctuation (mainly down). I've always been a little lethargic also for the antistaminica, but zoloft made it worse. My mind is noticeable blur. I've gained 20kg, my libido is ok, my social life is decreased.
In the past six mounts altho i've noticed less will to do things, and have been suggested by my physician to add wellbutrin.
I would like to hear feedback from whom has a some similarity with my story.
submitted by fafo17 to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:30 IndividualNet3570 Misdiagnosed as ADHD

As a kid I was always told I have add/ADHD, being 34 now (and screwed up with my ex, who told me I should be tested) I just want to say it's not the end. I feel horrible what I put her through but I am thankful for the first time in my life, I can actually feel like I'm starting to get better. I'm on 125mg of lamictal now and can say I feel like this is a new beginning. Every day I wake up, I'm not so sad or angry. I wish I could tell her but oh well.
submitted by IndividualNet3570 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 12:51 Sad-Positive14 Aripiprazole (Abilify) made me sick

About a week ago my Psychiatrist prescribed me Aripiprazole 2mg to add to my Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 150mg. I took the Aripiprazole at night like recommended for two nights before I noticed a bunch of side effects. The first night I was warm and dizzy and every time I rolled over it felt like the room was spinning so I barely slept. The next morning I woke up with a sore throat but I wrote that off as allergies at first. Throughout the day I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded more (I have POTS) frequently. I didn’t think much about that, again, wrote it off as preexisting issue. The second night I took it and was up for hours talking my S/O’s ear off and then again couldn’t sleep because if I moved too fast the room spun. I woke nauseous and feeling like I had the flu. I pushed through all of it assuming I got sick or something. Then I finally looked up what the side effects can be when I got a horrible migraine that had me stuck with my face in a bowl. Haven’t had a migraine like that in a year. So naturally I looked up to see if it could cause migraines because I’ve had issues in the past with them. Found out that some people react fine and others end up sick and the level of sick varies. But one thing I saw is it raises blood pressure, which in effect, raises my heart rate and aggravates my POTS symptoms. I had told my Psychiatrist about that before. Well third night I finally decided I don’t want to be sick and I’ll call her on Monday (day6) when her office is open again. Well I slept a tiny bit better but didn’t feel rested. I woke up and felt like I was going through the worst flu ever. Took a shower to cool off and try to refresh. I had to get out of the shower early because I got so nauseous. Every time I tried to stand my heart rate jumped into the 150-170’s so I felt faint and couldn’t get up to get my kids up. Thankfully my amazing friend answered my call at 9am and heard me crying and raced over to help. I ended up in bed half the morning with a migraine and nauseous. She really saved me that day. The rest of the day was me doing the bare minimum and dealing with congestion, migraines, sweating (I’m always cold) and nauseous. It’s now day 8 and I’m starting to feel like my body is regulating. My flu-like symptoms lessened 50% on day 4. My migraines are less frequent starting yesterday.
Anyways, anyone else react badly to it? What were you prescribed instead? Did you react better to the other med? I really need help because I’m scared of another bad reaction since I have 2 toddlers.
submitted by Sad-Positive14 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:56 rabid_earthsign Is Lisinopril really as bad as people make it sound?

29F. I've only been taking it for 3 days, and this morning I woke up with tingling hands and horrible double vision. It was terrifying. And they only put me on 10mg! I feel so weird and I hate it. I know it's possible I'll get used to it but I'm so afraid. I have really bad medical anxiety and panic attacks, so that definitely doesn't help. Are these common side effects? Is it worth sticking with it??
Edit: I want to add some more context, I'm a heavy drinker (working on that) and a cigarette smoker. I'm also on Prozac, lamictal, Vyvanse, and cardizem 120 mg because of SVT episodes I had years ago. I also (occasionally) take klonopin for my panic attacks.
submitted by rabid_earthsign to hypertension [link] [comments]