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2024.06.10 22:57 NDC71334 What if ECW was revived in the modern day? Episode 1

Context: So normally I like to do mostly realistic bookings that focus mainly on WWE and AEW with specific cards and storylines. However, for this booking, I want to book something absolutely crazy and complete fantasy (I also came up with this idea when I was a bit tipsy). The revival of ECW in the current day. Now, I want to be transparent from the jump before someone immediately downvotes, most of the wrestlers that I have put on this roster are from major North American companies like WWE and AEW. I tried my best to not take some of their biggest stars for this but that said, there are major names on this brand and the ones I've chosen are ones that I feel would fit in really well. I'm working on expanding my pro wrestling knowledge outside of that sphere and may add new people to the roster over time. For this booking, I will be booking week-to-week the show format and matches for as long as I feel like doing these and if you guy like it, for as long as you want to see it. So, without further ado, let's get started with this completely fantasy, unrealistic and wacky project!
Also important note: For this alternate reality, we will say that after the announcement of ECW's revival, it is reported that many stars across the world have decided to either not re-sign with the company that they are in or ask for their release, which for some is successful and others we have to wait until their contract is up. It is hyped up that there are some big names that are wanting to be part of the ECW brand. Again, this is completely fantasy so just stay with me here.
Location: Philadelphia, PA (ECW Arena)
Week 1: The Return of the Tribe of the Extreme
Opening Segment w/Paul Heyman:
(First to come down to the ring is Pentagon El Zero Miedo (Called "Pentagon Jr." here) as he enters the the arena and makes is way down the ring. Penta does his "Zero Miedo" taunt as the crowd chants along and waits for his opponent. The next to come down to the ring... is Kevin Owens (called "Kevin Steen") and the crowd goes wild. Steen has the signature "Kill Steen Kill" shirt and enters the ring, full of intensity.)
1st Match (Opening Match):
  • Kevin Steen def. Pentagon Jr.
    • Both Pentagon Jr. and Kevin Steen (Kevin Owens for those who don't know) come out first to compete in the first match of the revived ECW and embrace the fans chanting for ECW as the bell rings. These two go to war and beat the hell out of each other, showing how tough each person is and truly how talented they both are. The two brawl all over the arena and are being very violent (there are rules in ECW but they are very lightly enforced unless under extreme circumstances). Penta is able to bring the fight to Steen, even bloodying him up at one point after throwing a chair into his face (again, there aren't really DQs in ECW). There are a lot of crazy spots in this match, including at one point Penta hitting a Package Piledriver to Steen on the apron, sending both men to the outside as an exhausted Penta isn't able to fully capitalize. In the final stretch, Penta goes for a Canadian Destroyer but Kevin Steen counters it into a Pop Up Powerbomb and then immediately picks Pentagon back up and hits him with a Package Piledriver of his own and gets the pinfall victory. Steen celebrates and says to the camera that his run in ECW is only getting started.
Backstage Segment w/ Jon Moxley
  • We cut backstage to Jon Moxley who says that he feels like he's at home for some reason. Moxley says that a place that embraces wrestling violence sounds like the exact place he wants to be at. Moxley says that he will be looking to be the standard of ECW and that to beat him, it's going to take someone special. He tells his opponent for later that night (Mike Santana) that tonight, he's going to show him what Jon Moxley is made of, and will be interested to see what Mike Santana looks like on his own. After Moxley says this, Kingston shows up on frame and the two men have friendly banter. Kingston tells Moxley that he's not on the show tonight but will be competing next week. Kingston tells Mox that he's his boy, but to be careful because Mike Santana is really good and has a chip on his shoulder to show how good he is. Kingston wishes Moxley good luck and the two exchange a fist bump.
2nd Match:
  • Kana, Rob Van Dam & Rhyno def. Chelsea Green & Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson)
    • Before the match begins, Pretty Deadly cuts a promo as they enter the ring and they do their shtick. They both run down how ECW is barbaric, gross, and disgusting. However, despite this, they will make ECW prettier and more gorgeous than ever before. All of the sudden, Chelsea Green interrupts and acts like she's about to rip them to shreds verbally, putting over some of the all-time ECW legends, such as Sabu, Raven, Mike Awesome, Sandman, etc. until then she says that something they also all had in common is that they were disgusting, barbaric pieces of trash who bashed their brains in to get famous (loud boos as Pretty Deadly laughs with her). All of the sudden RVD interrupts and makes his way to the ring. RVD runs down Pretty Deadly and puts over the history of ECW and it's competitors (mentions people like Sandman, Sabu, Taz, Raven, etc.) and will not allow these two and Chelsea Green to disrespect their name and the ECW brand. Pretty Deadly says that they are ready to send RVD to retirement and embarrass him in front of his ECW people. RVD says that won't happen as long as he and his partner tonight have anything to say about it. Rhyno comes down to the ring to which before he can get to them, Chelsea Green steps in front of him and slaps him. Chelsea says "what are you going to do about it?" and then you hear the music of Kana (formerly known as Asuka) play. A ref runs down to the ring and the match is underway. Pretty Deadly get one moment where they take control but it's brief and Chelsea Green wants nothing to do with Kana. Green only goes after Kana after Pretty Deadly distracts her but her control over Kana is very brief. After about 10 minutes, Kana spits the poison mist to Chelsea Green, Rhyno hits a Gore to Elton Prince and then tags in RVD, RVD hits the 5-star Frog Splash and gets the pinfall victory. The ECW originals celebrate in the ring as the crowd chants ("EC-Dub")
3rd Match:
  • Io Shirai def. Mia Yim, Scarlett Bordeaux, and Sonya Deville
    • This match is fast paced and chaotic as each woman gets a chance to shine and showcase their skills. Io showcases her high-flying ability, Mia Yim showcases her veteran skills as well as her ability to be resilient, Scarlett showcases her power, and Sonya Deville showcases her MMA abilities as well as her brawling ability. In the end, after Mia Yim and Scarlett take each other out, Io Shirai is able to counter a move from Sonya Deville and then hits a moonsault from the top rope to pick up the pinfall victory. Commentary puts over that Io is going to be a difficult person to beat in ECW.
Vignette Promo: Athena
  • Athena cuts a vignette promo highlighting her dominance in various companies, and most recently Ring of Honor. Athena says that "The Fallen Goddess" is looking for worthy competition after dominating around the world, she wants to know who will step up to Athena. Athena says she will be here next week, looking for someone to step up to her for a fight.
Backstage Segment: Charlie Regal w/ William Regal
  • Charlie Regal (formerly known as Charlie Dempsey in NXT) and William Regal are together backstage and Charlie talks about how disgusting it is here in ECW and wants to know why he's here. William Regal says that he is in ECW to showcase his skills and provide class to a revived brand (even though he is also disgusted with ECW antics). Charlie Regal says that this place is a cesspool and that there is nobody that can beat him in a real match. All of the sudden, Tommy Dreamer appears and challenges Charlie Regal to a match so that he can teach the young upstart the meaning of respect, and give him a test to see how tough Charlie Regal is. William Regal accepts the challenge on Charlie's behalf and Tommy says he will meet him out there. Charlie Regal disapproves and wants to know why William did this. William Regal says that Tommy Dreamer is the perfect first opponent to make an example of and showcase what Charlie can really do.
4th Match:
  • Charlie Regal def. Tommy Dreamer
    • The ECW crowd LOVES Tommy Dreamer and Tommy is giving him a quick test in toughness to start. Eventually, Charlie Regal is able to use his technical ability to gain control back from Tommy and showcases his vicious style with his technical ability (kind of like how William Regal was with his). Eventually, after about 8 minutes, Tommy Dreamer tries to use a trash can but Charlie Regal hits a low blow and then puts Tommy Dreamer in Arm-Trap STF and Dreamer submits. Charlie Regal disrespects Tommy after the match and he and William Regal leave together and Charlie spits down at Tommy.
Backstage interview: Thunder Rosa & Shayna Bazler
  • Thunder Rosa is being interviewed backstage and Thunder Rosa looks to make a statement tonight and showcase that "La Mera Mera" is a star that can be the best in the entire world, regardless of which promotion it is in, regardless of what the rules are, regardless of who her opponent is, Thunder Rosa is the best. All of the sudden, we see Shayna Bazler appear and she says that she is looking to rebrand herself and remind the world why she is someone to be feared. Shayna says she feels at home here in ECW and will be looking to make a statement tonight for herself. Rosa says that she can't wait to see what Shayna is made of, but to be prepared for what Thunder Rosa can do too.
5th Match:
  • Shayna Bazler def. Thunder Rosa
    • This match is an absolute war as these two beat the hell out of each other, to the point where the crowd is cheering both of them on. Shayna showcases her brutal MMA style in an environment where it is appreciated. Thunder Rosa showcases her resilience, she is someone that is hard to put down for good and gives Shayna a hell of a fight as well, even after being busted open by Shayna at one point. In the end, after Thunder Rosa goes for her Fire Thunder Driver, Shayna is able to counter and finally apply the Kirifuda Clutch after trying to get ahold of it the entire match. Thunder Rosa fights as long as she can, looking to almost be able to get out of it after rolling Shayna up but Shayna kicks out at 2 and still has the choke in. Thunder Rosa eventually passes out and Shayna is awarded the victroy via submission. Shayna heads to the back, and Thunder Rosa eventually gets back to her feet, taking in the applause of the fans.
Backstage Segment: Mike Santana
  • Mike Santana is backstage and says that for years he has been seen as merely a tag team wrestler and has been in many promotions where they had him under a certain ceiling. Santana says that he is tired of being viewed as a guy that has limited potential. Santana says that he has been busting his ass for a while trying to prove that he can make it on his own, and not only that, but can be THE guy for any promotion. Santana says that tonight, he will be looking to showcase that against a guy that is admittedly made for this kind of environment. Santana says that he respects Mox and his style of wrestling and the kind of man that he is, but that tonight, he will do what he needs to in order to make a name for himself and prove that he belongs at the top.
6th Match (Main Event):
  • Jon Moxley def. Mike Santana
    • These two have a back and forth battle that goes 20 minutes. Jon Moxley is able to showcase his pro wrestling violence as he is embraced by the ECW fans. Mike Santana though hangs in there and shows to be able to hang with Moxley, giving him trouble and showcases himself as well. This is designed to eleveate Mike Santana as he is out to prove himself to the world that he is and can be a top guy. They brawl all over the arena (as the ref is very loose and conservative with his counts). Santana is able to absolutely WRECK Moxley at one point with some stiff chair shots that bust Moxley up pretty good. Mike Santana at one point is able to hit Moxley with a Discus Lariat out of nowhere after countering the Death Rider. Santana gets a very close 2-count and can't believe that he wasn't able to put him away. Santana decides to go for a Death RideParadigm Shift of his own but this proves to be Santana's downfall as Mox is able to counter and hit one of his own. However, after hitting the Death Rider to Santana, Santana kicks out at 2.9! Moxley is in shock but immediately gets the Bulldog choke onto Santana and Santana fights as long as he can but eventually submits. Moxley is victorious after a war.
    • Post-Match: Jon Moxley gets back to his feet, he is bloodied and bruised but raises his hand in victory. Mike Santana is able to get back to his feet and looks disappointed, he really wanted this win to set the tone for for this run. Moxley, who was impressed with Santana's performance, offers his hand to Santana and wants to shake his hand. Santana pauses, looks at Moxley's hand, and then leaves without shaking it. Santana has chosen the sore loser path and heads to the back. However, as Moxley continues to celebrate, there is commotion going on. Moxley hears this commotion and turns around..... and is immediately decimated with a spear by Bron Breaker (being advertised as "Bron Steiner")! Bron Steiner is destroying Moxley and even though Moxley starts to try to fight back, Steiner puts him down again with a second Spear. Bron Steiner begins to get a table and stack it up against the turnbuckles. Steiner waits for Mox to get to his feet so that he can try to hit a spear through the table but Eddie Kingston makes his way to the ring and brawls with Steiner! Eddie is going off, laying in punch after punch to Steiner but after he goes for the Spinning Back Fist, Bron ducks it and hits Eddie with a massive Spear, putting Kingston down. Eventually, Bron Steiner picks Eddie up in a spinebuster position and drives Eddie through the table that was set up in the corner of the ring. Bron Steiner starts to do his bark thing and stands tall, making a huge statement to close the show.
The show then fades to black. And Scene.
What do you think? Did you like week 1? Did you dislike it? What did you like or dislike about it? Who's someone you would like to see appear in this?
Also, I wanted to add since this is a different style of booking, feel free to comment some things that you would like to see in these? Feel free to add any challenges or anything like that since that's what happens in real life (ex. "you have to bring someone in that is controversial" or "so and so has requested their release" or "week-to-week, book as though you have an hour show"). If your challenge gets a good amount of upvotes then I'll include it as part of my week-to-week booking.
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2024.06.10 22:57 Icy_Procedure9965 Amyl Guard Review: Did it live up to the hype (Honest Review)

Are you struggling with knee pain and searching for a solution? Look no further than Ageless Knees, a revolutionary program designed to alleviate knee discomfort and promote joint health. In this review, we'll delve into the features, benefits, and potential drawbacks of Ageless Knees, helping you decide if it's the right choice for you. pricing $67

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What is Ageless Knees?

Ageless Knees is a specialized program crafted by injury recovery specialist Chris Ohocinski to target knee pain and enhance overall knee health. It offers a simple yet effective solution for individuals of all ages and fitness levels, requiring just seven minutes of daily commitment.

How Does Ageless Knees Work?

Ageless Knees works by targeting the femoral nerve, a key component in knee function. Through a combination of electro-acupuncture and targeted exercises, the program stimulates the nerve, reduces pain, and improves blood flow to the knee area. This comprehensive approach aims to provide both immediate relief and long-term benefits.

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The Ageless Knees package includes: Ageless Knees DVD Digital Downloads Digital Handbook Miracle Massage Wand These resources provide everything you need to start your journey towards healthier knees, whether you prefer physical DVDs or digital content.

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Addresses underlying causes of knee pain Avoids the need for surgery or medication Provides rapid relief in just 60 seconds Enhances mobility, flexibility, and stability Reduces inflammation and swelling Improves posture, balance, and quality of life

Pros and Cons

Pros: No surgery required Affordable pricing Simple to understand and implement Developed by experienced creator Utilizes established science on nerve stimulation Offers personalized routines Includes specialized wand for relief
Cons: Exclusively available online Individual results may vary Guidance may be necessary for optimal results

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Ageless Knees also offers two free bonuses:
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Price and Money Back Guarantee

Ageless Knees offers two purchasing options: Digital Version: $47 Complete System: $67 Both options come with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee, ensuring your satisfaction and peace of mind.

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To ensure authenticity and effectiveness, Ageless Knees should only be purchased from the official website. Avoid counterfeit products from unauthorized sources to safeguard your health and investment.

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Ageless Knees offers a promising solution for individuals seeking relief from knee pain and improved joint health. With its accessibility, simplicity, and comprehensive approach, it stands out as a viable option for those tired of ineffective treatments. Plus, with a generous money-back guarantee, there's little to lose by giving it a try. Say goodbye to knee discomfort and hello to a more active, pain-free lifestyle with Ageless Knees!

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2024.06.10 22:57 Icy_Procedure9965 Amyl Guard Review: Did it live up to the hype (Honest Review)

Losing weight has always been a struggle for me. As someone who loves food, especially carbs like bread, pasta, and desserts, trying to cut back felt like torture. No matter how hard I tried to diet and exercise, those stubborn pounds just wouldn’t budge. But everything changed when I discovered Amyl Guard.

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After struggling with my weight for years, I finally found a solution that works with my lifestyle instead of against it. Amyl Guard has been an absolute game-changer. Thanks to its revolutionary formula that blocks the enzyme responsible for converting carbs to fat, I can finally enjoy pizza, pasta, even chocolate cake without worrying about packing on pounds.
Within just two weeks of taking Amyl Guard capsules as directed, I noticed my clothes fitting more loosely. My skinny jeans I could barely squeeze into were actually comfortable! And this is without any crazy dieting or exercise routines. As time went on, the weight kept melting off to the point I’m now back to my high school size after having my second kid. Amyl Guard curbs my appetite so I don’t overeat and gives me clean energy minus the crashes. It’s been a total life saver that allows me to achieve my weight loss goals without sacrificing the foods I love. Keep reading to learn more about how this revolutionary product can work for you too!

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Key Takeaways
✅ Weight Loss Support: Amyl Guard contains amylase inhibitors that prevent the breakdown of carbs into body fat, promoting weight loss. Most reviewers report noticeable fat reduction within 1–2 weeks.
✅ Safe and Natural: Made from plant-based ingredients like white kidney bean extract in an FDA-approved facility. Well-tolerated by most users.
✅ Blood Sugar Regulation: Helps stabilize blood sugar levels, controls cravings/appetite, and boosts energy naturally.
✅ Easy to Use: Take 2 capsules, 15–30 minutes before higher-carb meals with a glass of water. No extreme diets required.
✅ High Customer Satisfaction: 85% of surveyed Amyl Guard users rated it 4 or 5 stars. Most reviewers see continued results with consistent use over 4–6 weeks. Scores high for fat burning power.
✅ Good Value: Available on the official website starting at $49 for a 3-month supply. Bulk options offer more savings. 365-day money-back guarantee backs every order.
Based on overwhelmingly positive customer reviews about its weight loss effects and health benefits, Amyl Guard comes highly recommended for proven carb blocking and weight reduction support.
What is Amyl Guard? Amyl Guard is a dietary weight loss supplement created by Nutraville, a reputable company known for developing innovative and effective dietary supplements. The formulation of Amyl Guard utilizes a potent amylase inhibitor, which targets the enzyme responsible for breaking down carbohydrates into sugars that can be stored as fat in the body. By inhibiting this process, Amyl Guard helps prevent the conversion of carbs into fat-storing sugars, thereby assisting in weight management and promoting a healthier body composition.
The Role of Amylase in Weight Gain Amylase is an enzyme found in our gastrointestinal system that plays a crucial role in carbohydrate digestion. It breaks down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars that can be absorbed and used as energy by our cells. However, when the activity of amylase is excessive, it can lead to the conversion of carbohydrates into fat-storing sugars, contributing to weight gain.
How Does Amyl Guard Work? Amyl Guard works by utilizing a powerful blend of natural ingredients that act as amylase inhibitors. By inhibiting the activity of amylase enzymes, Amyl Guard reduces the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose, thus preventing their conversion into fat. When taken before meals or snacks that are moderate to high in carbohydrates, the active ingredients in Amyl Guard hinder the breakdown of carbs by amylase enzymes, resulting in fewer carbohydrates being converted into sugars that can be stored as fat.
Additionally, Amyl Guard helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduce cravings and overeating, and promote a more stable energy level throughout the day. It is important to note that Amyl Guard is designed to be used in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise, as it is not a magic solution for weight loss but rather a tool to support individuals in their weight management efforts.

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Key Ingredients in Amyl Guard Amyl Guard contains a blend of natural ingredients known for their potential benefits in supporting healthy weight loss. Some of the key ingredients include:
Bitter Melon Extract Bitter melon extract has long been used in traditional medicine for its numerous health benefits. It contains compounds that inhibit the activity of amylase enzymes, preventing the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose. By doing so, it helps control blood sugar levels and reduces the conversion of carbs into fat.
White Kidney Bean Extract White kidney bean extract is rich in phaseolamin, a natural substance that inhibits the activity of alpha-amylase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down starches into glucose. By blocking this enzyme, white kidney bean extract helps reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, leading to reduced calorie intake and weight loss.
Chromium Picolinate Chromium is an essential trace mineral that plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels. It enhances the action of insulin, a hormone that helps transport glucose into cells for energy production. By promoting insulin sensitivity, chromium picolinate helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and supports healthy weight management.
Berberine Berberine is a bioactive compound derived from various plants, including goldenseal and barberry. It has been extensively studied for its potential in managing blood sugar levels and promoting weight loss. Berberine activates an enzyme called AMPK, which is known as a metabolic master switch. Activation of AMPK promotes fat burning, enhances glucose uptake, and improves overall metabolic health.
Amyl Guard Review Before taking any new supplement, it is wise to read reviews from others who have used it. When looking at amyl guard reviews, it is important to consider the source. Reviews featured on the official amyl guard website and reputable third-party consumer sites can provide useful insight into real customer experiences with using amyl guard for weight reduction.
The majority of amyl guard reviews highlight noticeable weight loss results within a few hours or days of taking amyl guard capsules as directed. While some people may experience faster initial weight loss with amyl guard, it typically takes several weeks of consistent use alongside proper diet and exercise to experience the supplement’s full effects. Most users report increased energy, suppressed appetite, and reduced body fat when taking amyl guard daily.
Of course, as with any supplement, results can vary from person to person depending on factors like diet, activity level, and amylase production. Checking out candid reviews from real users can help you set proper expectations if you are considering taking amyl guard for weight management.
Is Amyl Guard Right for You? Amyl guard is formulated using powerful, scientifically proven ingredients. However, as with any supplement, it may not be right for everyone. Before incorporating amyl guard into your routine, be sure to consider the following:
Pregnant or Breastfeeding If you are currently pregnant, may become pregnant, or are breastfeeding, you should avoid taking amyl guard. Insufficient data exists on the safety of amylase blockers like amyl guard for women in these stages of life.
Medications Amyl guard has not received FDA approval for drug interactions. If you take any prescription or over-the-counter medications, guard if you are taking supplements like amyl guard. Certain ingredients may interfere with some medications if taken together.
Diabetes People with type 2 diabetes or difficulty regulating blood sugar should use caution with amyl guard. While it aims to support healthy blood sugar levels, amyl guard’s effects on carbohydrate breakdown may further disrupt glycemic control in diabetics.
Side Effects The majority of users tolerate amyl guard well with no side effects. However, some people may experience mild digestive discomfort, nausea, or headaches when first taking amyl guard as their body adjusts. These symptoms typically resolve within a few days but you should discontinue use if any severe reactions occur.
Be sure to see the full list of precautions and potential interactions before starting your amyl guard regimen. As with any supplement, it’s wise to talk to your doctor before incorporating something new, especially if you have underlying health conditions or concerns.

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Benefits of Amyl Guard Amyl Guard offers several potential benefits for individuals looking to achieve their weight loss goals:
Supports healthy weight management by inhibiting the conversion of carbohydrates into fat-storing sugars. Helps regulate blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of spikes and crashes that can lead to cravings and overeating. May promote a more stable energy level throughout the day. Supports overall well-being during the weight loss journey.
Dosage and Safety The recommended dosage for Amyl Guard is to take 2 capsules daily, 15 minutes before moderate to high-carb meals, with a glass of water. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating Amyl Guard into your routine, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking medications.
Amyl Guard is manufactured in FDA-approved facilities, ensuring quality and safety standards. The supplement is made from natural ingredients and is free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). While most users do not experience any adverse effects, some individuals may occasionally experience mild digestive discomfort or gastrointestinal disturbances due to changes in carbohydrate digestion.
Customer Reviews Many customers have shared their positive experiences with Amyl Guard, reporting significant weight loss and improved overall well-being. Here are a few testimonials from satisfied users:
“I couldn’t believe the results I got with Amyl Guard! As someone who’s always been conscious about their weight, I was skeptical at first. But this supplement really does the trick. I started shedding those stubborn pounds, especially around my belly, and felt more confident in my body than ever before. It’s like a secret weapon against weight gain. I’m a believer now!” — Sarah Johnson. “I’m a self-proclaimed foodie, and giving up my favorite carbs was a nightmare. But then I discovered Amyl Guard. I can enjoy my pasta, pizza, and desserts guilt-free! It’s like a dream come true for someone like me. My waistline is shrinking, and I don’t have to compromise on the pleasures of eating. This stuff is a game-changer.” — Mike Thompson. “I hit a certain age where weight gain felt inevitable, and it was a constant struggle. Amyl Guard has turned my life around. I’ve lost 31 pounds of stubborn belly fat without intense diets or extreme exercise. My metabolism feels rejuvenated, and I can enjoy my favorite carbs without the fear of gaining weight. It’s a relief I didn’t know was possible!” — Emily Parker.
Pricing and Availability Amyl Guard can be purchased exclusively through the official website. The supplement is available in different package options, including:
Trial Package: $59 per bottle Most Popular (3 bottles): $49 per bottle Best Value (6 bottles): $29 per bottle Each purchase of Amyl Guard is backed by a 365-day money-back guarantee, providing customers with confidence in the product’s effectiveness.
Conclusion Amyl Guard is a revolutionary dietary supplement designed to support healthy weight management. By inhibiting the conversion of carbohydrates into fat-storing sugars, Amyl Guard offers a unique approach to weight loss. The natural ingredients in the supplement have been carefully selected for their potential benefits in promoting a healthier body composition and overall well-being.
While individual results may vary, many customers have reported significant weight loss and improved energy levels with the use of Amyl Guard. It is important to note that Amyl Guard is not a magic solution for weight loss but rather a tool to support individuals in their weight management efforts. Incorporating a balanced diet and regular exercise is essential for long-term success.
If you’re looking for a safe and effective weight loss supplement, Amyl Guard may be worth considering. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine if it is suitable for you and start your journey towards a healthier, more confident you.
Frequently Asked Questions About Amyl Guard How does amyl guard promote weight loss? Amyl guard contains powerful ingredients that inhibit the activity of amylase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down carbohydrates into simple sugars. By blocking amylase, amyl guard helps limit the amount of carbs that get digested and converted to fat-storing sugars. Instead, amyl guard helps eliminate more carbs through waste. Eating fewer net carbs supports weight loss efforts.
The amylase-blocking ingredients in nutraville amyl guard work best when taken about 15 minutes before eating carb-containing meals. This gives the active ingredients time to start inhibiting the amylase present in your digestive system, allowing fewer carbs and calories to be absorbed from the upcoming meal.
How long does it take for amyl guard to work? Most users begin noticing reduced appetite, increased energy, and initial weight loss within the first 1–2 weeks of starting amyl guard. However, it typically takes at least 4–6 weeks of consistent use to experience the supplement’s full weight loss effects.
Weight management results continue improving the longer you take your daily dose of amyl guard capsules before carb-heavy meals. Be patient and take amyl guard as directed by the nutraville amyl guard official website for ideal results over time. Remember, amyl guard complements your commitment to proper diet and exercise.
Can I take more than the recommended dosage for faster weight loss? It is not advised to exceed the recommended dosage of amyl guard for weight loss. The capsules are formulated to provide the optimal dose of carb-blocking ingredients. Taking more amyl guard capsules per day won’t necessarily lead to faster or more significant weight reduction.
In fact, taking excess amyl guard may increase the likelihood of minor side effects like digestive upset, abdominal discomfort, nausea, or headaches in sensitive individuals as the body struggles to digest the influx of amylase inhibitors.
Stick to the suggested regimen of 2 amyl guard capsules taken twice daily, 30 minutes before your largest carb-containing meals, preferably breakfast and lunch or dinner. This provides the right level of amylase inhibition to support consistent weight loss results over time.

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2024.06.10 22:57 Icy_Procedure9965 ZenCortex Reviews: Did it live up to the hype (Honest Review)

Zen Cortex has quickly become a sought-after ear health formula. It’s designed to enhance mental clarity and improve ear health and functionality. In our comprehensive review, we’ll delve into the benefits, potential side effects, and the main ingredients of ZenCortex. We’ll also include insights from experts and feedback from users to give you a well-rounded understanding of what this product offers.
What is Zen Cortex?
ZenCortex is not just another drop in the ocean of dietary supplements; it’s a formulated concoction designed with a clear aim: to enhance auditory health and cognitive functions. As a liquid dietary supplement, ZenCortex has piqued the interest of health enthusiasts and those struggling with hearing issues alike. But what sets it apart is its commitment to harnessing the power of nature. Each dropper is filled with a blend of natural ingredients, celebrated for their healing properties. But why has ZenCortex become the talk of the town? The secret lies in its formulation and the promise it holds for those seeking solace from auditory challenges.
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Jonathan Miller Creator of Zen Cortex
When I first started working on the formula that was to become ZenCortex, I never would have imagined in a million years that I would one day help thousands of people from around the world fulfill their dreams of optimizing their hearing health.
It’s people like you that make all those years of research and testing worthwhile, and I hope you manage to get the most out of ZenCortex while I can still afford to produce it at these prices.

BIG Discount Offer Click Here Buy (Zen Cortex Reviews) Official Website

How does Zen Cortex work?
The magic of Zen Cortex lies in its intricate blend of ingredients, each chosen for its specific benefits to the ears and brain. But how does it translate into action? The supplement operates on a multifaceted level:
  1. Enhancing Blood Flow: ZenCortex contains elements that stimulate circulation, ensuring that the ears and brain receive the nourishment they need.
  2. Reducing Inflammation: Its anti-inflammatory ingredients tackle the root causes of hearing issues, providing relief and restoration.
  3. Detoxification: By eliminating toxins, ZenCortex aims to clear the path for healthier auditory functions.
  4. Strengthening Cognitive Functions: It’s not just about hearing; ZenCortex also promises to sharpen your memory and cognitive skills, making it a holistic health booster.
Who can benefit from using ZenCortex?
Zen Cortex casts a wide net when it comes to its target audience, encompassing anyone eager to maintain or improve their auditory health. Whether you’re battling the effects of aging on your hearing, recovering from an ear infection, or simply seeking to enhance your cognitive functions, ZenCortex offers a natural pathway to achieving your health goals. However, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and those with serious health conditions should steer clear, ensuring that ZenCortex finds its way to those it can truly assist.
The Main ZenCortex Ingredients
The formula behind ZenCortex is where its true power lies, boasting a lineup of natural ingredients known for their health benefits. These include:
Side Effects of Zen Cortex
Despite its all-natural formulation, ZenCortex might not be free from potential side effects. These could range from mild to moderate and vary from person to person, depending on individual sensitivities and pre-existing conditions. It’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health issues or are taking other medications.
Is Zen Cortex a Scam?
In the vast marketplace of dietary supplements, skepticism is a healthy approach. ZenCortex, with its transparent ingredient list and numerous positive testimonials, appears to stand on solid ground. However, it’s crucial to remember that individual results can vary, and what works for one may not work for another. While calling Zen Cortex a scam would be unfounded based on current evidence, prospective users should conduct their research, consult healthcare professionals, and approach with cautious optimism.
ZenCortex Customer Reviews and Complaints
Navigating through the sea of customer reviews and complaints is essential for anyone considering ZenCortex. The supplement has received a spectrum of feedback, from glowing testimonials highlighting significant improvements in hearing and cognitive functions, to critical reviews pointing out a lack of noticeable benefits.
Positive Feedback:
Common Complaints:
It’s worth noting that individual experiences with ZenCortex can vary widely, influenced by factors such as the user’s health condition, lifestyle, and consistency of use.
BennettDiscovering ZenCortex has been a revelation for my auditory health. After months of searching for a natural solution to support and optimize my hearing, ZenCortex proved to be the answer. Since incorporating it into my daily routine, I’ve noticed a marked improvement in my ability to discern sounds and follow conversations, even in noisy environments. It feels like my ears have been given a new lease on life. What’s more, the fact that ZenCortex uses natural ingredients gives me peace of mind about its safety and long-term use. I’m truly grateful for this product and the positive impact it’s had on my hearing and overall quality of life.
Sarah KimZenCortex has been quite effective in enhancing my hearing clarity, and I appreciate the natural approach to auditory health it offers. However, I’ve encountered some difficulty in sourcing the product consistently. It seems to be out of stock frequently, which disrupts my usage regimen. If the company could improve its supply chain or provide a subscription service to ensure regular delivery, it would greatly enhance the customer experience. Despite this logistical issue, I’m satisfied with the benefits ZenCortex provides and hope to continue using it as part of my health care routine.
️Check out the ZenCortex reviews: Over 48,000 customer reviews and 4.9 star rating!. 90% of reviews are positive (satisfied with results) while some ZenCortex has users complaining!
ZenCortex Expert Reviews
In my years of practice, the quest for a natural, effective solution to support hearing health has been ongoing. ZenCortex has emerged as a significant advancement in this area. Its blend of ingredients designed to optimize auditory function not only aligns with the latest research in natural health care but also shows promising results among my patients. They report enhanced hearing clarity and a better ability to engage in conversations, especially in challenging listening environments. ZenCortex’s commitment to natural, non-invasive support for hearing health is commendable, making it a product I frequently recommend.”
As an ENT specialist, I’m cautious about recommending supplements. However, ZenCortex caught my attention due to its holistic approach to hearing health. After reviewing its composition and observing patient feedback, it’s clear that ZenCortex offers a beneficial option for those seeking to naturally support and optimize their hearing. Patients have noted improvements in hearing sensitivity and overall auditory wellness, which is promising. While I advocate for a comprehensive approach to hearing health that includes medical evaluation, ZenCortex can be a valuable component of a broader care strategy.”
ZenCortex Reviews: Final Conclusion
ZenCortex presents itself as a promising natural supplement for those looking to improve their hearing and cognitive health. Its formulation, rooted in traditional and modern understandings of herbal benefits, targets the needs of individuals facing auditory challenges or seeking cognitive enhancement. However, as we’ve explored, the supplement’s effectiveness can vary from person to person.
Before considering Zen Cortex, it’s important to weigh the positive testimonials against the complaints, keeping in mind that no supplement can guarantee universal results. Consulting with a healthcare professional can provide guidance tailored to your specific health scenario.
In conclusion, ZenCortex may offer a beneficial natural alternative for enhancing auditory and cognitive functions for some users. Its comprehensive approach, leveraging a blend of natural ingredients, aligns with the desires of many to find holistic.
️ CLICK To ORDER ZenCortex from the Official Website!
Zen Cortex Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is Zen Cortex right for Me?
ZenCortex has provided amazing hearing support for men and women in their 30s, 40, 50s and even 70s. Because it was engineered based on teachings of modern science, ZenCortex formula is very gentle yet very powerful at the same time using pure plant ingredients and natural minerals. And you can rest assured knowing it’s manufactured in the USA from the finest of foreign and domestic ingredients.
2. What kind of results can I expect from ZenCortex?
ZenCortex is a powerful and effective hearing support and all-day energy helper. Thousands of people enjoy taking ZenCortex every day with great results and we have not received a single complaint yet. Once your body adapts to the ingredients you will notice less noise and better ear health.
3. How long will it take to see results?
We’re all different and that’s why the time it takes to see results varies. Most people start feeling a difference after the first week. In our tests, the best results come when you take ZenCortex consistently for 3 months (or longer) to support and optimize your entire system. Therefore, we strongly recommend you take advantage of our 3 or 6 bottle discount package.
4. What is the best way to take Zen Cortex?
Take one dropper in the morning before breakfast and take another dropper before lunch. You can place it under your tongue than swallow, dissolve it in a glass of water, or natural juice. You will love the results and how you’ll feel. A full dropper contains approximately 15 drops of liquid.
5. What if ZenCortex doesn’t work for me?
I demand you are enthusiastic with your purchase, not just satisfied. And you won’t know until you try it! So you can use ZenCortex for 60 days, with my “No Questions Asked 100% Money Back Guarantee”. The only way to be totally convinced is to try this amazing formula and experience the results for yourself.
6. Where can I buy ZenCortex and how quickly can I get it?
To make sure you are buying the original product and to ensure the purity of ingredients please buy from the official website only. We’ll ship your order directly to your home or office using a premium carrier such as FedEx or UPS. We strive to ship every order within 24 working hours and to make things easy you will receive an email with your tracking number so that you can follow your package. On average, the package will arrive at your doorstep somewhere between 5 to 10 days for domestic orders.
submitted by Icy_Procedure9965 to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:41 ThrowRAsubstanc I think I (24F) am dating a (27M) who is a Fearful Avoidant and I don’t know what to do?

We’ve been dating each other for three months and he’s genuinely the sweetest and gentlest man I’ve ever known. Both of our past experiences with our families/ partners are extremely similar and I think we’ve both helped each other heal ourselves and our inner child in a lot of ways. He’s made me believe healthy love does exist, it takes a lot of intentional effort and holding ourselves accountable but it does exist.
But I’m scared he is a fearful-avoidant. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner but whenever there’s confrontation or argument his way of coping is by running away and trying to deal with it alone. Yesterday he found out he’s going to have to relocate due to a family emergency and he might be gone for a few years. He thinks the best thing for the both of us is for us to go our separate ways because he has to prioritize his family & family business and he knows he won’t be able to keep me first which he feels is unfair to me and I don’t deserve that.
He feels we’re at a point where we’re trying to figure out the best course of action for our lives and he doesn’t want to influence my life trajectory bc everything is so uncertain. It also has a lot to do with his family member passing away and he feels he has to grieve alone. He’s stern about this decision but I refuse to let go of him because I feel this isn’t worth throwing away an entire relationship.
There are a lot of things I need to work on myself too but I genuinely believe we can heal together and can navigate this relationship together. I want to make him understand that he doesn’t have to grieve alone, it is okay to lean on people, it’s okay to feel emotions, and it’s okay to be sad.
It feels like I’m being stubborn but I’m not doing this because I think this is what I deserve but because this is what I want. I want to show him that he doesn’t have to do anything alone and that he isn’t all these mean & hurtful things he’s believed he is. He is gentle, he is soft and he is kind and I wish I was able to show him how I saw him but I’m scared. I’m scared because I don’t know what the right thing is to do. I don’t know if he’s right and I’m being delusional. For the first time in my life, I’ve cared enough to fight for a relationship but I don’t even know if this is what he wants. He says this decision hurts him too but I don’t understand how he’s able to just drop everything and leave because he believes he needs to grieve alone. I don’t want him to grieve alone. I know we can both provide each other with the love we’ve always wanted but I also want to do what’s best for him. I feel so lost.
TLDR I think I am dating a Fearful Avoidant and I don’t know what to do.
submitted by ThrowRAsubstanc to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:36 Haunt_Couture Transferring prescriptions abroad?

How does that work? I am generally curious but in my specific situation I will be relocating from the US to Germany.
submitted by Haunt_Couture to expat [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:31 comfortablynumbxo New to depop shipping! Help?

Ok so im new to this whole depop thing! I want to spend as little money as possible when shipping so if I have a box at home, can I put the stuff in there, seal it and then print and tape the shipping label to it and then drop it off?
How does this all work lol? i went to upstairs and they told me it was gonna cost $2 for drop off and then more money for the packaging and that’s already a lot!
submitted by comfortablynumbxo to Depop [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:24 Watpotfaa Food Ideas

I've been to a festival or several in my days and every time I attend one, I learn more tricks and trips to make for a better overall time. Im sure everyone would love to just eat festival food for every meal; I dont know about you, but I simply cant afford that. So I figured I would share some food ideas that I have learned from others over the years and some I have come up with myself. Overall - you will be wanting food that is nurishing, relatively nutritious, filling but not too heavy on the stomach, and most importantly, EASY. This is how I roll.
And yeah thats pretty much it. Add fruits, chips, etc as snacks and you are solid. You dont have to do it this way obviously, but as mentioned several times, its quick, cheap, filling, nutritious and tasty! The last thing you want to deal with while camping and being half spun out is a whole bunch of prep work and cleaning, because despite your plans and best intentions, you bet your spun out ass you are going to take one look at that whole production and say nope. Hope this little guide helps and stay healthy and safe - looking forward to Elements with all of you!
submitted by Watpotfaa to ElementsMusicFestival [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:23 cucumberbot WFH living/working situation

Me and my husband both work from home. Our LO (one and done) is 20m and attending daycare. Here's our dilemma.
We living in a bungalow with 3 bedrooms above ground and plenty of room in the basement. We had offices in the basement before but felt it really affected our mental/physical health so we each made the decision to move our workstations above ground. Right now, we use 2 rooms for our offices and the remaining one is LO's room (3 of us sleep in a HUGE floor bed at night in her room).
We enjoy sleeping together as a family but not sure how people will side eye us 😅 Also, this is not a sustainable long term solution. Those of you who sleep together, how long does it last?
I'm thinking that eventually one office needs to be relocated when the adults and kid have separate bedrooms. We can't share a room for office space because I have a lot of meetings and his work is very detailed. Either the office is moved into a corner of the living room or our adult bedroom becomes an office/bedroom hybrid.
So what are the pros and cons? Anything advice you can give me if you have done this before? Thanks!
submitted by cucumberbot to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:22 PWOFalcon AA V1 Alagore, Chapter 1

“The ever-growing march…., starting from a seed and then ever-growing until they cannot expand anymore. And then there is a choice one must face: a planet, animal, personal, or an empire. You either accept the fact that you have peaked your evolutionary boundary or break the natural barrier.
To grow your destiny's boundaries, you must transcend the natural mold, and from there, step-by-step conquest follows. The sea becomes passage. The mountain becomes climbable. Even the Void only becomes a path for your ever-growing Domain.
Of one destiny, no longer being commissioned by the Gods themselves but manipulated by the user himself, the limits that surround us all to have meaning. And only then, the march forward becomes unstoppable. All who oppose will always be subdued by the ones who are bound by their limits as that is the order of things. The ones who have destiny within their grasp overshadow all who seek their own.
However. In the ever-expansion of one Domain by the ones who hold destiny, a ripple, an anomaly is inflected that the powers at be could not phantom. As one's control of destiny leaves a blinding shadow on the previously traveled path of one's destiny, opening a path to others.
Destiny is not a single path forward, leaving many ripples in its wake. Until a micro of a moment from the most distant places from the unimaginable of beings begin breaking the natural barrier. And then, and only then, destiny is challenged.” – Carjojan Grath


The military armored boots pressed against the fresh, snowy ground. Comanche was moving through the snow, seeking any cover that could be found within the mountain terrain.
The enemy defenders were occupying an old, broken-down house in front of the American Special Forces team, blocking their path to their objective. The top window had an enemy M85 machine gun firing at Comanche. They were about to storm the building, but additional enemy forces appeared, reinforcing the sandbag.
Seeing how entrenched the enemy's defensive position was, Captain Mathew Ryder split his team in half. He ordered his second-in-command, Warrant Officer 1 Rommel King, to take his team and flank left while his team was distracted.
Ryder gathered his three-man team and engaged against the defenders while the other team moved around. Sergeant Edge Wallace laid down continued fire with his M250 while Benjamin Ford fired his M320 into the window, killing the target.
With the heavy machine gun threat neutralized, Ryder and Ford advanced forward to what remains of a rusted car. Seeing the enemy soldiers behind the sandbags. The captain directed his gunner to focus on the main bunker and ordered them to concentrate against the others.
The captain then peaked over and saw the enemy. Hearing bullets impacting the car, he aimed his M31 and placed cover fire.
"Any time, Rommel," Ryder thought to himself.
Most of the enemy was focused on Ryder's team, allowing Rommel King's team to take out the one enemy guard who was protecting his teammate's flanks. Those Comanche soldiers advanced and took cover by an old, rusted military vehicle, each tossing fragmentation grenades into the enemy position.
Seeing that the enemy was dislodged from their entrenchment, Ryder signaled to his team to advance. The four stormed the enemy position and found that four of them were dead. The last two aimed their weapons, but they were quickly taken down.
While they secured this section of the enemy compound, they heard more enemies nearby, probably heading to the objective to secure it.
However, this allowed Comanche to regroup. However, Ryder saw Sergeant Marcos Gonzales on the ground. After directing some team members to secure the area, he approached his XO. "What happened?"
"A small IED," King said. "No wounds, but one of the shrapnel’s damaged the left leg attachments."
"Ford," Ryder said. "Help him fix it."
Mathew Ryder watched as Gonzales sat down. The leg joint was damaged, preventing the man from moving correctly. The two attachments of the built-in exoskeleton connect the upper leg and lower leg. While the system can work with damaged areas, junctions like these were vital to allow smooth movement with the rest of the battle suit.
Sergeant Bruno Barrios kneeled, pulled out a tool kit and spare parts, and began fixing the broken junction.
Rommel King said, "This is going to hurt us. Time wise."
Ryder checked his VISOR and saw that the mission timer said -9:13 minutes. While he was not thrilled that it took this long to get past this phase of the enemy base. Their objective was to remove the enemy missile battery to allow an Air Assault against an enemy facility. It was a simple enough mission compared to recent history; however, he knew from personal experience that the simplest could always become complicated.
"Ford, how long?" Ryder asked.
"A few more minutes," Barrios replied.
"Damn," Ryder thought. While new technology brings new advantages, it always brings new obstacles to the field. "Alright then. Let's utilize this time. Deploy the Hornet."
"Alright," King said before turning toward the newest member of Comanche. "Ford, Take Higgins's drone and deploy it."
Sergeant Benjamin Ford kneeled as he took Higgins's drone from his pack and took it out. The Black Hornet III is a small, portable mini drone that infantry can carry for quick, short-range reconnaissance. It does not take long to deploy and is usually considered to be thrown away if in a jam.
Once the Hornet flew away, controlled by a small laptop, Ryder switched his VISOR and brought a mini drone feed to his HUD. It did not go far, getting a good view of the enemy facility. The drone quickly found its objective. The missile battery was an old pre-civil war CCP weapon on the other side of another building. The enemy missile battery was protected by shipping containers, sandbag bunkers, and other random junk that littered the area.
As the mini drone got closer to see how many enemy defenders there were, the drone feed suddenly went dead. While Ryder didn't know what took out their drone, he easily could assume it was one of the many EM types of weapons that arose during the age of drones.
When Ryder was a kid, he remembered the collective theory was that drone warfare would replace humans in combat and that the future of warfare would be drones and robotics. What would be the need for grunts when a machine could do the job without risking lives. As he grew older and these new wonders of war matured, so did their counters. Between cheap area/denial platforms and infantry-issued EM rifles, drones remained within the support role overall. While useful for moments like these, the idea that robots would ever replace the human warrior never came to pass.
"Did you get that?" Ryder asked.
"Yes," King said.
"What do you propose?"
Rommel King held his response as he reviewed the data from the Hornet. "I think it is safe to say they know we are here."
"I wonder if the sound of bullets and explosions gave it away," Wallace commented before being ordered to check himself.
Seeing Gonzales's battle suit was fixed, Comanche began moving through the compound. Hearing gunfire, the team fanned out and reengaged the enemy. The captain passed his squad. King and Barret coordinated each member where to engage, each quickly taking out the enemy.
Seeing that the enemy defenders were cleared, Ryder ordered the twins, Eger Wallace and Bruno Barrios, to advance and destroy the RIA missile battery. The mission timer said -2:11 minutes left.
As the rest of the team took a defensive position, Captain Ryder watched the two rushed to their destination. As they drew closer, one of the four-armed metal machines exited from one of the containers and leaped toward the Twins. Before he could warn his teammates, the unknown hostile was already on top of them. One of the arms swings across Wallace, and his VISOR states that he is dead.
As Ryder began to counter the new threat, he noticed that his VISOR HUD labeled the unknown enemy as an Akuma-type humanoid robot. While this completely baffled the captain, he forced those thoughts to the side of his mind as this machine started attacking the rest of his team. “Comanche, new target. Suppressive fire. Bruno, take out the target. Everyone, cover."
Comanche began engaging the unknown hostile known as Akuma-Type. Ryder was able to get a good look at the strange machine. While military humanoid robotics have come a long way, this looked nothing like anything he had ever seen. The silver armor plating was nearly seven feet tall and looked more organic than a modern module design. The body looked slicker than boxy.
The Akuma jumped from its position and landed on the side of the building before leaping next to Kurt Forest, swinging g its long, steamy red blade into the ground, just missing the Staff Sergeant, who barely dodged.
Everyone spread out and began engaging the Akuma. The robot-like machine stood as it stared at Comanche, deciding who to strike next. As it settled, the machine-warrior absorbed the bullets, unparsed by the 6.8mm. The armor was being dented, but Ryder couldn't decide if the hostile couldn't tell if it was being damaged or was that confident, they would not seriously damage it.
When the Machine-Warrior found its next target, it charged toward Sergeant First Class Gregory Barrett at speeds Ryder had never seen a humanoid robot before. It raised one arm-blade that glowed dark red while the other was stretched out wide, brightening deep red. Barrett fell backward from the swing of the blade.
Ryder VISOR states that his third-in-command armor suit was damaged, and he was wounded from the strike.
Staff Sergeant Kurt Forest rushed toward Ryder and said, "That thing is killing us."
He understood the sentiment as they needed to prepare to engage in this hostility. They were providing enough damage. However, the machine was too well armored and moved too quickly for them to give a decided kill. "We need to keep him away from Bruno and from Barrett. Ford, get the M88 ready. Gonzales, get Barrett. Everyone else surrounded and suppressed the bastard. Hopefully, a good jolt from the EM rifle can take it out like any drone."
The Akuma charged toward Sergeant Bruno Barrios as he prepared the explosives on the missile battery but stopped and turned toward them. Seeing its new target, the two eyes glowed before letting out a loud screech as it charged toward them with incredible speed.
As the machine-warrior gained speed, Ryder ordered Ford to fire the M88. This direct-energy rifle is designed to take out drones and robotics.
The Akuma let out a strange screeching sound as it charged toward Ryder. It suddenly stopped. Ryder looked to his right and saw Ford holding the M88, a direct-energy rifle designed to take out drones and robotics. To Ryder's horror, once the direct-energy weapon jolt impacted the machine-warrior, it stopped momentarily and continued marching toward them. The weapon only annoyed it by doing what it was supposed to do.
After taking another shock from the M88, the Akuma turned to Benjamin Ford and charged forward. The strange organic machine-warrior stared at Benjamin Ford as if it had taken the attack personnel and started marching toward him. He could only think, "How the hell do we kill this thing?".
"Ryder," King said. "Pull everyone back."
Noticing Warrant Officer 1 Rommel King by Wallace's corpse. He was providing cover while Barrios dragged the corpse behind a nearby cover.
That is when Ryder figured out what his second-in-command was planning. After ordering Ford to fire the M88 again once he found cover, he fired his M31 against the Akuma to distract the Akuma. Once the new guy found cover, he fired the energy weapon again, which phased the robotic warrior. However, it still didn't stop him.
"We are clear," Ryder said.
Rommel King picked up the M250, set it on the hood of a rusted car, and fired multiple bursts of 6.8mm at the Akuma. The machine turned around to face the other Comanches. The stream of bullets impacted the machine-warrior, destroying many elements of its armor plating. However, it quickly reacted and went through a freight container. It then appeared out of nowhere and charged toward Rommel King's position.
As it drew closer, the Akuma disappeared from Ryder HUD. His VISOR flashed yellow, stating Training Exercises Over.
Most of the RIA corpses disappeared as the training program ended, being NPC's. Others stood up, acting as real-life targets to add realism to the training. However, the Akuma was different. It was a program within the training, but the captain was still adjusting to the experience.
"Combat Fire Team-1, stand down," An approaching man ordered. "Simulation over."
Captain Mathew Ryder removed his argument-reality from his VISOR now that the training was over. He noticed Bruno Barrios helping his buddy Edge Wallace from the ground, joking about how he had been sliced in half by an anime robot. Hearing that term frustrated the hell out of him as he realized how true that was. While the point of this training was to prepare for the unexpected, this was ridiculous. Some software engineers must play a practical joke on them. While he was a genre fan, this was no place for such a thing. There was no way that Akuma was a legitimate threat on how to engage a robotic humanoid.
Ryder walked to the man who had canceled the training; walking through the practical structures, he saw some of his men helping up the fake RIA soldiers. While most of the targets they 'killed' were virtual, some were still real to help sell the argument reality. When he reached the man, he noticed that the man's rank and nametag were Staff Sergeant Parker. "What the hell was that?"
"Excuse me, sir?" Parker said.
"Don't excuse me. What was that thing? Who is the wise guy who put that thing inside the simulation?"
The Staff Sergeant responded, "Everything in the simulation was authorized and approved by Colonel Hackett. That is all I know, Sir."
"This was Hackett doing?" Ryder said with a shocked voice. As the captain's blood boiled, he took A deep breath to calm himself. It was not this man's fault for the strange twist in the training simulation. "Thank you, Master Sergeant. You may continue your duties."
Ryder walked away to address his team. As he grew closer, Rommel King and Gregory Barrett gathered and started voicing their frustration with the sudden wacky twist on their training.
"Who the hell authorized an amine-fantasy element to this training?" Barrett asked.
"I hope this was just a bad prank," King said. "Why the hell was a samurai robot in the program? And why did basically Everything we threw at it fail?"
"No kidding," Barrett said. "How the hell was that realistic? The M88 only stunned it."
"It was Colonel Hackett." Ryder saw the same dumbfounded reaction. "Apparently, he authorized that addition to the simulation."
"Is it just me, or has things continued to be strange after that CIA Mars mission two or three weeks ago?" Barrett asked.
"It seems so," King said. "We can rule out the practical joke element if it was Hackett. "
"Does that mean that those things are real?" Barrett said.
"For now, yes," Ryder said. "Rommel, create a report on what we should do next time when we encounter that…, Akuma. This could just be a creative exercise Hackett wanted to throw at us to keep us on edge. They usually expect unexpected things. Greg, gather the men and address the mistakes that were made."
"I can already tell you one of them," Barret said. "We got bogged down waiting on Ford fixing Higgins's damaged module. We will have to find a way to speed that up."
With what happened at the end of the exercise, Ryder needed to remember about the simulated damaged joint module. Everything fails on the battlefield, and that knowledge must be baked into any factor, so they had Higgins fake a damaged battle suit. To figure out solutions now so they don't while on a mission. "Agreed."
Once the exercise was complete, Combat Fire Team-1, better known as Comanche Team, was returned to the base. During the ride, Ryder couldn't help but reflect on the Akuma, knowing there had to be a deeper meaning behind its inclusion in their training.
Colonel William Hackett was the head of the 2nd Special Forces Operational Detachment-Minutemen. In the middle of the second decade of this century, the world fragmented into regional spheres thanks to a combination of crises like the end of the post-WW2 global order, the global population decline of the youth, the need for economic security over efficiency, and the expansion of the Astro-economy. With dozens of minor wars breaking out as nations competed for resources and population, the US needed more specialized units to help rapidly respond and protect its interests.
For Captain Mathew Ryder, he had complete respect for the Colonel. Becoming more of a mentor than just a superior. Assisting with his career path, providing guidance during his marriage, and becoming a man.
That made today's exercise more confusing as the Colonel would only include a strange element like that Akuma with a good reason. The only conclusions the captain could come up with were that their enemies had dramatically unconventionally advanced in human robotics or that what he said was true of this being an educational experience about expecting the unknown.
When Comanche reached their compound, Ryder saw an additional convoy that had just beaten them there. From the patches, they were from Compact Fire Team-2, known as Ghost Team.
Once the HUMVEE stopped, Ryder got out. He ordered Rommel King to settle the team and headed to Ghost CO, Captain James Miller. "Welcome back from the snow pit."
"Hey Matt, I got this crazy story to tell you," Miller said. "During our exercise, we were ambushed by something called-."
"An Akuma?"
Miller stared at the Comanche captain with a surprised look. "You went through the same exercise?"
"Apparently. This proves that this wasn't just a gag. Something is going on."
"Then let's go ask the godfather himself," Miller said jokingly before patting Ryder on the back.
Having a smirk from Captain James Miller's sense of humor, the two captains headed toward the officer's debriefing room. There, they saw the head of the Minutemen, Colonel William Hackett. With him are the other five captains from the other officers from the Combat Fire Teams, making up the entire A Squadron. They are being called Viking, Razorfist, Samurai, and Vanguard teams.
"Hello, gentlemen," Hackett said. "Please have a seat."
The three officers sat down after their greetings. While it was standard for these types of debriefing after a mission or, in this case, a training exercise, something felt off for Ryder.
"While I will review the recordings of all your training and provide a full report later, there are a few things I want to address first," Hackett said. "Each of your teams struggled to handle the final encounter of your training, resulting in a mission failure for all of you."
The term failure did not settle well with Ryder. He had his fair share of mistakes over his career, and he understood that he was not perfect. Sometimes, a mission goes wrong, or external factors force his hand. However, most of the time, he could logically find the mistake and work to correct what went wrong in the subsequent encounter. What happened today with that final encounter was so unorthodox that he couldn't see a meaningful lesson. He felt like his opponent flipped the board game over and demanded he make the next move.
"Sir," Ryder said. "I don't think the scenario was fair or provided value to an overall lesson. That Akuma was so unorthodox; it was almost like aliens to the mix, and heart surgery was performed on them. I still don't understand what happened and how to handle it."
Ryder noticed that the Colonel was listening carefully, absorbing each word. This only confirmed that this was an intentional test. The question was, for what?
"I understand," Hackett said. "I assume you all agree with what Matt said."
"I do," Miller said. "That thing drove us away from our objective. Everything we throw at it is just ignored. Even the M88 was ineffective."
"At least you saw your objective," Isaac Murphy said. "That Akuma stocked us like a Siberia tiger after we landed. It prayed on us in the forest and picked us off like a Predator."
"Really?" Miller said with confusion. "Ours utilized speed over Stealth. By the time we reacted, it was on top of us."
"Ours acted more of a tank," Ryder added. "It also utilized the buildings and containers as cover and a jumping pad to move around us."
As Ryder listened to the other Captains in the room explain their experiences, he realized that each of them fought the same Akuma-type; however, it seemed each had its own twist. This only confirmed to him that the recent training exercises were an intentional joke. Not in a humorous way, as he knew the Colonel would never do that. It was a joke in a way that he intended to pull the rug from under them all for some more significant reason.
This made Ryder wonder if this unorthodox training was connected to his recent mission with the CIA and the package they brought from Mars. Escorting an essential package of which he had no idea what was in it. He then wondered if they were transporting one of these Akuma-type robots only to dismiss it as the package was the size of a briefcase. Isaac Murphy then asked, "Sir. Are you implying that the RIA, CCP, or the Indians have surpassed us in robotics? Was that the point of today's exercises?"
"That is impossible," Miller said. "The Japanese dominate the market."
"And we would have seen them in the Iraq War if it was the RIA," Ryder added. "Regarding China, we would have seen either the CCP or Zhongguo. And how they move surpasses any robotic or Programmable Intelligence we saw."
Hackett stood from his chair and turned to the digital whiteboard behind him. He pressed a few buttons on the screen board, and the Akuma design pulled up. "I had the software team add this into your argument-reality goggles because I wanted you to face something unexpected. The reason was that being on top is a blessing and a curse. One day, you will face something you cannot comprehend and need to adjust to the moment. Today's training proved you could sustain heavy casualties and possible mission failure. You are the tip of the spear of this great nation, and you must always be ready to face anything."
As Hackett sat down, Ryder glanced around at the rest of the team, seeing the same confused look that he had. Everyone understood the direct message. The problem with being the best is that you can get lazy. Get stuck in a routine, inflexible. One must adapt to remain King. However, he could easily tell that there was a hidden meaning in the Colonel's words, which no one seemed to have deciphered.
The rest of the meeting was predictable as each team debriefed and reviewed their mission. After an hour, the rest of the time left the room to rejoin their unit. However, Ryder stayed.
"I assume you have a question," Hackett said. "I kind of figured you would."
Ryder approached the Colonel's desk, staring at the digital board. "While I get what you said, I don't buy it. What is going on, and does it have anything to do with my last mission?"
Hackett turned to face the screen. "All I will say on the manner is this, Matt. The future is now. I want you to think about that when you go to bed tonight."
"Will do, sir." Ryder turned to gather his things before stopping. "Sir…, the game has changed. Haven't you?"
"God, I hope not, Matt," Hackett said.
Puzzled by the reaction of his commanding officer, Mathew Ryder decided to head toward his team.

submitted by PWOFalcon to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:22 Pure_Substance_4063 I think I (24F) am dating a (27M) who is a Fearful Avoidant and I don’t know what to do.

We’ve been dating each other for three months and he’s genuinely the sweetest and gentlest man I’ve ever known. Both of our past experiences with our families/ partners are extremely similar and I think we’ve both helped each other heal ourselves and our inner child in a lot of ways. He’s made me believe healthy love does exist, it takes a lot of intentional effort and holding ourselves accountable but it does exist.
But I’m scared he is a fearful-avoidant. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner but whenever there’s confrontation or argument his way of coping is by running away and trying to deal with it alone. Yesterday he found out he’s going to have to relocate due to a family emergency and he might be gone for a few years. He thinks the best thing for the both of us is for us to go our separate ways because he has to prioritize his family & family business and he knows he won’t be able to keep me first which he feels is unfair to me and I don’t deserve that.
He feels we’re at a point where we’re trying to figure out the best course of action for our lives and he doesn’t want to influence my life trajectory bc everything is so uncertain. It also has a lot to do with his family member passing away and he feels he has to grieve alone. He’s stern about this decision but I refuse to let go of him because I feel this isn’t worth throwing away an entire relationship.
There are a lot of things I need to work on myself too but I genuinely believe we can heal together and can navigate this relationship together. I want to make him understand that he doesn’t have to grieve alone, it is okay to lean on people, it’s okay to feel emotions, and it’s okay to be sad.
It feels like I’m being stubborn but I’m not doing this because I think this is what I deserve but because this is what I want. I want to show him that he doesn’t have to do anything alone and that he isn’t all these mean & hurtful things he’s believed he is. He is gentle, he is soft and he is kind and I wish I was able to show him how I saw him but I’m scared. I’m scared because I don’t know what the right thing is to do. I don’t know if he’s right and I’m being delusional. For the first time in my life, I’ve cared enough to fight for a relationship but I don’t even know if this is what he wants. He says this decision hurts him too but I don’t understand how he’s able to just drop everything and leave because he believes he needs to grieve alone. I don’t want him to grieve alone. I know we can both provide each other with the love we’ve always wanted but I also want to do what’s best for him. I feel so lost.
TLDR I think I am dating a Fearful Avoidant and I don’t know what to do.
submitted by Pure_Substance_4063 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:17 bee-salad Losing a friend while pregnant because she is jealous

I have been wanting to make a post about this for so long, but I struggle to put my thoughts into words. I think this friend uses reddit and this might be the only subreddit she isn't on.
TL/DR: My friend clearly has not coped with her abortion and is taking her feelings of jealously out of me and another friend during our pregnancies.
I will start by saying I am pro-choice and have been so supportive of this friend through her experience. But I have reached my breaking point and need to get this off of my chest.
My friend, lets call her Sarah, had an abortion a little over a year ago, May of 2023. She made the decision to terminate because the father of the child lived about 60 miles away and he did not want to move in with her to raise the child, and she did not want to move out to him to raise the child either. That was the sole reason of the termination. The month of May was rough to say the least. No one forced her to get the abortion done. We helped her weigh the pros and cons of the situation and let her know we would help her out if she decided to continue with the pregnancy.
Forgot to mention that the father of the child is a CLOSE friend of my husbands, someone who we actually used to live with. I haven't spoken to him since the abortion, and it sucks. he rarely talks to my husband anymore. We don't blame him at all, it was her choice. He was willing to raise the child, just had to be in a split home. He has an entire life where he lives and he couldn't relocate to where she was living.
She was only 8 weeks along and already had a name picked out. To this day, she still refers to her abortion by this name. When it came time for the babies projected due date, November 2023, she wanted all of us to come over and have this weird (imo, sorry to sound insensitive) funeral/memorial for her abortion. I declined to attend because I had just found out I was pregnant and couldn't stomach the thought.
Whatever questions you have just from reading those paragraphs, just know we (the others in the friend group) have wondered the same things.
Another friend, lets call her Elizabeth, in our group found out she was pregnant in July of 2023. Sarah immediately came to me and broke down about how it's not fair that Elizabeth is pregnant and gets to experience everything that she did not get to experience. What she was saying to me privately was brutal and mean. To a point, I understood where she was coming from. I could tell she clearly had regrets about her choices but she was projecting major jealously and anger instead of just admitting she had some regrets.
Elizabeth rarely shared any of her pregnancy experience in the group chat because she was afraid of Sarah's reaction. I on the other hand, did not hold back on what I was going through during my pregnancy. And anything Elizabeth did share, was shot down by Sarah. Which is where I'm at now with my frustrations.
I found out I was pregnant in October 2023. Every single thing I have shared in our group chat has been dismissed and met with negativity by Sarah. Everything is an argument with her.
I remember towards the end of Elizabeth's pregnancy, she had some major ankle and leg swelling, which could be a sign of pre-eclampsia. I knew this but I chose not to say anything about it because I was sure Elizabeth had it under control, but Sarah told Elizabeth that "you are eating way too much salt and you clearly arent drinking enough water". I got smart and had to chime back "Lol this is 100% not from salt intake". Sarah immediately sends a long ass video explaining why she is right, etc. I chose to not respond.
When I shared my gender reveal video from Sneak Peak, everyone was so quick to say 'Congratulations", "we're so excited", etc, but all Sarah did was send a thumbs up reaction. No words, just a thumbs up. I cried about that for awhile.
When I had my anatomy scan ultrasound, the ultrasound tech put at the top of the report in the biggest boldest letters "PATIENT IS OBESE". Lol. I am not obese and it honestly made me chuckle because wtf? lol. I shared that story with the group chat really just to laugh about it. Sarah's response was "Well it's important for the techs to know if their patients are obese so they can know who to look for in the lobby. And your belly fat can change how ultrasounds look". Ladies, I may have some extra chunk but I am no means "obese". What kind of response is that from a friend??? Sometimes when I vent I just need a "I'm sorry, that sucks" type of response, and my friends know this.
I shared a video of my baby having hiccups and you can see my stomach moving. It is 100% normal for babies to have hiccups, and it's a good sign of lung development. Sarah's response was "That's not normal, you need to talk to your doctor". It made my eyes instantly roll. Obviously I have talked to my doctor about this. I am just tired of her acting like she knows everything about pregnancy when she was only pregnant for 9 weeks and she chose to terminate!
The last straw for me was this past weekend. I have another friend who works in the county morgue and she shared with me that once a week she is preforming autopsies on newborns/infants who have died from suffocation from co-sleeping. This is out of one county... I understand everyone has their own opinions on co-sleeping, but I will not be co-sleeping for that reason. Deaths happens too often for my comfort. Plus this is my first kid, I'm worried about everything. I shared that information in the group chat when Elizabeth asked if I had a bassinet yet. I wasn't sharing that information to debate anything, I was just sharing it as like "hey guess what this friend just told me, isnt that crazy". Well Sarah had to immediately argue with me that co-sleeping is actually the best for babies, and she did the most research on it when she was pregnant. blah blah blah.
I just can't do it anymore. She hasn't dealt with this abortion professionally so you just cant say anything to her about it without her snapping and going into a bad place mentally. She is also a heavy drinker and I dont want to send her into a drinking spiral by saying anything about her abortion. I hope one day there will come a time when I can have an honest conversation with her about how frustrated she has made me feel. I don't want to share anything with her about my pregnancy. Tbh I have no desire to even say something when my baby does come, and I'm due any day now.
It just sucks to lose a friend who you thought would always be there for you.
submitted by bee-salad to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:13 Sirxi Relics of Olympus - 10 greek-themed magic items (with ready-to-print cards !)

Hi there ! I'm Axel, aka BigDud from The Dud Workshop, a passionate DM who produces all kinds of third party content for your enjoyment.
Today, I bring you the full set of items called Relics of Olympus, themed after the gods of greek mythology. This particular set includes items related to Zeus, Poseidon, Hecate, Hypnos, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Thanatos, Typhon, and Chaos.
These ten magic items, from Uncommon to Legendary rarity, are perfect rewards for your players to find as they travel through dangerous lands, defeat terrifying creatures from mythology, and accomplish tasks for fickle gods. They are generally around the "Rare" rarity and are powerful without being game-changing. Mostly, they are designed to heavily lean on the flavor of the chosen god, which should make your players even more invested in the mythology of your setting.
If you're playing in another setting, you'll only need to slightly alter the flavor of each item to make them fit. The items work just fine for typical fantasy settings as well as more specific mythological ones, and their mechanics work with any character.
The bundle includes the following items :
Print the cards, stick them together, and you're ready to go.

Get the whole package at once on my website, with the link below. (It's free)

Relics of Olympus

Card Dimensions : 63 x 88 mm (euro poker size) + 3 mm bleeds. I recommend printing on thicker paper -- e. g cardstock -- and in full color for the best visual result and comfort of use.
All art was made by BigDud using Krita, Midjourney and Photoshop.
If you liked the cards, check out my website at, and some of my recent content :
The Nemeian Lion : an adventure based on Heracles' first labour
Also, my book "Perils of the Planar Pocket" just released in print on my website, so give it a look if you like elemental creatures and would like to spice up your world with unique ones !
Thank you and keep your eyes out for more content like this !

Here is the text from the items, for those who just want that :

Thunderbolt Javelin
Weapon (javelin), rare, requires attunement
Attacks with this weapon are considered as magical.
Ever-returning. The Thunderbolt Javelin is an ethereal weapon summoned by a god's blessing. As an object interaction during your turn or as a reaction, you can summon the javelin into your hand. It remains in your possession until you dismiss it or until you fall unconscious, at which point it disappears until resummoned. The javelin automatically returns to your hand after being thrown.
This weapon has charges equal to your proficiency modifier, which you can use to activate the Bouncing Lightning and Dazing bolt abilities. You regain all spent charges on a long rest.
Bouncing Lightning. Thrown attacks with this weapon deal an additional 1d6 lightning damage.
When you hit a creature with a throwing attack with this weapon, you can make lightning arc from the javelin towards any number of creatures of your choice within 30 ft of the target. For each additional target, expend one charge and make a separate attack. You deal the javelin's full damage to each creature hit.
Dazing Bolt. When you hit a creature with a melee attack with this weapon, you can expend a charge to call lightning to strike them, momentarily disrupting their body. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw of DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier or become dazed until the end of its next turn.
A dazed creature can only do one of the following things on their turn: move, use an action, or use a bonus action. If a creature becomes dazed during their turn, their turn immediately ends. Lesser Restoration, Great Restoration or similar effects remove the dazed condition, as well as the Help action. A dazed creature can still use actions granted to them by effects like Haste or a fighter's Action Surge normally.
Spell-eating Jar
Wondrous item (jar), rare, requires attunement
Spell-eating Jar. Your spell-eating jar resembles a container of any shape of your choosing. It is slightly transparent, weighs almost nothing, and is unbreakable. You can summon it from the ether or dismiss it as a free action during your turn. You do not need to be holding your spell-eating jar for it to absorb spells. Other creatures can touch your jar, but cannot use its abilities.
Spell Absorption. When a spell is cast by a creature you can see within 60 ft of you, you can use your reaction to open your spell-eating jar and absorb a copy of the spell's energy. The jar fills with charges equal to the spell's level, up to its maximum capacity.
Your spell-eating jar can contain a maximum number of charges equal to your proficiency bonus. If you attempt to harness the energy of a spell that would overflow from the jar, you take 1d6 force damage for each charge over its maximum capacity, and charges that cannot fit within the jar are lost. For example, if you have a maximum of 4 charges and you absorb a 5th level spell, you take 1d6 force damage and waste 1 charge. The same applies if you already have 2 charges within your 4-charge jar and you absorb a 3rd level spell.
Spell Restoration. As a bonus action during your turn, you can open the jar and release its stored energy to restore your expended spell slots. The total level of spell slots restored cannot exceed the number of charges currently held by the jar. For example, if the jar contains 5 charges, you could restore one 5th-level spell slot, five 1st-level spell slots, or any combination thereof as long as their total levels do not exceed 5.
Once the jar has been opened, it disappears until your next long rest, at which point it reappears near you.
Hammer of Creation
Tool (forge hammer), rare, requires attunement
Hammer of Hephaestus. This blessed forge hammer takes the appearance of your choosing. You can summon it from the ether or dismiss it as an object interaction during your turn.
Master Crafter. When using your blessed hammer as part of the crafting process of an item, you gain a bonus to crafting checks equal to your proficiency bonus. Additionally, when you roll a 1 on the d20 for an ability check on a check to craft items with your hammer, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Instantaneous Craft. As an action, you can strike a raw material or a collection of materials with this hammer and attempt to magically forge them into one or several objects of your choice, such as a weapon, a piece of armor, a bundle of ammunition, a piece of furniture, etc.
Make a crafting check -- usually an Intelligence check -- against the object creation DC, which is 5 or higher depending on the complexity of the object, up to 30 for very complex objects. On a success, you transform the materials into the chosen object(s). On a failure by more than 5, you lose half the materials used in the crafting attempt.
Objects created in this way disappear when they are destroyed or you use this ability again. When a non-destroyed object disappears, the materials used to create it return to their original shape, and can be used again.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. Creating larger objects consume more uses of this feature, and creating several objects at a time consumes uses as if you were creating a container able to hold these several objects simultaneously : 1 for a Tiny object, 2 for a Small object, 3 for a Medium object, 4 for a Large object, 5 for a Huge object, and 6 for a Gargantuan object.
For example, creating a shortsword or a quiver containing arrows requires beating a crafting DC of 10, and consumes two uses of this feature. Creating a set of plate armor requires beating a crafting DC of 20, and consumes three uses of this feature. Creating an intricate telescope for an observatory requires beating a crafting DC of 30, and consumes five uses of this feature.
You regain all spent uses of this feature on a short or long rest.
Eye of Soulseeing
Wondrous item (eye), rare, requires placing the eye in your socket
Soul Detection. You can passively feel the blood, pulse, and soul of creatures you can see, allowing you to automatically discern if they are living, or if they are undead or constructs.
Soul Reader. Through this eye, you can focus your own mortality to read another creature's soul. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 300 ft. You learn their type (e.g. humanoid, undead, fiend,..), their general state of health (e.g. healthy, damaged, on death's door,…), and their age. For the next minute, you also gain advantage on Intimidation checks against them, on Medicine checks to tend to them, and on Insight checks to read their intentions and mental state.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. You regain all expended uses on a long rest, or when you perform proper death rites for a dead creature that possessed a soul.
String of Radiance
Wondrous item (bowstring), rare, requires attunement
Call of Radiance. Whenever you make an attack against a creature with a bow to which this string is attached, before the attack is rolled, you can call upon the sun god's blessing to infuse it with radiance. On a hit, the infused attack deals an additional 1d6 radiant damage, and a pool of sunlight of the same size as the target is left at the target's position. The pool of sunlight sheds bright light in a 20 ft radius, and remains until a creature ends its turn within it, willingly moves within it, is forcibly moved within it, or a minute has passed.
If the first creature that enters the area is an ally, they regain hit points equal to 1d6 + your proficiency modifier + your Charisma modifier. If they are an enemy, they instead take radiant damage equal to 1d6 + your proficiency modifier + your Charisma modifier. The pool's power increases with the pool's size, adding 1d6 to its damage and healing for each size category above Medium it reaches.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, regaining all spent uses on a long rest. Alternatively, you regain one use of this ability when you perform a concert or another type of artistic performance in front of a crowd.
Wondrous item (cape), rare
Veil of the Wild. As an action, you can activate the cape to cover yourself in leaves, grass, bark, or another natural material, blending seamlessly with your surroundings. While camouflaged in this way, you are automatically hidden to all beasts and plants, as well as to all other creatures who did not witness you activate this ability. Creatures attempting to detect you must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check to spot you. You remain camouflaged until if you move.
Thorn Ward. As a bonus action, you can activate the cape to cover yourself in thorns until the end of your next turn. While covered in thorns, you gain a +2 bonus to AC ; additionally, any creature that hits you with a melee attack or touches you (such as by attempting to grapple you) takes 1d6 piercing damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of their next turn.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, regaining all spent uses on a long rest. Alternatively, you regain one use of this ability when you take a short rest in a forest.
Elixir of Chaotic Vitality
Elixir, consumable, uncommon
When you drink this elixir, choose a number of Hit Dice from your Hit Dice pool, which you will sacrifice as part of this elixir's effect. How many dice you choose influences the potential intensity of this elixir's effect ; the more Hit Dice you sacrifice, the more powerful the effect, but the riskier as well.
For each Hit Dice sacrificed, roll a dice of increasing value from a d4 to a d20, which will determine the intensity of the effect, as well as a second d4, which will determine if the effect will damage or heal you. On a 1, the effect is damaging ; on a 2, 3, or 4, the effect is healing. You take damage or heal an amount equal to the value rolled on the first dice.
You can choose as many Hit Dice as you have unspent Hit Dice to sacrifice, but you cannot stop this process once you have chosen how many Hit Dice to sacrifice. If you fall unconscious as part of drinking this elixir, you continue rolling the remaining dice, and you automatically fail one death saving throw for each damaging dice you roll while unconscious as if you had taken damage from a hit.
For example, if you have chosen to sacrifice 6 Hit Dice, you would roll 1d4 + 1d6 + 1d8 + 1d10 + 1d12 + 1d20, then 6d4 to decide if those become damage or healing. Let's say you roll 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1 on your secondary dice. You would then take 1d4 damage, then heal for 1d6 + 1d8 + 1d10 + 1d12, then take 1d20 damage.
Tidebreak Sandals
Wondrous item (sandals), rare, requires attunement
Wavesurfer. While wearing these sandals, you can move across even the wildest of waters as if you were on solid ground. Additionally, your speed increases by 15 ft when walking on water.
Crashing Tide. If you move at least 15 feet in a straight line toward a creature and then hit it with a melee weapon attack or a melee spell attack, you can use the power of the sandals to unleash a crashing wave.
The target takes an additional 3d6 bludgeoning damage, is pushed back 15 ft, and must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, your choice) or be knocked prone.
Creatures that hit an object or creature of the same size or larger as part of this forced movement make the saving throw with disadvantage. Creatures that are Huge or larger do not get pushed but have disadvantage on the saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a short or long rest.
Faces of Typhon
Wondrous item (mask), legendary, requires attunement
Monstrous Adaptation. As an action, you can don the mask and select one of the monster faces you have gained access to. You gain the traits and abilities of the chosen form for the next minute, or until you remove the mask.
Each face can be used once per day, regaining all spent uses after a long rest. You can only have one face active at a time.
If you have already used a face during the current day, and you choose to use this item again, roll a d20. On a 1, your appearance permanently changes to include a monstrous feature, such as long fangs, a furry tail, or leathery skin, which can only be removed with a Regenerate spell, a Wish spell, or another similar effect. The more monstrous features you already have, the more visible any new monstrous feature becomes.
Unlocking forms. When you first attune to this mask, you gain access to its first form, Typhon's Visage. Other forms become available to you when you or one of your companions slay or befriend the monster corresponding to the form. If you have already slain or befriended a similar monster in the past, you automatically unlock the corresponding forms. Your DM might reward you with additional monster forms based on your accomplishments.
Typhon's Visage (Unlocked by default).
You take on the traits of Typhon, father of monsters, granting you the ability to breathe fire, and growing a hundred snake heads on your shoulders to attack enemies with.
Scorch the Earth. You can breathe fire as intense as the wrath of Typhon. As an action, you can exhale fire in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier), taking 12d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. You can use this feature once, regaining its use when the mask recharges.
One Hundred Snakes. You can take one reaction on every turn in a combat, and gain a hundred snake heads on your shoulders. These snake heads grant you a natural weapon with 10-foot reach and Finesse, which deals 3d6 piercing damage on a hit, and count as magical for the purposes of overcoming or ignoring resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage. You can use your reaction to attack any creature which enters your reach with this natural weapon, and you automatically attack every creature of your choice in a 10-foot radius around you at the start of your turn.
Spiked Mask (Unlocked by slaying or allying with a manticore)
You take on the traits of a manticore, growing a tail covered in dangerous spikes and leathery wings for swift flight.
Tail Spikes. As an action, you can launch up to three tail spikes at targets of your choosing within 120 feet. Make a ranged weapon attack for each spike. On a hit, each spike deals 3d8 + your Dexterity modifier piercing damage. Creatures hit by the spikes must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or fall prone. If a spike hits a creature that is already prone, it pins them to the ground until the end of their next turn, reducing their movement to 0 until the spike is destroyed, or until they spend an action to unpin themselves. Spikes have 15 AC and 20 hit points.
Flight. You gain a flying speed of 60 feet.
Fanged Mask (Unlocked by slaying or allying with a hydra)
You take on the traits of a hydra, gaining the ability to regenerate lost limbs, spit poison, and enhance your attacks with venom.
Venomous Strikes. Your attacks deal an additional 2d6 poison damage on a hit. Your attacks are also considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.
Poison Spit. As an action, you can spit a glob of poison towards a point you choose within 60 ft of you, which explodes in a 10-foot radius sphere. Each creature within the area make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, a creature takes 6d6 poison damage and becomes poisoned for the next minute. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and is not poisoned.
Regeneration. If you take a quarter or more of your maximum hit points in damage during a single turn, your head is cut off from your body, and you become blinded until the start of your next turn. At the start of your next turn, your head regrows, and you regain hit points equal to the amount rolled on half of your maximum Hit Dice (rounded down). If you take fire damage before your head regrows, it does not regrow until the start of your next turn in which you did not take fire damage.
Mask of the Doorkeeper (Unlocked by slaying or allying with a multi-headed dog)
You take on the traits of Cerberus, the multi-headed guardian of the underworld, granting you enhanced perception and a formidable roar that empowers allies and stops enemies in their tracks.
Guardian Heads. You grow two additional heads, granting you advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, smell, or hearing. Additionally, when you make a melee attack, you can make two additional Bite attacks against two different targets within 5 feet of you. Each of these attacks deals 2d6 + your Strength modifier piercing damage.
Roar of the Doorkeeper. As an action, you can unleash the terrifying roar of Cerberus. Each creature of your choice within 60 feet that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or become frightened of you for 1 minute. While frightened in this way, a creature’s speed is reduced to 0, and it has disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma saving throws. If a creature fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is paralyzed until the end of its next turn. Affected creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
Allied creatures within the area who can hear you gain temporary hit points equal to 2d10 + your Charisma modifier, and have their speed increased by 15 ft until the end of their next turn. You can use this feature once, regaining its use when the mask recharges.
Mask of the Stone-faced (Unlocked by slaying or allying with a gorgon)
You take on the traits of a gorgon, granting you the ability to petrify your enemies with a gaze and harden your skin to stone-like resilience.
Petrifying Gaze. As an action, you can attempt to petrify a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a success.
For the next hour, a petrified creature can make another Constitution saving throw whenever it takes damage, ending the effect on a success. If a creature remains petrified for 1 hour, the petrification becomes permanent, and remains until the creature is freed by a Greater Restoration spell or a similar effect.
Unless surprised, an intelligent creature can avert its eyes from the wearer of the mask at the start of its turn, becoming blinded until the start of its next turn. If the creature does so, the wearer of this mask cannot use its Petrifying Gaze ability against it until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again.
Stoneskin. Your skin hardens, granting you a +2 bonus to AC and resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. As a reaction when another creature hits you with a melee, ranged, or spell attack, you can use your reaction to harden your skin even more, reducing the damage by half (after resistances).
Pillow of the Dreamweaver
Wondrous item (pillow), rare, requires attunement
Aura of Comfort. While you sleep on this pillow, you are aware of creatures who fall asleep within a 30-foot radius. Creatures of your choosing within this area are immune to the Dream spell and other magical effects that would affect their sleep. Additionally, you and all creatures of your choosing within this area recover all their Hit Dice on a long rest rather than half.
Rest for the Wicked. While holding this pillow, you can cast the Sleep spell at up to 5th level, at will. If the spell affects an unwilling creature, you must succeed on a (DC = 10 + the chosen spell level) Wisdom saving throw or fall asleep as well, falling prone and becoming unconscious until the start of your next turn. While sleeping in this way, you do not wake up from taking damage or from someone spending an action to wake you.
Harbinger of Dreams. While you sleep on this pillow, once per night, you can activate the pillow to cast the Dream spell. If you use this ability to cause a nightmare for your target, you immediately wake up, and you cannot use this ability again until seven days have passed.
submitted by Sirxi to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:09 DancingDesign Spay cost for dog.

Our vet gave us an estimate of over $1000 for spaying our 60ish pound dog. Does that sound right? I was really shocked by the price and I’m not sure if he is expensive bc of the area or if this is how much it costs. Any thoughts on this? Location is Jersey City, NJ
Spay package $752
+Pre Op Wellness Blood Work $143
+Fluid Therapy / IV catheter $117
+Post Op ABs, pain med/injection, e-collar $81.43
+medical waste disposal $15
Total : $1109
submitted by DancingDesign to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 22:05 lennysinged Why does no one care about the Xenosaga DS games

As I know it, the Xenosaga DS games were made to improve on the first two polarizing Xenosaga PS2 games. But they weren't even fan translated, nor is there any indication anyone is working on such a thing.
Fan translations are passion projects that indicate how much the community cares, and I would imagine the Xeno series fanbase is that given Operation Rainfall. So to see these games ignored is just jarring.
Like Tales fans by comparison work harder than Bandai Namco does on localization (they fan translated Tempest, one of the worst games ever), and Persona fans literally brought us the Persona 2 Portable games as a complete package recently.
This isn't even monstrous entitlement. Just curious.
submitted by lennysinged to Xenoblade_Chronicles [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 21:53 rmartin_tt What is Value Based Selling?

What is Value Based Selling?
When people think about sales, they often recall their experiences as consumers or iconic portrayals of salespeople they’ve seen in television and movies like Glengarry Glen Ross, Mad Men, or The Office, to name a few. These experiences and cultural references typically evoke images of straightforward transactions and direct marketing techniques used in consumer purchases.
However, in the realm of B2B sales, the landscape is quite different. Unlike the straightforward transactions depicted in popular media, organizations participate in what academics have called: considered purchases, deliberate buying, or high-involvement buying decisions. This kind of buying is a much more strategic process characterized by thorough research, evaluation, and detailed planning.
Value based selling is a value delivery approach that aligns an organization’s presales, sales, and customer success teams with the way their customers research, evaluate, purchase, and consume solutions. For customer-facing teams, a critical success factor in VBS is understanding and demonstrating how a product or service meets a customer’s unique business needs and objectives.
In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of VBS and investigate how underlooked technologies, such as external collaboration tools, can empower sales teams to achieve greater success with value based selling.

What is Value Based Selling (VBS)?

Value based selling, or VBS, is an approach that focuses on understanding and reinforcing how the product or service meets a customer's requirements and creates value for the customer. This approach differs from traditional selling techniques that might focus primarily on the features or specifications of the product. Here are some key aspects of VBS:
  1. Understanding Customer Needs: The core is to understand the customer's business, their challenges, and their goals. Salespeople spend time researching the customer and their industry to tailor their pitch to the specific needs and pain points of the customer. The most successful VBS teams will collaborate with their customers or prospects to mutually author documents that outline key customer requirements.
  2. Communicating Value: Instead of just listing the features of a product or service, VBS involves explaining how these features translate into real benefits for the customer. This might include how the product can increase efficiency, reduce costs, improve quality, or address a specific challenge the customer is facing. Frequently
  3. Building Relationships: This approach relies heavily on building a strong, consultative relationship with the customer. Salespeople act as trusted advisors, offering insights and solutions that are in the best interest of the customer rather than just trying to make a quick sale. Successful VBS
  4. Customizing/Configuring/Tailoring Solutions: There's often a focus on customizing or tailoring solutions to fit the unique needs of each customer. This might involve adjusting a product or service or combining different products and services into a comprehensive package.
  5. Quantifying Value: A key part of this strategy is to quantify the value that the product or service brings. This might involve demonstrating a return on investment (ROI), showing how the product will pay for itself over time, or providing case studies and examples of how similar customers have benefited.
  6. Long-term Focus: Generally focused on long-term relationships and customer satisfaction rather than just making individual sales. This approach aims to create loyal customers who will return for repeat business and refer others.
  7. Feedback and Adaptation: Regular feedback is sought from customers to ensure that the value promised is being delivered. This information is used to continually adapt and improve the product, service, and sales approach.
  8. Educational Approach: Salespeople using this method often focus on educating customers about their products or services and the industry as a whole, helping customers make informed decisions.
Value based selling is particularly effective in industries where products or services are complex, and highly customizable or where the purchasing decision has significant financial implications for the customer. It's a strategic approach that requires a deep understanding of both the product and the customer and a commitment to building long-term customer relationships.

When to Use Value Based Selling?

Not every sales situation calls for value based selling. In fact, VBS is most effective in several key scenarios:
  • Complex or High-Value Products/Services: When the products or services in question are complex, require customization, or represent a significant financial investment. This is typical in industries like technology, manufacturing, or specialized professional services. It’s worth noting that the sophistication of the problems and solutions is one big reason why there is substantial documentation throughout the entire process.
  • Extended Sales Cycles: Organizations often undergo lengthy deliberation and approval processes, especially for significant purchases. VBS is suitable in these scenarios, offering ample opportunity for building relationships and understanding client needs. The length of the sales process also means that new members are added/removed from the buying team on an as-needed basis. It’s another reason why VBS processes tend to be document-rich; those newly added team members need to be brought up to speed.
  • Knowledge-Driven Purchases: In cases where the buyer is looking not just for a product but for expertise and advice. This occurs in sectors where products are technical or where the industry landscape is rapidly evolving. Buyer education is a key part of the VBS process, so much so that analysts have described the new B2B sales process as “buyer enablement,” i.e., educating your buyer so that they can sell for your team internally.
  • Solution-Focused Sales: Where the focus is on solving specific business problems or challenges rather than just selling a product. This requires a deep understanding of the customer’s business and the ability to tailor solutions accordingly.
  • Relationship-Oriented Business Environments: In industries where building long-term customer relationships is crucial, such as in enterprise solutions or high-end B2B services. Here, the emphasis is on trust, reliability, and ongoing service.
  • ROI-Sensitive Purchases: In situations where customers are particularly concerned with the return on their investment, be it through cost savings, efficiency improvements, or other measurable outcomes.
In these scenarios, VBS is not just a technique but a strategic approach, focusing on understanding and aligning with the customer's broader business objectives, delivering tangible value, and establishing a foundation for long-term partnership.

What Does the Value Based Selling Methodology Look Like?

Sales methodologies and CRM solutions prescribe very detailed, complex processes for sales teams. Teams can get so bogged down in the mechanics that they lose sight of the overall objective. To address this, rather than proposing four-, seven-, or ten-step sales processes, here’s our view of the entire selling process mapped to the traditional customer journey or customer activity lifecycle (awareness, consideration, purchase, retention).
Assuming that the customer (or prospect) is already aware of your solution–which is why they are engaging with your sales team in the first place!- VBS aligns neatly with the remaining steps in the customer lifecycle: Consideration, Purchase, and Retention. We elected for this alignment because it helps keep the customer front and center.

Here’s how the process might unfold across each of the three main phases:

1. Presales Phase: Engaging and Understanding
In this phase, which corresponds with the consideration stage of the customer lifecycle, the sales team's primary focus is to engage with the customer to gain a deep understanding of their business environment, challenges, and specific needs. This involves initial contact, where the team establishes rapport and trust, followed by a detailed discovery process. The goal here is to gather enough information to develop a solution that precisely addresses the customer's requirements. Key activities include preparing needs assessment reports and drafting preliminary solution overviews. Risk management at this stage involves ensuring the right customer fit and maintaining a continuous feedback loop to align closely with the customer's objectives.
To understand the customer's specific needs and challenges and develop a tailored solution that aligns with these requirements.
Key Activities:
  • Initial Customer Engagement: Establish contact and initiate discussions to understand the customer's business environment and key challenges.
  • Needs Assessment and Discovery: Conduct detailed sessions to uncover the customer's specific needs, pain points, and objectives.
  • Solution Development: Develop a customized solution based on the insights gathered during the discovery process.
Key Documents:
  • Needs Assessment Reports: Documents that capture the detailed findings from the discovery sessions, including customer challenges, goals, and requirements.
  • Solution Overview Drafts: Preliminary outlines or concepts of the proposed solution shared with the customer to ensure alignment and gather feedback.
  • Proof of Concept Plan: A plan for a Proof of Concept or pilot project, especially for technical products, detailing how the proposed solution will be tested in the customer’s environment to demonstrate its effectiveness, feasibility, and requirements fit.
Risk Management & Mitigation:
  • Customer Qualification: Ensure that the customer's needs and business objectives are well-aligned with the solution offered to minimize the risk of misalignment.
  • Continuous Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback mechanism during the needs assessment to quickly identify and address misunderstandings or misalignments.
2. Proposal Phase: Tailoring and Finalizing
Aligned with the Purchase stage, the sales team now shifts to formalizing the customer’s needs into a comprehensive proposal. This phase involves a collaborative effort to develop a proposal that details the tailored solution, its benefits, and the expected value. The team then engages in discussions with the customer, inviting feedback to refine the offering. Negotiation skills come into play as the team works towards finalizing the terms of the agreement. The creation of formal proposal documents and the preparation of draft contracts or agreements are crucial. Managing risks in this phase includes clear communication of terms and employing flexible negotiation strategies to ensure a successful agreement.
To formalize the customer's requirements into a concrete proposal and reach an agreement that meets both parties' needs.
Key Activities:
  • Proposal Development: Prepare a comprehensive proposal that addresses the customer's needs, outlines the solution, and details the expected value.
  • Customer Review and Feedback: Share the proposal with the customer for review, inviting feedback and discussions to refine the offering.
  • Negotiation and Agreement Finalization: Engage in negotiations to finalize terms and reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
Key Documents:
  • Formal Proposal Documents: Comprehensive proposals that detail the solution, pricing, benefits, and ROI, tailored to the customer’s specific situation.
  • Contracts/Agreements for Review: Draft contracts or agreements shared with the customer, outlining the terms of the partnership, for negotiation and finalization.
Risk Management & Mitigation:
  • Clear Communication of Terms: Ensure that all terms, conditions, and expectations are transparent and well-understood to avoid future disputes.
  • Flexible Negotiation Strategies: Be prepared with alternative solutions or concessions to keep negotiations on track and prevent deal breakdowns.
3. Post-Sales Phase: Implementing and Nurturing
Once the sale is made, the focus for the sales team in the Post-Sales Phase, corresponding to the Retention stage, is on ensuring a smooth implementation and fostering a long-term relationship. In most organizations, the customer relationship transfers from sales to customer success, professional services, or account management. This new team oversees the rollout of the solution, ensuring it meets the agreed specifications and customer expectations. Concurrently, they provide training and support to facilitate effective use of the solution. Regular performance monitoring and maintaining open communication lines are essential to nurture the ongoing relationship and identify additional opportunities for growth. The team prepares detailed implementation plans, training materials, and performance reports. Risk management in this phase involves closely monitoring the implementation process, conducting regular performance reviews, and building a strong, ongoing relationship with the customer. It’s worth noting that success in this phase reduces churn and can help transform customers into advocates or references that help support the sales teams in presales.
To effectively implement the solution, ensure customer satisfaction, and foster a long-term relationship for ongoing business growth.
Key Activities:
  • Implementation and Onboarding: Oversee the rollout of the solution, ensuring it is implemented smoothly and meets the customer's needs.
  • Training and Support: Provide the necessary training and support to the customer for effective use of the solution.
  • Performance Monitoring and Relationship Management: Regularly assess solution performance and maintain ongoing communication with the customer to nurture the relationship and identify additional opportunities.
Key Documents:
  • Implementation Plans: Detailed roadmaps outlining the steps for deploying the solution, often requiring customer collaboration for customization and approval.
  • Training Materials and User Guides: Tailored instructional materials and guides developed in conjunction with the customer to ensure they address specific user needs and scenarios.
  • Performance and Satisfaction Reports: Regular reports and assessments prepared for the customer, reflecting on the performance of the solution and capturing customer feedback for continuous improvement.
Risk Management & Mitigation:
  • Implementation Oversight: Closely monitor the implementation process to quickly address any issues that arise.
  • Regular Performance Reviews: Conduct regular check-ins with the customer to assess satisfaction and address potential issues proactively.
  • Ongoing Relationship Building: Maintain a strong relationship with the customer to understand evolving needs and adjust the solution as necessary.

Gaps in the Sales Technology Stack

As we can see from the methodology above, successful value based selling depends on the depth and quality of customer interactions in every phase. In each phase, we’ve listed documents that the team would jointly author with their customer.
Those mutually authored documents are pivotal in establishing and reinforcing the shared understanding between the sales team and the customer, ensuring that the proposed solutions are in perfect alignment with the customer's requirements. That agreement is what the proposals and contracts are built upon. Those documents enable the customer to sell and advocate internally. That information is used by the post-sales teams to ensure delivery meets the mark.
It’s hard to overstate the importance of that shared understanding found in these documents. Without it, sales pursuits are unlikely to be successful, and even if one manages to close, the customers are unlikely to be satisfied or referencable.
It’s hard to overstate the importance of that shared understanding found in these documents. Without it, sales pursuits are unlikely to be successful, and even if one manages to close, the customers are unlikely to be satisfied or referencable.
However, when we look at the typical “Sales Tech Stack” teams utilize, we don’t see much that supports teams as they pursue better customer alignment. Consider the top ten technologies used by teams today:
  1. CRM Systems: Store customer data and track interactions
  2. Sales Analytics and Reporting Tools: Focus on sales performance metrics
  3. Lead Generation and Prospecting Tools: Identify potential leads
  4. Email Outreach Software: Designed for outreach and lead nurturing
  5. Sales Automation Tools: Streamline tasks like scheduling and follow-ups
  6. Product Demo and Presentation Software: Showcase products, mostly from the point of view of the product company
  7. Quote and Proposal Management Tools: Help generate quotes and proposals … once you’ve proven value
  8. Contract Management Software: Manages contracts
  9. Sales Enablement Platforms: Helps customer-facing teams to learn their product’s capabilities and positioning
  10. Sales Forecasting Tools: Predict sales trends and revenue
All those aforementioned tools help market-facing teams with “what,” but do nothing to help teams uncover “why,” or “why on earth does this solution make sense for this customer." These technologies play a role in the process but do not help teams as they seek to understand and map customer needs to the specific capabilities and benefits of a product. In fact, there’s an argument to be made that these tools distract from that all important job.
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Why Value Based Selling Teams Benefit From External Collaboration Tools

Today most teams are unaware of the gap in their sales technology (salestech) stack. In fact, collaboration with their customers and prospects on those all-important VBS documents is largely done in email. The limitations of email in terms of version control, tracking complex conversation threads, and efficiently managing document collaboration are well-known. Those limitations lead to miscommunications and inefficiencies, adversely affecting both the sales process, the customer experience, and customer engagement.
That’s why it’s recommended that teams looking for success with value based selling techniques examine external collaboration tools. These tools are specifically tailored to meet the collaborative and customer-centric demands of value based selling. Successfully implemented, these tools can not just streamline the sales team's workflow but also enhance customer engagement and experience, and improve close rates.
Here's a rundown of what an ideal external collaboration toolset should include:
1. Common Workspace for Customer Collaboration: This unified platform consolidates all activities, interactions, and documents related to a customer. It's an execution-focused workspace that supports document collaboration with customers. The workspace allows both team members and customers to access, revise, and discuss various documents in a shared environment.
2. Asynchronous Collaboration Capabilities: Considering that customers and your VBS team are not always in the same geography, and certainly not under the same governance structure, the external collaboration tool must support asynchronous collaboration. This functionality enables team members and customers to contribute and provide feedback at their convenience while keeping everyone informed of the latest updates and developments.
3. Versioning, Transparency, and Accountability: A key feature of the workspace is robust version control for all documents. This allows for tracking changes, updates, or revisions, providing transparency by showing who made specific changes and when. It ensures accountability among all parties and facilitates a clear understanding of each document's evolution, which is crucial for maintaining precision and clarity in complex sales processes.
4. Integrated Communication Tools: Beyond document collaboration, the workspace should integrate asynchronous and real-time communication tools for comments, questions, or discussions. One critical requirement is to ensure that all discussions are recorded and accessible for all participants, this helps keep everyone on the same page.
5. Security and Data Protection: With sensitive customer information often involved, the platform must have strong security measures in place. This includes data encryption, secure access controls, and compliance with data protection regulations, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of all information.
6. Notifications and Automated Reminders: Automated notifications and reminders about document updates, deadlines, or required actions can keep the collaboration process efficient and on schedule.
7. Integration with CRM and Other Sales Tools: Ideally, thetool will have some method to tie the collaboration with the existing CRM record and other sales tools. This ensures that document-centric processes are tracked as part of the broader sales processes and customer data.
Adopting these advanced, integrated collaboration platforms represents a strategic shift from traditional email communication. This move is pivotal not only for improving internal efficiency but also for elevating the overall customer journey, which is indispensable for the success of the value based selling team.
Final thoughts
In summary, VBS stands out as a vital strategy in the B2B sales landscape, particularly due to its focus on understanding and delivering specific customer value. The effectiveness of this approach is deeply rooted in the quality of interactions and the depth of collaboration between the sales team and the customer. This necessitates a shift from traditional communication methods to more sophisticated external collaboration tools. These tools not only streamline the sales process but also enhance the overall customer experience, ensuring that solutions are not just sold but are perfectly aligned with the customer's needs and expectations. Embracing these tools is not just a step towards improving sales efficiency; it is a commitment to elevating the entire customer journey and achieving long-term success in Value Based Selling.
What is Value Based Selling? was perviously published on our website TakeTurns
submitted by rmartin_tt to TakeTurns [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 21:50 FoxFyer Getting ROCm installed on Debian 12

I'm experimenting with Debian 12 (stable) after using Kubuntu for a while, and it works perfectly for me in every way but one, and it's the most important one unfortunately. The only thing keeping me from switching to it is that I can't find a way to install ROCm so that I can do GPU rendering in Blender with my AMD card.
ROCm only officially supports Ubuntu (and only up to 22.04, which is about to go EoL) and not Debian explicitly; but I'm going off the premise that Ubuntu is just Debian with some pepper on it, so anything that works in the former really should work in the latter with just maybe a couple of extra steps involved. This seems to be supported by older comments I've found from people saying that they've been able to get ROCm working in Debian previously.
Anyway, I follow the instructions given here for installing ROCm via the package manager. Amdgpu-dkms seems to install without any complaints, although the system for some reason can't find the command "dkms status". But ROCm itself won't install at all; after sudo apt install rocm it says
The following packages have unmet dependencies: rocm-gdb : Depends: libpython3.10 but it is not installable or libpython3.8 but it is not installable E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. 
And this is the one hurdle I just can't get past. Debian 12 has Python 3.11.2, but Pythons 3.10 and 3.8 or their libraries are not available in any repositories. I've gone as far as just downloading them separately from Python's website and installing them (as non-default, but definitely there as confirmed by --version checks) but even when I do that apt can't see them when I try to install ROCm.
GPU rendering in Blender is a hard requirement; if I can't do it, I can't switch to Debian, and I really want to switch to Debian. Does anyone have any suggestions?
submitted by FoxFyer to debian [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 20:56 mynhamesjeff Picked up this 99 from an estate sale

Picked up this 99 from an estate sale
Saw nobody was bidding on this so i was able to pick it up, running and driving (with working AC) for $650. Does have a TON of mikes (~270k) but appears to have been well maintained, has had the intake manifold replaced and the oil filter adapter gasket. Also found out it was from the original owner and found the window sticker. From what I can read it has the handling and performance package and a 3.27 axle. Any ideas on how to find a replacement window sticker? The interior was pretty filthy so enjoy the before and after photos. Happy to be back owning a crown vic after the regreable sale of my 05 LX Sport.
submitted by mynhamesjeff to CrownVictoria [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 20:44 littlelulumcd So Tell Me Everything Is Not About Speak Now, But What If It Is? Song Analysis - Part 1

So Tell Me Everything Is Not About Speak Now, But What If It Is? Song Analysis - Part 1
The way I approached analyzing the songs on Speak Now is to ignore who or what Taylor said the song was about. Instead I spent time with the lyrics - with the lens of the this being her first album where she’s been forcibly closeted. I do make references to her public narratives, but they aren’t the focus of what I'm writing about.
Links to other posts in my Speak Now series:
The VMAs - Before and After
Album Cover and Album Prologue
Disclaimer #1: I have adhd so I’m very likely going to make spelling/grammar mistakes - please accept my apology is advance for that. And for my overuse of commas.(My apology as well for all the additional context my adhd is going to give you in parentheses throughout this post).
Disclaimer #2: I decided not to venture into the ethics of creating public narratives about public people and then packaging that up for your fans to eat up like Taylor likes to do. There is a time and a place for that conversation, but the focus on my Speak Now writing is about might have happened. I also have a hard time having sympathy for John Mayer or Jake Gyllenhaal who agreed to the appearance of dating a much younger woman - which is gross and should not be normalized. Did she cross a line at times - like with Joe Jonas’s ex - maybe, but she was 18-20 when she did this and had no idea where things would end up with her easter eggs. Plus if she felt cornered by her label and the music industry, I have sympathy for that.
When Taylor talked about Speak Now after it was released, she made a point to say all the songs on the album were not love songs:
I would consider the songs on this record as emotions—that’s what they’re about. There are some that are about infatuation and adoration and the positive, magical feelings of love. But then there are the ones that deal with when it goes wrong, which it oftentimes does. And all the different ways that it can go wrong and all the different ways it can make you feel and all the different phases of that you go through. Then there’s just social dynamics, dealing with people and learning about the fact that life is so unpredictable. I think that’s one of the things I’ve learned—life and love are unpredictable.
I won’t be analyzing every lyric of every song for this deep dive because I would like to have my Speak Now series finished before Taylor comes out (manifesting). I will be highlighting things I think are relevant to this discussion. This post and part two, will focus on the OG Speak Now. I will be analyzing the vault tracks when I write about SN Taylor’s Version.
Speak Now was released on October 25, 2010
Taylor in reference to Speak Now from her Billboard Women of the Decade acceptance speech:
I decided I would be what they said I couldn’t be. I didn’t know then that soon enough people would decide on something else I wasn’t quite doing right, and then the circle would keep going on and on and rolling along and I would keep accommodating, over-correcting, in an effort to appease my critics.
👀👀👀 and, very mirrorball coded.
Track 1- Mine
Mine wasn’t Taylor’s first time wRiTInG fROm a mALe PerSPeCtiVe, but personally, this song clocked queer for me even when Taylor didn’t ping my gaydar yet:
You said, "I remember how we felt, sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it's like the first time
I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter
She is the best thing that's ever been mine"
What she does with Mine, is very similar to what Taylor did in Love Story. She gets to belt out about loving a woman, without raising suspicion.
With Taylor's first two albums, her songs were more about what she thought love was about, but now that she has likely experienced actual love and heartbreak, her writing is more real, even with the truth hidden in plain sight.
I believe that has been her “official” game plan since Speak Now, and I believe she addresses that in Midnights.
Although we’re not there yet, I did write about Dear Reader and the Speak Now TV announcement being connected.
In the Mine music video, Taylor has a vision of her future, which includes two kids. It’s hard to get a good screenshot but you can see them in what I’ve posted below.
A young Preston and Chad?
If I’m right about Speak Now and Midnights being connected, I wonder if her two sons from the Anti-Hero music video are the grown up versions of her sons from the Mine music video.
Fun Glee fact: Mine was used when Brittana (Glee’s first sapphic relationship) broke up. Kind of dick move of Ryan Murphy given Diana’s “rumoured” relationship with Taylor - something Ryan was supposedly not a fan of.
Bonus Fun Glee Fact: Glee only used two Taylor songs during its run. In Nov 2022, Ryan described Taylor as “the one that got away” 👀
Fun song release fact: Mine was leaked ✌🏻weeks ahead of it’s scheduled release
But an hour into the flight, one of my managers came up to me and said, “Hey, so, try not to panic. But how would you feel about a release of the single on August 5? So that’s 8/5. And eight plus five is 13, which is your lucky number!” I said, “It leaked, didn’t it?” And she said, “Yes.”
Eras tour pairing (I'm focusing on the first time each song was played on the Eras tour): May 7th in Nashville: Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve” with Aaron Dessner and “Mine”
What a pair of songs to put together 👀👀
Track 2 - Sparks Fly
The first thing I noticed about Sparks Fly is that it doesn’t use gendered pronouns. Gotta love our gender neutral queen!
First verse
The way you move is like a full on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
You're the kind of reckless that should send me running
But I kinda know that I won't get far
Honestly after every verse/chorus of the song I could just write “this is queer.” Because, for real, it is. Especially given the circumstances I think this album was written under.
First verse continued
And you stood there in front of me just
Close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of
This is queer (lol). No really, it is. It is amazing how Taylor is able to capture that feeling of being so close to somebody and wanting something you can’t have.
It also reminds me of Treacherous
Put your lips close to mine
As long as they don't touch
Part of the chorus
As the lights go down
Gimme something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see sparks fly, whenever you smile
Get me with those green eyes, baby
One thing I noticed when doing this deep dive, is how connected the songs/lyrics on this album are. I think Speak Now has the most overt connections (although I could be wrong).
Again so much pining here.
I am trying not to do a muse heavy post, but it is worth mentioning that Liz Huett’s eyes can have a green tint to them, and we also have Dianna Agron as a possible connection. I bring this up not to start a shipping war, but to show that Taylor could have been writing about the women in her life that she was suspected to be in a relationship with (or at least a situationship) at the time of writing the album.
Second Verse
My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something
You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be
I'm on my guard for the rest of the world
But with you, I know it's no good
And I could wait patiently
But I really wish you would
This is so so so queer (once I come up with a bit, I stick to it lol). Jokes aside though, this song does a bang up job of describing what it’s like to want someone you feel you shouldn’t have. Or don’t want to have.
Even though I believe Taylor has known about her attraction to women for a long time, she is conflicted about it. If she knew she had to stay closeted at this point, that could be what some of the conflict is about (outside of the heteronormativity and homophobia of the world). ‘
The highlighted line could also be a connection to IWYW from 1989.
Eras tour pairing: May 5th (aka the night SN TV was announced) in Nashville: “Sparks Fly” and “Teardrops on My Guitar”
Track 3 - Back to December
The consensus from the general public, and Taylor Lautner, is that Back to December is about him.
In the album prologue, Taylor wrote:
To the beautiful boy whose heart I broke in December
Taylor constructed the narrative and nobody looked further into things.
From People:
Thanks to several pointed references in the lyrics, many assumed this breakup track was about Swift’s brief romance with her Valentine’s Day costar Taylor Lautner, from whom she split in December 2009. But it was Lautner himself who later confirmed the song is about him.
How convenient!
Thanks once again to the Swiftgron Timeline (and u/Alex-Chaser) for this tidbit:
Taylor Lautner reportedly flies to Nashville to be with Taylor on her birthday but they break it off in December because “he liked her more than she liked him.”
This is the kind of easter egg planning that reminds me of Taylor's perfect angel boyfriend, Joe, being spotted wearing dark jeans and Nikes to connect him to Delicate. Or, Taylor hiding the name Kim in a song title so everyone thinks the song is about Kim K.
So good to me, so right And how you held me in your arms that September night
The consensus on the reference to "that September night" is the night of the VMAs. Taylor L. was on stage when Kanye interrupted Taylor's acceptance speech. Taylor L. has talked about thinking at first that Kayne coming on stage was a bit so he didn't step in and do anything. Clearly Taylor was upset that night.
Or, perhaps that is a misdirection and the real September night Taylor is referencing, is the September I discussed in my post about the VMAs.
The song could actually be about Taylor L. - that is a possibility. Maybe it is about Taylor breaking his heart when she realized that she was very much into women.
Their relationship took place when they were filming a movie together. So there’s that too!
Like Sparks Fly, gender is not assigned to the subject of Back To December.
There is this post by u/TaniaHylian, who makes a connection between Back to December and Emily Poe.
Yet another example of there being a possible sapphic connection to a song that was presented to the world as a song about a boy.
Eras tour part 1 pairing: July 15th in Denver: “Starlight” and “Back to December”
Track 4 - Speak Now
I think the big elephant in the room here is that Taylor didn’t “Speak Now” when she wrote this album and hasn’t since then either. Although you can make the argument that she has been speaking her truth the only way she’s been able to.
Taylor’s “official” story for this song is that it isn’t even about her. It’s about a friend of hers who is in love with someone who is marrying someone else. I guess Taylor did write fictionalized songs before folklore after all 😉
The song has he/him pronouns, but as we know, that doesn’t mean it’s not queer
Don't say yes, run away now
I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door
Don't wait, or say a single vow
You need to hear me out
And they said, "Speak now"
There are no gendered pronouns in the chorus - maybe Taylor is asking the bride to runaway 🤷🏻‍♀️
Pre chorus
She floats down the aisle like a pageant queen
But I know you wish it was me
You wish it was me
Don't you?
The bride is someone Taylor thinks is pretty enough to be a pageant queen 👀
One of many examples of Taylor seemingly being more obsessed with the woman in a relationship, than the guy she has feelings for - like in You Belong with Me.
Eras tour pairing: April 13th (143 reference if you’re into that) in Tampa: “Speak Now” and “Treacherous” 👀
When she sang Speak Now at the eras tour, it was the first time Taylor played songs for the acoustic set in THE YELLOW DRESS. The Tampa shows were also the first shows she played post the Toe break up announcement.
Taylor said this before she played Speak Now:
“So I’ve been thinking a lot about one of my albums recently,” Swift told the audience. “One of my albums has been on my mind a lot. I’ve been thinking about it, lots of thoughts going on in my brain about it, so I thought I might play the title track of that album.”
Funny, I have also been having a lot of thoughts in my brain about Speak Now lmao.
The Rolling Stone article I linked to, points out a connection to the yellow dress from the Eras tour and the yellow dress on the back of the Speak Now album cover. Which is funny, because I only just made that connection a few days ago lol.
Track 5 - Dear John
Hoo boy - this should be a fun one!
Timeline for Dear John:
"Dear John" was written by Swift sometime in late 2009 or early 2010, according to Swift's interviews about her "Speak Now" album.
The classic definition of a ‘Dear John’ letter is a break up letter. I think that Dear John is actually about Taylor breaking up with Scott B. because of the deal she feels she was forced to make to stay closeted.
Though Swift declined to comment on who the song was about while speaking to PEOPLE in 2010, noting the track was "a tough one to write,"
I think Taylor put a red herring in the song to connect it to John Mayer. There is a guitar riff used in Dear John that people have said is similar to a guitar riff John uses in his music. I am not super familiar with his music, but that sounds like something Taylor would do. I think she also did the same thing for I Can See You.
First Verse
Long were the nights
When my days once revolved around you
Counting my footsteps
Praying the floor won't fall through again
And my mother accused me of losing my mind
But I swore I was fine
You paint me a blue sky
And go back and turn it to rain
And I lived in your chess game
But you changed the rules every day
Wonderin' which version of you I might get on the phone tonight
Well, I stopped pickin' up, and this song is to let you know why
There is nothing in these lyrics that state directly the song is about a former love interest.They can absolutely be read that way of course, but they don’t read that way on their own.
If Taylor viewed Scott B. as a father, that could be why Taylor’s nights revolved around him. Maybe she wanted to make Scott proud and valued their partnership. Plus we know how ambitious Taylor has always been.
Taylor mentions a chess game - which has many possible connections. If you think Mastermind is her answer to staying closeted, then the Eras tour visuals for the song could be a reference to Dear John.
There are also chess references in the Alice in Wonderland series - which Taylor has a history of loving prior to her meeting Dianna. I think “living in a chess game” is a metaphor for “trapped in the closet”
It also sounds like whatever rules were created for the chess game/forced closeting, were changed constantly.
Taylor stopped taking “his calls” after whatever happened between her and the song’s subject. So this song, is the (hidden) explanation to Scott B. on why she’s breaking up with him/BMthe music industry
Dear John
I see it all now that you're gone
Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?
The girl in the dress
Cried the whole way home
I should've known
“Don’t think I was too young to be messed with” is an obvious line about the age difference between John Mayer and Taylor. But seeing as in this post, the song isn’t about him, I think it’s a reference to being so young when she was pressured to stay closeted. And to take whatever deal she took when she wrote Speak Now.
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve
And if I was a child, did it matter
If you got to wash your hands?
Second Verse
Well, maybe it's me
And my blind optimism to blame
Or maybe it's you and your sick need
To give love then take it away
And you'll add my name
To your long list of traitors
Who don't understand
And I look back in regret
How I ignored when they said
"Run as fast as you can."
I take her “blind optimism” to be about her thinking she’d be able to come out/write queer songs for Speak Now.
If this song is about Scott B, he sounds like a giant asshole. And it sounds like he played a lot of mind games with Taylor during the tenure that they worked together. If Taylor believed he loved her (like family), only to discover he viewed her differently, that would sting a lot.
Based on this verse, Taylor isn’t the only one that Scott B. might have messed up through the music industry. Prior to starting BMR, Scott worked at a number of different record labels. Maybe there were also other artists that wanted to be more free in their music, or thought they were dealing with an honest person, but that wasn’t the case.
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve
I regret you all the time
I can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep
The wound won't close, I keep on waiting for a sign
I regret you all the time
No wonder Taylor is torn up inside. Imagine feeling this level of regret for someone who was instrumental in helping you launch your career.
Addition to the chorus
Dear John
I see it all now. It was wrong
Don't you think nineteen's too young to be played
By your dark twisted games?
When I loved you so
I should've known
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve
And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil
At nineteen
I don’t want to be repetitive, but ouch, ouch, ouch. The lyrics from Dear John hurt enough on their own, but their connection to WCS, makes them even more painful.
You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry
Never impressed by me acing your tests
All the girls that you've run dry
Have tired lifeless eyes
'Cause you've burned them out
But I took your matches before fire could catch me
So, don't look now
I'm shining like fireworks over your sad empty town
It sounds like Scott B, was able to manipulate Taylor with “sorries” that weren’t sincere. He managed their relationship by how he could get Taylor to do what he wanted. Even when she wanted to do something else.
I see a link between the bridge and I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
Crucial evidence, I didn't imagine the whole thing
I'm sure I can pass this test (one, two, three, four)
I believe ICDIWABH is about numerous times in Taylor’s career where she had to perform with a big smile on her face, while she was going through some serious personal pain. One of those times being when she was writing Speak Now (and performing on the Fearless Tour at the same time).
Through a 2024 lens, I wonder if the line about “took your matches before fire could catch me” is about her long term goal of coming out and hoping to “burn it all down” by exposing the corruption of the music industry.
You should've known
Don't you think I was too young?
You should've known
There is a big switch in the outro. Previously in the song, Taylor wrote “I should’ve known,” but in the outro she places the blame firmly where it belongs. Regardless of whether this song is about John Mayer or Scott B, (or someone else much older than Taylor), they should’ve known that Taylor was too young for whatever happened.
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
To me, her girlhood, is Taylor's innocence and the queer youth she could’ve had if she was able to be her true self.
The bottom line after listening to Dear John, no matter your interpretation, is that Taylor was left devastated by the fallout from this relationship. Even as an adult (back to WCS), she is still tormented by what happened.
Eras tour pairing: June 24th in Minneapolis: “Dear John” and “Daylight” 👀👀👀
I feel like I could write a whole post about Taylor singing Dear John with Daylight. The implications! Especially if Dear John is about the deal she made to stay closeted and Daylight was supposed to be her coming out song/album 💔💔💔
This is what Taylor said before she played Dear John:
I’m not putting this album out so you can go on the internet and defend me against someone you think I wrote a song about 14 million years ago
To me, Taylor is also calling into question the narrative that Dear John is about John Mayer.
Again, from People:
Mayer later hinted he was the inspiration as he talked to Rolling Stone about how the song “really humiliated” him.
“It made me feel terrible,” Mayer told the publication. “Because I didn’t deserve it. I’m pretty good at taking accountability now, and I never did anything to deserve that. It was a really lousy thing for her to do.”
Thanks to u/OK-Assistance-1860, for pointing me to Taylor’s response to his humiliation
How presumptuous! I never disclose who my songs are about.
When Swift's interviewer then attempted to recount for Mayer's comments about the song (that it "humiliated" him and he felt her releasing it was "a really lousy thing for her to do"), the singer cut her off, explaining she "can't handle" sad, mean, or otherwise negative comments because she does not have "that thick a skin."
"No! I don't want to know, I don't want to know…I know it wasn't good, so I don't want to know. I put a high priority on staying happy, and I know what I can't handle…It's not that I'm this egomaniac and I don't want to hear anything negative, because I do keep myself in check. But I've never developed that thick a skin. So I just kind of live a life, and I let all the gossip live somewhere else."
As I mentioned in my disclaimer, I don’t feel much sympathy for John over this - maybe that’s wrong of me - but that is where I am right now. However, if the song is not about John Mayer, the speech at the Eras tour was likely Taylor trying to make amends for what she did during the Speak Now era. And to avoid him being a target again when SN TV was released.
Dear John is a Taylor song with so much lore behind it. Taylor standing on stage, calling that narrative into question, should have been a big deal.
But that was lost over people freaking out that she was playing Dear John live for the first time since 2012, the anticipation of Speak Now TV being released, and of course, the exit of Matty Healy in the TSCU around this time.
Taylor’s words being lost in the public’s insistence that they know who a song is about, is a tale as old as time when it comes to Taylor.
It is wild to see in action, and so frustrating when you’re a Gaylor.
But to Taylor I think it was the only way she could keep the deal she made with Scott B, while still writing from a place of truth.
submitted by littlelulumcd to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 20:25 Bad_Panda_Man Where do I go?

Hello, I’m currently a consultant in my store.
I’d like to start off by saying I’m sorry for all of those who’ve lost their jobs, more often than not it’s more than a job to those who loved doing it.
I’ve been with the company for 3 years (not very long at all) started as a part timer and worked all the way to a consultant with aspirations, previously, to become a designer because it really looked like BestBuy would foster the opportunity for growth and thirst for knowledge I had. I realized quickly a lot of things were empty promises that lead to anxiety and stressors that affected my day to day life that shouldn’t have and since then have moved on from letting them control how I value my work and life balance.
At this point with our commission average added onto our hourly rates it truly does feel like a severance package given to us while we are used to being up replacements for a role that will never have as much to give as it’s taken from us.
My question is where do I go now? I still have a deep passion for AV I was one of the last people Mag certified before they eliminated our Mag partnership in our location. I still enjoy talking about kitchens and building up the “dream kitchen” for people because of my passion for cooking as well but where do I take it? Does anyone have any recommendations for businesses or job types that could at least offer the ability to embrace the passion without feeling like I’m constantly on a chopping block?
submitted by Bad_Panda_Man to BestBuyWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:39 monsieur1995 HSBC Relocation

Currently live in the UK and work for a different bank, but got a final interview for a role at HSBC in another city, which would require relocation. I know a friend of mine was given a kind of ‘relocation package’ to help with the costs of moving, when he joined JPM. Does anyone know is HSBC do this as well?
submitted by monsieur1995 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 19:18 DisciplineNo1000 IPTV Trends: Exploring the Best IPTV Services and Expert Insights Compared to Netflix

IPTV Trends: Exploring the Best IPTV Services and Expert Insights Compared to Netflix
IPTV Trends


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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, keeping up with IPTV trends is essential for both consumers and industry professionals alike. As the demand for high-quality streaming content continues to soar, understanding the nuances of IPTV and staying abreast of the latest developments can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of IPTV, exploring the best IPTV services, expert insights from IPTV Smarters experts, and the latest IPTVTrends login trends shaping the industry.

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For users with limited internet access or those traveling to areas with poor connectivity, offline viewing is a game-changer. Many IPTV services offer the ability to download select content for offline viewing, allowing users to enjoy their favorite shows and movies without an internet connection. Whether commuting to work or embarking on a long flight, offline IPTV ensures uninterrupted entertainment wherever you are.

Netflix's Download Feature for On-the-Go Viewing

Netflix's download feature enables subscribers to download movies and TV shows for offline viewing on mobile devices. With a simple tap of the screen, users can download their favorite titles to watch later, whether during a flight, road trip, or subway ride. Additionally, Netflix's Smart Downloads feature automatically deletes watched episodes and downloads the next ones in the series, streamlining the offline viewing experience.

Ad Experience

Ad-Free Entertainment on the Best IPTV Services

One of the advantages of IPTV is its ad-free viewing experience, allowing users to enjoy uninterrupted entertainment without commercial interruptions. Whether watching live TV channels or on-demand content, subscribers can immerse themselves in their favorite shows and movies without being subjected to intrusive ads. Moreover, IPTV Smarters experts continuously monitor and optimize ad delivery to ensure a seamless viewing experience for users.

Ad-Free Streaming with Netflix

Netflix's ad-free model sets it apart from traditional TV and many other streaming services, offering subscribers an uninterrupted viewing experience from start to finish. By eliminating commercial breaks and sponsor messages, Netflix allows users to fully engage with the content without distractions. Additionally, Netflix's subscription-based revenue model ensures that the focus remains on delivering high-quality entertainment rather than generating ad revenue.

Accessibility Features

Ensuring Inclusivity with Accessibility Features on IPTV

Accessibility is a top priority for IPTV providers, with features such as closed captioning, audio descriptions, and subtitle customization enhancing the viewing experience for all users. Whether deaf or hard of hearing, visually impaired, or non-native speakers, IPTV ensures that everyone can enjoy their favorite content with ease. Moreover, IPTV Smarters experts are committed to continually improving accessibility features to meet the diverse needs of users worldwide.

Accessibility Options on Netflix

Netflix is dedicated to making its platform accessible to all users, with features such as closed captioning, audio descriptions, and customizable subtitles available across a wide range of content. By providing multiple accessibility options, Netflix ensures that everyone can enjoy their favorite movies and TV shows, regardless of their individual needs or preferences. Additionally, Netflix's commitment to inclusivity extends to its user interface, which is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate for users of all abilities.

International Availability

Global Reach of IPTV Services

IPTV services are available worldwide, catering to audiences in diverse regions and markets. Whether in North America, Europe, Asia, or beyond, users can access IPTV content from the comfort of their own homes or while traveling abroad. Moreover, IPTV Smarters experts collaborate with content providers and distributors worldwide to ensure a seamless viewing experience for users in every corner of the globe.

Netflix's Global Expansion

Netflix has achieved unparalleled global reach, with a presence in over 190 countries and territories. By offering a diverse selection of localized content, Netflix ensures that subscribers around the world can enjoy their favorite movies and TV shows in their preferred language. Additionally, Netflix's international expansion efforts are bolstered by partnerships with local content creators and distributors, further enriching the platform's global offerings.

Customer Support

Dedicated Support from IPTV Providers

Customer support is a top priority for IPTV providers, with dedicated teams available to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter. Whether troubleshooting technical issues, navigating subscription plans, or seeking recommendations, IPTV providers strive to deliver prompt and helpful assistance to ensure a positive user experience. Moreover, IPTV Smarters experts offer comprehensive support resources, including FAQs, tutorials, and live chat support, to address user inquiries efficiently.

Netflix's Responsive Customer Service

Netflix is renowned for its responsive and helpful customer service, with support teams available via email, live chat, and phone to assist subscribers with any concerns or inquiries. Whether troubleshooting playback issues, resolving billing disputes, or providing recommendations, Netflix's customer service representatives are dedicated to ensuring a seamless viewing experience for users worldwide. Additionally, Netflix's extensive help center features a wealth of resources, including troubleshooting guides, FAQs, and community forums, to address common user questions and concerns.

Privacy and Security

Protecting User Data with Robust Security Measures

Privacy and security are paramount in the world of IPTV, with providers implementing robust encryption protocols and data protection measures to safeguard user information. Whether streaming live TV channels or accessing on-demand content, users can rest assured that their personal data is kept secure and confidential. IPTV Smarters experts work tirelessly to stay ahead of emerging threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring that users can enjoy a worry-free viewing experience without compromising their privacy.

Netflix's Commitment to User Privacy

Netflix takes user privacy seriously, employing advanced encryption technologies and stringent security measures to protect sensitive data. From account credentials to viewing history, Netflix ensures that user information is encrypted and stored securely, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. Additionally, Netflix's transparent privacy policies outline how user data is collected, used, and protected, providing subscribers with peace of mind and confidence in the platform's commitment to privacy.

Pros and Cons

Weighing the Pros and Cons of IPTV and Netflix

As with any service, IPTV and Netflix each have their strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these factors can help users make informed decisions about which platform best suits their needs and preferences.

Advantages of IPTV

  • Live TV Streaming: IPTV offers access to live TV channels, allowing users to watch their favorite programs in real time.
  • Diverse Channel Options: With IPTV, users can choose from a wide range of channels and content genres to suit their interests.
  • Affordability: IPTV subscription plans are often more affordable than traditional cable or satellite TV packages, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers.
  • Customization: IPTV services offer customizable channel packages, allowing users to select the channels they want without paying for unnecessary extras.
  • Flexibility: IPTV can be accessed on a variety of devices, including smart TVs, streaming media players, and mobile devices, providing users with the flexibility to watch their favorite content anytime, anywhere.

Disadvantages of IPTV

  • Limited On-Demand Content: While IPTV offers access to live TV channels, its on-demand content library may be more limited compared to streaming services like Netflix.
  • Potential for Buffering: Depending on internet connectivity and network congestion, IPTV users may experience buffering or streaming issues, detracting from the viewing experience.
  • Variable Streaming Quality: The quality of IPTV streams can vary depending on factors such as internet speed and network stability, leading to inconsistent viewing experiences for users.

Advantages of Netflix

  • Extensive Content Library: Netflix boasts a vast library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original productions, providing subscribers with endless entertainment options.
  • Ad-Free Experience: Unlike traditional TV and many other streaming services, Netflix offers an ad-free viewing experience, allowing users to enjoy their favorite content uninterrupted.
  • High-Quality Streaming: Netflix supports resolutions up to 4K Ultra HD with HDR support on select titles, delivering stunning visuals and immersive sound quality.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Netflix's recommendation algorithm analyzes user viewing habits to suggest personalized content tailored to individual tastes and preferences.
  • Global Reach: With a presence in over 190 countries and territories, Netflix offers localized content and language support for users around the world.

Disadvantages of Netflix

  • Higher Subscription Costs: Netflix subscription plans may be more expensive than some IPTV services, especially for premium tiers offering ultra-high definition streaming and multiple simultaneous streams.
  • Limited Live TV Options: Unlike IPTV, Netflix does not offer access to live TV channels, which may be a drawback for users who prefer real-time viewing of news, sports, and events.
  • Content Rotation: While Netflix's content library is extensive, titles may rotate in and out periodically due to licensing agreements, resulting in the temporary unavailability of certain movies and TV shows.

Comparison with Similar Services

IPTV vs. Other Streaming Services

When comparing IPTV with other streaming services like Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+, it's important to consider factors such as content variety, pricing, and user experience. While IPTV offers live TV streaming and customizable channel packages, services like Hulu and Amazon Prime Video focus on on-demand content with varying subscription tiers and pricing structures. Additionally, Disney+ caters to families and fans of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic content, providing a curated selection of family-friendly entertainment options.

Expert Opinions

Insights from IPTV Smarters Experts

IPTV Smarters experts are industry leaders in the field of IPTV, providing valuable insights and expertise to help users navigate the ever-changing landscape of streaming technology. With a deep understanding of user needs and preferences, IPTV Smarters experts are at the forefront of innovation, driving advancements in IPTV technology and shaping the future of entertainment.


In conclusion, staying informed about IPTV trends and developments is essential for both consumers and industry professionals alike. Whether exploring the best IPTV services, seeking expert insights from IPTV Smarters experts, or staying up-to-date with the latest IPTVTrends login trends, there's no shortage of resources available to help users make the most of their IPTV experience. By understanding the pros and cons of IPTV and Netflix, as well as comparing them with similar services, users can make informed decisions about which platform best meets their entertainment needs and preferences.
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