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2018.08.11 00:46 ssyeon0325 The New Generation of MCAT

Please use this platform to communicate with your fellow pre-med MCAT-ers! This page was created to revive MCAT! After the revival of MCAT, this page will be utilized as a additional platform to serve the pre-meds with their help on MCAT.

2024.05.29 09:52 Aaron-wilkinson How to write a No Objection Letter (NOC) for a UK Visa Application?

How to write a No Objection Letter (NOC) for a UK Visa Application?


Figuring out the UK visa application can be hard, especially when you need a No Objection Letter (NOC). This document, issued by an employer, educational institution, or relevant authority, shows to the applicant's support for their travel plans. Knowing who needs it, why it's important, and how to write it well is really important.

Who Needs a No Objection Letter for a UK Visa?

Mostly, individuals employed or enrolled in education who seek leisure or study trips to the UK require an NOC. Additionally, minors travelling alone must also obtain this letter to ensure proper authorization and support.

Why is a No Objection Letter Important for UK Visa Applications?

The NOC is really important because it shows that the applicant's ties to their home country, intention to return post-travel, and official permission to start on the journey. Its absence could lead to delays or even visa rejections.

How to Write a No Objection Letter for a UK Visa Application:

Writing a NOC letter for UK visa needs careful attention. Beginning with a formal greeting, the letter should briefly outline the purpose, provide institution details, show approval for the trip, specify any conditions, and finish politely, signed by an authorized individual.


In conclusion, writing a well-written NOC letter for UK visa application is crucial as it significantly enhances the chances of visa approval. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide and utilizing the sample letter template provided, applicants can effectively demonstrate their eligibility and commitment to meeting visa criteria. Remember to include the NOC letter along with all necessary documents to ensure a smooth and successful visa application process.
submitted by Aaron-wilkinson to u/Aaron-wilkinson [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:23 ConsistentSkin4603 What command can I use to use the Sp in a live set, but the changes I make during the live are not saved?

I wanna used my samples like a template
submitted by ConsistentSkin4603 to SP404 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:38 SpeechMobile1722 Chat RTX not working

i downloaded chat RTX successfully , but it wont run , I get the error of
httpx.ConnectError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1007)
and here what does it look like in the web:
and here what look like in app cmd

This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDReloadHide detailsCheck your Internet connectionCheck any cables and reboot any routers, modems, or other network devices you may be using.Allow Chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings.If it is already listed as a program allowed to access the network, try removing it from the list and adding it again.If you use a proxy server…Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server: Go to the Chrome menu > Settings > Show advanced settings… > Change proxy settings… > LAN Settings and deselect "Use a proxy server for your LAN".This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
hope someone can help, Thanks
Environment path found: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag
Privileges of original process: ['SeShutdownPrivilege', 'SeChangeNotifyPrivilege', 'SeUndockPrivilege', 'SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege', 'SeTimeZonePrivilege']
Privileges of restricted app token: ['SeChangeNotifyPrivilege']
Process Id = 17940
Environment path found: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag
App running with config
"models": {
"supported": [
"name": "Mistral 7B int4",
"id": "mistral_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/llama/mistral-7b-int4-chat:1.2",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": true,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": true,
"min_gpu_memory": 8,
"should_show_in_UI": true,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "mistral7b_hf_tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"config": "config.json",
"tokenizer": "tokenizer.json",
"model": "tokenizer.model",
"tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"tokenizer_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --output_dir %engine_dir% --gpt_attention_plugin float16 --gemm_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 7168 --max_output_len 1024 --context_fmha=enable --paged_kv_cache=disable --remove_input_padding=disable",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1,
"prompt_template": "Default"
"model_info": "The Mistral-7B is a instruct fine-tuned text generation model License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "4GB"
"name": "Llama2 13B int4",
"id": "llaam2_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/llama/llama2-13b:1.5",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 16,
"should_show_in_UI": false,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "llama13_hf_tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"config": "config.json",
"tokenizer": "tokenizer.json",
"model": "tokenizer.model",
"tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"tokenizer_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --output_dir %engine_dir% --gpt_attention_plugin float16 --gemm_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 3072 --max_output_len 1024 --context_fmha=enable --paged_kv_cache=disable --remove_input_padding=disable",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1,
"prompt_template": "Default"
"model_info": "LlaMa 2 is a large language AI model capable of generating text and code in response to prompts License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "6.8GB"
"name": "ChatGLM 3 6B int4 (Supports Chinese)",
"id": "chatglm3_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/chatglm3-6b-chat-int4:1.0",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 8,
"should_show_in_UI": true,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "Tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"config": "config.json",
"model": "tokenizer.model",
"tokenizer_config": "tokenizer_config.json"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"tokenizer_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --output_dir %engine_dir% --gemm_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 7168 --max_output_len 1024",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1
"model_info": "ChatGLM-6B is an open bilingual language model based on General Language Model framework, with 6.2 billion parameters License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "3.8GB"
"name": "Gemma 7B int4",
"id": "Gemma_model",
"ngc_model_name": "nvidia/llama/gemma-7b-int4-rtx:1.1",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"is_installation_required": true,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 16,
"should_show_in_UI": false,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"tokenizer_ngc_dir": "Gemma7b_hf_tokenizer",
"tokenizer_files": {
"vocab_file": "tmp_vocab.model"
"checkpoints_local_dir": "model_checkpoints",
"vocab_local_dir": "tokenizer",
"engine_build_command": "trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir %checkpoints_local_dir% --gemm_plugin float16 --gpt_attention_plugin float16 --max_batch_size 1 --max_input_len 4096 --max_output_len 1024 --output_dir %engine_dir%",
"engine_dir": "engine"
"metadata": {
"engine": "rank0.engine",
"max_new_tokens": 1024,
"max_input_token": 7168,
"temperature": 0.1
"model_info": "Gemma-7B is a 7B parameter model from Gemma family of models from Google License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "6.6GB"
"name": "CLIP",
"id": "clip_model",
"hf_model_name": "openai/clip-vit-large-patch14-336",
"is_downloaded_required": true,
"downloaded": false,
"download_link": "https ://",
"is_installation_required": false,
"setup_finished": false,
"min_gpu_memory": 8,
"should_show_in_UI": true,
"prerequisite": {
"checkpoints_files": [
"checkpoints_local_dir": "clip_model"
"metadata": {},
"model_info": "CLIP is a multi-modal vision and language model used for image-text similarity and for zero-shot image classification License ",
"model_license": " License ",
"model_size": "1.5GB"
"selected": "Mistral 7B int4",
"enable_asr": true,
"supported_asr": [
"name": "Whisper Medium Int8",
"installed": true,
"metadata": {
"encoder_engine": "whisper_encoder_float16_tp1_rank0.engine",
"decoder_engine": "whisper_decoder_float16_tp1_rank0.engine",
"model_path": "model\\whisper\\whisper_medium_int8_engine",
"assets_path": "model\\whisper\\whisper_assets"
"sample_questions": [
"query": "How does NVIDIA ACE generate emotional responses?"
"query": "What is Portal prelude RTX?"
"query": "What is important about Half Life 2 RTX?"
"query": "When is the launch date for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart on PC?"
"sample_questions_chinese": [
"query": "NVIDIA ACE是如何生成富有情感的回复的?"
"query": "传送门:序曲是什么?"
"query": "半条命 2 RTX版有什么重要意义?"
"query": "瑞奇与叮当:时空跳转何时会在PC平台发布?"
"sample_questions_clip": [
"query": "Pictures of bicycles"
"query": "Pictures of toys"
"query": "Pictures of dinosaurs"
"query": "Pictures of computer"
"dataset": {
"sources": [
"selected": "directory",
"path": "dataset",
"path_chinese": "chinese_dataset",
"path_clip": "images_dataset",
"isRelative": true
"strings": {
"directory": "Folder Path",
"nodataset": "AI model default"
[TensorRT-LLM] TensorRT-LLM version: 0.9.0
Privileges of app process: ['SeChangeNotifyPrivilege']
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\chat_models\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing chat models from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatAnyscale`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\chat_models\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing chat models from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.chat_models import ChatOpenAI`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\embeddings\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing embeddings from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.embeddings import HuggingFaceBgeEmbeddings`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\embeddings\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing embeddings from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.llms import AI21`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.llms import Cohere`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.llms import FakeListLLM`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\langchain\llms\ LangChainDeprecationWarning: Importing LLMs from langchain is deprecated. Importing from langchain will no longer be supported as of langchain==0.2.0. Please import from langchain-community instead:
`from langchain_community.llms import OpenAI`.
To install langchain-community run `pip install -U langchain-community`.
Using the persisted value form dataset_vector_embedding
Open HTTP s:// in browser to start ChatRTX
Running on local URL: HTTP s://
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 69, in map_httpcore_exceptions
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 233, in handle_request
resp = self._pool.handle_request(req)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 216, in handle_request
raise exc from None
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 196, in handle_request
response = connection.handle_request(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 99, in handle_request
raise exc
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 76, in handle_request
stream = self._connect(request)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_sync\", line 154, in _connect
stream = stream.start_tls(**kwargs)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\_backends\", line 152, in start_tls
with map_exceptions(exc_map):
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\", line 153, in __exit__
self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpcore\", line 14, in map_exceptions
raise to_exc(exc) from exc
httpcore.ConnectError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1007)
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\chatrtx\CRTX\RAG\trt-llm-rag-windows-ChatRTX_0.3\", line 706, in
File "D:\chatrtx\CRTX\RAG\trt-llm-rag-windows-ChatRTX_0.3\ui\", line 426, in render
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\gradio\", line 2209, in launch
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 198, in get
return request(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 106, in request
return client.request(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 827, in request
return self.send(request, auth=auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 914, in send
response = self._send_handling_auth(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 942, in _send_handling_auth
response = self._send_handling_redirects(
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 979, in _send_handling_redirects
response = self._send_single_request(request)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\", line 1015, in _send_single_request
response = transport.handle_request(request)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 232, in handle_request
with map_httpcore_exceptions():
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\", line 153, in __exit__
self.gen.throw(typ, value, traceback)
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\ChatRTX\env_nvd_rag\lib\site-packages\httpx\_transports\", line 86, in map_httpcore_exceptions
raise mapped_exc(message) from exc
httpx.ConnectError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1007)
Press any key to continue . . .
submitted by SpeechMobile1722 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:00 Careless-Camp9711 Advice - Wedding Dress Alterations Fiasco

My wedding dress alterations has been a fiasco.
Advice needed: Where are my rights to not pay full price for the final bill
I lost a lot of weight, so by the time it came in it was 4 sizes too big. I brought it to a very reputable wedding dress seamstress that I live 90min away from because she has such a great reputation. I brought the dress in mid February and was very upfront and honest with her that I knew the dress was very big and I could potentially lose more weight between than and June 1st (wedding date). (I've lost 5-10 lbs as of today since dropping the dress off). I very specifically asked her if it would be an big issue taking the dress in given how big it was, and would this dress even still work and she assured me it would be no problem and would just cost more.
Including the appointment in mid-feb I have been to this seamstress 9 different times as every time I came in she would say I needed to come back the following week again. Many times something I was supposedly coming back for the following week was not actually done when I got there. For example from the day I brought it in in Feb she suggested and internal elastic corset to help with support and I said yes I want that. In every subsequent appointment it would not be added, she's ask if I wanted it and I'd reiterate that yes I wanted it and to please add it. It was not added until 2 weeks ago.
One week I came in and the entire neckline if the dress was completely changes (started as scoop, was straight across). Came in the following week and she added boning to fix the scoop that dug into my chest and was unflattering and painful, so I had her take it out. Taking it out caused the tips of the scoops to flop over and the dress had been pulled in so tight my chest was flattened and completely unsupported. My rib cage was invisible between where my boobs ended and the skirt began. Leaving this appointment she pointed out to me that the fabric on my right armpit and the right side tip of the scoop neckline had yellow because I'd been in it and sweat so many times during appointment (I am a sweaty gal). We had extra fabric for sleeves she made me to match my dress. I was hesitant and initially said no because the bodice of my dress has a floral pattern and pleats in specific places. She assured me that it would be EXACTLY the same and that I really should dwitch out the fabric. When I came back last week it was in an entirely different orientation.
We luckily addressed the boning issue at that appointment, with 1 minor adjustment being made for this week that I am semi confident about. I haven't seen the fabric put back in the right position, which I'm also told would be ready this week. She tried to work on the pleats with sample fabric to serve as a template which was going very poorly and I finally ended my appointment last week after being there for nearly 2 hours and feeling frustrated and upset. She told me she would work on the pleats based on over 30 photos I sent her of how its meant to look and she said I could come in for a final fitting Tuesday (as in yesterday) and pick the dress up Wednesday. I told her I live 90min away and with my wedding being Saturday I cannot come both days, the dress needs to be done Tuesday. She agreed.
1 hour before my appointment time today for final try on and pickup they call me and say its not done. I need to come tomorrow. I let them know I could have someone pick it up but I could not come in myself tomorrow.
I have already purchased a backup dress over the weekend that only needed minor alterations because I did not have much confidence leaving the seamstress last week. I'm am 90% sure that backup is the one I will end up wearing at this point.
I'm so mad at the original seamstress. She is VERY expensive (I'm paying more for the alterations than I paid for the dress, which is designer). I haven't told her yet that I bought another dress. I'm usually one to just pay my bill and move on with life. I don't like to haggle and never have before.
But this just feels so wrong to me. I spent hours of my time in her shop with the numerous appointments for a dress that I now will most likely not wear because I do not feel good or comfortable in it. She told me multiple times that all the issues were because they had to take it in so much and that the size of my chest was the issue with the neckline not looking correct (despite me showing her photos of me in the sample with my same big boobs looking just fine and supported.
I can see that she is putting a lot of effort into trying to fix it but I don't think it's going to be enough. I wish she had been more honest with me about the challenge pulling it in so much would be when I asked her if it was too big to be properly altered.
Do I bother telling her I won't be wearing it and haggle on the final bill. I don't plan to refuse to pay outright but feel maybe the bill should be reduced. Or do I just say nothing, pay for the dress, and have it picked up? Do I even have grounds to haggle on the bill?
TLDR; I brought in a dress 4 sizes too big to a very expensive and reputable seamstress who told me it would be no problem for her to alter. It has been a huge problem. I've had to come in for weekly fixes every week for the past 6 weeks leading up to my wedding, and it was in such bad shape last week (10 days before wedding) that I bought a new dress and don't plan to wear the original. Do I just pay the hefty bill for the dress I won't be wearing and say nothing, or do I tell the seamstress I won't be wearing this and haggle on the final bill.
submitted by Careless-Camp9711 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:12 rai_shi How to make RAG retrieve_documents chain make faster?

We created a chatbot with Llama2-7b-chat, RAG architecture using LangChain, Qdrant VectorDB, and for web side Django. Everything works well. Additionally, our system works locally. Now the only problem is the time we get the answer. Sometimes it takes 15 seconds to return the answer from the RAG chain and it's too bad. After monitoring with LangSmith we saw that retrieve_documents takes most of the run time.
Our Qdrant VectorDB collections distance type Manhattan and binary quantization. The embedding model is sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 so the size is 384. Also we clear the cache everytime. Here is the chains code and the invoke , (We write two system prompt for holding the chat history.)
class RAG(): def _init_(self): self.embed_model_id = 'sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2' self.initializeEmbeddingModel(device) self.model_id = 'meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf' self.hf_auth = 'token' self.initializeLLM() self.data_collection_name = "collection_name" self.db_url = "qdrant-docker-port" self.initializeDBclient() self.initializesearchDB() self.LLMpipeline() self.configSystemPrompt() self.RAGpipeline() def initializeEmbeddingModel(device): pass def initializeLLM(self): bnb_config = transformers.BitsAndBytesConfig( load_in_4bit=True, bnb_4bit_quant_type='nf4', bnb_4bit_use_double_quant=True, bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=bfloat16 ) model_config = transformers.AutoConfig.from_pretrained( self.model_id, token=self.hf_auth ) self.LLMmodel = transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( self.model_id, trust_remote_code=True, config=model_config, quantization_config=bnb_config, device_map='auto', token=self.hf_auth ) self.LLMmodel.eval() def initializeDBclient(self): pass def initializesearchDB(self): # self.searchDB creation pass def LLMpipeline(self): tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( self.model_id, token=self.hf_auth ) pipeline = transformers.pipeline( model=self.LLMmodel, tokenizer=tokenizer, return_full_text=True, task='text-generation', temperature=0.0, max_new_tokens=512, repetition_penalty=1.1, do_sample=False ) self.llm = HuggingFacePipeline(pipeline=pipeline) def configSystemPrompt(self): # sohbet geçmişi için alt prompt ve genel system promptu tanımlıyoruz contextualize_q_system_prompt = """prompt""" self.contextualize_q_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages( [ ("system", contextualize_q_system_prompt), MessagesPlaceholder("chat_history"), ("human", "{input}"), ] ) qa_system_prompt = """prompt/ {context}""" self.qa_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages( [ ("system", qa_system_prompt), MessagesPlaceholder("chat_history"), ("human", "{input}"), ] ) def RAGpipeline(self): retriever = self.searchDB.as_retriever(search_kwargs={"k":6 }) history_aware_retriever = create_history_aware_retriever( self.llm, retriever, self.contextualize_q_prompt ) question_answer_chain = create_stuff_documents_chain(self.llm, self.qa_prompt) self.rag_chain = create_retrieval_chain(history_aware_retriever, question_answer_chain) def ragQA(self, question, history): ai_msg = self.rag_chain.invoke({"input": question, "chat_history": history}) return ai_msg def clear_cache(self): torch.cuda.empty_cache() gc.collect() 
LangSmith monitor result is here,
retrieval_chain 15.71s
So the problem is mostly retrieve_documents. What should we do to make the system faster?
GPU: RTX A4000, 16GB
RAM: 32 GB
CPU: Intel® Xeon(R) W-2235 CPU @ 3.80GHz × 12
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
submitted by rai_shi to LangChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 15:58 jlcs-es Finally migrated away from TrueCharts. Steps and comments.

For the veterans, it is not unknown that TrueCharts have shown to be unstable, with lots of breaking changes, and the most hostile community in IT I have seen probably ever.
Sadly, I started with them a year ago for a home server because of how many charts they had that I wanted to try. Rooky mistake. Now, I suffer a bloated setup and the taint-toleration bug that happens on every reboot.
For the newcomers to TrueNAS, I recommend: do not even try truecharts. I know it is tempting, but in the short-term of 6m-1y you will be better of with the extra initial work of writing your own compose files.
This also helps to migrate from TrueNAS as your apps server in the future.
General steps
  1. JAILS I went the jailmaker route with and the really good video they have at the top of the README. I only use the docker jail.
The video includes a proposal on how to organize your datasets and how to mount once to jailmaker and have multiple datasets for each docker container.
Don't forget to pass your GPU and enable the auto start.
  1. DATA MIGRATION To migrate data, use `heavyscript` to mount the TrueCharts PVCs and then you can use

    syncing the content of src into dest:

    rsync -avz /src/ /dest
to copy everthing in the mounted PVC to the new dataset, with the same permissions and ownership.
The database stuff is trickier. TrueCharts uses a CNPG operator, which means it creates a postgres DB behind the scenes, without writing all the specs in the app's chart. Convenient, but it also means it is only running if your app is running, and when an update breaks your app, good luck.
You can follow their cnpg-migration-guide to get a manual backup of the database data if you want to migrate to another postgreSQL or maybe migrate to another db that your app is compatible with.
  1. DOCKGE (or portainer)
I discovered dockge from the jailmaker video, and it is just enough for me. Before that, I planned on using portainer. You do you.
With Dockge I am managing plain docker compose files.
To write the compose files, 90% of the time the project has a template. You just change the mounting points and/or ports. If there is none, you can go to TrueCharts github repo and reverse engineer their kubernetes charts to a docker compose. Mainly the Docker Image they are using and env variables that you would have filled in the TrueNas GUI.
Example: Jellyfin has 3 docker images in their docs, but each one assumes the config directory with different structures. If you use a different image from TrueCharts and copied the PVC to a new dataset, your new jellyfin instance will not recognise the old config and could even overwrite it. Always have a backup backup backup!
Also remember to set restart: always in compose file to get the same auto-restart behaviour as with truenas apps.
TrueCharts has a church's arc to do reverse proxying with https. In their favor, their traefik setup auto detects the k8s services in the cluster. But you need 2 extra pieces to issue certs.
I just went the Caddyfile route. My setup is small and I don't need auto detection of routes. There are plugins to do that in docker if you want to investigate.
Caddyfile manages the HTTPS certs BY DEFAULT.
Also, adding authelia support to protect some endpoints can be a one line job if you refactor their sample with snippets.
! Networking
To make caddy work with multiple docker compose files, I created a caddy-net network in docker and then added it as an external network to the docker compose files of caddy and the apps that need to be published.
networks: caddy-net: external: true 
This way you can use the service name in Caddyfile. Example: reverse-proxy jellyfin:8096
You can uninstall the apps, but the kubernetes cluster will keep on running. If you want to stop it, you have to unmount the pool from the Apps GUI. That will stop the cluster running. This will not delete the apps datasets.
TrueNas reporting shows that my CPU and RAM usage is almost half as with TrueCharts. Temps also went down a couple degrees from the CPU idling.
Restart time is also way faster than before. TrueNas itself is unchanged, but the apps don't depend on a k8s cluster, only the docker jail.
submitted by jlcs-es to truenas [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:44 dammitcoetzee how to make this ocean smooth, it's blocky and jittery in the rendering, even with render smooth on. I'm using a sphere to displace it in geometry nodes. smooth modifiers don't seem to work.

submitted by dammitcoetzee to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:20 francejuly LF Someone to create recreate a static, one page image portfolio website (basic/vanilla code)

Hi, looking for someone who knows how to create a basic static website using as much vanilla code i.e. HTML/CSS/Javascript as possible (no builders) and that will be hosted/uploaded on Github.
I already have a portfolio site and could probably update it myself but I'm looking for potentially better alternatives here. I already have a sample peg to follow, all you have to do recreate it as a static website.
DM your one-time rate for creating a basic template for an image slider, header, and footer + samples if ever
submitted by francejuly to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 08:20 MYSFITS_OFFICIAL Children of Sol 60

Subreddit Patreon
First Prev
Augustus 5, 1923 A.V
The Solarias Cathedral, New Lundun
Helena (Herzhia), The Goddess of The Sun
Light. As soon as her eyes opened, she was hit by bright lights and unfamiliar faces. Faces full of apprehension and fear. The air was cold, and her skin was wet. Her wings were soaked and dripped with her healing fluid. She began to move, placing her hands on the floor, all four of them, and pushing herself up to her feet. She stood at her height, towering over everyone and anyone around her.
She did not feel the least bit embarrassed by her nude form, taking a wobbly step out of the glass chamber. Her eyes shone a golden yellow, almost glowing like the rays of the sun, and her blonde hair were resting on her shoulders. Helena scanned the room, looking at every person who surrounded her. They took a step back as she moved forward, giving her a wide berth.
“She’s… huge,” a young man managed to say, swallowing hard.
“Would. Next question,” another man said, with pointed ears and red eyes.
“That’s not what I meant Louis—”
“Oh, I know exactly what you mean. I’m looking at them right now.”
“Charles, Louis, shut up,” another man spoke, standing behind a woman with pointed ears and red eyes. He looked to be the one in charge. A dignified look with ranking medals and sporting a patch over his eye. The woman in front of him was no doubt a strigoi. Yet, he did not seem to be afraid of her. Nor did anyone else seem afraid to be in the presence of the strigoi around them.
“Who had awoken me?” Helena spoke. The people around her visibly grimaced. Though she spoke with her mouth, they also heard her words in their head. As if she spoke directly to their mind and peeked at their thoughts. One man immediately fell to his knees and began saying prayers. While another stayed silent, but had a tear falling down his cheek. Another man whom she assumed was the Great Grandfather, had thrown himself at her feet, keeping his face glued to the floor and uttering whispers.
“I did,” the man with the patch said. He stepped in front, ushering the strigoi woman in front of him to his side.
“What is your name? How many years had it been? What era is this?” Helena asked.
“I am Colonel Mark Jacobs, leader of the Hemolites division. I was the one who asked the Great Grandfather to awaken you,” he said. “Helena, Goddess of the Sun, if you are angered by this action, please direct it toward me and not anyone else. It was I who sought your assistance, out of necessity.”
“I do not harbor ill will towards you or your actions. Tell me, what year is it?”
“It is the year 1923, your holiness.”
“A century. It had been a century since the fatal blow against me,” she said. “I see that you have strigoi among you. What is the meaning of this? I assume humanity has won against the Crescent, and took the strigoi as their slaves?”
“No, your holiness,” Mark said. “These strigoi had been living with us humans in harmony. We have learned to live and accept them. They are called Dantenites, strigoi who lived in a city called Dante, located several hundred meters underground. However, the Crescent has returned, from the walled land of Italiemagne. Those Crescent strigoi seek to destroy us as revenge. Humanity has taken serious blows as the Crescent had taken to using new tactics and constantly evolved their methods throughout the war. I believe that your return may be exactly what we need.”
The goddess looked at the Great Grandfather at her feet. “Rise, Great Grandfather. State your name,” she told him. The Great Grandfather immediately rose to his feet and looked up at her in all her glory. Her skin glowed a faint yellow, and the symbol of the sun on her sternum shone a bright light.
“A-Aurelius, your holiness…”
“Aurelius. You have served the Church well, as your forefathers have. I will need you to gather all you can and bring them to the Cathedral as soon as daybreak. I would need to know of the full situation, and what humanity has done in the century that I was asleep.”
“Yes, y-your holiness,” Aurelius replied. He hurriedly left the room and went through the whole cathedral, telling everyone he could come across about the goddess’s return. Gathering all he could and declaring it a holiday. The cathedral soon made the announcement on the loudspeakers, and missionaries went out to get people from their homes and bring them back to the church.
Helena turned back to Mark who looked him up and down. “Mark Jacobs was it?” she said. “Tell me all you know of this war. How it started, what the Crescent has done, and how humanity has fared.”
Mark nodded and pulled out some of the files from his coat. “I also have some things I need to discuss with you. There are a lot of things that have changed. Things that you should know, and things we can do to end this war as swiftly as possible. I have plans. Also, your holiness, should I fetch you some garments?”
Helena raised a brow. “You speak to me so casually and even look me in the eye. Have you no fear, child?”
“Not even death scares me now. I’ve faced it so many times that I’ve grown familiar with it.”
“I see. Well, I have no qualms with nudity. However, if it bothers the others I suggest they leave us the room,” Helena commanded.
“No,” Mark said firmly.
“Mark, we can’t. She’s—” Olivia started.
“They are my friends. My guards. My companions. They go where I go.”
Helena stared at him with an amused expression. “I like you. You remind me of a human I was once very fond of,” she said. “I’m glad that humans have not lost their edge and boldness. Very well. Your group shall stay. Now, tell me. What has been going on since I have been gone? Spare no details, I am a patient woman.”
Mark nodded. “Humans have grown in power after the Crescent’s defeat. We walled in the Crescent in the country of Italiemagne, where they have resided ever since. A non-aggression pact was signed, and those strigoi who posed no harm and were former humans turned against their will, were allowed back into Anglestan. After years of fighting for their rights, they were allowed an autonomous city underneath New Lundun, called Dante. Dantenites who still occasionally go up the surface of New Lundun were dubbed Duskwalkers. The only other country with a community that allowed strigoi to live with them was Russland.”
“Ah yes, I remember how the Russ strigoi fought alongside their human counterparts. It was a fierce battle.”
“Yes. The leader of Russland currently, is a strigoi as well.”
“What about the king? Who is the new King?”
“Changes in government and politics led to the abolishment of the monarchy. We have cabinet members and a president, with a constitution to ensure checks and balances. All are beholden to the Constitution. However, just recently our president was killed by an explosion in the UHT headquarters, in New Amsterdam, UNA. I think the person in charge right now is the vice president.”
“You abolished the King? Humanity really has changed in a mere century. As expected. What is this… UHT?”
“After the war, the UHT was established to foster relations and prevent another war. It stands for the United Human Territories. Discussions and decisions were made between world leaders in order to move accordingly and prevent conflict with one another.”
“It does not seem very effective. However, I do see its merit. In my opinion, a singular world government would be more beneficial to all of humanity instead of fractured factions with their own rules and interests.”
“I don’t think humanity would like that. We love to have our individuality and differences.”
“Truly,” Helena smiled. “Now, what has humanity done during my sleep and how did the Crescent return?”
Mark cleared his throat and sat down on the floor. Helena nodded and did the same, sitting in front of him. The rest of his team followed suit. “Humanity has grown a lot in the past hundred years,” the colonel began. “Skyships. Flying machines and mechanized warfare. Chemical weapons and the extensive use of fire have led to improvements in firestarter technology. Humanity had developed an international free market and trade, automatic weapons, industrialization of commercial products, studies into physics, atomic tech, genetics, and long-range communications. Centralized economy, public transport, international relations, and even a eugenics program.”
“It seems like humans have been… very busy. All in a century? You have made more advancements than any other galactic race that I know of, in such a short period of time,” Helena pondered. “You also said your kind has already done research into atomic technologies?”
“Yes, though it's spearheaded by the UNA. Not just research, but application. Nuclear energy and weaponry.”
“Impressive. I set the timetable for humanity discovering atomic technology five centuries from the start of my slumber. You’ve managed to do it in one. Even with the gifts I’ve left behind for the church to tinker with, I did not think that humans could study and engineer imitations of my machines so quickly… and with such precision.”
Mark nodded. “So after a century of peace, the Crescent decided to launch an attack on New Lundun and the lower half of Anglestan. Anglestan is split in two right now, but we’re fighting them off. We believe the Crescent is trying to finish what the previous war started. World domination, revenge, a sense of superiority. They’ve had a few wins as of late. Polskania has fallen. So has Francaisia. Castillia is holding out. Belgia has been taken, and the rest of Europa is fighting them off. We believe there’s a traitor in the UHT, hence the bombing of its headquarters. The head of Russland is being suspected, but we don’t know for sure. All we know is, someone is trying to sabotage humanity’s efforts, and is giving the enemy intel and supplying them with our own tech to fight us back.”
Helena hummed. “From how I see it, humanity has a big chance of winning.”
“Winning is not the problem,” Mark sighed. “It’s how long it should take. Ending it, as soon as possible. I lost my mother to this war. Hundreds of thousands… no, millions have lost their mothers too. Families. Bothers. Sisters. Friends. Children. The pain I’ve felt losing my own mother is felt all around the world. For as long as the Crescent stands and exists, this suffering will continue. I don’t want statistics. I don’t care if humanity has a big chance of winning. I care about the people who have lost their lives, and those who have no choice but to continue fighting, or else more will be lost.”
The goddess listened intently, slowly nodding her head. “I see your conviction, young one.” She stood up to her feet and reached her hand out into the air. The clanging of metal was heard from the other room. Things crashing into one another before finally, the wall behind Helena began to melt. A flaming sword burst through the molten wall and flew right into her hand. “I shall join your fight, and bring you the swift victory you so crave.”
“Thank you, Your Holiness.”
“Helena. Just call me by my name. You have impressed me enough to earn it,” she said. “You look so young yet hold so much respect from your companions. The title you hold is high by all means, and you carry yourself well. Humans always surprise me. You remind me of why they inspire me so.”
“That is high praise from you, Helena. There is more you should know however,” Mark nodded, handing her Thatcher’s folders. “These are the projects of the previous colonel before I took her place.”
“Interesting,” she said as she took them.
“The previous Colonel, Thatcher, wanted to create supersoldiers, using your DNA, and with your expertise in genetic engineering. I read her notes,” Mark said. “You’re a vampyr.”
“Wait, WHAT?!” Louis gasped. Olivia and Emma covered their mouths in shock. Phineas kept a straight face while Zach and Charles were nearly foaming at the mouth, losing their minds at the revelation. “Mark, this is a joke, right?” Olivia asked. “The goddess is a vampyr?!”
“It was a closely guarded secret,” the goddess nodded. “But by all accounts it's true. I am Grygori. The race that humans have dubbed the vampyr. However, I am on the side of humanity. This body of mine was not my own but built from a template. My friend’s body was that template. As a grygori, it is true that our understanding and knowledge of genetic engineering is second to none.”
Olivia cleared her throat. “Y-Your holiness,” she said. “So, you’re… not a goddess?”
“I am what people believe I am to be. If you think that I am a goddess, then who am I to say that I am not to you? That is how you see me. If millions see me that way, who am I to dash that hope surrounding the belief? I am the goddess, not because I want to be, but because I have to be,” she stated. “But then, Mark Jacobs, what benefit would you have revealing this to your group?”
“I trust that they won’t share it with anyone else. But I want everyone here to be on the same page about what you can and cannot do. The illusion of power can make or break the balance in a war,” he said. “We want the enemy and people to think you’re a goddess capable of anything, but those who work with you should know and understand your limitations so that we know what we’re working with.”
“Wise. Truly wise.”
Mark nodded. He pointed toward the files in Helena’s hand. “The Lunari and the Solari, that’s what Thatcher called them,” Mark explained. “Strigoi capable of going out into the sun, and supersoldiers enhanced by strigoi genetics. For the former, we already have a way. A half-breed strigoi. First of her kind, and able to turn any true born like herself. You can see it in the files I gave. For the latter, well, that’s what Thatcher was hoping you could help with.”
Helena flipped through the files, reading each and every word. “Doable,” she said. “I can help improve your soldiers’ capabilities, and with the help of this… Six individual, all human-aligned strigoi can be turned into ‘blessed children’, or ‘Lunari’. The first hybrid child. Huh. Definitely not the last one in this era if you were to ask your wife. We might be on to a new era entirely.”
Mark’s eyes squinted. “My wife? What? What do you mean?”
“Is she not your wife?” the goddess pointed at Olivia.
“Well, I— no. I mean she is my partner, but not my wife… yet,” Mark cleared his throat. “But what did you mean? Not the last? A new era?”
“I see you haven’t told him. I can see the child growing in you,” Helena said.
“I-I didn’t think it was possible,” Olivia stammered. “I-it’s been two months, and I thought I was just late and…” She instinctively placed her hands down to her stomach, pressing on it lightly. “Oh Sol, I-I’m pregnant…”
“H-how is this possible?! The report said that—”
“That Six’s genealogy states she was born from a human and a strigoi,” Helena said. “But in order for her to exist, the human parent would have to be completely immune to the virus that turns humans into strigoi. Yes, I just finished reading the report. Conception is not possible for any regular strigoi and human being, but the immunity makes it so.”
Mark lost his composure, stepping back and sharing a look with Olivia. “T-That would mean…”
“Yes,” Helena answered. “You are immune, and the father of a strigoi hybrid. A blessed child. A Lunari.”
“Oh Sol, M-Mark…” Olivia shook, her knees going weak. She held on to the colonel for support, looking down at the floor in shock. “I-I didn’t even think this would happen I— I’m sorry. Do you even want it… him? Her?”
“Y-you have nothing to apologize for,” Mark swallowed hard. “I’m happy of course… But I guess we have to be careful with you now. There’s so much we don’t know about. We will need to be very careful with our child too, but I’m sure if he or she is anything like us, then we might have our hands full soon. B-But don’t worry, okay?”
“But not only that,” Helena said.
“T-there’s more?”
The goddess nodded. “Thatcher did not think of this, but I saw its potential immediately. The fact that an immunity exists means that a cure can be developed,” she said. “Mark Jacobs, your lineage is special. You hold the key to reverting any turned strigoi back to a human, and I have the knowledge to make it possible. I thought there was nothing that could be done for the turned, but that was because someone with immunity was unheard of. But since you exist, and we have fifty percent of Six’s DNA from her paternal side, working a cure is possible. We cannot change the true born, but becoming a Lunari is their closest option.”
“Okay hold up!” Louis swiped his hands in the air. “So first off, the boss got his girlfriend fucking pregnant, have you two ever heard of protection?! And second of all, we can all become this Lunari thing?!”
“Precisely,” Helena nodded.
“So… all of us can see the sun one day?” he asked, raising his hand.
“That is right. True born can be turned into Lunari, and the turned can be reverted back.”
“This opens so many possibilities…” Zach commented.
Olivia’s eyes went wide, letting out a gasp and looking up at the goddess.“M-My parents,” Olivia said. “ M-my parents t-they’ve wanted to grow old for so long. Will you be able to change them back? Is it really possible?”
“It isn’t as difficult as when I created this body.”
“B-but will Mark be hurt..?”
“To my knowledge, no. I simply have to study his DNA. A simple extraction of tissue samples and fluids will be needed. I can synthesize one once I figure out which part of Mark makes him immune. I can mass produce it after.”
Olivia looked at Mark. She reached for his hand and held it tightly. “I won’t let her do it if you don’t want to,” she told him. “But my parents… they've always talked about wanting to taste food again. To go outside. To grow old.”
“I’ll do it,” Mark said, giving her hand a squeeze. “Don’t worry. After the war is over, I’ll do it.”
“A-are you sure?”
“If it’s for you? Anything. Always.”
Helena hummed and walked to the side of the room, where there was another glass chamber that held her golden stola, her clothes, on display. She broke the glass and reached for it, placing it on her form. “Now then,” she started. “We all understand each other now and I’ve read the projects the previous colonel had plans for. Approve them all. I will monitor its progress and help work on them to accelerate the process. I will personally work on these… powered armor and supersoldiers. We will begin Project Lunari as soon as we can. That means you know where your next stop is already, don’t you?”
“Yes,” Mark nodded. “I’m going to have to talk to the mayor of Dante.”
“That you do, young man. Now, we must address the people and let Anglestan know of my return. I would advise, however, that the world not find out about me yet, for just a little longer.”
Just then, Aurelius burst through the room. He had heavy beads of sweat on his forehead and was panting heavily. “I-I have gathered the masses. A total of two million had come, even from other cities.”
“Good. Let us now tell the people about my return and bolster their faith.”
Mark turned to look at Olivia and gave her a nod. They followed the goddess hand in hand all the way back up the stairs where a large crowd had gathered just outside the cathedral. The Great Grandfather was on a podium at a stage outside the cathedral that looked like it had just been assembled a few minutes ago.
“Brothers! Sisters! Followers of Sol and his ways! We are graced! For today is a truly blessed day!” he said.
He raised his hands into the air and looked up into the early morning sky. The sun was about to rise. Olivia and the rest of the hemolites opted to stay inside the cathedral, while Mark and the human operators stepped outside to watch. “Rejoice! For our blessed goddess—”
Just then, Helena spread her wings and flew out of the cathedral doors and into the sky in a flash of speed. A trail of white and yellow light behind her path. She opened her wings out in front of the crowd as she hovered weightlessly in the air, holding her flaming sword in her hand. Her four arms outstretched into the sky while her hair floated around as if she was underwater.
“—has returned!” Aurelius finished.
The people gasped and fell silent, while some murmured and looked in shock. Many looked pale and others shone brightly with awe and admiration. The color showing in their faces. Frightened looks and wide smiles mingled and mixed together within the crowd. It was evident who were the true followers, and the unbelievers who only followed out of tradition or fear of being ridiculed. Some were just afraid of the sheer power before them. Seeing a goddess in the flesh was sure to be more than what others could comfortably handle.
“Hear me, people of Anglestan!” Helena spoke. Her voice boomed impossibly loud and yet very soft and calm. It rang in everyone’s heads as if she had spoken directly into their minds. “I have heard your pleas and your prayers! This war has taken enough from you, and so I have returned to put an end to it once and for all! Fear not! For I am at your side, and we will vanquish the enemies of man, in the name of Sol, by the Order of the Sun, and by my burning will I will bring humanity to victory!”
The crowd cheered loudly. All of them this time. Clapping and crying, whistling and screaming at the top of their lungs. “We’re saved! We’re saved!” they yelled out, cheering her name. “Helena! Goddess of the Sun! Save us!”
Young Mark Jacobs. I did not want to return at all. I do not want to rule humanity like this. It’s a dangerous game you’re playing, and you’ve put the queen on the board. The Crescent will act accordingly, and I hope that you know what you’re doing. I am not a guarantee to win this war.
She came down to the stage with blinding speed, slamming down with such force that the steel under it bent.
“I am Helena! Mother of the Church of Sol! The Goddess of the Sun! I will lead you to victory, and my light will guide the way! Fight with me, and we shall bask in the light of day! Veritas!” Now we reach the turning point.
submitted by MYSFITS_OFFICIAL to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:06 InevitableOld3322 Gitea server behind swag reverse proxy issues

Hi all,
I am currently trying to set up a gitea server that I can access from anywhere. I got the server up and running and edited the gitea subdomain template that is provided by swag for reverse proxy ( Also added the server config in the app.ini of gitea as mentioned at the top.
While I can access the webpage just fine through https, I am having issues with issuing a git clone of a repository. It would go through the webgui for authentication and asks to authorize the session fine, but then redirects to a url which throws the error ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR.
Anyone who had the same issue who figured out what it was?
Some things I tried myself:
Also set up a LAN only test server to check its not related to gitea itself, but that seems to clone just fine.
Thx in advance
submitted by InevitableOld3322 to unRAID [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:00 AutoModerator Project Progress - May 27, 2024

Welcome to MakeupRehab’s Project Progress!
Project Progress is one of MUR’s oldest community activities, formerly known as Project Pan. The goal is to pick products you want to use up and keep track of how you are progressing. Every member has different goals and timelines, so project progress was created to be welcoming for everyone.
Got a stack of samples to work through? Join us!
Want to get more use out of your giant lipstick collection? Join us!
Have a lotion that you feel has stuck around too long? Join us!
These posts go up every Monday!
Follow the template below to share your progress on whichever products you want in whatever time frames work for you. Tracking progress is the best way to see it and we’re all here to cheer each other on!
Product name Beginning and/or remaining amount: Goal: (Finish the product? Make a dent in it? Use it x-times a week?) Picture:
submitted by AutoModerator to MakeupRehab [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 04:37 FadingHeaven This is an example of a good resume we were given in a career class. What do you guys think?

submitted by FadingHeaven to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 00:43 Makuta_Nazo Creating a custom Warframe set, and custom Warframe Showcase templates. Here's some test samples with abilities(?)

submitted by Makuta_Nazo to custommagic [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 20:21 GordonRamsayFather Few questions about Latency and crackling while recording MIDI

Hey everyone,
Recently I've been trying to optimize some templates that include a variety of plugins, but mostly Virtual instruments through samplers like Kontakt, Opus and Spitfire Audio's.
Maybe it's because of the bigger size of my current sessions, but I've been having more crackling happening whenever I've got a midi track armed for recording, especially with some Kontakt libraries (mostly Spitfire's).
I noticed that the crackling is happening when RT CPU usage is over 35-40 percent. So the first question was: is it normal to have crackles while having the RT CPU usage at less than 50%? Maybe it's not only related to that so I'm trying to figure out what's the source of the problem.
Here is my system:
OS : Windows 11 Pro Audio interface : Komplete Audio 6 MK I (the old one) Sample rate : 48khz Buffer size : 256
CPU : Ryzen 7 5700x RAM : 64 GB DDR4 3200mhz
Since my RT CPU usage is under 40 percent when crackling, I thought that the problem might be my audio interface? It's a relatively old one (released in 2011) and I've been using it for 8 years.
I've followed several tutorials to get an improved performance but the change is still marginal. I'd like to still record MIDI with Low latency (under 10ms) so I'd appreciate it if you have any input 🙏
submitted by GordonRamsayFather to Reaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 13:24 madchillunited Digitakt 2 Project loading time with lots of samples?

Hi was wondering, since now a project can hold 8 banks of samples if all the banks were filled with samples would it take a long time to load a project. It felt like on the dkt 1 project loading time was determined also by how much content was loaded.
Would be nice to have project templates on the DKT 2 with all my favourite samples for quick jams.
submitted by madchillunited to Elektron [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 09:52 InevitableOld3322 Help for hosting gitea behind reverse proxy

I would like to host a gitea server behind a nginx reverse proxy (swag), but I have issues with actually connecting git to it.
I started with the swag template for gitea ( changing the $upstream_app variable to my gitea ip (swag and gitea container are not sharing the same ip address) and the $upstream_port to port 80 (also changed the HTTP_PORT in the gitea config ofcourse). changed the SSH_DOMAIN, ROOT_URL and DOMAIN config of the gitea server to my subdomain.
The webgui is working over https perfectly, no issues. The problem is when I try to clone a repo with git. With the clone command, it would go to my webgui for login, which works even with 2fa, but then throws a ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR, freezing the clone command.
What I tried so far:
Anyone who encountered this issue before who can help me?
submitted by InevitableOld3322 to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 04:20 Apprehensive-Sand618 distorted audio clip problem

distorted audio clip problem
hi, I'm new to Ableton and recently whenever I make a midi clip using my computer's keyboard with a .wav clip from my library, it comes out muffled and not sounding like the original wav, like it did before. how can I fix this? I haven't changed any settings on the instruments themselves but now they're never loud enough and sound oversaturated and very muffled.
for example, in the 7th track that says "flanged snare", when I play that sound on my keyboard it sounds different.
thanks in advance for the help
submitted by Apprehensive-Sand618 to ableton [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 23:29 OffensiveScientist Image Template for Dendrochemistry?

Image Template for Dendrochemistry?
Hey y'all, I am relatively new to LaTeX (been using it non-seriously for about a year). I have typed a few term papers and made my own graphs and such. But I recently joined a group that was using Microsoft Word to mark the years of these tree ring samples and it made me almost physically ill seeing that format. I told my professor we should try out Overleaf since its free and it would allow us to collaborate on papers. He so far likes it.
Anyway, I was just wondering if there was a way I could create a template of an image with a label pointing to the selected ring or would it be better for me to do it externally then just add it into the paper later. I have attached of a very crude example of what they were doing in Microsoft word. It has the year followed by the XRF run number.
Is there a prettieeasier way to do this on LaTeX?
This is the format they used for previous core samples on Word. I would like to see if there was a way for me on Overleaf to be able to make it more consistent or pleasing to the eye.
submitted by OffensiveScientist to LaTeX [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 22:41 AleksWBD Ecom Family Academy Reviews: A Detailed Insight

This review of Ecom Family Academy delves into the membership benefits, overall costs, customer feedback, and everything else you need to know before joining. Ecom Family Academy is a comprehensive educational course designed to teach the essentials of dropshipping and print-on-demand using Shopify. Created by Reginald and Tania Jennings, known in the e-commerce community as Mr. and Mrs. Ecom, the program aims to equip learners with the necessary skills to establish and manage a successful online store.
The curriculum encompasses a wide array of topics, from product design and Shopify setup to order management and utilizing print-on-demand services. Targeted at beginners eager to enter the e-commerce market, the course offers valuable insights into both operational and marketing aspects of running an online business.
Ecom Family Academy has garnered a wealth of positive reviews, with many praising the Jennings' expertise. However, the steep price of $1,495, plus an estimated additional $1,000 for business expenses, poses a significant financial risk for potential customers.

My Top Recommended Training Program

What is Ecom Family Academy?

Launched in 2021 by Reginald and Tania Jennings, the Ecom Family Academy course is meticulously structured to guide students through the process of creating a print-on-demand business. It focuses on crucial steps such as crafting unique designs, setting up a functional Shopify website, and partnering with companies specializing in product printing and shipping. The primary objective of the course is to impart essential skills needed in the eCommerce industry, covering everything from initial design to final sales. The program includes step-by-step lessons and emphasizes monetization strategies, teaching students how to leverage various online advertising platforms to boost sales and revenue.

Inside Ecom Family Academy: A Breakdown of Course Content

The Ecom Family Academy course is divided into several modules, each addressing a different aspect of building a successful print-on-demand business. Here's an in-depth look at the course content and structure:
  1. Introduction and Mindset: The initial module sets the tone by emphasizing the importance of the right mindset for e-commerce success. It prepares students for the journey ahead, highlighting the dedication needed to thrive in this competitive industry.
  2. Product Research: This module teaches students how to identify profitable niches and high-demand products. Techniques for market analysis and trend spotting are covered, ensuring students can make informed decisions.
  3. Design: Focused on the creative aspect of print-on-demand, this module instructs students on how to create compelling designs that resonate with their target audience. It includes using design software and understanding design principles.
  4. Store Building: Guides students through the process of setting up a Shopify store, from choosing a theme to optimizing the layout for user experience. It covers essential e-commerce functionalities and best practices for online retail.
  5. Ad Creatives: This module dives into creating effective advertisements for various platforms. Students learn about crafting engaging ad copy, selecting images, and designing visuals that convert viewers into customers.
  6. Marketing and Monetization: Explores strategies for driving traffic to the store and converting visits into sales. It covers SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, and leveraging online advertising platforms.
  7. Case Studies and Examples: Real-world examples and case studies are provided to illustrate successful strategies and common pitfalls. This hands-on approach helps students understand the practical application of the course material.
  8. Bonus Content and Resources: Additional materials, including advanced tips, tools, and templates, are offered to further support students. This might include checklists, software recommendations, and guides for scaling your business.
The course is delivered through comprehensive video training, allowing students to learn at their own pace. Each module builds on the previous one, ensuring a structured learning experience that covers all bases. The inclusion of case studies and bonus content enriches the curriculum, providing valuable insights and practical tools that students can apply directly to their businesses.

How Much Does The Ecom Family Academy Cost?

The Ecom Family Academy course is priced at $1,495, representing a substantial financial commitment for individuals looking to venture into the e-commerce and print-on-demand industry. This cost reflects the course's comprehensive nature, promising to equip students with the knowledge and tools necessary to launch and grow their online businesses.
However, it's important to note that this fee covers only the course itself. Additional expenses include:
These additional costs are integral to launching and scaling an e-commerce business. Potential students should budget for these expenses and consider them part of the overall investment in their e-commerce journey. Planning for these costs upfront can help avoid surprises and ensure a smoother path to business growth and profitability.

My Top Recommended Training Program

Refund Policy

The refund policy for Ecom Family Academy requires students to spend a minimum of $1,000 on their business to be eligible. This policy implies that beyond the initial course fee, students are expected to invest additional funds into their business, whether for marketing, product development, or other operational costs. The requirement to spend $1,000 before qualifying for a refund adds an extra layer of financial consideration for potential students, emphasizing the need for a serious commitment to pursuing the business model taught in the course.
For prospective students, this financial structure highlights the importance of being prepared for the initial investment and subsequent operational expenses. It suggests that the course is geared towards individuals who are not only willing to invest financially but are also serious about applying the lessons learned to create a successful e-commerce business. The refund policy, while offering a safety net, also serves as a motivator for students to actively engage with the course material and apply it to their business endeavors.
Prospective students must weigh the initial course fee against the potential returns on investment, considering both the monetary and time resources required to make the most of the educational opportunity presented.

Who Created Ecom Family Academy?

Reginald and Tania Jennings are the creators of Ecom Family Academy. They bring a unique and personal journey into the e-commerce world, which underpins the course they've developed. Their e-commerce journey began as a quest to find financial freedom and a more flexible lifestyle, allowing them to spend more time with family and pursue their passions.
This journey led them to explore various online business models, eventually finding success in the dropshipping and print-on-demand sectors. Their expertise in e-commerce is not just theoretical but grounded in real-world experience. The Jennings have successfully launched and scaled multiple online stores, leveraging the power of Shopify and social media marketing to reach wide audiences and generate significant sales.
Their journey from beginners to successful e-commerce entrepreneurs is a testament to their understanding of the industry's challenges and opportunities. Through Ecom Family Academy, they aim to demystify the process of starting and growing an online business, drawing on their personal successes and setbacks to provide a comprehensive learning experience. Their hands-on approach to teaching, combined with case studies from their own business ventures, offers students practical strategies that are proven to work.
Moreover, their active engagement with the e-commerce community, through social media and their course platform, demonstrates their commitment to staying updated with industry trends and continuously refining their strategies. This ongoing involvement ensures that the knowledge they impart is relevant and actionable in today's fast-evolving digital marketplace. Reginald and Tania Jennings' background in successfully navigating the e-commerce landscape lends credibility to their course. Their journey from novices to seasoned entrepreneurs, coupled with their commitment to sharing their learning with others, positions them as legitimate experts in the field, capable of guiding others to achieve similar success.

My Top Recommended Training Program

Who is Ecom Family Academy Best Suited For?

The Ecom Family Academy is tailored primarily for those at the beginning of their e-commerce journey, as well as those specifically interested in exploring the dropshipping and print-on-demand (POD) business models. This course is particularly well-suited for:
Prospective students should be prepared for the financial commitment required, not just for the course fee but also for additional expenses related to setting up and running their e-commerce store. This includes costs for Shopify subscriptions, domain names, advertising, and potentially more costs for business expenses.
submitted by AleksWBD to u/AleksWBD [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 20:30 sniffysloth [For Hire] PowerPoint Presentation / Slide Deck / Pitch Deck Designer ($15 / slide)

Hi! My name is Ace, and I'm a presentation designer with 7 years of experience. Here's my portfolio:
My pricing is $15/slide (payment through PayPal)
If you would like to proceed, please send these to me at [](
  1. Your plain PowerPoint presentation with clear content for each slide (This can just be plain text or handwritten drawings, charts, graphs or diagrams. I will visually enhance it, restructure, and put in royalty free pictures, custom charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations etc. Check out my portfolio's "More Samples" section ( to take a look at what my past client sent me and what my output looks like.)
  2. The Deadline (date and time on when you need the final presentation)
Optional assets: Your preferred style, brand kit, color schemes, template, pictures, anything that can help me deliver what you want. Without a preferred style, I will default to my usual minimalist, clean, flat, vector corporate style similar to Facebook's Allegria style. (See my portfolio for samples)
I will give you a confirmation email and an invoice for 50% downpayment. After I receive this payment, I will start the project. I will send you the first few slides and ask for your feedback, to make sure that I am heading in the right direction. You will receive the final presentation on or before the agreed upon deadline.
Looking forward to working with you!
submitted by sniffysloth to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 19:49 Zealousidealization Need custom email templates?

Need custom email templates?
I am a junior Front-end Engineer that needs a little bit of financial help.
I want to offer you my services. I will create a fully customizable email template for you, your business, or organization.
  • NSFW work is welcome.
  • Advertisement design is welcome.
  • Here is a very basic and clean sample.
You may contact me here:
Payment methods:
  • GCash
  • Maya
  • BDO (Bank transfer)
Rates may range in 250-1000 PHP depending on complexity - per template (royalty free license)
Note: Usage of templated emails in gmail uses CloudHQ to manage, edit, and use the template. You will also need an account there (its free, not paid promotion)
submitted by Zealousidealization to classifiedsph [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 17:51 Icy_Calligrapher4022 Proper Flask Forms

Hey everyone,
I am currently making my first web application using Flask as a backend framework, I am more into DevOps stuff and all that web developent topic is still pretty new to me and the more I am reading, the more confused I am what are the best practices for certain things, like the forms.
My application is a coding platform where the users can solve tasks(quests), earn XP, gain new's something like a learning platform with RPG game elements. One of the functionalities allows the Admins to create new quest, using the form provided in the frontend and that quest is directly commited into the database(postgres). Below is just one example, part of the above's functionality, sorry for the long code.
# Submit new quest as admin from the admin panel bp_qst.route('/submit_quest', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def submit_quest(): language = request.form.get('quest_language') difficulty = request.form.get('quest_difficulty') quest_name = request.form.get('quest_name') quest_condition = request.form.get('quest_condition') function_template = request.form.get('function_template') unit_tests = request.form.get('quest_unitests') quest_inputs = request.form.get('quest_inputs') quest_outputs = request.form.get('quest_outputs') # Generate random suffix suffix_length = 6 suffix = ''.join(random.choices(string.digits, k=suffix_length)) # Determine prefix based on language if request.form['quest_language'] == 'Python': prefix = 'PY-' elif request.form['quest_language'] == 'Java': prefix = 'JV-' elif request.form['quest_language'] == 'JavaScript': prefix = 'JS-' elif request.form['quest_language'] == 'C#': prefix = 'CS-' else: prefix = 'UNK-' # Default prefix for unknown languages # Construct quest ID quest_id = f"{prefix}{suffix}" # Assing XP points based on difficulty xp = 0 type = '' if request.form['quest_difficulty'] == 'Novice Quests': xp = 30 type = 'Basic' elif request.form['quest_difficulty'] == 'Adventurous Challenges': xp = 60 type = 'Basic' elif request.form['quest_difficulty'] == 'Epic Campaigns': xp = 100 type = 'Basic' # Get the currently logged in user's username current_username = current_user.username # Get the current time current_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Create a new Quest object new_quest = Quest( quest_id= quest_id, language=language, difficulty=difficulty, quest_name=quest_name, quest_author=current_username, date_added=current_time, last_modified=current_time, condition=quest_condition, function_template=function_template, unit_tests=unit_tests, test_inputs=quest_inputs, test_outputs=quest_outputs, type=type, xp=str(xp) ) # Add the new quest to the database session # Import the database instance from app import db db.session.add(new_quest) db.session.commit() # Create record in questCreate collection new_quest_transaction('questCreate', current_user.user_id, current_username, quest_id, quest_name, current_username, current_time) # Redirect to a success page or main page return redirect(url_for('usr.open_admin_panel')) Add New Quest Panel  
So, I have showed that code to a friend of mine who have a bit more experience writing web-apps, mostly with Django, and the feedback was more or less...That code is a garbage. :( As far as I understood, the proper way to make forms in Flask is to use the Flask WTF which means I should rewrite a significant part of my app, most of my forms are following the above logic. But when I was searching for tutorials and examples, many of them showed the similar code structure as mine. The question is, what would be the best practice when writing forms? Should I go back and modify every single form that I did and convert them using Flaks WTF?
submitted by Icy_Calligrapher4022 to flask [link] [comments]